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Papers for Thursday, Dec 29 2022

Papers with local authors

The dark matter and dark energy dominate the behavior of our universe. The unknown dark matter usually forms halos in large number of galaxies. Properties of dark matter halo can be revealed and understood from the gravitational lensing observations. In this work, a comprehensive study on the weak gravitational lensing of black hole embedded in dark matter halos is presented. To effectively model the supermassive black hole in galaxy center (which is surrounded by dark matter halo) in a simple way, we use the Schwarzschild black hole and charged Reissner-Nordstr\"om black hole embedded in a perfect fluid dark matter halo. In the present work, several key quantities in weak gravitational lensing (gravitational deflection angle of light, photon sphere, black hole shadow radius, gravitational lens equation and Einstein ring) are calculated and analyzed analytically and numerically. The results in our work indicate that the dark matter can greatly influence the gravitational lensing of central black holes.

All other papers

Thejs Brinckmann, Jae Hyeok Chang, Peizhi Du, Marilena LoVerde

20 pages + references, 12 figures

Dark radiation (DR) is generally predicted in new physics scenarios that address fundamental puzzles of the Standard Model or tensions in the cosmological data. Cosmological data has the sensitivity to constrain not only the energy density of DR, but also whether it is interacting. In this paper, we present a systematic study of five types of interacting DR (free-streaming, fluid, decoupling, instantaneous decoupling, and recoupling DR) and their impact on cosmological observables. We modify the Boltzmann hierarchy to describe all these types of interacting DR under the relaxation time approximation. We, for the first time, robustly calculate the collision terms for recoupling scalar DR and provide a better estimation of the recoupling transition redshift. We demonstrate the distinct features of each type of DR on the CMB and matter power spectra. We perform MCMC scans using the Planck 2018 data and BAO data. Assuming no new physics in the SM neutrino sector, we find no statistically significant constraints on the couplings of DR, although there is a slight preference for a late transition redshift for instantaneous decoupling DR around recombination, and for the fluid-like limit of all the cases. The $\Delta N_{\rm eff}$ constraint varies marginally depending on the type of DR.

Jesse B. Golden-Marx, Ying Zu, Jiaqi Wang, Hekun Li, Jun Zhang, Xiaohu Yang

17 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables

Cluster cosmology depends critically on how the optical clusters are selected from imaging surveys. We compare the conditional luminosity function (CLF) and weak lensing halo masses between two different cluster samples at fixed richness, detected within the same volume ($0.1{<}z{<}0.34$) using the red-sequence and halo-based methods. After calibrating our CLF deprojection method against mock galaxy samples, we measure the 3D CLFs by cross-correlating clusters with SDSS photometric galaxies. As expected, the CLFs of the red-sequence and halo-based finders exhibit redder and bluer populations, respectively. We also find significant shape discrepancies between the two CLFs at the faint end, where the red-sequence clusters show a strong deficit of faint galaxies but a bump at $M_r{\sim}-20.5$, while the halo-based clusters host an increasing number of blue satellites. By comparing the subsamples of clusters that have a match between the two catalogues to those without matches, we discover that the CLF shape depends sensitively on the cluster centroiding. However, the average weak lensing halo mass between the matched and non-matched clusters are roughly consistent with each other in either cluster sample. Since the colour preferences of the two cluster finders are almost orthogonal, such a consistency indicates that the scatter in the mass-richness relation of either cluster sample is close to random. Therefore, while the choice of how optical clusters are identified impacts the satellite content, our result suggests that it should not introduce strong systematics biases in cluster cosmology.

Aline Chu, Pierre Boldrini, Joe Silk

7 pages, 7 figures, under revision with MNRAS

Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are believed to reside at the centre of massive galaxies such as brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs). However, as BCGs experienced numerous galaxy mergers throughout their history, the central BH can be significantly kicked from the central region by these dynamical encounters. By combining the Illustris-TNG300 simulations and orbital integrations, we demonstrate that mergers with satellite galaxies on radial orbits are a main driver for such BH displacements in BCGs. BHs can get ejected to distances varying between a few parsecs to hundreds of kiloparsecs. Our results clearly establish that SMBH offsets are common in BCGs and more precisely a third of our BHs are off-centred at $z=0$. This orbital offset can be sustained for up to at least 6 Gyr between $z=2$ and $z=0$ in half of our BCGs. Since the dense gas reservoirs are located in the central region of galaxies, we argue that the consequences of off-center SMBHs in BCGs are to quench any BH growth and BH feedback.

M. I. Sitnov, G. K. Stephens, V. G. Merkin, C.-P. Wang, D. Turner, K. Genestreti, M. Argall, T. Y. Chen, A. Y. Ukhorskiy, S. Wing, Y.-H. Liu

4 pages, 1 figure; Heliophysics 2050 White Paper

In the Earth's magnetosphere, there are fewer than a dozen dedicated probes beyond low-Earth orbit making in-situ observations at any given time. As a result, we poorly understand its global structure and evolution, the mechanisms of its main activity processes, magnetic storms, and substorms. New Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods, including machine learning, data mining, and data assimilation, as well as new AI-enabled missions will need to be developed to meet this Sparse Data challenge.

Steven Chen, Oleg Kargaltsev, Hui Yang, Jeremy Hare, Igor Volkov, Blagoy Rangelov, John Tomsick

Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal, 41 pages, 23 figures

Open clusters are thought to be the birth place of most stars in the Galaxy. Thus, they are excellent laboratories for investigating stellar evolution, and X-ray properties of various types of stars (including binary stars, evolved stars, and compact objects). In this work, we investigate the population of X-ray sources in the nearby 300-Myr-old open cluster NGC 3532 using Chandra X-ray Observatory and multi-wavelength data from several surveys. We apply a random-forest machine-learning pipeline (MUWCLASS) to classify all confidently detected X-ray sources (S/N$>5$) in the field of NGC 3532. We also perform a more detailed investigation of brighter sources, including their X-ray spectra and lightcurves. Most X-ray sources are confirmed as coronally-active low-mass stars, many of which are confidently identified by MUWCLASS. Several late B or early A-type \textbf{stars} are relatively bright in X-rays, most of which are likely binaries. We do not find any compact objects among X-ray sources reliably associated with NGC 3532, down to the limiting X-ray flux of $\sim 2\times10^{-15}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$, corresponding to $L_X\sim 6\times 10^{28}$ erg s$^{-1}$ at the cluster's distance. We also identify several Galactic sources beyond NGC 3532 that differ from typical coronally active stars, and were classified by MUWCLASS as potential compact objects. Detailed investigation reveals that these sources may indeed belong to rarer classes, and deserve follow up observations.

R. M. McGranaghan, B. Thompson, E. Camporeale, J. Bortnik, M. Bobra, G. Lapenta, S. Wing, B. Poduval, S. Lotz, S. Murray, M. Kirk, T. Y. Chen, H. M. Bain, P. Riley, B. Tremblay, M. Cheung, V. Delouille

4 pages; Heliophysics 2050 White Paper

Three main points: 1. Data Science (DS) will be increasingly important to heliophysics; 2. Methods of heliophysics science discovery will continually evolve, requiring the use of learning technologies [e.g., machine learning (ML)] that are applied rigorously and that are capable of supporting discovery; and 3. To grow with the pace of data, technology, and workforce changes, heliophysics requires a new approach to the representation of knowledge.

John C. Dorelli, Chris Bard, Thomas Y. Chen, Daniel Da Silva, Luiz Fernando Guides dos Santos, Jack Ireland, Michael Kirk, Ryan McGranaghan, Ayris Narock, Teresa Nieves-Chinchilla, Marilia Samara, Menelaos Sarantos, Pete Schuck, Barbara Thompson

Heliophysics 2050 White Paper

Traditionally, data analysis and theory have been viewed as separate disciplines, each feeding into fundamentally different types of models. Modern deep learning technology is beginning to unify these two disciplines and will produce a new class of predictively powerful space weather models that combine the physical insights gained by data and theory. We call on NASA to invest in the research and infrastructure necessary for the heliophysics' community to take advantage of these advances.

Makoto Miyoshi

5 pages, 5 figures, manuscript in Proceedings of the 18th NICT TDC Symposium (Kashima, October 1, 2020)

By connecting two antennas, Kashima 34~m and Nobeyama 45~m, an east-west baseline of 200~km is formed. At that time, because Nobeyama 45~m had the world's number one sensitivity in the 43~GHz band, and also Kashima 34~m was the world's third-largest one, the Kashima-Nobeyama baseline provided the highest sensitivity at 43~GHz VLBI (Figure 1). The construction of the Kashima 34~m antenna began in 1988, also almost at the same time, a domestic project of mm-VLBI (KNIFE, Kashima Nobeyama INterFrermeter) started. Nobeyama Radio Observatory provided the first cooled-HEMT 43~GHz receiver in the world to the Kashima 34~m. In October 1989, the first fringe at 43~GHz was detected. We here review the achievements of the KNIFE at that time.

Hossein Fatheddin, Sedighe Sajadian

7 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, submitted to ApJ (under revision)

The stellar kinematics of the Galactic disk are main factors for constraining disk formation and evolution processes in the Milky Way (MW) Galaxy. In this paper we investigate a statistical relation between stellar Mass, Age and Velocity Dispersion for stars in the Solar neighborhood. Age-Velocity dispersion relations (AVR), with their applications, have been studied in details before. But their correlation with mass was mostly neglected. To investigate this relation, we use the proper motion data of more than 113035 stars in the Galactic disk (with Solar distances less than 150 parsecs) provided by the third data release of the \textit{Gaia} mission and for stellar Mass and Age, \textit{Gaia}'s Final Luminosity Age Mass Estimator (\textit{FLAME}) is implemented. We analyze this data and the correlations between the parameters with Random Forrest (RF) Regression, which is an Ensemble statistical learning technique. Finally, we show that by considering the stellar mass alongside age, we can determine Velocity Dispersions with the average relative error, and mean absolute error of about $9\%$, and $2.68~\rm{km/s}$, respectively. We also find that the correlation of stellar age with Velocity Dispersion is $3$ to $8$ times more than mass, which varies due to the different stellar types and masses.

Sukannya Bhattacharya, Koushik Dutta, Mayukh R. Gangopadhyay, Anshuman Maharana

7 pages, 6 figures

The $\alpha$-attractor models are some of the most interesting models of inflation from the point of view of upcoming observations in cosmology and are also attractive from the point of view of supergravity. We confront representative models of exponential and polynomial $\alpha$-attractors with the latest cosmological data (Planck' 18+BICEP2/Keck array) to obtain predictions and best-fit values of model parameters. The analysis is done by making use of ModeChord and CosmoMC plugged together via PolyChord.

Shinta Kasuya, Masahiro Kawasaki, Kai Murai

16 pages, 4 figures

The recent observation of $^4$He favors a large lepton asymmetry at the big bang nucleosynthesis. If Q-balls with a lepton charge decay after the electroweak phase transition, such a large lepton asymmetry can be generated without producing too large baryon asymmetry. In this scenario, Q-balls dominate the universe before the decay and induces the sharp transition from the early matter-dominated era to the radiation-dominated era. In this transition, the gravitational waves (GWs) are enhanced through a second-order effect of the scalar perturbations. We evaluate the density of the produced GWs and show that pulsar timing array observations can probe this scenario depending on the amplitude of the scalar perturbations.

Gege Wang, Junhui Fan, Hubing Xiao, Jinting Cai

12 pages, 6 figures, published in the Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific

3C 279 showed enhanced flux variations in Fermi-LAT {\gamma}-ray observations from January to June 2018. We present a detailed Fermi-LAT analysis to investigate the variability and spectral behaviors of 3C 279 during the {\gamma}-ray flares in 2018. In this work, we analyzed the {\gamma}-ray spectra and found that the spectra in either the flaring or quiescent states do not show any clear breaks (or cutoffs). This indicates that the dissipation region is outside the broad-line region, and the energy dissipation may be due to the inverse Compton process of scattering the dust torus infrared photons, this result is also consistent with that in Tolamatti et al. An external inverse Compton scattering of dusty torus (DT) photons is employed to calculate the broadband spectral energy distribution (SED). This model was further supported by the fact that we found flare decay timescale was consistent with the cooling time of relativistic electrons through DT photons. During the SED modeling, a relatively harder spectrum for the electron energy distribution (EED) is found and suggests these electrons may not be accelerated by the shock that happened in the dissipation region. Besides, the magnetic reconnection is also ruled out due to a low magnetization ratio. Thus, we suggest an injection of higher-energy electrons from outside the blob and raising the flare.

O.P.M. Aslam, Xi Luo, M.S. Potgieter, M.D. Ngobeni, Xiaojian Song

Submitted to Astrophysical Journal, 27 pages, 13 Figures

A well-established, comprehensive 3-D numerical modulation model is applied to simulate galactic protons, electrons and positrons from May 2011 to May 2015, including the solar magnetic polarity reversal of Solar Cycle 24. The objective is to evaluate how these simulations compare with corresponding AMS observations for 1.0-3.0 GV, and what underlying physics follows from this comparison in order to improve our understanding on how the major physical modulation processes change, especially particle drift, from a negative to a positive magnetic polarity cycle. Apart from their local interstellar spectra, electrons and positrons differ only in their drift patterns, but they differ with protons in other ways such as their adiabatic energy changes at lower rigidity. In order to complete the simulations for oppositely charged particles, antiproton modeling results are obtained as well. Together, the observations and the corresponding modeling indicate the difference in the drift pattern before and after the recent polarity reversal and clarify to a large extent the phenomenon of charge-sign dependence during this period. The effect of global particle drift became negligible during this period of no well-defined magnetic polarity. The resulting low values of all particles' MFPs during the polarity reversal contrast their large values during solar minimum activity, and as such expose the relative contributions and effects of the different modulation processes from solar minimum to maximum activity. We find that the drift scale starts recovering just after the polarity reversal, but the MFPs keep decreasing or remain unchanged for some period after the polarity reversal.

Jiao Li, Jiang-Dan Li, Yan-Jun Guo, Zhan-Wen Han, Xue-Fei Chen, Chao Liu, Hong-Wei Ge, Deng-Kai Jiang, Li-Fang Li, Bo Zhang, Jia-Ming Liu, Hao Tian, Hao-Tong Zhang, Hai-Long Yuan, Wen-Yuan Cui, Juan-Juan Ren, Jing-Hao Cai, Jian-Rong Shi

LAMOST-MRS-B is one of the sub-surveys of LAMOST medium-resolution (R~7500) spectroscopic survey. It aims at studying the statistical properties (e.g., binary fraction, orbital period distribution, mass ratio distribution) of binary stars and exotic stars. We intend to observe about 30000 stars (10 mag <= G <= 14.5 mag) with at least 10 visits in five years. We first planned to observe 25 plates around the galactic plane in 2018. Then the plates were reduced to 12 in 2019 because of the limitation of observation. At the same time, two new plates located at the high galactic latitude were added to explore binary properties influenced by the different environments. In this survey project, we set the identified exotic and low-metallicity stars with the highest observation priorities. For the rest of the selected stars, we gave higher priority to the relatively brighter stars in order to obtain high-quality spectra as many as possible. Spectra of 49129 stars have been obtained in LAMOST-MRS-B field and released in DR8, of which 28828 and 3375 stars have been visited more than twice and ten times with SNR >= 10, respectively. Most of the sources are B-, A-, and F-type stars with 0.6 < [Fe/H] < 0.4 dex. We also obtain 347 identified variable and exotic stars and about 250 stars with [Fe/H] < 1 dex. We measure radial velocities (RVs) by using 892233 spectra of the stars. The uncertainties of RV achieve about 1 km/s and 10 km/s1 for 95% of late- and early-type stars, respectively. The datasets presented in this paper are available at 0113.00035.">this http URL

During a cosmological first-order phase transition in a dark sector, fermion dark matter particles $\chi$ can form macroscopic Fermi balls that collapse to primordial blacholes (PBHs) under certain conditions. The evaporation of the PBHs produces a boosted $\chi$ flux, which may be detectable if $\chi$ couples to visible matter. We consider the interaction of $\chi$ with electrons, and calculate signals of the dark matter flux in the XENON1T, XENONnT, Super-Kamiokande and Hyper-Kamiokande experiments. A correlated gravitational wave signal from the phase transition can be observed at THEIA and $\mu$Ares. An amount of dark radiation measurable by CMB-S4 is an epiphenomenon of the phase transition.

Valentin D. Ivanov

This is an extended write up of a poster presented at the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (EAS) held in Valencia, Spain, Jun 26 -- Jul 1, 2022, Special Session 34: Diversity and Inclusion in European Astronomy (8 pages, 5 figures)

The mysteries of the Universe are international, the skies are not crossed by borders. However, the knowledge is transmitted by language, imposing linguistic barriers that are often difficult to break through. Bulgaria is considered as an example of a country with relatively small reader base -- it has a population of about 6.5 million (2021) and the Bulgarian language has probably $\sim$7 million speakers, if the diaspora in US, Germany and elsewhere is accounted for. The smaller-scale market, in comparison with larger non-English speaking countries, poses a number of limitation to the publishing landscape: (i) the local authors are discouraged to pen both popular and scientific astronomy books, because of the limited financial incentive; (ii) the market is heavily dominated by translations (from Russian before 1989, from English nowdays), but even those are fewer than in bigger countries, because the translation overhead costs are spread over smaller print runs. The history of the astronomy publishing in Bulgaria is summarized, with some distinct periods: pre-1944, the communist era 1944-1989, the modern times post 1989. A few notable publications are reviewed. Finally, some practices to help astronomy book publishing in languages with smaller reader bases are suggested, taking advantage of the recent technological developments.

Alexander Ganz, Paul Martens, Shinji Mukohyama, Ryo Namba

14 pages, 8 figures

We construct an asymmetric bouncing scenario within the VCDM model, a modified gravity theory with two local physical degrees of freedom. The scenario is exempt of any ghost or gradient instability, and avoids any singularity problem, ad-hoc matching conditions or anisotropic stress issue (BKL instability). It moreover succeeds in generating the cosmological perturbations compatible with the observations. The scalar spectral index can be adapted by the choice of the equation of state of the matter sector and the form of the VCDM potential leading to an almost scale-invariant power spectrum. Satisfying the CMB bounds on the tensor-to-scalar ratio leads to a blue tensor spectrum.

Dark photon dark matter may be produced by the cosmic strings in association with the dark U(1) gauge symmetry breaking. We perform three-dimensional lattice simulations of the Abelian-Higgs model and follow the evolution of cosmic strings. In particular, we simulate the case of (very) light vector boson and find that such vector bosons are efficiently produced by the collapse of small loops while the production is inefficient in the case of heavy vector boson. We calculate the spectrum of the gravitational wave background produced by the cosmic string loops for the light vector boson case and find characteristic features in the spectrum, which can serve as a probe of the dark photon dark matter scenario. In particular, we find that the current pulsar timing observations give stringent constraint on the dark photon dark matter scenario.

We investigate how the cosmological Equation of State can be used for scrutinizing extended theories of gravity, in particular, the Palatini $f(R)$ gravity. Specifically, the approach consists, at first, in investigating the effective Equation of State produced by a given model. Then, the inverse problem can also be considered in view of determining which models are compatible with a given effective Equation of State. We consider and solve some cases and show that, for example, power-law models are (the only models) capable of transforming barotropic Equations of State into effective barotropic ones. Moreover, the form of Equation of State is preserved (only) for $f(R)=R$, as expected. In this perspective, modified Equations of State are a feature capable of distinguishing Extended Gravity with respect to General Relativity. We also investigate quadratic and non-homogeneous effective Equations of State showing, in particular, that they contain the Starobinsky model and other ones.

Earlier constructed a simple nonlocal de Sitter gravity model has a cosmological solution in a very good agreement with astronomical observations. In this paper, we continue the investigation of the nonlocal de Sitter model of gravity, focusing on finding an appropriate solution for the Schwarzschild-de Sitter metric. We succeeded to solve the equations of motion in a certain approximation. The obtained approximate solution is of particular interest for examining the possible role of non-local de Sitter gravity in describing the effects in galactic dynamics that are usually attributed to dark matter.

We determine the QCD equation of state at nonzero temperature in the presence of an isospin asymmetry between the light quark chemical potentials on the lattice. Our simulations employ $N_f=2+1$ flavors of dynamical staggered quarks at physical masses, using three different lattice spacings. The main results are based on a two-dimensional spline interpolation of the isospin density, from which all relevant quantities can be obtained analytically. In particular, we present results for the pressure, the interaction measure, the energy and entropy densities, as well as the speed of sound. Remarkably, the latter is found to exceed its ideal gas limit deep in the pion condensed phase, the first account of the violation of this limit in first principles QCD. Finally, we also compute the phase diagram in the temperature -- isospin density plane for the first time. The data for all observables will be useful for the benchmarking of effective theories and low-energy models of QCD and are provided in ancillary files for simple reuse.