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Papers for Thursday, Aug 08 2024

Papers with local authors

Chris Hamilton, Shaunak Modak, Scott Tremaine
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Paper 2 — arXiv:2408.03366
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Paper 2 — arXiv:2408.03366

Galactic disks lie at the heart of many of the most pressing astrophysical puzzles. There are sophisticated kinetic theories that describe some aspects of galaxy disk dynamics, but extracting quantitative predictions from those theories has proven very difficult, meaning they have shed little light on observations/simulations of galaxies. Here, we begin to address this issue by developing a tractable theory describing fluctuations and transport in thin galactic disks. Our main conceptual advance is to split potential fluctuations into asymptotic wavelength regimes relative to orbital guiding radius and epicyclic amplitude (similar to plasma gyrokinetics), and then to treat separately the dynamics in each regime. As an illustration, we apply our results to quasilinear theory, calculating the angular-momentum transport due to a transient spiral. At each stage we verify our formulae with numerical examples. Our approach should simplify many important calculations in galactic disk dynamics.

Aidan P. Cloonan, Gourav Khullar, Kate A. Napier, Michael D. Gladders, Håkon Dahle, Riley Rosener, Jamar Sullivan Jr., Matthew B. Bayliss, Nathalie Chicoine, Isaiah Escapa, Diego Garza, Josh Garza, Rowen Glusman, Katya Gozman, Gabriela Horwath, Andi Kisare, Benjamin C. Levine, Olina Liang, Natalie Malagon, Michael N. Martinez, Alexandra Masegian, Owen S. Matthews Acuña, Simon D. Mork, Kunwanhui Niu, M. Riley Owens, Yue Pan, Jane R. Rigby, Keren Sharon, Isaac Sierra, Antony A. Stark, Ezra Sukay, Marcos Tamargo-Arizmendi, Kiyan Tavangar, Raul Teixeira, Kabelo Tsiane, Grace Wagner, Erik A. Zaborowski, Yunchong Zhang, Megan Zhao
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Paper 8 — arXiv:2408.03379
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Paper 8 — arXiv:2408.03379

Wide-separation lensed quasars (WSLQs) are a rare class of strongly lensed quasars, magnified by foreground massive galaxy clusters, with typically large magnifications of the multiple quasar images. They are a relatively unexplored opportunity for detailed study of quasar host galaxies. The current small sample of known WSLQs has a median redshift of $z\approx 2.1$, larger than most other samples of quasar host galaxies studied to date. Here, we derive precise constraints on the properties of six WSLQs and their host galaxies, using parametric surface brightness fitting, measurements of quasar emission lines, and stellar population synthesis of host galaxies in six WSLQ systems. Our results, with significant uncertainty, indicate that these six hosts are a mixture of star-forming and quiescent galaxies. To probe for co-evolution between AGNs and host galaxies, we model the offset from the `local' ($z=0$) $M_{\rm{BH}}\unicode{x2013}M_\star$ relation as a simple power-law in redshift. Accounting for selection effects, a WSLQ-based model for evolution in the $M_{\rm{BH}}\unicode{x2013}M_\star$ relation has a power-law index of $\gamma_M=-0.42\pm0.31$, consistent with no evolution. Compared to several literature samples, which mostly probe unlensed quasars at $z<2$, the WSLQ sample shows less evolution from the local relation, at $\sim 4\sigma$. We find that selection affects and choices of $M_{\rm{BH}}$ calibration are the most important systematics in these comparisons. Given that we resolve host galaxy flux confidently even from the ground in some instances, our work demonstrates that WSLQs and highly magnified AGNs are exceptional systems for future AGN$\unicode{x2013}$host co-evolution studies.

Avrajit Bandyopadhyay, Rana Ezzeddine, Carlos Allende Prieto, Nima Aria, Shivani P. Shah, Timothy C. Beers, Anna Frebel, Terese T. Hansen, Erika M. Holmbeck, Vinicius M. Placco, Ian U. Roederer, Charli M. Sakari
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Paper 23 — arXiv:2408.03731
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Paper 23 — arXiv:2408.03731

Understanding the abundance pattern of metal-poor stars and the production of heavy elements through various nucleosynthesis processes offers crucial insights into the chemical evolution of the Milky Way, revealing primary sites and major sources of rapid neutron-capture process ($r$-process) material in the Universe. In this fifth data release from the $R$-Process Alliance, we present the detailed chemical abundances of 41 faint (down to V = 15.8) and extremely metal-poor (down to [Fe/H] = -3.3) halo stars selected from the $R$-Process Alliance (RPA). We obtained high-resolution spectra for these objects with the HORuS spectrograph on the Gran Telescopio Canarias. We measure the abundances of light, alpha, Fe-peak, and neutron-capture elements. We report the discovery of five CEMP, one limited-$r$, three $r$-I, and four $r$-II stars, and six Mg-poor stars. We also identify one star of a possible globular cluster origin at an extremely low metallicity at [Fe/H] = -3.0. This adds to the growing evidence of a lower limit metallicity floor for globular cluster abundances. We use the abundances of Fe-peak elements and the alpha-elements to investigate the contributions from different nucleosynthesis channels in the progenitor supernovae. We find the distribution of [Mg/Eu] as a function of [Fe/H] to have different enrichment levels, indicating different possible pathways and sites of their production. We also reveal differences in the trends of the neutron-capture element abundances of Sr, Ba, and Eu of various r-I and r-II stars from the RPA data releases, which provide constraints on their nucleosynthesis sites and subsequent evolution.

Sedona H. Price, Rachel Bezanson, Ivo Labbe, Lukas J. Furtak, Anna de Graaff, Jenny E. Greene, Vasily Kokorev, David J. Setton, Katherine A. Suess, Gabriel Brammer, Sam E. Cutler, Joel Leja, Richard Pan, Bingjie Wang, John R. Weaver, Katherine E. Whitaker, Hakim Atek, Adam J. Burgasser, Iryna Chemerynska, Pratika Dayal, Robert Feldmann, Natascha M. Förster Schreiber, Yoshinobu Fudamoto, Seiji Fujimoto, Karl Glazebrook, Andy D. Goulding, Gourav Khullar, Mariska Kriek, Danilo Marchesini, Michael V. Maseda, Tim B. Miller, Adam Muzzin, Themiya Nanayakkara, Erica Nelson, Pascal A. Oesch, Heath Shipley, Renske Smit, Edward N. Taylor, Pieter van Dokkum, Christina C. Williams, Adi Zitrin

this https URL

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Paper 35 — arXiv:2408.03920
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Paper 35 — arXiv:2408.03920

We present the design and observations of low resolution JWST/NIRSpec PRISM spectroscopy from the Ultradeep NIRSpec and NIRCam ObserVations before the Epoch of Reionization (UNCOVER) Cycle 1 JWST Treasury program. Targets are selected using JWST/NIRCam photometry from UNCOVER and other programs, and cover a wide range of categories and redshifts to ensure the legacy value of the survey. These categories include the first galaxies at $z\gtrsim10$, faint galaxies during the Epoch of Reionization ($z\gtrsim6-8$), high redshift AGN ($z\gtrsim6$), Population III star candidates, distant quiescent and dusty galaxies ($1\lesssim z \lesssim 6$), and filler galaxies sampling redshift--color--magnitude space from $z\sim 0.1-13$. Seven NIRSpec MSA masks across the extended Abell 2744 cluster were observed, along with NIRCam parallel imaging in 8 filters (F090W, F115W, F150W, F200W, F277W, F356W, F410M, F444W, F480M) over a total area of ~26 arcmin$^2$, overlapping existing HST coverage from programs including the Hubble Frontier Fields and BUFFALO. We successfully observed 553 objects down to $m_{\mathrm{F444W}}\sim30\mathrm{AB}$, and by leveraging mask overlaps, we reach total on-target exposure times ranging from 2.4-16.7h. We demonstrate the success rate and distribution of confirmed redshifts, and also highlight the rich information revealed by these ultradeep spectra for a subset of our targets. An updated lens model of Abell 2744 is also presented, including 14 additional spectroscopic redshifts and finding a total cluster mass of $M_{\mathrm{SL}}=(2.1\pm0.3)\times10^{15}\,\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$. We publicly release reduced 1D and 2D spectra for all objects observed in Summer 2023 along with a spectroscopic redshift catalog and the updated lens model of the cluster (this https URL).

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Cyril Richard, Vincent Hourdin, Cécile Melis, Adrian Knagg-Baugh

Siril is a powerful open-source software package designed for the preprocessing and post-processing of astronomical images. It is particularly well-suited for astrophotography enthusiasts and professional astronomers alike. Siril provides advanced tools for tasks such as image stacking, calibration, registration, and enhancement, enabling users to produce high-quality images of celestial objects. The version discussed here is the development branch 1.4, which, while not officially released, is available for testing and includes the latest features and improvements.

Bert Vander Meulen, Peter Camps, Masahiro Tsujimoto, Keiichi Wada

We included the intrinsic line profiles of the strongest fluorescent lines in the X-ray radiative transfer code SKIRT to model the cold-gas structure and kinematics based on high-resolution line observations from XRISM/Resolve and Athena/X-IFU. The intrinsic line profiles of the Ka and Kb lines of Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu were implemented based on a multi-Lorentzian parameterisation and line energies are sampled from these Lorentzian components during the radiative transfer routine. In the optically thin regime, the SKIRT results match the intrinsic line profiles as measured in the laboratory. With a more complex 3D model that also includes kinematics, we find that the intrinsic line profiles are broadened and shifted to an extent that will be detectable with XRISM/Resolve; this model also demonstrates the importance of the intrinsic line shapes for constraining kinematics. We find that observed line profiles directly trace the cold-gas kinematics, without any additional radiative transfer effects. With the advent of the first XRISM/Resolve data, this update to the X-ray radiative transfer framework of SKIRT is timely and provides a unique tool for constraining the velocity structure of cold gas from X-ray microcalorimeter spectra.

Adam Griffiths, Miguel-Á Aloy, Raphael Hirschi, Moritz Reichert, Matrin Obergaulinger, Emily E. Whitehead, Sébastien Martinet, Sylvia Esktröm, Georges Meynet

Stars with initial mass above roughly 8 solar masses will evolve to form a core made of iron group elements at which point no further exothermic nuclear reactions between charged nuclei may prevent the core collapse. Electron captures, neutrino losses, and the photo-disintegration of heavy nuclei trigger the collapse of these stars. Models at the brink of core collapse are produced using stellar evolution codes and these pre-collapse models may be used in the study of the subsequent dynamical evolution (including their explosion as supernovae and the formation of compact remnants such as neutron stars or black holes). We upgrade the physical ingredients employed by the GENeva stellar Evolution Code, GENEC, so that it may cover the regime of high temperatures and high densities required to produce progenitors of core-collapse. We have improved GENEC in three directions, equation of state, the nuclear reaction network and the radiative and conductive opacities adapted for the computation of the advanced phases of evolution. We produce a small grid of pre-supernova models of stars with zero-age main sequence masses of 15, 20 and 25 solar masses at solar and less than half solar metallicities. The results are compared with analogous models produced with the MESA code. The global properties of our new models, particularly of their inner cores, are comparable to models computed with MESA and pre-existing progenitors in the literature. Between codes the exact shell structure varies impacting explosion predictions. Using GENEC with state-of-the-art physics, we have produced massive stellar progenitors prior to collapse. These progenitors are suitable for follow-up studies, including the dynamical collapse and supernova phases. Larger grids of supernova progenitors are now feasible, with potential for further dynamical evolution.

Daniel Majaess, David G. Turner, Dante Minniti, Javier Alonso-Garcia, Roberto Saito

The classical Cepheid KQ Sco is a valuable anchor for the distance scale because of its long pulsation period ($28^{\rm d}.7$) and evidence implying membership in the open cluster UBC 1558. Analyses tied to Gaia DR3 astrometry, photometry, spectroscopy, radial velocities, and 2MASS-VVV photometry indicate a common distance of $2.15\pm0.15$ kpc (L21 DR3 corrections applied). Additional cluster Cepheid candidates requiring follow-up are identified, and it's suggested that a team of international researchers could maintain a cluster Cepheid database to guide the broader community to cases where consensus exists.

Ryota Ikeda, Ken-ichi Tadaki, Ikki Mitsuhashi, Manuel Aravena, Ilse De Looze, Natascha M. Förster Schreiber, Jorge González-López, Rodrigo Herrera-Camus, Justin Spilker, Loreto Barcos-Muñoz, Elisabete da Cunha, Rebecca Davies, Tanio Díaz-Santos, Andrea Ferrara, Meghana Killi, Lilian L. Lee, Juno Li, Dieter Lutz, Renske Smit, Manuel Solimano, Kseniia Telikova, Hannah Übler, Sylvain Veilleux, Vicente Villanueva

We investigate the spatial extent of the [CII] line emission in a sample of 34 galaxies at $z=4-6$ from the ALMA-CRISTAL Survey. By modeling the [CII] line emission in the visibility data directly, we derive the effective radius of [CII] line emission assuming exponential distribution. These measurements comprise not only isolated galaxies but also interacting systems, identified thanks to the high spatial resolution of the data. The [CII] line radius ranges from 0.5 to 3.5 kpc with an average value of 1.9 kpc. We compare the [CII] sizes with the sizes of UV and FIR continua, which were measured from the HST F160W and ALMA Band-7 continuum images, respectively. We confirm that the [CII] line emission is more spatially extended than the continuum emission, with average size ratios of $R_{e,[CII]}/R_{e,UV}=2.90$ and $R_{e,[CII]}/R_{e,FIR}=1.54$, although about half of the FIR-detected sample show comparable spatial extent between [CII] line and FIR continuum emission ($R_{e,[CII]}\approx R_{e, FIR}$). The residual visibility data of the best-fit model do not show evidence of flux excesses either individually or in stacking analysis. This indicates that the [CII] line emission in star-forming galaxies can be characterized by an extended exponential disk profile. Overall, our results suggest that the spatial extent of [CII] line emission can primarily be explained by photodissociation regions associated with star formation activity, while the contribution from diffuse neutral medium (atomic gas) and the effects of mergers may further expand the [CII] line distributions, causing their variations among our sample. We report the correlations between the [CII] line, dust, and Lya line properties, which may be in line with our scenario. Future 3D-analysis of Lya and Ha lines will shed light on the association of the extended [CII] line emission with atomic gas and outflows.

We use idealised N-body simulations of equilibrium discs in live and static haloes to study how dark matter co-evolution impacts the assembly of stellar particles into a bar and the halo response. Initial conditions correspond to a marginally unstable disc according to commonly used disc stability criteria, and are evolved for the equivalent of about 150 disc dynamical times (10Gyr). An extensive convergence study ensures accurate modelling of the bar formation process. Live haloes lead to the formation of a strong bar, but the same disc remains unbarred when evolved in a static halo. Neither seeded disc instabilities, nor longer (60Gyr) simulations result in the formation of a bar when the halo is static. When the live halo is replaced with a static analogue at later times the previously robust bar slowly dissipates, suggesting: (1) the co-evolution of the disc and halo is critical for the assembly and long-term survival of bars in marginally unstable discs; and (2) global disc stability criteria must be modified for discs in the presence of live haloes. In our live halo runs, a "dark bar" grows synchronously with the stellar bar. Processes that inhibit the transfer of angular momentum between the halo and disc may stabilise a galaxy against bar formation, and can lead to the dissolution of the bar itself. This raises further questions about the puzzling stability of observed discs that are marginally unstable, but unbarred.

Vicente Salinas, Yara L. Jaffé, Rory Smith, Jong-Ho Shinn, Jacob P. Crossett, Marco Gullieuszik, Gemma González-Torà, Franco Piraino-Cerda, Bianca Poggianti, Benedetta Vulcani, Andrea Biviano, Ana C. C. Lourenço, Lawrence E. Bilton, Kshitija Kelkar, Paula Calderón-Castillo

Ram pressure stripping is perhaps the most efficient mechanism for removing gas and quenching galaxies in dense environments as they move through the intergalactic medium. Extreme examples of on-going ram pressure stripping are known as jellyfish galaxies, characterized by a tail of stripped material that can be directly observed in multiple wavelengths. Using the largest homogeneous broad-band optical jellyfish candidate sample in local clusters known to date, we measure the angle between the direction of the tails visible in the galaxies, and the direction towards the host cluster center. We find that $33\%$ of the galaxy tails point away from the cluster center, $18\%$ point towards the cluster center, and $49\%$ point elsewhere. Moreover, we find stronger signatures of ram pressure stripping happening on galaxies with a tail pointing away and towards the cluster center, and larger velocity dispersion profiles for galaxies with tails pointing away. These results are consistent with a scenario where ram pressure stripping has a stronger effect for galaxies following radial orbits on first infall. The results also suggest that in many cases, radially infalling galaxies are able to retain their tails after pericenter and continue to experience significant on-going ram pressure stripping. We further constrain the lifespan of the optical tails from the moment they first appear to the moment they disappear, by comparing the observed tail directions with matched N-body simulations through Bayesian parameter estimation. We obtain that galaxy tails appear for the first time at $\sim 1.16$ R$_{200}$ and disappear $\sim660$ Myr after pericenter.

Konstantinos Platanitis, Miguel Arana-Catania, Leonardo Capicchiano, Saurabh Upadhyay, Leonard Felicetti

This paper presents a machine learning approach to estimate the inertial parameters of a spacecraft in cases when those change during operations, e.g. multiple deployments of payloads, unfolding of appendages and booms, propellant consumption as well as during in-orbit servicing and active debris removal operations. The machine learning approach uses time series clustering together with an optimised actuation sequence generated by reinforcement learning to facilitate distinguishing among different inertial parameter sets. The performance of the proposed strategy is assessed against the case of a multi-satellite deployment system showing that the algorithm is resilient towards common disturbances in such kinds of operations.

Z. Haggard, A. M. Ghez, S. Sakai, A. K. Gautam, T. Do, J. R. Lu, M. Hosek, M. R. Morris, S. Granados

The Milky Way's central parsec is a highly extinguished region with a population of high-proper-motion stars. We have tracked 145 stars for $\sim$10 years at wavelengths between 1 and 4 microns to analyze extinction effects in color-magnitude space. Approximately $30\%$ of this sample dims and reddens over the course of years, likely from the motion of sources relative to an inhomogeneous screen of dust. We correct previous measurements of the intrinsic variability fraction for differential extinction effects, resulting in a reduced stellar variability fraction of $34\%$. The extinction variability sub-sample shows that the extinguishing material has sub-arcsecond scales, much smaller variations than previously reported. The observed extinction events imply a typical cross-section of 500 AU and a density of around $3 \times 10^{4} \ \mathrm{atoms/cm^{3}}$ for the extinguishing material, which are consistent with measurements of filamentary dust and gas at the Galactic Center. Furthermore, given that the stars showing extinction variability tend to be more highly reddened than the rest of the sample, the extinction changes are likely due to material localized to the Galactic Center region. We estimate the relative extinction between 1 and 4 microns as, $\mathrm{A}_{\mathrm{H}}:\mathrm{A}_{\mathrm{K'}}:\mathrm{A}_{\mathrm{L'}} = 1.67 \pm 0.05:1:0.69 \pm 0.03$. Our measurement of extinction at longer wavelengths -- L' (3.8 $\mu$m) -- is inconsistent with recent estimations of the integrated extinction towards the central parsec. One interpretation of this difference is that the dust variations this experiment is sensitive to -- which are local to the Galactic Center -- are dominated by grains of larger radius than the foreground.

Abigail J. Lee, Wendy L. Freedman, Barry F. Madore, In Sung Jang, Kayla A. Owens, Taylor J. Hoyt

The J-region asymptotic giant branch (JAGB) method is a new standard candle based on the constant luminosities of carbon-rich asymptotic giant branch stars in the J band. The JAGB method is independent of the Cepheid and TRGB distance indicators. Therefore, we can leverage it to both cross-check Cepheid and TRGB distances for systematic errors and use it to measure an independent local Hubble constant. The JAGB method also boasts a number of advantages in measuring distances relative to the TRGB and Cepheids, several of which are especially amplified when combined with JWST's revolutionary resolving power. First, JAGB stars are 1 mag brighter in the NIR than the TRGB, and can be discovered from single-epoch NIR photometry unlike Cepheids which require congruent optical imaging in at least 12 epochs. Thus, JAGB stars can be used to measure significantly farther distances than both the TRGB stars and Cepheids using the same amount of observing time. Further advantages include: JAGB stars are easily identified solely via their colors and magnitudes, dust extinction is reduced in near-infrared observations, and JAGB stars are ubiquitous in all galaxies with intermediate-age populations. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm that identifies the optimal location in a galaxy for applying the JAGB method, so as to minimize effects from crowding. We then deploy this algorithm in JWST NIRCam imaging of seven SN Ia host galaxies to measure their JAGB distances, undertaking a completely blind analysis. The zero-point of this JAGB distance scale is set in the water mega-maser galaxy NGC 4258. In our CCHP overview paper Freedman et al. (2024), we apply the JAGB distances measured in this paper to the Carnegie Supernova Program (CSP) SNe Ia sample, measuring a Hubble constant of H0 = 67.96 +/- 1.85 (stat) km/s/Mpc.

Qingshun Hu, Songmei Qin, Chunyan Li, Chenglong Lv, Yang Pan, Yangping Luo

We hereby reported a new physical binary cluster (ASCC~19 and ASCC~21) near the Orion star-forming complex based on the data in the literature. Analysis of the results shows that it is a primordial binary cluster. It is possible that this binary cluster is undergoing two-body relaxation by inspecting the radial velocity anomalies of its member stars. In addition, based on the analysis of its metal abundances, we found that the components of this binary cluster may have been formed by the deep fusion of multiple subclusters. Finally, we investigated the 3D morphology of this binary cluster, simulated the trajectories of its components in the galactic disk, and concluded that its components may not merge into a single cluster.

Primordial magnetic fields (PMFs) play a pivotal role in influencing small-scale fluctuations within the primordial density field, thereby enhancing the matter power spectrum within the context of the $\Lambda$CDM model at small scales. These amplified fluctuations accelerate the early formation of galactic halos and stars, which can be observed through advanced high-redshift observational techniques. Therefore, Stellar Mass Density (SMD) observations, which provide significant opportunities for detailed studies of galaxies at small scales and high redshifts, offer a novel perspective on small-scale cosmic phenomena and constrain the characteristics of PMFs. In this study, we compile 14 SMD data points at redshifts $z > 6$ and derive stringent constraints on the parameters of PMFs, which include the amplitude of the magnetic field at a characteristic scale of $\lambda=1\,{\rm Mpc}$, denoted as $B_0$, and the spectral index of the magnetic field power spectrum, $n_{\rm B}$. At 95\% confidence level, we establish upper limits of $B_0 < 4.44$ nG and $n_{\rm B} < -2.24$, along with a star formation efficiency of approximately $f_*^0 \sim 0.1$. If we fix $n_{\rm B}$ at specific values, such as $-2.85$, $-2.9$, and $-2.95$, the 95\% upper limits for the amplitude of the magnetic field can be constrained to 1.33 nG, 2.21 nG, and 3.90 nG, respectively. Finally, we attempt to interpret recent early observations provided by James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) using the theory of PMFs, and find that by selecting appropriate PMF parameters, it is possible to explain these results without significantly increasing the star formation efficiency.

Thibault Garel, Léo Michel-Dansac, Anne Verhamme, Valentin Mauerhofer, Harley Katz, Jérémy Blaizot, Floriane Leclercq, Grégory Salvignol

The vast majority of star-forming galaxies are surrounded by large reservoirs of gas ejected from the interstellar medium. Ultraviolet absorption and emission lines represent powerful diagnostics to constrain the cool phase of these outflows, through resonant transitions of hydrogen and metal ions. The interpretation of these observations is often remarkably difficult as it requires detailed modelling of the propagation of the continuum and emission lines in the gas. To this aim, we present a large public grid of about 20000 simulated spectra which includes HI Lyman-alpha (Lya) and five metal transitions associated with MgII, CII, SiII, and FeII that is accessible online at this https URL grid/. The spectra have been computed with the RASCAS radiative transfer code for 5760 idealised spherical configurations surrounding a central point source emission, and characterised by their column density, Doppler parameter, dust opacity, wind velocity, as well as various density/velocity gradients. Designed to interpret Lya and metal line profiles, our grid exhibits a wide diversity of resonant absorption and emission features, as well as fluorescent lines. We illustrate how it can help better constrain wind properties by performing a joint modelling of observed Lya, CII, and SiII spectra. Using CLOUDY simulations and virial scaling relations, we show that Lya is expected to be a faithful tracer of the gas at T=10^4-10^5 K, even if the medium is highly-ionised. While CII is found to probe the same range of temperatures as Lya, other metal lines merely trace cooler phases (T=10^4 K). As their gas opacity strongly depends on gas temperature, incident radiation field, metallicity and dust depletion, we caution that optically thin metal lines do not necessarily originate from low HI column densities and may not accurately probe Lyman continuum leakage.

About 20% of the white dwarfs possess a magnetic field that may be detected by the splitting and/or polarization of their spectral lines. As they cool, the effective temperatures of the white dwarfs becomes so low that no spectral lines can be seen in the visible wavelength range. If their atmospheres are not polluted by the debris of a planetary system, these cool white dwarfs have featureless optical spectra. Until quite recently, very little was known about the incidence of magnetic fields in these objects. However, when observed with polarimetric techniques, a significant number of featureless white dwarfs reveal strong magnetic fields in their optical continuum spectra. Measuring the occurrence rate and strength of magnetic fields in old white dwarfs may help us to understand how these fields are generated and evolve. We report the results of an ongoing survey of cool white dwarfs with the high-precision broad-band polarimeter DIPOL-UF, which is deployed at the Nordic Optical Telescope on La Palma, Spain. This survey has led to the firm discovery of 13 cool magnetic white dwarfs in the solar neighborhood so far, including six new detections that we report in this paper.

Kanak Saha, Soumil Maulick, Pushpak Pandey, Souradeep Bhattacharya, Anshuman Borgohain, Chayan Mondal, Marc Rafelski, Manish Kataria, Harry I. Teplitz, Shyam N. Tandon, Rogier A. Windhorst, Bruce G. Elmegreen, Edmund Christian Herenz, Michael Rutkowski

We present the AstroSat UV Deep Field South (AUDFs), an imaging survey using the wide-field Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope on board AstroSat. AUDFs covers $\sim 236$ arcmin$^{2}$ of the sky area, including the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) South field in F154W and N242W filters. The deep and shallow parts of AUDFs have exposure time $\sim 62000$ and $\sim31000$ sec respectively, in the F154W filter, while in the N242W filter, they are $\sim 64000$ and $\sim34000$ sec. These observations reached a $3\sigma$ depth of 27.2 and 27.7 AB mag with a $50\%$ completeness limit of 27 and 27.6 AB mag in the F154W and N242W filters, respectively. With the acquired depth, AUDFs is the deepest far and near-UV imaging data covering the largest area known to date at 1.2" - 1.6" spatial resolution. Two primary catalogs were constructed for the F154W and N242W filters, each containing 13495 and 19374 sources brighter than the 3$\sigma$ detection limit, respectively. Our galaxy counts power-law slope $\sim0.43$~dex~mag$^{-1}$ in the N242W filter matches well with HST/WFC3/UVIS observations. A wide range of extra-galactic science can be achieved with this unique data, such as providing a sample of galaxies emitting ionizing photons in the redshift range $z \sim 1 - 3$ and beyond; constraining the UV luminosity function, investigating the extended-UV (XUV) emission around star-forming galaxies and UV morphologies for $z < 1$. The UV catalog will enhance the legacy value of the existing optical/IR imaging and spectroscopic observations from ground and space-based telescopes on the GOODS South field.

Q. M. Zhang, M. S. Lin, X. L. Yan, J. Dai, Z. Y. Hou, Y. Li, Y. Qiu

In this paper, we carry out multiwavelength observations of two successive extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) waves originating from active region (AR) NOAA 13575 and a transverse oscillation of a columnar quiescent prominence on 2024 February 9. A hot channel eruption generates an X3.4 class flare and the associated full-halo coronal mass ejection (CME), which drives the first EUV wave front (WF1) at a speed of $\sim$835 km s$^{-1}$. WF1 propagates in the southeast direction and interacts with the prominence, causing an eastward displacement of the prominence immediately. Then, a second EUV wave front (WF2) is driven by a coronal jet at a speed of $\sim$831 km s$^{-1}$. WF2 follows WF1 and decelerates from $\sim$788 km s$^{-1}$ to $\sim$603 km s$^{-1}$ before arriving at and touching the prominence. After reaching the maximum displacement, the prominence turns back and swings for 1$-$3 cycles. The transverse oscillation of horizontal polarization is most evident in 304 Å. The initial displacement amplitude, velocity in the plane of the sky, period, and damping time fall in the ranges of 12$-$34 Mm, 65$-$143 km s$^{-1}$, 18$-$27 minutes, and 33$-$108 minutes, respectively. There are strong correlations among the initial amplitude, velocity, period, and height of the prominence. Surprisingly, the oscillation is also detected in 1600 Å, which is totally in phase with that in 304 Å.

Sophie Aerdker, Lukas Merten, Frederic Effenberger, Horst Fichtner, Julia Becker Tjus

In the Heliosphere, power-law particle distributions are observed e.g. upstream of interplanetary shocks, which can result from superdiffusive transport. This non-Gaussian transport regime may result from intermittent magnetic field structures. Recently, we showed that a Lévy flight model reproduces the observed features at shocks: power-law distributions upstream and enhanced intensities at the shock. We extend the Lévy flight model to study the impact of superdiffusive transport on particle acceleration at shocks. The acceleration time scale and spectral slope are compared to Gaussian diffusion and a Lévy walk model. The fractional transport equation is solved by sampling the number density with the corresponding stochastic differential equation that is driven by an alpha-stable Lévy distribution. For both Gaussian and superdiffusive transport we use a modified version of CRPropa 3.2. We obtain the number density and energy spectra for constant and energy-dependent anomalous diffusion and find, compared to the case of Gaussian diffusion, harder energy spectra at the shock as well as faster acceleration. The spectral slope is even harder than predicted for Lévy walks. Lévy flight models of superdiffusive transport lead to observed features in the Heliosphere. We further show that superdiffusive transport impacts the acceleration process by changing the probability to escape the shock. The flexibility of the Lévy flight model allows for further studies in the future, taking the shock geometry and magnetic field structure into account.

Paula Boubel, Matthew Colless, Khaled Said, Lister Staveley-Smith

We propose an improved comprehensive method for determining the Hubble constant ($H_0$) using the Tully-Fisher relation. By fitting a peculiar velocity model in conjunction with the Tully-Fisher relation, all available data can be used to derive self-consistent Tully-Fisher parameters. In comparison to previous approaches, our method offers several improvements: it can be readily generalised to different forms of the Tully-Fisher relation and its intrinsic scatter; it uses a peculiar velocity model to predict distances more accurately; it can account for all selection effects; it uses the entire dataset to fit the Tully-Fisher relation; and it is fully self-consistent. The Tully-Fisher relation zero-point is calibrated using the subset of galaxies with distances from absolute distance indicators. We demonstrate this method on the Cosmicflows-4 catalogue $i$-band and $W1$-band Tully-Fisher samples and show that the uncertainties from fitting the Tully-Fisher relation amount to only 0.2 km s$^{-1}$Mpc$^{-1}$. Using all available absolute distance calibrators, we obtain $H_0=73.3$ $\pm$ 2.1 (stat) $\pm$ 3.5 (sys) km s$^{-1}$Mpc$^{-1}$, where the statistical uncertainty is dominated by the small number of galaxies with absolute distance estimates. The substantial systematic uncertainty reflects inconsistencies between various zero-point calibrations of the Cepheid period-luminosity relation, the tip of the red giant branch standard candle, and the Type Ia supernova standard candle. However, given a reliable set of absolute distance calibrators, our method promises enhanced precision in $H_0$ measurements from large new Tully-Fisher samples such as the WALLABY survey.

Matteo Magi, Robert Brandenberger, Jaiyul Yoo (University of Zurich and McGill University)

We study the effects of long wavelength entropy fluctuations on cosmological probes such as galaxy clustering, luminosity distance, and CMB temperature anisotropies. Specifically, we consider fluctuations of a massless spectator scalar field set up in the early universe, which later acquires mass during the radiation-dominated era. We find that there are non-vanishing effects on observables, and the amplitude of these effects peaks for observables set up at the time of equal matter and radiation, and decreases as $\eta^{-2}$ where $\eta$ is the conformal time. Hence, the back-reaction effects are important for CMB anisotropies, but their impact on late-time observables is suppressed. In particular, the back-reaction effects are unable to explain the Hubble tension while they might alleviate the cosmic dipole tension. In contrast to a lot of the previous work on back-reaction, we work in position rather than momentum space.

We adopt a set of second-order differential equations ($k-\omega$ model) to handle core convective overshooting in massive stars, simulate the evolution of WNL stars with different metallicities and initial masses, both rotating and non-rotating models, and compare the results with the classical overshooting model. The results indicate that under the same initial conditions, the $k-\omega$ model generally produces larger convective cores and wider overshooting regions, thereby increasing the mass ranges and extending the lifetimes of WNL stars, as well as the likelihood of forming WNL stars. The masses and lifetimes of WNL stars both increase with higher metallicities and initial masses. Under higher-metallicity conditions, the two overshooting schemes significantly differ in their impacts on lifetimes of the WNL stars, but insignificant in the mass ranges of the WNL stars. Rotation may drive the formation of WNL stars in low-mass, metal-poor counterparts, with this effect being more pronounced in the OV model. The surface nitrogen of metal-rich WNL stars formed during the MS phase is likely primarily from the CN-cycle, while it may come from both the CN- and NO-cycles for relatively metal-poor counterparts. Our model can effectively explain the distribution of WNL stars in the Milky Way, but appears to have inadequacies in explaining the WNL stars in the LMC.

M. Toy, P. Wiseman, M. Sullivan, D. Scolnic, M. Vincenzi, D. Brout, T. M. Davis, C. Frohmaier, L. Galbany, C. Lidman, J. Lee, L. Kelsey, R. Kessler, A. Möller, B. Popovic, B. O. Sánchez, P. Shah, M. Smith, S. Allam, M. Aguena, O. Alves, D. Bacon, D. Brooks, D. L. Burke, A. Carnero Rosell, J. Carretero, L. N. da Costa, M. E. S. Pereira, S. Desai, H. T. Diehl, P. Doel, A. Drlica-Wagner, S. Everett, I. Ferrero, B. Flaugher, J. Frieman, J. García-Bellido, M. Gatti, E. Gaztanaga, G. Giannini, R. A. Gruendl, G. Gutierrez, S. R. Hinton, D. L. Hollowood, K. Honscheid, D. J. James, O. Lahav, S. Lee, J. L. Marshall, J. Mena-Fernández, R. Miquel, A. Palmese, A. Pieres, A. A. Plazas Malagón, A. K. Romer, S. Samuroff, E. Sanchez, D. Sanchez Cid, M. Schubnell, E. Suchyta, M. E. C. Swanson, G. Tarle, D. L. Tucker, V. Vikram, A. R. Walker, N. Weaverdyck

Using 1533 type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) from the five-year sample of the Dark Energy Survey (DES), we investigate the effects of projected galactocentric separation between the SNe and their host galaxies on their light curves and standardization. We show, for the first time, that the difference in SN Ia post-standardization brightnesses between high and low-mass hosts reduces from $0.078\pm0.011$ mag in the full sample to $0.036 \pm 0.018$ mag for SNe Ia located in the outer regions of their host galaxies, while increasing to $0.100 \pm 0.014$ mag for SNe in the inner regions. In these inner regions, the step can be reduced (but not removed) using a model where the $R_V$ of dust along the line-of-sight to the SN changes as a function of galaxy properties. To explain the remaining difference, we use the distributions of the SN Ia stretch parameter to test whether the inferred age of SN progenitors are more varied in the inner regions of galaxies. We find that the proportion of high-stretch SNe Ia in red (older) environments is more prominent in outer regions and that the outer regions stretch distributions are overall more homogeneous compared to inner regions, but conclude that this effect cannot explain the reduction in significance of any Hubble residual step in outer regions. We conclude that the standardized distances of SNe Ia located in the outer regions of galaxies are less affected by their global host galaxy properties than those in the inner regions.

M. Orio, M. Melicherčík, S. Ciroi, V. Canton, E. Aydi, D. A. H. Buckley, A. Dobrotka, G.J.M. Luna, J. Ness

We present X-ray and optical observations of nova V407 Lup (Nova Lup 2016), previously well monitored in outburst, as it returned to quiescent accretion. The X-ray light curve in 2020 February revealed a clear flux modulation with a stable period of 564.64$\pm$0.64 s, corresponding to the period measured in outburst and attributed to the spin of a magnetized white dwarf in an intermediate polar (IP) system. This detection in quiescence is consistent with the IP classification proposed after the nova eruption. The XMM-Newton EPIC X-ray flux is about 1.3 $\times 10^{-12}$ erg/cm$^2$/s at a distance, most likely, larger than 5 kpc, emitted in the whole 0.2-12 keV range without a significant cut-off energy. The X-ray spectra are complex; they can be fitted including a power law component with a relatively flat slope (a power law index of about 1), although, alternatively, a hard thermal component at kT$\geq$19 keV also yields a good fit. The SALT optical spectra obtained in 2019 March and 2022 May are quite typical of IPs, with strong emission lines, including some due to a high ionization potential, like He II at 4685.7 Angstrom. Nebular lines of O [III] were prominent in 2019 March, but their intensity and equivalent width appeared to be decreasing during that month, and they were no longer detectable in 2022, indicating that the nova ejecta dispersed. Complex profiles of the He II lines of V407 Lup are also characteristic of IPs, giving further evidence for this classification.

Valerio Lattanzi, Miguel Sanz-Novo, Víctor M. Rivilla, Mitsunori Araki, Hayley A Bunn, Jesús Martín-Pintado, Izaskun Jiménez-Serra, Paola Caselli

Sulphur-bearing species play crucial roles in interstellar chemistry, yet their precise characterisation remains challenging. Here, we present laboratory experiments aimed at extending the high-resolution spectroscopy of protonated carbonyl sulphide (HOCS$^+$), a recently detected molecular ion in space. Using a frequency-modulated free-space absorption spectrometer, we detected rotational transitions of HOCS$^+$ in an extended negative glow discharge with a mixture of H$_2$ and OCS, extending the high-resolution rotational characterisation of the cation well into the millimetre wave region (200-370 GHz). Comparisons with prior measurements and quantum chemical calculations revealed an overall agreement in the spectroscopic parameters. With the new spectroscopic dataset in hand, we re-investigated the observations of HOCS$^+$ towards G+0.693-0.027, which were initially based solely on K$_a$ = 0 lines contaminated by HNC$^{34}$S. This re-investigation enabled the detection of weak K$_a$ = 0 transitions, free from HNC$^{34}$S contamination. Our high-resolution spectroscopic characterisation also provides valuable insights for future millimetre and submillimetre astronomical observations of these species in different interstellar environments. In particular, the new high-resolution catalogue will facilitate the search for this cation in cold dark clouds, where very narrow line widths are typically observed.

Kielan K. W. Hoch, Christopher A. Theissen, Travis S. Barman, Marshall D. Perrin, Jean-Baptiste Ruffio, Emily Rickman, Quinn M. Konopacky, Elena Manjavacas, William O. Balmer, Laurent Pueyo, Jens Kammerer, Roeland P. van der Marel, Nikole K. Lewis, Julien H. Girard, Sara Seager, Mark Clampin, C. Matt Mountain

We present the atmospheric characterization of the substellar companion HD 19467 B as part of the pioneering JWST GTO program to obtain moderate resolution spectra (R$\sim$2,700, 3-5$\mu$m) of a high-contrast companion with the NIRSpec IFU. HD 19467 B is an old, $\sim$9 Gyr, companion to a Solar-type star with multiple measured dynamical masses. The spectra show detections of CO, CO$_2$, CH$_4$, and H$_2$O. We forward model the spectra using Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods and atmospheric model grids to constrain the effective temperature and surface gravity. We then use NEWERA-PHOENIX grids to constrain non-equilibrium chemistry parameterized by $K_{zz}$ and explore molecular abundance ratios of the detected molecules. We find an effective temperature of 1103 K, with a probable range from 1000--1200 K, a surface gravity of 4.50 dex, with a range of 4.14--5.00, and deep vertical mixing, log$_{10}$($K_{zz}$), of 5.03, with a range of 5.00--5.44. All molecular mixing ratios are approximately Solar, leading to a C/O $\sim$0.55, which is expected from a T5.5 brown dwarf. Finally, we calculate an updated dynamical mass of HD 19467 B using newly derived NIRCam astrometry which we find to be $71.6^{+5.3}_{-4.6} M_{\rm{Jup}}$, in agreement with the mass range we derive from evolutionary models, which we find to be 63-75 $M_{\rm{Jup}}$.These observations demonstrate the excellent capabilities of the NIRSpec IFU to achieve detailed spectral characterization of substellar companions at high-contrast close to bright host stars, in this case at a separation of $\sim$1.6\arcsec with a contrast of 10$^{-4}$ in the 3-5 $\mu$m range.

Gravitational lensing offers unique opportunities to learn about the astrophysical origin of distant sources, the abundance of intervening objects acting as lenses, and gravity and cosmology in general. However, all this information can only be retrieved as long as one can disentangle each effect from the finite number of observables. In the geometric optics regime, typical of electromagnetic radiation, when the wavelength of the lensed signal is small compared to the size of the lens, there are invariance transformations that change the mass of the lens and the source-lens configuration but leave the observables unchanged. Neglecting this ``mass-sheet degeneracy'' can lead to biased lens parameters or unrealistic low uncertainties, which could then transfer to an incorrect cosmography study. This might be different for gravitational waves as their long wavelengths can be comparable to the lens size and lensing enters into the wave-optics limit. We explore the existence of invariance transformations in the wave-optics regime of gravitational-wave lensing, extending previous work and examining the implications for astrophysical and cosmological studies. We study these invariance transformations using three different methods of increasing level of complexity: template mismatch, Fisher Matrix, and Bayesian parameter estimation. We find that, for a sufficiently loud signal, the degeneracy is partially broken and the lens and cosmological parameters, e.g. $H_0$, can be retrieved independently and unbiased. In current ground-based detectors, though, considering also population studies, a strong constraint on these parameters seems quite remote and the prevailing degeneracy implies a larger uncertainty in the lens model reconstruction. However, with better sensitivity of the third-generation ground-based detectors, a meaningful constraint on $H_0$ is possible to obtain.

Elijah Kane, Chris Albert, Nicholas Cothard, Steven Hailey-Dunsheath, Pierre Echternach, Logan Foote, Reinier M. Janssen, Henry (Rick)LeDuc, Lun-Jun (Simon)Liu, Hien Nguyen, Jason Glenn, Charles (Matt)Bradford, Jonas Zmuidzinas

The Probe far-Infrared Mission for Astrophysics (PRIMA) is a proposed space observatory which will use arrays of thousands of kinetic inductance detectors (KIDs) to perform low- and moderate-resolution spectroscopy throughout the far-infrared. The detectors must have noise equivalent powers (NEPs) at or below 0.1 aW/sqrt(Hz) to be subdominant to noise from sky backgrounds and thermal noise from PRIMA's cryogenically cooled primary mirror. Using a Radio Frequency System on a Chip for multitone readout, we measure the NEPs of detectors on a flight-like array designed to observe at a wavelength of 210 microns. We find that 92% of the KIDs measured have an NEP below 0.1 aW/sqrt(Hz) at a noise frequency of 10 Hz.

Ruchika, Leandros Perivolaropoulos, Alessandro Melchiorri

The Hubble tension, a significant discrepancy between the Hubble constant ($H_0$) values derived from early-time (Cosmic Microwave Background and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations) and late-time (Cepheid-calibrated Type Ia Supernovae) measurements, remains a major challenge in cosmology. Traditional attempts to resolve this tension have struggled to maintain consistency with dynamical and geometrical probes at redshifts $0.01 < z \lesssim 2.5$. We explore a novel model introducing new degrees of freedom in local physical laws affecting calibrators like Cepheids and Type Ia Supernovae within a distance of $d \lesssim 50$ Mpc ($z \lesssim 0.01$). Specifically, we incorporate a gravitational transition causing a change in the gravitational constant ($G$) at a specific distance, affecting the Cepheid Period-Luminosity Relation (PLR) and the absolute magnitude of SNe Ia. We verify the inverse scaling of SN luminosity $L$ with Chandrasekhar Mass $M_C$ in a changed $G$ scenario as predicted using a semi-analytical model in a recent theoretical study \cite{Wright2018}. Fixing $\Delta G/G \approx 0.04$, our model naturally resolves the Hubble tension, yielding a best-fit $H_0$ value consistent with the Planck measurement, even without using Planck data. This approach suggests a potential resolution to the Hubble tension by aligning $H_0$ with high-redshift CMB measurements.

John D. Monnier (U. Michigan), Stefan Kraus (U. Exeter), Michael J. Ireland (Australia National University)


The Planet Formation Imager (PFI) Project is dedicated to defining a next-generation facility that can answer fundamental questions about how planets form, including detection of young giant exoplanets and their circumplanetary disks. The proposed expansive design for a 12-element array of 8m class telescopes with >1.2 km baselines would indeed revolutionize our understanding of planet formation and is technically achievable, albeit at a high cost. It has been 10 years since this conceptual design process began and we give an overview of the status of the PFI project. We also review how a scaled back PFI with fewer large telescopes could answer a range of compelling science questions, including in planet formation and as well as totally different astrophysics areas. New opportunities make a space-based PFI more feasible now and we give a brief overview of new efforts that could also pave the way for the Large Interferometer For Exoplanets (LIFE) space mission.

The Hubble tension is one of the most relevant unsolved problems in cosmology today. Strongly gravitationally lensed transient objects, such as strongly lensed supernovae, are an independent and competitive probe that can be used to determine the Hubble constant. In this context, the time delay between different images of lensed supernovae is a key ingredient. We present a method, to retrieve time delays and the amount of differential dust extinction between multiple images of lensed type IIP supernovae through their color curves, which display a kink in the time evolution. With multiple realistic mock color curves based on an observed unlensed supernova from the Carnegie Supernova Project, we demonstrate that we can retrieve the time delay with uncertainties of $\pm$1.0 days for light curves with 2-day cadence and 35% missing data due to weather losses. The differential dust extinction is more susceptible to uncertainties, because it depends on imposing the correct extinction law. Further we also investigate the kink structure in the color curves for different rest-frame wavelength bands, particularly rest-frame UV light curves from SWIFT, finding sufficiently strong kinks for our method to work for typical lensed SN redshifts that would redshift the kink feature to optical wavelengths. With the upcoming Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time, hundreds of strongly lensed supernovae will be detected and our new method for lensed SN IIP is readily applicable to provide delays.

John D. Monnier, Prachet Jain, Mayra Gutierrez, Chi Han, Sara Hezi, Shashank Kalluri, Hirsh Kabaria, Brennan Kompas, Vaishnavi Harikumar, Julian Skifstad, Janani Peri, Emmanuel Hernandez, Ramya Bhaskarapanthula, James Cutler (University of Michigan)

Drones provide a versatile platform for remote sensing and atmospheric studies. However, strict payload mass limits and intense vibrations have proven obstacles to adoption for astronomy. We present a concept for system-level testing of a long-baseline CubeSat space interferometer using drones, taking advantage of their cm-level xyz station-keeping, 6-dof freedom of movement, large operational environment, access to guide stars for end-to-end testing of optical train and control algorithms, and comparable mass and power requirements. We have purchased two different drone platforms (Aurelia X6 Pro, Freefly Alta X) and present characterization studies of vibrations, flight stability, gps positioning precision, and more. We also describe our progress in sub-system development, including inter-drone laser metrology, realtime gimbal control, and LED beacon tracking. Lastly, we explore whether custom-built drone-borne telescopes could be used for interferometry of bright objects over km-level baselines using vibration-isolation platforms and a small fast delay for fringe-tracking.

The future of time-domain optical astronomy relies on the development of techniques and software capable of handling a rising amount of data and gradually complementing, or replacing if necessary, real observations. Next generation surveys, like the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST), will open the door to the new era of optical astrophysics, creating, at the same time, a deficiency in spectroscopic data necessary to confirm the nature of each event and to fully recover the parametric space. In this framework, we developed Core collApse Supernovae parameTers estimatOR (CASTOR), a novel software for data analysis. CASTOR combines Gaussian Process and other Machine Learning techniques to build time-series templates of synthetic spectra and to estimate parameters of core collapse supernovae for which only multi-band photometry is available. Techniques to build templates are fully data driven and non-parametric through empirical and robust models, and rely on the direct comparison with a training set of 111 core collapse supernovae from the literature. Furthermore, CASTOR employees the real photometric data and the reconstructed synthetic spectra of an event to estimate parameters that belong to the supernova ejecta, to the stellar progenitor and to the event itself, in a rapid and user-friendly framework. In this work we provide a demonstration of how CASTOR works, studying available data from SN2015ap and comparing our results with those available in literature.

John D. Monnier (1), Prachet Jain (1), Shashank Kalluri (1), James Cutler (1), Simone D'Amico (2), Glenn Lightsey (3), Leonid Pogorelyuk (4 and 5), Gautam Vasisht (6), Kerri Cahoy (5), Michael Meyer (1) ((1) U. Michigan, (2) Stanford, (3) Georgia Tech, (4) Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, (5) MIT, (6) JPL)

We present the concept for STARI: STarlight Acquisition and Reflection toward Interferometry. If launched, STARI will be the first mission to control a 3-D CubeSat formation to the few mm-level, reflect starlight over 10s to 100s of meters from one spacecraft to another, control tip-tilt with sub-arcsecond stability, and validate end-to-end performance by injecting light into a single-mode fiber. While STARI is not an interferometer, the mission will advance the Technology Readiness Levels of the essential subsystems needed for a space interferometer in the near future.