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Papers for Tuesday, May 28 2024

Papers with local authors

Sarah Pearson, Ana Bonaca, Yingtian Chen, Oleg Y. Gnedin
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Paper 3 — arXiv:2405.15851
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Paper 3 — arXiv:2405.15851

Thin stellar streams originating from globular clusters are among the most sensitive tracers of low-mass dark-matter subhalos. Joint analysis of the entire population of stellar streams will place the most robust constraints on the dark-matter subhalo mass function, and therefore the nature of dark matter. Here we use a hierarchical model of globular cluster formation to forecast the total number, masses and radial distribution of dissolved globular cluster in Milky Way-like galaxies. Furthermore, we generate mock stellar streams from these progenitors' orbital histories taking into account the clusters' formation and accretion time, mass, and metallicity. Out of $\sim$10,000 clusters more massive than $10^4$ M$_{\odot}$, $\sim$9000 dissolved in the central bulge and are fully phase-mixed at the present, while the remaining $\sim$1000 survive as coherent stellar streams. This suggests that the current census of $\sim$80 globular cluster streams in the Milky Way is severely incomplete. Beyond 15 kpc from the Galactic center we are missing hundreds of streams, of which the vast majority are from accreted GCs. Deep Rubin photometry $(g\lesssim27.5)$ would be able to detect these streams, even the most distant ones beyond $> 75$ kpc. We also find that M31 will have an abundance of streams at galactocentric radii of 30-100 kpc. We conclude that future surveys will find a multitude of stellar streams from globular clusters which can be used for dark matter subhalo searches.

We investigate the impact of turbulence on magnetic reconnection through high-resolution 3D MHD simulations, covering Lundquist numbers from $S=10^3$ to $10^6$. Our simulations introduce small-scale perturbations injected into the system until $t=0.1\, t_A$. Even after the initial perturbation ceases, turbulence grows and persists, leading to sustained high reconnection rates of $V_\text{rec}/V_A \sim 0.03-0.08$, which surpass those generated solely by resistive tearing modes (plasmoids) observed in 2D and 3D PIC/MHD simulations by factors of 5 to 6. Our findings reveal that the achieved reconnection rates align with observations in solar phenomena and those reported in 3D MHD global simulations of accretion flows and relativistic jets. Notably, our simulations exhibit a steady-state reconnection rate coinciding with the full development of turbulence, showcasing the robustness and persistence of the reconnection in a turbulent environment. We establish the independence of the reconnection rate from the Lundquist number, consistent with the theory of turbulent reconnection proposed by Lazarian and Vishniac. Our results demonstrate a mild dependence of $V_\text{rec}$ on the plasma-$\beta$ parameter, the ratio between the thermal and magnetic pressure, illustrating a decrease from $0.036$ to $0.028$ as $\beta$ increases from $2$ to $64$ for simulations with $S=10^5$. Finally, we explore the influence of the magnetic Prandtl number ($\text{Pr}_m=\nu/\eta$) on the reconnection rate and find this influence to be negligible during the turbulent regime across the range tested, from $\text{Pr}_m=1$ to $60$. These findings carry significant implications for research into reconnection and particle acceleration within realistic magnetized space and astrophysical environments.

Mikkel N. Lund, Sarbani Basu, Allyson Bieryla, Luca Casagrande, Daniel Huber, Saskia Hekker, Lucas Viani, Guy R. Davies, Tiago L. Campante, William J. Chaplin, Aldo M. Serenelli, J. M. Joel Ong, Warrick H. Ball, Amalie Stokholm, Earl P. Bellinger, Michaël Bazot, David W. Latham, Timothy R. White, Maryum Sayeed, Víctor Aguirre Børsen-Koch, Ashley Chontos
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Paper 9 — arXiv:2405.15919
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Paper 9 — arXiv:2405.15919

The KEYSTONE project aims to enhance our understanding of solar-like oscillators by delivering a catalogue of global asteroseismic parameters (${\Delta\nu}$ and ${\nu_{\rm max}}$) for 173 stars, comprising mainly dwarfs and subgiants, observed by the K2 mission in its short-cadence mode during campaigns 6-19. We derive atmospheric parameters and luminosities using spectroscopic data from TRES, astrometric data from $\textit{Gaia}$, and the infrared flux method (IRFM) for a comprehensive stellar characterisation. Asteroseismic parameters are robustly extracted using three independent methods, complemented by an iterative refinement of the spectroscopic analyses using seismic ${\log g}$ values to enhance parameter accuracy. Our analysis identifies new detections of solar-like oscillations in 159 stars, providing an important complement to already published results from previous campaigns. The catalogue provides homogeneously derived atmospheric parameters and luminosities for the majority of the sample. Comparison between spectroscopic ${T_{\rm eff}}$ and those obtained from the IRFM demonstrates excellent agreement. The iterative approach to spectroscopic analysis significantly enhances the accuracy of the stellar properties derived.

Digvijay Wadekar, Tejaswi Venumadhav, Javier Roulet, Ajit Kumar Mehta, Barak Zackay, Jonathan Mushkin, Matias Zaldarriaga
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Paper 15 — arXiv:2405.17400
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Paper 15 — arXiv:2405.17400

Nearly all template-based gravitational wave (GW) searches only include the quasi-circular quadrupolar modes of the signals in their templates. Including additional degrees of freedom in the GW templates corresponding to higher-order harmonics, orbital precession, or eccentricity is challenging because: ($i$) the size of template banks and the matched-filtering cost increases significantly with the number of degrees of freedom, $(ii)$ if these additional degrees are not included properly, the search can lose sensitivity overall (due to an increase in the rate of background triggers). Here, we focus on including aligned-spin higher harmonics in GW search templates. We use a new mode-by-mode filtering approach, where we separately filter GW strain data with three harmonics [namely $(\ell, |m|)=(2,2)$, $(3,3)$ and $(4,4)$]. This results in an increase in the matched-filtering cost by only a factor of $3$ compared to that of a $(2,2)$-only search. We develop computationally cheap trigger-ranking statistics to optimally combine the different signal-to-noise ratios (SNR) timeseries from different harmonics, which ensure only physically-allowed combinations of the different harmonics are triggered on. We use an empirical template-dependent background model in our ranking statistic to account for non-Gaussian transients. In addition, we develop a tool called band eraser which specifically excises narrow time-varying noisy bands in time-frequency space (without having to excise entire time chunks in the data). New GW candidate events that we detect using our search pipeline and the details of our template banks are discussed in accompanying papers: Wadekar et al. [1] and [2] respectively. Apart from higher harmonics, we expect our methodology to also be useful for cheap and optimal searches including orbital precession and eccentricity in GW waveforms.

N. A. Schwadron, Stuart D. Bale, J. Bonnell, A. Case, M. Shen, E. R. Christian, C. M. S. Cohen, A. J. Davis, M. I. Desai, K. Goetz, J. Giacalone, M. E. Hill, J. C. Kasper, K. Korreck, D. Larson, R. Livi, T. Lim, R. A. Leske, O. Malandraki, D. Malaspina, W. H. Matthaeus, D. J. McComas, R. L. McNutt Jr., R. A. Mewaldt, D. G. Mitchell, J. T. Niehof, M. Pulupa, Francesco Pecora, J. S. Rankin, C. Smith, E. C. Stone, J. R. Szalay, A. Vourlidas, M. E. Wiedenbeck, P. Whittlesey
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Paper 35 — arXiv:2405.16590
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Paper 35 — arXiv:2405.16590

We present an event observed by Parker Solar Probe at $\sim$0.2 au on March 2, 2022 in which imaging and \emph{in situ} measurements coincide. During this event, PSP passed through structures on the flank of a streamer blowout CME including an isolated flux tube in front of the CME, a turbulent sheath, and the CME itself. Imaging observations and \emph{in situ} helicity and principal variance signatures consistently show the presence of flux ropes internal to the CME. In both the sheath, and the CME interval, the distributions are more isotropic, the spectra are softer, and the abundance ratios of Fe/O and He/H are lower than those in the isolated flux tube, and yet elevated relative to typical plasma and SEP abundances. These signatures in the sheath and the CME indicate that both flare populations and those from the plasma are accelerated to form the observed energetic particle enhancements. In contrast, the isolated flux tube shows large streaming, hard spectra and large Fe/O and He/H ratios, indicating flare sources. Energetic particle fluxes are most enhanced within the CME interval from suprathermal through energetic particle energies ($\sim$ keV to $>10$ MeV), indicating particle acceleration, and confinement local to the closed magnetic structure. The flux-rope morphology of the CME helps to enable local modulation and trapping of energetic particles, particularly along helicity channels and other plasma boundaries. Thus, the CME acts to build-up energetic particle populations, allowing them to be fed into subsequent higher energy particle acceleration throughout the inner heliosphere where a compression or shock forms on the CME front.

A. J. Ross, J. Aguilar, S. Ahlen, S. Alam, A. Anand, S. Bailey, D. Bianchi, S. Brieden, D. Brooks, E. Burtin, A. Carnero Rosell, E. Chaussidon, T. Claybaugh, S. Cole, K. Dawson, A. de la Macorra, A. de Mattia, Arjun Dey, Biprateep Dey, P. Doel, K. Fanning, S. Ferraro, J. Ereza, A. Font-Ribera, J. E. Forero-Romero, E. Gaztañaga, H. Gil-Marín, S. Gontcho A Gontcho, A. X. Gonzalez-Morales, J. Guy, C. Hahn, S. Heydenreich, K. Honscheid, C. Howlett, M. Ishak, T. Karim, D. Kirkby, T. Kisner, H. Kong, A. Kremin, A. Krolewski, A. Lambert, M. Landriau, J. Lasker, L. Le Guillou, M. E. Levi, M. Manera, P. Martini, P. McDonald, A. Meisner, R. Miquel, J. Moon, J. Moustakas, A. Muñoz-Gutiérrez, A. D. Myers, S. Nadathur, L. Napolitano, J. A. Newman, J. Nie, G. Niz, W. J. Percival, C. Poppett, F. Prada, A. Raichoor, C. Ravoux, M. Rezaie, A. Rosado-Marin, G. Rossi, L. Samushia, E. Sanchez, E. F. Schlafly, D. Schlegel, H. Seo, A. Smith, D. Sprayberry, G. Tarlé, D. Valcin, M. Vargas-Magaña, B. A. Weaver, J. Yu, P. Zarrouk, C. Zhao, R. Zhou, H. Zou
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Paper 36 — arXiv:2405.16593
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Paper 36 — arXiv:2405.16593

We present the technical details on how large-scale structure (LSS) catalogs are constructed from redshifts measured from spectra observed by the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). The LSS catalogs provide the information needed to determine the relative number density of DESI tracers as a function of redshift and celestial coordinates and, e.g., determine clustering statistics. We produce catalogs that are weighted subsamples of the observed data, each matched to a weighted `random' catalog that forms an unclustered sampling of the probability density that DESI could have observed those data at each location. Precise knowledge of the DESI observing history and associated hardware performance allows for a determination of the DESI footprint and the number of times DESI has covered it at sub-arcsecond level precision. This enables the completeness of any DESI sample to be modeled at this same resolution. The pipeline developed to create LSS catalogs has been designed to easily allow robustness tests and enable future improvements. We describe how it allows ongoing work improving the match between galaxy and random catalogs, such as including further information when assigning redshifts to randoms, accounting for fluctuations in target density, accounting for variation in the redshift success rate, and accommodating blinding schemes.

James R. Beattie, Christoph Federrath, Ralf S. Klessen, Salvatore Cielo, Amitava Bhattacharjee
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Paper 38 — arXiv:2405.16626
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Paper 38 — arXiv:2405.16626

Supersonic magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence is a ubiquitous state for many astrophysical plasmas. However, even the basic statistics for this type of turbulence remains uncertain. We present results from supersonic MHD turbulence simulations at unparalleled resolutions, with plasma Reynolds numbers of over a million. In the kinetic energy spectrum we find a break between the scales that are dominated by kinetic energy, with spectral index $-2$, and those that become strongly magnetized, with spectral index $-3/2$. By analyzing the Helmholtz decomposed kinetic energy spectrum, we find that the compressible modes are not passively mixed through the cascade of the incompressible modes. At high magnetic Reynolds number, above $10^5$, we find a power law in the magnetic energy spectrum with spectral index $-9/5$. On the strongly magnetized, subsonic scales the plasma tends to self-organize into locally relaxed regions, where there is strong alignment between the current density, magnetic field, velocity field and vorticity field, depleting both the nonlinearities and magnetic terms in the MHD equations, which we attribute to plasma relaxation on scales where the magnetic fluctuations evolve on shorter timescales than the velocity fluctuations. This process constrains the cascade to inhomogenous, volume-poor, fractal surfaces between relaxed regions, which has significant repercussions for understanding the nature of magnetized turbulence in astrophysical plasmas and the saturation of the fluctuation dynamo.

As one of the most energetic and brightest events, gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have been used as a standard candle for cosmological probe. Based on the relevant features of GRBs light curves, a plateau phase followed a decay phase, we obtain X-ray samples of 31 GRBs and optical samples of 50 GRBs, which are thought to be caused by the same physical mechanism. We standardize GRBs using the two-dimension fundamental plane relation of the rest-frame luminosity of the plateau emission ($L_{b,z}$) and the end time of plateau ($T_{b,z}$) $L_{b,z}-T_{b,z}$, as well as the three-dimension fundamental plane correlation including the peak energy ($E_{p,i}$) $L_{b,z}-T_{b,z}-E_{p,i}$. For the cosmological probes, we consider the $\omega$CDM model in which the dark energy consists of one component, and mainly focus on the $X_1X_2$CDM model in which the dark energy is made up of two independent components. We obtain the constraints on the related parameters of the cosmological models using the type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) data and selected X-ray and optical samples. For the $X_1X_2$CDM model, we find that the values of the equations of state parameters of two dark energies, $\omega_1$ and $\omega_2$, are very close. We also conduct the comparison between the models using the Bayesian information criterion, and find that the $\omega$CDM model is favoured.

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Tamar Ervin, Stuart D. Bale, Samuel T. Badman, Trevor A. Bowen, Pete Riley, Kristoff Paulson, Yeimy J. Rivera, Orlando Romeo, Nikos Sioulas, Davin E. Larson, Jaye L. Verniero, Ryan M. Dewey, Jia Huang

During Parker Solar Probe (Parker) Encounter 15 (E15), we observe an 18-hour period of near subsonic ($\mathrm{M_S \sim}$ 1) and sub-Alfvénic (SA), $\mathrm{M_A}$ <<< 1, slow speed solar wind from 22 to 15.6 R$_\odot$. As the most extreme SA interval measured to date and skirting the solar wind sonic point, it is the deepest Parker has probed into the formation and acceleration region of the solar wind in the corona. The stream is also measured by Wind and MMS near 1AU at times consistent with ballistic propagation of this slow stream. We investigate the stream source, properties and potential coronal heating consequences via combining these observations with coronal modeling and turbulence analysis. Through source mapping, in situ evidence and multi-point arrival time considerations of a candidate CME, we determine the stream is a steady (non-transient), long-lived and approximately Parker spiral aligned and arises from overexpanded field lines mapping back to an active region. Turbulence analysis of the Elsässer variables shows the inertial range scaling of the $\mathrm{\mathbf{z}^{+}}$ mode ($\mathrm{f \sim ^{-3/2}}$) to be dominated by the slab component. We discuss the spectral flattening and difficulties associated with measuring the $\mathrm{\mathbf{z}^{-}}$ spectra, cautioning against making definitive conclusions from the $\mathrm{\mathbf{z}^{-}}$ mode. Despite being more extreme than prior sub-Alfvénic intervals, its turbulent nature does not appear to be qualitatively different from previously observed streams. We conclude that this extreme low dynamic pressure solar wind interval (which has the potential for extreme space weather conditions) is a large, steady structure spanning at least to 1AU.

Ningyuan Guo, Luisa Lucie-Smith, Hiranya V. Peiris, Andrew Pontzen, Davide Piras

The abundance of dark matter haloes is a key cosmological probe in forthcoming galaxy surveys. The theoretical understanding of the halo mass function (HMF) is limited by our incomplete knowledge of the origin of non-universality and its cosmological parameter dependence. We present a deep learning model which compresses the linear matter power spectrum into three independent factors which are necessary and sufficient to describe the $z=0$ HMF from the state-of-the-art AEMULUS emulator to sub-per cent accuracy in a $w$CDM$+N_\mathrm{eff}$ parameter space. Additional information about growth history does not improve the accuracy of HMF predictions if the matter power spectrum is already provided as input, because required aspects of the former can be inferred from the latter. The three factors carry information about the universal and non-universal aspects of the HMF, which we interrogate via the information-theoretic measure of mutual information. We find that non-universality is captured by recent growth history after matter-dark-energy equality and $N_\mathrm{eff}$ for $M\sim 10^{13} \, \mathrm{M_\odot}\, h^{-1}$ haloes, and by $\Omega_{\rm m}$ for $M\sim 10^{15} \, \mathrm{M_\odot}\, h^{-1}$. The compact representation learnt by our model can inform the design of emulator training sets to achieve high emulator accuracy with fewer simulations.

Ultralight candidates for dark matter can present wavelike features on astrophysical scales. Full wave based simulations of such candidates are currently limited to box sizes of 1--10 Mpc/$h$ on a side, limiting our understanding of the impact of wave dynamics on the scale of the cosmic web. We present a statistical analysis of density fields produced by perturbative forward models in boxes of 128 Mpc/$h$ side length. Our wave-based perturbation theory maintains interference on all scales, and is compared to fluid dynamics of Lagrangian perturbation theory. The impact of suppressed power in the initial conditions and interference effects caused by wave dynamics can then be disentangled. We find that changing the initial conditions captures most of the change in one-point statistics such as the skewness of the density field. However, different environments of the cosmic web, quantified by critical points of the smoothed density, appear to be more sensitive to interference effects sourced by the quantum potential. This suggests that certain large-scale summary statistics may need additional care when studying cosmologies with wavelike dark matter.

Biswajit Banerjee, Samanta Macera, Alessio Ludovico De Santis, Alessio Mei, Jacopo Tissino, Gor Oganesyan, Dmitry D. Frederiks, Alexandra L. Lysenko, Dmitry S. Svinkin, Anastasia E. Tsvetkova, Marica Branchesi

Observing and understanding the origin of the very-high-energy (VHE) spectral component in gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) has been challenging because of the lack of sensitivity in MeV-GeV observations, so far. The majestic GRB 221009A, known as the brightest of all times (BOAT), offers a unique opportunity to identify spectral components during the prompt and early afterglow phases and probe their origin. Analyzing simultaneous observations spanning from keV to TeV energies, we identified two distinct spectral components during the initial 20 minutes of the burst. The second spectral component peaks between $10-300$ GeV, and the bolometric fluence (10 MeV-10 TeV) is estimated to be greater than 2$\times10^{-3}$ erg/ cm$^{2}$. Performing broad-band spectral modeling, we provide constraints on the magnetic field and the energies of electrons accelerated in the external relativistic shock. We interpret the VHE component as an afterglow emission that is affected by luminous prompt MeV radiation at early times.

We explore the possibility of explaining the observed dark matter (DM) relic abundance, along with matter-antimatter asymmetry, entirely from the evaporation of primordial black holes (PBH), beyond the semi-classical approximation. We find that, depending on the timing of modification to the semi-classical approximation and the efficiency of the backreaction, it is possible to produce the correct DM abundance for PBHs with masses $\gtrsim\mathcal{O}(10^3)$ g, whereas producing the right amount of baryon asymmetry requires light PBHs with masses $\lesssim\mathcal{O}(10^2)$ g, satisfying bounds on the PBH mass from the Cosmic Microwave Background and Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. However, in a simplistic scenario, achieving both {\it simultaneously} is not feasible, typically because of the stringent Lyman-$\alpha$ constraint on warm dark matter mass. We also demonstrate how induced gravitational waves from PBH density fluctuations can provide a window to test the memory-burden effects, thereby placing constraints on either the DM mass scale or the scale of leptogenesis.

William McClymont, Sandro Tacchella, Francesco D'Eugenio, Callum Witten, Xihan Ji, Aaron Smith, Roberto Maiolino, Jan Scholtz, Charlotte Simmonds, Joris Witstok

The peculiar nebular emission displayed by galaxies in the early Universe presents a unique opportunity to gain insight into the regulation of star formation in extreme environments. We investigate 500 (109) galaxies with deep NIRSpec/PRISM observations from the JADES survey at $z>2$ ($z>5.3$), finding 52 (26) galaxies with Balmer line ratios more than $1\sigma$ inconsistent with Case B recombination. These anomalous Balmer emitters (ABEs) cannot be explained by dust attenuation, indicating a departure from Case B recombination. To address this discrepancy, we model density-bounded nebulae with the photoionisation code CLOUDY. Density-bounded nebulae show anomalous Balmer line ratios due to Lyman line pumping and a transition from the nebulae being optically thin to optically thick for Lyman lines with increasing cloud depth. The H$\alpha$/H$\beta$ versus H$\gamma$/H$\beta$ trend of density-bounded models is robust to changes in stellar age of the ionising source, gas density, and ionisation parameter; however, increasing the stellar metallicity drives a turnover in the trend. This is due to stronger stellar absorption features around Ly$\gamma$ reducing H$\beta$ fluorescence, allowing density-bounded models to account for all observed Balmer line ratios. ABEs show higher [OIII]/[OII], have steeper ultra-violet slopes, are fainter, and are more preferentially Ly$\alpha$ emitters than galaxies which are consistent with Case B and little dust. These findings suggest that ABEs are galaxies that have become density bounded during extreme quenching events, representing a transient phase of $\sim$20 Myr during a fast breathing mode of star formation.

This work explores the entire parameter space of a dual scenario that combines generalized inflation and bounce cosmologies. In this scenario, the redshift term of curvature perturbation are phenomenologically generalized to accommodate various model-building of inflation and bounce cosmologies. Performing a Bayesian analysis with data from NANOGrav 15-year, PPTA DR3, EPTA DR2, and IPTA DR2, we identify, for the first time, two groups of regions -- each comprising dual regions from inflation and bounce -- that can simultaneously explain stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) signals detected by pulsar timing arrays and produce scale-invariant curvature perturbations compatible with observations of CMB anisotropies. Bayes factor (BF) calculations indicate that this dual scenario is strongly favored by NG15 data with large BFs over other conventional astrophysical and cosmological sources, such as supermassive black hole binaries, cosmic strings, domain walls, first-order phase transitions, and scalar-induced gravitational waves. Our Bayesian analysis also provides initial evidence of a duality between inflation and bounce cosmologies regarding SGWB. These results offer new insights for model-building in the early universe's inflation or bounce phases and highlight parameter regions that can be probed by current and future CMB observations and gravitational wave detectors.

We model the TESS light curve of the binary system RX Dra, and also first calculate a lot of theoretical models to fit the g-mode frequencies previously detected from the TESS series of this system. The mass ratio is determined to be $q$=0.9026$^{+0.0032}_{-0.0032}$. We newly found that there are 16 frequencies (F1-F7, F11-F20) identified as dipole g-modes, two frequencies (F21, F22) identified as quadrupole g-modes, and another two frequencies (F23, F24) identified as g-sextupole modes, based on these model fits. The primary star is newly determined to be a $\gamma$ Dor pulsator in the main-sequence stage with a rotation period of about 5.7$^{+0.7}_{-0.2}$ days, rotating slower than the orbital motion. The fundamental parameters of two components are firstly estimated as follows: $M_1$=1.53$^{+0.00}_{-0.17}$ M $_{\odot}$, $M_2$= 1.38$^{+0.18}_{-0.00}$ M $_{\odot}$, $T_1$=7240$^{+490}_{-44}$ K, $T_2$=6747$^{+201}_{-221}$ K, $R_1$=1.8288$^{+0.0260}_{-0.0959}$ R $_{\odot}$, $R_2$= 1.3075$^{+0.0450}_{-0.2543}$ R $_{\odot}$, $L_1$=8.2830$^{+1.8015}_{-0.6036}$ L $_{\odot}$ and $L_2$= 3.4145$^{+0.1320}_{-0.1843}$ L $_{\odot}$. Our results show that the secondary star is in the solar-like pulsator region of the H-R diagram, indicating that it could be a pulsating star of this type. Finally, the radius of the convective core of the primary star is estimated to be about 0.1403$^{+0.0206}_{-0.0000}$ R$_{\odot}$.

Benedetta Veronesi, Cristiano Longarini, Giuseppe Lodato, Guillaume Laibe, Cassandra Hall, Stefano Facchini, Leonardo Testi

The mass of protoplanetary discs sets the amount of material available for planet formation, determines the level of coupling between gas and dust, and possibly sets gravitational instabilities. Measuring mass of discs is challenging, since it is not possible to directly detect H$_2$, and CO-based estimates remain poorly constrained. An alternative method that does not rely on tracers-to-H$_2$ ratios has recently been proposed to dynamically measure the disc mass altogether with the star mass and the disc critical radius by looking at deviations from Keplerian rotation induced by the self-gravity of the disc. So far, this method has been applied to weigh three protoplanetary discs: Elias 2-27, IM Lup and GM Aurigae. We provide here a numerical benchmark of the method by simulating isothermal self-gravitating discs with a range of masses from 0.01 to $0.2 \,M_{\odot}$ with the phantom code and post-process them with radiative transfer (mcfost) to obtain synthetic observations. We find that dynamical weighing allows to retrieve the expected value of disc masses as long as the disc-to-star mass ratio is larger than $M_d/M_\star=0.05$. The estimated uncertainty for the disc mass measurement is $\sim 25\%$.

Yusuf Oluwatoki Yusuf, Astrid Dufaure, Liisa-Ida Sorsa, Christelle Eyraud, Jean-Michel Geffrin, Alain Hérique, Sampsa Pursiainen

This study conducts a quantitative distinguishability analysis using quasi-monostatic experimental radar data to find a topographic and backpropagated tomographic reconstruction for an analogue of asteroid Itokawa (25143). In particular, we consider a combination of travel-time and wavefield backpropagation tomography using the time-frequency representation (TFR) and principal component analysis (PCA) approaches as filtering techniques. Furthermore, we hypothesise that the travel time of the main peaks in the signal can be projected as a topographic imaging of the analogue asteroid while also presenting a tomographic reconstruction based on the main peaks in the signal. We compare the performance of several different filtering approaches covering several noise levels and two hypothetical interior structures: homogeneous and detailed. Our results suggest that wavefield information is vital for obtaining an appropriate reconstruction quality regardless of the noise level and that different filters affect the distinguishability under different assumptions of the noise. The results also suggest that the main peaks of the measured signal can be used to topographically distinguish the signatures in the measurements, hence the interior structure of the different analogue asteroids. Similarly, a tomographic reconstruction with the main peaks of the measured signal can be used to distinguish the interior structure of the different analogue asteroids.

Zesen Huang, Marco Velli, Chen Shi, Yingjie Zhu, B. D. G. Chandran, Victor Réville, Trevor Bowen, Nikos Sioulas, Marc Pulupa, Jia Huang, Sheng Huang

Recent observations of Parker Solar Probe (PSP) from around the Alfvén surface have shown that the trace magnetic power spectrum density (PSD) is often characterized by a shallow-inertial double power law, where in the low frequency energy injection range, the power spectrum is shallow (flatter than $1/f$), and in the inertial range the spectrum is steep, with a scaling index of [1.5, 1.67]. Consequently, close to the sun, the majority of the fluctuation energy concentrates in a small frequency range around the low frequency power spectral break. In this work, we conduct a systematic survey of PSP observations for the first 17 encounters to statistically study the energy behaviors of the magnetic fluctuations. Our results show that the center frequency of fluctuation energy systematically drifts to around 3-minute for the most pristine solar wind (smallest solar wind advection time). Moreover, the center frequency rapidly drifts to lower frequency as solar wind advection time increases, as expected for active turbulence. The concentration of fluctuation energy around 3-minutes suggests that Alfvénic fluctuations in solar wind might mostly be coming from resonant p-mode oscillations in the photosphere, though other potential sources are discussed.

Stacey Alberts, Jianwei Lyu, Irene Shivaei, George H. Rieke, Pablo G. Perez-Gonzalez, Nina Bonventura, Yongda Zhu, Jakob M. Helton, Zhiyuan Ji, Jane Morrison, Brant E. Robertson, Meredith A. Stone, Yang Sun, Christina C. Williams, Christopher N. A. Willmer

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The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is revolutionizing our view of the Universe through unprecedented sensitivity and resolution in the infrared, with some of the largest gains realized at its longest wavelengths. We present the Systematic Mid-infrared Instrument (MIRI) Legacy Extragalactic Survey (SMILES), an eight-band MIRI survey with Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) spectroscopic follow-up in the GOODS-S/HUDF region. SMILES takes full advantage of MIRI's continuous coverage from $5.6-25.5\,\mu$m over a $\sim34$ arcmin$^2$ area to greatly expand our understanding of the obscured Universe up to cosmic noon and beyond. This work, together with a companion paper by Rieke et al., covers the SMILES science drivers and technical design, early results with SMILES, data reduction, photometric catalog creation, and the first data release. As part of the discussion on early results, we additionally present a high-level science demonstration on how MIRI's wavelength coverage and resolution will advance our understanding of cosmic dust using the full range of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission features from $3.3-18\,\mu$m. Using custom background subtraction, we produce robust reductions of the MIRI imaging that maximize the depths reached with our modest exposure times ($\sim0.6 - 2.2$ ks per filter). Included in our initial data release are (1) eight MIRI imaging mosaics reaching depths of $0.2-18\,\mu$Jy ($5\sigma$) and (2) a $5-25.5\,\mu$m photometric catalog with over 3,000 sources. Building upon the rich legacy of extensive photometric and spectroscopy coverage of GOODS-S/HUDF from the X-ray to the radio, SMILES greatly expands our investigative power in understanding the obscured Universe.

Zachary Metzler, Nicholas Cannady, Daniel Shy, Regina Caputo, Carolyn Kierans, Richard Woolf

ComPair is a prototype gamma-ray telescope for the development of key technologies for next-generation gamma-ray detectors consisting of four subsystems: a 10-layer double-sided silicon strip detector tracker, a cadmium zinc telluride calorimeter, a cesium iodide calorimeter, and a plastic anti-coincidence detector (ACD). The ACD acts as an active shield to veto charged particle events and consists of 5 plastic scintillating panels. ComPair was launched as a balloon payload from Ft. Sumner, New Mexico and completed a 6-hour flight on August 27, 2023. Here we detail the design adn calibration of the ComPair ACD, and report on the ACD's veto efficiency and other performance metrics during the ComPair fight.

Ralf K. Heilmann, Alexander R. Bruccoleri, James A. Gregory, Eric M. Gullikson, Hans Moritz Günther, Edward Hertz, Renee D. Lambert, Douglas J. Young, Mark L. Schattenburg

The Arcus Probe mission concept has been submitted as an Astrophysics Probe Explorer candidate. It features two co-aligned high-resolution grating spectrometers: one for the soft x-ray band and one for the far UV. Together, these instruments can provide unprecedented performance to address important key questions about the structure and dynamics of our universe across a large range of length scales. The X-ray Spectrometer (XRS) consists of four parallel optical channels, each featuring an x-ray telescope with a fixed array of 216 lightweight, high-efficiency blazed transmission gratings, and two CCD readout arrays. Average spectral resolving power $\lambda/\Delta \lambda > 2,500$ ($\sim 3500$ expected) across the 12-50 Å\ band and combined effective area $> 350$ cm$^2$ ($> 470$ cm$^2$ expected) near OVII wavelengths are predicted, based on the measured x-ray performance of spectrometer prototypes and detailed ray trace modeling. We describe the optical and structural design of the grating arrays, from the macroscopic grating petals to the nanoscale gratings bars, grating fabrication, alignment, and x-ray testing. Recent x-ray diffraction efficiency results from chemically thinned grating bars are presented and show performance above mission assumptions.

Solar flares are explosions on the Sun. They happen when energy stored in magnetic fields around solar active regions (ARs) is suddenly released. In this paper, we present a transformer-based framework, named SolarFlareNet, for predicting whether an AR would produce a gamma-class flare within the next 24 to 72 hours. We consider three gamma classes, namely the >=M5.0 class, the >=M class and the >=C class, and build three transformers separately, each corresponding to a gamma class. Each transformer is used to make predictions of its corresponding gamma-class flares. The crux of our approach is to model data samples in an AR as time series and to use transformers to capture the temporal dynamics of the data samples. Each data sample consists of magnetic parameters taken from Space-weather HMI Active Region Patches (SHARP) and related data products. We survey flare events that occurred from May 2010 to December 2022 using the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite X-ray flare catalogs provided by the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), and build a database of flares with identified ARs in the NCEI flare catalogs. This flare database is used to construct labels of the data samples suitable for machine learning. We further extend the deterministic approach to a calibration-based probabilistic forecasting method. The SolarFlareNet system is fully operational and is capable of making near real-time predictions of solar flares on the Web.

Rupak Roy, Samir Mandal, D. K. Sahu, G. C. Anupama, Sumana Nandi, Brijesh Kumar

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ASASSN-20hx, a.k.a AT2020ohl, is an ambiguous nuclear transient (ANT), which was discovered in the nearby galaxy NGC6297 by the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN). We have investigated the evolution of AT2020ohl using a multi-wavelength dataset to explain the geometry of the system and the energy radiated by it between X-ray and radio wavelengths. Our X-ray, UV/optical, and radio observations of the object jointly clarify the association of AT2020ohl with the nuclear activity of NGC6297. We detected radio counterpart of AT2020ohl 111 days and 313 days after the discovery in Jansky Very Large Array X-band with flux densities 47$\pm$14 $\mu$Jy and 34$\pm$3 $\mu$Jy, respectively. Using multi-wavelength data analysis, we nullify the possibility of associating any stellar disruption process with this event. We found some evidence showing that the host galaxy is a merger remnant, so the possibility of a binary SMBH system can not be ruled out. The central SMBH has a mass of $\sim1.2\times10^7$ M$_\odot$. We propose the accretion disk activity as the origin of AT2020ohl $-$ it is either due to disk accretion event onto the central SMBH or due to the sudden accretion activity in a preexisting accretion disk of the system during the interaction of two SMBHs which became gravitationally bound during a merger process. However, we also admit that with the existing dataset, it is impossible to say definitively, among these two probabilities, which one is the origin of this nuclear transient.

The duration of more than one thousand gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) has been measured by Swift satellite. Besides the redshift distribution of GRBs, the burst duration could be another significant property of GRBs that can be analyzed. In this project, First, we find the detection rate of Swift/BAT for a cosmological model with the $ \omega CDM$ model, then by performing a Monte-Carlo simulation, we find the "long" GRB duration histogram to compare the cosmological model with the $ \omega CDM$ model and the $\Lambda CDM$ model. The $\chi^2$ minimization method is employed to determine the optimal value of $\alpha$ in the dark energy equation of state, $P= c \omega(z) \rho$, with $\omega(z)=1+\alpha z$ as $\alpha=0.08 ^{+ 0.04}_{-0.02}$. We showed that the $\omega CDM$ model is statistically favored over the $\Lambda CDM$ model. Other studies by measuring the expansion rate of the Universe directly from the SNIa data by Pantheon and DES-SN3YR samples and the combinations of SNIa, CMB, and BAO data confirmed that the value of $\alpha$ in the dark energy equation of state is not zero \citep{Dark_energy_Abbott, 2011Beutler, 2014Anderson, 2015Ross, 2016PlanckCollaboration, Alam2017, Mazumdar2021}.

Yongkang Yan, Peng Zhang, Qingzhong Liu, Zhi Chang, Gaochao Liu, Jingzhi Yan, Xiangyun Zeng

This study presents the detection of a high-frequency Quasi-Periodic Oscillation (QPO) in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 1365, based on observational data obtained by the XMM-Newton in January 2004. Utilizing the Weighted Wavelet Z-transform (WWZ) and Lomb-Scargle Periodogram (LSP) methods, a QPO signal was identified at a frequency of 2.19 * 10^-4 Hz (4566 s), with a confidence level of 3.6 sigma. The signal was notably absent in the lower 0.2-1.0 keV energy band, with the primary contribution emerging from the 2.0-10.0 keV band, where the confidence level reached 3.9 sigma. Spectral analysis shows that there are multiple absorption and emission lines in the high-energy band (> 6 keV). The correlation between the QPO frequency (f_QPO) and the mass of NGC 1365 central black hole (M_BH) aligns with the established logarithmic trend observed across black holes, indicating the QPO is of high frequency. This discovery provides new clues for studying the generation mechanism of QPO in Seyfert galaxies, which helps us understand the accretion process around supermassive black holes and the characteristics of strong gravitational fields in active galactic nuclei.

Hui Kong, Ashley J. Ross, Klaus Honscheid, Dustin Lang, Anna Porredon, Arnaud de Mattia, Mehdi Rezaie, Rongpu Zhou, Edward Schlafly, John Moustakas, Alberto Rosado-Marin, Jessica Nicole Aguilar, Steven Ahlen, David Brooks, Edmond Chaussidon, Todd Claybaugh, Shaun Cole, Axel de la Macorra, Arjun Dey, Biprateep Dey, Peter Doel, Kevin Fanning, Jaime E. Forero-Romero, Enrique Gaztanaga, Satya Gontcho A Gontcho, Gaston Gutierrez, Cullan Howlett, Stephanie Juneau, Anthony Kremin, Martin Landriau, Michael Levi, Marc Manera, Paul Martini, Aaron Meisner, Ramon Miquel, Eva-Maria Mueller, Adam Myers, Jeffrey A. Newman, Jundan Nie, Gustavo Niz, Will Percival, Claire Poppett, Francisco Prada, Graziano Rossi, Eusebio Sanchez, David Schlegel, Michael Schubnell, Hee-Jong Seo, David Sprayberry, Gregory Tarle, Mariana Vargas Magana, Benjamin Alan Weaver, Hu Zou

We use the forward modeling pipeline, Obiwan, to study the imaging systematics of the Luminous Red Galaxies (LRGs) targeted by the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). We update the Obiwan pipeline, which had previously been developed to simulate the optical images used to target DESI data, to further simulate WISE images in the infrared. This addition makes it possible to simulate the DESI LRGs sample, which utilizes WISE data in the target selection. Deep DESI imaging data combined with a method to account for biases in their shapes is used to define a truth sample of potential LRG targets. We simulate a total of 15 million galaxies to obtain a simulated LRG sample (Obiwan LRGs) that predicts the variations in target density due to imaging properties. We find that the simulations predict the trends with depth observed in the data, including how they depend on the intrinsic brightness of the galaxies. We observe that faint LRGs are the main contributing power of the imaging systematics trend induced by depth. We also find significant trends in the data against Galactic extinction that are not predicted by Obiwan. These trends depend strongly on the particular map of Galactic extinction chosen to test against, implying Large-Scale Structure systematic contamination (e.g. Cosmic-Infrared Background) in the Galactic extinction maps is a likely root cause. We additionally observe that the DESI LRGs sample exhibits a complex dependency on a combination of seeing, depth, and intrinsic galaxy brightness, which is not replicated by Obiwan, suggesting discrepancies between the current simulation settings and the actual observations. The detailed findings we present should be used to guide any observational systematics mitigation treatment for the clustering of the DESI LRG sample.

This paper presents the effects of radio frequency interference (RFI) mitigation on a radio telescope's sensitivity and beam pattern. It specifically explores the impact of subspace-projection mitigation on the phased array feed (PAF) beams of the Australian SKA Pathfinder (ASKAP) telescope. The goal is to demonstrate ASKAP's ability to make science observations during active RFI mitigation. The target interfering signal is a self-generated clock signal from the digital receivers of ASKAP's PAFs. This signal is stationary, so we apply the mitigation projection to the beamformer weights at the beginning of the observation and hold them fixed. We suppressed the unwanted narrowband signal by 31dB, to the noise floor of an 880s integration on one antenna, with a typical degradation in sensitivity of just 1.5%. Sensitivity degradation over the whole 36 antenna array of 3.1% was then measured via interferometric assessment of system equivalent flux density (SEFD). These measurements are in line with theoretical calculation of noise increase using the correlation of the beam weights and RFI spatial signature. Further, degradation to the main beam's gain is 0.4% on average at the half-power point, with no significant change to the gain in the first sidelobe and no variation during extended observations; also consistent with our modelling. In summary, we present the first demonstration of mitigation via spatial nulling with PAFs on a large aperture synthesis array telescope and assess impact on sensitivity and beam shape via SEFD and holography measurements. The mitigation introduces smaller changes to sensitivity than intrinsic sensitivity differences between beams, does not preclude high dynamic range imaging and, in continuum 1MHz mode, recovers an otherwise corrupted holography beam map and usable astronomical source correlations in the RFI-affected channel.

We investigate the global structure of general relativistic magneto-hydrodynamic (GRMHD) accretion flows around Kerr black holes containing shock waves, where the disk is threaded by radial and toroidal magnetic fields. We self-consistently solve the GRMHD equations that govern the flow motion inside the disk and for the first time to our knowledge, we obtain the shock-induced global GRMHD accretion solutions around weakly as well as rapidly rotating black holes for a set of fundamental flow parameters, such as energy ($E$), angular momentum ($L$), radial magnetic flux ($\Phi$), and iso-rotation parameter ($F$). We show that shock properties, namely shock radius ($r_{\rm sh}$), compression ratio ($R$) and shock strength ($\Psi$) strongly depends on $E$, $L$, $\Phi$, and $F$. We observe that shock in GRMHD flow continues to exist for wide range of the flow parameters, which allows us to identify the effective domain of parameter space in $L-E$ plane where shock solutions are feasible. Moreover, we examine the modification of the shock parameter space and find that it shifts towards the lower angular momentum values with increasing $\Phi$ and black hole spin ($a_{\rm k}$). Finally, we compute the critical radial magnetic flux ($\Phi^{\rm cri}$) that admits shocks in GRMHD flow and ascertain that $\Phi^{\rm cri}$ is higher (lower) for black hole of spin $a_{\rm k} = 0.99$ ($0.0$) and vice versa.

Context. The diffuse TeV gamma-ray emission detected in the inner $\sim$ 100 pc of the Galactic Center suggests the existence of a central cosmic-ray accelerator reaching $\sim$ PeV energies. It is interesting to associate this so-called PeVatron with the point source HESS J1745$-$290, whose position is consistent with that of the central supermassive black hole, Sgr A*. However, the point source shows a spectral break at a few TeV, which is not shown by the diffuse emission, challenging this association. Aims. We seek to build an emission model for the point source consistent with both emissions being produced by the same population of relativistic protons, continuously injected with a power-law spectrum up to $\sim$ PeV energies, near Sgr A*. Methods. In our model, we assume that the point source is produced by hadronic collisions between the cosmic rays and the gas in the accretion flow of Sgr A*. The cosmic-ray density is calculated taking into consideration cosmic-ray transport due to diffusion and advection, while the properties of the gas are obtained from previous numerical simulations of the accretion flow. Results. Our model succeeds in explaining both the point source and the diffuse emission with the same cosmic rays injected in the vicinity of Sgr A*, as long as the coherence length of the magnetic turbulence in the accretion flow is $l_c\sim(1-3)\times 10^{14}\,\mathrm{cm}$. The spectral break of the point source appears naturally due to an energy-dependent transition in the way the cosmic rays diffuse within the inner $\sim 0.1$ pc of the accretion flow (where most of the emission is produced) Conclusions. Our model supports the idea that Sgr A* can be a PeVatron, whose accelerated cosmic rays give rise to both the point source and the diffuse emission. Future TeV telescopes, like CTAO, will be able to test this model.

Ping Li, Wen-Ping Liao, Sheng-Bang Qian, Lin-Jia Li, Qi-Bin Sun, Xiang-Dong Shi, Azizbek Matekov, Qi-Huan Zeng, Zhao-Long Deng, Xiao-Hui Fang

We reported a cyclic variation of $O-C$ diagram with a semi-amplitude of 0.0033 days and a period of 1.05 years for the pulsating eclipsing binary HZ Dra. The cyclic variation can be explained by the light travel-time effect via the presence of a close-in third body orbiting around HZ Dra in an elliptical orbit with a maximum semi-major axis of 0.92 au. Based on the W-D code, the contribution of the third light to the total system is determined to be 29 $\%$, which is in agreement with the estimated value. Our light curve modelling indicates an evolving hot and cool spot on the surface of the primary and secondary components, respectively. Their positions are roughly symmetrical to the inner Lagrangian point L1, which could be used to explain the variation in the O$^{'}$Connell effect. Our frequency analysis detects 1 radial p-mode, 7 non-radial p-modes and 1 non-radial g-mode. In addition, a total of 6 multiplets are identified, spaced by the orbital frequency, which can be explained as a tidally split mode caused by the equilibrium tides of the close binary system with a circular orbit. These pulsating features suggest that the primary of HZ Dra is a $\delta$ Scuti star, pulsating in both p- and g-mode and influenced by tidal forces.

Time-dependent potentials are common in galactic systems that undergo significant evolution, interactions, or encounters with other galaxies, or when there are dynamic processes like star formation and merging events. Recent studies show that an ensemble approach along with the so-called snapshot framework in dynamical system theory provide a powerful tool to analyze time dependent dynamics. In this work, we aim to explore and quantify the phase space structure and dynamical complexity in time-dependent galactic potentials consisting of multiple components. We apply the classical method of Poincaré-surface of section to analyze the phase space structure in a chaotic Hamiltonian system subjected to parameter drift. This, however, makes sense only when the evolution of a large ensemble of initial conditions is followed. Numerical simulations explore the phase space structure of such ensembles while the system undergoes a continuous parameter change. The pair-wise average distance of ensemble members allows us to define a generalized Lyapunov-exponent, that might also be time dependent, to describe the system stability. We revise the system parameters for the Milky Way galaxy and provide a comprehensive dynamical analysis of the system under circumstances where linear mass transfer undergoes between the disk and bulge components of the model.

Harmonics are a ubiquitous feature across various pulsating stars, traditionally viewed as mere replicas of the independent primary pulsation modes, and have thus been excluded from asteroseismological models. Recent research, however, has uncovered a significant discrepancy: in high-amplitude $\delta$ Scuti stars (HADS), harmonics exhibit uncorrelated variations in amplitude and frequency relative to their parent modes. The serendipitous nature of these disharmonized harmonics is a question of critical importance. In our study, we analyzed five triple-mode HADS stars observed by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) and discovered some pervasive patterns of disharmonized harmonics in both the fundamental ($f_0$) and first overtone ($f_1$) pulsation modes. Intriguingly, through an in-depth frequency interaction analysis of V1393 Cen, we identified $2f_1$ as an independent pulsation mode, distinct from $f_1$, and pinpointed it as the progenitor of the frequency variations observed in $3f_1$, $4f_1$, $5f_1$, and $6f_1$. Notably, we found an interesting pattern in decomposing of the harmonics, which uncovers the generation process of harmonics for the first time. These findings serve as a new window on the research of harmonics, which remains a hidden corner of contemporary astroseismology.

Here, we report the kinematical parameters of inner-halo hot subdwarfs located within (d lower than or equal 15 kpc) at high Galactic latitudes (b^o greater than or equal 20). The study included three program stars for one of the extreme He-rich groups (eHe-1) with eccentricity (e=0.65) and the z-component of the angular momentum (J_z=4288.66 kpc km s-1), the inner halo program I with 121 points (T_eff greater than or equal 24,000) and their subsections, i.e. inner halo program II (sdB; 79 points) with (40,000 greater than or equal T_eff greater than or equal 24,000) and inner halo program III (sdO; 42 points) with (80,000 greater than or equal T_eff greater than or equal 40,000). First, we calculated the spatial velocities (U_avg, V_avg, W_avg; km s-1) along the Galactic coordinates and subsequently their subsections sdB and sdO. Second, we calculated the vertex longitudes (l_2) and the Solar motion (S_sun=41.24 +/- 6.42 km s-1) as well as their subsections. Finally, based on the kinematic relation of the ratio (s_2/s_1) and our previously computed numerical value of the angular rotation rate (|A-B|=26.07 +/- 5.10; km s-1 kpc-1), we obtained the average Oort's constant.

This study commenced by cross-matching data from the GAIA and OGLE telescopes with the aim of resolving the source star, long after microlensing is finished. The aim is breaking degeneracy between parameters of the microlensing equation, and ultimately calculating the mass of lens. We have examined different catalogs and found no evidence. Subsequently, employing the Monte Carlo method and guided by sensible assumptions, we embarked a simulation to discern the distribution of angular separation and to probe the feasibility of detecting this phenomenon. The results revealed that a mere 0.029% of gravitational microlensing events exhibited separations exceeding 50 milliarcseconds. Consequently, the likelihood of observing this phenomenon utilizing the OGLE and GAIA telescopes appears exceedingly far available. However, it is worth noting that instruments with very high angular resolution in the range of several tens of milliarcseconds present a viable avenue for such observations. Finally, we proposed 60 microlensing events for which the observation of separation is more probable based on the measured proper velocity.

Sarah Elizabeth Caddy, Lee Robert Spitler, Simon Charles Ellis

Observing stars and satellites in optical wavelengths during the day (optical daytime astronomy) has begun a resurgence of interest. The recent dramatic dimming event of Betelgeuse has spurred interest in continuous monitoring of the brightest variable stars, even when an object is only visible during the day due to their proximity to the Sun. In addition, an exponential increase in the number of satellites being launched into low Earth orbit in recent years has driven an interest in optical daytime astronomy for the detection and monitoring of satellites in space situational awareness (SSA) networks. In this paper we explore the use of the Huntsman Telescope as an optical daytime astronomy facility, by conducting an exploratory survey using a pathfinder instrument. We find that an absolute photometric accuracy between 1 - 10% can be achieved during the day, with a detection limit of V band 4.6 mag at midday in sloan g and r wavelengths. In addition we characterise the daytime sky brightness, colour and observing conditions in order to achieve the most reliable and highest signal-to-noise observations within the limitations of the bright sky background. We undertake a 7 month survey of the brightness of Betelgeuse during the day and demonstrate that our results are in agreement with measurements from other observatories. Finally we present our preliminary results that demonstrate obtaining absolute photometric measurements of the International Space Station during the day.

Kun Xu (SJTU, Durham), Y.P. Jing (SJTU, TDLI), Hongyu Gao (SJTU), Xiaolin Luo (SJTU), Ming Li (NAOC)

Magnification serves as an independent and complementary gravitational lensing measurement to shear. We develop a novel method to achieve an accurate and robust magnification measurement around BOSS CMASS galaxies across physical scales of $0.016h^{-1}\,{\rm Mpc} < r_{\rm p} < 10h^{-1}\,{\rm Mpc}$. We first measure the excess total flux density $\delta M$ of the source galaxies in deep DECaLS photometric catalog that are lensed by CMASS galaxies. We convert $\delta M$ to magnification $\mu$ by establishing the $\delta \mu-\delta M$ relation using a deeper photometric sample. By comparing magnification measurements in three optical bands ($grz$), we constrain the dust attenuation curve and its radial distribution, discovering a steep attenuation curve in the circumgalactic medium of CMASS galaxies. We further compare dust-corrected magnification measurements to model predictions from high-resolution dark matter-only (DMO) simulations in WMAP and Planck cosmologies, as well as the hydrodynamic simulation TNG300-1, using precise galaxy-halo connections from the Photometric objects Around Cosmic webs method and the accurate ray-tracing algorithm P3MLens. For $r_{\rm p} > 70h^{-1}\,$kpc, our magnification measurements are in good agreement with both WMAP and Planck cosmologies. Assuming a linear correlation between the magnification signal and the fluctuation amplitude $S_8$, we obtain a tight constraint of $S_8 = 0.816 \pm 0.024$. However, at $r_{\rm p} < 70h^{-1}\,$kpc, we observe an excess magnification signal, which is higher than the DMO model in Planck cosmology at $2.8\sigma$ and would be exacerbated if significant baryon feedback is included. Implications of the potential small scale discrepancy for the nature of dark matter and for the processes governing galaxy formation are discussed.

G. Costa, T. Dumont, A. Lançon, A. Palacios, C. Charbonnel, P. Prugniel, S. Ekstrom, C. Georgy, V. Branco, P. Coelho, L. Martins, S. Borisov, K. Voggel, W. Chantereau

A common property of globular clusters (GC) is to host multiple populations characterized by peculiar chemical abundances. Recent photometric studies suggest that the He content could vary between the populations of a GC by up to $\Delta$He $\sim$ 0.13, in mass fraction. The initial He content impacts the evolution of low-mass stars by ultimately modifying their lifetimes, luminosity, temperatures, and, more generally, the morphology of post-RGB evolutionary tracks in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. We present new physically accurate isochrones with different initial He-enrichments and metallicities, with a focus on the methods implemented to deal with the post-RGB phases. The isochrones are based on tracks computed with the stellar evolution code STAREVOL for different metallicities (Z = 0.0002, 0.0009, 0.002, and 0.008) and with different He-enrichment (from 0.25 to 0.6 in mass fraction). We describe the effect of He-enrichment on the morphology of the isochrones and test these by comparing the predicted number counts of HB and AGB stars with those of selected GCs. Comparing the number ratios, we find that our new theoretical ones agree with the observed values within $1\sigma$ in most cases. The work presented here sets the ground for future studies on stellar populations in globular clusters, in which the abundances of light elements in He-enhanced models will rely on different assumptions for the causes of this enrichment. The developed methodology permits the computation of isochrones from new stellar tracks with non-canonical stellar processes. The checked number counts ensure that, at least in this reference set, the contribution of the luminous late stages of stellar evolution to the integrated light of a GC is represented adequately.

Wen-Han Zhou (1), David Vokrouhlicky (2), Masanori Kanamaru (3), Harrison Agrusa (1), Petr Pravec (4), Marco Delbo (1), Patrick Michel (1 and 2) ((1) Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, France (2) Charles University, Czech (3) the University of Tokyo, Japan (4) Astronomical Institute of Czech Academy, Czech)

We explore the Yarkovsky effect on small binary asteroids. While significant attention has been given to the binary YORP effect, the Yarkovsky effect is often overlooked. We develop an analytical model for the binary Yarkovsky effect, considering both the Yarkovsky-Schach and planetary Yarkovsky components, and verify it against thermophysical numerical simulations. We find that the Yarkovsky force could change the mutual orbit when the asteroid's spin period is unequal to the orbital period. Our analysis predicts new evolutionary paths for binaries. For a prograde asynchronous secondary, the Yarkovsky force will migrate the satellite towards the location of the synchronous orbit on ~100 kyr timescales, which could be faster than other synchronization processes such as YORP and tides. For retrograde secondaries, the Yarkovsky force always migrates the secondary outwards, which could produce asteroid pairs with opposite spin poles. Satellites spinning faster than the Roche limit orbit period (e.g. from ~4h to ~10h) will migrate inwards until they disrupt, reshape, or form a contact binary. We also predict a short-lived equilibrium state for asynchronous secondaries where the Yarkovsky force is balanced by tides. We provide calculations of the Yarkovsky-induced drift rate for known asynchronous binaries. If the NASA DART impact broke Dimorphos from synchronous rotation, we predict that Dimorphos's orbit will shrink by \dot a ~ 7 cm/yr, which can be measured by the Hera mission. We also speculate that the Yarkovsky force may have synchronized the Dinkinesh-Selam system after a possible merger of Selam's two lobes.

Nested sampling has been the workhorse for estimating parameters of compact binaries from the gravitational wave signals. It operates using a set of live points and accepts/rejects points drawn from prior such that the live point with the lowest likelihood is replaced by a point with a higher likelihood value. Each such iteration shrinks the volume enclosed by the live point of lowest likelihood by a known factor. The estimated sampling density along with the likelihood values of the new and old live points quantifies the probability mass enclosed by them. Although robust, nested sampling often discards a majority of the sampled points~($\sim 99.9\%$) at which likelihood was calculated. However, for small dimensional problems, which happens to be the case for compact binaries, the sampling density of all the sampled points can be explicitly calculated thereby removing the need to discard samples. The points' sampling density and likelihood values constitute the posterior distribution. Avoiding the wastage implies significant improvement in the sampling efficiency. In a previous method, we presented a recipe to reconstruct the live volume; the volume that encloses most of the posterior probability mass. We build on this method and present a methodology that explicitly records the sampling density of all the points. For small dimensions, the presented sampler is significantly more efficient than the canonical nested samplers and is embarrassingly parallel.

Francesco Carotenuto, Rob Fender, Alexandra J. Tetarenko, Stéphane Corbel, Andrzej A. Zdziarski, Gulzar Shaik, Alex J. Cooper, Irene Di Palma

Relativistic discrete ejecta launched by black hole X-ray binaries (BH XRBs) can be observed to propagate up to parsec-scales from the central object. Observing the final deceleration phase of these jets is crucial to estimate their physical parameters and to reconstruct their full trajectory, with implications for the jet powering mechanism, composition and formation. In this paper we present the results of the modelling of the motion of the ejecta from three BH XRBs: MAXI J1820+070, MAXI J1535$-$571 and XTE J1752$-$223, for which high-resolution radio and X-ray observations of jets propagating up to $\sim$15 arcsec ($\sim$0.6 pc at 3 kpc) from the core have been published in the recent years. For each jet, we modeled its entire motion with a dynamical blast-wave model, inferring robust values for the jet Lorentz factor, inclination angle and ejection time. Under several assumptions associated to the ejection duration, the jet opening angle and the available accretion power, we are able to derive stringent constraints on the maximum jet kinetic energy for each source (between $10^{43}$ and $10^{44}$ erg, including also H1743$-$322), as well as placing interesting upper limits on the density of the ISM through which the jets are propagating (from $n_{\rm ISM} \lesssim 0.4$ cm$^{-3}$ down to $n_{\rm ISM} \lesssim 10^{-4}$ cm$^{-3}$). Overall, our results highlight the potential of applying models derived from gamma-ray bursts to the physics of jets from BH XRBs and support the emerging picture of these sources as preferentially embedded in low-density environments.

Dark Energy (DE) acts as a repulsive force that opposes gravitational attraction. Assuming galaxies maintain a steady state over extended periods, the estimated upper bound on DE studies its resistance to the attractive gravitational force from dark matter. Using the SPARC dataset, we fit the Navarro-Frenk-White (NFW) and Hernquist models to identify the most suitable galaxies for these models. Introducing the presence of DE in these galaxies helps establish the upper limit on its repulsive force. This upper bound on DE sits around $\rho_{\left(<\Lambda\right)} \sim 10^{-25}$~kg/m$^3$, only two orders of magnitude higher than the one measured by Planck. We discuss the conditions for detecting DE in different systems and show the consistency of the upper bound from galaxies to other systems. The upper bound is of the same order of magnitude as $\rho_{200} = 200 \rho_c$ for both dark matter profiles. We also address the implications for future measurements on that upper bound and the condition for detecting the impact of $\Lambda$ on galactic scales.

Jiaxi Yu, Ashley J. Ross, Antoine Rocher, Otávio Alves, Arnaud de Mattia, Daniel Forero-Sánchez, Jean-Paul Kneib, Alex Krolewski, TingWen Lan, Michael Rashkovetskyi, Jessica Nicole Aguilar, Steven Ahlen, Stephen Bailey, David Brooks, Edmond Chaussidon, Todd Claybaugh, Axel de la Macorra, Arjun Dey, Biprateep Dey, Peter Doel, Kevin Fanning, Jaime E. Forero-Romero, Enrique Gaztañaga, Satya Gontcho A Gontcho, Klaus Honscheid, Cullan Howlett, Stephanie Juneau, Theodore Kisner, Anthony Kremin, Andrew Lambert, Martin Landriau, Laurent Le Guillou, Michael E. Levi, Marc Manera, Paul Martini, Aaron Meisner, Ramon Miquel, John Moustakas, Eva-Maria Mueller, Andrea Muñoz-Gutiérrez, Adam D. Myers, Jundan Nie, Gustavo Niz, Nathalie Palanque-Delabrouille, Will J. Percival, Claire Poppett, Francisco Prada, Mehdi Rezaie, Graziano Rossi, Eusebio Sanchez, Edward F. Schlafly, David Schlegel, Michael Schubnell, Hee-Jong Seo, David Sprayberry, Gregory Tarlé, Benjamin A. Weaver, Pauline Zarrouk, Cheng Zhao, Rongpu Zhou, Hu Zou

Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) uses more than 2.4 million Emission Line Galaxies (ELGs) for 3D large-scale structure (LSS) analyses in its Data Release 1 (DR1). Such large statistics enable thorough research on systematic uncertainties. In this study, we focus on spectroscopic systematics of ELGs. The redshift success rate ($f_{\rm goodz}$) is the relative fraction of secure redshifts among all measurements. It depends on observing conditions, thus introduces non-cosmological variations to the LSS. We, therefore, develop the redshift failure weight ($w_{\rm zfail}$) and a per-fibre correction ($\eta_{\rm zfail}$) to mitigate these dependences. They have minor influences on the galaxy clustering. For ELGs with a secure redshift, there are two subtypes of systematics: 1) catastrophics (large) that only occur in a few samples; 2) redshift uncertainty (small) that exists for all samples. The catastrophics represent 0.26\% of the total DR1 ELGs, composed of the confusion between O\,\textsc{ii} and sky residuals, double objects, total catastrophics and others. We simulate the realistic 0.26\% catastrophics of DR1 ELGs, the hypothetical 1\% catastrophics, and the truncation of the contaminated $1.31<z<1.33$ in the \textsc{AbacusSummit} ELG mocks. Their $P_\ell$ show non-negligible bias from the uncontaminated mocks. But their influences on the redshift space distortions (RSD) parameters are smaller than $0.2\sigma$. The redshift uncertainty of \Yone ELGs is 8.5 km/s with a Lorentzian profile. The code for implementing the catastrophics and redshift uncertainty on mocks can be found in this https URL.

The phenomenon of pulsar nulling, where pulsars temporarily and stochastically cease their radio emission, is thought to be indicative of a `dying' pulsar, where radio emission ceases entirely. Here we report the discovery of a long-period pulsar, PSR J0452-3418, from the ongoing Southern-sky MWA Rapid Two-meter (SMART) pulsar survey. The pulsar has a rotation period of ${\sim}$1.67\,s and a dispersion measure of 19.8\,\dmu, and it exhibits both quasi-periodic nulling and sub-pulse drifting. Periodic nulling is uncommon, only reported in $<1$\% of the pulsar population, with even a smaller fraction showing periodic nulling and sub-pulse drifting. We describe the discovery and follow-up of the pulsar, including a positional determination using high-resolution imaging with the upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (uGMRT), initial timing analysis using the combination of MWA and uGMRT data, and detailed characterisation of the nulling and drifting properties in the MWA's frequency band (140-170\,MHz). Our analysis suggests a nulling fraction of 34$\pm6$\% and a nulling periodicity of 42$^{+1.5}_{-1.3}$ pulses. We measure the phase ($P_2$) and time modulation ($P_3$) caused by the sub-pulse drifting, with an average $P_2$ of 7.1$^{+26.3}_{-3.1}$ degrees and a $P_3$ of 4.8$^{+1.5}_{-0.9}$ pulses. We compare and contrast the observed properties with those of other pulsars that exhibit sub-pulse drifting and quasi-periodic nulling phenomena, and find that the majority of these objects tend to be in the `death valley' in the period-period derivative ($P$-$\dot{P}$) diagram. We also discuss some broader implications for pulsar emission physics and the detectability of similar objects using next-generation pulsar surveys.

Utilizing data from the $Solar$ $Magnetism$ and $Activity$ $Telescope$ (SMAT), analytical solutions of polarized radiative transfer equations, and in-orbit test data from the Full-disk Magnetograph (FMG) onboard the Advanced Space based Solar Observatory (ASO-S), this study reveals the magnetic-sensitivity spectral positions for the Fe {\sc i} $\lambda$5234.19 A, working line used by FMG. From the experimental data of SMAT, it is found that the most sensitivity position is located at the line center for linear polarization (Stokes-Q/U), while it is about -0.07 A away from the line center for circular polarization (Stokes-V). Moreover, both the theoretical analysis and the in-orbit test data analysis of FMG prove again the above results. Additionally, the theoretical analysis suggests the presence of distinct spectral pockets (centered at 0.08-0.15 A) from the line, harboring intense magnetic sensitivity across all three Stokes parameters. Striking a balance between high sensitivity for both linear and circular polarization while capturing additional valuable information, a spectral position of -0.08 A emerges as the champion for routine FMG magnetic-field observations.

Yuki Okoda, Yoko Oya, Nami Sakai, Yoshimasa Watanabe, Ana López-Sepulcre, Takahiro Oyama, Shaoshan Zeng, Satoshi Yamamoto

Deuterium fractionation in the closest vicinity of a protostar is important in understanding its potential heritage to a planetary system. Here, we have detected the spectral line emission of CH3OH and its three deuterated species, CH2DOH, CHD2OH, and CH3OD, toward the low-mass protostellar source B335 at a resolution of 0.''03 (5 au) with Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array. They have a ring distribution within the radius of 24 au with the intensity depression at the continuum peak. We derive the column densities and abundance ratios of the above species at 6 positions in the disk/envelope system as well as the continuum peak. The D/H ratio of CH3OH is ~[0.03-0.13], which is derived by correcting the statistical weight of 3 for CH2DOH. The [CHD2OH]/[CH2DOH] ratio is derived to be higher ([0.14-0.29]). On the other hand, the [CH2DOH]/[CH3OD] ratio ([4.9-15]) is higher than the statistical ratio of 3, and is comparable to those reported for other low-mass sources. We study the physical structure on a few au scale in B335 by analyzing the CH3OH (183,15-182,16, A) and HCOOH (120,12-110,11) line emission. Velocity structures of these lines are reasonably explained as the infalling-rotating motion. The protostellar mass and the upper limit to centrifugal barrier are thus derived to be 0.03-0.07 M_{\odot} and <7 au, respectively, showing that B335 harbors a young protostar with a tiny disk structure. Such youth of the protostar may be related to the relatively high [CH2DOH]/[CH3OH] ratio.

Aditya Dhariwal, Thomas H. Speak, Linshan Zeng, Amirhossein Rashidi, Brendan Moore, Olivier Berné, Anthony J. Remijan, Ilane Schroetter, Brett A. McGuire, Víctor M. Rivilla, Arnaud Belloche, Jes K. Jørgensen, Pavle Djuricanin, Takamasa Momose, Ilsa R. Cooke

Infrared emission features toward interstellar gas of the IC 348 star cluster in Perseus have been recently proposed to originate from the amino acid tryptophan. The assignment was based on laboratory infrared spectra of tryptophan pressed into pellets, a method which is known to cause large frequency shifts compared to the gas phase. We assess the validity of the assignment based on the original Spitzer data as well as new data from JWST. In addition, we report new spectra of tryptophan condensed in para-hydrogen matrices to compare with the observed spectra. The JWST MIRI data do not show evidence for tryptophan, despite deeper integration toward IC 348. In addition, we show that several of the lines attributed to tryptophan are likely due to instrumental artifacts. This, combined with the new laboratory data, allows us to conclude that there is no compelling evidence for the tryptophan assignment.

In interstellar environment, fullerene species readily react with large molecules (e.g., PAHs and their derivatives) in the gas phase, which may be the formation route of carbon dust grains in space. In this work, the gas-phase ion-molecule collision reaction between fullerene cations (Cn+, n=32, 34, ..., 60) and functionalized PAH molecules (9-hydroxyfluorene, C13H10O) are investigated both experimentally and theoretically. The experimental results show that fullerene/9-hydroxyfluorene cluster cations are efficiently formed, leading to a series of large fullerene/9-hydroxyfluorene cluster cations (e.g., [(C13H10O)C60]+, [(C13H10O)3C58+, and [(C26H18O)(C13H10O)2C48]+). The binding energies and optimized structures of typical fullerene/9-hydroxyfluorene cluster cations were calculated. The bonding ability plays a decisive role in the cluster formation processes. The reaction surfaces, modes and combination reaction sites can result in different binding energies, which represent the relative chemical reactivity. Therefore, the geometry and composition of fullerene/9-hydroxyfluorene cluster cations are complicated. In addition, there is an enhanced chemical reactivity for smaller fullerene cations, which is mainly attributed to the newly formed deformed carbon rings (e.g., 7 C-ring). As part of the coevolution network of interstellar fullerene chemistry, our results suggest that ion-molecule collision reactions contribute to the formation of various fullerene/9-hydroxyfluorene cluster cations in the ISM, providing insights into different chemical reactivity caused by oxygenated functional groups (e.g., hydroxyl, OH, or ether, C-O-C) on the cluster formations.

To investigate the gas-phase hydrogenation processes of large, astronomically relevant cationic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) molecules under the interstellar environments, the ion-molecule collision reaction between six PAH cations and H-atoms is studied. The experimental results show that the hydrogenated PAH cations are efficiently formed, and no even-odd hydrogenated mass patterns are observed in the hydrogenation processes. The structure of newly formed hydrogenated PAH cations and the bonding energy for the hydrogenation reaction pathways are investigated with quantum theoretical calculations. The exothermic energy for each reaction pathway is relatively high, and the competition between hydrogenation and dehydrogenation is confirmed. From the theoretical calculation, the bonding ability plays an important role in the gas-phase hydrogenation processes. The factors that affect the hydrogenation chemical reactivity are discussed, including the effect of carbon skeleton structure, the side-edged structure, the molecular size, the five- and six-membered C-ring structure, the bay region structure, and the neighboring hydrogenation. The IR spectra of hydrogenated PAH cations are also calculated. These results we obtain once again validate the complexity of hydrogenated PAH molecules, and provide the direction for the simulations and observations under the coevolution interstellar chemistry network. We infer that if we do not consider other chemical evolution processes (e.g., photo-evolution), then the hydrogenation states and forms of PAH compounds are intricate and complex in the interstellar medium (ISM).

Hyperbolic umbilic (HU) is a point singularity of the gravitational lens equation, giving rise to a ring-shaped image formation made of four highly magnified images, off-centred from the lens centre. Recent observations have revealed new strongly lensed image formations near HU singularities, and many more are expected in ongoing and future observations. Like fold/cusp, image formations near HU also satisfy magnification relation ($R_{\rm hu}$), i.e., the signed magnification sum of the four images equals zero. Here, we study how $R_{\rm hu}$ deviates from zero as a function of area ($A_{\rm hu}$) covered by the image formation near HU and the distance ($d$) of the central maxima image (which is part of the HU image formation) from the lens centre for ideal single- and double-component cluster-scale lenses. For lens ellipticity values $\geq0.3$, the central maxima image will form sufficiently far from the lens centre ($d\gtrsim5''$), similar to the observed HU image formations. We also find that, in some cases, double-component and actual cluster-scale lenses can lead to large cross-sections for HU(-like) image formations for sources at $z\gtrsim5$ effectively increasing the chances to observe HU(-like) image formation at high redshift. Finally, we study the time delay distribution in the observed HU image formation, finding that not only are these images highly magnified, but the relative time delay between various pairs of HU characteristic image formation has a typical value of $\sim100$ days, an order of magnitude smaller than generic five-image formations in cluster lenses, making such image formations a promising target for time delay studies.

The signal of dipole anisotropy in quasar number counts is studied using the CatWISE2020 catalog in various color bins. It is found that the dipole signal differs significantly in two color bins, namely, $1.1>W1-W2\ge 0.8$ and $1.4>W1-W2>1.1$. The color bin $1.4>W1-W2>1.1$ appears strongly contaminated, with possibly Galactic contributions and is unreliable for extracting the signal of cosmological dipole. The source of this contamination has not been identified and cannot be attributed to known emissions within the galaxy. Removing this contaminated color bin leads to a strong dipole signal with a direction significantly different from that obtained from full data. If we interpret this dipole as due to our local motion, the extracted velocity turns out to be $900\pm 113$ Kms$^{-1}$, which deviates from the CMB dipole velocity with approximately $4.7$ sigma significance.

Youn Kil Jung, Kyu-Ha Hwang, Hongjing Yang, Andrew Gould, Jennifer C. Yee, Cheongho Han, Michael D. Albrow, Sun-Ju Chung, Yoon-Hyun Ryu, In-Gu Shin, Yossi Shvartzvald, Weicheng Zang, Sang-Mok Cha, Dong-Jin Kim, Seung-Lee Kim, Chung-Uk Lee, Dong-Joo Lee, Yongseok Lee, Byeong-Gon Park, Richard W. Pogge

We report a free-floating planet (FFP) candidate identified from the analysis of the microlensing event KMT-2023-BLG-2669. The lensing light curve is characterized by a short duration $(\lesssim 3\,{\rm days})$ and a small amplitude $(\lesssim 0.7\,{\rm mag})$. From the analysis, we find the Einstein timescale of $t_{\rm E} \backsimeq 0.33\,{\rm days}$ and the Einstein radius of $\theta_{\rm E} \backsimeq 4.41\,{\mu}{\rm as}$. These measurements enable us to infer the lens mass as $M = 8\,M_{\oplus} (\pi_{\rm rel} / 0.1\,{\rm mas})^{-1}$, where $\pi_{\rm rel}$ is the relative lens-source parallax. The inference implies that the lens is a sub-Neptune- to Saturn-mass object depending on its unknown distance. This is the ninth isolated planetary-mass microlens with $\theta_{\rm E} < 10\,{\mu}{\rm as}$, which (as shown by \citealt{gould22}) is a useful threshold for a FFP candidate. We conduct extensive searches for possible signals of a host star in the light curve, but find no strong evidence for the host. We discuss the possibility of using late-time high-resolution imaging to probe for possible hosts.

Eun Jung Chung, Chang Won Lee, Shinyoung Kim, Mario Tafalla, Hyunju Yoo, Jungyeon Cho, Woojin Kwon

We present 850~$\mu$m linear polarization and C$^{18}$O~(3-2) and $^{13}$CO~(3-2) molecular line observations toward the filaments (F13 and F13S) in the Cocoon Nebula (IC~5146) using the JCMT POL-2 and HARP instruments. F13 and F13S are found to be thermally supercritical with identified dense cores along their crests. Our findings include that the polarization fraction decreases in denser regions, indicating reduced dust grain alignment efficiency. The magnetic field vectors at core scales tend to be parallel to the filaments, but disturbed at the high density regions. Magnetic field strengths measured using the Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi method are 58$\pm$31 and 40$\pm$9~$\mu$G for F13 and F13S, respectively, and it reveals subcritical and sub-Alfvénic filaments, emphasizing the importance of magnetic fields in the Cocoon region. Sinusoidal C$^{18}$O~(3-2) velocity and density distributions are observed along the filaments' skeletons, and their variations are mostly displaced by $\sim1/4 \times$wavelength of the sinusoid, indicating core formation occurred through the fragmentation of a gravitationally unstable filament, but with shorter core spacings than predicted. Large scale velocity fields of F13 and F13S, studied using $^{13}$CO~(3-2) data, present V-shape transverse velocity structure. We propose a scenario for the formation and evolution of F13 and F13S, along with the dense cores within them. A radiation shock front generated by a B-type star collided with a sheet-like cloud about 1.4~Myr ago, the filaments became thermally critical due to mass infall through self-gravity $\sim$1~Myr ago, and subsequently dense cores formed through gravitational fragmentation, accompanied by the disturbance of the magnetic field.

We present the first unsupervised classification of spaxels in hyperspectral images of individual galaxies. Classes identify regions by spectral similarity and thus take all the information into account that is contained in the data cubes (spatial and spectral).We used Gaussian mixture models in a latent discriminant subspace to find clusters of spaxels. The spectra were corrected for small-scale motions within the galaxy based on emission lines with an automatic algorithm. Our data consist of two MUSE/VLT data cubes of JKB 18 and NGC 1068 and one NIRSpec/JWST data cube of NGC 4151.Our classes identify many regions that are most often easily interpreted. Most of the 11 classes that we find for JKB 18 are identified as photoionised by stars. Some of them are known HII regions, but we mapped them as extended, with gradients of ionisation intensities. One compact structure has not been reported before, and according to diagnostic diagrams, it might be a planetary nebula or a denser HII region. For NGC 1068, our 16 classes are of active galactic nucleus-type (AGN) or star-forming regions. Their spatial distribution corresponds perfectly to well-known structures such as spiral arms and a ring with giant molecular clouds. A subclassification in the nuclear region reveals several structures and gradients in the AGN spectra. Our unsupervised classification of the MUSE data of NGC 1068 helps visualise the complex interaction of the AGN and the jet with the interstellar medium in a single map. The centre of NGC 4151 is very complex, but our classes can easily be related to ionisation cones, the jet, or H2 emission. We find a new elongated structure that is ionised by the AGN along the N-S axis perpendicular to the jet direction. It is rotated counterclockwise with respect to the axis of the H2 emission. Our work shows that the unsupervised classification of spaxels takes full advantage of the richness of the information in the data cubes by presenting the spectral and spatial information in a combined and synthetic way.

Bruno Rando Forastier, Daniel Marín Pina, Mark Gieles, Simon Portegies Zwart, Fabio Antonini

Dynamical interactions in star clusters are an efficient mechanism to produce the coalescing binary black holes (BBHs) that have been detected with gravitational waves (GWs). We want to understand how BBH coalescence can occur during - or after - binary-single interactions with different mass ratios. We perform gravitational scattering experiments of binary-single interactions using different mass ratios of the binary components ($q_2\equiv m_2/m_1\le1$) and the incoming single ($q_3\equiv m_3/m_1$). We extract cross sections and rates for (i) GW capture during resonant interactions; (ii) GW inspiral in between resonant interactions and apply the results to different globular cluster conditions. We find that GW capture during resonant interactions is most efficient if $q_2\simeq q_3$ and that the mass-ratio distribution of BBH coalescence due to inspirals is $\propto m_1^{-1}q^{2.9+\alpha}$, where $\alpha$ is the exponent of the BH mass function. The total rate of GW captures and inspirals depends mostly on $m_1$ and is relatively insensitive to $q_2$ and $q_3$. We show that eccentricity increase by non-resonant encounters approximately doubles the rate of BBH inspiral in between resonant encounters. For a given GC mass and radius, the BBH merger rate in metal-rich GCs is approximately double that of metal-poor GCs, because of their (on average) lower BH masses ($m_1$) and steeper BH mass function, yielding binaries with lower $q$. Our results enable the translating from the mass-ratio distribution of dynamically formed BBH mergers to the underlying BH mass function. The additional mechanism that leads to a doubling of the inspirals provides an explanation for the reported high fraction of in-cluster inspirals in $N$-body models of clusters.

F. M. Maccagni, W. J. G. de Blok, P. E. Mancera Piña, R. Ragusa, E. Iodice, M. Spavone, S. McGaugh, K. A. Oman, T. A. Oosterloo, B. S. Koribalski, M. Kim, E. A. K. Adams, P. Amram, A. Bosma, F. Bigiel, E. Brinks, L. Chemin, F. Combes, B. Gibson, J. Healy, B. W. Holwerda, G. I. G. Józsa, P. Kamphuis, D. Kleiner, S. Kurapati, A. Marasco, K. Spekkens, S. Veronese, F. Walter, N. Zabel, A. Zijlstra

We present the discovery of a low-mass gas-rich low-surface brightness galaxy in the Dorado Group, at a distance of 17.7 Mpc. Combining deep MeerKAT 21-cm observations from the MeerKAT HI Observations of Nearby Galactic Objects: Observing Southern Emitters (MHONGOOSE) survey with deep photometric images from the VST Early-type Galaxy Survey (VEGAS) we find a stellar and neutral atomic hydrogen (HI) gas mass of $M_\star = 2.23\times10^6$ M$_\odot$ and $M_{\rm HI}=1.68\times10^6$ M$_\odot$, respectively. This low-surface brightness galaxy is the lowest mass HI detection found in a group beyond the Local Universe ($D\gtrsim 10$ Mpc). The dwarf galaxy has the typical overall properties of gas-rich low surface brightness galaxies in the Local group, but with some striking differences. Namely, the MHONGOOSE observations reveal a very low column density ($\sim 10^{18-19}$ cm$^{-2}$) HI disk with asymmetrical morphology possibly supported by rotation and higher velocity dispersion in the centre. There, deep optical photometry and UV-observations suggest a recent enhancement of the star formation. Found at galactocentric distances where in the Local Group dwarf galaxies are depleted of cold gas (at $390$ projected-kpc distance from the group centre), this galaxy is likely on its first orbit within the Dorado group. We discuss the possible environmental effects that may have caused the formation of the HI disk and the enhancement of star formation, highlighting the short-lived phase (a few hundreds of Myr) of the gaseous disk, before either SF or hydrodynamical forces will deplete the gas of the galaxy.

Young stellar objects (YSOs) accrete up to half of their material in short periods of enhanced mass accretion. For massive YSOs (MYSOs with more than 8 solar masses), accretion outbursts are of special importance, as they serve as diagnostics in highly obscured regions. Within this work, two outbursting MYSOs within different evolutionary stages, the young source G358.93-0.03 MM1 (G358) and the more evolved one G323.46-0.08 (G323), are investigated, and the major burst parameters are derived. For both sources, follow-up observations with the airborne SOFIA observatory were performed to detect the FIR afterglows. All together, we took three burst-/post-observations in the far infrared. The burst parameters are needed to understand the accretion physics and to conclude on the possible triggering mechanisms behind it. Up to today, G323s burst is the most energetic one ever observed for a MYSO. G358s burst was about two orders of magnitude weaker and shorter (2 months instead of 8 years). We suggest that G358s burst was caused by the accretion of a spiral fragment (or a small planet), where G323 accreted a heavy object (a planet or even a potential companion). To model those sources, we use radiative transfer (RT) simulations (static and time-dependent). G323s accretion burst is the first astrophysical science case, that is modeled with time-dependent RT (TDRT). We incorporate a small TDRT parameter-study and develop a time-depending fitting tool (the TFitter) for future modeling.

In 2023, the Pulsar Timing Array (PTA) Collaborations announced the discovery of a gravitational wave background (GWB), predominantly attributed to supermassive black hole binary (SMBHB) mergers. However, the detected GWB is several times stronger than the default value expected from galactic observations at low and moderate redshifts. Recent findings by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) have unveiled a substantial number of massive, high-redshift galaxies, suggesting more massive SMBHB mergers at these early epochs. Motivated by these findings, we propose an "early merger" model that complements the standard merger statistics by incorporating these early, massive galaxies. We compare the early and standard "late merger" models, which assume peak merger rates in the local universe, and match both merger models to the current detected GWB. Our analysis shows that the early merger model has a significantly lower detection probability for single binaries and predicts a $\sim 30 \%$ likelihood that the first detectable single source will be highly redshifted and remarkably massive with rapid frequency evolution. In contrast, the late merger model predicts a nearly monochromatic first source at low redshift. The future confirmation of an enhanced population of massive high-redshift galaxies and the detection of fast-evolving binaries would strongly support the early merger model, offering significant insights into galaxy and SMBH redshift evolution.

The solar activity, which is driven by a variable magnetic field, exhibits changes along several time scales, the 11-year being the most known. In addition to the SunSpot Number, the Ca II K index and the Mg II index are indices widely employed among those proposed to quantify the solar activity, also because of their ability to trace the solar UV emission. In this work, we compare the Ca II K 0.1nm emission index to the Mg II index over the time interval 1978-2017, which covers almost four solar cycles. We show that they are strongly correlated across each solar cycle (r$\geq$0.94), providing the corresponding linear regression fit parameters. The Hilbert-Huang Transform is then used to decompose such indices into their intrinsic mode of oscillation. By studying how their components are correlated over the different time scales, it is found that the maximum correlation is observed at the 11-year scale, while the correlation is less strong going to smaller time scales.

The investigation of plasma motions in the solar chromosphere is crucial for understanding the transport of mechanical energy from the interior of the Sun to the outer atmosphere and into interplanetary space. We report the finding of large-amplitude oscillatory transverse motions prevailing in the non-spicular Halpha chromosphere of a small quiet region near the solar disk center. The observation was carried out on 2018 August 25 with the Microlensed Hyperspectral Imager (MiHI) installed as an extension to the spectrograph at the Swedish Solar Telescope (SST). MiHi produced high-resolution Stokes spectra of the Halpha line over a two-dimensional array of points (sampled every 0.066 arcsec on the image plane) every 1.33 s for about 17 min. We extracted the Dopple-shift-insensitive intensity data of the line core by applying a bisector fit to Stoke I line profiles. From our time-distance analysis of the intensity data, we find a variety of transverse motions with velocity amplitudes of up to 40 km/s in fan fibrils and tiny filaments. In particular, in the fan fibrils, large-amplitude transverse MHD waves were seen to occur with a mean velocity amplitude of 25 km/s and a mean period of 5.8 min, propagating at a speed of 40 km/s. These waves are nonlinear and display group behavior. We estimate the wave energy flux in the upper chromosphere at 3 x 10^6 erg cm^-2 s^-1. Our results contribute to the advancement of our understanding of the properties of transverse MHD waves in the solar chromosphere.

Daniel A. Marostica, Rubens E. G. Machado, E. Athanassoula, T. Manos

Barred galaxies constitute about two thirds of observed disc galaxies. Bars affect not only the mass distribution of gas and stars, but also that of the dark matter. An elongation of the inner dark matter halo is known as the halo bar. We aim to characterise the structure of the halo bars, with the goal of correlating them with the properties of the stellar bars. We use a suite of simulated galaxies with various bar strengths, including gas and star formation. We quantify strengths, shapes, and densities of these simulated stellar bars. We carry out numerical experiments with frozen and analytic potentials in order to understand the role played by a live responsive stellar bar. We find that the halo bar generally follows the trends of the disc bar. The strengths of the halo and stellar bars are tightly correlated. Stronger bars induce a slight increase of dark matter density within the inner halo. Numerical experiments show that a non-responsive frozen stellar bar would be capable of inducing a dark matter bar, but it would be weaker than the live case by a factor of roughly two.

S. Sulis, I.J.M. Crossfield, A. Santerne, M. Saillenfest, S. Sousa, D. Mary, A. Aguichine, M. Deleuil, E. Delgado Mena, S. Mathur, A. Polanski, V. Adibekyan, I. Boisse, J.C. Costes, M. Cretignier, N. Heidari, C. Lebarbé, T. Forveille, N. Hara, N. Meunier, N. Santos, S. Balcarcel-Salazar, P. Cortés-Zuleta, S. Dalal, V. Gorjian, S. Halverson, A.W. Howard, M.R. Kosiarek, T.A. Lopez, D.V. Martin, O. Mousis, B. Rajkumar, P.A. Ström, S. Udry, O. Venot, E. Willett

Context. Planets with radii of between 2-4 RE closely orbiting solar-type stars are of significant importance for studying the transition from rocky to giant planets. Aims. Our goal is to determine the mass of a transiting planet around the very bright F6 star HD 73344 . This star exhibits high activity and has a rotation period that is close to the orbital period of the planet. Methods. The transiting planet, initially a K2 candidate, is confirmed through TESS observations . We refined its parameters and rule out a false positive with Spitzer observations. We analyzed high-precision RV data from the SOPHIE and HIRES spectrographs. We conducted separate and joint analyses using the PASTIS software. We used a novel observing strategy, targeting the star at high cadence for two consecutive nights with SOPHIE to understand the short-term stellar variability. We modeled stellar noise with two Gaussian processes. Results. High-cadence RV observations provide better constraints on stellar variability and precise orbital parameters for the transiting planet. The derived mean density suggests a sub-Neptune-type composition, but uncertainties in the planet's mass prevent a detailed characterization. In addition, we find a periodic signal in the RV data that we attribute to the signature of a nontransiting exoplanet, without totally excluding the possibility of a nonplanetary origin. Dynamical analyses confirm the stability of the two-planet system and provide constraints on the inclination of the candidate planet; these findings favor a near-coplanar system. Conclusions. While the transiting planet orbits the bright star at a short period, stellar activity prevented us from precise mass measurements. Long-term RV tracking of this planet could improve this measurement, as well as our understanding of the activity of the host star.

Jia-Shu Pan, Yuan-Sen Ting, Yang Huang, Jie Yu, Ji-Feng Liu

Analyzing time series of fluxes from stars, known as stellar light curves, can reveal valuable information about stellar properties. However, most current methods rely on extracting summary statistics, and studies using deep learning have been limited to supervised approaches. In this research, we investigate the scaling law properties that emerge when learning from astronomical time series data using self-supervised techniques. By employing the GPT-2 architecture, we show the learned representation improves as the number of parameters increases from $10^4$ to $10^9$, with no signs of performance plateauing. We demonstrate that a self-supervised Transformer model achieves 3-10 times the sample efficiency compared to the state-of-the-art supervised learning model when inferring the surface gravity of stars as a downstream task. Our research lays the groundwork for analyzing stellar light curves by examining them through large-scale auto-regressive generative models.

Sullivan Marafico, Jonathan Biteau, Antonio Condorelli, Olivier Deligny, Johan Bregeon

Arrival directions of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) observed above $4\times10^{19}\,$eV provide evidence of localized excesses that are key to identifying their sources. We leverage the 3D matter distribution from optical and infrared surveys as a density model of UHECR sources, which are considered to be transient. Agreement of the sky model with UHECR data imposes constraints on both the emission rate per unit matter and the time spread induced by encountered turbulent magnetic fields. Based on radio measurements of cosmic magnetism, we identify the Local Sheet as the magnetized structure responsible for the kiloyear duration of UHECR bursts for an observer on Earth and find that the turbulence amplitude must be within $0.5-20\,$nG for a coherence length of $10\,$kpc. At the same time, the burst-rate density must be above $50\,$Gpc$^{-3}\,$yr$^{-1}$ for Local-Sheet galaxies to reproduce the UHECR excesses and below $5\,000\,$Gpc$^{-3}\,$yr$^{-1}$ ($30\,000\,$Gpc$^{-3}\,$yr$^{-1}$) for the Milky Way (Local-Group galaxies) not to outshine other galaxies. For the transient emissions of protons and nuclei to match the energy spectra of UHECRs, the kinetic energy of the outflows responsible for UHECR acceleration must be below $4\times10^{54}\,$erg and above $5\times10^{50}\,$erg ($2\times10^{49}\,$erg) if we consider the Milky Way (or not). The only stellar-sized transients that satisfy both Hillas' and our criteria are long gamma-ray bursts.

The difference between individual solar cycles in the magnetic butterfly diagram can mostly be ascribed to the stochasticity of the emergence process. We aim to obtain the expectation value of the butterfly diagram from observations of four cycles. This allows us to further determine the generation rate of the surface radial magnetic field. We use data from Wilcox Solar Observatory to generate time-latitude diagrams spanning cycles 21 to 24 of the surface radial and toroidal magnetic fields, symmetrize them across the equator and cycle-average them. From the mean butterfly diagram and surface toroidal field we then infer the mean poloidal field generation rate at the surface of the Sun. The averaging procedure removes realization noise from individual cycles. The amount of emerging flux required to account for the evolution of the surface radial field is found to match that provided by the observed surface toroidal field and Joy's law. Cycle-averaging butterfly diagrams removes realization noise and artefacts due to imperfect scale separation, and corresponds to an ensemble average that can be interpreted in the mean-field framework. The result can then be directly compared to $\alpha\Omega$-type dynamo models. The Babcock-Leighton $\alpha$-effect is consistent with observations, a result that can be appreciated only if the observational data is averaged in some way.

A. Krolewski, J. Yu, A. J. Ross, S. Penmetsa, W. J. Percival, R. Zhou, J. Hou, J. Aguilar, S. Ahlen, D. Brooks, E. Chaussidon, T. Claybaugh, A. de la Macorra, Biprateep Dey, J. E. Forero-Romero, S. Gontcho A Gontcho, J. Guy, K. Honscheid, S. Juneau, D. Kirkby, T. Kisner, A. Kremin, A. Lambert, L. Le-Guillou, M. E. Levi, P. Martini, A. Meisner, R. Miquel, J. Moustakas, A. D. Myers, J. A. Newman, G. Niz, N. Palanque-Delabrouille, G. Rossi, E. Sanchez, E. F. Schlafly, D. Schlegel, M. Schubnell, H. Seo, D. Sprayberry, G. Tarlé, B. A. Weaver, C. Zhao

The large scale structure catalogs within DESI Data Release 1 (DR1) use nearly 6 million galaxies and quasars as tracers of the large-scale structure of the universe to measure the expansion history with baryon acoustic oscillations and the growth of structure with redshift-space distortions. In order to take advantage of DESI's unprecedented statistical power, we must ensure that the galaxy clustering measurements are unaffected by non-cosmological density fluctuations. One source of spurious fluctuations comes from variation in galaxy density with spectroscopic observing conditions, lowering the redshift efficiency (and thus galaxy density) in certain areas of the sky. We measure the uniformity of the redshift success rate for DESI luminous red galaxies (LRG), bright galaxies (BGS) and quasars (QSO), complementing the detailed discussion of emission line galaxy (ELG) systematics in a companion paper (Yu et al., 2024). We find small but significant fluctuations of up to 3% in redshift success rate with the effective spectroscopic signal-to-noise, and create and describe weights that remove these fluctuations. We also describe the process to identify and remove data from certain poorly performing fibers from DESI DR1, and measure the stability of the redshift success rate with time. Finally, we find small but significant correlations of redshift success rate with position on the focal plane, survey speed, and number of exposures required, and show the impact of weights correcting these trends on the power spectrum multipoles and on cosmological parameters from BAO and RSD fits. These corrections change the best-fit parameters by $<15\%$ of their statistical errors, and thus contribute negligibly to the overall DESI error budget.

This paper investigates the likelihood that the CNEOS 2014-01-08 superbolide (CNEOS14) was caused by an interstellar object. This issue has remained controversial due to lack of information on the capabilities of the classified satellite sensors that recorded the fireball. We critically evaluate previous studies, specifically addressing the reliability of the CNEOS database and the associated measurement uncertainties. With proper statistical analysis of existing data and the addition of a relevant new event (the 2024 Iberian superbolide), we disprove some claims in previous work, such as: a) the existence of a purported correlation between CNEOS velocity errors and bolide speed; b) the presence of large velocity errors of 10-15 km/s in the CNEOS database; and c) the assertion that CNEOS14 is most likely a solar system object with a hyperbolic trajectory due to measurement errors. We present a quantitative estimate of the probability that CNEOS14 is interstellar. If its measurement errors are drawn from the same underlying distribution as the 18 calibrated events, then the probability that CNEOS14 is interstellar is 94.1%. This probability is lower than the 99.7% confidence (3-sigma) generally required to claim a scientific discovery. However, it is sufficiently high to be considered significant and, by far, the most likely explanation for the currently available empirical evidence.

J. L. Rizos, E. Fernández-Valenzuela, J. L. Ortiz, F. L. Rommel, B. Sicardy, N. Morales, P. Santos-Sanz, R. Leiva, M. Vara-Lubiano, R. Morales, M. Kretlow, A. Alvarez-Candal, B. J. Holler, R. Duffard, J. M. Gómez-Limón, J. Desmars, D. Souami, M. Assafin, G. Benedetti-Rossi, F. Braga-Ribas, J. I. B. Camargo, F. Colas, J. Lecacheux, A. R. Gomes-Júnior, R. Vieira-Martins, C. L. Pereira, B. Morgado, Y. Kilic, S. Redfield, C. Soloff, K. McGregor, K. Green, T. Midavaine, O. Schreurs, M. Lecossois, R. Boninsegna, M. Ida, P. Le Cam, K. Isobe, Hayato Watanabe, S. Yuasa, Hikaru Watanabe, S. Kidd

Centaurs, distinguished by their volatile-rich compositions, play a pivotal role in understanding the formation and evolution of the early solar system, as they represent remnants of the primordial material that populated the outer regions. Stellar occultations offer a means to investigate their physical properties, including shape, rotational state, or the potential presence of satellites and rings. This work aims to conduct a detailed study of the centaur (54598) Bienor through stellar occultations and rotational light curves from photometric data collected during recent years. We successfully predicted three stellar occultations by Bienor, which were observed from Japan, Eastern Europe, and the USA. In addition, we organized observational campaigns from Spain to obtain rotational light curves. At the same time, we develop software to generate synthetic light curves from three-dimensional shape models, enabling us to validate the outcomes through computer simulations. We resolve Bienor's projected ellipse for December 26, 2022, determine a prograde sense of rotation, and confirm an asymmetric rotational light curve. We also retrieve the axes of its triaxial ellipsoid shape as a = (127 $\pm$ 5) km, b = (55 $\pm$ 4) km, and c = (45 $\pm$ 4) km. Moreover, we refine the rotation period to 9.1736 $\pm$ 0.0002 hours and determine a geometric albedo of (6.5 $\pm$ 0.5) %, higher than previously determined by other methods. Finally, by comparing our findings with previous results and simulated rotational light curves, we analyze whether an irregular or contact-binary shape, the presence of an additional element such as a satellite, or significant albedo variations on Bienor's surface, may be present.

Sara Santoni, Marco De Petris, Gustavo Yepes, Antonio Ferragamo, Matteo Bianconi, Meghan E. Gray, Ulrike Kuchner, Frazer R. Pearce, Weiguang Cui, Stefano Ettori

Galaxy clusters are located in the densest areas of the universe and are intricately connected to larger structures through the filamentary network of the Cosmic Web. In this scenario, matter flows from areas of lower density to higher density. As a result, the properties of galaxy clusters are deeply influenced by the filaments that are attached to them, which are quantified by a parameter known as connectivity. We explore the dependence of gas-traced filaments connected to galaxy clusters on the mass and dynamical state of the cluster. Moreover, we evaluate the effectiveness of the cosmic web extraction procedure from the gas density maps of simulated cluster regions. Using the DisPerSE cosmic web finder, we identify filamentary structures from 3D gas particle distribution in 324 simulated regions of $30 \, h^{-1}$ Mpc side from The Three Hundred hydrodynamical simulation at redshifts z=0, 1, and 2. We estimate the connectivity at various apertures for $\sim3000$ groups and clusters spanning a mass range from $10^{13} \, h^{-1} \, M_{\odot}$ to $10^{15} \, h^{-1} \, M_{\odot}$. Relationships between connectivity and cluster properties like radius, mass, dynamical state and hydrostatic mass bias are explored. We show that the connectivity is strongly correlated with the mass of galaxy clusters, with more massive clusters being on average more connected. This finding aligns with previous studies in literature, both from observational and simulated data sets. Additionally, we observe a dependence of the connectivity on the aperture at which it is estimated. We find that connectivity decreases with cosmic time, while no dependencies on the dynamical state and hydrostatic mass bias of the cluster are found. Lastly, we observe a significant agreement between the connectivity measured from gas-traced and mock-galaxies-traced filaments in the simulation.

C. V. da Silva, F. V. Alencar Filho, J. P. Bravo, D. B. de Freitas

We investigate the flux intensities spanning from radio waves to $\gamma$-rays across 36 light curves of Quasar 3C 273, utilizing publicly available data collected by the Integral Science Data Centre (ISDC) database. Our analysis reveals a consistent adherence of all light curves from this quasar to $q$-Gaussian distribution. This compelling finding strongly suggests a nonextensive behavior exhibited by Quasar 3C 273. Moreover, we derive the $q$ entropic indices for these light curves, providing insights into the degree of nonextensivity, where cases with $q>1$ were primarily observed. Utilizing this index, we estimate the nonextensive entropy ($S_{q}$) and explore its correlation with the energy (in eV) and the $q$ index. Notably, we observe a tendency for the $q$ value to increase as the Tsallis entropy decreases. Remarkably, our most significant observation pertains to the relationship between the entropy $S_{q}$ and the energy of the source. We identify an anomalous behavior in entropy, particularly evident in the infrared and $\gamma$-ray wavebands.

Munazza K. Alam, James Kirk, Leonardo A. Dos Santos, Patrick McCreery, Andrew P. Allan, James E. Owen, Aline A. Vidotto, Romain Allart, Vincent Bourrier, Néstor Espinoza, George W. King, Mercedes López-Morales, Julia V. Seidel

We search for excess in-transit absorption of neutral helium at 1.083 $\mu$m in the atmospheres of the young (<800 Myr) sub-Jovian (0.2-0.5 $\rm R_{J}$) planets HD 63433b, K2-100b, and V1298 Tau c using high-resolution (R~25,000) transit observations taken with Keck II/NIRSPEC. Our observations do not show evidence of helium absorption for any of the planets in our sample. We calculate 3$\sigma$ upper limits on the planets' excess helium absorption of <0.47% for HD 63433b, <0.56% for K2-100b, and <1.13% for V1298 Tau c. In terms of equivalent width, we constrain these to <2.52, <4.44, and <8.49 mA for HD 63433b, K2-100b, and V1298 Tau c, respectively. We fit our transmission spectra with one-dimensional Parker wind models to determine upper limits on the planets' mass-loss rates of <7.9$\times10^{10}$, <1.25$\times10^{11}$, and <$7.9\times10^{11}$g s$^{-1}$. Our non-detections align with expectations from one-dimensional hydrodynamic escape models, magnetic fields, and stellar wind confinement. The upper limits we measure for these planets are consistent with predicted trends in system age and He equivalent width from 1D hydrodynamic models.

Weilin Teng, Yingna Su, Rui Liu, Jialin Chen, Yanjie Liu, Jun Dai, Wenda Cao, Jinhua Shen, Haisheng Ji

Minifilaments are widespread small-scale structures in the solar atmosphere. To better understand their formation and eruption mechanisms, we investigate the entire life of a sigmoidal minifilament located below a large quiescent filament observed by BBSO/GST on 2015 August 3. The H{\alpha} structure initially appears as a group of arched threads, then transforms into two J-shaped arcades, and finally forms a sigmoidal shape. SDO/AIA observations in 171Å show that two coronal jets occur around the southern footpoint of the minifilament before the minifilament eruption. The minifilament eruption starts from the southern footpoint, then interacts with the overlying filament and fails. The aforementioned observational changes correspond to three episodes of flux cancellations observed by SDO/HMI. Unlike previous studies, the flux cancellation occurs between the polarity where southern footpoint of the minifilament is rooted in and an external polarity. We construct two magnetic field models before the eruption using the flux rope insertion method, and find an hyperbolic flux tube (HFT) above the flux cancellation site. The observation and modeling results suggest that the eruption is triggered by the external magnetic reconnection between the core field of the minifilament and the external fields due to flux cancellations. This study reveals a new triggering mechanism for minifilament eruptions and a new relationship between minifilament eruptions and coronal jets.

The wide range of sub- and super-nuclear densities achieved in neutron stars makes them ideal probes of dense nuclear behavior in the form of the nuclear equation of state (EoS). Studying neutron stars both in isolation and in highly dynamic events, many recent observations, most famously the gravitational wave and electromagnetic signals associated with the BNS merger GW170817/AT2017gfo, have provided suggestive insight into these highest nuclear densities. Measurements of galactic neutron star masses and radii from NICER and other radio and X-ray measurements provide critical complementary perspectives, bounding other features of the EoS. Though nominally congruent, in this paper we highlight many underappreciated "hidden" priors embedded in joint analysis of these many messengers, and their systematic impact on joint EoS inference. In this work, we perform a careful step-by-step Bayesian inference using a simple low-dimensional parametric EoS model, incrementally adding information from galactic pulsars, gravitational wave sources, and more speculative constraints involving kilonovae and the neutron star maximum mass. At each stage, we carefully discuss the marginal likelihood, explaining how hidden priors impact conclusions. Conversely, we also quantify how much information these measurements have, arguing that many if not most have minimal impact relative to the explicit and hidden prior assumptions. Specifically, we find two features dominate our inference: on the one hand, the choice of EoS parameterization and particularly hyperprior, and on the other the astrophysical priors associated with interpreting events, particularly the multimessenger source GW170817. In an appendix, we outline a simple semianalytic projection suitable for assessing the measurability of the EoS with ensembles of present and future detections.

The origins and mergers of supermassive black holes (BHs) remain a mystery. We describe a scenario from a novel multi-physics simulation featuring rapid ($\lesssim 1\,$Myr) hyper-Eddington gas capture by a $\sim 1000\,{\rm M}_{\odot}$ ``seed'' BH up to supermassive ($\gtrsim 10^{6}\,M_{\odot}$) masses, in a massive, dense molecular cloud complex typical of high-redshift starbursts. Due to the high cloud density, stellar feedback is inefficient and most of the gas turns into stars in star clusters which rapidly merge hierarchically, creating deep potential wells. Relatively low-mass BH seeds at random positions can be ``captured'' by merging sub-clusters and migrate to the center in $\sim1$ free-fall time (vastly faster than dynamical friction). This also efficiently produces a paired BH binary with $\sim 0.1$\,pc separation. The centrally-concentrated stellar density profile (akin to a ``proto-bulge'') allows the cluster as a whole to capture and retain gas and build up a large (pc-scale) circum-binary accretion disk with gas coherently funnelled to the central BH (even when the BH radius of influence is small). The disk is ``hyper-magnetized'' and ``flux-frozen'': dominated by a toroidal magnetic field with plasma $\beta \sim 10^{-3}$, with the fields amplified by flux-freezing. This drives hyper-Eddington inflow rates $\gtrsim 1\,\rm M_\odot yr^{-1}$, which also drive the two BHs to nearly-equal masses. The late-stage system appears remarkably similar to recently-observed high-redshift ``little red dots.'' This scenario can provide an explanation for rapid SMBH formation, growth and mergers in high-redshift galaxies.

Qiong Li, Christopher J. Conselice, Florian Sarron, Tom Harvey, Duncan Austin, Nathan Adams, James A. A. Trussler, Qiao Duan, Leonardo Ferreira, Lewi Westcott, Honor Harris, Hervé Dole, Norman A. Grogin, Brenda Frye, Anton M. Koekemoer, Clayton Robertson, Rogier A. Windhorst, Maria del Carmen Polletta, Nimish P. Hathi

In this paper we describe our search for galaxy protocluster candidates at $4.5< z < 10$ and explore the environmental and physical properties of their member galaxies identified through JWST wide-field surveys within the CEERS, JADES, and PEARLS NEP-TDF fields. Combining with HST data, we identify 2948 robust $z>4.5$ candidates within an area of 185.4 arcmin$^2$. We determine nearest neighbour statistics and galaxy environments. We find that high-$z$ galaxies in overdense environments exhibit higher star formation activity compared to those in underdense regions. Galaxies in dense environments have a slightly increased SFR at a given mass compared with galaxies in the lower density environments. At the high mass end we also find a gradual flattening of the $M_{\star}$-SFR slope. We find that galaxies in high-density regions often have redder UV slopes than those in low-density regions, suggesting more dust extinction, weaker Lyman-alpha emission and / or a higher damped Lyman-alpha absorption. We also find that the mass-size relation remains consistent and statistically similar across all environments. Furthermore, we quantitatively assess the probability of a galaxy belonging to a protocluster candidate. In total, we identified 26 overdensities at $z=5-7$ and estimate their dark matter halo masses. We find that all protocluster candidates could evolve into clusters with $M_{\rm halo} > 10^{14}M_{\odot}$ at $z = 0$, thereby supporting the theoretical and simulation predictions of cluster formation. Notably, this marks an early search for protocluster candidates in JWST wide field based on photometric data, providing valuable candidates to study cosmic structure formation at the early stages.

Andrea Giuliani, Martina Cardillo

In the 1960s, the remnants of supernova explosions (SNRs) were indicated as a possible source of galactic cosmic rays through the Diffusive Shock Acceleration (DSA) mechanism. Since then, the observation of gamma-ray emission from relativistic ions in these objects has been one of the main goals of high-energy astrophysics. A few dozen SNRs have been detected at GeV and TeV photon energies in the last two decades. However, these observations have shown a complex phenomenology that is not easy to reduce to the standard paradigm based on DSA acceleration. Although the understanding of these objects has greatly increased, and their nature as efficient electron and proton accelerators has been observed, it remains to be clarified whether these objects are the main contributors to galactic cosmic rays. Here, we review the observations of {\gamma}-ray emission from SNRs and the perspectives for the future.

Suma Murthy, Raffaella Morganti, Tom Oosterloo, Robert Schulz, Zsolt Paragi

We present deep kpc- and pc-scale neutral atomic hydrogen (HI) absorption observations of a very young radio source (< 5000 yrs), 4C 31.04, using the WSRT and the Global VLBI array. Using $z=0.0598$, we detect a broad absorption feature centred at the systemic velocity, and narrow absorption redshifted by 220 km/s both previously observed. Additionally, we detect a new blueshifted, broad, shallow absorption wing. At pc scales, the broad absorption at the systemic velocity is detected across the entire radio source while the shallow wing is only seen against part of the eastern lobe. The velocity dispersion of the gas is overall high ($\geq$40 km/s), and is highest (>60 km/s) in the region including the outflow and the radio hot spot. While we detect a velocity gradient along the western lobe and parts of the eastern lobe, most of the gas along the rest of the eastern lobe exhibits no signs of rotation. We therefore conclude that the radio lobes of 4C 31.04 are expanding into a circumnuclear disc, partially disrupting it and making the gas highly turbulent. The distribution of gas is predominantly smooth at the spatial resolution of ~4 pc studied here. However, clumps of gas are also present, particularly along the eastern lobe. This lobe is strongly interacting with the clouds and driving an outflow ~35 pc from the radio core, with a mass-outflow rate of $0.3 \leq \dot{M} \leq 1.4$ M$_\odot$/yr. We compare our observations with a model on the survival of atomic gas clouds in radio-jet-driven outflows and find that the existence of a sub-kpc outflow implies high gas density and inefficient mixing of the cold gas with the hot medium, leading to shorter cooling times. Overall, this provides further evidence of the strong impact of young radio jets on cold ISM and supports the predictions of simulations regarding jet$-$ISM interactions and the nature of the gas into which the jets expand.

Sukannya Bhattacharya, Giulia Borghetto, Ameek Malhotra, Susha Parameswaran, Gianmassimo Tasinato, Ivonne Zavala

Dynamical dark energy has gained renewed interest due to recent theoretical and observational developments. In the present paper, we focus on a string-motivated dark energy set-up, and perform a detailed cosmological analysis of exponential quintessence with potential $V=V_0 e^{-\lambda\phi}$, allowing for non-zero spatial curvature. We first gain some physical intuition into the full evolution of such a scenario by analysing the corresponding dynamical system. Then, we test the model using a combination of Planck CMB data, DESI BAO data, as well as recent supernovae datasets. For the model parameter $\lambda$, we obtain a preference for nonzero values: $\lambda = 0.48^{+0.28}_{-0.21},\; 0.68^{+0.31}_{-0.20},\; 0.77^{+0.18}_{-0.15}$ at 68% C.L. when combining CMB+DESI with Pantheon+, Union3 and DES-Y5 supernovae datasets respectively. We find no significant hint for spatial curvature. We discuss the implications of current cosmological results for the exponential quintessence model, and more generally for dark energy in string theory.

High-resolution observations with GRAVITY-VLTI instrument have provided abundant information about the flares in Sgr A*, the supermassive black hole in our Galactic center, including the time-dependent location of the centroid (a "hot spot"), the light curve, and polarization. Yuan et al. (2009) proposed a "coronal mass ejection" model to explain the flares and their association with the plasma ejection. The key idea is that magnetic reconnection in the accretion flow produces the flares and results in the formation and ejection of flux ropes. The dynamical process proposed in the model has been confirmed by three-dimensional GRMHD simulations in a later work. Based on this scenario, in our previous works the radiation of the flux rope has been calculated analytically and compared to the observations. In the present paper, we develop the model by directly using numerical simulation data to interpret observations. We first identify flux ropes formed due to reconnection from the data. By assuming that electrons are accelerated in the reconnection current sheet and flow into the flux rope and emit their radiation there, we have calculated the time-dependent energy distribution of electrons after phenomenologically considering their injection due to reconnection acceleration, radiative and adiabatic cooling. The radiation of these electrons is calculated using the ray-tracing approach. The trajectory of the hot spot, the radiation light curve during the flare, and the polarization are calculated. These results are compared with the GRAVITY observations and good consistencies are found.

B. Theodore Zhang, Kohta Murase, Nick Ekanger, Mukul Bhattacharya, Shunsaku Horiuchi

We investigate the propagation of ultraheavy (UH) nuclei as ultrahigh-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs). We show that their energy loss lengths at $\lesssim300$~EeV are significantly longer than those of protons and intermediate nuclei, and that the highest-energy cosmic rays with energies beyond $\sim100$~EeV, including the Amaterasu particle, may originate from such UH-UHECRs. We derive constraints on the contribution of UH-UHECR sources, and find that they are consistent with energy generation rate densities of UHECRs from collapsars and neutron star mergers.

Ema Dimastrogiovanni, Matteo Fasiello, Martino Michelotti, Ogan Özsoy

Inflationary models equipped with Chern-Simons coupling between their axion and gauge sectors exhibit an array of interesting signals including a testable chiral gravitational wave spectrum. The energy injection in the gauge sector triggered by the rolling axion leads to a well-studied enhancement of gauge field fluctuations. These may in turn affect observables such as the scalar and tensor spectra and also account for non-linear corrections to field propagators. In this work, we focus on non-Abelian gauge sectors. We show that gauge field self-interactions and axion-gauge field non-linear couplings significantly renormalize the gauge field mode function. Operating within the regime of validity of the perturbative treatment places strong constraints on the accessible parameter space of this class of models. We calculate corrections to the gauge field propagator that are universally present in these scenarios. Enforcing perturbativity on such propagators leads to bounds that are competitive with those stemming from analytical estimates on the onset of the strong backreaction regime.

Energetic cosmic rays scatter off the cosmic neutrino background throughout the history of the Universe, yielding a diffuse flux of cosmic relic neutrinos boosted to high energies. We calculate this flux under different assumptions of the cosmic-ray flux spectral slope and redshift evolution. The non-observation of the diffuse flux of boosted relic neutrinos with current high-energy neutrino experiments already excludes an average cosmic neutrino background overdensity larger than $\sim 10^{4}$ over cosmological distances. We discuss the future detectability of the diffuse flux of boosted relic neutrinos in light of neutrino overdensity estimates and cosmogenic neutrino backgrounds.

Holographic dark energy models have proven to be a very interesting way to study various aspects of late-time acceleration of the universe. In this work we extensively study HDE models with the Granda-Oliveros cutoff with an ansatz based approach. We consider the Tsallis, Barrow and PLEC HDE models in this regard and consdier simple power law, emergent universe, intermediate and logamediate forms of for the universe. Studying various cosmologically interesting parameters alongside the thermodynamical aspects in these models, we show that the Logamediate models are the best fit out of the other possibilites, followed by the emergent universe model, intermediate model and the simple power law models at the very last in terms of feasibility.

Sebastian Baum, Cassandra Little, Paola Sala, Joshua Spitz, Patrick Stengel

We present a novel experimental concept to search for proton decay. Using paleo-detectors, ancient minerals acquired from deep underground which can hold traces of charged particles, it may be possible to conduct a search for $p \to \bar{\nu} K^+$ via the track produced at the endpoint of the kaon. Such a search is not possible on Earth due to large atmospheric-neutrino-induced backgrounds. However, the Moon offers a reprieve from this background, since the conventional component of the cosmic-ray-induced neutrino flux at the Moon is significantly suppressed due to the Moon's lack of atmosphere. For a 100 g, $10^9$ year old (100 kton$\cdot$year exposure) sample of olivine extracted from the Moon, we expect about 0.5 kaon endpoints due to neutrino backgrounds, including secondary interactions. If such a lunar paleo-detector sample can be acquired and efficiently analyzed, proton decay sensitivity exceeding $\tau_p\sim10^{34}$ years may be achieved, competitive with Super-Kamiokande's current published limit ($\tau_p>5.9\times 10^{33}$ years at 90% CL) and the projected reach of DUNE and Hyper-Kamiokande in the $p \to \bar{\nu} K^+$ channel. This concept is clearly futuristic, not least since it relies on extracting mineral samples from a few kilometers below the surface of the Moon and then efficiently scanning them for kaon endpoint induced crystal defects with sub-micron-scale resolution. However, the search for proton decay is in urgent need of a paradigm shift, and paleo-detectors could provide a promising alternative to conventional experiments.

Anirban Biswas (Yonsei U.), Arpan Kar (CQUeST, Seoul), Bum-Hoon Lee (CQUeST, Seoul and Sogang U.), Hocheol Lee (CQUeST, Seoul and Sogang U.), Wonwoo Lee (CQUeST, Seoul), Stefano Scopel (CQUeST, Seoul and Sogang U.), Liliana Velasco-Sevilla (CQUeST, Seoul and Sogang U.), Lu Yin (CQUeST, Seoul and APCTP, Pohang)

We provide a transparent discussion of the high temperature asymptotic behaviour of Cosmology in a dilaton-Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet (dEGB) scenario of modified gravity with vanishing scalar potential. In particular, we show that it has a clear interpretation in terms of only three attractors (stable critical points) of a set of autonomous differential equations: $w=-\frac{1}{3}$, $w=1$ and $1<w<\frac{7}{3}$, where $w\equiv p/\rho$ is the equation of state, defined as the ratio of the total pressure and the total energy density. All the possible different high-temperature evolution histories of the model are exhausted by only eight paths in the flow of the set of the autonomous differential equations. Our discussion clearly explains why five out of them are characterized by a swift transition of the system toward the attractor, while the remaining three show a more convoluted evolution, where the system follows a meta-stable equation of state at intermediate temperatures before eventually jumping to the real attractor at higher temperatures. Compared to standard Cosmology, the regions of the dEGB parameter space with $w=-\frac{1}{3}$ show a strong enhancement of the expected Gravitational Wave stochastic background produced by the primordial plasma of relativistic particles of the Standard Model. This is due to the very peculiar fact that dEGB allows to have an epoch when the energy density $\rho_{\rm rad}$ of the relativistic plasma dominates the energy of the Universe while at the same time the rate of dilution with $T$ of the total energy density is slower than what usually expected during radiation dominance. This allows to use the bound from BBN to put in dEGB a constraint $T_{\rm RH}\lesssim 10^8 - 10^9$ GeV on the reheating temperature of the Universe $T_{\rm RH}$. Such BBN bound is complementary to late-time constraints from compact binary mergers.

The proposed space gravitational wave (GW) detector LISA has potential to detect stellar-mass black hole binaries (BBHs). The majority of the detected BBHs are expected to emit nearly monochromatic GWs, whose frequency evolution will be efficiently described by Taylor expansions. We study the measurability of the associated time derivative coefficients of the frequencies, by extending a recent work based on a simplified Fisher matrix analysis. Additionally, we provide qualitative discussions on how to extract astrophysical information, such as orbital eccentricity and tertiary perturbation, from the observed derivative coefficients.

We investigate the polarization modes of gravitational waves in $f(Q)$ non-metric gravity without gauge fixing. The main result of this study is that no further scalar mode appears more than the two standard plus and cross transverse polarizations of massless tensor gravitational radiation, typical of General Relativity. This is because the first-order perturbation of connection does not modify the linearized field equations in vacuum which remain gauge invariant. Then, the world line equations of free point particles, as well as the equations of their deviations, are obtained using only the symmetric teleparallel connection. In $f(Q)$ gravity, test masses follow timelike geodesics and not autoparallel curves. In the proper reference frame, thanks to the geodesic deviation equation of the structure-less bodies in free fall, we prove that, in any gauge, only the metric perturbations $h_{\mu\nu}$, related to tensor modes, survive by exploiting the gauge invariance. Besides, scalar modes disappear. This allows us to conclude that only two degrees of freedom of linearized $f(Q)$ non-metric gravity propagate as in General Relativity and in $f(T)$ teleparallel gravity. The situation is different with respect to $f(R)$ gravity (with $f(R)\neq R$) where a further scalar mode is found.

Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is the fundamental theory describing the strong nuclear force and the interactions among quarks and gluons. Topological stars, characterized by extreme density conditions, offer a unique environment where QCD phenomena play a crucial role due to the confinement of fundamental particles. Understanding these phenomena is essential for unraveling the behavior and properties of these celestial bodies. In this study, we explore the implications of QCD within extreme density regimes, focusing on its contribution to the energy-momentum tensor ($T^{\mu\nu}_{\text{QCD}}$) within the framework of Quantum Chromodynamics. Our analysis sheds light on how these QCD effects influence the fabric of spacetime in the vicinity of topological stars, providing valuable insights into their underlying physics.

We use particle-in-cell, fully electromagnetic, plasma kinetic simulation to study the effect of external magnetic field on electron scale Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (ESKHI). The results are applicable to collisionless plasmas when e.g. solar wind interacts with planetary magnetospheres or magnetic field is generated in AGN jets. We find that as in the case of magnetohydrodynamic KHI, in the kinetic regime, presence of external magnetic field reduces growth rate of the instability. In MHD case there is known threshold magnetic field for KHI stabilization, while in for ESKHI this is to be analytically determined. Without a kinetic analytical expression, we use several numerical simulation runs to establish an empirical dependence of ESKHI growth rate, $\Gamma(B_0)\omega_{\rm pe}$, on the strength of applied external magnetic field. We find the best fit is hyperbolic, $\Gamma(B_0)\omega_{\rm pe}=\Gamma_0\omega_{\rm pe}/(A+B\bar B_0)$, where $\Gamma_0$ is the ESKHI growth rate without external magnetic field and $\bar B_0=B_0/B_{\rm MHD}$ is the ratio of external and two-fluid MHD stability threshold magnetic field, derived here. An analytical theory to back up this growth rate dependence on external magnetic field is needed. The results suggest that in astrophysical settings where strong magnetic field pre-exists, the generation of an additional magnetic field by the ESKHI is suppressed, which implies that the Nature provides a "safety valve" -- natural protection not to "over-generate" magnetic field by ESKHI mechanism. Remarkably, we find that our two-fluid MHD threshold magnetic field is the same (up to a factor $\sqrt{\gamma_0}$) as the DC saturation magnetic field, previously predicted by fully kinetic theory.

While two highly intensive laser beams collide, they create a region where the refractive index varies so quickly that photons are created. The variance of the refractive index is analog to the universe scale factor variance. Therefore, this laser system can be an analog to the expansion of the universe. We find that several hundreds of photons can be created under feasible conditions. This system can demonstrate the particle creation during inflation or other similar periods.

The neutrino force results from the exchange of a pair of neutrinos. A neutrino background can significantly influence this force. In this work, we present a comprehensive calculation of the neutrino force in various neutrino backgrounds with spin dependence taken into account. In particular, we calculate the spin-independent and spin-dependent parity-conserving neutrino forces, in addition to the spin-dependent parity-violating neutrino forces with and without the presence of a neutrino background for both isotropic and anisotropic backgrounds. Compared with the vacuum case, the neutrino background can effectively violate Lorentz invariance and lead to additional parity-violating terms that are not suppressed by the velocity of external particles. We estimate the magnitude of the effect of atomic parity-violation experiments, and it turns out to be well below the current experimental sensitivity.

Gravitational waves (GWs) from compact binary coalescences (CBCs) offer insights into the universe expansion. The spectral siren method, used without electromagnetic counterparts (EMC), infers cosmic expansion (Hubble constant) by relating detector and source frame masses of black hole (BH) mergers. However, heuristic mass models (broken power law, power law plus peak, multipeak) may introduce biases in the Hubble constant estimation, potentially up to 3 sigma with 2000 detected GW mergers. These biases stem from the models inability to consider redshift evolution and unexpected mass features. Future GW cosmology studies should employ adaptable source mass models to address these issues.

Karthik Ramanathan, John E. Parker, Lalit M. Joshi, Andrew D. Beyer, Pierre M. Echternach, Serge Rosenblum, Brandon J. Sandoval, Sunil R. Golwala

The next generation of rare-event searches, such as those aimed at determining the nature of particle dark matter or in measuring fundamental neutrino properties, will benefit from particle detectors with thresholds at the meV scale, 100-1000x lower than currently available. Quantum parity detectors (QPDs) are a novel class of proposed quantum devices that use the tremendous sensitivity of superconducting qubits to quasiparticle tunneling events as their detection concept. As envisioned, phonons generated by particle interactions within a crystalline substrate cause an eventual quasiparticle cascade within a surface patterned superconducting qubit element. This process alters the fundamental charge parity of the device in a binary manner, which can be used to deduce the initial properties of the energy deposition. We lay out the operating mechanism, noise sources, and expected sensitivity of QPDs based on a spectrum of charge-qubit types and readout mechanisms and detail an R&D pathway to demonstrating sensitivity to sub-eV energy deposits.

We present a new Hubble parameterization method and employ observational data from Hubble, Pantheon, and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations to constrain model parameters. The proposed method is thoroughly validated against these datasets, demonstrating a robust fit to the observational Hubble, Pantheon, and BAO data. The obtained best-fit values are $H_0 = 67.5^{+1.3}_{-1.6}$ $\text{km s}^{-1} \text{Mpc}^{-1}$, $\Omega_{\rm{m0}} = 0.2764\pm{0.0094}$, and $\alpha = 0.33\pm{0.22}$, consistent with the Planck 2018 results, highlighting the existence of Hubble tension.