We investigate the gas-grain relative drift velocity distributions of charged astrophysical dust grains in MHD turbulence. We do this using a range of MHD-PIC simulations spanning different plasma-$\beta$, sonic/Alfvén Mach number, and with grains of varying size and charge-to-mass ratio. We find that the root-mean-square drift velocity is a strong function of the grain size, following a power law with a 1/2 slope. The r.m.s. value has only a very weak dependence on the charge-to-mass ratio. On the other hand, the shape of the distribution is a strong function of the grain charge-to-mass ratio, and in compressible turbulence, also the grain size. We then compare these results to simple analytic models based upon time-domain quasi-linear theory and solutions to the Fokker-Planck equation. These models explain qualitatively the r.m.s. drift velocity's lack of charge-to-mass ratio dependence, as well as why the shape of the distribution changes as the charge-to-mass ratio increases. Finally we scale our results to astrophysical conditions. As an example, at a length scale of one parsec in the cold neutral medium, 0.1 $\mu$m grains should be drifting at roughly 40% of the turbulent velocity dispersion. These findings may serve as a basis for a model for grain velocities in the context of grain-grain collisions, non-thermal sputtering, and accretion of metals. These findings also have implications for the transport of grains through the galaxy, suggesting that grains may have non-negligible random motions at length-scales that many modern galaxy simulations approach.
We investigated in detail the M5.8 class solar flare that occurred on 2023-03-06. This flare was one of the first strong flares observed by the Siberian Radioheliograph in the microwave range and the Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory in the X-ray range. The flare consisted of two separate flaring events (a "thermal" and a "cooler" ones), and was associated with (and probably triggered by) a filament eruption. During the first part of the flare, the microwave emission was produced in an arcade of relatively short and low flaring loops. During the second part of the flare, the microwave emission was produced by energetic electrons trapped near the top of a large-scale flaring loop; the evolution of the trapped electrons was mostly affected by the Coulomb collisions. Using the available observations and the GX Simulator tool, we created a 3D model of the flare, and estimated the parameters of the energetic electrons in it.
We present a new suite of numerical simulations of the star-forming interstellar medium (ISM) using the TIGRESS-NCR framework, covering a wide range of galactic conditions including metallicity. The TIGRESS-NCR framework is a model of the ISM in galactic disks that solves ideal MHD equations with self-gravity in a local shearing-box, including explicit treatment of cooling and heating processes coupled with ray-tracing UV radiation transfer and resolved supernova feedback. The TIGRESS-NCR suite presented in this paper covers metallicity variation $Z'\equiv Z/Z_\odot\sim 0.1-3$, gas surface density $\Sigma_{\rm gas}\sim5-150{\,M_{\odot}{\rm pc^{-2}}}$, and stellar surface density $\Sigma_{\rm star}\sim1-50{M_{\odot}{\rm pc^{-2}}}$, leading to emergent SFR surface density $\Sigma_{\rm SFR}\sim 10^{-4}-0.5{M_{\odot}{\rm kpc^{-2}yr^{-1}}}$ and ISM total midplane pressure $P_{\rm tot}/k_B=10^3-10^6 {\rm cm^{-3}K}$, with $P_{\rm tot}$ equal to the ISM weight $W$. In our simulation suite, $\Sigma_{\rm SFR} \propto {Z'}^{0.3}$, which can be understood based on feedback physics. We present a new calibration for the components of feedback yield $\Upsilon$, defined as ratios between pressure (thermal, turbulent, and magnetic) and $\Sigma_{\rm SFR}$. We find that the thermal feedback yield varies sensitively as $\Upsilon_{\rm th}\propto W^{-0.46}Z'^{-0.53}$, while the combined turbulent and magnetic feedback yield shows weaker dependence $\Upsilon_{\rm turb+mag}\propto W^{-0.22}Z'^{-0.18}$. The reduced $\Sigma_{\rm SFR}$ at low metallicity is due mainly to enhanced thermal feedback yield resulting from reduced attenuation of UV radiation. Combining vertical dynamical equilibrium, feedback yield, and effective equation of state, we provide a new metallicity-dependent subgrid star formation prescription that can be used in cosmological simulations where the ISM is unresolved.