Emission spectra and diagnostic spectral features of a diverse range of ablated meteorite samples with a known composition are presented. We aim to provide a reference spectral dataset to improve our abilities to classify meteoroid composition types from meteor spectra observations. The data were obtained by ablating meteorite samples in high-enthalpy plasma wind tunnel facilities recreating conditions characteristic of low-speed meteors. Near-UV to visible-range (320 - 800 nm) emission spectra of 22 diverse meteorites captured by a high-resolution Echelle spectrometer were analyzed to identify the characteristic spectral features of individual meteorite groups. The same dataset captured by a lower-resolution meteor spectrograph was applied to compare the meteorite data with meteor spectra observations. Spectral modeling revealed that the emitting meteorite plasma was characterized by temperatures of 3700 - 4800 K, similar to the main temperature component of meteors. The studied line intensity variations were found to trace the differences in the original meteorite composition and thus can be used to constrain the individual meteorite classes. We demonstrate that meteorite composition types, including ordinary chondrites, carbonaceous chondrites, various achondrites, stony-iron and iron meteorites, can be spectrally distinguished by measuring relative line intensities of Mg I, Fe I, Na I, Cr I, Mn I, Si I, H I, CN, Ni I, and Li I. Additionally, we confirm the effect of the incomplete evaporation of refractory elements Al, Ti, and Ca, and the presence of minor species Co I, Cu I, and V I.