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Papers for Thursday, May 11 2023

Papers with local authors

Peter Gao, Anjali A. A. Piette, Maria E. Steinrueck, Matthew C. Nixon, Michael Zhang, Eliza M. R. Kempton, Jacob L. Bean, Emily Rauscher, Vivien Parmentier, Natasha E. Batalha, Arjun B. Savel, Kenneth E. Arnold, Michael T. Roman, Isaac Malsky, Jake Taylor

21 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication by ApJ

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Paper 9 — arXiv:2305.05697
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Paper 9 — arXiv:2305.05697

The near-infrared transmission spectrum of the warm sub-Neptune exoplanet GJ 1214 b has been observed to be flat and featureless, implying a high metallicity atmosphere with abundant aerosols. Recent JWST MIRI LRS observations of a phase curve of GJ 1214 b showed that its transmission spectrum is flat out into the mid-infrared. In this paper, we use the combined near- and mid-infrared transmission spectrum of GJ 1214 b to constrain its atmospheric composition and aerosol properties. We generate a grid of photochemical haze models using an aerosol microphysics code for a number of background atmospheres spanning metallicities from 100 to 1000 $\times$ solar, as well as a steam atmosphere scenario. The flatness of the combined data set largely rules out atmospheric metallicities $\leq$300 $\times$ solar due to their large corresponding molecular feature amplitudes, preferring values $\geq$1000 $\times$ solar and column haze production rates $\geq$10$^{-10}$ g cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$. The steam atmosphere scenario with similarly high haze production rates also exhibit sufficiently small molecular features to be consistent with the transmission spectrum. These compositions imply that atmospheric mean molecular weights $\geq$15 g mol$^{-1}$ are needed to fit the data. Our results suggest that haze production is highly efficient on GJ 1214 b and could involve non-hydrocarbon, non-nitrogen haze precursors. Further characterization of GJ 1214 b's atmosphere would likely require multiple transits and eclipses using JWST across the near and mid-infrared, potentially complemented by groundbased high resolution transmission spectroscopy.

P. N. Best, R. Kondapally, W. L. Williams, R. K. Cochrane, K. J. Duncan, C. L. Hale, P. Haskell, K. Malek, I. McCheyne, D. J. B. Smith, L. Wang, A. Botteon, M. Bonato, M. Bondi, G. Calistro Rivera, F. Gao, G. Gurkan, M. J. Hardcastle, M. J. Jarvis, B. Mingo, H. Miraghaei, L. K. Morabito, D. Nisbet, I. Prandoni, H. J. A. Rottgering, J. Sabater, T. Shimwell, C. Tasse, R. van Weeren

Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Catalogues available at www.lofar-surveys.org/deepfields.html. 27 pages

0 votes
Paper 15 — arXiv:2305.05782
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Paper 15 — arXiv:2305.05782

Source classifications, stellar masses and star formation rates are presented for 80,000 radio sources from the first data release of the Low Frequency Array Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) Deep Fields, which represents the widest deep radio survey ever undertaken. Using deep multi-wavelength data spanning from the ultraviolet to the far-infrared, spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting is carried out for all of the LoTSS-Deep host galaxies using four different SED codes, two of which include modelling of the contributions from an active galactic nucleus (AGN). Comparing the results of the four codes, galaxies that host a radiative AGN are identified, and an optimised consensus estimate of the stellar mass and star-formation rate for each galaxy is derived. Those galaxies with an excess of radio emission over that expected from star formation are then identified, and the LoTSS-Deep sources are divided into four classes: star-forming galaxies, radio-quiet AGN, and radio-loud high-excitation and low-excitation AGN. Ninety-five per cent of the sources can be reliably classified, of which more than two-thirds are star-forming galaxies, ranging from normal galaxies in the nearby Universe to highly-starbursting systems at z>4. Star-forming galaxies become the dominant population below 150-MHz flux densities of about 1 mJy, accounting for 90 per cent of sources at a 150-MHz flux density of 100 microJy. Radio-quiet AGN comprise around 10 per cent of the overall population. Results are compared against the predictions of the SKADS and T-RECS radio sky simulations, and improvements to the simulations are suggested.

Eliza M.-R. Kempton, Michael Zhang, Jacob L. Bean, Maria E. Steinrueck, Anjali A. A. Piette, Vivien Parmentier, Isaac Malsky, Michael T. Roman, Emily Rauscher, Peter Gao, Taylor J. Bell, Qiao Xue, Jake Taylor, Arjun B. Savel, Kenneth E. Arnold, Matthew C. Nixon, Kevin B. Stevenson, Megan Mansfield, Sarah Kendrew, Sebastian Zieba, Elsa Ducrot, Achrène Dyrek, Pierre-Olivier Lagage, Keivan G. Stassun, Gregory W. Henry, Travis Barman, Roxana Lupu, Matej Malik, Tiffany Kataria, Jegug Ih, Guangwei Fu, Luis Welbanks, Peter McGill

Published online in Nature on May 10, 2023

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Paper 33 — arXiv:2305.06240
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Paper 33 — arXiv:2305.06240

There are no planets intermediate in size between Earth and Neptune in our Solar System, yet these objects are found around a substantial fraction of other stars. Population statistics show that close-in planets in this size range bifurcate into two classes based on their radii. It is hypothesized that the group with larger radii (referred to as "sub-Neptunes") is distinguished by having hydrogen-dominated atmospheres that are a few percent of the total mass of the planets. GJ 1214b is an archetype sub-Neptune that has been observed extensively using transmission spectroscopy to test this hypothesis. However, the measured spectra are featureless, and thus inconclusive, due to the presence of high-altitude aerosols in the planet's atmosphere. Here we report a spectroscopic thermal phase curve of GJ 1214b obtained with JWST in the mid-infrared. The dayside and nightside spectra (average brightness temperatures of 553 $\pm$ 9 and 437 $\pm$ 19 K, respectively) each show >3$\sigma$ evidence of absorption features, with H$_2$O as the most likely cause in both. The measured global thermal emission implies that GJ 1214b's Bond albedo is 0.51 $\pm$ 0.06. Comparison between the spectroscopic phase curve data and three-dimensional models of GJ 1214b reveal a planet with a high metallicity atmosphere blanketed by a thick and highly reflective layer of clouds or haze.

Leo Tsukada, Prathamesh Joshi, Shomik Adhicary, Richard George, Andre Guimaraes, Chad Hanna, Ryan Magee, Aaron Zimmerman, Pratyusava Baral, Amanda Baylor, Kipp Cannon, Sarah Caudill, Bryce Cousins, Jolien D. E. Creighton, Becca Ewing, Heather Fong, Patrick Godwin, Reiko Harada, Yun-Jing Huang, Rachael Huxford, James Kennington, Soichiro Kuwahara, Alvin K. Y. Li, Duncan Meacher, Cody Messick, Soichiro Morisaki, Debnandini Mukherjee, Wanting Niu, Alex Pace, Cort Posnansky, Anarya Ray, Surabhi Sachdev, Shio Sakon, Divya Singh, Ron Tapia, Takuya Tsutsui, Koh Ueno, Aaron Viets, Leslie Wade, Madeline Wade

13pages, 6figures

0 votes
Paper 37 — arXiv:2305.06286
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Paper 37 — arXiv:2305.06286

Starting from May 2023, the LIGO Scientific, Virgo and KAGRA Collaboration is planning to conduct the fourth observing run with improved detector sensitivities and an expanded detector network including KAGRA. Accordingly, it is vital to optimize the detection algorithm of low-latency search pipelines, increasing their sensitivities to gravitational waves from compact binary coalescences. In this work, we discuss several new features developed for ranking statistics of GstLAL-based inspiral pipeline, which mainly consist of: the signal contamination removal, the bank-$\xi^2$ incorporation, the upgraded $\rho-\xi^2$ signal model and the integration of KAGRA. An injection study demonstrates that these new features improve the pipeline's sensitivity by approximately 15% to 20%, paving the way to further multi-messenger observations during the upcoming observing run.

Papers reserved for later discussion

These are papers reserved by people for discussion at a later date. All reservations are kept for 2 days after the date of the reservation.

Munan Gong, Ka-Wai Ho, James M. Stone, Eve C. Ostriker, Paola Caselli, Tommaso Grassi, Chang-Goo Kim, Jeong-Gyu Kim, Goni Halevi
1 vote
05/10/2023: arXiv:2305.04965
1 vote
05/10/2023: arXiv:2305.04965

Chemistry plays a key role in many aspects of astrophysical fluids. Atoms and molecules are agents for heating and cooling, determine the ionization fraction, serve as observational tracers, and build the molecular foundation of life. We present the implementation of a chemistry module in the publicly available magneto-hydrodynamic code Athena++. We implement several chemical networks and heating and cooling processes suitable for simulating the interstellar medium (ISM). A general chemical network framework in the KIDA format is also included, allowing the user to easily implement their own chemistry. Radiation transfer and cosmic-ray ionization are coupled with chemistry and solved with the simple six-ray approximation. The chemical and thermal processes are evolved as a system of coupled ODEs with an implicit solver from the CVODE library. We perform and present a series of tests to ensure the numerical accuracy and convergence of the code. Many tests combine chemistry with gas dynamics, including comparisons with analytic solutions, 1D problems of the photo-dissociation regions and shocks, and realistic 3D simulations of the turbulent ISM. We release the code with the new public version of Athena++, aiming to provide a robust and flexible code for the astrochemical simulation community.

All other papers

Xuejian Shen, Mark Vogelsberger, Michael Boylan-Kolchin, Sandro Tacchella, Rahul Kannan

6 pages, 3 figures. To be submitted. Comments are welcome

JWST observations have revealed a population of galaxies bright enough that potentially challenge standard galaxy formation models in the $\Lambda$CDM cosmology. Using a minimal empirical framework, we investigate the influence of variability on the rest-frame ultra-violet (UV) luminosity function (UVLF) of galaxies at $z\geq 9$. Our study differentiates between the $\textit{median UV radiation yield}$ and the $\textit{variability of UV luminosities}$ of galaxies at a fixed dark matter halo mass. We primarily focus on the latter effect, which depends on halo assembly and galaxy formation processes and can significantly increase the abundance of UV-bright galaxies due to the upscatter of galaxies in lower-mass haloes. We find that a relatively low level of variability, $\sigma_{\rm UV} \approx 0.75$ mag, matches the observational constraints at $z\approx 9$. However, increasingly larger $\sigma_{\rm UV}$ is necessary when moving to higher redshifts, reaching $\sigma_{\rm UV} \approx 2.0\,(2.5)\,{\rm mag}$ at $z\approx 12$ ($16$). This implied variability is consistent with expectations of physical processes in high-redshift galaxies such as bursty star formation and cycles of dust clearance. Photometric constraints from JWST at $z\gtrsim 9$ therefore can be reconciled with a standard $\Lambda$CDM-based galaxy formation model calibrated at lower redshifts without the need for adjustments to the median UV radiation yield.

Francesco Calura (1), Marco Palla (2, 1), Laura Morselli (3), Emanuele Spitoni (4, 5), Viviana Casasola (6), Kuldeep Verma (7), Andrea Enia (1), Massimo Meneghetti (1), Simone Bianchi (8), Francesca Pozzi (9), Carlotta Gruppioni (1) ((1) INAF-OAS, Bologna, Italy, (2) Ghent University, Belgium, (3) CINECA, Italy, (4) INAF-OA Trieste, Italy, (5) Universite' Cote d'Azur, France, (6) INAF-IRA, Bologna, Italy, (7) Indian Institute of Technology, Varanasi, India, (8) INAF-OA Arcetri, Firenze, Italy, (9) Universita' di Bologna, Italy)

MNRAS, accepted for publication, 19 pages, 14 figures

We introduce a new, multi-zone chemical evolution model of the DustPedia galaxy M74, calibrated by means of MCMC methods. We take into account the observed stellar and gas density profiles and use Bayesian analysis to constrain two fundamental parameters characterising the gas accretion and star formation timescale, i.e. the infall timescale tau and the SF efficiency nu, respectively, as a function of galactocentric radius R. Our analysis supports an infall timescale increasing with R and a star formation efficiency decreasing with R, thus supporting an 'Inside-Out' formation for M74. For both tau and nu, we find a weaker radial dependence than in the Milky Way. We also investigate the dust content of M74, comparing the observed dust density profile with the results of our chemical evolution models. Various prescriptions have been considered for two key parameters, i.e. the typical dust accretion timescale and the mass of gas cleared out of the dust by a supernova remnant, regulating the dust growth and destruction rate, respectively. Two models with a different current balance between destruction and accretion, i.e. with equilibrium and dominion of accretion over destruction, can equally reproduce the observed dust profile of M74. This outlines the degeneracy between these parameters in shaping the interstellar dust content in galaxies. Our methods will be extended to more DustPedia galaxies to shed more light on the relative roles of dust production and destruction.

James Paul Mason, Alexandra Werth, Colin G. West, Allison A. Youngblood, Donald L. Woodraska, Courtney Peck, Kevin Lacjak, Florian G. Frick, Moutamen Gabir, Reema A. Alsinan, Thomas Jacobsen, Mohammad Alrubaie, Kayla M. Chizmar, Benjamin P. Lau, Lizbeth Montoya Dominguez, David Price, Dylan R. Butler, Connor J. Biron, Nikita Feoktistov, Kai Dewey, N. E. Loomis, Michal Bodzianowski, Connor Kuybus, Henry Dietrick, Aubrey M. Wolfe, Matt Guerrero, Jessica Vinson, Peter Starbuck, Shelby D Litton, M. G. Beck, Jean-Paul Fisch, Ayana West, Alexis A. Muniz, Luis Chavez, Zachary T. Upthegrove, Brenton M. Runyon, J. Salazar, Jake E. Kritzberg, Tyler Murrel, Ella Ho, Quintin Y. LaFemina, Sara I. Elbashir, Ethan C. Chang, Zachary A. Hudson, Rosemary O. Nussbaum, Kellen Kennedy, Kevin Kim, Camila Villamil Arango, et al. (954 additional authors not shown)

1,002 authors, 14 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, published by The Astrophysical Journal on 2023-05-09, volume 948, page 71

Flare frequency distributions represent a key approach to addressing one of the largest problems in solar and stellar physics: determining the mechanism that counter-intuitively heats coronae to temperatures that are orders of magnitude hotter than the corresponding photospheres. It is widely accepted that the magnetic field is responsible for the heating, but there are two competing mechanisms that could explain it: nanoflares or Alfv\'en waves. To date, neither can be directly observed. Nanoflares are, by definition, extremely small, but their aggregate energy release could represent a substantial heating mechanism, presuming they are sufficiently abundant. One way to test this presumption is via the flare frequency distribution, which describes how often flares of various energies occur. If the slope of the power law fitting the flare frequency distribution is above a critical threshold, $\alpha=2$ as established in prior literature, then there should be a sufficient abundance of nanoflares to explain coronal heating. We performed $>$600 case studies of solar flares, made possible by an unprecedented number of data analysts via three semesters of an undergraduate physics laboratory course. This allowed us to include two crucial, but nontrivial, analysis methods: pre-flare baseline subtraction and computation of the flare energy, which requires determining flare start and stop times. We aggregated the results of these analyses into a statistical study to determine that $\alpha = 1.63 \pm 0.03$. This is below the critical threshold, suggesting that Alfv\'en waves are an important driver of coronal heating.

Anisotropies in the nanohertz gravitational-wave background are a compelling next target for pulsar timing arrays (PTAs). Measurements or informative upper limits to the anisotropies are expected in the near future and can offer important clues about the origin of the background and the properties of the sources. Given that each source is expected (in the simplest scenario of circular inspirals) to emit at a fixed frequency, the anisotropy will most generally vary from one frequency to another. The main result presented in this work is an analytical model for the anisotropies produced by a population of inspiralling supermassive black-hole binaries (SMBHBs). This model can be immediately connected with parametrizations of the SMBHB mass function and can be easily expanded to account for new physical processes taking place within the PTA frequency band. We show that a variety of SMBHB models predict significant levels of anistropy at the highest frequencies accessible to PTA observations and that measurements of anisotropies can offer new information regarding this population beyond the isotropic component. We also model the impact of additional dynamical effects driving the binary towards merger and show that, if these processes are relevant within the PTA band, the detectability of anisotropies relative to the isotropic background will be enhanced. Finally, we use the formalism presented in this work to predict the level anisotropy of the circular and linear polarizations of the SGWB due to the distribution of binary orientation angles with respect to the line of sight.

Sean L. Dougherty (1), C. M. Harrison (1), Dale D. Kocevski (2), D. J. Rosario (1) ((1) Newcastle University (2) Colby College)

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Observations of the nearby universe reveal an increasing fraction of active galactic nuclei (AGN) with decreasing projected separation for close galaxy pairs, relative to control galaxies. This implies galaxy interactions play a role in enhancing AGN activity. However, the picture at higher redshift is less established, partly due to limited spectroscopic redshifts. We combine spectroscopic surveys with photometric redshift probability distribution functions for galaxies in the CANDELS and COSMOS surveys, to produce the largest ever sample of galaxy pairs used in an AGN fraction calculation for cosmic noon ($0.5<z<3$). We present a new technique for assessing galaxy pair probability (based on line-of-sight velocities +/-1000 km/s) from photometric redshift posterior convolutions and use these to produce weighted AGN fractions. Over projected separations 5-100kpc we find no evidence for enhancement, relative to isolated control galaxies, of X-ray (L_X > 10^42 erg/s) or infrared-selected AGN in major (mass ratios up to 4:1) or minor (4:1 to 10:1) galaxy pairs. However, defining the most obscured AGN as those detected in the infrared but not in X-rays, we observe a trend of increasing obscured AGN enhancement at decreasing separations. The peak enhancement, relative to isolated controls, is a factor of 2.08+/-0.61 for separations <25kpc. Our simulations with mock data, indicates this could be a lower limit of the true enhancement. If confirmed with improved infrared imaging (e.g., with JWST) and redshifts (e.g., with forthcoming multi-object spectrograph surveys), this would suggest that galaxy interactions play a role in enhancing the most obscured black hole growth at cosmic noon.

Simon Pfeifer, Aurélien Valade, Stefan Gottlöber, Yehuda Hoffman, Noam I. Libeskind, Wojciech A. Hellwing

10 pages, 8 figures, submitted to MNRAS

The aim of cosmological simulations is to reproduce the properties of the observed Universe, serving as tools to test structure and galaxy formation models. Constrained simulations of our local cosmological region up to a few hundred Mpc/h , the local Universe, are designed to reproduce the actual cosmic web of structures as observed. A question that often arises is how to judge the quality of constrained simulations against the observations of the Local Universe. Here we introduce the Local Universe model (LUM), a new methodology, whereby many constrained simulations can be judged and the ''best'' initial conditions can be identified. By characterising the Local Universe as a set of rich clusters, the model identifies haloes that serve as simulated counterparts to the observed clusters. Their merit is determined against a null hypothesis, the probability that such a counterpart could be identified in a random, unconstrained simulation. This model is applied to 100 constrained simulations using the Cosmicflows-3 data. Cluster counterparts are found for all constrained simulations, their distribution of separation from the true observed cluster position and their mass distribution are investigated. Lastly, the ''best'' constrained simulation is selected using the LUM and discussed in more detail.

Tin Long Sunny Wong, Lars Bildsten

12 pages, 6 figures; Accepted to ApJ

The detonation of an overlying helium layer on a $0.8-1.1\,\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$ carbon-oxygen (CO) white dwarf (WD) can detonate the CO WD and create a thermonuclear supernova (SN). Many authors have recently shown that when the mass of the He layer is low ($\lesssim 0.03\,\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$), the ashes from its detonation minimally impact the spectra and light-curve from the CO detonation, allowing the explosion to appear remarkably similar to Type Ia SNe. These new insights motivate our investigation of dynamical He shell burning, and our search for a binary scenario that stably accumulates thermally unstable He shells in the $0.01-0.08\,\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$ range, thick enough to detonate, but also often thin enough for minimal impact on the observables. We first show that our improved non-adiabatic evolution of convective He shell burning in this shell mass range leads to conditions ripe for a He detonation. We also find that a stable mass-transfer scenario with a high entropy He WD donor of mass $0.15-0.25\,\mathrm{M}_\odot$ yields the He shell masses needed to achieve the double detonations. This scenario also predicts that the surviving He donor leaves with a space velocity consistent with the unusual runaway object, D6-2. We find that hot He WD donors originate in common envelope events when a $1.3-2.0\,\mathrm{M}_\odot$ star fills its Roche lobe at the base of the red giant branch at orbital periods of $1-10$ days with the CO WD.

Nils Wittenburg, Pavel Kroupa, Indranil Banik, Graeme Candlish, Nick Samaras

24 pages, 11 figures, 3 tables; accepted for publication in MNRAS 28.04.2023; For movies of the models simulated in this work see this https URL

We present the first hydrodynamical cosmological simulations in the $\nu$HDM framework based on Milgromian dynamics (MOND) with light (11~eV) sterile neutrinos. $\nu$HDM can explain the expansion history, CMB anisotropies, and galaxy cluster dynamics similarly to standard cosmology while preserving MOND's successes on galaxy scales, making this the most conservative Milgromian framework. We generate initial conditions including sterile neutrinos using \textsc{camb} and \textsc{music} and modify the publicly available code \textsc{phantom of ramses} to run $\nu$HDM models. The simulations start at redshift $z_e=199$, when the gravitational fields are stronger than $a_{_0}$ provided this does not vary. We analyse the growth of structure and investigate the impact of resolution and box size, which is at most 600 comoving Mpc. Large density contrasts arise at late times, which may explain the KBC void and Hubble tension. We quantify the mass function of formed structures at different redshifts. We show that the sterile neutrino mass fraction in these structures is similar to the cosmic fraction at high masses (consistent with MOND dynamical analyses) but approaches zero at lower masses, as expected for galaxies. We also identify structures with a low peculiar velocity comparable to the Local Group, but these are rare. The onset of group/cluster scale structure formation at $z_e\approx4$ appears to be in tension with observations of high redshift galaxies, which we discuss in comparison to prior analytical work in a MONDian framework. The formation of a cosmic web of filaments and voids demonstrates that this is not unique to standard Einstein/Newton-based cosmology.

Sapna Mishra (Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, India), Sowgat Muzahid (Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, India), Sayak Dutta (Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, India), Raghunathan Srianad (Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, India), Jane Charlton (Pennsylvania State University, USA)

17 pages, 4 tables, 9 figures. Submitted to MNRAS

We present the first statistical detection of cool, neutral gas in the outskirts of low-z galaxy clusters using a sample of 3191 z $\approx$0.2 background quasar - foreground cluster pairs with a median cluster mass of $\sim 10^{14.2}$ M_sun by cross-matching the Hubble Spectroscopic Legacy Archive quasar catalog with optically- and SZ-selected cluster catalogs. We detect significant Lya, marginal CIV, but no OVI absorption in the median stacked spectra with rest-frame equivalent widths (REWs) of 0.043$\pm$0.006A, 0.020$\pm$0.007A, and <0.006A (3$\sigma$) for our sample with a median impact parameter ($\rho_{cl}$) of $\approx$5 Mpc (median $\rho_{cl}$/$R_{500}$ $\approx$7 ). The Lya REW shows a declining trend with increasing $\rho_{cl}$ ($\rho_{cl}$ / $R_{500}$) which is well explained by a power-law with a slope of -0.74 (-0.60). The covering fractions measured for Lya, CIV and OVI in cluster outskirts are significantly lower compared to the circumgalatic medium (CGM). We find that the CGM of galaxies residing in cluster outskirts is considerably deficient in neutral gas compared to their field counterparts. This effect is more pronounced for galaxies that are closer to cluster centers or that are in massive clusters. We argue that the cool gas detected in cluster outskirts arises from the circumgalactic gas stripped from cluster galaxies and to large-scale filaments feeding the clusters with cool gas.

David Korda, Tomáš Kohout, Kateřina Flanderová, Jean-Baptiste Vincent, Antti Penttilä

14 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables; plus appendices

Context. Upcoming space missions will provide us with surface-resolved NEA reflectance spectra. Neural networks are useful tools for analysing reflectance spectra and determining material composition with high precision and low processing time. Aims. We applied neural-network models on disk-resolved spectra of the Eros and Itokawa asteroids observed by the NEAR Shoemaker and Hayabusa spacecraft. With this approach, the mineral variations or intensity of space weathering can be mapped. Methods. We tested two types of convolutional neural networks. The first one was trained using asteroid reflectance spectra with known taxonomy classes. The other one used silicate reflectance spectra with assigned mineral abundances and compositions. Results. The reliability of the classification model depends on the resolution of reflectance spectra. Typical F1 score and Cohen's ${\kappa}_C$ values decrease from about 0.90 for high-resolution spectra to about 0.70 for low-resolution spectra. The predicted silicate composition does not strongly depend on spectrum resolution and coverage of the 2${\mu}$m band of pyroxene. The typical root mean square error is between 6 and 10 percentage points. For the Eros and Itokawa asteroids, the predicted taxonomy classes favour the S-type and the predicted surface compositions are homogeneous and correspond to the composition of L/LL and LL ordinary chondrites, respectively. On the Itokawa surface, the model identified fresh spots that were connected with craters or coarse-grain areas. Conclusions. The neural network models trained with measured spectra of asteroids and silicate samples are suitable for deriving surface silicate mineralogy with a reasonable level of accuracy. The predicted surface mineralogy is comparable to the mineralogy of returned samples measured in the laboratory. Moreover, the taxonomical predictions can point out locations of fresher areas.

Alessandro Loni, Paolo Serra, Marc Sarzi, Gyula I. G. Józsa, Pablo M. Galán-de Anta, Nikki Zabel, Dane Kleiner, Filippo M. Maccagni, Daniel Molnár, Mpati Ramatsoku, Francesca Loi, Enrico M. Corsini, D. J. Pisano, Peter Kamphuis, Timothy A. Davis, W. J. G. de Blok, Ralf J. Dettmar, Jesus Falcon-Barroso, Enrichetta Iodice, Maritza A. Lara-López, S. Ilani Loubser, Kana Morokuma-Matsui, Reynier Peletier, Francesca Pinna, Adriano Poci, Matthew W. L. Smith, Scott C. Trager, Glenn van de Ven

We study the evolutionary path of the Fornax cluster galaxy NGC$~$1436, which is known to be currently transitioning from a spiral into a lenticular morphology. This galaxy hosts an inner star-forming disc and an outer quiescent disc, and we analyse data from the MeerKAT Fornax Survey, ALMA, and the Fornax3D survey to study the interstellar medium and the stellar populations of both disc components. Thanks to the combination of high resolution and sensitivity of the MeerKAT data, we find that the $\textrm{H}\scriptstyle\mathrm{I}$ is entirely confined within the inner star-forming disc, and that its kinematics is coincident with that of the CO. The cold gas disc is now well settled, which suggests that the galaxy has not been affected by any environmental interactions in the last $\sim1~$Gyr. The star formation history derived from the Fornax3D data shows that both the inner and outer disc experienced a burst of star formation $\sim5$ Gyr ago, followed by rapid quenching in the outer disc and by slow quenching in the inner disc, which continues forming stars to this day. We claim that NGC$~$1436 has begun to effectively interact with the cluster environment 5$~$Gyr ago, when a combination of gravitational and hydrodynamical interactions caused the temporary enhancement of the star-formation rate. Furthermore, due to the weaker gravitational binding $\textrm{H}\scriptstyle\mathrm{I}$ was stripped from the outer disc, causing its rapid quenching. At the same time, accretion of gas onto the inner disc stopped, causing slow quenching in this region.

Miranda Caputo, Archana Soam, B-G Andersson, Remy Dennis, Ed Chambers, Rolf Güsten, Lewis B.G. Knee, Jürgen Stutzki

We used high-resolution [C II] 158 $\mu$m mapping of two nebulae IC 59 and IC 63 from SOFIA/upGREAT in conjunction with ancillary data on the gas, dust, and polarization to probe the kinematics, structure, and magnetic properties of their photo-dissociation regions (PDRs). The nebulae are part of the Sh 2-185 H II region illuminated by the B0 IVe star $\gamma$ Cas. The velocity structure of each PDR changes with distance from $\gamma$ Cas, consistent with driving by the radiation. Based on previous FUV flux measurements of, and the known distance to $\gamma$ Cas along with the predictions of 3D distances to the clouds, we estimated the FUV radiation field strength (G0) at the clouds. Assuming negligible extinction between the star and clouds, we find their 3D distances from $\gamma$ Cas. For IC 63, our results are consistent with earlier estimates of distance from Andersson et al. (2013), locating the cloud at 2 pc from $\gamma$ Cas, at an angle of 58 to the plane of the sky, behind the star. For IC 59, we derive a distance of 4.5 pc at an angle of 70 in front of the star. We do not detect any significant correlation between the orientation of the magnetic field (Soam et al. 2017) and the velocity gradients of [C II] gas, indicating a moderate magnetic field strength. The kinetic energy in IC 63 is estimated to be order of ten higher than the magnetic energies. This suggests that kinetic pressure in this nebula is dominant.

In calculations of the ionization state, one is often forced to choose between the Case A recombination coefficient $\alpha_{\rm A}$ (sum over recombinations to all hydrogen states) or the Case B recombination coefficient $\alpha_{\rm B}$ (sum over all hydrogen states except the ground state). If the cloud is optically thick to ionizing photons, $\alpha_{\rm B}$ is usually adopted on the basis of the "on-the-spot" approximation, wherein recombinations to the ground state are ignored because they produce ionizing photons absorbed nearby. In the opposite case of an optically thin cloud, one would expect the Case A recombination coefficient to better describe the effective recombination rate in the cloud. In this paper, I derive an analytical expression for the effective recombination coefficient in a gas cloud of arbitrary optical thickness which transitions from $\alpha_{\rm A}$ to $\alpha_{\rm B}$ as the optical thickness increases. The results can be readily implemented in numerical simulations and semi-analytical calculations.

Kana Watanabe, Tomoki Nakamura, Tomoyo Morita

38 pages, 4 figures, 10 tables, in review in ApJ

Reproduction experiments of radial pyroxene (RP) chondrules were carried out using Ar-$\mathrm{H_2}$ or Ar gas-jet levitation system in a reduced atmosphere in order to simulate chondrule formation in the protoplanetary disk. The experiments reproduced RP-chondrule texture, consisting of sets of thin pyroxene crystals and mesostasis glass between crystals. However, iron partition coefficients between pyroxene and glassy mesostasis ($\rm{D_{Fe}}$ = Fe mol$\rm{\%_{pyroxene}}$ / Fe mol$\rm{\%_{mesostasis}}$) in natural RP chondrules were much higher than that in experimentally reproduced RP chondrules. The high $\rm{D_{Fe}}$ in natural RP chondrules suggest that iron was removed from the mesostasis melt at high temperatures after the crystal growth of pyroxene. We found that many small iron-metal inclusions had formed in the mesostasis glass, indicating that FeO in the high-temperature melt of mesostasis was reduced to metallic iron, and iron in the mesostasis was diffused into newly-formed metal inclusions. The formation of the iron-metal inclusions in the mesostasis was reproduced by our experiments in a reduced atmosphere, confirming that $\rm{D_{Fe}}$ in natural RP chondrules increased after the crystal growth of radial pyroxenes. Therefore, $\rm{D_{Fe}}$ of RP chondrules can be an indicator to constrain cooling rates and redox states during the chondrule formation.

Charles E. Romero, Massimo Gaspari, Gerrit Schellenberger, Tanay Bhandarkar, Mark Devlin, Simon R. Dicker, William Forman, Rishi Khatri, Ralph Kraft, Luca Di Mascolo, Brian S. Mason, Emily Moravec, Tony Mroczkowski, Paul Nulsen, John Orlowski-Scherer, Karen Perez Sarmiento, Craig Sarazin, Jonathan Sievers, Yuanyuan Su

Accepted to ApJ; 22 pages, 19 figures

The galaxy cluster Zwicky 3146 is a sloshing cool core cluster at $z{=}0.291$ that in SZ imaging does not appear to exhibit significant pressure substructure in the intracluster medium (ICM). We perform a surface brightness fluctuation analysis via Fourier amplitude spectra on SZ (MUSTANG-2) and X-ray (XMM-Newton) images of this cluster. These surface brightness fluctuations can be deprojected to infer pressure and density fluctuations from the SZ and X-ray data, respectively. In the central region (Ring 1, $r < 100^{\prime\prime} = 440$ kpc, in our analysis) we find fluctuation spectra that suggest injection scales around 200 kpc ($\sim 140$ kpc from pressure fluctuations and $\sim 250$ kpc from density fluctuations). When comparing the pressure and density fluctuations in the central region, we observe a change in the effective thermodynamic state from large to small scales, from isobaric (likely due to the slow sloshing) to adiabatic (due to more vigorous motions). By leveraging scalings from hydrodynamical simulations, we find an average 3D Mach number $\approx0.5$. We further compare our results to other studies of Zwicky 3146 and, more broadly, to other studies of fluctuations in other clusters.

Steve Schulze, Claes Fransson, Alexandra Kozyreva, Ting-Wan Chen, Ofer Yaron, Anders Jerkstrand, Avishay Gal-Yam, Jesper Sollerman, Lin Yan, Tuomas Kangas, Giorgos Leloudas, Conor M. B. Omand, Stephen J. Smartt, Yi Yang, Matt Nicholl, Nikhil Sarin, Yuhan Yao, Thomas G. Brink, Amir Sharon, Andrea Rossi, Ping Chen, Zhihao Chen, Aleksandar Cikota, Kishalay De, Andrew J. Drake, Alexei V. Filippenko, Christoffer Fremling, Laurane Freour, Johan P. U. Fynbo, Anna Y. Q. Ho, Cosimo Inserra, Ido Irani, Hanindyo Kuncarayakti, Ragnhild Lunnan, Paolo Mazzali, Eran O. Ofek, Eliana Palazzi, Daniel A. Perley, Miika Pursiainen, Barry Rothberg, Luke J. Shingles, Ken Smith, Kirsty Taggart, Leonardo Tartaglia, WeiKang Zheng, Joseph P. Anderson, Letizia Cassara, Eric Christensen, S. George Djorgovski, Lluis Galbany, et al. (16 additional authors not shown)

Submitted to A&A, 44 pages, main text 38 pages, 37 figures, 16 Tables

Abridged - Stars with ZAMS masses between 140 and $260 M_\odot$ are thought to explode as pair-instability supernovae (PISNe). During their thermonuclear runaway, PISNe can produce up to several tens of solar masses of radioactive nickel, resulting in luminous transients similar to some superluminous supernovae (SLSNe). Yet, no unambiguous PISN has been discovered so far. SN2018ibb is a H-poor SLSN at $z=0.166$ that evolves extremely slowly compared to the hundreds of known SLSNe. Between mid 2018 and early 2022, we monitored its photometric and spectroscopic evolution from the UV to the NIR with 2-10m class telescopes. SN2018ibb radiated $>3\times10^{51} \rm erg$ during its evolution, and its bolometric light curve reached $>2\times10^{44} \rm erg\,s^{-1}$ at peak. The long-lasting rise of $>93$ rest-frame days implies a long diffusion time, which requires a very high total ejected mass. The PISN mechanism naturally provides both the energy source ($^{56}$Ni) and the long diffusion time. Theoretical models of PISNe make clear predictions for their photometric and spectroscopic properties. SN2018ibb complies with most tests on the light curves, nebular spectra and host galaxy, potentially all tests with the interpretation we propose. Both the light curve and the spectra require 25-44 $M_\odot$ of freshly nucleosynthesised $^{56}$Ni, pointing to the explosion of a metal-poor star with a He-core mass of 120-130 $M_\odot$ at the time of death. This interpretation is also supported by the tentative detection of [Co II]$\lambda$1.025$\mu$m, which has never been observed in any other PISN candidate or SLSN before. Powering by a central engine, such as a magnetar or a black hole, can be excluded with high confidence. This makes SN2018ibb by far the best candidate for being a PISN, to date.

Cheng-Jun Xia, Yong-Feng Huang, Hong-Bo Li, Lijing Shao, Ren-Xin Xu

Seven ultra low-mass and small-radius white dwarfs (LSPM J0815+1633, LP 240-30, BD+20 5125B, LP 462-12, WD J1257+5428, 2MASS J13453297+4200437, and SDSS J085557.46+053524.5) have been recently identified with masses ranging from $\sim$0.02 $M_\odot$ to $\sim$0.08 $M_\odot$ and radii from $\sim$ 4270 km to 10670 km. The mass-radius measurements of these white dwarfs pose challenges to traditional white dwarf models assuming they are mostly made of nuclei lighter than $^{56}$Fe. In this work we consider the possibility that those white dwarfs are made of heavier elements. Due to the small charge-to-mass ratios in heavy elements, the electron number density in white dwarf matter is effectively reduced, which reduces the pressure with additional contributions of lattice energy and electron polarization corrections. This consequently leads to white dwarfs with much smaller masses and radii, which coincide with the seven ultra low-mass and small-radius white dwarfs. The corresponding equation of state and matter contents of dense stellar matter with and without reaching the cold-catalyzed ground state are presented, which are obtained using the latest Atomic Mass Evaluation (AME 2020). Further observations are necessary to unveil the actual matter contents in those white dwarfs via, e.g., spectroscopy, asteroseismology, and discoveries of other ultra low-mass and small-radius white dwarfs.

Rui Wang, A-Li Luo, Shuo Zhang, Yuan-Sen Ting, Teaghan O'Briain, LAMOST MRS Collaboration

Accepted for publication in ApJS

Deriving stellar atmospheric parameters and chemical abundances from stellar spectra is crucial for understanding the evolution of the Milky Way. By performing a fitting with MARCS model atmospheric theoretical synthetic spectra combined with a domain-adaptation method, we estimate the fundamental stellar parameters (Teff, log g, [Fe/H], vmic, and vmac) and 11 chemical abundances for 1.38 million FGKM-type stars of the Medium-Resolution Spectroscopic Survey (MRS) from LAMOST-II DR8. The domain-adaptation method, Cycle-StarNet, is employed to reduce the gap between observed and synthetic spectra, and the L-BFGS algorithm is used to search for the best-fit synthetic spectra. By combining the 2MASS photometric survey data, Gaia EDR3 parallax, and MIST isochrones, the surface gravities of the stars are constrained after estimating their bolometric luminosities. The accuracy of Teff, log g, and [Fe/H] can reach 150 K, 0.11 dex, and 0.15 dex, evaluated by the PASTEL catalog, asteroseismic samples, and other spectroscopic surveys. The precision of these parameters and elemental abundances ([C/Fe], [Na/Fe], [Mg/Fe], [Si/Fe], [Ca/Fe], [Ti/Fe], [Cr/Fe], [Mn/Fe], [Co/Fe], [Ni/Fe], and [Cu/Fe]) is assessed by repeated observations and validated by cluster members. For spectra with signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios greater than 10, the precision of the three stellar parameters and elemental abundances can achieve 76 K, 0.014 dex, 0.096 dex, and 0.04-0.15 dex. For spectra with S/N ratios higher than 100, the precision stabilizes at 22 K, 0.006 dex, 0.043 dex, and 0.01-0.06 dex. The full LAMOST MRS stellar properties catalog is available online.

Nan Jia, Ye Feng, Yujia Song, Jun Yang, Jieun Yuh, Peijun Huang, Lijun Gou

submitted to Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The Galactic black hole candidate MAXI J0637-430 was first discovered by $\textit{MAXI/GSC}$ on 2019 November 02. We study the spectral properties of MAXI J0637-430 by using the archived $\textit{NuSTAR}$ data and $\textit{Swift}$/XRT data. After fitting the eight spectra by using a disk component and a powerlaw component model with absorption, we select the spectra with relatively strong reflection components for detailed X-ray reflection spectroscopy. Using the most state-of-art reflection model $\tt{relxillCp}$, the spectral fitting measures a black hole spin $\textit{a}_{\rm{*}} > 0.72$ and the inclination angle of the accretion disk $i$ = $46.1_{-5.3}^{+4.0}$ degrees, at 90 per cent confidence level. In addition, the fitting results show an extreme supersolar iron abundance. Combined with the fitting results of the reflection model $\tt{reflionx\_hd}$, we consider that this unphysical iron abundance may be caused by a very high density accretion disk ( $n_{\rm{e}} > 2.34 \times 10^{21}$ $\rm{cm}^{-3}$ ) or a strong Fe K$\alpha$ emission line. The soft excess is found in the soft state spectral fitting results, which may be an extra free-free heating effect caused by high density of the accretion disk. Finally, we discuss the robustness of black hole spin obtained by X-ray reflection spectroscopy. The result of relatively high spin is self-consistent with broadened Fe K$\alpha$ line. Iron abundance and disk density have no effect on the spin results.

Pre-stellar cores represent the earliest stage of the star- and planet-formation process. By characterizing the physical and chemical structure of these cores we can establish the initial conditions for star and planet formation and determine to what degree the chemical composition of pre-stellar cores is inherited to the later stages. A 3D MHD model of a pre-stellar core embedded in a dynamic star-forming cloud is post-processed using sequentially continuum radiative transfer, a gas-grain chemical model, and a line-radiative transfer model. Results are analyzed and compared to observations of CH$_3$OH and $c$-C$_3$H$_2$ in L1544. Nine different chemical models are compared to the observations to determine which initial conditions are compatible with the observed chemical segregation in the prototypical pre-stellar core L1544. The model is able to reproduce several aspects of the observed chemical differentiation in L1544. Extended methanol emission is shifted towards colder and more shielded regions of the core envelope while $c$-C$_3$H$_2$ emission overlaps with the dust continuum, consistent with the observed chemical structure. Increasing the strength of the interstellar radiation field or the cosmic-ray ionization rate with respect to the typical values assumed in nearby star-forming regions leads to synthetic maps that are inconsistent with the observed chemical structure. Our model shows that the observed chemical dichotomy in L1544 can arise as a result of uneven illumination due to the asymmetrical structure of the 3D core and the environment within which the core has formed. This highlights the importance of the 3D structure at the core-cloud transition on the chemistry of pre-stellar cores.

Nathan Steinle, Hannah Middleton, Christopher J. Moore, Siyuan Chen, Antoine Klein, Geraint Pratten, Riccardo Buscicchio, Eliot Finch, Alberto Vecchio

Pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) and the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) will open complementary observational windows on massive black-hole binaries (MBHBs), i.e., with masses in the range $\sim 10^6 - 10^{10}\,$ M$_{\odot}$. While PTAs may detect a stochastic gravitational-wave background from a population of MBHBs, during operation LISA will detect individual merging MBHBs. To demonstrate the profound interplay between LISA and PTAs, we estimate the number of MBHB mergers that one can expect to observe with LISA by extrapolating direct observational constraints on the MBHB merger rate inferred from PTA data. For this, we postulate that the common noise currently detected in PTAs is an astrophysical background sourced by a single MBHB population. We then constrain the LISA detection rate, $\mathcal{R}$, in the mass-redshift space by combining our Bayesian-inferred merger rate with LISA's sensitivity to spin-aligned, inspiral-merger-ringdown waveforms. Using an astrophysically-informed formation model, we predict a 95$\%$ upper limit on the detection rate of $\mathcal{R} < 134\,{\rm yr}^{-1}$ for binaries with total masses in the range $10^7 - 10^8\,$ M$_{\odot}$. For higher masses, i.e., $>10^8\,$ M$_{\odot}$, we find $\mathcal{R} < 2\,(1)\,\mathrm{yr}^{-1}$ using an astrophysically-informed (agnostic) formation model, rising to $11\,(6)\,\mathrm{yr}^{-1}$ if the LISA sensitivity bandwidth extends down to $10^{-5}$ Hz. Forecasts of LISA science potential with PTA background measurements should improve as PTAs continue their search.

Manasvi Lingam, Amedeo Balbi, Swadesh M. Mahajan

23 pages, 4 figures. Published in ApJ, March 2, 2023

Current research indicates that (sub)surface ocean worlds essentially devoid of subaerial landmasses (e.g., continents) are common in the Milky Way, and that these worlds could host habitable conditions, thence raising the possibility that life and technological intelligence (TI) may arise in such aquatic settings. It is known, however, that TI on Earth (i.e., humans) arose on land. Motivated by these considerations, we present a Bayesian framework to assess the prospects for the emergence of TIs in land- and ocean-based habitats (LBHs and OBHs). If all factors are equally conducive for TIs to arise in LBHs and OBHs, we demonstrate that the evolution of TIs in LBHs (which includes humans) might have very low odds of roughly $1$-in-$10^3$ to $1$-in-$10^4$, thus outwardly contradicting the Copernican Principle. Hence, we elucidate three avenues whereby the Copernican Principle can be preserved: (i) the emergence rate of TIs is much lower in OBHs, (ii) the habitability interval for TIs is much shorter in OBHs, and (iii) only a small fraction of worlds with OBHs comprise appropriate conditions for effectuating TIs. We also briefly discuss methods for empirically falsifying our predictions, and comment on the feasibility of supporting TIs in aerial environments.

Possible strong first-order hadron-quark phase transitions in neutron star interiors leave an imprint on gravitational waves, which could be detected with planned third-generation interferometers. Given a signal from the late inspiral of a binary neutron star (BNS) coalescence, %the possibility of assessing the presence of such a phase transition depends on the precision that can be attained in the determination of the tidal deformability parameter, as well as on the model used to describe the hybrid star equation of state. For the latter, we employ here a phenomenological meta-modelling of the equation of state that largely spans the parameter space associated with both the low density phase and the quark high density compatible with current constraints. We show that with a network of third-generation detectors, a single loud BNS event might be sufficient to infer the presence of a phase transition at low baryon densities with an average Bayes factor $B\approx 100$, up to a luminosity distance ($\mathcal{D}_L \lesssim$ 300 Mpc).

Giovanni Picogna, Carolina Schäfer, Barbara Ercolano, Christian Rab, Rafael Franz, Matías Gárate

10 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

Photoevaporative disc winds play a key role in our understanding of circumstellar disc evolution, especially in the final stages, and they might affect the planet formation process and the final location of planets. The study of transition discs (i.e. discs with a central dust cavity) is central for our understanding of the photoevaporation process and disc dispersal. However, we need to distinguish cavities created by photoevaporation from those created by giant planets. Theoretical models are necessary to identify possible observational signatures of the two different processes, and models to find the differences between the two processes are still lacking. In this paper we study a sample of transition discs obtained from radiation-hydrodynamic simulations of internally photoevaporated discs, and focus on the dust dynamics relevant for current ALMA observations. We then compared our results with gaps opened by super Earths/giant planets, finding that the photoevaporated cavity steepness depends mildly on gap size, and it is similar to that of a 1 Jupiter mass planet. However, the dust density drops less rapidly inside the photoevaporated cavity compared to the planetary case due to the less efficient dust filtering. This effect is visible in the resulting spectral index, which shows a larger spectral index at the cavity edge and a shallower increase inside it with respect to the planetary case. The combination of cavity steepness and spectral index might reveal the true nature of transition discs.

Ultracool stellar atmospheres show absorption by alkali resonance lines severely broadened by collisions with neutral perturbers. In the coolest and densest atmospheres, such as those of T dwarfs, Na I and K I broadened by molecular hydrogen and helium can come to dominate the entire optical spectrum. The effects of NaHe collision broadening are also central to understanding the opacity of cool DZ white dwarf stars. In order to be able to construct synthetic spectra of brown dwarfs and cool DZ white dwarfs, where helium density can reach several 10^21~cm-3 NaHe line profiles of the resonance lines have been computed over a wide range of densities and temperatures. Unified line profiles that are valid from the core to the far wings at high densities are calculated in the semiclassical approach using up-to-date molecular data including in particular electronic spin-orbit coupling from the sodium atom. We present a comprehensive study of Na-He collisional profiles at high density, and temperatures from 5000~K, the temperature prevailing in the atmosphere of ultra-cool DZ white dwarf stars, down to 1~K, the temperature in liquid helium clusters. Collision broadening and shift parameters within the impact approximation obtained in the semiclassical and quantum theory using our new accurate molecular data are presented.

Nawin Ngampoopun, David M. Long, Deborah Baker, Lucie M. Green, Stephanie L. Yardley, Alexander W. James, Andy S.H. To

17 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal

We report on the merging between the southern polar coronal hole and an adjacent coronal dimming induced by a coronal mass ejection on 2022 March 18, resulting in the merged region persisting for at least 72 hrs. We use remote sensing data from multiple co-observing spacecraft to understand the physical processes during this merging event. The evolution of the merger is examined using Extreme-UltraViolet (EUV) images obtained from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly onboard the Solar Dynamic Observatory and Extreme Ultraviolet Imager onboard the Solar Orbiter spacecraft. The plasma dynamics are quantified using spectroscopic data obtained from the EUV Imaging Spectrometer onboard Hinode. The photospheric magnetograms from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager are used to derive magnetic field properties. To our knowledge, this work is the first spectroscopical analysis of the merging of two open-field structures. We find that the coronal hole and the coronal dimming become indistinguishable after the merging. The upflow speeds inside the coronal dimming become more similar to that of a coronal hole, with a mixture of plasma upflows and downflows observable after the merging. The brightening of bright points and the appearance of coronal jets inside the merged region further imply ongoing reconnection processes. We propose that component reconnection between the coronal hole and coronal dimming fields plays an important role during this merging event, as the footpoint switching resulting from the reconnection allows the coronal dimming to intrude onto the boundary of the southern polar coronal hole.

S. E. Motta, J. D. Turner, B. Stappers, R. P. Fender, I. Heywood, M. Kramer, E. D. Barr

8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication on MNRAS

In MeerKAT observations pointed at a Galactic X-ray binary located on the Galactic plane we serendipitously discovered a radio nebula with cometary-like morphology. The feature, which we named `the Mini Mouse' based on its similarity with the previously discovered `Mouse' nebula, points back towards the previously unidentified candidate supernova remnant G45.24$+$0.18. We observed the location of the Mini Mouse with MeerKAT in two different observations, and we localised with arcsecond precision the 138 ms radio pulsar PSR J1914+1054g, recently discovered by the FAST telescope, to a position consistent with the head of the nebula. We confirm a dispersion measure of about 418 pc cm$^{-3}$ corresponding to a distance between 7.8 and 8.8 kpc based on models of the electron distribution. Using our accurate localisation and 2 period measurements spaced 90 days apart we calculate a period derivative of (2.7 $\pm$ 0.3) $\times$ 10 $^{-14}$ s s$^{-1}$. We derive a characteristic age of approximately 82 kyr and a spin down luminosity of 4$\times$10$^{35}$ erg s$^{-1}$, respectively. For a pulsar age comparable with the characteristic age, we find that the projected velocity of the neutron star is between 320 and 360 km/s if it was born at the location of the supernova remnant. The size of the proposed remnant appears small if compared with the pulsar characteristic age, however the relatively high density of the environment near the Galactic plane could explain a suppressed expansion rate and thus a smaller remnant.

Christopher L. Fryer, Eric Burns, Aimee Hungerford, Samar Safi-Harb, R.T. Wollaeger, Richard S. Miller, Michela Negro, Samalka Anandagoda, Dieter H. Hartmann

21 pages, 11 figures

Core-collapse supernova explosions play a wide role in astrophysics by producing compact remnants (neutron stars, black holes) and the synthesis and injection of many heavy elements into their host Galaxy. Because they are produced in some of the most extreme conditions in the universe, they can also probe physics in extreme conditions (matter at nuclear densities and extreme temperatures and magnetic fields). To quantify the impact of supernovae on both fundamental physics and our understanding of the Universe, we must leverage a broad set of observables of this engine. In this paper, we study a subset of these probes using a suite of 1-dimensional, parameterized mixing models: ejecta remnants from supernovae, ultraviolet, optical and infra-red lightcurves, and transient gamma-ray emission. We review the other diagnostics and show how the different probes tie together to provide a more clear picture of the supernova engine.

Barry F. Madore, Wendy L. Freedman Kayla A. Owens, In Sung Jang

Accepte to the Astronomical Journal

We present an extensive grid of numerical simulations quantifying the uncertainties in measurements of the Tip of the Red Giant Branch (TRGB). These simulations incorporate a luminosity function composed of 2 magnitudes of red giant branch (RGB) stars leading up to the tip, with asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars contributing exclusively to the luminosity function for at least a magnitude above the RGB tip. We quantify the sensitivity of the TRGB detection and measurement to three important error sources: (1) the sample size of stars near the tip, (2) the photometric measurement uncertainties at the tip, and (3) the degree of self-crowding of the RGB population. The self-crowding creates a population of supra-TRGB stars due to the blending of one or more RGB stars just below the tip. This last population is ultimately difficult, though still possible, to disentangle from true AGB stars. In the analysis given here, the precepts and general methodology as used in the Chicago-Carnegie Hubble Program (CCHP) has been followed. However, in the Appendix, we introduce and test a set of new tip detection kernels which internally incorporate self-consistent smoothing. These are generalizations of the two-step model used by the CCHP (smoothing followed by Sobel-filter tip detection), where the new kernels are based on successive binomial-coefficient approximations to the Derivative-of-a-Gaussian (DoG) edge detector, as is commonly used in modern digital image processing.

Georgina Dransfield, Mathilde Timmermans, Amaury H.M.J. Triaud, Martín Dévora-Pajares, Christian Aganze, Khalid Barkaoui, Adam J. Burgasser, Karen A. Collins, Marion Cointepas, Elsa Ducrot, Maximilian N. Günther, Steve B. Howell, Catriona A. Murray, Prajwal Niraula, Benjamin V. Rackham, Daniel Sebastian, Keivan G. Stassun, Sebastián Zúñiga-Fernández, José Manuel Almenara, Xavier Bonfils, François Bouchy, Christopher J. Burke, David Charbonneau, Jessie L. Christiansen, Laetitia Delrez, Tianjun Gan, Lionel J. García, Michaël Gillon, Yilen Gómez Maqueo Chew, Katharine M. Hesse, Matthew J. Hooton, Giovanni Isopi, Emmanuël Jehin, Jon M. Jenkins, David W. Latham, Franco Mallia, Felipe Murgas, Peter P. Pedersen, Francisco J. Pozuelos, et al. (12 additional authors not shown)

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

A new generation of observatories is enabling detailed study of exoplanetary atmospheres and the diversity of alien climates, allowing us to seek evidence for extraterrestrial biological and geological processes. Now is therefore the time to identify the most unique planets to be characterised with these instruments. In this context, we report on the discovery and validation of TOI-715 b, a $R_{\rm b}=1.55\pm 0.06\rm R_{\oplus}$ planet orbiting its nearby ($42$ pc) M4 host (TOI-715/TIC 271971130) with a period $P_{\rm b} = 19.288004_{-0.000024}^{+0.000027}$ days. TOI-715 b was first identified by TESS and validated using ground-based photometry, high-resolution imaging and statistical validation. The planet's orbital period combined with the stellar effective temperature $T_{\rm eff}=3075\pm75~\rm K$ give this planet an instellation $S_{\rm b} = 0.67_{-0.20}^{+0.15}~\rm S_\oplus$, placing it within the most conservative definitions of the habitable zone for rocky planets. TOI-715 b's radius falls exactly between two measured locations of the M-dwarf radius valley; characterising its mass and composition will help understand the true nature of the radius valley for low-mass stars. We demonstrate TOI-715 b is amenable for characterisation using precise radial velocities and transmission spectroscopy. Additionally, we reveal a second candidate planet in the system, TIC 271971130.02, with a potential orbital period of $P_{02} = 25.60712_{-0.00036}^{+0.00031}$ days and a radius of $R_{02} = 1.066\pm0.092\,\rm R_{\oplus}$, just inside the outer boundary of the habitable zone, and near a 4:3 orbital period commensurability. Should this second planet be confirmed, it would represent the smallest habitable zone planet discovered by TESS to date.

Adam T. Stevenson, Carole A. Haswell, John R. Barnes, Joanna K. Barstow, Zachary O. B. Ross (The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK)

20 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present additional HARPS radial velocity observations of the highly eccentric ($e \sim 0.6$) binary system DMPP-3AB, which comprises a K0V primary and a low-mass companion at the hydrogen burning limit. The binary has a $507$ d orbital period and a $1.2$ au semi-major axis. The primary component harbours a known $2.2$ M$_{\oplus}$ planet, DMPP-3A b, with a $6.67$ day orbit. New HARPS measurements constrain periastron passage for the binary orbit and add further integrity to previously derived solutions for both companion and planet orbits. Gaia astrometry independently confirms the binary orbit, and establishes the inclination of the binary is $63.89 \pm 0.78 ^{\circ}$. We performed dynamical simulations which establish that the previously identified $\sim800$ d RV signal cannot be attributed to an orbiting body. The additional observations, a deviation from strict periodicity, and our new analyses of activity indicators suggest the $\sim800$ d signal is caused by stellar activity. We conclude that there may be long period planet 'detections' in other systems which are similar misinterpreted stellar activity artefacts. Without the unusual eccentric binary companion to the planet-hosting star we could have accepted the $\sim800$ d signal as a probable planet. Further monitoring of DMPP-3 will reveal which signatures can be used to most efficiently identify these imposters. We also report a threshold detection (0.2 per cent FAP) of a $\sim2.26$ d periodicity in the RVs, potentially attributed to an Earth-mass S-type planet interior to DMPP-3A b.

Shlomi Hillel, Ron Schreier, Noam Soker (Technion, Israel)

Will be submitted in two days to allow for comments

We conduct a three-dimensional hydrodynamical simulation of a common envelope evolution (CEE) where a neutron star (NS) spirals-in inside the envelope of a red supergiant (RSG) star in a predetermined orbit. We find that the jets shed pairs of vortices in an expanding spiral pattern, inflate two expanding spirally-shaped low-density bubbles, one above and one below the equatorial plane, and deposit angular momentum to the envelope. In the simulation we do not include the gravity of the NS such that all effects we find are solely due to the jets that the spiralling-in NS launches. The angular momentum that the jets deposit to the envelope is of the same order of magnitude as the orbital angular momentum and has the same direction. The turbulence that the jets induce in the common envelope might play a role in transporting energy and angular momentum. The jet-deposited energy that is radiated away (a process not studied here) leads to a transient event that is termed common envelope jets supernova (CEJSN) and might mimic an energetic core collapse supernova. The turbulence and the spiral pattern that we explore here might lead to bumps in the late light curve of the CEJSN when different segments of the ejected envelope collide with each other. This study emphasises the roles that jets can play in CEE (including jets launched by black hole companions) and adds to the rich variety of processes in CEJSN events.

Fergus Hayes, Ik Siong Heng, Gavin Lamb, En-Tzu Lin, John Veitch, Michael J. Willams

18 pages, 8 figures

We present a novel fully Bayesian analysis to constrain short gamma-ray burst jet structures associated with cocoon, wide-angle and simple top-hat jet models, as well as the binary neutron star merger rate. These constraints are made given the distance and inclination information from GW170817, observed flux of GRB170817A, observed rate of short gamma-ray bursts detected by Swift, and the neutron star merger rate inferred from LIGO's first and second observing runs. A separate analysis is conducted where a fitted short gamma-ray burst luminosity function is included to provide further constraints. The jet structure models are further constrained using the observation of GW190425 and we find that the assumption that it produced a GRB170817-like short gamma-ray burst that went undetected due to the jet geometry is consistent with previous observations. We find and quantify evidence for low luminosity and wide-angled jet structuring in the short gamma-ray burst population, independently from afterglow observations, with log Bayes factors of $0.45{-}0.55$ for such models when compared to a classical top-hat jet. Slight evidence is found for a Gaussian jet structure model over all others when the fitted luminosity function is provided, producing log Bayes factors of $0.25{-}0.9\pm0.05$ when compared to the other models. However without considering GW190425 or the fitted luminosity function, the evidence favours a cocoon-like model with log Bayes factors of $0.14\pm0.05$ over the Gaussian jet structure. We provide new constraints to the binary neutron star merger rates of $1{-}1300$Gpc$^{-3}$yr$^{-1}$ or $2{-}680$Gpc$^{-3}$yr$^{-1}$ when a fitted luminosity function is assumed.

Katherine Chworowsky, Steven L. Finkelstein, Justin S. Spilker, Gene C. K. Leung, Micaela B. Bagley, Caitlin M. Casey, Caryl Gronwall, Shardha Jogee, Rebecca L. Larson, Casey Papovich, Rachel S. Somerville, Matthew Stevans, Isak G. B. Wold, L. Y. Aaron Yung

16 pages, 13 figures

We present a sample of 30 massive (log$(M_{\ast}/M_\odot) >11$) $z=3-5$ quiescent galaxies selected from the \textit{Spitzer-}HETDEX Exploratory Large Area (SHELA) Survey and observed at 1.1mm with Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) Band 6 observations. These ALMA observations would detect even modest levels of dust-obscured star-formation, on order of $\sim 20 \ M_\odot \textrm{yr}^{-1}$ at $z\sim4$ at a $1\sigma$ level, allowing us to quantify the amount of contamination from dusty star-forming sources in our quiescent sample. Starting with a parent sample of candidate massive quiescent galaxies from the Stevans et al. 2021 v1 SHELA catalog, we use the Bayesian \textsc{Bagpipes} spectral energy distribution fitting code to derive robust stellar masses ($M_*$) and star-formation rates (SFRs) for these sources, and select a conservative sample of 36 candidate massive ($M_* > 10^{11}M_\odot$) quiescent galaxies, with specific SFRs at $>2\sigma$ below the star-forming main sequence at $z\sim4$. Based on ALMA imaging, six of these candidate quiescent galaxies have the presence of significant dust-obscured star-formation, thus were removed from our final sample. This implies a $\sim 17\%$ contamination rate from dusty star-forming galaxies with our selection criteria using the v1 SHELA catalog. This conservatively-selected quiescent galaxy sample at $z=3-5$ will provide excellent targets for future observations to better constrain how massive galaxies can both grow and shut-down their star-formation in a relatively short time period.

The evolution of superhorizon curvature perturbations in a two-component interacting universe is considered. It is found that adiabatic modes conserve the total curvature perturbation $\zeta$, unless there are stages in which the rate of dissipation of one component into another is not constant. Moreover, our result shows that when the rate is varying it is possible for 'isocurvature' perturbations generated during reheating to alter the amplitude of an adiabatic curvature mode even when the mode is outside the horizon. Specifically, if an indefinitely large rate $\Gamma$ for massive particles decaying into photons develops rapidly amid vanishingly small initial values (before decay) of the total curvature $\zeta_i$ and Newtonian potential $\Phi_i$, such that the product $\Gamma\zeta_i$ and $\Gamma\Phi_i$ become a pair of finite and universal constants for all superhorizon scales afterwards, Harrison-Zel'dovich scale-invariant power spectrum could be synthesized from a homogeneous state without inflation at all.

Kevin Levy, Srinivasan Raghunathan, Kaustuv Basu

22 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables; to be submitted to JCAP; comments welcome

Galaxy clusters induce a distinct dipole pattern in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) through the effect of gravitational lensing. Extracting this lensing signal will enable us to constrain cluster masses, even for high redshift clusters ($z \gtrsim 1$) that are expected to be detected by future CMB surveys. However, cluster-correlated foreground signals, like the kinematic and thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ and tSZ) signals, present a challenge when extracting the lensing signal from CMB temperature data. While CMB polarization-based lensing reconstruction is one way to mitigate these foreground biases, the sensitivity from CMB temperature-based reconstruction is expected to be similar to or higher than polarization for future surveys. In this work, we extend the cluster lensing estimator developed in Raghunathan et al. (2019) to CMB temperature and test its robustness against systematic biases from foreground signals. We find that the kSZ signal only acts as an additional source of variance and provide a simple stacking-based approach to mitigate the bias from the tSZ signal. Additionally, we study the bias induced due to uncertainties in the cluster positions and show that they can be easily mitigated. The estimated signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of this estimator is comparable to other standard lensing estimators such as the maximum likelihood (MLE) and quadratic (QE) estimators. We predict the cluster mass uncertainties from CMB temperature data for current and future cluster samples to be: 6.6% for SPT-3G with 7,000 clusters, 4.1% for SO and 3.9% for SO + FYST with 25,000 clusters, and 1.8% for CMB-S4 with 100,000 clusters.

Clara Dehman, Daniele Viganò, Stefano Ascenzi, Jose A. Pons, Nanda Rea

8 pages, 6 figures, submitted for publication in MNRAS, comments are welcome

We present the first 3D fully coupled magneto-thermal simulations of neutron stars (including the most realistic background structure and microphysical ingredients so far) applied to a very complex initial magnetic field topology in the crust, similar to what recently obtained by proto-neutron star dynamo simulations. In such configurations, most of the energy is stored in the toroidal field, while the dipolar component is a few percent of the mean magnetic field. This initial feature is maintained during the long-term evolution (1e6 yr), since the Hall term favours a direct cascade (compensating for Ohmic dissipation) rather than a strong inverse cascade, for such an initial field topology. The surface dipolar component, responsible for the dominant electromagnetic spin-down torque, does not show any increase in time, when starting from this complex initial topology. This is at contrast with the timing properties of young pulsars and magnetars which point to higher values of the surface dipolar fields. A possibility is that the deep-seated magnetic field (currents in the core) is able to self-organize in large scales (during the collapse or in the early life of a neutron star). Alternatively, the dipolar field might be lower than is usually thought, with magnetosphere substantially contributing to the observed high spin-down, via e.g., strong winds or strong coronal magnetic loops, which can also provide a natural explanation to the tiny surface hotspots inferred from X-ray data.

D. Piras, A. Spurio Mancini

11 pages, 5 figures. CosmoPower-JAX is available at this https URL

We present CosmoPower-JAX, a JAX-based implementation of the CosmoPower framework, which accelerates cosmological inference by building neural emulators of cosmological power spectra. We show how, using the automatic differentiation, batch evaluation and just-in-time compilation features of JAX, and running the inference pipeline on graphics processing units (GPUs), parameter estimation can be accelerated by orders of magnitude with advanced gradient-based sampling techniques. These can be used to efficiently explore high-dimensional parameter spaces, such as those needed for the analysis of next-generation cosmological surveys. We showcase the accuracy and computational efficiency of CosmoPower-JAX on two simulated Stage IV configurations. We first consider a single survey performing a cosmic shear analysis totalling 37 model parameters. We validate the contours derived with CosmoPower-JAX and a Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampler against those derived with a nested sampler and without emulators, obtaining a speed-up factor of $\mathcal{O}(10^3)$. We then consider a combination of three Stage IV surveys, each performing a joint cosmic shear and galaxy clustering (3x2pt) analysis, for a total of 157 model parameters. Even with such a high-dimensional parameter space, CosmoPower-JAX provides converged posterior contours in 3 days, as opposed to the estimated 6 years required by standard methods. CosmoPower-JAX is fully written in Python, and we make it publicly available to help the cosmological community meet the accuracy requirements set by next-generation surveys.

Modelling nonlinear structure formation is essential for current and forthcoming cosmic shear experiments. We combine the halo model reaction formalism, implemented in the REACT code, with the COSMOPOWER machine learning emulation platform, to develop and publicly release REACTEMU-FR, a fast and accurate nonlinear matter power spectrum emulator for $f(R)$ gravity with massive neutrinos. Coupled with the state-of-the-art baryon feedback emulator BCEMU, we use REACTEMU-FR to produce Markov Chain Monte Carlo forecasts for a cosmic shear experiment with typical Stage IV specifications. We find that the inclusion of highly nonlinear scales (multipoles between $1500\leq \ell \leq 5000$) only mildly improves constraints on most standard cosmological parameters (less than a factor of 2). In particular, the necessary modelling of baryonic physics effectively damps most constraining power on the sum of the neutrino masses and modified gravity at $\ell \gtrsim 1500$. Using an approximate baryonic physics model produces mildly improved constraints on cosmological parameters which remain unbiased at the $1\sigma$-level, but significantly biases constraints on baryonic parameters at the $> 2\sigma$-level.

Masoom Singh, Mauricio Bustamante, Sanjib Kumar Agarwalla

35 pages, 12 figures, 7 tables, 4 appendices. Comments are welcome

Discovering new neutrino interactions would represent evidence of physics beyond the Standard Model. We focus on new flavor-dependent long-range neutrino interactions mediated by ultra-light mediators, with masses below $10^{-10}$ eV, introduced by new lepton-number gauge symmetries $L_e-L_\mu$, $L_e-L_\tau$, and $L_\mu-L_\tau$. Because the interaction range is ultra-long, nearby and distant matter - primarily electrons and neutrons - in the Earth, Moon, Sun, Milky Way, and the local Universe, may source a large matter potential that modifies neutrino oscillation probabilities. The upcoming Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) and the Tokai-to-Hyper-Kamiokande (T2HK) long-baseline neutrino experiments will provide an opportunity to search for these interactions, thanks to their high event rates and well-characterized neutrino beams. We forecast their probing power. Our results reveal novel perspectives. Alone, DUNE and T2HK may strongly constrain long-range interactions, setting new limits on their coupling strength for mediators lighter than $10^{-18}$ eV. However, if the new interactions are subdominant, then both DUNE and T2HK, together, will be needed to discover them, since their combination lifts parameter degeneracies that weaken their individual sensitivity. DUNE and T2HK, especially when combined, provide a valuable opportunity to explore physics beyond the Standard Model.

Detection of axion dark matter heavier than a meV is hindered by its small wavelength, which limits the useful volume of traditional experiments. This problem can be avoided by directly detecting in-medium excitations, whose $\sim \text{meV} - \text{eV}$ energies are decoupled from the detector size. We show that for any target inside a magnetic field, the absorption rate of electromagnetically-coupled axions into in-medium excitations is determined by the dielectric function. As a result, the plethora of candidate targets previously identified for sub-GeV dark matter searches can be repurposed as broadband axion detectors. We find that a $\text{kg} \cdot \text{yr}$ exposure with noise levels comparable to recent measurements is sufficient to probe parameter space currently unexplored by laboratory tests. Noise reduction by only a few orders of magnitude can enable sensitivity to the QCD axion in the $\sim 10 \ \text{meV} - 10 \ \text{eV}$ mass range.

We study inflationary models based on a non-minimal coupling of a singlet scalar to gravity, focussing on the preheating dynamics and the unitarity issues in this regime. If the scalar does not have significant couplings to other fields, particle production after inflation is far less efficient than that in Higgs inflation. As a result, unitarity violation at large non-minimal couplings requires a different treatment. We find that collective effects in inflaton scattering processes during preheating make an important impact on the unitarity constraint. Within effective field theory, the consequent upper bound on the non-minimal coupling is of order a few hundreds.

Kyriakos Destounis, Federico Angeloni, Massimo Vaglio, Paolo Pani

22 pages, 17 figures, higher resolution plots available upon request

General relativity predicts that black holes are described by the Kerr metric, which has integrable geodesics. This property is crucial to produce accurate waveforms from extreme-mass-ratio inspirals. Astrophysical environments, modifications of gravity and new fundamental fields may lead to nonintegrable geodesics, inducing chaotic effects. We study geodesics around self-interacting rotating boson stars and find robust evidence of nonintegrability and chaos. We identify islands of stability around resonant orbits, where the orbital radial and polar oscillation frequency ratios, known as rotation numbers, remain constant throughout the island. These islands are generically present both in the exterior and the interior of compact boson stars. A monotonicity change of rotation curves takes place as orbits travel from the exterior to the interior of the star. Therefore, configurations with neutron-star-like compactness can support degenerate resonant islands. This anomaly is reported here for the first time and it is not present in black holes. Such configurations can also support extremely prolonged resonant islands that span from the exterior to the interior of the star and are shielded by thick chaotic layers. We adiabatically evolve inspirals using approximated post-Newtonian fluxes and find time-dependent plateaus in the rotation curves which are associated with island-crossing orbits. Crossings of external islands give rise to typical gravitational-wave glitches found in non-Kerr objects. Furthermore, when an inspiral is traversing an internal island that is surrounded by a thick chaotic layer, a new type of simultaneous multifrequency glitch occurs that may be detectable with space interferometers such as LISA, and can serve as evidence of an extreme-mass-ratio inspiral around a supermassive boson star.

Max Brinkmann, Michele Cicoli, Pietro Zito

24 pages, 4 figures

Starobinsky inflation is currently one of the best models concerning agreement with cosmological data. Despite this observational success, it is still lacking a robust embedding into a UV complete theory. Previous efforts to derive Starobinsky inflation from string theory have been based on the derivation of higher derivative curvature terms from the low-energy limit of ten-dimensional string theory. This approach is however known to fail due to the difficulty to tame the effect of contributions proportional to the Ricci scalar to a power larger than two. In this paper we investigate an alternative attempt which exploits instead the ubiquitous presence of scalar fields in string compactifications combined with the fact that Starobinsky inflation can be recast as Einstein gravity coupled to a scalar field with a precise potential and conformal coupling to matter fermions. We focus in particular on type IIB K\"ahler moduli since they have shown to lead to exponential potentials with a Starobinsky-like plateau. We consider three classes of moduli with a different topological origin: the volume modulus, bulk fibre moduli, and blow-up modes. The only modulus with the correct coupling to matter is the volume mode but its potential does not feature any plateau at large field values. Fibre moduli admit instead a potential very similar to Starobinsky inflation with a natural suppression of higher curvature corrections, but they cannot reproduce the correct conformal coupling to matter. Blow-up modes have both a wrong potential and a wrong coupling. Our analysis implies therefore that embedding Starobinsky inflation into string theory seems rather hard. Finally, it provides a detailed derivation of the coupling to matter of fibre moduli which could be used as a way to discriminate Starobinsky from fibre inflation.

We study the linearized Vlasov-Poisson equation in the gravitational case around steady states that are decreasing and continuous functions of the energy. We identify the absolutely continuous spectrum and give criteria for the existence of oscillating modes and estimate their number. Our method allows us to take into account an attractive external potential.

Daniel J Oliver, Aaron D Johnson, Joel Berrier, Kostas Glampedakis, Daniel Kennefick

10 pages, 7 figures

Scattering events around a supermassive black hole will occasionally toss a stellar-mass compact object into an orbit around the supermassive black hole, beginning an extreme mass ratio inspiral. The early stages of such a highly eccentric orbit will not produce detectable gravitational waves as the source will only be in a suitable frequency band briefly when it is close to periapsis during each long-period orbit. This burst of emission, firmly in the millihertz band is the gravitational wave peep. While a single peep is not likely to be detectable, if we consider an ensemble of such subthreshold sources, spread across the universe, together they produce an unresolvable background noise that may obscure sources otherwise detectable by the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, the proposed space-based gravitational wave detector. Previous studies of the extreme mass ratio burst signal confusion background focused more on parabolic orbits going very near the supermassive black hole and on events near the galactic center. We seek to improve this characterization by implementing numerical kludge waveforms that can calculate highly eccentric orbits with relativistic effects focusing on orbits which are farther away from the supermassive black hole and thus less likely to be detectable on their own, but will otherwise contribute to the background signal confusion noise. Here we present the waveforms and spectra of the gravitational wave peeps generated from recent calculations of extreme mass ratio inspirals/bursts capture parameters and discuss how these can be used to estimate the signal confusion noise generated by such events.

The propagation of gravitational waves can reveal fundamental features of the structure of space-time. For instance, differences in the propagation of gravitational-wave polarizations would be a smoking gun for parity violations in the gravitational sector, as expected from birefringent theories like Chern-Simons gravity. Here we look for evidence of amplitude birefringence in the latest LIGO-Virgo catalog (GWTC-3) through the use of birefringent templates inspired by dynamical Chern-Simons gravity. From 71 binary-black-hole signals, we obtain the most precise constraints on gravitational-wave amplitude birefringence yet, measuring a birefringent attenuation of $\kappa = - 0.019^{+0.038}_{-0.029}\, \mathrm{Gpc}^{-1}$ at 100 Hz with 90% credibility, equivalent to a parity-violation energy scale of $M_{PV} \gtrsim 6.8\times 10^{-21}\, \mathrm{GeV}$.

Mukul Kumar, Sunil Kumar, Virender Thakur, Raj Kumar, B. K. Agrawal, Shashi K. Dhiman

15 pages,15 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2210.02793

We investigate the implications of parity-violating electron scattering experiment on neutron skin thickness of $^{48}$Ca (CREX) and $^{208}$Pb (PREX-II) data on the bulk properties of finite nuclei, nuclear matter, and neutron stars. The neutron skin thickness from the CREX and PREX-II data is employed to constrain the parameters of relativistic mean field models which includes different non-linear, self and cross-couplings among isoscalar-scalar $\sigma$, isoscalar-vector $\omega$, isovector-scalar $\delta$ and isovector-vector $\rho$ meson fields up to the quartic order. Three parametrizations of RMF model are proposed by fitting CREX, PREX-II and both CREX as well as PREX-II data to assess their implications. A covariance analysis is performed to assess the theoretical uncertainties of model parameters and nuclear matter observables along with correlations among them. The RMF model parametrization obtained with the CREX data acquires much smaller value of symmetry energy (J= 28.97$\pm$ 0.99 MeV), its slope parameter (L= 30.61$\pm 6.74$ MeV) in comparison to those obtained with PREX-II data. The neutron star properties are studied by employing the equations of state (EoSs) composed of nucleons and leptons in $\beta$ equilibrium.

Transition-edge sensors (TESs) have found a wide range of applications in both space- and land-based astronomical photon measurement and are being used in the search for dark matter and neutrino mass measurements. A fundamental aspect of TES physics that has not been investigated is the sensitivity of TESs to strong DC electric fields (10 kV/m and above). Understanding the resilience of TESs to DC electric fields is essential when considering their use as charged particle spectrometers, a field in which TESs could have an enormous impact. Techniques such as x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy produce a high number of low-energy electrons that are not of interest and can be screened from the detector using electrostatic deflection. The use of strong electric fields could also provide a mass-efficient route to prevent secondary electron measurements arising from cosmic radiation in space-based TES applications. Integrating electron optics into the TES membrane provides an elegant and compact means to control the interaction between charged particles and the sensor, whether by screening unwanted particles or enhancing the particle absorption efficiency but implementing such techniques requires understanding the sensitivity of the TES to the resulting electric fields. In this work, we applied a uniform DC electric field across a Mo/Au TES using a parallel pair of flat electrodes positioned above and below the TES. The electric field in the vicinity of the TES was enhanced by the presence of silicon backing plate directly beneath the TES. Using this arrangement, we were able to apply of electric fields up to 90 kV/m across the TES. We observed no electric field sensitivity at any field strength demonstrating the capability to use TESs in environments of strong electric fields.

G.H.H. Suen, C.J. Owen, D. Verscharen, T.S. Horbury, P. Louarn, R. De Marco

Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics 05/05/2023

Magnetic switchbacks are localised polarity reversals in the radial component of the heliospheric magnetic field. Observations from Parker Solar Probe (PSP) have shown that they are a prevalent feature of the near-Sun solar wind. However, observations of switchbacks at 1 au and beyond are less frequent, suggesting that these structures evolve and potentially erode through yet-to-be identified mechanisms as they propagate away from the Sun. We analyse magnetic field and plasma data from the Magnetometer and Solar Wind Analyser instruments aboard Solar Orbiter between 10 August and 30 August 2021. During this period, the spacecraft was 0.6 to 0.7 au from the Sun. We identify three instances of reconnection occurring at the trailing edge of magnetic switchbacks, with properties consistent with existing models describing reconnection in the solar wind. Using hodographs and Walen analysis methods, we test for rotational discontinuities (RDs) in the magnetic field and reconnection-associated outflows at the boundaries of the identified switchback structures. Based on these observations, we propose a scenario through which reconnection can erode a switchback and we estimate the timescales over which this occurs. For our events, the erosion timescales are much shorter than the expansion timescale and thus, the complete erosion of all three observed switchbacks would occur well before they reach 1 au. Furthermore, we find that the spatial scale of these switchbacks would be considerably larger than is typically observed in the inner heliosphere if the onset of reconnection occurs close to the Sun. Hence, our results suggest that the onset of reconnection must occur during transport in the solar wind in our cases. These results suggest that reconnection can contribute to the erosion of switchbacks and may explain the relative rarity of switchback observations at 1 au.

K. Sravan Kumar, João Marto

13 pages, 2 figures, Based on the talk given at the workshop on "Tensions in Cosmology" in Corfu 2022. This manuscript is written for Proceedings of Science (PoS), Corfu 2022 and it is based on arXiv: 2209.03928 [gr-qc]

The presence of CMB Hemispherical Asymmetry (HPA) challenges the current understanding of inflationary cosmology which does not generically predict the parity violation in the primordial correlations. In this paper, we shall review the recently proposed resolution to this based on a new formulation of quantizing inflationary fluctuations by focusing on the discrete spacetime transformations in a gravitational context. The predictive power of this formulation is that one can generate a scale dependent HPA in the context of single field inflation for all the primordial modes including scalar and tensor fluctuations without introducing any additional parameters. This result can be seen as an indication of spontaneous breaking of $\mathcal{C}\mathcal{P}\mathcal{T}$ symmetry in an expanding Universe, if confirmed by future observations it would be a great leap in the subject of quantum field theory in curved spacetime.