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Papers for Thursday, Feb 01 2024

Papers with local authors

Yingjie Jing, Jie Wang, Chen Xu, Ziming Liu, Qingze Chen, Tiantian Liang, Jinlong Xu, Yixian Cao, Jing Wang, Huijie Hu, Chuan-Peng Zhang, Qi Guo, Liang Gao, Mei Ai, Hengqian Gan, Xuyang Gao, Jinlin Han, Ligang Hou, Zhipeng Hou, Peng Jiang, Xu Kong, Fujia Li, Zerui Liu, Li Shao, Hengxing Pan, Jun Pan, Lei Qian, Jinghai Sun, Ningyu Tang, Qingliang Yang, Bo Zhang, Zhiyu Zhang, Ming Zhu

Accepted by SCPMA. 21 pages, 14 figures. The pipeline is accessible at this https URL

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Paper 6 — arXiv:2401.17364
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Paper 6 — arXiv:2401.17364

The Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) has the largest aperture and a 19-beam L-band receiver, making it powerful for investigating the neutral hydrogen atomic gas (HI) in the universe. We present HiFAST (https://hifast.readthedocs.io), a dedicated, modular, and self-contained calibration and imaging pipeline for processing the HI data of FAST. The pipeline consists of frequency-dependent noise diode calibration, baseline fitting, standing wave removal using an FFT-based method, flux density calibration, stray radiation correction, and gridding to produce data cubes. These modules can be combined as needed to process the data from most FAST observation modes: tracking, drift scanning, On-The-Fly mapping, and most of their variants. With HiFAST, the RMS noises of the calibrated spectra from all 19 beams were only slightly (~ 5%) higher than the theoretical expectation. The results for the extended source M33 and the point sources are consistent with the results from Arecibo. The moment maps (0,1 and 2) of M33 agree well with the results from the Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey (AGES) with a fractional difference of less than 10%. For a common sample of 221 sources with signal-to-noise ratio S/N >10 from the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA (ALFALFA) survey, the mean value of fractional difference in the integrated flux density, $S_{\mathrm{int}}$, between the two datasets is approximately 0.005 %, with a dispersion of 15.4%. Further checks on the integrated flux density of 23 sources with seven observations indicate that the variance in the flux density of the source with luminous objects ($S_\mathrm{int}$ $ > 2.5$ Jy km s$^{-1}$) is less than 5%. Our tests suggest that the FAST telescope, with the efficient, precise, and user-friendly pipeline HiFAST, will yield numerous significant scientific findings in the investigation of the HI in the universe.

Zhu Lei, Lifeng Wang, Jiwei Li, Shiyang Zou, Junfeng Wu, Zhonghai Zhao, Wei Sun, Wenqiang Yuan, Longxing Li, Zheng Yan, Jun Li, Wenhua Ye, Xiantu He, Bin Qiao
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Paper 6 — arXiv:2401.17561
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Paper 6 — arXiv:2401.17561

Pillars of Creation, one of the most recognized objects in the sky, are believed to be associated with the formation of young stars. However, so far, the formation and maintenance mechanism for the pillars are still not fully understood due to the complexity of the nonlinear radiation magneto-hydrodynamics (RMHD). Here, assuming laboratory laser-driven conditions, we studied the self-consistent dynamics of pillar structures in magnetic fields by means of two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) RMHD simulations, and these results also support our proposed experimental scheme. We find only when the magnetic pressure and ablation pressure are comparable, the magnetic field can significantly alter the plasma hydrodynamics. For medium magnetized cases ($\beta_{initial} \approx 3.5$), {the initial magnetic fields undergo compression and amplification. This amplification results in the magnetic pressure inside the pillar becoming large enough to support the sides of the pillar against radial collapse due to pressure from the surrounding hot plasma. This effect is particularly pronounced for the parallel component ($B_y$), which is consistent with observational results.} In contrast, a strong perpendicular ($B_x, B_z$) magnetic field ($\beta_{initial} < 1$) almost remains its initial distribution and significantly suppresses the expansion of blow-off gas plasma, leading to the inability to form pillar-like structures. The 3D simulations suggest that the bending at the head of `Column \uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral1}' in pillars of creation may be due to the non-parallel magnetic fields. After similarity scaling transformation, our results can be applied to explain the formation and maintenance mechanism of the pillars, and can also provide useful information for future experimental designs.

Ayush Pandhi, Ziggy Pleunis, Ryan Mckinven, B. M. Gaensler, Jianing Su, Cherry Ng, Mohit Bhardwaj, Charanjot Brar, Tomas Cassanelli, Amanda M. Cook, Alice P. Curtin, Victoria M. Kaspi, Mattias Lazda, Calvin Leung, Dongzi Li, Kiyoshi W. Masui, Daniele Michilli, Kenzie Nimmo, Aaron Pearlman, Emily Petroff, Masoud Rafiei-Ravandi, Ketan R. Sand, Paul Scholz, Kaitlyn Shin, Kendrick Smith, Ingrid Stairs

43 pages, 18 figures, submitted to ApJ

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Paper 8 — arXiv:2401.17378
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Paper 8 — arXiv:2401.17378

We present a 400-800 MHz polarimetric analysis of 128 non-repeating fast radio bursts (FRBs) from the first CHIME/FRB baseband catalog, increasing the total number of FRB sources with polarization properties by a factor of ~3. Of the 128 sources, 89 FRBs have >6${\sigma}$ linearly polarized detections, 29 FRBs fall below this significance threshold and are deemed linearly unpolarized, and for 10 FRBs the polarization data are contaminated by instrumental polarization. For the 89 polarized FRBs, we find Faraday rotation measure (RM) amplitudes, after subtracting approximate Milky Way contributions, in the range 0.5-1160 rad m$^{-2}$ with a median of 53.8 rad m$^{-2}$. Most non-repeating FRBs in our sample have RMs consistent with Milky Way-like host galaxies and their linear polarization fractions range from ${\leq}$10% to 100% with a median of 63%. The non-repeater RMs and linear polarization fraction distributions are consistent with those of repeating FRBs. We see marginal evidence that non-repeating FRBs have more constraining lower limits than repeating FRBs for the host electron-density-weighted line-of-sight magnetic field strength. We classify the non-repeating FRB polarization position angle (PA) profiles into four archetypes: (i) single component with constant PA (57% of the sample), (ii) single component with variable PA (10%), (iii) multiple components with a single constant PA (22%), and (iv) multiple components with different or variable PAs (11%). We see no evidence for population-wide frequency-dependent depolarization and, therefore, the spread in the distribution of fractional linear polarization is likely intrinsic to the FRB emission mechanism.

Yingtian Chen, Oleg Y. Gnedin

24 pages, 13 figures, submitted to The Open Journal of Astrophysics. Classification of the Galactic globular clusters available at this https URL

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Paper 10 — arXiv:2401.17420
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Paper 10 — arXiv:2401.17420

Many observable properties of globular clusters (GCs) provide valuable insights for unveiling the hierarchical assembly of their host galaxy. For the Milky Way (MW) in particular, GCs from different accreted satellite galaxies show distinct chemical, spatial, kinematic, and age distributions. Here we examine such clustering features for model GC populations in simulated galaxies, which are carefully selected to match various observational constraints of the MW assembly. We evaluate several widely used clustering, dimensionality reduction, and supervised classification methods on these model GCs, using 10 properties that are observable in the MW. We can categorize in-situ and ex-situ formed GCs with about 90% accuracy, based solely on their clustering features in these 10 variables. The methods are also effective in distinguishing the last major merger in MW analogs with similar accuracy. Although challenging, we still find it possible to identify one, and only one, additional smaller satellite. We develop a new technique to classify the progenitors of MW GCs by combining several methods and weighting them by the validated accuracy. According to this technique, about 60% of GCs belong to the in-situ group, 20% are associated with the Gaia-Sausage/Enceladus event, and 10% are associated with the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy. The remaining 10% of GCs cannot be reliably associated with any single accretion event.

Mengfan He, Qian Zheng, Quan Guo, Huanyuan Shan, Zhenghao Zhu, Yushan Xie, Yan Huang, Feiyu Zhao

14 pages, 14 figures

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Paper 33 — arXiv:2401.17794
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Paper 33 — arXiv:2401.17794

Foreground removal is one of the biggest challenges in the detection of the Cosmic Dawn (CD) and Epoch of Reionization (EoR). Various foreground subtraction techniques have been developed based on the spectral smoothness of foregrounds. However, the sources with a spectral peak (SP) at Megahertz may break down the spectral smoothness at low frequencies (< 1000 MHz). In this paper, we cross-match the GaLactic and Extragalactic All-sky Murchison Widefield Array (GLEAM) extragalactic source catalogue with three other radio source catalogues, covering the frequency range from 72 MHz to 1.4 GHz, to search for sources with spectral turnover. 4,423 sources from the GLEAM catalogue are identified as SP sources, representing approximately 3.2 per cent of the GLEAM radio source population. We utilize the properties of SP source candidates obtained from real observations to establish simulations and test the impact of SP sources on the extraction of CD/EoR signals. We statistically compare the differences introduced by SP sources in the residuals after removing the foregrounds with three methods, which are polynomial fitting, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and fast independent component analysis (FastICA). Our results indicate that the presence of SP sources in the foregrounds has a negligible influence on extracting the CD/EoR signal. After foreground subtraction, the contribution from SP sources to the total power in the two-dimensional (2D) power spectrum within the EoR window is approximately 3 to 4 orders of magnitude lower than the CD/EoR signal.

Shurui Lin, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Jonah Rose, Paul Torrey, Arya Farahi, Kassidy E. Kollmann, Alex M. Garcia, Sandip Roy, Nitya Kallivayalil, Mark Vogelsberger, Yi-Fu Cai, Wentao Luo

13 pages, 8 figures

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Paper 37 — arXiv:2401.17940
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Paper 37 — arXiv:2401.17940

We study the impact of warm dark matter mass on the internal properties of individual galaxies using a large suite of 1,024 state-of-the-art cosmological hydrodynamic simulations from the DREAMS project. We take individual galaxies' properties from the simulations, which have different cosmologies, astrophysics, and warm dark matter masses, and train normalizing flows to learn the posterior of the parameters. We find that our models cannot infer the value of the warm dark matter mass, even when the values of the cosmological and astrophysical parameters are given explicitly. This result holds for galaxies with stellar mass larger than $2\times10^8 M_\odot/h$ at both low and high redshifts. We calculate the mutual information and find no significant dependence between the WDM mass and galaxy properties. On the other hand, our models can infer the value of $\Omega_{\rm m}$ with a $\sim10\%$ accuracy from the properties of individual galaxies while marginalizing astrophysics and warm dark matter masses.

A. Kashlinsky, R. G. Arendt, M. L. N. Ashby, F. Atrio-Barandela, R. Scaramella, M. A. Strauss, B. Altieri, A. Amara, S. Andreon, N. Auricchio, M. Baldi, S. Bardelli, R. Bender, C. Bodendorf, E. Branchini, M. Brescia, J. Brinchmann, S. Camera, V. Capobianco, C. Carbone, J. Carretero, S. Casas, M. Castellano, S. Cavuoti, A. Cimatti, G. Congedo, C. J. Conselice, L. Conversi, Y. Copin, L. Corcione, F. Courbin, H. M. Courtois, A. Da Silva, H. Degaudenzi, A. M. Di Giorgio, J. Dinis, et al.

Euclid Key Project paper, A&A submitted

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Paper 38 — arXiv:2401.17945
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Paper 38 — arXiv:2401.17945

Verifying the fully kinematic nature of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) dipole is of fundamental importance in cosmology. In the standard cosmological model with the Friedman-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) metric from the inflationary expansion the CMB dipole should be entirely kinematic. Any non-kinematic CMB dipole component would thus reflect the preinflationary structure of spacetime probing the extent of the FLRW applicability. Cosmic backgrounds from galaxies after the matter-radiation decoupling, should have kinematic dipole component identical in velocity with the CMB kinematic dipole. Comparing the two can lead to isolating the CMB non-kinematic dipole. It was recently proposed that such measurement can be done using the near-IR cosmic infrared background (CIB) measured with the currently operating Euclid telescope, and later with Roman. The proposed method reconstructs the resolved CIB, the Integrated Galaxy Light (IGL), from Euclid's Wide Survey and probes its dipole, with a kinematic component amplified over that of the CMB by the Compton-Getting effect. The amplification coupled with the extensive galaxy samples forming the IGL would determine the CIB dipole with an overwhelming signal/noise, isolating its direction to sub-degree accuracy. We develop details of the method for Euclid's Wide Survey in 4 bands spanning 0.6 to 2 mic. We isolate the systematic and other uncertainties and present methodologies to minimize them, after confining the sample to the magnitude range with negligible IGL/CIB dipole from galaxy clustering. These include the required star-galaxy separation, accounting for the extinction correction dipole using the method newly developed here achieving total separation, accounting for the Earth's orbital motion and other systematic effects. (Abridged)

All other papers

Atsushi Hoshi, Toru Yamada, Kouji Ohta

Published in Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan. 6 pages, 3 figures

SDSS J1430+2303 has been argued to possess a supermassive black hole binary which is predicted to merge within a few months or three years from January 2022. We conducted follow-up optical spectroscopic observations of SDSS J1430+2303 with KOOLS-IFU on Seimei Telescope in May, June, and July 2022, and April 2023. The observed spectrum around $\mathrm{H}\mathrm{\alpha}$ shows a central broad component $\sim 10^3\ \mathrm{km\ s^{-1}}$ blueshifted from the narrow H$\mathrm{\alpha}$ line as well as the broader double-peaked component with a separation of $\sim\pm 5\times10^3\ \mathrm{km\ s^{-1}}$, similar to the spectrum reported in January 2022. We investigate the variability of the complex broad $\mathrm{H}\mathrm{\alpha}$ emission line relative to the continuum over the observation period. The continuum-normalized relative flux of the central broad component shows the increasing trend from May to July 2022 which is interpreted to be caused by the decrease of the continuum as also supported by damping of the X-ray, UV, and optical light curves observed for the same period. From July 2022 to April 2023, however, the central broad component decreased significantly. For the relative flux of the broader double-peaked component, on the other hand, no significant change appears at any epoch. These results suggest that the complicated broad line profile of SDSS J1430+2303 is generated from at least two distinct regions. While the central broad component originates from a broad line region, the broader double-peaked component arises in the vicinity of the continuum source.

Ethan R. J. Winch, Jorick S. Vink, Erin R. Higgins, Gautham N. Sabhahit

24 pages, 14 figures. Accepted in MNRAS

Traditionally, the pair instability (PI) mass gap is located between 50\,and 130\,$M_{\odot}$, with stellar mass black holes (BHs) expected to "pile up" towards the lower PI edge. However, this lower PI boundary is based on the assumption that the star has already lost its hydrogen (H) envelope. With the announcement of an "impossibly" heavy BH of 85\,$M_{\odot}$ as part of GW\,190521 located inside the traditional PI gap, we realised that blue supergiant (BSG) progenitors with small cores but large Hydrogen envelopes at low metallicity ($Z$) could directly collapse to heavier BHs than had hitherto been assumed. The question of whether a single star can produce such a heavy BH is important, independent of gravitational wave events. Here, we systematically investigate the masses of stars inside the traditional PI gap by way of a grid of 336 detailed MESA stellar evolution models calculated across a wide parameter space, varying stellar mass, overshooting, rotation, semi-convection, and $Z$. We evolve low $Z$ stars in the range $10^{-3} < Z / Z_{\odot} < Z_{\rm SMC}$, making no prior assumption regarding the mass of an envelope, but instead employing a wind mass loss recipe to calculate it. We compute critical Carbon-Oxygen and Helium core masses to determine our lower limit to PI physics, and we provide two equations for $M_{\text{core}}$ and $M_{\text{final}}$ that can also be of use for binary population synthesis. Assuming the H envelope falls into the BH, we confirm the maximum BH mass below PI is $M_{\text{BH}} \simeq 93.3$ $M_{\odot}$. Our grid allows us to populate the traditional PI gap, and we conclude that the distribution of BHs above the gap is not solely due to the shape of the initial mass function (IMF), but also to the same stellar interior physics (i.e. mixing) that which sets the BH maximum.

Ruggero Valli, Christopher Tiede, Alejandro Vigna-Gómez, Jorge Cuadra, Magdalena Siwek, Jing-Ze Ma, Daniel J. D'Orazio, Jonathan Zrake, Selma E. de Mink

18 pages, 12 figures. Submitted. Comments welcome. Spindler available as a Python package on Zenodo: this https URL

Circumbinary disks are found in a variety of astrophysical scenarios, spanning binary star formation to accreting supermassive black hole binaries. The interaction with a circumbinary disk can yield opposite effects on the binary orbit leading to circularization, or exciting the eccentricity, widening the orbit or shrinking it and facilitating mergers. We present a new formalism for the long-term evolution of the disk-binary interaction based on the results of recent suites of hydrodynamic simulations, which resolve the complex geometry of the gas in the vicinity of the binary and fully account for the gravitational and accretion forces. We release a python package, \texttt{spindler}, that implements our model. We show that, unless the mass reservoir feeding the disk is comparable to the mass of the binary, accretion onto the binary depletes the disk mass before inducing a significant change in orbital separation or mass ratio. This finding implies that, in most scenarios, interaction with a circumbinary disk is not an efficient mechanism to shrink the orbit of the binary. However, as long as the mass of the disk is at least a few percent of the mass of the binary, the interaction can excite the eccentricity up to an equilibrium value, and induce a statistical correlation between mass ratio and eccentricity. We consider the applicability of our model to a variety of astrophysical scenarios: during star formation, in evolved stellar binaries, triples and in supermassive black hole binaries. We discuss the theoretical and observational implications of our predictions.

Alexandre Emsenhuber, Erik Asphaug, Saverio Cambioni, Travis S. J. Gabriel, Stephen R. Schwartz, Robert E. Melikyan, C. Adeene Denton

Accepted for publication in PSJ; Table 2 is available in full in an ancillary file

In the late stage of terrestrial planet formation, planets are predicted to undergo pairwise collisions known as giant impacts. Here we present a high-resolution database of giant impacts for differentiated colliding bodies of iron-silicate composition, with target masses ranging from 10^-4 M_Earth up to super-Earths (5 M_Earth). We vary impactor-to-target mass ratio, core-mantle (iron-silicate) fraction, impact velocity, and impact angle. Strength in the form of friction is included in all simulations. We find that due to strength, collisions with bodies smaller than about 2*10^-3 M_Earth can result in irregular shapes, compound core structures, and captured binaries. We observe that the characteristic escaping velocity of smaller remnants (debris) is approximately half of the impact velocity, significantly faster than currently assumed in N-body simulations of planet formation. Incorporating these results in N-body planet formation studies would provide more realistic debris-debris and debris-planet interactions.

Claudio Mastromarino (1 and 2), Filippo Oppizzi (1 and 3), Federico De Luca (1 and 2), Hervé Bourdin (1 and 2), Pasquale Mazzotta (1 and 2) ((1) Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Roma 'Tor Vergata', Roma, Italy, (2) INFN, Sezione di Roma 'Tor Vergata', Roma, Italy, (3) INFN-Padova, Padova, Italy)

13 pages and 10 figures

We present a joint millimetric and X-ray analysis of hot gas properties in the distant galaxy cluster SPT-CLJ0615-5746 ($z = 0.972$). Combining Chandra observations with the South Pole Telescope (SPT) and Planck data, we perform radial measurements of thermodynamical quantities up to a characteristic radius of $1.2\, R_{500}$. We exploit the high angular resolution of Chandra and SPT to map the innermost region of the cluster and the high sensitivity to the larger angular scales of Planck to constrain the outskirts and improve the estimation of the cosmic microwave background and the galactic thermal dust emissions. Besides maximizing the accuracy of radial temperature measurements, our joint analysis allows us to test the consistency between X-ray and millimetric derivations of thermodynamic quantities via the introduction of a normalization parameter ($\eta_T$) between X-ray and millimetric temperature profiles. This approach reveals a substantial high value of the normalization parameter, $\eta_T=1.46^{+0.15}_{-0.22}$, suggesting that the gas halo is aspherical. Assuming hot gas hydrostatic equilibrium within complementary angular sectors that intercept the major and minor elongation of the X-ray image, we infer a halo mass profile that results from an effective compensation of azimuthal variations of gas densities by variations of the $\eta_T$ parameter. Consistent with earlier integrated X-ray and millimetric measurements, we infer a cluster mass of $M^{\text{HE}}_{500} = 10.67^{+0.62}_{-0.50}\,\, 10^{14}\,M_{\odot}$.

With the advent of several galaxy surveys targeting star-forming galaxies, it is important to have models capable of interpreting their spatial distribution in terms of astrophysical and cosmological parameters. To address this need, we introduce SHAMe-SF, an extension of the subhalo abundance matching (SHAM) technique designed specifically for analyzing the redshift-space clustering of star-forming galaxies. Our model directly links a galaxy's star formation rate to the properties of its host dark-matter halo, with further modulations based on effective models of feedback and gas stripping. To quantify the accuracy of our model, we show that it simultaneously reproduces key clustering statistics such as the projected correlation function, monopole, and quadrupole of star-forming galaxy samples at various redshifts and number densities. Notably, these tests were conducted over a wide range of scales $[0.6, 30]\hMpc$, using samples from both the TNG300 magneto-hydrodynamic simulation and from a semi-analytical model. SHAMe-SF can also reproduce the clustering of simulated galaxies that fall within the colour selection criteria employed by DESI for emission line galaxies. Our model exhibits several potential applications, including the generation of covariance matrices, exploration of galaxy formation processes, and even placing constraints on the cosmological parameters of the Universe.

Zhexing Li, Stephen R. Kane, Timothy D. Brandt, Tara Fetherolf, Paul Robertson, Jinglin Zhao, Paul A. Dalba, Robert A. Wittenmyer, R. Paul Butler, Matias R. Diaz, Steve B. Howell, Jeremy Bailey, Brad Carter, Elise Furlan, Crystal L. Gnilka, Hugh R.A. Jones, Simon O'Toole, Chris Tinney

23 pages, 10 figures, accepted for pulication in the Astronomical Journal

Multi-planet systems exhibit a diversity of architectures that diverge from the solar system and contribute to the topic of exoplanet demographics. Radial velocity (RV) surveys form a crucial component of exoplanet surveys, as their long observational baselines allow searches for more distant planetary orbits. This work provides a significantly revised architecture for the multi-planet system HD 134606 using both HARPS and UCLES RVs. We confirm the presence of previously reported planets b, c, and d with periods $12.0897^{+0.0019}_{-0.0018}$, $58.947^{+0.056}_{-0.054}$, and $958.7^{+6.3}_{-5.9}$ days, and masses $9.14^{+0.65}_{-0.63}$, $11.0\pm1$, and $44.5\pm2.9$ Earth masses respectively, with the planet d orbit significantly revised to over double that originally reported. We report two newly detected super-Earths, e and f, with periods $4.31943^{+0.00075}_{-0.00068}$ and $26.9^{+0.019}_{-0.017}$ days, and masses $2.31^{+0.36}_{-0.35}$ and $5.52^{+0.74}_{-0.73}$ Earth masses, respectively. In addition, we identify a linear trend in the RV time series, and the cause of this acceleration is deemed to be a newly detected sub-stellar companion at large separation. HD 134606 now displays four low mass planets in a compact region near the star, one gas giant further out in the Habitable Zone, an additional massive companion in the outer regime, and a low mass M dwarf stellar companion at large separation, making it an intriguing target for system formation/evolution studies. The location of planet d in the Habitable Zone proves to be an exciting candidate for future space-based direct imaging missions, whereas continued RV observations of this system are recommended for understanding the nature of the massive, long period companion.

Tuomas Kangas, Hanindyo Kuncarayakti, Takashi Nagao, Rubina Kotak, Erkki Kankare, Morgan Fraser, Heloise Stevance, Seppo Mattila, Kei'ichi Maeda, Maximilian Stritzinger, Peter Lundqvist, Nancy Elias-Rosa, Lucía Ferrari, Gastón Folatelli, Christopher Frohmaier, Lluís Galbany, Miho Kawabata, Eleni Koutsiona, Tomás E. Müller-Bravo, Lara Piscarreta, Miika Pursiainen, Avinash Singh, Kenta Taguchi, Rishabh Singh Teja, Giorgio Valerin, Andrea Pastorello, Stefano Benetti, Yong-Zhi Cai, Panagiotis Charalampopoulos, Claudia P. Gutiérrez, Timo Kravtsov, Andrea Reguitti

21 pages + 13 appendix pages, 16 figures + 5 appendix figures. Submitted to A&A

We present optical and near-infrared photometry and spectroscopy of SN 2023aew and our findings on its remarkable properties. This event, initially resembling a Type IIb supernova (SN), rebrightened dramatically $\sim$80 d after discovery, at which time its spectrum transformed into that of a SN Ic. The slowly-evolving spectrum specifically resembled a post-peak SN Ic with relatively low line velocities even during the second rise. The second peak, reached $\sim$107 d after discovery, is both more luminous ($M_r = -18.75\pm0.04$ mag) and much broader than those of typical SNe Ic or Ic-BL. Blackbody fits to SN 2023aew indicate that the photosphere shrinks throughout its observed evolution, and the second peak is caused by an increasing temperature. Bumps in the light curve after the second peak suggest interaction with circumstellar matter (CSM) or possibly accretion. We consider several scenarios for producing the unprecedented behavior of SN 2023aew. Two separate SNe, either unrelated or from the same binary system, require either an incredible coincidence or extreme fine-tuning. A pre-SN eruption followed by a SN requires an extremely powerful, SN-like eruption (consistent with $\sim$10$^{51}$ erg) and is also disfavored. We therefore consider only the first peak a true stellar explosion. The observed evolution is difficult to reproduce if the second peak is dominated by interaction with a distant CSM shell. A delayed internal heating mechanism is more likely, but emerging embedded interaction with a CSM disk should be accompanied by CSM lines in the spectrum and is difficult to hide long enough. A magnetar central engine requires a delayed onset to explain the long time between the peaks. Delayed fallback accretion onto a black hole may present the most promising scenario, but we cannot definitively establish the power source.

Sajad Abbar, Meng-Ru Wu, Zewei Xiong

13 pages, 6 figures, submitted to PRD. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2311.15656

Neutrinos can undergo fast flavor conversions (FFCs) within extremely dense astrophysical environments such as core-collapse supernovae (CCSNe) and neutron star mergers (NSMs). In this study, we explore FFCs in a \emph{multi-energy} neutrino gas, revealing that when the FFC growth rate significantly exceeds that of the vacuum Hamiltonian, all neutrinos (regardless of energy) share a common survival probability dictated by the energy-integrated neutrino spectrum. We then employ physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) to predict the asymptotic outcomes of FFCs within such a multi-energy neutrino gas. These predictions are based on the first two moments of neutrino angular distributions for each energy bin, typically available in state-of-the-art CCSN and NSM simulations. Our PINNs achieve errors as low as $\lesssim6\%$ and $\lesssim 18\%$ for predicting the number of neutrinos in the electron channel and the relative absolute error in the neutrino moments, respectively.

F. Carcaboso, M. Dumbovic, C. Kay, D. Lario, L. K. Jian, L. B. Wilson III, R. Gómez-Herrero, M. Temmer, S. G. Heinemann, T. Nieves-Chinchilla, A. M. Veronig

Accepted in A&A. Previous to final editorial changes

A fast and wide Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) erupted from the Sun on 2012-03-13. Its interplanetary counterpart was detected in situ two days later by STEREO-A and near-Earth spacecraft. We suggest that at 1 au the CME extended at least 110$^\circ$ in longitude, with Earth crossing its east flank and STEREO-A crossing its west flank. Despite their separation, measurements from both positions showed very similar in situ CME signatures. The solar source region where the CME erupted was surrounded by three coronal holes (CHs). Their locations with respect to the CME launch site were east (negative polarity), southwest (positive polarity) and west (positive polarity). The solar magnetic field polarity of the area covered by each CH matches that observed at 1 au in situ. Suprathermal electrons at each location showed mixed signatures with only some intervals presenting clear counterstreaming flows as the CME transits both locations. The strahl population coming from the shortest magnetic connection of the structure to the Sun showed more intensity. The study presents important findings regarding the in situ measured CME on 2012-03-15, detected at a longitudinal separation of 110$^\circ$ in the ecliptic plane despite its initial inclination being around 45$^\circ$ when erupted. This suggests that the CME may have deformed and/or rotated, allowing it to be observed near its legs with spacecraft at a separation angle greater than 100$^\circ$. The CME structure interacted with high-speed streams generated by the surrounding CHs. The piled-up plasma in the sheath region exhibited an unexpected correlation in magnetic field strength despite the large separation in longitude. In situ observations reveal that at both locations there was a flank encounter, where the spacecraft crossed the first part of the CME, then encountered ambient solar wind, and finally passed near the legs of the structure.

The vast majority of close binaries containing a compact object form through common-envelope (CE) evolution. Despite this importance, we struggle to even understand the energy budget of CE evolution. For decades, observed long-period post-CE binaries have been interpreted as evidence for additional energies to contribute during CE evolution. We have recently shown that this argument is based on simplified assumptions for all long-period post-CE binaries containing massive white dwarfs. The only remaining post-CE binary star that has been claimed to require contributions from additional energy sources to understand its formation is KOI 3278. Here we address in detail the potential evolutionary history of KOI 3278. In particular, we investigated whether extra energy sources, such as recombination energy, are indeed required to explain its existence. We used the 1D stellar evolution code MESA to carry out binary evolution simulations and searched for potential formation pathways for KOI 3278 that are able to explain its observed properties. We found that KOI 3278 can be explained if the white dwarf progenitor filled its Roche lobe during a helium shell flash. In this case, the orbital period of KOI 3278 can be reproduced if the CE binding energy is calculated taking into account gravitational energy and thermodynamic internal energy. While the CE evolution that led to the formation of KOI 3278 must have been efficient, that is, most of the available orbital energy must have been used to unbind the CE, recombination energy is not required. We conclude that currently not a single observed post-CE binary requires to assume energy sources other than gravitational and thermodynamic energy to contribute to CE evolution. KOI 3278, however, remains an intriguing post-CE binary as, unlike its siblings, understanding its existence requires highly efficient CE ejection.

Dejian Liu, Ye Xu, YingJie Li, Zehao Lin, Chaojie Hao, WenJin Yang, Jingjing Li, Xinrong Liu, Yiwei Dong, Shuaibo Bian, and Deyun Kong

34 pages,19 figures, 5 tables, Accepted for publication in ApJ

We identify a molecular bubble, and study the star formation and its feedback in the S Mon region, using multiple molecular lines, young stellar objects (YSOs), and infrared data. We revisit the distance to S Mon, ~722+/-9 pc, using Gaia Data Release 3 parallaxes of the associated Class II YSOs. The bubble may be mainly driven by a massive binary system (namely 15 Mon), the primary of which is an O7V-type star. An outflow is detected in the shell of the bubble, suggesting ongoing star formation activities in the vicinity of the bubble. The total wind energy of the massive binary star is three orders of magnitude higher than the sum of the observed turbulent energy in the molecular gas and the kinetic energy of the bubble, indicating that stellar winds help to maintain the turbulence in the S Mon region and drive the bubble. We conclude that the stellar winds of massive stars have an impact on their surrounding environment.

Man Ho Chan, Chak Man Lee

Accepted for publication in Physical Review D

In a binary, when the orbital plane of the companion star is almost edge-on along the line-of-sight direction, this would produce an observable self-gravitational lensing effect, which would slightly increase the overall optical intensity of the binary. However, the probability of getting one observable self-lensing binary (SLB) is very low. There are only five observed SLBs so far and all of them are eclipsing binaries. In this article, we theoretically show that the neutron star-white dwarf (NS-WD) binary PSR J1910-5959A could be an observable non-eclipsing SLB. It might be the first binary showing both periodic optical amplification and Shapiro time delay of radio signals, which is useful to verify our understanding about gravitational lensing in relativistic binaries. Moreover, we show that the observed peak amplification limit of the PSR J1910-5959A can help constrain the radius of the WD, which is a crucial parameter to examine the mass-radius and temperature-radius relationship for helium WD.

Jean-Marc Martin, Junhan Kim, Fabien Defrance, Shibo Shu, Andrew D. Beyer, Peter K. Day, Jack Sayers, Sunil R. Golwala

6 pages of main text, 8 pages total, 4 figures, 1 table. Presented at conference LTD20

We present the optical characterization of two-scale hierarchical phased-array antenna kinetic inductance detectors (KIDs) for millimeter/submillimeter wavelengths. Our KIDs have a lumped-element architecture with parallel plate capacitors and aluminum inductors. The incoming light is received with a hierarchical phased array of slot-dipole antennas, split into 4 frequency bands (between 125 GHz and 365 GHz) with on-chip lumped-element band-pass filters, and routed to different KIDs using microstriplines. Individual pixels detect light for the 3 higher frequency bands (190-365 GHz) and the signals from four individual pixels are coherently summed to create a larger pixel detecting light for the lowest-frequency band (125-175 GHz). The spectral response of the band-pass filters was measured using Fourier transform spectroscopy (FTS), the far-field beam pattern of the phased-array antennas was obtained using an infrared source mounted on a 2-axis translating stage, and the optical efficiency of the KIDs was characterized by observing loads at 294 K and 77 K. We report on the results of these three measurements.

Natalia E. Rektsini, Virginie Batista, Clement Ranc, David P. Bennett, Jean-Philippe Beaulieu, Joshua W. Blackman, Andrew A. Cole, Sean K. Terry, Naoki Koshimoto, Aparna Bhattacharya, Aikaterini Vandorou, Thomas J. Plunkett, Jean-Baptiste Marquette

16 pages, 7 figures. Resubmitted to AJ after minor revisions

We revisit the planetary microlensing event OGLE-2013-BLG-0132/MOA-2013-BLG-148 using Keck adaptive optics imaging in 2013 with NIRC2 and in 2020, 7.4 years after the event, with OSIRIS. The 2020 observations yield a source and lens separation of $ 56.91 \pm 0.29$ mas, which provides us with a precise measurement of the heliocentric proper motion of the event $\mu_{rel,hel} = 7.695 \pm 0.039$ mas $yr^{-1}$. We measured the magnitude of the lens in K-band as $K_{lens} = 18.69 \pm 0.04 $. Using these constraints, we refit the microlensing light curve and undertake a full reanalysis of the event parameters including the microlensing parallax $\pi_{E}$ and the distance to the source D$_S$. We confirm the results obtained in the initial study by \cite{Mroz_2017} and improve significantly upon the accuracy of the physical parameters. The system is an M dwarf of $0.495 \pm 0.054$ $M_\odot$ orbited by a cold, Saturn-mass planet of $0.26 \pm 0.028$ $M_{Jup}$ at projected separation $r_{\perp}$ = 3.14 $\pm$ 0.28 AU. This work confirms that the planetary system is at a distance of 3.48 $\pm$ 0.36 kpc, which places it in the Galactic disk and not the Galactic bulge.

Meng Yang, Ling Zhu, Yu Lei, Nicholas Boardman, Anne-Marie Weijman, Raffaella Morganti, Tom Oosterloo, Pierre-Alain Duc

15 pages, 9 figures, accepted by MNRAS

We construct the Schwarzschild dynamical models for 11 early-type galaxies with the SAURON and Mitchell stellar IFUs out to $2-4 R_\mathrm{e}$, and construct dynamical models with combined stellar and HI kinematics for a subsample of 4 galaxies with HI velocity fields out to $10 R_\mathrm{e}$ obtained from the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope, thus robustly obtaining the dark matter content out to large radii for these galaxies. Adopting a generalised-NFW dark matter profile, we measure an NFW-like density cusp in the dark matter inner slopes for all sample galaxies, with a mean value of $1.00\pm0.04$ (rms scatter $0.15$). The mean dark matter fraction for the sample is $0.2$ within $1 R_\mathrm{e}$, and increases to $0.4$ at $2 R_\mathrm{e}$, and $0.6$ at $5 R_\mathrm{e}$. The dark matter fractions within $1 R_\mathrm{e}$ of these galaxies are systematically lower than the predictions of both the TNG-100 and EAGLE simulations. For the dark matter fractions within $2 R_\mathrm{e}$ and $5 R_\mathrm{e}$, 40% and 70% galaxies are $1-\sigma$ consistent with either the TNG-100 or the EAGLE predictions, while the remaining 60% and 30% galaxies lie below the $1-\sigma$ region. Combined with 36 galaxies with dark matter fractions measured out to $5 R_\mathrm{e}$ in the literature, about 10% of these 47 galaxies lie below the $3-\sigma$ region of the TNG-100 or EAGLE predictions.

K. R. Sreenivas, Timothy R. Bedding, Yaguang Li, Daniel Huber, Dennis Stello, Courtney L. Crawford, Jie Yu

Under Review at MNRAS

The importance of numax (the frequency of maximum oscillation power) for asteroseismology has been demonstrated widely in the previous decade, especially for red giants. With the large amount of photometric data from CoRoT, Kepler and TESS, several automated algorithms to retrieve numax values have been introduced. Most of these algorithms correct the granulation background in the power spectrum by fitting a model and subtracting it before measuring numax. We have developed a method that does not require fitting to the granulation background. Instead, we simply divide the power spectrum by a function of the form nu^-2, to remove the slope due to granulation background, and then smooth to measure numax. This method is fast, simple and avoids degeneracies associated with fitting. The method is able to measure oscillations in 99.9% of previously-studied Kepler red giants, with a systematic offset in numax values that depends upon the evolutionary state. On comparing the seismic radii from this work with Gaia, we see similar trends to those observed in previous studies. Additionally, our values of width of the power envelope can clearly identify the dipole mode suppressed stars as a distinct population, hence as a way to detect them. We also applied our method to stars with low (0.39--18.35 muHz) and found it works well to correctly identify the oscillations.

Zhen-Han-Tao Wang, Rui-Chong Hu, Ying Qin, Jin-Ping Zhu, Bing Zhang, Shuang-Xi Yi, Qin-Wen Tang, Xin-Wen Shu, Fen Lyu, En-Wei Liang

18 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, comments are welcome!

In this work, we investigate an alternative channel for the formation of fast-spinning black hole-neutron star (BHNS) binaries, in which super-Eddington accretion is expected to occur in accreting BHs during the stable mass transfer phase within BH-stripped helium (BH--He-rich) star binary systems. We evolve intensive \texttt{MESA} grids of close-orbit BH--He-rich star systems to systematically explore the projected aligned spins of BHs in BHNS binaries, as well as the impact of different accretion limits on the tidal disruption probability and electromagnetic (EM) signature of BHNS mergers. Most of the BHs in BHNS mergers cannot be effectively spun up through accretion, if the accretion rate is limited to $\lesssim10\,\dot{M}_{\rm Edd}$, where $\dot{M}_{\rm Edd}$ is the standard Eddington accretion limit. In order to reach high spins (e.g., $\chi_{\rm BH} \gtrsim 0.5$), the BHs are required to be born less massive (e.g., $\lesssim3.0\,M_\odot$) in binary systems with initial periods of $\lesssim0.2-0.3\,{\rm days}$ and accrete material at $\sim100\,\dot{M}_{\rm Edd}$. However, even under this high accretion limit, $\gtrsim6\,M_\odot$ BHs are typically challenging to significantly spin up and generate detectable associated EM signals. Our population simulations suggest that different accretion limits have a slight impact on the ratio of tidal disruption events. However, as the accretion limit increases, the EM counterparts from the cosmological BHNS population can become bright overall.

Ruoyun Huang, Baitian Tang, Chengyuan Li, Doug Geisler, Mario Mateo, Ying-Yi Song, Holger Baumgardt, Julio A. Carballo-Bello, Yue Wang, Jundan Nie, Bruno Dias, José G. Fernández-Trincado

11 pages, 4 figures, SCPMA accepted

Star clusters were historically considered simple stellar populations, with all stars sharing the same age and initial chemical composition. However, the presence of chemical anomalies in globular clusters (GCs), called multiple stellar populations (MPs), has challenged star formation theories in dense environments. Literature studies show that mass, metallicity, and age are likely controlling parameters for the manifestation of MPs. Identifying the limit between clusters with/without MPs in physical parameter space is crucial to reveal the driving mechanism behind their presence. In this study, we look for MP signals in Whiting 1, traditionally considered a young GC. Using the Magellan telescope, we obtained low-resolution spectra within $\rm \lambda\lambda = 3850-5500 \r{A}$ for eight giants of Whiting 1. We measured the C and N abundances from the CN and CH spectral indices. C and N abundances have variations comparable with their measurement errors ($\sim0.1$ dex), suggesting that MPs are absent from Whiting 1. Combining these findings with literature studies, we propose a limit in the metallicity vs. cluster compactness index parameter space, which relatively clearly separates star clusters with/without MPs (GCs/open clusters). This limit is physically motivated. On a larger scale, the galactic environment determines cluster compactness and metallicity, leading to metal-rich, diffuse, old clusters formed ex situ. Our proposed limit also impacts our understanding of the formation of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy: star clusters formed after the first starburst (age$\lesssim 8-10$ Gyr). These clusters are simple stellar populations because the enriched galactic environment is no longer suitable for MP formation.

Alexander G. Kosovichev, Viacheslav M. Sadykov

21 pages, 8 figures, 5 ancillary mp4 files of subsurface flows for active regions 11158, 12673, 12882, 13006, and 13179; to appear in Dynamics of Solar and Stellar Convection Zones and Atmospheres, Proc. IAU Symp. 365, 2024

We investigate the evolution of subsurface flows during the emergence and the active phase of sunspot regions using the time-distance helioseismology analysis of the full-disk Dopplergrams from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). We present an analysis of emerging active regions of various types, including delta-type active regions and regions with the reverse polarity order (`anti-Hale active regions'). The results reveal strong vortical and shearing flows during the emergence of magnetic flux, as well as the process of formation of large-scale converging flow patterns around developing active regions, predominantly in the top 6 Mm deep layers of the convection zone. Our analysis revealed a significant correlation between the flow divergence and helicity in the active regions with their flaring activity, indicating that measuring characteristics of subsurface flows can contribute to flare forecasting.

M. Koussour, N. S. Kavya, V. Venkatesha, N. Myrzakulov

The European Physical Journal Plus accepted version

The cosmic acceleration observed in the expansion of the Universe has sparked extensive research into the nature of dark energy, which is known to constitute approximately 70\% of the Universe's energy content. In this study, we explore two parametrizations of the Hubble parameter, namely power-law and logarithmic corrections, as alternatives to the standard $\Lambda$CDM model. Using observational data from Cosmic Chronometers (CC), Pantheon+, and the Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) datasets, we investigate the dynamics of essential cosmological parameters, including the deceleration parameter, energy density, pressure, and equation of state (EoS) parameter. The $Om(z)$ diagnostic test is employed to classify different dark energy models. Our cosmological models, with the power-law and logarithmic corrections, are found to provide a good fit to the recent observational data and efficiently describe the cosmic expansion scenario.

Tomáš Henych, Jiří Borovička, Vlastimil Vojáček, Pavel Spurný

Accepted for publication in A&A, 13 pages, 16 figures

Geminids are the most active annual meteor shower observed on Earth. Their parent is an active asteroid, (3200) Phaethon, which is a target of the planned DESTINY+ mission of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). The exact physical nature of (3200) Phaethon and Geminids is still debated. This paper is devoted to fragmentation modeling of bright Geminid fireballs, which should reveal information about the structure of centimeter-sized Geminid meteoroids. These fireballs were observed by the European Fireball Network (EN) over the past few years. We aim to describe their disintegration cascade in the atmosphere and their mechanical properties, and to derive their precise initial masses and velocities. We used a semi-empirical fragmentation model that employs an automatic procedure based on parallel genetic algorithms to determine the aerodynamic pressures at which a meteoroid and its parts fragment. This serves as a proxy for the mechanical strength of the body and its subsequent fragments. It enabled us to derive the minimum, median, and maximum mechanical strength and the strength distribution inside the meteoroid and reveal its internal structure. We find that the Geminids begin to crumble at pressures 1--100 kPa, with the strongest parts reaching pressures of between 0.4 and 1.55 MPa before fragmenting. Knowing the spectral type of (3200) Phaethon (a B-type asteroid, part of the C complex), we conclude that the Geminids are made of compact and coherent carbonaceous material. We also find that the minimum aerodynamic pressure that causes the fragmentation of Geminids increases with increasing entry mass of Geminids. In contrast, the median aerodynamic pressure decreases as their entry mass increases. The spectra of all the observed Geminid fireballs show normal content and little variation in terms of sodium.

Nicolas de Séréville, Vincent Tatischeff, Pierre Cristofari, Stefano Gabici, Roland Diehl

The presence of live $^{60}$Fe nuclei (lifetime of 3.8~Myr) in cosmic rays detected by the ACE/CRIS instrument suggests a nearby nucleosynthesis source. $^{60}$Fe is primarily produced in core-collapse supernovae, and we aim to clarify whether the detected $^{60}$Fe nuclei can be associated with a particular local supernova. We consider 25 OB associations and sub-groups located within 1 kpc of the solar system based on recent $Gaia$ census. A model is developed that combines stellar population synthesis within these OB associations, cosmic-ray acceleration within associated superbubbles, and cosmic-ray transport to the solar system. The most critical model parameter impacting $^{60}$Fe cosmic-ray production is the explodability criterion, which determines if a massive star ends its life as a supernova. Our study points to the Sco-Cen OB association as the most probable origin of the observed $^{60}$Fe nuclei, particularly suggesting they were accelerated in the Sco-Cen superbubble by a young supernova aged $\leq500$ kyr with a progenitor mass of approximately $13-20~M_\odot$. A less likely source is the supernova at the origin of the Geminga pulsar 342 kyr ago, if the progenitor originated in the Orion OB1 association. The contribution of local OB associations to the cosmic-ray density of stable $^{56}$Fe is estimated to be around 20\%, with some sensitivity to cosmic ray acceleration efficiency and diffusion coefficient. These findings shed light on the origins of cosmic-ray nuclei, connecting them to nucleosynthesis events within our local cosmic neighborhood.

Tian Qiu, Masahiro Takada, Naoki Yasuda, Akira Tokiwa, Kazumi Kashiyama, Yoshihisa Suzuki, Kenta Hotokezaka

18 pages, 18 figures, submitted to MNRAS

We present 4,987 white dwarf (WD) candidates selected from matched stars between the multi-band imaging datasets of Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) Survey and SDSS in the Stripe82 region covering about 165 deg$^2$. We first select WD candidates from the "reduced proper motion" diagram that is obtained by combining the apparent magnitude in the range $i=19$ -- 24 and the proper motion measured by comparing the astrometric positions of each object between the two datasets over about 14 yr time baseline. We refine the WD candidates by fitting blackbody and template WD atmosphere models to HSC photometries for each candidate, enabling the estimation of photometric distance and tangential velocity ($v_{\rm t}$) with respect to the Sun. The deep HSC data allows us to identify low-temperature ($<4000$ K) and faint WD candidates down to absolute magnitude, $M_{\rm bol}\simeq 17$. We evaluate the selection function of our WD candidates using the mock catalogue for spatial and kinematic distributions of WDs in the (thin and thick) disc and halo regions based on the standard Milky Way model. We construct the samples of disc and halo WD candidates by selecting WDs with the cuts of tangential velocity, $40<v_{\rm t}/[{\rm km}~{\rm s}^{-1}]<80$ and $200<v_{\rm t}/[{\rm km}~{\rm s}^{-1}]<500$, respectively. The total number densities of the disc and halo WDs are $(9.45 \pm 0.94) \times 10^{-3}$ pc$^{-3}$ and $(4.20 \pm 1.74) \times 10^{-4}$ pc$^{-3}$, respectively. Our LFs extend down to fainter absolute magnitudes compared with previous work. The faint WDs could represent the oldest generation of building blocks in the tens of billions of years of our Milky Way's assembly history.

XueGuang Zhang (GXU)

11 pages, 2 tables, 6 figures, Accepted to be published in MNRAS

In this manuscript, very blue-shifted broad H$\alpha$ with shifted velocity $\sim$2200km/s is reported in the low redshift Type-1.9 AGN SDSS J1052+1036. Blue-shifted broad emission lines may arise due to the presence of a rotating gas disk around central black hole (BH), but may also be a signature of rare phenomena such as gravitational wave recoil of a supermassive BH (rSMBH) or the presence of a binary BH (BBH) system. Here, due to larger shifted velocity of stronger and wider blue-shifted broad H$\alpha$, the BBH system is disfavoured. Meanwhile, if this object contained a rSMBH, intrinsic obscuration with E(B-V)$\le$0.6 should lead to a detectable broad H$\beta$, indicating the rSMBH scenario not preferred. We find that the blue-shifted broad H$\alpha$ can be well explained by emission from an AGN disk, indicating that SDSS J1052+1036 is likely a disk-emitting AGN. In order to determine which scenario, a rSMBH or a disk emitter, is more preferred, a re-observed spectrum in 2025 can provide robust clues, with a disk emitter probably leading to clear variations of peak positions, peak separations and/or peak intensity ratios in broad H$\alpha$, but with a rSMBH scenario probably leading to no variations of peak separations in broad H$\alpha$.

Murat Uzundag, Jurek Krzesinski, Ingrid Pelisoli, Peter Nemeth, Roberto Silvotti, Maja Vuckovic Harry Dawson, Stephan Geier

22 pages, 9 Figures - Accepted for publication in A&A

Hot subdwarf B (sdB) stars are evolved, subluminous, helium-burning stars, most likely formed when red-giant stars lose their hydrogen envelope via interactions with close companions. They play an important role in our understanding of binary evolution, stellar atmospheres, and interiors. Within the sdB population, only a small fraction are known to exhibit pulsations. Pulsating sdBs have typically been discovered serendipitously in various photometric surveys, lacking specific selection criteria for the sample. Consequently, while individual properties of these stars are well-known, a comprehensive understanding of the entire population and many related questions remain unanswered. The introduction of Gaia has presented an exceptional chance to create an unbiased sample by employing precise criteria and ensuring a high degree of completeness. The progression of high-precision and high-duty cycle photometric monitoring facilitated by space missions such as Kepler/K2 and the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has yielded an unparalleled wealth of data for pulsating sdBs. In this work, we created a dataset of confirmed pulsating sdB stars by combining information from various ground- and space-based photometric surveys. Utilizing this dataset, we present a thorough approach to search for pulsating sdB stars based on the current Gaia DR3 sample. Using TESS photometry, we discovered 61 new pulsating sdB stars and 20 variable sdBs whose source of variability remains to be determined through future spectroscopic follow-up observations.

J. R. Canivete Cuissa, F. Riva, O. Steiner

Aims: Our aim is to study the presence and properties of small-scale swirls in numerical simulations of the atmospheres of cool main-sequence stars. Our particular focus is on understanding the variations in these properties for different stellar types and their sensitivity to the surface magnetic field. Furthermore, we aim to investigate the role of these events in the energy transport within the simulated atmospheres. Methods: We analyze three-dimensional, radiative-magnetohydrodynamic, box-in-a-star, numerical simulations of four main-sequence stars of spectral types K8V, K2V, G2V, and F5V. These simulations include a surface small-scale dynamo responsible for amplifying an initially weak magnetic field. Thus, we can study models characterized by very weak, or, magnetic fields in near equipartition. To identify small-scale vortices in horizontal layers of the simulations, we employ the automated algorithm SWIRL. Results: Small-scale swirls are abundant in the simulated atmospheres of all the investigated cool stars. The characteristics of these events appear to be influenced by the main properties of the stellar models and by the strength of the surface magnetic field. In addition, we identify signatures of torsional Alfv\'enic pulses associated with these swirls, which are responsible for a significant vertical Poynting flux in the simulated stellar photospheres. Notably, this flux is particularly significant in the K8V model, suggesting a possible link to the enhanced basal \ion{Ca}{ii} H and K fluxes observed in the range of $B-V$ color index $1.1 \leq B - V \leq 1.4$. Finally, we present a simple analytical model, along with an accompanying scaling relation, to explain a peculiar result of the statistical analysis that the rotational period of surface vortices increases with the effective temperature of the stellar model.

V. Ganci, L. Labadie, K. Perraut, A. Wojtczak, J. Kaufhold, M. Benisty, E. Alecian, G. Bourdarot, W. Brandner, A. Caratti o Garatti, C. Dougados, R. Garcia Lopez, J. Sanchez-Bermudez, A. Soulain, A. Amorim, J.-P. Berger, P. Caselli, Y. Clénet, A. Drescher, A. Eckart, F. Eisenhauer, M. Fabricius, H. Feuchtgruber, P. Garcia, E. Gendron, R. Genzel, S. Gillessen, S. Grant, G. Heißel, T. Henning, M. Horrobin, L. Jocou, P. Kervella, S. Lacour, V. Lapeyrère, J.-B. Le Bouquin, P. Léna, D. Lutz, F. Mang, N. Morujão, T. Ott, T. Paumard, G. Perrin, D. Ribeiro, M. Sadun Bordoni, S. Scheithauer, J. Shangguan, T. Shimizu, C. Straubmeier, E. Sturm, L. Tacconi, E. van Dishoeck, F. Vincent, J. Woillez

45 pages, 20 figures, accepted by and to be published in Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A)

Temporal variability in the photometric and spectroscopic properties of protoplanetary disks is common in YSO. However, evidence pointing toward changes in their morphology over short timescales has only been found for a few sources, mainly due to a lack of high cadence observations at mas resolution. We combine GRAVITY multi-epoch observations of HD98922 at mas resolution with PIONIER archival data covering a total time span of 11 years. We interpret the interferometric visibilities and spectral energy distribution with geometrical models and through radiative transfer techniques. We investigated high-spectral-resolution quantities to obtain information on the properties of the HI BrG-line-emitting region. The observations are best fitted by a model of a crescent-like asymmetric dust feature located at 1 au and accounting for 70% of the NIR emission. The feature has an almost constant magnitude and orbits the central star with a possible sub-Keplerian period of 12 months, although a 9 month period is another, albeit less probable, solution. The radiative transfer models show that the emission originates from a small amount of carbon-rich (25%) silicates, or quantum-heated particles located in a low-density region. Among different possible scenarios, we favor hydrodynamical instabilities in the inner disk that can create a large vortex. The high spectral resolution differential phases in the BrG-line show that the hot-gas component is offset from the star and in some cases is located between the star and the crescent feature. The scale of the emission does not favor magnetospheric accretion as a driving mechanism. The scenario of an asymmetric disk wind or a massive accreting substellar or planetary companion is discussed. With this unique observational data set for HD98922, we reveal morphological variability in the innermost 2 au of its disk region.

The emergence of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite constellations dedicated to positioning applications holds the promise of improving the capabilities of existing Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). However, the absence of operational systems necessitates a qualitative assessment of potential improvements through simulation. This paper introduces a methodology to convert Two Line Element (TLE) orbital parameters, abundantly available for LEO constellations for communication and Earth Observation, into the widely used RINEX 4 format employed by GNSS. The primary goal is to establish a comprehensive database of LEO constellation orbits directly compatible with the orbit propagation algorithms utilized in GNSS systems like the Global Positioning System (GPS). This approach enables seamless integration into simulation tools with minimal adjustments. While TLE parameters are optimized for the SGP4 propagation model and cautioned against use in classical Kepler orbit propagation scenarios requiring precision, the obtained discrepancies, within a few tens of kilometers, suggest that these representations are realistic for simulation purposes, as demonstrated with the Spire LEMUR LEO constellation. As a practical application, the paper conducts a visibility analysis using the Starlink constellation. Results affirm expectations, showcasing that the combination of GNSS with a LEO mega-constellation significantly enhances satellite coverage and reduces Dilution of Precision. This work contributes to the ongoing discourse on the potential benefits and practicality of integrating emerging LEO constellations with established GNSS systems, offering insights into improved navigation and timing capabilities through simulation-based assessments.

A. Sánchez-Lavega, E. García-Melendo, S. Perez-Hoyos, R. Hueso, M. H. Wong, A. Simon, J. F. Sanz-Requena, A. Antuñano, N. Barrado-Izagirre, I. Garate-Lopez, J. F. Rojas, T. del Rio Gaztelurrutia, J. M. Gómez-Forrellad, I. de Pater, L. Li, T. Barry, PVOL contributors

Saturn has an intense and broad eastward equatorial jet with a complex three-dimensional structure mixed with time variability. The equatorial region experiences strong seasonal insolation variations enhanced by ring shadowing and three of the six known giant planetary-scale storms have developed in it. These factors make Saturn's equator a natural laboratory to test models of jets in giant planets. Here we report on a bright equatorial atmospheric feature imaged in 2015 that moved steadily at a high speed of 450 ms-1 not measured since 1980-81 with other equatorial clouds moving within an ample range of velocities. Radiative transfer models show that these motions occur at three altitude levels within the upper haze and clouds. We find that the peak of the jet (latitudes 10\degree N to 10\degree S) suffers intense vertical shears reaching +2.5 ms-1 km-1, two orders of magnitude higher than meridional shears, and temporal variability above 1 bar altitude level.

Aims: Main goal of this work is to study the potential of He II Ly-alpha wavelength-integrated scattering polarisation for probing the magnetism of the solar upper chromosphere. Methods: Radiative transfer calculations are performed in semi-empirical 1D solar atmospheres considering a two-term atomic model and accounting for the Hanle, Zeeman, and magneto-optical effects. The problem is suitably linearised and discretised, and the resulting numerical system is solved with a matrix-free iterative method. The results obtained modelling scattering processes with three different descriptions, namely in the limit of complete frequency redistribution (CRD), and accounting for partial frequency redistribution (PRD) effects under the angle-averaged (AA) approximation and in the general angle-dependent (AD) formulation, are compared. Results: In the line-core, the synthetic Stokes profiles resulting from CRD, PRD-AA, and PRD-AD calculations show a very good agreement. On the other hand, relevant differences are observed in Q/I outside the line-core region. Besides, the precise structure of the atmospheric model does not noticeably affect the line-core profiles, but it strongly impacts the Q/I signals outside the line-core. As most of the He II Ly-alpha photons originate in the core region, it turns out that wavelength-integrated linear polarisation signals are almost insensitive to both the scattering description and the atmospheric model. Appreciable wavelength-integrated U/I signals, showing observable sensitivity to horizontal magnetic fields in the range 0-1000 G, are also found, particularly near the limb. It turns out that, while the integration time required to detect magnetic fields in the quiet chromosphere with this line is too long for sounding rocket missions, magnetic fields corresponding to typical plage areas would produce detectable signals, especially near the limb.

A. Ruggieri, S. Desidera, K. Biazzo, M. Pinamonti, F. Marzari, G. Mantovan, A. Sozzetti, A.S. Bonomo, A.F. Lanza, L. Malavolta, R. Claudi, M. Damasso, R. Gratton, D. Nardiello, S. Benatti, A. Bignamini, G. Andreuzzi, F. Borsa, L. Cabona, C. Knapic, E. Molinari, L. Pino, T. Zingales

Planets in binary systems are a fascinating and yet poorly understood phenomenon. Since there are only a few known large-separation systems in which both components host planets, characterizing them is a key target for planetary science. In this paper, we aim to carry out an exhaustive analysis of the interesting XO-2 system, where one component appears to be a system with only one planet, while the other has at least three planets. Over the last 9 years, we have collected 39 spectra of XO-2N and 106 spectra of XO-2S with the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher for the Northern emisphere (HARPS-N) in the framework of the Global Architecture of Planetary Systems project, from which we derived precise radial velocity and activity indicator measurements. Additional spectroscopic data from the High Resolution Echelle Spectrometer and from the High Dispersion Spectrograph, and the older HARPS-N data presented in previous papers, have also been used to increase the total time span. We also used photometric data from TESS to search for potential transits that have not been detected yet. For our analysis, we mainly used PyORBIT, an advanced Python tool for the Bayesian analysis of RVs, activity indicators, and light curves. We found evidence for an additional long-period planet around XO-2S and characterized the activity cycle likely responsible for the long-term RV trend noticed for XO-2N. The new candidate is an example of a Jovian analog with $m\sin i \sim 3.7$ M$_J$, $a \sim 5.5$ au, and $e = 0.09$. We also analyzed the stability and detection limits to get some hints about the possible presence of additional planets. Our results show that the planetary system of XO-2S is at least one order of magnitude more massive than that of XO-2N. The implications of these findings for the interpretation of the previously known abundance difference between components are also discussed.

I. Garate-Lopez, A. García Muñoz, R. Hueso, A. Sánchez-Lavega

The Venus thermal radiation spectrum exhibits the signature of $CO_2$ absorption bands. By means of inversion techniques, those bands enable the retrieval of atmospheric temperature profiles. We have analyzed VIRTIS-M-IR night-side data obtaining high-resolution thermal maps of Venus south polar region between 55 and 85 km altitudes for three dynamical configurations of the vortex. The cold collar is clearly distinguishable at $\sim 62$ km altitude level, and it is more than 15 K colder than the pole on average. The South Polar Vortex appears as a vertically extended hot region close to the pole and squeezed by the cold collar between altitudes 55 and 67 km but spreading equatorward at about 74 km. Both the instantaneous temperature maps and their zonal averages show that the top altitude limit of the thermal signature of the vortex is at $\sim 80$ km altitude, at least on the night-side of the planet. The upper part of the atmosphere (67 - 85 km) is more homogeneous and has long-scale horizontal temperature differences of about 25 K over horizontal distances of $\sim 2,000$ km. The lower part (55 - 67 km) shows more fine-scale structure, creating the vortex' morphology, with thermal differences of up to about 50 K over $\sim 500$ km horizontal distances. We also study the vertical stability of different atmospheric layers within the 55 - 85 km altitude range for the three vortex configurations. It is always positive, but the cold collar is the most vertically stable structure at polar latitudes, while the vortex and sub-polar latitudes show lower stability values. Furthermore, the hot filaments present within the vortex exhibit lower stability values than their surroundings. The layer between 62 and 67 km resulted to be the most stable. These results are in good agreement with conclusions from previous radio occultation analyses.

HII region heavy-element abundances throughout the Galactic disk provide important constraints to theories of the formation and evolution of the Milky Way. In LTE, radio recombination line (RRL) and free-free continuum emission are accurate extinction-free tracers of the HII region electron temperature. Since metals act as coolants in HII regions via the emission of collisionally excited lines, the electron temperature is a proxy for metallicity. Shaver et al. found a linear relationship between metallicity and electron temperature with little scatter. Here, we use CLOUDY HII region simulations to (1) investigate the accuracy of using RRLs to measure the electron temperature; and (2) explore the metallicity-electron temperature relationship. We model 135 HII regions with different ionizing radiation fields, densities, and metallicities. We find that electron temperatures derived under the assumption of LTE are about 20% systematically higher due to non-LTE effects, but overall LTE is a good assumption for cm-wavelength RRLs. Our CLOUDY simulations are consistent with the Shaver et al. metallicity-electron temperature relationship but there is significant scatter since earlier spectral types or higher electron densities yield higher electron temperatures. Using RRLs to derive electron temperatures assuming LTE yields errors in the predicted metallicity as large as 10%. We derive correction factors for Log(O/H) + 12 in each CLOUDY simulation. For lower metallicities the correction factor depends primarily on the spectral-type of the ionizing star and range from 0.95 to 1.10, whereas for higher metallicities the correction factor depends on the density and is between 0.97 and 1.05.

Michael E. Brown, Matthew J. Holman, Konstantin Batygin

AJ, in press

We present a search for Planet Nine using the second data release of the Pan-STARRS1survey. We rule out the existence of a Planet Nine with the characteristics of that predicted in Brown & Batygin (2021) to a 50% completion depth of $V=21.5$. This survey, along with previous analyses of the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) and Dark EnergySurvey (DES) data, rules out 78% of the Brown \& Batygin parameter space. Much of the remaining parameter space is at $V>21$ in regions near and in the area where the northern galactic plane crosses the ecliptic.

Jia-Ning Li, Yi-Ying Wang, Yun Wang, Zhi-Ping Jin, Stefano Covino, Yi-Zhong Fan

The central engine of a Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) is widely believed to launch a pair of oppositely moving jets, i.e. the forward jet moving towards us and the counter jet regressing away. The forward jet generates the radiation typically observed in GRBs, while the counter jet has not been detected yet due to its dimness. GRB 170817A, a short burst associated with a binary neutron star merger event, is a nearby event ($z=0.0097$) with an off-axis structured energetic forward jet and hence probably the most suitable target for searching the counter jet radiation. Assuming the same properties for the forward and counter jet components as well as the shock parameters, the fit to the multi-wavelength afterglow emission of GRB 170817A suggests a peak time $\sim {\rm quite~a~few}\times 10^{3}$ day of the counter jet radiation, but the detection prospect of this new component is not promising. Anyhow, if the shock parameters ($\epsilon_{\rm e}$ and $\epsilon_{\rm B}$) of the counter jet component are (a few times) higher than that of the forward shock, as allowed by the current data and found in previous two-component jet modeling, the counter jet afterglow emission will be enhanced and hence may be detected. A few hour exposure by JWST in F356W band will stringently test such a scenario.

Qi-Zuo Wu, Chao-Ming Li, Xuan-Han Liang, Chong Ge, Ruo-Yu Liu

7 figures

Pulsar halos (also termed 'TeV halo') are a new class of $\gamma$-ray sources in Galaxy, which manifest as extended $\gamma$-ray emission around middle-age pulsars, as discovered around the Geminga pulsar, the Monogem pulsar and PSR~J0622+3749 by HAWC and LHAASO. A consensus has been reached that the TeV emission comes from the inverse Compton scattering of escaping electrons/positrons from the PWN off soft background radiation field, while the particle transport mechanism in the halo is still in dispute. Currently, there are mainly three interpretations, namely, the isotropic, suppressed diffusion model; the isotropic, unsuppressed diffusion model with considering ballistic propagation of newly injected particles; the anisotropic diffusion model. While the predicted gamma-ray surface brightness profiles by all three models can be more or less consistent with the observation, the implication of the three models for cosmic-ray transport mechanisms and the properties of interstellar magnetic field are quite different. In this study, we calculate the anticipated X-ray emission of pulsar halos under the three models. We show that the synchrotron radiation of these escaping electrons can produce a corresponding X-ray halo around the pulsar, and the expected surface brightness profiles are distinct in three models. We suggest that sensitive X-ray detectors of a large field of view (such as eROSITA and Einstein Probe) with a reasonably long exposure time are crucial to understand the formation mechanism of pulsar halos and serve as a probe to the properties of the interstellar turbulence.

Antranik A. Sefilian

Submitted to ApJ (11 Pages, 2 Figures, 1 Table). Comments are welcome

Debris disks or exo-Kuiper belts, detected through their thermal or scattered emission from their dusty components, are ubiquitous around main-sequence stars. Since dust grains are short-lived, their sustained presence is thought to require dynamical excitation, i.e., "stirring", of a massive reservoir of large planetesimals, such that mutual collisions are violent enough to continually supply fresh dust. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain debris disk stirring, with the commonly accepted being long-term, secular planet-debris disk interactions. However, while effective, existing planet-stirring models are rudimentary; namely, they ignore the (self-)gravity of the disk, treating it as a massless reservoir of planetesimals. Here, using a simple analytical model, we investigate the secular interactions between eccentric planets and massive, external debris disks. We demonstrate that the disk gravity drives fast apsidal precession of both planetesimal and planetary orbits, which, depending on the system parameters, may well exceed the planet-induced precession rate of planetesimals. This results in strong suppression of planetesimal eccentricities and thus relative collisional velocities throughout the disk, often by more than an order of magnitude when compared to massless disk models. We thus show that massive debris disks may hinder secular stirring by eccentric planets orbiting near, e.g., the disk's inner edge, provided the disk is more massive than the planet. We provide simple analytic formulae to describe these effects. Finally, we show that these findings have important implications for planet inferences in debris-bearing systems, as well as for constraining the total masses of debris disks (as done for $\beta$ Pic).

Xuechun Chen, Bin Hu, Pei Wang, Wenwen Zheng, Di Li, Xinzhong Er

9 pages, 12 figures. Comments are welcome

When the radio photons propagate through a non-uniform electron density volume, the plasma lensing effect can induce an extreme magnification to the observed flux at certain frequencies. Because the plasma lens acts as a diverging lens, it can extremely suppress the observed flux when aligned with source. These two properties can theoretically cause a highly magnified Fast Radio Burst (FRB) to faint or even disappear for a period of time. In this paper, we interpret that the significant increase in burst counts followed by a sudden quenching in FRB 20201124A in September 2021 can be attributed to plasma lensing. Based on the one-dimensional Gaussian lens model, we search for double main-peak structures in spectra just before its extinction on September 29, 2021. After the de-dispersion and de-scintillation procedures, we find eight bursts with double main-peaks at stable positions. There are three parameters in our modelling, the height and width of the one-dimension Gaussian lens and its distance to the source. We reformulate them as a combined parameter $\mathrm{P}_0 \propto \left ( \frac{a}{\mathrm{AU}}\right )\sqrt{\frac{\mathrm{kpc}}{D_{\mathrm{LS}}} \frac{\mathrm{pc}\;\mathrm{cm}^{-3}}{N_0} }$. The frequency spectra can give an accurate estimation of $\mathrm{P}_0$ corresponding to $\left ( \frac{a}{\mathrm{AU}}\right )\sqrt{\frac{\mathrm{kpc}}{D_{\mathrm{LS}}} \frac{\mathrm{pc}\;\mathrm{cm}^{-3}}{N_0} } \approx 28.118$, while the time of arrival only give a relatively loose constraint on $a^2/D_{\mathrm{LS}}$. Comparing with the observation dynamic spectra, we suggest that for a plasma lens in host galaxy, e.g., $D_{\mathrm{LS}}\approx 1\mathrm{kpc}$, the width of lens can not be larger than $40\mathrm{AU}$. At last, we estimate the relative transverse motion velocity between the lens and source, $v\approx98\left(\frac{a}{\mathrm{AU}}\right)\mathrm{km/s}$.

Ashwani Pandey, Mary Loli Martínez-Aldama, Bożena Czerny, Swayamtrupta Panda, Michal Zajaček

21 pages, 16 figures, 4 tables, submited to the Astrophysical Journal Supplement (ApJS) series

We present a set of new theoretical Fe II templates for bright quasars covering a wavelength range of 1000-10000 \AA, based on the recent atomic database available in the C23.00 version of the photoionization code CLOUDY. We compute a grid of models for a range of incident photon flux and gas density and for multiple microturbulence velocities. We analyze the ratios of Fe II emission over a variety of wavebands and compare them with observations. Our key results are: (1) Despite the use of the newest atomic data we still confirm the long-standing problem that the predicted Fe II UV/optical ratio is significantly larger than that observed in the AGN spectra. (2) The ratio is not significantly affected by the variations in the microturbulence and the metallicity. (3) The turbulence can create an additional apparent velocity shift of up to 1000 km/s in the spectra. (4) There is no single Fe II template that can fit the observational data covering UV to optical wavelength range. We shortly discuss the most likely effects responsible for the Fe II UV/optical mismatch problem: the assumption of the constant column density and the assumption of the isotropic emission implying equal contribution of the bright irradiated faces and the dark shielded faces of the clouds.

Shivam Pandey, Jaime Salcido, Chun-Hao To, J. Colin Hill, Dhayaa Anbajagane, Eric J. Baxter, Ian G. McCarthy

17 pages, 9 figures

We introduce GODMAX (Gas thermODynamics and Matter distribution using jAX), a novel code designed to calculate correlations between the cosmological matter distribution and various gas thermodynamic quantities. Utilizing the extensive ANTILLES suite of 200 hydrodynamical simulations with a diverse range of baryonic feedback strengths, we jointly fit the 3D profiles of total matter distribution, electron density, and electron pressure across various halo masses and redshifts. By accommodating significant variations in gas profiles expected due to baryonic feedback, solving exact hydrostatic equilibrium equation and offering flexible modeling of non-thermal pressure support, GODMAX has the capability to jointly fit all these profiles within the measurement uncertainties. This advancement enables, for the first time, robust joint analyses of multiple cosmic probes, including the kinetic and thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect, weak lensing, and X-ray observations. Furthermore, the model accurately captures correlations between the total matter power suppression due to baryonic feedback and local average thermodynamic quantities, such as the baryon fraction and integrated tSZ effect, in high-mass halos, aligning with observations from hydrodynamical simulations. Looking ahead, we forecast the expected constraints on cosmological and baryonic parameters from upcoming weak lensing catalogs from the LSST and tSZ maps from the Simons Observatory. This analysis underscores the importance of cross-correlations between weak lensing and tSZ in enhancing parameter constraints by resolving major systematic uncertainties due to baryonic physics. The GODMAX code leverages the JAX library, resulting in a fully differentiable halo model with native GPU compilation support.

Alexandre S. Göttel, Aldo Ejlli, Kanioar Karan, Sander M. Vermeulen, Lorenzo Aiello, Vivien Raymond, Hartmut Grote

6 pages (including references), 3 figures

We report on a direct search for scalar field dark matter using data from LIGO's third observing run. We analyse the coupling of size oscillations of the interferometer's beamsplitter and arm test masses that may be caused by scalar field dark matter. Using new efficient search methods to maximise sensitivity for signatures of such oscillations, we set new upper limits for the coupling constants of scalar field dark matter as a function of its mass, which improve upon bounds from previous direct searches by several orders of magnitude in a frequency band from 10 Hz to 180 Hz.

We show that strong bow shocks are turbulent and non-universal near the head, but asymptote to a universal steady, self-similar, and analytically solvable flow in the downstream. The turbulence is essentially 3D, and has been confirmed by a 3D simulation. The asymptotic behavior is confirmed with high resolution 2D and 3D simulations of a cold uniform wind encountering both a solid spherical obstacle and stellar wind. This solution is relevant in the context of: (i) probing the kinematic properties of observed high-velocity compact bodies -- e.g., runaway stars and/or supernova ejecta blobs -- flying through the interstellar medium; and (ii) constraining stellar bow shock luminosities invoked by some quasi-periodic eruption (QPE) models.

The properties of the low-energy 12C+12C molecular resonances, which potentially enhance the fusion reaction rate at low temperatures, have been investigated by a full-microscopic nuclear model employing various nuclear energy density functionals. We show that some density functionals plausibly describe the observed high-spin 12C+12C molecular resonances and predict many 0+ and 2+ resonances at low energies, which enhance the reaction rate. We also discuss how the uncertainty in the nuclear energy density functionals propagates to that of the reaction rate.

Kiwoon Choi, Nicole Righi

20 pages, contribution to 1st Training School of the COST Action COSMIC WISPers (CA21106)

Axions are light pseudoscalar bosons postulated with many motivations in particle physics and cosmology, including the strong CP problem and the dark matter in our Universe. In this lecture notes, we discuss a variety of known ultraviolet (UV) theories for axions and their low energy properties. We are primarily concerned with the quantum chromodynamics axion solving the strong CP problem, as well as lighter axion-like particles. In regard to their UV origin, such light axions may arise from the spontaneous breakdown of a linearly realized global Peccei-Quinn U(1) symmetry in the context of 4-dimensional effective field theories, or they may originate from a gauge field in higher dimensional theories. It is noted that different UV models for these axions predict a distinctive pattern of low energy axion couplings, which may have interesting implications for laboratory, astrophysical, or cosmological studies of axions. We also provide an introductory discussion of the effective field theory for axions from p-form gauge fields in string theory with concrete examples.

Katherine Freese, Gabriele Montefalcone, Barmak Shams Es Haghi

7 pages, 4 figures

We present a novel perspective on the role of inflation in the production of Dark Matter (DM). Specifically, we explore the DM production during Warm Inflation via ultraviolet Freeze-In (WIFI). We demonstrate that in a Warm Inflation (WI) setting the persistent thermal bath, sustained by the dissipative interactions with the inflaton field, can source a sizable DM abundance via the non-renormalizable interactions that connect the DM with the bath. Compared to the (conventional) radiation-dominated (RD) UV freeze-in scenario for the same reheat temperature (after inflation), the resulting DM yield in WIFI is always enhanced, showing a strongly positive dependence on the mass dimension of the non-renormalizable operator. Of particular interest, for a sufficiently large mass dimension of the operator, the entirety of the DM abundance of the Universe can be created during the inflationary phase. For the specific models we study, we find an enhancement in DM yield of up to 30 orders of magnitude relative to RD UV freeze-in for the same reheat temperature. Our findings also suggest a broader applicability for producing other cosmological relics, which may have a substantial impact on the evolution of the early Universe.

Bernard Hall, Sudhagar Suyamprakasam, Nairwita Mazumder, Anupreeta More, Sukanta Bose

25 Pages, 10 figures. Reviewed by LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC) with LIGO Document Number P2200344

Noise in various interferometer systems can sometimes couple non-linearly to create excess noise in the gravitational wave (GW) strain data. Third-order statistics, such as bicoherence and biphase, can identify these couplings and help discriminate those occurrences from astrophysical GW signals. However, the conventional analysis can yield large bicoherence values even when no phase-coupling is present, thereby, resulting in false identifications. Introducing artificial phase randomization in computing the bicoherence reduces such occurrences with negligible impact on its effectiveness for detecting true phase-coupled disturbances. We demonstrate this property with simulated disturbances in this work. Statistical hypothesis testing is used for distinguishing phase-coupled disturbances from non-phase coupled ones when employing the phase-randomized bicoherence. We also obtain an expression for the bicoherence value that minimizes the sum of the probabilities of false positives and false negatives. This can be chosen as a threshold for shortlisting bicoherence triggers for further scrutiny for the presence of non-linear coupling. Finally, the utility of the phase-randomized bicoherence analysis in GW time-series data is demonstrated for the following three scenarios: (1) Finding third-order statistical similarities within categories of noise transients, such as blips and koi fish. If these non-Gaussian noise transients, or glitches, have a common source, their bicoherence maps can have similarities arising from common bifrequencies related to that source. (2) Differentiating linear or non-linear phase-coupled glitches from compact binary coalescence signals through their bicoherence maps. This is explained with a simulated signal. (3) Identifying repeated bifrequencies in the second and third observation runs (i.e., O2 and O3) of LIGO and Virgo.

This paper aims to investigate charged spherically symmetric static black holes in the Lyra geometry, in which a scale function naturally arises in the metric and affine structure of these type of manifolds. In particular, it is utilized the appropriate generalization of General Relativity, the recently proposed Lyra Scalar-Tensor Theory (LyST). The simplest generalization of Maxwell electrodynamics for Lyra manifolds is considered. It is presented an analytic solution for the line element of a Reissner-Nordstr\"om LyST generalization. It is shown that, due to the natural presence of a scale radius, it is possible to have three different extremal charges for positive or negative charge intervals. As a consequence, in natural units, the equality of the mass and charge defined on Lyra manifolds does not give rise to an extremal black hole, which allows the existence of solutions in which the charge is greater than the mass. An analysis with charged test particles indicates that a finite positive Lyra scale radius possibly allows for a violation of the weak cosmic censorship on Lyra manifolds, it is shown that an extremal black hole can be overcharged to the point that the emergence of a naked singularity becomes possible. The same behavior is observed for negative values of the Lyra radius if its absolute value is greater than four times the black hole mass. Notably, this investigation also shows that an eternal black hole can exist for any charge increase if the Lyra scale radius is sufficiently close to some critical values.

Fabien Defrance, Cecile Jung-Kubiak, John Gill, Sofia Rahiminejad, Ted Macioce, Jack Sayers, Goutam Chattopadhyay, Sunil Golwala

We present the design, fabrication, and test of a 100 mm diameter flat gradient-index (GRIN) lens fabricated with high-resistivity silicon and combined with three-layer anti-reflection (AR) structures optimized for 160 - 355 GHz. The anti-reflection layers and gradient index are created by cutting sub-wavelength structures inside silicon wafers using multi-depth deep reactive-ion etching (DRIE). The subwavelength structures, post or holes, locally change the effective refractive index of silicon. The gradient index is obtained with hexagonal holes whose size vary along the lens radius, creating a parabolic index profile with an index of 3.15 in the middle of the lens, and 1.87 at the edge. We have fabricated a lens composed of five 525 um thick stacked GRIN wafers with one AR wafer on each side, and characterized it at 275 GHz.

Shao-Wen Wei, Yuan-Chuan Zou, Yu-Peng Zhang, Yu-Xiao Liu

11 pages, 8 figures

Recently, Cui et al. [Nature \textbf{621}, 711 (2023)] reported that the jet nozzle of M87* exhibits a precession with a period of approximately 11 years. This finding strongly suggests that M87* is a spinning black hole with a tilted accretion disk. In this paper, our aim is to utilize these observations to constrain the parameters of the black hole. Firstly, we investigate the properties of tilted circular orbits and the innermost stable circular orbits. The corresponding angular momentum, energy, and Carter constant for both prograde and retrograde orbits are calculated. We find that, compared to equatorial circular orbits, these quantities exhibit significant differences for fixed tilt angles. Moreover, the Carter constant takes positive values for nonvanishing tilt angles. Notably, the presence of misalignment of the orbit angular momentum and black hole spin leads to a precession effect in these tilted circular orbits. We then make use of these circular orbits to model the warp radius of the tilted accretion disk, which allows us to determine the corresponding precession period through the motion of massive particles. Further comparing with the observation of M87*, the relationship between the black hole spin and the warp radius is given, through which if one is tested, the other one will be effectively determined. Additionally, our study establishes an upper bound on the warp radius of the accretion disk. These findings demonstrate that the precession of the jet nozzle offers a promising approach for testing the physics of strong gravitational regions near a supermassive black holes.

Eva Kilian, Markus Rademacher, Jonathan M. H. Gosling, Julian H. Iacoponi, Fiona Alder, Marko Toroš, Antonio Pontin, Chamkaur Ghag, Sougato Bose, Tania S. Monteiro, P.F. Barker

12 pages, 6 figures, 1 table

Motivated by the current interest in employing quantum sensors on Earth and in space to conduct searches for new physics, we provide a perspective on the suitability of large-mass levitated optomechanical systems for observing dark matter signatures. We discuss conservative approaches of recoil detection through spectral analysis of coherently scattered light, enhancements of directional effects due to cross-correlation spectral densities, and the possibility of using quantum superpositions of mesoscopic test particles to measure rare events.