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Papers for Monday, Nov 06 2023

Papers with local authors

Patrick Reichherzer, Archie F. A. Bott, Robert J. Ewart, Gianluca Gregori, Philipp Kempski, Matthew W. Kunz, Alexander A. Schekochihin

Utilizes PIC and MHD simulations, complemented by deep learning for data analysis. Currently under journal review. Comments welcome!

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Paper 5 — arXiv:2311.01497
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Paper 5 — arXiv:2311.01497

Recent observations suggest a stronger confinement of cosmic rays (CRs) in certain astrophysical systems than predicted by current CR-transport theories. We posit that the incorporation of microscale physics into CR-transport models can account for this enhanced CR confinement. We develop a theoretical description of the effect of magnetic microscale fluctuations originating from the mirror instability on macroscopic CR diffusion. We confirm our theory with large-dynamical-range simulations of CR transport in the intracluster medium (ICM) of galaxy clusters and kinetic simulations of CR transport in micromirror fields. We conclude that sub-TeV CR confinement in the ICM is far more effective than previously anticipated on the basis of Galactic-transport extrapolations.

Andrea Roncoli, Aleksandra Ćiprijanović, Maggie Voetberg, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Brian Nord

Accepted in Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences Workshop at NeurIPS 2023; 19 pages, 2 figures, 1 table

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Paper 18 — arXiv:2311.01588
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Paper 18 — arXiv:2311.01588

Deep learning models have been shown to outperform methods that rely on summary statistics, like the power spectrum, in extracting information from complex cosmological data sets. However, due to differences in the subgrid physics implementation and numerical approximations across different simulation suites, models trained on data from one cosmological simulation show a drop in performance when tested on another. Similarly, models trained on any of the simulations would also likely experience a drop in performance when applied to observational data. Training on data from two different suites of the CAMELS hydrodynamic cosmological simulations, we examine the generalization capabilities of Domain Adaptive Graph Neural Networks (DA-GNNs). By utilizing GNNs, we capitalize on their capacity to capture structured scale-free cosmological information from galaxy distributions. Moreover, by including unsupervised domain adaptation via Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD), we enable our models to extract domain-invariant features. We demonstrate that DA-GNN achieves higher accuracy and robustness on cross-dataset tasks (up to $28\%$ better relative error and up to almost an order of magnitude better $\chi^2$). Using data visualizations, we show the effects of domain adaptation on proper latent space data alignment. This shows that DA-GNNs are a promising method for extracting domain-independent cosmological information, a vital step toward robust deep learning for real cosmic survey data.

Lile Wang, Sheng Xu, Zhenyu Wang, Min Fang, Jeremy Goodman

16 pages, 7 Figures. Submitted to The Astrophysical Journal

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Paper 22 — arXiv:2311.01636
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Paper 22 — arXiv:2311.01636

Magnetized disk winds and wind-driven accretion are an essential and intensively studied dispersion mechanism of protoplanetary disks. However, the stability of these mechanisms has yet to be adequately examined. This paper employs semi-analytic linear perturbation theories under non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics, focusing on disk models whose magnetic diffusivities vary by a few orders of magnitude from the disk midplane to its surface. Linear modes are distinguished by their symmetry with respect to the midplane. These modes have qualitatively different growth rates: symmetric modes almost always decay, while at least one anti-symmetric mode always has a positive growth rate. This growth rate decreases faster than the Keplerian angular velocity with cylindrical radius $R$ in the disk and scales as $R^{-2}$ in the fiducial disk model. The growth of anti-symmetric modes breaks the reflection symmetry across the disk equatorial plane, and may occur even in the absence of the Hall effect. In the disk regions where fully developed anti-symmetric modes occur, accretion flows appear only on one side of the disk, while disk winds occur only on the other. This may explain the asymmetry of some observed protoplanetary-disk outflows.

Juan Li, Donghui Quan, Junzhi Wang, Xia Zhang, Xing Lu, Qian Gou, Feng Gao, Yajun Wu, Edwin Bergin, Shanghuo Li, Zhiqiang Shen, Fujun Du, Meng Li, Siqi Zheng, Xingwu Zheng

20 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, accepted by PASJ. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2108.05001

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Paper 26 — arXiv:2311.01721
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Paper 26 — arXiv:2311.01721

The peptide-like molecules, cyanoformamide (NCCONH2), is the cyano (CN) derivative of formamide (NH2CHO). It is known to play a role in the synthesis of nucleic acid precursors under prebiotic conditions. In this paper, we present a tentative detection of NCCONH2 in the interstellar medium (ISM) with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) archive data. Ten unblended lines of NCCONH2 were seen around 3sigma noise levels toward Sagittarius B2(N1E), a position that is slightly offset from the continuum peak. The column density of NCCONH2 was estimated to be 2.4\times 10^15 cm ^-2, and the fractional abundance of NCCONH2 toward Sgr B2(N1E) was 6.9\times10^-10. The abundance ratio between NCCONH2 and NH2CHO is estimated to be ~0.01. We also searched for other peptide-like molecules toward Sgr B2(N1E). The abundances of NH2CHO, CH3NCO and CH3NHCHO toward Sgr B2(N1E) were about one tenth of those toward Sgr B2(N1S), while the abundances of CH3CONH2 was only one twentieth of that toward Sgr B2(N1S).

Emission in forbidden lines of oxygen, neon, and other species are commonly used to trace winds from protoplanetary disks. Using Cloudy, we calculate such emission for parametrized wind models of the magnetothermal type, following Bai et al. (2016). These models share characteristics with both photoevaporative and magnetocentrifugal winds, which can be regarded as end members, and are favored by recent theoretical research. Both broad and narrow low-velocity components of the lines can be produced with plausible wind parameters, something that traditional wind models have difficulty with. Line luminosities, blueshifts, and widths, as well as trends of these with accretion luminosity and disk inclination, are in general accord with observations

Antonio Fuentes, José L. Gómez, José M. Martí, Manel Perucho, Guang-Yao Zhao, Rocco Lico, Andrei P. Lobanov, Gabriele Bruni, Yuri Y. Kovalev, Andrew Chael, Kazunori Akiyama, Katherine L. Bouman, He Sun, Ilje Cho, Efthalia Traianou, Teresa Toscano, Rohan Dahale, Marianna Foschi, Leonid I. Gurvits, Svetlana Jorstad, Jae-Young Kim, Alan P. Marscher, Yosuke Mizuno, Eduardo Ros, Tuomas Savolainen

15 pages, 7 figures. Initial version of an article published in Nature Astronomy

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Paper 43 — arXiv:2311.01861
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Paper 43 — arXiv:2311.01861

Supermassive black holes at the centre of active galactic nuclei power some of the most luminous objects in the Universe. Typically, very long baseline interferometric (VLBI) observations of blazars have revealed only funnel-like morphologies with little information of the ejected plasma internal structure, or lacked the sufficient dynamic range to reconstruct the extended jet emission. Here we show microarcsecond-scale angular resolution images of the blazar 3C 279 obtained at 22 GHz with the space VLBI mission RadioAstron, which allowed us to resolve the jet transversely and reveal several filaments produced by plasma instabilities in a kinetically dominated flow. Our high angular resolution and dynamic range image suggests that emission features traveling down the jet may manifest as a result of differential Doppler-boosting within the filaments, as opposed to the standard shock-in-jet model invoked to explain blazar jet radio variability. Moreover, we infer that the filaments in 3C 279 are possibly threaded by a helical magnetic field rotating clockwise, as seen in the direction of the flow motion, with an intrinsic helix pitch angle of ~45 degrees in a jet with a Lorentz factor of ~13 at the time of observation.

Papers reserved for later discussion

These are papers reserved by people for discussion at a later date. All reservations are kept for 2 days after the date of the reservation.

Nissim Fraija, M. G. Dainotti, D. Levine, B. Betancourt Kamenetskaia, A. Galvan-Gamez

33 pages, 13 figures, 9 tables, Accepted in ApJ

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11/06/2023: arXiv:2311.01705
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11/06/2023: arXiv:2311.01705

Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are one of the most promising transient events for studying multi-wavelength observations in extreme conditions. Observation of GeV photons from bursts would provide crucial information on GRB physics, including the off-axis emission. The Second Gamma-ray Burst Catalog (2FLGC) was announced by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (Fermi-LAT) Collaboration. This catalog includes 29 bursts with photon energy higher than 10 GeV. While the synchrotron forward-shock model has well explained the afterglow data of GRBs, photon energies greater than 10 GeV are very difficult to interpret within this framework. To study the spectral and temporal indices of those bursts described in 2FLGC, Fraija et al. (2022a) proposed the closure relations (CRs) of the synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) emitted from an on-axis jet which decelerates in stellar-wind and the constant-density medium. In this paper, we extend the CRs of the SSC afterglow from an on-axis scenario to an off-axis, including the synchrotron afterglow radiation that seems off-axis. In order to investigate the spectral and temporal index evolution of those bursts reported in 2FLGC, we consider the hydrodynamical evolution with energy injection in the adiabatic and radiative regime for an electron distribution with a spectral index of $1<p<2$ and $2 < p$. The results show that the most likely scenario for synchrotron emission corresponds to the stellar wind whether or not there is energy injection and that the most likely scenario for SSC emission corresponds to the constant density when there is no energy injection and to the stellar wind when there is energy injection.

All other papers

T. Castro (1 and 2 and 3 and 4), S. Borgani (5 and 3 and 1 and 2), M. Costanzi (1 and 5), J. Dakin (6), K. Dolag (7), A. Fumagalli (5 and 1 and 2 and 3), A. Ragagnin (8 and 3 and 9), A. Saro (5 and 3 and 1 and 2 and 4), A. M. C. Le Brun (10), N. Aghanim (11), A. Amara (12), S. Andreon (13), N. Auricchio (8), M. Baldi (14 and 8 and 15), S. Bardelli (8), C. Bodendorf (16), D. Bonino (17), E. Branchini (18 and 19), M. Brescia (20 and 21 and 22), J. Brinchmann (23), S. Camera (24 and 25 and 17), V. Capobianco (17), C. Carbone (26), J. Carretero (27 and 28), S. Casas (29), M. Castellano (30), S. Cavuoti (21 and 22), A. Cimatti (31), G. Congedo (32), C. J. Conselice (33), L. Conversi (34 and 35), Y. Copin (36), L. Corcione (17), F. Courbin (37), H. M. Courtois (38), M. Cropper (39), et al. (186 additional authors not shown)

18 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables, 1 appendix, abstract abridged for arXiv submission

The Euclid photometric survey of galaxy clusters stands as a powerful cosmological tool, with the capacity to significantly propel our understanding of the Universe. Despite being sub-dominant to dark matter and dark energy, the baryonic component in our Universe holds substantial influence over the structure and mass of galaxy clusters. This paper presents a novel model to precisely quantify the impact of baryons on galaxy cluster virial halo masses, using the baryon fraction within a cluster as proxy for their effect. Constructed on the premise of quasi-adiabaticity, the model includes two parameters calibrated using non-radiative cosmological hydrodynamical simulations and a single large-scale simulation from the Magneticum set, which includes the physical processes driving galaxy formation. As a main result of our analysis, we demonstrate that this model delivers a remarkable one percent relative accuracy in determining the virial dark matter-only equivalent mass of galaxy clusters, starting from the corresponding total cluster mass and baryon fraction measured in hydrodynamical simulations. Furthermore, we demonstrate that this result is robust against changes in cosmological parameters and against varying the numerical implementation of the sub-resolution physical processes included in the simulations. Our work substantiates previous claims about the impact of baryons on cluster cosmology studies. In particular, we show how neglecting these effects would lead to biased cosmological constraints for a Euclid-like cluster abundance analysis. Importantly, we demonstrate that uncertainties associated with our model, arising from baryonic corrections to cluster masses, are sub-dominant when compared to the precision with which mass-observable relations will be calibrated using Euclid, as well as our current understanding of the baryon fraction within galaxy clusters.

Patrick Hirling, Michele Bianco, Sambit K. Giri, Ilian T. Iliev, Garrelt Mellema, Jean-Paul Kneib

16 pages, 13 figures

Detailed modelling of the evolution of neutral hydrogen in the intergalactic medium during the Epoch of Reionization, $5 \leq z \leq 20$, is critical in interpreting the cosmological signals from current and upcoming 21-cm experiments such as Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR) and the Square Kilometre Array (SKA). Numerical radiative transfer codes offer the most physically motivated approach for simulating the reionization process. However, they are computationally expensive as they must encompass enormous cosmological volumes while accurately capturing astrophysical processes occurring at small scales ($\lesssim\rm Mpc$). Here, we present pyC$^2$Ray, an updated version of the massively parallel ray-tracing and chemistry code, C$^2$Ray, which has been extensively employed in reionization simulations. The most time-consuming part of the code is calculating the hydrogen column density along the path of the ionizing photons. Here, we present the Accelerated Short-characteristics Octhaedral RAytracing (ASORA) method, a ray-tracing algorithm specifically designed to run on graphical processing units (GPUs). We include a modern Python interface, allowing easy and customized use of the code without compromising computational efficiency. We test pyC$^2$Ray on a series of standard ray-tracing tests and a complete cosmological simulation with volume size $(349\,\rm Mpc)^3$, mesh size of $250^3$ and approximately $10^6$ sources. Compared to the original code, pyC$^2$Ray achieves the same results with negligible fractional differences, $\sim 10^{-5}$, and a speedup factor of two orders of magnitude. Benchmark analysis shows that ASORA takes a few nanoseconds per source per voxel and scales linearly for an increasing number of sources and voxels within the ray-tracing radii.

Shihong Liao, Dimitrios Irodotou, Peter H. Johansson, Thorsten Naab, Francesco Paolo Rizzuto, Jessica M. Hislop, Ruby J. Wright, Alexander Rawlings

24 pages, 10 main + 4 appendix figures

We introduce the `Resolving supermAssive Black hole Binaries In galacTic hydrodynamical Simulations' (RABBITS) series of studies to investigate the orbital evolution of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) during galaxy mergers. We simulate both disc and elliptical galaxy mergers using the KETJU code, which can simultaneously follow galaxy (hydro-)dynamics and small-scale SMBH dynamics with post-Newtonian corrections. With our SMBH binary subgrid model, we show how active galactic nuclei (AGNs) feedback affects galaxy properties and SMBH coalescence. We find that simulations without AGN feedback exhibit excessive star formation, resulting in merger remnants that deviate from observed properties. Kinetic AGN feedback proves more effective than thermal AGN feedback in expelling gas from the centre and quenching star formation. The different central galaxy properties, which are a result of distinct AGN feedback models, lead to varying rates of SMBH orbital decay. In the dynamical friction phase, galaxies with higher star formation and higher SMBH masses possess denser centres, become more resistant to tidal stripping, experience greater dynamical friction, and consequently form SMBH binaries earlier. As AGN feedback reduces gas densities in the centres, dynamical friction by stars dominates over gas. In the SMBH hardening phase, compared to elliptical mergers, disc mergers exhibit higher central densities of newly formed stars, resulting in accelerated SMBH hardening and shorter merger time-scales (i.e. $\lesssim 500$ Myr versus $\gtrsim 1$ Gyr). Our findings highlight the importance of AGN feedback and its numerical implementation in understanding the SMBH coalescing process, a key focus for low-frequency gravitational wave observatories.

C. Ricci, K. Ichikawa, M. Stalevski, T. Kawamuro, S. Yamada, Y. Ueda, R. Mushotzky, G. C. Privon, M. J. Koss, B. Trakhtenbrot, A. C. Fabian, L. C. Ho, D. Asmus, F. E. Bauer, C. S. Chang, K. K. Gupta, K. Oh, M. Powell, R. W. Pfeifle, A. Rojas, F. Ricci, M. J. Temple, Y. Toba, A. Tortosa, E. Treister, F. Harrison, D. Stern, C. M. Urry

Accepted for publication in ApJ

Accreting supermassive black holes (SMBHs) located at the center of galaxies are typically surrounded by large quantities of gas and dust. The structure and evolution of this circumnuclear material can be studied at different wavelengths, from the submillimeter to the X-rays. Recent X-ray studies have shown that the covering factor of the obscuring material tends to decrease with increasing Eddington ratio, likely due to radiative feedback on dusty gas. Here we study a sample of 549 nearby (z<0.1) hard X-ray (14-195 keV) selected non-blazar active galactic nuclei (AGN), and use the ratio between the AGN infrared and bolometric luminosity as a proxy of the covering factor. We find that, in agreement with what has been found by X-ray studies of the same sample, the covering factor decreases with increasing Eddington ratio. We also confirm previous findings which showed that obscured AGN typically have larger covering factors than unobscured sources. Finally, we find that the median covering factors of AGN located in different regions of the column density-Eddington ratio diagram are in good agreement with what would be expected from a radiation-regulated growth of SMBHs.

Shihong Liao, Dimitrios Irodotou, Peter H. Johansson, Thorsten Naab, Francesco Paolo Rizzuto, Jessica M. Hislop, Alexander Rawlings, Ruby J. Wright

18 pages, 8 main + 3 appendix figures

In this second study of the `Resolving supermAssive Black hole Binaries In galacTic hydrodynamical Simulations' (RABBITS) series, we focus on the hardening and coalescing process of supermassive black hole (SMBH) binaries in galaxy mergers. For simulations including different galaxy formation processes (i.e. gas cooling, star formation, SMBH accretion, stellar and AGN feedback), we systematically control the effect of stochastic eccentricity by fixing it to similar values during the SMBH hardening phase. We find a strong correlation between the SMBH merger time-scales and the presence of nuclear star formation. Throughout the galaxy merging process, gas condenses at the centre due to cooling and tidal torques, leading to nuclear star formation. These recently formed stars, which inherit low angular momenta from the gas, contribute to the loss cone and assist in the SMBH hardening via three-body interactions. Compared to non-radiative hydrodynamical runs, the SMBH merger time-scales measured from the runs including cooling, stellar and SMBH physical processes tend to be shortened by a factor of ${\sim}1.7$. After fixing the eccentricity to the range of $e \sim 0.6$--$0.8$ during the hardening phase, the simulations with AGN feedback reveal merger time-scales of ${\sim} 100$--$500$ Myr for disc mergers and ${\sim} 1$--$2$ Gyr for elliptical mergers. With a semi-analytical approach, we find that the torque interaction between the binary and its circumbinary disc has minimal impact on the shrinking of the binary orbit in our retrograde galaxy merger. Our results are useful in improving the modelling of SMBH merger time-scales and gravitational wave event rates.

Sneh Pandya, Purvik Patel, Franc O, Jonathan Blazek

10 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, Accepted to the Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences Workshop at NeurIPS 2023

We propose the use of group convolutional neural network architectures (GCNNs) equivariant to the 2D Euclidean group, $E(2)$, for the task of galaxy morphology classification by utilizing symmetries of the data present in galaxy images as an inductive bias in the architecture. We conduct robustness studies by introducing artificial perturbations via Poisson noise insertion and one-pixel adversarial attacks to simulate the effects of limited observational capabilities. We train, validate, and test GCNNs equivariant to discrete subgroups of $E(2)$ - the cyclic and dihedral groups of order $N$ - on the Galaxy10 DECals dataset and find that GCNNs achieve higher classification accuracy and are consistently more robust than their non-equivariant counterparts, with an architecture equivariant to the group $D_{16}$ achieving a $95.52 \pm 0.18\%$ test-set accuracy. We also find that the model loses $<6\%$ accuracy on a $50\%$-noise dataset and all GCNNs are less susceptible to one-pixel perturbations than an identically constructed CNN. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/snehjp2/GCNNMorphology.

Aura Obreja, Fabrizio Arrigoni Battaia, Andrea V. Macciò, Tobias Buck

accepted for publication in MNRAS

Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) in cosmological simulations generate explosive feedback that regulates star formation in massive galaxies, modifying the gas phase structure out to large distances. Here, we explore the direct effects that AGN radiation has on gas heating and cooling within one high-resolution $z=3$ dark matter halo as massive as a quasar host ($M_{\rm h}=$10$^{\rm 12.5}$M$_{\rm\odot}$), run without AGN feedback. We assume AGN radiation to impact the circumgalactic medium (CGM) anisotropically, within a bi-cone of angle $\alpha$. We find that even a relatively weak AGN (black hole mass $M_{\rm\bullet}=10^{\rm 8}$M$_{\rm\odot}$ with an Eddington ratio $\lambda=0.1$) can significantly lower the fraction of halo gas that is catastrophically cooling compared to the case of gas photoionized only by the ultraviolet background (UVB). Varying $M_{\rm\bullet}$, $\lambda$ and $\alpha$, we study their effects on observables. A 10$^{\rm 9}$M$_{\rm\odot}$ AGN with $\lambda=0.1$ and $\alpha\approxeq60^{^{\rm o}}$ reproduces the average surface brightness (SB) profiles of Ly$\alpha$, HeII and CIV, and results in a covering fraction of optically thick absorbers within observational estimates. The simulated SB$_{\rm CIV}$ profile is steeper than observed, indicating that not enough metals are pushed beyond the very inner CGM. For this combination of parameters, the CGM mass catastrophically cooling is reduced by half with respect to the UVB-only case, with roughly same mass out of hydrostatic equilibrium heating up and cooling down, hinting to the importance of self-regulation around AGNs. This study showcases how CGM observations can constrain not only the properties of the CGM itself, but also those of the AGN engine.

Peter Adshead, John T. Giblin Jr, Ryn Grutkoski, Zachary J. Weiner

32 pages, 9 figures

We study gauge preheating following pseudoscalar-driven inflation in full general relativity. We implement the Baumgarte-Shapiro-Shibata-Nakamura (BSSN) scheme to solve the full nonlinear evolution of the metric alongside the dynamics of the pseudoscalar and gauge fields. The dynamics of the background and emission of gravitational waves are broadly consistent with simulations in a Friedmann-Lema\^{i}tre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) spacetime. We find large, localized overdensities in the BSSN simulations of order $\delta = \delta\rho/\rho \sim 30$, and the dimensionless power spectrum of $\delta$ peaks above unity. These overdense regions are seeded on length scales only slightly smaller than the horizon, and have a compactness $C \sim 0.1$. The scale of peak compactness is shorter than the Jeans length, which implies that pressure of the matter fields plays an important role in the evolution of these objects.

Giulia Fumagalli, Golam Shaifullah, Alberto Sesana

14 pages, 15 figures

The detection of gravitational waves with Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTAs) requires precise measurement of the difference between the pulsars' timing models and their observed pulses, as well as dealing with numerous and sometimes hard to diagnose sources of noise. Outliers may have an impact on this already difficult procedure, especially if the methods used are not robust to such anomalous observations. Until now, no complete and practical quantification of their effects on PTA data has been provided. With this work, we aim to fill this gap. We corrupt simulated datasets featuring an increasing degree of complexity with varying percentages of uniformly distributed outliers and investigate the impact of the latter on the recovery of the injected gravitational wave signals and pulsar noise terms. We found that the gravitational waves signal, due to its expected correlation, is more robust against these anomalous observations when compared to the other injected processes. This result is especially relevant in the context of the emerging statistical evidence for the gravitational wave background in PTA datasets, further strengthening those claims.

Isaac Malsky, Emily Rauscher, Michael T. Roman, Elspeth K. H. Lee, Hayley Beltz, Arjun Savel, Eliza M. R. Kempton, L. Cinque

Submitted to ApJ, 31 pages

Inhomogeneous cloud formation and wavelength-dependent phenomena are expected to shape hot Jupiter atmospheres. We present a General Circulation Model (GCM) with multiwavelength "picket fence" radiative transfer and radiatively active, temperature dependent clouds, and compare the results to a double gray routine. The double gray method inherently fails to model polychromatic effects in hot Jupiter atmospheres, while picket fence captures these non-gray aspects and performs well compared to fully wavelength-dependent methods. We compare both methods with radiatively active clouds and cloud-free models, assessing the limitations of the double gray method. Although there are broad similarities, the picket fence models have larger day-night side temperature differences, non-isothermal upper atmospheres, and multiwavelength effects in the presence of radiatively active clouds. We model the well-known hot Jupiters HD 189733 b and HD 209458 b. For the hotter HD 209458 b, the picket fence method prevents clouds from thermostating dayside temperatures, resulting in hotter upper atmospheres and the dissipation of dayside clouds. Differences in the temperature structures are then associated with nuanced differences in the circulation patterns and clouds. Models of the cooler HD 189733 b have global cloud coverage, regardless of radiative transfer scheme, whereas there are larger differences in the models of HD 209458 b, particularly in the extent of the partial cloud coverage on its dayside. This results in minor changes to the thermal and reflected light phase curves of HD 189733 b, but more significant differences for the picket fence and double gray versions of HD 209458 b.

Karolina Garcia, Desika Narayanan, Gergö Popping, R. Anirudh, Sagan Sutherland, Melanie Kaasinen

17 pages, 11 figures, comments are welcome

We present {\sc slick} (the Scalable Line Intensity Computation Kit), a software package that calculates realistic CO, [\ion{C}{1}], and [\ion{C}{2}] luminosities for clouds and galaxies formed in hydrodynamic simulations. Built on the radiative transfer code {\sc despotic}, {\sc slick} computes the thermal, radiative, and statistical equilibrium in concentric zones of model clouds, based on their physical properties and individual environments. We validate our results applying {\sc slick} to the high-resolution run of the {\sc Simba} simulations, testing the derived luminosities against empirical and theoretical/analytic relations. To simulate the line emission from a universe of emitting clouds, we have incorporated random forest machine learning (ML) methods into our approach, allowing us to predict cosmologically evolving properties of CO, [\ion{C}{1}] and [\ion{C}{2}] emission from galaxies such as luminosity functions. We tested this model in 100,000 gas particles, and 2,500 galaxies, reaching an average accuracy of $\sim$99.8\% for all lines. Finally, we present the first model light cones created with realistic and ML-predicted CO, [\ion{C}{1}], and [\ion{C}{2}] luminosities in cosmological hydrodynamical simulations, from $z=0$ to $z=10$.

Benedetta Dalla Barba, Marco Berton, Luigi Foschini, Giovanni La Mura, Amelia Vietri, Stefano Ciroi

24 pages, 10 figures, conference proceeding "14th Serbian Conference on Spectral Line Shapes in Astrophysics"

We present preliminary results of the analysis of optical spectra of two complementary samples of Seyfert galaxies. The first sample was extracted from a selection of the 4th Fermi Gamma-ray Large Area Telescope (4FGL) catalog, and consists of 9 $\gamma$-ray emitting jetted Seyfert galaxies. The second one was extracted from the Swift-BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey (BASS), and is composed of 38 hard-X ray selected Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). These two samples are complementary, with the former expected to have smaller viewing angles, while the latter may include objects with larger viewing angles. We measured emission line ratios to investigate whether the behavior of these Seyferts can be explained in terms of obscuration, as suggested by the well-known Unified Model (UM) of AGN, or if there are intrinsic differences due to the presence of jets, outflows, or the evolution. We found no indications of intrinsic differences. The UM remains the most plausible interpretation for these classes of objects even if some results can be challenging for this model.

Tommaso Bartalesi, Stefano Ettori, Carlo Nipoti

18 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

Aims. We study the possibility that the gas in cool-core clusters of galaxies has non-negligible rotation support, the impact of gas rotation on mass estimates from current X-ray observations, and the ability of forthcoming X-ray observatories to detect such rotation. Methods. We present three representative models of massive cool-core clusters with rotating intracluster medium (ICM) in equilibrium in cosmologically motivated spherical, oblate or prolate dark matter halos. In the models, the gas follows a composite-polytropic distribution, and has rotation velocity profiles consistent with current observational constraints. We show that the models are consistent with the available measurements of the ICM properties of the massive cluster population: thermodynamic profiles, shape of surface-brightness distribution, hydrostatic mass bias and broadening of X-ray emitting lines. Using the configuration for the microcalorimeter onboard the XRISM satellite, we generate a set of mock X-ray spectra of our cluster models, which we then analyze to make predictions on the estimates of the rotation speed that will be obtained with such an instrument. We then assess what fraction of the hydrostatic mass bias of our models could be accounted for by detecting rotation speed with XRISM spectroscopy over the range (0.1-1)r500. Results. Current data leave room for rotating ICM in cool-core clusters with peaks of rotation speed as high as 600 km/s. We have shown that such rotation, if present, will be detected with upcoming X-ray facilities such as XRISM and that 60-70% of the hydrostatic mass bias due to rotation can be accounted for using the line-of-sight velocity measured from X-ray spectroscopy with XRISM, with a residual bias smaller than 3% at an overdensity of 500. In this way, XRISM will allow us to pin down any mass bias of origin different from rotation.

We provide new constraints on the dark matter halo density profile of Milky Way (MW) dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) using the phase-space distribution function (DF) method. After assessing the systematics of the approach against mock data from the Gaia Challenge project, we apply the DF analysis to the entire kinematic sample of well-measured MW dwarf satellites for the first time. Contrary to previous findings for some of these objects, we find that the DF analysis yields results consistent with the standard Jeans analysis. In particular, in the present study we rediscover: i) a large diversity in the inner halo densities of dSphs (bracketed by Draco and Fornax), and ii) an anti-correlation between inner halo density and pericenter distance of the bright MW satellites. Regardless of the strength of the anti-correlation, we find that the distribution of these satellites in density vs. pericenter space is inconsistent with the results of the high-res N-body simulations that include a disk potential. Our analysis motivates further studies on the role of internal feedback and dark matter microphysics in these dSphs.

Zhiren Wang, Avery E. Broderick

12 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, submitted to ApJ

Black holes can amplify incoming bosonic waves via rotational superradiance, inducing bound states of ultralight bosons around them. This phenomenon has the potential to confine the parameter spaces of new bosons. Axions and axion-like particles (ALPs) are candidate beyond-standard-model particles that can form such clouds around supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and impact the polarization signal in a similar fashion to Faraday rotation via axion-photon coupling. Prior efforts have used polarized images from the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) M87 2017 observations to limit the dimensionless axion-photon coupling to previously unexplored regions. However, with the novel calibration-insensitive quantities, closure traces and conjugate closure trace products, it is possible to constrain the existence of axion clouds while avoiding the dominant sources of systematic uncertainties, e.g., station gains and polarization leakages. We utilize a simple geometric model for the polarization map of M87* to fit the model parameters with both simulated and real data sets and reach a comparable level of constraint in the accuracy with which an axion cloud may be excluded in M87. Future applications of our approach include subsequent M87* and Sgr A* observations by EHT and next-generation EHT (ngEHT) are expected to produce stronger constraints across a wider range of axion and ALP masses. Because it does not require imaging, closure trace analyses may be applied to target AGN for which imaging is marginal, extending the number of SMBHs from which axion limits may be obtained significantly.

Vanessa Lorenzoni, Sandro B. Rembold, Reinaldo R. de Carvalho

14 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in the MNRAS

In this study, we analyse the characteristics of stellar populations and the interstellar medium (ISM) in 15,107 early-type central galaxies from the SPIDER survey. Using optical spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), we investigate stellar age (Age), metallicity ($Z$), visual extinction ($A_{\rm V}$), and H$\alpha$ equivalent width (EWH$\alpha$) to understand the evolution of the baryonic content in these galaxies. Our analysis explores the relationship between these properties and central velocity dispersion ($\sigma$) and halo mass ($M_{\rm halo}$) for isolated centrals (ICs) and group centrals (GCs). Our results confirm that both ICs and GCs' stellar populations and gas properties are mainly influenced by $\sigma$, with $M_{\rm halo}$ playing a secondary role. Higher $\sigma$ values correspond to older, more metal-rich stellar populations in both ICs and GCs. Moreover, fixed $\sigma$ values we observe younger Ages at higher values of $M_{\rm halo}$, a consistent trend in both ICs and GCs. Furthermore, we investigate the ionisation source of the warm gas and propose a scenario where the properties of ionised gas are shaped by a combination of cooling within the intra-cluster medium (ICM) and feedback from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) assuming a Bondi accretion regime. We observe inherent differences between ICs and GCs, suggesting that the ratio between AGN kinetic power and ICM thermal energy influences EWH$\alpha$ in ICs. Meanwhile, gas deposition in GCs appears to involve a more complex interplay beyond a singular AGN-ICM interaction.

Roberto K. Saito, Bringfried Stecklum, Dante Minniti, Philip W. Lucas, Zhen Guo, Leigh C. Smith, Luciano Fraga, Felipe Navarete, Juan Carlos Beamín, Calum Morris

Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters

We report the serendipitous discovery of VVV-WIT-12, an unusual variable source that seems to induce variability in its surrounding nebula. The source belongs to the rare objects that we call WITs (short for What Is This?) discovered within the VISTA Variables in the V\'ia L\'actea (VVV) survey. VVV-WIT-12 was discovered during a pilot search for light echoes from distant Supernovae (SNe) in the Milky Way using the near-IR images of the VVV survey. This source has an extremely red spectral energy distribution, consistent with a very reddened ($A_V \sim 100$ mag) long period variable star ($P\sim1525$ days). Furthermore, it is enshrouded in a nebula that changes brightness and color with time, apparently in synch with the central source variations. The near-IR light curve and complementary follow-up spectroscopy observations are consistent with a variable Young Stellar Object (YSO) illuminating its surrounding nebula. In this case the source periodic variation along the cycles produces an unprecedented light echo in the different regions of the nebula.

C. Lazzoni, K. W. Rice, A. Zurlo, S. Hinkley, S. Desidera

11 pages, 12 figures

The search for satellites around exoplanets represents one of the greatest challenges in advancing the characterization of planetary systems. Currently, we can only detect massive satellites, which resemble additional planetary companions rather than rocky moons. It is not yet well understood whether such substellar pairs, known as binary planets, are common or how they form. In this study, we investigated the formation scenario for binary planets resulting from tidal dissipation during close encounters in the gravitational instability scenario. We conducted seven sets of simulations, varying the number of initial planets injected into the system from two to five, as well as the amount of energy lost due to tides. Our results demonstrate that this formation mechanism is quite efficient in producing binary planets, with an average occurrence rate for the simulated systems of 14.3%. Additionally, we present the distribution of relevant physical parameters (semi-major axis, eccentricity, mass ratios, and formation time) for planet-planet pairs. We also provide comprehensive statistics for single planets and planet-planet pairs.

Jonathan Lin, Michael P. Fitzgerald, Yinzi Xin, Yoo Jung Kim, Olivier Guyon, Sergio Leon-Saval, Barnaby Norris, Nemanja Jovanovic

Accepted to JOSA B

We present numerical characterizations of the wavefront sensing performance for few-mode photonic lantern wavefront sensors (PLWFSs). These characterizations include calculations of throughput, control space, sensor linearity, and an estimate of maximum linear reconstruction range for standard and hybrid lanterns with 3 to 19 ports, at a wavelength of 1550 nm. We additionally consider the impact of beam-shaping optics and a charge-1 vortex mask, placed in the pupil plane. The former is motivated by the application of PLs to high-resolution spectroscopy, which could enable efficient injection into the spectrometer along with simultaneous focal-plane wavefront sensing; similarly, the latter is motivated by the application of PLs to vortex fiber nulling (VFN), which can simultaneously enable wavefront sensing and the nulling of on-axis starlight. Overall, we find that the PLWFS setups tested in this work exhibit good linearity out to ~0.25-0.5 radians of RMS wavefront error (WFE). Meanwhile, we estimate the maximum amount of WFE that can be handled by these sensors, before the sensor response becomes degenerate, to be around ~1-2 radians RMS. In the future, we expect these limits can be pushed further by increasing the number of degrees of freedom, either by adopting higher-mode-count lanterns, dispersing lantern outputs, or separating polarizations. Lastly, we consider optimization strategies for the design of the PLWFS, which involve both modification of the lantern itself and the use of pre- and post-lantern optics like phase masks and interferometric beam recombiners.

Caleb Gatica, Ricardo Demarco, Hervé Dole, Maria Polletta, Brenda Frye, Clement Martinache, Alessandro Rettura

11 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables (+2 pages, 1 figure in Appendix). Accepted for publication in MNRAS

A complete understanding of the mass assembly history of structures in the universe requires the study of the growth of galaxies and their supermassive black holes (SMBHs) as a function of their local environment over cosmic time. In this context, it is important to quantify the effects that the early stages of galaxy cluster development have on the growth of SMBHs. We used a sample of Herschel/SPIRE sources of $\sim$ 228 red and compact Planck-selected protocluster (PC) candidates to estimate the active galactic nuclei (AGN) fraction from a large sample of galaxies within these candidates. We estimate the AGN fraction by using the mid-infrared (mid-IR) photometry provided by the WISE/AllWISE data of $\sim650$ counterparts at high redshifts. We created an AllWISE mid-IR colour-colour selection using a clustering machine learning algorithm and two {\it WISE} colour cuts using the 3.4 $\mu m$ (W1), 4.6 $\mu m$ (W2) and 12 $\mu m$ (W3) passbands, to classify sources as AGN. We also compare the AGN fraction in PCs with that in the field to better understand the influence of the environment on galaxy development. We found an AGN fraction of $f_{AGN} = 0.113 \pm 0.03$ in PC candidates and an AGN fraction of $f_{AGN} = 0.095 \pm 0.013$ in the field. We also selected a subsample of `red' SPIRE subsample with a higher overdensity significance, obtaining $f_{AGN} = 0.186 \pm 0.044$, versus $f_{AGN} = 0.037 \pm 0.010$ of `non-red sources', consistent with higher AGN fractions for denser environments. We conclude that our results point towards a higher AGN fraction in PCs, similar to other studies.

Nissim Fraija, Boris Betancourt Kamenetskaia, Antonio Galván-Gámez, Peter Veres, Rosa L. Becerra, Simone Dichiara, Maria G. Dainotti, Francisco Lizcano, Edilberto Aguilar-Ruiz

35 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables, accepted in mnras

The second {\itshape Fermi}/LAT gamma-ray burst (GRB) catalog (2FLGC) spanning the first decade of operations by the LAT collaboration was recently released. The closure relations of the synchrotron forward shock (FS) model are not able to reproduce a sizeable portion of the afterglow-phase light curves in this collection, indicating that there may be a large contribution from some other mechanism. Recently, synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) light curves from the reverse shock (RS) regions were derived in the thick- and thin-shell regime for a constant-density medium, and it was demonstrated that analytical light curves could explain the~GeV flare observed in several bursts from 2FLGC, including GRB 160509A. Here, we generalise the SSC RS scenario from the constant density to a stratified medium, and show that this contribution helps to describe the early light curves exhibited in some {\itshape Fermi}/LAT-detected bursts. As a particular case, we model a sample of eight bursts that exhibited a short-lasting emission with the synchrotron and SSC model from FS and RS regions, evolving in a stellar-wind environment, constraining the microphysical parameters, the circumburst density, the bulk Lorentz factor, and the fraction of shock-accelerated electrons. We demonstrate that the highest-energy photons can only be described by the SSC from the forward-shock region.

Ajay Sharma, Sushanth Reddy Kamaram, Raj Prince, Rukaiya Khatoon, Debanjan Bose

15 pages, 19 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present a comprehensive variability study on three blazars, S4 0954+65, PKS 0903-57, and 4C +01.02 covering a mass range of log(M/M$_{\odot}$) = 8--9, by using $\sim$15 years-long $\gamma$-ray light curves from \textit{Fermi}-LAT. The variability level is characterized by the fractional variability amplitude which is higher for $\gamma$-rays compared to optical/UV and X-rays emissions. A power spectral density (PSD) study and damped random walk (DRW) modeling are done to probe the characteristic timescale. The PSD is fitted with a single power-law (PL) and bending power-law models and the corresponding success fraction was estimated. In the case of PKS 0903-57, We observed a break in the $\gamma$-ray PSD at 256 days which is comparable to the viscous timescale in the accretion disc suggesting a possible disk-jet coupling. The non-thermal damping timescale from the DRW modeling is compared with the thermal damping timescale for AGNs including our three sources. Our sources lie on the best-fit of the $\mathrm{\tau^{rest}_{damping}} - M_{BH}$ plot derived for AGN suggesting a possible accretion disc-jet connection. If the jet's variability is linked to the disc's variability, we expect a log-normal flux distribution, often connected to the accretion disc's multiplicative processes. Our study observed a double log-normal flux distribution, possibly linked to long and short-term variability from the accretion disk and the jet. In summary, PSD and DRW modeling results for these three sources combined with blazars and AGNs studied in literature favor a disc-jet coupling scenario. However, more such studies are needed to refine this understanding.

Athira M. Bharathan, C. S. Stalin, Rwitika Chatterjee, S. Sahayanathan, Indrani Pal, Blesson Mathew, Vivek K. Agrawal

Submitted to PRD

We report the first time measurement of X-ray polarization in the 2$-$8 keV band from the high synchrotron peaked (HSP) blazar 1ES 1959+650. The low energy hump in the broadband spectral energy distribution (SED) of blazars in the log$\nu$ versus $\nu F_{\nu}$ plane is believed to be due to the synchrotron emission process from relativistic particles in their jets. In HSP blazars, the observed X-ray emission lies in the high energy tail of the synchrotron part of the SED, and X-ray polarization measurements can constrain the processes by which particles are accelerated in their jets. We present here our results on the X-ray polarization characteristics of 1ES 1959+650 using observations carried out by the {\it Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE)}. {\it IXPE} observed this source for four epochs between May 2022 and August 2023, with observation time ranging from about 50 to 300 ksec. Of the four epochs of observations, we detected polarization on two epochs, significantly larger than the minimum detectable polarization values. From model-independent analysis during the observations on 28 October 2022, in the 2$-$8 keV band, we found the degree of polarization of $\Pi_X$ = 9.0 $\pm$ 1.6 \% and an electric vector position angle of $\psi_X$ = 53 $\pm$ 5 deg. Similarly, from the observations on 14 August 2023, we found $\Pi_X$ and $\psi_X$ values as 12.5 $\pm$ 0.7 \% and 20 $\pm$ 2 deg respectively in the 2$-$8 keV band. These values obtained from model-independent analysis are also in agreement with the values obtained from spectro-polarimetric analysis of the I, Q, and U spectra in the 2$-$8 keV range. The measured X-ray polarization is larger than that known in the optical that ranges between 2.5$-$9\% during the period 2008 to 2018. This result can be inferred as the shock acceleration of the particles in the jet of 1ES 1959+650.

A. S. G. Robotham, R. Tobar, S. Bellstedt, S. Casura, R. H. W. Cook, J. C. J. D'Silva, L. J. Davies, S. P. Driver, J. Li, L. P. Garate-Nuñez

16 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables, submitted to MNRAS

In this paper we introduce the software package ProPane, written for the R data analysis language. ProPane combines the full range of wcslib projections with the C++ image manipulation routines provided by the CImg library. ProPane offers routines for image warping and combining (including stacking), and various related tasks such as image alignment tweaking and pixel masking. It can stack an effectively unlimited number of target frames using multiple parallel cores, and offers threading for many lower level routines. It has been used for a number of current and upcoming large surveys, and we present a range of its capabilities and features. ProPane is already available under a permissive open-source LGPL-3 license at github.com/asgr/ProPane (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10057053).

Sanjay Shukla, Akhilesh Kumar Verma, Marc E. Brachet, Rahul Pandit

13 pages, 8 figures

We show how to use the cubic-quintic Gross-Pitaevskii-Poisson equation (cq-GPPE) and the cubic-quintic Stochastic Ginzburg-Landau-Poisson equation (cq-SGLPE) to investigate the gravitational collapse of a tenuous axionic gas into a collapsed axionic condensate for both zero and finite temperature $T$. At $T=0$, we use a Gaussian Ansatz for a spherically symmetric density to obtain parameter regimes in which we might expect to find compact axionic condensates. We then go beyond this Ansatz, by using the cq-SGLPE to investigate the dependence of the axionic condensate on the gravitational strength $G$ at $T = 0$. We demonstrate that, as $G$ increases, the equilibrium configuration goes from a tenuous axionic gas, to flat sheets or $\textit{Zeldovich pancakes}$, cylindrical structures, and finally a spherical axionic condensate. By varying $G$, we show that there are first-order phase transitions, as the system goes from one of these structures to the next one; we find hysteresis loops that are associated with these transitions. We examine these states and the transitions between these states via the Fourier truncated cq-GPPE; and we also obtain the thermalized $T > 0$ states from the cq-SGLPE; the transitions between these states yield thermally driven first-order phase transitions and their associated hysteresis loops. Finally, we discuss how our cq-GPPE approach can be used to follow the spatiotemporal evolution of a rotating axionic condensate and also a rotating binary-axionic-condensate system; in particular, we demonstrate, in the former, the emergence of vortices at large angular speeds $\Omega$ and, in the latter, the rich dynamics of the mergers of the components of this binary system, which can yield vortices in the process of merging.

D. V. Badmaev, A. M. Bykov, M. E. Kalyashova

12 pages, 11 figures; accepted to MNRAS

Young massive stars in compact stellar clusters could end their evolution as core-collapse supernovae a few million years after the cluster was built. The blast wave of a supernova propagates through the inner cluster region with multiple stellar winds of young luminous stars. We present the results of 3D magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the plasma flows produced by a supernova event inside a cluster with a population of massive stars similar to that in Westerlund 1. We followed its evolution over a few thousand years (i.e. a few shock crossing times). The plasma temperature, density and magnetic field, which are highly disturbed by supernova event, relax to values close to the initial over the studied period. The relaxation time of a cluster is a few thousand years, which is a sizeable fraction of the period between the successive supernova events for a massive cluster of a few million years age. The spectra of the cluster diffuse X-ray emission simulated here should be representative for the galactic and extragalactic young massive clusters. The resultant magnetic fields are highly intermittent, so we derived the volume filling factors for a set of magnetic field ranges. Highly amplified magnetic fields of magnitude well above 100 $\mu$G fill in a few per cent of the cluster volume, but still dominate the magnetic energy. The structure of the magnetic fields and high velocity plasma flows with shocks in the system are favorable for both proton and electron acceleration to energies well above TeV.

Y. I. Izotov (1), T. X. Thuan (2 and 3), N. G. Guseva (1) ((1) Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, (2) Astronomy Department, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA, (3) Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France)

9 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2104.08035

Using the optical spectrum obtained with the Kitt Peak Ohio State Multi-Object Spectrograph (KOSMOS) mounted on the Apache Point Observatory (APO) 3.5m Telescope and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectrum, we study the properties of one of the most metal-poor dwarf star-forming galaxies (SFG) in the local Universe, J1046+4047. The galaxy, with a redshift z=0.0487, was selected from the Data Release 16 (DR16) of the SDSS. Its properties are among the most extreme for SFGs in several ways. Its oxygen abundance 12+log(O/H) = 7.091+/-0.016 is among the lowest ever observed. With an absolute magnitude Mg = -16.51 mag, a low stellar mass Mstar = 1.8x10^6 Msun and a very low mass-to-light ratio Mstar/Lg~0.0029 (in solar units), J1046+4047 has a very high specific star-formation rate sSFR~430 Gyr^-1, indicating very active ongoing star formation. Another striking feature of J1046+4047 is that it possesses a ratio O32 = I([OIII]5007)/I([OII]3727) ~57. Using this extremely high O32, we have confirmed and improved the strong-line calibration for the determination of oxygen abundances in the most metal-deficient galaxies, in the range 12+log(O/H) < 7.65. This improved method is appropriate for all galaxies with O32<60 and extends an applicability to highest observed O32 ratios.We find the Halpha emission line in J1046+4047 to be enhanced by some non-recombination processes and thus can not be used for the determination of interstellar extinction.

Vitor da Fonseca, Tiago Barreiro, Nelson J. Nunes

14 pages, 9 figures

We show that a mass-varying neutrino model driven by scalar field dark energy relaxes the existing upper bound on the current neutrino mass to ${\sum m_\nu < 0.72}$ eV. We extend the standard $\Lambda$CDM model by introducing two parameters: the rate of change of the scalar field with the number of $e$-folds and the coupling between neutrinos and the field. We investigate how they affect the matter power spectrum, the CMB anisotropies and its lensing potential. The model is tested against Planck observations of temperature, polarization, and lensing, combined with BAO measurements that constrain the background evolution. The results indicate that small couplings favor a cosmological constant, while larger couplings favor a dynamical dark energy, weakening the upper bound on current neutrino masses.

E. Manzan, M. Regnier, J-Ch. Hamilton, A. Mennella, J. Errard, L. Zapelli, S.A. Torchinsky, S. Paradiso, E. Battistelli, M. Bersanelli, P. De Bernardis, M. De Petris, G. D'Alessandro, M. Gervasi, S. Masi, M. Piat, E. Rasztocky, G.E Romero, C.G. Scoccola, M. Zannoni, the QUBIC Collaboration

To appear in Proc. of the mm Universe 2023 conference, Grenoble (France), June 2023, published by F. Mayet et al. (Eds), EPJ Web of conferences, EDP Sciences

In the quest for the faint primordial B-mode polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background, three are the key requirements for any present or future experiment: an utmost sensitivity, excellent control over instrumental systematic effects and over Galactic foreground contamination. Bolometric Interferometry (BI) is a novel technique that matches them all by combining the sensitivity of bolometric detectors, the control of instrumental systematics from interferometry and a software-based, tunable, in-band spectral resolution due to its ability to perform band-splitting during data analysis (spectral imaging). In this paper, we investigate how the spectral imaging capability of BI can help in detecting residual contamination in case an over-simplified model of foreground emission is assumed in the analysis. To mimic this situation, we focus on the next generation of ground-based CMB experiment, CMB-S4, and compare its anticipated sensitivities, frequency and sky coverage with a hypothetical version of the same experiment based on BI, CMB-S4/BI, assuming that line-of-sight (LOS) frequency decorrelation is present in dust emission but is not accounted for during component separation. We show results from a Monte-Carlo analysis based on a parametric component separation method (FGBuster), highlighting how BI has the potential to diagnose the presence of foreground residuals in estimates of the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$ in the case of unaccounted Galactic dust LOS frequency decorrelation.

M. Carretero-Castrillo, M. Ribó, J. M. Paredes (Universitat de Barcelona, ICCUB, IEEC-UB)

20 pages, 20 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A

A relevant fraction of massive stars are runaway stars. These stars move with a significant peculiar velocity with respect to their environment. We aim to discover and characterize the population of massive and early-type runaway stars in the GOSC and BeSS catalogs using Gaia DR3 astrometric data. We present a 2-dimensional method in the velocity space to discover runaway stars as those that deviate significantly from the velocity distribution of field stars, which are considered to follow the Galactic rotation curve. We found 106 O runaway stars, 42 of which were not previously identified as runaways. We found 69 Be runaway stars, 47 of which were not previously identified as runaways. The dispersion of runaway stars is a few times higher in Z and b than that of field stars. This is explained by the ejections they underwent when they became runaways. The percentage of runaways is 25.4% for O-type stars, and it is 5.2% for Be-type stars. In addition, we conducted simulations in 3 dimensions for our catalogs. They revealed that these percentages could increase to ~30% and ~6.7%, respectively. Our runaway stars include seven X-ray binaries and one gamma-ray binary. Moreover, we obtain velocity dispersions of ~5 km/s perpendicular to the Galactic plane for O- and Be-type field stars. These values increase in the Galactic plane to ~7 km/s for O-type stars due to uncertainties and to ~9 km/s for Be-type stars due to Galactic velocity diffusion. The excellent Gaia DR3 astrometric data have allowed us to identify a significant number of O-type and Be-type runaways in the GOSC and BeSS catalogs. The higher percentages and higher velocities found for O-type compared to Be-type runaways underline that the dynamical ejection scenario is more likely than the binary supernova scenario. Our results open the door to identifying new high-energy systems among our runaways by conducting detailed studies.

Pauline Chambery, Marianne Lemoine-Goumard, Armelle Jardin-Blicq, Atreyee Sinha, J. Eagle

Paper accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal; 8 pages, 2 Figures, 3 Tables

Gamma-ray emission provides constraints on the non-thermal radiation processes at play in astrophysical particle accelerators. This allows both the nature of accelerated particles and the maximum energy that they can reach to be determined. Notably, it remains an open question to what extent supernova remnants (SNRs) contribute to the sea of Galactic cosmic rays. In the Galactic plane, at around 312{\deg} of Galactic longitude, Fermi-LAT observations show an extended source (4FGL J1409.1-6121e) around five powerful pulsars. This source is described by one large disk of 0.7{\deg} radius with a high significance of 45 sigma in the 4FGL-DR3 catalog. Using 14 years of Fermi-LAT observations, we revisited this region with a detailed spectro-morphological analysis in order to disentangle its underlying structure. Three sources have been distinguished, including the supernova remnant G312.4-0.4 whose gamma-ray emission correlates well with the shell observed at radio energies. The hard spectrum detected by the LAT, extending up to 100 GeV without any sign of cut-off, is well reproduced by a purely hadronic model.

Shuyu Tan, Quentin A. Parker, Albert A. Zijlstra, Bryan Rees

Resubmitted to MNRAS after moderate revision

In this, the third of a series of papers, we present well determined chemical abundances for 124 Planetary nebulae (PNe) in the Galactic bulge from deep, long-slit FORS2 spectra from the 8.2 m ESO Very Large telescope (VLT). Prior to this work there were only ~240 bulge PNe with chemical abundances previously determined over a ~50 year period and of highly variable quality. For 34 of these PNe we are presenting their abundances for the first time which adds ~14% to the available sample of bulge PNe abundances. The interstellar reddening, physical conditions (electron densities, $n_{\mathrm{e}}$, temperatures, $T_{\mathrm{e}}$), and chemical compositions are derived as single values for each PN but also using different line diagnostics. Selected comparisons with the best literature fluxes for 75 PNe in common reveals that these significant new data are robust, reliable and internally self-consistent forming the largest independent, high quality and well understood derivation of PNe abundances currently available for study.

T. de Haan, T. Adkins, M. Hazumi, D. Kaneko, J. Montgomery, G. Smecher, A. Suzuki, Y. Zhou

LTD-20 proceedings, submitted to JLTP on Nov 3rd 2023

We present a method for precise monitoring of the loop gain of transition edge sensors (TES) under electrothermal feedback. The measurement is implemented on the ICE DfMux electronics and operates simultaneously with Digital Active Nulling (DAN). It uses one additional bias sinusoid per TES and does not require any additional readout channels. The loop gain monitor is being implemented on the Simons Array and is an integral part of the baseline calibration strategy for the upcoming LiteBIRD satellite.

Ilia V. Chugunov, Aleksandr V. Mosenkov, Alexander A. Marchuk, Sergey S. Savchenko, Ekaterina V. Shishkina, Maxim I. Chazov, Aleksandra E. Nazarova, Maria N. Skryabina, Polina I. Smirnova, Anton A. Smirnov

submitted to MNRAS

Spiral structure can occupy a significant part of the galaxy, but properly accounting for it in photometric decomposition is rarely done. This may lead to significant errors in the parameters determined. To estimate how exactly neglecting the presence of spiral arms affects the estimation of galaxy decomposition parameters, we perform fitting of 29 galaxies considering spiral arms as a separate component. In this study, we utilize 3.6$\mu$m-band images from the S$^4$G survey and use a new 2D photometric model where each spiral arm is modeled independently. In our model, the light distribution both along and across the arm can be varied significantly, as well as its overall shape. We analyze the differences between models with and without spiral arms, and show that neglecting spiral arms in decomposition causes errors in estimating the parameters of the disk, the bulge, and the bar. We retrieve different parameters of the spiral arms themselves, including their pitch angles, widths, and spiral-to-total luminosity ratio, and examine various relations between them and other galaxy parameters. In particular, we find that the spiral-to-total ratio is higher for galaxies with more luminous discs and with higher bulge-to-total ratios. We report that the pitch angle of spiral arms decreases with increasing bulge or bar fraction. We measure the width of the spiral arms to be 53\% of the disc scale length, on average. We examine the contribution of the spiral arms to the azimuthally-averaged brightness profile and find that spiral arms produce a ``bump'' on this profile with a typical height of 0.3--0.7 mag.

S. I. Shirokov, R. I. Gainutdinov, N. Yu. Lovyagin, V. L. Gorokhov

19 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables, MNRAS accepted

We have received a new physical characteristics fitting based on actual observational data from the Swift mission's long-duration gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs). We considered such characteristics as the Amati parameters for linear correlation ($E_\text{iso}-E_{\text{p},i}$) and the $k$-correction for gravitational lensing and Malmquist bias (GLMB) effect. We used the Pantheon SN Ia catalogue and the standard $\Lambda$CDM model with a fixed Hubble constant of $H_0=70$ km/s/Mpc as the baseline for the Hubble function $\mu(z)$. In our paper, we formulated the inverse cosmological calibration problem (ICCP) in the non-parametric statistics framework. The ICCP involves fitting non-observable physical characteristics while assuming a fixed cosmological model. To solve this problem, we developed a new method that is resistant to non-Gaussian processes. This method is based on error propagation through the Monte Carlo method and the Theil-Sen method for linear regression estimate. We have demonstrated the stability and robustness of this assessment method. The parameter estimates are as follows: $a=0.92^{+0.12}_{-0.12}$, $b=50.32^{+0.33}_{-0.32}$ without considering the GLMB effect, and $a=0.63^{+0.13}_{-0.14}$, $b=50.12^{+0.33}_{-0.31}$, and $k=1.98^{+0.25}_{-0.24}$ with the effect included. The proposed method can be applied to any other calibration sample of known standard candles, a calibrated sample of LGRBs, and the Hubble function $\mu(z)$. In the future, the ICCP idea can be used as an alternative cosmological test for estimating cosmological parameters, including the GLMB effect, or even for the selection of models, providing new information about the Universe. This can be done by analysing the residual values of observational data within the Bayesian statistics paradigm.

Inspired by a exponential $f(R)$ gravity model studied in the literature, in this work we introduce a new and viable $f(Q)$ gravity model, which can be represented as a perturbation of $\Lambda$CDM. Typically, within the realm of $f(Q)$ gravity, the customary approach to investigate cosmological evolution involves employing a parametrization of the Hubble expansion rate in terms of redshift, $H(z)$, among other strategies. In this work we have implemented a different strategy, deriving an analytical approximation for $H(z)$, from which we deduce approximated analytical expressions for the parameters $w_{\rm{DE}}$, $w_{\rm{eff}}$, and $\Omega_{\rm{DE}}$, as well as the deceleration parameter $q$. In order to verify the viability of this approximate analytical solution, we examined the behavior of the these parameters in the late-time regime. We find that for $b>0$, $w_{\rm{DE}}$ shows a quintessence-like behavior, while for $b<0$, it shows a phantom-like behavior. However, regardless of the sign of $b$, $w_{\rm{eff}}$ exhibits a quintessence-like behavior. Furthermore, it has been deduced that as the magnitude of the parameter $b$ increases, the present model deviates progressively from $\Lambda$CDM. We perform a Markov Chain Monte Carlo statistical analysis to test the model predictions with the Hubble parameter, the Pantheon supernova (SN) observational data, and the combination of those samples, obtaining constraints on the parameters of the model and the current values of the Hubble parameter and the matter density. Our findings indicate that this $f(Q)$ gravity model is indeed a viable candidate for describing the late-time evolution of the Universe at the background level.

Pablo Marchant, Julia Bodensteiner

This is the authors' submitted version. To be published with significant updates on the Annual Reviews of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Please refer to the published version once available, which will become available under this url < this https URL >

Massive stars play a major role in the evolution of their host galaxies, and serve as important probes of the distant Universe. It has been established that the majority of massive stars reside in close binaries and will interact with their companion stars during their lifetime. Such interactions drastically alter their life cycles and complicate our understanding of their evolution, but are also responsible for the production of interesting and exotic interaction products. - Extensive observation campaigns with well-understood detection sensitivities have allowed to convert the observed properties into intrinsic characteristics, facilitating a direct comparison to theory. - Studies of large samples of massive stars in our Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds have unveiled new types of interaction products, providing critical constraints on the mass transfer phase and the formation of compact objects. - The direct detection of gravitational waves has revolutionized the study of stellar mass compact objects, providing a new window to study massive star evolution. Their formation processes are, however, still unclear. The known sample of compact object mergers will grow by orders of magnitude in the coming decade, turning into the best understood astrophysical population.

Maret Einasto, Jaan Einasto, Peeter Tenjes, Suvi Korhonen, Rain Kipper, Elmo Tempel, Lauri Juhan Liivamägi, Pekka Heinämäki

19 pages, 19 figures, A&A, accepted for publication

Our aim is to combine data on single galaxies, galaxy groups, their BGGs, and their location in the cosmic web, to determine classes of groups, and to obtain a better understanding of their properties and evolution. Data on groups and their BGGs are based on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey DR10 MAIN spectroscopic galaxy sample. We characterize the group environments by the luminosity-density field and their filament membership. We divide BGGs according to their star formation properties as quenched, and red and blue star-forming galaxies. We apply multidimensional Gaussian mixture modelling to divide groups based on their properties and environments. We analyse the offset of BGGs with respect to the group centre, and the relation between the stellar velocity dispersion of BGGs and the group velocity dispersions. We show that the groups in our sample can be divided into two main classes: high-luminosity rich groups and clusters, and low-luminosity poor groups with threshold luminosity $L = 15 \times 10^{10} h^{-2} L_{sun}$ and mass $M = 23 \times 10^{12} h^{-1} M_{sun}$. In rich clusters approximately 90% of the BGGs are red and quenched galaxies, while in poor groups only 40- 60$% of BGGs are red and quenched, and the rest of the BGGs are star-forming, either blue (20 - 40% of BGGs) or red (17% of BCGs). Rich groups and clusters are located in global high-density regions in filaments or filament outskirts, while poor groups reside everywhere in the cosmic web. Our results suggest that group and cluster properties are modulated by their location in the cosmic web, but the properties of their BGGs are mostly determined by processes within group or cluster dark matter halo. We emphasize the role of superclusters as a special environment for group growth.

A. F. Marino, A. P. Milone, E. Dondoglio, A. Renzini, G. Cordoni, H. Jerjen, A. I. Karakas, E. P. Lagioia, M. V. Legnardi, M. McKenzie, A. Mohandasan, M. Tailo, D. Yong, T. Ziliotto

16 pages, 6 figures, 8 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ

The "chromosome maps" (ChMs) of globular clusters (GCs) have revealed that these ancient structures are not homogeneous in metallicity in various ways, and in different natures. The Type II GCs generally display larger variations, sometimes coupled with slow neutron capture (s) element enrichment on the ChMs redder sequences, which has been interpreted as due to multiple generations of stars. On the other hand, most GCs have inhomogeneous first populations (1P) in the form of large ranges in the Delta(F275W,F814W) values, pointing towards a not fully mixed pristine molecular cloud. We analyse the chemical composition the GC 47 Tucanae, which shows both inhomogeneous 1P stars and, although not formally a Type II GC, hosts a small number of stars distributed on a red side of the main stream of ChM stars. Our results suggest that 1P stars are not homogeneous in the overall metallicity, with variations of the order of ~0.10 dex in all the chemical species. The anomalous stars distributed on a redder sequence of the ChM, are further enriched in metals, but without any evidence for a significant enrichment in the s elements. Our three second population stars located on the normal component of the map, have metallicities similar to those of the metal-richer 1P group, suggesting that this population formed from these stars. Although three stars is a too-small sample to draw strong conclusions, the low spread in metals of these objects might point towards a formation in a fully mixed medium, possibly after a cooling flow phase.

Cherry Ng

in press for SF2A 2023 proceedings

This is a brief, non-exhaustive review of Fast Radio Burst (FRB), a new category of radio transients originating from extragalactic distances. We discuss the key observational properties known so far and the scientific applications of FRBs. We summarize the FRB-related research in the French astrophysics community, and conclude by sharing some insights to the future of FRB science.

H. W. Edler, I. D. Roberts, A. Boselli, F. de Gasperin, V. Heesen, M. Brüggen, A. Ignesti, L. Gajović

14 pages, 10 figures

Environmental effects such as ram-pressure stripping (RPS) shape the evolution of galaxies in dense regions. We use the nearby Virgo cluster as a laboratory to study environmental effects on the non-thermal components of star-forming galaxies. We constructed a sample of 17 RPS galaxies in the Virgo cluster and a statistical control sample of 119 nearby galaxies from the Herschel Reference Survey. All objects in these samples are detected in LOFAR 144 MHz observations and come with H$\alpha$ and/or far-UV star formation rate (SFR) estimates. We derived the radio-SFR relations, confirming a clearly super-linear slope of $\approx1.4$. We found that Virgo cluster RPS galaxies have radio luminosities that are a factor of 2-3 larger than galaxies in our control sample. We also investigated the total mass-spectral index relation, where we found a relation for the Virgo cluster RPS galaxies that is shifted to steeper spectral index values by $0.17\pm0.06$. Analyzing the spatially resolved ratio between the observed and the expected radio emission based on the hybrid near-UV + 100$\,\mu$m SFR surface density, we generally observe excess radio emission all across the disk with the exception of a few leading-edge radio-deficient regions. The radio excess and the spectral steepening for the RPS sample could be explained by an increased magnetic field strength if the disk-wide radio enhancement is due to projection effects. For the galaxies that show the strongest radio excesses (NGC 4330, NGC 4396, NGC 4522), a rapid decline of the SFR ($t_\mathrm{quench} \leq 100$ Myr) could be an alternative explanation. We disfavor shock acceleration of electrons as cause for the radio excess since it cannot easily explain the spectral steepening and radio morphology.

Ayumu Kuwahara, Hiroyuki Kurokawa

25 pages, 29 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A)

A growing planet embedded in a protoplanetary disk induces three-dimensional gas flow, which exhibits a midplane outflow that can suppress dust accretion onto the planet and form global dust substructures (rings and gaps). Because analytic formulae for the planet-induced outflow are useful for modeling its influences on local and global dust surface densities and planet accretion, we derive the analytic formulae that describe the morphology and velocity of the planet-induced outflow. We first perform three-dimensional, nonisothermal hydrodynamical simulations of the gas flow past a planet, which enables us to introduce a fitting formula describing the morphology of the outflow. We then derive an analytic formula for the outflow speed using Bernoulli's theorem. We successfully derived a fitting formula for the midplane outflow morphology (the shape of the streamline), which is valid when the dimensionless thermal mass falls below $m\lesssim0.6$. The obtained analytic formulae for the outflow, such as the maximum outflow speed and the velocity distributions of the outflow in the radial and vertical directions to the disk, show good agreement with the numerical results. We find the following trends: (1) the maximum outflow speed increases with the planetary mass and has a peak of $\sim$30--40$\%$ of the sound speed when the dimensionless thermal mass is $m\sim0.3$, corresponding to a super-Earth mass planet at 1 au for the typical steady accretion disk model, and (2) the presence of the headwind (namely, the global pressure force acting in the positive radial direction of the disk) enhances (reduces) the outflow toward the outside (inside) of the planetary orbit. The planet-induced outflow of the gas affects the dust motion when the dimensionless stopping time of dust falls below ${\rm St}\lesssim\min(10m^2,0.1)$.

Nicholas Moskovitz, Cristina Thomas, Petr Pravec, Tim Lister, Tom Polakis, David Osip, Theodore Kareta, Agata Rożek, Steven R. Chesley, Shantanu P. Naidu, Peter Scheirich, William Ryan, Eileen Ryan, Brian Skiff, Colin Snodgrass, Matthew M. Knight, Andrew S. Rivkin, Nancy L. Chabot, Vova Ayvazian, Irina Belskaya, Zouhair Benkhaldoun, Daniel N. Berteşteanu, Mariangela Bonavita, Terrence H. Bressi, Melissa J. Brucker, Martin J. Burgdorf, Otabek Burkhonov, Brian Burt, Carlos Contreras, Joseph Chatelain, Young-Jun Choi, Matthew Daily, Julia de León, Kamoliddin Ergashev, Tony Farnham, Petr Fatka, Marin Ferrais, Stefan Geier, Edward Gomez, Sarah Greenstreet, Hannes Gröller, Carl Hergenrother, Carrie Holt, Kamil Hornoch, Marek Husárik, Raguli Inasaridze, Emmanuel Jehin, et al. (34 additional authors not shown)

52 pages, 5 tables, 9 figures, accepted to PSJ

On 26 September 2022, the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) spacecraft impacted Dimorphos, the satellite of binary near-Earth asteroid (65803) Didymos. This demonstrated the efficacy of a kinetic impactor for planetary defense by changing the orbital period of Dimorphos by 33 minutes (Thomas et al. 2023). Measuring the period change relied heavily on a coordinated campaign of lightcurve photometry designed to detect mutual events (occultations and eclipses) as a direct probe of the satellite's orbital period. A total of 28 telescopes contributed 224 individual lightcurves during the impact apparition from July 2022 to February 2023. We focus here on decomposable lightcurves, i.e. those from which mutual events could be extracted. We describe our process of lightcurve decomposition and use that to release the full data set for future analysis. We leverage these data to place constraints on the post-impact evolution of ejecta. The measured depths of mutual events relative to models showed that the ejecta became optically thin within the first ~1 day after impact, and then faded with a decay time of about 25 days. The bulk magnitude of the system showed that ejecta no longer contributed measurable brightness enhancement after about 20 days post-impact. This bulk photometric behavior was not well represented by an HG photometric model. An HG1G2 model did fit the data well across a wide range of phase angles. Lastly, we note the presence of an ejecta tail through at least March 2023. Its persistence implied ongoing escape of ejecta from the system many months after DART impact.

Agata Rożek, Colin Snodgrass, Uffe G. Jørgensen, Petr Pravec, Mariangela Bonavita, Markus Rabus, Elahe Khalouei, Penélope Longa-Peña, Martin J. Burgdorf, Abbie Donaldson, Daniel Gardener, Dennis Crake, Sedighe Sajadian, Valerio Bozza, Jesper Skottfelt, Martin Dominik, J. Fynbo, Tobias C. Hinse, Markus Hundertmark, Sohrab Rahvar, John Southworth, Jeremy Tregloan-Reed, Mike Kretlow, Paolo Rota, Nuno Peixinho, Michael Andersen, Flavia Amadio, Daniela Barrios-López, Nora Soledad Castillo Baeza

20 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in The Planetary Science Journal

The NASA's Double-Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) was a unique planetary defence and technology test mission, the first of its kind. The main spacecraft of the DART mission impacted the target asteroid Dimorphos, a small moon orbiting asteroid (65803) Didymos, on 2022 September 26. The impact brought up a mass of ejecta which, together with the direct momentum transfer from the collision, caused an orbital period change of 33 +/- 1 minutes, as measured by ground-based observations. We report here the outcome of the optical monitoring campaign of the Didymos system from the Danish 1.54 m telescope at La Silla around the time of impact. The observations contributed to the determination of the changes in the orbital parameters of the Didymos-Dimorphos system, as reported by arXiv:2303.02077, but in this paper we focus on the ejecta produced by the DART impact. We present photometric measurements from which we remove the contribution from the Didymos-Dimorphos system using a H-G photometric model. Using two photometric apertures we determine the fading rate of the ejecta to be 0.115 +/- 0.003 mag/d (in a 2" aperture) and 0.086 +/- 0.003 mag/d (5") over the first week post-impact. After about 8 days post-impact we note the fading slows down to 0.057 +/- 0.003 mag/d (2" aperture) and 0.068 +/- 0.002 mag/d (5"). We include deep-stacked images of the system to illustrate the ejecta evolution during the first 18 days, noting the emergence of dust tails formed from ejecta pushed in the anti-solar direction, and measuring the extent of the particles ejected sunward to be at least 4000 km.

Yang Li, Ligong Bian, Rong-Gen Cai, Jing Shu

7+8 pages including Supplemental Material; 9 figures

We examine gravitational waves (GWs) emitted from axionic strings and domain walls (DWs) in the early universe using advanced 3D lattice simulations. Our study encompasses scenarios for domain wall numbers $N_{\rm DW}=1$ and $N_{\rm DW}>1$, which correspond to GWs primarily from strings and DWs, respectively. Simulations begin before the Peccei-Quinn (PQ) phase transition and conclude with the destruction of string-wall networks below the QCD energy scale, relevant to both QCD axions and axion-like particles (ALPs). For $N_{\rm DW}=1$, the GW energy density from axion strings appears undetectable for both QCD axions and ALPs. In contrast, for $N_{\rm DW}>1$, the GW spectrum is largely determined by the bias term's coefficient, with the QCD axion model predicting undetectable GW emissions, while the ALPs model allows for a detectable GW signal in the nano-Hertz to the kilo-Hertz frequency range.

Y. I. Izotov (1), D. Schaerer (2 and 3), N. G. Guseva (1), T. X. Thuan (4), G. Worseck (5) ((1) Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, (2) Observatoire de Geneve, Universite de Geneve, Versoix, Switzerland, (3) IRAP/CNRS, Toulouse, France, (4) Astronomy Department, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA, (5) Institut fur Physik und Astronomie, Universitat Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany)

6 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publikation in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters

Using Hubble Space Telescope (HST)/Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) observations of one of the most metal-poor dwarf star-forming galaxies (SFG) in the local Universe, J2229+2725, we have discovered an extremely strong nebular CIV 1549, 1551 emission-line doublet, with an equivalent width of 43A, several times higher than the value observed so far in low-redshift SFGs. Together with other extreme characteristics obtained from optical spectroscopy (oxygen abundance 12+log(O/H)=7.085+/-0.031, ratio O32 = I([OIII]5007)/I([OII]3727) ~ 53, and equivalent width of the Hbeta emission line EW(Hbeta) = 577A), this galaxy greatly increases the range of physical properties for dwarf SFGs at low redshift and is a likely analogue of the high-redshift dwarf SFGs responsible for the reionization of the Universe. We find the ionizing radiation in J2229+2725 to be stellar in origin and the high EW(CIV 1549,1551) to be due to both extreme ionization conditions and a high carbon abundance, with a corresponding log C/O = -0.38, that is ~ 0.4 dex higher than the average value for nearby low-metallicity SFGs.

Aurélie Guilbert-Lepoutre, Selma Benseguane, Laurine Martinien, Jérémie Lasue, Sébastien Besse, Björn Grieger, Arnaud Beth

Large and deep depressions, also known as pits, are observed at the surface of all Jupiter Family Comets (JFCs) imaged by spacecraft missions. They offer the opportunity to glimpse into sub-surface characteristics of comet nuclei, and study the complex interplay between surface structures and cometary activity. This work investigates the evolution of pits at the surface of 81P/Wild 2, 9P/Tempel 1 and 103P/Hartley 2, in continuation of the work by Benseguane et al. (2022), on 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Pits are selected across the surface of each nucleus, and high-resolution shape models are used to compute the energy they receive. A thermal evolution model is applied to constrain how cometary activity sustained under current illumination conditions could modify them. Similarly to what was found for 67P, we show erosion resulting from water-driven activity is primarily controlled by seasonal patterns, unique to each comet as a consequence of their shape and rotational properties. However, progressive erosion sustained after multiple perihelion passages is not able to carve any of the observed pits. Instead, cometary activity tends to erase sharp morphological features: they become wider and shallower over time. Our results reinforce the evolutionary sequence evidenced from independent measurables to transform "young" cometary surfaces, with sharp surface topography prone to outbursts, into "old" cometary surfaces. Finally, we suggest that the mechanism at the origin of pits on JFCs should be able to carve these structures in a region of the solar system where water ice does not sublimate: the Centaur phase thus appears critical to understand JFCs surface properties.

Alex J. Cameron, Harley Katzm, Callum Witten, Aayush Saxena, Nicolas Laporte, Andrew J. Bunker

29 pages, 9 Figures, submitted to Nature

With the launch of JWST, understanding star formation in the early Universe is an active frontier in modern astrophysics. Whether the higher gas pressures and lower metallicities in the early Universe altered the shape of the stellar initial mass function (IMF) remains a fundamental open question. Since the IMF impacts nearly all observable properties of galaxies and controls how stars regulate galaxy growth, determining whether the IMF is variable is crucial for understanding galaxy formation. Here we report the detection of two Lyman-$\alpha$-emitting galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization with exceptionally top-heavy IMFs. Our analysis of JWST/NIRSpec data demonstrates that these galaxies exhibit spectra which are completely dominated by the nebular continuum. In addition to a clear Balmer jump, we observe a steep turnover in the ultraviolet continuum. Although this feature can be reproduced with a contrived damped Lyman-$\alpha$ absorption model, we show instead that this is two-photon emission from neutral hydrogen. Two-photon emission can only dominate if the ionizing emissivity is $\gtrsim10\times$ that of a typical star-forming galaxy. While weak He~{\sc~II} emission disfavours ionizing contributions from AGN or X-ray binaries, such radiation fields can be produced in star clusters dominated by low-metallicity stars of $\gtrsim50\ {\rm M_{\odot}}$, where the IMF is $10-30\times$ more top-heavy than typically assumed. Such a top-heavy IMF implies our understanding of star formation in the early Universe and the sources of reionization may need revision.

Harrison Winch, Renee Hlozek, David J. E. Marsh, Daniel Grin, Keir Rogers

Axion-like particles (ALPs) are a well-motivated dark matter candidate that solve some of the problems in the clustering of large scale structure in cosmology. ALPs are often described by a simplified quadratic potential to specify the dynamics of the axion field, and are included in cosmological analysis codes using a modified fluid prescription. In this paper we consider the extreme axion: a version of the axion with a high initial field angle that produces an enhancement (rather than a suppression) of structure on small scales around the Jeans length, which can be probed by measurements of clustering such as the eBOSS DR14 Ly-$\alpha$ forest. We present a novel method of modeling the extreme axion as a cosmological fluid, combining the Generalized Dark Matter model with the effective fluid approach presented in the \texttt{axionCAMB} software, as well as implementing a series of computational innovations to efficiently simulate the extreme axions. We find that for axion masses between $10^{-23} \text{ eV} \lesssim m_a \lesssim 10^{-22.5} \text{ eV}$, constraints on the axion fraction imposed by the eBOSS DR14 Ly-$\alpha$ forest can be significantly weakened by allowing them to be in the form of extreme axions with a starting angle between $\pi - 10^{-1} \lesssim \theta_0 \lesssim \pi - 10^{-2}$. This work motivates and enables a more robust hydrodynamical analysis of extreme axions in order to compare them to high-resolution Ly-$\alpha$ forest data in the future.

Dustin Nguyen, Yuan-Sen Ting, Todd A. Thompson, Sebastian Lopez, Laura A. Lopez

Accepted at the NeurIPS 2023 workshop on Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences

Dynamic astrophysical phenomena are predominantly described by differential equations, yet our understanding of these systems is constrained by our incomplete grasp of non-linear physics and scarcity of comprehensive datasets. As such, advancing techniques in solving non-linear inverse problems becomes pivotal to addressing numerous outstanding questions in the field. In particular, modeling hot galactic winds is difficult because of unknown structure for various physical terms, and the lack of \textit{any} kinematic observational data. Additionally, the flow equations contain singularities that lead to numerical instability, making parameter sweeps non-trivial. We leverage differentiable programming, which enables neural networks to be embedded as individual terms within the governing coupled ordinary differential equations (ODEs), and show that this method can adeptly learn hidden physics. We robustly discern the structure of a mass-loading function which captures the physical effects of cloud destruction and entrainment into the hot superwind. Within a supervised learning framework, we formulate our loss function anchored on the astrophysical entropy ($K \propto P/\rho^{5/3}$). Our results demonstrate the efficacy of this approach, even in the absence of kinematic data $v$. We then apply these models to real Chandra X-Ray observations of starburst galaxy M82, providing the first systematic description of mass-loading within the superwind. This work further highlights neural ODEs as a useful discovery tool with mechanistic interpretability in non-linear inverse problems. We make our code public at this GitHub repository (https://github.com/dustindnguyen/2023_NeurIPS_NeuralODEs_M82).

Zachary Jennings, John Southworth, Kresimir Pavlovski, Timothy Van Reeth

28 pages, 29 figures

Stars that are both pulsating and eclipsing offer an important opportunity to better understand many of the physical phenomena that occur in stars, because it is possible to measure the pulsation frequencies of stars for which the masses and radii are known precisely and accurately. KIC 9851944 is a double-lined detached eclipsing binary containing two F-stars which show both pressure and gravity mode pulsations. We present an analysis of new high-resolution spectroscopy of the system and high quality light curves from the Kepler and TESS space missions. We determine the masses and effective temperatures of the stars to 0.6% precision, and their radii to 1.0% and 1.5% precision. The secondary component is cooler, but larger and more massive than the primary so is more evolved; both lie inside the {\delta} Scuti and {\gamma} Doradus instability strips. We measure a total of 133 significant pulsation frequencies in the light curve, including 14 multiplets that each contain between 3 and 19 frequencies. We find evidence for tidal perturbations to some of the p- and g-modes, attribute a subset of the frequencies to either the primary or secondary star, and measure a buoyancy radius and near-core rotational frequency for the primary component. KIC 9851944 is mildly metal-rich and MIST isochrones from the MESA evolutionary code agree well with the observed properties of the system for an age of 1.25 Gyr.

Sangita Kumari, Bhaswati Bhattacharyya, Rahul Sharan, Devojyoti Kansabanik, Benjamin Stappers, Jayanta Roy

Accepted in ApJ

We present results from a long-term monitoring of frequency dependent eclipses of the radio emission from PSR J1544+4937 which is a ``black widow spider'' millisecond pulsar (MSP) in a compact binary system. The majority of such systems often exhibit relatively long duration radio eclipses caused by ablated material from their companion stars. With the wide spectral bandwidth of upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (uGMRT), we present first systematic study of temporal variation of eclipse cut-off frequency. With decade-long monitoring of 39 eclipses for PSR J1544+4937, we notice significant changes in the observed cut-off frequency ranging from 343 $\pm$ 7 MHz to > 740 MHz. We also monitored changes in eclipse cut-off frequency on timescales of tens of days and observed a maximum change of $\ge$ 315 MHz between observations that were separated by 22 days. In addition, we observed a change of $\sim$ 47 MHz in eclipse cut-off frequency between adjacent orbits, i.e. on timescales of $\sim 2.9$ hours. We infer that such changes in the eclipse cut-off frequency depict an eclipse environment for the PSR J1544+4937 system that is dynamically evolving, where, along with the change in electron density, the magnetic field could also be varying. We also report a significant correlation between the eclipse cut-off frequency and the mass loss rate of the companion. This study provides the first direct evidence of mass loss rate affecting the frequency dependent eclipsing in a spider MSP.

There are now multiple direct probes of the region near black hole horizons, including direct imaging with the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). As a result, it is now of considerable interest to identify what aspects of the underlying spacetime are constrained by these observations. For this purpose, we present a new formulation of an existing broad class of integrable, axisymmetric, stationary spinning black hole spacetimes, specified by four free radial functions, that makes manifest which functions are responsible for setting the location and morphology of the event horizon and ergosphere. We explore the size of the black hole shadow and high-order photon rings for polar observers, approximately appropriate for the EHT observations of M87*, finding analogous expressions to those for general spherical spacetimes. Of particular interest, we find that these are independent of the properties of the ergosphere, but does directly probe on the free function that defines the event horizon. Based on these, we extend the nonperturbative, nonparametric characterization of the gravitational implications of various near-horizon measurements to spinning spacetimes. Finally, we demonstrate this characterization for a handful of explicit alternative spacetimes.

Hugues Lattaud, Elsa Guy, Julien Billard, Jules Colas, Maryvonne De Jésus, Jules Gascon, Alexandre Juillard, Stefanos Marnieros, Christine Oriol

9 pages, 3 figures, LTD20

The sensitivities of light Dark Matter (DM) particle searches with cryogenic detectors are mostly limited by large backgrounds of events that do not produce ionization signal. The CRYOSEL project develops a new technique where this background in a germanium cryogenic detector is rejected by using the signals from a Superconducting Single Electron Device (SSED) sensor designed to detect the phonons emitted through the Neganov-Trofimov-Luke effect by the e$^-$h$^+$ pairs as they drift in a close-by very high-field region. A tag on signals from this device should suppress the heat-only background. The measurement of the response to IR laser pulses of the first CRYOSEL prototype show the relevance of such sensor technology.

Here we present a laboratory analysis of the use of a 19-core photonic lantern (PL) in combination with neural network (NN) algorithms as an efficient focal plane wavefront sensor (FP-WFS) for adaptive optics (AO), measuring wavefront errors such as low wind effect (LWE), Zernike modes and Kolmogorov phase maps. The aberrated wavefronts were experimentally simulated using a Spatial Light Modulator (SLM) with combinations of different phase maps in both the linear regime (average incident RMS wavefront error (WFE) of 0.88 rad) and in the non-linear regime (average incident RMS WFE of 1.5 rad). Results were analysed using a NN to determine the transfer function of the relationship between the incident wavefront error (WFE) at the input modes at the multimode input of the PL and the intensity distribution output at the multicore fibre outputs end of the PL. The root mean square error (RMSE) of the reconstruction of petal and LWE modes were just $2.87\times10^{-2}$ rad and $2.07\times10^{-1}$ rad respectively, in the non-linear regime. The reconstruction RMSE for Zernike combinations ranged from $5.67\times10^{-2}$ rad to $8.43\times10^{-1}$ rad, depending on the number of Zernike terms and incident RMS WFE employed. These results demonstrate the promising potential of PLs as an innovative FP-WFS in conjunction with NNs.

We explore the stimulated emission of photons in non-spherical axion clusters with or without the axion source from the superradiance of a rotating black hole (BH). In particular, we focus on the cluster with the initial axion distribution in the $(l,m)=(1,1)$ mode which mimics the shape of an axion cloud induced by the BH superradiance. After establishing the hierarchy of Boltzmann equations governing a general non-spherical axion-photon system, we examine the evolution of photon and axion distributions in the cluster and possible stimulated emission signals. In the case without the axion source, the resultant signal would be a large single photon pulse. As for the system with the BH superradiance as the axion source, multiple pulses of various amplitudes are predicted. We also show that, for the latter case, the combined effects of stimulated emissions and the axion production from the BH superradiance could reach a balance where the axion cluster becomes uniformly and spherically distributed. Due to the energy and temporal characteristics of the obtained pulses, we demonstrate that the stimulated emissions from the axion cluster with axions sourced by the BH superradiance provide a candidate explanation to the observed fast radio bursts.

Louis Hamaide, Lucien Heurtier, Shi-Qian Hu, Andrew Cheek

7 pages, 3 figures. Prepared for submission to PRL

The Hawking evaporation of primordial black holes (PBH) reheats the Universe locally, forming hot spots that survive throughout their lifetime. We propose to use the temperature profile of such hot spots to calculate the decay rate of metastable vacua in cosmology, avoiding inconsistencies inherent to the Hartle-Hawking or Unruh vacuum. We apply our formalism to the case of the electroweak vacuum stability and find that a PBH energy fraction $\beta > 7\times 10^{-80} (M/g)^{3/2}$ is ruled out for black holes with masses $0.8 g < M < 10^{15} g$.

Martina Adamo, Andrea Maselli

Lectures at Third Training School of COST Action "Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach", to be published in PoS. 39 pages, 22 figures

These notes cover part of the lectures presented by Andrea Maselli for the 59th Winter School of Theoretical Physics and third COST Action CA18108 Training School 'Gravity -- Classical, Quantum and Phenomenology'. The school took place at Palac Wojan\'ow, Poland, from February 12th to 21st, 2023. The lectures focused on some key aspects of black hole physics, and in particular on the dynamics of particles and on the scattering of waves in the Schwarzschild spacetime. The goal of the course was to introduce the students to the concept of black hole quasi normal modes, to discuss their properties, their connection with the geodesic motion of massless particles, and to provide numerical approaches to compute their actual values.

Gravitational waves induced by large primordial curvature fluctuations may result in a sizable stochastic gravitational wave background. Interestingly, curvature fluctuations are gradually generated by initial isocurvature fluctuations, which in turn induce gravitational waves. Initial isocurvature fluctuations commonly appear in multi-field models of inflation as well as in the formation of scattered compact objects in the very early universe, such as primordial black holes and solitons like oscillons and cosmic strings. Here we provide a review on isocurvature induced gravitational waves and its applications to dark matter and the primordial black hole dominated early universe.