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Papers for Thursday, Aug 01 2024

Papers with local authors

Fei Dai, Andrew W. Howard, Samuel Halverson, Jaume Orell-Miquel, Enric Palle, Howard Isaacson, Benjamin Fulton, Ellen M. Price, Mykhaylo Plotnykov, Leslie A. Rogers, Diana Valencia, Kimberly Paragas, Michael Greklek-McKeon, Jonathan Gomez Barrientos, Heather A. Knutson, Erik A. Petigura, Lauren M. Weiss, Rena Lee, Casey L. Brinkman, Daniel Huber, Gudmundur Steffansson, Kento Masuda, Steven Giacalone, Cicero X. Lu, Edwin S. Kite, Renyu Hu, Eric Gaidos, Michael Zhang, Ryan A. Rubenzahl, Joshua N. Winn, Te Han, Corey Beard, Rae Holcomb, Aaron Householder, Gregory J. Gilbert, Jack Lubin, J. M. Joel Ong, Alex S. Polanski, Nicholas Saunders, Judah Van Zandt, Samuel W. Yee, Jingwen Zhang, Jon Zink, Bradford Holden, Ashley Baker, Max Brodheim, Ian J. M. Crossfield, William Deich, Jerry Edelstein, Steven R. Gibson, Grant M. Hill, Sharon R Jelinsky, Marc Kassis, Russ R. Laher, Kyle Lanclos, Scott Lilley, Joel N. Payne, Kodi Rider, Paul Robertson, Arpita Roy, Christian Schwab, Abby P. Shaum, Martin M. Sirk, Chris Smith, Adam Vandenberg, Josh Walawender, Sharon X. Wang, Shin-Ywan, Wang, Edward Wishnow, Jason T. Wright, Sherry Yeh, Jos. A. Caballero, Juan C. Morales, Felipe Murgas, Evangelos Nagel, Ansgar Reiners, Andreas Schweitzer, Hugo M. Tabernero, Mathias Zechmeister, Alton Spencer, David R. Ciardi, Catherine A. Clark, Michael B. Lund, Douglas A. Caldwell, Karen A. Collins, Richard P. Schwarz, Khalid Barkaoui, Cristilyn N. Watkins, Avi Shporer, Norio Narita, Akihiko Fukui, Gregor Srdoc, David W. Latham, Jon M. Jenkins, George R. Ricker, Sara Seager, Roland Vanderspek
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Paper 12 — arXiv:2407.21167
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Paper 12 — arXiv:2407.21167

TOI-6255~b (GJ 4256) is an Earth-sized planet (1.079$\pm0.065$ $R_\oplus$) with an orbital period of only 5.7 hours. With the newly commissioned Keck Planet Finder (KPF) and CARMENES spectrographs, we determined the planet's mass to be 1.44$\pm$0.14 $M_{\oplus}$. The planet is just outside the Roche limit, with $P_{\rm orb}/P_{\rm Roche}$ = 1.13 $\pm0.10$. The strong tidal force likely deforms the planet into a triaxial ellipsoid with a long axis that is $\sim$10\% longer than the short axis. Assuming a reduced stellar tidal quality factor $Q_\star^\prime \approx10^7$, we predict that tidal orbital decay will cause TOI-6255 to reach the Roche limit in roughly 400 Myr. Such tidal disruptions may produce the possible signatures of planet engulfment that have been on stars with anomalously high refractory elemental abundances compared to its conatal binary companion. TOI-6255 b is also a favorable target for searching for star-planet magnetic interactions, which might cause interior melting and hasten orbital decay. TOI-6255 b is a top target (Emission Spectroscopy Metric of about 24) for phase curve observations with the James Webb Space Telescope.

Ryan A. Rubenzahl, Andrew W. Howard, Samuel Halverson, Cristobal Petrovich, Isabel Angelo, Guðmundur Stefánsson, Fei Dai, Aaron Householder, Benjamin Fulton, Steven R. Gibson, Arpita Roy, Abby P. Shaum, Howard Isaacson, Max Brodheim, William Deich, Grant M. Hill, Bradford Holden, Daniel Huber, Russ R. Laher, Kyle Lanclos, Joel N. Payne, Erik A. Petigura, Christian Schwab, Josh Walawender, Sharon X. Wang, Lauren M. Weiss, Joshua N. Winn, Jason T. Wright
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Paper 15 — arXiv:2407.21188
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Paper 15 — arXiv:2407.21188

The orbits of close-in exoplanets provide clues to their formation and evolutionary history. Many close-in exoplanets likely formed far out in their protoplanetary disks and migrated to their current orbits, perhaps via high-eccentricity migration (HEM), a process that can also excite obliquities. A handful of known exoplanets are perhaps caught in the act of HEM, as they are observed on highly eccentric orbits with tidal circularization timescales shorter than their ages. One such exoplanet is Kepler-1656 b, which is also the only known non-giant exoplanet (<100 $M_\oplus$) with an extreme eccentricity (e=0.84). We measured the sky-projected obliquity of Kepler-1656 b by observing the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect during a transit with the Keck Planet Finder. Our data are consistent with an aligned orbit, but are also consistent with moderate misalignment with $\lambda < 50$ deg at 95% confidence, with the most likely solution of $35^{+14.9}_{-21.6}$ deg. A low obliquity would be an unlikely outcome of most eccentricity-exciting scenarios, but we show that the properties of the outer companion in the system are consistent with the coplanar HEM mechanism. Alternatively, if the system is not relatively coplanar (<20 deg mutual inclination), Kepler-1656 b may be presently at a rare snapshot of long-lived eccentricity oscillations that do not induce migration. Kepler-1656 b is only the fourth exoplanet with e>0.8 to have its obliquity constrained; expanding this population will help establish the degree to which orbital misalignment accompanies migration. Future work that constrains the mutual inclinations of outer perturbers will be key for distinguishing plausible mechanisms.

Ryan A. Rubenzahl, Fei Dai, Samuel Halverson, Andrew W. Howard, Aaron Householder, Benjamin Fulton, Aida Behmard, Steven R. Gibson, Arpita Roy, Abby P. Shaum, Howard Isaacson, Max Brodheim, William Deich, Grant M. Hill, Bradford Holden, Russ R. Laher, Kyle Lanclos, Joel N. Payne, Erik A. Petigura, Christian Schwab, Chris Smith, Guðmundur Stefánsson, Josh Walawender, Sharon X. Wang, Lauren M. Weiss, Joshua N. Winn, Edward Wishnow
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Paper 16 — arXiv:2407.21196
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Paper 16 — arXiv:2407.21196

We present the first spectroscopic transit results from the newly commissioned Keck Planet Finder on the Keck-I telescope at W. M. Keck Observatory. We observed a transit of KELT-18 b, an inflated ultra-hot Jupiter orbiting a hot star ($T_\text{eff} = 6670$ K) with a binary stellar companion. By modeling the perturbation to the measured cross correlation functions using the Reloaded Rossiter-McLaughlin technique, we derived a sky projected obliquity of $\lambda = -94.8 \pm 0.7$ deg ($\psi = 93.8_{-1.8}^{+1.6}$ deg for isotropic $i_\star$). The data are consistent with an extreme stellar differential rotation ($\alpha = 0.9$), though a more likely explanation is moderate center-to-limb variations of the emergent stellar spectrum. We see additional evidence for the latter from line widths increasing towards the limb. Using loose constraints on the stellar rotation period from observed variability in the available TESS photometry, we were able to constrain the stellar inclination and thus the true 3D stellar obliquity to $\psi = 91.7_{-1.8}^{+2.2}$ deg. KELT-18 b could have obtained its polar orbit through high-eccentricity migration initiated by Kozai-Lidov oscillations induced by the binary stellar companion KELT-18 B, as the two likely have a large mutual inclination as evidenced by Gaia astrometry. KELT-18 b adds another data point to the growing population of close-in polar planets, particularly around hot stars.

Marc Hon, Daniel Huber, Yaguang Li, Travis S. Metcalfe, Timothy R. Bedding, Joel Ong, Ashley Chontos, Ryan Rubenzahl, Samuel Halverson, Rafael A. García, Hans Kjeldsen, Dennis Stello, Daniel R. Hey, Tiago Campante, Andrew W. Howard, Steven R. Gibson, Kodi Rider, Arpita Roy, Ashley D. Baker, Jerry Edelstein, Chris Smith, Benjamin J. Fulton, Josh Walawender, Max Brodheim, Matt Brown, Dwight Chan, Fei Dai, William Deich, Colby Gottschalk, Jason Grillo, Dave Hale, Grant M. Hill, Bradford Holden, Aaron Householder, Howard Isaacson, Yuzo Ishikawa, Sharon R. Jelinsky, Marc Kassis, Stephen Kaye, Russ Laher, Kyle Lanclos, Chien-Hsiu Lee, Scott Lilley, Ben McCarney, Timothy N. Miller, Joel Payne, Erik A. Petigura, Claire Poppett, Michael Raffanti, Constance Rockosi, Dale Sanford, Christian Schwab, Abby P. Shaum, Martin M. Sirk, Roger Smith, Jim Thorne, John Valliant, Adam Vandenberg, Shin Ywan Wang, Edward Wishnow, Truman Wold, Sherry Yeh, Ashley Baker, Sarbani Basu, Megan Bedell, Jennifer Burt, Heather M. Cegla, Ian Crossfield, Courtney Dressing, Xavier Dumusque, Eric Ford, Heather Knutson, Dimitri Mawet, John O'Meara, Guðmundur Stefánsson, Johanna Teske, Gautam Vasisht, Sharon Xuesong Wang, Lauren M. Weiss, Joshua N. Winn, Jason T. Wright
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Paper 17 — arXiv:2407.21234
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Paper 17 — arXiv:2407.21234

Asteroseismology of dwarf stars cooler than the Sun is very challenging due to the low amplitudes and rapid timescales of oscillations. Here, we present the asteroseismic detection of solar-like oscillations at 4-minute timescales ($\nu_{\mathrm{max}}\sim4300\mu$Hz) in the nearby K-dwarf $\sigma$ Draconis using extreme precision Doppler velocity observations from the Keck Planet Finder and 20-second cadence photometry from NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite. The star is the coolest dwarf star to date with both velocity and luminosity observations of solar-like oscillations, having amplitudes of $5.9\pm0.8\,$cm$\,\text{s}^{-1}$ and $0.8\pm0.2$ ppm, respectively. These measured values are in excellent agreement with established luminosity-velocity amplitude relations for oscillations and provide further evidence that mode amplitudes for stars with $T_{\mathrm{eff}}<\,5500\,$K diminish in scale following a $(L/M)^{1.5}$ relation. By modeling the star's oscillation frequencies from photometric data, we measure an asteroseismic age of $4.5\pm0.9\,\rm{(ran)} \pm 1.0\,\rm{(sys)}$ Gyr. The observations demonstrate the capability of next-generation spectrographs and precise space-based photometry to extend observational asteroseismology to nearby cool dwarfs, which are benchmarks for stellar astrophysics and prime targets for directly imaging planets using future space-based telescopes.

Steven Giacalone, Fei Dai, J. J. Zanazzi, Andrew W. Howard, Courtney D. Dressing, Joshua N. Winn, Ryan A. Rubenzahl, Theron W. Carmichael, Noah Vowell, Aurora Kesseli, Samuel Halverson, Howard Isaacson, Max Brodheim, William Deich, Benjamin J. Fulton, Steven R. Gibson, Grant M. Hill, Bradford Holden, Aaron Householder, Stephen Kaye, Russ R. Laher, Kyle Lanclos, Joel Payne, Erik A. Petigura, Arpita Roy, Christian Schwab, Abby P. Shaum, Martin M. Sirk, Chris Smith, Guðmundur Stefánsson, Josh Walawender, Sharon X. Wang, Lauren M. Weiss, Sherry Yeh
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Paper 18 — arXiv:2407.21235
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Paper 18 — arXiv:2407.21235

We introduce the OATMEAL survey, an effort to measure the obliquities of stars with transiting brown dwarf companions. We observed a transit of the close-in ($P_{\rm orb} = 1.74 \,$ days) brown dwarf GPX-1 b using the Keck Planet Finder (KPF) spectrograph to measure the sky-projected angle between its orbital axis and the spin axis of its early F-type host star ($\lambda$). We measured $\lambda = 6.88 \pm 1.72 ^\circ$ (with additional unquantified systematic uncertainty), suggesting an orbit that is prograde and well aligned with the stellar equator. Hot Jupiters around early F stars are frequently found to have highly misaligned orbits, with polar and retrograde orbits being commonplace. It has been theorized that these misalignments stem from dynamical interactions, such as von Zeipel-Kozai-Lidov cycles, and are retained over long timescales due to weak tidal dissipation in stars with radiative envelopes. By comparing GPX-1 to similar systems under the frameworks of different tidal evolution theories, we argued that the rate of tidal dissipation is too slow to have re-aligned the system. This suggests that GPX-1 may have arrived at its close-in orbit via coplanar high-eccentricity migration or migration through an aligned protoplanetary disk. Our result for GPX-1 is the fifth measurement of the obliquity of a star with a transiting brown dwarf. By enlarging the number of such measurements and comparing them with hot Jupiter systems, we will more clearly discern the differences between the mechanisms that dictate the formation and evolution of both classes of objects.

Yunchong Zhang, David J. Setton, Sedona H. Price, Rachel Bezanson, Gourav Khullar, Jeffrey A. Newman, Jessica Nicole Aguilar, Steven Ahlen, Brett H. Andrews, David Brooks, Todd Claybaugh, Axel de la Macorra, Biprateep Dey, Peter Doel, Enrique Gaztañaga, Satya Gontcho A Gontcho, Jenny E. Greene, Stephanie Juneau, Robert Kehoe, Theodore Kisner, Mariska Kriek, Joel Leja, Marc Manera, Aaron Meisner, Ramon Miquel, John Moustakas, Francisco Prada, Graziano Rossi, Eusebio Sanchez, Michael Schubnell, Małgorzata Siudek, Justin Spilker, David Sprayberry, Katherine A. Suess, Gregory Tarlé, Hu Zou
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Paper 22 — arXiv:2407.21257
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Paper 22 — arXiv:2407.21257

Post-starburst galaxies (PSBs) are young quiescent galaxies that have recently experienced a rapid decrease in star formation, allowing us to probe the fast-quenching period of galaxy evolution. In this work, we obtained HST WFC3/F110W imaging to measure the sizes of 171 massive ($\mathrm{log(M_{*}/M_{\odot})\sim\,11)}$ spectroscopically identified PSBs at $1<z<1.3$ selected from the DESI Survey Validation Luminous Red Galaxy sample. This statistical sample constitutes an order of magnitude increase from the $\sim20$ PSBs with space-based imaging and deep spectroscopy. We perform structural fitting of the target galaxies with \texttt{pysersic} and compare them to quiescent and star-forming galaxies in the 3D-HST survey. We find that these PSBs are more compact than the general population of quiescent galaxies, lying systematically $\mathrm{\sim\,0.1\,dex}$ below the established size-mass relation. However, their central surface mass densities are similar to those of their quiescent counterparts ($\mathrm{\,log(\Sigma_{1\,kpc}/(M_{\odot}/kpc^2))\sim\,10.1}$). These findings are easily reconciled by later ex-situ growth via minor mergers or a slight progenitor bias. These PSBs are round in projection ($b/a_{median}\sim0.8$), suggesting that they are primarily spheroids, not disks, in 3D. We find no correlation between time since quenching and light-weighted PSB sizes or central densities. This disfavors apparent structural growth due to the fading of centralized starbursts in this galaxy population. Instead, we posit that the fast quenching of massive galaxies at this epoch occurs preferentially in galaxies with pre-existing compact structures.

Jia-Xuan Li, Xin-Ke Hu, Ji-Shun Lian, Yu-Wei Yu, Wei Deng, Kuan Liu, Hai-Ming Zhang, Liang Chen, Jin Zhang
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Paper 25 — arXiv:2407.21277
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Paper 25 — arXiv:2407.21277

Pictor A is a $\gamma$-ray emitting radio galaxy and has a bright hotspot called WHS, located $\sim$4 arcmin away from the nucleus. In this letter, we present an analysis of its 16-year Fermi-LAT data and report the first Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) observation for this source. Our analysis of the Fermi-LAT observations reveals evidence of two components in the average $\gamma$-ray spectrum of Pictor A, exhibiting a statistically significant hardening from $\Gamma^1_{\gamma}=3.25\pm0.15$ to $\Gamma^2_{\gamma}=1.81\pm0.07$ at a break energy of $2.46\pm0.09$ GeV. The evident variability of $\gamma$-rays is observed in Pictor A. Interestingly, the variability is dominated by the component below the break energy, and the component above the break energy shows no variability. Furthermore, we find that a power-law function can adequately fit the spectrum during high-flux states, whereas a broken power-law is still required to explain the spectrum during low-flux state. We suggest that the low-energy component originates from the nucleus, while the high-energy component primarily stems from WHS. The broadband spectral energy distributions of both nucleus and WHS can be well represented by a simple leptonic model, with both $\gamma$-ray components attributed to the synchrotron-self-Compton (SSC) process. The analysis of IXPE data on the nucleus yields an upper limit to the polarization degree $\Pi_{\rm X}<$8.9\% in the 2--8 keV band, agreeing with its X-ray emission originating from SSC. However, $\Pi_{\rm X}=23.5\%\pm5.6\%$ is observed at a confidence level of $>99\%$ in the 5--7 keV band, and the possible physical origin of this narrow-energy-band polarization signal is discussed.

A. Marino, H. Yang, F. Coti Zelati, N. Rea, S. Guillot, G. K. Jaisawal, C. Maitra, F. Haberl, E. Kuulkers, W. Yuan, H. Feng, L. Tao, C. Jin, H. Sun, W. Zhang, W. Chen, E. P. J. van den Heuvel, R. Soria, B. Zhang, S.-S. Weng, L. Ji, G. B. Zhang, X. Pan, Z. Lv, C. Zhang, Z. Ling, Y. Chen, S. Jia, Y. Liu, J.-U. Ness, H. Q. Cheng, D. Y. Li, K. C. Gendreau, M. Ng, T. E. Strohmayer
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Paper 28 — arXiv:2407.21371
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Paper 28 — arXiv:2407.21371

On May 27 2024, the Wide-field X-ray Telescope onboard the Einstein Probe (EP) mission detected enhanced X-ray emission from a new transient source in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) during its commissioning phase. Prompt follow-up with the EP Follow-up X-ray Telescope, the Swift X-ray Telescope and Nicer have revealed a very soft, thermally emitting source (kT$\sim$0.1 keV at the outburst peak) with an X-ray luminosity of L$\sim$4$\times$10$^{38}$ erg s$^{-1}$, coincident with CXOU J005245.0-722844. This super-soft outburst faded very quickly in a week time. Several emission lines and absorption edges were present in the X-ray spectrum, such as the Oxygen (0.57 keV) and Neon (0.92 keV) He-like emission lines, and deep Nitrogen (0.67 keV) and Oxygen (0.87 keV) absorption edges. The X-ray emission resembles typical nova outbursts from an accreting white dwarf (WD) in a binary system, despite the X-ray source being historically associated with an O9-B0e massive star exhibiting a 17.55 days periodicity in the optical band. The discovery of this super-soft outburst nails down CXOU J005245.0-722844 as a BeWD X-ray binary: an elusive evolutionary stage where two main-sequence massive stars have undergone a common envelope phase and experienced at least two episodes of mass transfer. In addition, the very short duration of the outburst and the presence of Ne features hint at a rather massive, i.e., close to the Chandrasekhar limit, Ne-O WD in the system.

Jingwen Zhang, Daniel Huber, Lauren M. Weiss, Jerry W. Xuan, Jennifer A. Burt, Fei Dai, Nicholas Saunders, Erik A. Petigura, Ryan A. Rubenzahl, Joshua N. Winn, Sharon X. Wang, Judah Van Zandt, Max Brodheim, Zachary R. Claytor, Ian Crossfield, William Deich, Benjamin J. Fulton, Steven R. Gibson, Grant M. Hill, Bradford Holden, Aaron Householder, Andrew W. Howard, Howard Isaacson, Stephen Kaye, Kyle Lanclos, Russ R. Laher, Jack Lubin, Joel Payne, Arpita Roy, Christian Schwab, Abby P. Shaum, Josh Walawender, Edward Wishnow, Sherry Yeh
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Paper 30 — arXiv:2407.21377
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Paper 30 — arXiv:2407.21377

Characterizing outer companions to hot Jupiters plays a crucial role in deciphering their origins. We present the discovery of a long-period giant planet, HD 118203 c ($m_{c}=11.9^{+0.69}_{-0.63}\ \mathrm{M_{J}}$, $a_{c}=5.36^{+0.09}_{-0.10}$ AU, $e_{c}=0.26^{+0.03}_{-0.02}$) exterior to previously known close-in eccentric hot Jupiter HD 118203 b ($P_{b}=6.135\ \mathrm{days}$, $m_{b}=2.14\pm{0.12}\ \mathrm{M_{J}}$, $r_{b}=1.14\pm{0.029}\ \mathrm{R_{J}}$, $e_{b}=0.31\pm{0.007}$) based on twenty-year radial velocity observations. Using Rossiter-McLaughlin (RM) observations from the Keck Planet Finder (KPF), we measured a low sky-projected obliquity $\lambda_{b}=-11^{\circ}.7^{+7.6}_{-10}$ for HD 118203 b and detected stellar oscillations in the host star, confirming its evolved status. Combining the RM observation with the stellar inclination measurement, we constrained the true obliquity of HD 118203 b as $\Psi_{b}<33^{\circ}.5\ (2\sigma)$, indicating the orbit normal of the hot Jupiter nearly aligned with the stellar spin axis. Furthermore, by combining radial velocities and Hipparcos-Gaia astrometric acceleration, we constrained the line-of-sight mutual inclination between the hot Jupiter and the outer planet to be $9^{\circ}.8^{+16.2}_{-9.3}$ at $2\sigma$ level. HD 118203 is the first hot Jupiter system where both the true obliquity of the hot Jupiter and the mutual inclination between inner and outer planets have been determined. Our results are consistent with a system-wide alignment, with low mutual inclinations between the outer giant planet, the inner hot Jupiter, and the host star. This alignment, along with the moderate eccentricity of HD 118203 c, implies that the system may have undergone coplanar high-eccentricity tidal migration. Under this framework, our dynamical analysis suggests an initial semi-major axis of 0.3 to 3.2 AU for the proto-hot Jupiter.

Nicholas Saunders, Samuel K. Grunblatt, Ashley Chontos, Fei Dai, Daniel Huber, Jingwen Zhang, Gudmundur Stefansson, Jennifer L. van Saders, Joshua N. Winn, Daniel Hey, Andrew W. Howard, Benjamin Fulton, Howard Isaacson, Corey Beard, Steven Giacalone, Judah van Zandt, Joseph M. Akana Murphey, Malena Rice, Sarah Blunt, Emma Turtelboom, Paul A. Dalba, Jack Lubin, Casey Brinkman, Emma M. Louden, Emma Page, Cristilyn N. Watkins, Karen A. Collins, Chris Stockdale, Thiam-Guan Tan, Richard P. Schwarz, Bob Massey, Steve B. Howell, Andrew Vanderburg, George R. Ricker, Jon M. Jenkins, Sara Seager, Jessie L. Christiansen, Tansu Daylan, Ben Falk, Max Brodheim, Steven R. Gibson, Grant M. Hill, Bradford Holden, Aaron Householder, Stephen Kaye, Russ R. Laher, Kyle Lanclos, Erik A. Petigura, Arpita Roy, Ryan A. Rubenzahl, Christian Schwab, Abby P. Shaum, Martin M. Sirk, Christopher L. Smith, Josh Walawender, Sherry Yeh
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Paper 50 — arXiv:2407.21650
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Paper 50 — arXiv:2407.21650

The degree of alignment between a star's spin axis and the orbital plane of its planets (the stellar obliquity) is related to interesting and poorly understood processes that occur during planet formation and evolution. Hot Jupiters orbiting hot stars ($\gtrsim$6250 K) display a wide range of obliquities, while similar planets orbiting cool stars are preferentially aligned. Tidal dissipation is expected to be more rapid in stars with thick convective envelopes, potentially explaining this trend. Evolved stars provide an opportunity to test the damping hypothesis, particularly stars that were hot on the main sequence and have since cooled and developed deep convective envelopes. We present the first systematic study of the obliquities of hot Jupiters orbiting subgiants that recently developed convective envelopes using Rossiter-McLaughlin observations. Our sample includes two newly discovered systems in the Giants Transiting Giants Survey (TOI-6029 b, TOI-4379 b). We find that the orbits of hot Jupiters orbiting subgiants that have cooled below $\sim$6250 K are aligned or nearly aligned with the spin-axis of their host stars, indicating rapid tidal realignment after the emergence of a stellar convective envelope. We place an upper limit for the timescale of realignment for hot Jupiters orbiting subgiants at $\sim$500 Myr. Comparison with a simplified tidal evolution model shows that obliquity damping needs to be $\sim$4 orders of magnitude more efficient than orbital period decay to damp the obliquity without destroying the planet, which is consistent with recent predictions for tidal dissipation from inertial waves excited by hot Jupiters on misaligned orbits.

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Non-Gaussianity of the primordial curvature perturbations may arise from a variety of well motivated early Universe scenarios. In particular, inflationary theories with additional light degrees of freedom can generate a bispectrum that is peaked in the squeezed limit. While the presence of an additional massless scalar can produce local-type primordial non-Gaussianity, in general the squeezed limit of the bispectrum depends on the mass of the new degree of freedom, and can deviate from the local shape. The resulting bispectrum leaves a distinct imprint on the amplitude and scale-dependence of the galaxy bias, which for massive fields can differ from the $k^{-2}$ scaling from local type non-Gaussianity, providing an observational window into the physics of the early Universe. In this work we demonstrate that kinematic Sunyaev-Zeldovich tomography with next generation cosmological surveys will offer significant additional constraining power for both the shape and amplitude of scale-dependent bias arising from primordial non-Gaussianity beyond the local type. We show that this improved constraining power is robust to various obstacles such as the optical depth degeneracy, photometric redshift errors, and uncertainty in the galaxy bias model. With CMB S4 and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, we forecast that compared to the galaxy survey alone the addition of kSZ tomography will offer a roughly factor of two reduction in the measurement uncertainty of the amplitude $f_{NL}$ of primordial non-Gaussianity well beyond the local (massless) limit. We find that kSZ tomography extends the range of masses for which order unity constraints on $f_{NL}$ are achievable, as well as extending the range of masses for which the late time probes of the matter power spectrum outperform the sensitivity of the CMB itself.

Nashwan Sabti, Ram Reddy, Julian B. Muñoz, Siddharth Mishra-Sharma, Taewook Youn

Analyses of the cosmic 21-cm signal are hampered by astrophysical foregrounds that are far stronger than the signal itself. These foregrounds, typically confined to a wedge-shaped region in Fourier space, often necessitate the removal of a vast majority of modes, thereby degrading the quality of the data anisotropically. To address this challenge, we introduce a novel deep generative model based on stochastic interpolants to reconstruct the 21-cm data lost to wedge filtering. Our method leverages the non-Gaussian nature of the 21-cm signal to effectively map wedge-filtered 3D lightcones to samples from the conditional distribution of wedge-recovered lightcones. We demonstrate how our method is able to restore spatial information effectively, considering both varying cosmological initial conditions and astrophysics. Furthermore, we discuss a number of future avenues where this approach could be applied in analyses of the 21-cm signal, potentially offering new opportunities to improve our understanding of the Universe during the epochs of cosmic dawn and reionization.

Thomas M. Cornish, Julie L. Wardlow, Thomas Greve, Scott Chapman, Chian-Chou Chen, Helmut Dannerbauer, Tomotsu Goto, Bitten Gullberg, Luis C. Ho, Xue-Jian Jiang, Claudia Lagos, Minju Lee, Stephen Serjeant, Hyunjin Shim, Daniel J. B. Smith, Aswin Vijayan, Jeff Wagg, Dazhi Zhou

Measuring the environments of massive galaxies at high redshift is crucial to understanding galaxy evolution and the conditions that gave rise to the distribution of matter we see in the Universe today. While high-$z$ radio galaxies (H$z$RGs) and quasars tend to reside in protocluster-like systems, the environments of their radio-quiet counterparts are relatively unexplored, particularly in the submillimetre, which traces dust-obscured star formation. In this study we search for 850 $\mu$m-selected submillimetre galaxies in the environments of massive ($M_{\star} > 10^{11} M_{\odot}$), radio-quiet ($L_{500 {\rm MHz}} \lesssim 10^{25}$ W Hz$^{-1}$) galaxies at $z \sim 1\text{--}3$ in COSMOS. By constructing number counts in circular regions of radius 1--6 arcmin and comparing with blank-field measurements, we find no significant overdensities of SMGs around massive radio-quiet galaxies at any of these scales, despite being sensitive down to overdensities of $\delta \sim 0.4$. To probe deeper than the catalogue we also examine the distribution of peaks in the SCUBA-2 SNR map, which reveals only tentative signs of any difference in the SMG densities of the radio-quiet galaxy environments compared to the blank field, and only on smaller scales (1$^{\prime}$ radii, corresponding to $\sim0.5$ Mpc) and higher SNR thresholds. We conclude that massive, radio-quiet galaxies at cosmic noon are typically in environments with $\delta\lesssim0.4$, which are either consistent with the blank field or contain only weak overdensities spanning sub-Mpc scales. The contrast between our results and studies of H$z$RGs with similar stellar masses and redshifts implies an intrinsic link between the wide-field environment and radio AGN luminosity at high redshift.

Alice Somigliana, Leonardo Testi, Giovanni Rosotti, Claudia Toci, Giuseppe Lodato, Rossella Anania, Benoît Tabone, Marco Tazzari, Ralf Klessen, Ugo Lebreuilly, Patrick Hennebelle, Sergio Molinari

(Abridged) Observational surveys of entire star-forming regions have provided evidence of power-law correlations between the disc properties and the stellar mass, especially the disc mass (${M_d \propto M_*}^{\lambda_m}$) and the accretion rate ($\dot M \propto {M_*}^{\lambda_{acc}}$). Whether the secular disc evolution affects said correlations is still debated: while the purely viscous scenario has been probed, other mechanisms could impact differently. We study the evolution of the slopes $\lambda_m$ and $\lambda_{acc}$ in the wind-driven and hybrid case and compare it to the viscous prediction, using a combination of analytical calculations and numerical simulations (performed with the 1D population synthesis code Diskpop, that we also present and release). Assuming $M_d(0) \propto {M_*}^{\lambda_{m, 0}}$ and $\dot M(0) \propto {M_*}^{\lambda_{acc, 0}}$ as initial conditions, we find that viscous and hybrid accretion preserve the shape of the correlations and evolve their slope; on the other hand, MHD winds change the shape of the correlations, bending them according to the scaling of the accretion timescale with the stellar mass. We also show how a spread in the initial conditions conceals this behaviour. We then analyse the impact of disc dispersal, and find that the currently available sample sizes ($\sim 30$ discs at 5 Myr) introduce stochastic oscillations in the slopes evolution, which dominate over the physical signatures. Increasing the sample size could mitigate this issue: $\sim 140$ discs at 5 Myr, corresponding to the complete Upper Sco sample, would give small enough error bars to use the evolution of the slopes as a proxy for the driving mechanism of disc evolution. Finally, we discuss how the observational claim of steepening slopes necessarily leads to an initially steeper $M_d - M_*$ correlation with respect to $\dot M - M_*$.

César Hernández-Aguayo, Volker Springel, Sownak Bose, Carlos Frenk, Adrian Jenkins, Monica Barrera, Fulvio Ferlito, Rüdiger Pakmor, Simon D. M. White, Lars Hernquist, Ana Maria Delgado, Rahul Kannan, Boryana Hadzhiyska

We discuss the cold dark matter plus massive neutrinos simulations of the MillenniumTNG (MTNG) project, which aim to improve understanding of how well ongoing and future large-scale galaxy surveys will measure neutrino masses. Our largest simulations, $3000\,{\rm Mpc}$ on a side, use $10240^3$ particles of mass $m_{p} = 6.66\times 10^{8}\,h^{-1}{\rm M}_\odot$ to represent cold dark matter, and $2560^3$ to represent a population of neutrinos with summed mass $M_\nu = 100\,{\rm meV}$. Smaller volume runs with $\sim 630\,{\rm Mpc}$ also include cases with $M_\nu = 0\,\textrm{and}\, 300\,{\rm meV}$. All simulations are carried out twice using the paired-and-fixed technique for cosmic variance reduction. We evolve the neutrino component using the particle-based $\delta f$ importance sampling method, which greatly reduces shot noise in the neutrino density field. In addition, we modify the GADGET-4 code to account both for the influence of relativistic and mildly relativistic components on the expansion rate and for non-Newtonian effects on the largest represented simulation scales. This allows us to quantify accurately the impact of neutrinos on basic statistical measures of nonlinear structure formation, such as the matter power spectrum and the halo mass function. We use semi-analytic models of galaxy formation to predict the galaxy population and its clustering properties as a function of summed neutrino mass, finding significant ($\sim 10\%$) impacts on the cosmic star formation rate history, the galaxy mass function, and the clustering strength. This offers the prospect of identifying combinations of summary statistics that are optimally sensitive to the neutrino mass.

Recent observations by pulsar timing arrays indicate the presence of gravitational wave signals, likely from supermassive black hole binaries. These binaries can produce two types of signals: a stochastic gravitational wave background (GWB) or deterministic continuous gravitational waves (CGW). Correctly separating these signals is essential for accurate signal recovery and interpretation. This paper investigates the interaction between GWB and CGW signals within current analysis pipelines, focusing on misinterpretations and biases in parameter estimation when these signals are analyzed separately or together. We conducted several simulations based on the European PTA 24.8-year dataset. First, we injected either a GWB or a CGW. We compared parameter estimation using different search models, including Earth term only, combined Earth and pulsar term CGW templates, and correlated (HD) or uncorrelated (CURN) power law GWB templates. Our findings show that, when searched independently, the GWB and CGW signals can be misinterpreted as each other, and only a combined search can recover the true signal present. For datasets containing both a GWB and a CGW, failure to account for the CGW biases the recovery of the GWB. However, a combined search allows for the recovery of both GWB and CGW parameters without significant bias. Care must be taken with the method used to perform combined searches on these multi-component datasets, as the CGW pulsar term can be misinterpreted as a CURN. This can be avoided by direct searches for an HD correlated GWB plus a CGW. Our study underscores the importance of combined searches to ensure unbiased recovery of GWB parameters in the presence of strong CGWs, which is crucial for interpreting signals recently found in PTA data and represents a step toward a robust framework for disentangling stochastic and deterministic GW signals in future, more sensitive datasets.

With dayside temperatures hot enough to sustain a magma ocean and a silicate atmosphere, lava planets are the best targets to study the atmosphere of a rocky world. In the absence of nightside heating, the entire atmosphere collapses near the day-night terminator, so condensation seems inevitable, but the impact of clouds on radiative transfer, dynamics, and observables has not yet been studied in the non-global atmospheric regime. Therefore, we simulate cloud formation and determine which lava planets should be most affected by clouds. We find that despite the scattering of visible light by clouds, heat advection compensates for the cooling effect of clouds in the atmosphere. On the other hand, surface temperatures are significantly affected and can drop 100-200 K under a cloudy sky. We find that among our targets, HD213885b and HD20329b are most affected by cloud formation: there is a discernable difference between having clouds and not having them, but the precision required to make such an inference is at the limit of current instruments.

We continue to study the ultra-luminous X-ray source NGC 7793 P13 in the optical range. In this work, we are testing the model of a spherically symmetric wind atmosphere of the donor star, previously identified as a B9 Ia supergiant. The model spectrum has shown good agreement with the observed one at a relatively high mass loss rate of $\dot{M} \approx 6\times10^{-6}\,M_{\odot}\,\text{yr}^{-1}$; other parameters turned out to be close to those expected for late B-supergiants. The increased mass loss rate can be explained by the high rotation velocity of the star. In addition, we have qualitatively demonstrated the effect of X-ray irradiation on the observed spectrum and discuss the fundamental possibility of wind acceleration under conditions of powerful irradiation.

Wesley C. Fraser, Simon B. Porter, Lowell Peltier, JJ Kavelaars, Anne J. Verbiscer, Marc W. Buie, S. Alan Stern, John R. Spencer, Susan D. Benecchi, Tsuyoshi Terai, Takashi Ito, Fumi Yoshida, David W. Gerdes, Kevin J. Napier, Hsing Wen Lin, Stephen D. J. Gwyn, Hayden Smotherman, Sebastien Fabbro, Kelsi N. Singer, Amanda M. Alexander, Ko Arimatsu, Maria E. Banks, Veronica J. Bray, Mohamed Ramy El-Maarry, Chelsea L. Ferrell, Tetsuharu Fuse, Florian Glass, Timothy R. Holt, Peng Hong, Ryo Ishimaru, Perianne E. Johnson, Tod R. Lauer, Rodrigo Leiva, Patryk S. Lykawka, Raphael Marschall, Jorge I. Núñez, Marc Postman, Eric Quirico, Alyssa R. Rhoden, Anna M. Simpson, Paul Schenk, Michael F. Skrutskie, Andrew J. Steffl, Henry Throop

We report the detection of 239 trans-Neptunian Objects discovered through the on-going New Horizons survey for distant minor bodies being performed with the Hyper Suprime-Cam mosaic imager on the Subaru Telescope. These objects were discovered in images acquired with either the r2 or the recently commissioned EB-gri filter using shift and stack routines. Due to the extremely high stellar density of the search region down stream of the spacecraft, new machine learning techniques had to be developed to manage the extremely high false positive rate of bogus candidates produced from the shift and stack routines. We report discoveries as faint as r2$\sim26.5$. We highlight an overabundance of objects found at heliocentric distances $R\gtrsim70$~au compared to expectations from modelling of the known outer Solar System. If confirmed, these objects betray the presence of a heretofore unrecognized abundance of distant objects that can help explain a number of other observations that otherwise remain at odds with the known Kuiper Belt, including detections of serendipitous stellar occultations, and recent results from the Student Dust Counter on-board the New Horizons spacecraft.

We quantified the disparity between gas-phase and stellar metallicity in a large galaxy sample obtained from the MaNGA DR17 survey. We found that the gas metallicity is on average closely aligned with the stellar metallicity in the centers of intermediate-mass galaxies. Conversely, the difference is notably larger within the center of massive galaxies. It reaches about -0.18~dex on average for the most massive galaxies, while for low-mass galaxies, the gas metallicity exhibits a slightly lower value than the stellar metallicity. Moreover, the most prominent instances of a reduced gas-phase metallicity in relation to stellar metallicity were observed within the centers of massive red galaxies with low specific star formation rates. Because of the absence of a correlation between the integral mass fraction of neutral gas and the disparity between gas and stellar metallicity, we suggest that the diminished gas-phase metallicity in the centers of massive galaxies might be attributed to the replenishment of gas-depleted central regions through processes such as radial gas flows or accretion from the circumgalactic medium rather than gas infall from the intergalactic medium.

Krystal Ruiz-Rocha, Kelly Holley-Bockelmann, Karan Jani, Michela Mapelli, Samuel Dunham, William Gabella

Observations by the LIGO, Virgo and KAGRA (LVK) detectors have provided new insights in the demographics of stellar-origin black hole binaries (sBHB). A few years before gravitational-wave signals from sBHB mergers are recorded in the LVK detectors, their early coalescence will leave a unique signature in the ESA/NASA mission Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). Multiband observations of sBHB sources between LISA and LVK detectors opens an unprecedented opportunity to investigate the astrophysical environment and multi-messenger early-alerts. In this study, we report the sBHB sources that will be present in the LISA data derived directly from the hydrodynamic cosmological simulation Illustris. By surveying snapshots across cosmological volume, metallicity and look-back time, we find that about tens to thousand sBHB candidates will be present in the LISA data for various combinations of mission lifetime. For estimates consistent with the LVK rates, we find that only 20 sBHBs across Illustris snapshots will be detected with significant confidence for a 10-year LISA mission, while a 4-year LISA mission would detect only 2 sBHBs. Our work paves the way for creating LISA mock data and bench marking LISA detection pipelines directly using cosmological simulations.

An important testable prediction of dynamical instability models for the early evolution of the Solar System is that Jupiter Trojans share a source population with the Kuiper belt. Concrete evidence of this prediction remains elusive, as Kuiper belt objects (KBOs) and Jupiter Trojans appear to have different surface compositions. We address the long-standing question of Trojan origin by finding a dynamical sub-population in the Kuiper belt with Trojan-like colors. Combining existing photometric data with our own surveys on Keck I and Palomar P200, we find that the low-perihelion ($q<30 $AU, $a>30 $AU) component of the Kuiper belt has colors that bifurcate similarly to the Jupiter Trojans, unlike Centaurs ($a<30 $AU) which have redder, Kuiper belt-like colors. To connect the Jupiter Trojans to the Kuiper belt, we test whether the distinct Trojan-like colors of low-perihelion KBOs result from surface processing, or are sourced from a specific population in the Kuiper belt. By simulating the evolution of the Canada-France Ecliptic Plane Survey synthetic population of KBOs for four billion years, we find that differences in heating timescales cannot result in a significant depletion of Very Red low-perihelion KBOs as compared to the Centaurs. We find that the neutrally-colored scattered disk objects ($e>0.6$ KBOs) contribute more to the low-perihelion KBO population rather than Centaurs, resulting in their different colors.

A Lokaveer, Thomas Anjana, Maliyekkal Yasir, S Yogahariharan, Akash Dewangan, Saurabh Kishor Mahajan, Sakshi Aravind Tembhurne, Gunja Subhash Gupta, Devashish Bhalla, Anantha Datta Dhruva, Aloke Kumar, Koushik Viswanathan, Vikram Khaire, Anand Narayanan, Priyadarshnam Hari

The SSPACE Astrobiology Payload (SAP) series, starting with the SAP-1 project is designed to conduct in-situ microbiology experiments in low earth orbit. This payload series aims to understand the behaviour of microbial organisms in space, particularly those critical for human health, and the corresponding effects due to microgravity and solar/galactic radiation. SAP-1 focuses on studying Bacillus clausii and Bacillus coagulans, bacteria beneficial to humans. It aims to provide a space laboratory for astrobiology experiments under microgravity conditions. The hardware developed for these experiments is indigenous and tailored to meet the unique requirements of autonomous microbiology experiments by controlling pressure, temperature, and nutrition flow to bacteria. A rotating platform, which forms the core design, is innovatively utilised to regulate the flow and mixing of nutrients with dormant bacteria. The technology demonstration models developed at SSPACE have yielded promising results, with ongoing efforts to refine, adapt for space conditions, and prepare for integration with nanosatellites or space modules. The anticipated payload will be compact, approximately 1U in size (10cm x 10cm x 10cm), consume less than 5W power, and offer flexibility for various microbiological studies.

Stellar flares originate from the sudden reconnection of magnetic flux lines within the star's atmosphere, particularly in the chromosphere. Automated flare detection enables exploiting vast photometric datasets from missions like Kepler. Prior methods rely on outlier detection, facing challenges of complexity, detection accuracy, and scalability. This paper presents FCN4Flare, a deep learning approach using fully convolutional networks for precise point-to-point flare prediction regardless of light curve length. Key innovations include the NaN Mask to handle missing data, dilated convolutions to preserve local information, and the MaskDice loss to mitigate severe class imbalance. Experiments demonstrate significantly improved detection performance over previous models, with a 0.64 Dice coefficient on Kepler data. Applying FCN4Flare to Kepler and LAMOST, we compile a catalog of 30,285 high-confidence flares across 1426 stars. Flare energies are estimated and stellar/exoplanet properties analyzed, identifying pronounced activity for an M-dwarf hosting a habitable zone planet. This work overcomes limitations of prior flare detection methods via deep learning, enabling new scientific discoveries through analysis of photometric time-series data.

Breanna A. Binder, Sarah Peacock, Edward W. Schwieterman, Margaret C. Turnbull, Azariel Y. Virgen, Stephen R. Kane, Alison Farrish, Katherine Garcia-Sage

Stellar X-ray and UV radiation can significantly affect the survival, composition, and long-term evolution of the atmospheres of planets in or near their host star's habitable zone (HZ). Especially interesting are planetary systems in the solar neighborhood that may host temperate and potentially habitable surface conditions, which may be analyzed by future ground and space-based direct-imaging surveys for signatures of habitability and life. To advance our understanding of the radiation environment in these systems, we leverage $\sim$3 Msec of XMM-Newton and Chandra observations in order to measure three fundamental stellar properties at X-ray energies for 57 nearby FGKM stellar systems: the shape of the stellar X-ray spectrum, the luminosity, and the timescales over which the stars vary (e.g., due to flares). These systems possess HZs that will be directly imageable to next-generation telescopes such as the Habitable Worlds Observatory and ground-based Extremely Large Telescopes (ELTs). We identify 29 stellar systems with $L_X/L_{\rm bol}$ ratios similar to (or less than) that of the Sun; any potential planets in the habitable zones of these stars therefore reside in present day X-ray radiation environments similar to (or less hostile than) modern Earth, though a broader set of these targets could host habitable planets. An additional 19 stellar systems have been observed with the Swift X-ray Telescope; in total, only $\sim$30% of potential direct imaging target stars has been observed with XMM-Newton, Chandra, or Swift. The data products from this work (X-ray light curves and spectra) are available via a public Zenodo repository (doi: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11490574).

Nai-Ping Yu, Ming Zhu, Jin-Long Xu, Chuan-Peng Zhang, Hai-Yang Yu, Xiao-Lan Liu, Peng Jiang, Mei Ai

We report on high-sensitivity neutral hydrogen observations toward the gas-rich interacting galaxies NGC 3395/3396 with the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST). Compared to previous observations carried out by the Very Large Array (VLA) and the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT), a more extended HI envelope around this system has been detected. The total HI gas mass of the NGC 3395/3396 system is estimated to be 7.8 x 109 M. This value is 2.7 times more than that reported based on the VLA interferometric maps. Previous observations found a large HI tail extending to the south-west and a minor tail emerging from the north of this peculiar galaxy pair. Based on the high-sensitivity observations of FAST, an extended HI plume to the north-west and a gas plume to the north-east have been detected for the first time. Neutral hydrogen of the two smaller galaxies IC 2604 and IC 2608 on the south of the system have also been detected. We discuss the origins of these extra gas and possible tidal interactions between these galaxies. NGC 3395/3396's most prominent tidal feature, the south-west tail combined with the new detected north-west plume behaves like a large ring. We suggest the ring might be formed by the previous fly-by interaction between NGC 3395 and NGC 3396 which happened 500 Myr ago. Our study shows that high-sensitivity HI observations are important in revealing low column density gas, which is crucial to a deeper understanding of this interacting system.

Yeon-Ho Choi, Myeong-Gu Park, Kang-Min Kim, Jae-Rim Koo, Tae-Yang Bang, Chan Park, Jeong-Gyun Jang, Inwoo Han, Bi-Ho Jang, Jong Ung Lee, Ueejeong Jeong, Byeong-Cheol Lee

The SPECtrophotometer for TRansmission spectroscopy of exoplanets (SPECTR) is a new low-resolution optical (3800 Å - 6850 Å) spectrophotometer installed at the Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory (BOAO) 1.8 m telescope. SPECTR is designed for observing the transmission spectra of transiting exoplanets. Unique features of SPECTR are its long slit length of 10 arcminutes which facilitates observing the target and the comparison star simultaneously, and its wide slit width to minimize slit losses. SPECTR will be used to survey exoplanets, such as those identified by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), providing information about their radii across the wavelength range. In this paper, we present the design of SPECTR and the observational results of the partial transit of HD 189733 b and a full transit of Qatar-8 b. Analyses show the SPECTR's capability on the white light curves with an accuracy of one ppt. The transmission spectrum of HD 189733 b shows general agreement with previous studies.

Spin-orbit coupling is widespread in binary asteroid systems and it has been widely studied for the case of ellipsoidal secondary. Due to angular momentum exchange, dynamical coupling is stronger when the orbital and rotational angular momenta are closer in magnitudes. Thus, the spin-orbit coupling effects are significantly different for ellipsoidal secondaries and primaries. In the present work, a high-order Hamiltonian model in terms of eccentricity is formulated to study the effects of spin-orbit coupling for the case of ellipsoidal primary body in a binary asteroid system. Our results show that the spin-orbit coupling problem for the ellipsoidal primary holds two kinds of spin equilibrium, while there is only one for the ellipsoidal secondary. In particular, 1:1 and 2:3 spin-orbit resonances are further studied by taking both the classical pendulum approximation as well as adiabatic approximation (Wisdom's perturbative treatment). It shows that there is a critical value of total angular momentum, around which the pendulum approximation fails to work. Dynamical structures are totally different when the total angular momentum is on two sides of the critical value.

Caitlin Rose, Jeyhan S. Kartaltepe, Gregory F. Snyder, Marc Huertas-Company, L. Y. Aaron Yung, Pablo Arrabal Haro, Micaela B. Bagley, Laura Bisigello, Antonello Calabrò, Nikko J. Cleri, Mark Dickinson, Henry C. Ferguson, Steven L. Finkelstein, Adriano Fontana, Andrea Grazian, Norman A. Grogin, Benne W. Holwerda, Kartheik G. Iyer, Lisa J. Kewley, Allison Kirkpatrick, Dale D. Kocevski, Anton M. Koekemoer, Jennifer M. Lotz, Ray A. Lucas, Lorenzo Napolitan, Casey Papovich, Laura Pentericci, Pablo G. Pérez-González, Nor Pirzkal, Swara Ravindranath, Rachel S. Somerville, Amber N. Straughn, Jonathan R. Trump, Stephen M. Wilkins, Guang Yang

A crucial yet challenging task in galaxy evolution studies is the identification of distant merging galaxies, a task which suffers from a variety of issues ranging from telescope sensitivities and limitations to the inherently chaotic morphologies of young galaxies. In this paper, we use random forests and convolutional neural networks to identify high-redshift JWST CEERS galaxy mergers. We train these algorithms on simulated $3<z<5$ CEERS galaxies created from the IllustrisTNG subhalo morphologies and the Santa Cruz SAM lightcone. We apply our models to observed CEERS galaxies at $3<z<5$. We find that our models correctly classify $\sim60-70\%$ of simulated merging and non-merging galaxies; better performance on the merger class comes at the expense of misclassifying more non-mergers. We could achieve more accurate classifications, as well as test for the dependency on physical parameters such as gas fraction, mass ratio, and relative orbits, by curating larger training sets. When applied to real CEERS galaxies using visual classifications as ground truth, the random forests correctly classified $40-60\%$ of mergers and non-mergers at $3<z<4$, but tended to classify most objects as non-mergers at $4<z<5$ (misclassifying $\sim70\%$ of visually-classified mergers). On the other hand, the CNNs tended to classify most objects as mergers across all redshifts (misclassifying $80-90\%$ of visually-classified non-mergers). We investigate what features the models find most useful, as well as characteristics of false positives and false negatives, and also calculate merger rates derived from the identifications made by the models.

Josh Calcino, Brodie Norfolk, Daniel J. Price, Thomas Hilder, Jessica Speedie, Christophe Pinte, Himanshi Garg, Richard Teague, Cassandra Hall, Jochen Stadler

Kinematic studies of protoplanetary discs are a valuable method for uncovering hidden companions. In the first paper of this series, we presented five morphological and kinematic criteria that aid in asserting the binary nature of a protoplanetary disc. In this work we study the kinematic signatures of circumbinary discs in the residuals of their velocity maps. We show that Doppler-flips, spiral arms, eccentric gas motion, fast flows inside of the cavity, and vortex-like kinematic signatures are commonly observed. Unlike in the planetary mass companion case, Doppler-flips in circumbinary discs are not necessarily centred on a companion, and can extend towards the cavity edge. We then compare the kinematic signatures in our simulations with observations and see similarities to the Doppler-flip signal in HD 100546 and the vortex-like kinematic signatures in HD 142527. Our analysis also reveals kinematic evidence for binarity in several protoplantary disks typically regarded as circumstellar rather than circumbinary, including AB Aurigae and HD 100546.

E. Paunzen, M. Netopil, M. Prisegen, N. Faltova

When observing astronomical objects, we must deal with extinction (i.e. the absorption and scattering of the emitted radiation by dust and gas between the source and the observer). Interstellar extinction depends on the location of the object and the wavelength. The different extinction laws describing these effects are difficult to estimate for a small sample of stars. Many sophisticated and automatic methods have recently been developed for estimating astrophysical parameters (age and metallicity, for example) depending on the reddening, which is usually treated as a free parameter within the corresponding estimations. However, many reddening values for stars have been published over the last few decades, most of which include observations in the ultraviolet, which are essential for a good estimation but are essentially no longer considered. We searched the literature through the end of 2022 for published independent reddening values of stellar objects based on various methods that exclude estimates from reddening maps. In addition, we present new reddening estimates based on the classical photometric indices in the Geneva, Johnson, and Stromgren-Crawford systems. These are based on well-established and reliable calibrations. After a careful identification procedure and quality assessment of the data, we calculated the mean reddening values of 157 631 individual available measurements for 97 826 objects. We find several statistically significant offsets and trends within the different references and discuss possible explanations for them.

When a star exhausts the hydrogen fuel in its core, the core contracts, and the envelope may expand to $\sim 100$ times its original size. Consequently, stars with $\lesssim 8$ solar masses become red giants, while those with $\gtrsim 8$ solar masses evolve into red supergiants. However, the physics driving this extreme expansion is unclear. This letter presents a new mechanism grounded in the instability of stellar envelopes to explain the expansion. If the gravitational energy released by core contraction can trigger the initial expansion to a critical radius where the envelope becomes unstable, the star then continues expanding until stabilizing, thereby becoming a red giant or supergiant. We demonstrate that the envelope instability can explain several elusive features in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, such as the Hertzsprung gap between the main sequence and the red giant branch, as well as the dichotomy of the supergiant populations in red and blue.

Constraining the formation processes of small solar system bodies is crucial for gaining insights into planetesimal formation. Their bulk densities, determined by their compressive strengths, offer valuable information about their formation history. In this paper, we utilize a formulation of the compressive strength of dust aggregates obtained from dust $N$-body simulations to establish the relation between bulk density and diameter. We find that this relation can be effectively approximated by a polytrope with an index of 0.5, coupled with a formulation of the compressive strength of dust aggregates. The lowest-density trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) and main-belt asteroids (MBAs) are well reproduced by dust aggregates composed of 0.1-$\mathrm{\mu}$m-sized grains. However, most TNOs, MBAs, comets, and near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) exhibit higher densities, suggesting the influence of compaction mechanisms such as collision, dust grain disruption, sintering, or melting, leading to further growth. We speculate that there are two potential formation paths for small solar system bodies: one involves the direct coagulation of primordial dust grains, resulting in the formation of first-generation planetesimals, including the lowest-density TNOs, MBAs, and parent bodies of comets and NEAs. In this case, comets and NEAs are fragments or rubble piles of first-generation planetesimals, and objects themselves or rubbles are composed of 0.1-$\mathrm{\mu}$m-sized grains. The other path involves further potential fragmentation of first-generation planetesimals into compact dust aggregates observed in protoplanetary disks, resulting in the formation of second-generation planetesimals composed of compact dust aggregates, which may contribute to explaining another formation process of comets and NEAs.

We produce a new photometric calibration for the combined six-filter system formed by $Gaia$ DR2 + EDR3 $G$+$G_{\rm BP}$+$G_{\rm RP}$ using an improved STIS/HST spectrophotometric library with very red stars. The comparison between observed and synthetic photometry yields residual dispersions of just 3.4-8.7 mmag, resulting in the most accurate and precise whole-sky large-dynamic-range optical photometric system ever obtained. We include some tests and applications.

J. Maíz Apellániz, R. H. Barbá, J. A. Molina Lera, A. Lambarri Martínez, R. Fernández Aranda

The Villafranca project is studying Galactic stellar groups with OB stars combining information from $Gaia$ and ground-based surveys. We summarize the status of the project and we present its most important results. The Villafranca project has been used to produce a new astrometric calibration for $Gaia$ (E)DR3, which improves the previous one significantly for bright stars. We have discovered that dynamical interactions among massive stars at a very young age ($\sim$1 Ma or less) can play a significant interaction in the dynamical evolution of clusters. As a consequence, our current view of the massive-star IMF may be distorted and the number of free-floating neutron stars and black holes higher than previously considered.

K. V. S. Gasealahwe, I. M. Monageng, R. P. Fender, P. A. Woudt, A. K. Hughes, S. E. Motta, J. van den Eijnden, P. Saikia, E. Tremou

XTE J1701-462 is a neutron star low mass X-ray binary (NS LMXB) discovered in 2006 as the first system to demonstrate unambiguously that the `Atoll' and `Z' classes of accreting neutron stars are separated by accretion rate. Radio observations during the 2006/7 outburst provided evidence for the formation of a relativistic jet, as now expected for all accreting neutron star and black hole X-ray binaries at high accretion rates. The source entered a new outburst in 2022, and we report 29 observations made with the MeerKAT radio telescope. The first radio detection was on the 16th September 2022, we continued detecting the source until mid-December 2022. Thereafter, establishing radio upper limits till 25 March 2023. We present the radio analysis alongside analysis of contemporaneous X-ray observations from MAXI. The radio light curve shows evidence for at least three flare-like events over the first hundred days, the most luminous of which has an associated minimum energy of $1\times10^{38}$ erg. We provide a detailed comparison with the 2006/7 outburst, and demonstrate that we detected radio emission from the source for considerably longer in the more recent outburst, although this is probably a function of sampling. We further constrain the radio emission from the source to have a polarisation of less than 9% at the time of 2022 IXPE detection of X-ray polarisation. Finally, we place the source in the radio -- X-ray plane, demonstrating that when detected in radio it sits in a comparable region of parameter space to the other Z-sources.

Yoshihide Yamato, Yuri Aikawa, Viviana V. Guzmán, Kenji Furuya, Shota Notsu, Gianni Cataldi, Karin I. Öberg, Chunhua Qi, Charles J. Law, Jane Huang, Richard Teague, Romane Le Gal

Characterizing the chemistry of complex organic molecules (COMs) at the epoch of planet formation provides insights into the chemical evolution of the interstellar medium (ISM) and the origin of organic materials in our Solar System. We report a detection of dimethyl ether (CH$_3$OCH$_3$) in the disk around the Herbig Ae star MWC 480 with the sensitive Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array observations. This is the first detection of CH$_3$OCH$_3$ in a non-transitional Class II disk. The spatially unresolved, compact (${\lesssim}$25 au in radius) nature, the broad line width ($\sim$30 km s$^{-1}$), and the high excitation temperature (${\sim}$200 K) indicate sublimation of COMs in the warm inner disk. Despite the detection of CH$_3$OCH$_3$, methanol (CH$_3$OH), the most abundant COM in the ISM, has not been detected, from which we constrain the column density ratio of CH$_3$OCH$_3$/CH$_3$OH ${\gtrsim}$7. This high ratio may indicate the reprocessing of COMs during the disk phase, as well as the effect of the physical structure in the inner disk. We also find that this ratio is higher than in COM-rich transition disks recently discovered. This may indicate that, in the full disk of MWC 480, COMs have experienced substantial chemical reprocessing in the innermost region, while the COM emission in the transition disks predominantly traces the inherited ice sublimating at the dust cavity edge located at larger radii (${\gtrsim}$20 au).

We compare the photometric properties and specific star formation rate (sSFR) of classical and pseudo-bulge galaxies with $M_* \ge 10^{9.5} \rm M_{\odot}$ at $0.5\le z<1.0$, selected from all five CANDELS fields. We also compare these properties of bulge galaxies at lower redshift selected from MaNGA survey (Hu et al. 2024). This paper aims to study the properties of galaxies with classical and pseudo-bulges at intermediate redshift, to compare the differences between different bulge types, and to understand the evolution of bulges with redshift. Galaxies are classified into classical bulge and pseudo-bulge samples according to the S$\mathrm{\acute{e}}$rsic index n of the bulge component based on results of two-component decomposition of galaxies, as well as the position of bulges on the Kormendy diagram. For the 105 classical bulge and 86 pseudo-bulge galaxies selected, we compare their size, luminosity, and sSFR of various components. At given stellar mass, most classical bulge galaxies have smaller effective radii, larger $B/T$, brighter and relatively larger bulges, and less active star formation than pseudo-bulge galaxies. Besides, the two types of galaxies have larger differences in sSFR at large radii than at the central region at both low and mid-redshifts. The differences between properties of the two types of bulge galaxies are in general smaller at mid-redshift than at low redshift, indicating that they are evolving to more distinct populations towards the local universe. Bulge type is correlated with the properties of their outer disks, and the correlation is already present at redshift as high as $0.5<z<1$.

Among the lines of evidence for a buried ocean on Titan is the possible detection, in 2005, by the Permittivity, Wave and Altimetry (PWA) analyzer on board the ESA Huygens probe of Schumann-like Resonances (SR). SR are Extremely Low Frequency electromagnetic waves resonating between two electrically conductive layers. On Titan, it has been proposed that they propagate between the moon's ionosphere and a salty subsurface water ocean. Their characterization by electric field sensors can provide constraints on Titan's cavity characteristics and in particular on the depth of Titan's ocean which is key to better assess Titan's habitability. For this work we have developed a numerical model of Titan's electromagnetic cavity as well as a surrogate model to conduct simulations and sensitivity analyses at a low computational cost. This surrogate model is used both to re-assess PWA/Huygens measurements and to predict the future performance of the EFIELD experiment on board the NASA Dragonfly mission. We demonstrate that the PWA/Huygens measurements, in particular due to their low spectral resolution, do not bring any meaningful constraint on Titan's ocean depth. On the other hand, the finer resolution of the EFIELD experiment and its ability to capture several harmonics of SR should provide more robust constraints on Titan's internal structure, especially if the electrical properties of the ice crust and the atmosphere can be better constrained.

Thermal Doppler broadening of spectral profiles for particle populations in the absence or presence of potential fields are described by kappa distributions. The kappa distribution provides a replacement for the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution which can be considered as a generalization for describing systems characterized by local correlations among their particles as found in space and astrophysical plasmas. This paper presents all special cases of kappa distributions as members of a general pathway family of densities introduced by Mathai.

Waves play an important role in the heating of solar atmosphere, however, observations of wave propagation and damping from the solar photosphere to corona through chromosphere and transition region are very rare. Recent observations have shown propagation of 3-min slow magnetoacoustic waves (SMAWs) along fan loops from the solar photosphere to corona. In this work, we investigate the role of area divergence and frequencies on the damping of SMAWs propagating from the photosphere to the corona along several fan loops rooted in the sunspot umbra. We study the Fourier power spectra of oscillations along fan loops at each atmospheric height which showed significant enhancements in 1--2 min, 2.3--3.6 min and 4.2--6 min period bands. Amplitude of intensity oscillations in different period bands and heights are extracted after normalizing the filtered light curves with low-frequency background. We find damping of SMAW energy flux propagating along the fan loop 6 with damping lengths ~170 km and ~208 km for 1.5-min and 3-min period bands. We also show the decay of total wave energy content with height after incorporating area divergence effect, and present actual damping of SMAWs from photosphere to corona. Actual damping lengths in this case increases to ~172 km and ~303 km for 1.5-min and 3-min period bands. All the fan loops show such increase in actual damping lengths, and thus highlight the importance of area divergence effect. Results also show some frequency-dependent damping of SMAW energy fluxes with height where high-frequency waves are damped faster than low-frequency waves.

Statistical analyses based on the spatial correlation between the sky maps of Gravitational Wave (GW) events and the positions of potential host environments are a powerful tool to infer the origin of the black hole binary mergers that have been detected by the LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA instruments. In this paper, we tighten our previous constraints on the fraction of detected GW events that may have originated from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). We consider 159 mergers detected not later than June 1st, 2024, and the all-sky quasar catalogue Quaia. We increase by a factor of 5.3 and 114 the number of considered GW sources and AGN respectively, also extending our analysis from redshift 0.3 to 1.5. This is possible thanks to the uniformity of the AGN catalogue and its high level of completeness, which we estimate as a function of redshift and luminosity. We find at a 95 per cent credibility level that un-obscured AGN with a bolometric luminosity higher than $10^{44.5}{\rm erg\ s}^{-1}$ ($10^{45}{\rm erg\ s}^{-1}$) do not contribute to more than the 21 (11) per cent of the detected GW events.

The identification of complex prebiotic molecules using millimeter and submillimeter telescopes allows us to understand how the basic building blocks of life are formed in the universe. In the interstellar medium (ISM), ethylene glycol ((CH$_{2}$OH)$_{2}$) is the simplest sugar alcohol molecule, and it is the reduced alcohol of the simplest sugar-like molecule, glycolaldehyde (CH$_{2}$OHCHO). We present the first detection of the rotational emission lines of $aGg^{\prime}$ conformer of ethylene glycol ((CH$_{2}$OH)$_{2}$) towards the hot molecular core G358.93$-$0.03 MM1 using the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA). The estimated column density of $aGg^{\prime}$-(CH$_{2}$OH)$_{2}$ towards the G358.93$-$0.03 MM1 is (4.5$\pm$0.1)$\times$10$^{16}$ cm$^{-2}$ with an excitation temperature of 155$\pm$35 K. The abundance of $aGg^{\prime}$-(CH$_{2}$OH)$_{2}$ with respect to H$_{2}$ is (1.4$\pm$0.5)$\times$10$^{-8}$. Similarly, the abundances of $aGg^{\prime}$-(CH$_{2}$OH)$_{2}$ with respect to CH$_{2}$OHCHO and CH$_{3}$OH are 3.1$\pm$0.5 and (6.1$\pm$0.3)$\times$10$^{-3}$. We compare the estimated abundance of $aGg^{\prime}$-(CH$_{2}$OH)$_{2}$ with the existing three-phase warm-up chemical model abundance of (CH$_{2}$OH)$_{2}$, and we notice the observed abundance and modelled abundance are nearly similar. We discuss the possible formation pathways of $aGg^{\prime}$-(CH$_{2}$OH)$_{2}$ towards the hot molecular cores, and we find that $aGg^{\prime}$-(CH$_{2}$OH)$_{2}$ is probably created via the recombination of two CH$_{2}$OH radicals on the grain surface of G358.93$-$0.03 MM1.

Molecular cloud collisions are a prominent theory for the formation of stars. Observational studies into cloud collisions identify the collision via a bridging feature: a continuous strip of line emission that connects two intensity peaks that are related in position space and separated in velocity space. Currently, most observations of collisions and these bridging features take place in the Milky Way disc. They are also theorized to take place in the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ), where temperatures and densities are both significantly higher than in the disc. For studies in the Milky Way Disc, the most commonly-used tracer tends to be CO. However, for studies in the CMZ, where the density and temperature are significantly higher, CO becomes so abundant that it loses its ability to adequately highlight the bridging feature of cloud collisions. As a result, studies have begun using other tracers, whose physical and chemical behavior has not been studied under CMZ conditions. We perform combined hydrodynamical, chemical and radiative transfer simulations of cloud collisions under both disc- and CMZ-like conditions, and investigate collision signatures in a number of commonly-observed molecular lines. Under the Milky Way disc conditions \( \co \) has the standard bridging feature; however, the other tracers, CS, HCO$^{+}$, N$_2$H$^{+}$ only emit in the intermediate-velocity bridge region, making the feature itself non-existent. In the CMZ, the higher density and temperature make the bridging feature far more indistinct for CO, but the other tracers have morphologically similar bridging features to the CO disc model, validating their use as tracers of cloud collisions under these conditions.

Dane Spaeth, Sabine Reffert, Emily L. Hunt, Adrian Kaminski, Andreas Quirrenbach

Several evolved stars have been found to exhibit long-period radial velocity variations that cannot be explained by planetary or brown dwarf companions. Non-radial oscillations caused by oscillatory convective modes have been put forth as an alternative explanation, but no modeling attempt has yet been undertaken. We provide a model of a non-radial oscillation, aiming to explain the observed variations of the cluster giant NGC 4349 No. 127. The star was previously reported to host a brown dwarf companion, but whose existence was later refuted in the literature. We reanalyzed 58 archival HARPS spectra, acquiring additional activity indicators using the SERVAL and RACCOON pipelines. We searched for periodicity in the indicators and correlations between the indicators and radial velocities. We further present a simulation code able to produce synthetic HARPS spectra, incorporating the effect of non-radial oscillations, and compare the simulated results to the observed variations. We find a positive correlation between chromatic index and radial velocity, along with closed-loop Lissajous-like correlations between radial velocity and each of the spectral line shape indicators (full width at half maximum, and contrast of the cross-correlation function and differential line width). Simulations of a low-amplitude, retrograde, dipole (l = 1, m = 1), non-radial oscillation can reproduce the observed behavior and explain the observables. Photometric variations below the detection threshold of the available ASAS-3 photometry are predicted. The oscillation and stellar parameters are largely in agreement with the prediction of oscillatory convective modes. The periodic variations of the radial velocities and activity indicators, along with the respective phase shifts, measured for the intermediate-mass cluster giant NGC 4349 No. 127, can be explained by a non-radial oscillation.

Stars do not form in isolation but together with other stars, and often in a clustered environment. Depending on the initial conditions in these environments, such as initial density and substructure, the distances of encounters between stars will differ. These encounters can also affect just-formed exoplanetary systems. Using N-body simulations, we show the effect of a single fly-by on a common type of exoplanetary system: close-in Super-Earths/sub-Neptunes with or without a distant Giant planet. Even a single encounter can significantly modify the architecture of these exoplanetary systems over their long lifetimes. We test fly-bys with different characteristics, such as distance and mass, and show how they perturb the inner planets long after the encounter, leading to collisions and mutual inclination excitation, which can significantly modify the observed architecture of these systems in transit. We find that our initially four-planet inner systems reduce to three or two inner planets depending on their initial separation and that the mutual inclinations of these remaining planets can be high enough to reduce the number of observable, transiting planets. In our 500 Myr simulations, we show that this reduction in the number of transiting planets due to stellar fly-bys can contribute to the observed excess of single-transit systems.

Marco Mirabile, Michele Cantiello, Pratik Lonare, Rossella Ragusa, Maurizio Paolillo, Nandini Hazra, Antonio La Marca, Enrichetta Iodice, Marilena Spavone, Steffen Mieske, Marina Rejkuba, Michael Hilker, Gabriele Riccio, Rebecca A. Habas, Enzo Brocato, Pietro Schipani, Aniello Grado, Luca Limatola

Globular clusters (GCs) are among the oldest stellar systems in the universe. As such, GCs population are valuable fossil tracers of galaxy formation and interaction history. We use the multi-band wide-field images obtained with the VST to study the properties of the GC population in an interacting pair of galaxies. We derived ugri photometry over $1.5x1.5deg^2$ centred on the galaxy group composed by two elliptical galaxies: NGC3640 and its fainter companion NGC3641. We studied the GC system properties from both the ugri and gri matched catalogs GC candidates were identified based on a combination of photometric properties (colors, magnitudes) and morphometric criteria (concentration index, elongation, FWHM), using sources with well-defined classifications from spectroscopic or imaging data available in the literature and numerical simulations as references. The selection criteria were also applied to empty fields to determine a statistical background correction for the number of identified GC candidates. The 2D density maps of GCs appear to align with the diffuse light patches resulting from merging events of the galaxies. The highest density peak of GCs is observed to be on NGC3641 rather than NGC3640, despite the latter being the more massive galaxy. The azimuthal averaged radial density profiles in both galaxies reveal that the GC population extends beyond the galaxy light profile and indicate the likely presence of an intra-group GC component. A color bimodality in (u-r) and (g-i) is observed for NGC3641, whereas NGC3640 shows a broad unimodal distribution. Analysis of the GC Luminosity Function indicates that both galaxies are roughly located at the same distance (~27Mpc). We provide an estimate of the total number of GCs, and determine the specific frequency for NGC3640, $S_N =2.0\pm0.6$, which aligns with expectations, while for NGC3641 we find a large $S_N=4.5\pm1.6$.

MeerKLASS Collaboration, Matilde Barberi-Squarotti, José L. Bernal, Philip Bull, Stefano Camera, Isabella P. Carucci, Zhaoting Chen, Steven Cunnington, Brandon N. Engelbrecht, José Fonseca, Keith Grainge, Melis O. Irfan, Yichao Li, Aishrila Mazumder, Sourabh Paul, Alkistis Pourtsidou, Mario G. Santos, Marta Spinelli, Jingying Wang, Amadeus Witzemann, Laura Wolz

We present results from MeerKAT single-dish HI intensity maps, the final observations to be performed in L-band in the MeerKAT Large Area Synoptic Survey (MeerKLASS) campaign. The observations represent the deepest single-dish HI intensity maps to date, produced from 41 repeated scans over $236\,{\rm deg}^2$, providing 62 hours of observational data for each of the 64 dishes before flagging. By introducing an iterative self-calibration process, the estimated thermal noise of the reconstructed maps is limited to ${\sim}\,1.21\,$mK ($1.2\,\times$ the theoretical noise level). This thermal noise will be sub-dominant relative to the HI fluctuations on large scales ($k\,{\lesssim}\,0.15\,h\,\text{Mpc}^{-1}$), which demands upgrades to power spectrum analysis techniques, particularly for covariance estimation. In this work, we present the improved MeerKLASS analysis pipeline, validating it on both a suite of mock simulations and a small sample of overlapping spectroscopic galaxies from the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey. Despite only overlapping with ${\sim}\,25\%$ of the MeerKLASS deep field, and a conservative approach to covariance estimation, we still obtain a ${>}\,4\,\sigma$ detection of the cross-power spectrum between the intensity maps and the 2269 galaxies at the narrow redshift range $0.39\,{<}\,z\,{<}\,0.46$. We briefly discuss the HI auto-power spectrum from this data, the detection of which will be the focus of follow-up work. For the first time with MeerKAT single-dish intensity maps, we also present evidence of HI emission from stacking the maps onto the positions of the GAMA galaxies.

P. Merluzzi, T. Venturi, G. Busarello, G. Di Gennaro, S. Giacintucci, V. Casasola, D. Krajnovic, T. Vernstrom, E. Carretti, O. Smirnov, K. Trehaeven, C. S. Anderson, J. Chesters, G. Heald, A. M. Hopkins, B. Koribalski

We study the radio continuum emission of four galaxies experiencing ram-pressure stripping in four clusters of the Shapley supercluster at redshift z~0.05. Multi-band (235-1367 MHz) radio data, complemented by integral-field spectroscopy, allow us to detect and analyse in detail the non-thermal component both in the galaxy discs and the radio continuum tails. Three galaxies present radio continuum tails which are tens of kiloparsecs long. By deriving the radio spectral index in the inner and outer tails and comparing our findings with the distribution of the extraplanar ionised gas and the results of N-body/hydrodynamical simulations, we demonstrate that these tails are caused by the ram pressure which, together with the ionised gas, sweeps the magnetic field from the galaxy discs. We suggest that the radio continuum emission in these tails can be differently powered by (i) in situ star formation; (ii) relativistic electrons stripped from the disc; (iii) shock excitation or a combination of them. All the ram-pressure stripped galaxies are found in environments where cluster-cluster interactions occurred and/or are ongoing thus strongly supporting the thesis that cluster and group collisions and mergers may locally increase the ram pressure and trigger hydrodynamical interactions between the intracluster medium and the interstellar medium of galaxies.

Hydrodynamical cosmological simulations are ideal laboratories where the evolution of the cosmic web can be studied. This allows for easier insight into the nature of the filaments. We investigate how the intrinsic properties of filaments are evolving in areas extracted from a larger cosmological simulation. We aim to identify significant trends in the properties of Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium (WHIM) and suggest possible explanations. To study the filaments and their contents, we select a subset of regions from the Dianoga simulation. We analysed these regions that were simulated with different baryon physics, namely with and without the AGN feedback. We construct the cosmic web using the Sub-space Constrained Mean Shift (SCMS) algorithm and the Sequential Chain Algorithm for Resolving Filaments (SCARF). We examined the basic physical properties of filaments (length, shape, mass, radius) and analysed different gas phases (hot, WHIM and colder gas components) within those structures. The evolution of the global filament properties and the properties of the gas phases were studied in the redshift range $0 < z < 1.48$. Within our simulations, the detected filaments have, on average, lengths below $9$ Mpc. The filaments' shape correlates with their length; the longer they are, the more likely they are curved. We find that the scaling relation between mass $M$ and length $L$ of the filaments is well described by the power law $M \propto L^{1.7}$. The radial density profile is widening with redshift, meaning that the radius of the filaments is getting larger over time. The fraction of gas mass in the WHIM phase does not depend on the model and is rising towards lower redshifts. However, the included baryon physics has a strong impact on the metallicity of gas in filaments, indicating that the AGN feedback impacts the metal content already at redshifts of $z \sim 2$.

G. Valerin, A. Pastorello, A. Reguitti, S. Benetti, Y.-Z. Cai, T.-W. Chen, D. Eappachen, N. Elias-Rosa, M. Fraser, A. Gangopadhyay, E. Y. Hsiao, D. A. Howell, C. Inserra, L. Izzo, J. Jencson, E. Kankare, R. Kotak, P. A. Mazzali, K. Misra, G. Pignata, S. J. Prentice, D. J. Sand, S. J. Smartt, M. D. Stritzinger, L. Tartaglia, S. Valenti, J. P. Anderson, J. E. Andrews, R. C. Amaro, S. Brennan, F. Bufano, E. Callis, E. Cappellaro, R. Dastidar, M. Della Valle, A. Fiore, M. D. Fulton, L. Galbany, T. Heikkilä, D. Hiramatsu, E. Karamehmetoglu, H. Kuncarayakti, G. Leloudas, M. Lundquist, C. McCully, T. E. Müller-Bravo, M. Nicholl, P. Ochner, E. Padilla Gonzalez, E. Paraskeva, C. Pellegrino, D. E. Reichart, T. M. Reynolds, R. Roy, I. Salmaso, M. Singh, M. Turatto, L. Tomasella, S. Wyatt, D. R. Young

We investigate the photometric characteristics of a sample of Intermediate Luminosity Red Transients (ILRTs), a class of elusive objects with peak luminosity between that of classical novae and standard supernovae. We present the multi-wavelength photometric follow-up of four ILRTs, namely NGC 300 2008OT-1, AT 2019abn, AT 2019ahd and AT 2019udc. Through the analysis and modelling of their spectral energy distribution and bolometric light curves we infer the physical parameters associated with these transients. All four objects display a single peaked light curve which ends in a linear decline in magnitudes at late phases. A flux excess with respect to a single black body emission is detected in the infrared domain for three objects in our sample, a few months after maximum. This feature, commonly found in ILRTs, is interpreted as a sign of dust formation. Mid infrared monitoring of NGC 300 2008OT-1 761 days after maximum allows us to infer the presence of $\sim$10$^{-3}$-10$^{-5}$ M$_{\odot}$ of dust, depending on the chemical composition and the grain size adopted. The late time decline of the bolometric light curves of the considered ILRTs is shallower than expected for $^{56}$Ni decay, hence requiring an additional powering mechanism. James Webb Space Telescope observations of AT 2019abn prove that the object has faded below its progenitor luminosity in the mid-infrared domain, five years after its peak. Together with the disappearance of NGC 300 2008OT-1 in Spitzer images seven years after its discovery, this supports the terminal explosion scenario for ILRTs. With a simple semi-analytical model we try to reproduce the observed bolometric light curves in the context of few M$_{\odot}$ of material ejected at few 10$^{3}$ km s$^{-1}$ and enshrouded in an optically thick circumstellar medium.

NRAO and SpaceX have been engaged in coordinated testing efforts since Fall 2021, including conducting experiments on different interference avoidance schemes for the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) in New Mexico, and the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) inside the National Radio Quiet Zone (NRQZ) in West Virginia. The Starlink system is capable of avoiding direct illumination of telescope sites with their adaptive tasking to place downlink beams far away. Nevertheless, even satellites operating in this mode can potentially present strong signals into the telescope's receiver system if they pass close to the telescope's main beam at the boresight. For additional protection, Starlink satellites can either momentarily redirect or completely disable their downlink channels while they pass within some minimum angular separation threshold from the telescope's boresight, methods that are referred to as "telescope boresight avoidance". In two separate experiments conducted since Fall 2023, NRAO and SpaceX arranged to have the GBT observe a fixed RA/Dec position in the sky, chosen to have a large number of close-to-boresight Starlink passages. Preliminary analysis from these two experiments illustrate the feasibility of these avoidance methods to significantly reduce, if not eliminate, the negative impact of close-to-boresight satellite passages. Importantly, these experiments demonstrate the value of continuing cooperative efforts between NRAO and SpaceX, and expanding cooperation between the radio astronomy and satellite communities more generally.

The intense star formation in starburst galaxies results in the formation of intense winds that sweep matter up to several kpc out of the galactic plane. These winds can be detected in many bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. In this opportunity, we present our project to study three edge-on galaxies, candidates to show extraplanar emission at radio wavelengths. We will describe the criteria followed in selecting the sample and the software developed to detect the presence of the wind. Besides, we will discuss the next steps of this project.

Superconducting QUantum Interference Devices (SQUIDs) are extremely sensitive magnetic flux sensors which render them useful in a wide array of instrumentation. SQUIDs are often paired with other detectors as a readout mechanism to obtain quantitative insight. SQUIDs have impacted many fields but much less addressed is its impact on the field of fundamental physics, particularly in the search for dark matter. Dark matter is believed to make up around 27% of all mass-energy content of the universe and will provide critical insight into understanding large-scale structures of the universe. Axions and WIMPs are the prominent two dark matter candidates whose search has been fueled by the usage of SQUID read-outs.

I show that microlens parallaxes, $\pi_{\rm E}$, can be derived for free-floating planets (FFPs) with masses down to that of Pluto, by combining observations from a satellite in geosynchronous (GEO) orbit with another observatory that is on or near Earth's surface, i.e., either ground-based or in low Earth orbit (LEO). Because these low-mass FFPs typically have measurements of the angular Einstein radius, $\theta_{\rm E}$, from finite-source effects, such $\pi_{\rm E}$ measurements directly yield the FFP mass $M=\theta_{\rm E}/\kappa \pi_{\rm E}$ where $\kappa$ is a physical constant. Such Earth-GEO measurements almost perfectly complement Earth-L2 measurements, which extend to higher FFP mass and greater FFP distance. LEO-only observations can yield mass measurement at even smaller FFP mass and nearer FFP distances. I discuss methods for breaking the Refsdal (1966) two-fold degeneracy in $\pi_{{\rm E},\pm}$.

In this work, we enhance the FNet, a 1-dimensional convolutional neural network (CNN) with a residual neural network (ResNet) architecture, to perform spectral classification of quasars, galaxies, stars, and broad absorption line (BAL)-quasars in the SDSS-IV catalog from DR17 of eBOSS. Leveraging its convolutional layers and the ResNet structure with different kernel sizes, FNet autonomously identifies various patterns within the entire sample of spectra. Since FNet does not require the intermediate step of identifying specific lines, a simple modification enabled our current network to classify all SDSS spectra. This modification involves changing the final output layer from a single value (redshift) to multiple values (probabilities of all classes), and accordingly adjusting the loss function from mean squared error (MSE) to cross-entropy. FNet achieves a completeness of 99.00\% $\pm$ 0.20 for galaxies, 98.50\% $\pm$ 0.30 for quasars, 99.00\% $\pm$ 0.18 for BAL-quasars, and 98.80\% $\pm$ 0.20 for stars. These results are comparable to those obtained using QuasarNET, a standard CNN employed in the SDSS routine, comprises convolutional layers without the ResNet structure with equal kernel sizes, and is utilized for redshift measurement and classification by identifying seven emission lines. QuasarNET, in order to overcome the problem of finding a CIV emission line with broad absorption which is slightly more challenging than that of detecting emission lines requires to add BAL CIV line to the list of lines that the network learns to identify. However, this procedure is not necessary in FNet as it learns the features through a self-learning procedure.

Chengyu Ma, Kai Wang, Enci Wang, Yingjie Peng, Haochen Jiang, Haoran Yu, Cheng Jia, Zeyu Chen, Haixin Li, Xu Kong

The gas-phase metallicity of galaxies is regulated by multiple astrophysical processes, which makes it a crucial diagnostic of galaxy formation and evolution. Beyond the fundamental mass-metallicity relation, a debate about the secondary galaxy property to predict the metallicity of galaxies arises. Motivated by this, we systematically examine the relationship between gas-phase metallicity and other galaxy properties, i.e. star formation rate (SFR) and galaxy size, in addition to stellar mass in both observation and simulation. We utilize the data from the MaNGA (Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory) survey and the TNG50 simulations. We find that the combination of $M_*/R_{\rm e}^\beta$ with $\beta\sim 0.6-1$ is in much stronger correlation to the metallicity than stellar mass alone, regardless of whether the SFR is included or not, in both observation and simulation. This indicates that galaxy size plays a more important role in determining gas-phase metallicity of galaxies than SFR. In addition, the TNG simulation predicts that the SFR, although being a subdominant role, becomes increasingly important in high-$z$ universe. Finally, we speculate that SFR modulates metallicity on the temporal dimension, synchronized with time-varying gas inflows, and galaxy size regulates metallicity on the spatial dimension by affecting the gravitational potential and the mass loading factor.

G. Valerin, A. Pastorello, E. Mason, A. Reguitti, S. Benetti, Y.-Z. Cai, T.-W. Chen, D. Eappachen, N. Elias-Rosa, M. Fraser, A. Gangopadhyay, E. Y. Hsiao, D. A. Howell, C. Inserra, L. Izzo, J. Jencson, E. Kankare, R. Kotak, P. Lundqvist, P. A. Mazzali, K. Misra, G. Pignata, S. J. Prentice, D. J. Sand, S. J. Smartt, M. D. Stritzinger, L. Tartaglia, S. Valenti, J. P. Anderson, J. E. Andrews, R. C. Amaro, C. Barbarino, S. Brennan, F. Bufano, E. Callis, E. Cappellaro, R. Dastidar, M. Della Valle, A. Fiore, M. D. Fulton, L. Galbany, M. Gromadzki, T. Heikkilä, D. Hiramatsu, E. Karamehmetoglu, H. Kuncarayakti, G. Leloudas, M. Limongi, M. Lundquist, C. McCully, T. E. Müller-Bravo, M. Nicholl, P. Ochner, E. Padilla Gonzalez, E. Paraskeva, C. Pellegrino, A. Rau, D. E. Reichart, T. M. Reynolds, R. Roy, I. Salmaso, M. Shahbandeh, M. Singh, J. Sollerman, M. Turatto, L. Tomasella, S. Wyatt, D. R. Young

We investigate the spectroscopic characteristics of Intermediate Luminosity Red Transients (ILRTs), a class of elusive objects with peak luminosity between that of classical novae and standard supernovae. We present the extensive optical and near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopic monitoring of four ILRTs, namely NGC 300 2008OT-1, AT 2019abn, AT 2019ahd and AT 2019udc. First we focus on the evolution of the most prominent spectral features observed in the low resolution spectra, then we discuss more in detail the high resolution spectrum collected for NGC 300 2008OT-1 with the Very Large Telescope equipped with UVES. Finally we analyse late time spectra of NGC 300 2008OT-1 and AT 2019ahd through comparisons with both synthetic and observed spectra. Balmer and Ca lines dominate the optical spectra, revealing the presence of slowly moving circumstellar medium (CSM) around the objects. The line luminosity of H$\alpha$, H$\beta$ and Ca II NIR triplet presents a double peaked evolution with time, possibly indicative of interaction between fast ejecta and the slow CSM. The high resolution spectrum of NGC 300 2008OT-1 reveals a complex circumstellar environment, with the transient being surrounded by a slow ($\sim$30 km s$^{-1}$) progenitor wind. At late epochs, optical spectra of NGC 300 2008OT-1 and AT 2019ahd show broad ($\sim$2500 km s$^{-1}$) emission features at $\sim$6170 A and $\sim$7000 A which are unprecedented for ILRTs. We find that these lines originate most likely from the blending of several narrow lines, possibly of iron-peak elements.

Akshay Robert, Jay Farihi, Vincent Van Eylen, Amornrat Aungwerojwit, Boris T. Gänsicke, Seth Redfield, Vikram S. Dhillon, Thomas R. Marsh, Andrew Swan

This paper investigates the frequency of transiting planetary systems around metal-polluted white dwarfs using high-cadence photometry from ULTRACAM and ULTRASPEC on the ground, and space-based observations with TESS. Within a sample of 313 metal-polluted white dwarfs with available TESS light curves, two systems known to have irregular transits are blindly recovered by box-least-squares and Lomb-Scargle analyses, with no new detections, yielding a transit fraction of 0.8 (-0.4, +0.6) per cent. Planet detection sensitivities are determined using simulated transit injection and recovery for all light curves, producing upper limit occurrences over radii from dwarf to Kronian planets, with periods from 1 h to 27 d. The dearth of short-period, transiting planets orbiting polluted white dwarfs is consistent with engulfment during the giant phases of stellar evolution, and modestly constrains dynamical re-injection of planets to the shortest orbital periods. Based on simple predictions of transit probability, where (R + Rp)/a ~ 0.01, the findings here are nominally consistent with a model where 100 per cent of polluted white dwarfs have circumstellar debris near the Roche limit; however, the small sample size precludes statistical confidence in this result. Single transits are also ruled out in all light curves using a search for correlated outliers, providing weak constraints on the role of Oort-like comet clouds in white dwarf pollution.

Stellar streams are particularly sensitive probes of the mass distribution of galaxies. In this work, we focus on the Helmi Streams, the remnants of an accreted dwarf galaxy orbiting the inner Milky Way. We examine in depth their peculiar dynamical properties, and use these to provide tight constraints on the Galactic potential, and specifically on its dark matter halo in the inner 20 kpc. We extract 6D phase-space information for the Helmi Streams from Gaia DR3, and confirm that the Streams split up into two clumps in angular momentum space, and that these depict different degrees of phase-mixing. To explain these characteristics we explore a range of Galactic potential models with a triaxial NFW halo, further constrained by rotation curve data. We find that a Galactic potential with a mildly triaxial dark matter halo, having $p=1.013^{+0.006}_{-0.006}$, $q=1.204^{+0.032}_{-0.036}$, $M_{\rm{discs}}=4.65^{+0.47}_{-0.57}\cdot10^{10} M_{\odot}$ and $M_{\rm{DM}}(< 15 \text{kpc})=1.14^{+0.11}_{-0.10}\cdot10^{11} M_{\odot}$, is required to form two clumps in angular momentum space over time. Their formation is driven by the fact that the clumps are on different orbital families and close to an orbital resonance. This resonance also explains the different degrees of mixing observed, as well as the presence of a dynamically cold subclump (also known as S2). This first and very precise measurement of the triaxiality of the inner dark matter halo of the Galaxy uniquely reveals the high sensitivity of phase-mixed streams to the exact form of the gravitational potential.