M dwarf stars provide us with an ideal opportunity to study nearby small planets. The HUMDRUM (HUnting for M Dwarf Rocky planets Using MAROON-X) survey uses the MAROON-X spectrograph, which is ideally suited to studying these stars, to measure precise masses of a volume-limited ($<\,30$ pc) sample of transiting M dwarf planets. TOI-1450 is a nearby (22.5 pc) binary system containing a M3 dwarf with a roughly 3000 K companion. Its primary star, TOI-1450A, was identified by $TESS$ to have a 2.04d transit signal, and is included in the HUMDRUM sample. In this paper, we present MAROON-X radial velocities which confirm the planetary nature of this signal and measure its mass at a nearly 10% precision. The 2.04d planet, TOI-1450Ab, has $R_b\,=\,1.13\,\pm\,0.04\,R_\oplus$ and $M_b\,=\,1.26\,\pm\,0.13\,M_\oplus$. It is the second-lowest-mass transiting planet with a high-precision RV mass measurement. With this mass and radius, the planet's mean density is compatible with an Earth-like composition. Given its short orbital period and slightly sub-Earth density, it may be amenable to $JWST$ follow-up to test whether the planet has retained an atmosphere despite extreme heating from the nearby star. We also discover a non-transiting planet in the system with a period of 5.07 days and a $M\mathrm{sin}i_c\,=\,1.53\,\pm\,0.18\,M_\oplus$. We also find a 2.01d signal present in the systems's $TESS$ photometry that likely corresponds to the rotation period of TOI-1450A's binary companion, TOI-1450B. TOI-1450A, meanwhile, appears to have a rotation period of approximately 40 days, which is in-line with our expectations for a mid-M dwarf.
We build an emulator based on the polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) technique to efficiently model the non-linear effects associated with the clustering of the $k$-essence dark energy in the effective field theory (EFT) framework. These effects can be described through a modification of Poisson's equation, denoted by the function $\mu(k,z)$, which in general depends on wavenumber $k$ and redshift $z$. To emulate this function, we perform $200$ high-resolution $N$-body simulations sampled from a seven-dimensional parameter space with the Latin hypercube method. These simulations are executed using the $\texttt{k-evolution}$ code on a fixed mesh, containing $1200^3$ dark matter particles within a box size of $400~\text{Mpc}/ h$. The emulation process has been carried out within $\texttt{UQLab}$, a $\texttt{MATLAB}$-based software specifically dedicated to emulation and uncertainty quantification tasks. Apart from its role in emulation, the PCE method also facilitates the measurement of Sobol indices, enabling us to assess the relative impact of each cosmological parameter on the $\mu$ function. Our results show that the PCE-based emulator efficiently and accurately reflects the behavior of the $k$-essence dark energy for the cosmological parameter space defined by $w_0 c_s^2 \text{CDM} +\sum m_{\nu}$. Compared against actual simulations, the emulator achieves sub-percent accuracy up to the wavenumber $k \approx 9.4 ~h \text{Mpc}^{-1} $ for redshifts $z \leq 3$. Our emulator provides an efficient and reliable tool for Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analysis, and its capability to closely mimic the properties of the $k$-essence dark energy makes it a crucial component in Bayesian parameter estimations. The code is publicly available at this https URL .
We present a comprehensive photometric and spectroscopic analysis of the short-period ($\sim$5.32 hours) and low-mass eclipsing binary TMTSJ0803 discovered by Tsinghua-Ma Huateng Telescope for Survey (TMTS). By fitting the light curves and radial velocity data with the Wilson--Devinney code, we find that the binary is composed of two late spotted active M dwarfs below the fully convective boundary. This is supported by the discovery of a significant Balmer emission lines in the LAMOST spectrum and prominent coronal X-ray emission. In comparison with the typical luminosity of rapidly rotating fully convective stars, the much brighter X-ray luminosity ($L_{X}/L_{\rm{bol}} = 0.0159 \pm 0.0059$) suggests the stellar magnetic activity of fully convective stars could be enhanced in such a close binary system. Given the metallicity of [M/H] = $-$ 0.35 dex as inferred from the LAMOST spectrum, we measure the masses and radii of both stars to be $M_{1} = 0.169 \pm 0.010~M_{\odot}$, $M_{2} = 0.162 \pm 0.016~M_{\odot}$, $R_{1} = 0.170 \pm 0.006~R_{\odot}$, and $R_{2} = 0.156 \pm 0.006~R_{\odot}$, respectively. Based on the luminosity ratio from the light curve modeling, the effective temperatures of two components are also estimated. In comparison with the stellar evolution models, the radii and effective temperatures of two components are all below the isochrones. The radius deflation might be mainly biased by a small radial velocity (RV) data or (and) a simple correction on RVs, while the discrepancy in effective temperature might be due to the enhanced magnetic activity in this binary.
We present a simulation-based cosmological analysis using a combination of Gaussian and non-Gaussian statistics of the weak lensing mass (convergence) maps from the first three years (Y3) of the Dark Energy Survey (DES). We implement: 1) second and third moments; 2) wavelet phase harmonics; 3) the scattering transform. Our analysis is fully based on simulations, spans a space of seven $\nu w$CDM cosmological parameters, and forward models the most relevant sources of systematics inherent in the data: masks, noise variations, clustering of the sources, intrinsic alignments, and shear and redshift calibration. We implement a neural network compression of the summary statistics, and we estimate the parameter posteriors using a simulation-based inference approach. Including and combining different non-Gaussian statistics is a powerful tool that strongly improves constraints over Gaussian statistics (in our case, the second moments); in particular, the Figure of Merit $\textrm{FoM}(S_8, \Omega_{\textrm{m}})$ is improved by 70 percent ($\Lambda$CDM) and 90 percent ($w$CDM). When all the summary statistics are combined, we achieve a 2 percent constraint on the amplitude of fluctuations parameter $S_8 \equiv \sigma_8 (\Omega_{\textrm{m}}/0.3)^{0.5}$, obtaining $S_8 = 0.794 \pm 0.017$ ($\Lambda$CDM) and $S_8 = 0.817 \pm 0.021$ ($w$CDM). The constraints from different statistics are shown to be internally consistent (with a $p$-value>0.1 for all combinations of statistics examined). We compare our results to other weak lensing results from the DES Y3 data, finding good consistency; we also compare with results from external datasets, such as \planck{} constraints from the Cosmic Microwave Background, finding statistical agreement, with discrepancies no greater than $<2.2\sigma$.
The unluckiest star orbits a supermassive black hole elliptically. Every time it reaches the pericenter, it shallowly enters the tidal radius and gets partially tidal disrupted, producing a series of flares. Confirmation of a repeated partial tidal disruption event (pTDE) requires not only evidence to rule out other types of transients, but also proof that only one star is involved, as TDEs from multiple stars can also produce similar flares. In this letter, we report the discovery of a repeated pTDE, AT 2022dbl. In a quiescent galaxy at z=0.0284, two separate optical/UV flares have been observed in 2022 and 2024, with no bright X-ray, radio or mid-infrared counterparts. Compared to the first flare, the second flare has a similar blackbody temperature of ~26,000 K, slightly lower peak luminosity, and slower rise and fall phases. Compared to the ZTF TDEs, their blackbody parameters, bolometric energies and light curve shapes are all similar. The spectra taken during the second flare show a steeper continuum than the late-time spectra of the previous flare, consistent with a newly risen flare. More importantly, the possibility of two independent TDEs can be largely ruled out because the optical spectra taken around the peak of the two flares exhibit highly similar broad Balmer, N III and possible He II emission lines, especially the extreme ~4100Å emission lines. This represents the first robust spectroscopic evidence for a repeated pTDE, which can soon be verified by observing the third flare, given its short orbital period.