In this note, an interesting region about the Sun in phase space is described where the permanent capture of an object, $P$, of small mass from interstellar space can occur, under the gravitational perturbation of the resultant mass of the Galaxy. $P$ is never ejected back into interstellar space and won't collide with the Sun. It cycles about the Sun for all time, asymptotically approaching the capture set. In addition to being permanently captured, $P$ is also weakly captured. A recent result in \cite{Belbruno:2024} describes this region in general. It has a fractal structure. This is applied to the permanent capture of rogue planets and other objects from interstellar space
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has imaged two supermassive black holes, Messier 87* (M87*) and Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), using very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI). The theoretical analyses of each source suggest magnetically arrested disk (MAD) accretion viewed at modest inclination. These MADs exhibit rotationally symmetric polarization of synchrotron emission caused by symmetries of their ordered magnetic fields. We leverage these symmetries to study the detectability of the black hole photon ring, which imposes known antisymmetries in polarization. In this letter, we propose a novel observational strategy based on coherent baseline-averaging of polarization ratios in a rotating basis to detect the photon ring with 345 GHz VLBI from the Earth's surface. Using synthetic observations from a likely future EHT, we find a reversal in polarimetric phases on long baselines that reveals the presence of the Sgr\,A* photon ring in a MAD system at 345 GHz, a critical frequency for lengthening baselines and overcoming interstellar scattering. We use our synthetic data and analysis pipeline to estimate requirements for the EHT using a new metric: ${\rm SNR}_{\rm PR}$, the signal-to-noise ratio of this polarimetric reversal signal. We identify long, coherent integrations using frequency phase transfer as a critical enabling technique for the detection of the photon ring, and predict a ${\rm SNR}_{\rm PR} \sim 2-3$ detection using proposed ngEHT parameters and currently-favored models for the Sgr A* accretion flow. We find that higher sensitivity, rather than denser Fourier sampling, is the most critical requirement for polarimetric detection of the photon ring.
Cosmic shear is a powerful probe of cosmological models and the transition from current Stage-III surveys like the Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS) to the increased area and redshift range of Stage IV-surveys such as \Euclid will significantly increase the precision of weak lensing analyses. However, with increasing precision, the accuracy of model assumptions needs to be evaluated. In this study, we quantify the impact of the correlated clustering of weak lensing source galaxies with the surrounding large-scale structure, the so-called source-lens clustering (SLC), which is commonly neglected. We include the impact of realistic scatter in photometric redshift estimates, which impacts the assignment of galaxies to tomographic bins and increases the SLC. For this, we use simulated cosmological datasets with realistically distributed galaxies and measure shear correlation functions for both clustered and uniformly distributed source galaxies. Cosmological analyses are performed for both scenarios to quantify the impact of SLC on parameter inference for a KiDS-like and a \Euclid-like setting. We find for Stage III surveys like KiDS, SLC has a minor impact when accounting for nuisance parameters for intrinsic alignments and shifts of tomographic bins, as these nuisance parameters absorb the effect of SLC, thus changing their original meaning. For KiDS (\Euclid), the inferred intrinsic alignment amplitude $A_\mathrm{IA}$ changes from $0.11_{-0.46}^{+0.44}$ ($-0.009_{-0.080}^{+0.079}$) for data without SLC to $0.28_{-0.44}^{+0.42}$ ($0.022_{-0.082}^{+0.081}$) with SLC. However, fixed nuisance parameters lead to shifts in $S_8$ and $\Omega_\mathrm{m}$. For \Euclid we find that $S_8$ and $\Omega_\mathrm{m}$ are shifted by 0.14 and 0.12 $\sigma$, respectively, when including free nuisance parameters. Consequently, SLC on its own has only a small impact on the inferred parameters.
The Einstein Probe (EP) achieved its first detection and localization of a bright X-ray flare, EP240219a, on February 19, 2024, during its commissioning phase. Subsequent targeted searches triggered by the EP240219a alert identified a faint, untriggered gamma-ray burst (GRB) in the archived data of Fermi/GBM, Swift/BAT, Insight-HXMT/HE and INTEGRAL/SPI-ACS. The EP/WXT light curve reveals a long duration of approximately 160 seconds with a slow decay, whereas the Fermi/GBM light curve shows a total duration of approximately 70 seconds. The peak in the Fermi/GBM light curve occurs slightly later with respect to the peak seen in the EP/WXT light curve. Our spectral analysis shows that a single cutoff power-law model effectively describes the joint EP/WXT-Fermi/GBM spectra in general, indicating coherent broad emission typical of GRBs. The model yielded a photon index of $\sim -1.70 \pm 0.05$ and a peak energy of $\sim 257 \pm 134$ keV. After detection of GRB 240219A, long-term observations identified several candidates in optical and radio wavelengths, none of which was confirmed as the afterglow counterpart during subsequent optical and near-infrared follow-ups. The analysis of GRB 240219A classifies it as an X-ray rich GRB with a high peak energy, presenting both challenges and opportunities for studying the physical origins of X-ray flashes (XRFs), X-ray rich GRBs (XRRs), and classical GRBs (C-GRBs). Furthermore, linking the cutoff power-law component to non-thermal synchrotron radiation suggests that the burst is driven by a Poynting flux-dominated outflow.
We report the first detection of polarization angle (PA) orthogonal jumps, a phenomenon previously only observed from radio pulsars, from a fast radio burst (FRB) source FRB 20201124A. We find three cases of orthogonal jumps in over two thousand bursts, all resembling those observed in pulsar single pulses. We propose that the jumps are due to the superposition of two orthogonal emission modes that could only be produced in a highly magnetized plasma, and they are caused by the line of sight sweeping across a rotating magnetosphere. The shortest jump timescale is of the order of one-millisecond, which hints that the emission modes come from regions smaller than the light cylinder of most pulsars or magnetars. This discovery provides convincing evidence that FRB emission originates from the complex magnetosphere of a magnetar, suggesting an FRB emission mechanism that is analogous to radio pulsars despite a huge luminosity difference between two types of objects.
Supernova remnants (SNRs) are believed to be capable of accelerating cosmic rays (CRs) to PeV energies. SNR G106.3+2.7 is a prime PeVatron candidate. It is formed by a head region, where the pulsar J2229+6114 and its boomerang-shaped pulsar wind nebula are located, and a tail region containing SN ejecta. The lack of observed gamma ray emission from the two regions of this SNR has made it difficult to assess which region would be responsible for the PeV CRs. We aim to characterize the very-high-energy (VHE, 0.1-100 TeV) gamma ray emission from SNR G106.3+2.7 by determining the morphology and spectral energy distribution of the region. This is accomplished using 2565 days of data and improved reconstruction algorithms from the HAWC Observatory. We also explore possible gamma ray production mechanisms for different energy ranges. Using a multi-source fitting procedure based on a maximum-likelihood estimation method, we evaluate the complex nature of this region. We determine the morphology, spectrum, and energy range for the source found in the region. Molecular cloud information is also used to create a template and evaluate the HAWC gamma ray spectral properties at ultra-high-energies (UHE, >56 TeV). This will help probe the hadronic nature of the highest-energy emission from the region. We resolve one extended source coincident with all other gamma ray observations of the region. The emission reaches above 100~TeV and its preferred log-parabola shape in the spectrum shows a flux peak in the TeV range. The molecular cloud template fit on the higher energy data reveals that the SNR's energy budget is fully capable of producing a purely hadronic source for UHE gamma rays.
We study the gas inflows towards the Galactic Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) based on the gas morphological and kinematic features from the MWISP in the region of l=1.2 deg--19.0 deg and |b|<3.0 deg. We find that the near dust lane extends to l~15 deg, in which the end of the large-scale gas structure intersects with the 3 kpc-ring at a distance of ~5 kpc. Intriguingly, many filamentary MCs, together with the bow-like/ballistic-like clouds and continuous CO features with notable velocity gradient, are finely outlined along the long structure. These MCs also have relatively large velocity dispersions, indicating the shocked gas generated by local continuous accretion and thus the enhanced turbulence along the entire gas structure. We suggest that the ~3.1--3.6 kpc long CO structure originates from the accretion molecular gas driven by the Galactic bar. The gas near the bar end at the 3 kpc-ring becomes an important reservoir for the large-scale accreting flows inwards to the CMZ through the bar channel. The inclination angle of the bar is estimated to be 20--26 deg, while the pattern speed of the bar is 30--35 km/s. The total mass of the whole gas lane is about (0.9-1.7)x10^7 Msun according to the calculated X_CO=(0.6-1.4)x10^20 cm^-2 (Kkm/s)^-1 from the large-scale CO data and the complementary HI data. The mean gas inflow rate is about 0.8-1.4 Msun/yr, which seems to be comparable to the outflow's rate of the Galactic nuclear winds after applying the updated lower X-factor value above.
We present a study of the weak lensing matter profiles of 698 South Pole Telescope (SPT) thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (tSZE) selected galaxy clusters in the redshift range $0.25 <z< 0.94$ that have associated weak gravitational lensing shear profiles from the Dark Energy Survey (DES). When rescaled to account for the mass dependent size and the redshift dependent density, this SPT cluster sample when averaged within bins of redshift and tSZE detection significance shows a lower dispersion in the matter profiles than the unscaled versions. Galaxy clusters from hydrodynamical simulations also exhibit matter profiles that suggest a high degree of self-similarity, with RMS variation among the rescaled average matter profiles improving by a factor of $\approx$6 with redshift and $\approx$23 with mass in comparison to the unscaled average matter profiles. We employ this regularity in a new Bayesian method for weak lensing mass calibration, simultaneously constraining richness-mass and tSZE detection significance-mass relations using average, rescaled cluster matter profiles. We validate the method using realistic mock datasets and present scaling relation constraints for the SPT$\times$DES sample, where we constrain the amplitude, mass trend, redshift trend, and intrinsic scatter. Our scaling relation results are in agreement with the mass calibration derived from the recent cosmological analysis of the SPT$\times$DES data based on a cluster-by-cluster lensing calibration. Our new mass calibration technique offers higher efficiency when compared to the single cluster calibration technique. In addition, the average rescaled matter profiles offer high signal-to-noise constraints on the shape of real cluster profiles which is in good agreement with the $\Lambda$CDM model.
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