We present a suite of six high-resolution chemo-dynamical simulations of isolated galaxies, spanning observed disk-dominated environments on the star-forming main sequence, as well as quenched, bulge-dominated environments. We compare and contrast the physics driving star formation and stellar feedback amongst the galaxies, with a view to modeling these processes in cosmological simulations. We find that the mass-loading of galactic outflows is coupled to the clustering of supernova explosions, which varies strongly with the rate of galactic rotation $\Omega = v_c/R$ via the Toomre length, leading to smoother gas disks in the bulge-dominated galaxies. This sets an equation of state in the star-forming gas that also varies strongly with $\Omega$, so that the bulge-dominated galaxies have higher mid-plane densities, lower velocity dispersions, and higher molecular gas fractions than their main sequence counterparts. The star formation rate in five out of six galaxies is independent of $\Omega$, and is consistent with regulation by the mid-plane gas pressure alone. In the sixth galaxy, which has the most centrally-concentrated bulge and thus the highest $\Omega$, we reproduce dynamical suppression of the star formation efficiency (SFE) in agreement with observations. This produces a transition away from pressure-regulated star formation.
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Traditional star formation subgrid models implemented in cosmological galaxy formation simulations, such as that of Springel & Hernquist (2003, hereafter SH03), employ adjustable parameters to satisfy constraints measured in the local Universe. In recent years, however, theory and spatially-resolved simulations of the turbulent, multiphase, star-forming ISM have begun to produce new first-principles models, which when fully developed can replace traditional subgrid prescriptions. This approach has advantages of being physically motivated and predictive rather than empirically tuned, and allowing for varying environmental conditions rather than being tied to local Universe conditions. As a prototype of this new approach, by combining calibrations from the TIGRESS numerical framework with the Pressure-Regulated Feedback-Modulated (PRFM) theory, simple formulae can be obtained for both the gas depletion time and an effective equation of state. Considering galaxies in TNG50, we compare the "native" simulation outputs with post-processed predictions from PRFM. At TNG50 resolution, the total midplane pressure is nearly equal to the total ISM weight, indicating that galaxies in TNG50 are close to satisfying vertical equilibrium. The measured gas scale height is also close to theoretical equilibrium predictions. The slopes of the effective equations of states are similar, but with effective velocity dispersion normalization from SH03 slightly larger than that from current TIGRESS simulations. Because of this and the decrease in PRFM feedback yield at high pressure, the PRFM model predicts shorter gas depletion times than the SH03 model at high densities and redshift. Our results represent a first step towards implementing new, numerically calibrated subgrid algorithms in cosmological galaxy formation simulations.
To maximize the amount of information extracted from cosmological datasets, simulations that accurately represent these observations are necessary. However, traditional simulations that evolve particles under gravity by estimating particle-particle interactions (N-body simulations) are computationally expensive and prohibitive to scale to the large volumes and resolutions necessary for the upcoming datasets. Moreover, modeling the distribution of galaxies typically involves identifying virialized dark matter halos, which is also a time- and memory-consuming process for large N-body simulations, further exacerbating the computational cost. In this study, we introduce CHARM, a novel method for creating mock halo catalogs by matching the spatial, mass, and velocity statistics of halos directly from the large-scale distribution of the dark matter density field. We develop multi-stage neural spline flow-based networks to learn this mapping at redshift z=0.5 directly with computationally cheaper low-resolution particle mesh simulations instead of relying on the high-resolution N-body simulations. We show that the mock halo catalogs and painted galaxy catalogs have the same statistical properties as obtained from $N$-body simulations in both real space and redshift space. Finally, we use these mock catalogs for cosmological inference using redshift-space galaxy power spectrum, bispectrum, and wavelet-based statistics using simulation-based inference, performing the first inference with accelerated forward model simulations and finding unbiased cosmological constraints with well-calibrated posteriors. The code was developed as part of the Simons Collaboration on Learning the Universe and is publicly available at \url{this https URL}.
We present the first results from a new backend on the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder, the Commensal Realtime ASKAP Fast Transient COherent (CRACO) upgrade. CRACO records millisecond time resolution visibility data, and searches for dispersed fast transient signals including fast radio bursts (FRB), pulsars, and ultra-long period objects (ULPO). With the visibility data, CRACO can localise the transient events to arcsecond-level precision after the detection. Here, we describe the CRACO system and report the result from a sky survey carried out by CRACO at 110ms resolution during its commissioning phase. During the survey, CRACO detected two FRBs (including one discovered solely with CRACO, FRB 20231027A), reported more precise localisations for four pulsars, discovered two new RRATs, and detected one known ULPO, GPM J1839-10, through its sub-pulse structure. We present a sensitivity calibration of CRACO, finding that it achieves the expected sensitivity of 11.6 Jy ms to bursts of 110 ms duration or less. CRACO is currently running at a 13.8 ms time resolution and aims at a 1.7 ms time resolution before the end of 2024. The planned CRACO has an expected sensitivity of 1.5 Jy ms to bursts of 1.7 ms duration or less, and can detect 10x more FRBs than the current CRAFT incoherent sum system (i.e., 0.5-2 localised FRBs per day), enabling us to better constrain the FRB emission mechanism model and use them as cosmological probes.
We introduce an extension to the AthenaK code for general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (GRMHD) in dynamical spacetimes using a 3+1 conservative Eulerian formulation. Like the fixed-spacetime GRMHD solver, we use standard finite-volume methods to evolve the fluid and a constrained transport scheme to preserve the divergence-free constraint for the magnetic field. We also utilize a first-order flux correction (FOFC) scheme to reduce the need for an artificial atmosphere and optionally enforce a maximum principle to improve robustness. We demonstrate the accuracy of AthenaK using a set of standard tests in flat and curved spacetimes. Using a SANE accretion disk around a Kerr black hole, we compare the new solver to the existing solver for stationary spacetimes using the so-called "HARM-like" formulation. We find that both formulations converge to similar results. We also include the first published binary neutron star (BNS) mergers performed on graphical processing units (GPUs). Thanks to the FOFC scheme, our BNS mergers maintain a relative error of $\mathcal{O}(10^{-11})$ or better in baryon mass conservation up to collapse. Finally, we perform scaling tests of AthenaK on OLCF Frontier, where we show excellent weak scaling of $\geq 80\%$ efficiency up to 32768 GPUs and $74\%$ up to 65536 GPUs for a GRMHD problem in dynamical spacetimes with six levels of mesh refinement. AthenaK achieves an order-of-magnitude speedup using GPUs compared to CPUs, demonstrating that it is suitable for performing numerical relativity problems on modern exascale resources.
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