14 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables. Data access available here: this https URL
The FLIMFLAM survey is collecting spectroscopic data of field galaxies near fast radio burst (FRB) sightlines to constrain key parameters describing the distribution of matter in the Universe. In this work, we leverage the survey data to determine the source of the excess extragalactic dispersion measure (DM), compared to the Macquart relation estimate of four FRBs: FRB20190714A, FRB20200430A, FRB20200906A, and FRB20210117A. By modeling the gas distribution around the foreground galaxy halos and galaxy groups of the sightlines, we estimate $\rm DM_{halos}$, their contribution to the FRB dispersion measures. The FRB20190714A sightline shows a clear excess of foreground halos which contribute roughly 2/3$^{rd}$ of the observed excess DM, thus implying a baryon-dense sightline. FRB20200906A shows a smaller but non-negligible foreground halo contribution, and further analysis of the IGM is necessary to ascertain the true cosmic contribution to its DM. RB20200430A and FRB20210117A show negligible foreground contributions, implying a large host galaxy excess and/or progenitor environment excess.
7 pages, 5 figures and 2 tables; version accepted by JINST
Low-energy background through Compton scattering from the ambient $\gamma$ rays can be contaminated in direct dark matter search experiments. In this paper, we report comparable measurements on low-energy spectra via Compton scattering from several $\gamma$-ray sources with a p-type point-contact germanium detector. The spectra between 500 eV and 18 keV have been measured and analyzed. Moreover, the features of the electron binding effect, particularly at the edges of the K- and L-shells in the germanium atom, were observed with different gamma sources and were consistent with the models in the Geant4 simulation. An empirical background model is proposed that provides insights into understanding the low-energy background in germanium for direct dark matter experiments.
10 pages, 6 figures
Using numerical relativity simulations with a subgrid dynamo prescription to generate strong initial magnetic fields, we investigate the possibility of launching a jet-like outflow from the hypermassive neutron star (HMNS) during the early stages of the merger, prior to the remnants collapse to a black hole. We demonstrate that buoyant instabilities in the strongly magnetized HMNS can lead to a periodic emission of powerful electromagnetic flares shortly after the merger. These are followed by a collimated mildly relativistic outflow. Both types of outflows feature quasi-periodic kilohertz substructure. These early-time outflows may power precursors to short-duration gamma-ray bursts (SGRB) or in some cases the entire SGRB. While the overall temporal power spectrum we find broadly agrees with the one recently reported for quasi-periodic oscillations in the SGRB GRB910711, our simulations suggest that the periodic electromagnetic substructure is dominated by magnetohydrodynamic shearing processes rather than correlating with the corresponding post-merger gravitational wave signal.
65 pages, 61 figures. Data available at cosmoglobe.uio.no. Submitted to A&A
We present Cosmoglobe Data Release 1, which implements the first joint analysis of WMAP and Planck LFI time-ordered data, processed within a single Bayesian end-to-end framework. This framework builds directly on a similar analysis of the LFI measurements by the BeyondPlanck collaboration, and approaches the CMB analysis challenge through Gibbs sampling of a global posterior distribution, simultaneously accounting for calibration, mapmaking, and component separation. The computational cost of producing one complete WMAP+LFI Gibbs sample is 812 CPU-hr, of which 603 CPU-hrs are spent on WMAP low-level processing; this demonstrates that end-to-end Bayesian analysis of the WMAP data is computationally feasible. We find that our WMAP posterior mean temperature sky maps and CMB temperature power spectrum are largely consistent with the official WMAP9 results. Perhaps the most notable difference is that our CMB dipole amplitude is $3366.2 \pm 1.4\ \mathrm{\mu K}$, which is $11\ \mathrm{\mu K}$ higher than the WMAP9 estimate and $2.5\ {\sigma}$ higher than BeyondPlanck; however, it is in perfect agreement with the HFI-dominated Planck PR4 result. In contrast, our WMAP polarization maps differ more notably from the WMAP9 results, and in general exhibit significantly lower large-scale residuals. We attribute this to a better constrained gain and transmission imbalance model. It is particularly noteworthy that the W-band polarization sky map, which was excluded from the official WMAP cosmological analysis, for the first time appears visually consistent with the V-band sky map. Similarly, the long standing discrepancy between the WMAP K-band and LFI 30 GHz maps is finally resolved, and the difference between the two maps appears consistent with instrumental noise at high Galactic latitudes. All maps and the associated code are made publicly available through the Cosmoglobe web page.
Accepted to PoS (EVN2022): proceedings of 15th European VLBI Network Symposium
4 pages, 4 figures; submitted for publication
29 pages, 12 figures
10 pages, 8 Figures and 2 Tables. Accepted for publication by MNRAS
21 pages, 14 figures
13 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to ApJ. Comments welcome
Submitted to MNRAS
12 pages, 10 figures and 3 tables. Submitted to MNRAS, comments welcome
10 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS
18 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS
19 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables. Submitted to ApJ
31 pages, 25 figures, Accepted to Astrophysical Journal with video abstract. Video abstract available at this https URL
11 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables. Comments welcome
18 pages, 8 figures
Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal
5 pages, 3 figures, Accepted at the ICLR 2023 Workshop on Physics for Machine Learning (Camera-ready version)
20 pages, 8 figures
29 pages, 15 captioned figures; comments are welcome
20 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ
10 pages, 6 figures, 1 table; submitted to ApJ
14 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to PRD
Accepted for publication in PASA. Main text is 19 pages including 12 figures and 3 tables, plus 1 appendix. A 2.5 min, high-level summary can be found at this https URL
12 pages, 1 Table and 10 Figures; AJ accepted
11 pages, 13 figures. Proceedings of SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2022
12 pages, 8 figures. Proceedings of SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2022
9 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS
30 pages, 19 figures. Published in PASJ as Special Issue "Metre and Centimetre Radio Astronomy in the Next Decade"
52 pages, 9 figures, published in PASJ Special Issue: Metre and Centimetre Radio Astronomy in the Next Decade
submitted to PASP
12 pages, 5 figures (including one interactive figure at this https URL ). Accepted by ApJL
Accepted to the Astronomical Journal
25 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ
9 pages, 4 figures
13 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&A
Review article, 35 pages, 32 figures
Accepted in Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy (JoAA)
Submitted on January 5, 2023
20 pages, 40 figures
16 pages, 20 figures, accepted by MNRAS
7 pages, 6 figures
arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2012.11429
7 pages, 7 figures. Matches the accepted MNRAS version
11 pages, 5 figures in main paper. 10 pages, 30 figures in appendix. Submitted to MNRAS
Under review by MNRAS; 28 pages, 16 figures
Submitted to A&A Letters
9 pages, accepted for publication in MNRAS on the 14/03/2023
20 pages, 12 Figures
Accepted for Astronomy and Astrophysics. 18 pages, 14 figures
21 pages, 10 figures. Comments are welcome
13 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal
Accepted for publication in A&A, 15 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables, (Abstract abridged)
5 Figures, 15 pages, submitted to ApJ Letters
10 pages, 2 figures, 5 tables
35+21 pages, 20+11 figures; code is available at this https URL
7 pages, 1 figure. Under review in Icarus
6 pages, 4 figures
6 pages (+ 4 pages supplementary material)
18 pages, 7 figures
13 pages, 6 figures
20 pages, 5 figures, appendices; codes available at this https URL and at this https URL
8+4 pages, 2+2 figures
9 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, submitted to IJCAI 2023
Note on the primordial black hole remnant scenario. 3 figures
12 pages, 8 figures
17 pages, 6 figures
25 pages, 3 figures