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Papers for Thursday, Jul 11 2024

In ecological systems, be it a garden or a galaxy, populations evolve from some initial value (say zero) up to a steady state equilibrium, when the mean number of births and deaths per unit time are equal. This equilibrium point is a function of the birth and death rates, as well as the carrying capacity of the ecological system itself. The growth curve is S-shaped, saturating at the carrying capacity for large birth-to-death rate ratios and tending to zero at the other end. We argue that our astronomical observations appear inconsistent with a cosmos saturated with ETIs, and thus SETI optimists are left presuming that the true population is somewhere along the transitional part of this S-curve. Since the birth and death rates are a-priori unbounded, we argue that this presents a fine-tuning problem. Further, we show that if the birth-to-death rate ratio is assumed to have a log-uniform prior distribution, then the probability distribution of the ecological filling fraction is bi-modal - peaking at zero and unity. Indeed, the resulting distribution is formally the classic Haldane prior, conceived to describe the prior expectation of a Bernoulli experiment, such as a technological intelligence developing (or not) on a given world. Our results formally connect the Drake Equation to the birth-death formalism, the treatment of ecological carrying capacity and their connection to the Haldane perspective.

Daniel J. Reardon, Matthew Bailes, Ryan M. Shannon, Chris Flynn, Jacob Askew, N. D. Ramesh Bhat, Zu-Cheng Chen, Małgorzata Curyło, Yi Feng, George B. Hobbs, Agastya Kapur, Matthew Kerr, Xiaojin Liu, Richard N. Manchester, Rami Mandow, Saurav Mishra, Christopher J. Russell, Mohsen Shamohammadi, Lei Zhang, Andrew Zic

The observation of neutron stars enables the otherwise impossible study of fundamental physical processes. Timing of binary radio pulsars is particularly powerful, as it enables precise characterization of their (three-dimensional) positions and orbits. PSR J0437$-$4715 is an important millisecond pulsar for timing array experiments and is also a primary target for the Neutron Star Interior Composition ExploreR (NICER). The main aim of the NICER mission is to constrain the neutron star equation of state by inferring the compactness ($M_p/R$) of the star. Direct measurements of the mass $M_p$ from pulsar timing therefore substantially improve constraints on the radius $R$, and the equation of state. Here we use observations spanning 26 years from Murriyang, the 64-m Parkes radio telescope, to improve the timing model for this pulsar. Among the new precise measurements are the pulsar mass $M_p=1.418\pm 0.044$ M$_{\odot}$, distance $D=156.96 \pm 0.11$ pc, and orbital inclination angle $i=137.506 \pm 0.016^\circ$, which can be used to inform the X-ray pulse profile models inferred from NICER observations. We demonstrate that these results are consistent between multiple data sets from the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array (PPTA), each modelled with different noise assumptions. Using the longest available PPTA data set, we measure an apparent second derivative of the pulsar spin frequency and discuss how this can be explained either by kinematic effects due to the proper motion and radial velocity of the pulsar, or excess low-frequency noise such as a gravitational-wave background.

Barbara Patricelli, Maria Grazia Bernardini, Matteo Ferro

Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are highly energetic radio transients with millisecond duration, whose physical origin is still unknown. Many models consider magnetars as possible FRB sources, supported by the observational association of FRBs with the galactic magnetar SGR 1935+2154. Magnetars are also thought to be the source of the power of a fraction of Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs), opening the possibility that the two extreme phenomena have a common progenitor. In this work we put constrains to this hypothesis searching for possible associations between GRBs and FRBs with currently available catalogs, and estimating if the lack of coincident detection can rule out their association. We cross-matched all the Swift GRBs detected so far with all the well-localised FRBs reported in the FRBSTATS catalog, and we looked for FRB-GRB associations considering both spatial and temporal constraints. We also simulated a synthetic population of FRBs associated with Swift GRBs to estimate how likely it is to have a joint detection with current and future radio facilities. We recover two, low significant, possible associations already reported in literature from the catalogs' matches: GRB 110715A/FRB 20171209A and GRB 060502B/FRB 20190309A. However, our study shows that the absence of any unambiguous association so far between Swift GRBs and FRBs cannot exclude that the two populations are connected, given the characteristics of current GRB and FRB detectors. Currently available observational data are not sufficient to clearly exclude/confirm whether GRBs and FRBs are physically associated. In the next decade, with new generations of GRB and FRB detectors there will be a higher probability to detect joint GRB-FRB events, if any: future observations will therefore be key to put more stringent constraints on the hypothesis that FRBs and GRBs have common progenitors.

Neige Frankel, David W. Hogg, Scott Tremaine, Adrian Price-Whelan, Jeff Shen

Galaxies are not in a dynamical steady state. They continually undergo perturbations, e.g., from infalling dwarf galaxies and dark-matter substructure. After a dynamical perturbation, stars phase mix towards a new steady state; in so doing they generally form spiral structures, such as spiral density waves in galaxy disks and the Gaia Snail observed in the vertical phase-space density in the solar neighborhood. Structures in phase-space density can be hard to measure accurately, because spatially varying selection effects imprint their own patterns on the density. However, stellar labels such as metallicity, or other element abundances, or stellar masses and ages, can be measured even in the face of complex or unknown spatial selection functions. We show that if the equilibrium galaxy has phase-space gradients in these labels, any perturbation that could raise a spiral wave in the phase-space density will raise a spiral wave in the distribution of labels as well. We work out the relationship between the spiral patterns in the density and in the labels. As an example, we analyze the Gaia Snail and show that its amplitude and dynamical age as derived from elemental abundances (mainly [Mg/Fe]) follow similar patterns to those derived from the phase-space density. Our best model dates the Snail's perturbation to about 400 Myr ago although we find significant variations with angular momentum in the best-fit age. Conceptually, the ideas presented here are related to Orbital Torus Imaging, chemical tagging, and other methods that use stellar labels to trace dynamics.

Many of the stars in the Galaxy were formed in binary systems. The widest of these can eventually become disrupted due to a combination of kicks from passing stars and the Galactic tidal field. If the Galactic disk were purely axisymmetric, the stars from a disrupted binary system would slowly drift apart on nearly identical orbits. We study how the existence of non-axisymmetric structures, such as a rigidly rotating bar, can greatly alter this picture. In particular, we show how the orbital dynamics near the resonances sourced by these perturbations can create local fluctuations in the distribution of disrupted binary separations. We simulate the evolution of wide binary systems embedded in gravitational potentials with rotating galactic bars, and show how features and fluctuations in the distribution of disrupted binaries can be used to locate bar resonances and constrain the bar's pattern speed and amplitude.

B. Hadzhiyska, S. Ferraro, B. Ried Guachalla, E. Schaan, J. Aguilar, N. Battaglia, J. R. Bond, D. Brooks, E. Calabrese, S. K. Choi, T. Claybaugh, W. R. Coulton, K. Dawson, M. Devlin, B. Dey, P. Doel, A. J. Duivenvoorden, J. Dunkley, G. S. Farren, A. Font-Ribera, J. E. Forero-Romero, P. A. Gallardo, E. Gaztañaga, S. Gontcho Gontcho, M. Gralla, L. Le Guillou, G. Gutierrez, J. Guy, J. C. Hill, R. Hložek, K. Honscheid, S. Juneau, T. Kisner, A. Kremin, M. Landriau, R. H. Liu, T. Louis, N. MacCrann, A. de Macorra, M. Madhavacheril, M. Manera, A. Meisner, R. Miquel, K. Moodley, J. Moustakas, T. Mroczkowski, S. Naess, J. Newman, M. D. Niemack, G. Niz, L. Page, N. Palanque-Delabrouille, B. Partridge, W. J. Percival, F. Prada, F. J. Qu, G. Rossi, E. Sanchez, D. Schlegel, M. Schubnell, N. Sehgal, H. Seo, C. Sifón, D. Spergel, D. Sprayberry, S. Staggs, G. Tarlé, C. Vargas, E. M. Vavagiakis, B. A. Weaver, E. J. Wollack, R. Zhou, H. Zou

Recent advances in cosmological observations have provided an unprecedented opportunity to investigate the distribution of baryons relative to the underlying matter. In this work, we robustly show that the gas is much more extended than the dark matter at 40$\sigma$ and the amount of baryonic feedback at $z \lesssim 1$ strongly disfavors low-feedback models such as that of state-of-the-art hydrodynamical simulation IllustrisTNG compared with high-feedback models such as that of the original Illustris simulation. This has important implications for bridging the gap between theory and observations and understanding galaxy formation and evolution. Furthermore, a better grasp of the baryon-dark matter link is critical to future cosmological analyses, which are currently impeded by our limited knowledge of baryonic feedback. Here, we measure the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ) effect from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT), stacked on the luminous red galaxy (LRG) sample of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) imaging survey. This is the first analysis to use photometric redshifts for reconstructing galaxy velocities. Due to the large number of galaxies comprising the DESI imaging survey, this is the highest signal-to-noise stacked kSZ measurement to date: we detect the signal at 13$\sigma$ and find that the gas is more spread out than the dark matter at $\sim$40$\sigma$. Our work opens up the possibility to recalibrate large hydrodynamical simulations using the kSZ effect. In addition, our findings point towards a way of alleviating inconsistencies between weak lensing surveys and cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments such as the `low $S_8$' tension, and shed light on long-standing enigmas in astrophysics such as the `missing baryon' problem.

Pouya M. Kouch, Elina Lindfors, Talvikki Hovatta, Ioannis Liodakis, Karri I.I. Koljonen, Kari Nilsson, Sebastian Kiehlmann, Walter Max-Moerbeck, Anthony C.S. Readhead, Rodrigo A. Reeves, Timothy J. Pearson, Jenni Jormanainen, Vandad Fallah Ramazani, Matthew J. Graham

The origin of high-energy (HE) astrophysical neutrinos has remained an elusive hot topic in the field of HE astrophysics for the past decade. Apart from a handful of individual associations, the vast majority of HE neutrinos arise from unknown sources. While there are theoretically-motivated candidate populations, such as blazars -- a subclass of AGN with jets pointed towards our line-of-sight -- they have not yet been convincingly linked to HE neutrino production. Here, we perform a spatio-temporal association analysis between a sample of blazars (from CGRaBS catalog) in the radio and optical bands and the most up-to-date IceCube HE neutrino catalog. We find that if the IceCube error regions are enlarged by 1$^\circ$ in quadrature, to account for unknown systematic errors at maximal level, a spatio-temporal correlation between the multiwavelength light curves of the CGRaBS blazars and the IceCube HE neutrinos is hinted at least at a 2.17$\sigma$ significance level. On the other hand, when the IceCube error regions are taken as their published values, we do not find any significant correlations. A discrepancy in the blazar-neutrino correlation strengths, when using such minimal and enlarged error region scenarios, was also obtained in a recent study by the IceCube collaboration. In our study, this difference arises because several flaring blazars -- coinciding with a neutrino arrival time -- happen to narrowly miss the published 90\%-likelihood error region of the nearest neutrino event. For all of the associations driving our most significant correlations, the flaring blazar is much less than 1$^\circ$ away from the published error regions. Therefore, our results indicate that the question of the blazar-neutrino connection is highly sensitive to the reconstruction of the neutrino error regions, whose reliability is expected to improve with the next generation of neutrino observatories.

The gradual evolution of the restricted hierarchical three body problem is analyzed analytically, focusing on conditions of Kozai-Lidov Cycles that may lead to orbital flips from prograde to retrograde motion due to the octupole (third order) term which are associated with extremely high eccentricities. We revisit the approach described by Katz, Dong and Malhotra (\href{this https URL}{Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 181101 (2011)}) and show that for most initial conditions, to an excellent approximation, the analytic derivation can be greatly simplified and reduces to a simple pendulum model allowing an explicit flip criterion. The resulting flip criterion is much simpler than the previous one but the latter is still needed in a small fraction of phase space. We identify a logical error in the earlier derivation but clarify why it does not affect the final results.

Hannah C. Gulick, Eliza Neights, Samer Al Nussirat, Claire Tianyi Chen, Kaylie Ching, Cassandra Dove, Alyson Joens, Carolyn Kierans, Hubert Liu, Israel Martinez, Romas Mician, Shunsaku Nagasawa, Shreya Nandyala, Isabel Schmidtke, Derek Shah, Andreas Zoglauer, Kazuhiro Nakasawa, Tadayuki Takahashi, Juan-Carlos Martinez Oliveros, John A. Tomsick

The Compton Spectrometer and Imager (COSI) is a NASA funded Small Explorer (SMEX) mission slated to launch in 2027. COSI will house a wide-field gamma-ray telescope designed to survey the entire sky in the 0.2--5 MeV range. Using germanium detectors, the instrument will provide imaging, spectroscopy, and polarimetry of astrophysical sources with excellent energy resolution and degree-scale localization capabilities. In addition to the main instrument, COSI will fly with a student collaboration project known as the Background and Transient Observer (BTO). BTO will extend the COSI bandpass to energies lower than 200 keV, thus enabling spectral analysis across the shared band of 30 keV--2 MeV range. The BTO instrument will consist of two NaI scintillators and student-designed readout electronics. Using spectral information from both the COSI and BTO instruments, physics such as the energy peak turnover in gamma-ray bursts, the characteristics of magnetar flares, and the event frequency of a range of transient phenomena will be constrained. In this paper, we present the expected science returnables from BTO and comment on the shared returnables from the COSI and BTO missions. We include simulations of gamma-ray bursts, magnetar giant flares, and terrestrial gamma-ray flashes using BTO's spectral response. Additionally, we estimate BTO's gamma-ray burst detection rate and find that BTO will detect ~150 gamma-ray bursts per year, with most of these events being long bursts.

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has unearthed black holes as massive as $10^{6.2-8.1}M_\odot$ at redshifts of $z \sim 8.5-10.6$ with many systems showing unexpectedly high black hole to stellar mass ratios >=30%, posing a crucial challenge for theoretical models. Using analytic calculations, we explore the combination of {\it astrophysical} seeding mechanisms and Eddington accretion rates that can explain the observed objects. We then appeal to {\it cosmological} primordial black hole (PBH) seeds and show how these present an alternative path for "seeding" early structures and their baryonic contents. Assuming seeding (via astrophysical means) at a redshift of $z_{\rm seed}=25$ and continuous accretion, all of the black holes studied here can either be explained through super-Eddington accretion (at an Eddington fraction of $f_{\rm Edd}<= 2.1 $) onto low-mass ($100M_\odot$) seeds or Eddington-limited accretion onto high-mass ($10^5 M_\odot$) seeds. The upper limit, where we assume a primordial origin for all of these black holes, yields a continuous primordial black hole mass function (between $10^{-5.25}$ and $10^{3.75} M_\odot$) and a fractional PBH value $<= 10^{-12}$, in good agreement with observational constraints. Starting at the redshift of matter-radiation equality ($z \sim 3400$), we show how PBH-driven structure formation can reproduce the observed stellar and black hole masses for two of the highest redshift black holes (UHZ1 and GHZ9 at $z \sim 10.3$) with the same parameters governing star formation, black hole accretion and their feedbacks. Exploring a wide swathe of model parameter space for GHZ9, we find black hole-to-stellar mass ratios ranging between $0.1-1.86$ i.e. in some cases (of high supernova feedback), the black hole grows to be more massive than its host halo, presenting an attractive alternative to seeding these puzzling early systems.

Massimiliano Gatto, Vincenzo Ripepi, Michele Bellazzini, Monica Tosi, Michele Cignoni, Crescenzo Tortora, Marcella Marconi, Massimo Dall'Ora, Maria-Rosa L. Cioni, Ilaria Musella, Pietro Schipani, Marilena Spavone

The Magellanic Clouds (MCs) are the Milky Way's most massive dwarf satellites. As they also represent the closest pair of galaxies in an ongoing tidal interaction, while simultaneously infalling into the Milky Way halo, they provide a unique opportunity to study in detail an ongoing three-body encounter. We present the ``YMCA (Yes, Magellanic Clouds Again) survey: probing the outer regions of the Magellanic system with VST'' based on deep optical photometry carried out with the VLT Survey Telescope (VST). YMCA targeted 110 square degrees, in the g and i filters, in the periphery of both the MCs, including a long strip in between the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) and the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). The photometry of YMCA is sufficiently deep (50\% complete down to $g \simeq 23.5-24.0$~mag) to allow for a detailed analysis of main-sequence stars in regions of the MCs remained relatively unexplored at these faint magnitudes. The resulting colour-magnitude diagrams reveal that the outskirts of the MCs are predominantly characterized by intermediate-age and old stellar populations, with limited or negligible evidence of recent star formation. The analysis of the age distribution of star clusters (SCs) within the surveyed area, both already known and newly discovered candidates, hints at a close fly-by between the LMC and SMC that occurred $\simeq 2.5-3.0$~Gyr ago, in agreement with previous results. We also report the discovery of candidate SCs with ages within the so-called ``age-gap'', questioning its real existence.

Anne Inkenhaag, Peter G. Jonker, Andrew J. Levan, Jonathan Quirola-Vásquez, Franz E. Bauer, Deepak Eappachen

Fast X-ray transients (FXTs) are X-ray flares lasting minutes to hours. Multi-wavelength counterparts to these FXTs have been proven hard to find. As a result distance measurements are through indirect methods such as host galaxy identification. The three main models proposed for FXTs; supernova shock breakout emission (SN SBO), binary neutron star (BNS) mergers and tidal dirsuption events (TDEs) of an intermediate mass black hole (IMBH) disrupting a white dwarf (WD), have a different associated L$_{X, peak}$. Therefore obtaining the distance to FXTs will be a powerful probe to investigate the nature of these FXTs. We use VLT/MUSE observations of a sample of FXTs to report the redshift of between 13 and 22 galaxies per FXT and use these redshifts to calculate the distance, L$_{X, peak}$ and the projected offsets. We find L$_{X, peak}>10^{44}$ erg s$^{-1}$ if we assume any of the sources with a redshift measurement is the true host galaxy of the corresponding FXT. For XRT 100831 we find a very faint galaxy within the 1$\sigma$ uncertainty region with a chance alignment probability of 0.04. For XRT 060207 we find a candidate host galaxy at z = 0.939 with a low chance alignment probability. However, we also report the detection of a late-type star within the 3$\sigma$ uncertainty region with a similar chance alignment probability. For the remaining FXTs we find no sources within their 3$\sigma$ uncertainty regions. We rule out a SN SBO nature for all FXTs based on L$_{X, peak}$ and the projected offsets. For XRT 100831 we conclude the detected galaxy within the 1$\sigma$ uncertainty position is likely to be the host galaxy of this FXT. From the available information, we are not able to determine if XRT 060207 originated from the galaxy found within 1$\sigma$ of the FXT position or was due to a flare from the late-type star detected within the 3$\sigma$ uncertainty region.

Razieh Emami, Lars Hernquist, Randall Smith, James F. Steiner, Grant Tremblay, Douglas Finkbeiner, Mark Vogelsberger, Josh Grindlay, Federico Marinacci, Kung-Yi Su, Cecilia Garraffo, Yuan-Sen Ting, Phillip A. Cargile, Rebecca L. Davies, Chloë E. Benton, Yijia Li, Letizia Bugiani, Amir H. Khoram, Sownak Bose

We undertake a comprehensive investigation into the distribution of insitu stars within Milky Way-like galaxies, leveraging TNG50 simulations and comparing their predictions with data from the H3 survey. Our analysis reveals that 28% of galaxies demonstrate reasonable agreement with H3, while only 12% exhibit excellent alignment in their profiles, regardless of the specific spatial cut employed to define insitu stars. To uncover the underlying factors contributing to deviations between TNG50 and H3 distributions, we scrutinize correlation coefficients among internal drivers(e.g., virial radius, star formation rate [SFR]) and merger-related parameters (such as the effective mass-ratio, mean distance, average redshift, total number of mergers, average spin-ratio and maximum spin alignment between merging galaxies). Notably, we identify significant correlations between deviations from observational data and key parameters such as the median slope of virial radius, mean SFR values, and the rate of SFR change across different redshift scans. Furthermore, positive correlations emerge between deviations from observational data and parameters related to galaxy mergers. We validate these correlations using the Random Forest Regression method. Our findings underscore the invaluable insights provided by the H3 survey in unraveling the cosmic history of galaxies akin to the Milky Way, thereby advancing our understanding of galactic evolution and shedding light on the formation and evolution of Milky Way-like galaxies in cosmological simulations.

Benjamin R.B. Saliwanchik, Sven Herrmann, Ivan Kotov, Paul O'Connor, Maxim Potekhin, Anže Slosar, Stuart Bale

The Lunar Surface Electromagnetics Experiment at Night (LuSEE-Night) is a project designed to investigate the feasibility of observing the Cosmic Dark Ages using an instrument on the lunar far-side. LuSEE-Night will measure the redshifted 21 cm transition of neutral hydrogen over a frequency range of 0.1-50 MHz, covering the redshift range 27 < z < 1100. The LuSEE-Night instrument is a radio frequency spectrometer, consisting of four horizontal monopole antennas, arranged to give wide zenith-pointing beams with two orthogonal linear polarizations. This combination of polarization, spectral, and angular sensitivity will be necessary to separate the cosmological signal from significantly stronger foreground emissions. LuSEE-Night will observe in drift scan during lunar night while the moon shields it from radio frequency interference from both the Earth and sun, and will transmit science and telemetry data back to Earth via an orbital relay during the lunar day. LuSEE-Night will have to operate in a challenging environment: its electronics must operate under hard radiation, the instrument must be thermally isolated during the cold 100~K lunar night, and have a thermal rejection path to survive the 390~K daytime temperature, and its photovoltaic and battery systems must provide sufficient power to operate during two weeks of lunar night. Furthermore, the instrument spectrometer must be powered throughout the lunar night using only a 7~kWh battery, due to mass limitations. Here we describe the power generation, storage, and delivery subsystems of the LuSEE-Night instrument, and the simulations which were performed to design the power subsystems and ensure instrument survival and operation throughout the long lunar night. We also describe the Concept of Operations (ConOps) developed for the LuSEE-Night mission, which derives from the power management simulations.

Joel D. Hartman, Daniel Bayliss, Rafael Brahm, Edward M. Bryant, Andrés Jordán, Gáspár Á. Bakos, Melissa J. Hobson, Elyar Sedaghati, Xavier Bonfils, Marion Cointepas, Jose Manuel Almenara, Khalid Barkaoui, Mathilde Timmermans, George Dransfield, Elsa Ducrot, Sebastián Zúñiga-Fernández, Matthew J. Hooton, Peter Pihlmann Pedersen, Francisco J. Pozuelos, Amaury H. M. J. Triaud, Michaël Gillon, Emmanuel Jehin, William C. Waalkes, Zachory K. Berta-Thompson, Steve B. Howell, Elise Furlan, George R. Ricker, Roland Vanderspek, Sara Seager, Joshua N. Winn, Jon M. Jenkins, David Rapetti, Karen A. Collins, David Charbonneau, Christopher J. Burke, David R. Rodriguez

We present the discovery of TOI 762 A b and TIC 46432937 b, two giant planets transiting M dwarf stars. Transits of both systems were first detected from observations by the NASA TESS mission, and the transiting objects are confirmed as planets through high-precision radial velocity (RV) observations carried out with VLT/ESPRESSO. TOI 762 A b is a warm sub-Saturn with a mass of 0.251 +- 0.042 M_J, a radius of 0.744 +- 0.017 R_J, and an orbital period of 3.4717 d. It transits a mid-M dwarf star with a mass of 0.442 +- 0.025 M_S and a radius of 0.4250 +- 0.0091 R_S. The star TOI 762 A has a resolved binary star companion TOI 762 B that is separated from TOI 762 A by 3.2" (~ 319 AU) and has an estimated mass of 0.227 +- 0.010 M_S. The planet TIC 46432937 b is a warm Super-Jupiter with a mass of 3.20 +- 0.11 M_J and radius of 1.188 +- 0.030 R_J. The planet's orbital period is P = 1.4404 d, and it undergoes grazing transits of its early M dwarf host star, which has a mass of 0.563 +- 0.029 M_S and a radius of 0.5299 +- 0.0091 R_S. TIC 46432937 b is one of the highest mass planets found to date transiting an M dwarf star. TIC 46432937 b is also a promising target for atmospheric observations, having the highest Transmission Spectroscopy Metric or Emission Spectroscopy Metric value of any known warm Super-Jupiter (mass greater than 3.0 M_J, equilibrium temperature below 1000 K).

Jorick S. Vink, Gautham N. Sabhahit, Erin R. Higgins (Armagh Observatory and Planetarium)

We analyse current knowledge and uncertainties in detailed stellar evolution and wind modelling to evaluate the mass of the most massive stellar black hole (BH) at solar metallicity. Contrary to common expectations that it is the most massive stars that would produce the most massive BHs, we find that the maximum $M_{\rm BH}^{\rm Max} \simeq 30 \pm 10\,M_{\odot}$ is found in the canonical intermediate range between $M_{\rm ZAMS} \simeq 30$ and $50\,M_{\odot}$ instead. The prime reason for this seemingly counter-intuitive finding is that very massive stars (VMS) have increasingly high mass-loss rates, leading to substantial mass evaporation before they expire as stars, ending as lighter BHs than their canonical O-star counterparts.

William Thompson, Darryl Gamroth, Christian Marois, Olivier Lardière

Adaptive optics systems are usually prototyped in a convenient but slow language like MATLAB or Python, and then re-written from scratch using high-performance C/C++ to perform real-time control. This duplication of effort adds costs and slows the experimentation process. We present instead a technical demonstration of performing real time, sub-millisecond latency control with an adaptive optics system using the high-level Julia programming language. This open-source software demonstrates support for multiple cameras, pixel streaming, and network-transparency distributed computing. Furthermore, it is easy to interface it with other programming languages as desired.

Madison L. Ascione (1), Angel J. Gutarra-Leon (1), Shaheda Begum Shaik (1), Mark Linton (2), Karl Battams (2), Paulett C. Liewer (3), Brendan Gallagher (2) ((1) George Mason University, (2) US Naval Research Laboratory, (3) Jet Propulsion Laboratory)

We present the identification and physical analysis of a possible magnetic island feature seen in white-light images observed by the Wide-field Imager for Solar Probe (WISPR) on board the Parker Solar Probe (Parker). The island is imaged by WISPR during Parker's second solar encounter on 2019 April 06, when Parker was ~38 solar radii from the Sun center. We report that the average velocity and acceleration of the feature are approximately 334 km s and -0.64 m s-2. The kinematics of the island feature, coupled with its direction of propagation, indicate that the island is likely entrained in the slow solar wind. The island is elliptical in shape with a density deficit in its center, suggesting the presence of a magnetic guide field. We argue that this feature is consistent with the formation of this island via reconnection in the current sheet of the streamer. The feature's aspect ratio (calculated as the ratio of its minor to major axis) evolves from an elliptical to a more circular shape that approximately doubles during its propagation through WISPR's field of view. The island is not distinct in other white-light observations from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) coronagraphs, suggesting that this is a comparatively faint heliospheric feature and that viewing perspective and WISPR's enhanced sensitivity are key to observing the magnetic island.

Yun Qi Li (1), Tuan Do (1), Evan Jones (1), Bernie Boscoe (2), Kevin Alfaro (1), Zooey Nguyen (1) ((1) UCLA, (2) Southern Oregon University)

this https URL , training data: this https URL

Generative models producing images have enormous potential to advance discoveries across scientific fields and require metrics capable of quantifying the high dimensional output. We propose that astrophysics data, such as galaxy images, can test generative models with additional physics-motivated ground truths in addition to human judgment. For example, galaxies in the Universe form and change over billions of years, following physical laws and relationships that are both easy to characterize and difficult to encode in generative models. We build a conditional denoising diffusion probabilistic model (DDPM) and a conditional variational autoencoder (CVAE) and test their ability to generate realistic galaxies conditioned on their redshifts (galaxy ages). This is one of the first studies to probe these generative models using physically motivated metrics. We find that both models produce comparable realistic galaxies based on human evaluation, but our physics-based metrics are better able to discern the strengths and weaknesses of the generative models. Overall, the DDPM model performs better than the CVAE on the majority of the physics-based metrics. Ultimately, if we can show that generative models can learn the physics of galaxy evolution, they have the potential to unlock new astrophysical discoveries.

Jordan Diaz (1), Rebecca Jensen-Clem (1), Daren Dillon (1), Philip M. Hinz (1), Matthew C. DeMartino (1), Kevin Bundy (1), Stephen Eikenberry (2), Peter Delfyett (2), Rodrigo Amezcua-Correa (2) ((1) University of California Santa Cruz, (2) Univeristy of Central Florida)

Starlight suppression techniques for High-Contrast Imaging (HCI) are crucial to achieving the demanding contrast ratios and inner working angles required for detecting and characterizing exoplanets with a wide range of masses and separations. The advent of photonic technologies provides new opportunities to control the amplitude and phase characteristics of light, with the potential to enhance and control starlight suppression. Here, we present a focal plane optical-fiber-based nulling interferometer working with commercially available components for amplitude and phase modulation. The instrument implements single-mode fiber-coupled elements: a MEMS variable optical attenuator (VOA) matches the on-axis and off-axis starlight amplitude, while a piezoelectric-driven fiber stretcher modifies the optical path difference between the channels to achieve the $\pi$ phase shift condition for destructive interference. We show preliminary lab results using a narrowband light source working at 632 nm and discuss future opportunities for testing on-sky with the Astrophotonics Advancement Platform at Lick Observatory (APALO) at the Shane 3-m Telescope.

Studying outflows is important as they may significantly contribute to angular momentum removal from the star/disk system, affecting disk evolution and planet formation. To investigate the different outflow components; the collimated jet, wide-angled molecular outflow, and outflow cavity, of the Class I HH 46/47 outflow system. We focus on their kinematics. We present Near Infrared (NIR) K-band integral field observations of the blue-shifted HH 46/47 outflow base obtained using VLT/SINFONI with an angular resolution of 0".81. Our analysis focuses on [Fe II], H2 1-0 S(1), and, Br-gamma emission. We employ a wavelength recalibration technique based on OH telluric lines to probe the kinematics of the wide-angled flow with an accuracy of 1 km/s - 3 km/s. A velocity gradient of 10 km/s transverse to the outflow direction is confirmed in the wide-angled H2 outflow cavity. The H2 cavity peaks at radial velocities of -15 km/s to -30 km/s, and the atomic jet at v = -210 km/s. The outflow exhibits a layered structure; the high-velocity [Fe II] and Br-gamma jet is surrounded by a wide-angled H2 outflow cavity, which is in turn nested within the continuum emission and CO molecular outflow. The continuum emission and H2 outflow cavity are asymmetric with respect to the jet axis. We propose that the origin of the asymmetries and the velocity gradient detected in the wide-angled H2 cavity, is due to a wide-angled outflow or successive jet bowshocks expanding into an inhomogeneous ambient medium, or the presence of a secondary outflow. We eliminate outflow rotation as an exclusive origin of this velocity gradient due to large specific angular momenta values, J(r)= 3000 - 4000 km/s au calculated from 1" to 2" along the outflow. The observations reveal the complexities inherent in outflow systems, and the risk of attributing transverse velocity gradients solely to rotation.

Eduardo Banados, Emmanuel Momjian, Thomas Connor, Silvia Belladitta, Roberto Decarli, Chiara Mazzucchelli, Bram P. Venemans, Fabian Walter, Feige Wang, Zhang-Liang Xie, Aaron J. Barth, Anna-Christina Eilers, Xiaohui Fan, Yana Khusanova, Jan-Torge Schindler, Daniel Stern, Jinyi Yang, Irham Taufik Andika, Chris Carilli, Emanuele P. Farina, Andrew Fabian, Joseph F. Hennawi, Antonio Pensabene, Sofia Rojas-Ruiz

Relativistic jets are thought to play a crucial role in the formation of massive galaxies and supermassive black holes. Here we report multi-wavelength and multi-epoch observations of the quasar VLASSJ0410-0139 at redshift z=7, powered by a 7e8 solar-mass black hole. Its radio variability, X-ray properties, and compact radio emission on parsec scales reveal that J0410-0139 is a blazar with a relativistic jet aligned with our line of sight. This blazar's existence implies that many more similar (unaligned) jetted sources must exist at z=7. One scenario is that we observe an intrinsically low-power radio jet, but we see it at high luminosity due to relativistic beaming effects. In this case, a large fraction (>80%) of the UV bright quasars must have a similar jet to match the number density expected from the UV quasar luminosity function. These jets can enhance the growth of supermassive black holes and substantially affect their host galaxies. However, the implications would be even more severe if the quasar belongs to the top 10% radio luminous quasars, as measured if the beaming enhancement is less than a factor of 10-15. In this scenario, there should be hundreds to thousands of radio-quiet quasars at z=7 with intrinsic properties similar to J0410-0139 -- in strong tension with the number density of bright quasars derived from their UV luminosity function. To reconcile these results, most black hole growth at z=7 must happen in an obscured phase, as some models predict. The existence of supermassive black holes in the epoch of reionization is facilitated by significant jet-enhanced or obscured super-Eddington accretion.

Parashmoni Kashyap, Liton Majumdar, Anne Dutrey, Stéphane Guilloteau, Karen Willacy, Edwige Chapillon, Richard Teague, Dmitry Semenov, Thomas Henning, Neal Turner, Raghvendra Sahai, Ágnes Kóspál, Audrey Coutens, V. Piétu, Pierre Gratier, Maxime Ruaud, N. T. Phuong, E. Di Folco, Chin-Fei Lee, Y.-W. Tang

Resolved molecular line observations are essential for gaining insight into the physical and chemical structure of protoplanetary disks, particularly in cold, dense regions where planets form and acquire compositions. However, tracing these regions is challenging because most molecules freeze onto grain surfaces and are not observable in the gas phase. We investigated cold molecular chemistry in the triple stellar T Tauri disk GG Tau A, which harbours a massive gas and dust ring and an outer disk, using ALMA Band 7 observations. We present high angular resolution maps of N2H+ and DCO+ emission, with upper limits reported for H2D+, 13CS, and SO2. The radial intensity profile of N2H+ shows most emission near the ring outer edge, while DCO+ exhibits double peaks, one near the ring inner edge and the other in the outer disk. With complementary observations of lower-lying transitions, we constrained the molecular surface densities and rotation temperatures. We compared the derived quantities with model predictions across different cosmic ray ionization (CRI) rates, carbon-to-oxygen (C/O) ratios, and stellar UV fluxes. Cold molecular chemistry, affecting N2H+, DCO+, and H2D+ abundances, is most sensitive to CRI rates, while stellar UV flux and C/O ratios have minimal impact on these three ions. Our best model requires a low cosmic ray ionization rate of 1e-18 s-1. However, it fails to match the low temperatures derived from N2H+ and DCO+, 12 to 16 K, which are much lower than the CO freezing temperature.

Anna B.T. Penzlin, Richard A. Booth, Richard P. Nelson, Christoph M. Schäfer, Wilhelm Kley

Many of the most intriguing features, including spirals and cavities, in the current disc observations are found in binary systems like GG Tau, HD 142527 or HD 100453. Such features are evidence of the dynamic interaction between binary stars and the viscous disc. Understanding these dynamic interactions and how they result in the structure and growth of asymmetric circumbinary discs is a difficult problem, for which there is no complete analytical solution, that predicts the shape of the observed disc accurately. We use numeric simulation to evolve circumbinary discs with varying disc viscosities and investigate the size and shape of the inner cavities in such protoplanetary discs. We have simulated over 140 locally isothermal 2D grid-based disc models for > 3e4 binary orbits each and mapped out the parameter space relevant for protoplanetary discs. With this, it becomes possible to create parametrised profiles for individual discs to compare to observation and find limits to their binary eccentricity or internal viscosity from the simulation data. In the long-term simulations larger cavity sizes than previously considered are possible within the parameter space (< 6 binary separations). As an example, we find that the eccentricity of the disc around HD 142527 suggests the impact of the binary dynamics on the disc. However, even considering the larger cavity sizes, the large size of the cavity in HD 142527 remains unexplained by the simulations considering the most recent orbital constraints.

Interaction between supernova (SN) ejecta and dense circumstellar medium (CSM) with a flat density structure ($\rho \propto r^{-s}, s < 1.5$) was recently proposed as a possible mechanism behind interacting SNe that exhibit exceptionally long rise times exceeding 100 days. In such a configuration, the interaction luminosity keeps rising until the reverse shock propagates into the inner layers of the SN ejecta. We investigate the light curves of SNe interacting with a flatly distributed CSM in detail, incorporating the effects of photon diffusion inside the CSM into the model. We show that three physical processes - the shock breakout, the propagation of the reverse shock into the inner ejecta, and the departure of the shock from the dense CSM - predominantly determine the qualitative behaviour of the light curves. Based on the presence and precedence of these processes, the light curves of SNe interacting with flatly distributed CSM can be classified into five distinct morphological classes. We also show that our model can qualitatively reproduce doubly peaked SNe whose peaks are a few tens of days apart, such as SN 2005bf and SN 2022xxf. Our results show that the density distribution of the CSM is an important property of CSM that contributes to the diversity in light curves of interacting SNe.

Bingqing Sun, Daniela Calzetti, Andrew J. Battisti

We test the influence of spiral arms on the star formation activity of disk galaxies by constructing and fitting multi-wavelength SEDs for the two nearby spiral galaxies NGC 628 and NGC 4321, at a spatial scale of 1-1.5kpc scale. Recent results in the literature support the 'gatherers' picture, i.e., that spiral arms gather material but do not trigger star formation. However, ambiguities in the diagnostics used to measure star formation rates (SFRs) and other quantities have hampered attempts at reaching definite conclusions. We approach this problem by utilizing the physical parameters output of the MAGPHYS fitting code, which we apply to the Ultraviolet-to-Far Infrared (UV-to-FIR) photometry, in $\geq$20 bands, of spatially-resolved regions in the two galaxies. We separate the regions in arm and interarm, and study the distributions of the specific SFRs (sSFRs=SFR/M$_{star}$), stellar ages and star formation efficiency (SFE=SFR/M$_{gas}$). We find that the distributions of these parameters in the arm regions are almost indistinguishable from those in the interarm regions, with typical differences of a factor 2 or less in the medians. These results support the 'gatherer' scenario of spiral arms, which we plan to test with a larger sample in the near future.

Dina Ibrahimzade, R. Margutti, J. S. Bright, P. Blanchard, K. Paterson, D. Lin, H. Sears, A. Polzin, I. Andreoni, G. Schroeder, K. D. Alexander, E. Berger, D. L. Coppejans, A. Hajela, J. Irwin, T. Laskar, B. D. Metzger, J. C. Rastinejad, L. Rhodes

Fast X-ray Transients (FXTs) are a new observational class of phenomena with no clear physical origin. This is at least partially a consequence of limited multi-wavelength follow up of this class of transients in real time. Here we present deep optical ($g-$ and $i-$ band) photometry with Keck, and prompt radio observations with the VLA of FXT 210423 obtained at ${\delta t \approx 14-36}$ days since the X-ray trigger. We use these multi-band observations, combined with publicly available data sets, to constrain the presence and physical properties of on-axis and off-axis relativistic jets such as those that can be launched by neutron-star mergers and tidal disruption events, which are among the proposed theoretical scenarios of FXTs. Considering a wide range of possible redshifts $z\le3.5$, circumstellar medium (CSM) density $n={10^{-6}-10^{-1}\,\rm{cm^{-3}}}$, isotropic-equivalent jet kinetic energy $E_{k,iso}={10^{48}-10^{55}\,\rm{erg}}$, we find that we can rule out wide jets with opening angle ${\theta_{j}=15^{\circ}}$ viewed within ${10^{\circ}}$ off-axis. For more collimated jets (${\theta_{j}=3^{\circ}}$) we can only rule out on-axis (${\theta_{j}=0^{\circ}}$) orientations. This study highlights the constraining power of prompt multi-wavelength observations of FXTs discovered in real time by current (e.g., Einstein Probe) and future facilities.

Alejandra D. Romero, S. O. Kepler, Gabriela Oliveira da Rosa, J. J. Hermes


Analyzing all 120 s and 20 s light curves obtained by the TESS satellite up to Sector 69 - the end of the fifth year of observations - for all known white dwarfs and white dwarf candidates up to G=17.5 mag, we report the discovery of 32 new pulsating DA white dwarf stars. For all objects, we obtained the period spectra and performed a seismological analysis using full evolutionary models to estimate the structural parameters, such as effective temperature, stellar mass, and hydrogen envelope mass. The median stellar mass for the pulsators from asteroseismology is 0.609 Msun, in agreement with the median value from photometric and spectroscopic determinations, 0.602 Msun, excluding the low and extremely-low mass objects. Finally, we found rotational-splitting multiplets for 9 stars, which led to rotation periods between 4 h and 1 d.

Stellar ages are an important parameter to study the chemical evolution of the Galaxy. In recent years, several studies have established the existence of a relationship between chemical clocks and stellar ages. The [Y/Mg] clock is a promising technique, but there are still several open questions, such as its validity for metal-poor stars and differences between the thin and thick disk populations. Our aim is to study the behaviour of the [Y/Mg] chemical clock with stellar ages and the effect of metallicity and population on this chemical clock for a sample of solar-type disk stars. We have derived the precise stellar atmospheric parameters as well as the elemental abundances of Mg and Y through line-by-line differential spectroscopic analysis for a sample of 48 metal-poor solar-type stars based on high-quality, high-resolution ESO/HARPS spectra. From the high-precision Gaia astrometric data, stellar masses and ages were estimated through isochrone-fitting. A joint analysis of our sample, together with a sample of 185 solar-twins and analogues from our previous works, is performed to calibrate the [Y/Mg] chemical clock in the Galactic disk for $-$0.71 $\leq$ [Fe/H] $<$ +0.34. Open clusters and stars with asteroseismic ages have been used to validate our relations. Two different populations could be clearly seen in the [Mg/Fe] - [Fe/H] plane - the thick and thin disks. We found a metallicity-dependent, strong anti-correlation between the [Y/Mg] ratio and stellar ages of our sample. For the first time in the literature, we report similar correlations for the thin and thick disk stars. The [Y/Mg] relation(s) found here for solar-type stars is compatible with the literature using solar-twins. Our relation provides higher accuracy and precision of 0.45 and 0.99 Gyr, respectively, comparable with the best accuracy achieved for the solar-twins till date.

Taylor J. Hoyt, In Sung Jang, Wendy L. Freedman, Barry F. Madore, Abigail J. Lee, Kayla A. Owens

Boasting a 6.5m mirror in space, JWST can increase by several times the number of supernovae (SNe) to which a redshift-independent distance has been measured with a precision distance indicator (e.g., TRGB or Cepheids); the limited number of such SN calibrators currently dominates the uncertainty budget in distance ladder Hubble constant (H0) experiments. JWST/NIRCAM imaging of the Virgo Cluster galaxy NGC4536 is used here to preview JWST program GO-1995, which aims to measure H0 using three stellar distance indicators (Cepheids, TRGB, JAGB/carbon stars). Each population of distance indicator was here successfully detected -- with sufficiently large number statistics, well-measured fluxes, and characteristic distributions consistent with ingoing expectations -- so as to confirm that we can acquire distances from each method precise to about 0.05mag (statistical uncertainty only). We leverage overlapping HST imaging to identify TRGB stars, cross-match them with the JWST photometry, and present a preliminary constraint on the slope of the TRGB's F115W-(F115W}-F444W) relation equal to -0.99 +/- 0.16 mag/mag. This slope is consistent with prior slope measurements in the similar 2MASS J-band, as well as with predictions from the BASTI isochrone suite. We use the new TRGB slope estimate to flatten the two-dimensional TRGB feature and measure a (blinded) TRGB distance relative to a set of fiducial TRGB colors, intended to represent the absolute fiducial calibrations expected from geometric anchors such as NGC4258 and the Magellanic Clouds. In doing so, we empirically demonstrate that the TRGB can be used as a standardizable candle at the IR wavelengths accessible with JWST.

Pulsar timing arrays (PTAs), aimed at detecting gravitational waves (GWs) in the $1\sim 100$ nHz range, have recently made significant strides. Compelling evidence has emerged for a common spectrum signal spatially correlated among pulsars, following a Hellings-Downs (HD) pattern, which is crucial for detecting a gravitational-wave background (GWB). However, the HD curve is expected for discrete and non-interfering sources, which is unlikely to hold in realistic scenarios with potential interference among numerous GW sources, such as the supermassive black-hole binaries. Incorporating interference was previously expected to introduce an irreducible uncertainty (known as "cosmic variance") in discerning the HD correlation; however, our work reveals how this interference generates measurable frequency-dependent spatial correlations distinct from the HD curve. The spatial correlations for interfering sources (referred to as "ISC") still exhibit contributions in the quadrupole and higher orders, resembling the HD correlation and encoding the nature of GW radiations. We apply these novel correlations to search for a GWB in the NANOGrav 15-year data set. In an optimistic estimation, our findings show a Bayes factor of $33.7\pm 3.2$ comparing ISC to the HD correlation, and an improvement in optimal statistic signal-to-noise ratio from $4.9\pm 1.1$ for the HD correlation to $6.6\pm 1.7$ for the ISC, highlighting the significant enhancement in evidence for detecting a GWB through incorporating interference.

D. N. Garzon, Neige Frankel, Eleonora Zari, Maosheng Xiang, Hans-Walter Rix

Stars in the Galactic disk are born on cold, nearly circular orbits with small vertical excursions. After their birth, their orbits evolve, driven by small- or large-scale perturbations in the Galactic disk's gravitational potential. Here, we study the vertical motions of young stars over their first few orbital periods, using a sample of OBA stars from \textit{Gaia} E/DR3, which includes radial velocities and ages $\tau$ from LAMOST. We constructed a parametric model for the time evolution of the stellar orbits' mean vertical actions $J_z$ as a function of Galactocentric radius, $R_{\mathrm{GC}}$. Accounting for data uncertainties, we use Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analysis in annuli of Galactocentric radius to constrain the model parameters. Our best-fit model shows a remarkably linear increase of vertical actions with age across all Galactocentric radii examined. Orbital \textit{heating} by random scattering could offer a straightforward interpretation for this trend. However, various other dynamical aspects of the Galactic disk, such as stars being born in a warped disk, might offer alternative explanations that could be tested in the future.

We present a comprehensive test of the cosmic distance duality relation (DDR) using a combination of strong gravitational lensing (SGL) time delay measurements and Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) data. We investigate three different parameterizations of potential DDR violations. To bridge the gap between SGL and SNe Ia datasets, we implement an artificial neural network (ANN) approach to reconstruct the distance modulus of SNe Ia. Our analysis uniquely considers both scenarios where the absolute magnitude of SNe Ia ($M_B$) is treated as a free parameter and where it is fixed to a Cepheid-calibrated value. Using a sample of six SGL systems and the Pantheon+ SNe Ia dataset, we find no statistically significant evidence for DDR violations across all parameterizations. The consistency of our findings across different parameterizations not only reinforces confidence in the standard DDR but also demonstrates the robustness of our analytical approach.

Roberto Galván-Madrid, Daniel J. Díaz-González, Frédérique Motte, Adam Ginsburg, Nichol Cunningham, Karl M. Menten, Mélanie Armante, Mélisse Bonfand, Jonathan Braine, Timea Csengeri, Pierre Dell'Ova, Fabien Louvet, Thomas Nony, Rudy Rivera-Soto, Patricio Sanhueza, Amelia M. Stutz, Friedrich Wyrowski, Rodrigo H. Álvarez-Gutiérrez, Tapas Baug, Sylvain Bontemps, Leonardo Bronfman, Manuel Fernández-López, Antoine Gusdorf, Atanu Koley, Hong-Li Liu, Javiera Salinas, Allison P. M. Towner, Anthony P. Whitworth

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We use the H$41\alpha$ recombination line to create templates of the millimeter free-free emission in the ALMA-IMF continuum maps, which allows to separate it from dust emission. This method complements spectral-index information and extrapolation from centimeter wavelength maps. We use the derived maps to estimate the properties of up to 34 HII regions across the ALMA-IMF protoclusters. The hydrogen ionizing-photon rate $Q_0$ and spectral types follow the evolutionary trend proposed by Motte et al. The youngest protoclusters lack detectable ionized gas, followed by protoclusters with increasing numbers of OB stars. The total $Q_0$ increases from $\sim 10^{45}$ s$^{-1}$ to $> 10^{49}$ s$^{-1}$. We used the adjacent He$41\alpha$ line to measure the relative number abundances of helium, finding values consistent with the Galactic interstellar medium, although a few outliers are discussed. A search for sites of maser amplification of the H$41\alpha$ line returned negative results. We looked for possible correlations between the electron densities ($n_e$), emission measures (EM), and $Q_0$ with HII region size $D$. The latter are the better correlated, with $Q_0 \propto D^{2.49\pm0.18}$. This favors interpretations where smaller ultracompact HII regions are not necessarily the less dynamically evolved versions of larger ones, but rather are ionized by less massive stars. Moderate correlations were found between dynamical width $\Delta V_\mathrm{dyn}$ with $D$ and $Q_0$. $\Delta V_\mathrm{dyn}$ increases from about one to two times the ionized-gas sound speed. Finally, an outlier HII region south of W43-MM2 is discussed. We suggest that this source could harbor an embedded stellar or disk wind.

A sufficiently precise measurement of black hole spin is required to carry out quantitative tests of the Kerr metric and to understand several phenomena related to astrophysical black holes. After 24 years, XTE J2012+381 again underwent an outburst in December 2022. In this work, we focused on the measurement of spin and mass of black hole candidate XTE J2012+381 using broadband spectral analysis of X-ray data from \emph{Swift/XRT} and \emph{NuSTAR}. By using the relxillCp model, the spin and inclination of the source were found to be $0.883_{-0.061}^{+0.033}$ and $46.2_{-2.0}^{+3.7}$ degrees, respectively for high disk density ($i.e.\;10^{20}\;\mathrm{cm}^{-3}$). We further test our results for lamp post geometry using the relxilllpCp model. The spin and inclination of the source were found to be $0.892_{-0.044}^{+0.020}$ and $43.1_{-1.2}^{+1.4}$ degrees, respectively. Then "continuum-fitting" method was used for the soft state to estimate the mass of BH and found to be $7.95_{-3.25}^{+7.65}\;\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$ and $7.48_{-2.75}^{+5.80}\;\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$ for the spin and inclination estimated from the relxillCp and relxilllpCp model respectively. We used a distance of 5.4 kpc as measured by Gaia using the parallax method. This study also addresses the issue of supersolar iron abundance in XTE J2012+381 by using \texttt{reflionx} based reflection model and found high disk density for the source.

Thibault Cavalié, Ladislav Rezac, Raphael Moreno, Emmanuel Lellouch, Thierry Fouchet, Bilal Benmahi, Thomas K. Greathouse, James A. Sinclair, Vincent Hue, Paul Hartogh, Michel Dobrijevic, Nathalie Carrasco, Zoé Perrin

The localized delivery of new long-lived species to Jupiter's stratosphere by comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 in 1994 opened a window to constrain Jovian chemistry and dynamics by monitoring the evolution of their vertical and horizontal distributions. However, the spatial distributions of CO and HCN, two of these long-lived species, had never been jointly observed at high latitudinal resolution. Atacama large millimeter/submillimeter array observations of HCN and CO in March 2017 show that CO was meridionally uniform and restricted to pressures lower than 3 $\pm$ 1 mbar. HCN shared a similar vertical distribution in the low- to mid-latitudes, but was depleted at pressures between 2$^{+2}_ {-1}$ and 0.04$^{+0.07}_{-0.03}$ mbar in the aurora and surrounding regions, resulting in a drop by two orders of magnitude in column density. We propose that heterogeneous chemistry bonds HCN on large aurora-produced aerosols at these pressures in the Jovian auroral regions causing the observed depletion.

Arti Joshi, Márcio Catelan, Simone Scaringi, Axel Schwope, G. C. Anupama, Nikita Rawat, Devendra K. Sahu, Mridweeka Singh, Raya Dastidar, Rama Venkata Subramanian, Srinivas M Rao

We present the analysis of optical photometric and spectroscopic observations of two non-magnetic cataclysmic variables, namely CRTS J080846.2+313106 and V416 Dra. CRTS J080846.2+313106 has been found to vary with a period of 4.9116$\pm$0.0003 h, which was not found in earlier studies and is provisionally suggested as the orbital period of the system. In both long-period systems, the observed dominant signal at second harmonic of the orbital frequency and the orbital modulation during quiescence are suggestive of ellipsoidal variation from changing aspects of the secondary, with an additional contribution from the accretion stream or hotspot. However, during the outburst, the hotspot itself is overwhelmed by the increased brightness, which is possibly associated with the accretion disc. The mid-eclipse phase for V416 Dra occurs earlier and the width of the eclipse is greater during outbursts compared to quiescence, suggesting an increased accretion disc radius during outbursts. Furthermore, the investigation of accretion disc eclipse in V416 Dra implies that a total disc eclipse is possible during quiescence, whereas the disc seems to be partially obscured during outbursts, which further signifies that the disc may grow in size as the outburst progresses. Optical spectra of CRTS J080846.2+313106 and V416 Dra are typical of dwarf novae during quiescence, and they both show a significant contribution from the M2-4V secondary. The light curve patterns, orbital periods, and spectra observed in both systems look remarkably similar, and seem to resemble the characteristics of U Gem-type dwarf novae.

Takeshi Hasegawa, Hiroto Yanagisawa, Takumi Nagasawa, Reo Sato, Naoki Numadate, Tetsuya Hama

Infrared (IR) spectra of vapor-deposited amorphous water at low temperatures show two weak peaks at around 3720 and 3696 cm-1 assigned to free-OH stretching modes of two- and three-coordinated water molecules (so-called dangling OH bonds), respectively, on the ice surface. A recent James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) observation first succeeded in detection of a potential dangling OH feature at 3664 cm-1 for ices in molecular clouds, highlighting the importance of dangling OH bonds in interstellar ice chemistry. A lack of band strengths of these features at low temperatures restricts the quantification of dangling OH bonds from IR spectra, hindering development of a molecular-level understanding of the surface structure and chemistry of ice. Using IR multiple-angle incidence resolution spectrometry, we quantified the band strengths of two- and three-coordinated dangling OH features in amorphous water at 20 K as being 4.6 plus-minus 1.6 times 10-18 and 9.1 plus-minus 1.0 times 10-18 cm molecule-1, respectively. These values are more than an order of magnitude lower than band strengths of bulk water molecules in ice and liquid water and are similar to those of H2O monomers confined in solid matrices. Adsorption of carbon monoxide with dangling OH bonds results in the appearance of a new broad dangling OH feature at 3680-3620 cm-1, with a band strength of 1.8 plus-minus 0.1 times 10-17 cm molecule-1. The band strengths of dangling OH features determined in this study advance our understanding of the surface structure of interstellar ice analogs and recent IR observations of the JWST.

Luis C. Bermúdez-Bustamante, Orsola De Marco, Lionel Siess, Daniel J. Price, Miguel González-Bolívar, Mike Y. M. Lau, Chunliang Mu, Ryosuke Hirai, Taïssa Danilovich, Mansi Kasliwal

We performed numerical simulations of the common envelope (CE) interaction between two intermediate-mass asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars and their low-mass companions. For the first time, formation and growth of dust in the envelope is calculated explicitly. We find that the first dust grains appear as early as $\sim$1-3 yrs after the onset of the CE, and are smaller than grains formed later. As the simulations progress, a high-opacity dusty shell forms, resulting in the CE photosphere being up to an order of magnitude larger than it would be without the inclusion of dust. At the end of the simulations, the total dust yield is $0.0082~M_{\odot}$ ($0.022~M_{\odot}$) for a CE with a $1.7~M_{\odot}$ ($3.7~M_{\odot}$) AGB star. Dust formation does not substantially lead to more mass unbinding or substantially alter the orbital evolution.

A rare subclass of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia), named after the prototype SN 2003fg, includes some of the brightest SNe Ia, often called "super Chandrasekhar-mass" SNe Ia. We calculate the $\gamma$-ray deposition histories and the $^{56}$Ni mass synthesized in the explosion, $M_\mathrm{Ni56}$, for eight 2003fg-like SNe. Our findings reveal that the $\gamma$-ray escape time, $t_0$, for these objects is $ t_0\approx45\text{-}60 \,$ days, significantly higher than that of normal SNe Ia. 2003fg-like SNe are distinct from normal SNe Ia in the $ t_0 $-$ M_\mathrm{Ni56} $ plane, with a noticeable gap between the two populations. The observed position of 2003fg-like SNe in this plane poses a significant challenge for theoretical explosion models. We demonstrate that the merger of two white dwarfs (WDs) and a single star exceeding the Chandrasekhar limit fail to reproduce the observed $ t_0 $-$ M_\mathrm{Ni56} $ distribution. However, preliminary calculations of head-on collisions of massive WDs show agreement with the observed $ t_0 $-$ M_\mathrm{Ni56} $ distribution.

R. Fuentetaja, M. Agúndez, C. Cabezas, B. Tercero, N. Marcelino, J. R. Pardo, P. de Vicente, J. Cernicharo

We present the first detection in space of 1,4-pentadiyne. It has been found towards TMC-1 with the QUIJOTE line survey in the 31-50 GHz range. We observed a total of 17 transitions with J = 2 up to 13 and Ka = 0, 1 and 2. The observed transitions allowed us to derive a rotational temperature of 9.5 +- 0.5 K and a column density of (5.0 +- 0.5) x 10^12 cm-2. This molecule was the last non-cyclic isomer of the C5H4 family that could be detected via radio astronomy. A computational chemistry study was performed to determine the energies of the five most stable isomers. The isomer (c-C3H3CCH) has a considerably higher energy than the others, and it has not yet been detected. To better understand the chemical reactions involving these species, we compared the ethynyl and cyano derivatives. The observed abundances of these species are in good agreement with the branching ratios of the formation reactions studied with our chemical model of TMC-1.

Fengqiu Adam Dong, Tracy Clarke, Alice P. Curtin, Ajay Kumar, Ingrid Stairs, Shami Chatterjee, Amanda M. Cook, Emmanuel Fonseca, B. M. Gaensler, Jason W.T. Hessels, Victoria M. Kaspi, Mattias Lazda, Kiyoshi W. Masui, James W. McKee, Bradley W. Meyers, Aaron B. Pearlman, Scott M. Ransom, Paul Scholz, Kaitlyn Shin, Kendrick M. Smith, Chia Min Tan

Neutron stars and white dwarfs are both dense remnants of post-main-sequence stars. Pulsars, magnetars and strongly magnetised white dwarfs have all been seen to been observed to exhibit coherent, pulsed radio emission in relation to their rotational period. Recently, a new type of radio long period transient (LPT) has been discovered. The bright radio emission of LPTs resembles that of radio pulsars and magnetars. However, they pulse on timescales (minutes) much longer than previously seen. While minute timescales are common rotation periods for white dwarfs, LPTs are much brighter than the known pulsating white dwarfs, and dipolar radiation from isolated (as opposed to binary) magnetic white dwarfs has yet to be observed. Here, we report the discovery of a new $\sim$421~s LPT, CHIME J0630+25, using the CHIME/FRB and CHIME/Pulsar instruments. We used standard pulsar timing techniques and obtained a phase-coherent timing solution which yielded limits on the inferred magnetic field and characteristic age. CHIME J0630+25 is remarkably nearby ($170 \pm 80$~pc), making it the closest LPT discovered to date.

Itsuki Ogami, Yutaka Komiyama, Masashi Chiba, Mikito Tanaka, Puragra Guhathakurta, Evan N. Kirby, Rosemary F.G. Wyse, Carrie Filion, Takanobu Kirihara, Miho N. Ishigaki, Kohei Hayashi

We report the detection of a dwarf satellite candidate (Triangulum IV: Tri IV) of the Triangulum galaxy (M33) using the deep imaging of Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC). From the apparent magnitude of the horizontal branch in Tri IV, the heliocentric distance of Tri IV is estimated to be $932^{+49}_{-43}$ kpc, indicating that Tri IV is located at the distance of $75^{+48}_{-40}$ kpc from the M33 center. This means that Tri IV is the probable satellite of M33, because its distance from M33 is within the virial radius of M33. We also estimate its surface brightness of $\mu_{\it V} = 29.72^{+0.10}_{-0.10}$ mag arcsec$^{-2}$, and half-light radius of $r_h = 1749^{+523}_{-425}$ pc, suggesting that Tri IV is an ultra-diffuse galaxy or dynamically heated galaxy. The surface brightness of Tri IV is too low to be detected in the previous survey, so this detection suggests that much fainter satellites may be present in the outskirts of M33.

Giada Peron, Sabrina Casanova, Stefano Gabici, Vardan Baghmanyan, Felix Aharonian

Cosmic rays are energetic nuclei that permeate the entire Galactic disk. Their existence requires the presence of powerful particle accelerators. While Galactic supernova explosions may supply the required energy, there is growing evidence that they cannot explain all of the observed properties of cosmic rays, such as their maximum particle energy and isotopic composition. Among Galactic objects, winds from stellar clusters meet the energetic requirement and provide a suitable environment for particle acceleration. The recent detection of some of these objects in gamma rays confirms that they indeed harbor high-energy particles.However, as most supernovae explode inside stellar clusters, it is difficult to distinguish the contribution of winds to particle acceleration. Here we report the detection of young star clusters in the nearby Vela molecular ridge star forming region. The young age of the systems guarantees an unbiased estimate of the stellar CR luminosity free from any supernova or pulsar contamination and allows us to draw conclusions on the acceleration efficiency and the total power supplied by these objects. We demonstrate that much more than 1% of the wind mechanical power is converted into CRs and consequently conclude that a small but non-negligible fraction ~ 1-10% of the CR population is contributed by stellar clusters.

Deep elemental composition is a challenging measurement to achieve in the giant planets of the solar system. Yet, knowledge of the deep composition offers important insights in the internal structure of these planets, their evolutionary history and their formation scenarios. A key element whose deep abundance is difficult to obtain is oxygen, because of its propensity for being in condensed phases such as rocks and ices. In the atmospheres of the giant planets, oxygen is largely stored in water molecules that condense below the observable levels. At atmospheric levels that can be investigated with remote sensing, water abundance can modify the observed meteorology, and meteorological phenomena can distribute water through the atmosphere in complex ways that are not well understood and that encompass deeper portions of the atmosphere. The deep oxygen abundance provides constraints on the connection between atmosphere and interior and on the processes by which other elements were trapped, making its determination an important element to understand giant planets. In this paper, we review the current constraints on the deep oxygen abundance of the giant planets, as derived from observations and thermochemical models.

Hemantakumar Phurailatpam, Anupreeta More, Harsh Narola, Ng Chung Yin (Leo), Justin Janquart, Chris Van Den Broeck, Otto Akseli Hannukkala, Neha Singh, David Keitel

'$ler$' is a statistics-based Python package specifically designed for computing detectable rates of both lensed and unlensed GW events, catering to the requirements of the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Scientific Collaboration and astrophysics research scholars. The core functionality of '$ler$' intricately hinges upon the interplay of various components which include sampling the properties of compact-binary sources, lens galaxies characteristics, solving lens equations to derive properties of resultant images, and computing detectable GW rates. This comprehensive functionality builds on the leveraging of array operations and linear algebra from the $numpy$ library, enhanced by interpolation methods from $scipy$ and Python's $multiprocessing$ capabilities. Efficiency is further boosted by the $numba$ library's Just-In-Time ($njit$) compilation, optimizing extensive numerical computations and employing the inverse transform sampling method to replace more cumbersome rejection sampling. The modular design of '$ler$' not only optimizes speed and functionality but also ensures adaptability and upgradability, supporting the integration of additional statistics as research evolves. Currently, '$ler$' is an important tool in generating simulated GW events, both lensed and unlensed, and provides astrophysically accurate distributions of event-related parameters for both detectable and non-detectable events. This functionality aids in event validation and enhances the forecasting of detection capabilities across various GW detectors to study such events. The architecture of the '$ler$' API facilitates seamless compatibility with other software packages, allowing researchers to integrate and utilize its functionalities based on specific scientific requirements.

In this study, we investigate signature flips within the framework of cosmological models featuring a time-varying vacuum energy term $\Lambda(t)$. Specifically, we consider the power-law form of $\Lambda=\alpha H^n$, where $\alpha$ and $n$ are constants. To constrain the model parameters, we use the MCMC technique, allowing for effective exploration of the model's parameters. We apply this approach to analyze 31 points of observational Hubble Data (OHD), 1048 points from the Pantheon data, and additional CMB data. We consider three scenarios: when $n$ is a free parameter (Case I), when $n=0$ (Case II), and when $n=1$ (Case III). In our analysis across all three cases, we observe that our model portrays the universe's evolution from a matter-dominated decelerated epoch to an accelerated epoch, as indicated by the corresponding deceleration parameter. In addition, we investigate the physical behavior of total energy density, total EoS parameter, and jerk parameter. Our findings consistently indicate that all cosmological parameters predict an accelerated expansion phase of the universe for all three cases ($q_0<0$, $\omega_0<-\frac{1}{3}$, $j_0>0$). Furthermore, our analysis reveals that the $Om(z)$ diagnostics for Cases I and III align with the quintessence region, while Case II corresponds to the $\Lambda$CDM model.

The Broad Line Regions (BLRs) are regions containing gravitationally-bound gas within r~(few) 10^2-10^3 Schwarszchild radii near Supermassive Black Holes (SMBHs) in Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs). Photo-ionized by strong non-stellar AGN continuum, this gas emits luminous UV/optical/near-IR lines from ionized Hydrogen (and other multi-ionized atoms) that have the widest velocity profiles observed in galaxies, uniquely indicating the deep gravitational wells of SMBHs. Nearly all BLR studies focus on its ionized gas phase (hereafter BLR+), with typical masses of only a few 10-100 M_Sun, despite strong indications of neutral BLR gas reservoirs (hereafter BLR0) with M_BLR0~10^{5-6} M_Sun. The photoionization code CLOUDY, with its chemistry augmented with three-body reactions, is used to explore 1-D models of dustless BLRs, focusing on the BLR0 conditions, and the abundances of its most prevalent neutral atoms and molecules. A (neutral-atom/molecule)-rich BLR0 gas phase is found underlying the BLR+, the latter occupying only a thin outer layer of AGN-irradiated gas column densities, while the former contains the bulk of the BLR gas mass. Atomic carbon and oxygen and the CO molecule can reach substantial abundances in the BLR0, while their lines at IR/submm wavelengths can yield new probes of the BLR physical conditions and dynamics, unhindered by the dust absorption from outer AGN tori that readily absorb the BLR+ optical/far-UV lines. Neutral-atom-rich and even molecule-rich gas can exist in the BLR0. The corresponding spectral lines from neutral atoms and molecules promise a new spectral window of gas dynamics in the vicinity of~SMBHs unhindered by dust absorption, and may even allow novel tests of General Relativity in strongly curved spacetimes.

Pierrick Martin, Louis de Guillebon, Eliot Collard, Inès Mertz, Lars Mohrmann, Giacomo Principe, Marianne Lemoine-Goumard, Alexandre Marcowith, Régis Terrier, Miroslav Filipović

There is growing evidence from gamma-ray observations at high and very high energies that particle escape is a key aspect shaping the morphological properties of pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) at various evolutionary stages. We aim to provide a simple model for the gamma-ray emission from these objects including the transport of particles across the different components of the system. We applied it to sources HESS J1809-193 and HESS J1825-137. We developed a multi-zone framework applicable to dynamically young PWNe, taking into account the diffusive escape of relativistic electron-positron pairs out of the nebula into the parent supernova remnant (SNR) and their confinement downstream of the magnetic barrier of the forward shock until an eventual release into the surrounding interstellar medium (ISM). For a wide range of turbulence properties in the nebula, the GeV-TeV inverse-Compton radiation from pairs that escaped into the remnant can be a significant if not dominant contribution to the emission from the system. It may dominate the pion-decay radiation from cosmic rays accelerated at the forward shock and advected downstream of it. In the TeV-PeV range, the contribution from particles escaped into the ISM can exceed by far that of the SNR+PWN components. Applied to HESS J1809-193 and HESS J1825-137, we found that spatially extended GeV-TeV emission components can be accounted for mostly from particles escaped into the ISM, while morphologically more compact components above 50-100TeV are ascribed to the PWNe. In these two cases, the model suggests high turbulence in the nebula and a forward shock accelerating cosmic rays up to ~100TeV at most. The model provides the temporal and spectral properties of the flux of particles originally energized by the pulsar wind and ultimately released in the ISM. (Abridged).

Shuowen Jin, Nikolaj B. Sillassen, Jacqueline Hodge, Georgios E. Magdis, Caitlin Casey, Francesca Rizzo, Anton M. Koekemoer, Francesco Valentino, Vasily Kokorev, Benjamin Magnelli, Raphael Gobat, Steven Gillman, Maximilien Franco, Andreas Faisst, Jeyhan Kartaltepe, Eva Schinnerer, Sune Toft, Hiddo S.B. Algera, Santosh Harish, Minju Lee, Daizhong Liu, Marko Shuntov, Margherita Talia, Aswin Vijayan

Photometric redshifts are widely used in studies of dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFGs), but catastrophic photo-$z$ failure can undermine all redshift-dependent results. Here we report the spectroscopic redshift confirmation of COSBO-7, a strongly lensed DSFG in the COSMOS-PRIMER field. Recently, using 10 bands of JWST NIRCam and MIRI imaging data on COSBO-7, Ling et al. (2024) reported a photometric redshift solution of $z\gtrsim7.0$, favored by four independent spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting codes, and therefore providing an appealing candidate of the most distant massive DSFG. This photo-$z$ solution was also supported by a single line detection in ALMA Band 3 consistent with CO(7-6) at $z=7.46$. However, our new ALMA observations robustly detect two lines in Band 6 identified as CO(7-6) and [CI](2-1) at $z_{\rm spec}=2.625$, and thus the Band 3 line as CO(3-2). The three robust line detections decidedly place COSBO-7 at $z=2.625$, refuting the photo-$z$ solution. We derive physical parameters by fitting NIR-to-mm photometry and lens modeling, revealing that COSBO-7 is a main-sequence galaxy. We examine possible reasons for this photo-$z$ failure and attribute it to (1) the likely underestimation of photometric uncertainty at 0.9$\mu$m, and (2) the lack of photometry at wavelengths beyond 20$\mu$m. Notably, we recover a bona-fide $z_{\rm phot}\sim 2.3$ by including the existing MIPS $24\mu$m photometry, demonstrating the critical importance of mid-infrared data for photo-$z$ robustness. This work highlights a common challenge in modeling SEDs of DSFGs, cautioning against the reliability of photometric redshifts, as well as pseudo-spectroscopic redshifts based on single line detection.

Jean-Luc Margot, Brett Gladman, Tony Yang

The current IAU definition of "planet" is problematic because it is vague and excludes exoplanets. Here, we describe aspects of quantitative planetary taxonomy and examine the results of unsupervised clustering of Solar System bodies to guide the development of possible classification frameworks. Two unsurprising conclusions emerged from the clustering analysis: (1) satellites are distinct from planets and (2) dynamical dominance is a natural organizing principle for planetary taxonomy. To generalize an existing dynamical dominance criterion, we adopt a universal clearing timescale applicable to all central bodies (brown dwarfs, stars, and stellar remnants). Then, we propose two quantitative, unified frameworks to define both planets and exoplanets. The first framework is aligned with both the IAU definition of planet in the Solar System and the IAU working definition of an exoplanet. The second framework is a simpler mass-based framework that avoids some of the difficulties ingrained in current IAU recommendations.

Vadim Kravtsov, Alexandra Veledina, Andrei V. Berdyugin, Sergey Tsygankov, Tariq Shahbaz, Manuel A.P. Torres, Helen Jermak, Callum McCall, Jari J.E. Kajava, Vilppu Piirola, Takeshi Sakanoi, Masato Kagitani, Svetlana V. Berdyugina, Juri Poutanen

We present simultaneous high-precision optical polarimetric and near-infrared (NIR) to ultraviolet (UV) photometric observations of low-mass black hole X-ray binary A0620$\unicode{x2013}$00 in the quiescent state. Subtracting interstellar polarization, estimated from a sample of field stars, we derive the intrinsic polarization of A0620$\unicode{x2013}$00. We show that the intrinsic polarization degree (PD) is variable with the orbital period with the amplitude of $\sim0.3\%$ at least in the $R$ band, where the signal-to-noise ratio of our observations is the best. It implies that some fraction of the optical polarization is produced by scattering of stellar radiation off the matter that follows the black hole in its orbital motion. In addition, we see a rotation of the orbit-average intrinsic polarization angle (PA) with the wavelength from $164°$ in the $R$ to $180°$ in the $B$ band. All of the above, combined with the historical NIR to optical polarimetric observations, shows the complex behavior of average intrinsic polarization of A0620$\unicode{x2013}$00 with the PA making continuous rotation from infrared to blue band by $\sim56°$ in total, while the PD $\sim1\%$ remains nearly constant over the entire spectral range. The spectral dependence of the PA can be described by Faraday rotation with the rotation measure of RM=$-0.2$ rad $\mu$m$^{-2}$, implying a few Gauss magnetic field in the plasma surrounding the black hole accretion disk. However, our preferred interpretation for the peculiar wavelength dependence is the interplay between two polarized components with different PAs. Polarimetric measurements in the UV range can help distinguishing between these scenarios.

Gavin Ramsay (Armagh Observatory and Planetarium), Pasi Hakala (FINCA), J. Gerry Doyle (Armagh)

We have searched for stellar activity cycles in late low mass M dwarfs (M0--M6) located in the TESS north and south continuous viewing zones using data from sectors 1--61 (Cycle 1 to part way through Cycle 5). We utilise TESS-SPOC data which initially had a cadence of 30 min but reducing to 10 min in Cycles 3. In addition, we require each star to be observed in at least 6 sectors in each North/South Cycle: 1,950 low mass stars meet these criteria. Strong evidence was seen in 245 stars for a very stable photometric variation which we assume to be a signature of the stars rotation period. We did a similar study for Solar-like stars and found that 194 out of 1432 stars had a very stable modulation. We then searched for evidence of a variation in the rotational amplitude. We found 26 low mass stars showed evidence of variability in their photometric amplitude and only one Solar-like star. Some show a monotonic trend over 3--4 yrs whilst other show shorter term variations. We determine the predicted cycle durations of these stars using the relationship found by Irving (2023} using an estimate of the stars Rossby number. Finally we find a marginally statistically significant correlation between the range in the rotational amplitude modulation and the rotation period.

P. Dell'Ova, F. Motte, A. Gusdorf, Y. Pouteau, A. Men'shchikov, D. Diaz-Gonzalez, R. Galván-Madrid, P. Lesaffre, P. Didelon, A.M. Stutz, A.P.M. Towner, K. Marsh, A. Whitworth, M. Armante, M. Bonfand, T. Nony, M. Valeille-Manet, S. Bontemps, T. Csengeri, N. Cunningham, A. Ginsburg, F. Louvet, R. H. Alvarez-Gutierrez, N. Brouillet, J. Salinas, P. Sanhueza, F. Nakamura, Q. Nguyen Luong, T. Baug, M. Fernandez-Lopez, H.-L. Liu, F. Olguin

A crucial aspect in addressing the challenge of measuring the core mass function, that is pivotal for comprehending the origin of the initial mass function, lies in constraining the temperatures of the cores. We aim to measure the luminosity, mass, column density and dust temperature of star-forming regions imaged by the ALMA-IMF large program. High angular resolution mapping is required to capture the properties of protostellar and pre-stellar cores and to effectively separate them from larger features, such as dusty filaments. We employed the point process mapping (PPMAP) technique, enabling us to perform spectral energy distribution fitting of far-infrared and submillimeter observations across the 15 ALMA-IMF fields, at an unmatched 2.5" angular resolution. By combining the modified blackbody model with near-infrared data, we derived bolometric luminosity maps. We estimated the errors impacting values of each pixel in the temperature, column density, and luminosity maps. Subsequently, we employed the extraction algorithm getsf on the luminosity maps in order to detect luminosity peaks and measure their associated masses. We obtained high-resolution constraints on the luminosity, dust temperature, and mass of protoclusters, that are in agreement with previously reported measurements made at a coarser angular resolution. We find that the luminosity-to-mass ratio correlates with the evolutionary stage of the studied regions, albeit with intra-region variability. We compiled a PPMAP source catalog of 313 luminosity peaks using getsf on the derived bolometric luminosity maps. The PPMAP source catalog provides constraints on the mass and luminosity of protostars and cores, although one source may encompass several objects. Finally, we compare the estimated luminosity-to-mass ratio of PPMAP sources with evolutionary tracks and discuss the limitations imposed by the 2.5" beam.

We present Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) observations of TW Hya at 0.65 mm with 0.5 arcsecond angular resolution, together with high angular resolution archival observations at 0.87 mm, 1.3 mm, 2.1 mm and 3.1 mm. We constrain the outer disk emission with both image-plane retrieval, and visibility-plane modeling with non-parametric and parametric fitting tools. Our results confirm emission in the outer disk regions of TW Hya (60 au < R < 110 au) at 0.65 mm, 0.87 mm and 1.3 mm. With image-plane retrieval, we resolve the new continuum gap and ring, namely D79 and B86, at 0.87 mm and 1.3 mm. With visibility-plane modeling, we also detect this substructure at 0.65 mm, and it is consistent in location with the outer ring proposed by Ilee et al. 2022 at the 1-sigma level. Furthermore, it has a high spectral index of 3.7, which may indicate dust grain sizes << 1 mm. It may be a dust trap or a traffic jam, that has a flux density of 60 mJy and a mass (1.59 earth masses) that accounts for up to 2% of the dust disk at 0.65 mm. In conclusion, we confirm the existence of a faint ring in the outer regions of TW Hya at multiple millimeter wavelengths. With visibility-plane modeling, we are able to set constrains that are 3 times better than the resolution of our Band 8 observations.

Hisashi Hayakawa, Yusuke Ebihara, Alexander Mishev, Sergey Koldobskiy, Kanya Kusano, Sabrina Bechet, Seiji Yashiro, Kazumasa Iwai, Atsuki Shinbori, Kalevi Mursula, Fusa Miyake, Daikou Shiota, Marcos V. D. Silveira, Robert Stuart, Denny M. Oliveira, Sachiko Akiyama, Kouji Ohnishi, Yoshizumi Miyoshi

In May 2024, the scientific community observed intense solar eruptions that resulted in an extreme geomagnetic storm and auroral extension, highlighting the need to document and quantify these events. This study mainly focuses on their quantification. The source active region (AR 13664) evolved from 113 to 2761 millionths of the solar hemisphere between 4 May and 14 May 2024. AR 13664's magnetic free energy surpassed 1033 erg on 7 May 2024, triggering 12 X-class flares. Multiple interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) came out from this AR, accelerating solar energetic particles toward Earth. At least four ICMEs seemingly piled up to disturb the interplanetary space, according to the satellite data and interplanetary scintillation data. The shock arrival at 17:05 UT on 10 May 2024 significantly compressed the magnetosphere down to ~ 5.04 R_E, and triggered a deep Forbush decrease. GOES satellite data and ground-based neutron monitors confirmed a ground-level enhancement from 2 UT to 10 UT on 11 May 2024. The ICMEs induced extreme geomagnetic storms, peaking at a Dst index of -412 nT at 2 UT on 11 May 2024, marking the sixth-largest storm since 1957. The AE and AL indices showed extreme auroral extensions that located the AE/AL stations into the polar cap. We gathered auroral records at that time and reconstructed the equatorward boundary of the visual auroral oval to 29.8° invariant latitude. We compared naked-eye and camera auroral visibility, providing critical caveats on their difference. We also confirmed global enhancements of storm-enhanced density of the ionosphere.

D. González Picos, I.A.G. Snellen, S. de Regt, R. Landman, Y. Zhang, S. Gandhi, C. Ginski, A.Y. Kesseli, P. Mollière, T. Stolker

Young brown dwarfs exhibit atmospheric characteristics similar to those of super-Jupiters, providing a unique opportunity to study planetary atmospheres. The ESO SupJup Survey, utilizing CRIRES$^+$ on the Very Large Telescope, aims to assess the role of $^{12}$C/$^{13}$C as a formation tracer. We present observations of three young brown dwarfs: 2MASS J12003792-7845082, TWA 28, and 2MASS J08561384-1342242, with the goal of constraining their chemical compositions, thermal profiles, surface gravities, spin rotations, and $^{12}$C/$^{13}$C. Atmospheric retrievals of CRIRES$^+$ K-band spectra were conducted using the radiative transfer code petitRADTRANS coupled with the Bayesian inference algorithm MultiNest, resulting in a detailed characterization of the atmospheres of these objects. We report the volume mixing ratios of main molecular and atomic species, including the novel detection of hydrogen fluoride (HF) in a brown dwarf's atmosphere, and determine $^{12}$C/$^{13}$C values of $81^{+28}_{-19}$ and $79^{+20}_{-14}$ in the atmospheres of TWA 28 and J0856, respectively, with strong significance ($>3\sigma$). Tentative evidence ($\sim 2\sigma$) of $^{13}$C in J1200 was found, with $^{12}$C/$^{13}$C = $114^{+69}_{-33}$, along with $^{18}$O detected at moderate significance in J0856 (3.3$\sigma$) and TWA 28 (2.1$\sigma$). The retrieved thermal profiles indicate hot atmospheres (2300-2600 K) with low surface gravities and slow spins, consistent with young objects. The consistent carbon isotope ratios among the three objects, showing no significant deviation from the local ISM, suggest a fragmentation-based formation mechanism similar to star formation. The tentative detection of $^{18}$O in two objects highlights the potential of high-resolution spectroscopy to probe additional isotope ratios, such as $^{16}$O/$^{18}$O, in the atmospheres of brown dwarfs and super-Jupiters.

Pankaj Kumar, Judith T. Karpen, Vasyl Yurchyshyn, C. Richard DeVore, Spiro K. Antiochos

Magnetic reconnection is widely believed to be the fundamental process in the solar atmosphere that underlies magnetic energy release and particle acceleration. This process is responsible for the onset of solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and other explosive events (e.g., jets). Here, we report direct imaging of a prolonged plasma/current sheet along with quasiperiodic magnetic reconnection in the solar corona using ultra-high-resolution observations from the 1.6-meter Goode Solar Telescope (GST) at BBSO and Solar Dynamics Observatory/Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (SDO/AIA). The current sheet appeared near a null point in the fan-spine topology and persisted over an extended period (~20 hours). The length and apparent width of the current sheet were about 6 arcsec and 2 arcsec respectively, and the plasma temperature was ~10-20 MK. We observed quasiperiodic plasma inflows and outflows (bidirectional jets with plasmoids) at the reconnection site/current sheet. Furthermore, quasiperiodic reconnection at the long-lasting current sheet produced recurrent eruptions (small flares and jets) and contributed significantly to the recurrent impulsive heating of the active region. Direct imaging of a plasma/current sheet and recurrent null-point reconnection for such an extended period has not been reported previously. These unprecedented observations provide compelling evidence that supports the universal model for solar eruptions (i.e., the breakout model) and have implications for impulsive heating of active regions by recurrent reconnection near null points. The prolonged and sustained reconnection for about 20 hours at the breakout current sheet provides new insights into the dynamics and energy release processes in the solar corona.

M. Rey-Montejo, I. Jimenez-Serra, J. Martin-Pintado, V. M. Rivilla, A. Megias, D. San Andres, M. Sanz-Novo, L. Colzi, S. Zeng, A. Lopez-Gallifa, A. Martinez-Henares, S. Martin, B. Tercero, P. de Vicente, M. Requena-Torres

We report the first detection of the metal-bearing molecules sodium sulfide (NaS) and magnesium sulfide (MgS) and the tentative detection of calcium monoxide (CaO) in the interstellar medium (ISM) towards the Galactic Center molecular cloud G+0.693-0.027. The derived column densities are (5.0+-1.1) x $10^{10}$ cm$^{-2}$, (6.0+-0.6) x $10^{10}$ cm$^{-2}$, and (2.0+-0.5) x $10^{10}$ cm$^{-2}$, respectively. This translates into fractional abundances with respect to H$_2$ of (3.7+-1.0) x $10^{-13}$, (4.4+-0.8) x $10^{-13}$, and (1.5+-0.4) x $10^{-13}$, respectively. We have also searched for other Na-, Mg- and Ca-bearing species towards this source but none of them have been detected and thus we provide upper limits for their abundances. We discuss the possible chemical routes involved in the formation of these molecules containing metals under interstellar conditions. Finally, we compare the ratio between sulfur-bearing and oxygen-bearing molecules with and without metals, finding that metal-bearing sulfur molecules are much more abundant than metal-bearing oxygen ones, in contrast with the general trend found in the ratios between other non metal- oxygen- and sulfur-bearing molecules. This further strengthen the idea that sulfur may be little depleted in G+0.693-0.027 as a result of the low velocity shocks present in this source sputtering large amounts of material from dust grains.

N. Pinilla-Alonso, J. Licandro, R. Brunetto, E. Henault, C. Schambeau, A. Guilbert-Lepoutre, J. Stansberry, I. Wong, J. I. Lunine, B. J. Holler, J. Emery, S. Protopapa, J. Cook, H. B. Hammel, G. L. Villanueva, S. N. Milam, D. Cruikshank, A. C. de Souza-Feliciano

(2060) Chiron is a large centaur that has been reported active on multiple occasions including during aphelion passage. Studies of Chirons coma during active periods have resulted in the detection of C(triple)N and CO outgassing. Significant work remains to be undertaken to comprehend the activation mechanisms on Chiron and the parent molecules of the gas phases detected. This work reports the study of the ices on Chirons surface and coma and seeks spectral indicators of volatiles associated with the activity. Additionally, we discuss how these detections could be related to the activation mechanism for Chiron and, potentially, other centaurs. In July 2023, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) observed Chiron when it was active near its aphelion. We present JWST/NIRSpec spectra from 0.97 to 5.27 microns with a resolving power of 1000, and compare them with laboratory data for identification of the spectral bands. We report the first detections on Chiron of absorption bands of several volatile ices, including CO2, CO, C2H6, C3H8, and C2H2. We also confirm the presence of water ice in its amorphous state. A key discovery arising from these data is the detection of fluorescence emissions of CH4, revealing the presence of a gas coma rich in this hyper-volatile molecule, which we also identify to be in non-local thermal equilibrium (nonLTE). CO2 gas emission is also detected in the fundamental stretching band at 4.27 microns. We argue that the presence of CH4 emission is the first proof of the desorption of CH4 due to a density phase transition of amorphous water ice at low temperature in agreement with the estimated temperature of Chiron during the JWST observations (61 K). Detection of photolytic and proton irradiation products of CH4 and CO2 on the surface, in the coma ice grains, or in the ring material is also detected via a forest of absorption features from 3.5 to 5.3 microns.

Eduardo Vitral, Roeland P. van der Marel, Sangmo Tony Sohn, Mattia Libralato, Andrés del Pino, Laura L. Watkins, Andrea Bellini, Matthew G. Walker, Gurtina Besla, Marcel S. Pawlowski, Gary A. Mamon

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We analyze four epochs of HST imaging over 18 years for the Draco dwarf spheroidal galaxy. We measure precise proper motions (PMs) for hundreds of stars and combine these with existing line-of-sight (LOS) velocities. This provides the first radially-resolved 3D velocity dispersion profiles for any dwarf galaxy. These constrain the intrinsic velocity anisotropy and resolve the mass-anisotropy degeneracy. We solve the Jeans equations in oblate axisymmetric geometry to infer the mass profile. We find the velocity dispersion to be radially anisotropic along the symmetry axis and tangentially anisotropic in the equatorial plane, with a globally-averaged value $\overline{\beta_{\mathrm B}}=-0.20^{+ 0.28}_{- 0.53}$, (where $1 - \beta_{\mathrm B} \equiv \langle v_{\mathrm{ tan}}^2 \rangle / \langle v_{\mathrm{ rad}}^2 \rangle$ in 3D). The logarithmic dark matter (DM) density slope over the observed radial range, $\Gamma_{\mathrm{ dark}}$, is $-0.83^{+ 0.32}_{- 0.37}$, consistent with the inner cusp predicted in $\Lambda$CDM cosmology. As expected given Draco's low mass and ancient star formation history, it does not appear to have been dissolved by baryonic processes. We rule out cores larger than 487, 717, 942 pc at respective 1-, 2-, 3-$\sigma$ confidence, thus imposing important constraints on the self-interacting DM cross-section. Spherical models yield biased estimates for both the velocity anisotropy and the inferred slope. The circular velocity at our outermost data point (900 pc) is $24.19^{+ 6.31}_{- 2.97} \ \mathrm{km~s^{-1}}s$. We infer a dynamical distance of $75.37^{+ 4.73}_{- 4.00}$ kpc, and show that Draco has a modest LOS rotation, with $\left<v / \sigma \right> = 0.22 \pm 0.09$. Our results provide a new stringent test of the so-called `cusp-core' problem that can be readily extended to other dwarfs.

The discovery of NGC 1052-DF2 and subsequent modeling have shown that NGC 1052-DF2 is deficient in dark matter and is in conflict with the standard stellar-to-halo mass ratio. In this work, we aim to resolve the degeneracy between the dynamical models on the mass estimate of the NGC 1052-DF2.We constructed mass models of NGC 1052-DF2 using an anisotropic distribution function with a radially varying anisotropy parameter and studied the effect of the various model parameters on the dark matter estimates. We used the observed stellar photometry as an input parameter to construct the distribution function and employed a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method to estimate the dark matter model parameters.We find that mass models with a cuspy dark matter halo have comparable $\chi^{2}$ to models with zero dark matter. Moreover, the cuspy dark matter halo fails to consistently account for the observed velocity dispersion in the inner and outer regions of the galaxy. Consequently, we rule out the possibility of a cuspy dark matter halo for describing the mass models of NGC 1052 - DF2. Our study shows that the cored dark matter halo model with a total mass of $\log(M_{DM}/M_{\odot})=10.5$ explains the observed kinematics but requires an extraordinarily large scale length (20kpc) and an outer cutoff radius (26kpc). While the cored mass model provides a comparatively better fit, our findings emphasize that the mass models are largely unconstrained by the available kinematic data. Our results suggest that NGC 1052 - DF2 may not only have an ultra-diffuse stellar distribution but that it can, within uncertainties in the available kinematic data, potentially host an ultra-diffuse dark matter distribution compatible with the standard stellar-to-halo mass relation (SHMR) predicted by galaxy formation and evolution models

Stefan Purkhart, Astrid M. Veronig, Bernhard Kliem, Robert Jarolim, Karin Dissauer, Ewan C. M. Dickson, Tatiana Podladchikova, Säm Krucker

We studied the rapid filament evolution in AR 12975 during a confined C2 flare on 28 March 2022, which led to an eruptive M4 flare 1.5 h later. It is characterized by the breakup of the filament, the disappearance of its southern half, and the flow of the remaining plasma into a longer channel with a topology similar to an EUV hot channel during the flare. Our multipoint study takes advantage of Solar Orbiter's position at 0.33 AU and 83. 5° west of the Sun-Earth line. STIX and EUI onboard Solar Orbiter observed the event at the limb. AIA and HMI onboard SDO provided on-disk observations from which we derived DEM maps and NLFF magnetic field extrapolations. We find that both filament channels likely existed in close proximity before the flare. Based on field structures associated with AIA 1600 Å flare ribbons and kernels, we propose a loop-loop reconnection scenario between field lines that surround and pass beneath the shorter filament channel, and field lines following a portion of the longer channel. Reconnection occurs in an essentially vertical current sheet at a PIL below the breakup region, leading to the formation of the flare loop arcade and the EUV hot channel. The scenario is supported by concentrated currents and free magnetic energy built up by antiparallel flows along the PIL before the flare. The reconnection probably propagated to involve the original filament itself, leading to its breakup and reformation. The reconnection geometry provides a general mechanism for the formation of the long filament channel and realizes the concept of tether cutting, which was active throughout the filament's rise phase, lasting from at least 30 min before the C2 flare until the eruption. The C2 flare represents a period of fast reconnection during this otherwise more steady process, during which most of the original filament was reconnected and joined the longer channel.

Youli Tuo, Xiaobo Li, Ying Tan, Baiyang Wu, Weichun Jiang, Liming Song, Jinlu Qu, Sudeep Gogate, Shuang-Nan Zhang, Andrea Santangelo

Dead time is a common instrumental effect of X-ray detectors which would alter the behavior of timing properties of astronomical signals, such as distorting the shape of power density spectra (PDS), affecting the root-mean-square of potential quasi-periodic oscillation signals, etc. We revisit the effects of the dead time of Medium Energy X-ray telescope (ME) onboard Insight-HXMT, based on the simulation of electronic read-out mechanism that causes the dead time, and the real data. We investigate dead time effects on the pulse profile as well as the Quasi-Periodic Oscillation (QPO) signals. The dead time coefficient suggests a linear correlation with the observed count rate in each phase bin of the pulse profile according to the simulation of periodic signal as well as the real data observed on Swift J0243.6+6124. The Fourier-amplitude-difference (FAD) method could well recover the intrinsic shape of the observed PDS in the case that the PDS is from two identical detectors. We apply this technique on ME, by splitting the 9 FPGA modules into 2 groups. The results indicate that the FAD technique suits the case when two groups of detectors are not largely different; and the recovered PDS of Sco X-1 observed by ME slightly enhances the significance of the previously known QPO signal, meanwhile the root-mean-square of QPO is significantly improved. We provide the FAD correction tool implemented in HXMTDAS for users in the future to better analyze QPO signals.

Natsuko Izumi, Michael E. Ressler, Ryan M. Lau, Patrick M. Koch, Masao Saito, Naoto Kobayashi, Chikako Yasui

The extreme outer Galaxy (EOG), which we define as the region of the Milky Way with a galactocentric radius of more than 18 kpc, provides an excellent opportunity to study star formation in an environment significantly different from that in the solar neighborhood because of its lower metallicity and lower gas density. We carried out near- and mid-infrared (NIR and MIR) imaging observations toward two star-forming clusters located in the EOG using JWST NIRCam and MIRI with nine filters: F115W, F150W, F200W, F350W, F405N, F444W, F770W, F1280W, and F2100W. In this paper, we present an overview of the observations, data reduction, and initial results. The NIR sensitivity is approximately 10--80 times better than our previous observation with the Subaru 8.2 m telescope. Accordingly, the mass detection limit reaches to about 0.01--0.05 $M_\odot$, which is about 10 times better than the previous observations. At MIR wavelengths, the high sensitivity and resolution data enable us to resolve individual young stellar objects in such a distant region for the first time. The mass detection limit at MIR F770W filter reaches about 0.1--0.3 $M_\odot$. With these new observations, we have identified components of the clusters that previous surveys did not detect, including class 0 candidates, outflow/jet components, and distinctive nebular structures. These data will enable us to investigate the properties of star formation in the EOG at the same depth of detail as previous observations of star formation in the solar neighborhood.

To more precisely constrain the Equation of State (EOS) of supradense neutron-rich nuclear matter, future high-precision X-ray and gravitational wave observatories are proposed to measure the radii of neutron stars (NSs) with an accuracy better than about 0.1 km. However, it remains unclear what particular aspects (other than the stiffness generally spoken of in the literature) of the EOS and to what precision they will be better constrained. In this work, within a Bayesian framework using a meta-model EOS for NSs, we infer the posterior probability distribution functions (PDFs) of incompressibility $K_{0}$ and skewness $J_{0}$ of symmetric nuclear matter (SNM) as well as the slope $L$, curvature $K_{\rm{sym}}$, and skewness $J_{\rm{sym}}$ characterizing the density dependence of nuclear symmetry energy $E_{\rm{sym}}(\rho)$, respectively, from mean values of NS radii consistent with existing observations and an expected accuracy $\Delta R$ ranging from about 1.0 km to 0.1 km. We found that (1) the $\Delta R$ has little effect on inferring the stiffness of SNM at suprasaturation densities, (2) smaller $\Delta R$ reveals more accurately not only the PDFs but also pairwise correlations among parameters characterizing high-density $E_{\rm{sym}}(\rho)$, (3) a double-peak feature of the PDF($K_{\rm{sym}}$) corresponding to the strong $K_{\rm{sym}}-J_{\rm{sym}}$ and $K_{\rm{sym}}-L$ anti-correlations is revealed when $\Delta R$ is less than about 0.2 km, (4) the high-precision radius measurement for canonical NSs is more useful than that for massive ones for constraining the EOS of nucleonic matter around (2-3) times the saturation density of SNM.

Hauke Koehn, Thibeau Wouters, Henrik Rose, Peter T. H. Pang, Rahul Somasundaram, Ingo Tews, Tim Dietrich

Nuclear theory and experiments, alongside astrophysical observations, constrain the equation of state (EOS) of supranuclear-dense matter. Conversely, knowledge of the EOS allows an improved interpretation of nuclear or astrophysical data. In this article, we use several established constraints on the EOS and the new NICER measurement of PSR J0437-4715 to comment on the nature of the primary companion in GW230529 and the companion of PSR J0514-4002E. We find that, with a probability of $\gtrsim 84\%$ and $\gtrsim 68\%$, respectively, both objects are black holes. These likelihoods increase to above $95\%$ when one uses GW170817's remnant as an upper limit on the TOV mass. We also demonstrate that the current knowledge of the EOS substantially disfavors high masses and radii for PSR J0030+0451, inferred recently when combining NICER with XMM-Newton background data and using particular hot-spot models. Finally, we also use our obtained EOS knowledge to comment on measurements of the nuclear symmetry energy, finding that the large value predicted by the PREX-II measurement displays some mild tension with other constraints on the EOS.

Rotating bosonic dark matter halos are considered as potential candidates for modeling dark matter in galactic halos. These bosonic dark matter halos can be viewed as a dilute and very extended version of bosonic stars, and the methods used for the calculation and analysis of the latter objects can be directly applied. Bosonic stars, a hypothetical type of astrophysical objects, are categorized into two primary families, based on the nature of the particles composing them: Einstein-Klein-Gordon stars and Proca stars. We examine various models from both families and the rotation curves which their contribution induces in different galaxies, to identify the most plausible candidates that explain the flattening of orbital velocities observed in galactic halos. By exploring different combinations of our dark matter models with observable galactic features, we propose an interesting source to compensate for the apparent lack of matter in dwarf and spiral galaxies, providing a possible explanation for this longstanding astronomical puzzle.

Benjamin L'Huillier, Ayan Mitra, Arman Shafieloo, Ryan E. Keeley, Hanwool Koo

In this analysis we apply a model-independent framework to test the flat $\Lambda$CDM cosmology using simulated SNIa data from the upcoming Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) and combined with simulated Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) five-years Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) data. We adopt an iterative smoothing technique to reconstruct the expansion history from SNIa data, which, when combined with BAO measurements, facilitates a comprehensive test of the Universe's curvature and the nature of dark energy. The analysis is conducted under three different mock true cosmologies: a flat $\Lambda$CDM universe, a universe with a notable curvature ($\Omega_{k,0} = 0.1$), and one with dynamically evolving dark energy. Each cosmology demonstrates different kinds and varying degrees of deviation from the standard model predictions. We forecast that our reconstruction technique can constrain cosmological parameters, such as the curvature ($\Omega_{k0}$) and $H_0 r_\mathrm{d}$, with a precision of approximately 0.52\% for $H_0 r_\mathrm{d}$ and between 0.032 to 0.037 for $\Omega_{k0}$, competitive with current cosmic microwave background constraints, without assuming any form of dark energy.

Radio astronomy studies the Universe by observing the radio emissions of celestial bodies. Different methods can be used to recover the sky brightness distribution (SBD), which describes the distribution of celestial sources from recorded data, with the output dependent on the method used. Image quality assessment (IQA) indexes can be used to compare the differences between restored SBDs produced by different image reconstruction techniques to evaluate the effectiveness of different techniques. However, reconstructed images (for the same SBD) can appear to be very similar, especially when observed by the human visual system (HVS). Hence current structural similarity methods, inspired by the HVS, are not effective. In the past, we have proposed two methods to assess point source images, where low amounts of concentrated information are present in larger regions of noise-like data. But for images that include extended source(s), the increase in complexity of the structure makes the IQA methods for point sources over-sensitive since the important objects cannot be described by isolated point sources. Therefore, in this article we propose augmented Low-Information Similarity Index (augLISI), an improved version of LISI, to assess images including extended source(s). Experiments have been carried out to illustrate how this new IQA method can help with the development and study of astronomical imaging techniques. Note that although we focus on radio astronomical images herein, these IQA methods are also applicable to other astronomical images, and imaging techniques.

Neda Hejazi, Ian J. M. Crossfield, Diogo Souto, Jonathan Brande, Thomas Nordlander, Emilio Marfil, Katia Cunha, David R. Coria, Zachary G. Maas, Natalie R. Hinkel, Joseph E. Hand

We present an in-depth, high-resolution spectroscopic analysis of the M dwarf K2-18 that hosts a sub-Neptune exoplanet in its habitable zone. We show our technique to accurately normalize the observed spectrum, which is crucial for a proper spectral fitting. We also introduce a new automatic, line-by-line model-fitting code, AutoSpecFit, that performs an iterative ${\chi}^{2}$ minimization process to measure individual elemental abundances of cool dwarfs. We apply this code to the star K2-18, and measure the abundance of 10 elements - C, O, Na, Mg, Al, K, Ca, Sc, Ti, and Fe. We find these abundances moderately supersolar, except for Fe with a slightly subsolar abundance. The accuracy of the inferred abundances is limited by the systematic errors due to uncertain stellar parameters. We also derive the abundance ratios associated with several planet-building elements such as Al/Mg, Ca/Mg, Fe/Mg, and (a solar-like) C/O=0.568 $\pm$ 0.026, which can be used to constrain the chemical composition and the formation location of the exoplanet. On the other hand, the planet K2-18 b has attracted considerable interest, given the JWST measurements of its atmospheric composition. Early JWST studies reveal an unusual chemistry for the atmosphere of this planet, which is unlikely to be driven by formation in a disk of unusual composition. The comparison between the chemical abundances of K2-18 b from future JWST analyses and those of the host star can provide fundamental insights into the formation of this planetary system.

The most precise determination of the sum of neutrino masses from cosmological data, derived from analysis of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and baryon acoustic acoustic oscillations (BAO) from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), favors a value below the minimum inferred from neutrino flavor oscillation experiments. We explore which data is most responsible of this puzzling aspect of the current constraints on neutrino mass and whether it is related to other anomalies in cosmology. We demonstrate conclusively that the preference for negative neutrino masses is a consequence of larger than expected lensing of the CMB in both the two- and four-point lensing statistics. Furthermore, we show that this preference is robust to changes in likelihoods of the BAO and CMB optical depth analyses given the available data. We then show that this excess clustering is not easily explained by changes to the expansion history and is likely distinct from the preference for for dynamical dark energy in DESI BAO data. Finally, we discuss how future data may impact these results, including an analysis of Planck CMB with mock DESI 5-year data. We conclude that the negative neutrino mass preference is likely to persist even as more cosmological data is collected in the near future.