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Papers for Wednesday, May 08 2024

Papers with local authors

R. Alfaro, C. Alvarez, J.C. Arteaga-Velázquez, D. Avila Rojas, H.A. Ayala Solares, R. Babu, E. Belmont-Moreno, K.S. Caballero-Mora, T. Capistrán, A. Carramiñana, S. Casanova, U. Cotti, J. Cotzomi, S. Coutiño de León, E. De la Fuente, D. Depaoli, N. Di Lalla, R. Diaz Hernandez, J.C. Díaz-Vélez, K. Engel, T. Ergin, K.L. Fan, K. Fang, N. Fraija, S. Fraija, J.A. García-González, F. Garfias, M.M. González, J.A. Goodman, S. Groetsch, J.P. Harding, S. Hernández-Cadena, I. Herzog, D. Huang, F. Hueyotl-Zahuantitla, P. Hüntemeyer, A. Iriarte, S. Kaufmann, J. Lee, H. León Vargas, A.L. Longinotti, G. Luis-Raya, K. Malone, J. Martínez-Castro, J.A. Matthews, P. Miranda-Romagnoli, J.A. Montes, E. Moreno, M. Mostafá, L. Nellen, N. Omodei, M. Osorio, Y. Pérez Araujo, E.G. Pérez-Pérez, C.D. Rho, D. Rosa-González, H. Salazar, D. Salazar-Gallegos, A. Sandoval, M. Schneider, J. Serna-Franco, A.J. Smith, Y. Son, O. Tibolla, K. Tollefson, I. Torres, R. Torres-Escobedo, R. Turner, F. Ureña-Mena, X. Wang, I.J. Watson, K. Whitaker, E. Willox, H. Wu, S. Yun-Cárcamo, H. Zhou, C. de León, R. Abbasi, M. Ackermann, J. Adams, S. K. Agarwalla, J. A. Aguilar, M. Ahlers, J.M. Alameddine, N. M. Amin, K. Andeen, C. Argüelles, Y. Ashida, S. Athanasiadou, L. Ausborm, S. N. Axani, X. Bai, A. Balagopal V., M. Baricevic, S. W. Barwick, S. Bash, V. Basu, R. Bay, J. J. Beatty, J. Becker Tjus
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Paper 18 — arXiv:2405.03817
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Paper 18 — arXiv:2405.03817

Galactic PeVatrons are sources that can accelerate cosmic rays to PeV energies. The high-energy cosmic rays are expected to interact with the surrounding ambient material or radiation, resulting in the production of gamma rays and neutrinos. To optimize for the detection of such associated production of gamma rays and neutrinos for a given source morphology and spectrum, a multi-messenger analysis that combines gamma rays and neutrinos is required. In this study, we use the Multi-Mission Maximum Likelihood framework (3ML) with IceCube Maximum Likelihood Analysis software (i3mla) and HAWC Accelerated Likelihood (HAL) to search for a correlation between 22 known gamma-ray sources from the third HAWC gamma-ray catalog and 14 years of IceCube track-like data. No significant neutrino emission from the direction of the HAWC sources was found. We report the best-fit gamma-ray model and 90% CL neutrino flux limit from the 22 sources. From the neutrino flux limit, we conclude that the gamma-ray emission from five of the sources can not be produced purely from hadronic interactions. We report the limit for the fraction of gamma rays produced by hadronic interactions for these five sources.

Maayane T. Soumagnac, Peter Nugent, Robert A. Knop, Anna Y. Q. Ho, William Hohensee, Autumn Awbrey, Alexis Andersen, Greg Aldering, Matan Ventura, Jessica N. Aguilar, Steven Ahlen, Segev Y. Benzvi, David Brooks, Dillon Brout, Todd Claybaugh, Tamara M. Davis, Kyle Dawson, Axel de la Macorra, Arjun Dey, Biprateep Dey, Peter Doel, Kelly A. Douglass, Jaime E. Forero-Romero, Enrique Gaztanaga, Satya Gontcho A Gontcho, Or Graur, Julien Guy, ChangHoon Hahn, Klaus Honscheid, Cullan Howlett, Alex G. Kim, Theodore Kisner, Anthony Kremin, Andrew Lambert, Martin Landriau, Dustin Lang, Laurent Le Guillou, Marc Manera, Aaron Meisner, Ramon Miquel, John Moustakas, Adam D. Myers, Jundan Nie, Antonella Palmese, David Parkinson, Claire Poppett, Francisco Prada, Fei Qin, Mehdi Rezaie, Graziano Rossi, Eusebio Sanchez, David D. Schlegel, Michael Schubnell, Joseph H. Silber, Gregory Tarle, Benjamin A. Weaver, Zhimin Zhou
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Paper 21 — arXiv:2405.03857
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Paper 21 — arXiv:2405.03857

We present the MOST Hosts survey (Multi-Object Spectroscopy of Transient Hosts). The survey is planned to run throughout the five years of operation of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) and will generate a spectroscopic catalog of the hosts of most transients observed to date, in particular all the supernovae observed by most public, untargeted, wide-field, optical surveys (PTF/iPTF, SDSS II, ZTF, DECAT, DESIRT). Scientific questions for which the MOST Hosts survey will be useful include Type Ia supernova cosmology, fundamental plane and peculiar velocity measurements, and the understanding of the correlations between transients and their host galaxy properties. Here, we present the first release of the MOST Hosts survey: 21,931 hosts of 20,235 transients. These numbers represent 36% of the final MOST Hosts sample, consisting of 60,212 potential host galaxies of 38,603 transients (a transient can be assigned multiple potential hosts). Of these galaxies, 40% do not appear in the DESI primary target list and therefore require a specific program like MOST Hosts. Of all the transients in the MOST Hosts list, only 26.7% have existing classifications, and so the survey will provide redshifts (and luminosities) for nearly 30,000 transients. A preliminary Hubble diagram and a transient luminosity-duration diagram are shown as examples of future potential uses of the MOST Hosts survey. The survey will also provide a training sample of spectroscopically observed transients for photometry-only classifiers, as we enter an era when most newly observed transients will lack spectroscopic classification. The MOST Hosts DESI survey data will be released through the Wiserep platform on a rolling cadence and updated to match the DESI releases. Dates of future releases and updates are available through the this https URL website.

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Paper 28 — arXiv:2405.03933
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Paper 28 — arXiv:2405.03933

Observational constraints on time-varying dark energy ({\it e.g.}, quintessence) are commonly presented on a $w_0$-$w_a$ plot that assumes the equation of state of dark energy strictly satisfies $w(z)= w_0+ w_a z/(1+z)$ as a function of the redshift $z$. Recent observations favor a sector of the $w_0$-$w_a$ plane in which $w_0 > -1$ and $w_0+w_a< -1$, suggesting that the equation of state underwent a transition from violating the null energy condition (NEC) at large $z$ to obeying it at small $z$. In this paper, we demonstrate that this impression is misleading by showing that simple quintessence models satisfying the NEC for all $z$ predict an observational preference for the same sector. We also find that quintessence models that best fit observational data can predict a value for the dark energy equation of state at present that is significantly different from the best-fit value of $w_0$ obtained assuming the parameterization above. In addition, the analysis reveals an approximate degeneracy of the $w_0$-$w_a$ parameterization that explains the eccentricity and orientation of the likelihood contours presented in recent observational studies.

Jeremy Hare, George G. Pavlov, Bettina Posselt, Oleg Kargaltsev, Tea Temim, Steven Chen
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Paper 29 — arXiv:2405.03947
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Paper 29 — arXiv:2405.03947

JWST observed the magnetar 4U 0142+61 with the MIRI and NIRCam instruments within a 77 min time interval on 2022 September 20-21. The low-resolution MIRI spectrum and NIRCam photometry show that the spectrum in the wavelength range 1.4-11 $\mu$m range can be satisfactorily described by an absorbed power-law model, $f_{\nu}\propto \nu^{-\alpha}$, with a spectral slope $\alpha =0.96\pm0.02$, interstellar extinction $A_V= 3.9\pm0.2$, and normalization $f_0 = 59.4\pm 0.5$ $\mu$Jy at $\lambda = 8$ $\mu$m. These observations do not support the passive disk model proposed by Wang et al. (2006), based on the Spitzer photometry, which was interpreted as evidence for a fallback disk from debris formed during the supernova explosion. We suggest a nonthermal origin for this emission and source variability as the most likely cause of discrepancies between the JWST data and other IR-optical observing campaigns. However, we cannot firmly exclude the presence of a large disk with a different dependence of the effective disk temperature on distance from the magnetar. Comparison with the power-law fit to the hard X-ray spectrum above 10 keV, measured by NuSTAR contemporaneously with JWST, shows that the X-ray spectrum is significantly harder. This may imply that the X-ray and IR nonthermal emission come from different sites in the magnetosphere of the magnetar.

Zhiqi Huang, Jianqi Liu, Jianfeng Mo, Yan Su, Junchao Wang, Yanhong Yao, Guangyao Yu, Zhengxin Zhu, Zhuoyang Li, Zhenjie Liu, Haitao Miao, Hui Tong
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Paper 30 — arXiv:2405.03983
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Paper 30 — arXiv:2405.03983

Joint analysis of the baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) measurement by the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) first data release, Type Ia supernovae (SNe) of the Dark Energy Survey Year 5 (DES5YR) release and cosmic microwave background (CMB) data favors a quintom-like dynamic dark energy model over the standard Lambda cold dark matter ($\Lambda$CDM) model at $3.9\sigma$ level (Adame et al. 2024). We demonstrate that the preference for dynamic dark energy does not rely on the detailed modeling of CMB physics and remains at $3.2\sigma$ level when the full CMB likelihood is replaced by a CMB acoustic-oscillation angle ($\theta_\star$) prior and a baryon abundance ($\Omega_bh^2$) prior. By comparing the data with over $10^4$ $\Lambda$CDM-based simulations, we find that both the SNe and BAO data contribute significantly to the preference for dynamic dark energy. The preference for dynamic dark energy is unlikely (probability $\lesssim 0.02$) due to unknown systematics in DES5YR SNe and statistical fluctuations in DESI BAO, or vice versa.

Bonny Y. Wang, Alice Pisani
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Paper 58 — arXiv:2405.04447
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Paper 58 — arXiv:2405.04447

Understanding galaxy properties may be the key to unlocking some of the most intriguing mysteries of modern cosmology. Recent work relied on machine learning to extract cosmological constraints on $\Omega_\mathrm{m}$ using only $\textit{one}$ galaxy. But if this is true, how should we select $\textit{the}$ galaxy to use for cosmology inference? In this paper, we consider selecting a galaxy that lies in cosmic voids, the underdense regions of the cosmic web, and compare the constraints obtained with the ones obtained when randomly selecting a galaxy in the whole sample. We use the IllustrisTNG galaxy catalog from the CAMELS project and the VIDE void finder to identify galaxies inside voids. We show that void galaxies provide stronger constraints on $\Omega_\mathrm{m}$ compared to randomly selected galaxies. This result suggests that the distinctive characteristics of void galaxies may provide a cleaner and more effective environment for extracting cosmological information.

Caleb Lammers, Joshua N. Winn
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Paper 66 — arXiv:2405.04527
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Paper 66 — arXiv:2405.04527

HD 110067 is the brightest star known to have six transiting planets. Each adjacent pair of planets has a period ratio that is nearly equal to a ratio of small integers, suggesting the planets are in a chain of mean-motion resonances, but the limited timespan of the available data has prevented firm conclusions. Here, we show that the requirement of long-term dynamical stability implies that all six planets are very likely to form a resonant chain. Dynamical simulations of non-resonant systems with initial conditions compatible with the available data almost always suffer an instability within $25$ Myr ($\sim 0.3 \%$ of the system's age). Assuming the system is in resonance, we place upper limits on the planets' eccentricities, and lower limits on the masses of the planets that have not yet been measured. We also predict the characteristics of transit timing variations and the values of the three-body libration centers.

All other papers

Jamie Bamber, Antonios Tsokaros, Milton Ruiz, Stuart L. Shapiro

GW170817 and GRB 170817A provided direct evidence that binary neutron star (NSNS) mergers can produce short gamma-ray bursts (sGRBs). However, questions remain about the nature of the central engine. Depending on the mass, the remnant from a NSNS merger may promptly collapse to a black hole (BH), form a hypermassive neutron star (HMNS) which undergoes a delayed collapse to a BH, a supramassive neutron star (SMNS) with a much longer lifetime, or an indefinitely stable NS. There is strong evidence that a BH with an accretion disk can launch a sGRB-compatible jet via the Blandford-Znajek mechanism, but whether a supramassive star can do the same is less clear. We have performed general relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD) simulations of the merger of both irrotational and spinning, equal-mass NSNSs constructed from a piecewise polytropic representation of the SLy equation of state, with a range of gravitational (ADM) masses that yield remnants with mass above and below the supramassive limit. Each NS is endowed with a dipolar magnetic field extending from the interior into the exterior, as in a radio pulsar. We examine cases with different initial binary masses, including a case which produces a HMNS which collapses to a BH, and lower mass binaries that produce SMNS remnants. We find similar jet-like structures for both the SMNS and HMNS remnants that meet our basic critera for an incipient jet. The outflow for the HMNS case is consistent with a Blandford-Znajek (BZ) jet. There is sufficient evidence that such BZ-powered outflows can break out and produce ulrarelativistic jets so that we can describe the HMNS system as a sGRB progenitor. However, the incipient jets from the SMNS remnants have much more baryon pollution and we see indications of inefficient acceleration and mixing with the surrounding debris. Therefore, we cannot conclude that SMNS outflows are the progenitors of sGRBs.

Li {\it et al.\/} (2024) reported a 4.605 day period in the repeating FRB 20121102A in addition to the previously reported 157 day modulation of its activity. This note suggests that the shorter period is the orbital period of a mass-transferring star orbiting a black hole, possibly of intermediate mass, and that the 157 day period is the precession period of an accretion disc around the black hole. The mass-losing star must be evolved.

Sanja Lazarević, Miroslav D. Filipović, Bärbel S. Koribalski, Zachary J. Smeaton, Andrew M. Hopkins, Rami Z. E. Alsaberi, Velibor Velović, Brianna D. Ball, Roland Kothes, Denis Leahy, Adriano Ingallinera

We report the ASKAP discovery of a new Galactic supernova remnant (SNR) candidate G308.73+1.38, which we name Raspberry. This new SNR candidate has an angular size of 20.7 arcmin $\times$ 16.7 arcmin, and we measure a total integrated flux of 407$\pm$50 mJy. We estimate Raspberry's most likely diameter of 10$-$30 pc which would place it at a distance of 3$-$5 kpc, on the near side of the Milky Way's Scutum$-$Centaurus Arm. We also find a Stokes$-$V point source close to the centre of Raspberry with a $\sim$5$\sigma$ significance. This point source may be the remaining compact source, a neutron star, or possibly a pulsar, formed during the initial supernova event.

Non-adiabatic production of massive particles is a generic feature of many inflationary mechanisms. If sufficiently massive, these particles can leave features in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) that are not well-captured by traditional correlation function analyses. We consider a scenario in which particle production occurs only in a narrow time-interval during inflation, eventually leading to CMB hot- or coldspots with characteristic shapes and sizes. Searching for such features in CMB data is analogous to searching for late-Universe hot- or coldspots, such as those due to the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (tSZ) effect. Exploiting this data-analysis parallel, we perform a search for particle-production hotspots in the Planck PR4 temperature dataset, which we implement via a matched-filter analysis. Our pipeline is validated on synthetic observations and found to yield unbiased constraints on sufficiently large hotspots across $\approx 60\%$ of the sky. After removing point sources and tSZ clusters, we find no evidence for new physics and place novel bounds on the coupling between the inflaton and massive particles. These bounds are strongest for larger hotspots, produced early in inflation, whilst sensitivity to smaller hotspots is limited by noise and beam effects. Through such methods we can constrain particles with masses $\mathcal{O}(100)$ times larger than the inflationary Hubble scale, which represents possibly the highest energies ever directly probed with observational data.

Jose J. Blanco-Pillado, Yanou Cui, Sachiko Kuroyanagi, Marek Lewicki, Germano Nardini, Mauro Pieroni, Ivan Yu. Rybak, Lara Sousa, Jeremy M. Wachter (for the LISA Cosmology Working Group)

We initiate the LISA template databank for stochastic gravitational wave backgrounds sourced by cosmic strings. We include two templates, an analytical template, which enables more flexible searches, and a numerical template derived directly from large Nambu-Goto simulations of string networks. Using searches based on these templates, we forecast the parameter space within the reach of the experiment and the precision with which their parameters will be reconstructed, provided a signal is observed. The reconstruction permits probing the Hubble expansion and new relativistic DoF in the early universe. We quantify the impact that astrophysical foregrounds can have on these searches. Finally, we discuss the impact that these observations would have on our understanding of the fundamental models behind the string networks. Overall, we prove that LISA has great potential for probing cosmic string models and may reach tensions as low as $G\mu =10^{-16} - 10^{-17} $, which translates into energy scales of the order $10^{11}~\text{GeV}$.

Luca Ighina, Alessandro Caccianiga, Alberto Moretti, Jess W. Broderick, James K. Leung, Sean Paterson, Fabio Rigamonti, Nick Seymour, Silvia Belladitta, Guillaume Drouart, Tim J. Galvin, Natasha Hurley-Walker

We present a multi-wavelength analysis, from the radio to the X-ray band, of the redshift $z=6.44$ VIK J2318$-$31 radio-loud (RL) quasi stellar object (QSO), one of the most distant currently known in this class. The work is based on newly obtained (uGMRT, ATCA, Chandra) as well as archival (GNIRS and X-Shooter) dedicated observations that have not been published yet. Based on the observed X-ray and radio emission, its relativistic jets are likely young and misaligned from our line of sight. Moreover, we can confirm, with simultaneous observations, the presence of a turnover in the radio spectrum at $\nu_{\rm peak} \sim 650$ MHz which is unlikely to be associated with self-synchrotron absorption. From the NIR spectrum we derived the mass of the central black hole, M$_{\rm BH}=8.1^{+6.8}_{-5.6} \times 10^8 {\rm M_{\odot}}$, and the Eddington ratio, $\lambda_{\rm EDD} = 0.8^{+0.8}_{-0.6}$, using broad emission lines as well as an accretion disc model fit to the continuum emission. Given the high accretion rate, the presence of a $\sim$8$\times$10$^8$ M$_\odot$ black hole at $z=6.44$ can be explained by a seed black hole ($\sim$10$^{4}$ M$_\odot$) that formed at $z\sim25$, assuming a radiative efficiency $\eta_{\rm d}\sim0.1$. However, by assuming $\eta_{\rm d}\sim0.3$, as expected for jetted systems, the mass observed would challenge current theoretical models of black hole formation.

Gagandeep S. Anand, R. Brent Tully, Yotam Cohen, Dmitry I. Makarov, Lidia N. Makarova, Joseph B. Jensen, John P. Blakeslee, Michele Cantiello, Ehsan Kourkchi, Gabriella Raimondo

Differences between the local value of the Hubble constant measured via the distance ladder versus the value inferred from the cosmic microwave background with the assumption of the standard $\Lambda$CDM model have reached over 5$\sigma$ significance. To determine if this discrepancy is due to new physics or more mundane systematic errors, it is essential to remove as many sources of systematic uncertainty as possible by developing high-precision distance ladders that are independent of the traditional Cepheid and Type Ia supernovae route. Here we present JWST observations of three early-type Fornax Cluster galaxies, the first of fourteen observations from a Cycle 2 JWST program. Our modest integration times allow us to measure highly precise tip of the red giant branch (TRGB) distances, and will also be used to perform measurements of Surface Brightness Fluctuations (SBF). From these three galaxies, we determine an average TRGB distance modulus to the Fornax Cluster of $\mu$ = 31.424 $\pm$ 0.077 mag, or D = 19.3 $\pm$ 0.7 Mpc. With eleven more scheduled observations in nearby elliptical galaxies, our program will allow us set the zero point of the SBF scale to better than 2$\%$ for more distant measurements, charting a path towards a high-precision measurement of $H_{0}$ that is independent of the traditional Cepheid-SN Ia distance ladder.

Pablo G. Pérez-González, Francesco D`Eugenio, Bruno Rodríguez del Pino, Hannah Übler, Roberto Maiolino, Santiago Arribas, Giovanni Cresci, Isabella Lamperti, Andrew J. Bunker, Stefano Carniani, Stephane Charlot, Christopher J. Willott, Torsten Böker, Eleonora Parlanti, Jan Scholtz, Giacomo Venturi, Guillermo Barro, Luca Costantin, Ignacio Martín-Navarro, James S. Dunlop, Daniel Magee

Feedback is the key physical mechanism regulating galaxy formation. Stars in galaxies form when baryons radiatively cool down and fall into gravitational wells. Eventually, star formation quenches as gas is depleted and/or perturbed by feedback processes, no longer being able to collapse and condense. For massive galaxies, astronomers identify feedback from accreting supermassive black holes (active galactic nuclei, AGN) as the main agent responsible for quenching. We report the first spatially resolved spectroscopic observations of a massive, completely quiescent galaxy at $z=3.714$ (Jekyll) and its neighborhood. Jekyll is part of a galaxy pair with a compact, dusty, massive star-forming companion (Hyde). We find large amounts of ionized and neutral gas in the intergalactic medium around the pair, yet Jekyll has remained quiescent for more than 500~Myr. The emitting gas is consistent with AGN photoionization, but no AGN is observed in Jekyll. We find that, in contrast to standard scenarios, AGN in satellite galaxies can be critical contributors for keeping massive galaxies quiescent in the early Universe. After the accelerated formation and quenching of the massive central galaxy, tidally induced gas stripping additionally contributes to the star-formation regulation on subsequent satellite galaxy generations.

Yair Cohen, Sivan Ginzburg, Maya Levy, Tal Bar Shalom, Yoav Siman Tov

Millisecond pulsars with white dwarf companions have typical eccentricities $e\sim 10^{-6}-10^{-3}$. The eccentricities of helium white dwarfs are explained well by applying the fluctuation-dissipation theorem to convective eddies in their red giant progenitors. We extend this theory to more massive carbon-oxygen (CO) white dwarfs with asymptotic giant branch (AGB) progenitors. Due to the radiation pressure in AGB stars, the dominant factor in determining the remnant white dwarf's eccentricity is the critical residual hydrogen envelope mass $m_{\rm env}$ required to inflate the star to giant proportions. Using a suite of MESA stellar evolution simulations with $\Delta m_{\rm c}=10^{-3}\,{\rm M}_\odot$ core-mass intervals, we resolved the AGB thermal pulses and found that the critical $m_{\rm env}\propto m_{\rm c}^{-6}$. This steep dependence causes the $e(m_{\rm c})$ relation to turn over, such that $e\sim 3\times 10^{-3}$ almost independently of the remnant CO white dwarf's mass $m_{\rm c}$. Nearly all of the measured eccentricities lie below this robust theoretical limit, indicating that the eccentricity is damped during the common-envelope inspiral that follows the unstable Roche-lobe overflow of the AGB star. Specifically, we focused on white dwarfs with median masses $m_{\rm c}>0.6\,{\rm M}_\odot$. These massive white dwarfs begin their inspiral with practically identical orbital periods and eccentricities, eliminating any dependence on the initial conditions. For this sub-sample, we find an empirical relation $e\propto P^{3/2}$ between the final period and eccentricity that is much tighter than previous studies - motivating theoretical work on the eccentricity evolution during the common envelope phase.

S. Rest, A. Rest, C. D. Kilpatrick, J. E. Jencson, S. von Coelln, L. Strolger, S. Smartt, J. P. Anderson, A. Clocchiatti, D. A. Coulter, L. Denneau, S. Gomez, A. Heinze, R. Ridden-Harper, K. W. Smith, B. Stalder, J. l. Tonry, Q. Wang, Y. Zenati

In an effort to search for faint sources of emission over arbitrary timescales, we present a novel method for analyzing forced photometry light curves in difference imaging from optical surveys. Our method "ATLAS Clean'' or ATClean, utilizes the reported fluxes, uncertainties, and fits to the point-spread function from difference images to quantify the statistical significance of individual measurements. We apply this method to control light curves across the image to determine whether any source of flux is present in the data for a range of specific timescales. From ATLAS $o$-band imaging at the site of the Type II supernova (SN) 2023ixf in M101 from 2015--2023, we show that this method accurately reproduces the 3$\sigma$ flux limits produced from other, more computationally expensive methods. We derive limits for emission on timescales of 5~days and 80-300~days at the site of SN\,2023ixf, which are 19.8 and 21.3~mag, respectively. The latter limits rule out variability for unextinguished red supergiants (RSG) with initial masses $>$22~$M_{\odot}$, comparable to the most luminous predictions for the SN 2023ixf progenitor system. We also compare our limits to short timescale outbursts, similar to those expected for Type IIn SN progenitor stars or the Type II SN 2020tlf, and rule out outburst ejecta masses of $>$0.021~$M_{\odot}$, much lower than the inferred mass of circumstellar matter around SN 2023ixf in the literature. In the future, these methods can be applied to any forced point-spread function photometry on difference imaging from other surveys, such as Rubin optical imaging.

Simon Gazagnes, Fergus Cullen, Valentin Mauerhofer, Ryan Begley, Danielle Berg, Jeremy Blaizot, John Chisholm, Thibault Garel, Floriane Leclercq, Ross J. McLure, Anne Verhamme

We compare mock ultraviolet C II and Si II absorption and emission line features generated using a ~10$^9$ $M_\odot$ virtual galaxy with observations of 131 $z~3$ galaxies from the VANDELS survey. We find that the mock spectra reproduce reasonably well a large majority (83%) of the \vandels\ spectra ($\chi^2<2$), but do not resemble the most massive objects ($>10^{10}M_\odot$) which exhibit broad absorption features. Interestingly, the best-matching mock spectra originate from periods of intense star formation in the virtual galaxy, where its luminosity is four times higher than in periods of relative quiescence. Furthermore, for each galaxy, we predict the Lyman Continuum (LyC) escape fractions using the environment of the virtual galaxy. We derive an average escape fraction of 0.01$\pm$0.02, consistent with other estimates from the literature. The predicted escape fractions are tightly correlated with the Lyman-$\alpha$ escape fractions and highly consistent with observed empirical trends. Additionally, galaxies with larger predicted escape fractions exhibit bluer $\beta$ slopes, more Lyman-$\alpha$ flux, and weaker low-ionization absorption lines. Building upon the good agreement between our predictions and observationally established LyC diagnostics, we examine the LyC leakage mechanisms in the simulation. We find that LyC photon leakage is enhanced in directions where the observed flux dominantly emerges from compact regions depleted of neutral gas and dust, mirroring the scenario inferred from observational data. In general, this study further highlights the potential of high-resolution radiation hydrodynamics simulations in analyzing UV absorption and emission line features and providing valuable insights into the LyC leakage of star-forming galaxies.

In cosmological simulations of large-scale structure star formation and feedback in galaxies are modelled by so-called sub-grid models, that represent a physically motivated approximation of processes occurring below the resolution limit. However, when additional physical processes are considered in these simulations, for instance, magnetic fields or cosmic rays, they are often not consistently coupled within the descriptions of the underlying sub-grid star formation models. Here, we present a careful study on how one of the most commonly used sub-grid models for star formation in current large-scale cosmological simulations can be modified to self consistently include the effects of non-thermal components (e.g., magnetic fields) within the fluid. We demonstrate that our new modelling approach, that includes the magnetic pressure as an additional regulation on star formation, can reproduce global properties of the magnetic field within galaxies in a setup of an isolated Milky Way-like galaxy simulation, but is also successful in reproducing local properties such as the anti-correlation between the local magnetic field strength with the local star formation rate as observed in galaxies (i.e. NGC 1097). This reveals how crucial a consistent treatment of different physical processes is within cosmological simulations and gives guidance for future simulations.

Corwin Shiu, Ahmed Soliman, Roger O'Brient, Bryan Steinbach, James J. Bock, Clifford F. Frez, William C. Jones, Krikor G. Megerian, Lorenzo Moncelsi, Alessandro Schillaci, Anthony D. Turner, Alexis C. Weber, Cheng Zhang, Silvia Zhang

We demonstrate a wide-band diplexed focal plane suitable for observing low-frequency foregrounds that are important for cosmic microwave background polarimetry. The antenna elements are composed of slotted bowtie antennas with 60% bandwidth that can be partitioned into two bands. Each pixel is composed of two interleaved 12$\times$12 pairs of linearly polarized antenna elements forming a phased array, designed to synthesize a symmetric beam with no need for focusing optics. The signal from each antenna element is captured in-phase and uniformly weighted by a microstrip summing tree. The antenna signal is diplexed into two bands through the use of two complementary, six-pole Butterworth filters. This filter architecture ensures a contiguous impedance match at all frequencies, and thereby achieves minimal reflection loss between both bands. Subsequently, out-of-band rejection is increased with a bandpass filter and the signal is then deposited on a transition-edge sensor bolometer island. We demonstrate the performance of this focal plane with two distinct bands, 30 and 40 GHz, each with a bandwidth of $\sim$20 and 15 GHz, respectively. The unequal bandwidths between the two bands are caused by an unintentional shift in diplexer frequency from its design values. The end-to-end optical efficiency of these detectors are relatively modest, at 20-30%, with an efficiency loss due to an unknown impedance mismatch in the summing tree. Far-field beam maps show good optical characteristics with edge pixels having no more than $\sim$ 5% ellipticity and $\sim$10-15% peak-to-peak differences for A-B polarization pairs.

David Martinez-Delgado, Michael Stein, Marcel S. Pawlowski, Dmitry Makarov, Lidia Makarova, Giuseppe Donatiello, Dustin Lang

The problem of missing satellites still remains one of the well-known problems of the Lambda-CDM cosmological theory. Despite significant progress in cosmological modeling achieved in recent years, the search for new dwarf galaxies-satellites of nearby giant galaxies remains extremely important. In this series of papers we report the first results of an on-going systematic survey of faint dwarf spheroidal galaxies in the vicinity of the bright late-type spiral NGC 253 galaxy, the brightest member of the Sculptor filament located at a distance of 3.7 Mpc. We performed a new NGC 253 satellite search by means of visual inspection using co-added image cutouts reprocessed in the DESI Legacy image surveys, reaching a very low surface brightness regime (28.0--29.0 mag arcsec-2). Five new dwarf galaxies have been discovered in the vicinity of NGC 253, that we named them Do V, Do VI, Do VII, Do VIII and Do IX. Assuming they are associated to NGC 253, their total absolute V-magnitudes fall in the -7 to -9 mag range, which is typical for dwarf satellites in the local Universe. The central surface brightness tend to be extremely low for all the discovered dwarfs and fall roughly in the range of 25--26 mag arcsec-2 in g-band. We present a new list of galaxies located around the giant spiral NGC 253. With the inclusion of these additional satellites, the overall spatial distribution of the system becomes less flattened and is now broadly consistent with analogs drawn from Lambda-CDM expectations. Interestingly, the distribution appears to be rather lopsided. Yet, firm conclusions on the presence of absence of a correlated satellite structure are hampered since distance information is lacking, the census of observed dwarfs in the system remains far from complete, and spectroscopic velocities are not even available for most known satellites.

Maria Pudoka (1), Feige Wang (1), Xiaohui Fan (1), Jinyi Yang (1), Jaclyn Champagne (1), Victoria Jones (1), Fuyan Bian (2), Zheng Cai (3), Linhua Jiang (4 and 5), Dezi Liu (6), Xue-Bing Wu (4 and 5) ((1) University of Arizona Steward Observatory, (2) European Southern Observatory, (3) Tsinghua University Department of Astronomy, (4) Peking University Department of Astronomy, (5) Peking University Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, (6) Yunnan University South-Western Institute for Astronomy Research)

We study the environment of the z=6.33 ultraluminous quasar SDSS J010013.02+280225.8 (J0100) to understand its association with large-scale structure. Theoretical models propose high-redshift quasars as markers of galaxy overdensities residing in the most massive dark matter halos (DMHs) in the early universe. J0100 is an ultraluminous quasar with the most massive black hole known at z>6, suggesting a high likelihood of residing in a massive DMH. We present wide-field ($\sim$522 square arcminute) imaging in the r-, i-, and z-bands from the Large Binocular Camera on the Large Binocular Telescope, with Y- and J-band imaging from the Wide-field Infrared Camera on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, centered on J0100. Applying color selections, we identify 23 objects as i-droput Lyman Break Galaxy (LBG) candidates in the J0100 field. We use the deep photometric catalog in the 1.27 square degree COSMOS field to calculate the density of LBGs in a blank field, and to estimate the selection completeness and purity. The observed surface density of LBG candidates in the J0100 field corresponds to a galaxy overdensity of $\delta$=4 (at 8.4$\sigma$). This large-scale overdensity suggests that the $\sim$ 22 square arcminute overdensity found by Kashino et al. using JWST data extends out to much larger scales. We calculate the angular auto-correlation function of the candidates and find a positive correlation on $\lesssim$ 10 arcminute scales as well as evidence of asymmetries in their spatial distribution, further suggesting a direct detection of large-scale structure around the ultra-luminous quasar J0100.

Galaxies residing in dark matter halos exert significant gravitational effects that alter halo structure and dynamics. The complexity of these interactions escalates with the diversity of galactic structures and the variability in dark matter halo profiles under self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) models. This work extends the parametric model for dark matter-only halos presented in arXiv:2305.16176 to incorporate baryons. We adapt this model to consistently represent the SIDM halo density profile over time, highlighting the role of a gravothermal phase in characterizing the state of an SIDM halo. Given this phase, the density profile in SIDM is determined by a fictitious progenitor -- consisting of an NFW halo influenced by a baryonic potential -- that has evolved to its present state. In the temporal dimension, the model incorporates a form factor that rescales the evolution time in the dark matter-only case, thereby enabling the introduction of a universal phase. In the radial dimension, the halo density profile is parametrized to reflect the influences of baryons. We calibrate the model through N-body simulations with baryon potentials to fit various stellar-to-halo mass ratios and size-mass relationships. Our parametric approach is numerically efficient, enabling the exploration of SIDM effects across a diverse set of halos, as exemplified by a case study using an illustrative sample that spans five orders of magnitude in the mass range. We also demonstrate that the effects of evolution history and the specific SIDM model can be separated from the current states of galaxies and halos, leaving the task of identifying consistent SIDM models to dedicated post-processing analyses.

We present TRACE, a time-reversible hybrid integrator for the planetary N-body problem. Like hybrid symplectic integrators, TRACE can resolve close encounters between particles while retaining many of the accuracy and speed advantages of a fixed timestep symplectic method such the Wisdom-Holman map. TRACE switches methods time-reversibly during close encounters following the prescription of Hernandez and Dehnen (2023). In this paper we describe the derivation and implementation of TRACE and study its performance for a variety of astrophysical systems. In all our test cases TRACE is at least as accurate and fast as the hybrid symplectic integrator MERCURIUS. In many cases TRACE's performance is vastly superior to that of MERCURIUS. In test cases with planet-planet close encounters, TRACE is as accurate as MECURIUS with a 13x speedup. If close encounters with the central star are considered, TRACE achieves good error performance while MERCURIUS fails to give qualitatively correct results. In ensemble tests of violent scattering systems, TRACE matches the high-accuracy IAS15 while providing a 20x speed-up. In large N systems simulating lunar accretion, TRACE qualitatively gives the same results as IAS15 but at a 47x speedup. We also discuss some cases such as von Zeipel-Lidov-Kozai cycles where hybrid integrators perform poorly and provide some guidance on which integrator to use for which system. TRACE is freely available within the REBOUND package.

Koustav Chandra, Ish Gupta, Rossella Gamba, Rahul Kashyap, Debatri Chattopadhyay, Alejandra Gonzalez, Sebastiano Bernuzzi, B. S. Sathyaprakash

This study investigates the origins of GW230529, delving into its formation from massive stars within isolated binary systems. Utilizing population synthesis models, we present compelling evidence that the neutron star component forms first. However, the event's low signal-to-noise ratio introduces complexities in identifying the underlying physical mechanisms driving its formation. Augmenting our analysis with insights from numerical relativity, we estimate the final black hole mass and spin to be approximately $5.3 M_\odot$ and $0.53$, respectively. Furthermore, we employ the obtained posterior samples to calculate the ejecta mass and kilonova light curves resulting from r-process nucleosynthesis. We find the ejecta mass to range within $0-0.06 M_{\odot}$, contingent on the neutron star equation of state. The peak brightness of the kilonovae light curves indicates that targeted follow-up observations with a Rubin-like observatory may have detected this emission.

We present the discovery of VHS J183135.58$-$551355.9 (hereafter VHS J1831$-$5513), an L/T transition dwarf identified as a result of its unusually red near-infrared colors ($J-K_{\rm S}=3.633\pm0.277$ mag; $J-W2=6.249\pm0.245$ mag) from the VISTA Hemisphere Survey and CatWISE2020 surveys. We obtain low resolution near-infrared spectroscopy of VHS J1831$-$5513 using Magellan/FIRE to confirm its extremely red nature and assess features sensitive to surface gravity (i.e., youth). Its near-infrared spectrum shows multiple CH$_{\rm 4}$ absorption features, indicating an exceptionally low effective temperature for its spectral type. Based on proper motion measurements from CatWISE2020 and a photometric distance derived from its $K_{\rm S}$-band magnitude, we find that VHS J1831$-$5513 is a likely ($\sim$85$\%$ probability) kinematic member of the $\beta$ Pictoris moving group. Future radial velocity and trigonometric parallax measurements will clarify such membership. Follow-up mid-infrared or higher resolution near-infrared spectroscopy of this object will allow for further investigation as to the cause(s) of its redness, such as youth, clouds, and viewing geometry.

Determining compositions of low-mass exoplanets is essential in understanding their origins. The certainty by which masses and radius are measured affects our ability to discern planets that are rocky or volatile rich. In this study, we aim to determine sound observational strategies to avoid diminishing returns. We quantify how uncertainties in mass, radius and model assumptions propagate into errors in inferred compositions of rocky and water planets. For a target error in a planet's iron-mass fraction or water content, we calculate the corresponding required accuracies in radius and mass. For instance, a rocky planet with a known radius error of 2% (corresponding to TESS detection best errors) demands mass precision to be at 5-11% to attain a 8 wt% precision in iron-mass fraction, regardless of mass. Similarly, a water world of equal radius precision requires 9-20% mass precision to confine the water content within a 10 wt% margin. Lighter planets are more difficult to constrain, especially water-rich versus water-poor worlds. Studying Earth as an exoplanet, we find a $\sim \pm5$ point "error floor" in iron-mass fraction and $\sim \pm7$ in core-mass fraction from our lack of knowledge on mineralogy. The results presented here can quickly guide observing strategies to maximize insights into small exoplanet compositions while avoiding over-observing.

To better assess the role that electrons play in exosphere production on icy-rich bodies, we measured the total and O$_2$ sputtering yields from H$_2$O-ice for electrons with energies between 0.75 and 10 keV and temperatures between 15 and 124.5 K. We find that both total and O$_2$ yields increase with decreasing energy over our studied range, increase rapidly at temperatures above 60 K, and that the relative amount of H$_2$O in the sputtered flux decreases quickly with increasing energy. Combining our data with other electron data in literature, we show that the accuracy of a widely used sputtering model can be improved significantly for electrons by adjusting some of the intrinsic parameter values. Applying our results to Europa, we estimate that electrons contribute to the production of the O$_2$ exosphere equally to all ion types combined. In contrast, sputtering of O$_2$ from Ganymede and Callisto appears to be dominated by irradiating ions, though electrons still likely contribute a non-negligible amount. While our estimates could be further refined by examining the importance of spatial variations in electron flux, we conclude that, at the very least, electrons seem to be important for exosphere production on icy surfaces and should be included in future modeling efforts.

We present the list of variable stars we found in the \kep\ superstamp data covering approximately nine arcminutes from the central region of NGC6819. This is a continuation of our work presented by Sanjayan et al.(2022a). We classified the variable stars based on the variability type and we established their cluster membership based on the available Gaia Data Release 3 astrometry. Our search revealed 385 variable stars but only 128 were found to be cluster members. In the case of eclipsing and contact binaries we calculated the mid-times of eclipses and derived ephemerides. We searched for eclipse timing variation using the observed minus calculated diagrams. Only five objects show significant orbital period variation. We used isochrones calculated within the MESA Isochrones and Stellar Tracks project and derived the average age (2.54 Gyr), average distance (2.3 kpc) and iron content [Fe/H] = -0.01(2), of NGC6819. We confirm this distance by the one derived from Gaia astrometry of the cluster members with membership probabilities greater than 0.9.

High-order wavefront sensing and control (HOWFSC) is key to create a dark hole region within the coronagraphic image plane where high contrasts are achieved. The Roman Coronagraph is expected to perform its HOWFSC with a ground-in-the-loop scheme due to the computational complexity of the Electric Field Conjugation (EFC) algorithm. This scheme provides the flexibility to alter the HOWFSC algorithm for given science objectives. The baseline HOWFSC scheme involves running EFC while observing a bright star such as {\zeta} Puppis to create the initial dark hole followed by a slew to the science target. The new implicit EFC (iEFC) algorithm removes the optical diffraction model from the controller, making the final contrast independent of model accuracy. While previously demonstrated with a single DM, iEFC is extended to two deformable mirror systems in order to create annular dark holes. The algorithm is then applied to the Wide-Field-of-View Shaped Pupil Coronagraph (SPC-WFOV) mode designed for the Roman Space Telescope using end-to-end physical optics models. Initial monochromatic simulations demonstrate the efficacy of iEFC as well as the optimal choice of modes for the SPC-WFOV instrument. Further simulations with a 3.6% wavefront control bandpass and a broader 10% bandpass then demonstrate that iEFC can be used in broadband scenarios to achieve contrasts below 1E-8 with Roman. Finally, an EMCCD model is implemented to estimate calibration times and predict the controller's performance. Here, 1E-8 contrasts are achieved with a calibration time of about 6.8 hours assuming the reference star is {\zeta} Puppis. The results here indicate that iEFC can be a valid HOWFSC method that can mitigate the risk of model errors associated with space-borne coronagraphs, but to maximize iEFC performance, lengthy calibration times will be required to mitigate the noise accumulated during calibration.

The mergers of double neutron stars (DNSs) systems are believed to drive the majority of short $\gamma$-ray bursts (SGRBs), while also serving as production sites of heavy r-process elements. Despite being key to i) confirming the nature of the extragalactic SGRBs, ii) addressing the poorly-understood r-process enrichment in the ultra-faint dwarf galaxies (UFDGs), and iii) probing the formation process of DNS systems, the space velocity distribution of DNSs is still poorly constrained due to the small number of DNSs with well-determined astrometry. In this work, we determine new proper motions and parallaxes of two Galactic DNSs -- PSR J0509+3801 and PSR J1930-1852, using the Very Long Baseline Array, and estimate the transverse velocities $v_\perp$ of all the 11 isolated Galactic DNSs having proper motion measurements in a consistent manner. Our correlation analysis reveals that the DNS $v_\perp$ is tentatively correlated with three parameters: spin period, orbital eccentricity, and companion mass. With the preliminary $v_\perp$ distribution, we obtain the following findings. Firstly, the refined $v_\perp$ distribution is confirmed to agree with the observed displacements of the localized SGRBs from their host galaxy birth sites. Secondly, we estimate that around 11% and 25% of DNSs remain gravitationally bound to UFDGs with escape velocities of 15$\mathrm{~km~s^{-1}}$ and 25$\mathrm{~km~s^{-1}}$, respectively. Hence, the retained DNSs might indeed be responsible for the r-process enrichment confirmed so far in a few UFDGs. Finally, we discuss how a future ensemble of astrometrically determined DNSs may probe the multimodality of the $v_\perp$ distribution.

Shuhei Inoue, Kah Wuy Chin, Shinsuke Uno, Kotaro Kohno, Yuka Niwa, Toyo Naganuma, Ryosuke Yamamura, Kazuki Watanabe, Tatsuya Takekoshi, Tai Oshima

We established a design method for a Magic-T with a single-layer dielectric/metal structure suitable for both wideband and multi-element applications for millimeter and submillimeter wave imaging observations. The design method was applied to a Magic-T with a coupled-line, stubs, and single-stage impedance transformers in a frequency-scaled model (6-14 GHz) that is relatively easy to demonstrate through manufacturing and evaluation. The major problem is that using the conventional perfect matching condition for a coupled-line alone produces an impractically large width coplanar coupled-line (CPCL) to satisfy the desired bandwidth ratio. In our study, by removing this constraint and optimizing impedances utilizing a circuit simulator with high computation speed, we found a solution with a $\sim$ 180 $\rm \mu$m wide CPCL, which is approximately an order of magnitude smaller than the conventional analytical solution. Furthermore, considering the effect of transition discontinuities in the transmission lines, we optimized the line length and obtained a design solution with return loss < -20 dB, amplitude imbalance < 0.1 dB, and phase imbalance < 0.5$^\circ$ from 6.1 GHz to 14.1 GHz.

Yun-Ao Xiao, Hu Zou, Xin Xu, Lu Feng, Wei-Jian Guo, Wenxiong Li, Zhixia Shen, Gaurav Singh, Jipeng Sui, Jiali Wang, Suijian Xue

In this study, we present the construction of a new proper motion catalog utilizing the photometric data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) imaging surveys, with a median time baseline of about 13 years. To mitigate systematic errors, the DESI galaxy positions are employed to establish a reference frame and to correct the position-, magnitude-, and color-dependent discrepancies between SDSS and DESI imaging datasets. Spanning 12,589 square degrees, the catalog encompasses about 206.6 million non-Gaia objects down to $m_r \sim$ 23. Based on 734k quasars, the assessment of the global systematic errors in DESI-SDSS proper motion catalog yields values of 0.14 mas yr$^{-1}$ for $\mu_{\alpha *}$ and 0.11 mas yr$^{-1}$ for $\mu_{\delta}$. The catalog exhibits a precision surpassing 3.7 mas yr$^{-1}$, albeit varying with position, color, and magnitude. An additional evaluation employing approximately 5,300 distant star samples yields an overall precision of approximately 3.0 and 2.9 mas yr$^{-1}$ for $\mu_{\alpha *}$ and $\mu_{\delta}$, respectively. Further comparisons with proper motions from SDSS Stripe 82 reveal a strong consistency between the two datasets. As a practical application, we utilize fainter non-Gaia objects in our catalog to update the proper motions of 17 star clusters. The resulting proper motions for these clusters exhibit excellent consistency with those derived from Gaia data. Our proper motion measurements, characterized by a deeper limiting magnitude, stands as a valuable complement to the Gaia dataset. The catalog is publicly available at \url{this https URL}.

Supergiant shells (SGSs) are the largest interstellar structures where heated and enriched gas flows into the host galaxy's halo. The SGSs in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) are so close that their stars can be resolved with ground-based telescopes to allow studies of star formation history. Aiming to study the star formation history and energy budget of LMC 4, we have conducted a pilot study of the cluster NGC 2021 and the OB associations in its vicinity near the south rim of LMC 4. We use the Magellanic Cloud Photometric Survey data of the LMC to establish a methodology to examine the stellar population and assess the massive star formation history. We find a radial procession of massive star formation from the northwest part of the OB association LH79 through NGC 2021 to the OB association LH78 in the south. Using the stellar content of NGC 2021 and the assumption of Salpeter's initial mass function, we estimate that $\sim$4 supernovae have occurred in NGC 2021, injecting at least $4\times10^{51}$ ergs of kinetic energy into the interior of LMC 4.

The study of temporal properties of variable sources can elucidate their physical processes. In this context, we present a critical study comparing three approaches to periodic or quasiperiodic behavior: Gaussian process, power spectrum, and wavelet analysis, using celerite, Lomb-Scargle periodograms, and weighted wavelet-Z transforms, respectively. We use 15 Swift-X-ray Telescope light curves of short gamma-ray bursts (sGRBs) as examples. A comprehensive analysis of two sGRB X-ray light curves is performed. The results reveal the importance of artifacts, largely in the form of false quasiperiodic oscillation signals, possibly introduced by preprocessing (such as detrending) or other aspects of the analysis. The exploration described in this paper can be helpful for future studies of variability in GRBs, active galactic nuclei, and other astronomical sources.

The GJ 1148 system has two Saturn-mass planets orbiting around an M dwarf star on hierarchical and eccentric orbits, with orbital period ratio of 13 and eccentricities of both planets of 0.375. The inner planet is in the regime of eccentric warm Jupiters. We perform numerical experiments to study the planet-planet scattering scenario for the origin of this orbital architecture. We consider a third planet of $0.1 M_J$ (Jupiter's mass) in the initial GJ 1148 system with initial orbital separations of 3.5, 4, and 4.5 mutual Hill radii and initial semimajor axis of the innermost planet in the range of 0.10-0.50 au. The majority of scattering results in planet-planet collisions, followed by planet ejections, and planet-star close approaches. Among them, only planet ejections produce eccentric and widely separated two-planet systems, with some having similar orbital properties to the GJ 1148 system. We also examine the effects of general relativistic apsidal precession and a higher mass of $0.227 M_J$ for the third planet. The simulation results suggest that the GJ 1148 system may have lost a giant planet. We also perform simulations of the general problem of the origin of warm Jupiters by planet-planet scattering. As in the GJ 1148 simulations, a nontrivial number of stable two-planet systems are produced by ejection, which disagrees with the result from a previous study showing that two-planet systems arise exclusively through planet-planet collisions.

In the last few years astronomical surveys have expanded the reach of planetary science into the realm of small and dense extrasolar worlds. These share a number of characteristics with the terrestrial and icy planetary objects of the Solar System, but keep stretching previous understanding of the known limits of planetary thermodynamics, material properties, and climate regimes. Improved compositional and thermal constraints on exoplanets below $\sim$2 Earth radii suggest efficient accretion of atmosphere-forming volatile elements in a fraction of planetary systems, pointing to rapid formation, planet-scale melting, and chemical equilibration between the core, mantle, and atmosphere of rocky and volatile-rich exoplanets. Meaningful interpretation of novel observational data from these worlds necessitates cross-disciplinary expansion of known material properties under extreme thermodynamic, non-solar conditions, and accounting for dynamic feedbacks between interior and atmospheric processes. Exploration of the atmosphere and surface composition of individual, short-period super-Earths in the next few years will enable key inferences on magma ocean dynamics, the redox state of rocky planetary mantles, and mixing between volatile and refractory phases in planetary regimes that are absent from the present-day Solar System, and reminiscent of the conditions of the prebiotic Earth. The atmospheric characterization of climate diversity and the statistical search for biosignatures on terrestrial exoplanets on temperate orbits will require space-based direct imaging surveys, capable of resolving emission features of major and trace gases in both shortwave and mid-infrared wavelengths.

Microlensing of stars in our Galaxy has long been used to detect and characterize stellar populations, exoplanets, brown dwarfs, stellar remnants and whatever objects may magnify the source stars with their gravitational fields. The interpretation of microlensing light curves is relatively simple for single lenses and single sources but becomes more and more complicated if we add more objects and take their relative motion into account. RTModel is a modeling platform that has been very active in the real-time investigation of microlensing events, providing preliminary models that have proven very useful for driving follow-up resources towards the most interesting events. The success of RTModel is due to the ability to make a thorough and aimed exploration of the parameter space in a relatively short time. This is obtained by three key ideas: the initial conditions are chosen from a template library including all possible caustic crossing and approaches; the fits are performed by the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm using a bumper mechanism to explore multiple minima; the basic computations of microlensing magnification are performed by the fast and robust VBBinaryLensing package. In this paper we will illustrate all algorithms in RTModel in detail, with the purpose of fostering new ideas in view of future microlensing pipelines aimed at massive microlensing analysis.

Pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) are clouds of the magnetized relativistic electron/positron plasma supplied from the central pulsar. However, the number of radio-emitting particles inside a PWN is larger than the expectation from the study of pulsar magnetospheres and then their origin is still unclear. A stochastic acceleration of externally injected particles by a turbulence inside the PWN is proposed by our previous studies. In this paper, the previous stochastic acceleration model of the PWN broadband spectra is improved by taking into account the time evolution of the turbulent energy and then the total energy balance inside a PWN is maintained. The turbulent energy supplied from the central pulsar is wasted by the backreaction from the stochastic particle acceleration and the adiabatic cooling according the PWN expansion. The model is applied to the Crab Nebula and reproduce the current broadband emission spectrum, especially the flat radio spectrum although time evolution of the turbulent energy (diffusion coefficient) is a bit complicated compared with our previous studies, where we assumed an exponential behavior of the diffusion coefficient.

Among various observational techniques used for detection of large bolides on a global scale is a low frequency sound known as infrasound. Infrasound, which is also one of the four sensing modalities used by the International Monitoring System (IMS), offers continuous global monitoring, and can be leveraged towards planetary defense. Infrasonic records can provide an additional dimension for event characterization and a distinct perspective that might not be available through any other observational method. This paper describes infrasonic detection and characterization of the bolide that disintegrated over Tajikistan on 23 July 2008. This event was detected by two infrasound stations at distances of 1530 and 2130 km. Propagation paths to one of the stations were not predicted by the model despite being clearly detected. The presence of the signal is attributed to the acoustic energy being trapped in a weak but leaky stratospheric AtmoSOFAR channel. The infrasound signal analysis indicates that the shock originated at the point of the main breakup at an altitude of 35 km. The primary mode of shock production of the signal detected at the two stations was a spherical blast resulting from the main gross fragmentation episode. The energy estimate, based on the signal period, is 0.17-0.51 kt of TNT equivalent, suggesting a mass of 6.6-23.5 tons. The corresponding object radius, assuming the chondritic origin, was 0.78-1.18 m.

We report on full-Stokes L-band observations of 98 MeerKAT calibration sources. Linear polarization is detected in 71 objects above a fractional level of 0.2\%. We identify ten sources with strong fractional linear polarization and low Faraday Rotation Measure that could be suitable for wide-band absolute polarization calibration. We detect significant circular polarization from 24\% of the sample down to a detection level of 0.07\%. Circularly polarized emission is seen only for flat spectrum sources $\alpha > -0.5$. We compare our polarized intensities and Faraday Synthesis results to data from the NVSS at 1400\,MHz and the ATCA SPASS survey at 2300\,MHz. NVSS data exists for 54 of our sources and SPASS data for 20 sources. The percent polarization and Rotation Measures from both surveys agree well with our results. The residual instrumental linear polarization for these observations is measured at 0.16\% and the residual instrumental circular polarization is measured at 0.05\%. These levels may reflect either instabilities in the relative bandpass between the two polarization channels with either time or antenna orientation, or atmospheric/ionospheric variations with pointing direction. Tracking of the hourly gain solutions on J0408-6545 after transfer of the primary gain solutions suggests a deterioration of the gain stability by a factor of several starting about two hours after sunrise. This suggests that observing during the nighttime could dramatically improve the precision of polarization calibration.

Using spatially resolved spectroscopy, we investigated the characteristics and different modes of formation of stars in elliptical galaxies. We identified an unusual population of 59 star-forming elliptical (SF-E) galaxies in SDSS-MaNGA, our primary sample. To identify these rare star-forming ellipticals, we combined GSWLC-A2 containing outputs of stellar population synthesis models with morphological results from the deep-learning catalogue and resolved and integrated properties from the MaNGA Pipe3D value-added catalogue. We have also constructed two control samples of star-forming spirals (SF-Sps; 2419 galaxies) and quenched ellipticals (Q-Es; 684 galaxies) to compare with our primary sample of SF-Es. H$\alpha$ emission line flux of SF-Es is similar to spiral galaxies. The D4000 spectral index indicates that SF-Es have a mixture of old and young stellar populations. Mass-weighted stellar age and metallicity for the SF-Es are lower than the Q-Es. 67\% of stellar and gas velocity maps of the primary sample show signs of kinematic disturbance. All of these indicate that SF-Es have acquired metal-poor gas through recent mergers or interactions with other galaxies and are forming a new generation of stars. Further, we subdivide our primary sample of SF-Es into four classes based on their $B/T$ and $\lambda_{re}$. These four classes have their distinct evolutionary history and modes of formation. Based on these results, we suggest that the Hubble diagram does not accurately capture galaxy evolution processes, and we need a revised morphology diagram like the comb morphology diagram to get a complete picture of the galaxy evolution processes.

Daniel Johnson, Pierre Fleury, Julien Larena, Lucia Marchetti

Strong gravitational lensing is a competitive tool to probe the dark matter and energy content of the universe. However, significant uncertainties can arise from the choice of lens model, and in particular the parameterisation of the line of sight. In this work, we consider the consequences of ignoring the contribution of foreground perturbers in lens modelling. We derive the explicit form of the degeneracy between the foreground shear and the ellipticity of a power law lens, which renders both quantities effectively unmeasurable from strong lensing observables. Nonetheless, we demonstrate that this degeneracy does not affect measurements of the Einstein radius. Foreground tidal effects are also not expected to bias the slope of the potential, and further that any biases in this slope should not affect the recovery of the Hubble constant. The foreground convergence term adds an additional uncertainty to the measurement of $H_0$, and we show that this uncertainty will be on the order of $1\%$ for lensing systems located along random lines of sight. There is evidence to indicate that the probability of strong lensing is higher towards overdense lines of sight, and this could result in a small systematic bias towards overestimations of $H_0$.

Gravitational waves (GWs) may be produced by various mechanisms in the early universe. In particular, if parity is violated, it may lead to the production of parity-violating GWs. In this paper, we focus on GWs on the scale of the large-scale structure. Since GWs induce tidal deformations of the shape of galaxies, one can extract such GW signals by observing images of galaxies in galaxy surveys. Conventionally the detection of such signals is discussed by considering the three-dimensional power spectra of the $E/B$-modes. Here, we develop a complementary new technique to estimate the contribution of GWs to the tidal force tensor field projected on the celestial sphere, which is a directly observable quantity. We introduce two two-dimensional vector fields constructed by taking the divergence and curl of the projected tidal field in three dimensions. Their auto-correlation functions naturally contain contributions of the scalar-type tidal field. However, we find that the divergence of the curl of the projected tidal field, which is a pseudo-scalar quantity, is free from the scalar contribution and thus enables us to extract GW signals. We also find that we can detect parity-violating signals in the GWs by observing the nonzero cross-correlation between the divergence of the projected tidal field and the curl of it. It roughly corresponds to measuring the cross-power spectrum of E and B-modes, but these are complementary to each other in the sense that our estimator can be naturally defined locally in position space. Finally we present expressions of the correlation functions in the form of Fourier integrals, and discuss the properties of the kernels specific to the GW case, which we call the overlap reduction function, borrowing the terminology used in the pulsar timing array experiments.

R. Calderon, K. Lodha, A. Shafieloo, E. Linder, W. Sohn, A. de Mattia, J. L. Cervantes-Cota, R. Crittenden, T. M. Davis, M. Ishak, A. G. Kim, W. Matthewson, G. Niz, S. Park, J. Aguilar, S. Ahlen, S. Allen, D. Brooks, T. Claybaugh, A. de la Macorra, A. Dey, B. Dey, P. Doel, J. E. Forero-Romero, E. Gaztañaga, S. Gontcho A Gontcho, K. Honscheid, C. Howlett, S. Juneau, A. Kremin, M. Landriau, L. Le Guillou, M. E. Levi, M. Manera, R. Miquel, J. Moustakas, J. A. Newman, N. Palanque-Delabrouille, W. J. Percival, C. Poppett, F. Prada, M. Rezaie, G. Rossi, V. Ruhlmann-Kleider, E. Sanchez, D. Schlegel, M. Schubnell, H. Seo, D. Sprayberry, G. Tarlé, P. Taylor, M. Vargas-Magaña, B. A. Weaver, P. Zarrouk, H. Zou

We implement Crossing Statistics to reconstruct in a model-agnostic manner the expansion history of the universe and properties of dark energy, using DESI Data Release 1 (DR1) BAO data in combination with one of three different supernova compilations (PantheonPlus, Union3, and DES-SN5YR) and Planck CMB observations. Our results hint towards an evolving and emergent dark energy behaviour, with negligible presence of dark energy at $z\gtrsim 1$, at varying significance depending on data sets combined. In all these reconstructions, the cosmological constant lies outside the 95\% confidence intervals for some redshift ranges. This dark energy behaviour, reconstructed using Crossing Statistics, is in agreement with results from the conventional $w_0$--$w_a$ dark energy equation of state parametrization reported in the DESI Key cosmology paper. Our results add an extensive class of model-agnostic reconstructions with acceptable fits to the data, including models where cosmic acceleration slows down at low redshifts. We also report constraints on \Hord\ from our model-agnostic analysis, independent of the pre-recombination physics.

I. Pérez, S. Verley, L. Sánchez-Menguiano, T. Ruiz-Lara, R. García-Benito, S. Duarte Puertas, A. Jiménez, J. Domínguez-Gómez, D. Espada, R. F. Peletier, J. Román, M. I. Rodríguez, P. Sánchez Alarcón, M. Argudo-Fernández, G. Torres-Ríos, B. Bidaran, M. Alcázar-Laynez, R. van de Weygaert, S.F. Sánchez, U. Lisenfeld, A. Zurita, E. Florido, J.M. van der Hulst, G. Blázquez-Calero, P. Villalba-González, I. del Moral-Castro, A. Lugo-Aranda, D. Walo-Martín, A. Conrado, R. González-Delgado, J. Falcón-Barroso, A. Ferré-Mateu, M. Hernández-Sánchez, P. Awad, K. Kreckel, H. Courtois, R. Espada-Miura, M. Relaño, L. Galbany, P. Sánchez-Blázquez, E. Pérez-Montero, M. Sánchez-Portal, A. Bongiovanni, S. Planelles, V. Quilis, M. Aubert, D. Guinet, D. Pomaréde, A. M. Weijmans, M. A. Raj, J. Aragón-Calvo, M. Azzaro, G. Bergond, M. Blazek, S. Cikota, A. Fernández-Martín, A. Gardini, A. Guijarro, I. Hermelo, P. Martín, I. Vico

We have learnt in the last decades that the majority of galaxies belong to high density regions interconnected in a sponge-like fashion. This large-scale structure is characterised by clusters, filaments, walls, where most galaxies concentrate, but also under-dense regions, called voids. The void regions and the galaxies within represent an ideal place for the study of galaxy formation and evolution as they are largely unaffected by the complex physical processes that transform galaxies in high-density environments. These void galaxies can hold the key as well to answer current challenges to the $\Lambda$CDM paradigm. The Calar Alto Void Integral-field Treasury surveY (CAVITY) is a Legacy project approved by the Calar Alto Observatory to obtain spatially resolved spectroscopic information of $\sim300$ void galaxies in the Local Universe (0.005 < z < 0.050) covering from -17.0 to -21.5 in $\rm r$ band absolute magnitude. It officially started in January 2021 and has been awarded 110 useful dark observing nights at the 3.5 m telescope using the PMAS spectrograph. Complementary follow-up projects including deep optical imaging, integrated, as well as resolved CO data, and integrated HI spectra, have joint the PMAS observations and naturally complete the scientific aim of characterising galaxies in cosmic voids. The extension data has been denominated CAVITY+. The data will be available to the whole community in different data releases, the first of which is planned for July 2024, and it will provide the community with PMAS data cubes for around 100 void galaxies through a user friendly, and well documented, database platform. We present here the survey, sample selection, data reduction, quality control schemes, science goals, and some examples of the scientific power of the CAVITY and CAVITY+ data.

Zhihui Kong, Anders Johansen, Michiel Lambrechts, Jonathan H. Jiang, Zong-Hong Zhu

The architecture and masses of planetary systems in the habitable zone could be strongly influenced by outer giant planets, if present. We investigate here the impact of outer giants on terrestrial planet formation, under the assumption that the final assembly of the planetary system is set by a giant impact phase. Utilizing a state-of-the-art N-body simulation software, GENGA, we interpret how the late stage of terrestrial planet formation results in diversity within planetary systems. We design two global model setups: in the first we place a gas giant on the outer side of planetesimals and embryos disk, while the other only has planetesimals and embryos but no giant. For the model including the outer giant, we study the effect of different giant initial masses, in the range 1.0-3.0 Jupiter mass, and orbital radii, in the range 2.0-5.8 AU.We also study the influence of different initial positions of planetesimals and embryos on the results. Our N-body simulation time is approximately 50 Myr. The results show that the existence of outer giant will promote the interaction between planetesimals and embryos, making the orbits of the formed terrestrial planets more compact, but placing the giant planet too close to the planetesimals and embryos disk suppresses the formation of massive rocky planets. In addition, under the classical theory, where planetary embryos and planetesimals collide to form terrestrial planets, our results show that the presence of a giant planet actually decreases the gap complexity of the inner planetary system.

With the motivation to improve experimental gains and precision, established astroparticle experiments are currently undergoing massive upgrades. In addition, several new experiments are being built or planned. With the resulting gain in observational quality, the amount and accuracy of simulated data required for the analysis is also rising. In order to meet the increasing requirements and complexity due to the experiments' growth and to provide a unified software ecosystem, it was decided to re-develop the de facto standard extensive air shower simulation CORSIKA completely in C++ based on the original Fortran code. Since one of the largest runtime consumers is the propagation of millions of optical Cherenkov and fluorescence photons, and many experiments are starting to use them for measurements, it was decided to develop hardware-accelerated code to speed up the simulation. Specific methods have been developed to propagate photons on deep learning acceleration hardware similar to classical GPUs to take additional advantage of the current and future growth of the deep learning sector. In particular, Nvidia accelerators were tested.

Modern photometric surveys of the sky suggest that many, perhaps most supernovae (SNe) associated with the explosion of massive stars are influenced at an appreciable level by their interaction with circumstellar material (CSM). The photometric and spectroscopic diversity of these transients point to a wide range of CSM properties in terms of mass, extent, composition, and location relative to the exploding star, suggesting progenitors that cover from standard to the most extreme mass loss rates. Surveys at high-cadence catch massive stars at shock breakout and inform us on the immediate mass loss history before core collapse. In contrast, long-term monitoring of these SNe cover the transition to the birth of a SN remnant and document the progenitor mass loss that took place centuries to millennia before explosion. Interacting SNe are therefore not just extraordinary astrophysical laboratories to study radiation-dominated shocks and probe the distant Universe, they also open the path to novel and fundamental studies on stellar evolution, stellar stability, or mass loss in single and binary massive stars.

The formation of a planetary system from the protoplanetary disk leads to destruction of the latter; however, a debris disk can remain in the form of asteroids and cometary material. The motion of planets can cause the formation of coorbital structures from the debris disk matter. Previous calculations have shown that such a ring-like structure is more stable if there is a binary star in the center of the system, as opposed to a single star. To analyze the properties of the coorbital structure, we have calculated a grid of models of binary star systems with a circumbinary planet moving in a planetesimal disk. The calculations are performed considering circular orbits of the stars and the planet; the mass and position of the planet, as well as the mass ratio of the stars, are varied. The analysis of the models shows that the width of the coorbital ring and its stability significantly depend on the initial parameters of the problem. Additionally, the empirical dependences of the width of the coorbital structure on the parameters of the system have been obtained, and the parameters of the models with the most stable coorbital structures have been determined. The results of the present study can be used for the search of planets around binary stars with debris disks.

Teng Liu, Andrea Merloni, Jeremy Sanders, Gabriele Ponti, Andrew Strong, Michael Yeung, Nicola Locatelli, Peter Predehl, Xueying Zheng, Manami Sasaki, Michael Freyberg, Konrad Dennerl, Werner Becker, Kirpal Nandra, Martin Mayer, Johannes Buchner

There are two contradictory views of the eROSITA bubbles: either a 10 kpc-scale pair of giant bubbles blown by the Galactic center (GC), or a 100 pc-scale local structure coincidentally located in the direction of GC. A key element of this controversy is the distance to the bubbles. Based on the 3D dust distribution in the Galactic plane, we found three isolated, distant (500-800 pc) clouds at intermediate Galactic latitudes. Their projected morphologies perfectly match the X-ray shadows on the defining features of the north eROSITA bubble, i.e., the North Polar Spur (NPS) and the Lotus Petal Cloud (LPC), indicating that both the NPS and LPC are distant with a distance lower limit of nearly 1kpc. In the X-ray dark region between the NPS and LPC, we found a few polarized radio arcs and attributed them to the bubble's shock front. These arcs match up perfectly with the outer border of the NPS and LPC and provide a way to define the bubble's border. The border defined in this way can be well described by the line-of-sight tangent of a 3D skewed cup model rooted in the GC. We conclude that, instead of being two independent, distant features, NPS and LPC compose a single, giant bubble, which, therefore, is most plausibly a 10-kpc scale bubble rooted at the GC.

Katsuki Aoki, Mohammad Ali Gorji, Takashi Hiramatsu, Shinji Mukohyama, Masroor C. Pookkillath, Kazufumi Takahashi

We study the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation in the unified description of the effective field theory (EFT) of dark energy that accommodates both scalar-tensor and vector-tensor theories. The boundaries of different classes of theories are universally parameterised by a new EFT parameter $\alpha_V$ characterising the vectorial nature of dark energy and a set of consistency relations associated with the global/local shift symmetry. After implementing the equations of motion in a Boltzmann code, as a demonstration, we compute the CMB power spectrum based on the $w$CDM background with the EFT parameterisation of perturbations and a concrete Horndeski/generalised Proca theory. We show that the vectorial nature generically prevents modifications of gravity in the CMB spectrum. On the other hand, while the shift symmetry is less significant in the perturbation equations unless the background is close to the $\Lambda$CDM, it requires that the effective equation of state of dark energy is in the phantom region $w_{\rm DE}<-1$. The latter is particularly interesting in light of the latest result of the DESI+CMB combination as the observational verification of $w_{\rm DE}>-1$ can rule out shift-symmetric theories including vector-tensor theories in one shot.

Wancheng Xu, Lang Cui, Xiang Liu, Tao An, Hongmin Cao, Pengfei Jiang, Luis C. Ho, Ning Chang, Xiaolong Yang, Yuling Shen, Guiping Tan, Zhenhua Han, Junhui Fan, Ming Zhang

It is believed that dual active galactic nuclei (dual AGN) will form during galaxies merge. Studying dual-AGN emission can provide valuable insights into galaxy merging and evolution. To investigate parsec-scale radio emission properties, we observed eight radio components of four selected dual-AGN systems using the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) at 5 GHz in multiple-phase-center mode. Among them, two compact radio components, labeled J0051+0020B and J2300-0005A, were detected clearly on parsec scales for the first time. However, the radio emission of the other six components was resolved out in the high-resolution images. We provided the values or upper limits of the brightness temperature and radio emission power, and analyzed the emission origins in detail for each target. Based on their physical properties reported in this work and in the literature, we suggest the radio emission in J0051+0020B and J2300-0005A originates primarily from compact jets, while the other six sources show more complex emission mechanisms. In addition, our VLBA observations suggest the systematic X-ray deficit in our dual-AGN sample is likely attributed to the tidally induced effect and possible viewing angle effect.

The final stages of cosmic reionisation (EndEoR) are expected to be strongly regulated by the residual neutral hydrogen in the already ionised regions of the Universe. Its presence limits the mean distance that ionising photons can travel and hence, the extent of the regions that sources of ionising photons can affect. The structures containing most of this residual neutral hydrogen are typically unresolved in large-scale simulations of reionisation. Here, we investigate and compare a range of approaches for including the effect of these small-scale absorbers, also known as Lyman limit systems (LLS), in such simulations. We evaluate the impact of these different approaches on the reionisation history, the evolution of the ultraviolet background, and its fluctuations. We also compare to observational results on the distribution of Lyman-$\alpha$ opacity towards the EndEoR and the measured mean free path of ionising photons. We further consider their effect on the 21-cm power spectrum. We find that although each of the different approaches can match some of the observed probes of the final stages of reionisation, only the use of a redshift-dependent and position-dependent LLS model is able to reproduce all of them. We therefore recommend that large-scale reionisation simulations, which aim to describe both the state of the ionised and neutral intergalactic medium use such an approach, although the other, simpler approaches are applicable depending on the science goal of the simulation.

Lucas Hellström, Mirosław Giersz, Arkadiusz Hypki, Diogo Bellino, Abbas Askar, Grzegorz Wiktorowicz

There could be a significant population of double white dwarf binaries (DWDs) inside globular clusters (GCs), however, these are often too faint to be individually observed. We have utilized a large number GC models evolved with the Monte Carlo Cluster Simulator (MOCCA) code, to create a large statistical dataset of DWDs. These models include multiple-stellar populations, resulting in two distinct initial populations: one dense and another less dense. Due to the lower density of one population, a large number of objects escape during the early GC evolution, leading to a high mass-loss rate. In this dataset we have analysed three main groups of DWDs, namely in-cluster binaries, escaped binaries, and isolated evolution of primordial binaries. We compared the properties of these groups to observations of close and wide binaries. We find that the number of escaping DWDs is significantly larger than the number of in-cluster binaries and those that form via the isolated evolution of all promiridial binaries in our GC models. This suggests that dynamics play an important role in the formation of DWDs. For close binaries, we found a good agreement in the separations of escaped binaries and isolated binaries, but in-cluster binaries showed slight differences. We could not reproduce the observed extremely low mass WDs due to the limitations of our stellar and binary evolution prescriptions. For wide binaries, we also found a good agreement in the separations and masses, after accounting for observational selection effects. We conclude that, even though the current observational samples of DWDs are extremely biased and incomplete, our results compare reasonably well with observations.

The accelerated electrons during solar flares produce radio bursts and nonthermal X-ray signatures. The quasi-periodic pulsations (QPPs) and fine structures in spatial-spectral-temporal space in radio bursts depend on the emission mechanism and the local conditions, such as magnetic fields, electron density, and pitch angle distribution. Radio burst observations with high frequency-time resolution imaging provide excellent diagnostics. In converging magnetic field geometries, the radio bursts can be produced via the electron-cyclotron maser (ECM). Recently, using observations made by the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) at 1--2 GHz, \cite{Yu2023} reported a discovery of long-lasting auroral-like radio bursts persistent over a sunspot and interpreted them as ECM-generated emission. Here, we investigate the detailed second and sub-second temporal variability of this continuous ECM source. We study the association of 5-second period QPPs with a concurrent GOES C1.5-class flare, utilizing VLA's imaging spectroscopy capability with an extremely high temporal resolution (50 ms). We use the density and magnetic field extrapolation model to constrain the ECM emission to the second harmonic o-mode. Using the delay of QPPs from X-ray emission times, combined with X-ray spectroscopy and magnetic extrapolation, we constrain the energies and pitch angles of the ECM-emitting electrons to $\approx$4-8 keV and $>26^{\circ}$. Our analysis shows that the loss-cone diffusion continuously fuels the ECM via Coulomb collisions and magnetic turbulence between a 5 Mm--100 Mm length scale. We conclude that the QPP occurs via the Lotka-Volterra system, where the electron from solar flares saturates the continuously operating ECM and causes temporary oscillations.

Bärbel S. Koribalski (1, 2), Stefan W. Duchesne (3), Emil Lenc (1), Tiziana Venturi (4, 5), Andrea Botteon (4), Stanislav S. Shabala (6), Tessa Vernstrom (3, 7), Ettore Carretti (4), Ray P. Norris (1, 2)Craig Anderson (8), Andrew M. Hopkins (9)C.J. Riseley (10, 4), Nikhel Gupta (3), Velibor Velović (2)- (1 - CSIRO ATNF, P.O. Box 76, Epping, NSW 1710, Australia, 2 - Western Sydney University, Penrith, NSW 2751, Australia, 3 - CSIRO ATNF, PO Box 1130, Bentley WA 6102, Australia, 4 - INAF-IRA, 40129 Bologna, Italy, 5 - Center for Radio Astronomy Techniques and Technologies, Rhodes University, Grahamstown 6140, South Africa, 6 - University of Tasmania, Hobart 7001, Australia, 7 - ICRAR, UWA, 6009 Crawley, Australia, 8 - RSAA, ANU, ACT 2611, Australia, 9 - School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia, 10 - Università degli Studi di Bologna, 40129 Bologna, Italy)

Among the bent tail radio galaxies common in galaxy clusters are some with long, collimated tails (so-called head-tail galaxies) shaped by their interactions with the intracluster medium (ICM). Here we report the discovery of intricate filamentary structure in and beyond the ~28' (570 kpc) long, helical radio tail of the Corkscrew Galaxy (1610-60.5, ESO137-G007), which resides in the X-ray bright cluster Abell 3627 (D = 70 Mpc). Deep radio continuum data were obtained with wide-field Phased Array Feeds on the Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) at 944 MHz and 1.4 GHz. The Corkscrew Galaxy is located 15' north of the prominent wide-angle tail (WAT) radio galaxy 1610-60.8 (ESO137-G006) near the cluster centre. While the bright (young) part of its radio tail is highly collimated, the faint (old) part shows increasing oscillation amplitudes, break-ups, and filaments. We find a stunning set of arc-shaped radio filaments beyond and mostly orthogonal to the collimated Corkscrew tail end, forming a partial bubble. This may be the first detection of a "proto-lobe" seen in 3D MHD simulations by Nolting et al. (2019), formed by the face-on impact of the Corkscrew Galaxy with a shock front in the cluster outskirts. Interactions of the radio galaxy tail with the ICM are likely responsible for the tail collimation and shear forces within the ICM for its increasingly filamentary structure. We also report the discovery of small (~20-30 kpc) ram-pressure stripped radio tails in four Abell 3627 cluster galaxies.

Stuart E. Harper, Clive Dickinson, Kieran A. Cleary, Brandon S. Hensley, Gabriel A. Hoerning, Roberta Paladini, Thomas J. Rennie, Roke Cepeda-Arroita, Delaney A. Dunne, Hans Kristian Eriksen, Joshua Ott Gundersen, Havard T. Ihle, Jonas G. S. Lunde, Roberto Ricci, Jeroen Stil, Nils-Ole Stutzer, A. R. Taylor, Ingunn Kathrine Wehus

Anomalous Microwave Emission (AME) is a major component of Galactic emission in the frequency band 10 to 60 GHz and is commonly modelled as rapidly rotating spinning dust grains. The photodissociation region (PDR) at the boundary of the $\lambda$-Orionis Hii region has been identified by several recent analyses as one of the brightest spinning dust emitting sources in the sky. We investigate the Barnard 30 dark cloud, a dark cloud embedded within the $\lambda$-Orionis PDR. We use total-power observations of Barnard 30 from the CO Mapping Array Project (COMAP) pathfinder instrument at 26 to 34GHz with a resolution of 4.5 arcminutes alongside existing data from Planck, WISE, IRAS, ACT, and the 1.447GHz GALFACTS survey. We use aperture photometry and template fitting to measure the spectral energy distribution of Barnard 30. We find that the spinning dust is the dominant emission component in the 26 to 34GHz range at the $7 \sigma$ level ($S_{30GHz} = 2.85\pm0.43$Jy). We find no evidence that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are the preferred carrier for the spinning dust emission, suggesting that the spinning dust carriers are due to a mixed population of very small grains. Finally, we find evidence for variations in spinning dust emissivity and peak frequency within Barnard 30, and that these variations are possibly driven by changes in dust grain population and the total radiation field. Confirming the origin of the variations in the spinning dust spectrum will require both future COMAP observations at 15GHz combined with spectroscopic mid-infrared data of Barnard 30.

We examine expected effective spin ($\chi_{{\rm eff},1\rm yr}$) and orbital eccentricity ($e_{1\rm yr}$) correlations for a population of observable equal-mass massive black hole binaries (MBHBs) with total redshifted mass $M_z\sim[10^{4.5},10^{7.5}]~{\rm M}_\odot$ embedded in a circumbinary disc (CBD), one-year before merging in the LISA band. We find a strong correlation between measurable eccentricity and negative effective spin for MBHBs that are carried to merger by retrograde accretion. This is due to the well-established eccentricity pumping of retrograde accretion and the formation of retrograde CBD-aligned mini-discs, as observed in hydrodynamical simulations. Conversely, prograde accretion channels result in positive $\chi_{{\rm eff},1\rm yr}$ and non-measurable $e_{1\rm yr}$. This clear contrast between the two CBD orientations -- and particularly the unique signature of retrograde configurations -- provides a promising way to unlock the mysteries of MBHB formation channels in the LISA era.

We analyze primordial tensor perturbations using the latest cosmic microwave background and gravitational waves data, focusing on the tensor-to-scalar ratio, $r$, and the tensor spectral tilt, $n_t$. Utilizing data from Planck PR4, BICEP/Keck, and LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA, we employ both Bayesian and frequentist methods to provide robust constraints on these parameters. Our results indicate more conservative upper limits for $r$ with profile likelihoods compared to Bayesian credible intervals, highlighting the influence of prior selection and volume effects. The profile likelihood for $n_t$ shows that the current data do not provide sufficient information to derive quantitative bounds, unless extra assumptions on $r$ are used. Additionally, we conduct a 2D profile likelihood analysis of $r$ and $n_t$, indicating a closer agreement between both statistical methods for the largest values of $r$. This study not only updates our understanding of the tensor perturbations but also highlights the importance of employing both statistical methods to explore less constrained parameters, crucial for future explorations in cosmology.

A. Floris, P. Marziani, S. Panda, M. Sniegowska, M. D'Onofrio, A. Deconto-Machado, A. Del Olmo, B. Czerny

The 4D eigenvector 1 (E1) sequence has emerged as a powerful tool for organizing the observational and physical characteristics of type-1 active galactic nuclei (AGNs). In this study, we present a comprehensive analysis of the metallicity of the broad line region gas, incorporating both new data and previously published findings, to assess the presence of any trend along the sequence. We perform a multi-component analysis on the strongest UV and optical emission lines, compute $\sim 10$ diagnostic ratios, and compare them with the prediction of CLOUDY photoionization simulations, identifying a photoionization solution closest to the data. Our investigation reveals a consistent pattern along the optical plane of the E1. We observe a systematic progression in metallicity, ranging from sub-solar values to metallicity levels several times higher than solar values. These findings underscore the role of metallicity as a fundamental correlate of the 4DE1/main sequence. Extreme values of metallicity, at least several tens solar, are confirmed in low-$z$ AGNs radiating at a high Eddington ratio, although the origin of the extreme enrichment remains open to debate.

J.-F. Donati, P.I. Cristofari, L.T. Lehmann, C. Moutou, S.H.P. Alencar, J. Bouvier, L. Arnold, X. Delfosse, E. Artigau, N. Cook, Á. Kóspál, F. Ménard, C. Baruteau, M. Takami, S. Cabrit, G. Hébrard, R. Doyon, the SPIRou science team

In this paper we report near-infrared observations of the classical T Tauri star TW Hya with the SPIRou high-resolution spectropolarimeter and velocimeter at the 3.6-m Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022. By applying Least-Squares Deconvolution (LSD) to our circularly polarized spectra, we derived longitudinal fields that vary from year to year from -200 to +100 G, and exhibit low-level modulation on the 3.6 d rotation period of TW Hya, despite the star being viewed almost pole-on. We then used Zeeman-Doppler Imaging to invert our sets of unpolarized and circularly-polarized LSD profiles into brightness and magnetic maps of TW Hya in all 4 seasons, and obtain that the large-scale field of this T Tauri star mainly consists of a 1.0-1.2 kG dipole tilted at about 20° to the rotation axis, whereas the small-scale field reaches strengths of up to 3-4 kG. We find that the large-scale field is strong enough to allow TW Hya to accrete material from the disc on the polar regions at the stellar surface in a more or less geometrically stable accretion pattern, but not to succeed in spinning down the star. We also report the discovery of a radial velocity signal of semi-amplitude $11.1^{+3.3}_{-2.6}$ m/s (detected at 4.3$\sigma$ at a period of 8.3 d in the spectrum of TW Hya, whose origin may be attributed to either a non-axisymmetric density structure in the inner accretion disc, or to a $0.55^{+0.17}_{-0.13}$ Jupiter mass candidate close-in planet (if orbiting in the disc plane), at an orbital distance of $0.075\pm0.001$ au.

A wide variety of Galactic sources show transient emission at soft and hard X-ray energies: low-mass and high-mass X-ray binaries containing compact objects (e.g., novae, microquasars, transitional millisecond pulsars, supergiant fast X-ray transients), isolated neutron stars exhibiting extreme variability as magnetars as well as pulsar wind nebulae. Although most of them can show emission up to MeV and/or GeV energies, many have not yet been detected in the TeV domain by Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes. In this paper, we explore the feasibility of detecting new Galactic transients with the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) and the prospects for studying them with Target of Opportunity observations. We show that CTA will likely detect new sources in the TeV regime, such as the massive microquasars in the Cygnus region, low-mass X-ray binaries with low-viewing angle, flaring emission from the Crab pulsar-wind nebula or other novae explosions, among others. We also discuss the multi-wavelength synergies with other instruments and large astronomical facilities.

Tetsuya Yokoyama, Nicolas Dauphas, Ryota Fukai, Tomohiro Usui, Shogo Tachibana, Maria Schönbächler, Henner Busemann, Masanao Abe, Toru Yada

The Hayabusa 2 spacecraft sampled approximately 5.4 g of asteroid material from the Cb-type asteroid Ryugu. Initial analysis of the Ryugu materials revealed a mineralogical, chemical, and isotopic kinship to the CI chondrites. The pristine nature of Ryugu makes the returned samples ideal for constraining the composition of the Solar System. However, some elements (e.g., P, Ca, Mn, and rare earth elements) show large relative dispersions compared to the other elements in the returned materials studied so far, most likely due to the presence of aqueously formed secondary minerals (e.g., carbonates, phosphates) in Ryugu. Therefore, the estimation of the Solar System composition using currently available Ryugu data is challenging due to the so-called nugget effect of carbonates, phosphates, and possibly other accessory minerals. The nugget effect can be mitigated by analyzing a homogenized, relatively large amount of sample. We estimate that for approximately 0.1 g of Ryugu sample, the dispersion (2SD) of the bulk Mn/Cr and Rb/Sr ratios are +/-13% and +/-15%, respectively, while they will be improved to be better than +/-5% for approximately 1 g of homogenized Ryugu sample. To further constrain the Solar System composition and to evaluate if previous estimates based on CI chondrites stored in museums for decades to centuries are reliable, it is strongly recommended to determine the chemical and isotopic compositions of Ryugu using a homogenized sample prepared from relatively large (approx. 1 g) returned material. Determining Ryugu reference compositions will be used by multidisciplinary communities, including Earth and planetary sciences, astronomy, physics, and chemistry.

Maria Vincent, Kellen Lawson, Thayne Currie, Jonathan P. Williams, Olivier Guyon, Julien Lozi, Vincent Deo, Sébastien Vievard

We present a multi-wavelength (1.16$\mu$m-2.37$\mu$m) view of the debris disk around BD+45$^\circ$598, using the Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics system paired with the Coronagraphic High Angular Resolution Imaging Spectrograph. With an assumed age of 23 Myr, this source allows us to study the early evolution of debris disks and search for forming planets. We fit a scattered light model to our disk using a differential evolution algorithm, and constrain its geometry. We find the disk to have a peak density radius of $R_0 = 109.6$ au, an inclination of $i = 88.1^\circ$, and position angle $PA = 111.0^\circ$. While we do not detect a substellar companion in the disk, our calculated contrast limits indicate sensitivity to planets as small as $\sim 10 M_{\rm Jup}$ at a projected separation of 12 au of the star, and as small as $\sim 4 M_{\rm Jup}$ beyond 38 au. When measuring intensity as a function of wavelength, the disk color constrains the minimum dust grain size within a range of $\sim0.13$ to 1.01$\mu$m.

Jaemyoung (Jason)Lee, Masao Sako, Richard Kessler, Alex I. Malz, The LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration

Differential Chromatic Refraction (DCR) is caused by the wavelength dependence of our atmosphere's refractive index, which shifts the apparent positions of stars and galaxies and distorts their shapes depending on their spectral energy distributions (SEDs). While this effect is typically mitigated and corrected for in imaging observations, we investigate how DCR can instead be used to our advantage to infer the redshifts of supernovae from multi-band, time-series imaging data. We simulate Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) in the proposed Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) Deep Drilling Field (DDF), and evaluate astrometric redshifts. We find that the redshift accuracy improves dramatically with the statistical quality of the astrometric measurements as well as with the accuracy of the astrometric solution. For a conservative choice of a 5-mas systematic uncertainty floor, we find that our redshift estimation is accurate at $z < 0.6$. We then combine our astrometric redshifts with both host galaxy photometric redshifts and supernovae photometric (light-curve) redshifts and show that this considerably improves the overall redshift estimates. These astrometric redshifts will be valuable especially since Rubin will discover a vast number of supernovae for which we will not be able to obtain spectroscopic redshifts.

Peter Jakobsen (Cosmic Dawn Center, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark)

A statistical analysis of the impact of the diminishing number of operational shutters experienced by the JWST/NIRSpec Micro Shutter Array since Commissioning is presented. It is shown that the number of high priority science targets that NIRSpec is able to observe simultaneously has so far decreased by 3.1%. Of greater concern, however, is NIRSpec's diminished ability to carry out autonomous MSATA target acquisition, which is more sensitive to the loss of shutters than is the multiplexing. In the flagship case of MSA observations of deep fields, the number of pointings at which it is not possible to reach the required minimum number of 5 Valid Reference Stars has increased from 4.9% to 6.3% and is beginning to become noticeable. Similarly, the number of higher risk target acquisitions that need to be carried out with fewer than the maximum allowed number of 8 Reference Stars has grown from 27% to 31%.

The Pulsar timing data from NANOGrav Collaboration has regenerated interest in the possibility of observing stochastic gravitational wave background arising from cosmic strings. In the standard theory, the cosmic string network forms during spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) phase transition in the whole universe via the so called Kibble mechanism. This scenario would not be possible, e.g., in models of low energy inflation, where the reheat temperature is much lower than the energy scale of cosmic strings. We point out a very different possibility, where a network of even high energy scale cosmic strings can form when the temperature of the Universe is much lower. We consider local heating of plasma in the early universe by evaporating primordial black holes (PBHs). It is known that for suitable masses of PBHs, their Hawking radiation may re-heat the surrounding plasma to high temperatures, restoring certain symmetries {\it locally} which are broken at the ambient temperature at that stage. Expansion of the hot plasma cools it so that the {\it locally restored symmetry} is spontaneously broken again. If this SSB supports formation of cosmic strings, then string loops will form in this region around the PBH. Further, resulting temperature gradients lead to pressure gradients such that plasma develops radial flow with the string loops getting stretched as they get dragged by the flow. For a finite density of PBHs of suitable masses, one will get local hot spots, each one contributing to expanding cosmic string loops. For suitable PBH density, the loops from different regions may intersect. Intercommutation of strings can then lead to percolation, leading to the possibility of formation of infinite string network, even when the entire universe never goes through the respective SSB phase transition.

Under the assumption that the recent pulsar timing array evidence for a stochastic gravitational wave (GW) background at nanohertz frequencies is generated by metastable cosmic strings, we analyze the potential of present and future GW observatories for probing the change of particle degrees of freedom caused, e.g., by a supersymmetric (SUSY) extension of the Standard Model (SM). We find that signs of the characteristic doubling of degrees of freedom predicted by SUSY could be detected at Einstein Telescope and Cosmic Explorer even if the masses of the SUSY partner particles are as high as about $10^4$ TeV, far above the reach of any currently envisioned particle collider. We also discuss the detection prospects for the case that some entropy production, e.g. from a late decaying modulus field inducing a temporary matter domination phase in the evolution of the universe, somewhat dilutes the GW spectrum, delaying discovery of the stochastic GW background at LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA. In our analysis we focus on SUSY, but any theory beyond the SM predicting a significant increase of particle degrees of freedom could be probed this way.

We point out that the accidental $U(1)_{B-L}$ symmetry can arise from a finite modular symmetry $\Gamma_N$ in the type-I seesaw. The finite modular symmetry is spontaneously broken in such a way that the residual $\mathbb{Z}^T_N$ discrete symmetry, associated with the $T$-transformation which shifts the modulus $\tau \to \tau+ 1$, remains unbroken. This discrete $\mathbb{Z}^T_N$ symmetry mimics $U(1)_{B-L}$, and hence the majoron appears as a pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson of $U(1)_{B-L}$. Without introducing additional interactions, the modulus $\tau$ can be stabilized by the Coleman-Weinberg (CW) potential given by the Majorana mass terms of the right-handed neutrinos. We study cosmological implications of the majoron, with particular interests in the dark matter and dark radiation, where the latter may alleviate the Hubble tension. We also find that the CW potential can have a wide range of nearly exponential shape which prevents $\tau$ from overshooting, and makes the amount of dark radiation not too large.

The question of geodesic completeness of cosmological spacetimes has recently received renewed scrutiny. A particularly interesting result is the observation that the well-known Borde-Guth-Vilenkin (BGV) theorem may misdiagnose geodesically complete cosmologies. We propose a simple amendment to the BGV theorem which addresses such loopholes while retaining much of its generality. We give straightforward proofs of some recently offered conjectures concerning (generalized) Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker spacetimes: geodesic completeness implies (i) the existence of a bounce, loitering phase or an emergent cosmology, and (ii) a phase of accelerated expansion with strictly increasing Hubble rate. Our results are purely kinematic and do not assume general relativity or energy conditions.

Detecting binary black hole (BBH) mergers with quantifiable orbital eccentricity would confirm the existence of a dynamical formation channel for these binaries. The current state-of-the-art gravitational wave searches of LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA strain data focus more on quasicircular mergers due to increased dimensionality and lack of efficient eccentric waveform models. In this work, we compare the sensitivities of two search pipelines, the matched filter-based \texttt{PyCBC} and the unmodelled coherent Wave Burst (\texttt{cWB}) algorithms towards the spinning eccentric BBH mergers, using a multipolar nonprecessing-spin eccentric signal model, \texttt{SEOBNRv4EHM}. Our findings show that neglecting eccentricity leads to missed opportunities for detecting eccentric BBH mergers, with \texttt{PyCBC} exhibiting a $10-20\, \%$ sensitivity loss for eccentricities exceeding $0.2$ defined at $10$ Hz. In contrast, \texttt{cWB} is resilient, with a $10\, \%$ sensitivity increase for heavier ($\mathcal{M} \ge 30 \, \text{M}_{\odot}$) eccentric BBH mergers, but is significantly less sensitive than \texttt{PyCBC} for lighter BBH mergers. Our fitting factor study confirmed that neglecting eccentricity biases the estimation of chirp mass, mass ratio, and effective spin parameter, skewing our understanding of astrophysical BBH populations, fundamental physics, and precision cosmology. Our results demonstrate that the current search pipelines are not sufficiently sensitive to eccentric BBH mergers, necessitating the development of a dedicated matched-filter search for these binaries. Whereas, burst searches should be optimized to detect lower chirp mass BBH mergers as eccentricity does not affect their search sensitivity significantly.

We show how topologically stable superheavy magnetic monopoles and primordial black holes can be generated at observable levels by the waterfall field in hybrid inflation models based on grand unified theories. In $SU(5) \times U(1)_\chi$ grand unification, the monopole mass is of order $4 \times 10^{17}$ GeV, and it carries a single unit ($2 \pi /e$) of Dirac magnetic charge as well as screened color magnetic charge. The monopole density is partially diluted to an observable value, and accompanied with the production of primordial black holes with mass of order $10^{17}$-$10^{19}$ g which may make up the entire dark matter in the universe. The tensor to scalar ratio $r$ is predicted to be of order $10^{-5}$ - $10^{-4}$ which should be testable in the next generation of CMB experiments such as CMB-S4 and LiteBIRD. The gravitational wave spectrum generated during the waterfall transition is also presented.

Inflationary models with a non-zero background curvature are ill-defined in general relativity because scalar modes cannot be canonically quantized. Therefore, there is no consensus on the primordial power spectrum that should be considered at large scales in a curved Universe. In this letter, we propose a model of curved inflation where canonical quantization is possible for any curvature, and we unambiguously obtain the resulting primordial power spectra. The framework is a recently proposed modification of general relativity in which a non-dynamical topological term is added to the Einstein equation. The main strength of this model is that no additional degree of freedom compared to the standard model of cosmology is needed, giving a natural solution to the problem of constructing curved inflation, and at the same time providing an additional argument for this topological modification of general relativity.

Gravitational positivity bounds provide consistency conditions for effective field theories with gravity. They turn out to be phenomenologically useful by providing lower bounds in parameters of new physics beyond the Standard Models (BSM). In this paper, we derive constraints on millicharged fermion dark matter models with massless dark photon using gravitational positivity bounds. Combining them with upper bounds from cosmological and astrophysical observations, we can severely constrain the parameter space of the model. In particular, we show that when the dark matter mass is lighter than the solar core temperature, most of the parameter region is excluded by combining gravitational positivity bounds and the stellar bounds.