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Papers for Monday, Feb 06 2023

Randolf Klein, Alexander Reedy, Christian Fischer, Leslie Looney, Sebastian Colditz, Dario Fadda, Alexander G. G. M. Tielens, Willam D. Vacca

18 pages, 17 figures, accepted by ApJ

To understand star formation rates, studying feedback mechanisms that regulate star formation is necessary. The radiation emitted by nascent massive stars play a significant role in feedback by photo-dissociating and ionizing their parental molecular clouds. To gain a detailed picture of the physical processes, we mapped the photo-dissociation region (PDR) M17-SW in several fine structure and high-J CO lines with FIFI-LS, the far-infrared imaging spectrometer aboard SOFIA. An analysis of the CO and [O I]146$\mu$m line intensities, combined with the far infrared intensity, allows us to create a density and UV intensity map using a one dimensional model. The density map reveals a sudden change in the gas density crossing the PDR. The strengths and limits of the model and the locations of the ionization and photo-dissociation front of the edge-on PDR are discussed.

Mitchell Revalski, Marc Rafelski, Michele Fumagalli, Matteo Fossati, Norbert Pirzkal, Ben Sunnquist, Laura J. Prichard, Alaina Henry, Micaela Bagley, Rajeshwari Dutta, Giulia Papini, Fabrizio Arrigoni Battaia, Valentina D'Odorico, Pratika Dayal, Vicente Estrada-Carpenter, Emma K. Lofthouse, Elisabeta Lusso, Simon L. Morris, Kalina V. Nedkova, Casey Papovich, Celine Peroux

Accepted for publication in ApJS on February 1, 2023. The paper has 25 pages, 13 figures, and 7 tables. The calibrated data are available through MAST as High Level Science Products

We present extremely deep Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) observations of the MUSE Ultra Deep Field (MUDF). This unique region of the sky contains two quasars at $z \approx$ 3.22 that are separated by only $\sim$500 kpc, providing a stereoscopic view of gas and galaxies in emission and absorption across $\sim$10 billion years of cosmic time. We have obtained 90 orbits of HST WFC3 G141 near-infrared grism spectroscopy of this field in a single pointing, as well as 142 hours of optical spectroscopy with the Very Large Telescope (VLT) Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE). The WFC3 (F140W, F125W, F336W) and archival WFPC2 (F702W, F450W) imaging provides five-filter photometry that we use to detect 3,375 sources between $z \approx$ 0 - 6, including 1,536 objects in a deep central pointing with both spectroscopic and photometric coverage. The F140W and F336W mosaics reach exceptional depths of $m_\mathrm{AB}\approx$ 28 and 29, respectively, providing near-infrared and rest-frame ultraviolet information for 1,580 sources, and we reach 5$\sigma$ continuum detections for objects as faint as $m_\mathrm{AB}\approx$ 27 in the grism spectra. The extensive wavelength coverage of MUSE and WFC3 allow us to measure spectroscopic redshifts for 419 sources, down to galaxy stellar masses of log(M/M$_{\odot}$) $\approx$ 7 at $z \approx$ 1 - 2. In this publication, we provide the calibrated HST data and source catalogs as High Level Science Products for use by the community, which includes photometry, morphology, and redshift measurements that enable a variety of studies aimed at advancing our models of galaxy formation and evolution in different environments.

Ismael Mendoza, Philip Mansfield, Kuan Wang, Camille Avestruz

16 pages, 7 + 1 figures, comments welcome, to be submitted to MNRAS

Models that connect galaxy and halo properties often summarize a halo's mass accretion history (MAH) with a single value, and use this value as the basis for predictions. However, a single-value summary fails to capture the complexity of MAHs and information can be lost in the process. We present MultiCAM, a generalization of traditional abundance matching frameworks, which can simultaneously connect the full MAH of a halo with multiple halo and/or galaxy properties. As a first case study, we apply MultiCAM to the problem of connecting dark matter halo properties to their MAHs in the context of a dark matter-only simulation. While some halo properties, such as concentration, are more strongly correlated to the early-time mass growth of a halo, others, like the virial ratio, have stronger correlations with late-time mass growth. This highlights the necessity of considering the impact of the entire MAH on halo properties. For most of the halo properties we consider, we find that MultiCAM models that use the full MAH achieve higher accuracy than conditional abundance matching models which use a single epoch. We also demonstrate an extension of MultiCAM that captures the covariance between predicted halo properties. This extension provides a baseline model for applications where the covariance between predicted properties is important.

Silvia Martocchia, Nate Bastian, Sara Saracino, Sebastian Kamann

9 pages, 6 Figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

The importance of stellar rotation in setting the observed properties of young star clusters has become clearer over the past decade, with rotation being identified as the main cause of the observed extended main sequence turn-off (eMSTO) phenomenon and split main-sequences. Additionally, young star clusters are observed to host large fractions of rapidly rotating Be stars, many of which are seen nearly equator-on through decretion disks that cause self-extinction (the so called "shell stars"). Recently, a new phenomenon has been reported in the $\sim1.5$ Gyr star cluster NGC 1783, where a fraction of the main sequence turn-off stars appears abnormally dim in the UV. We investigate the origin of these "UV-dim" stars by comparing the UV colour-magnitude diagrams of NGC 1850 ($\sim100$ Myr), NGC 1783 ($\sim1.5$ Gyr), NGC 1978 ($\sim2$ Gyr) and NGC 2121 ($\sim2.5$ Gyr), massive star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud. While the younger clusters show a non-negligible fraction of UV-dim stars, we find a significant drop of such stars in the two older clusters. This is remarkable as clusters older than $\sim$2 Gyr do not have an eMSTO, thus a large populations of rapidly rotating stars, because their main sequence turn-off stars are low enough in mass to slow down due to magnetic braking. We conclude that the UV-dim stars are likely rapidly rotating stars with decretion disks seen nearly equator-on (i.e., are shell stars) and discuss future observations that can confirm or refute our hypothesis.

N. Britavskiy, S. Simón-Díaz, G. Holgado, S. Burssens, J. Maíz Apellániz, J.J. Eldridge, Y. Nazé, M. Pantaleoni González, A. Herrero

33 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in "Astronomy and Astrophysics"

The empirical distribution of projected rotational velocities (vsini) in massive O-type stars is characterized by a dominant slow velocity component and a tail of fast rotators. Binary interaction has been proposed to play a dominant role in the formation of this tail. We perform a complete and homogeneous search for empirical signatures of binarity in a sample of 54 fast-rotating stars with the aim of evaluating this hypothesis. This working sample has been extracted from a larger sample of 415 Galactic O-type stars which covers the full range of vsini values. We use new and archival multi-epoch spectra in order to detect spectroscopic binary systems. We complement this information with Gaia proper motions and TESS photometric data to aid in the identification of runaway stars and eclipsing binaries, respectively. The identified fraction of single-lined spectroscopic binary (SB1) systems and apparently single stars among the fast-rotating sample is $\sim$18% and $\sim$70%, respectively. When comparing these percentages with those corresponding to the slow-rotating sample we find that our sample of fast rotators is characterized by a slightly larger percentage of SB1 systems ($\sim$18% vs. $\sim$13%) and a considerably smaller fraction of clearly detected SB2 systems (8% vs. 33%). Overall, there seems to be a clear deficit of spectroscopic binaries (SB1+SB2) among fast-rotating O-type stars ($\sim$26% vs. $\sim$46%). On the contrary, the fraction of runaway stars is significantly higher in the fast-rotating domain ($\sim$33-50%) than among those stars with vsini < 200 km/s. Lastly, almost 65% of the apparently single fast-rotating stars are runaways. Our empirical results seem to be in good agreement with the idea that the tail of fast-rotating O-type stars (with vsini > 200 km/s) is mostly populated by post-interaction binary products.

Beverly Lowell (1), Jonatan Jacquemin-Ide (1), Alexander Tchekhovskoy (1), Alex Duncan (2) ((1) Northwestern University, (2) Cornell University)

14 pages, 7 figures. To be submitted to ApJ. Comments welcome

Black hole (BH) spin can play an important role in galaxy evolution by controlling the amount of energy and momentum ejected from near the BH into the surroundings. We focus on the magnetically-arrested disk (MAD) state in the sub- and super-Eddington regimes, when the accretion disk is radiatively-inefficient and geometrically-thick, and the system launches strong BH-powered jets. Using a suite of 3D general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations, we find that for any initial spin, a MAD rapidly spins down the BH to the equilibrium spin of $0 < a_{\rm eq} \lesssim 0.1$, very low compared to $a_{\rm eq} = 1$ for the standard thin luminous (Novikov-Thorne) disks. This implies that rapidly accreting (super-Eddington) BHs fed by MADs tend to lose most of their rotational energy to magnetized relativistic outflows. In a MAD, a BH only needs to accrete $10\%$ of its own mass to spin down from $a=1$ to $a=0.2$. We construct a semi-analytic model of BH spin evolution in MADs by taking into account the torques on the BH due to both the hydrodynamic disk and electromagnetic jet components, and find that the low value of $a_{\rm eq}$ is due to both the jets slowing down the BH rotation and the disk losing a large fraction of its angular momentum to outflows. Our results have crucial implications on how BH spins evolve in active galaxies and other systems such as collapsars, where BH spin-down timescale can be short enough to significantly affect the evolution of BH-powered jets.

V. Nascimbeni, L. Borsato, T. Zingales, G. Piotto, I. Pagano, M. Beck, C. Broeg, D. Ehrenreich, S. Hoyer, F. Z. Majidi, V. Granata, S. G. Sousa, T. G. Wilson, V. Van Grootel, A. Bonfanti, S. Salmon, A. J. Mustill, L. Delrez, Y. Alibert, R. Alonso, G. Anglada, T. Bárczy, D. Barrado, S. C. C. Barros, W. Baumjohann, T. Beck, W. Benz, M. Bergomi, N. Billot, X. Bonfils, A. Brandeker, J. Cabrera, S. Charnoz, A. Collier Cameron, Sz. Csizmadia, P. E. Cubillos, M. B. Davies, M. Deleuil, A. Deline, O. D. S. Demangeon, B.-O. Demory, A. Erikson, A. Fortier, L. Fossati, M. Fridlund, D. Gandolfi, M. Gillon, M. Güdel, K. G. Isaak, L. L. Kiss, J. Laskar, A. Lecavelier des Etangs, M. Lendl, C. Lovis, R. Luque, D. Magrin, P. F. L. Maxted, C. Mordasini, G. Olofsson, R. Ottensamer, E. Pallé, G. Peter, et al. (21 additional authors not shown)

17 pages, 8 figures, 10 tables, proposed for acceptance by A&A on February 2, 2023

Just a handful among hundreds of known hot-Jupiter (HJ) planets have been found to have companions on short-period orbits. Within this rare class of multiple planetary systems, the architecture of WASP-47 is unique, hosting a HJ (planet -b) with both an inner and outer sub-Neptunian mass companion (-e and -d, respectively), plus an additional non-transiting, long-period giant (-c). The small period ratio between planet -b and -d boosts the transit time variation (TTV) signal, giving us the opportunity to reliably measure their masses in synergy with the radial velocity (RV) technique. Here we present new space- and ground-based photometric data of WASP-47b and -d, including eleven unpublished light curves from the ESA mission CHEOPS. We analyzed them in a homogeneous way together with all the publicly available data to carry out a global $N$-body dynamical modeling of the TTV and RV signals. We retrieved, among other parameters, a mass and density for planet -d of $M_\mathrm{d}=15.5\pm 0.8$ $M_\oplus$ and $\rho_\mathrm{d}=1.69\pm 0.22$ g cm$^{-3}$, in good agreement with the literature and consistent with a Neptune-like composition. On the other hand, for the inner planet we found $M_\mathrm{e}=9.0\pm 0.5$ $M_\oplus$ and $\rho_\mathrm{e}=8.1\pm 0.5$ g cm$^{-3}$, suggesting an Earth-like composition close to other ultra-hot planets at similar irradiation levels. The latter result is in agreement with previous RV+TTV studies but not with the most recent RV analysis (at 2.8$\sigma$), which yields a lower density compatible with a pure silicate composition, and highlights the still unresolved issue of suspected systematic offsets between RV and TTV measurements. We also significantly improve the orbital ephemerides of all transiting planets, which will be crucial for any future follow-up.

V. H. Mahatma, A. Basu, M. J. Hardcastle, L. K. Morabito, R. J. van Weeren

16 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2023 February 01

Models of radio galaxy physics have been primarily based on high frequency ($\geqslant$1 GHz) observations of their jets, hotspots, and lobes. Without highly resolved low frequency observations, which provide information on older plasma, our understanding of the dynamics of radio galaxies and their interaction with their environment is limited. Here, we present the first sub-arcsecond (0.3") resolution images at 144 MHz of two powerful radio galaxies situated in rich cluster environments, namely 3C 34 and 3C 320, using the International Low Frequency Array Telescope. We detect for the first time at low frequencies a plethora of structures in these objects, including strikingly large filaments across the base of the lobes in both sources, which are spatially associated with dense regions in the ambient medium. For 3C 34 we report a spectral flattening in the region of the central filament, suggesting that the origin of the filaments is related to the presence of large-scale ordered magnetic fields. We also report periodic total intensity and spectral index banding of diffuse emission in the eastern lobe, seen for the first time in radio galaxy lobes. The hotspot complexes are resolved into multiple fragments of varying structure and spectral index; we discuss the implications for particle acceleration and jet termination models. We find at most smooth gradients in the spectral behaviour of the hotspot structure suggesting that particle acceleration, if present, may be occurring throughout the complex, in contrast to simple models, but different jet termination models may apply to both sources.

I. E. López, M. Brusa, S. Bonoli, F. Shankar, N. Acharya, B.Laloux, K. Dolag, A. Georgakakis, A. Lapi, C. Ramos Almeida, M. Salvato, J. Chaves-Montero, P. Coelho, L. A. Díaz-García, J. A. Fernández-Ontiveros, A. Hernán-Caballero, R. M. González Delgado, I. Marquez, M. Pović, R. Soria, C. Queiroz, P. T. Rahna, R. Abramo, J. Alcaniz, N. Benitez, S. Carneiro, J. Cenarro, D. Cristóbal-Hornillos, R. Dupke, A. Ederoclite, C. López-Sanjuan, A. Marín-Franch, C. Mendes de Oliveira, M. Moles, L. Sodré Jr, K. Taylor, J. Varela, H. V. Ramió

Accepted for publication in A&A

Studies indicate strong evidence of a scaling relation in the local Universe between the supermassive black hole mass ($M_\rm{BH}$) and the stellar mass of their host galaxies ($M_\star$). They even show similar histories across cosmic times of their differential terms: star formation rate (SFR) and black hole accretion rate (BHAR). However, a clear picture of this coevolution is far from being understood. We select an X-ray sample of active galactic nuclei (AGN) up to $z=2.5$ in the miniJPAS footprint. Their X-ray to infrared spectral energy distributions (SEDs) have been modeled with CIGALE, constraining the emission to 68 bands. For a final sample of 308 galaxies, we derive their physical properties (e.g., $M_\star$, $\rm{SFR}$, $\rm{SFH}$, and $L_\rm{AGN}$). We also fit their optical spectra for a subsample of 113 sources to estimate the $M_\rm{BH}$. We calculate the BHAR depending on two radiative efficiency regimes. We find that the Eddington ratios ($\lambda$) and its popular proxy ($L_\rm{X}$/$M_\star$) have 0.6 dex of difference, and a KS-test indicates that they come from different distributions. Our sources exhibit a considerable scatter on the $M_\rm{BH}$-$M_\star$ relation, which can explain the difference between $\lambda$ and its proxy. We also model three evolution scenarios to recover the integral properties at $z=0$. Using the SFR and BHAR, we show a notable diminution in the scattering between $M_\rm{BH}$-$M_\star$. For the last scenario, we consider the SFH and a simple energy budget for the AGN accretion, obtaining a relation similar to the local Universe. Our study covers $\sim 1$ deg$^2$ in the sky and is sensitive to biases in luminosity. Nevertheless, we show that, for bright sources, the link between SFR and BHAR, and their decoupling based on an energy limit is the key that leads to the local $M_\rm{BH}$-$M_\star$ scaling relation.

We use topological summaries based on Betti curves to characterize the large-scale spatial distribution of simulated dark matter haloes and galaxies. Using the IllustrisTNG and CAMELS-SAM simulations, we show that the topology of the galaxy distribution is significantly different from the topology of the dark matter halo distribution. Further, there are significant differences between the distributions of star-forming and quiescent galaxies. These topological differences are broadly consistent across all simulations, while at the same time there are noticeable differences when comparing between different models. Finally, using the CAMELS-SAM simulations, we show that the topology of the quiescent galaxies, in particular, depends strongly on the amount of supernova feedback. These results suggest that topological summary statistics could be used to help better understand the processes of galaxy formation and evolution.

Francesco Sylos Labini, Zofia Chrobakova, Roberto Capuzzo-Dolcetta, Martin Lopez-Corredoira

14 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal

We use data from the Gaia DR3 dataset to estimate the mass of the Milky Way (MW) by analyzing the rotation curve in the range of distances 5 kpc to 28 kpc. We consider three mass models: the first model adds a spherical dark matter (DM) halo, following the Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) profile, to the known stellar components. The second model assumes that DM is confined to the Galactic disk, following the idea that the observed density of gas in the Galaxy is related to the presence of more massive DM disk (DMD), similar to the observed correlation between DM and gas in other galaxies. The third model only uses the known stellar mass components and is based on the Modified Newton Dynamics (MOND) theory. Our results indicate that the DMD model is comparable in accuracy to the NFW and MOND models and fits the data better at large radii where the rotation curve declines but has the largest errors. For the NFW model we obtain a virial mass $M_{vir}= (6.5 \pm 0.3) \times 10^{11} \; M_\odot$ with concentration parameter $c=14.5$, that is lower than what is typically reported. In the DMD case we find that the MW mass is $M_d = (1.6 \pm 0.5) \times 10^{11} \; M_\odot$ with a disk's characteristic radius of $R_d=17$ kpc.

X. Chang, T. F. Yi, D. R. Xiong, C. X. Liu, X. Yang, H. Z. Li, Y. L. Gong, W. W. Na, Y. Li, Z. H. Chen, J. P. Chen, L. S. Mao

18 pages, 8 figures, accepted in MNRAS

We carried out a high time-resolution, multicolour optical observing campaign for eight $\gamma$-ray detected blazars during 2010-2020. We analyze flux variations, correlations between magnitudes and colours on different timescales. Intraday variability (IDV) is detected in all eight sources of our sample. A bluer-when-brighter (BWB) chromatic trend is dominant on intraday timescales. On the short timescales, the BWB trend only shows up in ON 231, 3C 279, BL Lacertae and 1E 1458.8+2249. There is a BWB trend in 3C 279 on the long timescale. We estimate the upper limits of black hole mass for three blazars (i.e. ON 321, 1ES 1426+42.8, PKS 1510-089) using variability timescales. On April 13, 2010 a potential quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) with the period of $P=48.67\pm13.90$ minutes is found in 1ES 1426+42.8. The light curve on March 16, 2021 further shows the existence of the QPO phenomenon. The QPO in this target deserves further observation and confirmation.

Giovanni P. Rosotti

24 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication on New Astronomy Reviews

Proto-planetary discs, the birth environment of planets, are an example of a structure commonly found in astrophysics, accretion discs. Identifying the mechanism responsible for accretion is a long-standing problem, dating back several decades. The common picture is that accretion is a consequence of turbulence, with several instabilities proposed for its origin. While traditionally this field used to be a purely theoretical endeavour, the landscape is now changing thanks mainly to new observational facilities such as the ALMA radio interferometer. Thanks to large improvements in spatial and spectral resolution and sensitivity (which have enabled the study of disc substructure, kinematics and surveys of large disc populations), multiple techniques have been devised to observationally measure the amount of turbulence in discs. This review summarises these techniques, ranging from attempts at direct detection of turbulence from line broadening, to more indirect approaches that rely on properties of the dust or consider the evolution of global disc properties (such as masses, radii and accretion rates) for large samples, and what their findings are. Multiple lines of evidence suggest that discs are in fact not as turbulent as thought one decade ago. On the other hand, direct detection of turbulence in some discs and the finite radial extent of dust substructures and in some cases the finite vertical extent strongly indicate that turbulence must be present at some level in proto-planetary discs. It is still an open question whether this amount of turbulence is enough to power accretion or if this is instead driven by other mechanisms, such as MHD winds.

M. Catelan (PUC-Chile, MAS)

Invited review, to appear in Mem. Soc. Astr. Italiana

Time-resolved ground-based surveys in general, and photometric ones in particular, have played a crucial role in building up our knowledge of the properties, physical nature, and the very existence of the many different classes of variable stars and transient events that are currently known. Here I provide a brief overview of these developments, discussing some of the stumbling blocks that had to be overcome along the way, and others that may still hamper further progress in the area. A compilation of different types of past, present, and future surveys is also provided.

Vigneshwaran Krishnamurthy, Teruyuki Hirano, Eric Gaidos, Bunei Sato, Ravi Kopparapu, Thomas Barclay, Katherine Garcia-Sage, Hiroki Harakawa, Klaus Hodapp, Shane Jacobson, Mihoko Konishi, Takayuki Kotani, Tomoyuki Kudo, Takashi Kurokawa, Masayuki Kuzuhara, Eric Lopez, Jun Nishikawa, Masashi Omiya, Joshua E. Schlieder, Takuma Serizawa, Motohide Tamura, Akitoshi Ueda, Sebastien Vievard

Accepted for MNRAS. 12 pages, 15 figures

\textit{Kepler} showed a paucity of planets with radii of 1.5 - 2 $\mathrm R_{\oplus}$ around solar mass stars but this radius-gap has not been well studied for low-mass star planets. Energy-driven escape models like photoevaporation and core-powered mass-loss predict opposing transition regimes between rocky and non-rocky planets when compared to models depicting planets forming in gas-poor environments. Here we present transit observations of three super-Earth sized planets in the radius-gap around low-mass stars using high-dispersion InfraRed Doppler (IRD) spectrograph on the Subaru 8.2m telescope. The planets GJ 9827 b and d orbit around a K6V star and TOI-1235 b orbits a M0.5 star. We limit any planet-related absorption in the 1083.3 nm lines of triplet He I by placing an upper-limit on the equivalent width of 14.71 m{\AA}, 18.39 m{\AA}, and 1.44 m{\AA}, for GJ 9827 b (99% confidence), GJ 9827 d (99% confidence) and TOI-1235 b (95% confidence) respectively. Using a Parker wind model, we cap the mass-loss at $>$0.25 $\mathrm M_{\oplus}$ Gyr$^{-1}$ and $>$0.2 $\mathrm M_{\oplus}$ Gyr$^{-1}$ for GJ 9827 b and d, respectively (99% confidence), and $>$0.05 $\mathrm M_{\oplus}$ Gyr$^{-1}$ for TOI-1235 b (95\% confidence) for a representative wind temperature of 5000 K. Our observed results for the three planets are more consistent with the predictions from photoevaporation and/or core-powered mass-loss models than the gas-poor formation models. However, more planets in the radius-gap regime around the low-mass stars are needed to robustly predict the atmospheric evolution in planets around low-mass stars.

Giant planets embedded in protoplanetary disks (PPDs) can create annulus density gaps around their orbits in the type-II regime, potentially responsible for the ubiquity of annular substructures observed in PPDs. Despite of substantial amount of works studying type-II planet migration and gap properties, they are almost exclusively conducted under the viscous accretion disk framework. However, recent studies have established magnetized disk winds as the primary driving disk accretion and evolution, which can co-exist with turbulence from the magneto-rotational instability (MRI) in the outer PPDs. We conduct a series of 3D global non-ideal magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of type-II planet-disk interaction applicable to the outer PPDs. Our simulations properly resolve the MRI turbulence and accommodate the MHD disk wind. We found that the planet triggers the poloidal magnetic flux concentration around its orbit. The concentrated magnetic flux strongly enhances angular momentum removal in the gap, which is along the inclined poloidal field through a strong outflow emanating from the disk surface outward of the planet gap. The resulting planet-induced gap shape is more similar to an inviscid disk, while being much deeper, which can be understood from a simple inhomogeneous wind torque prescription. The corotation region is characterized by a fast trans-sonic accretion flow that is asymmetric in azimuth about the planet and lacking the horseshoe turns, and the meridional flow is weakened. The torque acting on the planet generally drives inward migration, though the migration rate can be affected by the presence of neighboring gaps through stochastic, planet-free magnetic flux concentration.

Ashish Devaraj, Prajwel Joseph, C. S. Stalin, Shyam N. Tandon, Swarna K. Ghosh

Three fields in the outskirts of the Small Magellanic Cloud were observed by the Ultra-Violet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) on board AstroSat, during 31 December 2017 and 01 January 2018. The observations were carried out on a total of seven filters, three in the far ultra-violet (FUV; 1300$-$1800 \r{A}) band and four in the near ultra-violet (NUV; 2000$-$3000 \r{A}) band. We carried out photometry of these observations that have a spatial resolution better than 1.5$^{\prime\prime}$. We present here the first results of this work, which is a matched catalogue of 11,241 sources detected in three FUV and four NUV wavelengths. We make the catalogue available online, which would be of use to the astronomical community to address a wide variety of astrophysical problems. We provide an expression to estimate the total count rate in the full point spread function of UVIT that also incorporate the effect of saturation.

Yohsuke Enomoto, Takahiro Nishimichi, Atsushi Taruya

7 pages, 4 figures

Virialized halos of cold dark matter generically exhibit multi-stream structures of accreted dark matter within an outermost radial caustic known as the splashback radius. By tracking the particle trajectories that accrete onto the halos in cosmological $N$-body simulations, we count their number of apocenter passages ($p$), and use them to characterize the multi-stream structure of dark matter particles. We find that the radial density profile for each stream, classified by the number of apocenter passages, exhibits universal features, and can be described by a double power-law function comprising inner shallow and outer steep slopes of indices of $-1$ and $-8$, respectively. Surprisingly, these properties hold over a wide range of halo masses. The double-power law feature is persistent when dividing the sample by concentration or accretion rate. The dependence of the characteristic scale and amplitude of the profile on $p$ cannot be replicated by known self-similar solutions, requiring consideration of complexities such as the distribution of angular momentum or mergers.

Zhang XueGuang (GXU), Zheng Qi (NNU)

6 pages, 1 table, 3 figures, Accepted to be published in MNRAS

In this manuscript, an interesting method is proposed to test dual core system for double-peaked narrow emission lines, through precious dual core system with double-peaked narrow Balmer lines in one system in main galaxy but with single-peaked narrow Balmer lines in the other system in companion galaxy. Under a dual core system, considering narrow Balmer (H$\alpha$ and H$\beta$) emissions ($f_{e,~\alpha}$ and $f_{e,~\beta}$) from companion galaxy but covered by SDSS fiber for the main galaxy and narrow Balmer emissions ($f_{c,~\alpha}$ and $f_{c,~\beta}$) from the companion galaxy covered by SDSS fiber for the companion galaxy, the same flux ratios $f_{e,~\alpha}/f_{c,~\alpha}=f_{e,~\beta}/f_{c,~\beta}$ can be expected, due to totally similar physical conditions of each narrow Balmer emission region. Then, the precious dual core system in SDSS J2219-0938 is discussed. After subtracting pPXF code determined stellar lights, double-peaked narrow Balmer emission lines are confirmed in the main galaxy with confidence level higher than $5\sigma$, but single-peaked narrow Balmer emission lines in the companion galaxy. Through measured fluxes of emission components, $f_{e,~\alpha}/f_{c,~\alpha}$ is around 0.82, different from $f_{e,~\beta}/f_{c,~\beta}\sim0.52$, to disfavour a dual core system for the double-peaked narrow Balmer emission lines in SDSS J2219-0938.

Naoto Harada, Kazuki Tokuda, Hayao Yamasaki, Asako Sato, Mitsuki Omura, Shingo Hirano, Toshikazu Onishi, Kengo Tachihara, Masahiro N. Machida

Accepted for publication in ApJ. 12 pages, 5 figures

We report on an Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) study of the Class I or II intermediate-mass protostar DK Cha in the Chamaeleon II region. The 12CO (J=2-1) images have an angular resolution of ~1'' (~250 au) and show high-velocity blueshifted (>70 km s-1) and redshifted (>50 km s-1) emissions which have 3000 au scale crescent-shaped structures around the protostellar disk traced in the 1.3mm continuum. Because the high-velocity components of the CO emission are associated with the protostar, we concluded that the emission traces the pole-on outflow. The blueshifted outflow lobe has a clear layered velocity gradient with a higher velocity component located on the inner side of the crescent shape, which can be explained by a model of an outflow with a higher velocity in the inner radii. Based on the directly driven outflow scenario, we estimated the driving radii from the observed outflow velocities and found that the driving region extends over two orders of magnitude. The 13CO emission traces a complex envelope structure with arc-like substructures with lengths of ~1000au. We identified the arc-like structures as streamers because they appear to be connected to a rotating infalling envelope. DK Cha is useful for understanding characteristics that are visible by looking at nearly face-on configurations of young protostellar systems, providing an alternative perspective for studying the star-formation process.

V. V. Bobylev, A. T. Bajkova

20 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables. Accepted to be published in Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The kinematics of about 2000 classical Cepheids of the Milky Way with data from Gaia\,EDR3 catalog has been studied. For some of these stars, there are line-of-sight velocities. On the basis of the nonlinear rotation model, the parameters of the rotation curve of the Galaxy were determined. The circular linear rotation velocity of the near-solar neighborhood around the Galaxy center was $V_0=236\pm 3$~km s$^{-1}$ for the assumed Sun's galactocentric distance $R_0=8.1\pm0.1$~kpc. Analysis of residual velocities of Cepheids based on the linear Ogorodnikov-Milne model showed the presence of the following significantly different from zero gradients: $\partial U/\partial x,$ $\partial U/\partial z,$ $\partial V/\partial x,$ $\partial V/\partial z$ and $\partial W/\partial x,$ which behaves differently depending on the selection radius. The most interesting is the gradient $\partial W/\partial x\sim-0.5\pm0.1$~km s$^{-1}$ kpc$^{-1}$ (positive rotation of this star system around the galactic axis $y$, $\Omega_y$) since the velocities $W$ are free of galactic rotation. Here we have an indirect influence of various effects leading to a perturbation of the vertical velocities of the galactic disk stars. Based on a simpler model, a more accurate estimate of this rotation is obtained, $\Omega_y=0.51\pm0.07$~km s$^{-1}$ kpc$^{-1}$.

Berikol Tekeste Gebreyesus, Seblu Humne Negu

Accepted for publication in Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 19 pages, 19 figures

In this study, we determined the physical parameters of W UMa type contact binaries and its stability of mass transfer with different stellar mass ranges over a broad space by applying the basic dynamical evolution equations of the W UMa type contact binaries using accretor and donor masses between 0.079 and 2.79 $M_{\odot}$. In these systems, we have studied the three sub-classes of the W UMa system such as A-, B- and W-type of W UMa contact binaries using the initial and final mass ranges and we investigated different stellar and orbital parameters for the sub-classes of W UMa systems. We examined the stability of the W UMa type contact binaries using the orbital parameters such as critical mass ratio, Roche lobe radius of the donor star, and mass ratio of these systems. Thus, we computed the observed and calculated physical parameters of A-, B- and W-type of W UMa systems. Although, we determined the combined and color temperatures to classify the three subclasses of the systems. Also, we have presented the result of the internal stellar structure and evolution of W UMa type contact binaries by using the polytropic model.

Vipin Kumar, A. S. Rajpurohit, Mudit K. Srivastava

5 pages, 5 figures, submitted to the proceedings of The 21th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun

Activities in M dwarfs show spectroscopic variability over various time scales ranging from a few seconds to several hours. The time scales of such variability can be related to internal dynamics of M dwarfs like magnetic activity, energetic flaring events, their rotation periods, etc. The time variability in the strengths of prominent emission lines (particularly H{\alpha} ) is mostly taken as a proxy of such dynamic behavior. In this study, we have performed the spectroscopic monitoring of 83 M dwarfs (M0-M6.5) to study the variations in H{\alpha} and H\b{eta} emissions on short-time scales. Low-resolution (resolution around 5.7 angstroms) spectral time series of 3-5 minutes cadence over 0.7-2.3 hours were obtained with MFOSC-P instrument on PRL 1.2m Mt. Abu telescope, covering H\b{eta} and H{\alpha} wavelengths. Coupled with the data available in the literature and archival photometric data from TESS and Kepler/K2 archives, various variability parameters are explored for any plausible systematics with respect to their spectral types, and rotation periods. Though about 64% of our sample shows statistically significant variability, it is not uniform across the spectral type and rotation period. H{\alpha} activity strength (LH{\alpha}/Lbol) is also derived and explored for such distributions.

Hermine Landt, Jake A. J. Mitchell, Martin J. Ward, Paul Mercatoris, Jörg-Uwe Pott, Keith Horne, Juan V. Hernández Santisteban, Daksh Malhotra, Edward M. Cackett, Michael R. Goad, Encarni Romero Colmenero, Hartmut Winkler

18 pages, 7 figures; accepted to ApJ

Recent models for the inner structure of active galactic nuclei (AGN) advocate the presence of a radiatively accelerated, dusty outflow launched from the outer regions of the accretion disk. Here we present the first near-infrared (near-IR) variable (rms) spectrum for the high-luminosity, nearby AGN Mrk 876. We find that it tracks the accretion disk spectrum out to longer wavelengths than the mean spectrum due to a reduced dust emission. The implied outer accretion disk radius is consistent with the infrared results predicted by a contemporaneous optical accretion disk reverberation mapping campaign and much larger than the self-gravity radius. The reduced flux variability of the hot dust could be either due to the presence of a secondary, constant dust component in the mean spectrum or introduced by the destructive superposition of the dust and accretion disk variability signals or some combination of both. Assuming thermal equilibrium for optically thin dust, we derive the luminosity-based dust radius for different grain properties using our measurement of the temperature. We find that in all cases considered the values are significantly larger than the dust response time measured by IR photometric monitoring campaigns, with the least discrepancy present relative to the result for a wavelength-independent dust emissivity law, i.e. a blackbody, which is appropriate for large grain sizes. This result can be well explained by assuming a flared, disk-like structure for the hot dust.

Leela Elpida Koutsantoniou

18 pages, 16 figures, 3 tables

We present the results of our studies on accretion disks in the proximity of astrophysical black holes. These disks can be of varying degrees of opacity, geometrical shapes, sizes, and volumes. The central compact object is a Schwarzschild or a Kerr black hole of various spin parameters. We describe the environment and the physics of the systems under examination and the disk models considered. We first investigate the effects of the {spacetime} rotation on photon trajectories. We then examine the radiation forces recorded at various points of the arrangement inside and outside the disk material, and in the inner, outer, and off-equatorial material orbits. We document and explore the radiation effects, which are revealed to be significant and {positively} consequential. Afterward, we inspect the possible imaging outcome of various types of black hole and accretion disk configurations, and we show our results for plots that could be used to estimate the central black hole spin in a system. Finally, we show results regarding the disk material orbit degradation due to its thermal radiation.

Emil Knudstrup, Simon H. Albrecht, Davide Gandolfi, Marcus L. Marcussen, Elisa Goffo, Luisa M. Serrano, Fei Dai, Seth Redfield, Teruyuki Hirano, Szilárd Csizmadia, William D. Cochran, Hans J. Deeg, Malcolm Fridlund, Kristine W. F. Lam, John H. Livingston, Rafael Luque, Norio Narita, Enric Palle, Carina M. Persson, Vincent Van Eylen

15 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&A, in press

TOI-640 b is a hot, puffy Jupiter with a mass of $0.57 \pm 0.02$ M$_{\rm J}$ and radius of $1.72 \pm 0.05$ R$_{\rm J}$, orbiting a slightly evolved F-type star with a separation of $6.33^{+0.07}_{-0.06}$ R$_\star$. Through spectroscopic in-transit observations made with the HARPS spectrograph, we measured the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect, analysing both in-transit radial velocities and the distortion of the stellar spectral lines. From these observations, we find the host star to have a projected obliquity of $\lambda=184\pm3^\circ$. From the TESS light curve, we measured the stellar rotation period, allowing us to determine the stellar inclination, $i_\star=23^{+3\circ}_{-2}$, meaning we are viewing the star pole-on. Combining this with the orbital inclination allowed us to calculate the host star obliquity, $\psi=104\pm2^\circ$. TOI-640 b joins a group of planets orbiting over stellar poles within the range $80^\circ-125^\circ$. The origin of this orbital configuration is not well understood.

Jinyi Yang, Xiaohui Fan, Ansh Gupta, Adam Myers, Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille, Feige Wang, Christophe Yèche, Jessica Nicole Aguilar, Steven Ahlen, David Alexander, David Brooks, Kyle Dawson, Axel de la Macorra, Arjun Dey, Govinda Dhungana, Kevin Fanning, Andreu Font-Ribera, Satya Gontcho, Julien Guy, Klaus Honscheid, Stephanie Juneau, Theodore Kisner, Anthony Kremin, Laurent Le Guillou, Michael Levi, Christophe Magneville, Paul Martini, Aaron Meisner, Ramon Miquel, John Moustakas, Jundan Nie, Will Percival, Claire Poppett, Francisco Prada, Edward Schlafly, Gregory Tarlé, Mariana Vargas Magana, Benjamin Alan Weaver, Risa Wechsler, Rongpu Zhou, Zhimin Zhou, Hu Zou

28 pages, 9 figures, and 2 tables; submitted to AAS

We report the first results of a high-redshift ($z$ >~ 5) quasar survey using the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). As a DESI secondary target program, this survey is designed to carry out a systematic search and investigation of quasars at $z$ >~ 5, up to redshift 6.8. The target selection is based on the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys (the Legacy Surveys) DR9 photometry, combined with the Pan-STARRS1 data and $J$-band photometry from public surveys. A first quasar sample has been constructed from the DESI Survey Validation 3 (SV3) and first-year observations until May 2022. This sample includes more than 400 new quasars at redshift 4.7 <= $z$ < 6.6, down to 21.5 magnitude in the $z$ band, discovered from 35% of the entire target sample. Remarkably, there are 220 new quasars identified at $z$ >= 5, more than one third of existing quasars previously published at this redshift. The observations so far result in an average success rate of 23% at $z$ > 4.7. The current spectral dataset has already allowed analysis of interesting individual objects (e.g., quasars with damped Ly$\alpha$ absorbers and broad absorption line features), and statistical analysis will follow the survey's completion. A set of science projects will be carried out leveraging this program, including quasar luminosity function, quasar clustering, intergalactic medium, quasar spectral properties, intervening absorbers, and properties of early supermassive black holes. Additionally, a sample of 38 new quasars at $z$ ~ 3.8-5.7 discovered from a pilot survey in the DESI SV1 is also published in this paper.

A. Flörs (1), R. F. Silva (2, 3), J. Deprince (4, 5), H. Carvajal Gallego (5), G. Leck (1, 6), G. Martínez-Pinedo (1, 6, 7), J. M. Sampaio (2, 3), P. Amaro (8), J. P. Marques (2, 3), S. Goriely (4), P. Quinet (5, 9), P. Palmeri (5), M. Godefroid (10) ((1) GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, (2) Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas (LIP), Lisboa, (3) Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, (4) Institut d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique, Université Libre de Bruxelles, (5) Physique Atomique et Astrophysique, Université de Mons, (6) Institut für Kernphysik (Theoriezentrum), Fachbereich Physik, Technische Universität Darmstadt, (7) Helmholtz Forschungsakademie Hessen für FAIR, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt (8) Laboratory for Instrumentation, Biomedical Engineering and Radiation Physics (LIBPhys-UNL), Caparica (9) IPNAS, Université de Liège (10) Spectroscopy, Quantum Chemistry and Atmospheric Remote Sensing, Université Libre de Bruxelles)

20 pages, 13 figures, submitted to MNRAS

In 2017, the electromagnetic counterpart AT2017gfo to the binary neutron star merger GW170817 was observed by all major telescopes on Earth. While it was immediately clear that the transient following the merger event, is powered by the radioactive decay of r-process nuclei, only a few tentative identifications of light r-process elements have been made so far. One of the major limitations for the identification of heavy nuclei based on light curves or spectral features is incomplete or missing atomic data. While some progress has been made on lanthanide atomic data over the last few years, for actinides very little atomic data is available. We perform atomic structure calculations of neodymium ($Z = 60$) as well as the corresponding actinide uranium ($Z = 92$). Using two different codes (FAC and HFR) for the calculation of the atomic data, we investigate the accuracy of the calculated data (energy levels and electric dipole transitions) and their effect on kilonova opacities. For the FAC calculations, we optimise the local central potential and the number of included configurations and use a dedicated calibration technique to improve the agreement between theoretical and available experimental atomic energy levels (AELs). For ions with vast amounts of experimental data available, the presented opacities agree quite well with previous estimations. On the other hand, the optimisation and calibration method cannot be used for ions with only a few available AELs. For these cases, where no experimental nor benchmarked calculations are available, a large spread in the opacities estimated from the atomic data obtained with the various atomic structure codes is observed, most likely due to the uncertainty in the density of low-lying levels predicted by theory. We find that the opacity of uranium is almost double the neodymium opacity.

Magdalena Siwek, Rainer Weinberger, Lars Hernquist

12 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to MNRAS

We present the to-date largest parameter space exploration of binaries in circumbinary disks (CBDs), deriving orbital evolution prescriptions for eccentric, unequal mass binaries from our suite of hydrodynamic simulations. In all cases, binary eccentricities evolve towards steady state values that increase with mass ratio, and saturate at an equilibrium eccentricity $e_{\rm b, eq} \sim 0.5$ in the large mass ratio regime, in line with resonant theory. For binaries accreting at their combined Eddington limit, a steady state eccentricity can be achieved within a few Megayears. Once at their steady state eccentricities, binaries with $q_{\rm b} \gtrsim 0.3$ evolve towards coalescence, while lower mass ratio systems expand due to CBD torques. We discuss implications for population studies of massive black hole binaries, protostars in binary systems, and post-common envelope binaries observed by ground-based gravitational wave detectors.

K. G. Strassmeier, M. Weber, D. Gruner, I. Ilyin, M. Steffen, M. Baratella, S. Järvinen, T. Granzer, S. A. Barnes, T. A. Carroll, M. Mallonn, D. Sablowski, P. Gabor, D. Brown, C. Corbally, M. Franz

We embarked on a high-resolution optical spectroscopic survey of bright Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) stars around the Northern Ecliptic Pole (NEP), dubbed the Vatican-Potsdam-NEP (VPNEP) survey. Our NEP coverage comprises 1067 stars, of which 352 are bona fide dwarf stars and 715 are giant stars, all cooler than spectral type F0 and brighter than V=8. m 5. Our aim is to characterize these stars for the benefit of future studies in the community. We analyzed the spectra via comparisons with synthetic spectra. Particular line profiles were analyzed by means of eigen-profiles, equivalent widths, and relative emission-line fluxes (when applicable). Two R=200 000 spectra were obtained for each of the dwarf stars with the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT) and the Potsdam Echelle Polarimetric and Spectroscopic Instrument (PEPSI), with typically three R=55 000 spectra obtained for the giant stars with STELLA and the STELLA Echelle Spectrograph (SES). Combined with V-band magnitudes, Gaia eDR3 parallaxes, and isochrones from the Padova and Trieste Stellar Evolutionary Code, the spectra can be used to obtain radial velocities, effective temperatures, gravities, rotational and turbulence broadenings, stellar masses and ages, and abundances for 27 chemical elements, as well as isotope ratios for lithium and carbon, line bisector spans, convective blue-shifts (when feasible), and levels of magnetic activity from H{\alpha}, H{\beta}, and the Ca ii infrared triplet. In this initial paper, we discuss our analysis tools and biases, presenting our first results from a pilot sub-sample of 54 stars (27 bona-fide dwarf stars observed with VATT+PEPSI and 27 bona-fide giant stars observed with STELLA+SES) and making all reduced spectra available to the community.

F. Haberl, C. Maitra, D. Kaltenbrunner, D.A.H. Buckley, I.M. Monageng, A. Udalski, V. Doroshenko, L. Ducci, I. Kreykenbohm, P. Maggi, A. Rau, G. Vasilopoulos, P. Weber, J. Wilms

Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

Using data from eROSITA, the soft X-ray instrument aboard Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma (SRG), we report the discovery of two new hard transients, eRASSU J050810.4-660653 and eRASSt J044811.1-691318, in the Large Magellanic Cloud. We also report the detection of the Be/X-ray binary RX J0501.6-7034 in a bright state. We initiated follow-up observations to investigate the nature of the new transients and to search for X-ray pulsations coming from RX J0501.6-7034. We analysed the X-ray spectra and light curves from our XMM-Newton observations, obtained optical spectra using the South African Large Telescope to look for Balmer emission lines and utilised the archival data from the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) for the long-term monitoring of the optical counterparts. We find X-ray pulsations for eRASSU J050810.4-660653, RX J0501.6-7034, and eRASSt J044811.1-691318 of 40.6 s, 17.3 s, and 784 s, respectively. The Halpha emission lines with equivalent widths of -10.4 A (eRASSU J050810.4-660653) and -43.9 A (eRASSt J044811.1-691318) were measured, characteristic for a circumstellar disc around Be stars. The OGLE I- and V-band light curves of all three systems exhibit strong variability. A regular pattern of deep dips in the light curves of RX J0501.6-7034 suggests an orbital period of ~451 days. We identify the two new hard eROSITA transients eRASSU J050810.4-660653 and eRASSt J044811.1-691318 and the known Be/X-ray binary RX J0501.6-7034 as Be/X-ray binary pulsars.

Ivan Kostyuk, Robert Lilow, Matthias Bartelmann

16 pages, 3 figures

We explore how interactions between baryons and photons can be incorporated into Kinetic Field Theory (KFT), a description of cosmic structure formation based on classical Hamiltonian particle dynamics. In KFT, baryons are described as effective mesoscopic particles which represent fluid elements governed by the hydrodynamic equations. In this paper, we modify the mesoscopic particle model to include pressure effects exerted on baryonic matter through interactions with photons. As a proof of concept, we use this extended mesoscopic model to describe the tightly coupled baryon-photon fluid between matter-radiation equality and recombination. We show that this model can qualitatively reproduce the formation of baryon-acoustic oscillations in the cosmological power spectrum.

Jordan Eagle, Daniel Castro, Peter Mahhov, Joseph Gelfand, Matthew Kerr, Patrick Slane, Jean Ballet, Fabio Acero, Samayra Straal, Marco Ajello

18 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Feb. 1, 2023

We report the second extragalactic pulsar wind nebula (PWN) to be detected in the MeV-GeV band by the Fermi-LAT, located within the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). The only other known PWN to emit in the Fermi band outside of the Milky Way Galaxy is N 157B which lies to the west of the newly detected gamma-ray emission at an angular distance of 4 degrees. Faint, point-like gamma-ray emission is discovered at the location of the composite supernova remnant (SNR) B0453-685 with a ~ 4 sigma significance from energies 300 MeV - 2 TeV. We present the Fermi-LAT data analysis of the new gamma-ray source, coupled with a detailed multi-wavelength investigation to understand the nature of the observed emission. Combining the observed characteristics of the SNR and the physical implications from broadband modeling, we argue it is unlikely the SNR is responsible for the gamma-ray emission. While the gamma-ray emission is too faint for a pulsation search, we try to distinguish between any pulsar and PWN component of SNR B0453-685 that would be responsible for the observed gamma-ray emission using semi-analytic models. We determine the most likely scenario is that the old PWN (t ~ 14,000 years) within B0453-685 has been impacted by the return of the SNR reverse shock with a possible substantial pulsar component below 5 GeV.

Smriti Mahajan, Kulinder Pal Singh, Juhi Tiwari, Somak Raychaudhury

Accepted for publication in the Publication of the Astronomical Society of Australia (PASA). 16 pages, 11 figures

We present multi-wavelength data and analysis, including new FUV AstroSat/UVIT observations of the spiral galaxy UGC 10420 (z=0.032), a member of the cluster Abell 2199. UGC 10420 is present on the edge of the X-ray emitting region of the cluster at a distance of ~ 680 kpc from the centre. The FUV data shows intense knots of star formation on the leading edge of the galaxy, accompanied by a tail of the same on the diametrically opposite side. Our analysis shows that the images of the galaxy disk in the optical and mid-infrared are much smaller in size than that in the FUV. While the broadband optical colours of UGC 10420 are typical of a post-starburst galaxy, the SFR derived from a UV-to-IR spectral energy distribution is at least a factor of nine higher than that expected for a star-forming field galaxy of similar mass at its redshift. A careful removal of the contribution of the diffuse intracluster gas shows that the significant diffuse X-ray emission associated with the inter-stellar medium of UGC 10420 has a temperature, T_X = 0.24^{+0.09}_{-0.06} keV (0.4-2.0 keV) and luminosity, L_X = 1.8+/-0.9 x 10^{40} erg/s, which are typical of the X-ray emission from late-type spiral galaxies. Our analysis favours a scenario where the interaction of a galaxy with the hot intra-cluster medium of the cluster, perturbs the gas in the galaxy causing starburst in the leading edge of the disk. On the other hand, the turbulence thus developed may also push some of the gas out of the disk. Interactions between the gas ejected from the galaxy and the intracluster medium can then locally trigger star formation in the wake of the galaxy experiencing ram-pressure stripping. Our data however does not rule out the possibility of a flyby encounter with a neighbouring galaxy, although no relevant candidates are observed in the vicinity of UGC 10420. (abridged)

R. de la Reza, C. Chavero, S. Roca-Fàbrega, F. Llorente de Andrés, P. Cruz, C. Cifuentes

13 pages, 5 figures

The nature of the few known solar-mass stars simultaneously containing debris disks and planets remains an open question. A number of works have shown that this property appears to be independent of planetary masses as well as of stellar age, but possible correlations with stellar kinematics and metallicity have not been investigated. In this paper, we show that the majority of known stars containing both debris disks and planets belong to the metal-enriched Galactic thin disk. The few exceptions are stars that seem to be born in the star formation peak occurring in times of thick disk formation (i.e., HD 10700, HD 20794, and HD 40307), that is, between 11 and 8 Gyr. The mass of the dusty disk of these three old stars measured at 70 $\mu$m is very small - in fact, it is lower than that of the Kuiper belt of our Solar system by several orders of magnitude. These results are not surprising, as they remain within the values expected for the stellar disk evolution of such primitive stars. In parallel, we found another six thick-disk stars containing only debris disks or planets. These results enable us to establish a correlation between stellar metallicity and the mass of the dust disk modulated by the different formation epochs of the thick and thin Galactic disks.

D. Ehrenreich, L. Delrez, B. Akinsanmi, T. G. Wilson, A. Bonfanti, M. Beck, W. Benz, S. Hoyer, D. Queloz, Y. Alibert, S. Charnoz, A. Collier Cameron, A. Deline, M. Hooton, M. Lendl, G. Olofsson, S. G. Sousa, V. Adibekyan, R. Alonso, G. Anglada, D. Barrado, S. C. C. Barros, W. Baumjohann, T. Beck, A. Bekkelien, M. Bergomi, N. Billot, X. Bonfils, A. Brandeker, C. Broeg, T. Bárczy, Z. K. Berta-Thompson, J. Cabrera, C. Corral Van Damme, S. Csizmadia, M. B. Davies, M. Deleuil, O. Demangeon, B.-O. Demory, J. P. Doty, A. Erikson, M. M. Fausnaugh, H. G. Florén, A. Fortier, L. Fossati, M. Fridlund, D. Futyan, D. Gandolfi, M. Gillon, P. Guterman, M. Güdel, K. Heng, K. G. Isaak, A. Jäckel, J. M. Jenkins, L. L. Kiss, J. Laskar, D. W. Latham, A. Lecavelier des Etangs, A. M. Levine, et al. (33 additional authors not shown)

16 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

The planetary system around the naked-eye star $\nu^2$ Lupi (HD 136352; TOI-2011) is composed of three exoplanets with masses of 4.7, 11.2, and 8.6 Earth masses. The TESS and CHEOPS missions revealed that all three planets are transiting and have radii straddling the radius gap separating volatile-rich and volatile-poor super-earths. Only a partial transit of planet d had been covered so we re-observed an inferior conjunction of the long-period 8.6 Earth-mass exoplanet $\nu^2$ Lup d with the CHEOPS space telescope. We confirmed its transiting nature by covering its whole 9.1 h transit for the first time. We refined the planet transit ephemeris to P = 107.1361 (+0.0019/-0.0022) days and Tc = 2,459,009.7759 (+0.0101/-0.0096) BJD_TDB, improving by ~40 times on the previously reported transit timing uncertainty. This refined ephemeris will enable further follow-up of this outstanding long-period transiting planet to search for atmospheric signatures or explore the planet's Hill sphere in search for an exomoon. In fact, the CHEOPS observations also cover the transit of a large fraction of the planet's Hill sphere, which is as large as the Earth's, opening the tantalising possibility of catching transiting exomoons. We conducted a search for exomoon signals in this single-epoch light curve but found no conclusive photometric signature of additional transiting bodies larger than Mars. Yet, only a sustained follow-up of $\nu^2$ Lup d transits will warrant a comprehensive search for a moon around this outstanding exoplanet.

A. Taverna, J.M. Salerno, I.V. Daza-Perilla, E. Diaz-Gimenez, A. Zandivarez, H.J. Martinez, A.N. Ruiz (OAC/UNC - IATE/CONICET/UNC)

16 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in MNRAS

Although Compact Groups of galaxies (CGs) have been envisioned as isolated extremely dense structures in the Universe, it is accepted today that many of them could be not as isolated as thought. In this work, we study Hickson-like CGs identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 16 to analyse these systems and their galaxies when embedded in different cosmological structures. To achieve this goal, we identify several cosmological structures where CGs can reside: Nodes of filaments, Loose Groups, Filaments and cosmic Voids. Our results indicate that 45 per cent of CGs do not reside in any of these structures, i.e., they can be considered non-embedded or isolated systems. Most of the embedded CGs are found inhabiting Loose Groups and Nodes, while there are almost no CGs residing well inside cosmic Voids. Some physical properties of CGs vary depending on the environment they inhabit. CGs in Nodes show the largest velocity dispersions, the brightest absolute magnitude of the first-ranked galaxy, and the smallest crossing times, while the opposite occurs in Non-Embedded CGs. When comparing galaxies in all the environments and galaxies in CGs, CGs show the highest fractions of red/early-type galaxy members in most of the absolute magnitudes ranges. The variation between galaxies in CGs inhabiting one or another environment is not as significant as the differences caused by belonging or not to a CG. Our results suggest a plausible scenario for galaxy evolution in CGs in which both, large-scale and local environments play essential roles.

J. W. Powell, L. Caudill, O. Young

No further review required by the American Journal of Physics. Two important supplementary documents

We provide introductory explanations and illustrations of the $N$-body hydrodynamics code Charm N-body GrAvity solver (ChaNGa). ChaNGa simulates the gravitational motion and gas dynamics of matter in space, with the goal of modeling galactic and/or cosmological structure and evolution. We discuss the algorithm for leapfrog integration and smoothed particle hydrodynamics and computer science concepts used by the program, including the binary data structure for the particle positions. Our presentation borrows from the doctoral dissertation of J.\ G.\ Stadel. Problems are provided in order to use ChaNGa to learn or solidify some cosmological concepts.

Radosław Wojtak, Jens Hjorth, Jacob Osman Hjortlund

16 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables; to be submitted to MNRAS; comments welcome

The currently used standardisation of type Ia supernovae results in Hubble residuals whose physical origin is unaccounted for. This poses a limitation to the accuracy and precision of distances that can be derived from supernova observations. Here, we present a complete physical interpretation of the Hubble residuals based on a novel Bayesian hierarchical model of type Ia supernovae in which latent variables describing intrinsic and extrinsic (dust related) supernova properties originate from two populations. Fitting the model to SALT2 light curve parameters of supernovae in the Hubble flow we find strong (4\sigma) evidence for the presence of two overlapping, but distinct, populations differentiated primarily by their mean SALT2 shape parameter (stretch) x_1. Supernovae from the population with predominantly slow decliners (higher average x_1) are found to be intrinsically bluer (mean SALT2 colour c=-0.11) and twice as reddened by dust (mean reddening E(B-V)=0.10) than those from the opposite population dominated by fast decliners (lower average x_1) with c=-0.04$ and E(B-V)=0.05. The inferred extinction coefficient R_B in both supernova populations follows a broad (scatter 0.9) distribution with a mean of 4.1 which coincides closely with the mean extinction law measured in the Milky Way. We also find that the supernova data favour a peaked (two-tailed) distribution of selective extinction E(B-V) over the commonly adopted exponential model (one-tailed with maximum fixed at 0). Our model provides a complete explanation of the distribution of supernova light curve parameters in terms of extinction properties and the above-mentioned differences between the two populations, without the need for introducing any intrinsic scatter.

Alexandre Barreira

11 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables. Comments welcomed!

We use the BOSS DR12 galaxy power spectrum to constrain compensated isocurvature perturbations (CIP), which are opposite-sign primordial baryon and dark matter perturbations that leave the total matter density unchanged. Long-wavelength CIP $\sigma(\vec{x})$ enter the galaxy density contrast as $\delta_g(\vec{x}) \supset b_\sigma\sigma(\vec{x})$, with $b_\sigma$ the linear CIP galaxy bias parameter. We parameterize the CIP spectra as $P_{\sigma\sigma} = A^2P_{\mathcal{R}\mathcal{R}}$ and $P_{\sigma\mathcal{R}} = \xi\sqrt{P_{\sigma\sigma}P_{\mathcal{R}\mathcal{R}}}$, where $A$ is the CIP amplitude and $\xi$ is the correlation with the curvature perturbations $\mathcal{R}$. We find a significance of detection of $Ab_\sigma \neq 0$ of $1.8\sigma$ for correlated ($\xi = 1$) and $3.7\sigma$ for uncorrelated ($\xi = 0$) CIP. Large-scale data systematics have a bigger impact for uncorrelated CIP, which may explain the large significance of detection. The constraints on $A$ depend on the assumed priors for the $b_\sigma$ parameter, which we estimate using separate universe simulations. Assuming $b_\sigma$ values representative of all halos we find $\sigma_A = 145$ for correlated CIP and $\sigma_{|A|} = 475$ for uncorrelated CIP. Our strongest uncorrelated CIP constraint is for $b_\sigma$ representative of the $33\%$ most concentrated halos, $\sigma_{|A|} = 197$, which is better than the current CMB bounds $|A| \lesssim 360$. We also discuss the impact of the local primordial non-Gaussianity parameter $f_{\rm NL}$ in CIP constraints. Our results demonstrate the power of galaxy data to place tight constraints on CIP, and motivate works to understand better the impact of data systematics, as well as to determine theory priors for $b_\sigma$.

Zoé Delfín (1), Rubén Cordero (1), Tonatiuh Matos (2), Miguel A. García-Aspeitia (3) ((1) Escuela Superior de Física y Matemáticas del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, (2) Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN, (3) Universidad Iberoamericana)

24 pages, submitted to GRG journal

In the present work, we generalize the theory of perturbations in a dimensional space-time D + 1, where D is the number of spatial dimensions, with cosmological constant, studying scalar, vector and tensor perturbations, as well as its structure in Newtonian and synchronous gauge. We also show the theory of perturbations in the context of brane cosmology, where branes are embedded in a set of D-spatial dimensions, a temporal dimension, and an additional spatial dimension. In both standard and brane cosmology, unperturbed spacetime is provided with a Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker metric and arbitrary sectional curvature, the matter content has the shape of a perfect fluid. In addition, we consider the arbitrary sectional curvature, obtaining the respective equations in the Newtonian and synchronous norm. We highlight that the results presented in this article can be used to treat brane cosmology with a more efficient approach.

Hrishikesh Chakrabarty, Auttakit Chatrabhuti, Daniele Malafarina, Bhuddhanubhap Silasan, Takol Tangphati

13 pages, 6 figures

We study gravitational lensing of neutrinos in a Kaluza-Klein black hole spacetime and compare the oscillation probabilities of neutrinos with the case of lensing by black holes in General Relativity. We show that measuring neutrino oscillations in curved spacetimes may allow us to distinguish the two kinds of black holes. This promises to become an useful tool for future measurements of the properties of black hole candidates and possibly help to constrain the validity of alternative theories of gravity.

Satyabrata Mahapatra (1), Rabindra N. Mohapatra (2), Narendra Sahu (1) ((1) Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, (2) University of Maryland )

29 pages, 10 captioned figures

We present two models where the familiar leptonic symmetry $L_e-L_\mu-L_\tau$ is a gauge symmetry. We show how anomaly cancellation constrains the allowed theories, with one of them requiring a fourth sequential chiral standard model fermion generation and a second one with three generations, requiring gauging of $(L_e-L_\mu-L_\tau)-(B_1-B_2-B_3)$ with $B_a$ representing the baryon number of the $a$th generation quarks. Unlike global $L_e-L_\mu-L_\tau$ models which always leads to inverted mass hierarchy for neutrinos, the gauged version can lead to normal hierarchy. We show how to construct realistic models in both the cases and discuss the dark matter candidate in both. In our model, the breaking of $U(1)_{L_e-L_\mu-L_\tau}$ is responsible for neutrino mass via type-I mechanism whereas the real part of $U(1)_{L_e-L_\mu-L_\tau}$ breaking scalar field (called $\phi$ here) plays the role of freeze-in dark matter candidate. Since $\phi$ is unstable, for it to qualify as dark matter, its lifetime must be larger than the age of the Universe, implying that the relic of $\phi$ is generated through freeze-in mechanism and its mass must be less than an MeV. We also discuss the possibility of explaining both muon and electron $(g-2)$ while being consistent with the dark matter relic density and lifetime constraints.

P. Agnes, I.F.M. Albuquerque, T. Alexander, A.K. Alton, M. Ave, H.O. Back, G. Batignani, K. Biery, V. Bocci, W.M. Bonivento, B. Bottino, S. Bussino, M. Cadeddu, M. Cadoni, F. Calaprice, A. Caminata, M.D. Campos, N. Canci, M. Caravati, N. Cargioli, M. Cariello, M. Carlini, V. Cataudella, P. Cavalcante, S. Cavuoti, S. Chashin, A. Chepurnov, C. Cicalò, G. Covone, D. D'Angelo, S. Davini, A. De Candia, S. De Cecco, G. De Filippis, G. De Rosa, A.V. Derbin, A. Devoto, M. D'Incecco, C. Dionisi, F. Dordei, M. Downing, D. D'Urso, M. Fairbairn, G. Fiorillo, D. Franco, F. Gabriele, C. Galbiati, C. Ghiano, C. Giganti, G.K. Giovanetti, A.M. Goretti, G. Grilli di Cortona, A. Grobov, M. Gromov, M. Guan, M. Gulino, B.R. Hackett, K. Herner, T. Hessel, B. Hosseini, et al. (82 additional authors not shown)

23 pages, 12 figures, 1 table

We present a novel approach for the search of dark matter in the DarkSide-50 experiment, relying on Bayesian Networks. This method incorporates the detector response model into the likelihood function, explicitly maintaining the connection with the quantity of interest. No assumptions about the linearity of the problem or the shape of the probability distribution functions are required, and there is no need to morph signal and background spectra as a function of nuisance parameters. By expressing the problem in terms of Bayesian Networks, we have developed an inference algorithm based on a Markov Chain Monte Carlo to calculate the posterior probability. A clever description of the detector response model in terms of parametric matrices allows us to study the impact of systematic variations of any parameter on the final results. Our approach not only provides the desired information on the parameter of interest, but also potential constraints on the response model. Our results are consistent with recent published analyses and further refine the parameters of the detector response model.