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Papers for Tuesday, Sep 19 2023

Papers with local authors

Oliver H. E. Philcox, Morgane J. König, Stephon Alexander, David N. Spergel

24+9 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. D

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Paper 2 — arXiv:2309.08653
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Paper 2 — arXiv:2309.08653

The shapes of galaxies trace scalar physics in the late-Universe through the large-scale gravitational potential. Are they also sensitive to higher-spin physics? We present a general study into the observational consequences of vector and tensor modes in the early and late Universe, through the statistics of cosmic shear and its higher-order generalization, flexion. Higher-spin contributions arise from both gravitational lensing and intrinsic alignments, and we give the leading-order correlators for each (some of which have been previously derived), in addition to their flat-sky limits. In particular, we find non-trivial sourcing of shear $EB$ and $BB$ spectra, depending on the parity properties of the source. We consider two sources of vector and tensor modes: scale-invariant primordial fluctuations and cosmic strings, forecasting the detectability of each for upcoming surveys. Shear is found to be a powerful probe of cosmic strings, primarily through the continual sourcing of vector modes; flexion adds little to the constraining power except on very small scales ($\ell\gtrsim 1000$), though it could be an intriguing probe of as-yet-unknown rank-three tensors or halo-scale physics. Such probes could be used to constrain new physics proposed to explain recent pulsar timing array observations.

Lei Hu, Lifan Wang

20 pages, 7 figures, Submitted to ApJL

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Paper 36 — arXiv:2309.09143
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Paper 36 — arXiv:2309.09143

We present an algorithm to derive difference images for data taken with the JWST with matched PSFs. It is based on the SFFT method but with revisions to accommodate the rotations and spatial variations of the Point Spread Functions (PSFs). It allows for spatially varying kernels in B-spline form with separately controlled photometric scaling and Tikhonov kernel regularization for harnessing the ultimate fitting flexibility. We present this method using the JWST/NIRCam images of Abell cluster 2744 acquired in JWST Cycle 1 as the test data. The algorithm can be useful for time-domain source detection and differential photometry with the JWST. It can also co-add images of multiple exposures taken at different field orientations. The co-added images preserve the sharpness of the central cores of the PSFs, and the positions and shapes of the objects are matched precisely with B-splines across the field.

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From generation to generation, the maximum RF frequency and sampling rate of the integrated data converters in RF system-on-chip (RFSoC) family devices from Xilinx increases significantly. With the integrated digital mixers and up and down conversion blocks in the datapaths of the data converters, those RFSoC devices offer the capability for implementing a full readout system of ground and space-based telescopes and detectors across the electromagnetic spectrum within the devices with minimum or no analog mixing circuit. In this paper, we present the characterization results for the the data converters sampling at higher orders of Nyquist zones to extend the frequency range covered for our targeted readout systems of microwave-frequency resonator-based cryogenic detector and multiplexer systems and other astronomical and high-energy physics instrumentation applications, such as, axion search and dark matter detection. The initial evaluation of the data converters operating higher order Nyquist zones covers two-tones and comb of tones tests to address the concerns in the RF inter-modulation distortion, which is the key performance index for our targeted applications. The characterization of the data converters is performed in the bandwidth of 4-6 GHz and results meet our requirements. The settings and operating strategies of the data converters for our targeted applications will be summarised.

Jorick S. Vink, Gautham N. Sabhahit (Armagh Observatory and Planetarium)

Accepted Letter in Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A). 4 pages. 3 figures

Red supergiants (RSG) are key objects for the evolution of massive stars and their endpoints, but uncertainties in their underlying mass-loss mechanism have thus far prevented an appropriate framework for massive star evolution. We analyse an empirical mass loss"kink" feature uncovered by Yang et al., and we highlight its similarity to hot star radiation-driven wind models and observations at the optically thin/thick transition point. We motivate a new RSG mass-loss prescription that depends on the Eddington factor Gamma (including both a steep L dependence and an inverse steep M dependence). We subsequently implement this new RSG mass-loss prescription in the stellar evolution code MESA. We find that our physically motivated mass-loss behaviour naturally reproduces the Humphreys-Davidson limit without a need for any ad-hoc tweaks. It also resolves the RSG supernova "problem". We argue that a universal behaviour of radiation-driven winds across the HR diagram, independent of the exact source of opacity, is a key feature of the evolution of the most massive stars.

Adam M. Dillamore, Vasily Belokurov, Andrey Kravtsov, Andreea S. Font

8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to MNRAS

We investigate the formation (spin-up) of galactic discs in the ARTEMIS simulations of Milky Way-mass galaxies. In almost all galaxies discs spin up at higher [Fe/H] than the Milky Way (MW). Those that contain an analogue of the Gaia Sausage-Enceladus (GSE) spin up at a lower average metallicity than those without. We identify six galaxies with spin-up metallicity similar to that of the MW, which form their discs $\sim 8-11$ Gyr ago. Five of these experience a merger similar to the GSE. The spin-up times correlate with the halo masses at early times: galaxies with early spin-up have larger virial masses at a lookback time $t_L=12$ Gyr. The fraction of stars accreted from outside the host galaxy is smaller in galaxies with earlier spin-ups. Accreted fractions small enough to be comparable to the MW are only found in galaxies with the earliest disc formation and large initial virial masses ($M_\mathrm{200c} \approx2\times10^{11}M_\odot$ at $t_L=12$ Gyr). We find that discs form when the halo's virial mass reaches a threshold of $M_\mathrm{200c}\approx(6\pm3)\times10^{11}M_\odot$, independent of the spin-up time. We also find that discs form when the central potential is not particularly steep. Our results indicate that the MW assembled its mass and formed its disc earlier than the average galaxy of a similar mass.

Daniela Galárraga-Espinosa, Corentin Cadiou, Céline Gouin, Simon D. M. White, Volker Springel, Rüdiger Pakmor, Boryana Hadzhiyska, Sownak Bose, Fulvio Ferlito, Lars Hernquist, Rahul Kannan, Monica Barrera, Ana Maria Delgado, César Hernández-Aguayo

17 pages, submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics, comments welcome!

We present a study of the evolution of cosmic filaments across redshift with emphasis on some important properties: filament lengths, growth rates, and radial profiles of galaxy densities. Following an observation-driven approach, we build cosmic filament catalogues at z=0,1,2,3 and 4 from the galaxy distributions of the large hydro-dynamical run of the MilleniumTNG project. We employ the extensively used DisPerSE cosmic web finder code, for which we provide a user-friendly guide, including the details of a physics-driven calibration procedure, with the hope of helping future users. We perform the first statistical measurements of the evolution of connectivity in a large-scale simulation, finding that the connectivity of cosmic nodes (defined as the number of filaments attached) globally decreases from early to late times. The study of cosmic filaments in proper coordinates reveals that filaments grow in length and radial extent, as expected from large-scale structures in an expanding Universe. But the most interesting results arise once the Hubble flow is factored out. We find remarkably stable comoving filament length functions and over-density profiles, showing only little evolution of the total population of filaments in the past ~12.25 Gyrs. However, by tracking the spatial evolution of individual structures, we demonstrate that filaments of different lengths actually follow different evolutionary paths. While short filaments preferentially contract, long filaments expand along their longitudinal direction with growth rates that are the highest in the early, matter dominated Universe. Filament diversity at fixed redshift is also shown by the different (~$5 \sigma$) density values between the shortest and longest filaments. Our results hint that cosmic filaments can be used as additional probes for dark energy, but further theoretical work is still needed.

Verlon Etsebeth, Michelle Lochner, Mike Walmsley, Margherita Grespan

15 pages, 9 figures. Comments welcome, especially suggestions about the anomalous sources

Modern astronomical surveys are producing datasets of unprecedented size and richness, increasing the potential for high-impact scientific discovery. This possibility, coupled with the challenge of exploring a large number of sources, has led to the development of novel machine-learning-based anomaly detection approaches, such as Astronomaly. For the first time, we test the scalability of Astronomaly by applying it to almost 4 million images of galaxies from the Dark Energy Camera Legacy Survey. We use a trained deep learning algorithm to learn useful representations of the images and pass these to the anomaly detection algorithm isolation forest, coupled with Astronomaly's active learning method, to discover interesting sources. We find that data selection criteria have a significant impact on the trade-off between finding rare sources such as strong lenses and introducing artefacts into the dataset. We demonstrate that active learning is required to identify the most interesting sources and reduce artefacts, while anomaly detection methods alone are insufficient. Using Astronomaly, we find 1635 anomalies among the top 2000 sources in the dataset after applying active learning, including 8 strong gravitational lens candidates, 1609 galaxy merger candidates, and 18 previously unidentified sources exhibiting highly unusual morphology. Our results show that by leveraging the human-machine interface, Astronomaly is able to rapidly identify sources of scientific interest even in large datasets.

Juan I. Espinoza-Retamal, Wei Zhu, Cristobal Petrovich

11 pages, 4 figures. Under review at AJ, after 1st round of referee review

The mutual inclination between planets orbiting the same star provides key information to understand the formation and evolution of multi-planet systems. In this work, we investigate the potential of Gaia astrometry in detecting and characterizing cold Jupiters in orbits exterior to the currently known TESS planet candidates. According to our simulations, out of the $\sim 3350$ systems expected to have cold Jupiter companions, Gaia, by its nominal 5-year mission, should be able to detect $\sim 200$ cold Jupiters and measure the orbital inclinations with a precision of $\sigma_{\cos i}<0.2$ in $\sim 120$ of them. These numbers are estimated under the assumption that the orbital orientations of the CJs follow an isotropic distribution, but these only vary slightly for less broad distributions. We also discuss the prospects from radial velocity follow-ups to better constrain the derived properties and provide a package to do quick forecasts using our Fisher matrix analysis. Overall, our simulations show that Gaia astrometry of cold Jupiters orbiting stars with TESS planets can distinguish dynamically cold (mean mutual inclination $\lesssim5^\circ$) from dynamically hot systems (mean mutual inclination $\gtrsim 20^\circ$), placing a new set of constraints on their formation and evolution.

Annika Rudolph, Irene Tamborra, Ore Gottlieb

17 pages, including 6 figures and two appendices

The origin of the observed Band-like photon spectrum in short gamma-ray bursts (sGRBs) is a long-standing mystery. We carry out the first general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulation of a sGRB jet with initial magnetization $\sigma_0 = 150$ in dynamical ejecta from a binary merger. From this simulation, we identify regions along the jet of efficient energy dissipation due to magnetic reconnection and collisionless sub-shocks. Taking into account electron and proton acceleration processes, we solve for the first time the coupled transport equations for photons, electrons, protons, neutrinos, and intermediate particles species up to close to the photosphere (i.e., up to $1 \times 10^{12}$ cm), accounting for all relevant radiative and cooling processes. We find that the subphotospheric multi-messenger signals carry strong signatures of the hadronic interactions and their resulting particle cascades. Importantly, the spectral energy distribution of photons is significantly distorted with respect to the Wien one, commonly assumed below the photosphere. Our findings suggest that the bulk of the non-thermal photon spectrum observed in sGRBs can stem from hadronic processes, occurring below the photosphere and previously neglected, with an accompanying energy flux of neutrinos peaking in the GeV energy range.

A. Camps-Fariña, P. Sánchez-Blázquez, S. Roca-Fàbrega, S. F. Sánchez

17 pages, 11 figures. Accepted at A&A

Galaxies are expected to accrete pristine gas from their surroundings to sustain their star formation over cosmic timescales. Its lower abundance affects the metallicity of the ISM in which stars are born, leaving chemical imprints in the stellar populations. We measure the amount of pristine gas that galaxies accrete during their lifetime, using information on the ages and abundances of their stellar populations and a chemical evolution model. We also aim to determine the efficiency of star formation over time. We derived star formation histories and metallicity histories for a sample of 8523 galaxies from the MaNGA survey. We use the former to predict the evolution of the metallicity in a closed-box scenario, and estimate for each epoch the gas accretion rate required to match these predictions with the measured stellar metallicity. Using only chemical parameters, we find that the history of gas accretion depends on the mass of galaxies. More massive galaxies accrete more gas and at higher redshifts than less massive galaxies, which accrete their gas over longer periods. We also find that galaxies with a higher star formation rate at z = 0 have a more persistent accretion history for a given mass. The star formation efficiency shows similar correlations: early-type galaxies and higher-mass galaxies had a higher efficiency in the past, and it declined such that they are less efficient in the present. Our analysis of individual galaxies shows that compactness affects the peak star formation efficiency that galaxies reach, and that the slope of the efficiency history of galaxies with current star formation is flat. Our results support the hypothesis that a steady and substantial supply of pristine gas is required for persistent star formation in galaxies. Once they lose access to this gas supply, star formation comes to a halt.

Vanessa P. Bailey, Eduardo Bendek, Brian Monacelli, Caleb Baker, Gasia Bedrosian, Eric Cady, Ewan S. Douglas, Tyler Groff, Sergi R. Hildebrandt, N. Jeremy Kasdin, John Krist, Bruce Macintosh, Bertrand Mennesson, Patrick Morrissey, Ilya Poberezhskiy, Hari B. Subedi, Jason Rhodes, Aki Roberge, Marie Ygouf, Robert T. Zellem, Feng Zhao, Neil T. Zimmerman

Proceedings of SPIE: Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets XI, vol. 12680 (2023)

The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Coronagraph Instrument is a critical technology demonstrator for NASA's Habitable Worlds Observatory. With a predicted visible-light flux ratio detection limit of 1E-8 or better, it will be capable of reaching new areas of parameter space for both gas giant exoplanets and circumstellar disks. It is in the final stages of integration and test at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, with an anticipated delivery to payload integration in the coming year. This paper will review the instrument systems, observing modes, potential observing applications, and overall progress toward instrument integration and test.

Alan N. Pearl, Andrew R. Zentner, Jeffrey A. Newman, Rachel Bezanson, Kuan Wang, John Moustakas, Jessica N. Aguilar, Steven Ahlen, David Brooks, Todd Claybaugh, Shaun Cole, Kyle Dawson, Axel de la Macorra, Peter Doel, Jamie E. Forero-Romero, Satya Gontcho A Gontcho, Klaus Honscheid, Martin Landriau, Marc Manera, Paul Martini Aaron Meisner, Ramon Miquel, Jundan Nie, Will Percival, Francisco Prada, Mehdi Rezaie, Graziano Rossi, Eusebio Sanchez, Michael Schubnell, Gregory Tarle, Benjamin A. Weaver, Zhimin Zhou

We explore the galaxy-halo connection information that is available in low-redshift samples from the early data release of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). We model the halo occupation distribution (HOD) from z=0.1-0.3 using Survey Validation 3 (SV3; a.k.a., the One-Percent Survey) data of the DESI Bright Galaxy Survey (BGS). In addition to more commonly used metrics, we incorporate counts-in-cylinders (CiC) measurements, which drastically tighten HOD constraints. Our analysis is aided by the Python package, galtab, which enables the rapid, precise prediction of CiC for any HOD model available in halotools. This methodology allows our Markov chains to converge with much fewer trial points, and enables even more drastic speedups due to its GPU portability. Our HOD fits constrain characteristic halo masses tightly and provide statistical evidence for assembly bias, especially at lower luminosity thresholds: the HOD of central galaxies in $z\sim0.15$ samples with limiting absolute magnitude $M_r < -20.0$ and $M_r < -20.5$ samples is positively correlated with halo concentration with a significance of 99.9% and 99.5%, respectively. Our models also favor positive central assembly bias for the brighter $M_r < -21.0$ sample at $z\sim0.25$ (94.8% significance), but there is no significant evidence for assembly bias with the same luminosity threshold at $z\sim0.15$. We provide our constraints for each threshold sample's characteristic halo masses, assembly bias, and other HOD parameters. These constraints are expected to be significantly tightened with future DESI data, which will span an area 100 times larger than that of SV3.

Jules Dallant, Maud Langlois, Olivier Flasseur, Éric Thiébaut

Accepted for publication in A&A

Exoplanet detections and characterizations via direct imaging require high contrast and high angular resolution. These requirements typically require (i) cutting-edge instrumental facilities, (ii) optimized differential imaging to introduce a diversity in the signals of the sought-for objects, and (iii) dedicated processing algorithms to further eliminate the residual stellar leakages. Substantial efforts have been undertaken on the design of more efficient post-processing algorithms but their performance remains upper-bounded at shorter angular separations due to the the lack of diversity induced by the processing of each epoch of observations individually. We propose a new algorithm that is able to combine several observations of the same star by accounting for the Keplerian orbital motion across epochs of the sought-for sources in order to constructively co-add their weak signals. The proposed algorithm, PACOME, integrates an exploration of the plausible orbits within a statistical detection and estimation formalism. It is extended to a multi-epoch combination of the maximum likelihood framework of PACO, which is a mono-epoch post-processing algorithm. We derive a reliable multi-epoch detection criterion, interpretable both in terms of probability of detection and of false alarm. We tested the proposed algorithm on several datasets obtained from the VLT/SPHERE instrument with IRDIS and IFS. By resorting to injections of synthetic exoplanets, we show that PACOME is able to detect sources remaining undetectable in mono-epoch frameworks. The gain in detection sensitivity scales as high as the square root of the number of epochs. We also applied PACOME on a set of observations from the HR 8799 star hosting four known exoplanets, which are detected with very high signal-to-noise ratios. In addition, its implementation is efficient, fast, and fully automatized.

Vida Saeedzadeh, Suvodip Mukherjee, Arif Babul, Michael Tremmel, Thomas R. Quinn

16 pages, 12 figures. Submitted to MNRAS

The formation of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in the Universe and its role in the properties of the galaxies is one of the open questions in astrophysics and cosmology. Though, traditionally, electromagnetic waves have been instrumental in direct measurements of SMBHs, significantly influencing our comprehension of galaxy formation, gravitational waves (GW) bring an independent avenue to detect numerous binary SMBHs in the observable Universe in the nano-Hertz range using the pulsar timing array observation. This brings a new way to understand the connection between the formation of binary SMBHs and galaxy formation if we can connect theoretical models with multi-messenger observations namely GW data and galaxy surveys. Along these lines, we present here the first paper on this series based on {\sc Romulus} cosmological simulation on the properties of the host galaxies of SMBHs and propose on how this can be used to connect with observations of nano-Hertz GW signal and galaxy surveys. We show that the most dominant contribution to the background will arise from sources with high chirp masses which are likely to reside in low redshift early-type galaxies with high stellar mass, largely old stellar population, and low star formation rate, and that reside at centers of galaxy groups and manifest evidence of recent mergers. The masses of the sources show a correlation with the halo mass and stellar mass of the host galaxies. This theoretical study will help in understanding the host properties of the GW sources and can help in establishing a connection with observations.

Nemanja Jovanovic, Yinzi Xin, Michael P. Fitzgerald, Olivier Guyon, Peter Tuthill, Barnaby Norris, Pradip Gatkine, Greg Sercel, Svarun Soda, Yoo Jung Kim, Jonathan Lin, Sergio Leon-Saval, Rodrigo Amezcua-Correa, Stephanos Yerolatsitis, Julien Lozi, Sebastien Vievard, Chris Betters, Steph Sallum, Daniel Levinstein, Dimitri Mawet, Jeffrey Jewell, J. Kent Wallace, Nick Cvetojevic

9 pages, 2 figures, SPIE Optics and Photonics conference

Astrophysical research into exoplanets has delivered thousands of confirmed planets orbiting distant stars. These planets span a wide ranges of size and composition, with diversity also being the hallmark of system configurations, the great majority of which do not resemble our own solar system. Unfortunately, only a handful of the known planets have been characterized spectroscopically thus far, leaving a gaping void in our understanding of planetary formation processes and planetary types. To make progress, astronomers studying exoplanets will need new and innovative technical solutions. Astrophotonics -- an emerging field focused on the application of photonic technologies to observational astronomy -- provides one promising avenue forward. In this paper we discuss various astrophotonic technologies that could aid in the detection and subsequent characterization of planets and in particular themes leading towards the detection of extraterrestrial life.

D. E. da Silva, S. Wallace, C. N. Arge, S. Jones

Accepted to the journal "Space Weather"

The solar wind which arrives at any location in the solar system is, in principle, relatable to the outflow of solar plasma from a single source location. This source location, itself usually being part of a larger coronal hole, is traceable to 1 Rs along the Sun's magnetic field, in which the entire path from 1 Rs to a location in the heliosphere is referred to as the solar wind connectivity. While not directly measurable, the connectivity between the near-Earth solar wind is of particular importance to space weather. The solar wind solar source region can be obtained by leveraging near-sun magnetic field models and a model of the interplanetary solar wind. In this article we present a method for making an ensemble forecast of the connectivity presented as a probability distribution obtained from a weighted collection of individual forecasts from the combined Air Force Data Assimilative Photospheric Flux Transport - Wang Sheeley Arge (ADAPT-WSA) model. The ADAPT model derives the photospheric magnetic field from synchronic magnetogram data, using flux transport physics and ongoing data assimilation processes. The WSA model uses a coupled set of potential field type models to derive the coronal magnetic field, and an empirical relationship to derive the terminal solar wind speed observed at Earth. Our method produces an arbitrary 2D probability distribution capable of reflecting complex source configurations with minimal assumptions about the distribution structure, prepared in a computationally efficient manner.

Matías Gárate, Til Birnstiel, Paola Pinilla, Sean M. Andrews, Raphael Franz, Sebastian Markus Stammler, Giovanni Picogna, Barbara Ercolano, Anna Miotello, Nicolás T. Kurtovic

Accepted for publication in A&A

[abridged]Photoevaporation and dust-trapping are individually considered to be important mechanisms in the evolution and morphology of protoplanetary disks. We studied how the presence of early substructures affects the evolution of the dust distribution and flux in the millimeter continuum of disks that are undergoing photoevaporative dispersal. We also tested if the predicted properties resemble those observed in the population of transition disks. We used the numerical code Dustpy to simulate disk evolution considering gas accretion, dust growth, dust-trapping at substructures, and mass loss due to X-ray and EUV (XEUV) photoevaporation and dust entrainment. Then, we compared how the dust mass and millimeter flux evolve for different disk models. We find that, during photoevaporative dispersal, disks with primordial substructures retain more dust and are brighter in the millimeter continuum than disks without early substructures, regardless of the photoevaporative cavity size. Once the photoevaporative cavity opens, the estimated fluxes for the disk models that are initially structured are comparable to those found in the bright transition disk population ($F_\textrm{mm} > 30\, \textrm{mJy}$), while the disk models that are initially smooth have fluxes comparable to the transition disks from the faint population ($F_\textrm{mm} < 30\, \textrm{mJy}$), suggesting a link between each model and population. Our models indicate that the efficiency of the dust trapping determines the millimeter flux of the disk, while the gas loss due to photoevaporation controls the formation and expansion of a cavity, decoupling the mechanisms responsible for each feature. In consequence, even a planet with a mass comparable to Saturn could trap enough dust to reproduce the millimeter emission of a bright transition disk, while its cavity size is independently driven by photoevaporative dispersal.

Timothy D. Brandt

30 pages, 9 figures. Python implementation available at this https URL

This paper derives the optimal fit to a pixel's count rate in the case of an ideal detector read out nondestructively in the presence of both read and photon noise. The approach is general for any readout scheme, provides closed-form expressions for all quantities, and has a computational cost that is linear in the number of resultants (groups of reads). I also derive the bias of the fit from estimating the covariance matrix and show how to remove it to first order. The ramp-fitting algorithm I describe provides the $\chi^2$ value of the fit of a line to the accumulated counts, enabling hypothesis testing for cosmic ray hits using the entire ramp. I show that this approach can be substantially more sensitive than one that only uses the difference between sequential resultants, especially for long ramps and for jumps that occur in the middle of a group of reads. It can also be implemented for a computational cost that is linear in the number of resultants. I provide and describe a pure Python implementation of these algorithms that can process a 10-resultant ramp on a $4096 \times 4096$ detector in $\approx$8 seconds with bias removal, or in $\approx$20 seconds including iterative cosmic ray detection and removal, on a single core of a 2020 Macbook Air. This Python implementation, together with tests and a tutorial notebook, are available at https://github.com/t-brandt/fitramp.

Bojan Arbutina

22 pages, 4 figures, accepted in the European Physical Journal Plus

Diffusive shock acceleration (DSA) of particles at collisionless shocks is the major accepted paradigm about the origin of cosmic rays (CRs). As a theory it was developed during the late 1970s in the so-called test-particle case. If one considers the influence of CR particles at shock structure, then we are talking about non-linear DSA. We use semi-analytical Blasi's model of non-linear DSA to obtain non-thermal spectra of both protons and electrons, starting from their quasi-thermal spectra for which we assumed the $\kappa$-distribution, a commonly observed distribution in out-of-equilibrium space plasmas. We treated more carefully than in previous work the jump conditions at the subshock and included electron heating, resonant and, additionally, non-resonant magnetic field instabilities produced by CRs in the precursor. Also, corrections for escaping flux of protons and synchrotron losses of electrons have been made.

Luis F. Rodriguez, Sergio A. Dzib, Luis A. Zapata, Laurent Loinard

8 pages, 3 figures. To appear in Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica

The proper motions of a source obtained at different epochs or in different spectral regions should in principle be consistent. However, in the case of a binary source or a source with associated ejecta, they could be different depending on the epochs when the observations were made and on what emission is traced in each spectral region. In this paper we determine the radio proper motions of the ultra-cool dwarf binary VHS 1256$-$1257AB from Very Large Array (VLA) observations, that we find are consistent within error ($\simeq 2-3\%$) with those reported by Gaia DR3. The comparison of the proper motions and the analysis of the VLA data imply that, as in the optical, the radio emission is coming in comparable amounts from both components of the unresolved binary.

The recent measurements of the spectral intensities of cosmic-ray nuclei have suggested that the ratio of Boron to Carbon nuclei, $R(E)$, comprises two components, one which carries all of the energy dependence and the other a constant independent of energy per nucleon. This supports the earlier theoretical expectations and results of gamma-ray astronomy that one of these components is attributable to spallation in a cocoon like region surrounding the sources and the other in the general interstellar medium before cosmic rays leak away from the Galaxy. A new way of analyzing cosmic-ray spectra is presented here to shed light on the recent findings: based solely on the assumption that the B nuclei in cosmic rays are entirely the products of spallation of heavier nuclei, we solve a cascade of propagation equations to derive both the source-spectra of p, C, O, and Fe nuclei prior to any spallation effects and the energy dependence of the leakage lifetime, $\tau(E)$, implied by the energy dependence of $R(E)$. We find that the source spectra of these nuclei are nearly power laws with the same index, in the nested leaky-box model where the energy-dependent part of the matter is traversed in a cocoon surrounding the sources, and the constant part of the traversal is in the interstellar medium. This is not the case for the alternate choice with the grammage in the sources being a constant. We briefly discuss our results and comment on some aspects of cosmic-ray propagation.

Mendoza-Torres, J. E., Juárez-Gama, M., Rodríguez-Esnard, I. T

21 pages, 10 figures

Star formation is underway in the W49N molecular cloud (MC) at a high level of efficiency, with almost twenty ultra-compact (UC) HII regions observed thus far, indicating a recent formation of massive stars. Previous works have suggested that this cloud is undergoing a global contraction. We analyse the data on OH masers in the molecular cloud W49N, observed with the VLBA at the 1612, 1665, and 1667 MHz transitions in LCP and RCP with an aim to study the global kinematics of the masers. We carried out our study based on the locations and observed velocities of the maser spots. The velocities were fitted to the straight line of V$_{obs}$-V$_{sys}$ versus d$_{(\alpha, \delta)m}$, resulting in V$_{ftd}$. The difference between the fitted values and those obtained from observations is $\Delta $V. The V$_{obs}$-V$_{sys}$ velocity shows a gradient as a function of the distance to ($\alpha, \delta$)$_{m}$, where the closer spots have the largest velocities. Spots with similar velocities are located in different sectors, with respect to ($\alpha, \delta$)$_{m}$. Then, we assumed that the spots are moving towards a contraction centre (CC$_{OH}$), which is at the apex of a CONUS. We also assumed that the distance of each spot to CC$_{OH}$ is d$_{cc}$ and that they fall with a velocity V$_{CC}$, with the total velocity being V$_{Tot}$. Using this velocity, we estimated the free-fall velocity. The observed dispersion with respect to the global trend against $d_{cc}$, shows a maximum at 0.12 pc, with a decay from 0.12 to 0.19 pc, which is faster than that taking place between 0.19 and 0.42 pc. Based on $V_{tot}$ an inner mass of M$_{inn}$=2500 $M_{\odot}$ was estimated.The velocities of the OH spots at W49N, together with their positions respect $(\alpha, \delta)_m$, make it possible to trace a global kinematics, which seems to be due to a subcollapse in the W49N molecular cloud.

Samuel P.D. Birch, Orkan M. Umurhan

Under consideration for publication in ICARUS special conference issue: ACM 14

Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) represent some of the most ancient remnants of our solar system, having evaded significant thermal or evolutionary processing. This makes them important targets for exploration as they offer a unique opportunity to scrutinize materials that are remnants of the epoch of planet formation. Moreover, with recent and upcoming observations of KBOs, there is a growing interest in understanding the extent to which these objects can preserve their most primitive, hypervolatile ices. Here, we present a theoretical framework that revisits this issue for small, cold classical KBOs like Arrokoth. Our analytical approach is consistent with prior studies but assumes an extreme cold end-member thermophysical regime for Arrokoth, enabling us to capture the essential physics without computationally expensive simulations. Under reasonable assumptions for interior temperatures, thermal conductivities, and permeabilities, we demonstrate that Arrokoth can retain its original CO stock for Gyrs if it was assembled long after the decay of radionuclides. The sublimation of CO ice generates an effective CO `atmosphere' within Arrokoth's porous matrix, which remains in near vapor-pressure equilibrium with the ice layer just below, thereby limiting CO loss. According to our findings, Arrokoth expels no more than $\approx 10^{22}$ particles s$^{-1}$, in agreement with upper limits inferred from \textit{New Horizons}' 2019 flyby observations. While our framework challenges recent predictions, it can serve as a benchmark for existing numerical models and be applied to future KBO observations from next-generation telescopes.

The circular velocities of the inner region of disk galaxies are predicted by standard physics but velocities beyond the stellar disks are not consistent with Newtonian physics if the material there is in stable circular orbits. However, this material is not gravitationally bound and so does not trace the gravitational field in the way that is usually assumed. The gravitational attraction near the edge of a flattened mass distribution is significantly greater than that of an equal mass in a spherical distribution. The size of the effect depends on the specifics of the mass distribution but is greater than a factor of two for reasonable models. In fact, the circular velocity can exceed the escape velocity so that these galaxies are gravitationally unstable in way not previously considered and disk material is lost due to thermal escape, bars or other disturbances. The nearly constant velocity observed in the outer disk region has been interpreted to mean that the dynamical mass of galaxies is much larger than the observed mass. In fact, there is no great discrepancy and no need to invoke dark matter at these scales. The gravitational field of a disk galaxy is determined at all radii by the observed mass. In the region of the stellar disk, stars and gas move in nearly circular orbits at velocities consistent with the gravitational field. In the outer regions the gravitational force drops rapidly so that stars and gas move outward almost unaffected by the attraction of the host galaxy.

T. Saha, A. Markowitz, D. Homan, M. Krumpe, S. Haemmerich, B. Czerny, M. Graham, S. Frederick, M. Gromadzki, S. Gezari, H. Winkler, D. A. H. Buckley, J. Brink, M. H. Naddaf, A. Rau, J. Wilms, A. Gokus, Z. Liu, I. Grotova

34 pages, 24 figures, Submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics

Context. Multiwavelength studies of transients in actively accreting supermassive black holes have revealed that large-amplitude variability is frequently linked to significant changes in the optical spectra -- a phenomenon referred to as changing-look AGN (CLAGN). Aim. In 2020, the Zwicky Transient Facility detected a transient flaring event in the type-1.9 AGN 6dFGS~gJ042838.8-000040, wherein a sharp increase in magnitude of $\sim$0.55 and $\sim$0.3 in the $g$- and $r$-bands, respectively, occurred over $\sim$40 days. Spectrum Roentgen Gamma (SRG)/eROSITA also observed the object in X-rays as part of its all-sky survey, but only after the flare had started decaying. Methods. We performed a three-year, multiwavelength follow-up campaign of the source to track its spectral and temporal characteristics. This campaign included multiple ground-based facilities for optical spectroscopic monitoring and space-based observatories including \textit{XMM-Newton} and \textit{Swift} for X-ray and UV observations. Results. An optical spectrum taken immediately after the peak revealed a changing-look event wherein the source had transitioned from type 1.9 to 1, with the appearance of a double-peaked broad H$\beta$ line and a blue continuum, both absent in an archival spectrum from 2005. The X-ray emission exhibits dramatic flux variation: a factor of $\sim$17, but with no spectral evolution, as the power-law photon index remained $\sim$1.9. There is no evidence of a soft X-ray excess. Overall the object exhibits no apparent signatures of a tidal disruption event. Conclusions. The transient event was likely triggered by a disk instability in a pre-existing accretion flow, culminating in the observed multi-wavelength variability and CLAGN event.

Benjamin L. Davis, Zehao Jin

Unedited manuscript (12 pages & 4 figures), accepted for publication by The Astrophysical Journal Letters on September 15, 2023

Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are tiny in comparison to the galaxies they inhabit, yet they manage to influence and coevolve along with their hosts. Evidence of this mutual development is observed in the structure and dynamics of galaxies and their correlations with black hole mass ($M_\mathrm{BH}$). For our study, we focus on relative parameters that are unique to only disk galaxies. As such, we quantify the structure of spiral galaxies via their logarithmic spiral-arm pitch angles ($\phi$) and their dynamics through the maximum rotational velocities of their galactic disks ($v_\mathrm{max}$). In the past, we have studied black hole mass scaling relations between $M_\mathrm{BH}$ and $\phi$ or $v_\mathrm{max}$, separately. Now, we combine the three parameters into a trivariate $M_\mathrm{BH}$-$\phi$-$v_\mathrm{max}$ relationship that yields best-in-class accuracy in prediction of black hole masses in spiral galaxies. Because most black hole mass scaling relations have been created from samples of the largest SMBHs within the most massive galaxies, they lack certainty when extrapolated to low-mass spiral galaxies. Thus, it is difficult to confidently use existing scaling relations when trying to identify galaxies that might harbor the elusive class of intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs). Therefore, we offer our novel relationship as an ideal predictor to search for IMBHs and probe the low-mass end of the black hole mass function by utilizing spiral galaxies. Already with rotational velocities widely available for a large population of galaxies and pitch angles readily measurable from uncalibrated images, we expect that the $M_\mathrm{BH}$-$\phi$-$v_\mathrm{max}$ fundamental plane will be a useful tool for estimating black hole masses, even at high redshifts.

Lixia Yuan, Ji Yang, Fujun Du, Yang Su, Shaobo Zhang, Qing-Zeng Yan, Yan Sun, Xin Zhou, Xuepeng Chen, Hongchi Wang, Zhiwei Chen

15 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

According to the structures traced by $^{13}$CO spectral lines within the $^{12}$CO molecular clouds (MCs), we investigate the contributions of their internal gas motions and relative motions to the total velocity dispersions of $^{12}$CO MCs. Our samples of 2851 $^{12}$CO MCs harbor a total of 9556 individual $^{13}$CO structures, among which 1848 MCs ($\sim$ 65$\%$) have one individual $^{13}$CO structure and the other 1003 MCs ($\sim$ 35$\%$) have multiple $^{13}$CO structures. We find that the contribution of the relative motion between $^{13}$CO structures ($\sigma_{\rm ^{13}CO, re}$) is larger than that from their internal gas motion ($\sigma_{\rm ^{13}CO, in}$) in $\sim$ 62$\%$ of 1003 MCs in the `multiple' regime. In addition, we find the $\sigma_{\rm ^{13}CO, re}$ tends to increase with the total velocity dispersion($\sigma_{\rm ^{12}CO, tot}$) in our samples, especially for the MCs having multiple $^{13}$CO structures. This result provides a manifestation of the macro-turbulent within MCs, which gradually becomes the dominant way to store the kinetic energy along with the development of MC scales.

Zbigniew Plebaniak (for the JEM-EUSO Collaboration)

EUSO--TA is a ground-based telescope installed in 2013 in the Black Rock Mesa Telescope Array (BRM-TA) site, operating with 2.5$\mu$s time resolution to observe the night sky in the UV range. The optical system contains two 1m$^2$ Fresnel lenses providing to the telescope a field of view of $11^\circ \times 11^\circ$. Signals are focused on the Photo Detector Module (PDM), with the focal surface composed of 36 Hamamatsu Multi-Anode PhotoMultiplier Tubes (MAPMTs), with 64 pixels/anodes each. The telescope is housed in a shed in front of the BRM-TA fluorescence detectors, and it is viewing towards azimuth $\sim307^\circ$. The main aim of the experiment is to validate the design of the JEM-EUSO detectors and firmware with the final goal of observing ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) from space. Since the first installation of the EUSO-TA detector, 9 UHECR events have been detected and confirmed by comparison with TA observations. The night-sky UV background in different conditions, signals from stars and meteors have been measured, and anthropogenic signals, such as calibration lasers or planes. In 2019 an upgrade of the detector to a EUSO-TA2 version began, with a Covid brake till 2022. The new configuration will allow for more frequent and specialized observations. In this work, we present the status and perspectives of the EUSO-TA experiment, including a discussion of recently obtained results.

Zbigniew Plebaniak, Marika Przybylak (for the JEM-EUSO Collaboration)

The JEM-EUSO program is focused on observations of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECRs) from space. For this purpose, a series of detectors based on multi-anode photomultiplier tubes with a time resolution of the order of $\mu$s have been developed. The detectors work in the UV band to search for ultra-fast signals produced in the Earth's atmosphere during an Extensive Air Shower (EAS) development. Since 2014, various signals have been detected by ground-, ballon- and space-based detectors. A single photodetector module consists of a focal surface with a matrix of 36 multi-anode photomultiplier tubes containing 2304 pixels. The detector's structure allows probing it during the mission if a point-like source emitting in a UV band is in the field of view. In this work, we present the idea and results of calibration of the JEM--EUSO detectors using signals from stars registered during sky observations from the ground. Registered signals can be used for the absolute calibration of the detectors and for testing the detector condition during observations. The presented analysis is based on the data taken by the EUSO-TA and EUSO-TA2 experiments.

A variety of interstellar complex organic molecules (COMs) have been detected in various physical conditions. However, in the protostellar and protoplanetary environments, their complex kinematics make line profiles blend each other and the line strength of weak lines weaker. In this paper, we utilize the principal component analysis (PCA) technique to develop a filtering method which can extract COM spectra from the main kinematic component associated with COM emission and increase the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of spectra. This filtering method corrects non-Gaussian line profiles caused by the kinematics. For this development, we adopt the ALMA BAND 6 spectral survey data of V883 Ori, an eruptive young star with a Keplerian disk. A filter was, first, created using 34 strong and well-isolated COM lines and then applied to the entire spectral range of the dataset. The first principal component (PC1) describes the most common emission structure of the selected lines, which is confined within the water sublimation radius ($\sim$ 0.3 arcsec) in the Keplerian disk of V883 Ori. Using this PC1 filter, we extracted high-SNR kinematics-corrected spectra of V883 Ori over the entire spectral coverage of $\sim$50 GHz. The PC1-filtering method reduces the noise by a factor of $\sim$ 2 compared to the average spectra over the COM emission region. One important advantage of this PC1-filtering method over the previously developed matched filtering method is to preserve the original integrated intensities of COM lines.

Go Ogiya, Daisuke Nagai

10 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, submitted to MNRAS

A narrow linear object extending $\sim 60$kpc from the centre of a galaxy at redshift $z \sim 1$ has been recently discovered and interpreted as a shocked gas filament forming stars. The host galaxy presents an irregular morphology, implying recent merger events. Supposing that each of the progenitor galaxies has a central supermassive black hole (SMBH) and the SMBHs are accumulated at the centre of the merger remnant, a fraction of them can be ejected from the galaxy with a high velocity due to interactions between SMBHs. When such a runaway SMBH (RSMBH) passes through the circumgalactic medium (CGM), converging flows are induced along the RSMBH path, and star formation could be ignited eventually. We find that the CGM temperature prior to the RSMBH perturbation should be below the peak temperature in the cooling function to trigger filament formation. While the gas is heated up temporarily due to compression, the cooling efficiency increases, and gas accumulation becomes allowed along the path. When the CGM density is sufficiently high, the gas can cool down and develop a dense filament by $z = 1$. The mass and velocity of the RSMBH determine the scale of the filament formation. Hydrodynamical simulations validate the analytical expectations. Therefore, we conclude that the perturbation by RSMBHs is a viable channel for forming the observed linear object. We also expect the CGM around the linear object to be warm ($T < 2 \times 10^5$ K) and dense ($n > 2 \times 10^{-5} (T/2 \times 10^5 \, K)^{-1} \, {\rm cm^{-3}}$).

I. Pagano, G. Scandariato, V. Singh, M. Lendl, D. Queloz, A. E. Simon, S. G. Sousa, A. Brandeker, A. Collier Cameron, S. Sulis, V. Van Grootel, T. G. Wilson, Y. Alibert, R. Alonso, G. Anglada, T. Bárczy, D. Barrado Navascues, S. C. C. Barros, W. Baumjohann, M. Beck, T. Beck, W. Benz, N. Billot, X. Bonfils, L. Borsato, C. Broeg, G. Bruno, L. Carone, S. Charnoz, C. Corral van Damme, Sz. Csizmadia, P. E. Cubillos, M. B. Davies, M. Deleuil, A. Deline, L. Delrez, O. D. S. Demangeon, B.-O. Demory, D. Ehrenreich, A. Erikson, A. Fortier, L. Fossati, M. Fridlund, D. Gandolfi, M. Gillon, M. Güdel, M. N. Günther, Ch. Helling, S. Hoyer, K. G. Isaak, L. L. Kiss, E. Kopp, K. W. F. Lam, J. Laskar, A. Lecavelier des Etangs, D. Magrin, P. F. L. Maxted, C. Mordasini, M. Munari, V. Nascimbeni, et al. (22 additional authors not shown)

Accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysics on 31/08/2023

Multiwavelength photometry of the secondary eclipses of extrasolar planets is able to disentangle the reflected and thermally emitted light radiated from the planetary dayside. This leads to the measurement of the planetary geometric albedo $A_g$, which is an indicator of the presence of clouds in the atmosphere, and the recirculation efficiency $\epsilon$, which quantifies the energy transport within the atmosphere. In this work we aim to measure $A_g$ and $\epsilon$ for the planet WASP-178 b, a highly irradiated giant planet with an estimated equilibrium temperature of 2450 K.} We analyzed archival spectra and the light curves collected by Cheops and Tess to characterize the host WASP-178, refine the ephemeris of the system and measure the eclipse depth in the passbands of the two respective telescopes. We measured a marginally significant eclipse depth of 70$\pm$40 ppm in the Tess passband and statistically significant depth of 70$\pm$20 ppm in the Cheops passband. Combining the eclipse depth measurement in the Cheops (lambda_eff=6300 AA) and Tess (lambda_eff=8000 AA) passbands we constrained the dayside brightness temperature of WASP-178 b in the 2250-2800 K interval. The geometric albedo 0.1<$\rm A_g$<0.35 is in general agreement with the picture of poorly reflective giant planets, while the recirculation efficiency $\epsilon>$0.7 makes WASP-178 b an interesting laboratory to test the current heat recirculation models.

Elia Cenci, Robert Feldmann, Jindra Gensior, Jorge Moreno, Luigi Bassini, Mauro Bernardini

21 pages, 18 figures, submitted to MNRAS

Starburst (SB) galaxies are a rare population of galaxies with star formation rates (SFRs) greatly exceeding those of the majority of star-forming galaxies with similar stellar mass. It is unclear whether these bursts are the result of either especially large gas reservoirs or enhanced efficiencies in converting gas into stars. Tidal torques resulting from gas-rich galaxy mergers are known to enhance the SFR by funneling gas towards the centre. However, recent theoretical works show that mergers do not always trigger a SB and not all SB galaxies are interacting systems, raising the question of what drives a SB. We analyse a large sample of SB galaxies and a mass- and redshift-matched sample of control galaxies, drawn from the FIREbox cosmological volume at z=0-1. We find that SB galaxies have both larger molecular gas fractions and shorter molecular depletion times than control galaxies, but similar total gas masses. Control galaxies evolve towards the SB regime by gas compaction in their central regions, over timescales of about 70 Myr, accompanied by an increase in the fraction of ultra-dense and molecular gas. The driving mechanism behind the SB varies depending on the mass of the galaxy. Massive (Mstar > 1e10 Msun) galaxies undergoing intense, long-lasting SBs are mostly driven by galaxy interactions. Conversely, SBs in non-interacting galaxies are often triggered by a global gravitational instability, that can result in a breathing mode in low-mass galaxies.

Monika Moscibrodzka

7 pages, 4 figures, invited contribution to a special issue of a Springer Nature journal, comments are very welcome

X-ray binaries (XRB) are known to exhibit different spectral states which are associated with different black hole accretion modes. Recent measurments of linear polarization of X-ray emission in X-ray binary Cygnus X-1 allow us to test models for the hard state of accretion in a unique way. We show that general relativistic radiative magnetohydrodynamic (GRRMHD) simulations of accreting stellar black hole in a hard X-ray state are consisitent with the new observational information. The state-of-the-art models of the hard state show that the X-ray emission is predominantly produced by extended jets, away from the central black hole with some contribution from hot corona near the black hole. Our modeling results are supporting the idea that the strong correlations between synchrotron and X-ray emission observed in many XRBs can be attributed to the jet emission. In the presented framework, where first-principle models have limited number of free parameters, the X-ray polarimetric observations put constraints on the viewing angle of the accreting black hole system.

Roger Blandford, Paul Simeon, Noémie Globus, Payel Mukhopadhyay, Enrico Peretti, Kirk S. S. Barrow

accepted for publication on Proceedings of Science for the 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2023)

The hypothesis that the entire cosmic ray spectrum, from $\lesssim1\,{\rm GeV}$ to $\gtrsim100\,{\rm EeV}$ energy, can be accounted for by diffusive shock acceleration on increasingly large scales is critically examined. Specifically, it is conjectured that Galactic cosmic rays, up to $\sim3\,{\rm PeV}$, are mostly produced by local supernova remnants, from which they escape upstream. These cosmic rays initiate a powerful magnetocentrifugal wind, removing disk mass and angular momentum before passing through the Galactic Wind Termination Shock at a radius $\sim200\,{\rm kpc}$, where they can be re-accelerated to account for observed cosmic rays up to $\sim30\,{\rm PeV}$. The cosmic rays transmitted downstream from more powerful termination shocks associated with other galaxies can be further accelerated at Intergalactic Accretion Shocks to the highest energies observed. In this interpretation, the highest rigidity observed particles are protons; the highest energy particles are heavy nuclei, such as iron. A universal "bootstrap" prescription, coupling the energy density of the magnetic turbulence to that of the resonant cosmic rays, is proposed, initially for the highest energy particles escaping far ahead of the shock front and then scattering, successively, lower energy particles downstream. Observable implications of this general scheme relate to the spectrum, composition and sky distribution of Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays, the extragalactic radio background, the Galactic halo magnetic field and Pevatrons.

Atri Bhattacharya, Rikard Enberg, Mary Hall Reno, Ina Sarcevic

20 pages, 6 figures

The origin of the observed diffuse neutrino flux is not yet known. Studies of the relative flavour content of the neutrino flux detected at Earth can give information on the production mechanisms at the sources and on flavour mixing, complementary to measurements of the spectral index and normalisation. Here we demonstrate the effects of neutrino fluxes with different spectral shapes and different initial flavour compositions dominating at different energies, and we study the sensitivity of future measurements with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory. Where one kind of flux gives way to another, this shows up as a non-trivial energy dependence in the flavour compositions. We explore this in the context of slow-jet supernovae and magnetar-driven supernovae -- two examples of astrophysical sources where charm production may be effective. Using current best-fit neutrino mixing parameters and their projected 2040 uncertainties, we use event ratios of different event morphologies at IceCube to illustrate the possibilities of distinguishing the energy dependence of neutrino flavour ratios.

Jingran Xu, Shaoming Hu, Xu Chen, Yunguo Jiang, Sofya Alexeeva

To be published in ApJS

We developed a multi-region radiation model for the evolution of flux and spectral index with time. In this model, each perturbation component in the jet produces an independent flare. The model can be used to study the decomposition of microvariability, the structural scale of the perturbed components, and the physical parameters of the acceleration processes. Based on the shock acceleration model in relativistic jet, the influence of acceleration parameters on multiband flare parameters is calculated. We present the results of multiband optical microvariability of the blazar BL Lacertae observed performed during 89 nights in the period from 2009 to 2021, and use them as a sample for model fitting. The results show that both the amplitude and duration of flares decomposed from the microvariability light curves confirm a lognormal distribution. The time delays between the optical bands follow the normal distribution and amount to several minutes, that corroborates with both predictions from the theoretical model and the calculation of the discrete correlation function (DCF). Using the spectral index evolution and the simultaneous fitting of the multiband variability curves, we obtain the acceleration and radiation parameters to constrain and distinguish the origins of different flares. Based on the flare decomposition, we can well reproduce the time-domain evolution trends of the optical variation and energy spectrum, and explain the various redder-when-brighter (RWB) and/or bluer-when-brighter (BWB) behavior.

Gaobo Xi, Xiaofeng Wang, Gaici Li, Jialian Liu, Shengyu Yan, Weili Lin, Jieming Zhao, Alexei V. Filippenko, Weikang Zheng, Thomas G. Brink, Y. Yang, Shuhrat A. Ehgamberdiev, Davron Mirzaqulov, Andrea Reguitti, Andrea Pastorello, Lina Tomasella, Yongzhi Cai, Jujia Zhang, Zhitong Li, Tianmeng Zhang, Zhihao Chen, Qichun Liu, Xiaoran Ma, Danfeng Xiang

24 pages, 12 figures, submitted to MNRAS

We present extensive photometric and spectroscopic observations of a peculiar type Ia supernova (SN Ia) 2022vqz. It shares many similarities with the SN 2002es-like SNe Ia, such as low luminosity (i.e., $M_{B,\rm max}=-18.11\pm0.16$ mag) and moderate post-peak decline rate (i.e., $\Delta m_{15,B}=1.33\pm0.11$ mag). The nickel mass synthesized in the explosion is estimated as $0.20\pm0.04~{\rm M}_\odot$ from the bolometric light curve, which is obviously lower than normal SNe Ia. SN 2022vqz is also characterized by a slow expanding ejecta, with Si II velocities persisting around 7000 km s$^{-1}$ since 16 days before the peak, which is unique among all known SNe Ia. While all these properties imply a less energetic thermonuclear explosion that should leave considerable amount of unburnt materials, however, absent signature of unburnt carbon in the spectra of SN 2022vqz is puzzling. A prominent early peak is clearly detected in the $c$- and $o$-band light curves of ATLAS and in the $gr$-band data of ZTF within days after the explosion. Possible mechanisms for the early peak are discussed, including sub-Chandrasekhar mass double detonation model and interaction of SN ejecta with circumstellar material (CSM). We found both models face some difficulties in replicating all aspects of the observed data. As an alternative, we propose a hybrid CONe white dwarf as progenitor of SN 2022vqz which can simultaneously reconcile the tension between low ejecta velocity and absence of carbon. We further discuss the diversity of 02es-like objects and possible origins of different scenarios.

We study the nonlinear decay of the fast magnetosonic into the Alfv\'en waves in relativistic force-free magnetohydrodynamics. The work has been motivated by models of pulsar radio emission and fast radio bursts (FRBs), in which the emission is generated in neutron star magnetospheres at conditions when not only the Larmor but also the plasma frequencies significantly exceed the radiation frequency. The decay process places limits on the source luminosity in these models. We estimated the decay rate and showed that the phase volume of Alfv\'en waves available for the decay of an fms wave is infinite. Therefore the energy of fms waves could be completely transferred to the small-scale Alfv\'en waves not via a cascade, as in the Kolmogorov turbulence, but directly. Our results explain the anomalously low radio efficiency of the Crab pulsar and show that FRBs could not be produced well within magnetar magnetospheres.

We conduct a Bayesian analysis of recent observational datasets, specifically the Cosmic Chronometers (CC) dataset and Pantheon samples, to investigate the evolution of the EoS parameter in dark energy models. Our study focused on the effective EoS parameter, which is described by the parametric form $\omega_{eff}=-\frac{1}{1+m(1+z)^n}$, where $m$ and $n$ are model parameters. This parametric form is applicable within the framework of $f(R,L_m)$ gravity, where $R$ represents the Ricci scalar and $L_m$ is the matter Lagrangian. Here, we examine a non-linear $f(R,L_m)$ model characterized by the functional form $f(R,L_m)=\frac{R}{2}+L_m^\alpha$, where $\alpha$ is the free parameter of the model. We examine the evolution of several cosmological parameters, including the effective EoS parameter $\omega_{eff}$, the deceleration parameter $q$, the density parameter $\rho$, the pressure $p$, and the statefinder parameters. Our analysis revealed that the constrained current value of the effective EoS parameter, $\omega_{eff}^{0}=-0.68\pm0.06$ for both the CC and Pantheon datasets, points towards a quintessence phase. Moreover, at redshift $z=0$, the deceleration parameter, $q_0 = -0.61^{+0.01}_{-0.01}$, indicates that the present Universe is undergoing accelerated expansion.

M57 is one of the most observed and popular planetary nebulae. Recently, the James Webb Space Telescope photographed it, capturing fascinating images (NASA, 2023). As is the case with other well-known and popular objects, there are other nearby astronomical objects of interest that can sometimes go unnoticed. Very close to this nebula (at coordinates 18:53:18.81 +33:03:59.89 -in j2000-), there is an intriguing spiral galaxy of type SBbc, known as IC 1296. At a greater angular distance from M57 and IC 1296, at coordinates 18:53:09.625 +33:05:38.85, there is a very faint object called WISEA J185309.64+330538.7. The author presents preliminary results of the spectral analyses of both galaxies, obtained at the Skinakas Observatory (Greece), providing some conclusions about their types and, in the case of WISEA J185309.64+330538.7, its distance. Both galaxies exhibit traces of having active galactic nuclei, with WISEA J185309.64+330538.7 being a radio galaxy with Seyfert 1 characteristics, while IC 1296 shows some lines that could indicate its membership in the intermediate category Seyfert 1.5 (between Seyfert 1 and 2), in addition to being a known X-ray emitter.

Maximilian Jacobi, Federico Maria Guercilena, Sabrina Huth, Giacomo Ricigliano, Almudena Arcones, Achim Schwenk

17 pages, 19 figures

The dynamics in mergers of binary neutron star (BNS) systems depend sensitively on the equation of state (EOS) of dense matter. This has profound implications on the emission of gravitational waves (GWs) and the ejection of matter in the merger and post-merger phases and is thus of high interest for multi-messenger astronomy. Today, a variety of nuclear EOSs are available with various underlying microphysical models. This calls for a study to focus on EOS effects from different physical nuclear matter properties and their influence on BNS mergers. We perform simulations of equal-mass BNS mergers with a set of 9 different EOSs based on Skyrme density functionals. In the models, we systematically vary the effective nucleon mass, incompressibility, and symmetry energy at saturation density. This allows us to investigate the influence of specific nuclear matter properties on the dynamics of BNS mergers. We analyze the impact of these properties on the merger dynamics, the fate of the remnant, disk formation, ejection of matter, and gravitational wave emission. Our results indicate that some aspects of the merger are sensitive to the EOS around saturation density while others are sensitive to the behavior towards higher densities, e.g., characterized by the slope of the pressure as a function of density. The detailed density dependence of the EOS thus needs to be taken into account to describe its influence on BNS mergers.

Xin-Yue Shi, Ruo-Yu Liu, Chong Ge, Xiang-Yu Wang

13 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

The active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are widely believed to be one of the promising acceleration sites of ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays (CRs). Essentially, AGNs are powered by the gravitational energy of matter falling to supermassive black holes. However, the conversion efficiency of gravitational to kinetic energy of CRs in AGNs, which is defined as baryon loading factor $\eta_p$, is not well known yet. After being accelerated, high-energy CRs could escape the host galaxy and enter the intra-cluster medium (ICM). These CRs can be confined within the galaxy cluster and produce $\gamma$-rays and neutrinos through proton-proton collisions with the ICM. In this paper, we study the diffusion of CRs in galaxy clusters and calculate the diffuse neutrino flux from galaxy cluster population. Using the latest upper limits on the cumulative unresolved TeV-PeV neutrino flux from galaxy clusters posed by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory, we derive the upper limit of the average baryon loading factor as $\eta_{p,\mathrm{grav}} \lesssim 2 \times 10^{-3} - 0.1$ for the population of galaxy clusters. This constraint is more stringent than the one obtained from $\gamma$-ray observation on the Coma cluster.

Abdías Morales-Vargas, Juan Pablo Torres-Papaqui, Fernando Fabián Rosales-Ortega, Marcel Chow-Martínez, René Alberto Ortega-Minakata, Aitor Carlos Robleto-Orús, the CALIFA survey Collaboration

We obtain the kinematic distributions of stars (synthetic model line absorption) and ionized gas (H$\alpha$ line emission) for star-forming regions residing in CALIFA survey tidally perturbed (perturbed) and non-tidally perturbed (control) galaxies. We set the uncertainties of the velocity dispersion by measuring the statistical variability of the datasets themselves. Using these adopted uncertainties and considering the sensitivity of the grating device, we establish thresholds of reliability that allow us to select reliable velocity dispersions. From this selection, we pair the star-forming spaxels between control and perturbed galaxies at the closest shifts in velocity (de-redshifting). We compare their respective distributions of velocity dispersion. In perturbed galaxies, median velocity dispersions for the stellar and gaseous components are minimally higher and equal, respectively, than those in control galaxies. The spread in velocity dispersion and the velocity shift - velocity dispersion space agree with this result. Unlike the well-known trend in strongly interacting systems, the stellar and ionized-gas motions are not disturbed by the influence of close companions. For the gaseous component, this result is due to the poor statistical variability of its data, a consequence of the tightness in velocity dispersion derived from high spectral line intensities. This analysis concludes the series, which previously showed star-forming regions in galaxies with close companions undergoing more prominent gas inflows, resulting in differences in their star formation and consequent metal content.

Impulsive solar energetic-particle (SEP) events were first distinguished as the streaming electrons that produce type III radio bursts as distinct from shock-induced type II bursts. They were then observed as the surprisingly-enhanced 3He-rich SEP events, which were also found to have element enhancements rising smoothly with the mass-to-charge ratio A/Q through the elements, even up to Pb. These impulsive SEPs have been found to originate during magnetic reconnection in solar jets where open magnetic field lines allow energetic particles to escape. In contrast, impulsive solar flares are produced when similar reconnection involves closed field lines where energetic ions are trapped on closed loops and dissipate their energy as X-rays, {\gamma}-rays, and heat. Abundance enhancements that are power-laws in A/Q can be used to determine Q values and hence the coronal source temperature in the events. Proton and He excesses that contribute their own power-law may identify events with re-acceleration of SEPs by shock waves driven by accompanying fast, narrow coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in many of the stronger jets.

Mayeul Aubin (1, 2), Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro (1), Ethan Tregidga (1, 3), Javier Viaña (4), Cecilia Garraffo (1), Iouli E. Gordon (1), Mercedes López-Morales (1), Robert J. Hargreaves (1), Vladimir Yu. Makhnev (1), Jeremy J. Drake (1), Douglas P. Finkbeiner (1), Phillip Cargile (1) ( (1) Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, (2) Ecole Polytechnique, (3) University of Southampton, (4) Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research | Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Conference proceeding for the ECML PKDD 2023

Advancements in space telescopes have opened new avenues for gathering vast amounts of data on exoplanet atmosphere spectra. However, accurately extracting chemical and physical properties from these spectra poses significant challenges due to the non-linear nature of the underlying physics. This paper presents novel machine learning models developed by the AstroAI team for the Ariel Data Challenge 2023, where one of the models secured the top position among 293 competitors. Leveraging Normalizing Flows, our models predict the posterior probability distribution of atmospheric parameters under different atmospheric assumptions. Moreover, we introduce an alternative model that exhibits higher performance potential than the winning model, despite scoring lower in the challenge. These findings highlight the need to reevaluate the evaluation metric and prompt further exploration of more efficient and accurate approaches for exoplanet atmosphere spectra analysis. Finally, we present recommendations to enhance the challenge and models, providing valuable insights for future applications on real observational data. These advancements pave the way for more effective and timely analysis of exoplanet atmospheric properties, advancing our understanding of these distant worlds.

D.D. Hendriks, L.A.C. van Son, M. Renzo, R.G. Izzard, R. Farmer

Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 19 pages, 8 figures includings appendices

Current observations of binary black-hole ({BBH}) merger events show support for a feature in the primary BH-mass distribution at $\sim\,35\,\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$, previously interpreted as a signature of pulsational pair-instability (PPISN) supernovae. Such supernovae are expected to map a wide range of pre-supernova carbon-oxygen (CO) core masses to a narrow range of BH masses, producing a peak in the BH mass distribution. However, recent numerical simulations place the mass location of this peak above $50\,\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$. Motivated by uncertainties in the progenitor's evolution and explosion mechanism, we explore how modifying the distribution of BH masses resulting from PPISN affects the populations of gravitational-wave (GW) and electromagnetic (EM) transients. To this end, we simulate populations of isolated {BBH} systems and combine them with cosmic star-formation rates. Our results are the first cosmological BBH-merger predictions made using the \textsc{binary\_c} rapid population synthesis framework. We find that our fiducial model does not match the observed GW peak. We can only explain the $35\,\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$ peak with PPISNe by shifting the expected CO core-mass range for PPISN downwards by $\sim{}15\,\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$. Apart from being in tension with state-of-the art stellar models, we also find that this is likely in tension with the observed rate of hydrogen-less super-luminous supernovae. Conversely, shifting the mass range upward, based on recent stellar models, leads to a predicted third peak in the BH mass function at $\sim{}64\,\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$. Thus we conclude that the $\sim{}35\,\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$ feature is unlikely to be related to PPISNe.

Axel Gross, Zewei Xiong, Yong-Zhong Qian

7 pages, 5 figures, submitted to ApJ Letters

We present a data-driven model for abundances of Fe, Sr, Ba, and Eu in metal-poor (MP) stars. The production patterns for core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe) and binary neutron star mergers (BNSMs) are derived from the data of Holmbeck et al. (arXiv:2007.00749) on [Sr/Fe], [Ba/Fe], and [Eu/Fe] for 195 stars. Nearly all the data can be accounted for by mixtures of contributions from these two sources. We find that on average, the Sr contribution to an MP star from BNSMs is $\approx 3$ times that from CCSNe. Our model is also consistent with the solar inventory of Fe, Sr, Ba, and Eu. We carry out a parametric $r$-process study to explore the conditions that can give rise to our inferred production patterns and find that such conditions are largely consistent with those from simulations of CCSNe and BNSMs. Our model can be greatly enhanced by accurate abundances of many $r$-process elements in a large number of MP stars, and future results from this approach can be used to probe the conditions in CCSNe and BNSMs in much more detail.

Munehito Shoda, Steven R. Cranmer, Shin Toriumi

Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal

We observe an enhanced stellar wind mass-loss rate from low-mass stars exhibiting higher X-ray flux. This trend, however, does not align with the Sun, where no evident correlation between X-ray flux and mass-loss rate is present. To reconcile these observations, we propose a hybrid model for the stellar wind from solar-type stars, incorporating both Alfv\'en wave dynamics and flux emergence-driven interchange reconnection, an increasingly studied concept guided by the latest heliospheric observations. For establishing a mass-loss rate scaling law, we perform a series of magnetohydrodynamic simulations across varied magnetic activities. Through a parameter survey concerning the surface (unsigned) magnetic flux ($\Phi^{\rm surf}$) and the open-to-surface magnetic flux ratio ($\xi^{\rm open} = \Phi^{\rm open}/\Phi^{\rm surf}$), we derive a scaling law of the mass-loss rate given by $\dot{M}_w/\dot{M}_{w,\odot} = \left( \Phi^{\rm surf} / \Phi^{\rm surf}_\odot \right)^{0.52}\left( \xi^{\rm open} / \xi^{\rm open}_\odot \right)^{0.86}$, where $\dot{M}_{w,\odot} = 2.0 \times 10^{-14} \ M_\odot {\rm \ yr}^{-1}$, $\Phi^{\rm surf}_\odot = 3.0 \times 10^{23} {\rm \ Mx}$, and $\xi^{\rm open}_\odot = 0.2$. By comparing cases with and without flux emergence, we find that the increase in the mass-loss rate with the surface magnetic flux can be attributed to the influence of flux emergence. Our scaling law demonstrates an agreement with solar wind observations spanning 40 years, exhibiting superior performance when compared to X-ray-based estimations. Our findings suggest that flux emergence may play a significant role in the stellar winds of low-mass stars, particularly those originating from magnetically active stars.

Qiao Song, Jing-Song Wang, Xiaoxin Zhang, Hechao Chen, Shuhong Yang, Zhenyong Hou, Yijun Hou, Qian Ye, Peng Zhang, Xiuqing Hu, Jinping Dun, Weiguo Zong, Xianyong Bai, Bo Chen, Lingping He, Kefei Song

24 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

The occurrence of X-class solar flares and their potential impact on the space weather often receive great attention than other flares. But predicting when and where an X-class flare will occur is still a challenge. With the multi-wavelength observation from the Solar Dynamics Observatory and FengYun- 3E satellite, we investigate the triggering of a GOES X1.0 flare occurring in the NOAA active region (AR) 12887. Our results show that this unique X-class flare is bred in a relatively small but complex quadrupolar AR. Before the X-class flare, two filaments (F1 and F2) exist below a null-point topology of the quadrupolar AR. Magnetic field extrapolation and observation reveal that F1 and F2 correspond to two magnetic flux ropes with the same chirality and their adjacent feet rooted at nonconjugated opposite polarities, respectively. Interestingly, these two polarities collide rapidly, accompanied by photospheric magnetic flux emergence, cancellation and shear motion in the AR center. Above this site, F1 and F2 subsequently intersect and merge to a longer filament (F3) via a tether-cutting-like reconnection process. As a result, the F3 rises and erupts, involving the large-scale arcades overlying filament and the quadrupolar magnetic field above the AR, and eventually leads to the eruption of the X-class flare with a quasi-X-shaped flare ribbon and a coronal mass ejection. It suggests that the rapid collision of nonconjugated opposite polarities provides a key condition for the triggering of this X-class flare, and also provides a featured case for flare trigger mechanism and space weather forecasting.

Yize Dong, Stefano Valenti, Chris Ashall, Marc Williamson, David J. Sand, Schuyler D. Van Dyk, Saurabh W. Jha, Michael Lundquist, Maryam Modjaz, Jennifer E. Andrews, Jacob E. Jencson, Griffin Hosseinzadeh, Jeniveve Pearson, Lindsey A. Kwok, Teresa Boland, Eric Y. Hsiao, Nathan Smith, Nancy Elias-Rosa, Shubham Srivastav, Stephen Smartt, Michael Fulton, WeiKang Zheng, Thomas G. Brink, Alexei V. Filippenko, Melissa Shahbandeh, K. Azalee Bostroem, Emily Hoang, Daryl Janzen, Darshana Mehta, Nicolas Meza, Manisha Shrestha, Samuel Wyatt, Katie Auchettl, Christopher R. Burns, Joseph Farah, L. Galbany, Estefania Padilla Gonzalez, Joshua Haislip, Jason T. Hinkle, D. Andrew Howell, Thomas De Jaeger, Vladimir Kouprianov, Sahana Kumar, Jing Lu, Curtis McCully, Shane Moran, Nidia Morrell, Megan Newsome, et al. (7 additional authors not shown)

33 pages, 23 figures, submitted to ApJ

We present optical and near-infrared observations of SN~2022crv, a stripped envelope supernova in NGC~3054, discovered within 12 hrs of explosion by the Distance Less Than 40 Mpc Survey. We suggest SN~2022crv is a transitional object on the continuum between SNe Ib and SNe IIb. A high-velocity hydrogen feature ($\sim$$-$20,000 -- $-$16,000 $\rm km\,s^{-1}$) was conspicuous in SN~2022crv at early phases, and then quickly disappeared around maximum light. By comparing with hydrodynamic modeling, we find that a hydrogen envelope of $\sim 10^{-3}$ \msun{} can reproduce the behaviour of the hydrogen feature observed in SN~2022crv. The early light curve of SN~2022crv did not show envelope cooling emission, implying that SN~2022crv had a compact progenitor with extremely low amount of hydrogen. The analysis of the nebular spectra shows that SN~2022crv is consistent with the explosion of a He star with a final mass of $\sim$4.5 -- 5.6 \msun{} that has evolved from a $\sim$16 -- 22 \msun{} zero-age main sequence star in a binary system with about 1.0 -- 1.7 \msun{} of oxygen finally synthesized in the core. The high metallicity at the supernova site indicates that the progenitor experienced a strong stellar wind mass loss. In order to retain a small amount of residual hydrogen at such a high metallicity, the initial orbital separation of the binary system is likely larger than $\sim$1000~$\rm R_{\odot}$. The near-infrared spectra of SN~2022crv show a unique absorption feature on the blue side of He I line at $\sim$1.005~$\mu$m. This is the first time that such a feature has been observed in a Type Ib/IIb, and could be due to \ion{Sr}{2}. Further detailed modelling on SN~2022crv can shed light on the progenitor and the origin of the mysterious absorption feature in the near infrared.

Hui Fu, Xinzheng Shi, Zhenghua Huang, Youqian Qi, Lidong Xia

12 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

The studies on the origination and generation mechanisms of ICME materials are crucial for understanding the connection between CMEs and flares. The materials inside ICMEs can be classified into three types, coming from corona directly (corona-materials), heated by magnetic reconnection in corona (heated-corona-materials), and generated by chromospheric evaporation (chromospheric-evaporation-materials). Here, the contribution and First Ionization Potential (FIP) bias of three types of materials inside ICMEs associated with different flare intensities are analyzed and compared. We find that the speeds and scales of near-Earth ICMEs both increase with flare intensities. The proportions of heated-corona-materials are nearly constant with flare intensities. The contributions of corona-materials (chromospheric-evaporation-materials) are significantly decreased (increased) with flare intensities. More than two-thirds of materials are chromospheric-evaporation-materials for ICMEs associated with strong flares. The FIP bias of corona-materials and heated-corona-materials is almost the same. The FIP bias of chromospheric-evaporation-materials is significantly higher than that of corona-materials and heated-corona-materials, and it is increased with flare intensities. The above characteristics of FIP bias can be explained reasonably by the origination and generation mechanisms of three types of ICME materials. The present study demonstrates that the origination and generation mechanisms of ICME materials are significantly influenced by flare intensities. The reasons for the elevation of FIP bias, if ICMEs are regarded as a whole, are that the FIP bias of chromospheric-evaporation-materials is much higher, and the chromospheric-evaporation-materials contributed significantly to the ICMEs which associated with strong flares.

Aerocapture is a maneuver which uses aerodynamic drag to slow down a spacecraft in a single pass through the atmosphere. All planetary orbiters to date have used propulsive orbit insertion. Aerocapture is a promising alternative, especially for small satellite missions and missions to the ice giants. The large {\Delta}V requirement makes it practically impossible for small satellites to enter low circular orbits. Aerocapture can enable insertion of low-cost satellites into circular orbits around Mars and Venus. For ice giant missions, aerocapture can enable orbit insertion from fast arrival trajectories which are impractical with propulsive insertion. By utilizing the atmospheric drag to impart the {\Delta}V, aerocapture can offer significant propellant mass and cost savings for a wide range of planetary missions. The present study analyzes the performance benefit offered by aerocapture for a set of design reference missions and their applications to future Solar System exploration from Venus to Neptune. The estimated performance benefit for aerocapture in terms of delivered mass increase are: Venus (92%), Earth (108%), Mars (17%), and Titan (614%), Uranus (35%), and Neptune (43%). At Uranus and Neptune, aerocapture is a mission enabling technology for orbit insertion from fast arrival interplanetary trajectories.

Rui-Nan Li, Zhen-Yin Zhao, Zhifu Gao, F. Y. Wang (NJU)

11 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letters

Recent observations discovered that some repeating fast radio bursts (FRBs) show a large value and complex variations of Faraday rotation measures (RMs). The binary systems containing a supermassive black hole (SMBH) and a neutron star (NS) can be used to explain such RM variations. Meanwhile, such systems produce low-frequency gravitational wave (GW) signals, which are one of the primary interests of three proposed space-based GW detectors: the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), Tianqin and Taiji. These signals are known as extreme mass ratio inspirals (EMRIs). Therefore, FRBs can serve as candidates of electromagnetic (EM) counterparts for EMRI signals. In this letter, we study the EMRI signals in this binary system, which can be detected up to $z\sim0.04$ by LISA and Tianqin for the most optimistic case. Assuming the cosmic comb model for FRB production, the total event rate can be as high as $\sim1$ Gpc$^{-3}$ yr$^{-1}$. EMRI signals associated with FRBs can be used to reveal the progenitor of FRBs. It is also a new type of standard siren, which can be used as an independent cosmological probe.

Kevin J. Napier, Hsing-Wen Lin, David W. Gerdes, Fred C. Adams, Anna M. Simpson, Matthew W. Porter, Katherine G. Weber, Larissa Markwardt, Gabriel Gowman, Hayden Smotherman, Pedro H. Bernardinelli, Mario Jurić, Andrew J. Connolly, J. Bryce Kalmbach, Stephen K. N. Portillo, David E. Trilling, Ryder Strauss, William J. Oldroyd, Chadwick A. Trujillo, Colin Orion Chandler, Matthew J. Holman, Hilke E. Schlichting, Andrew McNeill, the DEEP Collaboration

Accepted by PSJ

The DECam Ecliptic Exploration Project (DEEP) is a deep survey of the trans-Neptunian solar system being carried out on the 4-meter Blanco telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile using the Dark Energy Camera (DECam). By using a shift-and-stack technique to achieve a mean limiting magnitude of $r \sim 26.2$, DEEP achieves an unprecedented combination of survey area and depth, enabling quantitative leaps forward in our understanding of the Kuiper Belt populations. This work reports results from an analysis of twenty 3 sq.\ deg.\ DECam fields along the invariable plane. We characterize the efficiency and false-positive rates for our moving-object detection pipeline, and use this information to construct a Bayesian signal probability for each detected source. This procedure allows us to treat all of our Kuiper Belt Object (KBO) detections statistically, simultaneously accounting for efficiency and false positives. We detect approximately 2300 candidate sources with KBO-like motion at S/N $>6.5$. We use a subset of these objects to compute the luminosity function of the Kuiper Belt as a whole, as well as the Cold Classical (CC) population. We also investigate the absolute magnitude ($H$) distribution of the CCs, and find consistency with both an exponentially tapered power-law, which is predicted by streaming instability models of planetesimal formation, and a rolling power law. Finally, we provide an updated mass estimate for the Cold Classical Kuiper Belt of $M_{CC}(H_r < 12) = 0.0017^{+0.0010}_{-0.0004} M_{\oplus}$, assuming albedo $p = 0.15$ and density $\rho = 1$ g cm$^{-3}$.

Pedro H. B. Rossetto, Jörg Frauendiener, Ryan Brunet, Andrew Melatos

accepted for publication in MNRAS

The general relativistic formulation of the problem of magnetically confined mountains on neutron stars is presented, and the resulting equations are solved numerically, generalising previous Newtonian calculations. The hydromagnetic structure of the accreted matter and the subsequent magnetic burial of the star's magnetic dipole moment are computed. Overall, it is observed that relativistic corrections reduce the hydromagnetic deformation associated with the mountain. The magnetic field lines are curved more gently than in previous calculations, and the screening of the dipole moment is reduced. Quantitatively, it is found that the dimensionless dipole moment ($m_{\rm d}$) depends on the accreted mass ($M_{\rm a}$) as $m_{\rm d} = -3.2\times10^{3}M_{\rm a}/M_\odot + 1.0$, implying approximately three times less screening compared to the Newtonian theory. Additionally, the characteristic scale height of the mountain, governing the gradients of quantities like pressure, density, and magnetic field strength, reduces by approximately $40\%$ for an isothermal equation of state.

Shu Liu, Junzhi Wang, Fei Li, Jingwen Wu, Zhi-Yu Zhang, Di Li, Ningyu Tang, Pei Zuo

41 pages, 33 figures, 5 tables, publication in MNRAS

Optical depths of dense molecular gas are commonly used in Galactic and extragalactic studies to constrain the dense gas mass of the clouds or galaxies. The optical depths are often obtained based on spatially unresolved data, especially in galaxies, which may affect the reliability of such measurements. We examine such effects in spatially resolved Galactic massive star-forming regions. Using the 10-m SMT telescope, we mapped HCN and H13CN 3-2, HCO+, and H13CO+ 3-2 towards 51 Galactic massive star-forming regions, 30 of which resulted in robust determination of spatially resolved optical depths. Conspicuous spatial variations of optical depths have been detected within each source. We first obtained opacities for each position and calculated an optical-thick line intensity-weighted average, then averaged all the spectra and derived a single opacity for each region. The two were found to agree extremely well, with a linear least square correlation coefficient of 0.997 for the whole sample.

Akira Okumura, Duncan Ross, Francesco G. Saturni, Giorgia Sironi, Richard White

Presented at the 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2023), 2023 ( arXiv:2309.08219 )

The effective mirror area of an imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope is a crucial key parameter for trigger threshold determination and energy calibration. It is usually calculated by 3D ray-tracing simulation using a simplified telescope model, and the result is used in Monte Carlo simulations. However, simplified telescope and camera models are not adequate for the Schwarzschild-Couder configuration to be used in Small-Sized Telescopes (SSTs) of the Cherenkov Telescope Array. This is because the complex 3D structure of the secondary mirror, telescope masts, and camera body block a significant fraction of Cherenkov and night-sky photons. To evaluate the effective mirror area of an SST and to finalize its camera body design with minimal shadowing, a complex 3D model was built and simulated using the ROBAST ray-tracing library. A camera body size of 570 mm and a window size of 430 mm were selected for the final camera design based on the evaluation of shadowing by simulation. A non-axisymmetric effective area distribution was determined via the modeling of the complex telescope structure, while meeting the SST effective area requirement.

Akira Okumura, Junya Haga, Chiaki Inoue, Keiji Nishimoto, Kazuhiro Furuta, Hiroyasu Tajima

Presented at the 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2023), 2023 ( arXiv:2309.08219 )

Silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) have a few advantages over conventional photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) used in imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. The first notable characteristic is their higher photon detection efficiency (PDE) of up to about 60%, which is roughly 1.2-1.5 times better than that of PMTs in the 300-450 nm range, enabling us to lower the energy threshold of gamma-ray observations and increase the photon statistics. The second advantage is that SiPMs are chemically stable after exposure to long and bright illumination, while PMTs can cause gain and quantum efficiency degradation after the same exposure. Therefore, the use of SiPMs under bright or full moon conditions may extend the total observation time in the highest energy coverage region of individual telescopes. However, the SiPM PDE is too high in wavelengths longer than 500 nm; hence, the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of the Cherenkov signal over the night-sky background (NSB) is not necessarily superb. This is because the Cherenkov signal is dominant over the wavelength of 300-500 nm, while the NSB is brighter in the region of 550 nm or longer. To improve the S/N with minimal and cost-effective additional hardware, we have developed multilayer coating designs with only 8 layers and applied them to the specular surfaces of light concentrators. The layers were designed to reflect more photons in the 300-500 nm range but fewer in 550-800 nm. Using a prototype light concentrator fabricated with the novel multilayer design, we demonstrated that a SiPM array exhibits ~50% better photon collection efficiency at 403 nm than that obtained with PMTs, agreeing with the result of a ray-tracing simulation. The efficiency measured at 830 nm was also successfully reduced by 30-50%.

Akira Okumura, Kawori Wakazono, Kazuhiro Furuta, Hiroyasu Tajima

Presented at the 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2023), 2023 ( arXiv:2309.08219 )

The use of silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) in imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes is expected to extend the observation times of very-high-energy gamma-ray sources, particularly within the highest energy domain of 50-300 TeV, where the Cherenkov signal from celestial gamma rays is adequate even under bright moonlight background conditions. Unlike conventional photomultiplier tubes, SiPMs do not exhibit quantum efficiency or gain degradation, which can be observed after long exposures to bright illumination. However, under bright conditions, the photon detection efficiency of a SiPM can be undergo temporary degradation because a fraction of its avalanche photodiode cells can saturate owing to photons from the night-sky background (NSB). In addition, the large current generated by the high NSB rate can increase the temperature of the silicon substrate, resulting in shifts in the SiPM breakdown voltages and consequent gain changes. Moreover, this large current changes the effective bias voltage because it causes a voltage drop across the protection resistor of 100-1000 {\Omega}. Hence, these three factors, namely the avalanche photodiode (APD) saturation, Si temperature, and voltage drop must be carefully compensated for and/or considered in the energy calibration of Cherenkov telescopes with SiPM cameras. In this study, we measured the signal output charge of a SiPM and its variation as a function of different NSB-like background conditions up to 1 GHz/pixel. The results verify that the product of the SiPM gain and photon detection efficiency is well characterized by these three factors.

A. Arroyo-Polonio, J. Iglesias-Páramo, C. Kehrig, J. M. Vílchez, R. Amorín, I. Breda, E. Pérez-Montero, B. Pérez-Díaz, M. Hayes

Green Pea galaxies are remarkable for their intense star formation and serve as a window into the early universe. In our study, we used integral field spectroscopy to examine 24 of these galaxies in the optical spectrum. We focused on the interaction between their ionized interstellar medium and the star formation processes within them. Our research generated spatial maps of emission lines and other properties like ionization structures and chemical conditions. These maps showed that areas with higher levels of excitation are usually located where starbursts are occurring. Continuum maps displayed more intricate structures than emission line maps and hinted at low brightness ionized gas in the galaxies' outer regions. We also analyzed integrated spectra from selected areas within these galaxies to derive physical properties like electron densities and temperatures. In some galaxies, we were able to determine metallicity levels. Our observations revealed the presence of high-ionizing lines in three galaxies, two of which had extremely high rates of star formation. Our findings provide valuable insights into the properties and star-forming processes in Green Pea galaxies, contributing to our broader understanding of galactic evolution in the early universe.

Theodosios Chatzistergos, Ilaria Ermolli, Dipankar Banerjee, Teresa Barata, Ioannis Chouinavas, Mariachiara Falco, Ricardo Gafeira, Fabrizio Giorgi, Yoichiro Hanaoka, Natalie A. Krivova, Viktor V. Korokhin, Ana Lourenço, Gennady P. Marchenko, Jean-Marie Malherbe, Nuno Peixinho, Paolo Romano, Takashi Sakurai

21 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

Full disc observations of the Sun in the H$\alpha$ line provide information about the solar chromosphere and in particular about the filaments, which are dark and elongated features that lie along magnetic field polarity inversion lines. This makes them important for studies of solar magnetism. Since full disc H$\alpha$ observations have been performed at various sites since 1800s, with regular photographic data having started in the beginning of the 20th century, they are an invaluable source of information on past solar magnetism. In this work we aimed at deriving accurate information about filaments from historical and modern full disc H$\alpha$ observations. We have consistently processed observations from 15 H$\alpha$ archives spanning 1909-2022. Our data processing includes photometric calibration of the data stored on photographic plates. We have constructed also Carrington maps from the calibrated H$\alpha$ images. We find that filament areas are affected by the bandwidth of the observation. Thus, cross-calibration of the filament areas derived from different archives is needed. We have produced a composite of filament areas from individual archives by scaling all of them to the Meudon series. Our composite butterfly diagram shows very distinctly the common features of filament evolution, that is the poleward migration as well as a decrease in the mean latitude of filaments as the cycle progresses. We also find that during activity maxima, filaments on average cover about 1% of the solar surface. We see only a weak change in the amplitude of cycles in filament areas, in contrast to sunspot and plage areas. Analysis of H$\alpha$ data for archives with contemporaneous Ca II K observations allowed us to identify and verify archive inconsistencies, which will also have implications for reconstructions of past solar magnetism and irradiance from Ca II K data.

Zepei Xing, Simone S. Bavera, Tassos Fragos, Matthias U. Kruckow, Jaim Román-Garza, Jeff J. Andrews, Aaron Dotter, Konstantinos Kovlakas, Devina Misra, Philipp M. Srivastava, Kyle A. Rocha, Meng Sun, Emmanouil Zapartas

18 pages, 10 figures, submitted to A&A, comments are welcome

Neutron star $-$ black hole (NSBH) merger events bring us new opportunities to constrain theories of stellar and binary evolution, and understand the nature of compact objects. In this work, we investigate the formation of merging NSBH binaries at solar metallicity by performing a binary population synthesis study of merging NSBH binaries with the newly developed code POSYDON. The latter incorporates extensive grids of detailed single and binary evolution models, covering the entire evolution of a double compact object progenitor. We explore the evolution of NSBHs originating from different formation channels, which in some cases differ from earlier studies performed with rapid binary population synthesis codes. Then, we present the population properties of merging NSBH systems and their progenitors such as component masses, orbital features, and BH spins, and investigate the model uncertainties in our treatment of common envelope (CE) evolution and core-collapse process. We find that at solar metallicity, under the default model assumptions, most of the merging NSBHs have BH masses in a range of $3-11\,M{_\odot}$ and chirp masses within $1.5-4\,M{_\odot}$. Independently of our model variations, the BH always forms first with dimensionless spin parameter $\lesssim 0.2$, which is correlated to the initial binary orbital period. Some BHs can subsequently spin up moderately ($\chi_{\rm BH} \lesssim 0.4$) due to mass transfer, which we assume to be Eddington limited. Binaries that experienced CE evolution rarely demonstrate large tilt angles. Conversely, approximately $40\%$ of the binaries that undergo only stable mass transfer without CE evolution contain an anti-aligned BH. Finally, accounting for uncertainties in both the population modeling and the NS equation of state, we find that $0-18.6\%$ of NSBH mergers may be accompanied by an electromagnetic counterpart.

Amy J. Louca, Yamila Miguel, Daria Kubyshkina

11 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJL

The recent observations on WASP-39 b by JWST have revealed hints of high metallicity within the atmosphere compared to its host star (Feinstein et al. 2022; Ahrer et al. 2023; Alderson et al. 2023; Rustamkulov et al. 2023; Tsai et al. 2023). There are various theories on how these high metallic atmospheres emerge. In this study, we closely investigate the impact of extreme escape in the form of hydrodynamic escape to see its impact on atmospheric metallicity and spectral features such as CH$_4$, CO$_2$, and SO$_2$. We perform a grid simulation, with an adapted version of MESA that includes hydrodynamic escape (Kubyshkina et al. 2018; 2020), to fully evolve planets with similar masses and radii to the currently observed WASP-39 b estimates. By making use of (photo-)chemical kinetics and radiative transfer codes, we evaluate the transmission spectra at various time intervals throughout the simulation. Our results indicate that the massive size of WASP-39 b limits the metal enhancement to a maximum of ~1.23 the initial metallicity. When incorporating metal drag, this enhancement factor is repressed to an even greater degree, resulting in an enrichment of at most ~0.4%. As a consequence, when assuming an initial solar metallicity, metal-enriched spectral features like SO$_2$ are still missing after ~9 Gyr into the simulation. This paper, thus, demonstrates that hydrodynamic escape cannot be the primary process behind the high metallicity observed in the atmosphere of WASP-39 b, suggesting instead that a metal-enhanced atmosphere was established during its formation.

Francesco Gabriele Saturni, Michele Doro, Aldo Morselli, Gonzalo Rodríguez-Fernández (for the CTA Consortium)

Presented at the 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2023), 2023 ( arXiv:2309.08219 )

Dark matter (DM) is one of the major components in the Universe. However, at present its existence is still only inferred through indirect astronomical observations. DM particles can annihilate or decay, producing final-state Standard Model pairs that subsequently annihilate into high-energy $\gamma$-rays. The dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) in the Milky Way DM halo have long been considered optimal targets to search for annihilating DM signatures in GeV-to-TeV $\gamma$-ray spectra due to their high DM densities (hence high astrophysical factors), as well as the expected absence of intrinsic $\gamma$-ray emission of astrophysical origin. For such targets, it is important to compute the amount of DM in their halos in a consistent way to optimize the $\gamma$-ray data analysis. Such estimates directly affect the observability of DM signals in dSphs, as well as the DM constraints that can be derived in case of null detection. In this contribution, we present the results on the sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) for DM annihilation and decay searches using planned observations of the Milky Way dSphs. We select the most promising targets among all presently known dwarf satellites, providing new determinations of their expected DM signal. This study shows an improvement of approximately an order of magnitude in sensitivity compared to current searches in similar targets. We also discuss the results in terms of cuspy and cored DM models, and investigate the sensitivity obtained by the combination of observations from different dSphs. Finally, we explore the optimal strategies for CTA observations of dSphs.

M. Cerruti, J. Finke, G. Grolleron, J.P. Lenain, T. Hovatta, M. Joshi, E. Lindfors, P. Morris, M. Petropoulou, P. Romano, S. Vercellone, M. Zacharias (for the CTA Consortium)

Presented at the 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2023), 2023 ( arXiv:2309.08219 )

The TeV extragalactic sky is dominated by blazars, radio-loud active galactic nuclei with a relativistic jet pointing towards the Earth. Blazars show variability that can be quite exceptional both in terms of flux (orders of magnitude of brightening) and time (down to the minute timescale). This bright flaring activity contains key information on the physics of particle acceleration and photon production in the emitting region, as well as the structure and physical properties of the jet itself. The TeV band is accessed from the ground by Cherenkov telescopes that image the pair cascade triggered by the interaction of the gamma ray with the Earth's atmosphere. The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) represents the upcoming generation of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes, with a significantly higher sensitivity and larger energy coverage with respect to current instruments. It will thus provide us with unprecedented statistics on blazar light-curves and spectra. In this contribution we present the results from realistic simulations of CTA observations of bright blazar flares, taking as input state-of-the-art numerical simulations of blazar emission models and including all relevant observational constraints.

Joaquin Armijo, Carlton M. Baugh, Peder Norberg, Nelson D. Padilla

6 pages, 4 Figures

We apply the marked correlation function test proposed by Armijo et al. (Paper I) to samples of luminous red galaxies (LRGs) from the final data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) III. The test assigns a density dependent mark to galaxies in the estimation of the projected marked correlation function. Two gravity models are compared: general relativity (GR) and $f(R)$ gravity. We build mock catalogues which, by construction, reproduce the measured galaxy number density and two point correlation function of the LRG samples, using the halo occupation distribution model (HOD). A range of HOD models give acceptable fits to the observational constraints and this uncertainty is fed through to the error on the predicted marked correlation functions. The uncertainty from the HOD modelling is comparable to the sample variance for the SDSS-III LRG samples. Our analysis shows that current galaxy catalogues are too small for the test to distinguish a popular $f(R)$ model from GR. However, upcoming surveys with a better measured galaxy number density and smaller errors on the two point correlation function, or a better understanding of galaxy formation, may allow our method to distinguish between viable gravity models.

Hyunju Yoo, Chang Won Lee, Eun Jung Chung, Shinyoung Kim, Mario Tafalla, Paola Caselli, Philip C. Myers, Kyoung Hee Kim, Tie Liu, Woojin Kwon, Archana Soam, Jongsoo Kim

43 pages, 34 figures (more figures are available in the online journal), 4 tables, Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal

We present the results of molecular line observations performed toward the NGC 2068 and NGC 2071 regions of the Orion B cloud as the TRAO-FUNS project to study the roles of the filamentary structure in the formation of dense cores and stars in the clouds. Gaussian decomposition for the C$^{18}$O spectra with multiple velocity components and application of a Friends-of-Friends algorithm for the decomposed components allowed us to identify a few tens of velocity coherent filaments. We also identified 48 dense cores from the observations of N$_2$H$^{+}$ using a core finding tool, FellWalker. We made the virial analysis for these filaments and dense cores, finding that the filaments with N$_2$H$^{+}$ dense core are thermally supercritical, and the filaments with larger ratio between the line mass and the thermal critical line mass tend to have more dense cores. We investigated the contribution of the nonthermal motions in dense cores and filaments, showing the dense cores are mostly in transonic/subsonic motions while their natal filaments are mostly in supersonic motions. This may indicates that gas turbulent motions in the filaments have been dissipated at the core scale to form the dense cores there. The filaments with (dynamically evolved) dense cores in infalling motions or with NH$_2$D bright (or chemically evolved) dense cores are all found to be gravitationally critical. Therefore, the criticality of the filament is thought to provide a key condition for its fragmentation, the formation of dense cores, and their kinematical and chemical evolution.

I. M. Skretas, A. Karska, F. Wyrowski, K. M. Menten, H. Beuther, A. Ginsburg, A. Hernández-Gómez, C. Gieser, S. Li, W.-J. Kim, D. A. Semenov, L. Bouscasse, I. B. Christensen, J. M. Winters, A. Hacar

26 pages, 37 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A

Molecular outflows are believed to be a key ingredient in the process of star formation. The molecular outflow associated with DR21 Main in Cygnus-X is one of the most extreme, in mass and size, molecular outflows in the Milky Way. The outflow is suggested to belong to a rare class of explosive outflows which are formed by the disintegration of protostellar systems.We aim to explore the morphology, kinematics,and energetics of the DR21 Main outflow, and compare those properties to confirmed explosive outflows to unravel the underlying driving mechanism behind DR21. Line and continuum emission are studied at a wavelength of 3.6\,mm with IRAM 30 m and NOEMA telescopes as part of the Cygnus Allscale Survey of Chemistry and Dynamical Environments (CASCADE) program. The spectra include ($J= 1-0$) transitions of HCO$^+$, HCN, HNC, N$_2$H$^+$, H$_2$CO, CCH tracing different temperature and density regimes of the outflowing gas at high-velocity resolution ($\sim$ 0.8 km s$^{-1}$). The map encompasses the entire DR21 Main outflow and covers all spatial scales down to a resolution of ~3" ($\sim$ 0.02 pc). Integrated intensity maps of the HCO$^+$ emission reveal a strongly collimated bipolar outflow with significant overlap of the blue- and red-shifted emission. The opening angles of both outflow lobes decrease with velocity, from $\sim80$ to 20$^{\circ}$ for the velocity range from 5 to 45 km s$^{-1}$ relative to the source velocity. No evidence is found for the presence of elongated, "filament-like" structures expected in explosive outflows. N$_2$H$^+$ emission near the western outflow lobe reveals the presence of a dense molecular structure which appears to be interacting with the DR21 Main outflow. The overall morphology as well as the detailed kinematics of the DR21 Main outflow is more consistent with that of a typical bipolar outflow instead of an explosive counterpart.

Alessandro Montanari, Oscar Macias, Emmanuel Moulin

16 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, 3 Appendices. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D

The center of the Milky Way is a prime site to search for signals of dark matter (DM) annihilation due to its proximity and expected high concentration of DM. The amplification of the dispersion velocity of DM particles in the Galactic center (GC), caused by baryonic contraction and feedback, makes this particular region of the sky an even more promising target for exploring velocity-dependent DM models. Here we demonstrate that current GC observations with the H.E.S.S. telescope, presently the most sensitive TeV-scale gamma-ray telescope in operation in this region of the sky, set the strongest constraints on velocity-dependent annihilating DM particles with masses above 200 GeV. For p-wave annihilations, they improve the current constraints by a factor of $\sim$4 for a DM mass of 1 TeV. For the spatial distribution of DM, we use the results of the latest FIRE-2 zoom cosmological simulation of Milky Way-size halos. In addition, we utilize the newest version of the GALPROP cosmic-ray propagation framework to simulate the Galactic diffuse gamma-ray emission in the GC. We have found that p-wave (d-wave) DM particles with a mass of approximately 1.7 TeV and annihilating into the $W^+$$W^-$ channel exhibit a velocity-weighted annihilation cross-section upper limit of 4.6$\times$ 10$^{-22}$ cm$^3$s$^{-1}$ (9.2$\times$10$^{-17}$ cm$^3$s$^{- 1}$) at a 95\% confidence level. This is about 460 (2$\times$ 10$^{6}$) times greater than the thermal relic cross-section for p-wave (d-wave) DM models.

Seiya Nozaki, Katsuaki Asano, Juan Escudero, Gabriel Emery, Chaitanya Priyadarshi (on behalf of the CTA-LST project)

Presented at the 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2023), 2023 ( arXiv:2309.08219 )

The first prototype of LST (LST-1) for the Cherenkov Telescope Array has been in commissioning phase since 2018 and already started scientific observations with the low energy threshold around a few tens of GeV. In 2021, LST-1 observed BL Lac following the alerts based on multi-wavelength observations and detected prominent gamma-ray flares. In addition to the daily flux variability, LST-1 also detected sub-hour-scale intra-night variability reaching 3-4 times higher than the gamma-ray flux from the Crab Nebula above 100 GeV. In this proceeding, we will report the analysis results of LST-1 observations of BL Lac in 2021, especially focusing on flux variability.

Erik Høg

11 pages, no figures

Information on archives from the 1950s of 15 astronomical observatories is provided beginning with a list of correspondence and other information related to astronomy of the Copenhagen University Observatory in the 1950s. The Appendix contains information from the 14 other observatories about their archives from those years, most of them having no archive at all. Public links are given to most of the files. - Print of the present list and the Danish astronomy archive itself will be placed at the Rigsarkivet, the Danish National Archives.

Robert Reischke, Dennis Neumann, Klara Antonia Bertmann, Steffen Hagstotz, Hendrik Hildebrandt

18 pages, 7 figures

One of the key limitations of large-scale structure surveys of the current and future generation, such as Euclid, LSST-Rubin or Roman, is the influence of feedback processes on the distribution of matter in the Universe. This effect, called baryonic feedback, modifies the matter power spectrum on non-linear scales much stronger than any cosmological parameter of interest. Constraining these modifications is therefore key to unlock the full potential of the upcoming surveys, and we propose to do so with the help of Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs). FRBs are short, astrophysical radio transients of extragalactic origin. Their burst signal is dispersed by the free electrons in the large-scale-structure, leading to delayed arrival times at different frequencies characterised by the dispersion measure (DM). Since the dispersion measure is sensitive to the integrated line-of-sight electron density, it is a direct probe of the baryonic content of the Universe. We investigate how FRBs can break the degeneracies between cosmological and feedback parameters by correlating the observed Dispersion Measure with the weak gravitational lensing signal of a Euclid-like survey. In particular we use a simple one-parameter model controlling baryonic feedback, but we expect similar findings for more complex models. Within this model we find that $\sim 10^4$ FRBs are sufficient to constrain the baryonic feedback 10 times better than cosmic shear alone. Breaking this degeneracy will tighten the constraints considerably, for example we expect a factor of two improvement on the sum of neutrino masses

J.D. Nölke, S.K. Solanki, J. Hirzberger, H. Peter, L.P. Chitta, F. Kahil, G. Valori, T. Wiegelmann, D. Orozco Suárez, K. Albert, N. Albelo Jorge, T. Appourchaux, A. Alvarez-Herrero, J. Blanco Rodríguez, A. Gandorfer, D. Germerott, L. Guerrero, P. Gutierrez-Marques, M. Kolleck, J.C. del Toro Iniesta, R. Volkmer, J. Woch, B. Fiethe, J.M. Gómez Cama, I. Pérez-Grande, E. Sanchis Kilders, M. Balaguer Jiménez, L.R. Bellot Rubio, D. Calchetti, M. Carmona, W. Deutsch, A. Feller, G. Fernandez-Rico, A. Fernández-Medina, P. García Parejo, J.L. Gasent Blesa, L. Gizon, B. Grauf, K. Heerlein, A. Korpi-Lagg, T. Lange, A. López Jiménez, T. Maue, R. Meller, A. Moreno Vacas, R. Müller, E. Nakai, W. Schmidt, J. Schou, U. Schühle, J. Sinjan, J. Staub, et al. (19 additional authors not shown)

10 pages, 11 figures

Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) observations of the quiet solar atmosphere reveal extended regions of weak emission compared to the ambient quiescent corona. The magnetic nature of these coronal features is not well understood. We study the magnetic properties of the weakly emitting extended regions, which we name coronal voids. In particular, we aim to understand whether these voids result from a reduced heat input into the corona or if they are associated with mainly unipolar and possibly open magnetic fields, similar to coronal holes. We defined the coronal voids via an intensity threshold of 75% of the mean quiet-Sun (QS) EUV intensity observed by the high-resolution EUV channel (HRIEUV) of the Extreme Ultraviolet Imager on Solar Orbiter. The line-of-sight magnetograms of the same solar region recorded by the High Resolution Telescope of the Polarimetric and Helioseismic Imager allowed us to compare the photospheric magnetic field beneath the coronal voids with that in other parts of the QS. The coronal voids studied here range in size from a few granules to a few supergranules and on average exhibit a reduced intensity of 67% of the mean value of the entire field of view. The magnetic flux density in the photosphere below the voids is 76% (or more) lower than in the surrounding QS. Specifically, the coronal voids show much weaker or no network structures. The detected flux imbalances fall in the range of imbalances found in QS areas of the same size. Conclusions. We conclude that coronal voids form because of locally reduced heating of the corona due to reduced magnetic flux density in the photosphere. This makes them a distinct class of (dark) structure, different from coronal holes.

Jamerson G. Rodrigues, Vinícius Oliveira, Rodrigo von Marttens, Carlos A. de S. Pires, Jailson Alcaniz

This manuscript contains 25 pages, 16 figures and 3 tables

In this work, we investigate the physical aspects of the inflection-point inflation scenario and assess its observational viability in light of current Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data. The model we consider encapsulates the inflaton with a pseudo-scalar (the dark matter candidate) in a complex neutral scalar singlet. The cosmological constraints on the parameters of inflation derived at a high energy scale are translated to a low energy scale by running these parameters. Ensuring the entire Lagrangian to be invariant under a $Z_3$ symmetry with the adequate transformation of the fields, the imaginary part of the singlet decouples from the other scalars of the model. We then investigate if the observational viability of inflation is also compatible with this pseudo-scalar being the dark matter component. We show that the CMB constraints on the inflationary parameters assure that the pseudo-scalar is stable and provides the correct relic dark matter abundance, regardless of whether it is thermally or non-thermally produced.

Hong-Bo Li, Yacheng Kang, Zexin Hu, Lijing Shao, Cheng-Jun Xia, Ren-Xin Xu

8 pages, 8 figures

Soft gamma-ray repeaters (SGRs) are widely understood as slowly rotating isolated neutron stars. Their generally large spin-down rates, high magnetic fields, and strong outburst energies render them different from ordinary pulsars. In a few giant flares (GFs) and short bursts of SGRs, high-confidence quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) were observed. Although remaining an open question, many theoretical studies suggest that the torsional oscillations caused by starquakes could explain QPOs. Motivated by this scenario, we systematically investigate torsional oscillation frequencies based on the strangeon-star (SS) model with various values of harmonic indices and overtones. To characterize the strong-repulsive interaction at short distances and the non-relativistic nature of strangeons, a phenomenological Lennard-Jones model is adopted. We show that, attributing to the large shear modulus of SSs, our results explain well the high-frequency QPOs ($\gtrsim 150\,\mathrm{Hz}$) during the GFs. The low-frequency QPOs ($\lesssim 150\,\mathrm{Hz}$) can also be interpreted when the ocean-crust interface modes are included. We also discuss possible effects of the magnetic field on the torsional mode frequencies. Considering realistic models with general-relativistic corrections and magnetic fields, we further calculate torsional oscillation frequencies for quark stars. We show that it would be difficult for quark stars to explain all QPOs in GFs. Our work advances the understanding of the nature of QPOs and magnetar asteroseismology.

L. Sidoli, V. Sguera, K. Postnov, P. Esposito, L. Oskinova, I.A. Mereminskiy

7 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS (Accepted 2023 September 18. Received 2023 September 15; in original form 2023 July 4)

We report on the results of a Chandra observation of the source IGRJ16327-4940, suggested to be a high mass X-ray binary hosting a luminous blue variable star (LBV). The source field was imaged by ACIS-I in 2023 to search for X-ray emission from the LBV star and eventually confirm this association. No X-ray emission is detected from the LBV star, with an upper limit on the X-ray luminosity of L$_{\rm 0.5-10 keV}<2.9(^{+1.6} _{-1.1})\times10^{32}$ erg/s (at the LBV distance d=12.7$^{+3.2} _{-2.7}$ kpc). We detected 21 faint X-ray sources, 8 of which inside the INTEGRAL error circle. The brightest one is the best candidate soft X-ray counterpart of IGRJ16327-4940, showing a hard power law spectrum and a flux corrected for the absorption UF$_{\rm 0.5-10 keV}$=$2.5\times10^{-13}$ erg/cm2/s, mplying a luminosity of $3.0\times10^{33}$ d$_{10~kpc}^2$ erg/s. No optical/near-infrared counterparts have been found. Previous X--ray observations of the source field with Swift/XRT and ART-XC did not detect any source consistent with the INTEGRAL position. These findings exclude the proposed LBV star as the optical association, and pinpoint the most likely soft X-ray counterpart. In this case, the source properties suggest a low mass X-ray binary, possibly a new member of the very faint X-ray transient class.

M. Klein, J. J. Mohr, S. Bocquet, the SPT, DES collabortions

16 pages, 17 figures, submitted to MNRAS

We present an extension to a Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect (SZE) selected cluster catalog based on observations from the South Pole Telescope (SPT); this catalog extends to lower signal-to-noise than the previous SPT-SZ catalog and therefore includes lower mass clusters. Optically derived redshifts, centers, richnesses and morphological parameters together with catalog contamination and completeness statistics are extracted using the multi-component matched filter algorithm (MCMF) applied to the S/N>4 SPT-SZ candidate list and the Dark Energy Survey (DES) photometric galaxy catalog. The main catalog contains 811 sources above S/N=4, has 91% purity and is 95% complete with respect to the original SZE selection. It contains 50% more total clusters and twice as many clusters above z=0.8 in comparison to the original SPT-SZ sample. The MCMF algorithm allows us to define subsamples of the desired purity with traceable impact on catalog completeness. As an example, we provide two subsamples with S/N>4.25 and S/N>4.5 for which the sample contamination and cleaning-induced incompleteness are both as low as the expected Poisson noise for samples of their size. The subsample with S/N>4.5 has 98% purity and 96% completeness, and will be included in a combined SPT cluster and DES weak-lensing cosmological analysis. We measure the number of false detections in the SPT-SZ candidate list as function of S/N, finding that it follows that expected from assuming Gaussian noise, but with a lower amplitude compared to previous estimates from simulations.

B.V. Hugo, G. Bernardi, O.M. Smirnov, D. Dallacasa, T. Venturi, M. Murgia, R.F. Pizzo

16 pages, 11 figures

The `Main' galaxy cluster in the Abell 781 system is undergoing a significant merger and accretion process with peripheral emission to the north and southeastern flanks of the merging structure. Here we present a full polarimetric study of this field, using radio interferometric data taken at 21 and 92 cm with the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope, to a sensitivity better than any 21 cm (L-band) observation to date. We detect evidence of extended low-level emission of 1.9 mJy associated with the Main cluster at 21 cm, although this detection necessitates further follow-up by modern instruments due to the limited resolution of the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope. Our polarimetric study indicates that, most likely, the peripheral emission associated with this cluster is not a radio relic.

Clemence Fontanive, Luigi R. Bedin, Matthew De Furio, Beth Biller, Jay Anderson, Mariangela Bonavita, Katelyn Allers, Blake Pantoja

18 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in MRNAS

We present results from a Hubble Space Telescope imaging search for low-mass binary and planetary companions to 33 nearby brown dwarfs with spectral types of T8-Y1. Our survey provides new photometric information for these faint systems, from which we obtained model-derived luminosities, masses and temperatures. Despite achieving a deep sensitivity to faint companions beyond 0.2-0.5'', down to mass ratios of 0.4-0.7 outside ~5 au, we find no companions to our substellar primaries. From our derived survey completeness, we place an upper limit of f < 4.9% at the 1-sigma level (< 13.0% at the 2-sigma level) on the binary frequency of these objects over the separation range 1-1000 au and for mass ratios above q = 0.4. Our results confirm that companions are extremely rare around the lowest-mass and coldest isolated brown dwarfs, continuing the marginal trend of decreasing binary fraction with primary mass observed throughout the stellar and substellar regimes. These findings support the idea that if a significant population of binaries exist around such low-mass objects, it should lie primarily below 2-3 au separations, with a true peak possibly located at even tighter orbital separations for Y dwarfs.

The detection and analysis of transient astronomical sources is of great importance to understand their time evolution. Traditional pipelines identify transient sources from difference (D) images derived by subtracting prior-observed reference images (R) from new science images (N), a process that involves extensive manual inspection. In this study, we present TransientViT, a hybrid convolutional neural network (CNN) - vision transformer (ViT) model to differentiate between transients and image artifacts for the Kilodegree Automatic Transient Survey (KATS). TransientViT utilizes CNNs to reduce the image resolution and a hierarchical attention mechanism to model features globally. We propose a novel KATS-T 200K dataset that combines the difference images with both long- and short-term images, providing a temporally continuous, multidimensional dataset. Using this dataset as the input, TransientViT achieved a superior performance in comparison to other transformer- and CNN-based models, with an overall area under the curve (AUC) of 0.97 and an accuracy of 99.44%. Ablation studies demonstrated the impact of different input channels, multi-input fusion methods, and cross-inference strategies on the model performance. As a final step, a voting-based ensemble to combine the inference results of three NRD images further improved the model's prediction reliability and robustness. This hybrid model will act as a crucial reference for future studies on real/bogus transient classification.

Pratik J. Gandhi, Andrew Wetzel, Michael Boylan-Kolchin, Robyn E. Sanderson, Alessandro Savino, Daniel R. Weisz, Erik J. Tollerud, Guochao Sun, Claude-Andre Faucher-Giguere

16 pages, 6 figures, 3 appendix figures, and 1 table. Submitted to MNRAS

The shape of the low-mass (faint) end of the galaxy stellar mass function (SMF) or ultraviolet luminosity function (UVLF) at z > 6 is an open question for understanding which galaxies primarily drove cosmic reionisation. Resolved photometry of Local Group low-mass galaxies allows us to reconstruct their star formation histories, stellar masses, and UV luminosities at early times, and this fossil record provides a powerful `near-far' technique for studying the reionisation-era SMF/UVLF, probing orders of magnitude lower in mass than direct HST/JWST observations. Using 882 low-mass (Mstar < 10^9 Msun) galaxies across 11 Milky Way- and Local Group-analogue environments from the FIRE-2 cosmological baryonic zoom-in simulations, we characterise their progenitors at z ~ 6 - 9, the mergers/disruption of those progenitors over time, and how well their present-day fossil record traces the high-redshift SMF. A present-day galaxy with Mstar ~ 10^5 Msun (10^9 Msun) had ~1 (~30) progenitors at z ~ 7, and its main progenitor comprised ~100% (~50%) of the total stellar mass of all its progenitors at z ~ 7. We show that although only ~ 15% of the early population of low-mass galaxies survives to present day, the fossil record of surviving Local Group galaxies accurately traces the low-mass slope of the SMF at z ~ 6 - 9. We find no obvious mass dependence to the mergers and accretion, and show that applying this reconstruction technique to just the low-mass galaxies at z = 0 and not the MW/M31 hosts correctly recovers the slope of the SMF down to Mstar ~ 10^4.5 Msun at z > 6. Thus, we validate the `near-far' approach as an unbiased tool for probing low-mass reionisation-era galaxies.

Stephanie Yoshida, Shreyas Vissapragada, David W. Latham, Allyson Bieryla, Daniel P. Thorngren, Jason D. Eastman, Mercedes López-Morales, Khalid Barkaoui, Charles Beichmam, Perry Berlind, Lars A. Buchave, Michael L. Calkins, David R. Ciardi, Karen A. Collins, Rosario Cosentino, Ian J.M. Crossfield, Fei Dai, Victoria DiTomasso, Nicholas Dowling, Gilbert A. Esquerdo, Raquel Forés-Toribio, Adriano Ghedina, Maria V. Goliguzova, Eli Golub, Erica J. Gonzales, Ferran Grau Horta, Jesus Higuera, Nora Hoch, Keith Horne, Steve B. Howell, Jon M. Jenkins, Jessica Klusmeyer, Didier Laloum, Jack J. Lissauer, Sarah E. Logsdon, Luca Malavolta, Rachel A. Matson, Elisabeth C. Matthews, Kim K. McLeod, Jennifer V. Medina, Jose A. Muñoz, Hugh P. Osborn, Boris Safonov, Joshua Schlieder, Michael Schmidt, et al. (9 additional authors not shown)

We present the discovery of TOI-1420b, an exceptionally low-density ($\rho = 0.08\pm0.02$ g cm$^{-3}$) transiting planet in a $P = 6.96$ day orbit around a late G dwarf star. Using transit observations from TESS, LCOGT, OPM, Whitin, Wendelstein, OAUV, Ca l'Ou, and KeplerCam along with radial velocity observations from HARPS-N and NEID, we find that the planet has a radius of $R_p$ = 11.9 $\pm$ 0.3 $R_\Earth$ and a mass of $M_p$ = 25.1 $\pm$ 3.8 $M_\Earth$. TOI-1420b is the largest-known planet with a mass less than $50M_\Earth$, indicating that it contains a sizeable envelope of hydrogen and helium. We determine TOI-1420b's envelope mass fraction to be $f_{env} = 82^{+7}_{-6}\%$, suggesting that runaway gas accretion occurred when its core was at most $4-5\times$ the mass of the Earth. TOI-1420b is similar to the planet WASP-107b in mass, radius, density, and orbital period, so a comparison of these two systems may help reveal the origins of close-in low-density planets. With an atmospheric scale height of 1950 km, a transmission spectroscopy metric of 580, and a predicted Rossiter-McLaughlin amplitude of about $17$ m s$^{-1}$, TOI-1420b is an excellent target for future atmospheric and dynamical characterization.

Irene Abril-Cabezas, Carlos Hervías-Caimapo, Sebastian von Hausegger, Blake D. Sherwin, David Alonso

15 pages, 8 figures, prepared for submission to MNRAS, comments welcome

A key challenge in the search for primordial B-modes is the presence of polarized Galactic foregrounds, especially thermal dust emission. Power-spectrum-based analysis methods generally assume the foregrounds to be Gaussian random fields when constructing a likelihood and computing the covariance matrix. In this paper, we investigate how non-Gaussianity in the dust field instead affects CMB and foreground parameter inference in the context of inflationary B-mode searches, capturing this effect via modifications to the dust power-spectrum covariance matrix. For upcoming experiments such as the Simons Observatory, we find no dependence of the tensor-to-scalar ratio uncertainty $\sigma(r)$ on the degree of dust non-Gaussianity or the nature of the dust covariance matrix. We provide an explanation of this result, noting that when frequency decorrelation is negligible, dust in mid-frequency channels is cleaned using high-frequency data in a way that is independent of the spatial statistics of dust. We show that our results hold also for non-zero levels of frequency decorrelation that are compatible with existing data. We find, however, that neglecting the impact of dust non-Gaussianity in the covariance matrix can lead to inaccuracies in goodness-of-fit metrics. Care must thus be taken when using such metrics to test B-mode spectra and models, although we show that any such problems can be mitigated by using only cleaned spectrum combinations when computing goodness-of-fit statistics.

Information transmission via communication between agents is ubiquitous on Earth, and is a vital facet of living systems. In this paper, we aim to quantify this rate of information transmission associated with Earth's biosphere and technosphere (i.e., a measure of global information flow) by means of a heuristic order-of-magnitude model. By adopting ostensibly conservative values for the salient parameters, we estimate that the global information transmission rate for the biosphere might be $\sim 10^{24}$ bits/s, and that it may perhaps exceed the corresponding rate for the current technosphere by $\sim 9$ orders of magnitude. However, under the equivocal assumption of sustained exponential growth, we find that information transmission in the technosphere can potentially surpass that of the biosphere $\sim 90$ years in the future, reflecting its increasing dominance.

J. I. McDonald, S. J. Witte

25 pages, 14 figures. Comments welcome

Ray tracing plays a vital role in black hole imaging, modeling the emission mechanisms of pulsars, and deriving signatures from physics beyond the Standard Model. In this work we focus on one specific application of ray tracing, namely, predicting radio signals generated from the resonant conversion of axion dark matter in the strongly magnetized plasma surrounding neutron stars. The production and propagation of low-energy photons in these environments are sensitive to both the anisotropic response of the background plasma and curved spacetime; here, we employ a fully covariant framework capable of treating both effects. We implement this both via forward and backward ray tracing. In forward ray tracing, photons are sampled at the point of emission and propagated to infinity, whilst in the backward-tracing approach, photons are traced backwards from an image plane to the point of production. We explore various approximations adopted in prior work, quantifying the importance of gravity, plasma anisotropy, the neutron star mass and radius, and imposing the proper kinematic matching of the resonance. Finally, using a more realistic model for the charge distribution of magnetar magnetospheres, we revisit the sensitivity of current and future radio and sub-mm telescopes to spectral lines emanating from the Galactic Center Magnetar, showing such observations may extend sensitivity to axion masses $m_a \sim \mathcal{O}({\rm few}) \times 10^{-3}$ eV, potentially even probing parameter space of the QCD axion.

Javier F. Acevedo, Haipeng An, Yilda Boukhtouchen, Joseph Bramante, Mark Richardson, Lucy Sansom

5+12 pages, 15 figures

We demonstrate that non-gravitational interactions between dark matter and baryonic matter can affect structural properties of galaxies. Detailed galaxy simulations and analytic estimates demonstrate that dark matter which collects inside white dwarf stars and ignites Type Ia supernovae can substantially alter star formation, stellar feedback, and the halo density profile through a dark matter-induced baryonic feedback process, distinct from usual supernova feedback in galaxies.

There is a paradox in the standard model of cosmology. How can matter in the early universe have been in thermal equilibrium, indicating maximum entropy, but the initial state also have been low entropy (the "past hypothesis"), so as to underpin the second law of thermodynamics? The problem has been highly contested, with the only consensus being that gravity plays a role in the story, but with the exact mechanism undecided. In this paper, we construct a well-defined mechanical model to study this paradox. We show how it reproduces the salient features of standard big-bang cosmology with surprising success, and we use it to produce novel results on the statistical mechanics of a gas in an expanding universe. We conclude with a discussion of potential uses of the model, including the explicit computation of the time-dependent coarse-grained entropies needed to investigate the past hypothesis.

Bikram Keshari Pradhan, Debarati Chatterjee, David Edwin Alvarez-Castillo

15 pages, 13 figures

Although it is conjectured that a phase transition from hadronic to deconfined quark matter is possible in the ultrahigh density environment in Neutron Stars, the nature of such a transition is still unknown. Depending on whether there is a sharp or slow phase transition, one may expect a third family of stable compact stars or ``twin stars" to appear, with the same mass but different radii compared to Neutron stars. The possibility of identifying twin stars using astrophysical observations has been a subject of interest, which has gained further momentum with the recent detection of gravitational waves from binary neutron stars. In this work, we investigate for the first time the prospect of probing the nature of hadron-quark phase transition with future detection of gravitational waves from unstable fundamental (f-) mode oscillations in Neutron Stars. By employing a recently developed model that parametrizes the nature of the hadron-quark phase transition via ``pasta phases", we calculate f-mode characteristics within a full general relativistic formalism. We then recover the stellar properties from the detected mode parameters using Universal Relations in GW asteroseismology. Our investigations suggest that the detection of gravitational waves emanating from the f-modes with the third-generation gravitational wave detectors offers a promising scenario for confirming the existence of the twin stars. We also estimate the various uncertainties associated with the determination of the mode parameters and conclude that these uncertainties make the situation more challenging to identify the nature of the hadron-quark phase transition.

Oem Trivedi

Invited review for the Feature Articles 2023 of the Symmetry journal, invited by Prof. Sergei Odintsov. 59 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, 2 appendices

The discovery of universe's late-time acceleration and dark energy has overseen a great deal of research into cosmological singularities and particularly future singularities. Perhaps the most extreme of such singlarities is the big rip, which has propelled a lot of work into ways of moderating it or seeking out alternatives to it and two such alternatives to the big rip are the Little rip and Pseudo rip. Another possibility to consider the far future of the universe is through bounce cosmologies, which presents its own interesting ideas. So in this work we investigate the Little rip, Pseudo rip and Bounce cosmology in non-standard cosmological backgrounds with a generalized equation of state in the presence of a viscous fluid. In particular we discuss about Chern-Simons cosmology and the RS-II Braneworld and discuss how the exotic and non-conventional nature of gravity in such cosmologies affect universal evolution in these scenarios. We find out that there are very significant differences in the behaviour of such cosmic scenarios in these universes in comparison to how they appear in the simple general relativistic universe.

Holger S. P. Müller, Atsuko Maeda, Frank Lewen, Stephan Schlemmer, Ivan R. Medvedev, Eric Herbst

23 pages including figures, tables, and references; Mol. Phys., accepted (for the Tim Lee memorial issue)

An investigation of the rotational spectrum of the interstellar molecule thioformaldehyde between 110 and 377 GHz through a pyrolysis reaction revealed a multitude of absorption lines assignable to H$_2$CS and H$_2$C$^{34}$S in their lowest four excited vibrational states besides lines of numerous thioformaldehyde isotopologues in their ground vibrational states reported earlier as well as lines pertaining to several by-products. Additional transitions of H$_2$CS in its lowest four excited vibrational states were recorded in selected regions between 571 and 1386 GHz. Slight to strong Coriolis interactions occur between all four vibrational states with the exception of the two highest lying states because both are totally symmetric vibrations. We present combined analyses of the ground and the four interacting states for our rotational data of H$_2$CS and H$_2$C$^{34}$S. The H$_2$CS data were supplemented with two sets of high-resultion IR data in two separate analyses. The $v_2 = 1$ state has been included in analyses of Coriolis interactions of low-lying fundamental states of H$_2$CS for the first time and this improved the quality of the fits substantially. We extended furthermore assignments in $J$ of transition frequencies of thioketene in its ground vibrational state.

We investigate a flat Emergent Universe (EU) with a nonlinear equation of state which is equivalent to three different compositions of fluids. In the EU, initially, the evolution of the universe began with no interaction, but as time evolves, an interaction sets in among the three fluids leading to the observed universe. The characteristic of an EU is that it is a singularity-free universe that evolves with all the basic features of the early evolution. A given nonlinear equation of state parameter permits a universe with three different fluids. We get a universe with dark energy, cosmic string, and radiation domination to begin with, which at a later epoch transits into a universe with three different fluids with matter domination, dark matter, and dark energy for a given interaction strength among the cosmic fluids. Later the model parameters are constrained using the observed Hubble data and Type Ia Supernova (SnIa) data from the Pantheon data set. The classical stability analysis of the model is performed using the square speed of sound. It is found that a theoretically stable cosmological model can be obtained in this case, however, the model becomes classically unstable at the present epoch when the observational bounds on the model parameters are taken into account.

The surge of deep-space probes makes it unsustainable to navigate them with standard radiometric tracking. Self-driving interplanetary satellites represent a solution to this problem. In this work, a full vision-based navigation algorithm is built by combining an orbit determination method with an image processing pipeline suitable for interplanetary transfers of autonomous platforms. To increase the computational efficiency of the algorithm, a non-dimensional extended Kalman filter is selected as state estimator, fed by the positions of the planets extracted from deep-space images. An enhancement of the estimation accuracy is performed by applying an optimal strategy to select the best pair of planets to track. Moreover, a novel analytical measurement model for deep-space navigation is developed providing a first-order approximation of the light-aberration and light-time effects. Algorithm performance is tested on a high-fidelity, Earth--Mars interplanetary transfer, showing the algorithm applicability for deep-space navigation.

We study the effects of cut-off physics, in the form of a modified algebra inspired by Polymer Quantum Mechanics and the by the Generalized Uncertainty Principle representation, on the collapse of a spherical dust cloud. We analyze both the Newtonian formulation, originally developed by Hunter, and the general relativistic formulation, that is the Oppenheimer-Snyder model; in both frameworks we find that the collapse is stabilized to an asymptotically static state above the horizon, and the singularity is removed. In the Newtonian case, by requiring the Newtonian approximation to be valid, we find lower bounds of the order of unity (in Planck units) for the deformation parameter of the modified algebra. We then study the behaviour of small perturbations on the non-singular collapsing backgrounds, and find that for certain range of the parameters (the polytropic index for the Newtonian case and the sound velocity in the relativistic setting) the collapse is stable to perturbations of all scales, and the non-singular super-Schwarzschild configurations have physical meaning.

Alex Y. Wen, Carlos A. Argüelles, Ali Kheirandish, Kohta Murase

11 pages, 6 figures

We show that ATLAS, a collider detector, can measure the flux of high-energy supernova neutrinos, which can be produced from days to months after the explosion. Using Monte Carlo simulations for predicted fluxes, we find at most $\mathcal{O}(0.1-1)$ starting events and $\mathcal{O}(10-100)$ throughgoing events from a supernova 10 kpc away. Possible Galactic supernovae from Betelgeuse and Eta Carinae are further analyzed as demonstrative examples. We argue that even with limited statistics, ATLAS has the ability to discriminate among flavors and between neutrinos and antineutrinos, making it an unique neutrino observatory so far unmatched in this capability.

Ultra-Light Dark Matter (ULDM) halos constituted by Ultra-Light Axions (ULAs) generate gravitational potentials that oscillate in time. In this paper I show these potentials interact with gravitational waves, resonantly amplifying them. For all ULA masses considered, the resonance in the solar region is currently negligible, while in a denser dark matter environment, which may arise due to different phenomena, it might become significant. The frequency of the amplified gravitational wave is equal to the ULA mass in the case of first resonance band, which represents the most efficient scenario.