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Papers for Friday, Feb 09 2024

Papers with local authors

Matthew Ho, Deaglan J. Bartlett, Nicolas Chartier, Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro, Simon Ding, Axel Lapel, Pablo Lemos, Christopher C. Lovell, T. Lucas Makinen, Chirag Modi, Viraj Pandya, Shivam Pandey, Lucia A. Perez, Benjamin Wandelt, Greg L. Bryan

20 pages, 10 figures, submitted to the Open Journal of Astrophysics. Code available at this https URL

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Paper 1 — arXiv:2402.05137
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Paper 1 — arXiv:2402.05137

This paper presents the Learning the Universe Implicit Likelihood Inference (LtU-ILI) pipeline, a codebase for rapid, user-friendly, and cutting-edge machine learning (ML) inference in astrophysics and cosmology. The pipeline includes software for implementing various neural architectures, training schema, priors, and density estimators in a manner easily adaptable to any research workflow. It includes comprehensive validation metrics to assess posterior estimate coverage, enhancing the reliability of inferred results. Additionally, the pipeline is easily parallelizable, designed for efficient exploration of modeling hyperparameters. To demonstrate its capabilities, we present real applications across a range of astrophysics and cosmology problems, such as: estimating galaxy cluster masses from X-ray photometry; inferring cosmology from matter power spectra and halo point clouds; characterising progenitors in gravitational wave signals; capturing physical dust parameters from galaxy colors and luminosities; and establishing properties of semi-analytic models of galaxy formation. We also include exhaustive benchmarking and comparisons of all implemented methods as well as discussions about the challenges and pitfalls of ML inference in astronomical sciences. All code and examples are made publicly available at https://github.com/maho3/ltu-ili.

Jiaming Wang, Rohit Chhiber, Sohom Roy, Manuel E. Cuesta, Francesco Pecora, Yan Yang, Xiangrong Fu, Hui Li, William H. Matthaeus

14 pages, 6 figures, submitted to the Astrophysical Journal, under review

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Paper 2 — arXiv:2402.05191
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Paper 2 — arXiv:2402.05191

A well-known property of solar wind plasma turbulence is the observed anisotropy of the autocorrelations, or equivalently the spectra, of velocity and magnetic field fluctuations. Here we explore the related but apparently not well-studied issue of the anisotropy of plasma density fluctuations in the energy-containing and inertial ranges of solar wind turbulence. Using 10 years (1998-2008) of in situ data from the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) mission, we find that the density correlation scale is slightly larger in directions quasi-parallel to the large-scale mean magnetic field as compared to quasi-perpendicular directions. The effect is present in both fast and slow winds. The anisotropy as a function of the level of correlation is also explored. We find at small correlation levels, i.e., at energy-containing scales and larger, the density fluctuations are close to isotropy, but in fact slightly favor more rapid decorrelation in perpendicular directions. At relatively smaller turbulence inertial range scales where the correlation values are larger, the sense of anisotropy is reversed in all speed ranges, implying a more ``slab-like'' structure, especially prominent in the fast wind samples. We contrast this finding with published results on velocity and magnetic field correlations.

Raphael E. Hviding, Kevin N. Hainline, Andy D. Goulding, Jenny E. Greene

23 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal

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Paper 5 — arXiv:2402.05169
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Paper 5 — arXiv:2402.05169

We present the result of a spectroscopic campaign targeting Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN) candidates selected using a novel unsupervised machine-learning (ML) algorithm trained on optical and mid-infrared (mid-IR) photometry. AGN candidates are chosen without incorporating prior AGN selection criteria and are fainter, redder, and more numerous, $\sim$340 AGN deg$^{-2}$, than comparable photometric and spectroscopic samples. In this work we obtain 178 rest-optical spectra from two candidate ML-identified AGN classes with the Hectospec spectrograph on the MMT Observatory. We find that our first ML-identified group, is dominated by Type I AGNs (85%) with a $<3$% contamination rate from non-AGNs. Our second ML-identified group is comprised mostly of Type II AGNs (65%) with a moderate contamination rate of 15% primarily from star-forming galaxies. Our spectroscopic analyses suggest that the classes recover more obscured AGNs, confirming that ML techniques are effective at recovering large populations of AGNs at high levels of extinction. We demonstrate the efficacy of pairing existing WISE data with large-area and deep optical/near-infrared photometric surveys to select large populations of AGNs and recover obscured SMBH growth. This approach is well suited to upcoming photometric surveys, such as Euclid, Rubin, and Roman.

Clayton Strawn, Santi Roca-Fàbrega, Joel R. Primack, Ji-hoon Kim, Anna Genina, Loic Hausammann, Hyeonyong Kim, Alessandro Lupi, Kentaro Nagamine, Johnny W. Powell, Yves Revaz, Ikkoh Shimizu, Héctor Velázquez, Tom Abel, Daniel Ceverino, Bili Dong, Minyong Jung, Thomas R. Quinn, Eun-jin Shin, Kirk S. S. Barrow, Avishai Dekel, Boon Kiat Oh, Nir Mandelker, Romain Teyssier, Cameron Hummels, Soumily Maji, Antonio Man, Paul Mayerhofer, AGORA Collaboration

32 pages, 17 figures. Published in ApJ

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Paper 19 — arXiv:2402.05246
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Paper 19 — arXiv:2402.05246

We analyze the circumgalactic medium (CGM) for eight commonly-used cosmological codes in the AGORA collaboration. The codes are calibrated to use identical initial conditions, cosmology, heating and cooling, and star formation thresholds, but each evolves with its own unique code architecture and stellar feedback implementation. Here, we analyze the results of these simulations in terms of the structure, composition, and phase dynamics of the CGM. We show properties such as metal distribution, ionization levels, and kinematics are effective tracers of the effects of the different code feedback and implementation methods, and as such they can be highly divergent between simulations. This is merely a fiducial set of models, against which we will in the future compare multiple feedback recipes for each code. Nevertheless, we find that the large parameter space these simulations establish can help disentangle the different variables that affect observable quantities in the CGM, e.g., showing that abundances for ions with higher ionization energy are more strongly determined by the simulation's metallicity, while abundances for ions with lower ionization energy are more strongly determined by the gas density and temperature.

Minyong Jung, Santi Roca-Fàbrega, Ji-hoon Kim, Anna Genina, Loic Hausammann, Hyeonyong Kim, Alessandro Lupi, Kentaro Nagamine, Johnny W. Powell, Yves Revaz, Ikkoh Shimizu, Héctor Velázquez, Daniel Ceverino, Joel R. Primack, Thomas R. Quinn, Clayton Strawn, Tom Abel, Avishai Dekel, Bili Dong, Boon Kiat Oh, Romain Teyssier

Accepted for publication to the ApJ, 19 pages, 10 figures. Visit the AGORA Collaboration website (www.agorasimulations.org) for more information. For summary video, please see this https URL

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Paper 27 — arXiv:2402.05392
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Paper 27 — arXiv:2402.05392

We analyze and compare the satellite halo populations at $z\sim2$ in the high-resolution cosmological zoom-in simulations of a $10^{12}\,{\rm M}_{\odot}$ target halo ($z=0$ mass) carried out on eight widely-used astrophysical simulation codes ({\sc Art-I}, {\sc Enzo}, {\sc Ramses}, {\sc Changa}, {\sc Gadget-3}, {\sc Gear}, {\sc Arepo-t}, and {\sc Gizmo}) for the {\it AGORA} High-resolution Galaxy Simulations Comparison Project. We use slightly different redshift epochs near $z=2$ for each code (hereafter ``$z\sim2$') at which the eight simulations are in the same stage in the target halo's merger history. After identifying the matched pairs of halos between the {\it CosmoRun} simulations and the DMO simulations, we discover that each {\it CosmoRun} halo tends to be less massive than its DMO counterpart. When we consider only the halos containing stellar particles at $z\sim2$, the number of satellite {\it galaxies} is significantly fewer than that of dark matter halos in all participating {\it AGORA} simulations, and is comparable to the number of present-day satellites near the Milky Way or M31. The so-called ``missing satellite problem' is fully resolved across all participating codes simply by implementing the common baryonic physics adopted in {\it AGORA} and the stellar feedback prescription commonly used in each code, with sufficient numerical resolution ($\lesssim100$ proper pc at $z=2$). We also compare other properties such as the stellar mass$-$halo mass relation and the mass$-$metallicity relation. Our work highlights the value of comparison studies such as {\it AGORA}, where outstanding problems in galaxy formation theory are studied simultaneously on multiple numerical platforms.

Wan-Jin Lu, Ping Zhou, Pei Wang, Yi-Xuan Shao, Xiang-Dong Li, Jacco Vink, Di Li, Yang Chen

7 pages, 3 figures, 2 tables; accepted for publication in ApJ

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Paper 39 — arXiv:2402.05647
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Paper 39 — arXiv:2402.05647

Magnetars and central compact objects (CCOs) are subgroups of neutron stars that show a number of properties distinguished from canonical radio pulsars. We performed radio observations of three magnetars SGR 0418+5729, 1E 2259+586, 4U 0142+61, and a CCO PSR J1852+0040 with the Fivehundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) at 1.25 GHz, aiming to search for radio pulsations in their quiescent states. During two observation epochs, no radio pulses have been detected towards any target above a significance of signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) = 7 from either the direct folding or blind search. We provided the most stringent upper limit of radio flux (<~ 2 -- 4 $\mu$Jy) for the magnetars and the CCO. For the magnetars with long periods, the real upper limits are likely an order of magnitude larger due to the red noise. The deep radio observations suggest that these magnetars and the CCO are indeed radio-quiet sources or unfavorably beamed.

David J. Setton, Gourav Khullar, Tim B. Miller, Rachel Bezanson, Jenny E. Greene, Katherine A. Suess, Katherine E. Whitaker, Jacqueline Antwi-Danso, Hakim Atek, Gabriel Brammer, Sam E. Cutler, Pratika Dayal, Robert Feldmann, Lukas J. Furtak, Seiji Fujimoto, Karl Glazebrook, Andy D. Goulding, Vasily Kokorev, Ivo Labbe, Joel Leja, Yilun Ma, Danilo Marchesini, Themiya Nanayakkara, Richard Pan, Sedona H. Price, Jared C. Siegel, Heath Shipley, John R. Weaver, Pieter van Dokkum, Bingjie Wang, Christina C. Williams

17 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables. Submitted to ApJ, comments welcome!

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Paper 41 — arXiv:2402.05664
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Paper 41 — arXiv:2402.05664

We report the spectroscopic confirmation of a massive (\logM$=10.38 \pm_{0.09}^{0.08}$), HST-dark ($m_\mathrm{F150W} - m_\mathrm{F444W} = 3.6$) quiescent galaxy at $z_{spec}=3.97$ in the UNCOVER survey. NIRSpec/PRISM spectroscopy surprisingly reveals that the galaxy core is consistent with a low ($\lesssim$3 $M_\odot \ \mathrm{yr^{-1}}$) star formation rate despite evidence for moderate dust attenuation. The F444W image is well modeled with a two component S\'{e}rsic fit that favors a compact, $r_e\sim200$ pc, $n\sim2.9$ component and a more extended, $r_e\sim1.6$ kpc, $n\sim1.7$ component. The galaxy exhibits strong color gradients: the inner regions are significantly redder than the outskirts. Spectral energy distribution models that reproduce both the red colors and low star formation rate in the center of UNCOVER 18407 require both significant ($A_v\sim1.4$ mag) dust attenuation and a stellar mass-weighted age of 1 Gyr, implying 50\% of the stars in the core already formed by $z=8$. Using spatially resolved annular mass-to-light measurements enabled by the galaxy's moderate magnification ($\mu=2.12\pm_{0.01}^{0.05}$) to reconstruct a radial mass profile from the best-fitting two-component S\'{e}rsic model, we infer a total mass-weighted $r_\mathrm{eff} = 0.74 \pm_{0.17}^{0.22}$ kpc and log$(\Sigma_\mathrm{1 kpc} \ [\mathrm{M_\odot/kpc^2}]) = 9.65 \pm_{0.15}^{0.12}$. The early formation of a dense, quiescent, and dusty core embedded in a less attenuated stellar envelope suggests an evolutionary link between the earliest-forming massive galaxies and their elliptical descendants. Furthermore, the disparity between the global, integrated dust properties and the spatially resolved gradients highlights the importance of accounting for radially varying stellar populations when characterizing the early growth of galaxy structure.

All other papers

M. Lopez-Corredoira, X.-C. Tang, H. Tian, H.-F. Wang, G. Carraro, C. Liu

11 pages, 14 figures, accepted to be published in A&A

AIMS. We derive the morphology of the stellar component in the outer halo volume, and search for possible overdensities due to substructures therein. METHODS. We made use of some of the data releases of the spectroscopic survey LAMOST DR8-DR9 in tandem with distance determinations for two subsamples, that is, of K-giants and M-giants, respectively, making up 60,000 stars. These distance are obtained through Bayesian techniques that derive absolute magnitudes as a function of measured spectroscopic parameters. Our calculation of the density from these catalogues requires: (1) derivation of the selection function; and (2) a correction for the convolution of the distance errors, which we carried out with Lucy's inversion of the corresponding integral equation. RESULTS. The stellar density distribution of the outer halo (distance to the Galactic centre, $r_G$, of between 25 and 90 kpc) is a smooth monotonously decreasing function with a dependence of approximately $\rho \propto r_G^{-n}$, with $n=4.6\pm 0.4$ for K-giants and $n=4.5\pm 0.2$ for M-giants, and with a insignificant oblateness. The value of $n$ is independent of the angular distance to the Sagittarius tidal stream plane, which is what would be expected if such a stream did not exist in the anticenter positions or had a negligible imprint in the density distribution in the outer halo. Apart from random fluctuations or minor anomalies in some lines of sight, we do not see substructures superimposed in the outer halo volume within the resolution that we are using and limited by the error bars. This constrains the mass of over- and under-densities in the outer halo to be of $\lesssim 10^3$ M$_\odot $/deg$^2$, whereas the total mass of the stellar halo, including inner and outer parts, is $\sim 7\times 10^8$ M$_\odot $.

Melanie Kaasinen, Bram Venemans, Kevin Harrington, A. Leindert Boogaard, A. Romain Meyer, Eduardo Banados, Roberto Decarli, Fabian Walter, Marcel Neeleman, Gabriela Calistro Rivera, Elisabete da Cunha

accepted for publication in A&A

Probing the molecular gas reservoirs of z>~6 quasar (QSO) host galaxies is fundamental to understanding the coevolution of star formation and black hole growth in these extreme systems. Yet, there is still an inhomogeneous coverage of molecular gas tracers. To measure the average excitation and mass of the molecular gas reservoirs in the brightest z>6.5 QSO hosts, we combined new observations of CO(2-1) emission with existing observations of CO(6-5), CO(7-6), [C I], [C II], and dust-continuum emission. We reduced and analysed the VLA observations of CO(2-1) in three z=6.5-6.9 QSO hosts--the highest redshift observations of CO(2-1) to date. By combining these with the nine z=5.7-6.4 QSO hosts for which CO(2-1) has already been observed, we studied the spread in molecular gas masses and CO excitation. Two of our three QSOs, were undetected in CO(2-1), implying more highly excited CO than in the z=6.4 QSO J1148+5251. We detected CO(2-1) at $5.1\sigma$ for our highest-redshift target, J2348-3054, yielding a molecular gas mass of $(1.2\pm0.2)\times 10^{10}\, \mathrm{M}_\odot$. This molecular gas mass is equivalent to the lower limit on the dynamical mass measured from resolved [C II] observations, implying little mass in stars or neutral gas within the [C II]-emitting region. On average, these QSO hosts have far higher CO(6-5)-, CO(7-6)-, and [C II] vs CO(2-1) line ratios than local AGN hosts; with a mean CO(6-5)-to-CO(1-0) line luminosity ratio of $r_{6,1}=0.9\pm0.2$. Our new CO(2-1) observations show that even at 780 Myr after the Big Bang, QSO host galaxies can already have molecular gas masses of $10^{10}$ M$_\odot$, consistent with a picture in which these z>6 QSOs reside in massive starbursts that are coevolving with the supermassive black holes. Our results imply the presence of extremely dense and warm molecular gas reservoirs illuminated by strong interstellar radiation fields.

D. J. Fritzewski, C. Aerts, J. S. G. Mombarg, S. Gossage, T. Van Reeth

Accepted for publication in A&A, 10+3 pages, 8+2 figures

Galactic archaeology largely relies on precise ages of distant evolved stars in the Milky Way. Nowadays, asteroseismology can deliver ages for many red giants observed with high-cadence, high-precision photometric space missions. Our aim is to quantify age uncertainties of slowly-rotating red giants due to the cumulative effect of their fast rotation during core-hydrogen burning. Their rotation in earlier evolutionary phases caused mixing resulting in heavier helium cores and the prolongation of their main sequence. These rotational effects are usually ignored when age-dating red giants, despite our knowledge of fast rotation for stars with $M\ge1.3\,$M$_\odot$. We use a sample of 490 $\gamma$ Doradus pulsators with precise asteroseismic estimates of their internal rotation rate and with luminosity estimates from Gaia. For this sample, which includes stars rotating from nearly 0 to about 60% of the critical rate, we compute the cumulative effect on the age in their post-main sequence evolution caused by rotational mixing on the main sequence. We use stellar model grids with different physical prescriptions mimicking rotational mixing to assess systematic uncertainties on the age. With respect to non-rotating models, the sample of 490 stars, as red giant progenitors, reveals age differences up to 5% by the time they start hydrogen-shell burning when relying on the theory of rotationally induced diffusive mixing as included in the MIST isochrones. Using rotational mixing based on an advective-diffusive approach including meridional circulation leads to an age shift of 20% by the time of the TRGB. Age-dating of red giants is affected by the cumulative effect of rotational mixing during the main sequence. Such rotationally-induced age shifts should be taken into account in addition to other effects if the aim is to perform Galactic archaeological studies at the highest precision. (abridged)

Joey S. G. Mombarg, Conny Aerts, Geert Molenberghs

Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. 7 pages

The theory the rotational and chemical evolution is incomplete, thereby limiting the accuracy of model-dependent stellar mass and age determinations. The $\gamma$ Doradus pulsators are excellent points of calibration for the current state-of-the-art stellar evolution models, as their gravity modes probe the physical conditions in the deep stellar interior. Yet, individual asteroseismic modelling of these stars is not always possible because of insufficient observed oscillation modes. This paper presents a novel method to derive distributions of the stellar mass, age, core-boundary mixing efficiency and initial rotation rates for $\gamma$ Dor stars. We compute a grid of rotating stellar evolution models covering the entire $\gamma$ Dor instability strip. We then use the observed distributions of the luminosity, effective temperature, buoyancy travel time and near-core rotation frequency of a sample of 539 stars to assign a statistical weight to each of our models. This weight is a measure of how likely the combination of a specific model is. We then compute weighted histograms to derive the most likely distributions of the fundamental stellar properties. We find that the rotation frequency at zero-age main sequence follows a normal distribution, peaking around 25% of the critical Keplerian rotation frequency. The probability-density function for extent of the core-boundary mixing zone, given by a factor $f_{\rm CBM}$ times the local pressure scale height (assuming an exponentially decaying parameterisation) decreases linearly with increasing $f_{\rm CBM}$. Converting the distribution of fractions of critical rotation at the zero-age main sequence to units of d$^{-1}$, we find most F-type stars start the main sequence with a rotation frequency between 0.5 and 2 d$^{-1}$. Regarding the core-boundary mixing efficiency, we find that it is generally weak in this mass regime.

Fabiola Cocchiararo, Alessia Franchini, Alessandro Lupi, Alberto Sesana

14 pages, 11 figures, A&A submitted

We study spectral and time variability of accreting massive black hole binaries (MBHBs) at milli-pc separations surrounded by a geometrically thin circumbinary disc. We present the first computed spectral energy distribution (SED) and light curves (LCs) from 3D hyper-Lagrangian resolution hydrodynamic simulations of these systems. We model binaries with mass of $10^6$ M$_\odot$, eccentricities e=0, 0.9 and mass ratio q=0.1,1. The circumbinary disc has initial aspect ratio of 0.1, features an adiabatic equation of state, and evolves under the effect of viscous heating, black body cooling and self gravity. To compute the SED, we consider black body emission from each disc element and we add an X-ray corona with luminosity proportional to that of the mini-discs around each black hole. We find significant variability of the SED, especially at high energies, which translates into LCs displaying modulations of a factor of ~ 2 in optical and of ~ 10 in UV and X-rays. We focus on flux variability in the optical band which will be probed by the Vera Rubin Observatory (VRO). Modulations on the orbital period and half of the orbital period are evident in all systems. In equal mass binaries, we find another longer timescale modulation, linked to an over-density forming at the inner edge of the disc. Considering the VRO properties, we find that equal mass, circular binaries are unlikely to be identified, due to the lack of prominent peaks in their Fourier spectra. Conversely, unequal mass and/or eccentric binaries can be singled out up to z ~ 0.5 (for systems with $L_{\rm bol}\approx10^{42}$ erg s$^{-1}$) and z ~ 2 (for systems with $L_{\rm bol}\approx10^{44}$ erg s$^{-1}$). Identifying electromagnetic signatures of MBHBs at separations $\sim 10^{-4}-10^{-2}$ pc is crucial for understanding the physics of the future Laser Interferometer Space Antenna sources and the origin of the GW background.

M. Badenas-Agusti, J. Viaña, A. Vanderburg, S. Blouin, P. Dufour, S. Xu, L. Sha

28 pages, 16 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Over the past several decades, conventional spectral analysis techniques of polluted white dwarfs have become powerful tools to learn about the geology and chemistry of extrasolar bodies. Despite their proven capabilities and extensive legacy of scientific discoveries, these techniques are however still limited by their manual, time-intensive, and iterative nature. As a result, they are susceptible to human errors and are difficult to scale up to population-wide studies of metal pollution. This paper seeks to address this problem by presenting cecilia, the first Machine Learning (ML)-powered spectral modeling code designed to measure the metal abundances of intermediate-temperature (10,000$\leq T_{\rm eff} \leq$20,000 K), Helium-rich polluted white dwarfs. Trained with more than 22,000 randomly drawn atmosphere models and stellar parameters, our pipeline aims to overcome the limitations of classical methods by replacing the generation of synthetic spectra from computationally expensive codes and uniformly spaced model grids, with a fast, automated, and efficient neural-network-based interpolator. More specifically, cecilia combines state-of-the-art atmosphere models, powerful artificial intelligence tools, and robust statistical techniques to rapidly generate synthetic spectra of polluted white dwarfs in high-dimensional space, and enable accurate ($\lesssim$0.1 dex) and simultaneous measurements of 14 stellar parameters -- including 11 elemental abundances -- from real spectroscopic observations. As massively multiplexed astronomical surveys begin scientific operations, cecilia's performance has the potential to unlock large-scale studies of extrasolar geochemistry and propel the field of white dwarf science into the era of Big Data. In doing so, we aspire to uncover new statistical insights that were previously impractical with traditional white dwarf characterisation techniques.

We have determined the mass functions, mass-ratio distribution functions and fractions of binary stars with mass ratios above particular thresholds for radially-separated populations of stars in the nearby open clusters Hyades and Praesepe. Radial mass segregation is detected, with the populations of stars within the tidal radii having much flatter mass functions than those outside the tidal radii. Within the tidal radii, the frequency of binary stars with mass ratio q > 0.5 is 50 - 75 per cent higher for Hyades and 5 - 30 per cent higher for Praesepe. We also, for the first time, detect mass-ratio radial segregation. Of the binaries for which q > 0.5, ~ 80 per cent of the inner Hyades population also have q > 0.75, while for the extra-tidal population, the ratio is ~ 50 per cent. For Praesepe, ~ 67 per cent of the inner sample have q > 0.75, and 35 - 45 per cent of the outer sample

Stephen Eales, Bradley Ward

accepted for publication in MNRAS

We estimate how the mean density of dust in the universe varies with redshift, using submillimetre continuum observations and a method designed to minimise the effect of dust temperature. We have used the Herschel-ATLAS to show that the median temperature of dust in galaxies is ~22 K and does not vary significantly with redshift out to z=1. With this as our estimate of the mass-weighted dust temperature, we have used an 850-micron survey of the COSMOS field to estimate the mean density of dust in 10 redshift bins over the range 0 < z < 5.5. We find that the mean density of dust increased by a factor of ~10 from z=5 to z=2, declined slightly to z=1, and then steeply to the present day. The relationship between the mean density of dust and redshift is similar to the relationship between the mean star-formation rate and redshift, although the increase for the former is steeper from z=5 to z=2. We have also used the submillimetre measurements to estimate the mean density of gas over the same redshift range. The values we estimate for the dust-traced gas are much lower and with a different redshift dependence than estimates of the mean density of atomic gas but similar to estimates of the mean density of the CO-traced gas. We find that the depletion time for the dust-traced gas in the universe as a whole declines with redshift in the same way seen for individual galaxies.

B. A. Ward, S. A. Eales, R. J. Ivison, V. Arumugam

16 pages, accepted for publication in MNRAS

Variations in the dust emissivity index, $\beta$, within and between galaxies, are evidence that the chemistry and physics of dust must vary on large scales, although the nature of the physical and/or chemical variations is still unknown. In this paper we estimate values of $\beta$ and dust temperature for a sample of 109 dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFGs) over the range, $2 < z < 6$. We compare the results obtained with both an optically-thin model and a general opacity model, finding that our estimates of $\beta$ are similar between the models but our estimates of dust temperature are not. We find no evidence of a change in $\beta$ with redshift, with a median value of $\beta = 1.96$ for the optically-thin model with a confidence interval (16 - 84%) of 1.67 to 2.35 for the population. Using simulations, we estimate the measurement errors from our procedure and show that the variation of $\beta$ in the population results from intrinsic variations in the properties of the dust in DSFGs. At a fixed far-infrared luminosity, we find no evidence for a change in dust temperature, $T_\textrm{dust}$, with redshift. After allowing for the effects of correlated measurement errors, we find an inverse correlation between $\beta$ and $T_\textrm{dust}$ in DSFGs, for which there is also evidence in low-redshift galaxies.

Ka Ho Wong, Man Hoi Lee (HKU)

21 pages, including 10 figures; accepted for publication in AJ

An increasing number of compact planetary systems with multiple planets in a resonant chain have been detected. The resonant chain must be maintained by convergent migration of the planets due to planet-disk interactions if it is formed before the dispersal of the protoplanetary gas disk. For type I migration in an adiabatic disk, we show that an analytic criterion for convergent migration can be developed by requiring that any part of the resonant chain should be convergently migrating toward the remaining part. The criterion depends primarily on the logarithmic gradients $\alpha$ and $\beta$ of the surface density and temperature profiles of the disk, respectively, and it is independent of the absolute values of the surface density and temperature. The analytic criterion is applied to the Kepler-60, Kepler-80, Kepler-223, TOI-178, and TRAPPIST-1 systems. Due to the variation of planetary masses within the resonant chains, we find that convergent migration typically requires rather extreme values of $(\alpha, \beta)$ that have little or no overlap with common disk models. Finally, we show that there is an empirical relationship between the distance of the innermost planet from the central star and the stellar mass for the observed resonant chain systems, which supports the idea that the resonant chains are formed and maintained by stalling the migration of the innermost planet near the inner edge of the disk truncated by the magnetic fields of the protostar.

Logan Sizemore, Diego Llanes, Marina Kounkel, Brian Hutchinson, Keivan G. Stassun, Vedant Chandra

21 pages, 16 figures. Accepted to AJ Catalogs available on this https URL

Data-driven models, which apply machine learning to infer physical properties from large quantities of data, have become increasingly important for extracting stellar properties from spectra. In general, these methods have been applied to data in one wavelength regime or another. For example, APOGEE Net has been applied to near-IR spectra from the SDSS-V APOGEE survey to predict stellar parameters (Teff, log g, and [Fe/H]) for all stars with Teff from 3,000 to 50,000 K, including pre-main sequence stars, OB stars, main sequence dwarfs, and red giants. The increasing number of large surveys across multiple wavelength regimes provides the opportunity to improve data-driven models through learning from multiple datasets at once. In SDSS-V, a number of spectra of stars will be observed not just with APOGEE in near-IR, but also with BOSS in optical regime. Here we aim to develop a complementary model, BOSS Net, that will replicate the performance of APOGEE Net in these optical data through label transfer. We further improve the model by extending it to brown dwarfs, as well as white dwarfs, resulting in a comprehensive coverage between 1700<Teff<100,000 K and 0<log g<10, to ensure BOSS Net can reliably measure parameters of most of the commonly observed objects within this parameter space. We also update APOGEE Net to achieve a comparable performance in the near-IR regime. The resulting models provide a robust tool for measuring stellar evolutionary states, and in turn, enable characterization of the star forming history of the Galaxy.

Jiancheng Feng, Rowan J. Smith, Alvaro Hacar, Susan E. Clark, Daniel Seifried

19 pages, 18 figures

The interstellar medium is threaded by a hierarchy of filaments from large scales (~ 100 pc) to small scales (~ 0.1pc). The masses and lengths of these nested structures may reveal important constraints for cloud formation and evolution, but it is difficult to investigate from an evolutionary perspective using single observations. In this work, we extract simulated molecular clouds from the Cloud Factory galactic-scale ISM suite in combination with 3D Monte Carlo radiative transfer code POLARIS to investigate how filamentary structure evolves over time. We produce synthetic dust continuum observations in three regions with a series of snapshots and use the Filfinder algorithm to identify filaments in the dust derived column density maps. When the synthetic filaments mass and length are plotted on an M-L plot, we see a scaling relation of $L\propto M^{0.45}$ similar to that seen in observations, and find that the filaments are thermally supercritical. Projection effects systematically affect the masses and lengths measured for the filaments, and are particularly severe in crowded regions. In the filament Mass-Length (M-L) diagram we identify three main evolutionary mechanisms: accretion, segmentation, and dispersal. In particular we find that the filaments typically evolve from smaller to larger masses in the observational M-L plane, indicating the dominant role of accretion in filament evolution. Moreover, we find a potential correlation between line mass and filament growth rate. Once filaments are actively star forming they then segment into smaller sections, or are dispersed by internal or external forces.

Shoshannah Byrne-Mamahit, David R. Patton, Sara L. Ellison, Robert Bickley, Leonardo Ferreira, Maan Hani, Salvatore Quai, Scott Wilkinson

16 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

We investigate the connection between the most luminous active galactic nuclei (AGN), galaxy pairs, and post-mergers in the IllustrisTNG simulation. We select galaxy pairs and post-mergers with a mass ratio between 1:10 $< \mu <$ 1:1 and a redshift between $0<z<1$. We compare the incidence of luminous AGN in pairs with matched non-pair controls, finding that AGN with luminosity $L_{\mathrm{bol}}>10^{44}$ erg/s occur in $\sim $26\% of paired galaxies with a companion within 20 kpc, compared with $\sim $14\% in controls (a fractional excess of $\sim$2). The enhancement of AGN in galaxy pairs is luminosity dependent, with the highest excess (a factor of $\sim6\pm2$ at the closest separations) for AGN with $L_{\mathrm{bol}}>10^{45}$ erg/s. Additionally, pairs exhibit a modest yet statistically significant excess of luminous AGN up to $\sim$150 kpc in separation. For pairs which merge between $0<z<1$, AGN fractions are elevated between 1.5 Gyr before and after coalescence, with the highest excess closest to coalescence. Our results indicate that pre-coalescence interactions drive excesses of luminous AGN, but that luminous AGN in galaxy pairs are not ubiquitous. Finally, we investigate what fraction of AGN can be associated with an interaction (either having a companion within 100 kpc or a merger within the last 500 Myr). For AGN with $L_{\mathrm{bol}}>10^{45}$ erg/s, $\sim$55\% are interacting, compared with a 30\% interaction fraction in AGN with $10^{44}<L_{\mathrm{bol}}<10^{44.5}$ erg/s. Our results support a picture in which interactions play a dominant role in (but are not the sole cause of) triggering the most luminous AGN.

Saumya Gupta (1), Jessy Jose (1), Swagat Ranjan Das (2), Zhen Guo (3, 4, 5 and 6), Belinda Damian (7), Prem Prakash (8), Manash Ranjan Samal (9) ((1) Tirupati, India (2) Santiago, Chile (3) Valparaíso, Chile (4) Valparaíso, Chile (5) Hatfield AL10 9AB, UK (6) Valparaíso, Chile (7) Bangalore, India (8) Hyderabad, India (9) Ahmedabad, India)

17 pages, 24 figures, 4 tables

Young stellar clusters are predominantly the hub of star formation and hence, ideal to perform comprehensive studies over the least explored sub-stellar regime. Various unanswered questions like the mass distribution in brown dwarf regime and the effect of diverse cluster environment on brown dwarf formation efficiency still plague the scientific community. The nearby young cluster, IC 1396 with its feedback-driven environment, is ideal to conduct such study. In this paper we adopt a multi-wavelength approach, using deep Subaru HSC, Gaia DR3, Pan-STARRS, UKIDSS/2MASS photometry and machine learning techniques to identify the cluster members complete down to $\sim$ 0.03 M$_{\odot}$ in the central 22$^{\prime}$ area of IC 1396. We identify 458 cluster members including 62 brown dwarfs which are used to determine mass distribution in the region. We obtain a star-to-brown dwarf ratio of $\sim$ 6 for a stellar mass range 0.03 -- 1 M$_{\odot}$ in the studied cluster. The brown dwarf fraction is observed to increase across the cluster as radial distance from the central OB-stars increases. This study also compiles 15 young stellar clusters to check the variation of star-to-brown dwarf ratio relative to stellar density and UV flux ranging within 4-2500 stars pc$^{-2}$ and 0.7-7.3 G$_{0}$ respectively. The brown dwarf fraction is observed to increase with stellar density but the results about the influence of incident UV flux are inconclusive within this range. This is the deepest study of IC 1396 as of yet and it will pave the way to understand various aspects of brown dwarfs using spectroscopic observations in future.

We explore the impact of different telescope apertures on the image simulation and deconvolution processes within the context of a synthetic star field. Using HCIPy and Python programming, we modelled six telescope apertures namely Circular, Hexagonal, Elliptical (with horizontal and vertical major axes), segmented hexagonal (JWST), and obstructed circular (HST). We calculated Point Spread Functions (PSFs) for each aperture, incorporating surface shape-induced wavefront aberrations, convolved them with a synthetic star field spanning a range of brightness magnitudes, and introduced photon and detector noise layers to simulate realistic imaging conditions. Subsequent deconvolution using the Richardson-Lucy algorithm allowed for an analysis of deconvolution accuracy based on parameters like average distance between stars and differences in the number of stars between original and deconvolved images. Results indicate that the choice of telescope aperture significantly influences both simulated images and deconvolution outcomes, with brightness magnitude also playing a crucial role. The study highlights the necessity of optimizing image processing pipelines and Deconvolution algorithms tailored to each aperture shapes and their corresponding PSFs, emphasizing the pivotal role of aperture selection and optimization in achieving accurate astronomical imaging performance.

We present an extension of the massively parallel, GPU native, astrophysical hydrodynamics code Cholla to magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). Cholla solves the ideal MHD equations in their Eulerian form on a static Cartesian mesh utilizing the Van Leer + Constrained Transport integrator, the HLLD Riemann solver, and reconstruction methods at second and third order. Cholla's MHD module can perform over 200 million cell updates per GPU-second while using the HLLD Riemann solver and second order reconstruction. The inherently parallel nature of GPUs combined with increased memory in new hardware allows Cholla's MHD module to perform simulation with resolutions of $>450^3$ cells on a single GPU. We employ GPU direct MPI to attain nearly perfect weak scaling on the exascale supercomputer \textit{Frontier}, while using up to 74,000 GPUs and simulating a total grid size of over 1.2 trillion cells. A suite of test problems highlights the accuracy of Cholla's MHD module and demonstrates that zero magnetic divergence in solutions is maintained to round off error. We also present new testing and continuous integration tools using GoogleTest, GitHub Actions, and Jenkins that have made development more robust and accurate and ensure reliability in the future.

Audrey Thirouin, Scott S. Sheppard

Accepted for publication in Planetary Science Journal (PSJ)

The 5:3 and 7:4 mean motion resonances of Neptune are at 42.3 and 43.7 au, respectively, and overlap with objects in the Classical trans-neptunian belt (Kuiper belt). We report the complete/partial lightcurves of 13 and 14 trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) in the 5:3 and 7:4 resonances, respectively. We report a most likely contact binary in the 7:4 resonance, 2013 FR$_{28}$, with a periodicity of 13.97$\pm$0.04 h and a lightcurve amplitude of 0.94$\pm$0.02 mag. With a V-/U-shaped lightcurve, 2013 FR$_{28}$ has one of the largest well-sampled TNO amplitude observed with ground-based observations, comparable to the well-determined contact binary 2001 QG$_{298}$. 2013 FR$_{28}$ has a mass ratio q$\sim$1 with a density $\rho$$\sim$1 g cm$^{-3}$. We find several objects with large amplitudes and classify 2004 SC$_{60}$, 2006 CJ$_{69}$, and 2013 BN$_{82}$ as likely contact binaries, and 2001 QF$_{331}$, 2003 YW$_{179}$, and 2015 FP$_{345}$ as likely elongated objects. We observe the 17:9 resonant or classical object 2003 SP$_{317}$ that we classify as a likely contact binary. A lower estimate of 10-50% and 20-55% for the fraction of (nearly) equal-sized contact binaries is calculated in the 5:3 and 7:4 resonances, respectively. Surface colors of 2004 SC$_{60}$, 2013 BN$_{82}$, 2014 OL$_{394}$, and 2015 FP$_{345}$ have been obtained. Including these colors with ones from the literature reveals that elongated objects and contact binaries share the same ultra-red surface color, except Manw\"e-Thorondor and 2004 SC$_{60}$. Not only are the colors of the 7:4 and 5:3 TNOs similar to the Cold Classicals, but we demonstrate that the rotational properties of the 5:3 and 7:4 resonants are similar to those of the Cold Classicals, inferring a clear link between these sub-populations.

Griffin T. Goodwin, Viacheslav M. Sadykov, Petrus C. Martens

Accepted for publication in ApJ; 25 pages, 11 figures, 2 tables

This study explores the behavior of machine learning-based flare forecasting models deployed in a simulated operational environment. Using Georgia State University's Space Weather Analytics for Solar Flares benchmark dataset (Angryk et al. 2020a,b), we examine the impacts of training methodology and the solar cycle on decision tree, support vector machine, and multilayer perceptron performance. We implement our classifiers using three temporal training windows: stationary, rolling, and expanding. The stationary window trains models using a single set of data available before the first forecasting instance, which remains constant throughout the solar cycle. The rolling window trains models using data from a constant time interval before the forecasting instance, which moves with the solar cycle. Finally, the expanding window trains models using all available data before the forecasting instance. For each window, a number of input features (1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 120) and temporal sizes (5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20 months) were tested. To our surprise, we found that for a 20-month window, skill scores were comparable regardless of the window type, feature count, and classifier selected. Furthermore, reducing the size of this window only marginally decreased stationary and rolling window performance. This implies that, given enough data, a stationary window can be chosen over other window types, eliminating the need for model retraining. Lastly, a moderately strong positive correlation was found to exist between a model's false positive rate and the solar X-ray background flux. This suggests that the solar cycle phase has a considerable influence on forecasting.

In this paper we introduce a new method for exact decomposition of propagating, nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) disturbances into their component eigenenergies associated with the familiar slow, Alfv\'en, and fast wave eigenmodes, and the entropy and field-divergence pseudo-eigenmodes. First the mathematical formalism is introduced, where it is illustrated how the ideal-MHD eigensystem can be used to construct a decomposition of the time variation of the total energy density into contributions from the eigenmodes. The decomposition method is then demonstrated by applying it to the output of three separate nonlinear MHD simulations. The analysis of the simulations confirms that the component wave modes of a composite wavefield are uniquely identified by the method. The slow, Alfv\'en, and fast energy densities are shown to evolve in exactly the way expected from comparison with known linear solutions and nonlinear properties, including processes such as mode conversion. Along the way, some potential pitfalls for the numerical implementation of the decomposition method are identified and discussed. We conclude that the exact, nonlinear decomposition method introduced is a powerful and promising tool for understanding the nature of the decomposition of MHD waves as well as analysing and interpreting the output of dynamic MHD simulations.

Jim Fuller, Tristan Guillot, Stephane Mathis, Carl Murray

Accepted for Space Science Reviews. Chapter in the book based on the ISSI workshop "New Vision of the Saturnian System in the Context of a Highly Dissipative Saturn" (9-13 May 2022)

Tidal interactions between moons and planets can have major effects on the orbits, spins, and thermal evolution of the moons. In the Saturn system, tidal dissipation in the planet transfers angular momentum from Saturn to the moons, causing them to migrate outwards. The rate of migration is determined by the mechanism of dissipation within the planet, which is closely tied to the planet's uncertain structure. We review current knowledge of giant planet internal structure and evolution, which has improved thanks to data from the \textit{Juno} and \textit{Cassini} missions. We discuss general principles of tidal dissipation, describing both equilibrium and dynamical tides, and how dissipation can occur in a solid core or a fluid envelope. Finally, we discuss the possibility of resonance locking, whereby a moon can lock into resonance with a planetary oscillation mode, producing enhanced tidal migration relative to classical theories, and possibly explaining recent measurements of moon migration rates.

Callie E. Hood, Sagnick Mukherjee, Jonathan J. Fortney, Michael R. Line, Jacqueline K. Faherty, Sherelyn Alejandro Merchan, Ben Burningham, Genaro Suárez, Rocio Kiman, Jonathan Gagné, Charles A. Beichman, Johanna M. Vos, Daniella Bardalez Gagliuffi, Aaron M. Meisner, Eileen C. Gonzales

28 pages, 10 figures. Submitted to Nature Astronomy on Oct. 5th, 2023

We present observations of the T8 dwarf 2MASS 0415-0935 with JWST's NIRSpec spectrograph using the G395H grating ($\sim$ 2.87 - 5.14 $\mu$m). We perform the first atmospheric retrieval analysis at the maximum spectral resolution of NIRSpec (R$\sim$2700) and combine the spectrum with previous observations to study the 0.9-20 $\mu$m spectral energy distribution. We obtain precise constraints on chemical abundances ($\sim$0.02 dex) for a number of species which complicate our understanding of disequilibrium chemistry, particularly for CO$_{2}$ and PH$_{3}$. Furthermore, we measure a $^{12}$CO/$^{13}$CO ratio of $\sim 97^{+9}_{-8}$, making 2MASS 0415-0935 the coldest ($\sim 760$ K) substellar object outside of our solar system with a measured $^{12}$CO/$^{13}$CO ratio. This work shows promise for similar observations with JWST to provide precise abundances of major chemical species as well as isotopologues, allowing for new tests of our understanding of the formation and atmospheres of substellar objects.

In this manuscript, clues are provided to support globally negative AGN feedback on star formation in the host galaxies of the local low-redshift SDSS Type-2 AGN, based on the different dependence of narrow H$\alpha$ line luminosity $L_{H\alpha}$ on optical continuum luminosity $\lambda L_{cont}$ between the starforming galaxies and the Type-2 AGN. Through the measured $L_{H\alpha}$ and $\lambda L_{cont}$ in SDSS starforming galaxies, there is a strong linear correlation between $\lambda L_{cont}$ and $L_{H\alpha}$, accepted as a standard correlation without effects of AGN activity. Meanwhile, considering apparent contributions of AGN activity to narrow H$\alpha$ line emissions in the Type-2 AGN, the correlation between $\lambda L_{cont}$ and $L_{H\alpha}$ in the SDSS Type-2 AGN leads to statistically lower $L_{H\alpha}$ in the Type-2 AGN than in the starforming galaxies, with significance level higher than 5$\sigma$, even after considering necessary effects (including effects of host galaxy properties), leading to accepted conclusion on the globally negative AGN feedback in the local Type-2 AGN. Meanwhile, properties of Dn(4000) and H$\delta_A$ can provide indirect clues to support the globally negative AGN feedback in the local Type-2 AGN, due to older stellar ages in the Type-2 AGN. Moreover, it is interesting to expect more than 50\% narrow H$\alpha$ emissions globally suppressed in the host galaxies of the Type-2 AGN relative to the starforming galaxies. The results not only support globally negative AGN feedback in the local Type-2 AGN, but also show further clues on the quantification of suppressions of star formation by the globally negative AGN feedback.

Chih-Teng Ling, Tomotsugu Goto, Seong Jin Kim, Cossas K.-W. Wu, Tetsuya Hashimoto, Tom C.-C. Chien, Yu-Wei Lin, Simon C.-C. Ho, Ece Kilerci

22 pages, 22 figures, 7 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. A summary video can be found at this https URL

Mid-infrared (MIR) light from galaxies is sensitive to dust-obscured star-formation activities because it traces the characteristic emission of dust heated by young, massive stars. By constructing the MIR luminosity functions (LFs), we are able to quantify the overall dusty star formation history and the evolution of galaxies over cosmic time. In this work, we report the first rest-frame MIR LFs at 7.7, 10, 12.8, 15, 18, and 21 $\mu$m as well as the total IR LF from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science (CEERS) survey. We identify 506 galaxies at $z=0-5.1$ in the CEERS survey that also have optical photometry from the Hubble Space Telescope. With the unprecedented sensitivity of the JWST, we probe the faintest end of the LFs at $z=0-1$ down to $L^* \sim 10^7 L_\odot$, $\sim 2$ orders of magnitude fainter than those from the previous generation of IR space telescopes. Our findings connect well with and continue the faint end of the MIR LFs from the deepest observations in past works. As a proxy of star formation history, we present the MIR-based luminosity density up to $z\simeq4.0$, marking the first probe of the early Universe by JWST MIRI.

Yuting Feng, Puragra Guhathakurta, Eric W. Peng, Stephen D. J. Gwyn, Laura Ferrarese, Patrick Côté, Jean-Charles Cuillandre, Jeffrey Munsell, Manjima Talukdar

Accepted by ApJ

RR Lyrae stars are standard candles with characteristic photometric variability and serve as powerful tracers of Galactic structure, substructure, accretion history, and dark matter content. Here we report the discovery of distant RR Lyrae stars, including some of the most distant stars known in the Milky Way halo, with Galactocentric distances of approximately 300 kpc. We use time-series u*g'i'z' Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope/MegaCam photometry from the Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey (NGVS). We employ a template light curve fitting method based on empirical Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Stripe 82 RR Lyrae data to identify RR Lyrae candidates in the NGVS data set. We eliminate several hundred suspected quasars and identify 180 RR Lyrae candidates, with heliocentric distances of approximately 20--300 kpc. The halo stellar density distribution is consistent with an r^(-4.09 +/- 0.10) power-law radial profile over most of this distance range with no signs of a break. The distribution of ab-type RR Lyrae in a period-amplitude plot (Bailey diagram) suggests that the mean metallicity of the halo decreases outwards. Compared to other recent RR Lyrae surveys, like Pan-STARRS1 (PS1), the High Cadence Transient Survey (HiTS), and the Dark Energy Survey (DES), our NGVS study has better single-epoch photometric precision and a comparable number of epochs but smaller sky coverage. At large distances, our RR Lyrae sample appears to be relatively pure and complete, with well-measured periods and amplitudes. These newly discovered distant RR Lyrae stars are important additions to the few secure stellar tracers beyond 150 kpc in the Milky Way halo.

Kristopher Cooper, Iain G. Hannah, Lindsay Glesener, Brian W. Grefenstette

13 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

Microflares are energetically smaller versions of solar flares, demonstrating the same processes of plasma heating and particle acceleration. However, it remains unclear down to what energy scales this impulsive energy release continues, which has implications for how the solar atmosphere is heated. The heating and particle acceleration in microflares can be studied through their X-ray emission, finding predominantly thermal emission at lower energies; however, at higher energies it can be difficult to distinguish whether the emission is due to hotter plasma and/or accelerated elections. We present the first application of nested sampling to solar flare X-ray spectra, an approach which provides a quantitative degree of confidence for one model over another. We analyse NuSTAR X-ray observations of a small active region microflare (A0.02 GOES/XRS class equivalent) that occurred on 2021 November 17, with a new Python package for spectral fitting, sunkit-spex, to compute the parameter posterior distributions and the evidence of different models representing the higher energy emission as due to thermal or non-thermal sources. Calculating the Bayes factor, we show there is significantly stronger evidence for the higher energy microflare emission to be produced by non-thermal emission from flare accelerated electrons than by an additional hot thermal source. Qualitative confirmation of this non-thermal source is provided by the lack of hotter (10 MK) emission in SDO/AIA's EUV data. The nested sampling approach used in this paper has provided clear support for non-thermal emission at the level of 3x10$^{24}$ erg s$^{-1}$ in this tiny microflare.

Deheng Song, Christopher Eckner, Chris Gordon, Francesca Calore, Oscar Macias, Kevork N. Abazajian, Shunsaku Horiuchi, Manoj Kaplinghat, Martin Pohl

21 pages, 11 figures

The gamma-ray Fermi-LAT Galactic centre excess (GCE) has puzzled scientists for over 15 years. Despite ongoing debates about its properties, and especially its spatial distribution, its nature remains elusive. We scrutinize how the estimated spatial morphology of this excess depends on models for the Galactic diffuse emission, focusing particularly on the extent to which the Galactic plane and point sources are masked. Our main aim is to compare a spherically symmetric morphology - potentially arising from the annihilation of dark matter (DM) particles - with a boxy morphology - expected if faint unresolved sources in the Galactic bulge dominate the excess emission. Recent claims favouring a DM-motivated template for the GCE are shown to rely on a specific Galactic bulge template, which performs worse than other templates for the Galactic bulge. We find that a non-parametric model of the Galactic bulge derived from the VVV survey results in a significantly better fit for the GCE than DM-motivated templates. This result is independent of whether a GALPROP-based model or a more non-parametric ring-based model is used to describe the diffuse Galactic emission. This conclusion remains true even when additional freedom is added in the background models, allowing for non-parametric modulation of the model components and substantially improving the fit quality. When adopted, optimized background models provide robust results in terms of preference for a boxy bulge morphology of the GCE, regardless of the mask applied to the Galactic plane.

Donggeun Tak, Z. Lucas Uhm, James H. Gillanders

13 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, submitted

Kilonova, the electromagnetic emission produced by compact binary mergers, is formed through a delicate interplay of physical processes, involving r-process nucleosynthesis and interactions between heavy elements and photons through radiative transfer. This complexity makes it difficult to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the kilonova spectrum. In this study, we aim to enhance our understanding and establish connections between physical parameters and observables through the radiative-transfer simulation. Specifically, we investigate how the ejecta temperature and element mass influence the resulting kilonova spectrum. For each species, the strength of its line features in the kilonova spectrum depends on these parameters, leading to the formation of a distinct region in the parameter space, named as the Prominent Signature Region (PSR), where the line signature of that species is notably evident in the kilonova spectrum. We explore the origin and applications of PSR. Among explored r-process elements (31$\leq$Z$\leq$92), we find that four species -- Sr\textsubscript{II}, Y\textsubscript{II}, Ba\textsubscript{II}, and Ce\textsubscript{II} -- exhibit large and strong PSR, suggesting their significant contributions to the kilonova spectrum in specific wavelengths. In addition, we discuss potential challenges and future perspectives in observable heavy elements and their masses in the context of PSR.

Arrate Antuñano, Leigh N. Fletcher, Glenn S. Orton, Henrik Melin, John H. Rogers, Joseph Harrington, Padraig T. Donnelly, Naomi Rowe-Gurney, James S. D. Blake

We use an infrared dataset captured between 1984 and 2017 using several instruments and observatories to report five rare equatorial disturbances that completely altered the appearance of Jupiter's Equatorial Zone (EZ): the clearance of tropospheric clouds revealed a new 5-$\mu$m-bright band encircling the planet at the equator, accompanied by large 5-$\mu$m-bright filaments. Three events were observed in ground-based images in 1973, 1979 and 1992. We report and characterize for the first time the entire evolution of two new episodes of this unusual EZ state that presented their maximum 5-$\mu$m-brightness in December 1999 and February 2007, coinciding with a brown coloration south of the equator and with large bluish filaments and white plumes in the northern EZ at visible wavelengths. We characterize their typical infrared-bright lifetimes of 12-18 months, with possible periodicities of 6-8 or 13-14 years. We predict that a full-scale equatorial disturbance could occur in 2019-21.

Yingxiao Song, Qi Xiong, Yan Gong, Furen Deng, Kwan Chuen Chan, Xuelei Chen, Qi Guo, Jiaxin Han, Guoliang Li, Ming Li, Yun Liu, Yu Luo, Wenxiang Pei, Chengliang Wei

10 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables

Void size function (VSF) contains the information of the cosmic large-scale structure (LSS), and can be used to derive the properties of dark energy and dark matter. We predict the VSFs measured from the spectroscopic galaxy survey operated by the China Space Station Telescope (CSST), and study the strength of cosmological constraint. We employ a high-resolution Jiutian simulation to get galaxy samples based on an improved semi-analytical model, and then generate a mock galaxy catalog of the CSST spectroscopic survey according to the detection sensitivity. We identify voids from this galaxy catalog using the watershed algorithm without assuming a spherical shape, and estimate the VSFs at different redshift bins from $z=0.5$ to 1.1. To obtain a reliable and accurate fitting result, we propose a void selection method based on the ellipticity, for comparing to the theoretical model with a linear underdensity threshold of void formation $\delta_{\rm v}$ assuming the spherical evolution. We assume $\delta_{\rm v}$ is redshift-dependent and set it as a free parameter in each redshift bin. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method is adopted to implement the constraints on the cosmological and void parameters. We find that the VSFs from the selected voids can be well fitted by the theoretical model, and could accurately reserve the cosmological information. Based on our estimation, the VSF measurement of the CSST spectroscopic survey can constrain the cosmological parameters to a few percent level. The best-fit values of $\delta_{\rm v}$ are ranging from $\sim-0.4$ to $-0.1$ as the redshift increases from 0.5 to 1.1, which has a distinct difference from the theoretical calculation with a constant $\delta_{\rm v}\simeq-2.7$ assuming the spherical evolution. Our method can provide a good reference for void identification and selection in the VSF analysis of the spectroscopic galaxy surveys.

Felix Sainsbury-Martinez, Catherine Walsh

Accepted for publication in ApJ

Impacts from icy and rocky bodies have helped shape the composition of solar system objects, for example the Earth-Moon system, or the recent impact of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter. It is likely that such impacts also shape the composition of exoplanetary systems. Here we investigate how cometary impacts might affect the atmospheric composition/chemistry of hot Jupiters, which are prime targets for characterisation. We introduce a parametrised cometary impact model that includes thermal ablation and pressure driven breakup, which we couple with the 1D `radiative-convective' atmospheric model ATMO, including disequilibrium chemistry. We use this model to investigate a wide range of impactor masses and compositions, including those based on observations of Solar System comets, and interstellar ices (with JWST). We find that even a small impactor (R = 2.5 km) can lead to significant short-term changes in the atmospheric chemistry, including a factor $>10$ enhancement in H$_2$O, CO, CO$_2$ abundances, and atmospheric opacity more generally, and the near complete removal of observable hydrocarbons, such as CH$_4$, from the upper atmosphere. These effects scale with the change in atmospheric C/O ratio and metallicity. Potentially observable changes are possible for a body that has undergone significant/continuous bombardment, such that the global atmospheric chemistry has been impacted. Our works reveals that cometary impacts can significantly alter or pollute the atmospheric composition/chemistry of hot Jupiters. These changes have the potential to mute/break the proposed link between atmospheric C/O ratio and planet formation location relative to key snowlines in the natal protoplanetary disc.

Massimo Persic (INAF-Padova), Yoel Rephaeli (Tel Aviv U., UC San Diego), Riccardo Rando (Padova U.)

19 pages, 4 figures, 2 appendices. Astronomy & Astrophysics, in press

Spiral galaxies M31 and M33 are Fermi/LAT-detected gamma-ray sources. We model the broadband non-thermal (NT) emission of the central region of M31 (R < 5.5 kpc) and of the disk of M33 (R ~ 9 kpc). For either galaxy, we self-consistently model the broadband SED of the diffuse NT emission based on published radio and gamma-ray data. All relevant radiative processes involving relativistic and thermal electrons (synchrotron, Compton scattering, bremsstrahlung, and free-free emission and absorption), along with relativistic protons (neutral-pion decay following interaction with thermal protons), are considered, using exact emissivity formulae. We also use the Fermi/LAT validated gamma-ray emissivities for pulsars. We find that, in both sources, the radio emission is composed of primary and secondary electron synchrotron and thermal bremsstrahlung. The M33 gamma-ray emission appears to be mainly hadronic, similar to the Magellanic Clouds (Persic & Rephaeli 2022). In contrast, we find suggestions of a more complex situation in the central region of M31, whose emission could be a mix of pulsar emission and hadronic emission, with the latter possibly originating from both the disk and the vicinity of the nuclear black hole. The alternative modelling of the spectra of M31 and M33 is motivated by the different hydrogen distribution in the two galaxies: the hydrogen deficiency in the central region of M31 partially unveils emissions from the nuclear BH and the pulsar population in the bulge and inner disk. If this were to be the case in M33 as well, these emissions would be outshined by diffuse pionic emission originating within the flat central-peak gas distribution in M33.

Andrew Mummery, Francesco Mori, Steven Balbus

14 pages + appendices. 10 figures. Resubmitted to MNRAS

Accretion flows are fundamentally turbulent systems, yet are classically modelled with viscous theories only valid on length scales significantly greater than the typical size of turbulent eddies in the flow. We demonstrate that, while this will be a reasonable bulk description of the flow at large radii, this must break down as the flow approaches absorbing boundaries, such as the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) of a black hole disc. This is because in a turbulent flow large velocity fluctuations can carry a fluid element over the ISCO from a finite distance away, from which it will not return, a process without analogy in conventional models. This introduces a non-zero directional bias into the velocity fluctuations in the near-ISCO disc. By studying reduced random walk problems, we derive a number of implications of the presence of an absorbing boundary in an accretion context. In particular, we show that the average velocity with which a typical fluid element crosses the ISCO is much larger than is assumed in traditional theories. This enhanced velocity modifies the thermodynamic properties of black hole accretion flows on both sides of the ISCO. In particular, thermodynamic quantities for larger ISCO stresses no longer display pronounced cusps at the ISCO in this new formalism, a result with relevance for a number of observational probes of the intra-ISCO region. Finally, we demonstrate that these extended models reproduce the trans-ISCO behaviour observed in GRMHD simulations of thin discs.

Francesco Guarneri, Luca Pasquini, Valentina D'Odorico, Stefano Cristiani, Guido Cupani, Paolo Di Marcantonio, J. I. González Hernández, C. J. A. P. Martins, Alejandro Suárez Mascareño, Dinko Milaković, Paolo Molaro, Michael T. Murphy, Nelson J. Nunes, Enric Palle, Francesco Pepe, Rafael Rebolo, Nuno C. Santos, Ricardo Génova Santos, Tobias M. Schmidt, Sérgio G. Sousa, Alessandro Sozzetti, Andrea Trost

Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 16 pages, 10 figures and 6 tables (4 in main text, 2 in Appendix). Full model is available at the end of the manuscript

Primordial abundances of light elements are sensitive to the physics of the early Universe and can directly constrain cosmological quantities, such as the baryon-to-photon ratio $\eta_{10}$, the baryon density and the number of neutrino families. Deuterium is especially suited for these studies: its primordial abundance is sensitive and monotonically dependent on $\eta_{10}$, allowing an independent measurement of the cosmic baryon density that can be compared, for instance, against the Planck satellite data. The primordial deuterium abundance can be measured in high $H_I$ column density absorption systems towards distant quasars. We report here a new measurement, based on high-resolution ESPRESSO data, of the primordial $D_I$ abundance of a system at redshift $z \sim 3.572$, towards PKS1937-101. Using only ESPRESSO data, we find a D/H ratio of $2.638\pm0.128 \times 10^{-5}$, while including the available UVES data improves the precision, leading to a ratio of $2.608 \pm 0.102 \times 10^{-5}$. The results of this analysis agree with those of the most precise existing measurements. We find that the relatively low column density of this system ($\log{N_{\rm H_I}/ {\rm cm}^{-2}}\sim18 $) introduces modelling uncertainties, which become the main contributor to the error budget.

Roberto Taverna, Roberto Turolla

Review paper, 27 pages, 11 figures

The launch of IXPE telescope in late 2021 finally made polarization measurements in the 2-8 keV band a reality, more than 40 years after the pioneering observations of the OSO-8 satellite. In the first two years of operations IXPE targeted more than 60 sources, including four magnetars, neutron stars with magnetic fields in the petaGauss range. In this paper we summarize IXPE main findings and discuss their implications for the physics of ultra-magnetized neutron stars. Polarimetric observations confirmed theoretical predictions according to which X-ray radiation from magnetar sources is highly polarized, up to $\approx 80\%$, the highest value detected so far. This provides an independent confirmation that magnetars are indeed endowed with a super-strong magnetic field and that the twisted magnetosphere scenario is the most likely explanation for their soft X-ray emission. Polarization measurements allowed us to probe the physical conditions of the star's outermost layers, showing that the cooler surface regions are in a condensed state, with no atmosphere on top. Although no smoking-gun of vacuum QED effects was found, the phase-dependent behaviour of the polarization angle strongly hints that vacuum birefringence is indeed at work in magnetar magnetospheres.

W. E. Celnik, I. Karachentsev, P. Köchling, S. Kotov, J. Kozok, L. Magrini, A. Moiseev, M. Nischang, C. Reese, P. Remmel, P. Riepe, T. Zilch

Sumbmitted to A&A, 8 pages, 12 figures. Comments are welcome

Planetary nebulae are one of the final stages in the evolution of low and intermediate mass stars. They occur in a variety of shapes. Older and fainter ones are generally more difficult to identify because of the lower surface brightness. This paper reports the serendipitous discovery of a new faint Galactic planetary nebula (PN), during a campaign to identify dwarf galaxies, companions of the spiral galaxy NGC 2403. We aim at confirming the nature as PN of a diffuse object identified in the Camelopardalis constellation. We obtained narrow-band filter images and spectra of the nebula and its central star with amateur and professional telescopes having diameters from 20 cm to 6 m. We detected a dense triangular nebula, surrounded by an elliptical region, named Cam nebula. They are part of a larger and fainter circular nebular structure, named TBG-1, at the centre of which we have identified the possible central star, a white dwarf with a temperature of about 22 000 K. The analysis of the spectrum made it possible to measure the physical characteristics of the nebula, in particular its electronic density and temperature. Analysis of the images, of the spectra of the nebula and of the central star confirm the PN nature of TBG-1, located at the distance of about 1 kpc. This work reaffirms the potential for fruitful collaborations between astronomers and amateur astronomers in the detection and study of new objects.

Luminous red novae (LRNe) and their connection to common envelope events (CEE) remain elusive in astrophysics. Here, we present a radiation hydrodynamic model capable of simulating the light curves of material ejected during a CEE. For the first time, the radiation hydrodynamic model incorporates complete recombination physics for hydrogen and helium. The radiation hydrodynamic equations are solved with Guangqi. With time-independent ejecta simulations, we show that the peaks in the light curves are attributed to radiation-dominated ejecta, while the extended plateaus are produced by matter-dominated ejecta. To showcase our model's capability, we fit the light curve of AT2019zhd. The central mass object of $6M_{\odot}$ is assumed based on observations and scaling relations. Our model demonstrates that the ejecta mass of AT2019zhd falls within the range of $0.04M_{\odot}$ to $0.1M_{\odot}$. Additionally, we demonstrate that recombination energy and radiation force acceleration significantly impact the light curves, whereas dust formation has a limited effect during the peak and plateau phases.

Low-acceleration gravitational anomaly is investigated with a new method of exploiting the normalized velocity profile $\tilde{v}\equiv v_p/v_c$ of wide binary stars as a function of the normalized sky-projected radius $s/r_{\rm{M}}$ where $v_p$ is the sky-projected relative velocity between the pair, $v_c$ is the Newtonian circular velocity at the sky-projected separation $s$, and $r_{\rm{M}}$ is the MOND radius. With a Monte Carlo method Gaia observed binaries and their virtual Newtonian counterparts are probabilistically distributed on the $s/r_{\rm{M}}$ versus $\tilde{v}$ plane and a logarithmic velocity ratio parameter $\Gamma$ is measured in the bins of $s/r_{\rm{M}}$. With three samples of binaries covering a broad range in size, data quality, and implied fraction of hierarchical systems including a new sample of 6389 binaries selected with accurate distances and radial velocities, I find a unanimous systematic variation from the Newtonian flat line. With $\Gamma=0$ at $s/r_{\rm{M}}\lesssim 0.15$ or $s\lesssim 1$~kilo astronomical units (kau), I get $\Gamma=0.068\pm 0.015$ (stat) $_{-0.015}^{+0.024}$ (syst) for $s/r_{\rm{M}} \gtrsim 0.7$ or $s\gtrsim 5$~kau. The gravitational anomaly (i.e.\ acceleration boost) factor given by $\gamma_g = 10^{2\Gamma}$ is measured to be $\gamma_g = 1.37_{-0.09}^{+0.10}$ (stat) $_{-0.09}^{+0.16}$ (syst). With a reduced $\chi^2$ test of Newtonian and Milgromian nonrelativistic theories, I find that Newtonian gravity is ruled out at $5.8\sigma$ ($\chi^2_\nu=9.4$) by the new sample (and $9.2\sigma$ by the largest sample used). The Milgromian AQUAL theory is acceptable with $0.5\lesssim \chi^2_\nu\lesssim 3.1$. These results agree well with earlier results with the ``acceleration-plane analysis'' for a variety of samples and the ``stacked velocity profile analysis'' for a pure binary sample.

Giulia De Somma, Marcella Marconi, Santi Cassisi, Roberto Molinaro, Anupam Bhardwaj, Vincenzo Ripepi, Ilaria Musella, Adriano Pietrinferni, Teresa Sicignano, Erasmo Trentin, Silvio Leccia

23 pages, 6 figures, and 11 tables; accepted for publication in MNRAS

Homogeneous multi-wavelength observations of classical Cepheids from the forthcoming Rubin-LSST have the potential to significantly contribute to our understanding of the evolutionary and pulsation properties of these pulsating stars. Updated pulsation models for Classical Cepheid stars have been computed under various assumptions about chemical compositions, including relatively low metallicity ($Z$ = $0.004$ with $Y$ =$0.25$ and $Z$=$0.008$ with $Y$ =$0.25$), solar metallicity ($Z$=$0.02$ with $Y$=$0.28$), and supersolar metallicity environments ($Z$ = $0.03$ with $Y$ = $0.28$). From the predicted periods, intensity-weighted mean magnitudes, and colors, we have derived the first theoretical pulsation relations in the Rubin-LSST filters (ugrizy), including period-luminosity-color, period-Wesenheit, and period-age-color relations. We find that the coefficients of these relations are almost insensitive to the efficiency of superadiabatic convection but are significantly affected by the assumption of the mass-luminosity relation and the adopted chemical composition. Metal-dependent versions of these relations are also derived, representing valuable tools for individual distance determinations and correction for metallicity effects on the cosmic distance scale.

Arnaud Pierens, Sean N. Raymond

accepted in A&A. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2210.00932

Observations of protoplanetary discs have revealed dust rings which are likely due to the presence of pressure bumps in the disc. Because these structures tend to trap drifting pebbles, it has been proposed that pressure bumps may play an important role in the planet formation process. In this paper, we investigate the orbital evolution of a $0.1$ $M_\oplus$ protoplanet embedded in a pressure bump using 2-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of protoplanetary discs consisting of gas and pebbles. We examine the role of thermal forces generated by the pebble accretion-induced heat release, taking into account the feedback between luminosity and eccentricity. We also study the effect of the pebble-scattered flow on the planet's orbital evolution. Due to accumulation of pebbles at the pressure bump, the planet's accretion luminosity is high enough to induce significant eccentricity growth through thermal forces. Accretion luminosity is also responsible for vortex formation at the planet position through baroclinic effects, which cause the planet escape from the dust ring if dust feedback onto the gas is neglected. Including the effect of the dust back-reaction leads to weaker vortices, which enable the planet to remain close to the pressure maximum on an eccentric orbit. Simulations in which the planet mass is allowed to increase as a consequence of pebble accretion resulted in the formation of giant planet cores with mass in the range $5-20$ $M_\oplus$ over $\sim 2\times 10^4$ yrs. This occurs for moderate values of the Stokes number $St \approx 0.01$ such that the pebble drift velocity is not too high and the dust ring mass not too small. Our results suggest that pressure bumps mays be preferred locations for the formation of giant planets, but this requires a moderate level of grain growth within the disc.

G. Piccirilli, G. Fabbian, D. Alonso, K. Storey-Fisher, J. Carron, A. Lewis, C. García-García

28 pages, 11 figures

We make use of the Gaia-Unwise quasar catalogue, Quaia, to constrain the growth history out to high redshifts from the clustering of quasars and their cross-correlation with maps of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) lensing convergence. Considering three tomographic bins, centered at redshifts $\bar{z}_i = [0.69, 1.59, 2.72]$, we reconstruct the evolution of the amplitude of matter fluctuations $\sigma_8(z)$ over the last $\sim12$ billion years of cosmic history. In particular, we make one of the highest-redshift measurements of $\sigma_8$ ($\sigma_8(z=2.72)=0.22\pm 0.06$), finding it to be in good agreement (at the $\sim1\sigma$ level) with the value predicted by $\Lambda$CDM using CMB data from Planck. We also used the data to study the evolution of the linear quasar bias for this sample, finding values similar to those of other quasar samples, although with a less steep evolution at high redshifts. Finally, we study the potential impact of foreground contamination in the CMB lensing maps and, although we find evidence of contamination in cross-correlations at $z\sim1.7$ we are not able to clearly pinpoint its origin as being Galactic or extragalactic. Nevertheless, we determine that the impact of this contamination on our results is negligible.

G. Catanzaro, V. Ripepi, M. Salaris, E. Trentin

5 pages, 4 figures (plus 3 in appendix). Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics Letters. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2006.03299

Classical Cepheids (DCEPs) are important astrophysical objects not only as standard candles for the determination of the cosmic distance ladder but also as a test-bed for the stellar evolution theory, thanks to the connection between their pulsation (periods, amplitudes) and stellar (luminosity, mass, effective temperature, metallicity) parameters. We aim to unveil the nature of the Galactic DCEP OGLE-GD-CEP-0516 and other DCEPs showing an enhanced abundance of lithium in their atmospheres. We have collected a high-resolution spectrum for OGLE-GD-CEP-0516 with UVES@VLT. Accurate stellar parameters: effective temperature, gravity, micro- and macro-turbulence, radial velocity, and metal abundances were measured for this star, using spectral synthesis techniques based on LTE plane-parallel atmospheric model. We measured a chemical pattern with most elements under-abundant compared with the Sun, i.e. [Fe/H]\,=\,$-$0.54\,$\pm$\,0.16~dex, [C/H]\,=\,$-$0.45\,$\pm$\,0.05~dex, or [Mg/H]\,=\,$-$0.40\,$\pm$\,0.16~dex among others. In particular, we measured a lithium abundance A(Li)\,=\,3.06\,$\pm$\,0.10~dex for OGLE-GD-CEP-0516, which makes this object the sixth Li-rich object among the Milky Way DCEPs. Our results favour the scenario in which the six Galactic Li-rich DCEPs are first-crossing the instability strip having had slowly-rotating progenitors during their main sequence phase. This study explored the link between lithium abundance and the pulsation period in classical Cepheids. It found that brighter Cepheids, indicative of higher mass, show enhanced lithium abundance, contrary to predictions from evolutionary models considering rotation. Additionally, an analysis of lithium abundance versus [Fe/H] revealed a lack of significant correlation, contradicting expectations from galactic chemical evolution (GCE) models.

B. Lekshmi, Laurent Gizon, Kiran Jain, Zhi-Chao Liang, Jordan Philidet

We use nearly two decades of helioseismic data obtained from the GONG (2002-2020) and HMI (2010-2020) ring-diagram pipelines to examine the temporal variations of the properties of individual equatorial Rossby modes with azimuthal orders in the range $6 \le m \le 10$. We find that the mode parameters obtained from GONG and HMI are consistent during the data overlapping period of 2010-2020. The power and the frequency of each mode exhibit significant temporal variations over the full observing period. Using the GONG data during solar cycles 23 and 24, we find that the mode power averaged over $6 \le m \le 10$ shows a positive correlation with the sunspot number ($0.42$), while the averaged frequency shift is anti-correlated ($-0.91$). The anti-correlation between the average mode power and frequency shift is $-0.44$.

We study the evolution of the red and blue galaxies from $z=3$ to $z=0$ using the EAGLE simulation. The galaxies in the blue cloud and the red sequence are separated at each redshift using a scheme based on Otsu's method. Our analysis shows that the two populations have small differences in the local density and the clustering strength until $z=2$, after which the red galaxies preferentially occupy the denser regions and exhibit a significantly stronger clustering than the blue galaxies. The large differences in the cold gas mass and the star formation rate (SFR) of the two populations before $z=2$ indicate that the dichotomy between the two populations may not arise due to the environment alone. The galaxy pairs at each redshift show a significantly higher SFR than the isolated control galaxies within pair separations $<200$ kpc. The SFR of the paired galaxies at a given separation declines with the decreasing redshift, indicating a gradual depletion of their cold gas reservoir. At smaller pair separations, an anomalous increase of the SFR in paired galaxies around $z \sim 2$, suggests that the environmental effects start to dominate at this redshift, increasing the rate of galaxy interactions and the occurrence of starburst galaxies. We observe a substantial decrease in the blue fraction in paired galaxies starting from $z=1$ to the present. The decrease in the blue fraction is mild for the paired galaxies with their second nearest neighbour at a distance $>500$ kpc.

Leonard E. C. Romano, Manuel Behrendt, Andreas Burkert

19 pages, 13 figures, resubmitted to ApJ after first revision, comments are welcome

The deposition of energy and momentum by supernova explosions has been subject to numerous studies in the past few decades. However, while there has been some work that focused on the transition from the adiabatic to the radiative stage of a supernova remnant (SNR), the late radiative stage and merging with the interstellar medium (ISM) have received little attention. Here, we use three-dimensional, hydrodynamic simulations, focusing on the evolution of SNRs during the radiative phase, considering a wide range of physical explosion parameters ($n_{\text{H, ISM}} \in \left[0.1, 100\right] \text{cm}^{-3}$ and $E_{\text{SN}} \in \left[1, 14\right]\times 10^{51} \text{erg}$). We find that the radiative phase can be subdivided in four stages: A pressure driven snowplow phase during which the hot overpressurized bubble gas is evacuated and pushed into the cold shell, a momentum conserving snowplow phase which is accompanied by a broadening of the shell, an implosion phase where cold material from the back of the shell is flooding the central vacuum and a final cloud phase, during which the imploding gas is settling as a central, compact overdensity. The launching timescale for the implosion ranges from a few 100 kyr to a few Myr, while the cloud formation timescale ranges from a few to about 10 Myr. The highly chemically enriched clouds can become massive ($M_{\text{cl}} \sim 10^3 - 10^4 \, \text{M}_{\odot}$) and self-gravitating within a few Myr after their formation, providing an attractive, novel pathway for supernova induced star and planet formation in the ISM.

Ryosuke Uematsu, Yoshihiro Ueda, Kotaro Kohno, Yoshiki Toba, Satoshi Yamada, Ian Smail, Hideki Umehata, Seiji Fujimoto, Bunyo Hatsukade, Yiping Ao, Franz Erik Bauer, Gabriel Brammer, Miroslava Dessauges-Zavadsky, Daniel Espada, Jean-Baptiste Jolly, Anton M. Koekemoer, Vasily Kokorev, Georgios E. Magdis, Masamune Oguri, Fengwu Sun

27 pages, 20 figures

Sub/millimeter galaxies are a key population for the study of galaxy evolution because the majority of star formation at high redshifts occurred in galaxies deeply embedded in dust. To search for this population, we have performed an extensive survey with ALMA, called the ALMA Lensing Cluster Survey (ALCS). This survey covers 133 arcmin^2 area and securely detects 180 sources at z~0.5-6 with a flux limit of ~0.2 mJy at 1.2 mm (Fujimoto et al. 2023). Here we report the results of multi-wavelength spectral energy distribution (SED) analysis of the whole ALCS sample, utilizing the observed-frame UV to millimeter photometry. We find that the majority of the ALCS sources lie on the star-forming main sequence, with a smaller fraction showing intense starburst activities. The ALCS sample contains high infrared-excess sources IRX=log(Ldust/LUV)>1), including two extremely dust-obscured galaxies (IRX>5). We also confirm that the ALCS sample probes a broader range in lower dust mass than conventional SMG samples in the same redshift range. We identify six heavily obscured AGN candidates that are not detected in the archival Chandra data in addition to the three X-ray AGNs reported by Uematsu et al. (2023). The inferred AGN luminosity density shows a possible excess at z=2-3 compared with that determined from X-ray surveys below 10 keV.

M. W. Healy-Kalesh, M. J. Darnley, E. J. Harvey, A. M. Newsam

6 pages, 5 figures; Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters

The prototypical nova super-remnant (NSR) was uncovered around the most rapidly recurring nova (RN), M31N 2008-12a. Simulations of the growth of NSRs revealed that these large structures should exist around all novae, whether classical or recurrent. NSRs consist of large shell-like structures surrounding excavated cavities. Predictions, informed by these simulations, led to the discovery of an extended cavity coincident with the Galactic RN, RS Ophiuchi, in far-infrared archival IRAS images. We propose that this cavity is associated with RS Oph and is therefore evidence of another NSR to be uncovered.

Yinglei Peng, Marko Ristić, Atul Kedia, Richard O'Shaughnessy, Christopher J. Fontes, Chris L. Fryer, Oleg Korobkin, Matthew R. Mumpower, V. Ashley Villar, Ryan T. Wollaeger

Kilonovae are the electromagnetic transients created by the radioactive decay of freshly synthesized elements in the environment surrounding a neutron star merger. To study the fundamental physics in these complex environments, kilonova modeling requires, in part, the use of radiative transfer simulations. The microphysics involved in these simulations results in high computational cost, prompting the use of emulators for parameter inference applications. Utilizing a training set of 22248 high-fidelity simulations, we use a neural network to efficiently train on existing radiative transfer simulations and predict light curves for new parameters in a fast and computationally efficient manner. Our neural network can generate millions of new light curves in under a minute. We discuss our emulator's degree of off-sample reliability and parameter inference of the AT2017gfo observational data. Finally, we discuss tension introduced by multi-band inference in the parameter inference results, particularly with regard to the neural network's recovery of viewing angle.

Stefano Cristiani, Guido Cupani, Andrea Trost, Valentina D'Odorico, Francesco Guarneri, Gaspare Lo Curto, Massimo Meneghetti, Paolo Di Marcantonio, João P. Faria, Jonay I. González Hernández, Christophe Lovis, Carlos J.A.P. Martins, Dinko Milaković, Paolo Molaro, Michael T. Murphy, Nelson J. Nunes, Francesco Pepe, Rafael Rebolo, Nuno C. Santos, Tobias M. Schmidt, Sérgio G. Sousa, Alessandro Sozzetti, María Rosa Zapatero Osorio

17 pages, 10 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS

The gravitationally lensed quasar J014516.6-094517 at z=2.719 has been observed with the ESPRESSO instrument at the ESO VLT to obtain high-fidelity spectra of the two images A and B with a resolving power R=70000. At the redshifts under investigation (2.1 < z < 2.7), the Lyman forests along the two sightlines are separated by sub-kiloparsec physical distances and exhibit a strong correlation. We find that the two forests are indistinguishable at the present level of signal-to-noise ratio and do not show any global velocity shift, with the cross-correlation peaking at $\Delta v = 12 \pm 48$ m/s. The distribution of the difference in velocity of individual Lyman-$\alpha$ features is compatible with a null average and a mean absolute deviation of 930 m/s. Significant differences in NHI column density are not detected, putting a limit to the RMS fluctuation in the baryon density on $\leq 1$ proper kpc scales of $\Delta \rho / \rho < 3$%. On the other hand, metal lines show significant differences both in velocity structure and in column density. A toy model shows that the difference in velocity of the metal features between the two sightlines is compatible with the the motions of the baryonic component associated to dark matter halos of typical mass $M\simeq 2\times 10^{10} M_\odot$, also compatible with the observed incidence of the metal systems. The present observations confirm the feasibility of the Sandage test of the cosmic redshift drift with high-fidelity spectroscopy of the Lyman forest of distant, bright quasars, but also provide an element of caution about the intrinsic noise associated to the usage of metal features for the same purpose.

Ben W.P. Lew, Thomas Roellig, Natasha E. Batalha, Michael Line, Thomas Greene, Sagnick Murkherjee, Richard Freedman, Michael Meyer, Charles Beichman, Catarina Alves De Oliveira, Matthew De Furio, Doug Johnstone, Alexandra Z. Greenbaum, Mark Marley, Jonathan J. Fortney, Erick T. Young, Jarron Leisenring, Martha Boyer, Klaus Hodapp, Karl Misselt, John Stansberry, Marcia Rieke

18 pages + references, including 11 figures, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal

The launch of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) marks a pivotal moment for precise atmospheric characterization of Y dwarfs, the coldest brown dwarf spectral type. In this study, we leverage moderate spectral resolution observations (R $\sim$ 2700) with the G395H grating of the Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) onboard of JWST to characterize the nearby (9.9 pc) Y dwarf WISEPA J182831.08+265037.8 (WISE 1828). With the NIRSpec G395H 2.88-5.12 $\mathrm{\mu}$m spectrum, we measure the abundances of CO, CO$_2$, CH$_4$, H$_2$S, NH$_3$, and H$_2$O, which are the major carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur bearing species in the atmosphere. Based on the retrieved volume mixing ratios with the atmospheric retrieval framework CHIMERA, we report that the C/O ratio is $0.45 \pm 0.01$, close to the solar C/O value of 0.55, and the metallicity to be +0.30 $\pm$ 0.02 dex. Comparison between the retrieval results with the forward modeling results suggests that the model bias for C/O and metallicity could be as high as 0.03 and 0.97 dex respectively. We also report a lower limit of the $^{12}$CO/$^{13}$CO ratio of $>40 $, being consistent with the nominal solar value of 90. Our results highlight the potential of JWST in measuring the C/O ratios down to percent-level precision and characterizing isotopologues of cold planetary atmospheres similar to WISE 1828.

Evangelos A. Paraskevas, Arman Cam, Leandros Perivolaropoulos, Ozgur Akarsu

23 pages, 7 Figures, 2 Tables

We explore the predictions of $\Lambda_s$CDM (a novel framework that postulates a rapid anti-de Sitter (AdS) to de Sitter (dS) vacua transition in the late Universe) on bound structures. In its simplest version, the cosmological constant, $\Lambda_s$, abruptly switches sign from negative to positive, attaining its present-day value at a redshift of ${z_\dagger\sim 2}$. The $\Lambda_{\rm s}$CDM model emerges as a promising solution to major cosmological tensions, particularly the $H_0$ and $S_8$ tensions, as well as other less definite tensions. A key aspect of our investigation is examining the impact of the abrupt transition of the $\Lambda_s$CDM model on the formation and evolution of bound cosmic structures. We identify three primary influences: (i) the negative cosmological constant (AdS) phase for $z > z_\dagger$, (ii) the abrupt transition marked by a type II (sudden) singularity, leading to an abrupt increase in the universe's expansion rate at $z=z_\dagger$, and (iii) an increased expansion rate in the late universe under a positive cosmological constant for $z < z_\dagger$, compared to $\Lambda$CDM. Utilizing the spherical collapse model, we investigate the non-linear evolution of bound cosmic structures within the $\Lambda_s$CDM framework. We find that the virialization process of cosmic structures, and consequently their matter overdensity, varies depending on whether the AdS-dS transition precedes or follows the turnaround. Specifically, structures virialize with either increased or reduced matter overdensity compared to the Planck-$\Lambda$CDM model, contingent on the timing of the transition. Additionally, our results demonstrate that the sudden past singularity does not result in the dissociation of bound systems. Despite its profound nature, the singularity exerts only relatively weak effects on such systems, thereby reinforcing the model's viability in this context.

Arnab Sarkar, Patrick Eggenberger, Lev Yungelson, Christopher A. Tout

Submitted to MNRAS. Comments are welcome

We extend our model of magnetic braking (MB) from fully convective M-dwarfs (FCMDs) to explain the surface and internal spin $P_\mathrm{spin}$ evolution of partly convective dwarfs (PCDs) starting from disc-dispersal stage to main-sequence turnoff. In our model, the spin of the core is governed by shear at the core-envelope boundary while the spin of the envelope is governed by MB and shear. We show that (1) the most massive FCMDs experience a stronger spin-down than PCDs and less massive FCMDs; (2) the stalled spin-down and enhanced activity of K-dwarfs and the pileup of G-dwarfs older than a few Gyr are stellar-structure- and MB-dependent, and weakly dependent on core-envelope coupling effects; (3) our empirical expression of the core-envelope convergence time-scale $\tau_\mathrm{converge}(M_\ast,\,P_\mathrm{spin})$ between a few 10 to 100 Myr is strongly dependent on stellar structure and weakly dependent on MB strength and shear, where fast and massive rotators achieve corotation earlier; (4) our estimates of the surface magnetic fields are in general agreement with observations and our wind mass loss evolution explains the weak winds from the solar analog $\pi^1$ UMa; (5) the massive young Sun theory as a solution to the faint young Sun problem, which states that the early Sun was sufficiently more massive to maintain liquid water on Earth when the Sun's luminosity would have been about 30 percent lower, can likely be ruled out because the maximum mass lost by winds from our Sun with our model is about $0.001M_\odot$, an order of magnitude smaller than required to solve the problem with this theory.

Vo Hong Minh Phan, Enrico Peretti, Pierre Cristofari, Antoine Gusdorf, Philipp Mertsch

12 pages and 5 figures

Cosmic rays are the only agent capable of ionizing the interior of dense molecular clouds and, thus, they are believed to play an essential role in determining the physical and chemical evolution of star-forming regions. In this work, we aim to study cosmic-ray induced ionization rates in starburst environments using non-thermal emissions of cosmic rays from starburst nuclei. To this end, we first revisit cosmic-ray models which could explain data of non-thermal emissions from radio to X-ray and gamma-ray from nuclei of three prototypical starburst galaxies NGC 253, M82, and Arp 220. These models are then applied to predict ionization rates in starburst environments which gives values around $10^{-14}$ s$^{-1}$. Such a high value of the ionization rate, which is 2 to 3 orders of magnitude higher than the typical values found in the Milky Way, is probably due to relatively high rates of supernova explosions occurring within the nuclei of these starburst galaxies. We also discuss in more details the case of NGC 253 where our predicted ionization rate is found to be, in most cases, a few times smaller than the values inferred from molecular line observations of clouds in the starburst nucleus. The general framework provided in this work illustrates how the use of non-thermal emission data could help to provide more insights into ionization rates or, more generally, cosmic-ray impact in starburst environments.

M. E. Sharina, M. I. Maricheva, A. Y. Kniazev, V. V. Shimansky, I. A. Acharova

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

This paper presents the results of analysing the integrated light (IL) low-resolution spectra of globular clusters (GCs) in the M31 and Centaurus A groups of galaxies. The sample consists of eight very metal-poor GCs ($\rm [Fe/H]\le -2$ dex) with high signal-to-noise ratio spectra acquired with the telescopes: the 6-m SAO RAS (BTA), the Southern African Large (SALT) and the 6.5-m Magellan (MMT). We study the influence of contribution of the horizontal branch stars on the hydrogen Balmer line profiles in the IL spectra. By modelling the Balmer lines, as well as the metal lines in the observed spectra, we determine the optimum parameters of stellar evolution isochrones and, consequently, the parameters of the atmospheres of the cluster stars. For all the studied GCs, the parameters of horizontal branch stars set by the selected isochrones, the corresponding ages, and carbon abundances are presented for the first time. The abundances of several other elements (Mg, Ca, Ti, Cr, and Mn) were determined for five GCs for the first time. All the studied GCs have blue horizontal branches and are older than 10 Gyr. Their chemical abundances, with the exception of Mg and Mn, are in good agreement with the abundances of stars in the Galactic field. The reasons of low [Mg/Fe] and of high [Mn/Fe] are discussed. Study of the fundamental properties of stellar populations in old globular clusters facilitates a better understanding of the formation processes of their parent galaxies and nucleosynthesis in the early Universe.

D. Cornu, P. Salomé, B. Semelin, A. Marchal, J. Freundlich, S. Aicardi, X. Lu, G. Sainton, F. Mertens, F. Combes, C. Tasse

40 pages

The upcoming Square Kilometer Array (SKA) will set a new standard regarding data volume generated by an astronomical instrument, which is likely to challenge widely adopted data analysis tools that scale inadequately with the data size. This study aims to develop a new source detection and characterization method for massive radio astronomical datasets by adapting modern deep-learning object detection techniques. These approaches have proved their efficiency on complex computer vision tasks, and we seek to identify their specific strengths and weaknesses when applied to astronomical data. We introduce YOLO-CIANNA, a highly customized deep-learning object detector designed specifically for astronomical datasets. This paper presents the method and describes all the low-level adaptations required to address the specific challenges of radio-astronomical images. We demonstrate this method's capabilities using simulated 2D continuum images from the SKAO SDC1 dataset. Our method outperforms every other published result on the specific SDC1 dataset. Using the SDC1 metric, we improve the challenge-winning score by +139\% and the score of the only other post-challenge participation by +61\%. Our catalog has a detection purity of 94\% while detecting 40 to 60 \% more sources than previous top-score results. The trained model can also be forced to reach 99\% purity in post-process and still detect 10 to 30\% more sources than the other top-score methods. It is also capable of real-time detection, with a peak prediction speed of 500 images of 512x512 pixels per second on a single GPU. YOLO-CIANNA achieves state-of-the-art detection and characterization results on the simulated SDC1 dataset. The method is open source and included in the wider CIANNA framework. We provide scripts to train and apply this method to the SDC1 dataset in the CIANNA repository.

Shyam Balaji, Malcolm Fairbairn, Maria Olalla Olea-Romacho

8 pages, 3 figures

Strongly supercooled first order phase transitions (FOPTs) can produce primordial black hole (PBH) dark matter (DM) along with observable gravitational waves (GWs) from bubble collisions. Such FOPTs may also produce coherent magnetic fields generated by bubble collisions and by turbulence in the primordial plasma. Here we find that the requirement for PBH DM can produce large primordial magnetic fields which subsequently yield intergalactic magnetic fields in the present universe (with magnitude $\lesssim 20$ pG across coherence length scales of $\simeq 0.01$-$0.1$ Mpc, assuming maximally helical magnetic fields) that easily exceed lower bounds from blazar observations. We follow a largely model independent approach and highlight the possibility of producing DM and observable multi-messenger magnetic fields and GW signals visible in next generation experiments.

Macarena Lagos, Leah Jenks, Maximiliano Isi, Kenta Hotokezaka, Brian D. Metzger, Eric Burns, Will M. Farr, Scott Perkins, Kaze W. K. Wong, Nicolas Yunes

Extensions to General Relativity (GR) allow the polarization of gravitational waves (GW) from astrophysical sources to suffer from amplitude and velocity birefringence, which respectively induce changes in the ellipticity and orientation of the polarization tensor. We introduce a multi-messenger approach to test this polarization behavior of GWs during their cosmological propagation using binary sources, for which the initial polarization is determined by the inclination and orientation angles of the orbital angular momentum vector with respect to the line of sight. In particular, we use spatially-resolved radio imaging of the jet from a binary neutron star (BNS) merger to constrain the orientation angle and hence the emitted polarization orientation of the GW signal at the site of the merger, and compare to that observed on Earth by GW detectors. For GW170817 we constrain the deviation from GR due to amplitude birefringence to $\kappa_A = -0.12^{+0.60}_{-0.61}$, while the velocity birefringence parameter $\kappa_V$ remains unconstrained. The inability to constrain $\kappa_V$ is due to the fact that Virgo did not detect GW170817, and measurements of the polarization orientation require information from a combination of multiple detectors with different alignments. For this reason, we also mock future BNS mergers with resolved afterglow proper motion and project that $\kappa_V$ could be constrained to a precision of $5\,$rad (corresponding to an angular shift of the GW polarization of $\delta\phi_V\approx 0.2\,$rad for a BNS at $100\,$Mpc) by a future network of third-generation ground-based GW detectors such as Cosmic Explorer and the radio High Sensitivity Array. Crucially, this velocity birefringence effect cannot be constrained with dark binary mergers as it requires polarization information at the emission time, which can be provided only by electromagnetic emission.

We show that various types of scalaron-induced inflation, including the Starobinsky inflation, can be realized in the Einstein-Cartan gravity with the Nieh-Yan term and/or the Holst term. Einstein-Cartan $f(R)$ theory is known not to induce an additional scalar degree of freedom, the scalaron, contrary to the case in the metric formalism. However, there exist geometric quantities other than the Ricci scalar in the Einstein-Cartan gravity, such as the Nieh-Yan and the Holst terms. Once we introduce them in addition to the Ricci scalar and allow general combinations up to their quadratic order, the scalaron can become dynamical to realize inflation. With the rank of the associate matrix of the quadratic part to be one, the models are equivalent to the $\alpha$-attractor inflation and its deformation, including the Starobinsky inflation and quadratic chaotic inflation, etc. For more general cases with the rank greater than one, the models fall into the $k$-essence, realizing the rank one case in a particular limit.

Karthik Ramanathan, Osmond Wen, Taylor Aralis, Ritoban Basu Thakur, Bruce Bumble, Yen-Yung Chang, Peter K. Day, Byeong Ho Eom, Henry G. LeDuc, Brandon J. Sandoval, Ryan Stephenson, Sunil R. Golwala

7 pages, 4 figures

Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs) have been demonstrated as capable phonon sensors when coupled to crystalline substrates, and have been proposed as detectors for next-generation rare-event searches such as for the direct detection of dark matter. These Kinetic Inductance Phonon Mediated (KIPM) detector designs, favoring large superconducting absorber volumes and high readout powers, are oftentimes limited in their sensitivity by low temperature amplifier noise introduced in the signal readout chain. We report here an effort to couple a wideband Kinetic Inductance Travelling Wave Parametric Amplifier (KI-TWPA), operated near the Standard Quantum Limit of minimal added amplifier noise, to sensors spanning a 70 MHz bandwidth at 3.5 GHz. This results in a ~5x improvement in the inferred detector energy resolution in the best sensor and highlights the potential of constructing O(100) meV resolving phonon-mediated particle detectors. We detail limitations introduced by lossy passive components, degraded RF responsivity, and microphysical noise sources like two-level systems (TLS), in achieving ultimate quantum-limited system noise levels.

Cheng-Yang Lee, Haomin Rao, Wenqi Yu, Siyi Zhou

19 pages

Cosmelkology is the study of Elko in cosmology. Elko is a massive spin-half field of mass dimension one. Elko differs from the Dirac and Majorana fermions because it furnishes the irreducible representation of the extended Poincare group with a two-fold Wigner degeneracy where the particle and anti-particle states both have four degrees of freedom. We study Elko in the spatially flat FLRW space-time and find exact solutions in the de Sitter space. By choosing the appropriate solutions and phases, the fields satisfy the canonical anti-commutation relations and have the correct time evolutions in the flat space limit.

Bettina K. Gier, Manuel Schlund, Pierre Friedlingstein, Chris D. Jones, Colin Jones, Sönke Zaehle, Veronika Eyring

submitted to Biogeosciences, 82 pages, 18 figures

Improvements in the representation of the land carbon cycle in Earth system models participating in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) include interactive treatment of both the carbon and nitrogen cycles, improved photosynthesis, and soil hydrology. To assess the impact of these model developments on aspects of the global carbon cycle, the Earth System Model Evaluation Tool is expanded to compare CO2 concentration and emission-driven historical simulations from CMIP5 and CMIP6 to observational data sets. Overestimations of photosynthesis (GPP) in CMIP5 were largely resolved in CMIP6 for participating models with an interactive nitrogen cycle, but remaining for models without one. This points to the importance of including nutrient limitation. Simulating the leaf area index (LAI) remains challenging with a large model spread in both CMIP5 and CMIP6. In ESMs, global mean land carbon uptake (NBP) is well reproduced in the CMIP5 and CMIP6 multi-model means. However, this is the result of an underestimation of NBP in the northern hemisphere, which is compensated by an overestimation in the southern hemisphere and the tropics. Overall, a slight improvement in the simulation of land carbon cycle parameters is found in CMIP6 compared to CMIP5, but with many biases remaining, further improvements of models in particular for LAI and NBP is required. Emission-driven simulations perform just as well as concentration driven models despite the added process-realism. Due to this we recommend ESMs in future CMIP phases to perform emission-driven simulations as the standard so that climate-carbon cycle feedbacks are fully active. The inclusion of nitrogen limitation led to a large improvement in photosynthesis compared to models not including this process, suggesting the need to view the nitrogen cycle as a necessary part of all future carbon cycle models.

Oem Trivedi, Maxim Khlopov, Alexander V. Timoshkin

20 pages with 13 figures, comments very welcome !

Holographic principles have proven to be a very interesting approach towards dealing with the issues of the late-time acceleration of the universe, which has resulted in a great amount of work on holographic dark energy models. We consider one such very interesting holographic scenario, namely the Tsallis Holographic dark energy model and consider an ansatz based approach to such models. We consider three cosmological scenarios in such models, namely those with viscous , non-viscous and Chaplygin gas scenarios, discussing various crucial aspects related to these models. We discuss various crucial properties of the Tsallis model in such scenarios and see how the phantom divide is crossed in each case, but it's only the Chaplygin gas models which give a better view on stability issues.

Mary Gerhardinger, John T. Giblin Jr, Andrew J. Tolley, Mark Trodden

12 pages, 5 figures

The Galileon theory is a prototypical effective field theory that incorporates the Vainshtein screening mechanism--a feature that arises in some extensions of General Relativity, such as massive gravity. The Vainshtein effect requires that the theory contain higher order derivative interactions, which results in Galileons, and theories like them, failing to be technically well-posed. While this is not a fundamental issue when the theory is correctly treated as an effective field theory, it nevertheless poses significant practical problems when numerically simulating this model. These problems can be tamed using a number of different approaches: introducing an active low-pass filter and/or constructing a UV completion at the level of the equations of motion, which controls the high momentum modes. These methods have been tested on cubic Galileon interactions, and have been shown to reproduce the correct low-energy behavior. Here we show how the numerical UV-completion method can be applied to quartic Galileon interactions, and present the first simulations of the quartic Galileon model using this technique. We demonstrate that our approach can probe physics in the regime of the effective field theory in which the quartic term dominates, while successfully reproducing the known results for cubic interactions.

Claudia de Rham, John T. Giblin Jr, Andrew J. Tolley

12 pages, 6 figures

The class of Galileon scalar fields theories encapsulate the Vainshtein screening mechanism which is characteristic of a large range of infrared modified theories of gravity. Such theories can lead to testable departures from General Relativity through fifth forces and new scalar modes of gravitational radiation. However, the inherent non-linearity of the Vainshtein mechanism has limited analytic attempts to describe Galileon theories with both cubic and quartic interactions. To improve on this, we perform direct numerical simulations of the quartic Galileon model for a rotating binary source and infer the power spectrum of given multipoles. To tame numerical instabilities we utilize a low-pass filter, extending previous work on the cubic Galileon. Our findings show that the multipole expansion is well-defined and under control. Moreover, our results confirm that despite being a non-linear scalar, the dominant Galileon radiation is quadrupole, and we find a new scaling behaviour deep inside the Vainshtein region.