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Papers for Tuesday, Jun 25 2024

Papers with local authors

William R. Coulton, Oliver H. E. Philcox, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro
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Paper 16 — arXiv:2406.15546
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Paper 16 — arXiv:2406.15546

Whilst current observational evidence favors a close-to-Gaussian spectrum of primordial perturbations, there exist many models of the early Universe that predict this distribution to have exponentially enhanced or suppressed tails. In this work, we generate realizations of the primordial potential with non-Gaussian tails via a phenomenological model; these are then evolved numerically to obtain maps of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and large-scale structure (LSS). In the CMB maps, our added non-Gaussianity manifests as a localized enhancement of hot and cold spots, which would be expected to contribute to $N$-point functions up to large $N$. Such models are indirectly constrained by \textit{Planck} trispectrum bounds, which restrict the changes in the temperature fluctuations to $O(10\mu\mathrm{K})$. In the late-time Universe, we find that tailed cosmologies lead to a halo mass function enhanced at high masses, as expected. Furthermore, significant scale-dependent bias in the halo-halo and halo-matter power spectrum is also sourced, which arises from the squeezed limit of large $N$-point functions that are implicitly generated through the enhancement of the tails. These results underscore that a detection of scale-dependent bias alone cannot be used to rule out single field inflation, but can be used together with other statistics to probe a wide range of primordial processes.

Zijie Yu, Furen Deng, Shijie Sun, Chenhui Niu, Jixia Li, Fengquan Wu, Wei-Yang Wang, Yougang Wang, Shifan Zuo, Lin Shu, Jie Hao, Xiaohui Liu, Reza Ansari, Ue-Li Pen, Albert Stebbins, Peter Timbie, Xuelei Chen
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Paper 36 — arXiv:2406.15740
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Paper 36 — arXiv:2406.15740

This paper presents the design, calibration, and survey strategy of the Fast Radio Burst (FRB) digital backend and its real-time data processing pipeline employed in the Tianlai Cylinder Pathfinder array. The array, consisting of three parallel cylindrical reflectors and equipped with 96 dual-polarization feeds, is a radio interferometer array designed for conducting drift scans of the northern celestial semi-sphere. The FRB digital backend enables the formation of 96 digital beams, effectively covering an area of approximately 40 square degrees with 3 dB beam. Our pipeline demonstrates the capability to make automatic search of FRBs, detecting at quasi-real-time and classify FRB candidates automatically. The current FRB searching pipeline has an overall recall rate of 88\%. During the commissioning phase, we successfully detected signals emitted by four well-known pulsars: PSR B0329+54, B2021+51, B0823+26, and B2020+28. We report the first discovery of an FRB by our array, designated as FRB 20220414A. We also investigate the optimal arrangement for the digitally formed beams to achieve maximum detection rate by numerical simulation.

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The redshifted 21cm signal from the Cosmic Dawn is expected to provide unprecedented insights into early Universe astrophysics and cosmology. Here, we briefly summarize how decaying dark matter can heat the intergalactic medium before the first galaxies, leaving a distinctive imprint on the 21cm power spectrum. We discuss the first Fisher matrix forecasts on the sensitivity of the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array telescope (HERA) and argue that HERA can improve by up to three orders of magnitude previous cosmology constraints. In these proceedings, we project these future bounds in the plane of the Axion like particles (ALP) coupling to photons as a function of the ALP mass. We focus on the ALP mass range between $\sim$ 10 keV and 1 MeV where the 21cm signal power spectrum probes are expected to improve on any other current dark matter searches. This illustrates how 21cm cosmology can be expected to help in probing uncharted regions of the dark matter parameter space beyond the reach of existing astro-particle and cosmology experiments.

Recently isotropic basis functions of $N$ unit vector arguments were presented; these are of significant use in measuring the N-Point Correlation Functions (NPCFs) of galaxy clustering. Here we develop the generating function for these basis functions -- i.e. that function which, expanded in a power series, has as its angular part the isotropic functions. We show that this can be developed using basic properties of the plane wave. A main use of the generating function is as an efficient route to obtaining the Cartesian basis expressions for the isotropic functions. We show that the methods here enable computing difficult overlap integrals of multiple spherical Bessel functions, and we also give related expansions of the Dirac Delta function into the isotropic basis. Finally, we outline how the Cartesian expressions for the isotropic basis functions might be used to enable a faster NPCF algorithm on the CPU.

The accelerated expansion of the Universe is impressively well described by a cosmological constant. However, the observed value of the cosmological constant is much smaller than expected based on quantum field theories. Recent efforts to achieve consistency in these theories have proposed a relationship between Dark Energy and the most compact objects, such as black holes (BH). However, experimental tests are very challenging to devise and perform. In this article, we present a testable model with no cosmological constant, in which the accelerated expansion can be driven by black holes. The model couples the expansion of the Universe (the Friedmann equation) with the mass-function of cosmological haloes (using the Press-Schechter formalism). Through the observed link between halo-masses and BH-masses one thus gets a coupling between the expansion rate of the Universe and the BHs. We compare the predictions of this simple BH model with SN1a data and find a poor agreement with observations. Our method is sufficiently general that it allows us to also test a fundamentally different model, also without a cosmological constant, where the accelerated expansion is driven by a new force proportional to the internal velocity dispersion of galaxies. Surprisingly enough this model cannot be excluded using the SN1a data.

We build an inflationary model based on Degenerate Higher Order Scalar Tensor (DHOST) theories in a de Sitter background. We determine the scale-dependent power spectrum of curvature perturbations in these theories and we show that such a model can be compatible with the latest Planck measurements on the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). We calculate the bispectrum of curvature perturbations in DHOST models and we directly constrain them using the Planck results on non-Gaussianities. We show that the bispectrum consists of a contribution depending only on the power spectrum parameters and a linear combination of terms depending on new parameters. The former peaks in the squeezed limit, while the latter in the equilateral limit. We use the publicly available CMB-BEST code to directly compare the model predictions to the CMB bispectrum statistics and to marginalise over the free parameters, explicitly showing that there are viable DHOST inflationary models that satisfy both the power spectrum and bispectrum constraints from Planck.

In this work, we investigate the dynamics of bouncing cosmologies within the framework of Weyl-type $f(Q,T)$ gravity. Here, $Q$ represents the non-metricity of the space-time, is determined by the vector field $w_\mu$, while $T$ represents the trace of the matter energy-momentum tensor. Our objective is to explore the feasibility of avoiding the Big Bang singularity by implementing a matter-bounce cosmology. To achieve this, we consider a specific model with the functional form $f(Q,T)=\alpha Q+\frac{\beta }{6\kappa ^2}T$, where $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are model parameters. We analyze the dynamical parameters associated with this model and examine the influence of the Weyl-type $f(Q,T)$ theory on these parameters. Moreover, we assess the stability of the proposed model to ensure its viability as a cosmological scenario. Through our analysis, we aim to gain insights into the potential implications and consequences of Weyl-type $f(Q,T)$ gravity for bouncing scenarios, contributing to our understanding of alternative gravitational theories in the context of cosmology.

The Q \& U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology (QUBIC) is a new kind of cosmological instrument that uses interferometry to observe the sky. The unique synthesized beam of QUBIC has an important frequency dépendance that we use to increase spectral resolution and perform new component separation methods, allowing us to mitigate foreground contamination in an improved manner.

I briefly review some of the most common map-making strategies for experiments targeting the polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), in light of the anticipated volumes of data collected by next generation observatories such as Simons Observatory and CMB-S4. Then, I focus on the pair-differencing approach, used for example in the POLARBEAR and BICEP collaborations. Using simulations including a number of systematic effects, I evaluate the impact of correlated and unpolarized signals such as coming from the atmosphere, which is a major contaminant for ground-based experiments.

Jessica Whitney, Tobías Liaudat, Matt Price, Matthijs Mars, Jason D. McEwen

Understanding the large-scale structure of the Universe and unravelling the mysteries of dark matter are fundamental challenges in contemporary cosmology. Reconstruction of the cosmological matter distribution from lensing observables, referred to as 'mass-mapping' is an important aspect of this quest. Mass-mapping is an ill-posed problem, meaning there is inherent uncertainty in any convergence map reconstruction. The demand for fast and efficient reconstruction techniques is rising as we prepare for upcoming surveys. We present a novel approach which utilises deep learning, in particular a conditional Generative Adversarial Network (cGAN), to approximate samples from a Bayesian posterior distribution, meaning they can be interpreted in a statistically robust manner. By combining data-driven priors with recent regularisation techniques, we introduce an approach that facilitates the swift generation of high-fidelity, mass maps. Furthermore, to validate the effectiveness of our approach, we train the model on mock COSMOS-style data, generated using Colombia Lensing's kappaTNG mock weak lensing suite. These preliminary results showcase compelling convergence map reconstructions and ongoing refinement efforts are underway to enhance the robustness of our method further.

The detection of primordial polarization $B$ modes of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) requires exquisite control of Galactic foreground contamination. The Needlet Internal Linear Combination (NILC) method has proven effective in reconstructing CMB $B$ modes without suffering from mis-modeling errors of Galactic emission. However, with the most complex foreground models, residual Galactic contamination from NILC is proved to bias, especially at large angular scales, the recovered CMB $B$ modes from simulated data of future CMB experiments. We therefore present two new extensions of NILC, Multi-Clustering NILC (MC-NILC) and optimized constrained Moment ILC (ocMILC), which allow to enhance foreground subtraction in the reconstructed CMB signal.

In this paper, we interpret the dark energy as an effect caused by small scale inhomogeneities of the universe with the use of the spatial averaged approach of Buchert. The model considered here adopts the Chevallier-Polarski-Linder(CPL) parameterizations of the equation of state of the effective perfect fluid from the backreaction effect. Thanks to the effective geometry introduced by Larena et. al.\cite{larena2009testing} in their previous work, we confront such backreaction model with latest type Ia supernova and Hubble parameter observations, coming out with results that reveal the difference between the Friedmann-Lema\^ıtre-Robertson-Walker model and backreaction model.

We present a benchmark study of ten symbolic regression algorithms applied to cosmological datasets. We find that the dimension of the feature space as well as precision of datasets are highly important for symbolic regression tasks to be successful. We find no indication that inter-dependence of features in datasets are particularly important, meaning that it is not an issue if datasets e.g. contain both $z$ and $H(z)$ as features. We find no indication that performance of algorithms on standardized datasets are good indications of performance on cosmological datasets. This suggests that it is not necessarily prudent to choose which symbolic regressions algorithm to use based on their performance on standardized data. Instead, a more prudent approach is to consider a variety of algorithms. Overall, we find that most of the benched algorithms do rather poorly in the benchmark and suggest possible ways to proceed with developing algorithms that will be better at identifying ground truth expressions for cosmological datasets. As part of this publication we introduce our benchmark algorithm cp3-bench which we make publicly available at this https URL. The philosophy behind cp3-bench is that is should be as user-friendly as possible, available in a ready-to-use format, and allow for easy additions of new algorithms and datasets.

Experiments were performed to study how rocket exhaust blows soil in lunar and Martian conditions. Jets of gas were blown downwardly at various granular materials while a camera recorded the formation of scour holes as the material was removed. The experiments were performed in a series of conditions ranging from ambient 101 kPa pressure down to 0.3 kPa. This includes the range that is relevant for lunar conditions, because it is not hard vacuum inside the rocket exhaust where soil is being eroded. Prior work in ambient conditions showed that erosion rate is proportional to the square of the densimetric Froude number. However, the prior work was not performed at low pressures. In the new work, preliminary results show that as the gas density is so low that gas flow around the sand grains is no longer in the continuum regime, then erosion rate is faster than predicted by the earlier results. The dependency of erosion rate on various parameters is determined, but it turns out to be more complex than expected so additional experimental work will be required to develop complete scaling relationships.

Connor Stone, Alexandre Adam, Adam Coogan, M. J. Yantovski-Barth, Andreas Filipp, Landung Setiawan, Cordero Core, Ronan Legin, Charles Wilson, Gabriel Missael Barco, Yashar Hezaveh, Laurence Perreault-Levasseur

Gravitational lensing is the deflection of light rays due to the gravity of intervening masses. This phenomenon is observed in a variety of scales and configurations, involving any non-uniform mass such as planets, stars, galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and even the large scale structure of the universe. Strong lensing occurs when the distortions are significant and multiple images of the background source are observed. The lens objects must align on the sky of order ~1 arcsecond for galaxy-galaxy lensing, or 10's of arcseonds for cluster-galaxy lensing. As the discovery of lens systems has grown to the low thousands, these systems have become pivotal for precision measurements and addressing critical questions in astrophysics. Notably, they facilitate the measurement of the Universe's expansion rate, dark matter, supernovae, quasars, and the first stars among other topics. With future surveys expected to discover hundreds of thousands of lensing systems, the modelling and simulation of such systems must occur at orders of magnitude larger scale then ever before. Here we present `caustics`, a Python package designed to handle the extensive computational demands of modeling such a vast number of lensing systems.

Everett Schlawin, Sagnick Mukherjee, Kazumasa Ohno, Taylor Bell, Thomas G. Beatty, Thomas P. Greene, Michael Line, Ryan C. Challener, Vivien Parmentier, Jonathan J. Fortney, Emily Rauscher, Lindsey Wiser, Luis Welbanks, Matthew Murphy, Isaac Edelman, Natasha Batalha, Sarah E. Moran, Nishil Mehta, Marcia Rieke

WASP-69 b is a hot, inflated, Saturn-mass planet 0.26 Mjup with a zero-albedo equilibrium temperature of 963 K. Here, we report the JWST 2 to 12 um emission spectrum of the planet consisting of two eclipses observed with NIRCam grism time series and one eclipse observed with MIRI LRS. The emission spectrum shows absorption features of water vapor, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, but no strong evidence for methane. WASP-69 b's emission spectrum is poorly fit by cloud-free homogeneous models. We find three possible model scenarios for the planet: 1) a Scattering Model that raises the brightness at short wavelengths with a free Geometric Albedo parameter 2) a Cloud Layer model that includes high altitude silicate aerosols to moderate long wavelength emission and 3) a Two-Region model that includes significant dayside inhomogeneity and cloud opacity with two different temperature-pressure profiles. In all cases, aerosols are needed to fit the spectrum of the planet. The Scattering model requires an unexpectedly high Geometric Albedo of 0.64. Our atmospheric retrievals indicate inefficient redistribution of heat and an inhomogeneous dayside distribution, which is tentatively supported by MIRI LRS broadband eclipse maps that show a central concentration of brightness. Our more plausible models (2 and 3) retrieve chemical abundances enriched in heavy elements relative to solar composition by 6x to 14x solar and a C/O ratio of 0.65 to 0.94, whereas the less plausible highly reflective scenario (1) retrieves a slightly lower metallicity and lower C/O ratio.

A viable model for the dense matter equation of state above the nuclear saturation density is a hadron-to-quark phase transition at densities relevant to compact objects. In this case, stable hybrid hadron-quark stars can arise. An even more interesting scenario is one where the hadron-to-quark phase transition results in the emergence of a third branch of stable compact objects (in addition to white dwarfs and neutron stars). Inherent to the presence of a third family of compact stars is the existence of twin stars -- hybrid stars with the same mass as the corresponding neutron stars, but with smaller radii. Interestingly, the neutron star-twin star scenario is consistent with GW170817. If twin stars exist in nature, it raises a question about the mechanism that leads to their formation. Here, we explore gravitational collapse as a pathway to the formation of low-mass twin stars. We perform fully general relativistic simulations of the collapse of a stellar iron core, modeled as a cold degenerate gas, to investigate whether the end product is a neutron star or a twin star. Our simulations show that even with unrealistically large perturbations in the initial conditions, the core bounces well below the hadron-to-quark phase transition density, if the initial total rest mass is in the twin star range. Following cooling, these configurations produce neutron stars. We find that twin stars can potentially form due to mass loss, e.g., through winds, from a slightly more massive hybrid star that was initially produced in the collapse of a more massive core or if the maximum NS mass is below the Chandrasekhar mass limit. The challenge in producing twin stars in gravitational collapse, in conjunction with the fine tuning required because of their narrow mass range, suggest the rarity of twin stars in nature.

JWST has revealed a large population of ultra-violet (UV)-bright galaxies at $z\gtrsim 10$ and possibly overly massive galaxies at $z\gtrsim 7$, challenging standard galaxy formation models in the $\Lambda$CDM cosmology. We use an empirical galaxy formation model to explore the potential of alleviating these tensions through an Early Dark Energy (EDE) model, originally proposed to solve the Hubble tension. Our benchmark model demonstrates excellent agreement with the UV luminosity functions (UVLFs) at $4\lesssim z \lesssim10$ in both $\Lambda$CDM and EDE cosmologies. In the EDE cosmology, the UVLF measurements at $z\simeq 12$ based on spectroscopically confirmed galaxies exhibit no tension with the benchmark model. Photometric constraints at $12 \lesssim z\lesssim 16$ can be fully explained within EDE via either moderately increased star formation efficiencies ($\epsilon_{\ast}\sim 3-10\%$ at $M_{\rm halo}\sim 10^{10.5}\,{\rm M}_\odot$) or enhanced UV variabilities ($\sigma_{\rm UV}\sim 0.8-1.3$ mag at $M_{\rm halo}\sim 10^{10.5}\,{\rm M}_\odot$) that are within the scatter of hydrodynamical simulation predictions. A similar agreement is difficult to achieve in $\Lambda$CDM, especially at $z\gtrsim 14$, where the required $\sigma_{\rm UV}$ exceeds the maximum value seen in simulations. Furthermore, the implausibly large cosmic stellar mass densities inferred from some JWST observations are no longer in tension with cosmology when the EDE is considered. Our findings highlight EDE as an intriguing unified solution to a fundamental problem in cosmology and the recent tensions raised by JWST observations. Data at the highest redshifts reached by JWST ($z \sim 14-16$) will be crucial for differentiating modified galaxy formation physics from new cosmological physics.

Vicente Estrada-Carpenter, Marcin Sawicki, Gabe Brammer, Guillaume Desprez, Roberto Abraham, Yoshihisa Asada, Maruša Bradač, Kartheik G. Iyer, Nicholas S. Martis, Jasleen Matharu, Lamiya Mowla, Adam Muzzin, Gaël Noirot, Ghassan T. E. Sarrouh, Victoria Strait, Chris J. Willott

Spatially resolved studies are key to understanding when, where, and how stars form within galaxies. Using slitless grism spectra and broadband imaging from the CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey (CANUCS) we study the spatially resolved properties of a strongly lensed ($\mu$ = 5.4$\pm$1.8) z = 0.8718 galaxy pair consisting of a blue face-on galaxy (10.2 $\pm$ 0.2 log($M/M_\odot$)) with multiple star-forming clumps and a dusty red edge-on galaxy (9.9 $\pm$ 0.3 log($M/M_\odot$)). We produce accurate H$\alpha$ maps from JWST/NIRISS grism data using a new methodology that accurately models spatially varying continuum and emission line strengths. With spatially resolved indicators, we probe star formation on timescales of $\sim$ 10 Myr (NIRISS H$\alpha$ emission line maps) and $\sim$ 100 Myr (UV imaging and broadband SED fits). Taking the ratio of the H$\alpha$ to UV flux ($\eta$), we measure spatially resolved star formation burstiness. We find that in the face-on galaxy both H$\alpha$ and broadband star formation rates (SFRs) drop at large galactocentric radii by a factor of $\sim$ 4.7 and 3.8 respectively, while SFR over the last $\sim$ 100 Myrs has increased by a factor of 1.6. Additionally, of the 20 clumps identified in the galaxy pair we find that 7 are experiencing bursty star formation, while 10 clumps are quenching and 3 are in equilibrium (either being in a state of steady star formation or post-burst). Our analysis reveals that the blue face-on galaxy disk is predominantly in a quenching or equilibrium phase. However, the most intense quenching within the galaxy is seen in the quenching clumps. This pilot study demonstrates what JWST/NIRISS data can reveal about spatially varying star formation in galaxies at Cosmic Noon.

Ioannis Liodakis, Sebastian Kiehlmann, Alan P. Marscher, Haocheng Zhang, Dmitry Blinov, Svetlana G. Jorstad, Iván Agudo, Erika Benítez, Andrei Berdyugin, Giacomo Bonnoli, Carolina Casadio, Chien-Ting Chen, Wen-Ping Chen, Steven R. Ehlert, Juan Escudero, Tatiana S. Grishina, David Hiriart, Angela Hsu, Ryo Imazawa, Helen E. Jermak, Jincen Jose, Philip Kaaret, Evgenia N. Kopatskaya, Bhavana Lalchand, Elena G. Larionova, Elina Lindfors, José M. López, Callum McCall, Daria A. Morozova, Efthymios Palaiologou, Shivangi Pandey, Juri Poutanen, Suvendu Rakshit, Pablo Reig, Mahito Sasada, Sergey S. Savchenko, Elena Shablovinskaya, Sharma Neha, Manisha Shrestha, Iain A. Steele, Ivan S. Troitskiy, Yulia V. Troitskaya, Makoto Uemura, Andrey A. Vasilyev, Zachary Weaver, Klaas Wiersema, Martin C. Weisskopf

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Variability can be the pathway to understanding the physical processes in astrophysical jets, however, the high-cadence observations required to test particle acceleration models are still missing. Here we report on the first attempt to produce continuous, >24 hour polarization light curves of blazars using telescopes distributed across the globe and the rotation of the Earth to avoid the rising Sun. Our campaign involved 16 telescopes in Asia, Europe, and North America. We observed BL Lacertae and CGRaBS J0211+1051 for a combined 685 telescope hours. We find large variations in the polarization degree and angle for both sources in sub-hour timescales as well as a ~180 degree rotation of the polarization angle in CGRaBS J0211+1051 in less than two days. We compared our high-cadence observations to Particle-In-Cell magnetic reconnection and turbulent plasma simulations. We find that although the state of the art simulation frameworks can produce a large fraction of the polarization properties, they do not account for the entirety of the observed polarization behavior in blazar jets.

Roan Haggar, Federico De Luca, Marco De Petris, Elizaveta Sazonova, James E. Taylor, Alexander Knebe, Meghan E. Gray, Frazer R. Pearce, Ana Contreras-Santos, Weiguang Cui, Ulrike Kuchner, Robert A. Mostoghiu Paun, Chris Power

Numerous metrics exist to quantify the dynamical state of galaxy clusters, both observationally and within simulations. Many of these correlate strongly with one another, but it is not clear whether all of these measures probe the same intrinsic properties. In this work, we use two different statistical approaches -- principal component analysis (PCA) and uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) -- to investigate which dynamical properties of a cluster are in fact the best descriptors of its dynamical state. We use measurements taken directly from The Three Hundred suite of galaxy cluster simulations, as well as morphological properties calculated using mock X-ray and SZ maps of the same simulated clusters. We find that four descriptions of dynamical state naturally arise, and although correlations exist between these, a given cluster can be "dynamically relaxed" according to all, none, or some of these four descriptions. These results demonstrate that it is highly important for future observational and theoretical studies to consider in which sense clusters are dynamically relaxed. Cluster dynamical states are complex and multi-dimensional, and so it is not meaningful to classify them simply as "relaxed" and "unrelaxed" based on a single linear scale.

Optical timing with rapid, seconds-to-minutes cadences with high photometric precision and gap-free long baselines is necessary for an unambiguous physical picture of accretion phenomena, and is only possible from space. Exoplanet-hunting missions like Kepler and TESS have offered an outstanding new window into detailed jet and accretion physics, but have been severely hampered by incomplete calibration and systematics treatments and, most especially, a monochromatic single wide bandpass. Advances made using Kepler and TESS survey data, when considered alongside detailed, expensive multi-color experiments done from the ground, reveal the enormous potential of a space-based multi-color optical timing mission with a high energy focus.

W. Hu, A. Beelen, G. Lagache, A. Fasano, A. Lundgren, P. Ade, M. Aravena, E. Barria, A. Benoit, M. Bethermin, J. Bounmy, O. Bourrion, G. Bres, C. De Breuck, M. Calvo, A. Catalano, F.-X. Desert, C. Dubois, C.A Duran, T. Fenouillet, J. Garcia, G. Garde, J. Goupy, C. Hoarau, J.-C. Lambert, E. Lellouch, F. Levy-Bertrand, J. Macias-Perez, J. Marpaud, A. Monfardini, G. Pisano, N. Ponthieu, L. Prieur, D. Quinatoa, S. Roni, S. Roudier, D. Tourres, C. Tucker, M. Van Cuyck

We present the data-processing algorithms and the performance of CONCERTO (CarbON CII line in post-rEionisation and ReionisaTiOn epoch) in continuum by analysing the data from the commissioning and scientific observations. The beam pattern is characterized by an effective FWHM of 31.9 $\pm$ 0.6" and 34.4 $\pm$ 1.0" for high-frequency (HF) and low-frequency (LF) bands. The main beam is slightly elongated with a mean eccentricity of 0.46. Two error beams of $\sim$65" and $\sim$130" are characterized, enabling the estimate of a main beam efficiency of $\sim$0.52. The field of view is accurately reconstructed and presents coherent distortions between the HF and LF arrays. LEKID parameters were robustly determined for 80% of the read tones. Cross-talks between LEKIDs are the first cause of flagging, followed by an excess of eccentricity for $\sim$10% of the LEKIDs, all located in a given region of the field of view. On the 44 scans of Uranus selected for the absolute photometric calibration, 72.5% and 78.2% of the LEKIDs are selected as valid detectors with a probability >70%. By comparing Uranus measurements with a model, we obtain calibration factors of 19.5$\pm$0.6 [Hz/Jy] and 25.6$\pm$0.9 [Hz/Jy] for HF and LF. The point-source continuum measurement uncertainties are 3.0% and 3.4% for HF and LF bands. The RMS of CONCERTO maps is verified to evolve as proportional to the inverse square root of integration time. The measured NEFDs for HF and LF are 115$\pm$2 mJy/beam$\cdot$s$^{1/2}$ and 95$\pm$1 mJy/beam$\cdot$s$^{1/2}$, obtained using CONCERTO data on the COSMOS field for a mean precipitable water vapour and elevation of 0.81 mm and 55.7 deg. CONCERTO demonstrates unique capabilities in fast dual-band spectral mapping with a $\sim$18.5' instantaneous field-of-view. CONCERTO's performance in continuum is perfectly in line with expectations.

We analyzed the regularity/chaoticity of the orbits of 45 globular clusters in the central region of the Galaxy with a radius of 3.5 kpc, which are subject to the greatest influence from an elongated rotating bar. Various analysis methods were used, namely, methods for calculating the Highest Lyapunov Exponents, the method of Poincar$\acute{e}$ sections, the frequency method based on the calculation of fundamental frequencies, as well as the visual assessment method. Bimodality was discovered in the histogram of the distribution of positive Lyapunov exponents, calculated in the classical version, without renormalization of the shadow orbit, which makes it possible to implement a probabilistic method of GC classification. To construct the orbits of globular clusters, we used a gravitational potential model with a bar in the form of a triaxial ellipsoid, described in detail in the work of Bajkova et al., Izvestiya Glavnoi astronomicheskoi observatorii v Pulkove, {\bf 228}, 1 (2023). The following bar parameters were adopted: mass $10^{10} M_\odot $, semimajor axis length 5 kpc, bar viewing angle 25$^o$, rotation velocity 40 km s$^{-1}$ kpc$^{-1}$. To form the 6D-phase space required for orbit integration, the most accurate astrometric data to date from the Gaia satellite (EDR3) (Vasiliev, Baumgardt, 2021), as well as new refined average distances to globular clusters (Baumgardt, Vasiliev, 2021) were used. A classification is made of globular clusters with regular and chaotic dynamics. As the analysis showed, globular clusters with small pericentric distances and large eccentricities are most susceptible to the influence of the bar and demonstrate the greatest chaos. It is shown that the results of classifying globular clusters by the nature of their orbital dynamics, obtained using the various methods of analysis considered in the work, correlate well with each other.

The 2.34m Vainu Bappu Telescope (VBT) is a reflecting telescope that operates in two modes, prime focus and cassegrain focus, and is equipped with two instruments. In prime focus mode, the telescope has the F-number of f/3.25, and the High-Resolution Echelle Spectrograph (HRES) is employed through optical fiber. On the other hand, in cassegrain focus mode, the F-number is f/13, and the OMR Spectrograph (OMRS) is mounted for low and medium-resolution spectroscopy. Currently, the VBT faces a limitation: either the OMRS or the HRES can be used due to the switch in the heavy secondary mirror. To overcome this, we present a novel method enabling the OMRS to operate from prime mode alongside the HRES. The fiber setup for OMRS is optimized with a 25-lenslet + fiber-based Integral Field Unit (IFU) capable of observing both point and extended sources. The optimized lenslet, fiber, and fore optics design is undergoing lab testing. Our approach allows seamless operation of both spectrographs on the same night, enhancing the observational capabilities of astronomical studies with VBT.

In fiber-based spectroscopy within telescopes, a prevailing limitation has been the necessity to align the fiber diameter with the telescope's seeing conditions, often characterized by the Full Width at Half Maximum of the point spread function. This alignment constraint captures around 50 \% of the incoming flux from any point source. Furthermore, the challenge is compounded when high-resolution spectroscopy is in play, as it often demands a minute slit width, further exacerbating flux loss. The essence of this paper lies in a comprehensive exploration, accomplished through theoretical simulations, of strategies aimed at enhancing the coupling efficiency of high-resolution spectrographs. The primary objective is to bolster the flux capture without compromising the critical aspect of spectral resolution. This research endeavors to unlock the potential for more effective utilization of high-resolution spectrographs to study celestial objects.

Flares are a well-studied aspect of the Sun's magnetic activity. Detecting and classifying solar flares can inform the analysis of contamination caused by stellar flares in exoplanet transmission spectra. In this paper, we present a standardized procedure to classify solar flares with the aid of supervised machine learning. Using flare data from the RHESSI mission and solar spectra from the HARPS-N instrument, we trained several supervised machine learning models, and found that the best performing algorithm is a C-Support Vector Machine (SVC) with non-linear kernels, specifically Radial Basis Functions (RBF). The best-trained model, SVC with RBF kernels, achieves an average aggregate accuracy score of 0.65, and categorical accuracy scores of over 0.70 for the no-flare and weak-flare classes, respectively. In comparison, a blind classification algorithm would have an accuracy score of 0.33. Testing showed that the model is able to detect and classify solar flares in entirely new data with different characteristics and distributions from those of the training set. Future efforts could focus on enhancing classification accuracy, investigating the efficacy of alternative models, particularly deep learning models, and incorporating more datasets to extend the application of this framework to stars that host exoplanets.

The Pade code has been developed to treat hydrodynamic turbulence in protoplanetary disks. It solves the compressible equations of motion in cylindrical coordinates. Derivatives are computed using non-diffusive and conservative fourth-order Pade differencing, which has higher resolving power compared to both dissipative shock-capturing schemes used in most astrophysics codes, as well as non-diffusive central finite-difference schemes of the same order. The fourth-order Runge-Kutta method is used for time stepping. A previously reported error-corrected Fargo approach is used to reduce the time step constraint imposed by rapid Keplerian advection. Artificial bulk viscosity is used when shock-capturing is required. Tests for correctness and scaling with respect to the number of processors are presented. Finally, efforts to improve efficiency and accuracy are suggested.

Fourteen models are calculated with the shock velocity ranging from 200 to 330 km s$^{-1}$ and pre-shock hydrogen nucleon density ranging from $2.5\times 10^{12}$ to $4\times 10^{13}$ cm$^{-3}$. Among them the summed emergent flux of all spectral lines accounts for about 0.1-0.3 of the total veiling flux. The hydrogen Balmer continuum accounts for 0.17-0.1, while a nearly constant fraction close to 0.5 comes from emission produced by the stellar atmosphere. The main results derived from the veiling continuum energy distributions are two strong correlations: 1) the Balmer jump (BJ) increases as $F_K$, the shock kinetic energy flux, decreases; 2) at a fixed fraction of surface coverage by accretion shocks $r_{\lambda}$, the ratio of veiling to photospheric continuum flux at wavelength $\lambda$, decreases as $F_K$ decreases. Using the BJ - $F_K$ and $r_{4500}$ - $F_K$ relations, the observed excess continua of 10 T Tauri stars are modelled. For BP Tau and 3 Orion stars our accretion luminosities are higher than published values by a factor of a few. For the 6 Chamaeleon I stars our observed accretion luminosities are about 27 - 78\% higher than corresponding published values. Comparison of model results on the HeI $\lambda$5876$~$flux with observed data indicates that, while those stars with dominant $\lambda$5876$~$narrow components can be readily accounted for by the calculated models, those with much stronger broad components cannot, and suggests that for the latter objects the bulk of their excess continua at 5876$~$do not originate from accretion shocks.

Context: In protoplanetary discs, micron-sized dust grows to form millimetre- to centimetre-sized pebbles but encounters several barriers during its evolution. Collisional fragmentation and radial drift impede further dust growth to planetesimal size. Fluffy grains have been hypothesised to solve these problems. While porosity leads to faster grain growth, the implied porosity values obtained from previous simulations were larger than suggested by observations. Aims: In this paper, we study the influence of porosity on dust evolution taking into account growth, bouncing, fragmentation, compaction, rotational disruption and snow lines, in order to understand their impact on dust evolution. Methods: We develop a module for porosity evolution for the 3D Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) code Phantom that accounts for dust growth and fragmentation. This mono-disperse model is integrated into both a 1D code and the 3D code to capture the overall evolution of dust and gas. Results: We show that porosity helps dust growth and leads to the formation of larger solids than when considering compact grains, as predicted by previous work. Our simulations taking into account compaction during fragmentation show that large millimetre grains are still formed, but are 10 to 100 times more compact. Thus, mm sizes with typical filling factors of ~0.1 match the values measured on comets or via polarimetric observations of protoplanetary discs.

We consider an alternative to the Monte Carlo method for dust continuous radiative transfer simulations: the Quasi-Monte Carlo method. We briefly discuss what it is, its history, and possible implementations. We compare the Monte Carlo method with four pseudo-random number generators and five Quasi-Monte Carlo implementations using different low-discrepancy sequences and the Hammersley set. For the comparison, we study different test matter geometries and problems. We present comparison results for single scatterings of radiation from a point source, multiple scatterings of radiation from a point source, and single scatterings of radiation from a spherical star. In all cases, Quasi-Monte Carlo shows better convergence than Monte Carlo. In several test cases, the gain in computation time to achieve a fixed error value reached 40 times. We obtained ten times speed up in many of the considered tests.

Abhishek V. Joshi, Ben S. Prather, Chi-kwan Chan, Maciek Wielgus, Charles F. Gammie

Models of the resolved Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) sources Sgr A* and M87* are constrained by observations at multiple wavelengths, resolutions, polarizations, and time cadences. In this paper we compare unresolved circular polarization (CP) measurements to a library of models, where each model is characterized by a distribution of CP over time. In the library we vary the spin of the black hole, the magnetic field strength at the horizon (i.e. both SANE and MAD models), the observer inclination, a parameter for the maximum ion-electron temperature ratio assuming a thermal plasma, and the direction of the magnetic field dipole moment. We find that ALMA observations of Sgr A* are inconsistent with all edge-on ($i = 90^\circ$) models. Restricting attention to the magnetically arrested disk (MAD) models favored by earlier EHT studies of Sgr A*, we find that only models with magnetic dipole moment pointing away from the observer are consistent with ALMA data. We also note that in 26 of the 27 passing MAD models the accretion flow rotates clockwise on the sky. We provide a table of the mean and standard deviation of the CP distributions for all model parameters along with their trends.

Zhao Guo, Timothy R. Bedding, A. A. Pamyatnykh, Donald W. Kurtz, Gang Li, Anuj Gautam, Simon J. Murphy, Conny Aerts

We find that the observed pressure-mode rotational splittings of slowly/moderately rotating Delta Scuti stars and Beta Cephei stars mostly have a positive asymmetry. That is, the left frequency spacing is larger than the right spacing in the dipole mode splitting triplets and the $l=2$ mode splitting multiplets (considering $m=1, 0, -1$ modes only). This is in agreement with the second-order perturbative effect of the rotational non-spherical distortion: both the prograde and retrograde modes have their frequencies shifted towards lower values relative to the $m=0$ modes. We thus study the rotational perturbation both in the first and second order, as well as the near-degeneracy mode coupling effect in MESA models representing Delta Scuti stars. For faster rotators, the near-degeneracy mode coupling between the nearest radial and quadrupole modes can significantly shift the $m=0$ modes, reduce the splitting asymmetry, and even change its sign. We find the theoretical splitting asymmetry from the second-order non-spherical distortion is larger than observed asymmetry. To facilitate future detections, we predict correlations between splitting asymmetry, splitting amplitude, and pulsation frequency. We also discuss additional factors that can influence splitting asymmetry, including embedded magnetic fields, resonant mode coupling, and binarity.

Drew Jamieson, Angelo Caravano, Jiamin Hou, Zachary Slepian, Eiichiro Komatsu

We introduce the Parity-Odd Power (POP) spectra, a novel set of observables for probing parity violation in cosmological $N$-point statistics. POP spectra are derived from composite fields obtained by applying nonlinear transformations, involving also gradients, curls, and filtering functions, to a scalar field. This compresses the parity-odd trispectrum into a power spectrum. These new statistics offer several advantages: they are computationally fast to construct, estimating their covariance is less demanding compared to estimating that of the full parity-odd trispectrum, and they are simple to model theoretically. We measure the POP spectra on simulations of a scalar field with a specific parity-odd trispectrum shape. We compare these measurements to semi-analytic theoretical calculations and find agreement. We also explore extensions and generalizations of these parity-odd observables.

Brian J. Koopman, Sanah Bhimani, Nicholas Galitzki, Matthew Hasselfield, Jack Lashner, Hironobu Nakata, Laura Newburgh, David V. Nguyen, Tai Sakuma, Kyohei Yamada

The Simons Observatory (SO) is a cosmic microwave background (CMB) observatory consisting of three small aperture telescopes and one large aperture telescope. SO is located in the Atacama Desert in Chile at an elevation of 5180m. Distributed among the four telescopes are over 60,000 transition-edge sensor (TES) bolometers across six spectral bands centered between 27 and 280 GHz. A large collection of ancillary hardware devices which produce lower rate `housekeeping' data are used to support the detector data collection. We developed a distributed control system, which we call the observatory control system (ocs), to coordinate data collection among all systems within the observatory. ocs is a core component of the deployed site software, interfacing with all on-site hardware. Alongside ocs we utilize a combination of internally and externally developed open source projects to enable remote monitoring, data management, observation coordination, and data processing. Deployment of a majority of the software is done using Docker containers. The deployment of software packages is partially done via automated Ansible scripts, utilizing a GitOps based approach for updating infrastructure on site. We describe an overview of the software and computing systems deployed within SO, including how those systems are deployed and interact with each other. We also discuss the timing distribution system and its configuration as well as lessons learned during the deployment process and where we plan to make future improvements.

Marianela Quirós-Rojas, Alfredo Montaña, Jorge A. Zavala, Itziar Aretxaga, David H. Hughes

We present the analysis of over 3,000 red-$Herschel$ sources ($S_{\mathrm{250\mu m}}<S_{\mathrm{350\mu m}}<S_{\mathrm{500\mu m} }$) using public data from the ALMA archive and the $Herschel$-ATLAS survey. This represents the largest sample of red-$Herschel$ sources with interferometric follow-up observations to date. The high ALMA angular resolution and sensitivity ($\theta_{\rm FWHM}\sim$1 arcsecond; $\sigma_{1.3\mathrm{mm}}\sim0.17$ mJy beam$^{-1}$) allow us to classify the sample into individual sources, multiple systems, and potential lenses and/or close mergers. Interestingly, even at this high angular resolution, 73 per cent of our detections are single systems, suggesting that most of these galaxies are isolated and/or post-merger galaxies. For the remaining detections, 20 per cent are classified as multiple systems, 5 per cent as lenses and/or mergers, and 2 per cent as low-$z$ galaxies or Active Galactic Nuclei. Combining the $Herschel$/SPIRE and ALMA photometry, these galaxies are found to be extreme and massive systems with a median star formation rate of $\sim$ 1,500 $\mathrm{M_{\odot} yr^{-1}}$ and molecular gas mass of $M_{\mathrm{gas}}\sim10^{11}$ $\mathrm{M_{\odot}}$. The median redshift of individual sources is $z\approx2.8$, while the likely lensed systems are at $z\approx3.3$, with redshift distributions extending to $z\sim6$. The inferred depletion times are consistent with the starburst-type population with a mild redshift evolution. Our results suggest a common star-formation mode for extreme galaxies across cosmic time, likely triggered by close interactions or disk-instabilities. Moreover, all galaxies with $S_{\mathrm{1.3mm}}\geq13$ mJy are gravitationally amplified which, similar to the established $S_{500\mathrm{ \mu m}}>100$ mJy threshold, can be used as a simple criterion to identify gravitationally lensed galaxies.

Dark matter particles were suggested to have an electric charge smaller than the elementary charge unit $e$. The behavior of such a medium is similar to a collisionless plasma. In this paper, we set new stringent constraints on the charge and mass of the millicharged dark matter particle based on observational data on the Bullet X-ray Cluster.

We study a two-field model where a quintessence field with an exponential potential $e^{-\beta\phi/M_P}$ is coupled to the Higgs field. It is claimed that this model is consistent with the proposed Swampland conjecture. We check this claim by calculating its inflationary observables. Although, these observables are in good agreement with the latest CMB data, but we find an upper bound $\beta \lesssim 8\times 10^{-3}$ that strongly disfavors the Swampland conjecture.

In the future, the third generation (3G) gravitational wave (GW) detectors, exemplified by the Einstein Telescope (ET), will be operational. The detection rate of GW from binary neutron star (BNS) is expected to reach approximately $10^4$ per year. To address the challenges posed by BNS GW data processing for 3G GW detectors, this paper explores the extraction of BNS waveforms from ET. Drawing inspiration from SPIIR's matched filtering approach, we introduce a novel framework leveraging deep learning for BNS waveform extraction. By integrating denoised outputs of time-delayed strain, we can reconstruct the embedded BNS waveform. We have established three distinct BNS GW denoising models, each tailored to address the early inspiral, later inspiral, and merger phases of BNS GW, respectively. To further regulate the waveform shape, we propose the Amplitude Regularity Model that takes denoised output as input and regulated waveform as output. The experiments conducted on test data demonstrate the efficacy of the denoising models, the Amplitude Regularity Models, as well as the overall waveform construction method. To the best of our knowledge, this marks the first instance of deep learning being utilized for the task of BNS waveform extraction. We believe that the proposed method holds promise for early warning, searching, and localization of BNS GWs.

Understanding the first billion years of the universe requires studying two critical epochs: the Epoch of Reionization (EoR) and Cosmic Dawn (CD). However, due to limited data, the properties of the Intergalactic Medium (IGM) during these periods remain poorly understood, leading to a vast parameter space for the global 21cm signal. Training an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) with a narrowly defined parameter space can result in biased inferences. To mitigate this, the training dataset must be uniformly drawn from the entire parameter space to cover all possible signal realizations. However, drawing all possible realizations is computationally challenging, necessitating the sampling of a representative subset of this space. This study aims to identify optimal sampling techniques for the extensive dimensionality and volume of the 21cm signal parameter space. The optimally sampled training set will be used to train the ANN to infer from the global signal experiment. We investigate three sampling techniques: random, Latin Hypercube (stratified), and Hammersley Sequence (quasi-Monte Carlo) sampling, and compare their outcomes. Our findings reveal that sufficient samples must be drawn for robust and accurate ANN model training, regardless of the sampling technique employed. The required sample size depends primarily on two factors: the complexity of the data and the number of free parameters. More free parameters necessitate drawing more realizations. Among the sampling techniques utilized, we find that ANN models trained with Hammersley Sequence sampling demonstrate greater robustness compared to those trained with Latin Hypercube and Random sampling.

To investigate the formation process of multiple systems, we have analyzed the ALMA archival data of the 1.3 mm continuum, $^{12}$CO (2-1) and C$^{18}$O (2-1) emission in a proto-multiple system consisting of a Class 0 protostar Per-emb-8 and a Class I protobinary Per-emb-55 $A$ and $B$. The 1.3 mm continuum emission is likely to primarily trace their protostellar disks, and the Keplerian disk rotation is observed in Per-emb-8 and Per-emb-55 $A$ in the emission lines. In Per-emb-8, we identify two arm-like structures with a length of $\sim$ 1000 au connecting the eastern and western of its disk in the continuum and C$^{18}$O emission. Our analysis suggests that these arm-like structures are most likely infalling flows. In the $^{12}$CO emission, we discover a second bipolar outflow associated with Per-emb-8. The two bipolar outflows in Per-emb-8 are possibly launched along the normal axes of the misaligned inner and outer parts of its warped protostellar disk. In Per-emb-55, we find that the red- and blueshifted lobes of its bipolar outflow are misaligned by 90$^\circ$. The presence of the warped disk, multiple misaligned outflows, and asymmetric infalling flows suggest complex dynamics in proto-multiple systems, and these could be related to the tidal interactions between the companions and/or the turbulent environments forming this proto-multiple system.

M. Elías-Chávez, A. L. Longinotti, Y. Krongold, D. Rosa-González, C. Vignali, S. Mathur, T. Miyaji, Y. D. Mayya, F. Nicastro

In this work, we present the results of a detailed X-ray spectral analysis of the brightest AGNs detected in the XMM-Newton 1.75 Ms Ultra Narrow Deep Field. We analyzed 23 AGNs that have a luminosity range of $\sim 10^{42} - 10^{46}\, \rm{erg}\, \rm{s}^{-1}$ in the $2 - 10\, \rm{keV}$ energy band, redshifts up to 2.66, and $\sim 10,000$ X-ray photon counts in the $0.3 - 10\, \rm{keV}$ energy band. Our analysis confirms the Iwasawa-Taniguchi effect, an anti-correlation between the X-ray luminosity ($L_x$) and the Fe-k$\alpha$ Equivalent Width ($EW_{Fe}$) possibly associated with the decreasing of the torus covering factor as the AGN luminosity increases. We investigated the relationship among black hole mass ($M_{BH}$), $L_x$, and X-ray variability, quantified by the Normalized Excess Variance ($\sigma^2_{rms}$). Our analysis suggest an anti-correlation in both $M_{BH} - \sigma^2_{rms}$ and $L_x- \sigma^2_{rms}$ relations. The first is described as $\sigma^2_{rms} \propto M^{-0.26 \pm 0.05}_{BH}$, while the second presents a similar trend with $\sigma^2_{rms} \propto L_{x}^{-0.31 \pm 0.04}$. These results support the idea that the luminosity-variability anti-correlation is a byproduct of an intrinsic relationship between the BH mass and the X-ray variability, through the size of the emitting region. Finally, we found a strong correlation among the Eddington ratio ($\lambda_{Edd}$), the hard X-ray photon index ($\Gamma$), and the illumination factor $\log(A)$, which is related to the ratio between the number of Compton scattered photons and the number of seed photons. The $\log(\lambda_{Edd})-\Gamma-\log(A)$ plane could arise naturally from the connection between the accretion flow and the hot corona.

We focus on the complex relationship between the shape of dark matter halos and the cosmological models underlying their formation. We used three realistic cosmological models from the Dark Energy Universe Simulation suite. They have significantly distinct cosmological parameters ($\Omega_m$, $\sigma_8$, and $w$) but quasi-indistinguishable cosmic matter fields beyond the scale of DM halos. Firstly, we developed a robust method to measure the FoF halos shape, while avoiding numerical artifacts on shape measurements. These artifacts are generally induced by the presence of substructures (resolution-dependent) or by any spherical a priori in contradiction with the halos triaxiality. We obtain a marked dependence of the halos shape, both on their mass and on the cosmological model. However, when re-expressing the halos shape parameters in terms of the non-linear fluctuations of the cosmic matter field, the cosmological dependence disappears. This new fundamental cosmological invariance is a direct consequence of the matter field non-linear dynamics: as the universe evolves, the non-linear fluctuations of the cosmic field increase, driving the halos towards sphericity. The deviation from sphericity, measured by the prolaticity, triaxiality, and ellipticity of the dark matter halos, is therefore entirely encapsulated in the non-linear power spectrum. From this fundamental invariant relation, we can reconstruct with remarkable accuracy the non-linear variance of the cosmic matter field and, consequently, the non-linear power spectrum. We also re-find the $\sigma_8$ amplitude of the cosmological model. Our results highlight, not only the nuanced relationship between dark matter halo formation and the underlying cosmology, but also the potential of dark matter halo shape analysis as a powerful tool for probing the non-linear dynamics of the cosmic matter field.

N. Grieves, F. Bouchy, D. J. Armstrong, B. Akinsanmi, A. Psaridi, S. Ulmer-Moll, Y. G. C. Frensch, R. Helled, S. Muller, H. Knierim, N. C. Santos, V. Adibekyan, M. P. Battley, N. Unger, G. Chaverot, L. Parc, D. Bayliss, X. Dumusque, F. Hawthorn, P. Figueira, M. A. F. Keniger, J. Lillo-Box, L. D. Nielsen, A. Osborn, S. G. Sousa, P. Strom, S. Udry

Hot Jupiters generally do not have nearby planet companions, as they may have cleared out other planets during their inward migration from more distant orbits. This gives evidence that hot Jupiters more often migrate inward via high-eccentricity migration due to dynamical interactions between planets rather than more dynamically cool migration mechanisms through the protoplanetary disk. Here we further refine the unique system of WASP-132 by characterizing the mass of the recently validated 1.0-day period super-Earth WASP-132c (TOI-822.02) interior to the 7.1-day period hot Jupiter WASP-132b. Additionally, we announce the discovery of a giant planet at a 5-year period (2.7 AU). We also detect a long-term trend in the radial velocity data indicative of another outer companion. Using over nine years of CORALIE RVs and over two months of highly-sampled HARPS RVs, we determine the masses of the planets from smallest to largest orbital period to be M$_{\rm{c}}$ = $6.26^{+1.84}_{-1.83}$ $M_{\oplus}$, M$_{\rm{b}}$ = $0.428^{+0.015}_{-0.015}$ $M_{\rm{Jup}}$, and M$_{\rm{d}}\sin{i}$ = $5.16^{+0.52}_{-0.52}$ $M_{\rm{Jup}}$, respectively. Using TESS and CHEOPS photometry data we measure the radii of the two inner transiting planets to be $1.841^{+0.094}_{-0.093}$ $R_{\oplus}$ and $0.901^{+0.038}_{-0.038}$ $R_{\rm{Jup}}$. WASP-132 is a unique multi-planetary system in that both an inner rocky planet and an outer giant planet are in a system with a hot Jupiter. This suggests it migrated via a more rare dynamically cool mechanism and helps to further our understanding of how hot Jupiter systems may form and evolve.

Darshan Singh, Meghendra Singh, Dinkar Verma, Kanhaiya Lal Pandey, Shashikant Gupta

Long gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) offer significant insights into cosmology due to their high energy emissions and the potential to probe the early universe. The Amati relation, which links the intrinsic peak energy to the isotropic energy, is crucial for understanding their cosmological applications. This study investigates the redshift-driven heterogeneity of the Amati correlation in long GRBs. Analyzing 221 long GRBs with redshifts from 0.034 to 8.2 we divided the dataset based on redshift thresholds of 1.5 and 2. Using Bayesian marginalization and Reichart's likelihood approach, we found significant differences in the Amati parameters between low and high redshift subgroups. These variations, differing by approximately $2\sigma$ at $z = 1.5$ and more than $1\sigma$ at $z = 2$, suggest an evolution in the GRB population with redshift, possibly reflecting changes in host galaxy properties. However, selection effects and instrumental biases may also contribute. Our results challenge the assumption of the Amati relation's universality and underscore the need for larger datasets and more precise measurements from upcoming missions like THESEUS and eXTP to refine our understanding of GRB physics.

Bei You, Shuai-kang Yang, Zhen Yan, Xinwu Cao, Andrzej A. Zdziarski

We explore the coupling between the accretion flow and the jet in black hole X-ray binary (BHXRB) MAXI J1348-630 by analyzing the X-ray and radio observations during its 2019 outburst. We measure the time delay between the radio and Comptonization fluxes with the interpolated cross-correlation function. For the first time, we find that the radio emission lags behind the X-ray Comptonization emission by about 3 days during the rising phase covering the rising hard state and the following soft state. Such a long radio delay indicates that the Comptonization emission most likely originates from the advection-dominated accretion flow rather than the jet in this source. The Comptonization luminosity $L_{\rm C}$ in 0.1-100 keV and the radio luminosity $L_{\rm R}$ at 5.5 GHz, after considering the radio delay of $\sim 3$ days, follow the correlation with a slope $\beta = 3.04 \pm 0.93$, which is much steeper than the previously reported $\beta = 0.6$ or 1.40 using the total luminosity in the limited band (e.g., 1-10 keV) in the literature. This highlights the necessity of considering (1) the time delay, (2) the spectral decomposition, and (3) the broad energy band, in the radio-X-ray correlation analysis. As the jet reappears during the decaying phase (covering the soft state and the following decaying hard state) and the mini-outburst, the Componization and the radio emission appear to be almost simultaneous. And, the radio-Compton correlation during the mini-outburst becomes shallow with the correlation slope $\beta = 1.11 \pm 0.15$. These indicate an intrinsic difference in the accretion-jet coupling physics between the main outburst and the mini-outburst.

N. Nettelmann, M. Cano Amoros, N. Tosi, J. J. Fortney, R. Helled

Noble gases are accreted to the giant planets as part of the gas component of the planet-forming disk. While heavier noble gases can separate from the evolution of the hydrogen-rich gas, helium is thought to remain at the protosolar H/He ratio Yproto~0.27-0.28. However, spacecraft observations revealed a depletion in helium in the atmospheres of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. For the gas giants, this is commonly seen as indication of H/He phase separation at greater depths. Here, we apply predictions of the H/He phase diagram and three H/He-EOS to compute the atmospheric helium mass abundance Yatm as a result of H/He phase separation. We obtain a strong depletion Yatm<0.1 for the ice giants if they are adiabatic. Introducing a thermal boundary layer at the Z-poor/Z-rich compositional transition with a temperature increase of up to a few 1000 K, we obtain a weak depletion in Uranus as observed. Our results suggest dissimilar internal structures between Uranus and Neptune. An accurate in-situ determination of their atmospheric He/H ratio would help to constrain their internal structures. This is even more true for Saturn, where we find that any considered H/He phase diagram and H/He-EOS would be consistent with any observed value. However, some H/He-EOS and phase diagram combinations applied to both Jupiter and Saturn require an outer stably-stratified layer at least in one of them.

The ability of bulk ices (H$_{2}$O, CO$_{2}$) to trap volatiles has been well studied in any experimental sense, but largely ignored in protoplanetary disk and planet formation models as well as the interpretation of their observations. We demonstrate the influence of volatile trapping on C/O ratios in planet-forming environments. We created a simple model of CO, CO$_{2}$, and H$_{2}$O snowlines in protoplanetary disks and calculated the C/O ratio at different radii and temperatures. We included a trapping factor, which partially inhibits the release of volatiles (CO, CO$_{2}$) at their snowline and releases them instead, together with the bulk ice species (H$_{2}$O, CO$_{2}$). Our aim has been to assess its influence on trapping solid-state and gas phase C/O ratios throughout planet-forming environments. Volatile trapping significantly affects C/O ratios in protoplanetary disks. Variations in the ratio are reduced and become more homogeneous throughout the disk when compared to models that do not include volatile trapping. Trapping reduces the proportion of volatiles in the gas and, as such, reduces the available carbon- and oxygen-bearing molecules for gaseous accretion to planetary atmospheres. Volatile trapping is expected to also affect the elemental hydrogen and nitrogen budgets. Volatile trapping is an overlooked, but important effect to consider when assessing the C/O ratios in protoplanetary disks and exoplanet atmospheres. Due to volatile trapping, exoplanets with stellar C/O have the possibility to be formed within the CO and CO$_{2}$ snowline.

C. López-Sanjuan, P.-E. Tremblay, M.W. O'Brien, D. Spinoso, A. Ederoclite, H. Vázquez Ramió, A.J. Cenarro, A. Marín-Franch, T. Civera, J.M. Carrasco, B.T. Gänsicke, N.P. Gentile Fusillo, A. Hernán-Caballero, M.A. Hollands, A. del Pino, H. Domínguez Sánchez, J.A. Fernández-Ontiveros, F.M. Jiménez-Esteban, A. Rebassa-Mansergas, L. Schmidtobreick, R.E. Angulo, D. Cristòbal-Hornillos, R.A. Dupke, C. Hernández-Monteagudo, M. Moles, L. Sodré Jr., J. Varela

We used the Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey (J-PLUS) DR2 photometry in twelve optical bands over 2176 deg2 to estimate the fraction of white dwarfs with presence of CaII H+K absorption along the cooling sequence. We compared the J-PLUS photometry against metal-free theoretical models to estimate the equivalent width in the J0395 passband of 10 nm centered at 395 nm (EW_J0395), a proxy to detect calcium absorption. A total of 4399 white dwarfs within 30000 > Teff > 5500 K and mass M > 0.45 Msun were analyzed. Their EW_J0395 distribution was modeled using two populations, corresponding to polluted and non-polluted systems, to estimate the fraction of calcium white dwarfs (f_Ca) as a function of Teff. The probability for each individual white dwarf of presenting calcium absorption, pca, was also computed. The comparison with both the measured Ca/He abundance and the metal pollution from spectroscopy shows that EW_J0395 correlates with the presence of calcium. The fraction of calcium white dwarfs increases from f_Ca = 0 at Teff = 13500 K to f_Ca = 0.15 at Teff = 5500 K. We compare our results with the fractions derived from the 40 pc spectroscopic sample and from SDSS spectra. The trend found in J-PLUS observations is also present in the 40 pc sample, however SDSS shows a deficit of metal-polluted objects at Teff < 12000 K. Finally, we found 39 white dwarfs with pca > 0.99. Twenty of them have spectra presented in previous studies, whereas we observed six additional targets. These 26 objects were all confirmed as metal-polluted systems. The J-PLUS optical data provide a robust statistical measurement for the presence of CaII H+K absorption in white dwarfs. We find a 15 +- 3 % increase in the fraction of calcium white dwarfs from Teff = 13500 K to 5500 K, which reflects their selection function in the optical from the total population of metal-polluted systems.

We present machine learning (ML)-based pipelines designed to populate galaxies into dark matter halos from N-body simulations. These pipelines predict galaxy stellar mass ($M_*$), star formation rate (SFR), atomic and molecular gas contents, and metallicities, and can be easily extended to other galaxy properties and simulations. Our approach begins by categorizing galaxies into central and satellite classifications, followed by their ML classification into quenched (Q) and star-forming (SF) galaxies. We then develop regressors specifically for the SF galaxies within both central and satellite subgroups. We train the model on the $(100\mathrm{h^{-1}Mpc})^3$ Simba galaxy formation simulation at $z=0$. Our pipeline yields robust predictions for stellar mass and metallicity and offers significant improvements for SFR and gas properties compared to previous works, achieving an unbiased scatter of less than 0.2 dex around true Simba values for the halo-$M_{\rm HI}$ relation of central galaxies. We also show the effectiveness of the ML-based pipelines at $z=1,2$. Interestingly, we find that training on fraction-based properties (e.g. $M_{\rm HI}$/$M_{*}$) and then multiplying by the ML-predicted $M_{*}$ yields improved predictions versus directly training on the property value, for many quantities across redshifts. However, we find that the ML-predicted scatter around the mean is lower than the true scatter, leading to artificially suppressed distribution functions at high values. To alleviate this, we add a "ML scatter bias", finely tuned to recover the true distribution functions, critical for accurate predictions of integrated quantities such as $\rm{HI}$ intensity maps.

Terrestrial planets in the Habitable Zone of Sun-like stars are priority targets for detection and observation by the next generation of powerful space telescopes. Earth's long-term habitability may have been tied to the geological carbon cycle, a process critically facilitated by plate tectonics. In the modern Earth, plate motion corresponds to a mantle convection regime called mobile-lid. The alternate, stagnant-lid regime is found on Mars and Venus, which may have lacked strong enough weathering feedbacks to sustain surface liquid water over geological timescales if initially present. Constraining observational strategies able to infer the most common regime in terrestrial exoplanets requires quantitative predictions of the atmospheric composition of planets in either regime. We use endmember models of volcanic outgassing and crust weathering for the stagnant- and mobile-lid convection regimes, that we couple to models of atmospheric chemistry and climate, and ocean chemistry to simulate the atmospheric evolution of these worlds in the Habitable Zone. In our simulations under the two alternate regimes, we find that the fraction of planets possessing climates consistent with surface liquid water differ by less than 10%. Despite this unexpectedly small difference, we predict that a mission capable of detecting atmospheric CO$_2$ abundance above 0.01 bar in 25 terrestrial exoplanets is extremely likely ($\geq 95$% of samples) to infer the dominant interior convection regime in that sample with strong evidence (10:1 odds). This offers guidance for the specifications of the Habitable Worlds Observatory NASA concept mission and other future missions capable of probing samples of habitable exoplanets.

The transformation of time between the surface of the Earth, the solar system barycenter, and the surface of the Moon involves relativistic corrections. For solar system Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB), we also require that there be no rate difference between Terrestrial Time (TT) and TDB. The IAU has addressed these transformations with several resolutions. A series of robotic and crewed landings on the Moon are planned. The analogous transformation between TDB and time on the surface of the Moon (TL) needs a review and discussion. In this paper, we compute the rate terms involved in that transformation. We also present the TDB-compatible spatial scale and Lorentz contraction of Moon-centered positional coordinates. These transformations have been implemented in the JPL programs used to generate ephemerides of the Moon and planets. Finally, we provide expressions that can be used to synchronize TT and TL using either TDB or TT. The relevant transformations contain a small secular drift between the two time scales, along with additional small periodic terms that can be numerically evaluated using the solar system ephemerides.

Cheng Chen, Stanley A. Baronett, C. J. Nixon, Rebecca G. Martin

The Rossiter-McLaughlin effect measures the misalignment between a planet's orbital plane and its host star's rotation plane. Around 10$\%$ of planets exhibit misalignments in the approximate range $80 - 125^\circ$, with their origin remaining a mystery. On the other hand, large misalignments may be common in eccentric circumbinary systems due to misaligned discs undergoing polar alignment. If the binary subsequently merges, a polar circumbinary disc -- along with any planets that form within it -- may remain inclined near 90$^{\circ}$ to the merged star's rotation. To test this hypothesis, we present $N$-body simulations of the evolution of a polar circumbinary debris disc comprised of test particles around an eccentric binary during a binary merger that is induced by tidal dissipation. After the merger, the disc particles remain on near-polar orbits. Interaction of the binary with the polar-aligned gas disc may be required to bring the binary to the small separations that trigger the merger by tides. Our findings imply that planets forming in discs that are polar-aligned to the orbit of a high-eccentricity binary may, following the merger of the binary, provide a possible origin for the population of near-polar planets around single stars.

Salome Mtchedlidze, Paola Domínguez-Fernández, Xiaolong Du, Ettore Carretti, Franco Vazza, Shane Patrick O'Sullivan, Axel Brandenburg, Tina Kahniashvili

The Faraday rotation effect, quantified by the Rotation Measure (RM), is a powerful probe of the large-scale magnetization of the Universe - tracing magnetic fields not only on galaxy and galaxy cluster scales but also in the intergalactic Medium (IGM; referred to as $\mathrm{RM}_{\text{IGM}}$). The redshift dependence of the latter has extensively been explored with observations. It has also been shown that this relation can help to distinguish between different large-scale magnetization scenarios. We study the evolution of this $\mathrm{RM}_{\text{IGM}}$ for different primordial magnetogenesis scenarios to search for the imprints of primordial magnetic fields (PMFs; magnetic fields originating in the early Universe) on the redshift-dependence of $\mathrm{RM}_{\text{IGM}}$. We use cosmological magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations for evolving PMFs during large-scale structure formation, coupled to the light cone analysis to produce a realistic statistical sample of mock $\mathrm{RM}_{\text{IGM}}$ images. We study the predicted behavior for the cosmic evolution of $\mathrm{RM}_{\text{IGM}}$ for different correlation lengths of PMFs, and provide fitting functions for their dependence on redshifts. We compare these mock RM trends with the recent analysis of the the LOw-Frequency ARray (LOFAR) RM Grid and find that large-scale-correlated PMFs should have (comoving) strengths $\lesssim 0.75$ nanoGauss, if originated during inflation with the scale invariant spectrum and (comoving) correlation length $\sim 19$ cMpc/h or $ \lesssim 30$ nanoGauss if they originated during phase-transition epochs with the comoving correlation length $\sim 1$ cMpc/h. Our findings agree with previous observations and confirm the results of semi-analytical studies, showing that upper limits on the PMF strength decrease as their coherence scales increase.

Joshua Montgomery, Wellington Avelino, Matt Dobbs, Joseph Letang, Maclean Rouble, Sofiia Savchyn, Graeme Smecher

The t0.technology Control and Readout System (CRS) is a modular microwave control and readout system for mm-wave and radio astronomy, THz imaging, noise radar, and superconducting qubit control. The configuration discussed in this work implements firmware for readout of microwave Kinetic Inductance Detector (KID) arrays. The CRS can operate 4,096 KIDs over 2.5 GHz of complex bandwidth between 0-10 GHz, typically allocated across four independent RF chains at 1,024x multiplexing and 625 MHz of complex bandwidth each. Every CRS can operate as a standalone unit or collectively within one or more backplane-enabled subracks that distribute power, clocking, and synchronization, scaling to an arbitrary number of channels. Each fully populated subrack supports arrays of more than 65,000 KIDs. The signal processing and control software supports recent innovations in multi-probe measurements and dynamic feedback modes, which are described in (Rouble et al. 2024). The CRS has recently been selected as the new baseline readout system for the proposed South Pole Telescope instrument, SPT-3G+. We present the hardware design, firmware capabilities, open-source control and data acquisition software, and the first laboratory characterization measurements.

All circumbinary planets (CBPs) currently detected are located in almost co-planar configurations with respect to the binary orbit, due to the fact that CBPs with higher misalignment are more difficult to detect. However, observations of polar circumbinary gas and debris disks in recent years and long-term orbital stability of inclined planets indicate that it is possible to form misaligned CBPs around eccentricity binaries (even polar CBPs). In this work we focus on the dynamical structures of CBPs in a wide range of parameters in order to provide a guidance for the space where the binary can host planets for a long enough time. To this end, the dynamical model is approximated as a hierarchical three-body problem, and the secular approximation is formulated up to the hexadecapolar order in semimajor axis ratio. Dynamical maps show that there are complex structures in the parameter space. A web of secular resonances is produced in the entire parameter space and it can well explain those numerical structures arising in dynamical maps. Based on perturbative treatments, an adiabatic invariant is introduced and thus dynamical structures can be explored by analysing phase portraits. It is found that (a) the quadrupole-order resonance (nodal resonance) is responsible for the distribution of V-shape region, and high-order and secondary resonances dominate those structures inside or outside V-shape region, and (b) the secondary 1:1 resonance is the culprit causing symmetry breaking of dynamical structures inside polar region.

We present the timing analysis of 10 archived \XMM observations with an exposure of $>40$ ks of Markarian 421. Mrk 421 is the brightest high-frequency-peaked BL Lac object (HBL) emitting in X-rays produced by electrons accelerated in the innermost regions of a relativistic jet pointing toward us. For each observation, we construct averaged X-ray spectra in 0.5--10 keV band, as well as 100 s binned light curves (LCs) in various subbands. During these observations, the source exhibited various intensity states differing by close to an order of magnitude in flux, with the fractional variability amplitude increasing with energy through the X-ray band. Bayesian power spectral density analysis reveals that the X-ray variability can be characterized by a colored noise, with an index ranging from $\sim-1.9$ to $-3.0$. Moreover, both the standard cross-correlation function and cross-spectral methods indicate that the amount of time lags increases with the energy difference between two compared LCs. A time-dependent two-zone jet model is developed to extract physical information from the X-ray emission of Mrk 421. In the model, we assume that the jet emission mostly comprises a quasi-stationary component and a highly variable one. Our results show that the two-zone model can simultaneously provide a satisfactory description for both the X-ray spectra and time lags observed in different epochs, with the model parameters constrained in a fully acceptable interval. We suggest that shocks within the jets may be the primary energy dissipation process responsible for triggering the rapid variability, although magnetic reconnection cannot be excluded.

We provided a comprehensive study of the properties of the black hole in the low-mass X-ray binary system 4U 1543-47, specifically focusing on the 2021 outburst (MJD 59380-59470). Using observations from the \textit{Insight}-HXMT mission, we employed X-ray reflection fitting method and analyzed spectral data to estimate key black hole parameters. Through our investigation redbased on 6 out of the 52 available observations, we estimated the spin parameter of the black hole to be $0.902_{-0.053}^{+0.054}$ and the inclination angle of the accretion disk to be $28.91_{-1.24}^{+1.82}$ degrees (90\% confidence limits, statistical only), then we discussed the influence of high luminosity. Based on the \texttt{relxill} series models are not suitable for thick disk scenario, and in comparison with findings from other studies, we propose that our estimation of the spin value may be exaggerated.

Accretion physics has become more important recently due to the detection of the first horizon-scale images of the super-massive black holes of M\,87$^*$ and Sgr~A$^*$ by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). General relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations of magnetized accretion flows onto a Kerr black hole have been used to interpret them. However, further testing the theory of gravity by using horizon-scale images requires performing consistent GRMHD simulations in non-Kerr spacetime. In this paper, we revisited the hydrodynamical equilibrium solution of the Fishbone and Moncrief (FM) torus that can be used to study any stationary, axisymmetric, vacuum, or non-vacuum spacetime. Further, we check the stability of the FM torus in non-Kerr spacetime by general relativistic hydrodynamic simulations. We find that FM torus in non-Kerr spacetime is indeed stable under long-term evolution. We conclude that the generalized FM torus solution would be very useful for creating new GRMHD libraries in extended Kerr black holes.

Alessandro Fasano, Peter Ade, Manuel Aravena, Emilio Barria, Alexandre Beelen, Alain Benoit, Matthieu Béthermin, Julien Bounmy, Olivier Bourrion, Guillaume Bres, Martino Calvo, Andrea Catalano, Carlos De Breuck, François-Xavier Désert, Cédric Dubois, Carlos Durán, Thomas Fenouillet, Jose Garcia, Gregory Garde, Johannes Goupy, Christophe Hoarau, Wenkai Hu, Guilaine Lagache, Jean-Charles Lambert, Florence Levy-Bertrand, Andreas Lundgren, Juan-Francisco Macías-Pérez, Julien Marpaud, Alessandro Monfardini, Giampaolo Pisano, Nicolas Ponthieu, Leo Prieur, Samuel Roni, Sebastien Roudier, Damien Tourres, Carol Tucker, Mathilde Van Cuyck

Modern astrophysics relies on intricate instrument setups to meet the demands of sensitivity, sky coverage, and multi-channel observations. An example is the CONCERTO project, employing advanced technology like kinetic inductance detectors and a Martin-Puplett interferometer. This instrument, installed at the APEX telescope atop the Chajnantor plateau, began commissioning observations in April 2021. Following a successful commissioning phase that concluded in June 2021, CONCERTO was offered to the scientific community for observations, with a final observing run in December 2022. CONCERTO boasts an 18.5 arcmin field of view and a spectral resolution down to 1.45 GHz in the 130-310 GHz electromagnetic band. We developed a comprehensive instrument model of CONCERTO inspired by Fourier transform spectrometry principles to optimize performance and address systematic errors. This model integrates instrument noises, subsystem characteristics, and celestial signals, leveraging both physical data and simulations. Our methodology involves delineating simulation components, executing on-sky simulations, and comparing results with real observations. The resulting instrument model is pivotal, enabling a precise error correction and enhancing the reliability of astrophysical insights obtained from observational data. In this work, we focus on the description of three white-noise noise components included in the instrument model that characterize the white-noise level: the photon, the generation-recombination, and the amplifier noises.

This paper introduces an explicit reference governor-based control scheme tailored for addressing the velocity-free spacecraft attitude maneuver problem. This problem is subject to specific constraints, namely the pointing constraint, angular velocity constraint, and input saturation. The proposed control scheme operates in two layers, ensuring the asymptotic stability of the spacecraft's attitude while adhering to the aforementioned constraints. The inner layer employs output feedback control utilizing an angular velocity observer based on immersion and invariance technology. This observer facilitates attitude stabilization without the measurement of angular velocity. Through an analysis of the geometry associated with the pointing constraint, determination of the upper bound of angular velocity, and optimization of the control input solution, the reference layer establishes a safety boundary described by the invariant set. Additionally, we introduce the dynamic factor related to the angular velocity estimation error into the invariant set to prevent states from exceeding the constraint set due to unmeasurable angular velocity information. The shortest guidance path is then designed in the reference layer. Finally, we substantiate the efficacy of the proposed constrained attitude control algorithm through numerical simulations.

Ji Hoon Kim, Myungshin Im, Hyung Mok Lee, Seo-Won Chang, Hyeonho Choi, Gregory S.H. Paek

The 7-Dimensional Telescope (7DT) is a multi-telescope system designed to identify electromagnetic (EM) counterparts of gravitational-wave (GW) sources. Consisting of 20 50-cm telescopes along with 40 medium-band filters of 25 nm width, 7DT can obtain spectral mapping images for a large field of view (~1.25 square degrees). Along with flexible operation, real-time data reduction, and analysis, the 7DT's spectral mapping capability enables 7DT to follow up GW events quickly and discover EM counterparts. Among 20 planned telescopes, 12 units are deployed at the El Sauce Observatory located at Rio Hurtado Valley in Chile. Since we obtained the first light of 7DT in October 2023, we started its commissioning procedures including examination of bias levels, master flat production, and spectrophotometric standardization. In this talk, we present 7DT instruments and their set-up, commissioning procedures, and data characteristics of 7DT along with our three-layered surveys which are assumed to be initiated in early 2024.

Ji Hoon Kim, Myungshin Im, Hyung Mok Lee, Seo-Won Chang

Center for the Gravitational-Wave Universe at Seoul National University has been operating its main observational facility, the 7-Dimensional Telescope (7DT) since October 2023. Located at El Sauce Observatory in Chilean Rio Hurtado Valley, 7DT consists of 20 50-cm telescopes equipped with 40 medium-band filters of 25 nm full width at half maximum along with a CMOS camera of 61 megapixels. 7DT produces about 1 TB per night of spectral mapping image data including calibration, and the byproduct of the data reduction pipeline once our planned three layered surveys (Reference Imaging Survey, Wide Field Survey, and Intensive Monitoring Survey) start in 2024. We are expecting to generate 1 PB per year by combining raw data, reduced data, and data products (e.g. calibrated stacked images, spectral cubes, and object catalogs). To incorporate this huge amount of data, we now have a data storage for 1 PB which we will increment by 1 PB per year. We also have a high-performance computation facility that is equipped with 2 NVIDIA A100 GPU cards since we plan to carry out real-time data reduction and analysis for follow-up observation data of gravitational wave events. To incorporate this, we established a 400 Mbps network connection between the facilities in Korea and Chile. Taking advantage of the high-performance network, we have been carrying out fully remote operations since October 2023. In this talk, we present details of designing, planning, and executing the ground-based telescope facility project, especially within low-budget academic environments. While we cover as much ground as possible, we will emphasize human resource management, project risk management, and financial contingency management.

Galactic double white dwarfs are predominant sources of gravitational waves in the millihertz frequencies accessible to space-borne gravitational wave detectors. With advances in multi-messenger astronomy, an increasing number of double white dwarf systems will be discovered through both electromagnetic and gravitational wave observations. In this paper, we simulated two populations of double white dwarfs originating from different star formation histories (hereafter referred to as Model 1 and Model 2) using the binary population synthesis method. We predicted the number of double white dwarfs in our Galaxy detectable by TianQin and Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) individually, as well as through their joint observation. In addition, we performed an analysis to evaluate the accuracy of the parameter estimation using the Fisher information matrix. Furthermore, we predicted the number of eclipsing double white dwarfs detectable by Gaia and LSST. Our study found that over the nominal mission durations, TianQin, LISA, and their joint observation can detect $5\times10^3$ ($1\times10^4$), $1.7\times10^4$ ($3.3\times10^4$), and $1.8\times10^4$ ($3.5\times10^4$) double white dwarfs with signal-to-noise ratios greater than 7 in Model 1 (Model 2), respectively. Gaia and LSST are expected to detect 67 (186) and 273 (554) eclipsing double white dwarfs in Model 1 (Model 2) with orbital period less than 30 hours, respectively. We also found that several dozen eclipsing double white dwarfs can be detected jointly through electromagnetic and gravitational wave observations.

Anindya Saha, Anandmayee Tej, Santiago del Palacio, Michaël De Becker, Paula Benaglia, Ishwara Chandra CH, Prachi Prajapati

In recent years, systems involving massive stars with large wind kinetic power have been considered as promising sites for investigating relativistic particle acceleration in low radio frequencies. With this aim, we observed two Wolf-Rayet systems, WR 114 and WR 142, using upgraded Giant Meterwave Radio Telescope observations in Band 4 (550-950 MHz) and Band 5 (1050-1450 MHz). None of the targets was detected at these frequencies. Based on the non-detection, we report 3$\sigma$ upper limits to the radio flux densities at 735 and 1260 MHz (123 and 66 $\mu$Jy for WR 114, and 111 and 96 $\mu$Jy for WR 142, respectively). The plausible scenarios to interpret this non-detection are presented.

We use the reconstructed properties of the Amaterasu particle, the second-highest energy cosmic ray ever detected, to map out three-dimensional constraints on the location of its unknown source. We highlight possible astrophysical sources that are compatible with these regions and requirements. Among these, M82, a powerful starburst galaxy, stands out as a strong candidate due to its position and proximity. To derive our constraints, we use CRPropa 3 to model all relevant propagation effects, including deflections in the Galactic and extra-Galactic magnetic fields. We consider key input quantities such as source distance, position, energy, and the strength and coherence length of the extra-Galactic magnetic field as free parameters. We then infer constraints on these parameters by applying approximate Bayesian computation. We present our results, demonstrating the impact of different assumptions for the arrival mass of the Amaterasu particle and the systematic uncertainties on the energy scale.

R. Franceschi, Th. Henning, G. V. Smirnov-Pinchukov, D. A. Semenov, K. Schwarz, A. Dutrey, E. Chapillon, U. Gorti, S. Guilloteau, V. Piétu, S. van Terwisga, L. Bouscasse, P. Caselli, G. Gieser, T.-H. Hsieh, A. Lopez-Sepulcre, D. M. Segura-Cox, J. E. Pineda, M. J. Maureira, M. T. Valdivia-Mena

We aim to constrain the gas density and temperature distributions as well as gas masses in several T Tauri protoplanetary disks located in Taurus. We use the 12CO, 13CO, and C18O (2-1) isotopologue emission observed at 0.9 with the IRAM NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array (NOEMA) as part of the MPG-IRAM Observatory Program PRODIGE (PROtostars and DIsks: Global Evolution PIs: P. Caselli & Th. Henning). Our sample consists of Class II disks with no evidence of strong radial substructures. We use thesedata to constrain the thermal and chemical structure of these disks through theoretical models for gas emission. To fit the combined optically thick and thin CO line data in Fourier space, we developed the DiskCheF code, which includes the parameterized disk physical structure, machine-learning (ML) accelerated chemistry, and the RADMC-3D line radiative transfer module. A key novelty of DiskCheF is the fast and feasible ML-based chemistry trained on the extended grid of the disk physical-chemical models precomputed with the ANDES2 code. This ML approach allows complex chemical kinetics models to be included in a time-consuming disk fitting without the need to run a chemical code. We present a novel approach to incorporate chemistry into disk modeling without the need to explicitly calculate a chemical network every time. Using this new disk modeling tool, we successfully fit the 12CO, 13CO, and C18O (2-1) data from the CI, CY, DL, DM, DN, and IQ Tau disks. The combination of optically thin and optically thick CO lines allows us to simultaneously constrain the disk temperature and mass distribution, and derive the CO-based gas masses. These values are in reasonable agreement with the disk dust masses rescaled by a factor of 100 as well as with other indirect gas measurements.

Jorick S. Vink (Armagh Observatory and Planetarium)

Stellar winds form an integral part of astronomy. The solar wind affects Earth's magnetosphere, while the winds of hot massive stars are highly relevant for galactic feedback through their mechanical wind energy. In different parts of the stellar HR diagram different forces dominate. On the hot side of the HRD radiative forces on ionised gas particles are active, while on the cool side molecular and dust opacities take over. Moreover, due to the convective envelopes, alternative physical ingredients may start to dominate. I will describe the basic equation of motion and give a few examples, mostly focusing on the winds from massive stars. Here mass-loss rates significantly affect the stellar evolution all the way to core collapse as a supernova and/or black hole formation event.

Qingjun Liu, Chaowei Jiang, Xuesheng Feng, Pingbing Zuo, Yi Wang

Coronal mass ejections from the Sun are not always initiated along a radial trajectory; such non-radial eruptions are well known to be caused by the asymmetry of the pre-eruption magnetic configuration, which is primarily determined by the uneven distribution of magnetic flux at the photosphere. Therefore, it is naturally expected that the non-radial eruptions should be rather common, at least as frequent as radial ones, given the typically asymmetrical nature of photospheric magnetic flux. However, statistical studies have shown that only a small fraction of eruptions display non-radial behavior. Here we aim to shed light on this counterintuitive fact, based on a series of numerical simulations of eruption initiation in bipolar fields with different asymmetric flux distributions. As the asymmetry of the flux distribution increases, the eruption direction tends to deviate further away from the radial path, accompanied by a decrease in eruption intensity. In case of too strong asymmetry, no eruption is triggered, indicating that excessively inclined eruptions cannot occur. Therefore, our simulations suggest that asymmetry plays a negative role in producing eruption, potentially explaining the lesser frequency of non-radial solar eruptions compared to radial ones. With increasing asymmetry, the degree of non-potentiality the field can attain is reduced. Consequently, the intensity of the pre-eruption current sheet decreases, and reconnection becomes less efficient, resulting in weaker eruptions.

Jakub Nadolny, Michał Jerzy Michałowski, Massimiliano Parente, Jens Hjorth, Christa Gall, Aleksandra Leśniewska, Martín Solar, Przemysław Nowaczyk, Oleh Ryzhov

Removing cold interstellar medium (ISM) from a galaxy is central to quenching star formation. However, the exact mechanism of this process remains unclear. The objective of this work is to find the mechanism responsible for dust and gas removal in simulated early-type galaxies (ETGs). A statistically significant sample of massive (M_*>$10^{10}$M$_\odot$), simulated ETG in a redshift range of 0.02--0.32 is studied in the context of its ISM properties. In particular, we investigate the cold dust and gas removal timescales, the cold gas inflows, and their relation with black hole (BH) mass. We also investigate the evolution of galaxies in the dust vs. star formation rate (SFR) plane and the influence of merger events. We find agreement with previous observational works considering the timescales of dust and HI removal from ETGs. When considering the dust-to-stellar mass ratio as a function of time in simulations, we recovered a similar decline as in the observational sample as a function of stellar age, validating its use for timing the ISM decline. Moreover, we recover the observed relation between dust mass and SFR for actively star-forming galaxies as well as for passive ETGs. We also show that starburst galaxies form their own sequence on the dust vs. SFR plot in a form $\log(M_{\rm dust, SB})= 0.913\times \log({\rm SFR}) + 6.533$ with $2\sigma$ scatter of 0.32. Finally, we find that type II supernova reverse shocks dominate the dust destruction at the early stages of ETG evolution, while at later times stellar feedback becomes more important. We show that merger events lead to morphological transformations by increasing the bulge-to-total stellar mass ratio followed by an increase in BH masses. The BH feedback resulting from radio mode accretion prevents the hot halo gas from cooling, indirectly leading to a decrease in the SFR.

The first star-forming objects which formed at high redshifts during the cosmic dawn (CD) also emitted photons between Lyman-$\alpha$ and Lyman-limit frequencies. These photons are instrumental in coupling the spin temperature of the neutral hydrogen (HI) atoms with the kinetic temperature of the intergalactic medium (IGM). Along with this coupling effect, these photons also impact the kinetic temperature by exchanging energy with the HI atoms. The injected Lyman-$\alpha$ photons in general cool the medium, while the continuum photons heat the medium. While studying this effect in the literature, quasi-static profile around the Lyman-$\alpha$ frequency is assumed. In this paper, we solve the time-dependent coupled dynamics of the photon intensity profile along with the evolution of the thermal state of the IGM and HI spin temperature. It is expected that, during the CD era, the IGM has a mix of continuum photons with 10-20% of injected photons. For this case, we show that the system reaches thermal equilibrium in around 1 Myr, with final temperature in the range 50-100 K. This time scale is comparable to the source lifetime of PopIII stars at high redshifts. One impact of switching off short-lived sources is that it can keep the system heated above the temperature of the quasi-static state. We also show that the quasi-static equilibrium for the continuum photons is only achieved on time scales of 100 Myr at $z\simeq 20$, comparable to the age of the Universe. We also briefly discuss how the Lyman-$\alpha$ induced heating can impact the 21 cm signal from CD.

We investigate the parity-violating effects in primordial gravitational waves (GWs) due to null energy condition (NEC) violation in two very early universe scenarios: bounce-inflation and intermediate NEC violation during inflation. In both scenarios, we numerically solve the power spectra of parity-violating primordial GWs generated by coupling the background field and the spectator field with the Nieh-Yan term, respectively. We find that the background field can significantly enhance parity-violating effects at scales corresponding to the maximum of the GW power spectra. In contrast, the parity-violating effects produced by the spectator show significantly weaker observability even if the coupling constant is large. Therefore, in NEC-violating scenarios, the significant observable parity-violating effects in primordial GWs primarily arise from the physics directly related to NEC violation. This result highlights the potential of primordial GWs as crucial tools for exploring NEC-violating and parity-violating physics.

Giacomo Cordoni, Luca Casagrande, Jie Yu, Antonino P. Milone, Anna F. Marino, Francesca D'Antona, Flavia Dell'Agli, Sven Buder, Marco Tailo

The origin of extended main-sequence turn-offs (eMSTO) in star clusters younger than 2 Gyr still challenges our current understanding of stellar evolution. Exploiting data from Gaia Data Release 3 (DR3), we investigate eMSTOs in a large sample of 32 Galactic open clusters younger than 2.4 Gyr. We first validate Gaia rotational velocities from Radial Velocity Spectrometer (RVS) spectra by comparing them with literature values and assessing their correlation with magnetic activity measurements from LAMOST spectra. We detect a general positive correlation between turn-off color and projected stellar rotation, with slow-rotating stars predominantly found on the bluer side of the turn-off. Comparing our observations with theoretical models, we find that the eMSTO morphology is well-reproduced by a single population formed with a high rotation rate, and observed with rotation axis inclination ranging between 0$^\circ$ (pole-on) and 90$^\circ$ (edge-on). This contrasts with observations of Magellanic Clouds clusters, where a population of non-rotating stars appears to be ubiquitous in clusters younger than 700 Myr. However, we note that our interpretation, while successfully explaining the overall eMSTO morphology, cannot fully explain the observed projected rotational velocities. Additionally, two young clusters, NGC 3532 and NGC 2287, exhibit moderate evidence of a split main sequence in color and rotation, suggesting a possible small spread in the initial rotation rate. Finally, we advise caution in determining the ages of young clusters from non-rotating isochrones, as neglecting the effects of stellar rotation can impact the isochrone dating by up to factors of 5-20%.

Valentina Abril-Melgarejo, Bethan L. James, Alessandra Aloisi, Matilde Mingozzi, Vianney Lebouteiller, Svea Hernandez, Nimisha Kumari

We present a pioneering spatially-resolved, multi-phase gas abundance study on the blue compact dwarf galaxy NGC~5253, targeting 10 star-forming (SF) clusters inside six FUV HST/COS pointings with co-spatial optical VLT/MUSE observations throughout the galaxy. The SF regions span a wide range of ages (1--15 Myr) and are distributed at different radii (50 -- 230 pc). We performed robust absorption-line profile fitting on the COS spectra, covering 1065--1430 Å in the FUV, allowing an accurate computation of neutral-gas abundances for 13 different ions sampling 8 elements. These values were then compared with the ionized-gas abundances, measured using the direct method on MUSE integrated spectra inside analog COS apertures. Our multi-phase, spatially resolved comparisons find abundances which are lower in the neutral gas than the ionized gas by 0.22 dex, 0.80 dex and 0.58 dex for log(O/H), log(N/H) and log(N/O), respectively. We modeled the chemical abundance distributions and evaluated correlations as a function of radius and age. It was found that while N, O and N/O abundances decrease as a function of age in the ionized gas, they increase with age in the neutral gas. No strong correlations for N, O or N/O were observed as a function of radius. The N/O and N/H offsets between the phases were found to decrease with age, providing evidence that chemical enrichment happens differentially, first in the ionized-gas phase around 2--5 Myrs (due to N-rich Wolf-Rayet stars) and then mixing out into the cold neutral gas on longer timescales of 10--15 Myr.

Piotr Wielgórski, Grzegorz Pietrzyński, Wolfgang Gieren, Bartłomiej Zgirski, Marek Górski, Jesper Storm, Nicolas Nardetto, Pierre Kervella, Garance Bras, Gergely Hajdu, Vincent Hocdé, Bogumił Pilecki, Weronika Narloch, Paulina Karczmarek, Wojciech Pych, Rolf Chini, Klaus Hodapp

Type II Cepheids are old pulsating stars that can be used to trace the distribution of an old stellar population and to measure distances to globular clusters and galaxies within several megaparsecs. One method that can be used to measure the distances of Type II Cepheids relies on period-luminosity relations, which are quite widely explored in the literature. The semi-geometrical Baade-Wesselink technique is another method that allows distances of radially pulsating stars, such as Type II Cepheids, to be measured if the so-called projection factor is known. Using the surface brightness-colour relation version of the Baade-Wesselink technique, we determined the projection factors and radii of eight nearby BL Her type stars. We adopted accurate distances of target stars from Gaia Data Release 3. Time series photometry in the V and K bands have been collected with two telescopes located at the Rolf Chini Cerro Murphy Observatory, while spectroscopic data have been obtained with instruments hosted by the European Southern Observatory. The measured projection factors for the stars with good quality data are in the range between 1.21 and 1.36. The typical uncertainty of projection factors is 0.1. The mean value is 1.330$\pm$0.058, which gives the uncertainty of $\sim$4%. The main sources of uncertainty on the p-factors are statistical errors of the Baade-Wesselink fit and parallax. In the case of radii, the biggest contribution to the error budget comes from the K band photometry systematic uncertainty and parallax. The determined radii allowed us to construct the period-radius relation for BL Her stars. Our period-radius relation is in good agreement with the previous empirical calibration, while two theoretical calibrations found in the literature agree with our relation within 2$\sigma$. We also confirm that BL Her and RR Lyr stars obey an apparent common period-radius relation.

Propagating (intensity) disturbances (PDs) are well reported in observations of coronal loops and polar plumes in addition to recent links with co-temporal spicule activity in the solar atmosphere. However, despite being reported in observations, they are yet to be studied in depth and understood from a modelling point of view. In this work, we present results from a 3D MHD numerical model featuring a stratified solar atmosphere which is perturbed by a p-mode wave driver at the photosphere, subsequently forming spicules described by the rebound shock model. Features with striking characteristics to those of detected PDs appear consistent with the co-temporal transition region dynamics and spicular activity resulting from nonlinear wave steepening and shock formation. Furthermore, the PDs can be interpreted as slow magnetoacoustic pulses propagating along the magnetic field, rather than high speed plasma upflows, carrying sufficient energy flux to at least partially heat the lower coronal plasma. Using forward modelling, we demonstrate the similarities between the PDs in the simulations and those reported in observations from IRIS and SDO/AIA. Our results suggest that, in the presented model, the dynamical movement of the transition region is a result of wave dynamics and shock formation in the lower solar atmosphere, and that PDs are launched co-temporally with the rising of the transition region, regardless of the wave-generating physical mechanisms occurring in the underlying lower solar atmosphere. However, it is clear that signatures of PDs appear much clearer when a photospheric wave driver is included. Finally, we present the importance of PDs in the context of providing a source for powering the (fast) solar wind

SpaceX recently proposed to orbit 19,440 Starlink internet satellites at a low altitude of 350 km instead of the current 550 km. The distribution in the sky and the apparent magnitudes of these spacecraft are simulated in this paper. During astronomical twilight the impact of spacecraft at 350 km on astronomical observations would be more severe than those at 550 km. However, during the hours of darkness those at 350 km would have a less severe impact. The qualitative statement made by SpaceX to the US Federal Communications Commision is consistent with the quantitative results reported here.

Roberto Puddu, Patricio A. Gallardo, Tony Mroczkowski, Pierre Dubois-dit-Bonclaude, Manuel Groh, Aleksej Kiselev, Matthias Reichert, Martin Timpe, Claudia Cicone, Hans J. Kaercher, Rolando Dünner

(abridged) The Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST) is undergoing a design study for a large (50 meter) single-dish submm-wavelength Ritchey-Chrétien telescope to be located 5050 meters above sea level in the Atacama Desert in northern Chile. It will allow for observations covering 30 to 950 GHz. Observing at such high frequencies with a 50~m primary mirror will be challenging, and has never been attempted thus far. This observational capability demands exquisite control of systematics to ensure a reliable beam shape, and to mitigate the expected sidelobe levels. Among them, critical issues that large telescopes like AtLAST need to deal with are introduced by the panel gap pattern, the secondary mirror supporting struts, mirror deformations produced by thermal and gravitational effects, and Ruze scattering due to surface roughness. Proprietary software such as TICRA-Tools allows for full-wave, complex-field physical optics simulations taking into account these features. Such calculations can be computationally expensive since the mirror surfaces are gridded (meshed) into a fine array in which each element is treated as a current source. If the telescope size is large and the wavelengths are short this may lead to very long running times. Here we present a set of physical optics results that allow us to estimate the performance of the telescope in terms of beam shape, directivity, sidelobes level and stray light. We also discuss how we addressed the computational challenges, and provide caveats on how to shorten the run times. Above all, we conclude that the scattering effects from the gaps and tertiary support structure are minimal, and subdominant to the Ruze scattering.

We explore the evolution of the ~107 degree hot gas in normal galaxies out to redshift = 0.5 (lookback time = 5 Gyr), using X-ray luminosity functions (XLF) built from a sample of 575 normal galaxies with z < 0.6 detected in five high galactic latitude Chandra wide-field surveys. After estimating the emission due to the hot gas component (reducing the sample to ~400 galaxies), we compared the XLF in three redshift bins (z = 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5), finding increases in the number of galaxies per unit co-moving volume from z = 0.1 to 0.3 and then from z = 0.3 to 0.5. These XLF changes suggest a significant (~5s) X-ray luminosity evolution of the hot gas, with LX,GAS decreasing by a factor of 6-10 in the last 5 Gyr (from z = 0.5 to 0.1). The relative abundance of LX,GAS~1041 erg s-1 galaxies at higher z, suggests that high z, moderate LX,GAS galaxies may be the optimal target to solve the missing baryon problem. In early-type galaxies, this observational trend is qualitatively consistent with (but larger than) the expected time-dependent mass-loss rate in cooling flow models without AGN feedback. In late-type galaxies, the observational trend is also qualitatively consistent with (but larger than) the effect of the z-dependent SFR.

George C.P. Wang, Scott C. Chapman, Nikolaus Sulzenauer, Frank Bertoldi, Christopher C. Hayward, Ryley Hill, Satoshi Kikuta, Yuichi Matsuda, Douglas Rennehan, Douglas Scott, Ian Smail, Charles C. Steidel

We present wide-field mapping at 850 $\mu$m and 450 $\mu$m of the $z$ = 2.85 protocluster in the HS1549$+$19 field using the Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array 2 (SCUBA-2). Spectroscopic follow-up of 18 bright sources selected at 850 $\mu$m, using the Nothern Extended Millimeter Array (NOEMA) and Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), confirms the majority lies near $z$ $\sim$ 2.85 and are likely members of the structure. Interpreting the spectroscopic redshifts as distance measurements, we find that the SMGs span 90 Mpc$^2$ in the plane of the sky and demarcate a 4100 Mpc$^3$ "pancake"-shaped structure in three dimensions. We find that the high star-formation rates (SFRs) of these SMGs result in a total SFR of 20,000 M$_\odot$ yr$^{-1}$ only from the brightest galaxies in the protocluster. These rapidly star-forming SMGs can be interpreted as massive galaxies growing rapidly at large cluster-centric distances before collapsing into a virialized structure. We find that the SMGs trace the Lyman-$\alpha$ surface density profile. Comparison with simulations suggests that HS1549$+$19 could be building a structure comparable to the most massive clusters in the present-day Universe.

R. K. Saito, M. Hempel, J. Alonso-García, P. W. Lucas, D. Minniti, S. Alonso, L. Baravalle, J. Borissova, C. Caceres, A. N. Chené, N. J. G. Cross, F. Duplancic, E. R. Garro, M. Gómez, V. D. Ivanov, R. Kurtev, A. Luna, D. Majaess, M. G. Navarro, J. B. Pullen, M. Rejkuba, J. L. Sanders, L. C. Smith, P. H. C. Albino, M. V. Alonso, E. B. Amôres, R. Angeloni, J. I. Arias, M. Arnaboldi, B. Barbuy, A. Bayo, J. C. Beamin, L. R. Bedin, A. Bellini, R. A. Benjamin, E. Bica, C. J. Bonatto, E. Botan, V. F. Braga, D. A. Brown, J. B. Cabral, D. Camargo, A. Caratti o Garatti, J. A. Carballo-Bello, M. Catelan, C. Chavero, M. A. Chijani, J. J. Clariá, G. V. Coldwell, C. Contreras Peña, R. Contreras Ramos, J. M. Corral-Santana, C. C. Cortés, M. Cortés-Contreras, P. Cruz, I. V. Daza-Perilla, V. P. Debattista, B. Dias, L. Donoso, R. D'Souza, J. P. Emerson, S. Federle, V. Fermiano, J. Fernandez, J. G. Fernández-Trincado, T. Ferreira, C. E. Ferreira Lopes, V. Firpo, C. Flores-Quintana, L. Fraga, D. Froebrich, D. Galdeano, I. Gavignaud, D. Geisler, O. E. Gerhard, W. Gieren, O. A. Gonzalez, L. V. Gramajo, F. Gran, P. M. Granitto, M. Griggio, Z. Guo, S. Gurovich, M. Hilker, H. R. A. Jones, R. Kammers, M. A. Kuhn, M. S .N. Kumar, R. Kundu, M. Lares, M. Libralato, E. Lima, T. J. Maccarone, P. Marchant Cortés, E. L. Martin, N. Masetti, N. Matsunaga, F. Mauro, I. McDonald, A. Mejías

The ESO public survey VISTA Variables in the Vía Láctea (VVV) surveyed the inner Galactic bulge and the adjacent southern Galactic disk from $2009-2015$. Upon its conclusion, the complementary VVV eXtended (VVVX) survey has expanded both the temporal as well as spatial coverage of the original VVV area, widening it from $562$ to $1700$ sq. deg., as well as providing additional epochs in $JHK_{\rm s}$ filters from $2016-2023$. With the completion of VVVX observations during the first semester of 2023, we present here the observing strategy, a description of data quality and access, and the legacy of VVVX. VVVX took $\sim 2000$ hours, covering about 4% of the sky in the bulge and southern disk. VVVX covered most of the gaps left between the VVV and the VISTA Hemisphere Survey (VHS) areas and extended the VVV time baseline in the obscured regions affected by high extinction and hence hidden from optical observations. VVVX provides a deep $JHK_{\rm s}$ catalogue of $\gtrsim 1.5\times10^9$ point sources, as well as a $K_{\rm s}$ band catalogue of $\sim 10^7$ variable sources. Within the existing VVV area, we produced a $5D$ map of the surveyed region by combining positions, distances, and proper motions of well-understood distance indicators such as red clump stars, RR Lyrae, and Cepheid variables. In March 2023 we successfully finished the VVVX survey observations that started in 2016, an accomplishment for ESO Paranal Observatory upon 4200 hours of observations for VVV+VVVX. The VVV+VVVX catalogues complement those from the Gaia mission at low Galactic latitudes and provide spectroscopic targets for the forthcoming ESO high-multiplex spectrographs MOONS and 4MOST.

Camila Franco, Jezebel Oliveira, Maria Lopes, Felipe Avila, Armando Bernui

The standard model of cosmology describes the matter fluctuations through the matter power spectrum, where $\sigma_{8} \equiv \sigma_{8,0} \equiv \sigma_{8}(z = 0)$, defined at the scale of $8\,h^{-1}$\,Mpc, acts as a normalisation parameter. Currently, there is a notable discrepancy in the reported values of $\sigma_{8}$ obtained from cosmic microwave background and large scale structure data analyses, which indicates a $\sim 3\,\sigma$ tension between these measurements. This study quantifies matter fluctuations in the Local Universe using HI extragalactic sources mapped by the ALFALFA survey to test the standard cosmological model under extreme conditions in the highly non-linear Local Universe, $z \approx 0$, quantifying the amplitude of the matter fluctuations there, $\sigma_8$. Our work directly measures $\sigma_{8}$ using the ALFALFA data, where 3D distances were obtained without assuming $H_0$, resulting in a robust model-independent analysis.

A. Sicilia-Aguilar, R.S. Kahar, M.E. Pelayo-Baldárrago, V. Roccatagliata, D. Froebrich, F.J. Galindo-Guil, J. Campbell-White, J.S. Kim, I. Mendigutía, L. Schlueter, P. S. Teixeira, S. Matsumura, M. Fang, A. Scholz, P. Ábrahám, A. Frasca, A. Garufi, C. Herbert, Á. Kóspál, C.F. Manara

We present the overview and first results from the North-PHASE Legacy Survey, which follows six young clusters for five years, using the 2 deg$^2$ FoV of the JAST80 telescope from the Javalambre Observatory (Spain). North-PHASE investigates stellar variability on timescales from days to years for thousands of young stars distributed over entire clusters. This allows us to find new YSO, characterise accretion and study inner disk evolution within the cluster context. Each region (Tr37, CepOB3, IC5070, IC348, NGC2264, and NGC1333) is observed in six filters (SDSS griz, u band, and J0660, which covers H$\alpha$), detecting cluster members as well as field variable stars. Tr37 is used to prove feasibility and optimise the variability analysis techniques. In Tr37, variability reveals 50 new YSO, most of them proper motion outliers. North-PHASE independently confirms the youth of astrometric members, efficiently distinguishes accreting and non-accreting stars, reveals the extent of the cluster populations along Tr37/IC1396 bright rims, and detects variability resulting from rotation, dips, and irregular bursts. The proper motion outliers unveil a more complex star formation history than inferred from Gaia alone, and variability highlights previously hidden proper motion deviations in the surrounding clouds. We also find that non-YSO variables identified by North-PHASE cover a different variability parameter space and include long-period variables, eclipsing binaries, RR Lyr, and $\delta$ Scuti stars. These early results also emphasize the power of variability to complete the picture of star formation where it is missed by astrometry.

C. C. Thöne, A. de Ugarte Postigo, L. Izzo, M. J. Michalowski, A. J. Levan, J. K. Leung, J. F. Agüí Fernández, T. Géron, R. Friesen, L. Christensen, S. Covino, V. D'Elia, D. H. Hartmann, P. Jakobsson, M. De Pasquale, G. Pugliese, A. Rossi, P. Schady, K. Wiersema, T. Zafar

Long GRB hosts at z<1 are usually low-mass, low metallicity star-forming galaxies. Here we present the until now most detailed, spatially resolved study of the host of GRB 171205A, a grand-design barred spiral galaxy at z=0.036. Our analysis includes MUSE integral field spectroscopy, complemented by high spatial resolution UV/VIS HST imaging and CO(1-0) and HI 21cm data. The GRB is located in a small star-forming region in a spiral arm of the galaxy at a deprojected distance of ~ 8 kpc from the center. The galaxy shows a smooth negative metallicity gradient and the metallicity at the GRB site is half solar, slightly below the mean metallicity at the corresponding distance from the center. Star formation in this galaxy is concentrated in a few HII regions between 5-7 kpc from the center and at the end of the bar, inwards of the GRB region, however, the HII region hosting the GRB is in the top 10% of regions with highest specific star-formation rate. The stellar population at the GRB site has a very young component (< 5 Myr) contributing a significant part of the light. Ionized and molecular gas show only minor deviations at the end of the bar. A parallel study found an asymmetric HI distribution and some additional gas near the position of the GRB, which might explain the star-forming region of the GRB site. Our study shows that long GRBs can occur in many types of star-forming galaxies, however, the actual GRB sites consistently have low metallicity, high star formation and a young population. Furthermore, gas inflow or interactions triggering the star formation producing the GRB progenitor might not be evident in ionized or even molecular gas but only in HI.

A. de Ugarte Postigo, M. Michalowski, C. C. Thoene, S. Martin, A. Ashok, J. F. Agui Fernandez, M. Bremer, K. Misra, D. A. Perley, K. E. Heintz, S. V. Cherukuri, W. Dimitrov, T. Geron, A. Ghosh, L. Izzo, D. A. Kann, M. P. Koprowski, A. Lesniewska, J. K. Leung, A. Levan, A. Omar, D. Oszkiewicz, M. Polinska, L. Resmi, S. Schulze

GRBs produced by the collapse of massive stars are usually found near the most prominent star-forming regions of star-forming galaxies. GRB 171205A happened in the outskirts of a spiral galaxy, a peculiar location in an atypical GRB host. In this paper we present a highly-resolved study of the molecular gas of this host, with CO(1-0) observations from ALMA. We compare with GMRT atomic HI observations, and with data at other wavelengths to provide a broad-band view of the galaxy. The ALMA observations have a spatial resolution of 0.2" and a spectral resolution of 10 km/s, observed when the afterglow had a flux density of ~53 mJy. This allowed a molecular study both in emission and absorption. The HI observations allowed to study the host galaxy and its extended environment. The CO emission shows an undisturbed spiral structure with a central bar, and no significant emission at the location of the GRB. Our CO spectrum does not reveal any CO absorption, with a column density limit of < 10^15 cm^-2. This argues against the progenitor forming in a massive molecular cloud. The molecular gas traces the galaxy arms with higher concentration in the regions dominated by dust. The HI gas does not follow the stellar light or the molecular gas and is concentrated in two blobs, with no emission towards the centre of the galaxy, and is slightly displaced towards the southwest of the galaxy, where the GRB exploded. Within the extended neighbourhood of the host galaxy, we identify another prominent HI source at the same redshift, at a projected distance of 188 kpc. Our observations show that the progenitor of this GRB is not associated to a massive molecular cloud, but more likely related to low-metallicity atomic gas. The distortion in the HI gas field is indicator of an odd environment that could have triggered star formation and could be linked to a past interaction with the companion galaxy.

DESI is a groundbreaking international project to observe more than 40 million quasars and galaxies over a 5-year period to create a 3D map of the sky. This map will enable us to probe multiple aspects of cosmology, from dark energy to neutrino mass. We are focusing here on one type of object observed by DESI, the Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs). The aim is to use their spectra to determine whether they are indeed LBGs, and if so, to determine their distance from the Earth using a phenomenon called redshift. This will enable us to place these galaxies on the DESI 3D map. The aim is therefore to develop a convolutional neural network (CNN) inspired by QuasarNET (See arXiv:1808.09955), performing simultaneously a classification (LBG type or not) and a regression task (determine the redshift of the LBGs). Initially, data augmentation techniques such as shifting the spectra in wavelengths, adding noise to the spectra, or adding synthetic spectra were used to increase the model training dataset from 3,019 data to over 66,000. In a second phase, modifications to the QuasarNET architecture, notably through transfer learning and hyperparameter tuning with Bayesian optimization, boosted model performance. Gains of up to 26% were achieved on the Purity/Efficiency curve, which is used to evaluate model performance, particularly in areas with interesting redshifts, at low (around 2) and high (around 4) redshifts. The best model obtained an average score of 94%, compared with 75% for the initial model.

The recently discovered satellite dwarf galaxy Ursa Major III provides a promising opportunity to explore the signatures resulting from dark matter (DM) annihilation, due to its proximity and large J-factor. Owing to the absence of an excess of $\gamma$-ray signatures originating from Ursa Major III, observations of $\gamma$-rays, such as those from Fermi-LAT, can be utilized to set constraints on the DM annihilation cross section. In this study, we determine the DM density profile, and consider the relationship between DM density and velocity dispersion at different locations within Ursa Major III through Jeans analysis. We calculate the J-factor of Ursa Major III for s-wave annihilation, along with the effective J-factors for p-wave and Sommerfeld enhanced annihilation scenarios. Utilizing these derived J-factors, we set stringent constraints on DM annihilation cross sections in three scenarios. Given the substantial impact of member star identification on the J-factor of Ursa Major III, we further calculate J-factors with the condition of excluding the largest velocity outlier. Our analysis reveals a notable reduction in the median value and an increase in the deviation of J-factors, thereby leading to considerably weaker constraints.

Standard cosmic microwave background (CMB) analyses constrain cosmological and astrophysical parameters by fitting parametric models to multifrequency power spectra (MFPS). However, such methods do not optimally weight maps in power spectrum (PS) measurements for non-Gaussian CMB foregrounds. We propose needlet internal linear combination (NILC), operating on wavelets with compact support in pixel and harmonic space, as a weighting scheme to yield more optimal parameter constraints. In a companion paper, we derived an analytic formula for NILC map PS, which is physically insightful but computationally difficult to use in parameter inference pipelines. In this work, we analytically show that fitting parametric templates to MFPS and harmonic ILC PS yields identical parameter constraints when the number of sky components equals or exceeds the number of frequency channels. We numerically show that, for Gaussian random fields, the same holds for NILC PS. This suggests that NILC can reduce parameter error bars in the presence of non-Gaussian fields since it uses non-Gaussian information. As Gaussian likelihoods may be inaccurate, we use likelihood-free inference (LFI) with neural posterior estimation. We show that performing inference with auto- and cross-PS of NILC component maps as summary statistics yields smaller parameter error bars than inference with MFPS. For a model with CMB, an amplified thermal Sunyaev--Zel'dovich (tSZ) signal, and noise, we find a 60% reduction in the area of the 2D 68% confidence region for component amplitude parameters inferred from NILC PS, as compared to inference from MFPS. Primordial $B$-mode searches are a promising application for our new method, as the amplitude of the non-Gaussian dust foreground is known to be larger than a potential signal. Our code is available in this https URL.

The origins of merging compact binaries observed by gravitational-wave detectors remains highly uncertain. Several astrophysical channels may contribute to the overall merger rate, with distinct formation processes imprinted on the structure and correlations in the underlying distributions of binary source parameters. In the absence of confident theoretical models, the current understanding of this population mostly relies on simple parametric models that make strong assumptions and are prone to misspecification. Recent work has made progress using more flexible nonparametric models, but detailed measurement of the multidimensional population remains challenging. In pursuit of this, we present PixelPop-a high resolution Bayesian nonparametric model to infer joint distributions and parameter correlations with minimal assumptions. PixelPop densely bins the joint parameter space and directly infers the merger rate in each bin, assuming only that bins are coupled to their nearest neighbors. We demonstrate this method on mock populations with and without bivariate source correlations, employing several statistical metrics for information gain and correlation significance to quantify our nonparametric results. We show that PixelPop correctly recovers the true populations within posterior uncertainties and offers a conservative assessment of population-level features and parameter correlations. Its flexibility and tractability make it a useful data-driven tool to probe gravitational-wave populations in multiple dimensions.

E. P. Lagioia, A. P. Milone, M. V. Legnardi, G. Cordoni, E. Dondoglio, A. Renzini, M. Tailo, T. Ziliotto, M. Carlos, S. Jang, A. F. Marino, A. Mohandasan, J. Qi, G. Rangwal, E. Bortolan, F. Muratore

The pseudo two-color diagram, known as chromosome map (ChM), is a valuable tool for identifying globular clusters (GCs) that consist of single or multiple stellar populations (MPs). Recent surveys of Galactic GCs using the ChM have provided stringent observational constraints on the formation of GCs and their stellar populations. However, these surveys have primarily focused on GCs at moderate distances from the Galactic center and composed of MPs. In this paper, we present the first detailed study of the stellar composition of four GCs in the outer halo of the Milky Way: Arp 2, Ruprecht 106, Terzan 7, and Terzan 8. Our analysis is based on highprecision photometry obtained from images collected with the Hubble Space Telescope in the F275W, F336W, F438W, F606W, and F814W bands. We find that Ruprecht 106 and Terzan 7 are composed solely of a single stellar population, whereas Arp 2 and Terzan 8 host both first- and second-population stars. In these clusters, the second population comprises about half and one-third of the total number of GC stars, respectively. The results from this paper and the literature suggest that the threshold in the initial GC mass, if present, should be smaller than approximately $10^{5}$ $M_{\odot}$. The first-population stars of Arp 2 and Terzan 8, along with the stars of the simple-population GCs Ruprecht 106 and Terzan 7, exhibit intrinsic F275W - F814W color spreads corresponding to [Fe/H] variations of approximately 0.05 - 0.30 dex. This indicates that star-to-star metallicity variations are a common feature of star clusters, regardless of the presence of MPs.

Formation channels of merging compact binaries imprint themselves on the distributions and correlations of their source parameters. But current understanding of this population observed in gravitational waves is hindered by simplified parametric models. We overcome these limitations using PixelPop [Heinzel et al. (2024)]-our multidimensional Bayesian nonparametric population model. We analyze data from the first three LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA observing runs and make high resolution, minimally modeled measurements of the pairwise distributions of binary black hole masses, redshifts, and spins. There is no evidence that the mass spectrum evolves over redshift and we show that such measurements are fundamentally limited by the detector horizon. We find support for correlations of the spin distribution with binary mass ratio and redshift, but at reduced significance compared to overly constraining parametric models. Confident data-driven conclusions about population-level correlations using very flexible models like PixelPop will require more informative gravitational-wave catalogs.