To gain a better understanding of the Andromeda galaxy M31 and its role in the Local Group, measuring its mass precisely is essential. In this work, we have constructed the rotation curve of M31 out to $\sim$125 kpc using 13,679 M31 objects obtained from various sources, including the LAMOST data release 9 (LAMOST DR9), the DESI survey, and relevant literature. We divide all objects in our sample into bulge, disk and halo components. For the sources in the M31 disk, we have measured their circular velocities by a kinematic model with asymmetric drift corrections. For the bulge and halo objects, we calculate their velocity dispersions and use the spherical and projected Jeans equation to obtain the circular velocities. Our findings indicate a nearly isotropic nature for the M31 bulge, while the halo exhibits tangential anisotropy. The results show that the rotation curve remains constant at $\sim$220 km s$^{-1}$ up to radius $\sim$25 kpc and gradually decreases to $\sim$170 km s$^{-1}$ further out. Based on the newly determined rotation curve, we have constructed a mass distribution model for M31. Our measurement of the M31 virial mass is $M_{\rm vir} = 1.14^{+0.51}_{-0.35} \times 10^{12} M_\odot$ within $r_{\rm vir} = 220 \pm 25$ kpc.
19 pages, 4 figures
The astrophysical origin of binary black hole (BBH) mergers remains uncertain though many events have been observed by the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA network. Such mergers are predicted to originate in the vicinity of massive black holes (MBHs). Especially, GW190814, due to its secondary mass and mass ratio being beyond the expectations of isolated stellar evolution theories, is a promising event that has happened in an active galactic nucleus(AGN) disk. In this model, a compact object resides in the vicinity of a merging BBH. Here we report multiple pieces of evidence pointing to the fact that GW190814 is a BBH merging near a compact object. The orbital motion of BBHs around the third body produces a line-of-sight acceleration (LSA) and induces a varying Doppler shift. Using a waveform template that considers LSA, we perform Bayesian inference on a few BBH events with a high signal-to-noise ratio in the gravitational-wave transient catalog (GWTC). Compared to the model for isolated BBH mergers, we obtain significantly higher network signal-to-noise ratios for GW190814 by that with the LSA and constrain the LSA to $a = 0.0014^{+0.0014}_{-0.0022} ~c~\mathrm{s}^{-1}$. In addition, the logarithmic Bayes factor for the LSA case over the isolated case is $16.6$, which means the LSA model is significantly preferred by the GW data. We conclude that this is the first indication showing merging BBHs are located near a compact object.
High-energy photons may oscillate with axion-like particles (ALPs) when they propagate through the Milky Way's magnetic field, resulting in an alteration in the observed photon energy spectrum. The ultra-high energy gamma-ray spectra, measured by the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) up to $\mathcal{O}(1)~\mathrm{PeV}$, provide a promising opportunity to investigate the ALP-photon oscillation effect. In this study, we utilize the gamma-ray spectra of four Galactic sources measured by LHAASO, including the Crab Nebula, LHAASO J2226+6057, LHAASO J1908+0621, and LHAASO J1825-1326, to explore this effect. We employ the $\rm CL_s$ method to set constraints on the ALP parameters. Combing the observations of the four sources, our analysis reveals that the ALP-photon coupling $g_{a\gamma}$ is constrained to be smaller than $1.4\times10^{-10}$ ${\rm GeV}^{-1}$ for the ALP mass of $\sim 4\times10^{-7} ~\mathrm{eV}$ at the 95\% C.L. By combing the observations of the Crab Nebula from LHAASO and other experiments, we find that the ALP-photon coupling could be set to be about $7.2\times10^{-11}$ ${\rm GeV}^{-1}$ for the ALP mass $\sim 4 \times10^{-7}~\mathrm{eV}$ , which is in close proximity to the CAST constraint.
31 pages, 13 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal
On 2022 February 15, an impressive filament eruption was observed off the solar eastern limb from three remote-sensing viewpoints, namely Earth, STEREO-A, and Solar Orbiter. In addition to representing the most-distant observed filament at extreme ultraviolet wavelengths -- captured by Solar Orbiter's field of view extending to above 6 $R_{\odot}$ -- this event was also associated with the release of a fast ($\sim$2200 km$\cdot$s$^{-1}$) coronal mass ejection (CME) that was directed towards BepiColombo and Parker Solar Probe. These two probes were separated by 2$^{\circ}$ in latitude, 4$^{\circ}$ in longitude, and 0.03 au in radial distance around the time of the CME-driven shock arrival in situ. The relative proximity of the two probes to each other and to the Sun ($\sim$0.35 au) allows us to study the mesoscale structure of CMEs at Mercury's orbit for the first time. We analyse similarities and differences in the main CME-related structures measured at the two locations, namely the interplanetary shock, the sheath region, and the magnetic ejecta. We find that, despite the separation between the two spacecraft being well within the typical uncertainties associated with determination of CME geometric parameters from remote-sensing observations, the two sets of in-situ measurements display some profound differences that make understanding of the overall 3D CME structure particularly challenging. Finally, we discuss our findings within the context of space weather at Mercury's distances and in terms of the need to investigate solar transients via spacecraft constellations with small separations, which has been gaining significant attention during recent years.
Accepted to ApJL
28 pages, 13 figures (+ 7 pages, 4 figures in appendix), accepted for publication in ApJ
The paper was accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics
Published in Astrobiology (in press)
25 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ
24 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ
38 pages, 25 figures, A&A submitted
Accepted for publication in ApJS. 43 pages, 31 figures, 2 animations (available online at the journal)
11 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables
12 Pages, 6 Figures, and 1 Table
12 pages, 4 figures, 1 table; ApJ in press
12 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ
15 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ
9 pages, 9 figures, published at ApJ. The link at this https URL
14 pages, 7 figures, comments are welcome
14 pages, 10 figures, Accepted in ApJ
Will be submitted in two days to allow for comments
25 pages, 20 figures, to be published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society accepted December 22 2023
Accepted for publication in the ApJ
20 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A
12 pages, 7 figures
12 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, Accepted for publication in PRD
29 pages, 6 figures; Topical Review in Classical and Quantum Gravity
11 pages, 8 figures
9 pages, 4 figures
15 pages, 1 figure; comments are welcome