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Papers for Monday, Jan 23 2023

Papers with local authors

Philip F. Hopkins, Alexander B. Gurvich, Xuejian Shen, Zachary Hafen, Michael Y. Grudic, Shalini Kurinchi-Vendhan, Christopher C. Hayward, Fangzhou Jiang, Matthew E. Orr, Andrew Wetzel, Dusan Keres, Jonathan Stern, Claude-Andre Faucher-Giguere, James Bullock, Coral Wheeler, Kareem El-Badry, Sarah R. Loebman, Jorge Moreno, Michael Boylan-Kolchin, Eliot Quataert

Submitted to MNRAS. 44 pages, 32 figures. Comments welcome

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Paper 5 — arXiv:2301.08263
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Paper 5 — arXiv:2301.08263

As they grow, galaxies can transition from irregular/spheroidal with 'bursty' star formation histories (SFHs), to disky with smooth SFHs. But even in simulations, the direct physical cause of such transitions remains unclear. We therefore explore this in a large suite of numerical experiments re-running portions of cosmological simulations with widely varied physics, further validated with existing FIRE simulations. We show that gas supply, cooling/thermodynamics, star formation model, Toomre scale, galaxy dynamical times, and feedback properties do not have a direct causal effect on these transitions. Rather, both the formation of disks and cessation of bursty star formation are driven by the gravitational potential, but in different ways. Disk formation is promoted when the mass profile becomes sufficiently centrally-concentrated in shape (relative to circularization radii): we show that this provides a well-defined dynamical center, ceases to support the global 'breathing modes' which can persist indefinitely in less-concentrated profiles and efficiently destroy disks, promotes orbit mixing to form a coherent angular momentum, and stabilizes the disk. Smooth SF is promoted by the potential or escape velocity (not circular velocity) becoming sufficiently large at the radii of star formation that cool, mass-loaded (momentum-conserving) outflows are trapped/confined near the galaxy, as opposed to escaping after bursts. We discuss the detailed physics, how these conditions arise in cosmological contexts, their relation to other correlated phenomena (e.g. inner halo virialization, vertical disk 'settling'), and observations.

Ben J. Sutlieff, Jayne L. Birkby, Jordan M. Stone, David S. Doelman, Matthew A. Kenworthy, Vatsal Panwar, Alexander J. Bohn, Steve Ertel, Frans Snik, Charles E. Woodward, Andrew J. Skemer, Jarron M. Leisenring, Klaus G. Strassmeier, David Charbonneau

24 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

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Paper 41 — arXiv:2301.08689
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Paper 41 — arXiv:2301.08689

Clouds and other features in exoplanet and brown dwarf atmospheres cause variations in brightness as they rotate in and out of view. Ground-based instruments reach the high contrasts and small inner working angles needed to monitor these faint companions, but their small fields-of-view lack simultaneous photometric references to correct for non-astrophysical variations. We present a novel approach for making ground-based light curves of directly imaged companions using high-cadence differential spectrophotometric monitoring, where the simultaneous reference is provided by a double-grating 360{\deg} vector Apodizing Phase Plate (dgvAPP360) coronagraph. The dgvAPP360 enables high-contrast companion detections without blocking the host star, allowing it to be used as a simultaneous reference. To further reduce systematic noise, we emulate exoplanet transmission spectroscopy, where the light is spectrally-dispersed and then recombined into white-light flux. We do this by combining the dgvAPP360 with the infrared ALES integral field spectrograph on the Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer. To demonstrate, we observed the red companion HD 1160 B (separation ~780 mas) for one night, and detect $8.8\%$ semi-amplitude sinusoidal variability with a ~3.24 h period in its detrended white-light curve. We achieve the greatest precision in ground-based high-contrast imaging light curves of sub-arcsecond companions to date, reaching $3.7\%$ precision per 18-minute bin. Individual wavelength channels spanning 3.59-3.99 $\mu$m further show tentative evidence of increasing variability with wavelength. We find no evidence yet of a systematic noise floor, hence additional observations can further improve the precision. This is therefore a promising avenue for future work aiming to map storms or find transiting exomoons around giant exoplanets.

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Dimitrios Karamitros

18 pages; 3 figures; 4 tables; The stable version of the library can be found at this https URL

We introduce NSC++, a C++ library that simulates the evolution of the plasma and a fluid that deposits energy to the plasma in the early Universe. There is no special installation process or external dependencies, and the library comes with example programs that can be easily modified to handle several cases. NSC++ also includes a python interface that allows calling it directly from python scripts.

Melanie Rowland, Caroline Morley, Michael Line

20 pages, 12 figures, 5 tables, submitted to ApJ

Constraining L dwarf properties from their spectra is challenging. Near-infrared spectra probe a limited range of pressures, while many species condense within their photospheres. Condensation creates two complexities: gas-phase species "rain out" (decreasing in abundances by many orders of magnitude) and clouds form. We designed tests using synthetic data to determine the best approach for retrieving L dwarf spectra, isolating the challenges in the absence of cloud opacity. We conducted atmospheric retrievals on synthetic cloud-free L dwarf spectra derived from the Sonora Bobcat models at SpeX resolution using a variety of thermal and chemical abundance profile parameterizations. For objects hotter than L5 (T$_{eff}$ ~ 1700 K), the limited pressure layers probed in the near-IR are mostly convective; parameterized PT profiles bias results and free, unsmoothed profiles should be used. Only when many layers both above and below the radiative-convective boundary are probed can parameterized profiles provide accurate results. Furthermore, a nonuniform abundance profile for iron hydride (FeH) is needed to accurately retrieve bulk properties of early- to mid- L dwarfs. Nonuniform prescriptions for other gases in near-IR retrievals may also be warranted near the L/T transition (CH$_{4}$) and early Y dwarfs (Na and K). We demonstrate the utility of using realistic self-consistent models to benchmark retrievals and suggest how they can be used in the future.

Hamsa Padmanabhan (Geneva), Abraham Loeb (Harvard)

6 pages, 2 figures, 1 table

We use the measured scattering timescales of Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) from the CHIME catalog to derive an upper limit on the magnetic field on sub-kpc scales in the intergalactic medium (IGM). A nonmagnetized, photoionized IGM is insufficient to explain the turbulent scattering at all redshifts, with a Warm-Hot component being marginally consistent with the data at $z \sim 1$. Accounting for the lower envelope of the temporal smearing distribution with a nonzero magnetic field leads to upper limits $B < 10$ nG on scales of 0.02-0.06 kpc in the IGM at $z \lesssim 1$. Our work introduces a novel technique to constrain small-scale magnetic fields in the IGM, in a regime unexplored by the Rotation and Dispersion Measures of FRBs.

Adam He, Mikhail M. Ivanov, Rui An, Vera Gluscevic

21 pages, 10 figures, submitted to PRL

We explore the concordance of cosmological data in the context of dark matter (DM) that interacts with baryons. Using the effective theory of large-scale structure, we perform the first analysis of galaxy clustering data for this scenario and find a mild $\sim 3\sigma$ preference for velocity-independent DM-baryon scattering, assuming 10% of DM is interacting. Our results indicate that a broad power suppression on small scales is a generic feature that may help resolve $S_8$ tension between cosmological data sets. The validity of this interacting DM model will be critically tested with incoming survey data.

Rowan J. Smith, Robin Tress, Juan D. Soler, Ralf S. Klessen, Simon C. O. Glover, Patrick Hennebelle, Sergio Molinari, Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, David Whitworth

13 pages, 19 figures, submitted to MNRAS

The Cold Neutral Medium (CNM) is an important part of the galactic gas cycle and a precondition for the formation of molecular and star forming gas, yet its distribution is still not fully understood. In this work we present extremely high resolution simulations of spiral galaxies with time-dependent chemistry such that we can track the formation of the CNM, its distribution within the galaxy, and its correlation with star formation. We find no strong radial dependence between the CNM fraction and total HI due to the decreasing interstellar radiation field counterbalancing the decreasing gas column density at larger galactic radii.However, the CNM fraction does increase in spiral arms where the CNM distribution is clumpy, rather than continuous, overlapping more closely with H2. The CNM doesn't extend out radially as far as HI, and the vertical scale height is smaller in the outer galaxy compared to HI with no flaring. The CNM column density scales with total midplane pressure and disappears from the gas phase below values of PT/kB =1000 K/cm3. We find that the star formation rate density follows a similar scaling law with CNM column density to the total gas Kennicutt-Schmidt law. In the outer galaxy we produce realistic vertical velocity dispersions in the HI purely from galactic dynamics but our models do not predict CNM at the extremely large radii observed in HI absorption studies of the Milky Way. We suggest that extended spiral arms might produce isolated clumps of CNM at these radii.

Eric Zhang, Smadar Naoz, Clifford M. Will

16 pages, 8 figures

The gravitational three-body problem is a fundamental problem in physics and has significant applications to astronomy. Three-body configurations are often considered stable as long the system is hierarchical; that is, the two orbital distances are well-separated. However, instability, which is often associated with significant energy exchange between orbits, takes time to develop. Assuming two massive objects in a circular orbit and a test particle in an eccentric orbit, we develop an analytical formula estimating the time it takes for the test particle's orbital energy to change by an order of itself. We show its consistency with results from N-body simulations. For eccentric orbits in particular, the instability is primarily driven not by close encounters of the test particle with one of the other bodies, but by the fundamental susceptibility of eccentric orbits to exchange energy at their periapsis. Motivated by recent suggestions that the galactic center may host an intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) as a companion to the massive black hole Sgr A*, we use our timescale to explore the parameter space that could harbor an IMBH for the lifetime of the S-cluster of stars surrounding Sgr A*. Furthermore, we show that the orbit of an S-star can be stable for long timescales in the presence of other orbital crossing stars, thus suggesting that the S-cluster may be stable for the lifetimes of its member stars.

Marco Gullieuszik, Eric Giunchi, Bianca M. Poggianti, Alessia Moretti, Claudia Scarlata, Daniela Calzetti, Ariel Werle, Anita Zanella, Mario Radovich, Callum Bellhouse, Daniela Bettoni, Andrea Franchetto, Jacopo Fritz, Yara L. Jaffé, Sean McGee, Matilde Mingozzi, Alessando Omizzolo, Stephanie Tonnesen, Marc Verheijen, Benedetta Vulcani

17 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ

Star-forming, H$\alpha$-emitting clumps are found embedded in the gaseous tails of galaxies undergoing intense ram-pressure stripping in galaxy clusters, so-called jellyfish galaxies. These clumps offer a unique opportunity to study star formation under extreme conditions, in the absence of an underlying disk and embedded within the hot intracluster medium. Yet, a comprehensive, high spatial resolution study of these systems is missing. We obtained UVIS/HST data to observe the first statistical sample of clumps in the tails and disks of six jellyfish galaxies from the GASP survey; we used a combination of broad-band filters and a narrow-band H{\alpha} filter. HST observations are needed to study the sizes, stellar masses and ages of the clumps and their clustering hierarchy. These observations will be used to study the clump scaling relations, the universality of the star formation process and verify whether a disk is irrelevant, as hinted by jellyfish galaxy results. This paper presents the observations, data reduction strategy, and some general results based on the preliminary data analysis: the UVIS high spatial resolution gives an unprecedented sharp view of the complex structure of the inner regions of the galaxies and of the substructures in the galaxy disks; we found clear signatures of stripping in regions very close in projection to the galactic disk; the star-forming regions in the stripped tails are extremely bright and compact while we did not detect a significant number of star-forming clumps outside those detected by MUSE. The paper finally presents the development plan for the project.

Eoin Baldwina, Mario De Lucia, Colm Bracken, Gerhard Ulbricht, Oisin Creaner, Jack Piercy, Tom Ray

7 pages, 6 figures. Presented at 19$^{th}$ International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors, 21$^{st}$ July 2023

The Xilinx ZCU111 Radio Frequency System on Chip (RFSoC) is a promising solution for reading out large arrays of microwave kinetic inductance detectors (MKIDs). The board boasts eight on-chip 12-bit / 4.096 GSPS analogue-to-digital converters (ADCs) and eight 14-bit / 6.554 GSPS digital-to-analogue converters (DACs), as well as field programmable gate array (FPGA) resources of 930,000 logic cells and 4,272 digital signal processing (DSP) slices. While this is sufficient data converter bandwidth for the readout of 8,000 MKIDs, with a 2 MHz channel-spacing, and a 1 MHz sampling rate (per channel), additional FPGA resources are needed to perform the DSP needed to process this large number of MKIDs. A solution to this problem is the new Xilinx RFSoC 2x2 board. This board costs only one fifth of the ZCU111 while still providing the same logic resources as the ZCU111, albeit with only a quarter of the data converter resources. Thus, using multiple RFSoC 2x2 boards would provide a better balance between FPGA resources and data converters, allowing the full utilization of the RF bandwidth provided by the data converters, while also lowering the cost per pixel value of the readout system, from approximately EUR2.50 per pixel with the ZCU111, to EUR1 per pixel.

Rui An, Vera Gluscevic, Ethan O. Nadler, Yue Zhang

9 pages, 5 figures, comments are welcome

Sterile neutrinos only interact with the Standard Model through the neutrino sector, and thus represent a simple dark matter (DM) candidate with many potential astrophysical and cosmological signatures. Recently, sterile neutrinos produced through self-interactions of active neutrinos have received attention as a particle candidate that can yield the entire observed DM relic abundance without violating the most stringent constraints from X-ray observations. We examine consistency of this production mechanism with the abundance of small-scale structure in the universe, as captured by the population of ultra-faint dwarf galaxies orbiting the Milky Way, and derive a lower bound on the sterile-neutrino particle mass of $37.2$ keV. Combining these results with previous limits from particle physics and astrophysics excludes $100\%$ sterile neutrino DM produced by strong neutrino self-coupling, mediated by a heavy ($\gtrsim 1~\mathrm{GeV}$) scalar particle; however, data permits sterile-neutrino DM production via a light mediator.

S. R. Berlanas, J. Maíz Apellániz, A. Herrero, L. Mahy, R. Blomme, I. Negueruela, R. Dorda, F. Comerón, E. Gosset, M. Pantaleoni González, J. A. Molina Lera, A. Sota, T. Furst, E. J. Alfaro, M. Bergemann, G. Carraro, J. E. Drew, L. Morbidelli, J. S. Vink

Accepted for publication in A&A, 62 pages, 8 figures

The Gaia-ESO survey sample of massive OB stars in the Carina Nebula consists of 234 stars. The addition of brighter sources from the Galactic O-Star Spectroscopic Survey and additional sources from the literature allows us to create the most complete census of massive OB stars done so far in the region. It contains a total of 316 stars, being 18 of them in the background and four in the foreground. Of the 294 stellar systems in Car OB1, 74 are of O type, 214 are of non-supergiant B type and 6 are of WR or non-O supergiant (II to Ia) spectral class. We identify 20 spectroscopic binary systems with an O-star primary, of which 6 are reported for the first time, and another 18 with a B-star primary, of which 13 are new detections. The average observed double-lined binary fraction of O-type stars in the surveyed region is 0.35, which represents a lower limit. We find a good correlation between the spectroscopic n-qualifier and the projected rotational velocity of the stars. The fraction of candidate runaways among the stars with and without the n-qualifier is 4.4% and 2.4%, respectively, although non resolved double-lined binaries can be contaminating the fast rotators sample.

Dylan L. Jow, Ue-Li Pen, Daniel Baker

10 pages, 10 figures

The scattering structures in the ISM responsible for so-called ``extreme scattering events" (ESEs), observed in quasars and pulsars, remain enigmatic. Current models struggle to explain the high-frequency light curves of ESEs, and a recent analysis of a double lensing event in PSR\,B0834+06 reveals features of ESEs that may also be challenging to accommodate via existing models. We propose that these features arise naturally when the lens has a cusp-like profile, described by the elementary $A_3$ cusp catastrophe. This is an extension of previous work describing pulsar scintillation as arising from $A_2$ fold catastrophes in thin, corrugated plasma sheets along the line of sight. We call this framework of describing the lens potentials via elementary catastrophes ``doubly catastrophic lensing", as catastrophes (e.g. folds and cusps) have long been used to describe universal features in the light curves of lensing events that generically manifest, regardless of the precise details of the lens. Here, we argue that the lenses themselves may be described by these same elementary structures. If correct, the doubly catastrophic lensing framework would provide a unified description of scintillation and ESEs, where the lenses responsible for these scattering phenomena are universal and can be fully described by a small number of unfolding parameters. This could enable their application as giant cosmic lenses for precision measurements of coherent sources, including FRBs and pulsars.

A.-Y. Zhou

Submitted to RAA. Updates and revisions are underway. 56 pages, 53 figures, 43 tables

We present discoveries of stellar pulsation, variability, binarity, and multiperiodicity among a sample of 50 stars including types of DSCT, GDOR, EB, and photometric standards. We initially aimed at checking the known $\delta$ Scuti star HD 52788 and its field stars with TESS data and found that the previously reported complex light variations with uncertain frequency solutions were partly caused by the two comparison stars, which turn out to be pulsating variable stars. HD 52788 exhibits 135 pulsation frequencies in a small domain in 4--12 c/d based on the non-differential Pre-search Data Conditioning Simple Aperture Photometry results of TESS. The record high rich frequency solution turns HD 52788 into a distinctive and fascinating object among $\delta$ Sct stars for testing current stellar evolution and pulsation models. Inspired by the discoveries around HD 52788, we extended our exploration to a small group of interested stars and resulting in the discovery of 20 new variables including 5 $\delta$ Sct stars, 4 eclipsing binaries, and other kinds of pulsating variable stars. In addition, based on existing sources, we have compiled a new comprehensive catalog of 59350 $\delta$ Sct stars, which is by far the largest collection of DSCT with TESS Input Catalog and Gaia DR3 cross-identifiers and a number of astronomical parameters extracted from TIC and Gaia archives. With the new catalog covering almost a hundred times the earlier list, the $\delta$ Sct domain on the pulsating H-R diagram is vastly extended, which would impact the theoretical borders.

Keir K. Rogers, Renée Hložek, Alex Laguë, Mikhail M. Ivanov, Oliver H. E. Philcox, Giovanni Cabass, Kazuyuki Akitsu, David J. E. Marsh

52 pages, 22 figures

We search for ultra-light axions as dark matter (DM) and dark energy particle candidates, for axion masses $10^{-32}\,\mathrm{eV} \leq m_\mathrm{a} \leq 10^{-24}\,\mathrm{eV}$, by a joint analysis of cosmic microwave background (CMB) and galaxy clustering data -- and consider if axions can resolve the tension in inferred values of the matter clustering parameter $S_8$. We give legacy constraints from Planck 2018 CMB data, improving 2015 limits on the axion density $\Omega_\mathrm{a} h^2$ by up to a factor of three; CMB data from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope and the South Pole Telescope marginally weaken Planck bounds at $m_\mathrm{a} = 10^{-25}\,\mathrm{eV}$, owing to lower (and theoretically-consistent) gravitational lensing signals. We jointly infer, from Planck CMB and full-shape galaxy power spectrum and bispectrum data from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS), that axions are, today, $< 10\%$ of the DM for $m_\mathrm{a} \leq 10^{-26}\,\mathrm{eV}$ and $< 1\%$ for $10^{-30}\,\mathrm{eV} \leq m_\mathrm{a} \leq 10^{-28}\,\mathrm{eV}$. BOSS data strengthen limits, in particular at higher $m_\mathrm{a}$ by probing high-wavenumber modes ($k < 0.4 h\,\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}$). BOSS alone finds a preference for axions at $2.7 \sigma$, for $m_\mathrm{a} = 10^{-26}\,\mathrm{eV}$, but Planck disfavours this result. Nonetheless, axions in a window $10^{-28}\,\mathrm{eV} \leq m_\mathrm{a} \leq 10^{-25}\,\mathrm{eV}$ can improve consistency between CMB and galaxy clustering data, e.g., reducing the $S_8$ discrepancy from $2.7 \sigma$ to $1.6 \sigma$, since these axions suppress structure growth at the $8 h^{-1}\,\mathrm{Mpc}$ scales to which $S_8$ is sensitive. We expect improved constraints with upcoming high-resolution CMB and galaxy lensing and future galaxy clustering data, where we will further assess if axions can restore cosmic concordance.

Leonardo Giani, Cullan Howlett, Rossana Ruggeri, Federico Bianchini, Khaled Said, Tamara M. Davis

20 pages plus references, 5 figures. Comments are welcome

We study, for the first time, the cross correlation between the angular distribution of radial peculiar velocities (PV) and the lensing convergence of cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons. We derive theoretical expectations for the signal and its covariance and assess its detectability with existing and forthcoming surveys. We find that such cross-correlations are expected to improve constraints on different gravitational models by partially breaking degeneracies with the matter density. We identify in the distance-scaling dispersion of the peculiar velocities the most relevant source of noise in the cross correlation. For this reason, we also study how the above picture changes assuming a redshift-independent scatter for the PV, obtained for example using a reconstruction technique. Our results show that the cross correlation might be detected in the near future combining PV measurements from DESI and the convergence map from CMB-S4. Using realistic direct PV measurements we predict a cumulative signal-to-noise ratio of approximately $3.8 \sigma$ using data on angular scales $3 \leq \ell \leq 200$. For an idealized reconstructed peculiar velocity map extending up to redshift $z=0.15$ and a smoothing scale of $4$ Mpc $h^{-1}$ we predict a cumulative signal-to-noise ratio of approximately $ 27 \sigma$ from angular scales $3 \leq \ell \leq200 $. We conclude that currently reconstructed peculiar velocities have more constraining power than directly observed ones, even though they are more cosmological-model dependent.

Thomas Hong Tsun Wong

5 pages, 3 figures, submitted for review

Tidal disruption events (TDEs), apart from producing luminous electromagnetic (EM) flares, can generate potentially detectable gravitational wave (GW) burst signals by future space-borne GW detectors. In this Letter, we propose a methodology to constrain the Hubble constant $H_0$ by incorporating the TDE parameters measured by EM observations (e.g., stellar mass, black hole (BH) mass and spin, and other orbital parameters) into the observed TDE GW waveforms. We argue that an accurate knowledge of the BH spin could help constrain the orbital inclination angle, hence alleviating the well-known distance-inclination degeneracy in GW waveform fitting. For individual TDEs, the precise redshift measurement of the host galaxies along with the luminosity distance $D_{\rm L}$ constrained by EM and GW signals would give a self-contained measurement of $H_0$ via Hubble's law, completely independent of any specific cosmological models.

Ievgen Vovk

9 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication to Physical Review D ( this https URL )

A model of the time delayed electromagnetic cascade "echo" is applied to the bright gamma-ray burst GRB190114C - the first gamma-ray burst to be contemporaneously detected in high and very high energy gamma-ray bands. It is shown that the internal spread of the cascade in the absence of the intervening magnetic fields dilutes the "echo" emission over $10^3-10^5$ seconds depending on the energy. Accounting for the measured source flux in the $0.3-1$ TeV gamma-ray band, the prediction of the "echo" model is shown to match the detected lower-energy gamma-ray emission $10^4$ seconds after the burst. However, the "echo" emission remains indistinguishable from the intrinsic GRB190114C flux within the measurement uncertainties. Implications of this in the context of the intergalactic magnetic field measurement are discussed.

Fernando Cruz Aguirre, Allison Youngblood, Kevin France, Vincent Bourrier

38 pages, 27 figures, to be published in ApJ

H I Ly$\alpha$ (1215.67 \r{A}) and the O I triplet (1302.17, 1304.86, and 1306.03 \r{A}) are bright far-ultraviolet (FUV) emission lines that trace the stellar chromosphere. Observations of stellar Ly$\alpha$ and O I using the Hubble Space Telescope's (HST) most sensitive FUV spectrograph, the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS), are contaminated with geocoronal emission, or airglow. This study demonstrates that airglow emission profiles as observed by COS are sufficiently stable to create airglow templates which can be reliably subtracted from the data, recovering the underlying stellar flux. We developed a graphical user interface to implement the airglow subtraction on a sample of 171 main sequence F, G, K, and M-type dwarfs from the COS data archive. Correlations between recovered stellar emission and measures of stellar activity were investigated. Several power law relationships are presented for predicting the stellar Ly$\alpha$ and O I emission. The apparent brightness of the stellar emission relative to the airglow is a critical factor in the success or failure of an airglow subtraction. We developed a predictor for the success of an airglow subtraction using the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the nearby chromospheric emission line Si III (1206.51 \r{A}). The minimum attenuated Ly$\alpha$ flux which was successfully recovered is 1.39$\times$10$^{-14}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$, and we recommend this as a minimum flux for COS Ly$\alpha$ recoveries.

Th. Gundrum, J. Forbriger, Th. Herrmannsdörfer, G. Mamatsashvili, S. Schnauck, F. Stefani, J. Wosnitza

7 pages, 4 figures

Magnetic fields are key ingredients for heating the solar corona to temperatures of several million Kelvin. A particularly important region with respect to this is the so-called magnetic canopy below the corona, where sound and Alfv\'en waves have roughly the same speed and can, therefore, easily transform into each other. We present the results of an Alfv\'en-wave experiment with liquid rubidium carried out in a pulsed field of up to 63 T. At the critical point of 54 T, where the speeds of Alfv\'en waves and sound coincide, a new 4 kHz signal appears in addition to the externally excited 8 kHz torsional wave. This emergence of an Alfv\'en wave with a doubled period is in agreement with the theoretical predictions of a parametric resonance between the two wave types. We also present preliminary results from numerical simulations of Alfv\'en and magneto-sonic waves using a compressible MHD code.

Using the newly developed code \emph{Menura}, we present the first global picture of the interaction between a turbulent solar wind and a planetary obstacle in our solar system, namely a comet. This first publication aims at shedding lights on the macroscopic effect of the upstream solar wind turbulence on the induced magnetosphere of a comet. Using a hybrid Particle In Cell simulation code, we model a medium activity comet, using both a turbulent and a laminar solar wind input, for a direct comparison between the two regimes. We show how the turbulent characteristics of the solar wind lead to a smaller obstacle size. We then present how the upstream turbulent structures, traced by the perpendicular magnetic field fluctuations absent in the laminar case, self-consistently drape and pile-up around the denser inner coma, forming intense plasmoids downstream of the nucleus, pulling away dense cometary ion bubbles. This pseudo-periodic erosion phenomenon re-channels the global cometary ion escape and as a result, the innermost coma is found to be on average 45\% less dense in the turbulent case than predicted by simulating a laminar upstream flow.

L. Sun, S. Gu, X. Wang, L. Bai, J. H. M. M. Schmitt, V. Perdelwitz

18 pages, 14 figures. Accepted by MNRAS for publication

High-precision transit photometry supplies ideal opportunities for detecting new exoplanets and characterizing their physical properties, which usually encode valuable information for unveiling the planetary structure, atmosphere and dynamical history. We present revised properties of three transiting systems (i.e., HAT-P-13, HAT-P-16 and WASP-32) through analyzing TESS photometry and ground-based transit observations, which were obtained at the 1m and 2.4m telescopes of Yunnan Observatories, China, and the 1.2m telescope of Hamburg Observatory, Germany, as well as the data in the literature. During modelling the transit light curves, Gaussian process is employed to account for the potential systematic errors. Through comprehensive timing analysis, we find that both HAT-P-13b and HAT-P-16b show significant timing variations (TTVs) that can be explained by apsidal precession. TTVs of WASP-32b may be led by a decaying orbit due to tidal dissipation or apsidal precession. However, the current observations can not rule out the origins of three systems' TTVs from gravitational perturbations of close planetary companions conclusively.

Manika Singla, Aritra Chakrabarty, Sujan Sengupta

Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, 12 pages, 6 figures

It is the most appropriate time to characterize the Earth-like exoplanets in order to detect biosignature beyond the Earth because such exoplanets will be the prime targets of big-budget missions like JWST, Roman Space Telescope, HabEx, LUVOIR, TMT, ELT, etc. We provide models for the transmission spectra of the Earth-like exoplanets by incorporating effects of multiple scattering. For this purpose we numerically solve the full multiple-scattering radiative transfer equations instead of using Beer-Bouguer-Lambert's law that doesn't include the diffuse radiation due to scattering. Our models demonstrate that the effect of this diffuse transmission radiation can be observationally significant, especially in the presence of clouds. We also calculate the reflection spectra and polarization phase curves of Earth-like exoplanets by considering both cloud-free and cloudy atmospheres. We solve the 3D vector radiative transfer equations numerically and calculate the phase curves of albedo and disk-integrated polarization by using appropriate scattering phase matrices and integrating the local Stokes vectors over the illuminated part of the disks along the line of sight. We present the effects of the globally averaged surface albedo on the reflection spectra and phase curves as the surface features of such planets are known to significantly dictate the nature of these observational quantities. Synergic observations of the spectra and phase curves will certainly prove to be useful in extracting more information and reducing the degeneracy among the estimated parameters of terrestrial exoplanets. Thus, our models will play a pivotal role in driving future observations.

Ludmila Carone, David A. Lewis, Dominic Samra, Aaron D. Schneider, Christiane Helling

21 pages, 18 figures, submitted to A&A on 22. November 2022, in review since 8. December 2022

WASP-39b is one of the first extrasolar giant gas planets that has been observed within the JWST ERS program. Fundamental properties that may enable the link to exoplanet formation differ amongst retrieval methods, for example metallicity and mineral ratios. In this work, the formation of clouds in the atmosphere of WASP-39b is explored to investigate how inhomogeneous cloud properties (particle sizes, material composition, opacity) may be for this intermediately warm gaseous exoplanet. WASP-39b's atmosphere has a comparable day-night temperature median with sufficiently low temperatures that clouds may form globally. The presence of clouds on WASP-39b can explain observations without resorting to a high (> 100x solar) metallicity atmosphere for a reduced vertical mixing efficiency. The assessment of mineral ratios shows an under-depletion of S/O due to condensation compared to C/O, Mg/O, Si/O, Fe/O ratios. Vertical patchiness due to heterogeneous cloud composition challenges simple cloud models. An equal mixture of silicates and metal oxides is expected to characterise the cloud top. Further, optical properties of Fe and Mg silicates in the mid-infrared differ significantly which will impact the interpretation of JWST observations. We conclude that WASP-39b's atmosphere contains clouds and the underdepletion of S/O by atmospheric condensation processes suggest the use of sulphur gas species as a possible link to primordial element abundances. Over-simplified cloud models do not capture the complex nature of mixed-condensate clouds in exoplanet atmospheres. The clouds in the observable upper atmosphere of WASP-39b are a mixture of different silicates and metal oxides. The use of constant particles sizes and/or one-material cloud particles alone to interpret spectra may not be sufficient to capture the full complexity available through JWST observations.

Ó. Jiménez-Arranz, M. Romero-Gómez, X. Luri, E. Masana

arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2210.01728

Context. Previous attempts to separate Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) stars from the Milky Way (MW) foreground stars are based only on the proper motions of the stars. Aims. In this paper we develop a statistical classification technique to effectively separate the SMC stars from the MW stars using a wider set of Gaia data. We aim to reduce the possible contamination from MW stars compared to previous strategies. Methods. The new strategy is based on neural network classifier, applied to the bulk of the Gaia DR3 data. We produce three samples of stars flagged as SMC members, with varying levels of completeness and purity, obtained by application of this classifier. Using different test samples we validate these classification results and we compare them with the results of the selection technique employed in the Gaia Collaboration papers, which was based solely on the proper motions. Results. The contamination of MW in each of the three SMC samples is estimated to be in the 10-40%; the "best case" in this range is obtained for bright stars (G > 16), which belong to the Vlos sub-samples, and the "worst case" for the full SMC sample determined by using very stringent criteria based on StarHorse distances. A further check based on the comparison with a nearby area with uniform sky density indicates that the global contamination in our samples is probably close to the low end of the range, around 10%. Conclusions. We provide three selections of SMC star samples with different degrees of purity and completeness, for which we estimate a low contamination level and have successfully validated using SMC RR Lyrae, SMC Cepheids and SMC/MW StarHorse samples.

E. Liokati, A. Nindos, M. K. Georgoulis

17 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics (abbreviated abstract)

Using vector magnetograms from the HMI/SDO and a magnetic connectivity-based method, we calculate the instantaneous relative magnetic helicity and free magnetic energy budgets for several days in two solar active regions (ARs), AR11890 and AR11618, both with complex photospheric magnetic field configurations. The ARs produced several major eruptive flares while their photospheric magnetic field exhibited primarily flux decay in AR11890 and primarily flux emergence in AR11618. Throughout much of their evolution both ARs featured substantial budgets of free magnetic energy and of both positive and negative helicity. In fact, the imbalance between the signed components of their helicity was as low as in the quiet Sun and their net helicity eventually changed sign 14-19 hours after their last major flare. Despite such incoherence, the eruptions occurred at times of net helicity peaks that were co-temporal with peaks in the free magnetic energy. The losses associated with the eruptive flares in the normalized free magnetic energy were in the range 10-60%. For the helicity, changes ranged from 25% to the removal of the entire excess helicity of the prevailing sign, leading a roughly zero net helicity, but with significant equal and opposite budgets of both helicity senses. The removal of the slowly varying background component of the free energy and helicity timeseries revealed that all eruption-related peaks of both quantities exceeded the 2$\sigma$ levels of their detrended timeseries. There was no eruption when only one or none of these quantities exceeded its 2$\sigma$ level. Our results indicate that differently evolving ARs may produce major eruptive flares even when, in addition to the accumulation of significant free magnetic energy budgets, they accumulate large amounts of both negative and positive helicity without a strong dominance of one handedness over the other.

Mahdi Abdollahi, Nooshin Torabi, Sadegh Raeisi, Sohrab Rahvar

15 pages, 6 figures

The importance of using fast and automatic methods to classify variable stars for large amounts of data is undeniable. There have been many attempts to classify variable stars by traditional algorithms like Random Forest. In recent years, neural networks as classifiers have come to notice because of their lower computational cost compared to traditional algorithms. This paper uses the Hierarchical Classification technique, which contains two main steps of predicting class and then subclass of stars. All the models in both steps have same network structure and we test both Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN). Our pre-processing method uses light curves and period of stars as input data. We consider most of the classes and subclasses of variable stars in OGLE-IV database and show that using Hierarchical Classification technique and designing appropriate preprocessing can increase accuracy of predicting smaller classes, ACep and T2Cep. We obtain an accuracy of 98% for class classification and 93% for subclasses classification.

Hsien Shang, Ruben Krasnopolsky, Chun-Fan Liu (Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica)

21 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, to appear in Astrophysical Journal Letters (2023)

We explore a new, efficient mechanism that can power toroidally magnetized jets up to two to three times their original terminal velocity after they enter a self-similar phase of magnetic acceleration. Underneath the elongated outflow lobe formed by a magnetized bubble, a wide-angle free wind, through the interplay with its ambient toroid, is compressed and accelerated around its axial jet. The extremely magnetic bubble can inflate over its original size, depending on the initial Alfv\'en Mach number $M_A$ of the launched flow. The shape-independent slope $\partial{}v_r/\partial{}r=2/3t$ is a salient feature of the self-similarity in the acceleration phase. Peculiar kinematic signatures are observable in the position--velocity (PV) diagrams and can combine with other morphological signatures as probes for the density-collimated jets arising in toroidally dominated magnetized winds. The apparent second acceleration is powered by the decrease of the toroidal magnetic field but operates far beyond the scales of the primary magnetocentrifugal launch region and the free asymptotic terminal state. Rich implications may connect the jets arising from the youngest protostellar outflows such as HH 211 and HH 212 and similar systems with parsec-scale jets across the mass and evolutionary spectra.

N. R. Arakelyan, S. V. Pilipenko

15 pages, 3 figures

We have studied the system of globular clusters (GCs) that formed in other galaxies and eventually accreted onto the Milky Way. Thus, the samples of GCs belonging to different tidal streams, obtained on the basis of the latest data from the Gaia observatory, were taken from the literature. We measured the anisotropy of the distribution of these GCs using the gyration tensor and found that the distribution of GCs in the streams is isotropic. Nevertheless, it can be seen that some of the accreted GCs included into existing samples actually belong to the disk of the Galaxy. To clarify the origin of GCs, we investigated the ``age--metallicity'' relation. This dependence demonstrates bimodality and its two different branches clearly show the difference between the clusters formed in the streams and in the disk of the Galaxy. Furthermore, we have studied the influence of the large--scale environment of the Galaxy (i.e., the Local Supercluster) on the distribution of satellite galaxies and Galactic GCs. The satellite galaxies of the Milky Way are known to form an anisotropic planar structure, so we included them in our analysis too. An inspection has shown that the plane of the satellite galaxies is perpendicular both to the disk of the Galaxy and the supergalactic plane. For GCs more distant than 100~Kpc, a similar picture is observed.

To perform precise and accurate photometric catalogue cross-matches -- assigning counterparts between two separate datasets -- we need to describe all possible sources of uncertainty in object position. With ever-increasing time baselines between observations, like 2MASS in 2001 and the next generation of surveys, such as the Vera C. Rubin Observatory's LSST, Euclid, and the Nancy Grace Roman telescope, it is crucial that we can robustly describe and model the effects of stellar motions on source positions in photometric catalogues. While Gaia has revolutionised astronomy with its high-precision astrometry, it will only provide motions for ~10% of LSST sources; additionally, LSST itself will not be able to provide high-quality motion information for sources below its single-visit depth, and other surveys may measure no motions at all. This leaves large numbers of objects with potentially significant positional drifts that may incorrectly lead matching algorithms to deem two detections too far separated on the sky to be counterparts. To overcome this, in this paper we describe a model for the statistical distribution of on-sky motions of sources of given sky coordinates and brightness, allowing for the cross-match process to take into account this extra potential separation between Galactic sources. We further detail how to fold these probabilistic proper motions into Bayesian cross-matching frameworks, such as those of Wilson & Naylor. This will vastly improve the recovery of e.g. very red objects across optical-infrared matches, and decrease the false match rate of photometric catalogue counterpart assignment.

Arthur G. Suvorov, Andrew Melatos

12 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

The radio pulsar GLEAM-X J162759.5-523504.3 has an extremely long spin period ($P = 1091.17\, \mbox{s}$), and yet seemingly continues to spin down rapidly ($\dot{P} < 1.2 \times 10^{-9}\, \mbox{ss}^{-1}$). The magnetic field strength that is implied, if the source is a neutron star undergoing magnetic dipole braking, could exceed $10^{16}\,\mbox{G}$. This object may therefore be the most magnetised neutron star observed to date. In this paper, a critical analysis of a magnetar interpretation for the source is provided. (i) A minimum polar magnetic field strength of $B \sim 5 \times 10^{15}\,\mbox{G}$ appears to be necessary for the star to activate as a radio pulsar, based on conventional `death valley' assumptions. (ii) Back-extrapolation from magnetic braking and Hall-plastic-Ohm decay suggests that a large angular momentum reservoir was available at birth to support intense field amplification. (iii) The observational absence of X-rays constrains the star's field strength and age, as the competition between heating from field decay and Urca cooling implies a surface luminosity as a function of time. If the object is an isolated, young ($\sim 10\, \mbox{kyr}$) magnetar with a present-day field strength of $B \gtrsim 10^{16}\,\mbox{G}$, the upper limit ($\approx 10^{30}\, \mbox{erg s}^{-1}$) set on its thermal luminosity suggests it is cooling via a direct Urca mechanism.

Dmitry Khangulyan, Andrew M. Taylor, Felix Aharonian

13 pages, 7 figures, ApJ submitted

Electron Compton scattering of target photons into the gamma-ray energy band (inverse Compton scattering --IC--) is commonly expected to dominate the very high energy spectra in gamma-ray bursts especially during the afterglow phase. For sufficiently large center-of-mass energies in these collisions, the effect of the electron recoil starts reducing the scattering cross section (the Klein-Nishina regime). The IC spectra generated in the Klein-Nishina regime is softer and has a smaller flux level compared to the synchrotron spectra produced by the same electrons. The detection of afterglow emission from nearby GRB 190819A in the very high energy (VHE) domain with H.E.S.S. has revealed an unexpected feature: the slope of the VHE spectrum matches well the slope of the X-ray spectra, despite expectations that for the IC production process, the impact of the Klein-Nishina effect should be strong. The multi-wavelength spectral energy distribution appears to be inconsistent with predictions of one-zone synchrotron-self-Compton models. We study the possible impact of two-zone configuration on the properties of IC emission when the magnetic field strength differs considerably between the two zones. Synchrotron photons from the strong magnetic field zone provide the dominant target for cooling of the electrons in the weak magnetic field zone, which results in a formation of hard electron distribution and consequently of a hard IC emission. We show that the two-zone model can provide a good description of the X-ray XRT and VHE H.E.S.S. data.

Tomohito Ohshima

15 pages, 12 figures,accepted to Stars and Galaxies No.5 id. 8

The secular variation in the interval of outbursts in the following six Z Cam-type dwarf novae (including the subtype IW And-type) is investigated: Z Cam, RX And, AH Her, HL CMa, SY Cnc, and WW Cet. An analysis using the $O-C$ diagram shows that the interval of outbursts is not steady in one system. The outburst properties before standstill are the decrease in outburst interval, enhancement of the magnitude in quiescence, and disappearance of the long outburst. Meanwhile, several objects have at least two typical intervals of outbursts. These characteristics are difficult to be explained only by the variation in mass transfer from the secondary.

Stefan Y. Stefanov, Atanas K. Stefanov

Accepted in MNRAS on 2023 January 20. Received 2023 January 15; in original form 2022 December 9. 13 pages, 6 tables, 11 figures. This is the authors' version of the accepted paper

In this work, we search for negative superhumps (nSHs) in poorly studied cataclysmic variables using TESS data. We find three eclipsing binaries with nSH signatures: HBHA 4204-09, Gaia DR3 5931071148325476992, and SDSS J090113.51+144704.6. The last one exhibits IW And-like behaviour in archival ZTF data, and appears to have shallow, grazing eclipses. In addition, we detect nSH signatures in two non-eclipsing systems: KQ Mon and Gaia DR3 4684361817175293440, by identifying the orbital period from the superorbital-dependent irradiation of the secondary. We discover nSH signatures in one more system, [PK2008] HalphaJ103959, by using an orbital period from another work. An improved mass ratio - nSH deficit relation $q(\varepsilon_-)$ is suggested by us, which agrees with independent measurements on nova-like variables. With this relation, we estimate the mass ratios of all systems in our sample, and determine the orbital inclinations for the three that are eclipsing. All systems with discovered nSHs in this work are excellent targets for follow-up spectroscopic studies.

Souvik Bose, Daniel Nóbrega-Siverio, Bart De Pontieu, Luc Rouppe van der Voort

Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 16 pages, 11 figures. Animations embedded

Coronal Bright Points (CBPs) are sets of small-scale coronal loops, connecting opposite magnetic polarities, primarily characterized by their enhanced extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) and X-ray emission. Being ubiquitous, they are thought to play an important role in heating the solar corona. We aim at characterizing the barely-explored chromosphere underneath CBPs, focusing on the related spicular activity and on the effects of small-scale magnetic flux emergence on CBPs. We used high-resolution observations of a CBP in H$\beta$ and Fe I 617.3 nm from the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST) in coordination with the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). This work presents the first high-resolution observation of spicules imaged in H$\beta$. The spicules were automatically detected using advanced image processing techniques, which were applied to the Dopplergrams derived from H$\beta$. Here we report their abundant occurrence close to the CBP ``footpoints", and find that the orientation of such spicules is aligned along the EUV loops, indicating that they constitute a fundamental part of the whole CBP magnetic structure. Spatio-temporal analysis across multiple channels indicates that there are coronal propagating disturbances associated with the studied spicules, producing transient EUV intensity variations of the individual CBP loops. Two small-scale flux emergence episodes appearing below the CBP were analyzed; one of them leading to quiet-sun Ellerman bombs and enhancing the nearby spicular activity. This paper presents unique evidence of the tight coupling between the lower and upper atmosphere of a CBP, thus helping to unravel the dynamic phenomena underneath CBPs and their impact on the latter.

S. Fonte, D. Turrini, E. Pacetti, E. Schisano, S. Molinari, D. Polychroni, R. Politi, Q. Changeat

13 pages, 10 figures

The atmospheric C/O ratio of exoplanets is widely used to constrain their formation. To guarantee that the C/O ratio provides robust information, we need to accurately quantify the amount of C and O in exoplanetary atmospheres. In the case of O, water and carbon monoxide are generally studied as the two key carriers. However, oxygen is a very reactive element and does not bind with carbon; depending on the temperature, it also binds to refractory elements. Estimating the amount of oxygen bound to refractory elements is therefore critical for unbiased estimates of the C/O ratio. In this work, we investigate the oxygen deficit due to refractory elements and its effects on the atmospheric C/O ratio of giant exoplanets as a function of their metallicity and equilibrium temperature. We model the composition of planetary atmospheres assuming chemical equilibrium and using as input physically justified elemental mixtures arising from detailed planet formation simulations. Our results show how the interplay between the atmospheric temperature and non-solar abundances of oxygen and refractory elements can sequester large fractions of oxygen, introducing significant biases in evaluating the C/O ratio when this effect is not accounted for. We apply our results to the case of Jupiter in the Solar System and show how the currently estimated water abundance points to a true oxygen abundance that is four times the solar one.

Gihan Weerasekara, Thulsi Wickramasinghe, Chandana Jayaratne

5 pages, 9 figures, Submitted to the MNRAS

An intervening galaxy acts as a gravitational lens and produces multiple images of a single source such as a remote galaxy. Galaxies have peculiar speeds in addition to the bulk motion arising due to the expansion of the universe. There is a difference in light arrival times between lensed images. We calculate more realistic time delays between lensed images when galaxy peculiar motions, that is the motion of the Lens, the Source and the Observer are taken into consideration neglecting the gravitomagnetic effects.

L. Abaroa, G.E. Romero, P. Sotomayor

13 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Context. Particle-accelerating colliding-wind binaries (PACWBs) are systems that are formed by two massive and hot stars and produce nonthermal (NT) radiation. The key elements of these systems are fast winds and the shocks that they create when they collide. Binaries with nonaccreting young pulsars have also been detected as NT emitters, again as a consequence of the wind-wind interaction. Black holes (BHs) might produce NT radiation by this mechanism if they accrete at super-Eddington rates. In such cases, the disk is expected to launch a radiation-driven wind, and if this wind has an equatorial component, it can collide with the companion star yielding a PACWB. These systems are supercritical colliding wind binaries (SCWBs). Aims. We aim to characterize the particle acceleration and NT radiation produced by the collision of winds in binary systems composed of a superaccreting BH and an early-type star. Methods. We estimated the terminal velocity of the disk-driven wind by calculating the spatial distribution of the radiation fields and their effect on disk particles. We then found the location of the wind collision region and calculated the timescales of energy gain and losses of relativistic particles undergoing diffusive acceleration. With this information, we were able to compute the associated spectral energy distribution of the radiation. Results. We find that the interaction of winds can produce NT emission from radio up to tens of GeV, with luminosities in the range of $\sim 10^{33}-10^{35} \, {\rm erg \, s^{-1}}$, which for the most part are contributed by electron synchrotron and inverse Compton radiation. Conclusions. We conclude that SCWBs, such as some ultraluminous X-ray sources and some Galactic X-ray binaries, are capable of accelerating cosmic rays and producing NT electromagnetic emission from radio to $\gamma$-rays, in addition to the thermal components.

Shuo Li, Shiyan Zhong, Peter Berczik, Rainer Spurzem, Xian Chen, F.K. Liu

36 pages, 11 figures, and 1 table. Accepted for publication in ApJ

By using direct N-body numerical simulations, we model the dynamical co-evolution of two supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and the surrounding stars in merging galaxies. In order to investigate how different stellar components evolve during the merger, we generate evolved stellar distributions with an initial mass function. Special schemes have also been developed to deal with some rare but interesting events, such as tidal disruption of main sequence stars, the plunge of low mass stars, white dwarfs, neutron stars and stellar mass black holes, and the partial tidal disruption of red giants or asymptotic giant branch stars. Our results indicate that the formation of a bound supermassive black hole binary (SMBHB) will enhance the capture rates of stellar objects by the SMBHs. Compared to the equal stellar mass model, the multi-mass model tends to result in a higher average mass of disrupted stars. Instead of being tidally disrupted by the SMBH, roughly half of the captured main sequence stars will directly plunge into the SMBH because of their small stellar radius. Giant stars, on the other hand, can be stripped of their envelopes if they are close enough to the SMBH. Though most remnants of the giant stars can survive after the disruption, a small fraction still could plunge into the SMBH quickly or after many orbital periods. Our results also indicate significant mass segregation of compact stars at the beginning of the merger, and then this effect is destroyed as the two SMBHs form a bound binary.

David Jewitt, Yoonyoung Kim, Michael Mattiazzo, Max mutchler, Jing Li, Jessica Agarwal

35 pages, 7 figures

We present imaging observations of the disintegrating long-period comet C/2021 A1 (Leonard). High resolution observations with Hubble Space Telescope show no evidence for surviving fragments, and place a 3 sigma upper limit to their possible radius about 60 m (albedo 0.1 assumed). In contrast, wide field observations from the Swan Hill Observatory, Australia, show an extensive debris cloud, the cross-section and estimated mass of which are consistent with complete disintegration of the nucleus near mid- December 2021 (at about 0.8 au). Two methods give the pre-disruption nucleus radius, r = 0.6+/-0.2 km. Tidal, collisional, sublimation and pressure-confined explosion models provide implausible explanations of the disintegration. However, rotational instability driven by outgassing torques has a very short timescale (of order 0.1 year) given the orbit and size of the C/2021 A1 nucleus, and offers the most plausible mechanism for the disruption. Initial rotational breakup is accelerated by the exposure and strong sublimation of previously buried volatiles, leading to catastrophic destruction of the nucleus.

Sven Martens, Sebastian Kamann, Stefan Dreizler, Fabian Göttgens, Tim-Oliver Husser, Marilyn Latour, Elena Balakina, Davor Krajnović, Renuka Pechetti, Peter M. Weilbacher

The formation process of multiple populations in globular clusters is still up for debate. Kinematic differences between the populations are particularly interesting in this respect, because they allow us to distinguish between single-epoch formation scenarios and multi-epoch formation scenarios. We analyze the kinematics of 25 globular clusters and aim to find kinematic differences between multiple populations to constrain their formation process. We split red-giant branch (RGB) stars in each cluster into three populations (P1, P2, P3) for the type-II clusters and two populations (P1 and P2) otherwise using Hubble photometry. We derive the rotation and dispersion profiles for each cluster and its populations by using all stars with radial velocity measurements obtained from MUSE spectroscopy. Based on these profiles, we calculate the rotation strength in terms of ordered-over-random motion $\left(v/\sigma\right)_\mathrm{HL}$ evaluated at the half-light radius of the cluster. We detect rotation in all but four clusters. For NGC~104, NGC~1851, NGC~2808, NGC~5286, NGC~5904, NGC~6093, NGC~6388, NGC~6541, NGC~7078 and NGC~7089 we also detect rotation for P1 and/or P2 stars. For NGC~2808, NGC~6093 and NGC~7078 we find differences in $\left(v/\sigma\right)_\mathrm{HL}$ between P1 and P2 that are larger than $1\sigma$. Whereas we find that P2 rotates faster than P1 for NGC~6093 and NGC~7078, the opposite is true for NGC~2808. However, even for these three clusters, the differences are still of low significance. We find that the strength of rotation of a cluster generally scales with its median relaxation time. For P1 and P2, the corresponding relation is very weak at best. We observe no correlation between the difference in rotation strength between P1 and P2 and cluster relaxation time. The MUSE stellar radial velocities that this analysis is based on are made publicly available.

Johannes U. Lange, Andrew P. Hearin, Alexie Leauthaud, Frank C. van den Bosch, Enia Xhakaj, Hong Guo, Risa H. Wechsler, Joseph DeRose

22 pages, 16 figures, submitted to MNRAS, comments welcome

We present a novel simulation-based cosmological analysis of galaxy-galaxy lensing and galaxy redshift-space clustering. Compared to analysis methods based on perturbation theory, our simulation-based approach allows us to probe a much wider range of scales, $0.4 \, h^{-1} \, \mathrm{Mpc}$ to $63 \, h^{-1} \, \mathrm{Mpc}$, including highly non-linear scales, and marginalises over astrophysical effects such as assembly bias. We apply this framework to data from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey LOWZ sample cross-correlated with state-of-the-art gravitational lensing catalogues from the Kilo Degree Survey and the Dark Energy Survey. We show that gravitational lensing and redshift-space clustering when analysed over a large range of scales place tight constraints on the growth-of-structure parameter $S_8 = \sigma_8 \sqrt{\Omega_{\rm m} / 0.3}$. Overall, we infer $S_8 = 0.792 \pm 0.022$ when analysing the combination of galaxy-galaxy lensing and projected galaxy clustering and $S_8 = 0.771 \pm 0.027$ for galaxy redshift-space clustering. These findings highlight the potential constraining power of full-scale studies over studies analysing only large scales, and also showcase the benefits of analysing multiple large-scale structure surveys jointly. Our inferred values for $S_8$ fall below the value inferred from the CMB, $S_8 = 0.834 \pm 0.016$. While this difference is not statistically significant by itself, our results mirror other findings in the literature whereby low-redshift large scale structure probes infer lower values for $S_8$ than the CMB, the so-called $S_8$-tension.

Philip A. Isenberg, Bernard J. Vasquez, Charles W. Smith

To be published in The Astrophysical Journal

We revisit the question of how the unstable scattering of interstellar pickup ions (PUIs) may drive turbulence in the outer solar wind, and why the energy released into fluctuations by this scattering appears to be significantly less than the standard bispherical prediction. We suggest that energization of the newly picked-up ions by the ambient turbulence during the scattering process can result in a more spherical distribution of PUIs, and reduce the generated fluctuation energy to a level consistent with the observations of turbulent intensities and core solar wind heating. This scenario implies the operation of a self-regulation mechanism that maintains the observed conditions of turbulence and heating in the PUI-dominated solar wind.

A review of a mathematical formulation that describes the number of impact craters as function of diameter and time of formation is presented, where the use of Gamma functions is emphasized. The application of this formalism for the description of the impact crater data of Planets Earth and Mars is also discussed.

Pascale Hibon, Jesús Corral-Santana, Itziar de Gregorio-Monsalvo, Leopoldo Infante, Elizabeth Humphreys, John Blakeslee

2 pages, 2 figures, Conference Report

The Joint Observatories Kavli Science Forum in Chile was organised in a hybrid mode with the aim of encouraging collaborations, not only with the Chilean institutions but also between the different observing facilities based in Chile. The meeting featured scientific talks showing results obtained with the astronomical facilities based in Chile, but significant time was also dedicated to round-table discussions on Life Balance, Diversity-Equity-Inclusion, and the Road Ahead (i.e., the future of those Chile-based facilities).

Peter Adshead, Kaloian D. Lozanov, Zachary J. Weiner

9 pages, 1 figure

We present a mechanism for generating ultralight dark photon dark matter in the early Universe via a dilatonlike scalar field coupled to the dark photon's kinetic term. Energy is initially stored in the condensate of the dilaton, which resonantly produces dark photons when it begins oscillating in the early Universe. While similar scenarios with axion--dark-photon couplings require large coupling coefficients to fully populate the dark photon, the dilatonic coupling features a unique regime: when the dark photon's mass is half that of the dilaton, dark photons are copiously produced even when the dilaton undergoes small-amplitude oscillations. Scenarios consistent with the cosmic microwave background allow for ultralight vector dark matter with mass as light as $10^{-20}$ eV.

Michael Saint-Guillain, Jean Vanderdonckt, Nicolas Burny, Vladimir Pletser, Tiago Vaquero, Steve Chien, Alexander Karl, Jessica Marquez, John Karasinski, Cyril Wain, Audrey Comein, Ignacio S. Casla, Jean Jacobs, Julien Meert, Cheyenne Chamart, Sirga Drouet, Julie Manon

Human long duration exploration missions (LDEMs) raise a number of technological challenges. This paper addresses the question of the crew autonomy: as the distances increase, the communication delays and constraints tend to prevent the astronauts from being monitored and supported by a real time ground control. Eventually, future planetary missions will necessarily require a form of astronaut self-scheduling. We study the usage of a computer decision-support tool by a crew of analog astronauts, during a Mars simulation mission conducted at the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS, Mars Society) in Utah. The proposed tool, called Romie, belongs to the new category of Robust Advanced Modelling and Scheduling (RAMS) systems. It allows the crew members (i) to visually model their scientific objectives and constraints, (ii) to compute near-optimal operational schedules while taking uncertainty into account, (iii) to monitor the execution of past and current activities, and (iv) to modify scientific objectives/constraints w.r.t. unforeseen events and opportunistic science. In this study, we empirically measure how the astronauts, who are novice planners, perform at using such a tool when self-scheduling under the realistic assumptions of a simulated Martian planetary habitat.

We derive the minimum spin value for the light black holes, $10^{-15}-1 \; M_\odot$, to experience superradiance via scalar, vector and tensor perturbations, corresponding to boson mass range $10^{-12}-10^5$ eV. We find that superradiance instability can happen even for very low spin values, ${\widetilde a} \sim 10^{-3}-10^{-2}$. Since light black holes (BHs) are very unstable to these perturbations and sensitive probes of bosonic particles, a single moderately spinning BH can probe/cover 2-3 orders of magnitude scalar (axion), vector (dark photon and/or photon with effective mass) and spin-2 mass. If superradiance exists, this drives the spin of the BH to almost zero immediately, independent of the BH formation mechanism. In the case that superradiance is not observed, we find the limits on the self-interaction and energy density. We finally touch briefly the superradiance implications on the Standard Model bosons and Higgs self-interaction.

We construct the gravitational-wave equation in the background of the effective one-body system for the spinless binary, which is in general available with the spherically symmetric background as well. The gauge conditions are given in terms of the metric perturbation.

E. Arbuzova, A. Dolgov, K. Dutta, R. Rangarajan

11 pages, no figures, presented at $6^{th}$ International Conference on Particle Physics and Astrophysics (ICCPA-2022)}. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1808.08577

The coupling of baryonic current to the derivative of the curvature scalar, $R$, inherent to gravitational baryogenesis (GBG), leads to a fourth order differential equation of motion for $R$ instead of the algebraic one of General Relativity (GR). The fourth-order differential equation is generically unstable. We consider a possible mechanism of stabilization of GBG by modification of gravity, introducing an $R^2$-term into the canonical action of GR. It is shown that this mechanism allows for stabilization of GBG with bosonic and fermionic baryon currents. We have established the region of the model parameters leading to stabilization of $R$. Still, the standard cosmology would be noticeably modified.

Suvrat Rao, Julia Baumgarten, Jochen Liske, Marcus Brüggen

This manuscript is the sequel to Phys. Rev. D 102, 122006 (2020) or arXiv:2012.00529 . This manuscript will be submitted for review and publication to Physical Review D (PRD). 21 pages, 10 figures

We simulate the response of a Storage Ring Gravitational-wave Observatory (SRGO) to astrophysical gravitational waves (GWs), numerically obtaining its sensitivity curve, parameter degeneracies, and optimal choices of some controllable experiment parameters. We also generate synthetic noisy GW data and use Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to perform parameter estimation of the source properties. With this, we show that a single SRGO could potentially localize the GW source in the sky using Earth's rotation. Then, we study the source sky localization area, mass and distance estimation errors as functions of noise, data sampling rate, and observing time. Finally, we discuss, along with its implications, the capacity of an SRGO to detect and constrain the parameters of millihertz (mHz) GW events.

Yehui Hou, Zhenyu Zhang, Minyong Guo, Bin Chen

26 pages, 4 figures

We investigate the motions of charged particles in the near horizon region of an extreme Kerr black hole with weak electromagnetic fields. There is an enhanced symmetry in the NHEK geometry. We find that when the electromagnetic field respects this enhanced symmetry, which we refer to as the maximally symmetric electromagnetic (MSEM) field, the equations of motion of charged particles get simplified into a set of decoupled first-order differential equations. We discuss the motions of charged particles in two MSEM fields, one being the force-free field and the other being the vacuum fields. Even though the radial motions are similar to the geodesics in NHEK geometry, the angular motions could be affected by the electromagnetic field significantly. In particular, for the vacuum solution which is produced by a weakly charged black hole, there exist stable vortical motions if the electromagnetic parameter is above the critical value $\mB_c = \sqrt{3}$. These vortical motions do not cross the equatorial planes, and the charged particles in them radiate non-thermally. We discuss the corresponding astrophysical implications.

I.M. Bloch, D. Budker, V.V. Flambaum, I.B. Samsonov, A.O. Sushkov, O. Tretiak

9 pages, 1 figure

Scalar-field dark matter models imply small oscillations of fundamental constants. These oscillations could result in observable variations of the magnetic field in a permanent magnet. We propose an experiment for detection of this type of dark matter through searches of oscillations of magnetic field of permanent magnets with a SQUID magnetometer or a low-noise radiofrequency amplifier. We show that this experiment may have comparable sensitivity to leading experiments searching for variations of fundamental constants in the range of frequencies from a few Hz to about 1 MHz. We also discuss applicability of the approach of variations of fundamental constants for accounting for the interaction with scalar dark matter.

Samuel L. Watkins

243 pages, Ph.D. Thesis in Physics at UC Berkeley

In recent years, theoretical and experimental interest in dark matter (DM) candidates have shifted focus from primarily Weakly-Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) to an entire suite of candidates with masses from the zeV-scale to the PeV-scale to 30 solar masses. One particular recent development has been searches for light dark matter (LDM), which is typically defined as candidates with masses in the range of keV to GeV. In searches for LDM, eV-scale and below detector thresholds are needed to detect the small amount of kinetic energy that is imparted to nuclei in a recoil. One such detector technology that can be applied to LDM searches is that of Transition-Edge Sensors (TESs). Operated at cryogenic temperatures, these sensors can achieve the required thresholds, depending on the optimization of the design. In this thesis, I will motivate the evidence for DM and the various DM candidates beyond the WIMP. I will then detail the basics of TES characterization, expand and apply the concepts to an athermal phonon sensor--based Cryogenic PhotoDetector (CPD), and use this detector to carry out a search for LDM at the surface. The resulting exclusion analysis provides the most stringent limits in DM-nucleon scattering cross section (comparing to contemporary searches) for a cryogenic detector for masses from 93 to 140 MeV, showing the promise of athermal phonon sensors in future LDM searches. Furthermore, unknown excess background signals are observed in this LDM search, for which I rule out various possible sources and motivate stress-related microfractures as an intriguing explanation. Finally, I will shortly discuss the outlook of future searches for LDM for various detection channels beyond nuclear recoils.

L. Del Grosso, G. Franciolini, P. Pani, A. Urbano

16 pages, 5 figures

A real scalar field coupled to a fermion via a Yukawa term can evade no-go theorems preventing solitonic solutions. For the first time, we study this model within General Relativity without approximations, finding static and spherically symmetric solutions that describe fermion soliton stars. The Yukawa coupling provides an effective mass for the fermion, which is key to the existence of self-gravitating relativistic solutions. We systematically study this novel family of solutions and present their mass-radius diagram and maximum compactness, which is close to (but smaller than) that of the corresponding Schwarzschild photon sphere. Finally, we discuss the ranges of the parameters of the fundamental theory in which the latter might have interesting astrophysical implications, including compact (sub)solar and supermassive fermion soliton stars for a standard gas of degenerate neutrons and electrons, respectively.

A very simple production mechanism of feebly interacting dark matter (DM) that rarely annihilates is thermal production, which predicts the DM mass around eV. This has been widely known as the hot DM scenario. Despite there are several observational hints from background lights suggesting a DM in this mass range, the hot DM scenario has been considered strongly in tension with the structure formation of our Universe because the free-streaming length of the DM produced from thermal reactions was thought to be too long. In this paper, I show that the previous conclusions are not always true depending on the reaction for bosonic DM because of the Bose-enhanced reaction at very low momentum. By using the simple $1\leftrightarrow 2$ decay/inverse decay process to produce the DM, I demonstrate that the eV range bosonic DM can be thermally produced $coldly$ from a hot plasma by performing a model-independent analysis applicable to axion, hidden photon, and other bosonic DM candidates. Therefore, the bosonic DM in the eV mass range may still be special and theoretically well-motivated.

We present here results from the first-ever search for dark photon dark matter that could have coupled to baryons in LISA Pathfinder, the technology demonstrator for a space-based gravitational-wave antenna. After analyzing approximately three months of data taken by LISA Pathfinder in the frequency range $[2\times 10^{-5},5]$ Hz, corresponding to dark photon masses of $[8\times 10^{-20},2\times 10^{-14}]$ eV/$c^2$, we find no evidence of a dark-matter signal, and set upper limits on the strength of the dark photon/baryon coupling. To perform this search, we leveraged methods that search for quasi-monochromatic gravitational-wave signals in ground-based interferometers, and are robust against non-Gaussianities and gaps in the data. Our work therefore represents a proof-of-concept test of search methods in LISA to find persistent, quasi-monochromatic signals, and shows our ability to handle non-Guassian artifacts and gaps while maintaining good sensitivity compared to the optimal matched filter. The results also indicate that these methods can be powerful tools in LISA to not only find dark matter, but also look for other persistent signals from e.g. intermediate-mass black hole inspirals and galactic white dwarf binaries.