Stellar mass black holes are formed from the terminal collapse of massive stars if the ensuing neutrino shock is unable to eject the stellar envelope. Direct observations of black hole formation remain inconclusive. We report observations of M31-2014-DS1, a massive, hydrogen-depleted supergiant in the Andromeda galaxy identified via a mid-infrared brightening in 2014. Its total luminosity remained nearly constant for the subsequent thousand days, before fading dramatically over the next thousand days by $\gtrsim 10\times$ and $\gtrsim 10^4\times$ in total and visible light, respectively. Together with the lack of a detected optical outburst, the observations are explained by the fallback of the stellar envelope into a newly formed black hole, moderated by the injection of a $\sim 10^{48}$ erg shock. Unifying these observations with a candidate in NGC 6946, we present a concordant picture for the birth of stellar mass black holes from stripped massive stars.
In this Letter, we investigate the turbulence and energy injection in the extended nebulae surrounding two luminous obscured quasars, WISEA J100211.29$+$013706.7 ($z=1.5933$) and SDSS J165202.64$+$172852.3 ($z=2.9489$). Utilizing high-resolution data from the NIRSpec IFU onboard the James Webb Space Telescope, we analyze the velocity fields of line-emitting gas in and around these quasars and construct the second-order velocity structure functions (VSFs) to quantify turbulent motions across different spatial scales. Our findings reveal a notable flattening in the VSFs from $\approx\!3$ kpc up to a scale of 10--20 kpc, suggesting that energy injection predominantly occurs at a scale $\lesssim$10 kpc, likely powered by quasar outflows and jet-driven bubbles. The extended spatial range of flat VSFs may also indicate the presence of multiple energy injection sources at these scales. For J1652, the turbulent energy in the host interstellar medium (ISM) is significantly higher than in tidally stripped gas, consistent with the expectation of active galactic nucleus (AGN) activities stirring up the host ISM. Compared to the VSFs observed on spatial scales of 10--50 kpc around lower-redshift UV-bright quasars, these obscured quasars exhibit higher turbulent energies in their immediate surroundings, implying different turbulence drivers between the ISM and halo-scale gas. Future studies with an expanded sample are essential to elucidate further the extent and the pivotal role of AGNs in shaping the gas kinematics of host galaxies and beyond.
The first few cycles of JWST have identified an overabundance of UV-bright galaxies and a general excess of UV luminosity density at $z\gtrsim10$ compared to expectations from most (pre-JWST) theoretical models. Moreover, some of the brightest high-redshift spectroscopically confirmed galaxies exhibit peculiar chemical abundance patterns, most notably extremely high N/O ratios. Since N/O has been empirically shown to scale strongly with He/H, as expected for hot hydrogen burning, these same bright high-redshift galaxies are likely also helium-enhanced. Under simplistic assumptions for stellar evolution, the bolometric luminosity of a star scales as $L\propto (4-\frac{9}{2}Y+\frac{5}{4}Y^{2})^{-1}$ -- hence a higher He/H leads to brighter stars. In this Letter, we evolve a series of MESA models to the zero-age main-sequence and highlight that the helium enhancements at the levels measured and inferred for high-redshift galaxies can boost the 1500 $\mathring{\rm A}$ UV luminosity by up to $\sim50\%$, while simultaneously increasing the stellar effective temperature. The combination of helium enhancements with nebular continuum emission expected for intense bursts of star formation have the potential to help reduce the tension between JWST observations and certain galaxy formation models.
We investigate how the formation and structure of circumplanetary disks (CPDs) varies with planet mass and protoplanetary disk aspect ratio. Using static mesh refinement and a near-isothermal equation of state, we perform a small parameter survey of hydrodynamic simulations with parameters appropriate for disk-embedded protoplanets at moderate to large orbital radii. We find that CPD formation occurs along a continuum, with ``diskiness'' increasing smoothly with planetary mass and decreasing disk aspect ratio. As expected from disk hydrostatic equilibrium arguments, the transition from envelope-dominated to disk-dominated structures is determined to first order by the ratio of the planetary Hill sphere radius to the disk scale height, but planets need to be significantly super-thermal to host classical rotationally supported CPDs. The circularization radius of inflowing gas (as a fraction of the Hill sphere radius) shows an approximately quadratic power-law scaling with the ratio of planetary mass to the thermal mass. Compared to more physically complete radiation hydrodynamic simulations, our runs almost maximize the possibility for classical CPD formation, and hence define a plausible necessary condition for CPDs. The low abundance of detected CPDs in disks where planetary companions are inferred from substructure data may be due to a combination of the large scale height of the protoplanetary disk, and a low frequency of sufficiently massive protoplanets. Unless their CPDs cool below the local protoplanetary disk temperature, most of the wide-orbit giant planet population will be embedded in quasi-spherical envelopes that are hard to detect. Disks, and satellite systems, are more likely to form around smaller orbital separation planets.
Structures in molecular ISM are observed to follow a power-law relation between the velocity dispersion and spatial size, known as Larson's first relation, which is often attributed to the turbulent nature of molecular ISM and imprints the dynamics of molecular cloud structures. Using the ${}^{13}\mathrm{CO}~(J=1-0)$ data from the Milky Way Imaging Scroll Painting survey, we built a sample with 360 structures having relatively accurate distances obtained from either the reddened background stars with Gaia parallaxes or associated maser parallaxes, spanning from $0.4$ to $\sim 15~\mathrm{kpc}$. Using this sample and about 0.3 million pixels, we analyzed the correlations between velocity dispersion, surface/column density, and spatial scales. Our structure-wise results show power-law indices smaller than 0.5 in both the $\sigma_v$-$R_{\mathrm{eff}}$ and $\sigma_v$-$R_{\mathrm{eff}} \cdot \Sigma$ relations. In the pixel-wise results, the $\sigma_v^{\mathrm{pix}}$ is statistically scaling with the beam physical size ($R_{\mathrm{s}} \equiv \Theta D/2$) in form of $\sigma_v^{\mathrm{pix}} \propto R_{\mathrm{s}}^{0.43 \pm 0.03}$. Meanwhile, $\sigma_v^{\mathrm{pix}}$ in the inner Galaxy is statistically larger than the outer side. We also analyzed correlations between $\sigma_v^{\mathrm{pix}}$ and the $\mathrm{H_2}$ column density $N(\mathrm{H_2})$, finding that $\sigma_v^{\mathrm{pix}}$ stops increasing with $N(\mathrm{H_2})$ after $\gtrsim 10^{22}~{\mathrm{cm^{-2}}}$. The structures with and without high-column-density ($> 10^{22}~\mathrm{cm^{-2}}$) pixels show different $\sigma_v^{\mathrm{pix}} \propto N(\mathrm{H_2})^{\xi}$ relations, where the mean (std) $\xi$ values are $0.38~(0.14)$ and $0.62~(0.27)$, respectively.
Imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs) are used to observe very high-energy photons from the ground. Gamma rays are indirectly detected through the Cherenkov light emitted by the air showers they induce. The new generation of experiments, in particular the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO), sets ambitious goals for discoveries of new gamma-ray sources and precise measurements of the already discovered ones. To achieve these goals, both hardware and data analysis must employ cutting-edge techniques. This also applies to the LST-1, the first IACT built for the CTAO, which is currently taking data on the Canary island of La Palma. This paper introduces a new event reconstruction technique for IACT data, aiming to improve the image reconstruction quality and the discrimination between the signal and the background from misidentified hadrons and electrons. The technique models the development of the extensive air shower signal, recorded as a waveform per pixel, seen by CTAO telescopes' cameras. Model parameters are subsequently passed to random forest regressors and classifiers to extract information on the primary particle. The new reconstruction was applied to simulated data and to data from observations of the Crab Nebula performed by the LST-1. The event reconstruction method presented here shows promising performance improvements. The angular and energy resolution, and the sensitivity, are improved by 10 to 20% over most of the energy range. At low energy, improvements reach up to 22%, 47%, and 50%, respectively. A future extension of the method to stereoscopic analysis for telescope arrays will be the next important step.
We investigate the production of axion-like particles (ALPs) in stellar cores, where they interact with electromagnetic fields and electrons, with typical masses between $\mathcal O(0.1)$ and $\mathcal O(10)$ keV. These low-energy ALPs are gravitationally trapped in the orbits of stars and subsequently decay into two photons that we detect as monochromatic X-ray lines. We propose to search for these gravitationally trapped ALPs in the Alpha Centauri binary system, our closest stellar neighbor, using sensitive X-ray detectors like Chandra and eROSITA. Our search for ALP decay signals in the energy range of 0.2 keV to 10 keV yielded null results, thus establishing the most stringent limits on ALP interactions to date. Specifically, if ALPs are mainly produced by Compton or bremsstrahlung processes (ALP-electron coupling $g_{aee}$ being significant), we have improved the limits on the ALP-photon coupling $g_{a\gamma\gamma}$ by two to three orders of magnitude, in ALP mass range between 0.2 keV to 5 keV, compared to previous measurements, including those from GW170817, SN 2023ixf, and other sources.
Microquasars are laboratories for the study of jets of relativistic particles produced by accretion onto a spinning black hole. Microquasars are near enough to allow detailed imaging of spatial features across the multiwavelength spectrum. The recent extension of the spatial morphology of a microquasar, SS 433, to TeV gamma rays \cite{abeysekara2018very} localizes the acceleration of electrons at shocks in the jet far from the black hole \cite{hess2024ss433}. Here we report TeV gamma-ray emission from another microquasar, V4641~Sgr, which reveals particle acceleration at similar distances from the black hole as SS~433. Additionally, the gamma-ray spectrum of V4641 is among the hardest TeV spectra observed from any known gamma-ray source and is detected up to 200 TeV. Gamma rays are produced by particles, either electrons or hadrons, of higher energies. Because electrons lose energy more quickly the higher their energy, such a spectrum either very strongly constrains the electron production mechanism or points to the acceleration of high-energy hadrons. This observation suggests that large-scale jets from microquasars could be more common than previously expected and that microquasars could be a significant source of Galactic cosmic rays. high energy gamma-rays also provide unique constraints on the acceleration mechanisms of extra-Galactic cosmic rays postulated to be produced by the supermassive black holes and relativistic jets of quasars. The distance to quasars limits imaging studies due to insufficient angular resolution of gamma-rays and due to attenuation of the highest energy gamma-rays by the extragalactic background light.