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Papers for Friday, Aug 23 2024

The ``Little Red Dots'' (LRDs) are red and compact galaxies detected in JWST deep fields, mainly in the redshift range $z=4-8$. Given their compactness and the inferred stellar masses in the hypothesis that LRDs are starburst galaxies, the implied stellar densities are immense. This Research Note uses an extensive catalog of LRDs from the PRIMER and the COSMOS-Web surveys to investigate these densities. We find a median (upper limit) on the effective radius of $80$ pc, which leads to median (lower limit) values of the core density of $\sim 10^4 \, \rm M_\odot \, pc^{-3}$, and individual densities as high as $\sim 10^8 \, \rm M_\odot \, pc^{-3}$, which is $\sim 10$ times higher than the density necessary for runaway collisions to take place. For $\sim 35\%$ of the LRDs investigated, the lower limits are higher than the highest stellar densities observed in any system in any redshift range.

Amanda M. Cook (1 and 2), Paul Scholz (3 and 1), Aaron B. Pearlman (4 and 5), Thomas C. Abbott (4 and 5), Marilyn Cruces (6, 7, 8, 9 and 10), B. M. Gaensler (1, 2, and 11), Fengqiu (Adam)Dong (12), Daniele Michilli (13, 14), Gwendolyn Eadie (2, 15, and 16), Victoria M. Kaspi (4 and 5), Ingrid Stairs (12), Chia Min Tan (17), Mohit Bhardwaj (18), Tomas Cassanelli (19), Alice P. Curtin (4 and 5), Adaeze L. Ibik (1 and 2), Mattias Lazda (2 and 1), Kiyoshi W. Masui (13 and 14)Ayush Pandhi (1 and 2), Masoud Rafiei-Ravandi (4 and 5), Mawson W. Sammons (5), Kaitlyn Shin (13 and 14), Kendrick Smith (20), David C. Stenning (21) ((1) Dunlap Institute for Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of Toronto, (2) David A. Dunlap Institute Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of Toronto, (3) Department of Physics and Astronomy, York University, (4) Department of Physics, McGill University, (5) Trottier Space Institute, McGill University, (6) European Southern Observatory, (7) Joint ALMA Observatory, (8) Max-Planck-Institut fur Radioastronomie, (9) Centre of Astro-Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, (10) Department of Electrical Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, (11) Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of California Santa Cruz, (12) Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, (13) MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, (14) Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, (15) Department of Statistical Science, University of Toronto, (16) Data Sciences Institute, University of Toronto, (17) International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research, Curtin University, (18) McWilliams Center for Cosmology and Astrophysics, Department of Physics, Carnegie Mellon University, (19) Department of Electrical Engineering, Universidad de Chile, (20) Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, (21) Department of Statistics & Actuarial Science, Simon Fraser University)

We present an extensive contemporaneous X-ray and radio campaign performed on the repeating fast radio burst (FRB) source FRB 20220912A for eight weeks immediately following the source's detection by CHIME/FRB. This includes X-ray data from XMM-Newton, NICER, and Swift, and radio detections of FRB 20220912A from CHIME/Pulsar and Effelsberg. We detect no significant X-ray emission at the time of 30 radio bursts with upper limits on $0.5-10.0$ keV X-ray fluence of $(1.5-14.5)\times 10^{-10}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ (99.7% credible interval, unabsorbed) on a timescale of 100 ms. Translated into a fluence ratio $\eta_{\text{ x/r}} = F_{\text{X-ray}}/F_{\text{radio}}$, this corresponds to ${\eta}_{\text{ x/r}} < 7\times10^{6}$. For persistent emission from the location of FRB 20220912A, we derive a 99.7% $0.5-10.0$ keV isotropic flux limit of $8.8\times 10^{-15}$ erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ (unabsorbed) or an isotropic luminosity limit of 1.4$\times10^{41}$ erg s$^{-1}$ at a distance of 362.4 Mpc. We derive a hierarchical extension to the standard Bayesian treatment of low-count and background-contaminated X-ray data, which allows the robust combination of multiple observations. This methodology allows us to place the best (lowest) 99.7% credible interval upper limit on an FRB ${\eta}_{\text{ x/r}}$ to date, ${\eta}_{\text{ x/r}} < 2\times10^6$, assuming that all thirty detected radio bursts are associated with X-ray bursts with the same fluence ratio. If we instead adopt an X-ray spectrum similar to the X-ray burst observed contemporaneously with FRB-like emission from Galactic magnetar SGR 1935+2154 detected on 2020 April 28, we derive a 99.7% credible interval upper limit on ${\eta}_{\text{ x/r}}$ of $8\times10^5$, which is only 3 times the observed value of ${\eta}_{\text{ x/r}}$ for SGR 1935+2154.

Narsireddy Anugu, Douglas R. Gies, Rachael M. Roettenbacher, John D. Monnier, Miguel Montargés, Antoine Mérand, Fabien Baron, Gail H. Schaefer, Katherine A. Shepard, Stefan Kraus, Matthew D. Anderson, Isabelle Codron, Tyler Gardner, Mayra Gutierrez, Rainer Köhler, Karolina Kubiak, Cyprien Lanthermann, Olli Majoinen, Nicholas J. Scott, Wolfgang Vollmann

Stars with initial masses larger than 8 solar masses undergo substantial mass loss through mechanisms that remain elusive. Unraveling the origins of this mass loss is important for comprehending the evolutionary path of these stars, the type of supernova explosion and whether they become neutron stars or black hole remnants. In 2022 December, RW Cep experienced the Great Dimming in its visible brightness, presenting a unique opportunity to understand mass loss mechanisms. Our previous observations of RW Cep from the CHARA Array, taken during the dimming phase, show a compelling asymmetry in the star images, with a darker zone on the west side of the star indicating presence of dust in front of the star in our line of sight. Here, we present multi-epoch observations from CHARA while the star re-brightened in 2023. We created images using three image reconstruction methods and an analytical model fit. Comparisons of images acquired during the dimming and re-brightening phases reveal remarkable differences. Specifically, the west side of RW Cep, initially obscured during the dimming phase, reappeared during the subsequent re-brightening phase and the measured angular diameter became larger by 8%. We also observed image changes from epoch to epoch while the star is brightening indicating the time evolution of dust in front of the star. We suggest that the dimming of RW Cep was a result from a recent surface mass ejection event, generating a dust cloud that partially obstructed the stellar photosphere.

Circumgalactic dust grains trace the circulation of mass and metals between star-forming regions and gaseous galactic halos, giving insight into feedback and tidal stripping processes. We perform a search for ultraviolet (UV) reflection nebulae produced by extraplanar dust around 551 nearby ($D < 100$ Mpc), edge-on disk galaxies using archival near-UV (NUV) and far-UV (FUV) images from GALEX, accounting for the point-spread function (FWHM $= 4''-5''$). We detect extraplanar emission ubiquitously in stacks of galaxies binned by morphology and star-formation rate, with scale heights of $h_{\text{h}} = 1 - 2.3$ kpc and $\approx 10\%$ of the total (reddened) flux in the galaxy found beyond the B-band isophotal level of $\mu_{\text{B}} = 25$ mag arcsec$^{-2}$. This emission is detected in $7\%$ of the individual galaxies, and an additional one third have at least $5\%$ of their total flux found beyond $\mu_{\text{B}} = 25$ mag arcsec$^{-2}$ in a disk component. The extraplanar luminosities and colors are consistent with reflection nebulae rather than stellar halos and indicate that, on average, disk galaxies have an extraplanar dust mass of $5\% - 15\%$ of that in their interstellar medium. This suggests that recycled material composes at least a third of the inner circumgalactic medium ($R < 10$ kpc) in $\sim L^{*}$ galaxies.

Alexander Beckett (1), Marc Rafelski (1, 2), Mitchell Revalski (1), Michele Fumagalli (3, 4), Matteo Fossati (3, 5), Kalina Nedkova (1, 2), Rajeshwari Dutta (6), Rich Bielby (7), Sebastiano Cantalupo (3), Prakita Dayal (8), Valentina D'Odorico (4, 9), Marta Galbiati (3), Céline Péroux (10, 11) ((1) Space Telescope Science Institute, (2) Johns Hopkins University, (3) Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, (4) INAF Trieste, (5) INAF Brera, (6) IUCAA, (7) Department for Education (8) University of Groningen, (9) Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, (10) European Southern Observatory, Garching, (11) Aix Marseille Université)

We present intial results associating galaxies in the MUSE Ultra Deep Field (MUDF) with gas seen in absorption along the line-of-sight to two bright quasars in this field, to explore the dependence of metals in the circumgalactic medium (CGM) on galaxy properties. The MUDF includes $\sim$140h of VLT/MUSE data and 90 orbits of HST/G141M grism observations alongside VLT/UVES spectroscopy of the two quasars and several bands of HST imaging. We compare the metal absorption around galaxies in this field as a function of impact parameter, azimuthal angle and galaxy metallicity across redshifts 0.5 $<$ z $<$ 3.2. Due to the depth of our data and a large field-of-view, our analysis extends to low stellar masses ($<$ $10^{7}$ M$_{\odot}$) and high impact parameters ($>$ 600 kpc). We find a correlation between absorber equivalent width and number of nearby galaxies, but do not detect a significant anti-correlation with impact parameter. Our full sample does not show any significant change in absorber incidence as a function of azimuthal angle. However, we do find a bimodality in the azimuthal angle distribution of absorption at small impact parameters ($<$2 r$_{vir}$) and around highly-star-forming galaxies, possibly indicating disk-like accretion and biconical outflows. Finally, we do not detect any systematic deviation from the fundamental metallicity relation (FMR) among galaxies with detected absorption. This work is limited by gaps in the wavelength coverage of our current data; broader-wavelength observations with JWST will allow us to unlock the full potential of the MUDF for studying the CGM.

Zsófia Bora, Réka Könyves-Tóth, József Vinkó, Dominik Bánhidi, Imre Barna Bíró, K. Azalee Bostroem, Attila Bódi, Jamison Burke, István Csányi, Borbála Cseh, Joseph Farah, Alexei V. Filippenko, Tibor Hegedűs, Daichi Hiramatsu, Ágoston Horti-Dávid, D. Andrew Howell, Saurabh W. Jha, Csilla Kalup, Máté Krezinger, Levente Kriskovics, Curtis McCully, Megan Newsome, András Ordasi, Estefania Padilla Gonzalez, András Pál, Craig Pellegrino, Bálint Seli, Ádám Sódor, Zsófia Marianna Szabó, Olivér Norton Szabó, Róbert Szakáts, Tamás Szalai, Péter Székely, Giacomo Terreran, Vázsony Varga, Krisztián Vida, Xiaofeng Wang, J. Craig Wheeler

The progenitor system(s) as well as the explosion mechanism(s) of thermonuclear (Type Ia) supernovae are long-standing issues in astrophysics. Here we present ejecta masses and other physical parameters for 28 recent Type Ia supernovae inferred from multiband photometric and optical spectroscopic data. Our results confirm that the majority of SNe Ia show {\it observable} ejecta masses below the Chandrasekhar-limit (having a mean $M_{\rm ej} \approx 1.1 \pm 0.3$ M$_\odot$), consistent with the predictions of recent sub-M$_{\rm Ch}$ explosion models. They are compatible with models assuming either single- or double-degenerate progenitor configurations. We also recover a sub-sample of supernovae within $1.2 $ M$_\odot$ $< M_{\rm {ej}} < 1.5$ M$_\odot$ that are consistent with near-Chandrasekhar explosions. Taking into account the uncertainties of the inferred ejecta masses, about half of our SNe are compatible with both explosion models. We compare our results with those in previous studies, and discuss the caveats and concerns regarding the applied methodology.

Peter Jenniskens, Paul R. Estrada, Stuart Pilorz, Peter S. Gural, Dave Samuels, Steve Rau, Timothy M. C. Abbott, Jim Albers, Scott Austin, Dan Avner, Jack W. Baggaley, Tim Beck, Solvay Blomquist, Mustafa Boyukata, Martin Breukers, Walt Cooney, Tim Cooper, Marcelo De Cicco, Hadrien Devillepoix, Eric Egland, Elize Fahl, Megan Gialluca, Bryant Grigsby, Toni Hanke, Barbara Harris, Steve Heathcote, Samantha Hemmelgarn, Andy Howell, Emmanuel Jehin, Carl Johannink, Luke Juneau, Erika Kisvarsanyi, Philip Mey, Nick Moskovitz, Mohammad Odeh, Brian Rachford, David Rollinson, James M. Scott, Martin C. Towner, Ozan Unsalan, Rynault van Wyk, Jeff Wood, James D. Wray, C. Pavao, Dante S. Lauretta

In the late stages of accretion leading up to the formation of planetesimals, particles grew to pebbles the size of 1-mm to tens of cm. That is the same size range that dominates the present-day comet mass loss. Meteoroids that size cause visible meteors on Earth. Here, we hypothesize that the size distribution and the physical and chemical properties of young meteoroid streams still contain information about the conditions in the solar nebula during these late stages of accretion. From observations of 47 young meteor showers, we find that freshly ejected meteoroids from long-period comets tend to have low bulk density and are distributed with equal surface area per log-mass interval (magnitude distribution index chi ~ 1.85), suggesting gentle accretion conditions. Jupiter-family comets, on the other hand, mostly produce meteoroids twice as dense and distributed with a steeper chi ~ 2.15 or even chi ~ 2.5, which implies that those pebbles grew from particles fragmenting in a collisional cascade or by catastrophic collisions, respectively. Both comet populations contain an admixture of compact materials that are sometimes sodium-poor, but Jupiter-family comets show a higher percentage (~8% on average) than long-period comet showers (~4%), and a wider range. While there are exceptions in both groups, the implication is that most long-period comets formed under gentle particle growth conditions, possibly near the 30 AU edge of the Trans Neptunian Disk, while most Jupiter family comets formed closer to the Sun where pebbles reached or passed the fragmentation barrier. This is possible if the Scattered Disk represents all objects scattered by Neptune during its migration, while the present-day outer Oort cloud formed only during and after the Sun had moved away from sibling stars.

N. Monsalves, M. Jaque Arancibia, A. Bayo, P. Sánchez-Sáez, R. Angeloni, G Damke, J. Segura Van de Perre

In recent years the amount of publicly available astronomical data has increased exponentially, with a remarkable example being large scale multiepoch photometric surveys. This wealth of data poses challenges to the classical methodologies commonly employed in the study of variable objects. As a response, deep learning techniques are increasingly being explored to effectively classify, analyze, and interpret these large datasets. In this paper we use two-dimensional histograms to represent Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) phasefolded light curves as images. We use a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to classify variable objects within eight different categories (from now on labels): Classical Cepheid (CEP), RR Lyrae (RR), Long Period Variable (LPV), Miras (M), Ellipsoidal Binary (ELL), Delta Scuti (DST), Eclipsing Binary (E), and spurious class with Incorrect Periods (Rndm). We set up different training sets to train the same CNN architecture in order to characterize the impact of the training. The training sets were built from the same source of labels but different filters and balancing techniques were applied. Namely: Undersampling (U), Data Augmentation (DA), and Batch Balancing (BB). The best performance was achieved with the BB approach and a training sample size of $\sim$370000 stars. Regarding computational performance, the image representation production rate is of $\sim$76 images per core per second, and the time to predict is $\sim$ 60$\, \mu\text{s}$ per star. The accuracy of the classification improves from $\sim$ 92%, when based only on the CNN, to $\sim$ 98% when the results of the CNN are combined with the period and amplitude features in a two step approach. This methodology achieves comparable results with previous studies but with two main advantages: the identification of miscalculated periods and the improvement in computational time cost.

Understanding the launching mechanism of winds and jets remains one of the fundamental challenges in astrophysics. The Protostellar Outflows at the EarliesT Stages (POETS) survey has recently mapped the 3D velocity field of the protostellar winds in a sample (37) of luminous young stellar objects (YSOs) at scales of 10-100 au via very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations of the 22 GHz water masers. In most of the targets, the distribution of the 3D maser velocities can be explained in terms of a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) disk wind (DW). We have performed Very Long Baseline Array observations of the 22 GHz water masers in IRAS 21078+5211, the most promising MHD DW candidate from the POETS survey, to determine the 3D velocities of the gas flowing along several wind streamlines previously identified at a linear resolution of ~1 au. Near the YSO at small separations along ($xl \le 150$ au) and across ($R \le 40$ au) the jet axis, water masers trace three individual DW streamlines. By exploiting the 3D kinematic information of the masers, we determined the launch radii of these streamlines with an accuracy of $\sim$1 au, and they lie in the range of 10-50 au. At increasingly greater distances along the jet (110 au $\le xl \le 220$ au), the outflowing gas speeds up while it collimates close to the jet axis. Magneto-centrifugal launching in a radially extended MHD DW appears to be the only viable process to explain the fast (up to 60 km/s) and collimated (down to 10 degree) velocities of the wind in correspondence with launch radii ranging between 10 and 50 au. At larger separations from the jet axis ($R \ge 100$ au), the water masers trace a slow ($\le$20 km/s), radially expanding arched shock-front with kinematics inconsistent with magneto-centrifugal launching. Our resistive-magnetohydrodynamical simulations indicate that this shock-front could be driven by magnetic pressure.

In the central region of the galaxy cluster Abell 2199 (A2199) resides the cD galaxy NGC 6166, which spatially coincides with the 3C 338 radio source. Lobes, jets, and a more detached southern structure (similar to a jet labelled as ridge) are seen at kiloparsec-scale images of 3C 338. This unusual radio morphology has led to the proposition of different hypotheses about its physical origin in the literature. In this work, we study the feasibility of a dynamical scenario where NGC 6166 moves around the X-ray inferred centre of A2199 from the point of view of three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations. The physical characteristics of the intra-cluster medium in which the jet propagates are constrained to those derived from X-ray observations in the vicinity of NGC 6166. Possible orbits for the jet inlet region are derived from the estimated radial velocity of NGC 6166, while the jet parameters are constrained by parsec-scale interferometric radio observations and the estimated jet power of 3C 338 obtained from radio and X-ray data. Our results show that the hypothesis of NGC 6166 has been moving around the centre of A2199 during the last tens of million of years is compatible with the general radio morphology of 3C 338. Furthermore, the proposed dynamic scenario for the motion of NGC 6166 may be linked to gravitational perturbations induced by the passage of a sub-cluster of galaxies hundreds of millions of years ago.

The accumulation of accreted matter onto the neutron star surface triggers exothermic reactions in the crust. The heat released as a result influences the luminosity exhibited by the X-ray transient. The most common approach to the kinetics of exothermic reactions in the crust of accreting neutron stars is to consider an infinite reaction rate. Here, we investigate accretion-related heat release in the accreted outer crust of a neutron star by including a time-dependent accretion cycle and experimentally based reaction rates in the kinetics of electron captures above the reaction threshold. A simple model was used to compute the zero temperature equation of state of a crust in which two nuclei can coexist. We solved the abundance of parent nuclei as a function of the depth in the star and the time variable using astrophysically motivated features of the accreting system. We calculated the heat release and neutrino loss associated to reactions in the outer crust. We report the existence of layers in the outer crust, which contain both parent and grand-daughter nuclei of electron captures. The reactions can occur deeper in the shell than the reaction threshold, thus releasing more heat per accreted baryon for a given accretion rate. The electron capture layers continue to exist even when the accretion has stopped. The heat sources are time- and pressure-dependent in accreting crusts of neutron stars. The total heat released is a function of astrophysical (active and quiescent time) and microscopic (reaction rate) parameters Therefore, we conclude these parameters should be considered individually and carefully for a range of different sources.

Massive stars may form in or be captured into AGN disks. Recent 1D studies employing stellar-evolution codes have demonstrated the potential for rapid growth of such stars through accretion up to a few hundred $M_\odot$. We perform 3D radiation hydrodynamic simulations of moderately massive stars' envelopes, in order to determine the rate and critical radius $R_{\rm crit}$ of their accretion process in an isotropic gas-rich environment in the absence of luminosity-driven mass loss. We find that in the ``fast-diffusion" regime where characteristic radiative diffusion speed $c/\tau$ is faster than the gas sound speed $c_s$, the accretion rate is suppressed by feedback from gravitational and radiative advection energy flux, in addition to the stellar luminosity. Alternatively, in the ``slow-diffusion" regime where $c/\tau<c_s$, due to adiabatic accretion, the stellar envelope expands quickly to become hydrostatic and further net accretion occurs on thermal timescales in the absence of self-gravity. When the radiation entropy of the medium is less than that of the star, however, this hydrostatic envelope can become more massive than the star itself. Within this sub-regime, self-gravity of the envelope excites runaway growth. Applying our results to realistic environments, moderately massive stars ($\lesssim 100M_\odot$) embedded in AGN disks typically accrete in the fast-diffusion regime, leading to reduction of steady-state accretion rate 1-2 orders of magnitudes lower than expected by previous 1D calculations and $R_{\rm crit}$ smaller than the disk scale height, except in the opacity window at temperature $T\sim 2000$K. Accretion in slow diffusion regime occurs in regions with very high density $\rho\gtrsim 10^{-9}$g/cm$^3$, and needs to be treated with caution in 1D long-term calculations.

Temperature of the hot gas in galaxy clusters is known to be a reliable proxy for the their total gravitating mass, allowing one to use spectroscopic X-ray observations for halo mass function measurements. Data of shallow wide area surveys, however, often precludes direct fitting of the X-ray spectra, given possible biases arising due to unresolved (multitemperature) inner structure of the intracluster medium (ICM), projection effects and necessity of certain model assumptions to be made to allow for robust spectral fitting. We consider using a simple observable value - the average energy of the observed cluster X-ray spectrum - as a model-independent proxy for the ICM temperature, and consequently cluster's mass. We calibrate relation of this proxy to the cluster parameters using mock obsesrvations for a sample of 84 massive galaxy clusters extracted from the Magneticum cosmological hydro simulations. We consider observational parameters corresponding to the all-sky survey observations by SRG/eROSITA. Taking into account contributions of various background and foreground signals, average energy of the simulated X-ray spectra in the $0.4-7.0$ keV band is shown to be a stable indicator of the ICM temperature with $\sim10\%$ scatter and cluster's mass $M_{500}$ with a $\sim 20\%$ scatter. A database containing simulated X-ray images and their spectra (subtracted in several concentric rings) is publicly available.

Firmly anchored on observational data, giant radio lobes from massive galaxies hosting supermassive black holes can exert a major negative feedback effect, by endowing the intergalactic gas with significant magnetic pressure hence retarding or preventing gas accretion onto less massive halos in the vicinity. Since massive galaxies that are largely responsible for producing the giant radio lobes, this effect is expected to be stronger in more overdense large-scale environments, such as proto-clusters, than in underdense regions, such as voids. We show that by redshift $z=2$ halos with masses up to $(10^{11-12}, 10^{12-13})\msun$ are significantly hindered from accreting gas due to this effect for radio bubble volume filling fraction of $(1.0, 0.2)$, respectively. Since the vast majority of the stars in the universe at $z<2-3$ form precisely in those halos, this negative feedback process is likely one major culprit for causing the global downturn in star formation in the universe since. It also provides a natural explanation for the rather sudden flattening of the slope of the galaxy rest-frame UV luminosity function around $z\sim 2$. A cross-correlation between proto-clusters and Faraday rotation measures may test the predicted magnetic field. Inclusion of this external feedback process in the next generation of cosmological simulations may be imperative.

In this work we consider a dark matter candidate described by an ultralight vector field, whose mass is in principle in the range $H_{\rm{eq}}\sim 10^{-28}\rm{eV}\ll m< \rm{eV}$. The homogeneous background vector field is assumed to point in a given direction. We present a numerical implementation of cosmological perturbations in a Bianchi type I geometry with vector field dark matter in a modified version of the Cosmic Linear Anisotropy Solving System (CLASS). We study the evolution of large-scale cosmological perturbations in the linear regime. We compute the matter power spectrums defined for Fourier modes pointing in a given direction. We obtain interesting features in the power spectrums whose observational significance depends on the field mass. We compare the results with the standard $\rm{\Lambda CDM}$ and with the corresponding well-studied ultralight scalar field dark matter case. As for the scalar case we obtain a suppression in the power spectrums at small scales characterized by the same scale, namely the Jeans scale. The main characteristic feature of the vector field model we notice here for first time is that the amplitude of the suppression effect depends on the direction of the Fourier modes with respect to the background vector field, leaving eventually a possible anisotropic imprint in structure formation at small scales.

Protostellar disks around young protostars exhibit diverse properties, with their radii ranging from less than ten to several hundred au. To investigate the mechanisms shaping this disk radius distribution, we compiled a sample of 27 Class 0 and I single protostars with resolved disks and dynamically determined protostellar masses from the literature. Additionally, we derived the radial profile of the rotational to gravitational energy ratio in dense cores from the observed specific angular momentum profiles in the literature. Using these observed protostellar masses and rotational energy profile, we computed theoretical disk radii from the hydrodynamic and non-ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models in Lee et al. (2021, 2024) and generated synthetic samples to compare with the observations. In our theoretical model, the disk radii are determined by hydrodynamics when the central protostar+disk mass is low. After the protostars and disks grow and exceed certain masses, the disk radii become regulated by magnetic braking and non-ideal MHD effects. The synthetic disk radius distribution from this model matches well with the observations. This result suggests that hydrodynamics and non-ideal MHD can be dominant in different mass regimes (or evolutionary stages) depending on the rotational energy and protostar+disk mass. This model naturally explains the rarity of large (>100 au) disks and the presence of very small (<10 au) disks. It also predicts that the majority of protostellar disks have radii of a few tens of au, as observed.

Qichun Liu, Jie Lin, Xiaofeng Wang, Zhibin Dai, Yongkang Sun, Gaobo Xi, Jun Mo, Jialian Liu, Shengyu Yan, Alexei V. Filippenko, Thomas G. Brink, Yi Yang, Kishore C. Patra, Yongzhi Cai, Zhihao Chen, Liyang Chen, Fangzhou Guo, Xiaojun Jiang, Gaici Li, Wenxiong Li, Weili Lin, Cheng Miao, Xiaoran Ma, Haowei Peng, Qiqi Xia, Danfeng Xiang, Jicheng Zhang

The Tsinghua University--Ma Huateng Telescopes for Survey (TMTS) started to monitor the LAMOST plates in 2020, leading to the discovery of numerous short-period eclipsing binaries, peculiar pulsators, flare stars, and other variable objects. Here, we present the uninterrupted light curves for a sample of 64 cataclysmic variables (CVs) observed/discovered using the TMTS during its first three-year observations, and we introduce new CVs and new light-variation periods (from known CVs) revealed through the TMTS observations. Thanks to the high-cadence observations of TMTS, diverse light variations, including superhumps, quasi-periodic oscillations, large-amplitude orbital modulations, and rotational modulations, are able to be detected in our CV samples, providing key observational clues for understanding the fast-developing physical processes in various CVs. All of these short-timescale light-curve features help further classify the subtypes of CV systems. We highlight the light-curve features observed in our CV sample and discuss further implications of minute-cadence light curves for CV identifications and classifications. Moreover, we examine the H$\alpha$ emission lines in the spectra from our nonmagnetic CV samples (i.e., dwarf novae and nova-like subclasses) and find that the distribution of H$\alpha$ emission strength shows significant differences between the sources with orbital periods above and below the period gap, which agrees with the trend seen from the SDSS nonmagnetic CV sample.

The diffuse Galactic $\gamma$-ray emission originates from the interactions between cosmic rays and the interstellar medium or radiation fields within our Galaxy, where the production of neutrinos is also anticipated. Recently, the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) reported measurements of diffuse $\gamma$-rays from the Galactic plane with energies ranging from sub-TeV to 1 PeV. Using publicly available 7 years of IceCube track data with the full detector, we conduct a template search using the $\gamma$-ray flux map observed by LHAASO-KM2A as the neutrino emission template and perform a scan search of the Galactic plane. In the template search, a mild excess of neutrinos is observed in the Galactic plane with a pretrial significance of $1.9\sigma$. The measured muon neutrino intensity at 25 TeV is $4.73^{+2.53}_{-2.51}\times10^{-14}\,{\rm TeV^{-1}\,cm^{-2}\,s^{-1}\,sr^{-1}}$, consistent with the expected neutrino flux assuming that all the diffuse Galactic $\gamma$-rays originate from hadronic interactions. In the Galactic plane scan search, the most significant location is found at $l=63.57^{\circ}$ and $b=0.93^{\circ}$ with a pretrial (posttrial) significance of $4.6\sigma$ ($1.8\sigma$).

This work is part of ongoing efforts to detect Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) using the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) in a spectral window below 300 MHz. We used an image-based method based on the pilot study of Tingay et al. 2015, scaled up via massively parallel processing using a commercial supercomputer. We searched 87.6 hours of 2-second snapshot images, each covering 1165 square degrees of the EoR0 field, over a dispersion measure range of 170 to 1035 pc cm$^{-3}$. The large amount of data necessitated the construction of a series of filters to classify and reject the large number of false positives. Our search was more sensitive than any previous blind search using the MWA telescope, but we report no FRB detections, a result which is consistent with the extrapolation into the low-frequency domain of the results of Sokolowski et al. (2024). We obtain upper bounds on the event rate ranging from <1783 sky$^{-1}$day$^{-1}$ at a fluence of 392 Jy ms, to <31 sky$^{-1}$day$^{-1}$ at 8400 Jy ms, for our spectral window of 167-198 MHz. Our method was shown to be computationally efficient and scalable by the two or three orders of magnitude required to seriously test the model of Sokolowski et al. Our process is especially sensitive to detections of satellites and meteor trails and may find applications in the identification of these transients. We comment on future surveys using this method, with both the MWA and the SKA.

During the emergence of sunspot groups the footpoints of their leading and following parts move apart. This diverging motion results in the stretching of the active regions, which continues during the decay phase. The aim of the present work is to study the separation distance variations during the active region evolution on a large statistical sample. Altogether more than 2000 individual sunspot groups were taken into account. The investigation is mainly based on data of the SoHO/MDI - Debrecen Sunspot Data (SDD) catalog which covers the time span 1996-2010, practically the whole solar cycle 23. For check of the possible cyclical variation the Debrecen Photoheliographic Data (DPD) is used which contains data for solar cycles 20-24. The separation distance is calculated between the leading and following centers of mass and starts to increase after the emergence and shows a plateau around the peak flux. The polarity separation reaches its maximum in the decay phase and then starts to decrease in the cases of the largest and medium size groups, but continues its increase in the case of the smallest groups. This decrease is caused by the eastward motion of the leading part, while the following part continues its backward motion. The separation distance is size dependent, i. e., the larger the sunspot group the greater its extent. Cycle and cycle phase dependencies as well as hemispheric connection can also be observed.

Alena Zemanová, Marian Karlický, Jana Kašparová, Jaroslav Dudík, Ján Rybák

The slowly positively drifting bursts (SPDBs) are rarely observed in radio emission of solar flares. To understand how the SPDBs are generated, we studied the radio observations at 600--5000 MHz together with the imaging observations made in ultraviolet (UV) and extreme ultraviolet (EUV) during the SPDB-rich C8.7 flare of 2014 May 10 (SOL2014-05-10T0702). Because the SPDBs propagate towards locations of higher plasma density, we studied their associations with individual flare kernels, located either within the flare core itself, or distributed at longer distances, but connected to the flaring region by large-scale hot loops. For each kernel we constructed light curves using 1600 A and 304 A observations and compared these light curves with the temporal evolution of radio flux at 1190 MHz, representing all observed groups of SPDBs. We also analysed the UV/EUV observations to understand the evolution of magnetic connectivity during the flare. The flare starts with a growing hot sigmoid observed in 131 A. As the sigmoid evolves, it extends to and interacts with a half dome present within the active region. The evolving sigmoid reconnects at the respective hyperbolic flux tube, producing large-scale magnetic connections and an EUV swirl. Three groups of SPDBs are observed during this large-scale magnetic reconnection, along with a group of narrow-band type III bursts. The light curves of a kernel corresponding to the footpoint of spine line analogue show good agreement with the radio flux at 1190 MHz, indicating that the SPDBs are produced by the large-scale magnetic reconnection at the half dome. In addition, one of the kernels appeared in the neighbouring active region and also showed a similar evolution to the radio flux, implying that beams of accelerated particles can synchronize radio and UV/EUV light curves across relatively large distances.

Sujeeporn Tuntipong, Jesse van de Sande, Scott M. Croom, Stefania Barsanti, Joss Bland-Hawthorn, Sarah Brough, Julia J. Bryant, Sarah Casura, Amelia Fraser-McKelvie, Jon S. Lawrence, Andrei Ristea, Sarah M. Sweet, Tayyaba Zafar

Milky Way Analogues (MWAs) provide an alternative insight into the various pathways that lead to the formation of disk galaxies with similar properties to the Milky Way. In this study, we explore different selection techniques for identifying MWAs in the SAMI Galaxy Survey. We utilise a nearest neighbours method to define MWAs using four selection parameters including stellar mass ($M_{\star}$), star formation rate ($SFR$), bulge-to-total ratio ($B/T$) and disk effective radius ($R_{\rm{e}}$). Based on 15 different selection combinations, we find that including $M_{\star}$ and SFR is essential for minimising biases in the average MWA properties as compared to the Milky Way. Furthermore, given the Milky Way's smaller-than-average size, selection combinations without $R_{\rm{e}}$ result in MWAs being too large. Lastly, we find that $B/T$ is the least important parameter out of the four tested parameters. Using all four selection criteria, we define the top 10 most Milky Way-like galaxies in the GAMA and Cluster regions of the SAMI survey. These most Milky-Way-like galaxies are typically barred spirals, with kinematically cold rotating disks and reside in a wide range of environments. Surprisingly, we find no significant differences between the MWAs selected from the GAMA and Cluster regions. Our work highlights the importance of using multiple selection criteria for finding MWAs and also demonstrates potential biases in previous MWA studies.

Yifan Mai, Scott M. Croom, Emily Wisnioski, Sam P. Vaughan, Mathew R. Varidel, Andrew J. Battisti, J. Trevor Mendel, Marcie Mun, Takafumi Tsukui, Caroline Foster, Katherine E. Harborne, Claudia D. P. Lagos, Di Wang, Sabine Bellstedt, Joss Bland-Hawthorn, Matthew Colless, Francesco D'Eugenio, Kathryn Grasha, Yingjie Peng, Giulia Santucci, Sarah M. Sweet, Sabine Thater, Lucas M. Valenzuela, Bodo Ziegler

We measure the ionised gas velocity dispersions of star-forming galaxies in the MAGPI survey ($z\sim0.3$) and compare them with galaxies in the SAMI ($z\sim0.05$) and KROSS ($z\sim1$) surveys to investigate how the ionised gas velocity dispersion evolves. For the first time, we use a consistent method that forward models galaxy kinematics from $z=0$ to $z=1$. This method accounts for spatial substructure in emission line flux and beam smearing. We investigate the correlation between gas velocity dispersion and galaxy properties to understand the mechanisms that drive gas turbulence. We find that in both MAGPI and SAMI galaxies, the gas velocity dispersion more strongly correlates with the star-formation rate surface density ($\Sigma_{\rm SFR}$) than with a variety of other physical properties, and the average gas velocity dispersion is similar, at the same $\Sigma_{\rm SFR}$, for SAMI, MAGPI and KROSS galaxies. The results indicate that mechanisms related to $\Sigma_{\rm SFR}$ could be the dominant driver of gas turbulence from $z\sim1$ to $z\sim0$, for example, stellar feedback and/or gravitational instability. The gas velocity dispersion of MAGPI galaxies is also correlated with the non-rotational motion of the gas, illustrating that in addition to star-formation feedback, gas transportation and accretion may also contribute to the gas velocity dispersion for galaxies at $z\sim 0.3$. KROSS galaxies only have a moderate correlation between gas velocity dispersion and $\Sigma_{\rm SFR}$ and a higher scatter of gas velocity dispersion with respect to $\Sigma_{\rm SFR}$, in agreement with the suggestion that other mechanisms, such as gas transportation and accretion, are relatively more important at higher redshift galaxies.

E. Lega, M. Benisty, A. Cridland, A. Morbidelli, M. Schulik, M. Lambrechts

Giant planets grow and acquire their gas envelope during the disk phase. At the time of the discovery of giant planets in their host disk, it is important to understand the interplay between the host disk and the envelope and circum-planetary disk properties of the planet. Our aim is to investigate the dynamical and physical structure of the gas in the vicinity of a Jupiter-mass planet and study how protoplanetary disk propertiesy, determine the planetary system as well as the accretion rate inside the planet's Hill sphere.We ran global 3D simulations with the grid-based code fargOCA, using a fully radiative equation of state and a dust-to-gas ratio of 0.01. We explored three models. The nominal one features a disk with surface density, Sigma, corresponding to the MMSN at the planet's location, characterised by an alpha viscosity value of 0.004. The second model has a surface density ten times smaller than the nominal one and the same viscosity. In the third model, we also reduced the viscosity value by a factor of 10. During gap formation gas is heated by compression and cools according to opacity, density, and temperature values. In the analysis of our disks, we find that the gas flowing into the Hill sphere is approximately scaled as the product Sigma nu , as expected from viscous transport while The accretion rate is scaled as sqrt(Sigma nu ).Previous studies have shown that pressure or rotationally supported structures are formed around giant planets, depending on the equation of state (EoS) or on the opacity. In the case of a fully radiative EoS and a constant dust to gas ratio of 0.01, we find that low-mass and low-viscosity circum-stellar disks favour the formation of a rotationally supported circum-planetary disk. Gas accretion leading to the doubling time of the planetary system >10^5 years has only been found in the case of a low-viscosity disk.

High energy photons originating from the Galactic Center (GC) region have the potential to undergo significant photon-axion-like particle (ALP) oscillation effects, primarily induced by the the presence of intense magnetic fields in this region. Observations conducted by imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes have detected very high energy gamma-rays originating from a point source known as HESS J1745-290, situated in close proximity to the GC. This source is conjectured to be associated with the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A$^*$. The GC region contains diverse structures, including molecular clouds and non-thermal filaments, which collectively contribute to the intricate magnetic field configurations in this region. By utilizing a magnetic field model specific in the GC region, we explore the phenomenon of photon-ALP oscillations in the gamma-ray spectrum of HESS J1745-290. Our analysis does not reveal any discernible signature of photon-ALP oscillations, yielding significant constraints that serve as a complement to gamma-ray observations of extragalactic sources across a broad parameter region. The uncertainties arising from the outer Galactic magnetic field models have minor impacts on our results, except for ALP masses around 10$^{-7}$ eV, as the dominant influence originates from the intense magnetic field strength in the inner GC region.

In the present paper we consider the full nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE) radiation transfer problem. This formalism allows us to account for deviation from equilibrium distribution of both the radiation field and the massive particles. In the present study two-level atoms with broadened upper level represent the massive particles. In the absence of velocity-changing collisions, we demonstrate the analytic equivalence of the full non-LTE source function with the corresponding standard non-LTE partial frequency redistribution (PFR) model. We present an iterative method based on operator splitting techniques to numerically solve the problem at hand. We benchmark it against the standard non-LTE transfer problem for a two-level atom with PFR. We illustrate the deviation of the velocity distribution function of excited atoms from the equilibrium distribution. We also discuss the dependence of the emission profile and the velocity distribution function on elastic collisions and velocity-changing collisions.

The discovery of Earth-like planets is a major focus of current planetology research and faces a significant technological challenge. Indeed, when it comes to detecting planets as small and cold as the Earth, the cost of observation time is massive. Understanding in what type of systems Earth-like planets (ELPs) form and how to identify them is crucial for preparing future missions such as PLATO, LIFE, or others. Theoretical models suggest that ELPs predominantly form within a certain type of system architecture. Therefore, the presence or absence of ELPs could be inferred from the arrangement of other planets within the same system. This study aims to identify the profile of a typical system that harbours an ELP by investigating the architecture of systems and the properties of their innermost detectable planets. Here, we introduce a novel method for determining the architecture of planetary systems and categorising them into four distinct classes. Using three populations of synthetic planetary systems generated using the Bern model around three different types of stars, we studied the `theoretical' architecture (the architecture of a complete planetary system) and the `biased' architecture (the architecture of a system in which only detectable planets are taken into account) of the synthetic systems. The biased architecture of a system, studied in conjunction with the mass, radius, and period of the innermost detectable planet, appears to correlate with the presence or absence of an ELP in the same system. We conclude that the detections of ELPs can be predicted thanks to the already known properties of their systems, and we present a list of the properties of the systems most likely to host such a planet.

This is a collection of notes to calculate electromagnetic spectra of geometrically thin and optically thick accretion disks around black holes. The presentation is intentionally pedagogical and most calculations are reported step by step. In the disk-corona model, the spectrum of a source has three components: a thermal component from the disk, a Comptonized component from the corona, and a reflection component from the disk. These notes review only the relativistic calculations. The formulas presented here are valid for stationary, axisymmetric, asymptotically-flat, circular spacetimes, so they can be potentially used for a large class of black hole solutions.

Pavol Matlovič, Adriana Pisarčíková, Veronika Pazderová, Stefan Loehle, Juraj Tóth, Ludovic Ferrière, Peter Čermák, David Leiser, Jérémie Vaubaillon, Ranjith Ravichandran

Emission spectra and diagnostic spectral features of a diverse range of ablated meteorite samples with a known composition are presented. We aim to provide a reference spectral dataset to improve our abilities to classify meteoroid composition types from meteor spectra observations. The data were obtained by ablating meteorite samples in high-enthalpy plasma wind tunnel facilities recreating conditions characteristic of low-speed meteors. Near-UV to visible-range (320 - 800 nm) emission spectra of 22 diverse meteorites captured by a high-resolution Echelle spectrometer were analyzed to identify the characteristic spectral features of individual meteorite groups. The same dataset captured by a lower-resolution meteor spectrograph was applied to compare the meteorite data with meteor spectra observations. Spectral modeling revealed that the emitting meteorite plasma was characterized by temperatures of 3700 - 4800 K, similar to the main temperature component of meteors. The studied line intensity variations were found to trace the differences in the original meteorite composition and thus can be used to constrain the individual meteorite classes. We demonstrate that meteorite composition types, including ordinary chondrites, carbonaceous chondrites, various achondrites, stony-iron and iron meteorites, can be spectrally distinguished by measuring relative line intensities of Mg I, Fe I, Na I, Cr I, Mn I, Si I, H I, CN, Ni I, and Li I. Additionally, we confirm the effect of the incomplete evaporation of refractory elements Al, Ti, and Ca, and the presence of minor species Co I, Cu I, and V I.

Eduardo Banados, Yana Khusanova, Roberto Decarli, Emmanuel Momjian, Fabian Walter, Thomas Connor, Christopher Carilli, Chiara Mazzucchelli, Sofia Rojas-Ruiz, Bram Venemans


We present millimeter observations of the host galaxy of the most distant blazar known, VLASSJ041009.05-013919.88 (hereafter J0410-0139) at z=7, using ALMA and NOEMA observations. The ALMA data reveal a 2e42 erg/s [CII] 158um emission line at z=6.9964 with a [CII]-inferred star-formation rate of 58 Msun/yr. We estimate a dynamical mass of 4.6e9 Msun, implying a black hole mass to host a dynamical mass ratio of 0.15. The 238 GHz continuum (rest-frame IR) decreased by ~33% from the NOEMA to the ALMA observations taken ~10 months apart. The VLA 3-10 GHz radio flux densities showed a ~37% decrease in a similar time frame, suggesting a causal connection. At face value, J0410-0139 would have the lowest [CII]-to-IR luminosity ratio of a z>5.7 quasar reported to date (~1e-4). However, if only <20% of the measured IR luminosity were due to thermal emission from dust, the [CII]-to-IR luminosity ratio would be typical of (U)LIRGS, and the star formation rates derived from [CII] and IR luminosities would be consistent. These results provide further evidence that synchrotron emission significantly contributes to the observed rest-frame IR emission of J0410-0139, similar to what has been reported in some radio-loud AGN at z<1.

Anishya Harshan, Roberta Tripodi, Nicholas S. Martis, Gregor Rihtaršič, Maruša Bradač, Yoshihisa Asada, Gabe Brammer, Guillaume Desprez, Vince Estrada-Carpenter, Jasleen Matharu, Vladan Markov, Adam Muzzin, Lamiya Mowla, Gaël Noirot, Ghassan T. E. Sarrouh, Marcin Sawicki, Victoria Strait, Chris Willot

We present galaxy MACS0416-Y1 at z$_{\rm{spec}} = 8.312$ as observed by the CAnadian NIRISS Unbiased Cluster Survey (CANUCS). MACS0416-Y1 has been shown to have extreme dust properties, thus, we study the physical properties and star formation histories of its resolved components. Overall, we find that MACS0416-Y1 is undergoing a star formation burst in three resolved clumps. The central clump is less massive compared to the other clumps and possibly formed in the merging process of the two larger clumps. Although the star formation history indicates an ongoing star formation burst, this gas-rich galaxy shows comparable star formation efficiency to cosmic noon galaxies. Using NIRSpec prism spectroscopy, we measure metallicity, $12 +\log\rm{(O/H)} = 7.76\pm0.03$ , ionisation parameter, $\log U = -2.48\pm0.03$, and electron temperature $\rm{T}_e = 18000\pm 4000 K $. The emission line ratios of the galaxy indicate an evolved Interstellar medium (ISM) similar to $z\sim2$ star-forming galaxies. Further, we find possible presence of ionisation from an active galactic nuclei (AGN) using emission line diagnostics, however, we do not detect broad line component in H$\beta$ emission line. As this gas-rich galaxy is undergoing a major merger, we hypothesise that the high dust temperature in MACS0416-Y1 is caused by the star formation burst or a possible narrow-line AGN.

Pulkit Bansal (IIT Bombay), Joseph P Johnson (IISER Mohali), S. Shankaranarayanan (IIT Bombay)

In Cosmology, when dissipative effects are minimal, the energy content of the Universe can be effectively described as a sum of perfect fluids. Perfect fluid descriptions ensure thermal equilibrium since they equilibrate immediately. However, interactions among different energy content of the Universe might prevent such rapid equilibration. This limitation calls for a more fundamental framework that incorporates these interactions directly at the level of the action. In earlier work, two of the authors demonstrated that an interacting dark energy (DE)-dark matter (DM) field theory action could be derived from a modified gravity action via a conformal transformation, establishing a one-to-one correspondence between the field theory action and fluid for a unique interaction term [arXiv:2006.04618]. In this work, we extend that analysis by considering quadratic order Horndeski gravity, identifying two classes of models: field coupling and field-kinetic coupling. Our approach generalizes the coupling function for DE-DM interactions by incorporating an additional dependence on kinetic terms. We establish a field-to-fluid mapping for dark matter and find that this mapping only holds for a specific form of the interaction strength. Interestingly, we show that this interaction strength excludes non-gravitational interactions between dark energy and dark radiation. Numerical analysis reveals that purely kinetic interactions within the dark sector can significantly alter cosmological evolution compared to non-interacting scenarios, highlighting the strong dependence of cosmological dynamics on coupling strength. A preliminary examination of linear scalar perturbations indicates that the field-kinetic coupling results in a non-zero gravitational slip parameter and momentum exchange.

We use resolved spectroscopy from MaNGA to investigate the significance of both local and global properties of galaxies to the cessation of star formation at kpc scales. Quenched regions are identified from a sample of isolated disk galaxies by a single-parameter criterion $\rm {D}_n(4000)$ - $\log$ $\rm {EW}({H\alpha})$$~>1.6-\log 2=1.3$, and are divided into gas-rich quenched regions (GRQRs) and gas-poor quenched regions (GPQRs) according to the surface density of cold gas ($\rm \Sigma_{gas}$). Both types of quenched regions tend to be hosted by non-AGN galaxies with relatively high mass ($M_\ast$$\gtrsim 10^{10}M_\odot$) and red colors (${\rm NUV}-r \gtrsim 3$), as well as low star formation rate and high central density at fixed mass. They span wide ranges in other properties including structural parameters that are similar to the parent sample, indicating that the conditions responsible for quenching in gas-rich regions are largely independent on the global properties of galaxies. We train random forest (RF) classifiers and regressors for predicting quenching in our sample with 15 local/global properties. $\Sigma_\ast$ is the most important property for quenching except that should be considered as the results of quenching, especially for GRQRs. These results strongly indicate the important roles of low-mass hot evolved stars which are numerous and long-lived in quenched regions and can provide substantial radiation pressure to support the surrounding gas against gravitational collapse. The different feature importance for quenching as found previously by Bluck et al. (2020a,b) are partly due to the different definitions of quenched regions, particularly the different requirements on $\rm {EW}({H\alpha})$.

Beta Pictoris (Beta Pic)'s well-studied debris disk and two known giant planets, in combination with the stability of HST/STIS (and now also JWST), offers a unique opportunity to test planet-disk interaction models and to observe recent planetesimal collisions. We present HST/STIS coronagraphic imaging from two new epochs of data taken between 2021 and 2023, complementing earlier data taken in 1997 and 2012. This dataset enables the longest baseline and highest precision temporal comparison of any debris disk to date, with sensitivity to temporal surface brightness variations of sub-percentage levels in the midplane of the disk. While no localized surface brightness changes are detected, which would be indicative of a recent planetesimal collision, there is a tentative brightening of the SE side of the disk over the past decade. We link the constraints on surface brightness variations to dynamical models of the planetary system's evolution and to the collisional history of planetesimals. Using a coupled collisional model and injection/recovery framework, we estimate sensitivity to expanding collisional debris down to a Ceres-mass per progenitor in the most sensitive regions of the disk midplane. These results demonstrate the capabilities of long-baseline, temporal studies with HST (and also soon with JWST) for constraining the physical processes occurring within debris disks.

Knowledge of the orbits of visual binary stars has always been one of the fundamentals of astronomy. Based historically on the visual measures, nowadays the orbits rely more (or exclusively) on the accurate speckle data. This prompts reconsideration of the methods of orbit calculation, undertaken here and illustrated by 20 examples, from accurate to drastically revised and tentative orbits. Good understanding and critical assessment of the input data is a key requirement, especially concerning visual measures. Combination of visual and speckle data is still needed for long-period binaries, but the relative weights must match their respective errors. When the orbit can be fully constrained only by accurate speckle data, the old measures should be ignored. Orbits can be classified into three grades: A - fully constrained, B - semi-constrained, and C - preliminary or tentative. Typical use cases of visual orbits are listed. Accurate parallaxes from Gaia, together with the orbits, will greatly expand the data on stellar masses. Continued speckle monitoring will be an essential complement to Gaia, but the vast amount of new pairs will restrict future work on orbits to the most interesting or relevant objects.

The High Resolution Camera (HRCam) speckle imager at the 4.1 m Southern Astrophysical Research telescope is a highly productive instrument that has accumulated about 40K observations to date. Its performance (detected flux, level of the speckle signal, signal-to-noise ratio, and limiting magnitude) is studied here using both the actual data and realistic simulations, including the detector noise. In the calculation of the speckle power spectrum, signal clipping is essential to reduce the noise impact and maximize the sensitivity. Increasing exposure time of individual frames beyond 30 ms does not improve the limiting magnitude, which ranges from 11.5 to 14 mag under a seeing from 1.6" to 0.6" in the wide-band I filter. A gain of at least one magnitude is expected if the current electron multiplication CCD is replaced by a high-end CMOS detector with a sub-electron readout noise. This study will help in planning, executing, and automating future speckle observations with HRCam and other speckle imagers.

Z.-Y. Wang, A. Pastorello, K. Maeda, A. Reguitti, Y.-Z. Cai, D. Andrew Howell, S. Benetti, D. Buckley, E. Cappellaro, R. Carini, R. Cartier, T.-W. Chen, N. Elias-Rosa, Q.-L. Fang, A. Gal-Yam, A. Gangopadhyay, M. Gromadzki, W.-P. Gan, D. Hiramatsu, M.-K. Hu, C. Inserra, C. McCully, M. Nicholl, F.E. Olivares, G. Pignata, J. Pineda-Garc'ia, M. Pursiainen, F. Ragosta, A. Rau, R. Roy, J. Sollerman, L. Tartaglia, G. Terreran, G. Valerin, Q. Wang, S.-Q. Wang, D.R. Young, A. Aryan, M. Bronikowski, E. Concepcion, L. Galbany, H. Lin, A. Melandri, T. Petrushevska, M. Ramirez, D.-D Shi, B. Warwick, J.-J. Zhang, B. Wang, X.-F. Wang, X.-J. Zhu

We present optical and near-infrared observations of two Type Ibn supernovae (SNe), SN 2018jmt and SN 2019cj. Their light curves have rise times of about 10 days, reaching an absolute peak magnitude of $M_g$(SN 2018jmt) = $-$19.07 $\pm$ 0.37 and $M_V$(SN 2019cj) = $-$18.94 $\pm$ 0.19 mag, respectively. The early-time spectra of SN 2018jmt are dominated by a blue continuum, accompanied by narrow (600$-$1000 km~s$^{-1}$) He I lines with P-Cygni profile. At later epochs, the spectra become more similar to those of the prototypical SN Ibn 2006jc. At early phases, the spectra of SN 2019cj show flash ionisation emission lines of C III, N III and He II superposed on a blue continuum. These features disappear after a few days, and then the spectra of SN 2019cj evolve similarly to those of SN 2018jmt. The spectra indicate that the two SNe exploded within a He-rich circumstellar medium (CSM) lost by the progenitors a short time before the explosion. We model the light curves of the two SNe Ibn to constrain the progenitor and the explosion parameters. The ejecta masses are consistent with either that expected for a canonical SN Ib ($\sim$ 2 M$_{\odot}$) or those from a massive WR star ($>$ $\sim$ 4 M$_{\odot}$), with the kinetic energy on the order of $10^{51}$ erg. The lower limit on the ejecta mass ($>$ $\sim$ 2 M$_{\odot}$) argues against a scenario involving a relatively low-mass progenitor (e.g., $M_{ZAMS}$ $\sim$ 10 M$_{\odot}$). We set a conservative upper limit of $\sim$0.1 M$_{\odot}$ for the $^{56}$Ni masses in both SNe. From the light curve modelling, we determine a two-zone CSM distribution, with an inner, flat CSM component, and an outer CSM with a steeper density profile. The physical properties of SN 2018jmt and SN 2019cj are consistent with those expected from the core collapse of relatively massive, stripped-envelope (SE) stars.

Miguel A. Sabogal, Emanuelly Silva, Rafael C. Nunes, Suresh Kumar, Eleonora Di Valentino, William Giarè

In recent years, Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) observations, Weak Lensing surveys, and $f(z)\sigma_8(z)$ measurements from Redshift-Space Distortions (RSD) have revealed a significant ($\sim$3$-$5$\sigma$) discrepancy in the inferred value of the matter clustering parameter $S_8$. In this work, we investigate the implications of RSD for a cosmological framework postulating an interaction between Dark Energy (DE) and Dark Matter (DM). We explore scenarios where DM can transfer energy-momentum to DE or vice versa. The energy-momentum flow is characterized by the strength and the sign of the coupling parameter $\xi$. Our baseline analysis combines RSD measurements with the latest data from Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) observed by DESI, Type Ia Supernovae from the PantheonPlus sample, and CMB data from Planck. We demonstrate that RSD measurements provide significant additional information. When energy-momentum flows from DM to DE (i.e., $\xi < 0$), these measurements set stringent new bounds on the interaction strength. Conversely, when energy-momentum flows from DE to DM ($\xi > 0$), they favor interactions at more than the $2\sigma$ confidence level. Models with $\xi > 0$ can effectively resolve the tension in $S_8$, presenting them as compelling alternatives.

Yoko Okada (1), Slawa Kabanovic (1), Rolf Güsten (2), Volker Ossenkopf-Okada (1), Nicola Schneider (1), Robert Simon (1), Christof Buchbender (1), Ronan Higgins (1), Craig Yanitski (1), Markus Röllig (3, 1), Jürgen Stutzki (1), Daisuke Ishihara (4), Kunihiko Tanaka (5), Edward Chambers (6, 7), Netty Honingh (1), Matthias Justen (1), Denise Riquelme (8, 2) ((1) Universität zu Köln, (2) Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, (3) Physikalischer Verein, (4) Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, (5) Keio University, (6) SOFIA Science Center, (7) Space Science Institute, (8) Universidad de La Serena)

We investigate the dynamical and physical structures of bright-rimmed clouds (BRCs) in a nearby HII region. We focused on carbon- and oxygen-bearing species that trace photon-dominated regions (PDRs) and warm molecular cloud surfaces in order to understand the effect of UV radiation from the exciting stars on the cloud structure. We mapped four regions around the most prominent BRCs at scales of 4--10 arcmin in the HII region IC 1396 in [CII] 158 micron with (up)GREAT on board SOFIA. IC 1396 is predominantly excited by an O6.5V star. Toward IC 1396A, we also observed [OI] 63 micron and 145 micron. We combined these observations with JCMT archive data, which provide the low-J transitions of CO, $^{13}$CO, and C$^{18}$O. All spectra are velocity-resolved. The line profiles show a variety of velocity structures, which we investigated in detail for all observed emission lines. We find no clear sign of photoevaporating flows in the [CII] spectra, although the uncertainty in the location of the BRCs along the line of sight makes this interpretation inconclusive. Our analysis of the [$^{13}$CII] emission in IC 1396A suggests that the [CII] is likely mostly optically thin. The heating efficiency, measured by the ([CII]+[OI] 63 micron)/far-infrared intensity ratio, is higher in the northern part of IC 1396A than in the southern part, which may indicate a difference in the dust properties of the two areas. The complex velocity structures identified in the BRCs of IC 1396, which is apparently a relatively simple HII region, highlight the importance of velocity-resolved data for disentangling different components along the line of sight and thus facilitating a detailed study of the dynamics of the cloud. We also demonstrate that the optically thin [$^{13}$CII] and [OI] 145 micron emission lines are essential for a conclusive interpretation of the [CII] 158 micron and [OI] 63 micron line profiles.

Dingyi Zhao, Yingjie Peng, Yipeng Jing, Xiaohu Yang, Luis C. Ho, Alvio Renzini, Anna R. Gallazzi, Cheqiu Lyu, Roberto Maiolino, Jing Dou, Zeyu Gao, Qiusheng Gu, Filippo Mannucci, Houjun Mo, Bitao Wang, Enci Wang, Kai Wang, Yu-Chen Wang, Bingxiao Xu, Feng Yuan, Xingye Zhu

In $\Lambda$CDM cosmology, galaxies form and evolve in their host dark matter (DM) halos. Halo mass is crucial for understanding the halo-galaxy connection. The abundance matching (AM) technique has been widely used to derive the halo masses of galaxy groups. However, quenching of the central galaxy can decouple the coevolution of its stellar mass and DM halo mass. Different halo assembly histories can also result in significantly different final stellar mass of the central galaxies. These processes can introduce substantial uncertainties in the halo masses derived from the AM method, particularly leading to a systematic bias between groups with star-forming centrals (blue groups) and passive centrals (red groups). To improve, we developed a new machine learning (ML) algorithm that accounts for these effects and is trained on simulations. Our results show that the ML method eliminates the systematic bias in the derived halo masses for blue and red groups and is, on average, $\sim1/3$ more accurate than the AM method. With careful calibration of observable quantities from simulations and observations from SDSS, we apply our ML model to the SDSS Yang et al. groups to derive their halo masses down to $10^{11.5}\mathrm{M_\odot}$ or even lower. The derived SDSS group halo mass function agrees well with the theoretical predictions, and the derived stellar-to-halo mass relations for both red and blue groups matches well with those obtained from direct weak lensing measurements. These new halo mass estimates enable more accurate investigation of the galaxy-halo connection and the role of the halos in galaxy evolution.

S. Orlando, M. Miceli, D.J. Patnaude, P.P. Plucinsky, S.-H. Lee, C. Badenes, H.-T. Janka, A. Wongwathanarat, J. Raymond, M. Sasaki, E. Churazov, I. Khabibullin, F. Bocchino, D. Castro, M. Millard

(Abridged) Core-collapse supernova remnants (SNRs) display complex morphologies and asymmetries, reflecting anisotropies from the explosion and early interactions with the circumstellar medium (CSM). Spectral analysis of these remnants can provide critical insights into supernova (SN) engine dynamics, the nature of progenitor stars, and the final stages of stellar evolution, including mass-loss mechanisms in the millennia leading up to the SN. This white paper evaluates the potential of the Line Emission Mapper (LEM), an advanced X-ray probe concept proposed in response to NASA 2023 APEX call, to deliver high-resolution spectra of SNRs. Such capabilities would allow detailed analysis of parent SNe and progenitor stars, currently beyond our possibilities. We employed a hydrodynamic model that simulates the evolution of a neutrino-driven SN from core-collapse to a 2000-year-old mature remnant. This model successfully replicates the large-scale properties of Cassiopeia A at an age of about 350 years. Using this model, we synthesized mock LEM spectra from different regions of the SNR, considering factors like line shifts and broadening due to plasma bulk motion and thermal ion motion, deviations from ionization and temperature equilibrium, and interstellar medium absorption. Analyzing these mock spectra with standard tools revealed LEM impressive capabilities. We demonstrated that fitting these spectra with plasma models accurately recovers the line-of-sight velocity of the ejecta, enabling 3D structure exploration of shocked ejecta, similar to optical methods. LEM also distinguishes between Doppler and thermal broadening of ion lines and measures ion temperatures near the limb of SNRs, providing insights into ion heating at shock fronts and cooling in post-shock flows. This study highlights LEM potential to advance our understanding of core-collapse SN dynamics and related processes.

Dhwanil Patel, Momen Diab, Ross Cheriton, Jacob Taylor, Libertad Rojas, Suresh Sivanandam

Many modern astronomical instruments rely on the optimal coupling of starlight into single-mode fibers (SMFs). For ground-based telescopes, this coupling is limited by atmospheric turbulence. We propose an integrated wavefront corrector based on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) photonics, which samples the aberrated wavefront via a microlens array (MLA). The MLA focuses the sampled wavefront onto an array of grating couplers that inject the beamlets into the single-mode waveguides of the corrector. The beams in each waveguide are then shifted in phase using thermo-optic phase shifters before combining the co-phased beams into one single-mode waveguide. In this work, we analyze the external factors that we anticipate will impact the performance of the corrector. Specifically, we study the effects of the telescope pupil function with obscuration, determine whether the corrector requires tip/tilt pre-correction, and analyze the impact of scintillation on the correction quality.

We analyze distributions of the spatial scales of coherent intermittent structures -- current sheets -- obtained from fully kinetic, two-dimensional simulations of relativistic plasma turbulence using unsupervised machine-learning data dissection. We find that the distribution functions of sheet length $\ell$ (longest scale of the analyzed structure in the direction perpendicular to the dominant guide field) and curvature $r_c$ (radius of a circle fitted to the structures) can be well-approximated by power-law distributions, indicating self-similarity of the structures. The distribution for the sheet width $w$ (shortest scale of the structure) peaks at the kinetic scales and decays exponentially at larger values. The data shows little or no correlation between $w$ and $\ell$, as expected from theoretical considerations. The typical $r_c$ depends linearly on $\ell$, which indicates that the sheets all have a similar curvature relative to their sizes. We find a weak correlation between $r_c$ and $w$. Our results can be used to inform realistic magnetohydrodynamic sub-grid models for plasma turbulence in high-energy astrophysics.

Luis A. Escamilla, Emre Özülker, Özgür Akarsu, Eleonora Di Valentino, J. A. Vázquez

We parameterize the Hubble function by adding Hermitian wavelets to the Hubble radius of $\Lambda$CDM. This allows us to build Hubble functions that oscillate around $\Lambda$CDM at late times without modifying its angular diameter distance to last scattering. We perform parameter inference and model selection procedures on these new Hubble functions at the background level. In our analyses consisting of a wide variety of cosmological observations, we find that baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) data play a crucial role in determining the constraints on the wavelet parameters. In particular, we focus on the differences between SDSS- and DESI-BAO datasets and find that wavelets provide a better fit to the data when either of the BAO datasets is present. However, DESI-BAO has a preference for the center of the wavelets to be around $z \sim 0.7$, while SDSS-BAO prefers higher redshifts of $z > 1$. This difference appears to be driven by the discrepancies between these two datasets in their $D_H / r_{\rm d}$ measurements at $z = 0.51$ and $z \sim 2.3$. Finally, we also derive the consequences of the wavelets on a dark energy component. We find that the dark energy density oscillates by construction and also attains negative values at large redshifts ($z\gtrsim2$) as a consequence of the SDSS-BAO data. We conclude that while the early universe and the constraints on the matter density and the Hubble constant remain unchanged, wavelets are favored in the late universe by the BAO data. Specifically, there is a significant improvement at more than $3\sigma$ in the fit when new DESI-BAO data are included in the analysis.

Tom Wagg, Mario Juric, Peter Yoachim, Jake Kurlander, Sam Cornwall, Joachim Moeyens, Siegfried Eggl, R. Lynne Jones, Peter Birtwhistle

We simulate and analyse the contribution of the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) to the rate of discovery of Near Earth Object (NEO) candidates, their submission rates to the NEO Confirmation page (NEOCP), and the resulting demands on the worldwide NEO follow-up observation system. We find that, when using current NEOCP listing criteria, Rubin will typically contribute ~129 new objects to the NEOCP each night in the first year, an increase of ~8x relative to present day. Only 8.3% of the objects listed for follow-up will be NEOs, with the primary contaminant being a background of yet undiscovered, faint, main belt asteroids (MBAs). We consider follow-up prioritisation strategies to lessen the impact on the NEO follow-up system. We develop an algorithm that predicts (with 68% accuracy) whether Rubin itself will self recover any given tracklet; external follow-up of such candidates can be de-prioritised. With this algorithm enabled, the follow-up list would be reduced to 64 NEO candidates per night (with ~8.4% purity). We propose additional criteria based on trailing, apparent magnitude, and ecliptic latitude to further prioritise follow-up. We hope observation planners and brokers will adopt some of these open-source algorithms, enabling the follow-up community to effectively keep up with the NEOCP in the early years of LSST.

Nader Khonji (1), Alessia Gualandris (1), Justin I. Read (1), Walter Dehnen (2) ((1) University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, (2) Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg, Germany)

Scouring by supermassive black hole (SMBH) binaries is the most accepted mechanism for the formation of the cores seen in giant elliptical galaxies. However, an additional mechanism is required to explain the largest observed cores. Gravitational wave (GW) recoil is expected to trigger further growth of the core, as subsequent heating from dynamical friction of the merged SMBH removes stars from the central regions. We model core formation in massive elliptical galaxies from both binary scouring and heating by GW recoil and examine their unique signatures. We aim to determine if the nature of cores in 3D space density can be attributed uniquely to either process and if the magnitude of the kick can be inferred. We perform $N$-body simulations of galactic mergers of multicomponent galaxies, based on the observed parameters of four massive elliptical galaxies with cores $> 0.5$ kpc. After binary scouring and hardening, the merged SMBH remnant is given a range of GW recoil kicks with $0.5$-$0.9$ of the escape speed of the galaxy. We find that binary scouring alone can form the cores of NGC 1600 and A2147-BCG, which are $< 1.3$ kpc in size. However, the $> 2$ kpc cores in NGC 6166 and A2261-BCG require heating from GW recoil kicks of $< 0.5$ of the galaxy escape speed. A unique feature of GW recoil heating is flatter cores in surface brightness, corresponding to truly flat cores in 3D space density. It also preferentially removes stars on low angular momentum orbits from the galactic nucleus.

Understanding the climate dynamics at the inner edge of the habitable zone (HZ) is crucial for predicting the habitability of rocky exoplanets. Previous studies using Global Climate Models (GCMs) have indicated that planets receiving high stellar flux can exhibit climate bifurcations, leading to bistability between a cold (temperate) and a hot (runaway) climate. However, the mechanism causing this bistability has not been fully explained, in part due to the difficulty associated with inferring mechanisms from small numbers of expensive numerical simulations in GCMs. In this study, we employ a two-column (dayside and nightside), two-layer climate model to investigate the physical mechanisms driving this bistability. Through mechanism-denial experiments, we demonstrate that the runaway greenhouse effect, coupled with a cloud feedback on either the dayside or nightside, leads to climate bistability. We also map out the parameters that control the location of the bifurcations and size of the bistability. This work identifies which mechanisms and GCM parameters control the stellar flux at which rocky planets are likely to retain a hot, thick atmosphere if they experience a hot start. This is critical for the prioritization of targets and interpretation of observations by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). Furthermore, our modeling framework can be extended to planets with different condensable species and cloud types.

C. A. Braga, M. Cruces, T. Cassanelli, M.C. Espinoza-Dupouy, L. Rodriguez, L. G. Spitler, J. Vera-Casanova, P. Limaye

FRB 20121102A was the first fast radio burst to be observed to repeat. Since then, thousands of bursts have been detected by multiple radio telescopes around the world. Previous work has shown an indication of a cyclic activity level with a periodicity around 160 days. Knowing when the source repeats is essential for planning multi-wavelength monitoring to constrain their emission extend and progenitor source. We report the monitoring of FRB 20121102A using the 100-m Effelsberg radio telescope at L-band and update the periodicity of the cyclic activity-level. We use the Lomb-Scargle periodogram on a sample of 272 observing epochs where 41% correspond to detections and 59% to non-detections. Our dataset is composed of the 7 epochs of our monitoring plus publicly available data. We investigate two methods, i) binary model, describing the observing epochs with 1 if there are detections and with 0 for non-detections. ii) normalised rates model: which considers the inferred detections rates. We report no detections in 12.5-hour observations down to a fluence of 0.29 Jy ms. The best period found for the cyclic activity window is $159.3 \pm 0.8$ days for the binary model and $159.3 \pm 0.3$ days for the normalised rates model. The activity phase is shown to be 53%. The normalised rates shows a clear Gaussian-like behaviour for the activity level, where the number of detections peak at the centre of the activity window. The periodicity found through both methods is consistent for the L and S-band datasets implying it is intrinsic to the source. The activity phase in S-band however shows an indication of it ending before the L-band activity phase, supporting the idea of chromatic dependence of the activity window. The sample at C-band however is not large enough to further confirm this result.

We present new single field inflationary scenarios that produce the critical abundance of primordial black holes as dark matter reconstructing the inflaton potential from an input power spectrum. The method is exact in the slow roll approximation but remains effective even when the slow roll conditions are temporarily violated such as in ultra slow roll models. With this method we construct new ultra slow roll scenarios and also models that reproduce the DM abundance within the slow roll regime. As a second application we consider a scalar power spectrum that generates a secondary gravitational wave background compatible with the one recently observed in Pulsar Timing Arrays experiments. These scenarios could be tested by future observations of $\mu-$distortions of the CMB.

Nicole Melso, David Schiminovich, Meghna Sitaram, Ignacio Cevallos-Aleman, Bárbara Cruvinel Santiago, Brian Smiley, Hwei Ru Ong

We have performed wide-field, ultra-low surface brightness H$\alpha$ emission line mapping around NGC 1068 with the newly commissioned Circumgalactic H$\alpha$ Spectrograph (\chas). NGC 1068 is notable for its active galactic nucleus, which globally ionizes gas in the disk and halo. Line-emitting diffuse ionized gas is distributed throughout the galactic disk and large-scale ionized filaments are found well beyond the disk, aligned with the cone angle of the central jet. We report the discovery of a new Ribbon of ionized gas around NGC 1068 beyond even the known outer filamentary structure, located 20 kpc from the galaxy. The H$\alpha$ surface brightness of this Ribbon is on the order of the bright Telluric lines, ranging from $[4-16]$ R with fainter regions on the order of the sky background continuum. Unlike previous extended emission, the Ribbon is not as well aligned with the current axis of the central jet. It is not associated with any galactic structure or known tidal features in the halo of NGC 1068, though it may originate from a larger distribution of unmapped neutral atomic or molecular gas in the halo. The morphology of the Ribbon emission in H$\alpha$ is correlated with extended UV emission around NGC 1068. H$\alpha$ to UV flux ratios in the Ribbon are comparable to extended emission line ratios in the halos of NGC 5128, NGC 253, and M82. The H$\alpha$ excess in the Ribbon gas suggests ionization by slow-shocks or a mixture of in-situ star formation and photoionization and collisional ionization processes.