Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are found in the centers of massive galaxies, and galaxy mergers should eventually lead to SMBH mergers. Quasar activity has long been associated with galaxy mergers, so here we investigate if supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHBs) are preferentially found in quasars. Our multimessenger investigation folds together a gravitational wave background signal from NANOGrav, a sample of periodic AGN candidates from the Catalina Real-Time Transient Survey, and a quasar mass function, to estimate an upper limit on the fraction of quasars which could host a SMBHB. We find at 95\% confidence that quasars are at most seven times as likely to host a SMBHB as a random galaxy. Quasars should therefore be prioritized as targets for SMBHB searches in pulsar timing arrays.
NGC~613 is a nearby barred spiral galaxy with a nuclear ring. Exploiting high spatial resolution ($\approx20$ pc) Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array $^{12}$CO(2-1) observations, we study the giant molecular clouds (GMCs) in the nuclear ring and its vicinity, identifying $158$ spatially- and spectrally-resolved GMCs. The GMC sizes ($R_{\mathrm{c}}$) are comparable to those of the clouds in the Milky Way (MW) disc, but their gas masses, observed linewidths ($\sigma_{\mathrm{obs,los}}$) and gas mass surface densities are larger. The GMC size -- linewidth relation ($\sigma_{\mathrm{obs,los}}\propto R_{\mathrm{c}}^{0.77}$) is steeper than that of the clouds of the MW disc and centre, and the GMCs are on average only marginally gravitationally bound (with a mean virial parameter $\langle\alpha_{\mathrm{obs,vir}}\rangle\approx1.7$). We discuss the possible origins of the steep size -- linewidth relation and enhanced observed linewidths of the clouds and suggest that a combination of mechanisms such as stellar feedback, gas accretion and cloud-cloud collisions, as well as the gas inflows driven by the large-scale bar, may play a role.
Recent sub-millimeter dust thermal emission observations have unveiled a significant number of inter-arm massive molecular clouds in M31.However,the effectiveness of this technique is limited to its sensitivity,making it challenging to study more distant galaxies.This study introduces an alternative approach,utilizing optical extinctions derived from space-based telescopes,with a focus on the forthcoming China Space Station Telescope(CSST).We first demonstrate the capability of this method by constructing dust extinction maps for 17 inter-arm massive molecular clouds in M31 using the Panchromatic Hubble Andromeda Treasury(PHAT) data.Our analysis reveals that inter-arm massive molecular clouds with an optical extinction(AV) greater than 1.6 mag exhibit a notable AV excess,facilitating their identification.The majority of these inter-arm massive molecular clouds show an AV around 1 mag,aligning with measurements from our JCMT data.Further validation using a mock CSST RGB star catalog confirms the method's effectiveness.We show that the derived AV values using CSST z and y photometries align more closely with the input values.Molecular clouds with AV>1.6 mag can also be identified using the CSST mock data.We thus claim that future CSST observation could provide an effective way for the detection of inter-arm massive molecular clouds with significant optical extinction in nearby galaxies.
Low mass-ratio (q) contact binary systems are progenitors of stellar mergers such as blue straggles (BS) or fast-rotating FK Com stars. In this study, we present the first light curve analysis of two newly identified low mass-ratio contact binary systems, TIC 55007847 and TIC 63597006, that are identified from TESS. Both stars are classified as A-subtype contact binaries. We obtained the precise orbit periods for the two objects by using the O-C method, i.e. P=0.6117108 d for TIC 55007847 and P=0.7008995 d for TIC 63597006, respectively, and found an obvious periodic signal in the O-C curve of TIC 63597006. We suggest that the periodic signal comes from a third body. We further use the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method with PHOEBE to derive the photometric solutions for the two binaries. The photometric solution for this object shows that the contribution of the third body is about 6%. Our analysis revealed that TIC 55007847 has an extremely low mass ratio of q=0.08. By calculating the ratio of spin angular momentum to the orbital angular momentum Js/Jo, we found that TIC 55007847 is very close to the instability threshold with Js/Jo = 0.31, indicating that it may merge into a single, fast-rotating star in the future. For TIC 63597006, q=0.14 and Js/Jo=0.15. This object is in a relatively stable evolutionary status at present.
The distribution of stellar obliquities provides critical insight into the formation and evolution pathways of exoplanets. In the past decade, it was found that hot stars hosting hot Jupiters are more likely to have high obliquities than cool stars, but it is not clear whether this trend exists only for hot Jupiters or holds for other types of planets. In this work, we extend the study of the obliquities of hot (6250-7000\,K) stars with transiting super-Earth and sub-Neptune-sized planets. We constrain the obliquity distribution based on measurements of the stars' projected rotation velocities. Our sample consists of 170 TESS and \textit{Kepler} planet-hosting stars and 180 control stars chosen to have indistinguishable spectroscopic characteristics. In our analysis, we find evidence suggesting that the planet hosts have a systematically higher $\langle \sin i \rangle$ compared to the control sample. This result implies that the planet hosts tend to have lower obliquities. However, the observed difference in $\langle \sin i \rangle$ is not significant enough to confirm spin-orbit alignment, as it is 3.8$\sigma$ away from perfect alignment. We also find evidence that within the planet-hosting stars there is a trend of higher obliquity (lower $\langle \sin i\rangle$) for the hotter stars ($\teff > 6250$ K) than for the cooler stars in the sample. This suggests that hot stars hosting smaller planets exhibit a broader obliquity distribution($\langle \sin i\rangle = 0.79 \pm 0.053$) than cooler planet-hosting stars, indicating that high obliquities are not exclusive to hot Jupiters and instead are more broadly tied to hot stars.