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Papers for Wednesday, Jun 14 2023

Papers with local authors

Ivo Labbe, Jenny E. Greene, Rachel Bezanson, Seiji Fujimoto, Lukas J. Furtak, Andy D. Goulding, Jorryt Matthee, Rohan P. Naidu, Pascal A. Oesch, Hakim Atek, Gabriel Brammer, Iryna Chemerynska, Dan Coe, Sam E. Cutler, Pratika Dayal, Robert Feldmann, Marijn Franx, Karl Glazebrook, Joel Leja, Danilo Marchesini, Michael Maseda, Themiya Nanayakkara, Erica J. Nelson, Richard Pan, Casey Papovich, Sedona H. Price, Katherine A. Suess, Bingjie Wang, Katherine E. Whitaker, Christina C. Williams, Adi Zitrin

submitted to ApJ

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Paper 2 — arXiv:2306.07320
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Paper 2 — arXiv:2306.07320

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is revolutionizing our knowledge of $z>5$ galaxies and their actively accreting black holes. Using the JWST Cycle 1 Treasury program Ultradeep NIRSpec and NIRCam ObserVations before the Epoch of Reionization (UNCOVER) in the lensing field Abell 2744, we report the identification of a sample of little red dots at $3 < z_{\rm{phot}} < 7$ that likely contain highly-reddened accreting supermassive black holes. Using a NIRCam-only selection to F444W$<27.7$ mag, we find 26 sources over the $\sim45$ arcmin$^{2}$ field that are blue in F115W$-$F200W$\sim0$ (or $\beta_{\rm UV}\sim-2.0$ for $f_{\lambda} \propto \lambda^\beta$), red in F200W$-$F444W = $1-4$ ($\beta_{\rm opt} \sim +2.0$), and are dominated by a point-source like central component. Of the 20 sources with deep ALMA 1.2-mm coverage, none are detected individually or in a stack. For the majority of the sample, SED fits to the JWST+ALMA observations prefer models with hot dust rather than obscured star-formation to reproduce the red NIRCam colors and ALMA 1.2-mm non-detections. While compact dusty star formation can not be ruled out, the combination of extremely small sizes ($\langle r_e \rangle\approx50$ pc after correction for magnification), red rest-frame optical slopes, and hot dust can by explained by reddened broad-line active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Our targets have faint $M_{\rm 1450} \approx -14\ \, {\rm to} -18$ mag but inferred bolometric luminosities of $L_{\rm bol} = 10^{43}-10^{46}$ erg/s, reflecting their obscured nature. If the candidates are confirmed as AGNs with upcoming UNCOVER spectroscopy, then we have found an abundant population of reddened luminous AGN that are at least ten times more numerous than UV-luminous AGN at the same intrinsic bolometric luminosity.

Jooyun Woo, Hongjun An, Joseph D. Gelfand, Charles J. Hailey, Kaya Mori, Reshmi Mukherjee, Samar Safi-Harb, Tea Temim

18 pages, 11 figures, ApJ accepted

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Paper 8 — arXiv:2306.07347
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Paper 8 — arXiv:2306.07347

We studied the PeVatron nature of the pulsar wind nebula G75.2+0.1 ("Dragonfly") as part of our NuSTAR observational campaign of energetic PWNe. The Dragonfly is spatially coincident with LHAASO J2018+3651 whose maximum photon energy is 0.27 PeV. We detected a compact (radius 1') inner nebula of the Dragonfly without a spectral break in 3 $-$ 20 keV using NuSTAR. A joint analysis of the inner nebula with the archival Chandra and XMM-Newton observations yields a power-law spectrum with $\Gamma=1.49\pm0.03$. Synchrotron burnoff is observed from the shrinkage of the NuSTAR nebula at higher energies, from which we infer the magnetic field in the inner nebula of 24 $\mu$G at 3.5 kpc. Our analysis of archival XMM data and 13 years of Fermi-LAT data confirms the detection of an extended (~10') outer nebula in 2 $-$ 6 keV ($\Gamma=1.82\pm0.03$) and non-detection of a GeV nebula, respectively. Using the VLA, XMM, and HAWC data, we modeled a multi-wavelength spectral energy distribution of the Dragonfly as a leptonic PeVatron. The maximum injected particle energy of 1.4 PeV from our model suggests that the Dragonfly is likely a PeVatron. Our model prediction of the low magnetic field (2.7 $\mu$G) in the outer nebula and recent interaction with the host supernova remnant's reverse shock (4 kyrs ago) align with common features of PeVatron PWNe. The origin of its highly asymmetric morphology, pulsar proper motion, PWN-SNR interaction, and source distance will require further investigations in the future including a multi-wavelength study using radio, X-ray, and gamma-ray observations.

All other papers

Rosie Y. Talbot, Debora Sijacki, Martin A. Bourne

20 pages, 10 figures, submitted to MNRAS

In this work, we use hydrodynamical simulations to explore the effects of kinetic AGN jet feedback on the progression and outcome of the major merger of two isolated, gas-rich galaxies. We present simulations that use the moving-mesh code AREPO to follow the progression of the merger through first passage and up to the final coalescence, modelling the black holes at the centres of both of the merging galaxies using our prescription for black hole accretion via an $\alpha$-disc and feedback in the form of a spin-driven jet. We find that the jets drive large-scale, multiphase outflows which launch large quantities of cold gas out to distances greater than 100 kpc and with velocities that reach $\sim 2500 \, {\rm km \, s^{-1}}$. Gas in the outflows that decelerates, cools and falls back on the galaxies can provide a rich source of fuel for the black hole, leading to intense episodes of jet activity in which the jet can become significantly misaligned. The presence of AGN jets affects the growth of the stellar component: star formation is moderately suppressed at all times during the merger and the peak of the star formation rate, attained during the final coalescence of the galaxies, is reduced by a factor of $\sim 2$. Analysis of simulations such as these will play a central role in making precise predictions for multimessenger investigations of dual radio-AGN, which next-generation observational facilities such as LISA, Athena and SKA will make possible.

We show that a hybrid inflation model with multiple waterfall fields can result in the formation of primordial black hole (PBH) with an astrophysical size, by using an advanced algorithm to follow the stochastic dynamics of the waterfall fields. This is in contrast to the case with a single waterfall field, where the wavelength of density perturbations is usually too short to form PBHs of the astrophysical scale (or otherwise PBH are overproduced and the model is ruled out) unless the inflaton potential is tuned. In particular, we demonstrate that PBHs with masses of order $10^{20}\, {\rm g}$ can form after hybrid inflation consistently with other cosmological observations if the number of waterfall fields is about 5 for the case of instantaneous reheating. Observable gravitational waves are produced from the second-order effect of large curvature perturbations as well as from the dynamics of texture or global defects that form after the waterfall phase transition.

Ahmed Shaban, Rongmon Bordoloi, John Chisholm, Jane R. Rigby, Soniya Sharma, Keren Sharon, Nicolas Tejos, Matthew B. Bayliss, L. Felipe Barrientos, Sebastian Lopez, Cédric Ledoux, Michael G. Gladders, Michael K. Florian

24 pages, 15 figures, 6 tables, submitted to MNRAS

We present the spatially resolved measurements of a cool galactic outflow in the gravitationally lensed galaxy RCS0327 at $z \approx 1.703$ using VLT/MUSE IFU observations. We probe the cool outflowing gas, traced by blueshifted Mg II and Fe II absorption lines, in 15 distinct regions of the same galaxy in its image-plane. Different physical regions, 5 to 7 kpc apart within the galaxy, drive the outflows at different velocities ($V_{out} \sim $ $-161$ to $-240$ km s$^{-1}$), and mass outflow rates ($\dot{M}_{out} \sim$ 183 to 527 $M_{\odot}\ yr^{-1}$). The outflow velocities from different regions of the same galaxy vary by 80 km s$^{-1}$, which is comparable to the variation seen in a large sample of star-burst galaxies in the local Universe. Using multiply lensed images of RCS0327, we probe the same star-forming region at different spatial scales (0.5 kpc$^2$-25 kpc$^2$), we find that outflow velocities vary between $ \sim $ $-120$ to $-242$ km s$^{-1}$, and the mass outflow rates vary between $\sim$ 37 to 254 $M_{\odot}\ yr^{-1}$. The outflow momentum flux in this galaxy is $\geq$ 100% of the momentum flux provided by star-formation in individual regions, and outflow energy flux is $\approx$ 10% of the total energy flux provided by star-formation. These estimates suggest that the outflow in RCS0327 is energy driven. This work shows the importance of small scale variations of outflow properties due to the variations of local stellar properties of the host galaxy in the context of galaxy evolution.

Roberta M. Humphreys, Terry J. Jones, John C. Martin

To appear in the Astronomical Journal

The empirical evidence for an upper mass limit for the red supergiant (RSG) progenitors of the Type II-P SNe at about 18 Msun, raises questions about the fate of the most luminous, most massive RSGs. These stars may evolve back to warmer temperatures to end their lives as hotter stars or collapse directly to black holes. The yellow hypergiants, many with extensive circumstellar dust and high mass loss, are excellent candidates for post-RSG evolution. We have identified six high luminosity yellow supergiants (YSGs) in the LMC with circumstellar dust including two of the FYPS (Dorn et al, 2022). We discuss their SEDs, mass lost and mass loss rates. Together with three additional FYPS, these nine stars are about 1/3 of the YSGs above 10^5 Lsun. We conclude that the high luminosity YSGs with surface pulsations and circumstellar dust, distinct from other YSGs, are candidates for post-RSG evolution in the LMC.

Sidney Lower, Desika Narayanan, Chia-Yu Hu, George C. Privon

17 pages, 12 figures. Submitted to ApJ. Comments welcome!

In the current era of high-z galaxy discovery with JWST and ALMA, our ability to study the stellar populations and ISM conditions in a diverse range of galaxies at Cosmic Dawn has rapidly improved. At the same time, the need to understand the current limitations in modeling galaxy formation processes and physical properties in order to interpret these observations is critical. Here, we study the challenges in modeling galaxy dust temperatures, both in the context of forward modeling galaxy spectral properties from a hydrodynamical simulation and via backwards modeling galaxy physical properties from mock observations of far-infrared dust emission. We find that, especially for the most massive objects in our sample, neglecting to account for far-infrared dust optical depth can significantly bias the dust properties derived from SED modeling. Anisotropies in infrared emission, driven by the clumpy nature of early star and structure formation, leads to an orientation angle bias in quantities like infrared luminosities and apparent dust temperatures measured from galaxy SEDs. We caution that conclusions inferred from both hydrodynamical simulations and observations alike are susceptible to unique and nuanced uncertainties that can limit the usefulness of current high-z dust measurements.

Nicolas P. Cimerman, Roman R. Rafikov, Ryan Miranda

19 pages, 15 figures, submitted to MNRAS

Gravitational coupling between planets and protoplanetary discs is responsible for many important phenomena such as planet migration and gap formation. The key quantitative characteristics of this coupling is the excitation torque density -- the torque (per unit radius) imparted on the disc by planetary gravity. Recent global simulations and linear calculations found an intricate pattern of low-amplitude, quasi-periodic oscillations in the global radial distribution of torque density in the outer disc, which we call torque wiggles. Here we show that torque wiggles are a robust outcome of global disc-planet interaction and exist despite the variation of disc parameters and thermodynamic assumptions (including $\beta$-cooling). They result from coupling of the planetary potential to the planet-driven density wave freely propagating in the disc. We developed analytical theory of this phenomenon based on approximate self-similarity of the planet-driven density waves in the outer disc. We used it, together with linear calculations and simulations, to show that (a) the radial periodicity of the wiggles is determined by the global shape of the planet-driven density wave (its wrapping in the disc) and (b) the sharp features in the torque density distribution result from constructive interference of different azimuthal (Fourier) torque contributions at radii where the planetary wake crosses the star-planet line. In the linear regime the torque wiggles represent a weak effect, affecting the total (integrated) torque by only a few per cent. However, their significance should increase in the non-linear regime, when a gap (or a cavity) forms around the perturber's orbit.

Melaine Saillenfest, Sophia Sulis, Paul Charpentier, Alexandre Santerne

Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Context. The extremely low density of several long-period exoplanets in mature systems is still unexplained -- with HIP 41378 f being archetypical of this category. It has been proposed that such planets could actually have normal densities but be surrounded by a ring observed approximately face on, mimicking the transit depth of a puffy planet. This would imply that the equator of the planet is nearly perpendicular to its orbit plane, which is at odds with the formation process of gas giants. Yet, in the context of the Solar System planets, it has been shown that after gigayears of evolution, the tidal migration of a moon can naturally lead to a very tilted planet with a ring. Aims. As exomoons are expected to be ubiquitous around giant exoplanets, this mechanism may be responsible for the anomalous radii of some observed exoplanets. In preparation for the future discoveries of the PLATO mission, we present a simple method for checking the plausibility of this mechanism for a given exoplanet. Methods. Analytical formulas give the probability density function of the relevant precession harmonics of the planet. For each harmonic, simple criteria set the moon mass and other properties required for the mechanism to operate. Results. We applied this methodology to HIP 41378 f, and we show that in order to reproduce the observed configuration, a hypothetical former moon should have had a moon-to-planet mass ratio of a few times 1e-4 (i.e. roughly the mass of our Moon) and have migrated over a distance of a few planet's radii on a gigayear timescale. These orders of magnitude match the properties of moons expected to exist around gaseous exoplanets. Conclusions. We conclude that the migration of a former moon is a viable formation pathway for the proposed ring and tilt of HIP 41378 f. This example strengthens the ring hypothesis and motivates its application to other targets.

Ray Hagimoto, Andrew J. Long

12 pages, plus appendix, 6 figures

The presence of axion strings in the Universe after recombination can leave an imprint on the polarization pattern of the cosmic microwave background radiation through the phenomenon of axion-string-induced birefringence via the hyperlight axion-like particle's coupling to electromagnetism. Across the sky, the polarization rotation angle is expected to display a patchwork of uniform regions with sharp boundaries that arise as the `shadow' of axion string loops. The statistics of such a birefringence sky map are therefore necessarily non-Gaussian. In this article we quantify the non-Gaussianity in axion-string-induced birefringence using two techniques, kurtosis and bispectrum, which correspond to $4$- and $3$-point correlation functions. If anisotropic birefringence were detected in the future, a measurement of its non-Gaussian properties would facilitate a discrimination across different new physics sources generally, and in the context of axion strings specifically, it would help to break degeneracies between the axion-photon coupling and properties of the string network.

William Bains, Janusz J. Petkowski, Sara Seager

Published in Astrobiology, June 12, 2023: this https URL

Venus is Earth's sister planet, with similar mass and density but an uninhabitably hot surface, an atmosphere with a water activity 50-100 times lower than anywhere on Earths' surface, and clouds believed to be made of concentrated sulfuric acid. These features have been taken to imply that the chances of finding life on Venus are vanishingly small, with several authors describing Venus' clouds as "uninhabitable", and that apparent signs of life there must therefore be abiotic, or artefactual. In this article, we argue that although many features of Venus can rule out the possibility that Earth life could live there, none rule out the possibility of all life based on what we know of the physical principle of life on Earth. Specifically, there is abundant energy, the energy requirements for retaining water and capturing hydrogen atoms to build biomass are not excessive, defenses against sulfuric acid are conceivable and have terrestrial precedent, and the speculative possibility that life uses concentrated sulfuric acid as a solvent instead of water remains. Metals are likely to be available in limited supply, and the radiation environment is benign. The clouds can support a biomass that could readily be detectable by future astrobiology-focused space missions from its impact on the atmosphere. Although we consider the prospects for finding life on Venus to be speculative, they are not absent. The scientific reward from finding life in such an un-Earthlike environment justifies considering how observations and missions should be designed to be capable of detecting life if it is there.

Colton R. Feathers, Eli Visbal, Mihir Kulkarni, Ryan Hazlett

Submitted to ApJ -- 21 Pages, 9 Figures

We present a new self-consistent semi-analytic model of the first stars and galaxies to explore the high-redshift ($z{>}15$) Population III (PopIII) and metal-enriched star formation histories. Our model includes the detailed merger history of dark matter halos generated with Monte Carlo merger trees. We calibrate the minimum halo mass for PopIII star formation from recent hydrodynamical cosmological simulations that simultaneously include the baryon-dark matter streaming velocity, Lyman-Werner (LW) feedback, and molecular hydrogen self-shielding. We find that the resulting star formation rate density (SFRD) is dramatically increased compared to calibrations based on previous simulations (e.g., the PopIII SFRD is over two orders of magnitude higher at $z{\gtrsim}22.5$). We evaluate the effect of the halo-to-halo scatter in this critical mass and find that it increases the PopIII stellar mass density by a factor of ${\sim}1.5$ at $z{>}15$. Additionally, we assess the impact of various semi-analytic/analytic prescriptions for halo assembly and star formation previously adopted in the literature. For example, we find that models assuming smooth halo growth computed via abundance matching predict SFRDs similar to the merger tree model for our fiducial model parameters, but that they may underestimate the PopIII SFRD in cases of strong LW feedback. Finally, we simulate sub-volumes of the Universe with our model both to quantify the reduction in total star formation in numerical simulations due to a lack of density fluctuations on spatial scales larger than the simulation box, and to determine spatial fluctuations in SFRD due to the diversity in halo abundances and merger histories.

P. Adamczyk, P. Amram, L. Chemin, B. Epinat, J. Braine, F. Combes, W. G. J. de Blok

40 pages, 33 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. Full resolution version available upon request

(Abridged). It has been recently shown that random motions of the neutral Hydrogen gas of the Triangulum galaxy (M33) exhibit a bisymmetric perturbation which is aligned with the minor axis of the galaxy, suggesting a projection effect. To investigate if perturbations in the velocity dispersion of nearby discs are comparable to those of M33, the sample is extended to 32 galaxies from The HI Nearby Galaxy Survey and the Westerbork HI Survey of Spiral and Irregular Galaxies. We study velocity asymmetries in the disc planes by performing Fourier transforms of high-resolution HI velocity dispersion maps corrected for beam smearing effects, and measure the amplitudes and phase angles of the Fourier harmonics. We find strong perturbations of first, second and fourth orders. The strongest asymmetry is the bisymmetry, which is predominantly associated with the presence of spiral arms. The first order asymmetry is generally oriented close to the disc major axis, and the second and fourth order asymmetries are preferentially oriented along intermediate directions between the major and minor axes of the discs. These results are evidence that strong projection effects shape the HI velocity dispersion maps. The most likely source of systematic orientations is the anisotropy of velocities, through the projection of streaming motions stronger along one of the planar directions in the discs. Moreover, systematic phase angles of asymmetries in the HI velocity dispersion could arise from tilted velocity ellipsoids. We expect a larger incidence of correlation between the radial and tangential velocities of HI gas. Our methodology is a powerful tool to constrain the dominant direction of streaming motions and thus the shape of the velocity ellipsoid of HI gas, which is de facto anisotropic at the angular scales probed by the observations.

Dimitri Veras, Shigeru Ida, Evgeni Grishin, Scott J. Kenyon, Benjamin C. Bromley

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

The suite of over 60 known planetary debris discs which orbit white dwarfs, along with detections of multiple minor planets in these systems, motivate investigations about the migration properties of planetesimals embedded within the discs. Here, we determine whether any of the migration regimes which are common in (pre-)main-sequence protoplanetary discs, debris discs and ring systems could be active and important in white dwarf discs. We investigate both dust-dominated and gas-dominated regions, and quantitatively demonstrate that Type I and Type II migration, as well as their particulate disc analogues, are too slow to be relevant in white dwarf discs. However, we find that the analogue of Type III migration for particulate discs may be rapid in the dusty regions of asteroid- or moon-generated ($>10^{18}$ kg) white dwarf discs, where a planetesimal exterior to its Roche radius may migrate across the entire disc within its lifetime. This result holds over a wide range of disc boundaries, both within and exterior to $1R_{\odot}$, and such that the probability of migration occurring increases with higher disc masses.

Colin J. Burke

3 pages, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

When the time difference quotients, or \emph{variational slopes}, of quasar light curves are plotted against their absolute magnitudes, there is a tight positive correlation of $\sim 0.16$ dex in the variational slope direction or $\sim 0.5$ dex in the absolute magnitude direction. This finding resulted in suggestions that a variational slope -- luminosity relation could be used as a distance indicator. However, I show that this relation can be explained almost entirely from self-correlation with luminosity. After properly accounting for the self-correlation component, the relation has a true scatter of $\sim 1.5$ dex in luminosity, consistent with established correlations for quasar variability amplitudes. Given this large scatter, correlation with variational slope or variability amplitude and luminosity is not by itself a suitable distance indicator for quasars.

W. S. Tan, (1, 2), E. D. Araya (1, 3), C. Rigg (4), P. Hofner (3, 5), S. Kurtz (6), H. Linz (7), V. Rosero (5) ((1) Physics Department, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL, USA, (2) National University of Singapore, 21 Lower Kent Ridge Rd, Singapore 119077, (3) New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Physics Department, Socorro, NM, USA, (4) Southeastern High School, 90 W Green St, Augusta, IL, USA, (5) National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Socorro, NM, USA, (6) Instituto de Radioastronomía y Astrofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Antig. Carr. a Pátzcuaro 8701, 58089, Morelia, Michoacán, México, (7) Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Königstuhl 17, 69117, Heidelberg, Germany.)

19 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal

G34.26+0.15 is a region of high-mass star formation that contains a broad range of young stellar objects in different stages of evolution, including a hot molecular core, hyper-compact HII regions and a prototypical cometary ultra-compact HII region. Previous high-sensitivity single dish observations by our group resulted in the detection of broad 6035 MHz OH absorption in this region; the line showed a significant blue-shifted asymmetry indicative of molecular gas expansion. We present high-sensitivity Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) observations of the 6035 MHz OH line conducted to image the absorption and investigate its origin with respect to the different star formation sites in the region. In addition, we report detection of 6030 MHz OH absorption with the VLA and further observations of 4.7 GHz and 6.0 GHz OH lines obtained with the Arecibo Telescope. The 6030 MHz OH line shows a very similar absorption profile as the 6035 MHz OH line. We found that the 6035 MHz OH line absorption region is spatially unresolved at $\sim 2$" scales, and it is coincident with one of the bright ionized cores of the cometary HII region that shows broad radio recombination line emission. We discuss a scenario where the OH absorption is tracing the remnants of a pole-on molecular outflow that is being ionized inside-out by the ultra-compact HII region.

Amy Sardone, Annika H. G. Peter, Alyson M. Brooks, Jane Kaczmarek

13 pages of text, 4 figures, submitted to AAS Journals

Testing the standard cosmological model ($\Lambda$CDM) at small scales is challenging. Galaxies that inhabit low-mass dark matter halos provide an ideal test bed for dark matter models by linking observational properties of galaxies at small scales (low mass, low velocity) to low-mass dark matter halos. However, the observed kinematics of these galaxies do not align with the kinematics of the dark matter halos predicted to host them, obscuring our understanding of the low-mass end of the galaxy-halo connection. We use deep HI observations of low-mass galaxies at high spectral resolution in combination with cosmological simulations of dwarf galaxies to better understand the connection between dwarf galaxy kinematics and low-mass halos. Specifically, we use HI line widths to directly compare to the maximum velocities in a dark matter halo, and find that each deeper measurement approaches the expected one-to-one relationship between the observed kinematics and the predicted kinematics in $\Lambda$CDM. We also measure baryonic masses and place these on the Baryonic Tully-Fisher relation (BTFR). Again, our deepest measurements approach the theoretical predictions for the low-mass end of this relation, a significant improvement on similar measurements based on line widths measured at 50\% and 20\% of the peak. Our data also hints at the rollover in the BTFR predicted by hydrodynamical simulations of $\Lambda$CDM for low-mass galaxies.

Todd R. Hunter, Remy Indebetouw, Crystal L. Brogan, Kristin Berry, Chin-Shin Chang, Harold Francke, Vincent C. Geers, Laura Gómez, John E. Hibbard, Elizabeth M. Humphreys, Brian R. Kent, Amanda A. Kepley, Devaky Kunneriath, Andrew Lipnicky, Ryan A. Loomis, Brian S. Mason, Joseph S. Masters, Luke T. Maud, Dirk Muders, Jose Sabater, Kanako Sugimoto, László Szűcs, Eugene Vasiliev, Liza Videla, Eric Villard, Stewart J. Williams, Rui Xue, Ilsang Yoon

accepted for publication by Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 65 pages, 20 figures, 10 tables, 2 appendices

We describe the calibration and imaging heuristics developed and deployed in the ALMA interferometric data processing pipeline, as of ALMA Cycle 9. The pipeline software framework is written in Python, with each data reduction stage layered on top of tasks and toolkit functions provided by the Common Astronomy Software Applications package. This framework supports a variety of tasks for observatory operations, including science data quality assurance, observing mode commissioning, and user reprocessing. It supports ALMA and VLA interferometric data along with ALMA and NRO45m single dish data, via different stages and heuristics. In addition to producing calibration tables, calibrated measurement sets, and cleaned images, the pipeline creates a WebLog which serves as the primary interface for verifying the data quality assurance by the observatory and for examining the contents of the data by the user. Following the adoption of the pipeline by ALMA Operations in 2014, the heuristics have been refined through annual development cycles, culminating in a new pipeline release aligned with the start of each ALMA Cycle of observations. Initial development focused on basic calibration and flagging heuristics (Cycles 2-3), followed by imaging heuristics (Cycles 4-5), refinement of the flagging and imaging heuristics with parallel processing (Cycles 6-7), addition of the moment difference analysis to improve continuum channel identification (2020 release), addition of a spectral renormalization stage (Cycle 8), and improvement in low SNR calibration heuristics (Cycle 9). In the two most recent Cycles, 97% of ALMA datasets were calibrated and imaged with the pipeline, ensuring long-term automated reproducibility. We conclude with a brief description of plans for future additions, including self-calibration, multi-configuration imaging, and calibration and imaging of full polarization data.

Vance Wheeler, Monica Valluri, Leandro Beraldo e Silva, Shashank Dattathri, Victor P. Debattista

33 pages, 15 figures, submitted to ApJ

Using N-body simulations we explore the effects of growing a supermassive black hole (SMBH) prior to or during the formation of a stellar bar. Keeping the final mass and growth rate of the SMBH fixed, we show that if it is introduced before or while the bar is still growing, the SMBH does not cause a decrease in bar amplitude. Rather, in most cases, it is strengthened. In addition early growing SMBHs always either decreases the buckling amplitude, delay buckling, or both. This weakening of buckling is caused by an increase in the disk vertical velocity dispersion at radii well beyond the nominal black hole sphere-of-influence. While we find considerable stochasticity and sensitivity to initial conditions, the only case where the SMBH causes a decrease in bar amplitude is when it is introduced after the bar has attained a steady state. In this case we confirm previous findings that the decrease in bar strength is a result of scattering of bar-supporting orbits with small pericenter radii. By heating the inner disk both radially and vertically, an early growing SMBH increases the fraction of stars that can be captured by the Inner Lindblad Resonance (ILR) and the vertical ILR, thereby strengthening both the bar and the boxy peanut shaped bulge. Using orbital frequency analysis of star particles, we show that when an SMBH is introduced early and the bar forms around it, the bar is populated by different families of regular bar-supporting orbits than when the bar forms without an SMBH.

Margot Fitz Axen, Peter Nugent

13 pages, 11 figures. Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal

Recent observations of type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) have discovered a subclass of 'super-Chandrasekhar' SNe Ia (SC SNe Ia) whose high luminosities and low ejecta velocities suggest that they originate from the explosions of white dwarfs (WDs) with masses that exceed the Chandrasekhar mass limit. Different models have been proposed to explain the progenitors of these explosions, including a 'magnetized WD' model and a 'WD merger' model. To test the robustness of these models, we conduct a 1D numerical parameter survey of WD explosions using these models as initial conditions. We follow the explosions using the hydrodynamics code Castro and then use the radiation transport code SuperNu to create light curves and spectra for the models. We find that while both classes of models fall within the range of SC SNe Ia observations on the light curve width-luminosity relation, only the WD merger models reproduce the observed low ejecta velocities. The light curves of our merger models are more similar photometrically to observations than our magnetized models. Given this, we discuss possible explanations for the brightest SC SNe Ia observations that cannot be reproduced with our WD merger models. This study provides the basis for future SC SNe Ia observations and higher-dimensional numerical models.

G. M. Shaifullah, J. Magdalenic, C. Tiburzi, I. Jebaraj, E. Samara, P. Zucca

Published in Journal of Advances in Space Research

In space weather studies and forecasting we employ magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations which can provide rather accurate reconstruction of the solar wind dynamics and its evolution. However, all MHD simulations are restricted by the input data and the modelled solar wind characteristics need to be validated with different types of observations. That is very difficult, in particular for the solar wind characteristics close to the Sun, since the majority of in-situ observations are taken in the vicinity of the Earth. This is why all alternative methods for estimation of solar wind plasma characteristics are very important. In this study we utilise low radio frequency observations of pulsars to probe the total electron content along the line of sight. For the first time, we compare density estimates from pulsars with predictions from the 3D MHD modelling code; the EUropean Heliospheric FORecasting Information Asset (EUHFORIA). We find a very good correlation for the solar wind density along a given line of sight obtained by EUHFORIA and pulsar observations. We also demonstrate that the pulsar observations can be very useful not only for the model validation but also for understanding its limitations.

C. Tiburzi, B. V. Jackson, L. Cota, G. M. Shaifullah, R. A. Fallows, M. Tokumaru, P. Zucca

Published in Journal of Advances in Space Research

Solar-wind 3-D reconstruction tomography based on interplanetary scintillation (IPS) studies provides fundamental information for space-weather forecasting models, and gives the possibility to determine heliospheric column densities. Here we compare the time series of Solar-wind column densities derived from long-term observations of pulsars, and the Solar-wind reconstruction provided by the UCSD IPS tomography. This work represents a completely independent comparison and validation of these techniques to provide this measurement, and it strengthens confidence in the use of both in space-weather analyses applications.

We study the properties of the stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) resulting from the mergers of primordial black holes (PBH) that formed from the collapse of sub-horizon regions in the early universe. We adopt a model-independent approach, where we parameterize the fraction $f_H$ of the wavelength of the perturbation mode in units of the horizon radius when the patch starts to gravitationally collapse. Assuming a monochromatic spectrum of isocurvature perturbations and spherically-symmetric density perturbations, we investigate the isotropic SGWB energy density and angular power spectrum at various frequencies, PBH masses, and horizon size fractions. The key effect of sub-horizon formation is a change in the PBH mass function and formation redshift, which, in turn, affects gravitational wave (GW) observables. We find that sub-horizon PBH formation in general enhances the isotropic SGWB energy density and the absolute angular power spectrum. However, the quasi-monotonic increases in both quantities as $f_H$ decreases cease when the chirp mass of the binary PBHs reaches a mass threshold determined by the frequency of observation; the isotropic SGWB energy density spectrum significantly drops above the corresponding cutoff frequency.

Charuhas Shiveshwarkar, Thejs Brinckmann, Marilena Loverde, Matthew McQuinn

17 pages, 11 figures

The scale-dependent bias of galaxy density contrasts is an important signal to be extracted in constraining local primordial non-Gaussianity ($f_{\rm NL}^{\text{local}}$) from observations of large-scale structure. Constraints so obtained rely on the assumption that horizon-scale features in the galaxy power spectrum are exclusively due to primordial physical mechanisms. Yet, post-inflationary effects can induce modulations to the galaxy number density that appear as horizon-scale, scale-dependent bias. We investigate the effect of two such sources of scale-dependent bias - the free-streaming of light relics and fluctuations in the background of ionising radiation - on precision measurements of local primordial non-Gaussianity $f_{\rm NL}^{\text{local}}$ from galaxy power spectrum measurements. Using the SPHEREx survey as a test case survey reaching $\sigma(f_{\rm NL}^{\rm local}) \lesssim 1$, we show that ignoring the scale-dependent bias induced by free-streaming particles can negatively bias the inferred value of $f_{\rm NL}^{\rm local}$ by $\sim 0.1-0.3\sigma$. Ignoring the effect of ionising radiation fluctuations can negatively bias the inferred value of $f_{\rm NL}^{\rm local}$ by $ \sim 1\sigma$. The range of biases depends on the source populations and the ranges of scales used in the analysis, as well as the value of the neutrino mass and the modelling of the impact of ionising radiation. If these sources of scale-dependent bias are included in the analysis, forecasts for $f_{\rm NL}^{\rm local}$ are unbiased but degraded.

Xin Li, Xiaofeng Wang, Jiren Liu, Jincheng Guo, Ziping Zhang, Yongkang Sun, Xuan Song, Cheng Liu

10 pages, 9 figures

We present follow-up photometric observations and time-series analysis of a nova-like, SW Sextans-type, cataclysmic variable (CV) candidate, LAMOST J204305.95+341340.6 (here after J2043+3413), with Gaia G-band magnitude of 15.30 and a distance of 990 pc, which was identified from the LAMOST spectrum. The photometric data were collected with the Tsinghua-NAOC 0.8-m telescope (TNT), TESS, ZTF, and ASAS-SN. The TESS light curve reveals the presence of two prominent periods of 2.587(8) hours and 1.09(5) days, corresponding to the orbital and superorbital (precession) period, respectively. The TNT data obtained in 2020 shows a possible quasi-periodic oscillation of 1426 seconds. The precession period is about three times shorter than that of CVs with similar orbital periods, indicating an unusually fast precessing accretion disk. The ZTF data is found to show a sudden decline of $\sim0.4$ mag on MJD 58979. From the intermittent behavior of the eclipse, we deduce that J2043+3413 is an intermediate inclination system of CV, similar to V795 Her, which is also situated in the period gap.

We carefully examine the shear and interface modes, which are excited due to the presence of crust elasticity, in neutron stars with pasta structures, adopting the relativistic Cowling approximation. We find that the shear modes are independent of the presence of the cylindrical-hole and spherical-hole nuclei at least up to a few kilohertz, while the interface modes strongly depend on the presence of the cylindrical-hole and spherical-hole nuclei. In addition, we find empirical relations for the interface mode frequencies multiplied by the stellar mass and for the shear mode frequencies multiplied by the stellar radius. These relations are expressed as a function of the stellar compactness almost independently of the stiffness in a higher-density region inside the neutron star, once one selects the crust equation of state. Thus, if one would simultaneously observe the shear and interface modes from a neutron star, one might extract the neutron star mass and radius with the help of the constraint on the crust stiffness obtained from terrestrial experiments.

Shreyan Goswami, Hershini Gadaria, Sreejita Das, Midhun Goutham, Kamlesh N. Pathak

In this project, we have implemented our basic understanding of Pulsar Astronomy to calculate the Time Period of Vela Pulsar. Our choice of pulsar rests on the fact that it is the brightest object in the high-energy gamma-ray sky. The simplistic data set consisting of only voltage signals makes our preliminary attempt as closely accurate as possible. The observations had been made at 326.5 MHz through a cylindrically paraboloid telescope at Ooty. A higher frequency creates a much lower delay in the arrival time of pulses and makes our calculations even more accurate. Being an already widely studied celestial body, it gives us the opportunity to compare our findings and make necessary modifications.

Yu Sang, Hai-Nan Lin

12 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables; accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Based on two very large samples of repeating fast radio bursts (FRBs), i.e. FRB 20121102A and FRB 20201124A observed by the FAST telescope, we study the statistical properties of energy and waiting time. The bent power-law (BPL) model, thresholded power-law (TPL) model and Band function are used to fit the distribution of energy, and the BPL model and exponential (EXP) model are used to fit the distribution of waiting time. It is found that no single model can fit the distribution of energy or waiting time well in the full range. To investigate the possible temporal evolution, we divide the full samples into several subsamples according to the observing sessions. We find that the distribution of energy for all subsamples can be well fitted by both BPL model and TPL model, while the distribution of waiting time for all subsamples can be well fitted by both BPL model and EXP model. Importantly, for the distribution of energy, the BPL index $\beta$ of all the subsamples is almost invariant, but the median value parameter $x_b$ varies significantly. Similar situation happens in the distribution of waiting time. Furthermore, for the distribution of waiting time, the occurrence rate parameter $\lambda$ in EXP model varies significantly. These features show that there may be a common emission mechanism for repeating FRBs, but the burst energy and occurrence rate are temporally evolving.

Tinggui Wang, Guilin Liu, Zhenyi Cai, Jinjun Gen, Min Fang, Haoning He, Ji-an Jiang, Ning Jiang, Xu Kong, Bin Li, Ye Li, Wentao Luo, Zhizheng Pan, Xuefeng Wu, Ji Yang, Jiming Yu, Xianzhong Zheng, Qingfeng Zhu, Yi-Fu Cai, YuanYuan Chen, Zhiwei Chen, Zigao Dai, Lulu Fan, Yizhong Fan, Wenjuan Fang, Zhicheng He, Lei Hu, Maokai Hu, Zhiping Jin, Zhibo Jiang, Guoliang Li, Fan Li, Xuzhi Li, Runduo Liang, Zheyu Lin, Qingzhong Liu, Wenhao Liu, Zhengyan Liu, Wei Liu, Yao Liu, Zheng Lou, Han Qu, Zhenfeng Sheng, Jianchun Shi, Yiping Shu, Zhenbo Su, Tianrui Sun, Hongchi Wang, Huiyuan Wang, Jian Wang, Junxian Wang, Daming Wei, Junjie Wei, Yongquan Xue, Jingzhi Yan, Chao Yang, Ye Yuan, Yefei Yuan, Hongxin Zhang, Miaomiao Zhang, Haibin Zhao, Wen Zhao

46 pages, submitted to SCMPA

The Wide Field Survey Telescope (WFST) is a dedicated photometric survey facility under construction jointly by the University of Science and Technology of China and Purple Mountain Observatory. It is equipped with a primary mirror of 2.5m in diameter, an active optical system, and a mosaic CCD camera of 0.73 Gpix on the main focus plane to achieve high-quality imaging over a field of view of 6.5 square degrees. The installation of WFST in the Lenghu observing site is planned to happen in the summer of 2023, and the operation is scheduled to commence within three months afterward. WFST will scan the northern sky in four optical bands (u, g, r, and i) at cadences from hourly/daily to semi-weekly in the deep high-cadence survey (DHS) and the wide field survey (WFS) programs, respectively. WFS reaches a depth of 22.27, 23.32, 22.84, and 22.31 in AB magnitudes in a nominal 30-second exposure in the four bands during a photometric night, respectively, enabling us to search tremendous amount of transients in the low-z universe and systematically investigate the variability of Galactic and extragalactic objects. Intranight 90s exposures as deep as 23 and 24 mag in u and g bands via DHS provide a unique opportunity to facilitate explorations of energetic transients in demand for high sensitivity, including the electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational-wave events detected by the second/third-generation GW detectors, supernovae within a few hours of their explosions, tidal disruption events and luminous fast optical transients even beyond a redshift of 1. Meanwhile, the final 6-year co-added images, anticipated to reach g about 25.5 mag in WFS or even deeper by 1.5 mag in DHS, will be of significant value to general Galactic and extragalactic sciences. The highly uniform legacy surveys of WFST will also serve as an indispensable complement to those of LSST which monitors the southern sky.

Dóra Tarczay-Nehéz, László Molnár, Attila Bódi, Róbert Szabó

14 pages, 6 tables, 10 figures. Accepted to Astronomy and Astrophysics

Ultra-low amplitude (ULA) and strange mode Cepheids are thought to be pulsating variable stars that are near to or are at the edges of the classical instability strip. Until now, a few dozen such variable star candidates have been found both in the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Milky Way. In this present work, we studied six ULA Cepheid candidates in the Milky Way, identified by Szab\'o et al. (2009) using CoRoT and 2MASS data. In order to identify their positions in the period--luminosity and color--magnitude diagrams, we used the Gaia DR3 parallax and brightness data of each star to calculate their reddening-free absolute magnitudes and distances. Furthermore, we calculated the Fourier parameters (e.g., period and amplitude) of the light variations based on CoRoT and TESS measurements, and established the long-term phase shifts for four out of six stars. Based on the results, we conclude that none of the six ULA Cepheid candidates are pulsating variable stars, but rather rotation-induced variable stars (rotational spotted and $\alpha^2$~Canum Venaticorum variables) that are either bluer or fainter than Cepheids would be.

Yixian Cao, Tony Wong, Alberto D. Bolatto, Adam Leroy, Erik W. Rosolowsky, Dyas Utomo, Sebastian Sanchez, Jorge Barrera-Ballesteros, Rebecca Levy, Dario Colombo, Leo Blitz, Stuart Vogel, Johannes Puschnig, Vicente Villanueva, Monica Rubio

35pages, 11 figure, 6 tables, accepted for publication in ApJS

We present 13CO(1-0) observations for the EDGE-CALIFA survey, which is a mapping survey of 126 nearby galaxies at a typical spatial resolution of 1.5 kpc. Using detected 12CO(1-0) emission as a prior, we detect 13CO(1-0) in 41 galaxies via integrated line flux over the entire galaxy, and in 30 galaxies via integrated line intensity in resolved synthesized beams. Incorporating our CO observations and optical IFU spectroscopy, we perform a systematic comparison between the line ratio R12/13 and the properties of the stars and ionized gas. Higher R12/13 values are found in interacting galaxies than in non-interacting galaxies. The global R12/13 slightly increases with infrared color F60/F100, but appears insensitive to other host galaxy properties such as morphology, stellar mass, or galaxy size. We also present annulus-averaged R12/13 profiles for our sample up to a galactocentric radius of 0.4r25 (~6 kpc), taking into account the 13CO(1-0) non-detections by spectral stacking. The radial profiles of R12/13 are quite flat across our sample. Within galactocentric distances of 0.2r25, azimuthally-averaged R12/13 increases with star formation rate. However, the Spearman rank correlation tests show the azimuthally-averaged R12/13 does not strongly correlate with any other gas or stellar properties in general, especially beyond 0.2r25 from the galaxy centers. Our findings suggest that in the complex environments in galaxy disks, R12/13 is not a sensitive tracer for ISM properties. Dynamical disturbances, like galaxy interactions or the presence of a bar, also have an overall impact on R12/13, which further complicate the interpretations of R12/13 variations.

Yu An, Meng-Ru Wu, Gang Guo, Yue-Lin Sming Tsai, Shih-Jie Huang, Yi-Zhong Fan

13 pages, 7 figures

This study investigates the antineutrinos production by $\beta$-decay of $r$-process nuclei in two astrophysical sites that are capable of producing gamma-ray bursts (GRBs): binary neutron star mergers (BNSMs) and collapsars, which are promising sites for heavy element nucleosynthesis. We employ a simplified method to compute the $\beta$-decay $\bar\nu_e$ energy spectrum and consider two representative thermodynamic trajectories for $r$-process simulations, each with four sets of $Y_e$ distribution. The time evolution of the $\bar\nu_e$ spectrum is derived for both the dynamical ejecta and the disk wind for BNSMs and collapsar outflow, based on approximated mass outflow rates. Our results show that the $\bar\nu_e$ has an average energy of approximately 3 to 9~MeV, with a high energy tail of up to 20 MeV. The $\bar\nu_e$ flux evolution is primarily determined by the outflow duration, and can thus remain large for $\mathcal{O}(10)$~s and $\mathcal{O}(100)$~s for BNSMs and collapsars, respectively. For a single merger or collapsar at 40~Mpc, the $\bar\nu_e$ flux is $\mathcal{O}(10-100)$~cm$^{-2}$~s$^{-1}$, indicating a possible detection horizon up to $0.1-1$~Mpc for Hyper-kamiokande. We also estimate their contributions to the diffuse $\bar\nu_e$ background. Our results suggest that although the flux from BNSMs is roughly 4--5 orders of magnitude lower than that from the regular core-collapse supernovae, those from collapsars can possibly contribute a non-negligible fraction to the total diffuse $\bar\nu_e$ flux at energy $\lesssim 1$~MeV, with a large uncertainty depending on the unknown rate of collapsars capable of hosting the $r$-process.

Delayed "pair echo" signal from interactions of very-high-energy gamma rays in the intergalactic medium can be used for detection of the inter-galactic magnetic field (IGMF). We use the data of Fermi/LAT telescope coupled with LHAASO observatory measurements to confirm the presence of IGMF along the line of sight to the gamma-ray burst GRB221009A. Comparing the Fermi/LAT measurements with the expected level of the pair echo flux, set by the multi-TeV LHAASO detection, we derive a lower bound $10^{-19}$ G on the IGMF with correlation length $l$ larger than 1 Mpc, improving as $l^{-1/2}$ for shorter correlation lengths. This provides an independent verification of existence of a lower bound on IGMF in the voids of the Large Scale Structure, previously derived from the observations of active galactic nuclei.

Marco Fenucci, Bojan Novaković, Dušan Marčeta

Accepted for publication on A&A

Asteroids smaller than about 100 meters are observed to rotate very fast, with periods often much shorter than the critical limit of 2.2 h. Some of these super-fast rotators can also achieve a very large semi-major axis drift induced by the Yarkovsky effect, that in turn, is determined by internal and surface physical properties. We consider the small super-fast rotating near-Earth asteroid 2016 GE1. This object rotates in just 34 seconds, and a large Yarkovsky effect has been determined from astrometry. Here we aim to constrain the thermal inertia of the surface of this extreme object. We used a recently developed statistical method to determine the thermal properties of near-Earth asteroids. The method is based on the comparison between the observed and the modelled Yarkovsky effect, and the thermal conductivity (inertia) is determined by a Monte Carlo approach. Parameters of the Yarkovsky effect model are either fixed if their uncertainty is negligible, modelled with a Gaussian distribution of the errors if they are measured, or deduced from general properties of the population of near-Earth asteroids when they are unknown. Using a well-established orbit determination procedure, we determined the Yarkovsky effect on 2016 GE1, and verified a significant semi-major axis drift rate. Using a statistical method, we showed that this semi-major axis drift rate could be explained only by low thermal inertia values below 100 J m$^{-2}$ K$^{-1}$ s$^{-1/2}$: namely, 90\% of the probability density function of the model outcomes is contained at values smaller than 100 J m$^{-2}$ K$^{-1}$ s$^{-1/2}$. We propose two possible interpretations for the extremely low values: a high porosity or a cracked surface, or a thin layer of fine regolith on the surface. Though this seems unexpected in either case, it opens up the possibility of a subclass of low thermal inertia, super-fast rotating asteroids.

Noam Soker (Technion, Israel)

Will be submitted in two days to allow for comments

I compared with each other and with observations three energy sources to power intermediate luminosity optical transients (ILOTs) and conclude that only jets can power bright ILOTs with rapidly rising lightcurves. I present an expression for the power of the jets that a main sequence secondary star launches as it enters a common envelope evolution (CEE) with a primary giant star. The expression includes the Keplerian orbital period on the surface of the primary star, its total envelope mass, and the ratio of masses. I show that the shock that the secondary star excites in the envelope of the primary star cannot explain bright peaks in the lightcurves of ILOTs, and that powering by jets does much better in accounting for rapidly rising, about 10 days and less, peaks in the lightcurves of ILOTs than the recombination energy of the ejected mass. I strengthen previous claims that jets powered the Great Eruption of Eta Carinae, which was a luminous variable major eruption, and the luminous red novae (LRNe) V838 Mon and V1309 Scorpii. I therefore predict that the ejecta (nebula) of V1309 Scorpii will be observed in a decade or two to be bipolar. My main conclusion is that only jets can power a bright peak with a short rising time of ILOTs (LRNe) at CEE formation.

Salvatore Ferrone, Marco Delbo, Chrysa Avdellidou, Rogerio Deienno, Robert Melikyan, Kevin Walsh, Alessandro Morbidelli

21 pages, 13 figures

After performing a reassessment of the known dynamical asteroid families in the inner main belt, we report a newly discovered ancient asteroid family with an estimated age of $4.3\pm1.7$ billion years. Additionally, we report the most comprehensive list of planetesimals, which are asteroids that survived since the planet forming days of the solar system.

Robert McGibbon, Sadegh Khochfar

16 pages, 12 figures, accepted to MNRAS

Using a novel machine learning method, we investigate the buildup of galaxy properties in different simulations, and in various environments within a single simulation. The aim of this work is to show the power of this approach at identifying the physical drivers of galaxy properties within simulations. We compare how the stellar mass is dependent on the value of other galaxy and halo properties at different points in time by examining the feature importance values of a machine learning model. By training the model on IllustrisTNG we show that stars are produced at earlier times in higher density regions of the universe than they are in low density regions. We also apply the technique to the Illustris, EAGLE, and CAMELS simulations. We find that stellar mass is built up in a similar way in EAGLE and IllustrisTNG, but significantly differently in the original Illustris, suggesting that subgrid model physics is more important than the choice of hydrodynamics method. These differences are driven by the efficiency of supernova feedback. Applying principal component analysis to the CAMELS simulations allows us to identify a component associated with the importance of a halo's gravitational potential and another component representing the time at which galaxies form. We discover that the speed of galactic winds is a more critical subgrid parameter than the total energy per unit star formation. Finally we find that the Simba black hole feedback model has a larger effect on galaxy formation than the IllustrisTNG black hole feedback model.

Andreas Zmija, Naomi Vogel, Gisela Anton, Dmitry Malyshev, Thilo Michel, Adrian Zink, Stefan Funk

Astronomical intensity interferometry enables quantitative measurements of the source geometry by measuring the photon fluxes in individual telescopes and correlating them, rather than correlating the electromagnetic waves' amplitudes. This simplifies realization of large telescope baselines and high angular resolutions. Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs), intended to detect the optical emission of $\gamma$-ray induced air showers, are excellent candidates to perform intensity correlations in the optical at reasonable signal-to-noise ratios. The detected coherence time is on the scale of $10^{-12}$ to $10^{-15}$~seconds - depending on the optical bandwidth of the measurement - which challenges the detection system to work in a stable and accurate way. We developed an intensity interferometry setup applicable to IACTs, which measures the photo currents from photomultipliers and correlates them offline, and as such is designed to handle the very large photon rates provided by the telescopes. We present measurements in the lab simulating starlight using a xenon lamp and measured at different degrees of temporal and spatial coherence. Necessary calibration procedures are described with the goal of understanding the measurements quantitatively. Measured coherence times between $5\,$femtoseconds (corresponding signal-to-background ratio $5\cdot10^{-7}$) and $110\,$femtoseconds (signal-to-background ratio $10^{-5}$) are in good agreement with expectations, and so are the noise levels in the correlations, reaching down to $6 \cdot 10^{-8}$, after measurements between $30\,$minutes and $1\,$ hour.

Ryosuke Katayama, Kentaro Nagamine

11 pages, 7+2 figures, submitted to MNRAS

If a normal dwarf satellite galaxy repeatedly suffers from strong tidal forces while orbiting a massive halo, it can turn into a dark matter-deficient galaxy (DMDG). It has been shown that NGC 1052-DF2 can form due to this tidal scenario by N-body simulation; however, the dynamical friction has been ignored in the literature. We perform a self-consistent full N-body simulation to investigate the effect of dynamical friction on the formation scenario and compare it with the one without dynamical friction. We find that dynamical friction causes a dramatic decay of the satellite's orbit. This makes the orbital period shorter, and the mass of the satellite decreases more rapidly. As a result, the satellite galaxy suffering from dynamical friction becomes a DMDG in $\approx 7-8$ Gyr, which is $\approx 2-3$ Gyr earlier than that in the simulation without dynamical friction. Although the distribution of the globular clusters (GCs) in our simulation does not fully agree with that of DF2, the current observations still have large uncertainties. Our result implies that DF2 can be formed by a more circular orbit within a Hubble time, and that DMDGs can be formed by this tidal scenario more often than previously thought.

Matteo Forconi, Ruchika, Alessandro Melchiorri, Olga Mena, Nicola Menci

5 pages, 2 Figures and a bunch of galaxies

The recent observations from the James Webb Space Telescope have led to a surprising discovery of a significant density of massive galaxies with masses of $M \ge 10^{10.5} M_{\odot}$ at redshifts of approximately $z\sim 10$. This corresponds to a stellar mass density of roughly $\rho_*\sim 10^6 M_{\odot} Mpc^{-3}$. Despite making conservative assumptions regarding galaxy formation, this finding may not be compatible with the standard $\Lambda$CDM cosmology that is favored by observations of CMB Anisotropies from the Planck satellite. In this paper, we confirm the substantial discrepancy with Planck's results within the $\Lambda$CDM framework. Assuming a value of $\epsilon=0.2$ for the efficiency of converting baryons into stars, we indeed find that the $\Lambda$CDM model is excluded at more than $99.7 \%$ confidence level (C.L.). An even more significant exclusion is found for $\epsilon \sim 0.1$, while a better agreement, but still in tension at more than $95 \%$, is obtained for $\epsilon =0.32$. This tension, as already discussed in the literature, could arise either from systematics in the JWST measurements or from new physics. Here, as a last-ditch effort, we point out that disregarding the large angular scale polarization obtained by Planck, which allows for significantly larger values of the matter clustering parameter $\sigma_8$, could lead to better agreement between Planck and JWST within the $\Lambda$CDM framework. Interestingly, the model compatible with Planck temperature-only data and JWST observation also favors a higher Hubble constant $H_0=69.0\pm1.1$ km/s/Mpc at $68\%$ C.L., in better agreement with observations based on SN-Ia luminosity distances.

We utilize the well-established properties of the solar gravitational lens (SGL) to consider realistic observational scenarios. Actual exoplanets, which may be the target of an SGL observational campaign, are not stationary. Their appearance changes as a result of their diurnal rotation and varying illumination due to their orbital motion around their host star. The nature of the SGL is such that imaging with one telescope is accomplished with a cadence of one pixel at a time, with substantial per-pixel integration times. Therefore, capturing a single snapshot of the target planet with a realistically-sized telescope is not possible. Instead, the planetary surface must be reconstructed by inverting the combined effect of the SGL's point-spread function and temporal changes induced by the planetary dynamics. Using the Earth as a stand-in, we demonstrate practical feasibility of this approach, by simulating a dynamical system and then recovering topographic images of acceptable quality. The dynamics-induced temporal variability of the exoplanet represents an added challenge, but even in the presence of such dynamics, use of the SGL for exoplanet imaging remains feasible.

Thomas Hackman, Oleg Kochukhov, Mariangela Viviani, Jörn Warnecke, Maarit J. Korpi-Lagg, Jyri J. Lehtinen

10 pages, 14 figures, submitted to A&A, abstract shortened

Zeeman-Doppler imaging (ZDI) is used to reconstruct the surface magnetic field of late-type stars from high resolution spectropolarimetric observations. The results are usually described in terms of characteristics of the field topology, i.e. poloidality vs. toroidality and axi-symmetry vs. non-axisymmetry in addition to the field strength. We want to test how well these characteristics are preserved when applying the ZDI method on simulated data, i.e. how accurately the field topology is preserved and to what extent stellar parameters influence the reconstruction. We use published magnetic field data from direct numerical MHD simulations. These have variable rotation rates, and hence represent different levels of activity, of an otherwise Sun-like setup. Our ZDI reconstruction is based on spherical harmonics expansion. By comparing the original values to those of the reconstructed images, we study the ability to reconstruct the surface magnetic field in terms of various characteristics of the field. The main large-scale features are reasonably well recovered, but the strength of the recovered magnetic field is just a fraction of the original input. The quality of the reconstruction shows clear correlations with the data quality. Furthermore, there are some spurious dependencies between stellar parameters and the characteristics of the field. Our study uncovers some limits of ZDI. Firstly, the recovered field strength will generally be lower than the "real" value as smaller structures with opposite polarities will be blurred in the inversion. Secondly, the axi-symmetry is overestimated. The poloidality vs. toroidality is better recovered. The reconstruction works better for a stronger field and faster rotation velocity. Still, the ZDI method works surprisingly well even for a weaker field and slow rotation, provided the data has a high signal-to-noise and good rotation phase coverage.

Qiu-yi Luo, Tie Liu, Aaron T. Lee, Stella S. R. Offner, James di Francesco, Doug Johnstone, Mika Juvela, Paul F. Goldsmith, Sheng-Li Qin, Xiaofeng Mai, Xun-chuan Liu, Patricio Sanhueza, Feng-Wei Xu, Ken'ichi Tatematsu, Somnath Dutta, Huei-Ru Vivien Chen, Shanghuo Li, Aiyuan Yang, Sheng-Yuan Liu, Chin-Fei Lee, Naomi Hirano, Chang Won Lee, Dipen Sahu, Hsien Shang, Shih-Ying Hsu, Leonardo Bronfman, Woojin Kwon, M. G. Rawlings, David Eden, Xing Lu, Qi-lao Gu, Zhiyuan Ren, D Ward-Thompson, Zhi-Qiang Shen

The paper was accepted by APJL

One of the most poorly understood aspects of low-mass star formation is how multiple-star systems are formed. Here we present the results of Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) Band-6 observations towards a forming quadruple protostellar system, G206.93-16.61E2, in the Orion B molecular cloud. ALMA 1.3 mm continuum emission reveals four compact objects, of which two are Class I young stellar objects (YSOs), and the other two are likely in prestellar phase. The 1.3 mm continuum emission also shows three asymmetric ribbon-like structures that are connected to the four objects, with lengths ranging from $\sim$500 au to $\sim$2200 au. By comparing our data with magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) simulations, we suggest that these ribbons trace accretion flows and also function as gas bridges connecting the member protostars. Additionally, ALMA CO J=2-1 line emission reveals a complicated molecular outflow associated with G206.93-16.61E2 with arc-like structures suggestive of an outflow cavity viewed pole-on.

Bhavesh Jaiswal

2 figures, 4 pages, published in Astrobiology

Direct imaging of exoplanets will allow us to directly observe the planet in reflected light. Such a scenario may eventually allow for the possibility to scan the planetary surface for the presence of artificial structures made by alien civilizations. Detectability of planetary scale structures, called megastructures, has been previously explored. In this work, we show that it is possible to detect structures of much smaller scale on exoplanetary surfaces by searching for the specular reflection of host starlight from the corresponding structures. As the planet rotates, these reflections can manifest as an optical transient riding atop the rotational light curve of the planet. Due to the directional nature of specular reflection, the reflected signal is very strong, and it is comparable to the planetary flux for surfaces covering only few ppm (parts per million) of the total planet surface area. By tracking the planet around its orbit, it should be possible to scan the planetary surface for any such structures covering a size larger than a few ppm of planetary surface. The proposed method will aid in the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence in the era of direct imaging of exoplanets.

James E. Davies, Simeon Bird, Simon Mutch, Yueying Ni, Yu Feng, Rupert Croft, Tiziana Di Matteo, J. Stuart B. Wyithe

11 pages, 10 figures. Sumbitted to Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Accuracy in the topology and statistics of a simulated Epoch of Reionization (EoR) are vital to draw connections between observations and physical processes. While full radiative transfer models produce the most accurate reionization models, they are highly computationally expensive, and are infeasible for the largest cosmological simulations. Instead, large simulations often include EoR models that are pre-computed via the initial density field, or post-processed where feedback effects are ignored. We introduce Astrid-ES, a resimulation of the Astrid epoch of reionisation $20 > z > 5.5$ which includes an excursion-set reionization algorithm. Astrid-ES produces more accurate reionization histories without significantly impacting the computational time. This model directly utilises the star particles produced in the simulation to calculate the EoR history and includes a UV background which heats the gas particles after their reionization. We contrast the reionization topology and statistics in Astrid-ES with the previously employed parametric reionisation model, finding that in Astrid-ES, ionised regions are more correlated with galaxies, and the 21cm power-spectrum shows an increase in large scale power. We calculate the relation between the size of HII regions and the UV luminosity of the brightest galaxy within them. Prior to the overlap phase, we find a power-law fit of $\mathrm{log} (R) = -0.314 M_\mathrm{UV} - 2.550 \mathrm{log}(1+z) + 7.408$ with a standard deviation $\sigma_R < 0.15 \mathrm{dex}$ across all mass bins. We also examine the properties of halos throughout reionization, finding that while the properties of halos in the simulation are correlated with the redshift of reionisation, they are not greatly affected by reionisation itself.

Matija Ćuk, Maryame El Moutamid

Accepted for PSJ

Saturn possesses a dynamically rich system containing numerous moons and impressive rings. Whether the rings of Saturn are much younger than the planet itself has been a long-open question; more recently a young age has been proposed for some moons. Recent detection of the fast orbital evolution of Rhea and Titan strongly suggest a highly frequency-dependent tidal response of Saturn, possibly through excitation of inertial waves within the planet's convective envelope. Here we show that the resonance locking to inertial waves cannot explain the dynamical structure of the Saturnian system or the current tidal heating of Enceladus. On the other hand, both the observation and our modelling results indicate that the system is not consistent with evolution under equilibrium tides. We propose that the system's architecture can best be explained by relatively high "background" tidal response coupled with discrete resonant modes. In this view, only Titan may be in a true long-term resonance lock with a tidal mode of Saturn. Rhea is most likely currently experiencing a transient period of fast tidal evolution as it passes through a mode, rather than being locked to it. Assuming that Enceladus went through a temporary period of fast tidal evolution, we can reproduce its present resonance with Dione and satisfy other dynamical constraints. Additionally, we conclude that the long-term tidal response of Saturn to Tethys must be weaker than expected from frequency-independent tides, as already found by observations.

Josh Calcino, Daniel J. Price, Christophe Pinte, Himanshi Garg, Brodie J. Norfolk, Valentin Christiaens, Hui Li, Richard Teague

26 pages, 26 figures, accepted to MNRAS

We present five morphological and kinematic criteria to aid in asserting the binary nature of a protoplanetary disc, based on 3D hydrodynamical simulations of circumbinary discs post-processed with Monte Carlo radiative transfer. We find that circumbinary discs may be identified by i) a central cavity, ii) spiral arms both in and outside of their central cavities, iii) non-localised perturbations in their iso-velocity curves, iv) asymmetry between the lines of maximum speed of the blue and red-shifted wings and v) asymmetry between the area of the blue and red-shifted wings. We provide quantitative metrics for the last two criteria that can be used, in conjunction with the morphological criteria, to signal whether a protoplanetary disc is likely to be a circumbinary disc.

Pravir Kumar, Barak Zackay, Casey J. Law

Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal

Detecting Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) with frequency-dependent intensity remains a challenge, as existing search algorithms do not account for the spectral shape and might have resulted in non-detections. We propose a novel detection statistic, which we call the Kalman detector, that improves the sensitivity of FRB signal detection by incorporating spectral shape information. The detection statistic is based on an optimal matched filter, marginalizing over all possible intensity functions, weighted by a random walk probability distribution, considering some decorrelation bandwidth. Our analysis of previously detected FRBs demonstrates that the Kalman score provides a comparable yet independent source of information for bursts with significant spectral structure and the sensitivity improvement is of the order of 0-200%, with a median improvement of 20%. We also apply the Kalman detector to existing data from FRB 20201124A and detect two new repeat bursts which were previously missed. Furthermore, we suggest a practical implementation for real-time surveys by employing a low significance soft-trigger from initial integration-based detection algorithms. The Kalman detector has the potential to significantly enhance FRB detection capabilities and enable new insights into the spectral properties of these enigmatic astrophysical phenomena.

Qing Liu, Roberto G. Abraham, Peter G. Martin, William P. Bowman, Pieter van Dokkum, Steven R. Janssens, Seery Chen, Michael A. Keim, Deborah Lokhorst, Imad Pasha, Zili Shen, Jielai Zhang

29 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

Unbiased sky background modeling is crucial for the analysis of deep wide-field images, but it remains a major challenge in low surface brightness astronomy. Traditional image processing algorithms are often designed to produce artificially flat backgrounds, erasing astrophysically meaningful structures. In this paper, we present three ideas that can be combined to produce wide-field astronomical data that preserve accurate representations of the background sky: (1) Use of all-sky infrared/sub-mm data to remove the large-scale time-varying components while leaving the scattered light from Galactic cirrus intact, with the assumptions of (a) the underlying background has little power on small scales, and (b) the Galactic cirrus in the field is optically thin on large scales; (2) Censoring of frames contaminated by anomalously prominent wings in the wide-angle point-spread function; and (3) Incorporation of spatial covariance in image stacking that controls the local background consistency. We demonstrate these methods using example datasets obtained with the Dragonfly Telephoto Array, but these general techniques are prospective to be applied to improve sky models in data obtained from other wide-field imaging surveys, including those from the upcoming Vera Rubin Telescope.

Yechi Zhang, Masami Ouchi, Kimihiko Nakajima, Yuichi Harikane, Yuki Isobe, Yi Xu, Yoshiaki Ono, Hiroya Umeda

15 pages, 11 figures, submitted to ApJ

We present statistics of $z\sim 6-9$ galaxy outflows indicated by spatially-extended gas emission and broad lines. With a total of 61 spectroscopically confirmed galaxies at $z\sim 6-9$ in the JWST CEERS, GLASS, and ERO data, we find five galaxies with [O{\sc iii}]+H$\beta$ ionized gas emission significantly extended beyond the kpc-scale stellar components on the basis of the emission line images constructed by the subtraction of NIRCam broadband (line on/off-band) images. By comparison with low-$z$ galaxies, the fraction of galaxies with the spatially extended gas, 5/61, at $z\sim 6-9$ is an order of magnitude higher than those at $z\sim 0-1$, which can be explained by events triggered by frequent major mergers at high redshift. We also investigate medium- and high-resolution NIRSpec spectra of 30 galaxies at $z\sim 6-9$, and identify five galaxies with broad ($140-800$~km~s$^{-1}$) lines in the [O{\sc iii}] forbidden line emission, suggestive of galaxy outflows. One galaxy at $z=6.38$ shows both the spatially-extended gas emission and the broad lines, while none of the galaxies with the spatially-extended gas emission or broad lines present a clear signature of AGN either in the line diagnostics or Type 1 AGN line broadening ($>1000$~km~s$^{-1}$), which hint outflows mainly driven by stellar feedback. The existence of galaxies with/without spatially-extended gas emission or broad lines may suggest that these are galaxies in the early, late, post phases of galaxy outflows at high redshift, where the relatively large fractions of such galaxies indicate the longer-duration and/or more-frequent outflows at the early cosmic epoch.

Nathan Smith, Jeniveve Pearson, David J. Sand, Ilya Ilyin, K. Azalee Bostroem, Griffin Hosseinzadeh, Manisha Shrestha


We present a series of high-resolution echelle spectra of SN~2023ixf in M101, obtained nightly during the first week or so after discovery using PEPSI on the LBT. NaID absorption in these spectra indicates a reddening of $E(B-V)$=0.031~mag and a systemic velocity of $+$7~km~s$^{-1}$ relative to the average redshift of M101. Dramatic changes are seen in in the strength and shape of strong emission lines emitted by CSM, including HeII4686, CIV5801,5811, H$\alpha$, and NIV7109,7123. In general, these narrow lines broaden to become intermediate-width lines before disappearing from the spectrum within a few days, indicating a limited extent to the dense CSM of around 20-30 AU (or $\la$10$^{14.7}$ cm). H$\alpha$ persists in the spectrum for about a week as an intermediate-width emission line with P~Cyg absorption at 700-1300 km s$^{-1}$ arising in the post-shock shell of swept-up CSM. Early narrow emission lines are blueshifted and indicate an expansion speed in the pre-shock CSM of about 115 km s$^{-1}$, but with even broader emission in higher ionization lines. This is faster than the normal winds of red supergiants, suggesting some mode of eruptive mass loss from the progenitor or radiative acceleration of the CSM. A lack of narrow blueshifted absorption suggests that most of the CSM is not along our line of sight. This and several other clues indicate that the CSM of SN~2023ixf is significantly aspherical. We find that CSM lines disappear after a few days because the asymmetric CSM is engulfed by the SN photosphere.

The Euler-Poisson equations for the Lagrange top are derived on the basis of a variational problem with kinematic constraints. The Hamiltonian structure of these equations is established using the intermediate formalism presented in the recent work arXiv:2302.12423. General solution to the equations of motion is reduced to the calculation of four elliptic integrals. Several solutions in terms of elementary functions are presented. The case of precession without nutation has a surprisingly rich relationship between the rotation and precession rates, and is discussed in detail.

We argue that the rate density of particle pair production $\Gamma$ in background fields in conformal field theories is determined by the conformal anomaly and related to anomalous trace of the energy-momentum tensor as $\Gamma = (\pi/2) \langle T^\mu_{\ \mu}\rangle$ if the trace is positive (and $\Gamma = 0$ otherwise). This formula perfectly reproduces (presumably, non-Hawking) radiation generated by static gravitational fields in the absence of an event horizon via a new evaporation mechanism suggested recently. Our relation also correctly describes the one-loop Schwinger pair creation in massless (scalar and spinor) quantum electrodynamics. It also accurately points to the Savvidi instability of the gluonic vacuum towards the formation of the chromomagnetic condensate. Photon and neutrino pair production are also discussed.

Scalars are widely used in cosmology to model novel phenomena such as the late-time cosmic acceleration. These are effective field theories with highly nonlinear interactions, including Horndeski theory/generalized galileon and beyond. We use the latest fully crossing symmetric positivity bounds to constrain these cosmological EFTs. These positivity bounds, based on fundamental principles of quantum field theory such as causality and unitarity, are able to constrain the EFT coefficients both from above and below. We first map the mass dependence of the fully crossing symmetric bounds, and find that a nonzero mass generically enlarges the positivity regions. We show that fine-tunings in the EFT construction can significantly reduce the viable regions and sometimes can be precarious. Then, we apply the positivity bounds to several models in the Horndeski class and beyond, explicitly listing the ready-to-use bounds with the model parameters, and discuss the implications for these models. The new positivity bounds are found to severely constrain some of these models, in which positivity requires the mass to be parametrically close to the cutoff of the EFT, effectively ruling them out. The examples include massive galileon, the original beyond Horndeski model, and DHOST theory with unity speed of gravity and nearly constant Newton's coupling. Also, massive galileon's positivity region appears to be in tension with observational constraints, while a $(\partial\phi)^4$ modified model is more accommodating phenomenologically.

Aim: We present an improved database of temperature dependent rate coefficients for rotational state-to-state transitions in H$_{2}$O + H$_{2}$O collisions. The database includes 231 transitions between the lower $para$- and 210 transitions between the lower $ortho$-states of H$_{2}$O (up to $j=7$) and can be employed for cometary and planetary applications up to the temperature of 1000 K. Methods: New general method is developed and applied which permits to generate rate coefficients for excitation and quenching processes that automatically satisfy the principle of microscopic reversibility and, also, helps to cover the range of low collision energies by interpolation of cross sections between the process threshold and the computed data points. Results: It is found that in the range of intermediate temperatures, $150 < T < 600$ K, new rate coefficients are in good agreement with those reported earlier, but for higher temperatures, $600 < T < 1000$ K, the new revised temperature dependence is recommended. The low temperature range, $5 < T < 150$ K, is now covered, by the abovementioned interpolation of cross sections down to the process threshold.

Gary Shiu, Flavio Tonioni, Hung V. Tran

26 pages (13 figures) + appendices

We prove the conditions under which scaling cosmologies are inevitable late-time attractors of multi-field multi-exponential potentials, independently of initial conditions. The advantage of such scaling cosmologies is that the time dependence of the fields and of the scale factor is known analytically, thus allowing late-time observables to be determined exactly. Expanding the earlier results of ref. arXiv:hep-th/2303.03418, here we continue the program of analytically characterizing the late-time behavior of cosmological solutions. Our results are general in that they are derived without relying on any approximation nor are they based on any assumption on the sources of the potential, such as their higher-dimensional or string-theoretic origin. We point out a number of model-independent features that follow from our analytic results, including a convex-hull criterion for cosmic acceleration. When applied to string theory, our analytic knowledge of late-time cosmological solutions enables us to single out potentials that can describe an accelerating universe from those which cannot and to quantitatively test several conjectured Swampland criteria.

In type I seesaw models, the right-handed neutrinos are typically super-heavy, consistent with the generation of baryon asymmetry via standard leptogenesis. Primordial gravitational waves of cosmological origin provides a new window to probe high scale physics, which would otherwise be inaccessible. By considering a {\em global} $U(1)_{B-L}$ extension of the type I seesaw model, we explore the connection between neutrino mass and primordial gravitational waves arising from the dynamics of global cosmic string network. As a concrete example, we study a global $U(1)_{B-L}$ extension of the Littlest Seesaw model and show that the inevitable GW signals, if detectable, probe the parameter space that can accommodate neutrino oscillation data and successful leptogenesis, while respecting theoretical constraints like perturbativity of the theory. Including CMB constraints from polarization and dark radiation leaves a large regions of parameter space of the model, including the best fit regions, which can be probed by GW detectors like LISA and ET in the near future. In general, the GW detectors can test high scale type I seesaw models with the heaviest right-handed neutrino mass above $2.5 \times 10^{14}$ GeV, assuming the perturbativity, and $7 \times 10^{13}$ GeV assuming that the coupling between the heaviest right-handed neutrino and the $U(1)_{B-L}$ breaking scalar is less than unity.

Dan Hooper, Huangyu Xiao

10 pages, 5 figures

Measurements of the primordial element abundances provide us with an important probe of our universe's early thermal history, allowing us to constrain the expansion rate and composition of our universe as early as $\sim 1 \, {\rm s}$ after the Big Bang. Prior to this time, we have essentially no empirical information on which to base any such claims. In this paper, we imagine a future time in which we have not only detected the particles that make up the dark matter, but have measured their mass and annihilation cross section with reasonable precision. In analogy to the light element abundances, the dark matter abundance in this scenario could be used to study and constrain the expansion rate and composition of our universe at the time of dark matter freeze out, which for a standard thermal relic occurs at $T_f \sim 20/m_{\chi}$, corresponding to $t \sim 4 \times 10^{-10} \, {\rm s} \times ({\rm TeV}/m_{\chi})^2$, many orders of magnitude prior to the onset of Big Bang nucleosynthesis. As examples, we consider how such measurements could be used to constrain scenarios which feature exotic forms of radiation or matter, a ultralight scalar, or modifications to gravity, each of which have the potential to be much more powerfully probed with dark matter than with the light element abundances.

Ina Park, Yu He, Ho-kwang Mao, Ji Hoon Shim, Duck Young Kim

26 pages, 4 main figures and 6 supplementary figures

Earth's inner core (IC) serves as a reservoir for volatile elements, which significantly affects its behavior and properties. Recent studies suggest that superionicity can be observed in ice and iron hydrides under high-pressure and temperature conditions, providing an alternative understanding of the planet's interior. In this study, we demonstrated that electride formation drives the superionic state in iron hydride under IC pressure conditions. The electride stabilizes the iron lattice and provides a pathway for volatile diffusion. The coupling between lattice stability and superionicity is triggered near 100 GPa and enhanced at higher pressures. The electride-driven superionicity can also be generalized for volatiles in other rocky planetary cores. These findings provide new insights into the mechanisms of core formation and evolution of rocky planets.

Simon Cléry, Hyun Min Lee, Adriana G. Menkara

23 pages, 3 figures

We propose a novel possibility for Higgs inflation where the perturbative unitarity below the Planck scale is ensured by construction and the successful predictions for inflation are accommodated. The conformal gravity coupling for the Higgs field leads to the proximity of the effective Planck mass to zero in the Jordan frame during inflation, corresponding to a pole in the Higgs kinetic term in the Einstein frame. Requiring the Higgs potential to vanish at the conformal pole in the effective theory in the Jordan frame, we make a robust prediction of the successful Higgs inflation. We show that a concrete realization of the Higgs pole inflation can be pinned down by the reheating processes with a general equation of state for the Higgs inflaton. We illustrate some extensions of the simple Higgs pole inflation to the general pole expansions, the running Higgs quartic coupling in the Standard Model and its extension with a singlet scalar field, a supergravity embedding of the Higgs pole inflation.

Vladimir Karas, Zdenek Stuchlik

10 pages, 1 figure, "Remo Ruffini Festschrift", Conference held in the ICRANet seat at Villa Ratti, Nice (France), and online 16-18 May 2022

Already in the cornerstone works on astrophysical black holes published as early as in 1970s, Ruffini and collaborators have revealed potential importance of an intricate interaction between the effects of strong gravitational and electromagnetic fields. Close to the event horizon of the black hole, magnetic and electric lines of force become distorted and dragged even a in purely electro-vacuum system. Moreover, as the plasma effects inevitably arise in any astrophysically realistic environment, particles of different electric charge can separate from each other, become accelerated away from the black hole or accreted onto it, and contribute to the net electric charge of the black hole. From the point of principle, the case of super-strong magnetic fields is of particular interest, as the electromagnetic field can act as a source of gravity and influence the space-time geometry. In a brief celebratory note we revisit aspects of rotation and charge within the framework of exact (asymptotically non-flat) solutions of mutually coupled Einstein-Maxwell equations that describe magnetized, rotating black holes.