The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has revealed unexpectedly rapid galaxy assembly in the early universe, in tension with models of star and galaxy formation. In the gas conditions typical of early galaxies, particularly their low abundances of heavy elements (metals) and dust, the star-formation process is poorly understood. Some models predict that stars form in atomic gas at low metallicity, in contrast to forming in molecular gas as observed in higher-metallicity galaxies. To understand the very high star-formation rates at early epochs, it is necessary to determine whether molecular gas formation represents a bottleneck to star formation, or if it is plentiful even at extremely low metallicity. Despite repeated searches, star-forming molecular gas has not yet been observed in any galaxy below 7% of the Solar metallicity, leaving the question of how stars form at lower metallicities unresolved. Here, we report the detection of rotationally excited emission from molecular hydrogen in the star-forming region of the nearby, 3% Solar metallicity galaxy Leo P with the MIRI-MRS instrument onboard JWST. These observations place a lower limit on the molecular gas content of Leo P and, combined with our upper limit on carbon monoxide emission from a deep search of this galaxy, demonstrate that MIRI-MRS is sensitive to much smaller molecular gas masses at extremely low metallicity compared to the traditional observational tracer. This discovery pushes the maximum metallicity at which purely atomic gas may fuel star formation a factor of two lower, providing crucial empirical guidance for models of star formation in the early universe.
We report the discovery of a peculiar X-ray transient, EP240408a, by Einstein Probe (EP) and follow-up studies made with EP, Swift, NICER, GROND, ATCA and other ground-based multi-wavelength telescopes. The new transient was first detected with Wide-field X-ray Telescope (WXT) on board EP on April 8th, 2024, manifested in an intense yet brief X-ray flare lasting for 12 seconds. The flare reached a peak flux of 3.9x10^(-9) erg/cm2/s in 0.5-4 keV, about 300 times brighter than the underlying X-ray emission detected throughout the observation. Rapid and more precise follow-up observations by EP/FXT, Swift and NICER confirmed the finding of this new transient. Its X-ray spectrum is non-thermal in 0.5-10 keV, with a power-law photon index varying within 1.8-2.5. The X-ray light curve shows a plateau lasting for about 4 days, followed by a steep decay till becoming undetectable about 10 days after the initial detection. Based on its temporal property and constraints from previous EP observations, an unusual timescale in the range of 7-23 days is found for EP240408a, which is intermediate between the commonly found fast and long-term transients. No counterparts have been found in optical and near-infrared, with the earliest observation at 17 hours after the initial X-ray detection, suggestive of intrinsically weak emission in these bands. We demonstrate that the remarkable properties of EP240408a are inconsistent with any of the transient types known so far, by comparison with, in particular, jetted tidal disruption events, gamma-ray bursts, X-ray binaries and fast blue optical transients. The nature of EP240408a thus remains an enigma. We suggest that EP240408a may represent a new type of transients with intermediate timescales of the order of about 10 days. The detection and follow-ups of more of such objects are essential for revealing their origin.
The Einstein Probe (EP) satellite, dedicated at time-domain high-energy astrophysics and multi-messenger astronomy, was recently launched and successfully put into operation. The wide-field X-ray telescope (WXT, 0.5-4 keV) onboard has identified multiple gamma-ray burst (GRB) events, with an average duration of approximately 100 seconds. This duration is several times longer than the average duration of long gamma-ray bursts (LGRBs) detected by the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory, which typically stands at around 20 seconds. Additionally, EP has detected some unknown X-ray transients whose connection to GRBs is uncertain, due to the absence of gamma-ray counterparts and efficient follow-up observation at multi-wavelengths. It is urgent to understand the physical origin of the intriguing EP GRBs. Inspired by studies of GRB 170817A, we suggest that EP GRBs may primarily consist of off-axis viewed bursts, forming a unique population among the GRB zoo. Based on LGRBs' statistical properties during the prompt phase, we explore observable properties of on-axis and off-axis LGRBs in the soft X-ray band. We predict the characteristics of several observables for these GRBs, including the duration, energy fluence, low-energy spectral index, and the slopes of Amati and Yonetoku relations, which could be tested with a larger sample of GRB events detected by EP in the future.
Very-high-energy (0.1-100 TeV) gamma-ray emission was observed in HAWC data from the lobes of the microquasar SS 433, making them the first set of astrophysical jets that were resolved at TeV energies. In this work, we update the analysis of SS 433 using 2,565 days of data from the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory. Our analysis reports the detection of a point-like source in the east lobe at a significance of $6.6\,\sigma$ and in the west lobe at a significance of $8.2\,\sigma$. For each jet lobe, we localize the gamma-ray emission and identify a best-fit position. The locations are close to the X-ray emission sites "e1" and "w1" for the east and west lobes, respectively. We analyze the spectral energy distributions and find that the energy spectra of the lobes are consistent with a simple power-law $\text{d}N/\text{d}E\propto E^{\alpha}$ with $\alpha = -2.44^{+0.13+0.04}_{-0.12-0.04}$ and $\alpha = -2.35^{+0.12+0.03}_{-0.11-0.03}$ for the east and west lobes, respectively. The maximum energy of photons from the east and west lobes reaches 56 TeV and 123 TeV, respectively. We compare our observations to various models and conclude that the very-high-energy gamma-ray emission can be produced by a population of electrons that were efficiently accelerated.
There is mounting evidence that blazars are the sources of part of the very-high-energy astrophysical neutrino flux detected by IceCube. In particular, there have been several spatial and temporal coincidences of individual IceCube neutrino events with flaring blazars, the most prominent of them being IceCube-170922A, coincident with a multi-wavelength flare of TXS~0506+056. Motivated by this, we used the time-dependent lepto-hadronic code OneHaLe to model the spectral energy distributions and light curves of a sample of bright $\gamma$-ray flares of blazars detected by Fermi-LAT, for which Kreter et al. (2020) provided calorimetric estimates of the expected neutrino detection rates. Flares were modelled with temporal changes of the proton injection spectra. Our analysis shows that the calorimetric approach overestimates the increase in neutrino production by a factor of typically $\sim 10$ if the $\gamma$-ray emission is dominated by proton-synchrotron radiation.
Modeling the intrinsic alignment (IA) of galaxies poses a challenge to weak lensing analyses. The Dark Energy Survey is expected to be less impacted by IA when limited to blue, star-forming galaxies. The cosmological parameter constraints from this blue cosmic shear sample are stable to IA model choice, unlike passive galaxies in the full DES Y3 sample, the goodness-of-fit is improved and the $\Omega_{m}$ and $S_8$ better agree with the cosmic microwave background. Mitigating IA with sample selection, instead of flexible model choices, can reduce uncertainty in $S_8$ by a factor of 1.5.
Blazars are beamed active galactic nuclei known for their strong multi-wavelength variability on timescales from years down to minutes. We aim to investigate the suitability of the twisting jet model presented in previous works to explain the multi-wavelength behaviour of BL Lacertae, the prototype of one of the blazar classes. According to this model, the jet is inhomogeneous, curved, and twisting, and the long-term variability is due to changes in the Doppler factor due to variations in the orientation of the jet-emitting regions. We analysed optical data of the source obtained during monitoring campaigns organised by the Whole Earth Blazar Telescope (WEBT) in 2019-2022, together with radio data from the WEBT and other teams, and gamma-ray data from the Fermi satellite. In this period, BL Lacertae underwent an extraordinary activity phase, reaching its historical optical and gamma-ray brightness maxima. The application of the twisting jet model to the source light curves allows us to infer the wiggling motion of the optical, radio, and gamma-ray jet-emitting regions. The optical-radio correlation shows that the changes in the radio viewing angle follow those in the optical viewing angle by about 120 days, and it suggests that the jet is composed of plasma filaments, which is in agreement with some radio high-resolution observations of other sources. The gamma-ray emitting region is found to be co-spatial with the optical one, and the analysis of the gamma-optical correlation is consistent with both the geometric interpretation and a synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) origin of the high-energy photons. We propose a geometric scenario where the jet is made up of a pair of emitting plasma filaments in a sort of double-helix curved rotating structure, whose wiggling motion produces changes in the Doppler beaming and can thus explain the observed multi-wavelength long-term variability.
arXiv:2210.14339 by other authors