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Papers for Friday, Aug 09 2024

Papers with local authors

Amir E. Bazkiaei, Lee S. Kelvin, Sarah Brough, Simon J. O'Toole, Aaron Watkins, Morgan A. Schmitz
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Paper 31 — arXiv:2408.04387
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Paper 31 — arXiv:2408.04387

We present the phase one report of the Bright Star Subtraction (BSS) pipeline for the Vera C. Rubin Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST). This pipeline is designed to create an extended PSF model by utilizing observed stars, followed by subtracting this model from the bright stars present in LSST data. Running the pipeline on Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) data shows a correlation between the shape of the extended PSF model and the position of the detector within the camera's focal plane. Specifically, detectors positioned closer to the focal plane's edge exhibit reduced circular symmetry in the extended PSF model. To mitigate this effect, we present an algorithm that enables users to account for the location dependency of the model. Our analysis also indicates that the choice of normalization annulus is crucial for modeling the extended PSF. Smaller annuli can exclude stars due to overlap with saturated regions, while larger annuli may compromise data quality because of lower signal-to-noise ratios. This makes finding the optimal annulus size a challenging but essential task for the BSS pipeline. Applying the BSS pipeline to HSC exposures allows for the subtraction of, on average, 100 to 700 stars brighter than 12th magnitude measured in g-band across a full exposure, with a full HSC exposure comprising ~100 detectors.

Zhicheng He, Zhifu Chen, Guilin Liu, Tinggui Wang, Luis C. Ho, Junxian Wang, Weihao Bian, Zheng Cai, Guobin Mou, Qiusheng Gu, Zhiwen Wang
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Paper 38 — arXiv:2408.04458
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Paper 38 — arXiv:2408.04458

Galactic-wide outflows driven by active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is a routinely invoked feedback mechanism in galaxy evolution models. Hitherto, the interplay among the interstellar gas on galactic scales, the propagation of AGN outflows and the fundamental AGN parameters during evolution remains elusive. Powerful nuclear outflows are found to favorably exist at early AGN stages usually associated with high accretion rates and weak narrow emission lines. In a sample of quasars emitting Mg II narrow absorption lines (NALs) from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, we discover an unprecedented phenomenon where galaxy-scale inflow-dominated transforming into outflow-dominated gas accompanied by an increasing strength of the narrow [O III] line, at a confidence level of 6.7{\sigma}. The fact that nuclear outflows diminish while galaxy-wide outflows intensifies as AGNs evolve implies that early-stage outflows interact with interstellar medium on galactic scales and trigger the gradual transformation into galaxy-wide outflows, providing observational links to the hypothetical multi-stage propagation of AGN outflows that globally regulates galaxy evolution.

Beth A. Henderson, Sarah L. Casewell, Andrés Jordán, Rafael Brahm, Thomas Henning, Samuel Gill, L.C. Mayorga, Carl Ziegler, Keivan G. Stassun, Michael R. Goad, Jack Acton, Douglas R. Alves, David R. Anderson, Ioannis Apergis, David J. Armstrong, Daniel Bayliss, Matthew R. Burleigh, Diana Dragomir, Edward Gillen, Maximilian N. Günther, Christina Hedges, Katharine M. Hesse, Melissa J. Hobson, James S. Jenkins, Jon M. Jenkins, Alicia Kendall, Monika Lendl, Michael B. Lund, James McCormac, Maximiliano Moyano, Ares Osborn, Marcelo Tala Pinto, Gavin Ramsay, David Rapetti, Suman Saha, Sara Seager, Trifon Trifonov, Stéphane Udry, Jose I. Vines, Richard G. West, Peter J. Wheatley, Joshua N. Winn, Tafadzwa Zivave
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Paper 42 — arXiv:2408.04475
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Paper 42 — arXiv:2408.04475

We report the discovery of the most eccentric transiting brown dwarf in the brown dwarf desert, TOI02490b. The brown dwarf desert is the lack of brown dwarfs around main sequence stars within $\sim3$~AU and is thought to be caused by differences in formation mechanisms between a star and planet. To date, only $\sim40$ transiting brown dwarfs have been confirmed. \systemt is a $73.6\pm2.4$ \mjupnospace, $1.00\pm0.02$ \rjup brown dwarf orbiting a $1.004_{-0.022}^{+0.031}$ \msunnospace, $1.105_{-0.012}^{+0.012}$ \rsun sun-like star on a 60.33~d orbit with an eccentricity of $0.77989\pm0.00049$. The discovery was detected within \tess sectors 5 (30 minute cadence) and 32 (2 minute and 20 second cadence). It was then confirmed with 31 radial velocity measurements with \feros by the WINE collaboration and photometric observations with the Next Generation Transit Survey. Stellar modelling of the host star estimates an age of $\sim8$~Gyr, which is supported by estimations from kinematics likely placing the object within the thin disc. However, this is not consistent with model brown dwarf isochrones for the system age suggesting an inflated radius. Only one other transiting brown dwarf with an eccentricity higher than 0.6 is currently known in the brown dwarf desert. Demographic studies of brown dwarfs have suggested such high eccentricity is indicative of stellar formation mechanisms.

Benjamin N. Velguth, Eric F. Bell, Adam Smercina, Paul Price, Katya Gozman, Antonela Monachesi, Richard D'Souza, Jeremy Bailin, Roelof S. De Jong, In Sung Jang, Colin T. Slater
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Paper 51 — arXiv:2408.04627
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Paper 51 — arXiv:2408.04627

Mergers of and interactions between galaxies imprint a wide diversity of morphological, dynamical, and chemical characteristics in stellar halos and tidal streams. Measuring these characteristics elucidates aspects of the progenitors of the galaxies we observe today. The M81 group is the perfect galaxy group to understand the past, present, and future of a group of galaxies in the process of merging. Here we measure the end of star formation (t$_{90}$) and metallicity ([M/H]) of the stellar halo of M82 and the eastern tidal stream of NGC 3077 to: 1) test the idea that M82 possesses a genuine stellar halo, formed before any interaction with M81, 2) determine if NGC 3077's tidal disruption is related to the star formation history in its tails, and 3) create a timeline of the assembly history of the central trio in the M81 group. We argue that M82 possesses a genuine, metal poor ([M/H] ~ -1.62 dex) stellar halo, formed from the merger of a small satellite galaxy roughly 6.6 Gyr ago. We also find that the stars present in NGC 3077's tails formed before tidal disruption with M81, and possesses a roughly uniform metallicity as shown in Okamoto et. al. 2023 implying that NGC 3077's progenitor had significant population gradients. Finally, we present a timeline of the central trio's merger/interaction history.

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Francesco D'Eugenio, Roberto Maiolino, Vijay H. Mahatma, Giovanni Mazzolari, Stefano Carniani, Anna de Graaff, Michael V. Maseda, Eleonora Parlanti, Andrew J. Bunker, Xihan Ji, Gareth C. Jones, Raffaella Morganti, Jan Scholtz, Sandro Tacchella, Clive Tadhunter, Hannah Übler, Giacomo Venturi

We present NIRSpec/MSA observations from the JWST large-area survey WIDE, targeting the rest-frame UV-optical spectrum of Ulema, a radio-AGN host at redshift z=4.6348. The low-resolution prism spectrum displays high equivalent width nebular emission, with remarkably high ratios of low-ionisation species of oxygen, nitrogen and sulphur, relative to hydrogen; auroral O$^+$ emission is clearly detected, possibly also C$^+$. From the high-resolution grating spectrum, we measure a gas velocity dispersion $\sigma$~400 km s$^{-1}$, broad enough to rule out star-forming gas in equilibrium in the gravitational potential of the galaxy. Emission-line ratio diagnostics suggest that the nebular emission is due to a shock which ran out of pre-shock gas. To infer the physical properties of the system, we model simultaneously the galaxy spectral energy distribution (SED) and shock-driven line emission under a Bayesian framework. We find a relatively low-mass, star-forming system (M* = 1.4$\times$10^{10} M$_\odot$, SFR = 70 M$_\odot$ yr$^{-1}$), where shock-driven emission contributes 50 per cent to the total H$\beta$ luminosity. The nebular metallicity is near solar - three times higher than that predicted by the mass-metallicity relation at z=4.6, possibly related to fast-paced chemical evolution near the galaxy nucleus. We find no evidence for a recent decline in the SFR of the galaxy, meaning that, already at this early epoch, fast radio-mode AGN feedback was poorly coupled with the bulk of the star-forming gas; therefore, most of the feedback energy must end up in the galaxy halo, setting the stage for future quenching.

It has been suggested that giant planet occurrence peaks for stars with $M_{\ast}~\approx~3~M_{\odot}$ at a value a factor of four higher than observed for solar-mass stars. This population of giant planets predicted to frequently orbit main sequence B stars at $a~\approx~10$ AU is difficult to characterize observationally while fusion persists in their host stars. Fortunately, stars with $M_{\ast}~\gtrsim~3~M_{\odot}$ sustain fusion for only a few hundred million years. By the time those stars become massive, young white dwarfs, any giant planets present would still be luminous as a consequence of their recent formation. From an initial sample of 3268 Gaia-identified massive, young white dwarfs, we use homogeneous Spitzer Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) photometry to search for evidence of unresolved giant planets. For 30 systems, these IRAC data provide sensitivity to objects with $M~\lesssim~10~M_{\text{Jup}}$, and we identify one candidate with $M~\approx~4~M_{\text{Jup}}$ orbiting the white dwarf GALEX J071816.4+373139. Correcting for the possibility that some of the white dwarfs in our sample result from mergers, we find a giant planet occurrence $\eta_{\text{GP}}~=~0.11_{-0.07}^{+0.13}$ for stars with initial masses $M_{\ast}~\gtrsim~3~M_{\odot}$. Our occurrence inference is consistent with both the Doppler-inferred occurrence of giant planets orbiting $M_{\ast}~\approx~2~M_{\odot}$ giant stars and the theoretically predicted factor-of-four enhancement in the occurrence of giant planets orbiting $M_{\ast}~\approx~3~M_{\odot}$ stars relative to solar-mass stars. Future James Webb Space Telescope Near Infrared Camera observations of our sample would provide sensitivity to Saturn-mass planets and thereby a definitive estimate of the occurrence of giant planets orbiting stars with $M_{\ast}~\gtrsim~3~M_{\odot}$.

Galaxy clusters show large-scale azimuthal X-ray surface brightness fluctuations known as cold fronts. These are overdense (average density jumps $\sim 30\%$ or post-jump density $\sim 130\%$) and have milder discontinuity in pressure. Cold fronts are argued to originate due to sloshing driven by sub-halo passage at close proximity to the cluster center. While this is a viable source of large-scale perturbations, the physical mechanisms that can sustain such density structures (of specific geometry) are not clear. In this work, we explore whether long wavelength thermal instability is an explanation for cold front formation in a cluster core which is perturbed by sub-halos or AGN activity. Using global linear perturbation analysis, we show that internal gravity waves (thermally unstable) can form large-scale three-dimensional spiral structures, akin to observed cold fronts. We explore if the presence of magnetic field (along spherical $\hat{\phi}$) may support such structures (by suppressing small scale Kelvin-Helmholtz modes) or disrupt them (by promoting additional thermal instability). We find that latter happens at shorter wavelengths and only at frequencies above the characteristic buoyancy or Brunt Väisälä frequency ($>N_{\rm BV}$). Our work implies, firstly, that large-scale spirals may be formed and sustained over a long timescale ($>N^{-1}_{\rm BV}$) even in presence of aligned magnetic fields that is otherwise supportive against mixing at the interface. Secondly, short-wavelength (but relatively longer along the field) unstable compressive modes may form within or in the vicinity of such spirals. The instability is an overstable slow wave, and grows in 2D at timescales $\gtrsim 2-3$ times longer than the spiral growth timescale (via thermal instability). Thus we claim that this instability cannot destroy the large scale coherence.

Richard J. Parker (1), Emily J. Pinson (1), Hayley L. Alcock (1), James E. Dale (2) (1. University of Sheffield, UK, 2. Universitet Uppsala, Sweden)

The two main competing theories proposed to explain the formation of massive ($>10$M$_\odot$) stars -- competitive accretion and monolithic core collapse -- make different observable predictions for the environment of the massive stars during, and immediately after, their formation. Proponents of competitive accretion have long predicted that the most massive stars should have a different spatial distribution to lower-mass stars, either through the stars being mass segregated, or being in areas of higher relative densities, or sitting deeper in gravitational potential wells. We test these predictions by analysing a suite of SPH simulations where star clusters form massive stars via competitive accretion with and without feedback. We find that the most massive stars have higher relative densities, and sit in deeper potential wells, only in simulations in which feedback is not present. When feedback is included, only half of the simulations have the massive stars residing in deeper potential wells, and there are no other distinguishing signals in their spatial distributions. Intriguingly, in our simple models for monolithic core collapse, the massive stars may also end up in deeper potential wells, because if massive cores fragment the stars are still massive, and dominate their local environs. We find no robust diagnostic test in the spatial distributions of massive stars that can distinguish their formation mechanisms, and so other predictions for distinguishing between competitive accretion and monolithic collapse are required.

K. Azalee Bostroem, David J. Sand, Luc Dessart, Nathan Smith, Saurabh W. Jha, Stefano Valenti, Jennifer E. Andrews, Yize Dong, Alexei V. Filippenko, Sebastian Gomez, Daichi Hiramatsu, Emily T. Hoang, Griffin Hosseinzadeh, D. Andrew Howell, Jacob E. Jencson, Michael Lundquist, Curtis McCully, Darshana Mehta, Nicolas E. Meza Retamal, Jeniveve Pearson, Aravind P. Ravi, Manisha Shrestha, Samuel Wyatt

SN 2023ixf was discovered in M101 within a day of explosion and rapidly classified as a Type II supernova with flash features. Here we present ultraviolet (UV) spectra obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope 14, 19, 24, and 66 days after explosion. Interaction between the supernova ejecta and circumstellar material (CSM) is seen in the UV throughout our observations in the flux of the first three epochs and asymmetric MgII emission at day 66. We compare our observations to CMFGEN supernova models which include CSM interaction ($\dot{M}<10^{-3}$ $M_{\odot}$/yr) and find that the power from CSM interaction is decreasing with time, from $L_{\rm sh}\approx5\times10^{42}$ erg/s at day 14 to $L_{sh}\approx1\times10^{40}$ erg/s at day 66. We examine the contribution of individual atomic species to the spectra at day 14 and 19, showing that the majority of the features are dominated by iron, nickel, magnesium, and chromium absorption in the ejecta. The UV spectral energy distribution of SN 2023ixf sits between that of supernovae which show no definitive signs of CSM interaction and those with persistent signatures assuming the same progenitor radius and metallicity. Finally, we show that the evolution and asymmetric shape of the MgII emission are not unique to SN 2023ixf. These observations add to the early measurements of dense, confined CSM interaction, tracing the mass-loss history of SN 2023ixf to $\sim33$ yr prior to explosion and the density profile to a radius of $\sim5.7\times10^{15}$ cm. They show the relatively short evolution from quiescent red supergiant wind to high mass loss.

Recent searches for parity breaking in the galaxy four-point correlation function, as well as the prospects for greatly improved sensitivity to parity breaking in forthcoming surveys, motivate the search for physical mechanisms that could produce such a signal. Here we show that a parity-violating galaxy four-point correlation function may be induced by lensing by a chiral gravitational-wave background. We estimate the amplitude of a signal that would be detectable with a current galaxy survey, taking into account constraints to the primordial gravitational-wave-background amplitude. We find that this mechanism is unlikely to produce a signal large enough to be seen with a galaxy survey but note that it may come within reach with future 21cm observations.

Since the universe is not transparent to gamma rays with energies above around one hundred GeV, it is necessary to account for the interaction of high-energy photons with intergalactic radiation fields in order to model gamma-ray propagation. Here, we present a public numerical software for the modeling of gamma-ray observables. This code computes the effects on gamma-ray spectra from the development of electromagnetic cascades and cosmological redshifting. The code introduced here is based on the original $\gamma$-Cascade, and builds on it by improving its performance at high redshifts, introducing new propagation modules, and adding many more extragalactic radiation field models, which enables the ability to estimate the uncertainties inherent to EBL modeling. We compare the results of this new code to existing electromagnetic transport models.

D. Scholte, A. Saintonge, J. Moustakas, B. Catinella, H. Zou, B. Dey, J. Aguilar, S. Ahlen, A. Anand, R. Blum, D. Brooks, C. Circosta, T. Claybaugh, A. de la Macorra, P. Doel, A. Font-Ribera, P. U. Förster, J. E. Forero-Romero, E. Gaztañaga, S. Gontcho A Gontcho, S. Juneau, R. Kehoe, T. Kisner, S. E. Koposov, A. Kremin, A. Lambert, M. Landriau, C. Maraston, P. Martini, A. Meisner, A. S. Mighty, R. Miquel, A. D. Myers, J. Nie, C. Poppett, F. Prada, M. Rezaie, G. Rossi, E. Sanchez, M. Schubnell, J. Silber, D. Sprayberry, M. Siudek, F. Speranza, G. Tarlé, B. A. Weaver

Galaxy scaling relations provide insights into the processes that drive galaxy evolution. The extension of these scaling relations into the dwarf galaxy regime is of particular interest. This is because dwarf galaxies represent a crucial stage in galaxy evolution, and understanding them could also shed light on their role in reionising the early Universe. There is currently no consensus on the processes that dominate the evolution of dwarfs. In this work we constrain the atomic gas sequence (stellar mass vs. atomic gas fraction) and mass-metallicity relation (stellar mass vs. gas phase metallicity) from dwarf ($10^{6.5}$ $\textrm{M}_{\odot}$) to massive ($10^{11.5}$ $\textrm{M}_{\odot}$) galaxies in the local Universe. The combined optical and 21-cm spectroscopic observations of the DESI and ALFALFA surveys allow us to simultaneously constrain both scaling relations. We find a slope change of the atomic gas sequence at a stellar mass of $\sim 10^{9} ~\textrm{M}_{\odot}$. We also find that the shape and scatter of the atomic gas sequence and mass-metallicity relation are strongly linked for both dwarfs and more massive galaxies. Consequently, the low mass slope change of the atomic gas sequence is imprinted onto the mass-metallicity relation of dwarf galaxies. The mass scale of the measured slope change is consistent with a predicted escape velocity threshold below which low mass galaxies experience significant supernova-driven gas loss, as well as with a reduction in cold gas accretion onto more massive galaxies.

Carbonyl sulfide (OCS) is widely observed in the gas phase towards star-forming regions and was the first of the only two sulfur-bearing species detected in interstellar ices so far. However, the chemical network governing its formation is still not fully understood. While the sulfurization of CO and the oxidation of CS are often invoked to form OCS, other mechanisms could have a significant contribution. In particular, the multistep reaction involving CO and SH is a good candidate to forming OCS in dense cloud environments. We aim to constrain the viability of the CO + SH route to forming solid OCS in the interstellar medium, in a similar manner as CO + OH is known to produce CO2 ice. This is achieved by conducting a systematic laboratory investigation of the targeted reactions on interstellar ice analogues under dense cloud conditions. An ultrahigh vacuum chamber is utilized to simultaneously deposit CO, H2S, and atomic H at 10 K. SH radicals produced in situ via hydrogen abstraction from H2S react with CO to form OCS. OCS is efficiently formed through surface reactions involving CO, H2S, and H atoms. The suggested underlying mechanism behind OCS formation is CO + SH -> HSCO followed by HSCO + H -> OCS + H2. The OCS yield reduces slowly, but remains significant with increasing CO:H2S mixing ratios (CO:H2S = 1:1, 5:1, 10:1, and 20:1). Our experiments provide unambiguous evidence that OCS can be formed from CO + SH in the presence of H atoms. This route remains efficient for large H2S dilutions (5% w.r.t CO), suggesting that it is a viable mechanism in interstellar ices. Given that SH radicals can be created in clouds throughout a wide evolutionary timescale, this mechanism could have a non-negligible contribution to forming interstellar OCS ice.

The very long-term evolution of the hierarchical restricted three-body problem with a massive perturber is analyzed analytically in the high eccentricity regime. Perturbations on the time scale of the outer orbit can accumulate over long timescales and be comparable to the effect of the octupole term. These perturbations are described by Brown's Hamiltonian - having different forms in the literature. We show that at the high eccentricity regime - the effect of Brown's Hamiltonian is an azimuthal precesssion of the eccentricity vector and can be solved analytically. In fact, the dynamics are equivalent to a simple pendulum model allowing an explicit flip criterion.

Uri Malamud, Christoph M. Schafer, Irina Luciana San Sebastian, Maximilian Timpe, Karl Alexander Essink, Christopher Kreuzig, Gerwin Meier, Jürgen Blum, Hagai B. Perets, Christoph Burger

Crush curves are of fundamental importance to numerical modeling of small and porous astrophysical bodies. The empirical literature often measures them for silica grains, and different studies have used various methods, sizes, textures, and pressure conditions. Here we review past studies and supplement further experiments in order to develop a full and overarching understanding of the silica crush curve behavior. We suggest a new power-law function that can be used in impact simulations of analog materials similar to micro-granular silica. We perform a benchmarking study to compare this new crush curve to the parametric quadratic crush curve often used in other studies, based on the study case of the DART impact onto the asteroid Dimorphos. We find that the typical quadratic crush curve parameters do not closely follow the silica crushing experiments, and as a consequence they under (over) estimate compression close (far) from the impact site. The new crush curve presented here, applicable to pressures between a few hundred Pa and up to 1.1 GPa, might therefore be more precise. Additionally, it is not calibrated by case-specific parameters, and can be used universally for comet- or asteroid-like bodies, given an assumed composition similar to micro-granular silica.

Shreeyesh Biswal, Marianna B. Korsós, Manolis K. Georgoulis, Alexander Nindos, Spiros Patsourakos, Robertus Erdélyi

The R-value is a measure of the strength of photospheric magnetic Polarity Inversion Lines (PILs) in Active Regions (ARs). This work investigates the possibility of a relation between R-value variations and the occurrence of X-class flares in ARs, not in the solar photosphere, as usual, but above it in regions, closer to where flares occur. The modus operandi is to extrapolate the Solar Dynamic Observatory's (SDO) Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) magnetogram data up to a height of 3.24 Mm above the photosphere and then compute the R-value based on the extrapolated magnetic field. Recent studies have shown that certain flare-predictive parameters such as the horizontal gradient of the vertical magnetic field and magnetic helicity may improve flare prediction lead times significantly if studied at a specific height range above the photosphere, called the Optimal Height Range (OHR). Here we define the OHR as a collection of heights where a sudden but sustained increase in R-value is found. For the eight case studies discussed in this paper, our results indicate that it is possible for OHRs to exist in the low solar atmosphere (between 0.36 - 3.24 Mm), where R-value spikes occur 48-68 hrs before the first X-class flare of an emerging AR. The temporal evolution of R-value before the first X-class flare for an emerging AR is also found to be distinct from that of non-flaring ARs. For X-class flares associated with non-emerging ARs, an OHR could not be found.

We present a search for galaxies in the local Universe with extremely low oxygen abundance, that is, more than 25 times lower than solar, which corresponds to 12 + log(O/H) < 7.3. To determine the oxygen abundance, we apply the direct Te method for objects where the [OIII]4363 line is detected. We identified 21 extremely metal-poor galaxies in the early data release of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI EDR), for some of which we also derived N/O, Ne/O, Ar/O, and S/O ratios. We find that many DESI galaxies with extremely low oxygen abundance exhibit a higher N/O ratio in comparison to the reference low-metallicity sample collected from the literature. We suggest that the elevation in N/O ratio may be explained by a contamination with metal-rich gas caused by gas inflow or a merger event. Moreover, contrary to some recent studies, we find that Ar/O and S/O ratios are enhanced as well, while the Ne/O ratio does not show such elevation. One of the galaxies, J0713+5608, has a remarkably low oxygen abundance of 6.978$\pm$0.095 dex. This measurement aligns with the lowest known oxygen abundances in galaxies to date. Given the relatively high uncertainty, this galaxy may have the lowest oxygen abundance ever found. Additionally, J0713+5608 exhibited an enhanced N/O ratio compared to the typical N/O ratio observed in metal-poor galaxies within the local Universe.

Simranpreet Kaur, Josep M. Girart, Daniele Viganò, Álvaro Sánchez Monge, L. Ilsedore Cleeves, Alice Zurlo, Fabio Del Sordo, Òscar Morata, Trisha Bhowmik, Felipe O. Alves

The young stellar object [BHB2007]-1 has been extensively studied in the past at radio, millimeter, and infrared wavelengths. It shows a gap in the disk and previous observations claimed the possible emission from a forming sub-stellar object, in correspondence to the disk gap. Here, we analyze a set of 8 Karl Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) observations at 15 GHz and spread over a month. We infer a slowly variable emission from the star, with a $\sim 15 \text{-} 20\%$ circular polarization detected in two of the eight observations. The latter can be related to the magnetic fields in the system, while the unpolarized and moderately varying component can be indicative of free-free emission associated with jet induced shocks or interaction of the stellar wind with dense surrounding material. We discard any relevant short flaring activities when sampling the radio light curves down to 10 seconds and find no clear evidence of emission from the sub-stellar object inferred from past observations, although deeper observations could shed further light on this.

Noura Ibrahim (1), Mayra Gutierrez (1), John D. Monnier (1), Stefan Kraus (2), Jean-Baptiste Le Bouquin (3), Narsireddy Anugu (4), Theo ten Brummelaar (4), Sorabh Chhabra (2), Isabelle Codron (2), Julien Dejonghe (5), Aaron Labdon (6), Daniel Lecron (5), Daniel Mortimer (7), Denis Mourard (5), Gail Schaefer (4), Benjamin Setterholm (7), Manuela Arnó (8), Andrea Bianco (8), Michele Frangiamore (8), Laurent Jocou (3) ((1) University of Michigan, (2) University of Exeter, (3) IPAG, (4) The CHARA Array, (5) Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur (6) European Southern Observatory (7) Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie, (8) INAF)

MIRC-X and MYSTIC are six-telescope near-infrared beam (1.08-2.38 ${\mu}$m) combiners at the CHARA Array on Mt Wilson CA, USA. Ever since the commissioning of MIRC-X (J and H bands) in 2018 and MYSTIC (K bands) in 2021, they have been the most popular and over-subscribed instruments at the array. Observers have been able to image stellar objects with sensitivity down to 8.1 mag in H and 7.8 mag in K-band under the very best conditions. In 2022 MYSTIC was upgraded with a new ABCD mode using the VLTI/GRAVITY 4-beam integrated optics chip, with the goal of improving the sensitivity and calibration. The ABCD mode has been used to observe more than 20 T Tauri stars; however, the data pipeline is still being developed. Alongside software upgrades, we detail planned upgrades to both instruments in this paper. The main upgrades are: 1) Adding a motorized filter wheel to MIRC-X along with new high spectral resolution modes 2) Updating MIRC-X optics to allow for simultaneous 6T J+H observations 3) Removing the warm window between the spectrograph and the warm optics in MYSTIC 4) Adding a 6T ABCD mode to MIRC-X in collaboration with CHARA/SPICA 5) Updating the MIRC-X CRED-ONE camera funded by Prof. Kraus from U. Exeter 6) Carrying out science verification of the MIRC-X polarization mode 7) Developing new software for ABCD-mode data reduction and more efficient calibration routines. We expect these upgrades to not only improve the observing experience, but also increase the sensitivity by 0.4 mag in J+H-bands, and 1 mag in K-band.

Nicole L. Wallack, Jean-Baptiste Ruffio, Garreth Ruane, Bin B. Ren, Jerry W. Xuan, Marion Villenave, Dimitri Mawet, Karl Stapelfeldt, Jason J. Wang, Michael C. Liu, Olivier Absil, Carlos Alvarez, Jaehan Bae, Charlotte Bond, Michael Bottom, Benjamin Calvin, Élodie Choquet, Valentin Christiaens, Therese Cook, Bruno Femenía Castellá, Carlos Gomez Gonzalez, Greta Guidi, Elsa Huby, Joel Kastner, Heather A. Knutson, Tiffany Meshkat, Henry Ngo, Sam Ragland, Maddalena Reggiani, Luca Ricci, Eugene Serabyn, Taichi Uyama, Jonathan P. Williams, Peter Wizinowich, Zoe Zawol, Shangjia Zhang, Zhaohuan Zhu

Recent Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations of protoplanetary disks in the millimeter continuum have shown a variety of radial gaps, cavities, and spiral features. These substructures may be signposts for ongoing planet formation, and therefore these systems are promising targets for direct imaging planet searches in the near-infrared. To this end, we present results from a deep imaging survey in the $L'$-band (3.8 $\mu$m) with the Keck/NIRC2 vortex coronagraph to search for young planets in 43 disks with resolved features in the millimeter continuum or evidence for gaps/central cavities from their spectral energy distributions. Although we do not detect any new point sources, using the vortex coronagraph allows for high sensitivity to faint sources at small angular separations (down to ${\sim}$0$^{\prime\prime}$.1), allowing us to place strong upper limits on the masses of potential gas giant planets. We compare our mass sensitivities to the masses of planets derived using ALMA observations, and while we are sensitive to $\sim$1 M$_{Jup}$ planets in the gaps in some of our systems, we are generally not sensitive to planets of the masses expected from the ALMA observations. In addition to placing upper limits on the masses of gas giant planets that could be interacting with the dust in the disks to form the observed millimeter substructures, we are also able to map the micron-sized dust as seen in scattered light for 8 of these systems. Our large sample of systems also allows us to investigate limits on planetary accretion rates and disk viscosities.

The distribution of delay times between the formation of binary black hole (BBH) progenitors and their gravitational-wave (GW) merger provides important clues about their unknown formation histories. When inferring the delay time distribution, it is typically assumed that BBH progenitor formation traces the star formation rate (SFR). In this work, we consider the rate of long gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs) instead of the SFR. LGRBs are thought to correspond to the formation of (possibly spinning) black holes, and may therefore be related to the population of BBH progenitors. By comparing the redshift evolution of the LGRB rate as inferred by Ghirlanda & Salvaterra (2022) and the BBH merger rate inferred by LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) observations, we find that the delay time distribution between LGRBs and BBH mergers is well-described by a power law with minimum delay time $10$ Myr and slope $\alpha ={-0.96}^{+0.64}_{-0.85}$ (90\% credibility). This matches theoretical predictions for the BBH delay time distribution, which in turns lends support to the hypothesis that LGRBs trace BBH progenitor formation. However, comparing the absolute rates of these two populations, we find that at most $f = {0.04}^{+0.18}_{-0.03}$ of LGRBs may evolve into merging BBH. We also consider the possibility that LGRBs only produce BBH systems with large aligned spins (with effective inspiral spin $\chi_\mathrm{eff} > 0.2$). In this case, we find $f = {0.003}^{+0.011}_{-0.002}$ and the delay time distribution favors the steepest power law slopes we consider ($\alpha = -2$).

The total energy of a fireball is commonly obtained from optical measurements with an assumed value for luminous efficiency. Acoustic energy measurements offer an independent means of energy estimation. Here we combine optical and acoustic methods to validate the luminous efficiency model of Borovička et al. (2020). Our goal is to compare these models with acoustic measurements of meteoroid energy deposition. Employing theoretical blast scaling laws following the approach of McFadden et al. (2021), we determine explosive yields for both fireball fragmentation events and cylindrical shocks for four different bright fireballs. We model fireballs using the MetSim software (Vida et al., 2023) and find that the Borovička et al. (2020) model produces agreement better than a factor of two for our three chondritic fireball case studies. The major exception is an iron meteorite-producing fireball where the luminous efficiency is an order of magnitude higher than model predictions calibrated with stony fireballs. We suggest that large disparities between optical and acoustic energies could be a signature of iron fireballs and hence useful as a discriminant of that population.

Michael Gowanlock, David E. Trilling, Andrew McNeill, Daniel Kramer, Maria Chernyavskaya

Deriving high quality lightcuves for asteroids and other periodic sources from survey data is challenging due to many factors, including the sparsely sampled observational record and diurnal aliasing which is a signature imparted into the periodic signal of a source that is a function of the observing schedule of ground-based telescopes. In this paper, we examine the utility of combining asteroid observational records from the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) and the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) which are the ground- and space-based facilities, respectively, to determine to what degree the data from the space-based facility can suppress diurnal aliases. Furthermore, we examine several optimizations that are used to derive the rotation periods of asteroids which we then compare to the reported rotation periods in the literature. Through this analysis we find that we can reliably derive the rotation periods for ~85% of our sample of 222 objects that are also reported in the literature and that the remaining ~15% are difficult to reliably derive as many are asteroids that are insufficiently elongated which produces a lightcurve with an insufficient amplitude and consequently, an incorrect rotation period. We also investigate a binary classification method that biases against reporting incorrect rotation periods. We conclude the paper by assessing the utility of using other ground- or space-based facilities as companion telescopes to the forthcoming Rubin Observatory.

We explored in Chan et al. 2024 how the ion-electron temperature ratio affects certain numerical models of Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*). Specifically, we studied these effects in magnetic-dominated regions in magnetic-arrested disk (MAD), focusing on the $3$-hour variability at $230$ GHz -- $M_{\Delta T}$. In this study, we investigate how variations in electron temperature prescription parameter, $R_{\rm Low}$, influence $M_{\Delta T}$ by analyzing a series of general-relativistic raytracing (GRRT) snapshots. In certain black hole models with a spin $a > 0$, we discover that increasing $R_{\rm Low}$ renders the photon ring more optically thick, obscuring the varying accretion flows that contribute to the variability. However, as $R_{\rm Low}$ increases further, MAD flux eruptions become more pronounced, compensating for the decrease in $M_{\Delta T}$. For models with a spin $a < 0$, although a higher $R_{\rm Low}$ also increases the optical thickness of the fluid, voids within the optically thick gas fail to cover the entire photon ring. Similarly, flux eruptions are more prominent as $R_{\rm Low}$ increases further, contributing to the observed rise in $M_{\Delta T}$ against $R_{\rm Low}$. For black holes with $a \approx 0$, although the effect of increasing optical depth is still present, their $230$ GHz light curves and hence $M_{\Delta T}$ are insensitive to the changes in $R_{\rm Low}$. Furthermore, we find that the variability of the $230$ GHz light curves at $R_{\rm Low} = 1$ correlates with fluctuations in the internal energy of the gas near the black hole, indicating that unusual gas heating may be the source of significant $M_{\Delta T}$ seen in simulations. Our findings highlight potential approaches for refining $M_{\Delta T}$ to better align with observations when modelling Sgr A* or other low-luminosity active galactic nuclei.

Rebecca C. Levy, Alberto D. Bolatto, Divakara Mayya, Bolivia Cuevas-Otahola, Elizabeth Tarantino, Martha L. Boyer, Leindert A. Boogaard, Torsten Böker, Serena A. Cronin, Daniel A. Dale, Keaton Donaghue, Kimberly L. Emig, Deanne B. Fisher, Simon C. O. Glover, Rodrigo Herrera-Camus, María J. Jiménez-Donaire, Ralf S. Klessen, Laura Lenkić, Adam K. Leroy, Ilse De Looze, David S. Meier, Elisabeth A. C. Mills, Juergen Ott, Mónica Relaño, Sylvain Veilleux, Vicente Villanueva, Fabian Walter, Paul P. van der Werf

We present a near infrared (NIR) candidate star cluster catalog for the central kiloparsec of M82 based on new JWST NIRCam images. We identify star cluster candidates using the F250M filter, finding 1357 star cluster candidates with stellar masses $>10^4$ M$_\odot$. Compared to previous optical catalogs, nearly all (87%) of the candidates we identify are new. The star cluster candidates have a median intrinsic cluster radius of $\approx$1 pc and have stellar masses up to $10^6$ M$_\odot$. By comparing the color-color diagram to dust-free yggdrasil stellar population models, we estimate that the star cluster candidates have A$_{\rm V}\sim3-24$ mag, corresponding to A$_{\rm 2.5\mu m}\sim0.3-2.1$ mag. There is still appreciable dust extinction towards these clusters into the NIR. We measure the stellar masses of the star cluster candidates, assuming ages of 0 and 8 Myr. The slope of the resulting cluster mass function is $\beta=1.9\pm0.2$, in excellent agreement with studies of star clusters in other galaxies.

Magnetic fields are an energetically important component of star-formation galaxies, but it is often difficult to measure their properties from observations. One of the complexities stems from the fact that the magnetic fields, especially in spiral galaxies, have a two-scale nature: a large-scale field, coherent over ${\rm kpc}$ scales and a small-scale, random field with a scale of $\lesssim$ $100~{\rm pc}$. Moreover, it is known that the strength of small- and large-scale fields are comparable and this makes it even harder to find their imprints in radio polarisation observations such as the Faraday rotation measure, ${\rm RM}$, which is the integral over the path length of the product of the thermal electron density and the parallel component of the magnetic field to the line of sight. Here, we propose and demonstrate the use of second-order structure functions of ${\rm RM}$ computed with multiple higher-order stencils as a powerful analysis to separate the small- and large-scale magnetic field components. In particular, we provide new methods and calibrations to compute the scale and the strength of the large-scale magnetic field in the presence of small-scale magnetic fluctuations. We then apply the method to find the scale of large-scale magnetic fields in the nearby galaxies M51 and NGC 6946, using archival data and further discuss the need for computing the ${\rm RM}$ structure functions with higher-order stencils. With multiple modern radio polarisation observatories and eventually the Square Kilometre Array, ${\rm RM}$ observations will significantly improve in quantity and quality, and the higher-order stencil structure function techniques developed here can be used to extract information about multiscale magnetic fields in galaxies.

We study the possibility of accommodating both early and late-time tensions using a novel reinforcement learning technique. By applying this technique, we aim to optimize the evolution of the Hubble parameter from recombination to the present epoch, addressing both tensions simultaneously. To maximize the goodness of fit, our learning technique achieves a fit that surpasses even the $\Lambda$CDM model. Our results demonstrate a tendency to weaken both early and late time tensions in a completely model-independent manner.

Beyond the Sun-Earth line, spacecraft equipped with various solar telescopes are intended to be deployed at several different vantage points in the heliosphere to carry out coordinated, multi-view observations of the Sun and its dynamic activities. In this context, we investigate solar visibility by imaging instruments onboard the spacecraft orbiting the Sun-Earth Lagrange points L1, L4 and L5, respectively. An optimal arrival time for vertical periodic orbits stationed at L4 and L5 is determined based on geometric considerations that ensure maximum visibility of solar poles or higher latitudes per year. For a different set of orbits around the three Lagrange points (L1, L4 and L5), we calculate the visibility of the solar surface (i.e., observation days per year) as a function of the solar latitude. We also analyze where the solar limb viewed from one of the three Sun-Earth Lagrange points under consideration is projected onto the solar surface visible to the other two. This analysis particularly aims at determining the feasibility of studying solar eruptions, such as flares and coronal mass ejections, with coordinated observations of off-limb erupting coronal structures and their on-disk magnetic footpoints. In addition, visibility analysis of a feature (such as sunspots) on the solar surface is made for multiple spacecraft in various types of orbits with different inclinations to quantify the improvement in continuous tracking of the target feature for studying its long-term evolution from emergence, growth and to decay. A comprehensive comparison of observations from single (L1), double (L1 and L4) and multi-space missions (L1, L4 and L5) is carried out through our solar visibility analysis, and this may help us to design future space missions of constructing multiple solar observatories at the Sun-Earth Lagrange points.

Fujia Li, Enci Wang, Ming Zhu, Yingjie Peng, Jing Wang, Chuanpeng Zhang, Zesen Lin, Yu Rong, Hongxin Zhang, Xu Kong

We analyze the properties of a rare population, the strongly bulge-dominated early-type galaxies (referred to as sBDEs) with significant HI gas, using the databases from the FAST All Sky HI survey (FASHI) and the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA (ALFALFA) survey. We select the sBDEs from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and cross-match with the FASHI-ALFALFA combined HI sample, resulting in 104 HI-rich sBDEs. These sBDEs tend to have extremely high HI reservoirs, which is rare in previous studies such as ATLAS$^{3D}$. 70% of the selected sBDEs are classified as quiescent galaxies, even though they have a large HI reservoir. We study the properties of these sBDEs from five main aspects: stellar population, gas-phase metallicity, stacked HI spectra, environment, and spatially resolved MaNGA data. The majority of HI-rich sBDEs appear to show lower gas-phase metallicity and are located in significantly lower-density environments, suggesting an external origin for their HI gas. We find that star-forming sBDEs exhibit statistically higher star formation efficiency and slightly older stellar populations compared to normal star-forming galaxies, suggesting a recent star formation on Gyr-timescale. They also show narrower and more concentrated HI profiles compared to control star-forming galaxies, which may explain their higher star formation efficiency.

Linear equations with periodic coefficients describe the behavior of various dynamical systems. This studying is devoted to their applications to the planetary restricted three-body problem (RTBP). Here we consider the Laplace method for determining perturbation in coordinates. We show that classical theory of perturbation leads to a linear equation with periodic coefficients. Than we present a modification of Laplace method. This modification allows us to study motion over a longer time interval.

Basheer Kalbouneh, Jessica Santiago, Christian Marinoni, Roy Maartens, Chris Clarkson, Maharshi Sarma

Studies show that the model-independent, fully non-perturbative covariant cosmographic approach is suitable for analyzing the local Universe $(z\lesssim 0.1)$. However, accurately characterizing large and inhomogeneous mass distributions requires the fourth-order term in the redshift expansion of the covariant luminosity distance $d_L(z,\boldsymbol{n})$. We calculate the covariant snap parameter $\mathbb{S}$ and its spherical harmonic multipole moments using the matter expansion tensor and the evolution equations for lightray bundles. The fourth-order term adds 36 degrees of freedom, since the highest independent multipole of the snap is the 32-pole (dotriacontapole) $(\ell=5)$. Including this term helps to de-bias estimations of the covariant deceleration parameter. Given that observations suggest axially symmetric anisotropies in the Hubble diagram for $z \lesssim 0.1$ and theory shows that only a subset of multipoles contributes to the signal, we demonstrate that only 12 degrees of freedom are needed for a model-independent description of the local universe. We use an analytical axisymmetric model of the local Universe, with data that matches the Zwicky Transient Facility survey, in order to provide a numerical example of the amplitude of the snap multipoles and to forecast precision.

Ravi Chaurasiya, Ankala Raja Bayanna, R. E. Louis, T.M.D. Pereira, S. K. Mathew

Spicules are the thin hair/grass-like structures that are prominently observed at the chromospheric solar limb. It is believed that fibrils and rapid blueshifted and redshifted excursions (RBEs and RREs; collectively referred to as REs) correspond to on-disk counterparts of type I spicules and type II spicules, respectively. Our investigation focuses on observing the response of these REs alongside similar spectral features in the chromosphere, transition Region (TR), and corona, utilizing space-time plots derived from coordinated observations from Swedish 1 m Solar Telescope/H{\alpha}, Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS), and Solar Dynamics Observatory. Our analysis reveals upflowing REs, promptly reaching temperatures characteristic of the TR and corona, indicating a multi-thermal nature. Similarly, downflowing features exhibiting similar spectral signatures over the disk display plasma motion from the corona to chromospheric temperatures, demonstrating a multithermal nature. In addition to distinct upflows and downflows, we observe sequential upflow and downflow along the same path, depicting a distinctive parabolic trajectory in space-time plots of observations sampling TR and various coronal passbands. Similar to isolated upflows and downflows, these REs also exhibit a multi-thermal nature throughout their trajectory. Furthermore, our results reveal a more intricate motion of the REs in which both upflow and downflow coexist at the same spatial location. On a different note, our analysis, utilizing coordinated IRIS spectral observations, shows spatio-temporal redshifts/downflows in both the TR and chromosphere, suggesting that at least subsets of the strong redshifts/downflows observed in TR temperature spectra result from the return from the upper atmosphere flow of plasma in the form of bundles of spicules or features exhibiting similar spectra.

Luis A. Escamilla, Donatella Fiorucci, Giovanni Montani, Eleonora Di Valentino

We investigate a modified cosmological model aimed at addressing the Hubble tension, considering revised dynamics in the late Universe. The model introduces a parameter $c$ affecting the evolution equations, motivated by a modified Poisson algebra inspired by effective Loop Quantum Cosmology. Our analysis includes diverse background datasets such as Cosmic Chronometers, Pantheon+ Type Ia Supernovae (with and without the SH0ES calibration), SDSS, DESY6 and DESI Baryon Acoustic Oscillations, and background information of the Cosmic Microwave Background. We find that the model alleviates the Hubble tension in most of the dataset combinations, with cases reducing discrepancies to below $1\sigma$ when including SH0ES. However, the model exhibits minimal improvement in the overall fit when compared to $\Lambda$CDM, and Bayesian evidence generally favors the standard model. Theoretical foundations support this approach as a subtle adjustment to low-redshift dynamics, suggesting potential for further exploration into extensions of $\Lambda$CDM. Despite challenges in data fitting, our findings underscore the promise of small-scale modifications in reconciling cosmological tensions.

In recent years it has become common practice to divide observed transit absorption spectra by synthetic absorption spectra computed for the transit of an atmosphere-less planet. This action supposedly corrects the observed absorption spectrum, leaving the sole atmospheric absorption signature free from the biases induced by stellar rotation and centre-to-limb variations. We aim to show that while this practice is beneficial, it does not completely correct the absorption spectrum from the stellar distortions and that some residual biases remain, leaving a possibly altered atmospheric signature. By reducing the problem to its most basic form, we show that dividing the observed absorption spectrum by a synthetic absorption spectrum of the planet does not isolate the pure atmospheric absorption signature. We also used simulated synthetic transit observations to assess the magnitude of these residual biases in typical transit observations. We show that dividing the observed absorption spectrum by the planetary absorption spectrum results in an atmospheric signature modulated by the ratio of the flux behind the atmosphere and the flux behind the planet. Depending on the non-homogeneity of the stellar spectrum, this leads to distorted atmospheric signatures. Eventually, directly analysing these biased signatures will lead to wrong estimates of planetary atmosphere properties.

Although the physical origin of fast radio bursts (FRBs) remains unknown, magnetars are the most likely candidates. The polarization properties of FRBs offer crucial insights into their origins and radiation mechanisms. Significant circular polarization (CP) has been observed in some FRBs. CP may result from intrinsic radiation or propagation effects, both within and outside the magnetosphere. Recent observations indicate that polarization properties of FRB 20201124A can change over short timescales (about tens of milliseconds), challenging models that attribute CP to out-of-magnetosphere emission and propagation. Additionally, some magnetospheric radiation models predict that bursts with high CP produced by off-axis emission will be systematically fainter, which contradicts the observations. We propose that CP arises from magnetospheric propagation effects caused by relativistic plasma. We identify the conditions under which high CP occurs, finding it to be rare. Moreover, our model accounts for the more commonly observed low CP and the varying handedness of CP.

We analyze the long-term evolution of hierarchical triple systems in Newtonian gravity to second order in the quadrupolar perturbation parameter, and to sixth order in $\epsilon = a/A$, the ratio of the semimajor axes of the inner and outer orbits. We apply the ``two-timescale'' method from applied mathematics to the Lagrange Planetary Equations for the inner and outer orbits, in which each osculating orbit element is split into an orbit averaged part that evolves on the long perturbative timescale, and an ``average-free'' part that is oscillatory in the orbital timescales. Averages over the two orbital timescales are performed using the well-known secular approximation. We also incorporate perturbative corrections to the relation between time and the orbital phases. We place no restrictions on the masses, on the relative orbit inclinations or on the eccentricities, beyond the requirement that the quadrupolar parameter and $\epsilon$ both be small. The result is a complete set of long-timescale evolution equations for the averaged elements of the inner and outer orbits. At first order in perturbation theory, we obtain the dotriacontapole contributions explicitly at order $\epsilon^6$. At second order in perturbation theory, i.e. quadratic in the quadrupole perturbation amplitude, we find contributions that scale as $\epsilon^{9/2}$ (found in earlier work), $\epsilon^{5}$, $\epsilon^{11/2}$, and $\epsilon^{6}$. At first perturbative order and dotriacontapole order, the two averaged semimajor axes are constant in time (and we prove that this holds to arbitrary multipole orders); but at second perturbative order, beginning at $O( \epsilon^{5})$, they are no longer constant. Nevertheless we verify that the total averaged energy of the system is conserved, and we argue that this behavior is not incompatible with classical theorems on secular evolution of the semimajor axes.

Yukun Liu, Hong-Bo Li, Yong Gao, Lijing Shao, Zexin Hu

Neutron stars (NSs) can capture dark matter (DM) particles because of their deep gravitational potential and high density. The accumulated DM can affect the properties of NSs. In this work we use a general relativistic two-fluid formalism to solve the structure of DM-admixed NSs (DANSs) and the surrounding spacetime. Specifically, we pay attention to the situation where those DANSs possess DM halos. Due to the gravitational effect of the DM halo, the pulse profile of an X-ray pulsar is changed. Our study finds a universal relation between the peak flux deviation of the pulse profile and $M_{\rm halo}/R_{\rm BM}$, which is the ratio of the DM halo mass, $M_{\rm halo}$, to the baryonic matter (BM) core radius, $R_{\rm BM}$. Our results show that, when $M_{\rm halo}/R_{\rm BM}=0.292$ and the DM particle mass $m_f = 0.3\,$GeV, the maximum deviation of the profile can be larger than 100$\%$, which has implication in X-ray pulsar observation.

Juri Poutanen, Sergey S. Tsygankov, Sofia V. Forsblom (University of Turku)

Radiation from X-ray pulsars (XRPs) was expected to be strongly linearly polarized owing to a large difference in their ordinary and extraordinary mode opacities. The launch of IXPE allowed us to check this prediction. IXPE observed a dozen X-ray pulsars, discovering pulse-phase dependent variation of the polarization degree (PD) and polarization angle (PA). Although the PD showed rather erratic profiles resembling flux pulse dependence, the PA in most cases showed smooth variations consistent with the rotating vector model (RVM), which can be interpreted as a combined effect of vacuum birefringence and dipole magnetic field structure at a polarization-limiting (adiabatic) radius. Application of the RVM allowed us to determine XRP geometry and to confirm the free precession of the NS in Her X-1. Deviations from RVM in two bright transients led to the discovery of an unpulsed polarized emission likely produced by scattering off the accretion disk wind.

In this work, we investigate whether the baryon acoustic oscillation (BAO) measurements from redshift surveys, like the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), and the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), are consistent with each other. We do so by obtaining the Hubble and deceleration parameter, respectively $H(z)$ and $q(z)$, from both datasets using a non-parametric reconstruction, so that our results do not depend on any {\it a priori} assumptions about the underlying cosmological model. We find that the reconstructed $H(z)$ and $q(z)$ from SDSS are significantly inconsistent with those obtained from DESI, and that both are only marginally consistent with the $\Lambda$CDM model ($\sim 3\sigma$ confidence level). Interestingly, the combined SDSS and DESI dataset reconciles with the standard model. These results are mostly unchanged with respect to different assumptions on the sound horizon scale value, as well as different reconstruction kernels. We also verify the results for the null diagnostic $\mathcal{O}_{\rm m}(z)$, finding that SDSS favours a quintessence-like dark energy model, whereas a phantom-like dark energy is preferred by DESI data, and once again the combined dataset strongly agrees with $\Lambda$CDM. Therefore, our results call the attention for further examination of such inconsistency, as they can lead to biased and divergent results regarding the validity of the standard model, or the suggestion of new physics.

Shiyan Zhong, Xian Xu, Xinlei Chen, Helong Guo, Yuan Fang, Guowang Du, Xiangkun Liu, Xiaowei Liu

We present the optical light curves of the tidal disruption event (TDE) AT 2023clx in the declining phase, observed with Mephisto. Combining our light curve with the ASAS-SN and ATLAS data in the rising phase, and fitting the composite multi-band light curves with MOSFiT, we estimate black hole mass of AT 2023clx is between $10^{5.67}$--$10^{5.82}~M_{\odot}$. This event may be caused by either a full disruption of a $0.1~M_{\odot}$ star, or a partial disruption of a $0.99~M_{\odot}$ star, depending on the data adopted for the rising phase. Based on those fit results and the non-detection of soft X-ray photons in the first 90 days, we propose that the observed optical radiation is powered by stream-stream collision. We speculate that the soft X-ray photons may gradually emerge in 100--600 days after the optical peak, when the debris is fully circularized into a compact accretion disk.

John Wendeborn, Catherine C. Espaillat, Thanawuth Thanathibodee, Connor E. Robinson, Caeley V. Pittman, Nuria Calvet, James Muzerolle, Fredrick M. Walter, Jochen Eisloffel, Eleonora Fiorellino, Carlo F. Manara, Agnes Kospal, Peter Abraham, Rik Claes, Elisabetta Rigliaco, Laura Venuti, Justyn Campbell-White, Pauline McGinnis, Manuele Gangi, Karina Mauco, Filipe Gameiro, Antonio Frasca, Zhen Guo

Classical T Tauri Stars (CTTSs) are highly variable stars that possess gas- and dust-rich disks from which planets form. Much of their variability is driven by mass accretion from the surrounding disk, a process that is still not entirely understood. A multi-epoch optical spectral monitoring campaign of four CTTSs (TW Hya, RU Lup, BP Tau, and GM Aur) was conducted along with contemporaneous HST UV spectra and ground-based photometry in an effort to determine accretion characteristics and gauge variability in this sample. Using an accretion flow model, we find that the magnetospheric truncation radius varies between 2.5-5 R* across all of our observations. There is also significant variability in all emission lines studied, particularly Halpha, Hbeta, and Hgamma. Using previously established relationships between line luminosity and accretion, we find that, on average, most lines reproduce accretion rates consistent with accretion shock modeling of HST spectra to within 0.5 dex. Looking at individual contemporaneous observations, however, these relationships are less accurate, suggesting that variability trends differ from the trends of the population and that these empirical relationships should be used with caution in studies of variability.

The characterization of exoplanetary atmospheres through transit spectra is becoming increasingly feasible, and technology for direct detection remains ongoing. The possibility of detecting spectral features could enable quantitative constraints on atmospheric composition or even serve as a potential biosignature, with the sensitivity of the instrument and observation time as key limiting factors. This paper discusses the possibility that future remote observations could detect the presence of radioactive elements in the atmospheres of exoplanets. Such radionuclides could arise from cosmogenic or geologic sources, as well as from industrial sources, all of which occur on Earth. The detection of radionuclides in an exoplanetary atmosphere could reveal important properties about the planet's geology or space environment, and potentially could serve as a technosignature. However, many radionuclides, including those from industrial sources, attach to aerosol or other particles that cannot be remotely characterized. Limited experimental and theoretical spectral data exist for long-lived radionuclides, but the sensitivity required to detect the spectral features of some known radionuclides would be at least several orders of magnitude greater than required to detect the spectral features of molecular oxygen. Present-day remote spectroscopic observing mission concepts at ultraviolet to mid-infrared wavelengths are not sensitive to discern the presence of radionuclides in exoplanetary atmospheres. Interplanetary fly-by or probe missions may be more likely to provide such data in the future.

Recent studies suggest that cold dark matter subhalos are hard to disrupt and almost all cases of subhalo disruption observed in numerical simulations are due to numerical effects. However, these findings primarily relied on idealized numerical experiments, which do not fully capture the realistic conditions of subhalo evolution within a hierarchical cosmological context. Based on the Aquarius simulations, we identify clear segregation in the population of surviving and disrupted subhalos, which corresponds to two distinct acquisition channels of subhalos. We find that all of the first-order subhalos accreted after redshift 2 survive to the present time without suffering from artificial disruption. On the other hand, most of the disrupted subhalos are sub-subhalos accreted at high redshift. Unlike the first-order subhalos, sub-subhalos experience pre-processing and many of them are accreted through major mergers at high redshift, resulting in very high mass loss rates. We confirm these high mass loss rates are physical through both numerical experiments and semi-analytical modeling, thus supporting a physical origin for their rapid disappearance in the simulation. Even though we cannot verify whether these subhalos have fully disrupted or not, their extreme mass loss rates dictate that they can at most contribute a negligible fraction to the very low mass end of the subhalo mass function. We thus conclude that current state-of-the-art cosmological simulations have reliably resolved the subhalo population.

Benedetta Bruno, Rodrigo Guedes Lang, Luan Bonneau Arbeletche, Vitor de Souza, Stefan Funk

The predictions of hadronic interaction models for cosmic-ray induced air showers contain inherent uncertainties due to limitations of available accelerator data. This leads to differences in shower simulations using each of those models. Many studies have been carried out to track those differences by investigating the shower development or the particle content. In this work, we propose a new approach to search for discrepancies and similarities between the models, via the IACT images resulting from the observations of hadronic air showers. We use simulations of H.E.S.S. as a show-case scenario and, by investigating variables of the camera images, we find potential indicators to highlight differences between models. Number of pixels, Hillas image size, and density showed the largest difference between the models. We then further explore the (in)compatibility of the models by combining all the variables and using Boosted Decision Trees. For protons, a significant difference in the classifier output is found for EPOS-LHC when compared to both QGSJET-II04 and Sybill 2.3d. For helium and nitrogen, QGSJET-II04 is shown to be the outlier case. No significant differences are found for silicon and iron. The distribution of (in)compatibility between the models in the phase space of shower parameters shows that a targeted search can be fruitful, with showers with energies of a few TeV and core closer to the large telescope presenting the largest power of separation.

Davide Pedrotti, Jun-Qian Jiang, Luis A. Escamilla, Simony Santos da Costa, Sunny Vagnozzi

The Hubble tension is inherently multidimensional, and bears important implications for parameters beyond $H_0$. We discuss the key role of the matter density parameter $\Omega_m$ and the physical cold dark matter density $\omega_c$. We argue that once $\Omega_m$ and the physical baryon density $\omega_b$ are calibrated, through Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) and/or Type Ia Supernovae (SNeIa) for $\Omega_m$, and via Big Bang Nucleosynthesis for $\omega_b$, any model raising $H_0$ inevitably raises $\omega_c$ and, under minimal assumptions, the clustering parameter $S_8$. We explicitly verify that this behaviour holds when analyzing recent BAO and SNeIa data. We argue that a calibration of $\Omega_m$ which is as reliable and model-independent as possible should be a priority in the Hubble tension discussion, and an interesting possibility in this sense could be represented by galaxy cluster gas mass fraction measurements.

Axion-like degrees of freedom generally interact with fermions through a shift symmetric coupling. As a consequence, a time-dependent axion will lead to the generation of fermions by amplifying their vacuum fluctuations. We provide the formulae that allow one to determine the spectra of produced fermions in a generic Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker Universe with flat spatial slices. Then we derive simple approximate formulae for the spectra of the produced fermions, as a function of the model parameters, in the specific cases of a radiation- and a matter-dominated Universe, in the regime in which the backreaction of the produced fermions on the axionic background can be neglected.

Daniel Shy, Michael Streicher, Douglas M. Groves, Zhong He, Jason Jaworski, Willy Kaye, James Mason, Ryan Parsons, Feng Zhang, Yuefeng Zhu, Alena Thompson, Alexander Garner, Anthony Hutcheson, Mary Johnson-Rambert, W. Neil Johnson, Bernard Phlips

The cadmium zinc TElluride Radiation Imager, or TERI, is an instrument to space qualify large-volume $4 \times 4 \times 1.5 \ \mathrm{cm}^3$ pixelated CdZnTe (CZT) detector technology. The CZT's anode is composed of a $22 \times 22$ array of pixels while the cathode is planar. TERI will contain four of those crystals with each pixel having an energy range of $40 \ \mathrm{keV}$ up to $3 \ \mathrm{MeV}$ with a resolution of $1.3 \%$ full-width-at-half maximum at $662 \ \mathrm{keV}$. As the detectors are 3D position sensitive, TERI can Compton image events. TERI is fitted with a coded-aperture mask which permits imaging low energy photons in the photoelectric regime. TERI's primary mission is to space-qualify large-volume CZT and measure its degradation due to radiation damage in a space environment. Its secondary mission includes detecting and localizing astrophysical gamma-ray transients. TERI is manifested on DoD's STP-H10 mission for launch to the International Space Station in early 2025.

The morphology and the characteristic scale of polarized structures provide crucial insights into the mechanisms that drives turbulence and maintains magnetic fields in magneto-ionic plasma. We aim to establish the efficacy of Minkowski functionals as quantitative statistical probes of filamentary morphology of polarized synchrotron emission resulting from fluctuation dynamo action. Using synthetic observations generated from magnetohydrodynamic simulations of fluctuation dynamos with varying driving scales ($\ell_{\rm f}$) of turbulence in isothermal, incompressible, and subsonic media, we study the relation between different morphological measures, and their connection to fractional polarization ($p_{\rm f}$). We find that Faraday depolarization at low frequencies give rise to small-scale polarized structures that have higher filamentarity as compared to the intrinsic structures that are comparable to $\ell_{\rm f}$. Above $\sim3\,{\rm GHz}$, the number of connected polarized structures per unit area ($N_{\rm CC, peak}$) is related to the mean $p_{\rm f}$ ($\langle p_{\rm f} \rangle$) of the emitting region as $\langle p_{\rm f} \rangle \propto N_{\rm CC, peak}^{-1/4}$, provided the scale of the detectable emitting region is larger than $\ell_{\rm f}$. This implies that $N_{\rm CC,peak}$ represents the number of turbulent cells projected on the plane of the sky and can be directly used to infer $\ell_{\rm f}$ via the relation $\ell_{\rm f} \propto N_{\rm CC,peak}^{-1/2}$. An estimate on $\ell_{\rm f}$ thus directly allows for pinning down the turbulence driving mechanism in astrophysical systems. While the simulated conditions are mostly prevalent in the intracluster medium of galaxy clusters, the qualitative morphological features are also applicable in the context of interstellar medium in galaxies.

We present a computational tool, TweedleDEE, for empirically modeling diffuse gamma-ray background emission in a 1 degree region of the sky, using publicly available gamma-ray data slightly off-axis from this region. This background model allows a user to perform a purely data-driven search for anomalous localized sources of gamma-ray emission, including new physics. As an application, we use TweedleDEE and the MADHATv2 package to perform the first search for dark matter annihilation in the newly discovered Leo VI dwarf spheroidal galaxy, and present model constraints for a variety of choices of the annihilation channel and velocity dependence of the cross section.

Althea V. Moorhead, William J. Cooke, Peter G. Brown, Margaret D. Campbell-Brown

Although the risk posed to spacecraft due to meteoroid impacts is dominated by sporadic meteoroids, meteor showers can raise this risk for short periods of time. NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office issues meteor shower forecasts that describe these periods of elevated risk, primarily for the purpose of helping plan extravehicular activities. These forecasts are constructed using a list of meteor shower parameters that has evolved over time to include newly discovered showers and incorporate improved measurements of their characteristics. However, at this point in time, more than a thousand meteor showers have been reported by researchers, many of which are extremely minor, are unconfirmed, or lack measurements of critical parameters. Thus, a comprehensive approach is no longer feasible. In this report we present a quantitative criterion for a potentially hazardous meteor shower and apply this criterion to the list of established meteor showers in order to determine which showers should be included in our annual forecasts.

Jordan N. Ealy, Joshua E. Schlieder, Thaddeus D. Komacek, Emily A. Gilbert

Stellar flares from K and M dwarfs release panchromatic radiation characterized by a significantly higher brightness temperature ($\sim$9-20 kK) than the star. The increased frequency of magnetic activity on young low-mass stars results in the energy released during flaring events becoming a notable contributor to the radiation environment. This study focuses on the $\beta$ Pictoris moving group (24 $\pm$ 3 Myr) for the analysis of young, low-mass star flaring rates within the framework of larger flare studies. The calibration of long-term optical flare statistics is crucial to updating flare activity-age relations and the interpretation of exoplanet atmosphere observations. Using the $\beta$ Pictoris moving group, we develop a modular flare extraction pipeline sensitive to low-mass stellar flares in observations from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite. This pipeline is built to characterize flare properties of these stars such as total energy and cumulative flare rate. Consistent with previous studies, this sample (N=49) shows higher cumulative flare rates than early type and old field stars by at least an order of magnitude. Fitted flare frequency distributions for both early and late type M dwarfs show an average slope of $1.58 \pm 0.23$ with earlier stars flaring with lower or similar rates to late types. A typical member in this sample has daily ($\mathrm{\sim 1 \, d^{-1}}$ ) flares with TESS band energies of $10^{32} - 10^{33}$ ergs. The optical flare rates and energies for this group provide essential context into the co-evolution of host stars and associated planets.