Hundreds of exoplanets between 1-1.8 times the size of the Earth have been discovered on close in orbits. However, these planets show such a diversity in densities that some appear to be made entirely of iron, while others appear to host gaseous envelopes. To test this diversity in composition, we update the masses of 5 rocky exoplanets (HD 93963 A b, Kepler-10 b, Kepler-100 b, Kepler-407 b, and TOI-1444 b) and present the confirmation of a new planet (TOI-1011) using 187 high precision RVs from Gemini/MAROON-X and Keck/KPF. Our updated planet masses suggest compositions closer to that of the Earth than previous literature values for all planets in our sample. In particular, we report that two previously identified ``super-Mercuries'' (Kepler-100 b and HD 93963 A b) have lower masses that suggest less iron-rich compositions. We then compare the ratio of iron to rock-building species to the abundance ratios of those elements in their host stars. These updated planet compositions do not suggest a steep relationship between planet and host star compositions, contradictory to previous results, and suggest that planets and host stars have similar abundance ratios.
In some recent work, we provided a quantitative explanation for the number asymmetry of Jupiter Trojans by hypothesizing a free-floating planet (FFP) flyby into the Solar System. In support of that explanation, this paper examines the influence of the same FFP flyby on the Hilda asteroids, which orbit stably in the 3:2 mean motion resonance with Jupiter. The observed Hilda population exhibits two distinct resonant patterns: (1) a lack of Hildas with resonant amplitudes < 40 deg. at eccentricities < 0.1; (2) a nearly complete absence of Hildas with amplitudes < 20 deg., regardless of eccentricity. Previous models of Jupiter migration and resonance capture could account for the eccentricity distribution of Hildas but have failed to replicate the unusual absence of those with the smallest resonant amplitudes, which theoretically should be the most stable. Here we report that the FFP flyby can trigger an extremely rapid outward migration of Jupiter, causing a sudden shift in the 3:2 Jovian resonance. Consequently, Hildas with varying eccentricities would have their resonant amplitudes changed by different degrees, leading to the observed resonant patterns. We additionally show that, in our FFP flyby scenario, these patterns are consistently present across different resonant amplitude distributions of primordial Hildas arising from various formation models. We also place constraints on the potential parameters of the FFP, suggesting it should have an eccentricity of 1-1.3 or larger, an inclination up to 30 deg. or higher, and a minimum mass of about 50 Earth masses.
Modern cosmological surveys probe the Universe deep into the nonlinear regime, where massive neutrinos suppress cosmic structure. Traditional cosmological analyses, which use the 2-point correlation function to extract information, are no longer optimal in the nonlinear regime, and there is thus much interest in extracting beyond-2-point information to improve constraints on neutrino mass. Quantifying and interpreting the beyond-2-point information is thus a pressing task. We study the field-level information in weak lensing convergence maps using convolution neural networks. We find that the network performance increases as higher source redshifts and smaller scales are considered -- investigating up to a source redshift of 2.5 and $\ell_{\rm max}\simeq10^4$ -- verifying that massive neutrinos leave a distinct effect on weak lensing. However, the performance of the network significantly drops after scaling out the 2-point information from the maps, implying that most of the field-level information can be found in the 2-point correlation function alone. We quantify these findings in terms of the likelihood ratio and also use Integrated Gradient saliency maps to interpret which parts of the map the network is learning the most from, finding that the network extracts information from the most overdense and underdense regions.
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