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Papers for Monday, Jan 15 2024

Papers with local authors

William Fox, Richard Longland, Caleb Marshall, Federico Portillo Chaves
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Paper 9 — arXiv:2401.06754
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Paper 9 — arXiv:2401.06754

The globular cluster NGC 2419 was the first to exhibit a Mg-K anticorrelation, linked to hydrogen burning at temperatures between 80-260 MK. However, the key K-destroying reaction, $^{39}\mathrm{K}(p,\gamma)^{40}\mathrm{Ca}$, has a large rate uncertainty in this range. We significantly constrain this rate with a high resolution $^{39}\mathrm{K}(^{3}\mathrm{He},d)^{40}\mathrm{Ca}$ study. We resolve the E$_{\text{r}}^{\text{c.m.}} = 154$ keV resonance in $^{39}\mathrm{K}+p$ for the first time, increasing the previous rate by up to a factor 13 and reducing its $1\sigma$ width by up to a factor of 42. Reaction network calculations for NGC 2419 suggest that this could lower temperatures needed to reproduce the Mg-K anticorrelation.

Yi-Fei Lü, Ben-Yang Zhu, Rong-Lan Li, Xue-Kang Guo, Tian-Ci Liu, Yong-Bo Huang, Yun-Feng Liang

13 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in RAA

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Paper 27 — arXiv:2401.06571
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Paper 27 — arXiv:2401.06571

Dwarf irregular galaxies (dIrrs), as rotationally-supported systems, have more reliable J-factor measurements than dwarf spheroidal galaxies and have received attention as targets for dark matter detection in recent years. In this paper, we use 10 years of IceCube muon-track data and an unbinned maximum-likelihood-ratio method to search for neutrino signals beyond the background from the directions of 7 dIrrs, aiming to detect neutrinos produced by heavy annihilation dark matter. We do not detect any significant signal. Based on such null results, we calculate the upper limits on the velocity-averaged annihilation cross section for 1 TeV - 10 PeV dark matter. Our limits, although weaker than the strictest constraints in the literature in this mass range, are also a good complement to the existing results considering the more reliable J-factor measurements of dIrrs.

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Kirill Y. Kraav, Mikhail E. Gusakov, Elena M. Kantor

21 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review D

The detectability of the gravitational-wave signal from $r$-modes depends on the interplay between the amplification of the mode by the CFS instability and its damping due to dissipative mechanisms present in the stellar matter. The instability window of $r$-modes describes the region of stellar parameters (angular velocity, $\Omega$, and redshifted stellar temperature, $T^\infty$), for which the mode is unstable. In this study, we reexamine this problem in nonbarotropic neutron stars, taking into account the previously overlooked nonanalytic behavior (in $\Omega$) of relativistic $r$-modes and enhanced energy dissipation resulting from diffusion in superconducting stellar matter. We demonstrate that at slow rotation rates, relativistic $r$-modes exhibit weaker amplification by the CFS instability compared to Newtonian ones. However, their dissipation through viscosity and diffusion is significantly more efficient. In rapidly rotating neutron stars within the framework of general relativity, the amplification of $r$-modes by the CFS mechanism and their damping due to shear viscosity become comparable to those predicted by Newtonian theory. In contrast, the relativistic damping of the mode by diffusion and bulk viscosity remains significantly stronger than in the nonrelativistic case. Consequently, account for diffusion and general relativity leads to a substantial modification of the $r$-mode instability window compared to the Newtonian prediction. This finding is important for the interpretation of observations of rotating neutron stars, as well as for overall understanding of $r$-mode physics.

Gabriella De Lucia, Fabio Fontanot, Lizhi Xie, Michaela Hirschmann

14 pages; 13 figures; A&A submitted; comments welcome

We present the latest version of the GAEA model of galaxy formation. Our new model combines (i) an updated treatment of AGN feedback including an improved modelling of cold gas accretion on super-massive BHs and an explicit implementation of quasar winds; and (ii) an improved modelling of cold and hot gas stripping from satellite galaxies. We show that our latest model predicts specific SFR distributions that are in remarkable agreement with observational measurements in the local Universe. Our updated model predicts quenched fractions that are in very nice agreement with data up to z~3-4, and a turn-over of the number densities of quenched galaxies at low stellar masses that is in qualitative agreement with current observational estimates. We show that the main reasons for the improved behaviour with respect to previous renditions of our model are the updated treatment for satellites at low galaxy masses (<10^10 Msun) and the inclusion of quasar winds at intermediate to large stellar masses (>10^10 Msun). However, we show that the better treatment of the star formation threshold, due to our explicit partitioning of the cold gas in its atomic and molecular components, also plays an important role in suppressing excessive residual star formation in massive galaxies. While our analysis is based on a selection of quiescent galaxies that takes advantage of the information about their SFR, we demonstrate that the impact of a different (colour-colour) selection is not significant, at least for galaxies above the completeness limits of current surveys. Our new model predicts number densities of massive quiescent galaxies at z>3 that are the largest among recently published models. Yet, our model predictions appear still to be below post-JWST observational measurements. We show that the expected cosmic variance is large, and can easily accommodate some of the most recent measurements.

Ben K. D. Pearce, Sarah M Hörst, Joshua A. Sebree, Chao He

Accepted to PSJ, 12 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, 13 supplementary pages

Over 4 billion years ago, Earth is thought to have been a hazy world akin to Saturn's moon Titan. The organic hazes in the atmosphere at this time could contain a vast inventory of life's building blocks, and thus may have seeded warm little ponds for life. In this work, we produce organic hazes in the lab in atmospheres with high (5%) and low (0.5%) CH4 abundances and analyze the solid particles for nucleobases, amino acids, and a few other organics using GC/MS/MS to obtain their concentrations. We also analyze heated (200 $^{\circ}$C) samples from the high methane organic haze experiment to simulate these particles sitting on an uninhabitable surface. Finally, we use our experimental results and estimates of atmospheric haze production as inputs for a comprehensive numerical pond model to calculate the concentrations of nucleobases from organic hazes in these environments. We find that organic hazes typically provide up to 0.2-6.5 $\mu$M concentrations of nucleobases to warm little ponds for potentially habitable Hadean conditions. However, without seepage, uracil and thymine can reach ~100 $\mu$M concentrations, which is the present lower experimental limit to react these species to form nucleotides. Heating samples leads to partial or complete decay of biomolecules, suggesting that biomolecule stockpiling on the hot surface is unlikely. The ideal conditions for the delivery of life's building blocks from organic hazes would be when the Hadean atmosphere is rich in methane, but not so rich as to create an uninhabitable surface.

Shoji Mori, Yuri Aikawa, Yoko Oya, Satoshi Yamamoto, Nami Sakai

17 pages, 12 figures, published in ApJ, 2024 January 11

We performed synthetic observations of the Ulrich, Cassen, and Moosman (UCM) model to understand the relation between the physical structures of the infalling envelope around a protostar and their observational features in molecular lines, adopting L1527 as an example. We also compared the physical structure and synthetic position-velocity (P-V) diagrams of the UCM model and a simple ballistic (SB) model. There are multiple ways to compare synthetic data with observational data. We first calculated the correlation coefficient. The UCM model and the SB model show similarly good correlation with the observational data. While the correlation reflects the overall similarity between the cube datasets, we can alternatively compare specific local features, such as the centrifugal barrier in the SB model or the centrifugal radius in the UCM model. We evaluated systematic uncertainties in these methods. In the case of L1527, the stellar mass values estimated using these methods are all lower than the value derived from previous Keplerian analysis of the disk. This may indicate that the gas infall motion in the envelope is retarded by, e.g., magnetic fields. We also showed analytically that, in the UCM model, the spin-up feature of the P-V diagram is due to the infall velocity rather than the rotation. The line-of-sight velocity $V$ is thus $\propto x^{-0.5}$, where $x$ is the offset. If the infall is retarded, rotational velocity should dominate so that $V$ is proportional to $x^{-1}$, as is often observed in the protostellar envelope.

In protoplanetary disks, sufficiently massive planets excite pressure bumps, which can then be preferred locations for forming new planet cores. We discuss how this loop may affect the architecture of multi-planet systems, and compare our predictions with observation. Our main prediction is that low-mass planets and giant planets can each be divided into two subpopulations with different levels of mass uniformity. Low-mass planets that can and cannot reach the pebble isolation mass (the minimum mass required to produce a pressure bump) develop into intra-similar "Super-Earths" and more diverse "Earths", respectively. Gas giants that do and do not accrete envelope quickly develop into intra-similar "Jupiters" and more diverse "Saturns", respectively. Super-Earths prefer to form long chains via repeated pressure-bump planet formation, while Jupiter formation is usually terminated at pairs or triplets due to dynamical instability. These predictions are broadly consistent with observations. In particular, we discover a previously overlooked mass uniformity dichotomy among the observed populations of both low-mass planets (Earths vs. Super-Earths) and gas giants (Saturns vs. Jupiters). For low-mass planets, planets well below the pebble isolation mass ($\lesssim 3M_\oplus$ or $\lesssim 1.5 R_\oplus$ for sun-like stars) show significantly higher intra-system pairwise mass difference than planets around the pebble isolation mass. For gas giants, the period ratios of intra-system pairs show a bimodal distribution, which can be interpreted as two subpopulations with different levels of mass uniformity. These findings suggest that pressure-bump planet formation could be an important ingredient in shaping planetary architectures.

Emeric Seraille, Johannes Noller, Blake D. Sherwin

11 pages + appendices and references, 11 figures

We use the integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect, by now detectable at $\sim 5\sigma$ within the context of $\Lambda{}$CDM cosmologies, to place strong constraints on dynamical dark energy theories. Working within an effective field theory framework for dark energy we find that including ISW constraints from galaxy-CMB cross-correlations significantly strengthens existing large-scale structure constraints, yielding bounds consistent with $\Lambda{}$CDM and approximately reducing the viable parameter space by $\sim 70\%$. This is a direct consequence of ${\cal O}(1)$ changes induced in these cross-correlations by otherwise viable dark energy models, which we discuss in detail. We compute constraints by adapting the $\Lambda{}$CDM ISW likelihood from [1] for dynamical dark energy models using galaxy data from 2MASS, WISE $\times$ SuperCOSMOS, SDSS-DR12, QSOs and NVSS, CMB data from Planck 18, and BAO and RSD large scale structure measurements from BOSS and 6dF. We show constraints both in terms of EFT-inspired $\alpha_i$ and phenomenological $\mu/\Sigma$ parametrisations. Furthermore we discuss the approximations involved and related aspects of bias modelling in detail and highlight what these constraints imply for the underlying dark energy theories.

Ethan Silver an Elena Orlando

Accepted to be published in ApJ

AMS-02 on board the ISS provides precise measurements of Cosmic Rays (CR) near Earth, while Voyager measures CR in the local interstellar medium, beyond the effects of solar modulation. Based on these data, we test and revise various CR propagation scenarios under standard assumptions: pure diffusion, diffusion with convection, diffusion with reacceleration, and diffusion with reacceleration and convection. We report on the scenarios' performance against CR measurements, aiming to limit the number of model parameters as much as possible. For each scenario we find parameters that are able to reproduce Voyager and AMS-02 data for the entire energy band for all the CR species tested. Above several GV we observe a similar injection spectral index for He and C, with He harder than H. Some scenarios previously disfavored are now reconsidered. For example, contrary to usual assumptions, we find that the pure diffusion scenario does not need an upturn in the diffusion coefficient at low energy, while it needs the same number of low-energy breaks in the injection spectrum as diffusive-reacceleration scenarios. We show that scenarios differ in modeled spectra of one order of magnitude for positrons at around 1 GeV and of a factor of 2 for antiprotons at several GV. The force-field approximation describes well the AMS-02 and Voyager spectra analyzed, except antiprotons. We confirm the excess around 10 GeV in the antiproton spectrum for all scenarios. Also, for all scenarios, the resulting solar modulation should be stronger for positrons than for nuclei, with reacceleration models requiring much larger modulation.

Astronomers have always wanted to know whether there are other planets around other stars that support life like our Earth. The search for life elsewhere has led us to new findings of extreme planetary conditions that humans were unaware of. Here we present the habitability index values of three earlier discovered exoplanets: Kepler-504 b (of the star Kepler-504), Kepler-315 b and Kepler-315 c (of the Kepler-315 stellar system). We wanted to know what are the ideal factors that decide the chances of habitability, e.g., the orbital distance from the star, the type of star, or a combination of multiple properties. We hypothesized that there should exist a combination of these properties that will increase the chances that the exoplanet would be similar to Earth. We have adopted the Earth Similarity Index (ESI) for calculating the physical similarity of exoplanets to Earth, and hence the probability of them being habitable. Using available telescope data, we found that Kepler-504 b, with a host M-type star (small red dwarf), and Kepler-315 c, with a host G-type star, had ESI values of 71.23% and 69.44%, respectively, thereby showing high similarity to Earth. Kepler-315 b, with a host G-type star, on the other hand, had an ESI value of only 35.68%, showing poor similarity to Earth. We have also listed previously calculated ESI values of additional exoplanets from the Planet Habitability Laboratory catalog, which supports our hypothesis. Thus, it suggests that a combination of star-type and orbital radius seems to make conditions favorable. Future work can study more exoplanets with such combinations to further validate these findings.

A. M. Bykov, A. E. Petrov, G. A. Ponomaryov, K. P. Levenfish, M. Falanga

13 pages, 4 figures, Adv. Space Res., in print

Current generation of ground based gamma-ray telescopes observed dozens of sources of photons above 100 TeV. Supernova remnants, pulsar wind nebulae, young stellar clusters and superbubbles are considered as possible sites of PeV-regime particles producing the radiation. Another possible source of PeV particles could be gamma-ray binary systems. In these systems, a strong relativistic outflow from a compact object (neutron star or black hole) collides with the dense wind from a massive companion early-type star. Gamma-ray binaries are observed from radio to high energy gamma-rays as luminous non-thermal sources. Apart from acceleration of very high energy leptons producing most of the non-thermal radiation, these systems may also efficiently accelerate protons. We present here the results of numerical simulation of the PeV-regime proton acceleration in gamma-ray binaries. The simulation is based on relativistic MHD modeling of local flows of magnetized plasma in the region of interaction of two colliding winds. We then inject 0.1 PeV protons into the system and directly follow their trajectories to demonstrate that they are accelerated to energies above PeV. High magnetization of the wind of the young massive star providing a Gauss range field in the winds interaction region is of paramount importance for the acceleration of protons above PeV. The maximum energies of protons accelerated by colliding winds in gamma ray binaries can significantly exceed the energy of the pulsar potential's drop, which limits from above the energy of particles accelerated by an isolated pulsar.

V. M. Passegger, A. Suárez Mascareño, R. Allart, J. I. González Hernández, C. Lovis, B. Lavie, A. M. Silva, H. M. Müller, H. M. Tabernero, S. Cristiani, F. Pepe, R. Rebolo, N. C. Santos, V. Adibekyan, Y. Alibert, C. Allende Prieto, S. C. C. Barros, F. Bouchy, A. Castro-González, V. D'Odorico, X. Dumusque, P. Di Marcantonio, D. Ehrenreich, P. Figueira, R. Génova Santos, G. Lo Curto, C. J. A. P. Martins, A. Mehner, G. Micela, P. Molaro, N. Nari, N. J. Nunes, E. Pallé, E. Poretti, J. Rodrigues, S. G. Sousa, A. Sozzetti, S. Udry, M. R. Zapatero Osorio

accepted in A&A

GJ 9827 is a bright, nearby K7V star orbited by two super-Earths and one mini-Neptune on close-in orbits. The system was first discovered using K2 data and then further characterized by other spectroscopic and photometric instruments. Previous literature studies provide several mass measurements for the three planets, however, with large variations and uncertainties. To better constrain the planetary masses, we added high-precision radial velocity measurements from ESPRESSO to published datasets from HARPS, HARPS-N, and HIRES and we performed a Gaussian process analysis combining radial velocity and photometric datasets from K2 and TESS. This method allowed us to model the stellar activity signal and derive precise planetary parameters. We determined planetary masses of $M_b = 4.28_{-0.33}^{+0.35}$ M${_\oplus}$, $M_c = 1.86_{-0.39}^{+0.37}$ M${_\oplus}$, and $M_d = 3.02_{-0.57}^{+0.58}$ M${_\oplus}$, and orbital periods of $1.208974 \pm 0.000001$ days for planet b, $3.648103_{-0.000010}^{+0.000013}$ days for planet c, and $6.201812 \pm 0.000009$ days for planet d. We compared our results to literature values and found that our derived uncertainties for the planetary mass, period, and radial velocity amplitude are smaller than the previously determined uncertainties. We modeled the interior composition of the three planets using the machine-learning-based tool ExoMDN and conclude that GJ 9827 b and c have an Earth-like composition, whereas GJ 9827 d has an hydrogen envelope, which, together with its density, places it in the mini-Neptune regime.

A dust nucleating agent may be present in interstellar or circumstellar media that has gone seemingly undetected and unstudied for decades. Some analyses of the Murchison CM2 meteorite suggest that at least some of the aluminum present within condensed as aluminum nitrides instead of the long studied, but heretofore undetected suite of aluminum oxides. The present theoretical study utilizes explicitly correlated coupled cluster theory and density functional theory to provide a pathway of formation from alane (AlH$_3$) and ammonia to the cyclic structure, Al$_2$N$_2$H$_4$ which has the proper Al/N ratio expected of bulk aluminum nitrides. Novel rovibrational spectroscopic constants are computed for alane and the first two formed structures, AlNH$_6$ and AlNH$_4$, along the reaction pathway for use as reference in possible laboratory or observational studies. The $\nu_8$ bending frequency for AlNH$_6$ at 755.7 cm$^{-1}$ (13.23 $\mu$m) presents a vibrational transition intensity of 515 km mol$^{-1}$, slightly more intense than the anti-symmetric C$-$O stretch of carbon dioxide, and contains a dipole moment of 5.40 D, which is $\sim 3 \times$ larger than that of water. Thus, the present reaction pathway and rovibrational spectroscopic analysis may potentially assist in the astrophysical detection of novel, inorganic species which may be indicative of larger dust grain nucleation.

F. Eppel, M. Kadler, J. Heßdörfer, P. Benke, L. Debbrecht, J. Eich, A. Gokus, S. Hämmerich, D. Kirchner, G. F. Paraschos, F. Rösch, W. Schulga, J. Sinapius, P. Weber, U. Bach, D. Dorner, P. G. Edwards, M. Giroletti, A. Kraus, O. Hervet, S. Koyama, T. P. Krichbaum, K. Mannheim, E. Ros, M. Zacharias, J. A. Zensus

16 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in A&A

Aims. We introduce the TELAMON program which is using the Effelsberg 100-m telescope to monitor the radio spectra of active galactic nuclei (AGN) under scrutiny in astroparticle physics, specifically TeV blazars and candidate neutrino-associated AGN. Here, we present and characterize our main sample of TeV-detected blazars. Methods. We analyze the data sample from the first ~2.5 years of observations between August 2020 and February 2023 in the range from 14 GHz to 45 GHz. During this pilot phase, we have observed all 59 TeV-detected blazars in the Northern Hemisphere (i.e., Dec. >0{\deg}) known at the time of observation. We discuss the basic data reduction and calibration procedures used for all TELAMON data and introduce a sub-band averaging method used to calculate average light curves for the sources in our sample. Results. The TeV-selected sources in our sample exhibit a median flux density of 0.12 Jy at 20 mm, 0.20 Jy at 14 mm and 0.60 Jy at 7 mm. The spectrum for most of the sources is consistent with a flat radio spectrum and we find a median spectral index ($S(\nu)\propto\nu^\alpha$) of $\alpha=-0.11$. Our results on flux density and spectral index are consistent with previous studies of TeV-selected blazars. Compared to the GeV-selected F-GAMMA sample, TELAMON sources are significantly fainter in the radio band. This is consistent with the double-humped spectrum of blazars being shifted towards higher frequencies for TeV-emitters (in particular for high-synchrotron peaked BL Lac type objects), which results in a lower radio flux density. The spectral index distribution of our TeV-selected blazar sample is not significantly different from the GeV-selected F-GAMMA sample. Moreover, we present a strategy to track the light curve evolution of sources in our sample for future variability and correlation analysis.

Kotomi Taniguchi, Prathap Rayalacheruvu, Teppei Yonetsu, Tatsuya Takekoshi, Bunyo Hatsukade, Kotaro Kohno, Tai Oshima, Yoichi Tamura, Yuki Yoshimura, Víctor Gómez-Rivera, Sergio Rojas-García, Arturo I. Gómez-Ruiz, David H. Hughes, F. Peter Schloerb, Liton Majumdar, Masao Saito, Ryohei Kawabe

Accepted by The Astrophysical Journal, 13 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables

We present emission maps (1.5'$\times$1.5' scale, corresponding to 0.18 pc) of the DCN ($J=2-1$) and DCO$^+$ ($J=2-1$) lines in the 2 mm band toward the Orion KL region obtained with the 2 mm receiver system named B4R installed on the Large Millimeter Telescope (LMT). The DCN emission shows a peak at the Orion KL hot core position, whereas no DCO$^+$ emission has been detected there. The DCO$^+$ emission shows enhancement at the west side of the hot core, which is well shielded from the UV radiation from OB massive stars in the Trapezium cluster. We have derived the abundance ratio of DCN/DCO$^+$ at three representative positions where both species have been detected. The gas components with $V_{\rm {LSR}} \approx 7.5-8.7$ km/s are associated with low abundance ratios of $\sim4-6$, whereas much higher abundance ratios ($\sim22-30$) are derived for the gas components with $V_{\rm {LSR}} \approx 9.2-11.6$ km/s. We have compared the observed abundance ratio to our chemical models and found that the observed differences in the DCN/DCO$^+$ abundance ratios are explained by different densities.

Zhen-Jie Wang, Ruo-Yu Liu, Ze-Rui Wang, Junfeng Wang

19pages,12figures,accepted for publication in ApJ. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2211.07070

The blazar $TXS~0506+056$ has been proposed as a high-energy neutrino emitter. However, it has been shown that the standard one-zone model cannot produce sufficiently high neutrino flux due to constraints from the X-ray data, implying more complex properties of the radiation zones in the blazar than that described by the standard one-zone model. In this work we investigate multi-epoch high-energy muon neutrino events associated with the blazar $TXS~0506+056$ occured in 2014-2015, 2017-2018, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023, respectively. We applied the so-called ``stochastic dissipation model'' to account for the neutrino-blazar associations detected in the four epochs simultaenously. This model describes a scenario in which the emission of the blazar arise from the superimposition of two components: a persistent component related to the quasi-stable state of the blazar and a transient component responsible for the sudden enhancement of the blazar's flux, either in electromagnetic radiation or in neutrino emission. The latter component could form at a random distance along the jet by a strong energy dissipation event. Under such assumption, the multi-epoch broadband spectral energy distribution (SED) can be well explained and the expected number of high-energy neutrino events is statistically realistic. The expected number of neutrino events in half-year is around 8.2, 0.07, 0.73 and 0.41, corresponding to the epoch in 2014-2015, 2017-2018, 2021-2022 and 2022-2023, respectively. Hence, our model self-consistently explains the episodic neutrino emission from $TXS~0506+056$.

Yuri Oku, Kentaro Nagamine

26 pages, 12 figures, submitted to ApJ

We introduce our new cosmological simulation dataset CROCODILE, executed using the GADGET4-Osaka smoothed particle hydrodynamics code. This simulation incorporates an updated supernova (SN) feedback model of Oku et al. (2022) and an active galactic nuclei (AGN) feedback model. A key innovation in our SN feedback model is the integration of a metallicity- and redshift-dependent, top-heavy IMF, which enables a higher energy injection rate per unit stellar mass formed at high redshift. The CROCODILE dataset is comprehensive, encompassing a variety of runs with diverse feedback parameters. This allows for an in-depth exploration of the relative impacts of different feedback processes in galactic evolution. Our initial comparisons with observational data -- spanning the galaxy stellar mass function, the star formation main sequence, and the mass-metallicity relation -- show promising agreement, especially for the Fiducial run. These results establish a solid foundation for our future work. We find that the SN feedback is a key driver in the chemical enrichment of the IGM. Additionally, the AGN feedback creates metal-rich, bipolar outflows that extend and enrich the CGM and IGM over a few Mpc scales.

Masumi Shimojo, Timothy S. Bastian, Seiji Kameno, Antonio S. Hales

30 pages, 16 figures, Accepted for publication in Solar Physics

The Atacama Large Millimeter-submillimeter Array (ALMA) is a general purpose telescope that performs a broad program of astrophysical observations. Beginning in late-2016, solar observations with ALMA became available, thereby opening a new window onto solar physics. Since then, the number of solar observing capabilities has increased substantially but polarimetric observations, a community priority, have not been available. Weakly circularly polarized emission is expected from the chromosphere where magnetic fields are strong. Hence, maps of Stokes V provide critical new constraints on the longitudinal component of the chromospheric magnetic field. Between 2019-2022, an ALMA solar development effort dedicated to making solar polarimetry at millimeter wavelengths a reality was carried out. Here, we discuss the development effort to enable solar polarimetry in the 3 mm band (ALMA Band 3) in detail and present a number of results that emerge from the development program. These include tests that validate polarization calibration, including evaluation of instrumental polarization: both antenna based "leakage" terms and off-axis effects (termed "beam squint" for Stokes V). We also present test polarimetric observations of a magnetized source on the Sun, the following sunspot in a solar active region, which shows a significant Stokes V signature in line with expectations. Finally, we provide some cautions and guidance to users contemplating the use of polarization observations with ALMA.

Anshuman Acharya, Vinay L. Kashyap

3 pages, 1 figure, published in the Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society (RNAAS)

Spectral fitting of X-ray data usually involves minimizing statistics like the chi-square and the Cash statistic. Here we discuss their limitations and introduce two measures based on the cumulative sum (CuSum) of model residuals to evaluate whether model complexity could be increased: the percentage of bins exceeding a nominal threshold in a CuSum array (pct$_{CuSum}$), and the excess area under the CuSum compared to the nominal (p$_\textit{area}$). We demonstrate their use with an application to a $\textit{Chandra}$ ACIS spectral fit.

Tomás Verdugo, Mario H. Amante, Juan Magaña, Miguel A. García-Aspeitia, Alberto Hernández-Almada, Verónica Motta


Brane world models have shown to be promising to understand the late cosmic acceleration, in particular because such acceleration can be naturally derived, mimicking the dark energy behaviour just with a five dimensional geometry. In this paper we present a strong lensing joint analysis using a compilation of early-type galaxies acting as a lenses, united with the power of the well studied strong lensing galaxy cluster Abell\,1689. We use the strong lensing constraints to investigate a brane model with variable brane tension as a function of the redshift. In our joint analysis we found a value $n = 7.8^{+0.9}_{-0.5}$, for the exponent related to the brane tension, showing that $n$ deviates from a Cosmological Constant (CC) scenario (n=6). We obtain a value for the deceleration parameter, $q(z)$ today, $q(0)=-1.2^{+0.6}_{-0.8}$, and a transition redshift, $z_t=0.60\pm0.06$ (when the Universe change from an decelerated phase to an accelerated one). These results are in contrast with previous work that favors CC scenario, nevertheless our lensing analysis is in agreement with a formerly reported conclusion suggesting that the variable brane tension model is able to source a late cosmic acceleration without an extra fluid as in the standard one.

Bidya Binay Karak

IAU proceedings based on the invited talk given at IAU Symposium 365 in Yerevan, Armenia

Babcock-Leighton process, in which the poloidal field is generated through the decay and dispersal of tilted bipolar magnetic regions (BMRs), is observed to be the major process behind the generating poloidal field in the Sun. Based on this process, the Babcock-Leighton dynamo models have been a promising tool for explaining various aspects of solar and stellar magnetic cycles. In recent years, in the toroidal to poloidal part of this dynamo loop, various nonlinear mechanisms, namely the flux loss through the magnetic buoyancy in the formation of BMRs, latitude quenching, tilt quenching, and inflows around BMRs, have been identified. While these nonlinearities tend to produce a stable magnetic cycle, the irregular properties of BMR, mainly the scatter around Joy's law tilt, make a considerable variation in the solar cycle, including grand minima and maxima. After reviewing recent developments in these topics, I end the presentation by discussing the recent progress in making the early prediction of the solar cycle.

Zhen Xie, Bing Liu, Jiahao Liu, Yi-Fu Cai, Ruizhi Yang

7 pages, 6 figures, accepted by PRD

Primordial black holes (PBHs) are a compelling candidate for Dark Matter (DM). There remain significant parameter spaces to be explored despite current astrophysical observations have set strong limits. Utilizing advanced MeV observation instruments, we have statistically established the upper limit of Hawking radiation emitted by PBHs in DM-dense systems, such as galaxy clusters or dwarf galaxies. These results can set a stringent upper limit on the ratio of PBH to DM, expressed as $f_{\rm PBH}$. Our results highlight the efficacy of MeV observations in DM-dense environments. The constraints on $f_{\rm PBH}$ for PBHs in the mass range of $10^{16}-10^{17} ~\rm g$ can be improved significantly compared with the current observations.

Ying D. Liu, Bei Zhu, Hao Ran, Huidong Hu, Mingzhe Liu, Xiaowei Zhao, Rui Wang, Michael L. Stevens, Stuart D. Bale

Accepted for publication in the The Astrophysical Journal

We report on the first direct in situ measurements of a fast coronal mass ejection (CME) and shock in the corona, which occurred on 2022 September 5. In situ measurements from the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) spacecraft near perihelion suggest two shocks with the second one decayed, which is consistent with more than one eruptions in coronagraph images. Despite a flank crossing, the measurements indicate unique features of the young ejecta: a plasma much hotter than the ambient medium suggestive of a hot solar source, and a large plasma $\beta$ implying a highly non-force-free state and the importance of thermal pressure gradient for CME acceleration and expansion. Reconstruction of the global coronal magnetic fields shows a long-duration change in the heliospheric current sheet (HCS), and the observed field polarity reversals agree with a more warped HCS configuration. Reconnection signatures are observed inside an HCS crossing as deep as the sonic critical point. As the reconnection occurs in the sub-Alfv\'enic wind, the reconnected flux sunward of the reconnection site can close back to the Sun, which helps balance magnetic flux in the heliosphere. The nature of the sub-Alfv\'enic wind after the HCS crossing as a low Mach-number boundary layer (LMBL) leads to in situ measurements of the near subsonic plasma at a surprisingly large distance. Specifically, an LMBL may provide favorable conditions for the crossings of the sonic critical point in addition to the Alfv\'en surface.

Keita Fukushima, Kentaro Nagamine, Akinori Matsumoto, Yuki Isobe, Masami Ouchi, Takayuki Saitoh, Yutaka Hirai

14 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, submitted to ApJ

The chemical composition of galaxies offers vital insights into their formation and evolution. A key aspect of this study is the correlation between helium abundance (He/H) and metallicity, which is instrumental in estimating the primordial helium generated by Big Bang nucleosynthesis. We study the chemical enrichment history of low-metallicity galaxies, specifically focusing on extremely metal-poor galaxies (EMPGs) and the first galaxies, using the one-zone model and cosmological hydrodynamic simulations. Our one-zone model, using the Limongi & Chieffi (2018) yield, aligns well with observed high He/H ratios at low metallicities and reproduces Fe/O ratios akin to EMPGs. Conversely, the Nomoto et al. (2013) yield does not fully match the high Fe/O ratios seen in EMPGs. Our cosmological hydrodynamic simulations of the first galaxy successfully replicate the stellar mass and star formation rate of galaxies like GN-z11 but fail to produce metallicity and high He/H at low O/H. This is consistent with the results of the one-zone model, which shows that the slope of the He/H-O/H relation is moderate in young, actively star-forming galaxies, suggesting the importance of using galaxies with similar star formation histories for the fit. These results highlight the need for high-resolution simulations and expanded observational datasets to refine our understanding of early galactic chemical evolution.

Christian A. Jansen, Christoph Burkhardt, Yves Marrocchi, Jonas M. Schneider, Elias Wölfer, Thorsten Kleine

Published gold open access in Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Refractory inclusions in chondritic meteorites, namely amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) and Ca-Al-rich inclusions (CAIs), are among the first solids to have formed in the solar system. The isotopic composition of CAIs is distinct from bulk meteorites, which either results from extreme processing of presolar carriers in the CAI-forming region, or reflects an inherited heterogeneity from the Sun's parental molecular cloud. Amoeboid olivine aggregates are less refractory than CAIs and provide a record of how the isotopic composition of solid material in the disk may have changed in time and space. However, the isotopic composition of AOAs and how this composition relates to that of CAIs and later-formed solids is unknown. Here, using new O, Ti, and Cr isotopic data for eight AOAs from the Allende CV3 chondrite, we show that CAIs and AOAs share a common isotopic composition, indicating a close genetic link and formation from the same isotopic reservoir. Because AOAs are less refractory than CAIs, this observation is difficult to reconcile with a thermal processing origin of the isotope anomalies. Instead, the common isotopic composition of CAIs and AOAs is readily accounted for in a model in which the isotopic composition of infalling material from the Sun's parental molecular cloud changed over time. In this model, CAIs and AOAs record the isotopic composition of the early infall, while later-formed solids contain a larger fraction of the later, isotopically distinct infall. This model implies that CAIs and AOAs record the isotopic composition of the Sun and suggests that the nucleosynthetic isotope heterogeneity of the solar system is predominantly produced by mixing of solar nebula condensates, which acquired their distinct isotopic compositions as a result of time-varied infall from the protosolar cloud.

G. Abdellaoui, S. Abe, J. H. Adams. Jr., D. Allard, G. Alonso, L. Anchordoqui, A. Anzalone, E. Arnone, K. Asano, R. Attallah, H. Attoui, M. Ave Pernas, R. Bachmann, S. Bacholle, M. Bagheri, M. Bakiri, J. Baláz, D. Barghini, S. Bartocci, M. Battisti, J. Bayer, B. Beldjilali, T. Belenguer, N. Belkhalfa, R. Bellotti, A. A. Belov, K. Benmessai, M. Bertaina, P. F. Bertone, P. L. Biermann, F. Bisconti, C. Blaksley, N. Blanc, S. Blin-Bondil, P. Bobik, M. Bogomilov, K. Bolmgren, E. Bozzo, S. Briz, A. Bruno, K. S. Caballero, F. Cafagna, G. Cambié, D. Campana, J. N. Capdevielle, F. Capel, A. Caramete, L. Caramete, R. Caruso, M. Casolino, C. Cassardo, A. Castellina, O. Catalano, A. Cellino, K. Černý, M. Chikawa, G. Chiritoi, M. J. Christl, R. Colalillo, L. Conti, et al. (234 additional authors not shown)

18 pages, 19 figures

The Extreme Universe Space Observatory on a Super Pressure Balloon 1 (EUSO-SPB1) was launched in 2017 April from Wanaka, New Zealand. The plan of this mission of opportunity on a NASA super pressure balloon test flight was to circle the southern hemisphere. The primary scientific goal was to make the first observations of ultra-high-energy cosmic-ray extensive air showers (EASs) by looking down on the atmosphere with an ultraviolet (UV) fluorescence telescope from suborbital altitude (33~km). After 12~days and 4~hours aloft, the flight was terminated prematurely in the Pacific Ocean. Before the flight, the instrument was tested extensively in the West Desert of Utah, USA, with UV point sources and lasers. The test results indicated that the instrument had sensitivity to EASs of approximately 3 EeV. Simulations of the telescope system, telescope on time, and realized flight trajectory predicted an observation of about 1 event assuming clear sky conditions. The effects of high clouds were estimated to reduce this value by approximately a factor of 2. A manual search and a machine-learning-based search did not find any EAS signals in these data. Here we review the EUSO-SPB1 instrument and flight and the EAS search.

Shanghuo Li, Patricio Sanhueza, Henrik Beuther, Huei-Ru Vivien Chen, Rolf Kuiper, Fernando A. Olguin, Ralph E. Pudritz, Ian W. Stephens, Qizhou Zhang, Fumitaka Nakamura, Xing Lu, Rajika L. Kuruwita, Takeshi Sakai, Thomas Henning, Kotomi Taniguchi, Fei Li

Published in Nature Astronomy at this https URL 27 pages, 12 figures, 1 table

The dominant mechanism forming multiple stellar systems in the high-mass regime (M$_\ast \gtrsim $ 8 $M_{\odot}$) remained unknown because direct imaging of multiple protostellar systems at early phases of high-mass star formation is very challenging. High-mass stars are expected to form in clustered environments containing binaries and higher-order multiplicity systems. So far only a few high-mass protobinary systems, and no definitive higher-order multiples, have been detected. Here we report the discovery of one quintuple, one quadruple, one triple and four binary protostellar systems simultaneously forming in a single high-mass protocluster, G333.23--0.06, using Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array high-resolution observations. We present a new example of a group of gravitationally bound binary and higher-order multiples during their early formation phases in a protocluster. This provides the clearest direct measurement of the initial configuration of primordial high-order multiple systems, with implications for the in situ multiplicity and its origin. We find that the binary and higher-order multiple systems, and their parent cores, show no obvious sign of disk-like kinematic structure. We conclude that the observed fragmentation into binary and higher-order multiple systems can be explained by core fragmentation, indicating its crucial role in establishing the multiplicity during high-mass star cluster formation.

Javier Ruiz, Alberto Jiménez-Díaz, Isabel Egea-González, Ignacio Romeo, Jon F. Kirby, Pascal Audet

The absence of plate tectonics and the young surface age (0.3-1 billion years) of Venus have led to diverse geodynamic models for Venus. The energetics of the Venusian interior drive these models; however, the lack of direct constraints on surface heat flow hampers their quantitative assessment. Here we present the first global heat flow map for Venus, obtained from an inversion of geophysical data, including crustal thickness, effective elastic thickness, and radioactive heat production. Heat flow on Venus is lower and less geographically structured than on Earth but with highs reaching values typical of magmatically active terrestrial areas. The obtained total heat loss is 11-14.5 TW, similar to estimates of the total radioactive heat production. Therefore, at present, Venus proportionally dissipates much less heat than Earth. Furthermore, the calculated crustal temperatures imply that crustal melting or eclogitization are not dominant in the Venusian crust.

Jérémy Leconte, Aymeric Spiga, Noé Clément, Sandrine Guerlet, Franck Selsis, Gwenaël Milcareck, Thibault Cavalié, Raphaël Moreno, Emmanuel Lellouch, Óscar Carrión-González, Benjamin Charnay, Maxence Lefèvre

Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics

While small, Neptune-like planets are among the most abundant exoplanets, our understanding of their atmospheric structure and dynamics remains sparse. In particular, many unknowns remain on the way moist convection works in these atmospheres where condensable species are heavier than the non-condensable background gas. While it has been predicted that moist convection could shut-down above some threshold abundance of these condensable species, this prediction is based on simple linear analysis and relies on strong assumptions on the saturation of the atmosphere. To investigate this issue, we develop a 3D cloud resolving model for H2 atmospheres with large amounts of condensable species and apply this model to a prototypical temperate Neptune-like planet -- K2-18b. Our model confirms the shut-down of moist convection and the onset of a stably stratified layer in the atmosphere, leading to much hotter deep atmospheres and interiors. Our 3D simulations further provide quantitative estimates of the turbulent mixing in this stable layer, which is a key driver of the cycling of condensables in the atmosphere. This allows us to build a very simple, yet realistic 1D model that captures the most salient features of the structure of Neptune-like atmospheres. Our qualitative findings on the behavior of moist convection in hydrogen atmospheres go beyond temperate planets and should also apply to the regions where iron and silicates condense in the deep interior of H2-dominated planets. Finally, we use our model to investigate the likelihood of a liquid ocean beneath a H2 dominated atmosphere on K2-18b. We find that the planet would need to have a very high albedo (>0.5-0.6) to sustain a liquid ocean. However, due to the spectral type of the star, the amount of aerosol scattering that would be needed to provide such a high albedo is inconsistent with the latest observational data.

Yoonsoo P. Bach, Masateru Ishiguro, Jun Takahashi, Jooyeon Geem, Daisuke Kuroda, Hiroyuki Naito, Jungmi Kwon

12 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A

Context. Sunlight scattered from the surface of an airless body is generally partially polarized, and the corresponding polarization state includes information about the scattering surface, such as albedo, surface grain sizes, composition, and taxonomic types. Aims. We conducted polarimetry of two large airless bodies, the Dawn mission targets (1) Ceres and (4) Vesta, in the near-infrared region. We further investigated the change in the polarimetric phase curves over the wavelengths expected from previous works. Methods. We used the Nishiharima Infrared Camera (NIC) installed at the Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory (NHAO) to observe these objects at multiple geometric configurations in the J, H, and $\mathrm{K_s}$ bands ($ \lambda \sim 1.2\mathrm{-}2.3 \mathrm{\mu m} $). Results. Polarimetric parameters were determined and compared with previously reported experimental results. In particular, Vesta exhibits a characteristic change in the negative polarization branch as the wavelength increases to the $\mathrm{K_s}$ band, which we interpret as an indication of the dominant existence of $D \sim 10\mathrm{-}20 \mathrm{\mu m}$ particles. Our approach is supported by empirical reasoning and coincides well with an independent, theory-driven approach based on thermal modeling. Conclusions. This work demonstrates how near-infrared polarimetry can be utilized to quantitatively determine the particle size of airless objects. This finding will have important implications for asteroid taxonomy and regolith evolution.

H. Yamamoto, T. Ishikawa, T. T. Takeuchi

16 pages, 7 figures, Accepted for publication in PASJ

We compared the molecular clouds in the western part of SS 433 with near-ultraviolet radiation data obtained from GALEX. Near-ultraviolet radiation is prominently confirmed toward only N4, while no near-ultraviolet radiation is detected toward N1, N2, and N3. The radiative region of near-ultraviolet radiation is nearly the same as the CO-emitting region in N4, and does not extend beyond the jet seen in X-ray radiation. Near-ultraviolet radiation cannot be explained solely by broadband continuous radiation and may originate from line emissions. The intensity of near-ultraviolet radiation exhibits an anti-correlation with that of 13CO(J=3-2) emission. This anti-correlation, along with strong far-infrared radiation in the region with weaker near-ultraviolet radiation intensity compared to its surroundings, suggests that near-ultraviolet radiation originates from behind the molecular cloud, heating up the interstellar dust in N4. Subsequently, the dust in N4 re-radiates in the far-infrared band. In the same region, a high peak T_MB ratio of 12CO(J=3-2)/12CO(J=1-0) of ~0.9, and a high kinetic temperature of T_k ~56 K in the molecular cloud indicate that CO molecules are highly excited, and the molecular cloud is heated through photoelectric heating. This heating results from electrons released due to the photoelectric effect caused by the phenomenon where interstellar dust absorbs near-ultraviolet radiation. In terms of the timescale of near-ultraviolet radiation originating from line emissions, near-ultraviolet radiation towards N4 cannot be explained by the shock of the blast wave from a supernova that created W 50. These findings also suggest that N4 directly interacts with the jet from SS 433. As a result of this direct interaction, near-ultraviolet radiation is emitted from an interacting layer between the jet and N4.

Nikki Yat Ning Wang, Dmitry Shishkin, Noam Soker

Will be submitted in two days to allow for comments

We conduct one-dimensional stellar-evolution simulations of stars with zero age main sequence masses of $M_{ZAMS} = 8.8-9.45 M_\odot$ towards core collapse by electron capture, and find that the convective zone of the pre-collapse core can supply the required stochastic angular momentum fluctuations to set a jet-driven electron capture supernova (ECSN) explosion in the frame of the jittering jets explosion mechanism (JJEM). By our criteria of minimum convective specific angular momentum and an accreted mass during jet-launching of $M_{acc} \simeq 0.001-0.01 M_\odot$, the layer in the convective zone that when accreted launches the exploding jittering jets resides in the helium-rich zone. This exploding layer is accreted at about a minute to a few hours, depending on the model, after core collapse occurs, much shorter than the time the exploding shock crosses the star. The final (gravitational) mass of the neutron star (NS) remnant is in the range of $M_{NS} =1.25-1.43 M_\odot$. Our results add to the growing support of the JJEM as the main explosion mechanism of massive stars.

Xinping Zhou, Yuandeng Shen, Chengrui Zhou, Zehao Tang, Ahmed Ahmed Ibrahim

11 pages, 4 figures, and 1 table; accepted by the ScChG

The excitation mechanism of coronal quasi-period fast-propagating (QFP) wave trains remains unresolved. Using Atmospheric Imaging Assembly onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory observations, we study a narrow and a broad QFP wave train excited one after another during the successive eruptions of filaments hosted within a fan-spine magnetic system on 2013 October 20. The consecutive occurrence of these two types of QFP wave trains in the same event provides an excellent opportunity to explore their excitation mechanisms and compare their physical parameters. Our observational results reveal that narrow and broad QFP wave trains exhibit distinct speeds, periods, energy fluxes, and relative intensity amplitudes, although originating from the same active region and being associated with the same {\em GOES} C2.9 flare. Using wavelet analysis, we find that the narrow QFP wave train shares a similar period with the flare itself, suggesting its possible excitation through the pulsed energy release in the magnetic reconnection process that generated the accompanying flare. On the other hand, the broad QFP wave train appears to be associated with the energy pulses released by the successive expansion and unwinding of filament threads. Additionally, it is plausible that the broad QFP wave train was also excited by the sequential stretching of closed magnetic field lines driven by the erupting filament. These findings shed light on the different excitation mechanisms and origins of the QFP wave trains.

S. Garrappa, S. Buson, J. Sinapius, A. Franckowiak, I. Liodakis, C. Bartolini, M. Giroletti, C. Nanci, G. Principe, T. M. Venters

The realtime program for high-energy neutrino track events detected by the IceCube South Pole Neutrino Observatory releases alerts to the astronomical community with the goal of identifying electromagnetic counterparts to astrophysical neutrinos. Gamma-ray observations from the $Fermi$-Large Area Telescope (LAT) enabled the identification of the flaring gamma-ray blazar TXS 0506+056 as a likely counterpart to the neutrino event IC-170922A. By continuously monitoring the gamma-ray sky, $Fermi$-LAT plays a key role in the identification of candidate counterparts to realtime neutrino alerts. In this paper, we present the $Fermi$-LAT strategy for following up high-energy neutrino alerts applied to seven years of IceCube data. Right after receiving an alert, a search is performed in order to identify gamma-ray activity from known and newly-detected sources that are positionally consistent with the neutrino localization. In this work, we study the population of blazars found in coincidence with high-energy neutrinos and compare them to the full population of gamma-ray blazars detected by $Fermi$-LAT. We also evaluate the relationship between the neutrino and gamma-ray luminosities, finding different trends between the two blazar classes BL Lacs and flat-spectrum radio quasars.

A. F. Marino, A. P. Milone, M. V. Legnardi, A. Renzini, E. Dondoglio, Y. Cavecchi, G. Cordoni, A. Dotter, E.P. Lagioia, T. Ziliotto, M. Bernizzoni, E. Bortolan, M. G. Carlos, S. Jang, A. Mohandasan, F. Muratore, M. Tailo

18 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables, submitted

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) observations have been demonstrated to be efficient in detecting globular clusters' (GCs) multiple stellar populations in the low-mass regime of M dwarfs. We present an overview, and first results, of different projects that can be explored by using the JWST observations gathered under the GO2560 for 47 Tucanae, a first program entirely devoted to the investigation of multiple populations in very low mass stars, which includes spectroscopic data for the faintest GC stars for which spectra are available. Our color-magnitude diagram (CMD) shows some substructures for ultracool stars, including gaps. In particular, we observe a minimum in the F322W2 luminosity function, that we tentatively associate with the H-burning limit. We detect stars fainter than this minimum, very likely the brown dwarfs. We corroborate the ubiquity of the multiple populations across different masses, from ~0.1 solar masses up to red giants (~0.8 solar masses). The oxygen range inferred from the M dwarfs, both from the CMD and from the NIRSpec spectra of two M dwarfs associated with different populations, is similar to that observed in giants from high-resolution spectra. We have not detected any change between the fractions of stars in different populations across stellar masses >~0.1 solar masses. This work demonstrates the JWST's capability in uncovering multiple populations within M dwarfs and illustrates the possibility to analyse very low-mass stars in GCs approaching the H-burning limit and the brown-dwarf sequence. The JWST data will mark a pivotal advancement in our understanding of these poorly-explored issues.

Nokhrina E.E., Pushkarev A.B

11 pages, 4 tables, 1 figure, accepted by MNRAS

The core shift method is a powerful method to estimate the physical parameters in relativistic jets from active galactic nuclei. The classical approach assumes a conical geometry of a jet and a constant plasma speed. However, recent observations showed that neither may hold close to the central engine, where plasma in a jet is effectively accelerating, and the jet geometry is quasi-parabolic. We modify the classical core shift method to account for these jet properties. We show that the core shift index may assume values in the range 0.8-1.2 or 0.53-0.8 depending on the jet geometry and viewing angle, with the indices close to both values are indeed being observed. We obtain the expressions to estimate jet magnetic field and a total magnetic flux in a jet. We show that the obtained magnetic field value can be easily recalculated down to the gravitational radius scales. For M 87 and NGC 315 these values are in good agreement with the ones obtained by different methods.

Dhruv T. Zimmerman, Desika Narayanan, Katherine E. Whitaker, Romeel Davè

15 pages, 9 figures, submitted to ApJ; comments welcome

We explore the cosmic evolution of the fraction of dust obscured star formation predicted by the \textsc{simba} cosmological hydrodynamic simulations featuring an on-the-fly model for dust formation, evolution, and destruction. We find that up to $z=2$, our results are broadly consistent with previous observational results of little to no evolution in obscured star formation. However, at $z>2$ we find strong evolution at fixed galaxy stellar mass towards greater amounts of obscured star formation. We explain the trend of increasing obscuration at higher redshifts by greater typical dust column densities along the line of sight to young stars. We additionally see that at a fixed redshift, more massive galaxies have a higher fraction of their star formation obscured, which is explained by increased dust mass fractions at higher stellar masses. Finally, we estimate the contribution of dust-obscured star formation to the total star formation rate budget and find that the dust obscured star formation history (SFH) peaks around $z\sim 2-3$, and becomes subdominant at $z\gtrsim 5$.

D. Orozco Suárez, L.R. Bellot Rubio, Y. Katsukawa

Published in ApJ in 2012

The advection of internetwork magnetic elements by supergranular convective flows is investigated using high spatial resolution, high cadence, and high signal-to-noise ratio Na I D1 magnetograms obtained with the Hinode satellite. The observations show that magnetic elements appear everywhere across the quiet Sun surface. We calculate the proper motion of these magnetic elements with the aid of a feature tracking algorithm. The results indicate that magnetic elements appearing in the interior of supergranules tend to drift toward the supergranular boundaries with a non-constant velocity. The azimuthally averaged radial velocities of the magnetic elements and of the supergranular flow, calculated from a local correlation tracking technique applied to Dopplergrams, are very similar. This suggests that, in the long term, surface magnetic elements are advected by supergranular flows, although on short time scales their very chaotic motions are driven mostly by granular flows and other processes.

Rujuta A. Purohit, Giacomo Fragione, Frederic A. Rasio, Grayson C. Petter, Ryan C. Hickox

Submitted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal

Intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs) are believed to be the missing link between the supermassive black holes (BHs) found at the centers of massive galaxies and BHs formed through stellar core collapse. One of the proposed mechanisms for their formation is a collisional runaway process in high-density young star clusters, where an unusually massive object forms through repeated stellar collisions and mergers, eventually collapsing to form an IMBH. This seed IMBH could then grow further through binary mergers with other stellar-mass BHs. Here we investigate the gravitational-wave (GW) signals produced during these later IMBH--BH mergers. We use a state-of-the-art semi-analytic approach to study the stellar dynamics and to characterize the rates and properties of IMBH--BH mergers. We also study the prospects for detection of these mergers by current and future GW observatories, both space-based (LISA) and ground-based (LIGO Voyager, Einstein Telescope, and Cosmic Explorer). We find that most of the merger signals could be detected, with some of them being multi-band sources. Therefore, GWs represent a unique tool to test the collisional runaway scenario and to constrain the population of dynamically assembled IMBHs.

L. Venuti, A. M. Cody, G. Beccari, L. M. Rebull, M. J. Irwin, A. Thanvantri, S. Thanvantri, S. H. P. Alencar, C. O. Leal, G. Barentsen, J. E. Drew, S. B. Howell

30 pages, 11 figures, two tables; accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal

Pre-main sequence disk accretion is pivotal in determining the final stellar properties and the early conditions for close-in planets. We aim to establish the impact of internal (stellar mass) and external (radiation field) parameters on disk evolution in the Lagoon Nebula massive star-forming region. We employ simultaneous $u,g,r,i,H\alpha$ time series photometry, archival infrared data, and high-precision $K2$ light curves, to derive stellar, disk, and accretion properties for 1012 Lagoon Nebula members. Of all young stars in the Lagoon Nebula, we estimate $34\%-37\%$ have inner disks traceable down to $\sim 12$ $\mu$m, while $38\%-41\%$ are actively accreting. We detect disks $\sim$1.5 times more frequently around G/K/M stars than higher-mass stars, which appear to deplete their inner disks on shorter timescales. We find tentative evidence for faster disk evolution in the central regions of the Lagoon Nebula, where the bulk of the O/B population is located. Conversely, disks appear to last longer at its outskirts, where the measured fraction of disk-bearing stars tends to exceed those of accreting and disk-free stars. The derived mass accretion rates show a non-uniform dependence on stellar mass between $\sim 0.2-5$ $M_\odot$. In addition, the typical accretion rates appear to differ across the Lagoon Nebula extension, with values two times lower in the core region than at its periphery. Finally, we detect tentative density gradients in the accretion shocks, with lags in the appearance of brightness features as a function of wavelength that can amount to $\sim7\%-30\%$ of the rotation period.

Nicole F. Bell, Giorgio Busoni, Sandra Robles, Michael Virgato

23 pages main text plus appendices, 8 figures, 3 tables

The capture of dark matter, and its subsequent annihilation, can heat old, isolated neutron stars. In order for kinetic heating to be achieved, the captured dark matter must undergo sufficient scattering to deposit its kinetic energy in the star. We find that this energy deposit typically occurs quickly, for most of the relevant parameter space. In order for appreciable annihilation heating to also be achieved, the dark matter must reach a state of capture-annihilation equilibrium in the star. We show that this can be fulfilled for all types of dark matter - baryon interactions. This includes cases where the scattering or annihilation cross sections are momentum or velocity suppressed in the non-relativistic limit. Importantly, we find that capture-annihilation equilibrium, and hence maximal annihilation heating, can be achieved without complete thermalization of the captured dark matter. For scattering cross sections that saturate the capture rate, we find that capture-annihilation equilibrium is typically reached on a timescale of less than $1$ year for vector interactions and $10^4$ years for scalar interactions.

Koichiro Uehara, Albert Escrivà, Tomohiro Harada, Daiki Saito, Chul-Moon Yoo

This study investigates the formation of primordial black holes (PBHs) resulting from extremely large amplitudes of initial fluctuations in a radiation-dominated universe. We find that, for a sufficiently large initial amplitude, the configuration of trapping horizons shows characteristic structure due to the existence of bifurcating trapping horizons. We call this structure of the trapping horizons ``Type II PBH'', while the structure without a bifurcating trapping horizon ``Type I PBH'', which is typically generated from a relatively small amplitude of the initial fluctuation. In Ref.[1], in the dust-dominated universe, the Type II PBH can be realized by the Type II initial fluctuation, which is characterized by a non-monotonic areal radius as a function of the radial coordinate (throat structure) in contrast with the standard case with a monotonic areal radius (Type I fluctuation). Our research reveals that a type II fluctuation does not necessarily result in a type II PBH in the case of the radiation fluid. We also find that for the initial amplitude well above the threshold value, the resulting PBH mass may either increase or decrease with the initial amplitude depending on its specific profile rather than its fluctuation type.

We investigate gravitational waves in the $f(Q)$ gravity, i.e., a geometric theory of gravity described by a non-metric compatible connection, free from torsion and curvature, known as symmetric-teleparallel gravity. We show that $f(Q)$ gravity exhibits only two massless and tensor modes. Their polarizations are transverse with helicity equal to two, exactly reproducing the plus and cross tensor modes typical of General Relativity. In order to analyze these gravitational waves, we first obtain the deviation equation of two trajectories followed by nearby freely falling point-like particles and we find it to coincide with the geodesic deviation of General Relativity. This is because the energy-momentum tensor of matter and field equations are Levi-Civita covariantly conserved and, therefore, free structure-less particles follow, also in $f(Q)$ gravity, the General Relativity geodesics. Equivalently, it is possible to show that the curves are solutions of a force equation, where an extra force term of geometric origin, due to non-metricity, modifies the autoparallel curves with respect to the non-metric connection. In summary, gravitational waves produced in non-metricity-based $f(Q)$ gravity behave as those in torsion-based $f(T)$ gravity and it is not possible to distinguish them from those of General Relativity only by wave polarization measurements. This shows that the situation is different with respect to the curvature-based $f(R)$ gravity where an additional scalar mode is always present for $f(R)\neq R$.

Dipali Basak, Tanmoy Bar, Abhijit Roy, Lalit Kumar Sahoo, Sukhendu Saha, Jagannath Datta, Sandipan Dasgupta, Chinmay Basu

Neutron deficient nuclei from $^{74}$Se$-^{196}$Hg are thought to be produced by $\gamma$-induced reactions ($\gamma$,n), ($\gamma$,p) and ($\gamma,\alpha$) processes. The relatively high abundance of $^{113}$In odd A $p$-nuclei has inspired to study its production processes. As reaction with $\gamma$-beam is difficult to perform in the laboratory, $\gamma$-induced reaction rate is calculated from the inverse reaction data employing reciprocity theorem. Stacked foil activation method was used to measure the $^{113}$In($\alpha,\gamma$) and $^{113}$In($\alpha$, n) reactions cross-section near the astrophysical energies. Theoretical statistical model calculations were performed with different nuclear input parameters and compared with the experimental results. An appropriate $\alpha$-optical potential has been identified from the ($\alpha,\gamma$) and ($\alpha$, n) fitting, which provides the major source of uncertainty in the statistical model calculations. The other nuclear input parameters like level density, and $\gamma$-ray strength function were also constrained for theoretical calculations. $^{113}$In($\alpha,\gamma$)$^{117}$Sb and $^{117}$Sb($\alpha,\gamma$)$^{113}$In reaction rates were calculated using best-fitted input parameters.

Uddeepta Deka, Sumanta Chakraborty, Shasvath J. Kapadia, Md Arif Shaikh, Parameswaran Ajith

15 pages, 8 figures

Gravitational microlensing of gravitational waves (GWs) opens up the exciting possibility of studying the spacetime geometry around the lens. In this work, we investigate the prospects of constraining the `charged' hair of a black hole (BH) from the observation of a GW signal microlensed by the BH. The charge can have electromagnetic or modified gravity origin. We compute the analytic form of the lensing potential with charge and construct the lensed waveforms for a range of BH mass, charge and impact parameters, assuming non-spinning BHs. Using an approximate likelihood function, we explore how future observations of microlensed GWs can constrain the charge of the BH lens. We find that positive values of the charge parameter (that can be of electromagnetic or modified gravity origin) can be tightly constrained using lensed GW signals, while the constraints on negative values of the charge parameter (modified gravity origin) are modest.

R. A. Battye, S. J. Cotterill

5 pages, 3 figures and supplemental material (4 pages,3 figures). Accepted for publication in PRL

We show that energetic considerations enforce a Hopf fibration of the Standard Model topology within the 2HDM whose potential has either an $SO(3)$ or $U(1)$ Higgs-family symmetry. This can lead to monopole and vortex solutions. We find these solutions, characterise their basic properties and demonstrate the nature of the fibration along with the connection to Nambu's monopole solution. We point out that breaking of the $U(1)_{\rm EM}$ in the core of the defect can be a feature which leads to a non-zero photon mass there.

V. A. Beylin, M. Yu. Khlopov, D. O. Sopin

This paper will be published in Proceedings of the 26th Bled Workshop "What Comes Beyond Standard Models", 2023 yr, 12 pages, 7 figures

Effect of the electroweak non-conservation of the baryon number could be a key ingredient to explain the ratio of dark and baryonic densities. If dark matter is explained by dark atoms, in which stable -2n charged particles are bound with n nuclei of primordial helium, and this multiple charged particles possess SU(2) electroweak charges, the excess of -2n charged particles over their antiparticles can be related to baryon excess by sphaleron transitions. It provides relationship between the density of asymmetric dark atom dark matter and baryon asymmetry, The cosmological consequences of sphaleron transitions were considered for the minimal walking technicolor (WTC) model, which provides composite Higgs boson solution for the problem of Higgs boson mass divergence in the Standard model. The realisation of multi-component dark atom scenario is possible because the electric charges of new fermions are not fixed and several types of stable multiple charged states are possible. In particular cases the upper limits for the masses of techniparticles could be found, at which dark atom interpretation of dark matter is possible. These limits challenge search for multiple charged stable particles at the LHC.

We consider a theory in which a real scalar field is Yukawa-coupled to a fermion and has a potential with two non-degenerate vacua. If the coupling is sufficiently strong, a collection of N fermions deforms the true vacuum state, creating energetically-favored false-vacuum pockets in which fermions are trapped. We embed this model within General Relativity and prove that it admits self-gravitating compact objects where the scalar field acquires a non-trivial profile due to non-perturbative effects. We discuss some applications of this general mechanism: i) neutron soliton stars in low-energy effective QCD, which naturally happen to have masses around 2 solar masses and radii around 10 km even without neutron interactions; ii) Higgs false-vacuum pockets in and beyond the Standard Model; iii) dark soliton stars in models with a dark sector. In the latter two examples, we find compelling solutions naturally describing centimeter-size compact objects with masses around 10^-6 solar masses, intriguingly in a range compatible with the OGLE+HSC microlensing anomaly. Besides these interesting examples, the mechanism of non-perturbative vacuum scalarization may play a role in various contexts in and beyond the Standard Model, providing a support mechanism for new compact objects that can form in the early universe, can collapse into primordial black holes through accretion past their maximum mass, and serve as dark matter candidates.