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Papers for Friday, Aug 30 2024

Papers with local authors

Gaia Fabj, Alexander J. Dittmann, Matteo Cantiello, Rosalba Perna, Johan Samsing
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Paper 5 — arXiv:2408.16050
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Paper 5 — arXiv:2408.16050

The disks of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) are expected to be populated by numerous stars, either formed in the outer regions of the disk via gravitational instability, or captured from the nearby nuclear star cluster. Regardless of their formation mechanism, these stars experience altered evolutionary paths, mostly shaped by the accretion of dense disk material. In this study, through the comparison of different timescales, we chart the evolutionary outcomes of these AGN stars as a function of disk radius and across a range of supermassive black hole (SMBH) masses, spanning from $10^6$ to $10^9 \rm M_\odot$, for two popular AGN disk models. We find that, in the outer regions of the disk, stars evolve similarly to those in the interstellar medium, but in the inner and denser regions accretion quickly turns low-mass stars into massive stars, and their fate depends on just how quickly they accrete. If accretion occurs at a faster rate than nuclear burning, they can reach a quasi-steady `immortal' state. If stars accrete faster than they can thermally adjust, runaway accretion occurs, potentially preventing a quasi-steady state and altering the disk structure. During the AGN lifetime, in the regions of the disk that produce massive stars, supernovae (SNe) and Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs) may occur within the disk over a wide range of optical depths and ambient densities. Subsequently, in the final phase of the AGN, as the disk becomes depleted, formerly immortal stars will be unable to replenish their fuel, leading to additional SNe and GRBs.

Siddhartha Gupta, Damiano Caprioli, Anatoly Spitkovsky
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Paper 12 — arXiv:2408.16071
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Paper 12 — arXiv:2408.16071

We present a survey of 1D kinetic particle-in-cell simulations of quasi-parallel non-relativistic shocks to identify the environments favorable for electron acceleration. We explore an unprecedented range of shock speeds $v_{\rm sh}\approx 0.067-0.267\,c$, Alfvén Mach numbers $\mathcal{M}_{\rm A} = 5-40$, sonic Mach numbers $\mathcal{M}_{\rm s} = 5-160$, as well as the proton-to-electron mass ratios $m_{\rm i}/m_{\rm e}=16-1836$. We find that high Alfvén Mach number shocks can channel a large fraction of their kinetic energy into nonthermal particles, self-sustaining magnetic turbulence and acceleration to larger and larger energies. The fraction of injected particles is $\lesssim 0.5\%$ for electrons and $\approx 1\%$ for protons, and the corresponding energy efficiencies are $\lesssim 2\%$ and $\approx 10\%$, respectively. The extent of the nonthermal tail is sensitive to the Alfvén Mach number; when $\mathcal{M}_{\rm A}\lesssim 10$, the nonthermal electron distribution exhibits minimal growth beyond the average momentum of the downstream thermal protons, independently of the proton-to-electron mass ratio. Acceleration is slow for shocks with low sonic Mach numbers, yet nonthermal electrons still achieve momenta exceeding the downstream thermal proton momentum when the shock Alfvén Mach number is large enough. We provide simulation-based parametrizations of the transition from thermal to nonthermal distribution in the downstream (found at a momentum around $p_{\rm i,e}/m_{\rm i}v_{\rm sh} \approx 3\sqrt{m_{\rm i,e}/m_{\rm i}}$), as well as the ratio of nonthermal electron to proton number density. The results are applicable to many different environments and are important for modeling shock-powered nonthermal radiation.

Linhao Ma, Jim Fuller
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Paper 16 — arXiv:2408.16158
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Paper 16 — arXiv:2408.16158

Hot subdwarf B (sdB) stars are stripped helium-burning stars that are often found in close binaries, where they experience strong tidal interactions. The dissipation of tidally excited gravity waves alter their rotational evolution throughout the sdB lifetime. While many sdB binaries have well-measured rotational and orbital frequencies, there have been few theoretical efforts to accurately calculate the tidal torque produced by gravity waves. In this work, we directly calculate the tidal excitation of internal gravity waves in realistic sdB stellar models, and integrate the coupled spin-orbit evolution of sdB binaries. We find that for canonical sdB ($M_\mathrm{sdB}=0.47\,M_\odot$) binaries, the transitional orbital period below which they could reach tidal synchronization in the sdB lifetime is $\sim \! 0.2\;\mathrm{days}$, with weak dependence on the companion masses. For low-mass sdBs ($M_\mathrm{sdB}=0.37\,M_\odot$) formed from more massive progenitor stars, the transitional orbital period becomes $\sim \! 0.15\;\mathrm{days}$. These values are very similar to the tidal synchronization boundary ($\sim \! 0.2\;\mathrm{days}$) evident from observations. We discuss the dependence of tidal torques on stellar radii, and we make predictions for the rapidly rotating white dwarfs formed from synchronized sdB binaries.

Hyungsuk Tak, Yang Chen, Vinay L. Kashyap, Kaisey S. Mandel, Xiao-Li Meng, Aneta Siemiginowska, David A. van Dyk
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Paper 17 — arXiv:2408.16179
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Paper 17 — arXiv:2408.16179

The production of complex astronomical data is accelerating, especially with newer telescopes producing ever more large-scale surveys. The increased quantity, complexity, and variety of astronomical data demand a parallel increase in skill and sophistication in developing, deciding, and deploying statistical methods. Understanding limitations and appreciating nuances in statistical and machine learning methods and the reasoning behind them is essential for improving data-analytic proficiency and acumen. Aiming to facilitate such improvement in astronomy, we delineate cautionary tales in statistics via six maxims, with examples drawn from the astronomical literature. Inspired by the significant quality improvement in business and manufacturing processes by the routine adoption of Six Sigma, we hope the routine reflection on these Six Maxims will improve the quality of both data analysis and scientific findings in astronomy.

Jens R. Larsen, Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard, Mia S. Lundkvist, Jakob L. Rørsted, Mark L. Winther, Hans Kjeldsen
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Paper 34 — arXiv:2408.16382
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Paper 34 — arXiv:2408.16382

In order to improve the asteroseismic modelling efforts for red-giant stars, the numerical computation of theoretical individual oscillation modes for evolved red-giant models has to be made feasible. We aim to derive a method for circumventing the computational cost of computing oscillation spectra for models of red-giant stars with an average large frequency separation $\Delta\nu<15$ $\mu$Hz, thereby allowing for asteroseismic investigations of giants utilising individual frequencies. The proposed Truncated Scanning Method serves as a novel method detailing how the observable individual $l=0,1,2$ frequencies of red giants may be computed on realistic timescales through so-called model truncation. By carefully removing the innermost region of the stellar models, the g-mode influence on the oscillation spectra may be avoided, allowing estimation of the observable regions from the resulting pure p-mode oscillations. The appropriate observable frequency regions are subsequently scanned for the complete and un-truncated stellar model. The observable regions are determined by considering the limitations on observability from the internal mode coupling and damping, yielding consistent frequency spectra obtained at a much reduced computational cost. The Truncated Scanning Method proves the feasibility of obtaining the individual frequencies of red-giant models for a wide range of applications and research, demonstrating an improved computational efficiency by a factor of 10 or better. This means that the inclusion of $l=1,2$ individual frequencies is now a possibility in future asteroseismic modelling efforts of red-giant stars. Further potential avenues for improvements to this method are outlined for future pursuits.

All other papers

Michelle Dadighat, Meredith L. Rawls, Siegfried Eggl, Mike Peel, Constance E. Walker

The IAU Centre for the Protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky from Satellite Constellation Interference (CPS), established in early 2022 and co-hosted by NSF's NOIRLab and the SKA Observatory, was created to unify efforts to work towards mitigating some of the effects of satellite constellations on astronomy. SatHub, one of the four sub-groups of CPS, focuses on software and related tools to aid observers and industry partners in addressing some of the issues caused by commercial satellite constellations.

Cara Giovanetti, Robert Lasenby, Ken Van Tilburg

We study the dynamics of the solar basin -- the accumulated population of weakly-interacting particles on bound orbits in the Solar System. We focus on particles starting off on Sun-crossing orbits, corresponding to initial conditions of production inside the Sun, and investigate their evolution over the age of the Solar System. A combination of analytic methods, secular perturbation theory, and direct numerical integration of orbits sheds light on the long- and short-term evolution of a population of test particles orbiting the Sun and perturbed by the planets. Our main results are that the effective lifetime of a solar basin at Earth's location is $\tau_{\rm eff} = 1.20\pm 0.09 \,\mathrm{Gyr}$, and that there is annual (semi-annual) modulation of the basin density with known phase and amplitude at the fractional level of 6.5% (2.2%). These results have important implications for direct detection searches of solar basin particles, and the strong temporal modulation signature yields a robust discovery channel. Our simulations can also be interpreted in the context of gravitational capture of dark matter in the Solar System, with consequences for any dark-matter phenomenon that may occur below the local escape velocity.

Oliver Newton (1), Mark R. Lovell (2), Carlos S. Frenk (2), Adrian Jenkins (2), John C. Helly (2), Shaun Cole (2), Andrew J. Benson (3) ((1) Center for Theoretical Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, (2) Institute for Computational Cosmology, Durham, UK, (3) Carnegie Observatories, Pasadena CA, USA)

this https URL . Submitted, comments welcome!

Low-mass galaxies provide a powerful tool with which to investigate departures from the standard cosmological paradigm in models that suppress the abundance of small dark matter structures. One of the simplest metrics that can be used to compare different models is the abundance of satellite galaxies in the Milky Way. Viable dark matter models must produce enough substructure to host the observed number of Galactic satellites. Here, we scrutinize the predictions of the neutrino Minimal Standard Model ($\nu{\rm MSM}$), a well-motivated extension of the Standard Model of particle physics in which the production of sterile neutrino dark matter is resonantly enhanced by a lepton asymmetry in the primordial plasma. This process enables the model to evade current constraints associated with non-resonantly produced dark matter. Independently of assumptions about galaxy formation physics we rule out, with at least 95 per cent confidence, all parameterizations of the $\nu{\rm MSM}$ with sterile neutrino rest mass, $M_{\rm s} \leq 1.4\, {\rm keV}$. Incorporating physically motivated prescriptions of baryonic processes and modelling the effects of reionization strengthen our constraints, and we exclude all $\nu{\rm MSM}$ parameterizations with $M_{\rm s} \leq 4\, {\rm keV}$. Unlike other literature, our fiducial constraints do not rule out the putative 3.55 keV X-ray line, if it is indeed produced by the decay of a sterile neutrino; however, some of the most favoured parameter space is excluded. If the Milky Way satellite count is higher than we assume, or if the Milky Way halo is less massive than $M^{\rm MW}_{200} = 8 \times 10^{11}\, {\rm M_\odot}$, we rule out the $\nu{\rm MSM}$ as the origin of the 3.55 keV excess. In contrast with other work, we find that the constraints from satellite counts are substantially weaker than those reported from X-ray non-detections.

Compact binary millisecond pulsars (MSPs), with orbital periods $\lesssim1$d, are key to understanding binary evolution involving massive neutron stars (NSs). Due to ablation of the companion by the rapidly spinning pulsar, these systems are also known as spiders, categorized into two main branches: redbacks (RBs; companion mass in the range of 0.1 to 0.5 M$_{\odot}$) and black widows (BWs; companion mass $\lesssim$ 0.1 M$_{\odot}$). We present models of low- and intermediate-mass X-ray binaries (XRBs) and compare them with observations of Galactic spiders (including the presence/absence of hydrogen lines in their optical spectra). We constrain and quantify the interaction between pulsar and companion. Using MESA, we create the allowed initial parameter space, modeling the irradiation of the companion by the pulsar wind. For the first time in MESA, we include the detailed evolution of the pulsar spin. Efficient mass accretion onto the NS ($70\%$ of mass transferred) with an X-ray irradiated disc, followed by strong irradiation of the companion can explain most properties of the observed spiders. Our RBs continue to the BW regime, connecting the two branches of spiders. Our models explain the lack of hydrogen in some observed BWs with ultra-light companions. The mass required to spin-up a NS to sub-milliseconds is high enough to collapse it into a black hole. Finally, we discuss the formation of RB-like spiders with giant companions and orbital periods of several days (huntsmen) showing that they are unlikely to produce super-massive NSs (maximum accreted mass $\lesssim$0.5 M$_{\odot}$). Cannibalistic MSP binary formation depends heavily on the interplay between accretion onto the pulsar and pulsar wind irradiation. Our work supports earlier claims that RBs evolve into BWs. We also show that the fastest-spinning pulsars may collapse before reaching sub-millisecond spin periods.

Majed Khalaf, Eric Kuflik, Alessandro Lenoci, Nicholas Chamberlain Stone

Ultralight scalars emerge naturally in several motivated particle physics scenarios and are viable candidates for dark matter. While laboratory detection of such bosons is challenging, their existence in nature can be imprinted on measurable properties of astrophysical black holes (BHs). The phenomenon of superradiance can convert the BH spin kinetic energy into a bound cloud of scalars. In this letter, we propose a new technique for directly measuring the mass of a dark cloud around a spinning BH. We compare the measurement of the BH spin obtained with two independent electromagnetic techniques: continuum fitting and iron K$\alpha$ spectroscopy. Since the former technique depends on a dynamical observation of the BH mass while the latter does not, a mismatch between the two measurements can be used to infer the presence of additional extended mass around the BH. We find that a precision of $\sim 1\%$ on the two spin measurements is required to exclude the null hypothesis of no dark mass around the BH at a 2$\sigma$ confidence level for dark masses about a few percent of the BH mass, as motivated in some superradiance scenarios.

Antonio C. Rodriguez, Kareem El-Badry, Valery Suleimanov, Anna F. Pala, Shrinivas R. Kulkarni, Boris Gaensicke, Kaya Mori, R. Michael Rich, Arnab Sarkar, Tong Bao, Raimundo Lopes de Oliveira, Gavin Ramsay, Paula Szkody, Matthew Graham, Thomas A. Prince, Ilaria Caiazzo, Zachary P. Vanderbosch, Jan van Roestel, Kaustav K. Das, Yu-Jing Qin, Mansi M. Kasliwal, Avery Wold, Steven L. Groom, Daniel Reiley, Reed Riddle

We present volume-limited samples of cataclysmic variables (CVs) and AM CVn binaries jointly selected from SRG/eROSITA eRASS1 and \textit{Gaia} DR3 using an X-ray + optical color-color diagram (the ``X-ray Main Sequence"). This tool identifies all CV subtypes, including magnetic and low-accretion rate systems, in contrast to most previous surveys. We find 23 CVs, 3 of which are AM CVns, out to 150 pc in the Western Galactic Hemisphere. Our 150 pc sample is spectroscopically verified and complete down to $L_X = 1.3\times 10^{29} \;\textrm{erg s}^{-1}$ in the 0.2--2.3 keV band, and we also present CV candidates out to 300 pc and 1000 pc. We discovered two previously unknown systems in our 150 pc sample: the third nearest AM CVn and a magnetic period bouncer. We find the mean $L_X$ of CVs to be $\langle L_X \rangle \approx 4.6\times 10^{30} \;\textrm{erg s}^{-1}$, in contrast to previous surveys which yielded $\langle L_X \rangle \sim 10^{31}-10^{32} \;\textrm{erg s}^{-1}$. We construct X-ray luminosity functions that, for the first time, flatten out at $L_X\sim 10^{30} \; \textrm{erg s}^{-1}$. We find average number, mass, and luminosity densities of $\rho_\textrm{N, CV} = (3.7 \pm 0.7) \times 10^{-6} \textrm{pc}^{-3}$, $\rho_M = (5.0 \pm 1.0) \times 10^{-5} M_\odot^{-1}$, and $\rho_{L_X} = (2.3 \pm 0.4) \times 10^{26} \textrm{erg s}^{-1}M_\odot^{-1}$, respectively, in the solar neighborhood. Our uniform selection method also allows us to place meaningful estimates on the space density of AM CVns, $\rho_\textrm{N, AM CVn} = (5.5 \pm 3.7) \times 10^{-7} \textrm{pc}^{-3}$. Magnetic CVs and period bouncers make up $35\%$ and $25\%$ of our sample, respectively. This work, through a novel discovery technique, shows that the observed number densities of CVs and AM CVns, as well as the fraction of period bouncers, are still in tension with population synthesis estimates.

The peculiar motion of massive objects across the line of sight imprints a dipolar temperature anisotropy pattern on the cosmic microwave background known as the moving lens effect. This effect provides a unique probe of the transverse components of the peculiar velocity field, but has not yet been detected due to its small size. We implement and validate a stacking estimator for the moving lens signal using a galaxy catalog as a tracer of massive haloes combined with reconstructed velocities from the galaxy number density field. Using simulations, we forecast detection prospects for the moving lens signal from current and upcoming microwave background and galaxy surveys. We demonstrate a new foreground mitigation strategy sufficient for current data sets, and discuss various sources of systematic error and noise. Upcoming galaxy surveys will provide high-significance statistical detections of the moving lens effect.

Shouyi Wang, W. Niel Brandt, Bin Luo, Zhibo Yu, Fan Zou, Qingling Ni, Fabio Vito

We present a focused X-ray and multiwavelength study of the ultraluminous weak-line quasar (WLQ) SDSS J1521+5202, one of the few X-ray weak WLQs that is amenable to basic X-ray spectral and variability investigations. J1521+5202 shows striking X-ray variability during 2006--2023, by up to a factor of $\approx 32$ in 0.5--2 keV flux, and our new 2023 Chandra observation caught it in its brightest X-ray flux state to date. Concurrent infrared/optical observations show only mild variability. The 2023 Chandra spectrum can be acceptably described by a power law with intrinsic X-ray absorption, and it reveals a nominal intrinsic level of X-ray emission relative to its optical/ultraviolet emission. In contrast, an earlier Chandra spectrum from 2013 shows apparent spectral complexity that is not well fit by a variety of models, including ionized-absorption or standard Compton-reflection models. Overall, the observations are consistent with the thick-disk plus outflow model previously advanced for WLQs, where a nominal level of underlying X-ray emission plus variable absorption lead to the remarkable observed X-ray variability. In the case of J1521+5202 it appears likely that the outflow, and not the thick disk itself, lies along our line-of-sight and causes the X-ray absorption.

Aniket Bhagwat, Lorenzo Napolitano, Laura Pentericci, Benedetta Ciardi, Tiago Costa

Ly$\alpha$ emission is key to understanding the process of cosmic reionisation. JWST is finally enabling us to measure Ly$\alpha$ emission deep into the epoch of reionisation for an increasing number of galaxies. However, discrepancies between measurements of Ly$\alpha$ equivalent widths (EW$_0$) of Ly$\alpha$ emitters (LAEs) have been noted between JWST and ground-based facilities. We employ SPICE, a suite of radiation-hydrodynamical simulations featuring different stellar feedback models, and investigate the impact of radiative transfer effects and observational systematics on the measured Ly$\alpha$ EW$_0$. We perform radiative transfer of Ly$\alpha$ and UV photons for SPICE galaxies to mimic slit spectroscopy for ground-based slits and JWST-MSA pseudo-slits. Spatial Ly$\alpha$-UV offsets exist independently of feedback model, and are common ($>70$% galaxies) with median values of $\approx0.07-0.11''$ and these predictions are consistent with the observed spatial offsets. Spatial Ly$\alpha$-UV offsets are a major cause of loss of flux for JWST-MSA observations, with median pseudo-slit losses of $\approx65$%, and $\approx30$% cases suffering from $>95$% pseudo-slit losses. Even in the absence of such spatial offsets, the presence of extended emission can cause median pseudo-slit losses of $40$%, with $4$% cases suffering from $>95$% pseudo-slit losses. Complex galaxy morphologies or misplaced JWST-MSA pseudo-slit can lead to under-estimated UV continuum, resulting in spuriously high estimates of EW$_0$ from JWST in $6-8$% of galaxies. We compare the predictions from {\tt SPICE} to 25 galaxies with Ly$\alpha$ emission observations from both the ground and JWST. The EW$_0^{\tt JWST}$ and the EW$_0^{\tt Ground}$ exhibit scatter in line with predictions, indicating that both physical and systematic effects are likely at play.

Ismael Pessa, Lutz Wisotzki, Tanya Urrutia, John Pharo, Ramona Augustin, Nicolas F. Bouché, Anna Feltre, Yucheng Guo, Daria Kozlova, Davor Krajnovic, Haruka Kusakabe, Floriane Leclercq, Héctor Salas, Joop Schaye, Anne Verhamme

We report the discovery of a rare Mg II $\lambda$$\lambda$ 2796, 2803 doublet emission halo around a star forming galaxy with $\log (M_\star$/M$_\odot) = 10.3 \pm 0.3$ at $z=0.737$ in deep (9.94 h) VLT/MUSE data from the MUSE-HUDF mosaic. While the central region prominently displays an absorption-dominated Mg II doublet, characterized by discernible P-Cyg features, our examination reveals a remarkably extended Mg II emission, spanning approximately $\sim30$ kpc from the central galaxy. We introduce a simple outflow radiative transfer modeling scheme based on the Sobolev approximation, and we employ a Bayesian Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) fitting to find the best-fitting parameters that match our data. The model reproduces several key features of the observed Mg II halo and allows us to constrain the kinematics and geometry of the outflowing gas. Our data are consistent with a biconical wind whose velocity increases with radius, pointing nearly towards the observer, with an opening angle of $59\pm4^{\circ}$ In general, we find that our outflow model performs better in the inner regions of the galactic wind ($\lesssim 10$ kpc $\approx 6$ half-light radii), reaching a velocity of $\sim120$ km s$^{-1}$ at 10 kpc from the central galaxy. However, discrepancies between the data and the model in the outer regions suggest the possible influence of additional mechanisms, such as inflows, satellite interactions, or turbulence, which might significantly shape the circumgalactic medium (CGM) of galaxies at larger impact parameters. This analysis underscores the complexity of galactic outflows and encourages further exploration of the processes governing the dynamics of galactic winds through spatially resolved studies of the CGM.

T. M. Sitnova, Z. Yuan, T. Matsuno, L. I. Mashonkina, S. A. Alexeeva, E. Holmbeck, F. Sestito, L. Lombardo, P. Banerjee, N. F. Martin, F. Jiang

Dwarf galaxy streams encode vast amounts of information essential to understanding early galaxy formation and nucleosynthesis channels. Due to the variation in the timescales of star formation history in their progenitors, stellar streams serve as `snapshots' that record different stages of galactic chemical evolution. This study focusses on the Cetus stream, stripped from a low-mass dwarf galaxy. We carried out a comprehensive analysis of the chemical composition of 22 member stars based on their high-resolution spectra. We derived abundances for up to 28 chemical species from C to Dy and, for 20 of them, we account for the departures from local thermodynamic equilibrium. We confirm that the Cetus stream has a mean metallicity of [Fe/H] = $-2.11$ $\pm$ 0.21. All observed Cetus stars are $\alpha$ enhanced with [$\alpha$/Fe] $\simeq$ 0.3. The absence of the $\alpha$-`knee' implies that star formation stopped before iron production in type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) became substantial. Neutron capture element abundances suggest that both the rapid (r-) and the main slow (s-) processes contributed to their origin. The decrease in [Eu/Ba] from a typical r-process value of [Eu/Ba] = 0.7 to 0.3 with increasing [Ba/H] indicates a distinct contribution of the r- and s-processes to the chemical composition of different Cetus stars. For barium, the r-process contribution varies from 100 % to 20 % in different sample stars, with an average value of 50 %. Our abundance analysis indicates that the star formation in the Cetus progenitor ceased after the onset of the main s-process in low- to intermediate-mass asymptotic giant branch stars but before SNe Ia played an important role. A distinct evolution scenario is revealed by comparing the abundances in the Ursa Minor dwarf spheroidal galaxy, showing the diversity in the chemical evolution of low-mass dwarf galaxies.

In 21-cm experimental cosmology, accurate characterization of a radio telescope's antenna beam response is essential to measure the 21-cm signal. Computational electromagnetic (CEM) simulations estimate the antenna beam pattern and frequency response by subjecting the EM model to different dependencies, or beam hyper-parameters, such as soil dielectric constant or orientation with the environment. However, it is computationally expensive to search all possible parameter spaces to optimize the antenna design or accurately represent the beam to the level required for use as a systematic model in 21-cm cosmology. We therefore present $\texttt{MEDEA}$, an emulator which rapidly and accurately generates farfield radiation patterns over a large hyper-parameter space. $\texttt{MEDEA}$ takes a subset of beams simulated by CEM software, spatially decomposes them into coefficients in a complete, linear basis, and then interpolates them to form new beams at arbitrary hyper-parameters. We test $\texttt{MEDEA}$ on an analytical dipole and two numerical beams motivated by upcoming lunar lander missions, and then employ $\texttt{MEDEA}$ as a model to fit mock radio spectrometer data to extract covariances on the input beam hyper-parameters. We find that the interpolated beams have RMS relative errors of at most $10^{-2}$ using 20 input beams or less, and that fits to mock data are able to recover the input beam hyper-parameters when the model and mock derive from the same set of beams. When a systematic bias is introduced into the mock data, extracted beam hyper-parameters exhibit bias, as expected. We propose several future extensions to $\texttt{MEDEA}$ to potentially account for such bias.

Potential Field Source Surface (PFSS) models are widely used to simulate coronal magnetic fields. PFSS models use the observed photospheric magnetic field as the inner boundary condition and assume a perfectly radial field beyond a ``Source Surface" ($R_{ss}$). At present, total solar eclipse (TSE) white light images are the only data that delineate the coronal magnetic field from the photosphere out to several solar radii ($R_\odot$). We utilize a complete solar cycle span of these images between 2008 and 2020 as a benchmark to assess the reliability of PFSS models. For a quantitative assessment, we apply a rolling Hough transform (RHT) to the eclipse data and corresponding PFFS models to measure the difference, $\Delta\theta$, between the data and model magnetic field lines throughout the corona. We find that the average $\Delta\theta$, $\langle\Delta\theta\rangle$, can be minimized for a given choice of $R_{ss}$ depending on the phase within a solar cycle. In particular, $R_{ss}\approx1.3 \ R_\odot$ is found to be optimal for solar maximum, while $R_{ss}\approx3 \ R_\odot$ yields a better match at solar minimum. However, large ($\langle\Delta\theta\rangle>10^\circ$) discrepancies between TSE data and PFSS-generated coronal field lines remain regardless of the choice of source surface. Yet, implementation of solar cycle dependent $R_{ss}$ optimal values do yield more reliable PFSS-generated coronal field lines for use in models and for tracing in-situ measurements back to their sources at the Sun.

Qian Yang, Paul J. Green, Xue-Bing Wu, Michael Eracleous, Linhua Jiang, Yuming Fu

"Changing-look quasars" (CLQs), discovered less than a decade ago, show dramatic, rapid changes in optical/UV continuum and broad line emission. The majority of CLQs have been found dimming as "turn-off" CLQs because most selection methods start from samples of spectroscopically-confirmed quasars. We present here a sample of 82 spectroscopically confirmed "turn-on" CLQs, 70 of which are newly identified. The turn-on CLQs are selected from spectroscopically classified galaxies with subsequent significant and dramatic variability in both the optical and mid-infrared bands, indicating a mechanism of changing accretion rate of the supermassive black holes rather than variable obscuration. Based on their bright state Eddington ratios, turn-on CLQs are associated with lower accretion rates compared to turn-off CLQs or typical SDSS quasars with similar redshift and magnitude distributions, even though turn-on CLQs have lower black hole masses. Most turn-on CLQs reside in host galaxies that follow local relations between the central black hole mass and host galaxy properties, such as stellar mass and velocity dispersion. However, their host galaxies have higher mass than normal inactive galaxies, with star formation rates more similar to hosts of Type 2 AGN than to the overall galaxy population.

With the release of a large amount of astronomical data, an increasing number of close-in hot Jupiters have been discovered. Calculating their evolutionary curves using star-planet interaction models presents a challenge. To expedite the generation of evolutionary curves for these close-in hot Jupiter systems, we utilized tidal interaction models established on MESA to create 15,745 samples of star-planet systems and 7,500 samples of stars. Additionally, we employed a neural network (Multi-Layer Perceptron - MLP) to predict the evolutionary curves of the systems, including stellar effective temperature, radius, stellar rotation period, and planetary orbital period. The median relative errors of the predicted evolutionary curves were found to be 0.15%, 0.43%, 2.61%, and 0.57%, respectively. Furthermore, the speed at which we generate evolutionary curves exceeds that of model-generated curves by more than four orders of magnitude. We also extracted features of planetary migration states and utilized lightGBM to classify the samples into 6 categories for prediction. We found that by combining three types that undergo long-term double synchronization into one label, the classifier effectively recognized these features. Apart from systems experiencing long-term double synchronization, the median relative errors of the predicted evolutionary curves were all below 4%. Our work provides an efficient method to save significant computational resources and time with minimal loss in accuracy. This research also lays the foundation for analyzing the evolutionary characteristics of systems under different migration states, aiding in the understanding of the underlying physical mechanisms of such systems. Finally, to a large extent, our approach could replace the calculations of theoretical models.

Stellar XUV (X-ray and extreme ultraviolet) emission drives the heating and chemical reactions in planetary atmospheres and protoplanetary disks, and therefore, a proper estimation of a stellar XUV spectrum is required for their studies. One proposed solution is to estimate stellar atmospheric heating using numerical models, although the validation was restricted to the Sun over a limited parameter range. In this study, we extend the validation of the model by testing it with the Sun and three young, nearby solar-type stars with available XUV observational data. We first test the model with the solar observations, examining its accuracy in activity minimum and maximum phases, its dependence on loop length, the effect of loop length superposition, and its sensitivity to elemental abundance. We confirm that the model spectrum is mostly accurate both in activity minimum and maximum, although the high-energy X-rays (< 1 nm) are underestimated in the activity maximum. Applying the model to young solar-type stars, we find that it can reproduce the observed XUV spectra within a factor of 3 in the range of 1-30 nm for stars with magnetic flux up to 100 times that of the Sun. For a star with 300 times the solar magnetic flux, although the raw numerical data show a systematically lower spectrum than observed, the spectra are in good agreement once corrected for the effect of insufficient resolution in the transition region. For all young solar-type stars, high-energy X-rays (< 1 nm) are significantly underestimated, with the deviation increasing with stellar magnetic activity. Our findings indicate that the stellar XUV spectrum can be reasonably estimated through a numerical model, given that the essential input parameters (surface magnetic flux and elemental abundance) are known.

The recent detection of CN-functionalized aromatics partly addresses the long-standing mystery of the apparent absence of five- and six-membered rings in interstellar environments. N-heterocycles, which are crucial as the fundamental structures of nucleobases, have been a focus of these aromatic searches due to their biological significance. Although N-heterocycles have not been conclusively detected in astrophysical environments, their presence in chondrites and meteorites signifies their interstellar and circumstellar connection. Precise spectral data identifies the unique signatures of molecules, confirming their presence in space. In this light, the present work reports an extensive computational investigation on interstellar 3-pyrroline; a five-membered ring N-heterocycle. This includes an alternative formation route in cold interstellar environments and highly accurate rotational and vibrational spectroscopy. The results indicate that 3-pyrroline can form on dust grain surfaces from vinyl cyanide, as its formation from pyrrole through double hydrogenation may lead to the formation of pyrrole itself via a H$_{2}$ abstraction process. 3-pyrroline's rotational transition at 52.3 GHz offers a potential tool for its detection in cold interstellar regions. Additionally, the strongest infrared features of 3-pyrroline at 16.09 $\mu$m and $\sim$3.50 $\mu$m are observable with JWST. The provided data is crucial for laboratory identification and future interstellar observations of 3-pyrroline at both radio and IR wavelengths.

It has recently been shown that extended cosmological epochs can exist during which the abundances associated with different energy components remain constant despite cosmological expansion. Indeed, this "stasis" behavior has been found to arise generically in many BSM theories containing large towers of states, and even serves as a cosmological attractor. However, all previous studies of stasis took place within non-thermal environments, or more specifically within environments in which thermal effects played no essential role in realizing or sustaining the stasis. In this paper, we demonstrate that stasis can emerge and serve as an attractor even within thermal environments, with thermal effects playing a critical role in the stasis dynamics. Moreover, within such environments, we find that no towers of states are needed -- a single state experiencing two-body annihilations will suffice. This work thus extends the stasis phenomenon into the thermal domain and demonstrates that thermal effects can also generally give rise to an extended stasis epoch, even when only a single matter species is involved.

Arthur G. Suvorov, Hao-Jui Kuan, Kostas D. Kokkotas

A variety of high-energy events can take place in the seconds leading up to a binary neutron-star merger. Mechanisms involving tidal resonances, electrodynamic interactions, or shocks in mass-loaded wakes have been proposed as instigators of these precursors. With a view of gravitational-wave and multimessenger astrophysics more broadly, premerger observations and theory are reviewed emphasising how gamma-ray precursors and dynamical tides can constrain the neutron-star equation of state, thermodynamic microphysics, and evolutionary pathways. Connections to post-merger phenomena, notably gamma-ray bursts, are discussed together with how magnetic fields, spin and misalignment, crustal elasticity, and stratification gradients impact observables.

G. Contursi, P. de Laverny, A. Recio-Blanco, M. Molero, E. Spitoni, F. Matteucci, S. Cristallo

The chemical evolution of neutron capture elements in the Milky Way is still a matter of debate. Although more and more studies investigate their chemical behaviour, there is still a lack of a significant large sample of abundances of a key heavy element: lead. Lead is the final product of the s-process nucleosynthesis channel and is one of the most stable heavy elements. We analysed high-resolution spectra from the ESO UVES and FEROS archives. Atmospheric parameters were taken from the AMBRE parametrisation. We used the automated abundance method GAUGUIN to derive lead abundances in 653 slow-rotating FGK-type stars from the 368.34nm Pb I line. We present the largest catalogue of homogeneous LTE and non-LTE lead abundances ever published with metallicities ranging from -2.9 to 0.6dex and [Pb/Fe] from -0.7 to 3.3dex. Within this sample, no lead-enhanced Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars were found, but nine lead-enhanced metal-poor stars ([Pb/Fe] > 1.5) were detected. Most of them were already identified as carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars with enrichments in other s-process species. The lead abundance of 13 Gaia Benchmark Stars are also provided. We then investigated the Pb content of the Milky Way disc by computing vertical and radial gradients and found a slightly decreasing [Pb/Fe] radial trend with metallicity. This trend together with other related ratios ([Pb/Eu], [Pb/Ba], and [Pb/alpha]) are interpreted thanks to chemical evolution models. The two-infall model closely reproduces the observed trends with respect to the metallicity. It is also found that the AGB contribution to the Pb Galactic enrichment has to be strongly reduced. Moreover, the contribution of massive stars with rather high rotational velocities should be favoured in the low-metallicity regime.

The star formation efficiency (SFE) measures the proportion of molecular gas converted into stars, while the star formation rate (SFR) indicates the rate at which gas is transformed into stars. Here we propose such a model in the framework of a global radial collapse of molecular clouds, where the collapse velocity depends on the density profile and the initial mass-to-radius ratio of molecular clouds, with the collapse velocity accelerating during the collapse process. This simplified analytical model allows us to estimate a lifetime of giant molecular clouds of approximately $0.44-7.36 \times 10^7\, \rm{yr}$, and a star formation timescale of approximately $0.5-5.88 \times 10^6\, \rm{yr}$. Additionally, we can predict an SFE of approximately $1.59\, \%$, and an SFR of roughly $1.85\, \rm{M_{\odot} \, yr^{-1}}$ for the Milky Way in agreement with observations.

Kumiko Kotera (for the GRAND Collaboration)

GRAND (the Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection) is a proposed next-generation observatory of ultra-high-energy neutrinos, cosmic rays, and gamma rays of cosmic origin, with energies exceeding about 100 PeV. GRAND is envisioned as a collection of large-scale ground arrays of self-triggered radio antennas that target the radio emission from extensive air showers initiated by UHE particles. Three prototype arrays are in operation: GRAND@Nançay in France, GRAND@Auger in Argentina, and GRANDProto300 in China. They test the detection principle and technology of GRAND, in preparation for its next phase, consisting of two arrays of 10'000 antennas each, in the Northern and Southern hemispheres, to be deployed from 2030 on. We present the concept of GRAND, its science goals, the status of the prototypes, their first measurements, and the technical and scientific perspectives that these measurements open for the field.

Benoit Commerçon, Francesco Lovascio, Elliot Lynch, Enrico Ragusa

Recent observations have begun probing the early phases of disc formation, but little data yet exists on disc structure and morphology of Class 0 objects. Using simulations, we are able to lay out predictions of disc morphologies expected in future surveys of young discs. Based on detailed simulations of ab initio star formation by core collapse, we predict that early discs must be eccentric. In this letter, we study the morphology and, in particular, the eccentricity of discs formed in non-ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) collapse simulations. We attempt to show that discs formed by cloud collapse are likely to be eccentric. We ran non-ideal MHD collapse simulations in the adaptive mesh refinement code RAMSES with radiative transfer. We used state-of-the-art analysis methods to measure the disc eccentricity. We find that despite no asymmetry in the initial conditions, the discs formed are eccentric, with eccentricities on the order of 0.1. These results may have important implications for protoplanetary disc dynamics and planet formation. The presence of eccentricity in young discs that is not seen at later stages of disc evolution is in tension with current viscous eccentricity damping models. This implies that there may be an as-yet undiscovered circularisation mechanism in circumstellar discs.

S. Messina, G. Catanzaro, A. F. Lanza, D. Gandolfi, M.M. Serrano, H.J. Deeg, D. Garcia-Alvarez

RACE-OC (Rotation and ACtivity Evolution in Open Clusters) is a project aimed at characterising the rotational and magnetic activity properties of the late-type members of open clusters, stellar associations, and moving groups of different ages. As part of this project, in the present paper we present the results of an investigation of a likely member of the AB Doradus association, the M-type star 2MASS J15594729+4403595.} {In the present study, we aim to reveal the real nature of our target, which turned out to be a hierarchical triple system, to derive the stellar rotation period and surface differential rotation, and to characterise its photospheric magnetic activity.} {We have collected radial velocity and photometric time series, complemented with archive data, to determine the orbital parameters and the rotation period and we have used the spot modelling technique to explore what causes its photometric variability. \rm } {We found 2MASS J15594729 +4403595 to be a hierarchical triple system consisting of a dwarf, SB1 M2, and a companion, M8. The M2 star has a rotation period of P = 0.37\,d, making it the fastest among M-type members of AB Dor. The most relevant result is the detection of a periodic variation in the spotted area on opposite stellar hemispheres, which resembles a sort of Rossby wave or Rieger-like cycles on an extremely short timescale. Another interesting result is the occurrence of a highly significant photometric periodicity, P = 0.443\,d, which may be related to the stellar rotation in terms of either a Rossby wave or surface differential rotation.} {2MASS J15594729+4403595 may be the prototype of a new class of extremely fast rotating stars exibiting short Rieger-like cycles. We shall further explore what may drive these short-duration cycles and we shall also search for similar stars to allow for a statistical analysis.

Hongwei Ge, Christopher Adam Tout, Xuefei Chen, Song Wang, Jianping Xiong, Lifu Zhang, Qingzhong Liu, Zhanwen Han

Binary stars are responsible for many unusual astrophysical phenomena, including some important explosive cosmic events. The stability criteria for rapid mass transfer and common-envelope evolution are fundamental to binary star evolution. They determine the mass, mass ratio, and orbital distribution of systems such as X-ray binaries and merging gravitational-wave sources. We use our adiabatic mass-loss model to systematically survey metal-poor and solar-metallicity donor thresholds for dynamical timescale mass transfer. The critical mass ratios qad are systematically explored, and the impact of metallicity and nonconservative mass transfer are studied. For metal-poor radiative-envelope donors, qad are smaller than those for solar-metallicity stars at the same evolutionary stage. However, qad do the opposite for convective-envelope donors. Nonconservative mass transfer significantly decreases qad for massive donors. This is because it matters how conservative mass transfer is during the thermal timescale phase immediately preceding a delayed dynamical mass transfer. We apply our theoretical predictions to observed high-mass X-ray binaries that have overfilled their Roche lobes and find a good agreement with their mass ratios. Our results can be applied to study individual binary objects or large samples of binary objects with binary population synthesis codes.

Supersoft X-ray sources (SSSs) have been proposed as one of the progenitors for Type Ia supernovae. However, the exact origin of the quasi-periodic variability in the optical light curve remains a this http URL this work, our goal is to investigate the effect of the feedback of an evolved main-sequence companion star on X-ray irradiation and find whether periodic X-ray irradiation of the companion star could reproduce periodic mass transfer.Using the Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA) code, we modeled the evolutionary track of the companion star under the influence of supersoft X-ray irradiation, and we calculated the resulting mass transfer rate. We find that the supersoft X-ray heating of the companion star can result in the expansion of the companion, causing it to greatly overflow its Roche lobe and thereby increasing the mass transfer rate. The periodic X-ray irradiation on the companion stars leads to periodic changes in the mass transfer rate. For a given companion star, higher irradiation efficiencies result in a higher mass transfer rate. Additionally, the mass transfer rate increases as the mass of the companion star decreases for a given irradiation efficiency. The companion star undergoing thermal timescale mass transfer is periodically irradiated by the X-rays from the WD, which can lead to periodic enhancement of the mass transfer rate. The mechanism could be the origin of the quasi-periodic optical light curve in supersoft X-ray sources.

Hyerin Jang, Rens Waters, Till Kaeufer, Akemi Tamanai, Giulia Perotti, Valentin Christiaens, Inga Kamp, Thomas Henning, Michiel Min, Aditya M. Arabhavi, David Barrado, Ewine F. van Dishoeck, Danny Gasman, Sierra L. Grant, Manuel Güdel, Pierre-Olivier Lagage, Fred Lahuis, Kamber Schwarz, Benoît Tabone, Milou Temmink

The inner disk of the young star PDS 70 may be a site of rocky planet formation, with two giant planets detected further out. Solids in the inner disk may inform us about the origin of this inner disk water and nature of the dust in the rocky planet-forming regions. We aim to constrain the chemical composition, lattice structure, and grain sizes of small silicate grains in the inner disk of PDS 70, observed both in JWST/MIRI MRS and Spitzer IRS. We use a dust fitting model, called DuCK, based on a two-layer disk model. We use Gaussian Random Field and Distribution of Hollow Spheres models to obtain two sets of dust opacities. The third set of opacities is obtained from aerosol spectroscopy. We use stoichiometric amorphous silicates, forsterite, and enstatite in our analysis. We also used iron-rich and magnesium-rich amorphous silicate and fayalite dust species to study the iron content. The Gaussian Random Field opacity agrees well with the observed spectrum. In both MIRI and Spitzer spectra, amorphous silicates are the dominant dust species. Crystalline silicates are dominated by iron-poor olivine. We do not find strong evidence for enstatite. Moreover, the MIRI spectrum indicates larger grain sizes than the Spitzer spectrum, indicating a time-variable small grain reservoir. The inner PDS 70 disk is dominated by a variable reservoir of optically thin warm amorphous silicates. We suggest that the small grains detected in the inner PDS 70 disk are likely transported inward from the outer disk as a result of filtration and fragmentation at the ice line. In addition, the variation between MIRI and Spitzer data can be explained by the grain growth over 15 years and a dynamical inner disk where opacity changes occur resulting from the highly variable hot innermost dust reservoir.

Edward J. Parkinson, Christian Knigge, Lixin Dai, Lars Lund Thomsen, James H. Matthews, Knox S. Long

Tidal disruption events (TDEs) can generate non-spherical, relativistic and optically thick outflows. Simulations show that the radiation we observe is reprocessed by these outflows. According to a unified model suggested by these simulations, the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of TDEs depend strongly on viewing angle: low [high] optical-to-X-ray ratios (OXRs) correspond to face-on [edge-on] orientations. Post-processing with radiative transfer codes have simulated the emergent spectra, but have so far been carried out only in a quasi-1D framework, with three atomic species (H, He and O). Here, we present 2.5D Monte Carlo radiative transfer simulations which model the emission from a non-spherical outflow, including a more comprehensive set of cosmically abundant species. While the basic trend of OXR increasing with inclination is preserved, the inherently multi-dimensional nature of photon transport through the non-spherical outflow significantly affects the emergent SEDs. Relaxing the quasi-1D approximation allows photons to preferentially escape in (polar) directions of lower optical depth, resulting in a greater variation of bolometric luminosity as a function of inclination. According to our simulations, inclination alone may not fully explain the large dynamic range of observed TDE OXRs. We also find that including metals, other than Oxygen, changes the emergent spectra significantly, resulting in stronger absorption and emission lines in the extreme ultraviolet, as well a greater variation in the OXR as a function of inclination. Whilst our results support previously proposed unified models for TDEs, they also highlight the critical importance of multi-dimensional ionization and radiative transfer.

The accretion of material from disks onto weakly magnetized objects invariably involves its traversal through a material surface, known as the boundary layer (BL). Our prior studies have revealed two distinct global wave modes for circumplanetary disks (CPDs) with BLs exhibit opposite behaviors in spin modulation.We perform a detailed analysis about the effect of magnetic fields on these global modes, highlighting how magnetic resonances and turning points could complicate the wave dynamics. The angular momentum flux becomes positive near the BL with increasing magnetic field strength. We also examine the perturbation profile to demonstrate the amplification of magnetic fields within the BL. The dependence of growth rates on the magnetic field strength, and the spin rate are systematically investigated. We find that stronger magnetic fields tend to result in lower terminal spin rates. We stress the potential possibility for the formation of angular momentum belts and pressure bumps. The implication for the spin evolution and quasi-period oscillations observed in compact objects are also briefly discussed. Our calculations advance the understanding of magnetohydrodynamical (MHD) accretion processes and lays a foundation for observational studies and numerical simulations.

High-velocity stellar collisions near supermassive black holes may result in a complete disruption of the stars. The initial disruption can have energies on par with supernovae and power a very fast transient. In this work we examine the primary flare that will follow the initial transient, which arises when streams of gas from the disrupted stars travel around the central black hole and collide with each other on the antipodal side with respect to the original collision. We present a simple analytic estimate for the properties of the flare, which depends on the distance of the collision from the central black hole and on the center of mass velocity of the colliding stars. We also present first of their kind radiation-hydrodynamics simulations of a few examples of stellar collisions and post-collision flow of the ejected gas, and calculate the expected bolometric light curves. We find that such post-collision flares are expected to be similar to flares which arise in tidal disruptions events of single stars.

Current cosmological observations allow for deviations from the standard growth of large-scale structures in the universe. These deviations could indicate modifications to General Relativity on cosmological scales or suggest the dynamical nature of dark energy. It is important to characterize these departures in a model-independent manner to understand their significance objectively and explore their fundamental causes more generically across a wider spectrum of theories and models. In this paper, we compress the information from redshift-space distortion data into 2-3 parameters $\mu_i$, which control the ratio between the effective gravitational coupling in Poisson's equation and Newton's constant in several redshift bins in the late universe. We test the efficiency of this compression using mock final-year data from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) and considering three different models within the class of effective field theories of dark energy. The constraints on the parameters of these models, obtained from both the direct fit to the data and the projection of the compressed parameters onto the parameters of the models, are fully consistent, demonstrating the method's good performance. Then, we apply it to current data and find hints of a suppressed matter growth in the universe at $\sim 2.7\sigma$ C.L., in full accordance with previous works in the literature. Finally, we perform a forecast with DESI data and show that the uncertainties on the parameters $\mu_1$ at $z<1$ and $\mu_2$ at $1<z<3$ are expected to decrease by approximately $40\%$ and $20\%$, respectively, compared to those obtained with current data. Additionally, we project these forecasted constraints onto the parameters of the aforesaid models.

E. Sturm, R.Davies, J. Alves, Y. Clénet, J. Kotilainen, A. Monna, H. Nicklas, J.-U. Pott, E. Tolstoy, B. Vulcani, J. Achren, S. Annadevara, H. Anwand-Heerwart, C. Arcidiacono, S. Barboza, L. Barl, P. Baudoz, R. Bender, N. Bezawada, F. Biondi, P. Bizenberger, A. Blin, A. Boné, P. Bonifacio, B. Borgo, J. van den Born, T. Buey, Y. Cao, F. Chapron, G. Chauvin, F. Chemla, K. Cloiseau, M. Cohen, C. Collin, O. Czoske, J.-O. Dette, M. Deysenroth, E. Dijkstra, S. Dreizler, O. Dupuis, G. van Egmond, F. Eisenhauer, E. Elswijk, A. Emslander, M. Fabricius, G. Fasola, F. Ferreira, N. M. Förster Schreiber, A. Fontana, J. Gaudemard, N. Gautherot, E. Gendron, C. Gennet, R. Genzel, L. Ghouchou, S. Gillessen, D. Gratadour, A. Grazian, F. Grupp, S. Guieu, M. Gullieuszik, M. de Haan, J. Hartke, M. Hartl, F. Haussmann, T. Helin, H.-J. Hess, R. Hofferbert, H. Huber, E. Huby, J.-M. Huet, D. Ives, A. Janssen, P. Jaufmann, T. Jilg, D. Jodlbauer, J. Jost, W. Kausch, H. Kellermann, F. Kerber, H. Kravcar, K. Kravchenko, C. Kulcsár, H. Kunkarayakti, P. Kunst, S. Kwast, F. Lang, J. Lange, V. Lapeyrere, B. Le Ruyet, K. Leschinski, H. Locatelli, D. Massari, S. Mattila, S. Mei, F. Merlin, E. Meyer, C. Michel, L. Mohr, M. Montargès

MICADO is a first light instrument for the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), set to start operating later this decade. It will provide diffraction limited imaging, astrometry, high contrast imaging, and long slit spectroscopy at near-infrared wavelengths. During the initial phase operations, adaptive optics (AO) correction will be provided by its own natural guide star wavefront sensor. In its final configuration, that AO system will be retained and complemented by the laser guide star multi-conjugate adaptive optics module MORFEO (formerly known as MAORY). Among many other things, MICADO will study exoplanets, distant galaxies and stars, and investigate black holes, such as Sagittarius A* at the centre of the Milky Way. After their final design phase, most components of MICADO have moved on to the manufacturing and assembly phase. Here we summarize the final design of the instrument and provide an overview about its current manufacturing status and the timeline. Some lessons learned from the final design review process will be presented in order to help future instrumentation projects to cope with the challenges arising from the substantial differences between projects for 8-10m class telescopes (e.g. ESO-VLT) and the next generation Extremely Large Telescopes (e.g. ESO-ELT). Finally, the expected performance will be discussed in the context of the current landscape of astronomical observatories and instruments. For instance, MICADO will have similar sensitivity as the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), but with six times the spatial resolution.

Shiyu Yue, Longlong Feng, Wenjie Ju, Jun Pan, Zhiqi Huang, Feng Fang, Zhuoyang Li, Yan-Chuan Cai, Weishan Zhu

This paper presents a novel perspective on correlation functions in the clustering analysis of the large-scale structure of the universe. We first recognise that pair counting in bins of radial separation is equivalent to evaluating counts-in-cells (CIC), which can be modelled using a filtered density field with a binning-window function. This insight leads to an in situ expression for the two-point correlation function (2PCF). Essentially, the core idea underlying our method is to introduce a window function to define the binning scheme, enabling pair-counting without binning. This approach develops a concept of generalised 2PCF, which extends beyond conventional discrete pair counting by accommodating non-sharp-edged window functions. To extend this framework to N-point correlation functions (NPCF) using current optimal edge-corrected estimators, we developed a binning scheme independent of the specific parameterisation of polyhedral configurations. In particular, we demonstrate a fast algorithm for the three-point correlation function (3PCF), where triplet counting is accomplished by assigning either a spherical tophat or a Gaussian filter to each vertex of triangles. Additionally, we derive analytical expressions for the 3PCF using a multipole expansion in Legendre polynomials, accounting for filtered field (binning) corrections. Numerical tests using several suites of N-body simulation samples show that our approach aligns remarkably well with the theoretical predictions. Our method provides an exact solution for quantifying binning effects in practical measurements and offers a high-speed algorithm, enabling high-order clustering analysis in extremely large datasets from ongoing and upcoming surveys such as Euclid, LSST, and DESI.

Despite their variety of scales throughout the interstellar medium, filaments in nearby low-mass clouds show a characteristic width of $\sim$ 0.1 pc from the analysis of {\it Herschel} observations. The origin of this characteristic width, however, has been a matter of intense discussions during the last decade. We explored a possible variation in this typical width with the EMERGE Early ALMA Survey, which includes seven star-forming regions in Orion (OMC-1/-2/-3/-4 South, LDN 1641N, NGC 2023, Flame Nebula). These targets, which exhibit different physical conditions, star formation histories, mass, and density regimes, were homogeneously surveyed at a resolution of $\sim$ 2000 au in N$_2$H$^+$ (1$-$0) with ALMA+IRAM-30m observations. We characterised the column density and temperature radial profiles of the 152 fibers identified in the survey using the automatic fitting routine FilChap. These Orion fibers show a departure from the isothermal condition with significant outward temperature gradients with $\nabla T_\mathrm{K} > 30$ K pc$^{-1}$. They also show a median full width at half maximum ($FWHM$) of $\sim 0.05$ pc, with a corresponding median aspect ratio of $\sim2$. More relevantly, we observe a systematic variation in these fiber $FWHM$ between different regions in our sample, and a direct inverse dependence of these $FWHM$ on their central column density, $N_0$, above $\gtrsim 10^{22}$ cm$^{-2}$. This dependency agrees with the expected $N_0-FWHM$ anti-correlation predicted in previous theoretical studies. Our homogeneous analysis returns the first observational evidence of an intrinsic and systematic variation in the fiber widths across different star-forming regions. While sharing comparable mass, length, and kinematic properties in all of our targets, fibers appear to adjust their $FWHM$ to their density and to the pressure in their host environment.

Zs. Kővári, K.G. Strassmeier, L. Kriskovics, K. Oláh, T. Borkovits, B. Seli, K. Vida, Á. Radványi

Tidal forces in close binaries and multiple systems that contain magnetically active component are supposed to influence the operation of magnetic dynamo. Through synchronization the tidal effect of a close companion helps maintain fast rotation, thus supporting an efficient dynamo. At the same time, it can also suppress the differential rotation of the convection zone, or even force the formation of active longitudes at certain phases fixed to the orbit. V815 Her is a four-star system consisting of two close binaries orbiting each other, one of which contains an active G-type main-sequence star. Therefore, the system offers an excellent opportunity to investigate the influence of gravitational effects on solar-type magnetic activity using different methods.

Sangita Kumari, Bhaswati Bhattacharyya, Devojyoti Kansabanik, Rahul Sharan, Ankita Ghosh, Jayanta Roy

Eclipses of radio emission have been reported for ~ 58 spider millisecond pulsars (MSP), of which only around 19% have been extensively studied. Such studies at low frequencies are crucial for probing the properties of the eclipse medium, as eclipses are more prominent at such frequencies. This study investigates eclipses in 10 MSPs in compact orbit using wide-bandwidth observations with the upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope. We report the first evidence of eclipsing for PSR J2234+0944 and J2214+3000 in one epoch, while no evidence of eclipsing was observed in the subsequent two epochs, indicating temporal evolution of the eclipse cutoff frequency in these systems. Constraints on the eclipse cutoff frequency were obtained for PSR J1555-2908, J1810+1744, and J2051-0827. Moreover, for the first time, we detected an eclipse at a non-standard orbital phase (~ 0.5) for PSR J1810+1744, with a duration longer than the eclipse observed at superior conjunction. No eclipses were detected for PSR J0751+1807, J1738+0333, and J1807-2459A at 300-500 MHz and 550-750 MHz, for which we discuss the possible reasons. We calculated the mass loss rates of the companions for PSR J1555-2908 and PSR J1810+1744, and found that these rates are insufficient to ablate the companion stars. We cataloged the $\dot{E}/a^2$, mass function, roche lobe filling factor, and inclination angle for compact MSP binaries with low-mass companions and found that higher spin-down flux does not guarantee eclipses. Our analysis, supported by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic, reveals that eclipsing black widow binaries generally exhibit a higher mass function compared to non-eclipsing black widow binaries, as reported by previous studies for a limited sample of black widow MSPs.

The advent of high-resolution, near-infrared instruments such as VLT/SPHERE and Gemini/GPI has helped uncover a wealth of substructure in planet-forming disks, including large, prominent spiral arms in MWC 758, SAO 206462, and V1247 Ori among others. In the classical theory of disk-planet interaction, these arms are consistent with Lindblad-resonance driving by multi-Jupiter-mass companions. Despite improving detection limits, evidence for such massive bodies in connection with spiral substructure has been inconclusive. In search of an alternative explanation, we use the PLUTO code to run 3D hydrodynamical simulations with two comparatively low planet masses (Saturn-mass, Jupiter-mass) and two thermodynamic prescriptions (three-temperature radiation hydrodynamics, and the more traditional $\beta$-cooling) in a low-mass disk. In the radiative cases, an $m = 2$ mode, potentially attributable to the interaction of stellar radiation with gap-edge asymmetries, creates an azimuthal pressure gradient, which in turn gives rise to prominent spiral arms in the upper layers of the disk. Monte Carlo radiative transfer (MCRT) post-processing with RADMC3D reveals that in near-infrared scattered light, these gap-edge spirals are significantly more prominent than the traditional Lindblad spirals for planets in the mass range tested. Our results demonstrate that even intermediate-mass protoplanets -- less detectable, but more ubiquitous, than super-Jupiters -- are capable of indirectly inducing large-scale spiral disk features, and underscore the importance of including radiation physics in efforts to reproduce observations.

Quasiperiodic oscillations (QPOs) have been recently discovered in the short gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) 910711 and 931101B. Their frequencies are consistent with those of the radial and quadrupolar oscillations of binary neutron star merger remnants, as obtained in numerical relativity simulations. These simulations reveal quasiuniversal relations between the remnant oscillation frequencies and the tidal coupling constant of the binaries. Under the assumption that the observed QPOs are due to these postmerger oscillations, we use the frequency-tide relations in a Bayesian framework to infer the source redshift, as well as the chirp mass and the binary tidal deformability of the binary neutron star progenitors for GRBs 910711 and 931101B. We further use this inference to estimate bounds on the mass-radius relation for neutron stars. By combining the estimates from the two GRBs, we find a 68\% credible range $R_{1.4}=12.48^{+0.41}_{-0.41}$~km for the radius of a neutron star with mass $M=1.4$~M$_\odot$, which is one of the tightest bounds to date.

Atmospheres above lava-ocean planets (LOPs) hold clues as to the properties of their interiors, owing to the expectation that the two reservoirs are in chemical equilibrium. Here we consider `mineral' atmospheres produced in equilibrium with silicate liquids. We treat oxygen fugacity ($f$O$_2$) as an independent variable, together with temperature ($T$) and composition ($X$), to compute equilibrium partial pressures ($p$) of stable gas species at the liquid-gas interface. Above this boundary, the atmospheric speciation and the pressure-temperature structure are computed self-consistently to yield emission spectra. We explore a wide array of plausible compositions, oxygen fugacities (between 6 log$_{10}$ units below- and above the iron-wüstite buffer, IW) and irradiation temperatures (2000, 2500, 3000 and 3500 K) relevant to LOPs. We find that SiO(g), Fe(g) and Mg(g) are the major species below $\sim$IW, ceding to O$_2$(g) and O(g) in more oxidised atmospheres. The transition between the two regimes demarcates a minimum in total pressure ($P$). Because $p$ scales linearly with $X$, emission spectra are only modest functions of composition. By contrast, $f$O$_2$ can vary over orders of magnitude, thus causing commensurate changes in $p$. Reducing atmospheres show intense SiO emission, creating a temperature inversion in the upper atmosphere. Conversely, oxidised atmospheres have lower $p$SiO and lack thermal inversions, with resulting emission spectra that mimic that of a black body. Consequently, the intensity of SiO emission relative to the background, generated by MgO(g), can be used to quantify the $f$O$_2$ of the atmosphere. Depending on the emission spectroscopy metric of the target, deriving the $f$O$_2$ of known nearby LOPs is possible with a few secondary occultations observed by JWST.

Millisecond pulsar + helium white dwarf (MSP+He WD) binaries are thought to have descended from neutron star (NS) low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs). The NSs accreted from the progenitors of the WDs and their spin periods were accordingly accelerated to the equilibrium periods of order milliseconds. Thus, the initial spin periods of the ``recycled" NSs are critically determined by the mass transfer rate in the LMXB phase. However, the standard picture neglects the possible spin-down of the NSs when the donor star decouples from its Roche lobe at the end of the mass transfer, as well as the transient behavior of most LMXBs. Both imply more complicated spin evolution during the recycling process. In this work, we perform detailed calculations of the formation of MSP+He WD binaries. We take into account three magnetic braking (MB) prescriptions proposed in the literature, and examine the effects of both persistent and transient accretion. We find that the spin periods are not sensitively dependent on the efficiency of MB, but are considerably influenced by the accretion mode. In comparison with persistent accretion, transient accretion leads to shorter and longer spin periods of the NSs in narrow and wide systems, respectively. This may help account for the measured spin periods of MSPs in wide binaries, which seem to be longer than predicted by the persistent accretion model.

Jolien Malfait, Lionel Siess, Owen Vermeulen, Mats Esseldeurs, Sofia H. J. Wallström, Anita M. S. Richards, Frederik De Ceuster, Silke Maes, Jan Bolte, Leen Decin

Asymmetric 3D structures are observed in the outflows of evolved low- and intermediate-mass stars, and are believed to be shaped through the interaction of companions that are hidden within the dense wind. We investigate how triple systems can shape the outflow of AGB stars. We focus on coplanar systems in a hierarchical, stable orbit, consisting of an AGB star with one relatively close companion, and one at large orbital separation. We model a grid of hierarchical triple systems including a wind-launching AGB star, with the smoothed-particle-hydrodynamic Phantom code. We vary the outer companion mass, the AGB wind velocity and the orbital eccentricities to study the impact of these parameters on the wind morphology. Further, we investigate if the outflow of the AGB star R Aql could be shaped by a triple system, by post-processing one of our triple models with a radiative transfer routine, and comparing this to data of the ALMA ATOMIUM programme. The characteristic wind structures resulting from a hierarchical triple system are the following. A large two-edged spiral wake results behind the outer companion star. This structure lies on top of the spiral structure formed by the close binary, which is affected by the orbital motion around the system centre-of-mass. This dense inner spiral pattern interacts with, and strongly impacts, the spiral wake of the outer companion, resulting in a waved-pattern on the outer edge of this spiral wake. From the comparison of our models to the observations of R Aql, we conclude that this circumstellar environment might be shaped by a similar system as the ones modelled in this work, but an elaborate study of the observational data is needed to determine better the orbital parameters and characteristics of the central system.

Junyue Yang, Xiaoding Wang, Xiao-Han Ma, Dongdong Zhang, Sheng-Feng Yan, Amara Ilyas, Yi-Fu Cai

Primordial black holes (PBHs) are considered viable candidates for dark matter and the seeds of supermassive black holes (SMBHs), with their fruitful physical influences providing significant insights into the conditions of the early Universe. Cosmic microwave background (CMB) $\mu$ distortion tightly constrain the abundance of PBHs in the mass range of $10^4 \sim 10^{11} M_{\odot}$ recently, limiting their potential to serve as seeds for the SMBHs observed. Given that $\mu$ distortion directly constrain the primordial power spectrum, it is crucial to employ more precise methods in computing PBH abundance to strengthen the reliability of these constraints. By a Press-Schechter (PS) type method utilizing the compaction function, we find that the abundance of PBHs could be higher than previously estimated constraints from $\mu$ distortion observations. Furthermore, our analysis shows that variations in the shape of the power spectrum have a negligible impact on our conclusions within the mass ranges under consideration. This conclusion provides us a perspective for further research on the constrain of PBH by $\mu$ distortion.

Isabella Marzola, Éverson H. Rodrigues, Anderson F. Coelho, Odilon Lourenço

In this work we explore the possible scenario of strange stars admixed with fermionic or bosonic dark matter. For the description of the ``visible'' sector, we use a specific phenomenological quark model that takes into account in-medium effects for the quark masses through a suitable baryonic density dependence, in which the free parameters are chosen from the analysis of the stellar matter stability window (parametrizations presenting lower energy per baryon than iron nuclei). In the case of the dark sector, we investigate the predictions of fermionic and bosonic models. In the former we consider a spin $1/2$ dark particle, and the latter is described by a dark scalar meson. Both models present a repulsive vector interaction, particularly important for the bosonic model since it helps avoiding the collapse of the star due to the lack of the degeneracy pressure. Our results point out to possible stable strange stars configurations in agreement with data from PSR~J0030+0451, PSR~J0740+6620, NICER and HESS~J1731-347. As another feature, we find stars with dark matter halo configurations for lower values of the dark particle mass.

Wind is believed to be widespread in various black hole accretion flows. However, unlike the wind from thin disks, which have substantial observational evidence, the wind from hot accretion flows is difficult to observe due to the extremely high temperatures causing the gas to be almost fully ionized. Its existence was controversial until recent theoretical work demonstrated its presence and strength, which was subsequently confirmed by observations. Although there have been some new observations recently, the main progress still comes from theoretical studies. These studies investigate the effects of different magnetic fields and black hole spins on the wind, providing insights into properties such as mass flux and wind velocity. Wind is typically produced locally within the Bondi radius, and even wind generated on a small scale can propagate far beyond this radius. The situation with super-Eddington wind is similar, despite some recent observations, the main advances rely on theoretical studies. Recent research comparing the momentum and energy of wind and jets suggests that wind plays a more crucial role in active galactic nuclei feedback than jets, whether the wind originates from hot accretion flows or super-Eddington accretion flows.

Maxime Rombach, Xiangyu Xu, Ricardo Araujo, Markus Thurneysen, Stefane Caseiro, Corentin Magnenat, Joseph H. Silber, Malak Galal, David Schlegel, Jean-Paul Kneib

Multiplexed surveys have the ambition to grow larger for the next generation of focal plane instruments. Future projects such as Spec-S5, MUST, and WST have an ever-growing need for multi-object spectroscopy (13,000 - 20,000 simultaneous objects) which demands further investigations of novel focal plane instrumentation. In this paper, we present a rigorous study of focal plane coverage optimization and assembly of triangular modules of alpha-beta fiber positioners with a 6.2 mm pitch. The main focus here is to examine different module arrangements namely, framed, semi-frameless, and fullyframeless assemblies. Framed and semi-frameless describe here the usage of a manufactured focal plate to hold the modules together and provide the correct focus and tilt to the fibers. Work on automatically generating such focal plates for project adaptability and ease of manufacturing will also be presented. On the other hand, the frameless approach proposes a connection method freed from the need of a focal plate. The following paper will also present their capabilities to meet the requirements for focal plane assembly such as focus, tilt and coverage.

Hengxing Pan, Matt J. Jarvis, Ming Zhu, Yin-Zhe Ma, Mario G. Santos, Anastasia A. Ponomareva, Ian Heywood, Yingjie Jing, Chen Xu, Ziming Liu, Yogesh Chandola, Yipeng Jing

We present a deep HI survey at L-band conducted with the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) over the COSMOS field. This survey is strategically designed to overlap with the MIGHTEE COSMOS field, aiming to combine the sensitivity of the FAST and high-resolution of the MeerKAT. We observed the field with FAST for 11 hours covering $\sim$2 square degrees, and reduced the raw data to HI spectral cubes over the frequency range 1310-1420 MHz. The FAST-HI data reach a median 3$\sigma$ column density of $N_{\rm HI}\sim2\times10^{17}$ cm$^{-2}$ over a 5 km s$^{-1}$ channel width, allowing for studies of the distribution of HI gas in various environments, such as in galaxies, the Circum-Galactic Medium (CGM) and Intergalactic Medium (IGM). We visually searched the spectral cubes for HI sources, and found a total of 80 HI detections, of which 56 have been cross-matched with the MIGHTEE-HI catalogue. With the cross-matched sources, we compare their HI masses and find that the total HI mass fraction in the IGM and CGM surrounding the galaxy pairs is statistically higher than the HI fraction surrounding the isolated galaxies by a difference of 13$\pm$4%, indicating that the CGM and IGM associated with interacting systems are richer in neutral hydrogen compared to those around isolated galaxies in the local Universe. We also describe several FAST-MeerKAT synergy projects, highlighting the full potential of exploiting both single-dish and interferometric observations to study the distribution and evolution of the diffuse HI gas.

Joris Witstok, Peter Jakobsen, Roberto Maiolino, Jakob M. Helton, Benjamin D. Johnson, Brant E. Robertson, Sandro Tacchella, Alex J. Cameron, Renske Smit, Andrew J. Bunker, Aayush Saxena, Fengwu Sun, Santiago Arribas, William M. Baker, Rachana Bhatawdekar, Kristan Boyett, Phillip A. Cargile, Stefano Carniani, Stéphane Charlot, Jacopo Chevallard, Mirko Curti, Emma Curtis-Lake, Francesco D'Eugenio, Daniel J. Eisenstein, Kevin N. Hainline, Gareth C. Jones, Nimisha Kumari, Michael V. Maseda, Pablo G. Pérez-González, Pierluigi Rinaldi, Jan Scholtz, Hannah Übler, Christina C. Williams, Christopher N. A. Willmer, Chris Willott, Yongda Zhu

$\require{mediawiki-texvc}$Cosmic Reionisation commenced when ultraviolet (UV) radiation produced in the first galaxies began illuminating the cold, neutral gas that filled the primordial Universe. Recent James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) observations have shown that surprisingly UV-bright galaxies were in place beyond redshift $z = 14$, when the Universe was less than 300 Myr old. Smooth turnovers of their UV continua have been interpreted as damping-wing absorption of Lyman-$\alpha$ (Ly$\alpha$), the principal hydrogen transition. However, spectral signatures encoding crucial properties of these sources, such as their emergent radiation field, largely remain elusive. Here we report spectroscopy from the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES) of a galaxy at redshift $z = 13.0$ that reveal a singular, bright emission line unambiguously identified as Ly$\alpha$, in addition to a smooth turnover. We observe an equivalent width of $\text{EW}_\mathrm{Ly\alpha} > 40 \, Å$ (rest frame), previously only seen at $z < 9$ where the intervening intergalactic medium (IGM) becomes increasingly ionised. Together with a very blue UV continuum, the Ly$\alpha$ line indicates the galaxy is a prolific producer of ionising photons, a significant fraction of which may escape. This suggests it resides in an early reionised region preventing complete extinction of Ly$\alpha$, thus shedding new light on the nature of the earliest galaxies and the onset of Reionisation only 330 Myr after the Big Bang.

J. D. Wagenveld, H-R. Klöckner, N. Gupta, S. Sekhar, P. Jagannathan, P. P. Deka, J. Jose, S. A. Balashev, D. Borgaonkar, A. Chatterjee, F. Combes, K. L. Emig, A. N. Gaunekar, M. Hilton, G. I. G. Józsa, D. Y. Klutse, K. Knowles, J.-K. Krogager, E. Momjian, S. Muller, S. P. Sikhosana

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We present the second data release of the MeerKAT Absorption Line Survey (MALS), consisting of wideband continuum catalogues of 391 pointings observed at L~band. The full wideband catalogue covers 4344 deg$^2$ of sky, reaches a depth of 10 $\mu$Jy beam$^{-1}$, and contains 971,980 sources. With its balance between survey depth and sky coverage, MALS DR2 covers five orders of magnitude of flux density, presenting a robust view of the extragalactic radio source population down to 200 $\mu$Jy. Using this catalogue, we perform a measurement of the cosmic radio dipole, an anisotropy in the number counts of radio sources with respect to the cosmic background, analogous to the dipole found in the cosmic microwave background (CMB). For this measurement, we present the characterisation of completeness and noise properties of the catalogue, and show that a declination-dependent systematic affects the number density of faint sources. In the dipole measurement on the MALS catalogue, we recover reasonable dipole measurements once we model the declination systematic with a linear fit between the size of the major axis of the restoring beam and the amount of sources of each pointing. The final results are consistent with the CMB dipole in terms of direction and amplitude, unlike many recent measurements of the cosmic radio dipole made with other centimetre wavelength catalogues, which generally show a significantly larger amplitude. This result demonstrates the value of dipole measurements with deeper and more sparse radio surveys, as the population of faint sources probed may have had a significant impact on the measured dipole.

L. Rhodes, A. J. van der Horst, J. S. Bright, J. K. Leung, G. E. Anderson, R. Fender, J. F. Agüí Fernandez, M. Bremer, P. Chandra, D. Dobie, W. Farah, S. Giarratana, K. Gourdji, D. A. Green, E. Lenc, M. J. Michałowski, T. Murphy, A. J. Nayana, A. W. Pollak, A. Rowlinson, F. Schussler, A. Siemion, R. L. C. Starling, P. Scott, C. C. Thöne, D. Titterington, A. de Ugarte Postigo

We present radio observations of the long-duration gamma-ray burst (GRB) 221009A which has become known to the community as the Brightest Of All Time or the BOAT. Our observations span the first 475 days post-burst and three orders of magnitude in observing frequency, from 0.15 to 230GHz. By combining our new observations with those available in the literature, we have the most detailed radio data set in terms of cadence and spectral coverage of any GRB to date, which we use to explore the spectral and temporal evolution of the afterglow. By testing a series of phenomenological models, we find that three separate synchrotron components best explain the afterglow. The high temporal and spectral resolution allows us to conclude that standard analytical afterglow models are unable to explain the observed evolution of GRB 221009A. We explore where the discrepancies between the observations and the models are most significant and place our findings in the context of the most well-studied GRB radio afterglows to date. Our observations are best explained by three synchrotron emitting regions which we interpret as a forward shock, a reverse shock and an additional shock potentially from a cocoon or wider outflow. Finally, we find that our observations do not show any evidence of any late-time spectral or temporal changes that could result from a jet break but note that any lateral structure could significantly affect a jet break signature.

Paolo Massa, Simon Felix, László István Etesi, Ewan C. M. Dickson, Hualin Xiao, Francesco P. Ramunno, Merve Selcuk-Simsek, Brandon Panos, André Csillaghy, Säm Krucker

The Spectrometer/Telescope for Imaging X-rays (STIX) on-board the ESA Solar Orbiter mission retrieves the coordinates of solar flare locations by means of a specific sub-collimator, named the Coarse Flare Locator (CFL). When a solar flare occurs on the Sun, the emitted X-ray radiation casts the shadow of a peculiar "H-shaped" tungsten grid over the CFL X-ray detector. From measurements of the areas of the detector that are illuminated by the X-ray radiation, it is possible to retrieve the $(x,y)$ coordinates of the flare location on the solar disk. In this paper, we train a neural network on a dataset of real CFL observations to estimate the coordinates of solar flare locations. Further, we apply a post-training quantization technique specifically tailored to the adopted model architecture. This technique allows all computations to be in integer arithmetic at inference time, making the model compatible with the STIX computational requirements. We show that our model outperforms the currently adopted algorithm for estimating the flare locations from CFL data regarding prediction accuracy while requiring fewer parameters. We finally discuss possible future applications of the proposed model on-board STIX.

S. Mascia, G. Roberts-Borsani, T. Treu, L. Pentericci, W. Chen, A. Calabrò, E. Merlin, D. Paris, P. Santini, G. Brammer, A. Henry, P. L. Kelly, C. Mason, T. Morishita, T. Nanayakkara, N. Roy, X. Wang, H. Williams, K. Boyett, M. Bradač, M. Castellano, K. Glazebrook, T. Jones, L. Napolitano, B. Vulcani, P. J. Watson, L. Yang

We release fully reduced spectra obtained with NIRSpec onboard JWST as part of the GLASS-JWST Early Release Science Program and a follow-up Director's Discretionary Time program 2756. From these 263 spectra of 245 unique sources, acquired with low ($R =30-300$) and high dispersion ($R\sim2700$) gratings, we derive redshifts for 200 unique sources in the redshift range $z=0-10$. We describe the sample selection and characterize its high completeness as a function of redshift and apparent magnitude. Comparison with independent estimates based on different methods and instruments shows that the redshifts are accurate, with 80\% differing less than 0.005. We stack the GLASS-JWST spectra to produce the first high-resolution ($R \sim 2700$) JWST spectral template extending in the rest frame wavelength from 2000~Å to 20, 000~Å. Catalogs, reduced spectra, and template are made publicly available to the community.

F. Ursini, A. Gnarini, S. Bianchi, A. Bobrikova, F. Capitanio, M. Cocchi, S. Fabiani, R. Farinelli, P. Kaaret, G. Matt, M. Ng, J. Poutanen, S. Ravi, A. Tarana

We present simultaneous X-ray polarimetric and spectral observations of the bright atoll source Ser~X-1 carried out with the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE), NICER, and NuSTAR. We obtain an upper limit of 2% (99% confidence level) on the polarization degree in the 2--8 keV energy band. We detect four type-I X-ray bursts, two of which during the IXPE observation. This is the first time that has IXPE observed type-I X-ray bursts, and it allows us to place an upper limit on their polarization degree; however, due to the limited total number of counts in each burst, we obtain a relatively high upper limit (80%). We confirm the presence of reflection features in the X-ray spectrum, notably a broad iron line. Fitting the data with a relativistic reflection model, we derive a disk inclination of 25 deg. The spectral and polarization properties are comparable with other atolls observed by IXPE, suggesting a similar accretion geometry, and the relatively low polarization is consistent with the low inclination.

We use Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to analyze a volume-limited sample from the SDSS and explore how cosmic web environments affect the interrelations between various galaxy properties, such as $(u-r)$ colour, stellar mass, specific star formation rate, metallicity, concentration index, and $D4000$. Our analysis reveals that the first two principal components (PC1 and PC2) account for approximately $\sim 72\%$ of the data variance. We then classify galaxies into different cosmic web environments based on the eigenvalues of the deformation tensor and compare PC1 and PC2 across these environments, ensuring a mass-matched sample of equal size for each environment. We observe that PC1 displays clear bimodality across all cosmic web environments, with sheets and clusters showing distinct preferences for negative and positive PC1 values, respectively. PC2, on the other hand, shows a positively skewed unimodal distribution in all environments. A Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test confirms that the distributions of PC1 and PC2 differ significantly across environments, with a confidence level exceeding $99.99\%$. Furthermore, we calculate the normalized mutual information (NMI) between the principal components and individual galaxy properties within different cosmic web environments. A two-tailed t-test reveals that for each relationship and each pair of environments, the null hypothesis is rejected with a confidence level $>99.99\%$. Our analysis confirms that cosmic web environments play a significant role in shaping the correlations between galaxy properties.

The visibility of stars is often used for cloud detection using all-sky cameras, which have however only a limited reach and resolution near the horizon due to the lack of detectable stars. At the Pierre Auger Observatory, it is also used by the current generation of FRAM robotic telescopes, but -- due to their limited field of view -- only for a small number of selected showers. Thanks to the recent development in astronomical CMOS cameras, we are able to propose a new type of device, specifically tailored to the field of view of the fluorescence detectors (FD) of the Pierre Auger Observatory. The sub-second readout times available with CMOS cameras allows the efficient use of short exposures, and so the field of view of one FD can be covered within half a minute with a resolution and reach sufficient to detect small clouds with a setup that is significantly smaller, simpler and cheaper than the current FRAMs. The FRAM Next Generation (framNG) device will be able not only to detect clouds, but also to assess their optical thickness, provide information on aerosol extinction, sky brightness and possibly even record atmospheric phenomena and astrophysical transients. The main challenge lies in the large data volume produced which necessitates reliable real-time data processing.

A population of structures unique to the Galactic Center (GC), known as the non-thermal filaments (NTFs), has been studied for over 40 years, but much remains unknown about them. In particular, there is no widely-accepted and unified understanding for how the relativistic electrons illuminating these structures are generated. One possibility is that there are compact and extended sources of Cosmic Rays (CRs), which then diffuse along magnetic flux tubes leading to the illumination of the NTFs through synchrotron emission. In this work, we present and discuss the polarimetric distributions associated with a set of faint NTFs in the GC that have only been studied in total intensity previously. We compare the derived polarized intensity, rotation measure, and intrinsic magnetic field distributions for these structures with the results obtained for previously observed GC NTFs. The results are then used to enhance our understanding of the large-scale polarimetric properties of the GC. We then use the derived polarimetric distributions to constrain models for the mechanisms generating the relativistic electrons that illuminate these structures.

The IceCube neutrino observatory detects the diffuse astrophysical neutrino background with high significance, but the contribution of different classes of sources is not established. Because of their non-thermal spectrum, gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are prime particle acceleration sites and one of the candidate classes for significant neutrino production. Exhaustive searches, based on stacking analysis of GRBs however could not establish the link between neutrinos and GRBs. Gamma-ray burst GRB 221009A had the highest time integrated gamma-ray flux of any detected GRB so far. The total fluence exceeds the sum of all Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) detected GRBs by a factor of two. Because it happened relatively nearby, it is one of the most favorable events for neutrino production from GRBs yet no neutrinos were detected. We calculate neutrino fluxes for this GRB in the TeV-PeV range using the most accurate, time-resolved spectral data covering the brightest intervals. We place limits on the physical parameters (Lorentz factor, baryon loading or emission radius) of the burst that are better by a factor of 2 compared to previous limits. The neutrino non-detection indicates a bulk Lorentz factor greater than 500 and possibly even 1000, consistent with other observations.