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Papers for Friday, Jun 23 2023

Papers with local authors

D. S. N. Rupke, D. Wylezalek, N. L. Zakamska, S. Veilleux, C. Bertemes, Y. Ishikawa, W. Liu, S. Sankar, A. Vayner, H. X. G. Lim, R. McCrory, G. Murphree, L. Whitesell, L. Shen, G. Liu, J. K. Barrera-Ballesteros, H.-W. Chen, N. Diachenko, A. D. Goulding, J. E. Greene, K. N. Hainline, F. Hamann, T. Heckman, S. D. Johnson, D. Lutz, N. Lützgendorf, V. Mainieri, N. Nesvadba, P. Ogle, E. Sturm

Submitted to ApJL

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Paper 14 — arXiv:2306.12541
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Paper 14 — arXiv:2306.12541

The [OIII] 5007 A emission line is the most common tracer of warm, ionized outflows in active galactic nuclei across cosmic time. JWST newly allows us to use mid-infrared spectral features at both high spatial and spectral resolution to probe these same winds. Here we present a comparison of ground-based, seeing-limited [OIII] and space-based, diffraction-limited [SIV] 10.51 micron maps of the powerful, kpc-scale outflow in the Type 1 red quasar SDSS J110648.32+480712.3. The JWST data are from the Mid-InfraRed Instrument (MIRI). There is a close match in resolution between the datasets (0."4--0."6), in ionization potential of the O+2 and S+3 ions (35 eV), and in line sensitivity (1e-17 to 2e-17 erg/s/cm2/arcsec2). The [OIII] and [SIV] line shapes match in velocity and linewidth over much of the 20 kpc outflowing nebula, and [SIV] is the brightest line in the rest-frame 3.5--19.5 micron range, demonstrating its usefulness as a mid-IR probe of quasar outflows. [OIII] is nevertheless intriniscally brighter and provides better contrast with the point-source continuum, which is strong in the mid-IR. There is a strong anticorrelation of [OIII]/[SIV] with average velocity, which is consistent with a scenario of differential obscuration between the approaching (blueshifted) and receding (redshifted) sides of the flow. The dust in the wind may also obscure the central quasar, consistent with models that attribute red quasar extinction to dusty winds.

Modified theories of gravity encompass a class of $f(R)$-models that seek to elucidate the observed late time accelerated expansion of the universe. In this study, we examine a set of viable $f(R)$ models (Hu-Sawicki: two cases, Satrobinsky, Tsujikawa, exponential and arcTanh models) in metric formalism, using recent cosmological data sets: type Ia supernovae data, cosmic chronometer observations, baryonic acoustic oscillations data, data from H\textsc{ii} starburst galaxies, and local measurements of the Hubble parameter $H_0$. The model parameters are constrained using a Bayesian analysis with the Monte Carlo Markov Chain method. We employ statistical tools such as the Akaike Information Criterion, Bayesian Information Criterion, and reduced chi-square statistics to conduct a comparative investigation of these models. We determine the transition redshift, the evolution of total equation-of-state (EoS) parameter, and the EoS for the component responsible for current accelerated expansion to characterize the expansion's evolution. Taking into account the ``Hubble tension," we perform the study with and without a Gaussian prior for $H_0$ from local measurements. Our findings are as follows: (i) in many cases the $f(R)$ models are strongly favored over the standard $\Lambda$CDM model, (ii) the deviation parameter ($b$) significantly deviates from zero in several cases, (iii) the inclusion of local $H_0$ not only increases the fitted value of $H_0$ (as expected) but also affects the gap between predictions of $f(R)$ models and the $\Lambda$CDM model, and (iv) the relevant quantities characterizing the (accelerated) expansion of the universe obtained in our models are consistent with those obtained in a model-independent way by others. Our investigation and results present a compelling case for pursuing further research on $f(R)$ models with future observations to come.

Jia-Lun Li, Yu-Peng Yang, Shuang-Xi Yi, Jian-Ping Hu, Fa-Yin Wang, Yan-Kun Qu

Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, 13 pages, 9 figures and 2 tables

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Paper 31 — arXiv:2306.12840
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Paper 31 — arXiv:2306.12840

As one of the most energetic and brightest events, gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) can be treated as a promising probe of the high-redshift universe. Similar to type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), GRBs with same physical origin could be treated as standard candles. We select GRB samples with the same physical origin, which are divided into two groups. One group is consisted of 31 GRBs with a plateau phase feature of a constant luminosity followed by a decay index of about -2 in the X-ray afterglow light curves, and the other has 50 GRBs with a shallow decay phase in the optical light curves. For the selected GRB samples, we confirm that there is a tight correlation between the plateau luminosity $L_0$, the end time of plateau $t_b$ and the isotropic energy release $E_{\gamma,iso}$. We also find that the $L_0-t_b-E_{\gamma,iso}$ correlation is insensitive to the cosmological parameters and no valid limitations on the cosmological parameters can be obtained using this correlation. We explore a new three-parameter correlation $L_0$, $t_b$, and the spectral peak energy in the rest frame $E_{p,i}$ ($L_0-t_b-E_{p,i}$), and find that this correlation can be used as a standard candle to constrain the cosmological parameters. By employing the optical sample only, we find the constraints of $\Omega_m = 0.697_{-0.278}^{+0.402}(1\sigma)$ for a flat $\Lambda$CDM model. For the non-flat $\Lambda$CDM model, the best-fitting results are $\Omega_m = 0.713_{-0.278}^{+0.346}$, $\Omega_{\Lambda} = 0.981_{-0.580}^{+0.379}(1\sigma)$. For the combination of the X-ray and optical smaples, we find $\Omega_m = 0.313_{-0.125}^{+0.179}(1\sigma)$ for a flat $\Lambda$CDM model, and $\Omega_m = 0.344_{-0.112}^{+0.176}$, $\Omega_{\Lambda} = 0.770_{-0.416}^{+0.366}(1\sigma)$ for a non-flat $\Lambda$CDM model.

Tansu Daylan, Simon Birrer

5 pages, 3 figures, Roman Core Community Survey (CCS) White Paper

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Paper 35 — arXiv:2306.12864
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Paper 35 — arXiv:2306.12864

We recommend a deeper extension to the High-Latitute Wide Area Survey planned to be conducted by the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (\emph{Roman}). While this deeper-tier survey extension can support a range of astrophysical investigations, it is particularly well suited to characterize the dark matter substructure in galactic halos and reveal the microphysics of dark matter through gravitational lensing. We quantify the expected yield of \emph{Roman} for finding galaxy-galaxy-type gravitational lenses and motivate observational choices to optimize the \emph{Roman} core community surveys for studying dark matter substructure. In the proposed survey, we expect to find, on average, one strong lens with a characterizable substructure per \emph{Roman} tile (0.28 squared degrees), yielding approximately 500 such high-quality lenses. With such a deeper legacy survey, \emph{Roman} will outperform any current and planned telescope within the next decade in its potential to characterize the concentration and abundance of dark matter subhalos in the mass range 10$^7$-10$^{11}$\,M$_{\odot}$.

S. Abe, A. Aguasca-Cabot, I. Agudo, N. Alvarez Crespo, L. A. Antonelli, C. Aramo, A. Arbet-Engels, M. Artero, K. Asano, P. Aubert, A. Baktash, A. Bamba, A. Baquero Larriva, L. Baroncelli, U. Barres de Almeida, J. A. Barrio, I. Batkovic, J. Baxter, J. Becerra González, E. Bernardini, M. I. Bernardos, J. Bernete Medrano, A. Berti, P. Bhattacharjee, N. Biederbeck, C. Bigongiari, E. Bissaldi, O. Blanch, P. Bordas, A. Bulgarelli, I. Burelli, M. Buscemi, M. Cardillo, S. Caroff, A. Carosi, F. Cassol, D. Cauz, G. Ceribella, Y. Chai, K. Cheng, A. Chiavassa, M. Chikawa, L. Chytka, A. Cifuentes, et al.

Submitted to ApJ

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Paper 46 — arXiv:2306.12960
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Paper 46 — arXiv:2306.12960

CTA (Cherenkov Telescope Array) is the next generation ground-based observatory for gamma-ray astronomy at very-high energies. The Large-Sized Telescope prototype (\LST{}) is located at the Northern site of CTA, on the Canary Island of La Palma. LSTs are designed to provide optimal performance in the lowest part of the energy range covered by CTA, down to $\simeq 20$ GeV. \LST{} started performing astronomical observations in November 2019, during its commissioning phase, and it has been taking data since then. We present the first \LST{} observations of the Crab Nebula, the standard candle of very-high energy gamma-ray astronomy, and use them, together with simulations, to assess the basic performance parameters of the telescope. The data sample consists of around 36 hours of observations at low zenith angles collected between November 2020 and March 2022. \LST{} has reached the expected performance during its commissioning period - only a minor adjustment of the preexisting simulations was needed to match the telescope behavior. The energy threshold at trigger level is estimated to be around 20 GeV, rising to $\simeq 30$ GeV after data analysis. Performance parameters depend strongly on energy, and on the strength of the gamma-ray selection cuts in the analysis: angular resolution ranges from 0.12 to 0.40 degrees, and energy resolution from 15 to 50\%. Flux sensitivity is around 1.1\% of the Crab Nebula flux above 250 GeV for a 50-h observation (12\% for 30 minutes). The spectral energy distribution (in the 0.03 - 30 TeV range) and the light curve obtained for the Crab Nebula agree with previous measurements, considering statistical and systematic uncertainties. A clear periodic signal is also detected from the pulsar at the center of the Nebula.

All other papers

L.Lange, F.Forget, E.Dupont, R.Vandemeulebrouck, A.Spiga, E.Millour, M.Vincendon, A.Bierjon

A large number of surface phenomena (e.g., frost and ice deposits, gullies, slope streaks, recurring slope lineae) are observed on Martian slopes. Their formation is associated with specific microclimates on these slopes that have been mostly studied with one-dimensional radiative balance models to date. We demonstrate here that any Martian slope can be thermally represented by a poleward or equatorward slope, i.e., the daily average, minimum, and maximum surface temperatures depend on the North-South component of the slope. Based on this observation, we propose here a subgrid-scale parameterization to represent slope microclimates in coarse-resolution global climate models. We implement this parameterization in the Mars Planetary Climate Model and validate it through comparisons with surface temperature measurements and frost detections on sloped terrains. With this new model, we show that these slope microclimates do not have a significant impact on the seasonal CO2 and H2O cycle. Our model also simulates for the first time the heating of the atmosphere by warm plains surrounding slopes. Active gullies are mostly found where our model predicts CO$_2$ frost, suggesting that the formation of gullies is mostly related to processes involving CO2 ice. However, the low thicknesses predicted there rule out mechanisms involving large amounts of ice. This model opens the way to new studies on surface-atmosphere interactions in present and past climates.

R. Jain, E. F. Brown, H. Schatz, A. V. Afanasjev, M. Beard, L. R. Gasques, S. S. Gupta, G. W. Hitt, W. R. Hix, R. Lau, P. Moller, W. J. Ong, M. Wiescher, Y. Xu

AASTeX63, 11 pages with 9 figures

The observation of X-rays during quiescence from transiently accreting neutron stars provides unique clues about the nature of dense matter. This, however, requires extensive modeling of the crusts and matching the results to observations. The pycnonuclear fusion reaction rates implemented in these models are theoretically calculated by extending phenomenological expressions and have large uncertainties spanning many orders of magnitude. We present the first sensitivity studies of these pycnonuclear fusion reactions in realistic network calculations. We also couple the reaction network with the thermal evolution code dStar to further study their impact on the neutron star cooling curves in quiescence. Varying the pycnonuclear fusion reaction rates alters the depth at which nuclear heat is deposited although the total heating remains constant. The enhancement of the pycnonuclear fusion reaction rates leads to an overall shallower deposition of nuclear heat. The impurity factors are also altered depending on the type of ashes deposited on the crust. These total changes correspond to a variation of up to 9 eV in the modeled cooling curves. While this is not sufficient to explain the shallow heat source, it is comparable to the observational uncertainties and can still be important for modeling the neutron star crust.

László Molnár, Csilla Kalup, Meridith Joyce

White paper, 12 pages, 2 figures. Submitted to the Roman Core Community Surveys White Paper Call

Globular clusters are relics of the early Universe and they hold clues to many aspects of stellar and galactic evolution. We propose to point the Roman Space Telescope at one or more clusters either as a part of or as an extension of the Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey. This would provide a unique opportunity to apply the powerful toolkit of asteroseismology to a globular cluster, an observation that is largely out of reach for any other time-domain photometric missions. In this white paper we present the possible targets in the vicinity of the notional survey fields. Potential science cases include precise determination of stellar parameters throughout the cluster, accurate estimation of the integrated mass loss for metal-poor and metal-rich clusters, asteroseismic analysis and mass estimation for RR Lyrae stars, and determination of the seismic ages of clusters. We provide comparisons with other photometric missions and recommendations for maximizing the scientific return from a dedicated globular cluster observing run.

Jean M. Kempf, Francois Rincon, Nicolas Clerc

20 pages, 13 figures, submitted to A&A

Context. Amongst many plasma processes potentially relevant to the dynamics of the intracluster medium (ICM), turbulence driven at observable scales by internal magnetised buoyancy instabilities like the magneto-thermal instability (MTI) stand out in the ICM outskirt, where the background temperature decreases with radius. Aims. We characterise the statistical properties of MTI turbulence and assess whether such magnetised dynamics would be detectable with the future X-ray calorimeter X-IFU onboard ATHENA. Methods. We make use of scaling laws derived by Perrone & Latter (2022a,b) to estimate the observable turbulent saturation levels and injection length of MTI turbulence for different ICM thermodynamic profiles, and perform a numerical MHD simulation of the dynamics with Braginskii heat and momentum diffusion. As a prospective exercise, we use the simulation to virtually observe MTI turbulence through the X-IFU. Results. In bright enough regions amenable to X-ray observations, the MTI drives mild turbulence up to $\sim$ 5% and $\sim$ 100 km/s (rms temperature fluctuation and velocity). However, the measurable integrated temperature fluctuation and line-of-sight velocity fields, which is essentially the azimuthal velocity component in cluster haloes, hardly exceed 1% and 10 km/s respectively. We show that such moderate signals would be hard to detect with upcoming X-ray telescopes. MTI turbulence is anisotropic in the direction of the gravity. If the fluctuation intensities were to be stronger than the current theoretical estimates, MTI fluctuations may be detectable and their anisotropy discernible with the X-IFU. Conclusions. Finding direct signatures of magnetised dynamics in the ICM, even at observable scales typical of the MTI, remains challenging. This study is a first step in this direction. Several numerical and observational strategies are discussed to make further progress.

W. Garrett Levine, Aster G. Taylor, Darryl Z. Seligman, Devin J. Hoover, Robert Jedicke, Jennifer B. Bergner, Gregory P. Laughlin

28 pages, 13 figures; accepted to PSJ

Interstellar small bodies are unique probes into the histories of exoplanetary systems. One hypothesized class of interlopers are "Jurads," exo-comets released into the Milky Way during the post-main sequence as the thermally-pulsing asymptotic giant branch (AGB) host stars lose mass. In this study, we assess the prospects for the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) to detect a Jurad and examine whether such an interloper would be observationally distinguishable from exo-comets ejected during the (pre-)main sequence. Using analytic and numerical methods, we estimate the fraction of exo-Oort Cloud objects that are released from 1-8 solar mass stars during post-main sequence evolution. We quantify the extent to which small bodies are altered by the increased luminosity and stellar outflows during the AGB, finding that some Jurads may lack hypervolatiles and that stellar winds could deposit dust that covers the entire exo-comet surface. Next, we construct models of the interstellar small body reservoir for various size-frequency distribution slopes, characteristic sizes, and the total mass sequestered in the minor planets of exo-Oort Clouds. Even with the LSST's increased search volume compared to contemporary surveys, we find that detecting a Jurad is unlikely but not infeasible given the current understanding of (exo)planet formation.

Albert Sneppen, Darach Watson, Dovi Poznanski, Oliver Just, Andreas Bauswein, Radosław Wojtak

Submitted to A&A. Comments are welcome

While gravitational wave (GW) standard sirens from neutron star (NS) mergers have been proposed to offer good measurements of the Hubble constant, we show in this paper how a variation of the expanding photosphere method (EPM) or spectral-fitting expanding atmosphere method, applied to the kilonovae (KNe) associated with the mergers, can provide an independent and potentially percent-accurate distance measurement to individual mergers. The KN-EPM overcomes the major uncertainties commonly associated with this method in supernovae for four reasons: 1) the early continuum is very well-reproduced by a blackbody spectrum, 2) the dilution effect from electron scattering opacity is likely negligible, 3) the explosion times are exactly known due to the GW detection, and 4) the ejecta geometry is, at least in some cases, highly spherical and can be constrained from line-shape analysis. We provide an analysis of the early VLT/X-shooter spectra AT2017gfo showing how the luminosity distance can be determined, and find a luminosity distance of $D_L = 44.5\pm0.5\,$Mpc in agreement with, but more precise than, previous methods. We investigate the dominant systematic uncertainties, but our simple framework, which assumes a blackbody photosphere, does not account for the full time-dependent, three-dimensional radiative transfer effects, so this distance should be treated as preliminary. The luminosity distance corresponds to an estimated Hubble constant of $H_0 = 67.1\pm 3.4\,$km$\,$s$^{-1}\,$Mpc$^{-1}$, where the dominant uncertainty is due to the modelling of the host peculiar velocity. We also estimate the expected constraints on $H_0$ from future KN-EPM-analysis with the upcoming O4 and O5 runs of the LIGO collaboration GW-detectors, where 5-10 similar KNe would yield 1% precision cosmological constraints.

Nils Schöneberg, Guillermo Franco Abellán, Théo Simon, Alexa Bartlett, Yashvi Patel, Tristan L. Smith

22 pages, 17 figures, 5 tables. Any comment is welcome!

Models which address both the Hubble and $S_8$ tensions with the same mechanism generically cause a pre-recombination suppression of the small scale matter power spectrum. Here we focus on two such models. Both models introduce a self-interacting dark radiation fluid scattering with dark matter, which has a step in its abundance around some transition redshift. In one model, the interaction is weak and with all of the dark matter whereas in the other it is strong but with only a fraction of the dark matter. The weakly interacting case is able to address both tensions simultaneously and provide a good fit to a the Planck measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the Pantheon Type Ia supernovae, and a combination of low and high redshift baryon acoustic oscillation data, whereas the strongly interacting model cannot significantly ease both tensions simultaneously. The addition of high-resolution cosmic microwave background (CMB) measurements (ACT DR4 and SPT-3G) slightly limits both model's ability to address the Hubble tension. The use of the effective field theory of large-scale structures analysis of BOSS DR12 LRG and eBOSS DR16 QSO data additionally limits their ability to address the $S_8$ tension. We explore how these models respond to these data sets in detail in order to draw general conclusions about what is required for a mechanism to address both tensions. We find that in order to fit the CMB data the time dependence of the suppression of the matter power spectrum plays a central role.

Vadim Rusakov, Charles L. Steinhardt, Albert Sneppen

ApJS in press, 25 pages, 10 figures. Catalog to be published online shortly (available on request now)

This work presents and releases a catalog of new photometrically-derived physical properties for the $\sim 10^5$ most well-measured galaxies in the COSMOS field on the sky. Using a recently developed technique, spectral energy distributions are modeled assuming a stellar initial mass function (IMF) that depends on the temperature of gas in star-forming regions. The method is applied to the largest current sample of high-quality panchromatic photometry, the COSMOS2020 catalog, that allows for testing this assumption. It is found that the galaxies exhibit a continuum of IMF, and gas temperatures, most of which are bottom-lighter than measured in the Milky Way. As a consequence, the stellar masses and star formation rates of most galaxies here are found to be lower than those measured by traditional techniques in the COSMOS2020 catalog by factors of $\sim 1.6-3.5$ and $2.5-70.0$, respectively, with the change being the strongest for the most active galaxies. The resulting physical properties provide new insights into variation of the IMF-derived gas temperature along the star-forming main sequence and at quiescence, produce a sharp and coherent picture of downsizing, as seen from the stellar mass functions, and hint at a possible high-temperature and high-density stage of early galactic evolution.

D. Mata Sánchez (1, 2), T. Muñoz-Darias (1, 2), J. Casares (1, 2), M. Huertas-Company (1, 2, 3), G. Panizo-Espinar (1, 2) ((1) Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, 38205 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, (2) Departamento de astrofísica, Univ. de La Laguna, E-38206 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, (3) LERMA, Observatoire de Paris, CNRS, PSL, Université Paris-Cité, France)

Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 13 pages, 6 figures

The systematic discovery of outflows in the optical spectra of low-mass X-ray binaries opened a new avenue for the study of the outburst evolution in these extreme systems. However, the efficient detection of such features in a continuously growing database requires the development of new analysis techniques with a particular focus on scalability, adaptability, and automatization. In this pilot study, we explore the use of machine learning algorithms to perform the identification of outflows in spectral line profiles observed in the optical range. We train and test the classifier on a simulated database, constructed through a combination of disc emission line profiles and outflow signatures, emulating typical observations of low-mass X-ray binaries. The final, trained classifier is applied to two sets of spectra taken during two bright outbursts that were particularly well covered, those of V404 Cyg (2015) and MAXI J1820+070 (2018). The resulting classification gained by this novel approach is overall consistent with that obtained through traditional techniques, while it simultaneously provides a number of key advantages over the latter, including the access to low velocity outflows. This study sets the foundations for future studies on large samples of spectra from low-mass X-ray binaries and other compact binaries.

Sean K. Terry, Matthew W. Hosek Jr., Jessica R. Lu, Casey Lam, Natasha Abrams, Arash Bahramian, Richard Barry, Jean-Phillipe Beaulieu, Aparna Bhattacharya, Devin Chu, Anna Ciurlo, Will Clarkson, Tuan Do, Kareem El-Badry, Ryan Felton, Matthew Freeman, Abhimat Gautam, Andrea Ghez, Daniel Huber, Jason Hunt, Macy Huston, Tharindu Jayasinghe, Naoki Koshimoto, Madeline Lucey, Florian Peißker, Anna Pusack, Clément Ranc, Dominick Rowan, Robyn Sanderson, Rainer Schödel, Richard G. Spencer, Rachel Street, Daisuke Suzuki, Aikaterini Vandorou

19 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to the NASA Roman Core Community Surveys White Paper Call

We advocate for a Galactic center (GC) field to be added to the Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey (GBTDS). The new field would yield high-cadence photometric and astrometric measurements of an unprecedented ${\sim}$3.3 million stars toward the GC. This would enable a wide range of science cases, such as finding star-compact object binaries that may ultimately merge as LISA-detectable gravitational wave sources, constraining the mass function of stars and compact objects in different environments, detecting populations of microlensing and transiting exoplanets, studying stellar flares and variability in young and old stars, and monitoring accretion onto the central supermassive black hole. In addition, high-precision proper motions and parallaxes would open a new window into the large-scale dynamics of stellar populations at the GC, yielding insights into the formation and evolution of galactic nuclei and their co-evolution with the growth of the supermassive black hole. We discuss the possible trade-offs between the notional GBTDS and the addition of a GC field with either an optimal or minimal cadence. Ultimately, the addition of a GC field to the GBTDS would dramatically increase the science return of Roman and provide a legacy dataset to study the mid-plane and innermost regions of our Galaxy.

F. C. Cerqueira-Campos, A. Rodríguez-Ardila, S. Panda, R. Riffel, L. G. Dahmer-Hahn, M. Marinello

Coronal-Line Forest Active Galactic Nuclei (CLiF AGN) are characterized by strong, high-ionization lines, which are in contrast to what is found in typical AGNs. Here, we carry out an infrared analysis aimed at understanding the spectral energy distribution of six sources from this group. In this work, the properties of the dusty torus for these objects are analyzed. To this purpose, we infer the physical and geometrical properties of the dust structure that surrounds the central region by fitting with models the spectral energy distribution (SED) of CLiF AGNs in the infrared. For this analysis, we compare the results of three models: CLUMPY, SKIRTOR and CAT3D-WIND. Using the Bayesian information criterion, SKIRTOR was found to have the most robust fit to the SEDs in five out of six galaxies. The remaining object was best fitted with CLUMPY. The results indicate that these objects are preferentially Type~I sources, supporting the detection of broad components in the permitted lines, likely associated with the BLR in the near-infrared (NIR) spectra. The best SED fitting indicates that the line of sight gives access to the view of the central source for these objects, but the amount of dusty clouds in the same direction is high, suggesting the hypothesis that they obscure the emission of the continuum produced by the central source and that the obscuration makes the coronal lines to not overlap with the continuum.

Junyao Li, Xin Liu, Yue Shen, Masamune Oguri, Arran C. Gross, Nadia L. Zakamska, Yu-Ching Chen, Hsiang-Chih Hwang

9 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJL

We report Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) deep IR (F160W) imaging of SDSS J1608+2716. This system, located at a redshift of $z=2.575$, was recently reported as a triple quasar candidate with subarcsecond separations ($\sim0.25''$) based on selection from Gaia astrometry and follow-up Keck adaptive optics-assisted integral field unit spectroscopy. Our new HST deep IR imaging reveals the presence of a fourth point-like component located $\sim0.9''$ away from the triple system. Additionally, we detect an edge-on disk galaxy located in between the four point sources, which appears to be in the process of merging with a fainter companion galaxy. The entire system exhibits a characteristic cusp structure in the context of strong gravitational lensing, and the observed image configuration can be successfully reproduced using a lens model based on a singular isothermal ellipsoid mass profile. These findings indicate that this system is a quadruply lensed quasar. Our results highlight the challenges associated with identifying dual/multiple quasars on $\sim$kpc scales at high redshifts, and emphasize the crucial role of deep, high-resolution IR imaging in robustly confirming such systems.

Casey Y. Lam (UC Berkeley), Natasha Abrams (UC Berkeley), Jeff Andrews (University of Florida), Etienne Bachelet (IPAC), Arash Bahramian (Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy), David Bennett (NASA Goddard, UMd College Park), Valerio Bozza (Salerno University), Floor Broekgaarden (CfA | Harvard & Smithsonian), Sukanya Chakrabarti (University of Alabama, Huntsville), William Dawson (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Kareem El-Badry (Harvard), Maya Fishbach (CITA, University of Toronto), Giacomo Fragione (CIERA, Northwestern), Scott Gaudi (The Ohio State University), Abhimat Gautam (UCLA), Ryosuke Hirai (Monash University), Daniel Holz (University of Chicago), Matthew Hosek Jr. (UCLA), Macy Huston (Penn State), Tharindu Jayasinghe (UC Berkeley), Samson Johnson (NASA JPL), Daisuke Kawata (University College London), et al. (15 additional authors not shown)

20 pages. Submitted in response to Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope white paper call: this https URL

Although there are estimated to be 100 million isolated black holes (BHs) in the Milky Way, only one has been found so far, resulting in significant uncertainty about their properties. The Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey provides the only opportunity in the coming decades to grow this catalog by order(s) of magnitude. This can be achieved if 1) Roman's astrometric potential is fully realized in the observation strategy and software pipelines, 2) Roman's observational gaps of the Bulge are minimized, and 3) observations with ground-based facilities are taken of the Bulge to fill in gaps during non-Bulge seasons. A large sample of isolated BHs will enable a broad range of astrophysical questions to be answered, such as massive stellar evolution, origin of gravitational wave sources, supernova physics, and the growth of supermassive BHs, maximizing Roman's scientific return.

Ananyo Bhattacharya, Cheng Li, Sushil K. Atreya, Paul G. Steffes, Steven M. Levin, Scott J. Bolton, Tristan Guillot, Pranika Gupta, Andrew P. Ingersoll, Jonathan I. Lunine, Glenn S. Orton, Fabiano A. Oyafuso, J. Hunter Waite, Amadeo Belloti, Michael H. Wong

This manuscript has been accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. The final version of the paper will be available in the published journal. This arXiv version is provided for informational purposes

Water and ammonia vapors are known to be the major sources of spectral absorption at pressure levels observed by the microwave radiometer (MWR) on Juno. However, the brightness temperatures and limb darkening observed by the MWR at its longest wavelength channel of 50 cm (600 MHz) in the first 9 perijove passes indicate the existence of an additional source of opacity in the deep atmosphere of Jupiter (pressures beyond 100 bar). The absorption properties of ammonia and water vapor, and their relative abundances in Jupiter's atmosphere do not provide sufficient opacity in deep atmosphere to explain the 600 MHz channel observation. Here we show that free electrons due to the ionization of alkali metals, i.e. sodium, and potassium, with sub-solar metallicity [M/H] (log based 10 relative concentration to solar) in the range of [M/H] = -2 to [M/H] = -5 can provide the missing source of opacity in the deep atmosphere. If the alkali metals are not the source of additional opacity in the MWR data, then their metallicity at 1000 bars can only be even lower. The upper bound of -2 on the metallicity of the alkali metals contrasts with the other heavy elements -- C, N, S, Ar, Kr, and Xe -- which are all enriched relative to their solar abundances having a metallicity of approximately +0.5.

Roberto Lionello, Cooper~Downs, Emily I. Mason, Jon A. Linker, Ronald M. Caplan, Pete Riley, Viacheslav S.Titov, Marc L. DeRosa

We describe, test, and apply a technique to incorporate full-sun, surface flux evolution into an MHD model of the global solar corona. Requiring only maps of the evolving surface flux, our method is similar to that of Lionello et al. (2013), but we introduce two ways to correct the electric field at the lower boundary to mitigate spurious currents. We verify the accuracy of our procedures by comparing to a reference simulation, driven with known flows and electric fields. We then present a thermodynamic MHD calculation lasting one solar rotation driven by maps from the magnetic flux evolution model of Schrijver & DeRosa (2003). The dynamic, time-dependent nature of the model corona is illustrated by examining the evolution of the open flux boundaries and forward modeled EUV emission, which evolve in response to surface flows and the emergence and cancellation flux. Although our main goal is to present the method, we briefly investigate the relevance of this evolution to properties of the slow solar wind, examining the mapping of dipped field lines to the topological signatures of the "S-Web" and comparing charge state ratios computed in the time-dependently driven run to a steady state equivalent. Interestingly, we find that driving on its own does not significantly improve the charge states ratios, at least in this modest resolution run that injects minimal helicity. Still, many aspects of the time-dependently driven model cannot be captured with traditional steady-state methods, and such a technique may be particularly relevant for the next generation of solar wind and CME models.

Kristen C. Dage, Christopher Usher, Jennifer Sobeck, Ana L. Chies Santos, Róbert Szabó, Marta Reina-Campos, Léo Girardi, Vincenzo Ripepi, Marcella Di Criscienzo, Ata Sarajedini, Will Clarkson, Peregrine McGehee, John Gizis, Katherine Rhode, John Blakeslee, Michele Cantiello, Christopher A. Theissen, Annalisa Calamida, Ana Ennis, Nushkia Chamba, Roman Gerasimov, R. Michael Rich, Pauline Barmby, Annette M. N. Ferguson, Benjamin F. Williams

white paper submitted for Roman CCS input

The Nancy Grace Roman Telescope's High Latitude Wide Area Survey will have a number of synergies with the Vera Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), particularly for extragalactic star clusters. Understanding the nature of star clusters and star cluster systems are key topics in many areas of astronomy, chief among them stellar evolution, high energy astrophysics, galaxy assembly/dark matter, the extragalactic distance scale, and cosmology. One of the challenges will be disentangling the age/metallicity degeneracy because young ($\sim$Myr) metal-rich clusters have similar SEDs to old ($\sim$Gyr) metal-poor clusters. Rubin will provide homogeneous, $ugrizy$ photometric coverage, and measurements in the red Roman filters will help break the age-metallicity and age-extinction degeneracies, providing the first globular cluster samples that cover wide areas while essentially free of contamination from Milky Way stars. Roman's excellent spatial resolution will also allow measurements of cluster sizes. We advocate for observations of a large sample of galaxies with a range of properties and morphologies in the Rubin/LSST footprint matching the depth of the LSST Wide-Fast-Deep field $i$ band limit (26.3 mag), and recommend adding the F213 filter to the survey.

Bjorn Emonts (1), Matthew Lehnert (2), Sophie Lebowitz (3, 4), George K. Miley (5), Montserrat Villar-Martin (6), Ray Norris (7, 8), Carlos De Breuck (9), Chris Carilli (1), Ilana Feain (10) ((1) NRAO, (2) CRAL/Univ. Lyon, (3) Univ. Arizona, (4) Ohio State Univ., (5) Leiden Univ., (6) CAB/CSIC-INTA, (7) CSIRO, (8) Western Sydney Univ., (9) ESO, (10) Quasar Sat. Techn. Pty Ltd)

Accepted for publication in ApJ (19 pages, 6 figures)

Powerful radio sources associated with super-massive black holes are among the most luminous objects in the Universe, and are frequently recognized both as cosmological probes and active constituents in the evolution of galaxies. We present alignments between radio jets and cold molecular gas in the environment of distant radio galaxies, and show that the brightness of the radio synchrotron source can be enhanced by its interplay with the molecular gas. Our work is based on CO J>1 observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) of three radio galaxies with redshifts in the range 1.4 < z < 2.1, namely MRC 0114-211 (z = 1.41), MRC 0156-252 (z = 2.02), and MRC 2048-272 (z = 2.05). These ALMA observations support previous work that found molecular gas out to 50 kpc in the circumgalactic environment, based on a CO(1-0) survey performed with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). The CO emission is found along the radio axes but beyond the main radio lobes. When compared to a large sample of high-z radio galaxies from the literature, we find that the presence of this cold molecular medium correlates with an increased flux-density ratio of the main vs. counter lobe. This suggest that the radio lobe brightens when encountering cold molecular gas in the environment. While part of the molecular gas is likely related to the interstellar medium (ISM) from either the host or a companion galaxy, a significant fraction of the molecular gas in these systems shows very low excitation, with r$_{2-1/1-0}$ and r$_{3-2/1-0}$ values $\lesssim$0.2. This could be part of the circumgalactic medium (CGM).

Cool a piece of the Sun to 1000 K at one millibar pressure to yield a mineral assemblage consistent with those found in the most primitive meteorites. This is an equilibrium or fractional condensation experiment simulated by calculations using equations of state for hundreds of gaseous molecules, condensed mineral solids, and silicate liquids, the products of a century of experimental measurements and theoretical studies. Such calculations have revolutionized our understanding of the chemistry of the cosmos. The mid-20th Century realization that meteorites are fossil records of the early Solar System made chemistry central to understanding planetary origins. Thus "condensation", the distribution of elements and isotopes between vapor and condensed solids and/or liquids at or approaching chemical equilibrium, deeply informs discussion of how meteor/comet compositions bear on planets. Condensation calculations have been applied to disks around young stars, to the mineral "rain" of mineral grains expected to form in cool dwarf star atmospheres, to the expanding envelopes of giant stars, to the vapor plumes that form in planetary impacts, and to the chemically and isotopically distinct "shells" computed and observed to exist in supernovae. As with all sophisticated calculations, there are inherent caveats, subtleties, and computational difficulties. Local chemistry has yet to be consistently integrated into dynamical astrophysical simulations so that effects like the blocking of radiation by grains, absorption and reemission of light by grains, and buffering of heat by grain evaporation/condensation feed back into the physics at each node of a gridded calculation over time. A deeper integration of thermochemistry with physical models makes the prospect of a general protoplanetary disk model as hopeful now as a general circulation model for global climate was in the early 1970's.

Denton S. Ebel, Chelsea Brunner, Kevin Konrad, Kristin Leftwich, Isabelle Erb, Muzhou Lu, Hugo Rodriguez, Ellen J. Crapster-Pregont, Jon M. Friedrich, Michael K. Weisberg

The relative abundances and chemical compositions of the macroscopic components or "inclusions" (chondrules and refractory inclusions) and fine-grained mineral matrix in chondritic meteorites provide constraints on astrophysical theories of inclusion formation and chondrite accretion. We present new techniques for analysis of low count per pixel Si, Mg, Ca, Al, Ti and Fe x-ray intensity maps of rock sections, and apply them to large areas of CO and CV chondrites, and the ungrouped Acfer 094 chondrite. For many thousands of manually segmented and type-identified inclusions, we are able to assess, pixel-by-pixel, the major element content of each inclusion. We quantify the total fraction of those elements accounted for by various types of inclusion and matrix. Among CO chondrites, both matrix and inclusion Mg to Si ratios approach the solar (and bulk CO) ratio with increasing petrologic grade, but Si remains enriched in inclusions relative to matrix. The oxidized CV chondrites with higher matrix-inclusion ratios exhibit more severe aqueous alteration (oxidation), and their excess matrix accounts for their higher porosity relative to reduced CV chondrites. Porosity could accommodate an original ice component of matrix as the direct cause of local alteration of oxidized CV chondrites. We confirm that major element abundances among inclusions differ greatly, across a wide range of CO and CV chondrites. These abundances in all cases add up to near-chondritic (solar) bulk abundance ratios in these chondrites, despite wide variations in matrix-inclusion ratios and inclusion sizes: chondrite components are complementary. This "complementarity" provides a robust meteoritic constraint for astrophysical disk models.

The bulk volatile contents of chondritic meteorites provide clues to their origins. Matrix and chondrules carry differing abundances of moderately volatile elements, with chondrules carrying a refractory signature. At the high temperatures of chondrule formation and the low pressures of the solar nebula, many elements, including Na and Fe, should have been volatile. Yet the evidence is that even at peak temperatures, at or near the liquidus, Na and Fe (as FeO and Fe-metal) were present in about their current abundances in molten chondrules. This seems to require very high solid densities during chondrule formation to prevent significant evaporation. Evaporation should also be accompanied by isotopic mass fractionation. Evidence from a wide range of isotopic systems indicates only slight isotopic mass fractionations of moderately vola-tile elements, further supporting high solid densities. However, olivine-rich, FeO-poor chondrules commonly have pyroxene-dominated outer zones that have been interpreted as the prod-ucts of late condensation of SiO2 into chondrule melts. Late condensation of more refractory SiO2 is inconsistent with the apparent abundances of more volatile Na, FeO and Fe-metal in many chondrules. Despite significant recent experimental work bearing on this problem, the conditions under which chondrules behaved as open systems remain enigmatic.

Ashraf Ayubinia, Jong-Hak Woo, Suvendu Rakshit, Donghoon Son

15 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ

We explore the relationship between the ionized gas outflows and radio activity using a sample of $\sim$ 6000 AGNs at z < 0.4 with the kinematical measurement based on the [O III] line profile and the radio detection in the VLA FIRST Survey. To quantify radio activity, we divide our sample into a series of binary subclasses based on the radio properties, i.e., radio-luminous/radio-weak, AGN-dominated/star-formation-contaminated, compact/extended, and radio-loud/radio-quiet. None of the binary subclasses exhibits a significant difference in the normalized [O III] velocity dispersion at a given [O III] luminosity once we correct for the influence of the host galaxy gravitational potential. We only detect a significant difference of [O III] kinematics between high and low radio-Eddington ratio (L$_{1.4 GHz}$/L$_{Edd}$) AGNs. In contrast, we find a remarkable difference in ionized gas kinematics between high and low bolometric-Eddington ratio AGNs. These results suggest that accretion rate is the primary mechanism in driving ionized gas outflows, while radio activity may play a secondary role providing additional influence on gas kinematics

Dimitrios Kantzas, Sera Markoff, Alex J. Cooper, Daniele Gaggero, Maria Petropoulou, Pedro De La Torre Luque

17 pages, 10+6 figures, accepted for publication on MNRAS

For over a century, the identification of high-energy cosmic ray (CR) sources remains an open question. For Galactic CRs with energy up to $10^{15}$ eV, supernova remnants (SNRs) have traditionally been thought the main candidate source. However, recent TeV gamma-ray observations have questioned the SNR paradigm. Propagating CRs are deflected by the Galactic magnetic field, hence, gamma-rays and neutrinos produced via inelastic hadronic interactions are the only means for unveiling the CR sources. In this work, we study the gamma-ray and neutrino emission produced by CRs accelerated inside Galactic jets of stellar-mass black holes in X-ray binaries (BHXBs). We calculate the intrinsic neutrino emission of two prototypical BHXBs, Cygnus X-1 and GX 339-4, for which we have high-quality, quasi-simultaneous multiwavelength spectra. Based on these prototypical sources, we discuss the likelihood of the 35 known Galactic BHXBs to be efficient CR accelerators. Moreover, we estimate the potential contribution to the CR spectrum of a viable population of BHXBs that reside in the Galactic plane. When these BHXBs go into outburst, they may accelerate particles up to 100s of TeV that contribute to the diffuse gamma-ray and neutrino spectra while propagating in the Galactic medium. Using HERMES, an open-source code that calculates the hadronic processes along the line of sight, we discuss the contribution of BHXBs to the diffuse gamma-ray and neutrino fluxes, and compare these to their intrinsic gamma-ray and neutrino emissions. Finally, we discuss the contribution of BHXBs to the observed spectrum of Galactic CRs.

A. Boselli, P. Serra, F. de Gasperin, B. Vollmer, P. Amram, H. W. Edler, M. Fossati, G. Consolandi, P. Cote, J.C. Cuillandre, L. Ferrarese, S. Gwyn, J. Postma, M. Boquien, J. Braine, F. Combes, G. Gavazzi, G. Hensler, M.A. Miville-Deschenes, M. Murgia, J. Roediger, Y. Roehlly, R. Smith, H.X. Zhang, N. Zabel

Accepted for publication in A&A

We present the first results of a 21 cm HI line pilot observation carried out with MeerKAT in preparation for the ViCTORIA project, an untargeted survey of the Virgo galaxy cluster. The extraordinary quality of the data in terms of sensitivity and angular resolution (rms~0.65 mJy beam^-1 at ~27"x39" and 11 km/s resolution) allowed us to detect an extended (~10 kpc projected length) low column density (N(HI) < 2.5x10^20 cm^-2) HI gas tail associated with the dwarf irregular galaxy NGC4523 at the northern edge of the cluster. The morphology of the tail and of the stellar disc suggest that the galaxy is suffering a hydrodynamic interaction with the surrounding hot intracluster medium (ICM; ram pressure stripping). The orientation of the trailing tail, the gradient in the HI gas column density at the interface between the cold ISM and the hot ICM, the velocity of the galaxy with respect to that of the cluster, and its position indicate that NGC4523 is infalling for the first time into Virgo from the NNW background of the cluster. Using a grid of hydrodynamic simulations we derive the impact parameters with the surrounding ICM, and estimate that the galaxy will be at pericentre (D~500-600 kpc) in ~1 Gyr, where ram pressure stripping will be able to remove most, if not all, of its gas. The galaxy is located on the star formation main sequence when its star formation rate is derived using Halpha images obtained during the VESTIGE survey, suggesting that NGC4523 is only at the beginning of its interaction with the surrounding environment. A few HII regions are detected in the Halpha images within the HI gas tail outside the stellar disc. Their ages, derived by comparing their Halpha, FUV, NUV, and optical colours with the predictions of SED fitting models, are <30 Myr, and suggest that these HII regions have formed within the stripped gas.

The binary star alpha Aurigae (otherwise known as Capella) is extremely important to understand the core hydrogen and helium burning phases of the stars, as the primary star is likely evolving through the core helium burning phase, and the masses of the two components are 2.5 Msun and 2.6 Msun, which fall into a mass range for which the extention of the core overshoot during the main sequence phase is uncertain. We aim at deriving the extent of the core overshoot experienced during the core burning phases and testing the efficiency of the convective transport of energy in the external envelope, by comparing results from stellar evolution modelling with the results from the observations. We consider evolutionary tracks calculated on purpose for the present work, for the primary and secondary star of Capella. We determine the extent of the extra-mixing from the core during the main sequence evolution and the age of the system, by requiring that the effective temperatures and surface gravities of the model stars reproduce those derived from the observations at the same epoch. We further check consistency between the observed and predicted surface chemistry of the stars. Consistency between results from stellar evolution modelling and the observations of Capella is found when extra-mixing from the core is assumed, the extent of the extra-mixed zone being of the order of 0.25 H_P. The age of the system is estimated to be 710 Myr. These results allow to nicely reproduce the observed surface chemistry, particularly the recent determination of the 12C/13C ratio based on LBT (Large Binocular Telescope) and VATT (Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope) observations

K. Giers, S. Spezzano, P. Caselli, E. Wirström, O. Sipilä, J. E. Pineda, E. Redaelli, C. T. Bop, F. Lique

27 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

In the centre of pre-stellar cores, deuterium fractionation is enhanced due to the low temperatures and high densities. Therefore, the chemistry of deuterated molecules can be used to study the earliest stages of star formation. We analyse the deuterium fractionation of simple molecules, comparing the level of deuteration in the envelopes of the pre-stellar core L1544 in Taurus and the protostellar core HH211 in Perseus. We used single-dish observations of CCH, HCN, HNC, HCO$^+$, and their $^{13}$C-, $^{18}$O- and D-bearing isotopologues, detected with the Onsala 20m telescope. We derived the column densities and the deuterium fractions of the molecules. Additionally, we used radiative transfer simulations and results from chemical modelling to reproduce the observed molecular lines. We used new collisional rate coefficients for HNC, HN$^{13}$C, DNC, and DCN that consider the hyperfine structure of these molecules. We find high levels of deuteration for CCH (10%) in both sources, consistent with other carbon chains, and moderate levels for HCN (5-7%) and HNC (8%). The deuterium fraction of HCO$^+$ is enhanced towards HH211, most likely caused by isotope-selective photodissociation of C$^{18}$O. Similar levels of deuteration show that the process is likely equally efficient towards both cores, suggesting that the protostellar envelope still retains the chemical composition of the original pre-stellar core. The fact that the two cores are embedded in different molecular clouds also suggests that environmental conditions do not have a significant effect on the deuteration within dense cores. Radiative transfer modelling shows that it is necessary to include the outer layers of the cores to consider the effects of extended structures. Besides HCO$^+$ observations, HCN observations towards L1544 also require the presence of an outer diffuse layer where the molecules are relatively abundant.

In this study, a refined approach for multicomponent fitting of active galactic nuclei (AGN) spectra is presented utilizing the newly developed Python code $fantasy$ (fully automated python tool for AGN spectra analysis). AGN spectra are modeled by simultaneously considering the underlying broken power-law continuum, predefined emission line lists, and an Fe II model, which is here extended to cover the wavelength range 3700 - 11000 A. The Fe II model, founded solely on atomic data, effectively describes the extensive emission of the complex iron ion in the vicinity of the H$\gamma$ and H$\beta$ lines, as well as near the H$\alpha$ line, which was previously rarely studied. The proposed spectral fitting approach is tested on a sample of high-quality AGN spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 17. The results indicate that when Fe II emission is present near H$\beta$, it is also detected redward from H$\alpha$, potentially contaminating the broad H$\alpha$ line wings and thus affecting the measurements of its flux and width. The production of Fe II emission is found to be strongly correlated with Eddington luminosity and appears to be controlled by the similar mechanism as the hydrogen Balmer lines. The study highlights the benefits of fitting AGN type 1 spectra with the $fantasy$ code, pointing that it may be used as a robust tool for analyzing a large number of AGN spectra in the coming spectral surveys.

J. Merc, R. Gális, M. Wolf, P. A. Dubovský, J. Kára, F. Sims, J. R. Foster, T. Medulka, C. Boussin, J. P. Coffin, C. Buil, D. Boyd, J. Montier

16 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables; accepted in the Astronomical Journal

V503 Her was previously proposed as an eclipsing symbiotic candidate based on photometric behavior and spectroscopic appearance indicating the composite optical spectrum. To investigate its nature, we analyzed long-term photometric observations covering one hundred years of its photometric history and new low-resolution optical spectroscopic data, supplemented with the multifrequency measurements collected from several surveys and satellites. Based on the analysis presented in this paper, we claim that V503 Her is not an eclipsing binary star. The optical and infrared wavelengths are dominated by a K-type bright giant with an effective temperature of 4 500 K, luminosity of 1 900 L$_\odot$, and sub-solar metallicity on the asymptotic giant branch showing semiregular complex multi-periodic pulsation behavior. V503 Her does not show the characteristics of strongly interacting symbiotic variables, but some pieces of evidence suggest that it could still be one of the 'hidden' accreting-only symbiotic systems. However, the currently available data do not allow us to fully confirm or constrain the parameters of a possible companion.

Michael Tremmel, Angelo Ricarte, Priyamvada Natarajan, Jillian Bellovary, Ramon Sharma, Thomas R. Quinn

16 pages, 7 figures, to be submitted to the Open Journal of Astrophysics

The occupation fraction of massive black holes (MBHs) in low mass galaxies offers interesting insights into initial black hole seeding mechanisms and their mass assembly history, though disentangling these two effects remains challenging. Using the Romulus cosmological simulations we examine the impact of environment on the occupation fraction of MBHs in low mass galaxies. Unlike most modern cosmological simulations, Romulus seeds MBHs based on local gas properties, selecting very dense, pristine, and rapidly collapsing regions in the early Universe as sites to host MBHs without assuming anything about MBH occupation as a function of galaxy stellar mass, or halo mass, a priori. The simulations predict that dwarf galaxies with M$_{\star}<10^9$ M$_{\odot}$ in cluster environments are approximately two times more likely to host a MBH compared to those in the field. The predicted occupation fractions are remarkably consistent with those of nuclear star clusters. Across cluster and field environments, dwarf galaxies with earlier formation times are more likely to host a MBH. Thus, while the MBH occupation function is similar between cluster and field environments at high redshift ($z>3$), a difference arises as late-forming dwarfs -- which do not exist in the cluster environment -- begin to dominate in the field and pull the MBH occupation fraction down for low mass galaxies. Additionally, prior to in-fall some cluster dwarfs are similar to progenitors of massive, isolated galaxies, indicating that they might have grown to higher masses had they not been impeded by the cluster environment. While the population of MBHs in dwarf galaxies is already widely understood to be important for understanding MBH formation, this work demonstrates that environmental dependence is important to consider as future observations search for low mass black holes in dwarf galaxies.

Matthew Beaudoin, Brett Gladman, Yukun Huang, Michele Bannister, J. J. Kavelaars, Jean-Marc Petit, Kathryn Volk

Accepted for publication in The Planetary Science Journal. 16 pages, 8 figures

The detached transneptunian objects (TNOs) are those with semimajor axes beyond the 2:1 resonance with Neptune, which are neither resonant nor scattering. Using the detached sample from the OSSOS telescopic survey, we produce the first studies of their orbital distribution based on matching the orbits and numbers of the known TNOs after accounting for survey biases. We show that the detached TNO perihelion ($q$) distribution cannot be uniform, but is instead better matched by two uniform components with a break near $q\approx40$ au. We produce parametric two-component models that are not rejectable by the OSSOS data set, and estimate that there are $36,\!000^{+12,000}_{-9,000}$ detached TNOs with absolute magnitudes $H_r < 8.66$ ($D \gtrsim 100$ km) and semimajor axes $48 < a < 250$ au (95% confidence limits). Although we believe these heuristic two-parameter models yield a correct population estimate, we then use the same methods to show that the perihelion distribution of a detached disk created by a simulated rogue planet matches the $q$ distribution even better, suggesting that the temporary presence of other planets in the early Solar System is a promising model to create today's large semimajor axis TNO population. This numerical model results in a detached TNO population estimate of $48,\!000^{+15,000}_{-12,000}$. Because this illustrates how difficult-to-detect $q>50$ au objects are likely present, we conclude that there are $(5 \pm 2)\times10^4$ dynamically detached TNOs, which are thus roughly twice as numerous as the entire transneptunian hot main belt.

O. Graur, E. Padilla Gonzalez, J. Burke, M. Deckers, S. W. Jha, L. Galbany, E. Karamenhmetoglu, M. D. Stritzinger, K. Maguire, D. A. Howell, R. Fisher, A. G. Fullard, R. Handberg, G. Hosseinzadeh, W. E. Kerzendorf, C. McCully, M. Newsome, A. Rest, A. G. Riess, I. R. Seitenzahl, M. M. Shara, K. J. Shen, G. Terreran, D. R. Zurek

12 pages, 8 figures, submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcome

Near-infrared (NIR) observations of normal Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) obtained between 150 to 500 d past maximum light reveal the existence of an extended plateau. Here, we present observations of the underluminous, 1991bg-like SN 2021qvv. Early, ground-based optical and NIR observations show that SN 2021qvv is similar to SN 2006mr, making it one of the dimmest, fastest-evolving 1991bg-like SNe to date. Late-time (170-250 d) Hubble Space Telescope observations of SN 2021qvv reveal no sign of a plateau. An extrapolation of these observations backwards to earlier-phase NIR observations of SN 2006mr suggests the complete absence of a NIR plateau, at least out to 250 d. This absence may be due to the lower temperatures of the ejecta of 1991bg-like SNe, relative to normal SNe Ia, which might preclude their becoming fluorescent and shifting ultraviolet light into the NIR. This suggestion can be tested by acquiring NIR imaging of a sample of 1991bg-like SNe that covers the entire range from slowly-evolving to fast-evolving events ($0.2 \lesssim s_\mathrm{BV} \lesssim 0.6$). A detection of the NIR plateau in slower-evolving, hotter 1991bg-like SNe would provide further evidence that these SNe exist along a continuum with normal SNe Ia. Theoretical progenitor and explosion scenarios would then have to match the observed properties of both SN Ia subtypes.

J. Labadie-Bartz, S. Hümmerich, K. Bernhard, E. Paunzen, M. E. Shultz

30 pages, 9 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in the Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A)

High-quality light curves from space missions have opened up a new window on the rotational and pulsational properties of magnetic chemically peculiar (mCP) stars and have fuelled asteroseismic studies. They allow the internal effects of surface magnetic fields to be probed and numerous astrophysical parameters to be derived with great precision. We present an investigation of the photometric variability of a sample of 1002 mCP stars discovered in the LAMOST archival spectra with the aims of measuring their rotational periods and identifying interesting objects for follow-up studies. TESS photometry was available for 782 mCP stars and was analysed using a Fourier two-term frequency fit to determine the stars' rotational periods. The rotational signal was then subtracted from the light curve to identify non-rotational variability. A pixel-level blending analysis was performed to check whether the variability originates in the target star or a nearby blended neighbour. We investigated correlations between the rotational periods, fractional age on the main sequence, mass, and several other observables. We present rotational periods and period estimates for 720 mCP stars. In addition, we identified four eclipsing binary systems that likely host an mCP star, as well as 25 stars with additional signals consistent with pulsation (12 stars with frequencies above 10 d$^{-1}$ and 13 stars with frequencies below 10 $^{-1}$). We find that more evolved stars have longer rotation periods, in agreement with the assumption of the conservation of angular momentum during main-sequence evolution. With our work, we increase the sample size of mCP stars with known rotation periods and identify prime candidates for detailed follow-up studies. This enables two paths towards future investigations: population studies of even larger samples of mCP stars and the detailed characterisation of high-value targets.

James D Keegans, Marco Pignatari, Richard J Stancliffe, Claudia Travaglio, Samuel Jones, Brad K Gibson, Dean M Townsley, Broxton J Miles, Ken J Shen, Gareth Few

42 pages, 21 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJS 21-06-23

Type Ia supernova explosions (SNIa) are fundamental sources of elements for the chemical evolution of galaxies. They efficiently produce intermediate-mass (with Z between 11 and 20) and iron group elements - for example, about 70% of the solar iron is expected to be made by SNIa. In this work, we calculate complete abundance yields for 39 models of SNIa explosions, based on three progenitors - a 1.4M deflagration detonation model, a 1.0 double detonation model and a 0.8 M double detonation model - and 13 metallicities, with 22Ne mass fractions of 0, 1x10-7, 1x10-6, 1x10-5, 1x10-4, 1x10-3, 2x10-3, 5x10-3, 1x10-2, 1.4x10-2, 5x10-2, and 0.1 respectively. Nucleosynthesis calculations are done using the NuGrid suite of codes, using a consistent nuclear reaction network between the models. Complete tables with yields and production factors are provided online at Zenodo: Yields. We discuss the main properties of our yields in the light of the present understanding of SNIa nucleosynthesis, depending on different progenitor mass and composition. Finally, we compare our results with a number of relevant models from the literature.

S. Das, L. Molnár, S. M. Kanbur, M. Joyce, A. Bhardwaj, H. P. Singh, M. Marconi, V. Ripepi, R. Smolec

8 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings for IAUS376 'At the cross-roads of astrophysics and cosmology: Period-luminosity relations in the 2020s', Budapest, April 2023

We present new theoretical period--luminosity (PL) and period--radius (PR) relations at multiple wavelengths (Johnson--Cousins--Glass and {\sl Gaia} passbands) for a fine grid of BL~Herculis models computed using {\sc mesa-rsp}. The non-linear models were computed for periods typical of BL~Her stars, i.e. $1\leq P ({\rm days}) \leq4$, covering a wide range of input parameters: metallicity ($-$2.0 dex $\leq$ [Fe/H] $\leq$ 0.0 dex), stellar mass (0.5--0.8 M$_{\odot}$), luminosity (50--300 L$_{\odot}$) and effective temperature (full extent of the instability strip; in steps of 50K). We investigate the impact of four sets of convection parameters on multi-wavelength properties. Most empirical relations match well with theoretical relations from the BL~Her models computed using the four sets of convection parameters. No significant metallicity effects are seen in the PR relations. Another important result from our grid of BL~Her models is that it supports combining PL relations of RR Lyrae and Type~II Cepheids together as an alternative to classical Cepheids for the extragalactic distance scale calibration.

Dante Minniti

7 pages, to appear on the Proceedings of IAU Symposium 377, Early Disk-Galaxy Formation: From JWST to the Milky Way, eds. F. Tabatabaei, B. Barbuy, and Y. Ting

We have made a lot of progress in the study of the MW. In spite of this, much of our Galaxy remains unknown, and amazing breakthroughs await to be made in the exploration of the far side of the Galaxy. Focussing on the Galactic extinction horizon problem with current surveys like the Two Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) and the Vista Variables in the Via Lactea Survey (VVV) and its extension VVVX, the extinction horizon is a fundamental difficulty, and it is my intention here to reveal how profound is our ignorance, and also to try to suggest ways for improvement with future near-IR Galactic surveys.

Francesco Sylos Labini, Matteo Straccamore, Giordano De Marzo, Sébastien Comeròn

42 pages, 37 figures, accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Main Journal

Disk galaxies are typically in a stable configuration where matter moves in almost closed circular orbits. However, non-circular motions caused by distortions, warps, lopsidedness, or satellite interactions are common and leave distinct signatures on galaxy velocity maps. We develop an algorithm that uses an ordinary least square method for fitting a non-axisymmetric model to the observed two-dimensional line-of-sight velocity map of an external galaxy, which allows for anisotropic non-circular motions. The method approximates a galaxy as a flat disk, which is an appropriate assumption for spiral galaxies within the optical radius where warps are rare. In the outer parts of HI distributions, which may extend well into the warp region, we use this method in combination with a standard rotating tilted ring model to constrain the range of radii where the flat disk assumption can be conservatively considered valid. Within this range, the transversal and radial velocity profiles, averaged in rings, can be directly reconstructed from the velocity map. The novelty of the algorithm consists in using arc segments in addition to rings: in this way spatial velocity anisotropies can be measured in both components, allowing for the reconstruction of angularly resolved coarse-grained two-dimensional velocity maps. We applied this algorithm to 25 disk galaxies from the THINGS sample for which we can provide 2D maps of both velocity components.

Bhavesh Jaiswal, Tyler D. Robinson

9 pages, 7 figures, published in MNRAS

The presence of aerosols in an exoplanet atmosphere can veil the underlying material and can lead to a flat transmission spectrum during primary transit observations. In this work, we explore forward scattering effects from super-micron sized aerosol particles present in the atmosphere of a transiting exoplanet. We find that the impacts of forward scattering from larger aerosols can significantly impact exoplanet transits and the strength of these effects can be dependent on wavelength. In certain cloud configurations, the forward-scattered light can effectively pass through the clouds unhindered, thus rendering the clouds transparent. The dependence of the aerosol scattering properties on wavelength can then lead to a positive slope in the transit spectrum. These slopes are characteristically different from both Rayleigh and aerosol absorption slopes. As examples, we demonstrate scattering effects for both a rocky world and a hot Jupiter. In these models, the predicted spectral slopes due to forward scattering effects can manifest in the transit spectrum at the level of $\sim$10s to $\sim$100s of parts per million and, hence, could be observable with NASA's James Webb Space Telescope.

Suyeon Son, Minjin Kim, Luis C. Ho

Accepted for publication in ApJ

We assemble a broad-band spectral energy distribution (SED) ranging from optical to mid-infrared of nearby active galactic nuclei at $z < 0.4$. SED fitting analysis is performed using semi-empirical templates derived from Palomar-Green quasars to classify the sample into normal, warm-dust-deficient (WDD), and hot-dust-deficient (HDD) AGNs. Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests reveal that HDD AGNs exhibit, on average higher AGN luminosity than normal and WDD AGNs. HDD fraction, on the other hand, is only weakly correlated with black hole mass and inversely correlated with Eddington ratio. By fixing the other parameters, we conclude that the HDD fraction is primarily connected with the AGN luminosity. It implies that there is a causal connection between the covering factor of the hot dust component and AGN luminosity, possibly due to the sublimation of the innermost dust or the thickening of the intervening gas in the broad-line region. Analysis of the outflow properties traced by the wing of [O III]$\lambda5007$ suggests that outflows may be related to the formation and maintenance of the hot dust component. Finally, we demonstrate through comparison with previous studies that the classification of HDD AGNs requires careful subtraction of the host galaxy light.

P. Stephenson, A. Beth, J. Deca, M. Galand, C. Goetz, P. Henri, K. Heritier, Z. Lewis, A. Moeslinger, H. Nilsson, M. Rubin

27 Pages including Appendices, 24 Figures

We examine the origin of electrons in a weakly outgassing comet, using Rosetta mission data and a 3D collisional model of electrons at a comet. We have calculated a new dataset of electron-impact ionization (EII) frequency throughout the Rosetta escort phase, with measurements of the Rosetta Plasma Consortium's Ion and Electron Sensor (RPC/IES). The EII frequency is evaluated in 15-minute intervals and compared to other Rosetta datasets. Electron-impact ionization is the dominant source of electrons at 67P away from perihelion and is highly variable (by up to three orders of magnitude). Around perihelion, EII is much less variable and less efficient than photoionization at Rosetta. Several drivers of the EII frequency are identified, including magnetic field strength and the outgassing rate. Energetic electrons are correlated to the Rosetta-upstream solar wind potential difference, confirming that the ionizing electrons are solar wind electrons accelerated by an ambipolar field. The collisional test particle model incorporates a spherically symmetric, pure water coma and all the relevant electron-neutral collision processes. Electric and magnetic fields are stationary model inputs, and are computed using a fully-kinetic, collisionless Particle-in-Cell simulation. Collisional electrons are modelled at outgassing rates of $Q=10^{26}$ s$^{-1}$ and $Q=1.5\times10^{27}$ s$^{-1}$. Secondary electrons are the dominant population within a weakly outgassing comet. These are produced by collisions of solar wind electrons with the neutral coma. The implications of large ion flow speed estimates at Rosetta, away from perihelion, are discussed in relation to multi-instrument studies and the new results of the EII frequency obtained in the present study.

Ahmad A. Ali, Clare L. Dobbs, Thomas J. R. Bending, Anne S. M. Buckner, Alex R. Pettitt

14 pages, accepted for publication in MNRAS

It remains unclear how galactic environment affects star formation and stellar cluster properties. This is difficult to address in Milky Way-mass galaxy simulations because of limited resolution and less accurate feedback compared to cloud-scale models. We carry out zoom-in simulations to re-simulate 100-300 pc regions of a Milky Way-like galaxy using smoothed particle hydrodynamics, including finer resolution (0.4 Msun per particle), cluster-sink particles, ray-traced photoionization from O stars, H$_2$/CO chemistry, and ISM heating/cooling. We select $10^6$ Msun cloud complexes from a galactic bar, inner spiral arm, outer arm, and inter-arm region (in order of galactocentric radius), retaining the original galactic potentials. The surface densities of star formation rate and neutral gas follow $\Sigma_{SFR} \propto \Sigma_{gas}^{1.3}$, with the bar lying higher up the relation than the other regions. However, the inter-arm region forms stars 2-3x less efficiently than the arm models at the same $\Sigma_{gas}$. The bar produces the most massive cluster, the inner arm the second, and the inter-arm the third. Almost all clusters in the bar and inner arm are small (radii < 5 pc), while 30-50 per cent of clusters in the outer arm and inter-arm have larger radii more like associations. Bar and inner arm clusters rotate at least twice as fast, on average, than clusters in the outer arm and inter-arm regions. The degree of spatial clustering also decreases from bar to inter-arm. Our results indicate that young massive clusters, potentially progenitors of globular clusters, may preferentially form near the bar/inner arm compared to outer arm/inter-arm regions.

Zhi-Qiang You, Zu-Cheng Chen, Lang Liu, Zhu Yi, Xiao-Jin Liu, You Wu, Yi Gong

15 pages, 2 figures;

The peculiar velocity encodes rich information about the formation, dynamics, evolution, and merging history of binary black holes. In this work, we employ a hierarchical Bayesian model to infer the peculiar velocity distribution of binary black holes for the first time using GWTC-3 by assuming a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution for the peculiar velocities. The constraint on the peculiar velocity distribution parameter is rather weak and uninformative with the current GWTC-3 data release. However, the measurement of the peculiar velocity distribution can be significantly improved with the next-generation ground-based gravitational wave detectors. For instance, the uncertainty on the peculiar velocity distribution parameter will be measured within $\sim$ 10\% with $10^3$ golden binary black hole events for the Einstein Telescope. We, therefore, conclude that our statistical approach provides a robust inference for the peculiar velocity distribution.

S. Mobina Hosseini, Bahareh Soleimanpour Salmasi, Seyed Sajad Tabasi, Javad T. Firouzjaee

14 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables

The thermal history of the intergalactic medium is full of extremely useful data in the field of astrophysics and cosmology. In other words, by examining this environment in different redshifts, the effects of cosmology and astrophysics can be observed side by side. Therefore, simulation is our very powerful tool to reach a suitable model for the intergalactic medium, both in terms of cosmology and astrophysics. In this work, we have simulated the intergalactic medium with the help of the 21cmFAST code and compared the evolution of the neutral hydrogen fraction in different initial conditions. Considerable works arbitrarily determine many important effective parameters in the thermal history of the intergalactic medium without any constraints, and usually, there is a lot of flexibility for modeling. Nonetheless, in this work, by focusing on the evolution of the neutral hydrogen fraction in different models and comparing it with observational data, we have eliminated many models and introduced only limited simulation models that could confirm the observations with sufficient accuracy. This issue becomes thoroughly vital from the point that, in addition to restricting the models through the neutral hydrogen fraction, it can also impose restrictions on the parameters affecting its changes. However, we hope that in future works, by enhancing the observational data and increasing their accuracy, more compatible models with the history of the intergalactic medium can be achieved.

Alysa Obertas, Daniel Tamayo, Norm Murray

15 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Current planet formation theories rely on initially compact orbital configurations undergoing a (possibly extended) phase of giant impacts following the dispersal of the dissipative protoplanetary disk. The orbital architectures of observed mature exoplanet systems have likely been strongly sculpted by chaotic dynamics, instabilities, and giant impacts. One possible signature of systems continually reshaped by instabilities and mergers is their dynamical packing. Early Kepler data showed that many multi-planet systems are maximally packed - placing an additional planet between an observed pair would make the system unstable. However, this result relied on placing the inserted planet in the most optimistic configuration for stability (e.g., circular orbits). While this would be appropriate in an ordered and dissipative picture of planet formation (i.e. planets dampen into their most stable configurations), we argue that this best-case scenario for stability is rarely realized due to the strongly chaotic nature of planet formation. Consequently, the degree of dynamical packing in multi-planet systems under a realistic formation model is likely significantly higher than previously realized. We examine the full Kepler multi planet sample through this new lens, showing that ~60-95% of Kepler multi-planet systems are strongly packed and that dynamical packing increases with multiplicity. This may be a signature of dynamical sculpting or of undetected planets, showing that dynamical packing is an important metric that can be incorporated into planet formation modelling or when searching for unseen planets.

Wenlei Chen, Patrick L. Kelly, Masamune Oguri, Thomas J. Broadhurst, Jose M. Diego, Najmeh Emami, Alexei V. Filippenko, Tommaso L. Treu, Adi Zitrin

69 pages, 12 figures/tables (4 main text, 8 extended data). Published in Nature

The core-collapse supernova of a massive star rapidly brightens when a shock, produced following the collapse of its core, reaches the stellar surface. As the shock-heated star subsequently expands and cools, its early-time light curve should have a simple dependence on the progenitor's size and therefore final evolutionary state. Measurements of the progenitor's radius from early light curves exist for only a small sample of nearby supernovae, and almost all lack constraining ultraviolet observations within a day of explosion. The several-day time delays and magnifying ability of galaxy-scale gravitational lenses, however, should provide a powerful tool for measuring the early light curves of distant supernovae, and thereby studying massive stellar populations at high redshift. Here we analyse individual rest-frame ultraviolet-through-optical exposures taken with the Hubble Space Telescope that simultaneously capture, in three separate gravitationally lensed images, the early phases of a supernova at redshift $z \approx 3$ beginning within $5.8\pm 3.1$ hr of explosion. The supernova, seen at a lookback time of $\sim11.5$ billion years, is strongly lensed by an early-type galaxy in the Abell 370 cluster. We constrain the pre-explosion radius to be $533^{+154}_{-119}$ solar radii, consistent with a red supergiant. Highly confined and massive circumstellar material at the same radius can also reproduce the light curve, but is unlikely since no similar low-redshift examples are known.

Razieh Ranjbar, Shahram Abbassi

Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal

Observational evidence and many numerical simulations show the existence of wind (i.e., uncollimated outflow) in accretion systems of the elliptical galaxy center. One of the primary aims of this study is to investigate the solutions of slowly rotating accretion flows around the supermassive black hole with outflow. This paper presents two distinct physical regions: supersonic and subsonic, that extend from the outer boundary to the black hole. In our numerical solution, the outer boundary is chosen beyond the Bondi radius. Due to strong gravity, we ignore outflow (i.e., $s = 0$) in the inner region (within $\sim 10 r_s$). The radial velocity of the flow at the outer region is significantly increased due to the presence of the outflow. Compared to previous works, the one accretion mode - namely, slowly rotating case, which corresponds to low accretion rates that have general wind output is carefully described, and the effect of galaxy potential and the feedback effects by the wind in this mode are taken into account. Since the power-law form of the mass accretion rate is mathematically compatible with our equations, we consider a radius-dependent mass accretion rate ($\dot{M}_{in} \propto r^s$), where $s$ is a free parameter and shows the intensity of outflow. There is an unknown mechanism for removing the mass, angular momentum, and energy by outflows in this study. The effects of the outflow appear well on the outer edge of the flow.

Hanjue Zhu, Erin Boettcher, Hsiao-Wen Chen

14 pages, 14 figures, comments are welcome

Gaseous, disk-halo interfaces are shaped by physical processes that are critical to disk galaxy evolution, including gas accretion and galactic outflows. However, observations indicate that extraplanar diffuse ionized gas (eDIG) layers have scale heights several times higher than their thermal scale heights. This discrepancy poses a challenge to our current understanding of the disk-halo interface. In this paper, we present a spatially-resolved case study of the eDIG layers in a nearby pair of sub-$L_*$ disk galaxies NGC$\,$3511/3513 using long-slit spectroscopy. We decompose optical nebular lines from the warm interstellar medium and disk-halo interfaces into narrow and broad velocity components. We show that in NGC$\,$3511, the broad component has three distinctive characteristics in comparison to the narrow component: (1) elevated [NII]$\lambda 6583/H\alpha$ and [SII]$\lambda 6716/H\alpha$ line ratios, (2) significantly higher velocity dispersions (a median $\langle\sigma\rangle_{\text{Broad}} = 24\,$km/s compared to $\langle\sigma\rangle_{\text{Narrow}} = 13\,$km/s), and (3) a rotational velocity lag. Together, these characteristics support an origin in an extraplanar, thick gaseous disk. In NGC$\,$3513, the broad component is consistent with localized outflows making their way out of the galactic disk. Our findings demonstrate that gas circulation at the disk-halo interface is present in both galaxies. Additionally, we test a dynamic equilibrium model with pressure support supplied by thermal and turbulent motions. Based on measurements of the eDIG velocity dispersion in NGC$\,$3511, we demonstrate that turbulent motions increase the scale height by at least a factor of a few above the thermal scale height, with $h_{z} \gtrsim 0.2 - 0.4$ kpc at $R = 3 - 5$ kpc. This highlights the importance of turbulent motions to the vertical structure of the gaseous, disk-halo interface.

Jake Summers, Rogier A. Windhorst, Seth H. Cohen, Rolf A. Jansen, Timothy Carleton, Patrick S. Kamieneski, Benne W. Holwerda, Christopher J. Conselice, Nathan J. Adams, Brenda Frye, Jose M. Diego, Christopher N. A. Willmer, Rafael Ortiz III, Cheng Cheng, Alex Pigarelli, Aaron Robotham, Jordan C. J. D'Silva, Scott Tompkins, Simon P. Driver, Haojing Yan, Dan Coe, Norman Grogin, Anton Koekemoer, Madeline A. Marshall, Nor Pirzkal, Russell E. Ryan Jr

Submitted to ApJ, comments welcome

We identify 68 distant stars in JWST/NIRCam ERO images of the field of galaxy cluster SMACS J0723.3-7327 (SMACS 0723). Given the relatively small ($\sim$$10^{\circ}$) angular separation between SMACS 0723 and the Large Magellanic Cloud, it is likely that these stars are associated with the LMC outskirts or Leading Arm. This is further bolstered by a spectral energy distribution analysis, which suggests an excess of stars at a physical distance of $40-100$ kpc, consistent with being associated with or located behind the Magellanic system. In particular, we find that the overall surface density of stars brighter than 27.0 mag in the field of SMACS 0723 is $\sim$2.3 times that of stars in a blank field with similar galactic latitude (the North Ecliptic Pole Time Domain Field), and that the density of stars in the SMACS 0723 field with SED-derived distances consistent with the Magellanic system is $\sim$7.3 times larger than that of the blank field. The candidate stars at these distances are consistent with a stellar population at the same distance modulus with [Fe/H] $= -1.0$ and an age of $\sim$$5.0$ Gyr. On the assumption that all of the 68 stars are associated with the LMC, then the stellar density of the LMC at the location of the SMACS 0723 field is $\sim$$710$ stars kpc$^{-3}$, which helps trace the density of stars in the LMC outskirts.

U. Fuskeland, A. Kaplan, I. K. Wehus, H. K. Eriksen, P. R. Christensen, S. von Hausegger, H. Liu, P. M. Lubin, P. R. Meinhold, P. Naselsky, H. Thommesen, A. Zonca

10 pages, 8 figures. To be submitted to A&A

We present tensor-to-scalar ratio forecasts for GreenPol, a hypothetical ground-based B-mode experiment aiming to survey the cleanest regions of the Northern Galactic hemisphere at five frequencies between 10 and 44 GHz. Its primary science goal would be to measure large-scale CMB polarization fluctuations at multipoles $\ell \lesssim 500$, and thereby constrain the primordial tensor-to-scalar ratio. The observations for the suggested experiment would take place at the Summit Station (72deg N, 38deg W) on Greenland, at an altitude of 3216 meters above sea level. In this paper we simulate various experimental setups, and derive limits on the tensor-to-scalar ratio after CMB component separation using a Bayesian component separation implementation called Commander. When combining the proposed experiment with Planck HFI observations for constraining polarized thermal dust emission, we find a projected limit of r<0.02 at 95 % confidence for the baseline configuration. This limit is very robust with respect to a range of important experimental parameters, including sky coverage, detector weighting, foreground priors etc. Overall, GreenPol would have the possibility to provide deep CMB polarization measurements of the Northern Galactic hemisphere at low frequencies.

R. Basalgète, D. Torres-Díaz, A. Lafosse, L. Amiaud, G. Féraud, P. Jeseck, L. Philippe, X. Michaut, J.-H. Fillion, M. Bertin

X-rays emitted from pre-main-sequence stars at the center of protoplanetary disks can induce nonthermal desorption from interstellar ices populating the cold regions. This X-ray photodesorption needs to be quantified for complex organic molecules (COMs), including acetonitrile CH3CN, which has been detected in several disks. We experimentally estimate the X-ray photodesorption yields of neutral species from pure CH3CN ices and from interstellar ice analogs for which CH3CN is mixed either in a CO- or H2O-dominated ice. The ices were irradiated at 15 K by soft X-rays (400-600 eV) from synchrotron light (SOLEIL synchrotron). X-ray photodesorption was probed in the gas phase via quadrupole mass spectrometry. X-ray photodesorption yields were derived from the mass signals and were extrapolated to higher X-ray energies for astrochemical models. X-ray photodesorption of the intact CH3CN is detected from pure CH3CN ices and from mixed 13CO:CH3CN ices, with a yield of about 5x10^(-4) molecules/photon at 560 eV. When mixed in H2O-dominated ices, X-ray photodesorption of the intact CH3CN at 560 eV is below its detection limit, which is 10^(-4) molecules/photon. Yields associated with the desorption of HCN, CH4 , and CH3 are also provided. The derived astrophysical yields significantly depend on the local conditions expected in protoplanetary disks. They vary from 10^(-4) to 10(-6) molecules/photon for the X-ray photodesorption of intact CH3CN from CO-dominated ices. Only upper limits varying from 5x10^(-5) to 5x10^(-7) molecules/photon could be derived for the X-ray photodesorption of intact CH3CN from H2O-dominated ices. X-ray photodesorption of intact CH3CN from interstellar ices might in part explain the abundances of CH3CN observed in protoplanetary disks. The desorption efficiency is expected to vary with the local physical conditions, hence with the disk region.

The line of sight velocity dispersion of the ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs) NGC1052-DF2 and NGC1052-DF4 have been reasonably explained only with the baryonic matter, without requiring any dark matter contribution. The comparable ratio between the baryonic and halo mass also ascertain the above claim for the two dark matter deficit galaxies. This paves the way for analyzing alternative gravity theories such as the $f(R)$ gravity and the Renormalization Group correction to General Relativity (RGGR). The analysis of the line of sight velocity dispersion shows that the choice of $f(R)$ gravity models such as Taylor expanded $f(R)$ about $R=0$ or a simple power law model of choice $R^n$ is consistent with the observational data. Similar statistical analysis is done for the RGGR and is also found to be a viable explanation for the observed velocity dispersion. We perform a global fit of the model parameters together with both the UDGs. The coupling parameters of the theories are considered as the global ones, and local variables such as the scale parameters are considered to be dependent on the individual galaxy.

Hippolyte Quelquejay Leclere, Pierre Auclair, Stanislav Babak, Aurélien Chalumeau, Danièle A. Steer, J. Antoniadis, A.-S. Bak Nielsen, C. G. Bassa, A. Berthereau, M. Bonetti, E. Bortolas, P. R. Brook, M. Burgay, R. N. Caballero, D. J. Champion, S. Chanlaridis, S. Chen, I. Cognard, G. Desvignes, M. Falxa, R. D. Ferdman, A. Franchini, J. R. Gair, B. Goncharov, E. Graikou, J.-M. Grießmeier, L. Guillemot, Y. J. Guo, H. Hu, F. Iraci, D. Izquierdo-Villalba, J. Jang, J. Jawor, G. H. Janssen, A. Jessner, R. Karuppusamy, E. F. Keane, M. J. Keith, M. Kramer, M. A. Krishnakumar, K. Lackeos, K. J. Lee, K. Liu, Y. Liu, A. G. Lyne, J. W. McKee, R. A. Main, M. B. Mickaliger, I. C. Niţu, A. Parthasarathy, B. B. P. Perera, D. Perrodin, A. Petiteau, N. K. Porayko, A. Possenti, A. Samajdar, et al. (16 additional authors not shown)

13 pages, 5 figures

We search for a stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) generated by a network of cosmic strings using six millisecond pulsars from Data Release 2 (DR2) of the European Pulsar Timing Array (EPTA). We perform a Bayesian analysis considering two models for the network of cosmic string loops, and compare it to a simple power-law model which is expected from the population of supermassive black hole binaries. Our main strong assumption is that the previously reported common red noise process is a SGWB. We find that the one-parameter cosmic string model is slightly favored over a power-law model thanks to its simplicity. If we assume a two-component stochastic signal in the data (supermassive black hole binary population and the signal from cosmic strings), we get a $95\%$ upper limit on the string tension of $\log_{10}(G\mu) < -9.9$ ($-10.5$) for the two cosmic string models we consider. In extended two-parameter string models, we were unable to constrain the number of kinks. We test two approximate and fast Bayesian data analysis methods against the most rigorous analysis and find consistent results. These two fast and efficient methods are applicable to all SGWBs, independent of their source, and will be crucial for analysis of extended data sets.

The microseismic motion, which is the ambient ground vibration caused by ocean waves, affects ground-based gravitational detectors. In this study, we characterized the properties of the microseismic motion at the KAGRA site and the ocean waves at 13 coasts of Japan, such as the seasonal variation and the correlation between them. As a result, it almost succeeded to explain the microseismic motion at the KAGRA site by the principal components of the ocean wave data. One possible application of this study is the microseismic forecast and its example is also shown.

Robert Brandenberger (McGill University)

25 pages, 8 figures

In this review, a number of approaches to superstring cosmology which make use of key features which distinguish string theory from point particle theories are discussed, with particular emphasis on emergent scenarios. One motivation for the discussion is the realization that, in order to describe the evolution of the very early universe, it is necessary to go beyond a conventional effective field theory (EFT) analysis. Some of the conceptual problems of an EFT analysis will be discussed. The review begins with a summary of the criteria for a successful early universe scenario, emphasizing that cosmic inflation is not the only scenario of early universe cosmology which is consistent with current cosmological observations. Bouncing and emergent scenarios as interesting alternatives are introduced. Some realizations of these scenarios from superstring theory are reviewed, e.g. String Gas Cosmology, the Pre-Big-Bang scenario, the Ekpyrotic model, Double Field Theory cosmology and matrix model cosmology. In light of the difficulties in obtaining cosmic inflation from string theory (at the level of EFT), and realizing that there are promising examples of alternative early universe scenarios which are derived from basic principles of superstring theory, one must entertain the possibility that the cosmology emerging from string theory will not involve an extended period of accelerated expansion.

Flavio C. Sánchez, Armando A. Roque, Benito Rodríguez, Javier Chagoya

32+1 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables

The gravitational deflection of light is a crucial test for modified gravity. A few years ago, Gibbons and Werner introduced a definition of the deflection angle based on the Gauss-Bonnet theorem. A related idea was proposed by Arakida for defining the deflection angle in non-asymptotically flat spacetimes We revisit this idea in the Kottler geometry and in a non-asymptotically flat solution to Horndeski gravity. Our analytic and numerical calculations show that a triangular array of laser beams can be designed so that the proposed definition of deflection angle is sensitive to a cosmological constant, whose contribution is amplified by the black hole mass. Moreover, we find that near the photon sphere, the deflection angle in the Horndeski solution is similar to its Schwarzschild counterpart, and we confirm that the shadows seen by a static observer would be identical. Our results offer insights that could be useful for designing future theoretical or experimental investigations aimed to detect sources of curvature in the universe.

Enrico Cannizzaro, Fabrizio Corelli, Paolo Pani

17 pages, 9 figures, animations of the simulations available at this https URL

Electromagnetic field confinement due to plasma near accreting black holes can trigger superradiant instabilities at the linear level, limiting the spin of black holes and providing novel astrophysical sources of electromagnetic bursts. However, nonlinear effects might jeopardize the efficiency of the confinement, rending superradiance ineffective. Motivated by understanding nonlinear interactions in this scenario, here we study the full $3+1$ nonlinear dynamics of Maxwell equations in the presence of plasma by focusing on regimes that are seldom explored in standard plasma-physics applications, namely a generic electromagnetic wave of very large amplitude but small frequency propagating in an inhomogeneous, overdense plasma. We show that the plasma transparency effect predicted in certain specific scenarios is not the only possible outcome in the nonlinear regime: plasma blow-out due to nonlinear momentum transfer is generically present and allows for significant energy leakage of electromagnetic fields above a certain threshold. We argue that such effect is sufficient to dramatically quench the plasma-driven superradiant instability around black holes even in the most optimistic scenarios.

We study the evolution of the eccentricity of an eccentric orbit with spinning components. We develop a prescription to express the evolving eccentricity in terms of initial eccentricity and frequency. For that purpose we considered the spins to be perpendicular to the orbital plane. Using this we found an analytical result for the contribution of spin in eccentricity evolution. As a result, we expressed orbital eccentricity in a series of initial eccentricity and gravitational wave frequency. The prescription developed here can easily be used to find arbitrarily higher-order contributions of initial eccentricity. With the eccentricity evolution at hand, we computed the evolving energy and angular momentum fluxes for eccentric orbit with spinning components. This result can be used to construct the waveforms of spinning compact objects in an eccentric orbit.

Lukas Heinrich, Siddharth Mishra-Sharma, Chris Pollard, Philipp Windischhofer

10+4 pages, 5 figures

When analyzing real-world data it is common to work with event ensembles, which comprise sets of observations that collectively constrain the parameters of an underlying model of interest. Such models often have a hierarchical structure, where "local" parameters impact individual events and "global" parameters influence the entire dataset. We introduce practical approaches for optimal dataset-wide probabilistic inference in cases where the likelihood is intractable, but simulations can be realized via forward modeling. We construct neural estimators for the likelihood(-ratio) or posterior and show that explicitly accounting for the model's hierarchical structure can lead to tighter parameter constraints. We ground our discussion using case studies from the physical sciences, focusing on examples from particle physics (particle collider data) and astrophysics (strong gravitational lensing observations).

The astrophysical $S$ factor and reaction rates of the direct capture process $^{6}$Li(p,$\gamma)^{7}$Be are estimated within a two-body single-channel potential model approach. Central potentials of the Gaussian-form in the $^2P_{3/2}$ and $^2P_{1/2}$ waves are adjusted to reproduce the binding energies and the empirical values of the asymptotic normalization coefficients (ANC) for the $^7$Be(3/2$^-$) ground and $^7$Be(1/2$^-$) excited bound states, respectively. The parameters of the potential in the most important $^2S_{1/2}$ scattering channel were fitted to reproduce the empirical phase shifts from the literature and the low-energy astrophysical $S$ factor of the LUNA collaboration. The obtained results for the astrophysical $S$ factor and the reaction rates are in a very good agreement with available experimental data sets. The numerical estimates reproduce not only the absolute values, but also the energy and temperature dependence of the $S$ factor and reaction rates of the LUNA collaboration, respectively. The estimated $^{7}{\rm Li/H}$ primordial abundance ratio $(4.67\pm 0.04 )\times 10^{-10}$ is well consistent with recent BBN result of $(4.72\pm 0.72) \times 10^{-10}$ after the Planck observation.

Mikalai Prakapenia, Gregory Vereshchagin

Accepted for publication in Physical Review D

The process of electron-positron pair creation and oscillation in uniform electric field is studied, taking into account Pauli exclusion principle. Generally, we find that pair creation is suppressed, hence coherent oscillations occur on longer time scales. Considering pair creation in already existing electron-positron plasma we find that the dynamics depends on pair distribution function. We considered Fermi-Dirac distribution of pairs and found that for small temperatures pair creation is suppressed, while for small chemical potentials it increases: heating leads to enhancement of pair creation.

Kazunori Nakayama, Fuminobu Takahashi, Masaki Yamada

32 pages, 2 figures

We point out that a soliton such as an oscillon or boson star inevitably decays into gravitons through gravitational interactions. These decay processes exist even if there are no apparent self-interactions of the constituent field, scalar or vector, since they are induced by gravitational interactions. Hence, our results provide a strict upper limit on the lifetime of oscillons and boson stars including the dilute axion star. We also calculate the spectrum of the graviton background from decay of solitons.

Catarina Cosme, Francesco Costa, Oleg Lebedev

10 pages

Predictivity of many non-thermal dark matter (DM) models is marred by the gravitational production background. This problem is ameliorated in models with lower reheating temperature $T_R$, which allows for dilution of gravitationally produced relics. We study the freeze-in dark matter production mechanism in the thermal bath with the electroweak scale temperature. The process is Boltzmann-suppressed if the dark matter mass is above $T_R$. In this case, the coupling to the thermal bath has to be significant to account for the observed dark matter relic density. As a result, the direct DM detection experiments already probe such freeze-in models, excluding significant parts of parameter space. The forthcoming experiments will explore this framework further, extending to lower couplings and higher reheating temperatures.