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Papers for Thursday, Jul 20 2023

Papers with local authors

Zewen Jiang, Wei Wang, Guo Chen, Fei Yan, Heather M. Cegla, Patricio Rojo, Yaqing Shi, Qinlin Ouyang, Meng Zhai, Yujuan Liu, Fei Zhao, Yuqin Chen

Accepted for publication in A&A. 18 pages, 17 figures

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Paper 24 — arXiv:2307.09577
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Paper 24 — arXiv:2307.09577

Transit spectroscopy is the most frequently used technique to reveal the atmospheric properties of exoplanets, while that at high resolution has the advantage to resolve the small Doppler shift of spectral lines, and the trace signal of the exoplanet atmosphere can be separately extracted. We obtain the transmission spectra of the extrasolar planet WASP-85Ab, a hot Jupiter in a 2.655-day orbit around a G5, V=11.2 mag host star, observed by high-resolution spectrograph ESPRESSO at the Very Large Telescope array for three transits. We present an analysis of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect on WASP-85A, and determine a spin-orbit angle ${\lambda = -16.155^{\circ}}^{+2.916}_{-2.879}$, suggesting that the planet is in an almost aligned orbit. Combining the transmission spectra of three nights, we tentatively detected H$\alpha$ and Ca II absorption with $\gtrapprox 3\sigma$ via direct visual inspection of the transmission spectra with the Center-to-Limb variation and the Rossiter-McLaughlin effects removed, which still remain visible after excluding the cores of these strong lines with a 0.1 A mask. These spectral signals seems likely to origin from the planetary atmosphere, but we can not fully exclude their stellar origins. Via the cross-correlation analysis of a set of atoms and molecules, Li I is marginally detected at $\sim4\sigma$ level, suggesting that Li might be present in the atmosphere of WASP-85Ab.

P. Allison, M. Baiocchi, J. J. Beatty, L. Beaufore, D. H. Calderone, Y. Chen, S. Coutu, E. Ellingwood, N. Green, D. Hanna, H. B. Jeon, R. Mbarek, K. McBride, I. Mognet, J. Musser, S. Nutter, S. O'Brien, N. Park, T. Rosin, M. Tabata, G. Tarlé, G. Visser, S. P. Wakely, M. Yu

27 pages and 16 figures. Accepted for publication in Nuclear Instruments and Methods A

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Paper 37 — arXiv:2307.09689
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Paper 37 — arXiv:2307.09689

The HELIX cosmic-ray detector is a balloon-borne instrument designed to measure the flux of light isotopes in the energy range from 0.2 GeV/n to beyond 3 GeV/n. It will rely on a ring-imaging Cherenkov (RICH) detector for particle identification at energies greater than 1 GeV/n and will use aerogel tiles with refractive index near 1.15 as the radiator. To achieve the performance goals of the experiment it is necessary to know the refractive index and its position dependence over the lateral extent of the tiles to a precision of O(10$^{-4}). In this paper we describe the apparatus and methods developed to calibrate the HELIX tiles in an electron beam, in order to meet this requirement.

Yang Chen, Xiaoting Fu, Chao Liu, Piero Dal Tio, Léo Girardi, Giada Pastorelli, Alessandro Mazzi, Michele Trabucchi, Hao Tian, Dongwei Fan, Paola Marigo, Alessandro Bressan

Accepted by Sci. China Phys. Mech. Astron, catalogue at this https URL , 16 pages, 9 figures

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Paper 61 — arXiv:2307.10091
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Paper 61 — arXiv:2307.10091

The Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST) is a cutting-edge two-meter astronomical space telescope currently under construction. Its primary Survey Camera (SC) is designed to conduct large-area imaging sky surveys using a sophisticated seven-band photometric system. The resulting data will provide unprecedented data for studying the structure and stellar populations of the Milky Way. To support the CSST development and scientific projects related to its survey data, we generate the first comprehensive Milky Way stellar mock catalogue for the CSST SC photometric system using the TRILEGAL stellar population synthesis tool. The catalogue includes approximately 12.6 billion stars, covering a wide range of stellar parameters, photometry, astrometry, and kinematics, with magnitude reaching down to $g\,=\,27.5$ mag in the AB magnitude system. The catalogue represents our benchmark understanding of the stellar populations in the Milky Way, enabling a direct comparison with the future CSST survey data. Particularly, it sheds light on faint stars that are hidden from current sky surveys. Our crowding limit analysis based on this catalogue provides compelling evidence for the extension of the CSST Optical Survey (OS) to cover low Galactic latitude regions. The strategic extension of the CSST-OS coverage, combined with this comprehensive mock catalogue, will enable transformative science with the CSST.

All other papers

Will E. Thompson, Morgan M. Giese, Dariusz C. Lis, Susanna L. Widicus Weaver

Published in The Astrophysical Journal

Presented here are NOEMA interferometric observations of the neighboring hot cores W3(H$_{2}$O) and W3(OH). The presence of two star-forming cores at different evolutionary stages within the same parent cloud presents a unique opportunity to study how the physics of the source and its evolutionary stage impact the chemistry. Through spectral analysis and imaging, we identify over twenty molecules in these cores. Most notably, we have detected HDO and CH$_{3}$CH$_{2}$CN in W3(OH), which were previously not detected in this core. We have imaged the molecular emission, revealing new structural features within these sources. W3(OH) shows absorption in a "dusty cocoon" surrounded by molecular emission. These observations also reveal extended emission that is potentially indicative of a low-velocity shock. From the information obtained herein, we have constructed column density and temperature maps for methanol and compared this information to the molecular images. By comparing the spatial distribution of molecules which may be destroyed at later stages of star formation, this work demonstrates the impact of physical environment on chemistry in star-forming regions at different evolutionary stages.

Michele Moresco

Invited chapter for the edited book Hubble Constant Tension (Eds. E. Di Valentino and D. Brout, Springer Singapore, expected in 2024)

Twenty years after the discovery that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating, a new finding is now challenging our understanding of the cosmos. Recent studies have shown that the Hubble constant, the speed of expansion measured today, provides values in significant tension when measured from the Cosmic Microwave Background in the primordial Universe or from Cepheids and Supernovae Type Ia in the local Universe. Whether this tension is hinting towards new physics or some issue in the measurements, is still under debate; but it is clearly calling for new independent cosmological probes to provide additional pieces of evidence to solve this puzzle. This chapter introduces the method of cosmic chronometers, a new emerging cosmological probe that can provide cosmology-independent estimates of the Universe's expansion history. This method is based on the fact that the expansion rate of the Universe can be directly derived from measuring how much the Universe has changed in age between two different redshifts, i.e. by estimating the slope of the age--redshift relation. First, the main ingredients of the method will be discussed, presenting the main equations involved and how to estimate from the observables the needed quantities. After, it will be presented how to reliably select a sample of tracers to map the age evolution of the Universe coherently. Next, different methods to robustly measure the differential age of a population, the fundamental quantity involved in the method, will be reviewed. Finally, the main measurements obtained will be presented, providing forecasts for future surveys and discussing how these data can provide useful feedback to address the Hubble tension.

Tomas Cassanelli, Calvin Leung, Pranav Sanghavi, Juan Mena-Parra, Savannah Cary, Ryan Mckinven, Mohit Bhardwaj, Kiyoshi W. Masui, Daniele Michilli, Kevin Bandura, Shami Chatterjee, Jeffrey B. Peterson, Jane Kaczmarek, Chitrang Patel, Mubdi Rahman, Kaitlyn Shin, Keith Vanderlinde, Sabrina Berger, Charanjot Brar, P. J. Boyle, Daniela Breitman, Pragya Chawla, Alice P. Curtin, Matt Dobbs, Fengqiu Adam Dong, Emmanuel Fonseca, B. M. Gaensler, Adaeze Ibik, Victoria M. Kaspi, Khairy Kholoud, T. L. Landecker, Adam E. Lanman, Mattias Lazda, Hsiu-Hsien Lin, Jing Luo, Bradley W. Meyers, Nikola Milutinovic, Cherry Ng, Gavin Noble, Aaron B. Pearlman, Ue-Li Pen, Emily Petroff, Ziggy Pleunis, Brendan Quine, Masoud Rafiei-Ravandi, Andre Renard, Ketan R. Sand, Eve Schoen, Paul Scholz, Kendrick M. Smith, Ingrid Stairs, et al. (1 additional author not shown)

40 pages, 13 figures, submitted

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are millisecond-duration, luminous radio transients of extragalactic origin. These events have been used to trace the baryonic structure of the Universe using their dispersion measure (DM) assuming that the contribution from host galaxies can be reliably estimated. However, contributions from the immediate environment of an FRB may dominate the observed DM, thus making redshift estimates challenging without a robust host galaxy association. Furthermore, while at least one Galactic burst has been associated with a magnetar, other localized FRBs argue against magnetars as the sole progenitor model. Precise localization within the host galaxy %can enable estimation of the host galaxy DM contribution and can discriminate between progenitor models, a major goal of the field. Until now, localizations on this spatial scale have only been carried out in follow-up observations of repeating sources. Here we demonstrate the localization of FRB 20210603A with very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) on two baselines, using data collected only at the time of detection. We localize the burst to SDSS J004105.82+211331.9, an edge-on galaxy at $z\approx 0.177$, and detect recent star formation in the kiloparsec-scale vicinity of the burst. The edge-on inclination of the host galaxy allows for a unique comparison between the line of sight towards the FRB and lines of sight towards known Galactic pulsars. The DM, Faraday rotation measure (RM), and scattering suggest a progenitor coincident with the host galactic plane, strengthening the link between the environment of FRB 20210603A and the disk of its host galaxy. Single-pulse VLBI localizations of FRBs to within their host galaxies, following the one presented here, will further constrain the origins and host environments of one-off FRBs.

Bren E. Backhaus, Jonathan R. Trump, Nor Pirzkal, Guillermo Barro, Steven L. Finkelstein, Pablo Arrabal Haro, Raymond C. Simons, Jessica Wessner, Nikko J. Cleri, Michaela Hirschmann, Micaela B. Bagley, David C. Nicholls, Mark Dickinson, Jeyhan S. Kartaltepe, Casey Papovich, Dale D. Kocevski, Anton M. Koekemoer, Laura Bisigello, Anne E. Jaskot, Ray A. Lucas, Intae Jung, Stephen M. Wilkins, L. Y. Aaron, Henry C. Ferguson, Adriano Fontana, Andrea Grazian, Norman A. Grogin, Lisa J. Kewley, Allison Kirkpatrick, Jennifer M. Lotz, Laura Pentericci, Pablo G. Perez-Gonzalez, Swara Ravindranath, Rachel S. Somerville, Guang Yang, Benne W. Holwerda, Peter Kurczynski, Nimish P. Hathi, Caitlin Rose, Kelcey Davis

16 pages, 11 figures

We use James Webb Space Telescope Near-Infrared Camera Wide Field Slitless Spectroscopy (NIRCam WFSS) and Near-Infrared spectrograph (NIRSpec) in the Cosmic Evolution Early Release survey (CEERS) to measure rest-frame optical emission-line of 155 galaxies at z>2. The blind NIRCam grism observations include a sample of galaxies with bright emission lines that were not observed on the NIRSpec masks. We study the changes of the Ha, [OIII]/Hb, and [NeIII]/[OII] emission lines in terms of redshift by comparing to lower redshift SDSS and CLEAR samples. We find a significant (>3$\sigma$) correlation between [OIII]/Hb with redshift, while [NeIII]/[OII] has a marginal (2$\sigma$) correlation with redshift. We compare [OIII]/Hb and [NeIII]/[OII] to stellar mass and Hb SFR. We find that both emission-line ratios have a correlation with Hb SFR and an anti-correlation with stellar mass across the redshifts 0<z<9. Comparison with MAPPINGS~V models indicates that these trends are consistent with lower metallicity and higher ionization in low-mass and high-SFR galaxies. We additionally compare to IllustriousTNG predictions and find that they effectively describe the highest [OIII]/Hb ratios observed in our sample, without the need to invoke MAPPINGS models with significant shock ionizionation components.

Adrian E. Bayer, Uros Seljak, Chirag Modi

Accepted at the ICML 2023 Workshop on Machine Learning for Astrophysics. 4 pages, 4 figures

Field-level inference provides a means to optimally extract information from upcoming cosmological surveys, but requires efficient sampling of a high-dimensional parameter space. This work applies Microcanonical Langevin Monte Carlo (MCLMC) to sample the initial conditions of the Universe, as well as the cosmological parameters $\sigma_8$ and $\Omega_m$, from simulations of cosmic structure. MCLMC is shown to be over an order of magnitude more efficient than traditional Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) for a $\sim 2.6 \times 10^5$ dimensional problem. Moreover, the efficiency of MCLMC compared to HMC greatly increases as the dimensionality increases, suggesting gains of many orders of magnitude for the dimensionalities required by upcoming cosmological surveys.

J. M. Palencia, J. M. Diego, B. J. Kavanagh, J. Martinez

24 pages, 29 figures

Microlensing of stars in strongly lensed galaxies can lead to temporary extreme magnification factors ($\mu\!>\!1000$), enabling their detection at high redshifts. Following the discovery of Icarus, several stars at cosmological distances ($z\!>\!1$) have been observed using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). This emerging field of gravitational lensing holds promise to study individual high redshift stars. Also offers the opportunity to study the substructure in the lens plane with implications for dark matter models, as more lensed stars are detected and analysed statistically. Due to the computational demands of simulating microlensing at large magnification factors, it is important to develop fast and accurate analytical approximations for the probability of magnification in such extreme scenarios. In this study, we consider different macro-model magnification and microlensing surface mass density scenarios and study how the probability of extreme magnification factors depends on these factors. To achieve this, we create state of the art large simulations of the microlensing effect in these scenarios. Through the analysis of these simulations, we derive analytical scaling relationships that can bypass the need for expensive numerical simulations. Our results are useful to interpret current observations of stars at cosmic distances which are extremely magnified and under the influence of microlenses.

Francisco J. Mercado, James S. Bullock, Jorge Moreno, Michael Boylan-Kolchin, Andrew Wetzel, Claude-André Faucher-Giguère, Jenna Samuel

12 pages, 7 figures, submitted to MNRAS

The Radial Acceleration Relation (RAR) connects the total gravitational acceleration of a galaxy at a given radius, $a_{\rm tot}(r)$, with that accounted for by baryons at the same radius, $a_{\rm bar}(r)$. The shape and tightness of the RAR for rotationally-supported galaxies have characteristics in line with MOdified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) and can also arise within the Cosmological Constant + Cold Dark Matter ($\Lambda$CDM) paradigm. We use zoom simulations of 20 galaxies with stellar masses of $M_{\star} \, \simeq \, 10^{7-11} \, M_{\odot}$ to demonstrate that the observed average and scatter about the RAR is reproduced in FIRE-2 simulations. We highlight the existence of many observed galaxies with non-monotonic RAR tracks that ``hook'' down from the average relation. These hooks are challenging to explain in MOND, but we see them in all of our simulated galaxies that are dark-matter dominated and have feedback-induced cores in their dark matter haloes. We show analytically that downward hooks are expected in such cored haloes because they have non-monotonic acceleration profiles. We also make RAR predictions for the outer reaches of our simulated galactic haloes, extending the relation to accelerations below those traced by disc galaxy rotation curves. In this regime, our simulations predict ``bends'' off of the MOND-inspired extrapolation of the RAR, which, at large radii, approach $a_{\rm tot}(r) \, \approx \, a_{\rm bar}(r)/f_{\rm b}$, where $f_{\rm b}$ is the cosmic baryon fraction. Future efforts to search for these bends at low accelerations around real galaxies will provide tests for MOND and \lcdm.

Silvia Onorato, Mario Cadelano, Emanuele Dalessandro, Enrico Vesperini, Barbara Lanzoni, Alessio Mucciarelli

Accepted for publication in A&A

NGC 2419 is likely the globular cluster (GC) with the lowest dynamical age in the Galaxy. This makes it an extremely interesting target for studying the properties of its multiple populations (MPs), as they have been likely affected only modestly by long-term dynamical evolution effects. Here we present for the first time a detailed analysis of the structural and morphological properties of the MPs along the whole extension of this remote and massive GC by combining high-resolution HST and wide-field ground-based data. In agreement with formation models predicting that second population (SP) stars form in the inner regions of the first population (FP) system, we find that the SP is more centrally concentrated than the FP. This may provide constraints on the relative concentrations of MPs in the cluster early stages of the evolutionary phase driven by two-body relaxation. In addition, we find that the fraction of FP stars is larger than expected from the general trend drawn by Galactic GCs. If, as suggested by a number of studies, NGC 2419 formed in the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy and was later accreted by the Milky Way, we show that the observed FP fraction may be explained as due to the transition of NGC 2419 to a weaker tidal field (its current Galactocentric distance is d_gc~95 kpc) and consequently to a reduced loss rate of FP stars.

Tobin M. Wainer, Gail Zasowski, Joshua Pepper, Tom Wagg, Christina L. Hedges, Vijith Jacob Poovelil, Tara Fetherolf, James R. A. Davenport, P. Marios Christodoulou, Jack T. Dinsmore, Avi Patel, Kameron Goold, Benjamin J. Gibson

17 pages, 9 Figures, 3 Tables, Accepted to AAS Journals

We present the first integrated light, TESS-based light curves for star clusters in the Milky Way, Small Magellanic Cloud, and Large Magellanic Cloud. We explore the information encoded in these light curves, with particular emphasis on variability. We describe our publicly available package ELK, which is designed to extract the light curves by applying principal component analysis to perform background light correction, and incorporating corrections for TESS systematics, allowing us to detect variability on time scales shorter than ~10 days. We perform a series of checks to ensure the quality of our light curves, removing observations where systematics are identified as dominant features, and deliver light curves for 348 previously-cataloged open and globular clusters. Where TESS has observed a cluster in more than one observing sectors, we provide separate light curves for each sector (for a total of 2204 light curves). We explore in detail the light curves of star clusters known to contain high-amplitude Cepheid and RR Lyrae variable stars, and confirm that the variability of these known variables is still detectable when summed together with the light from thousands of other stars. We also demonstrate that even some low-amplitude stellar variability is preserved when integrating over a stellar population.

Igor Andreoni, Michael W. Coughlin, Alexander W. Criswell, Mattia Bulla, Andrew Toivonen, Leo P. Singer, Antonella Palmese, E. Burns, Suvi Gezari, Mansi M. Kasliwal, R. Weizmann Kiendrebeogo, Ashish Mahabal, Takashi J. Moriya, Armin Rest, Dan Scolnic, Robert A. Simcoe, Jamie Soon, Robert Stein, Tony Travouillon

submitted for peer review

Binary neutron star mergers and neutron star-black hole mergers are multi-messenger sources that can be detected in gravitational waves and in electromagnetic radiation. The low electron fraction of neutron star merger ejecta favors the production of heavy elements such as lanthanides and actinides via rapid neutron capture (r-process). The decay of these unstable nuclei powers an infrared-bright transient called a "kilonova". The discovery of a population of kilonovae will allow us to determine if neutron star mergers are the dominant sites for r-process element nucleosynthesis, constrain the equation of state of nuclear matter, and make independent measurements of the Hubble constant. The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (Roman) will have a unique combination of depth, near-infrared sensitivity, and wide field of view. These characteristics will enable Roman's discovery of GW counterparts that will be missed by optical telescopes, such as kilonova that are associated with large distances, high lanthanide fractions, high binary mass-ratios, large dust extinction in the line of sight, or that are observed from equatorial viewing angles. Our analysis suggests to (i) make available a rapid (about 1 week) Target of Opportunity mode for GW follow-up; (ii) include observations of the High Latitude Time-Domain survey footprint in at least two filters (preferably the F158 and F213 filters) with a cadence of < 8 days; (iii) operate in synergy with Rubin Observatory. Following these recommendations, we expect that 1-6 kilonovae can be identified by Roman via ToO observations of well localized (A < 10 sq. deg., 90% C.I.) neutron star mergers during 1.5 years of the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA fifth (or about 4-21 in during the sixth) observing run. A sample of 5-40 serendipitously discovered kilonovae can be collected in a 5-year high latitude survey.

Gyueun Park, Min-Young Lee, Shmuel Bialy, Blakesley Burkhart, J. R. Dawson, Carl Heiles, Di Li, Claire Murray, Hiep Nguyen, Anita Hafner, Daniel R. Rybarczyk, Snežana Stanimirović

25 pages, 12 figures, 6 tables, Accepted for publication in ApJ

In this paper, we investigate the conditions for the HI-to-H$_{2}$ transition in the solar neighborhood by analyzing HI emission and absorption measurements toward 58 Galactic lines of sight (LOSs) along with $^{12}$CO(1$-$0) (CO) and dust data. Based on the accurate column densities of the cold and warm neutral medium (CNM and WNM), we first perform a decomposition of gas into atomic and molecular phases and show that the observed LOSs are mostly HI-dominated. In addition, we find that the CO-dark H$_{2}$, not the optically thick HI, is a major ingredient of the dark gas in the solar neighborhood. To examine the conditions for the formation of CO-bright molecular gas, we analyze the kinematic association between HI and CO and find that the CNM is kinematically more closely associated with CO than the WNM. When CNM components within CO line widths are isolated, we find the following characteristics: spin temperature $<$ 200 K, peak optical depth $>$ 0.1, CNM fraction of $\sim$0.6, and $V$-band dust extinction $>$ 0.5 mag. These results suggest that CO-bright molecular gas preferentially forms in environments with high column densities where the CNM becomes colder and more abundant. Finally, we confront the observed CNM properties with the steady-state H$_{2}$ formation model of Sternberg et al. and infer that the CNM must be clumpy with a small volume filling factor. Another possibility would be that missing processes in the model, such as cosmic-rays and gas dynamics, play an important role in the HI-to-H$_{2}$ transition.

A. Sollima, C. Nipoti, F. Calura, R. Pascale, H. Baumgardt

Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Dedicated to the memory of Antonio Sollima, who conceived, developed and carried out most of this work

We developed self-consistent dynamical models of stellar systems in the framework of quasi-linear modified Newtonian dynamics (QUMOND). The models are constructed from the anisotropic distribution function of Gunn & Griffin (1979), combined with the modified Poisson equation defining this gravitation theory and take into account the external field effect. We have used these models, and their Newtonian analogues, to fit the projected density and the velocity dispersion profiles of a sample of 18 Galactic globular clusters, using the most updated datasets of radial velocities and Gaia proper motions. We have thus obtained, for each cluster, estimates of the dynamical mass-to-light ratio ($M/L$) for each theory of gravity. The selected clusters have accurate proper motions and a well sampled mass function down to the very low mass regime. This allows us to constrain the degree of anisotropy and to provide, from comparison with stellar evolution isochrones, a dynamics-independent estimate of the minimum mass-to-light ratio $(M/L)_{min}$. Comparing the best-fitting dynamical $M/L$ with $(M/L)_{min}$, we find that for none of the analyzed clusters the two gravity theories are significantly incompatible with the observational data, although for one of them (NGC 5024) the dynamical $M/L$ predicted by QUMOND lies at $2.8\sigma$ below $(M/L)_{min}$. Though the proposed approach suffers from some limitations (in particular the lack of a treatment of mass segregation), the obtained results suggest that the kinematics of globular clusters in a relatively weak external field can be a powerful tool to prove alternative theories of gravitation.

Jorge Pérez González, Michael Greklek-McKeon, Shreyas Vissapragada, Morgan Saidel, Heather A. Knutson, Dion Linssen, Antonija Oklopčić

Submitted to the Astronomical Journal (9 pages, 4 figures)

Photoevaporative mass-loss rates are expected to be highest when planets are young and the host star is more active, but to date there have been relatively few measurements of mass-loss rates for young gas giant exoplanets. In this study we measure the present-day atmospheric mass-loss rate of TOI-1268b, a young (110 - 380 Gyr) and low density (0.71$^{+0.17}_{-0.13}$~g~cm$^{-3}$) hot Saturn located near the upper edge of the Neptune desert. We use Palomar/WIRC to search for excess absorption in the 1083~nm helium triplet during two transits of TOI-1268b. We find that it has a larger transit depth ($0.258_{-0.054}^{+0.056}\%$ excess) in the helium bandpass than in the TESS observations, and convert this excess absorption into a mass-loss rate by modeling the outflow as a Parker wind. Our results indicate that this planet is losing mass at a rate of $\log \dot{M} = 9.8 \pm 0.3$~g~s$^{-1}$ and has a thermosphere temperature of 7000$^{+1800}_{-1500}$~K. This corresponds to a predicted atmospheric lifetime much larger than 10 Gyr. Our result suggests that photoevaporation is weak in gas giant exoplanets even at early ages.

Gang Wu, Christian Henkel, Ye Xu, Andreas Brunthaler, Karl M. Menten, Keping Qiu, Jingjing Li, Bo Zhang, Jarken Esimbek

14 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

Protostellar jets and outflows are essential ingredients of the star formation process. A better understanding of this phenomenon is important in its own right as well as for many fundamental aspects of star formation. Jets and outflows associated with O-type protostars are rarely studied with observations reaching the close vicinity of the protostars. In this work, we report high-resolution ALMA and VLBA observations to reveal a clear and consistent picture of an outflow associated with an O-type protostar candidate in the G26.50+0.28 region. These observations reveal, for the first time, a collimated jet located in the middle of the outflow cavity. The jet is found to be perpendicular to an elongated disk/toroid and its velocity gradient. The collimated jet appears to show a small amplitude ($\alpha$$\approx$0$\,.\!\!^{\circ}$06) counterclockwise precession, when looking along the blueshifted jet axis from the strongest continuum source MM1, with a precession length of 0.22 pc. The inclination of the jet is likely to be very low ($\approx$8$^{\circ}$), which makes it a promising target to study its transverse morphologies and kinematics. However, no clear evidence of jet rotation is found in the ALMA and VLBA observations. The three-dimensional velocities of the water maser spots appear to show the same absolute speed with respect to different opening angles, suggesting the jet winds may be launched in a relatively small region. This favors the X-wind model, that is, jets are launched in a small area near the inner disk edge.

Luis Ossa-Fuentes (1 and 2), Alejandro S. Borlaff (3 and 4 and 5), John E. Beckman (6 and 7), Pamela M. Marcum (3), Michael N. Fanelli (3) ((1) Instituto de Fisica y Astronomia Universidad de Valparaiso Chile, (2) Valencian International University Spain, (3) NASA Ames Research Center USA, (4) Bay Area Environment Research Institute USA, (5) Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology USA, (6) Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias Spain, (7) Facultad de Fisica Universidad de la Laguna Spain)

17 pages, 8 figures

The structure of the outskrits of galaxies provides valuable information about their past and evolution. Due to their projected orientation, edge-on isolated galaxies effectively serve as test labs in which to study the three-dimensional structures of galaxies including warps and flares, and to explore the possible sources of souch distortions. We analyzed the structure of the apparently isolated edge-on ultra-thin galaxy UGC11859 to look for the presence of disortions. The deep optical imaging observations we acquired with the GTC (Gran Telescopio Canarias) are used to derive the radial and vertical surface brightness profiles and g-r color radial profile. We find that the galaxy disk display a significant gravitational distortion. A warp is clearly detected on one side of the disk, and the galactic plane on both sides of the centre shows increasing scale height with increasing galactocentric radius, indicating the presence of a flare in the stellar distribution. The surface brightness profile of the disk shows a sharp break at 24 kiloparsecs galactocentric radius, and a steep decline to larger radii, and edge-on truncation, which we associate with the presence of the flare. The present study is the first observational support for a connection between truncations and flares. Just beyond the warped side of the disk a faint galaxy is observed within a small angular distance, identified as a potential interacting companion. Bases on ultra-deep g and r photometry we estimate that if the potential companion is at the same distance as UGC11859, the stellar mas of the satellite galaxy is approximately 6.33 log(MSol)

We implement and explore high-dimensional generalized dark matter (HDGDM) with an arbitrary equation of state as a function of redshift as an extension to {\Lambda}CDM.. Exposing this model to CMB, BAO, and supernova data, we demonstrate that the use of marginalized posterior distributions can easily lead to misleading conclusions on the viability of a high-dimensional model such as this one. We discuss such pitfalls and corresponding mitigation strategies, which can be used to search for an observationally favored region of the parameter space. We further show that the HDGDM model in particular does show promise in terms of its ability to ease the Hubble tension once such techniques are employed, and we find interesting features in the best-fitting equation of state that can serve as an inspiration for future model building.

Adelheid Teklu, Rolf-Peter Kudritzki, Klaus Dolag, Rhea-Silvia Remus, Lucas Kimmig

19 pages, 15 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in ApJ

Cosmological simulations predict that during the evolution of galaxies, the specific star formation rate continuously decreases. In a previous study we showed that generally this is not caused by the galaxies running out of cold gas but rather a decrease in the fraction of gas capable of forming stars. To investigate the origin of this behavior, we use disk galaxies selected from the cosmological hydrodynamical simulation Magneticum Pathfinder and follow their evolution in time. We find that the mean density of the cold gas regions decreases with time. This is caused by the fact that during the evolution of the galaxies, the star-forming regions move to larger galactic radii, where the gas density is lower. This supports the idea of inside-out growth of disk galaxies.

Xiaosheng Zhao, Shifan Zuo, Yi Mao

9 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables. Accepted to ICML 2023 Machine Learning for Astrophysics workshop. Comments and suggestions are welcome

The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) will have the sensitivity to take the 3D light-cones of the 21 cm signal from the epoch of reionization. This signal, however, is highly non-Gaussian and can not be fully interpreted by the traditional statistic using power spectrum. In this work, we introduce the 3D ScatterNet that combines the normalizing flows with solid harmonic wavelet scattering transform, a 3D CNN featurizer with inductive bias, to perform implicit likelihood inference (ILI) from 21 cm light-cones. We show that 3D ScatterNet outperforms the ILI with a fine-tuned 3D CNN in the literature. It also reaches better performance than ILI with the power spectrum for varied light-cone effects and varied signal contaminations.

C. Hernández-Vera, V. V. Guzmán, J. R. Goicoechea, V. Maillard, J. Pety, F. Le Petit, M. Gerin, E. Bron, E. Roueff, A. Abergel, T. Schirmer, J. Carpenter, P. Gratier, K. Gordon, K. Misselt

15 pages, 1 table, 9 figures; Accepted for publication in A&A

(Abridged) Massive stars can determine the evolution of molecular clouds with their strong ultraviolet (UV) radiation fields. Moreover, UV radiation is relevant in setting the thermal gas pressure in star-forming clouds, whose influence can extend from the rims of molecular clouds to entire star-forming galaxies. Probing the fundamental structure of nearby molecular clouds is therefore crucial to understand how massive stars shape their surrounding medium and how fast molecular clouds are destroyed, specifically at their UV-illuminated edges, where models predict an intermediate zone of neutral atomic gas between the molecular cloud and the surrounding ionized gas whose size is directly related to the exposed physical conditions. We present the highest angular resolution (~$0.5$", corresponding to $207$ au) and velocity-resolved images of the molecular gas emission in the Horsehead nebula, using CO J=3-2 and HCO$^+$ J=4-3 observations with ALMA. We find that CO and HCO$^+$ are present at the edge of the cloud, very close to the ionization (H$^+$/H) and dissociation fronts (H/H$_2$), suggesting a very thin layer of neutral atomic gas (<$650$ au) and a small amount of CO-dark gas ($A_V=0.006-0.26$ mag) for stellar UV illumination conditions typical of molecular clouds in the Milky Way. The new ALMA observations reveal a web of molecular gas filaments with an estimated thermal gas pressure of $P_{\mathrm{th}} = (2.3 - 4.0) \times 10^6$ K cm$^{-3}$, and the presence of a steep density gradient at the cloud edge that can be well explained by stationary isobaric PDR models with pressures consistent with our estimations. However, in the HII region and PDR interface, we find $P_{\mathrm{th,PDR}} > P_{\mathrm{th,HII}}$, suggesting the gas is slightly compressed. Therefore, dynamical effects cannot be completely ruled out and even higher angular observations will be needed to unveil their role.

It has been long puzzling whether the ice thickness variations observed on Enceladus can be sustained sorely by a polar-amplified bottom heating. The key to this question is to understand how the upward heat transport by convective plumes would be interfered by the temperature and salinity variations beneath the ice due to the ice thickness variations, which however, has yet to be explored. Here, we find that the horizontal temperature variation induced by the ice topography can easily be orders of magnitude greater than the vertical temperature variation induced by bottom heating using scaling analysis. Due to the dominance of horizontal temperature gradient, convective plumes are completely shut off by a stratified layer under the thin ice formed out of baroclinic adjustment, largely slowing down the vertical tracer transport. The stratified layer will also deflect almost all of the core-generated heating toward the regions with thicker ice shell, destroying the ice thickness gradient. This results allow us to put an upper bound on the core-generated heating on Enceladus, which is crucial for the estimate of habitability. Scaling laws for the bottom heat flux to penetrate the stratification is derived and examined. This scaling can be used to constrain the maximum ice thickness variations induced by heterogeneous bottom heating on icy satellites in general, which can be used to differentiate icy satellites that generate the majority of heat in the ice shell from those that generate the majority of heat in the silicate core.

Xiaosheng Zhao, Yuan-Sen Ting, Kangning Diao, Yi Mao

13 pages, 10 figures, 1 table. Submitted to MNRAS. Comments welcome

Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are frequently utilized in astronomy to construct an emulator of numerical simulations. Nevertheless, training GANs can prove to be a precarious task, as they are prone to instability and often lead to mode collapse problems. Conversely, the diffusion model also has the ability to generate high-quality data without adversarial training. It has shown superiority over GANs with regard to several natural image datasets. In this study, we undertake a quantitative comparison between the denoising diffusion probabilistic model (DDPM) and StyleGAN2 (one of the most robust types of GANs) via a set of robust summary statistics from scattering transform. In particular, we utilize both models to generate the images of 21 cm brightness temperature mapping, as a case study, conditionally based on astrophysical parameters that govern the process of cosmic reionization. Using our new Fr\'echet Scattering Distance (FSD) as the evaluation metric to quantitatively compare the sample distribution between generative models and simulations, we demonstrate that DDPM outperforms StyleGAN2 on varied sizes of training sets. Through Fisher forecasts, we demonstrate that on our datasets, StyleGAN2 exhibits mode collapses in varied ways, while DDPM yields a more robust generation. We also explore the role of classifier-free guidance in DDPM and show the preference for a non-zero guidance scale only when the training data is limited. Our findings indicate that the diffusion model presents a promising alternative to GANs in the generation of accurate images. These images can subsequently provide reliable parameter constraints, particularly in the realm of astrophysics.

Jonathan Cabrera Garcia, Timothy C. Beers, Yang Huang, Xin-Yi Li, Gaochao Liu, Huawei Zhang, Jihye Hong, Young Sun Lee, Derek Shank, Dmitrii Gudin, Yutaka Hirai, Dante Komater

16 pages, 8 figures, submitted to MNRAS

We employ a sample of 135,873 RR Lyrae stars (RRLs) with precise photometric-metallicity and distance estimates from the newly calibrated $P$--$\phi_{31}$--$R_{21}$--[Fe/H] and $Gaia$ $G$-band $P$--$R_{21}$--[Fe/H] absolute magnitude-metallicity relations of Li et al., combined with available proper motions from $Gaia$ EDR3, and 6955 systemic radial velocities from $Gaia$ DR3 and other sources, in order to explore the chemistry and kinematics of the halo of the Milky Way (MW). This sample is ideally suited for characterization of the inner- and outer-halo populations of the stellar halo, free from the bias associated with spectroscopically selected probes, and for estimation of their relative contributions as a function of Galactocentric distance. The results of a Gaussian Mixture-Model analysis of these contributions are broadly consistent with other observational studies of the halo, and with expectations from recent MW simulation studies. We apply the HDBSCAN clustering method to the specific energies and cylindrical actions ($E$, J$_{r}$, J$_{\phi}$, J$_{z}$), identifying 97 Dynamically Tagged Groups (DTGs) of RRLs, and explore their associations with recognized substructures of the MW. The precise photometric-distance determinations ($\delta\, d/d < 5$\%), and the resulting high-quality determination of dynamical parameters, yield highly statistically significant (low) dispersions of [Fe/H] for the stellar members of the DTGs compared to random draws from the full sample, indicating that they share common star-formation and chemical histories, influenced by their birth environments.

Kentaro Nagamine (Osaka Univ./ K-IPMU/ UNLV)

12 pages, 5 figures. Brief summary of the invited talk at IAUS373 in Busan, Korea. Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, Volume 17, Symposium S373: Resolving the Rise and Fall of Star Formation in Galaxies (Aug 2022), pp. 283 - 292. Published online by Cambridge University Press on 09 June 2023 with Open Access. Slightly modified text from the published version

Feedback effects generated by supernovae (SNe) and active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are pivotal in shaping the evolution of galaxies and their present-day structures. However, our understanding of the specific mechanisms operating at galactic scales, as well as their impact on circum-galactic medium (CGM) and intergalactic medium (IGM), remains incomplete. Galaxy formation simulations encounter challenges in resolving sub-parsec scales, necessitating the implementation of subgrid models to capture the physics occurring at smaller scales. In this article, we provide an overview of the ongoing efforts to develop more physically grounded feedback models. We discuss the pursuit of pushing simulation resolution to its limits in galaxy simulations and the rigorous testing of galaxy formation codes through participation in the AGORA code comparison project. Additionally, we delve into techniques for investigating the impact of feedback using cosmological hydrodynamic simulations, specifically through Lya absorption and CGM/IGM tomography. Furthermore, we outline our future research directions within this field and highlight the progress made by comparing our simulation results with observational data.

Dmitry V. Malyshev

16 pages, 18 figures, results are available online at this https URL

Probabilistic classification of unassociated Fermi-LAT sources using machine learning methods has an implicit assumption that the distributions of associated and unassociated sources are the same as a function of source parameters, which is not the case for the Fermi-LAT catalogs. The problem of different distributions of training and testing (or target) datasets as a function of input features (covariates) is known as the covariate shift. In this paper, we, for the first time, quantitatively estimate the effect of the covariate shift on the multi-class classification of Fermi-LAT sources. We introduce sample weights proportional to the ratio of unassociated to associated source probability density functions so that associated sources in areas, which are densely populated with unassociated sources, have more weight than the sources in areas with few unassociated sources. We find that the covariate shift has relatively little effect on the predicted probabilities, i.e., the training can be performed either with weighted or with unweighted samples, which is generally expected for the covariate shift problems. The main effect of the covariate shift is on the estimated performance of the classification. Depending on the class, the covariate shift can lead up to 10 - 20% reduction in precision and recall compared to the estimates, where the covariate shift is not taken into account.

Janet E. Bowey

14 pages, 7 figures. Accepted June 22 2023. version before copy editing

A pair of 6.0 and 6.9 $\mu$m absorption features are frequently observed in Milky-Way (MW) molecular-clouds and YSOs; they also occur in the $z=0.886$ rest-frame of a molecule-rich spiral galaxy obscuring blazar PKS 1830-211. I calibrate $\chi^2$-fitting methods which match observations with two or three laboratory spectra. The 6.0-$\mu$m component is dominated by H$_2$O ice, as expected. Included MW sources were selected using opacity criteria which limit the range of explored H$_2$O-ice column densities to 1.6--$2.4 \times 10^{18}$ molecules cm$^{-2}$, while the H$_2$O-ice density in the galaxy absorber is $(2.7\pm 0.5)\times 10^{18}$ molecules cm$^{-2}$. CH$_3$OH ice and / or small (< 0.1-$\mu$m-sized) Ca- and Mg-bearing carbonates contribute at 6.9 $\mu$m. The 41 % CH$_3$OH : H$_2$O molecular ratio in the PKS 1830-211 absorber is significantly higher than in the molecular cloud towards Taurus-Elias 16 (<7.5 %) and similar to the highest value in MW YSOs (35 % in AFGL 989). Fitted carbonate (-CO$_3$) : H$_2$O ratios in the galaxy absorber of 0.091 % are low in comparison to most of the ratios detected in the MW sample (0.2 - 0.4 %; $\sim 0$ % in AFGL 989). Inorganic carbonates could explain the increased oxygen depletion at the diffuse-medium-to-molecular-cloud transition which Jones \& Ysard associated with unobserved organic carbonates or materials with a C:O ratio of 1:3.

Jacqueline Antwi-Danso, Casey Papovich, James Esdaile, Themiya Nanayakkara, Karl Glazebrook, Taylor A. Hutchison, Katherine E. Whitaker, Z. Cemile Marsan, Ruben J. Diaz, Danilo Marchesini, Adam Muzzin, Kim-Vy H. Tran, David J. Setton, Yasha Kaushal, Joshua S. Speagle, Justin Cole

20 pages, 11 figures, submitted to ApJ

The measured ages of massive, quiescent galaxies at $z\sim 3-4$ imply that massive galaxies quench as early as $z\sim 6$. While the number of spectroscopic confirmations of quiescent galaxies at $z < 3$ has increased over the years, there are only a handful at $z > 3.5$. We report spectroscopic redshifts of one secure ($z=3.757$) and two tentative ($z = 3.336$, $z=4.673$) massive ($\log(M_\ast/M_\odot) > 10.3$) quiescent galaxies with 11 hours of Keck/MOSFIRE $K$-band observations. Our candidates were selected from the FENIKS survey, which uses deep Gemini/Flamingos-2 $K_b$ $K_r$ imaging optimized for increased sensitivity to the characteristic red colors of galaxies at $z > 3$ with strong Balmer/4000 \AA\ breaks. The rest-frame $UVJ$ and $(ugi)_s$ colors of 3/4 quiescent candidates are consistent with $1-2$ Gyr old stellar populations. This places these galaxies as the oldest objects at these redshifts, and challenges the notion that quiescent galaxies at $z > 3$ are all recently-quenched, "post-starburst'' galaxies. Our spectroscopy shows that the other quiescent-galaxy candidate is a broad-line AGN ($z = 3.594$) with strong, redshifted $H\beta$+[O III] emission with a velocity offset $>1000$ km/s, indicative of a powerful outflow. The star-formation history of our highest redshift candidate suggests that its progenitor was already in place by $z \sim 7-11$, reaching $\sim$ 10$^{11} M_{\odot}$ by $z \simeq 10$. These observations reveal the limit of what is possible with deep near-infrared photometry and targeted spectroscopy from the ground and demonstrate that secure spectroscopic confirmation of quiescent galaxies at $z > 4$ is only feasible with JWST.

J. Zak, D. Jones, H. M. J. Boffin, P. G. Beck, J. Klencki, J. Bodensteiner, T. Shenar, H. Van Winckel, M. Skarka, K. Arellano-Córdova, J. Viuho, P. Sowicka, E. W. Guenther, A. Hatzes

Accepted in MNRAS

The quest for quiet or dormant black holes has been ongoing since several decades. Ellipsoidal variables possibly indicate the existence of a very high-mass invisible companion and are thought to be one of the best ways to find such dormant black holes. This, however, is not a panacea as we show here with one example. We indeed report the discovery of a new semi-detached interacting binary, V1315 Cas, discovered as an ellipsoidal variable. Using data from photometric surveys (ASAS-SN, TESS) and high-resolution spectroscopy, we derived a nearly circular orbit with an orbital period of $P_{\rm{orb}}$=34.54 d. The binary system consists of an evolved F-type star primary that is likely still filling its Roche lobe and a B-type star secondary. Using \textsc{phoebe}2, we derived the following masses and radii: for the primary, $M_p =0.84 \pm 0.03 \, M_\odot$ and $R_p =18.51^{+0.12}_{-0.07} \, R_\odot$; for the secondary, $M_s =7.3 \pm 0.3 \,M_\odot$ and $R_s =4.02^{+2.3}_{-2.0}\,R_\odot$. Modeling the evolution of the system with MESA, we found an age of $\sim$7.7e7 years. The system is at the end of a period of rapid non-conservative mass transfer that reversed its mass ratio, while significantly widening its orbit. The primary shows carbon depletion and nitrogen overabundance, indicative of CNO processed material being exposed due to mass transfer. An infrared excess as well as stationary H$\alpha$ emission suggest the presence of a circumstellar or circumbinary disc. V1315 Cas will likely become a detached stripped star binary.

Cezary Gałan, Joanna Mikołajewska, Kenneth H. Hinkle, Richard R. Joyce

10 pages + 3 appendixes. Accepted for publication at MNRAS

In previous works, we computed abundances for the red giant in nearly four dozen S-type symbiotic systems (SySt). The abundances provide information about metallicity, evolutionary status, and possible memberships in Galactic stellar populations. Here, we extend our studies with a northern hemisphere sample of SySt. This northern sample is dominated by Galactic disk/halo objects, whereas our previous southern sample is heavily biased toward the bulge population. Spectrum synthesis of high-resolution (R$\sim$50000), near-$IR$ spectra using standard LTE analysis and atmospheric models have been used to measure abundances of CNO and elements around the iron peak (Fe, Ti, Ni, Sc) in the atmospheres of the red giant component. The SySt sample shows generally slightly sub-solar metallicity, as expected for an older disk population, with a median at [Fe/H]\,$\sim -0.2$ dex. Enhanced $^{14}$N, depleted $^{12}$C, and decreased $^{12}$C/$^{13}$C indicate that all these giants have experienced the first dredge-up. Comparison with theoretical predictions indicates that additional mixing processes had to occur to explain the observed C and N abundances. Relative O and Fe abundances agree with those represented by Galactic disc and bulge giant populations in the {\sl APOGEE} data, with a few cases that can be attributed to membership in the extended thick-disc/halo. As an interesting byproduct of this study, we observed a blue-shifted additional component on the wings of absorption lines in the spectra of AG Peg which could be connected with accretion onto the hot component.

Pragati Mitra (for the GRAND collaboration)

The GRANDProto300 (GP300) array is a pathfinder for the Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection (GRAND) project. Serving as a test bench, the GP300 array is expected to pioneer techniques of autonomous radio detection including identification and reconstruction of nearly horizontal cosmic-ray (CR) air showers, and shed light in understanding the interesting `transition region' from the galactic to extragalactic CR sources. An offline analysis of signal identification over ambient noise is crucial at this stage, where very relaxed self-triggering thresholds of radio antennas will be used for study purposes. In this work, we show results and efficiency of signal identification with classical approaches using a wide set of simulated realistic signal templates and also validated against measured background recorded by deployed prototypes.

Katy L. Chubb, Daphne Stam, Christiane Helling, Dominic Samra, Ludmila Carone

Submitted to MNRAS

We present the Polarisation of Hot Exoplanets (PolHEx) code, for modelling the polarised reflection spectra of close-in exoplanets which are assumed to be tidally locked. We use outputs from global climate models (GCMs) combined with kinetic cloud models of hot Jupiter WASP-96b as a base to investigate effects of longitudinal-latitudinal inhomogeneities in the atmosphere. We model flux (F) and degree of linear polarisation (P) as a function of wavelength and planet orbital phase for various model atmospheres. We find different materials and size of cloud particles to impact the reflected flux, particularly the polarisation state. A range of materials are used to form inhomogeneous mixed-material cloud particles (Al2O3, Fe2O3, Fe2SiO4, FeO, Fe, Mg2SiO4, MgO, MgSiO3, SiO2, SiO, TiO2), with Fe2O3, Fe, and FeO the most strongly absorbing species. We find that a smaller average particle size and narrower size distribution around the cooler morning terminator region leads to different scattering properties to at the warmer evening terminator region. We also find differences in F and P as a function of wavelength and orbital phase for irregularly shaped compared to spherical cloud particles. This work highlights the importance of including polarisation state in models and future observations of the reflection spectra of transiting exoplanet atmospheres.

L. M. Becerra, C. Fryer, J. F. Rodriguez, J. A. Rueda, R. Ruffini

Published in Universe in the Special Issue Remo Ruffini Festschrift

The binary-driven hypernova (BdHN) model explains long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) associated with supernovae (SNe) Ic through physical episodes that occur in a binary composed of a carbon-oxygen (CO) star and a neutron star (NS) companion in close orbit. The CO core collapse triggers the cataclysmic event, originating the SN and a newborn NS (hereafter $\nu$NS) at its center. The $\nu$NS and the NS accrete SN matter. BdHNe are classified based on the NS companion fate and the GRB energetics, mainly determined by the orbital period. In BdHNe I, the orbital period is of a few minutes, so the accretion causes the NS to collapse into a Kerr black hole (BH), explaining GRBs of energies $>10^{52}$ erg. BdHN II, with longer periods of tens of minutes, yields a more massive but stable NS, accounting for GRBs of $10^{50}$--$10^{52}$ erg. BdHNe III have still longer orbital periods (e.g., hours), so the NS companion has a negligible role, which explains GRBs with a lower energy release of $<10^{50}$ erg. BdHN I and II might remain bound after the SN, so they could form NS-BH and binary NS (BNS), respectively. In BdHN III, the SN likely disrupts the system. We perform numerical simulations of BdHN II to compute the characteristic parameters of the BNS left by them, their mergers, and the associated short GRBs. We obtain the mass of the central remnant, whether it is likely to be a massive NS or a BH, the conditions for disk formation and its mass, and the event's energy release. The role of the NS nuclear equation of state is outlined.

L. B. T. Santos, P. A. Sousa-Silva, M. O. Terra, S. Aljbaae, D. M. Sanchez, A. F. B. A. Prado, G. M. Oliveira, F. Monteiro, A. K. de Almeida Jr, N.B. Lima, N.B.D Lima

In this work, we performed a dynamical analysis of a spacecraft around a nearly equal-mass binary near-Earth asteroid with application to the asteroid 2017 YE5, which is also a possible dormant Jupiter-family comet. Thus, we investigated the motion of a particle around this binary system using the circular restricted three-body problem. We calculated the locations of the Lagrangian points of the system and their Jacobi constant. Through numerical simulations, using the Poincar\'e Surface of Sections, it was possible to find several prograde and retrograde periodic orbits around each binary system's primary, some exhibiting significantly-sized higher-order behavior. We also calculated the stability of these orbits. After finding the periodic orbits, we investigated the influence of solar radiation pressure on these orbits. For this analysis, we considered that the area-to-mass ratio equals 0.01 and 0.1. We also performed a spacecraft lifetime analysis considering the physical and orbital characteristics of the 2017YE5 system and investigated the behavior of a spacecraft in the vicinity of this system. We analyzed direct and retrograde orbits for different values of Jacobi's constant. This study investigated orbits that survive for at least six months, not colliding or escaping the system during that time. We also analyze the initial conditions that cause the spacecraft to collide with $M_1$ or $M_2$, or escape from the system. In this work, we take into account the gravitational forces of the binary asteroid system and the solar radiation pressure (SRP). Finally, we calculated optimal bi-impulsive orbital maneuvers between the collinear Lagrangian points. We found a family of possible orbital transfers considering times of flight between 0.1 and 1 day.

L. B. T. Santos, Allan Kardec de Almeida Jr, P. A. Sousa-Silva, M. O. Terra, D. M. Sanchez, S. Aljbaae, A. F. B. A. Prado, F Monteiro

In this article, equilibrium points and families of periodic orbits in the vicinity of the collinear equilibrium points of a binary asteroid system are investigated with respect to the angular velocity of the secondary body, the mass ratio of the system and the size of the secondary. We assume that the gravitational fields of the bodies are modeled assuming the primary as a mass point and the secondary as a rotating mass dipole. This model allows to compute families of planar and halo periodic orbits that emanate from the equilibrium points $ L_1 $ and $L_2$. The stability and bifurcations of these families are analyzed and the results are compared with the results obtained with the Restricted Three-Body Problem (RTBP). The results provide an overview of the dynamical behavior in the vicinity of a binary asteroid system.

L. B. T. Santos, L. O. Marchi, P. A. Sousa-Silva, D. M. Sanchez, S. Aljbaae, A. F. B. A. Prado

The orbital dynamics of a spacecraft orbiting around irregular small celestial bodies is a challenging problem. Difficulties to model the gravity field of these bodies arise from the poor knowledge of the exact shape as observed from the Earth. In order to understand the complex dynamical environment in the vicinity of irregular asteroids, several studies have been conducted using simplified models. In this work, we investigate the qualitative dynamics in the vicinity of an asteroid with an arched shape using a tripole model based on the existence of three mass points linked to each other by rods with given lengths and negligible masses. We applied our results to some real systems, namely, asteroids 8567, 243 Ida and 433 Eros and also Phobos, one of the natural satellites of Mars.

Benjamin F. Williams, Meredith Durbin, Dustin Lang, Julianne J. Dalcanton, Andrew E. Dolphin, Adam Smercina, Petia Yanchulova Merica-Jones, Daniel R. Weisz, Eric F. Bell, Karoline M. Gilbert, Leo Girardi, Karl Gordon, Puragra Guhathakurta, L. Clifton Johnson, Tod R. Lauer, Anil Seth, Evan Skillman

28 pages, 4 tables, 18 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series

We present the final legacy version of stellar photometry for the Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury (PHAT) survey. We have reprocessed all of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) and Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) near ultraviolet (F275W, F336W), optical (F475W, F814W), and near infrared (F110W, F160W) imaging from the PHAT survey using an improved method that optimized the survey depth and chip gap coverage by including all overlapping exposures in all bands in the photometry. An additional improvement was gained through the use of charge transfer efficiency (CTE) corrected input images, which provide more complete star finding as well as more reliable photometry for the NUV bands, which had no CTE correction in the previous version of the PHAT photometry. While this method requires significantly more computing resources and time than earlier versions where the photometry was performed on individual pointings, it results in smaller systematic instrumental completeness variations as demonstrated by cleaner maps in stellar density, and it results in optimal constraints on stellar fluxes in all bands from the survey data. Our resulting catalog has 138 million stars, 18% more than the previous catalog, with lower density regions gaining as much as 40% more stars. The new catalog produces nearly seamless population maps which show relatively well-mixed distributions for populations associated with ages older than 1-2 Gyr, and highly structured distributions for the younger populations.

Jiayi Liu, Xudong Sun, Peter W. Schuck, Sarah A. Jaeggli, Brian T. Welsch, Carlos Quintero Noda

17 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ

Delta ($\delta$) sunspots sometimes host fast photospheric flows along the central magnetic polarity inversion line (PIL). Here we study the strong Doppler shift signature in the central penumbral light bridge of solar active region NOAA 12673. Observations from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) indicate highly sheared, strong magnetic fields. Large Doppler shifts up to 3.2 km s$^{-1}$ appeared during the formation of the light bridge and persisted for about 16 hours. A new velocity estimator, called DAVE4VMwDV, reveals fast converging and shearing motion along the PIL from HMI vector magnetograms, and recovers the observed Doppler signal much better than an old version of the algorithm. The inferred velocity vectors are largely (anti-)parallel to the inclined magnetic fields, suggesting that the observed Doppler shift contains significant contribution from the projected, field-aligned flows. High-resolution observations from the Hinode/Spectro-Polarimeter (SP) further exhibit a clear correlation between the Doppler velocity and the cosine of the magnetic inclination, which is in agreement with HMI results and consistent with a field-aligned flow of about 9.6 km s$^{-1}$. The complex Stokes profiles suggest significant gradients of physical variables along the line of sight. We discuss the implications on the $\delta$-spot magnetic structure and the flow-driving mechanism.

Spencer C. Wallace, Thomas R. Quinn

22 pages, 15 figures

Formation models in which terrestrial bodies grow via the pairwise accretion of planetesimals have been reasonably successful at reproducing the general properties of the solar system, including small body populations. However, planetesimal accretion has not yet been fully explored in the context of the wide variety of recently discovered extrasolar planetary systems, particularly those that host short-period terrestrial planets. In this work, we use direct N-body simulations to explore and understand the growth of planetary embryos from planetesimals in disks extending down to ~1 day orbital periods. We show that planetesimal accretion becomes nearly 100 percent efficient at short orbital periods, leading to embryo masses that are much larger than the classical isolation mass. For rocky bodies, the physical size of the object begins to occupy a significant fraction of its Hill sphere towards the inner edge of the disk. In this regime, most close encounters result in collisions, rather than scattering, and the system does not develop a bimodal population of dynamically hot planetesimals and dynamically cold oligarchs, like is seen in previous studies. The highly efficient accretion seen at short orbital periods implies that systems of tightly-packed inner planets should be almost completely devoid of any residual small bodies. We demonstrate the robustness of our results to assumptions about the initial disk model, and also investigate the effects that our simplified collision model has on the emergence of this non-oligarchic growth mode in a planet forming disk.

Naoki Seto

5 pages, accepted for publication in MNRAS

Two groups recently analyzed the long-term orbital evolution of HM Cancri, which is one of the most important verification binaries for the space gravitational wave detector LISA. By using the reported first and second derivatives of its orbital frequency $f$, we discuss potential tertiary effects on this binary. We found that, in contrast to the first derivative $\dot f$, the second derivative $\ddot f$ might be strongly affected by a dark tertiary component such as an old white dwarf with an outer orbital period of $\sim$250 years.

Yulan Liu, Robert A. Main, Joris P. W. Verbiest, Ziwei Wu, Krishnakumar M. Ambalappat, Jiguang Lu, David J. Champion, Ismaël Cognard, Lucas Guillemot, Kuo Liu, James W. McKee, Nataliya Porayko, Golam. M. Shaifullah, Gilles Theureau

Accepted by SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy ( SCPMA)

Annual variations of interstellar scintillation can be modelled to constrain parameters of the ionized interstellar medium. If a pulsar is in a binary system, then investigating the orbital parameters is possible through analysis of the orbital variation of scintillation. In observations carried out from 2011 January to 2020 August by the European Pulsar Timing Array radio telescopes, PSRs~J0613$-$0200 and J0636+5128 show strong annual variations in their scintillation velocity, while the former additionally exhibits an orbital fluctuation. Bayesian theory and Markov-chain-Monte-Carlo methods are used to interpret these periodic variations. We assume a thin and anisotropic scattering screen model, and discuss the mildly and extremely anisotropic scattering cases. PSR~J0613$-$0200 is best described by mildly anisotropic scattering, while PSR~J0636+5128 exhibits extremely anisotropic scattering. We measure the distance, velocity and degree of anisotropy of the scattering screen for our two pulsars, finding that scattering screen distances from Earth for PSRs~J0613$-$0200 and J0636+5128 are 316$^{+28}_{-20}$\,pc and 262$^{+96}_{-38}$\,pc, respectively. The positions of these scattering screens are coincident with the shell of the Local Bubble towards both pulsars. These associations add to the growing evidence of the Local Bubble shell as a dominant region of scattering along many sightlines.

Sébastien Vievard, Elsa Huby, Sylvestre Lacour, Olivier Guyon, Nick Cvetojevic, Nemanja Jovanovic, Julien Lozi, Kevin Barjot, Vincent Deo, Gaspard Duchêne, Takayuki Kotani, Franck Marchis, Daniel Rouan, Guillermo Martin, Manon Lallement, Vincent Lapeyrere, Frantz Martinache, Kyohoon Ahn, Nour Skaf, Motohide Tamura, Leilehua Yuen, Leinani Lozi, Guy Perrin

Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics on July 7th 2023

FIRST is a spectro-interferometer combining, in the visible, the techniques of aperture masking and spatial filtering thanks to single-mode fibers. This instrument aims to deliver high contrast capabilities at spatial resolutions that are inaccessible to classical coronagraphic instruments. The technique implemented is called pupil remapping: the telescope is divided into subpupils by a segmented deformable mirror conjugated to a micro-lens array injecting light into single-mode fibers. The fiber outputs are rearranged in a nonredundant configuration, allowing simultaneous measurement of all baseline fringe patterns. The fringes are also spectrally dispersed, increasing the coherence length and providing precious spectral information. The optical setup of the instrument has been adapted to fit onto the SCExAO platform at the Subaru Telescope. We present the first on-sky demonstration of the FIRST instrument at the Subaru telescope. We used eight subapertures, each with a diameter of about 1 m. Closure phase measurements were extracted from the interference pattern to provide spatial information on the target. We tested the instrument on two types of targets : a point source (Keho'oea) and a binary system (Hokulei). An average accuracy of 0.6 degree is achieved on the closure phase measurements of Keho'oea, with a statistical error of about 0.15 degree at best. We estimate that the instrument can be sensitive to structures down to a quarter of the telescope spatial resolution. We measured the relative positions of Hokulei Aa and Ab with an accuracy about 1 mas. FIRST opens new observing capabilities in the visible wavelength range at the Subaru Telescope. With SCExAO being a testing platform for high contrast imaging instrumentation for future 30-meter class telescopes, FIRST is an important stepping stone for future interferometric instrumentation on extremely large telescopes.

Harnessing solar radiation pressure is key to transforming space exploration with multiple low cost sunlight propelled spacecraft to outer reaches of space. By controlling the direction of sunlight momentum transfer new missions and better maneuvering in space can be accessed. Here, we discuss design principles for taming in-plane radiation pressure under ambient sunlight. We propose and study theoretically ultra-wideband polarization insensitive metasurfaces for anomalous light reflection. Our design based on segmented tapered patch nanoantenna arrays allows reflection of >60% into one diffraction orders over a 400 nm band across larger part of the solar spectrum. Owing to a wideband nature and polarization insensitivity, our structures convert incident radiation into in-plane radiation pressure force with almost 30% efficiency. We discuss applications of our design to controlling solar sail spin. Beyond solar sailing, we envision that such anomalous metasurfaces for ambient sunlight will find use in solar concentration, spectrum splitting, and solar fuels.

Nicholas F. Wogan, David C. Catling, Kevin J. Zahnle, Roxana Lupu

Accepted by Planetary Science Journal on 7/4/23

The origin of life on Earth would benefit from a prebiotic atmosphere that produced nitriles, like HCN, which enable ribonucleotide synthesis. However, geochemical evidence suggests that Hadean air was relatively oxidizing with negligible photochemical production of prebiotic molecules. These paradoxes are resolved by iron-rich asteroid impacts that transiently reduced the entire atmosphere, allowing nitriles to form in subsequent photochemistry. Here, we investigate impact-generated reducing atmospheres using new time-dependent, coupled atmospheric chemistry and climate models, which account for gas-phase reactions and surface-catalysis. The resulting H$_2$-, CH$_4$- and NH$_3$-rich atmospheres persist for millions of years, until hydrogen escapes to space. HCN and HCCCN production and rainout to the surface can reach $10^9$ molecules cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ in hazy atmospheres with a mole ratio of $\mathrm{CH_4} / \mathrm{CO_2} > 0.1$. Smaller $\mathrm{CH_4} / \mathrm{CO_2}$ ratios produce HCN rainout rates $< 10^5$ molecules cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$, and negligible HCCCN. The minimum impactor mass that creates atmospheric $\mathrm{CH_4} / \mathrm{CO_2} > 0.1$ is $4 \times 10^{20}$ to $5 \times 10^{21}$ kg (570 to 1330 km diameter), depending on how efficiently iron reacts with a steam atmosphere, the extent of atmospheric equilibration with an impact-induced melt pond, and the surface area of nickel that catalyzes CH$_4$ production. Alternatively, if steam permeates and deeply oxidizes crust, impactors $\sim 10^{20}$ kg could be effective. Atmospheres with copious nitriles have $> 360$ K surface temperatures, perhaps posing a challenge for RNA longevity, although cloud albedo can produce cooler climates. Regardless, post-impact cyanide can be stockpiled and used in prebiotic schemes after hydrogen has escaped to space.

J. Jurysek, T. Tavernier, V. Novotný, M. Heller, D. Mandat, M. Pech, C. Alispach, A. Araudo, V. Beshley, J. Blazek, J. Borkowski, S. Boula, T. Bulik, F. Cadoux, S. Casanova, A. Christov, L. Chytka, D. della Volpe, Y. Favre, L. Gibaud, T. Gieras, P. Hamal, M. Hrabovsky, M. Jelínek, V. Karas, E. Lyard, E. Mach, W. Marek, S. Michal, J. Michałowski, R. Moderski, T. Montaruli, A. Muraczewski, S. R. Muthyala, A. Nagai, K. Nalewajski, D. Neise, J. Niemiec, M. Nikołajuk, M. Ostrowski, M. Palatka, M. Prouza, P. Rajda, P. Schovanek, K. Seweryn, V. Sliusar, Ł. Stawarz, J. Świerblewski, P. Świerk, J. Štrobl, J. Vícha, R. Walter, A. Zagdański, K. Zietara

Submitted as proceeding for the 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2023), 8 pages, 6 figures

The Single-Mirror Small-Sized Telescope, or SST-1M, was originally developed as a prototype of a small-sized telescope for CTA, designed to form an array for observations of gamma-ray-induced atmospheric showers for energies above 3 TeV. A pair of SST-1M telescopes is currently being commissioned at the Ondrejov Observatory in the Czech Republic, and the telescope capabilities for mono and stereo observations are being tested in better astronomical conditions. The final location for the telescopes will be decided based on these tests. In this contribution, we present a data analysis pipeline called sst1mpipe, and the performance of the telescopes when working independently and in a stereo regime.

Interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) have low proton beta across a broad range of heliocentric distances and a magnetic flux rope structure at large scales, making them a unique environment for studying solar wind fluctuations. Power spectra of magnetic field fluctuations in 28 ICMEs observed between 0.25 and 0.95 au by Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe have been examined. At large scales, the spectra were dominated by power contained in the flux ropes. Subtraction of the background flux rope fields reduced the mean spectral index from $-5/3$ to $-3/2$ at $kd_i \leq 10^{-3}$. Rope subtraction also revealed shorter correlation lengths in the magnetic field. The spectral index was typically near $-5/3$ and radially invariant in the inertial range regardless of rope subtraction, and steepened to values consistently below $-3$ with transition to kinetic scales. The high-frequency break point terminating the inertial range evolved almost linearly with radial distance and was closer in scale to the proton inertial length than the proton gyroscale, as expected for plasma at low proton beta. Magnetic compressibility at inertial scales did not grow with radial distance, in contrast to the solar wind generally. In ICMEs, the distinctive spectral properties at injection scales appear mostly determined by the global flux rope structure while transition-kinetic properties are more influenced by the low proton beta; the intervening inertial range appears independent of both ICME features, indicative of a system-independent scaling of the turbulence.

Zhiyu Lu, Batool Imtiaz, Dongdong Zhang, Yi-Fu Cai

23 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables

Self-interacting dark radiations (SIdr) can have significant implications in the evolution of the universe, affecting the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and the clustering of large-scale structures. In this work, we analyze the implications of SIdr on the CMB power spectrum and explore its potential in resolving the Hubble tension. SIdr exhibits two distinct behaviors based on the interacting strength: strongly self-coupled and medium self-coupled. These behaviors are evident in the analysis of CMB data. According to Planck data, the dark radiation component consists of both free-streaming neutrinos and possible SIdr. The total contribution from these components yields relativistic species with $N_{\rm eff}=3.046$. In the framework of universal coupling between dark radiations, a consistent value of $N_{\rm eff}=3.27_{-0.31}^{+0.23}$ is obtained. Additionally, this coupling results in an increase in the Hubble constant ($H_0$) to $70.1_{-1.6}^{+1.3}, \text{km/s/Mpc}$. However, when considering the number of free-streaming neutrinos as a parameter, the existence of SIdr is not supported. This makes its fraction in radiation to be $R_x=0.047^{+0.025}_{-0.053}$. Although the Hubble constant is still enhanced, it comes at the expense of a higher $N_{\rm eff}=3.52\pm0.25$. Our findings reveal that the ACT and SPT data provide support for the presence of SIdr, particularly when considering a variable number of free-streaming species. In this case, SIdr accounts for approximately 12.7\% of the total radiation content. However, it is important to note that relying solely on SIdr is insufficient to completely resolve the Hubble tension. Finally, we investigate the constraints on SIdr imposed by future experiments, which improve the limits on scaled interacting strength $\log_{10}\tilde G_{\rm eff}$ by a factor of 4.5 compared to the current constraints.

G. Valori, D. Calchetti, A. Moreno Vacas, É. Pariat, S.K. Solanki, P. Löschl, J. Hirzberger, S. Parenti, K. Albert, N. Albelo Jorge, A. Álvarez-Herrero, T. Appourchaux, L.R. Bellot Rubio, J. Blanco Rodríguez, A. Campos-Jara, A. Feller, A. Gandorfer, P. García Parejo, D. Germerott, L. Gizon, J.M. Gómez Cama, L. Guerrero, P. Gutierrez-Marques, F. Kahil, M. Kolleck, A. Korpi-Lagg, D. Orozco Suárez, I. Pérez-Grande, E. Sanchis Kilders, J. Schou, U. Schühle, J. Sinjan, J. Staub, H. Strecker, J.C. del Toro Iniesta, R. Volkmer, J. Woch

32 pages, 12 figures, accepted in A&A on 09/07/2023

Spectropolarimetric reconstructions of the photospheric vector magnetic field are intrinsically limited by the 180$^\circ$-ambiguity in the orientation of the transverse component. So far, the removal of such an ambiguity has required assumptions about the properties of the photospheric field, which makes disambiguation methods model-dependent. The basic idea is that the unambiguous line-of-sight component of the field measured from one vantage point will generally have a non-zero projection on the ambiguous transverse component measured by the second telescope, thereby determining the ``true'' orientation of the transverse field. Such an idea was developed and implemented in the Stereoscopic Disambiguation Method (SDM), which was recently tested using numerical simulations. In this work we present a first application of the SDM to data obtained by the High Resolution Telescope (HRT) onboard Solar Orbiter during the March 2022 campaign, when the angle with Earth was 27 degrees. The method is successfully applied to remove the ambiguity in the transverse component of the vector magnetogram solely using observations (from HRT and from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager), for the first time. The SDM is proven to provide observation-only disambiguated vector magnetograms that are spatially homogeneous and consistent. A discussion about the sources of error that may limit the accuracy of the method, and of the strategies to remove them in future applications, is also presented.

Long Li, Shu-Qing Zhong, Zi-Gao Dai

16 Pages, 9 Figures, 2 Tables, Accepted by ApJL

Whether binary neutron star mergers are the only astrophysical site of rapid neutron-capture process ($r$-process) nucleosynthesis remains unknown. Collapsars associated with long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and hypernovae are promising candidates. Simulations have shown that outflows from collapsar accretion disks can produce enough $r$-process materials to explain the abundances in the universe. However, there is no observational evidence to confirm this result at present. SN 2020bvc is a broad-lined type Ic (Ic-BL) supernova (SN) possibly associated with a low-luminosity GRB. Based on semi-analytic SN emission models with and without $r$-process materials, we perform a fitting to the multi-band light curves and photospheric velocities of SN 2020bvc. We find that in a $r$-process-enriched model the mixing of $r$-process materials slows down the photospheric recession and therefore matches the velocity evolution better. The fitting results show that $r$-process materials with mass of $\approx0.36~M_\odot$ and opacity of $\approx4~\rm cm^2~g^{-1}$ is needed to mix with about half of the SN ejecta. Our fitting results are weakly dependent on the nebular emission. Future statistical analysis of a sample of type Ic-BL SNe helps us understand the contribution of collapsars to the $r$-process abundance.

Sioree Ansar, Sandeep K Kataria, Mousumi Das

4 pages, 3 figures, part of Dynamical Masses of Local Group Galaxies: IAU Symposium 379

Dark matter (DM) halo angular momentum is very challenging to determine from observations of galaxies. In this study, we present a new hybrid method of estimating the dimensionless halo angular momentum, halo spin of a gas-rich dwarf barred galaxy UGC5288 using N-Body/SPH simulations. We forward model the galaxy disk properties: stellar and gas mass, surface densities, disk scalelengths, bar length and bar ellipticity from observations. We use the HI rotation curve to constrain the DM halo density profile and further use the bar properties to determine the models that best represent the observed baryonic disk. We compare the halo spin profile from our models to the halo spin profiles of similar mass dwarf galaxy analogues of UGC5288 in the TNG50 simulations. The halo spin profile from our simulated models matches within ballpark values of the median spin profile of UGC5288 analogues in the TNG50 simulations, although there are some uncertainties due to the DM halo evolutionary history.

Paula Gherghinescu, Payel Das, Robert J. J. Grand, Matthew D. A. Orkney

16 pages, 18 figures. Submitted to MNRAS

In this work, we present an action-based dynamical equilibrium model to constrain the phase-space distribution of stars in the stellar halo, present-day dark matter distribution, and the total mass distribution in M31-like galaxies. The model comprises a three-component gravitational potential (stellar bulge, stellar disk, and a dark matter halo), and a double-power law distribution function (DF), $f(\mathbf{J})$, which is a function of actions. A Bayesian model-fitting algorithm was implemented that enabled both parameters of the potential and DF to be explored. After testing the model-fitting algorithm on mock data drawn from the model itself, it was applied to a set of three M31-like haloes from the Auriga simulations (Auriga 21, Auriga 23, Auriga 24). Furthermore, we tested the equilibrium assumption and the ability of a double-power law distribution function to represent the stellar halo stars. The model incurs an error in the total enclosed mass of around 10 percent out to 100 kpc, thus justifying the equilibrium assumption. Furthermore, the double-power law DF used proves to be an appropriate description of the investigated M31-like halos. The anisotropy profiles of the halos were also investigated and discussed from a merger history point of view.

In this work, we systematically investigate the scale-dependent angular momentum flux by analysing high-resolution three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations in which the solar-like differential rotation is reproduced without using any manipulations. More specifically, the magnetic angular momentum transport (AMT) plays a dominant role in the calculations. We examine the important spatial scales for the magnetic AMT. The main conclusions of our approach can be summarized as follows: 1. Turbulence transports the angular momentum radially inward. This effect is more pronounced in the highest resolution calculation. 2. The dominant scale for the magnetic AMT is the smallest spatial scale. 3. The dimensionless magnetic correlation is low in the high-resolution simulation. Thus, chaotic but strong small-scale magnetic fields achieve efficient magnetic AMT.

Emma Perracchione, Fabiana Camattari, Anna Volpara, Paolo Massa, Anna Maria Massone, Michele Piana

Aims: To formulate, implement, and validate a user-independent release of CLEAN for Fourier-based image reconstruction of hard X-rays flaring sources. Methods: CLEAN is an iterative deconvolution method for radio and hard X-ray solar imaging. In a specific step of its pipeline, CLEAN requires the convolution between an idealized version of the instrumental Point Spread Function (PSF), and a map collecting point sources located at positions on the solar disk from where most of the flaring radiation is emitted. This convolution step has highly heuristic motivations and the shape of the idealized PSF, which depends on the user's choice, impacts the shape of the overall reconstruction. Here we propose the use of an interpolation/extrapolation process to avoid this user-dependent step, and to realize a completely unbiased version of CLEAN. Results: Applications to observations recorded by the Spectrometer/Telescope for Imaging X-rays (STIX) on-board Solar Orbiter show that this unbiased release of CLEAN outperforms the standard version of the algorithm in terms of both automation and reconstruction reliability, with reconstructions whose accuracy is in line with the one offered by other imaging methods developed in the STIX framework. Conclusions: This unbiased version of CLEAN proposes a feasible solution to a well-known open issue concerning CLEAN, i.e., its low degree of automation. Further, this study provided the first application of an interpolation/extrapolation approach to image reconstruction from STIX experimental visibilities.

Yilun Wang, Haibo Yuan, Bingqiu Chen, Xinlei Chen, Hao Wu, Zexi Niu, Jifeng Li

We found 50 new globular cluster (GC) candidates around M\,31 with Gaia Early Data Release 3 (EDR3), with the help from Pan-STARRS1 DR1 magnitudes and Pan-Andromeda Archaeological Survey (PAndAS) images. Based on the latest Revised Bologna Catalog and \textit{simbad}, we trained 2 Random Forest (RF) classifiers, the first one to distinguish extended sources from point sources and the second one to further select GCs from extended sources. From 1.85 million sources of $16^m{<}g{<}19.5^m$ and within a large area of $\sim$392\,deg$^2$ around M\,31, we selected 20,658 extended sources and 1,934 initial GC candidates. After visual inspection of the PAndAS images to eliminate the contamination of non-cluster sources, particularly galaxies, we finally got 50 candidates. These candidates are divided into 3 types (\textbf{a}, \textbf{b}, \textbf{c}) according to their projected distance $D$ to the center of M\,31 and their probability to be a true GC, $P_{GC}$, which is calculated by our second RF classifier. Among these candidates, 14 are found to be associated (in projection) with the large-scale structures within the halo of M\,31. We also provided several simple parameter criteria for selecting extended sources effectively from the Gaia EDR3, which can reach a completeness of 92.1\% with a contamination fraction lower than 10\%.

A. P. Milone, G. Cordoni, A. F. Marino, F. Muratore, F. D'Antona, M. Di Criscienzo, E. Dondoglio, E. P. Lagioia, M. V. Legnardi, A. Mohandasan, T. Ziliotto, F. Dell'Agli, M. Tailo, P. Ventura

11 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

Young and intermediate-age star clusters of both Magellanic Clouds exhibit complex color-magnitude diagrams. In addition to the extended main-sequence turn-offs (eMSTOs), commonly observed in star clusters younger than ~2 Gyr, the clusters younger than ~800 Myr exhibit split main sequences (MSs). These comprise a blue MS, composed of stars with low-rotation rates, and a red MS, which hosts fast-rotating stars. While it is widely accepted that stellar populations with different rotation rates are responsible for the eMSTOs and split MSs, their formation and evolution are still debated. A recent investigation of the ~1.7 Gyr old cluster NGC1783 detected a group of eMSTO stars extremely dim in UV bands. Here, we use multi-band Hubble Space Telescope photometry to investigate five star clusters younger than ~200 Myr, including NGC1805, NGC1818, NGC1850, and NGC2164 in the Large Magellanic Cloud, and the Small-Magellanic Cloud cluster NGC330. We discover a group of bright MS stars in each cluster that are significantly dim in the F225W and F275W bands, similar to what is observed in NGC1783. Our result suggests that UV-dim stars are common in young clusters. The evidence that most of them populate the blue MS indicates that they are slow rotators. As a byproduct, we show that the star clusters NGC1850 and BHRT5b exhibit different proper motions, thus corroborating the evidence that they are not gravitationally bound.

Hirotaka Ito, Jin Matsumoto, Shigehiro Nagataki, Donald C. Warren, Maxim V. Barkov, Daisuke Yonetoku

20 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

We explore the properties of photospheric emission in the context of long gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs) using three numerical models that combine relativistic hydrodynamical simulations and Monte Carlo radiation transfer calculations in three dimensions. Our simulations confirm that the photospheric emission gives rise to correlations between the spectral peak energy and luminosity that agree with the observed Yonetoku, Amati, and Golenetskii correlations. It is also shown that the spectral peak energy and luminosity correlate with the bulk Lorentz factor, as indicated in the literature. On the other hand, synthetic spectral shapes tend to be narrower than those of the observations. The result indicates that an additional physical process that can provide non-thermal broadening is needed to reproduce the spectral features. Furthermore, the polarization analysis finds that, while the degree of polarization is low for the emission from the jet core ($\Pi < 4~\%$), it tends to increase with the viewing angle outside the core and can be as high as $\Pi \sim 20-40~\%$ in an extreme case. This suggests that the typical GRBs show systematically low polarization compared to softer, dimmer counterparts (X-ray-rich GRBs and X-ray flashes). Interestingly, our simulations indicate that photospheric emission exhibits large temporal variation in the polarization position angle ($\Delta \psi \sim 90^{\circ}$), which may be compatible with those inferred in observations. A notable energy dependence of the polarization property is another characteristic feature found in the current study. Particularly, the difference in the position angle among different energy bands can be as large as $\sim 90^{\circ}$.

M. Evangelista-Santana (Observatório Nacional), M. De Prá (University of Central Florida), J. M. Carvano (Observatório Nacional), C. de la Fuente Marcos (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), R. de la Fuente Marcos (AEGORA Research Group, Universidad Complutense de Madrid), M R. Alarcon (Universidad de La Laguna, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias), J. Licandro (Universidad de La Laguna, Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias), D. Lazzaro (Observatório Nacional), J. Michimani (Observatório Nacional), W. Pereira (Observatório Nacional), E. Rondón (Observatório Nacional), F. Monteiro (Observatório Nacional), P. Arcoverde (Observatório Nacional), T. Corrêa (Observatório Nacional), T. Rodrigues (Observatório Nacional), C. Paganini-Martins (Universidade Federal de Sergipe)

8 pages, 7 figures

We present an observational and numerical study of the borderline hyperbolic comet C/2021 O3 (PANSTARRS) performed during its recent passage through the inner Solar system. Our observations were carried out at OASI and SOAR between 2021 October and 2022 January, and reveal a low level of activity relative to which was measured for other long-period comets. In addition, we observed a decrease in brightness as the comet got closer to the Sun. Our photometric data, obtained as C/2021 O3 approached perihelion on 2022 April 21, show that the comet was much less active than what is usually expected in the cases of long-period comets, with $Af\rho$ values more in line with those of short-period comets (specifically, the Jupiter Family Comets). On the other hand, the observed increase in the value of the spectral slope as the amount of dust in the coma decreased could indicate that the smaller dust particles were being dispersed from the coma by radiation pressure faster than they were injected by possible sublimation jets. The analysis of its orbital evolution suggests that C/2021 O3 could be a dynamically old comet, or perhaps a new one masquerading as a dynamically old comet, with a likely origin in the Solar system.

E. Aristidi, B. Carry, K. Minker, J.-L. Prieur, M. Scardia, J.-P. Rivet, P. Bendjoya, L. Abe, R.-W. Argyle, L. Koechlin, J.F. Ling, L. Maccarini, L. Pansecchi, L. Piccotti, J. Serot, D. Vernet

We present new speckle measurements of the position of Linus, the satellite of the asteroid (22) Kalliope, obtained at the 1m C2PU-Epsilon telescope on the Plateau de Calern, France. Observations were made in the visible domain with the speckle camera PISCO. We obtained 122 measurements in February-March 2022 and April 2023, with a mean uncertainty close to 10 milli-arcseconds on the angular separation.

A. Domínguez (UC Madrid & IPARCOS), M. Láinez (UC Madrid & IPARCOS), V. S. Paliya (IUCAA), N. Álvarez-Crespo, M. Ajello, J. Finke, M. Nievas-Rosillo, J. L. Contreras, A. Desai

13 pages, 7 figures, 1 table; submitted to MNRAS

The extragalactic high-energy $\gamma$-ray sky is dominated by blazars, which are active galactic nuclei with their jets pointing towards us. Distance measurements are of fundamental importance yet for some of these sources are challenging because any spectral signature from the host galaxy may be outshone by the non-thermal emission from the jet. In this paper, we present a method to constrain redshifts for these sources that relies only on data from the Large Area Telescope on board the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. This method takes advantage of the signatures that the pair-production interaction between photons with energies larger than approximately 10 GeV and the extragalactic background light leaves on $\gamma$-ray spectra. We find upper limits for the distances of 303 $\gamma$-ray blazars, classified as 157 BL Lacertae objects, 145 of uncertain class, and 1 flat-spectrum-radio quasar, whose redshifts are otherwise unknown. These derivations can be useful for planning observations with imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes and also for testing theories of supermassive black hole evolution. Our results are applied to estimate the detectability of these blazars with the future Cherenkov Telescope Array, finding that at least 21 of them could be studied in a reasonable exposure of 20 h.

Fernando Moreno, Adriano Campo Bagatin, Gonzalo Tancredi, Jian-Yang Li, Alessandro Rossi, Fabio Ferrari, Masatoshi Hirabayashi, Eugene Fahnestock, Alain Maury, Robert Sandness, Andrew S. Rivkin, Andy Cheng, Tony L. Farnham, Stefania Soldini, Carmine Giordano, Gianmario Merisio, Paolo Panicucci, Mattia Pugliatti, Alberto J. Castro-Tirado, Emilio Fernandez-Garcia, Ignacio Perez-Garcia, Stavro Ivanovski, Antti Penttila, Ludmilla Kolokolova, Javier Licandro, Olga Munoz, Zuri Gray, Jose L. Ortiz, Zhong-Yi Lin

Accepted by Planetary Science Journal, July 7th, 2023

The NASA/DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) spacecraft successfully crashed on Dimorphos, the secondary component of the binary (65803) Didymos system. Following the impact, a large dust cloud was released, and a long-lasting dust tail was developed. We have extensively monitored the dust tail from the ground and from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). We provide a characterization of the ejecta dust properties, i.e., particle size distribution and ejection speeds, ejection geometric parameters, and mass, by combining both observational data sets, and by using Monte Carlo models of the observed dust tail. The differential size distribution function that best fits the imaging data was a broken power-law, having a power index of --2.5 for particles of r$\le$ 3 mm, and of --3.7 for larger particles. The particles range in sizes from 1 $\mu$m up to 5 cm. The ejecta is characterized by two components, depending on velocity and ejection direction. The northern component of the double tail, observed since October 8th 2022, might be associated to a secondary ejection event from impacting debris on Didymos, although it is also possible that this feature results from the binary system dynamics alone. The lower limit to the total dust mass ejected is estimated at $\sim$6$\times$10$^6$ kg, half of this mass being ejected to interplanetary space.

Jared Cathey, Anthony H. Gonzalez, Sidney Lower, Kedar A. Phadke, Justin Spilker, Manuel Aravena, Jack E. Birkin, Simon Birrer, Scott Chapman, Håkon Dahle, Cristopher C. Hayward, Yashar Hezaveh, Ryley Hill, Taylor A. Hutchison, Guillaume Mahler, Daniel P. Marrone, Desika Narayanan, Alexander Navarre, Cassie Reuter, Jane R. Rigby, Keren Sharon, Manuel Solimano, Nikolaus Sulzenauer, Joaquin Vieira, David Vizgan

Submitted to AAS Journals,14 pages, 7 figures

We present JWST and ALMA results for the lensing system SPT0418-47, which includes a strongly-lensed, dusty star-forming galaxy at redshift z=4.225 and an associated multiply-imaged companion. JWST NIRCam and MIRI imaging observations presented in this paper were acquired as part of the Early Release Science program Targeting Extremely Magnified Panchromatic Lensed Arcs and Their Extended Star Formation (TEMPLATES). This data set provides robust, mutiwavelength detection of stellar light in both the main (SPT0418A) and companion (SPT0418B) galaxies, while the ALMA detection of [C II] emission confirms that SPT0418B lies at the same redshift as SPT0418A. From a source plane reconstruction, we infer that the projected physical separation of the two galaxies is $4.42\pm 0.05$ kpc. We derive total magnifications of $\mu=29.5\pm1.2$ and $\mu=4.2\pm 0.9$ for SPT0418A and SPT0418B, respectively. We use both CIGALE and PROSPECTOR to derive stellar masses. The stellar mass ratio of SPT0418A and SPT0418B is approximately 4 to 1 ($4.5\pm 1.0$ for CIGALE and $4.2^{+1.9}_{-1.6}$ for PROSPECTOR). We also see evidence of extended structure associated with SPT0418A in the lensing reconstruction that is suggestive of a tidal feature. Interestingly, the star formation rates and stellar masses of both galaxies are consistent with the main sequence of star-forming galaxies at this epoch, indicating that this ongoing interaction has not noticeably elevated the star formation levels.

Maxim Dvornikov (IZMIRAN)

18 pages in LaTeX2e, 15 eps figures

We study the gravitational scattering of ultrarelativistic neutrinos off a rotating supermassive black hole (BH) surrounded by a thick magnetized accretion disk. Neutrinos interact electroweakly with background matter and with the magnetic field in the disk since neutrinos are supposed to possess nonzero magnetic moments. The interaction with external fields results in neutrino spin oscillations. We find that the toroidal magnetic field, inherent in the magnetized Polish doughnut, does not cause a significant spin-flip for any reasonable strengths of the toroidal component. The reduction of the observed neutrino flux, owing to neutrino spin oscillations, is predicted. A poloidal component of the magnetic field gives the main contribution to the modification of the observed flux. The neutrino interaction with matter, rotating with relativistic velocities, also changes the flux of neutrinos. We briefly discuss the idea of the neutrino tomography of magnetic field distributions in accretion disks near BHs.

We report on recent extensions and improvements to the Legolas code, which is an open-source, finite element-based numerical framework to solve the linearised (magneto)hydrodynamic equations for a three-dimensional force- and thermally balanced state with a nontrivial one-dimensional variation. The standard Fourier modes imposed give rise to a complex, generalised non-Hermitian eigenvalue problem which is solved to quantify all linear wave modes of the given system in either Cartesian or cylindrical geometries. The framework now supports subsystems of the eight linearised MHD equations, allowing for pure hydrodynamic setups, only one-dimensional density/temperature/velocity variations, or the option to treat specific closure relations. We discuss optimisations to the internal datastructure and eigenvalue solvers, showing a considerable performance increase in both execution time and memory usage. Additionally the code now has the capability to fully visualise eigenfunctions associated with given wave modes in multiple dimensions, which we apply to standard Kelvin-Helmholtz and Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities in hydrodynamics, thereby providing convincing links between linear stability analysis and the onset of non-linear phenomena.

Rodrigo Stancioli, David Wittman, Kyle Finner, Faik Bouhrik

Galaxy cluster mergers that exhibit clear dissociation between their dark matter, intracluster gas, and stellar components are great laboratories for probing dark matter properties. Mergers that are binary and in the plane of the sky have the additional advantage of being simpler to model, allowing for a better understanding of the merger dynamics. We report the discovery of a galaxy cluster merger with all these characteristics and present a multiwavelength analysis of the system, which was found via a search in the redMaPPer optical cluster catalog. We perform a galaxy redshift survey to confirm the two subclusters are at the same redshift (0.541, with $368\pm519$ km s$^{-1}$ line-of-sight velocity difference between them). The X-ray morphology shows two surface-brightness peaks between the BCGs. We construct weak lensing mass maps that reveal a mass peak associated with each subcluster. Fitting NFW profiles to the lensing data, we find masses of $M_{\rm 200c}=36\pm11\times10^{13}$ and $38\pm11\times10^{13}$ M$_\odot/h$ for the southern and northern subclusters respectively. From the mass maps, we infer that the two mass peaks are separated by $520^{+162}_{-125}$ kpc along the merger axis, whereas the two BCGs are separated by 697 kpc. We also present deep GMRT 650 MHz data to search for a radio relic or halo, and find none. Using the observed merger parameters, we find analog systems in cosmological n-body simulations and infer that this system is observed between 96-236 Myr after pericenter, with the merger axis within $28^{\circ}$ of the plane of the sky.

One long-standing tension in the determination of neutrino parameters is the mismatched value of the solar mass square difference, $\Delta m_{21}^2$, measured by different experiments: the reactor antineutrino experiment KamLAND finds a best fit larger than the one obtained with solar neutrino data. Even if the current tension is mild ($\sim 1.5\sigma$), it is timely to explore if independent measurements could help in either closing or reassessing this issue. In this regard, we explore how a future supernova burst in our galaxy could be used to determine $\Delta m_{21}^2$ at the future Hyper-Kamiokande detector, and how this could contribute to the current situation. We study Earth matter effects for different models of supernova neutrino spectra and supernova orientations. We find that, if supernova neutrino data prefers the KamLAND best fit for $\Delta m_{21}^2$, an uncertainty similar to the current KamLAND one could be achieved. On the contrary, if it prefers the solar neutrino data best fit, the current tension with KamLAND results could grow to a significance larger than $5\sigma$. Furthermore, supernova neutrinos could significantly contribute to reducing the uncertainty on $\sin^2\theta_{12}$.

This paper focuses on the achievable accuracy of center-of-gravity (CoG) centroiding with respect to the ultimate limits defined by the Cramer Rao lower variance bounds. In a practical scenario, systematic centroiding errors occur through coarse sampling of the points-spread-function (PSF) as well as signal truncation errors at the boundaries of the region-of-interest (ROI). While previous studies focused on sampling errors alone, this paper derives and analyzes the full systematic error, as truncation error become increasingly important for small ROIs where the effect of random pixel noise may be more efficiently suppressed than for large ROIs. Unbiased estimators are introduced and analytical expressions derived for their variance, detailing the effects of photon shot noise, pixel random noise and residual systematic error. Analytical results are verified by Monte Carlo simulations and the performances compared to those of other algorithms, such as Iteratively Weighted CoG, Thresholded CoG, and Least Squares Fits. The unbiased estimators allow achieving centroiding errors very close to the Cramer Rao Lower Bound (CRLB), for low and high photon number, at significantly lower computational effort than other algorithms. Additionally, optimal configurations in relation to PSF radius and ROI size and other specific parameters, are determined for all other algorithms, and their normalized centroid error assessed with respect to the CRLB.

Observation of tiny neutrino mass can not be explained within the framework of Standard Model (SM) and it allows us to construct beyond the SM (BSM) scenarios. We consider extra gauge extended scenarios which generate tiny neutrino mass through seesaw mechanism. These scenarios are equipped with a BSM neutral gauge boson called $Z^\prime$ to cancel gauge and mixed gauge-gravity anomalies in the general $U(1)_X$ scenario which is a linear combination of $U(1)_Y$ and $U(1)_{\rm B-L}$. In this case we find that left and right handed fermions interact differently with $Z^\prime$. The $Z^\prime$ gives rise to different processes involving neutrino-nucleon, neutrino-electron, electron-nucleus and electron-muon scattering processes and compared with FASER$\nu(2)$, SND$@$LHC, COHERENT, NA64, JSNS2 and MUonE experiments, respectively. In addition to obtaining constraints on gauge coupling with respect to $Z^\prime$ mass for different general $U(1)_X$ charges, we compare our results with those from proton, electron beam-dump experiments. Recasting data from the long-lived and dark photon searches at BaBaR, LHCb and CMS experiments, we estimate bounds on the gauge coupling and the corresponding gauge boson masses. We derive limits on the general $U(1)_X$ gauge coupling and $Z^\prime$ mass from the electron and muon $g-2$ data for different $U(1)_X$ charges. We recast existing bounds from different beam-dump experiments at Orsay, KEK, E137, CHARM, Nomad, $\nu-$cal, E141, E774, NA64, KEK in our cases in addition to the prospective limits form the future beam-dump scenarios at DUNE, FASER(2) and ILC. Finally we calculate bounds recasting the data of the dilepton and dijet searches from the LEP experiment for complementarity. Such parameter regions could be probed by scattering, beam-dump and collider experiments in future.

Fluid discontinuities such as shock fronts and vortex sheets can reflect waves and become unstable to corrugation. Analytical calculations of these phenomena are tractable in the simplest cases only, while their numerical simulations are biased by truncation errors inherent to discretization schemes. The author lays down a computational framework to study the coupling of normal modes (plane linear waves) through discontinuities satisfying arbitrary conservation laws, as is relevant to a variety of fluid mechanical problems. A systematic method is provided to solve these problems numerically, along with a series of validation cases. As a demonstration, it is applied to magnetohydrodynamic shocks and shear layers to exactly recover their linear stability properties. The straightforward inclusion of nonideal (dispersive, dissipative) effects notably opens a route to investigate how these phenomena are altered in weakly ionized plasmas.

L. Andriambariarijaona, F. Datchi H. Zhang, K. Béneut, B. Baptiste, N. Guignot, S. Ninet

12 pages, 9 figurs

We report a comprehensive experimental investigation of the phase diagram of ammonia hemihydrate (AHH) in the range of 2-30 GPa and 300-700 K, based on Raman spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction experiments and visual observations. Four solid phases, denoted AHH-II, DIMA, pbcc and qbcc, are present in this domain, one of which, AHH-qbcc was discovered in this work. We show that, unlike previously thought, the body-centered cubic (bcc) phase obtained on heating AHH-II below 10 GPa, denoted here as AHH-pbcc, is distinct from the DIMA phase, although both present the same bcc structure and O/N positional disorder. Our results actually indicates that AHH-pbcc is a plastic form of DIMA, characterized by free molecular rotations. AHH-qbcc is observed in the intermediate P-T range between AHH-II and DIMA. It presents a complex x-ray pattern reminiscent of the "quasi-bcc" structures that have been theoretically predicted, although none of these structures is consistent with our data. The transition lines between all solid phases as well as the melting curve have been mapped in detail, showing that: (1) the new qbcc phase is the stable one in the intermediate P-T range 10-19 GPa, 300-450 K, although the II-qbcc transition is kinetically hindered for T < 450 K, and II directly transits to DIMA in a gradual fashion from 25 to 35 GPa at 300 K. (2) The stability domain of qbcc shrinks above 450 K and eventually terminates at a pbcc-qbcc-DIMA triple point at 21.5 GPa-630 K. (3) A direct and reversible transition occurs between AHH-pbcc and DIMA above 630 K. (4) The pbcc solid stability domain extends up to the melting line above 3 GPa, and a II-pbcc-liquid triple point is identified at 3 GPa-320 K.

Harsha M., Gurpreet Singh, Vinod Kumar, Arun Balaji Buduru, Sanat K. Biswas

15 pages, 18 figures (consolidated into 13 figures by using sub figures), submitted to Nature Scientific Report (under review)

With the sustained rise in satellite deployment in Low Earth Orbits, the collision risk from untracked space debris is also increasing. Often small-sized space debris (below 10 cm) are hard to track using the existing state-of-the-art methods. However, knowing such space debris' trajectory is crucial to avoid future collisions. We present a Physics Informed Neural Network (PINN) - based approach for estimation of the trajectory of space debris after a collision event between active satellite and space debris. In this work, we have simulated 8565 inelastic collision events between active satellites and space debris. Using the velocities of the colliding objects before the collision, we calculate the post-collision velocities and record the observations. The state (position and velocity), coefficient of restitution, and mass estimation of un-tracked space debris after an inelastic collision event along with the tracked active satellite can be posed as an optimization problem by observing the deviation of the active satellite from the trajectory. We have applied the classical optimization method, the Lagrange multiplier approach, for solving the above optimization problem and observed that its state estimation is not satisfactory as the system is under-determined. Subsequently, we have designed Deep Neural network-based methods and Physics Informed Neural Network (PINN )based methods for solving the above optimization problem. We have compared the performance of the models using root mean square error (RMSE) and interquartile range of the predictions. It has been observed that the PINN-based methods provide a better prediction for position, velocity, mass and coefficient of restitution of the space debris compared to other methods.

Giovanni Pierobon, Javier Redondo, Ken'ichi Saikawa, Alejandro Vaquero, Guy D. Moore

17 pages, 6 figures

The properties of axion miniclusters and of the voids between them can have very strong implications for the discovery of axions and the dark matter of the Universe. These properties can be strongly affected by axion dynamics in the early Universe, such as the axion string network and the non-linear dynamics around the QCD phase transition. Recently, improvements in numerical simulation techniques have allowed us to calculate the dark matter axion field from axion strings and QCD effects using different methods: directly with low-tension strings but high resolution, directly with effective high-tension strings, or indirectly by extrapolating an attractor solution. In this work, we study the properties of miniclusters in the different approaches used in the literature. We find that, while there are substantial differences in the mass distribution and internal density profiles, globally there is a similar energy distribution between minicluster halos and voids.

We introduce GWDALI, a new Fisher-matrix, python based software that computes likelihood gradients to forecast parameter-estimation precision of arbitrary network of terrestrial gravitational wave detectors observing compact binary coalescences. The main new feature with respect to analogous software is to assess parameter uncertainties beyond Fisher-matrix approximation, using the derivative approximation for Likelihood (DALI). The software makes optional use of the LSC algorithm library LAL and the stochastic sampling algorithm Bilby, which can be used to perform Monte-Carlo sampling of exact or approximate likelihood functions. As an example we show comparison of estimated precision measurement of selected astrophysical parameters for both the actual likelihood, and for a variety of its derivative approximations, which turn out particularly useful when the Fisher matrix is not invertible.