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Papers for Tuesday, Apr 04 2023

Papers with local authors

Mitchell M. Shen, Zoltan Sternovsky, Alessandro Garzelli, David M. Malaspina

Manuscript accepted online by JGR: Space Physics on 13 August 2021

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Paper 6 — arXiv:2304.00452
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Paper 6 — arXiv:2304.00452

Dust impacts on spacecraft are commonly detected by antenna instruments as transient voltage perturbations. The signal waveform is generated by the interaction between the impact-generated plasma cloud and the elements of the antenna-spacecraft system. A general electrostatic model is presented that includes the two key elements of the interaction, namely the charge recollected from the impact plasma by the spacecraft and the fraction electrons and cations that escape to infinity. The clouds of escaping electrons and cations generate induced signals, and their vastly different escape speeds are responsible for the characteristic shape of the waveforms. The induced signals are modeled numerically for the geometry of the system and the location of the impact. The model employs a Maxwell capacitance matrix to keep track of the mutual interaction between the elements of the system. A new reduced-size model spacecraft is constructed for laboratory measurements using the dust accelerator facility. The model spacecraft is equipped with four antennas: two operating in a monopole mode, and one pair configured as a dipole. Submicron-sized iron dust particles accelerated to > 20 km/s are used for test measurements, where the waveforms of each antenna are recorded. The electrostatic model provides a remarkably good fit to the data using only a handful of physical fitting parameters, such as the escape speeds of electrons and cations. The presented general model provides the framework for analyzing antenna waveforms and is applicable for a range of space missions investigating the distribution of dust particles in relevant environments.

Mitchell M. Shen, Zoltan Sternovsky, Mihály Horányi, Hsiang-Wen Hsu, David M. Malaspina

Manuscript accepted online by JGR: Space Physics on 05 April 2021

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Paper 7 — arXiv:2304.00453
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Paper 7 — arXiv:2304.00453

Space missions often carry antenna instruments that are sensitive to dust impacts, however, the understanding of signal generation mechanisms remained incomplete. A signal generation model in an analytical form is presented that provides a good agreement with laboratory measurements. The model is based on the direct and induced charging of the spacecraft from the collected and escaping fraction of free charges from the impact-generated plasma cloud. A set of laboratory experiments is performed using a 20:1 scaled-down model of the Cassini spacecraft in a dust accelerator facility. The results show that impact plasmas can be modeled as a plume of ions streaming away from the impact location and a cloud of isotropically expanding electrons. The fitting of the model to the collected antenna waveforms provides some of the key parameters of the impact plasma. The model also shows that the amplitudes of the impact signals can be significantly reduced in typical space environments due to the discharging effects in the ambient plasma.

Mitchell M. Shen, Zoltan Sternovsky, David M. Malaspina

Manuscript accepted online by JGR: Space Physics on 22 March 2023

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Paper 8 — arXiv:2304.00454
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Paper 8 — arXiv:2304.00454

Electric field instruments carried by spacecraft (SC) are complementary to dedicated dust detectors by registering transient voltage perturbations caused by impact-generated plasma. The signal waveform contains information about the interaction between the impact-generated plasma cloud and the elements of SC-antenna system. The variability of antenna signals from dust impacts has not yet been systematically characterized. A set of laboratory measurements are performed to characterize signal variations in response to SC parameters (bias voltage and antenna configuration) and impactor parameters (impact speed and composition). The measurements demonstrate that dipole antenna configurations are sensitive to dust impacts and that the detected signals vary with impact location. When dust impacts occur at low speeds, the antennas typically register smaller amplitudes and less characteristic impact signal shapes. In this case, impact event identification may be more challenging due to lower signal-to-noise ratios and/or more variable waveforms shapes, indicating the compound nature of nonfully developed impact-generated plasmas. To investigate possible variations in the impacting materials, the measurements are carried out using two dust samples with different mass densities: iron and aluminum. No significant variations of the measured waveform or plasma parameters obtained from data analysis are observed between the two materials used.

A. Kogut, Dale Fixsen, Nabila Aghanim, Jens Chluba, David T. Chuss, Jacques Delabrouille, Brandon S. Hensley, J. Colin Hill, Bruno Maffei, Anthony R. Pullen, Aditya Rotti, Eric R. Switzer, Edward J. Wollack, Ioana Zelko

37 pages including 23 figures

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Paper 16 — arXiv:2304.00091
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Paper 16 — arXiv:2304.00091

The Primordial Inflation Explorer (PIXIE) is an Explorer-class mission concept to measure the spectrum and polarization of the cosmic microwave background. Cosmological signals are small compared to the instantaneous instrument noise, requiring strict control of instrumental signals. The instrument design provides multiple levels of null operation, signal modulation, and signal differences, with only few-percent systematic error suppression required at each level. Jackknife tests based on discrete instrument symmetries provide an independent means to identify, model, and remove remaining instrumental signals. We use detailed time-ordered simulations, including realistic performance and tolerance parameters, to evaluate the instrument response to broad classes of systematic errors for both spectral distortions and polarization. The largest systematic errors contribute additional white noise at the few-percent level compared to the dominant photon noise. Coherent instrumental effects which do not integrate down are smaller still, and remain several orders of magnitude below the targeted cosmological signals.

Roohi Dalal, Xiangchong Li, Andrina Nicola, Joe Zuntz, Michael A. Strauss, Sunao Sugiyama, Tianqing Zhang, Markus M. Rau, Rachel Mandelbaum, Masahiro Takada, Surhud More, Hironao Miyatake, Arun Kannawadi, Masato Shirasaki, Takanori Taniguchi, Ryuichi Takahashi, Ken Osato, Takashi Hamana, Masamune Oguri, Atsushi J. Nishizawa, Andrés A. Plazas Malagón, Tomomi Sunayama, David Alonso, Anže Slosar, Robert Armstrong, James Bosch, Yutaka Komiyama, Robert H. Lupton, Nate B. Lust, Lauren A. MacArthur, Satoshi Miyazaki, Hitoshi Murayama, Takahiro Nishimichi, Yuki Okura, Paul A. Price, Philip J. Tait, Masayuki Tanaka, Shiang-Yu Wang

35 pages, 18 figures, 6 tables, for coordinated submission to PRD with other HSC Y3 weak lensing cosmology papers - see this https URL

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Paper 51 — arXiv:2304.00701
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Paper 51 — arXiv:2304.00701

We measure weak lensing cosmic shear power spectra from the three-year galaxy shear catalog of the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) Subaru Strategic Program imaging survey. The shear catalog covers $416 \ \mathrm{deg}^2$ of the northern sky, with a mean $i$-band seeing of 0.59 arcsec and an effective galaxy number density of 15 $\mathrm{arcmin}^{-2}$ within our adopted redshift range. With an $i$-band magnitude limit of 24.5 mag, and four tomographic redshift bins spanning $0.3 \leq z_{\mathrm{ph}} \leq 1.5$ based on photometric redshifts, we obtain a high-significance measurement of the cosmic shear power spectra, with a signal-to-noise ratio of approximately 26.4 in the multipole range $300<\ell<1800$. The accuracy of our power spectrum measurement is tested against realistic mock shear catalogs, and we use these catalogs to get a reliable measurement of the covariance of the power spectrum measurements. We use a robust blinding procedure to avoid confirmation bias, and model various uncertainties and sources of bias in our analysis, including point spread function systematics, redshift distribution uncertainties, the intrinsic alignment of galaxies and the modeling of the matter power spectrum. For a flat $\Lambda$CDM model, we find $S_8 \equiv \sigma_8 (\Omega_m/0.3)^{0.5} =0.776^{+0.032}_{-0.033}$, which is in excellent agreement with the constraints from the other HSC Year 3 cosmology analyses, as well as those from a number of other cosmic shear experiments. This result implies a $\sim$$2\sigma$-level tension with the Planck 2018 cosmology. We study the effect that various systematic errors and modeling choices could have on this value, and find that they can shift the best-fit value of $S_8$ by no more than $\sim$$0.5\sigma$, indicating that our result is robust to such systematics.

Xiangchong Li, Tianqing Zhang, Sunao Sugiyama, Roohi Dalal, Markus M. Rau, Rachel Mandelbaum, Masahiro Takada, Surhud More, Michael A. Strauss, Hironao Miyatake, Masato Shirasaki, Takashi Hamana, Masamune Oguri, Wentao Luo, Atsushi J. Nishizawa, Ryuichi Takahashi, Andrina Nicola, Ken Osato, Arun Kannawadi, Tomomi Sunayama, Robert Armstrong, Yutaka Komiyama, Robert H. Lupton, Nate B. Lust, Satoshi Miyazaki, Hitoshi Murayama, Takahiro Nishimichi, Yuki Okura, Paul A. Price, Philip J. Tait, Masayuki Tanaka, Shiang-Yu Wang

36 pages, 29 figures, 4 tables, for coordinated submission to PRD with other HSC Y3 weak lensing cosmology papers - see this https URL

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Paper 52 — arXiv:2304.00702
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Paper 52 — arXiv:2304.00702

We perform a blinded cosmology analysis with cosmic shear two-point correlation functions (2PCFs) measured from more than 25 million galaxies in the Hyper Suprime-Cam three-year shear catalog in four tomographic redshift bins ranging from 0.3 to 1.5. After conservative masking and galaxy selection, the survey covers 416 deg$^2$ of the northern sky with an effective galaxy number density of 15 arcmin$^{-2}$ over the four redshift bins. The 2PCFs adopted for cosmology analysis are measured in the angular range: $7.1 < \theta/{\rm arcmin} < 56.6$ for $\xi_+$ and $31.2 <\theta/{\rm arcmin} < 248$ for $\xi_-$, with a total signal-to-noise ratio of 26.6. We apply a conservative, wide, flat prior on the photometric redshift errors on the last two tomographic bins, and the relative magnitudes of the cosmic shear amplitude across four redshift bins allow us to calibrate the photometric redshift errors. With this flat prior on redshift errors, we find $\Omega_{\rm m}=0.256_{-0.044}^{+0.056}$ and $S_8\equiv \sigma_8 \sqrt{\Omega_{\rm m}/0.3}=0.769_{-0.034}^{+0.031}$ (both 68\% CI) for a flat $\Lambda$ cold dark matter cosmology. We find, after unblinding, that our constraint on $S_8$ is consistent with the Fourier space cosmic shear and the 3$\times$2pt analyses on the same HSC dataset. We carefully study the potential systematics from astrophysical and systematic model uncertainties in our fiducial analysis using synthetic data, and report no biases (including projection bias in the posterior space) greater than $0.5\sigma$ in the estimation of $S_8$. Our analysis hints that the mean redshifts of the two highest tomographic bins are higher than initially estimated. In addition, a number of consistency tests are conducted to assess the robustness of our analysis. Comparing our result with Planck-2018 cosmic microwave background observations, we find a ~$2\sigma$ tension for the $\Lambda$CDM model.

Surhud More, Sunao Sugiyama, Hironao Miyatake, Markus Michael Rau, Masato Shirasaki, Xiangchong Li, Atsushi J. Nishizawa, Ken Osato, Tianqing Zhang, Masahiro Takada, Takashi Hamana, Ryuichi Takahashi, Roohi Dalal, Rachel Mandelbaum, Michael A. Strauss, Yosuke Kobayashi, Takahiro Nishimichi, Masamune Oguri, Arun Kannawadi, Robert Armstrong, Yutaka Komiyama, Robert H. Lupton, Nate B. Lust, Satoshi Miyazaki, Hitoshi Murayama, Yuki Okura, Paul A. Price, Philip J. Tait, Masayuki Tanaka, Shiang-Yu Wang

30 pages, 24 figures, for coordinated submission to PRD with other HSC Y3 weak lensing cosmology papers - see this https URL

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Paper 53 — arXiv:2304.00703
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Paper 53 — arXiv:2304.00703

We use the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) BOSS galaxies and their overlap with approximately 416 sq. degree of deep $grizy$-band imaging from the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey (HSC). We measure three two-point correlations that form the basis of the cosmological inference presented in our companion papers, Miyatake et al. and Sugiyama et al. We use three approximately volume limited subsamples of spectroscopic galaxies by their $i$-band magnitude from the SDSS-BOSS: LOWZ (0.1<z<0.35), CMASS1 (0.43<z<0.55) and CMASS2 (0.55<z<0.7), respectively. We present high signal-to-noise ratio measurements of the projected correlation functions of these galaxies, which is expected to be proportional to the matter correlation function times the bias of galaxies on large scales. In order to break the degeneracy between the amplitude of the matter correlation and the bias of these galaxies, we use the distortions of the shapes of galaxies in HSC due to weak gravitational lensing, to measure the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal, which probes the galaxy-matter cross-correlation of the SDSS-BOSS galaxies. We also measure the cosmic shear correlation functions from HSC galaxies which is related to the projected matter correlation function. We demonstrate the robustness of our measurements with a variety of systematic tests. Our use of a single sample of HSC source galaxies is crucial to calibrate any residual systematic biases in the inferred redshifts of our galaxies. We also describe the construction of a suite of mocks: i) spectroscopic galaxy catalogs which obey the clustering and abundance of each of the three SDSS-BOSS subsamples, and ii) galaxy shape catalogs which obey the footprint of the HSC survey and have been appropriately sheared by the large-scale structure expected in a $\Lambda$-CDM model. We use these mock catalogs to compute the covariance of each of our observables.

Hironao Miyatake, Sunao Sugiyama, Masahiro Takada, Takahiro Nishimichi, Xiang chong Li, Masato Shirasaki, Surhud More, Yosuke Kobayashi, Atsushi J. Nishizawa, Markus M. Rau, Tianqing Zhang, Ryuichi Takahashi, Roohi Dalal, Rachel Mandelbaum, Michael A. Strauss, Takashi Hamana, Masamune Oguri, Ken Osato, Robert Armstrong, Arun Kannawadi, Yutaka Komiyama, Robert H. Lupton, Nate B. Lust, Satoshi Miyazaki, Hitoshi Murayama, Yuki Okura, Paul A. Price, Tomomi Sunayama, Philip J. Tait, Masayuki Tanaka, Shiang-Yu Wang

39 pages, 25 figures, 5 tables, for coordinated submission to PRD with other HSC Y3 weak lensing cosmology papers - see this https URL arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2111.02419

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Paper 54 — arXiv:2304.00704
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Paper 54 — arXiv:2304.00704

We present cosmology results from a blinded joint analysis of cosmic shear, $\xi_{\pm}(\vartheta)$, galaxy-galaxy weak lensing, $\Delta\!\Sigma(R)$, and projected galaxy clustering, $w_{\rm p}(R)$, measured from the Hyper Suprime-Cam three-year (HSC-Y3) shape catalog and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) DR11 spectroscopic galaxy catalog - a 3$\times$2pt cosmology analysis. We define luminosity-cut samples of SDSS galaxies to serve as the tracers of $w_{\rm p}$ and as the lens samples for $\Delta\!\Sigma$ in three spectroscopic redshift bins spanning the range $0.15<z<0.7$. For the $\xi_{\pm}$ and $\Delta\!\Sigma$ measurements, we use a single source sample over 416 deg$^2$, selected from HSC-Y3 based on having photometric redshifts (photo-$z$) greater than 0.75. For cosmological parameter inference, we use Dark Emulator combined with a halo occupation distribution prescription to model $w_{\rm p}$ and $\Delta\!\Sigma$ down to quasi-nonlinear scales. In our baseline analysis we employ an uninformative flat prior of the residual photo-$z$ error to model a residual bias in the mean redshift of HSC source galaxies. We obtain a robust constraint on the cosmological parameters for the flat $\Lambda$CDM model: $S_8=\sigma_8(\Omega_{\rm m}/0.3)^{0.5}=0.763^{+0.040}_{-0.036}$ (68% C.I.), or the best-constrained parameter given by $S'_8=\sigma_8(\Omega_{\rm m}/0.3)^{0.22}=0.721\pm 0.028$, determined with about 4% fractional precision. Our HSC-Y3 data exhibits about 2.5$\sigma$ tension with the Planck inferred $S_8$ value for the $\Lambda$CDM model, and hints at a non-zero residual photo-$z$ bias implying that the true mean redshift of the HSC galaxies at $z\gtrsim 0.75$ is higher than that implied by the original photo-$z$ estimates.

Sunao Sugiyama, Hironao Miyatake, Surhud More, Xiangchong Li, Masato Shirasaki, Masahiro Takada, Yosuke Kobayashi, Ryuichi Takahashi, Takahiro Nishimichi, Atsushi J. Nishizawa, Markus M. Rau, Tianqing Zhang, Roohi Dalal, Rachel Mandelbaum, Michael A. Strauss, Takashi Hamana, Masamune Oguri, Ken Osato, Arun Kannawadi, Robert Armstrong, Yutaka Komiyama, Robert H. Lupton, Nate B. Lust, Satoshi Miyazaki, Hitoshi Murayama, Yuki Okura, Paul A. Price, Philip J. Tait, Masayuki Tanaka, Shiang-Yu Wang

29 pages, 17 figures, 4 tables, for coordinated submission to PRD with other HSC Y3 weak lensing cosmology papers - see this https URL

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Paper 55 — arXiv:2304.00705
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Paper 55 — arXiv:2304.00705

We present cosmological parameter constraints from a blind joint analysis of three two-point correlation functions measured from the Year 3 Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC-Y3) imaging data, covering 416 deg$^2$, and the SDSS DR11 spectroscopic galaxies spanning the redshift range $[0.15, 0.70]$. We subdivide the SDSS galaxies into three volume-limited samples separated in redshift, each of which acts as a large-scale structure tracer characterized by the measurement of the projected correlation function, $w_{\rm p}(R)$. We also use the measurements of the galaxy-galaxy weak lensing signal $\Delta \Sigma(R)$ for each of these SDSS samples which act as lenses for a secure sample of source galaxies selected from the HSC-Y3 shape catalog based on their photometric redshifts. We combine these measurements with the cosmic shear correlation functions, $\xi_{\pm}(\vartheta)$, measured for our HSC source sample. We model these observables with the minimal bias model of the galaxy clustering observables in the context of a flat $\Lambda$CDM cosmology. We use conservative scale cuts, $R>12$ and $8~h^{-1}$Mpc, for $\Delta\Sigma$ and $w_{\rm p}$, respectively, where the minimal bias model is valid, in addition to conservative prior on the residual bias in the mean redshift of the HSC photometric source galaxies. Our baseline analysis yields $S_8=0.775^{+0.043}_{-0.038}$ (68% C.I.) for the $\Lambda$CDM model, after marginalizing over uncertainties in other parameters. Our value of $S_8$ is consistent with that from the Planck 2018 data, but the credible interval of our result is still relatively large. Our results are statistically consistent with those of a companion paper, which extends this analysis to smaller scales with an emulator-based halo model.

James Sikora, Jason Rowe, Saugata Barat, Jacob L. Bean, Madison Brady, Jean-Michel Désert, Adina D. Feinstein, Emily A. Gilbert, Gregory Henry, David Kasper, Déreck-Alexandre Lizotte, Michael R. B. Matesic, Vatsal Panwar, Andreas Seifahrt, Hinna Shivkumar, Gudmundur Stefánsson, Julian Stürmer

18 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in AJ

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Paper 62 — arXiv:2304.00797
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Paper 62 — arXiv:2304.00797

The early K-type T-Tauri star, V1298 Tau ($V=10\,{\rm mag}$, ${\rm age}\approx20-30\,{\rm Myr}$) hosts four transiting planets with radii ranging from $4.9-9.6\,R_\oplus$. The three inner planets have orbital periods of $\approx8-24\,{\rm d}$ while the outer planet's period is poorly constrained by single transits observed with \emph{K2} and \emph{TESS}. Planets b, c, and d are proto-sub-Neptunes that may be undergoing significant mass loss. Depending on the stellar activity and planet masses, they are expected to evolve into super-Earths/sub-Neptunes that bound the radius valley. Here we present results of a joint transit and radial velocity (RV) modelling analysis, which includes recently obtained \emph{TESS} photometry and MAROON-X RV measurements. Assuming circular orbits, we obtain a low-significance ($\approx2\sigma$) RV detection of planet c implying a mass of $19.8_{-8.9}^{+9.3}\,M_\oplus$ and a conservative $2\sigma$ upper limit of $<39\,M_\oplus$. For planets b and d, we derive $2\sigma$ upper limits of $M_{\rm b}<159\,M_\oplus$ and $M_{\rm d}<41\,M_\oplus$. For planet e, plausible discrete periods of $P_{\rm e}>55.4\,{\rm d}$ are ruled out at a $3\sigma$ level while seven solutions with $43.3<P_{\rm e}/{\rm d}<55.4$ are consistent with the most probable $46.768131\pm000076\,{\rm d}$ solution within $3\sigma$. Adopting the most probable solution yields a $2.6\sigma$ RV detection with mass a of $0.66\pm0.26\,M_{\rm Jup}$. Comparing the updated mass and radius constraints with planetary evolution and interior structure models shows that planets b, d, and e are consistent with predictions for young gas-rich planets and that planet c is consistent with having a water-rich core with a substantial ($\sim5\%$ by mass) H$_2$ envelope.

Juan Molina, Jinyi Shangguan, Ran Wang, Luis C. Ho, Franz E. Bauer, Ezequiel Treister

20 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ

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Paper 76 — arXiv:2304.01017
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Paper 76 — arXiv:2304.01017

We present new NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array (NOEMA) observations of the CO(2--1) emission in eight of the brightest Palomar-Green quasars at $z \lesssim 0.5$ to investigate the role of active galactic nuclei (AGN) feedback in luminous quasars detected at low redshifts. We detect CO(2--1) emission in three objects, from which we derive CO luminosities, molecular gas masses and fractions, and gas depletion times. In combination with data available in the literature, we build a total sample of 138 local type 1 AGNs with CO(2--1) measurements. We compare the AGN properties with the host galaxy molecular gas properties, considering the systems non-detected in CO emission. We find that the CO luminosity does not correlate with AGN luminosity and Eddington ratio, while the molecular gas fraction is weakly correlated with Eddington ratio. The type 1 AGNs can be roughly separated into two populations in terms of infrared-to-CO luminosity ratio, one population presenting values typically found in normal star-forming systems, while the other have lower ratio values, comparable to those measured for starbursts. We find no evidence that AGN feedback rapidly quenches star formation in type 1 AGNs. Our results may imply an underlying the role of host galaxy gravitational instabilities or the fast inflow of cold gas in triggering AGN activity.

All other papers

J. Sebastian Pineda, Jackie Villadsen

Authors' version of article published in Nature Astronomy, see their website for official version of scientific record

Observing magnetic star-planet interactions (SPI) offers promise for determining magnetic fields of exoplanets. Models of sub-Alfv\'enic SPI predict that terrestrial planets in close-in orbits around M~dwarfs can induce detectable stellar radio emission, manifesting as bursts of strongly polarized coherent radiation observable at specific planet orbital positions. We present 2-4 GHz detections of coherent radio bursts on the slowly-rotating M dwarf YZ Ceti, which hosts a compact system of terrestrial planets, the innermost orbiting with a 2-day period. Two coherent bursts occur at similar orbital phases of YZ Cet b, suggestive of an enhanced probability of bursts near that orbital phase. We model the system's magnetospheric environment in the context of sub-Alfv\'enic SPI and determine that YZ Ceti b can plausibly power the observed flux densities of the radio detections. However, we cannot rule out stellar magnetic activity, without a well characterized rate of non-planet-induced coherent radio bursts on slow rotators. YZ Ceti is therefore a candidate radio SPI system, with unique promise as a target for the long-term monitoring.

Anja Butter, Michael Krämer, Silvia Manconi, Kathrin Nippel

31 pages, 14 figures

About a third of the $\gamma$-ray sources detected by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (Fermi-LAT) remain unidentified, and some of these could be exotic objects such as dark matter subhalos. We present a search for these sources using Bayesian neural network classification methods applied to the latest 4FGL-DR3 Fermi-LAT catalog. We first simulate the gamma-ray properties of dark matter subhalos using models from N-body simulations and semi-analytical approaches to the subhalo distribution. We then assess the detectability of this sample in the 4FGL-DR3 catalog using the Fermi-LAT analysis tools. We train our Bayesian neural network to identify candidate dark matter subhalos among the unidentified sources in the 4FGL-DR3 catalog. Our results allow us to derive conservative bounds on the dark matter annihilation cross section by excluding unidentified sources classified as astrophysical-like by our networks. We estimate the number of candidate dark matter subhalos for different dark matter masses and provide a publicly available list for further investigation. Our bounds on the dark matter annihilation cross section are comparable to previous results and become particularly competitive at high dark matter masses.

M. C. Rodriguez, Ignacio F. Ranea-Sandoval, C. Chirenti, D. Radice

11 pages, 8 figures

The future detection of gravitational waves (GWs) from a galactic core-collapse supernova will provide information on the physics inside protoneutron stars (PNS). In this work, we apply three different classification methods for the PNS non-radial oscillation modes: Cowling classification, Generalized Cowling Nomenclature (GCN), and a Classification Based on Modal Properties (CBMP). Using PNS models from $3$D simulations of core-collapse supernovae, we find that in the early stages of the PNS evolution, typically before $0.4$ seconds after the bounce, the Cowling classification is inconsistent, but the GCN and the CBMP provide complementary information that helps to understand the evolution of the modes. In the GCN, we note several avoided crossings as the mode frequencies evolve at early times, while the CBMP tracks the modes across the avoided crossings. We verify that the strongest emission of GWs by the PNS corresponds to the $f$-mode in the GCN, indicating that the mode trapping region alternates between the core and the envelope at each avoided crossing. At later times, approximately $0.4$ seconds after the bounce, the three classification methods present a similar description of the mode spectrum. We use our results to test universal relations for the PNS modes according to their classification and find that the behaviour of the universal relations for $f$- and $p$-modes is remarkably simple in the CBMP.

E. Parlanti, S. Carniani, A. Pallottini, M. Cignoni, G. Cresci, M. Kohandel, F. Mannucci, A. Marconi

14 pages, 11 figures, 1 tables, accepted for publication in A&A

High-redshift galaxies are expected to be more turbulent than local galaxies because of their smaller size and higher star formation and thus stronger feedback from star formation, frequent mergers events, and gravitational instabilities. However, this scenario has recently been questioned by the observational evidence of a few galaxies at z~4-5 with a gas velocity dispersion similar to what is observed in the local population. Our goal is to determine whether galaxies in the first Gyrs of the Universe have already formed a dynamically cold rotating disk similar to the local counterparts. We studied the gas kinematic of 22 main-sequence star-forming galaxies at z > 5 and determined their dynamical state by estimating the ratio of the rotational velocity and of the gas velocity dispersion. We mined the ALMA archive and exploited the [CII] and [OIII] observations to perform a kinematic analysis of the cold and warm gas of z>5 main-sequence galaxies. The gas kinematics of the high-z galaxies is consistent within the errors with rotating but turbulent disks. We infer a velocity dispersion that is systematically higher by 4 times than the local galaxy population and the z~5 dust-obscured galaxies reported in the literature. The difference between our results and those reported at similar redshift can be ascribed to the systematic difference in the galaxy properties in the two samples: the disks of massive dusty galaxies are dynamically colder than the disks of dust-poor galaxies. The comparison with the theoretical predictions suggests that the main driver of the velocity dispersion in high-z galaxies is the gravitational energy that is released by the transport of mass within the disk. Finally, we stress that future deeper ALMA high-angular resolution observations are crucial to constrain the kinematic properties of high-z galaxies and to distinguish rotating disks from kpc-scale mergers.

Louise Breuval, Adam G. Riess, Lucas M. Macri, Siyang Li, Wenlong Yuan, Stefano Casertano, Tarini Konchady, Boris Trahin, Meredith J. Durbin, Benjamin F. Williams

Submitted to ApJ, comments welcome

We present a low-dispersion period-luminosity relation (PL) based on 154 Cepheids in Messier 33 (M33) with Hubble Space Telescope (HST) photometry from the PHATTER survey. Using high-quality ground-based light curves, we recover Cepheid phases and amplitudes for multi-epoch HST data and we perform template fitting to derive intensity-averaged mean magnitudes. HST observations in the SH0ES near-infrared Wesenheit system significantly reduce the effect of crowding relative to ground-based data, as seen in the final PL scatter of $\sigma$ = 0.11 mag. We adopt the absolute calibration of the PL based on HST observations in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and a distance derived using late-type detached eclipsing binaries to obtain a distance modulus for M33 of $\mu$ = 24.622 $\pm$ 0.030 mag (d = 840 $\pm$ 11 kpc), a best-to-date precision of 1.3%. We find very good agreement with past Cepheid-based measurements. Several TRGB estimates bracket our result while disagreeing with each other. Finally, we show that the flux contribution from star clusters hosting Cepheids in M33 does not impact the distance measurement and we find only 3.7% of the sample is located in (or nearby) young clusters. M33 offers one of the best sites for the cross-calibration of many primary distance indicators. Thus, a precise independent geometric determination of its distance would provide a valuable new anchor to measure the Hubble constant.

P. A. Palicio, E. Spitoni, A. Recio-Blanco, F. Matteucci, S. Peirani, L. Greggio

21 pages, 16 figures. Submitted

Context: In the last years, a significant number of works have focused on finding analytic solutions for the chemical enrichment models of galactic systems, including the Milky Way. Some of these solutions, however, cannot account for the enrichment produced by Type Ia SNe due to the presence of the delay time distributions (DTDs) in the models. Aims: We present a new analytic solution for the chemical evolution model of the Galaxy. This solution can be used with different prescriptions of the DTD, including the single and double degenerate scenarios, and allows the inclusion of an arbitrary number of pristine gas infalls. Methods: We integrate the chemical evolution model by extending the instantaneous recycling approximation with the contribution of Type Ia SNe. For those DTDs that lead to non-analytic integrals, we describe them as a superposition of Gaussian, exponential and 1/t functions using a restricted least-squares fitting method. Results: We obtain the exact solution for a chemical model with Type Ia SNe widely used in previous works. This solution can reproduce the expected chemical evolution of the alpha and iron-peak elements in less computing time than numerical integration methods. We compare the pattern in the [Si/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] plane observed by APOGEE DR17 with that predicted by the model. We find the low alpha sequence can be explained by a delayed gas infall. We exploit the applicability of our solution by modelling the chemical evolution of a simulated Milky Way-like galaxy from its star formation history. The implementation of our solution is released as a python package. Conclusions: Our solution constitutes a promising tool for the Galactic Archaeology and is able to model the observed trends in alpha element abundances versus [Fe/H] in the solar neighbourhood. We infer the chemical information of a simulated galaxy modelled without Chemistry.

Dolev Bashi, Tsevi Mazeh, Simchon Faigler

13 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Previous studies pointed out that many observed samples of short-period binaries display a cutoff period, $P_{\rm cut}$, such that almost all binaries with periods shorter than $P_{\rm cut}$ have circular orbits. This feature is probably due to long-term circularization processes induced by tidal interaction between the two stars of each binary. It seemed as if coeval main-sequence (MS) samples of open clusters display $P_{\rm cut}$ that depends on the sample age. Using the unprecedentedly large sample of MS spectroscopic orbits recently released by $\textit{Gaia}$ we have found that the $P_{\rm cut}$ does not depend on the stellar age but, instead, varies with stellar temperature, decreasing linearly from $6.5$ day at $T_{\rm eff}\sim 5700$ K to $\sim 2.5$ day at $6800$ K. $P_{\rm cut}$ was derived by a new algorithm that relied on clear upper envelopes displayed in the period-eccentricity diagrams. Our $P_{\rm cut}$ determines both the border between the circular and eccentric binaries and the location of the upper envelope. The results are inconsistent with the theory which assumes circularization occurs during the stellar MS phase, a theory that was adopted by many studies. The circularization has probably taken place at the pre-main-sequence phase, as suggested already in 1989 by Zahn and Bouchet, and later by Khaluillin and Khaluillina in 2011. Our results suggest that the weak dependence of $P_{\rm cut}$ on the cluster age is not significant, and/or might be due to the different temperatures of the samples. If indeed true, this has far-reaching implications for the theory of binary and exoplanet circularization, synchronization, and alignment.

Marcus DuPont, Andrew MacFadyen, Re'em Sari

Synchrotron and inverse Compton emission successfully explain the observed spectra of gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglows. It is thought that most GRBs are products of extremely relativistic outflows and the afterglow marks the interaction of that ejecta with the surrounding matter. Faster decay of afterglow light curves at late times is indicative of non-spherical geometries, and are usually interpreted as evidence for jet geometry. Recent numerical simulations have shown that ring-like geometries are also permissible for relativistic outflows. We therefore extend the standard theory of afterglow evolution to ring geometries. An analytic prescription for the light curves and spectra produced by relativistic toroidal blast waves is presented. We compare these to their spherical and jet-like counterparts, and show that ring afterglows decay faster than spherical outflows but not as fast as jets.

I. Yu. Rybak, C. J. A. P. Martins, Patrick Peter, E. P. S. Shellard

10 pages, 5 figures

We consider the evolution of current-carrying cosmic string networks described by the charge-velocity-dependent one scale (CVOS) model beyond the linear equation of state regime, specifically focusing on the Witten superconducting model. We find that, generically, for almost chiral currents, the network evolution reduces dynamically to that of the linear case, which has been discussed in our previous work. However, the Witten model introduces a maximum critical current which constrains the network scaling behaviour during the radiation era when currents can grow and approach this limit. Unlike the linear model, only if the energy density in the critical current is comparable to the bare string tension will there be substantial backreaction on the network evolution, thus changing the observational predictions of superconducting strings from those expected from a Nambu-Goto network. During the matter era, if there are no external sources, then dynamical effects dilute these network currents and they disappear at late times.

The detection of a primordial stochastic gravitational wave background has the potential to reveal unprecedented insights into the early universe, and possibly into the dynamics of inflation. Generically, UV-complete inflationary models predict an abundance of light scalars, so any inflationary stochastic background may well be formed in a model with several interacting degrees of freedom. The stochastic backgrounds possible from two-field inflation have been well-studied in the literature, but it is unclear how similar they are to the possibilities from many-field inflation. In this work, we study stochastic backgrounds from more-than-two field inflation for the first time, focusing on the scalar-induced background produced by a brief turn in three-field space. We find an analytic expression for the enhancement in the power spectrum as a function of the turn rate and the torsion, and show that unique signatures of three-field dynamics are possible in the primordial power spectrum and gravitational wave spectrum. We confirm our analytic results with a suite of numerical simulations and find good agreement in the shape and amplitude of the power spectra. We also comment on the detection prospects in LISA and other future detectors. We do not expect the moderately large growth of the inflationary perturbations necessary for detection to cause a breakdown of perturbation theory, but this must be verified on a case-by-case basis for specific microphysical models to make a definitive claim.

Lauren M. Weiss, Howard Isaacson, Geoffrey W. Marcy, Andrew W. Howard, Benjamin J. Fulton, Erik A. Petigura, Eric Agol, Daniel Fabrycky, Eric B. Ford, Daniel Jontof-Hutter, Miki Nakajima, James E. Owen, Leslie A. Rogers, Jason Rowe, Jason H. Steffen, Hilke E. Schlichting

118 pages, 69 figures, submitted to ApJS. Machine-readable versions of Tables 3 and 4 are hosted at www.astroweiss.com/Publications

Despite the importance of Jupiter and Saturn to Earth's formation and habitability, there has not yet been a comprehensive observational study of how giant exoplanets correlate with the architectural properties of close-in, sub-Neptune sized exoplanets. This is largely because transit surveys are particularly insensitive to planets at orbital separations > 1 AU, and so their census of Jupiter-like planets is incomplete, inhibiting our study of the relationship between Jupiter-like planets and the small planets that do transit. To establish the relationship between small and giant planets, we conducted the Kepler Giant Planet Survey (KGPS). Using W. M. Keck Observatory HIRES, we spent over a decade collecting 2858 RVs (2181 of which are presented here for the first time) of 63 sun-like stars that host 157 transiting planets. We had no prior knowledge of which systems would contain giant planets beyond 1 AU, making this survey unbiased in detected Jovians. In this paper, we announce RV-detected companions to 20 stars from our sample. These include 13 Jovians (0.3 MJ < M sin i < 13 MJ, 1 < a < 10 AU), 7 non-transiting sub-Saturns, and 3 stellar-mass companions. We also present updated masses and densities of 84 transiting planets. The KGPS project leverages the longest-running and most data-rich collection of RVs of the NASA Kepler systems yet, and will provide a basis for addressing whether giant planets help or hinder the growth of sub-Neptune sized and terrestrial planets. Future KGPS papers will examine the relationship between small, transiting planets and their companions.

Tamaz Kereselidze (1), Irakli Noselidze (2), Zaal Machavariani (1, 3) ((1) Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, Tbilisi State University, Georgia, (2) School of Science and Technology, University of Georgia, Georgia, (3) Doctoral School, Kutaisi International University, Georgia)

10 pages, 2 figures

For a quasi-molecular mechanism of cosmological recombination, a scheme of calculation based on a rigorous quantum-mechanical approach is elaborated. The probability of free-bound radiative transition into an excited state of a quasi-molecule temporarily formed by a colliding electron and two nearest neighboring protons is derived in a closed algebraic form.

Michael D. Himes, Joseph Harrington, Atilim Gunes Baydin

22 pages, 14 figures, submitted to PSJ 2022/11/22, revised 2023/3/7, accepted 2023/3/23

Characterizing exoplanetary atmospheres via Bayesian retrievals requires assuming some chemistry model, such as thermochemical equilibrium or parameterized abundances. The higher-resolution data offered by upcoming telescopes enables more complex chemistry models within retrieval frameworks. Yet, many chemistry codes that model more complex processes like photochemistry and vertical transport are computationally expensive, and directly incorporating them into a 1D retrieval model can result in prohibitively long execution times. Additionally, phase-curve observations with upcoming telescopes motivate 2D and 3D retrieval models, further exacerbating the lengthy runtime for retrieval frameworks with complex chemistry models. Here, we compare thermochemical equilibrium approximation methods based on their speed and accuracy with respect to a Gibbs energy-minimization code. We find that, while all methods offer orders of magnitude reductions in computational cost, neural network surrogate models perform more accurately than the other approaches considered, achieving a median absolute dex error <0.03 for the phase space considered. While our results are based on a 1D chemistry model, our study suggests that higher dimensional chemistry models could be incorporated into retrieval models via this surrogate modeling approach.

Information extracted from the GAIA Data Release 3 is used to examine the stellar contents within projected separations of 10 parsecs from eight close binary systems that are either classical W Serpentis systems or related objects. The goal is to search for remnant star clusters or moving groups with proper motions that are similar to those of the binaries. While some of the binary systems have proper motions that are distinct from those of the majority of stars within the search area, there is still a tendency for W Ser stars to be accompanied by companions with separations on parsec or larger scales. At least three candidate companions are identified within the search area for each system, although in the majority of cases the numbers are much higher. Evidence is presented that SX Cas is near the center of a diffuse cluster. Color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of the groupings associated with the binaries are compared with isochrones, and the majority of the groupings are found to have ages in excess of 1 Gyr, indicating that they have an intermediate age. The masses of stars at the main sequence turn-off of the groupings are estimated, and these provide insights into the initial mass of the donor star in each binary system. Images from the WISE Allsky survey are also used to search for circumsystem envelopes. Extended thermal emission is found around six systems in W2 (i.e. ~4.5um) images.

L. González-Cuesta, S. Mathur, R. A. García, F. Pérez Hernández, V. Delsanti, S.N. Breton, C. Hedges, A. Jiménez, A. Della Gaspera, M. El-Issami, V. Fox, D. Godoy-Rivera, S. Pitot, N. Proust

10 pages (without annexes), 13 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A

The NASA K2 mission that succeeded the nominal Kepler mission observed several hundreds of thousands of stars during its operations. While most of the stars were observed in single campaigns of 80 days, some of them were targeted for more than one campaign. We perform an asteroseismic study of a sample of eight solar-like stars observed during K2 Campaigns 6 and 17. We first extract the light curves for the two campaigns using two different pipelines, EVEREST and Lightkurve. The seismic analysis is done on the combined light curve of C6 and C17 where the gap between them was removed and the two campaigns were stitched together. We determine the global seismic parameters of the solar-like oscillations using two different methods (A2Z pipeline and the apollinaire code). We perform the peak-bagging of the modes to characterize their individual frequencies. By combining the frequencies with the Gaia DR2 effective temperature and luminosity, and metallicity for five of the targets, we determine the fundamental parameters of the targets using the IACgrids based on the MESA code. While the masses and radii of our targets probe a similar parameter space compared to the Kepler solar-like stars with detailed modeling, we find that for a given mass our more evolved stars seem to be older compared to previous seismic stellar ensembles. We calculate the stellar parameters using two different grids of models, incorporating and excluding the treatment of diffusion, and find that the results agree generally within the uncertainties, except for the ages. The seismic radii and the Gaia DR2 radii present an average difference of 4% with a dispersion of 5%. Although the agreement is quite good, the seismic radii are slightly underestimated compared to Gaia DR2 for our stars, the disagreement being greater for the more evolved ones.

Arti Joshi, Nikita Rawat, Axel Schwope, J. C. Pandey, Simone Scaringi, D. K. Sahu, Srinivas M Rao, Mridweeka Singh

15 pages, 10 figures, and 5 Tables, Accepted for publication in MNRAS. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2112.06270

We present analyses of an Intermediate Polar, IGR J15094-6649, based on the archival optical data obtained from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) and X-ray data obtained from the Suzaku, NuSTAR, and Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory (Swift). Present analysis confirms and refines the previously reported spin period of IGR J15094-6649 as 809.49584$\pm$0.00075 s. Clear evidence of a beat period of 841.67376$\pm$0.00082 s is found during the long-term TESS optical observations, which was not evident in the earlier studies. The dominance of X-ray and optical spin pulse unveils the disc-fed dominance accretion, however, the presence of an additional beat frequency indicates that part of the accreting material also flows along the magnetic field lines. The energy-dependent spin pulsations in the low (< 10 keV) energy band are due to the photoelectric absorption in the accretion flow. However, the complex absorbers may be responsible to produce low amplitude spin modulations via Compton scattering in the hard ( > 10 keV) energy band and indicate that the height of the X-ray emitting region may be negligible. The observed double-humped X-ray profiles with a pronounced dip are indicative of the photoelectric absorption in the intervening accretion stream. Analysis of the X-ray spectra reveals the complexity of the X-ray emission, being composed of multi-temperature plasma components with a soft excess, reflection, and suffers from strong absorption.

Sierra Casten, Tod Strohmayer, Peter Bult

14 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables

We present a study of weak, thermonuclear X-ray bursts from the accreting millisecond X-ray pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658. We focus on a burst observed with the Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer on 2019 August 9, and describe a similar burst observed with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer in 2005 June. These bursts occurred soon after outburst onset, $2.9$ and $1.1$ days, after the first indications of fresh accretion. We measure peak burst bolometric fluxes of $6.98 \pm 0.50 \times 10^{-9}$ and $1.54 \pm 0.10 \times 10^{-8}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$, respectively, which are factors of $\approx 30$ and $15$ less than the peak flux of the brightest, helium-powered bursts observed from this source. From spectral modeling we estimate accretion rates and accreted columns at the time of each burst. For the 2019 burst we estimate an accretion rate of $\dot M \approx 1.4-1.6 \times 10^{-10}$ $M_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$, and a column in the range $3.9-5.1 \times 10^7$ g cm$^{-2}$. For the 2005 event the accretion rate was similar, but the accreted column was half of that estimated for the 2019 burst. The low accretion rates, modest columns, and evidence for a cool neutron star in quiescence, suggest these bursts are triggered by thermally unstable CNO cycle hydrogen-burning. The post-burst flux level in the 2019 event appears offset from the pre-burst level by an amount consistent with quasi-stable hydrogen-burning due to the temperature-insensitive, hot-CNO cycle, further suggesting hydrogen-burning as the primary fuel source. This provides strong observational evidence for hydrogen-triggered bursts. We discuss our results in the context of previous theoretical modeling.

Recent observations of the light component of the cosmic-ray spectrum have revealed unexpected features that motivate further and more precise measurements up to the highest energies. The Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) is a satellite-based cosmic-ray experiment that is operational since December 2015, continuously collecting data on high-energy cosmic particles with very good statistics, energy resolution, and particle identification capabilities. In this work, the latest measurements of the energy spectrum of proton+helium in the energy range from 46 GeV to 316 TeV are presented. Among the most distinctive features of the spectrum, a spectral hardening at $\sim$600 GeV has been observed, along with a softening at $\sim$29 TeV measured with a 6.6$\sigma$ significance. Moreover, by measuring the energy spectrum up to 316 TeV, a strong link is established between space- and ground-based experiments, also suggesting the presence of a second hardening at $\sim$150 TeV.

Yuri Abuchaim, Hélio D. Perottoni, Silvia Rossi, Guilherme Limberg, Angeles Pérez-Villegas, Rafael M. Santucci, Vinicius M. Placco, João V. Sales-Silva, Friedrich Anders, Helio J. Rocha-Pinto

Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ)

We present a chemodynamical study of the Triangulum-Andromeda overdensity (TriAnd) employing a sample of 31 candidate stars observed with the GRACES high-resolution ($R=40,000$) spectrograph at the Gemini North (8.1m) telescope. TriAnd is a stellar substructure found toward the outer disk of the Milky Way, located at $R_{GC} \sim 18$ kpc from the Sun, towards Galactic latitude b $\sim 25${\deg}. Most stars in our sample have dynamical properties compatible with a disk stellar population. In addition, by applying an eccentricity cut, we are able to detect a stellar contamination that seems to be consistent with an accreted population. In chemical abundance space, the majority of our TriAnd candidates are similar to the outer thin-disk population, suggesting that the overdensity has an in situ origin. Finally, the found accreted halo interlopers spatially overlapping with TriAnd should explain the historical discussion about the overdensity's nature due to its complex chemical patterns.

Pavan R. Hebbar, Craig O. Heinke

21 pages, 21 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

Modern X-ray telescopes have detected hundreds of thousands of X-ray sources in the universe. However, current methods to classify these sources using the X-ray data themselves suffer problems - detailed X-ray spectroscopy of individual sources is too time-consuming, while hardness ratios often lack accuracy, and can be difficult to use effectively. These methods fail to use the power of X-ray CCD detectors to identify X-ray emission lines and distinguish line-dominated spectra (from chromospherically active stars, supernova remnants, etc.) from continuum-dominated ones (e.g., compact objects or active galactic nuclei [AGN]). In this paper, we probe the use of artificial neural networks (ANN) in differentiating Chandra spectra of young stars in the Chandra Orion Ultradeep Project (COUP) survey from AGN in the Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS) survey. We use these surveys to generate 100,000 artificial spectra of stars and AGN and train our ANN models to separate the two kinds of spectra. We find that our methods reach an accuracy of approx. 92% in classifying simulated spectra of moderate-brightness objects in typical exposures, but their performance slightly decreases on the observed COUP and CDFS spectra (approx. 91%), due in large part to the relatively high background of these long-exposure datasets. We also investigate the performance of our methods with changing properties of the spectra such as the net source counts, the relative contribution of background, the absorption column of the sources, etc. We conclude that these methods have substantial promise for application to large X-ray surveys.

Jeison Alfonso, Alejandro García-Varela

11 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics

Context. Near open clusters as Pleiades, Praesepe and Blanco 1 have been extensively studied due to their proximity to the Sun. The Gaia data brings the opportunity to investigate these clusters, since it contains valuable astrometric and photometric information which can be used to update their kinematic and stellar properties. Aims. Our goal is to carry out a star membership study in these nearby open clusters employing an astrometric model with proper motions and an unsupervised clustering machine learning algorithm using positions, proper motions and parallaxes. The star members are selected from the cross-matching between both methods. Methods. We use the Gaia DR3 catalogue to determine star members using two approaches: a classical Bayesian model and the unsupervised machine learning algorithm DBSCAN. For star members we build the radial density profiles, the spatial distributions and compute the King parameters. The ages and metallicities were estimated using the BASE-9 Bayesian software. Results. We identified 958, 744 and 488 star members for the Pleiades, Praesepe and Blanco 1 respectively. We corrected the distances and built the spatial distributions, finding that Praesepe and Blanco 1 have elongated shape structures. The distances, ages and metallicities obtained were consistent with the reported in the literature. Conclusions. We obtained catalogues of star members, updated kinematic and stellar parameters for these open clusters. We found that the proper motions model can find a similar number of members as the unsupervised clustering algorithm does when the cluster population form an overdensity in the vector point diagram. It allows to select an adequate size of the proper motions region to run these methods. Our analysis found stars that are being directed towards the outskirts of the Praesepe and Blanco 1, which exhibit elongated shapes.

Zhijun Song, Yang Yu, Bin Cheng, Jing Lv, Hexi Baoyin

Accepted for publication in A&A

An asteroid spun up to its critical limit has unique surface mechanical properties that its gravity and the centrifugal force largely balance, creating a relaxation environment where low-energy events such as mass shedding may trigger subsequent long complex motion of an asteroid's regolith grains. Exploring such an evolution process may provide key clues for understanding the early formation of multi-asteroid systems. This paper investigates the complex evolution process of loose particles becoming triggered by shedding events and the dependency of their dynamical propagation on the contact mechanical properties of the asteroid surface. We present a numerical model for tracking the trajectory of a shed particle that considers the collision between the particle and the surface of an asteroid. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to reflect the statistical behavior of shed particles. We also introduce zero-velocity surfaces to our data-based analysis in order to reveal the intrinsic invariance of the evolutionary processes. We used the average mechanical energy of the particle cloud to check the connection between contact property and the temporal-spatial distribution of the shed particles. We sketch a common evolutionary path of the particle in the vicinity of a fast-rotating asteroid, that is, particles dislodged from the unstable region will eventually enter, through several collisions with the surface, non-return orbits that launch from the minimum geopotential area of the unstable region. The common trend is independent of any particular asteroid morphology, and all shed particles enter the same evolutionary path. We also find that the orbital energy of the particle cloud is statistically independent of the surface contact property, meaning that the collision coefficient of restitution is a nonsensitive parameter in the outward spreading process of the shed particles.

Jinning Liang, Eda Gjergo, Xilong Fan

22 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

One-zone Galactic Chemical Evolution (GCE) models have provided useful insights on a great wealth of average abundance patterns in many environments, especially for the Milky Way and its satellites. However, the scatter of such abundance patterns is still a challenging aspect to reproduce. The leading hypothesis is that dynamics is a likely major source of the dispersion. In this work we test another hypothesis, namely that different assumptions on yield modeling may be at play simultaneously. We compare whether the abundance patterns spanned by the models are consistent with those observed in Galactic data. First, we test the performance of recent yield tabulations, and we show which of these tabulations best fit Galactic stellar abundances. We then group the models and test if yield combinations match data scatter and standard deviation. On a fixed Milky-Way-like parametrization of NuPyCEE, we test a selection of yields for the three dominant yield sets: low-to-intermediate mass stars, massive stars, and Type Ia supernovae. We also include the production of r-process elements by neutron star mergers. We explore the statistical properties spanned by such yields. We identify the differences and commonalities among yield sets. We define criteria that estimate whether an element is in agreement with the data, or if the model overestimates or underestimates it in various redshift bins. While it is true that yields are a major source of uncertainty in GCE models, the scatter of abundances in stellar spectra cannot be explained by a simple averaging of runs across yield prescriptions.

Yuhei Iwata, Tomoharu Oka, Shunya Takekawa, Shiho Tsujimoto, Rei Enokiya

11 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in ApJ

We report the results of observations toward the center of the molecular cloud CO 0.02-0.02 made using the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array. The successfully obtained 1 arcsec resolution images of CO $J$=3-2, H$^{13}$CN $J$=4-3, H$^{13}$CO$^{+}$ $J$=4-3, SiO $J$=8-7, CH$_3$OH $J_{K_a, K_c}$ = 7$_{1, 7}$-6$_{1, 6}$ A$^{+}$ lines, and 900 $\mu$m continuum show several new features, which have not been identified in previous observations. The dense gas probe (H$^{13}$CN, SiO, CH$_{3}$OH) images are dominated by a pair of northeast-southwest elongated filaments, which may be the main body of CO 0.02-0.02. Two striped patterns perpendicular to each other (F1 and F2) and a high-velocity feature (HV), which appear in different velocity ranges, were prominent in the CO image. An emission hole that may represent an expanding feature was found in the F1 velocity range. F2 appeared to align along the western edge of a 20 pc $\times$ 13 pc ellipse (the Large Shell) identified in the single-dish CO map. The HV contains eight compact clumps at the positive high-velocity end of the CO emissions. Based on these results, we propose a formation scenario for CO 0.02-0.02; internal explosions of supernovae, external perturbations by the Large Shell, and gravitational acceleration by a less luminous star cluster have formed CO 0.02-0.02 in its current state.

A. Bello-García, V. M. Passegger, J. Ordieres-Meré, A. Schweitzer, J. A. Caballero, A. González-Marcos, I. Ribas, A. Reiners, A. Quirrenbach, P. J. Amado, V. J. S. Béjar, C. Cifuentes, Th. Henning, A. Kaminski, R. Luque, D. Montes, J. C. Morales, S. Pedraz, H. M. Tabernero, M. Zechmeister

The large amounts of astrophysical data being provided by existing and future instrumentation require efficient and fast analysis tools. Transfer learning is a new technique promising higher accuracy in the derived data products, with information from one domain being transferred to improve the accuracy of a neural network model in another domain. In this work, we demonstrate the feasibility of applying the deep transfer learning (DTL) approach to high-resolution spectra in the framework of photospheric stellar parameter determination. To this end, we used 14 stars of the CARMENES survey sample with interferometric angular diameters to calculate the effective temperature, as well as six M dwarfs that are common proper motion companions to FGK-type primaries with known metallicity. After training a deep learning (DL) neural network model on synthetic PHOENIX-ACES spectra, we used the internal feature representations together with those 14+6 stars with independent parameter measurements as a new input for the transfer process. We compare the derived stellar parameters of a small sample of M dwarfs kept out of the training phase with results from other methods in the literature. Assuming that temperatures from bolometric luminosities and interferometric radii and metallicities from FGK+M binaries are sufficiently accurate, DTL provides a higher accuracy than our previous state-of-the-art DL method (mean absolute differences improve by 20 K for temperature and 0.2 dex for metallicity from DL to DTL when compared with reference values from interferometry and FGK+M binaries). Furthermore, the machine learning (internal) precision of DTL also improves as uncertainties are five times smaller on average. These results indicate that DTL is a robust tool for obtaining M-dwarf stellar parameters comparable to those obtained from independent estimations for well-known stars.

Ming Feng Qin, Yu Zhang, Jinzhong Liu, Fangfang Song, Qingshun Hu, Haozhi Wang, Shuo Ma, Guoliang Lv

10 pages, 7 figures

Context. In the Gaia era, the precision of astrometric data is unprecedented. High-quality data make it easier to find more cluster aggregates and support further confirmation of these open clusters. Aims. We use Gaia DR3 to redetermine the open clusters surrounding Pismis 5 in the Vela Molecular Ridge. We also investigate the basic properties of these clusters. Methods. We apply two clustering algorithms (StarGO and pyUPMASK) to identify the open cluster members in a five-dimensional space with Gaia DR3. Results. We identify eight open clusters surrounding Pismis 5 in the Vela Molecular Ridge. The open cluster QZ 1 is newly discovered. Through investigating the comprehensive properties of the clusters, one open binary cluster candidate (Alessi 43 and Collinder 197) and one triple open cluster candidate (Pismis 5, Pismis 5A, and Pismis 5B) are discussed. Conclusions. Binary and triple open cluster candidates have been identified as potential primordial aggregates based on their similar age, position, and motion. According to kinematic speculations, the two aggregate candidates will gradually separate, and their interiors will slowly disintegrate.

Yi Xing, Zhongxiang Wang (SHAO, Yunnan University)

6 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, submitted to ApJ

We report on the detection of a gamma-ray source at the position of the nearby star-forming galaxy (SFG) M83, which is found from our analysis of 14 years of the data obtained with the Large Area Telescope (LAT) on-board {\it Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (Fermi)}. The source is weakly detected, with a significance of $\sim 5\sigma$, and its emission can be described with an exponentially cutoff power law. At a distance of 4.61\,Mpc, the source's gamma-ray luminosity is $\sim 1.4\times 10^{39}$\,erg\,s$^{-1}$, roughly along the correlation line between the \gr\ and IR luminosities determined for nearby SFGs. Because of the weak detection, the source spectrum can not be used for checking its similarity with those of other SFGs. Given the positional matches and the empirical expectation for gamma-ray emission from M83 due to the galaxy's star-forming activity, we conclude that the gamma-ray source is the likely counterpart to m83. The detection thus adds another member to the group of approximately a dozen SFGs, whose \gr\ emissions mostly have a cosmic-ray origin.

Shailesh B. Bhagat, Milind B. Naik, Satheesha S. Poojary, Harshit Shah, Rajesh B. Jadhav, Balu G. Bagade, Savio L. D'Costa, B. Krishna Reddy, Nadish Nanjappa, Tarun Bangia, Devendra K. Ojha, Saurabh Sharma, Koshvendra Singh

Accepted for publication in the Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy

The TIFR Near Infrared Imaging Camera-II (TIRCAM2) is being used at the 3.6 m Devasthal Optical Telescope (DOT) operated by Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES), Nainital, Uttarakhand, India. Earlier, the TIRCAM2 was used at the main port of the DOT on time shared basis. It has now been installed at the side port of the telescope. Side port installation allows near simultaneous observations with the main port instrument as well as longer operating periods. Thus, the TIRCAM2 serves the astronomical community for a variety of observations ranging from lunar occultations, transient events and normal scheduled observations.

Kotomi Taniguchi, Patricio Sanhueza, Fernando A. Olguin, Prasanta Gorai, Ankan Das, Fumitaka Nakamura, Masao Saito, Qizhou Zhang, Xing Lu, Shanghuo Li, Huei-Ru Vivien Chen

Accepted for The Astrophysical Journal. 27 pages, 10 tables, and 13 figures

We have analyzed the NH$_{2}$CHO, HNCO, H$_{2}$CO, and CH$_{3}$CN ($^{13}$CH$_{3}$CN) molecular lines at an angular resolution of $\sim 0.3''$ obtained by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) Band 6 toward 30 high-mass star-forming regions. The NH$_{2}$CHO emission has been detected in 23 regions, while the other species have been detected toward 29 regions. A total of 44 hot molecular cores (HMCs) have been identified using the moment 0 maps of the CH$_{3}$CN line. The fractional abundances of the four species have been derived at each HMC. In order to investigate pure chemical relationships, we have conducted a partial correlation test to exclude the effect of temperature. Strong positive correlations between NH$_{2}$CHO and HNCO ($\rho=0.89$) and between NH$_{2}$CHO and H$_{2}$CO (0.84) have been found. These strong correlations indicate their direct chemical links; dual-cyclic hydrogen addition and abstraction reactions between HNCO and NH$_{2}$CHO and gas-phase formation of NH$_{2}$CHO from H$_{2}$CO. Chemical models including these reactions can reproduce the observed abundances in our target sources.

Although the enhancements in the alpha-proton ratio in the solar wind (expressed as $A_{He} = N_{a}/N_p*100$) in the Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections (ICMEs) have been studied in the past, $A_{He}$ enhancements at the stream interface region received very little attention so far. In this letter, by extensively analyzing the stream interaction region (SIR) events observed in solar cycle 23 and 24, we show that the stream interface of alphas starts separating out from that of protons from the minimum of solar cycle 23. We show that more alpha particles are distributed towards higher pitch angles as compared to protons in the fast wind region compared to background solar wind. By analysing the differential velocities of alphas and protons, we also show that the faster alpha particles accumulate near the fast wind side of the stream interface region leading to enhancement of $A_{He}$. The investigation brings out, for the first time, the salient changes in $A_{He}$ in SIRs for the two solar cycles and highlight the important roles of pitch angle and differential velocities of alpha and protons in the fast wind region for the changes in $A_{He}$ in SIRs.

F.-X. Li, W.-P. Liao, S.-B. Qian, E. Fernández Lajús, J. Zhang, E.-G. Zhao

V606 Centauri (V606 Cen) is an early B-type close binary with an orbital period of 1.4950935\,d and the complete light curves are very difficult to be observed on the ground. By analyzing the unbroken and continuous light curve obtained by TESS, we found that it is a marginal contact binary with a very low fill-out factor of about 2\%. The O-C diagram of V606 Cen is constructed for the first time based on the 118.8-years eclipse times. It is found that the O-C diagram shows a downward parabolic change together with a cyclic oscillation with an amplitude of 0.0544\, d and a period of 88.8\, yr. The downward parabolic variation reveals a linear period decrease at a rate of $dP/dt = -2.06 \times{10^{-7}} d \cdot yr^{-1}$ that can be explained by the mass transfer from the more massive component to the less massive one. Both the marginal contact configuration and the continuous period decrease suggest that V606 Cen is a newly formed contact binary via Case A mass transfer. Meanwhile, the cyclic change in the O-C diagram can be explained by the Light-Travel Time Effect via the presence of a third body. The lowest mass of the tertiary companion is determined as M$_{3}$ = 4.51($\pm0.38$)M$_{\odot}$ that is orbiting around the central eclipsing binary in a nearly circular orbit (e=0.32). All the results indicate that V606 Cen is a newly formed massive contact binary and just reaches the contact configuration during the mass transfer in a hierarchical triple system.

Jing Li, Lin Long, Jing Zhong, Lin Tang, Bo Zhang, Songmei Qin, Yirong Chen, Zhengzhou Yan, Li Chen, Xiangxiang Xue, Jinliang Hou, Jianrong Shi

23 pages, 10 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1908.01128

In this work, we update the catalog of M-giant stars from the low-resolution spectra of the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) Data Release 9. There are 58,076 M giants identified from the classification pipeline with seven temperature subtypes from M0 to M6. The 2471 misclassified non-M-giant stars are white dwarf binaries, early types, and M dwarfs. And the contamination rate is 4.2$\%$ in the M-giants sample. A total of 372 carbon stars were identified by CaH spectral indices, and were further confirmed by the LAMOST spectra. We update the correlation between the $(W1-W2)_0$ color and [M/H] from APOGEE DR17. We calculate the radial velocities of all M giants by applying cross-correlation to the spectra between 8000 and 8950 \AA with synthetic spectra from ATLAS9. Taking star distances less than 4 kpc from Gaia EDR3 as the standard, we refitted the photometric distance relation of M giants. And based on our M-giant stars, we select a group of Sagittarius stream members, whose sky and 3D velocity distributions are well consistent with K-giant Saggitarius stream members found in Yang et al. With our M giants, we find that the disk is asymmetric out to R = 25 kpc, which is 5 kpc further out than detected using K giants.

Giovanni Sabatini, Stefano Bovino, Elena Redaelli

10 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters (ApJL)

Low-energy cosmic rays ($<1$ TeV) are a pivotal source of ionisation of the interstellar medium, where they play a central role in determining the gas chemical composition and drastically influence the formation of stars and planets. Over the last few decades, H$_3^+$ absorption lines observations in diffuse clouds have provided reliable estimates of the cosmic ray ionisation rate relative to H$_2$ ($\zeta^{\rm ion}_{{\rm H}_2}$). However, in denser clouds, where stars and planets form, this method is often inefficient due to the lack of H$_3^+$ rotational transitions. The $\zeta^{\rm ion}_{{\rm H}_2}$ estimates are, therefore, still provisional in this context and represent one of the least understood components when it comes to defining general models of star and planet formation. In this Letter, we present the first high-resolution maps of the $\zeta^{\rm ion}_{{\rm H}_2}$ in two high-mass clumps obtained with a new analytical approach recently proposed to estimate the $\zeta^{\rm ion}_{{\rm H}_2}$ in the densest regions of molecular clouds. We obtain $\langle\zeta^{\rm ion}_{{\rm H}_2}\rangle$ that span from $3\times10^{-17}$ to $10^{-16}\rm~s^{-1}$, depending on the different distribution of the main ion carriers, in excellent agreement with the most recent cosmic rays propagation models. The cores belonging to the same parental clump show comparable $\zeta^{\rm ion}_{{\rm H}_2}$, suggesting that the ionisation properties of prestellar regions are determined by global rather than local effects. These results provide important information for the chemical and physical modelling of star-forming regions.

Georgios Kyriakou, Pietro Bolli, Giuseppe Virone

4 pages, 5 figures, presented at the 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation

Characteristic Modes Analysis (CMA) is a widely used method with recent progress in multi-antenna systems. We employ this method to characterize the mutual coupling phenomenon between two SKALA4.1 antennas, the low-frequency array elements of the future radiotelescope Square Kilometer Array (SKA-Low). The CMA accuracy is first validated at the lowest frequency range of interest with respect to a standard Method of Moments (MoM) solution by decomposing the single antenna into its characteristic modes. We then examine critical frequencies of a two-antenna system in modal decomposition, and characterize those responsible for the radiated electric field spurious spectral features owing to the mutual coupling. We connect these modes to first-order coupling of single antenna CMA modes, by using the eigenvalue data of both single- and two- antenna simulations.

Praween Siritanasak, Ian Birdwell, Lindsay Lowry, Felipe Lucero, Macaroni Kijsanayotin

We studied the predictive power of daily animal sightings on site work outcomes at the Polarbear and Simons Array experiment site in the Atacama Desert, Chile. Specifically, we observed the number of viscacha and vicuna sightings during a two-month period, totaling 31 observation days, and analyzed their relationship with site work outcomes using machine learning techniques. Our results show that there was no significant correlation between the number of animal sightings and site work outcomes. The feather importance score for viscacha and vicuna were 0.71068 and 0.057762, respectively. Future research may include expanding the analysis to include other animal species, investigating the impact of human activity on site work outcomes, and exploring alternative machine learning models or statistical techniques.

Stefano Cristiani, Matteo Porru, Francesco Guarneri, Giorgio Calderone, Konstantina Boutsia, Andrea Grazian, Guido Cupani, Valentina D'Odorico, Fabio Fontanot, Carlos J.A.P. Martins, Catarina M. J. Marques, Soumak Maitra, Andrea Trost

11 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

The QUBRICS (QUasars as BRIght beacons for Cosmology in the Southern hemisphere) survey aims at constructing a sample of the brightest quasars with z>~2.5, observable with facilities in the Southern Hemisphere. QUBRICS makes use of the available optical and IR wide-field surveys in the South and of Machine Learning techniques to produce thousands of bright quasar candidates of which only a few hundred have been confirmed with follow-up spectroscopy. Taking advantage of the recent Gaia Data Release 3, which contains 220 million low-resolution spectra, and of a newly developed spectral energy distribution fitting technique, designed to combine the photometric information with the Gaia spectroscopy, it has been possible to measure 1672 new secure redshifts of QUBRICS candidates, with a typical uncertainty $\sigma_z = 0.02$. This significant progress of QUBRICS brings it closer to (one of) its primary goals: providing a sample of bright quasars at redshift 2.5 < z < 5 to perform the Sandage test of the cosmological redshift drift. A Golden Sample of seven quasars is presented that makes it possible to carry out this experiment in about 1500 hours of observation in 25 years, using the ANDES spectrograph at the 39m ELT, a significant improvement with respect to previous estimates.

Owen Chase, Robin Ciardullo, Martin Roth, George Jacoby

Planetary nebula (PN) surveys in systems beyond ~10 Mpc often find high-excitation, point-like sources with [O III] $\lambda 5007$ fluxes greater than the apparent bright-end cutoff of the planetary nebula luminosity function (PNLF). Here we identify PN superpositions as one likely cause for the phenomenon and describe the proper procedures for deriving PNLF distances when object blends are a possibility. We apply our technique to two objects: a model Virgo-distance elliptical galaxy observed through a narrow-band interference filter, and the Fornax lenticular galaxy NGC 1380 surveyed with the MUSE integral-field unit spectrograph. Our analyses show that even when the most-likely distance to a galaxy is unaffected by the possible presence of PN superpositions, the resultant value will still be biased towards too small a distance due to the asymmetrical nature of the error bars. We discuss the future of the PNLF in an era where current ground-based instrumentation can push the technique to distances beyond ~35 Mpc.

Daiki Yamasaki, Yu Wei Huang, Yuki Hashimoto, Denis P. Cabezas, Tomoko Kawate, Satoru UeNo, Kiyoshi Ichimoto

27 pages, 17 figures. Accepted for the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan

Solar filaments are dense and cool plasma clouds in the solar corona. They are supposed to be supported in a dip of coronal magnetic field. However, the models are still under argument between two types of the field configuration; one is the normal polarity model proposed by Kippenhahn & Schlueter (1957), and the other is the reverse polarity model proposed by Kuperus & Raadu (1974). To understand the mechanism that the filaments become unstable before the eruption, it is critical to know the magnetic structure of solar filaments. In this study, we performed the spectro-polarimetric observation in the He I (10830 angstrom) line to investigate the magnetic field configuration of dark filaments. The observation was carried out with the Domeless Solar Telescope at Hida Observatory with a polarization sensitivity of 3.0x10^-4. We obtained 8 samples of filaments in quiet region. As a result of the analysis of full Stokes profiles of filaments, we found that the field strengths were estimated as 8 - 35 Gauss. By comparing the direction of the magnetic field in filaments and the global distribution of the photospheric magnetic field, we determined the magnetic field configuration of the filaments, and we concluded that 1 out of 8 samples have normal polarity configuration, and 7 out of 8 have reverse polarity configuration.

Wen Sixiang, Jonker Peter, Stone Nicholas, Van Velzen Sjoert, Zabludoff Ann

15 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We predict late-time optical/UV emission from tidal disruption events (TDEs) from our slim accretion disc model \citep{Wen20} and explore the impact of the black hole mass $M_\bullet$, black hole spin $a_\bullet$, and accretion disc size. We use these synthetic spectra to successfully fit the multi-band \emph{Swift} observations of ASASSN-14li at >350 days, setting only the host galaxy extinction and outer disc radius as free parameters and employing the $M_\bullet$, $a_\bullet$, disc inclination, and disc accretion rates derived from fitting 10 epochs of ASASSN-14li's X-ray spectra with the slim disc. To address the nature of the \emph{early}-time optical/UV emission, we consider two models: shock dissipation and reprocessing. We find that (1) the predicted late-time optical/UV colour (e.g., $u-w2$) is insensitive to black hole and disc parameters unless the disc spreads quickly; (2) a starburst galaxy extinction model is required to fit the data, consistent with ASASSN-14li's post-starburst host; (3) surprisingly, the outer disc radius is $\approx$2$\times$ the tidal radius and $\sim$constant at late times, showing that viscous spreading is slow or non-existent; (4) the shock model can be self-consistent if $M_\bullet \lesssim 10^{6.75}$M$_\odot$, i.e., on the low end of ASASSN-14li's $M_\bullet$ range ($10^{6.5-7.1}$M$_\odot$; 1$\sigma$ CL); larger black hole masses require disruption of an unrealistically massive progenitor star; (5) the gas mass needed for reprocessing, whether by a quasi-static or an outflowing layer, can be $<0.5$M$_\odot$, consistent with a (plausible) disruption of a solar-mass star.

G. Wang, P. S. Barry, T. Cecil, C. L. Chang, J. Li, M. Lisovenko, V. Novosad, Z. Pan, V. G. Yefremenko, J. Zhang

Submitted as a proceeding for Applied Superconductivity Conference 2022

The complex conductivity of a superconducting thin film is related to the quasiparticle density, which depends on the physical temperature and can also be modified by external pair breaking with photons and phonons. This relationship forms the underlying operating principle of Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDs), where the detection threshold is governed by the superconducting energy gap. We investigate the electromagnetic properties of thin-film aluminum that is proximitized with either a normal metal layer of copper or a superconducting layer with a lower $T_C$, such as iridium, in order to extend the operating range of KIDs. Using the Usadel equations along with the Nam expressions for complex conductivity, we calculate the density of states and the complex conductivity of the resulting bilayers to understand the dependence of the pair breaking threshold, surface impedance, and intrinsic quality factor of superconducting bilayers on the relative film thicknesses. The calculations and analyses provide theoretical insights in designing aluminum-based bilayer kinetic inductance detectors for detection of microwave photons and athermal phonons at the frequencies well below the pair breaking threshold of a pure aluminum film.

Qinglin Ouyang, Wei Wang, Meng Zhai, Guo Chen, Patricio Rojo, Yujuan Liu, Fei Zhao, Jia-Sheng Huang, Gang Zhao

23 pages, 13 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics

We report the transit observations of the ultra hot Jupiter WASP-121b using the Goodman High Throughput Spectrograph (GHTS) at the 4-meter ground-based telescope Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope (SOAR), covering the wavelength range $502-900$ nm. By dividing the target and reference star into 19 spectroscopic passbands and applying differential spectrophotometry, we derive spectroscopic transit light curves and fit them using Gaussian process framework to determine transit depths for every passbands. The obtained optical transmission spectrum shows a steep increased slope toward the blue wavelength, which seems to be too steep to be accounted for by the Rayleigh scattering alone. We note that the transmission spectrum from this work and other works differ obviously from each other, which was pointed out previously by \citet{Wilson2021} as evidence for temporal atmospheric variation. We perform a free chemistry retrieval analysis on the optical transmission spectra from this work and the literature HST/WFC3 NIR spectrum. We determine TiO, VO and H$_{2}$O with abundances of $-5.95_{-0.42}^{+0.47}$ dex, $-6.72_{-1.79}^{+0.51}$ dex, and $-4.13_{-0.46}^{+0.63}$ dex, respectively. We compare the abundances of all these three molecules derived from this work and previous works, and find that they are not consistent with each other, indicating the chemical compositions of the terminator region may change over long timescales. Future multi-epoch and high-precision transit observations are required to further confirm this phenomena. We note that when combining the transmission spectra in the optical and in NIR in retrieval analysis, the abundances of V and VO, the NIR-to-optical offset and the cloud deck pressure may be coupled with each other.

Sara A. Webb, Simon R. Goode

12 pages, 5 Figures, International Astronomical Union Proceedings Series 368

With the volume and availability of astronomical data growing rapidly, astronomers will soon rely on the use of machine learning algorithms in their daily work. This proceeding aims to give an overview of what machine learning is and delve into the many different types of learning algorithms and examine two astronomical use cases. Machine learning has opened a world of possibilities for us astronomers working with large amounts of data, however if not careful, users can trip into common pitfalls. Here we'll focus on solving problems related to time-series light curve data and optical imaging data mainly from the Deeper, Wider, Faster Program (DWF). Alongside the written examples, online notebooks will be provided to demonstrate these different techniques. This guide aims to help you build a small toolkit of knowledge and tools to take back with you for use on your own future machine learning projects.

Chandrashekar Murugeshan, Robert Dzudzar, Ryan Bagge, Tamsyn O'Beirne, Ivy Wong, Virginia Kilborn, Michelle Cluver, Katharina Lutz, Ahmed Elagali

Accepted for publication in PASA

We present a new high-resolution neutral atomic hydrogen (HI) survey of ring galaxies using the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). We target a sample of 24 ring galaxies from the Buta (1995) Southern Ring Galaxy Survey Catalogue in order to study the origin of resonance-, collisional- and interaction-driven ring galaxies. In this work, we present an overview of the sample and study their global and resolved HI properties. In addition, we also probe their star formation properties by measuring their star formation rates (SFR) and their resolved SFR surface density profiles. We find that a majority of the barred galaxies in our sample are HI deficient, alluding to the effects of the bar in driving their HI deficiency. Furthermore, for the secularly evolving barred ring galaxies in our sample, we apply Lindblad's resonance theory to predict the location of the resonance rings and find very good agreement between predictions and observations. We identify rings of HI gas and/or star formation co-located at one or the other major resonances. Lastly, we measure the bar pattern speed ($\Omega_{\textrm{bar}}$) for a sub-sample of our galaxies and find that the values range from 10 -- 90 km s$^{-1}$ kpc$^{-1}$, in good agreement with previous studies.

Athanasia Toliou, Mikael Granvik

20 pages

All near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) that reach sufficiently small perihelion distances will undergo a so-called super-catastrophic disruption. The mechanisms causing such disruptions are currently unknown or, at least, undetermined. To help guide theoretical and experimental work to understand the disruption mechanism, we use numerical simulations of a synthetic NEA population to identify the resonant mechanisms that are responsible for driving NEAs close to the Sun, determine how these different mechanisms relate to their dynamical lifetimes at small heliocentric distances and calculate the average time they spend at different heliocentric distances. Typically, resonances between NEAs and the terrestrial and giant planets are able to dramatically reduce the perihelion distances of the former. We developed an algorithm that scans the orbital evolution of asteroids and automatically identifies occurrences of mean motion and secular resonances. We find that most near-Sun asteroids are pushed to small perihelion distances by the 3:1J and 4:1J mean-motion resonances with Jupiter, as well as the secular resonances v6, v5,v3 and v4. The time-scale of the small-perihelion evolution is fastest for the 4:1J, followed by the 3:1J, while v5 is the slowest.~7% of the test asteroids were not trapped in a resonance during the latest stages of their dynamical evolution, which suggests that the secular oscillation of the eccentricity due to the Kozai mechanism, a planetary close encounter or a resonance that we have not identified pushed them below the estimated average disruption distance.

Darryl Z. Seligman, Amaya Moro-Martín

51 pages, 10 figures, invited review for Contemporary Physics, comments welcome

Since 2017, two macroscopic interstellar objects have been discovered in the inner Solar System, both of which are distinct in nature. The first interstellar object, 1I/`Oumuamua, passed within $\sim63$ lunar distances of the Earth, appeared asteroidal lacking detectable levels of gas or dust loss, yet exhibited a nongravitational acceleration. 1I/`Oumuamua's brief visit left open questions regarding its provenance which has given rise to many theoretical hypotheses, including an icy comet lacking a dust coma, an elongated fragment of a planet or planetesimal that was tidally disrupted, and an ultra-porous fractal aggregate. The second interstellar object, 2I/Borisov, was distinct from 1I/`Oumuamua in terms of its bulk physical properties and displayed a definitive cometary tail. We review the discoveries of these objects, the subsequent observations and characterizations, and the theoretical hypotheses regarding their origins. We describe 1I/`Oumuamua and 2I/Borisov in the context of active asteroids and comets in the Solar System. The discovery of these two objects implies a galactic-wide population of $\sim10^{26}$ similar bodies. Forthcoming observatories should detect many more interstellar planetesimals which may offer new insights into how planetary formation processes vary throughout the Galaxy.

Kosar Asadi, Amin Nassiri-Rad, Hassan Firouzjahi

40 pages, 15 figures

We study multiple fields inflation in diffusion dominated regime using stochastic $\delta N$ formalism. The fields are under pure Brownian motion in a dS background with boundaries in higher dimensional field space. This setup can be realized towards the final stages of the ultra slow-roll setup where the classical drifts fall off exponentially and the perturbations are driven by quantum kicks. We consider both symmetric and asymmetric boundaries with absorbing and reflective boundary conditions and calculate the average number of e-folds, the first crossing probabilities and the power spectrum. We study the primordial black holes (PBHs) formation in this setup and calculate the mass fraction and the contribution of PBHs in dark matter energy density for various higher dimensional field spaces.

Marius Peper, Boudewijn F. Roukema, Krzysztof Bolejko

14 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, zenodo.7792910 at this https URL , archived git at this https URL , live git at this https URL

Curved-spacetime geometric-optics maps derived from a deep photometric survey should contain information about the three-dimensional matter distribution and thus about cosmic voids in the survey, despite projection effects. We explore to what degree sky-plane geometric-optics maps can reveal the presence of intrinsic three-dimensional voids. We carry out a cosmological $N$-body simulation and place it further than a gigaparsec from the observer, at redshift 0.5. We infer three-dimensional void structures using the watershed algorithm. Independently, we calculate a surface overdensity map and maps of weak gravitational lensing and geometric-optics scalars. We propose and implement a heuristic algorithm for detecting (projected) radial void profiles from these maps. We find in our simulation that given the sky-plane centres of the three-dimensional watershed-detected voids, there is significant evidence of correlated void centres in the surface overdensity $\Sigma$, the averaged weak-lensing tangential shear $\overline{\gamma_\perp}$, the Sachs expansion $\theta$, and the Sachs shear modulus $\lvert\sigma\rvert$. Recovering the centres of the three-dimensional voids from the sky-plane information alone is significant given the weak-lensing shear $\overline{\gamma_\perp}$, the Sachs expansion $\theta$, or the Sachs shear $\lvert\sigma\rvert$, but not significant for the surface overdensity $\Sigma$. Void radii are uncorrelated between three-dimensional and two-dimensional voids; our algorithm is not designed to distinguish voids that are nearly concentric in projection. This investigation shows preliminary evidence encouraging observational studies of gravitational lensing through individual voids, either blind or with spectroscopic/photometric redshifts. The former case - blind searches - should generate falsifiable predictions of intrinsic three-dimensional void centres.

Yuan Qi Ni, Dae-Sik Moon, Maria R. Drout, Christopher D. Matzner, Kelvin C. C. Leong, Sang Chul Kim, Hong Soo Park, Youngdae Lee

Submitted for publication in ApJ. 29 pages, 14 figures, 4 tables

\object{SN 2021aefx} is a normal Type Ia Supernova (SN) with red excess emission over the first $\sim$ 2 days. We present detailed analysis of this SN using our high-cadence KMTNet multi-band photometry, spectroscopy, and publicly available data. We provide the first measurements of its epochs of explosion (MJD 59529.32 $\pm$ 0.16) as well as ``first light'' (MJD 59529.85 $\pm$ 0.55) associated with the main ejecta ${\rm{^{56}Ni}}$ distribution. This places our first detection of SN 2021aefx at $\sim -$0.5 hours since ``first light'', indicating the presence of additional power sources. Our peak-spectrum confirms its Type Ia sub-classification as intermediate between Core-Normal and Broad-Line, and we estimate the ejecta mass to be $\sim$ 1.34 $M_{\odot}$. The pre-peak spectral evolution identifies fast-expanding material reaching $>$ 40,000 km s$^{-1}$ (the fastest ever observed in Type Ia SNe) and at least two distinct homologously-expanding ejecta components: (1) a normal-velocity (12,400 km s$^{-1}$) component consistent with the typical photospheric evolution of Chandrasekhar-mass ejecta; and (2) a high-velocity (23,500 km s$^{-1}$) component visible during the first $\sim$ 3.6 days post-explosion, which locates the component within the outer $<$ 16\% of the ejecta mass. Asymmetric, subsonic explosion processes producing a non-spherical photosphere provide an explanation for the simultaneous presence of the two components, as well as the red excess emission via a slight ${\rm{^{56}Ni}}$ enrichment in the outer $\sim$ 0.5\% of the ejecta mass. Our spectrum from 300 days post-peak advances the constraint against non-degenerate companions and further supports a near-Chandrasekhar-mass explosion origin. Off-center ignited delayed-detonations of Chandrasekhar-mass white dwarfs may be responsible for the observed features of SN 2021aefx in some normal Type Ia SNe.

F.D. Moyano, P. Eggenberger, S.J.A.J. Salmon, J.S.G. Mombarg, S. Ekström

Submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics. 15 pages, 16 figures

Context. Asteroseismic studies showed that cores of post main-sequence stars rotate slower than theoretically predicted by stellar models with purely hydrodynamical transport processes. Recent studies on main sequence stars, particularly Gamma Doradus ($\gamma$ Dor) stars, revealed their internal rotation rate for hundreds of stars, offering a counterpart on the main sequence for studies of angular momentum transport. Aims. We investigate whether such a disagreement between observed and predicted internal rotation rates is present in main sequence stars by studying angular momentum transport in $\gamma$ Dor stars. Furthermore, we test whether models of rotating stars with internal magnetic fields can reproduce their rotational properties. Methods. We compute rotating models with the Geneva stellar evolution code taking into account meridional circulation and the shear instability. We also compute models with internal magnetic fields using a general formalism for transport by the Tayler-Spruit dynamo. We then compare these models to observational constraints for $\gamma$ Dor stars that we compiled from the literature, combining so the core rotation rates, projected rotational velocities from spectroscopy, and constraints on their fundamental parameters. Results. We show that combining the different observational constraints available for $\gamma$ Dor stars enable to clearly distinguish the different scenarios for internal angular momentum transport. Stellar models with purely hydrodynamical processes are in disagreement with the data whereas models with internal magnetic fields can reproduce both core and surface constraints simultaneously. Conclusions. Similarly to results obtained for subgiant and red giant stars, angular momentum transport in radiative regions of $\gamma$ Dor stars is highly efficient, in good agreement with predictions of models with internal magnetic fields.

Sioree Ansar, Sandeep Kumar Kataria, Mousumi Das

29 pages including Appendix, 28 figures, accepted in MNRAS, comments are welcome from the community

Dark matter (DM) halo properties are extensively studied in cosmological simulations but are very challenging to estimate from observations. The DM halo density profile of observed galaxies is modelled using multiple probes that trace the dark matter potential. However, the angular momentum distribution of DM halos is still a subject of debate. In this study we investigate a method for estimating the halo spin and halo concentration of low surface brightness (LSB), gas-rich dwarf barred galaxy UGC 5288, by forward modelling disk properties derived from observations - stellar and gas surface densities, disk scale length, HI rotation curve, bar length and bar ellipticity. We combine semi-analytical techniques, N-body/SPH and cosmological simulations to model the DM halo of UGC 5288 with both a cuspy Hernquist profile and a flat-core pseudo-isothermal profile. We find that the best match with observations is a pseudo-isothermal halo model with a core radius of $r_{c} = 0.23$ kpc, and halo spin of $\lambda$= 0.08 at the virial radius. Although our findings are consistent with previous core radius estimates of the halo density profile of UGC 5288, as well as with the halo spin profiles of similar mass analogues of UGC5288 in the high-resolution cosmological-magneto-hydrodynamical simulation TNG50, there still remain some uncertainties as we are limited in our knowledge of the formation history of the galaxy. Additionally, we find that the inner halo spin ($ r< 10$ kpc) in barred galaxies is different from the unbarred ones, and the halo spin shows weak correlations with bar properties.

This manuscript reports a part of a dedicated study aiming to disentangle sources of signals from James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) imaging mode. An instrumental introduction and characteristics section is present regarding MIRI. Later, a Fast Fourier Transformation-based filtering approach and its results will be discussed.

Eduardo de la Fuente (principal), James T. Linnemann, Wayne Springer, Ibrahim Torres, and Hao Zhou)

39 pages, 14 Figures

The High-Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory is a second-generation continuously operated, wide field-of-view, TeV gamma-ray observatory. The HAWC observatory and its analysis techniques build on experience of the Milagro experiment in using ground-based water Cherenkov detectors for gamma-ray astronomy. HAWC is located on the Sierra Negra volcano in M\'exico at an elevation of 4100 meters above sea level. The completed HAWC observatory principal detector (HAWC) consists of 300 closely spaced water Cherenkov detectors, each equipped with four photomultiplier tubes to provide timing and charge information to reconstruct the extensive air shower energy and arrival direction. The HAWC observatory has been optimized to observe transient and steady emission from sources of gamma rays within an energy range from several hundred GeV to several hundred TeV. However, most of the air showers detected are initiated by cosmic rays, allowing studies of cosmic rays also to be performed. This paper describes the characteristics of the HAWC main array and its hardware.

Xing-Jian Lv, Xiao-Jun Bi, Kun Fang, Peng-Fei Yin, Meng-Jie Zhao

11 pages, 7 figures

Recent studies on cosmic rays (CRs) have reported the possibility of an excess in the antiproton flux around $10-20$ GeV. However, the associated systematic uncertainties have impeded the interpretation of these findings. In this study, we conduct a global Bayesian analysis to constrain the propagation parameters and evaluate the CR antiproton spectrum, while comprehensively accounting for uncertainties associated with interstellar CR propagation, production cross sections for antiprotons and other secondaries, and the charge and energy dependent effects of solar modulation. We establish that the most recent AMS-02 $\bar{p}$ spectrum is in agreement with a pure secondary origin. Based on this, we establish upper limits on dark matter (DM) annihilation. We also determine that the AMS-02 data favors the empirical hadronic interaction models over phenomenological ones. Finally, we find that the latest AMS-02 antiproton data from 2011 to 2018 disfavors the antiproton excess at $\mathcal{O}$(10) GeV and the corresponding DM interpretation that can simultaneously account for the Galactic Center excess in the gamma-ray observation.

Ivan Toledano--Juárez, Eduardo de la Fuente, Miguel A. Trinidad, Daniel Tafoya, \& Alberto Nigoche--Netro

11 pages, 7 figures, Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS) DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stad988

We present a study of the central zone of the star-forming region L1448 at 217--230 GHz ($\sim$ 1.3 mm) using ALMA observations. Our study focuses on the detection of proto-stellar molecular outflows and the interaction with the surrounding medium toward sources L1448--C(N) and L1448--C(S). Both sources exhibit continuum emission, with L1448--C(N) being the brightest one. Based on its spectral index and the associated bipolar outflow, the continuum emission is the most likely to be associated with a circumstellar disk. The $^{\rm 12}$CO(J=2$\rightarrow$1) and SiO(J= 5$\rightarrow$4) emissions associated with L1448--C(N) trace a bipolar outflow and a jet oriented along the northwest-southeast direction. The $^{\rm 12}$CO(J=2$\rightarrow$1) outflow for L1448--C(N) has a wide-open angle and a V-shape morphology. The SiO jet is highly collimated and has an axial extent comparable with the $^{\rm 12}$CO(J=2$\rightarrow$1) emission. There is not SiO(J= 5$\rightarrow$4) emission towards L1448--C(S), but there is $^{\rm 12}$CO(J=2$\rightarrow$1) emission. The observations revealed that the red-shifted lobes of the $^{\rm 12}$CO(J=2$\rightarrow$1) outflows of L1448--C(N) and L1448--C(S) are colliding. As a result of this interaction, the L1448-C(S) lobe seems to be truncated. The collision of the molecular outflows is also hinted by the SiO(J= 5$\rightarrow$4) emission, where the velocity dispersion increases significantly in the interaction zone. We also investigated whether it could be possible that this collision triggers the formation of new stars in the L1448--C system.

Alessia Franchini, Matteo Bonetti, Alessandro Lupi, Giovanni Miniutti, Elisa Bortolas, Margherita Giustini, Massimo Dotti, Alberto Sesana, Riccardo Arcodia, Taeho Ryu

10 pages, 7 figures, submitted to A&A

X-ray quasi-periodic eruptions (QPEs) represent a recently discovered example of extreme X-ray variability associated with supermassive black holes. Those are high amplitude bursts recurring every few hours and detected in the soft X-ray band from the nuclei of nearby galaxies whose optical spectra lack the broad emission lines typically observed in unobscured active galaxies. The physical origin of this new X-ray variability phenomenon is still unknown, and several theoretical models have been presented. However, no attempt has been made so far to account for the varying QPE recurrence time and luminosity in individual sources, nor for the diversity of the QPE phenomenology in the different known erupters. We present a semi-analytical model based on an Extreme Mass Ratio Inspiral (EMRI) system where the secondary intersects, along its orbit, a rigidly precessing accretion disc surrounding the primary. We assume QPEs to be due to emission from an adiabatically expanding, initially optically thick gas cloud expelled from the disc plane at each impact. We produce synthetic X-ray light curves that are compared with X-ray data from four QPE sources: GSN 069, eRO-QPE1, eRO-QPE2 and RX J1301.9+2747. Our model reproduces the diversity of QPE properties between the considered objects well, and is also able to account naturally for the varying QPE amplitudes and recurrence times in individual sources. Future implementations will enable us to refine the match with the data, and to estimate precisely the system parameters making also use of multi-epoch QPE data. We briefly discuss the nature of the secondary object as well as possible implications of our findings for the EMRI population at large.

The extragalactic background light (EBL) is the aggregate of all optical and infrared emissions from thermal processes since the cosmic dark ages. While the integrated light of galaxies is expected to be the main contribution to the EBL, recent measurements beyond Pluto's orbit from the New Horizon probe show a 4$\sigma$ excess in the optical band. This tension can be studied within observational gamma-ray cosmology, by reconstructing EBL-induced absorption features in the gamma-ray spectra of extragalactic sources at very-high energies (VHE, $E>100$ GeV). Gamma-ray studies of the EBL remain limited by the size of the spectral corpora and by the uncertainties on the shape of the spectra emitted at the sources. We developed a new analysis method that aims to tackle these limitations. Unlike existing studies, we employ a fully Bayesian framework, which allows us to remove arbitrary criteria for selecting intrinsic spectral models. Such an approach further enables marginalization over systematics of instrumental origin, such as the uncertainty on the energy scale of current-generation VHE observatories. In this contribution, we apply our method to the most extensive catalog of extragalactic VHE spectra to date, STeVECat. We present preliminary constraints on the energy density of the EBL at redshift $z=0$, obtained with 259 archival VHE spectra from 56 extragalactic sources with known redshift.

High Energy Neutrino telescopes such as IceCube or KM3NeT issue public alerts describing the characteristics of possible astrophysical high energy neutrino events. This information, in particular the arrival direction and the associated uncertainty of the neutrino candidates, is used by observatories to search for possible electromagnetic counterparts. Such searches are complicated by the localization areas as high as tens of squared degrees or more and the absence of constraints on the distance or nature of the source, contrarily to gravitational wave alerts issued by instruments such as LIGO/Virgo. A method to derive a probable distance for the astrophysical source possibly associated to a HEN event is described, which can be used in a cross-match with galaxy catalogues to search for possible electromagnetic counterparts. This is intended as a guide for high energy neutrino followup campaigns.

Lucas Gréaux, Jonathan Biteau, Tarek Hassan, Olivier Hervet, Mireia Nievas Rosillo, David A. Williams

The three main collaborations operating the current generation of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs: H.E.S.S., MAGIC, VERITAS) publish their gamma-ray data in different formats and repositories. Extragalactic sources are highly variable at very-high energies (VHE, $E>100\,$GeV), and a unified repository would enable joint analyses of collections of extragalactic VHE spectra. To this aim, we have developed the Spectral TeV Extragalactic Catalog, STeVECat, which gathers high-level products of IACT observations from 1992 to 2021. We selected all publications in journals referenced in TeVCat that presented archival spectra with at least two points. We compiled the corresponding spectral data and formatted them following the convention adopted in available public repositories (GammaCat and VTSCat). In addition to spectral points with associated physical units, we provide meta-data featuring observation periods, livetime, excess counts over background and significance, as well as the coordinates, types and redshifts of the sources whenever available. STeVECat combines observations from 173 journal publications, compared to 72 in the previous reference compilation of extragalactic gamma-ray spectra (Biteau \& Williams, 2015). STeVECat is the most extensive set of VHE extragalactic spectra collected so far, with 403 spectra from 73 sources. The full catalog can readily be loaded with GammaPy, the Science Analysis Tool selected by the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory. Our compilation efforts enable population studies of extragalactic gamma-ray sources, studies of the GeV-TeV connection, and studies of absorption on the extragalactic background light.

I. Pillitteri, S. Colombo, G. Micela, S. J. Wolk

6 pages, 7 figures, A&A accepted

X-rays emitted by the coronae of solar-type stars are a feature present in up to late-A types during the main sequence phase. F stars, either with or without hot Jupiters, are usually X-ray emitters. The very low level of X-ray emission of the F5 star WASP-18 despite its relatively young age and spectral type is thus quite peculiar. [Abridged] We observed KELT-24 with \xmm\ for a total of 43 ks in order to test if the X-ray activity of this star is depressed by the interaction with its massive hot Jupiter, as is the case of WASP-18. KELT-24 is detected in combined EPIC images with a high significance level. Its average coronal spectrum is well described by a cool component at 0.36 keV and a hotter component at 0.98 keV. We detected a flare with a duration of about 2 ks, during which the coronal temperature reached 3.5 keV. The unabsorbed quiescent flux in 0.3-8.0 keV is $\sim1.33\times10^{-13}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$, corresponding to a luminosity of $1.5\times10^{29}$ erg s$^{-1}$ at the distance of the star. The luminosity is well within the range of the typical X-ray luminosity of F stars in Hyades, which are coeval. We conclude that the activity of KELT-24 appears normal, as expected, and is not affected by any star--planet interaction. From the analysis of TESS light curves, we infer a distribution of optical flares for KELT-24 and WASP-18. Small optical flickering similar to flares is recognized in WASP-18 but at lower levels of energy and amplitude than in KELT-24. We discuss the causes of the low activity of WASP-18. Either WASP-18b could hamper the formation of a corona bright in X-rays in its host star through some form of tidal interaction, or the star has entered a minimum of activity similar to the solar Maunder minimum. This latter hypothesis would make WASP-18 among the few candidates showing such a quench of stellar activity.

Ranjan Kumar, Ananta C. Pradhan, Snehalata Sahu, Annapurni Subramaniam, Sonika Piridi, Santi Cassisi, Devendra K. Ojha

Accepted for publication in MNRAS main journal

We present a far-ultraviolet (FUV) study of hot stellar populations in the second parameter pair globular clusters (GCs) M3 and M13, as a part of the Globular cluster UVIT Legacy Survey program (GlobULeS). We use observations made with F148W and F169M filters of the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT) onboard {\em AstroSat} along with ground-based data (UBVRI filters), {\em Hubble Space Telescope (HST)} GC catalogue, and {\em Gaia} EDR3 catalogue. Based on the FUV-optical colour-magnitude diagrams, we classify the sources into the horizontal branch (HB) stars, post-HB stars, and hot white dwarfs (WDs) in both the GCs. The comparison of synthetic and observed colours of the observed HB stars suggests that the mass-loss at the red giant branch (RGB) and He spread in both clusters have a simultaneous effect on the different HB distributions detected in M3 and M13, such that, HB stars of M13 require a larger spread in He (${\rm 0.247-0.310}$) than those of M3 (${\rm Y= 0.252-0.266}$). The evolutionary status of HB stars, post-HB stars, and WDs are studied using SED fit parameters and theoretical evolutionary tracks on the H-R diagram. We found that the observed post-HB stars have evolved from zero-age HB (ZAHB) stars of the mass range $0.48-0.55$ \Msun\ in M3 and M13. We detect 24 WD candidates in each cluster having ${\rm \log(L_{bol}/L_\odot)}$ in the range $-0.8$ to $+0.6$ and ${\rm \log(T_{eff}/K)}$ in the range of 4.2 to 5.0. Placing the WDs on the H-R diagram and comparing them with models suggest that M13 has a population of low-mass WDs, probably originating from binary evolution.

Akash Garg (1), Divya Rawat (1), Yash Bhargava (2), Mariano Méndez (3), Sudip Bhattacharyya (2) ((1) Inter-University Center for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411007, India (2) Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, 1, Homi Bhabha Road, Colaba, Mumbai 400005, India (3) Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen, PO BOX 800, Groningen NL-9700 AV, the Netherlands)

9 pages, 4 Figures, 1 Table, submitted in ApJL

We conduct a spectro-polarimetric study of the accreting X-ray pulsar Hercules X-1 using observations with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE). IXPE monitored the source in three different Epochs, sampling two Main-on and one Short-on state of the well-known super-orbital period of the source. We find that the 2-7 keV polarization fraction increases significantly from ~ 7-9 % in the Main-on state to ~ 15-19 % in the Short-on state, while the polarization angle remains more or less constant or changes slightly, ~ 47-59 degrees, in all three Epochs. The polarization degree and polarization angle are consistent with being energy-independent for all three Epochs. We propose that in the Short-on state, when the neutron star is partially blocked by the disk warp, the increase in the polarization fraction can be explained as a result of the preferential obstruction of one of the magnetic poles of the neutron star.

Yan-Zhi Meng, Xiangyu Ivy Wang, Zi-Ke Liu

38 pages, 17 figures, 2 tables. A previous version was rejected after a peer review by Nature Astronomy (in September 2022). Resubmitted recently (adding new results on the NS-BH-merger evidence, the cocoon emission and the X-ray afterglow plateau)

The radiation mechanism (thermal photosphere or magnetic synchrotron) and the progenitor of gamma-ray burst (GRB) are under hot debate. Recently discovered, the prompt long-duration ($\sim$ 10 s, normally from the collapse of massive stars) property of GRB 211211A strongly conflicts with its association with a kilonova (normally from the merger of two compact objects, NS-NS, NS-BH, or NS-WD, duration $\lesssim$ 2 s). In this paper, we find the probability photosphere model with a structured jet can satisfactorily explain this peculiar long duration, through the duration stretching effect ($\sim$ 3 times) on the intrinsic longer ($\sim$ 3 s) duration of NS-BH (neutron star and black hole) merger, the observed empirical 2SBPL spectrum (with soft low-energy index $\alpha$ of $\sim$ -1) and its evolution. Also, much evidence of the NS-BH merger origin is found, especially the well fit of the afterglow-subtracted optical-NIR light curves by the significant thermal cocoon emission and the sole thermal red kilonova component. Finally, a convincing new explanation for the X-ray afterglow plateau is revealed.

Ziqian Hua, Zhiyuan Li, Mengfei Zhang, Zhuo Chen, Mark R. Morris

13 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Elemental abundances are key to our understanding of star formation and evolution in the Galactic center. Previous work on this topic has been based on infrared (IR) observations, but X-ray observations have the potential of constraining the abundance of heavy elements, mainly through their K-shell emission lines. Using 5.7 Ms Chandra observations, we provide the first abundance measurement of Si, S, Ar, Ca and Fe, in four prominent diffuse X-ray features located in the central parsec of the Galaxy, which are the manifestation of shock-heated hot gas. A two-temperature, non-equilibrium ionization spectral model is employed to derive the abundances of these five elements. In this procedure, a degeneracy is introduced due to uncertainties in the composition of light elements, in particular, H, C and N. Assuming that the hot gas is H-depleted but C- and N-enriched, as would be expected for a standard scenario in which the hot gas is dominated by Wolf-Rayet star winds, the spectral fit finds a generally subsolar abundance for the heavy elements. If, instead, the light elements had a solar-like abundance, the heavy elements have a fitted abundance of $\sim$1--2 solar. The $\alpha$/Fe abundance ratio, on the other hand, is mostly supersolar and insensitive to the exact composition of the light elements. These results are robust against potential biases due to either a moderate spectral S/N or the presence of non-thermal components. Implications of the measured abundances for the Galactic center environment are addressed.

Christian Malacaria, Jeremy Heyl, Victor Doroshenko, Sergey S. Tsygankov, Juri Poutanen, Sofia V. Forsblom, Fiamma Capitanio, Alessandro Di Marco, Yujia Du, Lorenzo Ducci, Fabio La Monaca, Alexander A. Lutovinov, Herman L. Marshall, Ilya A. Mereminskiy, Sergey V. Molkov, Mason Ng, Pierre-Olivier Petrucci, Andrea Santangelo, Andrey E. Shtykovsky, Valery F. Suleimanov, Ivan Agudo, Lucio A. Antonelli, Matteo Bachetti, Luca Baldini, Wayne H. Baumgartner, Ronaldo Bellazzini, Stefano Bianchi, Stephen D. Bongiorno, Raffaella Bonino, Alessandro Brez, Niccolo Bucciantini, Simone Castellano, Elisabetta Cavazzuti, Chien-Ting Chen, Stefano Ciprini, Enrico Costa, Alessandra De Rosa, Ettore Del Monte, Laura Di Gesu, Niccolo Di Lalla, Immacolata Donnarumma, Michal Dovciak, Steven R. Ehlert, Teruaki Enoto, et al. (63 additional authors not shown)

Submitted to A&A

Accreting X-ray pulsars (XRPs) are presumably ideal targets for polarization measurements, as their high magnetic field strength is expected to polarize the emission up to a polarization degree of ~80%. However, such expectations are being challenged by recent observations of XRPs with the Imaging X-ray Polarimeter Explorer (IXPE). Here we report on the results of yet another XRP, EXO 2030+375, observed with IXPE and contemporarily monitored with Insight-HXMT and SRG/ART-XC. In line with recent results obtained with IXPE for similar sources, analysis of the EXO 2030+375 data returns a low polarization degree of 0%-3% in the phase-averaged study and variation in the range 2%-7% in the phase-resolved study. Using the rotating vector model we constrain the geometry of the system and obtain a value for the magnetic obliquity of ~$60^{\circ}$. Considering also the estimated pulsar inclination of ~$130^{\circ}$, this indicates that the magnetic axis swings close to the observer line of sight. Our joint polarimetric, spectral and timing analysis hint to a complex accreting geometry where magnetic multipoles with asymmetric topology and gravitational light bending significantly affect the observed source behavior.

Mikhail Piotrovich, Stanislava Buliga, Tinatin Natsvlishvili

25 pages, 11 figures

We estimated the spin values of the supermassive black holes (SMBHs) of the active galactic nuclei (AGN) for a large set of Narrow Line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxies assuming the inclination angle between the line of sight and the axis of the accretion disk to be approximately 45 degrees. We found that for these objects the spin values are on average less than for the Seyfert 1 galaxies that we studied previously. In addition, we found that the dependencies of the spin on the bolometric luminosity and the SMBH mass are two to three times stronger that for Seyfert 1 galaxies, which could mean that at early stages of evolution NLS1 galaxies either have a low accretion rate or chaotic accretion, while at later stages they have standard disk accretion, which very effectively increases the spin value.

T. Cecil, C. Albert, A. J. Anderson, P. S. Barry, B. Benson, C. Cotter, C. Chang, M. Dobbs, K. Dibert, R. Gualtieri, K. S. Karkare, M. Lisovenko, D. P. Marrone, J. Montgomery, Z. Pan, G. Robson, M. Rouble, E. Shirokoff, G. Smecher, G. Wang, V. Yefremenko

7 pages, 7 figures, presented at 2022 Applied Superconductivity Conference

Line Intensity Mapping (LIM) is a new observational technique that uses low-resolution observations of line emission to efficiently trace the large-scale structure of the Universe out to high redshift. Common mm/sub-mm emission lines are accessible from ground-based observatories, and the requirements on the detectors for LIM at mm-wavelengths are well matched to the capabilities of large-format arrays of superconducting sensors. We describe the development of an R = 300 on-chip superconducting filter-bank spectrometer covering the 120--180 GHz band optimized for future mm-LIM experiments, focusing on SPT-SLIM, a pathfinder LIM instrument for the South Pole Telescope. Radiation is coupled from the telescope optical system to the spectrometer chip via an array of feedhorn-coupled orthomode transducers. Superconducting microstrip transmission lines then carry the signal to an array of channelizing half-wavelength resonators, and the output of each spectral channel is sensed by a lumped element kinetic inductance detector (leKID). Key areas of development include incorporating new low-loss dielectrics to improve both the achievable spectral resolution and optical efficiency and development of a robust fabrication process to create a galvanic connection between ultra-pure superconducting thin-films to realize multi-material (hybrid) leKIDs. We provide an overview of the spectrometer design, fabrication process, and prototype devices.

Takahiro Ohno, Kazuki Tokuda, Ayu Konishi, Takeru Matsumoto, Marta Sewiło, Hiroshi Kondo, Hidetoshi Sano, Kisetsu Tsuge, Sarolta Zahorecz, Nao Goto, Naslim Neelamkodan, Tony Wong, Hajime Fukushima, Tatsuya Takekoshi, Kazuyuki Muraoka, Akiko Kawamura, Kengo Tachihara, Yasuo Fukui, Toshikazu Onishi

18 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal

The nature of molecular clouds and their statistical behavior in sub-solar metallicity environments are not fully explored yet. We analyzed an unbiased CO($J$ = 2-1) survey data at a spatial resolution of $\sim$2 pc in the northern region of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) with the Atacama Compact Array to characterize the CO cloud properties. A cloud decomposition analysis identified 426 spatially/velocity-independent CO clouds and their substructures. Based on the cross-matching with known infrared catalogs by Spitzer and Herschel, more than 90% CO clouds show spatial correlations with point sources. We investigated the basic properties of the CO clouds and found that the radius-velocity linewidth ($R$-$\sigma_{v}$) relation follows the Milky Way (MW) like power-low exponent, but the intercept is $\sim$1.5 times lower than that in the MW. The mass functions ($dN/dM$) of the CO luminosity and virial mass are characterized by an exponent of $\sim$1.7, which is consistent with previously reported values in the Large Magellanic Cloud and MW.

Ste Berta, Avril de Poisson, Kriemhild von Scherz, Saul Fools

April fools!

In the last few decades, reading the literature, we realized that we Astronomers have a strong preference to undertake very ambitious projects, and search for answers to the most fundamental questions in the history of the entire Universe. After running multiple times into such cardinal quest, the curiosity became no more sustainable and we had to find out. To our greater surprise, in the last few decades we had been restlessly participating to this superhuman endevour. Therefore we hereby explore the roots and grounds of this fundamental search, through the past decades, centuries and millennia.

Yarno Merckx, Pablo Correa, Krijn D. de Vries, Kumiko Kotera, George C. Privon, Nick van Eijndhoven

26 pages, 11 figures

We present a phenomenological framework for starburst-driven neutrino production via proton-proton collisions and apply it to (ultra-)luminous infrared galaxies (U/LIRGs) in the Great Observatories All-Sky LIRG Survey (GOALS). The framework relates the infrared luminosity of a GOALS galaxy, derived from consistently available Herschel Space Observatory data, to the expected starburst-driven neutrino flux. The model parameters that define this relation can be estimated from multi-wavelength data. We apply the framework in a case study to the LIRG NGC 3690 (Arp 299, Mrk 171) and compare the obtained neutrino fluxes to the current sensitivity of the IceCube Neutrino Observatory. Using our framework, we also conclude that the neutrino emission in the LIRG NGC 1068, recently presented as the first steady IceCube neutrino point source, cannot be explained by a starburst-driven scenario and is therefore likely dominated by the active galactic nucleus in this galaxy. In addition to the single-source investigations, we also estimate the diffuse starburst-driven neutrino flux from GOALS galaxies and the total LIRG population over cosmic history.

Chaitanya Afle, Patrick R. Miles, Silvina Caino-Lores, Collin D. Capano, Ingo Tews, Karan Vahi, Ewa Deelman, Michela Taufer, Duncan A. Brown

12 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables

NASA's Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) observed X-ray emission from the pulsar PSR J0030+0451 in 2018. Riley \textit{et al.} reported Bayesian parameter measurements of the mass and the radius of the star using pulse-profile modeling of the X-ray data. In this paper, we reproduce their result using the open-source software \textit{X-PSI} and the publicly available data. We reproduce the main result within the expected statistical error. We note the challenges we faced in reproducing the results. We demonstrate that not only that the analysis can be reproduced, it can also be reused in future works by changing the prior distribution for the radius, and by changing the sampler configuration. We find no significant change in the measurement of the mass and radius, demonstrating that the original result is robust to these changes. Finally, we provide a containerized working environment that facilitates third-party reproduction of the measurements of mass and radius of PSR J0030+0451 using the NICER observations.

Xiaohong Li, Rony Keppens, Yuhao Zhou

11 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters

Flux emergence is responsible for various solar eruptions. Combining observation and simulations, we investigate the influence of flux emergence at one footpoint of an arcade on coronal rain as well as induced eruptions. The emergence changes the pressure in the loops, and the internal coronal rain all moves to the other side. The emerging flux reconnects with the overlying magnetic field, forming a current sheet and magnetic islands. The plasma is ejected outwards and heated, forming a cool jet ~ 6000 K and a hot X-ray jet ~ 4 MK simultaneously. The jet dynamical properties agree very well between observation and simulation. In the simulation, the jet also displays transverse oscillations with a period of 8 minutes, a so-called whip-like motion. The movement of the jet and dense plasmoids changes the configuration of the local magnetic field, facilitating the occurrence of Kelvin--Helmholtz instability, and vortex-like structures form at the boundary of the jet. Our simulation clearly demonstrates the effect of emergence on coronal rain, the dynamical details of reconnecting plasmoid chains, the formation of multi-thermal jets, and the cycling of cool mass between the chromosphere and the corona.

Solar oxygen abundance measurements based on the O I near-infrared triplet have been a much-debated subject for several decades since non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) calculations with 3D radiation-hydrodynamics model atmospheres introduced a large change to the 1D LTE modelling. In this work, we aim to test solar line formation across the solar disk using new observations obtained with the SST/CRISP instrument. The observed dataset is based on a spectroscopic mosaic stretching from disk center to the solar limb. By comparing the state-of-the-art 3D NLTE models with the data, we find that the 3D NLTE models provide an excellent description of line formation across the disk. We obtain an abundance value of $A(\mathrm{O}) = (8.73 \pm 0.03)$ dex, with a very small angular dispersion across the disk. We conclude that spectroscopic mosaics are excellent probes for geometric and physical properties of hydrodynamics models and non-LTE line formation.

Eike Müller, Francesca Calore, Pierluca Carenza, Christopher Eckner, M.C. David Marsh

28 pages, 9 figures

We investigate the characteristics of the gamma-ray signal following the decay of MeV-scale Axion-Like Particles (ALPs) coupled to photons which are produced in a Supernova (SN) explosion. This analysis is the first to include the production of heavier ALPs through the photon coalescence process, enlarging the mass range of ALPs that could be observed in this way and giving a stronger bound from the observation of SN 1987A. Furthermore, we present a new analytical method for calculating the predicted gamma-ray signal from ALP decays. With this method we can rigorously prove the validity of an approximation that has been used in some of the previous literature, which we show here to be valid only if all gamma rays arrive under extremely small observation angles (i.e. very close to the line of sight to the SN). However, it also shows where the approximation is not valid, and offers an efficient alternative to calculate the ALP-induced gamma-ray flux in a general setting when the observation angles are not guaranteed to be small. We also estimate the sensitivity of the Fermi Large Area Telescope (Fermi-LAT) to this gamma-ray signal from a future nearby SN and show that in the case of a non-observation the current bounds on the ALP-photon coupling $ g_{a\gamma} $ are strengthened by about an order of magnitude. In the case of an observation, we show that it may be possible to reconstruct the product $ g_{a\gamma}^2 m_a $, with $ m_a $ the mass of the ALP.

C. Cabezas, J. R. Pardo, M. Agundez, B. Tercero, N. Marcelino, Y. Endo, P. de Vicente, M. Guelin, J. Cernicharo

Accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysics as Letter to the Editor on April 3rd, 2023

We report on the detection of a series of six lines in the ultra-deep Q-band integration toward IRC+10216 carried out with the Yebes 40m telescope, which are in harmonic relation with integer quantum numbers J from 12 to 18. After a detailed analysis of all possible carriers, guided by high-level quantum chemical calculations, we conclude that the lines belong to HMgCCCN, named hydromagnesium cyanoacetylide. The rotational temperature and column density derived for HMgCCCN are 17.1 +/- 2.8K and (3.0 +/- 0.6) e12 cm-2, respectively. The observed abundance ratio between MgCCCN and HMgCCCN is 3. In addition, we report the discovery in space, also toward IRC+10216, of sodium cyanoacetylide, NaCCCN, for which accurate laboratory data are available. For this species we derive a rotational temperature of 13.5 +/- 1.7K and a column density of (1.2 +/- 0.2) e11 cm-2.

O. Ya. Yakovlev, A. F. Valeev, G. G. Valyavin, A. V. Tavrov, V. N. Aitov, G. Sh. Mitiani, G. M. Beskin, V. V. Vlasyuk, O. I. Korablev, G. A. Galazutdinov, E. V. Emelianov, T. A. Fatkhullin, V. V. Sasyuk, A. V. Perkov, S. F. Bondar, T. E. Burlakova, S. N. Fabrika, I. I. Romanyuk

16 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables

Here we present eight new candidates for exoplanets detected by the transit method at the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Photometric observations were performed with a 50-cm robotic telescope during the second half of 2020. We detected transits with depths of $\Delta m = 0.056-0.173^m$ and periods $P = 18.8^h-8.3^d$ in the light curves of stars with magnitudes of $m = 14.3-18.8^m$. All considered stars are classified as dwarfs with radii of $R_* = 0.4-0.6 R_{sun}$ (with the uncertainty for one star up to $1.1 R_{sun}$). We estimated the candidate radii (all are greater than 1.4 times the Jovian radius), semi-major axes of their orbits ($0.012-0.035 AU$), and other orbital parameters by modelling. We report the light curves with transits for two stars obtained in 2022 based on individual observations.

Eduard P. Kontar, A. Gordon Emslie, Galina G. Motorina, Brian R. Dennis

5 figures, 10 pages

olar flares are known to be prolific electron accelerators, yet identifying the mechanism(s) for such efficient electron acceleration in solar flare (and similar astrophysical settings) presents a major challenge. This is due in part to a lack of observational constraints related to conditions in the primary acceleration region itself. Accelerated electrons with energies above $\sim$20~keV are revealed by hard X-ray (HXR) bremsstrahlung emission, while accelerated electrons with even higher energies manifest themselves through radio gyrosynchrotron emission. Here we show, for a well-observed flare on 2017~September~10, that a combination of \emph{RHESSI} hard X-ray and and SDO/AIA EUV observations provides a robust estimate of the fraction of the ambient electron population that is accelerated at a given time, with an upper limit of $\lapprox 10^{-2}$ on the number density of nonthermal ($\ge 20$~keV) electrons, expressed as a fraction of the number density of ambient protons in the same volume. This upper limit is about two orders of magnitude lower than previously inferred from microwave observations of the same event. Our results strongly indicate that the fraction of accelerated electrons in the coronal region at any given time is relatively small, but also that the overall duration of the HXR emission requires a steady resupply of electrons to the acceleration site. Simultaneous measurements of the instantaneous accelerated electron number density and the associated specific electron acceleration rate provide key constraints for a quantitative study of the mechanisms leading to electron acceleration in magnetic reconnection events.

Z. Pan, P. S. Barry, T. Cecil, C. Albert, A. N. Bender, C. L. Chang, R. Gualtieri, J. Hood, J. Li, J. Zhang, M. Lisovenko, V. Novosad, G. Wang, V. Yefremenko

This work presents a suite of measurement techniques for characterizing the dielectric loss tangent across a wide frequency range from $\sim$1 GHz to 150 GHz using the same test chip. In the first method, we fit data from a microwave resonator at different temperatures to a model that captures the two-level system (TLS) response to extract and characterize both the real and imaginary components of the dielectric loss. The inverse of the internal quality factor is a second measure of the overall loss of the resonator, where TLS loss through the dielectric material is typically the dominant source. The third technique is a differential optical measurement at 150 GHz. The same antenna feeds two microstrip lines with different lengths that terminate in two microwave kinetic inductance detectors (MKIDs). The difference in the detector response is used to estimate the loss per unit length of the microstrip line. Our results suggest a larger loss for SiN$_x$ at 150 GHz of ${\mathrm{\tan \delta\sim 4\times10^{-3}}}$ compared to ${\mathrm{2.0\times10^{-3}}}$ and ${\mathrm{\gtrsim 1\times10^{-3}}}$ measured at $\sim$1 GHz using the other two methods. {These measurement techniques can be applied to other dielectrics by adjusting the microstrip lengths to provide enough optical efficiency contrast and other mm/sub-mm frequency ranges by tuning the antenna and feedhorn accordingly.

Z. Pan, K. R. Dibert, J. Zhang, P. S. Barry, A. J. Anderson, A. N. Bender, B. A. Benson, T. Cecil, C. L. Chang, R. Gualtieri, J. Li, M. Lisovenko, V. Novosad, M. Rouble, G. Wang, V. Yefremenko

The separation and optimization of noise components is critical to microwave-kinetic inductance detector (MKID) development. We analyze the effect of several changes to the lumped-element inductor and interdigitated capacitor geometry on the noise performance of a series of MKIDs intended for millimeter-wavelength experiments. We extract the contributions from two-level system noise in the dielectric layer, the generation-recombination noise intrinsic to the superconducting thin-film, and system white noise from each detector noise power spectrum and characterize how these noise components depend on detector geometry, material, and measurement conditions such as driving power and temperature. We observe a reduction in the amplitude of two-level system noise with both an elevated sample temperature and an increased gap between the fingers within the interdigitated capacitors for both aluminum and niobium detectors. We also verify the expected reduction of the generation-recombination noise and associated quasiparticle lifetime with reduced inductor volume. This study also iterates over different materials, including aluminum, niobium, and aluminum manganese, and compares the results with an underlying physical model.

A. N. Kolborg, E. Ramirez-Ruiz, D. Martizzi, P. Macias, M. Soares-Furtado

20 pages, 12 figures, 3 appendices. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal

Metal-poor stars in the Milky Way (MW) halo display large star-to-star dispersion in their r-process abundance relative to lighter elements. This suggests a chemically diverse and unmixed interstellar medium (ISM) in the early Universe. This study aims to help shed light on the impact of turbulent mixing, driven by core collapse supernovae (cc-SNe), on the r-process abundance dispersal in galactic disks. To this end, we conduct a series of simulations of small-scale galaxy patches which resolve metal mixing mechanisms at parsec scales. Our set-up includes cc-SNe feedback and enrichment from r-process sources. We find that the relative rate of the r-process events to cc-SNe is directly imprinted on the shape of the r-process distribution in the ISM with more frequent events causing more centrally peaked distributions. We consider also the fraction of metals that is lost on galactic winds and find that cc-SNe are able to efficiently launch highly enriched winds, especially in smaller galaxy models. This result suggests that smaller systems, e.g. dwarf galaxies, may require higher levels of enrichment in order to achieve similar mean r-process abundances as MW-like progenitors systems. Finally, we are able to place novel constraints on the production rate of r-process elements in the MW, $6 \times 10^{-7} {M_\odot / \rm yr} \lesssim \dot{m}_{\rm rp} \ll 4.7 \times 10^{-4} {M_\odot / \rm yr} $, imposed by accurately reproducing the mean and dispersion of [Eu/Fe] in metal-poor stars. Our results are consistent with independent estimates from alternate methods and constitute a significant reduction in the permitted parameter space.

J. Li, P. S. Barry, T. Cecil, C. L. Chang, K. Dibert, R. Gualtieri, M. Lisovenko, Z. Pan, V. Yefremenko, G. Wang, J. Zhang

We have measured the quasiparticle generation-recombination (GR) noise in aluminium lumped element kinetic inductors with a wide range of detector volumes at various temperatures. The basic detector consists of meandering inductor and interdigitated capacitor fingers. The inductor volume is varied from 2 to 153 {\mu}m^{3} by changing the inductor width and length to maintain a constant inductance. We started with measuring the power spectrum density (PSD) of the detectors frequency noise which is a function of GR noise and we clearly observed the spectrum roll off at 10 kHz which corresponds to the quasiparticle lifetime. Using data from a temperature sweep of the resonator frequency we convert the frequency fluctuation to quasiparticle fluctuation and observe its strong dependence on detector volume: detectors with smaller volume display less quasiparticle noise amplitude. Meanwhile we observe a saturated quasiparticle density at low temperature from all detectors as the quasiparticle life time {\tau}qp approaches a constant value at low temperature.

Karia R. Dibert, Peter S. Barry, Adam J. Anderson, Bradford A. Benson, Thomas Cecil, Clarence L. Chang, Kyra N. Fichman, Kirit Karkare, Juliang Li, Tyler Natoli, Zhaodi Pan, Maclean Rouble, Erik Shirokoff, Matthew Young

6 pages, 5 figures, ASC 2022 proceedings

We present an updated design of the 220 GHz microwave kinetic inductance detector (MKID) pixel for SPT-3G+, the next-generation camera for the South Pole Telescope. We show results of the dark testing of a 63-pixel array with mean inductor quality factor $Q_i = 4.8 \times 10^5$, aluminum inductor transition temperature $T_c = 1.19$ K, and kinetic inductance fraction $\alpha_k = 0.32$. We optically characterize both the microstrip-coupled and CPW-coupled resonators, and find both have a spectral response close to prediction with an optical efficiency of $\eta \sim 70\%$. However, we find slightly lower optical response on the lower edge of the band than predicted, with neighboring dark detectors showing more response in this region, though at level consistent with less than 5\% frequency shift relative to the optical detectors. The detectors show polarized response consistent with expectations, with a cross-polar response of $\sim 10\%$ for both detector orientations.

Cosmin Ilie, Jillian Paulin, Katherine Freese

The first generation of stars in the Universe is yet to be observed. There are two leading theories for those objects that mark the beginning of the cosmic dawn: hydrogen burning Population~III stars and Dark Stars, made of hydrogen and helium but powered by Dark Matter heating. The latter can grow to become supermassive ($M_\star\sim 10^6\Msun$) and extremely bright ($L\sim 10^9L_\odot$). We show that each of the following three objects: JADES-GS-z13-0, JADES-GS-z12-0, and JADES-GS-z11-0 (at redshifts $z\in[11,14]$) are consistent with a Supermassive Dark Star interpretation, thus identifying, for the first time, Dark Star candidates.

R. Abbasi, M. Ackermann, J. Adams, S. K. Agarwalla, J. A. Aguilar, M. Ahlers, J.M. Alameddine, N. M. Amin, K. Andeen, G. Anton, C. Argüelles, Y. Ashida, S. Athanasiadou, S. N. Axani, X. Bai, A. Balagopal V., M. Baricevic, S. W. Barwick, V. Basu, R. Bay, J. J. Beatty, K.-H. Becker, J. Becker Tjus, J. Beise, C. Bellenghi, S. BenZvi, D. Berley, E. Bernardini, D. Z. Besson, G. Binder, D. Bindig, E. Blaufuss, S. Blot, F. Bontempo, J. Y. Book, C. Boscolo Meneguolo, S. Böser, O. Botner, J. Böttcher, E. Bourbeau, J. Braun, B. Brinson, J. Brostean-Kaiser, R. T. Burley, R. S. Busse, D. Butterfield, M. A. Campana, K. Carloni, E. G. Carnie-Bronca, S. Chattopadhyay, N. Chau, C. Chen, Z. Chen, D. Chirkin, S. Choi, B. A. Clark, L. Classen, A. Coleman, G. H. Collin, A. Connolly, J. M. Conrad, et al. (333 additional authors not shown)

3 tables, 5 figures. See online version of the catalog on dataverse at this https URL

We present a catalog of likely astrophysical neutrino track-like events from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory. IceCube began reporting likely astrophysical neutrinos in 2016 and this system was updated in 2019. IceCube began reporting likely astrophysical neutrinos in 2016 and this system was updated in 2019. The catalog presented here includes events that were reported in real-time since 2019, as well as events identified in archival data samples starting from 2011. We report 275 neutrino events from two selection channels as the first entries in the catalog, the IceCube Event Catalog of Alert Tracks, which will see ongoing extensions with additional alerts. The gold and bronze alert channels respectively provide neutrino candidates with 50\% and 30\% probability of being astrophysical, on average assuming an astrophysical neutrino power law energy spectral index of 2.19. For each neutrino alert, we provide the reconstructed energy, direction, false alarm rate, probability of being astrophysical in origin, and likelihood contours describing the spatial uncertainty in the alert's reconstructed location. We also investigate a directional correlation of these neutrino events with gamma-ray and X-ray catalogs including 4FGL, 3HWC, TeVCat and Swift-BAT.

Zhengyangguang Gong, Anik Halder, Alexandre Barreira, Stella Seitz, Oliver Friedrich

21 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables. Comments welcome

The integrated shear 3-point correlation function $\zeta_{\pm}$ measures the correlation between the local shear 2-point function $\xi_{\pm}$ and the 1-point shear aperture mass in patches of the sky. Unlike other higher-order statistics, $\zeta_{\pm}$ can be efficiently measured from cosmic shear data, and it admits accurate theory predictions on a wide range of scales as a function of cosmological and baryonic feedback parameters. Here, we develop and test a likelihood analysis pipeline for cosmological constraints using $\zeta_{\pm}$. We incorporate treatment of systematic effects from photometric redshift uncertainties, shear calibration bias and galaxy intrinsic alignments. We also develop an accurate neural-network emulator for fast theory predictions in MCMC parameter inference analyses. We test our pipeline using realistic cosmic shear maps based on $N$-body simulations with a DES Y3-like footprint, mask and source tomographic bins, finding unbiased parameter constraints. Relative to $\xi_{\pm}$-only, adding $\zeta_{\pm}$ can lead to $\approx 10-25\%$ improvements on the constraints of parameters like $A_s$ (or $\sigma_8$) and $w_0$. We find no evidence in $\xi_{\pm} + \zeta_{\pm}$ constraints of a significant mitigation of the impact of systematics. We also investigate the impact of the size of the apertures where $\zeta_{\pm}$ is measured, and of the strategy to estimate the covariance matrix ($N$-body vs. lognormal). Our analysis solidifies the strong potential of the $\zeta_{\pm}$ statistic and puts forward a pipeline that can be readily used to improve cosmological constraints using real cosmic shear data.

Andrew G. Sullivan, Yasmeen Asali, Zsuzsanna Márka, Daniel Sigg, Stefan Countryman, Imre Bartos, Keita Kawabe, Marc D. Pirello, Michael Thomas, Thomas J. Shaffer, Keith Thorne, Michael Laxen, Joseph Betzwieser, Kiwamu Izumi, Rolf Bork, Alex Ivanov, Dave Barker, Carl Adams, Filiberto Clara, Maxim Factourovich, Szabolcs Márka

11 pages, 8 figures

LIGO's mission critical timing system has enabled gravitational wave and multi-messenger astrophysical discoveries as well as the rich science extracted. Achieving optimal detector sensitivity, detecting transient gravitational waves, and especially localizing gravitational wave sources, the underpinning of multi-messenger astrophysics, all require proper gravitational wave data time-stamping. Measurements of the relative arrival times of gravitational waves between different detectors allow for coherent gravitational wave detections, localization of gravitational wave sources, and the creation of skymaps. The carefully designed timing system achieves these goals by mitigating phase noise to avoid signal up-conversion and maximize gravitational wave detector sensitivity. The timing system also redundantly performs self-calibration and self-diagnostics in order to ensure reliable, extendable, and traceable time stamping. In this paper, we describe and quantify the performance of these core systems during the latest O3 scientific run of LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA. We present results of the diagnostic checks done to verify the time-stamping for individual gravitational wave events observed during O3 as well as the timing system performance for all of O3 in LIGO Livingston and LIGO Hanford. We find that, after 3 observing runs, the LIGO timing system continues to reliably meet mission requirements of timing precision below 1 $\mu$s with a significant safety margin.

Calvin Leung, Dylan Jow, Prasenjit Saha, Liang Dai, Masamune Oguri, Léon V. E. Koopmans

Comments and suggestions for additional references welcome

Wave-mechanical effects in gravitational lensing have long been predicted, and with the discovery of populations of compact transients such as gravitational wave events and fast radio bursts, may soon be observed. We present an observer's review of the relevant theory underlying wave-mechanical effects in gravitational lensing. Starting from the curved-spacetime scalar wave equation, we derive the Fresnel-Kirchoff diffraction integral, and analyze it in the eikonal and wave optics regimes. We answer the question of what makes interference effects observable in some systems but not in others, and how interference effects allow for complementary information to be extracted from lensing systems as compared to traditional measurements. We end by discussing how diffraction effects affect optical depth forecasts and lensing near caustics, and how compact, low-frequency transients like gravitational waves and fast radio bursts provide promising paths to open up the frontier of interferometric gravitational lensing.

F. Shojaei Arani, M. Bagheri Harouni, B. Lamine, A. Blanchard

14 pages, 4 figures

Based on optical medium analogy, we establish a formalism to describe the interaction between an electromagnetic (EM) system with gravitational waves (GWs) background. After a full discussion on the classical treatment of the EM-GW interaction and finding the EM field mode-functions in the presence of the magneto-dielectric media caused by GWs, the governing quantum interaction Hamiltonian is obtained. Investigation of the optical quadrature variance as well as the visibility of a laser field interacting with the multi-mode squeezed primordial gravitational waves imply that the inflationary primordial gravitational waves (PGWs) act as a decoherence mechanism that destroy EM coherency after a characteristic time scale, $\tau_{c}$, which depends on the inflationary parameters $(\beta,\beta_s,r)$, or equivalently, the fractional energy density of PGWs, $\Omega_{gw,0}$. The decoherency mechanism overcomes the coherent effects, such as revivals of optical squeezing, thus leaving their confirmation out of reach. Influenced by the continuum of the squeezed PGWs, the laser field suffers a line-width broadening by $\gamma= \tau_{\text{c}}^{-1}$. The most peculiar property of the EM spectrum is the apparition of side bands at $\omega\sim \omega_0\pm 1.39 \tau_c^{-1}$Hz, stemming from the squeezed nature of PGWs. The laser phase noise induced by the squeezed PGWs grows with time squarely, $\Delta\phi=(t/\tau_c)^2$, that can most possibly be sensed within a finite flight time.

Ronald Scaria, Suman Deb, Captain R. Singh, Raghunath Sahoo

7 pages and 6 figures. Submitted for publication

Indicators that illustrate the formation of a strongly interacting thermalized matter of partons have been observed in high-multiplicity proton-proton, proton-nucleus, and nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC and LHC energies. Strangeness enhancement in such ultra-relativistic heavy-ion collisions is considered to be a consequence of this thermalized phase, known as quark-gluon plasma (QGP). Simultaneously, proper modeling of hadronic energy fraction in interactions of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECR) has been proposed as a solution for the muon puzzle. These interactions have center-of-mass collision energies in the order of LHC or higher, indicating that the possibility of a thermalized partonic state cannot be overlooked in UHECR-air interactions. This work investigates the hadronic energy fraction and strangeness enhancement to explore QGP-like phenomena in UHECR-air interactions using various high-energy hadronic models. A thermalized system with statistical hadronization is considered through the EPOS LHC model, while PYTHIA 8, QGSJET II-04, and SYBILL 2.3d consider string fragmentation in the absence of any thermalization. We have found that EPOS LHC gives a better description of strangeness enhancement as compared to other models. We conclude that adequately treating all the relevant effects and further retuning the models is necessary to explain the observed effects.

We argue that the reported cases of Spontaneous Human Combustion (SHC) are most likely due to the impact of the human body with an extremely high energy particle like cosmic rays or Dark Matter. Normal and antimatter cosmic rays and classical weakly-interacting massive particles (WIMPs) with energies of GeV to ZeV can be easily ruled out due to their inability to dump enough energy into a small region of human tissue, leaving as the single remaining candidate massive Dark Matter particles. While primordial Black Holes would appear to be very good candidates for inducing the SHC phenomenon, we show that the estimated local Dark Matter density requires that the particles have masses of $\sim 10$\,kg, clearly ruling out this candidate. All of the other classic DM candidates -- from scalar and pseudo-scalar spin 1/2 and spin 2 gauge singlets to nuclearitic strange quark ``bowling balls'' -- can be ruled out. Axions tailored to solve the CP-problem also cannot be invoked, no matter what mass is considered. The only particles left are massive mega-axions (MaMAs), for which there are an infinite number of possible string models.

The present work is devoted to studying the background dynamical evolution of a scalar field in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity in maximally symmetric space-time. This study is useful for giving meaning to the presence of two Gauss-Bonnet vacua, instead of using the spherically symmetric bubbles of the "true" vacuum expand in the "false" vacuum. The theory admits two possible effective cosmological constants, which lead to two maximally symmetric vacuum solutions. The first solution corresponds to the dynamics of dark energy. When there is matter, the second solution describes dark matter. In Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity, we establish the expression of the topological mass spectrum which depends on the golden ratio and its inverse. In the Schwarzschild limit, the topological density corresponds to the standard model radiation energy density. We find the mass loss rate which gives the evolution of mass over time.

One of the candidates for the dark matter in the galactic halos is the low-mass Primordial Black holes (PBHs). They can gravitationally interact and collide with astrophysical objects such as neutron stars and astrophysical black holes. The physical process such as accretion of matter and dynamical friction happens during the collision with neutron stars and gravitation wave emission during the collision with the astrophysical black holes. In this work, we investigate the rate of this collision, and the possibility of capturing PBHs within the neutron stars or the astrophysical black holes. Also, we investigate the observational consequences of this collision such as generating anomalies in the spinning period of neutron stars, formation of bond states, and detection of gravitational waves by future detectors.

Hiroyuki Tajima, Hajime Moriya, Wataru Horiuchi, Eiji Nakano, Kei Iida

6 pages, 4 figures (8 pages, 6 figures in the supplement)

We show that strong spin-triplet neutron-proton interaction causes polaronic protons to occur in neutron matter at subnuclear densities and nonzero temperature. As the neutron density increases, proton spectra exhibit a smooth crossover from a bare impurity to a repulsive polaron branch; this branch coexists with an attractive polaron branch. With the neutron density increased further, the attractive polarons become stable with respect to deuteron formation. For two adjacent protons, we find that the polaron effects and the neutron-mediated attraction are sufficient to induce a bound diproton, which leads possibly to diproton formation in the surface region of neutron-rich nuclei in laboratories as well as in neutron stars.

Katherine Jones-Smith, Harsh Mathur

Under review at the Astronomical Journal. Complementary to the findings of Migaszewski in arXiv:2303.13339

A new class of Kuiper belt objects that lie beyond Neptune with semimajor axes greater than 250 astronomical units show orbital anomalies that have been interpreted as evidence for an undiscovered ninth planet. We show that a modified gravity theory known as MOND (Modified Newtonian Dynamics) provides an alternative explanation for the anomalies using the well-established secular approximation. We predict that the major axes of the orbits will be aligned with the direction towards the galactic center and that the orbits cluster in phase space, in agreement with observations of Kuiper belt objects from the new class. Thus MOND, which can explain galactic rotation without invoking dark matter, might also be observable in the outer solar system.

G. Arduini, L. Badurina, K. Balazs, C. Baynham, O. Buchmueller, M. Buzio, S. Calatroni, J.-P. Corso, J. Ellis, Ch. Gaignant, M. Guinchard, T. Hakulinen, R. Hobson, A. Infantino, D. Lafarge, R. Langlois, C. Marcel, J. Mitchell, M. Parodi, M. Pentella, D. Valuch, H. Vincke

51 pages, 39 figures, version with higher resolution figures available from this https URL

We present results from exploratory studies, supported by the Physics Beyond Colliders (PBC) Study Group, of the suitability of a CERN site and its infrastructure for hosting a vertical atom interferometer (AI) with a baseline of about 100 m. We first review the scientific motivations for such an experiment to search for ultralight dark matter and measure gravitational waves, and then outline the general technical requirements for such an atom interferometer, using the AION-100 project as an example. We present a possible CERN site in the PX46 access shaft to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), including the motivations for this choice and a description of its infrastructure. We then assess its compliance with the technical requirements of such an experiment and what upgrades may be needed. We analyse issues related to the proximity of the LHC machine and its ancillary hardware and present a preliminary safety analysis and the required mitigation measures and infrastructure modifications. In conclusion, we identify primary cost drivers and describe constraints on the experimental installation and operation schedules arising from LHC operation. We find no technical obstacles: the CERN site is a very promising location for an AI experiment with a vertical baseline of about 100 m.

Xiaorui Wong, Ke-Pan Xie

4 pages + 3 figures + references

We propose a novel scenario for dark matter (DM) in which weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) can freeze-in due to a first-order phase transition (FOPT) in the early Universe. The FOPT dilutes the preexisting DM density to zero, and leads to a sudden change in DM mass that prevents WIMPs from re-equilibrating due to their large mass-to-temperature ratio. Following the FOPT, WIMPs are produced via a freeze-in process, even though their interactions are NOT feeble. We demonstrate this concept using a simplified model and then realize the scenario in a realistic model with a delayed electroweak phase transition. Our work extends the category of WIMP DM and opens up a new direction for the freeze-in mechanism.

Hai-Jun Li, Ying-Quan Peng, Wei Chao, Yu-Feng Zhou

7 pages, 4 figures

The supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are ubiquitous in the center of galaxies, although the origin of their massive seeds is still unknown. In this paper, we investigate the SMBHs formation from the general QCD axion bubbles. In this case, the primordial black holes (PBHs) are considered as the seeds of SMBHs, which are generated from the QCD axion bubbles due to an additional Peccei-Quinn (PQ) symmetry breaking after inflation. The QCD axion bubbles are formed when the QCD axion starts to oscillate during the QCD phase transition (PT). We consider the general case in which the QCD axion bubbles are formed with the bubble effective angle $\theta_{\rm eff}\in(0, \, \pi]$, leading to the minimum PBH mass $\sim\mathcal{O}(10^4-10^7)M_\odot$ with $\theta_{\rm eff}\sim\pi$ to $\pi/3$ for the axion scale $f_a\sim\mathcal{O}(10^{16})\, \rm GeV$. The PBHs at this mass region may be the seeds of SMBHs.

Haipeng An, Shuailiang Ge, Jia Liu

13 pages, 3 figures. An invited review for the special issue "Solar Radio Emissions" in the journal Universe

Ultralight axions and dark photons are well-motivated dark matter candidates. Inside the plasma, once the mass of ultralight dark matter candidates equals the plasma frequency, they can resonantly convert into electromagnetic waves, due to the coupling between the ultralight dark matter particles and the standard model photons. The converted electromagnetic waves are monochromatic. In this article, we review the development of using radio detectors to search for ultralight dark matter conversions in the solar corona and solar wind plasma.

Milou van Rijnbach, Giuliano Gustavino, Phil Allport, Igancio Asensi, Dumitru Vlad Berlea, Daniela Bortoletto, Craig Buttar, Edoardo Charbon, Florian Dachs, Valerio Dao, Dominik Dobrijevic, Leyre Flores Sanz de Acedo, Andrea Gabrielli, Martin Gazi, Laura Gonella, Vicente Gonzalez, Stefan Guindon, Matt LeBlanc, Heinz Pernegger, Francesco Piro, Petra Riedler, Heidi Sandaker, Abhishek Sharma, Carlos Solans Sanchez, Walter Snoeys, Tomislav Suligoj, Marcos Vazquez Nunez, Julian Weick, Steven Worm, Abdelhak M. Zoubir

MALTA is part of the Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel sensors designed in Tower 180nm CMOS imaging technology. A custom telescope with six MALTA planes has been developed for test beam campaigns at SPS, CERN, with the ability to host several devices under test. The telescope system has a dedicated custom readout, online monitoring integrated into DAQ with realtime hit map, time distribution and event hit multiplicity. It hosts a dedicated fully configurable trigger system enabling to trigger on coincidence between telescope planes and timing reference from a scintillator. The excellent time resolution performance allows for fast track reconstruction, due to the possibility to retain a low hit multiplicity per event which reduces the combinatorics. This paper reviews the architecture of the system and its performance during the 2021 and 2022 test beam campaign at the SPS North Area.

Juan Ignacio Bastero, Fernando Karaseur, Sofia Judith Garofalo, Alejandro Gangui

Article in Spanish. Published version available at this http URL

There are vast educational research works that highlight the serious difficulties that students present in learning astronomical subjects, as well as the prevalence of a traditional education distanced from the observational and experiential, thus accentuating the difficulties detected. We argue that progressive teaching with a topocentric and contextualized approach would favor the motivation of the students, the construction of a more real view of current science and a more active role in the learning process. Cultural Astronomy (CA) is an academic discipline that seeks to understand the multiple ways in which societies relate to celestial objects and phenomena. For this reason, we consider that it would be a powerful resource for teaching, since it provides tools for contextualization and allows working with sky experiences linked to "naked eye astronomy", which requires little or no instruments. It should be noted that CA involves aspects of archaeoastronomy, ethnoastronomy and the history of astronomy, thus offering multiple dimensions to take into account. The present work seeks to base the incorporation of CA studies for astronomy teaching in secondary and tertiary education.

Fernando Karaseur, Juan Ignacio Bastero, Sofia Judith Garofalo, Alejandro Gangui

Article in Spanish. Published version available at this http URL

One of the main difficulties that students have in learning astronomy topics is that they fail to relate theoretical information with what they experience in the world around them. The construction by students of a conceptual framework in accordance with the astronomical scientific model demands changes in the current teaching approach. Within this framework, Cultural Astronomy (CA) is a discipline that we can use to rethink new didactic strategies. This paper presents two contextualized proposals from CA. In the first one, the teaching of space and time concepts is approached through traditional examples of orientation by the stars and the use of the calendar, using the case of historical ocean navigation without advanced instruments already highlighted in ethnoastronomical studies. In the second, these concepts are worked on from a case study, this time archaeoastronomical: the monumental horizon calendar of the Chankillo archaeological site, and then continue with the local identification of horizon markers that allow students to build their own calendars. The aim is to illustrate ways of introducing CA elements in didactic units that have as one of their main objectives that the students manage to establish correspondences between constructions of the micro to the mega-space that surrounds them.