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Papers for Wednesday, Oct 02 2024

Papers with local authors

Casey L. Brinkman, Lauren M. Weiss, Daniel Huber, Rena A. Lee, Jared Kolecki, Gwyneth Tenn, Jingwen Zhang, Suchitra Narayanan, Alex S. Polanski, Fei Dai, Jacob L. Bean, Corey Beard, Madison Brady, Max Brodheim, Matt Brown, William Deich, Jerry Edelstein, Benjamin J. Fulton, Steven Giacalone, Steven R. Gibson, Gregory J. Gilbert, Samuel Halverson, Luke Handley, Grant M. Hill, Rae Holcomb, Bradford Holden, Aaron Householder, Andrew W. Howard, Howard Isaacson, Stephen Kaye, Russ R. Laher, Kyle Lanclos, J. M. Joel Ong, Joel Payne, Eric A. Petigura, Daria Pidhorodetska, Claire Poppett, Arpita Roy, Ryan Rubenzahl, Nicholas Saunders, Christian Schwab, Andreas Seifahrt, Abby P. Shaum, Martin M. Sirk, Chris Smith, Roger Smith, Guðmundur Stefánsson, Julian Stürmer, Jim Thorne, Emma V. Turtelboom, Dakotah Tyler, John Valliant, Judah Van Zandt, Josh Walawender, Samuel W. Yee, Sherry Yeh, Jon Zink
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Paper 27 — arXiv:2410.00213
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Paper 27 — arXiv:2410.00213

Hundreds of exoplanets between 1-1.8 times the size of the Earth have been discovered on close in orbits. However, these planets show such a diversity in densities that some appear to be made entirely of iron, while others appear to host gaseous envelopes. To test this diversity in composition, we update the masses of 5 rocky exoplanets (HD 93963 A b, Kepler-10 b, Kepler-100 b, Kepler-407 b, and TOI-1444 b) and present the confirmation of a new planet (TOI-1011) using 187 high precision RVs from Gemini/MAROON-X and Keck/KPF. Our updated planet masses suggest compositions closer to that of the Earth than previous literature values for all planets in our sample. In particular, we report that two previously identified ``super-Mercuries'' (Kepler-100 b and HD 93963 A b) have lower masses that suggest less iron-rich compositions. We then compare the ratio of iron to rock-building species to the abundance ratios of those elements in their host stars. These updated planet compositions do not suggest a steep relationship between planet and host star compositions, contradictory to previous results, and suggest that planets and host stars have similar abundance ratios.

Jian Li, Zhihong Jeff Xia, Hanlun Lei, Nikolaos Georgakarakos, Fumi Yoshida, Xin Li
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Paper 37 — arXiv:2410.00326
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Paper 37 — arXiv:2410.00326

In some recent work, we provided a quantitative explanation for the number asymmetry of Jupiter Trojans by hypothesizing a free-floating planet (FFP) flyby into the Solar System. In support of that explanation, this paper examines the influence of the same FFP flyby on the Hilda asteroids, which orbit stably in the 3:2 mean motion resonance with Jupiter. The observed Hilda population exhibits two distinct resonant patterns: (1) a lack of Hildas with resonant amplitudes < 40 deg. at eccentricities < 0.1; (2) a nearly complete absence of Hildas with amplitudes < 20 deg., regardless of eccentricity. Previous models of Jupiter migration and resonance capture could account for the eccentricity distribution of Hildas but have failed to replicate the unusual absence of those with the smallest resonant amplitudes, which theoretically should be the most stable. Here we report that the FFP flyby can trigger an extremely rapid outward migration of Jupiter, causing a sudden shift in the 3:2 Jovian resonance. Consequently, Hildas with varying eccentricities would have their resonant amplitudes changed by different degrees, leading to the observed resonant patterns. We additionally show that, in our FFP flyby scenario, these patterns are consistently present across different resonant amplitude distributions of primordial Hildas arising from various formation models. We also place constraints on the potential parameters of the FFP, suggesting it should have an eccentricity of 1-1.3 or larger, an inclination up to 30 deg. or higher, and a minimum mass of about 50 Earth masses.

Modern cosmological surveys probe the Universe deep into the nonlinear regime, where massive neutrinos suppress cosmic structure. Traditional cosmological analyses, which use the 2-point correlation function to extract information, are no longer optimal in the nonlinear regime, and there is thus much interest in extracting beyond-2-point information to improve constraints on neutrino mass. Quantifying and interpreting the beyond-2-point information is thus a pressing task. We study the field-level information in weak lensing convergence maps using convolution neural networks. We find that the network performance increases as higher source redshifts and smaller scales are considered -- investigating up to a source redshift of 2.5 and $\ell_{\rm max}\simeq10^4$ -- verifying that massive neutrinos leave a distinct effect on weak lensing. However, the performance of the network significantly drops after scaling out the 2-point information from the maps, implying that most of the field-level information can be found in the 2-point correlation function alone. We quantify these findings in terms of the likelihood ratio and also use Integrated Gradient saliency maps to interpret which parts of the map the network is learning the most from, finding that the network extracts information from the most overdense and underdense regions.

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This work investigates a hybrid photovoltaic-wind-battery power system designed to sustain a Mars base under varying seasonal and climatic conditions. The Mars Climate Database was utilized to simulate the effects of seasonal changes, diurnal cycles, and dust storms on the system's power generation. The seasonal performance was analyzed across the Martian surface and at potential habitation sites proposed in the "First Landing Site/Exploration Zone Workshop for Human Missions to the Surface of Mars (FLSW).'' Within the hybrid system, the photovoltaic arrays serve as the primary energy source, with wind turbines providing essential backup during nighttime and dust storms. A single $1\,000\,\mathrm{m}^2$ photovoltaic array, a $33.4\,\mathrm{m}$ diameter wind turbine, and a $312\,\mathrm{kWh}$ battery can support a six-person Mars base at $32.1\%$ of the Martian surface during the equinoxes and solstices, expanding to $51.7\%$ with three sets of arrays and turbines. Additionally, $24$ FLSW sites can be supported throughout the solstices and equinoxes by a single photovoltaic array, turbine, and battery, even during global dust storms. Among the $24$ sites, Hebrus Valles, Huygens Crater, and Noctis Labyrinthus had the highest energy production potential. These findings are expected to guide further research on hybrid renewable power systems for Mars exploration.

Philip Bull, Ahmed El-Makadema, Hugh Garsden, John Edgley, Neil Roddis, Jens Chluba, Christopher J. Conselice, Sohini Dutta, Katrine A. Glasscock, Ainulnabilah Nasirudin, Jordan Norris, Michael J. Wilensky, Isabelle Ye, Zheng Zhang

The sky-averaged brightness temperature of the 21cm line from neutral hydrogen provides a sensitive probe of the thermal state of the intergalactic medium, particularly before and during Cosmic Dawn and the Epoch of Reionisation. This `global signal' is faint, on the order of tens to hundreds of millikelvin, and spectrally relatively smooth, making it exceedingly difficult to disentangle from foreground radio emission and instrumental artefacts. In this paper, we introduce RHINO, an experiment based around a large horn antenna operating from 60-85 MHz. Horn antennas are highly characterisable and provide excellent shielding from their immediate environment, which are potentially decisive advantages when it comes to the beam measurement and modelling problems that are particularly challenging for this kind of experiment. The system also includes a novel continuous wave calibration source to control correlated gain fluctuations, allowing continuous monitoring of the overall gain level without needing to rapidly switch between the sky and a calibration source. Here, we describe the basic RHINO concept, including the antenna design, EM simulations, and receiver electronics. We use a basic simulation and analysis pipeline to study the impact of the limited bandwidth on recovery of physical 21cm global signal model parameters, and discuss a basic calibration scheme that incorporates the continuous wave signal. Finally, we report on the current state of a scaled-down prototype system under construction at Jodrell Bank Observatory.

Cosmological data probe massive neutrinos via their effects on the geometry of the Universe and the growth of structure, both of which are degenerate with the late-time expansion history. We clarify the nature of these degeneracies and the individual roles of both probes in neutrino mass inference. Geometry is strongly sensitive to neutrino masses: within $\Lambda$CDM, the primary cosmic microwave background anisotropies alone impose that the matter fraction $\Omega_m$ must increase fivefold with increasing neutrino mass. Moreover, large-scale structure observables, like weak lensing of the CMB, are dimensionless and thus depend not on the matter density (as often quoted) but in fact the matter fraction. We explore the consequential impact of this distinction on the interplay between probes of structure, low-redshift distances, and CMB anisotropies. We derive constraints on the neutrino's masses independently from their suppression of structure and impact on geometry, showing that the latter is at least as important as the former. While the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument's recent baryon acoustic oscillation data place stringent bounds largely deriving from their geometric incompatibility with massive neutrinos, all recent type Ia supernova datasets drive marginal preferences for nonzero neutrino masses because they prefer substantially larger matter fractions. Recent CMB lensing data, however, neither exclude neutrinos' suppression of structure nor constrain it strongly enough to discriminate between mass hierarchies. Current data thus evince not a need for modified dynamics of neutrino perturbations or structure growth but rather an inconsistent compatibility with massive neutrinos' impact on the expansion history. We identify two of DESI's measurements that strongly influence its constraints, and we also discuss neutrino mass measurements in models that alter the sound horizon.

The planetary population synthesis method aims at comprehensively testing planet formation theories against observational evidence and providing theoretical sets of planets to help interpret observations and inform instrument development. Recent developments on the theoretical and observational sides are reviewed: First, observational constraints are summarized, then, the work flow of population synthesis and its two main components are presented, which are, global end-to-end models of planetary formation and evolution and probability distributions for the disk initial conditions. Next, the output of four recent population synthesis models is compared in detail and differences and similarities are discussed. The goal is to help the reader understand the assumptions that were made and how they impact the results. Furthermore, future directions of research are identified and the impact of current and future observational programs is discussed. With JWST, evidence on disk and planet compositions emerges. Planet formation models need to prepare for these near-future developments by including self-consistent magnetic wind-driven gas and dust disk evolution, planetary migration, as well as employ hybrid pebble and planetesimal accretion, which are identified as dominant modes of accretion in different mass regimes.

Anya E. Nugent, Alexander P. Ji, Wen-fai Fong, Hilay Shah, Freeke van de Voort

Neutron star (NS) mergers are currently the only observed source of r-process production in the Universe. Yet, it is unclear how much r-process mass from these mergers is incorporated into star-forming gas to enrich stars. This is crucial to consider as all other r-process mass estimates in the Universe beyond Earth are based on stellar r-process abundances. Here, we explore the extent to which merger location and host galaxy properties affect the incorporation of r-process elements into star-forming gas, and quantify an ``enrichment" timescale to account for this process. To put this timescale in context, we analyze a population of 12 gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) with probable associations to r-process kilonovae (GRB-KNe) and 74 short GRBs without claimed KNe, including new non-parametric star formation histories for the GRB-KN hosts. We find enrichment timescales for this sample are between ~7 Myr-1.6 Gyr, suggesting that environmental enrichment is delayed from NS merger occurrence. Moreover, we find a correlation between the amount of environmental enrichment from a single event and increasing host specific star formation rate (sSFR), and little correlation with stellar mass and GRB galactocentric offset. Environments with low sSFRs (<10^-10.5 yr^-1), which comprise 18% of short GRB hosts and the host of GW170817, will have little to no capacity for enrichment. Our results indicate that not all r-process from NS mergers enriches star-forming gas, and instead some is lost to the CGM or IGM. Future studies should consider these losses to understand the total contribution from NS mergers to the Universe's r-process budget.

We present a novel, model-independent technique for fitting the cross-component of weak lensing shear, $\gamma_\times$, along a line of sight by combining kinematic and photometric measurements of a single lensed galaxy. Rather than relying on parametric models, we fit for the shear parameter that best transforms the velocity field to restore its underlying symmetries, while also incorporating photometric data for the change in position angle due to shear. We first validate our technique with idealized mock data, exploring the method's response to variations in shear, position angle, inclination, and noise. On this idealized mock data, our combined kinematic and photometric model demonstrates superior performance compared to traditional parametric or kinematic-only approaches. Subsequently, we apply our method to a dataset of 358 halos from the Illustris TNG simulations, achieving a notable reduction in the uncertainty of $\gamma_\times$ to 0.039, marking a substantial improvement over previous analysis of the dataset with a parametric model. Finally, we introduce an outlier rejection method based on Moran's I-test for spatial autocorrelation. Identifying and filtering out halos with spatially correlated residuals reduces the overall uncertainty to 0.028. Our results underscore the efficacy of combining kinematic and photometric data for weak lensing studies, providing a more precise and targeted measurement of shear along an individual line of sight.

We study the evolution of stellar kinematics of a sample of 952 massive quiescent galaxies with $M_*>10^{10.5}M_\odot$ at $0.6<z<1$. Utilizing spatially integrated spectroscopy from the LEGA-C survey, we focus on the relationship between the observed integrated stellar velocity dispersion ($\sigma^\prime_{star}$) and the morphological axial ratio ($q$), and its variation with the stellar age and mass of quiescent galaxies. For the youngest quiescent galaxies, regardless of stellar mass, $\sigma^\prime_{star}$ decreases with increasing $q$, a trend that is consistent with a system having significant rotation and hence suggests that massive galaxies still retain significant amount of angular momentum in the aftermath of quenching. As they continue to evolve, the variation of the $\sigma^\prime_{star}$-$q$ relationship depends on stellar mass. For quiescent galaxies with $M_*<10^{11.3}M_\odot$, $\sigma^\prime_{star}$ decreases with $q$ in all stellar-age bins, suggesting that the quiescent populations of this mass regime retain significant rotation even long time after quenching. In contrast, for more massive quiescent galaxies with $M_*>10^{11.3}M_\odot$, the relationship between $\sigma^\prime_{star}$ and $q$ becomes significantly flattened with increasing stellar age. This indicates that, as the very massive galaxy populations continue to evolve after quenching, angular momentum gradually reduces, which eventually transforms them into velocity-dispersion supported systems. We suggest that incoherent, continuous merging and accretion events onto the galaxies are the main drivers of the observed mass-dependent, posting-quenching dynamical evolution, because more massive galaxies are more likely to undergo such interactions. We are witnessing the early formation epoch of fast and slow rotators at $z \sim 0.8$, when the Universe was only half of its age nowadays.

Kevin N. Hainline, Roberto Maiolino, Ignas Juodzbalis, Jan Scholtz, Hannah Ubler, Francesco D'Eugenio, Jakob M. Helton, Yang Sun, Fengwu Sun, Brant Robertson, Sandro Tacchella, Andrew J. Bunker, Stefano Carniani, Stephane Charlot, Emma Curtis-Lake, Eiichi Egami, Benjamin D. Johnson, Xiaojing Lin, Jianwei Lyu, Pablo G. Perez-Gonzalez, Pierluigi Rinaldi, Maddie S. Silcock, Christina C. Williams, Christopher N. A. Willmer, Chris Willott, Junyu Zhang, Yongda Zhu

Recently, a large number of compact sources at $z > 4$ with blue UV slopes and extremely red rest-frame optical slopes have been found in James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) extragalactic surveys. As a subsample of these sources, commonly called ``little red dots'' (LRDs), have been spectroscopically observed to host a broad-line active galactic nucleus (AGN), they have been the focus of multiple recent studies in an attempt to understand the origin of their UV and optical emission. Here, we assemble a sample of 123 LRDs from the literature along with spectroscopic and photometric JWST-identified samples of AGNs to compare their colors and spectral slopes. We find that while obscured AGNs at $z < 6$ have highly dissimilar colors to LRDs, unobscured AGNs at $z < 6$ span a wide range of colors, with only a subsample showing colors similar to LRDs. At $z > 6$, the majority of the unobscured AGNs that have been found in these samples are LRDs, but this may be related to the fact that these sources are at large bolometric luminosities. Because LRDs occupy a unique position in galaxy color space, they are more straightforward to target, and the large number of broad-line AGNs that do not have LRD colors and slopes are therefore underrepresented in many spectroscopic surveys because they are more difficult to pre-select. Current LRD selection techniques return a large and disparate population, including many sources having $2-5\mu$m colors impacted by emission line flux boosting in individual filters.

Marc H. Pinsonneault (1), Joel C. Zinn (2), Jamie Tayar (3), Aldo Serenelli (4 and 5), Rafael A. Garcia (6), Savita Mathur (7 and 8 and 9), Mathieu Vrard (1 and 10), Yvonne P. Elsworth (11 and 12), Benoit Mosser (13), Dennis Stello (14 and 15 and 16), Keaton J. Bell (17), Lisa Bugnet (18), Enrico Corsaro (19), Patrick Gaulme (20 and 21), Saskia Hekker (12 and 22 and 23), Marc Hon (24 and 25), Daniel Huber (25 and 26), Thomas Kallinger (27), Kaili Cao (28 and 29), Jennifer A. Johnson (1 and 28), Bastien Liagre (6 and 7 and 30), Rachel A. Patton (1 and 28), Angela R. G. Santos (31), Sarbani Basu (32), Paul G. Beck (7 and 8), Timothy C. Beers (33), William J. Chaplin (11 and 12), Katia Cunha (34 and 35), Peter M. Frinchaboy (36 and 37), Leo Girardi (38), Diego Godoy-Rivera (7 and 8), Jon A. Holtzman (39), Henrik Jonsson (40), Szabolcs Meszaros (41 and 42), Claudia Reyes (14), Hans-Walter Rix (43), Matthew Shetrone (44), Verne V. Smith (45), Taylor Spoo (36), Keivan G. Stassun (46), Ji Wang (1) ((1) Department of Astronomy, The Ohio State University, USA, (2) Department of Physics, California State Long Beach, USA, (3) Department of Astronomy, University of Florida, USA, (4) Institute of Space Sciences, ICE, CSIC, Spain, (5) Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya, Spain, (6) Universite Paris Cite, CEA, CNRS, France, (7) Instituto de Astrofsica de Canarias, Spain, (8) Departamento de Astrofisica Universidad de La Laguna, Spain, (9) Space Science Institute, USA (10) Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur CNRS, France, (11) School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Birmingham, UK, (12) Stellar Astrophysics Centre, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Denmark, (13) LESIA Observatoire de Paris Universite, PSL, CNRS, Sorbonne Universite, Universite de Paris, France, (14) School of Physics, University of New South Wales, Australia, (15) Sydney Institute for Astronomy, School of Physics, University of Sydney, Australia, (16) ARC Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions, Australia, (17) Department of Physics, Queens College, CUNY, USA, (18) Institute of Science and Technology Austria, (19) INAF, Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania, Italy, (20) Thuringer Landessternwarte, Germany, (21) Department of Astronomy, New Mexico State University, USA, (22) Heidelberg University, Germany, (23) Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies, Germany, (24) Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, (25) Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii, USA, (26) SIfA, School of Physics, University of Sydney, Australia, (27) Institute for Astronomy, University of Vienna, Austria, (28) Center for Cosmology and AstroParticle Physics (CCAPP), The Ohio State University, USA, (29) Department of Physics, The Ohio State University, USA, (30) ENS Paris-Saclay, Universite Paris-Saclay, France, (31) Instituto de Astrofisica e Ciencias do Espaço, Universidade do Porto, Portugal, (32) Department of Astronomy, Yale University, USA, (33) Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, and JINA Center for the Evolution of the Elements University of Notre Dame, USA, (34) University of Arizona, Steward Observatory, USA, (35) Observatorio Nacional, Sao Cristovao, Brazil, (36) Department of Physics and Astronomy, Texas Christian University, USA, (37) Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer, Canada-France-Hawaii-Telescope, USA, (38) Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, INAF, Italy, (39) Department of Astronomy, New Mexico State University, USA, (40) Materials Science and Applied Mathematics, Malmo University, Sweden, (41) ELTE Eotvos Lorand University, Gothard Astrophysical Observatory, Hungary, (42) MTA-ELTE Lendulet Momentum Milky Way Research Group, Hungary, (43) Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany, (44) University of California Observatories, University of California Santa Cruz, USA, (45) NSFs NOIRLab, USA, (46) Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vanderbilt University, USA)

In the third APOKASC catalog, we present data for the complete sample of 15,808 evolved stars with APOGEE spectroscopic parameters and Kepler asteroseismology. We used ten independent asteroseismic analysis techniques and anchor our system on fundamental radii derived from Gaia $L$ and spectroscopic $T_{\rm eff}$. We provide evolutionary state, asteroseismic surface gravity, mass, radius, age, and the spectroscopic and asteroseismic measurements used to derive them for 12,418 stars. This includes 10,036 exceptionally precise measurements, with median fractional uncertainties in \nmax, \dnu, mass, radius and age of 0.6\%, 0.6\%, 3.8\%, 1.8\%, and 11.1\% respectively. We provide more limited data for 1,624 additional stars which either have lower quality data or are outside of our primary calibration domain. Using lower red giant branch (RGB) stars, we find a median age for the chemical thick disk of $9.14 \pm 0.05 ({\rm ran}) \pm 0.9 ({\rm sys})$ Gyr with an age dispersion of 1.1 Gyr, consistent with our error model. We calibrate our red clump (RC) mass loss to derive an age consistent with the lower RGB and provide asymptotic GB and RGB ages for luminous stars. We also find a sharp upper age boundary in the chemical thin disk. We find that scaling relations are precise and accurate on the lower RGB and RC, but they become more model dependent for more luminous giants and break down at the tip of the RGB. We recommend the usage of multiple methods, calibration to a fundamental scale, and the usage of stellar models to interpret frequency spacings.

The Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS) on the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a versatile instrument for collecting imaging and wide-field slitless spectroscopy (WFSS) data for surveys of galaxy clusters, emission-line galaxies, stellar populations, and more. Dispersed zodiacal light imprints distinct structures on space-based near-infrared imaging and WFSS observations, necessitating careful subtraction during JWST NIRISS data reduction. As of 2024-09-24 NIRISS WFSS calibration backgrounds introduce significant spatially-dependent artifacts, up to 5% of the overall background level, which can severely affect data quality and following astronomical analysis. Notably, there are no existing backgrounds for NIRISS imaging data which also show systematic artifacts, such as the `light saber' effect. In this work, we present improved empirical JWST NIRISS imaging and WFSS backgrounds derived from all available public data in the F115W, F150W, and F200W filters. We demonstrate that our empirical backgrounds provide a more accurate representation of the background structure in NIRISS imaging and WFSS data than existing reference files, mitigating the impact of spatially-dependent artifacts. Our empirical backgrounds are publicly available and can be used to improve the quality of JWST NIRISS imaging and WFSS data reduction.

Takumi S. Tanaka, John D. Silverman, Yurina Nakazato, Masafusa Onoue, Kazuhiro Shimasaku, Yoshinobu Fudamoto, Seiji Fujimoto, Xuheng Ding, Andreas L. Faisst, Francesco Valentino, Shuowen Jin, Christopher C. Hayward, Vasily Kokorev, Daniel Ceverino, Boris S. Kalita, Caitlin M. Casey, Zhaoxuan Liu, Aidan Kaminsky, Qinyue Fei, Irham T. Andika, Erini Lambrides, Hollis B. Akins, Jeyhan S. Kartaltepe, Anton M. Koekemoer, Henry Joy McCracken, Jason Rhodes, Brant E. Robertson, Maximilien Franco, Daizhong Liu, Nima Chartab, Steven Gillman, Ghassem Gozaliasl, Michaela Hirschmann, Marc Huertas-Company, Richard Massey, Namrata Roy, Zahra Sattari, Marko Shuntov, Joseph Sterling, Sune Toft, Benny Trakhtenbrot, Naoki Yoshida, Jorge A. Zavala

The current paradigm for the co-evolution of galaxies and their supermassive black holes postulates that dust-obscured active galactic nuclei (AGNs) represent a transitional phase towards a more luminous and unobscured state. However, our understanding of dusty AGNs and their host galaxies at early cosmic times is inadequate due to observational limitations. Here, we present JWST observations of CID-931, an X-ray-detected AGN at a spectroscopic redshift of $z_{\rm spec}=4.91$. Multiband NIRCam imaging from the COSMOS-Web program reveals an unresolved red core, similar to JWST-discovered dusty AGNs. Strikingly, the red core is surrounded by at least eight massive star-forming clumps spread over $1.\!\!^{\prime\prime}6 \approx 10~{\rm kpc}$, each of which has a stellar mass of $10^9-10^{10}M_\odot$ and $\sim0.1-1~{\rm kpc}$ in radius. The whole system amounts to $10^{11}M_\odot$ in stellar mass, higher than typical star-forming galaxies at the same epoch. In this system, gas inflows and/or complex merger events may trigger clump formation and AGN activity thus leading to the rapid formation of a massive galaxy hosting a supermassive black hole. Future follow-up observations will provide new insights into the evolution of the galaxy-black hole relationship during such transitional phases in the early universe.

Valeria A. Cristiani, Mario G. Abadi, Antonela Taverna, Juan Cabral, Federico Benelli, Bruno Sánchez

Galaxy formation is intrinsically connected to the distinct evolutionary processes of disk and spheroidal systems, which are the fundamental stellar components of galaxies. Understanding the mutual dynamical interplay and co-evolution of these components requires a detailed dynamical analysis to allow for a disentanglement between them. We introduce JEHistogram, a new method for the dynamical decomposition of simulated galaxies into disk and spheroidal stellar components, utilizing the angular momentum and energy of star particles. We evaluate its performance against five previously established methods using a sample of equilibrium galaxies with stellar masses in the range $10^{10} \leq M_\mathrm{gal}/M_\odot \leq 10^{12}$. Our assessment involves several metrics, including the completeness and purity of stellar particle classification, scale lengths, mass density profiles, velocity dispersion, and rotational velocity profiles. While all methods approximate the properties of the original components, such as mass fractions and density or velocity profiles, JEHistogram demonstrates a better accuracy, particularly in the inner regions of galaxies where component overlap complicates separation. Additionally, we apply JEHistogram to a Milky Way-like galaxy from the IllustrisTNG cosmological simulations, showcasing its capability to derive properties like size, mass, velocity, color, and age of dynamically defined disk and spheroidal components. All dynamical decomposition methods analyzed are publicly accessible through the Python package GalaxyChop.

Matilde Brazzini, Francesco Belfiore, Michele Ginolfi, Brent Groves, Kathryn Kreckel, Ryan J. Rickards Vaught, Dalya Baron, Frank Bigiel, Guillermo A. Blanc, Daniel A. Dale, Kathryn Grasha, Eric Habjan, Ralf S. Klessen, J. Eduardo Méndez-Delgado, Karin Sandstrom, Thomas G. Williams

We present a chemical analysis of selected HII regions from the PHANGS-MUSE nebular catalogue. Our intent is to empirically re-calibrate strong-line diagnostics of gas-phase metallicity, applicable across a wide range of metallicities within nearby star-forming galaxies. To ensure reliable measurements of auroral line fluxes, we carried out a new spectral fitting procedure whereby only restricted wavelength regions around the emission lines of interest are taken into account: this assures a better fit for the stellar continuum. No prior cuts to nebulae luminosity were applied to limit biases in auroral line detections. Ionic abundances of O+, O++, N+, S+, and S++ were estimated by applying the direct method. We integrated the selected PHANGS-MUSE sample with other existing auroral line catalogues, appropriately re-analysed to obtain a homogeneous dataset. This was used to derive strong-line diagnostic calibrations that span from 12+log(O/H) = 7.5 to 8.8. We investigate their dependence on the ionisation parameter and conclude that it is likely the primary cause of the significant scatter observed in these diagnostics. We apply our newly calibrated strong-line diagnostics to the total sample of HII regions from the PHANGS-MUSE nebular catalogue, and we exploit these indirect metallicity estimates to study the radial metallicity gradient within each of the 19 galaxies of the sample. We compare our results with the literature and find good agreement, validating our procedure and findings. With this paper, we release the full catalogue of auroral and nebular line fluxes for the selected HII regions from the PHANGS-MUSE nebular catalogue. This is the first catalogue of direct chemical abundance measurements carried out with PHANGS-MUSE data.

Scott Sheppard, David Tholen, Marina Brozovic, Robert Jacobson, Chadwick Trujillo, Patryk Sofia Lykawka, Mike Alexandersen

We have conducted extremely ultra-deep pencil beam observations for new satellites around both Uranus and Neptune. Tens of images on several different nights in 2021, 2022 and 2023 were obtained and shifted and added together to reach as faint as 26.9 and 27.2 magnitudes in the r-band around Uranus and Neptune, respectively. One new moon of Uranus, S/2023 U1, and two new moons of Neptune, S/2021 N1 and S/2002 N5, were found. S/2023 U1 was 26.6 mags, is about 7 km in diameter and has a distant, eccentric and inclined retrograde orbit similar to Caliban and Stephano, implying these satellites are fragments from a once larger parent satellite. S/2023 U1 almost completely overlaps Stephano in orbital phase space. S/2021 N1 was 26.9 mags, about 14 km in size and has a retrograde orbit similar to Neso and Psamathe, indicating they are a dynamical family. We find S/2021 N1 is in a Kozai-Lidov orbital resonance. S/2002 N5 was 25.9 mags, is about 23 km in size and it makes a family of distant prograde satellites with Sao and Laomedeia. All three new moons show for the first time dynamical groups of moons exist around both Uranus and Neptune. The creation of these groups likely produced dust that could be the source of red material seen on the leading hemispheres of some larger inner satellites like Titania, Oberon and Umbriel. We also detected all known outer moons of Uranus and Neptune on multiple nights. This survey mostly completes the outer satellites of Uranus to about 8 km and Neptune to about 14 km in diameter. The size distributions of satellite dynamical families around the giant planets shows a strong steepening in the power law size distribution smaller than 5 km in diameter. The satellites of a family become much more common smaller than 5 km and their size distribution is consistent with a collisional break-up of a once larger parent satellite.

Alice E. Shapley, Ryan L. Sanders, Michael W. Topping, Naveen A. Reddy, Anthony J. Pahl, Pascal A. Oesch, Danielle A. Berg, Rychard J. Bouwens, Gabriel Brammer, Adam C. Carnall, Fergus Cullen, Romeel Davé, James S. Dunlop, Richard S. Ellis, N. M. Förster Schreiber, Steven R . Furlanetto, Karl Glazebrook, Garth D. Illingworth, Tucker Jones, Mariska Kriek, Derek J. McLeod, Ross J. McLure, Desika Narayanan, Max Pettini, Daniel Schaerer, Daniel P. Stark, Charles C. Steidel, Mengtao Tang, Leonardo Clarke, Callum T. Donnan, Emily Kehoe

We present the properties of a massive, large, dusty, metal-rich, star-forming galaxy at z_spec=6.73. GOODSN-100182 was observed with JWST/NIRSpec as part of the AURORA survey, and is also covered by public multi-wavelength HST and JWST imaging. While the large mass of GOODSN-100182 (~10^10 M_sun) was indicated prior to JWST, NIRCam rest-optical imaging now reveals the presence of an extended disk (r_eff~1.5 kpc). In addition, the NIRSpec R~1000 spectrum of GOODSN-100182 includes the detection of a large suite of rest-optical nebular emission lines ranging in wavelength from [OII]3727 up to [NII]6583. The ratios of Balmer lines suggest significant dust attenuation (E(B-V)_gas=0.40+0.10/-0.09), consistent with the red rest-UV slope inferred for GOODSN-100182 (beta=-0.50+/-0.09). The star-formation rate based on dust-corrected H-alpha emission is log(SFR(H-alpha)/ M_sun/yr)=2.02+0.13/-0.14, well above the z~7 star-forming main sequence in terms of specific SFR. Strikingly, the ratio of [NII]6583/H-alpha emission suggests almost solar metallicity, as does the ratio ([OIII]5007/H-beta)/([NII]6583/H-alpha) and the detection of the faint [FeII]4360 emission feature, whereas the [OIII]5007/[OII]3727 ratio suggests roughly 50% solar metallicity. Overall, the excitation and ionization properties of GOODSN-100182 more closely resemble those of typical star-forming galaxies at z~2-3 rather than z~7. Based on public spectroscopy of the GOODS-N field, we find that GOODSN-100182 resides within a significant galaxy overdensity, and is accompanied by a spectroscopically-confirmed neighbor galaxy. GOODSN-100182 demonstrates the existence of mature, chemically-enriched galaxies within the first billion years of cosmic time, whose properties must be explained by galaxy formation models.

We study star formation variability, or burstiness, as a method to constrain and compare different galaxy formation models at high redshift using the Azahar simulation suite. The models range from magneto-hydrodynamics with a magneto-thermo-turbulent prescription for star formation (iMHD) to more sophisticated setups incorporating radiative transfer (RTiMHD) and cosmic ray physics (RTnsCRiMHD). Analysing a sample of galaxies at redshifts $z=4-10$, we find that the RTnsCRiMHD model exhibits more regular star formation periodicity compared to iMHD and RTiMHD, as revealed by the Lomb-Scargle periodogram. While the RTiMHD model captures a notable degree of stochasticity in star formation without cosmic rays, RTnsCRiMHD galaxies display even greater scatter in the burst intensity and in the scatter around the star-forming main sequence. To evaluate the burstiness in RTnsCRiMHD against observations, we generate a mock spectrum during a mini-quenching event at $z=7.5$. This spectrum aligns well with the low-mass quiescent galaxy JADES-GS-z7-01-QU observed at $z=7.3$, though some discrepancies attributed to stellar metallicity hint at a composite spectrum. Our findings highlight the importance of including complex physical processes like cosmic rays and radiative transfer in simulations to accurately capture the bursty nature of star formation in high-redshift galaxies. Future JWST observations, particularly regarding the scatter around the star-forming main sequence, have the potential to refine and guide the next generation of galaxy formation models.

Manuel Cavieres, Julio Chanamé, Camila Navarrete, Yasna Ordenes-Briceño, Nicolás Garavito-Camargo, Gurtina Besla, Maren Hempel, Katherina Vivas, Facundo Gómez

The infall of the LMC into the Milky Way's halo impacts the distribution of stars and dark matter in our Galaxy. Mapping the observational consequences of this encounter can inform us about the properties of both galaxies, details of their interaction, and possibly even distinguish between different dark matter models. N-body simulations predict large-scale density asymmetries in the Galactic halo both in baryonic and dark matter due to the passage of the LMC, with the overdensity directly trailing its current orbit through the Southern hemisphere known as the wake. Using the VIRCAM and DECam instruments, we collected wide-field deep near-infrared and optical photometry in four fields chosen to cover the region of the sky expected to span most of the predicted density contrast of the wake. We identify more than 400 stars comprising two different tracers, near main sequence turn-off stars and red giants, that map the distant halo between $\sim 60$ - $100$ kpc, and use them to derive stellar halo densities as a function of position in the sky and Galactocentric radius. We detect (1) a break in the radial density profile of halo stars at 70 kpc that has not been seen in halo studies done from the North, and (2) a clear halo overdensity that starts also at 70 kpc and exhibits a density contrast that increases steadily when moving across the sky into the predicted current location of the LMC wake. If identifying this overdensity with the LMC wake, the peak density contrast we measure is more pronounced than in all available models of the LMC infall, which would indicate the need for a more massive LMC and/or with a different orbit than presently favored. Alternatively, contamination from unidentified substructure may be biasing our detections, so wider-area surveys with similar depth would be needed for confirmation.

Tim-Eric Rathjen, Stefanie Walch, Thorsten Naab, Pierre Nürnberger, Richard Wünsch, Daniel Seifried, Simon C. O. Glover

We present magnetohydrodynamic simulations of star formation in the multiphase interstellar medium to quantify the impact of non-ionising far-ultraviolet (FUV) radiation. This study is carried out within the framework of the \textsc{Silcc Project}. It incorporates the radiative transfer of ionising radiation and self-consistent modelling of variable FUV radiation from star clusters. Near young star clusters, the interstellar radiation field (ISRF) can reach values of $G_0 \approx 10^4$ (in Habing units), far exceeding the canonical solar neighbourhood value of $G_0 = 1.7$. However, our findings suggest that FUV radiation has minimal impact on the integrated star formation rate compared to other feedback mechanisms such as ionising radiation, stellar winds, and supernovae. Only a slight decrease in star formation burstiness, related to increased photoelectric heating efficiency by the variable FUV radiation field, is detectable. Dust near star-forming regions can be heated up to 60 K via the photoelectric (PE) effect, showing a broad temperature distribution. PE heating rates for variable FUV radiation models show higher peak intensities but lower average heating rates than static ISRF models. Simulations of solar neighbourhood conditions without stellar winds or ionising radiation but with self-consistent ISRF and supernovae show high star formation rates $\sim10^{-1}\,\mathrm{M_\odot\,yr^{-1}\,kpc^{-2}}$, contradicting expectations. Our chemical analysis reveals increased cold neutral medium volume-filling factors (VFF) outside the vicinity of stellar clusters with a variable ISRF. Simultaneously, the thermally unstable gas is reduced, and a sharper separation of warm and cold gas phases is observed. The variable FUV field also promotes a diffuse molecular gas phase with VFF of $\sim5-10$~per cent.

Chengyan Xie, Ilaria Pascucci, Dingshan Deng, Naman S. Bajaj, Richard Alexander, Andrew Sellek, Agnes Kospal, GuiLia Ballabio, Uma Gorti

We present JWST/MIRI observations of T~Cha, a highly variable ($\Delta V \sim$3-5\,mag) accreting Sun-like star surrounded by a disk with a large ($\sim 15$\,au) dust gap. We find that the JWST mid-infrared spectrum is signiticantly different from the {\it Spitzer} spectrum obtained 17 years before, where the emission at short wavelengths ($5-10 \mu m$) has decreased by $\sim 2/3$ while at longer wavelengths ($15-25 \mu m$) it increased by up to a factor of $\sim 3$. This 'seesaw' behavior is contemporary with a fairly constant higher optical emission captured by the All Sky Automated Survey. By analyzing and modelling both SEDs, we propose that JWST caught the star during an outburst that destructed the asymmetric inner disk wall responsible for the high optical variability and lower $15-25$\,micron\ emission during the {\it Spitzer} time. The dust mass lost during this outburst is estimated to be comparable ($\sim 1/5$) to the upper limit of the total micron-sized dust mass in the inner disk of T~Cha now. Monitoring this system during possible future outbursts and more observations of its quiescent state will reveal if the inner disk can be replenished or will continue to be depleted and vanish.

Alan Tsz-Lok Lam, Yong Gao, Hao-Jui Kuan, Masaru Shibata, Karim Van Aelst, Kenta Kiuchi

We investigate how the quasi-universal relations connecting tidal deformability with gravitational waveform characteristics and/or properties of individual neutron stars that were proposed in the literature within general relativity would be influenced in the massive Damour-Esposito-Farese-type scalar-tensor gravity. For this purpose, we systematically perform numerical relativity simulations of ~120 binary neutron star mergers with varying scalar coupling constants. Although only three neutron-star equations of state are adopted, a clear breach of universality can be observed in the data sets. In addition to presenting difficulties in constructing quasi-universal relations in alternative gravity theories, we also briefly compare the impacts of non-general-relativity physics on the waveform features and those due to the first order or cross-over quantum chromodynamical phase transition.

It is possible for asymmetric dark matter (ADM) to accumulate in neutron star interiors and affect their global properties. Considering the effects of this accumulation, neutron star mass-radius measurements can deliver new insights into the cold dense matter equation of state (EoS). In this paper, we employ Bayesian parameter estimation using real and synthetic neutron star mass-radius data to infer constraints on the combined baryonic matter and fermionic ADM EoS, where the fermionic ADM forms a core in the neutron star interior. Using currently available mass-radius data, we find that the lower bound of the ratio between ADM effective self-repulsion strength ($g_\chi/m_\phi$) and particle mass ($m_\chi$) can be constrained at the 68% (95%) credible level to $10^{-6.59}$ ($10^{-7.36}$). We also find that, if neutron star mass-radius measurement uncertainties are reduced to the 2% level, the constraints on lower bound on the ratio of $g_\chi/m_\phi$ to $m_\chi$ can be improved to $10^{-6.5}$ and $10^{-7.29}$ at the 68% and 95% credible levels, respectively. However, all other combinations, of $m_\chi$, $g_\chi$, and the ADM mass-fraction, $F_\chi$, (i.e., the ratio of the gravitational ADM mass to the gravitational mass of the neutron star) are unconstrained. Furthermore, in the pressure-energy density and mass-radius planes, the inferences which include the possibility of fermionic ADM cores are nearly identical with the inferences that neglect fermionic ADM for $F_\chi \leq 1.7\%$ and neutron star mass-radius uncertainties $\geq 2\%$. Therefore, we find that neutron star mass-radius measurements can constrain ADM in some scenarios and that the presence of ADM in neutron star cores is as equally consistent with current data as the absence of ADM.

Taeho Ryu, Alison Sills, Ruediger Pakmor, Selma de Mink, Robert Mathieu

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Blue straggler stars in stellar clusters are a subset of stars that are bluer and appear younger than other cluster members, seemingly straggling behind in their evolution. They offer a unique opportunity to understand the stellar dynamics and populations within their hosts. In the collisional formation scenario, a persistent challenge is the excessive angular momentum in the collision product. The consequent significant mass loss during transition to a stable state leads to a star with too low a mass to be a blue straggler, unless it spins down efficiently. While many proposed spin-down mechanisms involve boosted angular momentum loss via magnetic braking within the collision product, the existence or strength of these magnetic fields has not been confirmed. Here, we report three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamical simulations of collisions between two low-mass main-sequence stars and investigate magnetic field amplification. Magnetic field energy is amplified by a factor of $10^{8}-10^{10}$, resulting in the magnetic field strength of $10^{7}-10^{8}$G at the core of the collision product, independent of collision parameters. The surface magnetic field strengths have increased up to $10-10^{4}$ G. In addition, a distinctly flattened, rotating gas structure appears around the collision products in off-axis collisions, which may be a hint of possible disk formation. Such significant magnetic amplification and potential disk formation suggest the possibility of efficient spin-down of collision products via magnetic braking and magnetic disk locking, which can result in their appearance as blue stragglers.

Blue large-amplitude pulsators (BLAPs) are a recently discovered group of hot stars pulsating in radial modes. Their origin needs to be explained, and several scenarios for their formation have already been proposed. We investigate whether BLAPs can originate as the product of a merger of two low-mass white dwarfs (WDs) and estimate how many BLAPs can be formed in this evolutionary channel. We used the MESA code to model the merger of three different double extremely low-mass (DELM) WDs and the subsequent evolution of the merger product. We also performed a population synthesis of Galactic DELM WDs using the COSMIC code. We find that BLAPs can be formed from DELM WDs provided that the total mass of the system ranges between 0.32 and 0.7 M$_\odot$. BLAPs born in this scenario either do not have any thermonuclear fusion at all or show off-centre He burning. The final product evolves to hot subdwarfs and eventually finishes its evolution either as a cooling He WD or a hybrid He/CO WD. The merger products become BLAPs only a few thousand years after coalescence, and it takes them 20 to 70 thousand years to pass the BLAP region. We found the instability of the fundamental radial mode to be in fair agreement with observations, but we also observed instability of the radial first overtone. From the population synthesis, we found that up to a few hundred BLAPs born in this scenario can exist at present in the Galaxy. Given the estimated number of BLAPs formed in the studied DELM WD merger scenario, there is a good chance to observe BLAPs that originated through this scenario. Since strong magnetic fields can be generated during mergers, this scenario could lead to the formation of magnetic BLAPs. This fits well with the discovery of two likely magnetic BLAPs whose pulsations can be explained in terms of the oblique rotator model.

Marion Villenave, Karl R. Stapelfeldt, Gaspard Duchene, Francois Menard, Marshall D. Perrin, Christophe Pinte, Schuyler G. Wolff, Ryo Tazaki, Deborah L. Padgett

We present JWST broadband images of the highly inclined protoplanetary disk SSTc2d J163131.2-242627 (Oph163131) from 2.0 to 21$\mu$m. The images show a remarkable evolution in disk structure with wavelength, quite different from previous JWST observations of other edge-on disks. At 2.0 and 4.4$\mu$m, Oph163131 shows two scattering surfaces separated by a dark lane, typical of highly inclined disks. Starting at 7.7$\mu$m however, 1) the two linear nebulosities flanking the dark lane disappear; 2) the brighter nebula tracing the disk upper surface transitions into a compact central source distinctly larger than the JWST PSF and whose intrinsic size increases with wavelength; and 3) patches of extended emission appear at low latitudes, and at surprisingly large radii nearly twice that of the scattered light seen with $HST$ and NIRCam, and of the gas. We interpret the compact central source as thermal emission from the star and the inner disk that is not seen directly, but which instead is able to progressively propagate to greater distances at longer wavelengths. The lack of sharp-edged structures in the extended patchy emission argues against the presence of shocks and suggests photoexcitation or stochastic heating of material smoothly flowing away from the star along the disk surface. Finally, the dark lane thickness decreases significantly between 0.6$\mu$m and 4.4$\mu$m which indicates that the surface layers of Oph163131 lack grains larger than 1$\mu$m.

Jin Koda, Franccoise Combes, Monica Rubio, Morten Andersen, Frank Bigiel, Armando Gil de Paz, Junais, Amanda M Lee, Jennifer Donovan Meyer, Kana Morokuma-Matsui, Masafumi Yagi, Annie Zavagno

The extended ultraviolet (XUV) disks of nearby galaxies show ongoing massive star formation, but their parental molecular clouds remain mostly undetected despite searches in CO(1-0) and CO(2-1). The recent detection of 23 clouds in the higher excitation transition CO(3-2) within the XUV disk of M83 requires an explanation. We test the hypothesis: the clouds in XUV disks have a clump-envelope structure similar to those in Galactic star-forming clouds, having star-forming dense clumps (or concentrations of multiple clumps) at their centers, which predominantly contribute to the CO(3-2) emission, surrounded by less-dense envelopes, where CO molecules are photo-dissociated due to the low-metallicity environment there. We utilize new high-resolution ALMA CO(3-2) observations of a subset (11) of the 23 clouds in the XUV disk. We confirm the compactness of the CO(3-2)-emitting dense clumps (or their concentrations), finding clump diameters below the spatial resolution of 6-9~pc. This is similar to the size of the dense gas region in the Orion A molecular cloud, the local star-forming cloud with massive star formation. The dense star-forming clumps are common between normal and XUV disks. This may also indicate that once the cloud structure is set, the process of star formation is governed by the cloud internal physics rather than by external triggers. This simple model explains the current observations of the clouds with ongoing massive star formation, although it may require some adjustment, e.g., including an effect of cloud evolution, for a general scenario of star formation in molecular clouds.

Yohsuke Enomoto, Atsushi Taruya, Satoshi Tanaka, Takahiro Nishimichi

Using the number of apocenter passages $p$ and the radial action $J_r$ of each particle, we characterize the phase-space structure within the multi-stream regions of cold and warm dark matter halos in cosmological $N$-body simulations. Building on previous work by Enomoto et al. (2024), we analyze the radial density profiles of particles classified by $p$ and $J_r$. We find that the profiles consistently follow a double power-law structure, independent of the dark matter model or halo mass. The inner profile exhibits a $\rho \propto r^{-1}$ behavior, which is consistent with previous studies. Notably, this characteristics persist across both classification schemes. In contrast, the outer power-law profiles display distinct behaviors depending on the classification. While particles classified by $p$ exhibit a steeper slope, ranging from $-6$ to $-8$, those classified by $J_r$ follow a common slope of approximately $-3.5$. Overall, the amplitude of the double power-law profiles varies between simulations for different dark matter models, but this variation can be attributed to statistical differences in the concentration of halos across the models.

Kaelee S. Parker, Danielle A. Berg, Simon Gazagnes, John Chisholm, Bethan L. James, Matthew Hayes, Timothy Heckman, Alaina Henry, Michelle A. Berg, Karla Z. Arellano-Cordova, Xinfeng Xu, Dawn K. Erb, Crystal L. Martin, Weida Hu, Evan D. Skillman, Kristen B. W. McQuinn, Zuyi Chen, Dan P. Stark

Rest-frame far-ultraviolet (FUV) observations from JWST are revolutionizing our understanding of the high-z galaxies that drove reionization and the mechanisms by which they accomplished it. To fully interpret these observations, we must be able to diagnose how properties of the interstellar medium (ISM; e.g., column density, covering fraction, outflow velocity) directly relate to the absorption features produced. Using the high-S/N and high-resolution FUV spectra of 45 nearby star-forming galaxies from CLASSY, we present the largest uniform, simultaneous characterization of neutral and low-ionization state (LIS) interstellar UV absorption lines (OI, SiII, SII, CII, AlII) across a wide range of galaxy properties. We also present 21-cm HI observations for 35 galaxies, multiple of which are gas-poor or non-detected, possibly indicating the onset of a post-starburst phase. We find that our simultaneous 1-component Voigt profile fits are capable of accurately modeling the LIS absorption for ~75% of galaxies, mitigating challenges associated with saturation, infilling, and degeneracies. While the most massive galaxies require additional components, our 1-component fits return average properties of the absorbing gas and follow the scaling relations described by a single gas cloud. We explore connections between LIS absorption and direct tracers of the neutral ISM (OI, Ly-alpha, HI 21-cm), finding that CII most closely traces the neutral gas trends while other ions exhibit weaker correlations. Given the challenges with directly observing HI at higher-z, we demonstrate that LIS absorption can be a powerful means to study the neutral ISM and present empirical relationships for predicting neutral gas properties.

Denise Hung, Brian C. Lemaux, Olga Cucciati, Ben Forrest, Ekta A. Shah, Roy R. Gal, Finn Giddings, Derek Sikorski, Emmet Golden-Marx, Lori M. Lubin, Nimish Hathi, Giovanni Zamorani, Sandro Bardelli, Letizia P. Cassara, Gabriella De Lucia, Fabio Fontanot, Bianca Garilli, Lucia Guaita, Michaela Monika Hirschmann, Kyoung-Soo Lee, Andrew B. Newman, Vandana Ramakrishnan, Daniela Vergani, Lizhi Xie, Elena Zucca

The Charting Cluster Construction with VUDS and ORELSE (C3VO) survey is an ongoing imaging and spectroscopic campaign aiming to map out the growth of structure up to $z\sim5$ and was born from the combination of the VIMOS Ultra Deep Survey (VUDS) and the Observations of Redshift Evolution in Large-Scale Environments (ORELSE) survey. As we previously accomplished with the ORELSE survey, we apply our technique known as Voronoi tessellation Monte-Carlo (VMC) mapping to search for serendipitous galaxy overdensities at $2<z<5$ in the three C3VO fields. We also apply the same technique to mock observations of simulated galaxies with properties derived from the GAlaxy Evolution and Assembly (GAEA) semi-analytic model (SAM) in order to judge the effectiveness of our as a function of redshift, total mass, and fraction of spectroscopic redshifts. We find typical completeness and purity values of the order 30-50%, with a strong dependence on mass and redshift, with values as high as $\sim$80% and $\sim$70%, respectively, in the best-case scenario for $\log (M_{z=0}/M_{\odot}) > 14$. In the C3VO fields, we were able to recover many of the previously known structures in the literature as well as find hundreds of new overdensity candidates, once again demonstrating the powerful capabilities of VMC mapping when applied to wide-field optical and infrared galaxy evolution surveys at ever higher redshifts.

We model emissivities of the HCN and CO $J=1-0$ transitions using measured properties of clouds found in normal star forming galaxies and more extreme systems. These models are compared with observations of HCN and CO $J=1-0$ transitions. We combine these model emissivities with predictions of gravoturbulent models of star formation, explore the impact of excitation and optical depth on CO and HCN emission, and assess if observed HCN/CO ratios track the fraction of gravitationally-bound dense gas, $f_\mathrm{grav}$, in molecular clouds. Our modeled HCN/CO ratios and emissivities are consistent with measurements from observations. CO emission shows a range of optical depths across different environments, from optically thick in normal galaxies to moderately optically thin in extreme systems. HCN is only moderately optically thick, with significant subthermal excitation in both normal and extreme galaxies. We find an anticorrelation between HCN/CO and $f_\mathrm{grav}$ as predicted by gravoturbulent models of star formation. Instead this ratio tracks gas at moderate densities ($n>10^{3.5}\ \mathrm{cm}^{-3}$), which is below the standard dense gas threshold of $n>10^{4.5}\ \mathrm{cm}^{-3}$. Variations in CO emissivity depend strongly on optical depth, due to variations in the dynamics of the cloud gas. HCN emissivity depends more strongly on excitation, and thus does not directly track variations in CO emissivity. We conclude that a single line ratio, such as HCN/CO, will not consistently track the fraction of gravitationally-bound, star-forming gas if the critical density for star formation varies in molecular clouds. This work highlights important uncertainties that need to be considered when observationally applying an HCN conversion factor in order to estimate the dense (i.e. $n>10^{4.5}\ \mathrm{cm}^{-3}$) gas content in nearby galaxies.

Michael Zemcov, Richard Feder, Ryan Wills

We have regenerated Herschel-SPIRE maps covering 360 square degrees near the celestial equator. These are the largest extragalactic surveys designed to overlap with cosmic microwave background legacy fields mapped at sub-mm wavelengths. We provide documentation detailing their construction and use. The maps are available on zenodo as this https URL.

Tuan Do (1), Bernie Boscoe (2), Evan Jones (1), Yun Qi Li (1, 3), Kevin Alfaro (1) ((1) UCLA, (2) Southern Oregon University, (3) University of Washington)

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We present a dataset built for machine learning applications consisting of galaxy photometry, images, spectroscopic redshifts, and structural properties. This dataset comprises 286,401 galaxy images and photometry from the Hyper-Suprime-Cam Survey PDR2 in five imaging filters ($g,r,i,z,y$) with spectroscopically confirmed redshifts as ground truth. Such a dataset is important for machine learning applications because it is uniform, consistent, and has minimal outliers but still contains a realistic range of signal-to-noise ratios. We make this dataset public to help spur development of machine learning methods for the next generation of surveys such as Euclid and LSST. The aim of GalaxiesML is to provide a robust dataset that can be used not only for astrophysics but also for machine learning, where image properties cannot be validated by the human eye and are instead governed by physical laws. We describe the challenges associated with putting together a dataset from publicly available archives, including outlier rejection, duplication, establishing ground truths, and sample selection. This is one of the largest public machine learning-ready training sets of its kind with redshifts ranging from 0.01 to 4. The redshift distribution of this sample peaks at redshift of 1.5 and falls off rapidly beyond redshift 2.5. We also include an example application of this dataset for redshift estimation, demonstrating that using images for redshift estimation produces more accurate results compared to using photometry alone. For example, the bias in redshift estimate is a factor of 10 lower when using images between redshift of 0.1 to 1.25 compared to photometry alone. Results from dataset such as this will help inform us on how to best make use of data from the next generation of galaxy surveys.

Eric Burns, Stephen Lesage, Adam Goldstein, Michael S. Briggs, Peter Veres, Suman Bala, Cuan de Barra, Elisabetta Bissaldi, William H Cleveland, Misty M Giles, Matthew Godwin, Boyan A. Hristov, C. Michelle Hui, Daniel Kocevski, Bagrat Mailyan, Christian Malacaria, Sheila McBreen, Robert Preece, Oliver J. Roberts, Lorenzo Scotton, A. von Kienlin, Colleen A. Wilson-Hodge, Joshua Wood

The prompt spectra of gamma-ray bursts are known to follow broadband continuum behavior over decades in energy. GRB 221009A, given the moniker the brightest of all time (BOAT), is the brightest gamma-ray burst identified in half a century of observations, and was first identified by the Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM). On behalf of the Fermi-GBM Team, Lesage et al. (2023) described the initial GBM analysis. Ravasio et al. (2024) report the identification of a spectral line in part of the prompt emission of this burst, which they describe as evolving over 80 s from $\sim$12 MeV to 6 MeV. We report a GBM Team analysis on the Ravasio Line: 1) We cannot identify an instrumental effect that could have produced this signal, and 2) our method of calculating the statistical significance of the line shows it easily exceeds the 5$\sigma$ discovery threshold. We additionally comment on the claim of the line beginning at earlier time intervals, up to 37 MeV, as reported in Zhang et al. (2024). We find that it is reasonable to utilize these measurements for characterization of the line evolution, with caution. We encourage theoretical studies exploring this newly discovered gamma-ray burst spectral feature, unless any rigorous alternative explanation unrelated to the emission from GRB 221009A is identified.

In this contribution, we revisit the model of a dust-enshrouded star orbiting a low-luminosity galactic nucleus (Zajacek et al. 2014, 2016, 2017). Although it is quite challenging for dust to survive in hot X-ray-emitting plasma surrounding supermassive black holes (SMBHs), we now have an observational evidence that compact dusty objects or ``G'' objects can approach the SMBH in the Galactic center (Sgr A*) on the scale of a few 1000 gravitational radii. Since there are about ten G objects in the Galactic center, it is more likely that they are dust-enshrouded stars whose gaseous-dusty envelopes are stable within the corresponding tidal (Hill) radii of the order of a few astronomical units. Such a length-scale is consistent with their infrared broad-band spectral energy distributions. Broad emission lines, in particular Br-gamma recombination line, can be interpreted to arise within the accretion stream from the circumstellar envelopes forming a compact disc that is truncated by the stellar magnetic field. Alternatively, they could also be associated with circumstellar accretion-disc outflows as well as the material within a denser bow shock ahead of the star. In comparison with the line origin in the photoionized envelopes that can generally be tidally stretched, the scenario involving the circumstellar accretion-disc inflow or outflow can ensure that the line luminosity is rather stable, except for the viewing-angle effects. We speculate about the origin of dust-enshrouded stars that could be young stellar objects or binary-merger products.

Gregory Sallaberry, Benjamin W. Priest, Robert Armstrong, Michael D. Schneider, Amanda Muyskens, Trevor Steil, Keita Iwabuchi

Analysis of cosmic shear is an integral part of understanding structure growth across cosmic time, which in-turn provides us with information about the nature of dark energy. Conventional methods generate \emph{shear maps} from which we can infer the matter distribution in the universe. Current methods (e.g., Kaiser-Squires inversion) for generating these maps, however, are tricky to implement and can introduce bias. Recent alternatives construct a spatial process prior for the lensing potential, which allows for inference of the convergence and shear parameters given lensing shear measurements. Realizing these spatial processes, however, scales cubically in the number of observations - an unacceptable expense as near-term surveys expect billions of correlated measurements. Therefore, we present a linearly-scaling shear map construction alternative using a scalable Gaussian Process (GP) prior called MuyGPs. MuyGPs avoids cubic scaling by conditioning interpolation on only nearest-neighbors and fits hyperparameters using batched leave-one-out cross validation. We use a suite of ray-tracing results from N-body simulations to demonstrate that our method can accurately interpolate shear maps, as well as recover the two-point and higher order correlations. We also show that we can perform these operations at the scale of billions of galaxies on high performance computing platforms.

Major solar flares are abrupt surges in the Sun's magnetic flux, presenting significant risks to technological infrastructure. In view of this, effectively predicting major flares from solar active region magnetic field data through machine learning methods becomes highly important in space weather research. Magnetic field data can be represented in multivariate time series modality where the data displays an extreme class imbalance due to the rarity of major flare events. In time series classification-based flare prediction, the use of contrastive representation learning methods has been relatively limited. In this paper, we introduce CONTREX, a novel contrastive representation learning approach for multivariate time series data, addressing challenges of temporal dependencies and extreme class imbalance. Our method involves extracting dynamic features from the multivariate time series instances, deriving two extremes from positive and negative class feature vectors that provide maximum separation capability, and training a sequence representation embedding module with the original multivariate time series data guided by our novel contrastive reconstruction loss to generate embeddings aligned with the extreme points. These embeddings capture essential time series characteristics and enhance discriminative power. Our approach shows promising solar flare prediction results on the Space Weather Analytics for Solar Flares (SWAN-SF) multivariate time series benchmark dataset against baseline methods.

We perform a three-dimensional general relativistic radiation magnetohydrodynamics simulation of a tilted super-Eddington accretion disk around the spinning black hole (BH). The disk, that tilts and twists as it approaches the BH, precesses while maintaining its shape. The gas is mainly ejected around the rotation axis of the outer part of the disk rather than around the spin axis of the BH. The disk precession changes the ejection direction of the gas with time. The radiation energy is also released in approximately the same direction as the outflow, so the precession is expected to cause a quasi-periodic time-variation of the observed luminosity. The timescale of the precession is about $10$ s for the 10 solar mass BH and for the radial extent of the disk of several tens of gravitational radii. This timescale is consistent with the frequency of the low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillation ($0.01-1$ Hz) observed in some ultraluminous X-ray sources.

Bayron Micolta-Riascos (Catolica del Norte U.), Alfredo D. Millano (Catolica del Norte U.), Genly Leon (Catolica del Norte U. and DUT, Durban), Byron Droguett (Antofagasta U.), Esteban González (Catolica del Norte U.), Juan Magaña (Central U., Chile)

Our paper introduces a new theory called Fractional Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet scalar field cosmology, which has significant implications for Cosmology. We derived a modified Friedmann equation and a modified Klein-Gordon equation using fractional calculus to modify the gravitational action integral. Our research reveals non-trivial solutions associated with exponential potential, exponential couplings to the Gauss-Bonnet term, and logarithmic scalar field, which are dependent on two cosmological parameters, $m$ and $\alpha_{0}=t_{0}H_{0}$ and the fractional derivative order $\mu$. By employing linear stability theory, we reveal the phase space structure and analyze the dynamic effects of the Gauss-Bonnet couplings. The scaling behavior at some equilibrium points reveals that the geometric corrections in the coupling to the Gauss-Bonnet scalar can mimic the behavior of the dark sector in modified gravity. Using data from cosmic chronometers, type Ia supernovae, supermassive black hole shadows, and strong gravitational lensing, we estimated the values of $m$ and $\alpha_{0}$, indicating that the solution is consistent with an accelerated expansion at late times with the values $\alpha_0=1.38\pm 0.05$, $m=1.44\pm 0.05$, and $\mu=1.491$ (consistent with $\Omega_{m,0}=0.311\pm 0.016$ and $h=0.712\pm 0.007$), resulting in an age of the Universe $t_{0}=19.0\pm 0.7$ [Gyr] at 1$\sigma$ CL. Ultimately, we obtained late-time accelerating power-law solutions supported by the most recent cosmological data, and we proposed an alternative explanation for the origin of cosmic acceleration other than $\Lambda$CDM. Our results generalize and significantly improve previous achievements in the literature, highlighting the practical implications of fractional calculus in Cosmology.

Following the groundbreaking discovery of the first extrasolar planet orbiting a sun-like star, 51 Pegasi b in 1995, the field of planet formation has become a cornerstone of modern astrophysics. This is in part due to the revelation of an astonishing diversity of planetary types and architectures, inferred from detailed astronomical observations. This diversity is driven by the interplay between the physical processes governing planet assembly and the environmental conditions within the protoplanetary disk in which they form. This chapter provides an introduction to the specific mechanisms that can induce orbital variations in nascent planetary bodies during their formation and evolution.

The unresolved gamma-ray background (UGRB) is a diffuse gamma-ray emission arising from numerous extragalactic sources below the detection threshold and is an important component of the gamma-ray sky. Studying the UGRB is crucial for understanding high-energy astrophysical processes in the universe and for probing fundamental physics, such as the nature of dark matter. In this work, we forecast the cross-correlation between the UGRB and galaxy catalogs from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) survey. First, we study the expected astrophysical contributions to the UGRB and their cross-correlation with DESI spectroscopic galaxies. Our calculations show that the cross-correlation signal-to-noise ratio is expected to be significant, with the highest value predicted to be 20.6 for DESI luminous red galaxies due to a higher predicted overlap in the redshift distribution with the UGRB. We consider two science cases that the UGRB-spectroscopic galaxies cross-correlation can be applied to: 1) measuring the UGRB flux as a function of redshift, achieving a precision of 10\% in some redshift bins, and 2) searching for annihilating dark matter potentially up to a mass of about 300~GeV, three times higher than the currently strongest constraints. This work underscores the importance of cross correlating the UGRB with cosmic large-scale structure tracers and highlights the multiwavelength approaches to advancing our understanding of high-energy astrophysical phenomena and fundamental physics.

Joaquin Armijo, Gabriela A. Marques, Camila P. Novaes, Leander Thiele, Jessica A. Cowell, Daniela Grandón, Masato Shirasaki, Jia Liu

We use Minkowski functionals to analyse weak lensing convergence maps from the first-year data release of the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC-Y1) survey. Minkowski functionals provide a description of the morphological properties of a field, capturing the non-Gaussian features of the Universe matter-density distribution. Using simulated catalogs that reproduce survey conditions and encode cosmological information, we emulate Minkowski functionals predictions across a range of cosmological parameters to derive the best-fit from the data. By applying multiple scales cuts, we rigorously mitigate systematic effects, including baryonic feedback and intrinsic alignments. From the analysis, combining constraints of the angular power spectrum and Minkowski functionals, we obtain $S_8 \equiv \sigma_8\sqrt{\Omega_{\rm m}/0.3} = {0.808}_{-0.046}^{+0.033}$ and $\Omega_{\rm m} = {0.293}_{-0.043}^{+0.157}$. These results represent a $40\%$ improvement on the $S_8$ constraints compared to using power spectrum only, and are consistent with previous non-Gaussian statistics analyses of the same dataset. Our study demonstrates the power of Minkowski functionals beyond two-point statistics for constraining and breaking the degeneracy between $\Omega_{\rm m}$ and $\sigma_8$.

A simple model for the X-ray weakness of JWST-selected broad-line AGNs is proposed under the assumption that the majority of these sources are fed at super-Eddington accretion rates. In these conditions, the hot inner corona above the geometrically thin disk that is responsible for the emission of X-rays in "normal" AGNs will be embedded instead in a funnel-like reflection geometry. The coronal plasma will Compton upscatter optical/UV photons from the underlying thick disk as well as the surrounding funnel walls, and the high soft-photon energy density will cool down the plasma to temperatures in the range 30-40 keV. The resulting X-ray spectra are predicted to be extremely soft, with power-law photon indices Gamma=2.8-4.0, making high-z super-Eddington AGNs largely undetectable by Chandra.

X-ray observations of shock-heated plasmas, such as those found in supernova remnants, often exhibit features of temperature and ionization non-equilibrium. For accurate interpretation of these observations, proper calculations of the equilibration processes are essential. Here, we present a self-consistent model of thermal X-ray emission from shock-heated plasmas that accounts for both temperature and ionization non-equilibrium conditions. For a given pair of shock velocity and initial electron-to-ion temperature ratio, the temporal evolution of the temperature and ionization state of each element was calculated by simultaneously solving the relaxation processes of temperature and ionization. The resulting thermal X-ray spectrum was synthesized by combining our model with the AtomDB spectral code. Comparison between our model and the \texttt{nei} model, a constant-temperature non-equilibrium ionization model available in the XSPEC software package, reveals a 30\% underestimation of the ionization timescale in the \texttt{nei} model. We implemented our model in XSPEC to directly constrain the shock wave properties, such as the shock velocity and collisionless electron heating efficiency, from the thermal X-ray emission from postshock plasmas. We applied this model to archival Chandra data of the supernova remnant N132D, providing a constraint on the shock velocity of $\sim 800~\mathrm{km\,s^{-1}}$, in agreement with previous optical studies.

Sung-Han Tsai, Ke-Jung Chen, Aaron Smith, Yi-Kuan Chiang

The Ly$\alpha$ emission has emerged as a powerful tool for probing diffuse gas within the large-scale structure of the universe. In this paper, we investigate cosmic Ly$\alpha$ emission by post-processing cosmological simulations from \texttt{IllustrisTNG} and \texttt{THESAN} project. Specifically, we calculate the Ly$\alpha$ emission from galaxies, circum-galactic medium (CGM) and inter-galactic medium (IGM) across various redshifts. Our results show that IGM alone is significantly under the current observational upper limits. Meanwhile, CGM overshoots the observed galaxy contribution at $z \lesssim 0.5$ indicating that either the escape fraction for the inner CGM is less than unity or the current photoionization equilibrium treatment with an approximate self-shielding prescription is less accurate. The galaxy component also overshoots at low redshift, indicating that the escape fraction has strong evolution caused by an evolving halo mass function and dust growth distribution, that agrees with observationally inferred escape fractions. Furthermore, our findings suggest that the Ly$\alpha$ emission from diffuse gas (CGM+IGM) peaked at $z \sim 4$ and diminishes toward lower redshift. The Ly$\alpha$ emission from diffuse gas mainly originates through the collisional excitation of hot plasma. By comparing models with observation, our predicted Ly$\alpha$ emission from diffuse gas remains $\sim 6$ times fainter than the observed cosmic Ly$\alpha$ emission at $z=1-3$. However, future large telescopes may hold great promise to detect Ly$\alpha$ emission from diffuse gas toward $z>3$.

Kangfa Cheng, Jirong Mao, Xiaohong Zhao, Hongbang Liu, Merlin Kole, Nicolas Produit, Zhifu Chen

Synchrotron polarization of relativistic nonthermal electrons in gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) has been widely studied. However, recent numerical simulations of relativistic shocks and magnetic reconnection have found that a more realistic electron distribution consists of a power-law component plus a thermal component, which requires observational validation. In this paper, we investigate synchrotron polarization using a hybrid energy distribution of relativistic thermal and nonthermal electrons within a globally toroidal magnetic field in GRB prompt emission. Our results show that, compared to the case of solely non-thermal electrons, the synchrotron polarization degrees (PDs) in these hybrid electrons can vary widely depending on different parameters and that the PD decreases progressively with frequency in the $\gamma$-ray, X-ray, and optical bands. The time-averaged PD spectrum displays a significant bump in the $\gamma$-ray and X-ray bands with the PDs higher than $\sim60\%$ if the thermal peak energy of electrons is much smaller than the conjunctive energy of electrons between the thermal and non-thermal distribution. The high synchrotron PD ($\gtrsim 60\%$) in the $\gamma$-ray and X-ray bands, which generally can not be produced by solely non-thermal electrons with typical power-law slopes, can be achieved by the hybrid electrons and primarily originates from the exponential decay part of the thermal component. Moreover, this model can roughly explain the PDs and spectral properties of some GRBs, where GRB 110301A with a high PD ($70_{-22}^{+22} \%$) may be potential evidence for the existence of relativistic thermal electrons.

M. Kretlow, J. L. Ortiz, J. Desmars, N. Morales, F. L. Rommel, P. Santos-Sanz, M. Vara-Lubiano, E. Fernández-Valenzuela, A. Alvarez-Candal, R. Duffard, F. Braga-Ribas, B. Sicardy, A. Castro-Tirado, E. J. Fernández-García, M. Sánchez, A. Sota, M. Assafin, G. Benedetti-Rossi, R. Boufleur, J. I. B. Camargo, S. Cikota, A. Gomes-Junior, J. M. Gómez-Limón, Y. Kilic, J. Lecacheux, R. Leiva, J. Marques-Oliveira, R. Morales, B. Morgado, J. L. Rizos, F. Roques, D. Souami, R. Vieira-Martins, M. R. Alarcon, R. Boninsegna, O. Çakır, F. Casarramona, J. J. Castellani, I. de la Cueva, S. Fişek, A. Guijarro, T. Haymes, E. Jehin, S. Kidd, J. Licandro, J. L. Maestre, F. Murgas, E. Pallé, M. Popescu, A. Pratt, M. Serra-Ricart, J. C. Talbot

Trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) are considered to be among the most primitive objects in our Solar System. Knowledge of their primary physical properties is essential for understanding their origin and the evolution of the outer Solar System. We predicted a stellar occultation by this TNO for 2020 October 23 UT and ran a specific campaign to investigate this event. We derived the projected profile shape and size from the occultation observations by means of an elliptical fit to the occultation chords. We also performed photometric observations of (143707) 2003 UY117 to obtain the absolute magnitude and the rotational period from the observed rotational light curve. Finally, we combined these results to derive the three-dimensional shape, volume-equivalent diameter, and geometric albedo for this TNO. From the stellar occultation, we obtained a projected ellipse with axes of $(282 \pm 18) \times (184 \pm 32)$ km. The area-equivalent diameter for this ellipse is $D_\textrm{eq,A} = 228 \pm 21$ km. From our photometric $R$ band observations, we derived an absolute magnitude of $H_V = 5.97 \pm 0.07$ mag using $V-R = 0.46 \pm 0.07$ mag, which was derived from a $V$ band subset of these data. The rotational light curve has a peak-to-valley amplitude of $\Delta m = 0.36 \pm 0.13$ mag. We find the most likely rotation period to be $P = 12.376 \pm 0.0033$ hours. By combining the occultation with the rotational light curve results and assuming a triaxial ellipsoid, we derived axes of $a \times b \times c = (332 \pm 24)$ km $\times$ $(216 \pm 24)$ km $\times$ $(180\substack{+28\\-24})$ km for this ellipsoid, and therefore a volume-equivalent diameter of $D_\textrm{eq,V} = 235 \pm 25$ km. Finally, the values for the absolute magnitude and for the area-equivalent diameter yield a geometric albedo of $p_V = 0.139 \pm 0.027$.

J.I. Gonzalez Hernandez, A. Suarez Mascareno, A.M. Silva, A.K. Stefanov, J.P. Faria, H.M. Tabernero, A. Sozzetti, R. Rebolo, F. Pepe, N.C. Santos, S. Cristiani, C. Lovis, X. Dumusque, P. Figueira, J. Lillo-Box, N. Nari, S. Benatti, M.J. Hobson, A. Castro-Gonz'alez, R. Allart, V.M. Passegger, M.-R. Zapatero Osorio, V. Adibekyan, Y. Alibert, C. Allende Prieto, F. Bouchy, M. Damasso, V. D'Odorico, P. Di Marcantonio, D. Ehrenreich, G. Lo Curto, R. G'enova Santos, C.J.A.P. Martins, A. Mehner, G. Micela, P. Molaro, N. Nunes, E. Palle, S.G. Sousa, S. Udry

Barnard's star is a primary target within the ESPRESSO guaranteed time observations (GTO) as it is the second closest neighbour to our Sun after the $\alpha$ Centauri stellar system. We present here a large set of 156 ESPRESSO observations of Barnard's star carried out over four years with the goal of exploring periods of shorter than 50 days, thus including the habitable zone (HZ). Our analysis of ESPRESSO data using Gaussian process (GP) to model stellar activity suggests a long-term activity cycle at 3200d and confirms stellar activity due to rotation at 140d as the dominant source of radial velocity (RV) variations. These results are in agreement with findings based on publicly available HARPS, HARPS-N, and CARMENES data. ESPRESSO RVs do not support the existence of the previously reported candidate planet at 233d. After subtracting the GP model, ESPRESSO RVs reveal several short-period candidate planet signals at periods of 3.15d, 4.12d, 2.34d, and 6.74d. We confirm the 3.15d signal as a sub-Earth mass planet, with a semi-amplitude of $55 \pm 7$cm/s, leading to a planet minimum mass $m_p \sin i$ of $0.37 \pm 0.05$Mearth, which is about three times the mass of Mars. ESPRESSO RVs suggest the possible existence of a candidate system with four sub-Earth mass planets in circular orbits with semi-amplitudes from 20 to 47cm/s, thus corresponding to minimum masses in the range of 0.17-0.32Mearth. The sub-Earth mass planet at $3.1533 \pm 0.0006$d is in a close-to circular orbit with a semi-major axis of $0.0229 \pm 0.0003$AU, thus located inwards from the HZ of Barnard's star, with an equilibrium temperature of 400K. Additional ESPRESSO observations would be required to confirm that the other three candidate signals originate from a compact short-period planet system orbiting Barnard's star inwards from its HZ.

Leah Ya-Ling Lin, Tetsuya Hashimoto, Tomotsugu Goto, Bjorn Jasper Raquel, Simon C.-C. Ho, Bo-Han Chen, Seong Jin Kim, Chih-Teng Ling

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are millisecond-duration radio waves from the Universe. Even though more than 50 physical models have been proposed, the origin and physical mechanism of FRB emissions are still unknown. The classification of FRBs is one of the primary approaches to understanding their mechanisms, but previous studies classified conventionally using only a few observational parameters, such as fluence and duration, which might be incomplete. To overcome this problem, we use an unsupervised machine-learning model, the Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) to handle seven parameters simultaneously, including amplitude, linear temporal drift, time duration, central frequency, bandwidth, scaled energy, and fluence. We test the method for homogeneous 977 sub-bursts of FRB 20121102A detected by the Arecibo telescope. Our machine-learning analysis identified five distinct clusters, suggesting the possible existence of multiple different physical mechanisms responsible for the observed FRBs from the FRB 20121102A source. The geometry of the emission region and the propagation effect of FRB signals could also make such distinct clusters. This research will be a benchmark for future FRB classifications when dedicated radio telescopes such as the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) or Bustling Universe Radio Survey Telescope in Taiwan (BURSTT) discover more FRBs than before.

A. K. Stefanov, J. I. González Hernández, A. Suárez Mascareño, N. Nari, R. Rebolo, M. Damasso, A. Castro-González, M.-R. Zapatero Osorio, C. Allende Prieto, A. M. Silva, C. J. A. P. Martins

A sub-Earth-mass planet orbiting Barnard's star, designated as Barnard b, has been recently announced. At a similar time, the first photometric data of Barnard's star by the Transit Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) was released in Sector 80. We explore the possibility of emergent transits of Barnard b in TESS photometry. The detrended 2 min light curve appears to be flat, with a flux root-mean-square of 0.411 parts per thousand. Attempts of blind and informed transit-curve model inference suggest no evidence of transiting Barnard b, or any other body. This provides a 3$\sigma$ upper bound of 87.9 degrees for the orbital inclination of Barnard b.

T. Pawar, K. G. Hełminiak, A. Moharana, G. Pawar, M. Pyatnytskyy, H.N. Lala, M. Konacki

Pulsating stars in eclipsing binaries (EBs) provide an excellent opportunity to obtain precise, model-independent stellar parameters for studying oscillations in detail. One common class of pulsators in these EBs exhibits delta Scuti-type oscillations. Characterising these pulsators using the precise parameters obtained from EB modelling enhances our understanding of such stars and strengthens asteroseismic studies. We conducted a comprehensive photometric and spectroscopic analysis of candidate pulsators in detached EBs to expand the sample of systems with accurately determined absolute parameters. We performed radial velocity and light curve modelling to estimate the absolute stellar parameters, along with detailed spectroscopic modelling to obtain global metallicity and temperatures. Frequency power spectra were derived from the residuals of binary modelling. Isochrones were used to determine the stars' ages, which were then compared to theoretically obtained values. We present a detailed analysis of four candidate delta Scuti-type pulsators in EBs and update the light curve analysis of the previously studied system TIC 308953703. The masses and radii of the components are constrained with high accuracy, aiding in age estimation. We perform a Fourier analysis of the observed oscillations and explore their origin. For TIC 81702112, we report tidal effects causing amplitude variation in the oscillation frequencies over the orbital phase.

We investigated Tsallis holographic dark energy (THDE) model in light of modern observations of supernovae, Hubble parameter measurements, data for baryon acoustic oscillations and fluctuations of matter density. The dark energy density for THDE model is written as $\rho_d = 3C^2 / L^{4-2\gamma}$ where $C$ and $\gamma$ are some constants. Scale $L$ is infrared cut-off lenght for which we use the event horizon. For analysis of type Ia supernovae (SNeIa) data Pantheon+ samples are involved. Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) 2024 measurements serves as source of data about ratios between sound horizon $r_d$ and Hubble ($d_H$) or volume averaged ($d_V$) distances. The updated dataset of Hubble parameter for various redshift is also used in our analysis. Finally we considered the dependence of matter density fluctuations in past from redshift. The standard stratefy of $\chi^2$ minimizing allows to estimate the optimal values of parameters ($\Omega_{de}$ and $H_0$) for some fixed values of $C$ and $\gamma$. One note that best-fit values for parameters $H_0$ from Hubble parameter and SNeIa data are more close than in standard $\Lambda$CDM model for some $C$ and $\gamma$ although problem of Hubble tension remains unsolved. The combined data analysis also gives slightly better results in comparison with standard cosmology. We included in our consideration the possible interaction between matter and holographic component and estimated the acceptable interval of model parameters in this case.

Observations by Planck indicate that CMB anisotropies are consistent with predictions of nearly Gaussian primordial perturbations as the one generated in slow-roll inflation. On the other hand, loop quantum cosmology (LQC) generates a non-Gaussian bispectrum. In particular, calculations of primordial bispectrum generated in LQC shows that the non-Gaussianity function $f_{_{\rm NL}}(k_1,\, k_2,\, k_3)$ is highly scale-dependent and oscillatory at long wavelengths and is nearly scale-invariant as in slow-roll at small scales. We discuss the viability of such a non-Gaussian bispectrum in the light of observations by Planck. More specifically, we model the bispectrum generated in LQC and compute its imprints on the CMB bispectrum. We then show that the CMB bispectrum generated in LQC though non-Gaussian, due to its highly oscillatory nature, is similar to that generated in slow-roll inflation and hence consistent with the observations by Planck.

We analyze the interaction between an Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection (ICME) detected in situ at the L1 Lagrange point on 2016 October 12 with a trailing High-Speed Stream (HSS). We aim to estimate the region in the interplanetary (IP) space where the interaction happened/started using a combined observational-modeling approach. We use Minimum Variance Analysis and the Walen test to analyze possible reconnection exhaust at the interface of ICME and HSS. We perform a Graduated Cylindrical Shell reconstruction of the CME to estimate the geometry and source location of the CME. Finally, we use a two-step Drag Based Model (DBM) model to estimate the region in IP space where the interaction took place. The magnetic obstacle (MO) observed in situ shows a fairly symmetric and undisturbed structure and shows the magnetic flux, helicity, and expansion profile/speed of a typical ICME. The MVA together with the Walen test, however, confirms reconnection exhaust at the ICME HSS boundary. Thus, in situ signatures are in favor of a scenario where the interaction is fairly recent. The trailing HSS shows a distinct velocity profile which first reaches a semi-saturated plateau with an average velocity of 500 km/s and then saturates at a maximum speed of 710 km/s . We find that the HSS interaction with the ICME is influenced only by this initial plateau. The results of the two-step DBM suggest that the ICME has started interacting with the HSS close to Earth (approx 0.81 au), which compares well with the deductions from in situ signatures.

The nearby SN 1987A offers a unique opportunity to investigate the complex shock interaction between the ejecta and circumstellar medium. We track the evolution of the optical hotspots within the Equatorial Ring (ER) by analyzing 33 Hubble Space Telescope imaging observations between 1994 and 2022. By fitting the ER with an elliptical model, we determine its inclination to be $ 42.85 \pm 0.50^{\circ}$ with its major axis oriented $ -6.24 \pm 0.31^{\circ}$ from the west. We identify 26 distinct hotspots across the ER, with additional ones emerging over time, particularly on the west side. The hotspots initially show high velocities ranging from $390$ to $1660 \ \rm km \ s^{-1}$, followed by a deceleration phase around day $\sim 8000$. Subsequent velocities vary from $40$ to $660 \ \rm km \ s^{-1}$. The light curves of the hotspots reach maxima between 7000 and 9000 days, suggesting a connection with the deceleration. Many spots are spatially resolved and show elongation perpendicular to the direction of motion, indicative of a short cooling time. To explain these results, we propose that each hotspot comprises dense substructures embedded in less dense gas. The initial velocities are then phase velocities, the break occurs when the blast wave leaves the ER, while the late velocities reflect the propagation of radiative shocks in the dense substructures. We estimate that the dense substructures have a volumetric filling factor of $\sim0.3 \left( n_{\mathrm{e}}/10^{6}\ \mathrm{cm^{-3}} \right)^{-2} \%$ and a total mass of $\sim0.24 \left(n_{\mathrm{e}}/10^{6}\ \mathrm{cm^{-3}} \right)^{-1}\times10^{-2}\ \mathrm{M_{\odot}}$.

Kazunori Asakura, Kiyoshi Hayashida, Tomokage Yoneyama, Hirofumi Noda, Marina Yoshimoto, Tomohiro Hakamata, Hironori Matsumoto, Hiroshi Tsunemi

We have been developing an x-ray imaging system, Multi-Image X-ray Interferometer Module (MIXIM), to achieve a high angular resolution with a compact system size. MIXIM is comprised of a mask with equally-spaced apertures and an x-ray detector. The aperture size and mask-detector distance determine the system's angular resolution. Although a smaller aperture gives a better resolution, the degree of improvement is limited by a diffraction effect. MIXIM circumvents this problem by utilizing the Talbot effect. Our experiment with the previous model equipped with a multi-pinhole mask obtained an angular resolution of 0.5" with a mask-detector distance of 92 cm. A major downside of the multi-pinhole mask is, however, that it has a very low opening fraction, which results in a very low effective area. Here, we newly adopt to MIXIM a multiple coded aperture (MCA) mask, an array of coded aperture patterns. Our proof-of-concept experiment demonstrates that the Talbot effect works even for the MCA mask with a high opening fraction of ~50% at 12.4 keV. Consequently, the new MIXIM realizes about 25 times as large an effective area as that of the previous model, while maintaining a high angular resolution of 0.2" and a compact size of ~1.5 m.

Yi-Xuan Shao, Ping Zhou, Xiang-Dong Li, Bin-Bin Zhang, Alberto Javier Castro-Tirado, Pei Wang, Di Li, Zeng-Hua Zhang, Zi-Jian Zhang, You-Dong Hu, Shashi B. Pandey

The Galactic magnetar SGR J1935+2154 has undergone another outburst since 2022 October 10. We present the results of searching for an optical/NIR counterpart of SGR J1935+2154 before and during this outburst. No counterpart was detected at the magnetar's position in ${r'}$ and ${z'}$ bands, providing stringent upper limits of $r'\gtrsim 28.65$ and $z'\gtrsim 26.27$. Using archival X-ray data from NICER, we investigated the properties of the bursts and the spectral evolution of persistent emission. The burst flux $F$ showed a power-law distribution of $N\propto F^{-0.76\pm0.10}$ for flux $\gtrsim 2.6\times 10^{-9}\rm{\ erg\ cm^{-2}\ s^{-1}}$, while the temperature and radius followed a lognormal distribution with $kT=1.63^{+0.73}_{-0.50}\ \rm{keV}$ and $R_{\rm bb}=4.35_{-1.35}^{+1.95}\ \rm{km}$, respectively. The persistent flux evolution experienced a quick decay and an enhancement $\sim 27$ days after the BAT trigger. Using the near-infrared (NIR) and X-ray emission, together with the GTC optical/NIR upper limits, we discussed the origin of the NIR emission from the magnetar based on the fallback disk model and magnetosphere model. We found that either model cannot be ruled out with currently available data. Further mid-infrared observations are needed to find out the mechanism for producing the NIR emission from SGR J1935+2154.

The super-puff HIP-41378 f represents a fascinating puzzle due to its anomalously low density on a far-out orbit in contrast with other known super-puffs. In this work, we explore the hypothesis that HIP-41378 f is not in fact a low-density planet, but rather hosts an opaque ring system. We analyze the dynamical history of the system, and show that convergent migration is necessary to explain the system's long-term stability. We then show that this same migration process plausibly captures HIP-41378 f into spin-orbit resonance and excites the planetary obliquity to high values. This tilts the surrounding ring and is a plausible explanation for the large transit depth. In the end, we also briefly comment on the likelihood of other super-puff planets being in high-obliquity states. We show that the existence of a tilted extensive ring around a high obliquity planet can serve as an explanation for puffy planets, particularly in multi-planetary systems at far distances from their host stars.

Gabi Wenzel, Ilsa R. Cooke, P. Bryan Changala, Edwin A. Bergin, Shuo Zhang, Andrew M. Burkhardt, Alex N. Byrne, Steven B. Charnley, Martin A. Cordiner, Miya Duffy, Zachary T. P. Fried, Harshal Gupta, Martin S. Holdren, Andrew Lipnicky, Ryan A. Loomis, Hannah Toru Shay, Christopher N. Shingledecker, Mark A. Siebert, D. Archie Stewart, Reace H. J. Willis, Ci Xue, Anthony J. Remijan, Alison E. Wendlandt, Michael C. McCarthy, Brett A. McGuire

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are thought to be the most abundant class of molecules in space, yet their interstellar lifecycle is poorly understood due to difficulties detecting individual PAHs. Here, we present the discovery of 1-cyanopyrene, a 4-ring PAH, in the dense cloud TMC-1 using the 100-m Green Bank Telescope. We derive an abundance of ~1.52 x 10$^{12}$ cm$^{-2}$, estimating that pyrene accounts for up to 0.03-0.3% of the carbon in TMC-1 and up to 1% within comets. Our findings agree with analysis of pyrene from asteroid Ryugu, which suggests a cold, interstellar origin. The abundance indicates pyrene is an "island of stability" in interstellar PAH chemistry, and suggests that the carbon supplied to planetary systems, carried by PAHs, originates in cold clouds.

Gabi Wenzel, Thomas H. Speak, P. Bryan Changala, Reace H. J. Willis, Andrew M. Burkhardt, Shuo Zhang, Edwin A. Bergin, Alex N. Byrne, Steven B. Charnley, Zachary T. P. Fried, Harshal Gupta, Eric Herbst, Martin S. Holdren, Andrew Lipnicky, Ryan A. Loomis, Christopher N. Shingledecker, Ci Xue, Anthony J. Remijan, Alison E. Wendlandt, Michael C. McCarthy, Ilsa R. Cooke, Brett A. McGuire

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are among the most ubiquitous compounds in the universe, accounting for up to ~25% of all interstellar carbon. Since most unsubstituted PAHs do not possess permanent dipole moments, they are invisible to radio astronomy. Constraining their abundances relies on the detection of polar chemical proxies, such as aromatic nitriles. We report the detection of 2- and 4-cyanopyrene, isomers of the recently detected 1-cyanopyrene. We find that these isomers are present in an abundance ratio of ~2:1:2, which mirrors the number of equivalent sites available for CN addition. We conclude that there is evidence that the cyanopyrene isomers formed by direct CN addition to pyrene under kinetic control in hydrogen-rich gas at 10 K and discuss constraints on the H/CN ratio for PAHs in TMC-1.

Detecting or placing upper limits on spacetime variations of fundamental constants requires quantifying every potential source of uncertainty. We continue our previous study into the impact of continuum variations on measurements of the fine structure constant, here in the context of quasar absorption systems. An automated (hence objective and reproducible) continuum modelling method is reported in an accompanying paper. We apply the method to the $z_{abs}=1.7975$ absorption system towards the quasar PHL957. Multiple continuum fits are generated, and for each, we derive independent models of the system, each giving its own measurement of the fine structure constant $\alpha$. This process isolates and quantifies the error contribution associated with continuum placement uncertainty. This source of uncertainty, ignored in many previous measurements, arises in two ways: (i) slight local continuum tilt uncertainty generates small line shifts, and (ii) different continuum estimates produce slightly different kinematic structures in the absorption system model. Taking continuum placement uncertainty into account, the new PHL957 measurement we obtain is $\Delta\alpha/\alpha= -0.53^{+5.45}_{-5.51} \times 10^{-6}$. This measurement assumes terrestrial magnesium isotopic abundances. Recommendations are provided for future $\alpha$ measurements. Finally, we also note the potential importance of the effects identified here for future redshift drift experiments.

Gravitational encounters drive globular clusters toward energy equipartition, mass segregation and evaporation altering structural, spatial and kinematic features. We determine the dynamical state of a few globular clusters by means of a multi-mass King-like dynamical model, focusing on the energy equipartition degree and its relation with model parameters. We fit the observed velocity dispersion, as derived from HST proper motion data, as a function of the stellar mass $\sigma(m)$, to estimate the parameter $\Phi_0$, a measure of the gravitational potential well. The same fit is repeated by means of the Bianchini relation, providing the equipartition mass $m_\mathrm{eq}$. The relationship between $\Phi_0$ and $m_\mathrm{eq}$ has been studied and the structural properties, such as concentration $c$, number of core relaxation timescales $N_\mathrm{core}$ and core radius $r_\mathrm{c}$, are discussed. To obtain an independent estimate of $\Phi_0$, we fit observed surface brightness profiles by using the predicted surface density and a mass-luminosity relation from isochrones. The quality of the fits on $\sigma(m)$ obtained by means of our dynamical model is comparable to those obtained with the Bianchini function. Nonetheless, when the Bianchini function is used to fit the projected velocity dispersion, the resulting degree of equipartition is underestimated. On the contrary, our approach provides the equipartition degree at any radial or projected distance by means of $\Phi_0$. As a result, a cluster in a more advanced dynamical state shows a larger $\Phi_0$, as well as larger $N_\mathrm{core}$ and $c$, while $r_\mathrm{c}$ decreases. The estimates of $\Phi_0$ obtained by fitting surface brightness profiles result compatible at $2\sigma$ confidence level with those from internal kinematics, although further investigation of statistical and systematic errors is required.

Current and upcoming imaging galaxy surveys are pushing galaxy samples to higher and higher redshifts. This push will be more pronounced for lens galaxies, for which we only need to measure galaxy positions, not shapes. As a result, we will increasingly often have lens galaxy samples at redshifts higher than those of source galaxies, changing the traditional configuration of galaxy-galaxy lensing (GGL). In this paper, we explore this situation, where lens galaxies are behind source galaxies, which we call inverse galaxy-galaxy lensing (IGGL). We take projected lens and source sample specifications from the Vera Rubin Observatory LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC) to compare astrophysical and cosmological constraints between traditional GGL and IGGL. We find IGGL to behave in a different way than GGL, being especially sensitive to lensing magnification, intrinsic alignments (IA) and cosmology, but largely independent of galaxy bias (as opposed to traditional GGL). In this way, we find IGGL can provide independent and robust cosmological constraints without combination with galaxy clustering, and can also probe IA at high redshift and baryonic effects at small scales without being entwined with the effects of non-linear galaxy bias. When combined with cosmic shear, we find IGGL to improve $S_8$ constraints by 25\% compared to cosmic shear alone, while also providing tighter and more robust constraints on IA and baryons.

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has uncovered an abundance of $z>10$ galaxies bright in the ultraviolet (UV) that has challenged traditional theoretical models at high redshifts. Recently, various new models have emerged to address this discrepancy by refining their description of star formation. Here we investigate whether modifications to the stellar initial mass function (IMF) alone can reproduce the $z>10$ UV luminosity functions (UV LFs) when the star formation rate is used as a proxy for the fraction of massive stars. We incorporate an Evolving IMF into the {\sc astraeus} galaxy evolution and reionisation simulation framework, which becomes increasingly top-heavy as the gas density in a galaxy rises above a given threshold. Our implementation accounts for the IMF's effects on supernova (SN) feedback, metal enrichment, and the UV and ionising emissivities. For this Evolving IMF model, we find that (i) the maximum UV luminosity enhancement is twice as large in massive galaxies ($\Delta M_\mathrm{UV}\simeq2.6$) than those where star formation is strongly limited by SN feedback ($\Delta M_\mathrm{UV}\simeq1.3$); (ii) it successfully reproduces the observed UV LFs at $z=5-15$; (iii) galaxies with top-heavy IMFs exhibit the highest star formation rates, driven by their location in local density peaks, which facilitates higher gas accretion rates; (iv) the $1\sigma$ variances in the UV luminosity are only slightly higher compared to when assuming a Salpeter IMF, but the $2\sigma$ variances are significantly increased by a factor of $1.4-2$ boosting the abundance of UV-bright galaxies at $z>10$; (v) reionisation begins earlier with more extended large ionised regions and fewer smaller ones during its initial stages, though these differences diminish at lower redshifts, leading to a similar end of reionisation at $z\simeq5.6$.}

E. F. S. Valente, A. C. M. Correia, P. Auclair-Desrotour, M. Farhat, J. Laskar

Earth-like planets in the habitable zone of low-mass stars undergo strong tidal effects that modify their spin states. These planets are expected to host dense atmospheres that can also play an important role in the spin evolution. On one hand, gravitational tides tend to synchronise the rotation with the orbital mean motion, but on the other hand, thermal atmospheric tides push the rotation away and may lead to asynchronous equilibria. Here, we investigate the complete tidal evolution of Earth-like planets by taking into account the effect of obliquity and eccentric orbits. We adopted an Andrade rheology for the gravitational tides and benchmarked the unknown parameters with the present rotation of Venus. We then applied our model to Earth-like planets, and we show that asynchronous rotation can be expected for planets orbiting stars with masses between 0.4 and 0.9 $M_\odot$ and semi-major axes between 0.2 and 0.7 au. Interestingly, we find that Earth-like planets in the habitable zone of stars with masses $\sim 0.8$ $M_\odot$ may end up with an equilibrium rotation of 24 hours. We additionally find that these planets can also develop high obliquities, which may help sustain temperate environments.

Birendra Chhotaray, Sachindra Naik, Gaurava K. Jaisawal, Goldy Ahuja

We present the results obtained from X-ray and optical analysis of the Be/X-ray binary IGR~J06074+2205, focusing on before, during, and after the X-ray outbursts in October and December 2023. The properties of the neutron star in the binary are investigated using NICER and NuSTAR observations during the X-ray outbursts. The pulse profiles across a broad energy range, are found to be strongly dependent on luminosity and energy, revealing the complex nature of the emitting region. An absorbed power-law can describe each NICER spectrum in the 1-7 keV band. The 3-79 keV NuSTAR spectrum can be well-described by a negative and positive power-law with an exponential cut-off model. Utilizing the MAXI/GSC long-term light curve, we estimate the probable orbital period to be 80 or 80/n (n=2,3,4) days. We investigate the evolution of the circumstellar disc around the Be star by using optical spectroscopic observations of the system between 2022 and 2024. We observe variable H$\alpha$ and FeII emission lines with an increase in equivalent width, indicating the presence of a dynamic circumstellar disc. A distinct variation in the V/R value for H$\alpha$ and FeII lines is also observed. The appearance of additional emission lines, such as HeI (5875.72 Å), HeI (6678 Å), and HeI (7065 Å), during the post-outburst observation in February 2024 suggests the growing of a larger or denser circumstellar disc. The disc continues to grow without any noticeable mass loss, even during the 2023 X-ray outbursts, which may lead to a future giant X-ray outburst.

The updated catalogue of $\delta$ Sct stars in binary systems as well as their statistical properties are presented. Thanks to the Kepler, K2 and TESS space missions, this version of the catalogue contains more than 1000 $\delta$ Sct pulsators in binaries. The sample is divided according to the Roche Geometry of the binary systems in order to check for any systematic differences in the pulsators' evolution due to the proximity of the companion star. Statistics, demographics, and distributions of these pulsating stars within the H-R and mass-radius diagrams are provided. We notice that the absolute parameters have been accurately determined for only approximately 10% of the whole sample. Additionally, updated correlations between pulsation and orbital periods and evolutionary status are presented. This work aims to motivate the researchers for systematic analyses of such objects in order to increase the sample of systems with well known physical properties.

Atul Mohan, Nat Gopalswamy, Surajit Mondal, Anshu Kumari, Sindhuja G

The type-IV bursts, associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs), occasionally extend to the decameter-hectrometric (DH) range. We present a comprehensive catalog of simultaneous multi-vantage point observations of DH type-IV bursts by Wind and STEREO spacecraft since 2006. 73% of the bursts are associated with fast ($> 900\,km\,s^{-1}$) and wide ($>60^0$) CMEs, which are mostly geoeffective halo CMEs. Also, we find that the bursts are best observed by the spacecraft located within $|60^0|$ line of sight (LOS), highlighting the importance of LOS towards active latitudes while choosing target stars for a type-IV search campaign. In young active M dwarfs, CME-associated bursts have remained elusive despite many monitoring campaigns. We present the first detection of long-duration type-III, type-IV, and type-V bursts during an active event in AD Leo (M3.5V; $0.4M_\odot$). The observed burst characteristics support a multipole model over a solar-like active region magnetic field profile on the star.

G. Aufort, C. Laigle, H.J. McCracken, D. Le Borgne, R. Arango-Toro, L. Ciesla, O. Ilbert, L. Tresse, Y. Dubois

We propose a novel method to reconstruct the full posterior distribution of the star formation histories (SFHs) of galaxies from broad-band photometry. Our method combines simulation-based inference (SBI) using a neural network trained with SFHs and photometry from the {\sc Horizon-AGN} hydrodynamical cosmological simulation. We apply it to reconstruct SFHs using COSMOS2020 photometry at redshift $0<z<3$. We are able to accurately estimate the SFH and quantify the uncertainty on simulated data, with an unbiased posterior mean and well calibrated credible intervals. Our SFHs are in broad agreement with independent literature measurements The SFHs of galaxies as a function of location in the $\mathrm{NUV}-r$ versus $r-J$ diagram are in agreement with expectations. We extract summary statistics to quantify the shape of the SFH, number of peaks, and formation redshift. The slopes of the SFHs of passive galaxies show only a weak trend with stellar mass at $z<1.35$ but a significant scatter, indicating that other factors than mass could drive the suppression of star-formation. Nevertheless, star-forming galaxies show a clear mass-dependent SFH, with lower-mass galaxies undergoing more vigorous recent star-formation. Low-mass galaxies have more peaks in their mass assembly histories than high-mass ones. At a given mass, we find many different formation redshifts, but for passive galaxies the mass dependency of formation redshifts is weak. Most passive galaxies with stellar mass $\log M_*/M_\odot > 9$ had a first event of mass assembly around $z\sim 3$, independent of mass. This work represents a pilot study for the future analysis of the \textit{Euclid} Deep fields that will reach similar depths in alike set of photometric bands, but with over an order-of-magnitude larger area, opening the possibility of deriving SFHs for millions of galaxies in a robust manner.

M. Stangret, E. Palle, E. Esparza-Borges, J. Orell Miquel, N. Casasayas-Barris, M.R. Zapatero Osorio, E. Cristo, R. Allart, Y. Alibert, F. Borsa, O.D.S. Demangeon, P. Di Marcantonio, D. Ehrenreich, P. Figueira, J.I. Gonzalez Hernandez, E. Herrero-Cisneros, C.J.A.P. Martins, N.C. Santos, J.V. Seidel, T. Azevedo Silva, A. Sozzetti, M. Steiner, A. Suarez Mascareno, S. Udry

Thanks to their short orbital periods and hot extended atmospheres, hot Jupiters are ideal candidates for atmosphere studies with high-resolution spectroscopy. New stable spectrographs help improve our understanding of the evolution and composition of those types of planets. By analyzing two nights of observations using the ESPRESSO high-resolution spectrograph, we studied the architecture and atmosphere of hot Jupiter WASP-122b (KELT-14b). By analyzing the Rossiter-McLaughlin (RM) effect, we measured the spin-orbit angle of the system to be lambda = 0.09 +0.88/-0.90 deg. This result is in line with literature obliquity measurements of planetary systems around stars with effective temperatures cooler than 6500 K. Using the transmission spectroscopy, we studied the atmosphere of the planet. Applying both the single-line analysis and the cross-correlation method, we looked for Ca I, Cr I, FeH, Fe I, Fe II, H2O, Li I, Mg I, Na I, Ti I, TiO, V I, VO, and Y I. Our results show no evidence of any of these species in WASP-122b's atmosphere. The lack of significant detections can be explained by either the RM effect covering the regions where the atmospheric signal is expected and masking it, along with the low signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of the observations or the absence of the relevant species in its atmosphere.

We consider constraints on the Hubble parameter $H_0$ and the matter density parameter $\Omega_{\mathrm{M}}$ from: (i) the age of the Universe based on old stars and stellar populations in the Galactic disc and halo (Cimatti & Moresco 2023); (ii) the turnover scale in the matter power spectrum, which tells us the cosmological horizon at the epoch of matter-radiation equality (Philcox et al. 2022); and (iii) the shape of the expansion history from supernovae (SNe) and baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs) with no absolute calibration of either, a technique known as uncalibrated cosmic standards (UCS; Lin, Chen, & Mack 2021). A narrow region is consistent with all three constraints just outside their $1\sigma$ uncertainties. Although this region is defined by techniques unrelated to the physics of recombination and the sound horizon then, the standard $Planck$ fit to the CMB anisotropies falls precisely in this region. This concordance argues against early-time explanations for the anomalously high local estimate of $H_0$ (the 'Hubble tension'), which can only be reconciled with the age constraint at an implausibly low $\Omega_{\mathrm{M}}$. We suggest instead that outflow from the local KBC supervoid (Keenan, Barger, & Cowie 2013) inflates redshifts in the nearby universe and thus the apparent local $H_0$. Given the difficulties with solutions in the early universe, we argue that the most promising alternative to a local void is a modification to the expansion history at late times, perhaps due to a changing dark energy density.

Coronal mass ejection (CME) often produces a soft X-ray (SXR) flare associated with the low-coronal reconnection and a type-II radio burst associated with an interplanetary (IP) CME-shock. SXR flares and type-II bursts outshine the background emission, making them sun-as-a-star observables. Though there exist SXR flare catalogs covering decades of observations, they do not provide the associated type-II luminosity. Besides, since radio burst emission could be beamed, the observed flux dynamic spectrum may vary with line of sight. Using long-term calibrated decameter-hectometric dynamic spectra from the Wind and STEREO spacecraft, we build a catalog of multi-vantage point observations of type-II bursts. Cross-matching with existing catalogs we compile the properties of the associated flare, reconnection, and the CME. Cross-correlation analysis was done between various parameters. Two novel metrics of flare and CME power show a strong correlation revealing a link between particle acceleration strengths in the low-corona and IP space.

Joanna Perido, Kevin Denis, Sean O. Clancy, Nicholas F. Cothard, Peter K. Day, Jason Glenn, Henry Leduc, Manuel Quijada, Jessica Patel, Edward Wollack

Future far-infrared (IR) observatories require compact and cost efficient optical linear variable bandpass filters (LVBFs) to define their instrument spectral bands. We have designed novel far-IR LVBFs that consist of metal-mesh bandpass filters comprised of a gold film with cross-slots of varying sizes along a silicon (Si) substrate with anti-reflection (AR) coatings. We present our work on the simulated and measured transmission of non-AR coated and AR coated LVBFs for bandpass peaks from wavelengths of 24 to 36 $\mu$m with a resolving power ($R=\lambda_0/\Delta\lambda$) of R$\approx$6 for non-AR coated LVBFs and R$\approx$4 for AR coated LVBFs. We also present a method to decrease the effects of out-of-band high frequency transmission exhibited by metal-mesh filters by depositing a thin layer of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) on the metal-mesh of the LVBF. We have fabricated and measured the LVBFs at room temperature and cryogenic temperatures (5 K). We measure a high peak transmission of $\sim$80-90 \% for the AR coated LVBF at 5 K and demonstrate that the a-Si:H LVBF is a promising method to address out-of-band high frequency transmission.

George Alestas, Marienza Caldarola, Sachiko Kuroyanagi, Savvas Nesseris

The recent results on the baryon acoustic oscillations measurements from the DESI collaboration have shown tantalizing hints for a time-evolving dark energy equation of state parameter $w(z)$, with a statistically significant deviation from the cosmological constant and cold dark matter (\lcdm) model. One of the simplest and theoretically well-motivated plausible candidates to explain the observed behavior of $w(z)$, is scalar-field quintessence. Here, we consider a class of models known as $\alpha$-attractor, which describe in a single framework both inflation and the late-time acceleration of the Universe. Using the recent DESI data, in conjunction with other cosmological observations, we place stringent constraints on $\alpha$-attractor models and compare them to the \lcdm\, model. We find the $\alpha$ parameter of the theory, which is physically motivated from supergravity and supersymmentry theories to have the values $3\alpha \in \{1,2,3,4,5,6,7\}$, is constrained to be $\alpha\simeq 1.89_{-0.35}^{+0.40}$. In addition, we find that the rest of the cosmological parameters of the model agree with the corresponding values of \lcdm, while a bayesian analysis finds strong support in favor of the $\alpha$-attractor model. We also highlight an interesting connection between the $\alpha$-attractor models and the stochastic gravitational wave background, where a contribution to the latter could derive from an enhancement of inflationary gravitational waves at high frequencies due to an early kination phase, thus providing an interesting alternative way to constrain the theory in the near future.

Head-on giant impacts (collisions between planet-size bodies) are frequently used to study the planet formation process as they present an extreme configuration where the two colliding bodies are greatly disturbed. With limited computing resources, focusing on these extreme impacts eases the burden of exploring a large parameter space. Results from head-on impacts are often then extended to study oblique impacts with angle corrections or used as initial conditions for other calculations, for example, the evolution of ejected debris. In this study, we conduct a detailed investigation of the thermodynamic and energy budget evolution of high-energy head-on giant impacts, entering the catastrophic impacts regime, for target masses between 0.001 and 12 M$_{\oplus}$. We demonstrate the complex interplay of gravitational forces, shock dynamics, and thermodynamic processing in head-on impacts at high energy. Our study illustrates that frequent interactions of core material with the liquid side of the vapour curve could have cumulative effects on the post-collision remnants, leading to fragmentary disintegration occurring at lower impact energy. This results in the mass of the largest remnant diverging significantly from previously developed scaling laws. These findings suggest two key considerations: 1) head-on planetary collisions for different target masses do not behave similarly, so caution is needed when applying scaling laws across a broad parameter space; 2) an accurate model of the liquid-vapour phase boundary is essential for modeling giant impacts. Our findings highlight the need for careful consideration of impact configurations in planetary formation studies, as head-on impacts involve a complex interplay between thermodynamic processing, shocks, gravitational forces, and other factors.

NOAA Active Region (AR) 13664/8 produced the most intense geomagnetic effects since the ``Halloween'' event of 2003. The resulting extreme solar storm is believed to be the consequence of multiple interacting coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Notably, this AR exhibites an exceptionally rapid magnetic flux emergence. The eruptions we are focusing on all occurred along collisional polarity inversion lines (PILs) through ``collisional shearing'' during a three-day period of extraordinarily high flux emergence ($\sim$10$^{21}$ Mx hr$^{-1}$). Our key findings reveal how photospheric magnetic configurations in eruption sources influence solar superstorm formation and geomagnetic responses, and link exceptionally strong flux emergence to sequential homologous eruptions: (1) We identified the source regions of seven halo CMEs, distributed primarily along two distinct PILs, suggesting the presence of two groups of homologous CMEs. (2) The variations in magnetic flux emergence rates at the source regions correlate with CME intensities, potentially explaining the two contrasting cases of complex ejecta observed at Earth. (3) Calculations of magnetic field gradients around CME source regions show strong correlations with eruptions, providing crucial insights into solar eruption mechanisms and enhancing future prediction capabilities.

Delon Shen, Nickolas Kokron, Joseph DeRose, Jeremy Tinker, Risa H. Wechsler, Arka Banerjee, the Aemulus Collaboration

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Precise and accurate predictions of the halo mass function for cluster mass scales in $w\nu{\rm CDM}$ cosmologies are crucial for extracting robust and unbiased cosmological information from upcoming galaxy cluster surveys. Here, we present a halo mass function emulator for cluster mass scales ($\gtrsim 10^{13}M_\odot /h$) up to redshift $z=2$ with comprehensive support for the parameter space of $w\nu{\rm CDM}$ cosmologies allowed by current data. Based on the Aemulus $\nu$ suite of simulations, the emulator marks a significant improvement in the precision of halo mass function predictions by incorporating both massive neutrinos and non-standard dark energy equation of state models. This allows for accurate modeling of the cosmology dependence in large-scale structure and galaxy cluster studies. We show that the emulator, designed using Gaussian Process Regression, has negligible theoretical uncertainties compared to dominant sources of error in future cluster abundance studies. Our emulator is publicly available, providing the community with a crucial tool for upcoming cosmological surveys such as LSST and Euclid.