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Papers for Friday, Jan 05 2024

Papers with local authors

Travis S. Metcalfe, Klaus G. Strassmeier, Ilya V. Ilyin, Derek Buzasi, Oleg Kochukhov, Thomas R. Ayres, Sarbani Basu, Ashley Chontos, Adam J. Finley, Victor See, Keivan G. Stassun, Jennifer L. van Saders, Aldo G. Sepulveda, George R. Ricker

ApJ Letters (accepted), 6 pages including 4 figures and 1 table. Data available at this https URL

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Paper 8 — arXiv:2401.01944
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Paper 8 — arXiv:2401.01944

The consistently low activity level of the old solar analog 51 Peg not only facilitated the discovery of the first hot Jupiter, but also led to the suggestion that the star could be experiencing a magnetic grand minimum. However, the 50 year time series showing minimal chromospheric variability could also be associated with the onset of weakened magnetic braking (WMB), where sufficiently slow rotation disrupts cycling activity and the production of large-scale magnetic fields by the stellar dynamo, thereby shrinking the Alfven radius and inhibiting the efficient loss of angular momentum to magnetized stellar winds. In this Letter, we evaluate the magnetic evolutionary state of 51 Peg by estimating its wind braking torque. We use new spectropolarimetric measurements from the Large Binocular Telescope to reconstruct the large-scale magnetic morphology, we reanalyze archival X-ray measurements to estimate the mass-loss rate, and we detect solar-like oscillations in photometry from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, yielding precise stellar properties from asteroseismology. Our estimate of the wind braking torque for 51 Peg clearly places it in the WMB regime, driven by changes in the mass-loss rate and the magnetic field strength and morphology that substantially exceed theoretical expectations. Although our revised stellar properties have minimal consequences for the characterization of the exoplanet, they have interesting implications for the current space weather environment of the system.

S. Bocquet, S. Grandis, L. E. Bleem, M. Klein, J. J. Mohr, T. Schrabback, T. M. C. Abbott, P. A. R. Ade, M. Aguena, A. Alarcon, S. Allam, S. W. Allen, O. Alves, A. Amon, A. J. Anderson, J. Annis, B. Ansarinejad, J. E. Austermann, S. Avila, D. Bacon, M. Bayliss, J. A. Beall, K. Bechtol, M. R. Becker, A. N. Bender, B. A. Benson, G. M. Bernstein, S. Bhargava, F. Bianchini, M. Brodwin, D. Brooks, L. Bryant, A. Campos, R. E. A. Canning, J. E. Carlstrom, A. Carnero Rosell, M. Carrasco Kind, J. Carretero, F. J. Castander, R. Cawthon, C. L. Chang, C. Chang, P. Chaubal, R. Chen, H. C. Chiang, A. Choi, T-L. Chou, R. Citron, C. Corbett Moran, J. Cordero, M. Costanzi, T. M. Crawford, A. T. Crites, L. N. da Costa, M. E. S. Pereira, C. Davis, T. M. Davis, J. DeRose, S. Desai, T. de Haan, H. T. Diehl, M. A. Dobbs, et al.

submitted to PRD

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Paper 24 — arXiv:2401.02075
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Paper 24 — arXiv:2401.02075

We present cosmological constraints from the abundance of galaxy clusters selected via the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect in South Pole Telescope (SPT) data with a simultaneous mass calibration using weak gravitational lensing data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) and the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The cluster sample is constructed from the combined SPT-SZ, SPTpol ECS, and SPTpol 500d surveys, and comprises 1,005 confirmed clusters in the redshift range $0.25-1.78$ over a total sky area of 5,200 deg$^2$. We use DES Year 3 weak-lensing data for 688 clusters with redshifts $z<0.95$ and HST weak-lensing data for 39 clusters with $0.6<z<1.7$. The weak-lensing measurements enable robust mass measurements of sample clusters and allow us to empirically constrain the SZ observable--mass relation. For a flat $\Lambda$CDM cosmology, and marginalizing over the sum of massive neutrinos, we measure $\Omega_\mathrm{m}=0.286\pm0.032$, $\sigma_8=0.817\pm0.026$, and the parameter combination $\sigma_8\,(\Omega_\mathrm{m}/0.3)^{0.25}=0.805\pm0.016$. Our measurement of $S_8\equiv\sigma_8\,\sqrt{\Omega_\mathrm{m}/0.3}=0.795\pm0.029$ and the constraint from Planck CMB anisotropies (2018 TT,TE,EE+lowE) differ by $1.1\sigma$. In combination with that Planck dataset, we place a 95% upper limit on the sum of neutrino masses $\sum m_\nu<0.18$ eV. When additionally allowing the dark energy equation of state parameter $w$ to vary, we obtain $w=-1.45\pm0.31$ from our cluster-based analysis. In combination with Planck data, we measure $w=-1.34^{+0.22}_{-0.15}$, or a $2.2\sigma$ difference with a cosmological constant. We use the cluster abundance to measure $\sigma_8$ in five redshift bins between 0.25 and 1.8, and we find the results to be consistent with structure growth as predicted by the $\Lambda$CDM model fit to Planck primary CMB data.

Daniel Groselj, Lorenzo Sironi, Anatoly Spitkovsky

10 pages, 6 figures; submitted for publication; animation available at this https URL

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Paper 51 — arXiv:2401.02392
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Paper 51 — arXiv:2401.02392

We study a relativistic collisionless electron-positron shock propagating into an unmagnetized ambient medium using 2D particle-in-cell simulations of unprecedented duration and size. The shock generates intermittent magnetic structures of increasingly larger size as the simulation progresses. Toward the end of our simulation, at around 26,000 plasma times, the magnetic coherence scale approaches $\lambda\sim 100$ plasma skin depths, both ahead and behind the shock front. We anticipate a continued growth of $\lambda$ beyond the time span of our simulation, as long as the shock accelerates particles to increasingly higher energies. The post-shock field is concentrated in localized patches, which maintain a local magnetic energy fraction $\varepsilon_B\sim 0.1$. Particles randomly sampling the downstream fields spend most of their time in low field regions ($\varepsilon_B\ll 0.1$), but emit a large fraction of the synchrotron power in the localized patches with strong fields ($\varepsilon_B\sim 0.1$). Our results have important implications for models of gamma-ray burst afterglows.

All other papers

Ernest Perkowski, Rui Pan, Tuan Dung Nguyen, Yuan-Sen Ting, Sandor Kruk, Tong Zhang, Charlie O'Neill, Maja Jablonska, Michael J. Smith, Kevin Schawinski, Kartheik Iyer, Ioana Ciucă for UniverseTBD

4 pages, 1 figure, model is available at this https URL , submitted to RNAAS

We explore the potential of enhancing LLM performance in astronomy-focused question-answering through targeted, continual pre-training. By employing a compact 7B-parameter LLaMA-2 model and focusing exclusively on a curated set of astronomy corpus -- comprising abstracts, introductions, and conclusions -- we achieve notable improvements in specialized topic comprehension. While general LLMs like GPT-4 outperform in broader question-answering scenarios due to superior reasoning capabilities, our findings suggest that continual pre-training with limited resources can still enhance model performance on specialized topics. Additionally, we present an extension of AstroLLaMA: the fine-tuning of the 7B LLaMA model on a domain-specific conversational dataset, culminating in the release of the chat-enabled AstroLLaMA for community use. Comprehensive quantitative benchmarking is currently in progress and will be detailed in an upcoming full paper. The model, AstroLLaMA-Chat, is now available at https://huggingface.co/universeTBD, providing the first open-source conversational AI tool tailored for the astronomy community.

Catherine Fielder, Michael Jones, David Sand, Paul Bennet, Denija Crnojevic, Ananthan Karunakaran, Burcin Mutlu-Pakdil, Kristine Spekkens

18 pages, 6 figures, submitted to AJ

We present new follow-up observations of two ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs), part of a total sample of five chosen for their distorted morphologies, suggestive of tidal influence. Using Hubble Space Telescope Advanced Camera for Surveys F555W and F814W imaging, we identify 8+/-2 globular clusters (GCs) in KUG 0203-Dw1 and 6+/-2 in KDG 013, abundances that are fairly typical for normal dwarf galaxies of similar stellar mass. Jansky Very Large Array data reveal a clear HI detection of KUG 0203-Dw1 with a gas mass estimate of log(MHI/Msun) < 7.4 and evidence of active stripping by the host. HI gas is found near the location of KDG~013 but is likely unrelated to the UDG itself due to the morphology and the numerous gas tails within the host group. Given that these UDGs have GC abundances typical for galaxies at their luminosity, these findings suggest that they likely originated as normal dwarf galaxies that have been subjected to significant stripping and tidal heating, causing them to become more diffuse. These two UDGs complete a sample of five exhibiting tidal features in the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey area (CFHTLS; ~150 sq deg), including UDGs with and without UV emission, indicative of recent star formation. Four UDGs in this sample, consistent with dwarfs `puffed-up' by tidal interactions, contrast with an outlier, suggesting a dwarf merger origin. These findings indicate that tidal heating of dwarfs is a viable formation pathway for UDGs.

Serat Saad, Kaitlyn Lane, Marina Kounkel, Keivan G. Stassun, Ricardo López-Valdivia, Jinyoung Serena Kim, Karla Peña Ramírez, Guy S. Stringfellow, Carlos G. Román-Zúñiga, Jesús Hernández, Scott J. Wolk, Lynne A. Hillenbrand

15 pages, 10 figures, accepted to AJ

We developed a tool that measures equivalent widths of various lines in low resolution optical spectra, and it was applied to stellar spectra obtained as part of SDSS-V and LAMOST programs. These lines, such as Li I which directly indicates stellar youth, or optical H I and Ca II which in emission indicate activity associated with stellar youth, are commonly seen in YSOs. We observe several notable differences in the properties of these lines between YSOs and the field stars. Using these data, we devise a set of criteria through which it is possible to confirm the youth of stars that have been observed by the ABYSS program, as well as to identify likely young stars that have serendipitously been observed by other programs. We examine the decrement of H lines seen in emission in CTTSs, and estimate the properties of the accretion stream that is responsible for the production of these lines. Finally, we examine the evolution of Li I as a function of age, and characterize the scatter in its abundance that appears to be intrinsic in young M dwarfs.

Grisha Zeltyn, Benny Trakhtenbrot, Michael Eracleous, Qian Yang, Paul Green, Scott F. Anderson, Stephanie LaMassa, Roberto J. Assef, Franz E. Bauer, W.N. Brandt, Megan C. Davis, Sara E. Frederick, Logan B. Fries, Norman A. Grogin, Muryel Guolo, Lorena Hernández-García, Anton M. Koekemoer, Mirko Krumpe, Xin Liu, Mary Loli Martínez-Aldama, Claudio Ricci, Donald P. Schneider, Yue Shen, Marzena Śniegowska, Matthew J. Temple, Jonathan R. Trump, Yongquan Xue, Joel R. Brownstein, Tom Dwelly, Sean Morrison, Dmitry Bizyaev, Kaike Pan, Juna A. Kollmeier

Full tables and figuresets will be published upon acceptance, and can be available upon request

"Changing-look" Active Galactic Nuclei (CL-AGNs) are challenging our basic ideas about the physics of accretion flows and of circumnuclear gas around supermassive black holes (SMBHs). Using first year Sloan Digital Sky Survey V (SDSS-V) repeated spectroscopy of nearly 29,000 previously-known AGNs, combined with dedicated follow-up spectroscopic observations, and publicly available optical light curves, we have identified 116 CL-AGNs where (at least) one broad emission line has essentially (dis-)appeared, as well as 88 other extremely variable systems. Our CL-AGN sample, with 107 newly identified cases, is among the largest reported to date, and includes $\sim$0.4% of the AGNs re-observed in the first year of SDSS-V operations. Among our CL-AGNs, 67% exhibit dimming while 33% exhibit brightening. Our data and sample probe extreme AGN spectral variability on timescales of months to decades, including some cases of recurring transitions on surprisingly short timescales ($\lesssim$ 2 months in the rest frame). We find that CL events are preferentially found in lower Eddington ratio ($f_{Edd}$) systems: Our CL-AGNs have a $f_{Edd}$ distribution that significantly differs from that of a redshift- and a carefully constructed, luminosity-matched control sample ($p_{KS}$ $\lesssim$ 2 $\times$ $10^{-4}$ ; median $f_{Edd}$ $\approx$ 0.025 vs. 0.043). This preference for low $f_{Edd}$ strengthens previous findings of higher CL-AGN incidence at lower Eddington ratios, found in much smaller samples of spectroscopically confirmed CL-AGNs. Finally, we show that the broad MgII emission line in our CL-AGN sample tends to vary significantly less than the broad H$\beta$ emission line. Our large CL-AGN sample demonstrates the advantages and challenges in using multi-epoch spectroscopy from large surveys to study extreme AGN variability, SMBH fueling, and AGN physics.

Anshuman Tripathi, Abhirup Datta, Madhurima Choudhury, Suman Majumdar

21 pages, 19 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Detection of redshifted \ion{H}{i} 21cm emission is a potential probe for investigating the Universe's first billion years. However, given the significantly brighter foreground, detecting 21cm is observationally difficult. The Earth's ionosphere considerably distorts the signal at low frequencies by introducing directional-dependent effects. Here, for the first time, we report the use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) to extract the global 21cm signal characteristics from the composite all-sky averaged signal, including foreground and ionospheric effects such as refraction, absorption, and thermal emission from the ionosphere's F and D-layers. We assume a 'perfect' instrument and neglect instrumental calibration and beam effects. To model the ionospheric effect, we considered the static and time-varying ionospheric conditions for the mid-latitude region where LOFAR is situated. In this work, we trained the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model for various situations using a synthetic set of the global 21cm signals created by altering its parameter space based on the "$\rm \tanh$" parameterized model and the Accelerated Reionization Era Simulations (ARES) algorithm. The obtained result shows that the ANN model can extract the global signal parameters with an accuracy of $\ge 96 \% $ in the final study when we include foreground and ionospheric effects. On the other hand, a similar ANN model can extract the signal parameters from the final prediction dataset with an accuracy ranging from $97 \%$ to $98 \%$ when considering more realistic sets of the global 21cm signals based on physical models.

Erick Urquilla, Sherwood Richers

18 pages, 10 figures. Comments are welcome

In dense neutrino gases, the neutrino-neutrino coherent forward scattering gives rise to a complex flavor oscillation phenomenon not fully incorporated in simulations of neutron star mergers (NSM) and core collapse supernovae (CCSNe). Moreover, it has been proposed to be chaotic, potentially limiting our ability to predict neutrino flavor transformations in simulations. To address this issue, we explore how small flavor perturbations evolve within a narrow centimeter-scale region inside a NSM and a toy neutrino distribution. Our findings reveal that paths in the flavor state space of solutions with similar initial conditions diverge exponentially, exhibiting chaos. This inherent chaos makes the microscopic scales of neutrino flavor transformations unpredictable. However, the domain-averaged neutrino density matrix remains relatively stable, with chaos minimally affecting it. This particular property suggests that domain-averaged quantities remain reliable despite the exponential amplification of errors.

Claire Greenwell, Poshak Gandhi, Daniel Stern, George Lansbury, Vincenzo Mainieri, Peter Boorman, Yoshiki Toba

Accepted for publication in MNRAS (20 pages, 18 figures)

The growth of active galactic nuclei (AGN) occurs under some form of obscuration in a large fraction of the population. The difficulty in constraining this population leads to high uncertainties in cosmic X-ray background and galaxy evolution models. Using an SDSS-WISE cross-match, we target infrared luminous AGN ($W1-W2$ > 0.8, and monochromatic rest-frame luminosity above $\lambda L_{\lambda}$(12$\mu$m) $\approx$ 3 $\times$ 10$^{44}$ erg s$^{-1}$), but with passive galaxy-like optical spectra (Optically Quiescent Quasars; OQQs). We find 47 objects that show no significant [O III]$\lambda$5007 emission, a typically strong AGN optical emission line. As a comparison sample, we examine SDSS-selected Type 2 quasars (QSO2s), which show a significant [O III]$\lambda$5007 line by definition. We find a 1:16 ratio of OQQs compared to QSO2s, suggesting that the OQQ duty cycle is likely much shorter than that of QSO2s (though selection biases are not fully quantified). We consider observed properties in comparison with other galaxy types, and examine them for consistency with theories on their intrinsic nature: chiefly (a) a high covering factor for surrounding obscuring matter, preventing the detection of high-ionisation emission lines - `cocooned AGN'; or (b) ionised gas being absent on the kpc scales of the Narrow Line Region (NLR), perhaps due to a `switching on' or `young' AGN. OQQs do not obviously fit the standard paradigm for merger-driven AGN and host galaxy evolution, implying we may be missing part of the flow of AGN evolution.

Nicholas S. Martis, Ghassan T. E. Sarrouh, Chris J. Willott, Roberto Abraham, Yoshihisa Asada, Maruša Bradač, Gabe Brammer, Anishya Harshan, Adam Muzzin, Gaël Noirot, Marcin Sawicki, Gregor Rihtaršič

16 pages, 13 figures. Submitted to ApJ. Comments welcome

We present a methodology for modeling and removing light from cluster galaxies and intracluster light (ICL) from $James\ Webb\ Space\ Telescope$ ($JWST$) images of gravitational lensing clusters. We apply our method to Webb's First Deep Field the SMACS 0723 Early Release Observations and use the ICL subtracted images to select a sample of globular clusters (GCs) and dwarf galaxies within the cluster. We compare the spatial distributions of these two samples with our models of the galaxy and ICL light, finding significant similarity. Specifically we find that GCs trace the diffuse ICL, while dwarf galaxies are centrally concentrated near the cluster center We quantify the relationship between the surface density of compact sources and total cluster light, demonstrating a significant, tight correlation. We repeat our methodology and compare distributions of GCs with dark matter surface density and find a comparable result. Our findings suggest a common origin for GCs and diffuse ICL, with stripping from massive galaxies as they merge with the cluster being a plausible scenario.

J. S. Deneva, M. McLaughlin, T. E. E. Olszanski, E. F. Lewis, D. Pang, P. C. C. Freire, M. Bagchi, K. Stovall

Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal

The AO327 drift survey for radio pulsars and transients used the Arecibo telescope from 2010 until its collapse in 2020. AO327 collected ~3100 hours of data at 327 MHz with a time resolution of 82 us and frequency resolution of 24 kHz. While the main motivation for such surveys is the discovery of new pulsars and new, even unforeseen, types of radio transients, they also serendipitously collect a wealth of data on known pulsars. We present an electronic catalog of data and data products on 206 pulsars whose periodic emission was detected by AO327 and are listed in the ATNF catalog of all published pulsars. The AO327 data products include dedispersed time series at full time resolution, average ("folded") pulse profiles, Gaussian pulse profile templates, and an absolute phase reference that allows phase-aligning the AO327 pulse profiles in a physically meaningful manner with profiles from data taken with other instruments. We also provide machine-readable tables with uncalibrated flux measurements at 327 MHz and pulse widths at 50% and 10% of the pulse peak determined from the fitted Gaussian profile templates. The AO327 catalog data set can be used in applications like population analysis of radio pulsars, pulse profile evolution studies in time and frequency, cone and core emission of the pulsar beam, scintillation, pulse intensity distributions, and others. It also constitutes a ready-made resource for teaching signal processing and pulsar astronomy techniques.

Juan M. Z. Pretel, Mariana Dutra, Sergio B. Duarte

12 pages, 11 figures. Version accepted in Physical Review D

As a potential candidate for the late-time accelerating expansion of the Universe, the Chaplygin gas and its generalized models have significant implications to modern cosmology. In this work we investigate the effects of dark energy on the internal structure of a neutron star composed of two phases, which leads us to wonder: Do stable neutron stars have a dark-energy core? To address this question, we focus on the radial stability of stellar configurations composed by a dark-energy core -- described by a Chaplygin-type equation of state (EoS) -- and an ordinary-matter external layer which is described by a polytropic EoS. We examine the impact of the rate of energy densities at the phase-splitting surface, defined as $\alpha= \rho_{\rm dis}^-/\rho_{\rm dis}^+$, on the radius, total gravitational mass and oscillation spectrum. The resulting mass-radius diagrams are notably different from dark energy stars without a common-matter crust. Specifically, it is found that both the mass and the radius of the maximum-mass configuration decrease as $\alpha$ becomes smaller. Furthermore, our theoretical predictions for mass-radius relations consistently describe the observational measurements of different massive millisecond pulsars as well as the central compact object within the supernova remnant HESS J1731-347. The analysis of the normal oscillation modes reveals that there are two regions of instability on the $M(\rho_c)$ curve when $\alpha$ is small enough indicating that the usual stability criterion $dM/d\rho_c>0$ still holds for rapid phase transitions. However, this is no longer true for the case of slow transitions.

Shreya Dwivedi, Chandranathan Anandavijayan, Pallavi Bhat

20 pages, 23 figures

Decaying magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence is important in various astrophysical contexts, including early universe magnetic fields, star formation, turbulence in galaxy clusters, magnetospheres and solar corona. Previously known in the nonhelical case of magnetically dominated decaying turbulence, we show that magnetic reconnection is important also in the fully helical case and is likely the agent responsible for the inverse transfer of energy. Again, in the fully helical case, we find that there is a similarity in power law decay exponents in both 2.5D and 3D simulations. To understand this intriguing similarity, we investigate the possible quasi-two-dimensionalization of the 3D system. We perform Minkowski functional analysis and find that the characteristic length scales of a typical magnetic structure in the system are widely different, suggesting the existence of local anisotropies. Finally, we provide a quasi-two-dimensional hierarchical merger model which recovers the relevant power law scalings. In the nonhelical case, we show that a helicity-based invariant cannot constrain the system, and the best candidate is still anastrophy or vector potential squared, which is consistent with the quasi-two-dimensionalization of the system.

Michael Fitzpatrick, Vinicius Placco, Adam Bolton, Brian Merino, Susan Ridgway, Letizia Stanghellini

4 pages, 5 figures, to appear on the ADASS XXXIII Conference Proceedings

The US National Gemini Office (US NGO), part of the Community Science and Data Center (CSDC) at NSF's NOIRLab, has completed a project to upgrade the IRAF-based Gemini reduction software to provide a fully supported system capable of running natively on modern hardware. This work includes 64-bit platform ports of the GEMINI package and dependency tasks (e.g. from the STSDAS external package), upgrades to the core IRAF system and all other external packages to fix any platform and licensing problems, and the establishment of fully supported Help Desk and distribution systems for the user community. Early results show a 10-20X speedup of execution times using the native 64-bit software compared to the virtualized 32-bit solutions now in use. Results are even better on new Apple M1/M2 platforms where the additional overhead of Intel CPU emulation can be eliminated. Timing comparisons, science verification testing, and release plans are discussed.

Natalie O. Butterfield, Jordan A. Guerra, David T. Chuss, Mark R. Morris, Dylan Pare, Edward J. Wollack, Allison H. Costa, Matthew J. Hankins, Johannes Staguhn, Ellen Zweibel

Submitted to ApJ

We present the detection of a magnetized dust ring (M0.8-0.2) in the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) of the Galactic Center. The results presented in this paper utilize the first data release (DR1) of the Far-Infrared Polarimetric Large Area CMZ Exploration (FIREPLACE) survey (i.e., FIREPLACE I; Butterfield et al. 2023). The FIREPLACE survey is a 214 $\mu$m polarimetic survey of the Galactic Center using the SOFIA/HAWC+ telescope. The M0.8-0.2 ring is a region of gas and dust that has a circular morphology with a central depression. The dust polarization in the M0.8-0.2 ring implies a curved magnetic field that traces the ring-like structure of the cloud. We posit an interpretation in which an expanding shell compresses and concentrates the ambient gas and magnetic field. We argue that this compression results in the strengthening of the magnetic field, as we infer from the observations toward the interior of the ring.

James M. De Buizer (1), Wanggi Lim (2), Nicole Karnath (3), James T. Radomski (1) ((1) SOFIA-USRA, (2) IPAC, (3) SSI)

32 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

We present our sixth set of results from our mid-infrared imaging survey of Milky Way Giant HII regions with our detailed analysis of NGC 3603, the most luminous GHII region in the Galaxy. We used imaging data from the FORCAST instrument on the Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) at 20 and 37 microns which mapped the central ~8.5'x8.5' infrared-emitting area of NGC 3603 at a spatial resolution of <~3". Utilizing these SOFIA data in conjunction with multi-wavelength observations from the near-infrared to radio, including Spitzer-IRAC and Herschel-PACS archival data, we investigate the physical nature of individual infrared sources and sub-components within NGC 3603. For individual compact sources we used the multi-wavelength photometry data to construct spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and fit them with massive young stellar object (MYSO) SED models, and find 14 sources that are likely to be MYSOs. We also detect dust emission from the 3 massive proplyd candidates, as well as from the disk and outflow of the evolved blue supergiant, Sher 25. Utilizing multi-wavelength data, we derived luminosity-to-mass ratio and virial parameters for the star-forming clumps within NGC 3603, estimating their relative ages and finding that NGC 3603 is an older GHII region overall, compared to our previously studied GHII regions. We discuss how NGC 3603, which we categorize as a 'cavity-type' GHII region, exhibits a more modest number of MYSOs and molecular clumps when compared to the 'distributed-type' GHII regions that share similar Lyman continuum photon rates.

Michael Etienne Van Huffel, Leonardo Aldo Alejandro Barberi, Tobias Sagis

12 pages, 9 figures

In this research, we investigate the structural evolution of the cosmic web, employing advanced methodologies from Topological Data Analysis. Our approach involves leveraging $Persistence$ $Signals$, an innovative method from recent literature that facilitates the embedding of persistence diagrams into vector spaces by re-conceptualizing them as signals in $\mathbb R^2_+$. Utilizing this methodology, we analyze three quintessential cosmic structures: clusters, filaments, and voids. A central discovery is the correlation between $Persistence$ $Energy$ and redshift values, linking persistent homology with cosmic evolution and providing insights into the dynamics of cosmic structures.

Arnab Sarkar, Felipe Andrade-Santos, Reinout J. van Weeren, Ralph P. Kraft, Duy N. Hoang, Timothy W. Shimwell, Paul Nulsen, William Forman, Scott Randall, Yuanyuan Su, Priyanka Chakraborty, Christine Jones, Eric Miller, Mark Bautz, Catherine E. Grant

Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal

We present a 368 ks deep Chandra observation of Abell~1240, a binary merging galaxy cluster at a redshift of 0.195 with two Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCGs) may have passed each other 0.3 Gyr ago. Building upon previous investigations involving GMRT, VLA, and LOFAR data, our study focuses on two prominent extended radio relics at the north-west (NW) and south-east (SE) of the cluster core. By leveraging the high-resolution Chandra imaging, we have identified two distinct surface brightness edges at $\sim$ 1 Mpc and 1.2 Mpc NW and SE of the cluster center, respectively, coinciding with the outer edges of both relics. Our temperature measurements hint the edges to be shock front edges. The Mach numbers, derived from the gas density jumps, yield $\cal{M}_{\rm SE}$ = 1.49$^{+0.22}_{-0.24}$ for the South Eastern shock and $\cal{M}_{\rm NW}$ = 1.41$^{+0.17}_{-0.19}$ for the North Western shock. Our estimated Mach numbers are remarkably smaller compared to those derived from radio observations ($\cal{M}_{\rm SE}$ = 2.3 and $\cal{M}_{\rm NW}$ = 2.4), highlighting the prevalence of a re-acceleration scenario over direct acceleration of electrons from the thermal pool. Furthermore, we compare the observed temperature profiles across both shocks with that of predictions from collisional vs. collisionless models. Both shocks favor the Coulomb collisional model, but we could not rule out a purely collisionless model due to pre-shock temperature uncertainties.

Jun Hashimoto, Ruobing Dong, Takayuki Muto, Hauyu Baobab Liu, Yuka Terada

12 pages, 8 figures, accepted in AJ

An inner component misaligned from an outer component in a protoplanetary disk can result in the former casting shadows on the latter. We present a new instance of shadowing on the outer disk around a very low mass star, ZZ~Tau~IRS. Through the analysis of near-infrared (NIR) archival data at $\lambda=1.6$~$\mu$m acquired with the Wide Field Camera 3 on the Hubble Space Telescope, we identified brightness asymmetries in the top and bottom halves of the highly inclined outer disk, separated by a dark lane. The brighter sides in the top and bottom halves are on the opposite sides, which we attributed to shadows cast by a misaligned inner disk. Radiative transfer modeling of the system with a misaligned angle of 15~deg between the inner and outer disks well reproduced the observations. Additionally, we found an elevated brightness temperature of $^{12}$CO~(3-2) at $r\sim30$~au on the brighter side in NIR wavelengths in the top half disk, which can be explained by the shadowing effect too. While the origin of the misaligned inner disk remains unclear, future monitoring observations to search for temporal variations in brightness asymmetries will likely provide useful clues.

Jiwei Liao, Cuihua Du, Mingji Deng, Dashuang Ye, Hefan Li, Yang Huang, Jianrong Shi, Jun Ma

17 pages, 5figures, accepted for publication in AJ

Utilizing astrometric parameters sourced from \textit{Gaia} Data Release 3 and radial velocities obtained from various spectroscopic surveys, we identify 519 high-velocity stars (HiVels) with a total velocity in the Galactocentric restframe greater than 70\% of their local escape velocity under the {\tt\string Gala} {\tt\string MilkyWayPotential}. Our analysis reveals that the majority of these HiVels are metal-poor late-type giants, and we show 9 HiVels that are unbound candidates to the Galaxy with escape probabilities of 50\%. To investigate the origins of these HiVels, we classify them into four categories and consider the impact of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) potential on their backward-integration trajectories. Specifically, we find that one of the HiVels can track back to the Galactic Center, and three HiVels may originate from the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy (Sgr dSph). Furthermore, some HiVels appear to be ejected from the Galactic disk, while others formed within the Milky Way or have an extragalactic origin. Given that the LMC has a significant impact on the orbits of Sgr dSph, we examine the reported HiVels that originate from the Sgr dSph, with a few of them passing within the half-light radius of the Sgr dSph.

Li Ma, Xufen Wu

15 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

Ring galaxies are rare in the Universe. A head-on or off-centre collision between an intruder galaxy and a disc galaxy leads to a collisional ring galaxy (CRG) when the intruder-to-target mass ratio (ITMR) is over 0.1 in Newtonian dynamics. Within the framework of Milgromian dynamics, the strong equivalence principle is violated due to the presence of an external field. When two galaxies collide towards each other, the dynamical mass of the phantom dark halo in a galaxy is suppressed by the external field induced by the other galaxy. As a consequence of such suppression, the gravitational perturbation for the target galaxy introduced by a collision is weakened. In this case, a minor collision may not be capable of generating a CRG. In this work, we address this issue and perform a series of numerical simulations of collisions by tuning the values of ITMR. We find that the critical ITMR is 0.5 in MOND, which is much larger than that in Newtonian dynamics. The observed massive ring galaxies, such as Arp 147, can be effectively interpreted by CRGs in MOND. This interpretation does not necessitate the presence of dark matter halos for either the target or intruder galaxies. Moreover, for a larger inclination angle or a larger impact parameter, the off-centred ring structure is fainter. The larger critical ITMR indicates that it is harder to form a CRG in Milgrom's Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND). To account for the observed ring structures of the NGC 922-like galaxies in MOND, it is necessary to invoke other scenarios than a dry minor collision.

Peter Plavchan, John E. Berberian Jr, Stephen R Kane, Rhonda Morgan, Eliad Peretz, Sophia Economon

submitted to AAS Journals, feedback welcome, 29 pages, 4 figures

The Habitable Worlds Observatory will attempt to image Earth-sized planets in Habitable Zone orbits around nearby Sun-like stars. In this work we explore approximate analytic yield calculations for a future flagship direct imaging mission for a survey sample of uniformly distributed set of identical Sun-like stars. We consider the dependence of this exoplanet detection yield on factors such as eta_Earth, telescope diameter, total on-sky time, orbital phase and separation, inner working angle, flux contrast, desired signal-to-noise ratio, spectral resolution, and other factors. We consider the impact on yield and survey efficiency in the absence of and with precursor knowledge of the Earth-size analog exoplanets. In particular, for precursor knowledge we assume the exoplanet orbital phase at the time of observation can be optimized so as to only image the Earth-size analog exoplanet when it is outside the inner working angle. We find that the yield of flagship direct imaging missions such as Habitable Worlds Observatory will be inner-working angle limited for the estimated exoplanet yields, and will not be impacted by precursor knowledge given our assumptions presented herein. However, we find that the survey efficiency will be enhanced by precursor knowledge. We benchmark our analytic approximations against detailed simulations for coronagraphs and starshades carried out for the HabEx and LUVOIR missions concept studies, and find consistent conclusions. Our analytic relations thus provide quick estimates and derivatives of the impact of key mission parameter choices on exo-Earth yield when considering design trades that can supplement existing computational simulations.

T. Ahumada, J. E. Andrews, S. Antier, E. Blaufuss, P. R. Brady, A. M. Brazier, E. Burns, S. B. Cenko, P. Chandra, D. Chatterjee, A. Corsi, M. W. Coughlin, D. A. Coulter, S. Fu, A. Goldstein, L. P. Guy, E. J. Hooper, S. B. Howell, T. B. Humensky, J. A. Kennea, S. M. Jarrett, R. M. Lau, T. R. Lewis, L. Lu, T. Matheson, B. W. Miller, G. Narayan, R. Nikutta, J. K. Rajagopal, A. Rest, K. M. Ruiz-Rocha, J. Runnoe, D. J. Sand, M. Santander, H. A. A. Solares, M. D. Soraisam, R. A. Street, A. Tohuvavohu, S. J. Vigeland, S. Vitale, N. E. White, S. D. Wyatt, T. Yuan

Workshop white paper

In this White Paper, we present recommendations for the scientific community and funding agencies to foster the infrastructure for a collaborative multi-messenger and time-domain astronomy (MMA/TDA) ecosystem. MMA/TDA is poised for breakthrough discoveries in the coming decade. In much the same way that expanding beyond the optical bandpass revealed entirely new and unexpected discoveries, cosmic messengers beyond light (i.e., gravitational waves, neutrinos, and cosmic rays) open entirely new windows to answer some of the most fundamental questions in (astro)physics: heavy element synthesis, equation of state of dense matter, particle acceleration, etc. This field was prioritized as a frontier scientific pursuit in the 2020 Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics via its "New Windows on the Dynamic Universe" theme. MMA/TDA science presents technical challenges distinct from those experienced in other disciplines. Successful observations require coordination across myriad boundaries -- different cosmic messengers, ground vs. space, international borders, etc. -- all for sources that may not be well localized, and whose brightness may be changing rapidly with time. Add that all of this work is undertaken by real human beings, with distinct backgrounds, experiences, cultures, and expectations, that often conflict. To address these challenges and help MMA/TDA realize its full scientific potential in the coming decade (and beyond), the second in a series of community workshops sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and NASA titled "Windows on the Universe: Establishing the Infrastructure for a Collaborative Multi-Messenger Ecosystem" was held on October 16-18, 2023 in Tucson, AZ. Here we present the primary recommendations from this workshop focused on three key topics -- hardware, software, and people and policy. [abridged]

Ruining Zhao, Aigen Li, Bin Yang, Liang Wang, Huijuan Wang, Yu-Juan Liu, Jifeng Liu

18 pages, 8 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) is an Oort cloud comet with an orbital period of $\sim$5895$\,{\rm yr}$. Starting in March 2020, its nucleus underwent disintegration. In order to investigate the gas and dust properties of C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) during its disintegration, we obtained long-slit spectra at 3600--8700$\,{\rm\mathring{A}}$ and $BVRI$ multi-band images with the Xinglong 2.16-Meter Telescope in April 2020. Our observations revealed that C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) exhibited strong emission bands of CN, C$_2$, C$_3$, and NH$_2$ which are superimposed on a dust scattering continuum, typical of cometary spectra in the optical. The production rates of CN, C$_2$, and C$_3$ derived using the Haser model and the corresponding C$_2$/CN and C$_3$/CN ratios suggest that C/2019 Y4 (ATLAS) is a ``typical'' Oort cloud comet under the A'Hearn classification, although it appears less dusty as revealed by the $Af\rho$ quantities. Its dust-scattering reflectivity is slightly red, with a gradient of $\sim$5% per $10^3\,{\rm\mathring{A}}$. We model the reflectivity gradient in terms of porous dust and find that the red color is accounted for by porous dust.

Liheng Yang, Xiaoli Yan, Zhike Xue, Zhe Xu, Qingmin Zhang, Yijun Hou, Jincheng Wang, Huadong Chen

14 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

Previous studies have revealed that solar coronal jets triggered by the eruption of mini-filaments (MFs) conform to the famous magnetic-breakout mechanism. In such scenario, a breakout current sheet (BCS) and a flare current sheet (FCS) should be observed during the jets. With high spatial and temporal resolution data from the SDO, the NVST, the RHESSI, the Wind, and the GOES, we present observational evidence of a BCS and a FCS formation during coronal jets driven by a MF eruption occurring in the active region NOAA 11726 on 2013 April 21. Magnetic field extrapolation show that the MF was enclosed by a fan-spine magnetic structure. The MF was activated by flux cancellation under it, and then slowly rose. A BCS formed when the magnetic fields wrapping the MF squeezed to antidirectional external open fields. Simultaneously, one thin bright jet and two bidirectional jet-like structures were observed. As the MF erupted as a blowout jet, a FCS was formed when the two distended legs inside the MF field came together. One end of the FCS connected the post-flare loops. The peak temperature of BCS was calculated to be 2.5 MK. The length, width and peak temperature of FCS was calculated to be 4.35-4.93 Mm, 1.31-1.45 Mm, and 2.5 MK, respectively. The magnetic reconnection rate associated with the FCS was estimated to be from 0.266 to 0.333. This event also related to a type III radio burst, indicating its influence on interplanetary space. These observations support the scenario of the breakout model as the trigger mechanism of coronal jets, and flux cancellation was the driver of this event.

Vadim V. Bobylev, Anisa T. Bajkova

6 pages, 3 figures, Accepted to RAA

A spectral analysis of the vertical positions and velocities of 374 open star clusters (OSCs) was carried out. We took these OSCs from the Hunt, Reffert catalog; they have an average age of about 10 million years, and are located on the galactic plane XY in a narrow zone inclined by 25 degrees to the galactic axis Y. The following estimates of the parameters of the Radcliffe wave were obtained: a) the maximum value in periodic perturbations of vertical coordinates $Z_{max}=92\pm10$ pc with the wavelength of these perturbations $\lambda_z=4.82\pm0.09$ kpc; b)~maximum value of the velocity of vertical disturbances $W_{max}=4.36\pm0.12$ km s$^{-1}$ with disturbance wavelength $\lambda_W=1.78\pm0.02$ kpc. Note that the results of the vertical velocity analysis are first-class in accuracy and completely new.

Todor V. Veltchev, Philipp Girichidis, Lyubov Marinkova, Sava Donkov, Orlin Stanchev, Ralf S. Klessen

14 pages, 12 figures; accepted for publication in MNRAS (main journal)

We present a numerical study of the evolution of power-law tails (PLTs) in the (column-)density distributions ($N$-PDF, $\rho$-PDF) in contracting star-forming clumps in primordial gas, without and with some initial rotational and/or turbulent support. In all considered runs multiple PLTs emerge shortly after the formation of the first protostar. The first PLT (PLT 1) in the $\rho$-PDF is a stable feature with slope $q_1\simeq -1.3$ which corresponds -- under the condition of preserved spherical symmetry -- to the outer envelope of the protostellar object with density profile $\rho\propto l^{-2}$ in the classical Larson-Penston collapse model, where $l$ is the radius. The second PLT (PLT 2) in the $\rho$-PDF is stable in the pure-infall runs but fluctuates significantly in the runs with initial support against gravity as dozens of protostars form and their mutual tidal forces change the density structure. Its mean slope, $\langle q_2\rangle\simeq -2$, corresponds to a density profile of $\rho\propto l^{-3/2}$ which describes a core in free fall in the classical Larson-Penston collapse model or an attractor solution at scales with dominating protostellar gravity. PLT 1 and PLT 2 in the $N$-PDFs are generally consistent with the observational data of Galactic low-mass star-forming regions from {\it Herschel} data. In the runs with initial support against gravity a third PLT (PLT~3) in the $\rho$-PDFs appears simultaneously with or after the emergence of PLT 2. It is very shallow, with mean slope of $\langle q_3\rangle\simeq -1$, and is associated with the formation of thin protostellar accretion disks.

Philippe Lamy (1), Guillaume Faury (2), David Romeuf (3), Olivier Groussin (4) ((1) Laboratoire Atmospheres, Milieux et Observations Spatiales, (2) Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planetologie, (3) Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1, (4) Aix Marseille Universite)

22 pages, 24 figures, 6 tables. Submitted to MNRAS

We report on the detection of three icy cavities on the nucleus of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. They were identified on high-resolution anaglyphs built from images acquired by the OSIRIS instrument aboard the Rosetta spacecraft on 2016 April 9-10. Visually, they appear as bright patches of typically 15 to 30 m across whose large reflectances and spectral slopes in the visible substantiate the presence of sub-surface water ice. Using a new high-resolution photogrammetric shape model we determined the three-dimensional shape of these cavities whose depth ranges from 20 to 47 m. Spectral slopes were interpreted with models combining water ice and refractory dark material and the water ice abundances in the cavities were found to amount to a few per cent. The determination of the lifetime of the icy cavities was strongly biased by the availability of appropriate and favourable observations, but we found evidences of values of up to two years. The icy cavities were found to be connected to jets well documented in past studies. A thermal model allowed us to track their solar insolation over a large part of the orbit of the comet and a transitory bright jet on 2015 July 18 was unambiguously linked to the brief illumination of the icy bottom of one of the three cavities. These cavities are likely to be the first potential subsurface access points detected on a cometary nucleus and their lifetimes suggest that they reveal pristine sub-surface icy layers or pockets rather than recently recondensed water vapor.

W. Luangtip (1 and 2), T. P. Roberts (3) ((1) Srinakharinwirot University, (2) National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand, (3) Durham University)

15 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present a study of the X-ray source NGC 2403 XMM4 (4XMM J073702.2+653934) based on 20 years of archival observations with XMM-Newton, Chandra, Swift and NuSTAR. Although it has previously been classified as an ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX), we show that its luminosity rarely, if ever, passes the $10^{39} \rm ~erg~s^{-1}$ threshold luminosity for a ULX. It does, however, behave very similarly to ULXs, with its 0.3-10 keV spectra well described by two thermal components, the softer of which behaves consistently with the expectations for an advection-dominated disc ($L\propto T^{1.49\pm0.85}$), and we find tentative evidence for an extra spectral component above 10 keV. We also find moderately significant evidence for an absorption feature in one spectrum that could originate in an outflowing wind, although a cyclotron resonance scattering feature is also a possibility. Most intriguingly, we find a possible transient pulsation at $\sim 3.32$ Hz in a short segment of one observation using an accelerated pulsation search. This evidence suggests that NGC 2403 XMM4 is displaying many of the hallmarks of super-Eddington accretion at luminosities between $5 - 10 \times 10^{38} \rm ~erg~s^{-1}$ which, when considered alongside the putative pulsation, points to the presence of a neutron star as the accreting object this system.

D. Dey, Jeet Amrit Pattnaik, H. C. Das, A. Kumar, R. N. Panda, S. K. Patra

10 pages, 5 figures and 1 table

The formulation of quarkyonic matter consists of treating both quarks and nucleons as quasi-particles, where a cross-over transition occurs between the two phases. This work is based upon some of the early ideas of quark matter. It can satisfy the different observational constraints on the neutron star (NS), such as its maximum mass and the canonical radius. In addition, we put an extra component inside the NS known as Dark Matter (DM) because it is trapped due to its immense gravitational potential. In this work, we explore the impact of fermionic DM on the structure of the NS. The equation of state (EOS) is derived for the NS with the quarkyonic matter by assuming that nucleons and quarks are in equilibrium, followed by the relativistic mean-field (RMF) formalism. The recently modeled two parameterizations, such as G3 and IOPB-I, are taken to calculate the various macroscopic properties of the NS. The three unknown parameters such as the transition density ($n_t$), the QCD confinement scale ($\Lambda_{\rm sc}$), and the DM Fermi momentum ($k_f^{\rm DM}$) are varied to obtain the NS properties. The quarkyonic matter stiffens the EOS while DM softens it. The mutual combination provides us with good theoretical predictions for the magnitude of macroscopic properties consistent with the different observational results. Also, one can estimate the parameters of the DM admixed quarkyonic star with different statistical analyses, which can be further used to explore the other properties of the quarkyonic star.

S. Czesla, M. Lampón, D. Cont, F. Lesjak, J. Orell-Miquel, J. Sanz-Forcada, E. Nagel, L. Nortmann, K. Molaverdikhani, M. López-Puertas, F. Yan, A. Quirrenbach, J. A. Caballero, E. Pallé, J. Aceituno, P. J. Amado, Th. Henning, S. Khalafinejad, D. Montes, A. Reiners, I. Ribas, A. Schweitzer

Accepted for publication in A&A

To date, the hot Jupiter WASP-12 b has been the only planet with confirmed orbital decay. The late F-type host star has been hypothesized to be surrounded by a large structure of circumstellar material evaporated from the planet. We obtained two high-resolution spectral transit time series with CARMENES and extensively searched for absorption signals by the atomic species Na, H, Ca, and He using transmission spectroscopy, thereby covering the He I triplet with high resolution for the first time. We apply SYSREM for atomic line transmission spectroscopy, introduce the technique of signal protection to improve the results for individual absorption lines, and compare the outcomes to those of established methods. No transmission signals were detected and the most stringent upper limits as of yet were derived for the individual indicators. Nonetheless, we found variation in the stellar Halpha and He I lines, the origin of which remains uncertain but is unlikely to be activity. To constrain the enigmatic activity state of WASP-12, we analyzed XMM-Newton X-ray data and found the star to be moderately active at most. We deduced an upper limit for the X-ray luminosity and the irradiating X-ray and extreme ultraviolet (XUV) flux of WASP-12 b. Based on the XUV flux upper limit and the lack of the He I signal, our hydrodynamic models slightly favor a moderately irradiated planet with a thermospheric temperature of <= 12,000 K, and a conservative upper limit of <= 4e12 g/s on the mass-loss rate. Our study does not provide evidence for an extended planetary atmosphere or absorption by circumstellar material close to the planetary orbit.

Jia Jie Li (SWU, Chongqing), Armen Sedrakian (FIAS Frankfurt and U. Wroclaw), Mark Alford (Washington U., St. Louis)

6 pages, 5 figures

Recent astrophysical mass inferences of compact stars (CSs) HESS J1731-347 and PSR J0952-0607, with extremely small and large masses respectively, as well as the measurement of the neutron skin of Ca in the CREX experiment challenge and constrain the models of dense matter. In this work, we examine the concept of hybrid stars - objects containing quark cores surrounded by nucleonic envelopes - as models that account for these new data along with other (multimessenger) inferences. We employ a family of 81 nucleonic equations of state (EoSs) based on covariant density functional with variable skewness and slope of symmetry energy at saturation density and a constant speed-of-sound EoS for quark matter. For each nucleonic EoS, a family of hybrid star EoS is generated by varying the transition density from nucleonic to quark matter, the density jump at the transition, and the speed-of-sound. These models are tested against the data from GW170817 and J1731-347, which favor low-density soft EoS and PSR J0592-0607 and J0740+6620, which require high-density stiff EoS. We then examine the occurrence of twin configurations and quantify the ranges of masses and radii that they can possess. It is shown that including J1731-347 data favors EoS models which predict low-mass twin stars with masses $M \lesssim 1.3\,M_{\odot}$ that can be realized if the deconfinement transition density is low. If combined with a large speed-of-sound in quark matter such models allow for maximum masses of hybrid stars in the range $2.0$-$2.6\,M_{\odot}$.

Eduard Vorobyov (1, 2), Igor Kulikov (3), Vardan Elbakyan (2, 4), James McKevitt (1), Manuel Guedel (1) ((1) University of Vienna, Department of Astrophysics, 1180, Vienna, Austria, (2) Research Institute of Physics, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, 344090, Russia, (3) Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia, (4) Fakultät für Physik, Universität Duisburg-Essen, D-47057 Duisburg, Germany)

Accepted for publication by Astronomy & Astrophysics

Aims. The initial stages of planet formation may start concurrently with the formation of a gas-dust protoplanetary disk. This makes the study of the earliest stages of protoplanetary disk formation crucially important. Here we focus on dust growth and pebble formation in a protoplanetary disk that is still accreting from a parental cloud core. Methods. We have developed an original three-dimensional numerical hydrodynamics code, which computes the collapse of rotating clouds and disk formation on nested meshes using a novel hybrid Coarray Fortran-OpenMP approach for distributed and shared memory parallelization. Dust dynamics and growth are also included in the simulations. Results. We found that the dust growth from $\sim 1~\mu$m to 1-10~mm already occurs in the initial few thousand years of disk evolution but the Stokes number hardly exceeds 0.1 because of higher disk densities and temperatures compared to the minimum mass Solar nebular. The ratio of the dust-to-gas vertical scale heights remains rather modest, 0.2--0.5, which may be explained by the perturbing action of spiral arms that develop in the disk soon after its formation. The dust-to-gas mass ratio in the disk midplane is highly nonhomogeneous throughout the disk extent and is in general enhanced by a factor of several compared to the fiducial 1:100 value. Low St hinders strong dust accumulation in the spiral arms compared to the rest of the disk and the nonsteady nature of the spirals is also an obstacle. The spatial distribution of pebbles in the disk midplane exhibits a highly nonhomogeneous and patchy character. The total mass of pebbles in the disk increases with time and reaches a few tens of Earth masses after a few tens of thousand years of disk evolution. Abridged.

We present the deepest 850 $\mu$m map of the SSA22 field to date, utilizing a combination of new and archival observations taken with SCUBA-2, mounted at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT). The mapped area covers an effective region of approximately 0.34 deg$^2$, achieving a boundary sensitivity of 2 mJy beam$^{-1}$, with the deepest central coverage reaching a depth of $\sigma_\text{rms}$ $\sim$ 0.79 mJy beam$^{-1}$, the confusion noise is estimated to be $\sim$ 0.43 mJy beam$^{-1}$. A catalogue of 850 $\mu$m sources in the SSA22 field is generated, identifying 390 sources with single-to-noise ratios above 3.5, out of which 92 sources exceed 5$\sigma$. The derived intrinsic number counts at 850 $\mu$m are found to be in excellent agreement with published surveys. Interestingly, the SSA22 number counts also exhibit an upturn in the brighter flux region, likely attributed to local emitters or lensing objects within the field. On the scale of $\sim$ 0.3 deg$^2$, the 850 $\mu$m number counts are unaffected by cosmic variance and align with the blank field. In the deep region ($\sigma_\text{rms}$ $\leqslant$ 1 mJy), the counts for fluxes below 8 mJy are consistent with the blank field, and the excess in the brighter regime is not significant. Due to the limited number of very bright sources and the insubstantial cosmic variance in our field, we attribute the fluctuations in the number counts primarily to Poisson noise. The SCUBA-2 850 $\mu$m detection in the SSA22 field does not exhibit indications of overdensity.

Saboura Zamani, Vincenzo Salzano, Dario Bettoni

13 pages, 2 tables, 4 figures. Comments are welcome

In this study, we investigate the potential existence of a non-minimal coupling between dark matter and gravity using a compilation of galaxy clusters. We focus on the disformal scenario of a non-minimal model with an associated coupling length $L$. Within the Newtonian approximation, this model introduces a modification to the Poisson equation, characterized by a term proportional to $L^2 \nabla^2 \rho$, where $\rho$ represents the density of the DM field. We have tested the model by examining strong and weak gravitational lensing data available for a selection of 19 high-mass galaxy clusters observed by the CLASH survey. We have employed a Markov Chain Monte Carlo code to explore the parameter space, and two different statistical approaches to analyse our results: a standard marginalisation and a profile distribution method. Notably, the profile distribution analysis helps out to bypass some volume-effects in the posterior distribution, and reveals lower Navarro--Frenk--White concentrations and masses in the non-minimal coupling model compared to general relativity case. We also found a nearly perfect correlation between the coupling constant $L$ and the standard Navarro--Frenk--White scale parameter $r_s$, hinting at a compelling link between these two lengths.

Julia Fernandez, . Sol Alonso, Valeria Mesa, Fernanda Duplancic

13 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A

Aims. We explore galaxies with ringed structures inhabiting poor and rich groups with the aim of assessing the effects of local density environments on ringed galaxy properties. Methods. We identified galaxies with inner, outer, nuclear, inner+outer (inner and outer rings combined), and partial rings that reside in groups by cross-correlating a sample of ringed galaxies with a group catalog obtained from Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The resulting sample was divided based on group richness. To quantify the effects of rings and the role of local density environment on galaxy properties, we constructed a suitable control sample for each catalog of ringed galaxies, consisting of non-ringed galaxies with similar values for the z, magnitude, morphology, group masses, and environmental density distributions as those of ringed ones. We explored the occurrence of ringed galaxies in poor and rich groups and analyzed several galaxy properties, such as SFR, stellar populations, and colors. Results. We obtained a sample of 637 ringed galaxies residing in groups. With 76% of these galaxies inhabiting poor groups and 24% rich groups. In addition, ringed galaxies in groups display a reduction in their star formation activity and aged stellar populations, compared to non-ringed ones in the control samples. However, the SFR is higher for nuclear rings in poor groups than for other types. This disparity may stem from the environmental influence on the internal processes of galaxies, either enhancing or diminishing star formation. Ringed galaxies also show an excess of red colors and tend to populate the green valley and the red sequence of color-magnitude and color-color diagrams, with a surplus of galaxies in the red sequence, while non-ringed galaxies are found in the green valley and the blue region. These trends are more significant in galaxies with ringed structures residing in rich groups.

Samuel Skirvin, Tom Van Doorsselaere

15 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

Context. Structuring in the solar atmosphere, in the form of inhomogeneities transverse to the magnetic field, is believed to play a vital role in wave propagation, conversion, and absorption. Aims. We investigated the effect of transverse structuring on the processes of mode conversion and wave energy flux absorption using a 3D ideal magnetohydrodynamic simulation featuring an expanding coronal loop in a gravitationally stratified atmosphere. Methods. Multiple wave drivers were modelled. The location of the driver at the photospheric base was allowed to vary so that we could study how the driven waves interact with the transverse structuring, provided by the magnetic field, as well as with the vertical structuring due to gravity. Results. We find that the transverse structuring acts as a conduit for Alfv\'en wave energy flux through the transition region and into the solar corona. Moreover, in regions of strong transverse gradients, the reflection of Alfv\'en waves at the transition region is greatly reduced, supporting results from recent studies. Finally, we investigated the efficiency of the loop structuring at absorbing energy flux from externally driven waves and find that the loop is extremely effective at channelling wave energy flux to the loop apex in the corona; in some cases, it can absorb over a third of the externally driven wave energy flux. Conclusions. These results may have important consequences in the context of decayless loop oscillations as they suggest that the oscillations are driven by acoustic waves outside of the existing loop structure.

Aaron J. Monson, Mihalis Mathioudakis, Adam F. Kowalski

21 pages, 10 figures. Accepted in ApJ

During solar flares, spectral lines formed in the photosphere have been shown to exhibit changes to their profiles despite the challenges of energy transfer to these depths. Recent work has shown that deep-forming spectral lines are subject to significant contributions from regions above the photosphere throughout the flaring period, resulting in a composite emergent intensity profile from multiple layers of the atmosphere. We employ radiative-hydrodynamic and radiative transfer calculations to simulate the response of the solar/stellar atmosphere to electron beam heating and synthesize spectral lines of Fe I to investigate the line-of-sight velocity fields information available from Doppler shifts of the emergent intensity profile. By utilizing the contribution function to deconstruct the line profile shape into its constituent sources, we show that variations in the line profiles are primarily caused by changes in the chromosphere. Up-flows in this region were found to create blueshifts or "false" redshifts in the line core dependent on the relative contribution of the chromosphere compared to the photosphere. In extreme solar and stellar flare scenarios featuring explosive chromospheric condensations, red-shifted transient components can dominate the temporal evolution of the profile shape, requiring a tertiary component consideration to fully characterize. We conclude that deep-forming lines require a multi-component understanding and treatment, with different regions of the spectral line being useful for probing individual regions of the atmosphere's velocity flows.

Paola Marziani, Alberto Floris, Alice Deconto-Machado, Swayamtrupta Panda, Marzena Śniegowska, Karla Garnica, Deborah Dultzin, Mauro D'Onofrio, Ascensión Del Olmo, Edi Bon, Nataša Bon

Submitted to Physics

The 4D Eigenvector 1 sequence has proven to be a highly effective tool for organizing observational and physical properties of type 1 active galactic nuclei (AGN). In this paper, we present multiple measurements of metallicity for the broad line region gas, from new or previously published data. We demonstrate a consistent trend along the optical plane of the E1 (also known as the quasar main sequence), defined by the line width of H$\beta$ and by a parameter measuring the prominence of singly-ionized iron emission. The trend involves an increase from sub-solar metallicity in correspondence with extreme Population B (weak FeII emission, large H$\beta$ FWHM) to metallicity several tens the solar value in correspondence with extreme Population A (very strong FeII optical emission, narrower H$\beta$ profiles). The data establish the metallicity as a correlate of the 4D E1/main sequence. If the very high metallicity gas ($Z \gtrsim 10 Z_\odot$) is expelled from the sphere of influence of the central black hole, as indicated by the widespread evidence of nuclear outflows and disk wind in the case of sources radiating at high Eddington ratio, then it is possible that the outflows from quasars played a role in chemically enriching the host galaxy.

Hiromichi Okon, Randall K. Smith, Adrien picquenot, Adam R. Foster

12 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in ApJ

Recent X-ray studies of starburst galaxies have found that Charge eXchange (CX) commonly occurs between the outflowing hot plasma and cold gas, possibly from swept-up clouds. However, the total CX flux and the regions where CX occurs have been poorly understood. We present an analysis of the {\it XMM-Newton} observations of M82, a prototype starburst galaxy, aiming to investigate these key properties of the CX emisssion. We have used a blind source separation method in the image analysis with the CCD data which identified a component with the enhanced O-K lines expected from the CX process. Analyzing the RGS spectra from the region identified by the image analysis, we have detected a high forbidden-to-resonance ratio in the \ion{O}{7} He$\alpha$ triplet as well as several emission lines from K-shell transitions of C, N, and O enhanced in the CX process. The CX is less responsible for the emission line of Ne and Mg and the accurate estimation of the CX contribution is confirmed to be crucial in measuring chemical abundances. The temperature of the plasma as electron receiver in the CX process is significantly lower compared to that of the plasma components responsible for most of the X-rays. From the low temperature and an estimation of the CX emitting volume, we find that the CX primarily occurs in a limited region at the interface of the plasma and gas whose temperature rapidly decreases due to thermal conduction.

Sumner Starrfield, Maitrayee Bose, Christian Iliadis, W. Raphael Hix, Charles E. Woodward, R. Mark Wagner

50 pages, 15 figures, 9 Tables accepted to the Astrophysical Journal This article is a follow on to Starrfield et al. ApJ, 895, 70, 2020 [ arXiv:1910.00575 ]. In that paper we presented simulations for CO novae in this paper we consider ONe novae. The outline is the same but in this case we consider evolution to accretion induced collapse instead of SN Ia explosions

We report on studies of Classical Nova (CN) explosions where we follow the evolution of thermonuclear runaways (TNRs) on oxygen-neon (ONe) white dwarfs (WDs). Using NOVA, a one-dimensional hydrodynamic computer code, we accrete Solar matter until the TNR is ongoing and then switch to a mixed composition. This approach is guided by the results of multi-dimensional studies of TNRs in WDs which find that sufficient mixing with WD core material occurs after the TNR is well underway, and levels of enrichment of the CNONeMg elements are reached that agree with observations of CN ejecta abundances. Because the amount of accreted material is inversely proportional to the oxygen abundance, by first accreting Solar matter, the amount of accreted material is larger than in those simulations with an initially enriched composition. We vary the mass of the WD (from 0.6 Msun to 1.35 Msun) and the composition of the mixed materials. Our results show large enrichments of 7Be in the ejected gases implying that ONe CNe and CO CNe (Starrfield et al. 2020) may be responsible for a significant fraction (about 100 Msun) of the galactic 7Li ( about 1000 Msun). The production of 22Na and 26Al in CN explosions and the gamma-ray emission predicted by our simulations is discussed. The WDs in all our simulations eject less material than they accrete and we predict that the WD is growing in mass as a consequence of the CN outburst. ONe CNe, therefore, may be an important channel for accretion induced collapse (AIC) events.

Tomoaki Oyama, Takumi Nagayama, Aya Yamauchi, Daisuke Sakai, Hiroshi Imai, Mareki Honma, Yu Asakura, Kazuhiro Hada, Yoshiaki Hagiwara, Tomoya Hirota, Takaaki Jike, Yusuke Kono, Syunsaku Suzuki, Hideyuki Kobayashi, Noriyuki Kawaguchi

15 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan

We successfully measured the trigonometric parallax of Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) to be $117\pm17$ micro-arcseconds ($\mu$as) using the VLBI Exploration of Radio Astrometry (VERA) with the newly developed broad-band signal-processing system named OCTAVE-DAS. The measured parallax corresponds to a Galactocentric distance at the Sun of $R_0 = 8.5^{+1.5}_{-1.1}$ kpc. By combining the astrometric results with VERA and the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) over a monitoring period of 25 years, the proper motion of Sgr A* is obtained to be $(\mu_\alpha, \mu_\delta) = (-3.133\pm0.003, -5.575\pm0.005)$ mas yr$^{-1}$ in equatorial coordinates, corresponding to $(\mu_l, \mu_b) = (-6.391\pm0.005, -0.230\pm0.004)$ mas yr$^{-1}$ in Galactic coordinates. This gives an angular orbital velocity of the Sun of $\Omega_\odot = 30.30 \pm 0.02$ km s$^{-1}$ kpc$^{-1}$. We find upper limits to the core wander, $\Delta \theta < 0.20$ mas (1.6 AU), peculiar motion, $\Delta \mu < 0.10$ mas yr$^{-1}$ (3.7 km s$^{-1}$), and acceleration, $a < 2.6$ $\mu$as yr$^{-2}$ (0.10 km s$^{-1}$ yr$^{-1}$) for Sgr A*. Thus, we obtained upper mass limits of $\approx$ 3 $\times$ 10$^{4}$$M_{\odot}$ and $\approx$ 3 $\times$ 10$^{3}$$M_{\odot}$ for the supposed intermediate-mass black holes at 0.1 and 0.01 pc from the Galactic center, respectively.

George Alestas, Gonzalo Morras, Takahiro S. Yamamoto, Juan Garcia-Bellido, Sachiko Kuroyanagi, Savvas Nesseris

11 pages, 6 figures

The search for subsolar mass primordial black holes (PBHs) poses a challenging problem due to the low signal-to-noise ratio, extended signal duration, and computational cost demands, compared to solar mass binary black hole events. In this paper, we explore the possibility of investigating the mass range between subsolar and planetary masses, which is not accessible using standard matched filtering and continuous wave searches. We propose a systematic approach employing the Viterbi algorithm, a dynamic programming algorithm that identifies the most likely sequence of hidden Markov states given a sequence of observations, to detect signals from small mass PBH binaries. We formulate the methodology, provide the optimal length for short-time Fourier transforms, and estimate sensitivity. Subsequently, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the Viterbi algorithm in identifying signals within mock data containing Gaussian noise. Our approach offers the primary advantage of being agnostic and computationally efficient.

Jesús A. Toalá

10 pages, 9 Figures, 2 appendices; accepted for publication in MNRAS

X-ray-emitting symbiotic stars exhibit a variety of spectral shapes classified as $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\gamma$, $\delta$ and $\beta$/$\delta$ types, which have been attributed to different phenomena such as thermonuclear burning on the surface of the white dwarf (WD) component, shocks between winds and jets with the red giant companion's extended atmosphere, the presence of heavily extinguished hot plasma from the inner region from an accretion disk and/or a combination of these. However, there is observational evidence that this classification scheme is not definite and, for example, some sources change from one type to another within months or years. In this work, it is proposed that a simple disk-like model can be used to explain the X-ray properties observed from reflection dominated symbiotic stars. For this purpose we use the Stellar Kinematics Including Radiative Transfer (SKIRT) code, which has been recently upgraded to include radiative transfer from X-ray photons. It is found that thee properties of the accretion disk (geometry and density) in combination with the viewing angle can be invoke to explain the spectral properties of $\beta$, $\delta$ and $\beta/\delta$ X-ray-emitting symbiotic stars. Spectral variations and type swaps observed for some X-ray-emitting sources can also be explained by variations in the disk properties.

Olivia Curtis, Bryanne McDonough, Tereasa G. Brainerd

36 pages, 13 figures

We investigate the properties of voids and void galaxies in the \texttt{TNG300} simulation. Using a luminous galaxy catalog and a spherical void finding algorithm, we identify 5,078 voids at redshift $z = 0$. Within the voids, mass does not directly trace light. Instead, the mean radial underdensity profile as defined by the locations of void galaxies is systematically lower than the mean radial underdensity profile as defined by the dark matter (i.e., the voids are more ``devoid'' of galaxies than they are of mass). Within the voids, the integrated underdensity profiles of the dark matter and the galaxies are independent of the local background density (i.e., voids-in-voids vs.\ voids-in-clouds). Beyond the void radii, however, the integrated underdensity profiles of both the dark matter and the galaxies exhibit strong dependencies on the local background density. Compared to non-void galaxies, void galaxies are on average younger, less massive, bluer in color, less metal enriched, and have smaller radii. In addition, the specific star formation rates of void galaxies are $\sim 20$\% higher than non-void galaxies and, in the case of galaxies with central supermassive black holes with $M_{\rm BH} \gtrsim 3\times 10^6 h^{-1} M_\odot$, the fraction of active void galaxies is $\sim 25$\% higher than active non-void galaxies.

S. Vitali, D. Slumstrup, P. Jofré, L. Casamiquela, H. Korhonen, S. Blanco-Cuaresma, M.L. Winther, V.Aguirre Børsen-Koch

19 pages, 14 figures + Appendix (2 tables)

Given the massive spectroscopic surveys and the Gaia mission, the Milky Way has turned into a unique laboratory to be explored using abundance ratios that show a strong dependency with time. Within this framework, the data provided through asteroseismology serve as a valuable complement. Yet, it has been demonstrated that chemical traits can not be used as universal relations across the Galaxy. To complete this picture, it is important to investigate the dependence on metallicity of the chemical ratios employed for inferring stellar ages. We aim to explore different combinations of neutron-capture, odd-Z and $\alpha$ elements as a function of age, particularly focusing on their metallicity dependence for a sample of 74 giant field stars. Using UVES observations, we derive atmospheric parameters and high-precision line by line chemical abundances (<0.04 dex) for the entire set of spectra. Stellar ages are inferred from astereoseismic information. By fitting chemical-age trends for three different metallicity groups, we estimated their dependence on metallicity. We found that the stronger chemical-age relations ([Zr/$\alpha$]) are not necessarily the ratios with the smaller dependence on metallicity ([Ce/$\alpha$] and [Ce/Eu]). We confirm the [n-capture/$\alpha$]-age trends for evolved stars, wherein the most significant correlation is evident in stars with solar-metallicity, gradually diminishing in stars with lower iron content. The lack of homogeneity within the metallicity range highlights the intricate nature of our Galaxy's star formation history and yield production. Metallicity dependence in s-process element yields and the impact of radial stellar migration challenge the reliability of using chemical abundances alone to date stars. These discoveries raise doubts about universally valid chemical clocks applicable across the entire Galaxy and its diverse metallicity ranges.

Asteroid 2016 HO3, a small asteroid (<60 m) in super fast rotation state (~28 min), and is the target of China's Tianwen-2 asteroid sample-return mission. In this work, we investigate its structural stability using an advanced soft-sphere-discrete-element-model code, DEMBody, which is integrated with bonded-aggregate models to simulate highly irregular boulders. The asteroid body is numerically constructed by tens of thousands particles, and then is slowly spin up until structural failure. Rubble piles with different morphologies, grain size distributions and structures are investigated. We find a 2016 HO3 shaped granular asteroid would undergo tensile failure at higher cohesive strengths as opposed to shear failure in lower strengths, regardless of its shape and constituent grain size ratio. Such a failure mode transition is consistent with the priority between the Maximum Tensile Stress criterion criterion and the Drucker-Prager criterion. Therefore, previous works that solely considered the Drucker-Prager failure criterion have underestimated the minimal cohesion strength required for fast-rotating asteroids. We predict that the high spin rate of asteroid 2016 HO3 requires a surface cohesion over ~1 Pa and a bulk cohesion over ~10-20 Pa. Through comparing these strength conditions with the latest data from asteroid missions, we suggest a higher likelihood of a monolithic structure over a typical rubble pile structure. However, the possibility of the latter cannot be completely ruled out. In addition, the asteroid's surface could retain a loose regolith layer globally or only near its poles, which could be the target for sampling of Tianwen-2 mission.

Dilda Berdikhan., Jarken Esimbek., Christian Henkel., Jianjun Zhou., Xindi Tang., Tie Liu., Gang Wu., Dalei Li., Yuxin He., Toktarkhan Komesh., Kadirya Tursun., Dongdong Zhou., Ernar Imanaly., Qaynar Jandaolet

29 pages, 13 figures

Single-pointing observations of NH$_3$ (1,1) and (2,2) were conducted towards 672 Planck Early Release Cold Cores (ECCs) using the Nanshan 26-m radio telescope. Out of these sources, a detection rate of 37% (249 cores) was achieved, with NH$_3$(1,1) hyperfine structure detected in 187 and NH$_3$(2,2) emission lines detected in 76 cores. The detection rate of NH3 is positively correlated with the continuum emission fluxes at a frequency of 857 GHz. Among the observed 672 cores, ~22% have associated stellar and IR objects within the beam size (~2$\arcmin$). This suggests that most of the cores in our sample may be starless. The kinetic temperatures of the cores range from 8.9 to 20.7 K, with an average of 12.3 K, indicating a coupling between gas and dust temperatures. The ammonia column densities range from 0.36 to 6.07$\times10^{15}$ cm$^{-2}$, with a median value of 2.04$\times10^{15}$ cm$^{-2}$. The fractional abundances of ammonia range from 0.3 to 9.7$\times10^{-7}$, with an average of 2.7 $\times10^{-7}$, which is one order of magnitude larger than that of Massive Star-Forming (MSF) regions and Infrared Dark Clouds (IRDCs). The correlation between thermal and non-thermal velocity dispersion of the NH$_3$(1,1) inversion transition indicates the dominance of supersonic non-thermal motions in the dense gas traced by NH$_3$, and the relationship between these two parameters in Planck cold cores is weaker, with lower values observed for both parameters relative to other samples under our examination. The cumulative distribution shapes of line widths in the Planck cold cores closely resemble those of the dense cores found in regions of Cepheus, and Orion L1630 and L1641, with higher values compared to Ophiuchus. A comparison of NH3 line-center velocities with those of $^{13}$CO and C$^{18}$O shows small differences (0.13 and 0.12 km s$^{-1}$ ), suggesting quiescence on small scales.

Daichi Tsuna, Tatsuya Matsumoto, Samantha C. Wu, Jim Fuller

17 pages, 5 Figures (main text). To be submitted early next week, comments welcome

A fraction of core-collapse supernovae (SNe) with signs of interaction with a dense circumstellar matter are preceded by bright precursor emission. While the precursors are likely caused by a mass ejection before core-collapse, their mechanism to power energetic bursts, sometimes reaching $10^{48}$--$10^{49}\ {\rm erg}$ that are larger than the binding energies of red supergiant envelopes, is still under debate. Remarkably, such a huge energy-deposition should result in an almost complete envelope ejection and hence a strong sign of interaction, but the observed SNe with precursors show in fact typical properties among the interacting SNe. More generally, the observed luminosity of $10^{40-42}\,\rm erg\,s^{-1}$ is shown to be challenging for a single SN progenitor. To resolve these tensions, we propose a scenario where the progenitor is in a binary system with a compact object (CO), and an outburst from the star leads to a super-Eddington accretion onto the CO. We show that for sufficiently short separations, outbursts with moderate initial kinetic energies of $10^{46}$--$10^{47}$ erg can be energized by the accreting CO so that their radiative output can be consistent with the observed precursors. We discuss the implications of our model in relation to CO binaries detectable with Gaia and gravitational wave detectors.

David Cao, Peter Plavchan, Michael Summers

submitted to AAS journals, feedback welcome, 12 pages, 3 figures

Panspermia is the hypothesis that life originated on Earth from the bombardment of foreign interstellar ejecta harboring polyextremophile microorganisms. Since the 2017 discovery of the comet-like body 'Oumuamua (1I/2017 U1) by the Pans-STARRS telescope, various studies have re-examined panspermia based on updated number density models that accommodate for 'Oumuamua's properties. By utilizing 'Oumuamua's properties as an anchor, we estimate the mass and number density of ejecta in the ISM (rho_m [kg au^-3] and rho_n [au^-3]). We build upon prior work by first accounting for the minimum ejecta size to shield microbes from supernova radiation. Second, we estimate the total number of impact events C_n on Earth after its formation and prior to the emergence of life (~0.8Gyr). We derive a conditional probability relation for the likelihood of panspermia for Earth specifically of <10^-5, given a number of factors including f_B, the fraction of ejecta harboring extremophiles and other factors that are poorly constrained. However, we find that panspermia is a plausible potential life-seeding mechanism for (optimistically) up to ~10^5 of the ~10^9 Earth-sized habitable zone worlds in our Galaxy.

Øyvind Christiansen, Julian Adamek, Farbod Hassani, David F. Mota

10 pages, 3 figures. Supplementary material and videos may be found this https URL The code is available this https URL

For most of cosmic history, the evolution of our Universe has been governed by the physics of a 'dark sector', consisting of dark matter and dark energy, whose properties are only understood in a schematic way. The influence of these constituents is mediated exclusively by the force of gravity, meaning that insight into their nature must be gleaned from gravitational phenomena. The advent of gravitational-wave astronomy has revolutionised the field of black hole astrophysics, and opens a new window of discovery for cosmological sources. Relevant examples include topological defects, such as domain walls or cosmic strings, which are remnants of a phase transition. Here we present the first simulations of cosmic structure formation in which the dynamics of the dark sector introduces domain walls as a source of stochastic gravitational waves in the late Universe. We study in detail how the spectrum of gravitational waves is affected by the properties of the model, and extrapolate the results to scales relevant to the recent evidence for a stochastic gravitational wave background. Our relativistic implementation of the field dynamics paves the way for optimal use of the next generation of gravitational experiments to unravel the dark sector.

Øyvind Christiansen, Farbod Hassani, David F. Mota

28 pages, 27 figures. Supplementary material and videos may be found this https URL The code is available this https URL

The symmetron is a dark energy and dark matter candidate that forms topological defects in the late-time universe and holds promise to resolve some of the cosmological tensions. We perform high resolution simulations of the dynamical and non-linear (a)symmetron using the recently developed relativistic N-body code asevolution. By extensively testing the temporal and spatial convergence of domain decompositioning and domain wall stability, we find criteria and physical intuition for the convergence. We apply the resolution criteria to run five high resolution, $1280^3$ grids and 500 Mpc/h boxsize, simulations of the (a)symmetron and consider the behaviour of the scalar field and the domain walls in each scenario. We find the effect on the matter power spectra, the halo mass function and observables computed over the past lightcone of an observer such as the integrated Sachs-Wolfe and non-linear Rees-Sciama effect (ISW-RS) and the lensing, compared to LCDM. We show local oscillations of the fifth force strength and the formation of planar structures in the density field. The dynamics of the field is visualised in animations with high resolution in time. The simulation code is made publicly available.

Daniele Perri, Kyrilo Bondarenko, Michele Doro, Takeshi Kobayashi

19 pages, 5 figures

We provide a comprehensive analysis of the acceleration of magnetic monopoles in intergalactic magnetic fields. We demonstrate that monopoles with intermediate to low masses can be accelerated to relativistic velocities. This can significantly affect direct and indirect searches for magnetic monopoles. As an example, we show that the Parker bound is relaxed in the presence of intergalactic fields. We also find that a cosmic population of monopoles can produce significant backreaction on the intergalactic fields.

Utilizing the bounds on primordial magnetic fields (PMFs), their contributions to secondary gravitational waves (GWs) and the results from the pulsar timing arrays (PTAs), we arrive at constraints on the epoch of reheating. We find that the combined spectral density of primary and secondary GWs (generated by the PMFs) can, in general, be described as a broken power law with five different indices. We show that the PMFs that have a blue tilt and satisfy the other observational constraints can generate secondary GWs of strengths suggested by the PTA data.

Adelina Bärligea, Philipp Hochstaffl, Franz Schreier

submitted to MDPI Special Issue "Applied Mathematics in Astrophysics and Space Science"

This paper presents a solution for efficiently and accurately solving separable least squares problems with multiple datasets. These problems involve determining linear parameters that are specific to each dataset while ensuring that the nonlinear parameters remain consistent across all datasets. A well-established approach for solving such problems is the variable projection algorithm introduced by Golub and LeVeque, which effectively reduces a separable problem to its nonlinear component. However, this algorithm assumes that the datasets have equal sizes and identical auxiliary model parameters. This article is motivated by a real-world remote sensing application where these assumptions do not apply. Consequently, we propose a generalized algorithm that extends the original theory to overcome these limitations. The new algorithm has been implemented and tested using both synthetic and real satellite data for atmospheric carbon dioxide retrievals. It has also been compared to conventional state-of-the-art solvers, and its advantages are thoroughly discussed. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms all other methods in terms of computation time, while maintaining comparable accuracy and stability. Hence, this novel method can have a positive impact on future applications in remote sensing and could be valuable for other scientific fitting problems with similar properties.