Galactic PeVatrons are sources that can accelerate cosmic rays to PeV energies. The high-energy cosmic rays are expected to interact with the surrounding ambient material or radiation, resulting in the production of gamma rays and neutrinos. To optimize for the detection of such associated production of gamma rays and neutrinos for a given source morphology and spectrum, a multi-messenger analysis that combines gamma rays and neutrinos is required. In this study, we use the Multi-Mission Maximum Likelihood framework (3ML) with IceCube Maximum Likelihood Analysis software (i3mla) and HAWC Accelerated Likelihood (HAL) to search for a correlation between 22 known gamma-ray sources from the third HAWC gamma-ray catalog and 14 years of IceCube track-like data. No significant neutrino emission from the direction of the HAWC sources was found. We report the best-fit gamma-ray model and 90% CL neutrino flux limit from the 22 sources. From the neutrino flux limit, we conclude that the gamma-ray emission from five of the sources can not be produced purely from hadronic interactions. We report the limit for the fraction of gamma rays produced by hadronic interactions for these five sources.
We present the MOST Hosts survey (Multi-Object Spectroscopy of Transient Hosts). The survey is planned to run throughout the five years of operation of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) and will generate a spectroscopic catalog of the hosts of most transients observed to date, in particular all the supernovae observed by most public, untargeted, wide-field, optical surveys (PTF/iPTF, SDSS II, ZTF, DECAT, DESIRT). Scientific questions for which the MOST Hosts survey will be useful include Type Ia supernova cosmology, fundamental plane and peculiar velocity measurements, and the understanding of the correlations between transients and their host galaxy properties. Here, we present the first release of the MOST Hosts survey: 21,931 hosts of 20,235 transients. These numbers represent 36% of the final MOST Hosts sample, consisting of 60,212 potential host galaxies of 38,603 transients (a transient can be assigned multiple potential hosts). Of these galaxies, 40% do not appear in the DESI primary target list and therefore require a specific program like MOST Hosts. Of all the transients in the MOST Hosts list, only 26.7% have existing classifications, and so the survey will provide redshifts (and luminosities) for nearly 30,000 transients. A preliminary Hubble diagram and a transient luminosity-duration diagram are shown as examples of future potential uses of the MOST Hosts survey. The survey will also provide a training sample of spectroscopically observed transients for photometry-only classifiers, as we enter an era when most newly observed transients will lack spectroscopic classification. The MOST Hosts DESI survey data will be released through the Wiserep platform on a rolling cadence and updated to match the DESI releases. Dates of future releases and updates are available through the this https URL website.
Observational constraints on time-varying dark energy ({\it e.g.}, quintessence) are commonly presented on a $w_0$-$w_a$ plot that assumes the equation of state of dark energy strictly satisfies $w(z)= w_0+ w_a z/(1+z)$ as a function of the redshift $z$. Recent observations favor a sector of the $w_0$-$w_a$ plane in which $w_0 > -1$ and $w_0+w_a< -1$, suggesting that the equation of state underwent a transition from violating the null energy condition (NEC) at large $z$ to obeying it at small $z$. In this paper, we demonstrate that this impression is misleading by showing that simple quintessence models satisfying the NEC for all $z$ predict an observational preference for the same sector. We also find that quintessence models that best fit observational data can predict a value for the dark energy equation of state at present that is significantly different from the best-fit value of $w_0$ obtained assuming the parameterization above. In addition, the analysis reveals an approximate degeneracy of the $w_0$-$w_a$ parameterization that explains the eccentricity and orientation of the likelihood contours presented in recent observational studies.
JWST observed the magnetar 4U 0142+61 with the MIRI and NIRCam instruments within a 77 min time interval on 2022 September 20-21. The low-resolution MIRI spectrum and NIRCam photometry show that the spectrum in the wavelength range 1.4-11 $\mu$m range can be satisfactorily described by an absorbed power-law model, $f_{\nu}\propto \nu^{-\alpha}$, with a spectral slope $\alpha =0.96\pm0.02$, interstellar extinction $A_V= 3.9\pm0.2$, and normalization $f_0 = 59.4\pm 0.5$ $\mu$Jy at $\lambda = 8$ $\mu$m. These observations do not support the passive disk model proposed by Wang et al. (2006), based on the Spitzer photometry, which was interpreted as evidence for a fallback disk from debris formed during the supernova explosion. We suggest a nonthermal origin for this emission and source variability as the most likely cause of discrepancies between the JWST data and other IR-optical observing campaigns. However, we cannot firmly exclude the presence of a large disk with a different dependence of the effective disk temperature on distance from the magnetar. Comparison with the power-law fit to the hard X-ray spectrum above 10 keV, measured by NuSTAR contemporaneously with JWST, shows that the X-ray spectrum is significantly harder. This may imply that the X-ray and IR nonthermal emission come from different sites in the magnetosphere of the magnetar.
Joint analysis of the baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) measurement by the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) first data release, Type Ia supernovae (SNe) of the Dark Energy Survey Year 5 (DES5YR) release and cosmic microwave background (CMB) data favors a quintom-like dynamic dark energy model over the standard Lambda cold dark matter ($\Lambda$CDM) model at $3.9\sigma$ level (Adame et al. 2024). We demonstrate that the preference for dynamic dark energy does not rely on the detailed modeling of CMB physics and remains at $3.2\sigma$ level when the full CMB likelihood is replaced by a CMB acoustic-oscillation angle ($\theta_\star$) prior and a baryon abundance ($\Omega_bh^2$) prior. By comparing the data with over $10^4$ $\Lambda$CDM-based simulations, we find that both the SNe and BAO data contribute significantly to the preference for dynamic dark energy. The preference for dynamic dark energy is unlikely (probability $\lesssim 0.02$) due to unknown systematics in DES5YR SNe and statistical fluctuations in DESI BAO, or vice versa.
Understanding galaxy properties may be the key to unlocking some of the most intriguing mysteries of modern cosmology. Recent work relied on machine learning to extract cosmological constraints on $\Omega_\mathrm{m}$ using only $\textit{one}$ galaxy. But if this is true, how should we select $\textit{the}$ galaxy to use for cosmology inference? In this paper, we consider selecting a galaxy that lies in cosmic voids, the underdense regions of the cosmic web, and compare the constraints obtained with the ones obtained when randomly selecting a galaxy in the whole sample. We use the IllustrisTNG galaxy catalog from the CAMELS project and the VIDE void finder to identify galaxies inside voids. We show that void galaxies provide stronger constraints on $\Omega_\mathrm{m}$ compared to randomly selected galaxies. This result suggests that the distinctive characteristics of void galaxies may provide a cleaner and more effective environment for extracting cosmological information.
HD 110067 is the brightest star known to have six transiting planets. Each adjacent pair of planets has a period ratio that is nearly equal to a ratio of small integers, suggesting the planets are in a chain of mean-motion resonances, but the limited timespan of the available data has prevented firm conclusions. Here, we show that the requirement of long-term dynamical stability implies that all six planets are very likely to form a resonant chain. Dynamical simulations of non-resonant systems with initial conditions compatible with the available data almost always suffer an instability within $25$ Myr ($\sim 0.3 \%$ of the system's age). Assuming the system is in resonance, we place upper limits on the planets' eccentricities, and lower limits on the masses of the planets that have not yet been measured. We also predict the characteristics of transit timing variations and the values of the three-body libration centers.