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Papers for Monday, Mar 04 2024

Papers with local authors

Christian Kragh Jespersen, Charles L. Steinhardt, Rachel S. Somerville, Christopher C. Lovell

Submitted to ApJ. The main text contains 15 pages and 9 figures. The appendix contains 4 pages and 3 figures

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Paper 3 — arXiv:2403.00050
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Paper 3 — arXiv:2403.00050

The discovery of extremely luminous galaxies at ultra-high redshifts ($z\gtrsim 8$) has posed a challenge for galaxy formation models. Most statistical analyses of this tension to date have not properly accounted for the variance due to field-to-field clustering, which causes the number counts of galaxies to vary from field to field, greatly in excess of Poisson noise. This super-Poissonian variance is often referred to as cosmic variance. Since cosmic variance increases rapidly as a function of mass, redshift, and for small observing areas, the most massive objects in deep \textit{JWST} surveys are severely impacted by cosmic variance. In this paper, we introduce a simple model to predict the distribution of the mass of the most massive galaxy found for different survey designs, which includes cosmic variance. The distributions differ significantly from previous predictions using the Extreme Value Statistics formalism, changing both the position and shape of the distribution of most massive galaxies in a counter-intuitive way. We test our model using the \texttt{UniverseMachine} simulations, where the predicted effects of including cosmic variance are clearly identifiable. Moreover, we find that the highly significant skew in the distributions of galaxy number counts for typical deep \textit{JWST} surveys lead to a high "variance on the variance", which greatly impacts the calculation of the cosmic variance itself. We conclude that it is crucial to accurately account for the impact of cosmic variance in any future analysis of tension between extreme galaxies in the early universe and galaxy formation models.

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Paper 13 — arXiv:2403.00085
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Paper 13 — arXiv:2403.00085

The current limit on the tensor-to-scalar ratio from the BICEP/Keck Collaboration (with r<0.036 at 95% confidence) puts pressure on early universe models, with less than 10% of the error on r attributed to uncertainty in Galactic foregrounds. We use the BICEP/Keck BK18 public multi-frequency likelihood to test some further assumptions made in the foreground modeling, finding little impact on the estimate for r. We then estimate foreground-marginalized cosmic microwave background (CMB) B-mode polarization bandpowers. We fit them with a multivariate offset-lognormal distribution and construct a marginalized 'BK-lite' likelihood for the CMB B-mode spectrum with no nuisance parameters, serving as a method demonstration for future analyses of small sky regions, for example from the South Pole Observatory or CMB-S4.

Gabriel Jung, Andrea Ravenni, Michele Liguori, Marco Baldi, William R. Coulton, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Benjamin D. Wandelt

13 pages, 10 figures

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Paper 31 — arXiv:2403.00490
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Paper 31 — arXiv:2403.00490

We apply a suite of different estimators to the Quijote-PNG halo catalogues to find the best approach to constrain Primordial non-Gaussianity (PNG) at non-linear cosmological scales, up to $k_{\rm max} = 0.5 \, h\,{\rm Mpc}^{-1}$. The set of summary statistics considered in our analysis includes the power spectrum, bispectrum, halo mass function, marked power spectrum, and marked modal bispectrum. Marked statistics are used here for the first time in the context of PNG study. We perform a Fisher analysis to estimate their cosmological information content, showing substantial improvements when marked observables are added to the analysis. Starting from these summaries, we train deep neural networks (NN) to perform likelihood-free inference of cosmological and PNG parameters. We assess the performance of different subsets of summary statistics; in the case of $f_\mathrm{NL}^\mathrm{equil}$, we find that a combination of the power spectrum and a suitable marked power spectrum outperforms the combination of power spectrum and bispectrum, the baseline statistics usually employed in PNG analysis. A minimal pipeline to analyse the statistics we identified can be implemented either with our ML algorithm or via more traditional estimators, if these are deemed more reliable.

Colin C. Murphy, Steve K. Choi, Rahul Datta, Mark J. Devlin, Matthew Hasselfield, Brian J. Koopman, Jeff McMahon, Sigurd Naess, Michael D. Niemack, Lyman A. Page, Suzanne T. Staggs, Robert Thornton, Edward J. Wollack

13 pages, 8 figures, version submitted to Applied Optics

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Paper 51 — arXiv:2403.00763
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Paper 51 — arXiv:2403.00763

We present an estimate of the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) detector polarization angle systematic uncertainty from optics perturbation analysis using polarization-sensitive ray tracing in CODE V optical design software. Uncertainties in polarization angle calibration in CMB measurements can limit constraints on cosmic birefringence and other cosmological measurements. Our framework estimates the angle calibration systematic uncertainties from possible displacements in lens positions and orientations, and anti-reflection coating (ARC) thicknesses and refractive indices. With millimeter displacements in lens positions and percent-level perturbations in ARC thicknesses and indices from design, we find the total systematic uncertainty for three ACT detector arrays operating between 90--220 GHz to be at the tenth of degree scale. Reduced lens position and orientation uncertainties from physical measurements could lead to a reduction in the systematic uncertainty estimated with the framework presented here. This optical modeling can inform polarization angle systematic uncertainties for current and future microwave polarimeters, such as the CCAT Observatory, Simons Observatory, and CMB-S4.

All other papers

Ben K. D. Pearce, Sarah M. Hörst, Christopher J. Cline, Mark J. Cintala, Chao He, Joshua A. Sebree, Shannon M. MacKenzie, R. Terik Daly, Alexandra J. Pontefract, Cara Pesciotta

Accepted to PSJ. 13 pages, 3 tables, 7 figures

Impacts are critical to producing the aqueous environments necessary to stimulate prebiotic chemistry on Titan's surface. Furthermore, organic hazes resting on the surface are a likely feedstock of biomolecules. In this work, we conduct impact experiments on laboratory-produced organic haze particles and haze/sand mixtures and analyze these samples for life's building blocks. Samples of unshocked haze and sand particles are also analyzed to determine the change in biomolecule concentrations and distributions from shocking. Across all samples, we detect seven nucleobases, nine proteinogenic amino acids, and five other biomolecules (e.g., urea) using a blank subtraction procedure to eliminate signals due to contamination. We find that shock pressures of 13 GPa variably degrade nucleobases, amino acids, and a few other organics in haze particles and haze/sand mixtures; however, certain individual biomolecules become enriched or are even produced from these events. Xanthine, threonine, and aspartic acid are enriched or produced in impact experiments containing sand, suggesting these minerals may catalyze the production of these biomolecules. On the other hand, thymine and isoleucine/norleucine are enriched or produced in haze samples containing no sand, suggesting catalytic grains are not necessary for all impact shock syntheses. Uracil, glycine, proline, cysteine, and tyrosine are the most unstable to impact-related processing. These experiments suggest that impacts alter biomolecule distributions on Titan's surface, and that organic hazes co-occurring with fine-grained material on the surface may provide an initial source for further prebiotic chemistry on Titan.

A. Ruelas-Mayorga, L. J. Sánchez, A. Páez-Amador, O. Segura-Montero, A. Nigoche-Netro

34 pages, 12 figures, 31 tables, accepted for publication in RevMexAA, vol. 60, num. 1, April 24

We present photometric CCD observations of stars in four stellar trapezia ADS 15184, ADS 4728, ADS 2843, and ADS 16795. This study is performed on images obtained at the Observatorio Astron\'omico Nacional at San Pedro M\'artir (OAN), Baja California, M\'exico. In this work we utilise aperture photometry to measure the $U$, $B$, $V$, $R$ and $I$ magnitudes of some of the stars in these dynamically unstable stellar clusters (trapezia). Using the $Q=(U-B)-0.72(B-V)$ parameter we obtained the spectral type of the studied stars as well as their distance to the Sun and their reddening. Slight differences between the $Q$-derived Spectral types and those listed in SIMBAD might be due to a different value, from $0.72$, for the slope of the reddening line on the two-colour diagram.

David Benisty, Supriya Pan, Denitsa Staicova, Eleonora Di Valentino, Rafael C. Nunes

11 pages; comments are welcome

A possible interaction between cold dark matter and dark energy, corresponding to a well-known interacting dark energy model discussed in the literature within the context of resolving the Hubble tension, has been investigated. We put constraints on it in a novel way, by creating new likelihoods with an analytical marginalization over the Hubble parameter $H_0$, the sound horizon $r_d$, and the supernova absolute magnitude $M_B$. Our aim is to investigate the impacts on the coupling parameter of the interacting model, $\xi$, and the equation of state of dark energy $w$ and the matter density parameter $\Omega_{m,0}$. The late-time cosmological probes used in our analysis include the PantheonPlus (calibrated and uncalibrated), Cosmic Chronometers, and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations samples and the Pantheon for comparison. Through various combinations of these datasets, we demonstrate hints of up to $2\sigma$ deviation from the standard $\Lambda$ cold dark matter model.

Daria Gangardt, Alessandro Alberto Trani, Clément Bonnerot, Davide Gerosa

18 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, code available at this https URL

Models of accretion discs surrounding active galactic nuclei (AGNs) find vast applications in high-energy astrophysics. The broad strategy is to parametrize some of the key disc properties such as gas density and temperature as a function of the radial coordinate from a given set of assumptions on the underlying physics. Two of the most popular approaches in this context were presented by Sirko & Goodman (2003) and Thompson et al. (2005). We present a critical reanalysis of these widely used models, detailing their assumptions and clarifying some steps in their derivation that were previously left unsaid. Our findings are implemented in the pAGN module for the Python programming language, which is the first public implementation of these accretion-disc models. We further apply pAGN to the evolution of stellar-mass black holes embedded in AGN discs, addressing the potential occurrence of migration traps.

Shiyu Zhang, Yang Su, Xuepeng Chen, Min Fang, Qingzeng Yan, Shaobo Zhang, Yan Sun, Xiaolong Wang, Haoran Feng, Yuehui Ma, Miaomiao Zhang, Zi Zhuang, Xin Zhou, Zhiwei Chen, Ji Yang

57 pages, 26 figures

We study the physical properties and 3D distribution of molecular clouds (MCs) toward the Cygnus region using the MWISP CO survey and Gaia DR3 data. Based on Gaussian decomposition and clustering for $\rm ^{13}CO$ lines, over 70% of the fluxes are recovered. With the identification result of $\rm ^{13}CO$ structures, two models are designed to measure the distances of the molecular gas in velocity crowding regions. The distances of more than 200 large $\rm ^{13}CO$ structures are obtained toward the 150 square degree region. Additionally, tens of the identified MC structures coincide well with masers and/or intense mid-IR emission. We find multiple gas layers toward the region: (1) the extensive gas structures composing the Cygnus Rift from 700 pc to 1 kpc across the whole region; (2) the $\sim$ 1.3 kpc gas layer mainly in the Cygnus X South region; and (3) the 1.5 kpc dense filament at the Cygnus X North region and many cometary clouds shaped by Cygnus OB2. We also note that the spatial distribution of YSO candidates is generally consistent with the molecular gas structures. The total molecular mass of the Cygnus region is estimated to be $\sim 2.7\times10^{6}~M_{\odot}$ assuming an X-factor ratio $X_{\rm CO} = 2 \times 10^{20} \rm cm^{-2} (K\cdot km\cdot s^{-1})^{-1}$. The foreground Cygnus Rift contributes $\sim$25% of the molecular mass in the whole region. Our work presents a new 3D view of the MCs distribution toward the Cygnus X region, as well as the exact molecular gas mass distribution in the foreground Cygnus Rift.

Jonathan Cabrera Garcia, Charli M. Sakari, Ian U. Roederer, Donavon W. Evans, Pedro Silva, Mario Mateo, Ying-Yi Song, Anthony Kremin, John I. Bailey III, Matthew G. Walker

Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal

M15 is a globular cluster with a known spread in neutron-capture elements. This paper presents abundances of neutron-capture elements for 62 stars in M15. Spectra were obtained with the Michigan/Magellan Fiber System (M2FS) spectrograph, covering a wavelength range from ~4430-4630 A. Spectral lines from Fe I, Fe II, Sr I, Zr II, Ba II, La II, Ce II, Nd II, Sm II, Eu II, and Dy II, were measured, enabling classifications and neutron-capture abundance patterns for the stars. Of the 62 targets, 44 are found to be highly Eu-enhanced r-II stars, another 17 are moderately Eu-enhanced r-I stars, and one star is found to have an s-process signature. The neutron-capture patterns indicate that the majority of the stars are consistent with enrichment by the r-process. The 62 target stars are found to show significant star-to-star spreads in Sr, Zr, Ba, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, and Dy, but no significant spread in Fe. The neutron-capture abundances are further found to have slight correlations with sodium abundances from the literature, unlike what has been previously found; follow-up studies are needed to verify this result. The findings in this paper suggest that the Eu-enhanced stars in M15 were enhanced by the same process, that the nucleosynthetic source of this Eu pollution was the r-process, and that the r-process source occurred as the first generation of cluster stars was forming.

Ana Ines Ennis, Juan Pablo Caso, Lilia Patricia Bassino

12 pages, 17 figures, submitted to the Open Journal of Astrophysics

We present a wide-field study of the globular cluster systems (GCS) of the elliptical galaxy NGC 3640 and its companion NGC 3641, based on observations from Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph/Gemini. NGC 3640 is a shell galaxy which presents a complex morphology, which previous studies have indicated as the sign of a recent 'dry' merger, although whether its nearest neighbour could have influenced these substructures remains an open question. In this work, we trace the spatial distribution of the globular clusters (GCs) as well as their colour distribution, finding a potential bridge of red GCs that connects NGC 3640 to its less massive companion, and signs that the blue GCs were spatially disturbed by the event that created the shells.

Nathan Steinle, Davide Gerosa, Martin G. H. Krause

The precession of astrophysical jets produced by active-galactic nuclei is likely related to the dynamics of the accretion disks surrounding the central supermassive black holes (BHs) from which jets are launched. The two main mechanisms that can drive jet precession arise from Lense-Thirring precession and tidal torquing. These can explain direct and indirect observations of precessing jets; however, such explanations often utilize crude approximations of the disk evolution and observing jet precession can be challenging with electromagnetic facilities. Simultaneously, the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) is expected to measure gravitational waves from the mergers of massive binary BHs with high accuracy and probe their progenitor evolution. In this paper, we connect the LISA detectability of binary BH mergers to the possible jet precession during their progenitor evolution. We make use of a semi-analytic model that self-consistently treats disk-driven BH alignment and binary inspiral and includes the possibility of disk breaking. We find that tidal torquing of the accretion disk provides a wide range of jet precession timescales depending on the binary separation and the spin direction of the BH from which the jet is launched. Efficient disk-driven BH alignment results in shorter timescales of $\sim 1$ yr which are correlated with higher LISA signal-to-noise ratios. Disk breaking results in the longest possible times of $\sim 10^7$ yrs, suggesting a deep interplay between the disk critical obliquity (i.e. where the disk breaks) and jet precession. Studies such as ours will help to reveal the cosmic population of precessing jets that are detectable with gravitational waves.

Junyao Li, John D. Silverman, Yue Shen, Marta Volonteri, Knud Jahnke, Ming-Yang Zhuang, Matthew T. Scoggins, Xuheng Ding, Yuichi Harikane, Masafusa Onoue, Takumi S. Tanaka

21 pages, 9 figures, submitted to ApJ

JWST is revealing a new remarkable population of high-redshift ($z\gtrsim4$), low-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) in deep surveys and detecting the host galaxy stellar light in the most luminous and massive quasars at $z\sim 6$ for the first time. Latest results claim supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in these systems to be significantly more massive than expected from the local BH mass - stellar mass ($\mathcal{M}_{\rm BH} - \mathcal{M}_\star$) relation and that this is not due to sample selection effects. Through detailed statistical modeling, we demonstrate that the coupled effects of selection biases (i.e., finite detection limit and requirements on detecting broad lines) and measurement uncertainties in $\mathcal{M}_{\rm BH}$ and $\mathcal{M}_\star$ can in fact largely account for the reported offset and flattening in the observed $\mathcal{M}_{\rm BH} - \mathcal{M}_\star$ relation toward the upper envelope of the local relation, even for those at $\mathcal{M}_{\rm BH} < 10^8\,M_{\odot}$. We further investigate the possible evolution of the $\mathcal{M}_{\rm BH} - \mathcal{M}_\star$ relation at $z\gtrsim 4$ with careful treatment of observational biases and consideration of the degeneracy between intrinsic evolution and dispersion in this relation. The bias-corrected intrinsic $\mathcal{M}_{\rm BH} - \mathcal{M}_\star$ relation in the low-mass regime suggests that there might be a large population of low-mass BHs (${\rm log}\,\mathcal{M}_{\rm BH} \lesssim 5$), possibly originating from lighter seeds, remaining undetected or unidentified even in the deepest JWST surveys. These results have important consequences for JWST studies of BH seeding and the coevolution between SMBHs and their host galaxies at the earliest cosmic times.

Shi-Ju Kang, Bing Lyu, Qingwen Wu, Yong-Gang Zheng, Junhui Fan

Published in ApJ. 8 pages, 3 figures, 1 table

Changing-look active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are a special class of AGNs that change their spectral type from type 1 to type 2 or vice versa. In recent years, a number of changing-look blazars (CLBs) were also reported, which transition between flat-spectrum radio quasars and BL Lacs. The physical properties of CLBs are still unclear. Using the $mclust$ R package for Gaussian Mixture Modeling, we performed a clustering analysis for a sample of 105 CLBs selected from the literature. Three kinds of analysis found that CLBs lie in between the parameter distributions of FSRQs and BL Lacs: (i) univariate analysis; (ii) bivariate analysis; and (iii) multivariate analysis, carried out with a dimension reduction approach of the physical properties of the three types of blazars. Our results suggest that CLBs belong to a transition type between FSRQs and BL Lacs, which may be regulated by the change of accretion process and may be similar to other changing-look AGNs.

Joris Hermans, Rony Keppens

19 pages, 22 figures, accepted for publication by A&A

Flows are omnipresent and govern the dynamics of plasma. Solar tornadoes are a class of apparently rotating prominences, that might be formed by thermal instability. In spectroscopic studies on thermal instability background flow is commonly neglected. We here determine the effect of background flow on thermal instability in cylindrical magnetic field configurations as the influence of various parameters on the MHD spectrum. We investigate discrete thermal modes. In an analytical study, we extend upon the literature by including a generic background flow in a cylindrical coordinate system. The non-adiabatic MHD equations are linearised, Fourier-analysed, and are examined to understand how a background flow changes the continua. An approximate expression for discrete thermal modes is derived using a WKB analysis. The analytical results are then verified for a benchmark equilibrium using the eigenvalue code Legolas. The eigenfunctions of discrete thermal modes are visualised in 2D and 3D. The thermal continuum is Doppler-shifted due to the background flow, just like the slow and Alfv\'en continua. Discrete modes are altered because the governing equations contain flow-related terms. An approximate expression to predict the appearance of discrete thermal modes based on the equilibrium parameters is derived. All analytical expressions match the numerical results. The distribution of the density perturbations of the discrete thermal modes is not a singular condensation. 3D visualisation of the total velocity field shows that the helical field is heavily influenced by the radial velocity perturbation. We derived analytic expressions for non-adiabatic MHD modes of a cylindrical equilibrium with background flow and verified them using a coronal equilibrium. However, the equations are valid for and can be applied in other astrophysical environments.

D.A. Kann, N.E. White, G. Ghirlanda, S.R. Oates, A. Melandri, M. Jelinek, A. de Ugarte Postigo, A.J. Levan, A. Martin-Carrillo, G. S.-H. Paek, L. Izzo, M. Blazek, C. Thone, J.F. Agui Fernandez, R. Salvaterra, N.R. Tanvir, T.-C. Chang, P. O'Brien, A. Rossi, D.A. Perley, M. Im, D.B. Malesani, A. Antonelli, S. Covino, C. Choi, P. D'Avanzo, V. D'Elia, S. Dichiara, H.M. Fausey, D. Fugazza, A. Gomboc, K.M. Gorski, J. Granot, C. Guidorzi, L. Hanlon, D.H. Hartmann, R. Hudec, H.D. Jun, J. Kim, Y. Kim, S. Klose, W. Kluzniak, S. Kobayashi, C. Kouveliotou, A. Lidz, M. Marongiu, R. Martone, P. Meintjes, C.G. Mundell, D. Murphy, K. Nalewajko, W.-K. Park, D. Sz'ecsi, R.J. Smith, B. Stecklum, I.A. Steele, J. Strobl, H.-I- Sung, A. Updike, Y. Urata, A.J. van der Horst

44 pages, 10 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics 15 Feb 2024. Abstract abridged for arXiv

Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are ideal probes of the Universe at high redshift (z > 5), pinpointing the locations of the earliest star-forming galaxies and providing bright backlights that can be used to spectrally fingerprint the intergalactic medium and host galaxy during the period of reionization. Future missions such as Gamow Explorer are being proposed to unlock this potential by increasing the rate of identification of high-z GRBs to rapidly trigger observations from 6-10 m ground telescopes, JWST, and the Extremely Large Telescopes. Gamow was proposed to the NASA 2021 Medium-Class Explorer (MIDEX) program as a fast-slewing satellite featuring a wide-field lobster-eye X-ray telescope (LEXT) to detect and localize GRBs, and a 30 cm narrow-field multi-channel photo-z infrared telescope (PIRT) to measure their photometric redshifts using the Lyman-alpha dropout technique. To derive the PIRT sensitivity requirement we compiled a complete sample of GRB optical-near-infrared afterglows from 2008 to 2021, adding a total of 66 new afterglows to our earlier sample, including all known high-z GRB afterglows. We performed full light-curve and spectral-energy-distribution analyses of these afterglows to derive their true luminosity at very early times. For all the light curves, where possible, we determined the brightness at the time of the initial finding chart of Gamow, at different high redshifts and in different NIR bands. We then followed the evolution of the luminosity to predict requirements for ground and space-based follow-up. We find that a PIRT sensitivity of 15 micro-Jy (21 mag AB) in a 500 s exposure simultaneously in five NIR bands within 1000s of the GRB trigger will meet the Gamow mission requirement to recover > 80% of all redshifts at z > 5.

Michele L. Silverstein (University of Maryland, Baltimore County, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, GSFC Sellers Exoplanet Environments Collaboration), Thomas Barclay (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), Joshua E. Schlieder (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), Karen A. Collins (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian), Richard P. Schwarz (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian), Benjamin J. Hord (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), Jason F. Rowe (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Bishops University), Ethan Kruse (University of Maryland, College Park, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center), Nicola Astudillo-Defru (Departamento de Matematica y Fisica Aplicadas, Universidad Catolica de la Santisima Concepcion), Xavier Bonfils (Univ. Grenoble Alpes), Douglas A. Caldwell (SETI Institute), et al. (16 additional authors not shown)

Accepted for Publication in The Astronomical Journal, 7 Figures, 4 Tables, 13 Pages

The nearby LHS 1678 (TOI-696) system contains two confirmed planets and a wide-orbit, likely-brown-dwarf companion, which orbit an M2 dwarf with a unique evolutionary history. The host star occupies a narrow "gap" in the HR diagram lower main sequence, associated with the M dwarf fully convective boundary and long-term luminosity fluctuations. This system is one of only about a dozen M dwarf multi-planet systems to date that hosts an ultra-short period planet (USP). Here we validate and characterize a third planet in the LHS 1678 system using TESS Cycle 1 and 3 data and a new ensemble of ground-based light curves. LHS 1678 d is a 0.98 +/-0.07 Earth radii planet in a 4.97-day orbit, with an insolation flux of 9.1 +0.9/-0.8 Earth insolations. These properties place it near 4:3 mean motion resonance with LHS 1678 c and in company with LHS 1678 c in the Venus zone. LHS 1678 c and d are also twins in size and predicted mass, making them a powerful duo for comparative exoplanet studies. LHS 1678 d joins its siblings as another compelling candidate for atmospheric measurements with the JWST and mass measurements using high-precision radial velocity techniques. Additionally, USP LHS 1678 b breaks the "peas-in-a-pod" trend in this system, although additional planets could fill in the "pod" beyond its orbit. LHS 1678's unique combination of system properties and their relative rarity among the ubiquity of compact multi-planet systems around M dwarfs makes the system a valuable benchmark for testing theories of planet formation and evolution.

Hector Linares, Eduard Masana Salvador J Ribas, Manuel García-Gil, Martin Aubé, Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel, Alexandre Simoneau

32 pag, 17 figures

Zenith sky brightness maps in the V and B bands of the region of Catalonia are presented in this paper. For creating them we have used the light pollution numerical model Illumina v2. The maps have a sampling of 5x5 km for the whole region with an improved resolution of 1x1 km for one of the provinces within Catalonia, Tarragona. Before creating the final maps, the methodology was tested successfully by comparing the computed values to measurements in nineteen different locations spread out throughout the territory. The resulting maps have been compared to the zenith sky brightness world atlas and also to Sky Quality Meter (SQM) dynamic measurements. When comparing to measurements we found small differences mainly due to mismatching in the location of the points studied, and also due to differences in the natural sky brightness and atmospheric content. In the comparison to the world atlas some differences were expected as we are taking into account the blocking effect of topography and obstacles, and also due to a more precise light sources characterization. The results of this work confirm the conclusion found in other studies that the minimum sampling for studying sky brightness fine details is of 1x1 km. However, a sampling of 5x5 km is interesting when studying general trends, mainly for vast areas, due to the reduction of the time required to create the maps.

Nadiia M. Kostogryz, Alexander I. Shapiro, Veronika Witzke, Robert H. Cameron, Laurent Gizon, Natalie A. Krivova, Hans-G. Ludwig, Pierre F. L. Maxted, Sara Seager, Sami K. Solanki, Jeff Valenti

19 pages, 6 figures This is the submission version of manuscript to Nature Astronomy

Stars appear darker at their limbs than at their disk centers because at the limb we are viewing the higher and cooler layers of stellar photospheres. Limb darkening derived from state-of-the-art stellar atmosphere models systematically fails to reproduce recent transiting exoplanet light curves from the Kepler, TESS, and JWST telescopes -- stellar brightness obtained from measurements drops less steeply towards the limb than predicted by models. All previous models assumed atmosphere devoid of magnetic fields. Here we use our new stellar atmosphere models computed with the 3D radiative magneto-hydrodynamic code MURaM to show that small-scale concentration of magnetic fields on the stellar surface affect limb darkening at a level that allows us to explain the observations. Our findings provide a way forward to improve the determination of exoplanet radii and especially the transmission spectroscopy analysis for transiting planets, which relies on a very accurate description of stellar limb darkening from the visible through the infrared. Furthermore, our findings imply that limb darkening allows measuring the small-scale magnetic field on stars with transiting planets.

Olivier Berné, Emilie Habart, Els Peeters, Ilane Schroetter, Amélie Canin, Ameek Sidhu, Ryan Chown, Emeric Bron, Thomas J. Haworth, Pamela Klaassen, Boris Trahin, Dries Van De Putte, Felipe Alarcón, Marion Zannese, Alain Abergel, Edwin A. Bergin, Jeronimo Bernard-Salas, Christiaan Boersma, Jan Cami, Sara Cuadrado, Emmanuel Dartois, Daniel Dicken, Meriem Elyajouri, Asunción Fuente, Javier R. Goicoechea, Karl D. Gordon, Lina Issa, Christine Joblin, Olga Kannavou, Baria Khan, Ozan Lacinbala, David Languignon, Romane Le Gal, Alexandros Maragkoudakis, Raphael Meshaka, Yoko Okada, Takashi Onaka, Sofia Pasquini, Marc W. Pound, Massimo Robberto, Markus Röllig, Bethany Schefter, Thiébaut Schirmer, Thomas Simmer, Benoit Tabone, Alexander G. G. M. Tielens, Sílvia Vicente, et al. (99 additional authors not shown)

Most low-mass stars form in stellar clusters that also contain massive stars, which are sources of far-ultraviolet (FUV) radiation. Theoretical models predict that this FUV radiation produces photo-dissociation regions (PDRs) on the surfaces of protoplanetary disks around low-mass stars, impacting planet formation within the disks. We report JWST and Atacama Large Millimetere Array observations of a FUV-irradiated protoplanetary disk in the Orion Nebula. Emission lines are detected from the PDR; modelling their kinematics and excitation allows us to constrain the physical conditions within the gas. We quantify the mass-loss rate induced by the FUV irradiation, finding it is sufficient to remove gas from the disk in less than a million years. This is rapid enough to affect giant planet formation in the disk.

Kyle M. Kabasares, Jonathan H. Cohn, Aaron J. Barth, Benjamin D. Boizelle, Jared Davidson, Janelle M. Sy, Jeysen Flores-Velázquez, Silvana C. Delgado Andrade, David A. Buote, Jonelle L. Walsh, Andrew J. Baker, Jeremy Darling, Luis C. Ho

24 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ

We present molecular gas-dynamical mass measurements of the central black holes in the giant elliptical galaxies NGC 4786 and NGC 5193, based on CO(2$-$1) observations from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) and Hubble Space Telescope near-infrared imaging. The central region in each galaxy contains a circumnuclear disk that exhibits orderly rotation with projected line-of-sight velocities of ${\sim} 270\, \mathrm{km}\,\mathrm{s^{-1}}$. We build gas-dynamical models for the rotating disk in each galaxy and fit them directly to the ALMA data cubes. At $0.31^{\prime \prime}$resolution, the ALMA observations do not fully resolve the black hole sphere of influence (SOI), and neither galaxy exhibits a central rise in rotation speed, indicating that emission from deep within the SOI is not detected. As a result, our models do not tightly constrain the central black hole mass in either galaxy, but they prefer the presence of a central massive object in both galaxies. We measure the black hole mass to be $(M_{\mathrm{BH}}/10^8\, M_{\odot}) = 5.0 \pm 0.2 \,[\mathrm{1\sigma \,statistical}] \,^{+1.4}_{-1.3} \,[\mathrm{systematic}]$ in NGC 4786 and $(M_{\mathrm{BH}}/10^8\, M_{\odot}) = 1.4 \pm 0.03 \, [\mathrm{1\sigma\,statistical}] ^{+1.5}_{-0.1} \,[\mathrm{systematic}]$ in NGC 5193. The largest component of each measurement's error budget is from the systematic uncertainty associated with the extinction correction in the host galaxy models. This underscores the importance of assessing the impact of dust attenuation on the inferred $M_{\mathrm{BH}}$.

Xuefeng Li, Jianrong Shi, Yan Li, Hongliang Yan, Jinghua Zhang

Main text: 12 pages, 10 figures; Appendix: 5 pages, 5 figures; Accepted for publication in MNRAS

Increasing observed data indicate that part of giants has abnormally high lithium (Li) inside their surface, and their proportion is around 1%. Instead of pursuing the feasible mechanisms for extra Li enrichment, we focus on how to inhibit Li depletion from the main sequence (MS) phase of giants. With this in mind, we find that convective mixing is capable of achieving this goal and forming Li-rich giants, which is mainly attributed to the convection model with the convective boundary defined by the Ledoux criterion. Another factor in the formation of Li-rich giants in our convection models is related to the Li abundances of their progenitors. If the Li abundances of the progenitors exceed the meteoritic value (3.3 dex), then the majority of giants will be rich in Li. This is the general pattern of stellar Li abundance evolution without factoring in extra Li depletion. We propose that other Li depletion processes should also be adopted in the future, as they may be the key to the 1% puzzle.

Jun-Peng Li, Sai Wang, Zhi-Chao Zhao, Kazunori Kohri

21 pages, 2 columns, 8 figures, comments are welcome

Studying the primordial non-Gaussianity of inflationary perturbations is crucial for testing the inflation paradigm of the early universe. In this work, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of the angular bispectrum and trispectrum of scalar-induced gravitational waves (SIGWs) in the presence of local-type primordial non-Gaussianity parameterized by $\fnl$ and $\gnl$, deriving their semi-analytical formulae for the first time. Our findings indicate that it is the presence of primordial non-Gaussianity that leads to a non-Gaussian SIGW background, suggesting that the angular bispectrum and trispectrum of SIGWs could serve as probes of the primordial non-Gaussianity. Our numerical results further illustrate that $\fnl$ and $\gnl$ exert significant impacts on the spectral amplitudes, potentially reaching up to $10^{-5}$ for the former and $10^{-8}$ for the latter. In particular, we demonstrate that the angular bispectrum and trispectrum exhibit characteristic dependence on the angular multipoles and frequency bands. They hold potentials to be measured by gravitational-wave detectors that may advance our understanding of the origin of the universe.

A. Bonilla-Barroso, J. Ballesteros-Paredes, J. Hernández, L. Aguilar, M. Zamora-Avilés

Accepted for publication in MNRAS

The current kinematic state of young stellar clusters can give clues on their actual dynamical state and origin. In this contribution, we use Gaia DR3 data of the Lagoon Nebula Cluster (LNC) to show that the cluster is composed of two expanding groups, likely formed from different molecular cloud clumps. We find no evidence of massive stars having larger velocity dispersion than low-mass stars or being spatially segregated across the LNC, as a whole, or within the Primary group. However, the Secondary group, with 1/5th of the stars, exhibits intriguing features. On the one hand, it shows a bipolar nature, with an aspect ratio of $\sim$3:1. In addition, the massive stars in this group exhibit larger velocity dispersion than the low-mass stars, although they are not concentrated towards the center of the group. This suggests that this group may have undergone dynamical relaxation, first, and some explosive event afterward. However, further observations and numerical work have to be performed to confirm this hypothesis. The results of this work suggest that, although stellar clusters may form by the global and hierarchical collapse of their parent clump, still some dynamical relaxation may take place.

Len Brandes, Chirag Modi, Aishik Ghosh, Delaney Farrell, Lee Lindblom, Lukas Heinrich, Andrew W. Steiner, Fridolin Weber, Daniel Whiteson

Neutron stars provide a unique opportunity to study strongly interacting matter under extreme density conditions. The intricacies of matter inside neutron stars and their equation of state are not directly visible, but determine bulk properties, such as mass and radius, which affect the star's thermal X-ray emissions. However, the telescope spectra of these emissions are also affected by the stellar distance, hydrogen column, and effective surface temperature, which are not always well-constrained. Uncertainties on these nuisance parameters must be accounted for when making a robust estimation of the equation of state. In this study, we develop a novel methodology that, for the first time, can infer the full posterior distribution of both the equation of state and nuisance parameters directly from telescope observations. This method relies on the use of neural likelihood estimation, in which normalizing flows use samples of simulated telescope data to learn the likelihood of the neutron star spectra as a function of these parameters, coupled with Hamiltonian Monte Carlo methods to efficiently sample from the corresponding posterior distribution. Our approach surpasses the accuracy of previous methods, improves the interpretability of the results by providing access to the full posterior distribution, and naturally scales to a growing number of neutron star observations expected in the coming years.

Prasad Mani, Chris S. Hanson, Siddarth Dhanpal, Shravan Hanasoge, Srijan Bharati Das, Matthias Rempel

20 pages, 13 figures, Accepted in ApJ

Magnetic flux emergence from the convection zone into the photosphere and beyond is a critical component of the behaviour of large-scale solar magnetism. Flux rarely emerges amid field-free areas at the surface, but when it does, the interaction between magnetism and plasma flows can be reliably explored. Prior ensemble studies identified weak flows forming near emergence locations, but the low signal-to-noise required averaging over the entire dataset, erasing information about variation across the sample. Here, we apply deep learning to achieve improved signal-to-noise, enabling a case-by-case study. We find that these associated flows are dissimilar across instances of emergence and also occur frequently in the quiet convective background. Our analysis suggests diminished influence of supergranular-scale convective flows and magnetic buoyancy on flux rise. Consistent with numerical evidence, we speculate that small-scale surface turbulence and / or deep-convective processes play an outsize role in driving flux emergence.

Kazuki Tokuda, Naoto Harada, Mitsuki Omura, Tomoaki Matsumoto, Toshikazu Onishi, Kazuya Saigo, Ayumu Shoshi, Shingo Nozaki, Kengo Tachihara, Naofumi Fukaya, Yasuo Fukui, Shu-ichiro Inutsuka, Masahiro N. Machida

13 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in ApJ

Recent ALMA observations have revealed an increasing number of compact protostellar disks with radii of less than a few tens of au, and the young Class 0/I objects have an intrinsic size diversity. To deepen our understanding of the origin of such tiny disks, we performed the highest resolution configuration observations with ALMA at a beam size of $\sim$0$''$03 (4 au) on the very low luminosity Class 0 protostar embedded in the Taurus dense core MC 27/L1521F. The 1.3 mm continuum measurement successfully resolved a tiny, faint ($\sim$1 mJy) disk with a major axis length of $\sim$10 au, one of the smallest examples in the ALMA protostellar studies. In addition, we detected spike-like components in the northeastern direction at the disk edge. Gravitational instability or other fragmentation mechanisms cannot explain the structures, given the central stellar mass of $\sim$0.2 $M_{\odot}$ and the disk mass of $\gtrsim$10$^{-4}$ $M_{\odot}$. Instead, we propose that these small spike structures were formed by a recent dynamic magnetic flux transport event due to interchange instability that would be favorable to occur if the parental core has a strong magnetic field. The presence of complex arc-like structures on a larger ($\sim$2000 au) scale in the same direction as the spike structures suggests that the event was not single. Such episodic, dynamical events may play an important role in maintaining the compact nature of the protostellar disk in the complex gas envelope during the main accretion phase.

Robert A. Fesen, Marcel Drechsler, Xavier Strottner, Bray Falls, Yann Sainty, Nicolas Martino, Richard Galli, Mathew Ludgate, Markus Blauensteiner, Wolfgang Reich, Sean Walker, Dennis di Cicco, David Mittelman, Curtis Morgan, Aziz Ettahar Kaeouach, Justin Rupert, Zouhair Benkhaldoun

53 pages, 40 figures, 3 tables

Deep optical emission-line images are presented for nine known plus three new Galactic supernova remnants (SNRs), all but one having at least one angular dimension greater than one degree. Wide-field images taken in H$\alpha$ and [O III] $\lambda$5007 reveal many new and surprising remnant structures including large remnant shock extensions and `blowout' features not seen in published optical or radio data. These images represent over 12,000 individual images totaling more than 1000 hours of exposure time taken over the last two years mainly using small aperture telescopes which detected fainter nebular line emissions than published emission-line images. During the course of this imaging program, we discovered three new SNRs, namely G107.5-5.1 (the Nereides Nebula), G209.9-8.2, and G210.5+1.3, two of which have diameters >1.5 degrees. Besides offering greater structural detail on the nine already known SNRs, a key finding of this study is the importance of [O III] emission-line imaging for mapping the complete shock emissions of Galactic SNRs.

C. J. Riseley, A. Bonafede, L. Bruno, A. Botteon, M. Rossetti, N. Biava, E. Bonnassieux, F. Loi, T. Vernstrom, M. Balboni

Accepted for publication in A&A. Article contains 28 pages and 15 figures. Abstract here abridged for brevity

Clusters of galaxies are turbulent environments, whether merging systems with a turbulent intracluster medium (ICM) or relaxed systems sloshing within the potential well. In many such clusters, diffuse radio sources associated with the ICM are found: radio haloes and mini-haloes. Abell 2142 is a rich cluster undergoing extreme core sloshing, generating four cold fronts and a complex multi-component radio halo. Recent work revealed three halo components which span 2.4 Mpc. Particle acceleration on such scales is poorly understood, and requires high-quality multi-frequency data to understand. We use new deep MeerKAT L-band (1283 MHz) observations, combined with LOFAR HBA (143 MHz) data and X-ray data from XMM-Newton and Chandra to study the spectrum of the halo and the connection between the thermal and non-thermal components of the ICM. We detect the third halo component for the first time at 1283 MHz and confirm its ultra-steep spectrum nature, recovering $\alpha_{\rm H3, total} = -1.68 \pm 0.10$. All components follow power-law spectra which steepen toward the cluster outskirts. We profile the halo along three directions, finding evidence of asymmetry and spectral steepening perpendicular to the main axis of the cluster. Our thermal/non-thermal investigation shows sub-linear correlations that are steeper at 1283 MHz than 143 MHz, and we find different connections in different components of the halo. We find both a moderate anti-correlation (H1, the core) and positive correlation (H2, the ridge) between radio spectral index and X-ray temperature. Our results are broadly consistent with an interpretation of inhomogeneous turbulent (re-)acceleration. However, the anti-correlation between radio spectral index and X- ray temperature in the cluster core is challenging to explain; the presence of three cold fronts and a generally lower temperature may provide the foundations of an explanation.

C. McDonnell, M. Arana-Catania, S. Upadhyay

8 pages, ASTRA 2023: 17th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation, 18-20 October 2023, Leiden, The Netherlands

Autonomous robotic arm manipulators have the potential to make planetary exploration and in-situ resource utilization missions more time efficient and productive, as the manipulator can handle the objects itself and perform goal-specific actions. We train a manipulator to autonomously study objects of which it has no prior knowledge, such as planetary rocks. This is achieved using causal machine learning in a simulated planetary environment. Here, the manipulator interacts with objects, and classifies them based on differing causal factors. These are parameters, such as mass or friction coefficient, that causally determine the outcomes of its interactions. Through reinforcement learning, the manipulator learns to interact in ways that reveal the underlying causal factors. We show that this method works even without any prior knowledge of the objects, or any previously-collected training data. We carry out the training in planetary exploration conditions, with realistic manipulator models.

Fangzheng Shi, Feng Yuan, Zhiyuan Li, Zhao Su, Suoqing Ji

19 pages, 9 figures, submitted to ApJ

Supermassive black holes in galaxies spend majority of their lifetime in the low-luminosity regime, powered by hot accretion flow. Strong winds launched from the hot accretion flow have the potential to play an important role in active galactic nuclei (AGN) feedback. Direct observational evidence for these hot winds with temperature around 10 keV, has been obtained through the detection of highly ionized iron emission lines with Doppler shifts in two prototypical low-luminosity AGNs, namely M81* and NGC 7213. In this work, we further identify blueshifted H-like O/Ne emission lines in the soft X-ray spectra of these two sources. These lines are interpreted to be associated with additional outflowing components possessing velocity around several $10^3$ km/s and lower temperature (~0.2-0.4 keV). Blue-shifted velocity and the X-ray intensity of these additional outflowing components are hard to be explained by previously detected hot wind freely propagating to larger radii. Through detailed numerical simulations, we find the newly detected blue-shifted emission lines would come from circumnuclear gas shock-heated by the hot wind instead. Hot wind can provide larger ram pressure force on the clumpy circumnuclear gas than the gravitational force from central black hole, effectively impeding the black hole accretion of gas. Our results provide strong evidences for the energy and momentum feedback by the hot AGN wind.

Tram Thi Ngoc Nguyen, Thorsten Hohage, Damien Fournier, Laurent Gizon

proceedings paper

The recent discovery of inertial waves on the surface of the Sun offers new possibilities to learn about the solar interior. These waves are long-lived with a period on the order of the Sun rotation period ($\sim$27 days) and are sensitive to parameters deep inside the Sun. They are excited by turbulent convection, leading to a passive imaging problem. In this work, we present the forward and inverse problem of reconstructing viscosity and differential rotation on the Sun from cross-covariance observations of these inertial waves.

Tine Colman, Noé Brucy, Philipp Girichidis, Simon C.O Glover, Milena Benedettini, Juan D. Soler, Robin G. Tress, Alessio Traficante, Patrick Hennebelle, Ralf S. Klessen, Sergio Molinari, Marc-Antoine Miville-Deschênes

22 pages, 16 figures, proposed for acceptance in A&A

Molecular clouds (MC) are structures of dense gas in the interstellar medium (ISM), that extend from ten to a few hundred parsecs and form the main gas reservoir available for star formation. Hydrodynamical simulations of varying complexity are a promising way to investigate MC evolution and their properties. However, each simulation typically has a limited range in resolution and different cloud extraction algorithms are used, which complicates the comparison between simulations. In this work, we aim to extract clouds from different simulations covering a wide range of spatial scales. We compare their properties, such as size, shape, mass, internal velocity dispersion and virial state. We apply the Hop cloud detection algorithm on (M)HD numerical simulations of stratified ISM boxes and isolated galactic disk simulations that were produced using Flash Ramses and Arepo We find that the extracted clouds are complex in shape ranging from round objects to complex filamentary networks in all setups. Despite the wide range of scales, resolution, and sub-grid physics, we observe surprisingly robust trends in the investigated metrics. The mass spectrum matches in the overlap between simulations without rescaling and with a high-mass slope of $\mathrm{d} N/\mathrm{d}\ln M\propto-1$ in accordance with theoretical predictions. The internal velocity dispersion scales with the size of the cloud as $\sigma\propto R^{0.75}$ for large clouds ($R\gtrsim3\,\mathrm{pc}$). For small clouds we find larger sigma compared to the power-law scaling, as seen in observations, which is due to supernova-driven turbulence. Almost all clouds are gravitationally unbound with the virial parameter scaling as $\alpha_\mathrm{vir}\propto M^{-0.4}$, which is slightly flatter compared to observed scaling, but in agreement given the large scatter.

A. Winnberg, J. Brand, D. Engels

Main paper: 26 pages, 5 tables, 22 figures. Appendices: 27 pages (with figures of all spectra, and tables). Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

Within the 'Medicina/Effelsberg H2O maser monitoring program' we observed U Her and RR Aql at 22-GHz for about two decades between 1990 and 2011, with a gap between 1997 and 2000 in the case of RR Aql. In addition, maps were obtained in the period 1990-1992 of U Her with the Very Large Array. We find that the strongest emission in U Her is located in a shell with boundaries 11-25 AU. The gas crossing time is 8.5 years. We derive lifetimes for individual maser clouds of less than 4 years, based on the absence of detectable line-of-sight velocity drifts of the maser emission. The shell is not evenly filled, and its structure is maintained on timescales much longer than those of individual maser clouds. Both stars show brightness variability on several timescales. The prevalent variation is periodic, following the optical variability of the stars with a lag of 2-3 months. Superposed are irregular fluctuations, of a few months' duration, of increased or decreased excitation at particular locations, and long-term systematic variations on timescales of a decade or more. The properties of the maser emission are governed by those of the stellar wind while traversing the water maser shell. Inhomogeneities in the wind affecting the excitation conditions and prevalent beaming directions likely cause the variations seen on timescales longer than the stellar pulsation period. We propose the existence of long-living regions in the shells, which maintain favourable excitation conditions on timescales of the wind crossing times through the shells or orbital periods of (sub-)stellar companions.

Paul Wiegert, Ben Hyatt

17 pages, accepted by the Planetary Science Journal

Asteroid 99942 Apophis will pass near the Earth in April 2029. Expected to miss our planet by a safe margin, that could change if Apophis' path was perturbed by a collision with another asteroid in the interim. Though the statistical chance of such a collision is minuscule, the high risk associated with Apophis motivates us to examine even this very unlikely scenario. In this work, we identify encounters between known asteroids and Apophis up to April 2029. Here we show that Apophis will encounter the 1300 meter diameter asteroid 4544 Xanthus in December 2026. Their Minimum Orbit Intersection Distance (MOID) is less than 10,000 km, with Xanthus passing that closest point just four hours after Apophis. Though a direct collision is ruled out, the encounter is close enough that material accompanying Xanthus (if any) could strike Apophis. We also identify other asteroid encounters that deserve monitoring.

A. Ebenbichler, J.V. Smoker, R. Lallement, A. Farhang, N.L.J. Cox, C. Joblin, J. Th. van Loon, H. Linnartz, N. Przybilla, P. Ehrenfreund, J. Cami, M. Cordiner

53 pages, 53 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

Context: There have been many attempts to identify families of diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) with perfectly correlating band strengths. Although major efforts have been made to classify broadly based DIB families and important insights have been gained, no family has been identified with sufficient accuracy or statistical significance to prove that a series of selected DIBs originates from the same carrier. This can be attributed in part to the exclusive use of equivalent widths to establish DIB families. Aims: In a change of strategy, we search for DIBs that are highly correlated in both band strength and profile shape. This approach increases the chance of correlating DIBs being members of one family and originating from the same carrier molecule. We also search for correlations between DIB profile families and atomic interstellar lines, with the goal of further chemically constraining possible DIB carriers. Methods: We adapted the well-known method of time-series alignment to perform a spectral alignment; that is, DIB alignment. In a second step, we analysed the alignment results using a clustering analysis. This method required a statistically significant data set of DIB sight lines. The ESO Diffuse Interstellar Bands Large Exploration Survey (EDIBLES) data were perfectly suited for this application. Results: We report eight DIB families with correlating strengths and profiles, as well as four previously unreported DIBs in the visual range, found using DIB alignment. All profile family members show Pearson correlation coefficients in band strength higher than 0.9. In particular, we report the 6614 - 6521 AA DIB pair, in which both DIBs show the same triple-peak substructure and an unprecedented band strength Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.9935. The presented approach opens up new perspectives that can guide the laboratory search for DIB carriers.

Aaqib Manzoor, Zahir Shah, Sunder Sahayanathan, Naseer Iqbal, Athar A. Dar

9 pages, 5 figures

In this work, we provide a detailed analysis of the broadband temporal and spectral properties of the blazar Ton\,599 by using the observations from \emph{Fermi}-LAT and \emph{Swift}-XRT/UVOT telescopes, during its brightest $\gamma$-ray flaring. The one-day bin $\gamma$-ray light curve exhibits multiple substructures with asymmetric and symmetric profiles. Notably, the $\gamma$-ray light curve shows a maximum flux of $\rm 3.63 \times 10^{-6}\, ph \,cm^{-2}\,s^{-1}$ on MJD\,59954.50, which is the highest flux ever observed from this source. The correlation between the $\gamma$-ray flux and $\gamma$-ray spectral indices suggests a moderate harder when the brighter trend. Taking $\gamma$-ray light curve as the reference, a strong correlation is observed with X-ray, optical, and UV energies. Additionally, the $\gamma$-rays and optical/UV emissions exhibit higher variability compared to X-rays. To understand the parameter variation during the active state of the source, we conducted a statistical broadband spectral modelling of the source in 10 flux intervals of equal duration. A one-zone leptonic model involving synchrotron, synchrotron-self-Compton, and external-Compton processes successfully reproduces the broadband SED in each of these flux intervals. We observed that the flux variation during the active state is mainly associated with the variation in the magnetic field and the particle spectral indices.

Gourab Giri, Christian Fendt, Kshitij Thorat, Gianluigi Bodo, Paola Rossi

Accepted for publication in "Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences"

This review explores the field of X-shaped radio galaxies (XRGs), a distinctive subset of winged radio sources that are identified by two pairs of jetted lobes which aligned by a significant angle, resulting in an inversion-symmetric structure. These lobes, encompassing active (primary) and passive (secondary) phases, exhibit a diverse range of properties across the multiple frequency bands, posing challenges in discerning their formation mechanism. The proposed mechanisms can broadly be categorized into those related either to a triaxial ambient medium, into which the jet propagates, or to a complex, central AGN mechanism, where the jet is generated. The observed characteristics of XRGs as discovered in the most substantial sample to date, challenge the idea that there is universal process at work that produces the individual sources of XRGs. Instead, the observational and numerical results rather imply the absence of an universal model and infer that distinct mechanisms may be at play for the specific sources. By scrutinizing salient and confounding properties, this review intends to propose the potential direction for future research to constrain and constrict individual models applicable to XRGs.

G. Guilluy, M. C. D'Arpa, A. S. Bonomo, R. Spinelli, F. Biassoni, L. Fossati, A. Maggio, P. Giacobbe, A. F. Lanza, A. Sozzetti, F. Borsa, M. Rainer, G. Micela, L. Affer, G. Andreuzzi, A. Bignamini, W. Boschin, I. Carleo, M. Cecconi, S. Desidera, V. Fardella, A. Ghedina, G. Mantovan, L. Mancini, V. Nascimbeni, C. Knapic, M. Pedani, A. Petralia, L. Pino, G. Scandariato, D. Sicilia, M. Stangret, T. Zingales

23 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in A&A

Atmospheric escape plays a fundamental role in shaping the properties of exoplanets. The metastable near-infrared helium triplet at 1083.3 nm (HeI) is a powerful proxy of extended and evaporating atmospheres. We used the GIARPS (GIANO-B+HARPS-N) observing mode of the Telescopio Nazionale Galileo to search for HeI absorption in the upper atmosphere of five close-in giant planets hosted by the K and M dwarf stars of our sample, namely WASP-69b, WASP-107b, HAT-P-11b, GJ436b, and GJ3470b. We focused our analysis on the HeI triplet by performing high-resolution transmission spectroscopy. When nightly variability in the HeI absorption signal was identified, we investigated the potential influence of stellar magnetic activity by searching for variations in the H$\alpha$. We spectrally resolve the HeI triplet and confirm the published detections for WASP-69b (3.91$\pm$0.22%, 17.6$\sigma$), WASP-107b (8.17$^{+0.80}_{-0.76}$%, 10.5$\sigma$), HAT-P-11b (1.36$\pm$0.17%, 8.0$\sigma$), and GJ3470b (1.75$^{+0.39}_{-0.36}$%, 4.7$\sigma$). We do not find evidence of extra absorption for GJ436b. We observe night-to-night variations in the HeI absorption signal for WASP-69b, associated with variability in H$\alpha$, which likely indicates the influence of stellar activity. Additionally, we find that the HeI signal of GJ3470b originates from a single transit, thereby corroborating the discrepancies in the existing literature. An inspection of the H$\alpha$ reveals an absorption signal during the same transit. By combining our findings with previous analyses of GIANO-B HeI measurements of planets around K dwarfs, we explore potential trends with planetary/stellar parameters that are thought to affect the HeI absorption. Our analysis is unable to identify clear patterns, emphasising the need for further measurements and the exploration of additional potential parameters that might influence HeI absorption.

Tomohiro C. Yoshida, Hideko Nomura, Kenji Furuya, Richard Teague, Charles J. Law, Takashi Tsukagoshi, Seokho Lee, Christian Rab, Karin I. Öberg, Ryan A. Loomis

16 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ

Recent measurements of carbon isotope ratios in both protoplanetary disks and exoplanet atmospheres have suggested a possible transfer of significant carbon isotope fractionation from disks to planets. For a clearer understanding of the isotopic link between disks and planets, it is important to measure the carbon isotope ratios in various species. In this paper, we present a detection of the $^{13}$CN $N=2-1$ hyperfine lines in the TW Hya disk with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array. This is the first spatially-resolved detection of $^{13}$CN in disks, which enables us to measure the spatially resolved $^{12}$CN/$^{13}$CN ratio for the first time. We conducted non-local thermal equilibrium modeling of the $^{13}$CN lines in conjunction with previously observed $^{12}$CN lines to derive the kinetic temperature, ${\rm H_2}$ volume density, and column densities of $^{12}$CN and $^{13}$CN. The ${\rm H_2}$ volume density is found to range between $ (4 - 10)\times10^7 \ {\rm cm^{-3}}$, suggesting that CN molecules mainly reside in the disk upper layer. The $^{12}$CN/$^{13}$CN ratio is measured to be $ 70^{+9}_{-6}$ at $30 < r < 80$ au from the central star, which is similar to the $\rm ^{12}C/^{13}C$ ratio in the interstellar medium. However, this value differs from the previously reported values found for other carbon-bearing molecules (CO and HCN) in the TW Hya disk. This could be self-consistently explained by different emission layer heights for different molecules combined with preferential sequestration of $\rm ^{12}C$ into the solid phase towards the disk midplane. This study reveals the complexity of the carbon isotope fractionation operating in disks.

P. Spurny, J. Borovicka, L. Shrbeny, M. Hankey, R. Neubert

A&A article proposed for acceptance

Asteroid 2024 BX1 was the eighth asteroid discovered shortly before colliding with the Earth.The associated bolide was recorded by dedicated instruments of the European Fireball Network and the AllSky7 network on January 21, 2024 at 0:32:38-44 UT. Here we report a comprehensive analysis of this instrumentally observed meteorite fall, which occurred as predicted west of Berlin, Germany. The atmospheric trajectory was quite steep with an average slope to the Earth's surface 75.6 degrees. The entry speed was 15.20 km/s. The heliocentric orbit calculated from the bolide data agrees very well with the asteroid data. However, the bolide was fainter than expected for a reportedly meter-sized asteroid. The absolute magnitude reached -14.4 and the entry mass was estimated to 140 kg. The recorded bolide spectrum was low in iron from what an enstatite-rich meteorite was expected. Indeed, the recovered meteorites, called Ribbeck, were classified as aubrites. The high albedo of enstatite (E-type) asteroids can explain the size discrepancy. The asteroid was likely smaller than 0.5 meter and should be rather called a meteoroid. During the atmospheric entry, the meteoroid severely fragmented into much smaller pieces already at a height of 55 km under the aerodynamic pressure of 0.12 MPa. The primary fragments were then breaking-up again, most frequently at heights 39-29 km (0.9-2.2 MPa). Numerous small meteorites and up to four stones larger than 100g were expected to land. Within a few days of publishing the strewn field dozens of meteorites were found in the area we predicted.

Stefano Facchini, Leonardo Testi, Elizabeth Humphreys, Mathieu Vander Donckt, Andrea Isella, Ramon Wrzosek, Alain Baudry, Malcom D. Gray, Anita M. S. Richards, Wouter Vlemmmings

Published in Nature Astronomy (2024), arXiv version presents text and figures before proofing

The water molecule is a key ingredient in the formation of planetary systems, with the water snowline being a favourable location for the growth of massive planetary cores. Here we present Atacama Large Millimeter/ submillimeter Array data of the ringed protoplanetary disk orbiting the young star HL Tauri that show centrally peaked, bright emission arising from three distinct transitions of the main water isotopologue. The spatially and spectrally resolved water content probes gas in a thermal range down to the water sublimation temperature. Our analysis implies a stringent lower limit of 3.7 Earth oceans of water vapour available within the inner 17 astronomical units of the system. We show that our observations are limited to probing the water content in the atmosphere of the disk, due to the high dust column density and absorption, and indicate that the main water isotopologue is the best tracer to spatially resolve water vapour in protoplanetary disks.

Theodoros Papanikolaou, Xin-Chen He, Xiao-Han Ma, Yi-Fu Cai, Emmanuel N. Saridakis, Misao Sasaki

5 pages, 2 figures

We propose a new probe of primordial non-Gaussianities (NGs) through the observation of gravitational waves (GWs) induced by ultra-light ($M_{\text{PBH}}< 10^{9}\rm{g}$) primordial black holes (PBHs). Interestingly enough, the existence of primordial NG can leave imprints on the clustering properties of PBHs and the spectral shape of induced GW signals. Focusing on a scale-dependent local-type NG, we identify a distinct double-peaked GW energy spectrum that, contingent upon $M_{\text{PBH}}$ and the abundance of PBHs at the time of formation, denoted as $\Omega_\mathrm{PBH,f}$, may fall into the frequency bands of upcoming GW observatories, including LISA, ET, SKA, and BBO. Thus, such a signal can serve as a novel portal for probing primordial NGs. Intriguingly, combining BBN bounds on the GW amplitude, we find for the first time the joint limit on the product of the effective non-linearity parameter for the primordial tri-spectrum, denoted by $\bar{\tau}_\mathrm{NL}$, and the primordial curvature perturbation power spectrum $\mathcal{P}_{\cal R}(k)$, which reads as $\bar{\tau}_\mathrm{NL} \mathcal{P}_{\cal R}(k) < 4\times 10^{-20} \Omega^{-17/9}_\mathrm{PBH,f} \left( \frac{M_{\rm PBH}}{10^4\mathrm{g}} \right)^{-17/9}$.

S. D. Raducan, M. Jutzi, A. F. Cheng, Y. Zhang, O. Barnouin, G. S. Collins, R. T. Daly, T. M. Davison, C. M. Ernst, T. L. Farnham, F. Ferrari, M. Hirabayashi, K. M. Kumamoto, P. Michel, N. Murdoch, R. Nakano, M. Pajola, A. Rossi, H. F. Agrusa, B. W. Barbee, M. Bruck Syal, N. L. Chabot, E. Dotto, E. G. Fahnestock, P. H. Hasselmann, I. Herreros, S. Ivanovski, J. -Y. Li, A. Lucchetti, R. Luther, J. Ormö, M. Owen, P. Pravec, A. S. Rivkin, C. Q. Robin, P. Sánchez, F. Tusberti, K. Wünnemann, A. Zinzi, E. Mazzotta Epifani, C. Manzoni, B. H. May

On September 26, 2022, NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission successfully impacted Dimorphos, the natural satellite of the binary near-Earth asteroid (65803) Didymos. Numerical simulations of the impact provide a means to explore target surface material properties and structures, consistent with the observed momentum deflection efficiency, ejecta cone geometry, and ejected mass. Our simulation, which best matches observations, indicates that Dimorphos is weak, with a cohesive strength of less than a few pascals (Pa), similar to asteroids (162173) Ryugu and (101955) Bennu. We find that a bulk density of Dimorphos, rhoB, lower than 2400 kg/m3, and a low volume fraction of boulders (<40 vol%) on the surface and in the shallow subsurface, are consistent with measured data from the DART experiment. These findings suggest Dimorphos is a rubble pile that might have formed through rotational mass shedding and re-accumulation from Didymos. Our simulations indicate that the DART impact caused global deformation and resurfacing of Dimorphos. ESA's upcoming Hera mission may find a re-shaped asteroid, rather than a well-defined crater.

Achrène Dyrek, Elsa Ducrot, Pierre-Olivier Lagage, Pascal Tremblin, Sarah Kendrew, Jeroen Bouwman, Rémi Bouffet

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has now started its exploration of exoplanetary worlds. In particular, the Mid-InfraRed Instrument (MIRI) with its Low-Resolution Spectrometer (LRS) carries out transit, eclipse, and phase-curve spectroscopy of exoplanetary atmospheres with unprecedented precision in a so far almost uncharted wavelength range. The precision and significance in the detection of molecules in exoplanetary atmospheres rely on a thorough understanding of the instrument itself and accurate data reduction methods. This paper aims to provide a clear description of the instrumental systematics that affect observations of transiting exoplanets through the use of simulations. We carried out realistic simulations of transiting-exoplanet observations with the MIRI LRS instrument that included the model of the exoplanet system, the optical path of the telescope, the MIRI detector performances, and instrumental systematics and drifts that could alter the atmospheric features we are meant to detect in the data. After introducing our pipeline, we show its performance on the transit of L168-9b, a super-Earth-sized exoplanet observed during the commissioning of the MIRI instrument. This paper provides a better understanding of the data themselves and of the best practices in terms of reduction and analysis through comparisons between simulations and real data. We show that simulations validate the current data-analysis methods. Simulations also highlight instrumental effects that impact the accuracy of our current spectral extraction techniques. These simulations are proven to be essential in the preparation of JWST observation programs and help us assess the detectability of various atmospheric and surface scenarios.

S. D. Raducan, M. Jutzi, C. C. Merrill, P. Michel, Y. Zhang, M. Hirabayashi, A. Mainzer

We present a series of numerical simulations using a shock physics smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) code, investigating energetic impacts on small celestial bodies characterised by diverse internal structures, ranging from weak and homogeneous compositions to rubble-pile structures with varying boulder volume packing. Our findings reveal that the internal structure of these rubble-pile bodies significantly influences the impact outcomes. Specifically, we observe that the same impact energy can either catastrophically disrupt a target with a low boulder packing (<30 vol%), or result in the ejection of only a small fraction of material from a target with the same mass but high boulder packing (>40 vol%). This finding highlights the pivotal role played by the rubble-pile structure, effectively acting as a bulk shear strength, which governs the size and behaviour of the resulting impact. Consequently, understanding and characterising the internal structure of asteroids will be of paramount importance for any future efforts to deflect or disrupt an asteroid on a collision course with Earth.

Francesco Sinigaglia, Giulia Rodighiero, Ed Elson, Alessandro Bianchetti, Mattia Vaccari, Natasha Maddox, Anastasia A. Ponomareva, Bradley S. Frank, Matt J. Jarvis, Barbara Catinella, Luca Cortese, Sambit Roychowdhury, Maarten Baes, Jordan D. Collier, Olivier Ilbert, Ali A. Khostovan, Sushma Kurapati, Hengxing Pan, Isabella Prandoni, Sambatriniaina H. A. Rajohnson, Mara Salvato, Srikrishna Sekhar, Gauri Sharma

Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 15 figures, 3 tables

We present the first measurement of HI mass of star-forming galaxies in different large scale structure environments from a blind survey at $z\sim 0.37$. In particular, we carry out a spectral line stacking analysis considering $2875$ spectra of colour-selected star-forming galaxies undetected in HI at $0.23 < z < 0.49$ in the COSMOS field, extracted from the MIGHTEE-HI Early Science datacubes, acquired with the MeerKAT radio telescope. We stack galaxies belonging to different subsamples depending on three different definitions of large scale structure environment: local galaxy overdensity, position inside the host dark matter halo (central, satellite, or isolated), and cosmic web type (field, filament, or knot). We first stack the full star-forming galaxy sample and find a robust HI detection yielding an average galaxy HI mass of $M_{\rm HI}=(8.12\pm 0.75)\times 10^9\, {\rm M}_\odot$ at $\sim 11.8\sigma$. Next, we investigate the different subsamples finding a negligible difference in $M_{\rm HI}$ as a function of the galaxy overdensity. We report an HI excess compared to the full sample in satellite galaxies ($M_{\rm HI}=(11.31\pm1.22)\times 10^9$, at $\sim 10.2 \sigma$) and in filaments ($M_{\rm HI}=(11.62\pm 0.90)\times 10^9$. Conversely, we report non-detections for the central and knot galaxies subsamples, which appear to be HI-deficient. We find the same qualitative results also when stacking in units of HI fraction ($f_{\rm HI}$). We conclude that the HI amount in star-forming galaxies at the studied redshifts correlates with the large scale structure environment.

Dark matter (DM) haloes can be subject to gravothermal collapse if DM is not collisionless but has strong self-interactions. When the scattering can efficiently transfer heat from the centre to the outskirts, the central region of the halo collapses and reaches densities much higher than those for collisionless DM. This phenomenon is potentially observable in studies of strong lensing. Current theoretical efforts are motivated by observations of surprisingly dense substructures. A comparison with them requires accurate predictions. One method to obtain such predictions is to use N-body simulations. The collapsed haloes are extreme systems that pose severe challenges to state-of-the-art codes used to model self-interacting dark matter (SIDM). We investigate the root of such problems with a focus on energy non-conservation. We run N-body simulations with and without DM self-interactions of an isolated DM-only halo and change numerical parameters relevant to the accuracy of the simulation. We find that not only the numerical scheme for the DM self-interactions can lead to energy non-conservation but also the modelling of gravitational interaction and the time integration are problematic. The issues we found are: (a) particles changing their time step in a non-time-reversible manner; (b) the asymmetry in the tree-based gravitational force evaluation; (c) SIDM velocity kicks break the symplectic nature and time symmetry. Tuning the parameters of the simulation to achieve a high accuracy allows for conserving energy not only at early stages of the evolution but also at late ones. However, the cost of the simulations becomes prohibitively large. Some problems making the simulations of the gravothermal collapse phase inaccurate, can be overcome by choosing appropriate numerical schemes. However, others remain challenging. Our findings motivate further work on addressing these challenges.

Enrique Vázquez-Semadeni, Yue Hu, Siyao Xu, Rubén Guerrero-Gamboa, Alex Lazarian

Resubmitted to MNRAS after first set of reviewer's recommendations. Comments welcome

We numerically investigate the driving of MHD turbulence by gravitational contraction using simulations of an initially spherical, magnetically supercritical cloud core with initially transonic and trans-Alfv\'enic turbulence. We perform a Helmholtz decomposition of the velocity field, and investigate the evolution of its solenoidal and compressible parts, as well as of the velocity component along the gravitational acceleration vector, a proxy for the infall component of the velocity field. We find that: 1) In spite of being supercritical, the core first contracts to a sheet perpendicular to the mean field, and the sheet itself collapses. 2) The solenoidal component of the turbulence remains at roughly its initial level throughout the simulation, while the compressible component increases continuously. This implies that turbulence does {\it not} dissipate towards the center of the core. 3) The distribution of simulation cells in the $B$-$\rho$ plane occupies a wide triangular region at low densities, bounded below by the expected trend for fast MHD waves ($B \propto \rho$, applicable for high local Alfv\'enic Mach number $\Ma$) and above by the trend expected for slow waves ($B \sim$ constant, applicable for low local $\Ma$). At high densities, the distribution follows a single trend $B \propto \rho^{\gamef}$, with $1/2 < \gamef < 2/3$, as expected for gravitational compression. 4) The measured mass-to-magnetic flux ratio $\lambda$ increases with radius $r$, due to the different scalings of the mass and magnetic flux with $r$. At a fixed radius, $\lambda$ increases with time due to the accretion of material along field lines. 5) The solenoidal energy fraction is much smaller than the total turbulent component, indicating that the collapse drives the turbulence mainly compressibly, even in directions orthogonal to that of the collapse.

Brad Koplitz, Anjali Ramesh, Sanchayeeta Borthakur

16 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, Accepted for publication in ApJ

The Intergalactic Medium (IGM) contains $>$50% of the baryonic mass of the Universe, yet the mechanisms responsible for keeping the IGM ionized has not been fully explained. Hence, we investigate ion abundances from the largest blind QSO absorption catalog for clouds that show C IV, N V, and O VI simultaneously. The wavelength range of present UV spectrographs, however, make it possible to probe C IV and O VI over a small range of redshift ($z \approx 0.12 - 0.15$). As a result, we only have five IGM absorbing clouds, yet these provide a powerful and representative tool to probe the IGM ionization state. We found one cloud to be in collisional ionization equilibrium while three of five showed signs of being produced by non-equilibrium processes, specifically conductive interfaces and turbulent mixing layers. None of the models we explore here were able to reproduce the ionization state of the remaining system. Energetic processes, such as galactic feedback from star formation and AGN winds, would be excellent candidates that can cause such widespread ionization.

N. Nieuwmunster, M. Schultheis, M. Sormani, F. Fragkoudi, F. Nogueras-Lara, R. Schödel, P. McMillan

19 pages, 25 figures, accepted in A&A

While orbital analysis studies were so far mainly focused on the Galactic halo, it is possible now to do these studies in the heavily obscured region close to the Galactic Centre. We aim to do a detailed orbital analysis of stars located in the nuclear stellar disc (NSD) of the Milky Way allowing us to trace the dynamical history of this structure. We integrated orbits of the observed stars in a non-axisymmetric potential. We used a Fourier transform to estimate the orbital frequencies. We compared two orbital classifications, one made by eye and the other with an algorithm, in order to identify the main orbital families. We also compared the Lyapunov and the frequency drift techniques to estimate the chaoticity of the orbits. We identified several orbital families as chaotic, $z$-tube, $x$-tube, banana, fish, saucer, pretzel, 5:4, and 5:6 orbits. As expected for stars located in a NSD, the large majority of orbits are identified as $z$-tubes (or as a sub-family of $z$-tubes). Since the latter are parented by $x_{2}$ orbits, this result supports the contribution of the bar (in which $x_{2}$ orbits are dominant in the inner region) in the formation of the NSD. Moreover, most of the chaotic orbits are found to be contaminants from the bar or bulge which would confirm the predicted contamination from the most recent NSD models. Based on a detailed orbital analysis, we were able to classify orbits into various families, most of which are parented by $x_{2}$-type orbits, which are dominant in the inner part of the bar.

We present a new analysis of the positions of holes beneath the calendar ring of the Antikythera mechanism, as measured by Budiselic et al. (2020). We significantly refine their estimate for the number of holes that were present in the full ring. Our $68\%$-credible estimate for this number, taking account of all the data, is $355.24^{ +1.39 }_{ -1.36 }$. If holes adjacent to fractures are removed from the analysis, our estimate becomes $354.08^{ +1.47}_{-1.41}$. A ring of 360 holes is strongly disfavoured, and one of 365 holes is not plausible, given our model assumptions.

Gary T. Horowitz, Maciej Kolanowski, Grant N. Remmen, Jorge E. Santos

53 pages, 8 figures

It was recently shown that (near-)extremal Kerr black holes are sensitive probes of small higher-derivative corrections to general relativity. In particular, these corrections produce diverging tidal forces on the horizon in the extremal limit. We show that adding a black hole charge makes this effect qualitatively stronger. Higher-derivative corrections to the Kerr-Newman solution produce tidal forces that scale inversely in the black hole temperature. We find that, unlike the Kerr case, for realistic values of the black hole charge large tidal forces can arise before quantum corrections due to the Schwarzian mode become important, so that the near-horizon behavior of the black hole is dictated by higher-derivative terms in the effective theory.

Rouven Essig, Ryan Plestid, Aman Singal

26 pages, 9 figures including appendices and references

Solid-state detectors with a low energy threshold have several applications, including in direct-detection searches of non-relativistic halo dark-matter particles with sub-GeV masses. Moreover, when searching for relativistic or quasi-relativistic beyond-the-Standard-Model particles (i.e., $v/c\gtrsim 0.01$) that have an enhanced cross section for small energy transfers, a comparatively small detector with a low energy threshold may have better sensitivity than a larger detector with a higher energy threshold. In this paper, we provide accurate calculations of the low-energy ionization spectrum from high-velocity particles scattering in a dielectric material. We focus on silicon, although our results can be easily applied to other materials. We consider the full material response, in particular also the excitation of bulk plasmons. We generalize the energy-loss function to relativistic kinematics, and benchmark existing tools used for halo dark-matter scattering against publicly available electron energy-loss spectroscopy data. Compared to calculations of energy loss that are commonly used in the literature, such as the Photo-Absorption-Ionization model or the free-electron model, the inclusion of collective effects shifts the recoil ionization spectrum towards higher energies, typically peaking around 4--6 electron-hole pairs. We apply our results to the three benchmark examples: millicharged particles produced in a beam, neutrinos with a magnetic dipole moment produced in a reactor, and dark-matter particles that are upscattered by cosmic rays or in the Sun. Our results show that the proper inclusion of collective effects typically enhances a detector's sensitivity to these particles, since detector backgrounds, such as dark counts, peak at lower energies.

Gopalkrishna Prabhu, Aditya Kumar Sharma, R. Prasad, Shasvath J. Kapadia

10 pages, 5 figures

Galactic spinning compact objects (COs) with non-zero ellipticity are expected to be sources of continuous gravitational waves (CGWs). Certain classes of hypothetical COs, such as neutron stars with quark cores (hybrid stars), and quark stars, are thought to be capable of sustaining large ellipticities from theoretical considerations. Such exotic COs (eCOs) with large ellipticities should produce CGWs detectable by the current LIGO-Virgo-Kagra GW detector network. Since no detections for CGWs, from searches in LIGO-Virgo data, have so far been reported, we place constraints on the abundance of highly elliptical eCOs in our Galaxy. We formulate a Bayesian framework to place upper limits on the number count $N_{tot}$ of highly deformed Galactic eCOs. We divide our constraints into two classes: an "agnostic" set of upper limits on $N_{tot}$ evaluated on a CGW frequency and ellipticity grid that depend only on the choice of spatial distribution of COs; and a model-dependent set that additionally assumes prior information on the distribution of frequencies. We find that COs with ellipticities $\epsilon \gtrsim 10^{-5}$ have abundance upper limits at $90\%$ confidence, of $N_{tot}^{90\%} \lesssim 100$, and those with $\epsilon \gtrsim 10^{-6}$ have $N_{tot}^{90\%} \lesssim 10^4$. We additionally place upper-limits on the ellipticity of Galactic COs informed by our choices of spatial distributions, given different abundances $N_{tot}$.

Mariaveronica De Angelis, Adam Smith, William Giarè, Carsten van de Bruck

16 pages, 2 figures

We present a generalised calculation for the spectrum of primordial tensor perturbations in a cyclic Universe, making no assumptions about the vacuum state of the theory and accounting for the contribution of tensor modes produced in the dark energy phase of the previous cycle. We show that these modes have minimal impact on the spectrum observed in the current cycle, except for corrections on scales as large as the comoving Hubble radius today. These corrections are due to sub-horizon modes produced towards the end of the dark energy phase, persisting into the ekpyrotic phase of the next cycle as additional quanta. In relation to the vacuum state, we argue that non-Bunch-Davies quanta can easily overwhelm the energy density driving the dark energy phase, potentially compromising the model. Therefore, avoiding backreaction effects sets restrictive constraints on deviations away from the Bunch-Davies vacuum during this phase, limiting the overall freedom to consider alternative vacua in the cyclic Universe.

I provide an introduction to the application of deep learning and neural networks for solving partial differential equations (PDEs). The approach, known as physics-informed neural networks (PINNs), involves minimizing the residual of the equation evaluated at various points within the domain. Boundary conditions are incorporated either by introducing soft constraints with corresponding boundary data values in the minimization process or by strictly enforcing the solution with hard constraints. PINNs are tested on diverse PDEs extracted from two-dimensional physical/astrophysical problems. Specifically, we explore Grad-Shafranov-like equations that capture magnetohydrodynamic equilibria in magnetically dominated plasmas. Lane-Emden equations that model internal structure of stars in sef-gravitating hydrostatic equilibrium are also considered. The flexibility of the method to handle various boundary conditions is illustrated through various examples, as well as its ease in solving parametric and inverse problems. The corresponding Python codes based on PyTorch/TensorFlow libraries are made available.

N. Dresing, A. Yli-Laurila, S. Valkila, J. Gieseler, D. E. Morosan, G. U. Farwa, Y. Kartavykh, C. Palmroos, I. Jebaraj, S. Jensen, P. Kühl, B. Heber, F. Espinosa, R. Gómez-Herrero, E. Kilpua, V.-V. Linho, P. Oleynik, L.A. Hayes, A. Warmuth, F. Schuller, H. Collier, H. Xiao, E. Asvestari, D. Trotta, J.G. Mitchell, C.M.S. Cohen, A.W. Labrador, M.E. Hill, R. Vainio

The Solar energetic particle analysis platform for the inner heliosphere (SERPENTINE) project presents it's new multi-spacecraft SEP event catalog for events observed in solar cycle 25. Observations from five different viewpoints are utilized, provided by Solar Orbiter, Parker Solar Probe, STEREO A, BepiColombo, and the near-Earth spacecraft Wind and SOHO. The catalog contains key SEP parameters for 25-40 MeV protons, 1 MeV electrons, and 100 keV electrons. Furthermore, basic parameters of the associated flare and type-II radio burst are listed, as well as the coordinates of the observer and solar source locations. SEP onset times are determined using the Poisson-CUSUM method. SEP peak times and intensities refer to the global intensity maximum. If different viewing directions are available, we use the one with the earliest onset for the onset determination and the one with the highest peak intensity for the peak identification. Associated flares are identified using observations from near Earth and Solar Orbiter. Associated type II radio bursts are determined from ground-based observations in the metric frequency range and from spacecraft observations in the decametric range. The current version of the catalog contains 45 multi-spacecraft events observed in the period from Nov 2020 until May 2023, of which 13 were widespread events and four were classified as narrow-spread events. Using X-ray observations by GOES/XRS and Solar Orbiter/STIX, we were able to identify the associated flare in all but four events. Using ground-based and space-borne radio observations, we found an associated type-II radio burst for 40 events. In total, the catalog contains 142 single event observations, of which 20 (45) have been observed at radial distances below 0.6 AU (0.8 AU).

O. P. Jyothilakshmi, Lakshmi J. Naik, V. Sreekanth

9 pages, 7 figures

We study the non-radial $f$-mode oscillations of both isotropic and anisotropic dark energy stars by using the modified Chaplygin prescription of dark energy to model the stellar matter. The anisotropic pressure in the system is modeled with Bowers-Liang prescription. By solving the stellar structure equations in presence of anisotropy, we study the global properties of the dark energy star and compare the mass-radius profiles with data from GW events and milli-second pulsars. We proceed to determine the prominent non-radial $l=2$ $f$-mode frequencies of the anisotropic dark energy star by employing the Cowling approximation and analyse and quantify the spectra by varying the anisotropic parameter. We report that $f$-mode spectra of dark energy star have distinctly different behaviour compared to neutron star and quark star, and this may possibly help in its future identification. Further, the tidal deformability factors of the anisotropic dark energy stars have also been analyzed.