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Papers for Monday, May 06 2024

Papers with local authors

Elisabeth Krause, Yosuke Kobayashi, Andrés N. Salcedo, Mikhail M. Ivanov, Tom Abel, Kazuyuki Akitsu, Raul E. Angulo, Giovanni Cabass, Sofia Contarini, Carolina Cuesta-Lazaro, ChangHoon Hahn, Nico Hamaus, Donghui Jeong, Chirag Modi, Nhat-Minh Nguyen, Takahiro Nishimichi, Enrique Paillas, Marcos Pellejero Ibañez, Oliver H. E. Philcox, Alice Pisani, Fabian Schmidt, Satoshi Tanaka, Giovanni Verza, Sihan Yuan, Matteo Zennaro

New submissions welcome! Challenge data available at this https URL

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Paper 54 — arXiv:2405.02252
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Paper 54 — arXiv:2405.02252

The last few years have seen the emergence of a wide array of novel techniques for analyzing high-precision data from upcoming galaxy surveys, which aim to extend the statistical analysis of galaxy clustering data beyond the linear regime and the canonical two-point (2pt) statistics. We test and benchmark some of these new techniques in a community data challenge "Beyond-2pt", initiated during the Aspen 2022 Summer Program "Large-Scale Structure Cosmology beyond 2-Point Statistics," whose first round of results we present here. The challenge dataset consists of high-precision mock galaxy catalogs for clustering in real space, redshift space, and on a light cone. Participants in the challenge have developed end-to-end pipelines to analyze mock catalogs and extract unknown ("masked") cosmological parameters of the underlying $\Lambda$CDM models with their methods. The methods represented are density-split clustering, nearest neighbor statistics, BACCO power spectrum emulator, void statistics, LEFTfield field-level inference using effective field theory (EFT), and joint power spectrum and bispectrum analyses using both EFT and simulation-based inference. In this work, we review the results of the challenge, focusing on problems solved, lessons learned, and future research needed to perfect the emerging beyond-2pt approaches. The unbiased parameter recovery demonstrated in this challenge by multiple statistics and the associated modeling and inference frameworks supports the credibility of cosmology constraints from these methods. The challenge data set is publicly available and we welcome future submissions from methods that are not yet represented.

All other papers

Ben J. Sutlieff, Xueqing Chen, Pengyu Liu, Emma E. Bubb, Stanimir A. Metchev, Brendan P. Bowler, Johanna M. Vos, Raquel A. Martinez, Genaro Suárez, Yifan Zhou, Samuel M. Factor, Zhoujian Zhang, Emily L. Rickman, Arthur D. Adams, Elena Manjavacas, Julien H. Girard, Bokyoung Kim, Trent J. Dupuy

4 pages, 2 figures, white paper submitted in response to the call by the Working Group on Strategic Exoplanet Initiatives with HST and JWST (details at this https URL & final report at arXiv:2404.02932 ), adapted to include author list and affiliations

We advocate for the prioritization of high-precision photometric monitoring of exoplanet and brown dwarf companions to detect brightness variability arising from features in their atmospheres. Measurements of photometric variability provide not only an insight into the physical appearances of these companions, but are also a direct probe of their atmospheric structures and dynamics, and yield valuable estimates of their rotation periods. JWST is uniquely capable of monitoring faint exoplanet companions over their full rotation periods, thanks to its inherent stability and powerful high-contrast coronagraphic imaging modes. Rotation period measurements can be further combined with measurements of v sin i obtained using high-resolution spectroscopy to infer the viewing angle of a companion. Photometric monitoring over multiple rotation periods and at multiple epochs will allow both short- and long-term time evolution in variability signals to be traced. Furthermore, the differences between the layers in a companion's atmosphere can be probed by obtaining simultaneous photometric monitoring at different wavelengths through NIRCam dual-band coronagraphy. Overall, JWST will reach the highest sensitivities to variability to date and enable the light curves of substellar companions to be characterised with unprecedented cadence and precision at the sub-percent level.

Ryan E. Keeley, Anna M. Nierenberg, Daniel Gilman, Charles Gannon, Simon Birrer, Tommaso Treu, Andrew J. Benson, Xiaolong Du, K. N. Abazajian, T. Anguita, V. N. Bennert, S. G. Djorgovski, K. K. Gupta, S. F. Hoenig, A. Kusenko, C. Lemon, M. Malkan, V. Motta, L. A. Moustakas, M. S. H. Oh, D. Sluse, D. Stern, R. H. Wechsler

This is the second in a series of papers in which we use JWST MIRI multiband imaging to measure the warm dust emission in a sample of 31 multiply imaged quasars, to be used as a probe of the particle nature of dark matter. We present measurements of the relative magnifications of the strongly lensed warm dust emission in a sample of 9 systems. The warm dust region is compact and sensitive to perturbations by populations of halos down to masses $\sim 10^6$ M$_{\odot}$. Using these warm dust flux-ratio measurements in combination with 5 previous narrow-line flux-ratio measurements, we constrain the halo mass function. In our model, we allow for complex deflector macromodels with flexible third and fourth-order multipole deviations from ellipticity, and we introduce an improved model of the tidal evolution of subhalos. We constrain a WDM model and find an upper limit on the half-mode mass of $10^{7.6} M_\odot$ at posterior odds of 10:1. This corresponds to a lower limit on a thermally produced dark matter particle mass of 6.1 keV. This is the strongest gravitational lensing constraint to date, and comparable to those from independent probes such as the Ly$\alpha$ forest and Milky Way satellite galaxies.

Emilie Hertig, Kevin Wolz, Toshiya Namikawa, Antón Baleato Lizancos, Susanna Azzoni, Irene Abril-Cabezas, David Alonso, Carlo Baccigalupi, Erminia Calabrese, Anthony Challinor, Josquin Errard, Giulio Fabbian, Baptiste Jost, Nicoletta Krachmalnicoff, Anto I. Lonappan, Magdy Morshed, Luca Pagano, Blake Sherwin

24 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables. Submitted to Physical Review D

The Simons Observatory (SO), due to start full science operations in early 2025, aims to set tight constraints on inflationary physics by inferring the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$ from measurements of CMB polarization $B$-modes. Its nominal design targets a precision $\sigma(r=0) \leq 0.003$ without delensing. Achieving this goal and further reducing uncertainties requires the mitigation of other sources of large-scale $B$-modes such as Galactic foregrounds and weak gravitational lensing. We present an analysis pipeline aiming to estimate $r$ by including delensing within a cross-spectral likelihood, and demonstrate it on SO-like simulations. Lensing $B$-modes are synthesised using internal CMB lensing reconstructions as well as Planck-like CIB maps and LSST-like galaxy density maps. This $B$-mode template is then introduced into SO's power-spectrum-based foreground-cleaning algorithm by extending the likelihood function to include all auto- and cross-spectra between the lensing template and the SAT $B$-modes. Within this framework, we demonstrate the equivalence of map-based and cross-spectral delensing and use it to motivate an optimized pixel-weighting scheme for power spectrum estimation. We start by validating our pipeline in the simplistic case of uniform foreground spectral energy distributions (SEDs). In the absence of primordial $B$-modes, $\sigma(r)$ decreases by 37% as a result of delensing. Tensor modes at the level of $r=0.01$ are successfully detected by our pipeline. Even with more realistic foreground models including spatial variations in the dust and synchrotron spectral properties, we obtain unbiased estimates of $r$ by employing the moment-expansion method. In this case, delensing-related improvements range between 27% and 31%. These results constitute the first realistic assessment of the delensing performance at SO's nominal sensitivity level. (Abridged)

Gravitational-wave detectors are now making it possible to investigate how the merger rate of binary black holes (BBHs) evolves with redshift. In this study, we examine whether the BBH merger rate of isolated binaries deviates from a scaled star formation rate density (SFRD) -- a frequently used model in state-of-the-art research. To address this question, we conduct population synthesis simulations using COMPAS with a grid of stellar evolution models, calculate their cosmological merger rates, and compare them to a scaled SFRD. We find that our simulated rates deviate by factors up to $3.5\times$ at $z\sim0$ and $5\times$ at $z\sim 9$ due to two main phenomena: (i) The formation efficiency of BBHs is an order of magnitude higher at low metallicities than at solar metallicity; and (ii) BBHs experience a wide range of delays (from a few Myr to many Gyr) between formation and merger. Deviations are similar when comparing to a $\textit{delayed}$ SFRD, and even larger (up to $\sim 10\times$) when comparing to SFRD-based models scaled to the local merger rate. Interestingly, our simulations find that the BBH delay time distribution is redshift-dependent, increasing the complexity of the redshift distribution of mergers. We find similar results for simulated merger rates of BHNSs and BNSs. We conclude that the rate of BBH, BHNS, and BNS mergers from the isolated channel can significantly deviate from a scaled SFRD, and that future measurements of the merger rate will provide insights into the formation pathways of gravitational-wave sources.

Soumyadeep Das, Daniel J. B. Smith, Paul Haskell, Martin J. Hardcastle, Philip N. Best, Kenneth J. Duncan, Marina I. Arnaudova, Shravya Shenoy, Rohit Kondapally, Rachel K. Cochrane, Alyssa B. Drake, Gülay Gürkan, Katarzyna Małek, Leah K. Morabito, Isabella Prandoni

20 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

Spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting has been extensively used to determine the nature of the faint radio source population. Recent efforts have combined fits from multiple SED-fitting codes to account for the host galaxy and any active nucleus that may be present. We show that it is possible to produce similar-quality classifications using a single energy-balance SED fitting code, Prospector, to model up to 26 bands of UV$-$far-infrared aperture-matched photometry for $\sim$31,000 sources in the ELAIS-N1 field from the LOFAR Two-Metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) Deep fields first data release. One of a new generation of SED-fitting codes, Prospector accounts for potential contributions from radiative active galactic nuclei (AGN) when estimating galaxy properties, including star formation rates (SFRs) derived using non-parametric star formation histories. Combining this information with radio luminosities, we classify 92 per cent of the radio sources as a star-forming galaxy, high/low-excitation radio galaxy, or radio-quiet AGN and study the population demographics as a function of 150 MHz flux density, luminosity, SFR, stellar mass, redshift and apparent $r$-band magnitude. Finally, we use Prospector SED fits to investigate the SFR$-$150 MHz luminosity relation for a sample of $\sim$$133,000~3.6~\mu$m-selected $z<1$ sources, finding that the stellar mass dependence is significantly weaker than previously reported, and may disappear altogether at $\log_{10} (\mathrm{SFR}/M_\odot~\mathrm{yr}^{-1}) > 0.5$. This approach makes it significantly easier to classify radio sources from LoTSS and elsewhere, and may have important implications for future studies of star-forming galaxies at radio wavelengths.

Alejandro S. Borlaff, Pamela M. Marcum, Mehmet Alpaslan, Pasquale Temi, Nushkia Chamba, Drew S. Chojnowski, Michael N. Fanelli, Anton M. Koekemoer, Seppo Laine, Enrique Lopez-Rodriguez, Aneta Siemiginowska

Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. 27 pages, 19 figures. The SAUNAS X-ray surface brightness and signal-to-noise maps of NGC 3079 and UGC 5101 are publicly available in Zenodo in FITS format: this https URL DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10892485. The list of Chandra datasets, obtained by the Chandra X-ray Observatory, are contained in DOI: 10.25574/cdc.225

We present SAUNAS (Selective Amplification of Ultra Noisy Astronomical Signal), a pipeline designed for detecting diffuse X-ray emission in the data obtained with the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) of the Chandra X-ray Observatory. SAUNAS queries the available observations in the Chandra archive, performs photometric calibration, PSF (point spread function) modeling, and deconvolution, point-source removal, adaptive smoothing, and background correction. This pipeline builds on existing and well-tested software including CIAO, VorBin, and LIRA. We characterize the performance of SAUNAS through several quality performance tests, and demonstrate the broad applications and capabilities of SAUNAS using two galaxies already known to show X-ray emitting structures. SAUNAS successfully detects the 30 kpc X-ray super-wind of NGC 3079 using Chandra/ACIS datasets, matching the spatial distribution detected with more sensitive XMM-Newton observations. The analysis performed by SAUNAS reveals an extended low surface brightness source in the field of UGC 5101 in the 0.3-1.0 keV and 1.0-2.0 keV bands. This source is potentially a background galaxy cluster or a hot gas plume associated with UGC 5101. SAUNAS demonstrates its ability to recover previously undetected structures in archival data, expanding exploration into the low surface brightness X-ray universe with Chandra/ACIS.

Sebastian Baum, Patrick Huber, Patrick Stengel, Natsue Abe, Daniel G. Ang, Lorenzo Apollonio, Gabriela R. Araujo, Levente Balogh, Pranshu Bhaumik Yilda Boukhtouchen, Joseph Bramante, Lorenzo Caccianiga, Andrew Calabrese-Day, Qing Chang, Juan I. Collar, Reza Ebadi, Alexey Elykov, Katherine Freese, Audrey Fung, Claudio Galelli, Arianna E. Gleason, Mariano Guerrero Perez, Janina Hakenmüller, Takeshi Hanyu, Noriko Hasebe, Shigenobu Hirose, Shunsaku Horiuchi, Yasushi Hoshino, Yuki Ido, Vsevolod Ivanov, Takashi Kamiyama, Takenori Kato, Yoji Kawamura, Chris Kelso, Giti A. Khodaparast, Emilie M. LaVoie-Ingram, Matthew Leybourne, Xingxin Liu, Thalles Lucas, Brenden A. Magill Federico M. Mariani, Sharlotte Mkhonto, Hans Pieter Mumm, Kohta Murase, Tatsuhiro Naka, Kenji Oguni, Kathryn Ream, Kate Scholberg, et al. (14 additional authors not shown)

Summary and proceedings of the MDvDM'24 conference, Jan 8-11 2024

The second "Mineral Detection of Neutrinos and Dark Matter" (MDvDM'24) meeting was held January 8-11, 2024 in Arlington, VA, USA, hosted by Virginia Tech's Center for Neutrino Physics. This document collects contributions from this workshop, providing an overview of activities in the field. MDvDM'24 was the second topical workshop dedicated to the emerging field of mineral detection of neutrinos and dark matter, following a meeting hosted by IFPU in Trieste, Italy in October 2022. Mineral detectors have been proposed for a wide variety of applications, including searching for dark matter, measuring various fluxes of astrophysical neutrinos over gigayear timescales, monitoring nuclear reactors, and nuclear disarmament protocols; both as paleo-detectors using natural minerals that could have recorded the traces of nuclear recoils for timescales as long as a billion years and as detectors recording nuclear recoil events on laboratory timescales using natural or artificial minerals. Contributions to this proceedings discuss the vast physics potential, the progress in experimental studies, and the numerous challenges lying ahead on the path towards mineral detection. These include a better understanding of the formation and annealing of recoil defects in crystals; identifying the best classes of minerals and, for paleo-detectors, understanding their geology; modeling and control of the relevant backgrounds; developing, combining, and scaling up imaging and data analysis techniques; and many others. During the last years, MDvDM has grown rapidly and gained attention. Small-scale experimental efforts focused on establishing various microscopic readout techniques are underway at institutions in North America, Europe and Asia. We are looking ahead to an exciting future full of challenges to overcome, surprises to be encountered, and discoveries lying ahead of us.

We forecast the sensitivity of future correlations between CMB lensing and the Lyman-$\alpha$ forest power spectrum. This squeezed-limit bispectrum probes the connection between the Lyman-$\alpha$ transmission and the underlying large-scale matter density field. We recover the measured signal-to-noise (SNR) ratio obtained with Planck$\times$BOSS, and forecast a SNR of $10.3, 14.8$ and $20.2$ for DESI combined with ACT, SO and CMB-S4 respectively. For DESI and SO/CMB-S4, the correlation should be detectable at SNR$\ge 5$ in 5 redshift bins, useful for distinguishing our signal from several contaminants.Indeed, our forecast is affected by large theoretical uncertainties in the current modeling of the signal and its contaminants, such as continuum misestimation bias or damped-Lyman-$\alpha$ absorbers. Quantifying these more accurately will be crucial to enable a reliable cosmological interpretation of this observable in future measurements. We attempt to enumerate the features required in future Lyman-$\alpha$ forest simulations required to do so.

Sahil Hegde, Michael M. Wyatt, Steven R. Furlanetto

34 pages, 12 figures; submitted to JCAP

The first wave of observations with JWST has revealed a striking overabundance of luminous galaxies at early times ($z>10$) compared to models of galaxies calibrated to pre-JWST data. Early observations have also uncovered a large population of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) at $z>6$. Because many of the high-$z$ objects appear extended, the contribution of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) to the total luminosity has been assumed to be negligible. In this work, we use a semi-empirical model for assigning AGNs to galaxies to show that active galaxies can boost the stellar luminosity function (LF) enough to solve the overabundance problem while simultaneously remaining consistent with the observed morphologies of high-$z$ sources. We construct a model for the composite AGN+galaxy LF by connecting dark matter halo masses to galaxy and SMBH masses and luminosities, accounting for dispersion in the mapping between host galaxy and SMBH mass and luminosity. By calibrating the model parameters -- which characterize the $M_\bullet-M_\star$ relation -- to a compilation of $z>10$ JWST UVLF data, we show that AGN emission can account for the excess luminosity under a variety of scenarios, including one where 10\% of galaxies host BHs of comparable luminosities to their stellar components. Using a sample of simulated objects and real observations, we demonstrate that such low-luminosity AGNs can be `hidden' in their host galaxies and be missed in common morphological analyses. We find that for this explanation to be viable, our model requires a population of BHs that are overmassive ($M_\bullet/M_\star\sim10^{-2}$) with respect to their host galaxies compared to the local relation and are more consistent with the observed relation at $z=4-8$. We explore the implications of this model for BH seed properties and comment on observational diagnostics necessary to further investigate this explanation.

Adam Boesky, Floor S. Broekgaarden, Edo Berger

16 pages, 9 figures, link to code this https URL , link to data this https URL

Gravitational wave detectors are observing compact object mergers from increasingly far distances, revealing the redshift evolution of the binary black hole (BBH) -- and soon the black hole-neutron star (BHNS) and binary neutron star (BNS) -- merger rate. To help interpret these observations, we investigate the expected redshift evolution of the compact object merger rate from the isolated binary evolution channel. We present a publicly available catalog of compact object mergers and their accompanying cosmological merger rates from population synthesis simulations conducted with the COMPAS software. To explore the impact of uncertainties in stellar and binary evolution, our simulations use two-parameter grids of binary evolution models that vary the common-envelope efficiency with mass transfer accretion efficiency, and supernova remnant mass prescription with supernova natal kick velocity, respectively. We quantify the redshift evolution of our simulated merger rates using the local ($z\sim 0$) rate, the redshift at which the merger rate peaks, and the normalized differential rates (as a proxy for slope). We find that although the local rates span a range of $\sim 10^3$ across our model variations, their redshift-evolutions are remarkably similar for BBHs, BHNSs, and BNSs, with differentials typically within a factor $3$ and peaks of $z\approx 1.2-2.4$ across models. Furthermore, several trends in our simulated rates are correlated with the model parameters we explore. We conclude that future observations of the redshift evolution of the compact object merger rate can help constrain binary models for stellar evolution and gravitational-wave formation channels.

L. R. Bedin (1), D. Nardiello (1, 2), M. Salaris (3), M. Libralato (1), P. Bergeron (4), A. J. Burgasser (5), D. Apai (6, 7), M. Griggio (1, 8, 9), M. Scalco (1, 8), J. Anderson (9), R. Gerasimov (10), A. Bellini (9) ((1) INAF-OAPD, (2) Univ.PD, (3) J.M.Univ.Liverpool-UK, (4) Uni.Montreal-Canada, (5) UniCA SanDiego-USA, (6) UniAZ Tucson-USA, (7) Lunar and Planetary Lab.AZ-USA, (8) Univ. Ferrara, (9) STScI, and (10) Univ. Notre Dame IN-USA)

16 pages, 10+A2 figures. Accepted for publication on Astronomische Nachrichten on 2nd May 2024

We present James Webb Space Telescope observations of the globular cluster NGC 6397 and use them to extend to infrared wavelengths the characterization of the cluster's entire white dwarf (WD) cooling sequence (CS). The data allows us to probe fundamental astrophysical WD properties and to search for evidence in their colors for (or against) the existence of ancient planetary systems. The existing archival Hubble Space Telescope imaging data obtained ~18 years ago reach ultra-deep optical magnitudes (V~31) and allow us to derive a near-perfect separation between field and cluster members. We detect an apparent split in the lower part of the WD CS of NGC 6397. The red part of the WD CS, containing about 25% of the total, exhibits significant IR-excess of up to Delta m_F322W2 ~ 0.5 mag. These infrared excesses require both theoretical and observational follow-ups to confirm their veracity and to ascertain their true nature.

Cameron W. Trapp, Dušan Kereš, Philip F. Hopkins, Claude-André Faucher-Giguère

19 pages, 17 figures

Fueling star formation in large, disky galaxies, requires a continuous supply of gas accreting into star-forming regions. Previously, we characterized this accretion in 4 Milky Way mass galaxies ($M_{\rm halo}\sim10^{12}M_{\odot}$) in the FIRE-2 cosmological zoom-in simulations, focusing on runs with cosmic ray physics. At $z\sim0$, gas within the inner circumgalactic medium (iCGM) approaches the disk with comparable angular momentum (AM) to the disk edge, joining in the outer half of the gaseous disk. Within the disk, gas moves inward at velocities of $\sim$1-5~km~s$^{-1}$ while fully rotationally supported. In this study, we analyze the torques that drive these flows. In all cases, we find that the torques in disks enable gas accreted near the disk edge to transport inwards and fuel star formation in the central few kpc. The primary sources of torque come from gravity, hydrodynamical forces, and the sub-grid $P dV$ work done by supernova (SNe) remnants interacting with gas on $\lesssim$10 pc scales. These SNe remnant interactions provide a major source of torque on the gas, inducing negative torques within the inner disk and positive torques in the outer disk. The gas-gas gravitational, hydro, and "feedback" torques all transfer AM outward to where accreting gas is joining the disk, playing an important role in driving inflows and regulating disk structure. Gravitational torques from stars and dark matter provide an AM sink within the innermost regions of the disk and iCGM, respectively. Torques from viscous shearing, magnetic forces, stellar winds, and radiative transfer are largely insignificant.

Clemente Smarra, Adrien Kuntz, Enrico Barausse, Boris Goncharov, Diana López Nacir, Diego Blas, Lijing Shao, J. Antoniadis, D.J. Champion, I. Cognard, L. Guillemot, H. Hu, M. Keith, M. Kramer, K. Liu, D. Perrodin, S.A. Sanidas, G. Theureau

17 pages, 5 figures

Millisecond pulsars are extremely precise celestial clocks: as they rotate, the beamed radio waves emitted along the axis of their magnetic field can be detected with radio telescopes, which allows for tracking subtle changes in the pulsars' rotation periods. A possible effect on the period of a pulsar is given by a potential coupling to dark matter, in cases where it is modeled with an "ultralight" scalar field. In this paper, we consider a universal conformal coupling of the dark matter scalar to gravity, which in turn mediates an effective coupling between pulsars and dark matter. If the dark matter scalar field is changing in time, as expected in the Milky Way, this effective coupling produces a periodic modulation of the pulsar rotational frequency. By studying the time series of observed radio pulses collected by the European Pulsar Timing Array experiment, we present constraints on the coupling of dark matter, improving on existing bounds. These bounds can also be regarded as constraints on the parameters of scalar-tensor theories of the Fierz-Jordan-Brans-Dicke and Damour-Esposito-Far\`{e}se types in the presence of a (light) mass potential term.

Globular clusters contain vast repositories of metal-poor stars that represent some of the oldest stellar generations in the Universe. The archaeological footprint of early Galactic evolution may be retained in the measurable properties of globular clusters, such as their ages, mass functions and chemical abundances. Until recently, all photometric studies of globular clusters were restricted to stellar members. Now, the sensitivity of JWST can extend this analysis to the substellar regime. If detected in sufficient numbers, brown dwarf members can provide tight constraints on the properties of their parent population. We present SANDee - a new grid of stellar models that accurately represent the color-magnitude diagrams of globular clusters across the hydrogen-burning limit at a wide range of metallicities. Using JWST NIRCam photometry and the new models, we identify three brown dwarfs in the globular cluster NGC 6397 with effective temperatures of 1300-1800 K, confirmed by both proper motion and model fitting. We use the observed luminosities of discovered brown dwarfs to obtain the first age estimate of a globular cluster from its substellar cooling sequence: 13.4 +/- 3.3 Gyr. We also derive the local mass function of the cluster across the hydrogen-burning limit and find it to be top-heavy, suggesting extensive dynamical evolution. We expect that the constraints on both age and mass function of NGC 6397 derived in this work can be greatly improved by a second epoch of NIRCam imaging in the same field.

M. Scalco, M. Libralato, R. Gerasimov, L. R. Bedin, E. Vesperini, D. Nardiello, A. Bellini, M. Griggio, D. Apai, M. Salaris, A. Burgasser, J. Anderson

7 pages, 5 figures, A&A submitted

Thanks to its exceptional near-infrared photometry, $\textit{JWST}$ can effectively contribute to the discovery, characterization, and understanding of multiple stellar populations in globular clusters, especially at low masses where the $\textit{Hubble}$ $\textit{Space}$ $\textit{Telescope}$ ($\textit{HST}$) faces limitations. This paper continues the efforts of the $\textit{JWST}$ GO-1979 program in exploring the faintest members of the globular cluster NGC$\,$6397. Here we show that the combination of $\textit{HST}$ and $\textit{JWST}$ data allows us to identify two groups of MS stars (MSa, the first-generation, and MSb, the second-generation group). We measured the ratio between the two groups and combined it with measurements from the literature focused on more central fields and more massive stars compared to our study. We find that the MSa and MSb stars are present in a $\approx$30-70 ratio regardless of the distance from the centre of the cluster and the mass of the stars used so far.

Niv Drory, Guillermo A. Blanc, Kathryn Kreckel, Sebastian F. Sanchez, Alfredo Mejia-Narvaez, Evelyn J. Johnston, Amy M. Jones, Eric W. Pellegrini, Nicholas P. Konidaris, Tom Herbst, Jose Sanchez-Gallego, Juna A. Kollmeier, Florence de Almeida, Jorge K. Barrera-Ballesteros, Dmitry Bizyaev, Joel R. Brownstein, Mar Canal i Saguer, Brian Cherinka, Maria-Rosa L. Cioni, Enrico Congiu, Maren Cosens, Bruno Dias, John Donor, Oleg Egorov, Evgeniia Egorova, Cynthia S. Froning, Pablo Garcia, Simon C. O. Glover, Hannah Greve, Maximilian Haeberle, Kevin Hoy, Hector Ibarra, Jing Li, Ralf S. Klessen, Dhanesh Krishnarao, Nimisha Kumari, Knox S. Long, Jose Eduardo Mendez-Delgado, Silvia Anastasia Popa, Solange Ramirez, Hans-Walter Rix, Aurora Mata Sanchez, Ravi Sankrit, Natascha Sattler, Conor Sayres, Amrita Singh, et al. (5 additional authors not shown)

29 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal

We present the Sloan Digital Sky Survey V (SDSS-V) Local Volume Mapper (LVM). The LVM is an integral-field spectroscopic survey of the Milky Way, Magellanic Clouds, and of a sample of local volume galaxies, connecting resolved pc-scale individual sources of feedback to kpc-scale ionized interstellar medium (ISM) properties. The 4-year survey covers the southern Milky Way disk at spatial resolutions of 0.05 to 1 pc, the Magellanic Clouds at 10 pc resolution, and nearby large galaxies at larger scales totaling $>4300$ square degrees of sky, and more than 55M spectra. It utilizes a new facility of alt-alt mounted siderostats feeding 16 cm refractive telescopes, lenslet-coupled fiber-optics, and spectrographs covering 3600-9800A at R ~ 4000. The ultra-wide field IFU has a diameter of 0.5 degrees with 1801 hexagonally packed fibers of 35.3 arcsec apertures. The siderostats allow for a completely stationary fiber system, avoiding instability of the line spread function seen in traditional fiber feeds. Scientifically, LVM resolves the regions where energy, momentum, and chemical elements are injected into the ISM at the scale of gas clouds, while simultaneously charting where energy is being dissipated (via cooling, shocks, turbulence, bulk flows, etc.) to global scales. This combined local and global view enables us to constrain physical processes regulating how stellar feedback operates and couples to galactic kinematics and disk-scale structures, such as the bar and spiral arms, as well as gas in- and out-flows.

Solar radiation pressure can have a substantial long-term effect on the orbits of high area-to-mass ratio spacecraft, such as solar sails. We present a study of the coupling between radiation pressure and the gravitational perturbation due to polar flattening. Removing the short-period terms via perturbation theory yields a time-dependent two-degree-of-freedom Hamiltonian, depending on one physical and one dynamical parameter. While the reduced model is non-integrable in general, assuming coplanar orbits (i.e., both Spacecraft and Sun on the equator) results in an integrable invariant manifold. We discuss the qualitative features of the coplanar dynamics, and find three regions of the parameters space characterized by different regimes of the reduced flow. For each regime, we identify the fixed points and their character. The fixed points represent frozen orbits, configurations for which the long-term perturbations cancel out to the order of the theory. They are advantageous from the point of view of station keeping, allowing the orbit to be maintained with minimal propellant consumption. We complement existing studies of the coplanar dynamics with a more rigorous treatment, deriving the generating function of the canonical transformation that underpins the use of averaged equations. Furthermore, we obtain an analytical expression for the bifurcation lines that separate the regions with different qualitative flow.

Noelia R. Perez, Luis A. Pereyra, Georgina Coldwell, Ignacio G. Alfaro Facundo Rodriguez, Andrés N. Ruiz

13 pages, 5 figures

We study the evolution of the Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) and galaxy properties of nodes and filamentary structures obtained by DisPerSE from the Illustris TNG300-1 hydrodynamical simulation, in the redshift range $0 \leq z \leq 2$. We compute the HOD in filaments and nodes and fit the HOD parameters to study their evolution, taking into account both faint and bright galaxies. In nodes, the number of faint galaxies increases with the decreasing redshift in the low-mass halos, while no significant differences are seen in the high-mass halos. Limiting the HOD to bright galaxies shows that the halos increase in mass more than the number of bright galaxies they accrete. For filaments, no large differences in HOD are found for faint galaxies, although for brighter galaxies the behaviour is similar to that for nodes. The HOD parametrization suggests that filaments have no effect on the mass required to host a galaxy (central or satellite), whereas nodes do. The results of the study indicate that filaments do not seem to affect the stellar mass content of galaxies. In contrast, nodes appear to affect halos with masses below approximately $10^{12.5} h^{-1} M_{\odot}$ at local redshift. The analysis of the galaxy colour evolution shows a reddening towards lower redshift, although these processes seem to be more efficient in massive halos, with a strong effect on the bright galaxies. The general evolution suggests that the building of galaxy population within halos is influenced by both the accretion of faint galaxies and the mass growth of the bright ones.

Somayeh Khakpash, Federica B. Bianco, Maryam Modjaz, Willow F. Fortino, Alexander Gagliano, Conor Larison, Tyler A. Pritchard

65 pages, 35 images, 8 tables, submitted to The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series

While the spectroscopic classification scheme for Stripped envelope supernovae (SESNe) is clear, and we know that they originate from massive stars that lost some or all their envelopes of Hydrogen and Helium, the photometric evolution of classes within this family is not fully characterized. Photometric surveys, like the Vera C. Rubin Legacy Survey of Space and Time, will discover tens of thousands of transients each night and spectroscopic follow-up will be limited, prompting the need for photometric classification and inference based solely on photometry. We have generated 54 data-driven photometric templates for SESNe of subtypes IIb, Ib, Ic, Ic-bl, and Ibn in U/u, B, g, V, R/r, I/i, J, H, Ks, and Swift w2, m2, w1 bands using Gaussian Processes and a multi-survey dataset composed of all well-sampled open-access light curves (165 SESNe, 29531 data points) from the Open Supernova Catalog. We use our new templates to assess the photometric diversity of SESNe by comparing final per-band subtype templates with each other and with individual, unusual and prototypical SESNe. We find that SNe Ibns and Ic-bl exhibit a distinctly faster rise and decline compared to other subtypes. We also evaluate the behavior of SESNe in the PLAsTiCC and ELAsTiCC simulations of LSST light curves highlighting differences that can bias photometric classification models trained on the simulated light curves. Finally, we investigate in detail the behavior of fast-evolving SESNe (including SNe Ibn) and the implications of the frequently observed presence of two peaks in their light curves.

Roya Hamedani Golshan, Álvaro Sánchez-Monge, Peter Schilke, Marta Sewiło, Thomas Möller, V. S. Veena, Gary A. Fuller

To study the impact of the initial effects of metallicity (i.e., the abundance of elements heavier than helium) on star formation and the formation of different molecular species, we searched for hot molecular cores in the sub-solar metallicity environment of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). We conducted an ALMA Band 6 observations of 20 fields centered on young stellar objects (YSOs) distributed over the LMC in order to search for hot molecular cores in this galaxy. We detected a total of 65 compact 1.2 mm continuum cores in the 20 ALMA fields and analyzed their spectra with XCLASS software. The main temperature tracers are CH3OH and SO2, with more than two transitions detected in the observed frequency ranges. Other molecular lines with high detection rates in our sample are CS , SO, H13CO+, H13CN, HC15 N, and SiO. More complex molecules, such as HNCO, HDCO, HC3N, CH3CN, and NH2CHO, and multiple transitions of SO and SO2 isotopologues showed tentative or definite detection toward a small subset of the cores. According to the chemical richness of the cores and high temperatures from the XCLASS fitting, we report the detection of four hot cores and one hot core candidate. With one new hot core detection in this study, the number of detected hot cores in the LMC increases to seven. Six out of seven hot cores detected in the LMC to date are located in the stellar bar region of this galaxy. These six hot cores show emission from complex organic molecules (COMs), such as CH3OH, CH3CN, CH3OCHO, and CH3OCH3. The only known hot core in the LMC with no detection of COMs is located outside the bar region. The metallicity in the LMC presents a shallow gradient increasing from outer regions toward the bar. We suggest that the formation of hot molecular cores containing COMs ensues from the new generation of stars forming in the more metal-rich environment of the LMC bar.

Stephen M. White, Masumi Shimojo, Kazumasa Iwai, Timothy S. Bastian, Gregory D. Fleishman, Dale E. Gary, Jasmina Magdalenic, Angelos Vourlidas

24 pages, 6 figures, in press

This paper investigates the incidence of coherent emission in solar radio bursts, using a revised catalog of 3800 solar radio bursts observed by the Nobeyama Radio Polarimeters from 1988 to 2023. We focus on the 1.0 and 2.0 GHz data, where radio fluxes of order 10 billion Jansky have been observed. Previous work has suggested that these bursts are due to electron cyclotron maser (ECM) emission. In at least one well studied case, the bright emission at 1 GHz consists of narrowband spikes of millisecond duration. Coherent emission at 1 GHz can be distinguished from traditional incoherent gyrosynchrotron flare emission based on the radio spectrum: gyrosynchrotron emission at 1 GHz usually has a spectrum rising with frequency, so bursts in which 1 GHz is stronger than higher frequency measurements are unlikely to be incoherent gyrosynchrotron. Based on this criterion it is found that, for bursts exceeding 100 sfu, three-quarters of all bursts at 1 GHz and half of all 2 GHz bursts have a dominant coherent emission component, assumed to be ECM. The majority of the very bright bursts at 1 GHz are highly circularly polarized, consistent with a coherent emission mechanism, but not always 100% polarized. The frequency range from 1 to 2 GHz is heavily utilized for terrestrial applications, and these results are relevant for understanding the extreme flux levels that may impact such applications. Further, they provide a reference for comparison with the study of ECM emission from other stars and potentially exoplanets.

Zarah L. Brown, Tommi T. Koskinen, Julianne I. Moses, Sandrine Guerlet

66 pages, 11 figures

We analyze data from the final two years of the Cassini mission to retrieve the distributions of methane, ethane, acetylene, ethylene, and benzene in Saturn's upper stratosphere and mesosphere from stellar occultations observed by the Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS), spanning pole-to-pole. These observations represent the first 2D snapshot with latitude and depth of Saturn's photochemical production region around northern summer solstice. Using UVIS occultations and CIRS limb scans, we derive temperature-pressure profiles and atmospheric structure models for each occultation latitude. W detect a strong meridional trend in the homopause pressure level, which ranges from approximately 0.05 microbar around the subsolar point to around 5 microbar at the poles, implying much weaker mixing at the poles than near the subsolar point. This trend could be explained by upwelling at low latitudes and downwelling at high latitudes, requiring vertical wind speeds under 2 cm/s. Photochemical product distributions follow this trend and also show a clear seasonal trend at pressures between 0.01 and 10 microbar, with higher abundances in the summer hemisphere. We compare the observed distributions with results from 1D seasonal photochemical models, with and without ion chemistry, to explore the impact of ion chemistry. We find that ion chemistry is particularly important for matching the observed C6H6 distribution, while its impact on other species is less pronounced. The best agreement between the models and the observations is obtained in the summer hemisphere. Disagreements between model and observations in the winter hemisphere and auroral region may be due to the lack of transport by global circulation and auroral electron and ion precipitation in our photochemical models. Finally, we compare C2H2 profiles from UVIS occultations with CIRS limb scans, finding good agreement where they overlap.

Min-Yu Li, Sheng-Bang Qian, Li-Ying Zhu, Wen-Ping Liao, Er-Gang Zhao, Xiang-Dong Shi, Fu-Xing Li, Qi-Bin Sun

submit to AJ. 14 pages, 8 figures

We present the eclipsing Heartbeat Star KIC 9704906 with tidally excited oscillations (TEOs) and gamma Doradus/delta Scuti hybrid pulsations. The derived parameters show that it has an orbital period of $P$=8.7529108(1) days, a high eccentricity of $e$=0.467(3), and a high inclination of $i$=78$^{\circ}$.81(6). The mass ratio $q$=0.981(5), the relative radii (radius divided by semi-major axis) $r_1$=0.0639(2), and $r_2$=0.0715(4) indicate that the secondary component has a less mass and a larger radius, and may have evolved off the main sequence. The eight derived TEO candidates, $n$ = 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 40, and 44 harmonics, are consistent with or close to the dominant spherical harmonic $l=2$, $m=0$, or $\pm2$, assuming that the spin and orbital axes are aligned, and the pulsations are adiabatic and standing waves. We also identify ten independent frequency candidates, but one of them, $\mathit{f_{7}}$, is more like a modulation of a quasi-periodic signal and the orbits. According to the g-mode frequencies, we find that the rotation period of one component is 11.52(29) days. Although the masses and radii cannot be further constrained due to the lack of sufficient high-precision spectra, the fascinating phenomena in the Fourier spectra are evident and valuable in this system.

Peiai Liu, Qingbo Ma, Yunkun Han, Rongxin Luo

12 pages, 7 figures, APJ accepted

The luminosity and spectral energy distribution (SED) of high-$z$ galaxies are sensitive to the stellar population synthesis (SPS) models. In this paper, we study the effects of different SPS models on the measurements of high-$z$ galaxies and the budget of ionizing photons during the epoch of reionization, by employing each of them in the semi-analytical galaxy formation model {\sc L-Galaxies 2020}. We find that the different SPS models lead to $\lesssim 0.5$ dex differences on the amplitudes of UV luminosity functions, while the two modes of the same SPS model with and without the inclusion of binary stars leads to similar UV luminosity functions at $z \ge 6$. Instead, the binary stars produce $\sim 40\%$ more ionizing photons than the single stars, while such differences are smaller than those caused by different SPS models, e.g. the BPASS model produces $\sim 100\%$ more ionizing photons than other models.

Hiroto Yanagisawa, Masami Ouchi, Kuria Watanabe, Akinori Matsumoto, Kimihiko Nakajima, Hidenobu Yajima, Kentaro Nagamine, Koh Takahashi, Minami Nakane, Nozomu Tominaga, Hiroya Umeda, Hajime Fukushima, Yuichi Harikane, Yuki Isobe, Yoshiaki Ono, Yi Xu, Yechi Zhang

17 pages, 10 figures, submitted to ApJ

We present HeI/H$\beta$-flux and He/H-abundance ratios in three JWST galaxies with significant constraints on N/O-abundance ratios, GS-NDG-9422, RXCJ2248-ID, and GLASS150008 at $z\sim 6$ mostly with the spectroscopic coverage from HeI$\lambda$4471 and HeII$\lambda$4686 to HeI$\lambda$7065, comparing with 68 local-dwarf galaxies. We find that these high-$z$ galaxies present strong HeI emission with HeI/H$\beta$ flux ratios generally larger than those of local-dwarf galaxies. We derive He/H with all of the detected HeI, HeII, and $2-3$ hydrogen Balmer lines in the same manner as the local He/H determination conducted for cosmology studies. These high-$z$ galaxies show He overabundance He/H$\gtrsim 0.10$ or high electron density $n_\mathrm{e}\sim 10^{3-4}$ cm$^{-3}$ much larger than local values at low O/H, $12+\log \mathrm{(O/H)}=7-8$. In contrast, we obtain low He/H and $n_\mathrm{e}$ values for our local-dwarf galaxies by the same technique with the same helium and hydrogen lines, and confirm that the difference between the high-$z$ and local-dwarf galaxies are not mimicked by systematics. While two scenarios of 1) He overabundance and 2) high electron density are not clearly concluded, we find that there is a positive correlation on the He/H-N/O or $n_\mathrm{e}$-N/O plane by the comparison of the high-$z$ and local-dwarf galaxies. The scenario 1) suggests that the overabundant helium and nitrogen are not explained by the standard chemical enrichment of core-collapse supernovae, but the CNO-cycle products and equilibrium ratios, respectively. The scenario 2) indicates that the strong helium lines are originated from the central dense clouds of the high-$z$ galaxies by excessive collisional excitation.

Antonino Del Popolo, Man Ho Chan

Accepted publication in Physics of the Dark Universe

In this paper, we test one of the predictions of the Scale Invariant Vacuum (SIV) theory on MOND. According to that theory, MOND's acceleration $a_0$ is not a universal quantity but depends on several parameters, including time. To check this prediction, we compare the dependency of $a_0$ from redshift, using the values of $a_0$ obtained in Marra et al. (2020) by carrying a Bayesian inference for 153 galaxies of the SPARC sample. Since this sample does not contain galaxies at large redshift, we have estimated $a_0$ from the data in Nestor Shachar et al. (2023). The SPARC sample, for small values of the redshift, in the redshift range $0.00032-0.032$ gives a correlation with $z$, while the Nestor Shachar et al. (2023) data, in the higher redshift range $0.5-2.5$ gives an anti-correlation with the redshift $z$. Both samples show a dependency of $a_0$ from $z$, although the uncertainties involved are large, especially for the high-redshift galaxies. The combined sample gives an overall correlation of $a_0$ with $z$. The different behavior at low and high redshift can be related to a change of the $a_0(z)$ with redshift, or to the lower precision with which the high-redshift value of $a_0$ are known.

B. Tripathi, Dhrubaditya Mitra

11 pages, 5 figures

We solve for waves in a polytropic, stratified medium with a spatially varying background magnetic field that points along a horizontal $x$-direction, and with gravity that is directed along the vertical $z$-direction. Force balance determines the magnitude of the background magnetic field, $B_0^2 \sim z^{n+1}$, where $n$ is the polytropic index. Using numerical and asymptotic methods, we deduce an accurate and explicit dispersion relation for fast pressure-driven waves: $\Omega^2 \sim K\left(2m+n\right) \left[1 + (1/M_\mathrm{A})^2 (4-2\gamma+\cos^2\theta-3\cos^4\theta)/4 \right]$. Here, $\Omega$ is the frequency, $K$ the wavenumber, $\theta$ the angle the wave-vector makes with the background magnetic field, $M_\mathrm{A}$ the Alfv\'enic Mach number, and $m$ an integer representing the eigen state. Applications of our result are in magnetoseismology and nonlinear asteroseismology.

A.C. Fabian, J.S. Sanders, G.J. Ferland, B.R. McNamara, C. Pinto, S.A. Walker

4 pages, 2 Figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS

High resolution X-ray spectra reveal hidden cooling flows depositing cold gas at the centres of massive nearby early-type galaxies with little sign of normal star formation. Optical observations are revealing that a bottom-heavy Initial Mass Function is common within the inner kpc of similar galaxies. We revive the possibility that a low-mass star formation mode is operating due to the high thermal pressure in the cooling flow, thus explaining the accumulation of low-mass stars. We further explore whether such a mode operated in early, high-redshift galaxies and has sporadically continued to the present day. The idea links observed distant galaxies with black holes which are ultramassive for their stellar mass, nearby red nuggets and massive early-type galaxies. Nearby elliptical galaxies may be red but they are not dead.

E. O. Pentsak, M. S. Murga, V. P. Ananikov

Review paper. Accepted in ACS Earth and Space Chemistry

Acetylene, among the multitude of organic molecules discovered in space, plays a distinct role in the genesis of organic matter. Characterized by its unique balance of stability and reactivity, acetylene is the simplest unsaturated organic molecule known to have a triple bond. In addition to its inherent chemical properties, acetylene is one of the most prevalent organic molecules found across the Universe, spanning from the icy surfaces of planets and satellites and the cold interstellar medium with low temperatures to hot circumstellar envelopes where temperatures surge to several thousand kelvins. These factors collectively position acetylene as a crucial building block in the molecular diversification of organic molecules and solids present in space. This review comprehensively discusses the formation and expansion of carbon skeletons involving acetylene, ranging from the formation of simple molecules to the origination of the first aromatic ring and ultimately to the formation of nanosized carbon particles. Mechanisms pertinent to both hot environments, such as circumstellar envelopes, and cold environments, including molecular clouds and planetary atmospheres, are explored. In addition, this review contemplates the role of acetylene in the synthesis of prebiotic molecules. A distinct focus is accorded to the recent advancements and future prospects of research into catalytic processes involving acetylene molecules, which is a significant instrument in driving the evolution of carbon complexity in the Universe. The insights garnered from this review underline the significance of acetylene in astrochemistry and potentially contribute to our understanding of the chemical evolution of the Universe.

Joydeep Bagchi, Shankar Ray, Suraj Dhiwar, Pratik Dabhade, Aaron Barth, Luis C. Ho, Mohammad S. Mirakhor, Stephen A. Walker, Nicole Nesvadba, Francoise Combes, Andrew Fabian, Joe Jacob

Submitted to MNRAS

This study delves into the bulge-disc components and stellar mass distribution in the fast-rotating, highly massive spiral galaxy 2MASX~J23453268-0449256, distinguished by extraordinary radio jets extending to Mpc scales. Using high-resolution multi-wavelength Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations and multi-parameter panchromatic spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting, we derive estimates for the star formation rate, total baryonic mass in stars, and warm dust properties. Our findings, validated at a spatial resolution of approximately 100 pc, reveal a pseudo-bulge rather than a classical bulge and a small nuclear bar and resonant ring, challenging conventional models of galaxy formation. Additionally, the lack of tidal debris and the highly symmetric spiral arms within a rotationally supported stellar disc indicate a tranquil coevolution of the galactic disc and its supermassive black hole (SMBH). Significantly, the galaxy exhibits suppressed star formation in its center, potentially influenced by feedback from the central accreting SMBH with powerful radio jets. Detailed multi-wavelength studies of potential star-forming gas disclose that, while hot X-ray gas cools down in the galaxy's halo, new stars do not form in the center, likely due to feedback effects. This study raises questions about the efficient fueling and sustained collimated jet ejection activity in J2345-0449, underscoring the imperative need for a comprehensive understanding of its central black hole engine properties, which are presently lacking. The exceptional rarity of galaxies like 2MASX~J23453268-0449256 presents intriguing challenges in unraveling the physical processes responsible for their unique characteristics.

Hailiang Li, Li-Yong Zhou (School of Astronomy and Space Science, Nanjing University)

14 pages, 13 figures, accepted by A&A

The 1:N mean motion resonances with Neptune are of particular interest because they have two asymmetric resonance islands, where the distribution of trapped objects may bear important clues to the history of the Solar System. To explore the dynamics of these resonances and to investigate whether the imprints left by the early stage evolution can be preserved in the resonances, we conduct a comprehensive analyses on the 1:2 and 1:3 resonances. Adopt mainly the frequency analysis method, we calculate the proper frequencies of the motion of objects in the resonances, with which the secular mechanisms that influence the dynamics are determined. Use the spectral number as an indicator of orbital regularity, we construct dynamical maps on representative planes. By comparing the structures in the maps with the locations of the secular mechanisms, we find that the von-Zeipel-Lidov-Kozai mechanism and the $g=2s$ mechanism destabilize the influenced orbits and portray the overall structure of the 1:2 and 1:3 resonances. The secular resonance $2g-s=s_8$ opens a channel for objects to switch between the leading and trailing resonance islands, which can alter the population ratio between these two islands. The secondary resonances associated with the quasi 2:1 resonance between Uranus and Neptune are also detected, and they introduce more chaos to the motion. The fine dynamical structures of the 1:2 and 1:3 resonances revealed in this paper, combined with knowledge of resonant capture, provide a compelling explanation for the eccentricity distribution of observed Twotinos. And we anticipate a more complete understanding of the history of planetary migration in the Solar System can be achieved by comparing the results in this paper with the populations in the 1:N resonances in future when further observations bring us more objects.

Siddharth Gandhi, Rico Landman, Ignas Snellen, Luis Welbanks, Nikku Madhusudhan, Matteo Brogi

11 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in MNRAS

Numerous chemical constraints have been possible for exoplanetary atmospheres thanks to high-resolution spectroscopy (HRS) from ground-based facilities as well as low-resolution spectroscopy (LRS) from space. These two techniques have complementary strengths, and hence combined HRS and LRS analyses have the potential for more accurate abundance constraints and increased sensitivity to trace species. In this work we retrieve the atmosphere of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-76~b, using high-resolution CARMENES/CAHA and low-resolution HST WFC3 and Spitzer observations of the primary eclipse. As such hot planets are expected to have a substantial fraction of H$_2$O dissociated, we conduct retrievals including both H$_2$O and OH. We explore two retrieval models, one with self-consistent treatment of H$_2$O dissociation and another where H$_2$O and OH are vertically-homogeneous. Both models constrain H$_2$O and OH, with H$_2$O primarily detected by LRS and OH through HRS, highlighting the strengths of each technique and demonstrating the need for combined retrievals to fully constrain chemical compositions. We see only a slight preference for the H$_2$O-dissociation model given that the photospheric constraints for both are very similar, indicating $\log(\mathrm{OH/H_2O}) = 0.7^{+0.3}_{-0.3}$ at 1.5~mbar, showing that the majority of the H$_2$O in the photosphere is dissociated. However, the bulk O/H and C/O ratios inferred from the models differs significantly, and highlights the challenge of constraining bulk compositions from photospheric abundances with strong vertical chemical gradients. Further observations with JWST and ground-based facilities may help shed more light on these processes.

Jens Stücker, Marcos Pellejero-Ibáñez, Raul E. Angulo, Francisco Maion, Rodrigo Voivodic

26 pages, 16 figures

The spatial distribution of galaxies is a highly complex phenomenon currently impossible to predict deterministically. However, by using a statistical $\textit{bias}$ relation, it becomes possible to robustly model the average abundance of galaxies as a function of the underlying matter density field. Understanding the properties and parametric description of the bias relation is key to extract cosmological information from future galaxy surveys. Here, we contribute to this topic primarily in two ways: (1) We develop a new set of probabilistic estimators for bias parameters using the moments of the Lagrangian galaxy environment distribution. These estimators include spatial corrections at different orders to measure bias parameters independently of the damping scale. We report robust measurements of a variety of bias parameters for haloes, including the tidal bias and its dependence with spin at a fixed mass. (2) We propose an alternative formulation of the bias expansion in terms of "cumulant bias parameters" that describe the response of the logarithmic galaxy density to large-scale perturbations. We find that cumulant biases of haloes are consistent with zero at orders $n > 2$. This suggests that: (i) previously reported bias relations at order $n > 2$ are an artefact of the entangled basis of the canonical bias expansion; (ii) the convergence of the bias expansion may be improved by phrasing it in terms of cumulants; (iii) the bias function is very well approximated by a Gaussian -- an avenue which we explore in a companion paper.

Jens Stücker, Marcos Pellejero-Ibáñez, Rodrigo Voivodic, Raul E. Angulo

21 pages, 12 figures

Understanding $\textit{galaxy bias}$ -- that is the statistical relation between matter and galaxies -- is of key importance for extracting cosmological information from galaxy surveys. While the bias function $f$ is usually approximated through a parametric expansion, we show here, that it can also be measured directly from simulations in a non-parameteric way. Our measurements show that the Lagrangian bias function is very close to a Gaussian for halo selections of any mass. Therefore, we newly introduce a Gaussian bias model with several intriguing properties: (1) It predicts only strictly positive probabilities $f > 0$ (unlike expansion models), (2) It has a simple analytic renormalized form and (3) It behaves gracefully in many scenarios where the classical expansion converges poorly. We show that the Gaussian bias model describes the galaxy environment distribution $p(\delta | \mathrm{g})$, the scale dependent bias function $f$ and the renormalized bias function $F$ of haloes and galaxies generally equally well or significantly better than a second order expansion with the same number of parameters. We suggest that a Gaussian bias approach may enhance the range of validity of bias schemes where the canonical expansion converges poorly and further, that it may make new applications possible, since it guarantees the positivity of predicted galaxy densities.

E. Kleisioti, D. Dirkx, X. Tan, M. A. Kenworthy

Accepted for publication in A&A

(Aims) We investigate whether volcanic exomoons can be detected in thermal wavelength light curves due to their phase variability along their orbit. The method we use is based on the photometric signal variability that volcanic features or hotspots would cause in infrared (IR) wavelengths, when they are inhomogeneously distributed on the surface of a tidally heated exomoon (THEM). (Methods) We simulated satellites of various sizes around an isolated planet and modeled the system's variability in two IR wavelengths, taking into account photon shot noise. The moon's periodic signal as it orbits the planet introduces a peak in the frequency space of the system's time-variable flux. We investigated the THEM and system properties that would make a moon stand out in the frequency space of its host's variable flux. (Results) The moon's signal can produce a prominent feature in its host's flux periodogram at shorter IR wavelengths for hotspots with temperatures similar to the ones seen on the Jovian moon, Io, while the same moon would not be identifiable in longer IR wavelengths. By comparing observations at two different wavelengths, we are able to disentangle an exomoon's signal from the planet's one in the frequency domain for system distances up to $\sim$10 pc for Mars-sized exomoons and even further for Earth-sized ones for transiting and non-transiting orbital inclinations. (Conclusions) This method enlarges the parameter space of detectable exomoons around isolated planetary mass objects and directly imaged exoplanets, as it is sensitive to Io-Earth sized exomoons with hot volcanic features for a wide range of non-transiting orbital inclinations. Exomoon transits and the detection of outgassed volcanic molecules can subsequently confirm a putative detection.

Abhimanyu Susobhanan, David Kaplan, Anne Archibald, Jing Luo, Paul Ray, Timothy Pennucci, Scott Ransom, Gabriella Agazie, William Fiore, Bjorn Larsen, Patrick O'Neill, Rutger van Haasteren, Akash Anumarlapudi, Matteo Bachetti, Deven Bhakta, Chloe Champagne, H. Thankful Cromartie, Paul Demorest, Ross Jennings, Matthew Kerr, Sasha Levina, Alexander McEwen, Brent Shapiro-Albert, Joseph Swiggum

Submitted to ApJ

PINT is a pure-Python framework for high-precision pulsar timing developed on top of widely used and well-tested Python libraries, supporting both interactive and programmatic data analysis workflows. We present a new frequentist framework within PINT to characterize the single-pulsar noise processes present in pulsar timing datasets. This framework enables the parameter estimation for both uncorrelated and correlated noise processes as well as the model comparison between different timing and noise models. We demonstrate the efficacy of the new framework by applying it to simulated datasets as well as a real dataset of PSR B1855+09. We also briefly describe the new features implemented in PINT since it was first described in the literature.

Tatiana V. Demidova, Ivan I. Shevchenko

20 pages, 9 figures, 31 references

Extensive numerical experiments on the long-term dynamics of planetesimal disks with planets in systems of single stars have been carried out. The planetary chaotic zone clearing timescales $T_\mathrm{cl}$ as a function of mass parameter $\mu$ (planet-star mass ratio) have been determined numerically with a high accuracy separately for the outer and inner parts of the chaotic zone. Diffusional components $\propto \mu^{-6/7}$ and $\propto \mu^{-2}$ have been revealed in the dependence $T_\mathrm{cl}(\mu)$. The results obtained are discussed and interpreted in light of existing analytical theories based on the mean motion resonance overlap criterion and in comparison with previous numerical approaches to the problem.

Stephen. B. Potter, David A. H. Buckley, S. Scaringi, I.M. Monageng, Okwudili D. Egbo, Philip A. Charles, N. Erasmus, Carel van Gend, Egan Loubser, Keegan Titus, Kathryn Rosie, Hitesh Gajjar, H. L. Worters, Sunil Chandra, R. P. M. Julie, Moloko Hlakola

5 pages, 9 figures accepted in MNRAS letters

We report on optical follow-up observations of an X-ray source initially detected by the Einstein Probe mission. Our investigations categorize the source as an intermediate polar, a class of magnetic cataclysmic variables, exhibiting an orbital period of 3.7614(4) hours and a white dwarf spin period of 3.97 minutes. The orbital period was identified through TESS observations, while our high-speed photometric data, obtained using the 1.9m and Lesedi 1.0m telescopes at the South African Astronomical Observatory, revealed both the spin and beat periods. Additionally, we present orbitally phase-resolved spectroscopic observations using the 1.9m telescope, specifically centered on the Hbeta emission line, which reveal two emission components that exhibit Doppler variations throughout the orbital cycle.

M. V. Legnardi, A. P. Milone, G. Cordoni, A. F. Marino, E. Dondoglio, S. Jang, E. P. Lagioia, F. Muratore, T. Ziliotto, E. Bortolan, A. Mohandasan

15 pages, 14 figures, accepted for pubblication in Astronomy & Astrophysics

Globular cluster (GC) stars composed of pristine material (first-generation, 1G, stars) are not chemically homogeneous, as they exhibit extended sequences in the "Chromosome Map" (ChM). Recent studies characterized 1G stars within the center of 55 Galactic GCs, revealing metallicity variations. Despite this progress, several unanswered questions persist, particularly concerning the link between the 1G metallicity spread and factors such as the radial distance from the cluster center or the host GC parameters. Additionally, it remains unclear whether the extended 1G sequence phenomenon is exclusive to old Galactic GCs with multiple populations. This work addresses these open issues, examining 1G stars in different environments. First, we combine Hubble Space Telescope (HST) and James Webb Space Telescope photometry of the GC 47 Tucanae to study 1G stars at increasing distances from the cluster center. We find that metal-rich 1G stars are more centrally concentrated than metal-poor ones, suggesting a metallicity radial gradient. Additionally, the two groups of 1G stars share similar kinematics. Since our analysis focuses on giant stars in the cluster center and M dwarfs in external fields, we discuss the possibility that the metallicity distribution depends on stellar mass. Subsequently, we analyze HST multi-band photometry of two simple-population clusters, NGC 6791 and NGC 1783, revealing elongated sequences in the ChM associated with metallicity variations. Finally, we investigate the 1G color distribution in 51 GCs, finding no connections with the host cluster parameters. These results shed light on the complex nature of 1G stars, providing insights into the GC formation environment.

Erik Høg

8 pages, 5 figures

The great development of astrometric accuracy since the observations by the Greek astronomer Hipparchus about 150 BC has often been displayed in diagrams showing the accuracy versus time. Two new diagrams are provided here, one for positions only, another including parallaxes. New information is included on the Gaia DR3 data and the coming data releases, and about two great astronomers from the distant past, Wilhelm in Kassel and al-Sufi in Isfahan.

C. Cabezas, M. Agúndez, Y. Endo, B. Tercero, Y.-P. Lee, N. Marcelino, P. de Vicente, J. Cernicharo

Accepted as a Letter in Astronomy & Astrophysics on May 2nd 2024. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2311.13860 , arXiv:2404.07585

We present the detection of cyanothioketene, NCCHCS, in the laboratory and toward TMC-1. This transient species was produced through a discharge of a gas mixture of CH2CHCN and CS2 using argon as carrier gas, and its rotational spectrum between 9 and 40 GHz was characterized using a Balle-Flygare narrowband-type Fourier-transform microwave spectrometer. A total of 21 rotational transitions were detected in the laboratory, all of them exhibiting hyperfine structure induced by the spin of the N nucleus. The spectrum for NCCHCS was predicted in the domain of our line surveys using the derived rotational and distortion constants. The detection in the cold starless core TMC-1 was based on the QUIJOTE line survey performed with the Yebes 40m radio telescope. Twenty-three lines were detected with K_a=0, 1, and 2 and J_u=9 up to 14. The derived column density is (1.2+/-0.1)e11 cm-2 for a rotational temperature of 8.5+/-1 K. The abundance ratio of thioketene and its cyano derivative, H2CCS/NCCHCS, is 6.5+/-1.3. Although ketene is more abundant than thioketene by about 15 times, its cyano derivative NCCHCO surprisingly is not detected with a 3sigma upper level to the column density of 3.0e10 cm-2, which results in an abundance ratio H2CCO/NCCHCO > 430. Hence, the chemistry of CN derivatives seems to be more favored for S-bearing than for O-bearing molecules. We carried out chemical modeling calculations and found that the gas-phase neutral-neutral reactions CCN + H2CS and CN + H2CCS could be a source of NCCHCS in TMC-1.

Gan Luo, Di Li, Zhi-yu Zhang, Thomas G. Bisbas, Ningyu Tang, Lingrui Lin, Yichen Sun, Pei Zuo, Jing Zhou

9 pages, 5 figures, accepted by A&A Letter

The CO-dark molecular gas (DMG), which refers to the molecular gas not traced by CO emission, is crucial for the evolution of the interstellar medium (ISM). While the gas properties of DMG have been widely explored in the Solar neighborhood, whether or not they are similar in the outer disk regions of the Milky Way is still not well understood. In this Letter, we confirm the existence of DMG toward a cold HI arc structure at 13 kpc away from the Galactic center with both OH emission and HI narrow self-absorption (HINSA). This is the first detection of HINSA in the outer disk region, in which the HINSA fraction ($N_{\rm HINSA}$/$N_{\rm H_2}$ = 0.022$\pm$0.011) is an order of magnitude higher than the average value observed in nearby evolved dark clouds, but is consistent with that of the early evolutionary stage of dark clouds. The inferred H$_2$ column density from both extinction and OH emission ($N_{\rm H_2} \approx 10^{20}$ cm$^{-2}$) is an order of magnitude higher than previously estimated. Although the ISM environmental parameters are expected to be different between the outer Galactic disk regions and the Solar neighborhood, we find that the visual extinction ($A_{\rm V}$ = 0.19$\pm$0.03 mag), H$_2$-gas density ($n_{\rm H_2} = 91\pm46$ cm$^{-3}$), and molecular fraction (58\%$\pm$28\%) of the DMG are rather similar to those of nearby diffuse molecular clouds. The existence of DMG associated with the expanding HI supershell supports a scenario where the expansion of supershells may trigger the formation of molecular clouds within a crossing timescale of the shock wave ($\sim$10$^6$ yr).

J. A. Villa-Vélez, B. Godard, P. Guillard, G. Pineau des Forêts

Accepted for publication in A&A, 22 pages, 15 figures

Context: Atomic and molecular lines in galaxies offer insights into energy budgets and feedback mechanisms. Aims: This study establishes a new framework for interpreting these lines and deducing energy budgets from observations. Methods: Atomic and molecular lines detected in a given object are assumed to result from the combination of distributions of shocks and photo-dissociation regions (PDR). Using the Paris-Durham shock code and the Meudon PDR code, emissions are computed over a wide range of parameters. Total emissions are calculated using probability distribution functions, with a defined distance metric based on observed and predicted intensity ratios. Results: We analyze the radio galaxy 3C 326 N, finding both shocks and PDRs necessary to explain the line fluxes. Viable solutions occur only at low densities ($\rm n_H < 100 cm^{-3}$), indicating emission from diffuse interstellar matter. The optimal solution involves low-velocity shocks (5-20 km/s) in PDRs illuminated by UV radiation ten times stronger than in the solar neighborhood. The H$2$ 0-0 S(0) $28 \mu$m, [CII] $158 \mu$m, and [OI] $63 \mu$m lines originate from PDRs, while other H$2$ lines mostly come from shocks. The reprocessed radiative and mechanical energies are $\rm {L_{UV} = 6.3\times10^9 L\odot}$ and $\rm {L_K = 3.9\times10^8 L_\odot}$, respectively, in agreement with 3C 326 N's infrared luminosity, and consistent with 1% of the AGN jet kinetic power dissipated in the interstellar medium. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that the radiative and mechanical energy budgets of galaxies can be derived from observations of atomic and molecular lines alone. It highlights the unexpected importance of the diffuse medium for 3C 326 N. Comparison with new JWST data for 3C 326 N shows striking agreement, opening new prospects for predicting and interpreting extragalactic observations.

Sunayana Bhargava, Paul Giles, Kathy Romer, Tesla Jeltema, Devon Hollowood, Matt Hilton

3 pages, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in the Research Notes of the AAS

In this note, we present spectral fits of the well-documented sloshing cool-core cluster Zwicky 3146 ($z=0.291$), to test the existence of the highly speculated 3.5 keV line. We report excesses at $>3\sigma$ significance at $E=3.575$ keV, yielding a flux $F = 8.73_{-2.22}^{+2.17}$ $\times 10^{-6}$ photons cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$, in \textit{XMM-Newton}, and $E=3.55$ keV, with a flux $F = 10.0_{-2.96}^{+3.05}$ $\times 10^{-6}$ photons cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ in \textit{Chandra}. We explore the possibility that the 3.5 keV excess is correlated to the presence of cold gas within the cluster, based on optical and sub-mm literature analyses. Following the launch of the X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM), high resolution spectroscopy ($\leq 7$ eV) will reveal in unprecedented detail, the origin of this unidentified feature, for which Zwicky 3146 should be considered a viable target, due to the strength of the feature in two independent X-ray telescopes, opening a new window into plasma or charge exchange studies in galaxy clusters.

Balša Terzić, Geoffrey A. Krafft, William Clark, Alexandre Deur, Emerson Rogers, Brandon Velasco

6 pages, 5 figures

We present the first fully and inherently relativistic derivation of the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect. This work uses the formalism historically used to compute radiation spectra emerging from inverse Thomson/Compton sources of x-ray radiation. Comparing our results to the traditional approach based on relativistically-corrected classical Kompaneets equation, we find small, but systematic differences. Most notable are the modest (< 10 %) differences in the crossover frequency where the spectral distortion due to the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect vanishes, and the energy increase of the distribution at high electron cloud temperatures.

Agapi Rissaki, Orestis Pavlou, Dimitris Fotakis, Vicky Papadopoulou Lesta, Andreas Efstathiou

Published in Astronomy and Computing (Volume 47, April 2024, 100823)

The mid-infrared spectra of galaxies are rich in features such as the Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) and silicate dust features which give valuable information about the physics of galaxies and their evolution. For example they can provide information about the relative contribution of star formation and accretion from a supermassive black hole to the power output of galaxies. However, the mid-infrared spectra are currently available for a very small fraction of galaxies that have been detected in deep multi-wavelength surveys of the sky. In this paper we explore whether Deep Generative Network methods can be used to reconstruct mid-infrared spectra in the 5-35{\mu}m range using the limited multi-wavelength photometry in ~20 bands from the ultraviolet to the submillimeter which is typically available in extragalactic surveys. For this purpose we use simulated spectra computed with a combination of radiative transfer models for starbursts, active galactic nucleus (AGN) tori and host galaxies. We find that our method using Deep Generative Networks, namely Generative Adversarial Networks and Generative Latent Optimization models, can efficiently produce high quality reconstructions of mid-infrared spectra in ~70% of the cases.

Zhengyi Wang, Shijie Lin, Zhejie Ding, Bin Hu

8 pages, 4 figures

Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) collaboration recently release the first year data (DR1) of baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) in galaxy, quasar and Lyman-$\alpha$ forest tracers. When combined the CMB and SNIa data with DESI BAO, its cosmological implication shows a hint of thawing dark energy behavior. The official distance measurements for cosmology analysis are given in terms of the comoving distances along ($D_H$), and perpendicular to ($D_M$), the line of sight to the observer. We notice that there are $1\sim2\sigma$ deviations in $D_M$ and $D_H$ from the values of Planck cosmology in the luminous red galaxies (LRG) bin 1 and bin 2, namely LRG1 and LRG2. In this paper, we want to study the role of LRG1 and LRG2 in driving the DESI 2024 BAO osmology away from Planck cosmology. Since the angle-averaged distance $D_V$ and the ratio of transverse and line-of-sight comoving distances $F_{\rm AP}=D_M/D_H$ are more directly related with the measured monopole and quadrupole components of galaxy power spectrum or correlation function, we use $D_V$ and $F_{\rm AP}$ instead of the officially adopted $D_M$ and $D_H$. The purpose of this data vector transformation is to isolate the influence of monopoles in LRG1 and LRG2 in driving the deviation from $w=-1$. We find that by removing the $D_V$ data point in LRG2, the DESI + CMB + SNIa data compilation recovers $w=-1$ within $2\sigma$ contour.Similarly, the exclusion of the $D_V$ data point from LRG1 shifts the contour in the $w_0/w_a$ plane toward $w=-1$, though no intersection is observed. This underscores the preference of both the LRG1 and LRG2 BAO monopole components for the thawing dark energy model, with LRG2 exhibiting a stronger preference compared to LRG1. Alongside this paper, we provide the $D_V$ and $F_{\rm AP}$ data as well as their covariance.

We build an effective field theory of multi-field inflationary fluctuations based on the adiabatic perturbation and on any number of matter fluctuations in the non-adiabatic sector, without imposing extra symmetries on the latter. Focusing on terms with at most two derivatives in fields' fluctuations, we argue that taking the decoupling limit -- in which gravitational interactions are neglected -- is justified in a quasi de Sitter spacetime with slow-varying Hubble scale. With these working hypotheses, we find simple forms of multi-field mixings (quadratic order) and interactions (cubic order). We explain how to break degeneracies amongst various terms, and we compare the predictions of the effective field theory to those of non-linear sigma models of inflation and more general multi-field Lagrangian in the traditional model approach. We stress that several multi-field cubic interactions are dictated by non-linearly realised spacetime symmetries and are therefore given in terms of parameters already present in the quadratic action. We propose various directions to systematically explore the phenomenology generic to multi-field inflation and beyond the lamppost of known models.

Dominic Bernardi, Yajie Yuan, Alexander Y. Chen (Washington University in St. Louis)

12 pages, 13 figures

Rapid shear motion of magnetar crust can launch Alfv\'{e}n waves into the magnetosphere. The dissipation of the Alfv\'{e}n waves has been theorized to power the X-ray bursts characteristic of magnetars. However, the process by which Alfv\'{e}n waves convert their energy to X-rays is unclear. Recent work has suggested that energetic fast magnetosonic (fast) waves can be produced as a byproduct of Alfv\'{e}n waves propagating on curved magnetic field lines; their subsequent dissipation may power X-ray bursts. In this work, we investigate the production of fast waves by performing axisymmetric force-free simulations of Alfv\'{e}n waves propagating in a dipolar magnetosphere. For Alfv\'{e}n wave trains that do not completely fill the flux tube confining them, we find a fast wave dominated by a low frequency component with a wavelength defined by the bouncing time of the Alfv\'{e}n waves. In contrast, when the wave train is long enough to completely fill the flux tube, and the Alfv\'{e}n waves overlap significantly, the energy is quickly converted into a fast wave with a higher frequency that corresponds to twice the Alfv\'{e}n wave frequency. We investigate how the energy, duration, and wavelength of the initial Alfv\'{e}n wave train affect the conversion efficiency to fast waves. For modestly energetic star quakes, we see that the fast waves that are produced will become non-linear well within the magnetosphere, and we comment on the X-ray emission that one may expect from such events.

C. Casanueva-Villarreal, P.B. Tissera, N. Padilla, B. Liu, V. Bromm, S. Pedrosa, L. Bignone, R. Dominguez-Tenreiro

Context. Primordial black holes (PBHs) have been proposed as potential candidates for dark matter (DM) and have garnered significant attention in recent years. Aims. Our objective is to delve into the distinct impact of PBHs on gas properties and their potential role in shaping the cosmic structure. Specifically, we aim to analyze the evolving gas properties while considering the presence of accreting PBHs with varying monochromatic masses and in different quantities. By studying the feedback effects produced by this accretion, our final goal is to assess the plausibility of PBHs as candidates for DM. Methods. We develop a semi-analytical model which works on top of the CIELO hydrodynamical simulation around $z\sim23$. This model enables a comprehensive analysis of the evolution of gas properties influenced by PBHs. Our focus lies on the temperature and hydrogen abundances, placing specific emphasis on the region closest to the halo center. We explore PBH masses of $1$, $33$, and $100~\Msun$, located within mass windows where a substantial fraction of DM could exist in the form of PBHs. We investigate various DM fractions composed of these PBHs ($f_{\rm{PBH}}>10^{-4}$). Results. Our findings suggest that the existence of PBHs with masses of $1~\Msun$ and fractions greater than or equal to approximately $10^{-2}$ would be ruled out due to the significant changes induced in gas properties. The same applies to PBHs with a mass of $33~\Msun$ and $100~\Msun$ and fractions greater than approximately $10^{-3}$. These effects are particularly pronounced in the region nearest to the halo center, potentially leading to delayed galaxy formation within haloes.

E. Bachelet, P. Rota, V. Bozza, P. Zielinski, Y. Tsapras, M. Hundertmark, J. Wambsganss, L. Wyrzykowski, P. J. Mikolajczyk, R.A. Street, R. Figuera Jaimes, A. Cassan, M. Dominik, D.A.H. Buckley, S. Awiphan, N. Nakhaharutai, S. Zola, K. A. Rybicki, M. Gromadzki, K. Howil, N. Ihanec, M. Jablonska, K. Kruszynska, U. Pylypenko, M. Ratajczak, M. Sitek, M. Rabus

Accepted in AJ

During the last 25 years, hundreds of binary stars and planets have been discovered towards the Galactic Bulge by microlensing surveys. Thanks to a new generation of large-sky surveys, it is now possible to regularly detect microlensing events across the entire sky. The OMEGA Key Projet at the Las Cumbres Observatory carries out automated follow-up observations of microlensing events alerted by these surveys with the aim of identifying and characterizing exoplanets as well as stellar remnants. In this study, we present the analysis of the binary lens event Gaia20bof. By automatically requesting additional observations, the OMEGA Key Project obtained dense time coverage of an anomaly near the peak of the event, allowing characterization of the lensing system. The observed anomaly in the lightcurve is due to a binary lens. However, several models can explain the observations. Spectroscopic observations indicate that the source is located at $\le2.0$ kpc, in agreement with the parallax measurements from Gaia. While the models are currently degenerate, future observations, especially the Gaia astrometric time series as well as high-resolution imaging, will provide extra constraints to distinguish between them.

We present pyLIMASS, a novel algorithm for estimating the physical properties of the lensing system in microlensing events. The main idea of pyLIMASS is to combine all available information regarding the microlensing event, defined as observables, and to estimate the parameter distributions of the system, such as the lens mass and distance. The algorithm is based on isochrones for the stars model and combine the observables using a Gaussian Mixtures approach. After describing the mathematical formalism and its implementation, we discuss the algorithm's performance on simulated and published events. Generally, the pyLIMASS estimations are in good agreement (i.e., within 1-$\sigma$) with the results of the selected published events, making it an effective tool to estimate the lens properties and their distribution. The applicability of the method was tested by using a catalog of realistically simulated events that could be observed by the future Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. By solely using constraints from the Roman lightcurves and images, pyLIMASS estimates the masses of the lens of the Roman catalog with a median precision of 20% with almost no bias.

A. C. Carnall, F. Cullen, R. J. McLure, D. J. McLeod, R. Begley, C. T. Donnan, J. S. Dunlop, A. E. Shapley, K. Rowlands, O. Almaini, K. Z. Arellano-Córdova, L. Barrufet, A. Cimatti, R. S. Ellis, N. A. Grogin, M. L. Hamadouche, G. D. Illingworth, A. M. Koekemoer, H.-H. Leung, C. C. Lovell, P. G. Pérez-González, P. Santini, T. M. Stanton, V. Wild

24 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRAS

We report ultra-deep, medium-resolution spectroscopic observations for 4 quiescent galaxies with log$_{10}(M_*/\mathrm{M_\odot})>11$ at $3 < z < 5$. These data were obtained with JWST NIRSpec as part of the Early eXtragalactic Continuum and Emission Line Science (EXCELS) survey, which we introduce in this work. The first pair of galaxies are newly selected from PRIMER UDS imaging, both at $z=4.62$ and separated by $860$ pkpc on the sky, within a larger structure for which we confirm several other members. These galaxies formed at $z\simeq8-10$, and, despite their similar stellar masses, ages, and their proximity, they exhibit very different stellar metallicities, hinting at different formation pathways. These systems could plausibly merge by the present day to produce a local massive elliptical galaxy. The other 2 ultra-massive quiescent galaxies are previously known at $z=3.99$ and $3.19$, with the latter (ZF-UDS-7329) having been the subject of debate as potentially too old and too massive to be accommodated by the $\Lambda$-CDM halo-mass function. Both exhibit high stellar metallicities, and for ZF-UDS-7329 we are able to measure the $\alpha-$enhancement, obtaining [Mg/Fe] = $0.42^{+0.19}_{-0.17}$. We finally evaluate whether these 4 galaxies are consistent with the $\Lambda$-CDM halo-mass function using an extreme value statistics approach. We find that the $z=4.62$ objects and the $z=3.19$ object are unlikely within our area under the assumption of standard stellar fractions ($f_*\simeq0.1-0.2$). However, these objects roughly align with the most massive galaxies expected under the assumption of 100 per cent conversion of baryons to stars ($f_*$=1). Our results suggest extreme galaxy formation physics during the first billion years, but no conflict with $\Lambda$-CDM cosmology.

M. G. Dainotti, B. De Simone, R. F. Mohideen Malik, V. Pasumarti, N. Saha, D. Levine, B. Gendre, D. Kido, A. M. Watson, R. L. Becerra, S. Belkin, S. Desai, A. C. C. do E. S. Pedreira, U. Das, L. Li, S. R. Oates, S. B. Cenko, A. Pozanenko, A. Volnova, Y. -D. Hu, A. J. Castro-Tirado, N. B. Orange, T. J. Moriya, N. Fraija, Y. Niino, E. Rinaldi, N. R. Butler, J. d. J. G. Gonzalez, A. S. Kutyrev, W. H. Lee, X. Prochaska, E. Ramirez-Ruiz, M. Richer, M. H. Siegel, K. Misra, A. Rossi, C. Lopresti, U. Quadri, L. Strabla, N. Ruocco, S. Leonini, M. Conti, P. Rosi, L. M. T. Ramirez, S. Zola, I. Jindal, L. Chan, M. Fuentes, G. Lambiase, K. K. Kalinowski, W. Jamal, R. Kumar

20 pages, 16 figures, 2 tables. Submitted to MNRAS, currently replied to the 2nd revision. The Online Materials will be available after the publication

We present the largest optical photometry compilation of Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) with redshifts ($z$). We include 64813 observations of 535 events (including upper limits) from 28 February 1997 up to 18 August 2023. We also present a user-friendly web tool \textit{grbLC} which allows users the visualization of photometry, coordinates, redshift, host galaxy extinction, and spectral indices for each event in our database. Furthermore, we have added a Gamma Ray Coordinate Network (GCN) scraper that can be used to collect data by gathering magnitudes from the GCNs. The web tool also includes a package for uniformly investigating colour evolution. We compute the optical spectral indices for 138 GRBs for which we have at least 4 filters at the same epoch in our sample and craft a procedure to distinguish between GRBs with and without colour evolution. By providing a uniform format and repository for the optical catalogue, this web-based archive is the first step towards unifying several community efforts to gather the photometric information for all GRBs with known redshifts. This catalogue will enable population studies by providing light curves (LCs) with better coverage since we have gathered data from different ground-based locations. Consequently, these LCs can be used to train future LC reconstructions for an extended inference of the redshift. The data gathering also allows us to fill some of the orbital gaps from Swift in crucial points of the LCs, e.g., at the end of the plateau emission or where a jet break is identified.

Gaia DR3 revealed 748,058 pulsating variable stars of mixed DSCT|GDOR|SXPHE types. This project undertakes a comprehensive examination to validate and distinguish these stars using TESS data. Aiming for reliable catalogs of bona fide $\delta$ Scuti and $\gamma$ Doradus stars, I have validated 1715 $\delta$ Scuti stars, 1403 $\gamma$ Doradus stars, and identified 260 eclipsing binaries, one RR Lyrae star, and 460+ rotating variables from an initial sample of 16,690 objects. Notably, 15 of the newfound eclipsing binaries harbor pulsating $\gamma$ Doradus components.

K. H. Hinkle, F. C. Fekel, O. Straniero, Z. G. Maas, R. R. Joyce, T. Lebzelter, M. W. Muterspaugh, J. R. Sowell

accepted for publication in ApJ

A single-lined spectroscopic orbit for the M giant in the X-ray binary IGR J16194-2810 is determined from a time-series of optical spectra. The spectroscopic orbital period of 192.5 days is twice that of the photometric period, confirming that the M giant in the system is an ellipsoidal variable. The giant is identified as a first ascent giant approaching the red giant tip. The primary is a neutron star (NS) with its M giant companion filling its Roche lobe verifying the system classification as a Low-Mass X-ray binary (LMXB). Stellar C, N, O and Fe abundances are derived for the M giant with the C, N, O values typical for a field giant with [Fe/H] = -0.14. The system does not have a large kick velocity. Models for the evolution of the system into a binary NS-white dwarf (WD) are presented. The X-ray properties are discussed in the context of this model. This binary is a rare example of a luminous, long orbital period, LMXB early in the transient ellipsoidal phase.

Thallis Pessi, Régis Cartier, Emilio Hueichapan, Danielle de Brito Silva, Jose L. Prieto, Ricardo R. Muñoz, Gustavo E. Medina, Paula Diaz

8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to A&A

We present an analysis of very early high-resolution spectroscopic observations of the nearby core-collapse (CC) supernova (SN) 2024ggi, a Type II SN that ocurred in the galaxy NGC 3621, at a distance of 7.11 Mpc ($z\approx0.002435$). These observations represent the earliest high-resolution spectroscopy of a CCSN ever made. We analyze the very early-phase spectroscopic evolution of SN 2024ggi obtained in a short interval at 26.6 and 33.8h after the SN first light. Observations were obtained with the high-resolution spectrograph MIKE ($R\approx22600-28000$) at the 6.5m Magellan Clay Telescope, located at the Las Campanas Observatory, during the night of 2024-04-12UT. We constrain emission line features in the early-phase spectroscopic evolution of SN 2024ggi. We analyze the evolution of main spectroscopic features and the occurrence of high-ionization emission lines, by estimating their full width at half maximum (FWHM), equivalent width (EW), and blueshift velocities. We then compare our results to other early-time observations of CCSNe. The spectra show strong and narrow features of Balmer emission lines and of high-ionization species of HeI, HeII, NIII, CIII, together with relatively broader emission features of NIV and CIV. Some of these features become broader or disappear in the interval of 8h, indicating the rapid changes in the early evolution of CCSNe flash-ionization features. The HeII, CIV, NIV and Balmer emission lines have asymmetric Lorentzian profiles, with the HeII $\lambda4686$ broad component showing blue wings that extends up to $\sim-1000$ km s$^{-1}$. We also measure a CSM expansion velocity of $\sim 79 \ \textrm{km} \ \textrm{s}^{-1}$ from the blueshift in the H$\alpha$ emission profile, and a total extinction in the line of sight of $E(B-V)=0.16$ mag. Finally, we note many similarities of SN 2024ggi to the early evolution of SN 2023ixf.

Hongjing Yang, Weicheng Zang, Tianjun Gan, Renkun Kuang, Andrew Gould, Shude Mao

7 pages, 4 figures. Submitted

Recently, Kunimoto et al. claimed that a short-lived signal in the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) Sector 61 database was caused by a microlensing event with a terrestrial-mass free-floating planet (FFP) lens. In this study, we investigate TESS's ability to detect microlensing FFPs by considering the detailed source information (e.g., distance and radius), the TESS photometric accuracy, and finite-source effects. Using the FFP mass function from microlensing surveys toward the Galactic bulge, we find that only $0.0018$ microlensing events are expected to be detected in TESS Sector 61 for the entire planetary mass range. The reported signal is unlikely to be a real microlensing event, which is consistent with the evidence from the long-term OGLE data that the signal was likely due to a stellar flare. By extrapolating our result to fainter stars until $T = 16$ mag and adopting a possible optimized search algorithm, we find that only $\sim 1$ FFP events can be detected in the entire TESS mission within the first 7 years. Significant improvments of our understanding of FFPs still requires future satellite missions, such as Roman and Earth 2.0, which can detect thousands of FFPs.

Michele Mancarella, Francesco Iacovelli, Stefano Foffa, Niccolò Muttoni, Michele Maggiore

5+6 pages, 4 figures

Joint gravitational-wave and $\gamma$-ray bursts (GRB) observations are among the best prospects for standard siren cosmology. However, the strong selection effect for the coincident GRB detection, which is possible only for sources with small inclination angles, induces a systematic uncertainty that is currently not accounted for. We show that this severe source of bias can be removed by inferring the a-priori unknown electromagnetic detection probability directly from multimessenger data. This leads at the same time to an unbiased measurement of the Hubble constant, to constrain the properties of GRB emission, and to accurately measure the viewing angle of each source. Our inference scheme is applicable to real data already in the small-statistics regime, a scenario that might become reality in the near future. Additionally, we introduce a novel likelihood approximant for GW events which treats the dependence on distance and inclination as exact.

Connor Brown, Veronica Dexheimer, Rafael Bán Jacobsen, Ricardo Luciano Sonego Farias

14 pages, 5 figures

We study in detail the influence of different chemical potentials (baryon, charged, strange, and neutrino) on how and how fast a free gas of quarks in the zero-temperature limit reaches the conformal limit. We discuss the influence of non-zero masses, the inclusion of leptons, and different constraints, such as charge neutrality, zero-net strangeness, and fixed lepton fraction. We also investigate for the first time how the symmetry energy of the system under some of these conditions approaches the conformal limit. Finally, we briefly discuss what kind of corrections are expected from perturbative QCD as one goes away from the conformal limit.

We review the kinematic effects on a gravitational wave due to either a peculiar motion of the astrophysical source emitting it or a local motion of the observer. We show, at fully non-linear order in velocity, that the amplitude of the wave is amplified by the Doppler factor in the case in which the source moves with respect to a reference frame, while it is invariant if the observer moves (with respect to a reference observer). However, the observed specific intensity transforms in the same way under a boost of the source or of the observer. We also show at fully non-linear order that under a boost (of either source or observer), the polarization tensor is rotated in the same way the wave direction is rotated by aberration, such that the only net effect of a boost on polarization is to change the phase of the helicity components. We apply these results to a wave emitted by a binary system of compact objects in the cosmological context.

S. M. Rucinski

Presented on the 100-year anniversary of the Polish Astronomical Society during the meeting in Torun, Poland, Sept.11-16, 2023

An attempt is made to evaluate progress of the Polish astrophysical research of stars and of the inter-stellar medium (ISM) on the basis of scientific paper citations in the ADS database. Rather modest citation levels were observed in the years before the mid-1950's. In the years 1958 - 1973, thanks to the partly opened foreign contacts and to strong support from astronomers of the older generation, work of a number of young, energetic enthusiasts reached the world science levels and formed a strong basis for the well recognized, international successes of the next generations.

Hui Tong, Serdar Elhatisari, Ulf-G. Meißner

17 pages, 10 figures

The equation of state (EoS) of neutron matter plays a decisive role in our understanding of the properties of neutron stars as well as the generation of gravitational waves in neutron star mergers. At sufficient densities, it is known that the appearance of hyperons generally softens the EoS, thus leading to a reduction in the maximum mass of neutron stars well below the observed values of about 2 solar masses. Even though repulsive three-body forces are known to solve this so-called "hyperon puzzle", so far performing \textit{ab initio} calculations with a substantial number of hyperons has remained elusive. In this work, we address this challenge by employing simulations based on Nuclear Lattice Effective Field Theory with up to 232 neutrons (pure neutron matter) and up to 116 $\Lambda$ hyperons (hyper-neutron matter) in a finite volume. We introduce a novel auxiliary field quantum Monte Carlo algorithm, allowing us to simulate for both pure neutron matter and hyper-neutron matter systems up to 5 times the density of nuclear matter using a single auxiliary field without any sign oscillations. Also, for the first time in {\em ab initio} calculations, we not only include $N\Lambda$ two-body and $NN\Lambda$ three-body forces, but also $\Lambda\Lambda$ and $N \Lambda\Lambda$ interactions. Consequently, we determine essential astrophysical quantities such as the mass-radius relation, the speed of sound and the tidal deformability of neutron stars. Our findings also confirm the existence of the $I$-Love-$Q$ relation, which gives access to the moment of inertia of the neutron star.

The bubble wall velocity in the first order phase transition plays an important role in determining both the amplitude and the pivot frequency of stochastic gravitational wave background. In the framework of the minimal left-right symmetric model, we study the wall velocity when the first order phase transition can occur. The wall velocity can be determined by matching the distribution functions in the free particle approximation and the local thermal equilibrium approximation. It is found that the wall velocity can be determined in the range $ 0.2 < v_w < 0.5 $ for the parameter space with the first order phase transition. It is also found that for the case when the wall velocity is close to the speed of sound, the peak amplitude of gravitational wave spectrum can be larger than that in the runaway case. Moreover, It is also found that there exists an approximate power law between the wall velocity and pressure difference between broken and symmetry phases, and the power index is equal to 0.41 or so.

Stationary processes do not accurately describe the diffuse backgrounds of relic gravitons whose correlations are homogeneous in space (i.e. only dependent upon the distance between the two spatial locations) but not in time. The symmetries of the autocorrelations ultimately reflect the quantum mechanical origin of the diffuse backgrounds and lead to non-stationary observables at late time. In particular, large oscillations are believed to arise in the spectral energy density that is customarily (but approximately) related to the tensor power spectrum. When the full expression of the spectral energy density is employed the amplitudes of oscillation are instead suppressed in the large-scale limit and the non-stationary features of the late-time signal practically disappear. For similar reasons the relations between the spectral energy density and the spectral amplitude are ambiguous in the presence of non-stationary features. While it is debatable if the non-stationary features are (or will be) directly detectable, we argue that the spectral amplitude following from the Wiener-Khintchine theorem is generally inappropriate for a consistent description of the relic signal. Nevertheless the strong oscillatory behaviour of the late-time observables is naturally smeared out provided the spectral energy density is selected as pivotal variable.

Unitarity sets upper limits on partial-wave elastic and inelastic cross-sections, which are often violated by perturbative computations. We discuss the dynamics underlying these limits in the non-relativistic regime, namely long-range interactions, and show how the resummation of the elastic 2-particle-irreducible diagrams arising from squaring inelastic processes unitarizes inelastic cross-sections. Our results are model-independent, apply to all partial waves, and affect elastic and inelastic cross-sections, with extensive implications for new physics scenarios, including dark-matter freeze-out and self-interactions.

The application of Horndeski theory/ Galileons for late time cosmology is heavily constrained by the strict coincidence in the speed of propagation of gravitational and electromagnetic waves. These constraints presuppose that the minimally coupled photon is not modified, not even at the scales where General Relativity (GR) may need modification. We find that the 4D Galileon obtained from a Kaluza-Klein compactification of its higher dimensional version is a natural unified modification of GR and electromagnetism with automatically "luminal" gravitational waves. This property follows without any fine tuning of Galileon potentials for a larger class of theories than previously thought. In particular, the $G_4$ potential is not constrained by the speed test and $G_5$ may also be present. In other words, some Galileon models that have been ruled out since the event GW170817 are, in fact, not necessarily constrained if they arise in 4D from compactifications of their higher dimensional Galileon counterparts. Besides their compelling luminality, the resulting vector Galileons are naturally $U(1)$ gauge invariant.