Dwarf galaxies hold the key to crucial frontiers of astrophysics, however, their faintness renders spectroscopy challenging. Here we present the JWST Cycle 2 survey, All the Little Things (ALT, PID 3516), which is designed to seek late-forming Pop III stars and the drivers of reionization at $z\sim6-7$. ALT has acquired the deepest NIRCam grism spectroscopy yet (7-27 hr), at JWST's most sensitive wavelengths (3-4 $\mu$m), covering the powerful lensing cluster Abell 2744. Over the same 30 arcmin$^2$, ALT's ultra-deep F070W+F090W imaging ($\sim$30 mag) enables selection of very faint sources at $z>6$. We demonstrate the success of ALT's novel ``butterfly" mosaic to solve spectral confusion and contamination, and introduce the ``Allegro" method for emission line identification. By collecting spectra for every source in the field of view, ALT has measured precise ($R\sim1600$) redshifts for 1630 sources at $z=0.2-8.5$. This includes one of the largest samples of distant dwarf galaxies: [1015, 475, 50] sources less massive than the SMC, Fornax, and Sculptor with $\log(M_{*}/M_{\odot})<$[8.5, 7.5, 6.5]. We showcase ALT's discovery space with: (i) spatially resolved spectra of lensed clumps in galaxies as faint as $M_{\rm{UV}}\sim-15$; (ii) large-scale clustering -- overdensities at $z$=[2.50, 2.58, 3.97, 4.30, 5.66, 5.77, 6.33] hosting massive galaxies with striking Balmer breaks; (iii) small-scale clustering -- a system of satellites around a Milky Way analog at $z\sim6$; (iv) spectroscopically confirmed multiple images that help constrain the lensing model underlying all science in this legacy field; (v) sensitive star-formation maps based on dust-insensitive tracers such as Pa$\alpha$; (vi) direct spectroscopic discovery of rare sources such as AGN with ionized outflows. These results provide a powerful proof of concept for how grism surveys maximize the potential of strong lensing fields.
We present the PANORAMIC survey, a pure parallel extragalactic imaging program with NIRCam observed during JWST Cycle 1. The survey obtained $\sim$530 sq arcmin of NIRCam imaging from 1-5$\mu$m, totaling $\sim$192 hours of science integration time. This represents the largest on-sky time investment of any Cycle 1 GO extragalactic NIRCam imaging program by nearly a factor of 2. The survey includes $\sim$432 sq arcmin of novel sky area not yet observed with JWST using at least $6$ NIRCam broad-band filters, increasing the existing area covered by similar Cycle 1 data by $\sim$60%. 70 square arcmin was also covered by a 7th filter (F410M). A fraction of PANORAMIC data ($\sim$200 sq arcmin) was obtained in or around extragalactic deep-fields, enhancing their legacy value. Pure parallel observing naturally creates a wedding cake survey with both wide and ultra-deep tiers, with 5$\sigma$ point source depths at F444W ranging from 27.8-29.4 (ABmag), and with minimized cosmic variance. The 6+ filter observing setup yields remarkably good photometric redshift performance, achieving similar median scatter and outlier fraction as CANDELS ($\sigma_{\rm NMAD}\sim0.07$; $\eta\sim0.2$), which enables a wealth of science across redshift without the need for followup or ancillary data. We overview the proposed survey, the data obtained as part of this program, and document the science-ready data products in the first data release. PANORAMIC has delivered wide-area and deep imaging with excellent photometric performance, demonstrating that pure parallel observations with JWST are a highly efficient observing mode that is key to acquiring a complete picture of galaxy evolution from rare bright galaxies to fainter, more abundant sources at all redshifts.
The physics of turbulence in magnetized plasmas remains an unresolved problem. The most poorly understood aspect is intermittency -- spatio-temporal fluctuations superimposed on the self-similar turbulent motions. We employ a novel machine-learning analysis technique to segment turbulent flow structures into distinct clusters based on statistical similarities across multiple physical features. We find that the previously identified intermittent fluctuations consist of two distinct clusters: i) current sheets, thin slabs of electric current between merging flux ropes, and; ii) double sheets, pairs of oppositely polarized current slabs, possibly generated by two non-linearly interacting Alfvén-wave packets. The distinction is crucial for the construction of realistic turbulence sub-grid models.
We present the Merian Survey, an optical imaging survey optimized for studying the physical properties of bright star-forming dwarf galaxies. Merian is carried out with two medium-band filters ($N708$ and $N540$, centered at $708$ and $540$ nm), custom-built for the Dark Energy Camera (DECam) on the Blanco telescope. Merian covers $\sim 750\,\mathrm{deg}^2$ of equatorial fields, overlapping with the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (HSC-SSP) wide, deep, and ultra-deep fields. When combined with the HSC-SSP imaging data ($grizy$), the new Merian DECam medium-band imaging allows for photometric redshift measurements via the detection of H$\rm\alpha$ and [OIII] line emission flux excess in the $N708$ and $N540$ filters, respectively, at $0.06<z<0.10$. We present an overview of the survey design, observations taken to date, data reduction using the LSST Science Pipelines, including aperture-matched photometry for accurate galaxy colors, and a description of the data included in the first data release (DR1). The key science goals of Merian include: probing the dark matter halos of dwarf galaxies out to their virial radii using high signal-to-noise weak lensing profile measurements, decoupling the effects of baryonic processes from dark matter, and understanding the role of black holes in dwarf galaxy evolution. This rich dataset will also offer unique opportunities for studying extremely metal-poor galaxies via their strong [OIII] emission and H$\rm\alpha$ lines, as well as [OIII] emitters at $z\sim 0.4$, and Ly$\rm\alpha$ emitters at $z\sim 3.3$ and $z\sim 4.8$. Merian showcases the power of utilizing narrow and medium-band filters alongside broad-band filters for sky imaging, demonstrating their synergistic capacity to unveil astrophysical insights across diverse astrophysical phenomena.
Using medium-band imaging from the newly released Merian Survey, we conduct a nonparametric morphological analysis of H$\alpha$ emission maps and stellar continua for a sample of galaxies with $8\lesssim\log (M_\star/M_\odot) < 10.3$ at $0.064<z<0.1$. We present a novel method for estimating the stellar continuum emission through the Merian Survey's N708 medium-band filter, which we use to measure H$\alpha$ emission and produce H$\alpha$ maps for our sample of galaxies with seven-band Merian photometry and available spectroscopy. We measure nonparametric morphological statistics for the H$\alpha$ and stellar continuum images, explore how the morphology of the H$\alpha$ differs from the continuum, and investigate how the parameters evolve with the galaxies' physical properties. In agreement with previous results for more massive galaxies, we find that the asymmetry of the stellar continuum increases with specific star formation rate (SSFR) and we extend the trend to lower masses, also showing that it holds for the asymmetry of the H$\alpha$ emission. We find that the lowest-mass galaxies with the highest SSFR have H$\alpha$ emission that is consistently heterogeneous and compact, while the less active galaxies in this mass range have H$\alpha$ emission that appears diffuse. At higher masses, our data do not span a sufficient range in SSFR to evaluate whether similar trends apply. We conclude that high SSFRs in low-mass galaxies likely result from dynamical instabilities that compress a galaxy's molecular gas to a dense region near the center.
The Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) is a high contrast imaging instrument that aims to detect and characterize extrasolar planets. GPI is being upgraded to GPI 2.0, with several subsystems receiving a re-design to improve its contrast. To enable observations on fainter targets and increase performance on brighter ones, one of the upgrades is to the adaptive optics system. The current Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor (WFS) is being replaced by a pyramid WFS with an low-noise electron multiplying CCD (EMCCD). EMCCDs are detectors capable of counting single photon events at high speed and high sensitivity. In this work, we characterize the performance of the HNü 240 EMCCD from Nüvü Cameras, which was custom-built for GPI 2.0. Through our performance evaluation we found that the operating mode of the camera had to be changed from inverted-mode (IMO) to non-inverted mode (NIMO) in order to improve charge diffusion features found in the detector's images. Here, we characterize the EMCCD's noise contributors (readout noise, clock-induced charges, dark current) and linearity tests (EM gain, exposure time) before and after the switch to NIMO.
Massive stars end their life as core-collapse supernovae, amongst which some extremes are Type Ic broad-lined supernovae associated with long-duration gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs) having powerful relativistic jets. Their less-extreme brethren make unsuccessful jets that are choked inside the stars, appearing as X-ray flashes or low-luminosity GRBs. On the other hand, there exists a population of extragalactic fast X-ray transients (EFXTs) with timescales ranging from seconds to thousands of seconds, whose origins remain obscure. Known sources that contribute to the observed EFXT population include the softer analogs of LGRBs, shock breakouts of supernovae, or unsuccessful jets. Here, we report the discovery of the bright X-ray transient EP240414a detected by the Einstein Probe (EP), which is associated with the Type Ic supernova SN 2024gsa at a redshift of 0.401. The X-ray emission evolution is characterised by a very soft energy spectrum peaking at < 1.3 keV, which makes it distinct from known LGRBs, X-ray flashes, or low-luminosity GRBs. Follow-up observations at optical and radio bands revealed the existence of a weak relativistic jet that interacts with an extended shell surrounding the progenitor star. Located on the outskirts of a massive galaxy, this event reveals a new population of explosions of Wolf-Rayet stars characterised by a less powerful engine that drives a successful but weak jet, possibly owing to a progenitor star with a smaller core angular momentum than in traditional LGRB progenitors.
The kinematic information of the extraplanar diffuse ionized gas (eDIG) around galaxies provides clues to the origin of the gas. The eDIG-CHANGES project studies the physical and kinematic properties of the eDIG around the CHANG-ES sample of nearby edge-on disk galaxies. We use a novel multi-slit narrow-band spectroscopy technique to obtain the spatial distribution of spectral properties of the ionized gas around NGC 891, which is often regarded as an analog of the Milky Way. We developed specific data reduction procedures for the multi-slit narrow-band spectroscopy data taken with the MDM 2.4m telescope. The data presented in this paper covers the H$\alpha$ and [N II]$\lambda\lambda$6548,6583Åemission lines. The eDIG traced by the H$\alpha$ and [N II] lines shows an obvious asymmetric morphology, being brighter in the northeastern part of the galactic disk and extending a few kpc above and below the disk. Global variations in the [N II]/H$\alpha$ line ratio suggest additional heating mechanisms for the eDIG at large heights beyond photoionization. We also construct position-velocity (PV) diagrams of the eDIG based on our optical multi-slit spectroscopy data and compare them to similar PV diagrams constructed with the H I data. The dynamics of the two gas phases are generally consistent with each other. Modeling the rotation curves at different heights from the galactic mid-plane suggests a vertical negative gradient in turnover radius and maximum rotation velocity, with magnitudes of approximately $3$ kpc kpc$^{-1}$ and $22-25$ km s$^{-1}$ kpc$^{-1}$, respectively. Measured vertical gradients of the rotation curve parameters suggest significant differential rotation of the ionized gas in the halo, or often referred to as the lagging eDIG. Systematic study of the lagging eDIG in our eDIG-CHANGES project, will help us to better understand the dynamics of the ionized gas in the halo.
Galaxy clusters identified in optical imaging surveys suffer from projection effects: physically unassociated galaxies along a cluster's line of sight can be counted as its members and boost the observed richness (the number of cluster members). To model the impact projection on cluster cosmology analyses, we apply a halo occupation distribution model to N-body simulations to simulate the red galaxies contributing to cluster members, and we use the number of galaxies in a cylinder along the line-of-sight (counts-in-cylinders) to model the impact of projection on cluster richness. We compare three projection models: uniform, quadratic, and Gaussian, and we convert between them by matching their effective cylinder volumes. We validate our mock catalogs using SDSS redMaPPer data vectors, including cluster abundance vs. richness, stacked lensing signal, spectroscopic redshift distribution of member galaxies, and richness re-measured on a redshift grid. We find the former two are insensitive to the projection model, while the latter two favor a quadratic projection model with a width of 180 Mpc/h (equivalent to the volume of a uniform model with a width of 100 Mpc/h and a Gaussian model with a width of 110 Mpc/h, or a Gaussian redshift error of 0.04). Our framework provides an efficient and flexible way to model optical cluster data vectors, paving the way for a simulation-based joint analysis for clusters, galaxies, and shear.
The extinction law from ultraviolet (UV) to infrared (IR) (0.2-24 $\mu$m) is determined by relying on the blue-edge method and color excess ratios for some nearby molecular clouds, from low mass star forming region to massive star forming region. The observational data are collected from nine photometric surveys, along with stellar parameters from the APOGEE and LAMOST spectroscopic surveys. Within the uncertainties, the optical ratio of selective to total extinction ($R_{G_{BP}}$) does not vary substantially across the clouds, irrespective of the density, specifically $R_{G_{BP}} =2.302\pm0.027$, where $R_{G_{BP}} \equiv A_{G_{BP}}/E_{G_{BP},G_{RP}}$. The IR extinction law is consistent with \citet{Wang19_law}. The extinction law in the UV band is compromised by the shallow depth with $A_{V} \leq 2$ mag and is hard to describe by one parameter $R$. In addition, the extinction in the WISE/W1 band is significantly larger than in the Spitzer/IRAC1 band in the dense regions, which is attributed to the ice water absorption.