We present spectroscopic properties of 22 Lyman-alpha emitters(LAEs) at z=5.5-6.6 with Lyman-alpha(Lya) luminosity log($L_{Lya}$[$ergs^{-1}$])=42.4-43.5, obtained using VLT/MUSE as part of the Middle Ages Galaxy Properties with Integral Field Spectroscopy(MAGPI) this http URL, we incorporate broad-band photometric data from the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam(HSC) for 17 LAEs in our this http URL HSC-y band magnitudes show that our LAEs are UV-bright, with rest-frame absolute UV magnitudes -19.7 < $M_{UV}$ < -this http URL find that the Lya line width increases with luminosity, and this trend becomes more prominent at z > 6 where Lya lines become significantly broadened (> 260 $kms^{-1}$) at luminosities log($L_{Lya}$[$ergs^{-1}$]) > this http URL broadening is consistent with previous studies, suggesting that these sources are located inside larger ionized this http URL observe a slightly elevated ionizing photon production efficiency estimated for LAEs at z > 6, which indicates that younger galaxies could be producing more ionizing photons per UV luminosity.A tentative anti-correlation between ionizing photon production efficiency and Lya rest-frame equivalent width is noticed, which could indicate a time delay between production and escape of ionizing photon primarily due to supernovae this http URL, we find a positive correlation between bubble radius and Lya line width, which again suggests that large ionized bubbles are created around these LAEs, allowing them to self-shield from the scattering effects of the intergalactic medium (IGM).We also detect two closely separated LAEs at z=6.046 (projected spatial separation is 15.92 kpc).The size of their respective bubbles suggests that they likely sit inside a common large ionized this http URL a closely-separated LAE pair increases the size of ionized bubble, potentially allowing a boosted transmission of Lya through neutral IGM.
We develop a parametrised model to describe the formation and evolution of massive black holes, designed for comparisons with both electromagnetic and gravitational wave observations. Using an extended Press-Schechter formalism, we generate dark matter halo merger trees. We then seed and evolve massive black holes through parameterised prescriptions. This approach, which avoids solving differential equations, is computationally efficient, enabling us to analyse observational data and infer the parameters of our model in a fully Bayesian framework. We find that observations of the black hole luminosity function are compatible with the nHz gravitational wave signal (likely) measured by PTAs, provided we allow for an increased luminosity function at high redshift ($4-7$), as recently suggested by JWST observations. Our model can simultaneously reproduce the bulk of the $M_*-M_{\rm BH}$ relation at $z-0$, as well as its outliers, something cosmological simulations struggle to do. The inferred model parameters are consistent with expectations from observations and more complex simulations: They favour heavier black hole seeds and short delays between halo and black hole mergers, while requiring supper-Edington accretion episodes lasting a few tens of million years, which in our model are linked to galaxy mergers. We find accretion to be suppressed in the most massive black holes below $z\simeq 2.5$, consistently with the anti-hierarchical growth hypothesis. Finally, our predictions for LISA, although fairly broad, are in agreement with previous models. Our model offers a new perspective on the apparent tensions between the black hole luminosity function and the latest JWST and PTA results. Its flexibility makes it ideal to fully exploit the potential of future gravitational wave observations of massive black hole binaries with LISA.
LEIA (Lobster Eye Imager for Astronomy) detected a new X-ray transient on November 7, 2022, identified as a superflare event occurring on a nearby RS CVn-type binary HD 251108. The flux increase was also detected in follow-up observations at X-ray, UV and optical wavelengths. The flare lasted for about 40 days in soft X-ray observations, reaching a peak luminosity of ~1.1 * 10^34 erg/s in 0.5-4.0 keV, which is roughly 60 times the quiescent luminosity. Optical brightening was observed for only one night. The X-ray light curve is well described by a double "FRED" (fast rise and exponential decay) model, attributed to the cooling process of a loop arcade structure formed subsequent to the initial large loop with a half-length of ~1.9 times the radius of the host star. Time-resolved X-ray spectra were fitted with a two-temperature apec model, showing significant evolution of plasma temperature, emission measure, and metal abundance over time. The estimated energy released in the LEIA band is ~3 * 10^39 erg, suggesting this is likely the most energetic X-ray stellar flare with the longest duration detected to date.