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Papers for Wednesday, Jul 05 2023

In the next decade, the proposed Line Emission Mapper (LEM) telescope concept is poised to revolutionize Galactic and extragalactic X-ray sensitivity. The instruments aboard LEM feature unprecedented eV scale energy resolution and an effective area of 1600 cm$^2$ at 0.5 keV. Such features are ideally suited to explore decaying dark matter candidates that predict X-ray signals, including axion-like particles and sterile neutrinos. We present the first forecast of LEM sensitivity to dark matter decays and find sensitivity to lifetimes beyond $\sim 10^{32}$ s in the keV range, surpassing current limits by several orders of magnitude. Notably, our results show that LEM will be the first ever instrument to probe such long dark matter lifetimes in any mass range for any decay channel.

Elliot Y. Davies, Adam M. Dillamore, Vasily Belokurov, N. Wyn Evans

14 pages, 17 figures, submitted to MNRAS

Motivated by the LMC's impact on the integral of motion space of the stellar halo, we run an $N$-body merger simulation to produce a population of halo-like stars. We subsequently move to a test particle simulation, in which the LMC perturbs this debris. When an axisymmetric potential is assumed for the final snapshot of the $N$-body merger remnant, a series of vertical striations in $(L_z, E)$ space form as the LMC approaches its pericentre. These result from the formation of overdensities in angular momentum owing to a relationship between the precession rate of near radial orbits and the torquing of these orbits by the LMC. This effect is heavily dependent on the shape of the inner potential. If a quadrupole component of the potential is included these striations become significantly less apparent due to the difference in precession rate between the two potentials. The absence of these features in data, and the dramatic change in orbital plane precession rate, discourages the use of an axisymmetric potential for highly eccentric orbits accreted from a massive GSE-like merger. Given the link between appearance of these striations and the shape of the potential, this effect may provide a new method of constraining the axisymmetry of the halo.

Caio Nascimento, Marilena Loverde

36+7 pages, 10 figures. Comments are welcome!

We develop a first-principles formalism to compute the distortion to the relic neutrino density field caused by the peculiar motions of large-scale structures. This distortion slows halos down due to dynamical friction, causes a local anisotropy in the neutrino-CDM cross-correlation, and reduces the global cross-correlation between neutrinos and CDM. The local anisotropy in the neutrino-CDM cross-spectrum is imprinted in the three point cross-correlations of matter and galaxies, or the bispectrum in Fourier space, producing a signal peaking at squeezed triangle configurations. This bispectrum signature of neutrino masses is not limited by cosmic variance or potential inaccuracies in the modeling of complicated nonlinear and galaxy formation physics, and it is not degenerate with the optical depth to reionization. We show that future surveys have the potential to detect the distortion bispectrum.

Kristen Garofali, Antara R. Basu-Zych, Benjamin D. Johnson, Panayiotis Tzanavaris, Anne Jaskot, Chris Richardson, Bret D. Lehmer, Mihoko Yukita, Edmund Hodges-Kluck, Ann Hornschemeier, Andrew Ptak, Neven Vulic

submitted to ApJ (30 pages, 1 table, and 17 figures main text); comments welcome. Full suite of simulation results will be made publicly available upon publication

We present a methodology for modeling the joint ionizing impact due to a ``simple X-ray population" (SXP) and its corresponding simple stellar population (SSP), where ``simple" refers to a single age and metallicity population. We construct composite spectral energy distributions (SEDs) including contributions from ultra-luminous X-ray sources (ULXs) and stars, with physically meaningful and consistent consideration of the relative contributions of each component as a function of instantaneous burst age and stellar metallicity. These composite SEDs are used as input for photoionization modeling with Cloudy, from which we produce a grid for the time- and metallicity-dependent nebular emission from these composite populations. We make the results from the photoionization simulations publicly available. We find that the addition of the SXP prolongs the high-energy ionizing output from the population, and correspondingly increases the intensity of nebular lines such as He II $\lambda$1640,4686, [Ne V] $\lambda$3426,14.3$\mu$m, and [O IV] 25.9$\mu$m by factors of at least two relative to models without an SXP spectral component. This effect is most pronounced for instantaneous bursts of star formation on timescales $>$ 10 Myr and at low metallicities ($\sim$ 0.1 $Z_{\odot}$), due to the imposed time- and metallicity-dependent behavior of the SXP relative to the SSP. We propose nebular emission line diagnostics accessible with JWST suitable for inferring the presence of a composite SXP + SSP, and discuss how the ionization signatures compare to models for sources such as intermediate mass black holes.

Q. Ni, J. Aird, A. Merloni, K. L. Birchall, J. Buchner, M. Salvato, G. Yang

24 pages, 28 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

It has been argued that recycled gas from stellar mass loss in galaxies might serve as an important fuelling source for black holes (BHs) in their centers. Utilizing spectroscopic samples of galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) at $z = 0-0.35$ and the Large Early Galaxy Astrophysics Census (LEGA-C) survey at $z = 0.6-1$ that have X-ray coverage from XMM-Newton or Chandra, we test this stellar mass loss fuelling scenario by investigating how AGN activity and BH growth vary with the break strength at 4000 $\r{A}$, $\rm D_{n}4000$ (which is closely related to the age of stellar populations), as younger galaxies are considered to have higher stellar mass loss rates. We found that when controlling for host-galaxy properties, the fraction of log $L_{\rm X}$/$M_\star$ > 32 (which roughly corresponds to Eddington ratios $\gtrsim 1$%) AGN and sample-averaged black hole accretion rate ($\rm \overline{BHAR}$) decrease with $\rm D_{n}4000$ among $\rm D_{n}4000$ $\lesssim$ 1.9 galaxies, suggesting a higher level of AGN activity among younger galaxies, which supports the stellar mass loss fuelling scenario. For the oldest and most massive galaxies at $z = 0-0.35$, this decreasing trend is not present anymore. We found that, among these most massive galaxies at low redshift, the fraction of low specific-accretion-rate (31 $<$ log $L_{\rm X}$/$M_\star$ $<$ 32) AGNs increases with $\rm D_{n}4000$, which may be associated with additional fuelling from hot halo gas and/or enhanced accretion capability.

Michael Y. Grudić, Stella S. R. Offner, Dávid Guszejnov, Claude-André Faucher-Giguère, Philip F. Hopkins

Submitted to Open Journal of Astrophysics

When a detailed model of a stellar population is unavailable, it is most common to assume that stellar masses are independently and identically distributed according to some distribution: the universal initial mass function (IMF). However, stellar masses resulting from causal, long-ranged physics cannot be truly random and independent, and the IMF may vary with environment. To compare stochastic sampling with a physical model, we run a suite of 100 STARFORGE radiation magnetohydrodynamics simulations of low-mass star cluster formation in $2000M_\odot$ clouds that form $\sim 200$ stars each on average. The stacked IMF from the simulated clouds has a sharp truncation at $\sim 28 M_\odot$, well below the typically-assumed maximum stellar mass $M_{\rm up} \sim 100-150M_\odot$ and the total cluster mass. The sequence of star formation is not totally random: massive stars tend to start accreting sooner and finish later than the average star. However, final cluster properties such as maximum stellar mass and total luminosity have a similar amount of cloud-to-cloud scatter to random sampling. Therefore stochastic sampling does not generally model the stellar demographics of a star cluster as it is forming, but may describe the end result fairly well, if the correct IMF -- and its environment-dependent upper cutoff -- are known.

Hayden R. Foote, Gurtina Besla, Philip Mocz, Nicolás Garavito-Camargo, Lachlan Lancaster, Martin Sparre, Emily C. Cunningham, Mark Vogelsberger, Facundo A. Gómez, Chervin F. P. Laporte

38 pages, 31 figures. Revised version submitted to ApJ, comments welcome

The Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) will induce a dynamical friction (DF) wake on infall to the Milky Way (MW). The MW's stellar halo will respond to the gravity of the LMC and the dark matter (DM) wake, forming a stellar counterpart to the DM wake. This provides a novel opportunity to constrain the properties of the DM particle. We present a suite of high-resolution, windtunnel-style simulations of the LMC's DF wake that compare the structure, kinematics, and stellar tracer response of the DM wake in cold DM (CDM), with and without self-gravity, vs. fuzzy DM (FDM) with $m_a = 10^{-23}$ eV. We conclude that the self-gravity of the DM wake cannot be ignored. Its inclusion raises the wake's density by $\sim 10\%$, and holds the wake together over larger distances ($\sim$ 50 kpc) than if self-gravity is ignored. The DM wake's mass is comparable to the LMC's infall mass, meaning the DM wake is a significant perturber to the dynamics of MW halo tracers. An FDM wake is more granular in structure and is $\sim 20\%$ dynamically colder than a CDM wake, but with comparable density. The granularity of an FDM wake increases the stars' kinematic response at the percent level compared to CDM, providing a possible avenue of distinguishing a CDM vs. FDM wake. This underscores the need for kinematic measurements of stars in the stellar halo at distances of 70-100 kpc.

Matilde Barberi Squarotti, Stefano Camera, Roy Maartens

23 pages, 10 figures; to be submitted on JCAP; comments are welcome

We apply the multi-tracer technique to test the possibility of improved constraints on the amplitude of local primordial non-Gaussianity, $f_{\mathrm{NL}}$, in the cosmic large-scale structure. A precise measurement of $f_{\mathrm{NL}}$ is difficult because the effects of non-Gaussianity mostly arise on the largest scales, which are heavily affected by the low statistical sampling commonly referred to as cosmic variance. The multi-tracer approach suppresses cosmic variance and we implement it by combining the information from next-generation galaxy surveys in the optical/near-infrared band and neutral hydrogen (HI) intensity mapping surveys in the radio band. High-redshift surveys enhance the precision on $f_{\mathrm{NL}}$, due to the larger available volume, and HI intensity mapping surveys can naturally reach high redshifts. In order to extend the redshift coverage of a galaxy survey, we consider different emission-line galaxy populations, focusing on the H$\alpha$ line at low redshift and on oxygen lines at higher redshift. By doing so, we cover a wide redshift range $1 \lesssim z \lesssim 4$. To assess the capability of our approach, we implement a synthetic-data analysis by means of Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling of the (cosmological+nuisance) parameter posterior, to evaluate the constraints on $f_{\mathrm{NL}}$ obtained in different survey configurations. We find significant improvements from the multi-tracer technique: the full data set leads to a precision of $\sigma(f_{\mathrm{NL}}) < 1$.

Nimisha Kumari, Renske Smit, Claus Leitherer, Joris Witstok, Mike J Irwin, Marco Sirianni, Alessandra Aloisi

21 pages, 22 figures, 6 tables, Submitted to MNRAS

Carbon spectral features are ubiquitous in the ultraviolet (UV) and far-infrared (FIR) spectra of galaxies in the epoch of reionization (EoR). We probe the ionized carbon content of a blue compact dwarf galaxy Pox 186 using the UV, optical, mid-infrared and FIR data taken with telescopes in space (Hubble, Spitzer, Herschel) and on the ground (Gemini). This local (z~0.0040705) galaxy is likely an analogue of EoR galaxies, as revealed by its extreme FIR emission line ratio, [OIII] 88/[CII] 157 (>10). The UV spectra reveal extreme CIII] 1907, 1909 emission with the strongest equivalent width (EW) = 35.85 $\pm$ 0.73 \AA detected so far in the local (z~0) Universe, a relatively strong CIV 1548, 1550 emission with EW = 7.95 $\pm$0.45\AA, but no He II 1640 detection. Several scenarios are explored to explain the high EW of carbon lines, including high effective temperature, high carbon-to-oxygen ratio, slope and upper mass of top-heavy initial mass function, hard ionizing radiation and in-homogeneous dust distribution. Both CIII] and CIV line profiles are broadened with respect to the OIII] 1660 emission line. Each emission line of CIV 1548, 1550 shows the most distinct double-peak structure ever detected, which we model via two scenarios, firstly a double-peaked profile that might emerge from resonant scattering and secondly, a single nebular emission line along with a weaker interstellar absorption. The study demonstrates that galaxies with extreme FIR emission line ratio may also show extreme UV properties, hence paving a promising avenue of using FIR+UV in the local (via HST+Herschel/SOFIA) and distant (via JWST+ALMA) Universe for unveiling the mysteries of the EoR.

Xiaoju Xu, Xiaohu Yang, Haojie Xu, Youcai Zhang

14 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRAS

We explore the feasibility of learning the connection between SDSS galaxies and ELUCID subhaloes with random forest (RF). ELUCID is a constrained $N$-body simulation constructed using the matter density field of SDSS. Based on an SDSS-ELUCID matched catalogue, we build RF models that predict $M_r$ magnitude, colour, stellar mass $M_*$, and specific star formation rate (sSFR) with several subhalo properties. While the RF can predict $M_r$ and $M_*$ with reasonable accuracy, the prediction accuracy of colour and sSFR is low, which could be due to the mismatch between galaxies and subhaloes. To test this, we shuffle the galaxies in subhaloes of narrow mass bins in the local neighbourhood using galaxies of a semi-analytic model (SAM) and the TNG hydrodynamic simulation. We find that the shuffling only slightly reduces the colour prediction accuracy in SAM and TNG, which is still considerably higher than that of the SDSS. This suggests that the true connection between SDSS colour and subhalo properties could be weaker than that in the SAM and TNG without the mismatch effect. We also measure the Pearson correlation coefficient between galaxy properties and the subhalo properties in SDSS, SAM, and TNG. Similar to the RF results, we find that the colour-subhalo correlation in SDSS is lower than both the SAM and TNG. We also show that the galaxy-subhalo correlations depend on subhalo mass in the galaxy formation models. Advanced surveys with more fainter galaxies will provide new insights into the galaxy-subhalo relation in the real Universe.

M. R. Drout, Y. Götberg, B. A. Ludwig, J. H. Groh, S. E. de Mink, A. J. G. O'Grady, N. Smith

Original version of manuscript submitted in August 2022, per journal policies. Manuscript passed through referee process and was recommended for publication in Science in March 2023. Conclusions have not changed. Please contact authors for further information. Data and updated manuscript will be made available upon publication. Please also see a companion paper in today's archive posting

The theory of binary evolution predicts that many massive stars should lose their hydrogen-rich envelopes via interaction with a companion -- revealing hot helium stars with masses of $\sim$2--8M$_{\odot}$. However, only one candidate system had been identified, leaving a large discrepancy between theory and observation. Here, we present a new sample of stars -- identified via excess ultraviolet emission -- whose luminosities, colors, and spectral morphologies are consistent with predictions for the missing population. We detect radial velocity variations indicative of binary motion and measure high temperatures ($T_{\rm eff}\sim60-100$kK), high surface gravities ($\log(g)\sim5$) and depleted surface hydrogen mass fractions ($X_{\rm{H,surf}}\lesssim0.3$), which match expectations for stars with initial masses between 8--25 M$_{\odot}$ that have been stripped via binary interaction. These systems fill the helium star mass gap between subdwarfs and Wolf-Rayet stars, and are thought to be of large astrophysical significance as ionizing sources, progenitors of stripped-envelope supernovae and merging double neutron stars.

Field-level inference is emerging as a promising technique for optimally extracting information from cosmological datasets. Indeed, previous analyses have shown field-based inference produces tighter parameter constraints than power spectrum analyses. However, estimates of the detailed quantitative gain in constraining power differ. Here, we demonstrate the gain in constraining power depends on the parameter space being constrained. As a specific example, we find that field-based analysis of an LSST Y1-like mock data set only marginally improves constraints relative to a 2-point function analysis in $\Lambda$CDM, yet it more than doubles the constraining power of the data in the context of $w$CDM models. This effect reconciles some, but not all, of the discrepant results found in the literature. Our results demonstrate the importance of using a full systematics model when quantifying the information gain for realistic field-level analyses of future data sets.

Y. Gotberg, M.R. Drout, A.P. Ji, J.H. Groh, B.A. Ludwig, P.A. Crowther, N. Smith, A. de Koter, S.E. de Mink

Accepted for publication in ApJ. Spectral models available via zenodo as described in text. Please also see a companion manuscript detailing the discovery of these systems in today's arXiv posting

Massive stars (~8-25Msun) stripped of their hydrogen-rich envelopes via binary interaction are thought to be the main progenitors for merging neutron stars and stripped-envelope supernovae. We recently presented the discovery of the first set of such stripped stars in a companion paper. Here, we fit the spectra of ten stars with new atmosphere models in order to constrain their stellar properties precisely. We find that the stellar properties align well with the theoretical expectations from binary evolution models for helium-core burning envelope-stripped stars. The fits confirm that the stars have high effective temperatures (Teff~50-100kK), high surface gravities (log g ~5), and hydrogen-poor/helium-rich surfaces (X(H, surf)~0-0.4) while showing for the first time a range of bolometric luminosities (10^3-10^5 Lsun), small radii (~0.5-1Rsun), and low Eddington factors (Gamma_e~0.006-0.4). Using these properties, we derive intermediate current masses (~1-8Msun), which suggest that their progenitors were massive stars (~5-25Msun) and that a subset will reach core-collapse, leaving behind neutron stars or black holes. Using the model fits, we also estimate the emission rates of ionizing photons for these stars, which agree well with previous model expectations. Further, by computing models for a range of mass-loss rates, we find that the stellar winds are weaker than predicted by any existing scheme (Mdot(wind)<~ 1e-9 Msun/yr). The properties of this first sample of intermediate mass helium stars suggest they both contain progenitors of type Ib and IIb supernovae, and provide important benchmarks for binary evolution and population synthesis models.

Intermediate-mass stars are often fast rotators, and hence are centrifugally flattened and affected by gravity darkening. To analyse this kind of stars properly, one must turn to 2D models to compute the visible radiative flux and to take the geometrical effect of the star inclination into account. Assuming a given stellar age and chemical composition, we aim to derive the mass and rotation rates of main sequence fast rotating stars, along with their inclination, from photometric quantities. We chose three observables that vary with mass, rotation, and inclination: the infrared flux method temperature T_IRFM, the Str\"omgren c1 index, and a second index c2 built in the same way, but sensitive to the UV side of the Balmer jump. These observables are computed from synthetic spectra produced with the PHOENIX code and rely on a 2D stellar structure from the ESTER code. These quantities are computed for a grid of models in the range 2 to 7~M_Sun, and rotation rates from 30% to 80% of the critical rate. Then, for any triplet (T_IRFM, c1, c2), we try to retrieve the mass, rotation rate, and inclination using a Levenberg-Marquardt scheme, after a selection step to find the most suitable starting models. Hare-and-hound tests showed that our algorithm can recover the mass, rotation rate, and inclination with a good accuracy. The difference between input and retrieved parameters is negligible for models lying on the grid and is less than a few percent otherwise. An application to the real case of Vega showed that the u filter is located in a spectral region where the modelled and observed spectra are discrepant, and led us to define a new filter. Using this new filter and subsequent index, the Vega parameters are also retrieved with satisfactory accuracy. This work opens the possibility to determine the fundamental parameters of rapidly rotating early-type stars from photometric space observations.

The problem posed by the possible existence/non-existence of spatially non-symmetric kinetic equilibria has remained unsolved in plasma theory. For collisionless magnetized plasmas this involves the construction of stationary solutions of the Vlasov-Maxwell equations. In this paper the issue is addressed for non-relativistic plasmas both in astrophysical and laboratory contexts. The treatment is based on a Lagrangian variational description of single-particle dynamics. Starting point is a non-perturbative formulation of gyrokinetic theory, which allows one to construct "a posteriori" with prescribed order of accuracy an asymptotic representation for the magnetic moment. In terms of the relevant particle adiabatic invariants generalized bi-Maxwellian equilibria are proved to exist. These are shown to recover, under suitable assumptions, a Chapman-Enskog form which permits an analytical treatment of the corresponding fluid moments. In particular, the constrained posed by the Poisson and the Ampere equations are analyzed, both for quasi-neutral and non-neutral plasmas. The conditions of existence of the corresponding non-symmetric kinetic equilibria are investigated. As a notable feature, both astrophysical and laboratory plasmas are shown to exhibit, under suitable conditions, a kinetic dynamo, whereby the equilibrium magnetic field can be self-generated by the equilibrium plasma currents.

Nima Razavi-Ghods, Ian L. V. Roque, Steven H. Carey, John A. Ely, Will Handley, Alessio Magro, Riccardo Chiello, Tian Huang, P. Alexander, D. Anstey, G. Bernardi, H. J. T. Bevins, J. Cavillot, W. Croukamp, J. Cumner, E. de Lera Acedo, D. I. L. de Villiers, A. Fialkov, T. Gessey-Jones, Q. Gueuning, A. T. Josaitis, G. Kulkarni, S. A. K. Leeney, R. Maiolino, P. D. Meerburg, S. Mittal, M. Pagano, S. Pegwal, C. Pieterse, J. R. Pritchard, A. Saxena, K. H. Scheutwinkel, P. Scott, E. Shen, P. H. Sims, O. Smirnov, M. Spinelli, K. Zarb-Adami

30 pages, 19 figures

We detail the the REACH radiometric system designed to enable measurements of the 21-cm neutral hydrogen line. Included is the radiometer architecture and end-to-end system simulations as well as a discussion of the challenges intrinsic to highly-calibratable system development. Following this, we share laboratory results based on the calculation of noise wave parameters utilising an over-constrained least squares approach demonstrating a calibration RMSE of 80 mK for five hours of integration on a custom-made source with comparable impedance to that of the antenna used in the field. This paper therefore documents the state of the calibrator and data analysis in December 2022 in Cambridge before shipping to South Africa.

S. S. Elgueta, N. Matsunaga, M. Jian, D. Taniguchi, N. Kobayashi, K. Fukue, S. Hamano, H. Sameshima, S. Kondo, A. Arai, Y. Ikeda, H. Kawakita, S. Otsubo, Y. Sarugaku, C. Yasui, T. Tsujimoto

25 pages, 10 figures, supplementary material (figures_

Newly-developed spectrographs with increased resolving powers, particularly those covering the near-IR range, allow the characterization of more and more absorption lines in stellar spectra. This includes the identification and confirmation of absorption lines and the calibration of oscillator strengths. In this study, we provide empirical values of loggf based on abundances of classical Cepheids obtained with optical spectra in Luck (2018), in order to establish the consistency between optical and infrared abundance results. Using time-series spectra of classical Cepheids obtained with WINERED spectrograph (0.97-1.35 $\mu$ m, R ~28000, we demonstrate that we can determine the stellar parameters of the observed Cepheids, including effective temperature (Teff), surface gravity (logg), microturbulence, and metallicity. With the newly calibrated relations of line-depth ratios (LDRs), we can achieve accuracy and precision comparable to optical studies (Luck 2018), with uncertainties of 90K and 0.108 dex for Teff, and log g, respectively. Finally, we created a new atlas of absorption lines, featuring precise abundance measurements of various elements found in the atmosphere of Cepheids (including neutron-capture elements), with loggf values that have been astrophysically calibrated.

The symbiotic recurrent nova T CrB erupted for the second and last recorded time in 1946. Following the outburst, the accretion rate onto its WD has remained rather low with only occasional and minor flaring episodes, until in late 2014 it entered a "super-active" phase (SAP) that peaked in April 2016: the flux radiated by Balmer lines increased by two orders of magnitude, accompanied by the appearance of strong HeI, HeII, and many other emission lines. Following the sharp maximum, the intensity of the emission lines has been steadily decreasing, reaching back the pre-SAP levels by mid-2023. The end of SAP is also confirmed by the drop of $B$-band brightness to pre-SAP conditions and the simultaneous re-appearance of a large-amplitude flickering. This suggest that the accretion disk has emptied from the extra material that has driven the "super active" state and has completed its transfer onto the WD, setting the stage for a new and probably imminent nova eruption.

Taichi Kato (Kyoto U), Franz-Josef Hambsch (GEOS, BAV, VVS), Berto Monard (Bronberg and Kleinkaroo Obs), Rod Stubbings (Tetoora Obs)

17 pages, 6 figures, VSOLJ Variable Star Bulletin No. 120

ASASSN-22ak is a transient discovered by the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae and by Gaia in 2022 January. Although this object had been in deep quiescence at least for seven years before this outburst, it has been showing relatively regular long (35-40 d) outbursts with intervals of 132-188 d after the 2022 January outburst. This "waking up" phenomenon appears similar to the very unusual (hydrogen-rich) WZ Sge star V3101 Cyg. Time-resolved photometry during the 2023 outburst detected low-amplitude (0.05 mag) superhumps with a period of 0.042876(3) d. ASASSN-22ak appears to be very similar to CRTS J112253.3-111037, which is known to have a very low mass ratio and is considered to be an object evolving close to AM CVn stars as inferred from the low hydrogen and high helium content. ASASSN-22ak is likely yet another object having an evolved core and strongly depleted hydrogen in the secondary. The case of ASASSN-22ak strengthens the idea that a considerable fraction of AM CVn stars are formed from evolved cataclysmic variables. Both ASASSN-22ak and V3101 Cyg before the initial outbursts were probably in dormant states with low quiescent viscosity or low mass-transfer rates. The current "high" states of ASASSN-22ak and V3101 Cyg may have been induced by radiation during the initial outburst or these objects are simply returning to ordinary states, either in terms of quiescent viscosity or mass-transfer rates. We also provide updated superhump period and estimated mass ratio for CRTS J112253.3-111037.

Damiano Caprioli (University of Chicago)

39 pages, 13 figures. Comments welcome. To appear in "Foundations of Cosmic Ray Astrophysics", Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi", Course 208, Varenna, 24-29 June 2022, edited by F. Aharonian, E. Amato, and P. Blasi

These notes present the fundamentals of Fermi acceleration at shocks, with a special attention to the role that supernova remnants have in producing Galactic cosmic rays. Then, the recent discoveries in the theory of diffusive shock acceleration (DSA) that stem from first-principle kinetic plasma simulations are discussed. When ion acceleration is efficient, the back-reaction of non-thermal particles and self-generated magnetic fields becomes prominent and leads to both enhanced shock compression and particle spectra significantly softer than those predicted by the standard test-particle DSA theory. These results are discussed in the context of the non-thermal phenomenology of astrophysical shocks, with a special focus on the remnant of SN1006.

Benedetto Scoppola, Matteo Veglianti

10 pages, 3 figures

In this paper we propose a simplified model to describe the dissipative effects of tides. We assume a spherical Earth with a dissipative coupling with a mechanical dumbbell. The latter has a mass much smaller than the Earth's, and it models the presence of the tidal bulges. Using properly the scale analysis, we will show that some of the consequences of tidal dissipation are the circularization and the enlargement of orbit of the Moon and the slowing down of the Earth's rotation. We will also see that tidal dissipation plays a fundamental role for the establishment of a regime of spin-orbit resonance in the celestial systems. The mathematical tools used make our treatment appropriate for senior high school students or college students.

Evangelos Achilleas Paraskevas, Leandros Perivolaropoulos

40 pages, 15 Figures, 6 Tables. Published in Universe (Open Access: this https URL )!

We investigate the evolution of gravitational waves through discontinuous evolution (transition) of the Hubble expansion rate $H(z)$ at a sudden cosmological singularity, which may be due to a transition of the value of the gravitational constant. We find the evolution of the scale factor and the gravitational wave waveform through the singularity by imposing the proper boundary conditions. We also use existing cosmological data and mock data of future gravitational wave experiments (the ET) to impose current and anticipated constraints on the magnitude of such a transition. We show that mock data of the Einstein Telescope can reduce the uncertainties by up to a factor of three depending on the cosmological parameter considered.

Carlos M. R. Rocha, Octavio Roncero, Niyazi Bulut, Piotr Zuchowski, David Navarro-Almaida, Asuncion Fuente, Valentine Wakelam, Jean-Christophe Loison, Evelyne Roueff, Javier R. Goicoechea, Gisela Esplugues, Leire Beitia-Antero, Paola Caselli, Valerio Lattanzi, Jaime Pineda, Romane Le Gal, Marina Rodriguez-Baras, Pablo Riviere-Marichalar

13 pages, 10 figures

We revise the rates of reactions CH + S -> CS + H and C_2 + S -> CS + C, important CS formation routes in dark and diffuse warm gas. We performed ab initio calculations to characterize the main features of all the electronic states correlating to the open shell reactants. For CH+S we have calculated the full potential energy surfaces for the lowest doublet states and the reaction rate constant with a quasi-classical method. For C_2+S, the reaction can only take place through the three lower triplet states, which all present deep insertion wells. A detailed study of the long-range interactions for these triplet states allowed to apply a statistic adiabatic method to determine the rate constants. This study of the CH + S reaction shows that its rate is nearly independent on the temperature in a range of 10-500 K with an almost constant value of 5.5 10^{-11} cm^3/s at temperatures above 100~K. This is a factor \sim 2-3 lower than the value obtained with the capture model. The rate of the reaction C_2 + S depends on the temperature taking values close to 2.0 10^{-10} cm^3/s at low temperatures and increasing to 5. 10^{-10} cm^3/s for temperatures higher than 200~K. Our modeling provides a rate higher than the one currently used by factor of \sim 2. These reactions were selected for involving open-shell species with many degenerate electronic states, and the results obtained in the present detailed calculations provide values which differ a factor of \sim 2-3 from the simpler classical capture method. We have updated the sulphur network with these new rates and compare our results in the prototypical case of TMC1 (CP). We find a reasonable agreement between model predictions and observations with a sulphur depletion factor of 20 relative to the sulphur cosmic abundance, but it is not possible to fit all sulphur-bearing molecules better than a factor of 10 at the same chemical time.

P. K. Manoharan, C. J. Salter, S. M. White, P. Perillat, F. Fernandez, B. Perera, A. Venkataraman, C. Brum

27 pages, 17 figures, submitted to Solar Physics

Strong solar magnetic fields are the energy source of intense flares and energetic coronal mass ejections of space weather importance. The key issue is the difficulty in predicting the occurrence time and location of strong solar eruptions, those leading to high impact space weather disturbances at the near-Earth environment. Here, we report regular solar mapping made at X-band (8.1 -- 9.2 GHz) with the Arecibo 12-m radio telescope. This has demonstrated its potential for identifying active regions, about one half to a day in advance, when they rotate on to the central meridian of the Sun, and predicting the strongest flares and coronal mass ejections directed towards the Earth. Results show (i) a good correlation between the temporal evolution of brightness temperature of active regions and their magnetic configurations; (ii) the ability of the mapping data to provide a better picture of the formation sites of active regions and to accurately track their evolution across the solar disk, giving forewarning of intense solar eruptions leading to severe space weather consequences; (iii) the importance of long-term monitoring of the Sun at X-band for understanding the complex three-dimensional evolution of solar features as a function of solar activity. The key point in this study is the identification of the magnetic properties of active regions on the solar disk to aid in improving forecast strategies for extreme space-weather events.

Atreya Acharyya, Alberto C. Sadun

11 pages, 5 figures, Accepted in Galaxies. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2305.02860

Blazars are a subclass of active galactic nuclei (AGN) having relativistic jets aligned within a few degrees of our line-of-sight and form the majority of the AGN detected in the TeV regime. The Fermi-Large Area Telescope (LAT) is a pair-conversion telescope, sensitive to photons having energies between 20 MeV and 2 TeV, and is capable of scanning the entire gamma-ray sky every three hours. Despite the remarkable success of the Fermi mission, many questions still remain unanswered, such as the site of gamma-ray production and the emission mechanisms involved. The Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) is a high cadence all sky survey system optimized to be efficient for finding potentially dangerous asteroids, as well as in tracking and searching for highly variable and transient sources, such as AGN. In this study, we investigate possible correlations between the Fermi-LAT observations in the 100 MeV-300 GeV energy band and the ATLAS optical data in the R-band, centered at 679 nm, for a sample of 18 TeV-detected northern blazars over 8 years of observations between 2015 and 2022. Under the assumption that the optical and gamma-ray flares are produced by the same outburst propagating down the jet, the strong correlations found for some sources suggest a single-zone leptonic model of emission.

V. Kovtyukh, B. Lemasle, N. Nardetto, G. Bono, R. da Silva, N. Matsunaga, A. Yushchenko, K. Fukue, E. K. Grebel

17 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables. Published in MNRAS

The technique of line depth ratios (LDR) is one of the methods to determine the effective temperature of a star. They are crucial in the spectroscopic studies of variable stars like Cepheids since no simultaneous photometry is usually available. A good number of LDR-temperature relations are already available in the optical domain, here we want to expand the number of relations available in the near-infrared in order to fully exploit the capabilities of current and upcoming near-infrared spectrographs. We used 115 simultaneous spectroscopic observations in the optical and the near-infrared for six Cepheids and optical line depth ratios to find new pairs of lines sensitive to temperature and to calibrate LDR-temperature relations in the near-infrared spectral range. We have derived 87 temperature calibrations valid in the [4800-6500] K range of temperatures. The typical uncertainty for a given relation is 60-70 K, and combining many of them provides a final precision within 30-50 K. We found a discrepancy between temperatures derived from optical or near-infrared LDR for pulsations phases close to phi ~ 0.0 and we discuss the possible causes for these differences. Line depth ratios in the near-infrared will allow us to spectroscopically investigate highly reddened Cepheids in the Galactic centre or in the far side of the disk.

R. Siebenmorgen, J. Smoker, J. Krełowski, Karl Gordon, Rolf Chini

Recommended to acceptance by A&A

The nature of dust in the diffuse interstellar medium can be best investigated by means of reddening curves where only a single interstellar cloud lies between the observer and the background source. Published reddening curves often suffer from various systematic uncertainties. We merge a sample of 895 reddening curves of stars for which both FORS2 polarisation spectra and UVES high-resolution spectra are available. The resulting 111 sightlines toward OB-type stars have 175 reddening curves. For these stars, we derive their spectral type from the UVES high-resolution spectroscopy. To obtain high-quality reddening curves we exclude stars with composite spectra in the IUE/FUSE data due to multiple stellar systems. Likewise, we omit stars that have uncertain spectral type designations or stars with photometric variability. We neglect stars that show inconsistent parallaxes when comparing DR2 and DR3 from GAIA. Finally, we identify stars that show differences in the space and ground-based derived reddening curves between $0.28\,\mu$m and the $U$-band or in $R_V$. In total, we find 53 stars with one or more reddening curves passing the rejection criteria. This provides the highest quality Milky Way reddening curve sample available today. Averaging the curves from our high-quality sample, we find $R_V = 3.1 \pm 0.4$, confirming previous estimates. A future paper in this series will use the current sample of precise reddening curves and combine them with polarisation data to study the properties of Dark Dust.

The trans-Neptunian scattered disk exhibits unexpected dynamical structure, ranging from an extended dispersion of perihelion distance to a clustered distribution in orbital angles. Self-gravitational modulation of the scattered disk has been suggested in the literature as an alternative mechanism to Planet 9 for sculpting the orbital architecture of the trans-Neptunian region. The numerics of this hypothesis have hitherto been limited to $N < O(10^3)$ super-particle simulations that omit direct gravitational perturbations from the giant planets and instead model them as an orbit-averaged (quadrupolar) potential, through an enhanced $J_2$ moment of the central body. For sufficiently massive disks, such simulations reveal the onset of collective dynamical behaviour $\unicode{x2014}$ termed the $\unicode{x2018}$inclination instability$\unicode{x2019}$ $\unicode{x2014}$ wherein orbital circularisation occurs at the expense of coherent excitation of the inclination. Here, we report $N = O(10^4)$ GPU-accelerated simulations of a self-gravitating scattered disk (across a range of disk masses spanning 5 to 40 Earth masses) that self-consistently account for intra-particle interactions as well as Neptune's perturbations. Our numerical experiments show that even under the most favourable conditions, the inclination instability never ensues. Instead, due to scattering, the disk depletes. While our calculations show that a transient lopsided structure can emerge within the first few hundreds of Myr, the terminal outcomes of these calculations systematically reveal a scattered disk that is free of any orbital clustering. We conclude thus that the inclination instability mechanism is an inadequate explanation of the observed architecture of the solar system.

Andreas Nygaard, Emil Brinch Holm, Thomas Tram, Steen Hannestad

Invited chapter for the edited book Hubble Constant Tension (Eds. E. Di Valentino and D. Brout, Springer Singapore, expected in 2024)

Decaying dark matter models generically modify the equation of state around the time of dark matter decay, and this in turn modifies the expansion rate of the Universe through the Friedmann equation. Thus, a priori, these models could solve or alleviate the Hubble tension, and depending on the lifetime of the dark matter, they can be classified as belonging to either the early- or late-time solutions. Moreover, decaying dark matter models can often be realized in particle physics models relatively easily. However, the implementations of these models in Einstein--Boltzmann solver codes are non-trivial, so not all incarnations have been tested. It is well known that models with very late decay of dark matter do not alleviate the Hubble tension, and in fact, cosmological data puts severe constraints on the lifetime of such dark matter scenarios. However, models in which a fraction of the dark matter decays to dark radiation at early times hold the possibility of modifying the effective equation of state around matter-radiation equality without affecting late-time cosmology. This scenario is therefore a simple realization of a possible early-time solution to the Hubble tension, and cosmological parameter estimation with current data in these models yields a value of $H_0 = 68.73^{+0.81}_{-1.3}$ at $68\%$ C.I.. This still leads to a $2.7\sigma$ Gaussian tension with the representative local value of $H_0 = 73.2 \pm 1.3$ km s$^{-1}$ Mpc$^{-1}$. Additional work is, however, required to test more complex decay scenarios, which could potentially prefer higher values of $H_0$ and provide a better solution to the Hubble tension.

Kirk Long, Jason Dexter, Yixian Cao, Ric Davies, Frank Eisenhauer, Dieter Lutz, Daryl Santos, Jinyi Shangguan, Taro Shimzu, Eckhard Sturm

16 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal

Quasars show a remarkable degree of atomic emission line-broadening, an observational feature which, in conjunction with a radial distance estimate for this emission from the nucleus is often used to infer the mass of the central supermassive black hole. The radius estimate depends on the structure and kinematics of this so-called Broad-Line Region (BLR), which is often modeled as a set of discrete emitting clouds. Here, we test an alternative kinematic disk-wind model of optically thick line emission originating from a geometrically thin accretion disk under Keplerian rotation around a supermassive black hole. We use this model to calculate broad emission line profiles and interferometric phases to compare to GRAVITY data and previously published cloud modelling results. While we show that such a model can provide a statistically satisfactory fit to GRAVITY data for quasar 3C 273, we disfavor it as it requires 3C 273 be observed at high inclination, which observations of the radio jet orientation do not support.

Mohsen Khodadi, David F. Mota, Ahmad Sheykhi

28 pages, 10 figures

Magnetic reconnection is a process that plays a critical role in plasma astrophysics by converting magnetic energy into plasma particle energy. Recently, Comisso and Asenjo demonstrated that rapid magnetic reconnection within a black hole's ergosphere can efficiently extract energy from a rotating black hole. In this paper, by considering a Kerr black hole in the MOdified gravity (MOG) framework, we investigate the impact of the MOG parameter $\alpha$ on the rotational energy extraction via the Comisso-Asenjo process (CAP). To model energy extraction from supermassive black holes located in the center of galaxies, we set the value of $\alpha$ within the range inferred from the recent observation of Sgr A* by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). Our results indicate that the Kerr-MOG black hole is a more efficient host for CAP-based rotational energy extraction compared to the Kerr black hole, since it amplifies the power of energy extraction and efficiency of the plasma energization process. We show that, from the energy extraction viewpoint, the CAP is more efficient than the Blandford-Znajek process (BZP). The latter is another magnetic field-based energy extraction model which is widely believed to be an engine for powering the high-energy astrophysics jets emerging from the supermassive black holes at active galactic nuclei. In particular, we show that the ratio of the energy extraction power of CAP to BZP in the presence of the MOG parameter is greater than that of the Kerr black hole. Our results promise this phenomenological message that the MOG-induced correction on the Kerr black hole background plays an important role in favor of energy extraction via the CAP.

Bao-Min Gu, Fu-Wen Shu, Ke Yang

11pages, 7 figures

Primordial black holes may arise through ultra slow-roll inflation. In this work we study a toy model of ultra slow-roll inflation with a shallow dip. The ultra slow-roll stage enhances the curvature perturbations and thus the primordial scalar power spectrum. We analyze the features of the power spectrum numerically and analytically, and then give a rough estimate of the lower and upper bound of the enhancement. These large perturbations also produce second order gravitational waves, which are in the scope of future observations.

Priyansh Jaswal, Chitradeep Saha, Dibyendu Nandy

6 pages, 5 figure, 1 table, submitted to MNRAS: Letters. Feedback are welcome

Sunspots have been observed for over four centuries and the magnetic nature of sunspot cycles has been known for about a century: however, some of its underlying physics still remain elusive. It is known that the solar magnetic cycle involves a recycling of magnetic flux between the poloidal and toroidal components of the magnetic field, that manifests as the solar dipole and sunspots, respectively. Here we report the discovery of a new relationship between the rise rate of the sunspot cycle and the decay rate of the solar (axial) dipole moment. We argue that this points to the existence of a causal connection between the aforementioned physical quantities -- providing an extension to the Waldmeier effect: namely, the decay rate of the Sun's dipole moment is related to the rate of rise and eventual amplitude of the following sunspot cycle. We demonstrate how one may take advantage of this new relationship to predict the amplitude and timing of the sunspot cycle. Our analysis indicates solar cycle 25 is going to be a weak-moderate cycle, peaking in \(2024.00_{-0.49}^{+0.68} \).

G. Maciejewski, M. Fernández, A. Sota, P.J. Amado, J. Ohlert, R. Bischoff, W. Stenglein, M. Mugrauer, K.-U. Michel, J. Golonka, A. Blanco Solsona, E. Lapena, J. Molins Freire, A. De los Ríos Curieses, J.A. Temprano Sicilia

Accepted for publication in Acta Astronomica vol. 73

The loneliness of hot Jupiters supports the high-eccentricity migration as a primary path leading to the formation of systems with those planets stripped of any close-in planetary companions. Here we present the null results of searches for low-mass planets close to hot Jupiters in 10 planetary systems: HAT-P-4, HAT-P-10, HAT-P-12, HAT-P-17, HAT-P-19, HAT-P-32, HAT-P-44, Qatar-6, TrES-4, and WASP-48. We employed multi-sector time-series photometry from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite enhanced with new ground-based transit light curves to determine the sizes of hypothetical planets that might still avoid being detected. We redetermined transit parameters for the known hot Jupiters using a homogenous approach. We refuted transit timing variations for HAT-P-12 b, claimed recently in the literature. The transit timing data permitted us to place tighter constraints on third bodies in HAT-P-19 and HAT-P-32 systems detected in Doppler measurements. We also study four multi-periodic pulsating variable stars in the field around HAT-P-17.

Charles D. Kilpatrick, Luca Izzo, Rory O. Bentley, Kenneth C. Chambers, David A. Coulter, Maria R. Drout, Thomas de Boer, Ryan J. Foley, Christa Gall, Melissa R. Halford, David O. Jones, Danial Langeroodi, Chien-Cheng Lin, Eugene A. Magnier, Peter McGill, Anna J. G. O'Grady, Yen-Chen Pan, Enrico Ramirez-Ruiz, Armin Rest, Jonathan J. Swift, Samaporn Tinyanont, V. Ashley Villar, Richard J. Wainscoat, Amanda Rose Wasserman, S. Karthik Yadavalli, Grace Yang

31 pages, 12 figures, accepted to MNRAS

We present optical, ultraviolet, and infrared data of the type II supernova (SN II) 2020jfo at 14.5 Mpc. This wealth of multiwavelength data allows to compare different metrics commonly used to estimate progenitor masses of SN II for the same object. Using its early light curve, we infer SN 2020jfo had a progenitor radius of $\approx$700 $R_{\odot}$, consistent with red supergiants of initial mass $M_{\rm ZAMS}=$11-13 $M_{\odot}$. The decline in its late-time light curve is best fit by a ${}^{56}$Ni mass of 0.018$\pm$0.007 $M_{\odot}$ consistent with that ejected from SN II-P with $\approx$13 $M_{\odot}$ initial mass stars. Early spectra and photometry do not exhibit signs of interaction with circumstellar matter, implying that SN 2020jfo experienced weak mass loss within the final years prior to explosion. Our spectra at $>$250 days are best fit by models from 12 $M_{\odot}$ initial mass stars. We analyzed integral field unit spectroscopy of the stellar population near SN 2020jfo, finding its massive star population had a zero age main sequence mass of 9.7$\substack{+2.5\\-1.3} M_{\odot}$. We identify a single counterpart in pre-explosion imaging and find it has an initial mass of at most $7.2\substack{+1.2\\-0.6} M_{\odot}$. We conclude that the inconsistency between this mass and indirect mass indicators from SN 2020jfo itself is most likely caused by extinction with $A_{V}=2$-3 mag due to matter around the progenitor star, which lowered its observed optical luminosity. As SN 2020jfo did not exhibit extinction at this level or evidence for interaction with circumstellar matter between 1.6-450 days from explosion, we conclude that this material was likely confined within $\approx$3000 $R_{\odot}$ from the progenitor star.

Significant evidence for a gravitational-wave background was reported by several pulsar-timing-array collaborations. By assuming that this signal is interpreted by the scalar-induced gravitational waves, we study physical implications of the observed signal for the nature of primordial curvature perturbations and primordial black holes. In particular, we explore the effects of primordial non-Gaussianity on the inferences of model parameters, and obtain the parameter region allowed by the observed signal, i.e., the primordial scalar spectral amplitude $A_S\sim10^{-2}-1$, the primordial non-Gaussian parameter $-10\lesssim f_{\mathrm{NL}} \lesssim 10$, and the mass of primordial black holes $m_{\mathrm{pbh}}\sim10^{-3}-0.1M_{\odot}$. We find that the non-Gaussianity suppressing the abundance of primordial black holes is preferred by the observed signal. We show that the anisotropies of scalar-induced gravitational waves are a powerful probe for measurements of the non-Gaussian parameter $f_{\mathrm{NL}}$, and conduct a complete analysis of the angular power spectrum in the nano-Hertz band. We expect that the Square Kilometre Array project has potentials to measure such anisotropies.

Yael Dgany, Iair Arcavi, Lydia Makrygianni, Craig Pellegrino, D. Andrew Howell

After first round of review, before re-submission to ApJ, comments welcome

Transient accretion events onto supermassive black holes (SMBHs), such as Tidal Disruption Events (TDEs), Bowen Fluorescence Flares (BFFs), and active galactic nuclei (AGN) sudden increases of activity, offer a new window into the SMBH population, accretion physics and stellar dynamics in galaxy centers. However, such transients are rare, and finding them in wide-field transient surveys is challenging. Here we present the results of a systematic real-time search for SMBH-related transients in Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) public alerts, using various search queries. We examined 345 rising events coincident with a galaxy nucleus, with no history of previous activity, of which 223 were spectroscopically classified. Of those, 5 (2.2%) were TDEs, 1 (0.5%) was a BFF and 2 (0.9%) AGN flares. Limiting the search to blue events brighter than magnitude 19, the fraction of TDEs more than doubles to 5.2%. Limiting the search further to candidate post-starburst galaxies increases the relative number of TDEs to 20%, but the absolute numbers in such a search are small. The main contamination source is supernovae (95.1% of the events), of which the majority (82.2% of supernovae) are of Type Ia. In a comparison set of 39 events with limited photometric history, the AGN contamination increases to ~30%. Host galaxy offset is not a significant discriminant of TDEs in current ZTF data, but might be useful in higher resolution data. Our results can be used to quantify the efficiency of various SMBH-related transient search strategies in optical surveys such as ZTF and LSST.

We explore possible signatures of the interaction between dark matter (DM) and massive neutrinos during the post-reionization epoch. Using both Fisher matrix forecast analysis and Markov Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) simulation, we conduct a thorough investigation of the constraints and imprints of the scenario on the upcoming post-reionization and galaxy surveys. Our investigation focuses on two key parameters: the strength of the DM-massive neutrino interaction ($u$) and the total neutrino mass ($M_{\rm tot}$), on top of the usual 6 cosmological parameters. We utilize future 21-cm intensity mapping, galaxy clustering as well as cosmic shear observations in order to investigate the possible constraints of these parameters in the future observations: Square Kilometre Array (SKA1 and SKA2) and Euclid, taking both conservative and realistic approaches. All these missions show promise in constraining both the parameters $u$ and $M_{\rm tot}$ by 3-4 orders compared to the current constraints from Planck18 (SKA2 performing the best among them). Although none of the missions help much in addressing the $H_0$ and $\sigma_8$ tensions for the present scenario, SKA2 constrains them better in conservative approach. We further perform a brief investigation of the prospects of some of the next generation Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) missions in combinations with LSS experiments in improving the constraints. Our analysis reveals that both SKA2 and CMB-S4 + Euclid + SKA1 IM2 combination will put the strongest bounds on the model parameters.

Julien Hiegel, Emilie Thélie, Dominique Aubert, Jonathan Chardin, Nicolas Gillet, Pierre Galois, Nicolas Mai, Pierre Ocvirk, Rodrigo Ibata

During the Epoch of reionisation, the intergalactic medium is reionised by the UV radiation from the first generation of stars and galaxies. One tracer of the process is the 21 cm line of hydrogen that will be observed by the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) at low frequencies, thus imaging the distribution of ionised and neutral regions and their evolution. To prepare for these upcoming observations, we investigate a deep learning method to predict from 21 cm maps the reionisation time field (treion(r)), i.e. the time at which each location has been reionised. treion(r) encodes the propagation of ionisation fronts in a single field, gives access to times of local reionisation or to the extent of the radiative reach of early sources. Moreover it gives access to the time evolution of ionisation on the plane of sky, when such evolution is usually probed along the line-of-sight direction. We trained a convolutional neural network (CNN) using simulated 21 cm maps and reionisation times fields produced by the simulation code 21cmFAST . We also investigate the performance of the CNN when adding instrumental effects. Globally, we find that without instrumental effects the 21 cm maps can be used to reconstruct the associated reionisation times field in a satisfying manner: the quality of the reconstruction is dependent on the redshift at which the 21 cm observation is being made and in general it is found that small scale (<10cMpc/h) features are smoothed in the reconstructed field, while larger scale features are well recovered. When instrumental effects are included, the scale dependance of reconstruction is even further pronounced, with significant smoothing on small and intermediate scales.

Jamal Chafi, Youssef El Azhari, Ossama Azagrouze, Abdelhadi Jabiri, Zouhair Benkhaldoun, Abdelfatah Habib, Youssef Errazzouki

10 pages, 14 figures

This study is focused on the very high dynamic imaging field, specifically the direct observation of exoplanetary systems. The coronagraph is an essential technique for suppressing the star's light, making it possible to detect an exoplanet with a very weak luminosity compared to its host star. Apodization improves the rejection of the coronagraph, thereby increasing its sensitivity. This work presents the apodization method by interferometry using homothety, with either a rectangular or circular aperture. We discuss the principle method, the proposed experimental setup, and present the obtained results by optimizing the free parameters of the system while concentrating the maximum of the light energy in the central diffraction lobe, with a concentration rate of 93.6\% for the circular aperture and 91.5\% for the rectangular geometry. The obtained results enabled scaling the various elements of the experiment in accordance with practical constraints. Simulation results are presented for both circular and rectangular apertures. We performed simulations on a hexagonal aperture, both with and without a central obstruction, as well as a segmented aperture similar to the one used in the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT). This approach enables the attainment of a contrast of approximately $10^{-4}$ at small angular separations, specifically around $1.8\lambda/D$. When integrated with a coronagraph, this technique exhibits great promise. These findings confirm that our proposed technique can effectively enhance the performance of a coronagraph.

Denton S. Ebel, Lawrence Grossman

58 pages, 19 figures, 8 tables

Full chemical equilibrium calculations of the sequence of condensation of the elements from cosmic gases made by total vaporization of dust-enriched systems were performed to investigate the oxidation state of the resulting condensates. Computations included 23 elements and 374 gas species over a range of -3=log10(total P) to -6 bar and for enrichments to 1000x in dust of C1 chondritic composition relative to a system of solar composition. Because liquids are stable condensates in these systems, the MELTS non-ideal solution model for silicate liquids was used. Condensation at logP=-3 bar and dust enrichments of 100x, 500x and 1000x occurs at oxygen fugacities of IW-3.1, IW-1.7 and IW-1.2, respectively, and, at the temperature of cessation of direct condensation of olivine from the vapor, yields X(fayalite) of 0.019, 0.088 and 0.164, respectively. Silicate liquid is a stable condensate at dust enrichments >~12.5x at logP=-3. At 1000x, the Na and K oxide contents of the last liquid reach 10.1 and 1.3 wt%, respectively, at logP=-3 bar. At logP=-3 bar, iron sulfide liquids are stable condensates at dust enrichments at least as low as 500x, and the predicted distribution of Fe between metal, silicate and sulfide at 1310K and a dust enrichment of 560x matches that found in H chondrites, and at 1330K and 675x matches that of L chondrites prior to metal loss. With some exceptions, many chondrule glass compositions fall along bulk composition trajectories for liquids in equilibrium with cosmic gases at logP=-3 bar and dust enrichments between 600x and 1000x. If these chondrules formed by secondary melting of mixtures of condensates that formed at different T, nebular regions with characteristics such as these would have been necessary to prevent loss of Na by evaporation and FeO by reduction from the liquid precursors, assuming that liquids and gas were hot for enough time to have equilibrated.

Gokce Ustunisik, Denton S. Ebel, David Walker, Joseph S. Boesenberg

17 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables

Condensation models describe the equilibrium distribution of elements between coexisting mineral solid solutions, silicate liquid, and vapor in a closed chemical system, vapor phase always present, using equations of state of the phases involved at a fixed total P (< 1 bar) and temperature T. The VAPORS code uses a CaO-MgO-Al$_2$O$_3$-SiO$_2$ liquid model at T above the stability field of olivine and the MELTS algorithm at lower T. Quenched high-T crystal + liquid assemblages are preserved in meteorites as Type B Ca-, Al-rich inclusions (CAIs) and olivine-rich ferromagnesian chondrules. Experimental tests of compositional regions may clarify the nature of the phases present, the phase boundaries, and the partition of trace elements among these phases. Twenty-three Pt-loop equilibrium experiments in seven phase fields on twelve bulk compositions at specific T and dust enrichment factors tested the predicted stability fields of forsteritic olivine (Mg$_2$SiO$_4$), enstatite (MgSiO$_3$), Cr-bearing spinel (MgAl$_2$O$_4$), perovskite (CaTiO$_3$), melilite (Ca$_2$Al$_2$SiO$_7$ - Ca$_2$Mg$_2$Si$_2$O$_7$) and/or grossite (CaAl4O7) crystallizing from liquid. Experimental results for forsterite, enstatite, and grossite are in very good agreement with predictions, both in chemistry and phase abundances. On the other hand, the stability of spinel with olivine, and stability of perovskite and gehlenite are quite different from predictions. Perovskite is absent in all experiments. Even at low oxygen fugacity (IW-3.4), the most TiO$_2$-rich experiments do not crystallize Al-, Ti-bearing calcic pyroxene. The stability of spinel and olivine together is limited to a smaller phase field than is predicted. The melilite stability field is much larger than predicted, indicating a deficiency of current liquid or melilite activity models. In that respect, these experiments contribute to improving the data for calibrating thermodynamic models including MELTS.

Alekzander Kosakowski, Thomas Kupfer, P. Bergeron

9 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables. Submitted to ApJL

We present an analysis of new and archival data to the 20.506-minute LISA verification binary J052610.42$+$593445.32 (J0526$+$5934). Our joint spectroscopic and photometric analysis finds that the binary contains an unseen $M_1=0.87\pm0.11~{\rm M_\odot}$ CO-core white dwarf primary with an $M_2=0.38\pm0.07~{\rm M_\odot}$ post-core-burning subdwarf, or low-mass white dwarf, companion. Given the short orbital period and relatively large total binary mass, we find that LISA will detect this binary with signal-to-noise ratio $2.7\pm0.6$ after 3 months of observations. We used archival photometry from ZTF DR16 and ATLAS, together with our new high-speed McDonald light curve, to place constraints on the observed orbital decay of J0526$+$5934 and find $\dot{P}_{\rm obs}=-(1.2\pm0.2)\times10^{-11}$, in agreement to within $1\sigma$ of the expected decay rate based on our photometric and spectroscopic analysis. J0526$+$5934 will merge within $1.9\pm0.3~{\rm Myr}$ and likely result in a ${\rm D}^6$ scenario Type Ia supernova or form a He-rich star which will evolve into a massive single white dwarf.

Denton S. Ebel, Michael K. Weisberg, John R. Beckett

15 pages, 5 figures

Low-iron, manganese-enriched (LIME) olivine grains are found in cometary samples returned by the Stardust mission to comet 81P/Wild 2. Similar grains are found in primitive meteoritic clasts and unequilibrated meteorite matrix. LIME olivine is thermodynamically stable in a vapor of solar composition at high temperature at total pressures of a millibar to a microbar, but enrichment of solar composition vapor in a dust of chondritic composition causes the FeO/MnO ratio of olivine to increase. The compositions of LIME olivines in primitive materials indicate oxygen fugacities close to that of a very reducing vapor of solar composition. The compositional zoning of LIME olivines in amoeboid olivine aggregates is consistent with equilibration with nebular vapor in the stability field of olivine, without reequilibration at lower temperatures. A similar history is likely for LIME olivines found in comet samples and in interplanetary dust particles. LIME olivine is not likely to persist in nebular conditions in which silicate liquids are stable.

Giuseppe Morello, Quentin Changeat, Achrène Dyrek, Pierre-Olivier Lagage, Jonathan C. Tan

Accepted by A&A, 14 pages, 10 figures

Aims. We analyse unpublished Spitzer observations of the thermal phase-curve of WASP-121 b, a benchmark ultra-hot Jupiter. Methods. We adopted the wavelet pixel-independent component analysis technique to remove challenging instrumental systematic effects in these datasets and we fit them simultaneously with parametric light-curve models. We also performed phase-curve retrievals to better understand the horizontal and vertical thermal structure of the planetary atmosphere. Results. We measured planetary brightness temperatures of $\sim$2700\,K (dayside) and $\sim$700--1100\,K (nightside), along with modest peak offsets of 5.9$^{\circ} \pm$1.6 (3.6\,$\mu$m) and 5.0$^{\circ}$$_{-3.1}^{+3.4}$ (4.5\,$\mu$m) after mid-eclipse. These results suggest inefficient heat redistribution in the atmosphere of WASP-121 b. The inferred atmospheric Bond albedo and circulation efficiency align well with observed trends for hot giant exoplanets. Interestingly, the measured peak offsets correspond to a westward hot spot, which has rarely been observed. We also report consistent transit depths at 3.6 and 4.5\,$\mu$m, along with updated geometric and orbital parameters. Finally, we compared our Spitzer results with previous measurements, including recent JWST observations. Conclusions. We extracted new information on the thermal properties and dynamics of an exoplanet atmosphere from an especially problematic dataset. This study probes the reliability of exoplanet phase-curve parameters obtained from Spitzer observations when state-of-the-art pipelines are adopted to remove the instrumental systematic effects. It demonstrates that Spitzer phase-curve observations provide a useful baseline for comparison with JWST observations, and shows the increase in parameters precision achieved with the newer telescope.

Yuki Isobe, Masami Ouchi, Nozomu Tominaga, Kuria Watanabe, Kimihiko Nakajima, Hiroya Umeda, Hidenobu Yajima, Yuichi Harikane, Hajime Fukushima, Yi Xu, Yoshiaki Ono, Yechi Zhang

Submitted to ApJ

We present chemical abundance ratios of 70 star-forming galaxies at $z\sim4$-10 observed by the JWST/NIRSpec ERO, GLASS, and CEERS programs. Among the 70 galaxies, we have pinpointed 2 galaxies, CEERS_01019 at $z=8.68$ and GLASS_150008 at $z=6.23$, with extremely low C/N ([C/N]$\lesssim -1$), evidenced with CIII]$\lambda\lambda$1907,1909, NIII]$\lambda$1750, and NIV]$\lambda\lambda$1483,1486, which show high N/O ratios ([N/O]$\gtrsim 0.5$) comparable with the one of GN-z11. CEERS_01019 (GLASS_150008) has (does not have) a strong high ionization line that is explained by AGN (star-formation) photoionization models, which is (not) similar to GN-z11. Such low C/N and high N/O ratios found in CEERS_01019 and GLASS_150008 (additionally identified in GN-z11) are close to the equilibrium of the CNO cycle, suggesting that these 3 galaxies are enriched by metals processed by the CNO cycle. On the C/N vs. O/H plane, these 3 galaxies do not coincide with Galactic HII regions, normal star-forming galaxies, and nitrogen-loud quasars with AGB stars, but globular-cluster (GC) stars, indicating a connection with GC formation. We compare C/O and N/O of these 3 galaxies with those of theoretical models, and find that these 3 galaxies are explained by scenarios with dominant CNO-cycle materials, i.e. Wolf-Rayet stars, supermassive ($10^{3}-10^{5}\ M_{\odot}$) stars, and tidal disruption events, interestingly with a requirement of frequent direct collapses. For all the 70 galaxies, we present measurements of Ne/O, S/O, and Ar/O, together with C/O and N/O. We identify 4 galaxies with very low Ne/O, $\log(\rm Ne/O)<-1.0$, indicating abundant massive ($\gtrsim30\ M_\odot$) stars.

Yan-Chen Bi, Yu-Mei Wu, Zu-Cheng Chen, Qing-Guo Huang

8 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables

NANOGrav, EPTA, PPTA, and CPTA have announced the evidence for a stochastic signal from their latest data sets. Supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHBs) are supposed to be the most promising gravitational-wave (GW) sources of pulsar timing arrays. Assuming an astro-informed formation model, we use the NANOGrav 15-year data set to constrain the gravitational wave background (GWB) from SMBHBs. Our results prefer a large turn-over eccentricity of the SMBHB orbit when GWs begin to dominate the SMBHBs evolution. Furthermore, the GWB spectrum is extrapolated to the space-borne GW detector frequency band by including inspiral-merge-cutoff phases of SMBHBs and should be detected by LISA, Taiji and TianQin in the near future.

Tomoki Matsuoka, Ryo Sawada

11 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, submitted to ApJ

Recent observations of supernovae (SNe) have indicated that a fraction of massive stars possess dense circumstellar medium (CSM) at the moment of their core collapses. They suggest the presence of additional activities of the SN progenitor driving the enhancement of the mass-loss rate, and some physical processes attributing to single star's activities have been considered. In this study, we carry out binary evolutionary simulations of massive stars with the aim of investigating the CSM structure. We show that the mass-transfer rate in a binary can increase at the beginning of the Roche lobe overflow, and this enhancement would be associated with the structure of the CSM before the explosion. We also illustrate that depending on the orbital period of the binary, the density structure of the CSM can have a diverse distribution including shell-like and cliff-like structures. These characteristic structures appear within the lengthscale of $\sim 10^{17}\,{\rm cm}$ and could be traced by long-term observations of SNe, if the slow velocity of the CSM is assumed ($\sim 10\,{\rm km}\,{\rm s}^{-1}$). Our results highlight the importance of binary interaction in the aspect of reproducing the diversity of the CSM configuration.

Chen-Chen Miao, Victoria Blackmon, Wei-Wei Zhu, Dong-Zi Li, Mingyu Ge, Xiao-Peng You, Maura McLaughlin, Di Li, Na Wang, Pei Wang, Jia-Rui Niu, M. Cruces, Jian-Ping Yuan, Jun-Tao Bai, D. J. Champion, Yu-Tong Chen, Ming-Min Chi, P. C. C. Freire, Yi Feng, Zhen-Ye Gan, M. Kramer, Fei-Fei Kou, Yu-Xi Li, Xue-Li Miao, Ling-Qi Meng, Chen-Hui Niu, Sheng-Nan Sun, Zhong-Yi Sun, H. M. Tedila, Shuang-Qiang Wang, Qing-Dong Wu, Jing-Bo Wang, Zhi-Gang Wen, Shen Wang, Ya-Biao Wang, Cheng-Jie Wang, Meng-Yao Xue, You-Ling Yue, Mao Yuan, Ju-Mei Yao, Wen-Ming Yan, Ru-Shuang Zhao, Lei Zhang, De Zhao

18 pages, 8 figures, 1 table, accepted by RAA

We report the radio observations of the eclipsing black widow pulsar J1720-0534, a 3.26 ms pulsar in orbit with a low mass companion of mass 0.029 to 0.034 M$_{\odot}$. We obtain the phase-connected timing ephemeris and polarization profile of this millisecond pulsar (MSP) using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST), the Green Bank Telescope (GBT), and the Parkes Telescope. For the first time from such a system, an oscillatory polarisation angle change was observed from a particular eclipse egress with partial depolarization, indicating 10-milliGauss-level reciprocating magnetic fields oscillating in a length scale of 5000 km (assuming an orbital inclination angle of 90 degrees) outside the companion's magnetosphere. The dispersion measure variation observed during the ingresses and egresses shows the rapid raising of the electron density in the shock boundary between the companion's magnetosphere and the surrounding pulsar wind. We suggest that the observed oscillatory magnetic fields originate from the pulsar wind outside the companion's magnetosphere.

In this work, we study the parameter space of neutrino-emitting BL Lacs under the framework of the one-zone lepto-hadronic model. We show that constraints on the model come from various aspects of observations such as the variability timescale of blazar flares, gamma-ray opacity and the spectral energy distribution of electromagnetic emission, as well as the inferred neutrino emissivity of the blazar. We apply our method to two potential neutrino sources, i.e., TXS 0506+056 and PKS 0735+178, which are BL Lacs. Then, we explore and summarize the allowed range of parameters such as the bulk Lorentz factor and the blob radius under different distributions of injected protons. We find that the parameter space that is available to explain the BL Lac--neutrino association is sensitive to the proton distribution, and usually, an injected proton luminosity significantly exceeding the Eddington luminosity is required for both sources. Our results suggest that the simple lepto-hadronic one-zone model may not be a reasonable interpretation for BL Lac--neutrino associations.

Cheongho Han, Chung-Uk Lee, Ian A. Bond, Weicheng Zang, Sun-Ju Chung, Michael D. Albrow, Andrew Gould, Kyu-Ha Hwang, Youn Kil Jung, Yoon-Hyun Ryu, In-Gu Shin, Yossi Shvartzvald, Hongjing Yang, Jennifer C. Yee, Sang-Mok Cha, Doeon Kim, Dong-Jin Kim, Seung-Lee Kim, Dong-Joo Lee, Yongseok Lee, Byeong-Gon Park, Richard W. Pogge, Shude Mao, Wei Zhu, Fumio Abe, Richard Barry, David P. Bennett, Aparna Bhattacharya, Hirosame Fujii, Akihiko Fukui, Ryusei Hamada, Yuki Hirao, Stela Ishitani Silva, Yoshitaka Itow, Rintaro Kirikawa, Iona Kondo, Naoki Koshimoto, Yutaka Matsubara, Shota Miyazaki, Yasushi Muraki, Greg Olmschenk, Clément Ranc, Nicholas J. Rattenbury, Yuki Satoh, Takahiro Sumi, Daisuke Suzuki, Taiga Toda, Mio Tomoyoshi, Paul J. Tristram, Aikaterini Vandorou, Hibiki Yama, Kansuke Yamashita

10 pages, 10 figures

We investigate the microlensing data collected in the 2022 season from the high-cadence microlensing surveys in order to find weak signals produced by planetary companions to lenses. From these searches, we find that two lensing events KMT-2022-BLG-0475 and KMT-2022-BLG-1480 exhibit weak short-term anomalies. From the detailed modeling of the lensing light curves, we identify that the anomalies are produced by planetary companions with a mass ratio to the primary of $q\sim 1.8\times 10^{-4}$ for KMT-2022-BLG-0475L and a ratio $q\sim 4.3\times 10^{-4}$ for KMT-2022-BLG-1480L. It is estimated that the host and planet masses and the projected planet-host separation are $(M_{\rm h}/M_\odot, M_{\rm p}/M_{\rm U}, a_\perp/{\rm au}) = (0.43^{+0.35}_{-0.23}, 1.73^{+1.42}_{-0.92}, 2.03^{+0.25}_{-0.38})$ for KMT-2022-BLG-0475L, and $(0.18^{+0.16}_{-0.09}, 1.82^{+1.60}_{-0.92}, 1.22^{+0.15}_{-0.14})$ for KMT-2022-BLG-1480L, where $M_{\rm U}$ denotes the mass of Uranus. Both planetary systems share common characteristics that the primaries of the lenses are early-mid M dwarfs lying in the Galactic bulge and the companions are ice giants lying beyond the snow lines of the planetary systems.

C. Richard (ICB), V. Boudon (ICB), L. Manceron (LISA (UMR\_7583)), J. Vander Auwera (ULB, SQUARES), S. Vinatier, B. Bézard, M. Houelle (ObsGE)

We report the measurement of broadening coefficients of pure rotational lines of methane at different pressure and temperature conditions. A total of 27 far-infrared spectra were recorded at the AILES beamline of the SOLEIL synchrotron at room-temperature, 200 K and 120 K, in a range of 10 to 800 mbar. Self and N 2 broadening coefficients and temperature dependence exponents of methane pure rotational lines have been measured in the 73-136 cm --1 spectral range using multi-spectrum non-linear least squares fitting of Voigt profiles. These coefficients were used to model spectra of Titan that were compared to a selection of equatorial Cassini/CIRS spectra, showing a good agreement for a stratospheric methane mole fraction of (1.17 $\pm$ 0.08)%.

Context. The study of Quasi-Periodic Oscillations (QPO) at low and high frequency in the variability of the high-energy emission from black-hole binaries and their physical interpretation in terms of signatures of General Relativity in the strong-field regime. Aims. To understand the nature of the 67 Hz QPOs observed in the X-ray emission of the peculiar black-hole binary GRS 1915+105 within the general classification of QPO and to determine the spin of the black hole in the system by applying the Relativistic Precession Model (RPM). Methods. Within the RPM, the only relativistic frequency that is stable in time over a large range of accretion rates and can be as low as 67 Hz (for a black-hole mass as measured dynamically) is the Lense-Thirring frequency at the Innermost Stable Circular Orbit (ISCO). In the application of the model, this corresponds to type-C QPOs. Under this assumption, it is possible to measure the spin of the black hole. We re-analysed a large number of RossiXTE observations to check whether other timing features confirm this hypothesis. Results. The identification of the 67 Hz QPO as the Lense-Thirring frequency at ISCO yields a value of 0.706 +/- 0.034 for the black hole spin. With this spin, the only two QPO detections at higher frequencies available in the literature are consistent with being orbital frequencies at a radius outside ISCO. The high-frequency bumps often observed at frequencies between 10 and 200 Hz follow the correlation expected for orbital and periastron-precession frequencies at even larger radii.

B. Shridharan, Blesson Mathew, R. Arun, T.B. Cysil, A. Subramaniam, P. Manoj, G. Maheswar, T.P. Sudheesh

Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics journal. 14 pages, 7 figures and 2 tables

Early Herbig Be (HBe) stars are massive, young stars accreting through the Boundary Layer mechanism. However, given the rapid ($<$ 2 Myr) evolution of early Herbig stars to the main-sequence phase, studying the evolution of the circumstellar medium around these stars can be a cumbersome exercise. In this work, we study the sample of early (B0-B5) HBe stars using the correlation between H$\alpha$ emission strength and near--infrared excess, complemented by the analysis of various emission features in the X-Shooter spectra. We segregate the sample of 37 early HBe stars based on the median values of H$\alpha$ equivalent width (EW) and near--infrared index (n(J$-$H)) distributions. The stars with |H$\alpha$ EW| $>$ 50 {\AA} and n(J$-$H) $>$ -2 are classified as intense HBe stars and stars with |H$\alpha$ EW| $<$ 50 {\AA} and n(J$-$H) $<$ -2 as weak HBe stars. Using the VLT/X--Shooter spectra of five intense and eight weak HBe stars, we visually checked for the differences in intensity and profiles of various H{\sc I} and metallic emission lines commonly observed in Herbig stars. We propose that the intense HBe stars possess an inner disk close to the star (as apparent from the high near-infrared excess) and an active circumstellar environment (as seen from high H$\alpha$ EW value and presence of emission lines belonging to Fe{\sc II}, Ca{\sc II}, O{\sc I} and [O{\sc I}]). However, for weak HBe stars, the inner disk has cleared, and the circumstellar environment appears more evolved than for intense HBe stars. Furthermore, we compiled a sample of $\sim$58,000 emission-line stars published in \textit{Gaia DR3} to identify more intense HBe candidates. Further spectroscopic studies of these candidates will help us to understand the evolution of the inner ($\sim$a few au) disk in early HBe stars.

Simeon Reusch

Invited highlight contribution submitted to Proceedings of Science as part of the proceedings of the 27th European Cosmic Ray Symposium held 25-29 July 2022. 12 pages, 6 figures, 1 table

Using the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) and other observatories, we have identified three candidate Tidal Disruption Events (TDEs) in spatial and temporal coincidence with high-energy neutrinos detected by IceCube: AT2019dsg, AT2019fdr and AT2019aalc. All three of these events have been shown to be able to produce high-energy neutrinos. In these proceedings, I will give an overview of Tidal Disruption Events, outline our follow-up program with ZTF, describe the observations carried out for each of those coincident events and highlight their similarities and differences.

We introduce ECCOplanets, an open-source Python code that simulates condensation in the protoplanetary disk. Our aim is to analyse how well a simplistic model can reproduce the main characteristics of rocky planet formation. For this purpose, we revisited condensation temperatures ($T_c$) as a means to study disk chemistry, and explored their sensitivity to variations in pressure (p) and elemental abundance pattern. We also examined the bulk compositions of rocky planets around chemically diverse stars. Our T-p-dependent chemical equilibrium model is based on a Gibbs free energy minimisation. We derived condensation temperatures for Solar System parameters with a simulation limited to the most common chemical species. We assessed their change ($\Delta T_c$) as a result of p-variation between $10^{-6}$ and 0.1 bar. To analyse the influence of the abundance pattern, key element ratios were varied, and the results were validated using solar neighbourhood stars. To derive the bulk compositions of planets, we explored three different planetary feeding-zone (FZ) models and compared their output to an external n-body simulation. Our model reproduces the external results well in all tests. For common planet-building elements, we derive a Tc that is within $\pm5$ K of literature values, taking a wider spectrum of components into account. The Tc is sensitive to variations in p and the abundance pattern. For most elements, it rises with p and metallicity. The tested pressure range ($10^{-6} - 0.1$ bar) corresponds to $\Delta T_c \approx +350$ K, and for -0.3 $\leq$ [M/H] $\leq$ 0.4 we find $\Delta T_c \approx +100$ K. An increase in C/O from 0.1 to 0.7 results in a decrease of $\Delta T_c \approx -100$ K. Other element ratios are less influential. Dynamic planetary accretion can be emulated well with any FZ model. Their width can be adapted to reproduce gradual changes in planetary composition.

The motion of the center of mass of a coalescing binary black hole (BBH) in a gravitational potential imprints a line-of-sight acceleration (LOSA) onto the emitted gravitational wave (GW) signal. The acceleration could be sufficiently large in dense stellar environments, such as globular clusters (GCs), to be detectable with next-generation space-based detectors. In this work, we use outputs of the \textsc{cluster monte carlo (cmc)} simulations of dense star clusters to forecast the distribution of detectable LOSAs in DECIGO and LISA eras. We study the effect of cluster properties -- metallicity, virial and galactocentric radii -- on the distribution of detectable accelerations, account for cosmologically-motivated distributions of cluster formation times, masses, and metallicities, and also incorporate the delay time between the formation of BBHs and their merger in our analysis. We find that larger metallicities provide a larger fraction of detectable accelerations by virtue of a greater abundance of relatively lighter BBHs, which allow a higher number of GW cycles in the detectable frequency band. Conversely, smaller metallicities result in fewer detections, most of which come from relatively more massive BBHs with fewer cycles but larger LOSAs. We similarly find correlations between the virial radii of the clusters and the fractions of detectable accelerations. Our work, therefore, provides an important science case for space-based GW detectors in the context of probing GC properties via the detection of LOSAs of merging BBHs.

Pascal A. Noti, Elspeth K. H. Lee, Russell Deitrick, Mark Hammond

accepted MNRAS (21 June 2023)

Global circulation models (GCMs) play an important role in contemporary investigations of exoplanet atmospheres. Different GCMs evolve various sets of dynamical equations which can result in obtaining different atmospheric properties between models. In this study, we investigate the effect of different dynamical equation sets on the atmospheres of hot Jupiter exoplanets. We compare GCM simulations using the quasi-primitive dynamical equations (QHD) and the deep Navier-Stokes equations (NHD) in the GCM THOR. We utilise a two-stream non-grey "picket-fence" scheme to increase the realism of the radiative transfer calculations. We perform GCM simulations covering a wide parameter range grid of system parameters in the population of exoplanets. Our results show significant differences between simulations with the NHD and QHD equation sets at lower gravity, higher rotation rates or at higher irradiation temperatures. The chosen parameter range shows the relevance of choosing dynamical equation sets dependent on system and planetary properties. Our results show the climate states of hot Jupiters seem to be very diverse, where exceptions to prograde superrotation can often occur. Overall, our study shows the evolution of different climate states which arise just due to different selections of Navier-Stokes equations and approximations. We show the divergent behaviour of approximations used in GCMs for Earth, but applied for non Earth-like planets.

Qing-Min Zhang, Zhen-Yong Hou, Xian-Yong Bai

13 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in RAA

In this paper, the well-known graduated cylindrical shell (GCS) model is slightly revised by introducing longitudinal and latitudinal deflections of prominences originating from active regions (ARs). Subsequently, it is applied to the three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of an eruptive prominence in AR 13110, which produced an M1.7 class flare and a fast coronal mass ejection (CME) on 2022 September 23. It is revealed that the prominence undergoes acceleration from $\sim$246 to $\sim$708 km s$^{-1}$. Meanwhile, the prominence experiences southward deflection by 15$\degr$$\pm$1$\degr$ without longitudinal deflection, suggesting that the prominence erupts non-radially. Southward deflections of the prominence and associated CME are consistent, validating the results of fitting using the revised GCS model. Besides, the true speed of the CME is calculated to be 1637$\pm$15 km s$^{-1}$, which is $\sim$2.3 times higher than that of prominence. This is indicative of continuing acceleration of the prominence during which flare magnetic reconnection reaches maximum beneath the erupting prominence. Hence, the reconstruction using the revised GCS model could successfully track a prominence in its early phase of evolution, including acceleration and deflection.

Nikolai Chugai

Acepted by Astronomy Letters

I explore a possibility to estimate an upper limit of the current iron abundance of the barion matter. The upper limit is determined by the minimal iron abundance, at which the gamma-ray background, produced by the decay of $^{56}$Ni synthesised in the Universe to date, contradicts the observational MeV gamma-ray background. I calculate the gamma-ray background from SNe~Ia and SNe~II with the gamma-ray scattering and absorption in supernova envelope. It is shown that the model background does not contradict the observed MeV background, if the present day iron abundance of the barion matter is less than 15\% of the solar abundance.

G. Guilluy, V. Bourrier, Y. Jaziri, W. Dethier, D. Mounzer, P. Giacobbe, O. Attia, R. Allart, A. S. Bonomo, L. A. Dos Santos, M. Rainer, A. Sozzetti

23 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

The population of close-in exoplanets features a desert of hot Neptunes whose origin is uncertain. These planets may have lost their atmosphere, eroding into mini-Neptunes and super-Earths. Direct observations of evaporating atmospheres are essential to derive mass-loss estimates and constrain this scenario. The metastable 1083.3nm HeI triplet represents a powerful diagnostic of atmospheric evaporation since it traces the hot gas in extended exoplanet atmospheres, is observable from the ground, and is weakly affected by interstellar medium absorption. We conducted a uniform HeI transmission spectroscopy survey, focusing on 9 planets located at the edges of the Neptunian desert, aiming to gain insights into the role of photo-evaporation in its formation. We observed one transit per planet using the high-resolution, near-infrared spectrograph GIANO-B on the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo. We focused our analysis on the HeI triplet by computing high-resolution transmission spectra. We then employed the p-winds model to interpret the observed transmission spectra. We found no sign of planetary absorption in the HeI triplet in any of the investigated targets. We thus provided 3sigma upper-limit estimations on the thermosphere absorption, temperature, and mass loss, and combined them with past measurements to search for correlations with parameters thought to be drivers in the formation of the HeI triplet. Our results strengthen the importance of performing homogeneous surveys and analyses to bring clarification in the HeI detection and hence in the Neptunian desert origin. Our findings corroborate the literature expectations that the HeI absorption signal correlates with the stellar mass and the received XUV flux. However, these trends seem to disappear in terms of mass-loss rates; further studies are essential to shed light on this aspect and to understand better the photo-evaporation process.

Kenta Hotokezaka, Masaomi Tanaka, Daiji Kato, Gediminas Gaigalas

4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to MNRAS

The late-time spectra of the kilonova AT 2017gfo associated with GW170817 exhibit a strong emission line feature at $2.1\,{\rm \mu m}$. The line structure develops with time and there is no apparent blue-shifted absorption feature in the spectra, suggesting that this emission line feature is produced by electron collision excitation. We attribute the emission line to a fine structure line of Tellurium (Te) III, which is one of the most abundant elements in the second r-process peak. By using a synthetic spectral modeling including fine structure emission lines with the solar r-process abundance pattern beyond the first r-process peak, i.e., atomic mass numbers $A\gtrsim 88$, we demonstrate that [Te III] $2.10\,\rm \mu m$ is indeed expected to be the strongest emission line in the near infrared region. We estimate that the required mass of Te III is $\sim 10^{-3}M_{\odot}$, corresponding to the merger ejecta of $0.05M_{\odot}$, which is in agreement with the mass estimated from the kilonova light curve.

Richard A. N. Brooks (1, 2, 3), Kyle A. Oman (2, 3), Carlos S. Frenk (2, 3) ((1) University College London, (2) Durham ICC, (3) Durham University)

4 pages, 2 figures. Accepted contribution to the proceedings for Dynamical Masses of Local Group Galaxies: IAU Symposium 379

The number density of extragalactic 21-cm radio sources as a function of their spectral line-widths -- the HI width function (HIWF) -- is a tracer of the dark matter halo mass function. The ALFALFA 21-cm survey measured the HIWF in northern and southern Galactic fields finding a systematically higher number density in the north; an asymmetry which is in tension with $\Lambda$ cold dark matter models which predicts the HIWF should be identical everywhere if sampled in sufficiently large volumes. We use the Sibelius-DARK N-body simulation and semi-analytical galaxy formation model GALFORM to create mock ALFALFA surveys to investigate survey systematics. We find the asymmetry has two origins: the sensitivity of the survey is different in the two fields, and the algorithm used for completeness corrections does not fully account for biases arising from spatial galaxy clustering. Once survey systematics are corrected, cosmological models can be tested against the HIWF.

Sheng-Lun Xie, Yi Zhao, Wang-Chen Xue, Yun-Wei Yu, Shao-Lin Xiong, Heng Yu, Ce Cai, Shuang-Nan Zhang

Over a period of four active episodes between January 2021 and January 2022, the magnetar SGR J1935+2154 emitted a total of 343 bursts observed by the \textit{Fermi}/GBM and 82 bursts observed by GECAM-B. Temporal and spectral analyses reveal that the bursts have an average duration of 145 ms and a fluence ranging from $1.2 \times 10^{-9} \ \mathrm{erg \cdot cm^{-2}}$ to $4.1 \times 10^{-4} \ \mathrm{erg \cdot cm^{-2}}$ (8 - 200 keV). The spectral properties of these bursts are similar to those of earlier active episodes. Specifically, we find that the emission area of the Double Black Body (BB2) model shows a Log-Linear correlation to its temperature, and there is a weak relation between fluence and $E_{\mathrm{peak}}$/$\alpha$ in the CPL model. However, we note that the temperature distributions of BB2/BB models in GECAM-B are different from those in \textit{Fermi}/GBM, due to differences in the energy range used for fitting. To understand this difference, we propose a Multi-Temperature Black Body (MBB) model for analyzing thermal radiation, assuming that the BB temperatures follow a power law distribution. Our analysis shows the minimum temperature $kT_{\mathrm{min}} \sim 5$ keV of the MBB model is consistent between \textit{Fermi}/GBM and GECAM-B, and reveals the spectra of magnetar bursts tending to be soft, which may be composed of multiple BB components. The slope of the temperature distribution is steep which indicates that the majority of the BB temperatures are concentrated around the minimum temperature.

S. Bellotti, J. Morin, L. T. Lehmann, C. P. Folsom, G. A. J. Hussain, P. Petit, J.F. Donati, A. Lavail, A. Carmona, E. Martioli, B. Romano Zaire, E. Alecian, C. Moutou, P. Fouque, S. Alencar, E. Artigau, I. Boisse, F. Bouchy, C. Cadieux, R. Cloutier, N. Cook, X. Delfosse, R. Doyon, G. Hebrard, O. Kochukhov, G. Wade

26 pages, 18 figures, 8 tables

One manifestation of dynamo action on the Sun is the 22-yr magnetic cycle, exhibiting a polarity reversal and a periodic conversion between poloidal and toroidal fields. For M dwarfs, several authors claim evidence of activity cycles from photometry and analyses of spectroscopic indices, but no clear polarity reversal has been identified from spectropolarimetric observations. Our aim is to monitor the evolution of the large-scale field of AD Leo, which has shown hints of a secular evolution from past dedicated spectropolarimetric campaigns. We analysed near-infrared spectropolarimetric observations of the active M dwarf AD Leo taken with SPIRou between 2019 and 2020 and archival optical data collected with ESPaDOnS and Narval between 2006 and 2019. We searched for long-term variability in the longitudinal field, the width of unpolarised Stokes profiles, the unsigned magnetic flux derived from Zeeman broadening, and the geometry of the large-scale magnetic field using both Zeeman-Doppler Imaging and Principal Component Analysis. We found evidence of a long-term evolution of the magnetic field, featuring a decrease in axisymmetry (from 99% to 60%). This is accompanied by a weakening of the longitudinal field (-300 to -50 G) and a correlated increase in the unsigned magnetic flux (2.8 to 3.6 kG). Likewise, the width of the mean profile computed with selected near-infrared lines manifests a long-term evolution corresponding to field strength changes over the full time series, but does not exhibit modulation with the stellar rotation of AD Leo in individual epochs. The large-scale magnetic field of AD Leo manifested first hints of a polarity reversal in late 2020 in the form of a substantially increased dipole obliquity, while the topology remained predominantly poloidal and dipolar. This suggests that low-mass M dwarfs with a dipole-dominated magnetic field can undergo magnetic cycles.

P. Patapis, I. Argyriou, D. R. Law, A.M. Glauser, A. Glasse, A. Labiano, J. Álvarez-Márquez, P. J. Kavanagh, D. Gasman, M. Mueller, K. Larson, B. Vandenbussche, P. Klaassen, P. Guillard, G. S. Wright

15 pages, 14 figures. Submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics

The Medium-Resolution integral field Spectrometer (MRS) of MIRI on board JWST performs spectroscopy between 5 and 28~$\mu$m. The optics of the MRS introduce substantial distortion, and this needs to be rectified in order to reconstruct the observed astrophysical scene. We use data from the JWST/MIRI commissioning and cycle 1 calibration phase, to derive the MRS geometric distortion and astrometric solution, a critical step in the calibration of MRS data. These solutions come in the form of transform matrices that map the detector pixels to spatial coordinates of a local MRS coordinate system called $\alpha$/$\beta$, to the global JWST observatory coordinates V2/V3. For every MRS spectral band and each slice dispersed on the detector, the transform of detector pixels to $\alpha$/$\beta$ is fit by a two-dimensional polynomial, using a raster of point source observations. A polynomial transform is used to map the coordinates from $\alpha$/$\beta$ to V2/V3. We calibrated the distortion of all 198 discrete slices of the MIRI/MRS IFUs, and derived an updated Field of View (FoV) for each MRS spectral band. The precision of the distortion solution is estimated to be better than one tenth of a spatial resolution element, with a root mean square (rms) of 10 milli-arcsecond (mas) at 5 $\mu$m, to 23 mas at 27 $\mu$m. Finally we find that the wheel positioning repeatability causes an additional astrometric error of rms 30 mas. We have demonstrated the MRS astrometric calibration strategy and analysis enabling the calibration of MRS spectra, a critical step in the data pipeline especially for science with spatially resolved objects. The distortion calibration was folded into the JWST pipeline in Calibration Reference Data System (CRDS) context jwst\_1094.pmap. The distortion calibration precision meets the pre-launch requirement, and the estimated total astrometric uncertainty is 50 mas.

Marie Korsaga, Benoit Famaey, Jonathan Freundlich, Lorenzo Posti, Rodrigo Ibata, Christian Boily, Katarina Kraljic, D. Esparza-Arredondo, C. Ramos Almeida, Jean Koulidiati

14 pages, 4 figures

Observed scaling relations in galaxies between baryons and dark matter global properties are key to shed light on the process of galaxy formation and on the nature of dark matter. Here, we study the scaling relation between the neutral hydrogen (HI) and dark matter mass in isolated rotationally-supported disk galaxies at low redshift. We first show that state-of-the-art galaxy formation simulations predict that the HI-to-dark halo mass ratio decreases with stellar mass for the most massive disk galaxies. We then infer dark matter halo masses from high-quality rotation curve data for isolated disk galaxies in the local Universe, and report on the actual universality of the HI-to-dark halo mass ratio for these observed galaxies. This scaling relation holds for disks spanning a range of 4 orders of magnitude in stellar mass and 3 orders of magnitude in surface brightness. Accounting for the diversity of rotation curve shapes in our observational fits decreases the scatter of the HI-to-dark halo mass ratio while keeping it constant. This finding extends the previously reported discrepancy for the stellar-to-halo mass relation of massive disk galaxies within galaxy formation simulations to the realm of neutral atomic gas. Our result reveals that isolated galaxies with regularly rotating extended HI disks are surprisingly self-similar up to high masses, which hints at mass-independent self-regulation mechanisms that have yet to be fully understood.

Chengyu Shao, Sujie Lin, Lili Yang

9 pages, 7 figures, comments are welcome

With the breakthrough in PeV gamma-ray astronomy brought by the LHAASO experiment, high-energy sky is getting more completed than before. Lately LHAASO Collaboration reported the observation of a gamma-ray diffuse emission with energy up to the PeV level from both the inner and outer Galactic plane. In these spectra, there is one bump which is hard to explain by the conventional cosmic-ray transport scenarios. Therefore, we introduce two extra components corresponding to unresolved sources with exponential-cutoff-power-law (ECPL) spectral shape, one with index of 2.4, and 30 TeV cutoff energy, and another with index of 2.3 and 2 PeV cutoff energy. With our constructed model, we simulate the Galactic diffuse neutrino flux and find our results are in full agreement with latest IceCube Galactic plane search. We estimate the Galactic neutrino contribute of $\sim 9\%$ of astrophysical neutrinos at 20 TeV. In the high-energy regime, as expected most of neutrinos observed by IceCube should be from extra-galaxy.

Fiona McCarthy, J. Colin Hill

28 pages, 15 figures. Public maps and other data products are available at this https URL ; public code is available at this https URL

We use the full-mission $\textit{Planck}$ PR4 data to construct maps of the thermal Sunyaev$--$Zel'dovich effect (Compton-$y$ parameter) in our Universe. To do so, we implement a custom needlet internal linear combination (NILC) pipeline in a Python package, $\texttt{pyilc}$, which we make publicly available. We publicly release our Compton-$y$ maps, which we construct using various constrained ILC (``deprojection'') options in order to minimize contamination from the cosmic infrared background (CIB) in the reconstructed signal. In particular, we use a moment-based deprojection which minimizes sensitivity to the assumed frequency dependence of the CIB. Our code $\texttt{pyilc}$ performs needlet or harmonic ILC on mm-wave sky maps in a flexible manner, with options to deproject various components on all or some scales. We validate our maps and compare them to the official $\textit{Planck}$ 2015 $y$-map, finding that we obtain consistent results on large scales and 10-20$\%$ lower noise on small scales. We expect that these maps will be useful for many auto- and cross-correlation analyses; in a companion paper, we use them to measure the tSZ -- CMB lensing cross-correlation. We anticipate that $\texttt{pyilc}$ will be useful both for data analysis and for pipeline validation on simulations to understand the propagation of foreground components through a full NILC pipeline.

S. R. Oates, N. P. M. Kuin, M. Nicholl, F. Marshall, E. Ridley, K. Boutsia, A. A. Breeveld, D. A. H. Buckley, S. B. Cenko, M. De Pasquale, P. G. Edwards, M. Gromadzki, R. Gupta, S. Laha, N. Morrell, M. Orio, S. B. Pandey, M. J. Page, K.L. Page, T. Parsotan, A. Rau, P. Schady, J. Stevens, P. J. Brown, P.A. Evans, C. Gronwall, J.A. Kennea, N.J. Klingler, M. H. Siegel, A. Tohuvavohu, E. Ambrosi, S.D. Barthelmy, A.P. Beardmore, M.G. Bernardini, C. Bonnerot, S. Campana, R. Caputo, S. Ciroi, G. Cusumano, A. D'Ai, P. D'Avanzo, V. D'Elia, P. Giommi, D.H. Hartmann, H.A. Krimm, D. B. Malesani, A. Melandri, J. A. Nousek, P.T. O'Brien, J.P. Osborne, C. Pagani, D.M. Palmer, M. Perri, J. L. Racusin, T. Sakamoto, B. Sbarufatti, J. E. Schlieder, G. Tagliaferri, E. Troja, D. Xu

37 pages (25 main + 12 supplementary), submitted to MNRAS

We report the discovery of Swift J221951-484240 (hereafter: J221951), a luminous slow-evolving blue transient that was detected by the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory Ultra-violet/Optical Telescope (Swift/UVOT) during the follow-up of Gravitational Wave alert S190930t, to which it is unrelated. Swift/UVOT photometry shows the UV spectral energy distribution of the transient to be well modelled by a slowly shrinking black body with an approximately constant temperature of T~2.5x10^4 K. At a redshift z=0.5205, J221951 had a peak absolute magnitude of M_u,AB = -23 mag, peak bolometric luminosity L_max=1.1x10^45 erg s^-1 and a total radiated energy of E>2.6x10^52 erg. The archival WISE IR photometry shows a slow rise prior to a peak near the discovery date. Spectroscopic UV observations display broad absorption lines in N V and O VI, pointing toward an outflow at coronal temperatures. The lack of emission in the higher H~Lyman lines, N I and other neutral lines is consistent with a viewing angle close to the plane of the accretion or debris disc. The origin of J221951 can not be determined with certainty but has properties consistent with a tidal disruption event and the turn-on of an active galactic nucleus.

Michael Mesarcik, Albert-Jan Boonstra, Marco Iacobelli, Elena Ranguelova, Cees de Laat, Rob van Nieuwpoort

As radio telescopes increase in sensitivity and flexibility, so do their complexity and data-rates. For this reason automated system health management approaches are becoming increasingly critical to ensure nominal telescope operations. We propose a new machine learning anomaly detection framework for classifying both commonly occurring anomalies in radio telescopes as well as detecting unknown rare anomalies that the system has potentially not yet seen. To evaluate our method, we present a dataset consisting of 7050 autocorrelation-based spectrograms from the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) telescope and assign 10 different labels relating to the system-wide anomalies from the perspective of telescope operators. This includes electronic failures, miscalibration, solar storms, network and compute hardware errors among many more. We demonstrate how a novel Self Supervised Learning (SSL) paradigm, that utilises both context prediction and reconstruction losses, is effective in learning normal behaviour of the LOFAR telescope. We present the Radio Observatory Anomaly Detector (ROAD), a framework that combines both SSL-based anomaly detection and a supervised classification, thereby enabling both classification of both commonly occurring anomalies and detection of unseen anomalies. We demonstrate that our system is real-time in the context of the LOFAR data processing pipeline, requiring <1ms to process a single spectrogram. Furthermore, ROAD obtains an anomaly detection F-2 score of 0.92 while maintaining a false positive rate of ~2\%, as well as a mean per-class classification F-2 score 0.89, outperforming other related works.

Irham Taufik Andika, Sherry H. Suyu, Raoul Cañameras, Alejandra Melo, Stefan Schuldt, Yiping Shu, Anna-Christina Eilers, Anton Timur Jaelani, Minghao Yue

Submitted to the Astronomy & Astrophysics journal. 25 pages, 11 figures, and 3 tables. We welcome comments from the reader

Quasars experiencing strong lensing offer unique viewpoints on subjects like the cosmic expansion rate, the dark matter profile within the foreground deflectors, and the quasar host galaxies. Unfortunately, identifying them in astronomical images is challenging since they are overwhelmed by the abundance of non-lenses. To address this, we have developed a novel approach by ensembling cutting-edge convolutional networks (CNNs) -- i.e., ResNet, Inception, NASNet, MobileNet, EfficientNet, and RegNet -- along with vision transformers (ViTs) trained on realistic galaxy-quasar lens simulations based on the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) multiband images. While the individual model exhibits remarkable performance when evaluated against the test dataset, achieving an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of $>$97.4% and a median false positive rate of 3.1%, it struggles to generalize in real data, indicated by numerous spurious sources picked by each classifier. A significant improvement is achieved by averaging these CNNs and ViTs, resulting in the impurities being downsized by factors up to 40. Subsequently, combining the HSC images with the UKIRT, VISTA, and unWISE data, we retrieve approximately 60 million sources as parent samples and reduce this to 892,609 after employing a photometry preselection to discover $z>1.5$ lensed quasars with Einstein radii of $\theta_\mathrm{E}<5$ arcsec. Afterward, the ensemble classifier indicates 3991 sources with a high probability of being lenses, for which we visually inspect, yielding 161 prevailing candidates awaiting spectroscopic confirmation. These outcomes suggest that automated deep learning pipelines hold great potential in effectively detecting strong lenses in vast datasets with minimal manual visual inspection involved.

Lang Liu, Zu-Cheng Chen, Qing-Guo Huang

8 pages, 2 figures, 1 table

The recently released data by pulsar timing array (PTA) collaborations present strong evidence for a stochastic signal consistent with a gravitational-wave background. Assuming this signal originates from scalar-induced gravitational waves, we jointly use the PTA data from the NANOGrav 15-yr data set, PPTA DR3, and PPTA DR2 to probe the small-scale non-Gaussianity. We put the first-ever constraint on the non-Gaussianity parameter, finding $|F_\mathrm{NL}|\lesssim 20$ for a lognormal power spectrum of the curvature perturbations. Furthermore, we obtain $-20 \lesssim F_\mathrm{NL}\lesssim -0.1$ to prevent excessive production of primordial black holes. Our findings pave the way to constrain inflation models with PTA data. Moreover, the multi-band observations with the space-borne gravitational-wave detectors, such as LISA/Taiji/TianQin, will provide a complementary investigation of non-Gaussianity.

Matthew Kerr, Wade Duvall, Neil Johnson, Richard Woolf, J. Eric Grove, Hannah Kim

18 pages, 11 figures

We present a maximum likelihood (ML) algorithm that is fast enough to detect gamma-ray transients in real time on low-performance processors often used for space applications. We validate the routine with simulations and find that, relative to algorithms based on excess counts, the ML method is nearly twice as sensitive, allowing detection of 240-280% more short gamma-ray bursts. We characterize a reference implementation of the code, estimating its computational complexity and benchmarking it on a range of processors. We exercise the reference implementation on archival data from the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM), verifying the sensitivity improvements. In particular, we show that the ML algorithm would have detected GRB 170817A even if it had been nearly four times fainter. We present an ad hoc but effective scheme for discriminating transients associated with background variations. We show that the on-board localizations generated by ML are accurate, but that refined off-line localizations require a detector response matrix with about ten times finer resolution than is current practice. Increasing the resolution of the GBM response matrix could substantially reduce the few-degree systematic uncertainty observed in the localizations of bright bursts.

Cristina Martinez-Lombilla, Raul Infante-Sainz, Felipe Jimenez-Ibarra, Johan H. Knapen, Ignacio Trujillo, Sebastien Comeron, Alejandro S. Borlaff, Javier Roman

27 pages, 18 figures (incl. 2 appendix); accepted for publication in A&A

Context: The hierarchical model of galaxy formation suggests that galaxies are continuously growing. However, our position inside the Milky Way prevents us from studying the disk edge. Truncations are low surface brightness features located in the disk outskirts of external galaxies. They indicate where the disk brightness abruptly drops and their location is thought to change dynamically. In previous analyses of Milky Way-like galaxies, truncations were detected up to 3 kpc above the mid-plane but whether they remain present beyond that height remains unclear. Aims: Our goal is to determine whether truncations can be detected above 3 kpc height in the Milky Way-like galaxy NGC 4565, thus establishing the actual disk thickness. We also aim to study how the truncation relates to disk properties such as star formation activity or the warp. Methods: We perform a vertical study of the disk of NGC 4565 edge in unprecedented detail. We explore the truncation radius at different heights above/below the disk mid-plane (0<z<8 kpc) and at different wavelengths. We use new ultra-deep optical data ($\mu_{g,\rm{lim}}=30.5$ mag arcsec$^{-2}$; $3 \sigma$ within $10 \times 10$ arcsec$^{2}$ boxes) in the $g$, $r$ and $i$ broad bands, along with near- and far-ultraviolet, H$\alpha$, and \ion{H}{i} observations. Results: We detect the truncation up to 4 kpc in the $g$, $r$ and $i$ ultra-deep bands which is 1 kpc higher than in any previous study for any galaxy. The radial position of the truncation remains constant up to 3 kpc while higher up it is located at a smaller radius. This result is independent of the wavelength but is affected by the presence of the warp. Conclusions: We propose an inside-out growth scenario for the formation of the disk of NGC 4565. Our results point towards the truncation feature being linked to a star-forming threshold and to the onset of the disk warp.

Scott G. Engle, Edward F. Guinan

Submitted to ApJ Letters; responding to reviewer comments

Age is a fundamental stellar property, yet for many stars it is difficult to reliably determine. For M dwarfs it has been notoriously so. Due to their lower masses, core hydrogen fusion proceeds at a much slower rate in M dwarfs than it does in more massive stars like the Sun. As a consequence, more customary age determination methods (e.g. isochrones and asteroseismology) are unreliable for M dwarfs. As these methods are unavailable, many have searched for reliable alternatives. M dwarfs comprise the overwhelming majority of the nearby stellar inventory, which makes the determination of their fundamental parameters even more important. Further, an ever-increasing number of exoplanets are being found to orbit M dwarfs and recent studies have suggested they may relatively higher number of low-mass planets than other spectral types. Determining the ages of M dwarfs then allows us to better study any hosted exoplanets, as well. Fortunately, M dwarfs possess magnetic activity and stellar winds like other cool dwarf stars. This causes them to undergo the spindown effect (rotate with longer periods) as they age. For this reason, stellar rotation rate has been considered a potentially powerful age determination parameter for over 50 years. Calibrating reliable age-rotation relationships for M dwarfs has been a lengthy process, but here we present the age-rotation relationships for ~M0-6.5 dwarfs, determined as part of the Living with a Red Dwarf program. These relationships should prove invaluable for a wide range of stellar astrophysics and exoplanetary science applications.

Bayesian parameter inference is one of the key elements for model selection in cosmological research. However, the available inference tools require a large number of calls to simulation codes which can lead to high and sometimes even infeasible computational costs. In this work we propose a new way of emulating simulation codes for Bayesian parameter inference. In particular, this novel approach emphasizes the uncertainty-awareness of the emulator, which allows to state the emulation accuracy and ensures reliable performance. With a focus on data efficiency, we implement an active learning algorithm based on a combination of Gaussian Processes and Principal Component Analysis. We find that for an MCMC analysis of Planck and BAO data on the $\Lambda$CDM model (6 model and 21 nuisance parameters) we can reduce the number of simulation calls by a factor of $\sim$500 and save about $96\%$ of the computational costs.

Syeda Lammim Ahad, Adam Muzzin, Yannick M. Bahé, Henk Hoekstra

10 pages, 4+2 figures (including appendices), submitted to MNRAS

Many $z=1.5$ galaxies with a stellar mass ($M_{\star}$) $\geq 10^{10}\,\mathrm{M}_\odot$ are already quenched in both galaxy clusters ($>50$ per cent) and the field ($>20$ per cent), with clusters having a higher quenched fraction at all stellar masses compared to the field. A puzzling issue is that these massive quenched galaxies have stellar populations of similar age in both clusters and the field. This suggests that, despite the higher quenched fraction in clusters, the dominant quenching mechanism for massive galaxies is similar in both environments. In this work, we use data from the cosmological hydrodynamic simulations Hydrangea and EAGLE to test whether the excess quenched fraction of massive galaxies in $z = 1.5$ clusters results from fundamental differences in their halo properties compared to the field. We find that (i) at $10^{10} \leq$ $M_{\star}/\,\mathrm{M}_\odot\leq 10^{11}$, quenched fractions in the redshift range $1.5 < z < 3.5$ are consistently higher for galaxies with higher peak maximum circular velocity of the dark matter halo ($v_{\mathrm{max, peak}}$), and (ii) the distribution of $v_{\mathrm{max, peak}}$ is strongly biased towards higher values for cluster satellites compared to the field centrals. Due to this difference in the halo properties of cluster and field galaxies, secular processes alone may account for (most of) the environmental excess of massive quenched galaxies in high-redshift (proto) clusters. Taken at face value, our results challenge a fundamental assumption of popular quenching models, namely that clusters are assembled from an unbiased subset of infalling field galaxies. If confirmed, this would imply that such models must necessarily fail at high redshift, as indicated by recent observations.

John Ryan Westernacher-Schneider, Jonathan Zrake, Andrew MacFadyen, Zoltán Haiman

3 Mb, 21 pages, video content URLs available in footnotes

We show that gas disks around the components of an orbiting binary system (so-called minidisks) may be susceptible to a resonant instability which causes the minidisks to become significantly eccentric. Eccentricity is injected by, and also induces, regular impacts between the minidisks at roughly the orbital period of the binary. Eccentric minidisks are seen in vertically integrated, two-dimensional simulations of a circular, equal-mass binary accreting from a circumbinary gas disk with a $\Gamma$-law equation of state. Minidisk eccentricity is suppressed by the use of an isothermal equation of state. However, the instability still operates, and can be revealed in a minimal disk-binary simulation by removing the circumbinary disk, and feeding the minidisks from the component positions. Minidisk eccentricity is also suppressed when the gravitational softening length is large ($\gtrsim 4\%$ of the binary semi-major axis), suggesting that its absence could be an artifact of widely adopted numerical approximations; a follow-up study in three dimensions with well-resolved, geometrically thin minidisks (aspect ratios $\lesssim 0.02$) may be needed to assess whether eccentric minidisks can occur in real astrophysical environments. If they can, the electromagnetic signature may be important for discriminating between binary and single black hole scenarios for quasi-periodic oscillations in active galactic nuclei, which may in turn aid in targeted searches with pulsar timing arrays for individual supermassive black hole binary sources of low-frequency gravitational waves.

A. Chomez, V. Squicciarini, A.-M. Lagrange, P. Delorme, G. Viswanath, M. Janson, O. Flasseur, G. Chauvin, M. Langlois, P. Rubini, S. Bergeon, D. Albert, M. Bonnefoy, S. Desidera, N. Engler, R. Gratton, T. Henning, E.E. Mamajek, G.-D. Marleau, M.R. Meyer, S. Reffert, S.C. Ringqvist, M. Samland

12 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication as a Letter in Astronomy and Astrophysics, section 1. Letters to the Editor

Since 2019, the direct imaging B-star Exoplanet Abundance Study (BEAST) at SPHERE@VLT has been scanning the surroundings of young B-type stars in order to ascertain the ultimate frontiers of giant planet formation. Recently, the $17^{+3}_{-4}$ Myr HIP 81208 was found to host a close-in (~50 au) brown dwarf and a wider (~230 au) late M star around the central 2.6Msun primary. Alongside the continuation of the survey, we are undertaking a complete reanalysis of archival data aimed at improving detection performances so as to uncover additional low-mass companions. We present here a new reduction of the observations of HIP 81208 using PACO ASDI, a recent and powerful algorithm dedicated to processing high-contrast imaging datasets, as well as more classical algorithms and a dedicated PSF-subtraction approach. The combination of different techniques allowed for a reliable extraction of astrometric and photometric parameters. A previously undetected source was recovered at a short separation from the C component of the system. Proper motion analysis provided robust evidence for the gravitational bond of the object to HIP 81208 C. Orbiting C at a distance of ~20 au, this 15Mjup brown dwarf becomes the fourth object of the hierarchical HIP 81208 system. Among the several BEAST stars which are being found to host substellar companions, HIP 81208 stands out as a particularly striking system. As the first stellar binary system with substellar companions around each component ever found by direct imaging, it yields exquisite opportunities for thorough formation and dynamical follow-up studies.

Alicja Polanska, Matthew A. Price, Alessio Spurio Mancini, Jason D. McEwen

9 pages, 6 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2111.12720

Computing the marginal likelihood (also called the Bayesian model evidence) is an important task in Bayesian model selection, providing a principled quantitative way to compare models. The learned harmonic mean estimator solves the exploding variance problem of the original harmonic mean estimation of the marginal likelihood. The learned harmonic mean estimator learns an importance sampling target distribution that approximates the optimal distribution. While the approximation need not be highly accurate, it is critical that the probability mass of the learned distribution is contained within the posterior in order to avoid the exploding variance problem. In previous work a bespoke optimization problem is introduced when training models in order to ensure this property is satisfied. In the current article we introduce the use of normalizing flows to represent the importance sampling target distribution. A flow-based model is trained on samples from the posterior by maximum likelihood estimation. Then, the probability density of the flow is concentrated by lowering the variance of the base distribution, i.e. by lowering its "temperature", ensuring its probability mass is contained within the posterior. This approach avoids the need for a bespoke optimisation problem and careful fine tuning of parameters, resulting in a more robust method. Moreover, the use of normalizing flows has the potential to scale to high dimensional settings. We present preliminary experiments demonstrating the effectiveness of the use of flows for the learned harmonic mean estimator. The harmonic code implementing the learned harmonic mean, which is publicly available, has been updated to now support normalizing flows.

Jason D. McEwen, Tobías I. Liaudat, Matthew A. Price, Xiaohao Cai, Marcelo Pereyra

9 pages, 4 figures

Proximal nested sampling was introduced recently to open up Bayesian model selection for high-dimensional problems such as computational imaging. The framework is suitable for models with a log-convex likelihood, which are ubiquitous in the imaging sciences. The purpose of this article is two-fold. First, we review proximal nested sampling in a pedagogical manner in an attempt to elucidate the framework for physical scientists. Second, we show how proximal nested sampling can be extended in an empirical Bayes setting to support data-driven priors, such as deep neural networks learned from training data.

These lectures, presented at the 2022 TASI summer school, give an introductory overview of first-order phase transitions in the early Universe, baryogenesis, and the resulting gravitational wave phenomenology. We introduce thermal field theory via the imaginary time formalism, and comment on the pitfalls of 1-loop calculations and alternative approaches. Then, we discuss how to calculate the false vacuum decay rate in first order phase transitions, of which we give various examples in theories beyond the Standard Model. Baryogenesis is presented via the Sakharov conditions, and how they are met in important classes of examples. Finally, we explore gravitational waves from the early Universe, first reviewing the basics of gravitational wave generation and then focusing on the specific example of first order phase transitions.

In this paper we formulate a geometric nonlinear theory of the mechanics of accreting-ablating bodies. This is a generalization of the theory of accretion mechanics of Sozio and Yavari (2019). More specifically, we are interested in large deformation analysis of bodies that undergo a continuous and simultaneous accretion and ablation on their boundaries while under external loads. In this formulation the natural configuration of an accreting-ablating body is a time-dependent Riemannian 3-manifold with a metric that is an unknown a priori and is determined after solving the accretion-ablation initial-boundary-value problem. In addition to the time of attachment map, we introduce a time of detachment map that along with the time of attachment map, and the accretion and ablation velocities describes the time-dependent reference configuration of the body. The kinematics, material manifold, material metric, constitutive equations, and the balance laws are discussed in detail. As a concrete example and application of the geometric theory, we analyze a thick hollow circular cylinder made of an arbitrary incompressible isotropic material that is under a finite time-dependent extension while undergoing continuous ablation on its inner cylinder boundary and accretion on its outer cylinder boundary. The state of deformation and stress during the accretion-ablation process, and the residual stretch and stress after the completion of the accretion-ablation process are computed.

Hauke Fischer, Christian Käding, René I.P. Sedmik, Hartmut Abele, Philippe Brax, Mario Pitschmann

8 pages, 5 figures

The environment-dependent dilaton field is a well-motivated candidate for dark energy and naturally arises in the strong coupling limit of string theory. In this article, we present the very first experimental constraints on the parameters of this model. For this, we employ data obtained from the qBounce collaboration and the Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR) experiment. Furthermore, we forecast expected exclusion plots for the Casimir And Non Newtonian force EXperiment (Cannex) soon to be realised in an improved setup. Finally, we provide a detailed analysis of the screening mechanism and additional symmetries of the dilaton field theory.

Motivated by the recent release of new results from five different pulsar timing array (PTA) experiments claiming to have found compelling evidence for primordial gravitational waves (GW) at nano-Hz frequencies, we consider the prospects of generating such a signal from inflationary blue-tilted tensor power spectrum in a specific dark matter (DM) scenario dubbed as \textit{Miracle-less WIMP}. While \textit{Miracle-less WIMP}, due to insufficient interaction rate with the standard bath gets thermally overproduced, inflationary blue-tilted gravitational waves (BGW) leads to conflict with cosmological observations if solely responsible for the PTA events. Both these problems are circumvented with late entropy dilution bringing DM abundance within limits while creating a doubly peaked feature of BGW. The blue-tilted part of one of these peaks can fit NANOGrav 15 yr data at $1\sigma$ level. The particle physics setup used here for illustration namely, the gauged $U(1)_{B-L}$ model, naturally leads to \textit{Miracle-less WIMP} and long-lived diluter for entropy dilution while also having GW complementarity due to cosmic strings.

Fabio Falchi, Salvador Bará, Pierantonio Cinzano, Raul C. Lima, Martin Pawley

5 pages; not edited version of the manuscript published in Nature Astronomy

Unfettered access to dark night skies is rapidly diminishing, due to light pollution and satellite mega-constellations tracks. Scientists should wake up and do more to stand up to Big Light and Big Space and preserve this natural resource.

A new era of exploring the early Universe may have begun with the recent strong evidence for the stochastic gravitational wave (GW) background from the data reported by NANOGrav, EPTA, PPTA, and CPTA. Inspired by this, we propose a new potential source of stochastic GWs in the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM), which could be the theory at a very high energy scale. This source is the "axion" field in the Higgs multiplets when the Higgs field takes a large value along the D-flat direction in the early Universe, for example, during inflation. The axion motion triggers the instability of the standard model ${\rm U}(1)$ and/or ${\rm SU}(3)$ gauge fields, producing stochastic GWs during the inflation. This scenario can be seen as a simple UV completion of the commonly studied models where an axion spectator/inflaton is coupled to a hidden ${\rm U}(1)$ or ${\rm SU}(N)$ gauge field without matter fields. Thus the nanohertz GWs may be a sign of supersymmetry. Primordial magnetic field production is also argued. In addition, we point out the simple possibility that this axion within the MSSM drives inflation.

Satyabrata Datta

8 pages, 2 figures, Comments are welcome. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2208.09949

We show that the low-scale leptogenesis mechanisms that exhibit right-handed neutrino mass-dependent non-standard cosmology, can make blue-tilted inflationary gravitational waves compatible with recent findings of stochastic gravitational wave (GW) background by the pulsar-timing arrays (PTAs). Right-handed neutrino mass scale has to be $\mathcal{O}(\rm GeV)$, to bring down the amplitude of such gravitational waves at the level of PTAs via entropy production. Besides generating one GW peak in the nHz range, such a scenario creates another one in the LIGO ballpark. Thus the recent detection by PTAs is not only exciting for GWs in the nHz range; it paves the way to test and constrain mechanisms such as low-scale-leptogenesis with a low-frequency and correlated measurement at high-frequencies.

Basabendu Barman, Debasish Borah, Suruj Jyoti Das, Indrajit Saha

6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table

Motivated by the recent release of new results from five different pulsar timing array (PTA) experiments claiming to have found compelling evidence for primordial gravitational waves (GW) at nano-Hz frequencies, we study the consequences for two popular beyond the Standard Model (SM) framework, where such nano-Hz GW can arise due to annihilating domain walls (DW). Minimal framework of Dirac leptogenesis, as well as left-right symmetric model (LRSM) can lead to formation of DW due to spontaneous breaking of $Z_2$ symmetry. Considering the NANOGrav 15 yr data, we show that the scale of Dirac leptogenesis should be above $10^7$ GeV for conservative choices of Dirac Yukawa couplings with fine-tuning at the level of the SM. The scale of minimal LRSM is found to be more constrained $M_{\rm LR} \sim 10^6$ GeV in order to fit the NANOGrav 15 yr data.

I investigate whether the technical framework for dynamically generated entangled states developed in ( arXiv:2211.11079 [hep-th] , arXiv:2104.13410 [hep-th] ) can be used to answer other questions about early universe history. Using a Higgs-like potential as the spectator field, I explore whether distinguishing features of phase transitions and/or the inflationary energy scale can be imprinted on cosmological observables due to entanglement during inflation. As a consequence of this analysis, I also present results that illustrate the variety of features a Higgs-like potential can imprint on the primordial power spectrum due to entanglement, as well as how easy it might be to distinguish such spectra from other similar scalar field results at the level of CMB residuals.

The Multi-mode Acoustic Gravitational wave Experiment (MAGE) is a high frequency gravitational wave detection experiment. In its first stage, the experiment features two near-identical quartz bulk acoustic wave resonators that act as strain antennas with spectral sensitivity as low as $6.6\times 10^{-21} \left[\textrm{strain}\right]/\sqrt{\textrm{Hz}}$ in multiple narrow bands across MHz frequencies. MAGE is the successor to the initial path-finding experiments; GEN 1 and GEN 2. These precursor runs demonstrated the successful use of the technology, employing a single quartz gravitational wave detector that found significantly strong and rare transient features. As the next step to this initial experiment, MAGE will employ further systematic rejection strategies by adding an additional quartz detector such that localised strains incident on just a single detector can be identified. The primary goals of MAGE will be to target signatures arising from objects and/or particles beyond that of the standard model, as well as identifying the source of the rare events seen in the predecessor experiment. The experimental set-up, current status and future directions for MAGE are discussed. Calibration procedures of the detector and signal amplification chain are presented. The sensitivity of MAGE to gravitational waves is estimated from knowledge of the quartz resonators. Finally, MAGE is assembled and tested in order to determine the thermal state of its new components.

Bo-Qiang Lu, Cheng-Wei Chiang

5 pages, 2 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2012.14071

The recent observation of the Hellings-Downs angular correlation by NANOGrav and other PTA experiments indicates the presence of stochastic gravitational wave background in the frequency $\sim 1-10$ nHz. In the clockwork axion model, the network of cosmic strings and domain walls forms after the spontaneous symmetry breaking and can survive until the QCD phase transition. The QCD axion potential induced by the QCD phase transition can serve as an energy bias, which leads to the annihilation of the domain walls. In Ref.~\cite{Chiang:2020aui}, we have shown that the GWs radiated during the annihilation of the domain walls formed at the Peccei-Quinn symmetry breaking scale $f\simeq 200$~TeV can give rise to the potential signal in the NANOGrav 12.5-year data. In this work, we show that both the amplitude and the spectrum shape of the GW signals from the domain walls annihilation at a scale $f=1.69_{-0.34}^{+0.36}\times 100$~TeV can well account for the NANOGrav 15-year results.

In this work, we present a non-GR full waveform for general parametrization of axisymmetric black holes by extending our previous PSI model. Our model comprises two main components: an inspiral part obtained by using phenomenological method in frequency-domain and a ringdown part derived from quasinormal modes associated with photon motion. For quantitatively revealing the influence of the deviation from Kerr black holes on the waveforms, we specify our model to the bumpy black holes, which are typical examples of non-GR black holes. The results show that the deviation from the Kerr quadrupole moment could be measured in a high accuracy. The new waveform model can be directly used to test black holes for the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA observations, the third generation detectors and space-borne interferometers.

Electron acceleration mechanisms near the counterstreaming interface of a relativistic collisionless shock (RCS) are investigated using particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. We identify a slingshot-like injection process induced by the drifting electric field sustained by the flowing focus of backwards-moving electrons, which is distinct from the well-known stochastic acceleration. The flowing focus signifies the plasma kinetic transition from a preturbulent laminar motion to a chaotic turbulence. We find a characteristic correlation between the electron dynamics in the slingshot acceleration and the photon emission features. In particular, the integrated radiation from the RCS exhibits a counterintuitive non-monotonic dependence of the photon polarization degree on the photon energy, which originates from a polarization degradation of relatively high-energy photons emitted by the slingshot-injected electrons. Our results demonstrate the potential of photon polarization as an essential information source in exploring intricate dynamics in RCSs with relevance for earth-based plasma and astrophysical scenarios.

Marienza Caldarola, Sachiko Kuroyanagi, Savvas Nesseris, Juan Garcia-Bellido

12 pages, 9 figures, comments welcome

The hyperbolic encounters of two massive objects are characterized by the emission of a gravitational wave burst, with most of the energy released during the closest approach (near the periastron). The detection of such events, different from the well-known inspiral emission, would be an interesting discovery and provide complementary information to observations of binary mergers of black holes and neutron stars in the observable Universe, shedding light, for instance, on the clustering properties of black holes and providing valuable hints on their formation scenario. Here, we analyse the dynamics of such phenomena in the simplest case where two compact objects follow unbound/hyperbolic orbits. Moreover, we explore the effects of orbital precession on the gravitational wave emission, since the precession encodes certain general relativistic effects between two bodies. We also provide templates for the strain of gravitational waves and the power spectrum for the emission, and analytical expressions for the memory effect associated with such signals.

We study the vacuum zero point energy associated to a scalar field with an arbitrary mass and conformal coupling in a dS background. Employing dimensional regularization scheme, we calculate the regularized zero point energy density, pressure and the trace of the energy momentum tensor. It is shown that the classical relation $\langle T \rangle =-4 \langle \rho \rangle$ for the vacuum stress energy tensor receives anomalous quantum correction which depends on the mass and the conformal coupling while the relation $\langle \rho \rangle = - \langle P \rangle$ does hold. We calculate the density contrast associated to the vacuum zero point energy and show that $\delta \rho \sim \langle \rho \rangle$ indicating an inhomogeneous and non-perturbative distribution of the zero point energy. Finally, we calculate the skewness associated to the distribution of the zero point energy and pressure and show that they are highly non-Gaussian.

In this paper, we explore the possibility of measuring the complete polarizations of cosmic photons $\gamma$ and the polarizations of cosmic electrons $e^{-}$ and positrons $e^{+}$. Our innovative Vector Meson Photo-production induced polarimetry enables people to measure the circular plarization compoent of a $GeV$ $\gamma$ and to improve its linear polarization measurement, and thus enables people to measure the polarization of $GeV$ $e^{+}/e^{-}$ for the first time. We calculate the production process of $\pi^{+}\pi^{-}$ by a generally polarized photon near nucleon's field in a generalized VPD-SDMEs Factorization with the fitted experimental data, so that it's partially model-independent. We also propose the observables and approach to measure their polarizations based on our calculations. Our new polarimetry of high-energy cosmic $\gamma,e^{+},e^{-}$ will open a new window to reveal the mysteries and solve the puzzles of BSM new physics in particle physics and cosmology.

Spinning neutron stars (NSs) will emit continuous gravitational waves (GWs) that carry a wealth of information about the compact object. If such a signal is detected, it will provide us with new insight into the physical properties of the matter under extreme conditions. According to binary population synthesis simulations, future space-based GW detectors, such as LISA and TianQin, can potentially detect some double NSs in tight binaries with orbital periods shorter than 10 minutes. Targeted searches for continuous GWs from the spinning NS in such a binary system identified by LISA/TianQin will be possible with the proposed next-generation ground-based GW observatories, such as Cosmic Explorer and Einstein Telescope. Searching for continuous GWs from such a tight binary system requires highly accurate waveform templates that account for the interaction of the NS with its companion. In this spirit, we derive analytic approximate GWs emitted by a triaxial non-aligned NS in a binary system in which the effects of spin-orbit coupling have been incorporated. The difference with the widely used waveform for the isolated NS is estimated and the parameter estimation accuracy of the signals using Cosmic Explorer is calculated. For a typical tight double NS system with a 6~min orbital period, the angular frequency correction of the spinning NS in this binary due to spin precession is $\sim 10^{-6}~{\rm Hz}$, which is in the same order of magnitude as the angular frequency of orbital precession. The fitting factor between the waveforms with and without spin precession will drop to less than 0.97 after a few days ($\sim 10^5~{\rm s}$). We find that spin-orbit coupling has the potential to improve the accuracy of parameter estimation, especially for the binary inclination angle and spin precession cone opening angle, by up to 3 orders of magnitude.

A cosmic first-order phase transition (FOPT) occurring at MeV-scale provides an attractive explanation for the nano-Hertz gravitational wave (GW) background indicated by the recent pulsar timing array data from the NANOGrav, CPTA, EPTA and PPTA collaborations. We propose this explanation can be further tested at the colliders if the hidden sector couples to the Standard Model sector via Higgs portal. Through a careful analysis of the thermal history of the hidden sector, we demonstrate that in order to successfully explain the observed GW signal, the portal coupling must be sizable that it can be probed through Higgs invisible decay at the LHC or future lepton colliders such as CEPC, ILC, and FCC-ee. Our research offers a promising avenue to uncover the physical origin of the nano-Hertz GWs through particle physics experiments.

Chao Zhang, Ning Dai, Qing Gao, Yungui Gong, Tong Jiang, Xuchen Lu

15 pages, 3 figures; Comments are welcome

Strong evidence of the existence of the Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Background (SGWB) has been reported by the NANOGrav, PPTA, EPTA and CPTA collaborations. The Bayesian posteriors of the Gravitational-Wave Background (GWB) amplitude and spectrum are compatible with current astrophysical predictions for the GWB from the population of supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHBs). In this paper, we discuss the corrections arising from the extra scalar or vector radiation to the characteristic dimensionless strain in PTA experiments and explore the possibility to detect charges surrounding massive black holes, which could give rise to SGWB with vector or scalar polarizations. The parametrized frequency-dependent characteristic dimensionless strain is used to take a Bayesian analysis and the Bayes factor is also computed for charged and neutral SMBHBs. The Bayesian posterior of GWB tensor amplitude is $\log_{10} A_T=-14.85^{+0.26}_{-0.38}$ and spectral exponent $\alpha=-0.60^{+0.32}_{-0.36}$. The Bayesian posterior for vector or scalar amplitude $A_{V, S}$ is nearly flat and there is nearly no constraint from the current observation data. The Bayesian factor is $0.71$ far less than 100, so the current observation can not support the existence of the charged SMBHB.

Debika Chowdhury, Gianmassimo Tasinato, Ivonne Zavala

18 pages, 5 figures

Several pulsar timing array (PTA) collaborations recently announced the first detection of a stochastic gravitational wave (GW) background, leaving open the question of its source. We explore the possibility that it originates from cosmic inflation, a guaranteed source of primordial GW. The inflationary GW background amplitude is enhanced at PTA scales by a non-standard early cosmological evolution, driven by Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) scalar dynamics motivated by string theory. The resulting GW energy density has a broken power-law frequency profile, entering the PTA band with a peak amplitude consistent with the recent GW detection. After this initial DBI kination epoch, the dynamics starts a new phase mainly controlled by the scalar potential. It provides a realization of an early dark energy scenario aimed at relaxing the $H_0$ tension, and a late dark energy model which explains the current cosmological acceleration with no need of a cosmological constant. Hence our mechanism - besides providing a possible explanation for the recent PTA results - connects them with testable properties of the physics of the dark universe.

Xuce Niu, Moinul Hossain Rahat

10 pages + references, 5 figures, focuses on NANOGrav 15-yr result. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2211.14331

Several pulsar timing arrays have recently reported the observation of a stochastic background of red-tilted gravitational wave spectrum in the nano-Hz frequencies. An inflationary interpretation of this observation is challenging from various aspects. We report that such a signal can arise from Chern-Simons coupling in axion inflation, where a pseudoscalar inflaton couples to (massive) $U(1)$ gauge field, leading to efficient production of a transverse gauge mode. Such tachyonic particle production during inflation exponentially enhances the primordial perturbations and leads to a unique parity-violating gravitational wave spectrum, that remains flat near the CMB scales but becomes red-tilted at smaller scales. We identify the parameter space consistent with various cosmological constraints and show that the resultant gravitational wave signals can explain the observed excess at NANOGrav.