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Papers for Monday, Aug 19 2024

Papers with local authors

Caleb Lammers, Miles Cranmer, Sam Hadden, Shirley Ho, Norman Murray, Daniel Tamayo

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Paper 30 — arXiv:2408.08873
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Paper 30 — arXiv:2408.08873

Constraining planet formation models based on the observed exoplanet population requires generating large samples of synthetic planetary systems, which can be computationally prohibitive. A significant bottleneck is simulating the giant impact phase, during which planetary embryos evolve gravitationally and combine to form planets, which may themselves experience later collisions. To accelerate giant impact simulations, we present a machine learning (ML) approach to predicting collisional outcomes in multiplanet systems. Trained on more than 500,000 $N$-body simulations of three-planet systems, we develop an ML model that can accurately predict which two planets will experience a collision, along with the state of the post-collision planets, from a short integration of the system's initial conditions. Our model greatly improves on non-ML baselines that rely on metrics from dynamics theory, which struggle to accurately predict which pair of planets will experience a collision. By combining with a model for predicting long-term stability, we create an efficient ML-based giant impact emulator, which can predict the outcomes of giant impact simulations with a speedup of up to four orders of magnitude. We expect our model to enable analyses that would not otherwise be computationally feasible. As such, we release our full training code, along with an easy-to-use API for our collision outcome model and giant impact emulator.

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Christopher W. Hamilton, Alfred S. McEwen, Laszlo Keszthelyi, Lynn M. Carter, Ashley G. Davies, Katherine de Kleer, Kandis Lea Jessup, Xianzhe Jia, James T. Keane, Kathleen Mandt, Francis Nimmo, Chris Paranicas, Ryan S. Park, Jason E. Perry, Anne Pommier, Jani Radebaugh, Sarah S. Sutton, Audrey Vorburger, Peter Wurz, Cauê Borlina, Amanda F. Haapala, Daniella N. DellaGiustina, Brett W. Denevi, Sarah M. Hörst, Sascha Kempf, Krishan K. Khurana, Justin J. Likar, Adam Masters, Olivier Mousis, Anjani T. Polit, Aditya Bhushan, Michael Bland, Isamu Matsuyama, John Spencer

Jupiter's moon Io is a highly compelling target for future exploration that offers critical insight into tidal dissipation processes and the geology of high heat flux worlds, including primitive planetary bodies, such as the early Earth, that are shaped by enhanced rates of volcanism. Io is also important for understanding the development of volcanogenic atmospheres and mass-exchange within the Jupiter System. However, fundamental questions remain about the state of Io's interior, surface, and atmosphere, as well as its role in the evolution of the Galilean satellites. The Io Volcano Observer (IVO) would address these questions by achieving the following three key goals: (A) Determine how and where tidal heat is generated inside Io; (B) Understand how tidal heat is transported to the surface of Io; and (C) Understand how Io is evolving. IVO was selected for Phase A study through the NASA Discovery program in 2020 and, in anticipation of a New Frontiers 5 opportunity, an enhanced IVO-NF mission concept was advanced that would increase the Baseline mission from 10 flybys to 20, with an improved radiation design; employ a Ka-band communications to double IVO's total data downlink; add a wide angle camera for color and stereo mapping; add a dust mass spectrometer; and lower the altitude of later flybys to enable new science. This study compares and contrasts the mission architecture, instrument suite, and science objectives for Discovery (IVO) and New Frontiers (IVO-NF) missions to Io, and advocates for continued prioritization of Io as an exploration target for New Frontiers.

Modern cosmology presents important challenges such as the \textit{Hubble tension}, \textit{El Gordo's collision} or the \textit{impossible galaxies} ($z > 10$). Slight modifications to the standard model propose new parameters (e.g. the early and dynamical dark energy). On the other hand, alternatives such as the coasting universes (e.g. the \textit{hyperconical model} and the spatially flat $R_h = ct$ universe) are statistically compatible with most of observational tests, but still present theoretical problems in matching the observed matter contents since they predict a ``zero active gravitational mass.'' To solve these open issues, we suggest that general relativity might be not valid at cosmic scales, but it would be valid at local scales. This proposal is addressed from two main features of the embedding hyperconical model: 1) the background metric would be independent of the matter content, and 2) the observed cosmic acceleration would be fictitious and because of a distorted stereographic projection of coordinates that produce an apparent radial inhomogeneity from homogeneous manifolds. Finally, to support the discussion, standard observational tests were updated here, showing that the hyperconical model is adequately fitted to Type Ia Supernovae, quasars, galaxy clusters, BAO, and cosmic chronometer data sets.

Jed McKinney, Caitlin M. Casey, Arianna S. Long, Olivia R. Cooper, Sinclaire M. Manning, Maximilien Franco, Hollis Akin, Erini Lambrides, Elaine Gammon, Camila Silva, Fabrizio Gentile, Jorge A. Zavala, Aristeidis Amvrosiadis, Irma Andika, Malte Brinch, Jaclyn B. Champagne, Nima Chartab, Nicole E. Drakos, Andreas L. Faisst, Seiji Fujimoto, Steven Gillman, Ghassem Gozaliasl, Thomas R. Greve, Santosh Harish, Christopher C. Hayward, Michaela Hirschmann, Olivier Ilbert, Boris S. Kalita, Jeyhan S. Kartaltepe, Anton M. Koekemoer, Vasily Kokorev, Daizhong Liu, Georgios Magdis, Henry Joy McCracken, Jason Rhodes, Brant E. Robertson, Margherita Talia, Francesco Valentino, Aswin P. Vijayan

JWST has enabled detecting and spatially resolving the heavily dust-attenuated stellar populations of sub-millimeter galaxies, revealing detail that was previously inaccessible. In this work we construct a sample of 289 sub-millimeter galaxies with detailed joint ALMA and JWST constraints in the COSMOS field. Sources are originally selected using the SCUBA-2 instrument and have archival ALMA observations from various programs. Their JWST NIRCam imaging is from COSMOS-Web and PRIMER. We extract multi-wavelength photometry in a manner that leverages the unprecedented near-infrared spatial resolution of JWST, and fit the data with spectral energy distribution models to derive photometric redshifts, stellar masses, star-formation rates and optical attenuation. The sample has an average z=2.6, A_V=2.5, SFR=270 and log(M*)=11.1. There are 81 (30%) galaxies that have no previous optical/near-infrared detections, including 75% of the z>4 sub-sample (n=28). The faintest observed near-infrared sources have the highest redshifts and largest A_V=4. In a preliminary morphology analysis we find that ~10% of our sample exhibit spiral arms and 5% host stellar bars, with one candidate bar found at z>3. Finally, we find that the clustering of JWST galaxies within 10 arcseconds of a sub-mm galaxy is a factor of 2 greater than what is expected based on either random clustering or the distribution of sources around any red galaxy irrespective of a sub-mm detection.

Ivana Barišić, Tucker Jones, Kris Mortensen, Themiya Nanayakkara, Yuguang Chen, Ryan Sanders, James S. Bullock, Kevin Bundy, Claude-André Faucher-Giguère, Karl Glazebrook, Alaina Henry, Mengting Ju, Matthew Malkan, Takahiro Morishita, Danail Obreschkow, Namrata Roy, Juan M. Espejo Salcedo, Alice E. Shapley, Tommaso Treu, Xin Wang, Kyle B. Westfall

Integral field spectroscopy (IFS) is a powerful tool for understanding the formation of galaxies across cosmic history. We present the observing strategy and first results of MSA-3D, a novel JWST program using multi-object spectroscopy in a slit-stepping strategy to produce IFS data cubes. The program observed 43 normal star-forming galaxies at redshifts $0.5 \lesssim z \lesssim 1.5$, corresponding to the epoch when spiral thin-disk galaxies of the modern Hubble sequence are thought to emerge, obtaining kpc-scale maps of rest-frame optical nebular emission lines with spectral resolution $R\simeq2700$. Here we describe the multiplexed slit-stepping method which is $>15$ times more efficient than the NIRSpec IFS mode for our program. As an example of the data quality, we present a case study of an individual galaxy at $z=1.104$ (stellar mass $M_{*} = 10^{10.3}~M_{\odot}$, star formation rate~$=3~M_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$) with prominent face-on spiral structure. We show that the galaxy exhibits a rotationally supported disk with moderate velocity dispersion ($\sigma = 36^{+5}_{-4}$~\kms), a negative radial metallicity gradient ($-0.020\pm0.002$~dex\,kpc$^{-1}$), a dust attenuation gradient, and an exponential star formation rate density profile which closely matches the stellar continuum. These properties are characteristic of local spirals, indicating that mature galaxies are in place at $z\sim1$. We also describe the customized data reduction and original cube-building software pipelines which we have developed to exploit the powerful slit-stepping technique. Our results demonstrate the ability of JWST slit-stepping to study galaxy populations at intermediate to high redshifts, with data quality similar to current surveys of the $z\sim0.1$ universe.

In recent years, the formation and evolution of rapidly accreting supermassive stars has received significant attention in the hope of better understanding the origin of high redshift quasars. It is often taken for granted that once formed, these supermassive stars will encounter the general relativistic radial instability and collapse to form massive black holes. Here, we present the first ever general relativistic hydrodynamical simulations of the collapse of rapidly accreting supermassive stars. We find that black hole formation is in many cases prevented by nuclear burning due to the long timescales of the collapse of these stars ($10^6$ s). Consequently, this is a novel astrophysical site for hot CNO burning and hydrogen burning via proton captures. For Pop III accreting supermassive stars, we find that only stars with very high (100 $\rm{M_\odot}/$yr) or low (0.1 $\rm{M_\odot}/$yr) accretion rates can form black holes, with models in between undergoing energetic thermonuclear pulsations. The final fate of these pulsating models may be to undergo subsequent pulsations or explosions or to collapse to black holes. For metal rich accreting supermassive stars ($Z\geq 0.1 \rm{Z_\odot}$), we do not find any black hole formation, with some models undergoing extremely energetic explosions ($10^{55}$ ergs). Our results invite further study on the formation of massive black holes from rapidly accreting supermassive stars which have reached the general relativistic radial instability.

Jinsu Rhee, Sukyoung K. Yi, Jongwan Ko, Emanuele Contini, J. K. Jang, Seyoung Jeon, San Han, Christophe Pichon, Yohan Dubois, Katarina Kraljic, Sébastien Peirani

We study star formation (SF) quenching of satellite galaxies with $M_{*} > 10^7\,M_{\odot}$ within two low-mass groups ($M_{\rm vir}=10^{12.9}$ and $10^{12.7} \,M_{\odot}$) using the NewHorizon simulation. We confirm that satellite galaxies ($M_{*}\lesssim10^{10}\,M_{\odot}$) are more prone to quenching than their field counterparts. This quenched fraction decreases with increasing stellar mass, consistent with recent studies. Similar to the findings in cluster environments, we note a correlation between the orbital motions of galaxies within these groups and the phenomenon of SF quenching. Specifically, SF is suppressed at the group center, and for galaxies with $M_{*} > 10^{9.1}\,M_{\odot}$, there is often a notable rejuvenation phase following a temporary quenching period. The SF quenching at the group center is primarily driven by changes in star formation efficiency and the amount of gas available, both of which are influenced by hydrodynamic interactions between the interstellar medium and surrounding hot gas within the group. Conversely, satellite galaxies with $M_{*} < 10^{8.2}\,M_{\odot}$ experience significant gas removal within the group, leading to SF quenching. Our analysis highlights the complexity of SF quenching in satellite galaxies in group environments, which involves an intricate competition between the efficiency of star formation (which depends on the dynamical state of the gas) on the one hand, and the availability of cold dense gas on the other hand. This challenges the typical understanding of environmental effects based on gas stripping through ram pressure, suggesting a need for a new description of galaxy evolution under mild environmental effects.

Nakul Gangolli, Anson D'Aloisio, Christopher Cain, George D. Becker, Holly Christenson

The relationship between Ly$\alpha$ forest opacity and local galaxy density (the opacity-density relation) is a key observational test of late reionization models. Using narrow-band surveys of z=5.7 Ly$\alpha$ emitters centered on quasar sight lines, Christenson et al. (2023) showed that two of the most transmissive forest segments at this redshift intersect galaxy underdensities. This is in tension with models of a strongly fluctuating ionizing background, including some late reionization models, which predict that the vast majority of these segments should intersect overdensities where the ionizing intensity is strongest. We use radiative transfer simulations to explore in detail the opacity-density relation in late reionization models. Fields like the one toward quasar PSO J359-06 -- the more underdense of the two transmissive sight lines in Christenson et al. (2023) -- typically contain recently reionized gas in cosmic voids where the hot temperatures and low densities enhance Ly$\alpha$ transmission. The opacity-density relation's transmissive end is sensitive to the amount of neutral gas in voids, and its morphology, set by the reionization source clustering. These effects are, however, degenerate. We demonstrate that models with very different source clustering can yield similar opacity-density relations when their reionization histories are calibrated to match Ly$\alpha$ forest mean flux measurements at z<6. In models with fixed source clustering, a lower neutral fraction increases the likelihood of intersecting hot, recently reionized gas in voids, increasing the likelihood of observing PSO J359-06. For instance, the probability of observing this field is 15% in a model with neutral fraction $x_{\rm HI}=5\%$ at z=5.7, three times more likely than in a model with $x_{\rm HI}=15\%$. The opacity-density relation may thus provide a complementary probe of reionization's end.

We performed the first simulations of accretion onto the compact objects in the Reissner-Nordström (RN) spacetime. The results obtained in general relativity are representative of those for spherically symmetric naked singularities and black holes in a number of modified gravity theories. A possible application of these calculations is to the active galactic nuclei (AGNs) with their powerful jets. It is now possible to compare the results of such simulations with the accreting supermassive objects in our own Milky Way and the nearest spiral galaxy: observations of the core regions of galactic nuclei (Sgr A* and M87) performed with unprecedented resolution by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) collaboration allow fairly direct tests of the spacetime-metric of the central compact object. In this context we present general-relativistic hydrodynamical simulation results of accretion from an orbiting accretion torus (with a cusp) onto a RN black hole and a RN naked singularity. The results could not be more different for the two cases. For a black hole, just as in the familiar Kerr/Schwarzschild case, matter overflowing the cusp plunges into the black hole horizon. For the naked singularity, the accreting matter forms an inner structure of toroidal topology and leaves the system via powerful outflows. It is an open question whether this inner structure can give rise to an image quantitatively similar to the ones reported by EHT for M87 and Sgr A*.

Avik Banerjee, Debtosh Chowdhury, Arpan Hait, Md Sariful Islam

The existence of an early matter-dominated epoch prior to the big bang nucleosynthesis may lead to a scenario where the thermal dark matter cools faster than plasma before the radiation dominated era begins. In the radiation-dominated epoch, dark matter free-streams after it decouples both chemically and kinetically from the plasma. In the presence of an early matter-dominated era, chemical decoupling of the dark matter may succeed by a partial kinetic decoupling before reheating ends, depending upon the contributions of different partial wave amplitudes in the elastic scattering rate of the dark matter. We show that the s-wave scattering is sufficient to partially decouple the dark matter from the plasma, if the entropy injection during the reheating era depends on the bath temperature, while p-wave scattering leads to full decoupling in such cosmological backdrop. The decoupling of dark matter before the end of reheating causes an additional amount of cooling, reducing its free-streaming horizon compared to usual radiation-dominated cosmology. The enhanced matter perturbations for scales entering the horizon prior to the end of reheating, combined with the reduced free-steaming horizon, increase the number density of sub-earth mass halos. Resulting boost in the dark matter annihilation signatures could offer an intriguing probe to differentiate pre-BBN non-standard cosmological epochs. We show that the free-streaming horizon of the dark matter requires to be smaller than a cut-off to ensure boost in the sub-earth halo populations. As case studies we present two examples: one for a scalar dark matter with s-wave elastic scattering and the other one featuring a fermionic dark matter with p-wave elastic scattering. We identify regions of parameter space in both models where the dark matter kinetically decouples during reheating, amplifying small scale structure formation.

With the increasing precision of recent cosmological surveys and the discovery of important tensions within the $\Lambda$CDM paradigm, it is becoming more and more important to develop tools to quantify accurately the discordance between different probes. One such tool is the Surprise statistic, a measure based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence. The Surprise, however, has been up to now applied only under its Gaussian approximation, which can fail to properly capture discordance in cases that deviate significantly from Gaussianity. In this paper we developed the klsurprise code which computes the full numerical non-Gaussian Surprise, and analyse the Surprise for BAO + BBN and supernova data. We test different cosmological models, some of which the parameters deviate significantly from Gaussianity. We find that the non-Gaussianities, mainly present in the Supernova dataset, change the Surprise statistic significantly from its Gaussian approximation, and reveal a $2.7\sigma$ tension in the curved $w$CDM model (o$w$CDM) between the combined Pantheon+ and SH0ES (Pantheon+ & SH0ES) data and the dataset which combines SDSS, BOSS and eBOSS BAO. This tension is hidden in the Gaussian Surprise approximation. For DESI the tension with Pantheon+ & SH0ES is at the meager $1.9\sigma$ level for o$w$CDM, but a large $3.3\sigma$ for $\Lambda$CDM.

The hot white dwarf (WD) J0927-6335 (Gaia DR3 5250394728194220800, effective temperature T$_{\rm eff}$ = 60,000 K, surface gravity log g = 7) was detected as the fastest known Galactic hypervelocity star with a space velocity of $\approx$2800 km s$^{-1}$ and an atmosphere dominated by carbon and oxygen. It is thought to be the surviving WD donor predicted by the "dynamically driven double-degenerate double-detonation" (D$^6$) type Ia supernova formation model. We analysed an ultraviolet spectrum of J0927-6335 obtained recently with the Hubble Space Telescope and found very high abundances of iron and nickel. This could originate in the pollution of the remnant by the SN Ia explosion but it is uncertain to what extent atomic diffusion altered the chemical composition of the accreted material.

The exact two-dimensional non-stationary solution for the evolution of the magnetic field during accretion with nearly spherical symmetry, using Newton's solution and considering both Keplerian and sub-Keplerian flows around the black hole (BH), has been derived using the Schwarzschild metric. In this paper, we also discuss the possible origins of large-scale magnetic field production around black holes (BHs). For example, the origin of this strong large-scale magnetic field could be the interstellar medium or a companion star outside the accretion disk, which is drawn in by the accretion plasma and grows over time. The findings show that the uniform magnetic field of a subsonic flow, which is weak at infinity, increases with time and evolves into a quasi-radial field. This is true for both types of flows. We have also observed that the growth of the radial component of the magnetic field is more pronounced in the sub-Keplerian flow than in the Keplerian flow. However, it is worth noting that, for both types of flows, the magnetic field does not reach its saturation value in the regions $r> r_{c}$; instead, the process of strengthening and growing the magnetic field progresses to a point where the disk evolves from its initial condition to a state close to the magnetically arrested disk (MAD) state, forming a sub-MAD state.

We study the tearing instability of a current sheet in a relativistic pair plasma with a power law distribution function. We first estimate the growth rate analytically and then confirm the analytical results by solving numerically the dispersion equation, taking into account all exact particle trajectories within the reconnecting layer. We found that the instability is suppressed when the particle spectrum becomes harder.

Kei Ito, Takumi S. Tanaka, Kazuhiro Shimasaku, Makoto Ando, Masafusa Onoue, Masayuki Tanaka, Suin Matsui, Takumi Kakimoto, Francesco Valentino

We report a characterization of an X-ray-detected quiescent galaxy at $z=2.09$, named COS-XQG1, using JWST/NIRCam and NIRSpec data. This galaxy is detected in Chandra imaging, suggesting the presence of an AGN with a high black hole accretion rate of $\dot{M}_{\rm BH}=0.22\pm0.03\, {\rm M_\odot yr^{-1}}$. Using multi-wavelength photometry from X-ray to sub-millimeter, including the latest JWST imaging, we confirm that COS-XQG1 is massive ($M_\star = (1.6\pm0.2)\times10^{11}\, M_\odot$) and quiescent (${\rm sSFR}=(0.9\pm 1.8)\times10^{-11}\, {\rm yr^{-1}}$) as reported previously, even considering the contribution from AGN emission. Noticeably, COS-XQG1 displays a broad line H$\alpha$ emission component with a full width at half maximum of $4491^{+118}_{-110}\, {\rm km\, s^{-1}}$ in its NIRSpec spectrum. The line width and luminosity of the broad H$\alpha$ emission give a black hole mass of $\log{(M_{\rm BH}/M_\odot)} = 8.45\pm0.02\, (\pm 0.5)$. With a stellar velocity dispersion measurement ($\sigma_\star=235\pm35\, {\rm km\, s^{-1}}$), we find that this galaxy is consistent with the local relations in the $M_{\rm BH} - \sigma_\star$ and $M_{\rm BH}- M_\star$ planes, which might suggest that massive quiescent galaxies at $z\geq2$ have already been mature in terms of both stellar and black hole masses and will not evolve significantly. In addition, image 2D-decomposition analysis finds that this galaxy comprises disk and point source components. The latter is likely the composition of an AGN and a stellar bulge. Based on a comparison with numerical simulations, we expect that COS-XQG1 will evolve into a typical bulge-dominated quiescent galaxy with lower AGN activity by redshift 0. This study shows the usefulness of X-ray-detected quiescent galaxies in investigating the co-evolution between SMBHs and galaxies in the early Universe.

Yoshiki Toba, Keito Masu, Naomi Ota, Zhen-Kai Gao, Masatoshi Imanishi, Anri Yanagawa, Satoshi Yamada, Itsuki Dosaka, Takumi Kakimoto, Seira Kobayashi, Neiro Kurokawa, Aika Oki, Sorami Soga, Kohei Shibata, Sayaka Takeuchi, Yukana Tsujita, Tohru Nagao, Masayuki Tanaka, Yoshihiro Ueda, Wei-Hao Wang

We report the discovery of a hyperluminous type 1 quasar (eFEDS J082826.9-013911; eFEDSJ0828-0139) at $z_{\rm spec}$ = 1.622 with a super-Eddington ratio ($\lambda_{\rm Edd}$). We perform the optical spectroscopic observations with KOOLS-IFU on the Seimei Telescope. The black hole mass ($M_{\rm BH}$) based on the single-epoch method with MgII $\lambda$2798 is estimated to be $M_{\rm BH} = (6.2 \pm 1.2) \times 10^8$ $M_{\odot}$. To measure the precise infrared luminosity ($L_{\rm IR}$), we obtain submillimeter data taken by SCUBA-2 on JCMT and conduct the spectral energy distribution analysis with X-ray to submillimeter data. We find that $L_{\rm IR}$ of eFEDSJ0828-0139 is $L_{\rm IR} = (6.8 \pm 1.8) \times 10^{13}$ $L_{\odot}$, confirming the existence of a hypeluminous infrared galaxy (HyLIRG). $\lambda_{\rm Edd}$ is estimated to be $\lambda_{\rm Edd} = 3.6 \pm 0.7$, making it one of the quasars with the highest BH mass accretion rate at cosmic noon.

The Ohio State University Big Ear radio telescope detected in 1977 the Wow! Signal, one of the most famous and intriguing signals of extraterrestrial origin. Arecibo Wow! is a new project that aims to find similar signals in archived data from the Arecibo Observatory. From 2017 to 2020, we observed many targets of interest at 1 to 10 GHz with the 305-meter telescope. Here we present our first results of drift scans made between February and May 2020 at 1420 MHz. The methods, frequency, and bandwidth of these observations are similar to those used to detect the Wow! Signal. However, our observations are more sensitive, have better temporal resolution, and include polarization measurements. We report the detection of narrowband signals (10 kHz) near the hydrogen line similar to the Wow! Signal, although two-orders of magnitude less intense and in multiple locations. Despite the similarities, these signals are easily identifiable as due to interstellar clouds of cold hydrogen (HI) in the galaxy. We hypothesize that the Wow! Signal was caused by sudden brightening from stimulated emission of the hydrogen line due to a strong transient radiation source, such as a magnetar flare or a soft gamma repeater (SGR). These are very rare events that depend on special conditions and alignments, where these clouds might become much brighter for seconds to minutes. The original source or the cloud might not be detectable, depending on the sensitivity of the telescope. The precise location of the Wow! Signal might be determined by searching for transient radio sources behind the cold hydrogen clouds in the corresponding region. Our hypothesis explains all observed properties of the Wow! Signal, proposes a new source of false positives in technosignature searches, and suggests that the Wow! Signal could be the first recorded event of an astronomical maser flare in the hydrogen line.

To gain a deeper understanding of the intricate process of filament eruption, we present a case study of a filament splitting and eruption by using multi-wavelength data of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). It is found that the magnetic reconnection between the filament and the surrounding magnetic loops resulted in the formation of two new filaments, which erupted successively. The observational evidences of magnetic reconnection, such as the obvious brightening at the junction of two different magnetic structures, the appearance of a bidirectional jet, and subsequent filament splitting, were clearly observed. Even though the two newly formed filaments experienced failed eruptions, three obvious dimmings were observed at the footpoints of the filaments during their eruptions. Based on these observations, it is suggested that magnetic reconnection is the trigger mechanism for the splitting of the original filament and the subsequent eruption of the newly formed filaments. Furthermore, the process of filament splitting dominated by magnetic reconnection can shed light on the explanation of double-deck filament formation.

Yingxiao Song, Qi Xiong, Yan Gong, Furen Deng, Kwan Chuen Chan, Xuelei Chen, Qi Guo, Guoliang Li, Ming Li, Yun Liu, Yu Luo, Wenxiang Pei, Chengliang Wei

The void power spectrum is related to the clustering of low-density regions in the large-scale structure (LSS) of the Universe, and can be used as an effective cosmological probe to extract the information of the LSS. We generate the galaxy mock catalogs from Jiutian simulation, and identify voids using the watershed algorithm for studying the cosmological constraint strength of the China Space Station Telescope (CSST) spectroscopic survey. The galaxy and void auto power spectra and void-galaxy cross power spectra at $z=0.3$, 0.6, and 0.9 are derived from the mock catalogs. To fit the full power spectra, we propose to use the void average effective radius at a given redshift to simplify the theoretical model, and adopt the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique to implement the constraints on the cosmological and void parameters. The systematical parameters, such as galaxy and void biases, and noise terms in the power spectra are also included in the fitting process. We find that our theoretical model can correctly extract the cosmological information from the galaxy and void power spectra, which demonstrates its feasibility and effectivity. The joint constraint accuracy of the cosmological parameters can be improved by $\sim20\%$ compared to that from the galaxy power spectrum only. The fitting results of the void density profile and systematical parameters are also well constrained and consistent with the expectation. This indicates that the void clustering measurement can be an effective complement to the galaxy clustering probe, especially for the next generation galaxy surveys.

In a recent paper in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Alimi & Koskas (2024) have highlighted in wCDM models derived from general relativity (with Dark Energy Universe numerical simulation data), a cosmological invariance of the distribution of dark matter (DM) halo shapes when expressed in terms of the non-linear fluctuations of the cosmic matter field. We show in this paper that this invariance persists when tested on numerical simulations performed with a different code, i.e. a different N-body solver, DUSTGRAIN-pathfinder simulation (Giocoli et al. 2018) and that it is also robust to the addition of neutrinos to the cold component of dark matter. However, this discovery raises crucial questions about the validity of this invariance in modified gravity models. Thus, we examine whether the invariance observed by Alimi & Koskas (2024) remains robust in the case of Hu & Sawicki models of modified gravity using numerical simulations performed by Giocoli et al. (2018). By comparing the results of advanced numerical simulations in these different theoretical frameworks, we found significant deviations from the invariance observed in the framework of wCDM models of GR. These deviations suggest that the nature of the gravitation significantly influences the shape of the DM halos. We then interpret this deviation observed in the modified gravity models from the GR models as due to the scalar-field screening effect corresponding to such f(R)-type theories. This one modifies the sphericalization process of DM halos during their formation, precisely because the critical mass at which this scalar field becomes non-negligible is the mass at which the deviation appears. To this extent, the deviation from cosmological invariance in the shape of DM halos is a cosmological probe of the nature of gravity, and the mass scale at which it appears can be used to estimate the $f_{R0}$ parameter of such theories.

E. De Rubeis, C. Stuardi, A. Bonafede, F. Vazza, R. J. van Weeren, F. de Gasperin, M. Brüggen

In this paper, we investigate the polarization properties of the double radio relics in PSZ2 G096.88+24.18 using the rotation measure synthesis, and try to constrain the characteristics of the magnetic field that reproduce the observed beam depolarization. Our aim is to understand the nature of the low polarization fraction that characterizes the southern relic with respect to the northern relic. Using new 1-2 GHz VLA observations, we derive the rotation measure and polarization of the two relics by applying the RM synthesis technique, thus solving for bandwidth depolarization in the wide observing bandwidth. To study the effect of beam depolarization, we degraded the image resolution and studied the decreasing trend of polarization fraction with increasing beam size. Finally, we performed 3D magnetic field simulations using multiple models for the magnetic field power spectrum over a wide range of scales, in order to constrain the characteristics of the cluster magnetic field that can reproduce the observed beam depolarization trend. Using RM synthesis, we obtained a polarization fraction of ($18.6 \pm 0.3$)% for the norther relic and ($14.6 \pm 0.1$)% for the southern one. Having corrected for bandwidth depolarization, we infer that the nature of the depolarization for the southern relic is external, and possibly related to the turbulent gas distribution within the cluster, or to the complex spatial structure of the relic. The best-fit magnetic field power spectrum, that reproduces the observed depolarization trend for the southern relic, is obtained for a turbulent magnetic field model, described by a power spectrum derived from cosmological simulations, and defined within the scales of $\Lambda_{\rm{min}}=35~\rm{kpc}$ and $\Lambda_{\rm{max}}=400~\rm{kpc}$. This yields an average magnetic field of the cluster within 1$~\rm{Mpc}^3$ volume of $\sim 2~\rm{\mu G}$.

In recent years, the continued detection of complex organic molecules of prebiotic interest has refueled the interest on a panspermic origin of life. The prebiotic molecule glyceraldehyde is proposed to be formed from (Z)-1,2-ethenediol, a molecule recently detected towards the G+0.693-0.027 molecular cloud at the galactic center. In this work, we computationally simulate the formation of (Z)-1,2-ethenediol from vinyl alcohol on the surface of amorphous solid water in a two-step synthesis involving a OH addition and a H abstraction reaction. In total, we considered all reaction possibilities of the 1,1 and 1,2-OH addition to vinyl alcohol followed by H-abstraction or H-addition reactions on the resulting radicals. The combination of these reactions is capable of explaining the formation of (Z)-1,2-ethenediol provided a suprathermal diffusion of OH. We also conclude that our proposed formation pathway is not selective and also yields other abstraction and addition products. Key in our findings is the connection between the adsorption modes of the reactants and intermediates and the stereoselectivity of the reactions.

Andrea Lapi, Lumen Boco, Francesca Perrotta, Marcella Massardi

We devise and exploit a data-driven, semi-empirical framework of galaxy formation and evolution, coupling it to recipes for planet formation from stellar and planetary science, to compute the cosmic planet formation rate, and the properties of the planets' preferred host stellar and galactic environments. We also discuss how the rates and formation sites of planets are affected when considering their habitability, and when including possible threatening sources related to star formation and nuclear activity. Overall, we conservatively estimate a cumulative number of some $10^{20}$ Earth-like planets and around $10^{18}$ habitable Earths in our past lightcone. Finally, we find that a few $10^{17}$ are older than our own Earth, an occurrence which places a loose lower limit a few $10^{-18}$ to the odds for a habitable world to ever hosting a civilization in the observable Universe.

Gopal-Krishna (UM/DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences, Mumbai)

This note chronicles the early steps and incidences from over four decades ago, that gave a kickstart to research on the now prominent subclass of radio galaxies, called 'Gigahertz-Peaked-Spectrum' (GPS) sources. In this first-hand account, the origin of the acronym 'GPS' in this context is retraced, along with the first crucial steps and the major milestones set in course of evolution of this now vibrant branch of extragalactic radio astronomy. A brief update on the recent developments in this field is also presented.

We investigate anisotropic equation of state parameterization of dark energy within the framework of an axisymmetric (planar) Bianchi-I universe. In addition to constraining the equation of state for anisotropic dark energy and other standard cosmological model parameters, we also constrain any underlying anisotropic axis using the latest Pantheon+ Type Ia Supernovae data set augmented by SH0ES Cepheid distance calibrators. The mean anisotropic dark energy equation of state and corresponding difference in the equation of states in and normal to the plane of our axisymmetric Bianchi-I space-time are found to be $\bar{w}=-0.90^{+0.16}_{-0.12}$ and $\delta_w=-0.140^{+0.11}_{-0.082}$ respectively. We also find an axis of anisotropy in this planar Bianchi-I model with anisotropic dark energy to be $\approx(279^{\circ} ,12^{\circ})$ in galactic coordinates. Our analysis of different cosmological models suggests that while a Bianchi-I universe with anisotropic dark energy (the $w_b$CDM model) shows some preference over other anisotropic models, it is still less likely than the standard $\Lambda$CDM model or a model with a constant dark energy equation of state ($w$CDM). Overall, the $\Lambda$CDM model remains the most probable model based on the Akaike Information Criterion.

Maria Giovanna Dainotti, Shubham Bhardwaj, Christopher Cook, Joshua Ange, Nishan Lamichhane, Malgorzata Bogdan, Monnie McGee, Pavel Nadolsky, Milind Sarkar, Agnieszka Pollo, Shigehiro Nagataki

Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are intense, short-lived bursts of gamma-ray radiation observed up to a high redshift ($z \sim 10$) due to their luminosities. Thus, they can serve as cosmological tools to probe the early Universe. However, we need a large sample of high$-z$ GRBs, currently limited due to the difficulty in securing time at the large aperture Telescopes. Thus, it is painstaking to determine quickly whether a GRB is high$z$ or low$-z$, which hampers the possibility of performing rapid follow-up observations. Previous efforts to distinguish between high$-$ and low$-z$ GRBs using GRB properties and machine learning (ML) have resulted in limited sensitivity. In this study, we aim to improve this classification by employing an ensemble ML method on 251 GRBs with measured redshifts and plateaus observed by the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory. Incorporating the plateau phase with the prompt emission, we have employed an ensemble of classification methods to enhance the sensitivity unprecedentedly. Additionally, we investigate the effectiveness of various classification methods using different redshift thresholds, $z_{threshold}$=$z_t$ at $z_{t}=$ 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, and 3.5. We achieve a sensitivity of 87\% and 89\% with a balanced sampling for both $z_{t}=3.0$ and $z_{t}=3.5$, respectively, representing a 9\% and 11\% increase in the sensitivity over Random Forest used alone. Overall, the best results are at $z_{t} = 3.5$, where the difference between the sensitivity of the training set and the test set is the smallest. This enhancement of the proposed method paves the way for new and intriguing follow-up observations of high$-z$ GRBs.

Gaetano Di Marco, Rafael Alves Batista, Miguel Ángel Sánchez-Conde

Recent gamma-ray observations have detected photons up to energies of a few PeV. These highly energetic gamma rays are emitted by the most powerful sources in the Galaxy. Propagating over astrophysical distances, gamma rays might interact with background photons producing electron-positron pairs, then deflected by astrophysical magnetic fields. In turn, these charged particles might scatter through inverse Compton galactic radiation fields, triggering electromagnetic cascades. In this scenario, the characterisation of astrophysical environment in which gamma rays travel, specifically background photons and magnetic fields, is crucial. We explore the impact of propagation effects on observables at Earth by simulating galactic sources emitting gamma rays with energy between $100 \; \text{GeV}$ and $100 \; \text{PeV}$. We analyse the imprint of the galactic environment on observed energy spectra and arrival direction maps, revealing gamma-ray absorption features in the former and ``deflection" of gamma rays in the latter. Specifically, owing to interstellar radiation field spatial distribution and the galactic magnetic field structure, propagation effects on observables are found to be related to the specific gamma-ray source position and to the prompt emission model. Detailed investigations of the propagation effect on galactic gamma rays will improve the robustness of both current and future gamma-ray detections and indirect dark matter searches.

The braking torque that dictates the timing properties of magnetars is closely tied to the large-scale dipolar magnetic field on their surface. The formation of this field has been a topic of ongoing debate. One proposed mechanism, based on macroscopic principles, involves an inverse cascade within the neutron star's crust. However, this phenomenon has not been observed in realistic simulations. In this study, we provide compelling evidence supporting the feasibility of the inverse cascading process in the presence of an initial helical magnetic field within realistic neutron star crusts and discuss its contribution to the amplification of the large-scale magnetic field. Our findings, derived from a systematic investigation that considers various coordinate systems, peak wavenumber positions, crustal thicknesses, magnetic boundary conditions, and magnetic Lundquist numbers, reveal that the specific geometry of the crustal domain - with its extreme aspect ratio - requires an initial peak wavenumber from small-scale structures for the inverse cascade to occur. However, this extreme aspect ratio limits the inverse cascade to magnetic field structures on scales comparable to the neutron star's crust, making the formation of a large-scale dipolar surface field unlikely. Despite this limitation, the inverse cascade can significantly impact the magnetic field evolution in the interior of the crust, potentially explaining the observed characteristics of highly magnetized objects with weak surface dipolar fields, such as low-field magnetars or central compact objects.

The article considers events recorded in an experiment with X-ray emulsion chambers (XREC) to study the trunks of extensive air showers (EAS) with energies of nuclei of primary cosmic radiation (PCR) E0 > 100 TeV, which currently have no explanation within the standard model of nuclear interactions (SM). The XREC method is the only one that allows studying EAS trunks with a high coordinate resolution of about 100 microns. EAS trunks contain the most complete information about primary acts of nuclear interactions, as a result of which all unusual events recorded by the XREC method are of great scientific interest. Several types of unusual events recorded by the XREC method were explained within the SM.

Filamentary molecular clouds are recognized as primary sites for the formation of stars. Specifically, regions characterized by the overlapping point of multiple filaments, known as hub regions, often associated with active star formation. However, the formation mechanism of this hub structure is not well understood. Therefore, to understand the formation mechanism and star formation in hub structures, as a first step, we investigate the orthogonal collisions between two filaments using three-dimensional ideal magnetohydrodynamical simulations. As a model of initial filaments, we use an infinitely long filament in magnetohydrostatic equilibrium under a global magnetic field running perpendicular to the filament axis. Two identical equilibrium filaments, sharing the same magnetic flux, are arranged with their long axes perpendicular to each other and given an initial velocity perpendicular to their long axes to replicate an orthogonal collision. We find three types of evolution after the shocked cloud is formed: collapse, stable, and expansion modes. The energy balance just after the filaments completely collide explains the future evolution of the shocked cloud. If the magnitude of gravitational energy is larger than the sum of the kinetic, thermal, and magnetic energies, the shocked cloud evolves in collapse mode. If the magnitude of gravitational energy is less than the sum of these energies, the cloud evolves in stable mode when the kinetic energy is relatively small and in expansion mode when the kinetic energy is sufficiently large.