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Papers for Thursday, Aug 15 2024

Papers with local authors

Jared C. Siegel, Samuel Halverson, Jacob K. Luhn, Lily L. Zhao, Khaled Al Moulla, Paul Robertson, Chad F. Bender, Ryan C. Terrien, Arpita Roy, Suvrath Mahadevan, Fred Hearty, Joe P. Ninan, Jason T. Wright, Eric B. Ford, Christian Schwab, Guðmundur Stefánsson, Cullen H. Blake, Michael W. McElwain
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Paper 5 — arXiv:2408.07121
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Paper 5 — arXiv:2408.07121

For solar-type stars, spots and their associated magnetic regions induce radial velocity perturbations through the Doppler rotation signal and the suppression of convective blueshift -- collectively known as rotation-modulation. We developed the Rotation-Convection (RC) model: a method of detrending and characterizing rotation-modulation, using only cross-correlation functions or 1-dimensional spectra, without the need for continuous high cadence measurements. The RC method uses a simple model for the anomalous radial velocity induced by an active region and has two inputs: stellar flux (or a flux proxy) and the relative radial velocity between strongly and weakly absorbed wavelengths (analogous to the bisector-inverse slope). On NEID solar data (three month baseline), the RC model lowers the amplitude of rotationally-modulated stellar activity to below the meter-per-second level. For the standard star HD 26965, the RC model detrends the activity signal to the meter-per-second level for HARPS, EXPRES, and NEID observations, even though the temporal density and timespan of the observations differs by an order of magnitude between the three datasets. In addition to detrending, the RC model also characterizes the rotation-modulation signal. From comparison with the Solar Dynamics Observatory, we confirmed that the model accurately recovers and separates the rotation and convection radial velocity components. We also mapped the amplitude of the rotation and convection perturbations as a function of height within the stellar atmosphere. Probing stellar atmospheres with our revised spot model will fuel future innovations in stellar activity mitigation, enabling robust exoplanet detection.

Distribution functions of collisionless systems are known to show non-thermal power law tails. Interestingly, collisionless plasmas in various physical scenarios, (e.g., the ion population of the solar wind) feature a $v^{-5}$ tail in the velocity ($v$) distribution, whose origin has been a long-standing mystery. We show this power law tail to be a natural outcome of the self-consistent collisionless relaxation of driven electrostatic plasmas. We perform a quasilinear analysis of the perturbed Vlasov-Poisson equations to show that the coarse-grained mean distribution function (DF), $f_0$, follows a quasilinear diffusion equation with a diffusion coefficient $D(v)$ that depends on $v$ through the plasma dielectric constant. If the plasma is isotropically forced on scales much larger than the Debye length with a white noise-like electric field, then $D(v)\sim v^4$ for $\sigma<v<\omega_{\mathrm{P}}/k$, with $\sigma$ the thermal velocity, $\omega_{\mathrm{P}}$ the plasma frequency and $k$ the maximum wavenumber of the perturbation; the corresponding $f_0$, in the quasi-steady state, develops a $v^{-\left(d+2\right)}$ tail in $d$ dimensions ($v^{-5}$ tail in 3D), while the energy ($E$) distribution develops an $E^{-2}$ tail irrespective of the dimensionality of space. Any redness of the noise only alters the scaling in the high $v$ end. Non-resonant particles moving slower than the phase-velocity of the plasma waves ($\omega_{\mathrm{P}}/k$) experience a Debye-screened electric field, and significantly less (power law suppressed) acceleration than the near-resonant particles. Thus, a Maxwellian DF develops a power law tail. The Maxwellian core ($v<\sigma$) eventually also heats up, but over a much longer timescale than that over which the tail forms. We definitively show that self-consistency (ignored in test-particle treatments) is crucial for the development of the universal $v^{-5}$ tail.

Drew Jamieson, Yin Li, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Shirley Ho, David N. Spergel
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Paper 36 — arXiv:2408.07699
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Paper 36 — arXiv:2408.07699

We present a field-level emulator for large-scale structure, capturing the cosmology dependence and the time evolution of cosmic structure formation. The emulator maps linear displacement fields to their corresponding nonlinear displacements from N-body simulations at specific redshifts. Designed as a neural network, the emulator incorporates style parameters that encode dependencies on $\Omega_{\rm m}$ and the linear growth factor $D(z)$ at redshift $z$. We train our model on the six-dimensional N-body phase space, predicting particle velocities as the time derivative of the model's displacement outputs. This innovation results in significant improvements in training efficiency and model accuracy. Tested on diverse cosmologies and redshifts not seen during training, the emulator achieves percent-level accuracy on scales of $k\sim~1~{\rm Mpc}^{-1}~h$ at $z=0$, with improved performance at higher redshifts. We compare predicted structure formation histories with N-body simulations via merger trees, finding consistent merger event sequences and statistical properties.

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With the recent observational evidence in extra galactic astronomy, the interpretation of the nature of quasar redshift continues to be a research interest. Very high redshifts are being detected for extragalactic objects that are presumably very distant and young while also exhibiting properties that are characteristic of a more mature galaxy such as ours. According to Halton Arp and Geoffrey Burbidge, redshift disparities consist of an intrinsic component and are related to an evolutionary process. Karlsson observed redshift periodicity at integer multiples of 0.089 in log scale and Burbidge observed redshift periodicity at integer multiples of 0.061 in linear scale. Since Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) based periodicity estimation is known to be superior for noisy data sets, especially when the data contains multiple harmonics and overtones, mainly irregular in nature, we have chosen it to be our primary tool for analysis of the quasar-galaxy pair redshift data. We have observed a fundamental periodicity of 0.051 with a confidence interval of 95% in linear scale with the site-available Sloan Digital Sky Survey data release 7 (SDSS DR7) quasar-galaxy pair data set. We have independently generated quasar-galaxy pair data sets from both 2dF and SDSS and found fundamental periodicities of 0.077 and 0.089 in log scale with a confidence interval of 95%.

Huanian Zhang (HUST), Miao Li (Zhejiang U.), Dennis Zaritsky (U. Arizona)


Using stacked emission line flux measurements of cool circumgalactic gas (CGM) in lower-mass galaxies ($10^{9.0} \le M_*/M_\odot \le 10^{10.2} $), we measure the dependence of the emission characteristics on orientation relative to the disk plane as a function of radius and compare to that we found previously for massive ($M_* > 10^{10.4} M_\odot$) early-type galaxies. Although the line ratios (the lower [N II]/H$\alpha$ and [O III]/H$\beta$) suggest an overall softer ionizing source than in the more massive galaxies, consistent with previous findings, we find the same ionization hardening signature (a higher [N II]/H$\alpha$ ratio in the inner polar region) along the polar direction at small radii that we found for the more massive galaxies. The line ratio in the inner polar bin is distinct from that measured for the inner planar bin with 99.99% confidence and with $>$ 99.9% confidence we conclude that it lies outside the star formation regime. The effective hardening of the ionization of the CGM along the polar axis, at small radii, could either indicate relic effects of AGN activity or shock ionization. In either case, this signature appears to be ubiquitous across the stellar mass range we are able to explore with our spectral stacking technique and currently available archival data.

Ananthan Karunakaran, Khadeejah Motiwala, Kristine Spekkens, Dennis Zaritsky, Richard L. Donnerstein, Arjun Dey

We present the results from the neutral hydrogen (HI) follow-up survey of 378 optically-detected UDG candidates from the Systematically Measuring Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies (SMUDGes) survey using the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT). We detect HI in 110 targets and determine 37 to be UDGs and 73 to be low surface brightness (LSB) dwarfs based on their effective radii and central surface brightnesses. In line with previous studies, we find that: i) our HI detections have on average bluer $g-r$ colors and more irregular morphologies than our HI non-detections, ii) our HI detections populate the tail end of the star-forming main sequence from the ALFALFA catalog with marginally lower specific star formation rates, and iii) HI detections are mostly in relatively isolated (i.e. field) environments, while most non-detections have at least one nearby neighbor in projection. We find that the HI mass to stellar mass ratios (i.e. gas richnesses) scale with the physical sizes for UDGs and LSB dwarfs alike, suggesting that mechanisms other than bursty star formation feedback may be at play for UDGs. However, we find a stronger trend between gas richnesses and physical sizes if we define UDGs using their effective surface brightness instead of their central surface brightness. We are in the process of using this unprecedented sample of UDG candidates to carry out detailed follow-up studies (i.e. star-formation and environmental analysis, comparisons to simulations) and are obtaining resolved HI observations for several of them.

Observations of Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) in near-infrared (NIR) show irregular flaring activity. Flares coincide with astrometric rotation of brightness centroid and with looping patterns in fractional linear polarization. These signatures can be explained with a model of a bright hot-spot, transiently orbiting the black hole. We extend the capabilities of the existing algorithms to perform parameter estimation and model comparison in the Bayesian framework using NIR observations from the GRAVITY instrument, and simultaneously fitting to the astrometric and polarimetric data. Using the numerical radiative transfer code ipole, we defined several geometric models describing a hot-spot orbiting Sgr A*, threaded with magnetic field, and emitting synchrotron radiation. We then explored the posterior space of our models in the Bayesian framework with a nested sampling code dynesty. We have used 11 models to sharpen our understanding of the importance of various aspects of the orbital model, such as non-Keplerian motion, hot-spot size, and off-equatorial orbit. All considered models converge to realizations that fit the data well, but the equatorial super-Keplerian model is favored by the currently available NIR dataset. We have inferred an inclination of ~ 155 deg, which corroborates previous estimates, a preferred period of ~ 70 minutes, and an orbital radius of ~ 12 gravitational radii with the orbital velocity of ~ 1.3 times the Keplerian value. A hot-spot of a diameter smaller than 5 gravitational radii is favored. Black hole spin is not constrained well.

Empirically, the total number (or total mass) of globular clusters bound in a single galactic system correlates with the viral mass of the system. The form of this relation and its intrinsic scatter are potentially valuable constraints on theories of globular cluster formation and galaxy evolution. In this work, we use the DESI Legacy Imaging Survey to make a large-scale, homogeneous estimate of GC abundance around 707 galaxies at distances $\lesssim 30\,\mathrm{Mpc}$ with luminosities $8 \leq \log_{10}L/\mathrm{L}_\odot \leq 11.5$. The combination of depth and sky coverage in DESI-LS allow us to extend the techniques used by previous ground-based photometric GC surveys to a larger and potentially more representative sample of galaxies. We find average GC counts and radial profiles that are broadly consistent with the literature on individual galaxies, including good agreement with the distribution of GCs in the Milky Way, demonstrating the viability of DESI-LS images for this purpose. We find a relation between GC counts and virial mass in agreement with previous estimates based on heterogenous datasets, except at the lowest masses we probe, where we find a larger scatter in the number of cluster candidates and a slightly higher average count.

Andrew K. Saydjari, Douglas P. Finkbeiner, Adam J. Wheeler, Jon A. Holtzman, John C. Wilson, Andrew R. Casey, Sophia Sánchez-Maes, Joel R. Brownstein, David W. Hogg, Michael R. Blanton

The radial velocity catalog from the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE) is unique in its simultaneously large volume and high precision as a result of its decade-long survey duration, multiplexing (600 fibers), and spectral resolution of $R \sim 22,500$. However, previous data reductions of APOGEE have not fully realized the potential radial velocity (RV) precision of the instrument. Here we present an RV catalog based on a new reduction of all 2.6 million visits of APOGEE DR17 and validate it against improved estimates for the theoretical RV performance. The core ideas of the new reduction are the simultaneous modeling of all components in the spectra, rather than a separate subtraction of point estimates for the sky, and a marginalization over stellar types, rather than a grid search for an optimum. We show that this catalog, when restricted to RVs measured with the same fiber, achieves noise-limited precision down to 30 m/s and delivers well-calibrated uncertainties. We also introduce a general method for calibrating fiber-to-fiber constant RV offsets and demonstrate its importance for high RV precision work in multi-fiber spectrographs. After calibration, we achieve 47 m/s RV precision on the combined catalog with RVs measured with different fibers. This degradation in precision relative to measurements with only a single fiber suggests that refining line spread function models should be a focus in SDSS-V to improve the fiber-unified RV catalog.

Aritra Ghosh, C. Megan Urry, Meredith C. Powell, Rhythm Shimakawa, Frank C. van den Bosch, Daisuke Nagai, Kaustav Mitra, Andrew J. Connolly

The relationship between galaxy size and environment has remained enigmatic, with over a decade of conflicting results. We present one of the first comprehensive studies of the variation of galaxy radius with environment beyond the local Universe and demonstrate that large-scale environmental density is correlated with galaxy radius independent of stellar mass and galaxy morphology. We confirm with $>5\sigma$ confidence that galaxies in denser environments are up to $\sim25\%$ larger than their equally massive counterparts with similar morphology in less dense regions of the Universe. We achieve this result by correlating projected two-dimensional densities over $\sim360$ deg$^2$ with the structural parameters of $\sim3$ million Hyper Suprime-Cam galaxies at $0.3 \leq z < 0.7$ with $\log M/M_{\odot} \geq 8.9$. Compared to most previous studies, this sample is $\sim100-10,000$ times larger and goes $\sim1$ dex deeper in mass-completeness. We demonstrate that past conflicting results have been driven by small sample sizes and a lack of robust measurement uncertainties. We verify the presence of the above correlation separately for disk-dominated, bulge-dominated, star-forming, and quiescent subpopulations. We find the strength of the correlation to be dependent on redshift, stellar mass, and morphology. The correlation is strongest at lower redshifts and systematically weakens or disappears beyond $z \geq 0.5$. At $z\geq0.5$, more massive galaxies still display a statistically significant correlation. Although some existing theoretical frameworks can be selectively invoked to explain some of the observed correlations, our work demonstrates the need for more comprehensive theoretical investigations of the correlation between galaxy size and environment.

Elvira Cruz-Cruz, Christopher S. Kochanek

The Crab supernova is interesting because we know that it was not a binary at death, the outcome was a neutron star, and because of the supernova remnant's apparently low energy and mass. Using Gaia EDR3 parallaxes and photometry, we examine the stellar population local to the Crab in a cylinder with a projected radius of 100 pc and parallax range $0.427 < \varpi < 0.619$ mas set by the uncertainties in the Crab's parallax. We also individually model the most luminous stars local to the Crab. The two most luminous stars are blue, roughly main sequence stars with masses of $\sim11 M_{\odot}$. We estimate the stellar population's age distribution using Solar metallicity PARSEC isochrones. The estimated age distribution of the 205 $M_{G} < 0$ stars modestly favor lower mass stars consistent with an AGB star or a lower mass binary merger as the progenitor, but we cannot rule out higher masses. This may be driven by contamination due to the $\sim700$ pc length of the cylinder in distance.

Gravitational microlensing with binary lensing is one of the channels for detecting exoplanets. Due to the degeneracy of the lens parameters for the binary microlensing, additional features such as parallax and finite-size effects need to identify the lens parameters. The frequency-shift effect as the relativistic analogy of the gravity assist for the photons, is an extra observation that provides additional constraint between the lens parameters . In this work, we extend the application of the frequency shift effect to binary microlensing and derive the frequency shift during the lensing and caustic crossing. The frequency shift for the binary lens is of the order of ${\Delta\nu}/{\nu}\sim 10^{-12}$. We also investigate the feasibility of detecting this effect by employing Cross-Correlation methods .

Oliwia Ziółkowska, Radosław Smolec, Anne Thoul, Eoin Farrell, Rajeev Singh Rathour, Vincent Hocdé

Helium-burning stars, in particular Cepheids, are especially difficult to model, as the choice of free parameters can greatly impact the shape of the blue loops - the part of the evolutionary track at which instability strip is crossed. Contemporary one-dimensional stellar evolution codes, like MESA (Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics), come with a large number of free parameters that allow to model the physical processes in stellar interiors under many assumptions. The uncertainties that arise from this freedom are rarely discussed in the literature despite their impact on the evolution of the model. We calculate a grid of evolutionary models with MESA, varying several controls, like solar mixture of heavy elements, mixing length theory prescription, nuclear reaction rates, scheme to determine convective boundaries, atmosphere model, temporal and spatial resolution, and quantify their impact on age and location of the evolutionary track on the HR diagram from the main sequence till the end of core-helium burning. Our investigation was conducted for a full range of masses and metallicities expected for classical Cepheids. The uncertainties are significant, especially during core-helium burning, reaching or exceeding the observational uncertainties of log Teff and log L for detached eclipsing binary systems. For models below 9 solar masses, thin convective shells develop and evolve erratically, not allowing the models to converge. A careful inspection of Kippenhahn diagrams and convergence study is advised for a given mass and metallicity, to assess how severe this problem is and to what extent it may affect the evolution.

Solar winds originate from the Sun and can be classified as fast or slow. Fast solar winds come from coronal holes at the solar poles, while slow solar winds may originate from the equatorial region or streamers. Spicules are jet-like structures observed in the Sun's chromosphere and transition region. Some spicules exhibit rotating motion, potentially indicating vorticity and Alfven waves. Machine learning and the Hough algorithm were used to analyze over 3000 frames of the Sun, identifying spicules and their characteristics. The study found that rotating spicules, accounting for 21 percent at the poles and 4 percent at the equator, play a role in energy transfer to the upper solar atmosphere. The observations suggest connections between spicules, mini-loops, magnetic reconnection, and the acceleration of fast solar winds. Understanding these small-scale structures is crucial for comprehending the origin and heating of the fast solar wind.

Daniele Fargion, Pier Giorgio De Sanctis Lucentini, Maxim Yu. Khlopov

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The ultra-high-energy cosmic ray (UHECR) puzzle is reviewed under the hints of a few basic results: clustering, anisotropy, asymmetry, bending, and composition changes with energies. We show how the lightest UHECR nuclei from the nearest AGN or Star-Burst sources, located inside a few Mpc Local Sheets, may explain, at best, the observed clustering of Hot Spots at tens EeV energy. Among the possible local extragalactic candidate sources, we derived the main contribution of very few galactic sources. These are located in the Local Sheet plane within a distance of a few Mpc, ejecting UHECR at a few tens of EeV energy. UHECR also shine at lower energies of several EeV, partially feeding the Auger dipole by LMC and possibly a few nearer galactic sources. For the very recent highest energy UHECR event, if a nucleon, it may be explained by a model based on the scattering of UHE ZeV neutrinos on low-mass relic neutrinos. Such scatterings are capable of correlating, via Z boson resonance, the most distant cosmic sources above the GZK bound with such an enigmatic UHECR event. Otherwise, these extreme events, if made by the heaviest composition, could originate from the largest bending trajectory of heaviest nuclei or from nearby sources, even galactic ones. In summary, the present lightest to heavy nuclei model UHECR from the Local Sheet could successfully correlate UHECR clustering with the nearest galaxies and AGN. Heavy UHECR may shine by being widely deflected from the Local Sheet or from past galactic, GRB, or SGR explosive ejection.

Recent results from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) collaboration have been interpreted as evidence for evolving dark energy. However, this interpretation is strongly dependent on which Type Ia supernova (SN) sample is combined with DESI measurements of baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) and observations of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation. The strength of the evidence for evolving dark energy ranges from ~3.9 sigma for the Dark Energy 5 year (DES5Y) SN sample to ~ 2.5 sigma for the Pantheon+ sample. Here I compare SN common to both the DES5Y and Pantheon+ compilations finding evidence for an offset of ~0.04 mag. between low and high redshifts. Correcting for this offset brings the DES5Y sample into very good agreement with the Planck LCDM cosmology. Given that most of the parameter range favoured by the uncorrected DES5Y sample is discrepant with many other cosmological datasets, I conclude that the evidence for evolving dark energy is most likely a result of systematics in the DES5Y sample.

Erik Osinga, Reinout J. van Weeren, Lawrence Rudnick, Felipe Andrade-Santos, Annalisa Bonafede, Tracy Clarke, Kenda Duncan, Simona Giacintucci, Huub J. A. Röttgering

Magnetic fields remain an enigmatic part of the content of galaxy clusters. Faraday rotation and depolarisation of extragalactic radio sources are useful probes, but the limited availability of polarised radio sources necessitates stacking clusters to study average magnetic field profiles and correlation scales. We recently presented a VLA survey of the 124 most massive Planck clusters at low redshift ($z<0.35$), where a clear depolarisation trend with the cluster impact parameter was found. In this study, we combine the depolarisation information with the observed rotation measure (RM) and present an investigation into the average magnetic field properties of the sample, using both background sources and sources embedded in clusters. We observe a significant increase in the RM scatter, $\sigma_\mathrm{RRM}$, closer to the cluster centres. Averaging all 124 clusters, we find a scatter within $R_\mathrm{500}$ of $\sigma_\mathrm{RRM}=209\pm37$ rad m$^{-2}$, with background sources and cluster members showing similar values ($200\pm33$ and $219\pm66$ rad m$^{-2}$, respectively). In the simple assumption of a uniform magnetic field with a single fluctuation scale $\Lambda_c$, this translates to an average magnetic field strength of $2\,(\Lambda_c/10\mathrm{kpc})^{-0.5}\, \mu$G. The profile of $\sigma_\mathrm{RRM}$ as a function of projected radius is inconsistent with a model that has a simple scaling $B \propto n_e^\eta$, with an observed deficit near the centre of clusters possibly caused by the fact that the highest RM sources near the centre of clusters are depolarised. In a full forward model, we find that the magnetic field power spectrum agrees with the Kolmogorov value, but that none of the Gaussian random field models can fully explain the observed relatively flat profiles. This implies that more sophisticated models of cluster magnetic fields in a cosmological context are needed.

Emma Whelan, Miriam Keppler, Neal Turner, Ilaria Pascucci, Erika Hamden, Keri Hoadley, Min Fang

2MASS J16075796-2040087 is a ~ 5 Myr young star in Upper Sco with evidence for accretion bursts on a timescale of about 15 days and, uncommonly for its age, outflows traced by multi-component forbidden emission lines (FELs). The accretion bursts may be triggered by a companion at ~ 4.6 au. We analyze HIRES spectra optimised for spectro-astrometry to better understand the origin of the several FEL velocity components and determine whether a MHD disk wind is present. The FEL high velocity component (HVC) traces an asymmetric, bipolar jet ~ 700 au long. The jet's position angle (PA) ~ 277 degrees is not perpendicular to the disk. The lower-velocity emission, classified previously as a disk wind low-velocity component (LVC), is found to have more in common with the HVC and overall it is not possible to identify a MHD disk wind component. The spectro-astrometric signal of the low velocity emission resembles those of jets and its density and ionisation fraction fall into the range of HVCs. We suggest a scenario where the accretion bursts due to the close companion power the jets past the age where such activity ends around most stars. The low-velocity emission here could come from a slow jet launched near the close companion and this emission would be blended with emission from the MHD wind.

Sarah Tuttle (1), Mark Matsumura (2), David R. Ardila (3), Pin Chen (3), Michael Davis (4), Camden Ertley (4), Emily Farr (5), Brian Fleming (5), Kevin France (5), Cynthia Froning (4), Fabien Grisé (6), Erika Hamden (7), John Hennessy (3), Keri Hoadley (8), Stephan R. McCandliss (9), Drew M. Miles (3), Shouleh Nikzad (3 and 10), Manuel Quijada (2), Isu Ravi (9), Luis Rodriguez de Marcos (11), Paul Scowen (2), Oswald Siegmund (12), Carlos J. Vargas (7), Dmitry Vorobiev (5), Emily M. Witt (5) ((1) University of Washington Seattle, (2) Goddard Space Flight Center, (3) Jet Propulsion Laboratory, (4) Southwest Research Institute, (5) University of Colorado Boulder, (6) The Pennsylvania State University, (7) Steward Observatory University of Arizona, (8) The University of Iowa, (9) Johns Hopkins University, (10) NASA Cosmic Origins Program Analysis Group (11) The Catholic University of America, (12) University of California - Berkeley)

We present here the current state of a collection of promising ultraviolet technologies in preparation for the Habitable Worlds Observatory. Working with experts representing a significant number of groups working in the ultraviolet, we summarize some of the leading science drivers, present an argument for a 100 angstrom blue wavelength cutoff, and gather current state of the art of UV technologies. We present the state of the art of contamination control, a crucial piece of the UV instrument plan. We explore next steps with individual technologies, as well as present paths forward with systems level testing and development.

Nikola Knežević, Nataša Todorović (Astronomical Observatory, Belgrade, Serbia)

$\textit{Aims.}$ We study the possible dynamical background of three Apollo asteroids: 3200 Phaethon, 2005 UD, and 1999 YC. The source regions under consideration are the asteroid families (2) Pallas, in the outer belt, and two inner-belt families (329) Svea and (142) Polana. We also aim to explain some of the contradictions in the literature in regards to the origin of Phaethon. $\textit{Methods.}$ Our methodology relies on the precise dynamical mapping of several mean motion resonances (MMRs), which are considered the main transport channels. This approach allows the clear detection of chaotic structures in an MMR and efficient selection of test asteroids for diffusion. We tracked the orbital evolution of the selected particles over 5 million years and registered all their eventual entries into the orbital neighborhood of the asteroids 3200 Phaethon, 2005 UD and 1999 YC. We performed massive calculations for different orbital and integration parameters using Orbit9 and Rebound software packages. $\textit{Results.}$ We observed possible connections between three targeted Apollo asteroids and asteroid families we considered as their sources. The (2) Pallas family has the highest chance of being the origin of targeted asteroids, and (142) Polana has the lowest. The amount of transported material largely depends on the integrator, the integration step, and even the choice of the initial epoch, though to a lesser extent. There is a systematic discrepancy between the results obtained with Orbit9 and Rebound regarding the efficiency of the transport, but they show good agreement over delivery times and dynamical maps. A non-negligible number of objects approached all three target asteroids, which could indicate that the breakup of the precursor body occurred during its dynamical evolution.

Seong-Kook Lee, Changbom Park, Juhan Kim, Jaehyun Lee, Brad K. Gibson, Yonghwi Kim, C. Gareth Few

Quiescent galaxies are predominantly observed in local galaxy clusters. However, the fraction of quiescent galaxies in high-redshift clusters significantly varies among different clusters. In this study, we present the results of an analysis of the star formation (SF) properties of $z \sim 0.87$ clusters and groups from a cosmological hydrodynamical simulation Horizon Run 5. We investigate the correlation between the quiescent galaxy fraction (QF) of these model clusters/groups and their various internal or external properties. We find that halo mass is one of the most important characteristics as higher mass clusters and groups have higher QFs. We also find that other properties such as stellar-mass ratio and Friends-of-Friends fraction, which measures the proportion of the area around a cluster occupied by dense structures, may mildly affect the QFs of clusters and groups. This may indicate that the evolutionary history as well as the large-scale environment of clusters and groups also play a certain role in determining the SF status of high-redshift galaxy clusters and groups.

A. L. Patel, J. S. Urquhart, A. Y. Yang, T. Moore, M. A. Thompson, K. M. Menten, T. Csengeri

In this study we present 18 to 24 GHz and high angular resolution radio wavelength Australia Telescope Compact Array follow up observations towards a sample of 39 HC HII region candidates. These objects, taken from a sample hosting 6.7 GHz methanol masers, were chosen due to the compact and optically thick nature of their continuum emission. We have detected 27 compact radio sources and constructed their spectral energy distributions over the 5 to 24 GHz range to determine the young HII regions physical properties, i.e., diameter, electron density ne, emission measure, Lyman continuum flux NLy and turnover frequency. The flux measurements are fitted for 20 objects assuming an ionisation bounded HII region with uniform density model. For the remaining 7 objects that lack constraints spanning both their optically thick and thin regimes, we utilise relations from the literature to determine their physical properties. Comparing these determined parameters with those of known hypercompact and ultracompact HII regions, we have identified 13 HC HII regions, 6 intermediate objects that fall between HC HII and UC HII regions, 6 UC HII regions and one radio jet candidate which increases the known population of HC HII regions by 50 per cent. All the young and compact HII regions are embedded in dusty and dense clumps and 80 percent of the HC HII regions identified in this work are associated with various maser species. Four of our radio sources remain optically thick at 24 GHz, we consider these to be amongst the youngest HC HII regions.

Qian Dong, Zhi-Xiang Zhang, Wei-Min Gu, Mouyuan Sun, Yong-Gang Zheng

Changing-look Active Galactic Nuclei (CL AGN) exhibit drastic variations in broad emission lines (BELs), the mechanism of which remains unclear. Expanding the sample of CL AGN is helpful to reveal the mechanism. This study aims to identify more CL AGNs by cross-matching spectroscopic data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST). Our approach to identify CL AGN candidates is based on the automatic spectral fitting, followed by detailed visual inspections. Through this method, we present a sample of 88 CL AGNs, in which 77 sources being newly discovered. Within this sample, 59 CL AGNs primarily show the variability of the H$\beta$ line, 22 exhibit changes in both the H$\beta$ and H$\alpha$ lines, and 7 mainly display variations in the H$\alpha$ line. Our findings reveal that the sequence of appearance and disappearance of the BELs aligns with the known CL sequence. We estimate the black hole mass and Eddington ratio for these CL AGNs, which range from $2.5\times 10^6$ to $8.0\times 10^8 M_\odot$ and from 0.001 to 0.13, respectively. The Eddington ratio is lower than that of most typical AGNs, and is consistent with the results of previous studies on CL AGN. Our results support the hypothesis that the CL behavior is driven by the state transitions of the accretion disk.

The authors of the article set out to investigate the motion of Globular Star Clusters (GCs) of the Milky Way relative to the plane and center of the Galaxy. For this study, we used data from 164 Galactic Globular Clusters derived from Gaia, HST, and literature studies. The study calculated the average GC motion velocities relative to the Galactic plane in the northern and southern regions depending on the galactic latitude b and distance from the Galactic plane. The work consisted of using the GC parameters to find the proper motion of clusters along the Galactic latitude b and the velocities V of cluster motion in the perpendicular direction relative to the Galactic plane for the northern and southern regions, respectively, and determine the average values of these velocities. The velocities V of GC motion were also found depending on the distance to the Galaxy plane and their average values were determined. The work also determined the average velocity VR of motion of the GC relative to the center of the galaxy. The study yielded

We report the first detection of the halo ellipticities of galaxy clusters by applying the halo-shear-shear correlations (HSSC), without the necessity of major axis determination. We use the Fourier\_Quad shear catalog based on the Hyper Suprime-Cam Survey and the group catalog from the DESI Legacy Surveys for the measurement of group/cluster lensing and HSSC. Our analysis includes the off-centering effects. We obtain the average projected ellipticity of dark matter halos with mass $13.5 < {\rm log} (M_G h/ M_\odot) < 14.5$ within 1.3 virial radius to be $0.48^{+0.12}_{-0.19}$. We divide the sample into two groups based on mass and redshift, and we find that halos with higher mass tend to exhibit increased ellipticity. We also reveal that high-richness halos have larger ellipticities, confirming the physical picture from numerical simulation that high-richiness halos have a dynamical youth and more active mass accretion phase.

Nathan Magnan, Tobias Heinemann, Henrik N. Latter

The main hurdle of planet formation theory is the metre-scale barrier. One of the most promising ways to overcome it is via the streaming instability (SI). Unfortunately, the mechanism responsible for the onset of this instability remains mysterious. It has recently been shown that the SI is a Resonant Drag Instability (RDI) involving inertial waves. We build on this insight and clarify the physical picture of how the SI develops, while bolstering this picture with transparent mathematics. Like all RDIs, the SI is built on a feedback loop: in the `forward action', an inertial wave concentrates dust into clumps; in the `backward reaction', those drifting dust clumps excite an inertial wave. Each process breaks into two mechanisms, a fast one and a slow one. At resonance, each forward mechanism can couple with a backward mechanism to close a feedback loop. Unfortunately, the fast-fast loop is stable, so the SI uses the fast-slow and slow-fast loops. Despite this last layer of complexity, we hope that our explanation will help understand how the SI works, in which conditions it can grow, how it manifests itself, and how it saturates.

Andrey Mukhin, Roman Krivonos, Ilfan Bikmaev, Mark Gorbachev, Irek Khamitov, Sergey Sazonov, Marat Gilfanov, Rashid Sunyaev

In this work, we studied X-ray source SRGe J021932.4$-$040154 (SRGe J02193), which we associated with a single X-ray active star of spectral class G2V$-$G4V and the rotational period $\rm P_{rot} < 9.3$ days. Additional analysis of TESS light-curves allowed for the rotational period estimation of $3.2 \pm 0.5$ days. SRGe J02193 was observed with the SRG/eROSITA during eUDS survey in 2019 in a much dimmer state compared to the XMM-Newton catalogue 4XMM-DR12. Detailed analysis revealed that the archival XMM-Newton observations captured the source during a flaring event in 2017. The XMM-Newton light curve demonstrates a strong flare described with the Gaussian rise and exponential decay, typical for stellar flares, characterized by timescales of ${\sim}400$ s and ${\sim}1300$ s, respectively. The spectral analysis of the quiescent state reveals ${\sim}10$ MK plasma at luminosity of $(1.4\pm0.4) \times 10^{29} \rm~erg~s^{-1}$ (0.3$-$4.5 keV). The spectrum of the flare is characterized by temperature of ${\sim}40$ MK and luminosity $(5.5\pm0.6)\times 10^{30} \rm~erg~s^{-1}$. The total energy emitted during the flare ${\sim}1.7 \times 10^{34}$ erg exceeds the canonical threshold of $10^{33}$ erg, allowing us to classify the observed event as a superflare on a Sun-like star. Additionally, we present the upper limit on the surface starspot area based on the brightness variations and consider the hypothesis of the object being a binary system with G-type and M-type stars, suggested by two independent estimations of radial velocity variations from APOGEE-2 and Gaia.

Chemical abundances of iron-peak elements in the red giants of ultra-faint dwarf galaxies (UFD) and dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSph) are among the best diagnostics in the cosmos to probe the origin of Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia). We incorporate metallicity-dependent SN Ia nucleosynthesis models for different progenitor masses in our inhomogeneous galactic chemical evolution model, i-GEtool, to recreate the observed elemental abundance patterns and their spread in a sample of UFD and dSph galaxies with different average metallicities and star formation histories. Observations across different environments indicate that [Mn/Mg] increases on average with metallicity while [Ni/Mg] remains nearly constant. Chemical evolution models assuming SN Ia progenitors with Chandrasekhar mass (M$_{\text{Ch}}$) produce similar to identical [Mn/Mg]-[Fe/H] and [Ni/Mg]-[Fe/H] patterns to those observed in the examined UFD and dSph galaxies, without needing to invoke a substantial fraction of sub-M$_{\text{Ch}}$ progenitors that changes across the different environments, as claimed by some previous chemical evolution studies. We note though that the observed UFD sample is still statistically poor to draw firm conclusions. Sub-M$_{\text{Ch}}$ progenitors in our dSph models systematically under produce both [Mn/Mg] and [Ni/Mg], with the 1M$_{\odot}$ model explaining a number of outliers in [Ni/Fe], while the outliers in [Mn/Mg] require higher sub-M$_{\text{Ch}}$ progenitor masses. The average dispersion of [X/Mg] from our UFD model ranges between $0.20$ and $0.25$ for iron-peak elements, with the exception of [Sc/Mg] that has $\sigma \approx 0.39$.

Tobias Hoffmann, Marco Micheli, Juan Luis Cano, Maxime Devogèle, Davide Farnocchia, Petr Pravec, Peter Vereš, Björn Poppe

Photometric measurements allow the determination of an asteroid's absolute magnitude, which often represents the sole means to infer its size. Photometric observations can be obtained in a variety of filters that can be unique to a specific observatory. Those observations are then calibrated into specific bands with respect to reference star catalogs. In order to combine all the different measurements for evaluation, photometric observations need to be converted to a common band, typically V-band. Current band-correction schemes in use by IAU's Minor Planet Center, JPL's Center for Near Earth Object Studies and ESA's NEO Coordination Centre use average correction values for the apparent magnitude derived from photometry of asteroids as the corrections are dependent on the typically unknown spectrum of the object to be corrected. By statistically analyzing the photometric residuals of asteroids, we develop a new photometric correction scheme that does not only consider the band, but also accounts for reference catalog and observatory. We describe a new statistical photometry correction scheme for asteroid observations with debiased corrections. Testing this scheme on a reference group of asteroids, we see a 36% reduction in the photometric residuals. Moreover, the new scheme leads to a more accurate and debiased determination of the H-G magnitude system and, in turn, to more reliable inferred sizes. We discuss the significant shift in the corrections with this "DePhOCUS" debiasing system, its limitations, and the impact for photometric and physical properties of all asteroids, especially Near-Earth Objects.

The pulse shapes simulated in the accompanying paper Part $-$ I are compared with observations of a model binary accreting X-ray pulsar, Centaurus X-3. With known Cen X-3 inclination angles provided as input to the $\texttt{AXP4}$ code, the generated pulse profile is suitably compared with the corresponding observed energy-resolved $\textit{AstroSat}$/LAXPC pulse profile. The pulsed fraction is proposed as a robust, quantitative measure for estimating the size of the emission region of Centaurus X-3 by extending the simulations to include spherical caps of varying fractional surface coverage of the neutron star $-$ over the full range of $0-100\%$, up to very large caps (with polar half angle $> 30^{\circ}$). The hotspot radius thus derived drops by an order of magnitude from $12.27$ km to $1.36^{+0.29}_{-0.26}$ km, within the ballpark of the standard model value of $\sim$$1$ km, after including the effect of gravitational light bending, lending further weight to its routine emphasis in the literature. The energy- and luminosity-dependence of the composite gravitationally bent and slab-integrated pulse profiles is further studied. As the pulse profile is sensitive to luminosity variations, the correlation of the size of a finite polar cap and its dependence on X-ray luminosity $-$ through the rate and subsequently, the geometry of accretion $-$ is discussed. Although a single, model pulsar was chosen for this work to exhibit the depth of the physical and astrophysical prospects of such a probe, this exercise can be extended to a wide range of existing X-ray pulse profiles of known binary accreting pulsars available in galactic catalogs, especially, with the possible inclusion of accretion columns (with cylindrical co-ordinate transformation) in the future.

The paper presents model pulse profiles from binary accreting X-ray pulsars using high-resolution numerical simulations for pencil and fan emission beam geometries, each with two different optical depths obtained using a new numerical code $\texttt{AXP4}$ developed in this work. Sharp, pointed-peak improvements are obtained in the known flat-top pulse profiles by extrapolating the model emission functions available in the literature over the full range of emission angles for a realistic description. The effect of general relativistic bending of light due to the strong gravity near the neutron star is taken into account, updating previous attempts with new analytic approximations for photon trajectories in curved space-time reported in the literature (including additional flux contribution from the dark unseen face of the pulsar). Incorporating the other general relativistic effect of gravitational red-shift is seen to redden the pulsar beam to increasingly lower energies along the X-ray observing band. Integrating this emission over a circular slab geometry for two antipodal hotspots lying flush at the neutron star polar caps presents smoothened, composite gravitationally bent pulse profiles to the observer. A comparison between the corresponding non-normalized flux profiles is included. For theoretical completeness and reference base, this treatment is applied to isotropic emitters with uniform injection and limb-darkened beams, as well. The possibility of the production of Einstein rings around a pulsar for a limiting value of the compactness parameter is a distinctive feature.

Free-Free Gaunt factors for X-ray absorption by hot plasma in the presence of a strong magnetic field are reported. Modified formulae are used for application to the non-local thermodynamic equilibrium conditions found in accreting pulsar atmospheres. Given upcoming global X-ray polarimetric space missions, these can be used for the construction of an absorption matrix in discrete-ordinate polarised radiative transfer.

Alex Billi, Francesco R. Ferraro, Alessio Mucciarelli, Barbara Lanzoni, Mario Cadelano, Lorenzo Monaco

By using high-resolution spectra acquired with FLAMES-GIRAFFE at the ESO/VLT, we measured radial and rotational velocities of 115 stars in the Galactic globular cluster M55. After field decontamination based on the radial velocity values, the final sample of member stars is composed of 32 blue straggler stars (BSSs) and 76 reference stars populating the red giant and horizontal branches of the cluster. In agreement with previous findings, the totality of red giant branch stars has negligible rotation ($<$ 10 km s$^{-1}$), and horizontal branch stars have rotational velocities of 40 km s$^{-1}$ at most. In contrast, the BSS rotational velocity distribution shows a long tail extending up to $\sim$ 200 km s$^{-1}$, with 15 BSSs (out of 32) spinning faster than 40 km s$^{-1}$. By defining the threshold for fast rotating BSSs at 40 km s$^{-1}$, this sets the percentage of these stars at 47 $\pm$ 14 %. Such a large value has never been found before in any globular clusters. It is roughly comparable to that measured in other loose systems ($\omega$ Centauri, M4, and NGC 3201) and significantly larger than that observed in high-density clusters (as 47 Tucanae, NGC 6397, NGC 6752, and M30). This evidence supports a scenario where recent BSS formation is occurring in low-density environments. We also find that the BSS rotational velocity tends to decrease for decreasing luminosity, as found for another loose cluster of the sample (namely, NGC 3201).

Massive stars produce strong stellar winds that consist of continuous outflows of material at speeds of thousands of km/s. These winds convey large amounts of kinetic power, especially in the case of Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars. When these winds interact with nearby material, they will likely produce shocks. Among other processes, particle acceleration is expected to occur. This is particularly well established in the case of massive binary systems, where the stellar winds collide, allowing these systems to be identified thanks to the detection of synchrotron radio emission, produced by a population of relativistic particles accelerated in the shocks. Our goal is to investigate the occurrence of particle acceleration among massive stars in their pre-supernova evolution phases. To this end, we observed a subset of five WR stars in the radio domain using the upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (uGMRT), located in India. The observations were carried out in bands 4 (550-950 MHz) and 5 (1050-1450 MHz) for all the targets. We detected radio emission for only WR 110 in bands 4 and 5. Its thermal spectrum displays a consistent index of +0.74 down to uGMRT bands. The four other targets were not detected and we derived 3$\sigma$ upper limits. Our upper limits in Band 4 are the first provided for these targets below 1 GHz. None of the targets was identified as a synchrotron radio emitter in these radio bands. If some synchrotron emission is produced in these systems, the non-detection with uGMRT can be most likely attributed to strong free-free absorption (FFA). This is especially relevant for WR 98a, which is catalogued as a particle accelerator based on previous measurements at higher radio frequencies. We discuss how the prominence of FFA constitutes a severe obstacle to identifying particle accelerators in the radio domain.

S. Esteban Pozuelo, A. Asensio Ramos, C. J. Díaz Baso, B. Ruiz Cobo

Investigating light bridges (LBs) helps us comprehend key aspects of sunspots. However, few studies have analyzed the properties of LBs in terms of the geometric height, which is a more realistic perspective given the corrugation of the solar atmosphere. We aim to shed light on LBs by studying the variation in their physical properties with geometric height. We used the SICON code to infer the physical quantities in terms of the optical depth and the Wilson depression values of three LBs hosted by a sunspot observed with Hinode/SP in the Fe I 630 nm pair lines. We also used SIR inversions to cross-check the height variation of the field inclination in the LBs. In both output sets, we performed linear interpolation to convert the physical parameters from optical depth into a geometric height scale in each pixel. We classified each LB as filamentary, grainy, or umbral. They appear as ridges that reach different maximum heights, with the umbral LB being the deepest. While the filamentary LB hosts a plasma inflow from the penumbra, the results for the grainy LB are compatible with an injection of hot plasma through convective cells of reduced field strength. Only a few positions reveal hints suggesting a cusp-like magnetic canopy. Moreover, strong gradients in the magnetic field strength and inclination usually exhibit enhanced electric currents, with the filamentary LB having remarkably strong currents that appear to be related to chromospheric events. The height stratification in filamentary and grainy LBs differ, indicating diverse mechanisms at work. Our results are in general incompatible with a magnetic canopy scenario, and further analysis is needed to confirm whether it exists along the entire LB or only at specific locations. Furthermore, this work assesses the usefulness of SICON when determining the height stratification of solar structures.

Kelsey A. Lund, Rahul Somasundaram, Gail C. McLaughlin, Jonah M. Miller, Matthew R. Mumpower, Ingo Tews

Multi-messenger observation of binary neutron-star mergers can provide valuable information on the nuclear equation of state (EoS). Here, we investigate to which extent electromagnetic observations of the associated kilonovae allow us to place constraints on the EoS. For this, we use state-of-the-art three-dimensional general-relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics simulations and detailed nucleosynthesis modeling to connect properties of observed light curves to properties of the accretion disk, and hence, the EoS. Using our general approach, we use multi-messenger observations of GW170817/AT2017gfo to study the impact of various sources of uncertainty on inferences of the EoS. We constrain the radius of a $\rm{1.4 M_\odot}$ neutron star to lie within $\rm{10.19\leq R_{1.4}\leq 13.0}$~km and the maximum mass to be $\rm{M_{TOV}\leq 3.06 M_\odot}$.

Frequentist parameter inference using profile likelihoods has received increased attention in the cosmology literature recently since it can give important complementary information to Bayesian credible intervals. Here, we give a pedagogical review to frequentist parameter inference in cosmology with particular focus on when the graphical profile likelihood construction gives meaningful constraints, i.e.\ confidence intervals with correct coverage. This construction rests on the assumption of the asymptotic limit of a large data set such as in \textit{Wilks' theorem}. We assess the validity of this assumption in the context of three cosmological models with \textit{Planck} 2018 \texttt{Plik\_lite} data: While our tests for the $\Lambda$CDM model indicate that the profile likelihood method gives correct coverage, $\Lambda$CDM with the sum of neutrino masses as a free parameter appears consistent with a Gaussian near a boundary motivating the use of the boundary-corrected or Feldman-Cousins graphical method; for $w_0$CDM with the equation of state of dark energy, $w_0$, as a free parameter, we find indication of a violation of the assumptions. Finally, we compare frequentist and Bayesian constraints of these models. Our results motivate care when using the graphical profile likelihood method in cosmology.