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Papers for Monday, Jul 22 2024

Papers with local authors

Nickolas M. Pingel, Hongxing Chen, Snežana Stanimirović, Eric W. Koch, Adam K. Leroy, Erik Rosolowsky, Chang-Goo Kim, Julianne J. Dalcanton, Fabian Walter, Michael P. Busch, Ryan Chown, Jennifer Donovan Meyer, Cosima Eibensteiner, Deidre A. Hunter, Sumit K. Sarbadhicary, Elizabeth Tarantino, Vicente Villanueva, Thomas G. Williams
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Paper 4 — arXiv:2407.13829
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Paper 4 — arXiv:2407.13829

Measuring the properties of the cold neutral medium (CNM) in low-metallicity galaxies provides insight into heating and cooling mechanisms in early Universe-like environments. We report detections of two localized atomic neutral hydrogen (HI) absorption features in NGC 6822, a low-metallicity (0.2 Z$_{\odot}$) dwarf galaxy in the Local Group. These are the first unambiguous CNM detections in a low-metallicity dwarf galaxy outside the Magellanic Clouds. The Local Group L-Band Survey (LGLBS) enabled these detections due to its high spatial (15 pc for HI emission) and spectral (0.4 \kms) resolution. We introduce LGLBS and describe a custom pipeline to search for HI absorption at high angular resolution and extract associated HI emission. A detailed Gaussian decomposition and radiative transfer analysis of the NGC 6822 detections reveals five CNM components, with key properties: a mean spin temperature of 32$\pm$6 K, a mean CNM column density of 3.1$\times$10$^{20}$ cm$^{-2}$, and CNM mass fractions of 0.33 and 0.12 for the two sightlines. Stacking non-detections does not reveal low-level signals below our median optical depth sensitivity of 0.05. One detection intercepts a star-forming region, with the HI absorption profile encompassing the CO (2$-$1) emission, indicating coincident molecular gas and a depression in high-resolution HI emission. We also analyze a nearby sightline with deep, narrow HI self-absorption dips, where the background warm neutral medium is attenuated by intervening CNM. The association of CNM, CO, and H$\alpha$ emissions suggests a close link between the colder, denser HI phase and star formation in NGC 6822.

A. L. Carter, E. M. May, N. Espinoza, L. Welbanks, E. Ahrer, L. Alderson, R. Brahm, A. D. Feinstein, D. Grant, M. Line, G. Morello, R. O'Steen, M. Radica, Z. Rustamkulov, K. B. Stevenson, J. D. Turner, M. K. Alam, D. R. Anderson, N. M. Batalha, M. P. Battley, D. Bayliss, J. L. Bean, B. Benneke, Z. K. Berta-Thompson, J. Brande, E. M. Bryant, M. R. Burleigh, L. Coulombe, I. J.M. Crossfield, M. Damiano, J.-M. Désert, L. Flagg, S. Gill, J. Inglis, J. Kirk, H. Knutson, L. Kreidberg, M. López Morales, M. Mansfield, S. E. Moran, C. A. Murray, M. C. Nixon, D. J.M. Petit dit de la Roche, B. V. Rackham, E. Schlawin, D. K. Sing, H. R. Wakeford, N. L. Wallack, P. J. Wheatley, S. Zieba, K. Aggarwal, J. K. Barstow, T. J. Bell, J. Blecic, C. Caceres, N. Crouzet, P. E. Cubillos, T. Daylan, M. de Val-Borro, L. Decin, J. J. Fortney, N. P. Gibson, K. Heng, R. Hu, E M.-R. Kempton, P. Lagage, J. D. Lothringer, J. Lustig-Yaeger, L. Mancini, N. J. Mayne, L. C. Mayorga, K. Molaverdikhani, E. Nasedkin, K. Ohno, V. Parmentier, D. Powell, S. Redfield, P. Roy, J. Taylor, X. Zhang
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Paper 9 — arXiv:2407.13893
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Paper 9 — arXiv:2407.13893

Observing exoplanets through transmission spectroscopy supplies detailed information on their atmospheric composition, physics, and chemistry. Prior to JWST, these observations were limited to a narrow wavelength range across the near-ultraviolet to near-infrared, alongside broadband photometry at longer wavelengths. To understand more complex properties of exoplanet atmospheres, improved wavelength coverage and resolution are necessary to robustly quantify the influence of a broader range of absorbing molecular species. Here we present a combined analysis of JWST transmission spectroscopy across four different instrumental modes spanning 0.5-5.2 micron using Early Release Science observations of the Saturn-mass exoplanet WASP-39b. Our uniform analysis constrains the orbital and stellar parameters within sub-percent precision, including matching the precision obtained by the most precise asteroseismology measurements of stellar density to-date, and further confirms the presence of Na, K, H$_2$O, CO, CO$_2$, and SO$_2$ atmospheric absorbers. Through this process, we also improve the agreement between the transmission spectra of all modes, except for the NIRSpec PRISM, which is affected by partial saturation of the detector. This work provides strong evidence that uniform light curve analysis is an important aspect to ensuring reliability when comparing the high-precision transmission spectra provided by JWST.

Sami S. Khamis, Ibrahim A. Sulai, Paul Hamilton, S. Afach, B. C. Buchler, D. Budker, N. L. Figueroa, R. Folman, D. Gavilán-Martín, M. Givon, Z. D. Grujić, H. Guo, M. P. Hedges, D. F. Jackson Kimball, D. Kim, E. Klinger, T. Kornack, A. Kryemadhi, N. Kukowski, G. Lukasiewicz, H. Masia-Roig, M. Padniuk, C. A. Palm, S. Y. Park, X. Peng, M. Pospelov, S. Pustelny, Y. Rosenzweig, O. M. Ruimi, P. C. Segura, T. Scholtes, Y. K. Semertzidis, Y. C. Shin, J. E. Stalnaker, D. Tandon, A. Weis, A. Wickenbrock, T. Wilson, T. Wu, J. Zhang, Y. Zhao
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Paper 13 — arXiv:2407.13919
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Paper 13 — arXiv:2407.13919

We present an analysis method to search for exotic low-mass field (ELF) bursts generated during large energy astrophysical events such as supernovae, binary black hole or binary neutron star mergers, and fast radio bursts using the Global Network of Optical Magnetometers for Exotic physics searches (GNOME). In our model, the associated gravitational waves or electromagnetic signals herald the arrival of the ELF burst that interacts via coupling to the spin of fermions in the magnetometers. This enables GNOME to serve as a tool for multi-messenger astronomy. The algorithm employs a model-agnostic excess-power method to identify network-wide candidate events to be subjected to a model-dependent generalized likelihood-ratio test to determine their statistical significance. We perform the first search with this technique on GNOME data coincident with the binary black hole merger S200311bg detected by LIGO/Virgo on the 11th of March 2020 and find no significant events. We place the first lab-based limits on combinations of ELF production and coupling parameters.

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Kiersten M. Boley, Jessie L. Christiansen, Jon Zink, Kevin Hardegree-Ullman, Eve J. Lee, Philip F. Hopkins, Ji Wang, Rachel B. Fernandes, Galen J. Bergsten, Sakhee Bhure

Planet formation is expected to be severely limited in disks of low metallicity, owing to both the small solid mass reservoir and the low opacity accelerating the disk gas dissipation. While previous studies have found a weak correlation between the occurrence rates of small planets ($\leq$4R$_\oplus$) and stellar metallicity, so far no studies have probed below the metallicity limit beyond which planet formation is predicted to be suppressed. Here, we constructed a large catalog of ~110,000 metal-poor stars observed by the TESS mission with spectroscopically-derived metallicities, and systematically probed planet formation within the metal-poor regime ([Fe/H] $\leq$ -0.5) for the first time. Extrapolating known higher-metallicity trends for small, short-period planets predicts the discovery of ~68 superEarths around these stars (~85,000 stars) after accounting for survey completeness; however, we detect none. As a result, we have placed the most stringent upper limit on super-Earth occurrence rates around metal-poor stars (-0.75 < [Fe/H] $\leq$ -0.5) to date, $\leq$ 1.67%, a statistically significant (p-value=0.000685) deviation from the prediction of metallicity trends derived with Kepler and K2. We find a clear host star metallicity cliff for super-Earths that could indicate the threshold below which planets are unable to grow beyond an Earth-mass at short orbital periods. This finding provides a crucial input to planet formation theories, and has implications for the small planet inventory of the Galaxy and the galactic epoch at which the formation of small planets started.

Genevieve Schroeder (Northwestern/CIERA), Wen-fai Fong, Charles D. Kilpatrick, Alicia Rouco Escorial, Tanmoy Laskar, Anya E. Nugent, Jillian Rastinejad, Kate D. Alexander, Edo Berger, Thomas G. Brink, Ryan Chornock, Clecio R. de Bom, Yuxin Dong, Tarraneh Eftekhari, Alexei V. Filippenko, Celeste Fuentes-Carvajal, Wynn V. Jacobson-Galan, Matthew Malkan, Raffaella Margutti, Jeniveve Pearson, Lauren Rhodes, Ricardo Salinas, David J. Sand, Luidhy Santana-Silva, Andre Santos, Huei Sears, Manisha Shrestha, Nathan Smith, Wayne Webb, Simon de Wet, Yi Yang

We present multiwavelength observations of the Swift short $\gamma$-ray burst GRB 231117A, localized to an underlying galaxy at redshift $z = 0.257$ at a small projected offset ($\sim 2~$kpc). We uncover long-lived X-ray (Chandra) and radio/millimeter (VLA, MeerKAT, and ALMA) afterglow emission, detected to $\sim 37~$days and $\sim 20~$days (rest frame), respectively. We measure a wide jet ($\sim 10.4^\circ$) and relatively high circumburst density ($\sim 0.07~{\rm cm}^{-3}$) compared to the short GRB population. Our data cannot be easily fit with a standard forward shock model, but they are generally well fit with the incorporation of a refreshed forward shock and a reverse shock at $< 1~$day. We incorporate GRB 231117A into a larger sample of 132 X-ray detected events, 71 of which were radio-observed (17 cm-band detections), for a systematic study of the distributions of redshifts, jet and afterglow properties, galactocentric offsets, and local environments of events with and without detected radio afterglows. Compared to the entire short GRB population, the majority of radio-detected GRBs are at relatively low redshifts ($z < 0.6$) and have high circumburst densities ($> 10^{-2}~{\rm cm}^{-3}$), consistent with their smaller ($< 8~$kpc) projected galactocentric offsets. We additionally find that 70% of short GRBs with opening angle measurements were radio-detected, indicating the importance of radio afterglows in jet measurements, especially in the cases of wide ($> 10^\circ$) jets where observational evidence of collimation may only be detectable at radio wavelengths. Owing to improved observing strategies and the emergence of sensitive radio facilities, the number of radio-detected short GRBs has quadrupled in the past decade.

We present a comparison of image and uv-plane galaxy-galaxy strong lensing modelling results for simulated ALMA observations with different antenna configurations and on-source integration times. Image-plane modelling is carried out via use of the $\texttt{CLEAN}$ algorithm, and we explore the effects of different visibility weighting schemes on the inferred lens model parameters. We find that direct modelling of the visibility data consistently outperforms image-plane modelling for both the naturally and Briggs-weighted images. We also find that the modelling of images created with Briggs weighting generally produces more accurate results than those obtained by modelling images constructed with natural weighting. We explain this by quantifying the suppression of information due to $\texttt{CLEAN}$ing on scales at which the modelling is sensitive, and how this differs between Briggs and natural weighting. At higher resolutions, the differences between the lens modelling techniques are much less pronounced and overall, modelling errors are significantly reduced. We also find that time-binning the visibilities by up to a factor of three makes no significant difference to the inferred lens parameters when directly modelling in the uv-plane. This work provides some guidance on navigating the many choices faced when modelling strong lens interferometric imaging data.

Daniel Naredo-Tuero, Miguel Escudero, Enrique Fernández-Martínez, Xabier Marcano, Vivian Poulin

Cosmological neutrino mass bounds are becoming increasingly stringent. The latest limit within $\Lambda$CDM from Planck 2018+ACT lensing+DESI is $\sum m_\nu < 0.072\,{\rm eV}$ at 95% CL, very close to the minimum possible sum of neutrino masses ($\sum m_\nu > 0.06\,{\rm eV}$), hinting at vanishing or even ''negative'' cosmological neutrino masses. In this context, it is urgent to carefully evaluate the origin of these cosmological constraints. In this paper, we investigate the robustness of these results in three ways: i) we check the role of potential anomalies in Planck CMB and DESI BAO data; ii) we compare the results for frequentist and Bayesian techniques, as very close to physical boundaries subtleties in the derivation and interpretation of constraints can arise; iii) we investigate how deviations from $\Lambda$CDM, potentially alleviating these anomalies, can alter the constraints. From a profile likelihood analysis, we derive constraints in agreement at the $\sim 10\%$ level with Bayesian posteriors. We find that the weak preference for negative neutrino masses is mostly present for Planck 18 data, affected by the well-known `lensing anomaly'. It disappears when the new Planck 2020 HiLLiPoP is used, leading to significantly weaker constraints. Additionally, the pull towards negative masses in DESI data stems from the $z=0.7$ bin, which is in $\sim 3\sigma$ tension with Planck expectations. Without these outliers, and in combination with HiLLiPoP, the bound relaxes to $\sum m_\nu < 0.11\,{\rm eV}$ at 95% CL. The recent preference for dynamical dark energy alleviates this tension and further weakens the bound. As we are at the dawn of a neutrino mass discovery from cosmology, it will be very exciting to see if this trend is confirmed by future data.

T. Miyaji, B. A. Bravo-Navarro, J. Díaz Tello, M. Krumpe, M. Herrera-Endoqui, H. Ikeda, T. Takagi, N. Oi, A. Shogaki, S. Matsuura, H. Kim, M. A. Malkan, H. S. Hwang, T. Kim, T. Ishigaki, H. Hanami, S. J. Kim, Y. Ohyama, T. Goto, H. Matsuhara

We present a catalog of optical and infrared identifications (ID) of X-ray sources in the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) Deep field detected with Chandra covering $\sim 0.34\,{\rm deg^{2}}$ with 0.5-2 keV flux limits ranging $\sim 2 \mathrm{-} 20\times 10^{-16}\,{\rm erg\,s^{-1}\,cm^{-2}}$. The optical/near-infrared counterparts of the X-ray sources are taken from our Hyper Suprime Cam (HSC)/Subaru and Wide-Field InfraRed Camera (WIRCam)/Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) data because these have much more accurate source positions due to their spatial resolution than that of {Chandra} and longer wavelength infrared data. We concentrate our identifications in the HSC $g$ band and WIRCam $K_{\rm s}$ band-based catalogs. To select the best counterpart, we utilize a novel extension of the likelihood-ratio (LR) analysis, where we use the X-ray flux as well as $g - K_{\rm s}$ colors to calculate the likelihood ratio. Spectroscopic and photometric redshifts of the counterparts are summarized. Also, simple X-ray spectroscopy is made on the sources with sufficient source counts. We present the resulting catalog in an electronic form. The main ID catalog contains 403 X-ray sources and includes X-ray fluxes, luminosities, $g$ and $K_{\rm s}$ band magnitudes, redshifts, and their sources, optical spectroscopic properties, as well as intrinsic absorption column densities and power-law indices from simple X-ray spectroscopy. The identified X-ray sources include 27 Milky-Way objects, 57 type I AGNs, 131 other AGNs, and 15 galaxies. The catalog serves as a basis for further investigations of the properties of the X-ray and near-infrared sources in this field. (Abridged)

The Be X-ray binary 4U 0115$+$63 underwent a giant outburst in 2023 with the X-ray luminosity of the source reaching 10$^{38}$ erg s$^{-1}$. During the outburst, two target of opportunity observations were made with \textit{NuSTAR}. The main goal of this work is to model the multiple cyclotron scattering features (CRSFs) present in 4U 0115$+$63 and study their dependence on the luminosity of the source. The 3$-$79 keV broadband X-ray coverage of \textit{NuSTAR} allowed us to properly model the continuum and investigate the nature of the multiple cyclotron resonance scattering features present in the source spectrum. We used the epoch-folding technique to find the pulsation from the source and also studied the changes in the cyclotron line energy with an order of magnitude variation in the source luminosity. We detected five cyclotron lines during the 2023 outburst near 12, 16, 24, 34, and 47 keV. The $\sim$16 keV cyclotron line cannot be harmonically related to the other cyclotron lines at $\sim$12 keV and $\sim$24 keV. This indicates the presence of two fundamental lines in the spectrum of 4U 0115$+$63 at 12 keV and 16 keV. With the inclusion of the two latest \textit{NuSTAR} observations, we have expanded the data set of the CRSF line center to encompass a broad range of luminosity. This enables us to comprehensively investigate the relationship between the centroid energy of the cyclotron lines and luminosity. The CRSF line center shows no anticorrelation with luminosity, unlike previously reported. Instead, a weak positive correlation is found in four out of the five detected cyclotron lines of 4U 0115$+$63. The luminosity variation of the two fundamental CRSFs could be well explained with the prediction from the collisionless shock model.

Joanna D. Sakowska, Noelia E. D. Noël, Tomás Ruiz-Lara, Carme Gallart, Pol Massana, David L. Nidever, Santi Cassisi, Patricio Correa-Amaro, Yumi Choi, Gurtina Besla, Denis Erkal, David Martínez-Delgado, Matteo Monelli, Knut A. G. Olsen, Guy S. Stringfellow

We obtain a quantitative star formation history (SFH) of a shell-like structure ('shell') located in the northeastern part of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). We use the Survey of the MAgellanic Stellar History (SMASH) to derive colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs), reaching below the oldest main-sequence turnoff, from which we compute the SFHs with CMD fitting techniques. We present, for the first time, a novel technique that uses red clump (RC) stars from the CMDs to assess and account for the SMC's line-of-sight depth effect present during the SFH derivation. We find that accounting for this effect recovers a more accurate SFH. We quantify a 7 kpc line-of-sight depth present in the CMDs, in good agreement with depth estimates from RC stars in the northeastern SMC. By isolating the stellar content of the northeastern shell and incorporating the line-of-sight depth into our calculations, we obtain an unprecedentedly detailed SFH. We find that the northeastern shell is primarily composed of stars younger than 500 Myrs, with significant star formation enhancements around 250 Myr and 450 Myr. These young stars are the main contributors to the shell's structure. We show synchronicity between the northeastern shell's SFH with the Large Magellanic Cloud's (LMC) northern arm, which we attribute to the interaction history of the SMC with the LMC and the Milky Way (MW) over the past 500 Myr. Our results highlight the complex interplay of ram pressure stripping and the influence of the MW's circumgalactic medium in shaping the SMC's northeastern shell.

We are in a golden era observing Young Stellar Objects (YSOs), protoplanetary disks, and substellar objects, crucial for understanding their formation and evolution. This Ph.D. thesis explores two binary systems. Firstly, we study an eruptive YSO, HBC 494, using ALMA band 6 (1.3 mm) observations. It's a FUor system in Orion Molecular Cloud with a resolved binary system: HBC 494 N (primary) and HBC 494 S (secondary) separated by 75 au. The disks show hints of aligned formation scenarios, with HBC 494 N being brighter and larger. Molecular line observations reveal bipolar outflows and rotating envelopes. Cavity features within the continuum disks' area suggest continuum over-subtraction or slow-moving jets and chemical destruction along the line-of-sight. Secondly, we examine the young binary system $\eta$ Tel using VLT/SPHERE H band imaging. It consists of an A-type star and a brown dwarf companion $\eta$ Tel B, separated by 208 au. Astrometric measurements over 19 years yield a low eccentric orbit with an inclination of 81.9 degrees. The mass of $\eta$ Tel B is determined to be 48 M$_{Jup}$, consistent with previous literature. No significant residual indicative of a satellite or disk surrounding the companion is detected, with limits ruling out massive objects around $\eta$ Tel B at separations down to 33 au with masses as low as 1.6M$_{Jup}$. These studies employ sub-mm to near-IR observations, highlighting the complexity of (sub)stellar formation/evolution. This thesis contributes diverse analyses, providing insights into these intriguing processes.

Hareesh Gautham Bhaskar, Nathaniel W. H. Moore, Jiapeng Gao, Gongjie Li, Billy Quarles

Stability is one of the most fundamental aspects regarding planetary systems. It plays an important role in our understanding on the formation channel of the planetary systems, as well as their habitability. Many approaches have been adopted to determine the stability of these systems, including brute-force N-body simulations, semi-analytical calculations, and more recently machine learning methods. This allows significant advances in our understanding of planetary system dynamics, as well as providing tools to constrain unknown parameters of exoplanetary systems (assuming these systems are stable). In the following, we focus on planets around single star hosts, and we provide an overview of the studies of planetary system stability for compact multi-planet systems and hierarchical multi-planet systems.

The majority of star formation results in binaries or higher multiple systems, and planets in such systems are constrained to a limited range of orbital parameters in order to remain stable against perturbations from stellar companions. Many planets have been discovered in such multiple systems (such as stellar binaries), and understanding their stability is important in exoplanet searches and characterization. In this chapter, we focus on the orbital stability of planets in stellar binaries. We review key results based on semi-analytical secular (long term) methods, as well as results based on N-body simulations and more recent Machine Learning methods. We discuss planets orbiting one of the stellar binary components (S-type) and those orbiting both stars (P-type) separately.

Gabriele Coppi, Federico Astori, Giulia Rancati Cattaneo, Josquin Errand, Rolando Dunner-Planella, Federico Nati, Mario Zannoni


Cosmic Microwave Background experiments need to measure polarization properties of the incoming radiation very accurately to achieve their scientific goals. As a result of that, it is necessary to properly characterize these instruments. However, there are not natural sources that can be used for this purpose. For this reason, we developed the PROTOtype CALibrator for Cosmology, PROTOCALC, which is a calibrator source designed for the 90 GHz band of these telescopes. This source is purely polarized and the direction of the polarization vector is known with an accuracy better than 0.1 deg. This source flew for the first time in May 2022 showing promising result.

Xingchen Zhou, Yan Gong, Xin Zhang, Nan Li, Xian-Min Meng, Xuelei Chen, Run Wen, Yunkun Han, Hu Zou, Xian Zhong Zheng, Xiaohu Yang, Hong Guo, Pengjie Zhang

China Space Station Telescope (CSST) has the capability to conduct slitless spectroscopic survey simultaneously with photometric survey. The spectroscopic survey will measure slitless spectra, potentially providing more accurate estimations of galaxy properties, particularly redshift, compared to broadband photometry. However, due to low-resolution and signal-to-noise ratio of slitless spectra, measurement of these properties is significantly challenging. In this study, we employ a Bayesian neural network (BNN) to assess the accuracy of redshift estimations from slitless spectra anticipated to be observed by CSST. The slitless spectra are simulated based on real data from the early data release of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI-EDR) and the 16th data release of the Baryon Oscillaton Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS-DR16), combining the 9th data release of the DESI Legacy Survey (DESI LS DR9). The BNN provides redshifts estimates along with corresponding uncertainties, achieving an accuracy of $\sigma_{\rm NMAD} = 0.00063$, outlier percentage $\eta=0.92\%$ and weighted mean uncertainty $\bar{E} = 0.00228$. These results successfully meet the requirement for cosmological studies using slitless spectra from CSST.

Saraswathi Kalyani Subramanian, Sridharan Rengaswamy, Prasanna Gajanan Deshmukh, Binukumar G. Nair, Mahesh Babu S

The Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) is developing a Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics (MCAO) system for the Kodaikanal Tower Telescope (KTT). In this context, we have measured the daytime turbulence strength profile at the Kodaikanal Observatory. The first method based on wavefront sensor (WFS) images, called S-DIMM+ (Solar-Differential Image Motion Monitor+), was used to estimate the higher altitude turbulence up to a height of 5 - 6 km. The second method used balloon-borne temperature sensors to measure the near-Earth turbulence up to 350 m. We also carried out simulations to validate the performance of our system. We report the first-ever daytime turbulence strength profile measurements at the observatory. We have identified the presence of a strong turbulence layer about 3 km above the observatory. The measured near-Earth turbulence matches the trend that is expected from the model for daytime component of turbulence and gives an integrated $r_0$ of about 4 cm at 500 nm. This is consistent with earlier seeing measurements. This shows that a low-cost setup with a small telescope and a simple array of temperature sensors can be used for estimating the turbulence strength profile at the site.

Miguel Ortiz del Castillo, Clint Therakam, Jack McRobbie, Andrew Woods, Robert Mearns, Simon Barraclough, Stephen Catsamas, Mika Ohkawa, Jonathan Morgan, Airlie Chapman, Michele Trenti

The Thermal Management Integrated System (TheMIS) is a key element of the Australia-Italy Space Industry Responsive Intelligent Thermal (SpIRIT) mission, launched in a 510km Polar Sun-Synchronous orbit in December 2023. SpIRIT is a 6U CubeSat led by The University of Melbourne in cooperation with ASI, with support from ASA and with contributions from Australian space industry and international research organizations. The TheMIS subsystem actively cools and controls the temperature of sensitive instruments, increasing the potential range of payloads supported on small spacecraft systems. TheMIS core functionality is based on a commercial Stirling Cycle Cryocooler in-principle capable of reaching cold-tip temperatures below T=100K. The cooler is operated by customized control electronics and is connected to deployable radiators through pyrolytic graphite sheet thermal straps, all developed by the University of Melbourne. Until now, this level of thermal control has been relatively uncommon in nanosatellites. TheMIS aims to validate the design and performance by controlling the thermal environment of SpIRIT's HERMES payload, an X-ray instrument provided by ASI which has a noise background strongly sensitive to temperature. Beyond SpIRIT, TheMIS has the potential to support a broad range of applications, including holding infrared focal plane arrays at cryogenic temperatures, and increasing resilience of electronics to space weather. This paper provides an overview of TheMIS's design, implementation, and operational performance, detailing the commissioning phase and the early results obtained from its operations in orbit, with comparison to the thermal model developed during the mission environmental testing campaign. Finally, the paper discusses ongoing challenges for thermal management of payloads in small satellite systems and potential future strategies for continuous improvement

Michele Trenti (1), Miguel Ortiz del Castillo (1), Robert Mearns (1), Jack McRobbie (1), Clint Therakam (1), Airlie Chapman (1), Andrew Woods (1), Jonathan Morgan (1), Simon Barraclough (1), Ivan Rodriguez Mallo (1), Giulia Baroni (2), Fabrizio Fiore (2), Yuri Evangelista (2), Riccardo Campana (2), Alejandro Guzman (3), Paul Hedderman (3) ((1) The University of Melbourne, (2) Italian National Institute of Astrophysics, (3) Eberhard-Karls-Universitaet Tuebingen)

The Space Industry Responsive Intelligent Thermal (SpIRIT) 6U CubeSat is a mission led by The University of Melbourne in cooperation with the Italian Space Agency. Launched in a 510 km Polar Sun Synchronous Orbit in December 2023, SpIRIT carries multiple subsystems for scientific and technology demonstration. The main payload is the HERMES instrument for detection of high-energy astrophysics transients (Gamma Ray Bursts), and for studies of their variability at scales below 1 ms. The satellite includes a novel thermal management system for its class, based on a Stirling-cycle cooler and deployable thermal radiator, designed to cool HERMES to reduce instrumental background noise. A low-latency communication subsystem based on a sat-phone network is supporting rapid transmission of time-critical data and telecommands. SpIRIT is also equipped with a set of RGB and thermal IR cameras, connected to an on-board image processing unit with artificial intelligence capabilities for autonomous feature recognition. To effectively manage all interfaces between different subsystems and mission stakeholders, the University of Melbourne developed an instrument control unit (PMS) which operates all payloads. PMS also provides backup uninterruptible power to the HERMES instrument through a supercapacitor-based UPS for safe instrument shutdown in case of platform power interruptions. This paper first presents a mission and payload overview, and early in-orbit results, along with lessons learned throughout the mission. This work not only sheds light on the novelty of some of the on-board technologies onboard and on their potential impact to enable greater utilization of CubeSats for scientific missions, but also offers insights into the practical challenges and accomplishments related to developing and operating a multi-organization CubeSat with a complex array of instruments and systems.

Secure methods for identifying the host galaxies of individual massive black hole (MBH) binaries and mergers detected by gravitational wave experiments such as LISA and Pulsar Timing Arrays are currently lacking, but will be critical to a variety of science goals. Recently in Bardati et al. (2024, Paper I), we used the Romulus25 cosmological simulation to show that MBH merger host galaxies have unique morphologies in imaging, due to their stronger bulges. Here, we use the same sample of simulated MBH merger host galaxies to investigate their stellar kinematics, as probed by optical integral field unit (IFU) spectroscopy. We perform stellar population synthesis and dust radiative transfer to generate synthetic 3D optical spectral datacubes of each simulated galaxy, and produce mock stellar kinematic maps. Based on a linear discriminant analysis of a combination of kinematic parameters derived from these maps, we show that this approach can identify MBH binary and merger host galaxies with accuracies that increase with chirp mass and mass ratio. For mergers with high chirp masses (>10^8.2 Msun) and high mass ratios (>0.5), the accuracies reach >85%, and their host galaxies are uniquely characterized by slower rotation and stronger stellar kinematic misalignments. These kinematic properties are commonly associated with massive early-type galaxies that have experienced major mergers, and naturally act as signposts for MBH binaries and mergers with high chirp masses and mass ratios. These results suggest that IFU spectroscopy should also play a role in telescope follow-up of future MBH binaries and mergers detected in gravitational waves

From the turbulent interstellar medium to the cosmic web, astronomers in many different fields have needed to make sense of spatial data describing our Universe, spanning centimetre to Gigaparsec scales. Through different historical choices for mathematical conventions, many different subfields of spatial data analysis have evolved their own language for analysing structures and quantifying correlation in spatial data. Because of this history, terminology from a myriad of different fields is used, often to describe two data products that are mathematically identical. In this Note, we define and describe the differences and similarities between the power spectrum, the two-point correlation function, the covariance function, the semivariogram, and the structure functions, in an effort to unify the languages used to study spatial correlation. We also highlight under which conditions these data products are useful and describe how the results found using one method can be translated to those found using another, allowing for easier comparison between different subfields' native methods. We hope for this document to be a ``Rosetta Stone" for translating between different statistical approaches, allowing results to be shared between researchers from different backgrounds, facilitating more cross-disciplinary approaches to data analysis.

Matteo D'Andrea, Claudio Macculi, Simone Lotti, Luigi Piro, Andrea Argan, Gabriele Minervini, Guido Torrioli, Fabio Chiarello, Lorenzo Ferrari Barusso, Flavio Gatti, Manuela Rigano

The X-IFU is one of the two instruments of ATHENA, the next ESA large X-ray observatory. It is a cryogenic spectrometer based on an array of TES microcalorimeters. To reduce the particle background, the TES array works in combination with a Cryogenic AntiCoincidence detector (CryoAC). The CryoAC is a 4-pixel detector, based on ~1 cm2 silicon absorbers sensed by Ir/Au TES. It is required to have a wide energy bandwidth (from 20 keV to ~1 MeV), high efficiency (< 0.014% missed particles), low dead-time (< 1%) and good time-tagging accuracy (10 us at 1 sigma). An end-to-end simulator of the CryoAC detector has been developed both for design and performance assessment, consisting of several modules. First, the in-flight flux of background particles is evaluated by Geant4 simulations. Then, the current flow in the TES is evaluated by solving the electro-thermal equations of microcalorimeters, and the detector output signal is generated by simulating the SQUID FLL dynamics. Finally, the output is analyzed by a high-efficiency trigger algorithm, producing the simulated CryoAC telemetry. Here, we present in detail this end-to-end simulator, and how we are using it to define the new CryoAC baseline configuration in the new Athena context.

Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) as the most energetic explosions in the modern universe have been studied over half a century, but the physics of the particle acceleration and radiation responsible for their observed spectral behaviors are still not well understood. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the pulse properties in both bright GRB~160625B and GRB~160509A, for the first time, we identify evidences of particle acceleration by relativistic magnetic reconnection from the evolutionary behavior of the two spectral breaks ($E_{\rm p}$ and $E_{\rm cut}$). Meanwhile, the adiabatic cooling process of the emitting particles in the magnetic reconnection regions produces a relation between the spectral index and the flux. We also discuss the physics behind spectral energy correlations. Finally, we argue that the identification of an anticorrelation between $E_{\rm cut}$ and $L_{\rm iso}$ may opens a new avenue for diagnostics of the physics of the particle acceleration and radiation in a variety of astrophysical sources.

The reservoir of sulfur accounting for sulfur depletion in the gas of dense clouds and circumstellar regions is still unclear. One possibility is the formation of sulfur chains, which would be difficult to detect by spectroscopic techniques. This work explores the formation of sulfur chains experimentally, both in pure H$_2$S ice samples and in H$_2$O:H$_2$S ice mixtures. An ultra-high vacuum chamber, ISAC, eqquipped with FTIR and QMS, was used for the experiments. Our results show that the formation of H$_2$S$_x$ species is efficient, not only in pure H$_2$S ice samples, but also in water-rich ice samples. Large sulfur chains are formed more efficiently at low temperatures ($\approx$10 K), while high temperatures ($\approx$50 K) favour the formation of short sulfur chains. Mass spectra of H$_2$S$_x$, x~=~2-6, species are presented for the first time. Their analysis suggests that H$_2$S$_x$ species are favoured in comparison with S$_x$ chains. Nevertheless, the detection of several S$_x^+$ fragments at high temperatures in H$_2$S:H$_2$O ice mixtures suggests the presence of S$_8$ in the irradiated ice samples, which could sublimate from 260~K. ROSINA instrument data from the cometary Rosetta mission detected mass-to-charge ratios 96 and 128. Comparing these detections with our experiments, we propose two alternatives: 1) H$_2$S$_4$ and H$_2$S$_5$ to be responsible of those S$_3^+$ and S$_4^+$ cations, respectively, or 2) S$_8$ species, sublimating and being fragmented in the mass spectrometer. If S$_8$ is the parent molecule, then S$_5^+$ and S$_6^+$ cations could be also detected in future missions by broadening the mass spectrometer range.

Massimiliano Romanello, Federico Marulli, Lauro Moscardini, Carlo Giocoli, Giorgio Francesco Lesci, Sofia Contarini, Alessandra Fumagalli, Barbara Sartoris

The spatial distribution of galaxy clusters is a valuable probe for inferring fundamental cosmological parameters. We measured the clustering properties of dark matter haloes from the \textsc{Pinocchio} simulations, in the redshift range $0.2 < z < 1.0$ and with virial masses $M_\mathrm{vir} > 10^{14} M_\odot \, h^{-1}$, which reproduce the expected mass selection of galaxy cluster samples. The past-light cones we analysed have an angular size of 60 degrees, which approximately corresponds to a quarter of the sky. We adopted a linear power spectrum model, accounting for nonlinear corrections at the baryon acoustic oscillations scale, to perform a comparative study between 3D and 2D tomographic clustering. For this purpose, we modelled the multipoles of the 3D two-point correlation function, $\xi(r)$, the angular correlation function, $w(\theta)$, and the angular power spectrum, $C_\ell$. We considered observational effects such as redshift-space distortions, produced by the peculiar velocities of tracers, and redshift errors. We found that photometric redshift errors have a more severe consequence on the 3D than on the 2D clustering, as they affect only the radial separation between haloes and not the angular one, with a relevant impact on the 3D multipoles. Using a Bayesian analysis, we explored the posterior distributions of the considered probes with different tomographic strategies, in the $\Omega_m-\sigma_8$ plane, focusing on the summary parameter $S_8\equiv \sigma_8\sqrt{\Omega_m/0.3}$. Our results show that in the presence of large photometric errors the 2D clustering can provide competitive cosmological constraints with respect to the full 3D clustering statistics, and can be successfully applied to analyse the galaxy cluster catalogues from the ongoing and forthcoming Stage-III and Stage-IV photometric redshift surveys.

We propose a new mechanism for isotropic cosmic birefringence with an axion-like field that rapidly oscillates during the recombination epoch. In conventional models, the field oscillation during the recombination epoch leads to a cancellation of the birefringence effect and significantly suppresses the EB spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization. By introducing an asymmetric potential to the axion, this cancellation becomes incomplete, and a substantial EB spectrum can be produced. This mechanism also results in a washout of the EE spectrum, which can be probed in future CMB observations. Our findings suggest the possibility that an axion-like field responsible for isotropic cosmic birefringence can also account for a significant fraction of dark matter.

Alex Camilo Gormaz-Matamala, Amedeo Romagnolo, Krzysztof Belczynski

We study in detail the evolution of two massive stars at solar metallicity (Z=0.014) taken from Romagnolo et al. (2024, Paper I); by running evolution models for initial masses 60 and 200 Msun, using MESA and GENEC. For the mass loss, we adopt the self-consistent m-CAK prescription for the optically thin winds of OB-stars, a semi-empirical formula for H-rich thick wind of WNh stars, and a hydrodynamically consistent formula for the H-poor thick wind of classical Wolf-Rayet stars. We set initial rotation as 40% of the critical angular velocity, overshooting =0.5, Tayler-Spruit for the angular momentum transport, and Ledoux criterion for the convective layers. Both codes predict different tracks across the HRD. For the 60 Msun case, Genec models predict a more efficient rotational mixing and more chemically homogeneous evolution, whereas MESA model predicts a large radial expansion post-MS reaching the LBV phase. For the 200 Msun case, differences are less relevant because their evolution is dominated by wind mass loss with a weaker dependence on internal mixing, and only the treatment for superadiabacity creates an impact during the He-burning stage. The switch of the mass loss based on the proximity to the Eddington factor instead of the removal of outer layers, implies the existence of WNh stars with a large mass fraction of hydrogen at the surface formed from initial masses $\gtrsim60$ Msun. These stars are constrained in a Teff range of the HR diagram which corresponds to the MS band, in agreement with the observations of Galactic WNh stars. While our models employ a fixed $\Gamma_e$ threshold for the switch to thick winds, rather than a continuous thin-to-thick wind model, the good reproduction of observations supports the robustness of the wind model upgrades introduced in Paper I, allowing its application to studies of late-stage stellar evolution before core collapse.

We propose that certain white dwarf (WD) planets, such as WD 1856+534 b, may form out of material from a stellar companion that tidally disrupts from common envelope (CE) evolution with the WD progenitor star. The disrupted companion shreds into an accretion disc, out of which a gas giant protoplanet forms due to gravitational instability. To explore this scenario, we make use of detailed stellar evolution models consistent with WD 1856+534. The minimum mass companion that produces a gravitationally-unstable disk after tidal disruption is $\sim$$0.15\,\mathrm{M}_\odot$. Planet formation from tidal disruption is a new channel for producing second-generation planets around WD.

The term "unstable neutral media" (UNM) has traditionally been used to describe the transient phase formed between the warm and cold neutral hydrogen (HI) phases and has not been the focus of HI studies. However, recent observations suggest that the UNM phase not only has a significantly longer-than-expected lifetime but also occupies at least 20\% to 40\% of both the volume and mass fraction of HI. In this paper, we argue that the existence and dominance of the UNM can be explained by the presence of strong turbulence using an energy balance argument. The mass fraction of UNM is directly proportional to the turbulent velocity dispersion $\sigma_v$: mass fraction of UNM $\propto \sigma_v^{\frac{2n}{1+n}}$, where $n$ is the absolute value of the adiabatic index in the unstable phase. We discuss the implications of long-lived unstable thermal phases on ISM physics, including cold dense filament formation, cosmic ray acceleration, and measurement of galactic foreground statistics.

Making use of JWST NIRSpec and NIRCam data, we conduct a detailed analysis of the spectroscopic and photometric properties of GN-z8-LAE, a strong Lya emitter at z=8.279. Our goal is to investigate the interstellar medium (ISM) physical conditions that enable the Lya detection in this source at the Epoch of Reionization (EoR) and scrutinize GN-z8-LAE as an early reionizer. In broad agreement with previous results, we find that GN-z8-LAE is a young galaxy (age ~ 10 Myr) with a low stellar mass (M* ~ 10^7.66 Msun), significantly lower than those of most Lya emitters known at similarly high redshifts. The derived stellar mass and star formation rate surface densities are 355 Msun/pc^2 and 88 Msun/yr/kpc^2, respectively. Our spectral analysis indicates that: the Lya line peak has a small velocity offset 133+-72 km/s with respect to the galaxy systemic redshift; CIV] / CIII] ~ 3.3; the ISM is characterized by a hard ionization field, although no signature of AGN is present. Moreover, we report the presence of NIII]1750 emission with super-solar N abundance, which makes GN-z8-LAE one of the first known cases of a simultaneous strong Lya and nitrogen emitter at the EoR. Based on all these properties, we apply a wide range of methods to constrain the absolute Lyman continuum escape fraction of GN-z8-LAE, and find that it is >14% in all cases. Therefore, we conclude that GN-z8-LAE is a robust candidate for a Lyman continuum (LyC) leaker at the EoR which is being caught at the moment of efficiently reionizing its surrounding medium.

M. Bernini-Peron, A.A.C. Sander, V. Ramachandran, L.M. Oskinova, J.S. Vink, O. Verhamme, F. Najarro, J. Josiek, S.A. Brands, P.A. Crowther, V.M.A. Gómez-González, A.C. Gormaz-Matamala, C. Hawcroft, R. Kuiper, L. Mahy, W.L.F. Marcolino, L.P. Martins, A. Mehner, T.N. Parsons, D. Pauli, T. Shenar, A. Schootemeijer, H. Todt, J.Th. van Loon, the XShootU collaboration

Context. B supergiants (BSGs) represent an important connection between the main sequence and more extreme evolutionary stages of massive stars. Additionally, lying toward the cool end of the hot star regime, determining their wind properties is crucial to constrain the evolution and feedback of massive stars as, for instance, they might manifest the bi-stability jump phenomenon. Aims. We undertake a detailed analysis of a representative sample of 18 Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) BSGs within the ULLYSES and XShootU datasets. Our UV and optical analysis spans BSGs from B0 to B8 - covering the bi-stability jump region. We aim to evaluate their evolutionary status and verify what their wind properties say about the bi-stability jump in a low-metallicity environment. Methods. We used the CMFGEN to model the spectra and photometry (from UV to infrared) of our sample. We compare our results with different evolutionary models, with previous determinations in the literature of OB stars, and with diverging mass-loss recipes at the bi-stability jump. Additionally, we provide the first BSG models in the SMC including X-rays. Results. (i) Within a single-stellar evolution framework, the evolutionary status of early BSGs seem less clear than that of late BSGs, which agree with H-shell burning models. (ii) UV analysis shows evidence that BSGs contain X-rays in their atmospheres, for which we provide constraints. In general, we find higher X-ray luminosity (close to the standard log(L_X/L) ~ -7) for early BSGs. For cooler BSGs, lower values are preferred, log(L_X/L) ~ -8.5. (iii) The obtained mass-loss rates suggest neither a jump nor a monotonic decrease with temperature. Instead, a rather constant trend is observed, which is at odds with the increase found for Galactic BSGs. (iv) The wind velocity behavior with temperature shows a sharp drop at ~19 kK, similar to what is observed for Galactic BSGs.

C. Codella, L. Testi, G. Umana, S. Molinari, E. Bianchi

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In this contribution, we aim to summarise the efforts of the Italian SKA scientific community in conducting surveys of star-forming regions within our Galaxy, in the development of astrochemical research on protostellar envelopes and disks, and in studying the planet formation process itself. The objective is dual: Firstly, to investigate the accumulation and development of dust throughout the formation of planets, and secondly, to chemically examine protoplanetary disks and protostellar envelopes by studying heavy molecules, such as chains and rings containing over seven carbon atoms, which exhibit significantly reduced strength at millimeter wavelengths.

Difan Yi, Qian Liu, Hongbang Liu, Fei Xie, Huanbo Feng, Zuke Feng, Jin Li, Enwei Liang, Yangheng Zheng

Gaseous X-ray polarimetry refers to a class of detectors used for measuring the polarization of soft X-rays. The systematic effects of such detectors introduce residual modulation, leading to systematic biases in the polarization detection results of the source. This paper discusses the systematic effects and their calibration and correction using the Gas Microchannel Plate-Pixel Detector (GMPD) prototype for POLAR-2/Low-Energy X-ray Polarization Detector (LPD). Additionally, we propose an algorithm that combines parameterization with Monte Carlo simulation and Bayesian iteration to eliminate residual modulation. The residual modulation after data correction at different energy points has been reduced to below 1%, and a good linear relationship is observed between the polarization degree and modulation degree. The improvement in modulation degree after correction ranges from 2% to 15%, and the results exceed those of the Imaging X-Ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) above 5 keV.

Variations in X-ray and EUV irradiance during solar flares lead to a noticeable increase in the electron concentration in the illuminated part of the Earth's ionosphere. Due to the large amount of experimental data accumulated by Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), the total electron content (TEC) response to the impulsive phase of a solar flare has been studied quite well. However, recent studies have shown that large fraction of X-class flares have second strong peak of warm coronal emission (which is called 'EUV late phase'), whose influence on the ionization of ionospheric layers is not yet clear. A combined analysis of successive solar emissions and the caused TEC changes made it possible to numerically estimate the ionospheric response to the impulsive, gradual, and late phases of the X2.9 solar flare occurred on 2011 November 3 and demonstrate the high geoeffectiveness of the rather weak Fe XV 28.4 nm solar emission during the EUV late phase. It was found that the ionospheric response to the relatively weak emissions of the EUV late phase of the X2.9 solar flare amounted to almost a third of the TEC increase during the impulsive phase.

Michael A. C. Johnson, Marcus Paradies, Hans-Rainer Klöckner, Albina Muzafarova, Kristen Lackeos, David J. Champion, Marta Dembska, Sirko Schindler

Provenance data from astronomical pipelines are instrumental in establishing trust and reproducibility in the data processing and products. In addition, astronomers can query their provenance to answer questions routed in areas such as anomaly detection, recommendation, and prediction. The next generation of astronomical survey telescopes such as the Vera Rubin Observatory or Square Kilometre Array, are capable of producing peta to exabyte scale data, thereby amplifying the importance of even small improvements to the efficiency of provenance storage or querying. In order to determine how astronomers should store and query their provenance data, this paper reports on a comparison between the turtle and JSON provenance serialisations. The triple store Apache Jena Fuseki and the graph database system Neo4j were selected as representative database management systems (DBMS) for turtle and JSON, respectively. Simulated provenance data was uploaded to and queried over each DBMS and the metrics measured for comparison were the accuracy and timing of the queries as well as the data upload times. It was found that both serialisations are competent for this purpose, and both have similar query accuracy. The turtle provenance was found to be more efficient at storing and uploading the data. Regarding queries, for small datasets ($<$5MB) and simple information retrieval queries, the turtle serialisation was also found to be more efficient. However, queries for JSON serialised provenance were found to be more efficient for more complex queries which involved matching patterns across the DBMS, this effect scaled with the size of the queried provenance.

Boyuan Liu, James Gurian, Kohei Inayoshi, Shingo Hirano, Takashi Hosokawa, Volker Bromm, Naoki Yoshida

JWST has brought us new insights into Cosmic Dawn with tentative detection of the unique signatures of metal-free Population III (Pop III) stars, such as strong HeII emission, extremely blue UV spectrum, and enhanced nitrogen abundance. Self-consistent theoretical predictions of the formation rates, sites, and masses of Pop III stars are crucial for interpreting the observations, but are challenging due to complex physical processes operating over the large range of length scales involved. One solution is to combine analytical models for the small-scale star formation process with cosmological simulations that capture the large-scale physics such as structure formation, radiation backgrounds, and baryon-dark matter streaming motion that regulate the conditions of Pop III star formation. We build an analytical model to predict the final masses of Pop III stars/clusters from the properties of star-forming clouds, based on the key results of small-scale star formation simulations and stellar evolution models. Our model for the first time considers the interplay between feedback and fragmentation and covers different modes of Pop III star formation ranging from ordinary small ($\sim 10-2000\ \rm M_\odot$) clusters in molecular-cooling clouds to massive ($\gtrsim 10^{4}\ \rm M_\odot$) clusters containing supermassive ($\sim 10^{4}-3\times 10^{5}\ \rm M_\odot$) stars under violent collapse of atomic-cooling clouds. As an example, the model is applied to the Pop III star-forming clouds in the progenitors of typical haloes hosting high-$z$ luminous quasars, which shows that formation of Pop III massive clusters is common ($\sim 20-70\%$) in such biased ($\sim4\sigma$) regions, and the resulting heavy black hole seeds from supermassive stars can account for a significant fraction of observed luminous ($\gtrsim 10^{46}\ \rm erg\ s^{-1}$) quasars at $z\sim 6$.

The hyperfine structure absorption lines of neutral hydrogen in spectra of high-redshift radio sources, known collectively as the 21-cm forest, have been demonstrated as a sensitive probe to the small-scale structures governed by the dark matter (DM) properties, as well as the thermal history of the intergalactic medium regulated by the first galaxies during the epoch of reionization. By statistically analyzing these spectral features, the one-dimensional (1D) power spectrum of the 21-cm forest can effectively break the parameter degeneracies and constrain the properties of both DM and the first galaxies. However, conventional parameter inference methods face challenges due to computationally expensive simulations for 21-cm forest and the non-Gaussian signal characteristics. To address these issues, we introduce generative normalizing flows for data augmentation and inference normalizing flows for parameters estimation. This approach efficiently estimates parameters from minimally simulated datasets with non-Gaussian signals. Using simulated data from the upcoming Square Kilometre Array (SKA), we demonstrate the ability of the deep learning-driven likelihood-free approach to generate accurate posterior distributions, providing a robust and efficient tool for probing DM and the cosmic heating history using the 1D power spectrum of 21-cm forest in the era of SKA. This methodology is adaptable for scientific analyses with other unevenly distributed data.

I. Dimitropoulos, A. Nathanail, M. Petropoulou, I. Contopoulos

The supermassive black hole Sgr A$^*$ at the center of our galaxy produces repeating near-infrared flares that are observed by ground and space based instruments. This activity has been simulated in the past with Magnetically Arrested Disk (MAD) models which include stable jet formations. The present study uses a different approach in that it considers a Standard and Normal Evolution (SANE) multi-loop model that lacks a stable jet structure. The main objective of this research is to identify regions that contain current sheets and high magnetic turbulence, and to subsequently generate a 2.2 micron light curve generated from non-thermal particles. Additionally, we investigate the properties of the flares, in particular, their evolution during flare events, and the similarity of flare characteristics between the generated and observed light curves. 2D GRMHD simulation data from a SANE multi-loop model is employed, and thermal radiation is introduced to generate a 230 GHz light curve. Physical variables are calibrated to align with the 230 GHz observations. Current sheets are identified by analyzing toroidal currents, magnetization, plasma beta, density, and dimensionless temperatures. The evolution of current sheets during flare events is studied, and higher-energy non-thermal light curves are calculated, focusing on the 2.2 micron near-infrared range. We obtain promising 2.2 micron lightcurves whose flare duration and spectral index behavior align well with observations. Our findings support the association of flares with particle acceleration and nonthermal emission in current sheet plasmoid chains and in the boundary of the disk inside the funnel above and below the central black hole.

Finia P. Jost, Marta Molero, Gerard Navó, Almudena Arcones, Martin Obergaulinger, Francesca Matteucci

We provide yields from 189 neutrino-driven core-collapse supernova (CCSN) simulations covering zero-age main sequence masses between 11 and 75 solar masses and three different metallicities. Our CCSN simulations have two main advantages compared to previous methods used for applications in Galactic chemical evolution (GCE). Firstly, the mass cut between remnant and ejecta evolves naturally. Secondly, the neutrino luminosities and thus the electron fraction are not modified. Both is key to obtain an accurate nucleosynthesis. We follow the composition with an in-situ nuclear reaction network including the 16 most abundant isotopes and use the yields as input in a GCE model of the Milky Way. We adopt a GCE which takes into account infall of gas as well as nucleosynthesis from a large variety of stellar sources. The GCE model is calibrated to reproduce the main features of the solar vicinity. For the CCSN models, we use different calibrations and propagate the uncertainty. We find a big impact of the CCSN yields on our GCE predictions. We compare the abundance ratios of C, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Ti, and Cr with respect to Fe to an observational data set as homogeneous as possible. From this, we conclude that at least half of the massive stars have to explode to match the observed abundance ratios. If the explosions are too energetic, the high amount of iron will suppress the abundance ratios. With this, we demonstrate how GCE models can be used to constrain the evolution and deaths of massive stars.

V. S. Veena, W.-J. Kim, Alvaro Sanchez-Monge, P. Schilke, K. M. Menten, G. A. Fuller, M. C. Sormani, F. Wyrowski, W. E. Banda-Barragan, D. Riquelme, P. Tarrio, P. de Vicente

The expanding molecular ring (EMR) manifests itself as a parallelogram in the position-velocity diagram of spectral line emission from the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) surrounding the Galacic centre (GC). Using multiwavelength data, we investigate the gas kinematics, star formation activity, and the presence of shocked gas in a 200 pc long high velocity gas stream (V~ +150 km/s) with a double helix morphology named the helix stream, that is located 15-55 pc above the CMZ and is kinematically associated with the EMR/parallelogram. We carried out molecular line observations using the IRAM 30m, Yebes 40m, and APEX 12m telescopes. The detection of four rotational transitions of the SiO molecule indicate the presence of shocks. We derived the SiO column densities and abundances in different regions of the helix stream. The presence of protostellar clumps and a candidate HII region signify the ongoing star formation activity within the helix stream. The cloud is massive (2.5x10^6 M_sun) and highly turbulent. We find evidence of cloud-cloud collisions towards the eastern edge (l~1.3°), suggesting a dynamic interaction with the CMZ. An expanding shell is detected within the cloud with radius of 6.7 pc and an expansion velocity of 35 km/s. The shell might be powered by several supernovae or a single hypernova. The SiO abundance within the helix stream implies extensive shock processes occurring on large scales. The helical or cork-screw velocity structure of the helix stream indicates twisting and turning motions within the cloud. We propose that the helix stream is the continuation of the near side bar lane, that is overshooting after brushing the CMZ. Our findings carry profound implications for understanding star formation in extreme conditions and elucidate the intricate properties of gas and dust associated with nuclear inflows in barred spiral galaxies.

The wavelength dependent refraction of light in the atmosphere causes the chromatic dispersion of a target on the focal plane of an instrument. This is known as atmospheric dispersion, with one of the consequences being wavelength dependent flux losses which are difficult to minimise, requiring analysis in both instrument design and operations. We present Atmosphyre, a novel python package developed to characterise the impact of atmospheric dispersion on a spectrograph, with a focus on fibre multi-object spectrographs (MOS) which will be at the forefront of ground-based astronomy for the next few decades. We show example simulations and provide recommendations for minimising fibre MOS flux losses. We conclude that the guiding wavelength should typically be bluer than the observing band mid-wavelength, around 25-45% of the way through the band. The aperture should be centred on this wavelength's location on the focal plane. This wavelength/position remains constant for all reasonable declinations and target hour angles. We also present an application of the package to MOSAIC, the ELT's multi-object spectrograph. We find that differential losses greater than 10% are unavoidable for 1h observations that are a) after a local hour angle of 2.5h, or b) at declinations below -60 degrees and above 10 degrees. We identify that the introduction of an atmospheric dispersion corrector (ADC) would result in the significant reduction of spectral distortions, a gain in survey speed for many observations, and enable the implementation of wider visible observing bands; as a result, there has been a proposal to adopt ADCs at a positioner level for MOSAIC. Future work includes adding field differential refraction to Atmosphyre, important for future wide-field multi-object spectrograph projects such as the proposed WST.

Jayatee Kanwar, Inga Kamp, Hyerin Jang, L.B.F.M. Waters, Ewine F. van Dishoeck, Valentin Christiaens, Aditya M. Arabhavi, Thomas Henning, Manuel Güdel, Peter Woitke, Olivier Absil, David Barrado, Alessio Caratti o Garatti, Adrian M. Glauser, Fred Lahuis, Silvia Scheithauer, Bart Vandenbussche, Danny Gasman, Sierra L. Grant, Nicolas T. Kurtovic, Giulia Perotti, Benoît Tabone, Milou Temmink

With the advent of JWST, we acquire unprecedented insights into the physical and chemical structure of the inner regions of planet-forming disks where terrestrial planet formation occurs. The very low-mass stars (VLMS) are known to have a high occurrence rate of the terrestrial planets around them. Exploring the chemical composition of the gas in these inner regions of the disks can aid a better understanding of the connection between planet-forming disks and planets. The MIRI mid-Infrared Disk Survey (MINDS) project is a large JWST Guaranteed Time program to characterize the chemistry and physical state of planet-forming and debris disks. We use the JWST-MIRI/MRS spectrum to investigate the gas and dust composition of the planet-forming disk around the very low-mass star Sz28 (M5.5, 0.12\,M$_{\odot}$). We use the dust-fitting tool (DuCK) to determine the dust continuum and to get constraints on the dust composition and grain sizes. We use 0D slab models to identify and fit the molecular spectral features, yielding estimates on the temperature, column density and the emitting area. To test our understanding of the chemistry in the disks around VLMS, we employ the thermo-chemical disk model {P{\tiny RO}D{\tiny I}M{\tiny O}} and investigate the reservoirs of the detected hydrocarbons. We explore how the C/O ratio affects the inner disk chemistry. JWST reveals a plethora of hydrocarbons, including \ce{CH3}, \ce{CH4}, \ce{C2H2}, \ce{^{13}CCH2}, \ce{C2H6}, \ce{C3H4}, \ce{C4H2} and \ce{C6H6} suggesting a disk with a gaseous C/O\,>\,1. Additionally, we detect \ce{CO2}, \ce{^{13}CO2}, \ce{HCN}, and \ce{HC3N}. \ce{H2O} and OH are absent in the spectrum. We do not detect PAHs. Photospheric stellar absorption lines of \ce{H2O} and \ce{CO} are identified. Notably, our radiation thermo-chemical disk models are able to produce these detected hydrocarbons in the surface layers of the disk when the ...

Tomohiro C. Yoshida, Hideko Nomura, Charles J. Law, Richard Teague, Yuhito Shibaike, Kenji Furuya, Takashi Tsukagoshi

Gas giant planets are formed by gas accretion onto planetary cores in protoplanetary disks. However, direct evidence of this process is still lacking, limiting our understanding of planetary formation processes. During mass accretion, planet-driven outflows may be launched, which could be observable by shock tracers such as sulfur monoxide (SO). We report the detection of SO gas in the protoplanetary disk around TW Hya in archival Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) observations. The $\rm SO\ J=8_7 - 7_6\ $ emission line is detected at a $6\sigma$ significance and localized to the southeast region of the disk with an arc-like morphology. The line center is red-shifted with respect to the systemic velocity by $\sim5\ \rm km\ s^{-1}$. The starting point of the SO emission is located at a planet-carved dust gap at $42$ au. We attribute this to an outflow driven by an embedded protoplanet. Indeed, the observed morphology is well reproduced by a ballistic outflow model. The outflow velocity suggests that the outflow launching source has a mass of $\sim 4 M_\oplus\ (0.012 M_{\rm Jup})$ and the mass-loss rate is $3\times10^{-8} - 1\times10^{-6}\ M_{\rm Jup}\ {\rm yr^{-1}}$. With the relation of mass-loss and mass-accretion rates established for protostars, we estimated the mass-accretion rate onto the protoplanet to be $3\times10^{-7} - 1\times10^{-5}\ M_{\rm Jup}\ {\rm yr^{-1}}$, which matches theoretical predictions for a $\sim 4 M_\oplus$ planet at this separation. The detection of planet-driven outflow provides us a unique opportunity to directly probe the earliest phase of gas giant planet formation.

The use of flexures to achieve fibre positioner motion is being actively investigated by several institutes, for example at the UK Astronomy Technology Centre (UKATC) and Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam. One challenge when designing with flexures is the large number of degrees of freedom available which makes it difficult or impossible to optimise their motion by hand. In this paper we demonstrate two approaches for optimising flexure geometry to follow arbitrary focal surface curvature and to orient the optical fibre with arbitrary tilt. These approaches are: analytical using MATLAB models and FEA based using Ansys. The approaches are complementary allowing the designer to efficiently explore the parameter space and then do precise optimisation of the flexure geometry. We demonstrate the applicability both to the UKATCs preferred design for WST, and to flexure-based fibre positioner designs generally. We also present a sensitivity analysis relating small changes in design parameters to changes in fibre tip motion. Finally we briefly present the UKATCs preferred geometry for the WST fibre positioner.

Gilles Orban de Xivry, Olivier Absil, Christian Delacroix, Prashant Pathak, Maxime Quesnel, Thomas Bertram

Non-common path quasi-static and differential aberrations are one of the big hurdles of direct imaging for current and future high-contrast imaging instruments. They increase speckle and photon noise thus reducing the achievable contrast and lead to a significant hit in HCI performance. The Mid-infrared ELT Imager and Spectrograph (METIS) will provide high-contrast imaging, including vortex coronagraphy in L, M and N bands, with the ultimate goal of directly imaging temperate rocky planets around the nearest stars. Ground-based mid-infrared observations are however also impacted by water vapor inhomogeneities in the atmosphere, which generate additional chromatic turbulence not corrected by the near-infrared adaptive optics. This additional source of wavefront error (WFE) significantly impacts HCI performance, and even dominates the WFE budget in N band. Instantaneous focal plane wavefront sensing is thus required to mitigate its impact. In this context, we propose to implement a novel wavefront sensing approach for the vortex coronagraph using an asymmetric Lyot stop and machine learning. The asymmetric pupil stop allows for the problem to become solvable, lifting the ambiguity on the sign of even Zernike modes. Choosing the Lyot plane instead of the entrance pupil for this mask is also not arbitrary: it preserves the rejection efficiency of the coronagraph and minimizes the impact of the asymmetry on the throughput. Last but not least, machine learning allows us to solve this inversion problem which is non-linear and lacks an analytical solution. In this contribution, we present our concept, our simulation framework, our results and a first laboratory demonstration of the technique.

High contrast imaging (HCI) is fundamentally limited by wavefront aberrations, and the ability to perform wavefront sensing from focal plane images is key to reach the full potential of ground and space-based instruments. Vortex focal plane mask coupled with downstream pupil (Lyot) stop stands as one of the best small-angle coronagraphs, but is also sensitive to low-order aberrations. Here, we revisit the behavior of the vortex phase mask, from entrance pupil down to the final detector plane, with Zernike polynomials as input phase aberrations. In particular we develop a second-order expansion that allows us to analyze the phase retrieval properties in a more intuitive and accurate way than previously proposed. With this formalism, we show how the azimuthal vortex modulation modifies the phase retrieval properties compared to normal imaging. In particular, our results suggest that images obtained with a scalar vortex coronagraph can be used for unambiguous focal-plane wavefront sensing in any practical situation. We compare our results with numerical simulations and discuss practical implementation in coronagraphic instruments.

Gilles Orban de Xivry, Olivier Absil, Robert J. De Rosa, Markus J. Bonse, Felix Dannert, Jean Hayoz, Paolo Grani, Alfio Puglisi, Andrea Baruffolo, Bernardo Salasnich, Ric Davies, Adrian M. Glauser, Elsa Huby, Matthew Kenworthy, Sascha P. Quanz, William Taylor, Gérard Zins

The Enhanced Resolution Imager and Spectrograph (ERIS) is the new near-infrared instrument at the VLT-UT4. ERIS replaces and extends the observational capabilities formerly provided by SINFONI and NACO: integral field spectroscopy at 1 - 2.5 $\mu$m, imaging at 1 - 5 $\mu$m with several options for high-contrast imaging, and long-slit spectroscopy. In particular, a vortex coronagraph is now available for high contrast observations at L and M band. It is implemented using annular groove (or vortex) phase masks (one for each of the L and M bands) in a focal plane, and a Lyot stop in a downstream pupil plane. The vortex coronagraph has a discovery space starting already at $\sim$1$\lambda/D$, and works well in broadbands. However, to reach its optimal performance, it is critical to correct for slow pointing errors onto the vortex phase mask, which mandates a dedicated pointing control strategy. To do so, a control loop based on the QACITS algorithm has been developed and commissioned for ERIS. Good pointing stability is now regularly achieved with errors between 0.01 and 0.02 $\lambda/D$ and a correction rate of 0.2 Hz. In this contribution, we first review the design of the ERIS vortex coronagraph. We then detail the implementation of the QACITS algorithm describing the entire observing sequence, including the calibration steps, the initial centering, and the stabilization during the observing template. We then discuss performance based on commissioning data in terms of pointing accuracy and stability. Finally, we present post-processed contrast curves obtained during commissioning and compare them with NACO vortex data, showing a significant improvement of about 1 mag at all separations.

Matthew M. Dobson, Megan E. Schwamb, Alan Fitzsimmons, Charles Schambeau, Aren Beck, Larry Denneau, Nicolas Erasmus, A. N. Heinze, Luke J. Shingles, Robert J. Siverd, Ken W. Smith, John L. Tonry, Henry Weiland, David. R. Young, Michael S. P. Kelley, Tim Lister, Pedro H. Bernardinelli, Marin Ferrais, Emmanuel Jehin, Grigori Fedorets, Susan D. Benecchi, Anne J. Verbiscer, Joseph Murtagh, Rene Duffard, Edward Gomez, Joey Chatelain, Sarah Greenstreet

Centaurs are small Solar System objects on chaotic orbits in the giant planet region, forming an evolutionary continuum with the Kuiper belt objects and Jupiter-family comets. Some Centaurs are known to exhibit cometary activity, though unlike comets this activity tends not to correlate with heliocentric distance and the mechanism behind it is currently poorly understood. We utilize serendipitous observations from the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS), Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF), Panoramic Survey Telescope and Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS), Dark Energy Survey (DES), and Gaia in addition to targeted follow-up observations from the Las Cumbres Observatory, TRAnsiting Planets and PlanetesImals Small Telescope South (TRAPPIST-South), and Gemini North telescope to analyze an unexpected brightening exhibited by the known active Centaur (2060) Chiron in 2021. This is highly indicative of a cometary outburst. As of 2023 February, Chiron has still not returned to its pre-brightening magnitude. We find Chiron's rotational lightcurve, phase curve effects, and possible high-albedo surface features to be unlikely causes of this observed brightening. We consider the most likely cause to be an epoch of either new or increased cometary activity, though we cannot rule out a possible contribution from Chiron's reported ring system, such as a collision of as-yet unseen satellites shepherding the rings. We find no evidence for coma in our Gemini or TRAPPIST-South observations, though this does not preclude the possibility that Chiron is exhibiting a coma that is too faint for observation or constrained to the immediate vicinity of the nucleus.

Wenkai Hu, Yougang Wang, Yichao Li, Ue-Li Pen, Jie Wang, Yingjie Jing, Ming Zhu, Xin Zhang, Wenxiu Yang, Yidong Xu, Xu Chen, Jingze Chen, Zheng Zheng, Di Li, Xuelei Chen

We present an extragalactic HI 21-cm absorption lines catalog from a blind search at z $\leq$ 0.35, using drift-scan data collected in 1616.9 hours by the ongoing Commensal Radio Astronomy FasT Survey (CRAFTS) and FAST All Sky HI Survey (FASHI), which spans a sky area of 7456.8 deg$^{2}$ and covers 84,533 radio sources with a flux density greater than 12 mJy. 14 previously identified HI absorbers and 20 newly discovered HI absorbers were detected, comprising 14 associated systems, 11 intervening systems, and 9 systems with undetermined classifications. We fit HI profiles with multi-component Gaussian functions and calculate the redshift, width, flux density, optical depth, and HI column densities for each source. Through spectral stacking, the mean peak optical path, mean velocity-integrated optical path $\langle \tau\rangle$, mean FWHM and mean HI column density $\langle$ N$_{HI}\rangle$ are measured to be 0.46 and 0.34; 25.85 km/s and 4.62 km/s; 39.80 km/s and 8.95 km/s; 0.470 and 0.085 T$_{s} \times$ 10$^{20}$cm$^{-2}$K$^{-1}$, for the associated and intervening samples, respectively. Statistical analysis also reveals that associated systems tend to be hosted by red (g$-$r$>$0.7) galaxies at lower redshifts, whereas galaxies hosting intervening HI absorption are typically found at higher redshifts and are of a bluer (g$-$r$\leq$0.7) type. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that associated HI 21-cm absorptions connected to compact radio sources display higher N$_{HI}$ values compared to those linked with extended radio sources.

Fred J. Jennings, Arif Babul, Romeel Dave, Weiguang Cui, Douglas Rennehan

We investigate the role of the Simba feedback model on the structure of the Intra-Group Medium (IGrM) in the new Hyenas suite of cutting-edge cosmological zoom-in simulations. Using 34 high-resolution zooms of halos spanning from $10^{13}-10^{14}$ $M_\odot$ at $z=0.286$, we follow halos for 700 Myr, over several major active galactic nuclei (AGN) jet feedback events. We use the MOXHA package to generate mock Chandra X-ray observations, as well as predictive mocks for the upcoming LEM mission, identifying many feedback-generated features such as cavities, shock-fronts, and hot-spots, closely mimicking real observations. Our sample comprises $105$ snapshots with identified cavities, $50$ with single bubbles and $55$ with two, and spans three orders of magnitude in observed cavity enthalpies, from $10^{41}-10^{44}$ erg/s. Comparing semi-major axis length, midpoint radius, and eccentricity to a matched sample of observations, we find good agreement in cavity dimensions with real catalogues. We estimate cavity power from our mock maps following observational procedures, showing that this is typically more than enough to offset halo cooling, particularly in low-mass halos, where we match the observed excess in energy relative to cooling. Bubble enthalpy as measured with the usual midpoint pressure typically exceeds the energy released by the most recent jet event, hinting that the mechanical work is done predominantly at a lower pressure against the IGrM. We demonstrate for the first time that X-ray cavities are observable in a modern large-scale simulation suite and discuss the use of realistic cavity mock observations as new halo-scale constraints on feedback models in cosmological simulations.

Siddhant Solanki, Agnieszka M. Cieplak, Jeremy Schnittman, Richard K. Barry, Veselin Kostov, Ethan Kruse, Greg Olmschenk, Brian P. Powell, Stela Ishitani Silva, Guillermo Torres

We identify $240$ short-period ($P \lesssim 10$ days) binary systems in the TESS data, $180$ of which are heartbeat binaries (HB). The sample is mostly a mix of A and B-type stars and primarily includes eclipsing systems, where over $30\%$ of the sources with primary and secondary eclipses show a secular change in their inter-eclipse timings and relative eclipse depths over a multi-year timescale, likely due to orbital precession. The orbital parameters of the population are estimated by fitting a heartbeat model to their phase curves and Gaia magnitudes, where the model accounts for ellipsoidal variability, Doppler beaming, reflection effects, and eclipses. We construct the sample's period-eccentricity distribution and find an eccentricity cutoff (where $e \rightarrow 0$) at a period $1.7$ days. Additionally, we measure the periastron advance rate for the $12$ of the precessing sources and find that they all exhibit prograde apsidal precession, which is as high as $9^{\circ}$ yr$^{-1}$ for one of the systems. Using the inferred stellar parameters, we estimate the general relativistic precession rate of the argument of periastron for the population and expect over $30$ systems to show a precession in excess of $0.3^{\circ}$ yr$^{-1}$

To learn more about the properties of the Vela Supercluster (VSCL) located behind the Milky Way at $cz\sim 18000$~km~s$^{-1}$, we determined the $K_s$-band Luminosity Function (LF) of VC04, the richest known galaxy cluster in the VSCL, and two other VSCL clusters (VC02 and VC08). The galaxy sample is based on NIR observations which are complete to an extinction-corrected absolute magnitude of $M_{Ks}^o<-21.5$ mag ($\sim 2.5$ mag below $M_K^*$), within the clustercentric radius of $r_c<1.5~$Mpc ($\sim 70 \%$ of the Abell radius). For VC04 we obtained 90 new spectroscopic redshifts of galaxies observed with the 11-m Southern African Large Telescope. We found the Schechter parameters of the VC04 LF to be $M^*=-24.41\pm 0.44$ mag, $\alpha=-1.10\pm 0.20$ and $\phi^*=8.84\pm 0.20$. Both the redshift data and the LF confirm VC04 to be a rich, not yet fully relaxed cluster. We independently determined the LF of VC04 on membership defined by the Red-Sequence method and demonstrated that this method can be used in the absence of high spectroscopic coverage over a cluster. This allowed us to determine the LFs of VC02 and VC08. We also derived the LFs of the Coma, Norma and Virgo clusters to similar depth and extent as the VSCL clusters. We found that the Schechter parameters of VC04 are within $1\sigma$ uncertainties of these local clusters, as well as VC02 and VC08. We do not find significant differences between the LFs in the different cluster environments probed in this work down to $M_K^*+2.5$ mag.

Paul Frederik Depta, Valerie Domcke, Gabriele Franciolini, Mauro Pieroni

Pulsar Timing Array (PTA) observations have recently gathered substantial evidence for the existence of a gravitational wave background in the nHz frequency band. Searching for anisotropies in this signal is key to determining its origin, and in particular to distinguish possible astrophysical from cosmological sources. In this work, we assess the sensitivity of current and future pulsar timing arrays to such anisotropies using the full covariance matrix of pulsar timing delays. While current day pulsar timing arrays can only set mildly informative constraints on the dipole and quadrupole, we show that percent level accuracy for several low multipoles can be achieved in the near future. Moreover, we demonstrate that anisotropies in the gravitational wave background and the Hellings-Downs angular correlation, indicating the presence of GWs, are approximately uncorrelated, and can hence be reconstructed independently. These results can be reproduced with \href{this https URL}{\texttt{fastPTA}}, a publicly available Python code to forecast the constraining power of PTA configurations.

Minami Nakane, Masami Ouchi, Kimihiko Nakajima, Yuichi Harikane, Nozomu Tominaga, Koh Takahashi, Hiroto Yanagisawa, Kuria Watanabe, Ken'ichi Nomoto, Yuki Isobe, Daichi Kashino, Moka Nishigaki, Miho N. Ishigaki, Yoshiaki Ono, Yui Takeda

We present an [O/Fe] ratio of a luminous galaxy GN-z11 at $z=10.60$ derived with the deep public JWST/NIRSpec data. We fit the medium-resolution grating data with the model spectra consisting of BPASS-stellar and CLOUDY-nebular spectra in the rest-frame UV wavelength ranges with Fe absorption lines, carefully masking out the other emission and absorption lines in the same manner as previous studies conducted for lower redshift ($z\sim 2-6$) galaxies with oxygen abundance measurements. We obtain an Fe-rich abundance ratio $\mathrm{[O/Fe]}=-0.39^{+0.59}_{-0.36}$ that is confirmed with the independent deep prism data as well as by the classic 1978 index method. This [O/Fe] measurement is lower than that at $z\sim 2-3$ and comparable with those at $z\sim 6$. Because $z=10.60$ is an early epoch after the Big Bang ($\sim 430$ Myr) and the first star formation (likely $\sim 200$ Myr), there is a difficulty in efficiently producing Fe by Type Ia supernovae (SNeIa) requiring sufficient delay time for white-dwarf formation and gas accretion. The Fe-rich abundance ratio in GN-z11 suggests that the delay time is short, or that the major Fe enrichment is not accomplished by SNeIa but bright hypernovae (BrHNe) and/or pair-instability supernovae (PISNe), where the yield models of BrHNe and PISNe explain Fe, Ne, and O abundance ratios of GN-z11. The [O/Fe] measurement is not too low to rule out the connection between GN-z11 and globular clusters (GCs) previously suggested by the nitrogen abundance, but rather confirms the connection with a GC population at high [N/O] if a metal dilution process exists.

We compute the spectral distortions of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) created by an exotic process that extracts or injects photons of a particular frequency into the CMB. Such signatures are a natural prediction of a class of composite dark matter models characterized by electrically neutral states but with non-zero higher order electromagnetic moments. We consider a simplified model where dark matter exists as a two state system separated by a fixed transition frequency, which can range from radio waves to gamma rays. The electromagnetic transitions between the two states due to CMB photons give rise to thermal distortions, namely, the $\mu$-type distortion in the redshift range $10^5\lesssim z \lesssim 2\times 10^6$ and the $y$-type distortion as well as non-thermal distortions at redshifts $z \lesssim 10^5$. The nature of spectral distortions depends sensitively on the dark matter transition frequency and the strength of couplings of dark matter with visible sector particles as well as its self-interactions, thus opening a new window to probe the nature of dark matter. Non-thermal distortions have unique spectral shapes making them distinguishable from the standard $\mu$ and $y$-type distortions and potentially detectable in the next-generation experiments such as Primordial Inflation Explorer (PIXIE). We also find that the spectral distortion limits from the COsmic Background Explorer/Far-Infrared Absolute Spectrophotometer (COBE/FIRAS) already give a constraint on the electromagnetic coupling of dark matter which is three orders of magnitude stronger compared to the current direct detection limits for $\sim$ MeV mass dark matter with transition energy in $\sim 1$-$10$ eV range.

Stephen A. Smee (1), Stephen C. Hope (1), Randolph P. Hammond (1), Leon Aslan (2), Robert H. Barkhouser (3), Katherine G. Smee (1), Andrea Bianco (4), Christoph Birk (2), Maren Cosens (2), Aidan C. Gray (1), Michele Frangiamore (4), Albert C. Harding (1), Tyson Hare (2), Daniel D. Kelson (2), Gerrad Killion (2), Nicholas P. Konidaris II (2), Alicia Lanz (5), Jacob McCloskey (1), Andrew B. Newman (2), Solange Ramirez (2), Gwen C. Rudie (2), Andrea Vanella (4), Jason E. Williams (2) ((1) Johns Hopkins University, (2) Carnegie Observatories, (3) LCS Optics, LLC, (4) INAF - Observatorio Astronomico di Brera, (5) Capella Space)

This paper presents the design and technical progress of a precision X-Y stage for detector dithering and flexure compensation. The stage is being developed for use in the Magellan InfraRed Multi-Object Spectrograph, MIRMOS. MIRMOS is a very large Nasmyth mounted spectrograph containing a combination of refractive, reflective and diffractive optics mounted on a long cryogenic optical bench. The instrument utilizes five science cameras, each having a custom x-y stage to control the in-plane detector position within each camera, providing both dithering capability for improved sampling, and flexure compensation to correct for image motion that results from the gravity variant operation of the instrument. Designed to operate at 120~K, the stage will accurately control detector position in two orthogonal degrees of freedom, and have manual fine adjustment features to set detector tip, tilt and piston. The piezo-driven flexure stage provides high-resolution backlash-free motion of the detector and is very compact along the optical path, keeping camera length to a minimum. A magnetoresistive bridge provides position feedback in each degree of freedom, greatly reducing hysteresis, which is common in piezoelectric actuators. The system is designed to operate in open loop using a lookup table keyed to the Nasmyth rotator angle for flexure control. Here, the optomechanical design of the stage, electrical control system, and current performance results from early prototype efforts are presented and discussed.

Spatial, kinematic and orbital properties, along with ages and chemical compositions of the thin disc, thick disc and various stellar substructures present in the halo, are studied based on data from the LAMOST and Gaia surveys. The star formation in the Galactic thin and thick disc, with peak metallicities of $-0.20$ and $-0.45$ dex, is found to have peaked about 5.5 and 12.5 Gyr ago, respectively. The thin disc is also found to have experienced an initial star formation burst about 12.5 Gyr ago. The pro-grade population Splash and hot-disc (HD), with peak metallicity of about $-0.60$ and $-0.43$, are found to be about 13.03 and 12.21 Gyr old, respectively, with peak eccentricity of 0.70 and 0.35, are understood to be of in situ origin. The Gaia-Enceladus/Sausage (GE/S), Thamnos and Sequoia, with peak metallicity of about $-1.31$, $-1.36$ and $-1.56$, are found to be about 11.66, 12.89 and 12.18 Gyr, respectively, and are understood to be remnants of dwarf galaxies merged with the Milky Way. The HD, Splash, and Thamnos are found to have experienced chemical evolution similar to the thick disc while GE/S, Sequoia, and Helmi stream are found to have experienced distinct chemical enrichment of iron and $\alpha$-elements.