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Papers for Friday, Jul 12 2024

Papers with local authors

A. Enia, M. Bolzonella, L. Pozzetti, A. Humphrey, P. A. C. Cunha, W. G. Hartley, F. Dubath, S. Paltani, X. Lopez Lopez, S. Quai, S. Bardelli, L. Bisigello, S. Cavuoti, G. De Lucia, M. Ginolfi, A. Grazian, M. Siudek, C. Tortora, G. Zamorani, N. Aghanim, B. Altieri, A. Amara, S. Andreon, N. Auricchio, C. Baccigalupi, M. Baldi, R. Bender, C. Bodendorf, D. Bonino, E. Branchini, M. Brescia, J. Brinchmann, S. Camera, V. Capobianco, C. Carbone, J. Carretero, S. Casas, F. J. Castander, M. Castellano, G. Castignani, A. Cimatti, C. Colodro-Conde, G. Congedo, C. J. Conselice, L. Conversi, Y. Copin, L. Corcione, F. Courbin, H. M. Courtois, A. Da Silva, H. Degaudenzi, A. M. Di Giorgio, J. Dinis, X. Dupac, S. Dusini, M. Fabricius, M. Farina, S. Farrens, S. Ferriol, P. Fosalba, S. Fotopoulou, M. Frailis, E. Franceschi, M. Fumana, S. Galeotta, B. Gillis, C. Giocoli, F. Grupp, S. V. H. Haugan, W. Holmes, I. Hook, F. Hormuth, A. Hornstrup, K. Jahnke, B. Joachimi, E. Keihänen, S. Kermiche, A. Kiessling, B. Kubik, M. Kümmel, M. Kunz, H. Kurki-Suonio, S. Ligori, P. B. Lilje, V. Lindholm, I. Lloro, E. Maiorano, O. Mansutti, O. Marggraf, K. Markovic, M. Martinelli, N. Martinet, F. Marulli, R. Massey, H. J. McCracken, E. Medinaceli, S. Mei, M. Melchior, Y. Mellier
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Paper 2 — arXiv:2407.07940
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Paper 2 — arXiv:2407.07940

Euclid will collect an enormous amount of data during the mission's lifetime, observing billions of galaxies in the extragalactic sky. Along with traditional template-fitting methods, numerous Machine Learning algorithms have been presented for computing their photometric redshifts and physical parameters (PP), requiring significantly less computing effort while producing equivalent performance measures. However, their performance is limited by the quality and amount of input information, to the point where the recovery of some well-established physical relationships between parameters might not be guaranteed. To forecast the reliability of Euclid photo-$z$s and PPs calculations, we produced two mock catalogs simulating Euclid photometry. We simulated the Euclid Wide Survey (EWS) and Euclid Deep Fields (EDF). We tested the performance of a template-fitting algorithm (Phosphoros) and four ML methods in recovering photo-$z$s, stellar masses, star-formation rates, and the SFMS. To mimic the Euclid processing as closely as possible, the models were trained with Phosphoros-recovered labels. For the EWS, we found that the best results are achieved with a Mixed Labels approach, training the models with Wide survey features and labels from the Phosphoros results on deeper photometry, i.e., with the best possible set of labels for a given photometry. This imposes a prior, helping the models to better discern cases in degenerate regions of feature space, i.e., when galaxies have similar magnitudes and colors but different redshifts and PPs, with performance metrics even better than those found with Phosphoros. We found no more than $3\%$ performance degradation using a COSMOS-like reference sample or removing $u$ band data, which will not be available until after data release DR1. The best results are obtained for the EDF, with appropriate recovery of photo-$z$, PPs, and the SFMS.

Although stable neutron stars (NS) can in principle exist down to masses Mns ~ 0.1Msun, standard models of stellar core-collapse predict a robust lower limit Mns >~ 1.2Msun, roughly commensurate with the Chandrasekhar mass Mch of the progenitor's iron core (electron fraction Ye ~ 0.5). However, this limit may be circumvented in sufficiently dense neutron-rich environments (Ye << 0.5) for which Mch ~ Ye^2 is reduced to < Msun. Such physical conditions could arise in the black hole accretion disks formed from the collapse of rapidly-rotating stars (``collapsars''), as a result of gravitational instabilities and cooling-induced fragmentation, similar to models for planet formation in protostellar disks. We confirm that the conditions to form sub-solar mass NS (ssNS) may be marginally satisfied in the outer regions of massive neutrino-cooled collapsar disks. If the disk fragments into multiple ssNS, their subsequent coalescence offers a channel for precipitating sub-solar mass LIGO/Virgo gravitational-wave mergers that does not implicate primordial black holes. The model makes several additional predictions: (1) ~Hz frequency Doppler modulation of the ssNS-merger gravitational wave signals due to the binary's orbital motion in the disk; (2) at least one additional gravitational wave event (coincident within <~ hours), from the coalescence of the ssNS-merger remnant(s) with the central black hole; (3) an associated gamma-ray burst and supernova counterpart, the latter boosted in energy and enriched with r-process elements from the NS merger(s) embedded within the exploding stellar envelope (``kilonovae inside a supernova'').

Diana Powell, Adina D. Feinstein, Elspeth K. H. Lee, Michael Zhang, Shang-Min Tsai, Jake Taylor, James Kirk, Taylor Bell, Joanna K. Barstow, Peter Gao, Jacob L. Bean, Jasmina Blecic, Katy L. Chubb, Ian J. M. Crossfield, Sean Jordan, Daniel Kitzmann, Sarah E. Moran, Giuseppe Morello, Julianne I. Moses, Luis Welbanks, Jeehyun Yang, Xi Zhang, Eva-Maria Ahrer, Aaron Bello-Arufe, Jonathan Brande, S.L. Casewell, Nicolas Crouzet, Patricio E. Cubillos, Brice-Olivier Demory, Achrène Dyrek, Laura Flagg, Renyu Hu, Julie Inglis, Kathryn D. Jones, Laura Kreidberg, Mercedes López-Morales, Pierre-Olivier Lagage, Erik A. Meier Valdés, Yamila Miguel, Vivien Parmentier, Anjali A. A. Piette, Benjamin V. Rackham, Michael Radica, Seth Redfield, Kevin B. Stevenson, Hannah R. Wakeford, Keshav Aggarwal, Munazza K. Alam, Natalie M. Batalha, Natasha E. Batalha, Björn Benneke, Zach K. Berta-Thompson, Ryan P. Brady, Claudio Caceres, Aarynn L. Carter, Jean-Michel Désert, Joseph Harrington, Nicolas Iro, Michael R. Line, Joshua D. Lothringer, Ryan J. MacDonald, Luigi Mancini, Karan Molaverdikhani, Sagnick Mukherjee, Matthew C. Nixon, Apurva V. Oza, Enric Palle, Zafar Rustamkulov, David K. Sing, Maria E. Steinrueck, Olivia Venot, Peter J. Wheatley, Sergei N. Yurchenko
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Paper 7 — arXiv:2407.07965
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Paper 7 — arXiv:2407.07965

The recent inference of sulphur dioxide (SO$_2$) in the atmosphere of the hot ($\sim$1100 K), Saturn-mass exoplanet WASP-39b from near-infrared JWST observations suggests that photochemistry is a key process in high temperature exoplanet atmospheres. This is due to the low ($<$1 ppb) abundance of SO$_2$ under thermochemical equilibrium, compared to that produced from the photochemistry of H$_2$O and H$_2$S (1-10 ppm). However, the SO$_2$ inference was made from a single, small molecular feature in the transmission spectrum of WASP-39b at 4.05 $\mu$m, and therefore the detection of other SO$_2$ absorption bands at different wavelengths is needed to better constrain the SO$_2$ abundance. Here we report the detection of SO$_2$ spectral features at 7.7 and 8.5 $\mu$m in the 5-12 $\mu$m transmission spectrum of WASP-39b measured by the JWST Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI) Low Resolution Spectrometer (LRS). Our observations suggest an abundance of SO$_2$ of 0.5-25 ppm (1$\sigma$ range), consistent with previous findings. In addition to SO$_2$, we find broad water vapour absorption features, as well as an unexplained decrease in the transit depth at wavelengths longer than 10 $\mu$m. Fitting the spectrum with a grid of atmospheric forward models, we derive an atmospheric heavy element content (metallicity) for WASP-39b of $\sim$7.1-8.0 $\times$ solar and demonstrate that photochemistry shapes the spectra of WASP-39b across a broad wavelength range.

Jackson Zariski, Kaitlin Kratter, Sarah Logsdon, Chad Bender, Dan Li, Heidi Schweiker, Jayadev Rajagopal, Bill McBride, Emily Hunting
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Paper 17 — arXiv:2407.08046
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Paper 17 — arXiv:2407.08046

The WIYN 3.5m Telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory hosts a suite of optical and near infrared instruments, including an extreme precision, optical spectrograph, NEID, built for exoplanet radial velocity studies. In order to achieve sub ms precision, NEID has strict requirements on survey efficiency, stellar image positioning, and guiding performance, which have exceeded the native capabilities of the telescope's original pointing and tracking system. In order to improve the operational efficiency of the telescope we have developed a novel telescope pointing system, built on a recurrent neural network, that does not rely on the usual pointing models (TPoint or other quasi physical bases). We discuss the development of this system, how the intrinsic properties of the pointing problem inform our network design, and show preliminary results from our best models. We also discuss plans for the generalization of this framework, so that it can be applied at other sites.

Jiajia Liu, Chunyu Ji, Yimin Wang, Szabolcs Soós, Ye Jiang, Robertus Erdélyi, M. B. Korsós, Yuming Wang
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Paper 20 — arXiv:2407.08119
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Paper 20 — arXiv:2407.08119

Coronal jets are one of the most common eruptive activities in the solar atmosphere. They are related to rich physics processes, including but not limited to magnetic reconnection, flaring, instabilities, and plasma heating. Automated identification of off-limb coronal jets has been difficult due to their abundant nature, complex appearance, and relatively small size compared to other features in the corona. In this paper, we present an automated coronal jet identification algorithm (AJIA) that utilizes true and fake jets previously detected by a laborious semi-automated jet detection algorithm (SAJIA, Liu et al. 2023) as the input of an image segmentation neural network U-NET. It is found that AJIA could achieve a much higher (0.81) detecting precision than SAJIA (0.34), meanwhile giving the possibility of whether each pixel in an input image belongs to a jet. We demonstrate that with the aid of artificial neural networks, AJIA could enable fast, accurate, and real-time coronal jet identification from SDO/AIA 304 Åobservations, which are essential in studying the collective and long-term behavior of coronal jets and their relation with the solar activity cycles.

Masato Shirasaki, Cristóbal Sifón, Hironao Miyatake, Erwin Lau, Zhuowen Zhang, Neta Bahcall, Mark Devlin, Jo Dunkley, Arya Farahi, Matt Hilton, Yen-Ting Lin, Daisuke Nagai, Tomomi Sunayama, David Spergel, Edward J. Wollack
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Paper 26 — arXiv:2407.08201
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Paper 26 — arXiv:2407.08201

We present a stacked lensing analysis of 96 galaxy clusters selected by the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect in maps of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). We select foreground galaxy clusters with a $5\sigma$-level SZ threshold in CMB observations from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope, while we define background source galaxies for the lensing analysis with secure photometric redshift cuts in Year 3 data of the Subaru Hyper Suprime Cam survey. We detect the stacked lensing signal in the range of $0.1 < R\, [h^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc}] < 100$ in each of three cluster redshift bins, $0.092<z\le0.445$, $0.445<z\le0.695$, and $0.695<z\le1.180$, with 32 galaxy clusters in each bin. The cumulative signal-to-noise ratios of the lensing signal are $14.6$, $12.0$, and $6.6$, respectively. Using a halo-based forward model, we then constrain statistical relationships between the mass inferred from the SZ observation (i.e. SZ mass) and the total mass derived from our stacked lensing measurements. At the average SZ mass in the cluster sample ($2.1-2.4\times10^{14}\, h^{-1}M_\odot$), our likelihood analysis shows that the average total mass differs from the SZ counterpart by a factor of $1.3 \pm 0.2$, $1.6 \pm 0.2$, and $1.6 \pm 0.3$ ($68\%$) in the aforementioned redshift ranges, respectively. Our limits are consistent with previous lensing measurements, and we find that the cluster modeling choices can introduce a $1\sigma$-level difference in our parameter inferences.

Hojae Ahn, Florian Briegel, Jimin Han, Mingyu Jeon, Thomas M. Herbst, Sumin Lee, Woojin Park, Sunwoo Lee, Inhwan Jung, Tae-Geun Ji, Changgon Kim, Geon Hee Kim, Wolfgang Gaessler, Markus Kuhlberg, Hyun Chul Park, Soojong Pak, Nicholas P. Konidaris, Niv Drory, José R. Sánchez-Gallego, Cynthia S. Froning, Solange Ramirez, Juna A. Kollmeier
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Paper 28 — arXiv:2407.08319
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Paper 28 — arXiv:2407.08319

The fifth Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-V) Local Volume Mapper (LVM) is a wide-field integral field unit (IFU) survey that uses an array of four 160 mm fixed telescopes with siderostats to minimize the number of moving parts. Individual telescope observes the science field or calibration field independently and is synchronized with the science exposure. We developed the LVM Acquisition and Guiding Package (LVMAGP) optimized telescope control software program for LVM observations, which can simultaneously control four focusers, three K-mirrors, one fiber selector, four mounts (siderostats), and seven guide cameras. This software is built on a hierarchical architecture and the SDSS framework and provides three key sequences: autofocus, field acquisition, and autoguide. We designed and fabricated a proto-model siderostat to test the telescope pointing model and LVMAGP software. The mirrors of the proto-model were designed as an isogrid open-back type, which reduced the weight by 46% and enabled reaching thermal equilibrium quickly. Additionally, deflection due to bolting torque, self-gravity, and thermal deformation was simulated, and the maximum scatter of the pointing model induced by the tilt of optomechanics was predicted to be $4'.4$, which can be compensated for by the field acquisition sequence. We performed a real sky test of LVMAGP with the proto-model siderostat and obtained field acquisition and autoguide accuracies of $0''.38$ and $1''.5$, respectively. It met all requirements except for the autoguide specification, which will be resolved by more precise alignment among the hardware components at Las Campanas Observatory.

All other papers

Callum Witten, William McClymont, Nicolas Laporte, Guido Roberts-Borsani, Debora Sijacki, Sandro Tacchella, Charlotte Simmonds, Harley Katz, Richard S. Ellis, Joris Witstok, Roberto Maiolino, Xihan Ji, Billy R. Hayes, Tobias J. Looser, Francesco D'Eugenio

While JWST has observed galaxies assembling as early as $z\sim14$, evidence of galaxies with significant old stellar populations in the Epoch of Reionisation (EoR) -- the descendants of these earliest galaxies -- are few and far between. Bursty star-formation histories (SFHs) have been invoked to explain the detectability of the earliest UV-bright galaxies, but also to interpret galaxies showing Balmer breaks without nebular emission lines. We present the first spectroscopic evidence of a $z\sim7.9$ galaxy, A2744-YD4, which shows a Balmer break and emission lines, indicating the presence of both a mature and young stellar population. The spectrum of A2744-YD4 shows peculiar emission line ratios suggesting a relatively low ionisation parameter and high gas-phase metallicity. A median stack of galaxies with similar emission line ratios reveals a clear Balmer break in their stacked spectrum. This suggests that a mature stellar population ($\sim 80$ Myr old) has produced a chemically enriched, disrupted interstellar medium. Based on SED-fitting and comparison to simulations, we conclude that the observed young stellar population is in fact the result of a rejuvenation event following a lull in star formation lasting $\sim 20$ Myr, making A2744-YD4 and our stack the first spectroscopic confirmation of galaxies that have rejuvenated following a mini-quenched phase. These rejuvenating galaxies appear to be in an exceptional evolutionary moment where they can be identified. Our analysis shows that a young stellar population of just $\sim 30 \%$ of the total stellar mass would erase the Balmer break. Hence, 'outshining' through bursty SFHs of galaxies in the early Universe is likely plaguing attempts to measure their stellar ages and masses accurately.

Sebastian Gomez, Matt Nicholl, Edo Berger, Peter K. Blanchard, V. Ashley Villar, Sofia Rest, Griffin Hosseinzadeh, Aysha Aamer, Yukta Ajay, Wasundara Athukoralalage, David C. Coulter, Tarraneh Eftekhari, Achille Fiore, Noah Franz, Ori Fox, Alexander Gagliano, Daichi Hiramatsu, D. Andrew Howell, Brian Hsu, Mitchell Karmen, Matthew R. Siebert, Réka Könyves-Tóth, Harsh Kumar, Curtis McCully, Craig Pellegrino, Justin Pierel, Armin Rest, Qinan Wang

We present the most comprehensive catalog to date of Type I Superluminous Supernovae (SLSNe), a class of stripped envelope supernovae (SNe) characterized by exceptionally high luminosities. We have compiled a sample of 262 SLSNe reported through 2022 December 31. We verified the spectroscopic classification of each SLSN and collated an exhaustive data set of UV, optical and IR photometry from both publicly available data and our own FLEET observational follow-up program, totaling over 30,000 photometric detections. Using these data we derive observational parameters such as the peak absolute magnitudes, rise and decline timescales, as well as bolometric luminosities, temperature and photospheric radius evolution for all SLSNe. Additionally, we model all light curves using a hybrid model that includes contributions from both a magnetar central engine and the radioactive decay of $^{56}$Ni. We explore correlations among various physical and observational parameters, and recover the previously found relation between ejecta mass and magnetar spin, as well as the overall progenitor pre-explosion mass distribution with a peak at $\approx 6.5$ M$_\odot$. We find no significant redshift dependence for any parameter, and no evidence for distinct sub-types of SLSNe. We find that $< 3$\% of SLSNe are best fit with a significant contribution from radioactive decay $\gtrsim 50$\%, representing a set of relatively dim and slowly declining SNe. We provide several analytical tools designed to simulate typical SLSN light curves across a broad range of wavelengths and phases, enabling accurate K-corrections, bolometric scaling calculations, and inclusion of SLSNe in survey simulations or future comparison works. The complete catalog, including all of the photometry, models, and derived parameters, is made available as an open-source resource on GitHub.

Leandro Beraldo e Silva, Monica Valluri, Eugene Vasiliev, Kohei Hattori, Walter de Siqueira Pedra, Kathryne J. Daniel

A tracer sample in a gravitational potential, starting from a generic initial condition, phase-mixes towards a stationary state. This evolution is accompanied by an entropy increase, and the final state is characterized by a distribution function (DF) that depends only on integrals of motion (Jeans theorem). In terms of angle-action variables, the final state is uniform in angles (high entropy) and maximally clustered in actions (low entropy). We present a method exploring this fact to constrain a gravitational potential using a sample that is stationary in it. We estimate the entropy in the action space of trial potentials and recover the true potential by minimizing this entropy. This method avoids assuming a known DF, and may be applicable to other sets of integrals. We provide expressions for the entropy of DFs depending on energy, $f(E)$, energy and angular momentum, $f(E,L)$, or three actions, $f(\vec{J})$, and investigate the bias and fluctuations in their estimates. We show that the method correctly recovers the potential parameters for spherical and axisymmetric potentials. We also present a methodology to characterize the posterior probability distribution of the parameters with an Approximate Bayesian Computation, and indicate a pathway for application to observational data. Using $N=10^4$ tracers with $20\%$-uncertainties in the 6D coordinates, we recover the flattening parameter $q$ of an axisymmetric potential with $\sigma_q/q\sim 10\%$.

We present a novel analysis of the redshift-space power spectrum of galaxies in the SDSS-III BOSS survey. Our methodology improves upon previous analyses by using a theoretical model based on cosmological simulations coupled with a perturbative description of the galaxy-matter connection and a phenomenological prescription of Fingers of God. This enables a very robust analysis down to mildly non-linear scales, $k\sim 0.4\,h\,{\rm Mpc}^{-1}$. We carried out a number of tests on mock data, different subsets of BOSS, and using model variations, all of which support the robustness of our analysis. Our results provide constraints on $\sigma_8$, $\Omega_m$, $h$, and $S_8 \equiv \sigma_8 \sqrt{\Omega_{\rm m}/0.3}$. Specifically, we measure $\Omega_m=0.301\pm 0.011$, $\sigma_8=0.745^{+0.028}_{-0.035}$, $h=0.705\pm 0.015$, and $ S_8 = 0.747^{+0.032}_{-0.039}$ when all the nuisance parameters of our model are left free. By adopting relationships among bias parameters measured in galaxy formation simulations, the value of $S_8$ remains consistent whereas uncertainties are reduced by $\sim20\%$. Our cosmological constraints are some of the strongest obtained with the BOSS power spectrum alone: they exhibit a $2.5-3.5\sigma$ tension with the results of the {\it Planck\/} satellite, agreeing with the lower values of $S_8$ derived from gravitational lensing. However, the cosmological model preferred by {\it Planck\/} is still a good fit to the BOSS data, assuming small departures from physical bias priors and, therefore, cannot be excluded at high significance. We conclude that, at the present, the BOSS data alone does not show strong evidence for a tension between the predictions of $\Lambda$CDM for the high- and low-redshift Universe.

Joe Llama, Lily L. Zhao, John M. Brewer, Andrew Szymkowiak, Debra A. Fischer, Michael Collins, Jake Tiegs, Frank Cornelius

The signal induced by a temperate, terrestrial planet orbiting a Sun-like star is an order of magnitude smaller than the host stars' intrinsic variability. Understanding stellar activity is, therefore, a fundamental obstacle in confirming the smallest exoplanets. We present the Lowell Observatory Solar Telescope (LOST), a solar feed for the EXtreme PREcision Spectrometer (EXPRES) at the 4.3-m Lowell Discovery Telescope (LDT). EXPRES is one of the newest high-resolution spectrographs that accurately measure extreme radial velocity. With LOST/EXPRES, we observe disk-integrated sunlight autonomously throughout the day. In clear conditions, we achieve a ~137,500 optical spectrum of the Sun with a signal-to-noise of 500 in ~150s. Data is reduced using the standard EXPRES pipeline with minimal modification to ensure the data are comparable to the observations of other stars with the LDT. During the first three years of operation, we find a daily RMS of 71 cm/s. Additionally, having two EPRV spectrometers located in Arizona gives us an unprecedented opportunity to benchmark the performance of these planet-finders. We find a RMS of just 55 cm/s when comparing data taken simultaneously with EXPRES and NEID.

We investigate the physical properties of accretion flows around Konoplya-Zhidenko (KZ) black hole, proposed by deforming Kerr spacetime to address the inaccuracies in the observation of gravitational waves resulting from a binary black hole merger. The dynamical equations describing the general relativistic viscous accreting flow are solved self-consistently to find the transonic accretion solutions in terms of global constants, such as energy ($E$), angular momentum ($\mathcal{L}$), viscosity parameter ($\alpha$), spin ($a_{k}$), and deformation parameter ($\eta_0$). We obtain five distinct types of accretion solutions (O, A, $\text{A}^{\prime}$, W, and I-types) and observe that those solutions are not unique but rather continue to exist for wide range of parameter spaces in the $\mathcal{L}-E$ plane. Furthermore, we find that the viscous accretion flows can harbor shock waves when relativistic shock conditions are satisfied. Consequently, the shock-induced global accretion solutions are obtained and the effect of $\eta_0$ on shock properties, such as shock radius ($r_{\rm sh}$) and change in electron temperature ($T_{\rm e}$) across the shock front are investigated. Moreover, we calculate the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of accretion flow using the relativistic thermal bremsstrahlung emission coefficient and study the modification of SEDs due to the increase of $\eta_0$ for both shock-induced and shock-free solutions. In addition, it has been noticed that the observable quantities, like quasi-periodic oscillation frequency ($\nu_{\rm QPO}$) and bolometric disc luminosity ($L$), are strongly depend on $\eta_0$. Finally, we phenomenologically show that the KZ black hole is consistent with the observed high-frequency QPOs, commonly observed in black hole binaries and black hole candidates.

Nicole Marcelina Gountanis (1), David H. Weinberg (1), Aliza G. Beverage (2), Nathan R. Sandford (3), Charlie Conroy (4), Mariska Kriek (5) ((1) Department of Astronomy and Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics, The Ohio State University, (2) Astronomy Department, University of California, (3) Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Toronto, (4) Center for Astrophysics, Harvard &amp; Smithsonian, (5) Leiden Observatory, Leiden University)

Spectroscopic studies of elliptical galaxies show that their stellar population ages, mean metallicity, and $\alpha$-enhancement traced by [Mg/Fe] all increase with galaxy stellar mass or velocity dispersion. We use one-zone galactic chemical evolution (GCE) models with a flexible star formation history (SFH) to model the age, [Mg/H], and [Mg/Fe] inferred from simple stellar population (SSP) fits to observed ellipticals at $z \sim 0$ and $z \sim 0.7$. We show that an SSP fit to the spectrum computed from a full GCE model gives ages and abundances close to the light-weighted, logarithmically averaged values of the composite stellar population, <age>, <[Mg/H]>, and <[Mg/Fe]>. With supernova Mg and Fe yields fixed to values motivated by Milky Way stellar populations, we find that predicted <[Mg/H]>-<age> and <[Mg/Fe]>-<age> relations are surprisingly insensitive to SFH parameters: older galaxies have higher <[Mg/Fe]>, but the detailed form of the SFH has limited impact. The star formation efficiency and outflow efficiency affect the early and late evolution of <[Mg/H]>, respectively; explaining observed trends requires higher star formation efficiency and lower outflows in more massive galaxies. With core collapse supernova yields calibrated to the plateau [Mg/Fe]$_{\rm cc} \approx0.45$ observed in many Milky Way studies, our models underpredict the observed <[Mg/Fe]> ratios of ellipticals by 0.05-0.1 dex. Increasing the core collapse yield ratio to [Mg/Fe]$_{\rm cc} = 0.55$ improves the agreement, though the models still lie below the data. We discuss potential resolutions of this discrepancy, including the possibility that many ellipticals terminate their star formation with a self-enriching, terminating burst that reduces the light-weighted age and boosts <[Mg/Fe]>.

The feedback mechanisms triggered by supernova (SN) events and active galactic nuclei (AGN) play a central role in regulating the star formation and shaping galaxy properties. However, quantifying the impact and efficiency of these processes remains a challenge. In this study, we use the EAGLE cosmological hydrodynamics simulations to examine different models of SN and AGN feedback. Our goal is to investigate how variations in these processes impact the properties of simulated galaxy populations. Specifically, we focus on the analysis of effective yields, evaluating their capability to trace the effects of feedback processes on scaling relations. Our work contributes to a deeper understanding of the complex relationship between different feedback scenarios and the evolution of galaxies.

Erin R. Higgins, Jorick S. Vink, Raphael Hirschi, Alison M. Laird, Andreas A. C. Sander

Strong metallicity-dependent winds dominate the evolution of core He-burning, classical Wolf-Rayet (cWR) stars, which eject both H and He-fusion products such as 14N, 12C, 16O, 19F, 22Ne and 23Na during their evolution. The chemical enrichment from cWRs can be significant. cWR stars are also key sources for neutron production relevant for the weak s-process. We calculate stellar models of cWRs at solar metallicity for a range of initial Helium star masses (12-50M), adopting the recent hydrodynamical wind rates from Sander & Vink (2020). Stellar wind yields are provided for the entire post-main sequence evolution until core O-exhaustion. While literature has previously considered cWRs as a viable source of the radioisotope 26Al, we confirm that negligible 26Al is ejected by cWRs since it has decayed to 26Mg or proton-captured to 27Al. However, in Paper I, Higgins et al. (2023) we showed that very massive stars eject substantial quantities of 26Al, among other elements including N, Ne, and Na, already from the zero-age-main-sequence. Here, we examine the production of 19F and find that even with lower mass-loss rates than previous studies, our cWR models still eject substantial amounts of 19F. We provide central neutron densities (Nn) of a 30M cWR compared with a 32M post-VMS WR and confirm that during core He-burning, cWRs produce a significant number of neutrons for the weak s-process via the 22Ne(alpha,n)25Mg reaction. Finally, we compare our cWR models with observed [Ne/He], [C/He] and [O/He] ratios of Galactic WC and WO stars.

The elemental abundance distribution of stars encodes the history of the gas-phase abundance in the Milky Way. Without a large, unbiased sample of highly precise stellar ages, the exact timing and nature of this history must be inferred from the abundances. In the two-dimensional plane of [alpha/Fe]-[Fe/H], it is now clear that two separate populations exist -- the low-alpha and high-alpha sequences. Structure in the elemental abundance distribution can arise from many processes -- proposals include specific gas infall scenarios, radial migration, high-redshift clump formation, and various effects associated with galaxy mergers, among others. In this work, we demonstrate another possible avenue for structure formation with clear observational predictions. In this scenario, the Galaxy underwent a starburst followed by a brief (hundreds of Myr) quiescent phase -- i.e., the Galaxy underwent a post-starburst rejuvenation sequence at z~2. A natural consequence of the quiescent phase is that stars in the valley of the bimodality do not form because: (1) the absence of enrichment from high-mass stars leads to a rapid reduction in [alpha/Fe], and (2) any time the gas spends in the abundance valley is deemphasized in the present day distribution because the star formation rate is lower. With a set of idealized merger simulations, we demonstrate the feasibility of this proposal. This "phoenix hypothesis" predicts a ~300 Myr gap in stellar ages at a fixed [Fe/H] and that stars which form directly after this gap would have lower [alpha/Fe] than stars which form slightly (~1 Gyr) later.

E. F. Schlafly, J. Guy, K. Honscheid, S. Kent, S. E. Koposov, J. Aguilar, S. Ahlen, S. Bailey, D. Brooks, T. Claybaugh, K. Dawson, P. Doel, K. Fanning, D. P. Finkbeiner, A. Font-Ribera, J. E. Forero-Romero, S. Gontcho A Gontcho, G. Gutierrez, D. Kirkby, T. Kisner, A. Kremin, J. Lasker, M. Landriau, L. Le Guillou, M. E. Levi, A. de la Macorra, P. Martini, A. Meisner, R. Miquel, J. Moustakas, G. Niz, F. Prada, G. Rossi, E. Sanchez, M. Schubnell, R. Sharples, D. Sprayberry, G. Tarlé, B. A. Weaver, H. Zou

Highly-multiplexed, robotic, fiber-fed spectroscopic surveys are observing tens of millions of stars and galaxies. For many systems, accurate positioning relies on imaging the fibers in the focal plane and feeding that information back to the robotic positioners to correct their positions. Inhomogeneities and turbulence in the air between the focal plane and the imaging camera can affect the measured positions of fibers, limiting the accuracy with which fibers can be placed on targets. For the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument, we dramatically reduced the effect of turbulence on measurements of positioner locations in the focal plane by taking advantage of stationary positioners and the correlation function of the turbulence. We were able to reduce positioning errors from 7.3 microns to 3.5 microns, speeding the survey by 1.6% under typical conditions.

We present the dynamical evolution of the dark matter's relaxation response to galaxies and their connection to the astrophysical properties as simulated in the IllustrisTNG suite of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. Our results show that the radially-dependent linear relaxation relation model from our previous work is applicable at least from redshift $z=5$. We focus on the offset parameter $q_0$, which characterizes the relaxation of dark matter shells without changing the enclosed mass. We perform multiple time-series analyses to determine the possible causal connections between the relaxation mechanism and astrophysical processes such as star formation and associated feedback processes, as well as feedback due to active galactic nuclei. We show that star formation activity significantly influences the halo relaxation response throughout its evolutionary history, with essentially immediate effects in the inner haloes and delayed effects of 2 to 3 Gyr in the outer regions. Metal content shows a weaker connection to relaxation than star formation rates, but the accumulated wind from feedback processes exhibits a stronger correlation. These findings enhance our understanding of halo relaxation mechanisms. Our estimates of the time-scales relevant for dark matter relaxation can potentially improve the description of halo profiles in existing baryonification schemes and semi-analytical galaxy formation models. Our results also show how the relaxation response of dark haloes can probe the evolutionary history of the galaxies they host.

Rings and gaps are routinely observed in the dust continuum emission of protoplanetary discs (PPDs). How they form and evolve remains debated. Previous studies have demonstrated the possibility of spontaneous gas rings and gaps formation in wind-launching disks. Here, we show that such gas substructures are unstable to the Rossby Wave Instability (RWI) through numerical simulations. Specifically, shorter wavelength azimuthal modes develop earlier, and longer wavelength ones dominate later, forming elongated (arc-like) anti-cyclonic vortices in the rings and (strongly magnetized) cyclonic vortices in the gaps that persist until the end of the simulation. Highly elongated vortices with aspect ratios of 10 or more are found to decay with time in our non-ideal MHD simulation, in contrast with the hydro case. This difference could be caused by magnetically induced motions, particularly strong meridional circulations with large values of the azimuthal component of the vorticity, which may be incompatible with the columnar structure preferred by vortices. The cyclonic and anti-cyclonic RWI vortices saturate at moderate levels, modifying but not destroying the rings and gaps in the radial gas distribution of the disk. In particular, they do not shut off the poloidal magnetic flux accumulation in low-density regions and the characteristic meridional flow patterns that are crucial to the ring and gap formation in wind-launching disks. Nevertheless, the RWI and their associated vortices open up the possibility of producing non-axisymmetric dust features observed in a small fraction of protoplanetary disks through non-ideal MHD, although detailed dust treatment is needed to explore this possibility.

Angela S. Cotera, Matthew J. Hankins, John Bally, Ashley T. Barnes, Cara D. Battersby, H Perry Hatchfield, Terry L. Herter, Ryan M. Lau, Steven N. Longmore, Elisabeth A. C. Mills, Mark R. Morris, James T. Radomski, Janet P. Simpson, Zachary Stephens, Daniel L. Walker

The central regions of the Milky Way constitute a unique laboratory for a wide swath of astrophysical studies, consequently the inner $\sim$400 pc has been the target of numerous large surveys at all accessible wavelengths. In this paper we present a catalog of sources at 25 and 37 $\mu$m located within all of the regions observed with the SOFIA/FORCAST instrument in the inner $\sim$200 pc of the Galaxy. The majority of the observations were obtained as part of the SOFIA Cycle 7 Galactic Center Legacy program survey, which was designed to complement the Spitzer/MIPS 24 $\mu$m catalog in regions saturated in the MIPS observations. Due to the wide variety of source types captured by our observations at 25 and 37 $\mu$m, we do not limit the FORCAST source catalog to unresolved point sources, or treat all sources as if they are point-like sources. The catalog includes all detectable sources in the regions, resulting in a catalog of 950 sources, including point sources, compact sources, and extended sources. We also provide the user with metrics to discriminate between the source types.

Jared R. Davidson, Benjamin D. Boizelle, Jonelle L. Walsh, Aaron J. Barth, Emma Rasmussen, Andrew J. Baker, David A. Buote, Jeremy Darling, Luis C. Ho, Kyle M. Kabasares, Jonathan H. Cohn

Dusty circumnuclear disks (CNDs) in luminous early-type galaxies (ETGs) show regular, dynamically cold molecular gas kinematics. For a growing number of ETGs, Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) CO imaging and detailed gas-dynamical modeling facilitate moderate-to-high precision black hole (BH) mass ($M_{BH}$) determinations. From the ALMA archive, we identified a subset of 26 ETGs with estimated $M_{BH}/M_{\odot} \gtrsim 10^8$ to a few $\times$10$^9$ and clean CO kinematics but that previously did not have sufficiently high angular resolution near-IR observations to mitigate dust obscuration when constructing stellar luminosity models. We present new optical and near-IR Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images of this sample to supplement the archival HST data, detailing the sample properties and data analysis techniques. After masking the most apparent dust features, we measure stellar surface brightness profiles and model the luminosities using the multi-Gaussian expansion (MGE) formalism. Some of these MGEs have already been used in CO dynamical modeling efforts to secure quality \mbh\ determinations, and the remaining ETG targets here are expected to significantly improve the high-mass end of the current BH census, facilitating new scrutiny of local BH mass-host galaxy scaling relationships. We also explore stellar isophotal behavior and general dust properties, finding these CNDs generally become optically thick in the near-IR ($A_H \gtrsim 1$ mag). These CNDs are typically well-aligned with the larger-scale stellar photometric axes with a few notable exceptions. Uncertain dust impact on the MGE often dominates the BH mass error budget, so extensions of this work will focus on constraining CND dust attenuation.

Yan-Rong Li, Chen Hu, Zhu-Heng Yao, Yong-Jie Chen, Hua-Rui Bai, Sen Yang, Pu Du, Feng-Na Fang, Yi-Xin Fu, Jun-Rong Liu, Yue-Chang Peng, Yu-Yang Songsheng, Yi-Lin Wang, Ming Xiao, Shuo Zhai, Hartmut Winkler, Jin-Ming Bai, Luis C. Ho, Romain G. Petrov, Jesus Aceituno, Jian-Min Wang

We conduct a reverberation mapping (RM) campaign to spectroscopically monitor a sample of selected bright active galactic nuclei with large anticipated broad-line region (BLR) sizes adequate for spectroastrometric observations by the GRAVITY instrument on the Very Large Telescope Interferometer. We report the first results for five objects, IC 4329A, Mrk 335, Mrk 509, Mrk 1239, and PDS 456, among which Mrk 1239 and PDS 456 are for the first time spectroscopically monitored. We obtain multi-year monitoring data and perform multi-component spectral decomposition to extract the broad H$\beta$ profiles. We detect significant time lags between the H$\beta$ and continuum variations, generally obeying the previously established BLR size-luminosity relation. Velocity-resolved H$\beta$ time lags illustrate diverse, possibly evolving BLR kinematics. We further measure the H$\beta$ line widths from mean and rms spectra and the resulting virial products show good consistency among different seasons. Adopting a unity virial factor and the full width at half maximum of the broad H$\beta$ line from the mean spectrum as the measure of velocity, the obtained black hole mass averaged over seasons is $\log M_\bullet/M_\odot=8.02_{-0.14}^{+0.09}$, $6.92_{-0.12}^{+0.12}$, $8.01_{-0.25}^{+0.16}$, $7.44_{-0.14}^{+0.13}$, and $8.59_{-0.11}^{+0.07}$ for the five objects, respectively. The black hole mass estimations using other line width measures are also reported (up to the virial factors). For objects with previous RM campaigns, our mass estimates are in agreement with earlier results. In a companion paper, we will employ BLR dynamical modeling to directly infer the black hole mass and thereby determine the virial factors.

Tow-level system (TLS) loss in amorphous dielectric materials has been intensively studied at millikelvin temperatures due to its impact on superconducting qubit devices and incoherent detectors. However, the significance of TLS loss in superconducting transmission lines at liquid helium temperatures remains unclear. This study investigates TLS loss in amorphous $SiO_2$ at liquid helium temperatures (about 4 K) within a frequency range of 130-170 GHz, using niobium microstrip and coplanar waveguide resonators. Our results demonstrate notable power and temperature dependence of dielectric loss, with the dielectric loss and quasiparticle loss exchanging dominance at around 4 K. These findings are consistent with TLS models and provide crucial insights for the design of superconducting devices operating at liquid helium temperatures.

Karthik Gananath Putha (UofSC, USA), Yash Bhargava (TIFR, INDIA), Sudip Bhattacharyya (TIFR, India)

X-ray observations of neutron star (NS) low mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) are useful to probe physical processes close to the NS and to constrain source parameters. Aql X-1 is a transient NS LMXB which frequently undergoes outbursts provides an excellent opportunity to study source properties and accretion mechanism in strong gravity regime over a wide range of accretion rates. In this work, we systematically investigate the spectral evolution of Aql X-1 using NICER observations during the source outbursts in 2019 and 2020. The NICER observations cover the complete transition of the source from its canonical hard state to soft state and back. The spectra extracted from most observations can be explained by a partially Comptonised accretion disc. We find that the system can be described by an accretion disk with an inner temperature of $\approx0.7$ keV and a Comptonising medium of thermal electrons at $\approx2$ keV, while the photon index is strongly degenerate with the covering fraction of the medium. We also find evidence of Fe K$\alpha$ fluorescence emission in the spectra indicating reprocessing of the Comptonised photons. We observe an absorption column density higher than the Galactic column density for most of the observations indicating a significant local absorption. But for some of the observations in 2020 outburst, the local absorption is negligible.

Guang-Wei Li, Liang Wang, Hai-Long Yuan, Li-Ping Xin, Jing Wang, Chao Wu, Hua-Li Li, Hasitieer Haerken, Wei-Hua Wang, Hong-Bo Cai, Xu-Hui Han, Yang Xu, Lei Huang, Xiao-Meng Lu, Jian-Ying Bai, Xiang-Yu Wang, Zi-Gao Dai, En-Wei Liang, Jian-Yan Wei

M-type stars are the ones that flare most frequently, but how big their maximum flare energy can reach is still unknown. We present 163 flares from 162 individual M2 through L1-type stars that triggered the GWAC, with flare energies ranging from $10^{32.2}$ to $10^{36.4}$ erg . The flare amplitudes range from $\triangle G = 0.84$ to $\sim 10$ mag. Flare energy increases with stellar surface temperature ($T_{\rm eff}$) but both $\triangle G$ and equivalent duration $\log_{10}(ED)$ seem to be independent of $T_{\rm eff}$. Combining periods detected from light curves of TESS and K2, spectra from LAMOST, SDSS and the 2.16 m Telescope, and the Gaia DR3 data, we found that these GWAC flare stars are young. For the stars that have spectra, we found that these stars are in or very near to the saturation region, and $\log_{10}(L_{\rm H\alpha}/L_{\rm bol})$ is lower for M7-L1 stars than for M2-M6 stars. We also studied the relation between GWAC flare bolometric energy $E_{\rm bol}$ and stellar hemispherical area $S$, and found that $\log_{10}E_{\rm bol}$ (in erg) increases with increasing $S$ (in cm$^2$), and the maximum flare energy $\log_{10}E_{\rm bol, max} \geqslant \log_{10}S + 14.25$. For M7-L1 stars, there seem to be other factors limiting their maximum flare energies in addition to stellar hemispherical area.

In this work, we explore the connection of three jetted $\gamma-$loud AGNs classes: Compact Steep-Spectrum Sources (CSS), Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 (NLS1), and Flat-Spectrum Radio Quasars, through the modeling of the spectral energy distribution (SED). We selected two sources identified as CSS/NLS1 hybrids, PKS 2004-440 and 3C 286. Additionally, we included the source PKS 0440-00, initially classified as an FSRQ in the first Fermi-LAT catalog, but recently reclassified as an NLS1. We present the results of their broadband SED modeling using a one-zone leptonic synchrotron-self Compton (SSC)+external Compton (EC) model. By exploring the parameter space and investigating the disk-jet connection in these sources, we analyze their classification in a model-dependent way. Our findings reveal that modeling PKS 2004-447 at relatively large angles, as expected for CSS, results in an SSC-dominated inverse Compton emission. In contrast, at low observing angles, the inverse Compton emission is dominated by external photon fields. Both scenarios result in a jet with a low radiative power. For 3C 286 we found that using a one-zone model limits the jet viewing angle to $\sim7^{\circ}$, mainly due to its impact on the $\gamma$-ray emission. Our model results show a magnetically dominated jet, consistent with $\gamma$-CSS sources. Our results suggest that PKS 0440-00, can be classified as a powerful $\gamma-$NLS1, characterized by high accretion power and a jet dominated by bulk motion, similar to FSRQs.

Yael Naze (FNRS/Uliege), Nikolay Britavskiy (ULiege, ROB), Jonathan Labadie-Bartz (Paris Obs.)

The variability of fast-rotating Oe/Be stars has been reported in detail in recent years. However, much less known about the behaviour of fast-rotating OB stars without known decretion disks, and hence it is difficult to identify the commonalities and differences in the photometric variability of these two populations, especially with regards to their pulsational properties and their link with the presence of circumstellar material. Via an in-depth literature search, we identified a set of fast-rotating (v sin(i)>200 km/s) early B-type stars not known to have disks. TESS and Kepler light curves were built for 58 stars that appear isolated (no bright neighbour within 1 arcmin and no known companion) to avoid contamination of the light curves. Frequency spectra were calculated and then analysed to determine the noise level and the presence of significant signals above the noise. Red noise is detected in all targets, without obvious correlations between noise and stellar parameters. Long-term changes are much less frequent than in Be stars, with only 12% of our targets having the variability below 0.5/d dominating their frequency spectrum. In contrast, strong frequency groups are detected in about a third of targets, as in Be stars. These groups generally occur in pairs with harmonic frequencies, as is usually seen in Be stars, but with the first group more often displaying larger amplitudes. Finally, the most frequent variability is due to isolated frequencies in the 0.5-6./d range (which is found in two-thirds of cases and dominates the spectra in 42% of the sample). Higher-frequency signals (up to 40/d) are sometimes also detected but rarely (only 12% of stars) appear as the strongest ones of the frequency spectra. Overall, fast-rotating B-type stars, with or without disks, display similar photometric properties, except as regards their longer-term behaviour.

Tariq Blecher, Roger Deane, Danail Obreschkow, Ian Heywood

Cold gas evolution ties the formation of dark matter halos to the star formation history of the universe. A primary component of cold gas, neutral atomic hydrogen (HI), can be traced by its 21-cm emission line. However, the faintness of this emission typically limits individual detections to low redshifts ($z\lesssim 0.2$). To address this limitation, we investigate the potential of targeting gravitationally lensed systems. Building on our prior galaxy-galaxy simulations, we have developed a ray-tracing code to simulate lensed HI images for known galaxies situated behind the massive Hubble Frontier Field galaxy clusters. Our findings reveal the existence of high HI mass, high HI magnification systems in these cluster lensing scenarios. Through simulations of hundreds of sources, we have identified compelling targets within the redshift range $z\approx 0.7 - 1.5$. The most promising candidate from our simulations is the Great Arc at z=0.725 in Abell~370, which should be detectable by MeerKAT in approximately 50 hours. Importantly, the derived HI mass is predicted to be relatively insensitive to systematic uncertainties in the lensing model, and should be constrained within a factor of $\sim 2.5$ for a 95 per cent confidence interval.

Wenda Zhang, Michal Dovčiak, Michal Bursa, Jiří Svoboda, Vladimír Karas

One of the most promising methods to measure the spin of an accreting black hole is fitting the broad iron K$\alpha$ line in the X-ray spectrum. The line profile also depends on the geometry of the hard X-ray emitting corona. To put constraints on the black hole spin and corona geometry, it is essential to understand how do they affect the iron K$\alpha$ line emissivity profile. In this work, we present calculations of the illumination and the iron K$\alpha$ emissivity profiles performed with the Monte-Carlo GR radiative transfer code Monk. We focus on distinction between the illumination and emissivity profiles, which is in most previous studies neglected. We show that especially for the case of black hole X-ray binaries (BHXRBs), the difference is very large. For active galactic nuclei (AGNs), the emissivity profile has a more similar shape as the illumination profile, but it is notably steeper in the innermost region within a few gravitational radii. We find out that the different behavior between AGN and black hole X-ray binary discs is due to the different energy spectra of the illuminating radiation. This suggests that the emissivity profile of the iron K$\alpha$ line cannot be determined by black hole spin and corona geometry alone and the energy spectrum of the illuminating radiation has to be taken into account. We also examined the effect of including the self-irradiation, and find it to be more important than the corona emission in BHXRBs.

In this contribution to the panel discussion of the IAU Symposium 388 "Solar and Stellar Coronal Mass Ejections", I concentrate on white-light observations of solar coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from space and specifically address the following aspects: i) history of observations, ii) available catalogs of CMEs, iii) achievements of space observations of CMEs, iv) future of CME observation, and v) challenges and future directions.

Surjit S. Wadhwa, Adam Popowicz, Raul Michel, Petar Kostic, Oliver Vince, Nick F. H. Tothill, Ain Y. De Horta, Miroslav D. Filipovic

Low mass ratio contact binary systems are more likely to have unstable orbits and potentially merge. In addition, such systems exhibit characteristics such as starspots and high energy emissions (UV) suggestive of chromospheric and magnetic activity. Light curve modelling of ten contact binary systems is reported. All were found to be of extreme low mass ratio ranging from 0.122 to 0.24 and three were found to be potentially unstable and possible merger candidates. Filling of the infrared Calcium absorption lines is a marker of increased chromospheric activity. We use the available LAMOST spectra along with matched standard spectra (broadened for rotation) to measure the excess filling of the central core depression flux of the two main infrared Calcium absorption lines at 8542 and 8662 angstroms. We find that all reported contact binaries have excess filling of the core flux in the infrared Calcium lines. Three of the systems reported were also observed by the GALEX mission and we find that all three have features of excess ultraviolet emissions further adding evidence for increased chromospheric activity in low mass ratio contact binaries. Analysis of both orbital stability and absorption line filling is dependent on the determination of geometric and absolute parameters from light curve modelling. Not an insignificant number of contact binary light curves exhibit the O'Connell effect, usually attributed to starspots. We discuss the inclusion of starspots in light curve solutions and how they influence the geometric and absolute parameters

Jonas Sinjan, Sami K. Solanki, Johann Hirzberger, Tino L. Riethmüller, Damien Przybylski

We aim to test the reliability of determining the line-of-sight magnetic field from a 3D MHD simulation of a unipolar region. In contrast to earlier similar studies, we consider the full solar disk, i.e. considering the full centre-to-limb variation, as well as regions with different averaged field strengths. We synthesised Stokes profiles from MURaM MHD simulations of unipolar regions with varying mean vertical magnetic flux densities, ranging from quiet Sun to active region plage. We did this for a comprehensive range of heliocentric angles: from $\mu=1$ to $\mu=0.15$, and for two commonly used photospheric spectral lines: Fe I $6173.3$ and Fe I $5250.2$Å. The line-of-sight magnetic field was derived with a Milne-Eddington Inversion as well as with other commonly used methods. The inferred spatially averaged $\langle B_{LOS}\rangle$ is always lower than that present in the MHD simulations, with the exception of $\mu\approx 1$ and sufficiently high spatial resolution. It is also generally inconsistent with a linear dependence on $\mu$. Above $\mu=0.5$ the spatial resolution greatly impacts the retrieved line-of-sight magnetic field. For $\mu\leq0.5$ the retrieved $B_{LOS}$ is nearly independent of resolution, but is always lower than expected from the simulation. These trends persist regardless of the mean vertical magnetic field in the MHD simulations and are independent of the $B_{LOS}$ retrieval method. For $\mu\leq0.5$, a larger $\langle B_{LOS}\rangle$ is inferred for the $5250.2$Å spectral line than $6173.3$Å, but the converse is true at higher $\mu$. The results found here raise some doubts of the reliability of determining the radial field by dividing the line-of-sight field by $\mu$ and are of considerable importance for deducing the total magnetic flux of the Sun. They may also contribute to the resolution of the open flux problem.

We constrain the halo profiles outside the halo boundaries by solving for the matching profiles required by the halo model. In the halo model framework, the matter distribution in the universe can be decomposed into the spatial distribution of halos convolved with their internal structures. This leads to a set of linear equations in Fourier space which uniquely determines the optimal halo profiles for any given halo catalog. In this work, we construct three halo catalogs with different boundary definitions, and solve for the optimal profiles in each case using measurements of halo-matter and halo-halo power spectra. Our results show that for a given halo field, there is always a set of matching profiles to accurately reconstruct the input statistics of the matter field, even though it might be complex to model the profiles analytically. Comparing the solutions from different halo catalogs, we find their mass distributions inside the inner depletion radii are nearly identical, while they deviate from each other on larger scales, with a larger boundary resulting in a more extended profile. For the depletion radius based catalog, the numerical solution agrees well with the Einasto profile. Coupling the Einasto profile with the depletion catalog, the resulting halo model can simultaneously predict the halo-matter power spectra to $10\%$ and matter-matter power spectrum to $5\%$, improving over conventional models in both the interpretability and versatility.

Denis Defrère, Romain Laugier, Marc-Antoine Martinod, Germain Garreau, Kwinten Missiaen, Muhammad Salman, Gert Raskin, Colin Dandumont, Steve Ertel, Michael J. Ireland, Stefan Kraus, Lucas Labadie, Alexandra Mazzoli, Gyorgy Medgyesi, Ahmed Sanny, Olivier Absil, Peter Ábráham, Jean-Philippe Berger, Myriam Bonduelle, Azzurra Bigioli, Emilie Bouzerand, Josh Carter, Nick Cvetojevic, Benjamin Courtney-Barrer, Adrian M. Glauser, Simon Gross, Xavier Haubois, Noel James, Andras Peter Joo, Stephane Lagarde, Alain Léger, Jarron Leisenring, Jérôme Loicq, Guillermo Martin, Frantz Martinache, Gyorgy Mezo, Sébastien Morel, Johan Morren, Marc Ollivier, Gordon Robertson, Hélène Rousseau, Warrick Schofield, Nicolas Schuhler, Adam Taras, Bart Vandenbussche, Julien Woillez

NOTT (formerly Hi-5) is the L'-band (3.5-4.0~microns) nulling interferometer of Asgard, an instrument suite in preparation for the VLTI visitor focus. The primary scientific objectives of NOTT include characterizing (i) young planetary systems near the snow line, a critical region for giant planet formation, and (ii) nearby main-sequence stars close to the habitable zone, with a focus on detecting exozodiacal dust that could obscure Earth-like planets. In 2023-2024, the final warm optics have been procured and assembled in a new laboratory at KU Leuven. First fringes and null measurements were obtained using a Gallium Lanthanum Sulfide (GLS) photonic chip that was also tested at cryogenic temperatures. In this paper, we present an overall update of the NOTT project with a particular focus on the cold mechanical design, the first results in the laboratory with the final NOTT warm optics, and the ongoing Asgard integration activities. We also report on other ongoing activities such as the characterization of the photonic chip (GLS, LiNbO3, SiO), the development of the exoplanet science case, the design of the dispersion control module, and the progress with the self-calibration data reduction software.

Supernova theory has struggled to explain the lightest known neutron star candidate with an accurate mass determination, the $1.174\mathrm{M}_\odot$ companion in the eccentric compact binary system J0453+1559. To improve the theoretical lower limit for neutron star birth masses, we perform 3D supernova simulations for five stellar models close to the minimum mass for iron core collapse. We obtain a record-low neutron star mass of $1.192\mathrm{M}_\odot$ and a substantial kick of $\mathord{\sim} 100\,\mathrm{km}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}$. Given residual uncertainties in stellar evolution, a neutron star origin for the $1.174\mathrm{M}_\odot$ object remains plausible.

We made use high-cadence observations from the $Insight$-HXMT and $NICER$ to scrutinize the spectral and timing evolution during the 2018 outburst of the black hole X-ray binary (BHXRB) MAXI J1820+070. It's hardness-intensity diagram (HID) displays a ''q''-like track including all the spectral states, along a unique loop in the hard state. The tracks observed in the HID is anticipated in the evolution of the components responsible for Compton and reflection emission. This is substantiated by the relationship between the X-ray luminosity $L_\mathrm{X}$ and photon index $\Gamma$, as well as the relationship between X-ray luminosity $L_\mathrm{X}$ and the ratio of Compton to disk luminosities $L_\mathrm{C}/L_\mathrm{D}$. Both of these relationships exhibit a pattern reminiscent of HID. During the hard state, the hardness (also $\Gamma$) is determined by either reflection component ($R_{f}>1$ ) or Compton component ($R_{f}<1$) depending on the value reflection fraction $R_{f}$. So the distinctive evolution of $R_{f}$ leads to the unique loop in the HID (also in the $L_\mathrm{X}$--$\Gamma$ plane) of hard state. Additionally, we found a negative correlation between frequency of the type-C quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) ($\nu_{\mathrm{C,QPO}}$) and the optical depth of the Compton emission ($\tau$), and a positive correlation between $\nu_{\mathrm{C,QPO}}$ and $\Gamma$. These correlations strongly suggest a coupling between the QPO properties and the underlying process responsible for Comptonization.

Xin Tang (1, 2), Yin-Zhe Ma (3), Wei-Ming Dai (4), Hong-Jian He (5) ((1) Purple Mountain Observatory, (2) University of Science and Technology of China, (3) Stellenbosch University, (4) Ningbo University, (5) Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

We investigate cosmological constraints on the holographic dark energy (HDE) using the state-of-the-art cosmological datasets: Planck CMB angular power spectra and weak lensing power spectra, Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) temperature power spectra, baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) and redshift-space distortion (RSD) measurements from six-degree-field galaxy survey and Sloan Digital Sky Survey (DR12 & DR16) and the Cepheids-Supernovae measurement from SH0ES team (R22). We also examine the HDE model and $\Lambda$CDM with and without $N_{\rm eff}$ (effective number of relativistic species) being treated as a free parameter. We find that the HDE model can relieve the tensions of $H_0$ and $S_8$ to certain degrees. With ``Planck+ACT+BAO+RSD'' datasets, the constraints are $H_0 = 69.70 \pm 1.39\ \mathrm{km\ s^{-1} Mpc^{-1}}$ and $S_8 = 0.823 \pm 0.011$ in HDE model, which brings down the Hubble tension down to $1.92\sigma$ confidence level (C.L.) and the $S_8$ tension to $1$-$2\sigma$ C.L. By adding the R22 data, their values are improved as $H_0 = 71.86 \pm 0.93 \,\mathrm{km\ s^{-1} Mpc^{-1}}$ and $S_8 = 0.813 \pm 0.010$, which further brings the Hubble tension down to $0.85\sigma$ C.L. and relieves the $S_{8}$ tension. We also quantify the goodness-of-fit of different models with Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Bayesian information criterion (BIC), and find that the HDE agrees with the observational data better than the $\Lambda$CDM and other extended models (treating $N_{\rm eff}$ as free for fitting).

Marc-Antoine Martinod, Denis Defrère, Michael J. Ireland, Stefan Kraus, Frantz Martinache, Peter G. Tuthill, Fatmé Allouche, Emilie Bouzerand, Julia Bryant, Josh Carter, Sorabh Chhabra, Benjamin Courtney-Barrer, Fred Crous, Nick Cvetojevic, Colin Dandumont, Steve Ertel, Tyler Gardner, Germain Garreau, Adrian M. Glauser, Xavier Haubois, Lucas Labadie, Stéphane Lagarde, Daniel Lancaster, Romain Laugier, Alexandra Mazzoli, Anthony Meilland, Kwinten Missiaen, Sébastien Morel, Daniel J. Mortimer, Barnaby Norris, Jyotirmay Paul, Gert Raskin, Sylvie Robbe-Dubois, J. Gordon Robertson, Ahmed Sanny, Nicolas Schuhler, Owain Snaith, Adam Taras

ESO's Very Large Telescope Interferometer has a history of record-breaking discoveries in astrophysics and significant advances in instrumentation. The next leap forward is its new visitor instrument, called Asgard. It comprises four natively collaborating instruments: HEIMDALLR, an instrument performing both fringe tracking and stellar interferometry simultaneously with the same optics, operating in the K band; Baldr, a Strehl optimizer in the H band; BIFROST, a spectroscopic combiner to study the formation processes and properties of stellar and planetary systems in the Y-J-H bands; and NOTT, a nulling interferometer dedicated to imaging nearby young planetary systems in the L band. The suite is in its integration phase in Europe and should be shipped to Paranal in 2025. In this article, we present details of the alignment and calibration unit, the observing modes, the integration plan, the software architecture, and the roadmap to completion of the project.

L. Ulivi, M. Perna, I. Lamperti, S. Arribas, G. Cresci, B. Rodríguez Del Pino, T. Boeker, A. J. Bunker, M. Ceci, S. Charlot, F. D Eugenio, K. Fahrion, R. Maiolino, A. Marconi, M. Pereira-Santaella

The study of starburst and AGN feedback is crucial for understanding the regulation of star formation and the evolution of galaxies across cosmic time. Arp 220, the closest ultraluminous infrared galaxy (ULIRG), is in an advanced phase of a major merger with two distinct nuclei, and shows evidence of multi-phase (molecular, ionised, neutral) and multi-scale (from < 0.1 to > 5 kpc) outflows. Therefore, it represents an ideal system for investigating outflow mechanisms and feedback phenomena in detail. Using new JWST NIRSpec IFU observations, we investigate the spatially resolved gaseous (in both ionized and hot molecular phases) and stellar kinematics in the innermost 1 kpc. We decouple the different gas kinematic components through multi-Gaussian fitting, identifying distinct multi-phase outflows associated with the two nuclei, with velocities up to $\sim$ 1000 km/s. We compute the mass ($\sim 10^7$ M$_\odot$), mass outflow rate ($\sim 20$ M$_\odot$/yr) and energetics ($\dot E_{out}\sim 10^{42}$ erg/s) for each outflow, finding that the ionized and hot molecular outflowing gas contribute around 2-30% to the total mass and the energy of the outflows, as inferred from the combination of multi-wavelength information. We discuss the possible origin of the outflows, finding no compelling evidence to prefer a starburst or AGN driven scenario. Regardless of their nature, outflows in Arp 220 propagate in multiple directions from parsec to kiloparsec scales, potentially impacting a significant portion of the host galaxy. This contrasts with isolated systems where outflows typically follow a more collimated path, and do not affect the interstellar medium throughout the entire galaxy. This study highlights the importance of investigating merging systems with multi-wavelength facilities, including JWST/NIRSpec IFS, to obtain a comprehensive understanding of feedback mechanisms in galaxy evolution.

Samuel A. Beiler, Michael C. Cushing, J. Davy Kirkpatrick, Adam C. Schneider, Sagnick Mukherjee, Mark S. Marley, Federico Marocco, Richard L. Smart

We present infrared spectral energy distributions of 23 late-type T and Y dwarfs obtained with the James Webb Space Telescope. The spectral energy distributions consist of NIRSpec PRISM and MIRI LRS spectra covering the $\sim$1--12 $\mu$m wavelength range at $\lambda/ \Delta \lambda \approx 100$ and broadband photometry at 15, 18, and 21 $\mu$m. The spectra exhibit absorption features common to these objects including H$_2$O, CH$_4$, CO, CO$_2$, and NH$_3$. Interestingly, while the spectral morphology changes relatively smoothly with spectral type at $\lambda < 3$ $\mu$m and $\lambda > 8$ $\mu$m, it shows no clear trend in the 5 $\mu$m region where a large fraction of the flux emerges. The broad wavelength coverage of the data enables us to compute the first accurate measurements of the bolometric fluxes of cool brown dwarfs. Combining these bolometric fluxes with parallaxes from Spitzer and HST, we also obtain the first accurate bolometric luminosities of these cool dwarfs. We then used the Sonora Bobcat solar metallicity evolutionary models to estimate the radii of the dwarfs which results in effective temperature estimates ranging from $\sim$1000 to 350 K with a median uncertainty of $\pm$20 K which is nearly an order of magnitude improvement over previous work. We also discuss how various portions of the spectra either do or do not exhibit a clear sequence when ordered by their effective temperatures.

Andrea Mignone, Vittoria Berta, Marco Rossazza, Matteo Bugli, Giancarlo Mattia, Luca Del Zanna, Lorenzo Pareschi

We present a finite-volume, genuinely 4th-order accurate numerical method for solving the equations of resistive relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (Res-RMHD) in Cartesian coordinates. In our formulation, the magnetic field is evolved in time in terms of face-average values via the constrained-transport method while the remaining variables (density, momentum, energy and electric fields) are advanced as cell volume-averages. Spatial accuracy employs 5th-order accurate WENO-Z reconstruction from point values (as described in a companion paper) to obtain left and right states at zone interfaces. Explicit flux evaluation is carried out by solving a Riemann problem at cell interfaces, using the Maxwell-Harten-Lax-van Leer with contact wave resolution (MHLLC). Time stepping is based on the implicit-explicit (IMEX) Runge-Kutta (RK) methods, of which we consider both the 3rd-order strong stability preserving SSP3(4,3,3) and a recent 4th-order additive RK scheme, to cope with the stiffness introduced by the source term in Ampere's law. Numerical benchmarks are presented in order to assess the accuracy and robustness of our implementation.

Roberto Balossi, Paolo Tanga, Alexey Sergeyev, Alberto Cellino, Federica Spoto

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The Gaia Data Release 3 (DR3) contains reflectance spectra at visible wavelengths for 60,518 asteroids over the range between 374-1034 nm, representing a large sample that is well suited to studies of asteroid families. We want to assess the potential of Gaia spectra in identifying asteroid family members. Here, we focus on two L-type families, namely Tirela/Klumpkea and Watsonia. These families are known for their connection to Barbarian asteroids, which are potentially abundant in calcium-aluminum rich inclusions (CAIs). Our method is based (1) on a color taxonomy specifically built on Gaia data and (2) the similarity of spectra of candidate members with the template spectrum of a specific family. We identified objects in the halo of Tirela/Klumpkea, along with possible interlopers. We also found an independent group of eight asteroids erroneously linked to the family by the hierarchical clustering method (HCM). Consequently, the knowledge of the size distribution of the family has been significantly improved, with a more consistent shape at the larger end. The Watsonia family is a more intricate case, mainly due to its smaller size and the less marked difference between the spectral types of the background and of the family members. However, the spectral selection helps identify objects that were not seen by HCM, including a cluster separated from the family core by a resonance. For both families, the V-shape is better defined, leading to a revised age estimation based on the memberships established mainly from spectral properties. Our work demonstrates the advantage of combining the classical HCM approach to spectral properties obtained by Gaia for the study of asteroid families. Future data releases are expected to further expand the capabilities in this domain

The inferred dust masses from Class II protoplanetary disk observations are lower than or equal to the masses of the observed exoplanet systems. This poses the question of how planets form if their natal environments do not contain enough mass. This hypothesis has entered the literature as the "mass budget problem" of planet formation. We utilize numerical simulations of planet formation via pebble and gas accretion, including migration, in a viscously evolving protoplanetary disk, while tracing the time evolution of the dust mass. As expected, we find that the presence of a giant planet in the disk can influence the evolution of the disk itself and prevent rapid dust mass loss by trapping the dust outside its orbit. Early formation is crucial for giant planet formation, as we found in our previous work; therefore, our findings strengthen the hypothesis that planet formation has already occurred or is ongoing in Class II disks. Most importantly, we find that the optically thin dust mass significantly underestimates the total dust mass in the presence of a dust-trapping deep gap. We also show that the beam convolution would smear out the feature from a deep gap, especially if the planet forms in the inner disk. Such hidden dust mass, along with early planet formation, could be the answer to the hypothetical mass budget problem.

Yurui Zhou, Chen Zhang, Junjie Zhao, Kenta Kiuchi, Sho Fujibayashi, Enping Zhou

We semi-analytically investigate the post-merger evolution of the binary quark star merger. The effective-one-body method is employed to estimate the energy and angular momentum dissipation due to gravitational waves in the inspiral phase. Three major mechanisms of energy and angular momentum dissipation are considered in the post-merger phase: mass outflows, neutrinos, and gravitational waves. The proportion of each mechanism could be determined by baryon number, energy and angular momentum conservation laws as well as the equilibrium model for rotating quark stars. Applying this analysis to the GW170817 event suggests two important conclusions: 1) a remnant quark star whose mass is smaller than the maximum mass of a uniformly rotating quark star can collapse before its rotational energy is dissipated via electromagnetic radiation (i.e., $\sim 100\,\mathrm{s}$) as the angular momentum left in the remnant quark star might not be large enough to sustain the additional self-gravity of the supramassive quark star due to the angular momentum dissipation of mass outflows, neutrinos and gravitational waves; 2) considering a general quark star equation of state model, a constraint on the maximum mass of cold and non-rotating quark stars is found as $M_{\mathrm{TOV}}\lesssim2.35^{+0.07}_{-0.17}\,M_{\odot}$, assuming a delayed collapse occurred before a large fraction of the total rotational energy ($\color{blue} \gtrsim 10^{53}\,$erg) of the merger remnant was deposited into the merger environment for the GW170817 event. These constraints could be improved with future merger events, once there are more evidences on its post-merger evolution channel or information on the amount of post-merger gravitational wave and neutrino emissions inferred from the multi-messenger observations.

Tara P. A. Tahseen, João M. Mendonça, Kai Hou Yip, Ingo P. Waldmann

This work introduces an approach to enhancing the computational efficiency of 3D atmospheric simulations by integrating a machine-learned surrogate model into the OASIS global circulation model (GCM). Traditional GCMs, which are based on repeatedly numerically integrating physical equations governing atmospheric processes across a series of time-steps, are time-intensive, leading to compromises in spatial and temporal resolution of simulations. This research improves upon this limitation, enabling higher resolution simulations within practical timeframes. Speeding up 3D simulations holds significant implications in multiple domains. Firstly, it facilitates the integration of 3D models into exoplanet inference pipelines, allowing for robust characterisation of exoplanets from a previously unseen wealth of data anticipated from JWST and post-JWST instruments. Secondly, acceleration of 3D models will enable higher resolution atmospheric simulations of Earth and Solar System planets, enabling more detailed insights into their atmospheric physics and chemistry. Our method replaces the radiative transfer module in OASIS with a recurrent neural network-based model trained on simulation inputs and outputs. Radiative transfer is typically one of the slowest components of a GCM, thus providing the largest scope for overall model speed-up. The surrogate model was trained and tested on the specific test case of the Venusian atmosphere, to benchmark the utility of this approach in the case of non-terrestrial atmospheres. This approach yields promising results, with the surrogate-integrated GCM demonstrating above 99.0% accuracy and 101 factor GPU speed-up of the entire simulation compared to using the matched original GCM under Venus-like conditions.

G. Garreau, A. Bigioli, R. Laugier, B. La Torre, M-A. Martinod, K. Missiaen, J. Morren, G. Raskin, M. Salman, S. Gross, M. Ireland, A. P. Joó, L. Labadie, S. Madden, A. Mazzoli, G. Medgyesi, A. Sanny, A. Taras, B. Vandenbussche, D. Defrère

Asgard/NOTT is an ERC-funded project hosted at KU Leuven and is part of a new visitor instrumental suite, called Asgard, under preparation for the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI). Leveraging nulling capabilities and the long VLTI baselines, it is optimized for high-contrast imaging of the snow line region around young nearby main-sequence stars. This will enable the characterization of the atmosphere of young giant exoplanets and warm/hot exozodiacal dust with spectroscopy in the L'-band (3.5-4.0$\mu$m). In this work, we present the first lab assembly of the instrument done at KU Leuven and the technical solutions to tackle the challenge of performing nulling in the mid-infrared despite the thermal background. The opto-mechanical design of the warm optics and the injection system for the photonic chip are described. The alignment procedure used to assemble the system is also presented. Finally, the first experimental results, including fringes and null measurements, are given and confirm the adequacy of the bench to test and optimize the Asgard/NOTT instrument.

We report the discovery of a high velocity, very low-mass star or brown dwarf whose kinematics suggest it is unbound to the Milky Way. CWISE J124909.08+362116.0 was identified by citizen scientists in the Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 program as a high proper motion ($\mu$ $=$ 0''9/yr) faint red source. Moderate resolution spectroscopy with Keck/NIRES reveals it to be a metal-poor early L subdwarf with a large radial velocity ($-$103$\pm$10 km/s), and its estimated distance of 125$\pm$8 pc yields a speed of 456$\pm$27 km/s in the Galactic rest frame, near the local escape velocity for the Milky Way. We explore several potential scenarios for the origin of this source, including ejection from the Galactic center $\gtrsim$3 Gyr in the past, survival as the mass donor companion to an exploded white dwarf. acceleration through a three-body interaction with a black hole binary in a globular cluster, and accretion from a Milky Way satellite system. CWISE J1249+3621 is the first hypervelocity very low mass star or brown dwarf to be found, and the nearest of all such systems. It may represent a broader population of very high velocity, low-mass objects that have undergone extreme accelerations.

Zijian Zhang, Lars Lund Thomsen, Lixin Dai, Christopher S. Reynolds, Javier A. García, Erin Kara, Riley Connors, Megan Masterson, Yuhan Yao, Thomas Dauser

It has been recently discovered that a few super-Eddington sources undergoing black hole super-Eddington accretion exhibit X-ray reflection signatures. In such new systems, one expects that the coronal X-ray emissions are mainly reflected by optically thick super-Eddington winds instead of thin disks. In this paper, we conduct a series of general relativistic ray-tracing and Monte Carlo radiative transfer simulations to model the X-ray reflection signatures, especially the characteristic Fe K$\alpha$ line, produced from super-Eddington accretion flows. In particular, we allow the photons emitted by a lamppost corona to be reflected multiple times in a cone-like funnel surrounded by fast winds. We find that the Fe K$\alpha$ line profile most sensitively depends on the wind kinematics, while its exact shape also depends on the funnel open angle and corona height. Furthermore, very interestingly, we find that the Fe K$\alpha$ line can have a prominent double-peak profile in certain parameter spaces even with a face-on orientation. Moreover, we compare the Fe K$\alpha$ line profiles produced from super-Eddington and thin disks and show that such lines can provide important insights into the understanding of black hole systems undergoing super-Eddington accretion.

Cosimo Marconcini, Francesco D'Eugenio, Roberto Maiolino, Santiago Arribas, Andrew J. Bunker, Stefano Carniani, Stephane Charlot, Michele Perna, Bruno Rodriguez Del Pino, Hannah Ubler, Chris J. Willott, Torsten Boker, Giovanni Cresci, Mirko Curti, Gareth C. Jones, Isabella Lamperti, Eleonora Parlanti, Giacomo Venturi

We present JWST/NIRSpec integral-field spectroscopy observations of the z ~ 9.11 lensed galaxy MACS1149-JD1, as part of the GA-NIFS programme. The data was obtained with both the G395H grating (R~ 2700) and the prism (R~ 100). This target shows a main elongated UV-bright clump and a secondary component detected in continuum emission at a projected distance of 2 kpc. The R2700 data trace the ionised-gas morpho-kinematics in between the two components, showing an elongated emission mainly traced by [O III]5007. We spatially resolve [O II]3726,3729, [O III]4959,5007, and [O III]4363, which enable us to map the electron density (ne ~ 1.0 x 103 cm-3), temperature (Te ~ 1.6 x 104 K), and direct-method gas-phase metallicity (-1.2 to -0.7 dex solar). A spatially resolved full-spectrum modelling of the prism indicates a north-south gas metallicity and stellar age gradient between the two components. We found 3-sigma evidence of a spatially resolved anti-correlation of the gas-phase metallicity and the star formation rate density, which is likely driven by gas inflows, enhancing the star formation in JD1. We employ high-z sensitive diagnostic diagrams to rule out the presence of a strong AGN in the main component. These findings show the unambiguous presence of two distinct stellar populations, with the majority of the mass ascribed to an old star formation burst, as suggested by previous works. We disfavour the possibility of a rotating-disc nature for MACS1149-JD1; we favour a merger event that has led to a recent burst of star formation in two separate regions, as supported by high values of [O III]5007/Hbeta, ionised gas velocity dispersion, and gas-phase metallicity.

Ignas Juodžbalis, Xihan Ji, Roberto Maiolino, Francesco D'Eugenio, Jan Scholtz, Guido Risaliti, Andrew C. Fabian, Giovanni Mazzolari, Roberto Gilli, Isabella Prandoni, Santiago Arribas, Andrew J. Bunker, Stefano Carniani, Stéphane Charlot, Emma Curtis-Lake, Anna de Graaff, Kevin Hainline, Eleonora Parlanti, Michele Perna, Pablo G. Pérez-González, Brant Robertson, Sandro Tacchella, Hannah Übler, Christina C. Williams, Chris Willott, Joris Witstok

JWST has discovered a large population of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) at high redshift. Many of these newly discovered AGN have broad permitted lines (typically H$\alpha$), but are extremely weak in the X-rays. Here we present the NIRSpec spectrum of the most extreme of these objects, GN-28074, an AGN at $z=2.26$ with prominent Balmer, Paschen and \HeI broad lines, and with the highest limit on the bolometric to X-ray luminosity ratio among all spectroscopically confirmed AGN in GOODS. This source is also characterized by a mid-IR excess, most likely associated with the AGN torus' hot dust. The high bolometric luminosity and moderate redshift of this AGN allow us to explore its properties more in depth relative to other JWST-discovered AGN. The NIRSpec spectrum reveals prominent, slightly blueshifted absorption of H$\alpha$, H$\beta$ and \HeI$\lambda$10830. The Balmer absorption lines require gas with densities of $n_{\rm H}> 10^8~{\rm cm}^{-3}$, inconsistent with an ISM origin, but fully consistent with clouds in the Broad Line Region (BLR). This finding suggests that at least part of the X-ray weakness is due to high (Compton thick) X-ray absorption by (dust-free) clouds in the BLR, or in its outer, slowly outflowing regions. GN-28074 is also extremely radio-weak. The radio weakness can also be explained in terms of absorption, as the inferred density of the clouds responsible for H$\alpha$ absorption makes them optically thick to radio emission through free-free absorption. Alternatively, in this and other JWST-discovered AGN, the nuclear magnetic field may have not developed properly yet, resulting both in intrinsically weak radio emission and also lack of hot corona, hence intrinsic X-ray weakness. Finally, we show that recently proposed scenarios, invoking hyper-dense and ultra-metal-poor outflows or Raman scattering to explain the broad H$\alpha$, are completely ruled out.

Viraj R. Karambelkar, Mansi M. Kasliwal, Patrick Tisserand, Shreya Anand, Michael C. B. Ashley, Lars Bildsten, Geoffrey C. Clayton, Courtney C. Crawford, Kishalay De, Nicholas Earley, Matthew J. Hankins, Xander Hall, Astrid Lamberts, Ryan M. Lau, Dan McKenna, Anna Moore, Eran O. Ofek, Roger M. Smith, Roberto Soria, Jamie Soon, Tony Travouillon

We present results from a systematic infrared (IR) census of R Coronae Borealis (RCB) stars in the Milky Way, using data from the Palomar Gattini IR (PGIR) survey. R Coronae Borealis stars are dusty, erratic variable stars presumably formed from the merger of a He-core and a CO-core white dwarf (WD). PGIR is a 30 cm $J$-band telescope with a 25 deg$^{2}$ camera that surveys 18000 deg$^{2}$ of the northern sky ($\delta>-28^{o}$) at a cadence of 2 days. Using PGIR J-band lightcurves for $\sim$60 million stars together with mid-IR colors from WISE, we selected a sample of 530 candidate RCB stars. We obtained near-IR spectra for these candidates and identified 53 RCB stars in our sample. Accounting for our selection criteria, we find that there are a total of $\approx350^{+150}_{-100}$ RCB stars in the Milky Way. Assuming typical RCB lifetimes, this corresponds to an RCB formation rate of 0.8 - 5 $\times$ 10$^{-3}$ yr$^{-1}$, consistent with observational and theoretical estimates of the He-CO WD merger rate. We searched for quasi-periodic pulsations in the PGIR lightcurves of RCB stars and present pulsation periods for 16 RCB stars. We also examined high-cadenced TESS lightcurves for RCB and the chemically similar, but dustless hydrogen-deficient carbon (dLHdC) stars. We find that dLHdC stars show variations on timescales shorter than RCB stars, suggesting that they may have lower masses than RCB stars. Finally, we identified 3 new spectroscopically confirmed and 12 candidate Galactic DY Per type stars - believed to be colder cousins of RCB stars - doubling the sample of Galactic DY Per type stars.

Louise Mousset, Erwan Allys, Matthew A. Price, Jonathan Aumont, Jean-Marc Delouis, Ludovic Montier, Jason D. McEwen


Scattering transforms are a new type of summary statistics recently developed for the study of highly non-Gaussian processes, which have been shown to be very promising for astrophysical studies. In particular, they allow one to build generative models of complex non-linear fields from a limited amount of data. In the context of upcoming cosmological surveys, the extension of these tools to spherical data is necessary. We develop scattering transforms on the sphere and focus on the construction of maximum-entropy generative models of astrophysical fields. The quality of the generative models, both statistically and visually, is very satisfying, which therefore open up a wide range of new applications for future cosmological studies.

Several Pulsar Timing Array (PTA) collaborations have recently found evidence for a gravitational wave background (GWB) permeating our galaxy. The origin of this background is still unknown. Indeed, while the gravitational wave emission from inspiraling supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHB) is the primary candidate for its origin, several cosmological sources have also been proposed. One distinctive feature of SMBHB-generated backgrounds is the presence of GWB anisotropies stemming from the binaries distribution in the local Universe. However, none of the anisotropy searches performed to date reported a detection. In this work, we show that the lack of anisotropy detection is not currently in tension with a SMBHB origin of the background. We accomplish this by calculating the anisotropy detection probability of present and future PTAs. We find that a PTA with the noise characteristics of the NANOGrav 15-year data set had only a $~2\%-11\%$ probability of detecting SMBHB-generated anisotropies, depending on the properties of the SMBHB population. However, we estimate that for the IPTA DR3 data set these probabilities will increase to $~4\%-28\%$, putting more pressure on the SMBHB interpretation in case of a null detection. We also identify SMBHB populations that are more likely to produce detectable levels of anisotropies. This information could be used together with the spectral properties of the GWB to characterize the SMBHB population.

We present exact non-Gaussian joint likelihoods for auto- and cross-correlation functions on arbitrarily masked spherical Gaussian random fields. Our considerations apply to spin-0 as well as spin-2 fields but are demonstrated here for the spin-2 weak-lensing correlation function. We motivate that this likelihood cannot be Gaussian and show how it can nevertheless be calculated exactly for any mask geometry and on a curved sky, as well as jointly for different angular-separation bins and redshift-bin combinations. Splitting our calculation into a large- and small-scale part, we apply a computationally efficient approximation for the small scales that does not alter the overall non-Gaussian likelihood shape. To compare our exact likelihoods to correlation-function sampling distributions, we simulated a large number of weak-lensing maps, including shape noise, and find excellent agreement for one-dimensional as well as two-dimensional distributions. Furthermore, we compare the exact likelihood to the widely employed Gaussian likelihood and find significant levels of skewness at angular separations $\gtrsim 1^{\circ}$ such that the mode of the exact distributions is shifted away from the mean towards lower values of the correlation function. We find that the assumption of a Gaussian random field for the weak-lensing field is well valid at these angular separations. Considering the skewness of the non-Gaussian likelihood, we evaluate its impact on the posterior constraints on $S_8$. On a simplified weak-lensing-survey setup with an area of $10 \ 000 \ \mathrm{deg}^2$, we find that the posterior mean of $S_8$ is up to $2\%$ higher when using the non-Gaussian likelihood, a shift comparable to the precision of current stage-III surveys.

Debatri Chattopadhyay, Sama Al-Shammari, Fabio Antonini, Stephen Fairhurst, Benjamin Miles, Vivien Raymond

We investigate the effects of prior selection on the inferred mass and spin parameters of the neutron star-black hole merger GW230529\_181500. Specifically, we explore models motivated by astrophysical considerations, including massive binary and pulsar evolution. We examine mass and spin distributions of neutron stars constrained by radio pulsar observations, alongside black hole spin observations from previous gravitational wave detections. We show that the inferred mass distribution highly depends upon the spin prior. Specifically, under the most restrictive, binary stellar evolution models, we obtain narrower distributions of masses with a black hole mass of $4.1^{+0.2}_{-0.3} \,M_\odot$ and neutron star mass of $1.3^{+0.1}_{-0.1} \,M_\odot$ where, somewhat surprisingly, it is the prior on component spins which has the greatest impact on the inferred mass distributions. Re-weighting using neutron star mass and spin priors from observations of radio pulsars, with black hole spins from observations of gravitational waves, yields the black hole and the neutron star masses to be $3.8^{+0.5}_{-0.6} \,M_\odot$ and $1.4^{+0.2}_{-0.1} \,M_\odot$ respectively. The sequence of compact object formation -- whether the neutron star or the black hole formed first -- cannot be determined at the observed signal-to-noise ratio. However, there is no evidence that the black hole was tidally spun up.

Massive particles produced during inflation impact soft limits of primordial correlators. Searching for these signatures presents an exciting opportunity to uncover the particle spectrum in the inflationary epoch. We present non-perturbative methods to constrain intermediate-mass scalars ($0\leq m/H<3/2$, where $H$ is the inflationary Hubble scale) produced during inflation, which give rise to a power-law scaling in the squeezed primordial bispectrum. Exploiting the large-scale structure consistency relations and the separate universe approach, we derive models for the late-time squeezed matter bispectrum and collapsed matter trispectrum sourced by these fields. To validate our models, we run $N$-body simulations with the "Cosmological Collider" squeezed bispectrum for two different particle masses. Our models yield unbiased constraints on the amplitude of non-Gaussianity, $f_{\rm NL}^{\Delta}$, from the squeezed bispectrum and collapsed trispectrum deep into the non-linear regime ($k_{\rm max}\approx 2~h/{\rm Mpc}$ at $z=0$). We assess the information content of these summary statistics, emphasizing the importance of sample variance cancellation in the matter sector. We also study the scale-dependent halo bias in our simulations. For mass-selected halos, the non-Gaussian bias estimated from our simulations agrees with predictions based on (i) separate universe simulations and (ii) universal mass functions. With further work, these results can be used to search for inflationary massive particle production with upcoming galaxy surveys.

Coincident multi-messenger observation of cosmic sources can offer numerous benefits. One significant advantage is enhancing the detection significance of separate detectors by correlating their data and assuming a joint emission. We have formulated an approach for updating the Bayesian posterior probability of an astrophysical origin, namely $p_{\rm astro}$, relying on multi-messenger coincidences. We demonstrated this with candidate coincident gravitational waves and high-energy neutrinos. Applying our method to the public data of candidate coincident high-energy neutrinos with subthreshold gravitational-wave triggers, we found that in the case of highly energetic neutrino coincidences, $p_{\rm astro}$ can increase from approximately $\sim 0.1$ to $\sim 0.9$. This marked improvement makes subthreshold detections much more confident.