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Papers for Friday, May 05 2023

Papers with local authors

Shiwu Zhang, Zheng Cai, Dandan Xu, Rhythm Shimakawa, Fabrizio Arrigoni Battaia, Jason Xavier Prochaska, Renyue Cen, Zheng Zheng, Yunjing Wu, Qiong Li, Liming Dou, Jianfeng Wu, Ann Zabludoff, Xiaohui Fan, Yanli Ai, Emmet Gabriel Golden-Marx, Miao Li, Youjun Lu, Xiangcheng Ma, Sen Wang, Ran Wang, Feng Yuan

Published in Science, 5 May 2023 (accepted version), Main text 20 pages, four figures in the main text, and 13 figures and 4 tables in the supplementary materials;

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Paper 5 — arXiv:2305.02344
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Paper 5 — arXiv:2305.02344

Stars form in galaxies, from gas that has been accreted from the intergalactic medium. Simulations have shown that recycling of gas-the reaccretion of gas that was previously ejected from a galaxy-could sustain star formation in the early Universe. We observe the gas surrounding a massive galaxy at redshift 2.3 and detect emission lines from neutral hydrogen, helium, and ionized carbon that extend 100 kiloparsecs from the galaxy. The kinematics of this circumgalactic gas is consistent with an inspiraling stream. The carbon abundance indicates that the gas had already been enriched with elements heavier than helium, previously ejected from a galaxy. We interpret the results as evidence of gas recycling during high-redshift galaxy assembly.

K. Graham, J. O'Donnell, M. M. Silverstein, O. Eiger, T. E. Jeltema, D. L. Hollowood, D. Cross, S. Everett, P. Giles, J. Jobel, D. Laubner, A. McDaniel, A. K. Romer, A. Swart, M. Aguena, S. Allam, O. Alves, D. Brooks, M. Carrasco Kind, J. Carretero, M. Costanzi, L. N. da Costa, M. E. S. Pereira, J. De Vicente, S. Desai, J. P. Dietrich, P. Doel, I. Ferrero, J. Frieman, J. Garcia-Bellido, D. Gruen, R. A. Gruendl, S. R. Hinton, K. Honscheid, D. J. James, K. Kuehn, N. Kuropatkin, O. Lahav, J. L. Marshall, P. Melchior, J. Mena-Fernandez, F. Menanteau, R. Miquel, R. L. C. Ogando, A. Palmese, A. Pieres, A. A. Plazas Malagon, K. Reil, M. Rodriguez-Monroy, E. Sanchez, V. Scarpine, M. Schubnell, M. Smith, E. Suchyta, G. Tarle, C. To, N. Weaverdyck

shortened version accepted to RNAAS

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Paper 14 — arXiv:2305.02365
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Paper 14 — arXiv:2305.02365

We search for the presence of cool cores in optically-selected galaxy clusters from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) and investigate their prevalence as a function of redshift and cluster richness. Clusters were selected from the redMaPPer analysis of three years of DES observations that have archival Chandra X-ray observations, giving a sample of 99 clusters with a redshift range of $0.11 < z < 0.87$ and a richness range of $25 < \lambda < 207$. Using the X-ray data, the core temperature was compared to the outer temperature to identify clusters where the core temperature is a factor of 0.7 or less than the outer temperature. We found a cool core fraction of approximately 20% with no significant trend in the cool core fraction with either redshift or richness.

Sultan Hassan, Christopher C. Lovell, Piero Madau, Marc Huertas-Company, Rachel S. Somerville, Blakesley Burkhart, Keri L. Dixon, Robert Feldmann, Tjitske K. Starkenburg, John F. Wu, Christian Kragh Jespersen, Joseph D. Gelfand, Ankita Bera

6 pages, 2 figures, to be submitted to ApJL, comments are welcome

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Paper 39 — arXiv:2305.02703
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Paper 39 — arXiv:2305.02703

An unprecedented array of new observational capabilities are starting to yield key constraints on models of the epoch of first light in the Universe. In this Letter we discuss the implications of the UV radiation background at cosmic dawn inferred by recent JWST observations for radio experiments aimed at detecting the redshifted 21-cm hyperfine transition of diffuse neutral hydrogen. Under the basic assumption that the 21-cm signal is activated by the Ly$\alpha$ photon field produced by metal-poor stellar systems, we show that a detection at the low frequencies of the EDGES experiment may be expected from a simple extrapolation of the declining UV luminosity density estimated at $z\lesssim 14$ by JWST early galaxy data. Our findings raise the intriguing possibility that a high star formation efficiency at early times may trigger the onset of intense Ly$\alpha$ emission at redshift $z\lesssim 18$ and produce a cosmic 21-cm absorption signal 200 Myr after the Big Bang.

Hui Hong, Huiyuan Wang, H. J. Mo, Ziwen Zhang, Guangwen Chen, Wentao Luo, Tinggui Wang, Pengfei Li, Renjie Li, Yao yao, Aoxiang Jiang

24 pages, 19 figures, submitted to ApJ

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Paper 54 — arXiv:2305.02910
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Paper 54 — arXiv:2305.02910

A stellar system is dynamically hot when its kinetic energy is dominated by random motion represented by the velocity dispersion $\sigma_{\rm hot} (M_*)$. We use MaNGA data to obtain inner and outer dispersion of a galaxy, $\sigma_{\rm in}$ and $\sigma_{\rm out}$, to characterize its dynamical status and study its connection with star formation quenching and the growth of supermassive black hole (SMBH). We divide galaxies into fully quenched (FQGs), partially quenched (PQGs) and fully star-forming (FSGs) populations, and identify quenched central cores (QCCs) in PQGs. The galaxy distribution in $\sigma_{\rm in}/\sigma_{\rm hot}$-$\sigma_{\rm out}/\sigma_{\rm hot}$ diagram is L-shaped, consisting of a horizontal sequence ($\sigma_{\rm out}/\sigma_{\rm hot}\sim0$) and a vertical sequence ($\sigma_{\rm in}/\sigma_{\rm hot}\sim1$). FQGs and QCCs are located at the top of vertical sequence, $\sigma_{\rm out}/\sigma_{\rm hot}\sim1$, therefore they are dynamically hot over their entire bodies. PQGs reside along vertical sequence, so they have hot center but cold outskirt. FSGs are diverse and can be found in both sequences. Galaxy structural properties, star formation and AGN activities make a transition along horizontal sequence at $\log(\sigma_{\rm in}/\sigma_{\rm hot})\sim-0.3$, and along vertical sequence at $\log(\sigma_{\rm out}/\sigma_{\rm hot})\sim-0.3$. The fractions of optical AGNs and barred galaxies increase rapidly in the first transition and decline rapidly in the second; radio galaxies are located at the top of vertical sequence. Our results demonstrate that star formation quenching and SMBH growth are effective only in dynamically hot systems. A simple model along this line can reproduce the observed SMBH scaling relations. We discuss how secular processes and strong interactions can make a system dynamically hot, and lead to the SMBH growth and star formation quenching.

Papers reserved for later discussion

These are papers reserved by people for discussion at a later date. All reservations are kept for 2 days after the date of the reservation.

I. El Mellah, B. Cerutti, B. Crinquand

Submitted to A&A, comments welcome

1 vote
05/04/2023: arXiv:2305.01689
1 vote
05/04/2023: arXiv:2305.01689

Low-luminosity supermassive and stellar-mass black holes (BHs) may be embedded in a collisionless and highly magnetized plasma. They show non-thermal flares indicative of efficient dissipative processes in the vicinity of the BH. During NIR flares from the supermassive BH Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), GRAVITY detected circular motion and polarization evolution which suggest the presence of transient synchrotron-emitting hot spots moving around the BH. We study 3D reconnecting current layers in the magnetosphere of spinning BHs to determine whether plasma-loaded flux ropes formed near the event horizon could reproduce the hot spot observations and help constraining the BH spin. We perform global 3D particle-in-cell simulations in Kerr spacetime of a pair plasma embedded in a strong large-scale magnetic field originating in a disk in prograde Keplerian rotation. A cone-shaped current layer develops which surrounds the twisted open magnetic field lines threading the event horizon. Magnetic field lines coupling the disk to the BH inflate and reconnect a few gravitational radii above the disk. Particles accelerate and accumulate in a few rotating macroscopic flux ropes. Once flux ropes detach, they propagate in the current layer following what appears as a rapidly opening spiral when seen face-on. A single flux rope carries enough relativistic particles to emit synchrotron radiation at levels suitable to reproduce the flares' peak-luminosity of Sgr A* but it quickly fades away as it flows away. Our kinematic analysis of flux ropes' motion favors a BH spin of 0.65 to 0.8 for Sgr A*. The flares' duration require that the underlying magnetic loop seeded in the disk mid-plane has a finite lifetime and azimuthal extent. In this scenario, the hot spot corresponds to a spinning arc along which multiple reconnection sites power the net emission as flux ropes episodically detach.

All other papers

L. Nemes (Research Center for Natural Sciences, Budapest, Hungary)

15 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford, UK

The apolar fullerenes C60 and C70 are not accessible for radio astronomy. Upon ionization static Jahn-Teller effects occur in C70+ that distort the D5h neutral symmetry to Cs. This point group is polar thus ionization induces a permanent electric dipole moment in C70. The goal of the present calculations is to compute the equilibrium geometry and dipole moment of the C70+ cation by various DFT methods and to simulate microwave spectra. Using quantum chemistry rotational constants, Cartesian dipole moment components and the resultant dipole, as well as Jahn-Teller stabilization energies and HOMO-LUMO gaps were obtained. Microwave rotational spectrum simulations for the slightly asymmetric top ion were carried out for gas phase temperatures 2.73 K and 10 K. These spectra may serve as starting point for laboratory microwave measurements and as screening guide in radio astronomical searches. In addition it was found that the static Jahn-Teller effect in C70+ is the consequence of the mixing of the two highest ground state occupied orbitals, thus it is a pseudo Jahn-Teller effect.

Emma Jane Weller, Fabio Pacucci, Priyamvada Natarajan, Tiziana Di Matteo

Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 9 pages, 8 figures

Recent dynamical measurements indicate the presence of a central SMBH with mass $\sim 3\times 10^6 \, \rm M_\odot$ in the dwarf galaxy Leo I, placing the system $\sim50$ times above the standard, local $M_{BH} - M_\star$ relation. While a few over-massive central SMBHs are reported in nearby isolated galaxies, this is the first detected in a Milky Way satellite. We used the ASTRID and Illustris TNG50 LCDM cosmological simulations to investigate the assembly history of galaxies hosting over-massive SMBHs. We estimate that, at the stellar mass of Leo I, $\sim15\%$ of galaxies above the $M_{BH} - M_\star$ relation lie $>10$ times above it. Leo I-like systems are rare but exist in LCDM simulations: they occur in $\sim0.005\%$ of all over-massive systems. Examining the properties of simulated galaxies harboring over-massive central SMBHs, we find that: (i) stars assemble more slowly in galaxies above the $M_{BH} - M_\star$ relation; (ii) the gas fraction in these galaxies experiences a significantly steeper decline over time; and (iii) $>95\%$ of satellite host galaxies in over-dense regions are located above the $M_{BH} - M_\star$ relation. This suggests that massive satellite infall and consequent tidal stripping in a group/dense environment can drive systems away from the $M_{BH} - M_\star$ relation, causing them to become over-massive. As the merging histories of over-massive and under-massive systems do not differ, we conclude that additional environmental effects, such as being in overdense regions, must play a crucial role. In the high-$z$ Universe, central over-massive SMBHs are a signature of heavy black hole seeds; we demonstrate, in contrast, that low-$z$ over-massive systems result from complex environmental interactions.

J.A. Sturm, M.K. McClure, C.J. Law, D. Harsono, J.B. Bergner, E. Dartois, M.N. Drozdovskaya, S. Ioppolo, K.I. Öberg, M.E. Palumbo, Y.J. Pendleton, W.R.M. Rocha, H. Terada, R.G. Urso

16 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

Context. Observations of edge-on disks are an important tool for constraining general protoplanetary disk properties that cannot be determined in any other way. However, most radiative transfer models cannot simultaneously reproduce the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and resolved scattered light and submillimeter observations of these systems, due to the differences in geometry and dust properties at different wavelengths. Aims. We simultaneously constrain the geometry of the edge-on protoplanetary disk HH 48 NE and the characteristics of the host star. HH 48 NE is part of the JWST early release science program Ice Age. This work serves as a stepping stone towards a better understanding of the disk physical structure and icy chemistry in this particular source. This kind of modeling lays the groundwork for studying other edge-on sources to be observed with the JWST. Methods. We fit a parameterized dust model to HH 48 NE by coupling the radiative transfer code RADMC-3D and an MCMC framework. The dust structure was fitted independently to a compiled SED, a scattered light image at 0.8 ${\mu}$m and an ALMA dust continuum observation at 890 ${\mu}$m. Results. We find that 90% of the dust mass in HH 48 NE is settled to the disk midplane, less than in average disks, and that the atmospheric layers of the disk contain exclusively large grains (0.3-10 ${\mu}$m). The exclusion of small grains in the upper atmosphere likely has important consequences for the chemistry due to the deep penetration of high-energy photons. The addition of a relatively large cavity (ca. 50 au in radius) is necessary to explain the strong mid-infrared emission, and to fit the scattered light and continuum observations simultaneously.

Alexandra Dupuy, Hélène M. Courtois

8 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, submitted to A&A (AA/2023/46802)

This article delivers the dynamical cosmography of the Local Universe within z=0.1 (1 giga light-years). We exploit the gravitational velocity field computed using the CosmicFlows-4 catalog of galaxy distances to delineate superclusters as watersheds, publishing for the first time their size, shape, main streams of matter and the location of their central attractor. Laniakea, our home supercluster's size is confirmed to be 2 $\times 10^6$ (Mpc $h^{-1}$)$^3$. Five more superclusters are now dynamically revealed in the same way: Apus, Hercules, Lepus, Perseus-Pisces and Shapley. Also, the central repellers of the Bootes and Sculptor voids are found and the Dipole and Cold Spot repellers now appear as a single gigantic entity. Interestingly the observed superclusters are an order of magnitude larger than the theoretical ones predicted by cosmological $\Lambda$CDM simulations.

A. Saccardi, S. Salvadori, V. D'Odorico, G. Cupani, M. Fumagalli, T. A. M. Berg, G. D. Becker, S. Ellison, S. Lopez

The first stars were born from chemically pristine gas. They were likely massive, and thus they rapidly exploded as supernovae, enriching the surrounding gas with the first heavy elements. In the Local Group, the chemical signatures of the first stellar population were identified among low-mass, long-lived, very metal-poor ([Fe/H]<-2) stars, characterized by high abundances of carbon over iron ([C/Fe]>+0.7): the so-called carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars. Conversely, a similar carbon excess caused by first-star pollution was not found in dense neutral gas traced by absorption systems at different cosmic time. Here we present the detection of 14 very metal-poor, optically thick absorbers at redshift z~3-4. Among these, 3 are carbon-enhanced and reveal an overabundance with respect to Fe of all the analyzed chemical elements (O, Mg, Al, and Si). Their relative abundances show a distribution with respect to [Fe/H] that is in very good agreement with those observed in nearby very metal-poor stars. All the tests we performed support the idea that these C-rich absorbers preserve the chemical yields of the first stars. Our new findings suggest that the first-star signatures can survive in optically thick but relatively diffuse absorbers, which are not sufficiently dense to sustain star formation and hence are not dominated by the chemical products of normal stars.

L. Zappacosta, E. Piconcelli, F. Fiore, I. Saccheo, R. Valiante, C. Vignali, F. Vito, M. Volonteri, M. Bischetti, A. Comastri, C. Done, M. Elvis, E. Giallongo, F. La Franca, G. Lanzuisi, M. Laurenti, G. Miniutti, A. Bongiorno, M. Brusa, F. Civano, S. Carniani, V. D'Odorico, C. Feruglio, S. Gallerani, R. Gilli, A. Grazian, M. Guainazzi, A. Marinucci, N. Menci, R. Middei, F. Nicastro, S. Puccetti, F. Tombesi, A. Tortosa, V. Testa, G. Vietri, S. Cristiani, F. Haardt, R. Maiolino, R. Schneider, R. Tripodi, L. Vallini, E. Vanzella

21 pages (including appendix), 12 figures, 4 tables. Submitted to A&A

The existence of luminous quasars (QSO) at the Epoch of Reionization (EoR; i.e. z>6) powered by supermassive black holes (SMBH) with masses $\gtrsim10^9~M_\odot$ challenges models of early SMBH formation. To shed light on the nature of these sources we started a multiwavelength programme based on a sample of 18 HYPerluminous quasars at the Epoch of ReionizatION (HYPERION). These are the luminous QSOs whose SMBH must have had the most rapid mass growth during the Universe first Gyr. In this paper we present the HYPERION sample and report on the first of the 3 years planned observations of the 2.4 Ms XMM-Newton Multi-Year Heritage programme on which HYPERION is based. The goal of this programme is to accurately characterise the X-ray nuclear properties of QSOs at the EoR. Through a joint X-ray spectral analysis of 10 sources, covering the rest-frame $\sim2-50$ keV range, we report a steep average photon index ($\Gamma\sim2.4\pm0.1$) which is inconsistent at $\geq4\sigma$ level with the value measured in QSO at z<6. This spectral slope is also significantly steeper than that reported in lower-z QSOs with similar luminosity or accretion rate, thus suggesting a genuine redshift evolution. Alternatively, we can interpret this result as the presence of an unusually low-energy cutoff $E_{cut}\sim20$ keV on a standard $\Gamma=1.9$ power-law. We also report on mild indications that HYPERION QSOs show higher soft X-ray emission at 2 keV compared to the UV one at 2500A than expected by lower-z luminous AGN. We speculate that a redshift-dependent coupling between the X-ray corona and accretion disc or intrinsically different coronal properties may account for the steep spectral slopes, especially in the presence of powerful winds. The reported slopes, if confirmed at lower luminosities, may have an important impact on the design of future X-ray facilities and surveys aimed at the early Universe.

Alexander Chernoglazov, Hayk Hakobyan, Alexander A. Philippov

24 pages, 18 figures, 1 table; Submitted to ApJ

We present the results of 3D particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations that explore relativistic magnetic reconnection in pair plasma with strong synchrotron cooling and a small mass fraction of non-radiating ions. Our results demonstrate that the structure of the current sheet is highly sensitive to the dynamic efficiency of radiative cooling. Specifically, stronger cooling leads to more significant compression of the plasma and magnetic field within the plasmoids. We demonstrate that ions can be efficiently accelerated to energies exceeding the plasma magnetization parameter, $\gg\sigma$, and form a hard power-law energy distribution, $f_i\propto \gamma^{-1}$. This conclusion implies a highly efficient proton acceleration in the magnetospheres of young pulsars. Conversely, the energies of pairs are limited to either $\sigma$ in the strong cooling regime or the radiation burnoff limit, $\gamma_{\rm syn}$, when cooling is weak. We find that the high-energy radiation from pairs above the synchrotron burnoff limit, $\varepsilon_c \approx 16$ MeV, is only efficiently produced in the strong cooling regime, $\gamma_{\rm syn} < \sigma$. In this regime, we find that the spectral cutoff scales as $\varepsilon_{\rm cut}\approx \varepsilon_c (\sigma/\gamma_{\rm syn})$, and the highest energy photons are beamed along the direction of the upstream magnetic field, consistent with the phenomenological models of gamma-ray emission from young pulsars. Furthermore, our results place constraints on the reconnection-driven models of gamma-ray flares in the Crab Nebula.

P. Aromal, R. Srianand, P. Petitjean

22 pages, accepted for publication in MNRAS

We study the time variability (over $\le$7.3 yrs) of ultra-fast outflows (UFOs) detected in a sample of 64 C IV broad absorption line (BAL) quasars (with 80 distinct BAL components) monitored using the Southern African Large Telescope. By comparing the properties of the quasar in our sample with those of a control sample of non-BAL quasars we show that the distributions of black hole mass are different and the bolometric luminosities and optical photometric variations of UFO BAL quasars are slightly smaller compared to that of non-BAL quasars. The detection fraction of C IV equivalent width (W) variability ($\sim$95%), the fractional variability amplitude ($\frac{\Delta W}{W}$) and the fraction of ``highly variable" BAL (i.e., |$\frac{\Delta W}{W}$| $>$0.67) components ($\sim$ 33%) are higher in our sample compared to the general BAL population. The scatter in $\frac{\Delta W}{W}$ and the fraction of ``highly variable" BALs increase with the time-scale probed. The $\frac{\Delta W}{W}$ distribution is asymmetric at large time scales. We attribute this to the BAL strengthening time scales being shorter than the weakening time scales. The BAL variability amplitude correlates strongly with the BAL properties compared to the quasar properties. BALs with low W, high-velocity, shallow profiles, and low-velocity width tend to show more variability. When multiple BAL components are present a correlated variability is seen between low- and high-velocity components with the latter showing larger amplitude variations. We find an anti-correlation between the fractional variations in the continuum flux and W. While this suggests photoionization-induced variability, the scatter in continuum flux is much smaller than that of W.

S. Andreon, C. Romero, H. Aussel, T. Bhandarkar, M. Devlin, S. Dicker, B. Ladjelate, I. Lowe, B. Mason, T. Mroczkowski, A. Raichoor, C. Sarazin, G. Trinchieri

MNRAS, in press

In this work we study the intracluster medium of a galaxy cluster at the cosmic noon: JKCS041 at z=1.803. A 28h long Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) observation using MUSTANG-2 allows us to detect JKCS041, even if intrinsically extremely faint compared to other SZ-detected clusters. We found that the SZ peak is offset from the X-ray center by about 220 kpc in the direction of the brightest cluster galaxy, which we interpret as due to the cluster being observed just after first passage of a major merger. JKCS041 has a low central pressure and a low Compton Y compared to local clusters selected by their intracluster medium (ICM), likely because the cluster is still in the process of assembly but also in part because of a hard-to-quantify bias in current local ICM-selected samples. JKCS041 has a 0.5 dex fainter Y signal than another less massive z~1.8 cluster, exemplifying how much different weak-lensing mass and SZ mass can be at high redshift. The observations we present provide us with the measurement of the most distant resolved pressure profile of a galaxy cluster. Comparison with a library of plausibly descendants shows that JKCS041 pressure profile will likely increase by about 0.7 dex in the next 10 Gyr at all radii.

J.A. Sturm, M.K. McClure, J.B. Bergner, D. Harsono, E. Dartois, M.N. Drozdovskaya, S. Ioppolo, K.I. Öberg, C.J. Law, M.E. Palumbo, Y.J. Pendleton, W.R.M. Rocha, H. Terada, R.G. Urso

18 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

The abundance and distribution of ice in protoplanetary disks (PPD) is critical to understand the linkage between the composition of circumstellar matter and the composition of exoplanets. Edge-on PPDs are a useful tool to constrain such ice composition and its location in the disk, as ice spectral signatures can be observed in absorption against the continuum emission arising from the warmer central disk regions. The aim of this work is to model ice absorption features in PPDs and determine how well the abundance of the main ice species across the disk can be determined within the uncertainty of the physical parameter space. The edge-on PPD around HH 48 NE, a target of the JWST ERS program IceAge, is used as a reference system. We use RADMC-3D to raytrace the mid-infrared continuum. Using a constant parameterized ice abundance, ice opacities are added to the dust opacity in regions wherever the disk is cold enough for the main carbon, oxygen and nitrogen carriers to freeze out. The global abundance of the main ice carriers in HH 48 NE can be determined within a factor of 3, when taking the uncertainty of the physical parameters into account. Ice features in PPDs can be saturated at an optical depth <1, due to local saturation. Spatially observed ice optical depths cannot be directly related to column densities due to radiative transfer effects. Vertical snowlines will not be a clear transition due to the radially increasing height of the snowsurface, but their location may be constrained from observations using radiative transfer modeling. Radial snowlines are not really accesible. Not only the ice abundance, but also inclination, settling, grain size distribution and disk mass have strong impact on the observed ice absorption features in disks. Relative changes in ice abundance can be inferred from observations only if the source structure is well constrained

Irene Vanni, Stefania Salvadori, Ása Skúladóttir

7 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in MemSAIt

Hydrodynamical cosmological simulations predict that the metal-free Population III (Pop III) stars were likely very massive and, therefore, short-lived. However, they left their chemical imprint on their descendants, which can also have masses $ < 0.8 \mathrm {M_{\odot}}$ and still be alive today. The Milky Way stellar halo is one of the oldest and most metal-poor component of the Local Group and a peculiar class of stars, the so-called Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor (CEMP-no) stars, seem to be directly related to Pop III stars. We aim at revealing if all metal-poor halo stars are true second-generation stars or if they have also been enriched by the subsequent generations of normal (Pop II) stars. For this purpose, we compare the measured carbon and iron abundances of the metal-poor halo stars with the ones predicted by our simple parametric model, varying the pollution level from Pop III and normal stars. We find that only the most C-enhanced and Fe-poor stars enclose in their photospheres the pure imprint of Pop III stars, while, as the [C/Fe] decreases, the probability of being also polluted by normal Pop II stars increases.

Marius Lehmann (ASIAA), Min-Kai Lin (ASIAA & NCTS, Physics division)

40 pages, 26 figures

Protoplanetary discs (PPDs) can host a number of instabilities that may partake directly or indirectly in the process of planetesimal formation. These include the Vertical Shear Instability (VSI), Convective Overstability (COS), Streaming Instability (SI), and Dust Settling Instability (DSI), to name a few. Notably, the VSI and COS have mostly been studied in purely gaseous discs, while the SI and DSI have only been analyzed in isothermal discs. How these instabilities operate under more general conditions is therefore unclear. To this end, we devise a local model of a PPD describing a non-isothermal gas interacting with a single species of dust via drag forces. Using this, we find that dust drag sets minimum length scales below which the VSI and COS are suppressed. Similarly, we find that the SI can be suppressed on sufficiently small scales by the gas' radial buoyancy if it cools on roughly a dynamical timescale. We show that the DSI can be effectively stabilized by vertical buoyancy, except at special radial and vertical length scales. We also find novel instabilities unique to a dusty, non-isothermal gas. These result in a dusty analog of the COS that operates in slowly cooled discs, and a dusty version of the VSI that is strongly enhanced by dust settling. We briefly discuss the possible implications of our results on planetesimal formation.

Fabian R.N. Schneider, Philipp Podsiadlowski, Eva Laplace

20 pages (including appendix with tabulated data; main text: 8 pages), 6 figures; submitted to AAS journals

In binary black-hole mergers from isolated binary-star evolution, both black holes are from progenitor stars that have lost their hydrogen-rich envelopes by binary mass transfer. Envelope stripping is known to affect the pre-supernova core structures of such binary-stripped stars and thereby their final fates and compact remnant masses. In this paper, we show that binary-stripped stars give rise to a bimodal black-hole mass spectrum with characteristic black-hole masses of about $9\,\mathrm{M}_\odot$ and $16\,\mathrm{M}_\odot$ across a large range of metallicities. The bimodality is linked to carbon and neon burning becoming neutrino-dominated, which results in interior structures that are difficult to explode and likely lead to black hole formation. The characteristic black-hole masses from binary-stripped stars have corresponding features in the chirp-mass distribution of binary black-hole mergers: peaks at about $8$ and $14\,\mathrm{M}_\odot$, and a dearth in between these masses. Current gravitational-wave observations of binary black-hole mergers show evidence for a gap at $10\text{--}12\,\mathrm{M}_\odot$ and peaks at $8$ and $14\,\mathrm{M}_\odot$ in the chirp-mass distribution. These features are in agreement with our models of binary-stripped stars. In the future, they may be used to constrain the physics of late stellar evolution and supernova explosions, and may even help measure the cosmological expansion of the Universe.

Nuno R. C. Gomes, Fabio Del Sordo, Luís Torgo

Paper submitted to A&A. Comments are welcome!

This work aims to develop a computationally inexpensive approach, based on machine learning techniques, to accurately predict thousands of stellar rotation periods. The innovation in our approach is the use of the XGBoost algorithm to predict the rotation periods of Kepler targets by means of regression analysis. Therefore, we focused on building a robust supervised machine learning model to predict surface stellar rotation periods from structured data sets built from the Kepler catalogue of K and M stars. We analysed the set of independent variables extracted from Kepler light curves and investigated the relationships between them and the ground truth. Using the extreme gradient boosting method, we obtained a minimal set of variables that can be used to build machine learning models for predicting stellar rotation periods. Our models are validated by predicting the rotation periods of about 2900 stars. The results are compatible with those obtained by classical techniques and comparable to those obtained by other recent machine learning approaches, with the advantage of using much fewer predictors. Restricting the analysis to stars with rotation periods of less than 45 days, our models are on average 95 to 98 % correct. We have developed an innovative approach, based on a machine learning method, to accurately fit the rotation periods of stars. Based on the results of this study, we conclude that the best models generated by the proposed methodology are competitive with the state-of-the-art approaches, with the advantage of being computationally cheaper, easy to train, and relying on small sets of predictors.

Narsireddy Anugu, Jacques Kluska, Tyler Gardner, John D. Monnier, Hans Van Winckel, Gail H. Schaefer, Stefan Kraus, Jean-Baptiste Le Bouquin, Steve Ertel, Antoine Mérand, Robert Klement, Claire L Davies, Jacob Ennis, Aaron Labdon, Cyprien Lanthermann, Benjamin R. Setterholm, Theo ten Brummelaar, Akke Corporaal, Laurence Sabin, Jayadev Rajagopal

Accepted to be published in The Astrophysical Journal

Some evolved binaries, namely post-asymptotic giant branch binaries, are surrounded by stable and massive circumbinary disks similar to protoplanetary disks found around young stars. Around 10% of these disks are transition disks: they have a large inner cavity in the dust. Previous interferometric measurements and modeling have ruled out the cavity being formed by dust sublimation and suggested that the cavity is due to a massive circumbinary planet that traps the dust in the disk and produces the observed depletion of refractory elements on the surface of the post-AGB star. In this study, we test alternative scenario in which the large cavity could be due to dynamical truncation from the inner binary. We performed near-infrared interferometric observations with the CHARA Array on the archetype of such a transition disk around a post-AGB binary: AC Her. We detect the companion at ten epochs over 4 years and determine the 3-dimensional orbit using these astrometric measurements in combination with the radial velocity time series. This is the first astrometric orbit constructed for a post-AGB binary system. We derive the best-fit orbit with a semi-major axis $2.01 \pm 0.01$ mas ($2.83\pm0.08$ au), inclination $(142.9 \pm 1.1)^\circ$ and longitude of the ascending node $(155.1 \pm 1.8)^\circ$. We find that the theoretical dynamical truncation and dust sublimation radius are at least $\sim3\times$ smaller than the observed inner disk radius ($\sim21.5$ mas or 30 au). This strengthens the hypothesis that the origin of such a cavity is due to the presence of a circumbinary planet.

Athanasios Fotopoulos, Vasileios G. Karageorgopoulos, Vassilis S. Geroyannis

28 pages, 6 Figures, 5 Tables, Submitted April 2023 Astronomy and Computing

We study models of uniformly and differentially rotating neutron stars in the framework of post-Newtonian approximation in general relativity as established by Chandrasechar. In particular, we adopt the polytropic equation of state in order to derive the appropriate hydrodynamic equations and a rotation law based on the generalized Clement's model. To compute equilibrium configurations at the mass-shedding limit, i.e. at critical angular velocity (equivalently, Keplerian angular velocity), we develop an iterative numerical method, belonging to the category of the well-known ``self-consistent field methods'', with two perturbation parameters: the ``rotation parameter'' $\bar{\upsilon}$ and the ``gravitation or relativity parameter'' $\bar{\sigma}$. These two parameters represent the effects of rotation and gravity on the configuration. We investigate the validity and the limits of our method by comparing our results with respective results of other computational methods and public domain codes. As it turns out, our method can derive satisfactory results for general-relativistic polytropic configurations at critical rotation.

C. R. Argüelles, K. Boshkayev, A. Krut, G. Nurbakhyt, J. A. Rueda, R. Ruffini, J. D. Uribe-Suárez, R. Yunis

11 pages, 9 figures, 2 appendices. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Observations support the idea that supermassive black holes (SMBHs) power the emission at the center of active galaxies. However, contrary to stellar-mass BHs, there is a poor understanding of their origin and physical formation channel. In this article, we propose a new process of SMBH formation in the early Universe that is not associated with baryonic matter (massive stars) or primordial cosmology. In this novel approach, SMBH seeds originate from the gravitational collapse of fermionic dense dark matter (DM) cores that arise at the center of DM halos as they form. We show that such a DM formation channel can occur before star formation, leading to heavier BH seeds than standard baryonic channels. The SMBH seeds subsequently grow by accretion. We compute the evolution of the mass and angular momentum of the BH using a geodesic general relativistic disk accretion model. We show that these SMBH seeds grow to $\sim 10^9$-$10^{10} M_\odot$ in the first Gyr of the lifetime of the Universe without invoking unrealistic (or fine-tuned) accretion rates.

Jessica E. Thorne, Aaron S. G. Robotham, Sabine Bellstedt, Luke J. M. Davies

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Traditionally, the far ultraviolet (FUV) to far-infrared (FIR) and radio spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of galaxies have been considered separately despite the common physical process shaping them. In this work, we explore the utility of simultaneously fitting FUV-radio SEDs using an extended version of the ProSpect SED fitting code considering contributions from both free-free and synchrotron emission. We use a small sample of galaxies from the Deep Extragalactic VIsible Legacy Survey (DEVILS) and the Key Insights on Nearby Galaxies: a Far-Infrared Survey with Herschel (KINGFISH) where high-quality and robust FUV-radio data are available to provide an ideal sample for testing a radio extension of ProSpect. As the parameterisation of the radio extension links the radio continuum to the FIR emission, we explore the benefit of using radio continuum measurements as a constraint on the energy balance between dust attenuation and emission. We find that for situations where MIR-FIR photometry is unavailable, including a 1.4 GHz continuum measurement allows for improved accuracy in recovered star formation rates and dust luminosities of galaxies reducing the median uncertainty by 0.1 and 0.2 dex respectively. We also demonstrate that incorporating 3 and 10 GHz measurements allows for further constraint on the energy balance and therefore the star formation rate and dust luminosity. This demonstrates the advantage of extending FUV-FIR SED fitting techniques to radio frequencies, especially as we move into an era where FIR surveys will remain limited and radio data become abundant (i.e. with the SKA and precursors).

The J-region Asymptotic Giant Branch (JAGB) method is a standard candle based on the intrinsic luminosities of carbon stars in the near infrared. For the first time, we directly constrain the impact of metallicity, age, and reddening on the JAGB method. We assess how the mode, skew, and scatter of the JAGB star luminosity function change throughout diverse stellar environments in M31's NE disk from 13<d<18 kpc using data from the Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury (PHAT). As expected, the mode is found to be fainter in higher-reddening regions. To cross-check this result, we also measure a fiducial J-band ground-based JAGB distance using data from the UKIRT/WFCam in M31's outermost disk (18<d<40 kpc) where internal reddening is minimal. We find that this J-band distance modulus agrees well with the F110W distance moduli measured in the lowest reddening regions of the PHAT data, demonstrating the JAGB method is most accurate if measured in the low-reddening outer disks of galaxies. On the other hand, the mode of the JAGB star luminosity function appears empirically to show no dependence on metallicity and age, disputing theoretical predictions that the average luminosity of metal-rich carbon stars is brighter than for metal-poor carbon stars. In conclusion, the JAGB method proves to be a robust standard candle capable of calibrating the luminosities of type Ia supernovae and therefore providing a high-accuracy, high-precision measurement of the Hubble constant.

Katherine A. Bennett, Seth Redfield, Antonija Oklopčić, Ilaria Carleo, Joe P. Ninan, Michael Endl

19 pages, 8 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication in AJ

Hot Jupiters orbiting extremely close to their host star may experience atmospheric escape due to the large amounts of high-energy radiation they receive. Understanding the conditions under which this occurs is critical, as atmospheric escape is believed to be a driving factor in sculpting planetary populations. In recent years, the near-infrared 10833 \r{A} helium feature has been found to be a promising spectral signature of atmospheric escape. We use transmission spectroscopy to search for excess helium absorption in the extended atmosphere of WASP-48b, a hot Jupiter orbiting a slightly evolved, rapidly-rotating F star. The data were collected using the Habitable Zone Planet Finder spectrograph on the Hobby-Eberly Telescope. Observations were taken over the course of seven nights, from which we obtain three transits. No detectable helium absorption is seen, as absorption depth is measured to $-0.0025\pm0.0021$, or $1.2 \sigma$ from a null detection. This non-detection follows our current understanding of decreasing stellar activity (and thus high-energy radiation) with age. We use a 1D isothermal Parker wind model to compare with our observations and find our non-detection can best be explained with a low planetary mass-loss rate and high thermosphere temperature. We explore our results within the context of the full sample of helium detections and non-detections to date. Surprisingly, comparing helium absorption with the stellar activity index $\rm log\;R'_{HK}$ reveals a large spread in the correlation between these two factors, suggesting that there are additional parameters influencing the helium absorption strength.

Hamed Valizadegan, Miguel J. S. Martinho, Jon M. Jenkins, Douglas A. Caldwell, Joseph D. Twicken, Stephen T. Bryson

Most existing exoplanets are discovered using validation techniques rather than being confirmed by complementary observations. These techniques generate a score that is typically the probability of the transit signal being an exoplanet (y(x)=exoplanet) given some information related to that signal (represented by x). Except for the validation technique in Rowe et al. (2014) that uses multiplicity information to generate these probability scores, the existing validation techniques ignore the multiplicity boost information. In this work, we introduce a framework with the following premise: given an existing transit signal vetter (classifier), improve its performance using multiplicity information. We apply this framework to several existing classifiers, which include vespa (Morton et al. 2016), Robovetter (Coughlin et al. 2017), AstroNet (Shallue & Vanderburg 2018), ExoNet (Ansdel et al. 2018), GPC and RFC (Armstrong et al. 2020), and ExoMiner (Valizadegan et al. 2022), to support our claim that this framework is able to improve the performance of a given classifier. We then use the proposed multiplicity boost framework for ExoMiner V1.2, which addresses some of the shortcomings of the original ExoMiner classifier (Valizadegan et al. 2022), and validate 69 new exoplanets for systems with multiple KOIs from the Kepler catalog.

M.Huertas-Company, K. G. Iyer, E. Angeloudi, M. B. Bagley, S. L. Finkelstein, J. Kartaltepe, R. Sarmiento, J. Vega-Ferrero, P. Arrabal Haro, P. Behroozi, F. Buitrago, Y. Cheng, L. Costantin, A. Dekel, M. Dickinson, D. Elbaz, N. A. Grogin, N. P. Hathi, B. W. Holwerda, A. M. Koekemoer, R. A. Lucas, C. Papovich, P. G. Pérez-González, N. Pirzkal, L-M. Seillé, A. de la Vega, S. Wuyts, G. Yang, L. Y. A. Yung

Submitted to A&A, comments welcome

We analyze the Near Infrared ($\sim0.8-1\mu$m) rest-frame morphologies of galaxies with $\log M_*/M_\odot>9$ in the redshift range $0<z<6$, compare with previous HST-based results and release the first JWST-based morphological catalog of $\sim20,000$ galaxies in the CEERS survey. Galaxies are classified into four main broad classes -- spheroid, disk+spheroid, disk, and disturbed -- based on imaging with four filters -- $F150W$, $F200W$, $F356W$, and $F444W$ -- using Convolutional Neural Networks trained on HST/WFC3 labeled images and domain-adapted to JWST/NIRCam. We find that $\sim90\%$ and $\sim75\%$ of galaxies at $z<3$ have the same early/late and regular/irregular classification, respectively, in JWST and HST imaging when considering similar wavelengths. For small (large) and faint objects, JWST-based classifications tend to systematically present less bulge-dominated systems (peculiar galaxies) than HST-based ones, but the impact on the reported evolution of morphological fractions is less than $\sim10\%$. Using JWST-based morphologies at the same rest-frame wavelength ($\sim0.8-1\mu$m), we confirm an increase in peculiar galaxies and a decrease in bulge-dominated galaxies with redshift, as reported in previous HST-based works, suggesting that the stellar mass distribution, in addition to light distribution, is more disturbed in the early universe. However, we find that undisturbed disk-like systems already dominate the high-mass end of the late-type galaxy population ($\log M_*/M_\odot>10.5$) at $z\sim5$, and bulge-dominated galaxies also exist at these early epochs, confirming a rich and evolved morphological diversity of galaxies $\sim1$ Gyr after the Big Bang. Finally, we find that the morphology-quenching relation is already in place for massive galaxies at $z>3$, with massive quiescent galaxies ($\log M_*/M_\odot>10.5$) being predominantly bulge-dominated.

Ye-Peng Yan, Guo-Jian Wang, Si-Yu Li, Jun-Qing Xia

18 pages, 14 figures, 1 table, accepted by ApJS

Primordial B-mode detection is one of the main goals of next-generation cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments. Primordial B-modes are a unique signature of primordial gravitational waves (PGWs). However, the gravitational interaction of CMB photons with large-scale structures will distort the primordial E modes, adding a lensing B-mode component to the primordial B-mode signal. Removing the lensing effect (`delensing') from observed CMB polarization maps will be necessary to improve the constraint of PGWs and obtain a primordial E-mode signal. Here, we introduce a deep convolutional neural network model named multi-input multi-output U-net (MIMO-UNet) to perform CMB delensing. The networks are trained on simulated CMB maps with size $20^{\circ} \times 20^{\circ}$. We first use MIMO-UNet to reconstruct the unlensing CMB polarization ($Q$ and $U$) maps from observed CMB maps. The recovered E-mode power spectrum exhibits excellent agreement with the primordial EE power spectrum. The recovery of the primordial B-mode power spectrum for noise levels of 0, 1, and 2 $\mu$K-arcmin is greater than 98\% at the angular scale of $\ell<150$. We additionally reconstruct the lensing B map from observed CMB maps. The recovery of the lensing B-mode power spectrum is greater than roughly 99\% at the scales of $\ell>200$. We delens observed B-mode power spectrum by subtracting reconstructed lensing B-mode spectrum. The recovery of tensor B-mode power spectrum for noise levels of 0, 1, 2 $\mu$K-arcmin is greater than 98 \% at the angular scales of $\ell<120$. Even at $\ell=160$, the recovery of tensor B-mode power spectrum is still around 71 \%.

Xiao-Long Wang, Min Fang, Gregory J. Herczeg, Yu Gao, Hai-Jun Tian, Xing-Yu Zhou, Hong-Xin Zhang, Xue-Peng Chen

26 pages, 16 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in RAA

We present an analysis of 288 young stellar objects (YSOs) in the Perseus Molecular Cloud that have well defined $g$ and $r$-band lightcurves from the Zwicky Transient Facility. Of the 288 YSOs, 238 sources (83% of our working sample) are identified as variables based on the normalized peak-to-peak variability metric, with variability fraction of 92% for stars with disks and 77% for the diskless populations. These variables are classified into different categories using the quasiperiodicity ($Q$) and flux asymmetry ($M$) metrics. Fifty-three variables are classified as strictly periodic objects that are well phased and can be attributed to spot modulated stellar rotation. We also identify 22 bursters and 25 dippers, which can be attributed to accretion burst and variable extinction, respectively. YSOs with disks tend to have asymmetric and non-repeatable lightcurves, while the YSOs without disks tend to have (quasi)periodic lightcurves. The periodic variables have the steepest change in $g$ versus $g-r$, while bursters have much flatter changes than dippers in $g$ versus $g-r$. Periodic and quasiperiodic variables display the lowest variability amplitude. Simple models suggest that the variability amplitudes of periodic variables correspond to changes of the spot coverage of 30% to 40%, burster variables are attributed to accretion luminosity changes in the range of $L_{\rm acc}/L_{\star}=0.1-0.3$, and dippers are due to variable extinction with $A_{V}$ changes in the range of $0.5-1.3\;$mag.

Lei Jiao, Xuefeng Zhang

16 pages, 9 figures, accepted by Phys. Rev. D

TianQin is a proposed space-based gravitational wave detector designed to operate in circular high Earth orbits. As a sequel to [Zhang et al. Phys. Rev. D 103, 062001 (2021)], this work provides an analytical model to account for the perturbing effect of the Earth's gravity field on the range acceleration noise between two TianQin satellites. For such an ``orbital noise,'' the Earth's contribution dominates above $5\times 10^{-5}$ Hz in the frequency spectrum, and the noise calibration and mitigation, if needed, can benefit from in-depth noise modeling. Our model derivation is based on Kaula's theory of satellite gravimetry with Fourier-style decomposition, and uses circular reference orbits as an approximation. To validate the model, we compare the analytical and numerical results in two main scenarios. First, in the case of the Earth's static gravity field, both noise spectra are shown to agree well with each other at various orbital inclinations and radii, confirming our previous numerical work while providing more insight. Second, the model is extended to incorporate the Earth's time-variable gravity. Particularly relevant to TianQin, we augment the formulas to capture the disturbance from the Earth's free oscillations triggered by earthquakes, of which the mode frequencies enter TianQin's measurement band above 0.1 mHz. The analytical model may find applications in gravity environment monitoring and noise-reduction pipelines for TianQin.

Masaomi Ono, Takaya Nozawa, Shigehiro Nagataki, Alexandra Kozyreva, Salvatore Orlando, Marco Miceli, Ke-Jung Chen

74 pages, 29 figures, 11 tables; submitted to ApJS

To investigate the impact of matter mixing on the formation of molecules in the ejecta of SN 1987A, time-dependent rate equations for chemical reactions are solved for one-zone and one-dimensional ejecta models of SN 1987A. The latter models are based on the one-dimensional profiles obtained by angle-averaging of the three-dimensional hydrodynamical models, which effectively reflect the 3D matter mixing; the impact is demonstrated, for the first time, based on three-dimensional hydrodynamical models. The distributions of initial seed atoms and radioactive $^{56}$Ni influenced by the mixing could affect the formation of molecules. By comparing the calculations for spherical cases and for several specified directions in the bipolar-like explosions in the three-dimensional hydrodynamical models, the impact is discussed. The decay of $^{56}$Ni, practically $^{56}$Co at later phases, could heat the gas and delay the molecule formation. Additionally, Compton electrons produced by the decay could ionize atoms and molecules and could destruct molecules. Several chemical reactions involved with ions such as H$^+$ and He$^+$ could also destruct molecules. The mixing of $^{56}$Ni plays a non-negligible role in both the formation and destruction of molecules through the processes above. The destructive processes of carbon monoxide and silicon monoxide due to the decay of $^{56}$Ni generally reduce the amounts. However, if the molecule formation is sufficiently delayed under a certain condition, the decay of $^{56}$Ni could increase the amounts through a sequence of passes instead compared with the case with lower efficiencies for the destructive processes above.

The nearby M2 dwarf GJ 3470 has been the target of considerable interest after the discovery of a transiting short-period Neptune-sized planet. Recently, claims regarding the existence of additional transiting planets has gotten some attention, suggesting both the presence of a gas giant in the habitable zone, and that the system hosts a remarkable co-orbital gas giant configuration. We show that the existence of these three additional planets are readily amenable to testing with available data from both ground-based radial velocity data and space-based TESS photometry. A periodogram search of the available radial velocities show no compelling signals at the claimed periods, and the TESS photometry effectively rules out these planets assuming a transiting configuration. While it is doubtlessly possible that additional planets orbit GJ 3470, there is no evidence to date for their existence, and the available data conclusively rule out any planets similar to those considered in this text.

Fen Lyu, En-Wei Liang

2023,MNRAS in press, 12 pages, 7 figures

A comparative analysis of the individual bursts between FRB 20190520B and FRB 20121102A is presented by compiling a sample of bursts in multiple wavelengths. It is found that the peak frequency ($\nu_p$) distribution of the bursts of FRB 20190520B illustrates four discrete peaks in $\sim1-6$ GHz and their spectral width distribution can be fitted with a log-normal function peaking at 0.35 GHz. The discrete $\nu_p$ distribution and the narrow-banded spectral feature are analogous to FRB 20121102A. The burst duration of FRB 20190520B in the rest frame averages 10.72 ms, longer than that of FRB 20121102A by a factor 3. The specific energy ($E_{\rm \mu_{\rm c}}$) at 1.25 GHz of FRB 20190520B observed with the FAST telescope narrowly ranges in $[0.4, 1]\times 10^{38}$ erg, different from the bimodal $E_{\rm \mu_{\rm c}}$ distribution of FRB 20121102A. Assuming a Gaussian spectral profile of the bursts, our Monte Carlo simulation analysis suggests that a power-law (PL) or a cutoff power-law (CPL) energy function can comparably reproduce the $E_{\rm \mu_{\rm c}}$ distribution of FRB 20190520B. The derived energy function index of the PL model is $4.46\pm 0.17$, much steeper than that of FRB 20121102A ($1.82^{+0.10}_{-0.30}$). For the CPL model, we obtain an index of $0.47$ and a cutoff energy of $7.4\times 10^{37}$ erg. Regarding the predicted $\nu_p$ distribution in 1-2 GHz, the CPL model is more preferred than the PL model. These results indicate that FRB 20190520B and FRB 20121102A shares similar spectral properties, but their energy functions are intrinsically different.

Fen Lyu, Ji-Gui Cheng, En-Wei Liang, Can-Min Deng, Tao An, Qing Lin

Published in ApJ,13 pages, 5 figures

The observed spectral shapes variation and tentative bimodal burst energy distribution (E-distribution) of fast radio burst (FRB) 20121102A with the FAST telescope are great puzzles. Adopting the published multifrequency data observed with the FAST and Arecibo telescopes at $L$ band and the GBT telescope at $C$ band, we investigate these puzzles through Monte Carlo simulations. The intrinsic energy function (E-function) is modeled as $dp/dE\propto E^{-\alpha_{\rm E}}$, and the spectral profile is described as a Gaussian function. A fringe pattern of its spectral peak frequency ($\nu_{\rm p}$) in 0.5-8 GHz is inferred from the $\nu_{\rm p}$ distribution of the GBT sample. We estimate the likelihood of $\alpha_{\rm E}$ and the standard deviation of the spectral profile ($\sigma_{\rm s}$) by utilizing the Kolmogorov--Smirnov (K-S) test probability for the observed and simulated specific E-distributions. Our simulations yields $\alpha_{\rm E}=1.82^{+0.10}_{-0.30}$ and $\sigma_{\rm s}=0.18^{+0.28}_{-0.06}$ ($3\sigma$ confidence level) with the FAST sample. These results suggest that a single power-law function is adequate to model the E-function of FRB 20121102A. The variations of its observed spectral indices and E-distributions with telescopes in different frequency ranges are due to both physical and observational reasons, i.e. narrow spectral width for a single burst and discrete $\nu_{p}$ fringe pattern in a broad frequency range among bursts, and the selection effects of the telescope bandpass and sensitivity. The putative $\nu_{p}$ fringe pattern cannot be explained with the current radiation physics models of FRBs. Some caveats of possible artificial effects that may introduce such a feature are discussed.

The estimation of the direction of electromagnetic (EM) waves from a radio source using electrically short antennas is one of the challenging problems in the field of radio astronomy. In this paper we have developed an algorithm which performs better in direction and polarization estimations than the existing algorithms. Our proposed algorithm Snapshot Averaged Matrix Pencil Method (SAM) is a modification to the existing Matrix Pencil Method (MPM) based Direction of Arrival (DoA) algorithm. In general, MPM estimates DoA of the incoherent EM waves in the spectra using unitary transformations and least square method (LSM). Our proposed SAM modification is made in context to the proposed Space Electric and Magnetic Sensor (SEAMS) mission to study the radio universe below 16 MHz. SAM introduces a snapshot averaging method to improve the incoherent frequency estimation improving the accuracy of estimation. It can also detect polarization to differentiate between Right Hand Circular Polarlization (RHCP), Right Hand Elliptical Polarlization (RHEP), Left Hand Circular Polarlization (LHCP), Left Hand Elliptical Polarlization (LHEP) and Linear Polarlization (LP). This paper discusses the formalism of SAM and shows the initial results of a scaled version of a DoA experiment at a resonant frequency of ~72 MHz.

We study the evolution of a non-relativistically expanding thin shell in radio-emitting tidal disruption events (TDEs) based on a one-dimensional spherically symmetric model considering the effect of both a time-dependent mass loss rate of the disk wind and the ambient mass distribution. The analytical solutions are derived in two extreme limits: one is the approximate solution near the origin in the form of the Taylor series, and the other is the asymptotic solution in which the ambient matter is dominant far away from the origin. Our numerical solutions are confirmed to agree with the respective analytical solutions. We find that no simple power-law of time solution exists in early to middle times because the mass loss rate varies over time, affecting the shell dynamics. We also discuss the application of our model to the observed radio-emitting TDE, AT2019dsg.

T. Mageshwaran (1), Sudip Bhattacharyya (2) ((1) Chungbuk National University, South Korea, (2) Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India)

23 pages, 18 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in Physical Review D

We present a relativistic disk-corona model for a steady state advective accretion disk to explain the UV to X-ray spectral index $\alpha_{\text{OX}}$ evolution of \textbf{four} tidal disruption event (TDE) sources XMMSL2J1446, XMMSL1J1404, XMMSL1J0740, \textbf{and AT2018fyk}. The viscous stress in our model depends on gas ($P_g$) and total ($P_t$) pressures as $\tau_{r\phi} \propto P_g^{\mu} P_t^{1-\mu}$, where $\mu$ is a constant. We compare various steady and time-dependent sub-Eddington TDE accretion models along with our disk-corona model to the observed $\alpha_{\text{OX}}$ of TDE sources and find that the disk-corona model agrees with the observations better than the other models. We find that $\mu$ is much smaller than unity for TDE sources XMMSL2J1446, XMMSL1J1404, and XMMSL1J0740. We also compare the relativistic model with a non-relativistic disk-corona model. The relativistic accretion dynamics reduce the spectral index relative to the non-relativistic accretion by increasing the energy transport to the corona. We estimate the mass accretion rate for all the sources and find that the observed luminosity follows a nearly linear relation with the mass accretion rate. The ratio of X-ray luminosity from the disk to the corona increases with the mass accretion rate. The observed $\alpha_{\text{OX}}$ shows positive and negative correlations with luminosity. The disk-corona model explains the negative correlation seen in the TDE sources XMMSL1J0740, XMMSL2J1446, and XMMSL1J1404. However, TDE AT2018fyk shows a positive correlation at higher luminosity and shows a better fit when a simple spherical adiabatic outflow model is added to the relativistic disk-corona model. Even though the disk luminosity dominates at a higher mass accretion rate, we show that the accretion models without a corona are unable to explain the observations, and the presence of a corona is essential.

The shape of the two gas giants, Jupiter and Saturn, is determined primarily by their rotation rate, and interior density distribution. It is also affected by their zonal winds, causing an anomaly of O(10 km) at low latitudes. However, uncertainties in the observed cloud-level wind and the polar radius, translate to an uncertainty in the shape with the same order of magnitude. The Juno (Jupiter) and Cassini (Saturn) missions gave unprecedented accurate gravity measurements, constraining better the uncertainty in the wind structure. Using an accurate shape calculation, and a joint optimization, given both gravity and radio-occultation measurements, we calculate the possible range of dynamical height for both planets. We find that for Saturn there is an excellent match to the radio-occultation measurements, while at Jupiter such a match is not achieved. This may point to deviations from a barotropic flow above the cloud level, which might be tested with the forthcoming radio-occultation measurements by Juno.

Yanyan Zheng, Nikolaos Kouvatsos, Jacob Golomb, Marco Cavaglià, Arianna I. Renzini, Mairi Sakellariadou

6 pages, 5 figures

We present a new, simulation-based inference method to compute the angular power spectrum of the distribution of foreground gravitational-wave transient events. As a first application of this method, we use the binary black hole mergers observed during the LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA third observation run to test the spatial distribution of these sources. We find no evidence for anisotropy in their angular distribution. We discuss further applications of this method to investigate other gravitational-wave source populations and their correlations to the cosmological large-scale structure.

We analyse the integral-field spectroscopy data for the $\approx10,000$ galaxies in final data release of the MaNGA survey. We identify 188 galaxies for which the emission lines cannot be described by single Gaussian components. These galaxies can be classified into (1) 38 galaxies with broad $H\alpha$ and [OIII] $\lambda$5007 lines, (2) 101 galaxies with broad $H\alpha$ lines but no broad [OIII] $\lambda$5007 lines, and (3) 49 galaxies with double-peaked narrow emission lines. Most of the broad line galaxies are classified as Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) from their line ratios. The catalogue helps us further understand the AGN-galaxy coevolution through the stellar population of broad-line region host galaxies and the relation between broad lines' properties and the host galaxies' dynamical properties. The stellar population properties (including mass, age and metallicity) of broad-line host galaxies suggest there is no significant difference between narrow-line Seyfert-2 galaxies and Type-1 AGN with broad $H\alpha$ lines. We use the broad-$H\alpha$ line width and luminosity to estimate masses of black hole in these galaxies, and test the $M_{BH}-\sigma_{e}$ relation in Type-1 AGN host galaxies. Furthermore we find three dual AGN candidates supported by radio images from the VLA FIRST survey. This sample may be useful for further studies on AGN activities and feedback processes.

Nicolas Peretto, Andrew J. Rigby, Fabien Louvet, Gary A. Fuller, Alessio Traficante, Mathilde Gaudel

submitted to MNRAS, 35 pages, 49 figures (including appendices)

The formation of stellar clusters dictates the pace at which galaxies evolve, and solving the question of their formation will undoubtedly lead to a better understanding of the Universe as a whole. While it is well known that star clusters form within parsec-scale over-densities of interstellar molecular gas called clumps, it is, however, unclear whether these clumps represent the high-density tip of a continuous gaseous flow that gradually leads towards the formation of stars, or a transition within the gas physical properties. Here, we present a unique analysis of a sample of 27 infrared dark clouds embedded within 24 individual molecular clouds that combine a large set of observations, allowing us to compute the mass and velocity dispersion profiles of each, from the scale of tens of parsecs down to the scale of tenths of a parsec. These profiles reveal that the vast majority of the clouds, if not all, are self-gravitating on all scales, and that the clumps, on parsec-scale, are often dynamically decoupled from their surrounding molecular clouds, exhibiting steeper density profiles ($\rho\propto r^{-2}$) and flat velocity dispersion profiles ($\sigma\propto r^0$), clearly departing from Larson's relations. These findings suggest that the formation of star clusters correspond to a transition regime within the properties of the self-gravitating molecular gas. We propose that this transition regime is one that corresponds to the gravitational collapse of parsec-scale clumps within stable molecular clouds.

Guochao Sun, Claude-André Faucher-Giguère, Christopher C. Hayward, Xuejian Shen

7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to MNRAS; comments welcome

Both observations and simulations have shown strong evidence for highly time-variable star formation in low-mass and/or high-redshift galaxies, which has important observational implications because high-redshift galaxy samples are rest-UV selected and therefore particularly sensitive to the recent star formation. Using a suite of cosmological "zoom-in" simulations at $z>5$ from the Feedback in Realistic Environments (FIRE) project, we examine the implications of bursty star formation histories for observations of high-redshift galaxies with JWST. We characterize how the galaxy observability depends on the star formation history. We also investigate selection effects due to bursty star formation on the physical properties measured, such as the gas fraction, specific star formation rate, and metallicity. We find the observability to be highly time-dependent for galaxies near the survey's limiting flux due to the SFR variability: as the star formation rate fluctuates, the same galaxy oscillates in and out of the observable sample. The observable fraction $f_\mathrm{obs} \sim 50\%$ at $M_{*} \sim 10^{8.5}$ to $10^{9}\,M_{\odot}$ for a JWST/NIRCam survey reaching a limiting magnitude of $m^\mathrm{lim}_\mathrm{AB} \approx 29$$-$30, representative of surveys such as JADES-Medium and CEERS. JWST-detectable galaxies near the survey limit tend to have properties characteristic of galaxies in the bursty phase: they show 10$-$30% higher cold, dense gas fractions and 80$-$100% higher specific star formation rates at a given stellar mass than galaxies below the rest-UV detection threshold. Our study represents a first step in quantifying selection effects and associated biases due to bursty star formation in studying high-redshift galaxy properties.

Hirdesh Kumar, Brajesh Kumar, S. P. Rajaguru

19 pages, 19 Figures, Accepted for publication in Advances in Space Research journal

Gravity waves are generated by turbulent subsurface convection overshooting or penetrating locally into a stably stratified medium. While propagating energy upwards, their characteristic negative phase shift over height is a well-recognized observational signature. Since their first detailed observational detection and estimates of energy content, a number of studies have explored their propagation characteristics and interaction with magnetic fields and other wave modes in the solar atmosphere. Here, we present a study of the atmospheric gravity wave dispersion diagrams utilizing intensity observations that cover photospheric to chromospheric heights over different magnetic configurations of quiet-Sun (magnetic network regions), a plage, and a sunspot as well as velocity observations within the photospheric layer over a quiet and a sunspot region. In order to investigate the propagation characteristics, we construct two-height intensity - intensity and velocity-velocity cross-spectra and study phase and coherence signals in the wavenumber-frequency dispersion diagrams and their association with background magnetic fields. We find signatures of association between magnetic fields and much reduced coherence and phase shifts over height from intensity-intensity and velocity-velocity phase and coherence diagrams, both indicating suppression/scattering of gravity waves by the magnetic fields. Our results are consistent with the earlier numerical simulations, which indicate that gravity waves are suppressed or scattered and reflected back into the lower solar atmosphere in the presence of magnetic fields.

Joanna D. Sakowska, Noelia E. D. Noël, Tomás Ruiz-Lara, Carme Gallart

4 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to the Proceedings of IAU Symposium 379: Dynamical Masses of Local Group Galaxies

We present the spatially resolved star formation history (SFH) of a shell-like structure located in the northeastern Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). We quantitatively obtain the SFH using unprecedented deep photometric data (g~24 magnitude) from the SMASH survey and colour-magnitude diagram (CMD) fitting techniques. We consider, for the first time, the SMC's line-of-sight depth and its optical effects on the CMDs. The SFH presents higher accuracy when a line-of-sight depth of ~3 Kpc is simulated. We find young star formation enhancements at ~150 Myr, ~200 Myr, ~450 Myr, ~650 Myr, and ~1 Gyr. Comparing the shell's SFH with the Large Magellanic Cloud's (LMC) northern arm SFH we show strong evidence of synchronicity from at least the past ~2.8 Gyr and, possibly, the past ~3.5 Gyr. Our results place constraints on the orbital history of the Magellanic Clouds which, potentially, have implications on their dynamical mass estimates.

Souradeep Bhattacharya, Magda Arnaboldi, Ortwin Gerhard, Nelson Caldwell, Chiaki Kobayashi, Francois Hammer, Yanbin Yang, Kenneth C. Freeman, Johanna Hartke, Alan McConnachie

5 pages, 1 figure, Proceedings of the IAUS 377: Early Disk-Galaxy Formation from JWST to the Milky Way. Kuala-Lumpur, February 6-10, 2023

The Andromeda galaxy (M 31) has experienced a tumultuous merger history as evidenced by the many substructures present in its inner halo. We use planetary nebulae (PNe) as chemodynamic tracers to shed light on the recent merger history of M 31. We identify the older dynamically hotter thicker disc in M 31 and a distinct younger dynamically colder thin disc. The two discs are also chemically distinct with the PN chemodynamics implying their formation in a `wet' major merger (mass ratio ~1:5) ~2.5-4.5 Gyr ago. From comparison of PN line-of-sight velocities in the inner halo substructures with predictions of a major-merger model in M 31, we find that the same merger event that formed the M 31 thick and thin disc is also responsible for forming these substructures. We thereby obtain constraints on the recent formation history of M 31 and the properties of its cannibalized satellite.

E.A. Brylyakova, S.A. Tyul'bashev

published in Astronomy Reports, translated by Yandex translator with correction of scientific lexis, 7 pages, 3 figures, 1 table

The paper presents the verification of previously published fast radio bursts (FRB) from the work of V.A. Fedorova and A.E. Rodin, detected in the monitoring data of the Large Phased Array (LPA) radio telescope using a search algorithm based on the convolution of data with a scattered pulse pattern. The same 6-channel data (channel width 415 kHz) were used for verification, in which FRBs were detected with dispersion measures of 247, 570 and 1767 pc/cm3. Additional verification of the published FRB was also carried out in 32-channel data (channel width 78 kHz). We have not been able to confirm any published FRB on the signal-to-noise ratios stated in the original paper. The main errors are caused by incorrect identification of the baseline and incorrect estimation of the standard deviations of noise.

Matthias Rempel, Tanayveer Bhatia, Luis Bellot Rubio, Maarit J. Korpi-Lagg

54 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Space Science Reviews

In this article we review small-scale dynamo processes that are responsible for magnetic field generation on scales comparable to and smaller than the energy carrying scales of turbulence. We provide a review of critical observation of quiet Sun magnetism, which have provided strong support for the operation of a small-scale dynamo in the solar photosphere and convection zone. After a review of basic concepts we focus on numerical studies of kinematic growth and non-linear saturation in idealized setups, with special emphasis on the role of the magnetic Prandtl number for dynamo onset and saturation. Moving towards astrophysical applications we review convective dynamo setups that focus on the deep convection zone and the photospheres of solar-like stars. We review the critical ingredients for stellar convection setups and discuss their application to the Sun and solar-like stars including comparison against available observations.

Ziad Sakr

Originally started as an invited planery talk at EREP 2022

We performed a Bayesian study on the three modified gravity phenomenological parameters, the growth index $\gamma$, the dark energy equation of state parameter $w$ and the lensing deviation from the GR prediction parameter $\Sigma$, using the latest cosmological geometric, growth and lensing probes; all in a consistent implementation within the modified gravity cosmological solver code MGCLASS. We find, when we combine all our probes, i.e. CMB + BAO + $f\sigma_8$ + 3$\times$2pt clustering and lensing probes, assuming flat space, constraints still compatible with general relativity and $\Lambda$CDM with $\omega = -1.025\pm0.045$, $\gamma = 0.633\pm0.044$ and $\Sigma = 0.992\pm0.022$ at 68% level when the latter is considered as constant; and $\gamma_\ell = -0.025 \pm0.045$ when the lensing parameter is parameterized as function of the lensing index, introduced for the first time in this work, as $\Sigma(z)=\Omega_m(z)^{\gamma_\ell}$.

Simon Blouin, Antoine Bédard, Pier-Emmanuel Tremblay

Under review at MNRAS, submitted on 2023-03-15

The Gaia colour-magnitude diagram reveals a striking separation between hydrogen-atmosphere white dwarfs and their helium-atmosphere counterparts throughout a significant portion of the white dwarf cooling track. However, pure-helium atmospheres have Gaia magnitudes that are too close to the pure-hydrogen case to explain this bifurcation. To reproduce the observed split in the cooling sequence, it has been shown that trace amounts of hydrogen and/or metals must be present in the helium-dominated atmospheres of hydrogen-deficient white dwarfs. Yet, a complete explanation of the Gaia bifurcation that takes into account known constraints on the spectral evolution of white dwarfs has thus far not been proposed. In this work, we attempt to provide such a holistic explanation by performing population synthesis simulations coupled with state-of-the-art model atmospheres and evolutionary calculations that account for element transport in the envelopes of white dwarfs. By relying on empirically grounded assumptions, these simulations successfully reproduce the bifurcation. We show that the convective dredge-up of optically invisible traces of carbon from the deep interior is crucial to account for the observations. Neither the convective dilution/mixing of residual hydrogen nor the accretion of hydrogen or metals can be the dominant drivers of the bifurcation. Finally, we emphasize the importance of improving the equation of state of partially ionized carbon in warm dense helium, a key input for our predictions of the amount of dredged-up carbon.

Ása Skúladóttir, Irene Vanni, Stefania Salvadori, Romain Lucchesi

Accepted in A&A

The Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy is old and metal-poor, making it ideal to study the earliest chemical enrichment in the Local Group. We followed up the most metal-poor star known in this (or any external) galaxy, AS0039, with high-resolution ESO VLT/UVES spectra. Our new analysis confirmed its low metallicity, [Fe/H]=-3.90, and that it is extremely C-poor, with A(C)=+3.60, which corresponds to [C/Fe]=-0.33 (accounting for internal mixing). This adds to the evidence of Sculptor being intrinsically C-poor at low [Fe/H]. However, here we also report a new discovery of a carbon-enhanced metal-poor star in Sculptor, DR20080, with no enhancement of Ba (CEMP-no), indicative of enrichment by zero-metallicity low-energy supernovae. This is the first evidence of a dual population of CEMP-no and C-normal stars in Sculptor at $\rm[Fe/H]\leq{-3}$. The fraction of CEMP-no stars is still low, $9^{+11}_{-8}\%$ at $\rm -4\leq[Fe/H]\leq-3$, compared to the significantly higher fraction in the Milky Way halo, $\approx40\%$. In addition, we re-derive chemical abundances of light, $\alpha$-, iron peak, and neutron-capture elements in all Sculptor stars at $\rm [Fe/H]\leq-2.8$, with available high-resolution spectra. Our results show that at these low [Fe/H], Sculptor is deficient in light elements (e.g. C, Na, Al, Mg) relative to both the Milky Way halo, and ultra-faint dwarf galaxies, pointing towards significant contribution of high-energy supernovae. Furthermore, the abundance pattern of the star AS0039 is best fitted with a zero-metallicity hypernova progenitor, with a mass of $M=20$M$_\odot$. Our results in Sculptor, at $\rm[Fe/H]\leq-3$, therefore suggest significant enrichment by both very low-energy supernovae and hypernovae, solidifying this galaxy as one of the benchmarks for understanding the energy distribution of the first supernova in the Universe.

Ziad Sakr

Comments and missing citation requests are welcomed. Abstract abridged for arxiv submission

We investigate whether the two cosmological discrepancies on the Hubble constant ($H_0$) and the matter fluctuation parameter ($\sigma_8$) could be traded by only one on the present value of the matter density ($\Omega_{\rm{M}}$). We combined different probes in an agnostic approach by, either relaxing the calibration parameters in each probe in order to be set by the data, or by only including priors with the condition that they are obtained independently from the discrepant parameters. We also compiled and used a dataset from previous direct measurements of $\Omega_{\rm{M}}$. We found when combining, as our baseline, galaxy clusters counts + cluster baryon fraction probe + cosmic chronometers + direct $\Omega_{\rm{M}}$ + priors from BBN and CMB, that both parameters, $H_0$ and $\sigma_8$, are consistent with those inferred with local probes, with $\sigma_8 = 0.745 \pm 0.05$ while $H_0 = 73.8 \pm 3.01$, and that for a value of $\Omega_{\rm{M}} = 0.22 \pm 0.01$ at more than 3$\sigma$ from that usually determined by CMB. We also found similar preferences when replacing cosmic chronometers (CC) by the Supernovae (SN) data while allowing its calibration parameter to vary. However discrepancies appeared when we combined SN in addition to CC suggesting either inconsistencies between the SN sample and the other probes used or a serious challenge to our hypothesis. We conclude that, either reconciling both tensions requires local inferred values of matter density at odd with those obtained by CMB, reviving by then an overlooked discrepancy, or simply that further evidences are indicating that $\Lambda$CDM model is facing more difficulties to accommodate simultaneously all the current available observations.(abridged)

Atreya Acharyya, Colin Adams, Avery Archer, Priyadarshini Bangale, Wystan Benbow, Aryeh Brill, Jodi Christiansen, Alisha Chromey, Manel Errando, Abe Falcone, Qi Feng, John Finley, Gregory Foote, Lucy Fortson, Amy Furniss, Greg Gallagher, William Hanlon, David Hanna, Olivier Hervet, Claire Hinrichs, John Hoang, Jamie Holder, Weidong Jin, Madalyn Johnson, Philip Kaaret, Mary P. Kertzman, David Kieda, Tobias Kleiner, Nikolas Korzoun, Frank Krennrich, Mark Lang, Matthew Lundy, Gernot Maier, Conor McGrath, Matthew Millard, John Millis, Connor Mooney, Patrick Moriarty, Reshmi Mukherjee, Stephan O'Brien, Rene A. Ong, Martin Pohl, Elisa Pueschel, John Quinn, Kenneth J. Ragan, Paul Reynolds, Deivid Ribeiro, Emmet Thomas Roache, Iftach Sadeh, Alberto Sadun, Lab Saha, Marcos Santander, Glenn Sembroski, et al. (18 additional authors not shown)

18 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (ApJ)

We report the detection of very high energy gamma-ray emission from the blazar S3 1227+25 (VER J1230+253) with the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System (VERITAS). VERITAS observations of the source were triggered by the detection of a hard-spectrum GeV flare on May 15, 2015 with the Fermi-Large Area Telescope (LAT). A combined five-hour VERITAS exposure on May 16th and May 18th resulted in a strong 13$\sigma$ detection with a differential photon spectral index, $\Gamma$ = 3.8 $\pm$ 0.4, and a flux level at 9% of the Crab Nebula above 120 GeV. This also triggered target of opportunity observations with Swift, optical photometry, polarimetry and radio measurements, also presented in this work, in addition to the VERITAS and Fermi-LAT data. A temporal analysis of the gamma-ray flux during this period finds evidence of a shortest variability timescale of $\tau_{obs}$ = 6.2 $\pm$ 0.9 hours, indicating emission from compact regions within the jet, and the combined gamma-ray spectrum shows no strong evidence of a spectral cut-off. An investigation into correlations between the multiwavelength observations found evidence of optical and gamma-ray correlations, suggesting a single-zone model of emission. Finally, the multiwavelength spectral energy distribution is well described by a simple one-zone leptonic synchrotron self-Compton radiation model.

Ziad Sakr

Prepared for a contribution to the special issue on Modified Gravity Approaches to the Tensions of {\Lambda}CDM

The fluctuation of matter parameter $\sigma_8$ is by model construction degenerate with the growth index $\gamma$. Here we try to study the effect on the cosmological parameters constraints from treating each independently by considering $\sigma_8$ as a free and not derived parameter along with $\gamma$, to then try to constrain all by three probes, namely the CMB spectrum, the growth measurements from redshift space distortions $f\sigma_8$ and the galaxy cluster counts. We also want to asses the impact of this relaxation on the $\sigma_8$ tension. We also propose a more sophisticated correction, along with the classical one that takes into account the impact of cosmology on the growth measurements, which is to adjust the growth to keep the observed power spectrum invariant with the background evolution. We found that untying the two parameters does not shift the maximum likelihood on either $\sigma_8$ or $\gamma$ but rather allow for larger bounds with respect to when $\sigma_8$ is a derived parameter. More precisely, we obtain $\sigma_8 = 0.809\pm 0.043 $ and $\gamma = 0.613\pm 0.046$ in agreement with Planck constraints for the former and compatible with $\Lambda$CDM for the latter but with bounds enough wide to accomodate both values subject of tensions for $\sigma_8$. On the other hand, considering a tier correction yields $\sigma_8 = 0.734\pm 0.013$ close to the local values albeit with a growth index $\gamma = 0.636\pm 0.022$ while allowing a massive neutrinos yielded $\sigma_8 = 0.756\pm 0.024$, still preferring low values but with looser constraints, with $\gamma = 0.549\pm 0.048$ and a slight preference for $\Sigma m_\nu \sim 0.19$ value. We conclude that untying $\sigma_8$ and $\gamma$ helps in relieving the discomfort on the former between CMB and local probes and that careful analyse should be followed when using data obtained in a model dependent way.(abridged)

In this work, we study microlensing effects in strongly lensed gravitational wave (GW) signals corresponding to global minima in galaxy-scale lenses. We find that stellar microlenses alone are unable to introduce noticeable wave effects in the global minima GW signals at strong lensing magnification $(\mu)<50$ with match value between unlensed and lensed GW signals being above ${\sim}99.5\%$ in ${\sim}90\%$ of systems. Since the stellar microlenses introduce negligible wave effects in global minima, they can be used to probe the intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) lenses in the galaxy lens. We show that the presence of an IMBH lens with mass in the range $[50,10^3]~{\rm M_\odot}$ such that the global minima lies within five Einstein radius of it, the microlensing effects at $f<10^2$ Hz are mainly determined by the IMBH lens for $\mu<50$. Assuming that a typical strong lensing magnification of 3.8 and high enough signal-to-noise ratio (in the range $\sim[10, 30]$) to detect the microlensing effect in GW signals corresponding to global minima, with non-detection of microlensing effects in ${\sim}15 ({\sim}150)$ lensed GW signals, we can rule out dark matter fraction $>10\% (>1\%)$ made of IMBH population inside galaxy lenses in mass range $[50, 10^3] {\rm M_\odot}$ with ${\sim}$90\% confidence.

O. Pezzi, P. Blasi

5 pages, submitted to MNRAS Letters

Galactic cosmic ray transport relies on the existence of turbulence on scales comparable with the gyration radius of the particles and with wavenumber vector oriented along the local magnetic field. In the standard picture, in which turbulence is injected at large scales and cascades down to smaller scales, it is all but guaranteed that turbulence on the relevant scales may be present, either because of anisotropic cascading or because of the onset of damping processes. This raises questions on the nature of cosmic-ray scattering, especially at energies $\gtrsim 1$ TeV, where self-generation is hardly relevant. Here, by means of numerical simulations of charged test-particles in a prescribed magnetic field, we investigate particle diffusion in a situation in which turbulence is mainly present at large scales, with the possible presence of a smaller power on small scales, and discuss possible implications of this setup for cosmic-ray transport phenomenology.

Ziad Sakr

Prepared for proceedings of Corfu Summer Institute 2022 "School and Workshops on Elementary Particle Physics and Gravity"

Models of dark energy or modified gravity that tries to alleviate the tensions on the Hubble constant ($H_0$) and the matter fluctuation parameter ($\sigma_8$) are usually parameterized as function of either late or early time cosmic evolution. In this work we rather focus on one that could privilege extensions to $\Lambda$CDM on intermediate redshifts by mean of a Gaussian-like window function with a free moving centre $a_{Gwin}$ combined with a modified gravity parameter $\mu_{Gwin}$ and an extension of the equation of state parameter $\omega_{Gwin}$. Using different combinations of the latest available current datasets subject of the discrepancies, such as the cosmic microwave (CMB) background power spectrum, the baryonic acoustic scale (BAO) in galaxy distribution, Weak lensing (WL) shear and galaxy clustering cross correlations and local hubble constant measurements, we investigate whether such model could alleviate each or both $H_0$ and $\sigma_8$ tensions. We found when combining all probes that the $\sigma_8$ tension is alleviated while the $H_0$ is reduced with a small preference for a positive $\omega_{Gwin}$ without a particular preference for a redshift or a $\mu_{Gwin}$ different from its equivalent $\Lambda$CDM value. However, if we follow another approach and compare the two sets of the probes subject of discrepancy i.e. CMB+BAO vs WL+local $H_0$, we found that the model is able of solving the $\sigma_8$ discrepancy at the expense of a enlargement of the constraints, while the Hubble constant discrepancy is not that affected due to the fact that the two likelihood contours are stretched in parallel directions. We conclude that modifying $\Lambda$CDM cosmology at intermediate redshifts within our model, and the constraints from the datasets used in this study, are not likely a viable solution to solve both tensions.

V. A. Frolova, E. E. Nokhrina, I. N. Pashchenko

22 pages, 11 figures, accepted by MNRAS

We examine the effect of a jet transversal structure from magnetohydrodynamic semi-analytical modelling on the total intensity profiles of relativistic jets from active galactic nuclei. In order to determine the conditions for forming double- and triple-peaked transverse intensity profiles, we calculate the radiative transfer for synchrotron emission with self-absorption from the jets described by the models with a constant angular velocity and with a total electric current closed inside a jet. We show that double-peaked profiles appear either in the models with high maximal Lorentz factors or in optically thick conditions. We show that triple-peaked profiles in radio galaxies constrain the fraction of the emitting particles in a jet. We introduce the possible conditions for triple-peaked profiles under the assumptions that nonthermal electrons are preferably located at the jet edges or are distributed according to Ohmic heating.

Pedro De la Torre Luque, Mario Nicola Mazziotta, Francesco Loparco

30 pages, 15 figures and no tables

Cosmic-ray (CR) antiparticles have the potential to reveal signatures of unexpected astrophysical processes and even new physics beyond the Standard Model. Recent CR detectors have provided accurate measurements of the positron flux, revealing the so-called positron excess at high energies. However, the uncertainties related to the modelling of the local positron flux are still very high, significantly affecting our models of positron emission from pulsars and current dark matter searches. In this work, we report a new set of cross sections for positron and electron production derived from the {\tt FLUKA} code. We compare them with the most extended cross-section data-sets and show the impact of neglecting the positron production from heavy CRs. Then, we review the most significant sources of uncertainties in our current estimations of the secondary positron flux at Earth and examine for the first time the impact of considering the spiral arm structure of the Galaxy in these estimations. Finally, we provide state-of-the-art predictions of the local positron flux and discuss the limitations of our dark matter searches with positrons and difficulties to determine the contribution from pulsars to the positron flux at low energies.

R. Genzel, J.-B. Jolly, D. Liu, S.H. Price, N.M. Förster Schreiber, L.J. Tacconi, R. Herrera-Camus, C. Barfety, A. Burkert, Y. Cao, R.I. Davies, A. Dekel, M.M. Lee, L.L. Lee, D. Lutz, T. Naab, R. Neri, A. Nestor Shachar, S. Pastras, C. Pulsoni, A. Renzini, K. Schuster, T.T. Shimizu, F. Stanley, A. Sternberg, H. Übler

31 pages, 25 figures. Submitted to The Astrophysical Journal

We report high quality H${\alpha}$/CO, imaging spectroscopy of nine massive, disk galaxies on the star forming, Main Sequence (henceforth 'SFGs'), near the peak of cosmic galaxy evolution (z~1.1-2.5), taken with the ESO-VLT, IRAM-NOEMA and ALMA. We fit the major axis position-velocity cuts with beam-convolved, forward models with a bulge, a turbulent rotating disk, and a dark matter (DM) halo. We include priors for stellar and molecular gas masses, optical light effective radii and inclinations, and DM masses from our previous rotation curve analyses of these galaxies. We then subtract the inferred 2D model-galaxy velocity and velocity dispersion maps from those of the observed galaxies. We investigate whether the residual velocity and velocity dispersion maps show indications for radial flows. We also carry out kinemetry, a model-independent tool for detecting radial flows. We find that all nine galaxies exhibit significant non-tangential flows. In six SFG, the inflow velocities ($v_r$~30-90 km s$^{-1}$, 10-30% of the rotational component) are along the minor axis of these galaxies. In two cases the inflow appears to be off the minor axis. The magnitudes of the radial motions are in broad agreement with the expectations from analytic models of gravitationally unstable, gas rich disks. Gravitational torques due to clump and bar formation, or spiral arms, drive gas rapidly inward and result in the formation of central disks and large bulges. If this interpretation is correct, our observations imply that gas is transported into the central regions on ~10 dynamical time scales.

Jae-Woo Lee

Accepted for publication to the Astrophysical Journal Letters

We present a multiple stellar population study of the metal-poor globular cluster (GC) M92 (NGC 6341), which is long known for the substantial metallicity dispersion, using our own photometric system. We find two groups with slightly different mean metallicities, the metal-poor (MP) stars with [Fe/H] = $-$2.412$\pm$0.03, while the metal-rich (MR) ones with $-$2.282$\pm$0.002. The MP constitutes about 23\% of the total mass with a more central concentration. Our populational tagging based on the [C/Fe] and [N/Fe] provides the mean n(P):n(I):n(E) = 32.2:31.6:36.2 ($\pm$2.4), where P, I, and E denote the primordial, intermediate, and extreme populations, respectively. Our populational number ratio is consistent with those of others. However, the MP has a significantly different populational number ratio than the mean value, and the domination of the primordial population in the MP is consistent with observations of Galactic GCs that less massive GCs contain larger fractions of the primordial population. Structural and constituent differences between the MP and MR may indicate that M92 is a merger remnant in a dwarf galaxy environment, consistent with recent suggestions that M92 is a GC in a dwarf galaxy or a remnant nucleus of the progenitor galaxy. Discrepancy between our method and those widely used for the HST photometry exists in the primordial population. Significant magnesium and oxygen depletions of $-$0.8 and $-$0.3 dex, respectively, and helium enhancement of $\Delta Y$ $\gtrsim$ 0.03 are required to explain the presence of this abnormal primordial group. No clear explanation is available with limited information of detailed elemental abundances.

Tiger Yu-Yang Hsiao, Abdurro'uf, Dan Coe, Rebecca L. Larson, Intae Jung, Matilde Mingozzi, Pratika Dayal, Nimisha Kumari, Vasily Kokorev, Anton Vikaeus, Gabriel Brammer, Lukas J. Furtak, Angela Adamo, Felipe Andrade-Santos, Jacqueline Antwi-Danso, Marusa Bradac, Larry D. Bradley, Tom Broadhurst, Adam C. Carnall, Christopher J. Conselice, Jose M. Diego, Megan Donahue, Jan J. Eldridge, Seiji Fujimoto, Alaina Henry, Svea Hernandez, Taylor A. Hutchison, Bethan L. James, Colin Norman, Hyunbae Park, Norbert Pirzkal, Marc Postman, Massimo Ricotti, Jane R. Rigby, Eros Vanzella, Brian Welch, Stephen M. Wilkins, Rogier A. Windhorst, Xinfeng Xu, Erik Zackrisson, Adi Zitrin

21 pages, 6 figures, submitted to ApJ

We present JWST/NIRSpec prism spectroscopy of MACS0647-JD, the triply-lensed $z \sim 11$ candidate discovered in HST imaging and spatially resolved by JWST imaging into two components A and B. Spectroscopy of component A yields a spectroscopic redshift $z=10.17$ based on 7 detected emission lines: CIII] $\lambda\lambda$1907,1909, [OII] $\lambda$3727, [NeIII] $\lambda$3869, [NeIII] $\lambda$3968, H$\delta$ $\lambda$4101, H$\gamma$ $\lambda$4340, and [OIII] $\lambda$4363. These are the second-most distant detections of these emission lines to date, in a galaxy observed just 460 million years after the Big Bang. Based on observed and extrapolated line flux ratios we derive a gas-phase metallicity $Z =$ log(O/H) = $7.5 - 8.0$, or $(0.06 - 0.2)$ $Z_\odot$, ionization parameter log($U$) $\sim -1.9\pm0.2$, and an ionizing photon production efficiency ${\rm log}(\xi_{\rm ion})=25.2\pm0.2\,$erg$^{-1}$ Hz. The spectrum has a softened Lyman-$\alpha$ break, evidence for a strong Ly$\alpha$ damping wing, suggesting that MACS0647-JD was unable to ionize its surroundings beyond its immediate vicinity ($R_{\text{HII}} \ll 1$ pMpc). The Ly$\alpha$ damping wing also suppresses the F150W photometry, explaining the slightly overestimated photometric redshift $z = 10.6 \pm 0.3$. MACS0647-JD has a stellar mass log($M/M_\odot$) = $8.1 \pm 0.3$, including $\sim$ 6$\times 10^7 M_\odot$ in component A, most of which formed recently (within $\sim$ 20 Myr) with a star formation rate $2\pm1 M_\odot$ / yr, all within an effective radius $70\pm24\,$pc. The smaller component B ($r \sim 20$) pc is likely older ($\sim$100 Myr) with more dust ($A_V \sim 0.1$ mag), as found previously. Spectroscopy of a fainter companion galaxy C separated by a distance of \about\ 3$\,$kpc reveals a Lyman break consistent with $z = 10.17$. MACS0647-JD is likely the most distant galaxy merger known.

Kazunori Asakura, Kiyoshi Hayashida, Tomoki Kawabata, Yoneyama Tomokage, Hirofumi Noda, Hironori Matsumoto, Hiroshi Tsunemi, Hiroshi Nakajima, Hisamitsu Awaki, Junko S. Hiraga

33 pages, 14 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in JATIS

We propose a novel x-ray imaging system, Multi-Image X-ray Interferometer Module (MIXIM), with which a very high angular resolution can be achieved even with a small system size. MIXIM is composed of equally-spaced multiple slits and an x-ray detector, and its angular resolution is inversely proportional to the distance between them. Here we report our evaluation experiments of MIXIM with a newly adopted CMOS sensor with a high spatial resolution of 2.5 {\mu}m. Our previous experiments with a prototype MIXIM were limited to one-dimensional imaging, and more importantly, the achieved angular resolution was only {\sim}1", severely constrained due to the spatial resolution of the adopted sensor with a pixel size of 4.25 {\mu}m. By contrast, one-dimensional images obtained in this experiment had a higher angular resolution of 0.5" when a configured system size was only {\sim}1 m, which demonstrates that MIXIM can simultaneously realize a high angular resolution and compact size. We also successfully obtained a two-dimensional profile of an x-ray beam for the first time for MIXIM by introducing a periodic pinhole mask. The highest angular resolution achieved in our experiments is smaller than 0.1" with a mask-sensor distance of 866.5 cm, which shows the high scalability of MIXIM.

General covariant unimodular gravity frameworks, based on the Henneaux-Teitelboim formulation, are, in disguise, precisely $4$-form field theories corrected with higher dimension operators. In the presence of charged tensional membranes, any de Sitter space in all such theories is unstable and decays. If the fluxes sourced by membranes are mutually incommensurate, de Sitter geometries comprise a very refined discretuum of states. Whenever the $4$-form sector is dominated by terms linear in flux the almost-Minkowski space is the unique long-time attractor. As a result, a tiny cosmological constant is natural in all such frameworks, without appealing to anthropic reasoning.

Peter Athron, Csaba Balázs, Andrew Fowlie, Lachlan Morris, Lei Wu

155 pages, 20 figures, review submitted to Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics

Gravitational waves (GWs) were recently detected for the first time. This revolutionary discovery opens a new way of learning about particle physics through GWs from first-order phase transitions (FOPTs) in the early Universe. FOPTs could occur when new fundamental symmetries are spontaneously broken down to the Standard Model and are a vital ingredient in solutions of the matter anti-matter asymmetry problem. The path from a particle physics model to GWs, however, contains many specialized parts and so here we provide a timely review of all the required steps, including: (i) building a finite-temperature effective potential in a particle physics model and checking for FOPTs; (ii) computing transition rates; (iii) analyzing the dynamics of bubbles of true vacuum expanding in a thermal plasma; (iv) characterizing a transition using thermal parameters; and, finally, (v) making predictions for GW spectra using the latest simulations and theoretical results and considering the detectability of predicted spectra at future GW detectors. For each step we emphasize the subtleties, advantages and drawbacks of different methods, discuss open questions and review the state-of-art approaches available in the literature. This provides everything a particle physicist needs to begin exploring GW phenomenology.

Hiroki Matsui, Alexandros Papageorgiou, Fuminobu Takahashi, Takahiro Terada

5 pages, 1 figure

We study an inflation model with a flat scalar potential supported by observations and find that slow-roll inflation can emerge after a quasi-cyclic phase of the Universe, where it undergoes repeated expansions and contractions for a finite time period. The initial conditions and the positive spatial curvature required for such nontrivial dynamics align with the quantum creation of the Universe. The key ingredients that trigger inflation are dissipative interactions of the inflaton, which are necessary to reheat the Universe after inflation and thus give us an observational handle on pre-inflationary physics. Our discovery implies that inflation occurs more robustly after the creation.

Hiroki Matsui, Alexandros Papageorgiou, Fuminobu Takahashi, Takahiro Terada

53 pages, 11 figures

Inflationary models, especially those with plateau-type potentials, are consistent with the cosmological data, but inflation itself does not resolve the initial singularity. This singularity is resolved, for example, by the idea of the quantum creation of the Universe from nothing such as the tunneling and no-boundary proposals. The simplest one predicts a closed Universe. Motivated by these facts, we investigate the classical dynamics of a closed Universe with a plateau-type potential. Depending on the initial inflaton field value, the Universe can undergo a variety of events: an immediate Big Crunch, a bounce or cyclic phase, and inflation. Although the non-inflationary solutions may appear irrelevant to our Universe, they can be turned into a single or multiple bounces followed by inflation, taking into account the interactions necessary for the reheating of the Universe after inflation. Thus, the dissipative mechanism in our setup explains both the graceful entry to and exit from inflation and gives us an indirect observational handle on the Universe just after creation. We also comment on the implications of these solutions on the probabilistic interpretations of the wave function of the Universe.

We investigate possible astronomical manifestations of space-time anisotropy. The homogeneous vacuum Kasner solution was chosen as a reference anisotropic cosmological model because there are no effects caused by inhomogeneity in this simple model with a constant degree of anisotropy. This anisotropy cannot become weak. The study of its geodesic structure made it possible to clarify the properties of this space-time. It showed that the degree of manifestation of anisotropy varies significantly depending on the travel time of the light from the observed object. For nearby objects, for which it does not exceed half the age of the universe, the manifestations of anisotropy are very small. Distant objects show more pronounced manifestations, for example, in the distribution of objects over the sky and over photometric distances. These effects for each of the individual objects decrease with time, but in general, the manifestations of anisotropy in the Kasner space-time remain constant due to the fact that new sources emerging from beyond the cosmological horizon.We analyse observable signatures of the Kasner-type anisotropy and compare it to observations. These effects were not found in astronomical observations, including the study of the CMB. We can assume that the Universe has always been isotropic or almost isotropic since the recombination era. This does not exclude the possibility of its significant anisotropy at the moment of the Big Bang followed by rapid isotropization during the inflationary epoch.

We consider the Little Rip (LR), Pseudo Rip (PR) and bounce cosmological models in the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) metric with nonzero spatial curvature. We describe the evolution of the universe using a generalized equation of state in the presence of a viscous fluid. The conditions of the occurrence of the LR, PR and bounce were obtained from the point of view of the parameters of the generalized equation of state for the cosmic dark fluid, taking into account the spatial curvature. The analytical expressions for the spatial curvature were obtained. Asymptotic cases of the early and late universe are considered. A method of Darboux transformation was proposed in the case of models of an accelerating universe with viscosity.