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Papers for Tuesday, Oct 08 2024

Papers with local authors

Ansh R. Gupta, Allison Kirkpatrick, Vital Fernandez, Pablo Arrabal Haro, Bren E. Backhaus, Nikko J. Cleri, Norman A. Grogin, Anton M. Koekemoer
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Paper 2 — arXiv:2410.03784
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Paper 2 — arXiv:2410.03784

Galaxy emission-line fluxes can be analyzed to determine star formation rates (SFR) and ISM ionization. Here, we investigate rest-frame optical emission lines of 71 star-forming galaxies at redshift 0.7 < z < 7 from the Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science (CEERS) survey using JWST/NIRSpec. We use H${\alpha}$ line fluxes to measure SFRs. We combine these with HST CANDELS stellar mass estimates to determine the redshift evolution of specific SFR (sSFR) and compare our sample with the star-forming galaxy main sequence. We create [O III]${\lambda}$5008/H${\beta}$ versus [Ne III]${\lambda}$3870/[O II]${\lambda}$3728 line ratio diagrams and correlate these ratios with sSFR and the distance of each galaxy from the main sequence (excess sSFR). We find a modest correlation between the line ratios and sSFR, which is consistent with previous work analyzing similar samples. However, we find a weak correlation between the line ratios and excess sSFR. Taken together, our results suggest that sSFR is the parameter that governs ionization conditions rather than SFR or a galaxy's distance from the main sequence. These measurements reveal a rich diversity of ISM conditions and physical galaxy properties throughout cosmic time.

Investigating the dust grain size and its dependence on substructures in protoplanetary disks is a crucial step in understanding the initial process of planet formation. Spectral indices derived from millimeter observations are used as a common probe for grain size. Converting observed spectral indices into grain sizes is a complex task that involves solving the radiative transfer equation, taking into account the disk structure and dust properties. In this work, we ran reference radiative transfer models with known disk properties, and generated four synthetic images at wavelengths of 0.8, 1.3, 3, and 7.8 mm, representing high-resolution continuum observations. Rings and gaps were considered in the setup. We fit the synthetic images using the analytic solution of the radiative transfer equation to investigate the circumstances under which the input grain sizes can be recovered. The results show that fitting images at only two wavelengths is not sufficient to retrieve the grain size. Fitting three images improves the retrieval of grain size, but the dust surface density is still not well recovered. When taking all of the four images into account, degeneracies between different parameters are highly reduced, and consequently the best-fit grain sizes are consistent with the reference setup at almost all radii. We find that the inclination angle has a significant impact on the fitting results. For disks with low inclinations, the analytic approach works quite well. However, when the disk is tilted above about 60 degree, neither the grain size nor the dust surface density can be constrained, as the inclination effect will smooth out all substructures in the radial intensity profile of the disk.

Sergei N. Yurchenko, Charles A. Bowesman, Ryan P. Brady, Elizabeth R. Guest, Kyraki Kefala, Georgi B. Mitev, Alec Owens, Armando N. Perri, Marco Pezzella, Oleksiy Smola, Andrei Solokov, Jingxin Zhang, Jonathan Tennyson
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Paper 28 — arXiv:2410.04295
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Paper 28 — arXiv:2410.04295

A theoretical line list for $^{15}$NH$_3$ CoYuTe-15 is presented based on the empirical potential energy and ab initio dipole moments surfaces developed and used for the production of the ExoMol line list CoYuTe for $^{14}$NH$_3$. The ro-vibrational energy levels and wavefunctions are computed using the variational program TROVE. The line list ranges up to 10000 cm$^{-1}$ ($\lambda \geq 1$~$\mu$m) and contains 929 795 249 transitions between 1 269 961 states with $J\le 30$. The line list should be applicable for temperatures up to $\sim$1000 K. To improve the accuracy of the line positions, a set of experimentally-derived energy levels of $^{15}$NH$_3$ is produced using the MARVEL procedure. To this end, 37 experimental sources of the line positions of $^{15}$NH$_3$ available in the literature are collected, combined and systematised to produce a self-consistent spectroscopic network of 21095 $^{15}$NH$_3$ transitions covering 40 vibrational bands ranging up to 6818 cm$^{-1}$ and resulting in 2777 energy term values. These MARVEL energies are then used to replace the theoretical values in the CoYuTe-15 line list and also complemented by pseudo-MARVEL energies obtained by an isotopologue extrapolation using the previously reported MARVEL energies of the $^{14}$NH$_3$ parent isotopologue of ammonia. A list of 53856 high resolution transitions between MARVEL states and theoretical intensities is provided in the HITRAN format. Comparison with the recent experimental spectra of $^{15}$NH$_3$ illustrate the potential of the line list for detections and as an efficient assistant in spectroscopic assignments. The line list is available from this http URL.

Zhen Cao, F. Aharonian, Q. An, Axikegu, Y.X. Bai, Y.W. Bao, D. Bastieri, X.J. Bi, Y.J. Bi, J.T. Cai, Q. Cao, W.Y. Cao, Zhe Cao, J. Chang, J.F. Chang, A.M. Chen, E.S. Chen, Liang Chen, Lin Chen, Long Chen, M.J. Chen, M.L. Chen, Q.H. Chen, S.H. Chen, S.Z. Chen, T.L. Chen, Y. Chen, N. Cheng, Y.D. Cheng, M.Y. Cui, S.W. Cui, X.H. Cui, Y.D. Cui, B.Z. Dai, H.L. Dai, Z.G. Dai, Danzengluobu, X.Q. Dong, K.K. Duan, J.H. Fan, Y.Z. Fan, J. Fang, K. Fang, C.F. Feng, L. Feng, S.H. Feng, X.T. Feng, Y.L. Feng, S. Gabici, B. Gao, C.D. Gao, L.Q. Gao, Q. Gao, W. Gao, W.K. Gao, M.M. Ge, L.S. Geng, G. Giacinti, G.H. Gong, Q.B. Gou, M.H. Gu, F.L. Guo, X.L. Guo, Y.Q. Guo, Y.Y. Guo, Y.A. Han, H.H. He, H.N. He, J.Y. He, X.B. He, Y. He, Y.K. Hor, B.W. Hou, C. Hou, X. Hou, H.B. Hu, Q. Hu, S.C. Hu, D.H. Huang, T.Q. Huang, W.J. Huang, X.T. Huang, X.Y. Huang, Y. Huang, Z.C. Huang, X.L. Ji, H.Y. Jia, K. Jia, K. Jiang, X.W. Jiang, Z.J. Jiang, M. Jin, M.M. Kang, T. Ke, D. Kuleshov, K. Kurinov, B.B. Li, Cheng Li, Cong Li, D. Li
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Paper 33 — arXiv:2410.04425
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Paper 33 — arXiv:2410.04425

We report the detection of an extended very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray source coincident with the locations of middle-aged (62.4~\rm kyr) pulsar PSR J0248+6021, by using the LHAASO-WCDA data of live 796 days and LHAASO-KM2A data of live 1216 days. A significant excess of \gray induced showers is observed both by WCDA in energy bands of 1-25~\rm TeV and KM2A in energy bands of $>$ 25~\rm TeV with 7.3 $\sigma$ and 13.5 $\sigma$, respectively. The best-fit position derived through WCDA data is R.A. = 42.06$^\circ \pm$ 0.12$^\circ$ and Dec. = 60.24$^\circ \pm $ 0.13$^\circ$ with an extension of 0.69$^\circ\pm$0.15$^\circ$ and that of the KM2A data is R.A.= 42.29$^\circ \pm $ 0.13$^\circ$ and Dec. = 60.38$^\circ \pm$ 0.07$^\circ$ with an extension of 0.37$^\circ\pm$0.07$^\circ$. No clear extended multiwavelength counterpart of this LHAASO source has been found from the radio band to the GeV band. The most plausible explanation of the VHE \gray emission is the inverse Compton process of highly relativistic electrons and positrons injected by the pulsar. These electrons/positrons are hypothesized to be either confined within the pulsar wind nebula or to have already escaped into the interstellar medium, forming a pulsar halo.

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Running Median Subtraction Filter (RMSF) is a robust statistical tool for removing slowly varying baselines in data streams containing transients (short-duration signals) of interest. In this work, we explore the RMSF performance and properties using simulated time series and analytical methods. We study the RMSF fidelity in preserving the signal of interest in the data using (i) a Gaussian pulse and (ii) a transient oscillatory signal. Such signals may be generated by hypothetical exotic low-mass fields (ELFs) associated with intense astrophysical events like binary black hole or neutron star mergers. We consider and assess RMSF as a candidate method to extract transient ELF signals. RMSF operates by sliding a window across the data and subtracting the median value within each window from the data points. With a suitable choice of running window size, RMSF effectively filters out baseline variations without compromising the integrity of transients. The RMSF window width is a critical parameter: it must be wide enough to encompass a short transient but narrow enough to remove the slowly varying baseline. We show that the RMSF removes the mean of a normally distributed white noise while preserving its variance and higher order moments in the limit of large windows. In addition, RMSF does not color the white noise stream, i.e., it does not induce any significant correlation in the filtered data. Ideally, a filter would preserve both the signal of interest and the statistical characteristics of the stochastic component of the data, while removing the background clutter and outliers. We find the RMSF to satisfy these practical criteria for data pre-processing. While we rigorously prove several RMSF properties, the paper is organized as a tutorial with multiple illustrations of RMSF applications.

M. Galbiati, S. Cantalupo, C. Steidel, A. Pensabene, A. Travascio, W. Wang, M. Fossati, M. Fumagalli, G. Rudie, A. Fresco, T. Lazeyras, N. Ledos, G. Quadri

A direct link between large-scale environment and galaxy properties is very well established in the local universe. However, very little is known about the role of the environment for galaxy growth before the peak of the cosmic star formation history at $z>3$ due to the rarity of high-redshift, overdense structures. Using a combination of deep, multiwalength observations, including MUSE, JWST, Chandra, HST and ground-based imaging, we detect and study the properties of a population of star-forming galaxies in the field of a hyperluminous quasar at $z\approx3.25$ associated with the giant Ly$\alpha$ nebula MQN01. We find that this region hosts one of the largest overdensity of galaxies found so far at $z>3$, with $\rho/\bar{\rho}=53\pm17$ within $4\times4\rm\,cMpc^2$ and $|\Delta v|<1000\rm\,km\,s^{-1}$ from the quasar, providing a unique laboratory to study the link between overdense regions and galaxy properties at high redshift. Even in these rare overdense regions, galaxies are forming stars at a rate consistent with the main sequence at $z\approx3$, demonstrating that their SFR is regulated by local properties correlated with their stellar mass rather than by their environment. However, the high-mass-end of the stellar mass function is significantly elevated with respect to that of galaxies in the field at $\log(M_\star/{M_\odot})\gtrsim10.5$, suggesting that massive galaxies in overdense regions build-up their stellar mass earlier or more efficiently than in average regions of the universe. Finally, the overdensity of color-selected Lyman break galaxies observed on larger scales, across $\approx24\times24\rm\,cMpc^2$, is found to be aligned toward the structure traced by the spectroscopically-confirmed galaxies identified with MUSE in the inner $4\times4\rm\,cMpc^2$, suggesting that this highly overdense region could further extend up to a few tens of comoving Mpc.

Jane Huang, Megan Ansdell, Tilman Birnstiel, Ian Czekala, Feng Long, Jonathan Williams, Shangjia Zhang, Zhaohuan Zhu

ALMA has detected substructures in numerous protoplanetary disks at radii from a few to over a hundred au. These substructures are commonly thought to be associated with planet formation, either by serving as sites fostering planetesimal formation or arising as a consequence of planet-disk interactions. Our current understanding of substructures, though, is primarily based on observations of nearby star-forming regions with mild UV environments, whereas stars are typically born in much harsher UV environments, which may inhibit planet formation in the outer disk through external photoevaporation. We present high resolution ($\sim8$ au) ALMA 1.3 mm continuum images of eight disks in $\sigma$ Orionis, a cluster irradiated by an O9.5 star. Gaps and rings are resolved in the images of five disks. The most striking of these is SO 1274, which features five gaps that appear to be arranged nearly in a resonant chain. In addition, we infer the presence of gap or shoulder-like structures in the other three disks through visibility modeling. These observations indicate that substructures robustly form and survive at semi-major axes of several tens of au or less in disks exposed to intermediate levels of external UV radiation as well as in compact disks. However, our observations also suggest that disks in $\sigma$ Orionis are mostly small and thus millimeter continuum gaps beyond a disk radius of 50 au are rare in this region, possibly due to either external photoevaporation or age effects.

We search for the galaxies associated with the intervening MgII absorbers over a redshift range of $0.4 \le z \le 1.0$ using imaging data from DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys and measure the redshift based on direct detection of nebular emission in the background quasar spectra from SDSS survey. We find 270 MgII absorbers associated with strong [O II] nebular emissions, at $2.5\sigma$ level. Among them, for 213 MgII absorbers, we detect an absorber host galaxy at impact parameters of $4 \le \rho \le 16$ kpc, including a galaxy pair associated with three absorbers, with best-fit galaxy SED model based on multi-passband photometric data from DESI Legacy Imaging surveys, supplemented with the infrared VISTA and unWISE imaging surveys. The detection rate of MgII absorber host with strong [O II] nebular emission in the finite SDSS fiber of 2--3 arcsec diameter increases from 0.2% to $\sim$3% with increasing equivalent width from $0.3$Å to $\sim$ 3.5Å, which remains near-constant across the probed redshift range. The associated MgII host galaxies exhibit a wide range of stellar mass from 7.94 $\le \rm log(M_{\star}/M_{\odot}) \le $ 11.11, with an average star-formation rate (SFR) of $ 5.81 \rm M_{\odot}\ yr^{-1}$. The MgII absorber hosts selected based on [O II] nebular emission mostly exhibit active star-forming systems including 13.4% starburst systems, but 10.2% with suppressed SFR. The near-constant absorption strength at low-impact parameters suggests a high gas covering fraction. We find that the MgII equivalent width ($W_{2796}$) positively correlates with SFR and specific-SFR, likely indicate their wind origin. The average velocity offset between the host and absorber suggests that the MgII gas is bound within the dark matter halo.

Jaclyn B. Champagne, Feige Wang, Haowen Zhang, Jinyi Yang, Xiaohui Fan, Joseph F. Hennawi, Fengwu Sun, Eduardo Bañados, Sarah E. I. Bosman, Tiago Costa, Anna-Christina Eilers, Ryan Endsley, Xiangyu Jin, Hyunsung D. Jun, Mingyu Li, Xiaojing Lin, Weizhe Liu, Federica Loiacono, Alessandro Lupi, Chiara Mazzucchelli, Maria Pudoka, Klaudia Protušovà, Sofia Rojas-Ruiz, Wei Leong Tee, Maxime Trebitsch, Bram P. Venemans, Ming-Yang Zhuang, Siwei Zou

ASPIRE (A SPectroscopic survey of bIased halos in the Reionization Era) is a quasar legacy survey primarily using JWST to target a sample of 25 $z>6$ quasars with NIRCam slitless spectroscopy and imaging. The first study in this series found evidence of a strong overdensity of galaxies around J0305-3150, a luminous quasar at $z=6.61$, within a single NIRCam pointing obtained in JWST Cycle 1. Here, we present the first results of a JWST Cycle 2 mosaic that covers 35 arcmin$^2$ with NIRCam imaging/WFSS of the same field to investigate the spatial extent of the putative protocluster. The F356W grism data targets [OIII]+H$\beta$ at $5.3<z<7$ and reveals a population of 124 line emitters down to a flux limit of 1.2$\times$10$^{-18}$ erg s$^{-1}$ cm$^{-2}$. Fifty-three of these galaxies lie at $6.5<z<6.8$ spanning 10 cMpc on the sky, corresponding to an overdensity within a 2500 cMpc$^3$ volume of 12.5 $\pm$ 2.6, anchored by the quasar. Comparing to the [OIII] luminosity function from the Emission line galaxies and Intergalactic Gas in the Epoch of Reionization (EIGER) project, we find a dearth of faint [OIII] emitters at log(L/erg s$^{-1}$) $<$ 42.3, which we suggest is consistent with either bursty star formation causing galaxies to scatter around the grism detection limit or modest suppression from quasar feedback. While we find a strong filamentary overdensity of [OIII] emitters consistent with a protocluster, we suggest that we could be insensitive to a population of older, more massive Lyman-break galaxies with weak nebular emission on scales $>10$ cMpc.

Jaclyn B. Champagne, Feige Wang, Jinyi Yang, Xiaohui Fan, Joseph F. Hennawi, Fengwu Sun, Eduardo Bañados, Sarah E. I. Bosman, Tiago Costa, Melanie Habouzit, Xiangyu Jin, Hyunsung D. Jun, Mingyu Li, Weizhe Liu, Federica Loiacono, Alessandro Lupi, Chiara Mazzucchelli, Maria Pudoka, Sofia Rojas-Ruiz, Wei Leong Tee, Maxime Trebitsch, Haowen Zhang, Ming-Yang Zhuang, Siwei Zou

We present paper II comprising a 35 arcmin$^2$ JWST/NIRCam imaging and wide-field slitless spectroscopy mosaic centered on J0305$-$3150, a luminous quasar at $z=6.61$. The F356W grism data reveals 124 [OIII]+H$\beta$ emitters at $5.3<z<7$, 53 of which constitute a protocluster spanning (10 cMpc)$^2$ across $6.5<z<6.8$. We find no evidence of any broad-line AGN in individual galaxies or stacking, reporting a median H$\beta$ FWHM of 585 $\pm$ 152 km s$^{-1}$; however, the mass-excitation diagram and ``little red dot" color and compactness criteria suggest that there are a few AGN candidates on the outskirts of the protocluster. We fit the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the [OIII] emitters with Prospector and Bagpipes, and find that none of the SED-derived properties (stellar mass, age, or star formation rate) correlates with proximity to the quasar. While there is no correlation between galaxy age and local galaxy density, we find modest correlations between local galaxy density with increasing stellar mass, decreasing 10-to-100 Myr star formation rate ratios and decreasing nebular line equivalent widths. We further find that the protocluster galaxies are consistent with being more massive, older, and hosting higher star formation rates than the field sample at the 3$\sigma$ level, distributed in a filamentary structure which supports inside-out formation of the protocluster. There is modest evidence that galaxy evolution proceeds differently as a function of the density of local environment within protoclusters during the epoch of reionization, and the central quasar has little effect on the galaxy properties of the surrounding structure.

Christopher Tiede, Jonathan Zrake, Andrew MacFadyen, Zoltan Haiman

We demonstrate that gas disks around binary systems might deliver gas to the binary components only when the circumbinary disk is relatively warm. We present new grid-based hydrodynamics simulations, performed with the binary on the grid and a locally isothermal equation of state, in which the binary is seen to functionally ``stop accreting'' if the orbital Mach number in the disk exceeds a threshold value of about 40. Above this threshold, the disk continues to extract angular momentum from the binary orbit, but it delivers very little mass to the black holes, and instead piles up mass in a ring surrounding the binary. This ring will eventually become viscously relaxed and deliver mass to the binary at the large-scale inflow rate. However we show that the timescale for such relaxation can far exceed the implied binary lifetime. We demonstrate that the ability of a binary-disk system to equilibrate is dependent on the efficiency at which accretion streams deposit mass onto the binary; which in turn is highly sensitive to the thermodynamic conditions of the inner disk. If disks around massive black hole binaries do operate in such non-accreting regimes, it suggests these systems may be dimmer than their single black hole counterparts, but could exhibit dramatic re-brightening after the black holes in-spiral and merge. This dimming occurs at high photon energies, corresponding to the effective truncation of the circumbinary disk. As a result, such system may be underluminous in UV bands and missing X-ray emission entirely, potentially resembling the spectra of `Little Red Dots'' recently identified in JWST observations.

Understanding binary black hole (BBH) dynamics in dense star clusters is key to interpreting the gravitational wave detections by LIGO and Virgo. Here, we perform $N$-body simulations of star clusters, focusing on BBH formation mechanisms, dynamical evolution and merging properties. We explore a wide parameter space of initial conditions, with cluster masses ranging from $10^{4}$ to $10^{6}~\mathrm{M_{\odot}}$, densities from $10^{3}$ to $10^{5}~\rm M_{\odot}pc^{-3}$, and up to $100\%$ of massive stars in binaries. We show that most BBH mergers originate from the primordial binary population rather than being dynamically assembled, and that the evolution towards merger for most of these binaries is not significantly altered by dynamical encounters. As a result, the overall number of BBH mergers from the $N$-body simulations is nearly identical to that obtained when the same stellar population is evolved in isolation. Contrary to theoretical expectations, nearly all dynamically formed BBH mergers occur when the binary is still bound to its host cluster, with $\simeq 90\%$ of all dynamical mergers occurring within the cluster core region. In about half of these mergers the binary is part of a stable black hole-triple system. In one model, stellar mergers lead to the formation of a $\simeq 200\,\mathrm{M_\odot}$ black hole, which then grows to $\simeq 300\,\mathrm{M_\odot}$ through black hole mergers. Our study highlights the importance of detailed $N$-body simulations in capturing the evolution of black hole populations in dense clusters and challenges conclusions based on semi-analytical and Monte Carlo methods.

Jérémy Chastenet, Karin M. Sandstrom, Adam K. Leroy, Caroline Bot, I-Da Chiang, Ryan Chown, Karl D. Gordon, Eric W. Koch, Hélène Roussel, Jessica Sutter, Thomas G. Williams

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We present resolved $3.6-250~\mu$m dust spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting for $\sim 800$ nearby galaxies. We measure the distribution of radiation field intensities heating the dust, the dust mass surface density ($\Sigma_{\rm d}$), and the fraction of dust in the form of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs; $q_{\rm PAH}$). We find that the average interstellar radiation field ($\overline{U}$) is correlated both with stellar mass surface density ($\Sigma_{\star}$) and star formation rate surface density ($\Sigma_{\rm SFR}$), while more intense radiation fields are only correlated with $\Sigma_{\rm SFR}$. We show that $q_{\rm PAH}$ is a steeply decreasing function of $\Sigma_{\rm SFR}$, likely reflecting PAH destruction in H II regions. Galaxy integrated $q_{\rm PAH}$ is strongly, negatively correlated with specific star formation rate (sSFR) and offset from the star-forming ``main sequence'' ($\Delta$MS), suggesting that both metallicity and star formation intensity play a role in setting the global $q_{\rm PAH}$. We also find a nearly constant M$_{\rm d}$/M$_\star$ ratio for galaxies on the main sequence, with a lower ratio for more quiescent galaxies, likely due to their lower gas fractions. From these results, we construct prescriptions to estimate the radiation field distribution in both integrated and resolved galaxies. We test these prescriptions by comparing our predicted $\overline{U}$ to results of SED fitting for stacked "main sequence" galaxies at $0<z<4$ from Béthermin et al. (2015) and find sSFR is an accurate predictor of $\overline{U}$ even at these high redshifts. Finally, we describe the public delivery of matched-resolution WISE and Herschel maps along with the resolved dust SED fitting results through the InfraRed Science Archive (IRSA).

Á. Torregrosa, J. J. Rodes-Roca, J. M. Torrejón, G. Sanjurjo-Ferrín, T. Mihara, M. Nakajima, M. Sugizaki

The bright high-mass X-ray binary GX 301-2 exhibits two periodic flare episodes along its orbit which are produced when the neutron star is close to the apastron and periastron passages. Time-resolved spectra were extracted and several models applied to describe all of them. The best description was obtained with a blackbody continuum modified by the Fe K-shell absorption edge, absorbed by a large column density on the order of 10^23 cm^-2 and, if present, a Fe Kalpha fluorescent emission line. Three of the nine apastron flares were as bright as the pre-periastron flare and two of them coincided with spin-up episodes of the neutron star. This fact points to the presence of a transient disc around the neutron star as it passes through the apastron that increases the accretion process. The size of emitting region on the neutron star surface showed some variability but quite consistent with a hot spot.

Exoplanet transits contain substantial information about the architecture of a system. By fitting transit lightcurves we can extract dynamical parameters and place constraints on the properties of the planets and their host star. Having a well-defined probabilistic model plays a crucial role in making robust measurements of these parameters, and the ability to differentiate the model provides access to more robust inference tools. Gradient-based inference methods can allow for more rapid and accurate sampling of high-dimensional parameters spaces. We present a fully differentiable photodynamical model for multi-planet transit lightcurves that display transit-timing variations. We model time-integrated exposures, compute the dynamics of a system over the full length of observations, and provide analytic expressions for derivatives of the flux with respect to the dynamical and photometric model parameters. The model has been implemented in the Julia language and is available open-source on GitHub.

Precipitation of cold gas due to thermal instability in both galaxy clusters and the circumgalactic medium may regulate AGN feedback. We investigate thermal instability in idealized simulations of the circumgalactic medium with a parameter study of over 600 three-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations of stratified turbulence with cooling, each evolved for 10 Gyr. The entropy profiles are maintained in a steady state via an idealized `thermostat' process, consistent with galaxy cluster entropy profiles. In the presence of external turbulent driving, we find cold gas precipitates, with a strong dependence whether the turbulent driving mechanism is solenoidal, compressive, or purely vertical. In the purely-vertical turbulent driving regime, we find that significant cold gas may form when the cooling time to free-fall time $t_{\rm cool} / t_{\text{ff}} \lesssim 5$. Our simulations with a ratio of $t_{\rm cool} / t_{\text{ff}} \sim 10$ do not precipitate under any circumstances, perhaps because the thermostat mechanism we use maintains a significant non-zero entropy gradient.

Debris disks, which are optically thin, dusty disks around main sequence stars, are often found to have structures and/or asymmetries associated with planet-disk interactions. Debris disk morphologies can hence be used as probes for planets in these systems which are unlikely to be detected with other current exoplanet detection methods. In this study we take a look at the very asymmetrical debris disk around HD 111520, which harbours several signs of perturbation such as a ``fork"-like structure in the NW, as well as a 4$^{\circ}$ warp from the midplane on either side of the disk. We simulate the complicated disk morphology using the code REBOUND, with the goal of constraining the possible mass and orbit of the planet responsible for the observed structures. We find that a $\sim$1 M$_{jup}$, eccentric planet that is inclined relative to the disk and has a semi-major axis of $\gtrsim$200 au, is able to reproduce the majority of disk features including the warp, fork and radial extent asymmetry. To create the surface brightness asymmetry, a second eccentric planet is required inside the disk inner edge (50 au), although we are unable to produce the 2 to 1 brightness asymmetry observed, suggesting that a second mechanism may be required. Our work demonstrates how debris disk morphologies alone can be used to learn more about the architecture and evolution of a system as a whole, and can provide planet constraints to determine potential targets for current/future instruments such as JWST/NIRCam and GPI 2.0.

A. Travascio, S. Cantalupo, P. Tozzi, F. Vito, A. Paggi, G. Pezzulli, M. Elvis, G. Fabbiano, F. Fiore, M. Fossati, A. Fresco, M. Fumagalli, M. Galbiati, T. Lazeyras, N. Ledos, M. Pannella, A. Pensabene, G. Quadri, W. Wang

Exploring SMBH population in protoclusters offers valuable insights into how environment affects SMBH growth. However, research on AGN within these areas is still limited by the small number of protoclusters known at high redshift and by the availability of associated deep X-ray observations. To understand how different environments affect AGN triggering and growth at high redshift, we investigated the X-ray AGN population in the field of the MUSE Quasar Nebula 01 (MQN01) protocluster at z ~3.25. This field is known for hosting the largest Lya nebula in the Borisova+16 sample, and one of the largest overdensities of UV-continuum selected and sub-mm galaxies found so far at this redshift. We conducted a ultra deep Chandra X-ray survey (634 ks) observation of the MQN01 field and produced a comparative analyses of the properties of the X-ray AGNs detected in MQN01 against those observed in other selected protoclusters, such as Spiderweb and SSA22. By combining the X-ray, deep MUSE and ALMA data of the same field, we identified six X-ray AGNs within a volume of 16 cMpc^2 and \pm 1000 km/s, corresponding to an X-ray AGN overdensity of ~1000. This overdensity increases at the bright end, exceeding what was observed in the Spiderweb and SSA22 within similar volumes. The AGN fraction measured in MQN01 is significantly higher (f_AGN > 20%) than in the field and increases with stellar masses, reaching a value of 100% for log(M*/Msun) > 10.5. Lastly, we observe that the average specific accretion rate (\lambda_sBHAR) for SMBH populations in MQN01 is higher than in the field and other protoclusters, generally increasing as one moves toward the center of the overdensity. Our results, especially the large fraction of highly accreting SMBHs in the inner regions of the MQN01 overdensity, suggest that protocluster environments offer ideal physical conditions for SMBH triggering and growth.

An exact analytical expression for the bending angle of light due to a non-rotating massive object, considering the actual distances from source and observer to the gravitational mass, is derived. Our novel formula generalizes Darwin well-known equation for gravitational light bending [Proc. R. Soc. London A 263, 39-50 (1961)], where both source and observer are placed at infinite distance from the lensing mass, and provides excellent results in comparison with the post Newtonian (PPN) formalism up to first order. As a result, the discrepancy between our recent expression and the PPN approach is 6.6 mas for sun-grazing beams coming from planet Mercury, with significant differences up to 2 mas for distant starlight. Our findings suggest that these considerations should not be dismissed for both solar system objects and extragalactic sources, where non-negligible errors might be present in ultraprecise astrometry calculations.

Jamie A. Kennea, Judith L. Racusin, Eric Burns, Brian W. Grefenstettte, Rebekah A. Hounsell, C. Michelle Hui, Daniel Kocevski, T. Joseph W. Lazio, Stephen Lesage, Tyler A. Pritchard, Aaron Tohuvavohu, John A. Tomsick, David Traore, Colleen A. Wilson-Hodge

The Time-Domain And MultiMessenger (TDAMM) Communications Science Analysis Group (TDAMMCommSAG) was formulated to describe the unique technical challenges of communicating rapidly to and from NASA astrophysics missions studying the most variable, transient, and extreme objects in the Universe. This report describes the study of if and how the transition from current NASA-operated space and ground relays to commercial services will adequately serve these missions. Depending on the individual mission requirements and Concept of Operations (ConOps), TDAMM missions may utilize a rapid low-rate demand access service, a low-rate continuous contact service, low-latency downlink upon demand, or a higher-latency but regular relay service. The specific implementations can vary via space relay or direct to Earth, but requires flexibility and adaptability using modern software infrastructure. The study team reviewed the current state of NASA communications services and future commercial and NASA communications services under study and in development. We explored the communications capabilities driving from the behavior of the astrophysical objects themselves.

D. H. Gao, Q. Wu, J. P. Hu, S. X. Yi, X. Zhou, F. Y. Wang (NJU)

Hubble constant ($H_0$) is one of the most important parameters in the standard $\rm \Lambda CDM$ model. The measurements given by two major methods show a gap greater than $4\sigma$, also known as Hubble tension. Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are extragalactic events with millisecond duration, which can be used as cosmological probes with high accuracy. In this paper, we constrain the Hubble constant using localized and unlocalized FRBs. The probability distributions of DM$_{\rm host}$ and DM$_{\rm IGM}$ from IllustrisTNG simulation are used. 69 localized FRBs give the constraint of $H_0=70.41_{-2.34}^{+2.28}$ km/s/Mpc, which lies between early-time and late-time values, thus highlighting its individuality as a cosmological probe. We also use Monte Carlo simulation and direct sampling to calculate the pseudo redshift distribution of 527 unlocalized FRBs from CHIME observation. The median values and fixed scattered pseudo redshifts are both used to constrain Hubble constant. The corresponding constraints of $H_{0}$ from unlocalized bursts are $69.89_{-0.67}^{+0.66}$ km/s/Mpc and $68.81_{-0.68}^{+0.68}$ km/s/Mpc respectively. This result also indicates that the uncertainty of Hubble constant constraint will drop to $\sim1\%$ if the number of localized FRBs is raised to $\sim500$. Above uncertainties only include the statistical error. The systematic errors are also discussed, and play the dominant role for the current sample.

Jianqi Yan, Junjie Luo, Yifan Zeng, Alex P. Leung, Jie Feng, Hong-Hao Zhang, Weipeng Lin

This work introduces advanced computational techniques for modeling the time evolution of compact binary systems using machine learning. The dynamics of compact binary systems, such as black holes and neutron stars, present significant nonlinear challenges due to the strong gravitational interactions and the requirement for precise numerical simulations. Traditional methods, like the post-Newtonian approximation, often require significant computational resources and face challenges in accuracy and efficiency. Here, we employed machine learning algorithms, including deep learning models like Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Temporal Convolutional Network (TCN), to predict the future evolution of these systems based on extensive simulation data. Our results demonstrate that employing both LSTM and TCN even as black-box predictors for sequence prediction can also significantly improve the prediction accuracy without PINNs as PDE solvers with prior knowledge or inductive bias. By employing LSTM and TCN, we obtained $R^2$ values of 99.74\% and 99.19\% for the evolutionary orbits of compact binaries dataset, respectively. Our models demonstrate the ability to effectively capture the dynamics of the binaries, achieving high prediction performance with significantly reduced computational overhead by a factor of 40, compared to conventional numerical methods. This study paves the way for more effective and computationally scalable approaches to the understanding of gravitational phenomena and predictive modeling in gravitational-wave astronomy.

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are millisecond duration transients observed in the radio band, with their origin and radiation mechanism remaining unclear to date. Growing evidence indicates that at least some FRBs originate from magnetars and are likely generated within the magnetospheres of these highly magnetized neutron stars. However, a recent study suggested that FRBs originating from magnetar magnetospheres would be scattered by magnetospheric electron--positron pair plasma, making it impossible for them to escape successfully. In this paper, we first demonstrate that the scattering effect can be greatly attenuated if the angle between the FRB propagation direction and the background magnetic field is $\sim10^{-2} \text{ rad}$ or smaller. When the angle is around $10^{-1} \text{ rad}$, the beaming effect of FRBs becomes significant in reducing scattering. Such FRBs have small transverse spatial sizes, which can help them instantly push the front plasma laterally out of the radiation region. This significantly mitigates the FRB-induced two-photon annihilation reaction, $\gamma+\gamma\to e^{-}+e^{+}$, which was previously regarded as a key factor hindering the propagation of FRBs. A critical radiation cone half-opening angle between $10^{-3}-10^{-2}\text{ rad}$ is found for an FRB with isotropic luminosity $L_{\text{iso}}\sim 10^{42}\text{ erg s}^{-1}$ and emitted at a radius $r_{\text{em}}\lesssim 10^9\text{ cm}$ in the magnetosphere of a magnetar. Smaller beaming angles and larger emission radii can be more advantageous for the propagation of FRBs in magnetospheres. Our result supports the scenario that FRBs could originate from magnetar magnetospheres.

Fridolin Spitzer, Thorsten Kleine, Christoph Burkhardt, Timo Hopp, Tetsuya Yokoyama, Yoshinari Abe, Jérôme Aléon, Conel M. O'D. Alexander, Sachiko Amari, Yuri Amelin, Ken-ichi Bajo, Martin Bizzarro, Audrey Bouvier, Richard W. Carlson, Marc Chaussidon, Byeon-Gak Choi, Nicolas Dauphas, Andrew M. Davis, Tommaso Di Rocco, Wataru Fujiya, Ryota Fukai, Ikshu Gautam, Makiko K. Haba, Yuki Hibiya, Hiroshi Hidaka, Hisashi Homma, Peter Hoppe, Gary R. Huss, Kiyohiro Ichida, Tsuyoshi Iizuka, Trevor R. Ireland, Akira Ishikawa, Shoichi Itoh, Noriyuki Kawasaki, Noriko T. Kita, Kouki Kitajima, Shintaro Komatani, Alexander N. Krot, Ming-Chang Liu, Yuki Masuda, Mayu Morita, Fréderic Moynier, Kazuko Motomura, Izumi Nakai, Kazuhide Nagashima, Ann Nguyen, Larry Nittler, Morihiko Onose, Andreas Pack, Changkun Park, Laurette Piani, Liping Qin, Sara S. Russell, Naoya Sakamoto, Maria Schönbächler, Lauren Tafla, Haolan Tang, Kentaro Terada, Yasuko Terada, Tomohiro Usui, Sohei Wada, Meenakshi Wadhwa, Richard J. Walker, Katsuyuki Yamashita, Qing-Zhu Yin, Shigekazu Yoneda, Edward D. Young, Hiroharu Yui, Ai-Cheng Zhang, Tomoki Nakamura, Hiroshi Naraoka, Takaaki Noguchi, Ryuji Okazaki, Kanako Sakamoto, Hikaru Yabuta, Masanao Abe, Akiko Miyazaki, Aiko Nakato, Masahiro Nishimura, Tatsuaki Okada, Toru Yada, Kasumi Yogata, Satoru Nakazawa, Takanao Saiki, Satoshi Tanaka, Fuyuto Terui, Yuichi Tsuda, Sei-ichiro Watanabe, Makoto Yoshikawa, Shogo Tachibana, Hisayoshi Yurimoto

The isotopic compositions of samples returned from Cb-type asteroid Ryugu and Ivuna-type (CI) chondrites are distinct from other carbonaceous chondrites, which has led to the suggestion that Ryugu and CI chondrites formed in a different region of the accretion disk, possibly around the orbits of Uranus and Neptune. We show that, like for Fe, Ryugu and CI chondrites also have indistinguishable Ni isotope anomalies, which differ from those of other carbonaceous chondrites. We propose that this unique Fe and Ni isotopic composition reflects different accretion efficiencies of small FeNi metal grains among the carbonaceous chondrite parent bodies. The CI chondrites incorporated these grains more efficiently, possibly because they formed at the end of the disk's lifetime, when planetesimal formation was also triggered by photoevaporation of the disk. Isotopic variations among carbonaceous chondrites may thus reflect fractionation of distinct dust components from a common reservoir, implying CI chondrites and Ryugu may have formed in the same region of the accretion disk as other carbonaceous chondrites.

L. Beitia-Antero, A. Fuente, D. Navarro-Almaida, A.I. Gómez de Castro, V. Wakelam, P. Caselli, R. Le Gal, G. Esplugues, P. Rivière-Marichalar, S. Spezzano, J. E. Pineda, M. Rodríguez-Baras, A. Canet, R. Martín-Doménech, O. Roncero

(Abridged) We explore the chemistry of the most abundant C, O, S, and N bearing species in molecular clouds, in the context of the IRAM 30 m Large Programme Gas phase Elemental abundances in Molecular Clouds (GEMS). In this work, we aim to assess the limitations introduced in the observational works when a uniform density is assumed along the line of sight for fitting the observations, developing a very simple numerical model of a turbulent box. We perform a MHD simulation in order to reproduce the turbulent steady-state of a turbulent box with properties typical of a molecular filament before collapse. We post-process the results of the MHD simulation with a chemical code to predict molecular abundances, and then post-process this cube with a radiative transfer code to create synthetic emission maps for a series of rotational transitions observed during the GEMS project. From the chemical point of view, we find that turbulence produces variations on the predicted abundances, but they are more or less critical depending on the chosen transition and the chemical age. When compared to real observations, the results from the turbulent simulation provides a better fit than when assuming a uniform gas distribution along the line of sight. In the view of our results, we conclude that taking into account turbulence when fitting observations might significantly improve the agreement with model predictions. This is especially important for sulfur bearing species that are very sensitive to the variations of density produced by turbulence at early times (0.1 Myr). The abundance of CO is also quite sensitive to turbulence when considering the evolution beyond a few 0.1 Myr.

In the first two years of operation JWST has delivered key new insights into the formation and evolution of galaxies in the early Universe. By combining imaging with spectroscopy, we discovered and characterised the first generation of galaxies, probing the Universe at an age of 300 million years. While the current JWST observations confirm the overall cosmological framework and the paradigm of galaxy formation, there are also surprises, including large abundances of bright galaxies and accreting black holes in the early Universe. These observations, together with detailed measurements of the stellar populations and morphological structure, will help us to develop in the coming years a more refined understanding of the baryonic physics (including star formation and feedback processes) that leads to the formation of mature systems at later epochs, including our own Milky Way galaxy.

Andrés Caro, Daniel de Andres, Weiguang Cui, Gustavo Yepes, Marco De Petris, Antonio Ferragamo, Félicien Schiltz, Amélie Nef

Hydrodynamical simulations play a fundamental role in modern cosmological research, serving as a crucial bridge between theoretical predictions and observational data. However, due to their computational intensity, these simulations are currently constrained to relatively small volumes. Therefore, this study investigates the feasibility of utilising dark matter-only simulations to generate observable maps of galaxy clusters using a deep learning approach based on the U-Net architecture. We focus on reconstructing Compton-y parameter maps (SZ maps) and bolometric X-ray surface brightness maps (X-ray maps) from total mass density maps. We leverage data from \textsc{The Three Hundred} simulations, selecting galaxy clusters ranging in mass from $10^{13.5} h^{-1}M_{\odot}\leq M_{200} \leq 10^{15.5} h^{-1}M_{\odot}$. Despite the machine learning models being independent of baryonic matter assumptions, a notable limitation is their dependency on the underlying physics of hydrodynamical simulations. To evaluate the reliability of our generated observable maps, we employ various metrics and compare the observable-mass scaling relations. For clusters with masses greater than $2 \times 10^{14} h^{-1} M_{\odot}$, the predictions show excellent agreement with the ground-truth datasets, with percentage errors averaging (0.5 $\pm$ 0.1)\% for the parameters of the scaling laws.

Despite the success of dark-matter models, unresolved issues require exploring alternatives such as modified gravity theories. In this context, we examine the compatibility of the Hyperconical Modified Gravity (HMG) with galaxy rotation curves inferred from weak-lensing data. The research addresses the existing limitations of Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND), which often struggle with universal applicability across different galactic scales. By assuming local validity of General Relativity (GR) and analyzing recent data on circular velocities from galaxy-galaxy weak lensing, our findings interpret the galactic dynamics anomaly as a fictitious acceleration inherited from the cosmic expansion, without invoking dark matter. The results indicate that HMG successfully reproduces flat velocity curves on scales of 1 Mpc slightly better than MOND. Therefore, these observations support HMG as a viable gravitational model, highlighting its potential to account for dynamics on galaxies and other scales. Further research with extensive datasets is required to confirm these preliminary insights.

A rich spectrum of molecular hydrogen (H$_2$) emission lines is seen in sensitive observations from the far ultraviolet (FUV) channels of the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) during flare activity in solar active region NOAA 11861. Based on this observation we have determined 37 new line identifications by comparing synthetic spectra produced using 1D modeling of H$_2$ fluorescence. To avoid misidentification of the H$_2$ lines, we have also compiled a complete list of atomic line identifications for the IRIS FUV bandpasses from previous work. We carry out analysis of the spatially resolved H$_2$ emission that occurs during the flares and find that: (1) in spatially resolved observations the H$_2$ line ratios may show optically thick line formation, contrary to previous results; (2) comparison of the spatial distribution of H$_2$ Doppler velocities with those measured from other species reveals that H$_2$ remote sensing probes an intermediate depth in the atmosphere between the photosphere and chromosphere, consistent with expectations from modeling; (3) the relationship between H$_2$ line intensity and the observed intensity of its exciter is related to the atmospheric stratification; however, (4) H$_2$ fluorescence can sometimes occur in response to radiation from distant sources many Mm away across the solar surface.

We investigated a plasma system with kinematic viscosity \(\nu = 0.006\) and magnetic diffusivity \(\eta = 0.006\), driven by helical kinetic energy, to study the dynamics of energy and helicity in magnetic diffusion. Using the numerical data obtained, we explored methods to determine the \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) coefficients that linearize the nonlinear electromotive force (EMF) and the dynamo process. Initially, we applied conventional statistical approaches such as mean-field theory (MFT), direct interaction approximation (DIA), and eddy-damped quasinormal Markovian (EDQNM) closure. We then proposed a simpler alternative method using large-scale magnetic data and turbulent kinetic data to calculate \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\). Our findings show that while \(\alpha\) qualitatively aligns with theoretical predictions, \(\beta\) remains negative, indicating an inverse cascade of energy through magnetic diffusion. This deviated from conventional models and was further analyzed using a recursive method in the second moment identity, revealing that small-scale kinetic helicity couples with large-scale current density to transport energy inversely. We validated our method by reproducing the numerically calculated data. The consistency between our method and direct numerical simulations (DNS) suggests that the negative diffusion process in plasma has a physical basis.

The small bodies in the Kuiper Belt region of the distant Solar System are leftovers from planet formation. Their orbital distribution today tells us about how giant planets migrated, while their surface properties, shapes, and sizes tell us about formation processes and collision rates. Probing these intrinsic properties requires a careful understanding of the observational biases that are a part of any telescopic survey that discovers small bodies. While many of the details of giant planet migration are now understood due to careful comparison between de-biased discoveries in the Kuiper Belt and computational simulations, some discoveries have orbits that are still not easy to explain. Upcoming surveys such as the planned survey on Vera Rubin Observatory will help us to leverage the Kuiper Belt and refine our knowledge about the formation and dynamical history of our own Solar System.

Takuya Mushano, Takumi Ogawa, Ken Ohsuga, Hidenobu Yajima, Kazuyuki Omukai

The viability of super-Eddington accretion remains a topic of intense debate, crucial for understanding the formation of supermassive black holes in the early universe. However, the impact of Ly$\alpha$ radiation force on this issue remains poorly understood. We investigate the propagation of the Ly$\alpha$ photons and evaluate the Ly$\alpha$ radiation force within a spherically symmetric accreting HI gas onto the central black hole. We solve the radiation transfer equation, incorporating the destruction processes of Ly$\alpha$ photons through two-photon decay and collisional de-excitation. We find that the Ly$\alpha$ photons, originating in the HII region around black holes, suffer from multiple resonance scattering before being destroyed via two-photon decay and collisional de-excitation. Hence, the Ly$\alpha$ radiation force undergoes a significant amplification, surpassing gravity at the innermost section of the HI region. This amplification, quantified as the force multiplier, reaches approximately 130 and remains nearly constant, regardless of the optical depth at the line center, provided the optical thickness of the flow is within the range of $10^{10-14}$. The requisite lower limit of the product of gas density and black hole mass to realize the super-Eddington accretion is found to be in the range $(2-{40}) \times 10^9 M_\odot\,{\rm cm}^{-3}$, which is a few to tens of times larger than the minimum value obtained without accounting for the Ly$\alpha$ radiation force. The pronounced amplification of the Ly$\alpha$ radiation force poses a substantial challenge to the feasibility of super-Eddington accretion.

Iryna B. Vavilova, Petr M. Fedorov, Daria V. Dobrycheva, Olga Sergijenko, Anatolii A. Vasylenko, Artem M. Dmytrenko, Vlad P. Khramtsov, Olena V. Kompaniiets

Our Galaxy - the Milky Way - has certain features of the structure and evolution. The morphological, photometric, kinematic, and chemodynamical properties are usually considered in the search for the Milky Way galaxies-analogues (MWAs). The discovery of MWA galaxies with a larger number of simultaneous selection parameters and more stringent constraints on a given parameter yields a sample of MWA galaxies with properties closer to the true properties of the Milky Way. So, in general, such MW parameters as the morphological type, luminosity, color indices, structural parameters (size, bar, bulge, thin and thick disks, inner ring, halo), bulge to total ratio, stellar mass, star formation rate, metallicity, and rotation velocity were used in various combinations for comparison with other galaxies. However, the offset of some MW features in the multiparameter space of MWAs features should be significant. The paper aims to give a brief overview of the problematics and to present our approach for studying Milky Way and MWAs matching characteristics (this project is supported by the National Research Fund of Ukraine). We propose to enlarge as much as possible the number of Milky Way features and compile various samples of MWAs in our comoving cosmological volume for their further optimization. Such features can include 3Dkinematics of star's movement in certain regions, low oxygen content on the periphery, low nuclear activity, and the lack of significant merging over the past 10 Gyrs (isolation criterion). This approach will make it possible to widely formulate the necessary and sufficient conditions for the detection of MWA galaxies as well as to reveal other MW multiwavelength features.

Massive Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars comprise a spectroscopic class characterized by high temperatures (Teff > ~30 kK) and powerful and rapid stellar winds. Hydrogen-rich WR stars represent the most massive stars in existence (M > ~100 Msun), while classical WR stars are hydrogen-depleted, evolved massive stars which probe the final evolutionary stages of massive stars prior to core collapse. They dominate entire stellar populations in terms of radiative and mechanical feedback, and are thought to give rise to powerful transients such as hydrogen-stripped supernovae (type Ibc SNe) and long-duration gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs). In this chapter, we summarize the main observed properties of WR populations in our Galaxy and nearby galaxies, and discuss open problems in our understanding of their structure and formation

Positive spectral lags are commonly observed in gamma-ray burst (GRB) prompt phase where soft photons lag behind hard ones in their spectral studies. Opposite to this pattern, a fraction of GRBs show a negative spectral lag where hard photons arrive later compared to soft photons. Similarly, recent Fermi-LAT observations show a late onset of high-energy photons in most GRB observations. A fraction of GRBs show a transition from positive to negative lags. Such negative lags and the spectral lag transition have no convincing explanation. We show that a structured GRB jet with velocity shear naturally produces both positive and negative spectral lags. s gain energy from repeated scattering with shearing layers and subsequently escape from higher altitudes. Hence, these photons are delayed compared to soft photons producing a negative spectral lag. The inner jet has no shear and a positive lag appears providing a unified picture of spectral lags in GRBs. The theory predicts a flip in spectral lag from positive to negative within the evolution of the prompt phase. Comparison of the observed lags with the prediction of the theory limits the possible range of GRB jet Lorentz factors to be a few tens.

Observations indicate that dense molecular filamentary clouds are sites of star formation. The filament width determines the fragmentation scale and influences the stellar mass. Therefore, understanding the evolution of filaments and the origin of their properties is important for understanding star formation. Although observations show a universal width of 0.1 pc, theoretical studies predict the contraction of thermally supercritical filaments (> 17 Msun pc-1) due to radial collapse. Through non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics simulations with ambipolar diffusion, we explore the formation and evolution of filaments via slow-shock instability at the front of accretion flows. We reveal that ambipolar diffusion allows the gas in the filament to flow across the magnetic fields around the shock, forming dense blobs behind the concave points of the shock. The blobs transfer momentum that drives internal turbulence. We name this mechanism the "STORM" (Slow-shock-mediated Turbulent flOw Reinforced by Magnetic diffusion). The persistence and efficiency of the turbulence inside the filament are driven by the magnetic field and the ambipolar diffusion effect, respectively. The STORM sustains the width even when the filament reaches very large line masses (~ 100 Msun pc-1).

Xiaodong Duan, Linhui Wu, Ruiyu Zhang, Jiawen Li

The number of observed giant radio sources (GRSs) has increased significantly in recent years, yet their formation mechanisms remain elusive. The discovery of giant radio galaxies within galaxy clusters has further intensified the ongoing this http URL utilize magnetohydrodynamic simulations to investigate the formation of GRSs in cluster this http URL avoid confounding the effects of power and total energy injection, we hold the energy of jet outbursts fixed and study the effect of power by varying the active duration of the jets. Furthermore, we examine the roles of magnetic, thermal, and kinetic energy components by adjusting their fractions in the jets. Additionally, we calculate radio emission for comparison with observations in the radio power-linear size diagram (P-D diagram). We find the 'lower power-larger bubble' effect: lower-power jets tend to produce larger radio sources with fixed total jet energy. Regarding different energy components, jets dominated by toroidal magnetic field energy generate larger radio sources than kinetic and thermal energy-dominated jets. Conversely, strong poloidal magnetic fields hinder radio lobe growth. When injecting $2.06 \times 10^{59}$ erg into a $10^{14}$ solar mass halo, only jets with powers of approximately $10^{-4}$ to $10^{-3}$ Eddington luminosity efficiently traverse the observational region in the P-D diagram. Our findings suggest that energetic, long-lasting (low-power), continuous jets endowed with significant toroidal magnetic fields facilitate the formation of GRSs in cluster environments. However, although the jets with significantly lower power can generate substantially larger radio sources, their faintness may render them unobservable.

Christian Wilkinson, Benjamin Charnay, Stéphane Mazevet, Anne-Marie Lagrange, Antoine Chomez, Vito Squicciarini, Emilie Panek, Johan Mazoyer

Context: A new generation of instruments (e.g., JWST, ELTs, PLATO, Ariel) is providing atmospheric spectra and mass/radius measurements for large exoplanet populations, challenging planetary models used to interpret these findings. Aims: We develop a new model, the Heat Atmosphere Density Evolution Solver (HADES), by coupling an atmosphere and interior model self-consistently and comparing its results to observed data. Methods: Atmospheric calculations are performed under radiative-convective equilibrium, while the interior relies on recent ab initio equations of state. We ensure continuity in the thermal, gravity, and molecular mass profiles between models. Results: The model is applied to the known exoplanet database to characterize intrinsic thermal properties. We find that intrinsic temperatures (T$_{int}$) of 200-400 K, increasing with equilibrium temperature, are needed to explain radius inflation in hot Jupiters. Additionally, we perform atmosphere-interior retrievals using observed spectra and measured parameters for WASP-39 b and 51 Eridani b. For WASP-39 b, spectroscopic data breaks degeneracies in metallicity and Tint, deriving high values: Z = 14.79$^{+1.80}_{-1.91}$ x Solar and T$_{int} = 297.39^{+8.95}_{-16.9}$ K. For 51 Eridani b, we show the importance of using self-consistent models with radius as a constrained parameter, deriving a planet mass M$_{p} = 3.13^{+0.05}_{-0.04}$ M$_{J}$ and a core mass M$_{core} = 31.86^{+0.32}_{-0.18}$ M$_{E}$, suggesting formation via core accretion with a "hot start." Conclusions: Self-consistent atmosphere-interior models can efficiently break degeneracies in the structure of transiting and directly imaged exoplanets, offering new insights into exoplanet formation and evolution.

David A. Neufeld (JHU), Curtis DeWitt (SSI), Pierre Lesaffre (LPENS, Paris Obs.), Sylvie Cabrit (Paris Obs.), Antoine Gusdorf (LPENS, Paris Obs.), Le Ngoc Tram (MPIfR), William T. Reach (SSI)

Using the EXES instrument on SOFIA, we have obtained velocity-resolved spectra of several pure rotational lines of H2 toward shocked molecular gas within three Galactic sources: the supernova remnant (SNR) IC443 (Clump C), a protostellar outflow in the intermediate-mass star-forming region NGC 2071, and the SNR 3C391. These observations had the goal of searching for expected velocity shifts between ortho- and para-H2 transitions emitted by C-type shocks. In contrast in our previous similar study of HH7, the result of our search was negative: no velocity shifts were reliably detected. Several possible explanations for the absence of such shifts are discussed: these include a preshock ortho-to-para ratio that is already close to the high-temperature equilibrium value of 3 (in the case of IC443C), the more complex shock structures evident in all these sources, and the larger projected aperture sizes relative to those in the observations of HH7.

In multi-component dark matter models, a fraction $f_\text{pbh}$ of the dark matter could be in the form of primordial black holes (PBHs) with (sub)solar masses. Some would have formed binaries that presently trace the Milky Way halo of particle dark matter. We explore the gravitational wave (GW) signal produced by such a hypothetical population of Galactic PBH binaries and assess its detectability by the LISA experiment. For this purpose, we model the formation and evolution of early-type PBH binaries accounting for GW hardening and binary disruption in the Milky Way. Our analysis reveals that the present-day Galactic population of PBH binaries is characterized by very high orbital eccentricities $|1-e|\ll 1$. For a PBH mass $M_{\rm pbh} \sim 0.1 - 1 M_\odot$, this yields a GW background that peaks in the millihertz frequency range where the LISA instrumental noise is minimum. While this signal remains below the LISA detection threshold for viable $f_\text{pbh}\lesssim 0.01$, future GW observatories such as DECIGO and BBO could detect it if $0.01\lesssim M_{\rm pbh} \lesssim 0.1 M_\odot$. Furthermore, we anticipate that, after 5 years of observations, LISA should be able to detect $\mathcal{O}(100)$ (resp. $\mathcal{O}(1)$) loud Galactic PBH binaries of mass $M_{\rm pbh} \sim 0.1 - 1 M_\odot$ with a SNR $\geq 5$ if $f_{\rm pbh}=0.01$ (resp. $f_{\rm pbh}=0.001$). Nonlinear effects not considered here such as mass accretion and dynamical capture could alter these predictions.

In an edge-on and detached binary system, including a white dwarf (WD) and a main-sequence star (WDMS), when the source star is passing behind the compact companion its light is bent and magnified. Meanwhile, some part of its images' area is obscured by the WD's disk. These two effects occur simultaneously, and the observer receives the stellar light magnified and partially obscured due to the finite-lens size. We study these effects in different WDMS binary systems numerically using inverse-ray-shooting (IRS) and analytically using approximate relations close to reality. For WDMS systems with long orbital periods $\gtrsim 300$ days and $M_{\rm{WD}}\gtrsim 0.2 M_{\sun}$ ($M_{\rm{WD}}$ is the mass of WD), lensing effects dominate the occultations due to finite-lens effects, and for massive WDs with masses higher than solar mass no occultation happens. The occultations dominate self-lensing signals in systems with low-mass WDs($M_{\rm WD}\lesssim 0.2 M_{\sun}$) in close orbits with short orbital periods $T\lesssim 50$ days. The occultation and self-lensing cancel each other out when the WD's radius equals $\sqrt{2}$ times the Einstein radius, regardless of the source radius, which offers a decreasing relation between the orbital periods and WDs' mass. We evaluate the errors in maximum deviations in self-lensing/occultation normalized flux which are made by using its known analytical relation and conclude that these errors could be up to $0.002,~0.08,~0.03$ when the orbital period is $T=30,~100,~300$ days, respectively. The size of stellar companions in WDMSs has a twofold manner as it decreases the depth of self-lensing/occultation signals but enlarges their width.

Ryan K. Cole, Connor Fredrick, Winter Parts, Max Kingston, Carolyn Chinatti, Josiah Tusler, Suvrath Mahadevan, Ryan Terrien, Scott A. Diddams

Disk-integrated observations of the Sun provide a unique vantage point to explore stellar activity and its effect on measured radial velocities. Here, we report a new approach for disk-integrated solar spectroscopy and evaluate its capabilities for solar radial velocity measurements. Our approach is based on a near-infrared laser heterodyne radiometer (LHR) combined with an optical frequency comb calibration, and we show that this combination enables precision, disk-integrated solar spectroscopy with high spectral resolution (~800,000), high signal-to-noise ratio (~2,600), and absolute frequency accuracy. We use the comb-calibrated LHR to record spectra of the solar Fe I 1565 nm transition over a six-week period. We show that our measurements reach sub-meter-per-second radial velocity precision over a single day, and we use daily measurements of the absolute line center to assess the long-term stability of the comb-calibrated LHR approach. We use this long-duration dataset to quantify the principal uncertainty sources that impact the measured radial velocities, and we discuss future modifications that can further improve this approach in studies of stellar variability and its impact on radial velocity measurements.

The Mg ii h&k lines are key diagnostics of the solar chromosphere. They are sensitive to the temperature, density, and non-thermal velocities in the chromosphere. The average Mg ii h&k line profiles arising from previous 3D chromospheric simulations are too narrow. We study the formation and properties of the Mg ii h&k lines in a model atmosphere. We also compare the average spectrum, peak intensity, and peak separation of Mg ii k with a representative observation taken by IRIS. We use a model based on the recently developed non-equilibrium version of the radiative magneto-hydrodynamics code MURaM, in combination with forward modeling using the radiative transfer code RH1.5D to obtain synthetic spectra. Our model resembles an enhanced network region created by using an evolved MURaM quiet sun simulation and adding a similar imposed large-scale bipolar magnetic field as in the public Bifrost snapshot of a bipolar magnetic feature. The line width and the peak separation of the spatially averaged spectrum of the Mg ii h&k lines from the MURaM simulation are close to a representative observation from the quiet sun which also includes network fields. However, we find the synthesized line width to be still slightly narrower than in the observation. We find that velocities in the chromosphere play a dominant role in the broadening of the spectral lines. While the average synthetic spectrum also shows a good match with the observations in the pseudo continuum between the two emission lines, the peak intensities are higher in the modeled spectrum. This discrepancy may partly be due to the larger magnetic flux density in the simulation than in the considered observations but also due to the 1.5D radiative transfer approximation. Our findings show that strong maximum velocity differences or turbulent velocities in the chromosphere are necessary to reproduce the observed line widths.

The atmospheres within our Solar System can be categorized into four distinct climate regimes: "terrestrial", "Jovian", "condensable", and "exosphere". Beyond the three terrestrial planets (excluding Mercury) and the four giant planets, collisional atmospheres are also found on smaller celestial bodies such as Jupiter's moon Io, Saturn's moon Titan, Neptune's moon Triton, and Pluto. This article reviews the key characteristics of these atmospheres and the underlying physical and chemical processes that govern them. I focus on their thermal structures, chemical constituents, wind patterns, and the origins and losses of the atmospheres, and highlight the critical roles of surface ices and liquids, atmospheric hazes, and the space environments of their host planets in shaping these atmospheres. I dedicated this article to Prof. Zuo Xiao (1936-2024) at Peking University.

Traffic systems are becoming increasingly automated. How will automated objects interact with non-automated objects? How will partially-automated systems handle large disruptions? Low-Earth orbit (LEO) -- filled with thousands of automated and non-automated satellites and many more uncontrollable pieces of debris -- offers a useful laboratory for these questions. I exploit the COSMOS-1408 (C1408) anti-satellite missile test of November 2021 -- a large and exogenous shock to the orbital environment -- to study how an unexpected disruption affects a partially-automated traffic system. I use publicly-available close approach data, network theory, and an econometric analysis of the C1408 test to study the effect of close encounters with new fragments on the configuration of objects in orbit. I document spillover effects of close encounters with C1408 fragments, heterogeneity in impacts across operators, and changes in system-level resilience to new shocks. These results shed light on the nature of partially-automated traffic systems, and provide a basis for new models to anticipate and mitigate space traffic disruptions.

Yuanze Luo, A. O. Petric, R.M.J. Janssen, D. Fadda, N. Flagey, A. Omont, A. M. Jacob, K. Rowlands, K. Alatalo, N. Billot, T. Heckman, B. Husemann, D. Kakkad, M. Lacy, J. Marshall, R. Minchin, R. Minsley, N. Nesvadba, J. A. Otter, P. Patil, T. Urrutia

We present observations of CO(1--0) and CO(2--1) lines from the Institut de radioastronomie millimétrique (IRAM) 30m telescope toward 20 nearby, optically luminous type 2 quasars (QSO2s) and observations of [C II] 158$\mu$m line from the Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) for 5 QSO2s in the CO sample and 5 type 1 quasars (QSO1s). In the traditional evolutionary scenario explaining different types of QSOs, obscured QSO2s emerge from gas-rich mergers observed as luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) and then turn into unobscured QSO1s as the black holes clear out the obscuring material in a blow-out phase. We test the validity of this theoretical prediction by comparing the gas fractions and star formation efficiencies among LIRGs and QSOs. We find that CO luminosity, CO-derived gas masses and gas fractions in QSO1s are consistent with those estimated for QSO2s, while LIRGs exhibit a closer resemblance to QSO2s in terms of CO-derived gas masses and gas fractions, and [C II] luminosity. However, comparisons between [C II] luminosity and star formation tracers such as the CO and infrared luminosity imply additional sources of [C II] emission in QSO1s likely tracing neutral atomic or ionized gas. All three types of galaxies have statistically indistinguishable distributions of star formation efficiency. Our results are consistent with part of the evolutionary scenario where nearby QSO2s could emerge from LIRGs, but they are unlikely to be the precursors of nearby QSO1s.

E. Carli, L. Levin, B. W. Stappers, E. D. Barr, R. P. Breton, S. Buchner, M. Burgay, M. Kramer, P. V. Padmanabh, A. Possenti, V. Venkatraman Krishnan, S. S. Sridhar, J. D. Turner

The Small and Large Magellanic Clouds are the only galaxies outside our own in which radio pulsars have been discovered to date. The sensitivity of the MeerKAT radio interferometer offers an opportunity to search for a population of more distant extragalactic pulsars. The TRAPUM (TRansients And PUlsars with MeerKAT) collaboration has performed a radio-domain search for pulsars and transients in the dwarf star-forming galaxies Sextans A and B, situated at the edge of the local group 1.4 Mpc away. We conducted three 2-hour multi-beam observations at L-band (856-1712 MHz) with the full array of MeerKAT. No pulsars were found down to a radio pseudo-luminosity upper limit of 7.9$\pm$0.4 Jy kpc$^{2}$ at 1400 MHz, which is 28 times more sensitive than the previous limit from the Murriyang telescope. This luminosity is 30 per cent greater than that of the brightest known radio pulsar and sets a cut-off on the luminosity distributions of the entire Sextans A and B galaxies for unobscured radio pulsars beamed in our direction. A Fast Radio Burst was detected in one of the Sextans A observations at a Dispersion Measure (DM) of 737 pc cm$^{-3}$. We believe this is a background event not associated with the dwarf galaxy due to its large DM and its S/N being strongest in the wide-field incoherent beam of MeerKAT.

Even though the interstellar medium (ISM) of star-forming galaxies has been known to have a multiphase structure (broadly hot, warm, and cold phases) since the 1970s, how magnetic fields differ between the ISM phases is still unknown. Using results from numerical simulations, this work explores how the multiphase nature of the ISM shapes magnetic fields and then discusses possible implications of those results for polarisation observations of the Milky Way and high-redshift galaxies. These findings will enhance our understanding of the role of magnetic fields in galaxy evolution and prepare us to harness the upcoming wealth of radio polarisation data from the Square Kilometre Array and its pathfinders.

Light cone selection effects on cosmic observables must be precisely accounted for in the next generation of surveys, including the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) survey. This will allow us to correctly model the data and extract subtle shifts from general-relativistic effects. We examine the effects of peculiar velocities on color selection in spectroscopic galaxy surveys, with a focus on their implications for the galaxy clustering dipole $P_1(k)$. Using DESI Emission Line Galaxy (ELG) targets, we show that peculiar velocities can shift spectral emission features into or out of filter bands, modifying galaxy colors and thereby changing galaxy selection. This phenomenon mimics the effect of evolution bias, and we refer to it as the Doppler bias, $b_D$. The Doppler bias is of comparable size to the evolution bias at $0.8 < z < 1$, where it is largest. This enhances the ELG-LRG (Luminous Red Galaxy) cross-correlation dipole by 15-30%. This could be detectable at the $\sim$4$\sigma$ level for the full DESI survey. Additionally, we found that our $b_D$ estimate is impacted by the incompleteness of the parent ELG sample. Therefore, this work highlights the essential need for careful consideration of spectral-dependent biases caused by peculiar velocities during the selection phase of galaxy surveys, to enable unbiased analyses.

Yogesh, N. Gopalswamy, D. Chakrabarty, Parisa Mostafavi, Seiji Yashiro, Nandita Srivastava, Leon Ofman

The abundance of helium ($A_{He}$) in the solar wind exhibits variations typically in the range from 2-5% with respect to solar cycle activity and solar wind velocity. However, there are instances where the observed $A_{He}$ is exceptionally low ($<$ 1%). These low-$A_{He}$ occurrences are detected both near the Sun and at 1 AU. The low $A_{He}$ events are generally observed near the heliospheric current sheet. We analyzed 28 low-$A_{He}$ events observed by the Wind spacecraft and 4 by Parker Solar Probe (PSP) to understand their origin. In this work, we make use of the ADAPT-WSA model to derive the sources of our events at the base of the solar corona. The modeling suggests that the low-$A_{He}$ events originated from the boundaries of coronal holes, primarily from large quiescent helmet streamers. We argue that the cusp above the core of the streamer can produce such very low helium abundance events. The streamer core serves as an ideal location for gravitational settling to occur as demonstrated by previous models, leading to the release of this plasma through reconnection near the cusp, resulting in low $A_{He}$ events. Furthermore, observations from Ulysses provide direct evidence that these events originated from coronal streamers.

Andrew A. Couperus, Todd J. Henry, Rachel A. Osten, Wei-Chun Jao, Eliot Halley Vrijmoet, Aman Kar, Elliott Horch

We present an investigation into the rotation and stellar activity of four fully convective M dwarf `twin' wide binaries. Components in each pair have (1) astrometry confirming they are common-proper-motion binaries, (2) Gaia $BP$, $RP$, and 2MASS $J$, $H$, and $K_s$ magnitudes matching within 0.10 mag, and (3) presumably the same age and composition. We report long-term photometry, rotation periods, multi-epoch H$\alpha$ equivalent widths, X-ray luminosities, time series radial velocities, and speckle observations for all components. Although it might be expected for the twin components to have matching magnetic attributes, this is not the case. Decade-long photometry of GJ 1183 AB indicates consistently higher spot activity on A than B, a trend matched by A appearing 58$\pm$9% stronger in $L_X$ and 26$\pm$9% stronger in H$\alpha$ on average -- this is despite similar rotation periods of A=0.86d and B=0.68d, thereby informing the range in activity for otherwise identical and similarly-rotating M dwarfs. The young $\beta$ Pic Moving Group member 2MA 0201+0117 AB displays a consistently more active B component that is 3.6$\pm$0.5 times stronger in $L_X$ and 52$\pm$19% stronger in H$\alpha$ on average, with distinct rotation at A=6.01d and B=3.30d. Finally, NLTT 44989 AB displays remarkable differences with implications for spindown evolution -- B has sustained H$\alpha$ emission while A shows absorption, and B is $\geq$39$\pm$4 times stronger in $L_X$, presumably stemming from the surprisingly different rotation periods of A=38d and B=6.55d. The last system, KX Com, has an unresolved radial velocity companion, and is therefore not a twin system.

The TeV emission detected in just five gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) is generally ascribed to the synchrotron emission or the synchrotron self-Compton process in the external forward shock. The brightest gamma-ray burst, GRB 221009A, with an unprecedented detected high energy flux of TeV emission, poses a serious challenge to the above scenario. Different from previous works, we involve the long bursting behavior of GRB~221009A in modeling its external-shocks. The TeV emission together with the later multi-band afterglows of GRB 221009A are all successfully reproduced. It is firstly found that the TeV emission in the early phase is mainly from the co-effort of the external reverse and forward shocks, i.e., the inverse-Compton scattering of the synchrotron emission from the external reverse-shock by the electrons in the external forward-shock. This is owing to that the long bursting behavior leads to a long lasting of energy injection into the external shock and the corresponding reverse-shock. In the later phase, the TeV emission is dominated by the synchrotron self-Compton process in the external forward-shock, which is consistent with previous scenario. Our results indicate the vital role of the external reverse-shock in shaping the early TeV emission of GRBs.

We explore the impact of dark matter annihilation on the 21-cm signal during the cosmic dawn and epoch of reionization (EoR). Using modified 21cmFAST simulations and convolutional neural networks (CNNs), we investigate how energy injected into the intergalactic medium (IGM) through dark matter annihilation affects the evolution of the 21-cm differential brightness temperature. Focusing on two annihilation channels, photon-photon ($\gamma \gamma$) and electron-positron ($e^+e^-$), we examine a broad range of dark matter masses and annihilation cross-sections. Our results show that CNNs outperform traditional power spectrum analysis by effectively distinguishing between subtle differences in simulated 21-cm maps produced by annihilation and non-annihilation scenarios. We also demonstrate that the structure formation boost, driven by dark matter clumping into halos and subhalos, significantly enhances the annihilation signal and alters the thermal and ionization history of the IGM. This enhancement leads to a noticeable effect on the 21-cm signal, including a shift from absorption to emission as dark matter annihilation heats the IGM at lower redshifts. By incorporating observational noise from upcoming radio interferometers, particularly the Square Kilometer Array (SKA), we show that these effects remain detectable despite observational challenges. We find that the dark matter annihilation models can leave measurable imprints on the 21-cm signal distinguishable from the non-annihilation scenarios for the dark matter masses $m_{\rm DM}=100$ MeV and the annihilation cross-sections of $\langle \sigma v\rangle \simeq 10^{-31}~{\rm cm}^3/{\rm s}$ ($\langle \sigma v\rangle \simeq 10^{-32}~{\rm cm}^3/{\rm s}$ for $m_{\rm DM}=1$ MeV and $\langle \sigma v\rangle \simeq 10^{-24}~{\rm cm}^3/{\rm s}$ for $m_{\rm DM}=1$ TeV).

Stochastic and secular variations in the spin frequency $\nu$ of a rotation-powered pulsar complicate the interpretation of the measured braking index, $n$, in terms of a power-law spin-down torque $\propto \nu^{n_{\rm pl}}$. Both categories of variation can lead to anomalous braking indices, with $\vert n \vert = \vert \nu \ddot{\nu} / \dot{\nu}^2 \vert \gg 1$, where the overdot symbolizes a derivative with respect to time. Here we quantify the combined effect of stochastic and secular deviations from pure power-law spin down on measurements of $n$. Through analytic calculations, Monte Carlo simulations involving synthetic data, and modern Bayesian timing techniques, it is shown that the variance of $n$ satisfies the predictive, falsifiable formula $\langle n^{2} \rangle = (n_{\rm pl}+\dot{K}_{\rm dim})^{2}+\sigma_{\rm dim}^{2}$, where $\dot{K}_{\rm dim}$ is inversely proportional to the time-scale $\tau_K$ over which the proportionality constant of the power-law spin-down torque varies, $\sigma_{\rm dim}$ is proportional to the timing noise amplitude and inversely proportional to the square root of the total observing time, and the average is over an ensemble of random realizations of the timing noise process. The anomalous regime $\langle n^2 \rangle \gg 1$ occurs for $\dot{K}_{\rm dim} \gg 1$, $\sigma_{\rm dim} \gg 1$, or both. The sign of $n$ depends in part on the sign of $\dot{K}_{\rm dim}$, so it is possible to measure unequal numbers of positive and negative $n$ values in a large sample of pulsars. The distinguishable impact of stochastic and secular anomalies on phase residuals is quantified to prepare for extending the analysis of synthetic data to real pulsars.

Several ongoing and upcoming radio telescopes aim to detect either the global 21-cm signal or the 21-cm power spectrum. The extragalactic radio background, as detected by ARCADE-2 and LWA-1, suggests a strong radio background from cosmic dawn, which can significantly alter the cosmological 21-cm signal, enhancing both the global signal amplitude and the 21-cm power spectrum. In this paper, we employ an artificial neural network (ANN) to check if there is a radio excess over the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) in mock data, and if present, we classify its type into one of two categories, a background from high-redshift radio galaxies or a uniform exotic background from the early Universe. Based on clean data (without observational noise), the ANN can predict the background radiation type with $96\%$ accuracy for the power spectrum and $90\%$ for the global signal. Although observational noise reduces the accuracy, the results remain quite useful. We also apply ANNs to map the relation between the 21-cm power spectrum and the global signal. By reconstructing the global signal using the 21-cm power spectrum, an ANN can estimate the global signal range consistent with an observed power spectrum from SKA-like experiments. Conversely, we show that an ANN can reconstruct the 21-cm power spectrum over a wide range of redshifts and wavenumbers given the global signal over the same redshifts. Such trained networks can potentially serve as a valuable tool for cross-confirmation of the 21-cm signal.

Albedo is one of the important characteristics of hot Jupiter exoplanets. However, albedo constraints have been obtained for very few exoplanets. In this work, we present the TESS Phase Curve observations of WASP-18b, WASP-19b, WASP-121b, WASP-43b, WASP-17b, and WASP-77b, all JWST targets for atmospheric characterization and constrain their occultation depth as well as geometric albedo (A$_g$). We use a grid of self-consistent model atmospheres to constrain the metallicity, C/O ratio, and heat re-distribution for these six targets by fitting to their HST and/or Spitzer observations and also compute the thermal contribution to total occultation depth in the TESS bandpass. We report the first value of TESS occultation depth for WASP-17b ($151_{-66}^{+83}$) and updated value for WASP-77Ab ($94_{-62}^{+53}$). We find self-consistent models constrain high values of thermal contribution to total occultation compared to Planck models. We find very low A$_g$ values for WASP-18b (< 0.089), WASP-19b (< 0.022), WASP-121b ($0.0^{+0.055}_{-0.104}$), WASP-77Ab ($0.017^{+0.126}_{-0.147}$) and significantly higher value for WASP-43b ($0.109^{+0.086}_{-0.088}$) and WASP-17b ($0.401^{+0.526}_{-0.307}$). We find WASP-17b lies in the ideal spot of low gravity and low equilibrium temperature, conducive for cloud formation, leading to high A$_g$. With the best-fit models, we constrain low heat re-distribution for all planets, with WASP-18b having the least. We also constrain sub-solar metallicity for all planets except WASP-17b and WASP-19b. We find a highly sub-solar C/O ratio for WASP-77Ab and WASP-43b, solar for WASP-18b, and super-solar for WASP-121b. The best-fit $P$-$T$ profiles show thermal inversion for WASP-18b and WASP-121b and none for WASP-77b and WASP-43b, which is in agreement with previous works.

Chien-You Huang (1), Hsiang-Kuang Chang (1, 2, 3), Chih-Hsun Lin (4), Che-Chih Tsao (5), Chin-Ping Hu (6), Hao-Min Chang (1), Yan-Fu Chen (5), An-Hsuan Feng (5), Yi-Wen Huang (6), Tzu-Hsuan Lin (1), Yi-Ning Tsao (7), Chih-En Wu (2), Chun-Wei Wu (5) ((1) Department of Physics, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, (2) Institute of Astronomy, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, (3) Institute of Space Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, (4) Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, (5) Department of Power Mechanical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, (6) Department of Physics, National Changhua University of Education, Changhua, Taiwan, (7) Arete Honors Program, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan)

The Gamma-ray Transients Monitor (GTM) on board the Formosat-8B (FS-8B) satellite is designed to detect and localize Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs). By utilizing 2+2 CITIROC chips to manipulate 4+4 detectors, which are composed of GAGG(Ce) scintillators coupled with Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) and oriented in various directions to achieve all-sky coverage, the GRB saturation fluences of GTM in the 50 keV to 1 MeV range for Short GRBs (SGRBs) and Long GRBs (LGRBs) were estimated to be about $3.1 \times 10^{-4}$ and $5.0 \times 10^{-3}\ {\rm erg/cm^2}$, respectively, based on simulations. To precisely interpret the GTM readout signal in terms of energy, several measurements for isotope and gain calibration were conducted. Despite encountering issues with crosstalk and SiPM saturation effect in the data, the energy spectrum can still be recovered by appropriately discarding channel noise and mapping with the correct ADC-to-energy relation. This paper summarizes the energy resolution of GTM and the linear variations in the relationship between photon energy and readout signal. At 662 keV, the energy resolution is about 16 %. Also, it demonstrates that greater gain is achieved by increasing voltage or decreasing temperature.

We estimated values of spin, mass and inclination angle for sample of 42 red quasars. Our estimations show that 2 objects: F2MS~J1113+1244 and F2MS~J1434+0935 with highest Eddington ratios may have geometrically thick disk. Six objects: SDSS~J0036-0113, S82X~0040+0058, S82X~0118+0018, S82X~0303-0115, FBQS~J1227+3214, S82X~2328-0028 may have "retrograde" rotation. Analysis of estimated spin values shows that red quasar population may contain Seyfert galaxies and NLS1.

Gen TSO is a noise calculator specifically tailored to simulate James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) time-series observations of exoplanets. Gen TSO enables the estimation of signal-to-noise ratios (S/N) for transit or eclipse depths through an interactive graphical interface, similar to the JWST Exposure Time Calculator (ETC). This interface leverages the ETC by combining its noise simulator, Pandeia, with additional exoplanet resources from the NASA Exoplanet Archive, the Gaia DR3 catalog of stellar sources, and the TrExoLiSTS database of JWST programs. The initial release of Gen TSO allows users to calculate S/Ns for all JWST instruments for the spectroscopic time-series modes available as of the Cycle 4 GO call. Additionally, Gen TSO allows users to simulate target acquisition on the science targets or, when needed, on nearby stellar targets within the visit splitting distance. This article presents an overview of Gen TSO and its main functionalities. Gen TSO has been designed to provide both an intuitive graphical interface and a modular API to access the resources mentioned above, facilitating planing and simulation of JWST exoplanet time-series observations. Gen TSO is available for installation via the Python Package Index and its documentation can be found at this http URL.

Gas volume density is one of the critical parameters, along with dispersions in magnetic field position angles and non-thermal gas motions, for estimating the magnetic field strength using the Davis-Chandrasekhar-Fermi (DCF) relation or through its modified versions for a given region of interest. We present VolDen an novel python-based algorithm to extract the number density map from the column density map for an elongated interstellar filament. VolDen uses the workflow of RadFil to prepare the radial profiles across the spine. The user has to input the column density map and pre-computed spine along with the essential RadFil parameters (such as distance to the filament, the distance between two consecutive radial profile cuts, etc.) to extract the radial column density profiles. The thickness and volume density values are then calculated by modeling the column density profiles with a Plummer-like profile and introducing a cloud boundary condition. The cloud boundary condition was verified through an accompanying N-PDF column density analysis. In this paper, we discuss the workflow of VolDen and apply it to two filamentary clouds. We chose LDN 1495 as our primary target owing to its nearby distance and elongated morphology. In addition, the distant filament RCW 57A is chosen as the secondary target to compare our results with the published results. Upon publication, a complete tutorial of VolDen and the codes will be available via GitHub.

Francisco Oyarzun, Cedric-Taissir Heritier, Vincent Chambouleyron, Thierry Fusco, Paul Rouquette, Benoit Neichel

Context. The new giant segmented mirror telescopes will use laser guide stars (LGS) for their adaptive optics (AO) systems. Two options to use as wavefront sensors (WFS) are the Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor (SHWFS) and the pyramid wavefront sensor (PWFS). Aims. In this paper, we compare the noise performance of the PWFS and the SHWFS. We aim to find which of the two WFS is the best to use in a single or tomographic configuration. Methods. To compute the noise performance we extended a noise model developed for the PWFS to be used with the SHWFS. To do this, we expressed the centroiding algorithm of the SHWFS as a matrix-vector multiplication, which allowed us to use the statistics of noise to compute its propagation through the AO loop. We validated the noise model with end-to-end simulations for telescopes of 8 and 16 m in diameter. Results. For an AO system with only one WFS, we found that, given the same number of subapertures, the PWFS outperforms the SHWFS. For a 40 m telescope, the limiting magnitude of the PWFS is around 1 magnitude higher than the SHWFS. When using multiple WFS and a Generalized least squares estimator to combine the signal, our model predicts that in a tomographic system, the SHWFS performs better than the PWFS having a limiting magnitude 0.3 magnitudes higher. If using sub-electron RON detectors for the PWFS, then the performances are almost identical between the two WFSs Conclusions. We conclude that when using a single WFS with LGS, the PWFS is a better alternative than the SH. However, for a tomographic system, either would have almost the same performance.

The best way to check the validity of our theories (models) is by direct comparison with the experiment (observations). In this study, we address the numerical inaccuracies intrinsic to the process of comparing theory and observations. To achieve this goal, we built 4D spectra grids for Wolf-Rayet stars (WC and WN spectral classes) and Blue Supergiants (BSGs) characterized by low metallicity similar to that of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). Through rigorous testing on designated `test' models, we demonstrated that the numerical precision of derived stellar parameters (effective temperature, mass-loss rate, luminosity, and wind velocity) is not exceeding 0.05 dex. Moreover, the mean absolute deviation of the numerically derived stellar parameters is consistently below this threshold for objects with both weak (SMC grid) and strong winds (WC and WN grids), even in the presence of Gaussian noise. Furthermore, we explored the influence of unaccounted factors, including variations in the metal abundances, wind acceleration laws, and clumping, on the precision of the derived parameters. We found that the first two factors have the strongest influence on the numerical accuracy of the derived stellar parameters. Variations in abundances predominantly influenced the mass-loss rate for weak-wind scenarios, while effective temperature and luminosity remained robust. We found that the wind acceleration law influence the numerical uncertainty of the derived wind parameters mostly for models with weak winds. Interestingly, different degrees of clumping demonstrated good precision for spectra with strong winds, contrasting with a decrease in the precision for weak-wind cases. We found also that the accuracy of our approach depends on spectral range and the inclusion of ultraviolet spectral range improves the precision of derived parameters, especially for object with weak winds.

Yingxiao Song, Yan Gong, Qi Xiong, Kwan Chuen Chan, Xuelei Chen, Qi Guo, Yun Liu, Wenxiang Pei

Cosmic void has been proven to be an effective cosmological probe of the large-scale structure (LSS). However, since voids are usually identified in spectroscopic galaxy surveys, they are generally limited to low number density and redshift. We propose to utilize the clustering of two-dimensional (2D) voids identified using Voronoi tessellation and watershed algorithm without any shape assumption to explore the LSS. We generate mock galaxy and void catalogs for the next-generation Stage IV photometric surveys in $z = 0.8-2.0$ from simulations, develop the 2D void identification method, and construct the theoretical model to fit the 2D watershed void and galaxy angular power spectra. We find that our method can accurately extract the cosmological information, and the constraint accuracies of some cosmological parameters from the 2D watershed void clustering are even comparable to the galaxy angular clustering case, which can be further improved by as large as $\sim30\%$ in the void and galaxy joint constraints. This indicates that the 2D void clustering is a good complement to galaxy angular clustering measurements, especially for the forthcoming Stage IV surveys that detect high-redshift universe.

We present a set of eight fallback simulations of zero-metallicity progenitors with masses between $60 M_\odot$ and $95 M_\odot$. The simulations are computed in 2D with the general relativistic CoCoNuT-FMT code for the first few seconds after black hole formation, and then mapped to the Newtonian code Prometheus for long-duration simulations beyond shock breakout. All simulations produce successful explosions with final energies ranging from $0.41 \times 10^{51}$ erg to $2.5 \times 10^{51}$ erg and black hole masses from $20.7 M_\odot$ to $34.4 M_\odot$. Explosion energies and remnant masses do not vary monotonically with progenitor mass, but the mass cuts cluster near the outer edge of the helium core. A supplementary model with decreased neutrino heating provides a tentative indication that successful explosions require the shock to reach the sonic point in the infall profile by the time of black hole formation. The propagation of the shock to the surface is only approximately captured by proposed shock invariants, but these may still be sufficient to extrapolate the final black hole mass from the first seconds of evolution. We also discuss potential multi-messenger signatures of the predicted fallback explosions. The enrichment of the ejecta in intermediate mass and iron-group elements varies considerably and is non-neligible for the more powerful explosions. Low-level neutrino emission after black hole formation from these very massive progenitors may be detectable in the case of a Galactic event.

Using grid-based hydrodynamics simulations and analytic modeling, we compute the electromagnetic (EM) signatures of gravitational wave (GW) driven inspirals of massive black hole binaries that accrete gas from circumbinary disks, exploring the effects of varying gas temperatures, viscosity laws, and binary mass ratios. Our main finding is that active galactic nuclei (AGN's) that host inspiraling binaries can exhibit two sub-types of long-term secular variability patterns: Type-A events which dim before merger and brighten afterward, and Type-B events which brighten before merger and dim afterward. In both types the merger coincides with a long-lasting chromatic change of the AGN appearance. The sub-types correspond to the direction of angular momentum transfer between the binary and the disk, and could thus have correlated GW signatures if the gas-induced torque can be inferred from GW phase drift measurements by LISA. The long-term brightness trends are caused by steady weakening of the disk-binary torque that accompanies orbital decay, it induces a hysteresis effect whereby the disk "remembers" the history of the binary's contraction. We illustrate the effect using a reduced model problem of an axisymmetric thin disk subjected at its inner edge to the weakening torque of an inspiraling binary. The model problem yields a new class of self-similar disk solutions, which capture salient features of the multi-dimensional hydrodynamics simulations. We use these solutions to derive variable AGN disk emission signatures within years to decades of massive black hole binary mergers in AGN's. Spectral changes of Mrk 1018 might have been triggered by an inspiral-merger event.

Hua Xiao, Long Ji, Sergey Tsygankov, Yupeng Chen, Shu Zhang, Zhaosheng Li

We performed a systematic investigation of millihertz quasi-periodic oscillations (mHz QPOs) in the low-mass X-ray binary GS 1826$-$238 observed with NICER and Insight-HXMT. We discovered 35 time intervals exhibiting mHz QPOs out of 106 GTI samples in the frequency range of 4.2-12.8 mHz at a significance level of $>5\sigma$. The source remains in a soft state in our study. No significant differences are found between the samples with and without mHz QPOs according to positions in the color-color and hardness-intensity diagrams. These QPOs were discovered at an accretion rate of $\sim 0.1 \dot{M}_{\rm Edd}$, similar to other sources. The broadband spectrum of GS 1826$-$238 can be modeled as a combination of a multi-color blackbody from the accretion disk and a Comptonization with seed photons emitted from the NS surface. The flux modulations of mHz QPOs are related to variations of the temperature of Comptonization seed photons, consistent with the marginally stable burning theory.

Poynting flux generated by random shuffling of photospheric magnetic footpoints is transferred through the upper atmosphere of the Sun where the plasma is heated to over 1 MK in the corona. High spatiotemporal resolution observations of the lower atmosphere at the base of coronal magnetic loops are crucial to better understand the nature of the footpoint dynamics and the details of magnetic processes that eventually channel energy into the corona. Here we report high spatial resolution ($\sim$0.1\arcsec) and cadence (1.33 s) hyperspectral imaging of the solar H$\alpha$ line, acquired by the Microlensed Hyperspectral Imager prototype installed at the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope, that reveal photospheric hot spots at the base of solar coronal loops. These hot spots manifest themselves as H$\alpha$ wing enhancements, occurring on small spatial scales of $\sim$0.2\arcsec, and timescales of less than 100 s. By assuming that the H$\alpha$ wings and the continuum form under the local thermodynamic equilibrium condition, we inverted the H$\alpha$ line profiles and found that the hot spots are compatible with a temperature increase of about 1000 K above the ambient quiet-Sun temperature. The H$\alpha$ wing integrated Stokes $V/I$ maps indicate that hot spots are related to magnetic patches with field strengths comparable to or even stronger than the surrounding network elements. But they do not show the presence of parasitic polarity magnetic field that would support the interpretation that these hot spots are reconnection-driven Ellerman bombs, we interpret these features as proxies of locations where convection-driven magnetic field intensification in the photosphere can lead to energy transfer into higher layers. We suggest that such hot spots at coronal loop footpoints may be indicative of the specific locations and onset of energy flux injection into the upper atmosphere.

The Earth will pass approximately downstream of the previous position of comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) during 2024 October 10-13. We predict that spacecraft at the Sun-Earth Lagrange Point 1, L1, have a significant likelihood to detect pickup ions from the comet, as well as changes in the solar wind associated with the crossing of the comet's ion tail. Given the Earth's magnetosphere is also likely to cross the ion tail, it is possible that geomagnetic signatures associated with this will be observed by spacecraft within the magnetosphere and possible at ground-based magnetometers, as observed during Comet 1P/Halley's apparition in 1910.

Dust attenuations observed by stars and ionized gas are not necessarily the same. The lack of observational constraints on the nebular dust attenuation curve leaves a large uncertainty when correcting nebular dust attenuation with stellar continuum-based attenuation curves. Making use of the DAP catalogs of the MaNGA survey, we investigate the nebular dust attenuation of HII regions traced by the Balmer and Paschen lines. Based on a simple simulation, we find that star-forming regions on kpc scales favor the classic foreground screen dust model rather than the uniform mixture model. We propose a novel approach to fit the dust attenuation curve using the emission-line fluxes directly. For strong hydrogen recombination lines (e.g., H$\gamma$, H$\delta$, and H$\epsilon$), the slopes of the nebular attenuation curve can be well determined and are found to be in good agreement with the Fitzpatrick Milky Way extinction curve with an accuracy of $\lesssim 4\%$ in terms of the correction factor. However, severe contaminations/systematic uncertainties prevent us from obtaining reasonable values of the slopes for weak recombination lines (e.g., the high-order Balmer lines or the Paschen lines). We discuss how the choice of emission line measurement methods affects the results. Our results demonstrate the difficulty of deriving an average nebular dust attenuation curve given the current ground-based emission-line measurements.

Daniel Collin, Yuri Shprits, Stefan J. Hofmeister, Stefano Bianco, Guillermo Gallego

The solar wind, a stream of charged particles originating from the Sun and transcending interplanetary space, poses risks to technology and astronauts. In this work, we present a prediction model to forecast the solar wind speed at the Earth, focusing on high-speed streams (HSSs) and their solar source regions, coronal holes. As input features, we use the coronal hole area, extracted from solar extreme ultraviolet (EUV) images and mapped on a fixed grid, as well as the solar wind speed 27 days before. We use a polynomial regression model and a distribution transformation to predict the solar wind speed with a lead time of four days. Our forecast achieves a root mean square error (RMSE) of 68.1 km/s for the solar wind speed prediction and an RMSE of 76.8 km/s for the HSS peak velocity prediction for the period 2010 to 2019. The study shows that a small number of physical features explains most of the solar wind variation, and that focusing on these features with simple but robust machine learning algorithms even outperforms current approaches based on deep neural networks. In addition, we explain why the typically used loss function, the mean squared error, systematically underestimates the HSS peak velocities and effectively aggravates the space weather forecasts in operational settings. We show how a distribution transformation can resolve this issue.

Binary systems play a crucial role in massive star evolution. Systems composed of B-type and O-type stars are of particular interest due to their potential to lead to very energetic phenomena or the merging of exotic compact objects. We aim to determine the orbital period variations of a sample of B+B and O+B massive overcontact binaries, with the primary objectives of characterizing the evolutionary timescales of these systems and addressing the existing discrepancy between observational data and theoretical predictions derived from population synthesis models. We used Period04 to analyze archival photometric data going back a century for a sample of seven binary systems to measure their orbital periods. We then determine the period variations using a linear fit. We find that the period variation timescales of five truly overcontact binary systems align with the nuclear timescale, in agreement with previous findings for more massive overcontact binaries. Additionally, we noticed a clear distinction between the five systems that had been unambiguously classified as overcontact systems and both SV Cen and VFTS 066, which seem to be evolving on thermal timescales and might be misclassified as overcontact systems. In the case of the five overcontact binaries, our results indicate a noticeable mismatch between the observational data and the theoretical predictions derived from population synthesis models. Furthermore, our results suggest that additional physical mechanisms must be investigated to compare the observed variations more thoroughly with theoretical predictions.

We explore a new mechanism for photon energy gain in a relativistic plasma with velocity shear. This process takes place in optically thick plasma and resembles conventional Fermi acceleration, where photons undergo multiple scatterings between regions with varying Lorentz factors, leading to an overall energy increase. The resulting high-energy spectra from the escaped photons exhibit a power-law form. The mechanism is an alternative to the classical radiation spectrum from power-law accelerated particles, which can produce power-law spectra in sources like Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs). By employing both numerical simulations and theoretical analysis, we calculate the expected spectra for GRBs, and show that they match the observed photon indices ($\beta$) at high energies.

Konstantin V. Getman (1), Eric D. Feigelson (1), Abygail R. Waggoner (2), L. Ilsedore Cleeves (2), Jan Forbrich (3), Joe P. Ninan (4), Oleg Kochukhov (5), Vladimir S. Airapetian (6), Sergio A. Dzib (7), Charles J. Law (2), Christian Rab (8) ((1) Pennsylvania State University, (2) University of Virginia, (3) University of Hertfordshire, (4) Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, (5) Uppsala University, (6) NASA/GSFC/SEEC, (7) Max-Planck-Institut fur Radioastronomie, (8) Max-Planck-Institut fur Extraterrestrische Physik)

The most powerful stellar flares driven by magnetic energy occur during the early pre-main sequence (PMS) phase. The Orion Nebula represents the nearest region populated by young stars, showing the greatest number of flares accessible to a single pointing of Chandra. This study is part of a multi-observatory project to explore stellar surface magnetic fields (with HET-HPF), particle ejections (VLBA), and disk ionization (ALMA) immediately following the detection of PMS super-flares with Chandra. In December 2023, we successfully conducted such a multi-telescope campaign. Additionally, by analyzing Chandra data from 2003, 2012, and 2016, we examine the multi-epoch behavior of PMS X-ray emission related to PMS magnetic cyclic activity and ubiquitous versus sample-confined mega-flaring. Our findings follow. 1) We report detailed stellar quiescent and flare X-ray properties for numerous HET/ALMA/VLBA targets, facilitating ongoing multi-wavelength analyses. 2) For numerous moderately energetic flares, we report correlations (or lack thereof) between flare energies and stellar mass/size (presence/absence of disks) for the first time. The former is attributed to the correlation between convection-driven dynamo and stellar volume, while the latter suggests the operation of solar-type flare mechanisms in PMS stars. 3) We find that most PMS stars exhibit minor long-term baseline variations, indicating the absence of intrinsic magnetic dynamo cycles or observational mitigation of cycles by saturated PMS X-rays. 4) We conclude that X-ray mega-flares are ubiquitous phenomena in PMS stars, which suggests that all protoplanetary disks and nascent planets are subject to violent high-energy emission and particle irradiation events.

We for the first time constrain anisotropic cosmic birefringence generated at reionization using Planck PR4 polarization data. Several recent analyses of WMAP and Planck polarization data have found a tantalizing hint of isotropic cosmic birefringence. Ongoing and future CMB experiments will test isotropic cosmic birefringence by improving the absolute angle calibration and understanding the intrinsic parity-odd power spectrum of the Galactic foregrounds. Alternatively, measuring anisotropies in cosmic birefringence and its time evolution is also a key observable to confirm the signal of cosmic birefringence and to investigate its origin. We discuss estimators of anisotropic cosmic birefringence generated at different redshifts. We then estimate anisotropic cosmic birefringence generated at reionization from the PR4 data, showing that the power spectrum is consistent with null. We find that the model proposed by Ferreira et al. (2024) is still consistent with the observation. Future full-sky CMB experiments such as LiteBIRD and PICO will help tighten the tomographic constraint to test models of cosmic birefringence.

Periodic collisions between a star on an inclined orbit around a supermassive black hole and its accretion disk offers a promising explanation for X-ray "quasi-periodic eruptions" (QPEs). Each passage through the disk shocks and compresses gas ahead of the star, which subsequently re-expands above the disk as a quasi-spherical cloud. We present spherically symmetric Monte Carlo radiation transport simulations which follow the production of photons behind the radiation-mediated shock, Comptonization by hot electrons, and the eventual escape of the radiation through the expanding debris. Such one-dimension calculations are approximately justified for thin disks, through which the star of radius $R_{\star}$ passes faster than the shocked gas can flow around the star. For collision speeds $v_{\rm coll} \gtrsim 0.15 c$ and disk surface densities $\Sigma \sim 10^{3}$ g cm$^{-2}$ characteristic of those encountered by stellar orbits consistent with QPE recurrence times, the predicted transient light curves exhibit peak luminosities $\gtrsim 10^{42}$ erg s$^{-1}$ and Comptonized quasi-thermal (Wien-like) spectra which peak at energies $h\nu \sim 100$ eV, broadly consistent with QPE properties. For these conditions, gas and radiation are out of equilibrium and the emission temperature is harder than the blackbody value due to inefficient photon production behind the shock. Alternatively, for higher disk densities and/or lower shock velocities, QPE emission could instead represent the comparatively brief phase shortly after shock break-out, though in this case the bulk of the radiation is thermalized and occurs in the ultraviolet instead of the X-ray band. In either scenario, reproducing the observed eruption properties (duration, luminosity, temperature) requires a large radius $R_{\star} \gtrsim 10R_{\odot}$, which may point to inflation of the star's atmosphere from repeated collisions.

Rapid and robust parameter estimation of gravitational-wave sources is a key component of modern multi-messenger astronomy. We present a novel and straightforward method for rapid parameter estimation of gravitational-wave sources that uses metric-based importance sampling. The method enables robust parameter estimation of binary neutron star and binary black hole binaries and is trivially parallelized, enabling full parameter estimation in seconds with modest resources. The algorithm achieves an average 35% effective sampling efficiency for the majority of aligned-spin neutron star binaries sources. Surprisingly, this approach is also highly efficient for analyzing the full 15-dimensional parameter space of typical binary black holes, with 20% efficiency achieved for a source detected primarily by the twin LIGO observatories and 9% for a network of three comparable sensitivity observatories. This method can serve immediate use to improve the low-latency data products of the gravitational-wave observatory network and may be a key component of how the millions of sources observed by next-generation observatories could be analyzed. The approach can also be broadly applied for problems where an approximate likelihood metric-space can be constructed.

Samuel Skirvin, Viktor Fedun, Marcel Goossens, Suzana Silva, Gary Verth

Magnetic flux tubes in the presence of background rotational flows, known as solar vortex tubes, are abundant throughout the solar atmosphere and may act as conduits for MHD waves to transport magnetic energy to the upper solar atmosphere. We aim to investigate the Poynting flux associated with these waves within solar vortex tubes. We model a solar vortex tube as a straight magnetic flux tube with a background azimuthal velocity component. The MHD wave solutions in the equilibrium configuration of a vortex tube are obtained using the SESAME code and we derive an expression for the vertical component of the Poynting flux, $S_z$, associated with MHD modes. In addition, we present 2D visualisations of the spatial structure of $S_z$ for different MHD modes under different background flow strengths. We show that $S_z$ increases in the presence of a background rotational flow when compared to a flux tube with no rotational flow. When the strength of the background flow is greater than $100$ times the strength of the perturbation, the $S_z$ associated with non-axisymmetric ($|m|>0$) modes increases by over $1000\%$ when compared to a magnetic flux tube in the absence of a background rotational flow. Furthermore, we present a fundamental property of solar vortices that they cannot solely produce an upwards Poynting flux in an untwisted tube, meaning that any observed $S_z$ in straight flux tubes must arise from perturbations, such as MHD waves.

Jeremy L. Smallwood, Min-Kai Lin, Rebecca Nealon, Hossam Aly, Cristiano Longarini

We investigate the formation of dust traffic jams in polar-aligning circumbinary discs. In our first paper, we found as the circumbinary disc evolves towards a polar configuration perpendicular to the binary orbital plane, the differential precession between the gas and dust components leads to multiple dust traffic jams. These dust traffic jams evolve to form a coherent dust ring. In part two, we use 3D smoothed particle hydrodynamical simulations of gas and dust to model an initially highly misaligned circumbinary disc around the 99 Herculis (99 Her) binary system. Our results reveal that the formation of these dust rings is observed across various disc parameters, including the disc aspect ratio, viscosity, surface density power law index, and temperature power law index. The dust traffic jams are long-lived and persist even when the disc is fully aligned polar. The midplane dust-to-gas ratio within the rings can surpass unity, which may be a favourable environment for planetesimal formation. Using 2D inviscid shearing box calculations with parameters from our 3D simulations, we find streaming instability modes with significant growth rates. The streaming instability growth timescale is less than the tilt oscillation timescale during the alignment process. Therefore, the dust ring will survive once the gas disc aligns polar, suggesting that the streaming instability may aid in forming polar planets around 99 Her.

The measurements of the temperature and polarisation anisotropies of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) by the ESA Planck mission have strongly supported the current concordance model of cosmology. However, the latest cosmological data release from ESA Planck mission still has a powerful potential to test new data science algorithms and inference techniques. In this paper, we use advanced Machine Learning (ML) algorithms, such as Neural Networks (NNs), to discern among different underlying cosmological models at the angular power spectra level, using both temperature and polarisation Planck 18 data. We test two different models beyond $\Lambda$CDM: a modified gravity model: the Hu-Sawicki model, and an alternative inflationary model: a feature-template in the primordial power spectrum. Furthermore, we also implemented an interpretability method based on SHAP values to evaluate the learning process and identify the most relevant elements that drive our architecture to certain outcomes. We find that our NN is able to distinguish between different angular power spectra successfully for both alternative models and $\Lambda$CDM. We conclude by explaining how archival scientific data has still a strong potential to test novel data science algorithms that are interesting for the next generation of cosmological experiments.

This paper proposes a new method for estimating the total quantity of material in moving circumgalactic and intergalactic clouds from O VI measurements. We simulate high-velocity clouds (HVCs) with the FLASH hydrodynamic code and track the ionization and recombination of all ionization levels of oxygen as a function of time. We calculate the O VI/oxygen ratio ($f_{\rm O VI}$) in our dynamic NEI clouds, finding that it differs significantly from that in static gas. We find that O VI exists in cool, medium, and hot gas in the clouds. As such, it traces all of the hydrogen rather than merely the ionized hydrogen. The total quantity of hydrogen along a typical observed line of sight through a cloud can be estimated from the observed O VI column density, metallicity, and our $f_{\rm O VI}$. We provide the simulations' $f_{\rm O VI}$, a prescription for finding $f_{\rm O VI}$ for observed dynamic clouds, and a methodology for calculating the total hydrogen column density from this $f_{\rm O VI}$ and an observed O VI column density. As examples, we use our $f_{\rm O VI}$ to estimate the total hydrogen column densities along various observed sight lines through two HVCs, Complex C and the Magellanic Stream, finding that these clouds contain more material than the previous lower limits. We also extend this analysis to {low-redshift} intergalactic O VI clouds, finding that they contain several times more baryonic material than previously thought and therefore may account for a significant fraction of the Universe's baryons.

We derive a sample of 114 Baldwin-Phillips-Terlevich diagram - star formation (BPT-SF) and Wide-field infrared Survey Exploer - low star formation rate (WISE-LSFR) early-type galaxies (ETGs) by utilizing the criterion W2-W3$<2.5$ (where W2 and W3 are the wavelengths of 4.6 and 12 $\mu m$ in the WISE four bands) and cross-matching the $Galaxy~Zoo~1$ and the catalog of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data SDSS Release 7 MPA-JHU emission-line measurements. We find that \textbf{$\sim 28\%$} of our ETGs exhibit a metallicity that is at least 2 standard deviation (0.26 dex) below the mass-metallicity (MZ) relation of star-forming galaxies (SFGs) from the SDSS. We demonstrate that almost all of our ETGs locate below the ``main sequence'' of SFGs. We find that these ETGs with larger metallicity deviation from the MZ relation tend to have lower SFR and redder color. By exploring the dilution properties of these massive ETGs, we report that the dilution effect may be mainly attributed to the inflow of metal-poor gas from mergers/interaction or the intergalactic medium.

In this work, we present a novel emulator of the halo mass function, which we implement in the framework of the e-mantis emulator of $f(R)$ gravity models. We also extend e-mantis to cover a larger cosmological parameter space and to include models of dark energy with a constant equation of state $w$CDM. We use a Latin hypercube sampling of the $w$CDM and $f(R)$CDM cosmological parameter spaces, over a wide range, and realize a large suite of more than $10000$ $N$-body simulations of different volume, mass resolution and random phase of the initial conditions. For each simulation in the suite, we generate halo catalogues using the friends-of-friends halo finder, as well as the spherical overdensity algorithm for different overdensity thresholds. We decompose the corresponding halo mass functions on a B-spline basis, and use this decomposition to train an emulator based on Gaussian processes. The resulting emulator is able to predict the halo mass function for redshifts $\leq 1.5$ and for halo masses $M_h\geq10^{13}\,h^{-1}M_\odot$. The typical HMF errors for SO haloes with $\Delta=200\mathrm{c}$ at $z=0$ in $w$CDM (respectively $f(R)$CDM) are of order of $\epsilon_0\simeq1.5\%$ ($\epsilon_0\simeq4\%$) up to a transition mass $M_t\simeq2\cdot10^{14}\,h^{-1}M_\odot$ ($M_t\simeq6\cdot10^{13}\,h^{-1}M_\odot$). For larger masses, the errors are dominated by shot-noise and scale as $\epsilon_0\cdot\left(M_h/M_t\right)^\alpha$ with $\alpha\simeq0.9$ ($\alpha\simeq0.4$) up to $M_h \sim 10^{15}\,h^{-1}M_\odot$. Independently of this general trend, the emulator is able to provide an estimation of its own error as a function of the cosmological parameters, halo mass, and redshift. The e-mantis emulator, which is publicly available, can be used to obtain fast and accurate predictions of the halo mass function in the $f(R)$CDM and $w$CDM non-standard cosmological models.

Measurements of the galaxy 4-Point Correlation Function (4PCF) from theSloan Digital Sky Survey Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (SDSS BOSS) have recently found strong statistical evidence for parity violation. If this signal is of genuine physical origin, it must stem from beyond-Standard Model physics, most likely during the very early Universe, prior to decoupling ($z$$\sim$$1,020$). Since the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) features imprint at decoupling, they are expected in the parity-odd galaxy 4PCF, and so detecting them would be an additional piece of evidence that the signal is genuine. We demonstrate in a toy parity-violating model how the BAO imprint on the parity-odd 4PCF. We then outline how to perform a model-independent search for BAO in the odd 4PCF, desirable since, if the signal is real, we may not know for some time what model of e.g. inflation is producing it. If BAO are detected in the parity-odd sector, they can be used as a standard ruler as is already done in the 2PCF and 3PCF. We derive a simple formula relating the expected precision on the BAO scale to the overall parity-odd detection significance. Pursuing BAO in the odd 4PCF of future redshift surveys such as DESI, Euclid, Spherex, and Roman will be a valuable additional avenue to determine if parity violation in the distribution of galaxies is of genuine cosmological origin.