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Papers for Friday, Sep 15 2023

Papers with local authors

Seiji Fujimoto, Rachel Bezanson, Ivo Labbe, Gabriel Brammer, Sedona H. Price, Bingjie Wang, John R. Weaver, Yoshinobu Fudamoto, Pascal A. Oesch, Christina C. Williams, Pratika Dayal, Robert Feldmann, Jenny E. Greene, Joel Leja, Katherine E. Whitaker, Adi Zitrin, Sam E. Cutler, Lukas J. Furtak, Richard Pan, Iryna Chemerynska, Vasily Kokorev, Tim B. Miller, Hakim Atek, Pieter van Dokkum, Stephanie Juneau, Susan Kassin, Gourav Khullar, Danilo Marchesini, Michael Maseda, Erica J. Nelson, David J. Setton, Renske Smit

33 pages, 16 figures, and 5 tables. Submitted to ApJS

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Paper 55 — arXiv:2309.07834
1 vote
Paper 55 — arXiv:2309.07834

We present the survey design and initial results of the ALMA Cycle~9 program of DUALZ, which aims to establish a joint ALMA and JWST public legacy field targeting the massive galaxy cluster Abell 2744. DUALZ features a contiguous $4'\times6'$ ALMA 30-GHz-wide mosaic in Band 6, covering areas of $\mu>2$ down to a sensitivity of $\sigma=32.7$~$\mu$Jy. Through a blind search, we identified 69 dust continuum sources at S/N $\gtrsim5.0$ with median redshift and intrinsic 1.2-mm flux of $z=2.30$ and $S_{\rm 1.2mm}^{\rm int}=0.24$~mJy. Of these, 27 have been spectroscopically confirmed, leveraged by the latest NIRSpec observations, while photometric redshift estimates are constrained by the comprehensive \hst, NIRCam, and ALMA data for the remaining sources. With priors, we further identify a \cii158~$\mu$m line emitter at $z=6.3254\pm0.0004$, confirmed by the latest NIRSpec spectroscopy. The NIRCam counterparts of the 1.2-mm continuum exhibit undisturbed morphologies, denoted either by disk or spheroid, implying the triggers for the faint mm emission are less catastrophic than mergers. We have identified 8 \hst-dark galaxies (F150W$>$27~mag, F150W$-$F444W$>$2.3) and 2 JWST-dark (F444W$>$30~mag) galaxy candidates among the ALMA continuum sources. The former includes face-on disk galaxies, hinting that substantial dust obscuration does not always result from inclination. We also detect a marginal dust emission from an X-ray-detected galaxy at $z_{\rm spec}=10.07$, suggesting an active co-evolution of the central black hole and its host. We assess the infrared luminosity function up to $z\sim10$ and find it consistent with predictions from galaxy formation models. To foster diverse scientific outcomes from the community, we publicly release reduced ALMA mosaic maps, cubes, and the source catalog (URL: https://jwst-uncover.github.io/DR2.html\#DUALZ).

We investigate the local proton energization at magnetic discontinuities/intermittent structures and the corresponding kinetic signatures in velocity phase space in Alfv\'enic and non-Alfv\'enic wind streams observed by Parker Solar Probe. By means of the Partial Variance of Increments method, we find that the hottest proton populations are localized around compressible, kinetic-scale magnetic structures in both types of wind. Furthermore, the Alfv\'enic wind shows preferential enhancements of $T_\parallel$ as smaller scale structures are considered, whereas the non-Alfvenic wind shows preferential $T_\bot$ enhancements. Although proton beams are present in both types of wind, the proton velocity distribution function displays distinct features. Hot beams, i.e., beams with beam-to-core perpendicular temperature up to three times larger than the total distribution anisotropy, are found in the non-Alfv\'enic wind, whereas colder beams in the Alfv\'enic wind. Our data analysis is complemented by 2.5D hybrid simulations in different geometrical setups, which support the idea that proton beams in Alfv\'enic and non-Alfv\'enic wind have different kinetic properties and origins. The development of a perpendicular nonlinear cascade, favored in balanced turbulence, allows a preferential relative enhancement of the perpendicular plasma temperature and the formation of hot beams. Cold field-aligned beams are instead favored by Alfv\'en wave steepening. Non-Maxwellian distribution functions are found near discontinuities and intermittent structures, pointing to the fact that the nonlinear formation of small-scale structures is intrinsically related to the development of highly non-thermal features in collisionless plasmas.

All other papers

Jiwon Jesse Han, Vadim Semenov, Charlie Conroy, Lars Hernquist

Submitted to ApJL

The outer disk of the Milky Way Galaxy is warped and flared. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain these phenomena, but none have quantitatively reproduced both features. Recent work has demonstrated that the Galactic stellar halo is tilted with respect to the disk plane, suggesting that at least some component of the dark matter halo may also be tilted. Here we show that a dark halo tilted in the same direction as the stellar halo can induce a warp and flare in the Galactic disk at the same amplitude and orientation as the data. In our model the warp is visible in both the gas and stars of all ages, which is consistent with the breadth of observational tracers of the warp. These results, in combination with data in the stellar halo, provide compelling evidence that our Galaxy is embedded in a tilted dark matter halo. This misalignment of the dark halo and the disk holds clue to the formation history of the Galaxy, and represents the next step in the dynamical modeling of the Galactic potential.

Jiwon Jesse Han, Charlie Conroy, Lars Hernquist

Published in Nature Astronomy 14 September 2023

The outer disk of the Milky Way Galaxy is warped and flared. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain these phenomena, but none have quantitatively reproduced both features. Recent work has demonstrated that the Galactic stellar halo is tilted with respect to the disk plane, suggesting that at least some component of the dark matter halo may also be tilted. Here we show that a dark halo tilted in the same direction as the stellar halo can induce a warp and flare in the Galactic disk at the same amplitude and orientation as the data. In our model the warp is visible in both the gas and stars of all ages, which is consistent with the breadth of observational tracers of the warp. These results, in combination with data in the stellar halo, provide compelling evidence that our Galaxy is embedded in a tilted dark matter halo. This misalignment of the dark halo and the disk holds clue to the formation history of the Galaxy, and represents the next step in the dynamical modeling of the Galactic potential.

Haowen Zhang, Peter Behroozi, Marta Volonteri, Joseph Silk, Xiaohui Fan, James Aird, Jinyi Yang, Feige Wang, Philip F. Hopkins

15 pages, 12 figures, submitted to MNRAS. Questions and comments are welcome!

We present predictions for the high-redshift halo-galaxy-supermassive black hole (SMBH) connection from the TRINITY model. Constrained by a comprehensive compilation of galaxy ($0\leq z \leq 10$) and SMBH datasets ($0\leq z \leq 6.5$), TRINITY finds: 1) The number of SMBHs with $M_\bullet > 10^9 M_\odot$ in the observable Universe increases by six orders of magnitude from $z\sim10$ to $z\sim2$, and by another factor of $\sim 3$ from $z\sim2$ to $z=0$; 2) The $M_\bullet > 10^9/10^{10} M_\odot$ SMBHs at $z\sim 6$ live in haloes with $\sim (2-3)/(3-5) \times 10^{12} M_\odot$; 3) the new JWST AGNs at $7\lesssim z \lesssim 11$ are broadly consistent with the median SMBH mass-galaxy mass relation for AGNs from TRINITY; 4) Seeds from runaway mergers in nuclear star clusters are viable progenitors for the SMBHs in GN-z11 ($z=10.6$) and CEERS_1019 ($z=8.7$); 5) $z=6-10$ quasar luminosity functions from wide area surveys by, e.g., Roman and Euclid, will reduce uncertainties in the $z=6-10$ SMBH mass-galaxy mass relation by up to $\sim 0.5$ dex.

Chen Sun, Manuel A. Buen-Abad, JiJi Fan

10+3 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables, 3 appendices; comments are welcome

The Hubble diagram of quasars, as candidates to ``standardizable" candles, has been used to measure the expansion history of the Universe at late times, up to very high redshifts ($z \sim 7$). It has been shown that this history, as inferred from the quasar dataset, deviates at $\gtrsim 3 \sigma$ level from the concordance ($\Lambda$CDM) cosmology model preferred by the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and other datasets. In this article, we investigate whether new physics beyond $\Lambda$CDM (B$\Lambda$CDM) or beyond the Standard Model (BSM) could make the quasar data consistent with the concordance model. We first show that an effective redshift-dependent relation between the quasar UV and X-ray luminosities, complementing previous phenomenological work in the literature, can potentially remedy the discrepancy. Such a redshift dependence can be realized in a BSM model with axion-photon conversion in the intergalactic medium (IGM), although the preferred parameter space could be in mild tension with various other astrophysical constraints on axions, depending on the specific assumptions made regarding the IGM magnetic field. We briefly discuss a variation of the axion model that could evade these astrophysical constraints. On the other hand, we show that models beyond $\Lambda$CDM such as one with a varying dark energy equation of state ($w$CDM) or the phenomenological cosmographic model with a polynomial expansion of the luminosity distance, cannot alleviate the tension. The code for our analysis, based on emcee and corner.py, is publicly available at https://github.com/ChenSun-Phys/high_z_candles.

Hannah Fronenberg, Abhishek S. Maniyar, Adrian Liu, Anthony R. Pullen

6 pages, 4 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2309.06477

Standard rulers such as the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) scale serve as workhorses for precision tests of cosmology, enabling distance measurements that probe the geometry and expansion history of our Universe. Aside from BAO measurements from the cosmic microwave background (CMB), most standard ruler techniques operate at relatively low redshifts and depend on biased tracers of the matter density field. In a companion paper, we explored the scientific reach of nulling estimators, where CMB lensing convergence maps are cross-correlated with linear combinations of similar maps from line intensity mapping (LIM) to precisely null out the low-redshift contributions to CMB lensing. We showed that nulling estimators can be used to constrain the high redshift matter power spectrum and showed that this spectrum exhibits discernible BAO features. Here we propose using these features as a standard ruler at high redshifts that does not rely on biased tracers. Forecasting such a measurement at $z \sim 5$, we find that next-generation instruments will be able to constrain the BAO scale to percent-level precision at $7.2 \%$, while our futuristic observing scenario can constrain the BAO scale to $4\%$ precision. This constitutes a fundamentally new kind of BAO measurement during early epochs in our cosmic history.

Julia Fancher, Eric R. Coughlin, Chris Nixon

8 pages, 9 figures, MNRAS accepted

In a tidal disruption event (TDE), a star is destroyed by the gravitational field of a supermassive black hole (SMBH) to produce a stream of debris, some of which accretes onto the SMBH and creates a luminous flare. The distribution of mass along the stream has a direct impact on the accretion rate, and thus modeling the time-dependent evolution of this distribution provides insight into the relevant physical processes that drive the observable properties of TDEs. Analytic models that only account for the ballistic evolution of the debris do not capture salient and time-dependent features of the mass distribution, suggesting that fluid dynamical effects significantly modify the debris dynamics. Previous investigations have claimed that shocks are primarily responsible for these modifications, but here we show -- with high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations -- that self-gravity is the dominant physical mechanism responsible for the anomalous (i.e., not predicted by ballistic models) debris stream features and its time dependence. These high-resolution simulations also show that there is a specific length scale on which self-gravity modifies the debris mass distribution, and as such there is enhanced power in specific Fourier modes. Our results have implications for the stability of the debris stream under the influence of self-gravity, particularly at late times and the corresponding observational signatures of TDEs.

F. Nogueras-Lara, A. Feldmeier-Krause, R. Schödel, M. C. Sormani, A. de Lorenzo-Cáceres, A. Mastrobuono-Battisti, M. Schultheis, N. Neumayer, R. M. Rich, N. Nieuwmunster

Submitted to A&A. 13 pages, 9 figures

The innermost regions of most galaxies are characterised by the presence of extremely dense nuclear star clusters. Nevertheless, these clusters are not the only stellar component present in galactic nuclei, where larger stellar structures known as nuclear stellar discs, have also been found. Understanding the relation between nuclear star clusters and nuclear stellar discs is challenging due to the large distance towards other galaxies which limits their analysis to integrated light. The Milky Way's centre, at only 8 kpc, hosts a nuclear star cluster and a nuclear stellar disc, constituting a unique template to understand their relation and formation scenario. We aim to study the kinematics and stellar metallicity of stars from the Milky Way's nuclear star cluster and disc to shed light on the relation between these two Galactic centre components. We used publicly available photometric, proper motions, and spectroscopic catalogues to analyse a region of $\sim2.8'\times4.9'$ centred on the Milky Way's nuclear star cluster. We built colour magnitude diagrams, and applied colour cuts to analyse the kinematic and metallicity distributions of Milky Way's nuclear star cluster and disc stars with different extinction along the line of sight. We detect kinematics and metallicity gradients for the analysed stars along the line of sight towards the Milky Way's nuclear star cluster, suggesting a smooth transition between the nuclear stellar disc and cluster. We also find a bi-modal metallicity distribution for all the analysed colour bins, which is compatible with previous work on the bulk population of the nuclear stellar disc and cluster. Our results suggest that these two Galactic centre components might be part of the same structure with the Milky Way's nuclear stellar disc being the grown edge of the nuclear star cluster.

Yunyang Li, John W. Appel, Charles L. Bennett, Ricardo Bustos, David T. Chuss, Joseph Cleary, Jullianna Denes Couto, Sumit Dahal, Rahul Datta, Rolando Dünner, Joseph R. Eimer, Thomas Essinger-Hileman, Kathleen Harrington, Jeffrey Iuliano, Tobias A. Marriage, Matthew A. Petroff, Rodrigo A. Reeves, Karwan Rostem, Rui Shi, Deniz A. N. Valle, Duncan J. Watts, Oliver F. Wolff, Edward J. Wollack, Zhilei Xu

16 pages, 14 figures, submitted to ApJ

The dynamic atmosphere imposes challenges to ground-based cosmic microwave background observation, especially for measurements on large angular scales. The hydrometeors in the atmosphere, mostly in the form of clouds, scatter the ambient thermal radiation and are known to be the main linearly polarized source in the atmosphere. This scattering-induced polarization is significantly enhanced for ice clouds due to the alignment of ice crystals under gravity, which are also the most common clouds seen at the millimeter-astronomy sites at high altitudes. This work presents a multifrequency study of cloud polarization observed by the Cosmology Large Angular Scale Surveyor (CLASS) experiment on Cerro Toco in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile, from 2016 to 2022, at the frequency bands centered around 40, 90, 150, and 220 GHz. Using a machine-learning-assisted cloud classifier, we made connections between the transient polarized emission found in all four frequencies with the clouds imaged by monitoring cameras at the observing site. The polarization angles of the cloud events are found to be mostly $90^\circ$ from the local meridian, which is consistent with the presence of horizontally aligned ice crystals. The 90 and 150 GHz polarization data are consistent with a power law with a spectral index of $3.90\pm0.06$, while an excess/deficit of polarization amplitude is found at 40/220 GHz compared with a Rayleigh scattering spectrum. These results are consistent with Rayleigh-scattering-dominated cloud polarization, with possible effects from supercooled water absorption and/or Mie scattering from a population of large cloud particles that contribute to the 220 GHz polarization.

Joseph Saji, Shabnam Iyyani, Kratika Mazde

18 Pages, 8 Figures, 2 Tables, Accepted for publication in ApJS

The extensive observations done by the X-ray telescope onboard Neil Gehrels Swift observatory has revealed the presence of late time flares concurrent with the decaying afterglow emission. However, the origin of these flares are elusive. In this work, we made use of the large database of Swift observations (2005 - 2020) of long GRBs to conduct a systematic statistical study between the prompt gamma ray emission and X-ray flares by characterising their temporal and spectral properties in terms of duration, quiescent period, peak flux, fluence, minimum variability timescale and spectral power-law index. The multi-dimensional database of parameters, thereby, generated was investigated by the principal component analysis which revealed there is no evident correlation between the different parameters of the prompt emission and X-ray flares. Furthermore, the correlation studies reveal that while there is a trend of positive correlation between the minimum variability timescale of flare and its duration, and a strong negative correlation with its peak flux, there are no such correlations observed in the prompt emission. Similarly, we find a positive correlation between the quiescent period and flare duration, and a negative correlation with the flare peak flux, while no such correlations are observed for the prompt emission of GRBs. Finally, among the X-ray flares, we find two dominant classes whose variations are driven by the minimum variability timescale, peak flux and fluences of the flares. A catalog of these different parameters characterising the prompt and flare emissions is presented.

Emiko C. Gardiner, Luke Zoltan Kelley, Anna-Malin Lemke, Andrea Mitridate

15 pages, 11 figures

Pulsar timing arrays have found evidence for a low-frequency gravitational wave background (GWB). The next gravitational wave (GW) signals astronomers anticipate are Continuous Waves (CWs) from single supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHB) and their associated GWB anisotropy. The prospects for detecting CWs and anisotropy are highly dependent on the astrophysics of SMBHB populations. Thus, information from single sources can break degeneracies in astrophysical models and place more stringent constraints than the GWB alone. We simulate and evolve populations of SMBHBs, model their GWs, and calculate the corresponding detection statistics and levels of anisotropy. We investigate how varying components of our semi-analytic model, including the galaxy stellar mass function, the SMBH-host galaxy relation ($M_{BH}-M_{bulge}$), and the binary evolution prescription impact the expected number of CW detections. This CW occurrence rate is greatest for few total galaxies, high galaxy masses, large scatter and normalization in the galaxy-SMBHB mass relation, and long binary hardening times. The occurrence rate depends most on the binary evolution parameters, implying that CWs offer a novel avenue to constrain binary evolution models. The most detectable CW sources are in the lowest frequency bin, have masses of ~$10^9-10^{10}M_\odot$, and are ~$10^3$ Mpc away. The level of anisotropy increases with frequency, with the angular power spectrum over multipole modes $\ell$ varying in low-frequency $C_{\ell>0}/C_0$ from ~$5\times10^{-3}$ to ~$2\times10^{-1}$ depending on the model; typical values are near current Bayesian upper limits. This anisotropy is correlated with the expected number of CW detections and is fully captured by modeling the ten loudest sources in each frequency bin. Observing this anisotropy would support SMBHB models for the GWB over cosmological models, which tend to be isotropic.

H.M. Schutte, M. Zacharias, M. Böttcher, J. Barnard (for the H.E.S.S. collaboration), D.A.H. Buckley, J. Cooper, D. Groenewald

8 pages, 3 figures, ICRC conference

Contemporaneous multiwavelength observations with H.E.S.S., SALT, Fermi-LAT, Swift, and ATOM show that the blazar PKS 1510-089 suffered a significant decrease in its optical flux, degree of optical polarization and high-energy gamma-ray (E > 100 MeV) flux since July 2021. Meanwhile, the X-ray and very-high-energy gamma-ray (E > 100 GeV) fluxes remained steady throughout 2021 and 2022. The degree of optical polarization decreased to about zero in 2022, indicating an unpolarized dominating accretion disk component in the optical-UV domain that is completely diluting the polarized electron synchrotron component. In this proceeding we will discuss, via theoretical SED modeling, possible reasons for this dramatic change in the appearance of this blazar.

Tyler Trent, Pierre Christian, Chi-kwan Chan, Dimitrios Psaltis, Feryal Ozel

Accepted for publication in ApJL

Low density plasmas are characterized by a large scale separation between the gyromotion of particles around local magnetic fields and the macroscopic scales of the system, often making global kinetic simulations computationally intractable. The guiding center formalism has been proposed as a powerful tool to bridge the gap between these scales. Despite its usefulness, the guiding center approach has been formulated successfully only in flat spacetimes, limiting its applicability in astrophysical settings. Here, we present a new covariant formalism that leads to kinetic equations in the guiding center limit that are valid in arbitrary spacetimes. Through a variety of experiments, we demonstrate that our equations capture all known gyro-center drifts while overcoming one severe limitation imposed on numerical algorithms by the fast timescales of the particle gyromotion. This formalism will enable explorations of a variety of global plasma kinetic phenomena in the curved spacetimes around black holes and neutron stars.

Salmoli Ghosh, P. Kharb, J. Baghel, S. Silpa

14 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal

We present here the polarization image of the hybrid morphology (HYMOR) and broad-absorption line (BAL) quasar PG1004+130 at 694~MHz obtained with the upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (uGMRT). We detect linear polarization in this source's core, jets, and lobes. The visible discontinuity in total intensity between the inner jets and the kpc-scale lobes suggests that the source is restarted. The inferred poloidal magnetic (B-) field structure in the inner jet is consistent with that observed in Fanaroff-Riley (FR) type II sources, as are the B-fields aligned with the lobe edges. Moreover, archival Chandra and XMM-Newton data indicate that PG1004+130 displays several FRII-jet-like properties in X-rays. We conclude that PG1004+130 is a restarted quasar, with both episodes of activity being FRII type. The spectral index images show the presence of an inverted spectrum core ($\alpha=+0.30\pm0.01$), a steep spectrum inner jet ($\alpha=-0.62\pm0.06$) surrounded by much steeper lobe emission ($\alpha\approx-1.2\pm0.1$), consistent with the suggestion that the lobes are from a previous activity episode. The spectral age difference between the two activity episodes is likely to be small ($<1.2 \times 10^7$ years), in comparison to the lobe ages ($\sim 3.3\times 10^7$ years). The inferred B-fields in the lobes are suggestive of turbulence and the mixing of plasma. This may account for the absence of X-ray cavities around this source, similar to what is observed in M87's radio halo region. The depolarization models reveal that thermal gas of mass $\sim (2.4\pm0.9)\times 10^9$ M$_\odot$ is mixed with the non-thermal plasma in the lobes of PG1004+130.

We consider the refractive lensing effects of ionized cool ($T \sim 10^4\,{\rm K}$) gas cloudlets in the circumgalactic medium (CGM) of galaxies. In particular, we discuss the combined effects of lensing from these cloudlets and scintillation from plasma screens in the Milky Way interstellar medium (ISM). We show that, if the CGM comprises a mist of sub-parsec cloudlets with column densities of order $10^{17}\,{\rm cm}^{-2}$ (as predicted by McCourt et al. (2018)), then FRBs whose sightlines pass within a virial radius of a CGM halo will generically be lensed into tens of refractive images with a $\sim 10\,{\rm ms}$ scattering timescale. These images will be resolved by scintillating screens in the Milky Way ISM, and therefore are expected to suppress scintillation. From this, we argue that positive detections of FRB scintillation can constrain the properties of these cool-gas cloudlets, with current scintillation observation disfavouring the cloudlet model. We propose that sheet-like geometries for the cool gas in the CGM can reconcile quasar absorption measurements (from which we infer the presence of the cool gas with structure on sub-parsec scales) and the unexpected lack of lensing signals from this gas thus far observed.

Xiaoyun Shao, Rodrigo S. Gonçalves, Carlos A. P. Bengaly, Uendert Andrade, Gabriela C. Carvalho, Jailson Alcaniz

10 pages, 24 figures

In standard cosmology, the cosmic homogeneity scale is the transition scale above which the patterns arising from non-uniformities -- such as groups and clusters of galaxies, voids, and filaments -- become indistinguishable from a random distribution of sources. Recently, different groups have investigated the feasibility of using such a scale as a cosmological test and arrived at different conclusions. In this paper, we complement and extend these studies by exploring the evolution of the spatial (${\cal{R}}_H$) and angular ($\theta_H$) homogeneity scales with redshift, assuming a spatially flat, $\Lambda$-Cold Dark Matter %($\Lambda$CDM) universe and linear cosmological perturbation theory. We confirm previous results concerning the non-monotonicity of ${\cal{R}}_H$ with the matter density parameter $\Omega_{m0}$ but also show that it exhibits a monotonical behavior with the Hubble constant $H_0$ within a large redshift interval. More importantly, we find that, for $z \gtrsim 0.6$, the angular homogeneity scale not only presents a monotonical behavior with $\Omega_{m0}$ and $H_0$ but is quite sensitive to $H_0$, especially at higher redshifts. These results, therefore, raise the possibility of using $\theta_H$ as a new, model-independent way to constrain cosmological parameters.

D. Riley, R.L. Singh, S White, M. Charlwood, D. Bailie, C. Hyland, T. Audet, G. Sarri, B. Kettle, G. Gribakin, S.J. Rose, E.G. Hill, G.J. Ferland, R.J.R. Williams, F.P. Keenan

20 pages, 9 figures

We describe laboratory experiments to generate x-ray photoionized plasmas of relevance to accretion-powered x-ray sources such as neutron star binaries and quasars, with significant improvements over previous work. We refer to a key quantity, the photoionization parameter, defined as xi = 4{\pi}F/n_e where F is the x-ray flux and n_e the electron density. This is usually meaningful in a steady state context, but is commonly used, in the literature, as a figure of merit for laboratory experiments that are, of necessity, time dependent. We demonstrate that we can achieve values of xi >100 erg-cm s-1 using laser-plasma x-ray sources, in the regime of interest for several astrophysical scenarios. In particular, we show that our use of a keV line source, rather than the quasi-blackbody radiation fields normally employed in such experiments, has allowed generation of a ratio of inner-shell to outer-shell photoionization expected from a blackbody source with ~keV spectral temperature. This is a key factor in allowing experiments to be compared to the predictions of codes employed to model astrophysical sources. We compare calculations from our in-house plasma modelling code with those from Cloudy and find moderately good agreement for the time evolution of both electron temperature and average ionisation. However, a comparison of code predictions of a K-beta argon X-ray spectrum with experimental data reveals that our Cloudy simulation overestimates the intensities of more highly ionised argon species. This is not totally surprising as the Cloudy model was generated for a single set of plasma conditions, while the experimental data are spatially integrated.

Catherine Feldman, Nathanael Gutierrez, Ellis Eisenberg, Donald E. Willcox, Dean M. Townsley, Alan C. Calder

43 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables. To be published in ApJ

The dimmest and most numerous outlier of the Type Ia supernova population, Type Iax events, is increasingly being found in the results of observational campaigns. There is currently no single accepted model to describe these events. This 2D study explores the viability of modeling Type Iax events as a hybrid C/O/Ne white dwarf progenitor undergoing a deflagration using the multi-physics software FLASH. This hybrid was created using the stellar evolution code MESA, and its C-depleted core and mixed structure have demonstrated lower yields than traditional C/O progenitors in previous deflagration-to-detonation studies. To generate a sample, 30 "realizations" of this simulation were performed, the only difference being the shape of the initial matchhead used to start the deflagration. As consistent with earlier work, these realizations produce the familiar hot dense bound remnant surrounded by sparse ejecta. Our results indicate the majority of the star remains unburned (~70%) and bound (>90%). Our realizations produce total ejecta yields on the order of 10$^{-2}$ - 10$^{-1}$ solar masses, ejected $^{56}$Ni yields on the order of 10$^{-4}$ - 10$^{-2}$ solar masses, and ejecta kinetic energies on the order of 10$^{48}$ - 10$^{49}$ ergs. Compared to yields inferred from recent observations of the dimmest Type Iax events - SN 2007qd, SN 2008ha, SN 2010ae, SN 2019gsc, SN 2019muj, SN 2020kyg, and SN 2021fcg - our simulation produces comparable $^{56}$Ni yields, but too-small total yields and kinetic energies. Reignition of the remnant is also seen in some realizations.

P. Alonso-Arias, F. Cuttaia, L. Terenzi, A. Simonetto, P. A. Fuerte-Rodríguez, R. Hoyland, J. A. Rubiño-Martín

45 pages, 36 figures, JINST

The Tenerife Microwave Spectrometer (TMS) is a ground-based radio-spectrometer that will take absolute measurements of the sky between 10-20 GHz. To ensure the sensitivity and immunity to systematic errors of these measurements, TMS includes an internal calibration system optimised for the TMS band, and cooled down to 4 K. It consists of an Aluminium core, composed of a baseplate and a bed of pyramidal elements coated with an absorber material and a metallic shield. The absorber coating is made of a commercial resin ECCOSORB CR/MF 117. To achieve the high stability (+/- 1 mK/h), temperature homogeneity (thermal gradients {AT <= 25 mK), and emissivity (e>= 0.999) requirements of the reference unit, careful consideration has been given to the RF and thermal properties of the materials, as well as their geometry. In summary, this paper presents a comprehensive account of the design, characterisation, and test results of the TMS reference system.

Sergey Khoperskov, Ivan Minchev, Matthias Steinmetz, Bridget Ratcliffe, Jakob C. Walcher, Noam Libeskind

12 pages, 10 figures, submitted to MNRAS

There is no doubt that the Milky Way is a barred galaxy; however, factors that establish its prominent morphology remain largely elusive and poorly comprehended. In this work, we attempt to constrain the history of the MW by tracing the present-day parameters and evolution of a set of MW and M31 analogues from the TNG50 cosmological simulations. We find that the strength of bars at $z=0$ correlates well not only with the total mass build-up of galaxies but, more crucially, with the time of rapid onset of stellar discs. Discs of strongly barred galaxies form early ($ z \gtrsim 2-3$), compared to weakly barred and non-barred galaxies ($z \approx 1-1.5$). Although we are cautious to draw ultimate conclusions about the governing factor of discs formation due to the complexity and correlations between different physical phenomena~(dark matter mass growth, gas accretion rate, mergers and others) affecting galaxy growth, the observed morphological diversity of galaxies can be tentatively explained by a substantial variation in the gas angular momentum around proto-galaxies already at $z\approx 3-5$; in such a way, early discs with the strongest bars at $z=0$ formed from gas with the largest angular momentum. By comparing the formation time scales of discs of barred galaxies in the TNG50 sample, we suggest that the MW has a strong bar ($0.35<A_2<0.6$) and that its stellar disc started to dominate over the spheroidal component already at $z \approx 2$, with a mass of $\approx 1 \pm 0.5 \times 10^{10} M_\odot$. We, therefore, conclude that the presence of a strong bar in the MW is a natural manifestation of the early formation of the stellar disc, which made possible bursty but highly efficient star formation at high redshift.

Brenda L. Frye, Massimo Pascale, Justin Pierel, Wenlei Chen, Nicholas Foo, Reagen Leimbach, Nikhil Garuda, Seth Cohen, Patrick Kamieneski, Rogier Windhorst, Anton M. Koekemoer, Pat Kelly, Jake Summers, Michael Engesser, Daizhong Liu, Lukas Furtak, Maria Polletta, Kevin Harrington, Steve Willner, Jose M. Diego, Rolf Jansen, Dan Coe, Christopher J. Conselice, Liang Dai, Herve Dole, Jordan C. J. D'Silva, Simon Driver, Norman Grogin, Madeline A. Marshall, Ashish Meena, Mario Nonino, Rafael Ortiz III, Nor Pirzkal, Aaron Robotham, Russell E. Ryan, Lou Strolger, Scott Tompkins, James Trussler, Christopher Willmer, Haojing Yan, Min S. Yun, Adi Zitrin

27 pages, submitted to ApJ

A Type Ia supernova (SN) at $z=1.78$ was discovered in James Webb Space Telescope Near Infrared Camera imaging of the galaxy cluster PLCK G165.7+67.0 (G165; $z = 0.35$). The SN is situated 1.5-2kpc from its host galaxy Arc 2 and appears in three different locations as a result of gravitational lensing by G165. These data can yield a value for Hubble's constant using time delays from this multiply-imaged SN Ia that we call "SN H0pe." Over the entire field we identified 21 image multiplicities, confirmed five of them using Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRspec), and constructed a new lens model that gives a total mass within 600kpc of ($2.6 \pm 0.3) \times 10^{14}$ M$_{\odot}$. The photometry uncovered a galaxy overdensity at Arc 2's redshift. NIRSpec confirmed six member galaxies, four of which surround Arc 2 with relative velocity $\lesssim$900 km s$^{-1}$ and projected physical extent $\lesssim$33 kpc. Arc 2 dominates the stellar mass ($(5.0 \pm 0.1) \times 10^{11}$ M$_{\odot}$), which is a factor of ten higher than other members of this compact galaxy group. These other group members have specific star formation rates (sSFR) of 2-260Gyr$^{-1}$ derived from the H$\alpha$-line flux corrected for stellar absorption, dust extinction, and slit losses. Another group centered on the dusty star forming galaxy Arc 1 is at $z=2.24$. The total SFR for the Arc 1 group ($gtrsim$ M$_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$) translates to a supernova rate of $\sim$1 SNe yr$^{-1}$, suggesting that regular monitoring of this cluster may yield additional SNe.

Alex N. Byrne, Ci Xue, Ilsa R. Cooke, Michael C. McCarthy, Brett A. McGuire

31 pages and 17 figures (including the appendix), accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal

Recent detections of aromatic species in dark molecular clouds suggest formation pathways may be efficient at very low temperatures and pressures, yet current astrochemical models are unable to account for their derived abundances, which can often deviate from model predictions by several orders of magnitude. The propargyl radical, a highly abundant species in the dark molecular cloud TMC- 1, is an important aromatic precursor in combustion flames and possibly interstellar environments. We performed astrochemical modeling of TMC-1 using the three-phase gas-grain code NAUTILUS and an updated chemical network, focused on refining the chemistry of the propargyl radical and related species. The abundance of the propargyl radical has been increased by half an order of magnitude compared to the previous GOTHAM network. This brings it closer in line with observations, but it remains underestimated by two orders of magnitude compared to its observed value. Predicted abundances for the chemically related C4H3N isomers within an order of magnitude of observed values corroborate the high efficiency of CN addition to closed-shell hydrocarbons under dark molecular cloud conditions. The results of our modeling provide insight into the chemical processes of the propargyl radical in dark molecular clouds and highlight the importance of resonance-stabilized radicals in PAH formation.

Alexander G. Kosovichev, Viacheslav M. Sadykov, John T. Stefan

15 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, for associated mpeg file, see this https URL

The first significant sunquake event of Solar Cycle 25 was observed during the X1.5 flare of May 10, 2022, by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory. We perform a detailed spectro-polarimetric analysis of the sunquake photospheric sources, using the Stokes profiles of the FeI 6173A line, reconstructed from the HMI linear and circular polarized filtergrams. The results show fast variations of the continuum emission with rapid growth and slower decay lasting 3-4 min, coinciding in time with the hard X-ray impulses observed by the Konus instrument onboard the Wind spacecraft. The variations in the line core appeared slightly ahead of the variations in the line wings, showing that the heating started in the higher atmospheric layers and propagated downward. The most significant feature of the line profile variations is the transient emission in the line core in three of the four sources, indicating intense, impulsive heating in the lower chromosphere and photosphere. In addition, the observed variations of the Stokes profiles reflect transient and permanent changes in the magnetic field strength and geometry in the sunquake sources. Comparison with the radiative hydrodynamics models shows that the physical processes in the impulsive flare phase are substantially more complex than those predicted by proton and electron beam flare models currently presented in the literature.

Yoshito Shimajiri, Yasutomo Kawanishi, Shinji Fujita, Yusuke Miyamoto, Atsushi M. Ito, Doris Arzoumanian, Philippe André, Atsushi Nishimura, Kazuki Tokuda, Hiroyuki Kaneko, Shunya Takekawa, Shota Ueda, Toshikazu Onishi, Tsuyoshi Inoue, Shimpei Nishimoto, Ryuki Yoneda

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

The total mass estimate of molecular clouds suffers from the uncertainty in the H$_2$-CO conversion factor, the so-called $X_{\rm CO}$ factor, which is used to convert the $^{12}$CO (1--0) integrated intensity to the H$_2$ column density. We demonstrate the machine learning's ability to predict the H$_2$ column density from the $^{12}$CO, $^{13}$CO, and C$^{18}$O (1--0) data set of four star-forming molecular clouds; Orion A, Orion B, Aquila, and M17. When the training is performed on a subset of each cloud, the overall distribution of the predicted column density is consistent with that of the Herschel column density. The total column density predicted and observed is consistent within 10\%, suggesting that the machine learning prediction provides a reasonable total mass estimate of each cloud. However, the distribution of the column density for values $> \sim 2 \times 10^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$, which corresponds to the dense gas, could not be predicted well. This indicates that molecular line observations tracing the dense gas are required for the training. We also found a significant difference between the predicted and observed column density when we created the model after training the data on different clouds. This highlights the presence of different $X_{\rm CO}$ factors between the clouds, and further training in various clouds is required to correct for these variations. We also demonstrated that this method could predict the column density toward the area not observed by Herschel if the molecular line and column density maps are available for the small portion, and the molecular line data are available for the larger areas.

M.T. Lemmon, S.D. Guzewich, J.M. Battalio, M.C. Malin, A. Vicente-Retortillo, M.-P. Zorzano, J. Martin-Torres, R. Sullivan, J.N. Maki, M.D. Smith, J.F. Bell III

The Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity rover has monitored the Martian environment in Gale crater since landing in 2012. This study reports the record of optical depth derived from visible and near-infrared images of the Sun. Aerosol optical depth, which is mostly due to dust but also includes ice, dominates the record, with gas optical depth too small to measure. The optical depth record includes the effects of regional dust storms and one planet-encircling dust event, showing the expected peaks during southern spring and summer and relatively lower and more stable optical depth in fall and winter. The measurements show that there is a seasonally varying diurnal change in dust load, with the optical depth peaking in the morning during southern spring and summer, correlated with thermotidal pressure changes. However, there was no systematic diurnal change during autumn and winter, except after one regional storm. There were indications that the dust was relatively enhanced at high altitudes during high-optical-depth periods and that high-altitude ice was significant during winter. The observations did not provide much information about particle size or composition, but they were consistent with a smaller particle size after aphelion (in southern winter). No scattering halos were seen in associated sky images, even when there was visual evidence of ice hazes or clouds, which suggests small or amorphous ice particles. Unexpectedly, the measurement campaign revealed that the cameras collected saltating sand in their sunshades 1.97 m above the surface. As a result, the measurement strategy had to be adjusted to avoid high-elevation imaging to avoid sand covering the optics.

A.A. Lagutin, N.V. Volkov

13 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, The 4th International Symposium on Cosmic Rays and Astrophysics (ISCRA-2023)

Recent experimental data from space-based instruments of the DAMPE and CALET collaborations have shown that the energy spectrum of protons has a new feature, a break in the $\sim 10$ TeV region. In this energy range, the spectrum index of the observed particles varies from $-2.6$ to $-2.9$. The purpose of this work is to establish the local sources's position and age that determine this break, the index of the proton generation spectrum in them, as well as the astrophysical interpretation of the results obtained in the DAMPE and CALET experiments. Within the framework of the model of nonclassical diffusion of cosmic rays developed by the authors, which has break due to the propagation of particles in a sharply inhomogeneous (fractal type) galactic medium, it is shown that break in this energy range is formed by tevatron located at a distance of $\sim 120$ pc from the Earth. These source, whose age is $\sim 5 \cdot 10^5$ years, generate particles with a spectrum index $\sim 2.7$. The power-law behavior of the proton spectrum before and after the break, soft spectrum of particles generation in the source, first obtained in the DAMPE and CALET experiments, should be considered as an indication of the need to revise the standard paradigm accepted today about the sources of cosmic rays, mechanisms of particle acceleration in them and particles propagation in the Galaxy.

A.A. Lagutin, N.V. Volkov

12 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables, The 4th International Symposium on Cosmic Rays and Astrophysics (ISCRA-2023)

The paper discusses an approach that made it possible to estimate the distance to the nearest pevatrons, which form a knee in the spectrum of the cosmic ray nucleon component of about $4$ PeV. It is based on the spectra of nucleons and electrons obtained by the authors in the framework of the superdiffusion model of nonclassical cosmic rays diffusion, which have a knee, on the assumption that nucleons and electrons are accelerated by the same type sources and their propagation in an inhomogeneous turbulent galactic medium is characterized by the same diffusion coefficient, and also on the knee in the spectrum of the electronic component in the region of $0.9$ TeV, established in the DAMPE experiment. It is shown that pevatrons, which form a knee in the spectrum of the cosmic ray nucleon component of about $4$ PeV, are located at distances of the order of $0.75$ kpc from the Earth.

Anjasha Gangopadhyay, Keiichi Maeda, Avinash Singh, Nayana A.J., Tatsuya Nakaoka, Koji S Kawabata, Kenta Taguchi, Mridweeka Singh, Poonam Chandra, Stuart D Ryder, Raya Dastidar, Masayuki Yamanaka, Miho Kawabata, Rami Z. E. Alsaberi, Naveen Dukiya, Rishabh Singh Teja, Bhavya Ailawadhi, Anirban Dutta, D.K. Sahu, Takashi J Moriya, Kuntal Misra, Masaomi Tanaka, Roger Chevalier, Nozomu Tominaga, Kohki Uno, Ryo Imazawa, Taisei Hamada, Tomoya Hori, Keisuke Isoga

The paper contains 20 figures and 9 tables. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ)

We present optical, near-infrared, and radio observations of supernova (SN) SN~IIb 2022crv. We show that it retained a very thin H envelope and transitioned from a SN~IIb to a SN~Ib; prominent H$\alpha$ seen in the pre-maximum phase diminishes toward the post-maximum phase, while He {\sc i} lines show increasing strength. \texttt{SYNAPPS} modeling of the early spectra of SN~2022crv suggests that the absorption feature at 6200\,\AA\ is explained by a substantial contribution of H$\alpha$ together with Si {\sc ii}, as is also supported by the velocity evolution of H$\alpha$. The light-curve evolution is consistent with the canonical stripped-envelope supernova subclass but among the slowest. The light curve lacks the initial cooling phase and shows a bright main peak (peak M$_{V}$=$-$17.82$\pm$0.17 mag), mostly driven by radioactive decay of $\rm^{56}$Ni. The light-curve analysis suggests a thin outer H envelope ($M_{\rm env} \sim$0.05 M$_{\odot}$) and a compact progenitor (R$_{\rm env}$ $\sim$3 R$_{\odot}$). An interaction-powered synchrotron self-absorption (SSA) model can reproduce the radio light curves with a mean shock velocity of 0.1c. The mass-loss rate is estimated to be in the range of (1.9$-$2.8) $\times$ 10$^{-5}$ M$_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ for an assumed wind velocity of 1000 km s$^{-1}$, which is on the high end in comparison with other compact SNe~IIb/Ib. SN~2022crv fills a previously unoccupied parameter space of a very compact progenitor, representing a beautiful continuity between the compact and extended progenitor scenario of SNe~IIb/Ib.

Xiaoyu Kang, Rolf-Peter Kudritzki, Fenghui Zhang

12 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in the A&A

NGC\,7793, NGC\,300, M33 and NGC\,2403 are four nearby undisturbed and bulgeless low-mass spiral galaxies with similar morphology and stellar mass. They are ideal laboratories to study disc formation scenarios and stellar mass growth histories. We construct a simple chemical evolution model by assuming that discs grow gradually with continuous metal-free gas infall and metal-enriched gas outflow. By means of the classical $\chi^{2}$ methodology, applied to the model predictions, the best combination of free parameters capable of reproducing the corresponding present-day observations is determined, i.e. the radial dependence of the infall timescale $\tau=0.1r/{R_{\rm d}}+3.4\,{\rm Gyr}$ ($R_{\rm d}$ is the disc scale-length) and the gas outflow efficiency $b_{\rm out}=0.2$. The model results are in excellent agreement with the general predictions of the inside-out growth scenario for the evolution of spiral galaxies. About 80\% of the stellar mass of NGC\,7793 is assembled within the last 8\,Gyr and 40\% within the last 4\,Gyr. By comparing the best-fitting model results of the three other galaxies we obtain similar results, 72\% (NGC\,300), 66\% (NGC\,2403) and 79\% (M33) stellar mass were assembled within the past $\sim\rm 8\,Gyr$ (i.e. $z\,=\,1$). These four disc galaxies simultaneously increase their sizes and stellar masses as time goes by and they grow in size at $\sim\,0.30$ times the rate at which they grow in mass. The scale-lengths of these four discs are now 20\% -- 25\% larger than at $z\,=\,1$. Our best-fitting model predicted the stellar mass-metallicity relation and the metallicity gradients, constrained by the observed metallicities from HII-regions emission line analysis, agree well with the observations measured from individual massive red and blue supergiant stars and population synthesis of SDSS galaxies.

Here we review some of the major findings of the mass spectrometer suite ROSINA on board of ESA's Rosetta spacecraft to comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. For more than 2 years, ROSINA continuously measured the composition of the gases sublimating from the comet's nucleus. ROSINA measurements provided insight into the origin of the ices in 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. The obtained molecular, elemental, and isotope abundances revealed a composition more complex than previously known. Furthermore, a subset of these measurements indicate that a substantial fraction of the molecules incorporated into the comet predate the formation of the solar system.

C. Vérinaud, C.T. Heritier, M. Kasper, M. Tallon

Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics

Direct detection of exoplanets around nearby stars requires advanced Adaptive Optics (AO) systems. High order systems are needed to reach high Strehl Ratio (SR) in near infrared and optical wavelengths on future Giant Segmented Mirror Telescopes (GSMTs). Direct detection of faint exoplanets with the ESO ELT will require some tens of thousand of correction modes. Resolution and sensitivity of the wavefront sensor (WFS) are key requirements for this science case. We present a new class of WFSs, the Bi-Orthogonal Foucault-knife-edge Sensors (or Bi-O-edge), that is directly inspired by the Foucault knife edge test (Foucault 1859). The idea consists of using a beam-splitter producing two foci, each of which is sensed by an edge with orthogonal direction to the other. We describe two implementation concepts: The Bi-O-edge sensor can be realised with a sharp edge and a tip-tilt modulation device (sharp Bi-O-edge) or with a smooth gradual transmission over a grey edge (grey Bi-O-edge). A comparison between the Bi-O-edge concepts and the 4-sided classical Pyramid Wavefront Sensor (PWS) gives some important insights into the nature of the measurements.Our analysis shows that the sensitivity gain of the Bi-O edge with respect to the PWS depends on the system configuration. The gain is a function of the number of control modes and the modulation angle. We found that for the sharp Bi-O-edge, the gain in reduction of propagated photon noise variance approaches a theoretical factor of 2 for a large number of control modes and small modulation angle, meaning that the sharp Bi-O-edge only needs half of the photons of the PWS to reach similar measurement accuracy.

The formation of galaxy clusters is a complicated process that probably involves the accretion of galaxies in groups, as observed in nearby clusters, such as Virgo and Fornax. The members of the groups undergo "preprocessing" prior to cluster infall, which affects their stellar populations and morphology. In this paper I present an extreme example of such an accretion event selected from the IllustrisTNG100 simulation. The group, composed of three full-sized disky galaxies and a number of smaller satellites, is accreted early, with the first pericenter around the cluster at redshift z=1.3. Before the infall, the three galaxies interact strongly in pairs within the group, which produces tidally induced bars in the two more massive ones. The interactions also lead to mass exchange and trigger some star formation activity resulting in temporary rejuvenation of their stellar populations. After infall, they all undergo seven pericenter passages around the cluster, experiencing strong mass loss in the dark matter and gas components, as well as reddening of the stellar populations. Their tidally induced bars are, however, preserved and even enhanced probably due to the loss of gas via ram-pressure stripping in the intracluster medium. The study demonstrates that group accretion can happen very early in cluster formation and proposes another scenario for the formation of tidally induced bars.

Kevin M. Hickson, Jean-Christophe Loison, Valentine Wakelam

Accepted for publication in ACS Earth and Space Chemistry. 55 pages including SI

The reactions of ground state atomic carbon, C(3P), are likely to be important in astrochemistry due to the high abundance levels of these atoms in the dense interstellar medium. Here we present a study of the gas-phase reaction between C(3P) and acetone, CH3COCH3. Experimentally, rate constants were measured for this process over the 50 to 296 K range using a continuous-flow supersonic reactor, while secondary measurements of H(2S) atom formation were also performed over the 75 to 296 K range to elucidate the preferred product channels. C(3P) atoms were generated by In-situ pulsed photolysis of carbon tetrabromide, while both C(3P) and H(2S) atoms were detected by pulsed laser induced fluorescence. Theoretically, quantum chemical calculations were performed to obtain the various complexes, adducts and transition states involved in the C(3P) + CH3COCH3 reaction over the 3A'' potential energy surface, allowing us to better understand the reaction pathways and help to interpret the experimental results. The derived rate constants are large, (2-3) x 10-10 cm3 s-1 , displaying only weak temperature variations; a result that is consistent with the barrierless nature of the reaction. As this reaction is not present in current astrochemical networks, its influence on simulated interstellar acetone abundances is tested using a gas-grain dense interstellar cloud model. For interstellar modelling purposes, the use of a temperature independent value for the rate constant, k(C+CH3COCH3 )= 2.2 x 10-10 cm3 s-1, is recommended. The C(3P) + CH3COCH3 reaction decreases gas-phase CH3COCH3 abundances by as much as two orders of magnitude at early and intermediate cloud ages.

The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope (Roman), under development by NASA, will investigate possible causes for the phenomenon of dark energy and detect and characterize extra-solar planets. The 2.4 m space telescope has two main instruments: a wide-field, infra-red imager and a coronagraph. The coronagraph instrument (CGI) is a technology demonstrator designed to help bridge the gap between the current state-of-the-art space and ground instruments and future high-contrast space coronagraphs that will be capable of detecting and characterizing Earth-like planets in the habitable zones of other stars. Using adaptive optics, including two high-density deformable mirrors and low- and high-order wavefront sensing and control, CGI is designed to suppress the star light by up to 9 orders of magnitude, potentially enabling the direct detection and characterization of Jupiter-class exoplanets. Contrast is the measure of starlight suppression, and high contrast is the chief virtue of a coronagraph. But it is not the only important characteristic: contrast must be balanced against acceptance of planet light. The remaining unsuppressed starlight must also have a stable morphology to allow further estimation and subtraction. To achieve all these goals in the presence of the disturbance and radiation environment of space, the coronagraph must be designed and fabricated as a highly optimized system. The CGI error budget is the top level tool used to guide the optimization, enabling trades of various competing errors. The error budget is based on an analytical model which enables rapid calculation and tracking of performance for the numerous and diverse questions that arise in the system engineering process. In this paper we outline the coronagraph system engineering approach and the error budget.

Low-mass models of M-dwarfs that undergo the convective kissing instability fluctuate in luminosity and temperature resulting in a gap in the main sequence that is observed in the $Gaia$ data. During this instability, the models have repeated periods of full convection where the material is mixed throughout the model. Stellar evolution models are performed using MESA with varying amounts of convective overshooting and semi-convection. We find that the amplitude and intensity of the instability is reduced with increasing amounts of overshooting but sustained when semi-convection is present. This is reflected in the loops in the evolutionary tracks in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. The surface abundances of $^1$H, $^3$He, $^4$He, $^{12}$C, $^{14}$N and $^{16}$O increase or decrease over time due to the convective boundary, however the relative abundance changes are very small and not likely observable. The mass and magnitude values from the models are assigned to a synthetic population of stars from the mass-magnitude relation to create colour-magnitude diagrams, which reproduce the M-dwarf gap as a large indent into the blueward edge of the main sequence (MS). This is featured in the luminosity function as a small peak and dip. The width of the MS decreases over time along with the difference in width between the MS at masses higher and lower than the instability. The parallel offset and relative angle between the upper and lower parts of the MS also change with time along with the mass-magnitude relation. Potential age-dating methods for single stars and stellar populations are described.

Jakob Böttcher (for the IceCube Collaboration)

Presented at the 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2023). See arXiv:2307.13047 for all IceCube contributions

For about a decade the IceCube Neutrino Observatory has been observing a high-energy diffuse astrophysical neutrino flux. At these energies, an important source of background are the prompt atmospheric neutrinos produced in decays of charmed mesons that are part of cosmic-ray-induced air showers. The production yield of charmed mesons in the very forward phase space of hadronic interactions, and thus the flux of prompt neutrinos, is not well known and has not yet been observed by IceCube. A measurement of the flux of prompt neutrinos will improve the modeling of hadronic interactions in cosmic-ray induced air showers at high energies. Additionally, in the context of astrophysical neutrino measurements, understanding this background flux will improve the measurement precision of the spectral shape in the future. In particular, the analysis of up-going muon neutrino-induced tracks in IceCube provides a large sample of atmospheric neutrinos which likely includes prompt neutrinos. However, the measurement of a subdominant prompt neutrino flux strongly depends on the hypothesis for the dominant astrophysical neutrino flux. This makes the estimation of upper limits on the prompt neutrino flux challenging. We discuss the extent of this model dependency on the astrophysical flux and propose a method to calculate robust upper limits. Furthermore, a possible dedicated search of the prompt neutrino flux using multiple IceCube detection channels is outlined.

P. Gitika, M. Bailes, R. M. Shannon, D. J. Reardon, A. D. Cameron, M. Shamohammadi, M. T. Miles, C. M. L. Flynn, A. Corongiu, M. Kramer

16 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present a flux density study of 89 millisecond pulsars (MSPs) regularly monitored as part of the MeerKAT Pulsar Timing Array (MPTA) using the L-Band receiver with an approximately two week cadence between 2019-2022. For each pulsar, we have determined the mean flux densities at each epoch in eight $\sim$97 MHz sub-bands ranging from 944 to 1625 MHz. From these we have derived their modulation indices, their average and peak-to-median flux densities in each sub-band, as well as their mean spectral indices across the entire frequency range. We find that the vast majority of the MSPs have spectra that are well described by a simple power law, with a mean spectral index of -1.86(6). Using the temporal variation of the flux densities we measured the structure functions and determined the refractive scintillation timescale for seven. The structure functions provide strong evidence that the intrinsic radio luminosities of MSPs are stable. As a population, the average modulation index at 20 cm wavelengths peaks near unity at dispersion measures (DMs) of $\sim$20 pc cm$^{-3}$ and by a DM of 100 pc cm$^{-3}$ are closer to 0.2, due to refractive scintillation. We find that timing arrays can improve their observing efficiency by reacting to scintillation maxima, and that 20 cm FRB surveys should prioritise highly scintillating mid-latitude regions of the Galactic sky where they will find $\sim$30% more events and bursts at greater distances.

L. Ducci, C. Malacaria

Invited chapter for the "Handbook of X-ray and Gamma-ray Astrophysics" (Eds. C. Bambi and A. Santangelo, Springer)

X-ray spectroscopy is a powerful technique for the analysis of the energy distribution of X-rays from astrophysical sources. It allows for the study of the properties, composition, and physical processes taking place at the site of emission. X-ray spectral analysis methods are diverse, as they often need to be tailored to the specific type of instrument used to collect the data. In addition, these methods advance together with the improvement of the technology of the telescopes and detectors. Here, we present a compact overview of the common procedures currently employed in this field. We describe the fundamental data structure and the essential auxiliary information required for conducting spectral analysis and we explore some of the most relevant aspects related to statistical and computational challenges in X-ray spectroscopy. Furthermore, we outline some practical scenarios in the context of data reduction, modeling and fitting of spectra, and spectral simulations.

Jacob W. Isbell, Jörg-Uwe Pott, Klaus Meisenheimer, Marko Stalevski, Konrad R. W. Tristram, James Leftley, Daniel Asmus, Gerd Weigelt, Violeta Gámez Rosas, Romain Petrov, Walter Jaffe, Karl-Heinz Hofmann, Thomas Henning, Bruno Lopez

Main article: 12 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2205.01575

In this paper we present the first-ever $L$- and $M$-band interferometric observations of Circinus, building upon a recent $N$-band analysis. We used these observations to reconstruct images and fit Gaussian models to the $L$ and $M$ bands. Our findings reveal a thin edge-on disk whose width is marginally resolved and is the spectral continuation of the disk imaged in the $N$ band to shorter wavelengths. Additionally, we find a point-like source in the $L$ and $M$ bands that, based on the $LMN$-band spectral energy distribution fit, corresponds to the $N$-band point source. We also demonstrate that there is no trace of direct sightlines to hot dust surfaces in the circumnuclear dust structure of Circinus. By assuming the dust is present, we find that obscuration of A$_{\rm V} \gtrsim 250$ mag is necessary to reproduce the measured fluxes. Hence, the imaged disk could play the role of the obscuring "torus" in the unified scheme of active galactic nuclei. Furthermore, we explored the parameter space of the disk + hyperbolic cone radiative transfer models and identify a simple modification at the base of the cone. Adding a cluster of clumps just above the disk and inside the base of the hyperbolic cone provides a much better match to the observed temperature distribution in the central aperture. This aligns well with the radiation-driven fountain models that have recently emerged. Only the unique combination of sensitivity and spatial resolution of the VLTI allows such models to be scrutinized and constrained in detail. We plan to test the applicability of this detailed dust structure to other MATISSE-observed active galactic nuclei in the future.

R. D. Jeffries (1), R. J. Jackson (1), A. S. Binks (2) ((1) Keele University, UK, (2) MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, USA)

For publication in MNRAS, accepted version

IC 4665 is one of only a dozen young open clusters with a ``lithium depletion boundary" (LDB) age. Using an astrometrically and spectroscopically filtered sample of cluster members, we show that both the positions of its low mass stars in Gaia absolute colour-magnitude diagrams and the lithium depletion seen among its K- and early M-stars are discordant with the reported LDB age of (32 +4/-5) Myr. Re-analysis of archival spectra suggests that the LDB of IC 4665 has not been detected and that the published LDB age should be interpreted as a lower limit. Empirical comparisons with similar datasets from other young clusters with better-established LDB ages indicate that IC 4665 is bracketed in age by the clusters IC 2602 and IC 2391 at (55 +/- 3) Myr.

V. Bujarrabal, J. Alcolea, A. Castro-Carrizo, J. Kluska, C. Sanchez Contreras, H. Van Winckel

5 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics Letters

We aim to study the dust distribution in the central regions of the Keplerian disk of the Red Rectangle, the prototype of binary post-AGB stars with rotating circumbinary disks, and to compare it with the distribution of relevant molecular gas tracers We present new high-resolution (20 milliarcseconds, mas) ALMA observations of continuum and line emissions at 0.9 mm. The maps have been analyzed by means of a simple model of dust and free-free emissionn that is able to reproduce the continuum data. Resuts: i) We find that most of the dust emission in the Red Rectangle is concentrated in the inner disk regions, with a typical size of 250 AU in diameter and 50 AU in width. ii) The settlement of dust grains onto inner equatorial regions is remarkable when compared with the relatively widespread gas distribution. iii) This region is basically coincident with the warm PDR (photo-dominated region) where CI, CII, and certain molecules such as HCN are presumably formed, as well as probably PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, whose emission is very strong in this source). iv) We confirm the large size of the grains, with a typical radius ~ 150 mu The opacity of dust at 0.9 mm is deduced to be relatively large, ~0.5. v) We also confirm the existence of a very compact HII region in the center, for which we measure an extent of 10 - 15 mas (~ 10 AU) and a total flux of 7 - 8 mJy at 0.9 mm.

Gabriella Zsidi, C. J. Nixon, T. Naylor, J. E. Pringle, K. L. Page

5 pages + appendix. Accepted for publication in A&A Letters

We present the discovery of an unusual set of flares in the nova-like variable V704 And. Using data from AAVSO, ASAS-SN, and ZTF, of the nova-like variable V704 And, we have discovered a trio of brightening events that occurred during the high state. These events elevate the optical brightness of the source from $\sim13.5$ magnitude to $\sim12.5$ magnitude. The events last for roughly a month, and exhibit the unusual shape of a slow rise and faster decay. Just after the third event we obtained data from regular monitoring with Swift, although by this time the flares had ceased and the source returned to its pre-flare level of activity in the high-state. The Swift observations confirm that during the high-state the source is detectable in the X-rays, and provide simultaneous UV and optical fluxes. As the source is already in the high-state prior to the flares, and thus the disc is expected to already be in the high-viscosity state, we conclude that the driver of the variations must be changes in the mass transfer rate from the companion star and we discuss possible mechanisms for such short-timescale mass transfer variations to occur.

Sedighe Sajadian, Arya Mahmoudzadeh, Setareh Moein

16 pages, 7 Figures, 2 Tables

Gravitational microlensing is a powerful method for discovering Isolated Stellar-Mass Black Holes(ISMBHs). These objects make long-duration microlensing events. To characterize these lensing objects by fully resolving the microlensing degeneracy, measurements of parallax and astrometric deflections are necessary. Microlensing events due to ISMBHs have considerable astrometric deflections, but small parallax amplitudes as $\pi_{\rm E} \propto 1/\sqrt{M_{\rm l}}$, where $M_{\rm l}$ is the lens mass. We numerically investigate the possibility of inferring parallax amplitude from astrometric deflection in microlensing events due to ISMBHs. The parallax amplitude in astrometric deflections is proportional to the relative parallax $\pi_{\rm{rel}}$, which means (i) does not strongly depend on $M_{\rm l}$, and (ii) increases in microlensing observations toward the Magellanic Clouds(MCs). We assume these events are potentially detected in upcoming microlensing surveys-(1): the \wfirst\ observations of the Galactic bulge (GB), and (2): the LSST observations of the Large MC(LMC)-, and the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) follows up them with one data point every ten days. We evaluate the probability of inferring parallax amplitude from these observations by calculating the Fisher/Covariance matrices. For GB, the efficiencies for discerning parallax amplitudes with a relative error $<4\%$ through astrometric, and photometric observations are $3.8\%$, and $29.1\%$, respectively. For observations toward the LMC, these efficiencies are $41.1\%$, and $23.0\%$, respectively. Measuring parallax amplitude through astrometric deflections is plausible in the GB events with the lens distance $\lesssim 2.7$kpc, and in the LMC halo-lensing. The ELT telescope by monitoring long-duration microlensing events can detect astrometric deflections, and their parallax-induced deviations.

The icy moon Europa is a primary target for the study of ocean worlds. Its subsurface ocean is expected to be subject to asymmetries on global scales (tidal deformation) and local scales (chaos regions, fractures). Here, we investigate the possibility to magnetic sound local asymmetries by calculating the induced magnetic fields generated by a radially symmetric ocean and a small, spherical water reservoir between the ocean and Europa's surface. The consideration of two conductive bodies introduces non-linear magnetic field coupling between them. We construct an analytical model to describe the coupling between two conductive bodies and calculate the induced fields within the parameter space of possible conductivity values and icy crust thicknesses. Given the plasma magnetic field perturbations, we find that a reservoir cannot be detected during a flyby at 25 km altitude using electromagnetic induction. Potential detection of liquid water reservoirs can be achieved by deploying magnetometers on Europa's surface, where one magnetometer is placed directly on the target region of interest and a second one in the nearby vicinity as reference to distinguish from global asymmetries. With this method, the smallest reservoir that can be detected has a radius of 8 km and a conductivity of 30 S/m. Larger reservoirs are resolvable at lower conductivities, with a 20 km reservoir requiring a conductivity of approximately 5 S/m.

Arnaud Michel, Sarah I. Sadavoy, Patrick D. Sheehan, Leslie W. Looney, Erin G. Cox, John J. Tobin, Nienke van der Marel, Dominique M. Segura-Cox

Accepted by ApJ, 22 pages, 10 figures

High-resolution, millimeter observations of disks at the protoplanetary stage reveal substructures such as gaps, rings, arcs, spirals, and cavities. While many protoplanetary disks host such substructures, only a few at the younger protostellar stage have shown similar features. We present a detailed search for early disk substructures in ALMA 1.3 and 0.87~mm observations of ten protostellar disks in the Ophiuchus star-forming region. Of this sample, four disks have identified substructure, two appear to be smooth disks, and four are considered ambiguous. The structured disks have wide Gaussian-like rings ($\sigma_R/R_{\mathrm{disk}}\sim0.26$) with low contrasts ($C<0.2$) above a smooth disk profile, in comparison to protoplanetary disks where rings tend to be narrow and have a wide variety of contrasts ($\sigma_R/R_{\mathrm{disk}}\sim0.08$ and $C$ ranges from $0-1$). The four protostellar disks with the identified substructures are among the brightest sources in the Ophiuchus sample, in agreement with trends observed for protoplanetary disks. These observations indicate that substructures in protostellar disks may be common in brighter disks. The presence of substructures at the earliest stages suggests an early start for dust grain growth and, subsequently, planet formation. The evolution of these protostellar substructures is hypothesized in two potential pathways: (1) the rings are the sites of early planet formation, and the later observed protoplanetary disk ring-gap pairs are secondary features, or (2) the rings evolve over the disk lifetime to become those observed at the protoplanetary disk stage.

Daniela P. Iglesias, Olja Panić, Isabel Rebollido

6 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

eta Telescopii is a ~23 Myr old A-type star surrounded by an edge-on debris disc hypothesised to harbour gas. Recent analysis of far- and near-ultraviolet spectroscopic observations of eta Tel found absorption features at ~-23 km/s and ~-18 km/s in several atomic lines, attributed to circumstellar and interstellar gas, respectively. In this work, we put the circumstellar origin of the gas to a test by analysing high resolution optical spectroscopy of eta Tel and of three other stars with a similar line of sight as eta Tel: HD 181327, HD 180575, and rho Tel. We found absorption features at ~-23 km/s and ~-18 km/s in the Ca ii H&K lines, and at ~-23 km/s in the Na i D1&D2 doublet in eta Tel, in agreement with previous findings in the ultraviolet. However, we also found absorption features at ~-23 km/s in the Ca ii K lines of the three other stars analysed. This strongly implies that the absorption lines previously attributed to circumstellar gas are more likely due to an interstellar cloud traversing the line of sight of eta Tel instead.

Xinxin Wang, Ye-Zhao Yu

11 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in American Research Journal of Physics

Fast radio bursts are a class of transient radio sources that are thought to originate from extragalactic sources since their dispersion measure greatly exceeds the highest dispersion measure that the Milky Way interstellar medium can provide. Host Galaxies of twenty-two fast radio bursts have already been identified. In this paper, the dispersion measurement of these fast radio bursts produced by the Milky Way interstellar medium, and the intergalactic medium is obtained through known physical models to yield the host galaxy dispersion measure. It is observed that the host galaxy dispersion measure increases with its redshift value. We also obtained that the host galaxy dispersion measure has different distribution between repeaters and non-repeaters. It is noted that the reason for the divergence of the host galaxy dispersion measures should be accounted for by the difference in their local environment.

Peter W. Schuck, Mark G. Linton

27 pages, 2 figures

Magnetic helicity, $H$, measures magnetic linkages in a volume. The early theoretical development of helicity focused on magnetically closed systems in $\mathcal{V}$ bounded by $\mathcal{S}$. For magnetically closed systems, $\mathcal{V}\in\mathbb{R}^3=\mathcal{V}+\mathcal{V}^*$, no magnetic flux threads the boundary, $\hat{\boldsymbol{n}}\cdot\boldsymbol{B}|_\mathcal{S}=0$. Berger and Field (1984) and Finn and Antonsen (1985) extended the definition of helicity to relative helicity, $\mathcal{H}$, for magnetically open systems where magnetic flux may thread the boundary. Berger (1999,2003) expressed this relative helicity as two gauge invariant terms that describe the self helicity of magnetic field that closes inside $\mathcal{V}$ and the mutual helicity between the magnetic field that threads the boundary $\mathcal{S}$ and the magnetic field that closes inside $\mathcal{V}$. The total magnetic field that permeates $\mathcal{V}$ entangles magnetic fields that are produced by current sources $\boldsymbol{J}$ in $\mathcal{V}$ with magnetic fields that are produced by current sources $\boldsymbol{J}^*$ in $\mathcal{V}^*$. Building on this fact, we extend Berger's expressions for relative magnetic helicity to eight gauge invariant quantities that simultaneously characterize both of these self and mutual helicities and attribute their origins to currents $\boldsymbol{J}$ in $\mathcal{V}$ and/or $\boldsymbol{J}^*$ in $\mathcal{V}^*$, thereby disentangling the domain of origin for these entangled linkages. We arrange these eight terms into novel expressions for internal and external helicity (self) and internal-external helicity (mutual) based on their domain of origin. The implications of these linkages for interpreting magnetic energy is discussed and new boundary observables are proposed for tracking the evolution of the field that threads the boundary.

The investigation of primordial non-Gaussianities holds immense importance in testing the inflation paradigm and shedding light on the physics of the early universe. In this study, we conduct the first complete analysis of scalar-induced gravitational waves (SIGWs) by simultaneously incorporating the local-type non-Gaussianities $f_{\mathrm{NL}}$ and $g_{\mathrm{NL}}$. To achieve this, we develop a Feynman-like diagrammatic technique and derive semi-analytic formulas for both the energy-density fraction spectrum and the angular power spectrum. For the energy-density fraction spectrum, we meticulously analyze all the relevant Feynman-like diagrams, systematically determining their contributions to the spectrum in an order-by-order fashion. As for the angular power spectrum, our focus lies on the initial inhomogeneities that arise from the coupling between short-wavelength and long-wavelength modes due to primordial non-Gaussianities. These inhomogeneities give rise to anisotropies in SIGWs. Our analysis reveals that this spectrum exhibits a typical multipole dependence, characterized by $\tilde{C}_{\ell}\propto[\ell(\ell+1)]^{-1}$. This dependence plays a crucial role in distinguishing between different sources of gravitational waves. Moreover, depending on the model parameters, significant anisotropies of $\tilde{C}_{\ell}\sim10^{-3}$ can be achieved. Additionally, we demonstrate that the degeneracies in the model parameters can be broken. The findings of our study underscore the power of this spectrum as a robust probe for investigating primordial non-Gaussianities and exploring the physics of the early universe through gravitational-wave observations. Furthermore, the theoretical predictions derived from our research can be experimentally tested using space-borne gravitational-wave detectors and pulsar timing arrays.

Adrià Gómez-Valent, Arianna Favale, Marina Migliaccio, Anjan A. Sen

20 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables

The $\sim 5\sigma$ mismatch between the value of the Hubble parameter measured by SH0ES and the one inferred from the inverse distance ladder (IDL) constitutes the biggest tension afflicting the standard model of cosmology, which could be pointing to the need of physics beyond $\Lambda$CDM. In this paper we study the background history required to solve the $H_0$ tension if we consider standard prerecombination physics, paying special attention to the role played by the data on baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) employed to build the IDL. We show that the anisotropic BAO data favor an ultra-late-time (phantom-like) enhancement of $H(z)$ at $z\lesssim 0.2$ to solve the tension, accompanied by a transition in the absolute magnitude of supernovae of Type Ia $M(z)$ in the same redshift range. The effective dark energy (DE) density must be smaller than in the standard model at higher redshifts. Instead, when angular BAO data (claimed to be less subject to model dependencies) is employed in the analysis, we find that the increase of $H(z)$ starts at much higher redshifts, typically in the range $z\sim 0.6-0.9$. In this case, $M(z)$ could experience also a transition (although much smoother) and the effective DE density becomes negative at $z\gtrsim 2$. Both scenarios require a violation of the weak energy condition (WEC), but leave an imprint on completely different redshift ranges and might also have a different impact on the perturbed observables. They allow for the effective crossing of the phantom divide. Finally, we employ two alternative methods to show that current data from cosmic chronometers do not exclude the violation of the WEC, but do not add any strong evidence in its favor neither. Our work puts the accent on the utmost importance of the choice of the BAO data set in the study of the possible solutions to the $H_0$ tension.

Sargam M. Mulay, Lyndsay Fletcher, Hugh Hudson, Nicolas Labrosse

14 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

We have systematically investigated ultraviolet (UV) emission from molecular hydrogen (H$_{2}$) using the Interface Region Imaging Spectrometer (IRIS), during three X-ray flares of C5.1, C9.7 and X1.0 classes on Oct. 25, 2014. Significant emission from five H$_{2}$ spectral lines appeared in the flare ribbons, interpreted as photo-excitation (fluorescence) due to the absorption of UV radiation from two Si IV spectral lines. The H$_{2}$ profiles were broad and consisted of two non-stationary components in red and in the blue wings of the line in addition to the stationary component. The red (blue) wing components showed small redshifts (blue shifts) of ~5-15 km s$^{-1}$ (~5-10 km s$^{-1}$). The nonthermal velocities were found to be ~5-15 km s$^{-1}$. The interrelation between intensities of H$_{2}$ lines and their branching ratios confirmed that H$_{2}$ emission formed under optically thin plasma conditions. There is a strong spatial and temporal correlation between Si IV and H$_{2}$ emission, but the H$_{2}$ emission is more extended and diffuse, further suggesting H$_{2}$ fluorescence, and - by analogy with flare ''back-warming'' providing a means to estimate the depth from which the H$_{2}$ emission originates. We find that this is 1871$\pm$157 km and 1207$\pm$112 km below the source of the Si IV emission, in two different ribbon locations.

K. Ertini, G. Folatelli, L. Martinez, M. C. Bersten, J. P. Anderson, C. Ashall, E. Baron, S. Bose, P. J. Brown, C. Burns, J. M. DerKacy, L. Ferrari, L. Galbany, E. Hsiao, S. Kumar, J. Lu, P. Mazzali, N. Morrell, M. Orellana, P. J. Pessi, M. M. Phillips, A. L. Piro, A. Polin, M. Shahbandeh, B. J. Shappee, M. Stritzinger, N. B. Suntzeff, M. Tucker, N. Elias-Rosa, H. Kuncarayakti, C. P. Gutiérrez, A. Kozyreva, T. E. Müller-Bravo, T. -W. Chen, J. T. Hinkle, A. V. Payne, P. Székely, T. Szalai, B. Barna, R. Könyves-Tóth, D. Bánhidi, I. B. Bíró, I. Csányi, L. Kriskovits, A. Pál, Zs. Szabó, R. Szakáts, K. Vida, J. Vinkó, M. Gromadzki, L. Harvey, M. Nicholl, E. Paraskeva, D. R. Young, B. Englert

21 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present extensive ultraviolet (UV) and optical photometric and optical spectroscopic follow-up of supernova (SN)~2021gno by the "Precision Observations of Infant Supernova Explosions" (POISE) project, starting less than two days after the explosion. Given its intermediate luminosity, fast photometric evolution, and quick transition to the nebular phase with spectra dominated by [Ca~II] lines, SN~2021gno belongs to the small family of Calcium-rich transients. Moreover, it shows double-peaked light curves, a phenomenon shared with only four other Calcium-rich events. The projected distance from the center of the host galaxy is not as large as other objects in this family. The initial optical light-curve peaks coincide with a very quick decline of the UV flux, indicating a fast initial cooling phase. Through hydrodynamical modelling of the bolometric light curve and line velocity evolution, we found that the observations are compatible with the explosion of a highly-stripped massive star with an ejecta mass of $0.8\,M_\odot$ and a $^{56}$Ni mass of $0.024~M_{\odot}$. The initial cooling phase (first light curve peak) is explained by the presence of an extended circumstellar material comprising $\sim$$10^{-2}\,M_{\odot}$ with an extension of $1100\,R_{\odot}$. We discuss if hydrogen features are present in both maximum-light and nebular spectra, and its implications in terms of the proposed progenitor scenarios for Calcium-rich transients.

J. A. Sturm, M. K. McClure, T. L. Beck, D. Harsono, J. B. Bergner, E. Dartois, A. C. A. Boogert, J. E. Chiar, M. A. Cordiner, M. N. Drozdovskaya, S. Ioppolo, C. J. Law, H. Linnartz, D. C. Lis, G. J. Melnick, B. A. McGuire, J. A. Noble, K. I. Öberg, M. E. Palumbo, Y. J. Pendleton, G. Perotti, K. M. Pontoppidan, D. Qasim, W. R. M. Rocha, H. Terada, R. G. Urso, E. F. van Dishoeck

16 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

Ices are the main carriers of volatiles in protoplanetary disks and are crucial to our understanding of the chemistry that ultimately sets the organic composition of planets. The ERS program Ice Age on the JWST follows the ice evolution through all stages of star and planet formation. JWST/NIRSpec observations of the edge-on Class II protoplanetary disk HH~48~NE reveal spatially resolved absorption features of the major ice components H$_2$O, CO$_2$, CO, and multiple weaker signatures from less abundant ices NH$_3$, OCN$^-$, and OCS. Isotopologue $^{13}$CO$_2$ ice has been detected for the first time in a protoplanetary disk. Since multiple complex light paths contribute to the observed flux, the ice absorption features are filled in by ice-free scattered light. The $^{12}$CO$_2$/$^{13}$CO$_2$ ratio of 14 implies that the $^{12}$CO$_2$ feature is saturated, without the flux approaching 0, indicative of a very high CO$_2$ column density on the line of sight, and a corresponding abundance with respect to hydrogen that is higher than ISM values by a factor of at least a few. Observations of rare isotopologues are crucial, as we show that the $^{13}$CO$_2$ observation allows us to determine the column density of CO$_2$ to be at an order of magnitude higher than the lower limit directly inferred from the observed optical depth. Radial variations in ice abundance, e.g., snowlines, are significantly modified since all observed photons have passed through the full radial extent of the disk. CO ice is observed at perplexing heights in the disk, extending to the top of the CO-emitting gas layer. We argue that the most likely interpretation is that we observe some CO ice at high temperatures, trapped in less volatile ices like H$_2$O and CO$_2$. Future radiative transfer models will be required to constrain the implications on our current understanding of disk physics and chemistry.

S.Mohammadi, E. Yusofi, M. Mohsenzadeh, M. K. Salem

7 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, According to the version accepted in MNRAS

In this study, we use the merger process of clusters/voids in the role of variable dark energy fluid to alleviate the Hubble tension, which can lead to a balance in the cosmological expansion rate. To reach this target, we will introduce a modified form of energy density for cosmic fluid with the quadratic equation of state, and then we obtain Hubble, deceleration parameters, and luminosity distance for this fluid. To obtain the merger factor and other parameters of our model, we utilize the NONLINEARMODELFIT function within MATHEMATICA. By consideration of the local and global measurements of $\rm H_0$, and the equation of state parameter $w$ as the priory values and fitting our model with Observational Hubble Data (OHD) measurements, we will show that the merger of clusters/voids plays the role of balancing the cosmic expansion rate. Also, it will be shown that the model is more compatible than $w$CDM with the standard model to describe the accelerating universe.

Kishalay De, Fiona A. Daly, Roberto Soria

6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Submitted to MNRAS letters. Comments welcome!

High mass X-ray binaries hosting red supergiant (RSG) donors are a rare but crucial phase in massive stellar evolution, with only one source previously known in the Milky Way. In this letter, we present the identification of the second Galactic RSG X-ray binary SWIFT J0850.8-4219. We identify the source 2MASS 08504008-4211514 as the likely infrared counterpart with a chance coincidence probability $\approx 5 \times 10^{-6}$. We present a $1.0 - 2.5\,\mu$m spectrum of the counterpart, exhibiting features characteristic of late-type stars and an exceptionally strong He I emission line, corroborating the identification. Based on i) the strength of the $^{12}$CO(2,0) band, ii) strong CN bandheads and absent TiO bandheads at $\approx 1.1\,\mu$m and iii) equivalent width of the Mg I $1.71\,\mu$m line, we classify the counterpart to be a K3$-$K5 type RSG with an effective temperature of $3820 \pm 100$ K, located at a distance of $\approx 12$ kpc. We estimate the source X-ray luminosity to be $(4 \pm 1) \times 10^{35}$ erg s$^{-1}$, with a hard photon index ($\Gamma < 1$), arguing against a white dwarf accretor but consistent with a magnetized neutron star in the propeller phase. Our results highlight the potential of systematic NIR spectroscopy of Galactic hard X-ray sources in completing our census of the local X-ray binary population.

Dash Stevanovich, Andrew P. Hearin, Daisuke Nagai

11 pages, 4 appendices, version accepted for publication in MNRAS

We introduce a new model of the evolution of the concentration of dark matter halos, c(t). For individual halos, our model approximates c(t) as a power law with a time-dependent index, such that at early times, concentration has a nearly constant value of c=3-4, and as cosmic time progresses, c(t) smoothly increases. Using large samples of halo merger trees taken from the Bolshoi-P and MDPL2 cosmological simulations, we demonstrate that our 3-parameter model can approximate the evolution of the concentration of individual halos with a typical accuracy of 0.1 dex for t>2 Gyr for all Bolshoi-P and MDPL2 halos of present-day mass greater than 10^11.5 Msun. We additionally present a new model of the evolution of the concentration of halo populations, which we show faithfully reproduces both average concentration growth, as well as the diversity of smooth trajectories of c(t), including capturing correlations with halo mass and halo assembly history. Our publicly available source code, Diffprof, can be used to generate Monte Carlo realizations of the concentration histories of cosmologically representative halo populations; Diffprof is differentiable due to its implementation in the JAX autodiff library, which facilitates the incorporation of our model into existing analytical halo model frameworks.

I identify a point-symmetric structure composed of three pairs of clumps in the recently released JWST image of the ejecta of SN 1987A and argue that these pairs of clumps support the jittering jets explosion mechanism (JJEM) for SN 1987A. I compare this point-symmetric structure with the multipolar-lobe morphology of a post-asymptotic giant branch nebula. The three pairs of clumps in the post-AGB nebula are formed at the tip of jet-inflated lobes. I use this similarity to strengthen earlier claims that SN 1987A was exploded by jets in the frame of the JJEM.

Camila P. Novaes, Eduardo J. de Mericia, Filipe B. Abdalla, Carlos A. Wuensche, Larissa Santos, Jacques Delabrouille, Mathieu Remazeilles, Vincenzo Liccardo

17 pages, 13 figures

The future 21 cm intensity mapping observations constitute a promising way to trace the matter distribution of the Universe and probe cosmology. Here we assess its capability for cosmological constraints using as a case study the BINGO radio telescope, that will survey the Universe at low redshifts ($0.13 < z < 0.45$). We use neural networks (NNs) to map summary statistics, namely, the angular power spectrum (APS) and the Minkowski functionals (MFs), calculated from simulations into cosmological parameters. Our simulations span a wide grid of cosmologies, sampled under the $\Lambda$CDM scenario, {$\Omega_c, h$}, and under an extension assuming the Chevallier-Polarski-Linder (CPL) parameterization, {$\Omega_c, h, w_0, w_a$}. In general, NNs trained over APS outperform those using MFs, while their combination provides 27% (5%) tighter error ellipse in the $\Omega_c-h$ plane under the $\Lambda$CDM scenario (CPL parameterization) compared to the individual use of the APS. Their combination allows predicting $\Omega_c$ and $h$ with 4.9% and 1.6% fractional errors, respectively, which increases to 6.4% and 3.7% under CPL parameterization. Although we find large bias on $w_a$ estimates, we still predict $w_0$ with 24.3% error. We also confirm our results to be robust to foreground contamination, besides finding the instrumental noise to cause the greater impact on the predictions. Still, our results illustrate the capability of future low redshift 21 cm observations in providing competitive cosmological constraints using NNs, showing the ease of combining different summary statistics.

Naomi Gluck (1), Benjamin D. Oppenheimer (2), Daisuke Nagai (1), Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro (3 and 4), Daniel Angéles-Alcázar (5 and 4) ((1) Yale University, (2) University of Colorado Boulder, (3) Princeton University, (4) Center for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute, (5) University of Connecticut)

The circum-galactic medium (CGM) can feasibly be mapped by multiwavelength surveys covering broad swaths of the sky. With multiple large datasets becoming available in the near future, we develop a likelihood-free Deep Learning technique using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to infer broad-scale physical properties of a galaxy's CGM and its halo mass for the first time. Using CAMELS (Cosmology and Astrophysics with MachinE Learning Simulations) data, including IllustrisTNG, SIMBA, and Astrid models, we train CNNs on Soft X-ray and 21-cm (HI) radio 2D maps to trace hot and cool gas, respectively, around galaxies, groups, and clusters. Our CNNs offer the unique ability to train and test on ''multifield'' datasets comprised of both HI and X-ray maps, providing complementary information about physical CGM properties and improved inferences. Applying eRASS:4 survey limits shows that X-ray is not powerful enough to infer individual halos with masses $\log(M_{\rm{halo}}/M_{\odot}) < 12.5$. The multifield improves the inference for all halo masses. Generally, the CNN trained and tested on Astrid (SIMBA) can most (least) accurately infer CGM properties. Cross-simulation analysis -- training on one galaxy formation model and testing on another -- highlights the challenges of developing CNNs trained on a single model to marginalize over astrophysical uncertainties and perform robust inferences on real data. The next crucial step in improving the resulting inferences on physical CGM properties hinges on our ability to interpret these deep-learning models.

Teodora-Elena Bulichi, Katja Fahrion, François Mernier, Michael Hilker, Ryan Leaman, Mariya Lyubenova, Oliver Müller, Nadine Neumayer, Ignacio Martin Navarro, Francesca Pinna, Marina Rejkuba, Laura Scholz-Diaz, Glenn van de Ven

15 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

The mass-metallicity relation (MZR) represents one of the most important scaling relations in the context of galaxy evolution, comprising a positive correlation between stellar mass and metallicity (Z). The fundamental metallicity relation (FMR) introduces a new parameter, the star formation rate (SFR), in the dependence. While several studies found that Z is anti-correlated with the SFR at fixed mass, the validity of this statement has been questioned extensively and no widely-accepted consensus has been reached yet. With this work, we investigate the FMR in nine nearby, spatially-resolved, dwarf galaxies, using gas diagnostics on integral-field spectroscopic data of the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE), pushing such investigations to lower galaxy masses and higher resolutions. We find that both the MZR and FMR exhibit different behaviours within different star forming regions of the galaxies. We find that the SFR surface density - metallicity anti-correlation is tighter in the low-mass galaxies of our sample. For all the galaxies considered, we find a SFR surface density - stellar mass surface density correlation. We propose that the main reason behind these findings is connected to the accretion mechanisms of the gas fuelling star formation -- low-mass, metal-poor galaxies accrete pristine gas from the intergalactic medium, while in more massive and metal-enriched systems the gas responsible for star formation is recycled from previous star forming episodes.

We examine implications of the weak gravity conjecture for the mechanisms for discharging cosmological constant via membrane nucleations. Once screening fluxes and membranes which source them enter, and weak gravity bounds are enforced, a generic de Sitter space \underline{must} be unstable. We show that when all the flux terms which screen and discharge the cosmological constant are dominated by quadratic and higher order terms, the bounds from weak gravity conjecture and naturalness lead toward anthropic outcomes. In contrast, when the flux sectors are dominated by linear flux terms, anthropics may be avoided, and the cosmological constant may naturally decay toward smallest possible values.

Gregorio Carullo, Simone Albanesi, Alessandro Nagar, Rossella Gamba, Sebastiano Bernuzzi, Tomas Andrade, Juan Trenado

Main: 10 pages, 3 figures; w suppl. mater.: 19 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables

The precise modeling of binary black hole coalescences in generic planar orbits is a crucial step to disentangle dynamical and isolated binary formation channels through gravitational-wave observations. The merger regime of such coalescences exhibits a significantly higher complexity compared to the quasicircular case, and cannot be readily described through standard parameterizations in terms of eccentricity and anomaly. In the spirit of the Effective One Body formalism, we build on the study of the test-mass limit, and show how gauge-invariant combinations of the binary energy and angular momentum, such as a dynamical "impact parameter" at merger, overcome this challenge. These variables reveal simple "quasi-universal" structures of the pivotal merger parameters, allowing to build an accurate analytical representation of generic (bounded and dynamically-bounded) orbital configurations. We demonstrate the validity of these analytical relations using 255 numerical simulations of bounded noncircular binaries with nonspinning progenitors from the RIT and SXS catalogs, together with a custom dataset of dynamical captures generated using the Einstein Toolkit, and test-mass data in bound orbits. Our modeling strategy lays the foundations of accurate and complete waveform models for systems in arbitrary orbits, bolstering observational explorations of dynamical formation scenarios and the discovery of new classes of gravitational wave sources.

Mohammad Sharifian, Moslem Zarei, Mehdi Abdi, Nicola Bartolo, Sabino Matarrese

40 pages, 8 figures

This paper investigates the decoherence effect resulting from the interaction of squeezed gravitational waves with a system of massive particles in spatial superposition. We take into account two systems, one made up of spin-1/2 particles and the other of spinless particles, and use the quantum Boltzmann equation to study their decoherence. For the spin-1/2 particle system, our analysis reveals that the rate of decoherence depends on both the squeezing strength and the squeezing angle of the gravitational waves. Our results demonstrate that squeezed gravitational waves with squeezing strengths of $r_p\geq1.2$ and a squeezing angle of $\varphi_p=\pi/2$ can induce a 1 % decoherence within 1 s free falling of a cloud of spin-1/2 particles. In contrast, for the spinless particle system, the decoherence rate is weaker and depends solely on the squeezing strength of the gravitational waves and does not depend on the squeezing angle. As a consequence, in this case, the same amount of decoherence of the spin-1/2 particles can be reached when the system is two orders of magnitude more massive, the experiment ten times longer, and for squeezing strength $r_p\geq2.1$. This investigation sheds light on the relationship between squeezed gravitational waves and the coherence of spatial superposition states in systems of massive particles and their spin. The dependence of decoherence on squeezing strength and, in the case of spin-1/2 particles, on the squeezing angle paves the way for further exploration and understanding of the quantum-gravity connection. We suggest that such an experimental setup could also be employed to eventually investigate the level of squeezing effect (and hence quantum-related properties) of gravitational waves produced in the Early Universe from inflation.

Mikhail V. Medvedev

Invited paper for the PoP Special Collection on Relativistic Plasma in Supercritical Electromagnetic Fields. 17 pages, 8 figures

Ultra-magnetized plasmas, where the magnetic field strength exceeds the Schwinger field of about $B_{Q}\approx4\times10^{13}$~gauss, become of great scientific interest, thanks to the current advances in laser-plasma experiments and astrophysical observations of magnetar emission. These advances demand better understanding of how quantum electrodynamics (QED) effects influence collective plasma phenomena. In particular, Maxwell's equations become nonlinear in the strong-QED regime. Here we present the `QED plasma framework' which will allow one to {\em systematically} explore collective phenomena in a QED-plasma with arbitrarily strong magnetic field. Further, we illustrate the framework by exploring low-frequency modes in the ultra-magnetized, cold, electron-positron plasmas. We demonstrate that the classical picture of five branches holds in the QED regime; no new eigenmodes appear. The dispersion curves of all the modes are modified. The QED effects include the overall modification to the plasma frequency, which becomes field-dependent. They also modify resonances and cutoffs of the modes, which become both field- and angle-dependent. The strongest effects are (i) the {\em field-induced transparency of plasma} for the O-mode via the dramatic reduction of the low-frequency cutoff well below the plasma frequency, (ii) the {\em Alfven mode suppression} in the large-$k$ regime via the reduction of the Alfven mode resonance, and (iii) the {\em O-mode slowdown} via strong angle-dependent increase of the index of refraction. These results should be important for understanding of a magnetospheric pair plasma of a magnetar and for laboratory laser-plasma experiments in the QED regime.

Jaume de Haro, Shin'ichi Nojiri, S. D. Odintsov, V. K. Oikonomou, Supriya Pan

Invited Review Article from Physics Reports (in press); 138 pages including 7 tables, 1 figure and the references

Singularities in any physical theory are either remarkable indicators of the unknown underlying fundamental theory, or indicate a change in the description of the physical reality. In General Relativity there are three fundamental kinds of singularities that might occur, firstly the black hole spacelike crushing singularities, e.g. in the Schwarzschild case and two cosmological spacelike singularities appearing in finite-time, namely, the Big Bang singularity and the Big Rip singularity. In the case of black hole and Big Bang singularity, the singularity indicates that the physics is no longer described by the classical gravity theory but some quantum version of gravity is probably needed. The Big Rip is a future singularity which appears in the context of General Relativity due to a phantom scalar field needed to describe the dark energy era. Apart from the Big Rip singularity, a variety of finite-time future singularities, such as, sudden singularity, Big Freeze singularity, generalized sudden singularity, $w$-singularity and so on, are allowed in various class of cosmological models irrespective of their origin. The occurrence of these finite-time singularities has been intensively investigated in the context of a variety of dark energy, modified gravity, and other alternative cosmological theories. These singularities suggest that the current cosmological scenario is probably an approximate version of a fundamental theory yet to be discovered. In this review we provide a concrete overview of the cosmological theories constructed in the context of Einstein's General Relativity and modified gravity theories that may lead to finite-time cosmological singularities. We also discuss various approaches suggested in the literature that could potentially prevent or mitigate finite-time singularities within the cosmological scenarios.

We consider the evolution of quantum fields during inflation, and show that the total-energy singularities appearing in the perturbative expansion of the late-time Wavefunction of the Universe are purely real when the external states are massless scalars and massless gravitons. Our proof relies on the tree-level approximation, Bunch-Davies initial conditions, and exact scale invariance (IR-convergence), but without any assumptions on invariance under de Sitter boosts. We consider all $n$-point functions and allow for the exchange of additional states of any mass and integer spin. Our proof makes use of a decomposition of the inflationary bulk-bulk propagator of massive spinning fields which preserves UV-convergence and ensures that the time-ordered contributions are purely real after we rotate to Euclidean time. We use this reality property to show that the maximally-connected parts of wavefunction coefficients, from which total-energy singularities come from, are purely real. In a theory where all states are in the complementary series, this reality extends to the full wavefunction coefficient. We then use our reality theorem to show that parity-odd correlators (correlators that are mirror asymmetric) are factorised and do not diverge when the total-energy is conserved. We pay special attention to the parity-odd four-point function (trispectrum) of inflationary curvature perturbations and use our reality/factorisation theorems to show that this observable is factorised into a product of cubic diagrams thereby enabling us to derive exact shapes. We present examples of couplings between the inflaton and massive spin-$1$ and spin-$2$ fields, with the parity-violation in the trispectrum driven by Chern-Simons corrections to the spinning field two-point function, or from parity-violating cubic interactions which we build within the Effective Field Theory of Inflation.

Ultralight boson is one of the potential candidates for dark matter. If exists, it can be generated by a rapidly rotating black hole via superradiance, extracting the energy and angular momentum of the black hole and forming a boson cloud. The boson cloud can be affected by the presence of a companion star, generating fruitful dynamical effects and producing characteristic gravitational wave signals. We study the dynamics of the boson cloud in a binary black hole system, in particular, we develop a framework to study the mass transfer between two black holes. It is found that bosons occupying the growing modes of the central black hole can jump to the decaying modes of the companion black hole, resulting in cloud depletion. This mechanism of cloud depletion is different from that induced by the resonant perturbation from the companion.

We investigate dark matter phenomenology and Higgs inflation in a dark $U(1)_D$-extended model. The model features two dark matter candidates, a dark fermion and a dark vector boson. When the fermion DM $\psi$ is heavier than the vector DM $W_D$, there is an ample parameter space where $\psi$ is dominant over $W_D$. The model can then easily evade the stringent bounds from direct detection experiments, since $\psi$ has no direct coupling to the Standard Model particles. Furthermore, the model can accommodate inflation in three different ways, one along the Standard Model Higgs direction, one along the dark Higgs direction, and one along the combination of the two. Considering the running of the parameters and various observational constraints, we perform a detailed numerical analysis and identify allowed parameter spaces that explain both dark matter and Higgs inflation in a unified manner. We discuss in detail how the imposition of Higgs inflation severely constrains the dark matter parameter space. The existence of the dark Higgs field is found to play a crucial role both in dark matter phenomenology and in generalised Higgs inflation.

K.J. McGuire, A.E. Chavarria, N. Castello-Mor, S. Lee, B. Kilminster, R. Vilar, A. Alvarez, J. Jung, J. Cuevas-Zepeda, C. De Dominicis, R. Gaïor, L. Iddir, A. Letessier-Selvon, H. Lin, S. Munagavalasa, D. Norcini, S. Paul, P. Privitera, R. Smida, M. Traina, R. Yajur, J-P. Zopounidis

9 pages, 7 figures

Charge-coupled devices (CCDs) are a leading technology in direct dark matter searches because of their eV-scale energy threshold and high spatial resolution. The sensitivity of future CCD experiments could be enhanced by distinguishing nuclear recoil signals from electronic recoil backgrounds in the CCD silicon target. We present a technique for event-by-event identification of nuclear recoils based on the spatial correlation between the primary ionization event and the lattice defect left behind by the recoiling atom, later identified as a localized excess of leakage current under thermal stimulation. By irradiating a CCD with an $^{241}$Am$^{9}$Be neutron source, we demonstrate $>93\%$ identification efficiency for nuclear recoils with energies $>150$ keV, where the ionization events were confirmed to be nuclear recoils from topology. The technique remains fully efficient down to 90 keV, decreasing to 50$\%$ at 8 keV, and reaching ($6\pm2$)$\%$ at 1.5--3.5 keV. Irradiation with a $^{24}$Na $\gamma$-ray source shows no evidence of defect generation by electronic recoils, with the fraction of electronic recoils with energies $<85$ keV that are spatially correlated with defects $<0.1$$\%$.

R. Gibbons, H. Chen, S.J. Haselschwardt, Q. Xia, P. Sorensen

12 pages, 6 figures

Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) are solid-state, single-photon sensitive, pixelated sensors whose usage for scintillation detection has rapidly increased over the past decade. It is known that the avalanche process within the device, which renders a single photon detectable, can also generate secondary photons which may be detected by a separate device. This effect, known as external crosstalk, could potentially degrade the science goals of future xenon dark matter experiments. In this article, we measure the effect of external crosstalk in a dual-phase, liquid xenon time projection chamber fully instrumented with SiPMs. We then consider the implications for a future xenon dark matter experiment utilizing SiPMs and discuss possible solutions.