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Papers for Thursday, Aug 29 2024

Papers with local authors

Sandip Roy, Xuejian Shen, Jared Barron, Mariangela Lisanti, David Curtin, Norman Murray, Philip F. Hopkins
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Paper 4 — arXiv:2408.15317
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Paper 4 — arXiv:2408.15317

We present the first suite of cosmological hydrodynamical zoom-in simulations of isolated dwarf galaxies for a dark sector that consists of Cold Dark Matter and a strongly-dissipative sub-component. The simulations are implemented in GIZMO and include standard baryons following the FIRE-2 galaxy formation physics model. The dissipative dark matter is modeled as Atomic Dark Matter (aDM), which forms a dark hydrogen gas that cools in direct analogy to the Standard Model. Our suite includes seven different simulations of $\sim 10^{10} M_{\odot}$ systems that vary over the aDM microphysics and the dwarf's evolutionary history. We identify a region of aDM parameter space where the cooling rate is aggressive and the resulting halo density profile is universal. In this regime, the aDM gas cools rapidly at high redshifts and only a small fraction survives in the form of a central dark gas disk; the majority collapses centrally into collisionless dark "clumps", which are clusters of sub-resolution dark compact objects. These dark clumps rapidly equilibrate in the inner galaxy, resulting in an approximately isothermal distribution that can be modeled with a simple fitting function. Even when only a small fraction ($\sim 5\%$) of the total dark matter is strongly dissipative, the central densities of classical dwarf galaxies can be enhanced by over an order of magnitude, providing a sharp prediction for observations.

Matthew C. Smith, Drummond B. Fielding, Greg L. Bryan, Jake S. Bennett, Chang-Goo Kim, Eve C. Ostriker, Rachel S. Somerville
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Paper 6 — arXiv:2408.15321
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Paper 6 — arXiv:2408.15321

Arkenstone is a new scheme that allows multiphase, stellar feedback-driven winds to be included in coarse resolution cosmological simulations. The evolution of galactic winds and their subsequent impact on the circumgalactic medium are altered by exchanges of mass, energy, momentum, and metals between their component phases. These exchanges are governed by complex, small-scale physical processes that cannot be resolved in cosmological simulations. In this second presentation paper, we describe Arkenstone's novel cloud particle approach for modelling unresolvable cool clouds entrained in hot, fast winds. This general framework allows models of the cloud-wind interaction, derived from state-of-the-art high-resolution simulations, to be applied in a large-scale context. In this work, we adopt a cloud evolution model that captures simultaneous cloud mass loss to and gain from the ambient hot phase via turbulent mixing and radiative cooling, respectively. We demonstrate the scheme using non-cosmological idealized simulations of a galaxy with a realistic circumgalactic medium component, using the Arepo code. We show that the ability of a high-specific energy wind component to perform preventative feedback may be limited by heavy loading of cool clouds coupled into it. We demonstrate that the diverging evolution of clouds of initially differing masses leads to a complex velocity field for the cool phase and a cloud mass function that varies both spatially and temporally in a non-trivial manner. These latter two phenomena can manifest in the simulation because of our choice of a Lagrangian discretisation of the cloud population, in contrast to other proposed schemes. This is a Learning the Universe publication.

Sebastian Gomez, Tea Temim, Ori Fox, V. Ashley Villar, Melissa Shahbandeh, Chris Ashall, Jacob E. Jencson, Danial Langeroodi, Ilse De Looze, Dan Milisavljevic, Justin Pierel, Armin Rest, Tamás Szalai, Samaporn Tinyanont
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Paper 15 — arXiv:2408.15397
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Paper 15 — arXiv:2408.15397

We present JWST/MIRI observations of the Type I superluminous supernova (SLSN) 2017gci taken over 2000 rest-frame days after the supernova (SN) exploded, which represent the latest phase images taken of any known SLSN. We find that archival \WISE detections of SN\,2017gci taken 70 to 200 days after explosion are most likely explained by an IR dust echo from a $\sim 3 \times 10^{-4}$ M$_\odot$ shell of pre-existing dust, as opposed to freshly-formed dust. New JWST observations reveal IR emission in the field of SN\,2017gci, which we determine is most likely dominated by the host galaxy of the SN, based on the expected flux of the galaxy and the measurable separation between said emission and the location of the SN. Based on models for IR emission of carbonate dust, we place a $3\sigma$ upper limit of $0.83$ M$_\odot$ of dust formed in SN\,2017gci, with a lowest $1\sigma$ limit of $0.44$ M$_\odot$. Infrared (IR) detections of other SLSNe have suggested that SLSNe could be among the most efficient dust producers in the universe. Our results suggest that SLSNe do not necessarily form more dust than other types of SNe, but instead might have a more accelerated dust formation process. More IR observations of a larger sample of SLSNe will be required to determine how efficient dust production is in SLSNe.

We investigate the origin of very long-periodic pulsations (VLPs) in the white-light emission of an X6.4 flare on 2024 February 22 (SOL2024-02-22T22:08), which occurred at the edge of a sunspot group. The flare white-light fluxes reveal four successive and repetitive pulsations, which are simultaneously measured by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager and the White-light Solar Telescope. A quasi-period of 8.6$^{+1.5}_{-1.9}$ minutes, determined by the Morlet wavelet transform, is detected in the visible continuum channel. The modulation depth, which is defined as the ratio between the oscillatory amplitude and its long-term trend, is smaller than 0.1%, implying that the QPP feature is a weak wave process. Imaging observations show that the X6.4 flare occurs near a sunspot group. Moreover, the white-light brightening is located in sunspot penumbra, and a similar quasi-period of about 8.5$^{+1.6}_{-1.8}$ minutes is identified in one penumbral location of the nearest sunspot. The map of Fourier power distribution suggests that a similar periodicity is universally existing in most parts of the penumbra that is close to the penumbral-photospheric boundary. Our observations support the scenario of that the white-light QPP is probably modulated by the slow-mode magnetoacoustic gravity wave leaking from the sunspot penumbra.

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The mass-radius relationship of white dwarfs (WDs) is one of their defining characteristics, largely derived from electron degeneracy pressure. We present a model-independent study of the observed mass-radius relationship in WD binaries of \cite{Parsons_2017}, listing data over a broad temperature range up to about 60,000 K (5 eV). The data show an appreciable temperature sensitivity with pronounced intrinsic scatter (beyond measurement uncertainty) for the canonical He-models with proton-to-neutron ratio 1:1. We characterize temperature sensitivity by a temperature scale $T_0$ in model-agnostic power-law relations with temperature normalized radius. For low-mass WDs, the results identify a remarkably modest $T_0 = 1 \sim 2 $ eV. We comment on a potential interpretation for atmospheres insulating super-Eddington temperature cores from the sub-Eddington photospheres of low-mass WDs.

Hans J Deeg (1, 2), Laurance R Doyle (3) ((1) Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, (2) Univ. La Laguna, (3) Carl Sagan Center, SETI Institute)

Circumbinary planets (CBPs) are planets that orbit around both stars of a binary system. This chapter traces the history of research on CBPs and provides an overview over the current knowledge about CBPs and their detection methods. After early speculations about CBPs, inspired by binary star systems and popularized by fictional works, their scientific exploration began with the identification of circumbinary dust disks and progressed to the detection and characterization of the current sample of CBPs. The major part of this review presents the detection methods for CBPs: eclipse timing variations from the light-travel-time effect and from dynamical interactions, transits, radial velocities, direct imaging, gravitational microlensing and astrometry. Each of these methods is described with its strengths and limitations and the main characeristics of the CBP systems found by them are outlined. The potential habitability of CBPs is considered, taking into account the unique environmental conditions created by orbiting a stellar binary. The importance of multi-method detection strategies is underscored, and future advancements from upcoming missions like PLATO are anticipated, promising to expand the understanding of these intriguing celestial bodies.

We investigate the impact of dark matter on neutron star properties using the relativistic mean-field theory. By incorporating the dark matter model, we explore how dark matter parameters, specifically dark matter mass and Fermi momentum, influence nuclear saturation properties, the equation of state, and the mass-radius relationship of neutron stars. We also examine the universal relation between dimensionless tidal deformability and compactness in the presence of dark matter. Our results show that the inclusion of dark matter significantly alters nuclear saturation properties, leading to higher incompressibility and symmetry energy values. Notably, higher dark matter Fermi momenta and masses result in more compact neutron star configurations with reduced radii and lower maximum masses, highlighting a complex interplay between dark matter and nuclear matter. Deviations from the universal relation are observed with dark matter inclusion, particularly for neutron stars with lower compactness. By leveraging observational data from PSR J0740+6620, GW170817, and Neutron star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) measurements of PSR J0030+0451, we derive stringent constraints on dark matter parameter space within neutron stars, emphasizing the necessity of integrating multimodal observations to delineate the properties of dark matter along with neutron stars. Our findings underscore the importance of considering dark matter effects in neutron star modeling and suggest potential refinements for current theoretical frameworks to accurately predict neutron star properties under various astrophysical conditions.

Carlos Jurado, Lauren M. Weiss, Laura Daclison, Benjamin M. Tofflemire, Jerome A. Orosz, William F. Welsh

We obtained new spectra of Kepler-34 and Kepler-35 with Keck-HIRES, nearly a decade after these systems were originally characterized with this spectrograph and other instruments, to search for RV trends from a potential third stellar-mass companion at long periods. For Kepler-34, we rule out coplanar stellar masses as low as $0.12 M_\odot$ at an orbital period of $\lesssim 52$ years. For Kepler-35, we rule out stellar masses of $0.13 M_\odot$ at orbital periods of $\lesssim 55$ years. Highly stable, extreme precision RV instruments, as well as improved methodologies in characterizing double-lined spectroscopic binaries that come with these new instruments, will provide an opportunity to push these mass limits lower in the future.

Ground-based thermal infrared observations face substantial challenges in correcting the predominant background emitted as thermal radiation from the atmosphere and the telescope itself. With the upcoming 40\,m class ELTs, unprecedented sensitivities from ground will be reached, underlining the need of even more sophisticated background correction strategies. This study aims to investigate the impact of thermal backgrounds on ground-based observations and identify possible limiting factors in dedicated correction strategies. We evaluate temporal and spatial characteristics of the thermal background in direct imaging data obtained with different telescopes and observation modes. In particular, three distinct datasets, acquired using VLT/NACO and KECK/NIRC2, are analyzed. Our analysis reveals that the observations are not fully photon shot noise limited, but exhibit additional sensitivity losses caused by imperfect background compensation in the different datasets. We identify correlations between background fluctuations and the activity of the adaptive optics system. We hypothesize that the pupil modulation of the adaptive optics mirrors introduces high frequency spatial and temporal fluctuations to the background, which could ultimately constrain the detection limit if they are not compensated adequately.

Numerous stars exhibit surprisingly large variations in their refractory element abundances, often interpreted as signatures of planetary ingestion events. In this study, we propose that differences in the dust-to-gas ratio near stars during their formation can produce similar observational signals. We investigate this hypothesis using a suite of radiation-dust-magnetohydrodynamic STARFORGE simulations of star formation. Our results show that the distribution of refractory abundance variations ($\rm \Delta [X/H]$) has extended tails, with about 10-30% of all stars displaying variations around $\sim$0.1 dex. These variations are comparable to the accretion of $2-5 \rm M_\oplus$ of planetary material into the convective zones of Sun-like stars. The width of the distributions increases with the incorporation of more detailed dust physics, such as radiation pressure and back-reaction forces, as well as with larger dust grain sizes and finer resolutions. Furthermore, our simulations reveal no correlation between $\rm \Delta [X/H]$ and stellar separations, suggesting that dust-to-gas fluctuations likely occur on scales smaller than those of wide binaries. These findings highlight the importance of considering dust dynamics as a potential source of the observed chemical enrichment in stars.

Starburst wind models predict that metals and energy are primarily carried out of the disk by hot gas ($T > 10^{6}$ K), but the low energy resolution of X-ray CCD observations results in large uncertainties on the mass and energy loading. Here, we present evidence for a fast soft X-ray wind from the prototypical starburst galaxy M82 using deep archival observations from the Reflection Grating Spectrometer on XMM-Newton. After characterizing the complex line-spread function for the spatially extended outflow ($\approx 4'$), we perform emission-line fitting to measure the velocity dispersion, $\sigma_{\text{v}}$, from OVIII (0.65, 0.77 keV), NeX (1.02 keV), and MgXII (1.47 keV). For the $T \approx 3 \times 10^{6}$ K gas, OVIII yields a velocity dispersion of $\sigma_{\text{v}} = 1160^{+100}_{-90}$ km s$^{-1}$, implying a wind speed that is significantly above the escape velocity ($v_{\text{esc}} \lesssim 450$ km s$^{-1}$). NeX ($\sigma_{\text{v}} = 550^{+130}_{-150}$ km s$^{-1}$) and MgXII ($\sigma_{\text{v}} < 370$ km s$^{-1}$) show less velocity broadening than OVIII, hinting at a lower wind speed or smaller opening angle on the more compact spatial scales traced by the $T \approx (0.6 - 1) \times 10^{7}$ K gas. Alternatively, these higher energy emission lines may be dominated by shock-heated gas in the interstellar medium. Future synthesis of these measurements with Performance Verification observations of the $E = 2 - 12$ keV wind in M82 from the Resolve microcalorimeter on the X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission will inform the phase structure and energy budget of the hot starburst wind.

We measure the mass distribution of main-sequence (MS) companions to hot subdwarf B stars (sdBs) in post-common envelope binaries (PCEBs). We carried out a spectroscopic survey of 14 eclipsing systems ("HW Vir binaries") with orbital periods of $3.8 < P_{\rm orb} < 12$ hours, resulting in a well-understood selection function and a near-complete sample of HW Vir binaries with $G < 16$. We constrain companion masses from the radial velocity curves of the sdB stars. The companion mass distribution peaks at $M_{\rm MS}\approx 0.15 M_{\odot}$ and drops off at $M_{\rm MS} > 0.2\,M_{\odot}$, with only two systems hosting companions above the fully-convective limit. There is no correlation between $P_{\rm orb}$ and $M_{\rm MS}$ within the sample. A similar drop-off in the companion mass distribution of white dwarf (WD) + MS PCEBs has been attributed to disrupted magnetic braking (MB) below the fully-convective limit. We compare the sdB companion mass distribution to predictions of binary evolution simulations with a range of MB laws. Because sdBs have short lifetimes compared to WDs, explaining the lack of higher-mass MS companions to sdBs with disrupted MB requires MB to be boosted by a factor of 20-100 relative to MB laws inferred from the rotation evolution of single stars. We speculate that such boosting may be a result of irradiation-driven enhancement of the MS stars' winds. An alternative possibility is that common envelope evolution favors low-mass companions in short-period orbits, but the existence of massive WD companions to sdBs with similar periods disfavors this scenario.

Coleman Dean, Rodrigo Fernández

arXiv:2403.08877 . Minor changes in the arXiv abstract to fit character limit

We investigate nucleosynthesis in the sub-relativistic outflows from black hole (BH) accretion disks formed in failed supernovae from rapidly-rotating Wolf-Rayet stars. These disks reach the neutrino-cooled regime during a portion of their evolution, undergoing significant neutronization and thus having the potential to support the $r$-process. Here, we analyze the formation of heavy elements in the ejecta from global, axisymmetric, long-term, viscous hydrodynamic simulations of these systems that include neutrino emission and absorption, Newtonian self-gravity, a pseudo-Newtonian potential for the BH gravity, and a 19-isotope nuclear network. Tracer particles are used for post-processing with a larger network. In addition to analyzing models from a previous paper, we present new models in which we modify the rotation profile of the progenitor star, to maximize neutrino reprocessing of circularized mass shells. All of our models produce several $M_\odot$ of O, followed by about a solar mass of C, Ne, and Ni, with other alpha elements produced in smaller quantities. Only one of our models, with the lowest viscosity, yields significant amounts of first $r$-process peak elements, with negligible yields at higher nuclear masses. The rest of the set, including models with a modified rotation profile, produces very small or negligible quantities of elements beyond the iron group. Models that produce the heaviest elements (up to $A\sim200$) do so along the proton-rich side of the valley of stability at high entropy ($s/k_B\sim80$), pointing to the $rp$-process as a mechanism that operates in collapsars. The absence of neutron-rich ejecta proves to be insensitive to changes in the rotation profile of the star, suggesting that heavy $r$-process elements are difficult to produce in collapsars if no large-scale poloidal magnetic field is present in the disk to drive outflows during neutronization.

Saverio Cambioni, Benjamin P. Weiss, Erik Asphaug, Kathryn Volk, Alexandre Emsenhuber, John B. Biersteker, Zifan Lin, Robert Melikyan

Planets and stars are expected to be compositionally linked because they accrete from the same material reservoir. However, astronomical observations revealed the existence of exoplanets whose bulk density is far higher than what is expected from host-stars' composition. A commonly-invoked theory is that these high-density exoplanets are the metallic cores of super-Earth-sized planets whose rocky mantles were stripped by giant impacts. Here, by combining orbital dynamics and impact physics, we show that mantle-stripping giant impacts between super-Earths are unlikely to occur at rates sufficient to explain the observed size and currently estimated abundance of the high-density exoplanets. We explain this as the interplay of two main factors: the parent super-Earths being in most cases smaller than 2 Earth radii; and the efficiency of mantle stripping decreasing with increasing planetary size. We conclude that most of the observed high-density exoplanets are unlikely to be metal-rich giant-impact remnants.

Context. The coincident detection of GW170817 and GRB170817A marked a milestone for the connection between binary neutron star (BNS) mergers and short gamma-ray bursts (sGRBs). These mergers can lead to the formation of a black hole surrounded by a disk and the generation of a powerful jet. It spends energy to break free from the merger ejecta, and then a portion of it, is dissipated to produce observable emissions. Aims. Our primary goal is to enhance our comprehension of BNS mergers by constraining the disk mass for a selection of sGRBs, utilizing isotropic gamma-ray luminosity and corresponding emission times as key indicators. Methods. In this study, we leverage data from GW170817 to estimate the disk mass surrounding the BNS merger remnant and subsequently infer the accretion-to-jet efficiency. Then statistically examine other sGRBs observations to estimate the possibility of being induced by BNS mergers Results. Our findings suggest that, when employing similar physical parameters as in the sole observed BNS-powered GRB event, GRB170817A, a substantial fraction of sGRBs necessitate an unrealistically massive disk remnant. Conclusions. This observation raises the possibility that either a different mechanis

Recent period investigations of the Post-Common Envelop Binary (PCEB) NSVS 14256825 suggested that two circumbinary companions were necessary to explain the observed Eclipse Timing Variations (ETVs). Our objective was to search for the best-fitting curve of two LTTE terms in the ETV diagram, implementing a grid search optimization scheme of Keplerian (kinematic) and Newtonian (N-body) fits, alongside a dynamical stability analysis of N-body simulations. We compiled two datasets of archival photometric data covering a different timeline and updated them with new observations and with three new times of minima (TOMs) calculated from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (\textit{TESS}). A grid search optimization process was implemented and the resulted solutions, that fell within the $90\%$ confidence interval of the best-fitting curve of the ETV diagram, were tested for orbital stability using N-body simulations and the MEGNO chaos indicator. The Keplerian and Netwonian fits are in close agreement and hundreds of stable configurations were identified for both datasets reaching a lifetime of 1 Myr. Our results suggest that the ETV data can be explained by the presence of a circumbinary planet with mass $m_b=11 M_{Jup.}$ in a nearly circular inner orbit of period $P_b = 7$ yr. The outer orbit is unconstrained with a period range $P_c=20-50$ yr (from 3:1 to 7:1 MMR) for a circumbinary body of substellar mass ($m_c=11-70 M_{Jup.}$). The stable solutions of the minimum and maximum reduced chi-square value were integrated for 100 Myr and confirmed a non-chaotic behavior. Their residuals in the ETV data could be explained by a spin-orbit-coupling model (Applegate-Lanza). Continuous monitoring of the system is required in order to refine and constrain the proposed solutions.

Anibal Sierra, Laura M. Pérez, Benjamín Sotomayor, Myriam Benisty, Claire J. Chandler, Sean Andrews, John Carpenter, Thomas Henning, Leonardo Testi, Luca Ricci, David Wilner

The physical origin of the large cavities observed in transition disks is to date still unclear. Different physical mechanisms (e.g., a companion, dead zones, enhanced grain growth) produce disk cavities of different depth, and the expected spatial distribution of gas and solids in each mechanism is not the same. In this work, we analyze the multi-wavelength interferometric visibilities of dust continuum observations obtained with ALMA and VLA for six transition disks: CQTau, UXTau A, LkCa15, RXJ1615, SR24S, and DMTau, and calculate brightness radial profiles, where diverse emission morphology is revealed at different wavelengths. The multi-wavelength data is used to model the spectral energy distribution and compute constraints on the radial profile of the dust surface density, maximum grain size, and dust temperature in each disk. They are compared with the observational signatures expected from various physical mechanisms responsible for disk cavities. The observational signatures suggest that the cavities observed in the disks around UXTau A, LkCa15, and RXJ1615 could potentially originate from a dust trap created by a companion. Conversely, in the disks around CQTau, SR24S, DMTau, the origin of the cavity remains unclear, although it is compatible with a pressure bump and grain growth within the cavity.

We present the substellar mass function of star-forming clusters ($\simeq$0.1 Myr old) in a low-metallicity environment ($\simeq$$-$0.7 dex). We performed deep JWST/NIRCam and MIRI imaging of two star-forming clusters in Digel Cloud 2, a star-forming region in the Outer Galaxy ($R_G \gtrsim 15$ kpc). The very high sensitivity and spatial resolution of JWST enable us to resolve cluster members clearly down to a mass detection limit of 0.02 $M_\odot$, enabling the first detection of brown dwarfs in low-metallicity clusters. Fifty-two and ninety-one sources were extracted in mass-$A_V$-limited samples in the two clusters, from which Initial mass functions (IMFs) were derived by model-fitting the F200W band luminosity function, resulting in IMF peak masses (hereafter $M_C$) $\log M_C / M_\odot \simeq -1.5 \pm 0.5$ for both clusters. Although the uncertainties are rather large, the obtained $M_C$ values are lower than those in any previous study ($\log M_C / M_\odot \sim -0.5$). Comparison with the local open clusters with similar ages to the target clusters ($\sim$$10^6$-$10^7$ yr) suggests a metallicity dependence of $M_C$, with lower $M_C$ at lower metallicities, while the comparison with globular clusters, similarly low metallicities but considerably older ($\sim$$10^{10}$ yr), suggests that the target clusters have not yet experienced significant dynamical evolution and remain in their initial physical condition. The lower $M_C$ is also consistent with the theoretical expectation of the lower Jeans mass due to the higher gas density under such low metallicity. The $M_C$ values derived from observations in such an environment would place significant constraints on the understanding of star formation.

E. Koumpia, D. Sun, M. Koutoulaki, J. D. Ilee, W.-J. de Wit, R. D. Oudmaijer, A. J. Frost

The inner parts of the hot discs surrounding massive young stellar objects (MYSOs) are still barely explored due to observational limitations in terms of angular resolution, scarcity of diagnostic lines and the embedded and rare nature of these targets. We present the first K-band spectro-interferometric observations toward the MYSO G033.3891, which based on former kinematic evidence via the CO bandhead emission is known to host an accreting disc. Using the high spectral resolution mode (R$\sim$4000) of the GRAVITY/VLTI, we spatially resolve the emission of the inner dusty disc and the crucial gaseous interface between the star and the dusty disc. Using detailed modelling on the K-band dust continuum and tracers known to be associated with the ionised and molecular gaseous interface (Br$\gamma$, CO), we report on the smallest scales of accretion/ejection. The new observations in combination with our geometric and kinematic models employed to fit former high spectral resolution observations on the source (R$\sim$30,000; CRIRES/VLTI) allow us to constrain the size of the inner gaseous disc both spatially and kinematically via the CO overtone emission at only 2 au. Our models reveal that both Br$\gamma$ and CO emissions are located well within the dust sublimation radius (5~au) as traced by the hot 2.2~$\mu$m dust continuum. Our paper provides the first case study where the tiniest scales of gaseous accretion around the MYSO G033.3891 are probed both kinematically and spatially via the CO bandhead emission. This analysis of G033.3891 stands as only the second instance of such investigation within MYSOs, underscoring the gradual accumulation of knowledge regarding how massive young stars gain their mass, while further solidifying the disc nature of accretion at the smallest scales of MYSOs.

This work continues our research of connection between the long-term activity of stars and their planets. We analyze new data on the previously considered two dozen solar-type stars with identified cycles, adding the results of studying the long-term variability of two more solar-type G stars and 15 cooler M dwarfs with planets. If the cyclic activity is determined by a strong tidal influence of the planet, then the cycle duration of the star should be synchronized with the period of orbital revolution of the planet. We calculate the gravitational effect of planets on their parent stars. The results obtained confirm the earlier conclusion that exoplanets do not influence the formation of the stellar cycle. We examine the change in the position of the barycenter of the solar system relative to the center of the Sun over 420 years. A comparison of these data with the most reliable 120-year SSN (sunspot number) series as the index of solar activity has shown that they are not synchronized.

Eric R. Willis, Drew A. Christianson, Robin T. Garrod

We present a chemical kinetics model of the solid-phase chemical evolution of a comet, beginning with a long period of cold-storage in the Oort Cloud, followed by five orbits that bring the comet close to the Sun. The chemical model is based on an earlier treatment that considered only the cold-storage phase, and which was based on the interstellar ice chemical kinetics model MAGICKAL. The comet is treated as 25 chemically distinct layers. Updates to the previous model includes: (i) Time- and depth-dependent temperature profiles according to heliocentric distance; (ii) a rigorous treatment of back-diffusion for species capable of diffusing through the bulk-ice layers; (iii) adoption of recent improvements in the kinetic treatment of nondiffusive chemical reaction rates. Starting from an initially simple ice composition, interstellar UV photons drive a rapid chemistry in the upper micron of material, but diminished by absorption of the UV by the dust component. Galactic cosmic rays (GCRs) drive a much slower chemistry in the deeper ices over the long cold-storage period down to 10 m. The first solar approach drives off the upper layers of ice material via thermal desorption and/or dissociation, bringing closer to the surface the deeper material that previously underwent long-term processing by GCRs. Subsequent orbits are more uniform in their chemical behavior. Loss of molecular material leads to concentration of the dust in the upper layers. Substantial quantities of complex organic molecules are formed in the upper 10 m during the cold storage phase, with some of this material released during solar approach; however, their abundances with respect to water appear too low to account for the observed gas-phase values for comet Hale-Bopp, indicating that the majority of complex molecular material observed, at least in comet Hale-Bopp, is an inheritance of primordial material.

Layal Chahine, Cecilia Ceccarelli, Marta De Simone, Claire J. Chandler, Claudio Codella, Linda Podio, Ana López-Sepulcre, Brian Svoboda, Giovanni Sabatini, Nami Sakai, Laurent Loinard, Charlotte Vastel, Nadia Balucani, Albert Rimola, Piero Ugliengo, Yuri Aikawa, Eleonora Bianchi, Mathilde Bouvier, Paola Caselli, Steven Charnley, Nicolás Cuello, Tomoyuki Hanawa, Doug Johnstone, Maria José Maureira, Francois Ménard, Yancy Shirley, Leonardo Testi, Satoshi Yamamoto

Molecular deuteration is a powerful diagnostic tool for probing the physical conditions and chemical processes in astrophysical environments. In this work, we focus on formaldehyde deuteration in the protobinary system NGC\,1333 IRAS\,4A, located in the Perseus molecular cloud. Using high-resolution ($\sim$\,100\,au) ALMA observations, we investigate the [D$_2$CO]/[HDCO] ratio along the cavity walls of the outflows emanating from IRAS\,4A1. Our analysis reveals a consistent decrease in the deuteration ratio (from $\sim$\,60-20\% to $\sim$\,10\%) with increasing distance from the protostar (from $\sim$\,2000\,au to $\sim$\,4000\,au). Given the large measured [D$_2$CO]/[HDCO], both HDCO and D$_2$CO are likely injected by the shocks along the cavity walls into the gas-phase from the dust mantles, formed in the previous prestellar phase. We propose that the observed [D$_2$CO]/[HDCO] decrease is due to the density profile of the prestellar core from which NGC\,1333 IRAS\,4A was born. When considering the chemical processes at the base of formaldehyde deuteration, the IRAS\,4A's prestellar precursor had a predominantly flat density profile within 3000\,au and a decrease of density beyond this radius.

Barnaby Norris, Simon Gross, Sergio G. Leon-Saval, Christopher H. Betters, Julia Bryant, Qingshan Yu, Adeline Haobing Wang, Glen Douglass, Elizabeth Arcadi, Ahmed Sanny, Michael Withford, Peter Tuthill, Joss Bland-Hawthorn

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Astrophotonics represents a cutting-edge approach in observational astronomy. This paper explores the significant advancements and potential applications of astrophotonics, highlighting how photonic technologies stand to revolutionise astronomical instrumentation. Key areas of focus include photonic wavefront sensing and imaging, photonic interferometry and nulling, advanced chip fabrication methods, and the integration of spectroscopy and sensing onto photonic chips. The role of single-mode fibres in reducing modal noise, and the development of photonic integral field units (IFUs) and arrayed waveguide gratings (AWGs) for high-resolution, spatially resolved spectroscopy will be examined. As part of the Sydney regional-focus issue, this review aims to detail some of the current technological achievements in this field as well as to discuss the future trajectory of astrophotonics, underscoring its potential to unlock important new astronomical discoveries.

Quasars could serve as standard candles if the relation between their ultraviolet and X-ray luminosities can be accurately calibrated. Previously, we developed a model-independent method to calibrate quasar standard candles using the distances-redshift relation reconstructed from Type Ia supernova at z<2 using Gaussian process regression. Interestingly, we found that the calibrated quasar standard candle dataset preferred a deviation from $\Lambda$CDM at redshifts above z>2. One interpretation of these findings is that the calibration parameters of the quasar UV-X-ray luminosity relationship evolves with redshift. In order to test the redshift dependence of the quasar calibration in a model-independent manner, we divided the quasar sample whose redshift overlap with the redshift coverage of Pantheon+ Type Ia supernova compilation into two sub-samples: a low-redshift quasar sub-sample and a high-redshift quasar sub-sample. Our present results show that there is about a 4$\sigma$ inconsistency between the quasar parameters inferred from the high-redshift quasar sub-sample and from the low-redshift sub-sample if no evolution of the quasar relation is considered. This inconsistency suggests the necessity of considering redshift evolution for the relationship between the quasars$'$ ultraviolet and X-ray luminosities. We then test an explicit parametrization of the redshift evolution of the quasar calibration parameters via $\gamma(z) = \gamma_0+\gamma_1(1+z)$ and $\beta(z)=\beta_0+\beta_1(1+z)$. Combining this redshift-dependent calibration relationship with the distance-redshift relationship reconstructed from Pantheon+ supernova compilation, we find the high-redshift sub-sample and low-redshift sub-sample become consistent at the 1$\sigma$ level, which means that the parameterized form of $\gamma(z)$ and $\beta(z)$ works well at describing the evolution of the quasar calibration parameters.

Masataka Onuma, Kumiko K. Nobukawa, Masayoshi Nobukawa, Shigeo Yamauchi, Hideki Uchiyama

We report a result of plasma diagnostics of the supernova remnant (SNR) 3C 400.2, which has been reported to have a recombining plasma (RP) by previous studies. For careful background estimation, we simultaneously fitted spectra extracted from the SNR and background regions and evaluated the SNR emission contaminating the background-region spectrum as well as the background emission in the source-region spectrum. The SNR emission is explained by the collisional ionization equilibrium plasma originating from the interstellar medium and the ionizing plasma originating from the ejecta, in contrast to the previous studies. In addition, we found an unidentified X-ray source near the SNR, Suzaku J1937.4+1718, which is accompanied by an emission line at ~4.4~keV with the 2.8$\sigma$ confidence level. Since there is no striking atomic line at the energy in the rest frame, Suzaku J1937.4+1718 can be an extragalactic object with a redshifted Fe line.

Giovanni Mazzolari, Jan Scholtz, Roberto Maiolino, Roberto Gilli, Alberto Traina, Ivan E. López, Hannah Übler, Bartolomeo Trefoloni, Francesco D'Eugenio, Xihan Ji, Marco Mignoli, Fabio Vito, Marcella Brusa

In this work, we spectroscopically select narrow-line AGN (NLAGN) among the $\sim 300$ publicly available medium-resolution spectra of the CEERS Survey. Using both traditional and newly identified emission line NLAGN diagnostics diagrams, we identified 52 NLAGN at $2\lesssim z\lesssim 9$ on which we performed a detailed multiwavelength analysis. We also identified 4 new $z\lesssim 2$ broad-line AGN (BLAGN), in addition to the 8 previously reported high-$z$ BLAGN. We found that the traditional BPT diagnostic diagrams are not suited to identify high-$z$ AGN, while most of the high-$z$ NLAGN are selected using the recently proposed AGN diagnostic diagrams based on the [OIII]$\lambda$4363 auroral line or high-ionization emission lines. We compared the emission line velocity dispersion and the obscuration of the sample of NLAGN with those of the parent sample without finding significant differences between the two distributions, suggesting a population of AGN heavily buried and not significantly impacting the host galaxies' physical properties, as further confirmed by SED-fitting. The bolometric luminosities of the high-$z$ NLAGNs selected in this work are well below those sampled by surveys before JWST, potentially explaining the weak impact of these AGN. Finally, we investigate the X-ray properties of the selected NLAGN and of the sample of high-$z$ BLAGN. We find that all but 4 NLAGN are undetected in the deep X-ray image of the field, as well as all the high-$z$ BLAGN. We do not obtain a detection even by stacking the undetected sources, resulting in an X-ray weakness of $\sim 1-2$ dex from what is expected based on their bolometric luminosities. To discriminate between a heavily obscured AGN scenario or an intrinsic X-ray weakness of these sources, we performed a radio stacking analysis, which did not reveal any detection leaving open the questions about the origin of the X-ray weakness.

This study investigates orbital parallax in gravitational microlensing events, focusing on OGLE-2017-BLG-0103 and OGLE-2017-BLG-0192. For events with timescales $\leq$ 60 days, a Jerk Parallax degeneracy arises due to high Jerk velocity ($\tilde{v_{j}}$), causing a four-fold continuous parallax degeneracy. OGLE-2017-BLG-0103, after incorporating orbital parallax, reveals four discrete degenerate parallax solutions, while OGLE-2017-BLG-0192 exhibits four discrete solutions without degeneracy. {The asymmetric light curve of OGLE-2017-BLG-0103 suggests a more probable model where xallarap is added to the parallax model, introducing tension. The galactic model analysis predicts a very low mass stellar lens for OGLE-2017-BLG-0192. For OGLE-2017-BLG-0103, degenerate solutions suggest a low-mass star or a darker lens in the disc, while the Xallarap+Parallax model also predicts a stellar lens in the bulge, with the source being a solar-type star orbited by a dwarf star.} This study presents five degenerate solutions for OGLE-2017-BLG-0103, emphasizing the potential for confirmation through high-resolution Adaptive Optics (AO) observations with Extremely Large Telescopes in the future. The complexities of degenerate scenarios in these microlensing events underscore the need to analyze special single-lens events in the Roman Telescope Era.

Arsène Ferrière, Simon Prunet, Aurélien Benoit-Lévy, Marion Guelfand, Kumiko Kotera, Matías Tueros

When performing radio detection of ultra-high energy astroparticles, the planar wavefront model is often used as a first step to evaluate the arrival direction of primary particles, by adjusting the wavefront orientation based on the peak of signal traces of individual antennas. The benefits of this approach are however limited by the lack of a good evaluation of its robustness. In order to mitigate this limitation, we derive in this work an analytical solution for the arrival direction as well as the corresponding analytical reconstruction uncertainty. Because it is fast and robust, this reconstruction method can be used as a proxy for more complex estimators, or implemented online for low-level triggering.

Yuya Hayashi, Norio Narita, Akihiko Fukui, Quentin Changeat, Kiyoe Kawauchi, Kai Ikuta, Enric Palle, Felipse Murgas, Hannu Parviainen, Emma Esparza-Borges, Alberto Peláez-Torres, Pedro Pablo Meni Gallardo, Giuseppe Morello, Gareb Fernández-Rodríguez, Néstor Abreu García, Sara Muñoz Torres, Yéssica Calatayud Borrás, Pilar Montañés Rodríguez, John H. Livingston, Noriharu Watanabe, Jerome P. de Leon, Yugo Kawai, Keisuke Isogai, Mayuko Mori

We present ground-based photometric observations of secondary eclipses of the hottest known planet KELT-9b using MuSCAT2 and Sinistro. We detect secondary eclipse signals in $i$ and $z_{\rm s}$ with eclipse depths of $373^{+74}_{-75}$ ppm and $638^{+199}_{-178}$, respectively. We perform an atmospheric retrieval on the emission spectrum combined with the data from HST/WFC3, Spitzer, TESS, and CHEOPS to obtain the temperature profile and chemical abundances, including TiO and VO, which have been thought to produce temperature inversion structures in the dayside of ultra-hot Jupiters. While we confirm a strong temperature inversion structure, we find low abundances of TiO and VO with mixing ratios of $\rm{log(TiO)}=-7.80^{+0.15}_{-0.30}$ and $\rm{log(VO)}=-9.60^{+0.64}_{-0.57}$, respectively. The low abundances of TiO and VO are consistent with theoretical predictions for such an ultra-hot atmosphere. In such low abundances, TiO and VO have little effect on the temperature structure of the atmosphere. The abundance of ${\rm e}^{-}$, which serves as a proxy for ${\rm H}^{-}$ ions in this study, is found to be high, with $\rm{log(e^-)}=-4.89\pm{0.06}$. These results indicate that the temperature inversion in KELT-9 b's dayside atmosphere is likely not caused by TiO/VO, but rather by the significant abundance of ${\rm H}^{-}$ ions. The best-fit model cannot fully explain the observed spectrum, and chemical species not included in the retrieval may introduce modeling biases. Future observations with broader wavelength coverage and higher spectral resolution are expected to provide more accurate diagnostics on the presence and abundances of TiO/VO. These advanced observations will overcome the limitations of current data from HST and photometric facilities, which are constrained by narrow wavelength coverage and instrumental systematics.

Jakobus M. Vorster, James O. Chibueze, Tomoya Hirota, Gordon C. MacLeod, Johan D. van der Walt, Eduard I. Vorobyov, Andrej M. Sobolev, Mika Juvela

HMYSOs gain most of their mass in short bursts of accretion. Maser emission is an invaluable tool in discovering and probing accretion bursts. We observed the 22 GHz water maser response induced by the accretion burst in NGC6334I-MM1B and identified the underlying maser variability mechanisms. We report seven epochs of VLBI observations of 22 GHz water masers in NGC6334I with the VERA array, from 2014 to 2016, spanning the onset of the accretion burst in 2015.1. We also report 2019 ALMA observations of 321 GHz water masers and 22 GHz maser monitoring by HartRAO. We analyze variability patterns and use proper motions with the 22 GHz to 321 GHz line ratio to distinguish between masers in C-shocks and J-shocks. We also calculated the burst-to-quiescent variance ratio of the single-dish time series. The constant mean proper motion before and after the burst indicates that maser variability is due to excitation effects from variable radiation rather than jet ejecta. We find that the flux density variance ratio in the single-dish time series can identify maser efficiency variations in 22 GHz masers. The northern region, CM2-W2, is excited in C-shocks and showed long-term flaring with velocity-dependent excitation of new maser features. We propose that radiative heating of H2 due to high-energy radiation from the accretion burst be the mechanism for the flaring in CM2-W2. The southern regions are excited by J-shocks and have short-term flaring and dampening of water masers. We attributed the diverse variability patterns in the southern regions to the radiative transfer of the burst energy in the source. Our results indicate that the effects of source geometry, shock type, and incident radiation spectrum are fundamental factors affecting 22 GHz maser variability. Investigating water masers in irradiated shocks will improve their use as a diagnostic in time-variable radiation environments.

Agnibha Banerjee, Joanna K. Barstow, Amélie Gressier, Néstor Espinoza, David K. Sing, Natalie H. Allen, Stephan M. Birkmann, Ryan C. Challener, Nicolas Crouzet, Carole A. Haswell, Nikole K. Lewis, Stephen R. Lewis, Jingxuan Yang

L 98-59 d is a Super-Earth planet orbiting an M-type star. We performed retrievals on the transmission spectrum of L 98-59 d obtained using NIRSpec G395H during a single transit, from JWST Cycle 1 GTO 1224. The wavelength range of this spectrum allows us to detect the presence of several atmospheric species. We found that the spectrum is consistent with a high mean molecular weight atmosphere. The atmospheric spectrum indicates the possible presence of the sulfur-bearing species H$_2$S and SO$_2$, which could hint at active volcanism on this planet if verified by future observations. We also tested for signs of stellar contamination in the spectrum, and found signs of unocculted faculae on the star. The tentative signs of an atmosphere on L 98-59 d presented in this work from just one transit bodes well for possible molecular detections in the future, particularly as it is one of the best targets among small exoplanets for atmospheric characterization using JWST.

Thermal tides are atmospheric planetary-scale waves with periods that are harmonics of the solar day. In the Martian atmosphere thermal tides are known to be especially significant compared to any other known planet. Based on the data set of pressure timeseries produced by the InSight lander, which is unprecedented in terms of accuracy and temporal coverage, we investigate thermal tides on Mars and we find harmonics even beyond the number 24, which exceeds significantly the number of harmonics previously reported by other works. We explore comparatively the characteristics and seasonal evolution of tidal harmonics and find that even and odd harmonics exhibit some clearly differentiated trends that evolve seasonally and respond to dust events. High-order tidal harmonics with small amplitudes could transiently interfere constructively to produce meteorologically relevant patterns.

N. Hurley-Walker, S. J. McSweeney, A. Bahramian, N. Rea, C. Horvath, S. Buchner, A. Williams, B. W. Meyers, Jay Strader, Elias Aydi, Ryan Urquhart, Laura Chomiuk, T. J. Galvin, F. Coti Zelati, Matthew Bailes

We present a long-period radio transient (GLEAM-X J0704-37) discovered to have an optical counterpart, consistent with a cool main sequence star of spectral type M3. The radio pulsations occur at the longest period yet found, 2.9 hours, and were discovered in archival low-frequency data from the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA). High time resolution observations from MeerKAT show that pulsations from the source display complex microstructure and high linear polarisation, suggesting a pulsar-like emission mechanism occurring due to strong, ordered magnetic fields. The timing residuals, measured over more than a decade, show tentative evidence of a ~6-yr modulation. The high Galactic latitude of the system and the M-dwarf star excludes the magnetar interpretation, suggesting a more likely M-dwarf / white dwarf binary scenario for this system.

Aims: Obtaining accurate derivations of stellar atmospheric parameters is crucial in the fields of stellar and exoplanet characterization. We present the upgraded version of our computational tool ODUSSEAS with a new reference scale applied to derive $T_{\mathrm{eff}}$ and [Fe/H] values for M dwarfs. Methods: The new reference dataset of ODUSSEAS consists of $T_{\mathrm{eff}}$ values based on interferometry, and [Fe/H] values derived by applying updated values for the parallaxes. These reference parameters are related to the pseudo-equivalent widths (EWs) of more than 4000 stellar absorption lines. The machine learning Python "scikit learn" package creates models to determine the stellar parameters for subsequent analysis. Results: We determined $T_{\mathrm{eff}}$ and [Fe/H] values for 82 planet-host stars in SWEET-Cat. We demonstrate that our new version of ODUSSEAS is capable of determining the parameters with a greater accuracy than the original by comparing our results to other methods in literature. We also compared our parameters for the same stars by measuring their spectra obtained from several instruments, showing the consistency of our determinations with standard deviation of 30 K and 0.03 dex. Finally, we examined the correlation among planetary mass and stellar metallicity, confirming prior evidence indicating that massive planets mainly form around metal-rich stars in the case of M dwarfs as well.

EX Draconis is an eclipsing dwarf nova that shows outbursts with moderate amplitude ($\simeq 2$ mag) and a recurrence timescale of $\simeq 20$-30 d. Dwarf novae outbursts are explained in terms of either a thermal-viscous instability in the disc or an instability in the mass transfer rate of the donor star (MTIM). We developed simulations of the response of accretion discs to events of enhanced mass transfer, in the context of the MTIM, and applied them to model the light curve and variations in the radius of the EX Dra disc throughout the outburst. We obtain the first modeling of a dwarf nova outburst by using $\chi^2$ to select, from a grid of simulations, the best-fit parameters to the observed EX Dra outbursts. The observed time evolution of the system brightness and the changes in the radius of the outer disc along the outburst cycle are satisfactorily reproduced by a model of the response of an accretion disc with a viscosity parameter $\alpha = 4.0$ and a quiescent mass transfer rate $\dot{M}_2 (\textrm{quiescence}) = 4.0 \times 10^{16}$ g/s to an event of width $\Delta t = 6.0 \times 10^5$ s ($\sim 7$ d) where the mass-transfer rate increases to $\dot{M}_2 (\textrm{outburst}) = 1.5 \times 10^{18}$ g/s.

The determination of chemical mixture components is vital to a multitude of scientific fields. Oftentimes spectroscopic methods are employed to decipher the composition of these mixtures. However, the sheer density of spectral features present in spectroscopic databases can make unambiguous assignment to individual species challenging. Yet, components of a mixture are commonly chemically related due to environmental processes or shared precursor molecules. Therefore, analysis of the chemical relevance of a molecule is important when determining which species are present in a mixture. In this paper, we combine machine-learning molecular embedding methods with a graph-based ranking system to determine the likelihood of a molecule being present in a mixture based on the other known species and/or chemical priors. By incorporating this metric in a rotational spectroscopy mixture analysis algorithm, we demonstrate that the mixture components can be identified with extremely high accuracy (>97%) in an efficient manner.

Suyash Kumar, Hsiao-Wen Chen, Zhijie Qu, Mandy C. Chen, Fakhri S. Zahedy, Sean D. Johnson, Sowgat Muzahid, Sebastiano Cantalupo

This paper presents a detailed study of the physical properties of seven C IV absorbers identified at z_abs = 0.68-1.28 along the line of sight toward QSO PG 1522+101 (z_QSO = 1.330). The study leverages high-quality QSO spectra from HST COS and STIS, and Keck HIRES to resolve component structures and to constrain the gas density and elemental abundances of individual components. Under the assumption of photoionization equilibrium (PIE), five of the 12 C IV components require a mixture of high- and low-density phases to fully explain the observed relative abundances between low-, intermediate-, and high-ionization species. In addition, galaxy surveys carried out using VLT MUSE and Magellan LDSS3c are utilized to characterize the galaxy environments. The results of this analysis are summarized as follows: (1) no luminous galaxies (> 0.1 L*) are found within 100 kpc in projected distance from the C IV absorbers; (2) the C IV selection preferentially targets high-metallicity (near solar) and chemically-evolved gas (~ solar [C/O] elemental abundances) in galaxy halos; (3) the observed narrow line widths of individual C IV components, places a stringent limit on the gas temperature (< 5e4 K) and supports a photoionization origin; (4) additional local ionizing sources beyond the UV ionizing background may be necessary for at least one absorber based on the observed deficit of He I relative to H I; and (5) a PIE assumption may not apply when the gas metallicity exceeds the solar value and the component line width implies a warmer temperature than expected from PIE models.

In the core-collapse scenario, the supernova remnants evolve inside the complex wind-blown bubbles, structured by massive progenitors during their lifetime. Therefore, particle acceleration and the emissions from these SNRs can carry the fingerprints of the evolutionary sequences of the progenitor stars. We time-dependently investigate the impact of the ambient environment of core-collapse SNRs on particle spectra and the emissions. We use the RATPaC code to model the particle acceleration at the SNRs with progenitors having ZAMS masses of 20 Msol and 60 Msol. We have constructed the pre-supernova circumstellar medium by solving the hydrodynamic equations for the lifetime of the progenitor stars. Then, the transport equation for cosmic rays, and magnetic turbulence in test-particle approximation along with the induction equation for the evolution of large-scale magnetic field have been solved simultaneously with the hydrodynamic equations for the expansion of SNRs inside the pre-supernova CSM. The structure of the wind bubbles along with the magnetic field and the scattering turbulence regulate the spectra of accelerated particles for both SNRs. For the 60 Msol progenitor the spectral index reaches 2.4 even below 10 GeV during the propagation of the SNR shock inside the hot shocked wind. In contrast, we have not observed persistent soft spectra at earlier evolutionary stages of the SNR with 20 Msol progenitor, for which the spectral index becomes 2.2 only for a brief period. Later, the spectra become soft above ~10 GeV for both SNRs, as weak driving of turbulence permits the escape of high-energy particles from the remnants. The emission morphology of the SNRs strongly depends on the type of progenitors. For instance, the radio morphology of the SNR with 20 Msol progenitor is centre-filled at early stages whereas that for the more massive progenitor is shell-like.

Amélie Gressier, Néstor Espinoza, Natalie H. Allen, David K. Sing, Agnibha Banerjee, Joanna K. Barstow, Jeff A. Valenti, Nikole K. Lewis, Stephan M. Birkmann, Ryan C. Challener, Elena Manjavacas, Catarina Alves de Oliveira, Nicolas Crouzet, Tracy. L Beck

Detecting atmospheres around planets with a radius below 1.6 R$_{\oplus}$, commonly referred to as rocky planets (Rogers_2015, Rogers_2021), has proven to be challenging. However, rocky planets orbiting M-dwarfs are ideal candidates due to their favorable planet-to-star radius ratio. Here, we present one transit observation of the Super-Earth L98-59d (1.58 R$_{\oplus}$, 2.31 M$_{\oplus}$), at the limit of rocky/gas-rich, using the JWST NIRSpec G395H mode covering the 2.8 to 5.1 microns wavelength range. The extracted transit spectrum from a single transit observation deviates from a flat line by 2.6 to 5.6$\sigma$, depending on the data reduction and retrieval setup. The hints of an atmospheric detection are driven by a large absorption feature between 3.3 to 4.8 microns. A stellar contamination retrieval analysis rejected the source of this feature as being due to stellar inhomogeneities, making the best fit an atmospheric model including sulfur-bearing species, suggesting that the atmosphere of L98-59d may not be at equilibrium. This result will need to be confirmed by the analysis of the second NIRSpec G395H visit in addition to the NIRISS SOSS transit observation.

The solar corona is the prototypical example of a low density environment heated to high temperatures by external sources. The plasma cools radiatively, and because it is optically thin to this radiation, it becomes possible to model the density, velocity, and temperature structure of the system by modifying the MHD equations to include energy source terms that approximate the local heating and cooling rates. The solutions can be highly inhomogeneous and even multiphase because the well known linear instability associated with these source terms, thermal instability, leads to a catastrophic heating and cooling of the plasma in the nonlinear regime. Here we show that there is a separate, much simpler instance of catastrophic heating and cooling accompanying these source terms that can rival thermal instability in dynamical importance. The linear stability criterion is the isochoric one identified by Parker (1953), and we demonstrate that cooling functions derived from collisional ionization equilibrium are highly prone to violating this criterion. If catastrophic cooling instability can act locally in global simulations, then it is an alternative mechanism for forming condensations, and due to its nonequilibrium character, it may be relevant to explaining a host of phenomena associated with the production of cooler gas in hot, low density plasmas.

We revisit the relation between active galactic nucleus (AGN) broad-line region (BLR) size and luminosity by conducting a uniform H$\beta$ reverberation-mapping analysis for 212 AGNs with archival light curves. Our analysis incorporates three different lag measurement methods, including the interpolated cross-correlation function (ICCF), JAVELIN, and PyROA, alongside a consistently defined lag searching window and an alias removal procedure. We find that ICCF, albeit with larger uncertainties compared to other methods, is the most reliable method based on our visual inspection of the matches between H$\beta$ and the shifted continuum light curves. Combining this sample with the 32 AGNs from the Seoul National University AGN Monitoring Project, we obtain the best-fit relation between the BLR size ($R_{\rm BLR}$) and the continuum luminosity at 5100$Å$ ($L_{5100}$) with a slope significantly flatter than 0.5. By selecting a subsample of 157 AGNs with the best-quality lag measurements using a set of quantitative criteria and visual inspection, we find a consistent slope and a slightly decreased intrinsic scatter. We further investigate the effect of luminosity tracers, including $L_{5100}$, H$\beta$ luminosity ($L_{\rm H\beta}$), ${\rm [O\,\mathrm{III}]}$ luminosity ($L_{\rm [O\,\mathrm{III}]}$), and 2 to 10 keV hard X-ray luminosity ($L_{\rm 2\unicode{x2013}10\,keV}$). We find that sub-Eddington and super-Eddington AGNs exhibit systematic offsets in both $R_{\rm BLR}$$\unicode{x2013}$$L_{5100}$ and $R_{\rm BLR}$$\unicode{x2013}$$L_{\rm H\beta}$ relation, but are comparable in the $R_{\rm BLR}$$\unicode{x2013}$$L_{\rm [O\,\mathrm{III}]}$ and $R_{\rm BLR}$$\unicode{x2013}$$L_{\rm 2\unicode{x2013}10\,keV}$ relation. We discuss the potential causes for these different deviations when employing different luminosity tracers.

Spectral lines of hot massive stars are known to exhibit large excess broadening in addition to rotational broadening. This excess broadening is often attributed to macroturbulence whose physical origin is a matter of active debate in the stellar astrophysics community. By looking into the statistical properties of a large sample of O- and B-type stars, both in the Galaxy and LMC, we aim to shed light on the physical origin of macroturbulent line broadening. We deliver newly measured macroturbulent velocities for 86 stars from the Galaxy in a consistent manner with 126 stars from the LMC. A total sample of 594 O- and B-type stars with measured macroturbulent velocities was composed by complementing our sample with archival data. Furthermore, we compute an extensive grid of MESA models to compare, in a statistical manner, the predicted interior properties of stars (such as convection and wave propagation) with the inference of macroturbulent velocities from high-resolution spectroscopic observations. We find the presence of two principally different regimes where, depending on the initial stellar mass, different mechanisms may be responsible for the observed excess line broadening. Stars with initial masses above some 30$M_{\odot}$ are found to have macroturbulent velocities fully determined by subsurface convective zones formed in the iron opacity bump (FeCZ), while some other mechanism is required to explain observations for masses below 12$M_{\odot}$. The latter finding leaves the potential for waves generated at the interface of the convective core and radiative envelope of the star to be responsible for the observed macroturbulent broadening. Both mechanisms may co-exist in the intermediate regime of stellar masses, between some 12 and 30$M_{\odot}$.

Solar filaments can undergo eruptions and result in the formation of coronal mass ejections (CMEs), which could significantly impact planetary space environments. Observations of eruptions involving polar crown filaments, situated in the polar regions of the Sun, are limited. In this study, we report a polar crown filament eruption (SOL2023-06-12), characterized by fast downflows below the filament. The downflows appear instantly after the onset of the filament eruption and persist for approximately 2 hours, exhibiting plane-of-sky (POS) velocities ranging between 92 and 144 km s$^{-1}$. They originate from the leading edge of the filament and no clear acceleration is observed. Intriguingly, these downflows appear at two distinct sites, symmetrically positioned at the opposite ends of the conjugate flare ribbons. Based on the observations, we propose that the filament might be supported by a magnetic flux rope (MFR), and these downflows possibly occur along the legs of the MFR. The downflows likely result from continuous reconnections between the MFR and the overlying magnetic field structures, and could either be reconnection outflows or redirected filament materials. We also observed horizontal drifting of the locations of downflows, which might correspond to the MFR's footpoint drifting. This type of downflows can potentially be utilized to track the footpoints of MFRs during eruptions.

J. M. da Silva Santos, M. Molnar, I. Milić, M. Rempel, K. Reardon, J. de la Cruz Rodríguez

Accurately assessing the balance between acoustic wave energy fluxes and radiative losses is critical for understanding how the solar chromosphere is thermally regulated. We investigate the energy balance in the chromosphere by comparing deposited acoustic flux and radiative losses under quiet and active solar conditions using non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) inversions with the Stockholm Inversion Code (STiC). To achieve this, we utilize spectroscopic observations from the Interferometric BIdimensional Spectrometer (IBIS) in the Na I 5896 Å and Ca II 8542 Å lines and from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) in the Mg II h and k lines to self-consistently derive spatially resolved velocity power spectra and cooling rates across different heights in the atmosphere. Additionally, we use snapshots of a three-dimensional radiative-magnetohydrodynamics simulation to investigate the systematic effects of the inversion approach, particularly the attenuation effect on the velocity power spectra and the determination of the cooling rates. The results indicate that inversions potentially underestimate acoustic fluxes at all chromospheric heights while slightly overestimating the radiative losses when fitting these spectral lines. However, even after accounting for these biases, the ratio of acoustic flux to radiative losses remains below unity in most observed regions, particularly in the higher layers of the chromosphere. We also observe a correlation between the magnetic field inclination in the photosphere and radiative losses in the low chromosphere in plage, which is evidence that the field topology plays a role in the chromospheric losses.

Tanveer Karim, Sukhdeep Singh, Mehdi Rezaie, Daniel Eisenstein, Boryana Hadzhiyska, Joshua S. Speagle, Jessica Nicole Aguilar, Steven Ahlen, David Brooks, Todd Claybaugh, Axel de la Macorra, Simone Ferraro, Jaime E. Forero-Romero, Enrique Gaztañaga, Satya Gontcho A Gontcho, Gaston Gutierrez, Julien Guy, Klaus Honscheid, Stephanie Juneau, David Kirkby, Alex Krolewski, Andrew Lambert, Martin Landriau, Michael Levi, Aaron Meisner, Ramon Miquel, John Moustakas, Andrea Muñoz-Gutiérrez, Adam Myers, Gustavo Niz, Nathalie Palanque Delabrouille, Will Percival, Francisco Prada, Graziano Rossi, Eusebio Sanchez, Edward Schlafly, David Schlegel, Michael Schubnell, David Sprayberry, Gregory Tarlé, Benjamin Alan Weaver, Hu Zou

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Measuring the growth of structure is a powerful probe for studying the dark sector, especially in light of the $\sigma_8$ tension between primary CMB anisotropy and low-redshift surveys. This paper provides a new measurement of the amplitude of the matter power spectrum, $\sigma_8$, using galaxy-galaxy and galaxy-CMB lensing power spectra of Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument Legacy Imaging Surveys Emission-Line Galaxies and the $\textit{Planck}$ 2018 CMB lensing map. We create an ELG catalog composed of $27$ million galaxies and with a purity of $85\%$, covering a redshift range $0 < z < 3$, with $z_{\rm mean} = 1.09$. We implement several novel systematic corrections, such as jointly modeling the contribution of imaging systematics and photometric redshift uncertainties to the covariance matrix. We also study the impacts of various dust maps on cosmological parameter inference. We measure the cross-power spectra over $f_{\rm sky} = 0.25$ with a signal-to-background ratio of up to $ 30\sigma$. We find that the choice of dust maps to account for imaging systematics in estimating the ELG overdensity field has a significant impact on the final estimated values of $\sigma_8$ and $\Omega_{\rm M}$, with far-infrared emission-based dust maps preferring $\sigma_8$ to be as low as $0.702 \pm 0.030$, and stellar-reddening-based dust maps preferring as high as $0.719 \pm 0.030$. The highest preferred value is at $\sim 3 \sigma$ tension with the $\textit{Planck}$ primary anisotropy results. These findings indicate a need for tomographic analyses at high redshifts and joint modeling of systematics.

The Press-Schechter (PS) and excursion set (ES) models of structure formation fail in reproducing the halo bias found in simulations, while the excursion set-peaks (ESP) formalism built in the peak model reproduces it only at high masses and does not address in a fully satisfactory manner peak nesting and the mass and time of ellipsoidal collapse of triaxial peaks in the Gaussian-smoothed density field. Here we apply the CUSP formalism fixing all these issues from first principles and with no free parameters to infer the Lagrangian local peak bias parameters, which adopt very simple analytic expressions similar to those found in the PS and ES models. The predicted Eulerian linear halo bias recovers the results of simulations. More specifically, we show that the only small departure observed at intermediate and low masses can be due to the spurious halo splitting and grouping caused by the Spherical Overdensity halo-finding algorithm used in simulations.

F. Malbet (1), M. Lizzana (1), F. Pancher (1), S. Soler (1), A. Léger (2), T. Lépine (3), G.A. Mamon (4), A. Sozzetti (5), A. Riva (5), D. Busonero (5), L. Labadie (6), P.-O. Lagage (7), R. Goullioud (8) ((1) Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, IPAG, Grenoble, France, (2) Univ. Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Institut d'astrophysique spatiale, Orsay, France, (3) Institut d'Optique and Hubert Curien Lab, Univ. de Lyon, Saint-Etienne, France, (4) Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France, (5) Obs. Torino/INAF, Pino Torinese, Italy, (6) Univ. of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, (7) Univ. Paris-Saclay, CEA, Saclay, France, (8) Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA, (5) Obs. Torino/INAF, Pino Torinese, Italy, (6) Univ. of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, (7) Univ. Paris-Saclay, CEA, Saclay, France, (8) Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA)


With sub-microarcsecond angular accuracy, the \theia telescope will be capable of revealing the architectures of nearby exoplanetary systems down to the mass of Earth. This research addresses the challenges inherent in space astrometry missions, focusing on focal plane calibration and telescope optical distortion. We propose to assess the future feasibility of large-format detectors (50 to 200 megapixels) in a controlled laboratory environment. The aim is to improve the architecture of the focal plane while ensuring that specifications are met. The use of field stars as metrological sources for calibrating the optical distortion of the field may help to constrain telescope stability. The paper concludes with an attempt to confirm in the laboratory the performance predicted by simulations. We will also address the possibility of using such techniques with a dedicated instrument for the Habitable World Observatory.

Sina Chen, Ari Laor, Ehud Behar, Ranieri D. Baldi, Joseph D. Gelfand, Amy E. Kimball, Ian M. McHardy, Gabor Orosz, Zsolt Paragi

Does a broad-line region (BLR) wind in radio-quiet (RQ) active galactic nuclei (AGN) extend to pc scales and produce radio emission? We explore the correlations between a pc-scale radio wind and the BLR wind in a sample of 19 RQ Palomar-Green (PG) quasars. The radio wind is defined based on the spectral slope and the compactness of the emission at 1.5-5 GHz, and the BLR wind is defined by the excess blue wing in the C IV emission line profile. The five objects with both radio and BLR wind indicators are found at high Eddington ratios L/L_Edd (> 0.66), and eight of the nine objects with neither radio nor BLR winds reside at low L/L_Edd (< 0.28). This suggests that the BLR wind and the radio wind in RQ AGN are related to a radiation pressure driven wind. Evidence for free-free absorption by AGN photoionized gas, which flattens the spectral slope, is found in two objects. Radio outflows in three low L/L_Edd (0.05-0.12) objects are likely from a low-power jet, as suggested by additional evidence. The presence of a mild equatorial BLR wind in four intermediate L/L_Edd (0.2-0.4) objects can be tested with future spectropolarimetry.

Not only are halos of different masses differently clustered, the so-called primary bias, but halos with distinct internal properties also are, which is known as secondary bias. Contrarily to the former bias, the latter is not understood within the Press-Schechter (PS) and excursion set (ES) formalisms of structure formation, where protohalos are fully characterised by their height and scale. As halos in different backgrounds undergo mergers at different rates, the secondary bias was suggested not to be innate but to arise from the distinct assembly history of halos. However, it has recently been proven that mergers leave no imprint in halo properties. But, in the peak model of structure formation, the secondary bias could still be innate and arise from the different typical curvature of peaks lying in different backgrounds. Here we show that this is the case, indeed. Using the CUSP formalism, we find that peaks lying in different backgrounds with different typical curvatures evolve in halos with different density profiles which in turn lead to many other distinct properties. The dependence we find of halo bias with those properties reproduces the results of simulations.

According to the Tidal Torque Theory (TTT), the angular momentum of haloes arises from the tidal torque produced on protohaloes by the mass fluctuations around them. That approach, initially developed assuming protohaloes as random overdense regions in the linear density field, was extended to the more realistic scenario that protohaloes are collapsing patches around peaks in the Gaussian-smoothed linear density field. But that extension faced two fundamental issues: 1) the unknown mass of collapsing patches marked by Gaussian peaks, and 2) the unknown ellipsoidal collapse time of those triaxial patches. Furthermore, the TTT strictly holds in linear regime only. This Paper is the first of a series of two devoted to revisiting the TTT and accurately calculating the halo angular momentum. In the present Paper we use the CUSP formalism fixing all those issues to deal with the TTT from a full peak model viewpoint, i.e. not only is the protohalo suffering the tidal torque identified to a peak, but the main mass fluctuation causing the tidal torque is also seen as a peak or a hole. This way we obtain a simple analytic expression for the Lagrangian protohalo AM, which can be readily implemented in galaxy formation models and be compared to the results of simulations.

Katie Bechtold, Torsten Böker, David E. Franz, Maurice te Plate, Timothy D. Rawle, Rai Wu, Peter Zeidler

The Near Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) on the James Webb Space Telescope affords the astronomical community an unprecedented space-based Multi-Object Spectroscopy (MOS) capability through the use of a programmable array of micro-electro-mechanical shutters. Launched in December 2021 and commissioned along with a suite of other observatory instruments throughout the first half of 2022, NIRSpec has been carrying out scientific observations since the completion of commissioning. These observations would not be possible without a rigorous program of engineering operations to actively monitor and maintain NIRSpec's hardware health and safety and enhance instrument efficiency and performance. Although MOS is only one of the observing modes available to users, the complexity and uniqueness of the Micro-Shutter Assembly (MSA) that enables it has presented a variety of engineering challenges, including the appearance of electrical shorts that produce contaminating glow in exposures. Despite these challenges, the NIRSpec Multi-Object Spectrograph continues to perform robustly with no discernible degradation or significant reduction in capability. This paper provides an overview of the NIRSpec micro-shutter subsystem's state of health and operability and presents some of the developments that have taken place in its operation since the completion of instrument commissioning.

Mauricio Bustamante, John Ellis, Rostislav Konoplich, Alexander S. Sakharov

Time-of-flight measurements of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos can be used to probe Lorentz invariance, a pillar of modern physics. If Lorentz-invariance violation (LIV) occurs, it could cause neutrinos to slow down, with the delay scaling linearly or quadratically with their energy. We introduce non-parametric statistical methods designed to detect LIV-induced distortions in the temporal structure of a high-energy neutrino flare as it travels to Earth from a distant astrophysical source, independently of the intrinsic timing properties of the source. Our approach, illustrated using the 2014/2015 TeV-PeV neutrino flare from the blazar TXS 0506+056 detected by IceCube, finds that the LIV energy scale must exceed 10^{14} GeV (linear) or 10^9 GeV (quadratic). Our methods provide a robust means to investigate LIV by focusing solely on a neutrino flare, without relying on electromagnetic counterparts, and account for realistic energy and directional uncertainties. For completeness, we compare our limits inferred from TXS 0506+056 to the sensitivity inferred from multi-messenger detection of tentative coincidences between neutrinos and electromagnetic emission from active galactic nuclei and tidal disruption events.

Oscar Macias, Aurélien Benoit-Lévy, Valentin Decoene, Arsène Ferrière, Marion Guelfand, Kumiko Kotera, Zhisen Lai, Olivier Martineau-Huynh, Simon Prunet, Matías Tueros

The Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection (GRAND) aims to detect highly inclined extensive air showers (EAS) with down-going and up-going trajectories. Several working groups in the GRAND collaboration are developing methods to reconstruct the incoming direction, core position, primary energy, and composition of the showers. The reconstruction pipeline -- currently under development in the France/IAP working group -- relies on a model of spherical wavefront emission for arrival times, which is possible because the radio signals are generated far away from the antenna stations. The amplitude distribution of the signals at the antenna level is described by an Angular Distribution Function that considers various asymmetries in the data, including geomagnetic effects. In this contribution, we present preliminary results from testing our EAS reconstruction procedure using realistic mock observations.

Eduardo M. Gutiérrez, Mukul Bhattacharya, David Radice, Kohta Murase, Sebastiano Bernuzzi

Shock breakout emission is among the first observable signals in a wide variety of astrophysical phenomena, including neutron star (NS) mergers, and it can be the dominant component in low-luminosity short gamma-ray bursts (llsGRBs), as exemplified by GRB 170817A. In this work, we investigate the cocoon shock breakout emission in NS mergers and how its signal depends on the outermost layers of the ejecta profile, which we derive from general relativistic radiation hydrodynamic simulations. We study the formation of the cocoon as a consequence of a relativistic jet propagating through the ejecta. To explore the influence of the outermost layers of the ejecta on the breakout emission, we explore cases where the ejecta has a sharp cutoff or an extended smooth tail. We find that the shock breakout emission is strongly influenced by the shape of the ejecta outer layers, with extended tails yielding results consistent with the observed properties of GRB 170817A, whereas sharp cutoffs overestimate the radiated energy. Using a Bayesian analysis, we estimate the best fit parameters of the central engine, considering both accreting black hole and magnetized neutron star scenarios. Our findings indicate a slight preference for the scenarios where the engine is a black hole. Our work probes the nature of neutron star mergers and highlights the importance of the shape of the ejecta profile in modeling early electromagnetic counterparts to these mergers.

Sebastián Jorquera, Mickaël Bonnefoy, Laura M.Pérez, Gaël Chauvin, Adrian Aguinaga, Catherine Dougados, Rémi Julo, Dorian Demars, Sean M. Andrews, Luca Ricci, Zhaohuan Zhu, Nicolas T. kurtovic, Nicolás Cuello, Xue-ning Bai, Til Birnstiel, Cornelis Dullemond, Viviana V. Guzmán

The accretion/ejection processes in T-Tauri stars are fundamental to their physical evolution, while also impacting the properties and evolution of the circumstellar material at a time when planet formation takes place. To this date, characterization of ongoing accretion processes in stellar pairs at 5-50\,au scales has been challenging, high angular resolution spectrographs are required to extract the spectral features of each component. We present the analysis of spectroscopic observations of the tight (160mas, 25au) T-Tauri system HT Lup A/B, obtained with MUSE at VLT in March and July of 2021. We focus on constraining the accretion/ejection processes and variability of the secondary component HT Lup B, by searching for accretion tracers applying High-Resolution Spectral Differential Imaging techniques. We retrieve strong (SNR $>$ 5) $H\alpha, H\beta$ and [OI]$\lambda6300$ emission in both epochs. The $H\alpha$ and $H\beta$ line fluxes showcase high variability, with variations up to 400-500\% between epochs. The fluxes are consistent with accretion rates of $8\times10^{-9} M_\odot \, yr^{-1}$ and $2\times10^{-9} M_\odot \, yr^{-1}$ for the first and second epoch, respectively. We attribute the increased accretion activity during the first night to a "burst" like event, followed by a relaxation period more representative of the common accretion activity of the system. The [OI]$\lambda6300$ line profiles remain relatively similar between epochs and suggest ejection rates on the order of $10^{-9}-10^{-10} M_\odot \, yr^{-1}$, compatible with moderate disk winds emission. Our results also indicate that the accretion processes of HT Lup B are compatible with Classical T Tauri Stars, unlike previous classifications