We report the sky-projected spin-orbit angle $\lambda$ for HD 191939 b, the innermost planet in a 6 planet system, using Keck/KPF to detect the Rossiter-McLaughlin (RM) effect. Planet b is a sub-Neptune with radius 3.4 $\pm$ 0.8 R$_{\oplus}$ and mass 10.0 $\pm$ 0.7 M$_{\oplus}$ with an RM amplitude $<$1 ms$^{-1}$. We find the planet is consistent with a well-aligned orbit, measuring $\lambda= \, $ 3.7 $\pm$ 5.0 degrees. Additionally, we place new constraints on the mass and period of the distant super-Jupiter, planet f, finding it to be 2.88 $\pm$ 0.26 $M_J$ on a 2898 $\pm$ 152 day orbit. With these new orbital parameters, we perform a dynamical analysis of the system and constrain the mutual inclination of the non-transiting planet e to be smaller than 12 degrees relative to the plane shared by the inner three transiting planets. Additionally, the further planet f is inclined off this shared plane, the greater the amplitude of precession for the entire inner system, making it increasingly unlikely to measure an aligned orbit for planet b. Through this analysis, we show that this system's wide variety of planets are all well-aligned with the star and nearly co-planar, suggesting that the system formed dynamically cold and flat out of a well-aligned proto-planetary disk, similar to our own solar system.
Understanding the rapid formation of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in the early universe requires an understanding of how stellar mass grows in the host galaxies. Here, we perform an analysis of rest-frame optical spectra and imaging from JWST of two quasar host galaxies at z>6 which exhibit Balmer absorption lines. These features in the stellar continuum indicate a lack of young stars, similar to low-redshift post-starburst galaxies whose star formation was recently quenched. We find that the stellar mass (log(M_* / M_sun) > 10.6) of each quasar host grew in a starburst episode at redshift 7 or 8. One of the targets exhibits little ongoing star formation, as evidenced by the photometric signature of the Balmer break and a lack of spatially resolved H-alpha emission, placing it well below the star formation main sequence at z = 6. The other galaxy is transitioning to a quiescent phase; together, the two galaxies represent the most distant massive post-starburst galaxies known. The maturity of these two galaxies is further supported by the stellar velocity dispersions of their host galaxies, placing them slightly above the upper end of the local M_BH - sigma_* relation. The properties of our two post-starburst galaxies, each hosting an active SMBH with log(M_BH / M_sun) > 9, suggests that black holes played a major role in shaping the formation of the first massive galaxies in the Universe.
The TESS mission searches for transiting exoplanets by monitoring the brightness of hundreds of thousands of stars across the entire sky. M-type planet hosts are ideal targets for this mission due to their smaller size and cooler temperatures, which makes it easier to detect smaller planets near or within their habitable zones. Additionally, M~dwarfs have a smaller contrast ratio between the planet and the star, making it easier to measure the planet's properties accurately. Here, we report the validation analysis of 13 TESS exoplanet candidates orbiting around M dwarfs. We studied the nature of these candidates through a multi-colour transit photometry transit analysis using several ground-based instruments (MuSCAT2, MuSCAT3, and LCO-SINISTRO), high-spatial resolution observations, and TESS light curves. We present the validation of five new planetary systems: TOI-1883b, TOI-2274b, TOI2768b, TOI-4438b, and TOI-5319b, along with compelling evidence of a planetary nature for TOIs 2781b and 5486b. We also present an empirical definition for the Neptune desert boundaries. The remaining six systems could not be validated due to large true radius values overlapping with the brown dwarf regime or, alternatively, the presence of chromaticity in the MuSCAT2 light curves.
The Parker Solar Probe (PSP) spacecraft has transited the inner-most regions of the zodiacal cloud and detects impacts to the spacecraft body via its electric field instrument. Multiple dust populations have been proposed to explain the PSP dust impact rates. PSP's unique orbit allows us to identify a region where the impact rates are likely dominated by $\alpha$-meteoroids, small zodiacal grains on approximately circular, bound orbits. From the distribution of voltage signals generated by dust impacts to PSP in this region, we find the cumulative mass index for grains with radii of $\sim$0.6-1.4 $\mu$m (masses of $3\times10^{-15}$ to $3\times10^{-14}$ kg) to be $\alpha = 1.1 \pm 0.3$ from 0.1-0.25 $R_\odot$. $\alpha$ increases toward the Sun, with even smaller fragments generated closer to the Sun. The derived size distribution is steeper than previously estimated, and in contrast to expectations we find most of the dust mass resides in the smallest fragments and not in large grains inside 0.15 au. As the inner-most regions of the zodiacal cloud are likely collisionally evolved, these results place new constraints how the solar system's zodiacal cloud and by extension astrophysical debris disks are partitioned in mass.
arXiv:2203.12357 ; text overlap with arXiv:2008.04491
2408.16608 , comments welcome