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Papers for Monday, Feb 20 2023

Papers with local authors

Taha Dawoodbhoy, Paul R. Shapiro, Pierre Ocvirk, Joseph S. W. Lewis, Dominique Aubert, Jenny G. Sorce, Kyungjin Ahn, Ilian T. Iliev, Hyunbae Park, Romain Teyssier, Gustavo Yepes

12 pages, 12 figures, submitted to MNRAS, comments welcome

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Paper 5 — arXiv:2302.08523
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Paper 5 — arXiv:2302.08523

When the first galaxies formed and starlight escaped into the intergalactic medium to reionize it, galaxy formation and reionization were both highly inhomogeneous in time and space, and fully-coupled by mutual feedback. To show how this imprinted the UV luminosity function (UVLF) of reionization-era galaxies, we use our large-scale, radiation-hydrodynamics simulation CoDa II to derive the time- and space-varying halo mass function and UVLF, from $z\simeq6$-15. That UVLF correlates strongly with local reionization redshift: earlier-reionizing regions have UVLFs that are higher, more extended to brighter magnitudes, and flatter at the faint end than later-reionizing regions observed at the same $z$. In general, as a region reionizes, the faint-end slope of its local UVLF flattens, and, by $z=6$ (when reionization ended), the global UVLF, too, exhibits a flattened faint-end slope, `rolling-over' at $M_\text{UV}\gtrsim-17$. CoDa II's UVLF is broadly consistent with cluster-lensed galaxy observations of the Hubble Frontier Fields at $z=6$-8, including the faint end, except for the faintest data point at $z=6$, based on one galaxy at $M_\text{UV}=-12.5$. According to CoDa II, the probability of observing the latter is $\sim5\%$. However, the effective volume searched at this magnitude is very small, and is thus subject to significant cosmic variance. We find that previous methods adopted to calculate the uncertainty due to cosmic variance underestimated it on such small scales by a factor of 2-3.5, primarily by underestimating the variance in halo abundance when the sample volume is small.

All other papers

Zhiwei Shao (1), Ying Zu (1), Huanyuan Shan (2) ((1) SJTU, (2) SHAO)

8 pages, 5 figures, comments welcome!

Recently, several studies reported a significant discrepancy between the clustering and lensing of the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) galaxies in the $\textit{Planck}$ cosmology. We construct a simple yet powerful model based on the linear theory to assess whether this discrepancy points toward deviations from $\textit{Planck}$. Focusing on scales $10<R<30$ $h^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc}$, we model the amplitudes of clustering and lensing of BOSS LOWZ galaxies using three parameters: galaxy bias $b_\mathrm{g}$, galaxy-matter cross-correlation coefficient $r_\mathrm{gm}$, and $A$, defined as the ratio between the true and $\textit{Planck}$ values of $\sigma_8$. Using the cross-correlation matrix as a diagnostic, we detect systematic uncertainties that drive spurious correlations among the low-mass galaxies. After building a clean LOWZ sample with $r_\mathrm{gm}\sim1$, we derive a joint constraint of $b_\mathrm{g}$ and $A$ from clustering+lensing, yielding $b_\mathrm{g}=2.47_{-0.30}^{+0.36}$ and $A=0.81_{-0.09}^{+0.10}$, i.e., a $2\sigma$ tension with $\textit{Planck}$. However, due to the strong degeneracy between $b_\mathrm{g}$ and $A$, systematic uncertainties in $b_\mathrm{g}$ could masquerade as a tension with $A=1$. To ascertain this possibility, we develop a new method to measure $b_\mathrm{g}$ from the cluster-galaxy cross-correlation and cluster weak lensing using an overlapping cluster sample. By applying the independent bias measurement ($b_\mathrm{g}=1.76\pm0.22$) as a prior, we successfully break the degeneracy and derive stringent constraints of $b_\mathrm{g}=2.02_{-0.15}^{+0.16}$ and $A=0.96\pm0.07$. Therefore, our result suggests that the large-scale clustering and lensing of LOWZ galaxies are consistent with $\textit{Planck}$, while the different bias estimates may be related to some observational systematics in the target selection.

J. Román, P. M. Sánchez-Alarcón, J. H. Knapen, R. Peletier

Accepted for publication in A&A Letters

Direct observational evidence for the creation of nuclear star clusters (NSCs) is needed to support the proposed scenarios for their formation. We have analyzed the dwarf galaxy UGC 7346, located in the peripheral regions of the Virgo Cluster, to highlight a series of properties that indicate the formation of a NSC caught in its earlier stages. First, we report remnants of a past interaction in the form of diffuse streams or shells, suggesting a recent merge of two dwarf galaxies with a 1:5 stellar mass ratio. Second, we identify a number of globular cluster (GC) candidates broadly compatible in colour with the main more-extended and more-massive component. Strikingly, we find these GCs candidates to be highly concentrated towards the centre of the galaxy (R$_{GC}$ = 0.41 R$_{e}$). We suggest that the central concentration of the GCs is likely produced by the dynamical friction of this merger. This would make UGC 7346 a unique case of a galaxy caught in the earlier stages of NSC formation. The formation of NSCs due to collapse of GCs by dynamical friction in dwarf mergers would provide a natural explanation of the environmental correlations found for the nucleation fraction for early-type dwarf galaxies, in which denser environments host galaxies with a higher nucleation fraction.

Marco Albán, Dominika Wylezalek

The AGN catalog will soon be available as supplementary material of the paper. In the meantime, we will provide this aperture-dependent optical classification (60 apertures) by private request (malban@uni-heidelberg.de)

Accurate active galactic nucleus (AGN) identifications in large galaxy samples are crucial to assess the role of AGN and AGN feedback in the coevolution of galaxies and their central supermassive black holes. Emission line flux ratio diagnostics are the most common technique for identifying AGN in optical spectra. New large samples of integral field unit observations allow The exploration of the role of aperture size used for the classification. In this paper, we present galaxy classifications for all 10,010 galaxies observed within the Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) survey. We use Baldwin-Philips-Terlevich line flux ratio diagnostics combined with an H$\alpha$ equivalent threshold in 60 apertures of varying size for the classification and provide the corresponding catalogs. MaNGA-selected AGN primarily lie below the main sequence of star-forming galaxies, reside with massive galaxies with stellar masses of $\sim 10^{11}$~M$_{\odot}$ and a median H$\alpha$-derived star formation rate of $\sim 1.44$M$_{\odot}$~yr$^{-1}$. We find that the number of `fake' AGN increases significantly beyond selection apertures of $>$~1.0~R$_{eff}$ due to increased contamination from diffuse ionized gas (DIG). A comparison with previous works shows that the treatment of the underlying stellar continuum and flux measurements can significantly impact galaxy classification. Our work provides the community with AGN catalogs and galaxy classifications for the full MaNGA.

Martin P. Rey, Harley B. Katz, Alex J. Cameron, Julien Devriendt, Adrianne Slyz

Main text 13 pages and 9 figures, submitted to MNRAS, illustration movie available at this https URL &. Comments welcome!

We study how better resolving the cooling length of galactic outflows affect their energetics. We perform radiative-hydrodynamical galaxy formation simulations ($18 \, \mathrm{pc}$ spatial resolution in the interstellar medium; ISM) of an isolated dwarf galaxy ($M_{\star}=10^{8}\, \mathrm{M}_\odot$) with the RAMSES-RTZ code, accounting for non-equilibrium cooling and chemistry coupled to radiative transfer. We further implement a new adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) strategy to resolve the local gas cooling length, allowing us to gradually increase the resolution in the stellar-feedback-powered outflows, from $\geq 200 \, \mathrm{pc}$ to $18 \, \mathrm{pc}$. The propagation of outflows into the inner circumgalactic medium (CGM) is significantly modified by this additional resolution, but the ISM, star formation and feedback remain by and large the same. With increasing resolution in the diffuse gas, the cold ($T < 8 \times 10^{3} \, \mathrm{K}$) phase of the outflow gets incrementally larger, colder and faster-moving, while the hot phase ($T > 8 \times 10^{4} \, \mathrm{K}$) is hotter and more energetic. This leads to greater than five-fold increases in the time-averaged mass, energy and metal outflow rates away from the galaxy ($r=5\, \mathrm{kpc}$) and a $\approx$50 per cent increase in the number of sightlines with $N_{\text{OVI}} \geq 10^{13}\, \mathrm{cm}^{-2}$. Such a highly significant boost to the energetics of outflows without new feedback mechanisms or channels strongly motivates future studies quantifying the efficiency with which better-resolved multiphase outflows regulate galactic star formation in a cosmological context.

M. Paolillo (1, 2, 3), I. E. Papadakis (4, 5), W.N. Brandt (6, 7, 8), F.E. Bauer (9, 10, 11), G. Lanzuisi (12), V. Allevato (2, 13), O. Shemmer (14), X. C. Zheng (15), D. De Cicco (1, 10), R. Gilli (12), B. Luo (16, 17), M. Thomas (14), P. Tozzi (18), F. Vito (12), Y. Q. Xue (19, 20) ( (1) Dipartimento di Fisica "Ettore Pancini'', Università di Napoli Federico II, Italy, (2) INAF -- Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, Naples, Italy, (3) INFN -- Unità di Napoli, Italy, (4) Department of Physics and Institute of Theoretical and Computational Physics, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece, (5) Institute of Astrophysics, FORTH, Heraklion, Greece, (6) Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA, (7) Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA, (8) Department of Physics, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA, (9) Instituto de Astrofísica and Centro de Astroingeniería, Facultad de Física, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile, (10) Millennium Institute of Astrophysics, Santiago, Chile, (11) Space Science Institute, Boulder, Colorado, (12) INAF -- Osservatorio di Astrofisica e Scienza dello Spazio di Bologna, Italy, (13) Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy, (14) Department of Physics, University of North Texas, Denton, USA, (15) Leiden Observatory, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands, (16) School of Astronomy and Space Science, Nanjing University, China, (17) Key Laboratory of Modern Astronomy and Astrophysics (Nanjing University), China, (18) INAF -- Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Firenze, Italy, (19) CAS Key Laboratory for Research in Galaxies and Cosmology, Department of Astronomy, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, (20) School of Astronomy and Space Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China)

In press on Astronomy and Astrophysics

We study the ensemble X-ray variability properties of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) over a large range of timescales (20 ks $\leq T\leq$ 14 yrs), redshift ($0\leq z \lesssim 3$), luminosities ($10^{40}$ erg s$^{-1}\leq L_X\leq 10^{46}$ erg s$^{-1}$) and black hole (BH) masses ($10^6 \leq $M$_\odot \leq 10^9$). We propose the use of the variance-frequency diagram, as a viable alternative to the study of the power spectral density (PSD), which is not yet accessible for distant, faint and/or sparsely sampled AGN. We show that the data collected from archival observations and previous literature studies are fully consistent with a universal PSD form which does not show any evidence for systematic evolution of shape or amplitude with redshift or luminosity, even if there may be differences between individual AGN at a given redshift or luminosity. We find new evidence that the PSD bend frequency depends on BH mass and, possibly, on accretion rate. We finally discuss the implications for current and future AGN population and cosmological studies.

Michael J. Williams, John Veitch, Chris Messenger

41 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, submitted to Machine Learning: Science and Technology, code available at this https URL

We present an improved version of the nested sampling algorithm nessai in which the core algorithm is modified to use importance weights. In the modified algorithm, samples are drawn from a mixture of normalising flows and the requirement for samples to be independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.) according to the prior is relaxed. Furthermore, it allows for samples to be added in any order, independently of a likelihood constraint, and for the evidence to be updated with batches of samples. We call the modified algorithm i-nessai. We first validate i-nessai using analytic likelihoods with known Bayesian evidences and show that the evidence estimates are unbiased in up to 32 dimensions. We compare i-nessai to standard nessai for the analytic likelihoods and the Rosenbrock likelihood, the results show that i-nessai is consistent with nessai whilst producing more precise evidence estimates. We then test i-nessai on 64 simulated gravitational-wave signals from binary black hole coalescence and show that it produces unbiased estimates of the parameters. We compare our results to those obtained using standard nessai and dynesty and find that i-nessai requires 2.64 and 12.96 times fewer likelihood evaluations to converge, respectively. We also test i-nessai of an 80-second simulated binary neutron star signal using a Reduced-Order-Quadrature (ROQ) basis and find that, on average, it converges in 33 minutes, whilst only requiring $1.05\times10^6$ likelihood evaluations compared to $1.42\times10^6$ for nessai and $4.30\times10^7$ for dynesty. These results demonstrate the i-nessai is consistent with nessai and dynesty whilst also being more efficient.

Kendall Sullivan, Adam L. Kraus, Daniel Huber, Erik A. Petigura, Elise Evans, Trent Dupuy, Jingwen Zhang, Travis A. Berger, Eric Gaidos, Andrew W. Mann

18 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables, with full-length tables available in the supplemental files. Accepted to AJ

Binary stars are ubiquitous; the majority of solar-type stars exist in binaries. Exoplanet occurrence rate is suppressed in binaries, but some multiples do still host planets. Binaries cause observational biases in planet parameters, with undetected multiplicity causing transiting planets to appear smaller than they truly are. We have analyzed the properties of a sample of 119 planet-host binary stars from the Kepler mission to study the underlying population of planets in binaries that fall in and around the radius valley, which is a demographic feature in period-radius space that marks the transition from predominantly rocky to predominantly gaseous planets. We found no statistically significant evidence for a radius gap for our sample of 122 planets in binaries when assuming the primary stars are the planet hosts, with a low probability ($p < 0.05$) of the binary planet sample radius distribution being consistent with the single-star small planet population via an Anderson-Darling test. These results reveal demographic differences in the planet size distribution between planets in binary and single stars for the first time, showing that stellar multiplicity may fundamentally alter the planet formation process. A larger sample and further assessment of circumprimary versus circumsecondary transits is needed to either validate this non-detection or explore other scenarios, such as a radius gap with a location that is dependent on binary separation.

Claude Cournoyer-Cloutier, Alison Sills, William E. Harris, Sabrina M. Appel, Sean C. Lewis, Brooke Polak, Aaron Tran, Martijn J. C. Wilhelm, Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, Stephen L. W. McMillan, Simon Portegies Zwart

15 pages, 10 figures, to be published in MNRAS

We perform simulations of star cluster formation to investigate the morphological evolution of embedded star clusters in the earliest stages of their evolution. We conduct our simulations with Torch, which uses the AMUSE framework to couple state-of-the-art stellar dynamics to star formation, radiation, stellar winds, and hydrodynamics in FLASH. We simulate a suite of $10^4$ M$_{\odot}$ clouds at 0.0683 pc resolution for $\sim$ 2 Myr after the onset of star formation, with virial parameters $\alpha$ = 0.8, 2.0, 4.0 and different random samplings of the stellar initial mass function and prescriptions for primordial binaries. Our simulations result in a population of embedded clusters with realistic morphologies (sizes, densities, and ellipticities) that reproduce the known trend of clouds with higher initial $\alpha$ having lower star formation efficiencies. Our key results are as follows: (1) Cluster mass growth is not monotonic, and clusters can lose up to half of their mass while they are embedded. (2) Cluster morphology is not correlated with cluster mass and changes over $\sim$ 0.01 Myr timescales. (3) The morphology of an embedded cluster is not indicative of its long-term evolution but only of its recent history: radius and ellipticity increase sharply when a cluster accretes stars. (4) The dynamical evolution of very young embedded clusters with masses $\lesssim$ 1000 M$_{\odot}$ is dominated by the overall gravitational potential of the star-forming region rather than by internal dynamical processes such as two- or few-body relaxation.

Debby Tran, Sarah Tuttle, Kal Kadlec, Rishi Pahuja, Ali C. Jones, William Ketzeback, Russet McMillan, Amanda Townsend

36 pages, 12 figures, accepted by SPIE

KOSMOS is a low-resolution, long-slit, optical spectrograph that has been upgraded at the University of Washington for its move from Kitt Peak National Observatory's Mayall 4m telescope to the Apache Point Observatory's ARC 3.5m telescope. One of the additions to KOSMOS is a slitviewer, which requires the fabrication of reflective slits, as KOSMOS previously used matte slits machined via wire EDM. We explore a novel method of slit fabrication using nanofabrication methods and compare the slit edge roughness, width uniformity, and the resulting scattering of the new fabricated slits to the original slits. We find the kerf surface of the chemically-etched reflective silicon slits are generally smoother than the machined matte slits, with an upper limit average roughness of 0.42 $\pm$ 0.03 $\mu$m versus 1.06 $\pm$ 0.04 $\mu$m respectively. The etched slits have width standard deviations of 6 $\pm$ 3 $\mu$m versus 10 $\pm$ 6 $\mu$m, respectively. The scattering for the chemically-etched slits is higher than that of the machined slits, showing that the reflectivity is the major contributor to scattering, not the roughness. This scattering, however, can be effectively reduced to zero with proper background subtraction. As slit widths increase, scattering increases for both types of slits, as expected. Future work will consist of testing and comparing the throughput and spectrophotometric data quality of these nanofabricated slits to the machined slits with on-sky data, in addition to making the etched slits more robust against breakage and finalizing the slit manufacturing process.

Jeehyun Yang, Murthy S. Gudipati, Bryana L Henderson, Benjamin Fleury

58 pages, 17 figures, 4 tables, Manuscript accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal

A detailed modeling of simultaneous UV-photochemical and thermochemical processes in exoplanet atmosphere-like conditions is essential for the analysis and interpretation of a vast amount of current and future spectral data from exoplanets. However, a detailed reaction kinetic model that incorporates both UV photochemistry and thermal chemistry is challenging due to the massive size of the chemical system as well as to the lack of understanding of photochemistry compared to thermal-only chemistry. Here, we utilize an automatic chemical reaction mechanism generator to build a high-fidelity thermochemical reaction kinetic model later then incorporated with UV-photochemistry enhanced by metastable triplet-state carbon monoxide (a3Pi). Our model results show that two different photochemical reactions driven by Lyman-a photons (i.e. H2 + CO(a3Pi) -> H + HCO and CO(X1Sig+) + CO(a3Pi) -> C(3P) + CO2) can enhance thermal chemistry resulting in significant increases in the formation of CH4, H2O, and CO2 in H2-dominated systems with trace amounts of CO, which qualitatively matches with the observations from previous experimental studies. Our model also suggests that at temperatures above 2000 K, thermal chemistry becomes the dominant process. Finally, the chemistry simulated up to 2500 K does not produce any larger species such as C3 species, benzene or larger (i.e. PAHs). This might indicate that the photochemistry of C2 species such as C2H2 might play a key role in the formation of organic aerosols observed in the previous experimental study.

L. Prisinzano (1), R. Bonito (1), A. Mazzi (2), F. Damiani (1), S. Ustamujic (1), P. Yoachim (3), R. Street (4), M. G. Guarcello (1), L. Venuti (5), W. Clarkson (6), L. Jones (7), L. Girardi (8) ((1) INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo, Piazza del Parlamento, 1, 90129, Palermo, Italy, (2) Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia Galileo Galilei, Universitá di Padova, Italy, (3) Department of Astronomy, University of Washington, Box 351580, Seattle, WA 98195, USA, (4) Las Cumbres Observatory, 6740 Cortona Dr., Suite 102, Goleta, CA 93117, USA, (5) SETI Institute, 339 Bernardo Avenue, Suite 200, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, (6) Department of Natural Sciences, University of Michigan-Dearborn, 4901 Evergreen Rd, Dearborn, MI 48128, USA, (7) Department of Astronomy, University of Washington, Box 351580, Seattle, WA 98195, USA, (8) INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, Italy )

11 pages, 5 figures, 1 table; accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series

A complete map of the youngest stellar populations of the Milky Way in the era of all-sky surveys, is one of the most challenging goals in modern astrophysics. The characterisation of the youngest stellar component is crucial not only for a global overview of the Milky Way structure, of the Galactic thin disk, and its spiral arms, but also for local studies. In fact, the identification of the star forming regions (SFRs) and the comparison with the environment in which they form are also fundamental to put them in the context of the surrounding giant molecular clouds and to understand still unknown physical mechanisms related to the star and planet formation processes. In 10 yrs of observations, Vera C. Rubin Legacy Survey of Space and Time (Rubin-LSST) will achieve an exquisite photometric depth that will allow us to significantly extend the volume within which we will be able to discover new SFRs and to enlarge the domain of a detailed knowledge of our own Galaxy. We describe here a metrics that estimates the total number of young stars with ages t < 10 Myr and masses >0.3M$_\odot$ that will be detected with the Rubin LSST observations in the gri bands at a 5 {\sigma} magnitude significance. We examine the results of our metrics adopting the most recent simulated Rubin-LSST survey strategies in order to evaluate the impact that different observing strategies might have on our science case.

Jiao He, Paula Caroline Pérez Rickert, Tushar Suhasaria, Orianne Sohier, Tia Bäcker, Dimitra Demertzi, Gianfranco Vidali, Thomas K. Henning

13 pages, 6 figures

The diffusion of molecules on interstellar grain surfaces is one of the most important driving forces for the molecular complexity in the interstellar medium. Due to the lack of laboratory measurements, astrochemical modeling of grain surface processes usually assumes a constant ratio between the diffusion energy barrier and the desorption energy. This over-simplification inevitably causes large uncertainty in model predictions. We present a new measurement of the diffusion of CO$_2$ molecules on the surface of non-porous amorphous solid water (np-ASW), an analog of the ice mantle that covers cosmic dust grains. A small coverage of CO$_2$ was deposited onto an np-ASW surface at 40~K, the subsequent warming of the ice activated the diffusion of CO$_2$ molecules, and a transition from isolated CO$_2$ to CO$_2$ clusters was seen in the infrared spectra. To obtain the diffusion energy barrier and pre-exponential factor simultaneously, a set of isothermal experiments were carried out. The values for the diffusion energy barrier and pre-exponential factor were found to be $1300\pm110$~K and $10^{7.6\pm0.8}$~s$^{-1}$. A comparison with prior laboratory measurements on diffusion is discussed.

The main objective of the paper, the first paper in a dedicated series, is to report basic results on systematic research of low-redshift optically selected SDSS Type-2 AGN but with apparent optical variabilities. For all the pipeline classified Type-2 AGN in SDSS DR16 with $z<0.3$ and $SN>10$, long-term optical V-band light curves are collected from Catalina Sky Survey. Through all light curves described by Damped Random Walk process with process parameters of $\sigma/(mag/days^{0.5})$ and $\tau/days$, 156 Type-2 AGN have apparent variabilities with process parameters at least three times larger than corresponding uncertainties and with $\ln(\sigma/(mag/days^{0.5}))>-4$, indicating central AGN activity regions directly in line-of-sight, leading the 156 Type-2 AGN as mis-classified Type-2 AGN. Furthermore, based on spectroscopic emission features around H$\alpha$, 31 out of the 156 AGN have broad H$\alpha$, indicating the 31 Type-2 AGN are actually Type-1.8/1.9 AGN. Meanwhile, 14 out of the 156 AGN have multi-epoch SDSS spectra. After checking multi-epoch spectra of the 14 objects, no clues for appearance/disappearance of broad lines indicate true Type-2 AGN rather than changing-look AGN are preferred in the collected Type-2 AGN with long-term variabilities. Moreover, a small sample of Type-2 AGN have long-term variabilities with features roughly described by theoretical TDEs expected $t^{-5/3}$, indicating probable central TDEs as further and strong evidence to support true Type-2 AGN.

Driss Takir, Wladimir Neumann, Sean N. Raymond, Joshua P. Emery, Mario Trieloff

Low-albedo asteroids preserve a record of the primordial solar system planetesimals and the conditions in which the solar nebula was active. However, the origin and evolution of these asteroids are not well-constrained. Here we measured visible and near-infrared (0.5 - 4.0 microns) spectra of low-albedo asteroids in the mid-outer main belt. We show that numerous large (d > 100 km) and dark (geometric albedo < 0.09) asteroids exterior to the dwarf planet Ceres' orbit share the same spectral features, and presumably compositions, as Ceres. We also developed a thermal evolution model that demonstrates that these Ceres-like asteroids have highly-porous interiors, accreted relatively late at 1.5 - 3.5 Myr after the formation of calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions, and experienced maximum interior temperatures of < 900 K. Ceres-like asteroids are localized in a confined heliocentric region between 3.0 - 3.4 au but were likely implanted from more distant regions of the solar system during the giant planet's dynamical instability.

F. Yan, L. Nortmann, A. Reiners, N. Piskunov, A. Hatzes, U. Seemann, D. Shulyak, A. Lavail, A. D. Rains, D. Cont, M. Rengel, F. Lesjak, E. Nagel, O. Kochukhov, S. Czesla, L. Boldt-Christmas, U. Heiter, J. V. Smoker, F. Rodler, P. Bristow, R. J. Dorn, Y. Jung, T. Marquart, E. Stempels

11 pages, 12 figures; accepted for publication in A&A

The dayside atmospheres of ultra-hot Jupiters (UHJs) are predicted to possess temperature inversion layers with extremely high temperatures at high altitudes. We observed the dayside thermal emission spectra of WASP-18b and WASP-76b with the new CRIRES+ high-resolution spectrograph at near-infrared wavelengths. Using the cross-correlation technique, we detected strong CO emission lines in both planets, which confirms the existence of temperature inversions on their dayside hemispheres. The two planets are the first UHJs orbiting F-type stars with CO emission lines detected; previous detections were mostly for UHJs orbiting A-type stars. Evidence of weak H2O emission signals is also found for both planets. We further applied forward-model retrievals on the detected CO lines and retrieved the temperature-pressure profiles along with the CO volume mixing ratios. The retrieved logarithmic CO mixing ratio of WASP-18b (-2.2) is slightly higher than the value predicted by the self-consistent model assuming solar abundance. For WASP-76b, the retrieved CO mixing ratio (-3.6) is broadly consistent with the value of solar abundance. In addition, we included the equatorial rotation velocity (Veq ) in the retrieval when analyzing the line profile broadening. The obtained Veq is 7.0 km/s for WASP-18b and 5.2 km/s for WASP-76b, which are consistent with the tidally locked rotational velocities.

Jongsu Lee (1), C. Y. Hui (1), J. Takata (2), A. K. H. Kong (3), Pak-Hin Thomas Tam (4), Kwan-Lok Li (5), K. S. Cheng (6) ((1) Chungnam National University, (2) Huazhong University of Science and Technology, (3) National Tsing Hua University, (4) Sun Yat-sen University, (5) National Cheng Kung University, (6) University of Hong Kong)

33 pages, 13 figures, 10 tables, Accepted for publication in ApJ

We have performed a systematic study of the rotational, orbital and X-ray properties of millisecond pulsars (MSPs) in globular clusters (GCs) and compared their nature with those of the MSPs in the Galactic field (GF). We found that GC MSPs generally rotate slower than their counterparts in the GF. Different from the expectation of a simple recycling scenario, no evidence for the correlation between the orbital period and the rotation period can be found from the MSP binaries in GCs. There is also an indication that the surface magnetic field of GC MSPs are stronger than those in the GF. All these suggest dynamical interactions in GCs can alter the evolution of MSPs/their progenitors which can leave an imprint on their X-ray emission properties. While the MSPs in both GF and GCs have similar distributions of X-ray luminosity and hardness, our sample supports the notion that these two populations follow different relation between the X-ray luminosity and spin-down power. We discuss this in terms of both pulsar emission model and the observational bias.

D. Tak, E. Pueschel, M. Baumgart, N. L. Rodd, A. Acharyya, A. Archer, P. Bangale, J. T. Bartkoske, P. Batista, W. Benbow, J. H. Buckley, A. Falcone, Q. Feng, J. P. Finley, G. M. Foote, L. Fortson, A. Furniss, G. Gallagher, W. F. Hanlon, O. Hervet, J. Hoang, J. Holder, T. B. Humensky, W. Jin, P. Kaaret, M. Kertzman, M. Kherlakian, D. Kieda, T. K. Kleiner, N. Korzoun, F. Krennrich, M. J. Lang, M. Lundy, G. Maier, C. E McGrath, P. Moriarty, S. O'Brien, R. A. Ong, K. Pfrang, M. Pohl, J. Quinn, K. Ragan, P. T. Reynolds, E. Roache, J. L. Ryan, I. Sadeh, L. Saha, M. Santander, G. H. Sembroski, R. Shang, M. Splettstoesser, J. V. Tucci, V. V. Vassiliev, D. A. Williams

10 pages, 7 figures

Dark matter is a key piece of the current cosmological scenario, with weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) a leading dark matter candidate. WIMPs have not been detected in their conventional parameter space (100 GeV $\lesssim M_{\chi} \lesssim$ 100 TeV), a mass range accessible with current Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes. As ultraheavy dark matter (UHDM; $M_{\chi} \gtrsim$ 100 TeV) has been suggested as an under-explored alternative to the WIMP paradigm, we search for an indirect dark matter annihilation signal in a higher mass range (up to 30 PeV) with the VERITAS gamma-ray observatory. With 216 hours of observations of four dwarf spheroidal galaxies, we perform an unbinned likelihood analysis. We find no evidence of a $\gamma$-ray signal from UHDM annihilation above the background fluctuation for any individual dwarf galaxy nor for a joint-fit analysis, and consequently constrain the velocity-weighted annihilation cross section of UHDM for dark matter particle masses between 1 TeV and 30 PeV. We additionally set constraints on the allowed radius of a composite UHDM particle.

The formation mechanism of AM CVn binary has not been well understood yet. Accurate measurements of the mass transfer rate can help to determine the formation mechanism. But unfortunately such observation by electromagnetic means is quite challenging. One possible formation channel of AM CVn binary is a semi-detached white dwarf binary. Such system emits strong gravitational wave radiation which could be measured by the future space-based detectors. We can simultaneously extract the mass transfer rate and the orbital period from the gravitational wave signal. We employ a post-Keperian waveform model of gravitational wave and carry out a Fisher analysis to estimate the measurement accuracy of mass transfer rate through gravitational wave detection. Special attention is paid to the observed sources in Gaia Data Release 2. We found that we can accurately measure the mass transfer rate for those systems. Comparing to electromagnetic observations, gravitational wave detection improves the accuracy more than one order. Our results imply that the gravitational wave detection will help much in understanding the formation mechanism of AM CVn binaries.

R. Fuentetaja, C .Bermúdez, C. Cabezas, M. Agúndez, B. Tercero, N. Marcelino, J. R. Pardo, L. Margulès, R. A. Motiyenko, J. -C. Guillemin, P. de Vicente, J. Cernicharo

We report the detection of methyl ketene towards TMC-1 with the QUIJOTE line survey. Nineteen rotational transitions with rotational quantum numbers ranging from J = 3 up to J = 5 and Ka =< 2 were identified in the frequency range 32.0-50.4 GHz, 11 of which arise above the 3{\sigma} level. We derived a column density for CH3CHCO of N=1.5x10^11 cm-2 and a rotational temperature of 9 K. Hence, the abundance ratio between ketene and methyl ketene, CH2CO/CH3CHCO, is 93. This species is the second C3H4O isomer detected. The other, trans-propenal (CH2CHCHO), corresponds to the most stable isomer and has a column density of N=(2.2+-0.3)x10^11 cm-2, which results in an abundance ratio CH2CHCHO/CH3CHCO of 1.5. The next non-detected isomer with the lowest energy is cis-propenal, which is therefore a good candidate for future discovery. We have carried out an in-depth study of the possible gas-phase chemical reactions involving methyl ketene to explain the abundance detected, achieving good agreement between chemical models and observations.

R. Devaraj, A. Caratti o Garatti, L. K. Dewangan, R. Fedriani, T. P. Ray, A. Luna

14 pages, 8 figures

We present a near-infrared $H$ band polarimetric study toward the S235 e2s3 protostar, obtained using the POLICAN instrument on the 2.1m OAGH telescope. The images reveal a bipolar outflow with a total length of about 0.5pc. The outflow nebulosity presents a high degree of linear polarization ($\sim80\%$) and reveals a centrosymmetric pattern with the polarization position angles. The polarization characteristics suggest their origin to be single scattering associated with dust in the outflow. Using multiwavelength archival data, we performed spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting based on radiative transfer models of turbulent core accretion theory. The best-fit SED model indicated that the protostar has a mass of $6.8\pm1.2\,M_\odot$, with a disk accretion rate of $3.6\pm1.2\times10^{-4}\,M_\odot\,yr^{-1}$ and a total bolometric luminosity of $9.63\pm2.1\times10^{3}\,L_\odot$. Narrowband H$_2$ ($2.12\,\mu$m) observations show shocked emission along the bipolar lobes tracing the jet's interaction with the surrounding medium. The estimated H$_2$ luminosity of the outflow is $2.3_{-1.3}^{+3.5}\,L_\odot$, which matched the known power-law correlation with the source bolometric luminosity, similar to other high-mass outflows. The orientation of the bipolar outflow was found to be parallel to the local magnetic field direction. The overall results assert the fact that the S235 e2s3 source is a massive young star driving a highly collimated bipolar outflow through disk accretion.

Dipanjan Mitra, George I. Melikidze, Rahul Basu

1 Figure, accepted for publication in MNRAS letters

The diverse polarization properties in pulsars are in conflict with applying a unique emission mechanism to the population. The polarization position angle (PPA) traverse in most pulsars shows a S-shaped curve that can be interpreted using the rotating vector model (RVM) as the radio emission being directed either parallel or perpendicular to the divergent magnetic field lines and argues for a coherent curvature radiation mechanism from charge bunches in a strongly magnetized pair plasma. However, in a subset of pulsars the radio emission is significantly depolarized and the PPA shows a complex pattern which cannot be explained using RVM. We propose that even in such cases the highly polarized time samples in the single pulses should follow the RVM with possibly two parallel tracks separated by 90\degr. We have investigated PSR J1645$-$0317, with complex PPA traverse, and demonstrated for the first time that considering only the highly polarized time samples in the single pulses, the PPA distribution clearly follows the RVM. We conclude that this strongly favour the coherent curvature radiation mechanism to be universally applicable in the pulsar population.

Praveen Sharma (Purdue University), Maxim Barkov (Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences), Maxim Lyutikov (Purdue University)

We study dynamics of relativistic Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), from launching by shearing of foot-points (either slowly - the ``Solar flare'' paradigm, or suddenly - the ``star quake" paradigm), to propagation in the preceding magnetar wind. For slow shear, most of the energy injected into the CME is first spent on the work done on breaking through the over-laying magnetic field. At later stages, sufficiently powerful CMEs may experience ``detonation" and lead to opening of the magnetosphere beyond some equipartition radius $r_{eq}$, where the energy of the CME becomes larger than the decreasing external magnetospheric energy. Post-CME magnetosphere relaxes via formation of a plasmoid-mediated current sheet, initially at $\sim r_{eq}$ and slowly reaching the light cylinder (this transient stage has much higher spindown rate and may produce an ``anti-glitch''). Both the location of the foot-point shear and the global magnetospheric configuration affect the frequent-and-weak versus rare-and-powerful CME dichotomy - to produce powerful flares the slow shear should be limited to field lines that close near the star. After the creation of a topologically disconnected flux tube, the tube quickly (at $\sim$ the light cylinder) comes into force-balance with the preceding wind, and is passively advected/frozen in the wind afterward. For fast shear (a local rotational glitch), the resulting large amplitude Alfven waves lead to opening of the magnetosphere (which later recovers similarly to the slow shear case). At distances much larger than the light cylinder, the resulting shear Alfven waves propagate through the wind non-dissipatively. Implications to Fast Radio Bursts are discussed.

Pedro Cataldi, Susana Pedrosa, Patricia Tissera, Maria Celeste Artale, Nelson Padilla, Rosa Dominguez-Tenreiro, Lucas Bignone, Roberto Gonzalez, Leonardo Pellizza

In this work, we aim at investigating the morphology evolution of Milky Way mass-like dark matter haloes selected from the CIELO and IllustrisTNG Projects. The connection between halo shapes and their environment has been studied in previous works at z=0 but their connection remains yet to be fully understood. We focus on the evolution across cosmic time of the halo shapes and the relation with the infalling material, using hydrodynamical simulations. Our findings show that haloes tend to be more triaxial at earlier times as a consequence of stronger accretion in the direction of the filaments. As the haloes evolve towards a dominant isotropic accretion mode and relaxation, their shape at 20 percent of the virial mass becomes more spherical. In agreement with previous results, baryons have an important effect within the inner regions of the haloes, driving them from triaxial to rounder shapes. We also find a correlation between the strength of the quadrupole infalling mode and the degree of ellipticity of the haloes: as the filament strength decreases steadily with redshift, the haloes became more spherical and less elliptical.

Eri Tatsumi, Faith Vilas, Julia de León, Marcel Popescu, Sunao Hasegawa, Takahiro Hiroi, Fernando Tinaut-Ruano, Javier Licandro

15 pages, 12 figures, accepted publication for Astronomy and Astrophysics

Aims: Our objectives were first to evaluate the possibility for using the NUV absorption as diagnostics of hydrated minerals based on the recent datasets of primitive asteroids and hydrated carbonaceous chondrites, and second to investigate the reflectance spectrophotometry of the primitive asteroids in the NUV as functions of heliocentric distance and size. Methods: The NUV and visible reflectance spectrophotometry of more than 9,000 primitive asteroids was investigated using two spectrophotometric surveys, the Eight Color Asteroid Survey (ECAS) and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), which cover wavelengths down to 0.32 um and 0.36 um, respectively. We classified asteroids from the main asteroid belt, the Cybele and Hilda zones, and Jupiter Trojans based on Tholen's taxonomy and described the statistical distribution of primitive asteroid types. We also examined the relationship of the NUV, 0.7 um, and 2.7 um absorptions among primitive asteroids and hydrous carbonaceous chondrites CI and CM. Results: We found strong correlations between the NUV and the OH-band (2.7 um) absorptions for primitive asteroids and hydrated meteorites, suggesting the NUV absorption can be indicative of hydrated silicates. Moreover, there is a great difference in the NUV absorption between the large asteroids (diameter d > 50 km) and small asteroids (d < 10 km) in the taxonomic distribution. The taxonomic distribution of asteroids differs between the inner main belt and middle-outer main belt. Notably, the C types are dominating large members through the main belt and the F types are dominating small asteroids of the inner main belt. The asteroids beyond the main belt consist mostly of P and D types, although P types are common everywhere in the main belt. The peculiar distribution of F types might indicate a different formation reservoir or displacement process of F types in the early Solar System.

In the context of the discrepancies between the early and late universe, we emphasize the importance of independent measurements of the cosmic curvature in the late universe. We present an investigation of the model-independent measurement of the cosmic curvature parameter $\Omega_k$ in the late universe with the latest Hubble parameter $H(z)$ measurements and type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) data. For that, we use two reconstruction methods, the Gaussian process (GP) and artificial neural network (ANN) methods, to achieve the distance construction from $H(z)$ data. In the results obtained by different combinations of observations and reconstruction methods, the tightest constraint on the cosmic curvature is $\Omega_k=-0.03\pm0.11$, in good agreement with zero curvature. This result is the most precise constraint on the cosmic curvature obtained among the recent related estimations. Our findings suggest that the observational data of the late universe support a flat universe.

Leah M. Fulmer, Stephanie Juneau, Catherine Merrill, Adam S. Bolton, David L. Nidever, Robert Nikutta, Stephen T. Ridgway, Knut A. G. Olsen, Benjamin A. Weaver

Spectral Viewer requirements document for astrophysical software, 27 pages

The Astro Data Lab is preparing to host large spectroscopic datasets such as a copy of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) survey, which is projected to include approximately 40 million spectra of galaxies and quasars as well as over 10 million spectra of stars by 2026. Currently, we serve DR16 spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), including Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS), and Extended BOSS (eBOSS) spectra. A spectral viewer tool allows users to visually and interactively inspect spectra. Given the large size of these spectroscopic datasets, a typical use case might consist of a selection or query for a subset of objects of interest (e.g., a subsample of stars or galaxies or quasars), followed by visual inspection of the selected spectra. It is anticipated that in some cases, users will want to go through a long list of spectra (e.g., thousands) quickly while looking for specific features. This document contains a description of the requirements for such a spectral viewer tool to be incorporated within the Astro Data Lab environment at NSF's NOIRLab. For each object, the spectral viewer will display the observed spectrum and, if available, the noise spectrum, sky spectrum, and best-fit template spectrum. Users will be able to control the display interactively after they launch the tool as part of their Data Lab workflow. The primary objective will be to support the visualization of spectroscopic datasets hosted at the Astro Data Lab but this requirements document could be a useful reference or inspiration for other applications and/or other datasets in the astronomy community.

Huanbin Chi, Feng Wang, Zhongmu Li

15 pages, 6 figures, Accepted by RAA

As groups of coeval stars born from the same molecular cloud, an Open cluster (OC) is an ideal laboratory for studying the structure and dynamical evolution of the Milky Way. The release of High-Precision Gaia Early Data Release 3 (Gaia EDR3) and modern machine-learning methods offer unprecedented opportunities to identify OCs. In this study, we extended conventional HDBSCAN (e-HDBSCAN) for searching for new OCs in Gaia EDR3. A pipeline was developed based on the parallel computing technique to blindly search for open clusters from Gaia EDR3 within Galactic latitudes $\left| b \right|$ $<$25 $^\circ$. As a result, we obtained 3787 star clusters, of which 83 new OCs were reported after cross-match and visual inspection. At the same time, the main star cluster parameters are estimated by colour-magnitude diagram fitting. The study significantly increases the sample size and physical parameters of open clusters in the catalogue of OCs. It shows the incompleteness of the census of OCs across our Galaxy.

Richa Arya, Rajeev Kumar Jain, Arvind Kumar Mishra

38 pages, 11 figures. Comments and suggestions are welcome

We explore the role of dissipative effects during warm inflation leading to the small-scale enhancement of the power spectrum of curvature perturbations. In this paper, we specifically focus on non-canonical warm inflationary scenarios and study a model of warm Higgs-G inflation, in which the Standard Model Higgs boson drives inflation, with a Galileon-like non-linear kinetic term. We show that in the Galileon-dominated regime, the primordial power spectrum is strongly enhanced, leading to the formation of primordial black holes (PBH) with a wide range of the mass spectrum. Interestingly, PBHs in the asteroid mass window $\sim (10^{17}$ -- $10^{23}$) g are generated in this model, which can explain the total abundance of the dark matter in the Universe. In our analysis, we also calculate the secondary gravitational waves (GW) sourced by these small-scale overdense fluctuations and find that the induced GW spectrum can be detected in the future GW detectors, such as LISA, BBO, DECIGO, etc. Our scenario thus provides a novel way of generating PBHs as dark matter and a detectable stochastic GW background from warm inflation. We also show that our scenario is consistent with the swampland and the trans-Planckian censorship conjectures and, thus, remains in the viable landscape of UV complete theories.

Rosemary T. Coogan, Emanuele Daddi, Aurélien Le Bail, David Elbaz, Mark Dickinson, Mauro Giavalisco, Carlos Gómez-Guijarro, Alexander de la Vega, Micaela Bagley, Steven L. Finkelstein, Maximilien Franco, Asantha R. Cooray, Peter Behroozi, Laura Bisigello, Caitlin M. Casey, Laure Ciesla, Paola Dimauro, Alexis Finoguenov, Anton M. Koekemoer, Ray A. Lucas, Pablo G. Pérez-González, L. Y. Aaron Yung, Pablo Arrabal Haro, Jeyhan S. Kartaltepe, Shardha Jogee, Casey Papovich, Nor Pirzkal, Stephen M. Wilkins

14 pages + appendix, 11 figures, 4 tables, submitted to A&A

We present CEERS JWST/NIRCam imaging of a massive galaxy group at z=1.85, to explore the early JWST view on massive group formation in the distant Universe. The group contains >16 members (including 6 spectros. confirmations) down to log10(Mstar/Msun)=8.5, including the Brightest Group Galaxy (BGG) in the process of actively assembling at this redshift. The BGG is comprised of multiple merging components extending ~3.6" (30kpc) across the sky. The BGG contributes 69% of the group's total galactic stellar mass, with one of the merging components containing 76% of the total mass of the BGG and a SFR>1810Msun/yr. Most importantly, we detect intra-halo light (IHL) in several HST and JWST/NIRCam bands, allowing us to construct a state-of-the-art rest-frame UV-NIR Spectral Energy Distribution of the IHL for the first time at this high redshift. This allows stellar population characterisation of both the IHL and member galaxies, as well as the morphology distribution of group galaxies vs. their star-formation activity when coupled with Herschel data. We create a stacked image of the IHL, giving us a sensitivity to extended emission of 28.5 mag/arcsec2 at rest-frame 1um. We find that the IHL is extremely dust poor (Av~0), containing an evolved stellar population of log10(t50/yr)=8.8, corresponding to a formation epoch for 50% of the stellar material 0.63Gyr before z=1.85. There is no evidence of ongoing star-formation in the IHL. The IHL in this group at z=1.85 contributes ~10% of the total stellar mass, comparable with what is observed in local clusters. This suggests that the evolution of the IHL fraction is more self-similar with redshift than predicted by some models, challenging our understanding of IHL formation during the assembly of high-redshift clusters. JWST is unveiling a new side of group formation at this redshift, which will evolve into Virgo-like structures in the local Universe.

A. Gressier, A. Lecavelier des Etangs, D.K. Sing, M. López-Morales, M.K. Alam, J.K. Barstow, V. Bourrier, L.A. Dos Santos, A. García Muñoz, J.D. Lothringer, N. K. Nikolov, K.S. Sotzen, G.W. Henry, T. Mikal-Evans

Accepted for publication January 31, 2023 in the Journal Astronomy & Astrophysics

We present Hubble Space Telescope (HST) transit observations of the Hot-Jupiter WASP-79b acquired with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) in the near ultraviolet (NUV). Two transit observations, part of the PanCET program, are used to obtain the transmission spectra of the planet between 2280 and 3070{\AA}. We correct for systematic effects in the raw data using the jitter engineering parameters and polynomial modelling to fit the white light curves of the two transits. We observe an increase in the planet-to-star radius ratio at short wavelengths, but no spectrally resolved absorption lines. The difference between the radius ratios at 2400 and 3000{\AA} reaches $0.0191\pm0.0042$ ($\sim$4.5$-\sigma$). Although the NUV transmission spectrum does not show evidence of hydrodynamical escape, the strong atmospheric features are likely due to species at very high altitudes. We performed a 1D simulation of the temperature and composition of WASP-79b using Exo-REM. The temperature pressure profile crosses condensation curves of radiatively active clouds, particularly MnS, Mg$_2$SiO$_4$, Fe, and Al$_2$O$_3$. Still, none of these species produces the level of observed absorption at short wavelengths and can explain the observed increase in the planet's radius. WASP-79b's transit depth reaches 23 scale height, making it one of the largest spectral features observed in an exoplanet at this temperature ($\sim$1700 K). The comparison of WASP-79b's transmission spectrum with three warmer hot Jupiters shows a similar level of absorption to WASP-178b and WASP-121b between 0.2 and 0.3$\mu$m, while HAT-P-41b's spectrum is flat. The features could be explained by SiO absorption.

In this work, we present the identification of the optical counterpart to the X-ray source NuSTAR J053449+2126.0, which was discovered by Tumer et al. (2022). To search for an optical counterpart of NuSTAR J053449+2126.0 (J0534 in short), we observed the source with the 1.5-m Telescope (RTT150). Using the $B$, $V$, $R$ and $I$ images of J0534, we discovered the optical counterpart of J0534 and determined, based on our spectral analysis, the source distance for the first time. J0534 could be a high-redshift member of an Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) sub-group recently identified as a new class of quasar. Our analysis favors an accreting black hole of mass $\sim 7\times 10^8 M_{\odot}$ as a power supply for the quasar in J0534. Further observations in optical and other wavelengths are needed to confirm its nature.

Shivam Kumaran (IIST, India), Samir Mandal (IIST, India), Sudip Bhattacharyya (TIFR, India), Deepak Mishra (IIST, India)

12 pages, 6 figures, 9 tables, accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

A large number of unidentified sources found by astronomical surveys and other observations necessitate the use of an automated classification technique based on machine learning methods. The aim of this paper is to find a suitable automated classifier to identify the point X-ray sources in the Chandra Source Catalogue (CSC) 2.0 in the categories of active galactic nuclei (AGN), X-ray emitting stars, young stellar objects (YSOs), high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs), low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs), ultra luminous X-ray sources (ULXs), cataclysmic variables (CVs), and pulsars. The catalogue consists of approx 3,17,000 sources, out of which we select 2,77,069 point sources based on the quality flags available in CSC 2.0. In order to identify unknown sources of CSC 2.0, we use multi-wavelength features, such as magnitudes in optical/UV bands from Gaia-EDR3, SDSS and GALEX, and magnitudes in IR bands from 2MASS, WISE and MIPS-Spitzer, in addition to X-ray features (flux and variability) from CSC 2.0. We find the Light Gradient Boosted Machine, an advanced decision tree-based machine learning classification algorithm, suitable for our purpose and achieve $93\%$ precision, $93\%$ recall score and 0.91 Mathew's Correlation coefficient score. With the trained classifier, we identified 54,770 (14,066) sources with more than $3{\sigma}$ (4${\sigma}$) confidence, out of which there are 32,600 (8,574) AGNs, 16,148 (5,166) stars, 5,184 (208) YSOs, 439 (46) HMXBs, 197 (71) LMXBs, 50 (0) ULXs, 89 (1) CVs, and 63 (0) pulsars. This method can also be useful for identifying sources of other catalogues reliably.

Vivian Poulin, Tristan L. Smith, Tanvi Karwal

46 + 3 pages, 28 + 3 figures. Submitted as an invited review to Physics of the Dark Universe. Comments welcome!

We review the current status of Early Dark Energy (EDE) models proposed to resolve the ``Hubble tension'', the discrepancy between ``direct'' measurements of the current expansion rate of the Universe and ``indirect measurements'' for which the values inferred rely on the $\Lambda$CDM cosmological model calibrated on early-universe data. EDE refers to a new form of dark energy active at early times (typically a scalar-field), that quickly dilutes away at a redshift close to matter-radiation equality. The role of EDE is to decrease the sound horizon by briefly contributing to the Hubble rate in the pre-recombination era. We summarize the results of several analyses of EDE models suggested thus far in light of recent cosmological data, including constraints from the canonical {\it Planck} data, baryonic acoustic oscillations and Type Ia supernovae, and the more recent hints driven by cosmic microwave background observations using the Atacama Cosmology Telescope. We also discuss potential challenges to EDE models, from theoretical ones (a second ``cosmic coincidence'' problem in particular) to observational ones, related to the amplitude of clustering on scales of $8h$/Mpc as measured by weak-lensing observables (the so-called $S_8$ tension) and the galaxy power spectrum from BOSS analyzed through the effective field theory of large-scale structure. We end by reviewing recent attempts at addressing these shortcomings of the EDE proposal. While current data remain inconclusive on the existence of an EDE phase, we stress that given the signatures of EDE models imprinted in the CMB and matter power spectra, next-generation experiments can firmly establish whether EDE is the mechanism responsible for the Hubble tension and distinguish between the various models suggested in the literature.

Robyn L. Munoz, Marco Bruni

29 pages, 18 figures, 1 table, 2 appendices, abridged abstract, see PDF for the full version

We use numerical relativity simulations to describe the spacetime evolution during nonlinear structure formation in $\Lambda$CDM cosmology. Fully nonlinear initial conditions are set at an initial redshift $z\approx 300$, based directly on the gauge invariant comoving curvature perturbation $\mathcal{R}_c$ commonly used to model early-universe fluctuations. Assigning a simple 3-D sinusoidal structure to $\mathcal{R}_c$, we then have a lattice of quasi-spherical over-densities representing idealised dark matter halos connected through filaments and surrounded by voids. This structure is implemented in the synchronous-comoving gauge, using a pressureless perfect fluid (dust) description of CDM, and then it is fully evolved with the Einstein Toolkit code. With this, we look into whether the Top-Hat spherical and homogeneous collapse model provides a good description of the collapse of over-densities. We find that the Top-Hat is an excellent approximation for the evolution of peaks, where we observe that the shear is negligible and collapse takes place when the linear density contrast reaches the predicted critical value $\delta^{(1)}_C =1.69$. Additionally, we characterise the outward expansion of the turn-around boundary and show how it depends on the initial distribution of matter, finding that it is faster in denser directions, incorporating more and more matter in the infalling region. Using the EBWeyl code [1] we look at the distribution of the electric and magnetic parts of the Weyl tensor, finding that they are stronger along and around the filaments, respectively. We introduce a method to dynamically classify different regions in Petrov types. With this, we find that the spacetime is of Petrov type I everywhere, as expected, but we can identify the leading order type, finding a transition between different types as non-linearity grows, with production of gravitational waves.

Alexandre Barreira, Elisabeth Krause

9 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Comments welcomed!

We discuss the potential of the multi-tracer technique to improve observational constraints of the local primordial non-Gaussianity (PNG) parameter $f_{\rm NL}$ from the galaxy power spectrum. For two galaxy samples $A$ and $B$, we show the constraining power is $\propto |b_1^B b_\phi^A - b_1^A b_\phi^B|$, where $b_1$ and $b_\phi$ are the linear and PNG galaxy bias parameters. This allows for significantly improved constraints compared to the traditional expectation $\propto |b_1^A - b_1^B|$ based on naive universality-like relations where $b_\phi \propto b_1$. Using IllustrisTNG galaxy simulation data, we find that different equal galaxy number splits of the full sample lead to different $|b_1^B b_\phi^A - b_1^A b_\phi^B|$, and thus have different constraining power. Of all of the strategies explored, splitting by $g-r$ color is the most promising, more than doubling the significance of detecting $f_{\rm NL}b_\phi \neq 0$. Importantly, since these are constraints on $f_{\rm NL}b_\phi$ and not $f_{\rm NL}$, they do not require priors on the $b_\phi(b_1)$ relation. For direct constraints on $f_{\rm NL}$, we show that multi-tracer constraints can be significantly more robust than single-tracer to $b_\phi$ misspecifications and uncertainties; this relaxes the precision and accuracy requirements for $b_\phi$ priors. Our results present new opportunities to improve our chances to detect and robustly constrain $f_{\rm NL}$, and strongly motivate galaxy formation simulation campaigns to calibrate the $b_\phi(b_1)$ relation.

Radiation-reaction forces originating from the emission of gravitational waves (GW) bring binaries to close proximity and are thus responsible for virtually all the mergers that we can observe in GW interferometers. We show that there exists a supplementary radiation-reaction force between two binaries interacting gravitationally, changing in particular the decay rate of the semimajor axis under the emission of GW. This new binary-binary force is in some settings of the same order-of-magnitude than the usual 2.5PN force for an isolated binary and presents some striking features such as a dependence on retarded time even in the post-Newtonian regime where all velocities are arbitrarily small. Using Effective Field Theory tools, we provide the expression of the force in generic configurations and show that it interpolates between several intuitive results in different limits. In particular, our formula generalizes the standard post-Newtonian estimates for radiation-reaction forces in $N$-body systems which are valid only in the limit where the GW wavelength goes to infinity.

Alessandro Candido, Alfonso Garcia, Giacomo Magni, Tanjona Rabemananjara, Juan Rojo, Roy Stegeman

62 pages, 34 figures. The NNSF$\nu$ structure function grids and code can be obtained from this https URL

The interpretation of present and future neutrino experiments requires accurate theoretical predictions for neutrino-nucleus scattering rates. Neutrino structure functions can be reliably evaluated in the deep-inelastic scattering regime within the perturbative QCD (pQCD) framework. At low momentum transfers ($Q^2 \le {\rm few}$ GeV$^2$), inelastic structure functions are however affected by large uncertainties which distort event rate predictions for neutrino energies $E_\nu$ up to the TeV scale. Here we present a determination of neutrino inelastic structure functions valid for the complete range of energies relevant for phenomenology, from the GeV region entering oscillation analyses to the multi-EeV region accessible at neutrino telescopes. Our NNSF$\nu$ approach combines a machine-learning parametrisation of experimental data with pQCD calculations based on state-of-the-art analyses of proton and nuclear parton distributions (PDFs). We compare our determination to other calculations, in particular to the popular Bodek-Yang model. We provide updated predictions for inclusive cross sections for a range of energies and target nuclei, including those relevant for LHC far-forward neutrino experiments such as FASER$\nu$, SND@LHC, and the Forward Physics Facility. The NNSF$\nu$ determination is made available as fast interpolation LHAPDF grids, and can be accessed both through an independent driver code and directly interfaced to neutrino event generators such as GENIE.

We analyze the dispersion relation for an anisotropic gravity-electromagnetic theory at very high energies. In particular for photons of very high energy. We start by introducing the anisotropic gravity-gauge vector field model. It is invariant under spacelike diffeomorphisms, time parametrization, and U(1) gauge transformations. It includes high-order spacelike derivatives as well as polynomial expressions of the Riemann and field strength tensor fields. It is based on the Ho\v{r}ava-Lifshitz anisotropic proposal. We show its consistency, and the stability of the Minkowski ground state. Finally, we determine the exact zone at which the physical degrees of freedom, i.e. the transverse-traceless tensorial degrees of freedom and the transverse vectorial degrees of freedom propagate according to a linear wave equation. This is so, in spite of the fact that there exists in the zone a non-trivial Newtonian background of the same order. The wave equation contains spatial derivatives up to the sixth order, in the lowest order it exactly matches the relativistic wave equation. We then analyze the dispersion relation at very high energies in the context of recent experimental data. The qualitative predictions of the proposed model, concerning the propagation of highly energetic photons, are different from the ones obtained from the modified dispersion relation of the LIV models.

We detail a novel theoretical prediction that a geometric torsion model for scalar field dark matter could lead to oscillations, on readily probeable timescales, in the time evolution of cosmological redshifts of astronomical sources with qualitatively distinct behavior at different redshift scales (larger or smaller than z ~ 0.1). We present an analysis of extant spectroscopy data from the Australian Dark Energy Survey (OzDES) to assess whether such signals are present across a wide array of cosmological sources and baseline redshifts on the six-year timescale of OzDES. While a simple Fourier analysis of redshift variations weakly identifies some candidate frequencies, and so further investigation with future cosmological data sets may be warranted, we have not found compelling empirical evidence for the theory under consideration in this data set, placing tentative constraints on its free parameters.

Marco Brito, Carlos Herdeiro, Eugen Radu, Nicolas Sanchis-Gual, Miguel Zilhão

15 pages, 13 figures

We study the time evolution of spherical, excited -- with $n$ radial nodes -- scalar boson stars in General Relativity minimally coupled to a complex massive scalar field with quartic self-interactions. We report that these stars, with up to $n=10$, can be made dynamically stable, up to timescales of $t\sim\frac{10^{4}}{c\mu}$, where $\mu$ is the inverse Compton wavelength of the scalar particle, for sufficiently large values of the self-interactions coupling constant $\lambda$, which depend on $n$. We observe that the compactness of these solutions is rather insensitive to $n$, for large $\lambda$ and fixed frequency. Generically, along the branches where stability was studied, these excited boson stars are not compact enough to allow for ISCOs or light rings. Finally, we discuss the angular velocity of particles along timelike circular orbits, suggesting an application, for solutions in the Newtonian limit, to galactic rotation curves.

We estimate the canonical entropy of a quantum black hole by counting its quasi-normal modes. We first show that the partition function of a classical black hole, evaluated by counting the quasi-normal modes with a thermodyanmic Boltzmann weight, leads to a small entropy of order unity due to the small contribution from higher angular modes. We then discuss how this will be modified when taking into account dissipation effects near the horizon due to interaction with the quantum black hole microstates. The structure of quasi-normal modes drastically changes, yielding a fundamental frequency of the inverse of $t_{\rm echo} \sim$ log(Entropy)/Temperature. This is the time-scale for reflection from the microstates (or the quantum time limit of silence, followed by echoes), $\textit{independent of the strength of dissipation}$, and is comparable to the scrambling time proposed by Sekino & Susskind. Setting the dissipation constant to Planck time, we reproduce the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of $\sim$ (Horizon area)/(Planck area). This result suggests the possibility of simulating black hole entropy in analog horizons realized in condensed matter systems.