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Papers for Tuesday, Jan 09 2024

Papers with local authors

R. D. Strauss, N. Dresing, N. E. Engelbrecht, J. G. Mitchell, P. Kühl, S. Jensen, S. Fleth, B. Sánchez-Cano, A. Posner, J.S Rankin, C. O. Lee, J.P. van den Berg, S.E.S. Ferreira, B. Heber

Accepted for publication in ApJ

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Paper 1 — arXiv:2401.02969
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Paper 1 — arXiv:2401.02969

In this paper we explore the idea of using multi-spacecraft observations of Jovian electrons to measure the 3D distribution of these particles in the inner heliosphere. We present simulations of Jovian electron intensities along selected spacecraft trajectories for 2021 and compare these, admittedly qualitatively, to these measurements. Using the data-model comparison we emphasize how such a study can be used to constrain the transport parameters in the inner heliosphere, and how this can lead to additional insight into energetic particle transport. Model results are also shown along the expected trajectories of selected spacecraft, including the off-ecliptic phase of the Solar Orbiter mission from 2025 onward. Lastly, we revisit the use of historical data and discuss upcoming missions that may contribute to Jovian electron measurements.

Paul A. Dalba, Stephen R. Kane, Howard Isaacson, Benjamin Fulton, Andrew W. Howard, Edward W. Schwieterman, Daniel P. Thorngren, Jonathan Fortney, Noah Vowell, Corey Beard, Sarah Blunt, Casey L. Brinkman, Ashley Chontos, Fei Dai, Steven Giacalone, Michelle L. Hill, Molly Kosiarek, Jack Lubin, Andrew W. Mayo, Teo Mocnik, Joseph M. Akana Murphy, Erik A. Petigura, Malena Rice, Ryan A. Rubenzahl, Judah Van Zandt, Lauren M. Weiss, Diana Dragomir, David Kipping, Matthew J. Payne, Arpita Roy, Alex Teachey, Steven Villanueva Jr

35 pages, 24 figures, 11 tables. Accepted for publication in ApJ Supplement

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Paper 5 — arXiv:2401.03021
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Paper 5 — arXiv:2401.03021

Discovering and characterizing exoplanets at the outer edge of the transit method's sensitivity has proven challenging owing to geometric biases and the practical difficulties associated with acquiring long observational baselines. Nonetheless, a sample of giant exoplanets on orbits longer than 100 days has been identified by transit hunting missions. We present long-term Doppler spectroscopy for 11 such systems with observation baselines spanning a few years to a decade. We model these radial velocity observations jointly with transit photometry to provide initial characterizations of these objects and the systems in which they exist. Specifically, we make new precise mass measurements for four long-period giant exoplanets (Kepler-111 c, Kepler-553 c, Kepler-849 b, and PH-2 b), we place new upper limits on mass for four others (Kepler-421 b, KOI-1431.01, Kepler-1513 b, and Kepler-952 b), and we show that several "confirmed" planets are in fact not planetary at all. We present these findings to complement similar efforts focused on closer-in short-period giant planets, and with the hope of inspiring future dedicated studies of cool giant exoplanets.

All other papers

Luca Del Zanna, Simone Landi, Lorenzo Serafini, Matteo Bugli, Emanuele Papini

Accepted for publication on Fluids, MDPI, 17 pages

The numerical study of relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) plays a crucial role in high-energy astrophysics, but unfortunately is computationally demanding, given the complex physics involved (high Lorentz factor flows, extreme magnetization, curved spacetimes near compact objects) and the large variety of spatial scales needed to resolve turbulent motions. A great benefit comes from the porting of existing codes running on standard processors to GPU-based platforms. However, this usually requires a drastic rewriting of the original code, the use of specific languages like CUDA, and a complex analysis of data management and optimization of parallel processes. Here we describe the porting of the ECHO code for special and general relativistic MHD to accelerated devices, simply based on native Fortran language built-in constructs, especially 'do concurrent' loops, few OpenACC directives, and the straightforward data management provided by the Unified Memory option of NVIDIA compilers.Thanks to these very minor modifications to the original code, the new version of ECHO runs at least 16 times faster on GPU platforms compared to CPU-based ones. The chosen benchmark is the 3D propagation of a relativistic MHD Alfv\'en wave, for which strong and weak scaling tests performed on the LEONARDO pre-exascale supercomputer at CINECA are provided (using up to 256 nodes corresponding to 1024 GPUs, and over 14 billion cells). Finally, an example of high-resolution relativistic MHD Alfv\'enic turbulence simulation is shown, demonstrating the potential for astrophysical plasmas of the new GPU-based version of ECHO.

Charles J. Law, Myriam Benisty, Stefano Facchini, Richard Teague, Jaehan Bae, Andrea Isella, Inga Kamp, Karin I. Öberg, Bayron Portilla-Revelo, Luna Rampinelli

24 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

PDS 70 hosts two massive, still-accreting planets and the inclined orientation of its protoplanetary disk presents a unique opportunity to directly probe the vertical gas structure of a planet-hosting disk. Here, we use high-spatial-resolution (${\approx}$0."1;10 au) observations in a set of CO isotopologue lines and HCO$^+$ J=4-3 to map the full 2D $(r,z)$ disk structure from the disk atmosphere, as traced by $^{12}$CO, to closer to the midplane, as probed by less abundant isotopologues and HCO$^+$. In the PDS 70 disk, $^{12}$CO traces a height of $z/r\approx0.3$, $^{13}$CO is found at $z/r\approx0.1$, and C$^{18}$O originates at, or near, the midplane. The HCO$^+$ surface arises from $z/r\approx0.2$ and is one of the few non-CO emission surfaces constrained with high fidelity in disks to date. In the $^{12}$CO J=3-2 line, we resolve a vertical dip and steep rise in height at the cavity wall, making PDS 70 the first transition disk where this effect is directly seen in line emitting heights. In the outer disk, the CO emission heights of PDS 70 appear typical for its stellar mass and disk size and are not substantially altered by the two inner embedded planets. By combining CO isotopologue and HCO$^+$ lines, we derive the 2D gas temperature structure and estimate a midplane CO snowline of ${\approx}$56-85 au. This implies that both PDS 70b and 70c are located interior to the CO snowline and are likely accreting gas with a high C/O ratio of ${\approx}$1.0, which provides context for future planetary atmospheric measurements from, e.g., JWST, and for properly modeling their formation histories.

Missagh Mehdipour, Gerard A. Kriss, Jelle S. Kaastra, Elisa Costantini, Liyi Gu, Hermine Landt, Junjie Mao, Daniele Rogantini

Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal (ApJ), 9 pages, 5 figures

Multi-wavelength spectroscopy of NGC 5548 revealed remarkable changes due to presence of an obscuring wind from the accretion disk. This broadened our understanding of obscuration and outflows in AGN. Swift monitoring of NGC 5548 shows that over the last 10 years the obscuration has gradually declined. This provides a valuable opportunity for analyses that have not been feasible before because of too much obscuration. The lowered obscuration, together with the high energy spectral coverage of Chandra HETG, facilitate the first study of X-ray absorption lines in the obscured state. The comparison of the lines (Mg XI, Mg XII, Si XIII, and Si XIV) between the new and historical spectra reveals interesting changes, most notably the He-like absorption being significantly diminished in 2022. Our study finds that the changes are caused by an increase in both the ionization parameter and the column density of the warm-absorber outflow in the obscured state. This is contrary to the shielding scenario that is evident in the appearance of the UV lines, where the inner obscuring wind shields outflows that are located further out, thus lowering their ionization. The X-ray absorption lines in the HETG spectra appear to be unaffected by the obscuration. The results suggest that the shielding is complex since various components of the ionized outflow are impacted differently. We explore various possibilities for the variability behavior of the X-ray absorption lines and find that the orbital motion of a clumpy ionized outflow traversing our line of sight is the most likely explanation.

C. Di Cesare, M. Ginolfi, L. Graziani, R. Schneider, M. Romano, G. Popping

20 pages, 14 figure, 2 tables. Submitted to A&A, comments welcome

Galaxies evolve through a dynamic exchange of material with their immediate surrounding environment, the circumgalactic medium (CGM). Understanding the physics of gas flows and the nature of the CGM is thus fundamental to studying galaxy evolution, especially at $4 \leq z \leq 6$ when galaxies rapidly assembled their masses and reached their chemical maturity. Galactic outflows are predicted to enrich the CGM with metals, although gas stripping in systems undergoing a major merger has also been suggested to play a role. In this work, we explore the metal enrichment of the medium around merging galaxies at $z\sim4.5$, observed by the ALMA Large Program to INvestigate [CII] at Early times (ALPINE) survey. To do so, we study the nature of the [CII]158 $\mu$m emission in the CGM around these systems, using simulations to help disentangle the mechanisms contributing to the CGM metal pollution. By adopting an updated classification of major merger systems in the ALPINE survey, we select and analyse merging galaxies whose components can be spatially and/or spectrally resolved in a robust way. In this way, we can distinguish between the [CII] emission coming from the single components of the system and that coming from the system as a whole. We also make use of the dustyGadget cosmological simulation to select synthetic analogues of observed galaxies and guide the interpretation of the observational results. We find a large diffuse [CII] envelope (> 20 kpc) embedding all the merging systems, with around 50% of the total [CII] emission coming from the medium between the galaxies. Using predictions from dustyGadget we suggest that this emission has a two-fold nature: it is due to both dynamical interactions between the galaxies which result in tidal stripped gas and the presence of star-forming satellites (currently unresolved by ALMA) that enrich the medium with heavy elements.

H. R. Russell, P. E. J. Nulsen, A. C. Fabian, T. E. Braben, W. N. Brandt, L. Clews, M. McDonald, C. S. Reynolds, J. S. Sanders, S. Veilleux

16 pages, 14 figures, accepted to MNRAS

H1821+643 is the nearest quasar hosted by a galaxy cluster. The energy output by the quasar, in the form of intense radiation and radio jets, is captured by the surrounding hot atmosphere. Here we present a new deep Chandra observation of H1821+643 and extract the hot gas properties into the region where Compton cooling by the quasar radiation is expected to dominate. Using detailed simulations to subtract the quasar light, we show that the soft-band surface brightness of the hot atmosphere increases rapidly by a factor of ~ 30 within the central ~ 10 kpc. The gas temperature drops precipitously to < 0.4 keV and the density increases by over an order of magnitude. The remarkably low metallicity here is likely due to photo-ionization by the quasar emission. The variations in temperature and density are consistent with hydrostatic compression of the hot atmosphere. The extended soft-band peak cannot be explained by an undersubtraction of the quasar or scattered quasar light and is instead due to thermal ISM. The radiative cooling time of the gas falls to only 12 +/- 1 Myr, below the free fall time, and we resolve the sonic radius. H1821+643 is therefore embedded in a cooling flow with a mass deposition rate of up to 3000 Msolar/yr. Multi-wavelength observations probing the star formation rate and cold gas mass are consistent with a cooling flow. We show that the cooling flow extends to much larger radii than can be explained by Compton cooling. Instead, the AGN appears to be underheating the core of this cluster.

Rajeshwari Dutta, Ana Acebron, Michele Fumagalli, Claudio Grillo, Gabriel B. Caminha, Matteo Fossati

9 pages + appendix, 8 figures, accepted in MNRAS

We present a tomographic analysis of metal absorption lines arising from the circumgalactic medium (CGM) of galaxies at z~0.5-2, using Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) observations of two background quasars at z~2.2 and 2.8, which are two of the few currently known quasars with multiple images due to strong gravitational lensing by galaxy clusters at z~0.6 and 0.5, respectively. The angular separations between different pairs of quasar multiple images enable us to probe the absorption over transverse physical separations of ~0.4-150 kpc, which are based on strong lensing models exploiting MUSE observations. The fractional difference in rest-frame equivalent width (Delta Wr) of MgII, FeII, CIV absorption increases on average with physical separation, indicating that the metal-enriched gaseous structures become less coherent with distance, with a likely coherence length scale of ~10 kpc. However, Delta Wr for all the ions vary considerably over ~0.08-0.9, indicating a clumpy CGM over the full range of length scales probed. At the same time, paired MgII absorption is detected across ~100-150 kpc at similar line-of-sight velocities, which could be probing cool gas clouds within the same halo. No significant dependence of Delta Wr is found on the equivalent width and redshift of the absorbing gas and on the galaxy environment associated with the absorption. The high-ionization gas phase traced by CIV shows a higher degree of coherence than the low-ionization gas phase traced by MgII, with ~90 percent of CIV systems exhibiting Delta Wr <=0.5 at separations <=10 kpc compared to ~50 percent of MgII systems.

Walter W. Golay, Robert L. Mutel, Evan E. Abbuhl

21 pages, 5 figures, submitted to the ApJ

We report multi-epoch astrometric VLBI observations of the chromospherically active binary HR 1099 (V711 Tau, HD 22468) at six epochs over 63 days using the Very Long Baseline Array at 22.2 GHz. We determined hourly radio centroid positions at each epoch with a positional uncertainty significantly smaller than the component separation. The aggregate radio positions at all epochs define an ellipse in the co-moving reference frame with an inclination $i=39.5^{+3.6}_{-3.5}$ degr and longitude of ascending node $\Omega=212\pm22$ degr. The ellipse center is offset from the Third Gaia Celestial Reference Frame position by $\Delta\alpha=-0.81^{+0.25}_{-0.37}$ mas, $\Delta\delta=0.45^{+0.23}_{-0.25}$ mas. All radio centroids are well-displaced from the binary center of mass at all epochs, ruling out emission from the inter-binary region. We examined the motion of the radio centroids within each epoch by comparing hourly positions over several hours. The measured speeds were not statistically significant for five of the six epochs, with $2\sigma$ upper limits in the range 200--1000 km sec$^{-1}$. However, for one flaring epoch, there was a $\sim3\sigma$ detection $v_{\perp}=228\pm85$ km sec$^{-1}$. This speed is comparable to the mean speed of observed coronal mass ejections on the Sun.

Erika Benítez, Castalia Alenka Negrete, Héctor Ibarra-Medel, Irene Cruz-González, José Miguel Rodríguez-Espinosa

Accepted for publication at Universe MDPI.14 pages, 6 figures

In this work, we present multi-epoch optical spectra of the Seyfert 1.9 galaxy Mrk 883. Data were obtained with the Gran Telescopio Canarias and the \emph{MEGARA} Integral Field Unit mode, archival data from the SDSS-IV MaNGA Survey and the SDSS-I Legacy Survey, and~new spectroscopic observations obtained at San Pedro M\'artir Observatory. We report the appearance of the broad component of Hb, emission line, showing a maximum FWHM $\sim$ 5927 $\pm$\, 481\,km\,s$^{-1}$ in the MaNGA spectra, finding evidence for a change from Seyfert 1.9 (23 June 2003) to Seyfert 1.8 (18 May 2018). The~observed changing-look variation from Sy1.9 to Sy1.8 has a timescale $\Delta$t\,$\sim$15~y. In~addition, we observe profile and flux broad emission line variability from 2018 to 2023, and a wind component in [OIII]5007~\AA, with~a maximum FWHM = 1758 $\pm$ 178 km\,s$^{-1}$, detected on 15 April 2023. In all epochs, variability of the broad lines was found to be disconnected from the optical continuum emission, which shows little or no variations. These results suggest that an ionized-driven wind in the polar direction could be a possible scenario to explain the observed changing-look variations.

Caleb K. Harada, Courtney D. Dressing, Stephen R. Kane, Bahareh Adami Ardestani

33 pages, 15 figures, 4 tables, submitted to AAS Journals. Data available at this https URL

The Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics 2020 (Astro2020) has recommended that NASA realize a large IR/O/UV space telescope optimized for high-contrast imaging and spectroscopy of ~25 exo-Earths and transformative general astrophysics. The NASA Exoplanet Exploration Program (ExEP) has subsequently released a list of 164 nearby (d<25 pc) targets deemed the most accessible to survey for potentially habitable exoplanets with the Habitable Worlds Observatory (HWO). We present a catalog of system properties for the 164 ExEP targets, including 1744 abundance measurements for 14 elements from the Hypatia Catalog and 924 photometry measurements spanning from 151.6 nm to 22 {\mu}m in the GALEX, Str\"omgren, Tycho, Gaia, 2MASS, and WISE bandpasses. We independently derive stellar properties for these systems by modeling their spectral energy distributions with Bayesian model averaging. Furthermore, we identify TESS flare rates for 44 stars, optical variability for 78 stars, and X-ray emission for 41 stars in our sample from the literature. We discuss our catalog in the context of planet habitability and draw attention to key gaps in our knowledge where precursor science can help to inform HWO mission design trade studies in the near future. Notably, only 33 of the 164 stars in our sample have reliable space-based UV measurements, and only 40 have a mid-IR measurement. We also find that phosphorus, a bio-essential element, has only been measured in 11 of these stars, motivating future abundance surveys. Our catalog is publicly available and we advocate for its use in forthcoming studies of promising HWO targets.

Tatiana M. Rodriguez, Emmanuel Momjian, Peter Hofner, Anuj P. Sarma, Esteban D. Araya

12 pages, 6 figures, ApJ accepted

We present Very Large Array (VLA) 1.3 cm continuum and 22.2 GHz H$_2$O maser observations of the high-mass protostellar object IRAS 19035+0641 A. Our observations unveil an elongated bipolar 1.3 cm continuum structure at scales $\lesssim500\,$au which, together with a rising in-band spectral index, strongly suggests that the radio emission toward IRAS 19035+0641 A arises from an ionized jet. In addition, eight individual water maser spots well aligned with the jet axis were identified. The Stokes V spectrum of the brightest H$_2$O maser line ($\sim100\,$Jy) shows a possible Zeeman splitting and is well represented by the derivatives of two Gaussian components fitted to the Stokes I profile. The measured $B_{\mathrm{los}}$ are $123\,(\pm27)$ and $156\,(\pm8)\,$mG, translating to a pre-shock magnetic field of $\approx7\,$mG. Subsequent observations to confirm the Zeeman splitting showed intense variability in all the water maser spots, with the brightest maser completely disappearing. The observed variability in a one-year time scale could be the result of an accretion event. These findings strengthen our interpretation of IRAS 19035+0641 A as a high-mass protostar in an early accretion/outflow evolutionary phase.

Ehsan (Sam) Gharib-Nezhad, Natasha E. Batalha, Katy Chubb, Richard Freedman, Iouli E. Gordon, Robert R. Gamache, Robert J. Hargreaves, Nikole K. Lewis, Jonathan Tennyson, Sergei N. Yurchenko

13 pages, 6 figures

When computing cross-sections from a line list, the result depends not only on the line strength, but also the line shape, pressure-broadening parameters, and line wing cut-off (i.e., the maximum distance calculated from each line centre). Pressure-broadening can be described using the Lorentz lineshape, but it is known to not represent the true absorption in the far wings. Both theory and experiment have shown that far from the line centre, non-Lorentzian behaviour controls the shape of the wings and the Lorentz lineshape fails to accurately characterize the absorption, leading to an underestimation or overestimation of the opacity continuum depending on the molecular species involved. The line wing cut-off is an often overlooked parameter when calculating absorption cross sections, but can have a significant effect on the appearance of the spectrum since it dictates the extent of the line wing that contributes to the calculation either side of every line centre. Therefore, when used to analyse exoplanet and brown dwarf spectra, an inaccurate choice for the line wing cut-off can result in errors in the opacity continuum, which propagate into the modeled transit spectra, and ultimately impact/bias the interpretation of observational spectra, and the derived composition and thermal structure. Here, we examine the different methods commonly utilized to calculate the wing cut-off and propose a standard practice procedure (i.e., absolute value of 25~cm$^{-1}$ for $P\leqslant$~200~bar and 100~cm$^{-1}$ for $P >$ ~200~bar) to generate molecular opacities which will be used by the open-access {\tt MAESTRO} (Molecules and Atoms in Exoplanet Science: Tools and Resources for Opacities) database. The pressing need for new measurements and theoretical studies of the far-wings is highlighted.

Mitsuki Omura, Kazuki Tokuda, Masahiro N. Machida

20 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal

We present molecular line observations of the protostellar outflow associated with HH270mms1 in the Orion B molecular cloud with ALMA. The 12CO(J = 3 - 2) emissions show that the outflow velocity structure consists of four distinct components of low ($\gtrsim$ 10 km s-1), intermediate (~ 10 - 25 km s-1) and high ($\gtrsim$ 40 km s-1) velocities in addition to the entrained gas velocity (~ 25 - 40 km s-1). The high- and intermediate-velocity flows have well-collimated structures surrounded by the low-velocity flow. The chain of knots is embedded in the high-velocity flow or jet, which is the evidence of episodic mass ejections induced by time-variable mass accretion. We could detect the velocity gradients perpendicular to the outflow axis in both the low- and intermediate-velocity flows. We confirmed the rotation of the envelope and disk in the 13CO and C17O emission and found that their velocity gradients are the same as those of the outflow. Thus, we concluded that the velocity gradients in the low- and intermediate-velocity flows are due to the outflow rotation. Using observational outflow properties, we estimated the outflow launching radii to be 67.1 - 77.1 au for the low-velocity flow and 13.3 - 20.8 au for the intermediate-velocity flow. Although we could not detect the rotation in the jets due to the limited spatial resolution, we estimated the jet launching radii to be (2.36 - 3.14) x 10^-2 au using the observed velocity of each knots. Thus, the jet is driven from the inner disk region. We could identify the launching radii of distinct velocity components within a single outflow with all the prototypical characteristics expected from recent theoretical works.

Brent M. Smith (1), Rogier A. Windhorst (1), Harry Teplitz (2), Matthew Hayes (3), Marc Rafelski (4, 5), Mark Dickinson (6), Vihang Mehta (7), Nimish P. Hathi (4), John MacKenty (4), L. Y. Aaron Yung (8), Anton M. Koekemoer (4), Emmaris Soto (9), Christopher J. Conselice (10), Ray A. Lucas (4), Xin Wang (11, 12, 13), Keunho J. Kim (14), Anahita Alavi (7), Norman A. Grogin (4), Ben Sunnquist (4), Laura Prichard (4), Rolf A. Jansen (1), the UVCANDELS team ((1) ASU/SESE, Tempe, AZ, USA, (2) Euclid/IPAC, Pasadena, CA, USA, (3) Stockholm U., Stockholm, Sweden, (4) STScI, Baltimore, MD, USA, (5) JHU, Baltimore, MD, USA, (6) NOIRLab, Tucson, AZ, USA, (7) IPAC 314-6, Pasadena, CA, USA, (8) NASA Goddard, Greenbelt, MD, USA, (9) Comp. Phys., Inc., Springfield, VA, USA, (10) U. Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK, (11) UCAS, Beijing, China, (12) BNU, Beijing, China, (13) CAS, Beijing, China, (14) IPAC, Pasadena, CA, USA)

21 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal

We present the results of our search for Lyman continuum (LyC) emitting AGN at redshifts 2.3$\lesssim$z$\lesssim$4.9 from HST WFC3 F275W observations in the UVCANDELS fields. We also include LyC emission from AGN using HST WFC3 F225W, F275W, and F336W found in the ERS and HDUV data. We performed exhaustive queries of the Vizier database to locate AGN with high quality spectroscopic redshifts. In total, we found 51 AGN that met our criteria within the UVCANDELS and ERS footprints. Of these 51, we find 12 AGN had $\geq$4$\sigma$ detected LyC flux in the WFC3/UVIS images. Using space- and ground-based data from X-ray to radio, we fit the multi-wavelength photometric data of each AGN to a CIGALE SED and correlate various SED parameters to the LyC flux. KS-tests of the SED parameter distributions for the LyC-detected and non-detected AGN showed they are likely not distinct samples. However, we find that X-ray luminosity, star-formation onset age, and disk luminosity show strong correlations relative to their emitted LyC flux. We also find strong correlation of the LyC flux to several dust parameters, i.e., polar and toroidal dust emission, 6 $\mu m$ luminosity, and anti-correlation with metallicity and $A_{FUV}$. We simulate the LyC escape fraction ($f_{esc}$) using the CIGALE and IGM transmission models for the LyC-detected AGN and find an average $f_{esc}$$\simeq$18%, weighted by uncertainties. We stack the LyC flux of subsamples of AGN according to the wavelength continuum region in which they are detected and find no significant distinctions in their LyC emission, although our $sub-mm\ detected$ F336W sample shows the brightest stacked LyC flux. These findings indicate that LyC-production and -escape in AGN is more complicated than the simple assumption of thermal emission and a 100% escape fraction. Further testing of AGN models with larger samples than presented here is needed.

Ariel Mégevand, Federico Agustín Membiela

34 pages, 8 figures

We study the dynamics of a cosmological bubble wall beyond the approximation of an infinitely thin wall. In a previous paper, we discussed the range of validity of this approximation and estimated the first-order corrections due to the finite width. Here, we introduce a systematic method to obtain the wall equation of motion and its profile at each order in the wall width. We discuss in detail the next-to-next-to-leading-order terms. We use the results to treat the growth of spherical bubbles and the evolution of small deformations of planar walls.

Kumail Zaidi, Danilo Marchesini, Casey Papovich, Jacqueline Antwi-Danso, Mario Nonino, Marianna Annunziatella, Gabriel Brammer, Karl Glazebrook, Kartheik Iyer, Ivo Labbé, Z. Cemile Marsan, Adam Muzzin, David A. Wake

25 pages, 18 figures, submitted to ApJ

We present the construction of a deep multi-wavelength PSF-matched photometric catalog in the UDS field following the final UDS DR11 release. The catalog includes photometry in 24 filters, from the MegaCam-uS (0.38 microns) band to the Spitzer-IRAC (8 microns) band, over 0.9 sq. deg. and with a 5-sigma depth of 25.3 AB in the K-band detection image. The catalog, containing approximately 188,564 (136,235) galaxies at 0.2 < z < 8.0 with stellar mass > 10$^{8}$ solar masses and K-band total magnitude K < 25.2 (24.3) AB, enables a range of extragalactic studies. We also provide photometric redshifts, corresponding redshift probability distributions, and rest-frame absolute magnitudes and colors derived using the template-fitting code eazy-py. Photometric redshift errors are less than 3 to 4 percent at z < 4 across the full brightness range in K-band and stellar mass range 10$^{8}$-10$^{12}$ solar masses. Stellar population properties (e.g., stellar mass, star-formation rate, dust extinction) are derived from the modeling of the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) using the codes FAST and Dense Basis.

Jiachen Jiang, William Baker, Andrew Young, Luigi Gallo

10 pages, 10 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

We present an analysis of the XMM-Newton observation of luminous infrared merging galaxies Arp 302 and a joint re-analysis of its Chandra observation. In particular, we focus on the more significant X-ray emitter of the pair, Arp 302N. Chandra detects significant soft X-ray emission from the hot gas in the star-forming region of Arp 302N spreading up to 12 kpc. We estimate the star-formation rate of Arp 302N to be around 1-2 $M_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$ based on the X-ray luminosity of the star-forming region, similar to previous measurements at longer wavelengths. Chandra and XMM-Newton observations show evidence of a Si XIII emission line with 86% confidence. Our best-fit model infers a super-solar silicon abundance in the star-forming region, likely related to the past core-collapse supernovae in this galaxy. Similar silicon overabundance was reported in the circumstellar medium of core-collapse supernova remnants in our Galaxy. We also detect narrow Fe K$\alpha$ and Fe K$\beta$ (98.6% confidence) emission lines as part of the AGN emission. Our best-fit spectral model using Mytorus indicates the evidence of a heavily obscured power-law emission with $N_{\rm H}>3\times10^{24}$ cm$^{-2}$ in addition to a weak, unobscured power-law emission. The scattering fraction of the unobscured power-law emission from Compton-thin materials is 0.7%. All these spectral features suggest evidence of a Seyfert 2-like AGN in Arp 302N. The X-ray measurement of its AGN activity is consistent with the previous Spitzer measurement of the same object.

Vineet Rawat (1 and 2), M. R. Samal (1), D. L. Walker (3), D.K. Ojha (4), A. Tej (5), A. Zavagno (6 and 7), C.P. Zhang (8 and 9), Davide Elia (10), S. Dutta (11), J. Jose (12), C. Eswaraiah (12), E. Sharma (1) ((1) Physical Research Laboratory, (2) Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, (3) Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, (4) Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, (5) Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), (6) Aix-Marseille Universite, (7) Institut Universitaire de France, (8) National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, (9) Guizhou Radio Astronomical Observatory, Guizhou University, (10) Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali, (11) Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica, (12) Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Tirupati)

21 pages, 20 figures

Filamentary flows toward the centre of molecular clouds have been recognized as a crucial process in the formation and evolution of stellar clusters. In this paper, we present a comprehensive observational study that investigates the gas properties and kinematics of the Giant Molecular Cloud G148.24+00.41 using the observations of CO (1-0) isotopologues. We find that the cloud is massive (10$^5$ M$_\odot$) and is one of the most massive clouds of the outer Galaxy. We identified six likely velocity coherent filaments in the cloud having length, width, and mass in the range of 14$-$38 pc, 2.5$-$4.2 pc, and (1.3$-$6.9) $\times$ 10$^3$ M$_\odot$, respectively. We find that the filaments are converging towards the central area of the cloud, and the longitudinal accretion flows along the filaments are in the range of $\sim$ 26$-$264 M$_\odot$ Myr$^{-1}$. The cloud has fragmented into 7 clumps having mass in the range of $\sim$ 260$-$2100 M$_\odot$ and average size around $\sim$ 1.4 pc, out of which the most massive clump is located at the hub of the filamentary structures, near the geometric centre of the cloud. Three filaments are found to be directly connected to the massive clump and transferring matter at a rate of $\sim$ 675 M$_\odot$ Myr$^{-1}$. The clump hosts a near-infrared cluster. Our results show that large-scale filamentary accretion flows towards the central region of the collapsing cloud is an important mechanism for supplying the matter necessary to form the central high-mass clump and subsequent stellar cluster.

Angela Adamo, Larry D. Bradley, Eros Vanzella, Adélaïde Claeyssens, Brian Welch, Jose M Diego, Guillaume Mahler, Masamune Oguri, Keren Sharon, Abdurro'uf, Tiger Yu-Yang Hsiao, Matteo Messa, Erik Zackrisson, Gabriel Brammer, Dan Coe, Vasily Kokorev, Massimo Ricotti, Adi Zitrin, Seiji Fujimoto, Akio K. Inoue, Tom Resseguier, Jane R. Rigby, Yolanda Jiménez-Teja, Rogier A. Windhorst, Xinfeng Xu

submitted. Comments welcome

Young galaxies, potentially responsible for the last major phase-transition of the Universe, appear brighter than expected and go through rapid bursty phases where copious amounts of ionizing radiation and feedback are produced. However, the stellar components of the majority of these reionization--era galaxies remain spatially unresolved. In this letter, we report the direct discovery of young massive star clusters in the strongly lensed galaxy SPT0615-JD1 (dubbed the Cosmic Gems arc) at redshift $z\sim10.2_{-0.2}^{+0.2}$ when the universe was $\sim 460$ Myr old. Recently observed with JWST/NIRCam imaging, the Cosmic Gems arc stretches over 5\arcsec\, (Bradley in prep.) revealing 5 individual massive young star clusters with lensing-corrected sizes of $\sim$1 pc, located in a region smaller than 70 pc. These Cosmic Gems produce $\sim60$ % of the FUV light of the host, and have very low dust attenuation (A$_V<$0.5 mag) and metallicity ($\sim$ 5% solar), intrinsic masses of $\sim10^6$ M$_{\odot}$, and ages younger than 35 Myr. Their stellar surface densities are around $10^5$~M$_{\odot}$/pc$^2$, three orders of magnitude higher than typical star clusters in the local universe. Despite the uncertainties inherent to the lensing model, their dynamical ages are consistent with being gravitationally bound stellar systems that could potentially evolve into globular clusters. They would be the earliest known proto-globular clusters, formed less than 500 Myr after the Big Bang. This discovery opens a new window into the physical processes that take place in reionization-era bursty galaxies, showing that star cluster formation and clustered stellar feedback might play an important role for reionization.

G. E. Nikishev, N. A. Maslennikova, A. M. Tatarnikov, K. Yu. Parusov, A. A. Belinski

14 pages, 10 figures; accepted for publication in the Moscow University Physics Bulletin (2024)

The results of modeling the dependence of the red leak of photometric filters on various factors (color index V-R, luminosity class, interstellar reddening, airmass and PWV) during observations of stars are presented. The error arising from not taking into account the red leak in the case of filters used on the 0.6-m telescope of the CMO SAI can amount to 0.6-0.8 mag for late stars. Algorithms for reducing observational data are presented for filters U and B. The results of observations of the rapid variability of two symbiotic stars CH Cyg and SU Lyn with cold components of very late spectral types are presented. For CH Cyg, rapid variability was detected on both observation dates. Taking into account the red leak effect, the amplitude in the B band was 0.10 mag on November 6, 2019 and 0.19 mag on December 15, 2022, with a characteristic variability time of about 20 minutes. For SU Lyn, no rapid brightness variability was detected in the B band on February 2, 2023 (with an accuracy of 0.003 mag).

Chengxing Zhai, Michael Shao, Navtej Saini, Philip Choi, Nez Evans, Russell Trahan, Kutay Nazli, Max Zhan

50 pages, 19 figures

Synthetic tracking (ST) has emerged as a potent technique for observing fast-moving near-Earth objects (NEOs), offering enhanced detection sensitivity and astrometric accuracy by avoiding trailing loss. This approach also empowers small telescopes to use prolonged integration times to achieve high sensitivity for NEO surveys and follow-up observations. In this study, we present the outcomes of ST observations conducted with Pomona College's 1 m telescope at the Table Mountain Facility and JPL's robotic telescopes at the Sierra Remote Observatory. The results showcase astrometric accuracy statistics comparable to stellar astrometry, irrespective of an object's rate of motion, and the capability to detect faint asteroids beyond 20.5th magnitude using 11-inch telescopes. Furthermore, we detail the technical aspects of data processing, including the correction of differential chromatic refraction in the atmosphere and accurate timing for image stacking, which contribute to achieving precise astrometry. We also provide compelling examples that showcase the robustness of ST even when asteroids closely approach stars or bright satellites cause disturbances. Moreover, we illustrate the proficiency of ST in recovering NEO candidates with highly uncertain ephemerides. As a glimpse of the potential of NEO surveys utilizing small robotic telescopes with ST, we present significant statistics from our NEO survey conducted for testing purposes. These findings underscore the promise and effectiveness of ST as a powerful tool for observing fast-moving NEOs, offering valuable insights into their trajectories and characteristics. Overall, the adoption of ST stands to revolutionize fast-moving NEO observations for planetary defense and studying these celestial bodies.

Mai Liao, Junxian Wang, Jialai Kang, Xiaofeng Li, Minhua Zhou

7 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, accepted by MNRAS

Compact radio AGN are thought to be young radio active galactic nuclei (AGN) at the early stage of AGN evolution, thus are ideal laboratory to study the high-energy emission throughout the evolution of radio AGN. In this work, we report for the first time the detection of the high-energy cutoff ($E_{\rm cut}$), a direct indicator of thermal coronal radiation, of X-ray emission in Mrk 348 ($z$ = 0.015), a young radio galaxy classified as compact symmetric object. With a 100 ks NuSTAR exposure, we find that the high-energy cutoff ($E_{\rm cut}$ ) is firmly detected ($218^{+124}_{-62}$ keV). Fitting with various Comptonization models indicates the presence of a hot corona with temperature $kT_{\rm e}$ = 35 -- 40 keV. These strongly support the corona origin for its hard X-ray emission. The comparison in the $E_{\rm cut}$ -- spectra index $\Gamma$ plot of Mrk 348 with normal large-scale radio galaxies (mostly FR II) yields no difference between them. This suggests the corona properties in radio sources may not evolve over time (i.e., from the infant stage to mature stage), which is to-be-confirmed with future sample studies of young radio AGN.

Austen Fourkas, Dary Ruiz-Rodriguez, Lee G. Mundy, Jonathan P. Williams

26 pages, 24 figures, accepted to MNRAS

We present Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) Cycle-5 observations of HBC 494, as well as calculations of the kinematic and dynamic variables which represent the object's wide-angle bipolar outflows. HBC 494 is a binary FU Orionis type object located in the Orion A molecular cloud. We take advantage of combining the ALMA main array, Atacama Compact Array (ACA), and Total Power (TP) array in order to map HBC 494's outflows and thus, estimate their kinematic parameters with higher accuracy in comparison to prior publications. We use $^{12}$CO, $^{13}$CO, C$^{18}$O and SO observations to describe the object's outflows, envelope, and disc, as well as estimate the mass, momentum, and kinetic energy of the outflows. After correcting for optical opacity near systemic velocities, we estimate a mass of $3.0\times10^{-2}$ M$_{\odot}$ for the southern outflow and $2.8\times10^{-2}$ M$_{\odot}$ for the northern outflow. We report the first detection of a secondary outflow cavity located approximately $15$" north of the central binary system, which could be a remnant of a previous large-scale accretion outburst. Furthermore, we find CO spatial features in HBC 494's outflows corresponding to position angles of $\sim35^{\circ}$ and $\sim145^{\circ}$. This suggests that HBC 494's outflows are most likely a composite of overlapping outflows from two different sources, i.e., HBC 494a and HBC 494b, the two objects in the binary system.

Supergiant fast X-ray transients are wind-fed binaries hosting neutron star accretors, which display a peculiar variability in the X-ray domain. Different models have been proposed to explain this variability and the strength of the compact object magnetic field is generally considered a key parameter to discriminate among possible scenarios. We present here the analysis of two simultaneous observational campaigns carried out with Swift and NuSTAR targeting the supergiant fast X-ray transient sources AX J1841.0-0536 and SAX J1818.6-1703. A detailed spectral analysis is presented for both sources, with the main goal of hunting for cyclotron resonant scattering features that can provide a direct measurement of the neutron star magnetic field intensity. AX J1841.0-0536 was caught during the observational campaign at a relatively low flux. The source broad-band spectrum was featureless and could be well described by using a combination of a hot blackbody and a power-law component with no measurable cut-off energy. In the case of SAX J1818.6-1703, the broad-band spectrum presented a relatively complex curvature which could be described by an absorbed cut-off power-law (including both a cut-off and a folding energy) and featured a prominent edge at $\sim$7 keV, compatible with being associated to the presence of a "screen" of neutral material partly obscuring the X-ray source. The fit to the broad-band spectrum also required the addition of a moderately broad ($\sim$1.6 keV) feature centered at $\sim$14 keV. If interpreted as a cyclotron resonant scattering feature, our results would indicate for SAX J1818.6-1703 a relatively low magnetized neutron star ($\sim$1.2$\times$10$^{12}$ G).

Edoardo Giangrandi, Afonso Ávila, Violetta Sagun, Oleksii Ivanytskyi, Constança Providência

21 pages, 9 figures

We investigate the impact of asymmetric fermionic dark matter (DM) on the thermal evolution of neutron stars (NSs), considering a scenario where DM interacts with baryonic matter (BM) through gravity. Employing the two-fluid formalism, our analysis reveals that DM accrued within the NS core exerts an inward gravitational pull on the outer layers composed of BM. This gravitational interaction results in a noticeable increase in baryonic density within the core of the NS. Consequently, it strongly affects the star's thermal evolution by triggering an early onset of the direct Urca (DU) processes, causing an enhanced neutrino emission and rapid star cooling. Moreover, the photon emission from the star's surface is modified due to a reduction of radius. We demonstrate the effect of DM gravitational pull on nucleonic and hyperonic DU processes that become kinematically allowed even for NSs of low mass. We then discuss the significance of observing NSs at various distances from the Galactic center. Given that the DM distribution peaks toward the Galactic center, NSs within this central region are expected to harbor higher fractions of DM, potentially leading to distinct cooling behaviors.

Olivier Berné, Marie-Aline Martin-Drumel, Ilane Schroetter, Javier R. Goicoechea, Ugo Jacovella, Bérenger Gans, Emmanuel Dartois, Laurent Coudert, Edwin Bergin, Felipe Alarcon, Jan Cami, Evelyne Roueff, John H. Black, Oskar Asvany, Emilie Habart, Els Peeters, Amelie Canin, Boris Trahin, Christine Joblin, Stephan Schlemmer, Sven Thorwirth, Jose Cernicharo, Maryvonne Gerin, Alexander Tielens, Marion Zannese, Alain Abergel, Jeronimo Bernard-Salas, Christiaan Boersma, Emeric Bron, Ryan Chown, Sara Cuadrado, Daniel Dicken, Meriem Elyajouri, Asunción Fuente, Karl D. Gordon, Lina Issa, Olga Kannavou, Baria Khan, Ozan Lacinbala, David Languignon, Romane Le Gal, Alexandros Maragkoudakis, Raphael Meshaka, Yoko Okada, Takashi Onaka, Sofia Pasquini, Marc W. Pound, Massimo Robberto, Markus Röllig, et al. (7 additional authors not shown)

Published in Nature

Forty years ago it was proposed that gas phase organic chemistry in the interstellar medium was initiated by the methyl cation CH3+, but hitherto it has not been observed outside the Solar System. Alternative routes involving processes on grain surfaces have been invoked. Here we report JWST observations of CH3+ in a protoplanetary disk in the Orion star forming region. We find that gas-phase organic chemistry is activated by UV irradiation.

V. S. Lukin (1), E. Khomenko (2, 3), B. Popescu Braileanu (4) ( (1) US National Science Foundation, Alexandria, VA, USA, (2) Instituto de Astrofısica de Canarias, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, (3) Departamento de Astrofısica, Universidad de La Laguna, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, (4) Centre for mathematical Plasma Astrophysics, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium )

This study explores non-linear development of the magnetized Rayleigh-Taylor instability (RTI) in a prominence-corona transition region. Using a two-fluid model of a partially ionized plasma, we compare RTI simulations for several different magnetic field configurations. We follow prior descriptions of the numerical prominence model [Popescu Braileanu et al., 2021a,b, 2023] and explore the charged-neutral fluid coupling and plasma heating in a two-dimensional mixing layer for different magnetic field configurations. We also investigate how the shear in magnetic field surrounding a prominence may impact the release of the gravitational potential energy of the prominence material. We show that the flow decoupling is strongest in the plane normal to the direction of the magnetic field, where neutral pressure gradients drive ion-neutral drifts and frictional heating is balanced by adiabatic cooling of the expanding prominence material. We also show that magnetic field within the mixing plane can lead to faster non-linear release of the gravitational energy driving the RTI, while more efficiently heating the plasma via viscous dissipation of associated plasma flows. We relate the computational results to potential observables by highlighting how integrating over under-resolved two-fluid sub-structure may lead to misinterpretation of observational data.

Florian Wolf, Florian List, Nicholas L. Rodd, Oliver Hahn

8 pages, 1 figure, NeurIPS 2023, Accepted at NeurIPS 2023 ML4PS workshop

Astronomical observations typically provide three-dimensional maps, encoding the distribution of the observed flux in (1) the two angles of the celestial sphere and (2) energy/frequency. An important task regarding such maps is to statistically characterize populations of point sources too dim to be individually detected. As the properties of a single dim source will be poorly constrained, instead one commonly studies the population as a whole, inferring a source-count distribution (SCD) that describes the number density of sources as a function of their brightness. Statistical and machine learning methods for recovering SCDs exist; however, they typically entirely neglect spectral information associated with the energy distribution of the flux. We present a deep learning framework able to jointly reconstruct the spectra of different emission components and the SCD of point-source populations. In a proof-of-concept example, we show that our method accurately extracts even complex-shaped spectra and SCDs from simulated maps.

Jessica Tymczak

18 pages, 7 figures, 11 tables, 2 appendices

We present a theoretical analysis of an innovative combination of a nuclear thermal and electromagnetic (EM) thruster. Specifically, we scrutinize the thermodynamics involved in integrating a nuclear thermal reactor with an expansion turbine. This configuration facilitates the generation of substantial electrical power, which is then utilized to power an EM thruster (similar to an afterburner). This process results in a notable increase in the ISP from 900 to 1200 without the necessity for thermal radiators. Furthermore, by incorporating thermal radiators, the ISP can be further increased to approximately 4000. This enhancement allows for a significant reduction in transit time to destinations such as Mars and the outer and inner planets. We provide several examples to illustrate the potential applications of this innovative propulsion system.

Yuting Liu, Shuo Cao, Xiaogang Zheng, Marek Biesiada, Jianyong Jiang, Tonghua Liu

9 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. Comments are welcome!

The $Omh^2(z_i,z_j)$ two point diagnostics was proposed as a litmus test of $\Lambda$CDM model and measurements of cosmic expansion rate $H(z)$ have been extensively used to perform this test. The results obtained so far suggested a tension between observations and predictions of the $\Lambda$CDM model. However, the dataset of $H(z)$ direct measurements from cosmic chronometers and BAO was quite limited. This motivated us to study the performance of this test on a larger sample obtained in an alternative way. In this Letter, we propose that gravitational wave (GW) standard sirens could provide large samples of $H(z)$ measurements in the redshift range of $0<z<5$, based on the measurements of dipole anisotropy of luminosity distance arising from the matter inhomogeneities of large-scale structure and the local motion of observer. We discuss the effectiveness of our method in the context of the future generation space-borne DECi-herz Interferometer Gravitaional-wave Observatory (DECIGO), based on a comprehensive $H(z)$ simulated data set from binary neutron star merger systems. Our result indicate that in the GW domain, the $Omh^2(z_i,z_j)$ two point diagnostics could effectively distinguish whether $\Lambda$CDM is the best description of our Universe. We also discuss the potential of our methodology in determining possible evidence for dark energy evolution, focusing on its performance on the constant and redshift-dependent dark energy equation of state.

Yang Peng, Zhike Xue, Zhongquan Qu, Jincheng Wang, Zhe Xu, Liheng Yang, Yian Zhou

The relationship between the decay of sunspots and moving magnetic features (MMFs) plays an important role in understanding the evolution of active regions. We present observations of two adjacent sunspots, the gap between them, and a lot of MMFs propagating from the gap and the sunspots' outer edges in NOAA Active Region 13023. The MMFs are divided into two types based on their magnetic field inclination angle: vertical (0{\deg}<{\gamma}<45{\deg}) and horizontal (45{\deg}<{\gamma}<90{\deg}) MMFs (V-MMFs and H-MMFs, respectively). The main results are as follows: (1) the mean magnetic flux decay rates of the two sunspots are -1.7*10^20 and -1.4*10^20 Mx/day; (2) the magnetic flux generation rate of all MMFs is calculated to be -1.9 *10^21 Mx/day, which is on average 5.6 times higher than the total magnetic flux loss rate of the sunspots; (3) the magnetic flux of V-MMFs (including a pore separated from the sunspots) is 1.4 times larger than the total lost magnetic flux of the two sunspots, and in a later stage when the pore has passed through the reference ellipse, the magnetic flux generation rate of the V-MMFs is almost the same as the magnetic flux loss rate of the sunspots; and (4) within the gap, the magnetic flux of V-MMFs is one third of the total magnetic flux. Few V-MMFs stream out from the sunspots at the nongap region. All observations suggest that MMFs with vertical magnetic fields are closely related to the disintegration of the sunspot, and most of the MMFs from the gap may originate directly from the sunspot umbra.

Ying Yang, Tonghua Liu, Jiayuan Huang, Xiaolan Cheng, Marek Biesiada, Shu-min Wu

11 pages, 5 figures

The different spatial curvatures of the universe affect the measurement of cosmological distances, which may also contribute to explaining the observed dimming of type Ia supernovae. This phenomenon may be caused by the opacity of the universe. Similarly, the opacity of the universe can lead to a bias in our measurements of curvature. Thus, it is necessary to measure cosmic curvature and opacity simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a new model-independent method to simultaneously measure the cosmic curvature and opacity by using the latest observations of HII galaxies acting as standard candles and the latest Hubble parameter observations. The machine learning method-Artificial Neural Network is adopted to reconstruct observed Hubble parameter $H(z)$ observations. Our results support a slightly opaque and flat universe at $1\sigma$ confidence level by using previous 156 HII regions sample. However, the negative curvature is obtained by using the latest 181 HII regions sample in the redshift range $z\sim 2.5$. More importantly, we obtain the simultaneous measurements with precision on the cosmic opacity $\rm\Delta\tau\sim 10^{-2}$ and curvature $\rm\Delta\Omega_K\sim 10^{-1}$. A strong degeneracy between the cosmic opacity and curvature parameters is also revealed in this analysis.

Zi-Jian Li (CASSACA), Y. Sophia Dai (CASSACA), Jia-Sheng Huang (CASSACA), Stijn Wuyts (University of Bath), Tian-Wen Cao (XMU)

16 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ

We present a 24 um-selected spectroscopic sample z > 0.13 (median z = 0.41) in the Lockman Hole field, consisting of 4035 spectra. Our aim is to identify AGNs and determine their fraction in this mid-infrared selected sample. In this work, we use the [Ne V]3426 emission line to spectroscopically identify AGNs. Combined with broad-line Type I AGNs selected in our previous study, our sample consists of 887 (22%) spectroscopically confirmed AGNs. We perform a stacking analysis on the remaining spectra, and find that in various MIR-wedge-selected AGN candidates, the stacked spectra still show significant [Ne V]3426 emission, In contrast, no clear [Ne V]3426 signal is detected in non-AGN candidates falling outside the wedges. Assuming a range of AGN mid-IR SED slope of 0.3< alpha <0.7, and an average star-forming relation derived from 65 star-forming templates, we develop a robust method to separate the AGN and star-forming contributions to the mid-IR SEDs using the rest-frame L12 /L1.6 vs L4.5 /L1.6 diagram. We separate the objects into bins of L12 , and find that AGN fraction increases with increasing L12. We also find that the stacked [Ne V]3426 strength scales with L12 . The pure AGN luminosity at 12 um exhibits a positive correlation with the star formation rates, indicating possible co-evolution and common gas supply between the AGN and their host galaxies. Varying population properties across the redshift range explored contribute to the observed correlation.

Krishan Chand (ARIES)

Proceeding paper of the 3rd Belgo-Indian Network for Astronomy and Astrophysics (BINA) workshop. Accepted for publication in the Bulletin de la Soci\'et\'e Royale des Sciences de Li\`ege

Rapid intranight variability of continuum and polarization in blazars is a very useful tool to probe the beaming of a relativistic jet and the associated population of the relativistic particles. Such intranight variability in the rest-frame optical continuum has been carried out extensively, but there is a scarcity of such information in the rest-frame ultra-violet (UV), where the cause of variability might be due to {a} secondary population of relativistic particles. To fill this gap, recently in Chand et al. (2022) we reported for the first time intranight variability study of a sample of high-$z$ blazars so that the monitored optical radiation is their rest-frame UV radiation. Here we discuss in detail the implication of this investigation with a proper comparison of high-$z$ blazar samples with fractional optical polarization ($p_{opt}$) smaller and higher than 3\%. In this context, we also report intranight variability study of an additional high-$z$ blazar at $z$=2.347, namely J161942.38+525613.41, monitored over three sessions each with a duration of $\sim$5 hr. Our investigation does not reveal any compelling evidence for a stronger intranight variability of UV emission for high polarization blazars, in contrast to the blazars monitored in the rest-frame blue-optical. We also discuss this trend in light of the proposal that the synchrotron radiation of blazar jets in the UV/X-ray regime may arise from a relativistic particle population different from that radiating up to near-infrared/optical frequencies.

J. Varga, L. B. F. M. Waters, M. Hogerheijde, R. van Boekel, A. Matter, B. Lopez, K. Perraut, L. Chen, D. Nadella, S. Wolf, C. Dominik, Á. Kóspál, P. Ábrahám, J.-C. Augereau, P. Boley, G. Bourdarot, A. Caratti o Garatti, F. Cruz-Sáenz de Miera, W. C. Danchi, V. Gámez Rosas, Th. Henning, K.-H. Hofmann, M. Houllé, J. W. Isbell, W. Jaffe, T. Juhász, V. Kecskeméthy, J. Kobus, E. Kokoulina, L. Labadie, F. Lykou, F. Millour, A. Moór, N. Morujão, E. Pantin, D. Schertl, M. Scheuck, L. van Haastere, G. Weigelt, J. Woillez, P. Woitke, MATISSE, GRAVITY Collaborations

29 pages, 24 figures

Context. Rocky planets form by the concentration of solid particles in the inner few au regions of planet-forming disks. Their chemical composition reflects the materials in the disk available in the solid phase at the time the planets were forming. Aims. We aim to constrain the structure and dust composition of the inner disk of the young star HD 144432, using an extensive set of infrared interferometric data taken by the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI), combining PIONIER, GRAVITY, and MATISSE observations. Methods. We introduced a new physical disk model, TGMdust, to image the interferometric data, and to fit the disk structure and dust composition. We also performed equilibrium condensation calculations with GGchem. Results. Our best-fit model has three disk zones with ring-like structures at 0.15, 1.3, and 4.1 au. Assuming that the dark regions in the disk at ~0.9 au and at ~3 au are gaps opened by planets, we estimate the masses of the putative gap-opening planets to be around a Jupiter mass. We find evidence for an optically thin emission ($\tau<0.4$) from the inner two disk zones ($r<4$ au) at $\lambda>3\ \mu$m. Our silicate compositional fits confirm radial mineralogy gradients. To identify the dust component responsible for the infrared continuum emission, we explore two cases for the dust composition, one with a silicate+iron mixture and the other with a silicate+carbon one. We find that the iron-rich model provides a better fit to the spectral energy distribution. Conclusions. We propose that in the warm inner regions ($r<5$ au) of typical planet-forming disks, most if not all carbon is in the gas phase, while iron and iron sulfide grains are major constituents of the solid mixture along with forsterite and enstatite. Our analysis demonstrates the need for detailed studies of the dust in inner disks with new mid-infrared instruments such as MATISSE and JWST/MIRI.

Scott Hagen (1), Chris Done (1), Rick Edelson (2) ((1) Durham-CEA, (2) Eureka Scientific Inc.)

15 Pages, 10 Figures, 1 Appendix - Submitted to MNRAS (on 22 Dec. 2023)

Intensive broadband reverberation mapping (IBRM) campaigns have shown that AGN variability is significantly more complex than expected from disc reverberation of the variable X-ray illumination. The UV/optical variability is highly correlated and lagged, with longer lag at longer wavelength, but the timescale is longer than expected. More challenging though is that the UV/optical lightcurves are not well correlated with the X-rays which were meant to be driving them. Instead, we consider an intrinsically variable accretion disc, where mass accretion rate fluctuations propagate in through the flow, modulating the intrinsically faster X-ray variability from the central regions. We match our model to the parameters of Fairall 9, a well studied AGN with $L\sim 0.1L_{\mathrm{Edd}}$, where the spectrum is dominated by the UV/EUV rather than the X-rays. We show that intrinsic variability and propagation gives X-ray and UV/optical light-curves that are dominated by variability on two different time-scales, yet are correlated on long time-scales. We include reprocessing of the X-rays from the disc but this has negligible impact on the lightcurves for spectra where the EUV dominates the bolometric power. We also include reverberation of the total (EUV plux X-ray) variable spectrum off a wind. This results in a bound-free component which predominantly follows the slow variable EUV, but lagged and smoothed on the light-travel time. This spectrum is redder than the EUV disc emission, so it contributes more at longer wavelengths giving the apparent rise in lag time with wavelength from a constant lag component. We conclude that contrary to the original motivation for IBRM campaigns, AGN variability is likely driven by intrinsic fluctuations within the disc, not X-ray reprocessing, and that the observed lags are produced by the EUV illumination of the wind not the X-ray illumination of the disc.

Bruno Arsioli, Elena Orlando

21 pages, 8 figures, 2 animated data visualizations

The Sun is one of the most luminous gamma-ray sources in the sky and continues to challenge our understanding of its high-energy emission mechanisms. This study provides an in-depth investigation of the solar disk gamma-ray emission, using data from the Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT) spanning August 2008 to January 2022. We focus on gamma-ray events with energies exceeding 5 GeV, originating from 0.5$^{\circ}$ angular aperture centered on the Sun, and implement stringent time cuts to minimize potential sample contaminants. We use a helioprojection method to resolve the gamma-ray events relative to the solar rotation axes, and combine statistical tests to investigate the distribution of events over the solar disk. We found that integrating observations over large time windows may overlook relevant asymmetrical features, which we reveal in this work through a refined time-dependent morphological analysis. We describe significant anisotropic trends and confirm compelling evidence of energy-dependent asymmetry in the solar disk gamma-ray emission. Intriguingly, the asymmetric signature coincides with the Sun's polar field flip during the cycle 24 solar maximum, around June 2014. Our findings suggest that the Sun's magnetic configuration plays a significant role in shaping the resulting gamma-ray signature, highlighting a potential link between the observed anisotropies, solar cycle, and the solar magnetic fields. These insights pose substantial challenges to established emission models, prompting fresh perspectives on high-energy solar astrophysics.

Ying-Ying Gan (BIT), Hai-Ming Zhang (NJU), Xing Yang (GXU), Ying Gu (GXU), Jin Zhang (BIT)

19 Pages, 5 Figures, 4 Tables, Accepted by RAA

The $\gamma$-ray emitting compact symmetric objects (CSOs) PKS 1718--649, NGC 3894, and TXS 0128+554 are lobe-dominated in the radio emission. In order to investigate their $\gamma$-ray radiation properties, we analyze the $\sim$14-yr Fermi/LAT observation data of the three CSOs. They all show the low luminosity ($10^{41}-10^{43}$ erg s$^{-1}$) and no significant variability in the $\gamma$-ray band. Their $\gamma$-ray average spectra can be well fitted by a power-law function. These properties of $\gamma$-rays are clearly different from the $\gamma$-ray emitting CSOs CTD 135 and PKS 1413+135, for which the $\gamma$-rays are produced by a restarted aligned jet. In the $L_{\gamma}-\Gamma_{\gamma}$ plane, the three CSOs are also located at the region occupied by radio galaxies (RGs) while CTD 135 and PKS 1413+135 display the similar feature to blazars. Together with the similar radio emission property to $\gamma$-ray emitting RGs Cen A and Fornax A, we speculate that the $\gamma$-rays of the three CSOs stem from their extended mini-lobes. The broadband spectral energy distributions of the three CSOs can be well explained by the two-zone leptonic model, where their $\gamma$-rays are produced by the inverse Compton process of the relativistic electrons in extended region. By extrapolating the observed Fermi/LAT spectra to the very high energy band, we find that TXS 0128+554 among the three CSOs may be detected by the Cherenkov Telescope Array in future.

Shaohong Li, Yi Zheng, Ziyang Chen, Haojie Xu, Xiaohu Yang

25 pages, 14 figures, ApJS accepted

We report a $\sim5.2\sigma$ detection of the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ) effect in Fourier space, by combining the DESI galaxy groups and the Planck data. We use the density-weighted pairwise kSZ power spectrum as the summary statistic, and the detailed procedure of its measurement is presented in this paper. Meanwhile, we analyze the redshift space group density power spectrum to constrain its bias parameters and photo-z uncertainties. These best fitted parameters are substituted to a non-linear kSZ model, and we fit the measured kSZ power spectrum with this model to constrain the group optical depth $\bar{\tau}$. Selected by a varying lower mass threshold $M_{\rm th}$, the galaxy group catalogs with different median masses ($\tilde{M}$) are constructed from the DR9 data of the DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys. $\tilde{M}$ spans a wide range of $\sim10^{13}-10^{14}{\rm M}_\odot/h$ and the heaviest $\tilde{M}\sim10^{14} {\rm M}_\odot/h$ is larger than those of most other kSZ detections. When the aperture photometric filter radius $\theta_{\rm AP}$ is set to be $4.2$ arcmin, the $\tilde{M}=1.75\times10^{13}{\rm M}_\odot/h$ group sample at the median redshift $\tilde{z}=0.64$ has the highest kSZ detection ${\rm S/N}=5.2$. By fitting $\bar{\tau}$s from various samples against their $\tilde{M}$s, we obtain a linear $\log\bar{\tau}-\log \tilde{M}$ relation: $\log\bar{\tau} = \gamma(\log \tilde{M}-14)+\log\beta$, in which $\gamma=0.55\pm0.1$. We also vary the aperture photometric filter radius and measure the $\bar{\tau}$ profiles of group samples, whose constraints on the baryon distribution within and around dark matter halos will be discussed in a companion paper.

The baryonic feedback effect is an important systematic error in the weak lensing (WL) analysis. It contributes partly to the $S_8$ tension in the literature. With the next generations of large scale structure (LSS) and CMB experiments, the high signal-to-noise kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ) effect detection can tightly constrain the baryon distribution in and around dark matter halos, and quantify the baryonic effect in the weak lensing statistics. In this work, we apply the Fisher matrix technique to predict the future kSZ constraints on 3 kSZ-sensitive Baryon Correction Model (BCM) parameters. Our calculations show that, in combination with next generation LSS surveys, the 3rd generation CMB experiments such as AdvACT and Simon Observatory can constrain the matter power spectrum damping $S(k)$ to the precision of $\sigma_S(k)<0.8\%\sqrt{37.8{\rm Gpc}^3h^{-3}/V}$ at $k\lesssim 10h/$Mpc, where $V$ is the overlapped survey volume between the future LSS and CMB surveys. For the 4th generation CMB surveys such as CMB-S4 and CMB-HD, the constraint will be enhanced to $\sigma_S(k)<0.4\%\sqrt{37.8{\rm Gpc}^3h^{-3}/V}$. If extra-observations, e.g. X-ray detection and thermal SZ observation, can effectively fix the gas density profile slope parameter $\delta$, the constraint on $S(k)$ will be further boosted to $\sigma_S(k)<0.3\%\sqrt{37.8{\rm Gpc}^3h^{-3}/V}$ and $\sigma_S(k)<0.1\%\sqrt{37.8{\rm Gpc}^3h^{-3}/V}$ for the 3rd and 4th generation CMB surveys.

Maryna Ishchenko, Peter Berczik, Margarita Sobolenko

11 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables, accepted to the Astronomy & Astrophysics

The present epoch of the \textit{Gaia} success gives us a possibility to predict the dynamical evolution of our Solar System in the global Galactic framework with high precision. We statistically investigated the total interaction of globular clusters with the Solar System during six billion years of look-back time. We estimated the gravitational influence of globular clusters' flyby onto the Oort cloud system. To perform the realistic orbital dynamical evolution for each individual cluster, we used our own high-order parallel dynamical $N$ body $\varphi$-GPU code that we developed. To reconstruct the orbital trajectories of clusters, we used five external dynamical time variable galactic potentials selected from the IllustrisTNG-100 cosmological database and one static potential. To detect a cluster's close passages near the Solar System, we adopted a simple distance criteria of below 200~pc. To take into account a cluster's measurement errors (based on \textit{Gaia} DR3), we generated 1000 initial positions and velocity randomizations for each cluster in each potential. We found 35 globular clusters that have had close passages near the Sun in all the six potentials during the whole lifetime of the Solar System. We can conclude that at a relative distance of 50~pc between a GC and the SolS, we obtain on average $\sim 15$\% of the close passage probability over all six billion years, and at $dR=100$~pc, we get on average $\sim 35$\% of the close passage probability over all six billion years. The globular clusters BH~140, UKS~1, and Djorg~1 have a mean minimum relative distance to the Sun of 9, 19, and 17~pc, respectively. We can assume that a globular cluster with close passages near the Sun is not a frequent occurrence but also not an exceptional event in the Solar System's lifetime.

N. Gopalswamy, S. Akiyama, S. Yashiro, P. Makela, H. Xie

9 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, Proceedings of the Fifteenth Workshop Solar Influences on the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Atmosphere, June, 2023

Intense geomagnetic storms are characterized by a minimum value of the Dst index at or below -100 nT. It is well known that these storms are caused by the southward magnetic fields in coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and corotating interaction regions (CIRs). While CIR storms are confined to Dst values at or above -150 nT, CME storms can reach Dst -500 nT or lower. In this report, we illustrate the need to understand the storm evolution based on solar source and solar wind parameters using a recent storm (2023 April 24) by way of providing the motivation to catalog such events for a better understanding of the main phase time structure of geomagnetic storms

Steve Mairs, Seonjae Lee, Doug Johnstone, Colton Broughton, Jeong-Eun Lee, Gregory J. Herczeg, Graham S. Bell, Zhiwei Chen, Carlos Contreras-Peña, Logan Francis, Jennifer Hatchell, Mi-Ryang Kim, Sheng-Yuan Liu, Geumsook Park, Keping Qiu, Yao-Te Wang, Xu Zhang, The JCMT Transient Team

Accepted for Publication in the The Astrophysical Journal. DOI link to data will become public after the proof stage is complete

The JCMT Transient Survey has been monitoring eight Gould Belt low-mass star-forming regions since December 2015 and six somewhat more distant intermediate-mass star-forming regions since February 2020 with SCUBA-2 on the JCMT at \ShortS and \LongS and with an approximately monthly cadence. We introduce our Pipeline v2 relative calibration procedures for image alignment and flux calibration across epochs, improving on our previous Pipeline v1 by decreasing measurement uncertainties and providing additional robustness. These new techniques work at both \LongS and \ShortNS, where v1 only allowed investigation of the \LongS data. Pipeline v2 achieves better than $0.5^{\prime\prime}$ relative image alignment, less than a tenth of the submillimeter beam widths. The v2 relative flux calibration is found to be 1\% at \LongS and $<5$\% at \ShortNS. The improvement in the calibration is demonstrated by comparing the two pipelines over the first four years of the survey and recovering additional robust variables with v2. Using the full six years of the Gould Belt survey the number of robust variables increases by 50\,\%, and at \ShortS we identify four robust variables, all of which are also robust at \LongNS. The multi-wavelength light curves for these sources are investigated and found to be consistent with the variability being due to dust heating within the envelope in response to accretion luminosity changes from the central source.

Bjorn Emonts (1), Steve Curran (2), George Miley (3), Matthew Lehnert (4), Chris Carilli (1), Ilsang Yoon (1), Raffaella Morganti (5, 6), Reinout van Weeren (3), Montserrat Villar-Martin (7), Pierre Guillard (8), Cristina Cordun (5, 6), Tom Oosterloo (5, 6) ((1) NRAO, (2) Victoria Univ. Wellington, (3) Leiden Univ., (4) CRAL/Univ. Lyon, (5) ASTRON, (6) Univ. Groningen, (7) CAB/CSIC-INTA, (8) IAP)

Accepted by ApJ (submitted 25-Sept-2023, accepted 27-Dec-2023)

Using the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA), we have detected absorption lines due to carbon-monoxide, CO(J=0-1), and the cyano radical, CN(N=0-1), associated with radio galaxy B2 0902+34 at redshift z=3.4. The detection of millimeter-band absorption observed 1.5 Gyr after the Big Bang facilitates studying molecular clouds down to gas masses inaccessible to emission-line observations. The CO absorption in B2 0902+34 has a peak optical depth of $\tau$ $\ge$ 8.6% and consists of two components, one of which has the same redshift as previously detected 21-cm absorption of neutral hydrogen (HI) gas. Each CO component traces an integrated H$_2$ column density of N(H2) $\ge$ 3x10$^{20}$ cm$^{-2}$. CN absorption is detected for both CO components, as well as for a blueshifted component not detected in CO, with CO/CN line ratios ranging from $\le$0.4 to 2.4. We discuss the scenario that the absorption components originate from collections of small and dense molecular clouds that are embedded in a region with more diffuse gas and high turbulence, possibly within the influence of the central Active Galactic Nucleus or starburst region. The degree of reddening in B2 0902+34, with a rest-frame color B-K ~ 4.2, is lower than the very red colors (B-K > 6) found among other known redshifted CO absorption systems at z<1. Nevertheless, when including also the many non-detections from the literature, a potential correlation between the absorption-line strength and B-K color is evident, giving weight to the argument that the red colors of CO absorbers are due to a high dust content.

S. Belkin, A. S. Pozanenko, P. Y. Minaev, N. S. Pankov, A. A. Volnova, A. Rossi, G. Stratta, S. Benetti, E. Palazzi, A. S. Moskvitin, O. Burhonov, V. V. Rumyantsev, E. V. Klunko, R. Ya. Inasaridze, I. V. Reva, V. Kim, M. Jelinek, D. A. Kann, A. E. Volvach, L. N. Volvach, D. Xu, Z. Zhu, S. Fu, A. A. Mkrtchyan

15 pages, 10 figures

We present full photometric coverage and spectroscopic data for soft GRB 201015A with a redshift z = 0.426. Our data spans a time range of 85 days following the detection of GRB. These observations revealed an underlying supernova SN 201015A with a maximum at $8.54 \pm $1.48 days (rest frame) and an optical peak absolute magnitude $-19.45_{-0.47}^{+0.85}$ mag. The supernova stands out clearly, since the contribution of the afterglow at this time is not dominant, which made it possible to determine SN's parameters. A comparison of these parameters reveals that the SN 201015A is the earliest (the minimum $T_{max}$) known supernova associated with gamma-ray bursts. Spectroscopic observations during the supernova decay stage showed broad lines, indicating a large photospheric velocity, and identified this supernova as a type Ic-BL. Thus, the SN 201015A associated with the GRB 201015A becomes the 27th SN/GRB confirmed by both photometric and spectroscopic observations. Using the results of spectral analysis based on the available data of Fermi-GBM experiment, the parameters $E_\text{p,i} = 20.0 \pm 8.5$ keV and $E_\text{iso} = (1.1 \pm 0.2) \times 10^{50}$ erg were obtained. According to the position of the burst on the $E_\text{p,i}$-$E_\text{iso}$ correlation, GRB 201015A was classified as a Type II (long) gamma-ray burst, which was also confirmed by the $T_\text{90,i}$-$EH$ diagram.

A. Bhardwaj, V. Ripepi, V. Testa, R. Molinaro, M. Marconi, G. De Somma, E. Trentin, I. Musella, J. Storm, T. Sicignano, G. Catanzaro

17 pages, 11 figures, accepted in Astronomy & Astrophysics (abridged abstract)

We present homogeneous multiband (grizJHKs) time-series observations of 78 Cepheids including 49 fundamental mode variables and 29 first-overtone mode variables. These observations were collected simultaneously using the ROS2 and REMIR instruments at the Rapid Eye Mount telescope. The Cepheid sample covers a large range of distances (0.5 - 19.7 kpc) with varying precision of parallaxes, and thus astrometry-based luminosity fits were used to derive PL and PW relations in optical Sloan (griz) and near-infrared (JHKs) filters. These empirically calibrated relations exhibit large scatter primarily due to larger uncertainties in parallaxes of distant Cepheids, but their slopes agree well with those previously determined in the literature. Using homogeneous high-resolution spectroscopic metallicities of 61 Cepheids covering -1.1 < [Fe/H] < 0.6 dex, we quantified the metallicity dependence of PL and PW relations which varies between $-0.30\pm0.11$ (in Ks) and $-0.55\pm0.12$ (in z) mag/dex in grizJHKs bands. However, the metallicity dependence in the residuals of the PL and PW relations is predominantly seen for metal-poor stars ([Fe/H] < -0.3 dex), which also have larger parallax uncertainties. The modest sample size precludes us from separating the contribution to the residuals due to parallax uncertainties, metallicity effects, and reddening errors. While this Cepheid sample is not optimal for calibrating the Leavitt law, upcoming photometric and spectroscopic datasets of the C-MetaLL survey will allow the accurate derivation of PL and PW relations in the Sloan and near-infrared bandpasses, which will be useful for the distance measurements in the era of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time and upcoming extremely large telescopes.

Maria Giovanna Dainotti, Elias Taira, Eric Wang, Elias Lehman, Aditya Narendra, Agnieszka Pollo, Grzegorz M. Madejski, Vahe Petrosian, Malgorzata Bogdan, Apratim Dey, Shubham Bhardwaj

12 Figures, 24 pages. Accepted for publication at The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series

Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs), due to their high luminosities are detected up to redshift 10, and thus have the potential to be vital cosmological probes of early processes in the universe. Fulfilling this potential requires a large sample of GRBs with known redshifts, but due to observational limitations, only 11\% have known redshifts ($z$). There have been numerous attempts to estimate redshifts via correlation studies, most of which have led to inaccurate predictions. To overcome this, we estimated GRB redshift via an ensemble supervised machine learning model that uses X-ray afterglows of long-duration GRBs observed by the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory. The estimated redshifts are strongly correlated (a Pearson coefficient of 0.93) and have a root mean square error, namely the square root of the average squared error $\langle\Delta z^2\rangle$, of 0.46 with the observed redshifts showing the reliability of this method. The addition of GRB afterglow parameters improves the predictions considerably by 63\% compared to previous results in peer-reviewed literature. Finally, we use our machine learning model to infer the redshifts of 154 GRBs, which increase the known redshifts of long GRBs with plateaus by 94\%, a significant milestone for enhancing GRB population studies that require large samples with redshift.

Abraham Loeb

Submitted for publication in an AAS Journal

Recently, Pandya et al. (2023) argued that the shapes of dwarf galaxies in JWST-CEERS observations show a prolate fraction that rises from ~25% at redshifts z=0.5-1 to ~50-80% at z=3-8. Here we suggest that this apparent change could result from a surface-brightness bias, favoring the detection of edge-on disks at low-luminosities and high-redshifts.

N. A. Kosogorov, Y. Y. Kovalev, M. Perucho, Yu. A. Kovalev

14 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

We conducted multi-epoch, multi-frequency parsec-scale studies on the gigahertz-peaked spectrum quasar PKS 0858-279 with the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA). Our observations on 2005-11-26 elucidated a weak core, characterized by an inverted spectrum, and a distinctly bent jet that exhibited a notable bright feature in its Stokes I emission. Through comprehensive analysis of polarization and spectral data, we inferred the formation of a shock wave within this feature, stemming from interactions with a dense cloud in the ambient medium. In this paper, VLBI-Gaia astrometry further reinforces the core identification. With a deep analysis of six additional VLBA epochs spanning from 2007 to 2018, we observed that while the quasar's parsec-scale structure remained largely consistent, there were discernible flux density changes. These variations strongly imply the recurrent ejection of plasma into the jet. Complementing our VLBA data, RATAN-600 observations of the integrated spectra suggested an interaction between standing and travelling shock waves in 2005. Moreover, our multi-epoch polarization analysis revealed a drastic drop in rotation measure values from 6000 rad/m^2 to 1000 rad/m^2 within a single year, attributable to diminishing magnetic fields and particle density in an external cloud. This change is likely instigated by a shock in the cloud, triggered by the cloud's interaction with the jet, subsequently prompting its expansion. Notably, we also observed a significant change in the magnetic field direction of the jet, from being perpendicular post its observed bend to being perpendicular prior to the bend - an alteration possibly induced by the dynamics of shock waves.

Luis C. Bermúdez-Bustamante, Orsola De Marco, Lionel Siess, Daniel J. Price, Miguel González-Bolívar, Mike Y. M. Lau, Chunliang Mu, Ryosuke Hirai, Taïssa Danilovich, Mansi M. Kasliwal

17 pages, 17 figures, 1 table

We performed numerical simulations of the common envelope (CE) interaction between two thermally-pulsing asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars of 1.7 $M_\odot$ and 3.7 $M_\odot$, and their 0.6 $M_\odot$ compact companion. We use tabulated equations of state to take into account recombination energy. For the first time, formation and growth of dust in the envelope is calculated explicitly, using a carbon dust nucleation network with a gas phase C/O number ratio of 2.5. By the end of the simulations, the total dust yield are $\sim8.2\times10^{-3}~M_\odot$ and $\sim2.2\times10^{-2}~M_\odot$ for the CE with a 1.7 $M_\odot$ and a 3.7 $M_\odot$ AGB star, respectively, close to the theoretical limit. Dust formation does not substantially lead to more mass unbinding or substantially alter the orbital evolution. The first dust grains appear as early as $\sim1-3$ yrs after the onset of the CE rapidly forming an optically thick shell at $\sim10-20$ au, growing in thickness and radius to values of $\sim400-500$ au by $\sim40$ yrs. These large objects have approximate temperatures of 400 K. While dust yields are commensurate with those of single AGB stars of comparable mass, the dust in CE ejections forms over decades as opposed to tens of thousands of years. It is likely that these rapidly evolving IR objects correspond to the post-optically-luminous tail of the lightcurve of some luminous red novae. The simulated characteristics of dusty CEs also lend further support to the idea that extreme carbon stars and the so called ``water fountains" may be objects observed in the immediate aftermath of a CE event.

Youssef Abdulghani, Anne M Lohfink, Jaiverdhan Chauhan

22 pages, 12 figure, 4 tables. Submitted to MNRAS

Black Hole Low Mass X-ray Binaries (BH-LMXBs) is an excellent observational laboratory for studying many open questions in accretion physics. However, determining the physical properties of BH-LMXBs necessitates knowing their distances. With the increased discovery rate of BH-LMXBs, many canonical methods cannot produce accurate distance estimates at the desired pace. In this study, we develop a versatile statistical framework to obtain robust distance estimates soon after discovery. Our framework builds on previous methods where the soft spectral state and the soft-to-hard spectral state transitions, typically present in an outbursting BH-LMXB, are used to place constraints on mass and distance. We further develop the traditional framework by allowing for general relativistic corrections, spectral/physical parameter uncertainties as well as utilizing assumptions based on the best current theoretical and observational knowledge. We tested our framework by analyzing a sample of 50 BH-LMXB sources using X-ray spectral data from the Swift/XRT, MAXI/GSC, and RXTE/PCA missions. By modeling their spectra, we applied our framework to 26 sources from the 50. Comparison of our estimated distances to previous distance estimates indicates that our findings are dependable and in agreement with the accurate estimates obtained through parallax, and H i absorption methods. Investigating the accuracy of our constraints, we have found that estimates obtained using both the soft and transition spectral information have a median uncertainty of 20%, while estimates obtained using only the soft spectral state spectrum have a median uncertainty of around 50%. Furthermore, we have found no instrument-specific biases.

A. D. Kulkarni, R. M. Shannon, D. J. Reardon, M. T. Miles, M. Bailes, M. Shamohammadi

10 pages; 7 figures

Pulse-to-pulse profile shape variations introduce correlations in pulsar times of arrival (TOAs) across radio frequency measured at the same observational epoch. This leads to a broadband noise in excess of radiometer noise, which is termed pulse jitter noise. The presence of jitter noise limits the achievable timing precision and decreases the sensitivity of pulsar-timing data sets to signals of interest such as nanohertz-frequency gravitational waves. Current white noise models used in pulsar timing analyses attempt to account for this, assuming complete correlation of uncertainties through the arrival times collected in a unique observation and no frequency dependence of jitter (which corresponds to a rank-one covariance matrix). However, previous studies show that the brightest millisecond pulsar at decimetre wavelengths, PSR J0437$-$4715, shows decorrelation and frequency dependence of jitter noise. Here we present a detailed study of the decorrelation of jitter noise in PSR J0437$-$4715 and implement a new technique to model it. We show that the rate of decorrelation due to jitter can be expressed as a power-law in frequency. We analyse the covariance matrix associated with the jitter noise process and find that a higher-rank-approximation is essential to account for the decorrelation and to account for frequency dependence of jitter noise. We show that the use of this novel method significantly improves the estimation of other chromatic noise parameters such as dispersion measure variations. However, we find no significant improvement in errors and estimation of other timing model parameters suggesting that current methods are not biased for other parameters, for this pulsar due to this misspecification. We show that pulse energy variations show a similar decorrelation to the jitter noise, indicating a common origin for both observables.

Vineet Ojha, Veeresh Singh, M. Berton, E. Jarvela

5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

Variability studies of active galactic nuclei are a powerful diagnostic tool in understanding the physical processes occurring in disk-jet regions, unresolved by direct imaging with currently available techniques. Here, we report the first attempt to systematically characterize intra-night optical variability (INOV) for a sample of seven apparently radio-quiet narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (RQNLSy1s) that had shown recurring flaring at 37 GHz in the radio observations at Metsahovi Radio Observatory (MRO), indicating the presence of relativistic jets in them, but no evidence for relativistic jets in the recent radio observations of Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA) at 1.6, 5.2, and 9.0 GHz. We have conducted a total of 28 intra-night sessions, each lasting $\geq$ 3 hrs for this sample, resulting in an INOV duty cycle ($\overline{DC} ~\sim$20%) similar to that reported for $\gamma$-ray-NLSy1s (DC $\sim$25% - 30%), that display blazar-like INOV. This in turn infers the presence of relativistic jet in our sample sources. Thus, it appears that even lower-mass (M$_{BH} \sim$10$^{6}$ M$_{\odot}$) RQNLSy1 galaxies can maintain blazar-like activities. However, we note that the magnetic reconnection in the magnetosphere of the black hole can also be a viable mechanism to give rise to the INOV from these sources.

Hangbin Jo, Masateru Ishiguro

Accepted for publication in A&A

Context: Various ideas have been proposed to explain the formation of the Geminid meteoroid stream from the asteroid (3200) Phaethon. However, little has been studied about the Geminid formation based on the assumption that mass ejection happened from this asteroid via rotational instability. Aims: Here, we present the first dynamical study of the Geminid formation, taking account of low-velocity mass ejection as a result of Phaethon's rotational instability. Methods: We conducted numerical simulations for 1 mm and 1 cm particles ejected in a wide range of ejection epochs (10$^3$--10$^5$ years ago). We computed the minimum orbital intersecting distance (MOID) of the dust particles as the realistic condition, that is, the Earth's radius and the Earth-Moon distance to be observed as the Geminid meteoroid stream. Results: We found that the low-velocity ejection model produced the Geminid-like meteoroid stream when the dust particles were ejected more than $\sim$2,000 years ago. In this case, close encounters with terrestrial planets would transport some dust particles from the Phaethon orbit (the current MOID is as large as $\sim$460 Earth radius) to the Earth-intersecting orbits. The optimal ejection epoch and the estimated mass were 18\,000 years ago and $\sim 10^{10} - 10^{14}$ g (<0.1 \% of the Phaethon mass). Conclusions: Our results suggest that the JAXA's DESTINY\textsuperscript{+} mission has the potential to find evidence of recent rotational instability recorded on the Phaethon's surface.

R. Iaria, T. Di Salvo, A. Anitra, C. Miceli, F. Barra, W. Leone, L. Burderi, A. Sanna, A. Riggio

16 pages, 16 figures, Accepte for publication in A&A on December 28, 2023

X 1822-371 is an eclipsing binary system with a period close to 5.57 hr and an orbital period derivative $\dot{P}_{\rm orb}$ of 1.42(3)$\times 10^{-10}$ s s$^{-1}$. The extremely high value of its $\dot{P}_{\rm orb}$ is compatible with a super-Eddington mass transfer rate from the companion star and, consequently, an intrinsic luminosity at the Eddington limit. The source is also an X-ray pulsar, it shows a spin frequency of 1.69 Hz and is in a spin-up phase with a spin frequency derivative of $7.4 \times 10^{-12}$ Hz s$^{-1}$. Assuming a luminosity at the Eddington limit, a neutron star magnetic field strength of $B = 8 \times 10^{10}$ G is estimated. However, a direct measure of $B$ could be obtained observing a CRSF in the energy spectrum. Analysis of \textit{XMM-Newton} data suggested the presence of a cyclotron line at 0.73 keV, with an estimated magnetic field strength of $B=(8.8 \pm 0.3) \times 10^{10}$ G. Here we analyze the 0.3-50 keV broadband spectrum of X 1822-371 combining a 0.3-10 keV NICER spectrum and a 4.5-50 keV \textit{NuSTAR} spectrum to investigate the presence of a cyclotron absorption line and the complex continuum emission spectrum. The NICER spectrum confirms the presence of a cyclotron line at 0.66 keV. The continuum emission is modeled with a Comptonized component, a thermal component associated with the presence of an accretion disk truncated at the magnetospheric radius of 105 km and a reflection component from the disk blurred by relativistic effects. We confirm the presence of a cyclotron line at 0.66 keV inferring a NS magnetic field of $B = (7.9\pm 0.5) \times 10^{10}$ G and suggesting that the Comptonized component originates in the accretion columns.

Siqi Zhang, Furen Deng, Youjun Lu

12 pages, 7 figures, MNRAS accepted

A large number of binary neutron star (BNS) mergers are expected to be detected by gravitational wave (GW) detectors and the electromagnetic (EM) counterparts (e.g., kilonovae) of a fraction of these mergers may be detected in multi-bands by large area survey telescopes. For a given number of BNS mergers detected by their GW signals, the expected numbers of their EM counterparts that can be detected by a survey with given selection criteria depend on the kilonova properties, including the anisotropy. In this paper, we investigate whether the anisotropy of kilonova radiation and the kilonova model can be constrained statistically by the counting method, i.e., using the numbers of BNS mergers detected via GW and multi-band EM signals. Adopting simple models for the BNS mergers, afterglows, and a simple two (blue and red)-component model for kilonovae, we generate mock samples for GW detected BNS mergers, their associated kilonovae and afterglows detected in multi-bands. By assuming some criteria for searching the EM counterparts, we simulate the observations of these EM counterparts and obtain the EM observed samples in different bands. With the numbers of BNS mergers detected by GW detectors and EM survey telescopes in different bands, we show that the anisotropy of kilonova radiation and the kilonova model can be well constrained by using the Bayesian analysis. Our results suggest that the anisotropy of kilonova radiation may be demographically and globally constrained by simply using the detection numbers of BNS mergers by GW detectors and EM survey telescopes in multi-bands.

Sebastien Peirani, Yasushi Suto, Ricarda S. Beckmann, Marta Volonteri, Yen-Ting Lin, Yohan Dubois, Sukyoung K. Yi, Christophe Pichon, Katarina Kraljic, Minjung Park, Julien Devriendt, San Han, Wei-Huai Chen

Submitted to A&A on Dec. 26th (2023)

(Reduced) Using the recent cosmological high-resolution zoom-in simulations, NewHorizon and Galactica, in which the evolution of black hole spin is followed on the fly, we have tracked the cosmic history of a hundred of black holes (BHs) with a mass greater than 2x10^4 Ms. For each of them, we have studied the variations of the three dimensional angle (Psi) subtended between the BH spins and the angular momentum vectors of their host galaxies. The analysis of the individual evolution of the most massive BHs suggests that they are generally passing by three different regimes. First, for a short period after their birth, low mass BHs (<3x10^4 Ms) are rapidly spun up by gas accretion and their spin tends to be aligned with their host galaxy spin. Then follows a second phase in which the accretion of gas onto low mass BHs (<10^5 Ms) is quite chaotic and inefficient, reflecting the complex and disturbed morphologies of forming proto-galaxies at high redshifts. The variations of Psi are rather erratic during this phase and are mainly driven by the rapid changes of the direction of the galaxy angular momentum. Then, in a third and long phase, BHs are generally well settled in the center of galaxies around which the gas accretion becomes much more coherent (>10^5 Ms). In this case, the BH spins tend to be well aligned with the angular momentum of their host galaxy and this configuration is generally stable even though BH merger episodes can temporally induce misalignment. We have also derived the distributions of cos(Psi) at different redshifts and found that BHs and galaxy spins are generally aligned. Finally, based on a Monte Carlo method, we also predict statistics for the 2-d projected spin-orbit angles lambda. In particular, the distribution of lambda traces well the alignment tendency in the 3-d analysis. Such predictions provide an interesting background for future observational analyses.

Huiyi Kang, Guo Chen, Enric Palle, Felipe Murgas, Nestor Abreu Garcia, Jerome de Leon, Gareb Enoc, Emma Esparza-Borges, Izuru Fukuda, Akihiko Fukui, Daniel Galan, Yuya Hayashi, Keisuke Isogai, Taiki Kagetani, Kiyoe Kawauchi, John Livingston, Rafael Luque, Yuehua Ma, Alberto Madrigal Aguado, Pedro Meni, Pilar Montañés-Rodríguez, Mori Mayuko, Sara Muñoz Torres, Norio Narita, Jaume Orell Miquel, Alberto Pelaez-Torres, Monika Stangret, Motohide Tamura, Noriharu Watanabe

15 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

Accurate physical parameters of exoplanet systems are essential for further exploration of planetary internal structure, atmospheres, and formation history. We aim to use simultaneous multicolour transit photometry to improve the estimation of transit parameters, to search for transit timing variations (TTVs), and to establish which of our targets should be prioritised for follow-up transmission spectroscopy. We performed time series photometric observations of 12 transits for the hot Jupiters HAT-P-19b, HAT-P-51b, HAT-P-55b, and HAT-P-65b using the simultaneous four-colour camera MuSCAT2 on the Telescopio Carlos S\'anchez. We collected 56 additional transit light curves from TESS photometry. To derive transit parameters, we modelled the MuSCAT2 light curves with Gaussian processes to account for correlated noise. To derive physical parameters, we performed EXOFASTv2 global fits to the available transit and radial velocity data sets, together with the Gaia DR3 parallax, isochrones, and spectral energy distributions. To assess the potential for atmospheric characterisation, we compared the multicolour transit depths with a flat line and a clear atmosphere model. We consistently refined the transit and physical parameters. We improved the orbital period and ephemeris estimates, and found no evidence for TTVs or orbital decay. The MuSCAT2 broadband transmission spectra of HAT-P-19b and HAT-P-65b are consistent with previously published low-resolution transmission spectra. We also found that, except for HAT-P-65b, the assumption of a planetary atmosphere can improve the fit to the MuSCAT2 data. In particular, we identified HAT-P-55b as a priority target among these four planets for further atmospheric studies using transmission spectroscopy.

Jacob A. Guerrette, Aleksandr V. Mosenkov, Dallin Spencer, Zacory D. Shakespear

25 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics

The structural parameters of a galaxy can be used to gain insight into its formation and evolution history. In this paper, we strive to compare the Milky Way's structural parameters to other, primarily edge-on, spiral galaxies in order to determine how our Galaxy measures up to the Local Universe. For our comparison, we use the galaxy structural parameters gathered from a variety of literature sources in the optical and near-infrared wavebands. We compare the scale length, scale height, and disk flatness for both the thin and thick disks, the thick-to-thin disk mass ratio, the bulge-to-total luminosity ratio, and the mean pitch angle of the Milky Way's spiral arms to those in other galaxies. We conclude that many of the Milky Way's structural parameters are largely ordinary and typical of spiral galaxies in the Local Universe, though the Galaxy's thick disk appears to be appreciably thinner and less extended than expected from zoom-in cosmological simulations of Milky Way-mass galaxies with a significant contribution of galaxy mergers involving satellite galaxies.

Kazunari Iwasaki, Kengo Tomida, Shinsuke Takasao, Satoshi Okuzumi, Takeru K. Suzuki

41 pages, 37 figures, submitted to PASJ. Comments are welcome

We perform three-dimensional global non-ideal magnetohydrodynamic simulations of a protoplanetary disk containing the inner dead-zone edge. We take into account realistic diffusion coefficients of the Ohmic resistivity and ambipolar diffusion based on detailed chemical reactions with a single-size dust grains. We found that the conventional dead zone identified by the Els\"asser numbers of the Ohmic resistivity and ambipolar diffusion is divided into two regions: "the transition zone" and "the coherent zone". The coherent zone has the same properties as the conventional dead zone, and extends outside of the transition zone in the radial direction. Between the active and coherent zones, we discover the transition zone whose inner edge is identical to that of the conventional dead-zone. The transition zone extends out over the regions where thermal ionization determines diffusion coefficients. The transition zone has completely different physical properties than the conventional dead zone, the so-called undead zone, and zombie zone. Combination of amplification of the radial magnetic field owing to the ambipolar diffusion and a steep radial gradient of the Ohmic diffusivity causes the efficient evacuation of the net vertical magnetic flux from the transition zone within several rotations. Surface gas accretion occurs in the coherent zone but not in the transition zone. The presence of the transition zone prohibits mass and magnetic flux transport from the coherent zone to the active zone. Mass accumulation occurs at both edges of the transition zone as a result of mass supply from the active and coherent zones.

Matteo Breschi, Rossella Gamba, Gregorio Carullo, Daniel Godzieba, Sebastiano Bernuzzi, Albino Perego, David Radice

We present a Bayesian framework for joint and coherent analyses of multimessenger binary neutron star signals. The method, implemented in our bajes infrastructure, incorporates a joint likelihood for multiple datasets, support for various semi-analytical kilonova models and numerical-relativity (NR) informed relations for the mass ejecta, as well as a technique to include and marginalize over modeling uncertainties. As a first application, we analyze the gravitational-wave GW170817 and the kilonova AT2017gfo data. These results are then combined with the most recent X-ray pulsars analyses of PSR J0030+0451 and PSR J0740+6620 to obtain EOS constraints.Various constraints on the mass-radius diagram and neutron star properties are then obtained by resampling over a set of ten million parametrized EOS built under minimal assumptions. We find that a joint and coherent approach improves the inference of the extrinsic parameters (distance) and, among the instrinc parameters, the mass ratio. The inclusion of NR informed relations strongly improves over the case of using an agnostic prior on the intrinsic parameters. Comparing Bayes factors, we find that the two observations are better explained by the common source hypothesis only by assuming NR-informed relations. These relations break some of the degeneracies in the employed kN models. The EOS inference folding-in PSR J0952-0607 minimum-maximum mass, PSR J0030+0451 and PSR J0740+6620 data constrains, among other quantities, the neutron star radius to $R_{1.4}={12.30}^{+0.81}_{-0.56}$ km ($R_{1.4}={13.20}^{+0.91}_{-0.90}$ km) and the maximum mass to $M_{max}={2.28}^{+0.25}_{-0.17}~{\rm M_\odot}$ ($M_{max}={2.32}^{+0.30}_{-0.19}~{\rm M_\odot}$) where the ST+PDT (PDT-U) analysis for PSR J0030+0451 is employed.Hence, the systematics on PSR J0030+0451 data reduction currently dominate the mass-radius diagram constraints.

Simone Ceppi, Nicolás Cuello, Giuseppe Lodato, Cristiano Longarini, Daniel J. Price, Daniel Elsender, Matthew R. Bate

accepted for publication in A&A

In a population of multiple protostellar systems with discs, the sub-population of circumbinary discs whose orbital plane is highly misaligned with respect to the binary's orbital plane constrains the initial distribution of orbital parameters of the whole population. We show that by measuring the polar disc fraction and the average orbital eccentricity in the polar discs, one can constrain the distributions of initial eccentricity and mutual inclination in multiple stellar systems at birth.

Baptiste Cecconi

Submitted to the proceedings of the ADASS 2023 conference

The Open Science paradigm and the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) are aiming at fostering scientific return, and reinforcing the trust in science production. The MASER (Measuring, Analysing and Simulating Emissions in the Radio range) services implement Open Science through a series of existing solutions that have been put together, only adding new pieces where needed. It is a "science ready" toolbox dedicated to time-domain low frequency radioastronomy, which data products mostly covers solar and planetary observations. MASER solutions are based on IVOA protocols for data discovery, on IHDEA tools for data exploration, and on a dedicated format developed by MASER for the temporal-spectral annotations. The service also proposes a data repository for sharing data collections, catalogues and associated documentation, as well as supplementary materials associated to papers. Each collection is managed through a Data Management Plan, which purpose is two-fold: supporting the provider for managing the collection content; and supporting the data centre for resource management. Each product of the repository is citable with a DOI, and the landing page contains web semantics annotations (using schema.org)

Susanne Pfalzner, Furkan Dincer

14 pages, 5 figures, accepted by ApJ

While most protoplanetary discs lose their gas within less than 10 Myr, individual disc lifetimes vary from < 1 Myr to >> 20 Myr, with some discs existing for > 40 Myr. Mean disc half lifetimes hide this diversity; only a so-far non-existing disc lifetime distribution could capture this fact. The benefit of a disc lifetime distribution would be twofold. First, it provides a stringent test on disc evolution theories. Second, it can function as input for planet formation models. Here, we derive such a disc lifetime distribution. We heuristically test different standard distribution forms for their ability to account for the observed disc fractions at certain ages. Here, we concentrate on the distribution for low-mass stars (spectral type M3.7 - M6, $M_s \approx $ 0.1 - 0.24 M$_{sun}$) because disc lifetimes depend on stellar mass. A Weibull-type distribution ($k$=1.78, $\lambda$=9.15) describes the observational data if all stars have a disc at a cluster age $t_c$=0. However, a better match exists for lower initial disc fractions. For f(t=0)= 0.65, a Weibull distribution (k=2.34, $\lambda$=11.22) and a Gauss distribution ($\sigma$=9.52, $\mu$=9.52) fit similarly well the data. All distributions have in common that they are wide, and most discs are dissipated at ages > 5 Myr. The next challenge is to quantitatively link the diversity of disc lifetimes to the diversity in planets.

Jing Wen, Jian Gao, Ming Yang, Bingqiu Chen, Yi Ren, Tianding Wang, Biwei Jiang

Accepted for publication in AJ

Mass loss is a crucial process that affects the observational properties, evolution path and fate of highly evolved stars. However, the mechanism of mass loss is still unclear, and the mass-loss rate (MLR) of red supergiant stars (RSGs) requires further research and precise evaluation. To address this, we utilized an updated and complete sample of RSGs in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and employed the 2-DUST radiation transfer model and spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting approach to determine the dust-production rates (DPRs) and dust properties of the RSGs. We have fitted 4,714 selected RSGs with over 100,000 theoretical templates of evolved stars. Our results show that the DPR range of RSGs in the LMC is $10^{-11}\, \rm{M_{\odot}\, yr^{-1}}$ to $10^{-7}\, \rm{M_{\odot}\, yr^{-1}}$, and the total DPR of all RSGs is 1.14 $\times 10^{-6} \, \rm{M_{\odot} \, yr^{-1}}$. We find that $63.3\%$ RSGs are oxygen-rich, and they account for $97.2\%$ of the total DPR. The optically thin RSG, which comprise $30.6\%$ of our sample, contribute only $0.1\%$ of the total DPR, while carbon-rich RSGs ($6.1\%$) produce $2.7\%$ of the total DPR. Overall, 208 RSGs contributed $76.6\%$ of the total DPR. We have established a new relationship between the MLR and luminosity of RSGs in the LMC, which exhibits a positive trend and a clear turning point at $\log{L/L_{\odot}} \approx 4.4$.

Stefan Heigl, Elena Hoemann, Andreas Burkert

Recent observations of protostellar cores suggest that most of the material in the protostellar phase is accreted along streamers. Streamers in this context are defined as velocity coherent funnels of denser material potentially connecting the large scale environment to the small scales of the forming accretion disk. Using simulations which simultaneously resolve the driving of turbulence on the filament scale as well as the collapse of the core down to protostellar disk scales, we aim to understand the effect of the turbulent velocity field on the formation of overdensities in the accretion flow. We perform a three-dimensional numerical study on a core collapse within a turbulent filament using the RAMSES code and analyse the properties of overdensities in the accretion flow. We find that overdensities are formed naturally by the initial turbulent velocity field inherited from the filament and subsequent gravitational collimation. This leads to streams which are not really filamentary but show a sheet-like morphology. Moreover, they have the same radial infall velocities as the low density material. As a main consequence of the turbulent initial condition, the mass accretion onto the disk does not follow the predictions for solid body rotation. Instead, most of the mass is funneled by the overdensities to intermediate disk radii.

Nathan Magnan, Tobias Heinemann, Henrik N. Latter

15 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in MNRAS

Mixtures of gas and dust are pervasive in the universe, from AGN and molecular clouds to proto-planetary discs. When the two species drift relative to each other, a large class of instabilities can arise, called resonant drag instabilities (RDIs). The most famous RDI is the streaming instability, which plays an important role in planet formation. On the other hand, acoustic RDIs, the simplest kind, feature in the winds of cool stars, AGN, or starburst regions. Unfortunately, owing to the complicated dynamics of two coupled fluids (gas and dust), the underlying physics of most RDIs is mysterious. In this paper, we develop a clear physical picture of how the acoustic RDI arises and support this explanation with transparent mathematics. We find that the acoustic RDI is built on two coupled mechanisms. In the first, the converging flows of a sound wave concentrate dust. In the second, a drifting dust clump excites sound waves. These processes feed into each other at resonance, thereby closing an unstable feedback loop. This physical picture helps decide where and when RDIs are most likely to happen, and what can suppress them. Additionally, we find that the acoustic RDI remains strong far from resonance. This second result suggests that one can simulate RDIs without having to fine-tune the dimensions of the numerical domain.

Nanna Bach-Møller, Christiane Helling, Uffe G. Jørgensen, Martin B. Enghoff

Accepted to ApJ, 19 pages, 9 figures

It is known from Earth that ionizing high-energy radiation can lead to ion-induced nucleation of cloud condensation nuclei in the atmosphere. Since the amount of high-energy radiation can vary greatly based on the radiative environment of a host star, understanding the effect of high-energy radiation on cloud particles is critical to understand exoplanet atmospheres. This study aims to explore how high-energy radiation affects the aggregation and charging of mineral cloud particles. We present experiments conducted in an atmosphere chamber on mineral SiO$_2$ particles with diameters of 50 nm. The particles were exposed to gamma radiation in either low-humidity (RH $\approx$ 20%) or high-humidity (RH $>$ 50%) environments. The aggregation and charging state of the particles were studied with a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer. We find that the single SiO$_2$ particles (N1) cluster to form larger aggregates (N2 - N4), and that this aggregation is inhibited by gamma radiation. We find that gamma radiation shifts the charging of the particles to become more negative, by increasing the charging state of negatively charged particles. Through an independent T-test we find that this increase is statistically significant within a 5% significance level for all aggregates in the high-humidity environment, and for all except the N1 particles in the low-humidity environment. For the positively charged particles the changes in charging state are not within the 5% significance level. We suggest that the overall effect of gamma radiation could favor the formation of a high number of small particles over a lower number of larger particles.

G. Nandakumar, N. Ryde, R. Forsberg, M. Montelius, G. Mace, H. Jönsson, B. Thorsbro

21 pages, 27 figures, Accepted for publication in A&A

In order to investigate the chemical history of the entire MilkyWay, it is imperative to also study the dust-obscured regions, where most of the mass lies. The Galactic Center is an example of such a region of interest, where due to the intervening dust along the line-of-sight, near-infrared spectroscopic investigations are necessary. We demonstrate that M giants observed at high spectral resolution in the H and K bands (1.5-2.4 {\mu}m) can yield useful abundance-ratio trends versus metallicity for 21 elements. These elements can therefore be studied also for heavily dust-obscured regions of the Galaxy, such as the Galactic Center, and will be important for the further investigation of the Galactic chemical evolution in these regions. We have observed near-infrared spectra of 50 M giants in the solar neighbourhood at high SNR and at a high spectral resolution (R = 45, 000) with the IGRINS spectrometer on the GEMINI South telescope. We adopted the fundamental stellar parameters for these stars from Nandakumar et al. (2023a), with Teff ranging from 3400 to 3800 K. With a manual spectral synthesis method, we have derived stellar abundances for 21 elements, namely F, Mg, Si, S, Ca, Na, Al, K, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Y, Ce, Nd, and Yb. We demonstrate what elements can be analysed from H- and K-band high-resolution spectra, and we show which spectral lines can be used for abundance analysis, showing them line by line. We discuss the 21 abundance-ratio trends and compared them with those determined from APOGEE and from the optical GILD sample. Especially, we determine the trends of the heavy elements Cu, Zn, Y, Ce, Nd, and Yb. This opens up these nucleosynthetic channels, including both the s- and the r-process, in dust-obscured populations. The [Mn/Fe] versus [Fe/H] trend is shown to be more or less flat at low metallicities, implying that existing NLTE correction are relevant.

Thomas Siegert, Francesca Calore, Pasquale Dario Serpico

6 pages, 6 figures, appendix, accepted by MNRAS

From 16 years of INTEGRAL/SPI $\gamma$-ray observations, we derive bounds on annihilating light dark matter particles in the halo of the Milky Way up to masses of about 300 MeV. We test four different spatial templates for the dark matter halo, including a Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW), Einasto, Burkert, and isothermal sphere profile, as well as three different models for the underlying diffuse Inverse Compton emission. We find that the bounds on the s-wave velocity-averaged annihilation cross sections for both the electron-positron and the photon-photon final states are the strongest to date from $\gamma$-ray observations alone in the mass range $\lesssim 6$ MeV. We provide fitting formulae for the upper limits and discuss their dependences on the halo profile. The bounds on the two-photon final state are superseding the limits from the Cosmic Microwave Background in the range of 50 keV up to $\sim 3$ MeV, showing the great potential future MeV mission will have in probing light dark matter.

Chun-Ming Yip, Ming-Chung Chu, Shing-Chi Leung, Lap-Ming Lin

13 pages, 9 figures

It has long been hypothesized that accretion-induced collapse (AIC) of white dwarfs contribute to heavy chemical elements production in the universe. We present one-dimensional neutrino-radiative hydrodynamic simulations of AIC followed by post-processing nucleosynthesis calculations of the ejecta. A proto-neutron star is formed after the AIC, and a neutrino burst with peak luminosity $\sim10^{53}$ erg s$^{-1}$, comparable to that of a core-collapse supernova (CCSN), is emitted. The ejecta mass of AIC could be up to $\sim10^{-2}$ M$_\odot$, and the first neutron-capture peak elements (Sr, Y, and Zr) could be abundantly synthesized, with an overproduction of $\sim10^{6}$ relative to the solar abundances. The yield of $^{56}\text{Ni}$ could be up to at most $\sim10^{-3}$ M$_\odot$, suggesting that the electromagnetic light curve associated with AIC is at least $2$ orders dimmer than those associated with Type Ia supernovae (Type Ia SN). The inferred upper bound of AIC event rate, from nucleosynthesis calculations, is at most $\sim10\,\%$ relative to those of CCSNe and Type Ia SNe.

R.T. Génova-Santos, M. Bersanelli, C. Franceschet, M. Gervasi, C. López-Caraballo, L. Mandelli, M. Maris, A. Mennella, J.A. Rubiño-Martín, F. Villa, M. Zannoni, C. Baccigalupi, B. Caccianiga, L. Colombo, F. Cuttaia, F. Farsian, G. Morgante, G. Paradiso, G. Polenta, S. Ricciardi, M. Sandri, A. Taylor, L. Terenzi, M. Tomasi

46 pages, 20 figures. This paper is part of of the paper series "The LSPE/Strip instrument description and testing", to appear in Jinst. Comments are welcome

In this paper we describe the global on-sky calibration strategy of the LSPE-Strip instrument. Strip is a microwave telescope operating in the Q- and W-bands (central frequencies of 43 and 95 GHz respectively) from the Observatorio del Teide in Tenerife, with the goal to observe and characterise the polarised Galactic foreground emission, and complement the observations of the polarisation of the cosmic microwave background to be performed by the LSPE-SWIPE instrument and other similar experiments operating at higher frequencies to target the detection of the B-mode signal from the inflationary epoch of the Universe. Starting from basic assumptions on some of the instrument parameters (NET, 1/f noise knee frequency, beam properties, observing efficiency) we perform realistic simulations to study the level of accuracy that can be achieved through observations of bright celestial calibrators in the Strip footprint (sky fraction of 30 %) on the determination and characterisation of the main instrument parameters: global and relative gain factors (in intensity and in polarisation), polarisation direction, polarisation efficiency, leakage from intensity to polarisation, beams, window functions and pointing model.

Adam Yassin Jaziri, William Pluriel, Andrea Bocchieri, Emilie Panek, Lucas Teinturier, Anastasiia Ivanova, Natalia E. Rektsini, Pierre Drossart, Jean-Philippe Beaulieu, Aurélien Falco, Jeremy Leconte, Lorenzo V. Mugnai, Olivia Venot

Observed exoplanet transit spectra are usually retrieved using 1D models to determine atmospheric composition while planetary atmospheres are 3D. With the JWST and future space telescopes such as Ariel, we will be able to obtain increasingly accurate transit spectra. The 3D effects on the spectra will be visible, and we can expect biases in the 1D extractions. In order to elucidate these biases, we have built theoretical observations of transit spectra, from 3D atmospheric modeling through transit modeling to instrument modeling. 3D effects are observed to be strongly nonlinear from the coldest to the hottest planets. These effects also depend on the planet's metallicity and gravity. Considering equilibrium chemistry, 3D effects are observed through very strong variations in certain features of the molecule or very small variations over the whole spectrum. We conclude that we cannot rely on the uncertainty of retrievals at all pressures, and that we must be cautious about the results of retrievals at the top of the atmosphere. However the results are still fairly close to the truth at mid-altitudes (those probed). We also need to be careful with the chemical models used for planetary atmosphere. If the chemistry of one molecule is not correctly described, this will bias all the others, and the retrieved temperature as well. Finally, although fitting a wider wavelength range and higher resolution has been shown to increase retrieval accuracy, we show that this could depend on the wavelength range chosen, due to the accuracy on modeling the different features. In any case, 1D retrievals are still correct for the detection of molecules, even in the event of an erroneous abundance retrieval.

Raúl Infante-Sainz, Mohammad Akhlaghi

Accepted RNAAS. Supplementary data on Zenodo ( this https URL ), project source on Codeberg ( this https URL ) and archived on Software Heritage (swh:1:dir:1064a48d4bb58d6684c3df33c6633a04d4141d2d)

Color plays a crucial role in the visualization, interpretation, and analysis of multi-wavelength astronomical images. However, generating color images that accurately represent the full dynamic range of astronomical sources is challenging. In response, Gnuastro v0.22 introduces the program 'astscript-color-faint-gray', which is extensively documented in the Gnuastro manual. It employs a non-linear transformation to assign an 8-bit RGB (Red-Green-Blue) value to brighter pixels, while the fainter ones are shown in an inverse grayscale. This approach enables the simultaneous visualization of low surface brightness features within the same image. This research note is reproducible with Maneage, on the Git commit 48f5408.

Xianyu Tan, Thaddeus D. Komacek, Natasha E. Batalha, Drake Deming, Roxana Lupu, Vivien Parmentier, Raymond T. Pierrehumbert

Accepted to MNRAS; data underlying this article is available in Zenodo this https URL

Ultra-hot Jupiters (UHJs) are natural laboratories to study extreme physics in planetary atmospheres and their rich observational data sets are yet to be confronted with models with varying complexities at a population level. In this work, we update the general circulation model of Tan & Komacek (2019) to include a non-grey radiative transfer scheme and apply it to simulate the realistic thermal structures, phase-dependent spectra, and wavelength-dependent phase curves of UHJs. We performed grids of models over a large range of equilibrium temperatures and rotation periods for varying assumptions, showing that the fractional day-night brightness temperature differences remain almost constant or slightly increase with increasing equilibrium temperature from the visible to mid-infrared wavelengths. This differs from previous work primarily due to the increasing planetary rotation rate with increasing equilibrium temperature for fixed host star type. Radiative effects of varying atmospheric compositions become more significant in dayside brightness temperature in longer wavelengths. Data-model comparisons of dayside brightness temperatures and phase curve amplitudes as a function of equilibrium temperature are in broad agreement. Observations show a large scatter compared to models even with a range of different assumptions, indicating significantly varying intrinsic properties in the hot Jupiter population. Our cloud-free models generally struggle to match all observations for individual targets with a single set of parameter choices, indicating the need for extra processes for understanding the heat transport of UHJs.

K. Aravind, Kumar Venkataramani, Shashikiran Ganesh, Emmanuel Jehin, Youssef Moulane

11 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in JOAA

Jupiter Family Comets (JFCs), having orbital period less than 20 years, provide us with an opportunity to observe their activity and analyse the homogeneity in their coma composition over multiple apparitions. Comet 46P/Wirtanen with its exceptionally close approach to Earth during its 2018 apparition offered the possibility for a long-term spectroscopic observations. We used a 1.2 m telescope equipped with a low-resolution spectrograph to monitor the comet's activity and compute the relative abundances in the coma, as a function of heliocentric distance. We report the production rates of four molecules CN, C$_2$, C$_3$ and NH$_2$, and Af$\rho$ parameter, a proxy to the dust production, before and after perihelion. We found that 46P has a typical coma composition with almost constant abundance ratios with respect to CN across the epochs of observation. Comparing the coma composition of comet 46P during the current and previous apparitions, we conclude the comet has a highly homogeneous chemical composition in the nucleus with an enhancement in ammonia abundance compared to the average abundance in comets.

Rohan Eugene Louis, Shibu K. Mathew, A. Raja Bayanna

Accepted for publication in Advances in Space Research: 13 pages, 7 figures, 1 table

The magnetic and velocity fields in sunspots are highly structured on small spatial scales which are encoded in the Stokes profiles. Our aim is to identify Stokes profiles in a sunspot which exhibit spectral characteristics that deviate from those associated with the Evershed flow and their spatial distribution. We employ a k-means clustering routine to classify Stokes V spectra in the penumbra of a sunspot. 75% of the penumbral region is dominated by profiles comprising two, nearly anti-symmetric lobes, while 21% of the area is occupied by three-lobed profiles that represent the Evershed flow returning to the photosphere. 4% of the area is dominated by four profile groups - Group 1: three-lobed profiles in which both the rest and strong downflowing component have the same polarity as the sunspot and seen exclusively in the light bridge. Group 2: single, red-lobed profiles over an area of about 2% seen at the outer penumbra in discrete patches that possibly signify the downflowing leg of an Omega-loop. Group 3: three-lobed/highly asymmetric profiles, where the rest and strong downflowing component have a polarity opposite the sunspot. These occupy 1.4% of the penumbral area over conspicuous, elongated structures or isolated patches in the outer penumbra and penumbra-QS boundary. Group 4: three lobed-profiles, in which the rest component has the same polarity as the sunspot and a weaker, upflowing component with an opposite polarity. These profiles are located near the entrance of the light bridge and are found in only 0.12% of the penumbral area. These minority groups of profiles could be related to dynamic phenomena that could affect the overlying chromosphere. The simplicity and speed of k-means can be utilized to identify such anomalous profiles in larger data sets to ascertain their temporal evolution and the physical processes responsible for these inhomogeneities.

Tomek Kaminski

proceedings of IAU Symposium on Planetary Nebulae: a Universal Toolbox in the Era of Precision Astrophysics

Red novae are transients powered by collisions of non-compact stars. Among their progenitors are systems of evolved subgiants and giants stars. Remnants of such red novae display bipolar structures which have remarkably close characteristics to many post-AGB or pre-PN systems. It is important to ask (and eventually verify) whether some of the less-known post-main-sequence objects (mis-)classified as pre-PNe can be merger remnants similar to the red nova remnants.

A. K. de Almeida Jr., T. Vaillant, V. M. de Oliveira, D. Barbosa, D. Maia, S. Aljbaae, B. Coelho, M. Bergano, J. Pandeirada, A.F.B.A. Prado, A. Guerman, A.C.M. Correia

Submitted to Scientific Reports

Maneuvering a spacecraft in the cislunar space is a complex problem, since it is highly perturbed by the gravitational influence of both the Earth and the Moon, and possibly also the Sun. Trajectories minimizing the needed fuel are generally preferred in order to decrease the mass of the payload. A classical method to constrain maneuvers is mathematically modelling them using the Two Point Boundary Value Problem (TPBVP), defining spacecraft positions at the start and end of the trajectory. Solutions to this problem can then be obtained with optimization techniques like the nonlinear least squares conjugated with the Theory of Functional Connections (TFC) to embed the constraints, which recently became an effective method for deducing orbit transfers. In this paper, we propose a tangential velocity (TV) type of constraints to design orbital maneuvers. We show that the technique presented in this paper can be used to transfer a spacecraft (e.g. from the Earth to the Moon) and perform rendezvous maneuvers (e.g. a swing-by with the Moon). In comparison with the TPBVP, solving the TV constraints via TFC offers several advantages, leading to a significant reduction in computational time. Hence, it proves to be an efficient technique to design these maneuvers.

Fang Zuo, A-Li Luo, Bing Du, Yinbi Li, Hugh R. A. Jones, Yi-han Song, Xiao Kong, Yan-xin Guo

13 pages, 16 figures

In Data Release 9 of LAMOST, we present measurements of v sin i for a total of 121,698 stars measured using the Medium Resolution Spectrograph (MRS) and 80,108 stars using the Low Resolution Spectrograph (LRS). These values were obtained through a chi^2 minimisation process, comparing LAMOST spectra with corresponding grids of synthetically broadened spectra. Due to the resolution and the spectral range of LAMOST, v sin i measurements are limited to stars with effective temperature (Teff) ranging from 5000 K to 8500 K for MRS and 7000 K to 9000 K for LRS. The detectable v sin i for MRS is set between 27 km/s and 350 km/s , and for LRS between 110 km/s and 350 km/s, This limitation is because the convolved reference spectra become less informative beyond 350 km/s. The intrinsic precisions of v sin i , determined from multi-epoch observations, is approximately 4.0 km/s for MRS and 10.0 km/s for LRS at signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) greater than 50. Our v sin i values show consistence with those from APOGEE17, displaying a scatter of 8.79 km/s. They are also in agreement with measurements from the Gaia DR3 and SUN catalogs. An observed trend in LAMOST MRS data is the decrease in v sin i with dropping Teff, particularly transiting around 7000 K for dwarfs and 6500 K for giants, primarily observed in stars with near-solar abundances.

Salvatore Colombo, Ignazio Pillitteri, Antonino Petralia, Salvatore Orlando, Giuseppina Micela

Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. 11 pages, 10 figures

Several studies suggest that the emission properties of a star can be affected by its interaction with a nearby planet. However, the actual observability of these effects remains a subject of debate. An example is the HD189733A system, where some characteristics of its emissions have been interpreted as indicative of ongoing interactions between the star and its planet. Other studies attribute these characteristics to the coronal activity of the star. In this work, we investigate whether the observed stellar X-ray flare events, which appear to be in phase with the planetary period in the HD189733A system, could be attributed to the accretion of the planetary wind onto the stellar surface or resulted from an interaction between the planetary and stellar winds. We developed a 3D MHD model that describes the system HD189733A, including the central host star and its hot Jupiter, along with their respective winds. The effects of gravity and the magnetic fields of both star and planet are taken into account. In the cases examined in this study, the accretion scenario is only viable when the stellar and planetary magnetic field strengths are at 5 G and 1 G, respectively. In this case, the Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities (RTIs) lead to the formation of an accretion column connecting star and planet. Once formed the column remains stable for the entire simulation. The accretion column yields an accretion rates of about 1e12 g/s and shows a mean density of about 1e7 cm^-3. In the other cases, the accretion column does not form because the RTI is suppressed by the stronger magnetic field intensities assumed for both the star and the planet. We synthesized the emission resulting from the shocked planetary wind and, its total X-ray emission ranges from 5e23 to 1e24 erg/s. In the case of accretion, the emission originating from the hot spot cannot be distinguished from the coronal activity.

J. L. Tous, J. M. Solanes, J. D. Perea, H. Domínguez-Sánchez

21 pages, 15 figures and 1 table. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Spatially resolved MaNGA's optical spectra of 1072 present-day lenticular (S0) galaxies, dimensionally reduced from a principal component analysis (PCA), are used to determine their radial activity structure shaped by any possible nebular ionization source. Activity profiles within $1.5\,R_{\mathrm e}$ are examined in tandem with the mass, age, ellipticity and kinematics of the stars, as well as environmental density. Among the results of this comparison, we find that the sign of the radial activity gradient of S0s is tightly related to their PCA classification, BPT designation, and star formation status. PCA-passive lenticulars often show low-level, flat activity profiles, although there is also a significant number of systems with positive gradients, while their less common active counterparts generally have negative gradients, usually associated with high SSFRs and, sometimes, moderate Seyfert emission. A fraction of the latter also shows radial activity profiles with positive gradients, which become more abundant with increasing stellar mass regardless of environmental density. Our analysis also reveals that the subset of active S0s with negative gradients experiences at all galactocentric radii a systematic reduction in its median activity level with stellar mass, consistent with expectations for main sequence galaxies. In contrast, passive S0s with positive gradients show the opposite behaviour. Furthermore, systems whose activity is dominated by star formation are structurally rounder than the rest of S0s, while those classified as Seyfert exhibit higher rotational support. The possibility that negative and positive activity gradients in S0s may result from rejuvenation by two distinct types of minor mergers is raised.

J. Christopher Mihos, Patrick R. Durrell, Aaron E. Watkins, Stacy S. McGaugh, John J. Feldmeier

15 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal

We use deep Hubble Space Telescope imaging to study the resolved stellar populations in BST1047+1156, a gas-rich, ultradiffuse dwarf galaxy found in the intragroup environment of the Leo I galaxy group. While our imaging reaches approximately two magnitudes below the tip of the red giant branch at the Leo I distance of 11 Mpc, we find no evidence for an old red giant sequence that would signal an extended star formation history for the object. Instead, we clearly detect the red and blue helium burning sequences of its stellar populations, as well as the fainter blue main sequence, all indicative of a recent burst of star formation having taken place over the past 50--250 Myr. Comparing to isochrones for young metal-poor stellar populations, we infer this post-starburst population to be moderately metal poor, with metallicity [M/H] in the range -1 to -1.5. The combination of a young, moderately metal-poor post starburst population and no old stars motivates a scenario in which BST1047 was recently formed during a weak burst of star formation in gas that was tidally stripped from the outskirts of the neighboring massive spiral M96. BST1047's extremely diffuse nature, lack of ongoing star formation, and disturbed HI morphology all argue that it is a transitory object, a "failing tidal dwarf" in the process of being disrupted by interactions within the Leo I group. Finally, in the environment surrounding BST1047, our imaging also reveals the old, metal-poor ([M/H]=-1.3 +/- 0.2) stellar halo of M96 at a projected radius of 50 kpc.

V.V. Vlasyuk (1), Yu.V. Sotnikova (1, 2), A.E. Volvach (3), O.I. Spiridonova (1), V.A. Stolyarov (1, 4), A.G. Mikhailov (1), Yu.A. Kovalev (5), Y.Y. Kovalev (5, 6, 7), M.L. Khabibullina (1), M.A. Kharinov (8), L. Yang (9), M.G. Mingaliev (1, 2, 8), T.A. Semenova (1), P.G. Zhekanis (1), T.V. Mufakharov (1, 2), R.Yu. Udovitskiy (1), A.A. Kudryashova (1), L.N. Volvach (3), A.K. Erkenov (1), A.S. Moskvitin (1), E.V. Emelianov (1), T.A. Fatkhullin (1), P.G. Tsybulev (1), N.A. Nizhelsky (1), G.V. Zhekanis (1), E. V. Kravchenko (5, 7) ((1) Special Astrophysical Observatory of RAS, (2) Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, (3) Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, Russian Academy of Sciences, (4) Astrophysics Group, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, (5) Astro Space Center, Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, (6) Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, (7) Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, (8) Institute of Applied Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences, (9) Department of Physics and Astronomy, Sun Yat-sen University)

Published in Astrophysical Bulletin Vol.78, N4 (2023)

We present an optical-to-radio study of the BL Lac object S4 0954+658 observations during 1998-2023. The measurements were obtained with the SAO RAS Zeiss-1000 1-m and AS-500/2 0.5-m telescopes in 2003-2023, with the RATAN-600 radio telescope at 1.25 (0.96, 1.1), 2.3, 4.7 (3.7, 3.9), 8.2 (7.7), 11.2, 22.3 (21.7) GHz in 1998-2023, with the IAA RAS RT-32 Zelenchukskaya and Badary telescopes at 5.05 and 8.63 GHz in 2020--2023, and with the RT-22 single-dish telescope of CrAO RAS at 36.8 GHz in 2009-2023. In this period the blazar had been showing extremely high broadband activity with the variability amplitude of flux densities up to 70-100% both in the optical and radio domains. In the period of 2014-2023 the blazar had been showing the historically highest activity in the radio wavelengths, and we detected multiple radio flares of varying amplitude and duration. The large flares last on average from 0.3 to 1 year at 22-36.8 GHz and slightly longer at 5-11.2 GHz. The optical flares are shorter and last 7-50 days. In the most active epoch of 2018-2023 the characteristic time scale $\tau$ of variation at 5-22 GHz is about 100 days and about 1000 days for the state with lower activity in 2009-2014. We found a general correlation between the optical, radio, and $\gamma$-ray flux variations, which suggests that we observe the same photon population from different emission regions. We estimated linear size of this region as 0.5-2 pc for different epochs. A broadband two components radio spectrum of S4 0954+658 jet was modelled by using both electrons and protons as emitting particles. It is shown that the synchrotron radio waves in this AGN may be generated by relativistic protons.

Zhang-Liang Xie, Eduardo Banados, Silvia Belladitta, Chiara Mazzucchelli, Jan-Torge Schindler, Frederick B. Davies, Bram P. Venemans

21 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal

Blazars are radio-loud Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) whose jets have a very small angle to our line of sight. Observationally, the radio emission are mostly compact or a compact-core with a 1-sided jet. With 2.5$^{\prime\prime}$ resolution at 3 GHz, the Very Large Array Sky Survey (VLASS) enables us to resolve the structure of some blazar candidates in the sky north of Decl. $-40$ deg. We introduce an algorithm to classify radio sources as either blazar-like or non-blazar-like based on their morphology in the VLASS images. We apply our algorithm to three existing catalogs, including one of known blazars (Roma-BzCAT) and two of blazar candidates identified by WISE colors and radio emission (WIBRaLS, KDEBLLACS). We show that in all three catalogs, there are objects with morphology inconsistent with being blazars. Considering all the catalogs, more than 12% of the candidates are unlikely to be blazars, based on this analysis. Notably, we show that 3% of the Roma-BzCAT "confirmed" blazars could be a misclassification based on their VLASS morphology. The resulting table with all sources and their radio morphological classification is available online.

Maarit J. Korpi-Lagg, Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, Frederick A. Gent

Invited review article for Living Reviews in Computational Astrophysics. 73 pages, 22 figures

Galaxies are observed to host magnetic fields with a typical total strength of around 15microgauss. A coherent large-scale field constitutes up to a few microgauss of the total, while the rest is built from strong magnetic fluctuations over a wide range of spatial scales. This represents sufficient magnetic energy for it to be dynamically significant. Several questions immediately arise: What is the physical mechanism that gives rise to such magnetic fields? How do these magnetic fields affect the formation and evolution of galaxies? In which physical processes do magnetic fields play a role, and how can that role be characterized? Numerical modelling of magnetized flows in galaxies is playing an ever-increasing role in finding those answers. We review major techniques used for these models. Current results strongly support the conclusion that field growth occurs during the formation of the first galaxies on timescales shorter than their accretion timescales due to small-scale turbulent dynamos. The saturated small-scale dynamo maintains field strengths at a few percent of equipartition with turbulence. The subsequent action of large-scale dynamos in differentially rotating discs produces observed modern field strengths in equipartition with the turbulence and having power at large scales. The field structure resulting appears consistent with observations including Faraday rotation and polarisation from synchrotron and dust thermal emission. Major remaining challenges include scaling numerical models toward realistic scale separations and Prandtl and Reynolds numbers.

A method for resident space object (RSO) detection in video stream processing using a set of matched filters has been proposed. Matched filters are constructed based on the connection between the Fourier spectrum shape of the difference frame and the magnitude of the linear velocity projection onto the observation plane. Experimental data were obtained using the mobile optical surveillance system for low-orbit space objects. The detection problem in testing mode was solved for raw video data with intensity signals from three different satellites: KORONAS-FOTON, CUSAT 2/FALCON 9, GENESIS 1. Difference frames of video data with the AQUA satellite pass to construct matched filters were used. The satellites were automatically detected at points where the difference in the value of their linear velocity projection and the reference satellite was close in value. It has been established that the difference in the inclination angle between the detected satellite intensity signal Fourier image and the reference satellite mask corresponds to the difference in the inclinations of these objects. The proposed method allows not only to detect but also to study the motion parameters of both artificial and natural space objects, such as satellites, debris and asteroids.

Ice chemistry in the dense, cold interstellar medium (ISM) is probably responsible for the formation of interstellar complex organic molecules (COMs). Recent laboratory experiments performed at T=4 K have shown that irradiation of CO:N2 ice samples analog to the CO-rich interstellar ice layer can contribute to the formation of COMs when H2 molecules are present. We have tested this organic chemistry under a broader range of conditions relevant to the interior of dense clouds by irradiating CO:15N2:H2 ice samples with 2 keV electrons in the 4-15 K temperature range. The H2 ice abundance depended on both, the ice formation temperature and the thermal evolution of the samples. Formation of H-bearing organics such as formaldehyde (H2CO), ketene (C2H2O), and isocyanic acid (H15NCO) was observed upon irradiation of ice samples formed at temperatures up to 10 K, and also in ices formed at 6 K and subsequently warmed up and irradiated at temperatures up to 15 K. These results suggest that a fraction of the H2 molecules in dense cloud interiors might be entrapped in the CO-rich layer of interstellar ice mantles, and that energetic processing of this layer could entail an additional contribution to the formation of COMs in the coldest regions of the ISM.

Nicolas Meza Retamal, Yize Dong, K. Azalee Bostroem, Stefano Valenti, Lluis Galbany, Jeniveve Pearson, Griffin Hosseinzadeh, Jennifer E. Andrews, David J. Sand, Jacob E. Jencson, Daryl Janzen, Michael J. Lundquist, Emily T. Hoang, Samuel Wyatt, Peter J. Brown, D. Andrew Howell, Megan Newsome, Estefania Padilla Gonzalez, Craig Pellegrino, Giacomo Terreran, Vladimir Kouprianov, Daichi Hiramatsu, Saurabh W. Jha, Nathan Smith, Joshua Haislip, Daniel E. Reichart, Manisha Shrestha, F. Fabián Rosales-Ortega

Submitted to ApJ

We present comprehensive optical observations of SN~2021gmj, a type II supernova (SN~II) discovered within a day of explosion by the Distance Less Than 40~Mpc (DLT40) survey. Follow up observations show that SN~2021gmj is a low luminosity SN~II (LL~SN~II), with a peak magnitude $M_V = -15.45$ and Fe II velocity of $\sim 1800 \ \mathrm{km} \ \mathrm{s}^{-1}$ at 50 days past explosion. Using the expanding photosphere method we derive a distance of $17.8^{+0.6}_{-0.4}$~Mpc. From the tail of the light-curve we obtain a radioactive nickel mass of $0.014 \pm 0.001$ $\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$. The presence of circumstellar material (CSM) is suggested by the early light curve, early spectra and the presence of high velocity H$\alpha$ in absorption. Analytical shock-cooling models of the early light curve cannot reproduce the fast rise, also supporting the idea that the early emission is partially powered by the interaction of the SN ejecta and CSM. The inferred low CSM mass of 0.025 $\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$ in our hydrodynamic-modeling light curve analysis is also consistent with our spectroscopic observations. We observe a broad feature near 4600 A, which may be high ionization lines of C, N or/and He II. This feature is reproduced by radiation hydrodynamic simulations of red supergiants with extended atmospheres. Several LL~SNe~II show similar spectral features implying that high density material around the progenitor may be common among them.

V.B. Díaz, D.R.G. Schleicher, M.A. Latif, P. Grete, R. Banerjee

20 pages, 16 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in A&A

The potential importance of magnetic fields during structure formation and gravitational collapse in the early Universe has been shown in several studies. In particular, magnetic field amplification by the small-scale dynamo plays an important role in addition to the pure amplification expected from gravitational collapse. In this paper, we study the small-scale dynamo for halos of $\gtrsim10^7$ M$_\odot$ collapsing at $z\gtrsim12$, under different ambient conditions due to the strength of the Lyman-Werner background. Additionally, we estimate the approximate saturation level by varying the initial magnetic field strength. We performed cosmological magnetohydrodynamical simulations for three distinct halos of $\sim10^7$ M$_{\odot}$ at $z\geq13$ by varying the Jeans resolution from $32-256$ cells and employed Lyman Werner background flux of strengths $10^2-10^5$ in units of $J_{21}$, where $J_{21}=10^{-21}$ erg$/$cm$^2/$sr$/$s$/$Hz. To follow the chemical and thermal evolution of the gas we made use of the KROME package. In addition to the compression by collapse, we find magnetic field amplification via the dynamo both in the regimes of atomic and molecular hydrogen cooling. Moreover, we find a lower saturation level in the molecular hydrogen cooling regime. This behaviour can be understood due to the generally reduced radial infall velocities and vorticities in this regime, as well as the higher Mach numbers of the gas, which give rise to a smaller saturation ratio. Our results overall suggest that the dynamo operates over a large range of conditions in the collapsing gas.

K. Ujjwal, Sreeja S Kartha, Akhil Krishna R, Blesson Mathew, Smitha Subramanian, Sudheesh T P, Robin Thomas

Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous complex molecules in the interstellar medium and are used as an indirect indicator of star-formation. On the other hand the ultraviolet (UV) emission from the young massive stars directly traces the star formation activity in a galaxy. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), along with the UltraViolet Imaging Telescope (UVIT), opened up a new window of opportunity to make a better understanding of the properties of the PAH molecules associated with the star-forming regions. In this study, we investigate how the resolved scale properties of PAH molecules in nearby galaxies are affected by star-formation. We analyze the PAH features observed at 3.3, 7.7, and 11.3 {\mu}m using F335M, F770W, and F1130W images obtained from JWST. Additionally, we utilize UVIT images to assess the star formation associated with these PAH emitting regions. Our study focuses on three galaxies, namely NGC 628, NGC 1365, and NGC 7496, selected based on the availability of both JWST and UVIT images. Based on the resolved scale study on the PAH bright regions using JWST and UVIT images, we found that the fraction of ionized PAH molecules is high in the star-forming regions with high {\Sigma}SFR. We observed that emission from smaller PAH molecules is more in the star-forming regions with higher {\Sigma}SFR. Our study suggests that the PAH molecules excited by the photons from SF regions with higher {\Sigma}SFR are dominantly smaller and ionized molecules. UV photons from the star-forming regions could be the reason for a higher fraction of the ionized PAHs. We suggest that the effect of high temperature in the star-forming regions and the formation of smaller PAH molecules in the star-forming regions might also be resulting in the higher fraction of emission in the F335MPAH band.

Arnab Sarkar, Hongwei Ge, Lev Yungelson, Christopher A. Tout

20 pages, 12 figures. Refereed manuscript accepted for publication in PoS-SISSA. Based on an invited talk at the conference titled 'The Golden Age of Cataclysmic Variables and Related Objects VI' held from 4 to 9 September 2023 in Palermo, Italy

We present the results of the study of cataclysmic variables (CVs) and AM Canum Venaticorum (AM CVn) stars with our double dynamo (DD) formalism of angular momentum loss (AML) by magnetic braking (MB). We show that (1) our MB model reproduces the period gap ($2\lesssim P_\mathrm{orb}/\,\mathrm{hr}\lesssim3$) and the period minimum spike ($P_\mathrm{orb}\approx 80\, \mathrm{min}$) in CV distribution, (2) evolved CVs, where the donor star commences Roche lobe overflow (RLOF) close to or just beyond the end of the main-sequence, populate the region in and beyond the period gap, and are more likely to be detected at $P_\mathrm{orb}\geq 5.5 \,\mathrm{hr}$. This contaminates the mass-radius fit of long-period CV donors. We show that (3) several evolved CVs become AM CVn stars with $10\lesssim P_\mathrm{orb}/\,\mathrm{min}\lesssim 65$. Their evolution, driven by $\mathrm{AML_{MB}}$ and AML by gravitational radiation (GR, $\mathrm{AML_{GR}}$), leaves them extremely H-exhausted to the point of being indistinguishable from AM CVn stars formed via the He-star and the White Dwarf (WD) channels in terms of the absence of H in their spectra. We further show that (4) owing to the presence of a significant radiative region, intermediate-mass giants/sub-giants, which are progenitors of AM CVn stars formed through the He-star channel, may undergo common envelope evolution that does not behave classically, (5) several AM CVn systems with extremely bloated donors, such as Gaia14aae, ZTFJ1637+49 and SRGeJ045359.9+622444 do not match any modelled trajectories if these systems are modelled only with $\mathrm{AML_{GR}}$, (6) the uncertainties in MB greatly affect modelling results. This, in turn, affects our efforts to distinguish between different AM CVn formation channels and their relative importance. Finally, we find that (7) a similar MB prescription also explains the spin-down of single, low-mass stars.

Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Taichi Uyama, Jun Hashimoto, Yuhiko Aoyama, Vincent Deo, Olivier Guyon, Julien Lozi, Barnaby Norris, Motohide Tamura, Sebastien Vievard

21 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables; accepted for publication in AJ

Recent high-sensitivity observations reveal that accreting giant planets embedded in their parental circumstellar disks can emit H$\alpha$ at their final formation stages. While the origin of such emission is not determined yet, magnetospheric accretion is currently a most plausible hypothesis. In order to test this hypothesis further, we develop a simplified, but physical-based model and apply it to our observations taken toward HD 163296 with Subaru/SCExAO+VAMPIRES. We specify under what conditions, embedded giant planets can undergo magnetospheric accretion and emit hydrogen lines. We find that when stellar accretion rates are high, magnetospheric accretion becomes energetic enough to self-regulate the resulting emission. On the other hand, if massive planets are embedded in disks with low accretion rates, earlier formation histories determine whether magnetospheric accretion occurs. We explore two different origins of hydrogen emission lines (magnetospheric accretion flow heated by accretion-related processes vs planetary surfaces via accretion shock). The corresponding relationships between the accretion and line luminosities dictate that emission from accretion flow achieves higher line flux than that from accretion shock and the flux decreases with increasing wavelengths (i.e., from H$\alpha$ to Pa$\beta$ and up to Br$\gamma$). Our observations do not detect any point-like source emitting H$\alpha$ and are used to derive the 5$\sigma$ detection limit. The observations are therefore not sensitive enough, and reliable examination of our model becomes possible if observational sensitivity will be improved by a factor of ten or more. Multi-band observations increase the possibility of efficiently detecting embedded giant planets and carefully determining the origin of hydrogen emission lines.

Inês S. Albuquerque, Noemi Frusciante, Francesco Pace, Carlo Schimd

17 pages, 16 figures, Accepted for publication in Physical Review D

We present the nonlinear growth of bound cosmological structures using the spherical collapse approach in the shift-symmetric Galileon theories. In particular, we focus on the class of models belonging to the Kinetic Gravity Braiding by adopting a general parametrization of the action encoding a large set of models by means of four free parameters: two defining the background evolution and two affecting the perturbations. For the latter we identify their specific signatures on the linearised critical density contrast, nonlinear effective gravitational coupling and the virial overdensity and how they drive their predictions away from $\Lambda$CDM. We then use the results of the spherical collapse model to predict the evolution of the halo mass function. We find that the shift-symmetric model predicts a larger number of objects compared to $\Lambda$CDM for masses $M \gtrsim 10^{14} h^{-1} \mathrm{M}_\odot$ and such number increases for larger deviations from the standard model. Therefore, the shift-symmetric model shows detectable signatures which can be used to distinguish it from the standard scenario.

Alessandro Camilletti, Albino Perego, Federico Maria Guercilena, Sebastiano Bernuzzi, David Radice

Accretion disks formed in binary neutron star mergers play a central role in many astrophysical processes of interest, including the launching of relativistic jets or the ejection of neutron-rich matter hosting heavy element nucleosynthesis. In this work we analyze in detail the properties of accretion disks from 44 ab initio binary neutron star merger simulations for a large set of nuclear equations of state, binary mass ratios and remnant fates, with the aim of furnishing reliable initial conditions for disk simulations and a comprehensive characterization of their properties. We find that the disks have a significant thermal support, with an aspect ratio decreasing with the mass ratio of the binary from $\sim 0.7$ to 0.3. Even if the disk sample spans a broad range in mass and angular momentum, their ratio is independent from the equation of state and from the mass ratio. This can be traced back to the rotational profile of the disc, characterized by a constant specific angular momentum (as opposed to a Keplerian one) of $3-5 \times 10^{16} \rm ~ cm^2~s^{-1}$. The profiles of the entropy per baryon and of the electron fraction depend on the mass ratio of the binary. For more symmetric binaries, they follow a sigmoidal distribution as a function of the rest mass density, for which we provide a detailed description and a fit. The disk properties discussed in this work can be used as a robust set of initial conditions for future long-term simulations of accretion disks from binary neutron star mergers, posing the basis for a progress in the quantitative study of the outflow properties.

D. Mata Sánchez (1, 2), T. Muñoz-Darias (1, 2), M. Armas Padilla, J. Casares (1, 2), M. A. P. Torres (1, 2) ((1) Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, 38205 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, (2) Departamento de astrofísica, Univ. de La Laguna, E-38206 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain)

4 Figures, 1 table. Appendix with 1 table. Accepted for publication in A&A

We present 20 epochs of optical spectroscopy obtained with the GTC-10.4m telescope across the bright discovery outburst of the black hole candidate Swift J1727.8-162. The spectra cover the main accretion states and are characterised by the presence of hydrogen and helium emission lines, commonly observed in these objects. These show complex profiles, including double-peaks, but also blue-shifted absorptions (with blue-edge velocities of 1150 km/s), broad emission wings and flat-top profiles, which are usual signatures of accretion disc winds. Moreover, red-shifted absorptions accompanied by blue emission excesses suggest the presence of inflows in at least two epochs, although a disc origin cannot be ruled out. Using pre-outburst imaging from Pan-STARRS, we identify a candidate quiescent optical counterpart with a magnitude of g = 20.8. This implies an outburst optical amplitude of DV = 7.7, supporting an estimated orbital period of 7.6 h, which favours an early K-type companion star. Employing various empirical methods we derive a distance to the source of d = 2.7 +- 0.3 kpc, corresponding to a Galactic Plane elevation of z = 0.48 +- 0.05 kpc. Based on these findings, we propose that Swift J1727.8-162 is a nearby black hole X-ray transient that exhibited complex signatures of optical inflows and outflows throughout its discovery outburst.

Kathryn M. Zurek

48 pages, 6 figures. Invited review for Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science

We review dark matter (DM) candidates of a very low mass, appearing in the window below the traditional weakly-interacting massive particle $m_\chi \lesssim 10$ GeV and extending down to $m_\chi \gtrsim 1$ meV, somewhat below the mass limit where DM becomes wavelike. Such candidates are motivated by hidden sectors such as Hidden Valleys, which feature hidden forces and rich dynamics, but have evaded traditional collider searches looking for New Physics because of their relatively weak coupling to the Standard Model. Such sectors can still be detected through dedicated low-energy colliders which, through their intense beams, can have sensitivity to smaller couplings, or through astrophysical observations of the evolution of DM halos and stellar structures which, through the Universe's epochs, can be sensitive to small DM interactions. We also consider mechanisms where the DM abundance is fixed through the interaction with the SM, which directly motivates the search for light DM in terrestrial experiments. The bulk of this review is dedicated to the new ideas that have been proposed for directly detecting such DM candidates of a low mass, through nuclear recoils, electronic excitations, or collective modes such as phonons and magnons. The rich tapestry of materials and modes in the Condensed Matter landscape is reviewed, along with specific prospects for detection.

Research of cosmic rays at the Physical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences resulted in the construction of the JINR Synchrophasotron. For this purpose the Electrophysical Laboratory of the USSR Academy of Sciences was founded in 1953, which became part of JINR in 1956 as the High Energy Laboratory. The initial milestones to develop experiments at the Laboratory on the Synchrophasotron are presented. Leaders and key participants in the experiments are highlighted, as well as the lessons and results relevant today.

Maxim Dvornikov (IZMIRAN)

11 pages in LaTeX2e, 12 eps figures

We study interacting classical magnetic and pseudoscalar fields in frames of the axion electrodynamics. A large scale pseudoscalar field can be the coherent superposition of axions or axion like particles. We consider the evolution of these fields in a thin spherical layer. Decomposing the magnetic field into the poloidal and toroidal components, we take into account their symmetry properties. The dependence of the pseudoscalar field on the latitude is accounted for the induction equation. Then, we derive the dynamo equations in the low mode approximation. The nonlinear evolution equations for the harmonics of the magnetic and pseudoscalar fields are solved numerically. As an application, we consider a dense axion star embedded in solar plasma. The behavior of the harmonics and their typical oscillations frequencies are obtained. We suggest that such small objects consisting of axions and confined magnetic fields can cause the recently observed flashes in solar corona contributing to its heating.

We investigate the warm inflationary scenario within the context of the linear version of f (Q, T ) gravity, coupled with both the inflaton scalar field and the radiation field, under the conditions of the strong dissipation regime. First, we calculate the modified Friedmann equations and the modified slow-roll parameters. Subsequently, we apply the slow-roll approximations to derive the scalar power spectrum and the tensor power spectrum. Also, we develop formulations of the scalar and tensor perturbations for the f (Q, T ) gravity with warm inflation scenario. Furthermore, we scrutinize two different forms of the dissipation coefficient, a constant and a function of the inflaton field to determine the scalar spectral index, the tensor-to-scalar ratio and the temperature for the power-law potential case. By imposing some constraints on the free parameters of the model, we attain results in good agreement with both the Planck 2018 data and the joint Planck, BK15 and BAO data for the tensor-to-scalar ratio, and consistent results aligned with the Planck 2018 data for the scalar spectral index. Consequently, we are able to revive the power-law potential that was previously ruled out by observational data. Moreover, for the variable dissipation coefficient, the model leads to the scalar spectral index with the blue and red tilts in agreement with the WMAP three years data.

Tanmoy Bar, Dipali Basak, Lalit Kumar Sahoo, Sukhendu Saha, Jagannath Datta, Sandipan Dasgupta, Chinmay Basu

The cross-section measurement of $^{144}$Sm(p, $\gamma$)$^{145}$Eu (T$_{1/2}=$5.93(4) days) reaction has been performed at proton energies around 2.6, 3.1, 3.7, 4.1, 4.2, 4.7, 5.1, 5.5, 5.9, 6.4, 6.8 MeV using the activation technique. These energies correspond to the Gamow window for 3, 4 GK and a partial portion for 2 GK. $^{144}$Sm has been chosen for the present study because of its significantly higher abundance compared to the other neighboring $p$-nuclides (Z $>$ 50). The astrophysical $S-$factor of this reaction has been measured for the first time at E$^{cm}_p=$ 2.57$\pm$0.13 MeV, $S-$ factor$=$2.542$\pm$1.152($\times$10$^{10}$) MeV-b. Cross-section data were compared with the previously measured experimental data from literature and the theoretical predictions obtained using Hauser-Feshbach statistical model codes TALYS 1.96 and NON-SMOKER. A satisfactory agreement between experimental data and theoretical results was observed. Molecular deposition technique was used to prepare the $^{144}$Sm targets having thickness between 100$-$350 $\mu$g/cm$^2$ on Al backing. Obtained results were utilized to predict the reaction rates for $^{144}$Sm (p, $\gamma$) and $^{145}$Eu ($\gamma$, p) reactions using TALYS 1.96 and the reciprocity theorem.

Dong-Hoon Kim, Chul Min Kim, Sang Pyo Kim

14 pages, 6 figures

Highly magnetized neutron stars exhibit the vacuum non-linear electrodynamics effects, which can be well described using the one-loop effective action for quantum electrodynamics. In this context, we study the propagation and polarization of pulsar radio emission, based on the post-Maxwellian Lagrangian from the Heisenberg-Euler-Schwinger action. Given the refractive index obtained from this Lagrangian, we determine the leading-order corrections to both the propagation and polarization vectors due to quantum refraction via perturbation analysis. In addition, the effects on the orthogonality between the propagation and polarization vectors and the Faraday rotation angle, all due to quantum refraction are investigated. Furthermore, from the dual refractive index and the associated polarization modes, we discuss quantum birefringence, with the optical phenomenology analogous to its classical counterpart.

Dark matter can be boosted by high energy particles in astrophysical environments through elastic scattering. We study the production of boosted dark matter via scattering with electrons in the relativistic jet of the closest active galactic nucleus, Centaurus A, and its detection in the Super-Kamiokande experiment. Since there are a huge number of electrons in the jet and dark matter is extremely dense around the supermassive black hole that powers the jet, the number of boosted dark matter is tremendously large. Compared to boosted dark matter from blazars, the dark matter flux from Centaurus A is enhanced due to the proximity of Centaurus A. The constraint on dark matter-electron scattering cross section set by Super-Kamiokande is more stringent, down to $\sim 10^{-36} \, \mathrm{cm}^2$ for $\mathrm{MeV}$ dark matter.

Cosmology in general, and relation between redshift and cosmic epoch in particular, is usually obscure to first years university students, secondary students, as well as journalists, politicians and the general public scientists may have interactions with. I identify the need for a simple artifact scientists may give to the public to clarify a few relations between redshift and other physical quantities, more meaningful for a non-scientist audience. This simple bookmark aims at completing previous "pen-and-pencil cosmological calculator" nomograms. I created a small, handy, duplicable bookmark with two printed sides, showing the corresponding cosmological values of redshift, age, time, and angular scale (for 1 kpc), using the Planck 2018 cosmology. On the recto, the redshift range of [0.1, 1000] approaches the recombination with a logarithmic scale. On the verso, the redshift range is chosen to be [0, 30] using a linear scale, covering the range of current (and future) detections of galaxies. A few examples are given, illustrating e.g. Planck, JWST or Euclid capabilities and complementarities, time interval non-linearity, properties of galaxies and clusters. This handy bookmark may be printed cheaply and offered to every student in physics (undergrad and grad student) in our universities or to secondary schools students we visit. The Cosmology Ruler Bookmark included is ready to print (single- or double-sided). The python script is available on github, allowing changes adapted to everyone's needs for teaching and outreach purposes, including with other cosmologies or applied to other scientific fields.

Fien Apers, Joseph P. Conlon, Edmund J. Copeland, Martin Mosny, Filippo Revello

61 pages, 2 figures, comments welcome

We perform a detailed study of stringy moduli-driven cosmologies between the end of inflation and the commencement of the Hot Big Bang, including both the background and cosmological perturbations: a period that can cover half the lifetime of the universe on a logarithmic scale. Compared to the standard cosmology, stringy cosmologies motivate extended kination, tracker and moduli-dominated epochs involving significantly trans-Planckian field excursions. Conventional effective field theory is unable to control Planck-suppressed operators and so such epochs require a stringy completion for a consistent analysis. Perturbation growth in these stringy cosmologies is substantially enhanced compared to conventional cosmological histories. The transPlanckian field evolution results in radical changes to Standard Model couplings during this history and we outline potential applications to baryogenesis, dark matter and gravitational wave production.

Robert Brandenberger, Pei-Ming Ho, Hikaru Kawai, Wei-Hsiang Shao

7 pages, 1 figure

We study the implications of the stringy space-time uncertainty relation (STUR) for inflationary cosmology. By demanding that no fluctuation modes that exit the Hubble radius are affected by the nonlocality resulting from the STUR, we find an upper bound on the number of e-foldings of inflation. The bound is a factor of 2 weaker than what results from the Trans-Planckian Censorship Criterion (TCC). By demanding that the inflationary phase is simultaneously consistent with STUR and sufficiently long for inflation to provide a causal explanation of structure on the scale of the current Hubble radius, we find an upper bound on the energy scale of inflation. The bound is less restrictive than what follows from the TCC, but it remains in conflict with canonical single-field inflation models.