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Papers for Monday, Sep 30 2024

Papers with local authors

Massive black holes (BHs) grow by gas accretion and mergers, observable through electromagnetic (EM) and gravitational wave (GW) emission. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has detected faint active galactic nuclei (AGNs), revealing an abundant population of accreting BHs with masses of $M_\bullet\sim 10^{6-8}~M_\odot$. This mass range overlaps with the detection scopes of space-based GW interferometers and approaches the upper bounds of the predicted mass of seed BHs. We model BH mass assembly in light of the new JWST findings to investigate their formation channels and predict merger events. Two types of seed BHs are considered: heavy seeds ($M_\bullet\sim 10^{2-5}~M_\odot$) formed in rare and overdense cosmic regions, and light seeds ($M_\bullet\sim 10^{1-3}~M_\odot$) formed as stellar remnants in less massive dark-matter halos. The BHs grow through episodic accretion and merger events, which we model by fitting the AGN luminosity function to observational data including JWST-identified AGNs at $z\sim 5$. We find that heavy seeds alone struggle to explain quasars and faint JWST-selected AGNs simultaneously, requiring the more abundant light seeds. The observed merger rate of BHs from heavy seeds alone is limited to $\lesssim 10^{-1}~{\rm yr}^{-1}$ for major mergers at $z\geq5$. However, the presence of light seeds increases the major merger rate by several orders of magnitude, which peaks at a total BH mass of $M_\bullet\simeq 2\times 10^3~M_\odot$ over $5<z<10$ at a rate of $\sim 30~{\rm yr}^{-1}$. These events are detectable by future GW observatories such as the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). Precise sky localization and distance measurement of those GW events, with solid angle and luminosity distance uncertainties $\Delta\Omega\Delta\log D_L\lesssim 10^{-4}~\rm deg^2$, will enable EM identification of mergers at $z\geq5$ and multi-messenger follow-up observations.

Radio galaxies are classified into two primary categories based on their morphology: center-brightened FR-I and edge-brightened FR-II. It is believed that the jet power and interactions with the ambient medium govern the deceleration and decollimation of the jet-spine flows, which, in turn, influence this dichotomy. Using high-resolution, three-dimensional relativistic hydrodynamic simulations, we follow the development of flow structures on sub-kpc to kpc scales in kinetically dominant low-power relativistic jets. We find that the bulk Lorentz factor of the jet spine and the advance speed of the jet head, which depend on the energy injection flux and the jet-to-background density contrast, primarily determine the dynamics and structures of the jet-induced flows. The entrainment of ambient gas and the background density and pressure gradient may also play significant roles. To emulate radio morphology, we produce the synthetic maps of the synchrotron surface brightness for the simulated jets, by employing simple models for magnetic field distribution and nonthermal electron population and considering relativistic beaming effects at different inclination angles. Both the flow structures and radio maps capture the longitudinal and transverse structures of the jet-spine and shear layer, consistent with observations. We also compare different background effects and argue that the loss of pressure confinement beyond the galactic core may be a key factor in the flaring and disruption of FR-I jets. Our results confirm that mildly relativistic jets could explain the one-sidedness or asymmetries with the boosted main jet and deboosted counterjet pairs.

L. Paganin, M. Bonici, C. Carbone, S. Camera, I. Tutusaus, S. Davini, J. Bel, S. Tosi, D. Sciotti, S. Di Domizio, I. Risso, G. Testera, D. Sapone, Z. Sakr, A. Amara, S. Andreon, N. Auricchio, C. Baccigalupi, M. Baldi, S. Bardelli, P. Battaglia, R. Bender, F. Bernardeau, C. Bodendorf, D. Bonino, E. Branchini, M. Brescia, J. Brinchmann, V. Capobianco, V. F. Cardone, J. Carretero, S. Casas, M. Castellano, G. Castignani, S. Cavuoti, A. Cimatti, C. Colodro-Conde, G. Congedo, C. J. Conselice, L. Conversi, Y. Copin, L. Corcione, A. Costille, F. Courbin, H. M. Courtois, M. Crocce, M. Cropper, A. Da Silva, H. Degaudenzi, G. De Lucia, A. M. Di Giorgio, J. Dinis, F. Dubath, C. A. J. Duncan, X. Dupac, S. Dusini, A. Ealet, M. Farina, S. Farrens, S. Ferriol, M. Frailis, E. Franceschi, S. Galeotta, B. Garilli, K. George, W. Gillard, B. Gillis, C. Giocoli, A. Grazian, F. Grupp, L. Guzzo, S. V. H. Haugan, W. Holmes, I. Hook, F. Hormuth, A. Hornstrup, S. Ilić, K. Jahnke, B. Joachimi, E. Keihänen, S. Kermiche, A. Kiessling, M. Kilbinger, T. Kitching, B. Kubik, M. Kümmel, M. Kunz, H. Kurki-Suonio, S. Ligori, P. B. Lilje, V. Lindholm, I. Lloro, G. Mainetti, D. Maino, E. Maiorano, O. Mansutti, O. Marggraf, K. Markovic, M. Martinelli
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Paper 48 — arXiv:2409.18882
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Paper 48 — arXiv:2409.18882

We present cosmological parameter forecasts for the Euclid 6x2pt statistics, which include the galaxy clustering and weak lensing main probes together with previously neglected cross-covariance and cross-correlation signals between imaging/photometric and spectroscopic data. The aim is understanding the impact of such terms on the Euclid performance. We produce 6x2pt cosmological forecasts, considering two different techniques: the so-called harmonic and hybrid approaches, respectively. In the first, we treat all the different Euclid probes in the same way, i.e. we consider only angular 2pt-statistics for spectroscopic and photometric clustering, as well as for weak lensing, analysing all their possible cross-covariances and cross-correlations in the spherical harmonic domain. In the second, we do not account for negligible cross-covariances between the 3D and 2D data, but consider the combination of their cross-correlation with the auto-correlation signals. We find that both cross-covariances and cross-correlation signals, have a negligible impact on the cosmological parameter constraints and, therefore, on the Euclid performance. In the case of the hybrid approach, we attribute this result to the effect of the cross-correlation between weak lensing and photometric data, which is dominant with respect to other cross-correlation signals. In the case of the 2D harmonic approach, we attribute this result to two main theoretical limitations of the 2D projected statistics implemented in this work according to the analysis of official Euclid forecasts: the high shot noise and the limited redshift range of the spectroscopic sample, together with the loss of radial information from subleading terms such as redshift-space distortions and lensing magnification. Our analysis suggests that 2D and 3D Euclid data can be safely treated as independent, with a great saving in computational resources.

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Small planets ($\lesssim 1$ M$_\oplus$) at intermediate orbital distances ($\sim$1 au) represent an uncharted territory in exoplanetary science. The upcoming microlensing survey by the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will be sensitive to objects as light as Ganymede and unveil the small planet population at $1-10$ au. Instrumental sensitivity to such planets is low and the number of objects we will discover is strongly dependent on the underlying planet mass function. In this work, we provide a physically motivated planet mass function by combining the efficiency of planet formation by pebble accretion with the observed disk mass function. Because the disk mass function for M dwarfs ($0.4-0.6 \, M_\odot$) is bottom heavy, the initial planet mass function is also expected to be bottom-heavy, skewing towards Ganymede and Mars mass objects, more so for heavier initial planetary seeds. We follow the subsequent dynamical evolution of planetary systems over $\sim$100 Myr varying the initial eccentricity and orbital spacing. For initial planet separations of $\geq$3 local disk scale heights, we find that Ganymede and Mars mass planets do not grow significantly by mergers. However, Earth-like planets undergo vigorous merging and turn into super-Earths, potentially creating a gap in the planet mass function at $\sim 1$ M$_{\oplus}$. Our results demonstrate that the slope of the mass function and the location of the potential gap in the mass function can probe the initial architecture of multi-planet systems. We close by discussing implications on the expected difference between bound and free-floating planet mass functions.

Vadim A. Semenov, Charlie Conroy, Aaron Smith, Ewald Puchwein, Lars Hernquist

We investigate early, $z > 3$, galaxy formation in a cosmological zoom-in simulation of a close, early-forming Milky Way (MW) analog extracted from TNG50 simulation and re-simulated with detailed modeling of cold interstellar medium (ISM) formation, coupled with on-the-fly UV radiative transfer, turbulence-regulated star formation, and stellar feedback. In our enhanced-physics simulation, the galaxy develops a bi-stable ISM structure (warm, with $T \sim 10^4$ K, and cold, with $T < 100$ K) and exhibits significantly more efficient, early, and bursty star formation than in TNG. Notably, the stellar disk of this MW progenitor forms extremely early, around $z\sim6-7$, and exhibits chemo-kinematic properties consistent with the low-metallicity population of the MW stars. The disk forms rapidly, on a timescale of $\sim$0.2 Gyr which is significantly shorter than the timescale implied by the observable chemo-kinematic signatures of disk spinup, $\sim$0.7 Gyr, due to the scatter in the age-metallicity relation. The rotational support of the gas disk and the location of the galaxy on the main sequence are consistent with early disk galaxies observed by JWST and ALMA at $z\sim4-7$, suggesting that some of these galaxies could be progenitors of MW-like systems. Remarkably, the variation of the global star formation rate (SFR) before disk formation is similar to the observed SFR scatter at these early times. Our findings underscore the critical role of modeling a turbulent cold ISM and turbulence-regulated star formation and feedback in driving early SFR variability, while at the same time enabling early disk formation, without destroying it with overly efficient stellar feedback.

Brian Lorenz, Mariska Kriek, Alice E. Shapley, Ryan L. Sanders, Alison L. Coil, Joel Leja, Bahram Mobasher, Erica Nelson, Sedona H. Price, Naveen A. Reddy, Jordan N. Runco, Katherine A. Suess, Irene Shivaei, Brian Siana, Daniel R. Weisz

We examine star-formation and dust properties for a sample of 660 galaxies at $1.37\leq z\leq 2.61$ in the MOSDEF survey by dividing them into groups with similarly-shaped spectral energy distributions (SEDs). For each group, we combine the galaxy photometry into a finely-sampled composite SED, and stack their spectra. This method enables the study of more complete galaxy samples, including galaxies with very faint emission lines. We fit these composite SEDs with Prospector to measure the stellar attenuation and SED-based star-formation rates (SFRs). We also derive emission-line properties from the spectral stacks, including Balmer decrements, dust-corrected SFRs, and metallicities. We find that stellar attenuation correlates most strongly with mass, while nebular attenuation correlates strongly with both mass and SFR. Furthermore, the excess of nebular compared to stellar attenuation correlates most strongly with SFR. The highest SFR group has 2 mag of excess nebular attenuation. Our results are consistent with a model in which star-forming regions become more dusty as galaxy mass increases. To explain the increasing excess nebular attenuation, we require a progressively larger fraction of star formation to occur in highly-obscured regions with increasing SFR. This highly-obscured star formation could occur in dusty clumps or central starbursts. Additionally, as each galaxy group represents a different evolutionary stage, we study their locations on the UVJ and SFR-mass diagrams. As mass increases, metallicity and dust attenuation increase, while sSFR decreases. However, the most massive group moves towards the quiescent region of the UVJ diagram, while showing less obscuration, potentially indicating removal of dust.

Justus Neumann (MPIA, ICG Portsmouth), Daniel Thomas (ICG, SMAP), Claudia Maraston (ICG), Damian R. Gleis (MPIA), Chuanming Mao (MPIA), Eva Schinnerer (MPIA), Sophia K. Stuber (MPIA)

Bars are expected to impact the distribution of stellar populations both during bar formation, as they rearrange stars into new orbits, and afterwards, due to the redistribution of star-formation-fuelling gas and transfer of angular momentum. We study the impact of stellar bars on the azimuthal variation of stellar population age, metallicity and mass surface density in $\sim1\,000$ nearby barred galaxies from the SDSS-IV/MaNGA survey. Bars have higher stellar mass density ($0.113^{+0.065}_{-0.067}$ dex) and are more metal-rich ($0.028^{+0.033}_{-0.040}$ dex) than the discs at the same radii. Stellar ages show a variety of bar to inter-bar contrasts with no consistent trend. The difference in metallicity increases with total stellar mass of the galaxy and distance below the star-forming main sequence. We discuss a combination of potentially responsible processes including kinematic separation, more extended star formation histories and more efficient recycling in bars and at bar-spiral arm connections. Additionally, we observe an offset (10°-40°) of the peak metallicity to the bar major axis in star-forming bars in low-mass galaxies, and more metal-rich regions outside the ends of the bar in long bars and quenched galaxies. Furthermore, there is a subtle trend of lower metallicities on the leading side of spiral arms compared to the trailing side. Finally, we report a spiral arm surface density feature, which could point towards a dominant bar-spiral connection and pitch angle of $\alpha \sim 25$°. We interpret these features in the context of bar formation and the impact of large-scale gas flows associated with their presence.

Context. Clouds are ubiquitous in exoplanets' atmospheres and play an important role in setting the opacity and chemical inventory of the atmosphere. Understanding clouds is a critical step in interpreting exoplanets' spectroscopic data. Aims. The aim is to model the multi-species nature of clouds in atmospheric retrieval studies. To this end, we develop ExoLyn - a 1D cloud model that balances physical consistency with computational efficiency. Methods. ExoLyn solves the transport equation of cloud particles and vapor under cloud condensation rates that are self-consistently calculated from thermodynamics. ExoLyn is a standalone, open source package capable to be combined with \texttt{optool} to calculate solid opacities and with \texttt{petitRADTRANS} to generate transmission or emission spectra. Results. With ExoLyn we find that the compositional structure of clouds in hot Jupiter planets' atmospheres is layered with a cloud dominated by magnesium-silicates on top of an iron cloud. This finding is consistent with more complex cloud formation models but can be obtained with ExoLyn in only a few seconds. The composition of the cloud particles can be constrained from the spectrum, for example, MgSiO3 and Mg2SiO4 components give rise to an absorption feature at 8 - 10 um. We investigate the dependence of the cloud structure on the bulk elemental composition of the planet and find that SiO2-dominated clouds forms on metal-rich planet and Fe clouds with strong extinction effect forms on C-rich planet. Conclusions. Designed towards maximum flexibility, ExoLyn can also be used in retrieval analysis of sub-Neptunes and self-luminous planets. The efficiency of ExoLyn opens the possibility of joint retrieval of exoplanets' gas and cloud components.

Beth McCarthy Gould, Lina Castiblanco, Cora Uhlemann, Oliver Friedrich

The 1-point matter density probability distribution function (PDF) captures some of the non-Gaussian information lost in standard 2-point statistics. The matter PDF can be well predicted at mildly non-linear scales using large deviations theory. This work extends those predictions to biased tracers like dark matter halos and the galaxies they host. We model the conditional PDF of tracer counts given matter density using a tracer bias and stochasticity model previously used for photometric data. We find accurate parametrisations for tracer bias with a smoothing scale-independent 2-parameter Gaussian Lagrangian bias model and a quadratic shot noise. We relate those bias and stochasticity parameters to the one for the power spectrum and tracer-matter covariances. We validate the model against the Quijote suite of N-body simulations and find excellent agreement for both halo and galaxy density PDFs and their cosmology dependence. We demonstrate the constraining power of the tracer PDFs and their complementarity to power spectra through a Fisher forecast. We focus on the cosmological parameters $\sigma_8$ and $\Omega_m$ as well as linear bias parameters, finding that the strength of the tracer PDF lies in disentangling tracer bias from cosmology. Our results show promise for applications to spectroscopic clustering data when augmented with a redshift space distortion model

Understanding the late-time acceleration of the Universe is one of the major challenges in cosmology today. In this paper, we present a new scalar field model corresponding to a generalised axion-like potential. In fact, this model can be framed as a quintessence model based on physically motivated considerations. This potential is capable of alleviating the coincidence problem through a tracking regime. We will as well prove that this potential allows for a late-time acceleration period induced by an effective cosmological constant, which is reached without fine-tuning the initial conditions of the scalar field. In our model, the generalised axion field fuels the late-time acceleration of the Universe rather than fuelling an early dark energy era. Additionally, we will show how the late-time transition to dark energy dominance could be favoured in this model, since the density parameter of the scalar field will rapidly grow in the late phase of the tracking regime.

Sebastiano Bernuzzi, Fabio Magistrelli, Maximilian Jacobi, Domenico Logoteta, Albino Perego, David Radice

We present 3D general-relativistic neutrino-radiation hydrodynamics simulations of asymmetric binary neutron star mergers producing long-lived neutron stars remnants and spanning a fraction of their cooling time scale. Two binaries with mass ratios of $1.77$ and $1.49$ described by a stiff and a soft microphysical equation of state are considered. The mergers are characterized by significant tidal disruption with neutron rich material forming a massive disc around the remnant. The latter develops a one-armed dynamics that is imprinted in the emitted kilo-Hertz gravitational waves. Angular momentum transport to the disc is initially driven by spiral-density waves and enhanced by turbulent viscosity and neutrino heating on longer timescales. The mass outflows are composed by neutron-rich dynamical ejecta of mass ${\sim}10^{-3}-10^{-2}M_\odot$ followed by a persistent spiral-wave/neutrino-driven wind of ${\gtrsim}10^{-2}M_\odot$ with material spanning a wide range of electron fractions, ${\sim}0.1-0.55$. For the stiff EOS and largest mass ratio binary, tidal dynamical ejecta have fast tails up to velocities ${\sim}0.8$~c. The outflows are further evolved to days timescale using 2D ray-by-ray radiation-hydrodynamics simulations that include an online nuclear network. We find complete $r$-process yields and identify the production of $^{56}$Ni and the subsequent decay chain to $^{56}$Co and $^{56}$Fe. Synthetic kilonova light curves predict an extended (near-) infrared peak a few days postmerger originating from $r$-processes in the neutron-rich/high-opacity ejecta and a UV/optical peak a few hours postmerger originating from weak $r$-processes in the faster ejecta components. Additionally, the fast tail of tidal origin generates kilonova afterglows potentially detectable in radio and X band on a few to ten years timescale. (Abridged)

Andy S.H. To, David H. Brooks, Shinsuke Imada, Ryan J. French, Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi, Deborah Baker, David M. Long, William Ashfield IV, Laura A. Hayes

Solar flares exhibit complex variations in elemental abundances compared to photospheric values. We examine the spatial and temporal evolution of coronal abundances in the X8.2 flare on 2017 September 10, aiming to interpret the often observed high first ionization potential (FIP) bias at loop tops and provide insights into differences between spatially resolved and Sun-as-a-star flare composition measurements. We analyze 12 Hinode/EIS raster scans spanning 3.5 hours, employing Ca XIV 193.87 A/Ar XIV 194.40 A and Fe XVI 262.98 A/S XIII 256.69 A composition diagnostics to derive FIP bias values. Both diagnostics consistently show that flare loop tops maintain high FIP bias values of >2-6, with peak phase values exceeding 4, over the extended duration, while footpoints exhibit photospheric FIP bias of ~1. We propose that this variation arises from a combination of two distinct processes: high FIP bias plasma downflows from the plasma sheet confined to loop tops, and chromospheric evaporation filling the loop footpoints with low FIP bias plasma. Mixing between these two sources produces the observed gradient. Our observations show that the localized high FIP bias signature at loop tops is likely diluted by the bright footpoint emission in spatially averaged measurements. The spatially resolved spectroscopic observations enabled by EIS prove critical for revealing this complex abundance variation in loops. Furthermore, our observations show clear evidence that the origin of hot flare plasma in flaring loops consists of a combination of both directly heated plasma in the corona and from ablated chromospheric material; and our results provide valuable insights into the formation and composition of loop top brightenings, also known as EUV knots, which are a common feature at the tops of flare loops.

Amar Aryan, Shashi Bhushan Pandey, Rahul Gupta, Amit Kumar Ror, A. J. Castro-Tirado

We investigate the 1D stellar evolution of a 16.5 M$_{\odot}$ zero-age main-sequence star having different initial rotations. Starting from the pre-main-sequence, the models evolve up to the onset of the core collapse stage. The collapse of such a massive star can result in several kinds of energetic transients, such as Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs), Supernovae, etc. Using the simulation parameters, we calculate their free-fall timescales when the models reach the stage of the onset of core collapse. Estimating the free-fall timescale is crucial for understanding the duration for which the central engine can be fueled, allowing us to compare the free-fall timescale with the T$_{\rm 90}$ duration of GRBs. Our results indicate that, given the constraints of the parameters and initial conditions in our models, rapidly rotating massive stars might serve as potential progenitors of Ultra-Long GRBs (T$_{\rm 90}$ $>>$ 500 sec). In contrast, the non-rotating or slowly rotating models are more prone to explode as hydrogen-rich Type IIP-like core-collapse supernovae.

The cold neutral medium (CNM) is where neutral atomic hydrogen (HI) is converted into molecular clouds, so the structure and kinematics of the CNM are key drivers of galaxy evolution. Here we provide new constraints on the vertical distribution of the CNM using the recently-developed $\texttt{kinematic_scaleheight}$ software package and a large catalog of sensitive HI absorption observations. We estimate the thickness of the CNM in the solar neighborhood to be $\sigma_z\sim50$$\unicode{x2013}$$90~\mathrm{pc}$, assuming a Gaussian vertical distribution. This is a factor of $\sim2$ smaller than typically assumed, indicating the thickness of the CNM in the solar neighborhood is similar to that found in the inner Galaxy, consistent with recent simulation results. If we consider only structures with HI optical depths $\tau>0.1$ or column densities $N(\mathrm{HI})>10^{19.5}~\mathrm{cm^{-2}}$, which recent work suggests are thresholds for molecule formation, we find $\sigma_z\sim50~\mathrm{pc}$. Meanwhile, for structures with $\tau<0.1$ or column densities $N(\mathrm{HI})<10^{19.5}~\mathrm{cm^{-2}}$, we find $\sigma_z\sim120~\mathrm{pc}$. These thicknesses are similar to those derived for the thin- and thick-disk molecular cloud populations traced by CO emission, possibly suggesting that cold HI and CO are well-mixed. Approximately $20\%$ of CNM structures are identified as outliers, with kinematics that are not well-explained by Galactic rotation. We show that some of these CNM structures $\unicode{x2014}$ perhaps representing intermediate velocity clouds $\unicode{x2014}$ are associated with the Local Bubble wall. We compare our results to recent observations and simulations, and we discuss their implications for the multiphase structure of the Milky Way's interstellar medium.

Elia Pizzati, Joseph F. Hennawi, Joop Schaye, Anna-Christina Eilers, Jiamu Huang, Jan-Torge Schindler, Feige Wang

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has uncovered a new population of candidate broad-line AGN emerging in the early Universe, named ''little red dots'' (LRDs) because of their compactness and red colors at optical wavelengths. LRDs appear to be surprisingly abundant ($\approx 10^{-5}\,\mathrm{cMpc}^{-3}$) given that their inferred bolometric luminosities largely overlap with the ones of the UV-luminous quasars identified at high $z$ in wide-field spectroscopic surveys. In this work, we investigate how the population of LRDs and/or other UV-obscured AGN relates to the one of unobscured, UV-selected quasars. By comparing their number densities, we infer an extremely large and rapidly evolving obscured:unobscured ratio, ranging from $\approx20:1$ at $z\approx4$ to $\approx2300:1$ at $z\approx7$, and possibly extending out to very high ($\approx10^{47}\,\mathrm{erg}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}$) bolometric luminosities. This large obscured:unobscured ratio is incompatible with the UV-luminous duty cycle measured for unobscured quasars at $z\approx4-6$, suggesting that LRDs are too abundant to be hosted by the same halos as unobscured quasars. This implies that either (a) the bolometric luminosities of LRDs are strongly overestimated (possibly because LRDs are dominated by stellar galaxy light) or (b) LRDs follow different scaling relations than the ones of UV-selected quasars, representing a new population of accreting SMBHs emerging in the early Universe. A direct comparison between the clustering of LRDs and the one of faint UV-selected quasars will ultimately confirm these findings, and shed light on key properties of LRDs such as their host mass distribution and duty cycle. We provide a mock analysis for the clustering of LRDs and show that it is feasible with current and upcoming JWST surveys.

Many planets have hydrogen-dominated atmospheres, including sub-Neptune exoplanets, recently formed planets with primordial atmospheres, and the Solar System's giant planets. Atmospheric convection behaves differently in hydrogen-rich atmospheres compared to higher mean molecular weight atmospheres due to compositional gradients of tracers. Previous 1D studies suggested that compositional gradients of condensing tracers in hydrogen-rich atmospheres can entirely shut-off convection when the tracer abundance exceeds a critical threshold, leading to the formation of radiative layers where the temperature decreases faster with height than in convective profiles. We use 3D convection-resolving simulations to determine if convection is inhibited in hydrogen-rich atmospheres when the tracer mixing ratio exceeds the critical threshold. Three simulation sets are performed with a water vapor tracer in hydrogen-rich atmospheres. First, we perform simulations initialized on saturated isothermal states and find that compositional gradients can destabilize isothermal states, leading to rapid convective mixing. Next, simulations initialized on adiabatic profiles show distinct, stable inhibition layers form when the water vapor tracer exceeds the critical threshold defined by previous studies. Within the inhibition layers, a small amount of energy is transported through condensation and re-evaporation, contrary to previous findings. The thermal profile slowly relaxes to a steep radiative state, but radiative relaxation timescales are long. Lastly, we show that superadiabatic temperature profiles can remain stable when the tracer abundance is greater than the critical amount. Our results suggest stable layers driven by condensation-induced convective inhibition form in hydrogen-rich atmospheres, including those of sub-Neptune exoplanets.

We consider the important stage in evolution of close binary system namely common envelope phase in framework of various models of modified gravity. The comparison of results between calculations in Newtonian gravity and modified gravity allows to estimate possible observational imprints of modified gravity. Although declination from Newtonian gravity should be negligible we can propose that due to the long times some new effects can appear. We use the moving-mesh code AREPO for numerical simulation of binary system consisting of $\sim M_{\odot}$ white dwarf and a red giant with mass $\sim 2 M_{\odot}$. For implementing modified gravity into AREPO code we apply the method of (pseudo)potential, assuming that modified gravity can be described by small corrections to usual Newtonian gravitational potential. As in Newtonian case initial orbit has to shrink due to the energy transfer to the envelope of a giant. We investigated evolution of common envelope in a case of simple model of modified gravity with various values of parameters and compared results with simulation in frames of Newtonian gravity.

We use a simple model for cosmic ray (CR) production and transport to assess the impact of CRs on $z$\,$=$\,$0$ galaxy, circumgalactic medium (CGM), and halo properties. To do so, we run the first suite of large-volume cosmological magnetohydrodynamical simulations (25\,Mpc\,h$^{-1}$ boxes) with the IllustrisTNG galaxy formation model including CR physics. We select CR transport parameters that yield a reasonable trade off between realistic large-scale integrated properties, and galactic CR pressure profiles predicted by more complex models. The resulting simulations show that, at fixed halo mass, including CRs does not strongly impact the temperature, density, or (total) pressure structure of the CGM with respect to the fiducial TNG model. However, cosmic rays add significant non-thermal pressure support to the halo. This suppresses the star formation activity and thus stellar masses of galaxies, from dwarf to L$^\star$ halos. The cosmic star formation rate density, stellar mass function, and stellar mass to halo mass relation are all reshaped by CRs. Galaxy sizes and halo-scale gas fractions are more mildly affected, while lower gas densities in the interstellar medium inhibit supermassive black hole growth. Halo gas is also less magnetized, and less metal enriched. These differences are primarily driven by suppressed gas accretion onto halos and galaxies, as well as weaker galactic outflows in the presence of CRs. Our findings are in qualitative agreement with previous studies of the impact of CRs on galactic outflows, and motivate the inclusion of CR physics in future large-scale cosmological simulations.

Cro Salcedo, Kaya Mori, Gabriel Bridges, Charles J. Hailey, David A. H. Buckley, Raimundo Lopes de Oliveira, Gavin Ramsay, Anke van Dyk

We report on XMM-Newton, NuSTAR, and NICER X-ray observations of CTCV J2056-3014, a cataclysmic variable (CV) with one of the fastest-spinning white dwarfs (WDs) at P = 29.6 s. While previously classified as an intermediate polar (IP), CJ2056 also exhibits the properties of WZ-Sge-type CVs, such as dwarf novae and superoutbursts. With XMM-Newton and NICER, we detected the spin period up to approximately 2 keV with 7-$\sigma$ significance. We constrained its derivative to |$\dot{P}$| < 1.8e-12 s/s after correcting for binary orbital motion. The pulsed profile is characterized by a single broad peak with approximately 25% modulation. NuSTAR detected a four-fold increase in unabsorbed X-ray flux coincident with an optical flare in November 2022. The XMM-Newton and NICER X-ray spectra in 0.3-10 keV are best characterized by an absorbed optically-thin three-temperature thermal plasma model (kT = 0.3, 1.0, and 4.9 keV), while the NuSTAR spectra in 3-30 keV are best fit by a single-temperature thermal plasma model (kT = 8.4 keV), both with Fe abundance $Z_{Fe}/Z_\odot$ = 0.3. CJ2056 exhibits similarities to other fast-spinning CVs, such as low plasma temperatures, and no significant X-ray absorption at low energies. As the WD's magnetic field strength is unknown, we applied both non-magnetic and magnetic CV spectral models (MKCFLOW and MCVSPEC) to determine the WD mass. The derived WD mass range (M = 0.7-1.0 $M_\odot$) is above the centrifugal break-up mass limit of 0.56 $M_\odot$ and consistent with the mean WD mass of local CVs (M $\approx$ 0.8-0.9 $M_\odot$).

Ryan J. Cooke (1, 2), Louise Welsh (3, 4, 5) ((1) Centre for Extragalactic Astronomy, Durham University, (2) Physics Department, Durham University, (3) INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste, (4) Dipartimento di Fisica G. Occhialini, Universita degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, (5) IFPU - Institute for Fundamental Physics of the Universe)

We report a new, reliable determination of the CN excitation temperature of diffuse molecular clouds in the Milky Way, based on ultra high spectral resolution observations. Our determination is based on CN $B^{2}\Sigma^{+}-X^{2}\Sigma^{+}$ (0,0) vibrational band absorption spectra seen along the lines of sight to eight bright Galactic stars. Our analysis is conducted blind, and we account for multiple sources of systematic uncertainty. Like previous studies, our excitation temperature measures exhibit an intrinsic scatter that exceeds the quoted uncertainties. Accounting for this scatter, we derive a 3% determination of the typical CN excitation temperature, $T_{01}=2.769^{+0.084}_{-0.072}~{\rm K}$, which is consistent with the direct determination of the cosmic microwave background temperature. We also perform a single joint fit to all sightlines, and find that our data can be simultaneously fit with an excitation temperature $T_{01}=2.725\pm0.015~{\rm K}$ -- a 0.55% measure that is consistent with the CMB temperature. We propose a future observational strategy to reduce systematic uncertainties and firmly test the limitations of using CN as a cosmic microwave background thermometer.

(abridged) Accretion onto supermassive black holes (SMBHs) at close to the Eddington rate can influence the host galaxy via powerful winds. Theoretical models of such winds can explain observational correlations between SMBHs and their host galaxies and the powerful multi-phase outflows observed in a number of active galaxies. Analytic models usually assume spherical symmetry and a smooth gas distribution with an adiabatic equation of state. However, the interstellar medium in real galaxies is clumpy and cooling is important, complicating the analysis. We used a suite of idealised hydrodynamical simulations to isolate the effects of turbulence and cooling on the development and global properties of AGN wind-driven outflows on kiloparsec scales. We measured the outflow velocity, mass outflow rate and momentum and energy loading factors as the system evolved over 1.2 Myr and estimated plausible observationally derived values. We find that adiabatic simulations approximately reproduce the analytical estimates of outflow properties independently of turbulence or clumpiness. However, cooling reduces the outflow energy rate by 1-2 orders of magnitude in the smooth simulations and by up to one order of magnitude in the turbulent ones. The interplay between cooling and turbulence depends on AGN luminosity: in Eddington-limited AGN, turbulence enhances the coupling between the AGN wind and the gas, while the opposite happens in lower-luminosity simulations. This occurs because dense gas clumps are resilient to low-luminosity AGN feedback but get driven away by high-luminosity AGN feedback. The overall properties of multi-phase outflowing gas in our simulations qualitatively agree with observations of multi-phase outflows. We also find that using `observable' outflow properties leads to their parameters being underestimated by a factor of a few compared with real values.

Zhecheng Hu, Wei Zhu, Fei Dai, Ping Chen, Yang Huang, Min Fang, Richard S. Post

We present spectroscopic and photometric observations of Bernhard-2, which was previously identified as a candidate system to host a misaligned circumbinary disk. Our spectroscopic measurements confirm that Bernhard-2 indeed contains an eccentric ($e=0.69 \pm 0.08$) binary and thus that the periodic variability in the photometric light curve is best explained by the occultation by the misaligned circumbinary disk. By modeling the spectral energy distributions at different phases, we infer the system age to be $\sim 20\,$Myr and the masses of the two binary components to be $\sim 1.1\,M_\odot$ and $\sim 0.9\,M_\odot$, respectively. Our new photometric observations show clear deviations from the model prediction based on the archival data, suggesting ongoing precession of the circumbinary disk. The H$\alpha$ line of Bernhard-2 also shows an inverse P-Cygni profile at epochs close to the pericenter passage, which could be attributed to the pulsed accretion around the pericenter. Bernhard-2 therefore closely resembles the well studied KH 15D system. Further detailed observations and studies of such rare systems can provide useful information about disk physics and evolution.

Lucas McClure, Josh Emery, Cristina Thomas, Kevin Walsh, Riley Williams

The Polana-Eulalia Complex (PEC) is an Inner Main Belt, C-complex asteroid population that may be the source of the near-Earth asteroid spacecraft mission targets (101955) Bennu and (162173) Ryugu. Here, we report a size-based investigation of the visible (VIS; 0.47 -- 0.89 um) spectrophotometric slopes of the PEC's constituent families, the New Polana and Eulalia Families. Using two releases of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey's Moving Object Catalog as well as the 3rd data release of the Gaia catalog, we present evidence of size-based slope variability within each family. We find that Eulalia family members exhibit lower average slopes than Polana family members in all catalogs' samples, particularly for objects < 9 km in diameter. We are unable to conclude that VIS slope distinguishability between the families is statistically significant, but we explore a potential cause of the bulk slope differences between the PEC families, in addition to providing commentary on size-slope trends generally.

Sagar Adhikari, Pablo Peñil, Alberto Domínguez, Marco Ajello, Sara Buson, Alba Rico

In our recent investigation, we utilized a century's worth of archival optical data to search for a decade-long periodicity from the blazar PG 1553+113, finding a hint of a 22-year period. Building on this foundation, the current study extends our analysis to include 10 blazars from the Fermi Large Area Telescope 2FHL catalog to uncover similar long-term periodic behavior. To ensure the reliability of our findings, we consider the impact of observational limitations, such as temporal gaps and uneven sampling, which could potentially introduce artifacts or false periodic signals. Our analysis reveals that 4 of these blazars (AP Librae, MKN 421, MKN 501, PG 1246+586) exhibit decade-long periods in their optical light curves, albeit 3 of them may be influenced by noise. However, a likely genuine period of approximately 51 $\pm$ 9 yr is identified for MKN 421.

E. Schiappucci, S. Raghunathan, C. To, F. Bianchini, C. L. Reichardt, N. Battaglia, B. Hadzhiyska, S. Kim, J. B. Melin, C. Sifón, E. M. Vavagiakis


We present a forecast of the pairwise kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ) measurement that will be achievable with the future CMB-S4 experiment. CMB-S4 is the next stage for ground-based cosmic microwave background experiments, with a planned wide area survey that will observe approximately $50\%$ of the sky. We construct a simulated sample of galaxy clusters that have been optically selected in an LSST-like survey and have spectroscopic redshifts. For this cluster sample, we predict that CMB-S4 will reject the null hypothesis of zero pairwise kSZ signal at $36 \,\sigma$. We estimate the effects of systematic uncertainties such as scatter in the mass-richness scaling relation and cluster mis-centering. We find that these effects can reduce the signal-to-noise ratio of the CMB-S4 pairwise kSZ measurement by $20\%$. We explore the constraining power of the measured kSZ signal in combination with measurements of the galaxy clusters' thermal SZ emission on two extensions to the standard cosmological model. The first extension allows the dark energy equation of state $w$ to vary. We find the CMB-S4 pairwise kSZ measurement yields a modest reduction in the uncertainty on $w$ by a factor of 1.36 over the \Planck's 2018 uncertainty. The second extension tests General Relativity by varying the growth index $\gamma$. We find that CMB-S4's pairwise kSZ measurement will yield a $28\sigma$ constraint on $\gamma$, and strongly constrain alternative theories of gravity.

The galactic cosmic rays (GCR) suffer from solar modulation when they propagate through the heliosphere. The transfer of the local interstellar spectrum (LIS) to the top-of-atmosphere spectra (TOA) is influenced by solar wind convection, diffusion on the heliospheric magnetic field (HMF), among other factors. In this work, we derive the LIS of proton (p) and helium (He) covering energies from a few MeV/n to TeV/n, using a non-parameterization method. The study utilizes monthly AMS-02 data on proton and helium fluxes and their ratio to examine the evolution of solar modulation from May 2011 to May 2017. To improve the fitting, the force-field approximation is modified by assigning different solar modulation potentials for high ( $\phi_h$ ) and low ($\phi_l$ ) energy ranges. A sigmoid function is employed to describe the transition between these energy ranges. The analysis reveals that the break in proton and helium fluxes occurs at the same rigidity value, with a mean of approximately 6 GV and this break is more pronounced during the heliospheric magnetic field reversal period. The $\phi_l$ is close to the result of Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) while the $\phi_h$ is close to the result of neutron monitor (NM) data. Furthermore, the long-term behavior of the p/He ratio is found to naturally arise from the model when considering different Z/A values and the LISs for proton and helium.

During the formation of large-scale structures in the universe, weak internal shocks are induced within the hot ICM, while strong accretion shocks arise in the WHIM within filaments, and the warm-cold gas in voids surrounding galaxy clusters. These cosmological shocks are thought to accelerate cosmic ray (CR) protons and electrons via diffusive shock acceleration. Recent advances in particle-in-cell and hybrid simulations have provided deeper insights into the kinetic plasma processes that govern microinstabilities and particle acceleration in collisionless shocks in weakly magnetized astrophysical plasma. In this study, we adopt a thermal-leakage type injection model and DSA power-law distribution functions in the test-particle regime. The CR proton spectrum directly connects to the Maxwellian distribution of protons at the injection momentum $p_{\rm{inj}} = Q_p p_{\rm {th,p}}$. On the other hand, the CR electron spectrum extends down to $p_{\rm{min}}=Q_ep_{\rm{th,e}}$ and is linked to the Maxwellian distribution of electrons. Here, $p_{\rm{th,p}}$ and $p_{\rm{th,e}}$, are the proton and electron thermal momenta, respectively. Moreover, we propose that the postshock gas temperature and the injection parameters, $Q_p$ and $Q_e$ are self-regulated to maintain the test-particle condition, as the thermal energy is gradually transferred to the CR energy. Under these constraints, we estimate the self-regulated values of the temperature reduction factor, $R_T$, and the proton injection parameter, $Q_p$, along with the resulting CR efficiencies, $\eta_p$ and $\eta_e$. We then provide analytical fitting functions for these parameters as functions of the shock Mach number, $M_s$. These fitting formulas may serve as valuable tools for quantitatively assessing the impact of CR protons and electrons, as well as the resulting nonthermal emissions in galaxy clusters and cosmic filaments.

The Crab Pulsar has exhibited numerous glitches accompanied by persistent shifts in its spin-down rate. The explanation of the observed persistent shifts remain a challenge. We perform a detailed Bayesian analysis to compare four data-fitting models, ranging from a simple linear model to more complex power-law and logarithmic models, using a dataset of observed glitches and persistent shifts. Our results show the large observed events are difficult to explain by the usually assumed linear model due to starquakes. A particularly notable finding is that the logarithmic model provides the best fit to the observation data but the two power-law models show a close tie to it. Detail differences of these models may be further clarified by the understanding of internal physics of neutron stars.

Ayanabha De, Mayank Narang, Manoj Puravankara, Shridharan Baskaran, Himanshu Tyagi, Bihan Banerjee, Prasanta Kumar Nayak, Arun Surya

In this work, we have carried out a systematic analysis of the VLASS quick look catalogs together with \textit{Gaia DR3} to identify the optical counterparts of 3~GHz radio emitters within 500~pc to obtain a homogeneous statistical sample of stellar radio sources. We have identified distinct populations of 3 GHz emitters across the \textit{Gaia DR3} color-magnitude diagram. We also present candidate sources (transient, highly variable or background artifacts) which can be confirmed by follow-up observations. A majority of the detected sources constitute main sequence G, K and M-type stars including ultra-cool dwarfs. Pinning down the origin of radio emission from these populations can help us gain further insights into the origin of stellar and planetary magnetic fields. By analyzing the variation of brightness temperature of the sources with their spectral type, we have tentatively associated possible emission mechanisms with different object types. We inspected the correlation between quiescent radio and X-ray emission for our sample that can provide crucial insights into the current understanding of the Gudel-Benz relationship, which is essential for modeling steady radio emission and coronal heating. This VLASS-\textit{\textit{Gaia DR3}} analysis acts as a pilot study for follow-up observations at multiple wavelengths to better understand stellar structure, model flaring activities and detect radio emission caused by star-planet interactions.

Mayank Narang, Manoj Puravankara, H. K. Vedantham, C. H. Ishwara Chandra, Ayanabha De, Himanshu Tyagi, Bihan Banerjee, Prasanta K. Nayak, Arun Surya, B. Shridharan, Vinod C. Pathak, Mihir Tripathi

Coherent radio emission with properties similar to planetary auroral signals has been reported from GJ 1151, a quiescent, slow-rotating mid-M star, by the LOFAR Two-metre (120-170 MHz) Sky Survey (LoTSS). The observed {LOFAR} emission is fairly bright at 0.89 mJy with 64% circular polarization, and the emission characteristics are consistent with the interaction between an Earth-sized planet with an orbital period of 1-5 days and the magnetic field of the host star. However, no short-period planet has been detected around GJ 1151. To confirm the reported radio emission caused by the putative planet around GJ 1151 and to investigate the nature of this emission, we carried out uGMRT observations of GJ 1151 at 150, 218, and 400 MHz over 33 hours across ten epochs. No emission was detected at any frequency. While at 150 MHz and 218 MHz, non-detection could be due to the low sensitivity of our observations, at 400 MHz, the rms sensitivities achieved were sufficient to detect the emission observed with LOFAR at $\sim$ 20$\sigma$ level. Our findings suggest that the radio emission is highly time-variable, likely influenced by the star-planet system's phase and the host star's magnetic field. Additional observations below 170 MHz, at more frequent epochs (as the periodicity of the emission is unknown), especially during periods of high stellar magnetic field strength, are needed to confirm the emission.

The gravitational wave (GW) event GW190521, likely originating from a binary black hole (BBH) merger within an active galactic nucleus (AGN) disk, is associated with the optical flare ZTF19abanrhr. The remnant BHs from BBH mergers can launch the jet and outflow and then interact with the disk medium, which can be responsible for the associated electromagnetic radiations. In this \textit{letter}, we examine the shock breakout and subsequent cooling emissions from four potential components: the outflow, jet head, jet cocoon, and disk cocoon, all driven by the remnant BH within the AGN disk. Using dynamic models and observational constraints, for GW190521, we identify the parameter space for each component and conclude that either the outflow or the disk cocoon could produce the observed electromagnetic signal, with the disk cocoon requiring more extreme parameters. We present best-fit light curves and spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for both components, showing peak emissions in the UV band for the outflow and spanning optical to UV for the disk cocoon.

Yoan Rappaz, Jennifer Schober, Abhijit Bhausaheb Bendre, Amit Seta, Christoph Federrath

Radio observations have revealed magnetic fields in the intracluster medium (ICM) of galaxy clusters nearly in equipartition with turbulence. This suggests magnetic field amplification by dynamo processes. However, observations are limited to redshifts z <~ 0.7, and the weakly collisional nature of the ICM complicates studying magnetic field evolution at higher redshifts through theoretical models and simulations. Using a model of the weakly collisional dynamo, we modelled the evolution of the Faraday rotation measure (RM) in clusters of different masses, up to z <~ 1.5, and investigated its properties. We compared our results with radio observations of various galaxy clusters. We used merger trees generated by the modified GALFORM algorithm to track the evolution of plasma quantities during galaxy cluster formation. Assuming the magnetic field remains in equipartition with the turbulent velocity field, we generated RM maps to study their properties. We find that both the standard deviation of RM, sigma_RM, and the absolute average |mu_RM| increase with cluster mass. Due to redshift dilution, RM values for a fixed cluster mass remain nearly constant between z=0 and z=1.5. For r/r200 >~ 0.4, sigma_RM does not vary significantly with L/r200, with L being the size of the observed RM patch. Below this limit, sigma_RM increases as L decreases. We find that radial RM profiles have a consistent shape, proportional to 10^{-1.2(r/r200)}, and are nearly independent of redshift. Our z~0 profiles for M_clust = 10^15 Msol match RM observations in the Coma cluster but show discrepancies with Perseus, possibly due to high gas mixing. Models for clusters with M_clust = 10^13 and M_clust = 10^15 Msol at z=0 and z = 0.174 align well with Fornax and A2345 data for r/r200 <~ 0.4. Our model can be useful for generating mock polarization observations for radio telescopes.

SST-1M is a single-mirror small size Cherenkov telescope prototype developed by a consortium among institutes in Switzerland, Poland, and the Czech Republic. With a 9.42 m$^2$ multi-segment mirror and a 5.6 m focal length, SST-1Ms have a broad 9 degree field of view and aim to detect gamma-rays spanning the energy range of 1 to 300 TeV. The DigiCam camera incorporates a compact Photo-Detector Plane comprising 1296 hexagonal silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) pixels and a fully digital readout and trigger system using a 250 MHz ADC. Currently undergoing commissioning at the Ondrejov Observatory in the Czech Republic, two SST-1M telescopes are actively collecting data through observations of astrophysical gamma-ray sources. This presentation provides an overview of the telescope, camera design, and analysis pipeline, including evaluations of the instrument's responses. Preliminary results derived from ongoing observations are presented. A specific focus on data analysis of stereoscopic observations of the Crab Nebula provide insights on the telescope's sensitivity and performances.

Avishai Dekel, Nicholas C. Stone, Dhruba Dutta Chowdhury, Shmuel Gilbaum, Zhaozhou Li, Nir Mandelker, Frank C. van den Bosch

The scenario of feedback-free starbursts (FFB), which predicts excessively bright galaxies at cosmic dawn as observed using JWST, may provide a natural setting for black hole (BH) growth. This involves the formation of intermediate-mass seed BHs and their runaway mergers into super-massive BHs with high BH-to-stellar mass ratios and low AGN luminosities. We present a scenario of merger-driven BH growth in FFB galaxies and study its feasibility. BH seeds form within the building blocks of the FFB galaxies, namely, thousands of compact star clusters, each starbursting in a free-fall time of a few Myr before the onset of stellar and supernova feedback. The BH seeds form by rapid core collapse in the FFB clusters, in a few free-fall times, sped up by the migration of massive stars due to the young, broad stellar mass function and stimulated by a `gravo-gyro' instability due to internal cluster rotation and flattening. BHs of $10^4 M_\odot$ are expected in $10^6 M_\odot$ FFB clusters within sub-kpc galactic disks at $z \sim 10$. The BHs then migrate to the galaxy center by dynamical friction, hastened by the compact FFB stellar galactic disk configuration. Efficient mergers of the BH seeds will produce $10^{6-8} M_\odot$ BHs with a BH-to-stellar mass ratio $\sim 0.01$ by $z \sim 4-7$, as observed. The growth of the central BH by mergers can overcome the bottleneck introduced by gravitational wave recoils if the BHs inspiral within a relatively cold disk or if the escape velocity from the galaxy is boosted by a wet compaction event. Such events, common in massive galaxies at high redshifts, can also help by speeding up the inward BH migration and by providing central gas to assist with the final parsec problem. The cold disk version of the FFB scenario provides a feasible route for the formation of supermassive BHs.

Terrestrial planet formation (TPF) is a difficult problem that has vexed researchers for decades. Numerical models are only partially successful at reproducing the orbital architecture of the inner planets, but have generally not considered the effect of the growth of the giant planets. I dynamically model TPF as the gas giants Jupiter and Saturn are growing using GENGA. The evolution of the masses, radii and orbital elements of the gas giants are precomputed and read and interpolated within GENGA. The terrestrial planets are formed by planetesimal accretion from tens of thousands of self-gravitating planetesimals spread between 0.5 au and 8.5 au. The total mass of the inner planetesimal disc and outer disc are typically 2 and 3 Earth masses respectively, and the composition of the planetesimals changes from non-carbonaceous-like to carbonaceous-like at a prescribed distance, ranging from 2 au to 5 au. After 5 Myr of evolution approximately 10% to 25% of the mass of planetesimals in the Jupiter-Saturn region is implanted in the inner solar system, which is more than what cosmochemical models predict. The implantation initially sets up a composition gradient in the inner solar system, with the fraction of outer solar system material increasing with increasing distance to the Sun. The planetesimals that remain in the inner solar system have a mixed composition. The growth of the gas giants scatters planetesimals in their vicinity into the inner solar system, which changes the isotopic composition of the terrestrial planets. The planetesimal disc in the vicinity of the gas giants may not have been very massive, ~1 ME. The inner planetesimal disc may not have extended much farther than 2 au otherwise embryos do not grow fast enough to produce Mars analogues. This could mean that the region of the current asteroid belt never contained much mass to begin with.

The spinning-up of the accreting component in the process of conservative mass exchange is considered in binary systems - progenitors of systems consisting of a main sequence Be-star and an O-subdwarf. During the mass exchange, the meridional circulation transfers 80-85\% of the angular momentum that entered the accretor together with the accreted matter to the accretor surface. This angular momentum is removed from the accretor by the disk. When the mass exchange finishes, the accretor has a rotation typical of classical Be-type stars.

Thomas Tavernier, Jakub Jurysek, Vladimir Novotný, Matthieu Heller, Dusan Mandat, Miroslav Pech, A. Araudo, C.M. Alispach, V. Beshley, J. Blazek, J. Borkowski, S. Boula, T. Bulik, F. Cadoux, S. Casanova, A. Christov, L. Chytka, Y. Favre, T. Gieras, P. Hamal, M. Hrabovsky, M. Jelinek, V. Karas, L. Gibaud, É. Lyard, E. Mach, S. Michal, J. Michalowksi, R. Moderski, T. Montaruli, S.R. Muthyala, A. Muraczewski, K. Nalewajski, A. Nagai, D. Neise, J. Niemiec, M. Nikolajuk, M. Palatka, M. Prouza, P. Rajda, P. Schovanek, K. Seweryn, V. Sliusar, L. Stawarz, J. Strobl, P. Swierk, J. Świerblewski, P. Travnicek, M. Ostrowski, J. Vicha, D. Della Volpe, R. Walter, W. Marek, A. Zagdański, K. Ziȩtara

SST-1M is a prototype of a single-mirror Small Size Telescope developed by a consortium of institutes from Poland, Switzerland and the Czech Republic. With a wide field of view of 9 degrees, SST-1Ms are designed to detect gamma-rays in the energy range between 1 and 300 TeV. The design of the SST-1M follows the Davies-Cotton concept, with a 9.42m2 multi-segment mirror. SST-1M is equipped with DigiCam camera, which features a fully digital readout and trigger system using 250 MHz ADC, and a compact Photo-Detector Plane (PDP) composed of 1296 pixels, each made of a hexagonal light guide coupled to silicone photomultipliers (SiPM). Two SST-1M telescopes are currently being commissioned at the Ondrejov Observatory in the Czech Republic, where they are successfully observing Cerenkov events in stereo. This contribution will present an overview of calibration strategies and performance evaluation based on data collected at the observatory.

Relative distances between a high-redshift sample of Type Ia supernovae (SNe~Ia), anchored to a low-redshift sample, have been instrumental in drawing insights on the nature of the dark energy driving the accelerated expansion of the universe. A combination (hereafter called SBC) of the SNe~Ia with baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) and the cosmic microwave background (CMB) recently indicated deviations from the standard interpretation of dark energy as a cosmological constant. In this paper, we analyse various systematic uncertainties in the distance measurement of SNe~Ia and their impact on the inferred dark energy properties in the canonical Chevallier-Polarski-Linder (CPL) model. We model systematic effects like photometric calibration, progenitor and dust evolution, and uncertainty in the galactic extinction law. We find that all the dominant systematic errors shift the dark energy inference towards the DESI 2024 results from an underlying $\Lambda$CDM cosmology. A small change in the calibration, and change in the Milky Way dust, can give rise to systematic-driven shifts on $w_0$-$w_a$ constraints, comparable to the deviation reported from the DESI 2024 results. We forecast that the systematic uncertainties can shift the inference of $w_0-w_a$ by a few times the error ellipse for future low- and high-$z$ SN~Ia compilations and hence, it is critical to circumvent them to robustly test for deviations from $\Lambda$. A slider and visualisation tool for quantifying the impact of systematic effects on the fitted cosmological parameters is publicly available at: this https URL

V.A. Baturin, A.V. Oreshina, G. Buldgen, S.V. Ayukov, V.K. Gryaznov, I.L. Iosilevskiy, A. Noels, R. Scuflaire

The first adiabatic exponent profile, noted $\Gamma_1$, computed along adiabatic coordinats $(T, \rho)$ is in the focus of our study. Under conditions of almost fully ionized hydrogen and helium, the $\Gamma_1$ profile is quite sensitive to heavy elements ionization. $\Gamma_1$ decreases in regions where an element is partially ionized. The recent helioseismic structural inversion is obtained with an accuracy better than $10^{-4}$ in the most of the adiabatic convective zone that allows to study ionization variations. The aim is to determine the major heavy elements content in the solar convective zone. The method of our research is synthesis of the $\Gamma_1$ profile which is based on a linear combination of the contributions of individual heavy elements. The idea of the approach was proposed and justified by Baturin et al. (Astron. Astrophys., 660, A125, 2022). We find the best approximation of the inverted profile $\Gamma_1$ adjusting the abundances of major elements (C, N, O, Ne), meanwhile the abundances of elements heavier than neon are fixed. We synthesize the theoretical $\Gamma_1$ profile using the SAHA-S equation of state, and are able to reproduce the inverted profiles with an accuracy of $(1-2)\cdot 10^{-5}$. Total mass fraction of heavy elements found by this method is $Z=0.0148\pm 0.0004$. The oxygen logarithmic abundance is $8.70\pm 0.03$, carbon $8.44\pm 0.04$, nitrogen $8.12\pm 0.08$, and neon $8.17\pm 0.09$. The obtained estimations of oxygen and carbon agree with spectroscopic abundances by Asplund et al. (Astron. Astrophys., 653, A141, 2021).

Ioannis Kontogiannis (Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP) Germany)

In May 2024, the extremely complex active region National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 13664 produced the strongest geomagnetic storm since 2003. The aim of this study is to explore the development of the extreme magnetic complexity of NOAA 13664 in terms of its photospheric electric current. The non-neutralized electric current is derived from photospheric vector magnetograms, provided by the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imaged onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory. The calculation method is based on image processing, thresholding and error analysis. The spatial and temporal evolution of the non-neutralized electric current of the region as well as its constituent sub-regions is examined. For context, a comparison with other complex, flare-prolific active regions is provided. Active region NOAA 13664 was formed by the emergence and interaction of three sub-regions, two of which were of notable individual complexity. It consisted of numerous persistent, current-carrying magnetic partitions that exhibited periods of conspicuous motions and strongly increasing electric current at many locations within the region. These periods were followed by intense and repeated flaring. The total unsigned non-neutralized electric currents and average injection rates reached $5.95 \cdot 10^{13}$ A and $1.5 \cdot 10^{13}$ A/day, and were the strongest observed so far, significantly surpassing other super-active regions of Solar Cycle 24 and 25. Active region NOAA 13664 presents a unique case of complexity. Further scrutiny of the spatial and temporal variation of the net electric currents during the emergence and development of super-active regions is paramount to understand the origin of complex regions and adverse space weather.

P. Chanial, M. Regnier, J-Ch. Hamilton, E. Bunn, V. Chabirand, A. Flood, M.M. Gamboa Lerena, L. Kardum, T. Laclavere, E .Manzan, L. Mousset, M. Stolpovskiy, S.A. Torchinsky, E. Battistelli, M. Bersanelli, F. Columbro, A. Coppolecchia, B. Costanza, P. De Bernardis, G. De Gasperis, S. Ferazzoli, K. Ganga, M. Gervasi, L. Grandsire, S. Masi, A. Mennella, N. Miron Granese, C. O'Sullivan, A. Paiella, F. Piacentini, M. Piat, L. Piccirillo, E. Rasztocky, C.G. Scóccola, M. Zannoni

The search for relics from the inflation era in the form of B-mode polarization of the CMB is a major challenge in cosmology. The main obstacle appears to come from the complexity of Galactic foregrounds that need to be removed. Multi-frequency observations are key to mitigating their contamination and mapping primordial fluctuations. We present "Spectral-Imaging", a method to reconstruct sub-frequency maps of the CMB polarization within the instrument's physical bandwidth, a unique feature of Bolometric Interferometry that could be crucial for foreground mitigation as it provides an increased spectral resolution. Our technique uses the frequency evolution of the shape of the Bolometric Interferometer's synthesized beam to reconstruct frequency information from the time domain data. We reconstruct sub-frequency maps using an inverse problem approach based on detailed modeling of the instrument acquisition. We use external data to regularize the convergence of the estimator and account for bandpass mismatch and varying angular resolution. The reconstructed maps are unbiased and allow exploiting the spectral-imaging capacity of QUBIC. Using end-to-end simulations of the QUBIC instrument, we perform a cross-spectra analysis to extract a forecast on the tensor-to-scalar ratio constraint of $\sigma(r) = 0.0225$ after component separation.

M. Regnier, T. Laclavere, J-Ch. Hamilton, E. Bunn, V. Chabirand, P. Chanial, L. Goetz, L. Kardum, P. Masson, N. Miron Granese, C.G. Scóccola, S.A. Torchinsky, E. Battistelli, M. Bersanelli, F. Columbro, A. Coppolecchia, B. Costanza, P. De Bernardis, G. De Gasperis, S. Ferazzoli, A. Flood, K. Ganga, M. Gervasi, L. Grandsire, E .Manzan, S. Masi, A. Mennella, L. Mousset, C. O'Sullivan, A. Paiella, F. Piacentini, M. Piat, L. Piccirillo, E. Rasztocky, M. Stolpovskiy, M. Zannoni

The detection of B-modes in the CMB polarization pattern is a major issue in modern cosmology and must therefore be handled with analytical methods that produce reliable results. We describe a method that uses the frequency dependency of the QUBIC synthesized beam to perform component separation at the map-making stage, to obtain more precise results. We aim to demonstrate the feasibility of component separation during the map-making stage in time domain space. This new technique leads to a more accurate description of the data and reduces the biases in cosmological analysis. The method uses a library for highly parallel computation which facilitates the programming and permits the description of experiments as easily manipulated operators. These operators can be combined to obtain a joint analysis using several experiments leading to maximized precision. The results show that the method works well and permits end-to-end analysis for the CMB experiments, and in particular, for QUBIC. The method includes astrophysical foregrounds, and also systematic effects like gain variation in the detectors. We developed a software pipeline that produces uncertainties on tensor-to-scalar ratio at the level of $\sigma(r) \sim 0.023$ using only QUBIC simulated data.

Forthcoming cosmological imaging surveys, such as the Rubin Observatory LSST, require large-scale simulations encompassing realistic galaxy populations for a variety of scientific applications. Of particular concern is the phenomenon of intrinsic alignments (IA), whereby galaxies orient themselves towards overdensities, potentially introducing significant systematic biases in weak gravitational lensing analyses if they are not properly modeled. Due to computational constraints, simulating the intricate details of galaxy formation and evolution relevant to IA across vast volumes is impractical. As an alternative, we propose a Deep Generative Model trained on the IllustrisTNG-100 simulation to sample 3D galaxy shapes and orientations to accurately reproduce intrinsic alignments along with correlated scalar features. We model the cosmic web as a set of graphs, each graph representing a halo with nodes representing the subhalos/galaxies. The architecture consists of a SO(3) $\times$ $\mathbb{R}^n$ diffusion generative model, for galaxy orientations and $n$ scalars, implemented with E(3) equivariant Graph Neural Networks that explicitly respect the Euclidean symmetries of our Universe. The model is able to learn and predict features such as galaxy orientations that are statistically consistent with the reference simulation. Notably, our model demonstrates the ability to jointly model Euclidean-valued scalars (galaxy sizes, shapes, and colors) along with non-Euclidean valued SO(3) quantities (galaxy orientations) that are governed by highly complex galactic physics at non-linear scales.

P. Delorme, A. Chomez, V. Squicciarini, M. Janson, O. Flasseur, O. Schib, R. Gratton, A-M. Lagrange, M. Langlois, L. Mayer, R. Helled, S Reïffert, F. Kiefer, B. Biller, G. Chauvin, C. Fontanive, Th. Henning, M. Kenworthy, G-D. Marleau, D. Mesa, M. R. Meyer, C. Mordasini, S. C. Ringqvist, M. Samland, A. Vigan, G. Viswanath

Exoplanets form from circumstellar protoplanetary discs whose fundamental properties (notably their extent, composition, mass, temperature and lifetime) depend on the host star properties, such as their mass and luminosity. B-stars are among the most massive stars and their protoplanetary discs test extreme conditions for exoplanet formation. This paper investigates the frequency of giant planet companions around young B-stars (median age of 16 Myr) in the Scorpius-Centaurus association, the closest association containing a large population of B-stars. We systematically search for massive exoplanets with the high-contrast direct imaging instrument SPHERE using the data from the BEAST survey, that targets an homogeneous sample of young B-stars from the wide Sco-Cen association. We derive accurate detection limits in case of non-detections. We found evidence in previous papers for two substellar companions around 42 stars. The masses of these companions are straddling the ~13 Jupiter mass deuterium burning limit but their mass ratio with respect to their host star is close to that of Jupiter. We derive a frequency of such massive planetary mass companions around B stars of 11-5+7%, accounting for the survey sensitivity. The discoveries of substellar companions bcen b and mu2sco B happened after only few stars in the survey had been observed, raising the possibility that massive Jovian planets might be common around B-stars. However our statistical analysis show that the occurrence rate of such planets is similar around B-stars and around solar-type stars of similar age, while B-star companions exhibit low mass ratios and larger semi-major axis.

S. Abe, J. Abhir, A. Abhishek, V. A. Acciari, A. Aguasca-Cabot, I. Agudo, T. Aniello, S. Ansoldi, L. A. Antonelli, A. Arbet Engels, C. Arcaro, M. Artero, K. Asano, A. Babić, U. Barres de Almeida, J. A. Barrio, I. Batković, A. Bautista, J. Baxter, J. Becerra González, W. Bednarek, E. Bernardini, J. Bernete, A. Berti, J. Besenrieder, C. Bigongiari, A. Biland, O. Blanch, G. Bonnoli, Ž. Bošnjak, E. Bronzini, I. Burelli, G. Busetto, A. Campoy-Ordaz, A. Carosi, R. Carosi, M. Carretero-Castrillo, A. J. Castro-Tirado, D. Cerasole, G. Ceribella, Y. Chai, A. Cifuentes, E. Colombo, J. L. Contreras, J. Cortina, S. Covino, G. D'Amico, V. D'Elia, P. Da Vela, F. Dazzi, A. De Angelis, B. De Lotto, R. de Menezes, M. Delfino, J. Delgado, F. Di Pierro, R. Di Tria, L. Di Venere, D. Dominis Prester, A. Donini, D. Dorner, M. Doro, D. Elsaesser, J. Escudero, L. Fariña, A. Fattorini, L. Foffano, L. Font, S. Fröse, S. Fukami, Y. Fukazawa, R. J. García López, M. Garczarczyk, S. Gasparyan, M. Gaug, J. G. Giesbrecht Paiva, N. Giglietto, F. Giordano, P. Gliwny, T. Gradetzke, R. Grau, D. Green, J. G. Green, P. Günther, D. Hadasch, A. Hahn, T. Hassan, L. Heckmann, J. Herrera Llorente, D. Hrupec, M. Hütten, R. Imazawa, K. Ishio, I. Jiménez Martínez, J. Jormanainen, T. Kayanoki, D. Kerszberg, G. W. Kluge, Y. Kobayashi, P. M. Kouch

Instruments for gamma-ray astronomy at Very High Energies ($E>100\,{\rm GeV}$) have traditionally derived their scientific results through proprietary data and software. Data standardisation has become a prominent issue in this field both as a requirement for the dissemination of data from the next generation of gamma-ray observatories and as an effective solution to realise public data legacies of current-generation instruments. Specifications for a standardised gamma-ray data format have been proposed as a community effort and have already been successfully adopted by several instruments. We present the first production of standardised data from the Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov (MAGIC) telescopes. We converted $166\,{\rm h}$ of observations from different sources and validated their analysis with the open-source software Gammapy. We consider six data sets representing different scientific and technical analysis cases and compare the results obtained analysing the standardised data with open-source software against those produced with the MAGIC proprietary data and software. Aiming at a systematic production of MAGIC data in this standardised format, we also present the implementation of a database-driven pipeline automatically performing the MAGIC data reduction from the calibrated down to the standardised data level. In all the cases selected for the validation, we obtain results compatible with the MAGIC proprietary software, both for the manual and for the automatic data productions. Part of the validation data set is also made publicly available, thus representing the first large public release of MAGIC data. This effort and this first data release represent a technical milestone toward the realisation of a public MAGIC data legacy.

Barbara Šiljeg, Elizabeth A. K. Adams, Filippo Fraternali, Kelley M. Hess, Tom A. Oosterloo, Antonino Marasco, Björn Adebahr, Helga Dénes, Danielle M. Lucero, Pavel E. Mancera Piña, Vanessa A. Moss, Anastasia A. Ponomareva, J. M. van der Hulst

Context. Understanding the dwarf galaxy population in low density environments is crucial for testing the LCDM cosmological model. The increase in diversity towards low mass galaxies is seen as an increase in the scatter of scaling relations such as the stellar mass-size and the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation (BTFR), and is also demonstrated by recent in-depth studies of an extreme subclass of dwarf galaxies of low surface brightness, but large physical sizes, called ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs). Aims. We select galaxies from the Apertif HI survey, and apply a constraint on their i-band absolute magnitude to exclude high mass systems. The sample consists of 24 galaxies, and span HI mass ranges of 8.6 < log ($M_{HI}/M_{Sun}$) < 9.7 and stellar mass range of 8.0 < log ($M_*/M_{Sun}$) < 9.7 (with only three galaxies having log ($M_*/M_{Sun}$) > 9). Methods. We determine the geometrical parameters of the HI and stellar discs, build kinematic models from the HI data using 3DBarolo, and extract surface brightness profiles in g-, r- and i-band from the Pan-STARRS 1 photometric survey. Results. We find that, at fixed stellar mass, our HI selected dwarfs have larger optical effective radii than isolated, optically-selected dwarfs from the literature. We find misalignments between the optical and HI morphologies for some of our sample. For most of our galaxies, we use the HI morphology to determine their kinematics, and we stress that deep optical observations are needed to trace the underlying stellar discs. Standard dwarfs in our sample follow the same BTFR of high-mass galaxies, whereas UDGs are slightly offset towards lower rotational velocities, in qualitative agreement with results from previous studies. Finally, our sample features a fraction (25%) of dwarf galaxies in pairs that is significantly larger with respect to previous estimates based on optical spectroscopic data.

Understanding the evolution of radial sizes and instantaneous expansion speeds of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) is crucial for assessing their impact duration on Earth's environment. We introduce a non-conventional approach to derive the CME's radial sizes and expansion speeds at different instances during its passage over a single-point in situ spacecraft. We also estimate the CME's radial sizes and expansion speeds during its journey from the Sun to 1 AU using the 3D kinematics of different CME features, including the leading edge (LE), center, and trailing edge (TE). The continuous 3D kinematics of the CME is estimated by employing the GCS and SSSE reconstruction methods on multi-point observations from coronagraphs and heliospheric imagers combined with the drag-based model. We choose the 2010 April 3 CME as a suitable case for our study, promising a more accurate comparison of its remote and in situ observations. We show that the introduced non-conventional approach can provide better accuracy in estimating radial sizes and instantaneous expansion speeds of CMEs at different instances. We examine the aspect ratio of the CME, which influences its expansion behavior and shows the discrepancy between its value in the corona and interplanetary medium. Our study highlights significant inconsistencies in the arrival time, radial size, and expansion speed estimates obtained from remote and in situ observations. We advocate for future studies leveraging multi-spacecraft in situ observations and our non-conventional approach to analyze them to improve the comprehension of CME dynamics in the solar wind.

The strong-field gravity in General Relativity (GR) realized in neutron stars (NSs) renders the Equation of State (EOS) $P(\varepsilon)$ of supradense neutron star (NS) matter to be essentially nonlinear and refines the upper bound for $\phi\equiv P/\varepsilon$ to be much smaller than the Special Relativity (SR) requirement with linear EOSs, where $P$ and $\varepsilon$ are respectively the pressure and energy density of the system considered. Specifically, a tight bound $\phi\lesssim0.374$ is obtained by anatomizing perturbatively the intrinsic structures of the scaled Tolman--Oppenheimer--Volkoff (TOV) equations without using any input nuclear EOS. New insights gained from this novel analysis provide EOS-model independent constraints on properties (e.g., density profiles of the sound speed squared $s^2=\d P/\d\varepsilon$ and trace anomaly $\Delta=1/3-\phi$) of cold supradense matter in NS cores. Using the gravity-matter duality in theories describing NSs, we investigate the impact of gravity on supradense matter EOS in NSs. In particular, we show that the NS mass $M_{\rm{NS}}$, radius $R$ and its compactness $\xi\equiv M_{\rm{NS}}/R$ scale with certain combinations of its central pressure and energy density (encapsulating its central EOS). Thus, observational data on these properties of NSs can straightforwardly constrain NS central EOSs without relying on any specific nuclear EOS-model.

While many astrophysical plasmas can be modelled successfully assuming ionisation and thermal equilibrium, in some cases this is not appropriate and a non-equilibrium approach is required. In nebulae around evolved stars the local elemental abundances may also strongly vary in space and time. Here we present a non-equilibrium multi-ion module developed for the fluid-dynamics code \textsc{pion}, describing the physical processes included and demonstrating its capabilities with some test calculations. A non-equilbrium ionisation solver is developed that allows arbitrary elemental abundances for neutral and ionised (but not molecular) gas, for the elements H, He, C, N, O, Ne, Si, S and Fe. Collisional ionisation and recombination, photoionisation and charge-exchange reactions are included, and ion-by-ion non-equilibrium radiative cooling is calculated based on the instantaneous ion fractions of each element. Element and ion mass-fractions are advected using passive scalars, operator-split from the microphysical processes. The module is validated by comparing with equilibrium and non-equilibrium calculations in the literature. Effects of charge exchange on ion abundances in cooling plasmas are discussed. Application to modelling shocks and photoionised H~\textsc{ii} regions is demonstrated. The time-dependent expansion of a Wolf-Rayet nebula is studied, including photoionisation and collisional processes, and spectral-line luminosities calculated for non-equilibrium and equilibrium plasma states. The multi-ion module enables simulation of ionised plasmas with spatially varying elemental abundances using self-consistent ion abundances and thermal evolution. This allows prediction of spectral lines in UV, optical, IR and X-ray even in cases where the plasma is out of ionisation equilibrium.

Warm dark matter has been strongly constrained in recent years as the sole component of dark matter. However, a less-explored alternative is that dark matter consists of a mixture of warm and cold dark matter (MWDM). In this work, we use observations of Milky Way satellite galaxies to constrain MWDM scenarios where the formation of small-scale structure is suppressed either by generic thermal relic warm dark matter or a sterile neutrino produced through the Shi-Fuller mechanism. To achieve this, we model satellite galaxies by combining numerical simulations with semi-analytical models for the subhalo population, and use a galaxy--halo connection model to match galaxies onto dark matter subhalos. By comparing the number of satellites predicted by MWDM models to the observed satellite population from the Dark Energy Survey and Pan-STARRS1, we constrain the fraction of warm dark matter, $f_{\rm WDM}$, as a function of its mass, $m_{\rm WDM}$. We exclude dark matter being composed entirely of thermal relic warm dark matter with $m_{\rm WDM} \leq 6.6 $ keV at a posterior ratio of 10:1, consistent with previous works. However, we find that warm dark matter with smaller mass is allowed when mixed with cold dark matter, and that the $f_{\rm WDM}$ constraints strengthen with decreasing $m_{\rm WDM}$ until they plateau at $f_{\rm WDM} \lesssim 0.45 $ for $m_{\rm WDM} \lesssim 1.5$ keV. Likewise, in the case of a sterile neutrino with mass of 7 keV produced through the Shi-Fuller mechanism, we exclude a fraction of $f_{\nu_s} \lesssim 0.45$, independent of mixing angle. Our results extend constraints on MWDM to a region of parameter space that has been relatively unconstrained with previous analysis.

Kairat Myrzakulov, M. Koussour, O. Donmez, A. Cilli, E. Güdekli, J. Rayimbaev

In this study, we explored late-time cosmology within an extended class of theories based on $f(Q, L_m)$ gravity. This theory generalizes $f(Q)$ gravity by incorporating a non-minimal coupling between the non-metricity $Q$ and the matter Lagrangian $L_m$, analogous to the $f(Q,T)$ theory. The coupling between $Q$ and $L_m$ leads to the non-conservation of the matter energy-momentum tensor. We first investigated a cosmological model defined by the functional form $f(Q, L_m) = \alpha Q + \beta L_m^n$, where $\alpha$, $\beta$, and $n$ are constants. The derived Hubble parameter $H(z) = H_0 (1+z)^{\frac{3n}{2(2n-1)}}$ indicates that $n$ significantly influences the scaling of $H(z)$ over cosmic history, with $n > 2$ suggesting accelerated expansion. We also examined the simplified case of $n = 1$, leading to the linear form $f(Q, L_m) = \alpha Q + \beta L_m$, consistent with a universe dominated by non-relativistic matter. Using various observational datasets, including $H(z)$ and Pantheon, we constrained the model parameters. Our analysis showed that the $f(Q, L_m)$ model aligns well with observational results and exhibits similar behavior to the $\Lambda$CDM model. The results, with $q_0 = -0.22 \pm 0.01$ across all datasets, indicate an accelerating universe, highlighting the model's potential as an alternative to $\Lambda$CDM.

Recent observations of core-collapse supernovae revealed that the existence of dense circumstellar matter (CSM) around their progenitors is ubiquitous. Interaction of supernova ejecta with such a dense CSM is a potential production sight of high-energy cosmic rays (CRs), gamma-rays, and neutrinos. We estimate the gamma-ray and neutrino signals from SN 2023ixf, a core-collapse supernova occurred in a nearby galaxy M101, which exhibits signatures of the interaction with the confined dense CSM. Using radiation-hydrodynamic simulation model calibrated by the optical and ultraviolet observations of SN 2023ixf, we find that the CRs cannot be accelerated in the early phase because the sharp velocity jump at the shock disappears due to strong radiation pressure. Roughly 4 days after the explosion, the collisionless sub-shock is formed in the CSM, which enables the CR production and leads to gamma-ray and neutrino emissions. The shock sweeps up the entire dense CSM roughly 9 days after the explosion, which ceases the high-energy radiation. Based on this scenario, we calculate the gamma-ray and neutrino signals, which have a peak around 9 days after the explosion. We can constrain the cosmic-ray production efficiency to be less than 30\% by comparing our prediction to the Fermi-LAT data. Future multi-messenger observations with an enlarged sample of nearby supernovae will provide a better constraint on the cosmic-ray production efficiency in the early phases of supernovae.

Exoplanet exploration has revealed that many$\unicode{x2013}$perhaps most$\unicode{x2013}$terrestrial exoplanets formed with substantial H$_2$-rich envelopes, seemingly in contrast to solar system terrestrials, for which there is scant evidence of long-lived primary atmospheres. It is not known how a long-lived primary atmosphere might affect the subsequent habitability prospects of terrestrial exoplanets. Here, we present a new, self-consistent evolutionary model of the transition from primary to secondary atmospheres. The model incorporates all Fe-C-O-H-bearing species and simulates magma ocean solidification, radiative-convective climate, thermal escape, and mantle redox evolution. For our illustrative example TRAPPIST-1, our model strongly favors atmosphere retention for the habitable zone planet TRAPPIST-1e. In contrast, the same model predicts a comparatively thin atmosphere for the Venus-analog TRAPPIST-1b, which would be vulnerable to complete erosion via non-thermal escape and is consistent with JWST observations. More broadly, we conclude that the erosion of primary atmospheres typically does not preclude surface habitability, and frequently results in large surface water inventories due to the reduction of FeO by H$_2$.